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A35949 A brief exposition of the evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew by David Dickson ... Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1651 (1651) Wing D1400; ESTC R13881 307,666 370

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unto him Doct. 1. The Lord knoweth the intentions of his honest servants and sets a price on their good deeds therby therfore saith he She did it for my buriall 2. Our Lord knew that the gospell should be preached through the world c what was to be preached also for Where this gospel shal be preached saith be this shall be told c. 3. True faith seeth afar off for this woman seeth life in death believeth the Lord Jesus to be the true Saviour worthy of all honour in his death as well as in his life believeth that he should not see corruption believeth that his death should be a sweet smelling sacrifice to God and the savour of life unto his people for She did it saith Christ for my buriall 4. The memorial of the just shall not go to the grave with them but their good deeds shal be had in everlasting remembrance In this woman we have assurance of it for This shall be preached for a memorial of her saith he 5. Whosoever do any thing for Christ shall never have cause to rew Christ accounts more of it then it is all worthy for She hath wrought a good work on me saith Christ before and now This shall be told of her for a memoriall Ver. 14. Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscariot went unto the chief Priests 15. And said unto them What will you give me and I wil deliver him unto you and they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver 16. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him Iudas minding to have gain some way seeketh opportunity first to sel then to betray Christ. Doct. 1. When a wicked man is ingaged to do an evill turne he never taketh rest till he act it as is here seen in Judas from that time he sought opportunity to betray Christ. 2. When men have an evil turne in their heart and want opportunity only they shall not want occasion long as Judas minding to sell Christ doth seek and find fit Merchants the chief Priests 3. God will suffer wicked men to follow their designes even against himselfe when he seeth it fit for his own glory as here he wil not hinder a Judas to go to the high priests 4. He that is greedy of gain will sel his Soul and Heaven and Christ for money as Judas here doth 5. He that is not Christs friend in truth will soon turn Traitour as Iudas here doth 6. Hypocrites wil be found in best societies for here a Traitour is one of the twelve 7. The wicked shall bear their own blame and the society shall be free as here Judas is named alone 8. Secret enemies and open will easily agree together and own one another as here Judas and the high Priests make a short bargain 9. He tha●●ell●th Christ knoweth not his worth for Wh● wil● you gi●e me saith the seller 10. He that will sin and sell Christ will do it upon a naughty condition ere he want all Thirty pieces of silver or what may be had will make the bargain ●all Ver. 17. Now the first day of the Feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Iesus saying unto him Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passeover The doctrine of the covenant of grace being delivered by our Lord and confirmed abundantly by miracles the institution of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper followeth for sealing up of this covenant unto the believer and to this intent mention is made of Christs last eating of the Sacrament of the Passover unto which was subjoyned the institution celebration of the Sacramental Supper for the clearing of some circumstances whereof and of the duty of preparation for right receiving of it that which is here spoken of the Passeover doth give light Doct. 1. It is commendable to remember Gods Ordinances in due time and to prepare for them as here The first day of the Feast the Disciples came and make ready for it 2. Our Lord made himself so poor that he had not a house of his own albeit he was Owner of all the earth as Where wilt thou that we prepare doth import 3. Our Lord subjected himself unto the Law and did keep exactly both the Moral and ceremoniall Law that he might deliver us from the yoke of the one and from the cursefor breaking of the other He kept the Passover 4. The terms of Sacramental speech were wel understood by Christs disciples as to put the thing signified for the sign namely by this phrase To cat the Passeover they mean to ●at the Lamb the Sacramental memorial of the Angels passing over of the houses of the Israelites in Egypt Ver. 18. And be said Go into the city to such a man and say unto him The Master saith My time is at hand I will keep the Passoever at thy house with my Disciples 19. And the Disciples did as Iesus had appointed them and they made ready the Passeover Christ directeth them to a friends house a worthy man for so holy a service Doct. 1. The Lord wil not want friends whersoever he is here in Jerusalem he hath friends as he had also in Bethany Go into the city to such a man saith he 1. He hath such commandement of the spirits of men as he can bow their will to do what service he pleaseth for he is sure to make such a man obey 3. Christ hath taken on him to be our Teacher and to him only the dignity of Master is due therefore he calleth himself the Master 4. It is of his own free choise that our Lord doth imploy any man more th●n another for Go to such a man and say importeth this 5. The more near our time to depart this life doth draw the more carefull should we be to have all things done by us which should be● done therefore saith he My time is at hand I will keep the Passeover 6. It is the part of true Disciples to follow Christs direction in all things and being clear in the command to go about the obedience of it for The Disciples did as Iesus appointed Ver. 20. Now when the even was come he sate down with the twelve For clearing of the history of the Lords Supper which was instituted at the close of the Passeover we have here set down the circumstances of eating of the Passeover as time place and persons whereby we have ground to conceive that Iudas was present at the Sacrament of the Passeover he being one of the twelve for first seeing there is no question made that as Iudas was imployed in the Apostleship with the rest so he was admitted also with the rest unto the fellowship of all Worship and Divine Ordinances and was present at so many former feasts of the Passeover as Christ did keep with his Disciples there can be no inconvenience to suppose him present at the Passeover at this time also Secondly seeing whatsoever is said by Historiographers concerning a
Now the Lord discovereth Herods plot and disappointeth him Doct. 1. Wicked men may keep their design against Christ close from the knowledg of men but cannot hide their counsell from God he perceiveth Herods mind perfectly 2. The Lord is watching over the just and will not suffer their honest simplicity to be so far abused by the enemy as ignorantly to betray Christ into his enemies hands therefore he forewarnes these wise men that they should not trust Herod nor to go toward him any more but return home another way 3. Such as beleeve in Christ the longer they follow him the more confirmations of faith they find as here beside all the former God giveth this revelation also unto these wise men and their life also for a prey from the rage of Herod Vers. 13. And when they were departed behold the angel of the Lord appeareath to Ioseph in a dream saying Arise and take the yong child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there untill I bring thee word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him The wise men are gone now Christ is sent away also Doct. 1. Our Lord was persecuted so soon as he was known in the world he is sought to be slain who came to save men for Herod doth seek to destroy him 2. He who is the ancient of dayes the everlasting Father according to his God-head is called a young child according to his man-head as Isai. 9.6 did foretell for Herod shall seek the young child 3. The Lord will have ordinary means used when they may be had He will save Christ by flight and will do no miracle needlessely therfore Go flee into Egypt saith the Angel 4. It is safe to wait for the Lord in all things and to attend his providence Be thou there till I bring thee word saith the Angel to Joseph Vers. 14. When he arose he took the young child and his Mother by night and departed into Egypt Joseph obeyeth speedily Doct. 1. When our direction is clear our obedience should be speedy and without delay as Joseph being warned ariseth by night and makes for his journey 2. When Christ is known he will be more dear then any thing else for as the child is first in Josephs commission verse 12. to take care for him so in his obedience here the child is before the Mother for it is said He took the child and his mother 3. Any place if God send us there if Christ be in our company is good even Egypt for Ioseph departed into Egypt being sent thither Vers. 15. And was there untill the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying Out of Egypt have I called my son That we may see how the prophesie is fulfilled the meaning of the words of Hosea is in effect as if it had been said O church of Israel when thou was in thy infancy I so loved thee that I brought thee out of Egypt as my adopted Son and in thee I called out of Egypt my only begotten Son who as the promised seed of Abraham was in thy loynes and as in thy bondage in Egypt I intended to fore-shadow and signifie the sufferings of my Son and his fleeing out of Canaan into Egypt so also in the calling of thee my adopted Son out of Egypt I intended to fore-shadow and signifie the calling of my only begotten Son out of Egypt that he should perfect the work of redemption in the midst of the land promised unto thee yet notwithstanding of all this thou hast been unthankfull unto me Thus Christs going down to Egypt and bringing back out of it is a fulfilling of the Prophesie and withall this sheweth unto us that in all the Lords work about Israel be had a speciall eye upon the promised seed upon the Messiah who was to come out of that people fore-shadowing somthing of him or accomplishing somthing foresignified of him Therefore it should not seem strange unto us that the Evangelists do apply sundry such speeches of the old Prophets unto Christ who was mainly aimed at and born witnesse unto in the Law and Prophets Ver. 16. Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wrath and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Beth-lehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men Now Herod finding himself disappointed bewrayeth his cruell design against Christ. Doct. 1. God turneth the wisdome of his enemies into folly Now Herod did find himself mocked 2. Wicked heads do take it hardly if every instrument whom they imploy and abuse do not serve their base designes for Herod is wroth with the wise men as if they had mocked him 3. Enemies of Christ when fraud doth fail them do fall to open rage now Herod sends forth to slay Christ if he can find him 4. Satan and his instruments do labour to overthrow such as are likest unto Christ if they cannot overtake himself Therefore Herod causeth to slay all the young children in Beth-lehem who were nearest in age unto Christ. 5. Wicked men do not reverence Gods providence in disappointing their wicked purposes but are incensed the more to do mischiefe as Herods course doth shew here Vers. 17. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremiah the Prophet saying 18. In Rama was there a voyce heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not The Evangelist applieth to this passage of Gods providence the words of the Prophet Ier. 31.15 Who doth foretell that as the captivity of the ten tribes had once made the state of Israel as it were their mo●her to morne so should the calamity of Israel make that st●●e to mourn again for the murther of so many children in and about Beth-lehem and yet this comfortlesse sorrow should be swallowed up by the consolations of Christ come into the world as may be seen Ier. 31. comparing vers 15 16. with 10 11 18 22. in the last of these verses the incarnation of the Messiah is pointed at expressly Now this prophesie is here accomplished Rachel indeed here mourneth and no consolation can be sufficient to asswage this sorrow except that consolation only which cometh by the Gospel and by the incarnation of the Son of God Doct. 1. It is a good way for making use of Gods providence to compare events with the predictions of Gods word and to mark where we see accomplishment answerable that we may say with the Evangelist Thus is it fulfilled what the Lord hath spoken 2. The troubles of the Lords people are foreseen and weighed in a ballance and comfort is prapared for them for the weeping of Rachel is foretold of the Lord before it come and consolation is prepared for it in Christ as the place in Ieremiah
Christs servants in civill courts and judgment seats under pretence of law yea civill judicatories and Ecclesiasticall both may turne adversaries to Christs servants and conspire to persecute them for it is said They will deliver you up to councels and scourge you in the synagogues 3. When inferior judicatories are found unjust against the servants of Christ remeed in law by superiors is hardly to be expected at least small confidence is to be put in appellations to supreme Judges but Christs servants must prepare themselves for the enmitie of chiefe governours and Kings also for it is foretold That they shall be brought before governours and kings 4. Whatsoever be the pretence of People against the Preachers of the Gospel the maine quarrell is for Christs sake for it is said Ye shall be brought before Governours and Kings for my sake 5. A testimony given to the truth of Christs Gospell before persecuters which may stand against them at the last day in case it prevail not with them unto conversion is worthy all the sufferings of these that be persecuted for you shall be brought for a testimony against them 6. There are a number to whom the word of the Gospel doth come only for their conviction who receive no benefit therby for so importeth this Testimony against them Ver. 29. But when they deliver you up take no thought how or what ye shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak The fourth reason Ye shall be furnished by my Spirit as you have need in your sufferings and speeches for the defence of the Gospel Therefore fear not Doct. 1. It is good to be resolved and prepared for the crosse ere it come Therfore our Lord brings it as it were to the time of compearance saying When they deliver you up 2. The main matter which a true Disciple should consider and will take notice of is not what he may suffer or what he shall say but what way he may glorifie Christ and maintain the truth best Therefore it is said Take no thought how or what ye shall speak 3. Christs servants must not be perplexed what to do or say in his cause for Christ doth forbid us to be anxious ordinary means or preparation are not forbidden but anxiety only saying Take no thought what or how ye shall speak 4. The Lord will not forsake in the day of tryall such servants as are more feared to offend then to suffer but surely will be present with them to make them give a fair testimony for he promiseth to such It shall be given you in that same hour 5. It is not necessary that God should give before-hand what is needfull for the hour of tryall it is sufficient that assistance be given when the time of need cometh for he saith It shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak Ver. 20. For it is not ye that speak but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you For confirmation of our faith he assureth such servants of the communion of his Spirit Doct. 1. A testimony or suffering for Christ concerneth the Father and the Spirit no lesse then it doth concern Christ for in this case the spirit of the Father doth own Christs cause for It is the spirit which speaketh Christs cause is not upholden by learning or humane wisdome but by the holy spirit for It is the spirit of your Father which speaketh 3. The servants of Christ are but instruments whose mouth the Lord borroweth in his own cause for Christ saith It is the spirit which speaketh in you Vers. 21. And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the Father the Child and the Children shall rise up against their Parents and cause them to be put to death 22. And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake but be that endureth to the end shall be saved The fifth reason You must resolve to be hated for my sake of all men but if you go on to the end ye shall be saved Therefore Fear not Doct. 1. The worlds hatred against Christ and his Gospel and grace in his servants is stronger then naturall love and is able to dissolve all bonds of blood or friendship between the ungodly and Christs Disciples for The brother shall deliver up the brother to death c. 2. Christs servants are obnoxious not only to be destitute of all mens comfort but also to be hated of all sorts of men for Christs cause for it is said Ye shall be hated OF ALL MEN for my names sake 3. There shall be an end of the troubles of all Christs true Disciples for so importeth He that indureth to the end 4. There is a certain salvation after the troubles are past for He that endureth shall be saved 5. There is need of patience and enduring of the trouble unto the end lest if a man faint and give over he lose his reward for none But he that endureth to the end shall be saved Vers. 23. But when they persecute you in this City flee ye into another for verily I say unto you ye shall not have gone over the Cities of Israel till the Son of man be come The sixth reason Sometime I will reserve you for further service and will open a door for your escaping of persecution and you shall not want some place to welcome you Therefore Fear not Doct. 1. The Lord alloweth Ministers in case of persecution to flee at sometimes namely when their life shall serve more for Gods glory and the Kirks good then their death can in such a case he saith When they persecute you in one City flee c. 2. Preachers must still follow their calling and seek occasion of preaching in another place Therefore saith he Flee to another City 3. When one place refuseth to hear Christs servants God will provide another place where they may preach Therefore saith he Flee into another City 4. He answereth a doubt what if thy servants be persecuted in each city and having gone through all shall finde no city kindly to them whether they may retire He answereth that till the second coming of the Son of Man which second coming now onely rested he being come the first time already there should not be wanting some city of Israel some kindly place to receive his servants which speech is not fitted for the Apostles in their first out sending wherein there was no persecution nor yet onely for the Apostles in their second commission to all the world but for all preachers of the Gospel unto the worlds end who in the Apostles persons are spoken unto Under the name of the Cities of Israel is understood places where his servants will be welcome to preach the Gospel if other places cast them out Whence this doctrine is afforded that However some Ministers may be so persecuted that they cannot flee or fleeing shall not escape the sword of the persecuter but
temptation as Christs question in answering of it doth import What is a man profited in this case saith he 2. He that in fear to lose or in hope to gain some earthly thing refuseth to maintain Christs cause shall lose more then he can gain were it a Kingdom for he loseth his soul and what profit hath he if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul A fourth reason Nothing in the earth can redeem a mans soul when he hath shed from me for fear of the crosse or hope of gain therefore resolve to bear my crosse rather then to deny me Doct. 1. There is no ransome of a mans soul beside Christ if any man deny him for What shall a man give in exchange for his soul 2. It is a special means to strengthen us against the fear of the crosse for Christs cause to foresee our irreparable losse if we deny him and to say with our selves What shall a man give in exchange for his soul Vers. 27. For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works A fifth reason Though I may seem mean and abased in that my followers are put to bear my crosse yet I will be found the glorious Son of God worthy to be suffered for Therefore let no man think shame of my crosse The Son of man saith he shall come in the glory of the Father The sixth reason The fruit of bearing my crosse or refusing of it shall be seen at the day of judgment when I shall be Judg and shall reward the backslider with deserved judgment and shal crown the grace of suffering for me with the reward of life He shall reward every man saith he according to his works Hence learn 1. That Christs incarnation neither should nor shall derogate any thing from the glory of his God-head for The Son of man shall come in the glory of the Father 2. The Son of man and the Son of God is onely one person for it is said The Son of man shall come in his Fathers glory 3. The fruit of every mans works whether good or ill shall be found at the second coming of our Lord for Then he shall reward every man according to his works Verse 28. Verily I say unto you There be some standing h●re which shall not taste of death til they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdome The seventh and last motive is I do promise a glance of the glory of my kingdom unto some of you my hearers before I die as much as may incourage you and all others my followers to indure any crosse for me Therefore resolve to bear the crosse Now some little glance of his glory he gave shortly after this in the transfiguration but this was not the main matter his coming in the power of his kingdome was then made more evident when after his resurrection he declared himself Lord and King in erecting his church with all her officers where he pleased in subduing Jews and Gentiles unto himself by the power of his Word and Spirit in separating his church and his people from the world without the church This Kingly power was seen most evidently by such of the Apostles as lived longest and this his coming in the power of the gospel is a pawn and evidence of his future coming to judgment in the glory of his Father Hence learn 1. Whosoever get a right sight of the glory of Christs power in converting soules in erecting his church with all his ordinances therin and governing of it will not refuse to bear his crosse for To encourage the disciples to bear the crosse this promise here is made 2. Christs power and grace manifested by conversion of soules and erecting of the church in the Apostles dayes is a demonstration of Christs Kingly Power and an evidence of his coming unto judgement for Some saith he here standing shall not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdome CHAP. XVII After Christs transfiguration to vers 14. He healeth the lunatick to vers 22. Fore-telleth his own passion and payeth tribute Ver. 1. ANd after six dayes Iesus taketh Peter Iames and Iohn his brother and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart HOwsoever the last verse of the former chapter is not altogether fulfilled in this transfiguration of Christ yet is it some earnest of performance of the promise there made for by this glance of Christs glory they had evidence how glorious he should be in the morefull manifestation of his Kingly power and Majesty He chooseth witnesses not all but some and these in a sufficient number three the same whom he was to make witnesses of his agony in the garden therafter Peter Iames and Iohn and these he takes apart into an high mountain that being separate and set above distractions they might attend the vision without interruption Doct. 1. Our Lord will not use all his servants alike familiarly but some such as he pleaseth he will make in some cases more intimate for here he chooseth only three to see his glorious transfiguration 2. Such as he minds to acquaint most with his sufferings he will readily acquaint most with his glory for their incouragement and preparation for these three are they who are made witnesses hereafter of his agony in the Garden Peter Iames and Iohn Ver. 2. And was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment was white as the light In the transfiguration the Lords glory appeareth in three things The first is the alteration of the naturall obscurity of his flesh into a glorious shining brightnesse flowing from the in-dwelling of the God-head in him in so farre that the darknesse of his ●aiment is swallowed up in this light springing through the same so as it made his raiment appeare white as light Hence learn 1. Where the Lord pleaseth to let forth his glory it is able to beautifie our earthly and obscure bodies as this transfiguration far transcending Moses his face shining giveth evidence 2. Glorification taketh not away the substance nor naturall properties of the body for here is a glorious transfiguration but no abolition of the substance of Christs body Ver. 3. And behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him The second point of Christs glory is the apparition of Moses and Elias whether in their owne proper bodies resumed for a time or in bodies formed for the present purpose to be laid down again as garments it is not materiall to inquire for either this or that was alike easie to the Lord and presuppose their bodies had been raised and laid down again in dust yet wherein soever Moses and Elias could be serviceable to their Redeemers glory it was not their trouble or loss but their advantage The main matter which we have to learn is 1. That Moses and Elias and so all the
the governour said Why What evill hath he done But they cried out the more saying Let him be crucified The people choose Barrabbas and refuse Christ by their rulers perswasion Doct. 1. Wicked men have a greater hatred against Christ then against the most vitious amongst them as here they ask Barrabbas to be saved and seek that Christ may be destroyed 2. Wo to the people when their leaders are corrupt for then shall they be tempted by wicked counsel and wo unto them yet more if they follow their wicked directions for so might they be led with these cursed Jewes to preserve Barrabbas and destroy Christ. 3. Halfe friendship lake warme affection toward Christ wily-working for him so as men who are Christs adversaries may be pleased also may well shew the righteousnesse of Christs cause but cannot deliver him or his servants from suffering nor exempt the cold-rise friend from sin therfore either must a man be a right down friend plain and frank for Christ or nothing Pilates wiles striving to save Christ and to please the people also do not serve the turn but do rather ensnare him and inrage Christ's adversaries the more for They cryed out the more Let him be crucified Ver. 24. When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it Pilat overcome with the temptation of pleasing the People first absolveth Christ and then yeildeth him over to the fury of his adversaries and will have them only to be guilty of his death Doct. 1. He that is not resolute to resist sin upon all hazards will yeild to it at last as Pilat doth here 2. Ignorant men are easily deceived counting themselvs free of such sins as men or inconveniencies from men do presse them unto as Pilat is here for because the people made a tumult he washeth his hands and saith I am innocent of the blood of this just person 3. Whatsoever be the fault of instruments in a wicked deed the prime authours and instigatours have the chief guiltinesse therefore not without ground saith Pilate to the Jews See you to it Ver. 25. Then answered all the people and said His blood be on us and on our children The mad people deluded by their leaders take on them the guilt without fear Doct. The stupidity of a misled conscience is fearfull when it is most deep in guiltinesse it dare defie Gods Justice in the opinion it hath of its owne innocency as here the people answer ●ilate His blood be upon us wherein their mouth doth pronounce their own doom and Wrath is from that time come on them unto this day Ver. 26. Then released he Barrabbas unto them and when he had scourged Iesus he delivered him to be crucified Thus is Jesus absolved from all guiltinesse in himselfe and declared in the face of his Accusers to be a just person and yet is he dealt with as a guilty man scourged and delivered to be crucified wherein we must look up unto the dispensation of a higher Judge who had the sins of the whole Elect in a Roll to charge upon him and now to exact of him above what he had already suffered yet more satisfaction to justice for the full Redemption of his people that so they may behold him as he is to wit the eternall and only begotten Son of God in his humane Nature suffering according to the paction of Redemption past between him and the Father all that Justice could crave for the expiation of our sins and purchase of righteousnesse and life eternall unto us and to this end we must take along with us in all Christ's sufferings 1. The consideration of the worthinesse of the person who is surety suffering for us that he is the Lord God Almighty filling the whole Earth with his Glory the Redeemer and holy One of Israel personally united with our Nature now upon him while he standeth before Pontius Pilate Secondly The consideration of the fearfull and horrible deservings of sin in us which calleth for our everlasting torments with the curse of God upon us Thirdly the consideration of the strictnesse of Divine Justice which will have sin punished condignly and will neither quit the sinner without a ransome nor the Redeemer without full satisfaction and punishment equivalent to the principall Debters deservings Fourthly the consideration of the wonderfull grace of God who is content to take satisfaction unto justice for the sins of men from one man in the name of all those for whom he offereth to satisfie Fifthly the consideration of the unspeakable love of God who giveth his own eternall Son to be the man who shall pay for the rest of the adopted children Sixthly the consideration of the meeknesse and patience of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himselfe for us even to the cursed Death of the crosse yea to be made a curse for us that we might obtain the blessing of righteousnesse and eternall life through him if these considerations go along with us we shall see our selves worthy for ever of the shame and torment which our Lord endured for a short time and we shall see Christ in his deepest humiliation shining gloriously in our eyes our faith shall find food and our sins shall find poison in the sufferings of our Redeemer Doct. 1. Such as think they cannot stand except by the good will of Princes or People whensoever they are put to declare themselves whether they love Christ or the World better will certainly choose to please Princes or People whatsoever may become of Christ as here the People will have Barabbas set free and Christ executed to please their Rulers and Pilate will both release Barabbas and scourge Christ to give unto the People satisfaction 2. It is no wonder that Christ's Servants find hard measure of men at the Bar of Justice for no fault is found in Christ And yet he is scourged and delivered to his Adversaries to be crucified 3. Christ's Servants should resolve after lesser sufferings to endure yet more and at last to suffer death for Christ after suffering of many things is scourged and then delivered to be crucified 4. Our sins deserve to be punished with extremity of pain and torment and with extremity of shame and disgrace for our Redeemer behoved to be scourged and crucified also Ver. 27. Then the Souldiers of the Governour took Iesus into the common Hall and gathered unto him the whole Band of souldiers 28. And they stripped him and put on him a Scarlet Robe 29. And when they had platted a Crown of Thorns they put it upon his Head and a Reed in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Iews 30. And they spit upon him and took a Reed and smote him on the Head 31. And after
is made a spectacle to his foes Ver. 12. And his disciples came and took up his body and buried it and went and told Iesus From the history of Johns buriall Learn 1. That the faithful must not be ashamed at the suffering of the Saints but testifie their respect to the living and to the dead for Iohns disciples came and buried Iohns body 2. When Pastors are cut off men must resort to the chiefe shepherd so much the more at the Disciples of John came to Christ and told him of Iohns death Verse 13. When Iesus heard of it he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart and when the people had heard thereof they followed him one foot out of the Cities 14. And Iesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their 〈◊〉 From the history of Christs departure Learn 1. That Jesus hath reason to depart from the place where any of his servants are slain and others of them are in danger for When he heard this he departed 2. Such as have need of Christ wil find him out and follow after him refusing no travel nor pains to seek him for The people follow him to a desert place 3. Christ is compassionate toward such as seek him and of such as seek he will put none away the needy and sick find health from him for here it is said He was moved with compassion and healed the sick which followed him Ver. 15. And when it was evening his disciples came to him saying This is a desert place and the time is now past send the multitude away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves victuals 16. But Iesus said unto them They need not depart give them to eat 17. And they say unto him We have here but five loaves and two fishes 18. He said Bring them hither to me 19. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grasse took the five loaves and the two fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed and brake and gave the loaves to his disciples and the disciples to the multitude 20. And they did all eat and were filled and they tooke up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full 21. And they that had eaten were about five thousand men beside women and children Here is the miracle of the loaves occasioned by the Disciples care to have the multitude dismissed timously Doct. 1. It is wisdom to have regard unto peoples infirmity and what they may endure in attendance of divine worship as The Disciples here have a care of the peoples want of food 2. If God cal for extraordinary attendance he wil furnish ability and provide for the bodies of such as prefer the feeding of their soules to the refreshing of their bodies providing they tempt not God herein by neglecting wilfully ordinary means Therefore Jesus saith They need not depart give ye them to eat 3. Where God giveth a call to his servants to feed people they must look to himself for ability and not be discouraged for the little furniture which they conceive they have for here the Disciples have no more but five loaves and two fishes and Christ contenteth himself with them Bring them to me saith he 4. It is good in an ordinary call unto any work to look to ordinary means as the disciples here not apprehending as yet any more then the ordinary do make objection that they have but five loaves and two fishes 5. The Lord will have our weaknesse for his work to beseen to the end his power may the more appear as here the paucity of loaves and fishes must first be seen ere he work the work 6. In working of miracles our Lord did so dispose of all circumstances as might most profit the people and glorifie the Father in whose name and power as being one with the Father he did the work as here He ordereth the people in their places looketh to Heaven and powerfully blesseth their provision that there might be bread and fish enough by his divine operation 7. Christs Ministers shall lose nothing in distributing their gifts unto the feeding of his people for the Disciples after more then five thousand have eaten of their few loaves do take up twelve baskets full a great deal more then they had laid down Ver. 22. And straightway Iesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away 23. And when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone 24. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary Another miracle tending to shew that as Christ is Lord of the earth and lives of the creatures therein so he is Lord also of the sea and winds wherein he exerciseth his Disciples with a plece of trouble to make them profit in the knowledg of his spirituall Kingdom The reasons of this short dispatch and constraining of the disciples to go to sea without his bodily presence may be seen in Ioh. 6. and Mark 6. Here it is sufficient to learn 1. That we should be sure of an urgent calling before we undertake a hazardous voyage for Iesus constrained his disciples to go into a ship 2. Christ wil not have men diverted from their places and callings under pretence of waiting on him nor to expect to live by miraculous means but to attend upon the ordinary blessing of each mans vocation and therfore he sendeth the multitude away 3. Christ albeit the Son of God yet because he had taken on our nature and the office of Mediator therein upon all occasions of retyring he prayeth and intercedeth with God for his people He went and prayed apart 4. When the Godly are in trouble and under trials the Mediator is praying for their upholding when the disciples go to sea Christ goeth to the Mount to pray 5. Christs Disciples must be in trouble and hazards when others are at ease as here it fareth with these Disciples 6. Albeit men have Christs warrant for their voyage yet are they not exempted from trouble danger therein for here is an instance 7. Men may have fair wheather in the beginning of a work and danger and trouble may be kept back till they be so far ingaged as it is more safe for them to go forward then to return so fareth it here with the Disciples for The storm ariseth when they are in the midst of the sea Ver. 25. And in the fourth watch of the night Iesus went unto them walking on the sea 26. And when the Disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cryed out for fear 27. But straightway Iesus spake unto them saying Be of good cheer it is I be not afraid Christ doth not stay all night from them
he worketh repentance in him Doct. 1. The Elect may fearfully fall but cannot fall away utterly for Peter by temptation is driven to deny the Lord but doth not lye still in the sin 2. As the forgetting of the Lords word openeth the door to temptation so the calling of it to remembrance mixed with faith is a meanes of repentance for ere Peters repentance be mentioned it is said Peter remembred the words of the Lord. 3. Sincere repentance weepeth seriously and in secret as here Peter went out when he repented and wept bitterly CHAP. XXVII After Christ is delivered unto Pilate Judas hangeth himself and leaveth the money to the priests to be disposed ver 10. Pilate examineth Christ and without cause condemneth him and delivereth him to be scourged and crucified ver 45. after which Christs God-head is more manifested and he is buried with some respect Ver. 1. WHen the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsell against Iesus to put him to death 2. And when they had bound him they led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governour THe corrupt church-men having unjustly condemned Christ do seek now to put him to death by the power of the civill Magistrate Doct. 1. The wicked a●e exceeding watchfull and painfull to accomplish an ill turne especially against Christ for late at night and early in the morning are the chief Priests and others busie to have Christ put to death 2. It is no new thing to see corrupt church governours abuse the civil Magistrate in execution of their unjust and cruel conclusions as here the chief Priests and Elders Deliver Christ bound to Pilate the governour Ver. 3. Then Iudas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himselfe and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders 4. Saying I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood And they said What is that to us see thou to that 5. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself Now Judas his conscience is wakened but out of time whereupon he confesseth his sin to them who insnared him but finding them to despise him he casteth back the price of his treachery and hangeth himself Doct. 1. Though before a sin be committed the bait and allurement is ●nly seen and the conscience blindfolded kept captive and benummed yet after sin is committed it shall be wakened at last and see the ugliness of sin discovered for as Judas seeth now and saith now that He hath betrayed the innocent blood 2. When the evill of sin is discovered then is the naughtinesse of every inducement unto it discovered also and the grief is more then any gain or pleasure inducing unto it can counterballance for Judas now counteth little of the thirty peices of silver bringeth back the price and casteth it down in the temple 3. Such as sin by the inducement of others need not look for comfort from the inticers of them unto it but must bear the guiltiness of it alone for when Judas regrateth his sin to the Priests What is that to us say they to him see thou ●e that 4. When Justice pursueth the sinner and he flyeth not to Gods mercy in Christ there needeth no other Judge or witnesse or Burrio against him but his own conscience only it is sufficient to convict condemn and torture him so as he will chuse to strangle himselfe rather then indure the vexation of it for Judas being forsaken of those who insnared him in the sin goeth not to God but departeth and hangeth himself Ver. 6. And the chief Priests took the silver peices and said It is not lawful for us to put them into the treasury because it is the price of blood 7. And they took counsel and bought with them the potters field to bury strangers in 8. Wherfore that field was called The field of blood unto this day This cursed mony the priests wil not bring into the Treasury of the Temple but doe imploy it in a charitable worke to buy a buriall place for strangers by which meanes a prophesie of the Scripture is fulfilled in Gods providence Doct. 1. The Lord will have no off●ring made unto him of that which is not a mans own and that in su●h a way as may be free of all appearance of allowing of mens unjust or dishonourable gaine for It is not lawful say they Deut. 23.18 to put this mony unto the treasury 2. It is no new thing to see Christs most cruel adversaries deep in hypocrisie pretending to be feared to offend in the least things as these men stand not to give Judas a hire to betray innocent blood but will not meddle with the gain when it is cast back 3. Hypocrites even when they are deepest in a mischief wil seek to hide their course with seeming to do some good work as these men will be charitable to the poor in buying a burying place to the strangers with the price of Christs Blood 4. The Lord can make the Mask of mens hypocrisie the special Means to discover them as here these wicked Priests do seek to hide their cruelty against Christ by seeming to be charitable in buying the potters field for burying of strangers with the price of Christs life and in Gods providence it is turned to the contrary that this field should in all time coming bear the name of their bloudy bargain made with Judas for the field was called The field of bloud unto this day saith the Evangelist Ver. 9. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremiah the Prophet saying And they took the thirty pieces of silver the price of him that was valued whom they of the children of Israel did value 10. And gave them for the potters field as the Lord appointed me The Evangelist doth observe the Lords over-ruling providence who by this means fulfilled the words of the P●ophet Zachary cha ●1 ver 12. where the Lord complaineth of the ungratitude of the people who accounted less of all his personall care over them then ordinarily men do account of their basest servants on whom they wil one way or other in a short time bestow more then what they do p●ise all the Lords labour on them to be worth and withall the Lord foretelleth that at length they should put no other price upon him when he should come to be bought and sold among them saye thirty pieces of silver with which mony should be bought the potters field for a memoriall unto all ages of their undervaluing of him As for the calling of the Prophet Zachary by the name of Jeremy albeit it were presupposed that this verball mistake did creep into the T●xt by the inadvertance of the first transcribers of the Evangelists Copy yet this is no materiall depraving of the Text but such an accident of the letter only as an intelligent reader being acquainted
56. Among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses and the mother of Zebedees children When the Disciples were fled except John It is observed here that many women waited on and were witnesses of Christs Death Doct. 1. It is usuall with the Lord to shew his power and grace most upon the weak and the despised for here he giveth strength and courage to women to attend his sufferings when men had failed 2. Whatsoever grace the Lord bestoweth upon his own it is so bestowed as their weaknesse in themselves doth usually appear also for these women attend But for fear they behold afar off 3. The power of faith in Christ and love to him is such that it will make these that are weakest in the midst of fear and infirmities to spare no travell nor expences but to hazard if need be their life for him Many even women were there who had followed Iesus from Galilee ministring unto him 4. So acceptable unto Christ are the evidences of Believers love that he will subject himselfe to the standing in need thereof and will receive the fruit of their love and cause to register it for the parties honour and others edification as here he causeth to write down that these women ministred unto him of their means followed him out of Galilee and attended on him at his death The name of some of whom he causeth to be set down to let us see that none of them nor such as they are forgotten Ver. 57. When the even was come there came a rich man of Arimathea named Ioseph who also himself was Iesus disciple 58. he went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered 59. And when Ioseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linnen cloth 60. And laid it in his own tomb which he had hewn out in the Rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the Sepulchre and departed 61. And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the Sepulchre The manner of our Lords buriall is set down to verse 61. and the securing of the buriall place by the adversa●ies to the end Our Lord being dead it was expedient that he should be buried 1. That the type of Jonah and other figures in Scripture should be fulfilled 2. That the truth of his death might be known 3. That his buriall might be as a step lower in humiliation so also a mid passage unto a more glorious resurrection 4. That he might sanctifie our burials and by following death as it were to its den make a way through the grave unto our resurrection and full victory over death and the grave Doct. 1. When shame and sufferings are ended some degrees of glory do begin as God provideth here for an honourable buriall unto Christ after the shame of the crosse is past 2. Grace maketh no difference of rich or poor but sanctifieth riches and poverty to his own for Ioseph of Arimathea is a rich man and a Disciple of Iesus also 3. Love to Christ feareth no inconveniences neither thinketh shame of any service unto Christ for Ioseph goeth boldly unto Pilate and professeth it a favour to have liberty to take care of Christs crucified body 4. Christ both in life and death was a friend to magistracy he will have justice satisfied and order kept in his taking down from the crosse no lesse then in his crucifying he will be taken down at Pilates command 5. God provided for Christs buriall so as it should be known that he verily arose for he is put in A new Tombe hewen out of a rock wherein never man did lie before him 6. As persons are more zealous for Christ so are they more particularly taken notice of by God Therefore these women which did attend him so carefully are specially spoken of 7. Love will never shed with Christ in what condition soever he be and will bestow on him what it may as these holy women do bestow looks upon the place he is put into when they can do no more Vers. 62. Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chiefe Priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate 63. Saying Sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive After three dayes I will rise again 64. Command therfore that the sepulchre be made sure untill the third day left his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people He is risen from the dead so the last errour shal bee worse then the first 65. Pilate said unto them Ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as ye can 66. So they went and made the sepulchre sure sealing a stone and setting a watch To make the matter of our Lords buriall and resurrection yet more cleare Divine providence makes use of the adversaries malice they think to keep Christ under and to provide against his resurrection by setting a guard about the Sepolchre and sealing of the stone Doct. 1. Christs enemies are vexed about him how to suppresse him as here is to be seen while he is alive and while he is dead they can never be secure enough for fear he shall overcome them when they have him dead they know not how to make the sepulcher sure 2. They make of his words and of his servants words as best serveth their purpose for when hee told them that though they destroyed the Temple of his body yet hee would raise it again the third day they passed by his meaning and made it a matter of his ditty and now they take up his meaning and make advantage of it against him 3. When Christ and his cause is brought low every wicked man wil speak as he pleaseth as here they call the God of truth A deceiv●r 4. Hypocrites do respect religion only for their own ends and as it may serve their turn They pretended to have great respect to the sabbath that they may have Christ shortly out of the way and now they stand not to pollute the sabbath by making a business to secure his sepulchre 5. Magistrates are in a dangerous condition when the rulers of the church are enemies to Christ they will ever be insnaring them in some one thing or other against Christ as here Pilat is used 6. He that sets not God before his eyes but is given to please men will prove a slave to every mans affection such a man is Pilat who granteth whatsoever Christs enemies doe require 7. Whatsoever power of craftinesse can work for obscuring of Christs glory his enemies will go about it carefully albeit with ill successe as here They seal the grave-stone and set a watch thinking to keep Christ fast in the tomb CHAP. XXVIII In this chapter Christs resurrection is declared by Angels to vers 9. By Christ himself ver 11. by the watch to the priests who do corrupt the watch and make them to