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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08799 The sinners sanctuary. By Thomas Packer, his Majesties servant Packer, Thomas, fl. 1628-1637. 1638 (1638) STC 19084; ESTC S103145 27,609 134

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give than thou art to aske To hope well of my goodnesse Ibidem is a very token of true humilitie and of great faith What Ibid. looke you to bee all worthy before you make accesse unto mee And of your selfe when will you bee so If onely such as are good Ibid. and worthy and great and perfect should approach unto mee to whom should sinners and publicans approach So then Luke 15. what saith the Gospell Then drew neere unto him all the publicans and sinners for to heare him Therfore let the unworthy approach Kempis that they may become worthy let the wicked approach that they may bee made good let the weake and unperfect approach that they may prove strong and perfect yea let all and every one approach that they may receive from the abundant streames of the well of life Iohn 7. Hee which is a thirst let him come to me and drinke Isay 55. And he which hath nothing let him come and buy without silver and without money Mat 9. Hee that is sicke let him come to be healed Mark 9. Hee that is neither hot nor cold let him come to be inflamed Kempis Hee that is fearfull let him come to bee encouraged Hee that is sorrowfull let him come to bee comforted Idem Hee that is wearied with cares Idem let him come to be refreshed with joy Loe my delight is Idem to bee with the children of men And therefore bee ever mindfull both of your fraile condition Idem and of my glorious Majestie and so with humble reverence approach boldly into my presence For I am hee that putteth away thine iniquities Isa 43. and will not remember thy sins It is I that justifie the ungodly Rom. 4. and this I doe for my holy Name sake yea and I am still ready to minister greater gifts of mercy unto thee Because I doe ever chuse Kempis to shew favour rather than displeasure as one who had rather spare than punish 2 Cor. 1. Blessed bee God even the Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST the Father of mercies and GOD of all comfort Death Heb. 13.14 HEre have wee no continuing City but wee seeke one to come Luk. 12.4 Be yee prepared for the Sonne of man will come at an houre that yee thinke not Aug. All men know that the day of death will come yet all or almost all doe notwithstanding labour to put it off yea even those who beleeve that after death they shall live more blessedly So great power hath the sweet fellowship of the flesh and soule Take heed watch and pray Mar. 13 33. for yee know not when the time is The last day of our life is unknowne August that all daies may be observed the remedies are too late provided when the dangers of death approach Plato his opinion is Hieron that the whole life of wise men is the meditation of death Wee ought therefore to premeditate what we shall be hereafter and that whether we will or not death cannot be longer from us Hee which is assured hee shall dye Gregor opposeth himselfe against all the desires of this life For the perfect life is a meditation of death which while just men doe performe they escape the snares of sin Aug. That death is not accounted evill which a good life hath gone before Colos 3.2 Set your affection on things above not on things of the earth Gregor If wee consider what and how great things are promised to us in heaven all things in earth will be vile and base in our estimation For earthly substance compared to the heavenly felicity is but an heavy burthen not an helpe and succour This temporall life compared to the eternall is rather to bee accounted a death than a life Eccl. 12.7 Then shall the dust returne to the earth as it was and the spirit shall returne unto God who gave it They which desire to bee dissolved Aug. and to bee with Christ doe live patiently and die cheerfully They are not lost Ambros but sent before whom eternity hath received All the daies of my appointed time will I wait Iob 14.14 till my change come For to me to live is Christ Phil. 1.21 and to die is gaine When Christ Colos 3.3 who is our life shall appeare then shall ye also appeare with him in glory The last Iudgement Heb. 9. IT is appointed unto men once to dye but after this the Judgement Rom. 14. Wee shall all stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ Eccles 12. For GOD shall bring every worke to judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it bee evill Hieron It is not in us to know the day of Judgement but being alwayes uncertaine of the comming of the Judge let us so live as if we were to bee judged the next day Idem If there bee any joy in this present life let it be so used that the bitternesse of the Judgement to come do not at any time depart out of our memory Nothing doth more set forward an honest life Ambros than to beleeve he shall be judged whom hidden things doe not deceive evill things doe offend and good things doe delight That judge is not prevented by favour Aug. nor led now by mercy nor corrupted with money nor appeased by satisfaction or repentance let the soule while it hath time here labour for it selfe by repentance so long as here is place for mercy because there is the place of Justice God doth so behold our waies and number our steps Greg. moral that evē our smalest thoughts and least words remaine not unexamined in his Judgemēt Psal 37. The Lord knoweth the daies of the upright and their inheritance shall be for ever Ibid. But the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of Lambs they shall consume into smoke shall they consume away Chrysost In that day wee have nothing to answer for our selves where Heaven and Earth the Aire and Water and the whole world shall witnesse our sinnes against us And if all else doe hold their peace our thoughts themselves and our works especially shall stand before our eies accusing us before God Bernard That day will come in which upright hearts shall more prevaile than eloquent words a good Conscience more than a full purse because that Judge will not bee deceived by words nor turned by gifts On the right hand Anselm will bee our sinnes accusing us on the left hand innumerable Divels underneath us the terrible deepnesse and darknesse of Hell above the Judge offended without the world burning within the conscience tormenting there shall the just scarce be saved Alas miserable sinner being thus taken unawares whither wilt thou fly for to hide thy selfe is impossible and to appeare
cup because all the Apostles did so our Lord saying unto them Drink ye all of this Wee have understood Gelas Pap. that some having onely received a portion of Christs body doe abstaine from the cup of his sacred bloud But sith they are moved by a fond superstition which I know not thus to abstaine either let them receive the whole Sacrament or bee put from all together for there can bee no division of this Sacrament and high mystery without great sacriledge Ignat. I exhort you to imbrace one faith one manner of preaching and use of the Sacrament of the LORDS Supper for the flesh of the LORD JESUS is one and his bloud one that was shed for us There is one bread also broken for all and one cup distributed unto all The Prayer before receiving the Communion ALmighty GOD Eccle. Angl. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Maker of of all things Judge of all men we acknowledge and bewaile our manifold sinnes and wickednesse which wee from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against thy divine Majesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us We doe earnestly repent and be hartily sory for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grievous unto us the burthen of them is intolerable Have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most mercifull Father for thy Sonne our Lord Jesus Christs sake forgive us all that is past And grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy holy name through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The Prayer after receiving the Communion O Lord Eccl. Angl. our heavenly father wee thy humble servants intirely desire thy fatherly goodnesse mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving most humbly beseeching thee to grant that by the merits and death of thy Son Jesus Christ and through faith in his bloud wee and all thy whole Church may obtaine remission of our sinnes and all other benefits of his passion And here we offer and present unto thee O Lord our selves our soules and bodies to be a reasonable holy and lively sacrifice unto thee Humbly beseeching thee that all we which bee partakers of this holy Communion may bee fulfilled with thy grace and heavenly benediction And although wee bee unworthy through our manifold sins to offer unto thee any sacrifice yet we beseech thee to accept this our bounden duty and service not weighing our merits but pardoning our offences through Jesus Christ our Lord by whom and with whom in the unity of the holy Ghost all honor and glory be unto thee O father Almighty world without end Amen A Prayer before reading the holy Scriptures O Gracious GOD Grashop and most mercifull father which hast vouchsafed us the rich and pretious jewell of thy holy word Assist us with thy spirit that it may be written in our hearts to our everlasting comfort to reforme us to renew us according to thine owne image to build us up and edifie us into the perfect building of thy sonne Christ Jesus sanctifying and increasing in us all heavenly vertues Grant this O heavenly Father for Jesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for faith MOst mercifull and loving Father I beseech thee for Christ Jesus sake to strengthen and increase my faith that I may goe forward in all godlinesse And grant O Lord that my faith may bee builded upon the rock Christ Jesus that I be not carried away with every blast of vain doctrine but through faith in thee I may be as an invincible fortresse to my enemy the Devill so that he may never prevaile against me Also Lord I pray thee let not my faith bee an idle faith but a working faith that daily proceedeth from one good work to another and in the end to life everlasting there to reigne with thee world without end Amen For Repentance MAke cleane my heart O most gracious God with the water of thy heavenly grace from all the staines and corruptions of sin wherby it appeareth most vile and loathsome in thy sight Sprinkle it with the hysop of unfained repentance and compunction that being washed in the most cleare fountaine of thy grace I may become whiter than snow and evermore serve thee in holinesse and purenesse of life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A short and effectuall Prayer I Most humbly beseech thee O most gracious God and loving Father to take from me the sway of mine owne affections Incline mine heart wholly to the obedience of thy heavenly will Suppresse and quench in me all desires whatsoever that may alienate and withdraw me to wander from the way of thy testimonies Grant unto mee evermore the assistance of thy holy Spirit to conduct and bring me to the inheritance of thy everlasting kingdome for the love of thy onely Son our Saviour Jesus CHRIST Amen The generall Confession ALmighty Eccl. Angl. in liturg and most mercifull Father I have erred and strayed from thy waies like a lost sheep I have followed too much the devices and desires of my owne heart I have offended against thy holy Lawes I have left undone those things which I ought to have done and have done those things which I ought not to have done And there is no health in me but thou O LORD have mercie upon me miserable offender Spare thou mee O GOD which confesse my faults restore thou mee that am penitent according to thy promises declared unto man-kind in Christ Jesu our Lord And grant O most mercifull father for his sake that I may hereafter live a godly righteous and a sober life to the glory of thy holy name Amen A Prayer for the Morning O Lord Eccles Ang. in Liturg. our heavenly father Almighty and everlasting GOD I most humbly thanke thee for thy great mercy and goodnesse in keeping and preserving me from all perils and dangers this night past and bringing me safely to the beginning of this day Defend me O Lord in the same with thy mighty power And grant that this day I fall into no sinne neither run into any kind of danger but that all my doings may bee ordered by thy governance to doe alwaies that which is righteous in thy sight through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our father which art in heaven hallowed c. A Prayer for all times O Almightie Lord Eccles Ang. Ibid. and everliving God vouchsafe I beseech thee to direct sanctifie and governe both my heart and body in the waies of thy Laws and in the works of thy commandements That through thy most mighty protection both here and ever I may be preserved in body and soule through our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen A Prayer before going to bed O Eternall and ever-living GOD I render unto thy divine Majestie most humble and hearty thankes for thy mercifull preservation of mee this day from the hands of mine