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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17171 The golde[n] boke of christen matrimonye moost necessary [and] profitable for all the[m], that entend to liue quietly and godlye in the Christen state of holy wedlock newly set forthe in English by Theodore Basille.; Christlich Eestand. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1543 (1543) STC 4047; ESTC S110661 97,888 204

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wedloke with another mans wife both eyther destroye him selfe or els getteth him selfe strypes and shame which shame maye neuer be wyped out For the wrath of gelousye and of the husband yf he haue tyme to reuenge wyll not be intreated he wyll not be persuaded with prayer yee though thou geuest him rewardes he wyll not receaue them This comparison doth euery man vnderstond For though a mās good be stolen yet yf it be restored him agayne without hurt he wilbe intreated for as much as it was done happelye thorow pouerte But yf a mā take his wife in aduoutry he will not be pa cified For it is a very beestly and wicked thing More ouer yf a man take a thefe with the de mayner yet hath he no power to auenge him sel fe to slaye y e thefe But yf a man fynde an ad uoutrer at the dede doyng he maye be auenged And though he do wound slea or kyll the aduoutrer the aduoutresse yet shal he not be punished for the death of them Out of all whiche wordes euery mā may planely vnderstōd what vyce is most greuous before god before all indifferent iudges Before these wordes also saieth Salomon Maye a man take fyre in his bosome and his clothes not be brent Or cā one go vpon whotecoles and his fete not be hurte ▪ euen so who so euer goeth into hys neyghbours wyfe and toucheth her can not remayne vndefi led Wherby he declareth furthermore the daunger and greatnesse of this vice threatenyng thē that thyncke lyke fooles to kepe theyr aduoutry secrete and that they shal neuer be taken and pu nysshed It seruethe to our purpose that thorowe aduoutry great enheritaunces are altered and the ryght heyres disher●…ted For oft tymes it fortuneth that an aduoutresse hath children by an ad uoutrer then must the sayd chyldren enherite all the substaunce of theyr pretenced father as lawfull chyldren which yet are vnlawfull wher by the father leseth his honour hys kynred hys body goodes His wyfe which is hys owne body hath the aduouterer defyled the vnlawfull childrē take y e goodes awaye If this be not great wrong and wyckednes then wote not I what a mā maye affirme to be vicious inough therfore though aduoutry be horrible both in men women yet in womē it is moost hurtfull detestable For besydes that the aduoutresse alter●…th the inheritaūce as I sayd before and with false pro mises shamefull disceate withdraweth stealeth it from the ryght heyres she ladeth fyrst her honest poore husbande wyth great shame great trauayle laboure sorowe and payne in that he ●…is fayne to bryng vp those aduouterous chyldrē which are not his awne Moreouer she dishonoureth her father her mother kynred Her chyldren euen those that are lawefull must be ashamed of her be doubted of in the worlde whether they be lawefully begotten or no. Th●…rfore whan they speake of theyr mother or heare her named they are abasshed and ashamed Aduoutresses also make theyr husbandes to be despised and of no reputacion although they be vertuous honest men They are the occasion that folkes come ofte togyther whyche are nye of kynred These suche lyke in numerable cōfusions shame hurte dishonoure fylthynesse folowe out of abhominable aduoutry I passe ouer nowe the murthers poysonynges 〈◊〉 māslaughters battayls warres that haue ensewed after aduoutrye destroyed both countreyes people This dyd the aunciēt noble men of olde pondre and considre therfore ryghteously of iust occasions appoynted they the punyshment of deathe for aduouterers Yet wyll we heare howe aduouterers excuse theyr owne vice pondre howe reasonably they go to worke They saye Though God haue for bydden aduoutry vnder the payne of deathe yet is the same punyshment not executed perfourmed or practised For in no place appearethe it that aduoutrers were put to death For Dauid was an aduoutrer yet receaued he no punyshment therfore yea the Lord Christ hymselfe dyd abrogate dissolue y ● punyshment of aduoutry for asmuche as he commaunded not the woman taken in aduoutry to be put to deathe but b●…d her go her waye For whan no man had condēned her he also let her go Ioan. viii To that I aunswere God in hys lawe hath once expressed howe he estemeth aduoutry and how he wyl haue it punyshed Nowe yf mē haue not done Gods cōmaundement accordinge to the same then is it neuer the better yet endureth the lawe of God vnmoueable and sure Neuerthelesse they of the olde tyme dyd punysh aduoutry wyth the payne of death as it is sufficiently proued afore oute of the stories The obiection therfore that aduouterers make is but vayne Nowe thoughe all sentēces iudgemētes y e haue bene executed and practised because of aduoutry stonde not in holye scripture it is no maruayle For the Byble is not a register of vnthriftes of suche as for theyr wyck●…dnes haue bene putte to execu●…ion Or is it not euident ynough vnto you howe it was lyke to haue gone wythe Susanna Dauid committed aduoutrye once in his lyfe which drewe hym also and brought him into great murther so that he caused not onely his faythfull seruaunt Uria but other noble mē lykewyse to be slayne Beholde what occasion aduoutry gyueth What cometh of it Trueth it is he was not stonned to deathe But what chaunsed vnto hym Euen as he had dishonoured another mannes chylde so sawe he shame vpon hys owne chyldren whyle he lyued that with great wretchednesse For Amnon defloured Thamar hys owne naturall syster And they both were Dauids chyldren Yea Absolom dyd miserably slaye Amnon his brother for cōmittyng that wyckednesse wyth his syster Tha mar Not longe after dyd the same Absalō driue his owne naturall father Dauid out of his Realme shamefully laye with his fathers wifes Wherevpon there followethe an horrible great slaughter in the whyche Absalom was slayne wyth many thousandes moo of the comon people Nowe lette euery man ponder w●…ll by hymselfe whether it be not a lesse thyng once to meddle and so to haue execuciō dye then to abyde the death of so many and that so longe wythe suche misery and sorowe Therfore was Dauid sorer punyshed than if he had bene but once stoned vn to deathe And lette euery man learne hereby that no mā can escape the hand of God althoughe the worlde laye no hande vpon hym God punysheth neuerthelesse yea that muche sorer whan he doth not here but differreth it into another worlde Wher as they make Christ y e Lorde a maynt●…yned of aduouterers it is playne and euident shame Christ neuer gauelibertye vnto synne For he sayth I am not come to breake the lawe but to fulfyl it Paule also sayth To the righte ous is ther no law giuen but vnto the vnrighte ous and disobedient to whoremongers to periure●… personnes to lyers and blasphemers
struccion to gette that frowardnes from them but godlye to deale wythe them for theyr owne wealth and honeste It chauncethe sometyme that the parē●…es thē selues deale not well neyther seake honesty and equite but only theyr owne inordinate affecciō and wyckednesse where as sometyme the chyldren are more reasonable and make obiecciō to theyr parentes comely and with good manner It fortuneth also many tymes that the parētes stycke styll to theyr owne frowardenes to theyr f●…lthy desyre of lucre and wyckednesse and go about to delyuer theyr chyldren forth in the bar gayue The chyldren therfore sometyme for as much as they are come past theyr year●…s beyng constrayned by suche violence do aduisedly and in honeste prouide for thē selues In suche a case verely ought not the hyer powers to suffer that such vnreasonable parentes as feare not God should haue theyr wylles For lyke as the inordinate affeccion of the chyldren is not to be permitted whan they wyll nedes haue suche parsonnes as be to theyr owne destruccion So can no equite alowe you O parentes that for your couetous lucre sake do set youre owne fleshe and bloud to morgage youre opinion is happely to make sure prouision for them but seyng youre enterprise commethe not of God neyther leaneth vnto honeste therfore do ye but sell them away Let euery mā therfore haue respecte to God to honeste and to the right consent so shall God suffer no man to miscary ¶ The eyght Chapter The occasiōs of wedlocke why wherfore it shulde be contracted ANd to y e intēt that the sayd consent maye yet the better be consydred I wyll yet fur thermore by the worde of God declare the occasions of maryage why and wherfore it was ordined to what purpose it shulde be con tracted that euery manne maye vnderstonde to what thynge he consenteth whan he graunteth vnto mariage The causes of mariage are orderly sette and expressed one aft●…●…other in the descripcion therof in the secon●… Chapter Fyrst of all they that are faythefull do marry to the intent that they maye brynge forth and haue chyldren togy ther. This cause is expressed and grounded in the wordes of God followynge And god made man vnto hys owne ymage in the ymage of god made he hym man and woman created he them And God blyssed thē sayd vnto them Growe and multiply and fyll the earth They therfore that are beleuers do marry to the intent y ● they maye haue chyldren They knowe well also that to be frutefull or barren cometh of God Ther fore do they●… knoweledge that they haue not the chyldren of them selues but of God And this cause is no small nor lyght thynge For to haue chyldren is the greatest treasure For in the chyl dren do the parentes lyue in a maner euē after theyr deathe And yf they be well and luckely brought vp god is honoured by them the publique weale is auaunced yea all men theyr paren tes also fare the better for them They are theyr parentes conforte nexte vnto God theyr ioye staffe and vpholdyng of theyr age The vnbeleuer regardeth not this cause but feareth he shall haue to many chyldren putteth not his trust in God wyll not giue hymselfe to laboure and therfore lacketh he the honour and good y e groweth out of thi●…te vnto the fayth full whose harte lust is set with hys mariage to please God and to plante brynge forth profitable frute vnto men yet happenethe it many tymes that euen they whiche feare God are dis apoynted of thys frute and that verely because that they not without the ordinaunce of God shulde haue no chyldren togyther whiche thynge the faythfull also doth paciently take at y e hande of God gyuynge hym thankes for that in troublouse tyme of famyn battayle persecuciō pestilence theyr crosse is so muche more thesyer to cary aswell as he to whō God gyueth chyldrē doth ernestly thāke hym for makyng hym frute full Of all this haue we a notable ensample in the thre holy Patriarches Abraham Isaac Ia cob whiche is more manifest vnto euery man than that we nede to speke further therof Ther fore thoughe thys cause fayle so that God wyll gyue the no chyldren yet is thy mariage righte in the syghte of God For there be other causes also for the whiche wedlocke was ordeyned and for the whiche it is contracted And namely it is contracted lykewyse of the faythfull to the entente that they maye auoyde whoredome and all maner of vnclennes Thys cause also doth Paule laye before the Corinthians in the fyrst Epistle the. vii Chapter sayth It is a quiet and commodious state for a man not to towche a woman But to auoyd whoredome let euery man haue a wyfe of hys owne euery woman her owne husband He sayth it is a quiet state of lyuyng for a man not to touche or lye w t a woman yea if God haue graunted hym gyuen him the gyfte that he may wel and without burnyng lyue chaste vnmaryed But if a man or woman maye not so do God hathe gyuen thē the medicine of maryage wyll not esteme the worcke therof as synne whoredome vnchastite or vnclennesse For he sayth playnely let euery mā haue his owne wife euery womā her owne husbond To be theyr propre owne or peculiar maketh y e mariage As for harlottes vnthriftes they are not perculiar propre or own one to another but borowed lent for a tyme. It foloweth yet more playnely in Paul how that he not onely vouch saueth the worke of wed locke to them that be maried but commaundeth also yee and taketh away the priuate power of either of them both therin sayeth clearly that nether of them maye denye vnto the other the dewe worke of matrymonye Let the husbande sayth he geue vnto the wife dewe beneuolence Likewise the wife vnto the husband And this with comelye wordes expresseth he the actuall worke of mariage which certayne of the Corinthians of a speciall chosen holynesse falfe fayned clenlynesse had vtterlye denyed vnto theyr maried spouses thinkyng therby to be very holy clene and spirituall But Paul cōmaundeth thē to mary the one to geue dewe beniuolence vnto the other no doubt for the auoydyng of whordōe eschuīg of vnclēnesse For it foloweth in Paul immediatly after The wyfe hath not power of hir awne bodye but the husbande Lykewyse the husband hath not power of hys awne body but the wife Wherby he forbyddethe that nether of thē shall denye his body vnto the tother For they two sayth the Lorde also are one bodye Hereof doubtlesse dyd the holy godly lerned bysshoppe take the same whyche he spake in the great coūsaile at Nicea where as he sayde that it is dennesse also a man to lye wyth his owne maried wife For Paule in the same chapter speakyng of wydowes wydowers saiethe that
lyke the mother sometyme they haue the condicious and similitude of you both And this God ordeyneth that the loue maye be the greater in marryage Nowe when thou wyfe doste loue those youre chyldren as thou shuldest bryngest them well vp arte diligent in lookyng to them and canst take payne wyth them then louest thou thy selfe in thy chyldren and geueste hym also an occasion to loue the better then he dyd so that wyth the payne trauayle that thou hast aboute the chyldren he is pacyfyed Lyke as it is in dede the dewetye of euery maried man not to be vnpaciente wythe his children or churlish to his wyfe which hath laboure and payne ynough all readye wyth the chyldren al though her husband were of a gentle nature and not doggishe And those wyfes whych beynge made frutefull of god do bring forth manye chyldren and haue all theyr dayes much greate payne trauay le laboure and disquietnesse wythe them maye not thynke as some do that they he more vnhay pye and infortunate then those are that haue no chyldren at al. They shulde rather consydre that to be frutefull is in gods true eternal wor de commended as a bl●…ssynge of god and that all such wyse and noble men as feared god haue euer estemed it for a singulare prosperyte honoure and welth Item that all holye famous wemen of the olde testament dyd mourne complayne and were ashamed of theyr vnfrutefullnesse Upō a tyme there came a famous womā to Rome to the noble Corne●…ia Grachi shewed her hir treasure as namelye hir precious Iewels rynges and cheynes of golde precyous stones and ornamentes and requyred Cornelia that she shoulde shewe her hyr Iewelles also Then that noble Cornelia brought forthe hyr chyldren shewed her them and sayde lo thys is my worthy and precious treasure that all my mynde standeth vnto yee the treasure that one ly reioyceth me and is to me dearer then all the Iewels vpon earth This dyd an Heithenish womā What shul dest thou thē do thou christē wife whiche ough test by ryght to know that god vseth y ● to greate honoure whā he causeth the to beare chyldren which afterward may serue him and the whole countre and maye come to be honeste folkes a perpetuall commendacion to the The holy scripture also saieth euidently that a wife is in the worke of God and seruethe hym whan she bringeth forth chyldren and gydeth them well Therfore what so euer she there in dothe and suffreth she must gladlye do it and suffre it for gods sake put her trust in god that he whiche puttethe her to the payn and laboure can also shew her both comforte and helpe yee she may not doubte but be certayned at goddes hand y e what soeuer she faythfully and obedientlye suffereth and doth with the childrē in mariage it is no lesse good worke in the sight of god then all mes geuyng prayer or mortifieng of the bodye For that is hir crosse which the lord hath layed vpon her to beare Paul sayeth also i. Timoth ii The woman brought transgression into the worlde but she shall recouer her honoure agayne by bearyng of chrildren yf she contynue in y e fayth in godly loue in the sanctifieng and in nourtoure This shulde Christē wiues remem bre in all their crosse and to be glad wyllynge of a good courage therin And who hath shewed the O woman all the grefes anguysshes 〈◊〉 troubles all the paynes and miseries that those wyfes haue which bring forth no chyldrē It maye chaunce that they haue more myserye and payne in another sort then thou hast w t thy children And that happely they haue here rest good dayes and yet fynne therin wythe pryde deyntynesse voluptuousnes wantonnesse ydel nesse nycenesse such infirmities so that here vpon earth they get lytle honoure and worshyp therof must haue eternal payne in the world to come This I say agaynst froward wicked wifes and not agaynst those that would be glad to take any payne laboure so that they might haue chyldren and to lyue mekely vertuouslye and honestlye The wemen also whiche are maried vnto such men as haue had children by their former wyues must be ernestly exhorted to shew them selues vnto those motherles chyldren no steppe●… mothers frēdshyppe but a ryght motherly faith ful kyndnesse Haue cōpassiō oh Christēwomā vpō those yong innocēt orphās whyche knowe not ner haue any cōforte ner helpe vpon earthe saue only the. Consydre that god the lorde hathe ordeyned the in steade of theyre owne mother to be vnto thē a right true mother requyre the the to loue thē to do them good Wo vnto the yf thou do the poore motherles chyldren harme Remēbre that they are thyne owne husbandes naturall flessh bloude that it is an vnnaturall thing to hate them whych on thy husbands behalf pertayne partlye to thyne owne bodye are thyne owne thynke vpō the worde of truth With what measure ye meate wythe the same shal it be measured to you agayne What a great grefe wold it be to thine hert yf thou knewest now that thine owne childrē whō thou bareste ī thy body shulde after thy death haue a step mo ther whiche wold be rough and churlyshe vnto thē Doutles those chyldrens mothers that deed is had in hir deth no lesse care for hir childrē Therfore as thou woldest haue thine owne children intreated yf thou shouldeste now dy so deale thou also with thē that were hers thy hus bandes tegether Or els loke verelye to haue of god the same measure that thou hast gyuen Be sure also that god will not heare the whā thou prayest thy Pater noster for as muche as thou wylte not heare the poore Orphans that cry vn to the. O dere mother This I saye because expe rience lea●…eth that by the reason of steppe chyl dren the loue matrimoniall is not onely ●…inyshed but euen vtterly excluded Neyther gendreth it vnite whan a man intendynge to commend his fyrst wyfe doth it ether out of mesure or els fyrst of all whan he fyndeth faulte in hys newe wyfe For such prayse doth she cō●…ter to be made to her dishonoure a●…d shame Namely that her husbande in commendyng hys fyrst wyfe dothe it to her reproche I speake not this to the int●…nt that a maryed man shulde speake euell of hys ho nest wyfe whiche is departed but that euery mā which is nowe maryed agayne maye commend hys former wyfe in due season and wythe measure yea in suche a sorte that hys present newe wy fe haue none occasion to thyncke that it is done to her disprayse Eyghtly The loue matrimonial is excellētly well kepte and increaced thorowe nurtoure clen lynesse trouthe and faythe yf they be stedfastly obserued togyther Let the husband content hym only wyth hys wyfe and so order hymselfe with wordes manners and gestures that the wyfe maye perceaue that he