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A68633 An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words, and termes of the lawes of this realme, newly set foorth and augmented, both in french and English, for the helpe of such younge students as are desirous to attaine the knowledge of ye same. Whereunto are also added the olde Tenures; Expositiones terminorum legum Anglorum. English and Law French Rastell, John, d. 1536.; Rastell, William, 1508?-1565. 1579 (1579) STC 20706.5; ESTC S115758 196,680 894

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I. S. by his wil all hys lands and tenementes here not onely all those landes y ● he hath in poss doe passe but also those that he hath the reuersion of by vertue of these wordes tenements ▪ 〈…〉 ●e deui●ed to a man to haue to him for euermore or to haue to hī his assignes in these ii cases y e deuisée shal haue a fée s●ple But if it be geuen by feoffement in such maner hée hath but an estate for terme of life Also if a man deuyse his land to an other to giue sel or doe therwith at his pleasure or wyll this is fée simple A deuise made to one to his heires males doth make an estate taile but if such words be put in a déede of feoffement it shalbée taken in fée simple because it doth it doth not appere of what bodye the heires males shal be begotten If lands be gyuen by déede to I. S. and to the heires males of his body c. whoe hath issue a daughter whoe hath issue a sonne and dieth there the land shall returne to the donour and the sonne of the daughter shall not haue it because hée cannot conuey himself by heires males for his mother is a let thereto But otherwise it is of such a deuise for there y e son of y e daughter shall haue it rather thē y ● wil shal be voyd If one deuise to an infant in his mothers belly it is a good deuise otherwyse it is by feoffement graunt or gift for in those cases there ought to be one of hability to take presently or otherwise it is voide A deuise made in fee simple without expresse wordes of heires is good in fee simple But if a deuise be to I. N. hée shall haue the land but for terme of life for those words wil cary noe gerater estate If one wil y ● his sonne I. shal haue his land after the death of his wife here the wife of the deuisour shal haue the lande first for terme of her life Soe likewise if a man deuise his goodes to his wife and that after the decease of his wife his sonne and heire shal haue the house where y ● goods are there the sonne shal not haue the house during the life of the wife for it doth appere y ● his intēt was that his wife should haue the house also for terme of her lyfe notwithstandīg it were not deuised to her by expresse words If a deuise be to I. N. and to y ● heires females of his body begotten after the deuisée hath issue a sonne and a daughter and dieth here y e daughter shal haue the land not the sonne yet he is the most worthy persō and heire to his father but because the wyll of the dead is that the daughter should haue itlawe and conscience wil so also And herein the very hethens were precyse as appereth by these verses of Octauius Augustus whych Donatus reporteth he made after that Uirgil at hys death gaue commaundement that hys bookes shoulde bée burnt béecause they were vnperfite and yet some perswaded that they shoulde bée saued as in deede they very happely were to whom hée aūswered thus But faith of lawes must nedes be kept and what last wil doth say what it doth cōmaūd be done y ● néedes we must obey Discent DIscent is in ij sorts eyther linial or collateral Linial discent is whē the discent is conueied in y ● same line of the whole bloode as Grandfather father sonne sonns sōne so downwarde Collateral discent is out in an other braunch from aboue of y ● who le bloode as the graund fathers bro. fathers brother soe downewarde Disclaimer DIsclaimer is where the Lorde dystraineth his tenaunt and hée sueth a repleuin the lord auoweth the takinge by reason that he holdeth of him if the tenaunt say that hée dysclaimeth to holde of him this is called a dysclaimer and if y ● lorde thereuppon bringe a writ of right sur dysclaimer it be founde against the tenant he shal lose the land Tithes TIthes are in thrée sortes deuyded to wit Preiudicial tithes Parsonal tythes and Mixt tithes Predial tithes are tithes that bée payed of thinges that come of the groūd onely as Corne Haye fruits of Trées such like Parsonal tythes are tithes that bee payed of such profits as come by the labour and industrie of a mans person as by buyinge sellinge gaines of marchandise and of handicraftes men laborers and such as woorke for hyer as Carpenters Masons and such like Myxt tythes are the tithes of Calues Lambs Pigges and such lyke that encrease partlye of the grounde that they be fedde vppon and partlie Disseisin vppon disseisin DIsseisin vppon disseysin is when the disseisor is disseised by an other Disseisor and disseisee DIsseysoure ▪ is hée which putteth anye manne out of his lande without order of y ● lawe disseisee is hée that is so put out Distresse DIstresse is the thinge which is taken dystrayned vpon any lande for rent beehinde or other duty or for hurt don although that the propertie of the thinge béelongeth to a straunger but if they be beasts that belong to a stranger it behoueth that they bée leuant and couchant vppon the same ground y ● is to say that the beasts haue ben vpon y ● ground by certaine space y ● they haue themselfe well rested there or els they bée not distrainable And if one distraine for rent or other thynge without cause lawfull then the party gréeued shall haue a repleuin vppon suertie found to pursue his accion and shal haue y ● distresse to hym deliuered againe But there bée diuers thinges which bée not distrainable y ● is to say an other mans gowne in the house of a tayler or cloth in the house of a fuller sheremā or weyuer for that that they be commen artificers and that the cōmon presūption is that such thinges belong not to the artificer but to other persons which put them there to be wrought Also vitaile is not distrainable nor corne in sheues but if they be in a carte for that that a distresse ought to bée alway of such thynges wherof the sherife may make Repleuin and deliuer againe in as good case as it was at the time of the taking A manne may dystrayne for homage fealtie and escuage other seruyces for fynes and amercements which bée assessed in a léete but not in a court baron and also for dammage fesaunt that is to say when hée findeth the beastes or goods of an other doing hurt or cumbringe hys groūd But a man may not distraine for any rēt or thing due for any lād but vpon the same lande y t is charged therewith but in case where I cōe to distraine the other séeing my purpose chaseth the beastes or bereth the thing out to the intent y ● I shal not take it for a distresse vpon the ground thē I
An exposition of certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the lawes of this Realme newly set foorth and augmented both in french and English for the helpe of such younge students as are desirous to attaine the knowledge of y e same whereunto are also added the olde Tenures ¶ In aedibus Richardi Tottelli 1579. ¶ Cum priuilegio Le Table ABatement de brief on plaint fol. 1 Abatemēt en terres 1 Abbe 2 Abbettours 2 Abeyance 2 Abishersing 4 Abiuration 4 Abridgement de plaint on demaund 5 Acceptance 5 Accessories 6 Accion 7 Actions personals 7 Actions populer 7 Actions reals 8 Accord 8 Acquital 8 Acquitance 9 Additions 10 Adiournement 11 Administratour 11 Actes 11 Admirall 12 Aduowson 12 Age prier 12 Agreement 13 Aide 16 Alien 17 Alienation 17 Ambidexter 17 Amendement 18 Amercement 18 Amercement royal 18 An iour et wast 18 Annuitie 19 Appell 19 Appellant 20 Appellor 20 Appendant et appurtenant 20 Apportionment 20 Appropriations 22 Approuement 23 Arditerment 23 Arrest 23 Arrerages 24 Assets 24 Assignee 25 Attainder 26 Auerment 26 Auerpenie 26 Auncien demesne 26 Auowry 27 B ¶ Bayle 27 Baylement 28 Baylife 28 Bakberind theefe 28 Bargaine et sale 29 Barre 29 Bastarde 30 Battaile 31 Bigamy 31 Blodewit 32 Boote 32 Brodehalpeny 33 Brugbote 33 Burghbote 33 Burghbrech 33 Burgh English 33 Burglary 34 C ¶ Car●age 34 Cession 34 Challenge 35 Champertour● 36 Charge 36 Charters de terres 36 Chattels 37 Childwite 37 Chimni 37 Chose en action 37 Circuit de action 38 Claime 39 Clergie 39 Clerke attaynt et Clerke conuict 41 Colour 41 Colour de office 43 Coilusion 43 Common lcy 43 Common 45 Condition 46 Con●iscate biens 48 Contract 48 Conusance 49 Corody 50 Coroner 51 Corporation 52 Corps politike 53 Corruption de sangue 53 Couenant 54 Couerture 54 Couin 54 Counterplea 54 Cinque ports 55 D ¶ Damage fefants 60 Danegelde 61 Dcane et chapter 61 Declaration 61 Defendaunt 62 Demaines 62 Demaundant 62 Demy sanke ou sangue 62 Demurrer 63 Denizen 63 Deodande 64 Departure de son plea ou matter 64 Departure in despite del court 64 Deputie 64 Deuastauerunt bona testatoris 65 Deuise 66 Discent 70 Disclaimer 70 Dismes 70 Disperagement 71 Disseisin 72 Disseysin sur disscisin 72 Diss●ysour et disseisee 72 Distrcsse 72 Diuorce 75 Donour et donee 55 Double plee 75 Droit 76 Droit dentrie 76 Dures 76 E. ¶ Eire Justices 77 Embrasour ou Embraceour 77 Encrochment 77 Enheritance 78 Equitie 78 Escape 80 Esplces 81 Essoine 81 Estoppel 82 Estraungers 84 Estraye 84 Excōmengement 84 Exchange 85 Execution 86 Executour 87 Extinguishment 87 Extortion 88 F. ¶ Failer de recorde 89 Fait 89 Farme on farme 95 Fee farme 96 Feoffement 96 Feffour et feffee 96 Fir●bote 96 Fledwite 97 Flemeswite 97 Fletwite 97 Forstal 97 Forstaller 97 Fraunches roial 98 Frankemariage 98 Franktenement 98 Freshsuit 99 G. ¶ Gager de deliuerāce 100 Garde 101 Garden 101 Garnishment 102 Gauelate 103 Gauelkinde 104 Gelde 135 Grithbrech 135 H. ¶ Hangwite 135 Hariot 136 Haybote o● hedgebote 136 Hidage 137 Hotchpot 137 Homesoken 138 Homicide ou manslaughter 138 Hornegeld 139. Housebote 139 Hundred 139 Hundredum 140 I. ¶ Ideot 140 Illoyal assembly 141 Imparlance 141 Imprisonment 142 Insangethe●e 142 Information 142 Jointure 142 L. ¶ Larc●ny 144 Lastage 144 Lessor et lessee 144 Leuant et couchant 145 Ley gager 145 Li●ery de seisin 145 Lother●it 148 M. ¶ Mahim 148 Mainprise 149 Manour 149 Ma●●ission 150 Ma●imes 250 Mayno●r 151 Misprision 151 Monstrans de faits on records 152 Mortgage on morgag 153 Mo●t●aine 154 Mulier 154 Murder 155 N. ¶ Negatiua preignans 155 Niefe 157 Nihil dicit 158 Nomination 158 Nonability 158 N●de contra●t 158 O. ¶ Or●d●lfe 159 O●●fa●gthiefe 159 Oweltie 159 Oyer de records et faits 160 P. ¶ Pape 160 Particion 161 Parties 163 Patron 163 Perquisities 163 Plei●tife 164 Pledinge 164 Pound 164 Possession 165 Preamble 165 Prescription 166 Presentment 166 Pretensed dr̄t ou title 166 Priuie ou priuitie et priuies 167 Priuiledges 168 Prochen amy 169 Protestation 170 Purchase 170 Q. ¶ Quarentine 170 Quinzim 171 R. ¶ Regratour 171 Reioynder 172 Reliefe 172 Remainder 174 Replication 175 Reprises 175 Resceit 175 Reseruation 175 Retraxit 176 Reue 176 Reuersion 177 Riot 178 Robberie 178 Rout 178 S. Sake 179 Scot 179 Shewinge 179 Socke 179 Sokemans 179 Spol●ation 281 Stallage 183 Suit couenant 183 Suit custome 183 Suit real 183 Suit seruice 184 T. ¶ Taxe et Tallage 184 Tenure in capitie 184 Testament 185 Them 186 Thesehoote 186 Title 186 Title de entrie 187 Tolle ou tolne 187 Tourne del viscont 189 Treasure troue 189 U. ¶ U●●we 190 Uiscount 190 Uoucher 19● Uses 19● Usurie 193 Utlagaries 194 W. Waise 194 Waiue 196 Wa●wite 196 Wrecke 197 FINIS La table del Tenures SEruice de chi●aler 198 2 Graūd serieanty 198 3 Petit serieantie 198 4 Est●●ge 199 5 Homage auncestrel 199 6 Curtesy Dengle● 200 7 Fee simple 200 8 Franke tenure 201 9 Dower 201 10 Terme dans 201 11 Mortgage 201 12 Burgage 203 13 Socage 203 14 Fee ferme 205 15 Franke fee 205 16 Base fee 205 17 Uillenage 205 18 Tayle 208 19 Taile apres possibility diss●e extinct 208 20 Fanke mariage 211 21 Franke almoigne 212 22 Elegit 213 23 Statut merchant 216 24 Rent seruice 218 25 Rent charge 219 26 Rent secke 221 27 Suit seruice 224 FINIS Termes of the lawe ¶ Abatement of a writte or plaint ABatement of a writ or plaint is when an action is brought by writte or plaint wherein is lacke of sufficient good matter or els the matter alleaged is not certeinely set downe or if the plaintife or defendant or place are misnamed or if there appeare variance betwéene the writ and the specialtie or record or that the writ or the declaration be vncerteine or for death of the playntife or defendant and for diuers other like causes which I omit of purpose for thereof alone a man might make a large discourse I determine to satisfy you ▪ good brother Nicholas as wel as I may with as muche ●reuitie as litle trouble to my selfe as I can then vppon those defaultes the defendant may pray that the writ or plaint may abate that is to say that y ● plaintifes suit against him may cease for that tyme and that he shall beginne agayne his suite and bring a newe writte or plaint if he be so disposed to doe Abatement in Lands ABatement in landes or tenementes is whē a man dieth seised of landʒ or tenementes a stranger that is to saye one that hath no right entreth into the same landes or tenementes before the heire maketh his entrie this entrie of the straunger is called an abatement and he an abator But if y ● heire ēter first after the death of his auncestour and the straunger enter vppon the possession of the heire this Entry of the straunger is a disseisin to
somtimes to the vse of y t baily y t is to say of him to whō it is deliuered and sōetimes also it is deliuered ouer to y ● third persō This deliuery is called a bailement Bailife BAilife is an officer that belongeth to a manour to order the husbandry hath aucthoritie to paye quitrents issuing out of y e manor fell trées repaire houses make pales hedges distreine beastes vpō the ground diuers such like This officer is hée whom the auncient saxōs called a Réeue for the name bailife was not then knowne amonge thē but came in with the Normans is called in lattin villicus Bakeberinde theefe BAkberinde Théefe is a théefe that is takē with the manner that is to say hauing y ● found vpon him being folowed with the hue and crie which he hath stollē whether it be mony linen woollē or other stufe but it is moste properly sayed when he is taken caryinge those things y ● he hath stollen in a bundel or fardel vpō his backe Bargaine and sale BArgaine and sale is when a recompence is giuen by both the parties to the bargain As if one bargaine sel his land to an other for mony Here the lande is a recōpēce to him for the money the money is a recōpence to the other for the lande this is a good contract and bargain and fée simple passeth notwithstādinge he doth not saie to haue and to hold the land to him and to his heires And by such a bargaine and sale landes may passe without liuery of seysin if the bargayne and sale be by déede indented sealed and enrolled eyther in the county where y ● land lieth or in one of the Quéenes courtes of Recordes at Westminster within vjmonethes next after the date of the same writing endented accordinge to y ● statute in that béehalfe made in the 27. yeare of H. 8. ca. 16. Barre BArre is when the defendant in any action pledeth a ple which is a sufficient aunswere and that distroyeth the action of the pleintife for euer Bastarde BAstarde is hée that is borne of any woman not maried so y t his father is not knowen by the order of the law therfore he is called the childe of y ● people But by the lawe spiritual if one get a child vppon a woman which child is borne out of wedloke after he mary the same woman thē such a childe shal be said mulier not bastarde But by y ● law of Englād it is a bastard and for y t cause whē such special bastardy is alleaged it shal be tryed by the countrey not by the bishop But general bastardy alleaged shal be tried by y ● certificat of y e Bishop And if a woman bée greate wyth childe by her husbande who dieth and she taketh an other husband after y e childe is borne this child shalbée sayed the childe of the first husbande But if shée were priuely wyth childe at the tyme of the death of her first husbād then it shal be said y e child of y e secōd husband but enquire farther sée y e opiniō of Thorp 21. E. 3. 39. Also if a manne take a wyfe which is greate w e chylde by an other that was not her husbande after the chylde is borne w ein the espousels then he shal be saied the childe of the husbande though it were borne but one day after y e espousels solempnised Battaile BAttayle is an auncyent trial in our lawe which the defendaunt in an appeale of felony may choose that is to say to fight with the appellant for proofe whether he bée culpable of the felony or not which combate if it fal out soe wel on y e part of the defendant that he doe vanquish the appellant hée shal goe quite and barre him of his appel for euer But if one bée indicted of felonye and an appel is brought vppon the same indictment there the defendant shal not wage battayle Battaile also may be in a writ of right Bigamy BIgamy was a counterplea deuised at the Councel of Lions vppon mislike of second mariage to be obiected whē the prisoner demaundeth the benefit of the Clergie to wit his booke as namely to say that hee which demaundeth the priuiledge of the clergy was maried to such a woman at such a place within such a diocesse that shee is dead and that he hath since maried an other woman within the same dioces or with in some other diocesse and so is Bigamus Or if he haue bin but once maried then to say that she whom he hath maried is or was a widow that is to say the left woman of such a one c. which thing shal be tried by the Bishop of y e diocesse where the mariages are alleged And béeinge soe certifyed by the Bishoppe the prisoner shall lose the benefite of the clergie But at this daye by force of the Act made in Anno 1. E. 6. cap. 12. this is n●e plea but that hee may haue his Clergye yet not wythstandinge Soe is Brooke titulo Clergie placito 20. to the same purpose And hereuppon if you bee desirous Brother Nicholas to sée what reasons they haue that perswade against second mariages reade amonge manye other Fraunches Petrarch of Remedies for both fortunes the first booke and lxxvi Dialogue intituled of seconde mariage which booke nowe of late our brother master Thomas Twyne hath very wel and w t good grace as they y ● can iudge doe say translated out of latine into english and moste aptly called it Phisicke against fortune Blodewit BLodewit that is to be quite of amercements for blodsheding what pleas are holden in your court you shall haue the Amercementes thereof coming because wit in english is Misericordia in latine Boote BOote is an old woord and signifyethe helpe succour ayde or aduauntage and is commonly ioyned with an other word whose significatiō it doth augemēt as these brighoot burghboote fireboote hedgboot plowboote diuers such like for whose significations looke in their proper titles Brode halpeny BRode halpeny in sōe copies Bordehalpeny that is to be quite of a certein custome exacted for settinge vp of tables Brugbote BRugbote and in some copies Brigebote that is to be quite of giuinge aide to the repairinge of bridges Burghbote BUrghbote that is to be quite of giuinge ayde to make a borough Castel city or walles throne downe Burchbrech Burghbrech that is to bée quite of trespasses don in Citie or borough against the peace Burgh English BUrgh English or borow english is a custome in sōe auncient borough that if a man haue issue diuers sonnes and dieth yet the yongest sonne onely shal enherit and haue al the landes tenementes that were his fathers whereof hée died seysed wythin the same burgh by dyscent as heire to his father by force of the custome of the same Burglary BUrglary is when one breaketh and entreth into y ● house of an