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A51279 The life and death of Sr. Thomas Moore, who was Lord Chancelor of England to King Henry the Eight More, Cresacre, 1572-1649.; More, Thomas, 1565-1625. 1642 (1642) Wing M2630; ESTC R7630 170,245 434

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by which vnder pretence of helping the poore he goeth about to cast out the Clergie and to ouerthrowe all Abbies and religious houses bearing men in hand that after that the Gospell should be preached beggars and bawdes should decrease thiefes and idle people be the fewer c. Against whome Sir THOMAS wrote a singular booke which he named A Supplication of the soules in Purgatorie making them there complaine of the most vncharitable dealing of certaine vpstarts who would perswade all men to take from thē the spirituall almes that haue bene in all ages bestowed vpon these poore soules who feele greater miserie then anie beggar in this world and he proueth most truly that an ocean of manie mischieuous euents would indeede ouerwhelme the realme Then sayth he shall Luther's gospell come in then shall Tindall's Testament be taken vp then shall false heresies be preached then shall the Sacraments be sett at naught then shall fasting and praier be neglected then shall holie Saints be blasphemed then shall Almightie god be displeased then shall he vvithdravve his grace and lett all runne to ruine then shall all vertue be had in derision then shall all vice raigne and runne forth vnbrideled then shall youth leaue labour and all occupation then shall folkes waxe idle and fall to vnthriftinesse then shall vvhores and thieues beggars and bavvdes increase then shall vnthriftes flocke togeather and eache beare him bolde of other then shall all lavves be laughed to scorne then shall seruants sett naught by their maisters and vnrulie people rebelle against their gouernours then vvill rise vp rifeling and robberie mischiefe and plaine insurrection vvhereof vvhat the ende vvill be or vvhen you shall see it onely God knovveth And that Luther's new Gospell hath taken such effect in manie partes of Christendome the woefull experience doth feelingly to the great griefe of all good folkes testifye to the world Of all which and that the land would be peopled to the deuouring of one another he writeth particularly more like one that had seene what had ensued alreadie then like one that spoke of things to come He wrote also a laboursome booke against Tindall refuting particularly euerie periode of his bookes a short treatise also against young Father Fryth in defence of the reall presence which that heretike did gainesay and for that was after burnt Against Fryer Barnes his church he wrote also an Apologie and a defence thereof vnder the name of Salem and Byzanze which are all sett forth togeather with that most excellent peece of worke comprised in three bookes of Comfort in Tribulation which subiect he handleth so wittily as none hath come neare him either in weight of graue sentences deuout considerations or fit similitudes seasoning alwaies the troublesomnesse of the matter with some merrie ieastes or pleasant tales as it were sugar whereby we drinke vp the more willingly these wholesome druggs of themselues vnsauorie to flesh and bloud which kinde of writing he hath vsed in all his workes so that none can euer be wearie to reade them though they be neuer so long 4. Wherefore I haue thought it not amisse to sett downe in this place amongst a thousand others some of his Apophthegmes which Doctour Stapleton hath collected in two whole Chapters Doe not thinke saith Sir THOMAS MORE that to be alwaies pleasant which madde men doe laughing For one may often see a man in Bedlem laugh when he knockes his head against the wall vttering this to condemne them that esteeme all things good or badde which the common people iudge to be Againe A sinner saith he cannot taste spirituall delights because all carnall are first to be abandoned By an excellent similitude he teacheth vs why few doe feare death thus Euen as they which looke vpon things afarre of see them confusedly not knowing whether they be men or trees euen so he that promiseth vnto himselfe long life looketh vpon death as a thing farre of not iudging what it is how terrible what griefes and dangers it bringeth with it And that none ought to promise himselfe long life he proueth thus Euen as two men that are brought out of prison to the gallowes one by a long way about the other by a direct short path yet neither knowing which is which vntill they come to the gallowes neither of these two can promise himself longer life the one then the other by reason of the vncertaintie of the way euen so a yong man cannot promise himself longer life then an olde man Against the vanitie of worldlie honour he speaketh thus Euen as that criminall person who is to be lead to execution shortly should be accounted vayne if he should engraue his Coate of Armes vpon the prison gate euen so are they vaine who endeauour to leaue with great industrie monuments of their dignitie in the prison of this world By a subtile dilemma he teacheth vs why we are not to thinke that we can be hurt by the losse of our superfluous goods in this manner he that suffereth anie losse of his goods he would either haue bestowed them with praise and liberalitie and so God will accept his will in steede of the deede itselfe or else he would haue waisted them wickedly and then he hath cause to reioyce that the matter of sinning is taken away To expresse liuely the follie of an olde couetous man he writeth thus a thiefe that is to dye to morrow stealeth to day and being asked why he did so he answered that it was a great pleasure vnto him to be maister of that money but one night so an olde miser neuer ceaseth to encrease his heape of coyne though he be neuer so aged To expresse the follie and madnesse of them that delight wholy in hording vp wealth he writeth in the person of the soules in purgatorie thus in his booke of the Supplication of the Soules We that are here in purgatorie when we thinke of our bags of golde which we horded vp in our life time we condemne laugh at our owne follie no otherwise then if a man of good yeares should finde by chance the bagg of Cherrie stones which he had carefully hidde when he was a childe In his booke of Comfort in tribulation that men should not be troubled in aduersitie he writeth thus The mindes of mortall men are so blinde and vncertaine so mutable and vnconstant in their desires that God could not punish men worse then if he should suffer euerie thing to happen that euerie man doth wish for The fruit of tribulation he describeth thus all punishment inflicted in hell is only as a iust reuenge because it is no place of purging In purgatorie all punishmēts purge only because it is no place of meritt but in this life euerie punishment can both purge sinne and procure meritt for a iust man because in this life there is place for both He
Supremacie and marriage was comprized in few wordes in the first Statute the Lo Chancellour and Mr. Secretarie did of their owne heads adde more wordes vnto it to make it seeme more plausible to the king's eares and this Oath so amplifyed they had exhibited to Sir THOMAS and others of which their deede Sir THOMAS sayde to his daughter I may tell thee Megg that they who haue committed me hither for refusing an oath not agreable with their owne statute are not able by their owne law to instifye mine imprisonment wherefore it is great pittie that anie Christian prince should be drawen to followe his affections by flexible counsell and by a weake Clergie lacking grace for want of which they stande weakely to their learning abuse themselues with flatterie so shamefully Which wordes coming to the Councell's eares they caused another Statute espying their ouersight to be enacted with all these conditions Another time looking out of his windowe to beholde one Mr. Reynolds a religious learned and vertuous Father of Sion and three monkes of the Charterhouse going forth of the Tower to their executiō for now king Henry beganne to be fleshed in bloud hauing putt to death the Nunne and diuerse others and manie after for the Supremacie and his marriage Sir THOMAS as one that longed to accompanie them in that iourney sayde to his daughter thē standing besides him Loe doest not thou see Megg that these blessed Fathers be now as chearefully going to death as if they were bridegroomes going to be married whereby good daughter thou maist see what a great difference there is betweene such as haue in effect spent all their daies in a straight hard and penitentiall life religiously and such as haue in the world like worldlie wretches as thy poore father hath donne consumed all their time in pleasure and ease licentiously For God considering their lōg continued life in most sore and grieuous pennance will not suffer them anie longer to remaine in this vale of miserie but taketh them speedily hence to the fruitiō of his euerlasting deitie whereas thy sillie father who hath most like a wicked Caytife passed forth most sinfully the whole course of his miserable life God thinketh him not worthie to come so soone to that eternall felicitie but leaueth him still in the world further to be plunged and turmoiled with miserie By which most humble and heauenlie meditation we may easily guesse what a spirite of Charitie he had gotten by often meditations that euerie sight brought him new matter to practise most heroicall resolutions Within a while after this Mr. Secretarie coming to him from the king who still gaped more for Sir THOMAS his relenting then all his other subiects pretended much friendshipp towards Sir THOMAS and for his comfort tolde him that the king was his good and gratious Lord and minded not to vrge him to anie matter wherein he should haue anie cause of scruple from thenceforth to trouble his consciēce As soone as M. Secretarie was gone to expresse what comfort he receaued of his words he wrote with a coale as he did vsually manie other letters because all his Inke had bene taken from him by the king's expresse commaundement certaine wittie verses which are printed in his booke All the while Sir THOMAS was in the Tower he was not idle but busied himself in writing with a coale for the most parte spirituall treatises as the Three bookes of Comfort in Tribulation where in a dialogue manner vnder the names of two Hungarians fearing the Turkes running ouer their Countrie who had made great preparations therefore he paynteth out in liuelie coulours both the danger that England stoode then in to be ouerwhelmed with heresie and how good Catholikes should prepare themselues to loose libertie life and lands and whatsoeuer can be most deare vnto them rather then to forsake their fayth It is a most excellent booke full of spirituall and forcible motiues expressing liuely Sir THOMAS his singular resolution to apply all those holesome medicines to himself now being readie to practise in deede whatsoeuer he setteth downe in wordes 4. When he had remained a good while in the Tower my Ladie his wife obtained leaue to see him that he might haue more motiues to breake his conscience who at the first comming to him like a plaine rude woman and somewhat worldlie too in this māner beganne bluntely to salute him What the good yeare Mr. More I maruell that you who haue bene hitherto alwaies taken for a wise man will now so play the foole as to lie here in this close filthie prison and be content to be shutt vp thus with mice and ratts when you might be abroad at your libertie with the fauour and good will both of the king and the Councell if you would but doe as all the bishopps best learned of his realme haue donne and seing you haue at Chelsey a right fayre house your librarie your bookes your gallerie your gardine your orchard and all other necessaries so handsome about you where you might in companie of me your wife your Children and housholde be merrie I muse what a Gods name you meane here still thus fondly to tarrie After he had a good while heard her he sayd vnto her with a chearefull countenance I pray thee good Mris Alice tell me one thing What is that sayth she Is not this house as neare heauen as mine ovvne she āswering after her custome Tillie vallie tillie vallie he replyed how sayst thou Mris Alice is it not so indeede Bone Deus man will this geare neuer be left Well then Mris Alice if it be so I see no great cause vvhy I should much ioye either of my fayre house or anie thing belonging therevnto vvhen if I should be but seauen yeares buried vnder the ground and rise and come thither againe he might haue sayd but seauen moneths I should not fayle to finde some therein that vvould bid me gett me out of doores and tell me plainely that it vvere none of mine what cause haue I then to like such a house as vvould so soone forgett his Maister Againe tell me Mris Alice how long doe you thinke may we liue and enioye it Some twentie yeares sayd she Truly replyed he yf you had sayd some thousand yeares it had bene somewhat and yet he vvere a very bad marchant that vvould putt himself in danger to leese eternitie for a thousand yeares hovv much the rather if vve are not sure to enioy it one day to an ende And thus her perswasions moued him but a little thinking of those wordes of Iob to his wife tempting him quasi vna ex stultis mulieribus locuta est Not long after this came there to him at two seuerall times the Lord Chancellour the Duke of Norfolke and Suffolke with Mr. Secretarie and certaine others of the Priuie Councell to procure him by all meanes and policies they could either to confesse
most worthie daughter endewed with all good guifts of nature all sparkes of pietie which are wont to be most acceptable to a louing father to presse vnto him at such a time and place where no man could haue accesse hanging about his necke before he perceaued holding so fast by him as she could scarce be plucked of not vttering anie other words hut oh my father what a sword was this to his hart and at last being drawen away by force to runne vpon him againe without anie regarde either of the weapons wherewith he was compassed or of the modestye becoming her owne sexe what comfort did he want what courage did he then stande in neede of and yet he resisted all this most couragiously remitting nothing of his steadie grauitie speaking only that which we haue recited before and at last desiring her to pray for her fathers soule This and other his heroicall actes made Cardinall Poole write thus of him Strangers and men of other nations that neuer had seene him in their liues receaued so much griefe at the hearing of his death that reading the storie thereof they could not refraine from weeping bewayling an vnknowne person only famous vnto them for his worthie acts Yea saith he I cannot holde myselfe from weeping as I write though I be farre of my countrie I loued him dearely who had not so manie vrgent causes of his loue as manie others had only in respect of his vertues and heroicall acts for which he was a most necessarie member of his Countrie and now God is my wittnesse I shedde for him euen whether I would or noe so manie teares that they hinder me frō writing and often blott out the letters quite which I am frāing that I cā proceede no further 3. So remained this vnconquerable Conquerour of the fllesh the world and the diuell some seuenight after his Iudgement in the Tower arming himself with prayer meditatiō and manie holie mortifications for the day of his Martyrdome and walking about this chāber with a sheete about him like a corps readie to be buried and vsing to whippe himselfe very sore and long In this meane time and space came to him a light headed Courtier talking of no serious matter but only vrging him this that he would change his minde and being wearied with his importunitie he answered him that he had changed it who presently went and tolde the king thereof and being by him commaunded to knowe wherein his minde was changed Sir THOMAS rebuked him for his lightnesse in that he would tell the king euerie word that he spoke in ieaste meaning that whereas he had purposed to be shauen that he might seeme to others as he before was wōt now he was fully minded that his beard should take such parte as his head did which made the fellow blanke and the king verie angrie In this while also he wrote a most kinde letter vnto Mr. Antonie Bonuise an Italian marchant in Latine calling him the halfe of his hart which is to be seene amongst his other letters Last of all the day before he was to suffer being the Fifth of Iuly he wrote a most louing letter with a coale to his daughter Margarett sending therein his blessing to all his children in which he writeth very affectionately yet he knew nothing of his death as then in these words I cumber thee daughter Margarett very much but I vvould be sorie that it should be anie lōger then to morrovv for to morrovv is S. Thomas of Canterbury's eeue and the vtas of S. Peter and therefore to morrovv I long to goe to God it vvere a day very meete and conuenient I neuer liked your manner tovvards me better then vvhen you kissed me last For I like vvhen daughter lie loue and deare charitie haue noe leasure to looke vnto vvorldlie courtesie Farevvell deare daughter pray for me and I vvill pray for you and all your friends that vve may meete togeather in heauen Commende me vvhen you can to my sonne Iohn his tovvordlie carriage tovvards me pleased me very much God blesse him and his good vvife and their children Thomas who was my father and Augustine who dyed vnmarried and all that they shall haue In which wordes I hope by Gods helpe to haue some parte of his blessing But oh good God! voluntate labiorum eius non fraudastieum For vpon the eaue of his speciall patron and the vtas of S. Peter for whose supremacie he suffered martyrdome God heard his petition and he suffered death that very day most couragiously Togeather with this letter he sent also vnto her his shirt of hayre and his whippe as one that was loath to haue the world knowe that he vsed such austeritie For he cunningly all his life time had with his mirth hidden from the eies of others his seuere mortifications and now hauing finished his combatt he sent away his weapons not being certaine of anie notice of the king's minde but either taught by reuelation or hauing a firme confidence of God's great goodnesse desiderium cordis tribuit ei Dominus 4. For vpon the next morning being Tewsday the sixt of Iuly there came vnto him Sir Thomas Pope very earely in the morning his singular good friend with a message frō the king and the Councell that he was to suffer death on that day before nine of the clocke therefore he should forthwith prepare himselfe thereto Mr. Pope saith he I most hartily thāke you for your good tydings I haue bene much bound to the king's highnesse for the benefitts and honours that he hath most bountiefully bestowed vpon me yet am I more bound to his Grace I assure you for putting me here where I haue had conuenient time and space to haue remembrance of my ende And so helpe me God most of all I am bound vnto him that it pleaseth his maiestie to ridde me so shortly out of the miseries of this wretched world The king's pleasure further is sayd Sir Thomas Pope that you vse not manie words at your execution Mr. Pope answered he you doe well to giue me warning of the king's pleasure for otherwise I had purposed at that time somewhat to haue spoken but no matter wherewith his Grace or anie other should haue cause to be offended howbeit whatsoeuer I intended I am readie obediently to conforme myselfe to his Highnesse's commaunde And I beseech you good Mr. Pope be a meanes to his Maiestie that my daughter Margarett may be at my buriall The king is contented allready sayd he that your wife Children and other your friends should haue libertie to be present at it Oh how much am I beholding to his Grace that vouchsafeth to haue so much consideratiō of my poore buriall Then Sir Thomas Pope taking his leaue of him could not refrayne frō weeping Which Sir THOMAS perceauing comforted him in these wordes Quiett yourselfe Mr. Pope and be not
from his wife the daughter of Lewis the eleauenth this matter displeased manie good men amongst them Iohn Standock and his schollar Thomas spake of it in a sermon desiring the people to pray to God that he would inspire the king to doe for the best they were therefore accused of seditiō as men that had committed a faulte against the king's Edict yet for all this they had no other punishment but banishment they kept and enioyed all their goods and when the controuersies were ended they were called home againe with honour by this his mildenesse the king both satisfyed his Edict gott no greate hatred for molesting two men both Diuines both accounted holie men But euerie man bewayleth the death of Sir THOMAS MORE euen they who are aduersaries vnto him for religion so great was his courtesie to all men so great his affabilitie so excellent was his nature Whome did he euer sende away from him yf he were anie thing learned without guifts or who was so gregt a stranger vnto him whome he did not seeke to doe one good turne or other Manie are fauourable only to their owne countriemen Frenchmen to Frenchmen Scottishmen to Scotts This his bountie hath so engrauen MORE in euerie man's hart that they all lamente his death as the losse of their owne father or brother I myselfe haue seene manie teares come from those men who neuer saw MORE in their liues nor neuer receaued anie benefitt from him yea whilst I write these things teares gushe from me whether I will or no. How manie soules hath that axe wounded which cutt of More 's head c. And a little after pulling of his vizard he sheweth himself Erasmus in these wordes Therefore when men haue congratulated me that I had such a friend placed in such high dignities I am wont to answer that I would not cōgratulate his encrease of honour before he should commaunde me to do so 3. Iohn Cochleus a most learned German and a great Diuine writing against Richard Sampson an English-man who defended king Henrie the eight for this fact sayth much of Sir THOMAS his praises at last speaking of his death he sayth thus to king Henrie's Councellours What prayse or honour could you gett by that crueltie which you exercised against Sir THOMAS MORE he was a man of most knowen and laudable humanitie milde behauiour affabilitie bountie eloquence wisedome innocencie of life witt learning exceedingly beloued and admired of all men in dignitie besides highest Iudge of your Countrie and next to the king himselfe famous from his youth beneficiall to his Countrie for manie Embassages and now most venerable for his gray head drawing towards olde age who hauing obtained of the king an honourable dismission from his office liued priuately at home with his wife children and nephewes hauing neuer committed the least offence against anie burdensome to no man readie to helpe euerie bodie milde and pleasant of disposition You haue giuen counsell to haue this so good a man drawen out of his owne house out of that sweete Academie of learned and deuoute Christian Philosophers for no other cause but this that he would not iustifye your impieties his guiltlesse Conscience resisting it The feare of God and his soule 's health withdrawing him from it Doe you belieue that this your wicked fact hath euer pleased anie one of what nation sexe or age soeuer or euer will please anie it will not surely you haue hurt yourselues murderers and guiltie of shedding most innocent bloud him haue you made most grateful to God to the cittizens of heauē to all iust men on earth a most renowned Martyr of Christ he liueth and raigneth without all doubt with Almightie God you will neuer be able to blott out this fault and infamie It is written of God He knovveth the deceauer and him that is deceaued he vvill bring counsellours to a foolish ende Iudges into amazement he vnlooseth the belte of kings guirdeth their loynes vvith a rope Thus writeth Cocleus 4. Paulus Iouius Bishop of Nuceria amōgst the praises of diuerse learned men writeth thus of Sir THOMAS MORE' 's vniust death Fortune fickle vnconstant after her accustomed manner and alwaies hating vertue if euer she played the parte of a proude and cruell dame she hath lately behaued herself most cruelly in Englād vnder Henrie the Eight casting downe before her Thomas More whome the king whilst he was an excellent admirer of vertue had raised to the highest places of honour in his realme that fom thence being by fatall maddenesse changed into a beast he might suddenly throwe him downe againe with great crueltie because he would not fauour the vnsatiable lust of that furious tyrant and for that he would not flatter him in his wickednesse being a man most eminent for the accomplishment of all partes of Iustice and most Saintlie in all kinde of vertues For when the king would be diuorced frō his lawfull wife marrie a Queane and hasten to disinherite with shame his lawful daughter Marie MORE LO Chancellour was forced to appeare at the Barre guiltie only for his pietie and innocencie and there was cōdemned most wrongfully to a most cruell and shamefull death like a Traytor and murtherer so that it was not lawfull for his friends to burie the dismembred quarters of his bodie But Henrie for this fact an imitatour of Phalaris shall neuer be able to bereaue him of perpetual fame by this his vnlawfull wickednesse but that the name of MORE shall remaine constāt and in honour by his famous Vtopia He speaketh of his death as his sentence did purporte 5. Now lett vs ioyne to these viz an Englishman a Low Countrie man a German and an Italian a French man also that we may see how all Nations did lamente Sir THOMAS MORE' 's death and what creditt the king and his Councell there vnto gott by it William Paradine writeth thus The troubles and ciuile dissensions in England now hath lasted a yeare or two whē in the moneth of Iuly Iohn Fisher Bishopp of Rochester was committed prisonner in London because he seemed to disallowe the king's diuorce the lawe newly made against the Pope's Supremacie Of that resolution was also Sir THOMAS MORE partaker being Sheriff of London a man famous for eloquence and in all manner of learning aboue the reache of all Courtiers most expert and skillfull most faultlesse in all deedes These two purposing rather to obey God then man and confirming their mindes with constancie were cōdemned to death from which constancie they could be drawen neither by entreaties hope of rewardes faire promises nor by anie threates whatsoeuer which corporall death both of thē receaued most patiently and stoutely Finally euerie writer of that age lamentably deplored the vniust death of Sir THOMAS MORE Rouerus Pontanus a German in his Index of memorable matters Laurence Surius a Low-Countrie-man vpon the yeare of 1538. Iohn Fontayne a Frenchman in
and so dispatche myself of the office hovvsoeuer I purposed at the last to forgoo the one rather then both Wherefore because I vvould as vvell be carefull of the publike vvellfare as of mine ovvne health I vvas an earnest suiter to my Prince and at last haue obtayned by his singular courtesie that because I beganne to grovv vvearie and euen readie to lye vnder my burden I might be ridde of that though a most honourable office vvhereto his fauour had raised me aboue all my deseruing as it vvas vvholy vvithout my seeking I beseeche therefore all the Saints in heauen that by their intercession almightie God vvould recompence this most fauourable affection of the King 's tovvards me and that he vvould giue me grace to spend the rest of my age in his seruice profitably and not idely or vainely affording me health of bodie that I may be the better able to take paines And to Cochleus he writeth thus I haue bene lately sore sicke for some moneths togeather not so much to the sight of others as to mine ovvne feeling which infirmitie I can scarce shake of novv vvhen I haue left of my office for then I could not exercise my function of Chancellour vnlesse I should endanger my health daily The care of my recouerie but especially the due respect I had not to hinder publike iustice moued me thereto vvhih I thought I should greatly hinder if being sicklie I should be constrayned to vndertake businesses as I did vvhen I vvas stronger That leasure vvhich the fauourable benignitie of my most gracious prince hath vouchsafed to grant me I haue purposed to dedicate vvholy to my studie and the honour of God And as for his contempt of worldlie honour he writeth thus to Erasmus You vvill not belieue hovv vnvvillingly I undertake embassages neither can there be anie thing more displeasing vnto me then the function of an Embassadour Of his Vtopia he writeth that he iudged the booke no better worthie then to lye alwaies hidden in his owne Hand or else to be consecrated to Vulcan Of his poetrie he sayth my epigrammes neuer pleased my minde as you well knowe my Erasmus and if other men had not better liked them then myself they should neuer haue bene putt out in printe THE EIGHT CHAPTER THE FIRST OCCASION and beginning of Sir THOMAS his troubles 1. Hovv he prepared himself to suffer for Christ as yf he foresavv he should so do 2. A vvorthie lesson for statesmen giuen by Sir Thomas More to Cromvvell 3. The vnfortunate marriage of Queen Anne Bolain 4. Sir Tho. More refuseth to be present at Queen Annes coronation the beginning of hers and the Kings indignation 5. The holy Nunne of Canterbury first occasion of calling Sir Thom. More into Question about Q. Anne 6. Diuers accusations procured against Sir T. More all easily auoided by his innocente life 7. His first examination before the Kings deputies 8. His mery hart and braue resolution after this examination 1. THe yeare immediately before his troubles he spent most in spirituall exercises and in writing of bookes against heretikes of whome in another letter he speaketh thus That which I professe in my epitaphe that I haue bene troublesome to heretikes I haue donne it with a little ambition for I so hate these kinde of men that I would be their sorest enemie that possible they could haue if they will not repente for I finde them such men and so to encrease euerie day that I euen greatly feare the world will be vndonne by them Yet for all his hatred to them no heretike suffered death whilst he was Lo Chancellour as Erasmus confesseth in the aboue mentioned letter And indeede it seemeth he would not haue them suffer death because he writeth to that effect in the lawes of his Vtopia Writing another time to Cochlie he sayth I vvould to God my Cochlie I had such skill in holie Scriptures and Diuinitie that I vvere able to vvrite against these plagues of the vvorld fruitfully and vvith good effect Erasmus also confesseth that he hated those seditious opinions with the which the world was then cruelly shaken He would often talke with his wife and Children of the exceeding ioyes in heauen and terrible paines of hell of the liues of holie Martyrs what torments they endured for the loue of God of their maruelous patiēce deathes which they suffered most willingly rather then they would offende Gods diuine Maiestie and what an honourable thing it was for the loue of our Lord IESVS-CHRIST to abide imprisonment losse of goods lands and life adding also what a comfort it would be to him if he might finde that his wife and children would encourage him to dye in a good cause for it would cause him for ioye thereof merrily to runne to death besides as prophecying of his future troubles he would tell them what miseries might chance to happen vnto him With which vertuous discourses he had so encouraged them that when these things after fell vpon him indeede their miserie seemed the more tolerable vnto them because Shafts foreseene hurt not so much 2. Within a while after the resigning of his Office Mr. Cromevvell now highly in the King's fauour came of a message from the king to Sir THOMAS wherein when they had throughly talked togeather before his going away Sir THOMAS sayd vnto him Mr. Cromevvell you are entred into the seruice of a most noble wise and liberall Prince yf you will followe my poore aduise you shall in your counsell giuing to his Maiestie euer tell him what he ought to doe but neuer what he is able to doe so shall you shew yourself a true and faithfull seruant and a right worthie counsellour for yf a lyon knew his owne strength hard were it for anie man to rule him But Cromevvell neuer learned this lesson for he euer gaue that counsell to his prince which he thought would best please him and not what was lawfull For it was he that was the mischieuous instrument of king Henry to pull downe all abbies and religious houses yea to ruinate religiō vtterly whereby you may see the difference betweene king Henry a iust prince whilst he followed Sir THOMAS MORE 's counsell and after a cruell tyrant and bloudsucker when he practised Thomas Cromevvells plotts and deuises and also we may see the issue of both these counsellours the one hauing gotten great fame for his iust deserts the other hauing purchased eternall infamie yea the ouerthrow of himself and his familie For though he attayned to be Lord Cromevvell yea afterwards Earle of Essex yet his honour and life was soone taken away from him most iustly and now there is scarce anie of his posteritie left his lands are all solde yea such was his grandchild's miserie that he complayned verie lamentably to some gentlemen that he had not bread to putt into his mouth whereas Sir THOMAS MORE 's great
grandchildren though they liue not in great abundance yet haue they God be blessed sufficient to maintaine the estate of honest Gentlemen which God of his mercie continue 3. Now had King Henry also chosen an Archbishop of Canterbury for his owne tooth promoted by the King as I haue heard say at a beare-bayting soone after VVarham's death his name was Thomas Cranmer Anne Bullen's Chaplaine a man wholy bent to fullfill the king's pleasure in all things By his counsell Q. Marie was after disinherited and all men were sworne to the succession of Q. Anne's issue and to renounce the Pope's authoritie by acknowledging king Henry and his Successours supreme head of the church of England Vnto this man there was Commission granted vnder the great Seale to determine the marriage who had a conscience large enough to putt in execution what the king did fancie sitting at S. Albans about this new match all things were easily accorded The king pretended that he could gett no iustice at the Pope's hands wherefore from thenceforth he sequestred himself and his kingdome from the Sea of Rome marrying Q. Anne in priuate for she was not sollemnely carried through London before she was great with childe of Q. Elizabeth Thus euerie man may see the cause of our breach from Rome the vnion whereof had cōtinued more then nine hundred yeares euer since holie Pope Gregorie first conuerted vs would haue remayned God knowes how long if that either king Henry would not haue cast his liking vpon a wanton damsell or else the Pope's conscience could haue stretched to dispense with a king to haue two wiues togeather for the king still would praise his former wife and tearme her a vertuous woman only forsooth scruple of cōscience was pretēded but he could not see anie cause of scruple in breaking his promise vpon his appeale whereby he professed he would stay vntill the determination of a generall Counsell to which from the Pope he had already appealed As soone as Sir THOMAS had heard that king Henry was married he sayd to my vncle Roper God giue grace sonne that these matters within a while be not confirmed with oathes My vncle then although he saw likeliehood thereof yet fearing alwaies that that would fall out which Sir THOMAS foretolde waxed for these wordes verie sore grieued For he had manie times had experience that he spoke prophetically of diuerse things 4. Before that Q. Anne should be carried in triumphe from the Tower to Westminster through the streetes of London with manie pagents sumptuous shewes which proued after but a may-game Sir THOMAS receaued a letter from three greate Bishops Durham VVinchester Bath requesting him both to keepe them companie to her Coronation and also to take twentie pounds which by the bearer thereof they had sent him to buy him a gowne the money he thankefully receaued yet stayde he still at home and at their next meeting he sayd merrily thus vnto them In the letter my Lords which you lately sent me you requested two things of me the one whereof I was well content to graunt you that the other I might the bolder denye and like as the one because I tooke you for no beggars and my selfe I knew to be no rich man I thought the rather to fullfill so the other putt me in minde of an Emperour that ordained a law that whosoeuer had committed a certaine offence which now I remember not except she were a virgin should suffer death for it such reuerence had he to virginitie now it happened that the first that offended in that crime was a virgin which the Emperour hearing of was in a perplexitie as he that by some example would fayne haue that law putt in execution Wherevpon when his counsell had sitt long debating this case very sollemnely suddenly rose there vp one plaine man of the Counsell and sayd why make you so much adoe my lords about so small a matter lett her be deflowred and after deuoured So though your Lordshipps haue in the matter of this marriage hitherto kept your selues virgins yet take heede you keepe your virginitie still for some there be that by procuring your Lordshipps first to be present at the Coronatiō next to preache for the setting forth thereof finally to write bookes in defence of it are desirous to deflowre you and when they haue deflowred you they will not fayle soone after to deuoure you As for myself it lyeth not in my power but that they may deuoure me but God being my good Lord I will prouide so that they shall neuer deflower me In which speach he most liuely prophecieth both of all the Bishopp's fall to Schisme which after befell and his owne death which followed not long after These wordes of his it is probable that they came to Q. Anne's eares who as impatient as an Herodias not abiding that anie in the realme should finde fault with her greate catche she incensed King Henrie more against Sir THOMAS MORE then anie other man And a moneth after this sollemnitie was not past but she gott him to be sent prisonner to the Tower little knowing that her Fortune's wheele would soone turne after When the king perceaued he could not winne Sir THOMAS to the bent of his lust by no manner of benefitts then loe the fayre sun-shine day of his fauours became ouercast and there ensued a terrible storme he now going about by terrours and threates to driue him to consent vnto it full little imagining that he was a steadie rocke against which noe waues of his rage could preuaile But marke how Sir THOMAS prepared himself for this valiant combat hauing giuen ouer his office of Chancellourshipp he neuer busied himself in State-matters anie more but gaue himself wholy during that yeare which was betweene that and his troubles not only to confute heretikes as I haue sayd but also addicted himselfe to great acts of mortification prayer and pietie he lessened his familie placing his men in other seruices he soulde his housholde stuffe to the value of one hundred pounds he disposed his Children into their owne houses As he lay by his wife's side manie nights he slept not forethinking the worst that could happen vnto him and by his praiers and teares he ouercame the frayltie of his flesh which as he confesseth of himself could not endure a fillipp He hired a pursiuant to come suddenly to his house when he was one time at dinner and knocking hastily at his doore to warne him the next day to appeare before the Commissioners to arme his familie the better to future calamitie imitating herein the acte of S. Iohn the Almes-giuer who hired a man to come to him at meales to tell him that his graue was not yet finished and that he should take order for it for the hower of death was vncertaine 5. But see how the beginning of this trouble
discomforted for I trust we shall once see eache other full merrily where we shall be sure to liue and loue togeather in eternall blisse And further to putt him out of his melancholie Sir THOMAS MORE tooke his vrinall in his hand and casting his water sayd merrily I see no danger but this man may liue longer yf it had pleased the king After which words they parted and when he was gone Sir THOMAS as one that had bene inuited to a sollemne bankett changed himselfe into his best apparrell putt on his silke Chamlett gowne which his intire friend Mr. Antonie Bonuise a noble Cittizen of the State of Luca in Italie to whome he wrote the letter as is late spoken of before gaue him whilst he was in Tower Mr. Lieutenant seing him prepare himselfe so to his death counselled him for his owne benefitt to putt them of againe saying that he who should haue them was but a Iauill What Mr. Lieutenant sayd Sir THOMAS shall I accounte him a Iauell who will doe me this day so singular a benefitt Nay I assure you were it cloath of golde I would thinke it well bestowed on him For S. Cyprian that famous Bishop of Carthage gaue his executioner thirtie pieces of golde because he knewe he should procure vnto him an vnspeakable good turne Yet for all this Mr. Lieutenant so pressed him that at last being loath for friendshipps sake to denye him so small a matter he altered his gowne and putt on a gowne of Friese but yet he sent of that little mony which was left him one Angell of golde to the hangman in token that he maliced him nothing but rather loued him exceedingly for it 5. He was therefore brought about nine of the clocke by Mr. Lieutenant out of the Tower his beard being long which fashion he neuer had before vsed his face pale and leane carrying in his hands a read Crosse casting his eyes often towards heauen As he thus passed by a good woman's house she came forth and offered him a cuppe of wine which he refused saying Christ at his passion drunke no wine but gall and vinager There came another woman after him crying vnto him for certaine bookes which she had giuen to his custodie when he was Lo Chancellour To whome he sayd Good woman haue patience but for one hower's space and by that time the king's Maiestie will ridde me or the care I haue for thy papers and all other matters whatsoeuer Another woman suborned thereto as some thinke by his aduersaries to disgrace him followed him also crying out against him that he had donne her great iniurie when he had bene Lo Chancellour to whome he gaue the answer that he remembred her cause very well and that if he were now to giue sentence thereof he would not alter what he had already donne Last of all there came a Cittizen of Winchester who in times past hauing bene greately troubled with grieuous temptatiōs of despayre was brought by a friend of his to Sir THOMAS MORE when he was Lo Chancellour who though he could not before by anie holesome counsell alter this his minde yet Sir THOMAS MORE promising him to pray for him he was for the space of three yeares free from all such temptations When Sir THOMAS was committed and he could gett no leaue to haue accesse vnto him his temptations grew so greate that he often sought to haue bene the cruell murderer of himselfe but now hearing Sir THOMAS was to be executed he came to London and ranne to Sir THOMAS as he was carryed to execution desiring him with great earnestnesse that he would helpe him by his praiers for his temptation was come againe vnto him and he could not possibly ridde himself thereof to whome Sir THOMAS spake thus goe and praye for me and I will carefully pray for you He went away with confidence and he neuer after was troubled with the like againe Being now brought to the scaffolde whereō he was to be beheaded it seemed to him so weake that it was readie to fall wherefore he sayd merrily to Mr. Lieutenant I pray you Sir see me safe vp and for my coming downe lett me shift for my selfe When he beganne to speake a little to the people which were in great troopes there to heare and see him he was interrupted by the Sheriffe Wherefore briefely he desired all the people to pray for him and to beare wittnesse with him that he there dyed in and for the fayth of the holie Catholike Church a faythfull seruant both of God and the king Hauing spoken but this he kneeled downe and pronounced with great deuotion the Miserere psalme which being ended he chearefully rose vp and the executioner asking him forgiuenesse he kissed him saying Thou wilt doe me this day a greater benefitt then euer anie mortall man can be able to giue me pluck vp thy spiritt man and be not afrayed to do thy office my neck is very short take heede therefore that thou strike not awry for sauing thy honestie When the executioner would haue couered his eyes he sayd I will couer them myselfe and presently he did so with a cloath that he had brought with him for the purpose then laying his head vpon the blocke he bad the executioner stay vntill he had remoued aside his beard saying that that had neuer committed anie treason So with great alacritie and spirituall ioy he receaued the fatall blow of the axe which no sooner had seuered the head from the bodie but his soule was carryed by Angels into euerlasting glorie where a Crowne of martyrdome was putt vpon him which can neuer fade nor decay And then he found those words true with he had often spoken that a man may leese his head and haue no harme yea I say vnspeakeable good and endelesse happinesse 6. When newes of his death was brought to the king who was at that time playing at tables Anne Bullen looking on he cast his eye vpon her and sayd thou art the cause of this man's death and presenrly leauing his play he be tooke himself to his chamber and therevpon fell into a fitt of melancholie but whether this were from his hart or to seeme lesse cruell then he was indeede I can hardly coniecture for on the one side the remembrance of his faythfull seruice so manie yeares employed for the whole realme's benefitt could not but make the king sorrowfull and on the other side the vnmerciefull dealing with his sonne and heyre his small allowance to his wife his pittielesse crueltie against all his children sheweth that he had an implacable hatred against him because that he would not consent vnto his lustfull courses of which we will speake more largely when we haue discoursed of his buriall His head was putt vpō Lōdon-bridge where as trayters heads are sett vp vpon poles his bodie was buried in the Chappell of S. Peter which is in
the education of his mother called before her marriage Anne Cresacre the last of her familie by whose match he enioyed after a competent liuing to keepe him out of needie life Mine aunte Rooper because she was a woman was not so hardly dealt withall but only threatened very sore both because she kept her father's head for a relike and that she meant to sett her father's workes in printe yet for all that after a short imprisonment she was at last sent home to her husband Thus all his friends felt in parte the king's heauie anger for his vndaunted courage 8. Sir THOMAS was of a meane stature well proportioned his complexion tending to phlegmatike his coulour white and pale his hayre neither black nor yellow but betweene both his eies gray his countenance amiable chearefull his voyce neither bigg nor shrill but speaking plainely and distinctly it was not very tunable though he delighted much in musike his bodie reasonable healthfull only that towards his latter ende by vsing much writing he complained much of the ache of his breast In his youth he drunke much water wine he only tasted of when he pledged others he loued salte meates especially powdered beefe milke cheese eggs and fruite and vsually he eate of corse browne bread which it may be he rather vsed to punish his taste then for anie loue he had thereto for he was singular wise to deceaue the world with mortifications only contēting himselfe with the knowledge which God had of his actions pater eius qui erat in abscondito reddidit ei THE TWELFTH CHAPTER THE IVDGEMENT vvhich all nations made of the death of Sir THOMAS MORE 1. Cardinall Pooles lamentation vpon his death 2. Erasmus of Roterdam in Holland 3. Doctour Iohn Cochlaeus of Germanie 4. Paulus Iouius Bishop in Italy 5. William Paradin a learned historian of France 6. Iohn Riuius a learned Protestant 7. Charles the fift Emperour K. of Spanie 8. Circunstances vvorthe ponderacion in his death 9 An apology for his mery apophthegmes and pleasaunt conceipts 10. The first lay man martyred for defence of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction 1. NOw lett vs see what most of the learned men of Christendome not only Catholikes but euen Protestants thought and wrote of king Hērie for Sir THOMAS MORE 's death who were not likelie being free from all partialitie but to speake their mindes sincerely not fearing him as his subiects nor hating him for anie priuate respects First Cardinall Pole then liuing in the Courte of Rome and writing to the king in the defence of Ecclesiasticall vnitie sayth thus by the figure of Apostraphe of the complaints of other men Thy father Oh England thy ornament thy defence was brought to his death being innocent in thy sight by birth thy childe by condition thy Cittizen but thy father for the manie benefits donne vnto thee for he shewed more euident signes of his fatherlie loue towards thee then euer anie louing father hath expressed to his onlie and truly beloued childe yet in nothing hath he more declared his fatherlie affection then by his ende for that he left his life for thy sake especially least he should ouerthrowe and betray thy saluation Wherefore that which we reade in the ancient stories of Greece as touching Socrates whome the Athenians condemned most vniustly to take poyson so thou hast now seene thy Socrates beheaded before thine eies a while after his death when in a playe there was recited out of a Tragedie these wordes You haue slayne you haue slayne the best man of all Greece Vpon these their words euerie man so lamented the death of Socrates calling to minde that iniustice although the Poet himselfe dreamed least of him that the whole theater was filled with nothing else but teares and howling for which cause the people presently reuenged his death by punishing grieuously the chiefe authours thereof those that were of them to be found were putt to death presently and they that could not be found out were banished There was also a statua erected in his honour in the verie markett place Yf they therefore at the only hearing of these wordes vpon the stadge tooke an occasiō to be reuenged of that most innocent man's slaughter what more iust cause mayst thou London haue of compassion and reuenge hearing the like words to these not pronounced only by anie stage-player at home but by most graue and reuerende men in all places of Christendome when as they speake most seriously exprobrating often vnto thee thine ingratitude saying You haue slayne you haue slayne the best English-mā aliue This spoke this learned and wise Cardinall who could testifye this of his knowledge by reason he conuersed often with the greatest States of Christendome being a man famous amongst them for his nobilitie of bloud for his dignitie his learning and excellent vertues for which none haue cause to suspecte him to be partiall 2. Erasmus as may be easily guessed by the stile although he wrote it not in his owne name because he had then manie friends in England sayth thus This is Euident that neither MORE nor the Bishopp of Rochester erred yf they haue erred at all of any malice they had against the king but for sincere conscience sake This they perswaded themselues wholy this was infixed in their marrowes that the matter which they defended was good and lawfull and honourable for the king and holesome for all the whole kingdome Yf it had bene lawfull for them to haue dissembled it they would haue donne it willingly but they tooke their death most patiently peaceably praying to God for the king and the whole realme's safetie In haynous offences a simple and pure conscience and a minde not desirous of hurting anie but of well deseruing excuseth much the faulte besides due respect honour hath bene alwaies had euen amōgst barbarous nations to eminent learning and excellent vertue The verie name of a philosopher rescued Plato from being beheaded by the Aeginetes hauing transgressed the lawes of their Cittie Diogenes without anie feare came into Philipp king of Macedonia's armie and being brought before him for a spye of their enemies freely reproched the king to his face of madnesse that being not content with his owne kingdome he would cast himselfe into danger to leese all yet was he sent away without anie harme at all donne to him and not only so but had a great rewarde giuen him for no other cause but that he was a philosopher And as the courtesies of Monarches shewed vnto learned men doe gett them greate fame so to haue vsed such men hardly hath bene occasion that they haue bene much hated and enuied For who doth not hate Antonie for hauing Cicero's head cutt of who doth not detest Nero for putting Seneca to death yea Octauius incurred some infamie for Ouid's bannishment amongst the Getes When Levvis the Twelueth of France now being peaceably settled in his kingdome would haue bene diuorced
time hath bene betvveene vs as also in respect of the sinceritie of your minde because you vvould be alvvaies readie to take thankefully vvhatsoeuer in this vvorke should seeme gratefull vnto you and whatsoeuer should be barren therein you vvould make a courteous construction thereof whatsoeuer might be vnpleasing you vvould be vvilling to pardon I vvould to God I had as much vvitt and learning as I am not altogeather destitute of memorie As for Bishopp Tunstall he was a learned man and wrote a singuler booke of the reall presēce And although during king Henrie's raigne he went with the sway of the time for who almost did otherwise to the great griefe of Sir THOMAS MORE yet liuing to the time of Q. Elizabeth whose Godfather he was when she berayed the fonte in his olde age seing her take strange courses against the Church he came from Durham and stoutely admonished her not to change religiō which if she presumed to doe he threatned her to leese Gods blessing and his She nothing pleased with his threates made him be cast into prison as most of the Bishops were where he made a glorious ende of a Confessour and satisfyed for his former crime of Schisme contracted in the time of king Henrie's raigne Sir THOMAS MORE 's friendshipp with the glorious Bishop of Rochester was neither short nor small but had long continued and ended not with their famous martyrdomes See how good Bishop Fisher writeth vnto him Lett I pray you our Cambridge men haue some hope in you to be fauoured by the king's Maiestie that our schollars may be stirred vp to learning by the countenance of so vvorthie a prince VVe haue fevv friends in the Court vvich can or vvill commende our causes to his royall Maiestie and amongst all vve accounte you the chiefe vvho haue alvvaies fauoured vs greatly euen vvhen you vvere in a meaner place and novv also shevv vvhat you can doe being mised to the honour of knighthood and in such great fauour vvith our prince of vvhich vve greately reioyce and also doe congratulate your happinesse Giue furtherance to this youth vvho is both a good schollar in Diuinitie and also a sufficient preacher to the people For he hath hope in your fauour that you can procure him greate furtherance and that my commendations vvill helpe him to your fauour To this Sir THOMAS MORE answereth thus This Priest Reuerend Father vvhome you vvrite to be in possibilitie of a Bishopricke if he might haue some vvorthie suiter to speake for him to the king I imagine that I haue so preuayled that his Maiestie vvill be no hindrance thereto c. Yf I haue anie fauour vvith the king vvhich truly is but litle but vvhatsoeuer I haue I vvill employ all I can to the seruice of your Fatherhood and your schollars to vvhome I yeelde perpetuall thankes for their deare affections tovvards me often testifyed by their louing letters and my house shall be open to them as though it vvere their ovvne Farevvell vvorthie and most courteous prelate and see you loue me as you haue donne His loue and friendshipp with yong Poole afterwards a famous Cardinal may be seene by their letters he maketh mention of him with great praise in a letter he wrote to his welbeloued daughter Margaret Rooper in this wise I cannot expresse in vvriting nor scarcely can conceyue it by thought hovv gratefull to me your most eloquent letters deare daughter Margarett are Whilst I vvas reading them there happened to be vvith me Reinald Poole that most noble youth not so noble by birth as he is singularly learned and excellently endevved vvith all kinde of vertue to him your letter seemed as a miracle yea before he vnderstoode hovv neare you were besett with the shortenesse of time and the molestation of your vveake infirmitie hauing notvvithstanding sent me so long a letter I could scarce make him belieue but that you had some helpe from your Maister vntill I tolde him seriously that you had not only neuer a maister in your house but also neuer another man that needed not your helpe rather in vvriting anie thing then you needed his And in another to Doctour Clement a most famous phisitian and one that was brought vp in Sir THOMAS his owne house he sayth thus I thanke you my deare Clement for that I finde you so carefull of my health and my childrens so that you prescribe in your absence vvhat meates are to be auoided by vs. And you my friend Poole I render double thankes both because you haue vouchsafed to sende vs in vvriting the counsell of so great a phisitian and besides haue procured the same for vs from your mother a most excellent and noble matrone and vvorthie of so great a sonne so as you do not seeme to be more liberall of your counsell then in bestovving vpon vs the thing itselfe vvhich you counsell vs vnto VVherefore I loue and praise you both for your bountie and fidelitie And of Sir THOMAS MORE 's friendship Cardinal Poole boasteth much after his martyrdome in his excellent booke De vnitate Ecclesia saying yf you thinke that I haue giuen scope to my sorrowe because they were my best beloued friends that were putt to death meaning Sir THOMAS MORE and Bishop Fisher I do both acknowledge and professe it to be true most willingly that they both were deare vnto me aboue all others For how can I dissemble this seing that I doe reioyce more of their loue towards me then if I should boaste that I had gotten the dearest familiaritie withall the princes of Christendome His frienshipp also with Doctour Lea afterwards the worthie Archbishopp of Yorke was not small nor fayned although he had written an excellent booke against Erasmus his Annotations vpon the new Testament Erasmus being then Sir THOMAS his intire friend and as it were the one halfe of his owne hart For Sir THOMAS writeth thus vnto him Good Lea that you request of me not to suffer my loue to be diminished tovvards you trust me good Lea it shall not though of myselfe I incline rather to that parte that is oppugned And as I could vvish that this Cittie vvere freed from your siege so vvill I alvvaies loue you and be glad that you do so much esteeme of my loue He speaketh also of Lupset a singular learned man of that time in an epistle to Erasmus Our friend Lupsett readeth with great applause in both toungs at Oxford hauing a great auditorie for he succeedeth my Iohn Clement in that charge What familiaritie there was betwixt him and Doctour Collett Grocine Linacre and Lillie all singuler men we haue spoken of heretofore VVilliam Montioy a man of great learning and VVilliam Lattimer not Hugh the heretike that was burnt but another most famous for vertue and good letters were his verie great acquaintance as also Iohn Croke that read Greeke first at Lipsia in Germanie and was after King Henrie's Greek maister
sayth also that they which giue themselues to pleasure and idlenesse in this time of pilgrimage are like to him who trauelling to his owne house where there is abundance of all things would yet be an hosteler in an Inne by the way for to gett an Innekeepers fauour and so ende his life there in a stable Speaking of ghostlie Fathers that seeke to please their penitents he sayth Euen as a mother sendeth forth her childe to schoole with fayre words and promises that hath slept too long in the morning and therefore feareth the rodde when he weepeth and blubbereth she promiseth him all will be well because it is not so late as he imagineth or that his maister will pardon him for that faulte this time not caring what he endureth when he cometh thither indeede so she send him merrie from home with his bread butter in his hand euen so manie Pastours of soules speake pleasing things to their sheepe that are riche and delicate they promise them when they are dying and feare hell that all things shall be well with them telling them that either they haue not offended God so grieuously as they feare or that God being mercieful will easily forgiue thē nothing carefull whether after this life they feele hell or no so that they make them not sadde in this world shew thēselues gratefull vnto thē here Pleasure sayth he doth not only withdrawe wicked men from prayer but also affliction sometimes yet this is the difference that affliction doth sometimes wrest some short praier from the wickedest man aliue but pleasure calleth away euen one that is indifferent good from all prayer Against impenitent persons and such as differre the amending of their life till the latter ende of their dayes he sayth thus A lewde fellowe that had spent all his life in wickednesse was wont to bragge that he could be saued yf he spoke but three wordes at the hower of his death riding ouer a bridge that was broken his horse stumbling and not being able to keepe himself from tumbling into the water as he saw himself fall headlong into it casting away the bridle he sayd the Diuell Take All and so with his three wordes he perished in the riuer He that is lightened with a true vision differeth from him that hath an illusion euen as a man awake differeth from him that dreameth Euen as he that passeth ouer a narrow bridge by reason of his feare often falleth especially if others say vnto him you fall which otherwise he would safely passe ouer euen so he that is fearefull by nature and full of pusillanimitie often falleth into desperation the diuell crying vnto him thou art damned thou art damned which he would neuer harken to nor be in anie danger if he should take vnto him a good hart and by holesome counsell feare nothing the diuell's outcrye The prosperitie of this world is like the shortest winter's day and we are lifted vp in it as an arrowe shott vp on high where a hote breath doth delight vs but from thence we fall suddenly to the earth and there we sticke fast either be mired with the durt of infamie or staruing with colde being pluckt out of our feathers Againe he sayth As it is a hard thing to touche pitch and not to be defiled there with a drye sticke to be putt into the fire and not to burne to nourish a snake in our bosome and not to be stung with it so a most hard thing it is to be rich and honoured in this world and not to be strucke with the darte of pride and vaine glorie Lett there be two beggars saith he who haue long time begged togeather one of whome some rich man hath entertayned in his house putt him in silke giuen him money in his purse but with this condition as he telles him that with in a short space he will thrust him out of his doores and take all that away from him againe if he in the meane while being thus gallant should chance to meete with his fellow beggar would he be so foolish as for all this not to acknowledge him for his companion or would he for these few daies happinesse holde himself better then he Applying this to euerie mans case who cometh naked into this world and is to returne naked againe He compareth Couetousnesse to a fire which by how much the more wood there is layde on it to burne so much apter it is to burne more still That there are manie in this life that buy hell with more toyle then heauen might be wonne with by halfe He foresawe heresie in England as appeareth by this wittie comparison Like as before a great storme the sea swelleth and hath vnwonted motions without anie winde stirring so may we see here manie of our Englishmen which a few yeares agoe could not endure to heare the name of an Heretike Schismatike Lutheran or Sacramentarie now to be very well contented both to suffer them and to praise them somewhat yea to learne by little and little as much as they can be suffered to finde faulte and to taxe willingly the Church the Clergie the Ceremonies yea and Sacraments too Also he hath this argument yf he be called stoute that hath fortitude he hote who hath heate wise that hath wisedome yet he who hath riches cannot be sayd presently to be good therefore riches cannot be numbred amongst good things Twētie yea a hundred bare heads standing by a noble man doe not defende his head from colde so much as his owne hat doth alone which yet he is enforced to putt of in the presence of his prince That is the worst affection of the minde which doth delight vs in that thing which cannot be gotten but by offending God He that doth gett or keepe worldlie wealth by offending God lett himfully perswade himself that those thinges wil neuer do him good for either God will quickely take away euill gotten goods or will suffer them to be kept for a greater mischiefe Euen as he that knoweth certainely that he is to be banished into a strange countrie neuer to returne into his owne againe and will not endure that his goods be transported thither being loath to want them for that little while rather then euer to enioy them after may well be thought a madde man so are they out of their witts who inticed with vaine affections to keepe their goods alwaies about them and neglectiue to giue almes for feare of wanting cannot endure to haue these goods sent before them to heauen when as they knowe most assuredly that they shall enioye them alwaies there with all plentie and with a double rewarde To ease his thoughts when he was in prison he imagined that all the world was but a prison out of which euerie day some one or other was called to execution that is to death In his dailie talke he
and with S. Paule Cupio dissolui ess cum Christo But these speaches though they liked Sir THOMAS well yet pleased they my vncle Rooper but a little Now after the reporte made of this their examinacion of Sir THOMAS to the King by the Lo Chauncellour and the rest king Henry was so highly displeased with Sir THOMAS MORE that he plainely tolde them that he was resolutely determined that the foresayd parlement-bill should vndoubtedly proceede against them Yet to this the Lo Chancellour and the rest sayd that they had perceaued that all the vpper house was so powerfully bent to heare Sir THOMAS speake in his owne defence that if he were not putt out of the Bill it would vtterly be ouerthrowen and haue no force against the rest Which words although the king heard them speake yet needes would he haue his owne will therein adding that he would be personally present himselfe at the passing of it But the Lo Aud ley and the rest seing him so vehemently bent vpon it fell downe vpon their knees and besought his Maiestie not to doe so considering that if he in his owne presence should be confronted and receaue an ouerthrowe it would not only encourage his subiects euer after to contemne him but also redounde to his his honour for euer throughout all Christendome and they doubted not in time but to finde some other fitter matter against him For in this Case of the Nunne they sayd all men accounted him so cleare and innocent that for his behauiour therein euerie one reckoned him rather worthie of praise thē of reproofe At which words of theirs the king was contented at their earnest perswasion to condescende to their petition yet was not his displeasure against Sir THOMAS anie whitt asswaged but much more incensed On the next morning Mr. Cromevvell meeting my vncle Rooper in the parlement house tolde him that his father was putt out of the bill which message he sent presently to Chelsey and when my aunte Roper toulde her father thereof he answered In fayth Megg quod differtur non aufertur knowing as it were the verie bottome of the King's hart and all his Counsells imagining that this was not anie fauour donne vnto him but that they might finde afitter matter to worke on as it shortly after proued Within a while after the Duke of Norfolke fell into familiar talke with Sir THOMAS and amongst other speaches he sayd vnto him By the masse Mr. More it is perillous striuing with princes therefore I could wish you as a friēd to encline to the king's pleasure for by God bodie Mr. More Indignatio principis mors est Is that all my Lord sayd Sir THOMAS in good faith then there is no more differēce betweene your Grace and me but that I shall dye to day and you to morrow Yf therefore the anger of a prince causeth but a temporall death we haue greater cause to feare the eternall death which the king of heauen can condēne vs vnto if we sticke not to displease him by pleasing an earthlie king THE NINTH CHAPTER THE REFVSALL OF the oath of supremacy cause of Sir THOMAS MORES imprisonment in the Tovver 1. The oath of supremacy and succession refused by Sir Thomas 2. His imprisonment first in vvestminster after in the Tovver 3. A notable discourse betvveen him and his daughter Margarit Roper 4. Some other passages of his in the time of his durance 5. A prety dialogue betvveen him and his vvife the Lady More 6. Maister Riche his sophisticall case put to Sir Thomas More 7. His bookes and meanes of vvriting taken from him 8. His great care to giue no occasion of offence to the King 1. NOw in this parlement in the yeare 1534. whē as Queen Elizabeth had bene borne the September before and Q. Anne had bene proclaimed Queen the 12th of April before that and Q. Catherine declared the widowe only of prince Arthur there was I say at this parlement an oath framed whereby all English subiects should both renounce the Pope's authoritie and sweare also to the succession of Q. Anne's children accounting the Ladie Marie illegitimate within a moneth or thereabouts after the enacting of this statute all the Clergie as well Bishops as priests yet no lay man but Sir THOMAS MORE were summoned to appeare at Lambeth before the Lo Archbishop Cranmer the Lo Chancelour Audley Mr. Secretarie Cromevvell the Abbott of Westminster with others appointed Commissioners by the King to tender this oath vnto them On the same morning that Sir THOMAS was to goe thither as he was accustomed before he tooke anie matter of importance in hand he went to Chelsey church and there was Confessed and receaued at masse deuoutly the blessed Sacrament and whereas euer at other times before he parted from his wife and children they vsed to bring him to his boate and there kissing them bad them Farewell at this time he suffered none of them to follow him forth of his gate but pulled the wickett after him and with a heauie hart as by his countenance appeared he tooke boate with his sonne Rooper and their men in which sitting sadly a while as it were with Christ in his agonie in the gardin at the last sodainely he rounded my vncle in the eare and sayd I thanke our Lord sonne the field is wonne whereto my vncle answered at randon as not knowing then his meaning I am very glad thereof But one may easily knowe what he meant and so my vncle afterward perceaued that the burning loue of God wrought in him so effectually that it now had conquered all carnall affections trusting to that saying of our Sauiour Beholde and haue confidence I haue conquered the vvorld How wisely he behaued himself at Lambeth may be seene in a letter of his sent after to my aunte Rooper which is sett out in printe in the latter ende of his English Workes with others his most singular letters wherein he liuely describeth to his children all his troubles sheweth what a heauenlie spiritt he had to endure all for Gods sake trusting still chiefely to Gods goodnesse not to his owne strength the effect whereof is this After he vvas called before them he requested of them to see the oath vvhich vvhen he had read vnto himselfe he ansvvered that he neither vvould finde faulte vvith the oath nor with the authors of it nor vvould blame the conscience of anie man that had taken it but for himselfe he could not take it vvithout endangering his soule of eternall damnation vvhich if they doubted of he vvould svveare vnto them that that vvas the chiefe cause of his refusall in vvhich second oath if they doubted to trust him hovv then could they trust him in the former Which he hauing sayd my Lo Chancelour replyed that all there were hartily sorie he should make such an answer for they constantly affirmed that he was the first mā that denyed to take it
presence amongst you and I finde no cause I thanke God to recken myselfe here in worse case then in mine owne house For me thinkes God by this imprisonment maketh me one of his wantons and setteth me vpon his lappe and dandeleth me euen as he hath donne all his best friends S. Iohn Baptist S. Peter S. Paule and all his holie Apostles martyrs and his most especiall fauorites whose examples God make me worthie to imitate By which discourse of his it appeareth most euidently that all the troubles which euer happened vnto him were no painefull punishments but by his admirable patience and alacritie most profitable exercises My aunte Rooper contrariewise either because she would haue more familiar accesse vnto her father or else because in deede she would really perswade him to follow the king's fancie beganne to diuerte him from such zealours discourses and forcibly to vrge him with manie reasons and motiues to the taking of this oath that they might enioy his presence at his house at Chelsey first because he was more bounde to the king then anie man in England and therefore ought the rather to obey his will in a case that was not euidently repugnant to Gods lawe secondly it seemed not credible that so manie wise and learned men as were in England should all impugne the will of God thirdly that he should beware how he pinned his soule vpon Bishopp Fisher being one of the meanest bishops in England fourthly that there were so manie Bishops Doctours and learned men that had taken it so that he being a lay man seemed bound in her iudgement to accommodate his conscience to theirs and lastly euerie one thought him bound in conscience to approue that which a whole parlement of the realme had so vniformely enacted for which reasons manie haue condemned you Father sayd she either of inconsideration rashnesse or obstinacie To the first Sir THOMAS answered as may appeare by a letter of my aunte Rooper's yet extant which contayneth all this their discourse and by that letter of Sir THOMAS his written to Mr. Cromevvell that he had not slightly considered of this matter but for these seauen yeares space since the time that king Henry had vvritten against Luther he had diligently read ouer all the fathers both Greeke Latine vvho all from Ignatius S. Iohn Euangelist's disciple euen to these late Diuines vvith one consent doe agree of the Popes Supremacie which hath bene also accepted of throughout all Christendome these thousand yeares and more and he savv not hovv one member of the Church as England was could vvithdravv itself from the vvhole bodie yet when he saw this controuersie beganne to be disputed of he alwaies had tempered his speaches against Tindall that ex professo he neuer argued vpon that theame but now being putt to his choice whether he should offende his Conscience or the king whether he should fall into temporall danger or eternall hazard of his soule I cannot saith he resolue otherwise then anie wise man would To the second he sayde he would not condemne anie bodie for taking it for some saith he may doe it vpon temporall hopes or feare of greate losses for vvhich I vvill neuer thinke anie hath taken it for I imagine no bodie is so fraile and fearefull as myselfe some may hope that God vvill not impute it vnto them for a sinne because they doe it by constrainte some may hope to doe pennance presently after and others are of opinion that God is not offended vvith our mouth so our heart be pure but as for my parte I dare not ieoparde my selfe vpon these vaine hopes To the third he saith it was altogeather improbable because he refused this oath before it was tendered to Bishopp Fisher or before he knewe whether he would refuse it or no. To the fourth though there vvere neuer so manie learned prelates vvithin this realme that should take it yet being manie more in other partes of Christendome vvhich thinke as I doe I am not boūd to cōforme myselfe to these alone hauing the Doctours of the Church on my side vvho could not be dravven neither for hopes nor feares Finally to the last he wisely answered that although to denye the decree of a generall Councell vvere a damnable acte yet to vvithstande a statute of one realme's making vvhich contradicteth the constant opinion of the vvhole Church is neither a rash deede nor an obstinate but most laudable and Christianlike All which disputation my aunte Rooper sett downe in a letter to her sister Alington printed togeather with Sir THOMAS his letters After all this my aunte Rooper sought to fright him with the danger of death which might perhaps moue him to relente when he cannot hinder his mishappes but now he might preuēt all being yet not too late wherevnto how hūbly he speaketh of his owne frailtie and how confidently he relyeth vpon Gods mercie may be seene at large whose wordes are so humble so zealous so godlie that they are able to pierce anie mans hart that will reade them in the latter ende of his workes they breathe out an Angelicall spiritt farre different from the presumptuous speaches of either heretike or desperate man Lord helpe me yf God for my manie and grieuous sinnes vvill suffer me to be damned his Iustice shal be pmised in me but I hope he vvill procure for me that his mercie shall haue the vpper hand nothing can happen but that vvhich God pleaseth and vvhat that is though it should seeme euill vnto vs yet it is truly the best 4. At another time when he had questioned with my aunte Rooper of his wife childrē and state of his house in his absence he asked her at last how Q. Anne did In fayth Father sayd she neuer better there is nothing else in the Courte but dancing and sporting Neuer better sayd he alas Megg alas it pittieth me to remember vnto what miserie poore soule she will shortly come these dances of hers will proue such dances that she will spurne our heads of like foote bals but it will not be lōg ere her head will dance the like dance And how prophetically he spoke these words the ende of her Tragedie proued it most true Mr. Lieutenant coming into his chamber to visite him rehearsed the manie benefitts and friendshipps that he had often receaued from him and therefore that he was bound to entertaine him friendly and make him good cheare but the case standing as it did he could not doe it without the king's displeasure wherefore he hoped that he would accept of his good will of the poore fare he had whereto he answered I verily belieue you good Mr. Lieutenant and I thanke you most hartily for it and assure yourselfe I doe not mislike my fare but whensoeuer I doe then spare not to thrust me out of your doores Now whereas the oath of
Geoffrey Chamber gentleman Edvvard Stockmore gentleman William Browne gentleman Iaspar Leake gentleman Thomas Billington gentleman Iohn Parnel gentleman Richard Bellame gentleman George Stoakes gentleman These I say going togeather and staying scarce one quarter of an hower for they knew what the king would haue donne in that Case returned with their verdict Guiltie Wherefore the Lo Chancellour as Chiefe Iudge in that matter beganne presently to proceede to Iudgemēt which Sir THOMAS hearing sayd vnto him My Lord when I was towards the law the manner in such cases was to aske the prisonner before sentence whether he could giue anie reason why Iudgement should not proceede against him Vpon which words the Lo Chancellour staying his sentence wherein he had alreadie partely proceeded asked Sir THOMAS what he was able to say to the contrarie who forthwith made answer in this sorte For as much as my Lords this Inditement is grounded vpon An acte of Parlement directly repugnant to the lavves of God and his holie Church the supreme gouernement of vvhich or of anie parte thereof no Temporall person may by anie lavv presume to take vpon him that vvhich rightfully belongeth to the Sea of Rome vvhich by speciall prerogative was granted by the mouth of our Sauiour Christ himself to S. Peter and the Bishops of Rome his successours only vvhilst he liued and vvas personally present here vpon earth it is therefore amongst Catholike Christiās insufficient in lavv to charge anie Christian man to obey it And for proofe of this sound assertion he declared amongst manie reasons sound authorities that like as this realme alone being but one member and a small parte of the the Church might not make a particular lavv disagreing with the generall lavv of Christ's vniuersall Catholike Church no more then the Cittie of London being but one member in respect of the vvhole realme may enact a lavv against an Act of Parlement to binde thereby the vvhole kingdome So shevved he further that this lavv vvas euen contrarie to the lavves and statutes of this our realme not yet repealed as they might euidently see in Magna Charta vvhere it is sayd that Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit habeat omnia iura integra libertates suas illaesas And it is contrarie also to that sacred oath vvhich the king's highnesse himself and euerie other Christian prince alvvaies receaue vvith great sollemnitie at their Coronatiōs Moreouer he alleaged that this realme of England might vvorse refuse their obedience to the Sea of Rome then anie childe might to their naturall father For as S. Paul sayd to the Corinthians I haue regenerated you my children in Christ so might that vvorthie Pope of Rome S. Gregorie the Great say to vs Englishmen yee are my Children because I haue giuen you euerlasting saluation For by S. Augustin and his follovvers his immediate messengers England first receaued the Christian Faith vvhich is a farre higher and better inheritance then anie carnall father can leaue to his children for a sonne is only by generation vve are by regeneration made the spirituall Children of Christ and the Pope To these wordes the Lo Chancellour replied that seing all the Bishopps Vniuersities best learned men of this realme had agreed to this Act it was much marueled that he alone should so stiffely sticke thereat and so vehemently argue there against it To which wordes Sir THOMAS answered that if the number of Bishopps and vniuersities vvere so materiall as his Lordshipp seemeth to make it then doe I my Lord see little cause vvhy that thing in my conscience should make anie change for I do not doubt but of the learned and vertuous men that are yet aliue I speake not only of this realme but of all Christendome about there are ten to one that are of my minde in this matter but if I should speake of those learned Doctours and vertuous Fathers that are alreadie dead of vvhome manie are Saints in heaven I am sure that there are farre more vvho all the vvhile they liued thought in this Case as I thinke novv And therefore my Lord I thinke myself not bound to conforme my conscience to the Councell of one realme against the generall consent of all Christendome 5. Now when Sir THOMAS had taken as manie exceptions as he thought meete for the auoyding of this Inditement and alleaging manie more substantiall reasons then can be here sett downe the Lo Chancellour hauing bethought himselfe and being loath now to haue the whole burthen of this Condemnatiō to lye vpon himselfe asked openly there the aduise of my Lo Chiefe Iustice of England Sr. Iohn Fitz Iames whether this Inditement were sufficient or no who wisely answered thus my Lords all by S. Gillian for that was euer his oath I must needes confesse that if the Act of Parlement be not vnlawfull then the Inditement is not in my conscience insufficient An answere like that of the Scribes and Pharisies to Pilate Yf this man were not a malefactour we would neuer haue deliuered him vnto you And so with yfs and ands he added to the matter a slender euasion Vpon whose words my Lo Chancellour spoke euen as Caiphas spoke in the Ievvish Councell Quid adhuc desideramus testimonium reus est mortis so presently he pronounced this sentence That he should be brought back to the Tower of London by the helpe of William Bingston Sheriffe and from thence drawen on a hurdle through the Cittie of London to Tyburne there to be hanged till he be halfe dead after that cutt downe yet aliue his priue partes cutt of his bellie ripped his bowells burnt and his foure quarters sett vp ouer foure gates of the Cittie his head vpon London-bridge This was the Iudgement of that worthie man who had so well deserued both of the king and Countrie for which Paulus Iouius calleth king Henrie another Phalaris The sentence yet was by the king's pardon changed afterwards only into Beheading because he had borne the greatest office of the realme of which mercie of the king's word being brought to Sir THOMAS he answered merrily God forbidde the king should vse anie more such mercie vnto anie of my friends and God blesse all my posteritie from such pardons 6. When Sir THOMAS had now fully perceaued that he was called to Martyrdome hauing receaued sentence of death with abolde and constante countenance he spoke in this manner Well seing I am condemned God knovves hovv iustly I vvill freely speake for the disburthening of my Conscience vvhat I thinke of this lavve When I perceaued that the king's pleasure vvas to sifte out from vvhence the Popes authoritie vvas deriued I confesse I studyed seauē yeares togeather to finde out the truth thereof I could not reade in anie one Doctour's vvritings vvhich the Church allovveth anie one saying that auoucheth that alay man vvas or could euer be the head of the Church To this my Lo
Chancellour againe Would you be accounted more wise and of more sincere conscience then all the Bishopps learned Doctours Nobilitie and Commons of this realme To which Sir THOMAS replyed I am able to produce against one Bishopp vvhich you can bring forth of your side one hundred holie and Catholike Bishopps for my opinion and against one realme the consent of all Christendome for more then a thousand yeares The Duke of Norfolke hearing this sayd Now Sir THOMAS you shew your obstinate and malicious minde To whome Sir THOMAS sayd Noble Sir not any malice or obstinacie causeth me to say this but the iust necessitie of the Cause constrayneth me for the discharge of my Conscience and I call God to vvittnesse no other then this hath moued me herevnto After this the Iudges courteously offered him their fauourable audience yf he had anie thing else to alleage in his owns defence who answered most mildely and charitably More haue I not to say my Lords but that like as the blessed Apostle S. Paul as vvee reade in the Acts of the Apostles vvas present consenting to the death of the protomartyr S. Stephen keeping their cloathes that sloned him to death and yet they be novv both tvvaine holie Saints in heaven and there shall continue friends togeather for euer so I verily trust shall therefore hartily pray that though your Lordshipps haue bene on earth my Iudges to condemnation yet vve may hereafter meete in heauen merrily togeather to our euerlasting saluation and God preserue you all especially my Soueraigne Lord the king and graunt him faythfull Councellours in which prayer he most liuely imitated the example of holie S. Stephen ne statuas illis hoc peccatum yea of our Sauiour himself speaking on the crosse Pater dimitte illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt All these of Sir THOMAS his speaches were faythfully deliuered from Sr. Antonie Sentleger Richard Hayvvood and Iohn Webbe gentlemen with others more of good creditt who were present and heard all which they reported to my vncle Rooper agreing all in one discourse THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER THE HOLY DEATH and glorious martyrdom of Sir THOMAS MORE 1. The manner hovv Sir Thomas was led back to the tovver from his arraignement vvhere his sonne publiquely demanded his blessing 2. Mistresse Margaret Roper his daughters noble and laudable loue to her father Sir Thomas novv condemned 3. Hovv deuoutly and magnanimously Sir T. M. expected his exequution 4. Aduertisment of the day of his death sent him from the king 5. The manner and forme of his glorious death and martyrdom 6. The kings sadnes vpon report of his death withsome notable circumstances of his buriall 7. A consideration of the last blessing vvhich he gaue to his heires and their progenie after them 8. Physiognomy of Sir Thomas More 1. AFter his Condemnation he was conducted from the barre to the Tower againe an axe being carried before him with the edge towards him and was lead by Sr. William Kinston a tall strong and comelie gentleman Constable of the Tower and his verie good friend but presently a dolefull spectacle was presented to Sir THOMAS and all the standers by for his onlie sonne my grandfather like a dutiefull childe casteth himself at his father's feete crauing humbly his blessing not without teares whome he blessed and kissed most louingly whose loue and obedience Sir THOMAS in a letter praysed saying that this his behauiour pleased him greately When Sr. William had conducted Sir THOMAS to the Olde Swanne towards the Tower there he bad him Farewell with a heauie heart the teares trickeling downe his cheekes but Sir THOMAS with a stayed grauitie seing him sorrowfull beganne to comfort him with chearefull speaches saying good Mr. Kinston trouble not your selfe but be of good cheare for I will pray for you and my good Ladie your wife that we may meete in heauen togeather where we shall be merrie for euer and euer Soone after this Sr. William talking hereof to my vncle Rooper sayd In good fayth Mr. Rooper I was ashamed of myselfe that at our parting I found my hart so weake and his so stoute that he was fayne to comfort me who should rather at that time haue comforted him but God and the clearenesse of his Conscience is a comfort which no earthlie prince can giue or take away 2. When Sir THOMAS was come now to the Tower-wharfe his best beloued childe my aunte Rooper desirous to see her father whome she feared she should neuer see in this world after to haue his last blessing gaue there attendance to meete him whome as soone as she had espyed after she had receaued vpon her knees his fatherlie blessing she ranne hastily vnto him and without consideration or care of herselfe passing through the midst of the throng and guarde of men who with billes and halberds compassed him round there openly in the sight of them all embraced him tooke him about the necke and kissed him not able to say anie word but Oh my father oh my father He liking well her most naturall and deare affection towards him gaue her his fatherlie blessing telling her that whatsoeuer he should suffer though he were innocent yet it was not without the will of God and that she knew well enough all the secretts of his hart counselling her to accommodate her will to Gods blessed pleasure and bad her be patient for her losse She was no sooner parted from him and gone ten steppes when she not satisfyed with the former Farewell like one who had forgottē herselfe rauished with the intire loue of so worthie a father hauing neither respect to herselfe nor to the presse of the people about him suddenly turned backe and ranne hastily to him tooke him about the necke and diuerse times togeather kissed him whereat he spoke not a word but carrying still his grauitie teares fell also from his eyes yea there were very few in all the troupe who could refrayne hereat from weeping no not the guarde them selues yet at last with a full heauie hart she was seuered from him at which time Margarett Gigs embraced him kissed him also yea mine Aunt 's mayde one Dorothie Collie did the like of whome he sayd after it was homelie but verie louingly donne all these and also his sonne my grandfather wittnessed that they smelt a most odoriferous smell to come from him according to that of Isaac Odor filij mei sicut odor agri pleni cui benedixit Dominus Oh what a spectacle was this to see a woman of nature shamefast by education modest to expresse such excessiue griefe as that loue should make her shake of all feare and shame which dolefull sight piercing the harts of all beholders how doe you thinke it moued her fathers surely his affection and forcible loue would haue daunted his courage if that a diuine spiritt of constancie had not inspired him to beholde this most generous woman his
of Comfort in Tribulation yea or anie other man 's either heathen or Christian that haue written as manie haue either in Greeke or Latine of the sayd matter And as for heathen I doe this worthie man plaine iniurie and doe much abase him in matching and comparing him with them especially in this poynt seing that were they otherwise neuer so incomparable they lacked yet and knewe not the very especiall and principall ground of Comfort and Consolation that is the true sayth of Christ in whome and for whome and whose glorie we must seeke and fetche all our true comfort and consolation well lett them passe and lett vs further say that as the sayd Sir THOMAS MORE notably passeth manie learned Christians that haue of the same matter written before so lett vs adde that it may well be doubted all matters considered and weighed yf anie of the rest may seeme much to passe him There is in these bookes so wittie pithie and substantiall matter for the easying and remedying and patiētly suffering of all manner or griefes and sorrowes that may possibly en comber anie man by anie manner or kinde of tribulatiō whether their tribulation proceede from anie inward temptation or ghostlie enemie the diuell or anie outward temptation of the world threatening to bereaue or spoile vs of our goods lande honour libertie and freedome by grieuous sharpe imprisonment and finally of our life withall by anie painefull exquisite and cruell death against all which he doth so wonderfully and effectually prepare defende and arme the reader that a man cannot desire or wishe anie thing of any more efficacie or importāce therevnto to be added In the which booke his principall drift and scope was to stirre and prepare the mindes of Englishmen manfully and couragiously to withstande and not to shrinke at the imminent and open persecution which he foresawe and immediately followed against the vnitie of the Church and the Catholike Fayth of the same albeit full wittily and wisely that the bookes might the safer goe abroad he doth not expressely meddle with those matters and couereth the matter vnder the name of an Hungarian and of the persecution of the Turkes in Hungarie and of the booke translated out of the Hungarian toung into Latine and then into the English toung Of these bookes then there is great account to be made not only for the excellent matter comprised in thē but also for that they were made when he was most straytely shutt vpp and enclosed from all cōpanie in the Tower in which sorte I doubte whether a man shall finde anie other booke of like worthinesse made by anie Christian and yet yf anie such be found much Surely should I yeelde to the same But there is one thing wherein these bookes of Sir THOMAS MORE by speciall prerogatiue surmounte or else I am deceaued all other of this sorte and that is that they were for the most parte written with noe other pēne then a coale as was his treatise vpon the Passion which Coppies yf some men had them they might would esteeme more then other bookes written with golden letters and would no lesse accounte of it then S. Hierome did of certaine bookes of the martyr Lucian written with his owne hand that by chāce he happened on and esteemed them as a pretious lewell And yet is there one thing that in the valuing and praysing of these bookes he is not as manie great Clerkes are like to a whettstone that being blunt and dull itselfe whetteth other things and sharpeth them it was not so with this man for though he wrote these bookes with a dead blacke coale yet was there a most hote burning coale such an one as purifyed the lippes of the holie prophett Esaias that directed his hand with the black coale and so enflamed incensed his hart withall to heauēward that the good and holesome instructions and counsell that he gaue to other men in his bookes he himselfe afterward in most patient suffering the losse of his goods and landes imprisonment death for the defence of iustice and of the Catholike Fayth experimented worthily practised in himselfe And these be in effect the bookes he made either in Latine or English which his English bookes yf they had bene written by him in the Latine toung also or might be with the like grace that they now haue be translated into the Latine speach they would surely much augmente and increase the estimation which the world already hath in forraine Countries of his incomparable witt learning and vertue FINIS The end and scope of this vvork Though beyond my ability and capacity Yet vndertaken out of zeale and loue to the memory of S. Th. M. And for speciall cause knovvn to my self alone As also for being borne on the day of his martyrdom And by his prayers hauing the honour to be the heyre of his family Not presuming only vpō his merits VVhich lay à greater burden of imitation vpon vs But trusting vpō his prayers and setting his life death as a sampler before our eyes S. Thom. Moores parētage and nobility S. Iohn Moor Knight father of Sir Thomas and his virtues Descēded of aūciēt gentry Sir Tho. Moores mother a very virtuous gentle vvoman Her visiō concerning her children and especially Sir Thomas Sir Iohn Moore his secōd vvife out liued Sir Thomas 2. The place and time of S. Th. Mor. birthe An euidēt dāger strangely escaped in his childhood 3. His first studies imployments In S. Anthonies schoole in London In Cardinal Moortōs house The praise of the L. Cardinal S. Thom. Moore his tovvardlynes in the Cardinals retinevv The Cardinal sendeth him to Oxenford Brought vp there neerly austerly by his father The great reuerēce vvhich he alvvays bare to his father 4. His first vvorkes and vvritings Hovv much esteemed of by learned men Aquarrel stirred up betvveen him and Germanus Brixius Easily giuen ouer by S. Th. Moor. 5. His Mortificatiōs Hearshirt Watching fasting Exercises amōg the Charthusians Not permitted by God to take an ecclesiasticall course To be a paterne of maried men 6. His deuotiōs prayers At dayly masse His dayly orisons Much pleased vvith the life of Picus Mirandula His diligence in frequenting good preachers Doctour Colets excellent employments Doctour Colet chosē by S. Th. M. for his ghostly father S. Th. his letter to D. Colet hauing left London He professeth vvhat spirituall comfort he receaued from D. Colet Populous cities fuller of dāgers of sinne then the country life The plesure and innocēce of a coūtry life Cities stād more in need of skilfull pastours thē coūtry mansions Preachers that liue not vvell edyfy no thing He inuiteth D. Colet to returne to the city to help soules The inestimable profit of a good ghostly father Sir Tho. Mo. learned more by prayer then by study 7. His sober diet And plaine apparell 8. He dissembled his virtuous mortification by pleasunt and
religion End of the kings controuersie He neuer asked anything of the King Liberality to his parish Churche His mercifull workes to his poor neighbours 2. The beginning of K. Hēries separation from the Church Scruple of his mariage with Q. Catherin Cōmissioneirs frō Rome about it The dispensatiō questiōd And supplied by a new cōfirmatiō K. Henry appeals to a generall councel and falls from the Pope His iniurie to S. Thomas of Canterburies body Q. Anne Bolēs incontinēcy 3. Cardinall Wolseys disgrace downfall Sir Tho. Mores embassage for peace happy successe therin Bishop Stokelies quirk in Q. Catharins marriage His conference with Sir Thomas about it Strokesly vndermines the Cardinall For backwardnes in the kings diuorce forwardnes for a frenche matche The Cardinal discontented Arrested and depriued of all honours riches Sir Tho. More elected L Chauncelor Only worthy of the place in Cardinal Wolseys iudgement 4. The honourable ceremony with whiche he was enstalled The Duke of Norfolks oratiō in behalf of Sir Tho. More Of his worthinesse for so great a place The first lay man that euer was mad Lord Chauncellour Good reasons why that ould custom was altered Sir Tho. Mores modest and discreet reply He acknowledgeth his owne vnworthinesse The Dukes loue And the kings fauour and bounty Which he esteems beyond his deserts Al which encrease in him a full purpose to discharge well so great a charge And desireth fauorable interpretation of his endeuours A wise ponderation of his predecessour Cardinals example The danger of highe honours A warning to vse them well Commō ioy of S. Thomas his promotion 5. The behaueour of S. Thomas in the dignity of L. Chancellour Towards his father the auncientest iudge of the realme Towards all sutours especially the poorer sort No accesse to bribery Means how great men may do fauours in iustice Notable integrity Euen against his owne kinred Long delayes in law the misery of poor clients remedied by Sir Thomas A pleasaūt tale of a table 6. King Hēry desire Sir Thomas to allow his diuorce Sir Thomas noble and discreet refusall Accepted for the time by the king 1. The death of Sir Iohn More Sir Thomas neuer enioyed his fathers inheritance Rare pouerty in a L. high Chancellour Yet could it not stop Q. Annes malice against him 2. His admirable zeal in cause of catholike religion A liberal reward profered him nobly by the Bishops of Enggland As nobly and magnanimously refused by him only for Gods sake The heretiks calumny against him True glorie to be hated by heretikes Perfect patience always ioined with true perfectiō 3. Cheerfull mirth An vnmānerly reprehēsiō mannerly returnd on the reprehender A bold debtour pretily told his owne A mery arbitrement between his Lady a beggar A pleasaunt cēsore of a witlesse writing A mery mistaking 4. His earnest deuotiō in the seruice of God He vsed to sing in his surplice in his parishe churche To cary the crosse in procession on foote Cōfessed communicated before any importāt businesse 5. Patience in temporall lesser An excellent resignatiō to the prouidence of God More care to supply his neighbours losses then his owne Godly care of his poor seruants God rewardeth true resignation euen in this world Vanity of iudgement of worldlings 6. S. Thomas resigned vp his office of L. Chancellour The neerer his end the more replenished with the loue of God A notable record that no cause was left vndecyded in the Chācery A parlement called for Q Annes marriage Sir Tho. More sues to depose his office The king graciously accepteth his desire How merely he insinuated the matter to his wife A pleasaūt ieast to diuere her from sorow 7. Prouident dispositiō of his houshold after his resignement Of his seruants all well rec2ommended Of his children liuing with him An incōparable resolutiō after so great an honour to beare cheerfully so low an estate Honourable pouerty of so great a personage 8. How earnestly and cōsideratly he deposed his office An excellent letter to Archbishop Warrhā to such a purpose Great offices dāgerously vndertaken and as dangerous to be giuen ouer A true valuatiō of virtuous actions S. Thom. Mores humble estimation of himself He sends his Vtopia to the Archbishop His innocence in his office Testified in priuat and publik by the King The chief cause of his resignemēt to serue God more freely As thākfull to the K. for permitting his resignement as for the office it self Another cause for his weak health Contēpt of all vainglory 1. His remote preparatiō to Martyrdome 1 Hatred to heresie Yet in his tyme no heretik pur to death 2. Continuall talk of spirituall matters 3. Desire to suffer for Christ 2. A notable lesson for all statesmen giuē to M. Cromwel But not kept by the sayd M. Crōwell Bad Counsellours make bad Princes The reward of bad coūsel exāplified in Crōwell Of good Counsellours in S. Tho. More 3. The mariage of Q. Anne Archbis Crāmers good qualities He concludes the mariage to be lawful The cause of Englāds separation frō Rome Sir Tho. Mores propheticall ghesse of the oath of supremacy 4. Sir Tho. M. refused to be at Q. Annes coronatiō His coūsel and predictiō to the Bishops his good frinds A notable story wonderfully and prophetically applied His purpose rather to be deuoured then defloured Q. Annes hatred to Sir Thomas And the kings displeasure Sir Thomas disposeth him self more immediatly to suffer death A Christiā stratagem 5. The first occasiō of calling into question for Q. Anne The holy Nunne of Kent Warned by reuelation to rebuke K. Hēry Conferreth her reuelatiōs with B. Fisher Her talk with Sir Thomas More Waryly handled by him 6. Accusations procured against Sir Thomas That he impugned the K. mariage Quarrels picked against his Chaūcellourship A supposed bribe pleasantly confuted A courteous refusall of an honest reward Another of like nature Sir Tho. More a wise marchāt traffiking for heauen 7. Sir T. M. his first examination A parlament to attaint true men of treasō The Kings deputies to examin Sir Tho. M. The Deputies faires words to winne Sir Tho. Fairly answered with a mild and constant refusall The Deputies threats Sir T. M. accused for autour of the kings book for the Pope His constant reply and euident refutatiō Wise wary counsel of Sir Tho. to the King The king acknowledgeth obligatiō of his crowne to Rome 8. His merry hart after his examination A fall giuen to the diuel The Kings indignatiō against Sir Tho. Prudent and politik aduise in so bad a cause Proceeding against Sir Tho. M. differed A braue answer to a frinds feare 1. The oath of supremacy Sir Tho. M. cited to take it His preparation before his going His discreet behaueour in that cause He refuseth the oath for consciēce sake All the clergy but Bishop fisher and D. Wilson did take the oath Vnder what cōditiōs Sir T. M offered to set downe his reason of refusall Sir
T. M offer proceedeth not of vncertāty but because he was certain his reasons were vnanswerable All Christendom of more autority then all england The oath of succession 2. Sir Tho. Mores imprisonmēt First in Westminster Then by Q. Annes importunity in the Tower His willingnesse to leese all for Christ The vpper garment the porters fee. His mans oath His wonderfull courage 3. His discours with his daughter Margaret Preuēted with prayers The cōfort he found in his emprisonment Fiue reasons vsed by his daughter to make him relēt 1. Obedience to the King 2. Autority of wise mē 3. Only B. Fisher of his mind 4. Him self a lay man 5. against a parlament Sir T. M. answers All the saints of God acknowleged the Popes supremacy Why he neuer touched that point in his writings Motiues with which many deceaue their owne cōsciences He knew not of B. Fishers mind The Doctours of the Church greater then Doctours of England And generall Coūcels then a Parlamēt His trust in Gods mercy against the fear of death A heauēly resignation 4. Sir T. M. prophecieth Q. Annes death His plesant answer to his keepers honest excuse The inconstācy and ignorance of the oath makers His meditation vpon the martyrdom of 24. religious mē Maister Secretary Cromwells visit Sir T. M. writ in the tower his book of comfort 5. A prety dialogue between Sir T. M. and his wife Her worldly obiectiō His heauenly answer Prison as neer heauen as our owne house Eternity to be preferred before temporality An other visit 6. M. Rich his sophisticall case A poor ground for an inditement of treasō 7. A remarkable accident at the taking away his bookes His mery ieast vpō it 8. How great care he took not to offend the king The substance of his inditement 1. The arraignmēt of Sir Th. More His iudges His inditement The iudges charges His Christian resolution 2. Sir Th. his āswer to the inditement 1. How sincerly he had always told the K. his mind touching the marriage The durance of his emprisonment and afflictiōs 2. Why he refused to tell his iudgemēt of the law of supremacy Lay men not touched with that law No law can punish silēce that is without malice Whether his silence were malicious Obediēce first to God and then to man 3. That he neuer counselled or induced B. Fisher. The contents of his letters to the said Bishop 4. The law of supremacy like a two-edged sword 3. M. Riches oath against Sir T. More Euidētly disproued by Sir Tho. Mores oath to contrary By iust exceptiō against the witnesse vnworthy of credit Yf it had been true ther had been no malice Malice in law The improbability of M. Rich his deposition M. Rich his witnesses do faile him 4. The Iurie verdict guiltie Excepted against by Sir Thomas The act of parlament against Gods law No lay man can be head of the churche Against the lawer of the realme Against the kings owne oath Against the peculiar obligation of England to Rome Against all Christendom that euer was 5. The condemnatiō of S. Tho. More By yfs ands but no proofes The sentence Mitigated by the king 6. Sir Thomas fully deliuereth his iudgement of the act of suoremacy to be vnlawfull Against all the churche of God Constācy no obstinacy Sir Tho. Mores blessed charity to his iudges The truth of this relation frō present witnesses of credit 1. The manner of Sir Thomas his returne to the tower His sōne asketh him blessing Great cōstancy courtesy and charity 2. His childrens behauiour to him His daughter Matgarets laudable passion A ponderation vpon this mutuall passiō of Father daughter Cardinal Pooles estimatio of Sir Thomas his death 3. How deuoutly cheerfully he attēded his exequution A pleasaunt cōceipt vpō a leight courtyer His last letters To Antony Bōuise To his daughter Margaret His desito dy vpō the octaue of S. Peter which was also S. Thom. of Canterburys commemoratiō An blessing to his heire God grāted him his desires to dy the day he wished His heir-shirt and discipline 4. Aduertisment giuē him of the day of his death frō the K. Most welcome vnto him The K. willed him to vse but few words at his exequution His wife childrē permitted to be at his buriall His comfortable courage He put on his best apparell that day Liberally to his executiō 5. The forme of his death and martyrdom Persons hired to disgrace him A good cōsciēce He freeth one from the tētation of despaire by his prayers His wordes at his death His prayers Words to the executioner He couereth his eyes himself His happy death 6. The kings sadnes vpō the newes of his exequution The place of his buriall A notable accidēt about his windnig-sheet His bloudy shirt His head His martyrdom encouraged many other to the like Mr. Gardiner Euen his owne Parish-priest 7. A cōsideratiō vpon the blessing which he gaue to his heires children A praise of M. Iohn More sonne heire to Sir Thomas The vnmercifull dealing of K. Hēry with Sir Tho. Mores heires With the Lady his widow M. Iohn More cōmitted to the tower for denial of the oath The imprisonment of his daughter Margaret 8. The fauour and Physiognomie of Sir Tho. More 1. Cardinal Pooles lamentatiō vpon Sir Tho. Mores death 2. Erasmus of Roterdam 3. Doctour Cochlaeus of Germany Iob 12. 4. Bishop Iouius of Italy 5. W Paradin a dearned historiā of France 6. Riuius a Protestāt 7. Charles the Emperour 8. Circumstances notable in the death of Sir Tho. More From the kings part From Sir Thomas Mores part Nota. 9. An apology for his mery iestes A fit cōparison between Catoes seuerity and Sir T. M. his pleasaūt disposition 10. Sir Tho. More a lay man martyr for Ecclesiasticall autority neuer before questioned Epigrammes History of K. Richard the 3. in English and Latin His Vtopia Many deemed Vtopia to be a true nation and country Sheep deuour men in England Sir Tho. More his book against Luther His epistle against Pomeranus His English writings The dialog with the messinger Great sincerity in his writing and loue of the truth He writt neither for gaine nor report His pouerty almost incredible in so greate a man Sir Tho. M. no partiall frind to the clergy Tindals false trāslation of the scripture Cōfuted learnedly by Sir Th. M. The wilfulnes of heretikes Tindal falsifieth Sir T.M. words Tindals maze Tindals māner of amēding Against Frier Barnes his inuisible Churche The notable disagreemēt of heretikes among thēselues Hereticall scoffing Heretikes Hypocrisy Against the supplication of beggars Against Iohn Frith Sir Tho. Mores Apologie How heretikes recite the catholik argumēts Touching the length of Sir Tho. Mores bookes Heretiks blaspheming the fathers vvould thēselues be reuerently handled Whē heretikes railings are to be neglected Heretikes excellent railours The pacificatiō Cōfuted by Sir T.M. The debellation of Salem and Bizance How the Pacifier reconcileth points in controuersy Sir T. M. his book of the blessed Sacrament The heretiks supper of the Lord wants the best dishe Sir Tho. Mores bookes written in the tower Comfort in tribulation Of Cōmunion Of the Passion The excellencn of the booze of Comfort The said book a preparation against the persequutiō which he did forsee Written when he had no book about him Written with cole Like Esaias his cole that purified his lippes