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A16580 Godlie meditations vpon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes with other comfortable meditations, praiers and exercises. Whereunto is annexed a defence of the doctrine of gods eternall election and predestination, gathered by the constant martyr of God Iohn Bradford in the tyme of his imprisonment. The contentes wherof appeare in the page nexte folovvyng.; Godlie meditations upon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1562 (1562) STC 3484; ESTC S118261 91,610 260

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MEDITATION OF GODES power beutie goodnes c. BEcause thou lord woldst haue vs to loue thee not only doest thou will entice allure and prouoke vs but also doest commaunde vs so to do promising thy self vnto such as loue thee and threaning vs w t damp nation if we do otherwise whereby we may se both our great corruptiō noughtines also thine exceding great mercy towards vs. First concerning oure corruption and noughtines what a thing is it that power riches authoritie beutye goodnes liberalitie truth Iustice which all thou art good lorde cannot moue vs to loue thee whatsoeuer thinges we see faier good wise mighty are but euē sparkles of that power beutie goodnes wisedome which y u art For to the end y u mightest declare thy riches beutye power wisdome goodnes c y u hast not only made but stil dost coserue al creatures to be as Dauid saith of y e beauens declarers setters forth of thy glory and as a booke to teache vs to knowe thee How faier thou art the beutie of the sonne mone starres light flowers riuers fieldes hilles byrdes beastes men al creatures yea the goodly shape forme of the whole world doth declare How mightye y u art we are taught by the creation of this world euen of nought by gouerning the same by punishinge the wicked mightie gyaunts therof by ouerthrowing their deuises by repressinge the rages of the sea within her boundes by stormes by tempests by fiers these such like declare vnto vs thine inuisible almightie and terrible power wherby thou subduest all things vnto thee Howe riche thou arte thys world thy great infinite treasure house doth wel declare What plentie is there not only of things but also of euery kinde of thinges Yea how doest thou yearely daily multiply these kindes How many seeds dost thou make of one sede yea what greate increase doest thou bringe it vnto These cannot but put vs in remembrance of the exceding riches that thou haste For if to thine enemies which loue thee not as y ● most parte in this worlde be yf to them thou geuest so plentifully thy riches here what shal we thinke that with thy selfe thou haste laide vp for thy frendes How good thou art al creatures generally and perticulerly do teache What creature is there in y ● world which thou hast not made for our commoditie I will not say how that y u mightest haue made vs creatures without sense or reasō if thou haddest wold But amongest al thinges none doth teach vs so thy great loue towards vs as doth the death of thy most derely beloued sōne who suffered the paines ●errours therof yea of bell it self for our sakes If this thy loue had bene but a smalle loue it would neuer haue lasted so long nor Christ should neuer haue died A MEDITATION OF DEATH and the commodities it bringeth WHat other thing do we daily in this presēt life then heau sinne to sinne hourd vp trespasse vpon trespasse so y ● this day is worse alwaies then yesterdaye by encreasing as dais so sinnes therfore thy indignatiō good lord agaist vs but whē we shalbe let go out of the prisē of y t body so taken into thy blessed cōpany then shal we be in most safe tie of immortality saluation then shal come vnto vs no sicknes no nede no paine no kind of euil to soule or body but whatsoeuer good we can wishe y ● shall we haue what so euer we loth shalbe far frō vs. O dere father y ● we had faith to be hold these things accordingly Oh y ● our harts were persuaded therof eure affections enflamed w c the desyre of them Then shuld we lyue in longing for y ● which now we most loth Oh help vs graunt y ● we being ignorant of things to come of y ● time of oure death which to thee is certain may so liue finishe our iorney here y ● we may be ready and then depart wht̄ our departīg may make most to thy glory our cōfort through christ What is this life but a smoke a vapour a shadow a warfar a bubble of water a word grasse a flower Thou shalt die is most certaine but of the time no man cā tel whē The longer in this life y u doest remaine the more y u sinnest which will turne to thy more paine By cogitation of death our minds be often in maner oppressed w t darknes because we do but remēber the night of y e body forgetting y e light of the mind of the resurrectiō Therto remēber y e good thīgs that after this life shal ensue withoute wauering in certainty of faith so shal y e passage of death be more desired It is like a sailing ouer y e sea to thy home coūtry it is like a medicine or purgatiō to y e helth of soule body It is y e best phicisiō It is like to a womās trauaile for as y e child being deliuered cometh into a more large place then the wombe wherin it did lie before so thy soule being deliuered out of the body commeth into a muche more large and faier place euen into heauen A GODLYE MEDITATION vpon the passion of our sauour Iesus Christ OH lord Iesus Christ the sonue of the euerliuing and almightye god by whom al thinges were made and be ruled and gouerned thou the liuely Image of y e substance of the father the eternal wisedome of god the brightnesse of hys glory god of god light of light coequall coeternall and consubstantial with the father thou of y ● loue thou haddest to mankinde that when he was fallen from the felowshippe of god into the societie of Sathan and all euill didst vouchsalfe for our redemption to become a mediatour betwene god and man takinge to the godhead our nature as concerninge the substaunce of it and so becamest man also the heire of all and moste mercifull Messias which by the power of thy godhead and merites of thy manhode haste made purgation of oure sinnes euen by thyne owne selfe whilest thou wast here on earth being now set on the right hande of thy father for vs euen concerning our nature in maiestie glory power infinite I besech and humblye pray thy mercy to graunt me at this present to reherse some of thy passions and sufferinges for me the laste night y u wast here before thy death that thy good spirit might therby be effecttuall to worke in me faith as well of the pardone of my sinnes by them as mortification of mine affections comfort in my crosses and pacience in afflictions Amen In the middeste of thy laste supper with thy deare Apostles these things cold not but be before thee namely that they all wold leaue thee the most earnest would for swere thee one of the xii shuld most traitorously betraye thee which were noe
small crosses vnto thee Iudas was admonished of thee to beware but when he toke no heed but wilfully went out to finishe his worke contēning thy admonition counsel he could not but vere thy most louing hart After supper there was contention amongs thy disciples who shuld be greatest after thee yet dreaming carnally of thee and thy kingdome hauing this affection of pride ambition busy amongs them notwithstanding thy diligence in reprouing and teaching them After thy admoniciō to them of the crosse y ● wold come therby to make them more vigilant so grosse were they y ● they thought they could with their .ii. swerds put away al pertis which was no litle greife vnto thee After thy comīg to Gethsemane heuines oppressed thee therfore thou woldest thy disciples to pray y u didst tel to peter and his felows that thy hart was heauy to death y u didst wil them to pray being careful for them also least they shuld fal into tentation After this y u wentest a stones cast frō them didst pray thy self falling flat grouelīg vpō y e earth but alas y ● feltst no cōfort therfore y u camest to thy disciples whiche of all others wer most swete dere vnto thee but lo to thy further discomforte they passe nether of thy perils nor of their owne therfore slepe a pace After y ● hadst awaked them y u goest again to pray but y u foūdest no cōfort at al therfore didst returne again for some cōfort at thy derest frēds hāds But yet again alas they are fast a slepe whervpō y u art inforced to goe again to thy heauēly father for some sparcle of cōfort in these thy wonderfull crosses agonies Now here y u wast so discouraged so cōfortlesse that euē streames of bloud came running frō thine eies cares other partes of thy body But who is able to expresse y e infinitnes of thy crosses euē at thy being in y ● garden al which y ● sufferdest for my sake aswell to satisfy thi fathers wrath for my sines as also to sanctifie all my sufferings the more gladelye to bee sustayned of me After thy bloudye praier thou camest and yet agayne foundeste thy disciples a sleepe and before y u canst wel awake thē lo● Iudas cometh w t a great band of mē to apprehēd thee a these so doth leading thee away bound to the high Bysshopps house Annas and so frō him to Caiaphas Here now to augment this thy myserie beholde thy Disciples fle from thee false witnesses be broughte against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemie Peter euē in thy sight forswereth thee thou arte vniustly stricken for answering lawfully thou art blindfelde stricken buffeted all the whole nighte in the Bysshoppe Caiaphas house of their cruell seruants In the morning by times thou art condempned againe of the prestes of blasphemie and therfore they bring thee before y ● secular power to Pilate by whō y u art openly arrayned as other theues and malefauoures were when he sawe that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not desmysse thee but dyd sende thee to Herode where thou was derided shamefully in comminge and goeinge to and from hym all the waye wonderfully especially after Herod had apparelled thee as a foole Afore pilate againe therfore thou wast brought and accused falsly no man did take thy parte or speake a good worde for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped scourged and to be handeled most pitifully to see if any pitie might appeare with the prelates but no māat al pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee al the people head taile was against thee cried hange thee vp vniustly to death wast thou iudged y u wast crowned with thornes that pearced thi braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled re●aited beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen the mount of Caluarie A great crosse to bange thee on was laid vpon thy backe to beare and drawe as longe as thou wast able Thy bodye was racked to be nayled to the tree thy hands were bored thorow thy fete also nailes were put thorow them to fasten thee ther on thou wast hanged betwene heauen and earth as one spewed out of heauen vomited oute of the earth vnworthy of any place y ● high priest laughed thee to sckorne the elders blasphemed thee and saied god hath no care for thee the common people laught and cried out vpō thee thrist oppressed thee but vinegre onelye and gal was giuē to thee to drinke heauen shined not on thee the sonne gaue thee no light the earth was afraied to beare thee Sathan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to crie out my god my god why hast thou forsakē me Oh wonderful passions which y u sufferedst In them y u teachest me in thē thou comfortest me for by them god is my father my sinnes are forgeuen by thē I shuld learne to feare god to loue god to hope ī god to hate sinne to be patient to cal vpon god neuer to leaue him for any tentatiōs but with thee stil to crye father in to thy hands I cōmende my spirit A CONFESSION OF SINNES and praier for the mitigation of goddes wrath and punishment for the same O Almightie god king of al kings gouerner of all things whose power no creature is able to resiste to whom it belongeth iustly to to punishe sinners and to be merciful vnto them that truly repent we confesse that thou doest most iustely punishe vs for we haue greuouslye sinned against thee and we acknowledge that in punishinge vs y u doest declare thy selfe to be our most mercifull father aswell because y u doeste not punishe vs in any thinge as we haue deserued as also because by punishing vs thou doest call vs and as it were drawe vs to increase in repentance in faith in praier in contemning of the world and in hartie desiring for euerlasting life and thy blessed presence Graunt vs therfore gratious lord thankfully to acknowledge thy great mercye which haste thus fauorably dealt with vs in punishing vs not to our confusion but to our amendment And seing thou hast sworne that y u wilt not the death of a sinner but that he turne lyue haue mercie vppon vs and turne vs vnto thee for thi derely beloued sōne Iesus christs sake whō thou wouldest should be made a slaine sacrifice for our sinnes therby declaring thy great and vnspeakable anger agaist sinne thine infinite mercy to wardes vs sinfull wretches And for as muche as the dulnes of our harts blindnes and corruption is such that we are not able to arise vp vnto thee by faithful harty praier acording to our great necessity without thy singuler grace and assistance graūt vnto vs gratious lord thy holye and sanctif●inge spirite to worke in vs
my bodye by this corporall helth by this light by this my hearinge seinge feelinge memorye vnderstandinge time place companye creatures and benefites aswell in keping innumerable euils from me bothe in soule and bodye which ells could not but come to me as also in gyuinge to me presently so manye thinges as w tout thy especiall grace working I neuer could haue had or presently could kepe them In thy creatures I see not thy power for I feare the not I see not thy presence for I reuerence thee not I see not thy wisdome for I adore the not I see not thy mercy for I loue the not I praise the not but in lipps tonge and therfore in that al thy creatures doe teache me crie out vpon me to be thankefull to the to loue feare serue thee and trust in the and that cōtinually in that I doe not so they cannot but crie out vpon me and against me in thy sight in the day of Iudgement wyll weapon themselues against me Oh that I did nowe consider this Oh that my blinde eyes my deafe eares were opened oh that my miserable and folyshe harte were made wyse and conuerted This onelye thou canste doe whyche haste all mennes heartes in thy handes to bowe ▪ them as pleaseth the bowe my hearte good Lorde into thy testymonyes open my eyes make me to here for thi mercies sake that I maye beleue and so loue the be thankefull to thee amende in all things and serue the though not as thy deare seruantes doe yet at the least as other brute creatures doe that is to obey the and to be profitable to others Now for asmuch as my sinnes let this and all good thinges from me I besech the pardon me al my sinnes accordinge to thy gracious promyse for our lord Iesus Christ sake Amē I beleue in Iesus Christe hys onelye sonne c. THy seruantes O Christe Iesu and people doe know by faith that as thou art almighty and god wyth the father by whom all things were made and are ruled for thou art god eternall coequall and consubstanciall with the father and the holy ghost so thou art man and haste taken oure nature vpon thee by the operation of the holy ghost in the wombe of the virgin mary and arte become the blessed sede whiche hast brused y ● serpēts head the blessed sede in whō all nations are blessed the prophet whom Moises dyde prophecpe of the samplare he sawe in the mount the truth and body of al the types figures and shadowes of the olde lawe the Messias Christ and sauiour of thy people the aduocat and redemer the pacifier of gods wrath for sinnes the opener of heanen and geuer of euerlasting life This they knowe thou broughtest to passe in thy humane nature by thy incarnation and natiuitye by thy beinge here on earth by thy lyning teaching fastinge praieng especially by thy suffering vnder Pontius Pilate by thy death buriall resurrection ascension vnto the heauens and raygning on the righte hand of the father from whence thou shalte come to iudge bothe the quicke the dead and as they knowe this so by faithe they applye it also to themselues that for their sake thou waste made man didest praye faste wast tempted didest die rosest againe diddest ascend into heauen and there art set their aduocate bishoppe and high prieste alwaies appearinge in gods sighte for them from whence they looke for thee knowige that 〈◊〉 wilt not enter into iudgement with them to damne them which wouldest damne thy selfe for them By this faith they felt these affections in them selues namely the batred of sinne the feare of god the loue of god trust in thee and loue to thy church The hatred of sinne thei felt because it is so foule a thīg as wold not be washed away with any other thing then with thy preciouse bloud shedinge the feare of god because his anger is so greate against sinne that no lesse pryce coulde pacifie his wrath then thy most painful death the loue of god because he hathe so loued them that he would not spare thee his deare sonne for them euer whā they were his enemyes trust in thee because thou haddest no respect to thy selfe but most willingly didest geue thy self wholly to be our sauiour and seruant loue to thy people and church because generally particularly in euery mēber of the same they see howe deare they are to thee and therefore they can not but be so to them Oh howe doe they imitate and folowe thy foote steppes how doe they reioyce when they are in anye thinge by afflection made lyke to thee Oh howe doe they lament their sinnes ingratitude vnbeliefe loue thee and wholly yelde themselues vnto thee where as I o graciouse god deare sauiour Iesus Christ though I saie I beleue in thee which was conceyued by the holy ghost yet alas I doe but bable this for nothinge is ells in me but vnbeliefe Of thy power loue of thine anger mercy I haue but an opinion as my insensiblenes and vnthankfulnes doth declare If a man should shewe me frendship but in a trifle or suffer anye thinge at all for me I could not but be thāfull and thou besides my creation hast redemed me and brought me into the number of gods childrē then which thinge nothinge is greater and loe I am vnthankfull Thou hast suffred much for me frō heauen thou cammest into earthe to fetch me into heauen but I regarde it not Thou barest my sinnes on thy back suffering a most bitter death but I am so farre from thankefulnes that I stil more and more loth the. Thou woldest enter into a cōmuniō w t me taking my nature vnto thee cōcerning the substance thereof that I might enter into a cōmnuiō with thee cōcerning the qualities wher ▪ in thy self thou hast endued it but I consider it not Thou diddest die to delyuer me from death but I still more and more geu● thee cause to die so ingrate ful am I. Thou diddest arise to iustifye me but I with the Iewes wold stil kept thee down because I wold not leaue my wickednes Thou ascendedst to heauen to take possession for me there to be alwaies in the syght of thy father for me to send me downe giftes to praye for me but I daielye am pullinge the● downe againe as muche as in me ●ieth I am altogether earthly I hide my self out of thy sight by forgettīg thee I reiecte and abuse thy gifts I neglecte praier Thou art nowe in a redynesse to come to iudge hoth quick and dead but I tremble not at this geare nor beseche thee before thou come to be merciful vnto me not to enter into iudgement with me yea I thinke nothing at al of thy comming mali●ō cogitant iudicium the wicked consyder not the ende they thinke not on thy iudgement Thou woldst bring me to thy father y ● I might find grace but I put this of
therfor am worthi to fele thee a iudge w t refuse to fele thee a sauior Now y ● cause of al these things is vnbeliefe the which though it be naturall by reason of the corruption of our nature pet I haue augmented the same maliciously in not laborīg there against and continuing in al synnes and wickednesse by reason whereof I deserue most iustelye thy anger therevpon euen reiection frō thy face for euer Longe hast thou mourned euen w t displeasure anger the incredulity of my heart calling me there from and offering me thy grace which I haue neglected and reiected and therfore am neuer worthi to haue it any more offered vnto me muche more then I am vnworthy to haue grace gyuen me to receiue thy mercy Alas what shall I doe shall I dispraier or as long as I can kepe me vnmindfull of my mysery o sauiour Christ Iesu wilt not thou be mercifull vnto me thou diddest die for me when I deserued it not and nowe is thy mercye shortned wilt not thou geue me thy grace and take frō my hart this horrible vnbeliefe Shall I neuer loue the shall I neuer hath sinne shall I neuer as w t my mouth I say I beleue in Iesus Christ so in hart say the same shall Sathan possesst me for euer o christe Iesus whiche hast led captiuitie captiue what wilt not thou helpe me thoughe I desyre it not as I shuld yet giue me to desyre whan thou wilt Thou diddest appeare to destroye the worke of the deuil thou seest his worke in me good christ destroy his worke but not thy worke saue me for thy great mercies sake Geue me to beleue in thee in thy death resurrection ascension pardone me my sinnes and mortifye now in me my corrupt affections reyse me vp and iustify me regenerat me daily more and more geue me faith of immortalitie resurrectiō of this body geue me faith to ascend into heauen and to be certaine that thou hast already taken possessiō for me there Geue me to loke for thy comming and to be ready in thy cōming to find mercy to euerlasting life c. I beleue in the holy ghost c. O Holy spirite the third person in trinity whiche diddest descend vpon Christ our sauiour in hys baptisme in the likenes of a doue thy children know that with the father and the sonne thou madest and rulest all creatures visible and inuisyble they know thee in their redemption to be no lesse willing louinge then the father and the sonne for y ● diddest alwaies declare Christ to be the sonne of god gauest testimony in wardly in the harts of thy elect to beleue and embrace the same outwardely by miracles and wonders they know thee to be the comforter and gouernour whom Christe dyd promise in his corporal absēce shuld teach rule kepe comforte and gouerne his church and people Againe as in the former parte of their beleife they cōsider the works of creatyon and redemption so in thys parte they consyder the place where the same is moste effectuall taketh place euen thy holy churche which is catholick that is extēding it selfe to all times to all places to all kinds of people For in this church only they know that as all things were made so the worke of redemption was taken in hand that y ● blessed trinitye mightest in this church be praysed magnified serued worshipped for euer This church is nothinge ells but a communion and societie of saintes that is not onelye a societye of all such as be haue been or shal be thy people but also a societye or partaking of Christe Iesus whiche is the head of the same yea by him of thee oh blessed father which art y ● head of Christ and of thee oh holy ghost whiche nowe shadowest and sittest vpon the same to hatch and cherishe it as the hen her chekins by the extending of thy winges not onely to defende them frō their enemies but also to couer their sinnes and to remitte them in this life beginning also here the resurrection of the fleshe and euerlasting life the which thou wilt in the ende of the world consūmate so that they shall not nede to be couered for sinne for then shall they be pure and haue gtoriouse bodies immortall and spirituall the which shal haue the fruition of eternal ieye life euerlasting and glory suche as the eye hathe not sene the eare hath heard nor the hart of man can conceiue For then christ Iesus shall geue vp his kingedome to god the father that god may be al in all concerning the gouernaunce of it by the ministration of his word and other meanes wherby now he gouerneth it that it maye be his fathers kingdome we beig become like vnto him that is as to the manhod of Christ the godhead is vnited and is al in al without any other meanes euen so god shalbe in vs assuminge then not only in the person of christ the humaine nature but also al the humaine nature of his church which be members of Christ the wicked reprobate being separate then from this cōmunion cast into eternall perditiō with Sathan antichrist there to be in tormentes and horrour for euer By reason of this their faith they are thankfull to the o holye spirite whiche hast taught them this gyuen them to beleue it By reason of this faith they singularly praye loue helpe thy church here militāt labour to be holy 〈◊〉 By reason of this faith they cōfesse them selues sinners they desire and beleue pardone of their sinnes they are rysen and ryse daily concerning the inwards man and doe feele the life eternall begone in them more more laboringe praying wishings and desyringe for the same whollye and perfectly Where as oh lorde god and most graciouse holy spirit thou knowest that it is otherwise w t me I doe but bable w t my lippes in saying I beleue in the holy ghost for I am vnthankful for calling me into thy church I doe not liue holely I confesse not I lament not my sinnes I pray not for remission of them I stand in doubte thereof as I fele not my selfe rysen from a sinnefull life as I should be or as I fele not life begone in me as it is in thy deare children so doe I doubt herof whether I haue pardon of my sinnes whether I am regenerate whether I fele truly euerlasting life the which thinge doth most displease thee and yet w t my tonge I saye I beleue in the holye ghost Oh I besech thee good holy spirit for thy loue sake which moued the to agree and be willinge to patifye and open thy goodnes not only in the worke of creation for thou dyddest lye vpon the waters and as the benne her chickins dyddest as it were hatche the worke of creatiō but also in the worke of redemption and therefore diddest descend and abide not onely vpon Christ in his baptisme but
therfore to thee dere father I come through thy sonne our lord mediatour and aduocate Iesus christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for me praye thee of thy great goodnes mercye in christ to be merciful vnto me that I may feele in dede thy swete mercy as thy childe The time oh deare father I appoint not but I pray thee that I may w t hope stil expect loke for thy help I hope that as for a litle while y u hast left me thou wilt come and visite me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue nede by reason of my great miserie Thou arte wont for a litle season in thine anger to hyde thy face from them whom thou louest but suerly o● redemer in eternal mercies y u wilt shewe thy compassions For when thou leauest vs oh lord y u doest not leaue vs very long neither doest y u leaue vs to our losse but to our lucre aduantage euē that thy holy spirit with bigger porcion of thy power vertue maye lighten and cheare vs that y ● want of feeling to our sorow maye be recompenced plentifully with the liuely sense of hauīg thee to our eternal Ioy and therfore thou swarest that in thine euerlastīg mercy thou wilt haue cōpassiō on vs. Of which thīg to thende we might be most assured thin o●he is to be marked for y u saist as I haue sworne y ● I will not bring any more the waters to drowne the world so haue I sworne y ● I wil neuer more be angry with thee nor reproue thee The moūtains shal remoue y ● hils shal fal downe but my louing kindnes shall not moue y ● bond of my peace shal not faile thee thus saiest y u y ● lord our merciful redemer Dere father therfor I pray thee remēber euē for thine owne trueth mercies sake this promise euerlasting couenāt w t in thy good time I thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to be the only true god and Iesus Christe whom thou haste sent that I maye loue thee with all my harte for euer y t I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may be holy in thi sight through Christ that I may always not only striue against sinne but also ouercome the same daily more and more as thy children doe aboue all thinges desiringe the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doyng of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c through Iesus Christ our redemer mediatour aduocate Amen AN OTHER PRAIER FOR remission of sinnes O Gracious god which sekest all meanes possible how to bring thy children into the feeling and sure sense of thy mercy therfore whē prosperitie will not serue then sendeste thou aduersitie graciouslye correcting them here whō y ● wilt shal with thee ells where lyue for euer we poore misers geue humble praises and thankes vnto thee deare father that thou hast vouched vs worthy of thy correction at this present hereby to worke that whiche we in prosperity liberty did neglect For the which neglecting and manye other our greuous sinnes wherof we nowe accuse oure selues before thee most mercifull lorde thou mightest most iustely haue geuen vs ouer and destroied vs bothe in soules and bodies But suche is thy goodnes towardes vs in Christe that thou semest to forget all our offences and as though we were farre otherwise then we be in deed thou wilte that we shuld suffer this crosse now laied vpon vs for thy trueth and gospelles sake and so be thy witnesses wyth the prophets apostles martyrs and confessours yea with thy dearly beloued sonne Iesus Christe to whō thou doest now here beginne to fashion vs like that in his glorye we may be like him also Oh good god what are we on whō thou shouldest she we this great mercy Oh louing lorde forgiue vs oure vnthankfullnes sinnes Oh faithfull father geue vs thyne holy spirit now to crie in our harts Abba dere father to assure vs of our eternal elections in Christ to reueile more more thi trueth vnto vs to cōfirme strengthen and stablishe vs so in the same that we may liue and die in it as vessells of thy mercy to thy glory and to the comoditie of thy churche Indue vs with the spirit of thy wisdome that with good conscience we maye alwaies so answere y ● enemies in thy cause as maye turne to their conuersion or confusion and our vnspeakable consolatiō in Iesꝰ christ for whose sake we besech thee hence forth to kepe vs to geue vs paciēce and to will none otherwise for delyneraunce or mitigation of our miserye then maye stande alwaye wyth thy good pleasure and mercyful wil towardes vs. Graunt this deare father not onely to vs in this place but also to all other ells where afflicted for thy names sake through the death and merites of Iesus Christ our lord Amē A PRAIER FOR DELIVERANCE from sinne and to be restored to goddes grace and fauour againé OH almightie and euer lasting lord god which hast made heauen earth c oh incōprebensible vnitie oh alwaies to be worshipped most blessed Trinitie I humbly beseth thee and pray thee by the assumption crucifyed humanitie of our lord Iesus Christe that thou wouldest enclyne and bowe downe the great depth of thy deitie to the botomeles pitte of my vilitie driue frō me al kynde of vice wickednes and synne and make in me a newe and cleane harte and renewe in me a right spirit for thy holy names sake Oh lord Iesu I besech thy goodnes for y ● excedig great loue which drew thee out of thy fathers bosome into the wombe of the holye virgin and for the assumptiō of mānes nature wherin it pleased thee to saue me to deliuer me from eternall death I besech thee I say that thou woldest drawe me out of my selfe into thee my lorde god and graunte this thy loue maye recouer againe to me thy grace to increase and make perfecte in me that which is wantinge to raise vp in me that which is fallen to restore to me that whiche I haue lost to quicken in me that whiche is dead shuld liue that so I may be come conformable vnto thee in all my life and conuersation thou dwelling in me and I in thee my hart being soupled with thy grace settled in thy faith for euer Oh y u my god lose set at libertie my spirit from al inferriour things gouerne my soule so worke that both in soule and body I may be holy and lyue to thy glory world with out ende Amen A PRAIER FOR THE OBTAIning of faith O Mercifull god and dere father of our lord sauiour Iesus christ In whom as thou art wel pleased so hast thou commaunded vs to heare him for as muche as he often biddeth vs to aske of thee and therto promiseth that thou wilt