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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A90620 The triumphs of love: chastitie: death: translated out of Petrarch by Mris Anna Hume.; Trionfi. Selections. English Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374.; Hume, Anna. 1644 (1644) Wing P1873; Thomason E1164_2; ESTC R208709 32,367 111

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he fled Glaucus alone 165. line Glaucus was a fisher and seeing that the new haild fish by tasting a kinde of herb upon the banke revived and leapt againe into the Sea He tried the conclusion himselfe and followed them by which means he became a Sea-god Hee loved Scilla but Circe loving him and seeing her selfe despised by him for the love he bare to Galatea Circe transformed her rivall into a Rocke so as Glaucus swims along without his Mistresse and curseth the loving Witch that caused it Canens laments 168 line Canens was wife to Picus a King in Italy of old Circe transformed him also to a Magpie because she could not obtain his love Aegeria while she wept 173. line Aegeria was a Nymph or Goddesse that converst with Numa Pompilius in his solitary retirements whilest he composed the Romane lawes being the first King of Rome after Romulus So sayes Plutatch and Titus Livius yet Livius saith also she was his wife by which it should seeme that being as wise as her husband she had a good hand in the businesse The Poets fained her to weep her self into a Well after his death because there was a Well in the middle of that Grove which he made for their consultations Scilla a horrid Rock 174. line See above in the Annotations 165. Infamous the Cicilian strand 175. line That is hath made it dangerous for passengers Her trembling hand 176. line Cannace daughter to Eolus having had a childe by her brother her father caused cut the childe in pieces and commanded her to kill her selfe which she being compelled to resolve on writ first to her brother with the pen in the one hand and a knife in the other to give him notice of her end that he might burie her childe and her His live Mistris 178. line Pigmalions mistresse was a statue of his owne cutting on which he grew enamoured and prayed till it became a live woman Aganippe and Castalia 179. line Aganippe and Castalia are two Fountains in Parnassus sacred to the Muses Faire banks placed 181. Because the Poets doe all drinke of these two Wells Petrarch will have the bankes to bee their ordinary residence alive and dead Cydippe by an apple foold 182. line Her Lover writ an oath That shee should marry him upon an apple and dropt it in Apollos Temple which she finding and reading he made her beleeve shee had sworne to make him her Husband CHAP. III. The Argument Love woundeth Petrarchs wary heart Who well describes that dying smart MY heart was fill'd with wonder and amaze As one struck dumb in silence stands at gaze Expecting Counsel when my friend drew neare And said What doe you looke why stay you here What mean you know you not that I am one Of these and must attend pray let 's be gone Deare friend said I consider what desire To learn the rest hath set my heart on fire My owne haste stops me I beleeve 't said he And I will help 't is not forbidden me This Noble man on whom the others wait You see is Pompey justly call'd The great Cornelia followeth weeping his hard fate And Ptolomies unworthy causelesse hate You see farre off the Grecian General His base wife with Aegisthus wrought his fal Behold them there and judge if Love be blinde But here are Lovers of another kinde And other faith they kept Lyncus was sav'd By Hypermnestra Pyramus bereav'd Himselfe of life thinking his mistresse slain Thisbes like end shortned her mourning pain Leander swimming often drown'd at last Hero her faire selfe from her window cast Courteous Vlisses his long stay doth mourn His chaste wife prayeth for his safe return While Circes amarous charmes her prayers controule And rather vexe then please his vertuous soule Amilcars sonne who made great Rome afraid By a mean wench of Spain is captive led This Hipsicrates is the vertuous faire Who for her husbands deare Love cut her haire And serv'd in all his warres This is the wife Of Brutus Portia constant in her life And death This Julia is who seems to mone That Pompey loved best when she was gone Looke here and see the Patriarch much abus'd Who twice seven years for his fair Rachel choos'd To serve O! powerfull love increast by woe His father this Now see his Grandsire goe With Sarah from his home This cruel Love O'recame good David so it had power to move His righteous heart to that abhorrid crime For which he sorrowed all his following time Just such like errour soil'd his wise sonnes fame For whose idolatry Gods anger came Here 's he who in one houre could love and hate Here Tamar full of anguish wailes her state Her brother Absolon attempts t' appease Her grieved soul Sampson takes care to please His fancy and appeares more strong then wise Who in a traitresse bosome sleeping lies Amongst those pikes and speares which guard the place Love wine and sleep a beauteous widdowes face And pleasing Art hath Holopherues taine She backe again retires who hath him slain With her one maide bearing the horrid head In haste and thanks God that so wel she sped The next is Sichem he who found his death In circumcision his father hath Like mischiefe felt the City all did prove The same effect of his rash violent Love You see Ahashuerus how well he bears His losse a new love soon expels his cares This cure in this disease doth seldome fail One naile best driveth out another nail If you would see Love mingled oft with hate Bitter with sweet behold fierce Herods state Beset with Love and crueltie at once Enraged first then late his fault bemoans And Mariamne cals those three faire Dames Who in the list of Captives write their names Pocris Deidamia Artimesia were All good the other three as wicked are Semiramis Biblis and Myrrha nam'd Who of their crooked wayes are now asham'd Here be the erring Knights in ancient scroules Lancelot Tristram and the vulgar soules That wait on these Jiniver and the faire Isond with other Lovers and the pair Who as they walke together seeme to plain Their just but cruel fate by one hand slaine Thus he discours'd and as a man that feares Approching harme when he a trumpet heares Starts at the blow ere touch 't my frighted blood Retir'd as one rais'd from his Tombe I stood When by my side I spi'd a lovely maide No Turtle ever purer whitenesse had And straight was caught who lately swore I would Defend me from a man at Armes nor could Resist the wounds of words with motion grac't The image yet is in my phansie plac't My friend was willing to increase my woe And smiling whisperd You alone may goe Conferre with whom you please for now we are All stained with one crime My sullen care Was like to theirs who are more griev'd to know Anothers happinesse then their owne woe For seeing her who had enthral'd my minde Live free in peace and no disturbance finde And seeing
but doth no better prove For though he did his loved Livia wed She was seduced from her husbands bed Nero is third disdainfull wicked fierce And yet a woman found a way to pierce His angry soul Behold Marcus the grave Wise Emperour is faire Faustina's slave These two are tyrants Dionysius And Alexander both suspicious And yet both loved the last a just reward Found of his causelesse feare I know y' have heard Of him who for Creusa on the rock Antandrus mourn'd so long whose-warlike stroke At once reveng'd his friend and wonne his love And of the youth whom Phedra could not move T' abuse his fathers bed he left the place And by his vertue lost his life for base Unworthy loves to rage doe quickly change It kill'd her too perhaps in just revenge Of wronged Theseus slain Hyppolito And poore forsaken Ariadne so It often proves that they who falsely blame Another in one breath themselves condemne And who have guilty been of treachery Need not complain if they deceived be Behold the brave Heros a captive made With all his fame and twixt these sisters led Who as he joy'd the death of th' one to see His death did ease the others misery The next that followeth though the world admire His strength love bound him Th' other full of ire Is great Achilles he whose pittied fate Was caus'd by love Demophoon did not hate Impatient Phyllis yet procur'd her death This Jason is he whom Medea hath Oblig'd by mischief she to her father prov'd False to her brother cruel t' him she lov'd Grew furious by her merit over-priz'd Hypsiphile comes next mournfull despis'd Wounded to see a strangers love prevail More then her owne a Greek Here is the frail Fair Helena with her the Shepherd boy Whose gazing looks hurt Greece and ruin'd Troy Mongst other weeping souls you heare the moan Enone makes her Paris being gone And Menelaus for the woe he had To lose his wife Hermione is sad And cals her deare Orestes to her aid And Laodamia that haplesse maide Bewails Protesilaus Argia prov'd To Polinice more faithfull then the lov'd But false and covetous Amphiaraos wife The groanes and sighes of those that lose their life By this kind Lord in unrelenting flames You heare I cannot tell you halfe their names For they appeare not onely men that love The gods themselves doe fill this mirtle grove You see faire Venus catch't by Vulcan's Art With angry Mars Proserpina apart From Pluto jealous Juno yellow hair'd Apollo vvho the young god's courage dar'd And of his trophees proud laught at the bovv Which in Thessalia gave him such a blovv What shal I say here in a vvord are all The gods that Varro mentions great and small Each vvith innumerable bonds detain'd And Jupiter before the chariot chain'd The end of the first Chapter ANNOTATIONS UPON THE FIRST CHAPTER COnquerour 87. line Julius Caesar Egyptian Queen 89. line Cleopatra Adoptive Sonne 93. line Augustus A woman 98. line Sabina Pompcia whom she loved with much violence yet killed her in his anger Italian Commentar. Marcus the grave 99. line Marcus Aurelius who so doted on his wife Faustina that though hee had often notice shee abused his bed yet he would not divorce from her Italian Commentar. Dionysius 101. line Tyrant of Syracuse Italian Commentar. Alexander 102. line Tyrant of Thessaly he was above measure fearefull and yet was killed by a wench whom he kept The Story is not worth relating Italian Commentar. Creusa 105. line Creusa was wife to Aeneas before he see Dido if ever he did see her Italian Commentar. Antandrus 106. line Antandrus is a rock seated on the Aegean sea where he used sports many dayes together in honour of her funeralls Italian Commentar. And wonne his Love 107. line Aeneas killed Turnus in a combat and so revenged the death of his friend Pallas whom Turnus had killed before and wonne his mistresse Lavinia in whom Turnus clamed interest Virgil Phedra could not move 108. line Hypolito was sonne to Theseus by Hypolita the Amazon Phedra wife to Theseus was in love with her sonne in law Hypolito and being justly rejected by him accused him to his father as having tempted her on which he fled and drowning in his flight she killed her selfe for grief of his losse Italian Commentar. Forsaken Ariadne 114. line Ariadne was left asleep in an Iland by Theseus who loved this Phedra better then her though shee had brought him out of the labyrinth and left her father to goe with him a knowne History Treachery 117. line He had dealt treacherously with Ariadne for the love of her sister Phedra and she required him with loving and falsely accusing his son Hypolito Brave Heros 119. line Theseus led betwixt Phedra and Ariadne Death 121. line He rejoyced as Petrarch alledges to see Phedra kill her selfe because she had been false to him Misery 122. line Ariadne might rejoyce both to see Phedra for whom he had been false to her abuse him and to see his death before her owne Italian Commentar. The next 124. line Hercules Was caused by love 126. line He was killed by Paris in a treatie of marriage with his sister Polixena whom Achilles loved Impatient Phillis 127. line Demophon having occasion to goe to Athens set a time for his returne but staying a little beyond his day by the crossenesse of his affairs and the winds Phillis jealous that he had forsaken her very wisely hanged her selfe Ovid Cruell 130. line When Medea fled from her father with Jason shee tooke her brother with her and cut him in pieces which she scattered that the pursuers might be stayed by gathering up his limbes Ovid Grew furious 131. line Shee was revenged on his inconstancy and ingratitude after by sending his new choice Chreons daughter a golden vestment which was so inchanted or anointed that it stuck fast to her till it burnt her up Hypsiphile 132. line She entertaind Jason with too much kindnesse as he passed by to Colchas Strangers love 133. line Medea whom Jason brought back with him being no Grecian and therefore her disgrace was the greater by the low esteeme her rivall was in Shepherd boy 135. line Paris who was bred a shepherd by his mother to avoid a prophesie that hee would bee the cause Troy should bee burned Enone 138. line A Nymph in Ida whom Paris loved when hee kept sheepe on that mountain His wife 140. line Helene whom Paris carried to Troy Hermione 140. line Shee was daughter to Menelaus and Helene being contracted to Orestes first she was taken from him and married against her will to Pirhus Orestes 141. line He was sonne to Agamemnon beloved of Hermione Laodamia 142. line She died for griefe on the corps of Protesilaus when it came back from Troy Italian Commentar. Argia 143. line Wife to Polenice a Theban she was killed by Creon for going to mourn over her husbands grave Amphyaraos wife 145. line Eryphile who betrayed her
that I knew my hurt too late And that her beauty was my dying fate Love jealousie and envie held my sight So fixt on that faire face no other light I could behold like one who in the rage Of sicknesse greedily his thirst would swage With hurtfull drinke which doth his palat please Thus blinde and deaf t'all other joyes are ease So many doubtful wayes I followed her The memory still shakes my soul with feare Since when mine eyes are moist and view the ground My heart is heavie and my steps have found A solitary dwelling mongst the woods I stray ore rocks and fountains hils and floods Since when such store my scattered papers hold Of thoughts of tears of inke which oft I fold Unfold and teare Since when I know the scope Of Love and what they feare and what they hope And how they live that in his Cloyster dwell The skilfull in their face may reade it well Mean while I see how fierce and gallant she Cares not for me nor for my misery Proud of her vertue and my overthrow And on the other side if ought I know This Lord who hath the world in triumph led She keeps in feare thus all my hopes are dead No strength nor courage left nor can I be Reveng'd as I expected once for he Who tortures me and others is abused By her she 'le not be caught and long hath used Rebellious as she is to shun his vvarres And is a Sunne amidst the lesser starres Her grace smiles slights her words in order set Her haire disperst or in a golden net Her eyes enflaming with a light divine So burn my heart I dare no more repine Ah who is able fully to expresse Her pleasing wayes her merit no excesse No bold Hyperboles I need to feare My humble stile cannot enough come neare The truth my words are like a little stream Compar'd with th' Ocean so large a theame Is that high prayse new worth not seen before Is seen in her and can be seen no more Therefore all tongues are silenced and I Her prisoner now see her at liberty And night and day implore O unjust fate She neither heares nor pitties my estate Hard sawes of Love But though a partiall lot I plainly see in this yet must I not Refuse to serve the gods as well as men With like reward of old have felt like pain Now knovv I hovv the minde it selfe doth part Novv making peace novv vvarre novv truce vvhat art Poore Lovers use to hide their stinging vvoe And hovv their bloud novv comes and novv doth goe Betwixt their heart and cheeks by shame or feare How they be eloquent yet speechlesse are And how they both wayes leane they watch and sleep Languish to death yet life and vigor keep I trode the pathes made happy by her feet And search the foe I am afraid to meet I know how Lovers metamorphos'd are To that they love I know what tedious care I feele how vain my joy how oft I change Designe and countenance and which is strange I live without a soul I know the way To cheat my selfe a thousand times a day I know to follow whiles I flee my fire I freeze when present absent my desire Is hot I know what cruel rigour Love Practiseth on the minde and doth remove All reason thence and how he racks the heart And how a soul hath neither strength nor Art Without a helper to resist his blowes And how he flees and how his darts he throwes And how his threats the feareful Lover feels And hovv he robs by force and hovv he steales Hovv oft his vvheels turne round novv high novv lovv With hovv uncertain hope hovv certain vvo Hovv all his promises be voyd of faith And hovv a fire hid in our bones he hath Hovv in our vains he makes a secret vvound Whence open flames and death doe soone abound In summe I knovv hovv giddy and hovv vain Be Lovers lives vvhat feare and boldnesse raigne In all their vvayes hovv every svveet is paide And vvith a double vveight of sovvre allaide I also knovv their customes sighs and songs Their sudden mutenesse and their stammering tongues Hovv short their joy hovv long their pain doth last Hovv Wormvvood spoyleth all their hunni's taste The end of the third Chapter ANNOTATIONS UPON THE THIRD CHAPTER COrnelia followeth 13. line Cornelia was last wife to Pompey the great and wept for the losse of his honour being overcome at Pharsalia by Julius Caesar and for his death being killed in her armes by Ptololomies command without other cause but to gaine favour of Caesar who had got the better therefore it is justly called by Petrarch Ptolomies unworthy causelesse hate in the next line Grecian Generall 15. line Agamemnon Generall of the Grecians that went against Troy He was in love with Cassandra daughter to Priamus whom hee carried home captive with him Aegisthus 16. line In his absence Clitemnestra his wife entertained another with whom she conspired his death at his returne in this sort she gave him a shirt close at top and as hee was searching for a place to put forth his head Aegisthus killed him Lyncus was saved 19. line Lyncus was one of the sonnes of Danoe The History runs thus Aegisthus and Danoe being two brothers Aegisthus had 50. daughters and Danoe had 50. sonnes Danoe offered his sonnes in marriage to Aegisthus his daughters which Aegisthus would by no means consent to till the other compelled him by force of armes Then hee gave a secret command to his daughters every one to kill her husband in the night They all obeyed except Hypermnestra who spared her husband Lyncus and did not kill him A poore courtesie but that the wickednesse of the rest made it seeme a great favour Pyramus bereaved 20. line It is a known Story that Pyramus and Thisbe having made an appointment in a wood she came thither first where seeing a Lion approch she let fall her mantle and hid herselfe among the bushes Her Lover came within a little while after and see her mantle torne or trampled by the Lion This made him imagine shee had beene devoured so he killed himselfe on the place Thisbies like end 22. line When shee came out of the bushes and found him dead shee killed her selfe too with the same weapon Leander swimming often 23. line The story is cleare of it selfe that Leander having used to swimme the Hellespont was drowned one time in a storme which when Hero see in a window where she stood expecting his arrivall for he perished neare the shoare shee cast her selfe down from thence into the sea Courteous Vlysses 25. line Hee stayed ten yeares from his wife at the siege of Troy and tenne yeares more were spent in his journey home His chaste wife 26. line Of all the Grecian wives she was most faithfull though most solicited Homer Circes amarous charmes 27. line Circe was a famous witch that kept him with her inchantments against
his will Amilcars sonne 29. line Hanniball the great Carthagenian Generall hee doted extreamely upon a poore mean wench in Puglia Italian Commentar. Hipsicrates 31. line She was wife to Mithridates King of Pontus Portia 34. line Portia was daughter to Cato and wife to that Brutus who killed Julius Caesar a woman of a great and constant spirit adorned with wisedome temper and love to her husband of whose death being advertised shee put hot embers or coales in her mouth and so died Julia 35. line Julia was daughter to Julius Caesar and wife to Pompey the great whom she loved so extremely that one day his Robes being stained with blood at a sacrifice and sent home shee tooke a sudden fright at the sight of the blood fell in labour and died Yet as it often happens he loved her not so well as he did his next wife Cornelia Fierce Herods state line 68. Herod loved his wife Mariamne furiously yet put her to death on a fals accusation that she had conspired his end Hee had the miserable and just punishment to believe her innocent and love her better after her death Josephus Three faire Dames 71. line Pochris Deidamea Artimesia Pochris was wife to one Cefalous who went every day abroad to hunt One day her jealousie made her follow him and hearing him call for the fresh arie she rose from the place where she was concealed to see what Nymph it was He thinking it had beene some wilde beast shot an arrow and wounded her When hee knew what shee was hee was much afflicted but shee being past recocovery desired of him as her last suite that the Nymph Aire might not succeed her in his love by which hee found her mistake and cleared it So shee died very well pleased Deidamia bore Pirhus to Achilles and would never marry another whilest hee was at Troy nor after his death Artimesia was wife to Maussalus King of Caria after his death shee dried his heart beate it to powder and mingled it with her drinke saying There was no other Urne worthy to hold such precious ashes Biblis Semiramis and Mirrha 75. line Biblis loved her brother Semiramis loved her sonne yet some Authours thinke it a calumnie Mirrha loved her father Lancelot Tristram 78. line Knights of the Round table Jiniver 79. line Jiniver or Guiniver was wife to King Arthur and Mistris to Lancelot Isond 80. line Belle Isond wife to Marke King of Cornewell and Mistris to Tristram By one hand slaine 82. line The wife of one Lancelot killed by her husband together with his owne brother whom shee used too familiarly Italian Commentary CHAP. IV. The Argument Himselfe with other slaves of Love Are all shut up in Venus grove WHen once my will was captive by my fate And I had lost the liberty which late Made my life happy I who us'd before To flee from Love as fearefull Deere abhorre The following huntsman suddenly became Like all my fellow-servants calme and tame And viewd the travels wrestlings and the smart The crooked by-pathes and the cosening Art That guides the amarous flock then whil'st mine eye I cast on every corner to espie Some Ancient or Modern who had prov'd Famous I saw him who had onely lov'd Euridice and found out Hel to call Her deare Ghost back he nam'd her in his fall For whom he died Alceus there was knowne Skilfull in Love and verse Anacreon Whose Muse sung nought but Love Pindarus he Was also there there I might Virgil see Many brave wits I found some looser rimes By others Writ hath pleas'd the ancient times Ovid was one After Catullus came Propertius next his Elegies the name Of Cynthia beare Tibullus and the young Greeke Poetesse who is receiv'd among The noble Troup for her rare Saphick Muse Thus looking here and there as oft I use I spi'd much people on a flowry plaine Amongst themselves disputes of Love maintaine Behold Beatrix with Dant Selvagia she Brought her Pistoyon Cin Guiton may be Offended that he is the later nam'd Behold both Guidoes for their learning fam'd Th' honest Bullonian The Scicilians first Wrote Love in rimes but wrote their rimes the worst Francischin and Senuchio who all know Were worthy and humane after did go A squadron of another garbe and phrase Of whom Arnaldo Daniel hath most praise Great master in Loves Art his stile as new As sweet honours his Countrey next a few Whom Love did lightly wound both Peters made Two one the lesse Arnaldo some have had A harder warre both the Rimbaldoes th' one Sung Beatrix though her quality was known Too much above his reach in Mont-ferrat Alvernia's old Piero and Girault Flocchetto who from Genua was estrang'd And call'd Marsilian he wisely chang'd His name his state and countrey and did gain In all Jeffray made haste to catch his bane With sails and oares Guilliam too sweetly sung That pleasing Art was cause he di'd so young Amareg Bernard Hugo and Anselme Were there with thousands more whose tongues were helme Shield sword and speare all their offensive armes And their defensive to prevent their harmes From those I turn'd comparing my owne woe To view my countrey-folks and there might know The good Thomasso who did once adorne Boloigna now Messina holds his urne Ah vanisht joyes Ah life too full of bane How wert thou from mine eyes so quickly tane Since without thee nothing is in my power To doe Where art thou from me at this houre What is our life If ought it bring of ease A sick mans dreame a fable told to please Some few there from the common road did stray Lelius and Socrates with whom I may A longer progresse take O! what a paire Of deare esteemed friends to me they were 'T is not my verse nor prose may reach their praise Neither of these can naked Vertue raise Above her owne true place with them I have Reach't many heights one yoke of learning gave Lawes to our steps to them my festered wound I oft have shew'd no time or place I found To part from them and hope and wish we may Be undivided till my breath decay With them I us'd too early to adorne My head with th' honoured branches onely worne For her deare sake I did so deeply love Who fill'd my thoughts but ah I dayly prove No fruit nor leaves from thence can gathered be The root hath sharp and bitter been to me For this I was accustom'd much to vexe But I have seen that which my anger checks A Theame for buskins not a Comick stage She tooke the God adored by the rage Of such dul fooles as he hath captive led But first I le tel you what of us he made Then from her hand what was his owne sad fate Which Orpheus or Homer might relate His winged coursers ore the ditches leapt And we their way as desperately kept Till he had reached where his mother raignes Nor would he ever pul or turne the reignes But scour'd ore woods
Ladies now 't is not first hold She catch't then bound him fast then such revenge She tooke as might suffice my thoughts did change And I who wisht him victory before Was satisfi'd he now could hurt no more I cannot in my rimes the names contain Of blessed Maids that did make up her train Calliope nor Clio could suffice Nor all the other seven for th' enterprise Yet some I will insert may justly claime Precedency of others Lucrece came On her right hand Penelope was by Those broke his bow and made his arrowes ly Split on the ground and pull'd his plumes away From off his wings after Virginia Nere her vext father arm'd with wrath and hate Fury and ir'n and Love he freed the state And her from slavery with a manly blow Next were those barbarous women who could show They judg'd it better die then suffer wrong To their rude Chastitie the wise and strong The chaste Hebraean Judith followeth these The Greeke that sav'd her honour in the Seas With these and other famous soules I see Her Triumph over him who us'd to be Master of all the world Amongst the rest The vestall Nunne I spide who was so blest As by a wonder to preserve her fame Next came Hersilia the Romane Dame Or Sabine rather with her valarous train Who prove all flanders on that sexe are vain Then ' mongft the forraign Ladies she whose faith T' her husband not Aeneas caus'd her death The vulgar ignorant may hold their peace Her safety to her Chastitie gave place Dido I mean whom no vain passion led As fame belies her last the vertuous Maide Retir'd to Aruns who no rest could finde Her friends constraining power forc't her minde The Triumph thither went where salt waves wet The Bayan shore eastward her foot she set There on firme land and did Avernus leave On the one hand on th' other Sybils Cave So to Lencernus marcht the Village where The noble Africane lies buried there The great newes of her Triumph did appeare As glorious to the eye as to the eare The fame had been and the most chaste did show Most beautifull it griev'd Love much to go Anothers prisoner expos'd to scorne Who to command whole Empires seemed borne Thus to the chiefest City all were led Entring the Temple which Sulpitia made Sacred it drives all madnesse from the minde And chastities pure Temple next we finde Which in brave soules doth modest thoughts beget Not by Plebeians entred but the great Patrician Dames there were the spoyles displaid Of the faire victresse there her palmes she laid And did commit them to the Thuscan youth Whose marring scarres beare witnesse of his truth With others more whose names I fully knew My guide instructed me that overthrew The power of Love 'mongst whom of all the rest Hyppolito and Joseph were the best The end of this Chapter ANNOTATIONS Upon the Triumph of CHASTITIE PHoebus and Leander 5. line Phoebus loved Daphne and Leander Hero Juno 7. line Juno loved Jupiter so much that shee was troublesomly jealous if shee can be called jealous that had so much wrong Carthage dame 7. line Dido shee burned her selfe in her husbands funerall pile lest she should bee compelled to marry an importunate suiter or bring warre on her Countrey Camilla 57. line She was Queene of the Amazons it is said they cut off their right brests that they might shoot with the more ease Caesar in Pharsalia 59. line That famous battell in which he overcame Pompey the great and made way to the Empire Religious vertues 64. line Faith and Hope Italian Commentarie The twinnes 69. line Justice and Fortitude Italian Commentarie The Romane youth 81. line Scipio who overcame Hannibal Typheus groans 95. line Typheus was one of the Giants that warred with heaven there was a mountaine throwne upon him under which when hee groanes it sends forth smoke fire and stones with great noise Nor Aetna 95. line Another mountaine which was cast upon Enceladus another Giant the smoke and fire of all these burning mountains proceeds from the Giants that lie oppressed under them Slew Medusa 100. line The shield of Perseus which turned all that beheld it to stones Jasp 101. line Jasp hath a qualitie to make one chaste Lethe flood 103. line Forgetfulnesse an excellent cure for Love and the tooth-ake Diamonds c. 104. line Diamonds is thought maketh the wearers constant Topasses make chaste for which two causes they were worn by Ladies of old but I hope they are not needfull now Calliope c. 112. 113. line the nine Muses Lucrece 114. line A knowne Story shee killed her selfe after Tarquin had ravished her Penellope 115. line The chaste wife of Vlisses Virginia 118. line Virginia being a beautifull young Maid was adjudged a bondwoman by Appius Claudius that hee might obtain his owne base ends her father seeing no other way to preserve her liberty and chastity killed her which occasioned the alteration of that government by which Appius had his power and gave liberty to the people Judged it better die 123. line Their husbands fathers brothers c. being killed and chased by Marius they hanged themselves Italian Commentarie The Greeke c. 126. line Hippo a Grecian maide who being embarked against her will by one who intended to dishonour her leapt in to the Sea and drowned her self Italian Commentarie The vestall Nunne 130 line Called Tucia who cleared her selfe from a false accusation by carrying water in a sive Hirsilia 132. line Wife to Romulus shee with the other Romane wives all Sabine women who had been stollen from their kindred seeing their husbands ready to fight with their fathers brothers cousins c. ranne in betwixt them and opposing themselves to the naked swords staid the fury of the fight brought them to a parley and so to an agreement Dido I mean 139. line Petrarch it seems was much troubled at the wrong done to Dido by Virgil who to honour his Aeneas will needs have it that she forfeit her honour to him when in true History it is knowne hee never see her this he glanceth at in her defence three severall times for which I thanke him Retired to Arnus 141. line One Piccarda who rendered her selfe a Nunne but was taken out by her friends and compelled to marry Italian Commentar. Baian shore 144. line Baiae is a Citie in Campania called so from the hot bathes that are in it it lieth alongst the Coast of the Mediterran sea south-east from the mouth of Tiber and giveth name to the Bay neare it where Lauretta landed Avernus 145. line A great Lake nere Baiae Sybils cave 146. line A cave not farre from Avernus where Sybilla called Cumea was wonted to give her answers Linternum 147. line A little Village in Campania honoured by the death and buriall of the elder Scipio By Sulpitia 156. line Sulpitia was a vertuous and learned Lady of Rome who lived and wrote in the time of Domitian it seemeth she
hath beene chosen to dedicate that Temple or Altar to Venus which hath power to curbe unreasonable passions for the chastest women did worship Venus for that end belike as the Indians worship the Devil Thuscan youth 163. line A beautifull yong man who pittying the miseries of those women that doted on him and wearied with their importunities marred his owne face My guide 164. line His old Thuscan friend who described The Triumph of Love to him ere he was one of the traine doth now describe The Triumph of Chastitie Hippolito and Joseph 169. line Hippolito rejected the unlawfull Love of his stepmother and Joseph the solicitation of his masters wife THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH Written by PETRARCH AND TRANSLATED Out of Italian BY Mris ANNA HUME EDINBVRGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie 1644. THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH CHAP. I. The Argument Lauretta meeting cruell Death Mildely resignes her noble Breath THe glorious Maid whose soule to Heaven is gone And left the rest cold earth she who was growne A pillar of true vallour and had gain'd Much honour by her victory and chain'd That God which doth the world with terrour binde Using no armour but her owne chaste minde A faire aspect coy thoughts and words well weigh'd Sweet modestie to these gave friendly aid It was a miracle on earth to see The bow and arrowes of the Deitie And all his armour broke who erst had slain Such numbers and so many captive tain The faire Dame from the noble fight withdrew With her choise company they were but few And made a little troup true vertu's rare Yet each of them did by her selfe appeare A theame for Poems and might well incite The best Historian they bore a white Unspotted Ermine in a field of green About whose neck a Topas chain was seen Set in pure gold their heavenly words and gate Exprest them blest were borne for such a fate Bright stars they seem'd she did a Sun appeare Who darkned not the rest but made more cleare Their splendour honour in brave minds is found This troup with Violets and Roses crown'd Chearfully marcht when lo I might espie Another ensigne dreadfull to mine eye A Ladie cloth'd in blacke whose sterne looks were With horrour fill'd and did like hell appeare Advanc't and said You who are proud to be So fair and young yet have no eyes to see Hovv neare you are your end behold I am She vvhom they fierce and blinde and cruell name Who meet untimely deaths t vvas I did make Greece subject and the Romane Empire shake My piercing svvord sack't Troy hovv many rude And barbarous people are by me subdu'd Many ambitious vaine and amarous thought My unvvisht presence hath to nothing brought Novv am I come to you vvhiles yet your state Is happy ere you feel a harder fate On these you have no povver she then replide Who had more vvorth then all the vvorld beside And little over me but there is one Who vvill be deeply griev'd vvhen I am gone His happinesse doth on my life depend I shall finde freedome in a peacefull end As one vvho glancing vvith a sudden eye Some unexpected object doth espie Then lookes again and doth his ovvne haste blame So in a doubting pause this cruell dame A little staid and said The rest I call To minde and knovv I have o'recome them all Then with lesse fierce aspect she said Thou guide Of this faire crew hast not my strength assaid Let her advise who may command prevent Decrepit age 't is but a punishment From me this honour thou alone shalt have Without or feare or paine to finde thy grave As he shall please who dwelleth in the Heaven And rules on earth such portion must be given To me as others from thy hand receive She answered then a farre we might perceave Millions of dead heapt on th' adjacent plain No verse nor prose may comprehend the slain Did on deaths Triumph wait from India From Spain and from Morocco from Cathai And all the skirts of th' earth they gathred were Who had most happy liv'd attended there Popes Emperours nor Kings no ensignes wore Of their past height but naked shew'd and poore Where be their riches where their precious jems Their Miters Scepters Roabs and Diadems O miserable men whose hopes arise From worldly joyes yet be there few so wise As in those trifling follies not to trust And if they be deceiv'd in end 't is just Ah more then blinde what gain you by your toyle You must returne once to your mothers soyle And after times your names shall hardly know Nor any profit from your labour grow All those strange countreyes by your warlick stroke Submitted to a tributary yoke The fuell erst of your ambitious fire What helpe they now the vast and bad desire Of wealth and power at a bloody rate Is wicked better bread and water eat With peace a woodden dish doth seldome hold A poysoned draught glasse is more safe then gold But for this Theame a larger time will aske I must betake me to my former taske The fatall houre of her short life drew neare That doubtfull passage which the world doth feare Another company who had not beene Freed from their earthy burden there were seene To try if prayers could appease the wrath Or stay th' inexorable hand of death That beauteous croude conveen'd to see the end Which all must taste each neighbour every friend Stood by when grim death with her hand tooke hold And pull'd away one onely haire of gold Thus from the world this fairest flower is tane To make her shine more bright not out of spleen How many moaning plaints what store of cries Were uttered there when fate shut those faire eyes For which so oft I sung whose beautie burn'd My tortur'd heart so long whiles others mourn'd She pleas'd and quiet did the fruit enjoy Of her blest life farewell without annoy True Saint on earth said they so might she be Esteem'd but nothing bates deaths crueltie What shall become of others since so pure A body did such heats and colds endure And chang'd so often in so little space Ah worldly hopes how blinde you be how base If since I bathe the ground with flowing teares For that milde soule who sees it witnesse bears And thou who read'st maist judge she fetter'd me The sixt of April and did set me free On the same day and moneth O! how the way Of fortune is unsure none hates the day Of slavery or of death so much as I Abhorre the time which wrought my liberty And my too-lasting life it had been just My greater age had first been turn'd to dust And paid to time and to the world the debt I ow'd then earth had kept her glorious state Now at what rate I should the sorrow prise I know not nor have Art that can suffise The sad affliction to relate in verse Of these faire Dames that wept about her herse Courtesie
Vertue Beautie all are lost What shall become of us none else can boast Such high perfection no more we shall Heare her wise words nor the Angelicall Sweet musick of her voyce whiles thus they cride The parting spirit doth it selfe divide With every vertue from the noble brest As some grave Hermite seeks a lonely rest The Heav'ns were cleare and all the ambient Aire Without a threatning Cloud no adversaire Durst once appeare or her calme minde affright Death singly did her selfe conclude the fight After when feare and the extreamest plaint Were ceast th' attentive eyes of all were bent On that faire face and by despaire became Secure she who was spent not like a flame By force extinguisht but as lights decay And undiscerned waste themselves away Thus went the soule in peace so lamps are spent As the oyle fails which gave them nourishment In summe her countenance you still might know The same it was not pale but white as snow Which on the tops of hills in gentle fleakes Fals in a calme or as a man that takes Desired rest as if her lovely sight Were clos'd with sweetest sleep after the spright Was gone If this be that fooles call to die Death seem'd in her exceeding faire to be The end of the first Chapter ANNOTATIONS UPON THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH NOble fight line 13. Her fight with Cupid See above in the Triumph of Chastitie Choice Company 14. line The Ladies that had been vertuous before her time and now waited on her Triumph Lucrece Penelope c. They bore a white 18. line Their ensigne a white Ermine in a greene field with a chaine of Topasses set in pure gold the white Ermine was an Embleme of innocencie The Topasses of Chastity and the pure gold of tride Vertue On these 43. line Meaning the other Ladies that waited on her because they were all dead long before There is one 45. line Petrarch whom she thought would be more hurt by her death then her selfe in regard of his extreme affection Another Company 95. line The former Company who were dead could not bee sory for her death because she would be nearer them but another company of Ladies her friends and neighbours came to pray that death would let her stay longer amongst them One onely haire 102. line Alluding to the purple haire on the head of Nisus which his daughter stole because he could not die whiles he wore it as if Lauretta had had such another or as if every body had one See above in the Triumph of Love 2. Chap. 155. line No adversary 142. line No wicked spirit meaning that she was troubled with no apparitions at her death CHAP. II. The Argument The happy spirit doth descend To comfort her afflicted friend THat night which followed the too-sad decay Of my best Sunne whiles it was yet full day Whence I remain as blinde the Summer dew Slides through the Aire and faire Titonia now Bestowes true dreames when like the growing yeare A Ladie crown'd with orient jemmes drew nere With whom a thousand other Crownes did move And stretching forth that object of my love Her hand she spoke from whose sweet words did flow Joy to my soule and said Doe you not know Her who hath rais'd your thoughts above the strain Of the low vulgar as her love did gain Place in your heart then vvith a sober looke She set her selfe and me close by a brooke O're shadowed vvith a lavvrell and a beach Like one vvhose vveeping interrupts his speech Must I not knovv the soul maintains my breath But doe you live or are tane hence by death I answer'd Pray instruct I live said she And you are dead till you be joyn'd with me But time is short though vve desire it long Take my advice and curb your flovving tongue The day approacheth fast my sad reply Was this Ah say is it much pain to die You lately tri'd and knevv you 'l ne'r obtain True happinesse she said if you remaine In this so blinde and common errour knovv Death is the end of prison and darke vvoe To vvell-bred soules doth onely terrour prove To those that place on earthy drosse their love And even my death vvhich doth my soul annoy Could you conceive the least part of my joy Would make you happy having fixt her eye Whiles thus she spake devoutly on the skie Then clos'd her rosie lips and silent staid Sicknesse and Tyrants crueltie have made Death bitter I reply'd 'T is true said she The pains we feel before death bitter be And hellish torments worse but he whose minde Is staid by heavenly hopes shall truely finde Though weake and wearied this last step a short Sigh and no more as I drew neare the Port My body weake my soul did much rejoyce Yet heard the whispering of mourning voyce Alas for him who reckons every day A thousand yeares and stil in vain doth stay On earth and never more must see her face On Sea or Land and filleth every place With that one Theame and findeth no delight Of ought but her to thinke or speake or write My sight I that way turn'd from whence mine eare Receiv'd the sound and saw 't was she whose care Us'd to incite my Love and temper thine Her face and speech I knew oft her divine Wise councels healing cordials were to me With honest mirth and chearful gravitie When I with most felicitie was blest In my first prime and when thou lov'dst me best When thy praise fam'd me most even then my life Was little better then a bitter strife Compar'd with that sweet death which few obtain No banisht man call'd to his home again Is more joy'd then this passage pleased me But for the pitty that I had of thee I do adjure thee by that faithfull Love Thou knewst on earth but better know'st above Did ever Love said I beget in thee One thought to pitty my long misery Not wronging thy great minde the sweet disdain Sweet mildnesse of your looks in doubtfull pain Hath held my wishes long ere I had said The words a lightning smile such as oft paid And eas'd the sadnesse of my wounded heart I saw Then she replide Nothing could part My soule from thine nor shal but ' tdid behove With outward coldnesse to restrain thy love No other way would have preserv'd our fame A rod destroyes not a kinde mothers name I studied to conceale my Love such care And providence dwell not with hope and feare My countenance you saw but not my heart I turn'd and staid thy course with heedfull Art As one would tame a horse my cheeks have been Oft dy'd with fain'd wrath when my heart within Was a whole fire of Love yet reason still Kept her owne place and did command my will But when I found thee overcharg'd with woe I us'd my milder lookes preventing so Thy death and my reproach when I observ'd Thy passion grow too strong I then reserv'd My selfe as if with griefe or feare
opprest These were my ensignes and I found it best To mixe disdains with favours this your songs Have made already passe through many tongues When I beheld the teares swimme in thine eye I said Without my help I feare he 'll dye Then gave some modest aid when you were bold I said he must be curb'd now pale and cold Now warme and fresh now sad now full of joy I kept thee safe not without much annoy Glad t' have thus finisht 't were enough reward Could I believ 't thus trembling as affeard Not with dry eyes I said she made reply Doe you distrust for what end should I ly A little blushing then went on If to My partiall eye the world esteemed you I held me quiet being throughly blest In that true-love knot lockt within my brest The faire report if it be truth I heare Thy praises have acquir'd me farre and neare I much esteem and never more did crave But moderation in thy love to have That onely wanted whiles with signes of woe You would perswade what I did throughly know To open view you did your heart expose My coldnesse hence hence your distemper rose In other things we did like friends agree Joyn'd by a Love from all base passions free My heart was burnt with almost equal fire At least when once I knew thy strong desire But mine I hid whiles yours was open laid When you were hoarce with having often praid For pittie I was silent shame and feare Were cause my great Love did but smal appeare Griefe is of no lesse weight because conceal'd Nor more when by impatience 't is reveal'd Deceit doth not increase nor yet impaire A truth But say Was not my Love then cleare When I receiv'd the lines you sent before Your face and song My Love dares say no more My heart was stil with thee though I restrain'd My lookes and you as having vvrong complain'd Because I gave the most part and vvithdrevv The least yet was not that vvith-held from you A thousand and a thousand times mine eye Was turn'd with pittie on thy misery And ever had continued stil the same But that I fear'd a danger in thy flame And not to leave you in suspence I le shovv What I beleeve you vvil be glad to know In all the rest I found a pleasing fate Onely for one cause I dislik'd my state My place of birth did to my thoughts appeare Too meane and I stil grieve t vvas not more neare Thy flovvry seat yet doe I vvel approve Of any Countrey where I had thy Love Besides the heart in vvhich I place most trust If me thou hadst not known 't is like it must Have elsewhere lov'd so had I got lesse fame You do mistake my Love had been the same Where ever you had liv'd my Starres did raise Me to so high a flame I said much praise And honour have attended me she said How e're it be but I too long have staid Thy joy makes thee forget the wings of time Aurora now brings day the Sun doth climbe Above the Ocean from her golden bed At last about to part and leave me sad She said If you have ought besides make haste And end your speach before the time be past All my past suff'rings your kinde words make light I answered But I grieve without your sight And wish to know if I am like to be Long here or if I soon may follow thee She going thus replide I do beleeve That without me on earth you long must live The End of the Triumph of Death ANNOTATIONS UPON THE SECOND CHAPTER OF THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH BEst sunne 2. line Meaning Lauretta who dyed in the middest of her age being but 33. yeares old Titania 4. line Aurora the morning called Titania from Titan the Sunne who lodgeth with her True dreames 5. line The morning dreames are held true because the fancie is then most free from vapours A Ladie 6. line Lauretta crowned because she was now a Saint Other crownes did move 7. line Other crowned Saints that came along with her belike hee thought they must dote on her as hee did Doe you live c. 18. line The Italian Commentary makes a long and needlesse discourse to defend the congruitie of this place as if all did not know that those who dreame they see a dead person appeare as if alive doe ordinarily make such a doubt in their sleepe When I receiv'd 129. line Hee had one time as hee used sent her some of his verses and coming himselfe just as they were presented to her shee received them in his presence Italian Commentary My Love dares say no more 130. line She sung a song beginning thus for an undirect excuse of her reservation Flowrie seat 145. line Florence Of any countrey c. 146. line The sense here seemed cleare to mee that Lauretta being well descended but borne in Cabriers an obscure village shee was onely displeased with that particular yet the honour of his love was recompence enough for that misfortune and any place good enough where shee had that honour and if shee had beene borne neare Florence where hee had his birth shee might have beene unknowne to him who had left it his parents being chased from thence by a contrary faction and if hee had not seen her it is like hee might have loved another so should shee have missed that honour to which Petrarch answers That where ever she had beene borne hee must needs have loved her by the influence of his Starres but when I looke on the Italian Commentary I finde hee takes the meaning quite other wayes which I have expressed as neare his sence as I can thus Thy flowry seat for though I well approve Of that faire countrey where I had thy love Yet might that heart in which I trusted stray To other beauties and be turned away By this defect so had I got lesse fame c. As if shee had said her greatest misfortune was feare or jealousie that hee disliking the place in which shee lived though she thought it sweete enough might change his affection and bee drawne to love some other Let him that reads or compares take the sence hee approveth most FINIS Advertisement to the Reader THe first title page should have told thee that all the three Triumphes were translated out of the Italian a circumstance I considered not then since it is thought necessary to say so much I wil now say more I never saw them nor any part of them in any other language but Italian except the poore words in which I have cloathed them If they afford thee either profit or delight I shall the more willingly bestow some of my few leasure hours on turning the other three Triumphs of Fame Time and Divinitie or Heaven Farewell Errata Page 19. line 13. reade amasedly p. 22. r. Massinissa was p. 3● l. 8. r. mixed for mingled p. 33. r. blowes for wounds p. 35. l. 15. del. now p. 54. l. 5 r. provincial Poets p. 65. l. 22. r. Linternum p. 70. is figured false in the 17. l. of it read know for knew and in the 22. l. r. thy foul for my soul WHen first my light did shine you lik'd me well Now that is gone you hate my loathsome smell You with prolongers made me live and art Preserv'd my light but now Time acts his part Triumphant Time shews now my glasse is run And all must end that ever was begun Envy hath playd its part and I do go To Coffin as I do all must do so Time breaths a shrewd and life-bereaving blast Yet upward flyes my light where it shall last I 'me glad to part from body which I lov'd So deer that many wayes and arts I prov'd This mudwall to maintain and body save But yet in spight of me 't will go to grave This is my comfort Body that thy tombe Which is thy grave shall be thy mothers womb To bring thee once again unto the light And life which death shall never know or night Then be content though you and I depart Yet Soul and Body still shall have one heart And upward flyes my soul where it shall dwell Beyond the reach of Envy Death or Hell