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A48803 The marrow of history, or, The pilgrimmage of kings and princes truly representing the variety of dangers inhaerent to their crowns, and the lamentable deaths which many of them, and some of the best of them, have undergone : collected, not onely out of the best modern histories, but from all those which have been most famous in the Latine, Greek, or in the Hebrew tongue : shewing, not onely the tragedies of princes at their deaths, but their exploits and sayings in their lives, and by what virtues some of them have flourished in the height of honour, and overcome by what affections, others of them have sunk into the depth of all calamities : a work most delightfull for knowledge, and as profitable for example / collected by Lodowick Lloyd ... ; and corrected and revived by R.C. ... Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610.; Codrington, Robert, 1601-1665. 1653 (1653) Wing L2660; ESTC R39067 223,145 321

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Honorificus King of the Vandales and Herode King of the Iews were eaten up alive with vermine and Lice Pliny and Plutarch say that proud Sylla which sore plagued Rome and Italy had all his flesh converted into Lice and so died Herodotus doth likewise report of one Pheretrina a Quéen of the Barceans who died of this filthy and horrible death God hath taken them away in the midst of their pleasure even eating and drinking as Septimus and Valentianus two famous Emperours who died both of a surfeit for want of digestion Archesilaus died presently with one draught of wine What is the life of Princes but an uncertain Pilgrimage Nay women are famous for their pilgrimage therein As the Queen of Sheba came from Ethiopia to hear and to learn Solomon's wisdome Cornelia from Rome being a noble woman went to Palestina to hear Saint Hierome teach Christians The pilgrimage of our life is nothing else but a continual travel until we come to our last journey which is Death then is the end of all pilgrimage and just account to be made for the same CHAP. XLV Of Death the End of all Pilgrimage THe last line of all things is death the discharge of all covenants the end of all living creatures the onely wish of the good and the very terrour of the wicked And for that the life of man is divers so is death variable after sundry manners and fashions as by experience is séen and known in all Countreys Nothing is surer then death yet nothing is more uncertain then death For Pindarus that wise King of the Liricans being demanded of certain Beotians what might best happen to man in this world Even that said he which chanced to Trophonius and Ag●medes meaning Death For these men after they had builded a new Temple to Apollo demanded of Apollo the best reward that he could give them they thinking to enjoy some dignity or worldly substance were seven days after rewarded with death The like we read in the first Book of Herodotus where the mother of Biton and Cleobes two young men of Argos knéeling before the Image of Juno besought the Goddesse to bestow some excellent good thing upon her two sons for their pain and travel that they shewed toward her in drawing her Chariot ten miles in stead of horses The Goddesse willing to grant them the best thing that could be given to man the next night quietly in bed as they slept they both died Wherefore very well did Aristippus answer a certain man who asked how Socrates died Even in that order said he that I wish my self to die Giving to understand that any death is better then life That noble Philosopher Plato a little before he died as Sabellicus doth write did thank nature for three causes the first that he was born a man and not a beast the second that he was born in Gréece and not in Barbary the third that he was born in Socrates time who taught him to die well Hermes that great Philosopher of Egypt even dying so embraced death that he called upon that that divine spirit which ruled all the heavens to have mercy upon him being right glad that he had passed this toyling life Such is the uncertainty of death that some in the half of their days and in the midst of their fame and glory die So Alexander the great died in Babilon Pompey died in Egypt and Marcellus being a young man of great towardnesse and by adoption heir unto the Empire of Rome died It is strange to sée the varieties of death and in how divers and sundry fashions it hath happened unto Great men always Some being merry in their banquets and drinking were slain so Clitus was slain by Alexander the great being his chief friend Amnon being bidden to a banquet by Absalom was slain by him Yea all the Embassadors of Persia were commanded to be slain even drinking at the table by Amintas King of Macedonia Some end their lives wantonning with women and playing in chambers as that renowned Alcibiades being taken in wantonnesse with Timandra was slain by Lisander Even so Phaon and Speusippus the Philosopher died likewise Some bathing and refreshing themselves have perished by their own wives so Agamemnon that famous Gréek was killed by his wife Clitemnestra and Argirus Emperor of Rome by his wife Zoe Divers in prison have died as captives so Aristobulus Eumenes Aristonicus Marius Cleomenes Jugurth Siphax famous and renowned Princes Divers have béen slain in the draught as that beast Heliogabalus whom Rome so hated that he fled to a draught and there was slain and after was drawn through the streets and thrown into the river of Tyber Cneius Carbo a man of great dignity and power in Rome was commanded that he should be slain as he was sitting on his stool of ease by Pompey in the third time of his Consulship in Rome Thus shamefully have some died and thus famously others died Patroclus knew not that he should be slain by Hector Hector never thought he should be killed by Achilles Achilles never doubted his death by Paris Paris never judged that he should be vanquished by Pirrhus Neither did Pirrhus know that he should be overcome by Orestes so that no man knoweth his end where how and when he shall die and yet all men are certain and sure that they have an end that they must néeds die And yet the fear of death hath overcome the stoutest souldiers We read that Asdrubal of Carthage a noble and a famous Captain ●verthrown by Scipio for fear of death knéeled before Scipio embracing his féet and was so fearfull that his own wife was ashamed of his doings Yet had this famous Generall rather be a laughing stock to the Romans a bond man to Scipio running a foot like a lacky after his triumph then to die manfully in the behalf of his countrey which valiantly for a time he defended Perpenna likewise a famous Roman being taken in Spain by the souldiers of Pompey in a place full of Groves fearing lest at that instant he should be slain by Pompey's souldiers he made them believe that he had divers things to speak to Pompey of some designs that the enemies had in hand against him rather had Perpenna betray his friends and his fellows yea and all his country to his enemy then suffer a sudden death A greater fear of death we read in that book of Fulgosius of the Emperour Vitellius who after he had vanquished and slain divers nobles and shewed great wrongs unto the Emperour Otho and to Sabinus brother to Vespasian the Emperour being in fear of his life by Vespasian and being taken by the souldiers hee besought them rather then die presently that hee might be kept safe in prison untill he might sée and speak with Vespasian the Emperour such was his fear that he did hide himself in a chest to prolong his wretched life So fearful was Caligula of death that he would never go abroad at any
Illiads which Homer Alexander the great so esteemed by the reading of the atchievements of Achilles being brought up in school in his fathers days with that learned Phylosopher Aristotle that he never went to bed but he had Homer under his pillow and there fell in love with the prowesse of Achilles honoured his life and magnified his death insomuch that he went unto Illion in Phrygia where that famous City of Troy sometimes stood to sée the grave of Achilles where when he saw the worthy monuments of his martial chivalry his famous feats and renowned life depainted about the Temple which invironed round his sumptuous Tomb he brake out into tears beholding the tomb and said O happy Achilles who had such a Poet as Homer that so well could advance thy fame And thus Alexander being moved by Homer to imitate Achilles minded nothing else but magnanimity and courage of mind as Curtius and Diodorus Siculus can well testifie whose life though it was but short was a mirrour unto all the world that being but twenty years when he began to imitate the acts and feats of Achilles in twelve years more which was his whole time of life he became King over Kings a Conquerour over Conquerours and was named another Hercules for his prosperous successe in his enterprises insomuch that Julius Caesar the first and most valiant Emperor that ever was in Rome after his great conquests entring into the Temple of Hercules in Gades and reading the life of Alexander painted round about the Temple his worthy fame declared his noble déeds set forth his victories and conquests in every place described such monuments and mirrours in memory of his noble life every where expressed he fell into the like tears for Alexander as Alexander did for Achilles Thus was one in love with another for magnanimities sake each one so desirous of others fame that Caesar thought himself happy if he might be counted Alexander Alexander judged himself renowned if he might be named Achilles Achilles sought no greater fame then Theseus Theseus ever desired the name of Hercules Therefore Agesilaus King of the Lacedemonians wondered much at the singular magnanimity and prowesse of Epaminondas sometime Prince of Thebes who with one little City could subdue all Gréece This Epaminondas having wars with the Lacedemonians people no lesse renowned by war then justly feared by Epaminondas after great victories and triumphs was after this sort prevented by Agesilaus in the wars of Mantinia that all the people of Sparta were counselled either to kill Epaminondas or to be killed by Epaminondas whereby the whole force and power of Lacedemonia was fully bent by commandment given by Agesilaus their King to fall upon Epaminondas where that valiant and noble Prince by too much pollicy was wounded to death to the utter destruction of all the people of Thebes and yet being carried unto his tent alive he demanded of his souldiers the state of the field whether Thebes or Sparta was conquered being certified that the Lacedemonians fled and that he had the victory he forthwith charged the end of the spear to be taken out of his wounded side saying Now your Prince Epaminondas beginneth to live for that he dies a Conqueror We read not of Epaminondas his parralel who being compared unto Agamemnon for his magnanimity was angry therewith saying Agamemnon with al Greece with him was ten years about one town the City of Troy Epaminondas with little Thebes in one year conquered all Gréece An order was observed amongst the Lacedemonians before they did go to the wars they were by their Laws charged to make solemn sacrifice unto the Muses And being demanded why they so did sith Mars hath no society with the Muses Eudamidas then their King answered For that we might obtain as well of the Muses how to use victory gently as Mars to become victors manfully These Lacedemonians were so valiant that having banished their King Cleonimus for his extraordinary pride and violence did make Arcus King in his place Who being in Creet aiding the people of Corcyra in wars with the most part of the Citizens of Sparta Cleonimus their exiled King consulted with Pyrrhus King of Epyre and perswaded him then or never to conquer Sparta considering Areus was in Creet and that Sparta was not populous to defend any strength of invasion they both came and pitched their field in the open face of the City of Sparta assuring themselves to sup that evening at Cleonimus house The Citizens perceiving the great Army of Pyrrhus thought good by night to send their women unto Créet to Areus making themselves ready to ●ie manfully in resisting the hoast of the enemie and being thus in the Senate agréeing that the womankind should passe away that night lest their nation at that time should be quiet destroyed by Pyrrhus a great number of women appeared in armor amongst whom Archidamia made an Oration to the men of Sparta wherein she much blamed their intent and quite confounded their purpose saying Think you O Citizens of Sparta that your Wives and Daughters would live if they might after the death of their Husbands and destruction of Sparta Behold how ready we are how willingly the women of Sparta will die and live with their Husbands Pyrrhus shall well feel it and this day be assured of it No marvel it is that the children of these women should be valiant high in their resolution If Demosthenes who was so much esteemed in Athens had said in Sparta that which he wrote in Athens that they who sometime ran away should fight again he should have the like reward that Archilogus had who wrote in his book that it was sometime better to cast the buckler away then to die for which he was banished the confines of Lacedemonia At what time the noble city of Sagun●um was destroyed the Senate of Carthage having promised the contrary the renowned Romans though the league was broken and peace defied yet the Senators did send Fabius Maximus as their Embassador with two tables the one containing peace the other wars which were sent to Carthage either to choose peace or wars the election was theirs though the Romans were injured Hardie then the Romans were when Scaenola went alone armed unto the Tents of Porsenna King of Hetruria either to kill Porsenna or to be killed by Porsenna greater fortitude of mind could be in no man a more valiant heart also was séen in no man then in Cocles who alone resisted the whole army of King Porsenna and when the draw bridge was taken up he leaped in all his harnesse from his enemies into the midst of the river Tybur And though he was in divers places sore wounded yet neither did his fall hurt him nor his Armour press him neither the water drown him neither thousands of his enemies could kill him but he swam through the river Tybur unto Rome to the great admiration of King Porsenna and excéeding joy of Rome so that one
Athens Lentulus the defendour of Italy exiled from Rome Dion of Siracusa hunted out of his country by Dionisius even that renowned Hannibal that long protector of Carthage was compelled after long service for his country to range about like a pilgrim every where to séek some safe-guard for his life Too many examples might be brought from Gréek and Latine histories for the proof hereof The chiefest bulwark of a Common-wealth saith Demosthenes is assured faith without flattery and good will tried in the Commons and plainnesse without deceit boldnesse and trust in the Nobility Flattery is the onely snare that wise men are deceived withall and this the pharisées knew well who when they would take our Saviour Christ tardy in his talk they began to flatter him with fair words saying Master we know that thou art just and true and that thou camest from God Even so Herod willing to please the Iews in killing James the brother of John and in imprisoning Peter he so pleased the people with flattery that they cried out this is the voice of God and not the voice of men so sweet was flattery amongst the Iews The flattering friends of Ammon knowing the wickednesse of his mind and his perverse dealing toward Mardocheus did not perswade Ammon from his tyranny but flattered him with fair words and made him prepare a high gallows for Mardocheus where Ammon and his children were hanged But the young man that came to flatter king David saying Saul and his children are dead was by David for his flattery commanded to die CHAP. XLIIII Of the Pilgrimages of Princes and Misery of Mortality THere is neither beast on the earth nor fowl in the ayr nor fish in the sea that séeks his own decay but man onely as by experience we sée all things to have a care of their own lives The Lion when he féeleth himself sick he never ceaseth till he féedeth upon an Ape whereby he may recover his former health The Goats of Créet féeding on high upon the mountains when any of them is shot through with an arrow as the people of that Countrey are most excellent archers they seek out an herb called Dictamum and assoon as they eat any part of it the arrow falleth down and the wound waxeth whole incontinently There are certain kinds of Frogs in Egypt about the floud of Nilus that have this perceiverance that when by chance they happen to come where a fish called Varus is which is great a murtherer and spoiler of Frogs they use to bear in their mouths overthwart a long reed which groweth about the banks of Nile and as this fish doth gape thinking to feed upon the Frog the reed is so long that by no means he can swallow the Frog and so they save their lives If the Goats of Creet if the Frogs of Egypt have this understanding to avoid their enemies how much more ought man to be circumspect of his life who hath millions of enemies neither seen nor known We read in the first book of Aelian that the rude swine if at any time by chance they eat of that herb called Hiosciamus which so contracteth draweth their veins together that they can hardly stir they will strive for remedy to go under the water where they feed upon young Crabs to recover health In the same book you may read of a sea Snail which from the water doth come to land to breed and after she hath egged she diggeth the earth and hideth her egs and returneth to the sea again and there continueth fourty days and after fourty days she commeth to the self same place where she hid her egs and perceiving that they are ready to come out of the shell she openeth the shell and taketh her young ones with her into the sea And thus have they a care not onely of their own states and lives but also of others and by some shew of sence they help that which is most dangerous and hurtfull The little Mice have this kind of fore-knowledge that when any house waxeth old and ruinous they forsake their old dwelling and creeping holes and flee and seek refuge in some other place The little Ants have such fore-sight that when penury and want of relief draweth near they wax painfull and laborious to gather victuals as may serve them during the time of famine If these small creeping worms and simple beasts provide for themselves what shall we say of man the King and ruler over all beasts who hath not onely a body to provide for but also a soul to save More happy are these worms and beasts in their kind then a number of Princes are for that they by nature onely are taught to avoid their foes we neither by nature neither by God the cause of all goodnesse can love our friends Therefore very well it is said of the wise man that either not to be born or else being born straight to die is the happiest state that can chance to man For living in this vale of misery we see the Pilgrimage and travel of life to be such that better far it were to be a poor quiet man then a proud ambitious Prince And since death is the last line of life as well appointed for Princes as for poor men who in reading of the lives of Emperors Kings and Princes and the Nobles of the world seeth not their unhappy states which come into the world naked and depart from the same naked yet like proud Pilgrims are busie one to destroy another not content with countreys and Kingdomes they go from place to place like Pilgrims to be more acquainted with misery and to seek death Alexander the great conquerour● taking his voyage from his Kingdome of Macedonia unto India in a desire to destroy all the world he was in the City of Babylon prevented by Antipater and Iola with poyson and there he died Philopomenes a great Emperor sometime in Gréece being taken prisoner in the wars of Messena was so cruelly handled that he besought Dinocrates who then was Prince of that countrey and conquerour over him one dr●ught of poyson to end his life Thus he that could not be content to be Emperor and ruler of Gréece was moved to seek death in a strange Countrey amongst his foes Ladislaus King of Apulia endeavouring to subdue the Florentines and séeking to be King over the Florentines lost the Kingdome of Apulia and by them was at length poysoned and so bereft both of Kingdome and life With this unhappy kind of death many Princes have been prevented and no lesse threatned are these Princes by their own houshold friends then by forraign foes No lesse do their children their wives brethren and kinsmen study to destroy them Thus Claudius Caesar an Emperor of Rome was poysoned by his own wife Agrippina Antiochus King of Syria was poysoned by his Quéen Laodice so that he was in love with Berenices King Ptolomy's sisterr Constantine the Emperor the son of Heraclius being
Lightning or Thunder but had his head covered with all such things as might resist the violence of Lightning Misa King of the Moabites and Joram King of Iewry being besieged by the enemies and in danger of death they practised devises and invensions to save their lives and sacrificed their children to mitigate the rage of the Gods The love that divers had unto life and the fear they had of death were to be noted worthily considering how much men are vexed with the fear of death Antemon was so desirous to live and so fearfull to die that he hardly would travel out of his house any where and if he were compelled to go abroad he would have two of his servants to bear over his head a great brasen Target to defend him from any thing which might happen to do him hurt Theagenes in like sort would not go out of his house without he had consulted with the Image of Hecate to know what should happen to him that day and to understand whether he might escape death or no. Commodus the Emperour would never trust any Barber to shave his beard lest his throat should be cut Masinissa King of Numidia would rather commit his state and life unto dogs then unto men who was as his guard to kéep and defend him from death I might here speak of Bion of Domitianus of Dionisius of Pisander and of a thousand more who so feared death that their chief care and study was how they might avoid the same The fear of death causeth the son to forsake the father the mother to renounce the daughter one brother to deny another and one friend to forsake another Insomuch that Christ himself was forsaken of his disciples for fear of death Peter denied him and all the rest fled from him and all for fear of death Behold therefore how fearfull some are and how joyfull others are Some desperately have died being weary of life As Sabinus ●uba Cleomenes some have hanged some have burned and some drowned themselves and thus with one desperate end or other perished But since every man must die it were reason that every man should prepare to die for to die well is nothing else but to live again Wherefore certain philosophers of India called the Gymnosophislae being by Alexander the great commanded to answer to cercertain hard questions which if they could absolve they should live otherwise they should die The first question propounded to know whether there were more living or dead to the which the first philosopher said that the living are more in number because the dead have no being no place nor number The second question was whether the land produced more creatures or the sea to this answered the second philosopher and said the land doth ingender more for that the sea is but a portion of the land The third question was to know what beast was most subtil that beast answered the third philosopher whose subtilty man cannot discern Fourthly it was demanded why they being philosophers were so induced to perswade the Sabians to rebellion because said the philosophers it is better to die manfully then to live miserably The fifth question was whether the day was made before the night or the night before the day to the which it was answered the day The sixt was to understand how Alexander the Great himself might get the good wil of the people in shewing said that sixth philosopher thy self not terrible to the people The sevēth question was whether life or death were strōger to which it was āswered life The eight was to know how long a man should live till said the eight philosopher a mā thinks death better thē life The last question proposed by Alexander was how might a mortal man be accounted in the number of the Gods In doing greater things said all the Philosophers then man is able to do For they knew this proud Prince would be a God and that he would learn of the sage Philosophers how he might eschew mortality he was answered roundly because he should know himself to be a man and being a man he should make himself ready to die for death is the reward of sin and death is the beginning again of life unto the good As Aulus Posthumius in an Oration which he made unto his souldiers said it is given to both good and bad to die but to die g●dly and gloriously is onely given unto good men So Hector speaking in Homer said unto his wife Andromache that she should not be sorry for his death for all men must die Some with the Galatians do so contemn death that they fight naked and are perswaded with the Pythagoreans that they shall never die but passe from one body to another Some again die joyfully as the brethren of Policrat● who being taken captive by Diognitus the King of Milesia she was so ill intreated by him that she did send Letters to Naxus to her brethren at what time the people of Milesia were feasting drinking and banquetting at a solemn feast Her brethren embracing the opportunity came and found the Emperor drinking and all his people overcharged with wine and slew the greatest part of them and having taken many of them prisoners they brought their sister home to Naxus where as soon as they came home they died for joy of the victory Even so Phisarchus sometime in his great triumph crying out O happy hours and joyful days was taken with such an extasie of joy that he brake his veins at that very instant with the excesse of gladnesse He is counted most wise that knoweth himself To joy too much in prosperity to be advanced and extolled when fortune favours without all fear of ill haps to come is folly To be vanquished and subdued in adversity without hope of solace to ensue is meer madnesse Therefore the Wisemen knowing that death was the last line of life did endeavour in their lives how they might die well And briefly for the examples of our lives I will here note a few sentences of these wise men which they used as their Posies and think good to shew their answers to divers questions propounded to them Bias dwelling in the City of Prienna after the City was destroyed by the Mutinensians escaped and went to Athens whose Poesie was Maximus improborum numerus He willed all young men in their youth to travel for knowledge and commanded old men to embrace wisedome This Bias being demaunded what was the difficultest thing in the world he said to suffer stoutly the mutability of fortune Being demanded what was the most infamous death that might happen to man to be condemned said he by law Being asked what was the swéetest thing to man he made answer Hope Being again demanded what beast was most hurtfull Amongst wild beasts a Tyrant said Bias and amongst tame beasts a Flatterer And being demanded what thing it was that feared nothing in all the world he answered A good Conscience And again in the second Olympiade he was demanded many other questions as who was most unfortunate in the world the impatient man said Bias. What is most hard to judge Debates betwéen friends What is most hard to measure he answered Time Thus having answered to these and divers other questions Bias was allowed one of the seven Wise men of Gréece Chilo the second of the Sages being asked what was the best thing in the world he answered Every man to consider his own state And again being demanded what beast is most hurtfull he said Of wild beasts a Tyrant of tame beasts a Flatterer Being asked what is most acceptable to man he said Time And being asked of the Gréek Myrsilas what was the greatest wonder that ever he saw he said An old man to be a Tyrant The third was Chilo the Lacedemonian who being demanded what was a difficult thing for a man to do he answered Either to kéep silence or to suffer injuries Being demanded what was most difficult for a man to know he said For a man to know himself And therefore he used this Poesie Nosce teipsum This Chilo being of Aesop demanded what Jupiter did in heaven he said He doth throw down lofty and proud things and he doth exalt humble and méek things S. Ion said that in knowing and considering what we are and how vile we are we shall have lesse occasion ministred to us to think wel of our selvs for there is nothing good nor beautifull in man This Solon being asked by King Cyrus sitting in his chair of state having on his most royal habiliments and Princely robes covered with Pearls and Precious stones Whether ever he saw a more beautifull sight then himself sitting in heighth of his Majesty Solon answered that he saw divers Birds more glorious to behold then Cyrus And being demanded by Cyrus what Birds were they Solon said the little Cock the Peacock and the Pheasant which are decked with natural garments and beautified with natural colours This Solon was wont to say I wax dayly old learning much He noted nothing so happy in man as to Live well that he might Die well applying the Cause to the Effect as first to Live well and then to Die well FINIS LONDON Printed by Elizabeth Alsop dwelling in Grubstreet near the Upper Pump 1653.
Pcholome m●de in the Isle of Pharos to benefit the saylors upon the Seas This Sostratus made so high that in the night time there hanged a Candle for a light and marke unto poore Mariners which could be séene for the height of the Tower almost every where The other two and last of the seven wonders were two Images the one for Iupiter made by Phydias of Ivory in Olimpia The other made for Phaebus in Rhodes by Lindus whose immensity was such that it was threescore and ten Cubits high so great was this Colossus that when it fell downe by an earthquake it séemed a wonder to the beholders every finger that he had was bigger then a man of this age These seven huge and monstrous workes were called the seven wonders of the world which Pliny and Plutarch speaketh of in divers places Some suppose that the royall Pallace of Cyrus which that cunning workman Memnon made might bee iustlie numbred with these worthy and famous works But to procéed to other sumptuous buildings though not counted of the seven wonders yet allowed amongst the best for the stately worke of the same and of no inferiour fame as the Laberinth made by Dedalus in Creete of such difficult worke that he that came in could not without a guide goe out againe Three others were made like unto that the one in Egypt which Smilus made the other in Lemnos which Rhodus wrought and the third in Italy which Theodorus made These foure Labyrinthes were so curiously wrought that Porsenna king of Hetruria took hence example to make him a monument after death to bury and eternize himselfe Againe after these there were other wonderfull workes made by the kings of Egypt called Obelisci such renowned and famous buildings that when Cambyses king of Persia at the siege of the city Sienna saw but one of them hee was in such an admiration that hee thought them invincible Phyus made one of forty cubits King Ptolome made another of fourescore cubits in Alexandria and divers others which for their fame were then counted as m●rva●lous as any of the seven wonders But let us speak of sundry buildings aswell of cities and townes as also of temples houses and pallaces whose fame thereby long flourished as Romulus was famous by building of Rome Cadmus by building of Thebes a city of Boetia in Greece And Ogdous by the building of the city of Memphis in Egypt Neither may I escape any sith I have taken upon me to recite all whose renownes and names by these their workes doe yet live I must not escape Alexander the great who in his great warres made a city of his name named Alexandria I must not forget King Darius who likewise built up Susa a city in Persia These two kings though they destroyed thousands of cities yet they builded some cities Neither may I omit Caesar Augustus who made a famous city in memory of the great victory over Antonius and Cleopatra and named it Nicopalis that is in english the city of victory King Ninus an ancient King made the city of Ninive within two hundred yeares after the flood of Noah Sichem builded Sidon Agenor Tyre Then the world waxed populous and kings began to build every where for the furtherance of civility and encrease of pollicy and wit in which the world in the beginning was very raw for as the world grew into civill order and the knowledge of things so cities and townes were builded Castles fortified and high walls raysed for a Bulwark and a Defence unto the same so by little and little the world was full of cities Then Siracusa was builded by Archias The city of Argos was erected by Phoroneus Laodicea by king Antiochus And so briefly to recite them over the noble and famous city of Troy in Phrygia was builded by Dardanus Arpos a town in Apuleia was built by Diomedes and so Telegonus builded Tusce in Italy being the son of Ulisses a Gréek Capis likewise builded the city Capua to which Hannibal layd a long siege but least I might be too long in rehearsing the builders of famous cities having just occasion to respect the time I will end with the Cities and Towns alwayes considering that women ought not to be forgotten as Semi●amis Quéen of Persia who builded the city of Babylon Quéene Dido who builded the warlike city of Carthage Danae the daughter of king Acrisius who builded in Italy a great towne called Arcade Divers Quéens and noble Women are for the like no lesse famous then Men were Now pausing a while we will repeat those that encreased the Common-wealthes and beautified them with other kinde of buildings Amongst other miracles and woundrous works Mount Athos was made of Xerxes navigable even unto the sea eleven yéeres hée kept thirty thousand men to bring his minde to passe Caesar made in one day two famous bridges the one over the River Rheum and the other over the river called Ara which was almost incredible Alexander the great made such a dining-roome at the marriages of the nobles of Macedonia with the women of Persia Aelianus doth witnes that a thousand Persians and a thousand Macedonians and five hundred others with swords and silver Targets lodged in that house while the marriages continued Traian the Emperour made such a Bridge on Danuby that for length breadth and height all the world could not shew the like What should I rehearse the Temple which Salomon made in Hierusalem unto the which the Ephesians with their temple of Diana and the Carthaginians with the temple of Juno must give place needs must Alexander for all his bravery and Clodius house which was the spectacle of Rome yéeld unto the golden hall of Nero but of finenesse of works if the rarenesse of skil if I say the worthinesse of wonders might rlaime place and justly challenge fame I should prayse Spintharus for the making of the Temple of Apollo in Delphos or Meleagenes for his work in Prienna in making the Temple of Minerva I should commend Epeus for his cunning about the brazen horse in Troy I should commend Perillus for his brazen bull in Agrigentum yea and Vulcanus who as Poets faine was appointed by Jupiter to work onely for the celestial gods I commend the Image of Diana in Chios which was so skilfully made that unto those that came unto the Temple she seemed glad and joyful and unto those that went out of the Temple she séemed sad and angry I should prayse the artificial golden birds made by the Sages of Persia and the curious work of Pallas Temple in Illyon and the work and invention of noble nature unto which nothing is hard It pierceth the clouds it wadeth the Seas It compasseth the whole world the cunning workm●n the skilful Carpenter saith Cicero guideth every man as a Captain I might have occasion in this place to speak of the work of nature but that it is needlesse considering how familiarly she instructeth a man unto those works
displeasure conceived yea for nothing they were ready to requite good men with cruel déeds as banishment and death As in Rome Cicero for Clodius sake after sure and sound service often shewed toward his country was afterward inforced to flee unto Greece from Rome where so well he was before estéemed The like I may urge of Aristides Thrasibulus Hippias and Thucidides men sometimes honoured in Athens with pictures for the noble and excellent defence of the City and yet for nothing not long after exiled the pictures taken down and the monuments broken So Popilius Opimius Metellus Scipio and L●vius with others were sometimes in Rome highly honoured with pictures and yet at length the like fortune as these aforenamed Gréeks had did accrue unto them Such is the uncertain pilgrimage of man the wandring ways of the world the mutability of fortune as there hath béen full proof shewed of the same from time to time in all places in banishing in murthering yea again in worshipping and honouring As for example we read that Alexander the great was born in Pella a town in Macedonia and died in Babylon King Cyrus was born in Persia and slain in Scythia Hannibal born in Affrick and buried in Bithinia Cleomenes King of the Lacedemonians born in the City of Sparta yet his grave was made in Egypt Crastus and Pompeius the great born in Rome the one died in Assyria the other in Egypt Paulus Aenilius died in Cinna T. Gracchus in Lucania Augustus Caesar in Nola Trayane the Emperour in the East part of the world with other famous men born within the City of Rome as the Cornelii Scipioes Catots Decii all Noble families who died like pilgrims in the world scattered one from another So in Athens Themistocles Theseus Solon were flourishing with others yet in Syria Cyprus and Persia were they buried King Jugurtha born in Numidia was buried in Rome Again King Aegeus born in Athens Pharao in Egypt Ajax in Gréece Leander in Abidos yet their graves and burial was in the bottome of the sea Mark how puissant Princes of the world and mighty Cae●ars were subject unto fortune And sée again the learned and sage philosophers which as I said before had their persons estéemed their pictures erected yet not able to avoid the furious frets of Fortune As Pythagoras born in Samos died in Metapontus Virgil born in Mantua buried in B●undusium Terence born in Carthage brought up in Rome ended his life in Arcadia These Princes and famous men had notwithstanding in divers places their fame spread their name advanced and their pictures every where erected Gorgius Leontinus was the first amongst the Greeks for his wisedome and eloquence that had his picture set up in Delphos in the Temple of Apollo His scholler Isocrates had for his wit and passing eloquence in Olympia his picture erected Demetrius Theophrastus scholler after he had ten years with all diligence and industry governed the state of Athens having three hundred and threescore pictures in Greece erected and set up for his fame and reonwn in administration of the Common-wealth yet were they all broken and taken down through envy afterward and when Demetrius heard of the inconstancy and envy of the people in shewing their malice therein he said though they pull down my pictures yet can they not banish the vertuous cause of the pictures Mithridates King of Pontus made a worthy monument at Sylo unto Plato about the which as Plutarch saith was writtgn this sentence Mithridates made this picture of Plato and dedicated the same unto the Muses Mutius Scaevola had his picture in Rome for that he delivered the the City of Rome from Porsenna King of Hetruscans For the like Cocles was not forgotten of the Romans It were unto small purpose to speak of Lucullus of M. Attilius and Octavius whose fame and renown made their pictures to be monuments thereof And why should I busie my self with infinite names of men since women well deserved the same as Tanaquil Tarquinius wife Cloaelia a Virgin of Rome yea as Quintilian saith Phrine for her beauty was commended by pictures so common were they for all men that I refer those who will read further of this unto Plini where he may at large satiefie himself in this subject I should be ever much charged to recite the places persons and time only this that pictures were erected to advance the fame of Princes and deserving men and to stir them further in such procéedings as were the cause of these their pictures of which as before is spoken they shall find in Plini variety of examples CHAP. XI Of Kings and Heroes who defended divers from death from Serpents Dragons Lyons and of cunning Archers EVen as by these valiant and noble Conquerours not onely Towns Cities and Countries were defended but also Serpents Dragons Licus and other monstrous and wild beasts were slain so divers and sundry captives and prisoners were deliverred from death unto life How many did famous Hercules that off-spring of the Gods save from the gulf of Av●ntine where that Cacus both day and night murthered the passers by How many delivered he from the huge monster Chymaera which continually with flashing of fire feared and slew many valiant men For he had three heads one of a Lyon the second of a dragon the third of his owne monstrous proportion Hee againe slew Sphinx a terrible beast in Ethiopia which with his sight destroyed men hee overcame Geron Cerberus and Diomedes and divers other enterprizes as is before rehearsed Perseus after that Neptune had defloured Medusa in the temple of Pallas the Gods being displeased therewith turned every haire of her head unto Snakes whose sight was so venemous that whatsoever he was that beheld her dyed presently Perseus slew the same whereby he delivered divers that should else have perished Cappadox being then tribune of the souldiers in Affrica under the Emperour Dioclesian killed a huge serpent and delivered a young Phrygian made even a prey for her mouth Even so Alc●n a noble Archer of Creet shot at a dragon which had his own son in his claws ready to be devoured and slew him and so saved his son unhurt But I will digresse here from the skilfull Archers and speak a little more of the famous and renowned conquerors of wilde beasts of monsters and of serpents as Bellerophon King Glaucus son of Corinth being accused of fornication with Quéen Stenobia King Proetus wife hée was judged to dye and to be devoured of the Monster Chimaera which he valiantly subdued and slew in the dungeon The fame of Lysimachus is spread over all the world for that he killed a Lyon being but a souldier under king Alexander The name of Coraebus shall not be forgotten amongst the Peloponesians for the overthrowing of that terrible monster in Gréece The renowne of Att. Regulus shall alwayes be revived when any man doth think of the great serpent that he slew by the flood Bragada which as Pliny saith was a
did mourn after this sort they rent their cloathes and did shut their temples they did eat no meat and besmearing their faces with dirt they abstained from washing their faces thréescore and twelve days all which time they lamented and bewailed the death of their Kings and friends the Carthaginians at their funerals did cut their hair of mangle their faces and did beat their breasts The Macedonians likewise did shave their hair bewailing the death of their friends as we read of Archelaus King of Macedonia who shaved his hair at the burial of his friend Euripides the Argives and the Siracusans did accompany the dead to the grave in white cloaths discoloured with water and clay the Matrons of Rome threw off their fine apparel their rings and chains and did wear black garments at the burial of their friends but I burn candle in the day time to write of such infinit ceremonies that the Gentiles had at their burials therefore better to end with a few examples then to weary the reader with too many histories for all men know that all people have their several manners as well in living as in dying which they alter according to the vital circumstances of person place and time CHAP. XXV Of Spirits and Visions SUndry and many things happen by course of nature which timerous and fearfull men for want of perfection in their senses suppose to be spirits Some are so feeble of sight that they judgd shadows beasts and bushes and such like to be spirits Some so fearfull that they think any sound any noise or whistlings of the winds to be some bugs or devils Hereby first were spread so many fables of spirits of goblins of bugs of hags and of so many monstr●us visions that old women and aged men told their children who judged it sufficient authority to alledge the old tales told by their parents in their aged years The Gentiles because they were given much to idolatry and superstition did credit vain and foolish visions which oftentimes by suggestion of devils and by fond fantasies being conceived did lead them by perswasion of spirits either in attempting or in avoiding any thing for Suetonius doth write that when Julius Caesar stayed in a maze at the river Rubicon in Italy with a wavering mind musing what were best whether to passe the water or no there appeared a comely tall man piping on a réed to whom the souldiers flocked to hear him and specially the trumpetters when he suddenly snatched one of their trumpets and leaping forthwith into the river Rubicon he straightways sounded an alarm wherewith Caesar was moved and said Good luck my fellow souldiers let us go where the Gods do invite us It is written in Plutarch when Brutus was determined to transport his army out of Asia into Europe being in his tent about midnight he saw a terrible monster standing fast by him without any words wherewith he being sore affraid ventered boldly and demanded of him what he was to whom he answered and said I am thy evil Genius which at Phillippi thou shalt sée again Where when Brutus came being vanquished by Augustus Caesar remembring the words of his foreséen visions to avoid the hands of his enemies he slew himself to verifie the same The like happened to C. Cassius who by the like apparition was enforced to kil himself for he was warned that the murther of Caesar should be revenged by Augustus his Nephew These sights were so séen amongst the Gentiles and so feared and esteemed that all the actions of their lives were thereby ordered Tacitus as Fla. Vapiscus reporteth when it was told him that his fathers grave opened of it self and seeing as he thought his mother appearing to him as though she had been alive did know full well that he should shortly after die and made himself ready thereunto There appeared to one Pertinax as I. Capitolinus reporteth three days before he was slain a certain shadow in one of his fish-ponds with a naked sword in his hand ready to kill him Neither may we so little esteem the authority of grave and learned men in divers of their assertions concerning sights and visions though divers fables be alledged and avouched for truth with simple and ignorant men We read in the sacred scriptures divers sights seen divers visions appearing and sundry voices heard We read that King Balthasar being in his princely banquets saw a hand writing upon the wall over against where he sat at table what his end should be It is read in the third chapter of the second of the Macchabees that a horse appeared unto Heliodorus who was servant to Seleucus King of Syria as he was about to destroy the temple at Ierusalem and upon the horse seemed to be a terrible man which made towards him to overcome him and on each side of him were two young men of excellent beauty who with whips scourged Heliodorus There also appeared to Machabeus a horseman in shining armor all of gold shaking his spear to signifie the famous victory that Machabeus should obtain Many such like visions we read of in Scripture but let us return to the Athenians who presaged that when Miltiades joyned in battel against the Persians hearing a terrible noise and beholding certain spirits before the battel to have victory over the Persians judging those sights and visions to be the shadow of Pan. Likewise the Lacedemonians before they were vanquished in the battel at Leuctris their armor clashed together and made an excéeding great noise in the temple of Hercules so that at that time the doors of the temple of Hercules being fast shut with iron bars opened suddenly of their own accord and the armor which hung before fastened on the wall was found lying upon the ground Pliny writeth in the wars of the Danes and Appianus affirmeth in the wars at Rome what signs and wonders what miserable cryes of men clashing of armor and running of horses were heard insomuch that the same day that Caesar fought his battel with Cn. Pompeius the cry of an army and the sound of trumpets were heard at Antioch in Syria But I will omit to speak of such things and take in hand to intreat of spirits which were both seen and heard of learned men and of visions supposed of the wisest to be the souls of dead men for Plutarch writeth in the life of Theseus that sundry men who were in the battel of Marathonia against the Medians affirmed that they saw the soul of Theseus armed before the host of Greeks as chief General and Captain running and setting on the barbarous Medians whom the Athenians afterward for that cause onely honoured as a God It is reported by Historiographers that Castor and Pollux have been seen often in battels after their deaths riding on white horses and fighting against their enemies in camp insomuch that Plutarch testifieth that they were seen of many in the battel against Tarquinius Hector besought Achilles after he was slain by
Whereby straight he was informed that he was not onely delivered from all dangers but also should be sought for by all Greece to the encrease of his fame and augmentation of his honour Brutus clean contrary after much good successe and prosperous fortune after he murthered Caesar at length he was in his sleep by a vision warned to make himself ready to die at Philippi where he was enforced in the wars between Augustus Caesar and him to kill himself Thus were they allured and entised to uncertain dreams to order and rule all their doings For as the Poet Ennius saith what they studied and pondered in the day time the same dreamed they in the night time Dreams moved the Heathen to tyranny for L. Sylla the Firebrand of Italy was warned in his sleep by Bellona the Goddesse of wars to murther kill and destroy all that ever he might find in his way giving him in his hand fire in token he should overcome Rome and Italy Likewise Eumenes King of the Lacedemonians having wars with Antipater King of Macedonia was fully perswaded by a dream to obtain victory for he dreamed that two Alexanders were with great hosts and armies of men ready in the field to fight the one having the Goddesse Minerva as a leader the other having the Goddesse Ceres as their Captain and after long conflicts and much slaughter on both parties he thought that the souldiers of Ceres had the victory and that they were crowned with ears of corn in the honour of Ceres which is the Goddess of corn And because the country of Lacedemonia was more fertil then Macedonia the wise Sages declared the dream said that Eumenes should have the victory over Macedonia Besides these dreams they had a kind of credit in fowls of the ayr in beasts of the field in wind and weather and in divers other things where Soothsaying Oracles and consultations were had When Xerxes the great King of Persia with so many Myriades of men had purposed and decreed with himself to destroy all Greece a Mare being a stout and a proud beast brought forth a Hare a most fearfull and timerous creature whereby the flight of Xerxes from Greece with shame and reproach was presaged And afterward before he would lay siege to Athens resolving with himself to destroy Sparta all the country of Lacedemonia a strange warning happened to this Prince at supper for his Wine before his face was converted into Bloud as it was filled in the cups not once but twice or thrice whereat he being amazed consulted with Wise men of whom he was then admonished to forsake his first intent and to give over the enterprize which he took in hand against the Greeks Midas being yet in his cradle the Ants were séen to carry grains and victuals to féed him withal whose parents being desirous to know the effect thereof were certified by the Soothsayers that he should be the wealthiest and richest man in the world and the most monied Prince that over should reign in India Plato that noble and divine philosopher while he was an infant in like sort in his cradle the Bees with honey fed his sugred and swéet lips signifying his eloquence and learning in time to come They were not Bees of mount Himettum but rather of Helicon where the Muses and Ladies of learning delighted to dwell This was that Plato of whom his master Socrates before he knew him dreamed that he held fast in his hand a young Swan which fled from him away and mounted the skies whose sweet voice and songs as a wonderfull melody and harmony replenished the whole skies They thought it a sufficient admonition to see any thing happen between birds or beasts as a sure and certain shew of their own fortune to come M. Brutus when he was in Camp against Caesar and Antonius and saw two Eagles fighting together the one comming from Caesars Tent the other from his own he knew well when the Eagle that came from his side took flight and was vanquished that he should lose the victory Cicero understood well enough his death to be at hand when the Raven held him fast by the hem of his Gown and made a noise and ever plucked at him till the souldiers of M. Antonius came to the very place where he at that time vvas beheaded by Herennius and Popilius For in the night before Cicero dreamed that he vvas not onely banished from Rome but that he vvandred divers strange countries vvhere Ca●us Marius a noble Roman as he thought met him demanding of Cicero vvhy and vvhat vvas the cause of his sad countenance and vvherefore he travelled such strange countreys the cause being knovvn to Marius he took him fast by the right hand and brought him to the next Officer vvhere he thought in his sléep that he should have died Thus you sée that Xerxes by a Hare had warning King Mydas was by Ants admonished Plaro by Bées Brutus by an Eagle Cicero by a Raven Themistocles by an Owl of death Pericles by the head of a Ram was fully perswaded and taught by the soothsayers that he should win the people of Athens from Thucidides with whom then he was in controversie And was not Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus with all the Princes of Gréece certified by the Dragon that climbed a trée where he slew a she Sparrow and eight young ones beside that they should be nine years in wars with the Troyans and that in the tenth they should destroy and quite vanquish Ilium Was not Julius Caesar admonished by his wife Calphurnia in a dream that if he would go to the Senate that day he should die And was not that mighty Monarch Alexander warned by a vision to take more regard to his life then he did and to take héed of Antipater who afterward poysoned him Was not Alcibiades that noble Greek certified by a dream of his miserable death by which he and his Concubine Timandra might divers times see before hand what followed after had they had but so great a desire in following of good things as they were bent and prone to seek after evil such prodigious sights such strange miracles were seen that might well allure them to a more perfect and upright life The Sun the Moon the Stars and all the host of Heaven wrought great miracles to reduce Princes from evil enterprizes and to give warning unto others to avoid the tyranny of wicked Princes For the Heavens appeared bloud● at that time when Philip King of Macedonia with tyranny invaded Greece At what time Augustus Caesar after his uncle Julius was murthered came to Rome as the second Emperor there were seen stars wandering about the circle of the sun great lightnings and strange impressions like men fighting in the skies yea and birds fell down dead in the City of Rome and Livi writeth that an Ox spake under the plough these words to the ploughman that not onely corn should be dear but also men should
good Archers to shoot at High towers and lofty buildings are sooner fired with lightnings then low houses and small cottages Tiberius Caesar Emperour of Rome being in the Senate house to punish those evills and to revenge those harms that were by same of the City threatned to his estate God forbid said he that Tib●rius should have so much idle time to hear EVIL spoken much lesse to revenge EVIL done Ant●gonus King of Macedonia besieging a Castle in Gréece wherein a number of hold Gréeks used for their pastime and sport to scoff at this King knowing the scituation of the Castle to be in such a place that it might not be subdued they therefore laughed him to scorn as well for his enterprise therein as also for his slender person and crooked nose which King Antigonus perceiving said He would revenge all their doings by sufferance and hoped therby to molest the enemies double Divers heathen Princes were acquainted with this revenge as Lysander Agesilaus and others for to God onely belongeth vengeance I will not speak here of such revenging of Princes of Countreys of friends that all men know But of rare revenge which Philosophy taught unto Socrates toward Xantippe who being at supper having a strange guest named Enthidemus his wife Xantippe began to take her husband up with taunting and opprobrious words which because he would not answer and be moved by her chiding she overthrew the Table with all the Meat and the Cups Which when Enthidemus saw he was amazed at the raging of Xantippe and beheld Socrates in the face to see how he thought of the matter But Socrates understanding that his guest did marvel at his wife said Have not you sometime at home a Hen that will after long clocking with a sudden flight throw down your cups with her wing wherewith Enthidemus was fully satisfied with the wise answer of Socrates in not revenging so great a fault Phocion a learned man of Athens was wont to say That he had rather suffer injury wrongfully then to revenge injury sometime rightfully This man Phocion by whom Athens long flourished at what time he was put to death most wrongfully of the Athenians even a little before he should die being demanded whether he would command any thing to his son standing hard by to sée his fathers end did speak to his son after this sort My son said he this I charge and require thée and moreover beséech thée that thou wilt never revenge the wrongfull death of thy father Phocion on the Athenians Solon that noble and learned Athenian was wont to revenge his wrongs with these words If the Fisherman do suffer the salt water of the Sea to sprinkle upon his face and upon his cloaths and to wet him when he taketh fish how much more ought Solon to forbear to speak to win men to be friends unto him Surely these thrée Philosophers deserve more praise and commendation I mean Socrates Phocion and Solon for the revenging of the evil with goodnesse and vertue then ever Alexander or Julius Caesar or Theseus which revenged evil with evil Wherefore Chilon the Lacedemonian being one of the Officers called Ephoti in the City of Sparta his brother demanding why he might not be likewise one of the five Ephoti as well as his brother said unto his brother Because I can suffer wrong and thou canst not Therefore Princes ought not to do wrong nor yet revenge wrong with wrong but with patience sufferance and goodnesse and by doing good for evill For thus they shall make foes to become friends evill men to become good by preventing evill with lenity and gentlenesse It behoveth not a wise man to revenge injuries neither doth it become a Prince to requite evill with the like but to overcome rather evill with good Therefore was it truly spoken of the wiseman Sapit qui sustinet he that can suffer he is wise CHAP. XXXVI Of Theft and Sacriledge AFter that greedy desire unto wealth had possest a place in mans heart and after that the world was altered from a wealth in common unto a private wealth every man went about with study and industry to augment his own with the spoile of others For this cause Princes began one to suppresse an other to spoil and destroy either others Dominions moving first noble men to imitate them in stealing and taking away perforce others wealth and though it be not an apt Epithete for Princes to be called theeves and spoilers yet truly by Princes it began by Nobles imitated and by all the world at length practised that some became Pyrats upon the seas some sacriledgers of temples and some grand théeves of countries and kingdomes For after the deluge of Noah there was neither theft nor sacriledge known almost 300. years till Ninus the third King of the Assyrians who first began to play the théef in Asia Dionisius King of Sicilia and tyrant of all the werld the greatest robber that reigned upon earth being not satisfied with spoil and theft on lands and seas became also a sacriledger in the Temples of the Gods which he so practised that after he robbed the Temple of Jupiter in Olimpia he passed forth to Locris to spoil the Temple of Proserpina and from thence unto Epidaurus to steal the golden beard of Aesculapius The tyrant King could not satisfie himself till worthily he had merited the name of a théef a Pyrate and a sacriledger Xerxes spared not amongst other wilfull robberies to send four thousand of his souldiers to Delphos to rob the Temple of Apollo Spartacus a great Prince and a maintainer of theeves gathered a whole army of fugitive persons vagabonds theeves and robbers and marched toward Rome with a resolution either to conquer Rome or to be conquered by Rome but there was he and all his rogues vanquished by Pu. Crassus The City of Rome was often in perill by théeves and robbers as by Silla Catelin and Marius famous spoilers of Italy And as Cercion did rob and spoil the country of Athens so Ti●●gias in Arcadia was renowned for theft I might in this place speak of the robbery of the Emperour Nero of the spoil and wast of that beastly Emperour Heliogabalus and of the sacriledge and theft of Caligula These three Emperours did steal spoil and tooke from Rome more then ever they gave to Rome Marcellinus writeth that there was sometimes a King of the Parthians named Arsaces which in the beginning of his reign was then named the master of theeves a teacher and a school-master unto all robbers and spoilers but after that he had subdued Seleucus Alexanders successour he became famous and renowned in martiall feats and civill policy Herodotus likewise doth report of one Amazis a King of Egypt when at any time money wanted he was wont to spoil wast and take away all that ever he might either by stealth or force Thus the names of Princes were first corrupted that the Poets judged well and worthily Mercury to be
at the change of every dish every man again commanded by a law to go to his woman And thus from meat to women from women to meat they beastly and brutishly entertained their Epicurial lust wherein these Gorgons reposed their chief felicity Certainly if Quéen Semitamis of Babylon had been matched with Heliogabulus Emperour of Rome it had béen as méet a match if time had served as one beast should be for another for he was not so filthy but she was as shameless not onely in procuring divers to lie with her but in alluring her own son Ninus to lust and as writers report being a beast matched her self with a beast a horse Had Pasiphae Quéen of Creet been well matched she had forsaken King Minos and come to the Emperour Caligula where she might have been as bold with others as she was with Minotaurus father Had the Empresse Mestalina been deservedly according to her life married she had been more meet for Nero then for Claudius for his life and her life did well agree together for she passed all the Courtesans of Corinth all the strumpets of Athens and all the whores of Babilon for she was onely mistresse and ruler of all the stews and brothel houses in Rome What wickednesse procéedeth from lust what ungodly incest is brought to passe by lust what secret vengeance commeth by lust Lust assured Queen Cleopatra to use her brother Ptolomy as her husband Lust deceived King Cynar to lie with his daughter Myrrha Lust brought Macarius to his sister Canaces bed By lust did Menepron defile his own mother Lust stayeth the purpose of all men hindereth and hurteth all kind of persons Lust stayed King Antiochu● of Syria in Chal●idea a whole winter for one maid he fancied there Lust stayed Hannibal in Capua a long season to his great hurt Lust stayed Julius Caesar in Alexandria a long time unto his infamy Lust was the first cause of wars between the Romans and the Sabines for Romu●us had hardly built Rome but he lusted to ravish the women and to steal the Sabine maids to Rome whereby the war first began The great wars between King Cambyses of Persia and King Amasis of Egypt wherein was a great slaughter and murther of men grew by lust to one woman The ten years betwixt the Thebans and the Phoceans was for the lust of one young man in Phoca towards a young woman in Thebes The cruel conflicts that was between the Troyan Prince Aeneas and stout Turnus was the lust which either of them did bear to Lavinia King Latinus Daughter What bloud what tyranny was between the Egyptians and the Assyrians betwéen Ptolomy and Alexander the one King of Egypt the other King of Assyria and all for one woman Cleopatra Augustus the Emperour made long wars for Octavia his sister whom Antonius abused to the spoyl and murther of many Romans Had Hesione King Priamus sister not lusted to go with Telamon from Troy to Greece had likewise Helen the wife of Menelaus not lusted to come with Paris from Greece to Troy the bloudy wars and ten years siege between the Greeks and the Troyans had never been writ●en by Homer Had not lust ruled the five cities called Pentapolis where Sedom and Gomorrha were they had not been consumed with fire and brimstone from heaven to the destruction of all the people saving Lot his children If lust had not ruled all the world the deluge of Noah had not drowned the whole earth and all living creatures saving Noah his wife and children Thus lust from time to time was the onely Monster and scourge of the World And in this our Age lust is nothing diminished but much encreased and though we shall not be plagued again with Water according to promise yet to be punished with Fire most sure we be unlesse we detest and abhor this vice There is a History in Justine worthy to be noted of Princes that will not punish these offences Pausanias a Noble Gentleman of Macedonia being a very fair young man whom Attalus by lust abused and Attalus not contented to handle the young man so wickedly and ungodly did bring him also to a banquet where Attalus would have used him as before making all men privy how Pausanias was his paramour as a woman The young man being ashamed of it often complained unto Philip King of Macedonia and after many and divers complaints having no redresse but being rather flouted and scoffed at by Philip Pausanias took it so grievously that after this sort he requited his shame and injuries At the marriage of Cleopatra King Philips daughter with Alexander King of Epirus in great triumphs and pomps King Philip in the midst of his joys walking between his own son Alexander the great who then was but young and Alexander King of Epirus his son in law being married then to his daughter Cleopatra Pausanias thrust him into the heart saying Minister Iustice and punish Lust Thus died that mighty Prince as well for the bearing of Attalus fault as also for his own wickednesse using the same sin sometime with a brother in law of his natural brother to his first wife Olympias Lust and intemperancy do never escape without just punishment and due vengeance Amnon the son of King David for that he misused his own sister Tamar was afterward slain Absalom for that he did lie with his fathers Concubines died for it David was plagued for Uriah's wife The two Elders that would ravish Susanna were put to death This sin is the onely enemy of man For all sin saith St. Paul is without the body but uncleannesse and lust sinneth against the body Had not Olofernes séen the beauty of Judith yea marked the comelinesse of her slippers he had not lost his head by it Had not Herod séen Herodias daughrer dancing he had not so rashly granted her John Baptists head Had not Eve séen the beauty of the Apple she had not eaten thereof We read in Genesis that when the sons of men viewed the beauty of women many evils happened thereby By sight was Potiphars wife moved with lust toward Joseph her servant By sight and beauty was Solomon allured to commit Idolatry with false Gods By sight was Dina the daughter of Iacob ravished by Shechem These evils procéed from sudden sights therefore saith the Prophet Turn away thine eys lest they sée vanities The Philosopher likewise saith That the first offer or motion is in the eye from sight proceedeth motion from motion election from election consent from consent sin from sin death Wherefore with the Poet I say resist the violence of the first assault I mean the eys The evil that happened thereby too long it were to write Lust again hath its entrance by hearing as Justine in his twelfth Book doth testifie of Thalestris Quéen somtime of the Amazons who having heard the great commendations the fame and renown of Alexander the great ventered her life to hazard to come from Scythia to Hircania which
paper in one hand he with his dagger in the other hand slue himself upon the grave holding the paper fast in it being de●d where this sentence he wrote Thou that knewest the faithfull friendship betwixt Volumnius and Lucullus join our bodies together being dead as our minds were alwaies one being alive The like history is written of Nisus who when his faithfull friend Eurialus was slain in the wars betwixt Turnus Aeneas he having understood thereof wēt up down the field tumbling and tossing the dead carcasses til he found out Eurialus body which having long looked on and embraced he drew out his sword held it in his hand a little while saying As my body shal never depart from thy body so shall I never fear to follow thy ghost and laying the pummel of his sword upon the ground he fell upon it having the body of his friend Eu●ialus betwixt his arms This love was great betwixt Princes who did live honourably and died willingly A strange thing for men so to love their friends as to weigh their dea●hs more then their own lives Orestes faith and friendship towards Pylades was such that being come unto a strange Region named Taurica to asswage his grief and to mitigate his furious flames because he slew his mother Clitemnestra and being suspected that he came onely to take away the image of Pallas their Goddesse in that country the King understanding the matter made Orestes to be sent for and to be brought before him to have judgement of death For Pylades was not mentioned nor spoken off but onely Orestes he it was that should steal their Goddesse away and carry it into Gréece Orestes therefore being brought and his fellow Pylades with him the King demanded which of them was Orestes Pylades that knew his friend Orestes should die suddenly stept forth and said I am he Orestes denied it and said he was Orestes Pylades again denied it and said that it was even he that was accused unto the King thus the one denying and the other affirming either of them most willing to die for the other the King dismaied at their great ●mity and love pardoned their faults and greatly honoured their natural love and faith So many like histories to this there be that then Princes would die for their friends even that great Conquerour Alexander would have died presently with his friend Hephestion had not his counsel letted him he loved him alive so well that he was called of all men another Alexander he so much estéemed his friend that when Sisigambis King Darius mother had saluted Hephestion instead of Alexander and being ashamed at her errour he said forbear not to honour Hephestion for he is Alexander also What was it that Anaxagoras wanted that Prince Pericles could get for him whither went Aeneas at any time without Achates with him there was nothing that Pomponiu● had but Cicero had part of it the friendship of Scipio never wanted towards Cloe●ius Though Rome could alter state though fortune could change honour yet could neither Rome nor fortune alter faith or change friends After the Senatours had judged Tiberius Gracchus for divers seditions in the City to die his friend Blosius having knowledge thereof came and kneeled before the Senators besought Lae●us whose counsel the Senators in all things followed to be his friend saying unto the rest after this sort O sacred Senate and noble Counsellours if there remains in the City of Rome any sparkle of Iustice if there be regard unto equity let me crave that sentence by law which you injuriously award unto another and since I have committed the offence of Gracchus whose commandement I never resisted whose will I will during life obey let me die for Gracchus worthily who am most willing so to do and let him live who justly ought so to do Thus with vehement invectives against himself he made the Senatours astonied with his rare desire of death saying the Capitol had béen burned by Blosius if Gracchus had so commanded but I know that Gracchus thought nothing in heart but that which he spake to Blosius and that which he spake to Blosius Blosius never doubted but to do and therefore I rather deserve death then he The faith and love betwixt Damon and Pythias was so wondred at by King Dionisius that though he was a cruel Tyrant in appointing Damon to die yet was he so amazed to sée the desire of Pythias his constant faith and his love and friendship prosessed in Damons behalf striving one with another to die that he was inforced in spight of tyranny to pardon Damon for Pythias sake Thelcus and Perithous became such faithfull friends that they made several oaths one unto another never during life to be parted neither in affliction plague punishment pain toil or travel to be dissevered insomuch that the Poets fain that they went unto the Kingdome and region of Pluto together I will not speak of the great love of that noble Greek Achilles toward King Patroclus Neither will I recite the history of that worthy Roman Titus toward Gisippus nor report the love of Palemon and Arceir nor of Alexander and Lodwick whose end and conclusion in love were such as is worthy of everlasting memory CHAP. XLII Of Envy and Malice and the tyranny of Princes AS Malice drinketh for the most part her own poison so Envy saith Aristotle hurteth more the envious it self then the thing that it envieth Like as the sloathfull in war or Darnel amongst Wheat so is the envious in a City not so sad for his own miseries and calamities as he lamenteth the hap and and felicity of others Wherefore the Philosopher Socrates calleth the enemy serrom anima the sow of the soul for that it cutteth the heart of the envious to sée the prosperity of others For as it is a grief to good and vertuous men to sée evill men rule so contraily to the evill most harm it is to sée good men live Therefore the first disturber of Commonwealths and last destroyer of good states the beginning of all sorrows the end of all joys the cause of all evil and the onely let of all goodnesse is envy How prospered Greece Had flourished Rome How quiet was the whole world before envy began to practise with malice two daughters of tyranny never séen but hidden in the hearts of flatterers Then I say Gréece was glorious Rome was famous their names were honoured their prowesse feared their policy commended their knowledge extolled their fame spread over the whole world but when envy began to sojourn in Gréece and malice to build her Bower in Rome these sisters like two monsters or two grim Gorgons oppressed Castles destroied countries subdued Kingdoms depopulated Cities in fine triumphed over all Gréece and Italy Hannibal chief General of the Carthaginians Jugurth King of Numidia Pyrrhus of Epirus most valiant puissant mighty Princes with long wars and mighty slaughter could not with all their force and