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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52965 Rawleigh redivivus, or, The life & death of the Right Honourable Anthony, late Earl of Shaftsbury humbly dedicated to the protesting lords / by Philanax Misopappas. Philanax Misopapas.; S. N. 1683 (1683) Wing N72; ESTC R3409 90,509 250

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being Landed at Pool in Dorsetshire the Gentlemen of the County to shew the extraordinary respect they had to his Lordship and although they were not invited yet they got together and went in a body to meet the Corps and accompany'd it to his ancient Seat at Wimbourn St. Giles's where he was decently and honourably Interred and will have a stately Monument erected over him He made his Countess Sir William Cooper c. Executors of his Will wherein he gave very liberally to his Grand-Son the Lord Ashley and Intailed the whole Estate upon him after the death of his Son the present Earl of Shaftsbury And as he had formerly been the making of several of his Servants and others by his Liberality so he was no less bountiful at his Death having left very considerable Legacies to his Servants especially those who were with him in Holland besides several Gifts to pious and charitable uses And having thus traced this Nobleman from the Cradle through all the Labyrinths and Vicissitudes of his Life to the Hour of his Death and from thence to his Envied Grave I shall conclude this Tract with his Character a Character so extraordinary and rare that it will certainly deserve and therefore justly command the Admiration of all men But I will fist incert the Elegy and Character of Sir Walter Rawleigh wherewith the Author of his Life concludes his History thereof GReat Heart who taught thee so to die Death yielding thee the Victory Where took'st thou leave of life If here How could'st thou be so far from fear But sure thou diest and quit'st the state of Flesh and Blood before that fate Else what a Miracle was wrought To triumph both in flesh and thought I saw in every stander by Pale Death Life only in thine Eye The Legacy thou gav'st us then We 'll sue for when thou diest agen Farwel Truth shall this Story say We died Thou only livest that day Thus died that Knight who was Spain's Scourge and Terrour and Gondamor's Triumph whom the whole Nation pitied and several Princes interceded for Queen Elizabeths Favourite and her Successors Sacrifice a Person of so much Worth and so great Interest that King James would not execute him without an Apology One of such incomparable Policy that he was too hard for Essex was the Envy of Leicester and Cicill's Rival who grew jealous of his excellent Parts and was afraid of being supplanted by him His Head was wished on the Secretarie's Shoulders and his Life valued by some at an higher Rate than the Infanta of Spain though a Lady incomparably excelling in both the Gifts of Mind and Body Authors are perplex'd under what Tophick to place him whether of Statesman Sea-man Souldier Chymist or Chronologer for in all these he did excell he could make every thing he read or heard his own and his own he could easily improve to the greatest Advantage He seemed to be Born to that onely which he went about so dexterous was he in all his Undertakings in Court Camp by Sea by Land with Sword and with Pen. The Earls person was somewhat small but very comely God and Nature having distributed in the framing thereof an exact agreeableness and an equal proportion to every Part and Member But as the smallest Cabinets usually inclose the Richest Jewels so his little Body inclosed a great and vastly Capatious Soul the Virtues and Perfections whereof as far transcended the generallity of the offspring of Adam as Gold exceeds Silver or Diamonds transcends Pebles in value He had a couragious and undaunted Mind a deep Judgment and a quick and ready Apprehension he was Religious towards God Loyal to his Prince True to his Country Faithful to his Friends Charitable to his Enemies Liberal to the Poor Chaste in his Affections and made the keeping of his Solemn Contracts in Marriage Sacred and Inviolable and the preserving his Chaste Soul free from Polution a considerable part of his Religion He was Courteous and Affable in his Carriage towards all Men Sociable and Free in his Converse yet so wonderfully reserved as to any of his great Designs and Projects that he never revealed his Intentitions to the nearest Relations or the most intimate Friends which made him so extraordinary usefull to His Majesty in the late Times and rendered him capable of ordering and disposing all publick Actions and Councils so that they naturally tended towards his Restoration 'T was his close and reserv'd temper that rendered the penetrating into his Sentiments and Intentions a work so intricate and perplexing that the greatest diligence of the many Spies who had their Eyes constantly fix'd upon and perpetually watched and pried into his Actions were not able to effect it and made it a Task too hard and difficult even for Cromwel himself to perform It was that which rendered those who undertook it unable to prove him Guilty of a Plot wherein he was really engaged and was a principal promoter and contriver thereof Viz. The rising of Sir George Booth And this close and reserved temper strongly argues his Innocency in the late charge of Treason for can any Man in his right Senses imagine that the Earl who had till now been so reserved and private in all his Designs even to near Relations noble Personages and familiar Friends should all on a suddain relinquish his constant and avowed Practice and transform himself into a perfect Changeling by freely discovering that he designed no less than Rebelling against his Soveraign The levying Men the forming of an Army and deposing the King and thereby put himself into the Power and expose his Life and Honour to the mercy of Six or Eight needy and mercinary Fellows That he should do so will appear very improbable if we reflect upon the temper of the Earl and the condition of the Men who pretended to such a familiarity with him and insight into his Designs unless we can suppose that the longer he lived the more foolish he grew or that the more experience he had of the endeavours of the Papists to effect his Ruine by fixing the Guilt of Treason upon him the more careful he would be to furnish them with Witnesses to prove and make good their Charge He was such a Proficient in Wisdom and Policy that he seem'd like a Second Solomon and so clear an understanding of the Mysteries both of Law and Divinity that he could easily and with great readiness resolve the most difficulty Queries and discuss the greatest Mysteries and Critical Nicities thereof Which made Dr. Ward Bishop of Sailsbury who held an intimate Correspondence with him delight in his Converse and value his acquaintance at a high rate And so did Sir Matthew Hailes Lord Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench and many more both Lawyers and Divines who had the happiness to be acquainted with him And occasioned His Majesty as it is said upon the being informed of his desiding a very difficult Case when he was Chancellor to affirm as
was not delayed till the thing was worn out of mind but Published whilst it was yet hot and fresh in every Mans Memory And that therefore if any such Horse had been bought and kept by Booth either the person who sold him or those who were present at the buying of him or the Inn-Keeper where he stood or the Ostler that looked to him or some one or other who must undoubtedly have seen him Ride or at least the person to whom he afterwards sold him would certainly either out of a Principle of Love and Loyalty to His Majesty to detect the impudence of the Captain in Publishing this Declaration to vindicate the Honour and Reputation of Booth to despite the Earl and render him the more Guilty or else out of Love and Desire of the Five Guinneys have appeared and given Evidence thereof The same may be said of the Captain 's Horse and therefore it must be granted that neither the one nor the other had any Horse at all and if so how improbable a Story it is That the Captain should command a Troop of Horse when at that same time he had not a Horse to Ride on nor never had been in 20 years at the place where this Troop was to be commanded And yet upon the Evidence of this Man and others of the like temper fome Men would have had his Lordship found Guilty and Convicted of no less Crime than High Treason railing against and villifying the Grand Jury for doing otherwise After a full hearing of all that the Witnesses had to say the Jury thought themselves obliged to return an Ignoramus upon the Bill which occasioned a general joy and satisfaction as plainly appeared by the many Bone-fires which were that Night made almost in every Street and at several Country Towns upon hearing the News thereof The Earl being thus cleared by the Grand Jury moved to be discharged but could not obtain it till 13 of Feb. following and then both he and several others who were Prisoners upon the account of this imaginary Plot were released And having thus gained his Liberty she Arrested several persons whereof some of them were Evidences against him in an Action of Conspiracy and one Cradock and others in an Action of Scandalum Magnatum but was not able to bring any of them to a Tryal For on the 4th of May being the first day of the Term Cradock whose Tryal was expected to be brought on first moved by his Council that the Tryal might not be in London or Middlesex but in some other Country upon which motion the Court ordered That on the Fryday following the Earl should shew cause why it should not be Tryed in another Country Accordingly his Lordship appeared in Court himself and Declared it was his desire to have it Tryed by an indifferent Jury but only desired to have it Tryed that Term by a Middlesex Jury asserting That an indifferent Jury might as well be had there as in any Country in England On the 12th the like motion was made in the behalf of Graham whereupon his Lordship finding he could not have it tryed in London and not willing it should be tryed in any other County in regard an Address of Abhorrence against a certain Paper said to be found in his Lordships Closet importing an Association was preferr'd in most Counties declared That since he could not have the undoubted Priviledge of a Peer to lay his Action in any County in England he would remit it at present and wait till he had a better opportunity to revive it After this his Lordship continued at his house in Aldersgate-street until the _____ November following and then he went over to Holland The Seas were somewhat Tempestuous and some who went over in company with the same Ship were cast away but the Providence of God ordered That to save his life which is often the loss of others viz. An unskilful Pilot who being not well acquainted with the Haven and withal somewhat timerous would not be perswaded to venture in till he had a calmer Sea As soon as he arrived and was known he was visited by some of the States and others of the greatest Quality who welcomed him into that Country and Congratulated his having so happily escaped the danger of the Seas The Earl not long after his Arrival took a spacious House in Amsterdam where he intended to reside he was to pay for it a yearly Rent of an Hundred and fifty pounds per annum but before the House was furnished and fitted for his use his usual Destemper the Gout seized him and handled him with great violence for somedays and then it began to wear away and the Earl was indifferently recovered but suddenly and unexpectedly returning again and getting into his Stomach he fell into a dangerous Relapse which proved mortal and terminated in his Death He discovered in the time of his Sickness abundance of patience and an admirable temper of mind yielding an intire submission to the Divine Will and solacing his Soul in the Contemplation of that Transcending Glory and Happiness whereinto he was passing and wherein he should for ever remain free from the Malice of ambitious and aspiring Favourites and secure from the fatal Consequence of the poysonous and infectious Breaths of all mereinary Villains He expired in the Arms of a Reverend Divine and will certainly prove as great and as universal a Loss as has happened to England in many years He died at Amsterdam January 21. 1682. Or rather like the fairest Fruit which being ripened by Nature and arrived at its perfect Maturity falls of its own accord So this Nobleman being arrived at a full Age was with the more facility and ease shaken down by Death and glided into the Grave without compulsion in the Sixty second year of his Age during the time of his Sickness he was frequently visited by several Persons of Quality and some Lords of the States and others who did not visit him in person sent often to see him and enquire of his Condition and when he was dead many of the States and divers other Gentlemen put themselves into Mourning and ordered that his Corps should be exempted from all Toll Fees and Customs in every place it should be carried thorow within their Dominions in order to its passage to England His Body was first wrapp'd in Sear-cloath and then in Lead all but his Head and Face whereon he had nothing save one of the Perrywigs he used to wear in his Life-time and in that manner he was laid in a rich Coffin in the stead whereof just over the Earl's Face was placed a Crystal Glass whereby every one that pleased might view his Face which to the admiration of all that saw it appeared as fresh and beautiful as when he was living nor was there any considerable alteration to be discerned therein The Ship which Transported him to England was hung with Mourning and adorned with mournful Streamers and Escuchions and
in a Rapture That he had a Chancellor who was Master of more Law than all His Judges and was possessed of more Divinity than all his Bishops Nor was he less skilled in the Mysteries of Trade and Merchandise wherein he projected and accomplished several great things as well for the benefit of others and the good of the Publick as the enriching of himself But in nothing did he more excell than in the steddiness aad evenness of his Temper not valuing or exalting himself upon the account of Court Preferments or popular Applause For having been a considerable Agent in accomplishing His Majesties Restoration he assisted in Conducting Him back from his Banishment to the Possession of his Crown and Kingdom And as a Reward of his Loyalty was highly advanced in the Opinion and Dignified with the Favour of his Soveraign And his Temples deservedly Incircled with a flourishing Coronet by the Hand of Majesty By whom he was raised to the very Top and Pinacle of Honour placed in the Highest Seat of Justice and Enrich'd with a Power to distribute Judgment and Equity to the Nation Glories enough to have Dazl'd a Soul less steady than his and swell'd it with Pride and Arrogancy Whilst he ascended the several Steps to Honour and mounted to the Highest Seat of Dignity with a becoming Gravity and an admirable Composedness and Equality of Mind Nor did all that Sublimity and Grandure wherewith he was Inviron'd beget any kind of Haughtiness in him or make him Treat those with Scorn and Contempt that moved in a lower Sphere For you might have seen him when Shining in the very Meridion of his Glory and arrived at the Achme of Power and Authority with a wonderfull Humility and Condescention stop to Reserve the Complaint of the meanest Supplicant and with an unwearied Diligence patiently hearing the Cause of the Poorest and do them Justice and Relieve them when Oppressed as soon and with as much Pleasure as he would the Rich and the Honourable But that which is yet more Admirable and Astonishing He descended from the height of Glory with a perfect Unconcernedness and laid down the Ensigns of his Grandure with a smiling Countenance whereby he suffered an Eclipse of his Honour without any Diminution of his Brightness and the divesting him of his Ensigns deprived him not of one single Ray of his Lustre but with the Heart of an Ancient Roman he dismounted the Curul without the least Disturbance or Regret and discovered them and in his late Imprisonments and the Reproaches and Calumnies wherewith he hath been sufficiently Loaded a Noble Soul firmly fixed in his own Worth and shining like the Sun with a perpetual Equality of Light without suffering any manner of Decrease or Abatement of his Lustre and Brightness And thereby gave sufficient Demonstration that he was PAR SINE PARI Soon after the News of his Death owned at London this following ELEGY Was written by an Ingenious Person to Illustrate the Greatness of his Loss THE Busie Statesmen who by Toyls unblest Torment themselves to give their Country rest Those publick great First-Movers of the State Who almost turn the mighty Wheels of Fate Roul the vast Stone like Sysyphus in vain Whilst Deaths last Call ends a whole Ages Pain The Graves long Rubicon must All pass o'er Whence launching Caesars can return no more Farewel Great Shaftsbury Times Sythe can stretch Where malice sword and axes ne'er could reach Thy Life Great Statesman stood in Fate so high That thou by nought but Heaven's own Hand could't Die Yes Heaven alone compiles thy Funeral Vrn Less than the Sun the Phoenix shall not burn What did wise Solon or Lycurgus do Lycurgus Dy'd like thee an Exile too And whilst proud Belgia thy Bones Entombs And triumphs at the Glory it assumes Belgia who in thy Fate has now done more Than all her Trumps or Opdams could before Belgia has vanquisht more in thy one Grave Than all the Wounds her Thunder ever gave Sleep then thou Activ'st of Mankind Oh make Thy last low bed and Deaths long Requient take Thou who whilst living kept'st the World awake Oh may thy Funeral-Rites walk that large round Till to thy Western-shore thy Loss resound Till Carolina shall in Mourning stand With all the Cypress of a Widdow'd Land Let Fools and Knaves through their false Opticks find Thy Spots and be to all thy Brightness blind Let Envy all her monstrous Forms suggest And lodge the Raven in the Eagles Nest Let 'em rail on and vent their hurtless Gall Whilst Shaftsbury's Renown surmounts 'em all From his clear Fame the dissolv'd Clouds shall throw And leave the Earthly Vapours all below Yes Mighty Man lay thy great Reliques down Thou Idol of the Croud Friend of the Crown Shaftsbury in popular Arts and Hearts so learn'd As with his Weight the Scale of Nations turn'd Foe To him the Kingdoms Genius bended low The Thrones best Friend Romes formidablest If the best Gifts which the kind Stars dispense The highest Prodigies of Wit and Sense For Immortality Foundations lay No Greater Soul e're lodg'd in Walls of Clay Swiftly his restless Orb of Fire went round And Light and Warmth we from his Influence found His kindest Rays and temperate Heat The Protestants still favour'd Climates met There his best Aspect smil'd whilst Rome alone Felt all the Fury of his Torrid Zone This was the Cause did such great Foes engage With such keen Malice and such Mortal Rage For this so high the Roman Vengeance boyls With Fires more hot than their Old Smithfield Piles But Heaven's kind Call has all their Engines crost Heav'n that has lodg'd thee on that safer Coast Whence thou lookst down and seest thy mighty Hunters lost EPITAPH UNder this Stone does Sleeping lye All that was Earth of Shaftsbury But Funeral-Tears and weeping Eyes Infallibility denies Whilst his Wish'd Death 's enough to be The Subject of a Jubilee A more Sworn Foe to Roman Pride Not Hannibal himself e'er Di'd For which his Deathless Fame below His Soul above His Soul Ah no! From Heav'n's lockt out too sure if they Who succeed Peter keep the Key Doom'd to Hells hottest burning Seat It the Popes Curse can do the Feat If Papal Rage and Roman Spight For any but themselves Hell-fire can light FINIS Books lately Printed for and sold by Thomas Malthus at the Sun in the Poultry THE Compleat Works of that Reverend and Learned Divine Mr. Isaac Ambrose Bentivolio and Vrania in six Books by Nathaniel Ingelo D. D. the fourth Edition with large Amendments wherein all the obscure Words throughout the Book are interpreted in the Margin which makes this much more Delightful to read than the former Editions Mr. James Janeway's Legacy to his Friends containing Twenty Seven Famous Instances of Gods Providences in and about Sea-dangers and Deliverances with the Names of several that were Eye Witnesses to many of them An Historical Account of the Heroick Life and Magnanimous Actions of the most