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A63272 Scripture redemption, restrayned and limited, or, An antidote against universal redemption in ten reasons or arguments deduced from plain Scripture ... : Whereunto is added The saints declining state under gospel administrations ... / by William Troughton ... Troughton, William, 1614?-1677? 1652 (1652) Wing T2320; ESTC R33853 29,739 82

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and incomparable greatness of his Love would shed his hearts blood for them whose names were never written in his book of life and love Will any man give his dear son to dy for them whose names were never written in the book of his love of whom he never had any thoughts of special love and favour Surely he will not part with his Son nor give him to suffer death for such ARGUMENT IIII. MY fourth Argument against Universal Redemption is grounded upon John 15.13 compared with Rom. 5.8 10. Greater love hath no man then this that a man lay down his life for his friends God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life Hence I may thus argue They for whom Christ died or shed his blood to them God hath commended and manifested the greatest love Greater love then this hath no man But now God hath not commended and manifested the greatest love to every man and woman in the world without distinction or exception for how is it possible that the same persons should be both the objects of the greatest divine love and the greatest divine hatred and displeasure If Christ died for every man then he shewed as great love to Cain and Judas as to Peter and Paul And is not this monstrous Will any soul dare to affirm this that hath experience of the love of Christ and hath tasted the sweetness thereof Yet truly I know not how Arminius and his followers can avoid this desparate consequence according to their principles Sure I am the blessed Apostle appropriates Christ's special and peculiar love manifested in his death to his Church Husbands Eph. 5.25 love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it Husbands are to love their wives with a special love to forsake all other relations for them and to cleave to them alone Is it meet that husbands should love other women with that love which peculiarly belongs to their wives Gal. 2 20. The life which I live saith Paul I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me ARGUMENT V. MY fift Argument is taken from Rom. 9.10 11 13. The children being not yet born neither having done good or evil That the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of works but of him that calleth It was said unto her the Elder shall serve the Younger As it is written Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated If God had purposed to hate some before they had done evil as he purposed to love others before they had done good then did not he give his Son to dy for every man and woman in the world How can it enter into our hearts to conceive that the eternal God decreed to give his only begotten Son to dy for them whom he purposed to hate and pass by Psal 11.5 See Psal 5.5 Mal. 1.3 God never hates the Elect Though their state by Nature be a state of Wrath yet their persons are ever beloved See Jer. 31.3 2 Tim. 1.9 Eph. 1.4 Iohn 3.16 and not communicate grace and glory to Now it is very plain that God purposed to hate and pass by Esau and also Pharaoh and not communicate grace and glory to them And this truth will further appear by consulting other Scriptures There are certain men crept in unawares Iude 4. who were before of old ordained to this condemnation Vnto you which believe 1 Pet. 2.7 8. Christ is precious But unto them which be disobedient he is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient whereunto also they were appointed The Lord hath made all things for himself Prov. 16.4 yea even the wicked for the day of evil But ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep Ioh. 10.26 i. e. because ye are not ordained to life For as many as be ordained to eternal life shall believe Neither let any object here that this decree or purpose of God did not pass upon Esau and Pharaoh till they had sinned and rejected the meanes and offer of grace for certainly if ever God purposed to hate a man it must needs be that this purpose was from eternity for all God's decrees are eternal absolute and unavoydable God himself being unchangeable doth not decree one thing after another I speak now of the decree it selfe not of the execution of the decree nor doth God now will one thing and then another this is sutable to poor weak changeable creatures not to the infinite unchangeable Creator the event proves that the decree of God was from eternity for what comes to pass in time the Lord did before all time decree that it should come to pass Now then can any sober man imagine that God the Father should give his dear son to shed his blood for the redemption and salvation of such as he rejected from eternity and are the objects of his hatred vessells of wrath fitted to destruction whom he hardens according to the absolute soveraignty of his will Rom. 9.18 Besides do not we find that election redemption by Christs blood and remission of sins are so conjoyned Eph. 1.4 5 6 7. and knit together by the Apostle that those who are the objects of the one are also objects of the other those and no more who are capable of the own are also capable of the other ARGUMENT VI. MY sixt Argument is deduced from the nature vertue and efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ and that perfect plenary satisfaction compensation which he hath presented to the Fathers justice in behalf of al those whom he represented in his death and for whom he was crucified The sins of those for whom perfect satisfaction is given and accepted shall not be required of them nor laid to their charge But for whom Christ dyed he hath given perfect and full satisfaction to the Father and it is accepted by the Father for them Eph. 1.6 and in their behalf and therefore God cannot justly require their sins of them and lay them to their charge so as to punish them in hell to eternity How can a debt be justly demanded and required of them for whom it is fully payed and is it not evident that their debt is fully payed for whom perfect and plenary satisfaction is both made and accepted The holy God cannot in Justice require double paiment of the same debt or a double satisfaction for the same sins whether the Redemption of a poor sinner be by way of solution or satisfaction it matters not this is certaine that God cannot justly and therefore wil not demand a double payment or satisfaction for the same debt The Lord laid help on one that was mighty to save a
just and righteous let God be true though every man be a lyar And as it reflects upon the justice of God so it impeacheth his highest love shall God so love every man as to give his Sonnor them And Christ so love every man as to lay down his life for them for herein God manifests and commends his love Rom. 5.8 1 Iohn 4.9 10. not that we first loved him but he first loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins and yet withhold from them faith repentance and newness of heart without which they cannot be saved Hath God loved every man so as to give his Son to the death of the Cross for them and hath the Lord Jesus sweat dropps and clodds of blood for their sins treading the wine press of the wrath of God and crying out in the agony of his soul my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Rev. 19.15 Mat. 27.46 and yet shall most of them for whom he suffered so much rot and perish in final unbeleef and impenitency certainly this doth exceedingly derogate from the power of divine love and grace Secondly the doctrine of Universal Redemption puts men upon loose and ungrounded contradistrnctions that they may vindicate and maintain it and what is this else but to take the Lord's name in vain and to dally with his Word and Truth Some say that Christ died not in the stead of all but for the good of all a Non loco vice omnium sed bono tantum Remonst at the Hague confer That Christ impetrated and merited life for all and every individual man but applies it only to Believers whereas the Scriptures which I formerly cited do evince and prove that these two though they ought to be distinguished yet they are inseparable acts of Christ's mediatorship and are extended to the same persons Those for whom he impetrated life shall have it applyed to them Some say * Camero Amerald Teslad that Christ hath obtained by his death remission of all sins against the Covenant of works for every man but pardon of sins against the Gospel or new Covenant only for the elect 1 John 1.7 whereas Christ's blood clensech them from all sin for whom it is shed forasmuch as through Gods grace and the Spirit 's operation the blood of Christ hath an effectual influence upon all their hearts and consciences and conversations to purge and pacifie and clense them And lastly some learned men who are more sober and moderate then those whom I oppose do say but without ground from Scripture as I humbly conceive that Christ dyed for every man and woman in the world in respect of the sufficiency of his merit but not in respect of efficacy That we should extend the sufficiency and merit of Christ's death and bloodshed beyond the purpose decree and intention of the Father and the Son for my part I cannot see any clear ground 't is true the death and bloodshed of Christ may be said to be sufficient for every man in respect of the intrinsecal vertue thereof it being the blood of God Acts 20.28 the blood of that person who is the infinite God But I conceive that it cannot properly be said to be a sufficient ransom for every man and why but because it is not properly a ransom or price paid for every man nor never was so intended So then the sufficiency and efficacy of Christ's death are to be joyntly limitted to them for whom he dyed and payed the price of redemption nor did Christ shed one drop or dram of blood in vain it was by the counsel and appointment of God that Christ should lay down his life only for them whom the Father gave him and none of them that shall be lost I remember the popish Schoolmen have such a distinction of grace sufficient Hales 3. Summ. 9.69 Thom. m. 1 2 9 109. and grace effectual God say they affords grace sufficient to every one but not grace effectual Sufficient grace as they hold is that by which a man may be saved if he will not be wanting to himself effectual grace is that which saves a man indeed But this is groundless 2 Cor. 12.9 Where God tells Paul that his grace is sufficient for him This sufficiency is not to be abstracted and separated from the efficacy of grace Thirdly let me further add that this opinion of Vniversal Redemption renders Christ but half a Saviour an imperfect Saviour and his blood shed ineffectual as if he did only thereby put all men into a saveable condition and man himself must strike the greatest stroke and actually save his own soul It is a doctrine that puts men upon that gress absurdity that Christ died for thousands shed his blood for milliors of souls that never heard the voice of the Gospel which is the word of faith Rom. 10.14 15. How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a Preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent And will it not introduce that other gross and carnal conceit that in the end all and every one shall be saved the falien Angels as well as reprobate men as if there could be any deliverance out of hell If we hold an Vnive sal Redemption and Reconciliation I can see no reason to the contrary but that an universal salvation may be thence gathered by genuine and necessary consequence Fourthly Vniversal Redemption as it is by many held forth and maintained bolsters up people in a profane course or at the best in a general dead saith or rather a sancie insteed of faith may not a profane wretch reason thus There be those who say that Christ shed his blood for every man in the world well I am a man and therefore Christ shed his blood for me Now the Scripture is clear and full for this namely that Redemption by Christ's blood and remission of sins go together Those whom Christ redeemed by his blood shall not have their sins imputed to them and where there is non-imputation of sin Eph. 1.7 2 Cor. 5.19 Ps 32.2 there is also imputation of Christ's righteousness blessedness and salvation Blessed is the man to whom the Lord doth not impute Iniquity If it be so may this wicked man say I will go on and enjoy my lusts according to this doctrine I shall not perish if Christ dyed for me and if he dyed for every man then he dyed for me And as this opinion may have yea I fear it hath such an operation upon many poor souls so it may be a means to bring others to despair and to make desparate and sad conclusions upon themselves in reference to their eternal estate to hold that thousands shall be damned that Christ dyed for may not Satan easily prevail upon an awakened soul by this temptation suited to the doctrine of the general Ransome that there is no more