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A42711 Election and reprobation scripturally and experimentally witnessed unto &c. wherein the love of God in Christ is freely and clearly held forth to all mankind ... / by ... William Gibson. Gibson, William, 1629-1684. 1678 (1678) Wing G681; ESTC R30407 94,220 120

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contrary to the will decree and pleasure of the holy pure God whose will is that all men may know the Truth be saved as the holy Ghost saith by the Mouth of the holy Apostle Paul Again God saw the Wickedness of man was great in the Earth and the VERY IMAGINATIONS of the THOUGHTS of his Heart was ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY and it REPENTED the Lord that he had made man on the Earth and it GRIEVED him at his HEART Gen. 6. 5 6. Note this Reader here is a clear and undeniable proof that God never did NO nor never will Ordain Predestinate Fore-appoint or WILL that any Man or Woman should be Evil Sinful Wicked or that any Man or Woman should imploy their Hearts and Minds at ANY TIME in that which is EVIL muchless that the Imaginations of the THOUGHTS of men and womens Hearts should be ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY This Testimony of the holy Ghost or Spirit in Moses gives a FATAL stroke upon those who do imagin and speak so WRONG of God as to place it as the Decree Fore-ordination and Appointment of God that Some if not many men and women should yea must be Wicked upon MEER necessity they must have NO help from God to enable them to be Holy Godly c. Neither are they able of themselves to be Holy yet must as is Ungodlily imagined be damned cast into Hell for Sin Unholiness Ungodliness c. When they COULD by NO MEANS be Godly Holy c. God having NOT willed that they should be so and therefore would not give them Grace to enable them to be SO yet damneth them and casteth them into Hell because they are not SO. Oh this is gross Darkness that may be felt These Ungodly Opinions and Words RENDER God who hath given Life and a Being unto all Mankind MORE CRUEL and Unnatural unto Man and Woman the Workmanship of his own holy Hands than the most bruitish of his Creatures are unto their own young yea more cruel than they are one unto another yea the Lyon and the Bear in their kind do witness against these their ungodly Notions Imaginations and Words WELL may it be said of these vain and ungodly OPINIONISTS that they do not SPEAK RIGHT things of God c. Oh the evil Effect that this abominable Doctrine hath had and hath at this Day it is greatly to be lamented But glory to the Lord God the pure Light of the Morning of his glorious Day hath chased away the Smoke of the Pit of Darkness from the Eyes of a Remnant which hath thus greatly clouded and darkned the understandings of Mankind and the Lord is daily blowing away this cursed Smoke more and more out of this cursed Pit streams out the cursed dark Breath of the old Dragon the Devil who hath corrupted both Earth and Air with this his cursed Breath who hath made the Nations like the raging Sea which casts up Mire and Dirt yea like Beasts of Prey to Devour one another But God is risen in his great strength who will shut the Pits Mouth and will seal him down that he may deceive the Nations no more to God be all glory honour dominion and praise for evermore for he is worthy Moreover the great God Hath shewed thee O man what is GOOD and what doth the Lord REQUIRE OF THEE BUT TO DO JUSTLY AND TO LOVE MERCY AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD Micah 6. 8. Again the great Lord God of Heaven and Earth said unto the Children of Israel that great People I have set before thee this day LIFE AND GOOD AND DEATH AND EVIL in that I command thee this Day to love the Lord thy God to WALK IN HIS WAYES and keep his Commandments c. I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you saith the Lord that I have SET before you Life and Death Blessing and Cursing therefore CHVSE LIFE that both thou and thy Seed may live that thou mayest love the Lord thy God and that thou mayest obey his VOICE and that thou mayest CLEAVE unto him FOR HE IS THY LIFE AND THE LENGTH OF THY DAYES But if thine HEART TURN AWAY SO that thou wilt NOT HEAR c. I denounce unto you this day that ye shall SURELY PERISH c. Deut. 30. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. Again They have CORRUPTED THEMSELVES A Perverse and Crooked Generation of the Rock that BEGAT THEE thou art UNMINDFULL and hast FORGOTTEN GOD THAT FORMED THEE Jesurun waxed fat kicked he forsook God who made him and lightly esteemed the ROCK of his Salvation the Lord saw it and he abhorred them and he said I will hide my face from them they have MOVED ME to jealousie with that which is NOT GOOD Fire is kindled in mine Anger and it shall burn unto the LOWEST HELL Chap. 32. 5 15 18 19 20 22. The Lord God said concerning the Rebellious Jews They have chosen their own wayes and their SOVL delighteth in THEIR Abomination I also will chuse their Delusions and will bring their Fears upon them BECAUSE when I called none did answer when I spake none did hear but they did evil before mine eyes and CHOSE that in which I delighted NOT Isa 66. 3 4. 2 Thes 2. 10 11. The holy Prophet said Justice and Judgment are the Habitations of thy Throne c. Psalm 89. 14. Reader by what is above written it doth clearly and abundantly appear that the duty of all mankind is to love God to hearken unto him to obey his Voice to do justly to be lovers of Mercy and all true Christians must obey the Command of Christ who saith be merciful c. and must walk Humbly with the living God who giveth Life and a Being unto all Mankind by whose pure power they have their being continu'd upon Earth who of his free bounty gives them Food and Rayment Health and all necessary things which they do enjoy and without love to God doing Justly loving Mercy and walking Humbly with God as aforesaid Man and Woman cannot be accepted of God The just equal Lord God who requires this of all mankind doth put all into a capacity so to do And mens doing contrary unto this proceeds not of or from God but of and from the wicked one the false Teacher who led Adam and Eve to Sin against God Therefore let none who do WICKEDLY say It is Gods Will that they should DO SO. For God who is Holy who made man holy just and good his WILL is that all should be holy who said Be ye holy I the Lord your God am holy He commands them to chuse the Good and refuse the Evil and they have Power tender'd unto them by him so to DO it becomes their Sin who do not SO such do not improve that which God hath afforded them to enable and lead them to chuse the good and such are the idle unjust Servants who hide their Lords Money in the Earth as Christ said in his Parables Such
whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I will keep thee and give thee for a Covenant of the People for a Light to the Gentiles to open the blind Eyes to bring out the Prisoners from the Prison and them that sit in Darkness out of the Prison-house Isa 42. 1 6 7. He is the blessed Seed in whom the blessing is to whom the Promise is That he shall bruise the Serpents Head who brought in the Curse and Reprobation He is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him Heb. 7. 25. he is ordained of the Father to put an end to Sin to finish Transgression and bring in everlasting Righteou●ness He is the Lamb of God who tak●th away the Sin of the World he is ●the Author of eternal Saltation unto all them that obey him Heb. 5. 9. Mark here obedience unto Christ is required in order to Salvation this is a Gospel-truth The Apostle Peter said unto the Jews God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his Iniquities Acts 3. 26. Mark those who are blessed by Jesus Christ and Elect in him they are turned away from their Iniquities by him and in vain do they profess him and to be his Elect who continue in their sins and plead for their continuance therein for term of Life God said by the Mouth of his holy Prophet Isaiah Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth for I am God and there is none else Isa 45. 22. read the Chapter through God doth largely therein express by plain words his Universal Love to Man-kind Observe Reader he calls to the Heathen even to all the Ends of the Earth to look to him for Salvation Mark that for which one man is called to look to him for the same all Man-kind is called to look to him every one in the Day of their Visitation viz. for Salvation Christ is the true Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World according to John 1 9. he is the Light of the World as he said John 8 12. 12. 46 He said Believe in the Light that ye may be Children of the Light So all being onlightned by Chr st in the Light they may look unto God and be saved if they believe in it but if they believe not in the Light but hate it they cannot have Salvation Joh. 3. 19 20. 1 Joh. 1 5. and such Perish whose Destruction is of themselves and the Lord God is clear for the Unbelief and the Disobedience of those who Perish is not of God but of the wicked One. God said by the Mouth of David ●y People would not hearken to my Voice and Israel would none of me So I gave them up unto their own Hearts Lusts and they walked in their own wayes O that my People had hearkened unto me and Israel had walked in my wayes Psal 81. 11 12 13. God spake by the Mouth of Hosea unto Israel saying O Israel thou destroyest thy self but in me is thy help Hosea 13. 9. God said by the Mouth of the Apostle Peter That the Wicked bring Destruction upon themselves 2 Pet. 2. 1. Read the Chapter through Christ Jesus said O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them who are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy Children together even as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings and ye would not Matth. 23. 37. Luk. 13. ●4 Reader when Christ would have garnered the Inhabitants of Jerusalem unto their Immortal Souls Rest they rejected him And he did not tell them that they could not come to him for they might have come to him or else it had been vain Words for him to tell them that he would have gathered them But he told them they WOULD NOT come to him So it was their own Self-will which did hinder them from coming to Christ and not Gods holy Will for his will is that all might be saved God said by the Mouth of Solomon That the Wicked would have none of his Counsel And he said they dispised all his Reproof Therefore said God they shall eat the Fruit of their own way c. Prov. 1. 30 31. Christ is the true Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World as I have shewed before and he hath tasted Death for every Man Heb. 2. 9. The Apostle John said Christ is the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World 1 John 2. 2. And he further said We have seen and do testifie that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World 1 John 4. 14. The Apostle Paul said There is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a Ransom for ALL mark for all And he said God's will is that ALL MEN might be saved mark that 1 Tim. 2. 4 5 6. Reader by what I have cited and writ in the holy Scripture words and according to them it doth plainly appear that God hath not Created nor Fore-ordained any Man or Woman on purpose that they should be Wicked so to be Damned or Destroyed or cast into Hell but he doth give to all People a Day or Time of Visitation by his Grace Light and Spirit by the same to lead them out of the broad way that leads to Destruction all those that continue therein till the Lord cease to strive with them for their Salvation such perishing their Destruction is of themselves and the Lord God is clear I have no pleasure in the Death of him that dieth saith the Lord wherefore turn your selves and live ye Ezek. 18. 32. As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the Death of the WICKED but that the Wicked turn from his evil way and live Turn ye turn ye from your evil Wayes for why will ye die O House of Israel Ezek. 33. 11. The Apostle Peter Exhorted those who had believed in Christ saying Give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure giving all diligence add to your Faith Vertue and to Vertue Knowledge and to Knowledge Temperance and to Temperance Patience and to Patience Godliness and to Godliness Brotherly-kindness and to Brotherly-kindness Charity For if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that lacketh these things is Blind and cannot see afar off and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old Sins For if you do these things YE SHALL NEVER FALL for so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 1. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. Reader here thou mayst see that the Apostle took great care of those who had believed in Christ that they might make their Calling and Election sure So it appears that
those who had not that SALVATION but perished Eternally their Destruction was of themselves as God said unto Israel O Israel thou destroyest thy self but in me is thy help The Angels which fell had a State of Rest and Peace with God this was their first state which Jude here speaks of but they kept not this First STATE and Habitation but LEFT IT yea Lost it through Presumption Irreverence and Neglect of their Duty whom God in his Righteous Judgments hath reserved in Everlasting CHAINS under Darkness unto the Judgment of the great day Jude 6. the keeping and preservation of Angels and Men from falling is in their Humble Lowly Constant depending upon God in the diligent improvement of all that God hath given them for his Glory and their Preservation Moreover Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the Cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to Fornication and going after STRANGE FLESH are set forth for Example suffering the Vengance of ETERNAL FIRE c. Jude 7. The holy Apostle Peter also sheweth that God did not spare the Angels that SINNED but cast them down to HELL and delivered them into Chains of Darkness to be reserved unto Judgment neither did he spare the old World nor Sodom nor Gomorah but by Fire and Water did he overthrow them making them an Ensample unto those that after should LIVE UNGODLY 2 Pet. 2. 4 5 6. Note Reader Here these holy Men shew that God spared not the Angels which sinned but cast them down to Hell It would be horrible Blasphemy to say that God ordained willed and purposed that they should sin against him that so he might cast them down to Hell this is not only Unscriptural and Unreasonable but it s wholly contrary to the nature of the holy glorious Lord God of Heaven and Earth who is LOVE as the Apostle saith yea a pure Fountain of Divine Love who made all things good yea VERY GOOD in the beginning who is of purer eyes then to behold Iniquity either in Men or Angels with approbation thereof delight therein or love thereto He said Be ye holy for I the Lord your God am holy for he made all things good and he CERTAINLY WILLED that ALL Angels and Men should be Good Holy and Clean according as he made Man and Angels in the beginning but for want of DUE REVERENCE DILIGENT WATCHFULNESS AND A TRUE AND FULL IMPROVEMENT of all that God gave them for his own Glory and their own PRESERVATION both Angels and Men have SINNED and the holy pure God NOT DELIGHTING IN THEIR SIN but on the contrary being DISPLEASED AT IT yea grieved WITH IT therefore doth God bring his Righteous Judgments upon the Angels who FELL and upon Ungodly Wicked Impenitent Men and Women who do not turn unto him by Unfeigned Repentance while the day or time of their Visitation lasteth As it s written God is Angry with the Wicked every day Psal 7. 11. The Wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the Nations that forget God Psal 9. 17. God tryeth the Righteous but the wicked and him that loveth VIOLENCE HIS SOUL HATETH Vpon the Wicked he shall rain Snares Fire and Brimstone and an herrible Tempest For the Righteous Lord loveth Righteousness his countenance doth behold the Vpright Psalm 11. 5 6 7. He that justifieth the Wicked and he that condemneth the Just even they both are ABOMINATION to the Lord Prov. 17. 15. To the Wicked God saith what hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldest take my Covenant inthy Mouth SEEING THOU HATEST INSTRUCTION AND CASTEST MY WORDS BEHIND THEE when thou sawest a THIEF thou consentedst with him and hast been partaker with the Adulterer thou givest thy Mouth to Evil and thy Tongue frameth Deceit Now consider this ye that FORGET GOD lest I TEAR YOU IN PIECES c. whoso offereth Praises glorifieth me and to him that ordereth HIS CONVERSATION ARIGHT will I shew the Salvation OF GOD The holy just equal merciful Lord God doth not WILLINGLY AFFLICT NOR GRIEVE the Children of men Out of the Mouth of the most high proceedeth NOT EVIL and Good as saith the holy Prophet Lamen 3. 33. 38. Reader thus it doth clearly appear that the Damnation of the Angels that fell and the Damnation and Destruction of all Impenitent men and women IS OF THEMSELVES and the Lord God is clear who saith As I live I have no pleasure in the death of the Wicked but that the wicked turn from his evil way and live Ezek. 33. 11. 18. 32. The Apostle Paul said unto the Galatians who had erred from the Truth O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the Truth c. are ye so foolish having BEGUN IN THE SPIRIT are ye now made perfect BY THE FLESH ye did run well who did hinder you that you should not obey the Truth This perswasion COMETH NOT of him that CALLETH you a little Leaven leaveneth a whole Lump Gal 3. 1. 3. Chap. 5. vers 7 8 9. Reader by these Scriptures it doth clearly and abundantly appear that God did not predestinate or fore-ordain that Angels or Men should Sin against him and so be damned Oh nay he loves and delights in Holiness but all Sin is abominable unto him yea Sin is of the Devil as the holy Ghost or Spirit hath spoken by the Mouth of the holy Apostle John And because it is of the Devil as it is signified by the holy Ghost through the holy Man Righteousness exalts a Nation but Sin is a Reproach unto any People Prov. 14. 34. And therefore the cry of the holy Ghost WAS AND IS unto the fallen Sons and Daughters of Adam Cleanse your Hands ye sinners and purifie your Hearts ye double-minded c. James 4. 8. Let the Wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his Thoughts Let him turn nnto the Lord and he will have mercy on him unto our God and he will abundantly PARDON Isa 55. 7. God said unto the Prophet Son of man when the Land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously then will I stretch forth mine Hand upon it and will break their Staff of Bread c. and ye shall know that I have not done WITHOVT CAVSE all that I have done in it saith the Lord God Ezek. 14. 13 23. Note Reader in as much as the JUST EQUAL Lord God of Heaven and Earth will not bring a temporal Judgment upon a Nation or Person untill they have given him JUST CAUSE by their great Sin Rebellion and Impenitency much less will HE Condemn or Damn or cast any Nation or Person into Hell or endless Misery untill they have given him Just Cause by their Sins and hardned Impenitency which Sin Hardness and Impenitency the Devil not God is the author of and Sin and the Impenitency of all such who Perish is according to the ordination will pleasure of the Devil the old Deceiver Destroyer and so is ABSOLUTELY
Day of Visitation given unto them by their mercifull Creator to turn unto him from their sin to eat that which is good he saith Whosoever WILL let him come and take of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely So it plainly appeareth by this that God would have all people eat of his Bread and drink of his Milk and Wine which he hath mingled and if they do not eat and drink thereof and so live to God by the vertue of the same it is not because God fore-appointed that they should NOT do so but it is because they have given up their Minds and Ears to the Whisperings and Lyes of that old Deceiver which first led Man and Woman from God and so he hath corrupted their Wills so hath led them to love sin and to chuse to abide in it all their Dayes so the Selfish-corrupt-will which the Devil hath begotten in fallen Man this WILL doth not chuse Christ nor the Cross which his true Disciples bear nor the Bread of Life or Water of Life nor Wine nor Milk which they eat and drink of abundantly to their immortal Souls strength joy and comfort and the Glory of the Lord. So it is true which Christ said Ye will not come to me that you may have Life Moreover he wept over the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and said I would have gathered thy Children as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings but ye would NOT. Mark He did NOT say that they could not but that they would not and this his Testimony is true Gods Spirit which convinceth the World of sin MOVETH upon the hearts of sinners to purifie their Wills that so they may chuse the good and refuse the evil and his Spirit doth EFFECT this in all that do not withstand his tender Visitation therein and thereby till the day of their Visitation be over or ended when God moveth by his Spirit upon the Soul of man in Transgression to lead him out of his Transgression he requireth a YIELDING on the Creatures part according to the saying of the holy Ghost through the holy Apostle who said As ye have yielded your Members Servants to Vncleanness and to Iniquity even so now yield your Members Servants unto Righteousness unto Holiness Rom. 6. 19. Note Reader the merciful God hath made the Creature able so to yield and therefore he doth not require Imposibilities of him who requireth him SO to yield and if man prove so hard and desperate as not to yield to serve God as aforesaid this his Hardy boldness and Self-willfulness and desperate Uugodliness is the cause of his Ruin and Destruction and so man destroyeth himself as God hath said O Israel thou destroyeth thy self but in me is thy help Note Reader the fallen corrupt will of man cannot chuse the good and refuse the evil but the Spirit of Truth doth visit man in this estate to PURIFIE his WILL and so to enable andlead him to chuse the Good and refuse the Evil But Man in this fallen corrupt ungodly bold WILL may yea many do with-stand the tender Visitation of God's Spirit yea grieve and vex it and do despight unto it and so cause God to be their Enemy and to fight against them as saith the Prophet God complained and said Israel would have none of me He did not say I would have none of them but he sent his Prophets to turn them unto him and they evil-intreated them yea slew them for which his Wrath was kindled against them who commanded them saying Touch not mine anointed do my Prophets no harm And he said WO unto the rebellious Children who take Counsel but not of me that COVER with a Covering but NOT of my Spirit that they may add Sin unto Sin Isa 30. 1. And he said concerning such rebellious Ones They have set at naught all my Counsel and would have none of my Reproof c. Such Rebels as these said unto God Depart from us we desire not the Knowledge of thy ways Such did not take the Counsel of the holy Ghost which saith Seek the Lord while he MAY be found call upon him while he is NEAR Isa 55. 6. So as the Apostle Peter said God is NO Respecter of Persons but in every Nation he that fears God and works Righteousness is accepted of him God doth NOT Partially or IN dis-respect to SOME Persons foreordain that they shall be wicked and so to be damned and cast into the Lake of everlasting Misery NO that is contrary to his tender love who gave his only begotten Son for the Redemption of the World which lieth in Wickedness We have all sinned as saith the Apostle and God hath Mercy upon all as HE saith and wills that all may be saved He sent his Son to seek and save that which was lost and to bring back again to himself that which hath been driven away God saith concerning him Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles A BRUISED Reed shall he NOT break the smoking Flax shall he not QUENCH he shall bring forth Judgment unto Truth he shall not fail c. And the Isles shall wait for his Law Isa 42. 1 3 4. Matth. 12. 18 20. Objection It s written that without Faith it is impossible to please God and that the Just shall live by Faith But it s also written that all men have not Faith therefore those who have not Faith or never have or NEVER had Faith God did ordain to be damned before they were Born Answ This is a great Mistake for God who cannot LYE saith Look unto me and BE YE SAVED ALL the ends of the Earth Isa 45. 22. Gods Will is that all men might be saved 1 Tim. 2. 4. Again As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the Wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live c. Ezek. 33. 11. and 18. 31 32 33. The Grace of God which bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men the Spirit of Truth which doth lead the Saints into all Truth the same doth Convince the World of Sin By this Visitation and CONVICTION they are brought into a condition that they may believe that which convinteth them of sin leaves them without Excuse justly to be punished for their Sin IN the SAME is the true and effectual means cause and ground of Faith freely tendered to them that thereby they might be led out of the Sin of Unbelief by the Lord God yea it is his free gift unto them given to beget and work Faith in them and if they STILL continue in Unbelief this gift will condemn them and God justly will punish them for their Rebellion Hard-heartedness Unbelief c. and it convinceth them of Righteousness in some degree that thereby they might be led to do that which is just and righteous in the sight of God who is
Faith which they once had who have sinned out the Day of Gods tender Visitation to them who are the Trees twice dead pluckt up by the Roots whose end is to be burned it had been better for them that they had not had Faith then after they had it to depart from it Therefore let all People who have not sinned out the day of God's tender Visitation HEAR and Fear the mighty God who is a consuming Fire unto the Wicked as it s written and let all such bow their Hearts and Minds unto God's searching Spirit and Word nigh in their Hearts and that will work true Faith and encrease the same and will preserve them from making Shipwrack of Faith and it will beget a good tender Conscience and it will continue and uphold the same in all those who continue to HEAR and Fear the living God who as the Apostle saith Is the Saviour of all men but especially of those that believe 1 Tim. 4. 10. His Sun shines upon the Evil and the Good and his Rain falls upon the Just and the Unjust he is good unto the Unthankful and to the Evil as is shewed before So God sends and gives his Mercies unto the Wicked and Rebellious in some degree not only in things Temporal but also in things Spiritual as is largely shewed in this Book so that in the day of Gods Visitation unto them he is a Saviour unto them and saves and preserves them from Destruction and he doth suffer long to lead the Wicked to Repentance who saith As I live I have no pleasure in the Death or Damnation or Destruction of the Wicked but that the Wicked should turn and live But when they will not turn unto him in the day of his Long-suffering and tender Visitation he casts them out of his favour forever as Christ hath said unto the Goats set on the Left Hand Go ye cursed into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil his Angels The Counsel of the holy Ghost is Seek ye the Lord while he MAY be found call upon him while he is NEAR Isa 55. 6. Again They hated Knowledge and did NOT CHUSE the fear of the Lord they would NONE of my Counsel they despised all my Reproof therefore shall they eat of the Fruit of their own wayes and be filled with their own Devices For the turning AWAY of the Simple shall SLAY them and the Prophecying of Fools shall DESTROY them But whoso hearkeneth unto ME shall dwell SAFELY and shall be QUIET from FEAR of Evil Prov. 1. 29 30 31 32 33. In Romans the first Chapter the Apostle Paul speaks largely concerning some who When they knew God they did NOT glorisie him AS God neither were THANKFUL but became vain in their Imaginations and their foolish Hearts were darkened they changed the Glory of the Incorruptible God into an IMAGE made like to corruptible Man and to Birds and Fore-footed Beasts and Creeping things wherefore God gave them up to Vncleaness Who changed the Truth of God into a Lye or rather for a Lye and worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever Amen And they became HATERS of God and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them up to a Reprobate mind c. Such become like the deaf Adder that stopeth his Ear which will not hearken to the Voice of Charmers Charming never so wisely see Psalm 58. 4 5. The Apostle Paul saith Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of man that doth Evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile for there is NO respect of PERSONS with God Rom. 2. 9 11. but Glory Honour and Peace to every man that WORKETH Good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile ver 10. Christ said concerning the Wicked This Peoples Heart is waxed gross and their Ears are dull of hearing and their Eyes THEY have closed c. Note Reader by what is above written it doth plainly appear that there is a time when man may seek after God and find him and have eternal Salvation given by him yea there is a time when HE is near and then he being call'd upon will hear and answer But if man IN his SELF-WILL carelesness and negligence REFUSE this seasonable time then he may seek and NOT find call and NOT be answered Therefore blessed are all they who prize and imbrace the time and day of Gods tender Visitation who said TO day if ye will hear my Voice HARDEN NOT your Hearts c. Again They that hated Knowledge who did NOT CHUSE his fear these did harden their Hearts contrary to the will and mind of God they set at naught ALL his Counsel and would have NONE of his Reproof Therefore saith God they shall eat the Fruit of their own wayes c. For the turning away of the Simple shall slay or destroy them c. But saith God whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil O blessed happy are all they who INCLINE their Ears diligently hearken unto his Voice and obey the same with such he will make an everlasting Covenant and will give unto them the sure Mercies of David he will give them unfeigned Repentance as he gave unto him and forgiveness of their Sins as he did unto him yea he will remove their Sins as far from them as the East is from the West Psal 103. 12. Isa 55. 3. Object It s written some are sensual not having the Spirit and they who have not the Spirit cannot have Faith for faith is the fruit of the Spirit and those who have not the Spirit they have not faith and those who have not faith cannot be saved Therefore all such God did ordain or fore-appoint to be damned before they were Born Answ I have before largely and clearly proved that Gods will is that all men might be saved he calls to all the ends of the Earth to look unto him saying Look unto me and be ye saved He giveth all a Day and Time of Visitation wherein they may all seek him and find him call upon him and be heard and answered by him and receive in his tender Mercy everlasting Salvation It is true that the holy Man of God hath said that some of Old did I say many now do separate themselves Sensual not having the Spirit but this doth NOT at all prove that such never had the Spirit in any measure but the Scriptures of Truth do clearly prove the contrary For the Lord gave his Spirit unto Saul but because of his Disobedience and Rebellion against the Lord the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil Spirit troubled him c. see 1 Chron. 16. 14. And Saul said The Lord is departed from me Chap. 28. 15. When David had sinned against God in the case of Vriah he greatly lamented and unfeignedly Repented of his Sin and prayed unto the Lord saying Cast me not
saith Rom. 6. 16. Know ye not that to whom ye yield your selves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of Sin unto Death or of Obedience unto Righteousness And further saith Gal. 6. 7. If you live after the Flesh you shall dye but if ye through the Spirit mortifie the deeds of the Body ye shall live he that sows to the Flesh shall of the Flesh reap Corruption but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting Now who reads what is here written with a spiritual Understanding may see that John's Saying if we say we have no sin c. doth not prove that he was THEN AN ACTUAL SINNER though it doth shew that the little Children who stood in some relation to him as aforesaid had not yet over grown all sin as we have EXPERIENCE in this Day of Gods mighty Power wherein he is making his People WILLING and also ABLE to forsake Sin and the Devil who is the author of it and we do say there is a TIME which is given by the Lord God to Mankind to see their sins and a time to be made truly Sorrowful for them and UNFEIGNEDLY TO REPENT and to be forgiven in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who tasted Death for EVERY MAN and a TIME to grow up IN Christ into Dominion over Sin and the Devil who is the Author of it so that we say this Work is wrought GRADUALLY in men women people are not so soon converted washed and cleansed from all their sins as they come to the sight of them but there is a STRONG Spiritual Combat or Warfare to be known after man is convinced of his sin before he be WHOLLY dead to it and redeemed from it and the Devil who is the Author of it and all who believe in the Spiritual and Divine Light of Christ which sheweth them their sins and PATIENTLY wait THEREIN they will see this Work wrought in order to their Salvation though they first sow in Tears they shall certainly afterwards reap in Joy and though their Temptations Troubles and Sorrows may be many God will certainly deliver them out of them all J. B. As for thy interpretation of John's Words that is He that is born of God doth not commit Sin It is Unscriptural Unreasonable and Ungodly it is not the holy Scriptures nor the Greek Copies which thou callest the Original that is thy Rule for this thy Ungodly Writing and Perverting of John's Words but thy own Wicked Dark and Sinfull Imaginations I desire thou may find a place of Repentance and so forgiveness at Gods hand and cease from such Ungodly Work as this for if thou do not God will reward thee according to thy Ungodly Deeds and the Cup which thou must drink as the reward of thy Work will be Bitter John saith In this is the Children of God made manifest and the Children of the Devil whosoever doth not Righteousness is not of God But thou arguest That the born of God do commit sin which is Blasphemy but seeing this is thy Ungodly Opinion that the born of God doth commit sin I say the born of the Devil doth no more but commit sin so here thou put'st not a right difference betwixt the Righteous and the Wicked and so thou art not God's Minister or Mouth to the People but in these thy Ungodly Interpretations of the holy Scriptures thou art the Minister and Mouth of the Father of Lyes who hath led people into sin who tellest them they must never come out of it on this side the Grave Thus thou and many others have made agreement with Death and a Covenant with Hell for Term of Life and if you do not know this Covenant broken by Christ Jesus and by him be led out of sin your Reward will be Miserable in the World to come but we greatly desire your Unseigned Repentance and Salvation What a Wild Distracted Interpreter of the holy Scriptures is this J. B If he go on to interpret the rest of the Commands of God and Christ as he hath done these Commands to be Perfect Holy c. what Mad Work will he make it appears it is not the Scriptures of Truth nor the Spirit of God that must be his Rule but rather the Temptations of the Wicked One which hath large room in his Unbelieving Heart as this Ungodly Plea doth largely manifest Gods Command is Thou shalt do no Murder Now according to J. B's Wild Interpretation of the before-mentioned Commands he may say Those who are born of God may or must Murder But they may not Murther with that allowance that some other Murderers do or they must not do so much Murder as some others do Again God saith Thou shalt not Steal But J. B. may say by his Mad Rule of arguing they may or must Steal but they who are born of God may not or must not Steal with that allowance that others who are not born of God do or they must not stteal so much as such do And after this his Ungodly way of arguing he may deal thus with the rest of the Commands of God and Christ J. B. to strengthen thy Plea for the Devil and Sin which is his Work thou mentionest Paul's Words who said That which I would not do that do I. Answ Paul and all the Saints who did and do wait diligently upon God did and do grow from one degree of Grace unto another and Paul did grow up in Christ unto a better and stronger State He said I am Crucified with Christ c. I live yet not I but Christ lives in me and the Life that I now live in the Flesh I live by the Faith of the Son of God And he said I can do all things through Christ that strengthneth me And he said I have fought a good fight I have kept the Faith c. And he said The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath set me Free from the Law of Sin and Death Thus it doth appear that he did out-grow those Weaknesses which he doth mention in the 7th Chapter to ●he Romans see Chap. 8. J. B. saith David brake the sixth and seventh Commandment Answ I say David repented bore the Righteous Judgments of God for so doing and did so no more and was forgiven he did not say that he must continue breaking the commands of God all his dayes as many of the Priests and Professors of England and other Nations do he prayed to God to cleanse him from his secret Sins and from Blood guiltiness and God heard his Prayer and did so and it is written that David turned not aside from any thing that God commanded him all the dayes of his Life save only in the matter of Vriah the Hittite 1 Kings 15. 5. David is said to be a man after God's own Heart 1 Sam. 13. 14. So he was before he committed that great Sin in the case of Vriah and his