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A64963 A heaven or hell upon earth, or, A discourse concerning conscience by Nathanael Vincent. Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1676 (1676) Wing V409; ESTC R27575 204,858 337

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qualitate depositi Sic sic in domo propriâ à propriâ familiâ habeo accusatores testes judices tortores Bernard Meditat. devot cap. 13. pag. mihi 1060. My sins I am not able to conceal because where ever I go my Conscience is continually with me and carries with it what I have put in it whether it be good or evil It keeps for me living it will restore to me dying what I have delivered to be kept by it If I do evil Conscience is present if I seem to do good and am lifted up with Pride Conscience is present It accompanies me all my Life long 't will follow me after Death and will be my inseparable either Glory or Confusion according to the Quality of what it has Observed in me Thus thus in my own House in my own Soul I have Accusers Witnesses Judges Tormentors if I dare to give way unto Iniquity 4. Though Conscience may seem to be quite banished and for the present does no more its Office than if there were no such thing yet this Exiled and Banished thing will at last return or to speak more properly this Conscience that was imagined to be in a dead sleep or altogether careless will shew that it has been too much present with the guilty all along These six particulars are here to be Observed 1. Some great Affliction may awaken Conscience When the Widow with whom Elijah sojourned her Son fell sick and his sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him her Conscience was exceedingly startled and she said to Elijah What have I to do with thee O thou Man of God art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance and to slay my Son 1 Kings 17. 17 18. The Locusts which were so very grievous that came over all the Land of Egypt extorted a Confession from Pharaoh's Conscience though his Heart was before hardned He called for Moses and Aaron in haste and said I have sinned against the Lord and against you now therefore forgive I pray thee my sin this once and intreat the Lord your God that he may take away from me this Death onely Exod. 10. 16 17. How does Affliction give new Eyes and make sin appear in other colours than before it seemed to have When the Body of a sinner is first struck with a Disease and the mind apprehends this Sickness may prove deadly and that now being Arrested the sinner must quickly appear before the Judgment-seat Ohthen what a commotion is there in the Soul and how fierce and clamourous is the Conscience which before was deeply silent 2. Conscience may awake after a fall into some scandalous sin When the long covered Hypocrisie is detected and the sly sinner which waxed worse and worse and yet was secure at length does commit some sin that the World crys shame on Oh then Conscience may joyn in with the VVorlds clamors (r) Non aurem solam percutit iracundia criminantis verùm etiam conscientiam mordet veritas criminis August l. 3. contra lit Petilian Tom. 7. and tell him that now his sin has found him out and that Heaven has revealed his iniquity and that because he has despised God he has been suffered to do that which has made himself to be lightly esteemed 3. Conscience may awake at the hearing of a powerful Sermon The messengers of the Lord are commanded to lift up their Voices like a Trumpet and the design is to startle Conscience and that sinners may be made sensible of and to know their Transgressions Isaiah 58. 1. God speaks thus to the Prophet Ezekiel chap. 6. 11. Smite with thine hand and stamp with thy foot and say Alas for all the evil abominations of the House of Israel These gestures this earnestness and crying out of abominations is used to affect the Hearts which before were stupid And truly the VVord of God has oftentimes taken impression even upon those whose Souls were more than ordinarily senseless The Apostles hearers were mockers and yet the VVord being set home they were prickt at the Heart and said Men and Brethren what shall we do Act. 2. 37. Now when the VVord does awaken the Conscience there is more ground to hope that God has a design to work a saving change and that the troubles of Spirit are but as it were the pangs which fore-run the new Birth 4. Conscience may awake when Death is within view I grant indeed that 't is too common for the ungodly to dy stupid and that there may be no bands in their death Psal 73. but yet experience shews that the approach of death does also fill many ungodly ones with horrour and amazement What made Balaam to cry out let me dye the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his Num. 23. 10. Surely he had pre-apprehensions how terrible a thing 't is for the ungodly to dye When nature is almost spent and the earthly Tabernacle is tottering and falling to the ground when Physicians are at a losse and friends stand by weeping and 't is whispered in the room Alas he cannot live many hours to an end Ah then Conscience may wake in terrible fright and the sinner may be confounded and as death comes with its sting so it may prove indeed the King of terrours 5. To be sure at judgment Conscience will be awaked thoroughly though sinners possibly may look death yet they cannot look the Judge in the face without being daunted He will strike terrour into the Hearts of those sinners that were most obstinate and unbelieving VVe read that at the great day the Books will be opened Rev. 20. 12. The Book of Scripture will be opened for by that every one must be judged The Word that I have spoken sayes Christ the same shall judge at the last day The book of Conscience will also be opened and what things are found written there will be taken notice of and must be answered for No Conscience at that day can be stupid The Heavens passing away with a great noise and the Elements melting with fervent heat and the Earth and the works therein being all in a flame every unjustified and unsanctified sinners Heart will smite him and as the Judge will condemn him so he will be condemned by his own Conscience Chrysostome (s) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys in Epist ad Rom. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 advises every one to look into his own Conscience presently and to be strict in self-searching that he may not be condemned with the world for 't is a dreadful Tribunal which all must appear before and the trial of every one will be thorow and impartial 6. Conscience will be with the ungodly in Hell to all Eternity Could we go down indeed to the gates of Hell and have some discourse with the damned there and ask them concerning their Consciences they would answer that a great part of Hell lyes there and that they feel within
his Anger is to be dreaded He Rules and Governs the World He forms the Light and create● Darkness he makes Peace and creates Evil and therefore surely 't is wisdom to please him and the height of madness to provoke him 2. Conscience is given to Man that it may put him in mind of his own great Interest and concern which is to secure his Soul and to provide for Eternity 'T is not without reason that the Natural Man is called flesh in Scripture Gen. 6. 3. The flesh does so prevail against the Soul as to take up his whole time and care His great enquiries are What shall I eat what shall I drink and wherewithall shall I be cloathed Mat. 6. 31. And thus he would live as if he had no Soul to save or lose if Conscience did not put him in mind of that precious Jewel which he is intrusted with and bring to his remembrance that of our Lord Jesus Mat. 16. 26. What is a Man profited if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul Or what shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul Conscience tells us of a Soul which is of greatest value and which is in greatest danger It calls a Man a Fool for saying Soul take thine ease eat drink and be merry thou hast Goods laid up for many Years Sumptuous Fare cannot satisfie the Souls hunger the most delicious Wines cannot quench the Souls thirst nor purple and fine Linnen cover the Souls Nakedness These things onely gratifie the senses but some thing that 's higher and more durable must be lookt after that may be a proper and sutable good unto the Soul of Man which is of a Spiritual and Immortal Nature and if you ask what that is I Answer the Eternal and All-sufficient God (k) Magnus es Domine laudabilis valde magna virtus tua sapientiae tuae non est numerus Tu excitas ut laudare te delectet quia fecisti nos ad te inquietum est cor nostrum donec requiescet in te Augustin Confes l. 1. c. 1. 3. Conscience is given to Man that it may tell him of his Duty and urge him to the performance of it Such is the corruption of Mans Nature that he hates Instruction and is apt to cast the Law of God behind his back Psal 50. 17. but Conscience observes what that Law requires and sayes 't is Holy just and good and therefore does protest against the Transgressing of it Conscience tells us that God is a better master than sin and Satan He rewards his Servants with Life and Joy but They theirs with Eternal Death and VVoe The Apostle speaks of all men even the Heathens that there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The work of the Law written in their Hearts Rom. 2. 15. The Consciences of Men are the Tables where the Laws of God are written and Conscience is continually opening these Tables and commanding men to read and do their duty I grant indeed that there is a writing of the Law in the Heart which is promised in the new Covenant which all men have not but is peculiar to Believers and when this promise is made good to any not only are their minds enlightned but their hearts changed there is a sutablenesse between their renewed wills and the Laws of God so that now they are desirous to keep them as before they were violently bent to break them But the writing of the Law in the Conscience is commune and Conscience understands this Law that it may presse obedience to it 4. Conscience is given to man that it may warn and caution him against the Tempter It is as it were the Watchman which gives notice of this Enemies approach Of all the powers of the Soul the Devil does least like this for it does most withstand him When Satan promises great matters to those whom he tempts Conscience sayes that a Lyar is not to be believed Either he will not give what he promises or if he does what he gives had better not be given because 't is given to the sinners hurt ' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the gifts of Enemies are no gifts at all or worse then none When Satan pretends to aim never so much at our advantage or advancement or delight Conscience sees the Snake in the Grass and tells that the Devil is a Murtherer and in every temptation is carrying on a murtherous design against us When Satan comes with the sweet cup of sinful pleasures Conscience sayes Drink not for there is rank poyson in it When Satan transforms himself into a Friend and seems to consult our safety and ease and gain Conscience cryes out Take heed a Murtherer is neer you and therefore yield not to him give him no admission 5. Conscience is given unto Man that it may give Testimony to the Word of God and side with it against all carnal reasonings Affections Our Lord Jesus had to do with Hearers which were captious which were still ready to start their frivolous objections against himself and against his Doctrine as when he said if I be lifted up from the Earth that is Crucified I will draw all men to me they presently object Christ abideth for ever and how then can he be lifted up Joh. 12. 32. 34. Now he does not answer directly to their objection but applies himself to their Consciences and tells them 't was but a little while that the light was to be with them and therefore says he Walk while ye have the Light lest Darkness come upon you for he that walketh in Darkness knoweth not whither he goeth v. 35. So the Apostle did commend himself to every mans Conscience in the sight of God and adds if our Gospel be hid 't is hid to them that are lost 2 Cor. 4. 2 3. Conscience is more ready to close with Truth the Affections hang off because Truth does thwart them while they remain carnal The Consciences of the Jewes many of them were convinced that Jesus Christ was the true Messiah but their Hearts were against following of him for they loved the Praise of men more than the Praise God Joh. 12. 42 43. When a corrupt will sayes concerning a precept This is an hard saying 't is too strict Conscience will confesse 't is just and good to be obeyed When a carnal mind phansies absurdities (l) Prodigiosus certe humani ingenii furor quòd injustitiae potius Deum insimulat quam ut se coarguat caecitatis Calv. in Epist ad Rom. c. 9. v. 14. in the mysteries of the Gospel and says how can these things be Conscience is modest and replies that God is True and mans understanding is shallow and therefore man is to believe what God speaks for certain though he cannot fully comprehend it 6. Conscience is given unto man that this may side with the Lord when he passes Judgment at the great approaching day This day is called a day of the Revelation
Little ah little indeed did I think that this was the place I was going to I did not imagine the Judge had been so Righteous the Trial at his Tribunal so Strict and that so few would have been saved I did not imagine 't was so ordinary for Souls to be deceived and that there was so much counterfeit grace in the world I thought my self safe when I was farthest from it and never perceived my mistake till now 't is too late to correct it I dreamt of Heaven but am in the lowest Hell I hoped to be saved but must be a damned wretch to all Eternity Oh that I had waked before How happy had I been if a right trouble of Conscience had been in the room of a false peace Wo is me that I flattered and by flattering did undo my self And now what course shall I take Ah this totally confounds me that no course can be taken for my relief Heaven now I see but so far off that I can never get thither and out of Hell there is no Redemption So much be spoken by way of reproof to them whose Consciences are in peace but that peace has no good ground upon which 't is builded 4. They are to be reproved who offer violence to their Consciences and very ordinarily do sin against them Conscience speaks once twice thrice speaks in the name of the Lord tells them of Life and Death of the Life that will be lost and the Death which will be incurred by sin and yet these Transgressors go resolutely on in an evil course and hate to be reformed They do in effect speak to their Consciences as the children of Judah did to the Prophet Jer. 44. 16. As for the word which thou hast spoken to us in the name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee Let Such consider and that seriously 1. Sinning against Conscience is the way to Cauterize and Sear it 'T is bad to have a dul Conscience which does its office so remissly that no good effect at all follows this onely Almost perswades a man to that which is good onely Almost disswades a man from that which is evil 'T is worse to have a stupid Conscience which takes no notice of thousands of sins unless some very crying ones be committed and that commission followed with some grievous Plagues But 't is worst of all to have a seared Conscience which is not at all moved though there be a giving full way to the most foul abomination (y) Cauteriata conscientia est quae nullâ ratione commovetur ne atrocissimis quidem flagitiis in iis praecipue reperitur qui p●stquam fuerint illuminati sceleratae vitae sese dediderunt Ames De Conscient lib. 1. c. 15. Such a kind of Conscience as one observes is to be sound especially in those who have been enlightned but contrary to that Light do sell themselves to do wickedly Where Conscience is seared Light is extinguished there is no Grief or Shame because of sin but an impudence and rejoycing in evil the mind is reprobate and the affections vile and iniquity is committed with Greediness Even some Philosophers have called this searedness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because the heart is senseless like a stone and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because such sinners become like brute Beasts made to be taken and destroyed 2 Pet. 2. 12. A Sinner whose Conscience is seared as with an hot iron how does he stand ready for the Devils service and commonly he is employed in the vilest pieces of Satans Drudgery When Richard the third did Murther his two Nephews that he might come to the Throne he employed a couple of villains to perpetrate that murther who were so senseless as to stick at nothing When Belzebub has any eminently and egregiously odious work of darkness to be done he does set a man with a seared Conscience about it such an one is likely to do the business effectually Such Transgressors declare their sin as Sodom they openly bid defiance to Heaven and how soon may the Just and Jealous God by some remarkable stroke destroy them What a madness is it to sin against Conscience since this has so great a tendency unto the fearing of it 2. Sinning against Conscience may bring you to despair If Conscience be not seared by Sin it may be so wounded as that a cure may be conceived impossible The Soul in a great agony may cry out My breach is wide like the Sea and who can heal me Great is the sin great is the horrour of Despair What the Poet sayes concerning Envy may very truly be applied unto Desperation Siculi non invenere Tyranni Majus tormentum The Sicilian Tyrants though infamous for their cruelty never invented a Torment comparable When Despair has once seized upon the Conscience then indeed there is Hell above ground A Despairing sinner is the truest and likest picture of a damned Reprobate The deplorableness of such a state wherein hope leaves a sinner and he gives over himself and all for lost I shall set forth in these particulars 1. A Despairing Conscience remembers God and is troubled it sees frowns in his Face and how terrifying is his Voice for he speaks unto such sinners in his wrath and vexes them in his sore displeasure Then sayes Luther (z) Verus terror nascitur cùm Dei irati vox auditur h. e. cùm sentitur conscientiâ Tum enim Deus qui antea nusquam erat est ubique qui prius dormire videbatur omnia audet videt ira ejus sicut ignis ardet furit occidit Luther Tom. 1. in Gen. c. 12. There is true Horrour when the voice of an angry God is heard and perceived by the Conscience then the Lord who was thought to be no where is every where and he that did seem to sleep before does now hear and see all things and his Anger like the Fire does burn and rage and kill all before it A despairing sinner apprehends what a terrible enemy the Lord is and then to think that this Lord is his Enemy and that justly and withall that he is now irreconcilable oh how does this confound him 2. A Despairing Conscience looks upon the creatures and findes them all miserable comforters Judas in temptation thought thirty pieces of silver a great matter but when he was seized upon with Despair he flung away the silver as that which was altogether unprofitable Mat. 27. 3. 5. Love of money had wounded him and money it self could not heal him nor buy a medicine for him Riches say to the despairing Conscience We are not able to deliver in this day of the Lords anger Pleasures say Help is not to be found in us 't is not in our power to sweeten that cup of trembling which is filled with the wine of Gods indignation Honours and worldly Greatness say We cannot skreen thee from Him that is higher than the highest and who if he will not
not too great for God to forgive if himself is willing to forsake his wickedness The Lord has proclaimed his Name 34. 6 7. He is a God Merciful this may relieve us when sensible of our misery he is Gracious this may encourage us against our vilenesse and unworthiness he is Long-suffering this may keep us from sinking into despair though 't was long before we thought of turning to him He is abundant in Goodness and Truth though we are never so empty here is enough to fill us He keeps Mercy for thousands his Treasures are not exhausted by former ages we may go to him and be enriched he forgives iniquity transgression and sin Let none then say there is no Hope of what sorts or sizes soever their sins be But here let me Caution again that no sin be secretly cherished for if the cause of trouble remain how can Conscience be truly Comforted In good earnest set upon the Mortification of all the Members of the Body of sin but especially pluck out the right Eye and cut off the right Hand Let not thy Soul spare any Lust 't will be more fatal to thee than Saul's sparing Agag which cost him his Kingdom Herbert does very Ingenuously and truly tell us that Peace of Conscience is not to be attained unless there be a flight of sin The Church page 117. 118. Sweet Peace where dost thou dwell I humbly crave Let me once know I sought thee in a secret Cave And ask'd if Peace were there A hollow wind did seem to answer No Go seek elsewhere I did and going did a Rainbow note Surely thought I This is the Lace of Peaces Coat I will search out the matter But while I lookt the Clouds immediatly Did break and scatter Then went I to a Garden and did spy A gallant flower The Crown Imperial Sure said I Peace at the root must dwell But when I digg'd I saw a Worm devour What shew'd so well At length I met a rev'rend good old man Whom when for Peace I did demand he thus began There was a Prince of Old At Salem dwelt who liv'd with good increase Of Flock and Fold He sweetly liv'd yet sweetness did not save His Life from Foes But after Death out of his Grave There sprang twelve stalks of Wheat Which many wondring at got some of those To Plant and Set. It prosper'd strangely and did soon disperse Through all the Earth For they that taste it do rehearse That Virtue lies therein A secret Virtue bringing Peace and Mirth By flight of sin Take of this Grain which in my Garden grows And grows for you Make Bread of it and that repose And Peace which every where VVith so much earnestness you do pursue Is onely there I have laid down several grounds of Consolation for troubled Consciences it will be needful now to Answer some Objections they are wont to make against all that Comfort which is tendred to them Object 1. Some do cry out that their sins are primae Magnitudinis of the first Magnitude that guilt which they have contracted is so vast and themselves are so inexcusable in their wickedness that they cannot let it once enter into their thoughts that ever God should pardon or save such provoking wretches and rebels as They have been They call to remembrance what they have been and what they have done their Iniquities which they have committed have been of a very hainous Nature and as to their Number what was said concerning Abraham's Seed may very well be applied here they have been so many as the Stars of the Sky in multitude and as the Sand which is by the Sea-shore innumerable To speak Truth the Greatness of sin is the grand Objection against Comfort Answ 1. VVhen the greatness of sin causes perplexity behold how much greater the Mercy of the Lord is This Mercy is high as Heaven what canst thou do deeper than Hell what canst thou know The measure thereof is longer than the Earth and broader than the Sea But yet as great as 't is it does not give the least encouragement to presumption but against despair and despondency it may be a mighty Antidote Contemplate the Mercy of God in Christ eye his sufferings which were very great eye the greatness of him that suffered and then you will see sin (*) Peccatum est sicut Magnus Goliah omnibus viribus oppugnat Conscientiam sed si credas in Dominum Jesum pro te morruum senties peccatum stipulâ levius infirmius Luther Tom. 3. p. 367. b. exceeded by the sufferings of Christ and the Mercy of God Hark to the Apostle Rom. 5. 20. Moreover the Law entred that the Offence might abound but where sin abounded Grace did much more abound that as sin hath Reigned unto Death even so might Grace Reign through Righteousness unto Eternal Life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Though Souls are sensible never so much of the abounding of sin Grace does superabound let Man do as much as he can in a way of wickedness the Lord can out-do him in a way of Grace and Mercy That is a notable promise Mic. 7. 19. having said Who is a God like unto thee pardoning Iniquity delighting in Mercy it follows thou wilt cast all their sin into the depth of the Sea In the deepest part of the Sea the greatest Mountains if they could be cast in would be swallowed up as well as Mole-hills Divine Mercy is such a depth it can cover the greatest sins as well as the smallest and being once cast into this depth they shall never rise again unto the sinners Condemnation any more than things cast into the deepest part of the Ocean can ever be fetched up again 2. In Scripture you may find the greatness of sin used and pleaded as an Argument for the obtaining of Mercy and forgiveness Listen to the Psalmist Psal 25. 11. For thy Name-sake O Lord pardon my Iniquity for it is great this is a strong Argument for the greater sin is the more Glorious is the Lords Name and Grace in passing it by Just as 't is more for a mans Honour to forgive the Debt of a Thousand pound than of a few pence onely The Lord is willing to Honour his own Mercy and ready to forgive much But he expects that they to whom much is given should love much as there is very good reason Object 2. Those in trouble of Conscience do Object They fear 't is now too late to come to Christ and turn to God indeed if they had accepted of invitations in time it might have been well with them but now they are afraid the Sun is set and will never rise more and that the day of Grace is past and gone and that the Night of Darkness and Trouble upon their Souls is but the sore-runner of the blackness of darkness for ever Answ 1. Who tells thee that the day of Grace is past If it be Satan surely such a Liar is not to
enim inde cùm inde pellitur à seipso pellitur ecce hostem suum invenit quo confugeret Seipsum quo fugiturus est Quocunque suger it se talem trahit post se quocunque talem traxerit se cruciat se A seipso sunt tribulationes quae inveniunt hominem nimis acerbiores enim non sunt at tanto sunt acerbiores quanto sunt interiores Augustin Enarrat in Psal 45. Tom. 8. pag. mihi 419. Observes and more inward they are they are the more bitter But now he whose Conscience is good as Solomon speaks is satisfied from himself (*) Fragilibus innititur qui adventio laesus est exibit gaudium quod intravit at illud ex se ortum fidele firmumque est cascit ad extremum ●sque prosequitur Seneca Epist 98. He has Meat to eat which the World knows not of his sincere endeavour to do the will of God satisfies him better than the choicest Fare and Delicates Luther whose Conscience was clear who Preached Christ purely and Loved Christ sincerely has one strange Expression Miser sit qui possit ego nonpossum Let him be miserable that can be miserable I for my part cannot be miserable His God and his Conscience were such a Feast and Joy and Satisfaction to him that he knew 't was not in the Power of Earth or Hell to daunt or hurt him Oh what unutterable contentation is there in the Heart that upon reflection and search finds it self the Temple of the Spirit the Habitation where the Father and the Son do make their abode That finds it self Clothed with white Rayment Christ's Righteousness Enriched with that Gold tried in the Fire Rev. 3. 18. made partaker of the Divine Nature Adorned with the Image of God filled with the Graces of the Spirit and thereby sees it fitting for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light 3. He that has a good Conscience can look downward and see himself secured Never any one with a good Conscience went to the place of Torment but onely those who refused to have a good Conscience or made ship-wrack of it Though Hell be prepared for the Devil yet he has not the Keys of that place but they hang at Christ's Girdle Rev. 1 18. I am he that Liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the Keys of Hell and of Death And certainly since Christ has the Keys of Hell no Believers whose Consciences are truly good shall be flung in thither for these are the Members of his Body and the Head loves his Members too well to suffer them to be thrown into Everlasting fire A good Conscience by the eye of Faith looks down and takes Notice of the Damned in their Misery sees them groaning under the fierceness of the Almighty's wrath sees them fed upon by the VVorm that dies not and tormented in that flame which shall never be extinguished and bound fast in those Chains of Darkness which shall never be unloosed and then rejoyces to see it self safe under the wing of the Lord Jesus rejoyces in that Deliverance and Salvation from future wrath whereof Christ is the Author 4. He that has a good Conscience can look upon his outward comforts and take comfort in them What he has is not a Snare to him but attended with a blessing upon this score the Psalmist sayes a little that a Righteous man has is better than the Riches of many wicked Psal 37. 16. A good Conscience does in a great measure cure that vanity and vexation of Spirit that is in the Creature for when these outward enjoyments are given with the Divine Blessing then as Solomon speaks no sorrow is added with them The upright man does taste the love of God in the Food he eats and though it be but a dinner of Herbs yet this love makes it better than a stalled Ox with the Lords Curse and Hatred He feels the love of God in the Clothes he wears and though of coarser cloth yet they are better than the Purple and fine Linnen and costly array of that rich man that received all his good things in this present world and after was turned into Hell poor and naked All the gifts he receive are indeed blessings to one that 's Righteous for he has the Giver with them and is brought still nearer unto the Giver by them 5. He that has a good Conscience can look upon adversity without dread When the Apostle was pressed out of measure even above strength yet a good Conscience was his rejoycing Bias the Philosopher being asked what was difficult answered 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (y) Diogen Laert. in vitâ Biantis p. mihi 60. To bear with fortitude a change in our condition for the worse Now a clear Conscience will be very helpful unto such Fortitude and Patience Job is of a sudden stript of his glory rob'd of his vast estate and though a Prince before made poor to a Proverb and yet Conscience bears him up and makes him able to say The Lord has given and the Lord has taken blessed be the name of the Lord Job 1. 21. Sir Henry Wotton has a very good description of an happy life wherein he shews that a good Conscience is the best armour and the safest retreat whatever happens How happy is he born and Taught That serveth not anothers will Whose armour is his honest Thought And simple Truth his utmost skill Whose passions not his masters are Whose Soul is still prepar'd for death Untied unto the World by care Of publick fame or private breath Who envies none that chance does raise Nor Vice hath ever understood How deepest wounds are given by praise Nor rules of State but rules of Good Who hath his Life from rumors freed Whose Conscience is his strong retreat Whose state can neither flatt'rers feed Nor ruine make oppressors great Who God doth late and early pray More of his Grace than Gifts to lend And entertains the harmless day With a Religious book or Friend This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise or fear to fall Lord of himself though not of Lands And having nothing yet hath all A good Conscience will tend very much to fix the Heart so as that evil tidings shall not be so terrifying and dismaying Hark what the Psalmist sayes Vnto the upright there ariseth light in obscurity surely he shall not be moved for ever he shall not be afraid (†) Justum tenacem propositi virum Si fractis illabatur orbis Impavidum ferient ruinae of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord Psal 112. 467. 6. He that hath a good Conscience can look upon all the baits of the Tempter and despise them Satan is not able to compell and force us to sin neither has he power to determine the will of man to that which is evil as the Lord has to determine it unto that which is good for then sin
of his Righteous judgement and whatever punishments he does sentence the Sons of Men unto they will not be able to charge him with the least injustice Their own Consciences will acknowledge every crime that the Lord then shall lay to their charge and when they are thrown down into that Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone Conscience will be ready to speak the same language which you read Rev. 16. 5. 7. Thou art Righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast thus judged Even so Lord God Almighty True and Righteous are thy judgments (m) Si reus Conscientiâ suâ premitur silet actacitus expectat suam damnationem suo jam silentio damnatus Calv. in Epist ad Rom. c. 3. v. 19. God will be justified when he speaks and cleer when he judges and sinners Consciences will cleer him fully and will acknowledge that his wayes are equal but theirs have been unequal Every mouth will then be stopped and the guilty will have nothing to object against their Judges proceedings I come in the last place to the Application Vse 1. Shall be of information several weighty Truths may be inferred from this Doctrine 1. If there be a Conscience in Man learn from hence that there is a God There are many arguments to prove this great fundamental Truth the Creatures would never have had a Being unless God had given a Being to them (n) If ever there had been altogether nothing there never could have been any thing His works do abundantly declare both his Being and his Glory But if we look into our selves we shall find this Truth written plain upon our own souls VVe are as I said before so full of self-love that we should not at all regard our own knowledge of our misdoings if Conscience were not convinced of the Godhead whose judgement we cannot possibly escape The Psalmist indeed tells us that the fool hath said in his Heart there is no God Psal 14. 1. but in this he rather speaks what his wishesare than what he is really perswaded of For it has been observed concerning those who have been most Atheistical that Conscience has prickt and terrified them sometimes and the dread of God has when they have heard it Thunder or have been in some great calamity returned upon them 2. If there be a Conscience in Man learn that God is omniscient If the Lord did confine himself to Heaven and there enjoying his own blessednesse did not at all take notice what is done here below we should sin securely and not be troubled that we have a Conscience perpetually observing us But therefore Consciences eye is regarded because God looks on as well as Conscience Our Hearts know much by us but God is greater then our Hearts and knowes all things Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord surely it concerns us to walk circumspectly and exactly since there is not any Creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are open and naked unto the eyes of that God with whom we have to do Heb. 4. 13. 3. If there be a Conscience in Man learn that God is Holy and Righteous Therefore Conscience speaks so much against sin and reproaches after the commission of it because 't is contrary to Gods holy Nature and his Justice has a sword to be revenged upon the sinner Secure Transgressors are apt to imagine God altogether such an One as themselves but Conscience when it awakes tells them that this imagination is groundless that he is Glorious in Holiness that he is not a God who hath pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with him the foolish shall not stand in his sight he hateth all the workers of iniquity Psal 5. 4 5. 4. If there be a Conscience in Man learn that God is Great and Mighty and that 't is a fearful thing to fall into his hands 'T is the consideration of his irresistible strength and the power of his Anger which puts Conscience into such horrour after the commission of VVickedness Heark what the Prophet speaks Nah. 1. 5 6. The Mountains quake at him and the Hills melt and the Earth is burnt at his presence yea the World and all that dwell therein who can stand before his indignation and who can abide in the fiercenesse of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the Rocks are thrown down by him The impressions of this anger must needs be terrible therefore Conscience causes such perplexity therefore the wounds of the Spirit are so intolerable because 't is the hand of a great angry God that makes these wounds 5. If there be a Conscience in Man learn that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Heb. 11. 6. this is the ground and foundation that Conscience has to shew for that encouragement which it gives unto well-doing Conscience could not set Cursing and Death before us if God were not righteous and just neither could it set Blessing and Life before us if he were not good and gracious 'T is well for us that there is Mercy and forgiveness with the Lord and that with him there is plenteous Redemption else no Conscience could have any peace but every sinner unless strangely stupid would be overwhelmed with trouble and sorrow 6. If there be a Conscience in man learn from hence the Immortality of the Soul (o) Morte carent animae semper que priore relictâ Sede novis domibus habitant vivunt que receptae Ovid Metam l. 15. Beasts who dye for good and all and whose all dies together have no Conscience to disquiet them Man has a Conscience therefore his Soul dies not 'T is evident by the light of Nature that the Soul is immortal Many of the Heathens dreaded sin upon this account lest their Souls after death should be punisht for it But in the Scripture this Truth is evidently delivered Christ says Man cannot kill the Soul though he can kill the Body Mat. 10. 28. But if the soul did dye or sleep with the Body then Man would be able to do the one as well as the other nay he could not kill the Body but he must needs kill the Soul at the same time Besides the Apostle sayes we are willing rather to be absent from the Body and to be present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 8. Now what of Paul but his Soul could be absent from his body and present with the Lord The Soul then is certainly immortal How many awakened Consciences upon death-beds have dreaded the Souls immediate punishment how many Saints upon death-beds have been ravished with the assured hopes of their Souls being presently with Christ upon their dissolution 7. If there be a Conscience in a Man learn The certainty of a judgement to come The comming of the Lord to judgment Conscience is frequently bringing to our
fellowship with him that we endeavour to do that which is good in his sight And as we would escape his anger and his smoaking jealousie which will utterly consume us that we beware of that which is worst of evils sinning against him 2. Consider the Power of Conscience if we take Power for Authority God has given great Authority unto the Conscience And a Man must rather disobey Kings and Emperours then disobey Conscience Nebuchadnezzar commanded the three Children to Worship the Golden Image that he had set up Conscience commanded them to refuse to Worship it They obey Conscience and rather than Conscience should fly in their faces for idolatry they venture to be cast into a fiery furnace Dan. 3. If we take Power for Ability Conscience is a thing of greater force and strength If it be good how can it sweeten any condition though in it self never so calamitous but if Conscience be bad 't is sufficient to put gall and bitternesse into all your Comforts 3. If you heed Conscience 't is the way to have you and your Consciences agree together Conscience will dwell with you and you cannot help it Oh therefore hearken to it and satisfie it for this will be much for your own peace and satisfaction There is a twofold Peace which it highly concerns us to look after Peace above and Peace within Peace above with God we should be sollicitous about there is no contending with Him that is Almighty Let the Potsherds strive with the Potsherds of the Earth but wo unto him that striveth with his Maker Esa 45. 9. How earnest then should we be that being justified by Faith we may have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And next unto peace with God we should endeavour after peace within even peace of Conscience and if we hearken and do what an enlightned Conscience commands and walk before God in Truth Conscience will speak Peace and that peace it will be true 4. Consider That in the hour of distresse and especially at the time of your dissolution the good Word of Conscience will do more good to you than all the World A cleer Conscience makes a triumphant Saint before he does expire Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is Peace Psal 37. 37. How many have lookt death in the face undaunted because Conscience has born witnesse to their sincerity * Melch. Adamus in vitâ Lutheri pag. 154 155. When Luther was sick of his last distemper and grew towards his end he waked at midnight and perceiving his Earthly Tabernacle was falling to the ground he brake forth into Thanksgiving to God for revealing Christ to him whom he believed whom he professed whom he loved whom he celebrated and whom the Pope with the Company of the wicked did persecute Then he prayed to his Heavenly Father to receive his spirit and added though I must now lay down this Body yet I know most certainly that I shall ever be with the Lord and none shall pluck me out of his hand Here was a Conscience cleer a Death without Fear and an abundant entrance into the Everlasting Kingdom 5. Heed Conscience for 't will go with you to the bar of God (t) Quando Deus judex erit alius testis quàm Conscientia tua non erit Inter Judicem justum Conscientiam tuam noli timere nisi causam tuam Augustin Enarrat in Psal 37. pag. mihi 323. and certainly 't will be sad to be followed to that Tribunal by a guilty Conscience crying out against you If Conscience excuse you and plead for you before your Judge how sweet and comfortable will that be if it produce sincere obedience and the Righteousness of Christ apprehended by Faith to cover all your guilt and make up all your imperfections this will make you lift up your heads with joy and confidence But if Conscience does accuse you of impenitency in sin all your days though it often warned you to mourn and turn these accusations as they cannot be evaded so they will be unconceivably terrifying and confounding to you 6. Heed Conscience for 't will remain in you forever 't will be Eternally with the Saints in Glory After a Believer has fought the good fight has finished his course has kept the Faith has been acquitted at the judgement seat and has received the Crown of Righteousness then Conscience will be fully at rest Work is now done danger is now past and the possession of the inheritance is secured Rev. 3. 12. Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God and he shall go no more out Conscience also will be eternally with the reprobates in misery And as Job's Messengers did tell him that his Cattel were destroyed and his Substance taken away and they only were left alone to tell him So Conscience will speak after the same manner unto the damned O you self-destroying Sinners your consolation is all received your good things are come to an end your profits and Pleasures are quite fled away and gone And I only am left alone to tell you To tell you of your madness in loving sin in idolizing a vain World in slighting Salvation and bringing your selves notwithstanding all warnings into Eternal misery I have done with the first Doctrine That God has placed a Conscience in Man Doct. 2. The second Doctrine is this To have a good Conscience should be every one 's greatest care This is one end of the Commandement not onely that there may be Love a pure Heart and Faith unfeigned but also a good Conscience 1 Tim. 1. 5. so 1 Pet. 3. 16. Sanctifie the Lord God in your Hearts having a good Conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of Evil doers they may be ashamed who falsly accuse your good Conversation in Christ 'T is the observation of Augustine (u) Ecce quid prodest plena bonis arca inanis Conscientia Bona vis habere bonus non vis esse Non vides te erubescere debere de bonis tuis si domus tua plena est bonis te habet malum Quid enim est quod velis habere malum Nihil omnino non uxorem non filium non filiam non servum non ancillam non villam non tunicam postremò non caligam tamen vis habere malam vitam August De verbis Domini Serm. 12. pagin mihi 57. Tom. 10. that Men are willing to have all things else good but their Consciences are bad and they themselves are Evil. There is no man but desires his Wife should be good his Children good his Servants good the House that he dwells in good the An he lives in good the Food he eats good the Clothes he wares good he does not care to have any thing bad about him How comes it to passe that he is too well content to have a bad Conscience within him This is our natural
no enjoying of God at all Where there is no true Holiness sinners are without God in the World they spend their Mony for that which is not Bread and their labour for that which satisfies not Isa 55. 2. They only have recourse to broken Cisterns that can hold no water but they neglect and by their iniquities are kept at a distance from the Fountain of living Waters Thus that which is the Hell of Hell they undergo on Earth and yet such is their stupidness they are little if at all concerned 2. Without a good Conscience no service that we perform can be acceptable A bad Conscience is like the dead Flie in the Apothecaries Oyntment that spoils the whole This was it that made the Lord to speak thus to Israel of old Isa 1. 11 12 13. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me I am full of Burnt-Offerings and the fat of fed Beasts and I delight not in the Blood of Bullocks or of Lambs or of He-Goats When ye come to appear before me who hath required at your hands to tread my Courts Bring no more vain Oblations incense is an Abomination to me the Sabbaths and calling of Assemblies I cannot away with it is Iniquity even the solemn meeting When ye spread forth your hands I will hide mine Eyes from you yea when you make many Prayers I will not Hear And the reason of all this was because their Consciences were defiled with Blood with injustice with unmercifulness with oppression Thus also Isa 66. 3. because their Consciences were defiled by chusing their own way and their souls delighted in their abominations the Lord says He that kills an Oxe is as if he slew a man he that sacrifices a Lamb is as if he cut off a Dogs neck he that offers an Oblation as if he offered Swines Blood he that burneth Incense as if he blessed an Idol Two things are absolutely necessary unto the acceptation of our services one is the Mediation of our Lord Jesus and therefore our sacrifices though never so spiritual are said to be acceptable through Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 5. and the other the cleansing of Conscience from all known and allowed sin for iniquity will separate between us and our God and make him hide his face from us 3. Without a good Conscience there can be no quiet or Peace but will prove exceedingly to our prejudice (p) Malâ tranquillâ conscientiâ sicut nihil pejus ita nihil i●foelicius haec est illa quae nec Deum timet nec hominem reveretur Bern. De Conscien cap. 3. pag. 1109. The mirth of distracted and phrantick persons makes us ready to weep because we know how little reason there is for it and thus unreasonable is security and peace where there is an evil Conscience Sin is such a Master as none of its Servants have cause to be very jocund When Death and Hell which is the wages of sin is paid then I am sure 't will be sad day with sinners and all their jollity will be turned into the height of anguish and tribulation Art thou without a good Conscience and yet art quiet thy quietness is thy Disease As there is a Natural Lethargy whereby Bodies sleep unto natural Death so there is a Spiritual Lethargy whereby Souls sleep unto Eternal Death and they wake not till the sight of an angry God upon the Judgment-seat and the feeling of the unquenchable flames of Hell awake them He had a bad Conscience that said Soul take thine ease and so had he that fared sumptuously every day but their ease did them harm and was a means to bring them unto these torments where no ease is to be looked for Ah woe unto sinners that are at ease the ease of the simple does slay them and the prosperity of Fools destroyes them Prov. 1. 32. 4. Without a good Conscience 't is impossible that we should be truly good our selves If Conscience be bad all things else within us are likely to be a great deal worse If this which should restrain from sin connive at sin how will iniquity abound if this which should be urging unto duty does not it self do its Duty how will duty be cast off there will quickly be a saying unto God depart from us for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes what is the Almighty that we should serve him Job 21. 14 15. To say that a man has no Conscience is as much as to say that a man has no goodness When a sinner is indeed turned unto God one of the first things that is wrought upon in him is his Conscience and the more Holy he is still his Conscience does become more Pure and wakeful and tender When a sinner that is almost perswaded to be a Christian falls back again and becomes as vile nay viler than ever his Conscience rings him many a sad peal to prevent his relapse and 't is sometimes a great while before his Conscience can be charmed But if once this is laid into a Dead sleep the lusts of the Heart will grow impetuous and strong the affections will be vile and at length there may be a running out to all excesse of Riot in the Conversation Certainly if Conscience be bad the whole man is defiled if Conscience does exercise no Authority for God sinners will fulfill the desires of the Flesh and of the Mind and will walk according to the course of this World according to the Prince of the Power of the Air the Spirit which worketh in the Children of Disobedience 5. Without a good Conscience as nothing is good in us so nothing is good or pure to us The Apostlet ells us that unto the pure all things are pure but to them whose Minds Consciences are defiled there is nothing pure Tit. 1. 15. A bad Conscience defiles every thing A man that is Conscious to himself of loved and regining sin whatever Creatures he uses he abuses his Food his Estate his Health his Strength are all impure to him because his Corruptions are served with all these his blessings are turned into Curses because he makes a sinful and Cursed use of them Nay not only things secular but also things sacred even the Ordinances of God are prophaned and polluted by an evil Conscience Prayer is turned into an Abomination and the Lord calls it Howling Hos 7. 14. They have not cryed unto me with their Hearts when they howled upon their beds The word becomes a savour of Death unto Death the Eyes being shut and the Ears closed and the Heart being more hardened under it Receiving the Lords Supper is turned into a being guilty of the Body blood of the Lord and Eating and Drinking Damnation to our selves 1 Cor. 11. Thus a bad Conscience which suffers sin to rule without any considerable disturbance spoyls all we do turns good into Evil and the better things are in themselves makes them so much the worse to us
(q) As dirty hands foul all they touch And those things most which are most pure and fine So our clay-hearts ev'n when we crouch To sing thy praises make them less divine Yet either this Or none thy portion is Herb. Misery p. 93. 6. Till Conscience be good how extreamly dangerous is our Estate We are the Children of Wrath the Sons of Death Condemned already not sure to be a day or hour out of that place of Torment where the Worm does not dye and the Fire none can quench When the Lord speaks to the Ungodly his mouth is full of threatnings his words are woes and curses and not one syllable of Encouragement or hope does he give them as long as they are resolved to continue in their wickedness Indeed if they are willing to have their Consciences and Conversations cleansed then he declares himself inclined to Mercy and to make them white as Wool or Snow though before red like Scarlet or like Crimson Isa 1. 16. 18. But as long as Conscience is secure and the sinner is resolved and obstinate alas God is angry with him every day the Vial is continually filling fuller and more wrath is treasured up against the day of wrath If the sinner turn not the Lord hath whet his Sword he hath bent his Bow and made it ready and who knows how soon the Arrow may be shot that may dispatch the sinner in the twinkling of an Eye and both kill and damn together 7. If Conscience be not good how great and intolerable may be the torture of it when it is awakened Solomon tells us That the Spirit of a Man may sustain his Infirmities but a wounded Spirit who can bear These wounds are made by sin as the Meritorious caus e and by the hand of God himself as an Holy Righteous Dreadful Sin-revenging Majesty The buffetings of Satan indeed are sometimes very troublesome and terrible but what are the buffetings of a Creature if compared with the blows and wounds of Him that is Almighty When God shall say to a sinful soul Behold I am against thee Ezek. 5. 8. When God shall run upon a Transgressor as a Giant and break him with breach upon breach surely his hands will not be strong his heart will not be able to endure 'T was a saying of Luther (q) Animus malè sibi conscius potiùs in mille rerum formas verteretur ac citiùs per saxa per ignes per ahaeneos montes denique ad Diabolum ipsum ferretur quam ad Deum accederet Luther Tom. 1. In Genes c. 43. That an evil Conscience being indeed wounded had rather be turned into a thousand forms had rather venture upon Rocks and Flames Mountains of brass nay upon the Devil himself than have to do with God The Design of which passage is to shew how terrible the Lord is unto a guilty and enraged Conscience Such are said to be Drunken but not with Wine unless it be the Wine of Astonishment and they are compared to a wild Bull in a Net being full of the Fury of the Lord and the Rebuke of God Isa 50. 20 21. If you look into Scripture you may find the Saints themselves complaining of these wounds in their Consciences Listen to Job Chap. 6. 2 3 4. O that my grief were throughly weighed and my Calamity laid in the Balances together For now it would be heavier th●● the sand of the Sea therefore my words are swallowed up for the Arrows of the Almighty are within me the Poyson whereof drinketh up my spirit the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me The Psalmist speaks to the same purpose Psal 88. 14 15 16. Lord why castest thou off my soul why hidest thou thy Face from me I am Afflicted and ready to die from my youth up while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted thy fierce wrath goeth over me thy terrors have cut me off And if Saints have drank so deep of this Cup of Trembling oh how bitter may it be to sinners (r) Est intus animi vigor Arce conditus abditâ Haec venena potentius Detrahunt hominem sibi Dira quae penitus meant Nec nocentia corpori Mentis vulnere saeviunt Boetius l. 4. Met. 3. pag. mihi 122. As therefore you would avoid the Lords contending with you which will make your spirits fail before him it should be your care to have a good Conscience 8. A good Conscience as it will make those that have it to be better and better themselves so it will render them exceedingly beneficial and make them blessings unto others A good Conscience like Rebecca of old is weary of the Daughters of Heth and is not satisfied unless the Flesh be like the house of Saul growing weaker and weaker and the Spirit be like the house of David growing stronger and stronger Conscience puts the Saints upon following on to know the Lord and following harder after him and though the least Grace deserve Infinite and Eternal thanks and Conscience urges unto praise yet withall it adds that the highest measures of Holiness are not to be rested in but still there must be a growing up into Christ in all things untill we arrive unto a perfect stature in his Kingdom A good Conscience will also make us publick Blessings unto others (s) Vir bonus est commune bonum It considers we are not Born or New-born onely for our selves It will make us beneficial to the Church and to the World 1. To the Church If there were more of Conscience it would hinder Animosities Contentions Divisions Declinings the decay of Love and of the Power of Godliness Conscience is for Peace and Unity and for walking as Saints and Brethren Mens Passions and Interests put them upon those courses that tend to Dividing and Destroying the Church of Christ 2. To the World A good Conscience will make us to put on Bowels and to compassionate Mankind 't will hinder us from Offending them and hardening them against Religion 't will make us pray for and endeavour the gaining and saving of them It will cause our Light so to shine before Men that they seeing our good Works may Glorifie our Father which is in Heaven and at length they may be brought to desire to become themselves of the Number of his Children I have done with the Reasons of the Doctrine I come now to the Application VSE 1. Shall be of Reproof If it should be the care of all to have a good Conscience alas whose heart may not smite him who has not Reason to acknowledge that a sharp Reproof is but justly due Conscience in these last and worst days seems to have left the Earth and truly till there are better Consciences there may not be better days or if there should be better times they would but prove a Judgment For if Mens Hearts are stupid under Adversity Prosperity is not likely to awaken them The Lord looks down from Heaven
destruction I would here propose these three things unto them whose Consciences are of so great a latitude 1. This largeness of Conscience argues great contempt of God and of his Will there is not a standing in aw of him and of his word His word is very strict his commands holy and requires that we should walk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 exactly and circumspectly this is to be wise to do otherwise is to discover the most dangerous folly Eph. 5. 15. What manner of persons sayes the Apostle ought ye to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3. 11. But notwithstanding all this large consciences live at random as if preciseness were more ado than needs and as if the Lord did but jest in his Holy Precepts and those terrible threats which back them but they to their cost shall find and feel he is in good earnest 2. This largeness of Conscience is a shrewd sign that sinners are in the broad way They that can swallow camels 't is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for them to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven The Scribes and Pharisees of old did omit the weightier matters of the Law Judgement Mercy and Faith But Christ does denounce a wo unto them Mat. 23. 23. Largeness of Conscience discovers a great carelessness of the soul and too great an indifferency what becomes of it for ever And what souls are likely to miscarry if such be not We must work out our Salvation with fear and trembling if we will be saved 3. The larger Conscience is and the more is swalowed at present the greater hereafter will the account be We are all Stewards which must shortly give an account of our stewardship and though a● present some like the steward in the Gospel many take their Bills and write Fourscore or Fifty for an Hundred Yet our Lord who will call us to an Account will be exact in reckoning and cannot be deceived by us His judgement is according to Truth Rom. 2. 2. And oh how many things will he condemn at the last day which sinners defend at present 'T will be indeed a day of Light and Manifestation both of things and persons Many persons that went for Saints will then be unmasked and found Hypocrites and have their sad portion with the Hypocrites And many things that where counted no sins will be found great sins and the lighter they were made of the more heavy and damnable they will prove unto the sinner A large Conscience therefore take heed of Attend unto the Law and to the Testimony which does discover evil and be afraid of every evil way 3. They are to be reproved whose Consciences are at peace but that peace has no solid and good foundation The most of sinners in the world have this false peace in their own Spirits sometimes they are a little awakened but are quickly hushed asleep again by that evil One who does destroy souls by thousands and by millions by carnal security Transgressors when first they venture upon sin their Consciences recoyl upon them but by degrees they grow senselesse Custom in sin and Quiet in sin do go commonly together (t) Primùm quando homo peccat videtur ei importabile processu temporis grave videtur paulo post leve judicat cùm crebris ictibus verberetur vulnera non sentit verbera non attendit In brevi vero temporis spacio non solùm non sentit sed placet dulce fit quod amarum erat asperum vertitur in suave Ad extremum non potest avelli quia consuetudo vertitur in naturam quod priùs ad faciendum erat impossibile jam impossibile est ad continendum Bernard De Consc c. 3. pag. 1109. One of the Fathers does excellently describe how the ungodly arrive unto this false peace At first sayes he sin does seem intolerable afterwards onely heavy after that being frequently given way to and Conscience stunned by many wounds makes no great matter of them in process of time sin is not burthensome at all but pleasant at last 't is turned into a second nature and the sinner can no more be drawn from it than the Ethiopian can change his skin or the Leopard his spots Jer. 13. 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil A great many not onely Profane but Professors are concerned in this reproof and have no better than a false peace of Conscience Here therefore I am to shew what that peace of Conscience is which is false and also how unreasonable it is to give entertainment to it A false peace of Conscience I shall describe to you in these particulars 1. That peace of Conscience is false where Sin and Misery were never seen They who never perceived any harm in sin and wonder why the Lord in his word does speak so much against it and why his Ministers cannot let men quietly alone in the commission of it who never lookt so far as to behold that eternal death and destruction that is threatned to be brought upon the workers of iniquity these are at peace because they do not apprehend what reason they have to be troubled there is sufficient cause of grief and fear and horrour onely they want an eye to see it so as to be indeed affected There are some that are such fools as to make a mock of sin and count it a pastime to do wickedly These do no more understand what sin is nor the Hell which the Holy God has entail'd upon it than the mad-man understands what he does when he casts Fire-brands and Arrows and Death and saith am I not in sport Prov. 26. 18. Others though far from being indeed justified think they are righteous though sick after a deadly manner yet imagine they are whole and undervalue the great Physitian Both these sort of Persons have peace but 't is without ground for the former do grosly mistake sin and the later do as grosly mistake themselves 2. That peace of Conscience is false where the strong man armed keeps possession where Satan works and rules without resistance Our Lord sayes When the strong man armed keepeth his Palace his goods are in peace Luk. 11. 21. By the strong man we are to understand the Devil by his Palace we are to understand the sinners heart because as a King reigns and commands all especially in his Palace so the Devil bears sway in the hearts of the ungodly And a false peace and quiet is the great means whereby the Devils Rule and Government is upheld If you are careless and unconcerned whom you are led by 't is certain that the Devil leads you for none are led by the Spirit of God without great sollicitousness and fear of being misguided and strong cryes that they may be guided by his counsel unto his Kingdom and Glory Satan is
They see no evil in sin and they think the Lord sees none neither they love sin and they think God does not so much hate it or at least that he will connive at their wickedness Can there be a more gross mistake And how unreasonable is that Peace which is grounded upon such a mistake No secure Soul know God hates sin infinitely more than thou canst love it and though thou flatter thy self in thy own eyes for the present He will Reprove thee and set thy sins in Order before thee Oh now consider this ye that forget God lest he tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver All thy Blessing of thy self cannot make thee Blessed all thy promises to thy self are vain for thou canst not perform one of them But the Lord both can and will fulfill his threatnings and cause the curse denounced to overtake thee 2. As long as a false Peace does last Satan is unlikely to be cast out Awakened and troubled Souls are afraid of being under his Power and in time look after Deliverance but they that are secure will swallow his Baits and follow this Enemy as long as he Sails with the stream of Corrupted Nature and tempts them to that which their own wicked hearts delight in And is it not sad to be in possession and at the Command of so Cruel an Enemy A Believers Heart is the Temple of the Holy Spirit but the Heart of a wicked Man is the hole of the Old Serpent Oh the danger that such are in to be stung to death and destroyed every moment The Jews did boulster up themselves with this That they were Abraham's Seed and they were foolishly confident that God was their Father But Christ speaks plainly Ye are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father ye will do John 8. 44. The Devil is a Father to all presumptuous souls they do his Will and will be his Prey 3. This false Peace is very provoking and makes the breach between God and the Sinner still wider Barely to sin does not so much incense as to make Light of it and not to be troubled after sin has been committed The Apostle tells us that mens hardness and impenitency causes them to treasure up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath and the Revelation of the Righteous Judgment of God Rom. 2. 5. If a Servant commit a fault and afterwards laugh in his Masters Face this is more insufferable than the fault it self Thou that canst forget God days without Number and yet art at Peace thou that canst neglect the Lord Jesus and his Benefits and yet art at peace that canst Live without the VVord and Prayer in secret and when thou prayest with others thy Heart is absent and yet art at peace Thou that canst be Intemperate Sensual Unclean Covetous Proud Slothful and yet art at peace Alas how much is God thine Enemy how bitterly dost thou provoke him unto Anger The lighter sin is made of the heavier 't will be sound and the weightier Gods indignation 4. This false Peace will be but short Job 20. 4 5. Knowest not thou this of Old since Man was placed upon the Earth that the Triumphing of the wicked is but short and the Joy of the Hypocrite but for a moment This false peace can last no longer than Life and Life is hasting to a Conclusion as the swift Ships unto the Haven and as the Eagle does unto the Prey How small is that satisfaction which the hungry man takes in a Dream of a Feast He Dreameth saith the Prophet and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his Soul is empty Isa 29. 8. Secure Souls do Dream that God is a Friend but when they awake they will find him an Enemy they Dream that they are whole but when they awake they will find that they are sick and if Hell wakes them they will find their case altogether Desperate and their Disease past Cure They Dream that they are Rich and increased with good things but when they awake they will perceive themselves empty and miserable False peace may fitly be compared to a Night-vision for as there is no real ground for it so 't is but of very short continuance 5. This false peace is threatned with sudden destruction Solomon tells us Prov. 29. 1. He that being often reproved hardneth his Neck shall suddenly be Destroyed and that without Remedy And the Apostle speaks to the same purpose 1 Thes 5. 3. When they shall say Peace and Safety then sudden Destruction cometh upon them as travel upon a Woman with Child and they shall not escape Have you never taken notice of a Man Labouring under the Falling-sickness He seems as well as any person in the VVorld eats as heartily walks as strongly as another but upon a sudden down he falls foams at Mouth beats his Breast and becomes a spectacle of great horror Sinners that have a false Peace look chearfully go up and down from day to day quietly as if no danger were near them but at length Death seizeth upon them and it seizeth on them suddenly for it finds them utterly unprepared and the first death is immediately followed by the second and if we could see them in Hell Ah how should we behold the Case altered How are they brought into Desolation as in a moment and utterly consumed with terror Psal 73. 19. All their vain hope is turned into a most tormenting despair all their false joy and peace is changed into inconceivable agonies and vexation of Spirit 6. This false peace of Conscience will very much heighten the Torment that shall follow As Heaven will be the Sweeter to Believers because of their foregoing Sorrows Sufferings and Temptations so Hell will be the more Bitter to the Ungodly because of their Confidence that they should scape it They that have a false peace do come many of them with an expectation to have the door of Heaven open to receive them Lord Lord open unto us as if they should say Lord Lord We are at the door and therefore let us have admission into thy Kingdom But when they find the door shut and shut for ever against them and instead of a place in Heaven they are thrown down into one of the hottest places in Hell Oh what weeping and wailing will be the consequent Death was the worse to the Amalekite that brought tidings of Sauls death to David because he expected a reward for his news 'T was more grievous to Agag to be hewed in pieces by Samuel before the Lord when he came forth delicately and said surely the Bitterness of Death is past So Hell will be the more intolerable unto them who fully reckoned upon it that they were secured from those burnings When a sinner that is in a false peace all his days is chased out of the world and beyond his expectation nay contrary to his expectation is turned into a flaming Hell We may conceive him thus speaking
of the Lord will still strive if he meet with nothing but resistance dost thou think that Mercy will still be offered if that Offer be nothing else but rejected Dost thou think that the day of Grace will still continue if it be eat and drunk and slept and play'd and sinn'd away Dost thou consider how easie 't is for God to destroy thee And if he does it he will ease himself of a Burthen For he is pressed with thy Iniquities as a Cart is pressed that is full of sheaves Amos 2. 13. Nay he threatens to do it which should make thee as secure as thou art horribly afraid concerning those Sinners that did refuse and rebell that did refuse to turn and did resolve to rebell Thus saith the Lord the Lord of Hosts the Mighty One of Israel Ah I will ease me of mine Adversaries and avenge me on my Enemies Isa 1. 24. 8. That Conscience may be awakened Behold and Know thy self To understand our selves is a great part of Wisdom to live and die Ignorant of our selves (c) Miser nimiùm Qui cunctis notus moritur Ignotus moritur sibi Seneca is not to see what 's our Happiness what 's our Misery till 't is too late to obtain the one to avoid the other How do the ungodly mistake every thing They mistake sin for they think it pleasant they mistake the World for they think 't will make them happy they mistake Satan for they think there is no harm in yielding to his Temptations they mistake the Lord for they think him an hard Master and his Commands grievous they mistake themselves for they think they are what they are not and that they are not what they are Look therefore into your selves Sinners and there are five things you should take notice of which may help very much to startle Conscience 1. Take Notice of your Guilt Ah how have your offences abounded You have Sinned alone you have Sinned in Company you have Sinned in every place in every Relation in every Capacity in every Employment nay you have Sinned in every Duty that you have performed unto God himself How should such Guilty Souls tremble We blame the stupidness of a Malefactor that is in Prison for several Crimes the least of which is enough to Hang him Oh blame thy self for being unconcerned at thy many thousands of Transgressions the least of which is enough to damn thee 2. Take Notice of thy weakness Art thou O Man a Match for God Hast thou an Arm like the Lord Or canst thou Thunder with a voice like him Canst thou deck thy self with Majesty and Excellency and array thy self with Glory and Beauty Canst thou cast abroad the Rage of thy Wrath and behold every one that is proud and abase him Job 40. 9 10 11. Poor VVorm thou dwellest in a House of Clay whose Foundation is in the dust thou art no more able to stand against God than dryed stubble before devouring flames or Chaff before the fiercest VVhirle-wind 3. Take Notice of thy Mortality How quickly may thy breath go forth and thou return to thy Earth and all thy thoughts perish Psal 146. 4. How soon maist thou be hid in the dust and thy face bound in secret Dost not thou Observe Men as great as young as rich as strong as thy self carried to their Graves VVhy should thy Conscience be secure as if thou wert sure to be out of the reach of Death for these several Years It does infinitely concern thee to awake to Righteousness presently and to work for God and for thy Soul while 't is day for the Night is coming is just at hand and there is no VVisdom nor working in the Grave whither thou art apace going 4. Take Notice of the Immortality of thy better part thy Precious Soul (d) T was a notable saying and observation of Hierocles upon Pythagoras 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is T is the wicked man that is unwilling his soul should be immortal Thy Body indeed must lie senseless in the Grave till the last day but thy Spirit must return to God who gave it As the Spirits of Just Men immediately after death are made perfect in the Heavenly Jerusalem so the spirits of the Ungodly are thrown into Hell when separated from their Bodies for the soul has been the principal subject of sin and most Active in wickedness and therefore does more early begin to be tormented The Sodomites are said to be now suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire Jude 7. which shews plainly that their Souls are now in Hell for if their Bodies and Souls were asleep together they would not truly be said to suffer that vengeance 5. Take notice of the eternal Duration both of Soul and Body after the Resurrection Body and Soul which Death does part must be joyned again and as they have been Companions together in Sin so they must share together in Everlasting Punishment Thou maist be weary of thy Being sinner and wish thou hadst never had it or that it might be taken away but thy wish will not be granted Thou must endure as long as God does and since thou must Be for ever Awake awake that thou maist not be for ever miserable 9. That Conscience may be awakened Behold how the Judge stands before the Door James 5. 9. the coming of the Lord draws nigh and is still nearer and nearer Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10. 37. Oh think of that day when the World shall be on Fire about your Ears when the Lord shall come with Clouds and every Eye shall see Him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him when the Sun shall become black as a sackcloth of hair and the Moon shall be like blood when the Heaven shall depart as a scroll when 't is rolled together and every Mountain and Island shall be removed out of their places when the Lord Jesus shall sit upon his great white Throne and all the dead both small and great shall stand before him and shall be judged according to their works Rev. 20. 11. 12. Consider seriously 1. How glorious the Judge will be at that day he will come attended with Legions of Angels Oh the Majesty and Brightness of our Lord when he shall appear the second time he appeared the first time in the form of a Servant because he was to be obedient unto Death for the sins of men but then he will be seen as he is 't will be evident to all that he is the Son of God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Brightness of his Fathers glory 2. How powerful will this Judge be found All the Devils and the Reprobate world will be then together and yet they will not be able to make their part good against him but he will Judge and Condemn and put the Sentence which he passes upon them in Execution 3. How Righteous will the whole proceeding
feet and run into mine eyes And keep your measures for some Lovers lute Whose grief allows him Musick and a rhyme For mine excludes both measure tune and time Alas my God! 7. Where Conscience is rightly troubled the sinner accuses and condemns himself He holds up his Hand at Gods Bar and crys Guilty of his own accord Satan my hold his Tongue for one that 's troubled in Spirit is forward enough to be his own Accuser We say commonly in Humane Courts of Judicature Nemo tenetur accusare seipsum No Man is bound to accuse himself But 't is otherwise in the Court of Conscience Here 't is a known Rule Accuse thy self and confess thy Crime that thou mayst be pardoned 1 John 1. 9. If we confess our sins he is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness How large have broken hearts been in acknowledging their Offences and the aggravations of them they have not spared to speak and to tell all they knew against themselves they have called themselves Rebellious Revolters VVicked Foolish Ignorant Beasts before God all this has shewed how they have disliked and abhorred themselves And as they have accused so they have been forward to pass a Judgment and to condemn themselves VVhen the Jews Crucified Christ they accused him cryed out against him as a Deceiver and condemned him to that Ignominious Death Troubled souls deal thus with the Flesh and its Lusts and Affections They accuse the Flesh as being enmity against God they cry out that they have been deceived by the Flesh and they condemn the Lusts of it to be Crucified and slain and further say because the Flesh has been pleased and served they themselves deserve to be everlastingly condemned In the greatest severities they cry out the Lord is Righteous nay if he should inflict the Vengeance of eternal flames upon them they grant his ways would be but very equal 8. VVhere Conscience is rightly troubled the sinner despairs in himself 'T is a great sin to despair of Mercy and Salvation but to despair of saving our selves by any strength or worth of our own this is but needful The awakened Conscience sees that our own wisdom is insufficient to guide us in the way Everlasting that our own Righteousness has innumerable defects in it and dares not lean upon it VVhen Daniel had done his very best he dares not trust in it Chap. 9. 18. We do not present our Supplications before thee for our Righteousnesses but for thy great Mercies as if he should say our Righteousnesses are imperfect and small they are not the ground of our hope but our expectation is from thy great Mercies 'T is a true saying of Luther (m) Nunquam tantum operum potest inveni●i ut conscientiam reddar pacatam sed semper desiderat plura imò in illis ipsis quae secit peccata invenit Luther in Epist. ad Gal. c. 4. That Conscience can never be satisfied with our own VVorks and Righteousness for it still desires and wants more and finds a great deal amiss in what has been done already If we were to be Justified by our own VVorks an enlightned and troubled Conscience would be like the Horse-leaches Daughter and still cry Give Give and could never be satisfied The sinner that is truly troubled despairs also in his own Srength as well as VVisdom and Righteousness He sees that he has no Power to believe that he cannot come to the Lord Jesus unless drawn to him by the Father He cannot beget himself in a Spiritual sence no more than he was able to do it in a Natural Fletcher does well set forth this in these Verses † Christs victory pag. 50. Who is it sees not that he nothing is But he that nothing sees What weaker breast Since Adam's Armour fail'd dares warrant his That made by God of all the Creatures best Strait made himself the worst of all the rest If any Strength we have it is to ill But all the good is Gods both Power and Will The dead man cannot rise though he himself may kill 9. VVhere Conscience is rightly troubled this trouble does begin to estrange and wean the heart from sin The sinner sees evidently that he has been grossely mistaken in his Lusts and wofully deceived by them They promised him pleasure but have paid him in Gall and VVormwood they promised him profit but have undone him he has none of the true and enduring Riches and his Soul is in great danger of being lost for ever hereupon he is not so fond of them as before His Love abates and begins to be turned into aversation and Hatred He says I have sinned and perverted that which is right and it has not profited me Job 33. 27. nay insteed of profiting it has been exceedingly Mischievous and now sin begins to be lookt upon with an ill eye VVhen Ephraim perceived that his Idols could not help him nay provoked the Lord unto Jealousie and Anger against him he flings them away to the Bats and to the Moles as things unworthy to be VVorshipt or so much as look on and says What have I to do any more with Idols Hos 14. 8. Then trouble does work kindly when sin it self is disliked and the soul with an indignation and detestation crys out what have I to do any more with so great an evil 10. When Conscience is rightly troubled the sinner is very inquisitive to understand what he must do to be saved Thus the Gaoler Acts 16. 29 30. came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said Sirs what must I do to be saved So Acts 2. 37. Now when they heard this they were prickt in their heart and said unto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and Brethren what shall we do And Saul as soon as throughly awakened is at the same enquiry Acts 9. 6. And he trembling and astonished said Lord what wilt thou have me to do The Question is no longer Who will shew us any of the Worlds good The Question is no longer What shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewith shall we be cloathed But the main enquiry is What course must be taken to have sin covered Gods anger removed the immortal and precious Soul saved That is delivered from everlasting burnings and brought to an incorruptible Inheritance These are the chief Matters which all should mind and truly they who think it not worth the while to enquire about Salvation 't is a sign they have not set so much as one step in the way to it but all their days their feet have been going down to Death and Hell 11. VVhere Conscience is rightly troubled the sinners heart will consent to any Conditions and terms of Peace and Reconciliation with God There is a Beam of Spiritual Light which shines into his Soul so that he sees all things after another manner to what he did formerly He
this Love of good will in God and desire after Man's welfare was taken notice of by the Angels and they are brought in Admiring and Magnifying the Lord when Christ a Saviour was Born into the VVorld Luke 2. 13 14. Suddenly there was a Multitude of the Heavenly Host Praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest on Earth Peace Good will towards Men. Let all this encourage drooping Spirits and banish those thoughts of God which Satan is apt to inject and which are utterly unworthy of his Love and kindness towards Man 3. Study that great Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the Flesh Eye the Incarnation of the Son of God John 1. 14. The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his Glory the Glory as of the onely begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth God is the Fountain of Grace but being made Man Man has access into that Fountain and the Son of God shews himself to be truly the Redeemer and (n) Christus Apostolis inde agnitus est pro Filio Dei quod complementum omnium quae ad spirituale Dei regnum pertinent in se haberet denique quod in omnibus vere se praestiterit Redemptorem Messiam quae maxime insignis est nota quâ discerni ab aliis omnibus debuit Calv. in Johan c. 1. Messiah because he is abundantly nay infinitely able to furnish with all Grace whosoever come to him 'T was (o) Magnum hoc mysterium Verbum caro factum pro paucis aut levibus noxis editum orbi non fuit Mel. Adamus in vitâ Cranmeri Cranmer's Comfort in his last Prayer that this great Mystery God manifest in the Flesh was not onely for a few or light Offences The greatest of Transgressors may from hence be Encouraged both the God-head and Manhood of Christ are to be eyed and truly it may be very reviving to contemplate both 1. The Godhead of Christ And if he be God how safely may he be trusted in The Apostle tells us that by Him were all things Created that are in Heaven and in Earth Visible and Invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were made by him and for him Col. 1. 16. He is said also to uphold all things by the Word of his Power Heb. 1. 3. surely then his hand is not shortned that it cannot save Christ is affirmed to be over all God Blessed for ever Rom. 9. 5. Let not any imagine that he is onely God by Office for he is also styled the true God and Eternal Life 1 John 5. 20. And if the Scripture say that he is the true God let not any Corrupt mind be so bold as to assert that he is God improperly so called Untill we look as high as the God-head of our Lord Jesus we cannot find whereon our Faith may rest nor wherewith our Consciences may be satisfied In Scripture God and Blood Jehovah and Righteousness are joyned together God is said to have Purchased the Church with his own 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Blood Acts 20. 28. And Jer. 23. 6. This is the Name whereby Christ is called Jehovah or the Lord our Righteousness As his blood could not have been shed if he had not been Man so the shedding of it would not have been sufficient for the Redemption and Purchasing of the Church if he had not been God Because he is God therefore his Righteousness being imputed unto sinners is sufficient for their Justification though they have none of their own that is worth naming The Apostle Magnifies the Gospel because therein the Righteousness of God is Revealed from Fairh to Faith Rom. 1. 17. 'T is called the Righteousness of God not onely because God the Father does accept of it as perfect and sufficient but because 't is the Righteousness of Christ who is truly God as well as Man and from whose Deity is derived such a value and vertue unto his Sufferings and Obedience Surely the more we view the God-head of our Lord Jesus the firmer will be our recumbence upon him and the less shall we be afraid of the Enemies of our Salvation since he can so easily subdue them 2. The Manhood of Christ as well as his Godhead must be eyed How often in the Gospel is he called the Son of man Luke 19. 10. The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost The Son of man must be lifted up that he might draw all men to him John 12 32 34. The Apostle tells us there is but one Mediator between God and men the Man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2. 5. By taking our Nature upon him he is become neer a kin to us and is not ashamed to call us Brethren Heb. 2. 11 12. Both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one Christ who sanctifieth hath the same humane nature with Beleivers who are sanctified for which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren saying I will declare thy Name unto my Brethren in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee With what boldness may the Children of men come to the Lord Jesus who was in all things made like them that he might be a Merciful and Faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people Heb. 2. 17. Ruth emboldned her self to speak unto Boaz Spread thy skirt over thine handmaid for thou art a neer kinsman Ruth 3. 9. Our Lord Jesus is neer a kin to us it belongs to him to redeem both us and our lost Inheritance we may with confidence desire him to spread his skirt over us and to betroth us unto himself for ever 4. For the comforting of a troubled Conscience take notice of that compleat satisfaction that Christ has made unto Divine Justice by offering up of himself upon the crosse for sin Behold the Lamb of God slain and taking away the sin of the world Three things are much to be studied by those that are wounded in their spirits Christs suffering of Death his overcoming of Death and his seconding his sufferings with his perpetual intercession 1. His suffering of Death The Apostle takes much notice of the person who died he was altogether innocent he died indeed for the unjust but himself was just and righteous The penitent Thief spake Truth upon the Crosse when he rebuked his fellow saying Dost not thou fear God seeing thou art in same condemnation and we indeed justly for we receive the reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amisse Luk. 23. 40 41. Therefore he is likened unto a Lamb without blemish and without spot He was made sin indeed and a Curse for us but he had no sin of his own whereby the least Curse or Punishment could be deserved Christ was innocent and Oh! how high and great a Person was he He being in the form of God and thinking
would principally lye at Satans door as all the Glory of that good which is done by us is to be ascribed unto God The Devil did not thrust the forbidden fruit into Eve's Mouth whether she would or no but only did cunningly and strongly perswade her to eat of it In like manner he deals with us he layes his baits (z) Vnam esse omnium rem pulcherrimam eoque pulchriorem si vacet populo neque plausum captans se tantum ipsa delectet Quinetiam mihi quidem laudabilior a videntur omnia quae sine venditatione sine populo teste fiunt non quo fugiendus sit omnia enim bene facta in luce se collocari volunt sed tamen nullum the atrum virtuti conscientiâ majus est Cicero Tuscul Quaestion l. 3. pag. mihi 146. before us and endeavours our ruine by offering what does please us But a good Conscience is deaf unto the Devil and scorns his offers for his offers are to the losse of the Righteous man What are the riches of the World which Satan talks so much of compared with the unsearchable Riches of Christ what are the pleasures of sin compared with peace of Conscience what are all Earthly advantages and preferments compared with Communion with God and the Light of his Countenance A good Conscience is firmly perswaded that 't is good for us to draw near to God Psal 73. ult to be near to Him is for our Honour Interest Safety Delight and satisfaction and hereupon the Believer rejects Satan with an Holy contempt and indignation for he see● 't is folly as well as wickedness to leave his Fathers House where there is bread enough and to spare and to go feed upon busks in the farr Country 7. He that hath a good Conscience can look upon death with desire which is so exceeding terrible unto others The Believer may indeed be willing to live that he may serve his generation according to the will of God and that he may do that for Christ on Earth which he cannot do when he comes to heaven but his Conscience being pure and peaceable having an assurance what a kindness death will do him He does with the Apostle desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is far better Phil. 1. 23. There is profit pleasure and honor in a Believers departing no wonder if he desires to depart There is profit in it to dye is gain says the Apostle he gains more grace in the instant of his dissolution than he got all his dayes before for upon death his Spirit is made perfect in Holiness There is pleasure in death for sometimes 't is sweetned with ravishing transports of Spirit and it is the Porter to open the gate into full and Everlasting joyes having put an end both to sin and sorrow Finally there is honour in Death for the Believer having fought a good Fight and finished his course and kept the Faith he goes to receive the Crown of Righteousness 8. He that hath a good Conscience can look into Eternity and be filled with joy unspeakable and glorious That is one of the Richest jewels in the Crown of Life that it fades not away The good Conscience looks up to Heaven fixes its eye upon God sees that bosom in which the sanctified Soul must lye and (a) Da Pater omnipotens menti conscendere sedem Da fontem lustrare boni da luce repertâ In te conspicuos animi defigere visus Disjice terrenas nebulas ponder a molis Atque tuo splendore mica Tu namque serenum Tu requies tranquilla piis Te cernere finis Principium vector dux semita terminus idem Boetius de Consolat Phil. l. 3. met 9. pag. mihi 88. rest forever After millions of years are spent praise will be continued delight will be as green and fresh as ever there will be no loathing of that heavenly Manna after so many thousands of ages as there have been minutes since the Creation Joy in heaven will be as far from an end as it was when first of all it did begin Mortality and change are the disgrace of all temporal delights and pleasures but a good Conscience rejoyces and well it may do so in a better and enduring substance it sees how sure how near Eternal Life is and upon this follow raptures of pleasure Cyprian (b) Exultabunt Sancti in gloriâ videbunt Deum gaudebunt Ibi non gustabunt quam suavis sit Dominus sed implebuntur satiabuntur dulcdinemirificâ nihil eis deerit nihil oberit omne desiderium eorum Christus praeens implebit Non senescent non abescent non putrescent ampliùs perpetua sanitas foelix Eternitas be atitudnis illius sufficientiam confirmabunt Non erit concupiscentia in membris non ultra exurget rebellio carnis sed totus hominis status pudicus pacificus sana ex integro Natura sine omni maculâ rugâ deinceps permanebit Erit denique Deus omnia in omnibus illius praesentia omne animae corporis implebit appetitus Cyprian Serm. de Christ. Ascens does excellently set forth this full and Everlasting happiness of the Saints in Heaven They says he shall see God and Rejoyce and be Delighted they shall Enjoy that Glory and be swallowed up in that Joy for Ever-more There they shall not only taste how sweet the Lord is but shall be filled and satisfied with his wonderful sweetness nothing shall be wanting nothing shall be hurtful Christ being present will satiate all their longing They shall not grow old or weak or dye any more There will not be Concupisence in the Members nor Rebellion in the Flesh against the Spirit but Mans Nature will be fully restored and Sanctified and Healed and so will remain without any spot or wrinkle Everlastingly Finally God will be all in all and his immediate and glorious presence will so abundantly fill the Saints that they shall not be able to desire more You see now in several respects how desirable 't is to have good Conscience wheresoever such a Conscience looks upwards downwards inwards forwards still there is peace and Consolation Oh look into your Consciences and see what they are whether good or bad and oh that all bad Consciences may be utterly restless till they are made good ones VSE IV. Of Advice unto them whose Consciences are good which have been cleansed and quieted by the blood of Christ and by the VVord and Spirit of Grace My Advice is in these particulars 1. Be very thankfull for this unspeakable Gift of a good Conscience The largest Empire in the VVorld a Crown of pure Gold upon the Head is nothing near so great a Blessing as a pure and peaceable Conscience I may use the Angels Salutation to the Virgin Mary unto every Saint that has such a Conscience Hail thou that art highly Favoured The Lord is with thee Blessed art thou among the Sons of Men.
as of another Man surely he would ill resent it God is the King of Glory and if his Presence is not regarded we make no more of him than if he were an Idol which has Eyes but sees not Ears but hears not and in whose power 't is not to do either good or evil 2. Not to set our selves before God is to thwart the End that he aims at both in his Word and Works His Works are many and great that we might stand in awe of the Worker and in his Word he has told us what a God he is that we might fear before him 3. To set our selves before God is the way to keep up the Authority of Conscience the Word in Consciences Mouth will be more heeded when our Eyes are open to look upon that Holy and Powerful God whose Officer Conscience is 4. To set our selves before God is both for our Delight and Advantage The Presence of God is terrible indeed to the evil Conscience but those whose hearts are cleansed are glad that the Lord is ever with them VVith what satisfaction and Triumph did the Church speak those words Psal 46. 7. 11. The Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our Refuge Selah And the profit which we reap from a sence of this Presence is very great for when we hear and pray and perform other Duties as in the Lords presence then they turn to good Account but when God is not regarded to be sure we are not at all Advantaged nay our very Duties do but increase our guilt and hardness VSE 1. Of Reproof 1. How are they to be blamed who instead of setting themselves before God Banish the thoughts of him and Live without him in the World This forgetfulness of God is the Root of presumption and boldness in sin when there is no sense or fear of the Lords Eye or Hand then the hearts of the Sons of Men will be be fully set in them to do evil This forgetfulness of God encourages also to Hypocrisie and so the whited Sepulchre do but appear beautiful outwardly to the Eyes of Man the Hypocrite is not concerned at the Eye of God which sees all that filthiness and rottenness that is within 2. How are they to be blamed who instead of having recourse to God who is just before them place their confidence in the Creatures The Papist is concerned who prays to Saints and Angels 't is said indeed for his defence that we speak unto Courtiers to intercede for us to a Prince and therefore we must speak unto the Saints departed to Intercede for us to God But I shall retort this similitude thus Suppose thou wert just before a King and he should give thee leave and command thee to Offer thy Petition to him would it not be unreasonable then to send to a Courtier that is a Thousand Miles off to speak a good word for thee God is just before thee and has commanded thee to call upon him and is ready to hear the Saints in Heaven are a great way off their Mediation is needless Blind Papist open thy eyes and see God near thee and thou wilt never pray to Saints and Angels more The Protestant also is concerned for he also places his Confidence in the Creature when he looks upon his Wealth as his strong City and his dependance is upon things visible and not as it ought to be alone upon the invisible God VSE II. Of Exhortation Let Conscience have this Effect upon all of you to make you set your selves before God 1. This will make you to abhor your selves (f) Quantisper extra terram non respicimus propriâ justitiâ sapientiâ virtute pulchre contenti nobis suavissimè blandimur tantum non semidei videmur At si semel coeperimus cogitationem in Deum erigere expendere qualis sit quàm exacta justitiae sapientiae vitutis ejus perfectio ad cujus amussim conformari nos oportet quod antea in nobis falso justitiae praetextu arridebat pro summâ iniquitate mox sor descet quod mirisicè imponebat sapientiae titulo pro extremâ stultitiâ foetebit quod virtutis faciem prae se ferebat miserrima impotentia esse arguetur adeò divinae puritati malè respondet quod videtur in nobis vel absolutissimum Calvin Instit. l. 1. cap. 1. Job 42. 5 6. Mine Eye seeth thee wherefore I abhor my self and Repent in Dust and Ashes The view of Gods Power Wisdom Holiness Justice will make your VVeakness and Folly and Defilement and Guilt to be the more apparent 2. This will make you to resist Satan and to contemn the things of the World which he Offers to you God is ready to give you Power against the Tempter and all that he Offers is nothing less than nothing and Vanity compared with the All-sufficient God David when his Eye was cleared and he saw God no longer Admired the Prosperity of the wicked but said Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none on Earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73. 25. 3. This will make you to have an eye to your Hearts because God looks into and requires these and to be more Spiritual and Lively in all your Duties and more generally to please him in all your Actions VVhen you consider seriously that He does beset you behind and before and does lay his Hand upon you Psal 139. 5. You will be afraid to provoke him lest that Hand do crush you in the very act of the next Transgression 4. If you set your selves before God this will make you to be the better contented when outward comforts are taken from you Outward Comforts may be rejoyced in but for Gods sake God is to be rejoyced in for his own sake And his goodness and fulness being still the same he is as much to be delighted in when the Creatures are gone as when they are present When the Figg-trees did not blossom and there was no Fruit in the Vines yet the Prophet sayes I will Joy in the Lord and Rejoyce in the God of my Salvation Hab. 3. 17 18. 5. This will make you Fearless of Men nay undaunted in the hour of your Dissolution VVhen you are in the Valley of the shadow of Death you will fear no evil as long as you see that God is with you and Death will be so far from separating you from his Presence or from his Love that 't will send you nearer to him than ever and admit you to a fuller enjoyment of him than can be vouchsafed to any under the Sun Thus of that third Doctrine A good Conscience makes men to set themselves before God continually Doct. 4. The Fourth Doctrine is this That a good Conscience has a great and lasting influence upon the life and all the Actions I have lived sayes the Apostle in all good Conscience and that unto this day so Heb. 13. 18. We trust we have a good Conscience in all
end A good Conscience will make us pass the time of our Sojourning here in fear 1 Pet. 1. 17. It will not allow any time to sin though indeed sin will be apt to steal time away It will not allow the VVorld to ingrosse all our time but 't will be Liberal of time that the Soul and Eternity may be provided for 5. A good Cnoscience has an influence upon our Natural Actions as Eating Drinking Sleeping c. It takes care that there be not excess in these If we Eat to Gluttony and Drink to Drunkenness we are rather Beasts than Men and surely far from being Saints And if we sleep too much we seem to lie buried all that while and while too much in our Beds we are but unprofitable Burthens of the Earth And as Excesse in these Actions is avoided by a good Conscience so the glory of God is the End unto which they are Directed 1 Cor. 10. 31. Whether ye eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the Glory of God 6. A good Conscience has an Influence upon your Recreations You must not says Conscience be Prodigal of your Estates nor of your time in these You must not needlesly torment and be cruel to the Creatures which groan sufficiently already under the sin of Man you must take heed of Passion in your Recreations A good Conscience will put us in mind that we must Recreate our selves that we may be more fit for business if therefore Recreations justle out Duty or indispose us to it the End of them is not obtained I might also add that a good Conscience will take Notice of our garb and if you will but hearken to it it will tell you plainly That Men and Women Professing Godliness should not go in such kind of gay Attire as the Rogues and Ranters and Whores of the Town wear 7. A good Conscience will have an Influence upon your Carriage in your Relations All Relations call for Duty and unless we do our Duty and are good in our Relations we cannot be said to be good in reality The great Fundamental Relation is between Man and Wife A good Conscience therefore will take care that these Yoke-fellows come together in an Holy manner it will not allow of Incest or Marrying within forbidden degrees no force must be used nor marrying contrary to the consent of Parents nor must a Believer be unequally Yoaked with one that 's none 2 Cor. 6. 14. For if the Family at first be not piously erected God may be so much provoked that it may Labour and Travel under the Burthen of his Anger ever after A good Conscience will make the Husband Loving Careful Tender of his Wives Person and especially of her Soul A good Conscience will make the Wife Affectionate Faithful to Reverence her Husband and to be Subject to him in every thing A good Conscience will make Parents to bring up their Children in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord and 't will make Children to Honour and to Obey their Parents and to be a support and a Comfort to them A good Conscience will make Masters to give unto their Servants that which is Just and Equal considering they have a Master in Heaven with whom there is no respect of Persons and 't will make Servants with good will to do Service as unto the Lord and not unto Men it will stop their mouths when about to Answer again it will make them diligent and to shew all good Fidelity that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things 8. A good Conscience has an Influence upon your Behaviour both in Prosperity and Adversity In Prosperity 't will make you take heed of forgetting God Idolizing the Gifts and lightly esteeming the Giver 't will make you take heed of being high minded and trusting in uncertain Riches You have little Reason to be puft up because you have more thick Clay than others and to look upon them therefore with scorn and contempt you should contemn your own Riches but not your poor Brother who may perhaps be much Richer towards God than you These Riches because uncertain are not to be trusted in 't is easier for a Camel to enter into the Eye of a Needle than for them who trust in Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God In Adversity a good Conscience will make you to beware of Impatience under the Rod Incorrigibleness by it and of Inconstancy and drawing back from God after the Rod is taken off from you 9. A good Conscience will have an Influence upon you in reference to your Company It will make you to shun Erroneous Company lest you be led away with their Errors and embrace divers and strange Doctrines and to flee from Profane Society for if these are not avoided you will never keep the Commands of God to any purpose and if you love them and will not leave them you are likely to go to Hell for Company along with them 10. A good Conscience will make you Vseful in your Generations 't will make you Merciful to the Bodies of others giving them what is needful to your Power and not barely saying Depart in Peace be ye Warmed and Filled James 2. And not onely Merciful to the Bodies but especially to the Souls of others and how much good may you do to Souls by being Publick Spirited much in Prayer for them giving Counsel and Reproof to them and being exemplary in all Holy conversation and godliness before their Eyes 11. A good Conscience will make you daily to walk with God and to die daily that day that you do not walk with God but neglect him and his Service and venture to sin against him you have Reason to cry out with that Roman Emperour Diem perdidi I have lost a day You should every day also consider your latter end Live as Strangers and Pilgrims (h) Quid in mundo stabile quid firmum Quale istud bonum quod semper timeas amittere quod vel auferendum abs te metuas vel à te relinquendum scias Quis illius volupt at is fructus qui statim ut cessaverit videbitur tibi non fuisse Age jam transactum vitae tuae tempus animo revolve Nonne tibi umbra videtur instar somnii tenuis c. Quod si haec possumus hic dicere ubi quamvis brevis tamen quia praesens est vita ista magni penditur Quid in futuro dicturi sumus ubi majori aetatis scientiâ transactum omne pro nihilo est Augustin Epist. 142. A good Conscience by putting you in mind of Death and Judgment which will follow after Death will make you to walk every day with an Holy Circumspection and to be diligent that you may be found of God in Peace and that your latter end may be Peace I come now to the Application VSE I. Of Information If a good Conscience has such an Influence upon the Life and Conversation
then Learn if the Conversation be bad Conscience must needs be bad also If wickedness be Ordinarily practised in the Life 't is a sign either that Conscience is stupid and takes little notice of what is done or if it does observe yet 't is without power to restrain and hinder it 2. Learn what an Happiness 't is to a Nation to have much of a Good Conscience among them This will hinder Warres and Fightings and Confusion this will hinder Injustice and Oppression and Uncleanness This would cause Unity and Peace turning our Swords into Plough-shares and our Spears into Pruning-hooks and prevent our hurting and destroying one another any more Isa 11. 6 7 8 9. Those are Enemies to the common Good who endeavour to debauch the Consciences of men for they go the ready way to fill the places where they live with all Impiety and Unrighteousness VSE II. Of Advice which shall be in the words of the Psalmist Shew that you have indeed a good Conscience by departing from Evil and by doing Good Psal 37. 27. 1. Depart from Evil. There cannot possibly be a greater Evil than Sin this is the procuring Cause of all other evils there had never been any such thing as Sickness Pain Death Hell if Sin had never been Sin dos alienate from God Col. 1. 21. 'T is a most base Employment we cannot be engaged in fouler and filthier work than in working of Iniquity and is there any good that comes of it No no the works of Darkness are Unfruitfull Rom. 6. 21. What fruit had ye then in those works whereof ye are now ashamed All will repent of these evil works sooner or later the sooner the better for to repent in Hell will be too late Mind therefore your Consciences bidding you cease to do Evil else Evil will be extremely aggravated But if Evil be forsaken the great Bar to Mercy is removed and God is ready to pardon and be at peace with you Isa 55. 7. 2. Learn to do well Conscience will be pleased if God be pleased God is a Gracious Lord compare Him and Sin together Him and Satan together His Commands are not grievous he is ready to help you to do whatever he requires and to work all your works in you and for you Isa 26. 12. Your work if truely good will be wages because of that Peace and Joy at present to be found in the way of Righteousness for by good works it appears that Faith is of the right kind is the Faith of Gods Elect. Finally you must be judged according to your VVorks Rev. 22. 12. Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according as his work shall be As you would stand at that day up and be doing the work of the Lord now I have done with that fourth Doctrine A good Conscience has a great and lasting Influence upon the Life and all the Actions Doct. 5. The fifth Doctrine is this A good Conscience steels a mans Heart with courage and makes him fearless before his Enemies Paul earnestly beheld the Councel He was not afraid to face them because his Conscience was clear Nay we read that Foelix the Judge trembled while Paul the Prisoner was confident the reason was because the Judge had a bad Conscience which flew in his face when he heard of Righteousness Temperance and Judgement to come Act. 24. 25. but the Prisoner being acquitted by a good Conscience did not tremble but rejoyce at the thoughts of Judgement to come VVhen Bradford was brought before the Chancellour he thought to brow-beat him but could not Bradford look'd him steadfastly in the Face and out-look'd him and then look'd up to Heaven I do not wonder that he did not fear the the Look of a Popish Bishop who was not afraid as it appeared afterwards of a fiery Faggot Now the grounds why those that have a good Conscience are Fearless be these 1. The Strength of God who is engaged for them is everlasting Isa 26. 4. In the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength 2. As his Strength so his Covenant and Kindness are also everlasting Isa 54. 10. For the Mountains shall depart and the Hills be removed but my Kindness shall not depart from thee nor the Covenant of my Peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy upon thee Nothing shall be able to separate Believers from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8. ult 3. Let the weakness of Enemies be considered Why should he that has a good Conscience be afraid of a Man that shall die and of the Son of man that shall be made as Grass 4. As Enemies are weak so they are limited they are absolutely under Gods Power they are as a staffe in his hand and cannot move or strike but as he pleases Let not the Axe boast it self against him that heweth therewith Isa 10. 15. Why should a good Conscience be afraid of the Axe since the Lord in whose hand the Axe is is so sure and great a Friend 5. There is an excellent Promise That what Men do mean for Evil shall turn to Good Nay all all things shall work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8. 28. God does admirably over-rule the Sins of men and does make these subservient to his own Glory and the Good of his people (i) Bonum est ut mala sint aliter non sineret Deus ut mala essent non sinit autem nolens utique sed volens Augustin The Selling of Joseph was the Preservation of Israel the Persecuting of the Christians the Enlargement of the Church the Killing and Death of Christ the Redemption and Salvation of Mankind VSE I. Of Encouragement to the Saints the Lord takes care to secure them from Fear as well as Harm His Spirit dwells in them to comfort them and Conscience is commanded to speak Peace unto the Sons of Peace in the Lords Name (k) Injustè torqueris quid nunc diceres si juste nullum nempe tormentum conscientia majus est illâ incolumi externâ haec despicito intra te est consolatur tuus Quosdam career ad insignem gloriam alios ad eximiam fortunam multos ad coelum misit ad sepulchrum omnes nullum cepit quem non redderet Petrarch VSE II. Of Caution Take heed of wounding Conscience for that will make you exceeding timerous If you comply a little in a sinfull way and use any unlawfull Means for securing of your selves this will spoyl your Peace and your Confidence and you must expect greater straits to make you see the folly of the Course you have taken And 't will be very sad to have a Storm without and a Tempest within at the same time VSE III. Of Terrour to Believers Adversaries There is very good reason why Fear should seize upon them they are engaged in bad work they have a bad Conscience and their End if they go on in this way