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A34038 The righteous branch growing out of the root of Jesse and healing the nations held forth in several sermons upon Isai. chap. 11, from vers. 1 to 10 : together with some few sermons relating to all who live under the shadow of the branch / by William Colvill. Colvill, William, d. 1675. 1673 (1673) Wing C5432; ESTC R26038 212,566 434

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his promise of rest to the weary soul bless him for the promise rest upon it by faith and in his own good time he will give the some sense of inward peace from the sense of his love shed abroad in thine heart by the Holy Ghost for this seal of the Spirit is given after believing Ephes 1.13 In whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise The second thing affirmed by our Lord of himself is I am the truth This is the glorious title of the Supreme God Deut. 32.4 A God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he And the Son of God who thought it no robbery to be equal with God is called here the Truth 1. He is essentially truth as the justice and mercy of God is no other thing but the just and merciful God So the truth of Christ is no other thing but the true and faithful Lord as it is said 1 Joh. 1.5 God is light and in him is no darkness at all So Christ is truth and in him is no possibility of errour In him is infinite wisdom and he cannot be deceived he is infinitely holy and true and cannot deceive any who trusteth into his word 2. He is the prime and suprem Truth the cause of the truth of beeing and essence in all things Col. 1.18 For by him all things consist And he is the cause and author of all morall truth in the thoughts speeches and actions of men 3. He is the truth because by the word of truth revealed out of the Fathers bosom by him who is called Joh. 1.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he is the essential Word and the express Image of the Father and also he is the great Interpreter and Revealer of the will of the Father Joh. 1.18 and by this revealed will he guideth his own Children in the way to everlasting glory Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory 4. He is to speak so morally true even as he was man 1 Pet. 2.22 Guile was not found in his lips 5. He is the truth answerable to all the Prophesies and Promises made concerning him 2 Cor. 1.20 In him all the promises are yea and amen He is the truth answerable to all the legal types as the body to the shadow Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ In the Temple during the Levitical service the lights and lamps were shadows of Christ who was called by John the Baptist the true light Joh. 1.9 And is called by himself the light of the world Joh. 8.12 Thou that art ignorant and mourns under the sense of thine ignorance come to him who is the true light and he will give unto thee that eye-salve even the illumination and unction of the Holy Spirit Rev. 3.17 18. He is the beam and resplendor of the Fathers glory although a man through the weakness of his eyes cannot behold the Sun in his brightness without dazling and confounding his sight yet with much contentment and delight he looketh upon the beams of the Sun So it confounds and astonisheth the Spirit of a Believer to look on God and to think upon his greatness and justice provoked to wrath by his many sins this fight affrights him and maketh him say with Manoah Judg. 13.22 I shall surely die because I have have seen God Therefore look thou on God manifested in his Son Jesus Christ who is the brightness of his Fathers glory Heb. 1.3 Look upon his mercy and love manifested in giving his Son to satisfie divine justice for our sins this fight of God in Christ is a comfortable and reviving fight then may a Believer say as the wife of Manoah said Judg. 13.23 If the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have accepted of Christs offering and satisfaction for us The Lord Jesus Christ is the truth of all the sacrifices under the Law they were a shadow of good things to come to wit of the sacrifice of Christ who offered up himself by death a sacrifice of sweet smel to the Father he is the true Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world Joh. 1 29 Heb. 10.12 We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all August lib. 20. against Faust cap. 21. The flesh and blood of Christ before his coming was promised by the similitude of Sacrifices in the passion and suffering of Christ it was exhibi●t by the Truth its self after the ascension of Christ it is solemnly celebrat by the Sacrament of Commemoration upon the Cross he offered up himself to the Father to take away our sins and now in the Word and Sacraments we call to mind his sacrifice and death till he come again 1 Cor. 11.26 As in the Word Christ is not offered to God by the Minister but to us so in the Sacrament he is not offered to God but to us and with him a communion and share in the fruits of his death ● Cor. 10.16 As the blood of the Paschal-lamb was sprinkled upon the posts of the doors and the destroying Angel came not near the house so the application of the Sacrifice of Christ for Propitiation and Salvation is made by Faith Rom. 5.1 Therefore being justified by Faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ He is the Truth of all the legal washings and purifications he is that true Fountain opened to the house of David for sin and for uncleanness Zach. 13.1 Therefore confess thine uncleanness with the Lepers believe in him who is the truth of all these purifications 1 Joh. 1.9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness He is the true Manna that true bread of life Joh. 6.32 My Father giveth you the true bread from Heaven Our Lord is the true Manna 1. The Manna was given to the people of Israel in the wilderness where bread could not be had from any creature so when no creature was able to save man God gave his Son to the death that by faith poor hungry souls might feed on him and be refreshed Isai 59.16 And he saw that there was no man and wondred that there was no intercessor therefore his arme brought salvation unto him and his Righteousness it sustained him As the people of Israel cryed out in admiration when they saw the Manna Man-h●● what is this So let us admire and cry out what a love is this in God to give his only Son to be the bread of life to feed and preserve those who by nature were enenemies and children of wrath The Manna was white and pleasant to the eye and also sweet and pleasant to the taste like waffers made of hony so Christ in himself the true Manna is most pleasant without spot and without blame as also he is a most pleasant fight
yet the infinite worth of the Person being the Son of God gave infinite worth and value to his sufferings for a short time for taking away the eternal punishment and for procuring to us an eternal and exceeding weight of glory according to that of Heb. 9 14. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God Purge our Conscience from dead works to serve the living God As our blessed Lord was lifted upon the Cross so let us lift up our minds and hearts to him and as Paul had the Philippians alwayes in his heart Philip. 1.7 So let us carry Christ crucified alwayes in our hearts 1. This should be our great care and study with the Apostle Paul who studied nothing so much as the knowledge of Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2.2 And Philip. 3.10 That I may know the fellowship of his sufferings For this end the holy Sacrament of the Supper was institute to bring often to our remembrance the death of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 11.26 2. Serious and frequent thoughts of his Cross will mortifie sin in us Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ Thoughts of the great grief and shame brought upon the Innocent Lamb of God by our sins should pierce our hearts should we rejoyce in that which made him cry out My Soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death God forbid we should glory in that which procured the shame of the Cross to him The thoughts of his Cross will mortifie our impatience in all our afflictions when we look to him who with so great patience endured the Cross and with insuperable courage despised the shame of the World This will mortifie our love to the perishing vanities of this present world Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world As a dead man is not affected with the pleasures of the world and the world is crucified to him as a man has no pleasure to look upon the limbs of a malefactor hanged up in the high way 3. Thoughts of the cross of Christ have an active and attractive Vertue they will quicken our Faith and draw us nearer to Christ where the carcase is there will the eagles be gathered Matth. 24.28 The sweet smell of the cross of Christ draweth Believers to him It will quicken our love to Christ and our obedience Can. 1.3 4. Thy name is as oyntment poured forth therefore do the Virgins love thee draw me and we shall run after thee A thankful man cannot but love his servant that has suffered much for him how much more should we love our blessed Lord who suffered so much for us who by an evil Nature are born enemies to God The consideration of his death will quicken our hope and dependance upon God for all things needful in time coming Rom. 8.32 He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things It will quicken our love to all who belong to Christ especially in the time of their distress as the love of David to Jonathan in the remembrance of his great kindness did make him enquire after these that belonged to Jonathan that he might shew kindness to them 2 Sam. 9.1 The consideration of this great love of Christ in dying such a death for us by the power of his Love will subdue our sinful lusts and make us by patience to overcome difficulties and afflictions in suffering for his Name Rom. 8.37 Nay in all tbese things we are more than Conquerours through him that loved us This Heavenly fire of his Love in our hearts like lightnings will quench that earthly fire and exhalations of unclean lusts 4. Serious and deep thoughts of the cross of Christ will comfort and encourage us against all our enemies whether devils or wicked men because Christ upon th● c●oss hath spoiled principalities and powers Col. 2 15. Satan our arch-enemy is both bound and spoiled by the Captain of our Salvation He may and will molest us like an enemy besieging a City and making frequent assaults but he shall not prevail to get possession John 10.28 They shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand The true Believers may and will be molested by wicked men tempting them to sin and persecuting them with tongue or hands because they will not run with them in the excess of riot 1 Pet. 4.4 But be of good comfort for even all the wicked in the world are subiected to him by the merit and power of his Cross Phil. 2.8 9 10. Joh. 16.33 These things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the world The thoughts of the death of Christ will comfort us against the severe charge and sharp challenges of a guilty and accusing Conscience Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather th●t is risen again who is even at the right hand of G●d who also maketh Intercession for us It will comfort and encourage against the fear of death seing our blessed Lord by his death on the Cross hath taken away the sting and curse from our death 1 Cor. 15.57 But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 4. The necessity of the death of Christ upon the Cross even so must the Son of man be lifted up It was necessary our Lord should die 1. There was a necessity of immutability in respect of Gods decree to save lost man by the sufferings and death of Jesus Ch●ist Heb 2.10 For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings 1 Pet. 1.20 Who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you 2. There was a necessity in respect of infallibility to fulfil the Prophesies concerning his death for our sins Isa 53.12 He hath poured out his soul unto death Dan. 9.26 The Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself 3. To fulfil and to be answerable by his death and bloody sacrifice to the typical sacrifices Heb. 10.4 5 6 7. For it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sins c. And Rev. 13 8. he is called The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world to wit in these mystical and typical sacrifices before and under the Law 4. There was a necessity for him to die this kind of death on the Cross whereof see more in Serm. Joh. 12.32 Though there was a necessity for our blessed Lord to die yet he submitted to it most willingly he poured out his soul unto death and frequently
heart is ready to every good work and commanded duty with the Apostle Paul Acts 9.6 saying Lord what wilt thou have me to do For the Doctrine of Justification by Faith obligeth believers the more strictly to the duties of Sanctification for knowing they are justified in the blood of Christ which is the price of our redemption therefore should they glorify God in their body and in their spirit which are God's not only by the right of creation and temporal preservation but also by the right of redemption and everlasting salvation 1 Cor. 6.20 Seing they have the promises of free grace ratified in the blood of Christ they should cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 See more 2 Cor. 5.15 Tit. 2.11 12 14. So that the Doctrine of Justification by faith in Jesus Christ doth not make void the Law but establisheth the Law Rom. 3.31 Though it make the Law void as to Justification by it Rom 8.3 yet it doth not make it void or cancell it from being a fixt rule for our direction Now to the Lord Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith with the Father and Holy Ghost be all praise c. Amen Spiritual Life and Spiritual Walking SERMON V. GAL. 5.25 If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit THe Apostle having spoken in vers 22 23 24. of the seve●al fruits of the Spirit in the soul wherein he hath planted the life of grace he inferreth this conclusion If we live in the Spirit c. that is if we be quickened by the Spirit of God and raised to a new life of grace let it be seen in the course and actions of our life Let us walk by the Spirit that is by the guidance and direction of the Spirit according to the Word of God which was inspired into the Prophets and Apostles by the Holy Spirit In the words we have 1. A benefit supposed If we live in the Spirit 2. A duty proposed Let us walk in the Spirit For clearing the benefit supposed we would know 1. The nature and condition of this life which we are said here to have by the Spirit what it is 2. We would know the necessity of this life 3. The excellent quality of it in excelling all other kinds of life 1. As for the nature of this life it hath three effects or operations 1. Our Justification whereby our sins are forgiven and we are absolved from the sentence of damnation through the perfect obedience and satisfaction of our Mediator the Lord Jesus Christ as a man sentenced to death for some hainous crime is called a dead man even before the execution of the sentence and when he is absolved he is said to be a living man so by nature through sin and guiltiness we are children of wrath and dead in sins and trespasses obnoxious to eternal death and damnation but being justified by faith in Jesus Christ we are said to live in Christ and have the hope to live with him for ever This life is purchased to us by the merit of the death of Christ and is applyed by the Holy Spirit working faith in us whereby we are united to Christ and receive in and through him remission of sins offered to us in the preaching of the Gospel and s●aled in the holy Sacraments 1 Cor. 6.11 But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 2. The act also and operation of the life of grace is our Sanctification wrought in us by the Holy Spirit mortifying in us the deeds of the body Rom. 8.13 If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live to wit the life of glory in Heaven and it is a quickening of us to live here unto righteousness as a man pincing away in sickness is said to be a dead man in respect of his fast approaching unto death and when he is in the way of recovery he is said to be a living man because there are pregnant hopes of his better health and life This life of Sanctification purchased also by Christ is applyed and wrought in us by the Holy Spirit through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost Tit. 3.5 3. There is the life of comfort and spiritual chearfulness it 's said of old Jacob Gen. 44.30 His life is bound up in the lad's life because he was much comforted in his son Joseph When sin and judgement is set before us our heart is dead and comfortless like the heart of Nabal whose heart at the report of David's wrath against him died within him through fear 1 Sam. 25.37 But when the Spirit of the Lord in our fears and faintings doth revive us by the sweet and piercing smell of the cross of Christ received by faith into the soul then we live a comfortable life and our soul rejoyceth in God our Saviour 2 Cor. 4.11 For we which live are alwayes delivered unto death for Jesus sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh that is that the life of comfort and inward strength from Christ might be manifested in our sufferings 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory This life of inward comfort and strength purchased also by the merit of the death of Christ is applyed and wrought in us by the Holy Spirit Eph. 3.14 15 16. I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ c. that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner-man This life is called our life in Christ Col. 3.3 4. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God It is purchased by him hid and preserved in him and with him as the life of the branches is preserved in the root Joh. 14.19 Because I live ye shall live also It is called the life of the Spirit or by the Spirit in this place because by the Holy Spirit we are united and joyned unto the Lord our Head and Saviour 1 Cor 6.17 He that is joyned unto the Lord is one spirit and because we are renewed to a new life by the Holy Spirit Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God It is called the life of faith Gal. 2.20 because by faith we receive the life of Justification Sanctification and of inward comfort from Jesus Christ 2. This life of grace is absolutely necessar as a midst and necessar antecedent unto eternal life 1. As the natural life is a necessar foundation of natural actings and operations dead Trees grow not dead Animals walk not dead men discourse not so the life
of the Spirit in us is the foundation of all our spiritual and supernatural actings without this life men are dead in sin and cannot grow in grace without it men are dead and cannot walk in the wayes of Gods commandments without it men are dead and cannot understand nor perceive the things of God in a saving way for the salvation of their souls 1 Cor. 2.14 2. The necessity of the life of grace wrought in us by the Spirit appeareth in this because without it there is no coming to the life of glory Joh 3.5 This life of grace is the infancy of the life of glory and as one cannot grow up to the perfect stature of a man unless he hath been first an infant so a man cannot be a perfect man in glory except first he be an infant in the state of grace as one cannot be put into actual possession of an inheritance till he first be born into the world so no man can be put into the possession of the heavenly inheritance until first he be born over-again by the holy Spirit the author of the life of grace and the preparer and preserver of us for the life of glory This life in or through the Spirit is absolute necessar even for all men who would come to the life of glory for it is said indefinitly Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God Though he were never so nobly descended of earthly progenitors yet if he live not in the Spirit it may be said of him as of Judas It had been good for him he had never been born 3. It is necessar for our comfort to assure us we are united to Christ and that neither life nor death shall separat us from him as life in the branch is an evidence of its ingrafture and union with the Tree So our partaking of the life of the Spirit is a comfortable evidence that Christ is in us by the indwelling of his Spirit and we are in him by faith and love 1 Joh. 4.13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit 3. This life in the Spirit is an excellent life if simply considered in it self 1. In respect of that true and pure pleasure that attends it the deceitful pleasures of a sinful life are like the sting of an asp casting a man into a deep sleep but when the conscience is awaked the heart through fear is as Pashur Magor-missabib fear round about the conscience of a sinful liver is like a chiding wife in the bosome casting up to the man all the former evil wayes he has walked in in the dayes of his former life But the godly and spiritual liver has much inward pleasure and soul-satisfaction Pro. 14.14 The back-slider in heart shall be filled with his own wayes and a good man shall be satisfied from himself His good conscience from the sense of the life of the Spirit within him is like Abishag to David in his old age it doth cherish the inner-man and warm it with a sense of Gods love shed abroad in the heart by the holy Spirit it sweetens common mercies to the man who lives in the Spirit The primitive believers from the sense and comfort of the life in the Spirit did eat their meat with gladeness and singlness of heart Acts 2.46 Oh that profane and worldly-minded men who speak of a holy and spiritual life as a condition sad and comfortless would become spiritual livers in the Spirit and take a proof of that estate of life I say to these men as Philip said to Nathanael Come and see and after sight and proof ye will say as the Queen of Sheba did it was true that was told me but not the half of that contentment and joy I find by experience to be in a godly and spiritual life was told me The life in the Spirit has great and certain gain accompanying it together with much unspeakabl contentment 1 Tim. 6.6 Godliness with contentment that is which has contentment alwayes attending it is great gain 1 Tim. 4.8 Godliness is profitable unto all things having the promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come It has the promise of temporal blessings Psal 34.6 7. Rom. 8.28 and of eternal blessings 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them that love him These who live in the Spirit do live in great honour and reputation with God and the greater and wiser the person is who doth bestow the honour it is the greater but so it is that the great and wise God doth esteem much of men of an holy and spiritual life he calleth them his Treasure Psal 135.4 his inheritance and portion Psal 35.12 his jewels Mal. 3.17 The friends of God 2 Chron. 20.7 The sons of God 1 Joh. 3.1 This life in the Spirit is excellent if compared with the natural life the life of the sense is common to us with the brute beasts whereof some do excel men in some outward senses the life of reason is common to us with Pagans and Infidels and many of them in their philosophy hath excelled us yea our living under the outward means of Word and Sacraments is common to us with many hypocrits and castawayes but this life in the Spirit is far more excellent than that of sense and reason as a man by reason doth far excel the most sagacious beast so doth a man living in the spirit excel the greatest Moralists who were or are void of the life of grace by the Spirit natural men partake of the divine gifts but spiritual and godly men are made partakers of the divine nature by way of assimilation 2· Pet. 1 4. And as for men living or rather dieing and stinking above the earth in their vile lusts a godly and spiritual life doth excel that vile and miserable life as far as light doth darkness and Heaven doth Hell Seing we live the life of grace by the Spirit we should be very watchful that we grieve not the Spirit 1. It is the worst sort of unthankfulness to render evil for good and it is also unnatural for children to grieve their parents that under God are the author of their natural life How great a sin then is it to grieve the holy Spirit the author of thy spiritual life 2. Thou art sealed by the Spirit who sealeth thy eternal redemption to thy faith by the promises of the Gospel and more clearly by the administration of the holy Sacraments as the outward common seal and effectually by the graces of the holy Spirit of sanctification as the inward and privy seal of thine heavenly inheritance Ephes 1.13 In whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that holy spirit of promise And how loath are men and
sleep till they had done evil How many have taken opportunity from the weakness of others of their cruel revenge as Simeon and Levi did How many have taken occasion from the simplicity of some or from the desolat condition of others as of Widows and Orphans to oppress them and by their ruines build up an estate to themselves Such men should redeem the time by repentance and restitution in time Prov. 23.10 11. Remove not the old land-mark c. for their Redeemer is mighty Job 20.19 20. Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor because he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly he shall not save of that which he desired As for the present time we should improve it to well-doing without delay God in holy Scriptures urgeth the opportunity of the present time Joel 2.12 Therefore also now saith the Lord turn ye even to me with all your heart Psal 95.7 To day if ye will hear his voice c. 2 Cor. 6.2 Now is the accepted time c. The husband-man takes opportunity of the season for plowing and sowing so should we of plowing up and renting our hearts by repentance and of sowing in righteousness the sea-faringman taketh the opportunity of a fair wind so should we take the opportunity when the Spirit of God breatheth upon us by the Word without delay to depart from our sins and to advance toward the Port of eternal Salvation Because 1. The neglect of the opportunity given us for well-doing doth provoke God to withhold the like opportunity in time coming Joh. 7.34 Ye shall seek me and shall not find me Esau came not in time to get the blessing and he never got another opportunity for it Jerusalem would not in time know those things that belonged to her peace and therefore in time coming they were hid from her eyes Luk. 19.42 Felix made not good use of the opportunity he had for hearing Paul preach and he never got another convenient season Act. 24.25 2. Though thou may have afterward an opportunity of the outward Ordinances yet through thy former neglect of them thou provokes God to reject thy offerings and outward duties the Lord would not accept of the people of Israel their offer to come up the hill afterward because they had neglected the former opportunity of Obedience when he had commanded them to come up Numb 14.40 41 42. 3. The time is uncertain in respect of the opportunity of the means of grace for thou cannot tell how short a time the mercat and offer of free grace may endure the Lord may send a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord Amos 8.11 12. The time of thy life is uncertain how many have been well and in health the one Sabbath but removed by death before the other 4. Consider seriously though the Lord may be found of thee on thy sick and death-bed after the many slightings of opportunities in the dayes of thy health and prosperity yet shall it be to thee with much pain and wrestling as the people of Israel were put to the pains of fourty years abiding in the wilderness which might have been saved by the timous pains of fourty days Num. 14. As a man that neglects the opportunity of a fair and favourable wind for sailing may possibly wait on a long time before he have the like opportunity Yea though a man may repent truly and sincerely upon his death-bed yet it is not without much fear and jealousie that he hath not so much forsaken sin through any true spiritual aversness from it as from a meer want of power to act sin in the body as he was wont formerly to do A wise Christian should redeem and improve the time in order to time coming he should make timous provision for the time to come as Joseph in the time of plenty laid up provision for the time coming of famine There be four things especially we would make provision of 1. Of the word of the holy commandment and threatning against the time and hour of future temptations Psal 119.11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee And when we are tempted to this or that sin we would make use of the commandment forbidding it and of the threatning against it we would lay up provision of the Word of gracious promises against a time of temptation to doubts and fears of acceptance as these promises Is 55.1 Mat. 11.28 Joh. 6.37 and against the fears of final Apostasie we would lay up provision from the word of promise Joh. 4.14 Joh. 10.28 We would lay up provision of gracious promises against temptations in an hour of da●kness and desertion as that Heb. 13.5 I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Isa 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yea they may forget yet I will not forget thee Psal 89 31 32.33 If they break my statutes c. Then will I visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail And lay up the word of admonition against a time of senseless security 1 Cor. 10.12 Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall Lay up that word Phil. 2.12 Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling and that of 1 Joh. 5 18. He that is born of God keepeth himself 2. Make provision of good works though not as a ground of confidence yet as a matter of comfort for time coming Luk. 12.35 Provide for your selves bags which wax not old a treasure in the heavens that faileth not 1 Tim. 6.18 19. Charge them that are rich that they do good that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life For although good works do not make way and usher us into glory for Christ the Forerunner only doth that by the merit of his death Heb. 6.20 Yet they are attendants accompanying persons justified even unto eternal life Rev. 14.13 Blest are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works follow them 3. Lay up provision of thy observations of Gods sad dispensations upon men going on obstinatly in their sins Job 9 4. Who hath hardned himself against him and prospered as on Pharaoh Senacherib Antiochus Epiphanes Herod the great and Julian the Apostat Lay up this observation as provision against temptations to walk on in any course of rebellion against the known will of God Hezekiah advised the people of Israel well from the sad experience of great desolation brought upon their Ancestors by their great sins 2 Chron. 30.8 Now be ye
by crying to him Memento te esse mortalem remember thou art a mortal man Philip of Macedon commanded his Page to knock every morning at his chamber door before he rose and to cry Memento mori remember thou must die The great Emperour of the Schythians Tamberlan in his military march caused carry before him his winding-sheet as well as the royal standart and many of the people of God amongst the Jews had their tombs in their gardens as we read Joseph of Arimathea had to keep their spirits sober in the midst of their worldly pleasures and delights but mens forgetfulness of their approaching dissolution makes many so impudent and obstinat in their sinful courses Lam. 1.9 Her filthiness is in her skirts she remembreth not her last end therefore she came down wonderfully she had no comforter We have dayly warnings of the approaching dissolution of this house of clay 1. From the propps we make use of dayly to support it as our meat and our drink they are for repairing this ruinous house for a time and yet do what we can it will fall down to the dust take warning from thy going to sleep and ●emember as thou puts off thy cloaths so thou must put off this garment of mortality If at any time thou take medicine remember it is but as a plaistering for a time of a decaying mud-house 2. Let sickness in the body at any time put thee in mind of thy dissolution by death because alteration doth tend in end to corruption as a drop from the roof doth in end wear the side-walls 3. Take warning from the death and burial of others when thou seest their scull or bones or dust this is a pious Necromancy thereby to divine of thine own dissolution by death 4. Take warning from the winter season when thou lookest on the earth thou seest neither grass nor flower then remember thou that of 1 Pet. 1.24 All flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass the grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away But thou who sowest in tears rejoyce in the hope of that harvest of compleat glory at the Resurrection which is the spring-time of the immortality of the body when the bodies of the Saints shall spring up in glory like the lillies that were hid under the ground in time of winter Isa 26.19 Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead There is great reason wherefore we should be preparing dayly for the dissolution of the body by death 1. This dissolution is inevitable and there is not exemption from it by any humane power It is true God himself did exempt Enoch and Elias from dissolution of the body because he is the supreme Law-giver and may dispence with his own penal statutes but no person can exempt himself from the necessity of a dissolution of the body riches cannot bribe death the rich glutton died honour and majesty in the great ones of the world cannot dash death out of countenance nor chase it away Kings are laid in their graves might and power of Armies cannot affright death it has taken away Kings and great Commanders upon the head of their Armies wisdom and eloquence cannot disswade it from approaching the wise and eloquent die as well as fools and ignorant men The Piety of the godly will not turn it away Abraham the fathe● of the faithful and all the Patriarchs died 2. This dissolution is uncertain in respect of the time manner and place We come into the world one way but go out of it a thousand divers wayes that rich worldling Luk. 12.18 was taken away on a sudden the Shunamit's son goeth forth well in the morning but dies before the evening though our dayes are numbred of God yet they are uncertain to us our breath is in our nostrils if either the air we draw in or the air we breath out be stopped we are gone in an instant if but the small passages from the reins be obstructed our heart is suffocat Therefore let us not in our vain presumption number years unto our selves but let us pray daily to God that he would teach us so to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Psal 90 12. Quest How shall I be prepared for my dissolution and death Ans That thou mayest be prepared 1. Repent of thy sins and be reconciled unto God through faith in Jesus Christ the Mediator without delaying even while thou art in the way and cannot tell how soon thou mayest be removed that thou may appear before thy Judge Mat. 5.25 Delay not till the very term of thy dissolution be come for then it will be with thee as with a careless debt or who takes no course with his debts in time at the term-day he is confounded with fear lest death as a rude Messenger sent from the great Judge shall hale him to the bottomless prison from which there is no redemption 2. Embrace Christ the Saviour of sinners into the arms of thy faith that so with old Simeon thou mayest depart in peace Luk. 2.29 30. Holy Ambrose at his death beholding his friends weeping sore said Why weep ye I have not so lived that I am ashamed to live longer if it shall so seem good in the eyes of God neither am I afraid to die because I have a gracious Lord. 3. Be thou diligent in thy Christian and also in thy particular lawful Calling the fore-sight of death and appearance after death before the Tribunal of the Lord Jesus Christ made Paul careful to approve himself to God in his Apostolical Calling 2 Cor. 5.9 10. Wherefore we labour that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ c. Upon this account Peter was also careful to do his duty faithfully 2 Pet. 1.13 14 15. Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle c. 4. In all the wayes of thy Christian conversation study to persevere in keeping a good conscience that at death thou mayest die with some comfortable evidence in thy self of thy future happiness 2. Tim. 4.7 8. I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness c. 5. Labour thou to be prepared as were the wise Virgins Mat. 25. with the light of sound knowledge in thy mind that thou mayest say with the Apostle 2 Tim 1.12 I know whom I have believed And also having the oyl of sincere love in your heart toward God for the heart cannot conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9
give some refreshment to the soul and withall encourage it to go forward to Heaven where they shall get no worse but much more of such fruits Although thou hast not such a measure of the sense of Gods love towards thee as thou desirest yet if there be in thine heart a true and sincere hatred of all sin and a true and deep sense of thine own love toward God that thou mayest say in humility and sincerity as Peter did Joh. 21. Lord thou that knowest all things knoweth I love thee then mayest thou die willingly because 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen c. what God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 8.3 If any man love God the same is known and approven of him Peace in thy conscience from faith resting on Jesus Christ and his perfect righteousness is the earnest of thy full and everlasting peace in Heaven when thou shalt see God as he is Although thy peace of Sanctification may be interrupted now and then by thy sinning sometimes against thy light as it was in David Psal 51. yet in Heaven there will be perfect righteousness inherent for ever and the fruit thereof will be perfect and everlasting peace in the soul Spiritual joy which is called the joy of the Holy Ghost because he is the Author of it and is also called the joy of salvation because eternal salvation in Heaven is the object of it if at any time God hath given joy to thy heart after thy mourning in secret for thy sins and after thy believing in Jesus Christ who came into the world to save even the chief of sinners then look thou upon that joy as a love-token sent down to thee from Heaven and as an earnest of that full and everlasting joy in Heaven that shall never be taken from thee This consideration and joyful expectation maketh the children of God willing to be dissolved and to be with Christ at whose right hand is fulness of joy and pleasures for ever For if there be such joy from the earnest and first fruits that it is called 1 Pet. 1.8 Joy unspeakable and full of glory What will the joy be after this life when we shall receive the full sum of glory and shall reap the full harvest of joy in the kingdom of Heaven It is true some of the dear children of God who sometimes in their lifetime have had peace in their conscience and joy in their heart from the hope of salvation have been a little before their death under a cloud and great wrestlings against temptations to unbelief and despondency which were fierce as the sons of Anak at their coming out of this wilderness but before their dissolution that cloud evanished and they exprest their joy like the joy of the wise men when they saw the Star that led them to Christ appearing again Mat. 2.10 and they cried out Venit venit He is come he is come And then they say as Isa 25.9 This is the Lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation Use For exhortation unto willingness at death to remove out of the body to this end we would seriously and frequently consider 1. This is the place and the time of our sojourning our rest is not here therefore let us pass the time of our sojourning here in fear 1 Pet. 1.17 Like unto loving and dutiful children in the time of their travels abroad who are afraid to do any thing in a strange countrey that may dishonour their loving father who sent them to their travels for a time and bare all their charges in the time of their absence this fear to dishonour our heavenly Father and our active care to honour him in this present world will make us willing and confident to return unto him at death who will make us welcome at our return and give us rest in these eternal mansions in our Fathers house this fear to offend God and care to please him in all things made the Apostle Paul willing and confident in the thoughts of his departure from this world 2 Tim. 4.7 8 I have fought a good fight c. henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing 2. Consider often the place thou leavest at death and the place thou goest to after death and the vast difference between these two as the Heaven is distant from the Earth thou leavest a world of iniquity and misery but goest to that other world wherein dwelleth righteousness all happiness there is a vast difference between the earthly house thou flitts from at death and that eternal house and mansion to which thy soul flitts immediatly after death and shall rest from all thy labours Rev. 14.13 Thy soul dwelleth now in a dark house there is much ignorance even in the best of Saints here and any light or knowledge we have now in the body is but like the light unto a prisoner in the dungeon through crevices and slitts by the ministry of our outward senses our hearing and seeing but in that heavenly mansion whereto the believer goeth at death there is full light Ps 36.9 In thy light shall we see light 1 Joh. 3.2 We shall see him as he is There will be an identity in the object God himself seen by all the glorified Saints yet there is an infinit variety of all things desireable for our happiness to be seen and known in God himself infinit in excellency an goodness even as a man beholdeth diverse re●ractions fr●m one and the self same sparkling precious Diamond his light and knowledge in the souls of glorified Saints wil● endure for ever Rev. 21.23 The city had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof This ea●●thly house doth oft-times smoak and maketh our eyes to gush ou● with tears as smoak doth from a soaking fite not y●t put out so the many sinful motions and fumes arising from in-dwelling concupiscence in the body maketh the children of God here many times to mourn in secret before the Lord and in the bitterness of their spirit to cry out with the Apostle Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death But at death the fire of concup●scence will be wholly quenched as at flitting the fire of the house wherein they formerly dwelt is wholly put out but after death we shall follow the Lamb in white robes not only without blame but also without all stain Now we dwell in a strait and narrow house here are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great p●essures and oppressions of spirit with one affliction after another but after death we shall be enlarged from all trouble and pain then God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes Rev. 21.4 Now we dwell in a dropping house one defluction after another from our weak and distempered head do trouble this earthly body but after death in our eternal house there will be a perpetual influence of life health peace and joy from our strong and everlasting Head the Lord Jesus Christ Now we dwell among many evil and troublesome neighbours who make us oft-times cry out with David Wo is me that I dwell in the tents of Mesecb But in heaven there will be perfect peace a sweet harmony in minds and affections amongst all the fellow-citizens there we shall be in a perpetual communion with the blessed Angels and with the glorified Saints Yea that which crowneth all we shall be in an immediat full and perpetual communion with God himself infinit in glory Rev. 21.3 God himself shall be with them And at the resurrection of the body we shall live in a communion of the visible glory of Christ the Lord whom we shall see with our bodily eyes 1 Thes 4.17 3. Lastly consider what joy thou hast had at any time here from faith in Jesus Christ whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspe●kable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1.8 O what shall our joy be after death when we shall see him face to face If now thy joy be so great in seeing him only through the lattesse of his Ordinances and if some of the Saints have such joy in suffering for him here how great shall their joy be in reigning with him there If we have some peace and calmness in our conscience when we are in the sea of this world what shall be the peace and calmness when we shall be brought within that haven of ●he third heaven where the salvation of God shall be our perpetual bulwark Old Jacob when he considered the misery and famine of the Land from which he parted when he looked to the waggons and provision sent to him by his beloved Joseph and when he considered he was going to be with his own Joseph in honour and great plenty he departed willingly from the place of his former abode So let us consider this present world from which we part it is a place of sin and misery let us consider any provision of inward comfort God hath sent us at any time it should be as a waggon and fiery chariot to carry our hearts upwards toward God the fountain of all comfort and happiness Consider our dear Joseph the Lord Jesus Christ that was sold for our iniquities is now at the fathers right hand the great Steward and Dispenser of grace and glory by death we are going to him in whom and with whom we shall enjoy all happiness for ever If there be comfort sometimes from a drop of joy here how full ever-flowing and over-flowing will our joy be that shall proceed from the vision and fruition of God for ever These everlasting pleasures and purest joyes are that pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb Rev. 22.1 I close with that of the Apostle Jude ver 24.25 Now unto him that is able to keep you ●rom falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty dominion and power now and ever Amen FINIS
his dealings and bargains with others will forsake these former evil ways and make conscience of lawful purchase in time coming this was manifestly seen in Zacheus who before his conversion was an extortioner and exactor of more than was due but after his conversion he restored four fold and made conscience of his purchase in all time coming Luke 19.8 The reasons why true Converts do so are 1. Because such men know that as they should walk humbly with God so they should walk honestly and justly with men Mic. 6.8 1 Thes 4.3 6. This is the will of God that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter 2. They know that God threatens severe judgements against extortioners and defrauders 1 Cor. 6.10 1 Thes 4.6 3. They know that faithfulness and uprightness in our particular Callings and Employments doth adorn their holy profession and stops the mouths of such as are adversaries to it 1 Pet. 2.15 For so is the will of God that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men And they know also that unrighteousness in our particular stations and employments doth open the mouths of adversaries to speak evil of our profession thereby profane men within the visible Church are hardened in their sinful practices and they say Why may not they do as such and such great professors do Thereby men without the Church visible are hardened in their errour and alienation of heart from a communion with the Christian Church therefore Augustine unto this question well answereth if it be lawful to a Christian to spoil and rob a Jew who is an obstinat adversary to the Christian Religion he answers It is no way lawful because thou who art a Christian by so doing hardens the Jew in his errour and infidelity and hinders him to become a Christian Therefore it is our duty to walk in wisdom and uprightness toward them that are without the Christian Church Col. 4.5 remembring alwayes the second Table of the Divine Law is the sure Test according to which is tried the sincerity of men in the duties of the first Table Luk 18.19 20. Acts 10.35 He that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of God Such was the practice of sincere Converts recorded in holy Scripture Simeon was just and devout Luke 2.25 And Paul did exercise himself to keep a conscience void of offence both toward God and men Acts 24.16 Vse 1. For conviction of many who have an outward form of godliness and would be esteemed sincere Converts and yet make no conscience of righteousness in their dealings with men Mic. 6.11 Shall I count them pure with the wicked ballances The Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 6.7 8. will have all those who profess their conversion to the Christian faith rather to remit of the rigor of their own right in particular debates with others than to disgrace their holy profession by litigious pleaes much less should Professors disgrace it by injustice in their dealings with their neighbours The God of truth cares not for words and phrases of piety or for commending the Minister and his Sermon when in the mean time their works and doings are the fruits of unrighteousness Our blessed Lord said to that woman who lift up her voice and said unto him Luke 11.27 28. Blessed is the womb that bare thee and the papes which thou hast sucked but he said yea rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it Holy and humble Angustine on a time hearing the people highly commending a Sermon preached by himself said We tremble at your praises these are but leaves we seek fruits from you And certainly righteous dealing with men is a fruit of true piety toward God Vse 2. For exhortation to make conscience of your purchase 1. Consider the evil and danger if ye do otherwise Prov. 28.20 He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent Jer. 17.11 As the partridge sitteth on eggs and batcheth them not so he that getteth riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days and at his end shall be a fool Wicked Ahab made haste to get Naboth's Vineyard but he possess'd it not long 2. Unlawful purchase like a noisome morsel in the stomack doth pain and torment the conscience when God awakes it with terrour Job 20.20 Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly 1 Tim 6.9 They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition 3. Unlawful purchase makes a man unwilling and afraid to die as a thief taken with the sang is unwilling and afraid to come before the just Judge the unrighteous purchaser cannot leave his evil-gotten goods with any confidence of a blessing upon them from God to his children and heirs for he may know from the very light of nature that the righteous Judge of all the earth doth not approve the malefactors evil deeds yea though the children should prove good and upright men not walking in the ways of their father yet they being possessors of his evil-gotten goods are in mala fide unjust usurpers and the righteous Lord and Judge of all the earth doth oftentimes punish them or rather the memory of the unrighteous purchaser their Progenitor by taking the cursed thing out of their possession Therefore the Heathen Greek Poet Hesiod from the very light of Nature said well 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. be not given to unlawful gain for such gain is alike to great losses Because the unrighteous purchaser in so doing loseth far more to wit a good conscience and peace therein which is better than gold or silver On the contrair consider the good and benefit of a lawful and righteous purchase 1. There is much peace in the enjoyment of it though it be but a little thing Prov. 16.8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right Prov. 15.17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith 2. Though men in this world should neglect or take little notice of a deserving man in publick employment who keeps a good conscience in all his ways yet his honesty in his particular actings toward men comforts and upholds him as it did Samuel when the people neglected him 1 Sam. 12.3 and as the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 7.2 3. The righteous purchaser doth at his death leave and bequeath his lawful purchase with confidence of a blessing with it from God as Jacob at his death said to Joseph Gen. 48.21 22. Behold I die but God shall be with you and bring you again unto the land of your fathers moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren c. Vse 3. For direction of our deportment in our particular Callings and Employments in order to the purchase of our livelihood 1. I recommend diligence in your lawful Imployments Rom. 12.11 Not
or predestinated 1 Pet. 1.20 This manner of death of our blessed Lord upon the Cross was necessary 1. That he might be answerable to that type of the brazen Serpent lifted up in the wilderness Job 3.14 And as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up 2. That by this manner of death he might deliver us from the curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree He underwent a temporary curse to deliver us from the eternal curse and wrath due to the transgressours of the Moral Law Although there be no proportion between the suffering of a temporary curse and the suffering of an eternal curse due to us yet the dignity of the person suffering did give infinit value to the merit of his suffering Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God And the person suffering being the Son of God made the vertue and efficacy of his death to be of infinit power to purge away our sins and reconcile God to us 1 Joh. 1.7 But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin 3. Our blessed Lord died upon the Cross that by this shameful death he might merit our exaltation unto favour with God in this life for he made our peace with God through the blood of his Cross Col. 1.20 and that he might merit our exaltation unto everlasting glory in the life to come Heb. 12.2 For the joy that was set before him he endured the Cross this joy and glory set before him as Mediator was that glory and triumph he should obtain over all his and his Churches enemies It should be our great desire and endeavour with the Apostle to know Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2.2 To this knowledge all humane learning should be subservient It is of special use 1. It will inflame thine heart with love to the Father whō gave him to the death of the Cross for thee that thou shouldest not perish but believing in him thou might be reconciled with God and get eternal life It will inflame thy heart with love to the Prince of glory when thou considerest for whom he suffered this ignominious death of the Cross It was even for thee who by nature was an enemy to God at first by a wicked inclination and after thou camest to the years of discretion thou wast a rebel by thy wicked actings and works Men sometimes have died for their friends as Codrus and Curius for the good of their countrey but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 5.8 when thou considerest the painfulness of his death hands and feet were pierced and nailed to the tree of the Cross In the hands and feet which are the extremities of the body the sinewes meet together and convey the pain to all the parts of the body And the purer and finer the complexion be the sense of feeling is the more quick as a sound and cleanly body is more sensible of the cold piercing Air than a gross humorous body Look in narrowly to the inside of his sufferings even the greatness of his soul-sufferings they cannot be conceived how extreme they were therefore the Greek Church in their publick prayers said For the sake of Christs unknown sufferings have mercy upon us O Lord. We may know something of them from his expressions my soul is exceeding sorrowful Thou may see something of them in his bloody sweat our raging fever in our sinning brought on him this bloody sweat that thereby he might cure us of the burning fever of sin we hear something of his soul-sufferings from his most sad complaint to the Father My God my God why hast thou forsaken me we had forsaken God days without number and he was deserted of comfort for a time to satisfie for our sinful desertions and bring us into a communion of favour and glory with God Consider the shamefulness of his death He was exposed to the publick shame and reproach of his enemies and of all the beholders and shame to an ingenious spirit is worse than death it racks and breaks their heart Psal 69.20 Reproach hath broken my heart Consider his willingness to die Isa 50.6 I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting Phil. 2.8 He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross Consider for what end our blessed Lord suffered all this pain and shame his back was furrowed with stripes and scourges that by his stripes we might be healed his head was crowned with thorns to get us a crown of immortal glory he suffered all this pain and shame to save thee from extreme and endless pain and shame How should a sick patient love his Physician that preveens a dangerous fever And how should a malefactor love the man who kept him from the shame of the pillory How much more should we love our blessed Lord who by the death of the Cross hath saved us from that unquenchable fire and hath preserved us from eternal shame and confusion 2. The frequent and serious meditation on the Cross of Christ will keep thine heart humble with godly sorrow for thy bygone sins that crucified the Lord of glory Zach. 12.10 And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one that mourneth for his only son c. It will mortifie the love of sin in thee for time coming sorrow and shame are two mortifying passions as a debtor is sorry and ashamed of the distress his surety was put to for his debt and he is very sparing to take on new debt 2 Cor. 5.14 The love of Christ constraineth us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hemmeth us in and makes us strait-laced not to dispense with our selves to debord toward any thing may offend him who died such a death to satisfie divine justice for our debts and sins It will mortifie thee to the World to the deceitful pleasures thereof and to such things as take up the thoughts and affections of too many Gal. 6.14 But God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world Joy in the Cross of Christ suppresseth and in end quencheth all sinful joy as sweet odours bear down the stench of noisom and corrupt vapours so the sweet smell of Christ crucified doth bear down our vile lusts This joy in the Cross of Christ surpasseth even all
lawful worldly joy as the wine of Christs own making in Cana Joh. 2. did far surpass the wine at the feast that grew by the industry of men 3. The meditation of the Cross of Christ will encourage and strengthen thee against all pain and shame of this present world in thy suffering for the name of Jesus when thou remembrest how thy Lord endured the Cross and despised the shame to satisfie for thy sins and to purchase unto thee eternal rest from all pain to preserve thee from everlasting confusion to bring thee unto everlasting glory 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you Therefore whensoever God calleth thee to suffering go not to shift it as a duty wherein others are more concerned than thy self When Octavius Augustus was desired by an old Souldier to speak unto the Roman Senat in his favours Octavius answered he should cause one speak to them in his behalf then did the Souldier open his breast and shewed the skars of the wounds he had received at the battel of Actium for his cause and that he had not interposed any other between his body and the enemy So Christ in his own body did suffer for thee 1 Pet. 2.24 and when he calleth thee to suffer for his name put not off that duty to others seing he himself suffered for thee as well as for others 4. The meditation on the Cross of Christ yeeldeth great comfort to us in all our fears from our spiritual enemies Col. 2.15 Having spoiled principalities and powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in his cross In which words the Apostle alludeth to the custom of triumph after great victories over enemies when the Captives were openly dragged in chains after the Chariot of the Conquerour so our blessed Lord by his death on the Cross as his triumphing chariot hath led captivity captive And 1. spoiled Satan our Arch-enemy of all the Elect who through the corruption of nature are for a time led captive at his will Although now and then after their effectual calling and conversion he infest and molest the children of God by his temptations and infalls yet the Captain of their Salvation by the merit and power of his cross in end will give them the victory as he prayed for Peter Luke 22 30. And as he has promised Rom. 16.20 Augustine Tractat. 52. in Ioan. saith well Aliud est regnare intrinsecus aliud forinsecus oppugnare It is a diverse thing to reign within in the heart and to beseige from without Satan reigneth not in the children of God though he beset and beseige them with temptations from the World 2. The Captain of our Salvation triumphed over the World in his own person when for all the glory of the World he would not once stoop to the Tempter Matth. 4. When ever he pleased he restrained the malicious designes of men Joh. 7.46 Act. 16.10 Therefore be of good comfort in all thy fears from malicious and wicked men Joh. 16.33 In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the world 3. He triumphed over death 1 Cor. 15.56 O Death I will be thy death He hath taken the sting from death to the godly it is as the brazen Serpent in this wilderness it has not a sting but will cure us fully of all the stings we got here of the sting of temptation of the sting of a guilty conscience and of the sting of venemous tongues Thy death through Christ his victory on the Crosse shall be unto the as the valley of Achor an entrance to thy promised rest 4. He by the merit of his Cross overcame the the power of the grave and manifested his victory by his rising on the third day Hos 13.14 O grave I will be thy destruction 1 Cor. 15.21 22 For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive Though thy body be turned into dust yet shall it not be annihilat nor turned into nothing but shall be kept in a chamber of repose Isa 57.2 They shall rest in their beds and shall be raised as a Bride adorned with Ornaments of glory conform to our blessed Lord his glorious body Phil 3.20 The vertue and efficacy of our blessed Lord his sufferings on the Cross is contained in these words I will draw all men unto me for understanding of this we would know 1. How Christ is said to draw seing the will cannot be forced and none are welcome to Christ but such as are willing 2. How is he said to draw all men for all men do not believe 3. What manner of drawing this is seing it is not only a drawing in some measure toward him but even unto him for an union with him for it is said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unto me Ans to the first by drawing here is meant Christ his effectual calling of the Elect unto grace by the Gospel holding forth Christ crucified and by his Spirit working faith in the heart to go to Christ and embrace him willingly for the salvation of their souls In ●espect of this drawing the believing Romans are said to be the called of Jesus Christ Rom. 1.6 1. As in drawing the power attractive is from without us and is in him that draweth us so the power of believing by which we come to Christ is from God Joh. 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him Ephes 2.8 for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of your selves It is the gift of God 2. Drawing presupponeth life in him that is drawn for dead men are carried and not drawn on their own feet so actual faith and drawing near to Christ presupponeth the principle of grace and faith put first into the soul therefore Christ is called the author and finisher of our faith Heb. 12.2 3. There is a drawing not only in the first beginning of our motion and conversion unto Christ but also after we are entred into the course of grace we are drawn and promoved therein by subsequent and assisting grace of which drawing the Spouse of Christ speaketh after her saving knowledge of Christ from the sweet smell of his graces Can. 1.3 4. draw me and we shall run after thee This drawing is as the continuance of a prosperous gale of wind for promoving the ship in her course To the second I answer by all men is meant sometimes all individuals 1 Tim. 4.10 He is the Saviour of all men that is all men who get any temporal salvation or delivery they have it from the living God In this sense all things are said to have been made by him Joh. 1.3 In this sense it cannot be taken here for all men are not outwardly called by the Gospel which is
For if they be taken away with the common calamity yet they get their souls for a prey Good Josiah is said to have been gathered to his grave in peace 2 Chron. 34.28 Although he was slain by the bloody sword of an enemy 3. It is evident from the contrary evil of an hard heart because man's wilful hardning of himself in his evil wayes against warnings from the Word of God from the rod of God upon himself or others and from the sharp checks of a guilty conscience doth provoke God judicially to harden him by giving him up to a Conscience past feeling to commit sin with greediness and so to obstruct their own healing because not the hardned but the broken in heart are healed Mat. 13.15 For this peoples heart is waxed gross c. Lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them For when wicked men do wilfully harden themselves in their evil wayes it is just with God to withdraw his former common restraints such as were the checks of a ●emording Conscience and a panick fear of wrath to come thereafter he casts the bridle on their neck then do they run wild in their own imaginations when they are given up in the just judgement of God to walk in the counsels of their own hearts Psal 81.11 12. The means and helps for breaking of the heart that in all men is naturally hard are 1. A laying to heart the severe threatnings of God against sin Jer. 23.29 Is not my word like an hammer Many men hear the word of threatning but are still hardned their heart is not broken because the threatning is not said to heart by Faith The old world Mat. 24.39 though they knew the threatning of the deludge by the preaching of Noah yet they knew not that is they laid it not to heart till the flood came The hammer breaks not the hard stone until it be laid to it with some pith but when it is laid to heart it doth in some measure begin the work of heart-breaking Jonah 3.5 They believed God in his threatning and proclaimed a fast which was a proclamation of their sorrow for their sins Faith to the threatning worketh fear in the heart and fear breaks the heart with present sorrow from a present apprehension of the wrath to come this was the cause of Ahab his sorrow and legal humiliation 1 Kings 21.27 but in the children of God this fear and brokenness of heart is so ordered in the wisdom and mercy of God that it prepareth them for the comforts of the Gospel in Jesus Christ as Noah moved with fear and apprehension of the threatned deludge prepared an ark to the saving of himself and his house Heb. 11.7 In like manner the children of God warned and wakened by the threatning of the Law flee in to Christ the only Ark and propitiation that covereth believers from the curse of the Law and eternal wrath 1 Joh. 2.1 2. If any man sin we have an Advocat with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins 2. Sad afflictions laid home with conviction to the Conscience is a mean oft-times ordered by God to break an hard heart as is seen in Manasseh who was humbled by his fetters and in the Prodigal who was humbled by great famine and want the unjust reproaches of enemies contrary to their intention like that man who opened the Apostem in the body of his enemy by a dart thrown at him are ordered by God to break the heart of his children with sorrow for by-past sins the reproaches of vile Shimei calling David a bloody man in the matter of Saul wherein he was most innocent yet it did break his heart with sorrow in remembrance of the matter of Vriah 3. A particular confession of our sins is a mean blest of God to the breaking of the heart when we consider the circumstances of their number and greatness against infinit Majesty infinitly just who will not clear the guilty when we consider the Omniscience and Omni-presence of God that we have done this and the other evil in his sight and so have been shamless in our sinning as the vile adulteress is shameless by intertaining the adulterer in the presence of her husband when we consider our wilfulness and obstinacy in sinning against the light of our own conscience as these men did Act. 7.51 When we consider our relapses like the Sow to the puddle the Dog to the vomit after many promises and resolutions in the day of affliction to the contrair when we consider our base ungratitude not only neglecting to render to the Lord according to his benefits bestowed upon us but also our rendring to him evil for good and so deserving that evil of punishment should never depart from us Prov. 17.15 4. A particular register remembrance of Gods former mercies in doing us good all our dayes by providing for us and preserving us from many visible and invisible dangers when we call to remembrance his patience and long-suffering in bearing with us in our sins this brake the hard heart of the Prodigal when he remembred the former bounty of his gracious father Luk. 15.17 18. 5. A serious and frequent meditation of death and judgement will be a mean to break an hard heart a● a man drowned in debt not aquainted with any that will be surety for him and knoweth assuredly the rude Messenger will take him personally at the Term arrest him and present him to the Judge then the irrevockable sentence will come forth Take him bind him hand and foot c. It broke the heart of Pauls companions that he said they should see his face no more Act. 20.38 So the fear of the day of death and of judgement should break the hard heart when they consider if they go on and die in their sins they shall be separate from God for ever and never shall see his face Therefore break thine heart with sorrow for bygone sins break off thy course of iniquity by righteousness make thine aquaintance in time with Jesus Christ the Surety and Mediator of the New Covenant and pray with Hezekiah Lord I am oppressed undertake thou for me If now he be thine Advocat thou needest not be afraid of that day of judgement because thy Advocat will be thy Judge repent of thy sins and by faith make application to him as thy Advocat and intercessour at the Fathers right hand be of good courage he that speaketh for thee now will not speak against thee in that day 6. Look oft by Faith and frequent meditation upon Christ crucified this is a special Medicine and Lenitive to soften the hard heart Zach. 12.10 This look to him by faith is like the blood of the goat which breaketh the hard Adamant look on him wounded for thy transgressions both in his body and spirit
shall the innocent Cautioner be wounded and sore distressed and shall not the Principal debtor be wounded with sorrow for the debt he himself contracted shall our spotless Cautioner suffer shame and reproach and shall not our hearts be broken with grief and shame for our sins which put the innocent Lamb of God to open reproach Psal 22.6 7. Psal 69.20 7. Pray to God for a soft and broken heart it is promised in the New Covenant Ezek. 36.26 27. Pray for the influence and insuperable operation of the grace of God upon thy hard heart that thou may know in thy self what is the exceeding greatness of his power to them who believe according to the working of his mighty power c. Ephes 1.19 The influence of his overpowering and overcoming grace will be as Aqua-fortis to cut and divide an heart of iron we are like little children within the house that can shut the door of the heart upon our selves but cannot open it Therefore we must cry to him who both opens the dark understanding Luk. 24.45 and also the heart and affections Act. 16.14 that he would open our hard hearts by his preveening grace and by his subsequent grace he would keep them open and enlarge them by love toward himself and his holy Commandments 3. The cure of the broken in heart he healeth them and bindeth up their wounds God healeth these that are of a broken heart with sorrow under great afflictions upon their persons or outward estate Hos 6.1 Come and let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us he hath smitten and he will bind us up The Lord healeth these that are thus wounded by giving them patience and strength in the inner-man to bear the visitation of the Lord in the day of their trouble Psal 138.3 In the day when I cryed thou answeredst me and strengthendst me with strength in my soul Sometimes he comforts them with inward peace and joy that exceeds the pain they have from outward tribulation 2 Cor. 1.4 5. Who comforteth us in all our tribulation c For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ and sometimes by delivering them in their greatest extremity 2 Cor. 1.9 10. But we had the sentence of death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God which raiseth the dead who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us The Lord healeth also in a more special manner those whose hearts are broken with sorrow for their sins This is the healing we should desire most as David did in the time of his great sickness Psal 41.4 I said Lord be merciful unto me heal my soul for I have sinned against thee Our greatest care should be of soul-health 1. Because our care should be greater to have the soul healed than the body or outward estate This was David's first and greatest desire in the time of sore sickness Ps 39.8 13. he first prayes for deliverance from his sins and then with submission for deliverance from his bodily disease Deliver me from all my transgressions O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more The soul is more precious than the body as men are more careful to have an Apostem in the inward and noble parts healed than a scratch in the skin of the body so our first and greatest care should be to have the diseases of our souls healed 2. If the spirit be healed and if a man have peace with God and his own conscience he will be able patiently to bear the infirmities of the body But a wounded spirit who can bear Prov. 18.14 As a man having an Ulcer in his back is much disquieted even with a little burden but if the back be sound and whole he can walk quietly under a great burden So when there is no health nor peace in the conscience a very small affliction doth disquiet and perplex our hearts but when we have inward health and peace in the conscience we are able through the Lord who strengtheneth us to walk patiently and quietly under a great affliction Psal 23.4 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Psal 138.7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me 3. Unlese ye have a care of your souls-healing in this life there is no coming to perfect soul-health and salvation in Heaven as the Lepers under the Law were not admitted into publick meetings till first they were cleansed and healed so no unclean thing shall enter into the New Jerusalem Rev. 21.27 That we may the better understand what this soul-healing is and how the cure is performed we would consider that sin in Scripture is compared oftentimes to sickness Isai 1.5 and in many places to leprosie 1. In bodily sickness there is a privation and want of health so in sin there is want of Original Righteousness which was the sound constitution of man in the state of innocency 2. In bodily sickness there is a collision of humours like contrary waves making a commotion in the body so in our corrupt hearts there is a contrariety of unruly lusts one desiring this visible and sensual good and another lust carried after another sinful object 3. In sickness there is consumption and a tendency unto death unless it be preveened so in sin there is a tendency unto eternal death unless it be preveened by the pardon of our sins in the blood of Christ 4. In sickness bodily men oftentimes become weaker and weaker so unless they be restored by sanctification sinners grow worse and worse 2 Tim 3.13 Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived Therefore by healing is meant specially these two 1. The forgiving of sin to these who are broken in heart with sorrow for it Isa 33.24 And the inhabitant shall not say I am sick to wit unto the second death the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity 2. The sanctifying of a broken-hearted man and healing him by degrees from in-dwelling corruption which many times over-mastered him these two acts of soul-healing are set down Psal 103.3 Bless the Lord who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases By the remission of sin the soul is healed and recovered from a state of guiltiness and obligation to punishment eternal and by sanctification it is recovered from pineing away in iniquity The impediments of soul-healing are 1. Waywardness and frowardness of men who cannot endure to have their wounds touched and ript up by the word of reproof Prov. 1.30 31. They would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices They cannot
is all my salvation and all my desire although he make it not to grow Heb. 3.17 18 Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the Vins c. yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation 5 The sick man in the way to recovery gets ●●me ability to walk our blessed Lord said J●h 5.8 to the man that was healed Take up thy bed and walk So whereas formerly thou was wallowing in the m●re of vile sins or lying in the bed of sluggishness and carnal security Now if thou be in the right way to perfect Soul-health thou wilt endeavour to walk in the wayes of God as Manasseh did 2 Chron. 33.16 and as Zacheus did Luke 19.8 Quest Ye will ask what direction give ye us after we are in the way of soul-recovery that we may not relapse into our former fits and soul-distempers Answ 1. Be thankful to the great Physician who hath begun in thee the course of Sanctification to heal thy soul Hezekiah was thankful to God after his recovery from his bodily disease and went up into the house of the Lord to worship and praise him If thou be unthankful to thy Physician thou cannot with any confidence in new troubles and distempers go to him for help and relief 2. Keep a good dyet be thou of a sober and humble spirit both under the sense of former mercy recovering thee and also under the sense of the dregs and reliques of corruption dwelling in thee which will not be perfectly cured till the hour of our death a man in the way of recovery abstains from such meat as would provoke his old disease and distemper him again so abstain thou from evil company and all occasions that would cast thee into a new fever of trouble in thy Conscience as the holy Patriarch Judah did abstain from going to Thamar any more Gen. 38.26 And as the holy Apostle Peter went out of the high Priests hall where he had been tempted to deny his Lord Luk. 22.62 3. Be thou watchful and circumspect after thy begun recovery as Hezekiah was Isa 38.15 What shall I say he hath both spoken unto me and himself hath done it I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul As a man who is recovering of a broken leg walks at leasure and circumspectly especially in rough wayes wherein are many stumbling-blocks Remember often what our Lord said to the sick man that was healed Joh. 5.14 Behold thou art made whole sin no more least a worse thing befal thee Be not secure but follow the advice given by the Prophet to the King of Israel after his victory against his enemies 1 Kings 20.22 Go strengthen thy self and mark and see what thou doest for at the return of the year the King of Syria will come up against thee Much more shouldest thou watch against thy spiritual enemy for thou knowest not how soon he may return with a violent temptation and assault upon thee 4. Be careful to keep acquaintance and daily correspondence with God in thy devotion and spiritual duties as a man healed of bodily sickness is careful to keep good correspondence with the Physician that healed him and when at any time he is afraid of a new fit of his old disease he doth acquaint him so do thou by prayer make daily application to God who hath begun to heal thy soul Mat. 26.42 and at thy first apprehension of the rising of any lust or noisom humour in thy soul cry to him as Paul did 2 Cor. 12.8 9. and thou shalt get a gracious answer as he did My grace is sufficient for thee To God Father Son and Holy Ghost be immortal praise c. Amen Soul-healing Vertue from Christ by believing in him SERMON IV. JOHN 3.14 15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life IT is said Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Mose● but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ The Moral and Ceremonial Law was by Gods appointment proclaimed by Moses but the grace of Justification and absolution from the curse of the Moral Law as also Truth in fulfilling the Ceremonial Law and answering to all the types under the Old Testament came by Jesus Christ who is the Truth the body and substance of all the legal Sacrifices and Offerings Joh. 1.29 Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the World He is the truth of all the legal washings and purifications 1 Joh. 1.7 The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin He is the truth of all the lights and lamps in the Levitical service Joh. 8.12 I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life He is the truth of all the Levitical Altars as he was of their sacrifices Heb. 13.10 We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle He is the alone Altar that sanctifieth all our spiritual offerings 1 Pet. 2.5 His death was the true antitype of the lifting up of the brazen Serpent in the wilderness as is clear from the words in the text in which we have a vive resemblance between Christ crucified and the brazen Serpent as is clearly insinuat in the particle of similitude as and in the particle of reddition and application even so The resemblance is 1. In that which was lifted up to wit the brazen Serpent and the Son of man 2. In the place to wit in the wilderness 3. In the lifting up of the Serpent upon a pole and the lifting up of Christ upon the tree of the Cross 4. In the necessity of the lifting up of both there was a necessity of lifting up the brazen Serpent to heal those who were stung so there was a necessity of the death of Christ for healing and saving sinners even so must the Son of man c. 5. There is a resemblance in the consequent and benefit following their looking all those who being stung did look on the brazen Serpent were healed So all sinners wounded with sorrow for their sins and looking by faith receiving him in all his offices and resting on Christ crucified as he is offered in the Gospel shall not perish but have eternal li●e 2. There was some resemblance between that brazen Serpent and Jesus Christ who by way of excellency is called The Son of man 1. That Serpent was in outward form like unto Serpents that have stings but really it had no sting So our blessed Lord though he was in form like unto sinful men yet was he without all sin Rom. 8.3 He was in the similitude of sinful flesh it is not said In the similitude of flesh for he was truly and really partaker of flesh and blood but without sin for he behoved to be
it is said in the New Testament he emptied himself and gave himself to the death Gal. 1.4 Eph. 5.2 Tit. 2.14 This kind of necessity agreeth well with a spontaneous willingness though not with a liberty of indifferency toward the opposit act And seing our blessed Lord submitted himself willingly to this necessity in order to our salvation let us also when-ever in a necessity of divine providence we are called to undergo this or that cross willingly and chearfully submit our selves to the necessity of his wise providence Let us say as our Lord did Not my will but thine be done Let us say as David did 2 Sam. 15.26 Behold here am I let him do to me as seemeth good unto him And with these loving Professors Acts 21.14 When Paul would not be perswaded we ceased saying the will of the Lord be done 5. There is a resemblance in the consequent and effect of their looking to the brazen Serpent and of believers their looking to Christ on the Cross 1. These Serpents in the wilderness were deadly the Septuagint Interpreters calls them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so in sin there is the bite of the old Serpent when a temptation to sin is fastned on our hearts and we give consent to it Jam. 1.15 When lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death The bite of the Serpents was painful before they looked up to the brazen Serpent there was a burning inflammation and pain from the sting so it is in sinne●s after they have sinned the sting of an evil conscience remains burning and tormenting them from the sense of guiltiness and the fear of wrath to come and fear hath torment 1 Joh. 4.18 2. They were pained at the heart before they looked to the brazen Serpent so before a sinner can look by faith to Jesus Christ and so be healed there must be pain and grief at his heart in some measure of sincerity for offending the just and gracious God Mat. 9.11 12. Jesus said unto them they that be whole need not a Physician but they that are sick Two sorts of persons are not healed at the first to wit those that are lethargick or phrenetick sensless of sin or conceitful of their own righteousness The Church of Laodicea is convinced first of her security and vain imaginations before she be invited to be healed Rev. 3.19 And the Pharisee conceited of his own righteousness returned to his house not justified Luke 18. As the lethargick is ordinarily cured by casting him into a fever and then he being sensible of his distemper is healed by the Physician so our great Physician puts secure and sensless sinners oftentimes to a sharp fever and exercise of conscience by discovering covering sin and wrath to them and thereafter heals them as he did the Jaylor Act. 16.30 31. The Phrenetick and conceity soul the Lord heals by beating them with the sharp rods of affliction Job 36.8 9 10. If they be bound in fetters and be holden in cords of affliction then he sheweth them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded he openeth also their ear to discipline and commandeth that they return from iniquity They were healed by looking up to the brazen Serpent so by faith in Christ Jesus we are healed from our sins Act. 16.30 Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved He is the only Physician that is both able and willing to heal the broken in heart As the People stung were healed by their looking up as a condition appointed and required by God But they were not healed for their looking up as a cause meritorious of healing so Faith is appointed and required as an instrument or condition without which there is no Justification and Salvation but it is not the cause meritorious but looks to Christ alone as the procurer of our Justification and Salvation in his blood The sick Woman was healed of her bloody flux through her touching of Christ but not by any vertue in her touching for the healing vertue came from Christ himself alone Mark 5.30 Luke 6.19 He healeth us of all the stings that disquiet and torment our spirits of which there be four 1. The sting of a guilty and tormenting Conscience spoken of Job 20.12 2. The sting of outward great afflictions not only in the Wicked but also in the Godly to wit a fear and apprehension of wrath in the affliction Job 6.4 The arrowes of the Almighty are within me the poyson whereof drinketh up my spirit the terrours of God do set themselves in array against me 3. The sting of temptation 2 Cor. 12.7 There was given to me a thorn in the flesh 4. The sting of death 1. Cor. 15.56 At that time our sins that were quiet from tormenting us as the viper was for a time Act. 28. at death they leap on our Consciences to torment them with fear of the second Death Therefore let us look to Christ crucified that we may be healed of all these stings Isai 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth Look to him who shed his blood for the remission of sins who has reconciled us in the blood of his Cross and this look will calm the Conscience from the sting of guiltiness Rom. 5.1 Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ 2. When thou art disquieted with the sting of afflictions look to Christ who by the merit of his sufferings hath taken away the curse and wrath from thy sufferings and maketh them medicinal and profitable for thy soul Heb. 12 10. He chastiseth us for our profit that we may be partakers of his holiness 3. Against the sting of temptations and sharp tryals look to his rich and free Love Rom. 8.37 He will give strength to resist 2 Cor. 12.9 He will give outgate 1 Cor. 10.13 4. Against the sting of death look by Faith to Jesus Christ who is the Saviour of his body Rom. 8 1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Look by Faith to him interceeding at the right hand of God for preserving us Believers unto eternal Life Rom 8.34 Joh. 10.28 As by his death he purchased our peace with God so by his Intercession he perpetuats that peace Heb. 7.25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the outermost that come unto God by him seing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them 4. All that looked to the brazen Serpent were healed although in such a great number of men all were not alike quick-sighted so all Believers though not alike strong in Faith by looking to Christ crucified are saved from their sins There is no exception of infants in the life of Faith although in the estate of Grace and for the time they be not able by a reflex act to discern their own estate as infants are refreshed with bodily food although their hand be not so
side 3. Pride and self-confidence maketh even the godly sometimes rash and uncircumspect in their walking Peter from self-confidence in his own strength was rash and uncircumspect in his going into the High Priests hall 4. Forgetfulness of death and judgement and the accompt we must make to God of our walking in the time of our sojourning here doth make men walk at random in their evil wayes as Jerusalem sometime did Lament 1.9 Her filthiness is in her skirts she remembereth not her last end Amos 6.3 Ye that put far away the evil day and cause the seat of violence to come near Means and Helps for a circumspect walking are 1. Sound knowledge of the good and acceptable will of God from the word of light and salvation because the word of God is the rule and measure according to which we walk circumspectly in obedience to the holy commandments like children walking in one step after another according to their grounds and elements in learning Gal. 6.16 And as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them When we walk according to this rule we walk circumspectly for we need not be ashamed when we have respect unto all his comm●ndments Psal 119.6 This rule keeps us from wandering rashly into the paths of wicked and profane men Psal 17.4 Concerning the works of men by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the pathes of the destroyer 2. As ye would walk circumspectly look to God in all your wayes he is now a witness and one day will be thy judge Gen. 17.1 Walk before me saith the Lord and be thou upright He seeth in secret therefore walk circumspectly in secret although no man did see thee yet the Lord ponders and considers all thy wayes Prov. 5.21 The wayes of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings The all-seeing wise God pondereth all the steps of humane actions in their desires intentions and courses though thy profession be never so fair before the world yet he ponders the intention of thine heart he saw the hypocrisie and crooked walking of Jehu notwithstanding his fair and large profession of zeal for the Lord He ponders the time of thy sinning and unrighteous walking if it be after mercies received Deut. 32 13 15. Jer. 5.7 When I had fed them to the full they then committed adultery The Lord ponders if thy unrighteous walking be in a time of affliction when thou should walk humbly and circumspectly he observed wicked Achaz in his trespassing more and more in the day of his distress 2 Chron. 28.22 he ponders the place where thou walks in thy ungodly way Isai 26.10 In the land of uprightness will he deall unjustly that is in a place of uprightness where he might have seen the good example of some men walking uprightly and circumspectly before God and the world yet he will walk in the way of injustice 3. Walk circumspectly in respect of the holy Angels 1 Cor. 11.10 The Apostle will have women in the Church-assemblies to carry themselves decently in respect of the Angels who are frequently there to behold and admire the wisdom and mercy of God revealed to his Saints in the holy Word they ●re ministring Spirits to the heirs of salvation ●nd our uncircumspect conversation and walking is very displeasing unto them as the rash speeches and actions of an inconsiderat pupil doth much grieve his Governour and Tutor 4. Walk circumspectly in respect of the godly because by thy rashness and failings thou wilt make the hearts of the righteous sad Paul was much grieved with Peters dissimulation at Antioch by thy rashness and failings through uncircumspect walking thou stumbles the weak who by thy evil example are drawen from the way of righteousness Many were drawn away by the example of Peters dissimulation Gal. 2. and how fearful and dangerous a sin it is to give offence to the weak we may clearly see Matth. 18.6 Paul would rather never eat flesh than he should stumble his weak brother by eating thereof 1 Cor. 8.13 Walk circumspectly in respect of wicked men who watch for thy halting who will magnifie themselves when thy foot slippeth and speak evil not only of thee alone but also of thine holy profession and of all the Saints as if they were all hypocrites David by his uncircumspect walking opened the mouths of adversaries 2 Sam. 12.14 Therefore pray thou daily as David did Psal 27.11 Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me i● a plain path because of mine enemies or observers 5. As ye would walk circumspectly remember frequently the Lords former mercies toward you that so ye may not depar● from his wayes and so sin against the God of your mercies This consideration Ezra holds forth to the people of God that in time coming they may walk more circumspectly Ezra 9.13 14. Seing thou our God hast given us such deliverance as this should we again break thy commandments and joyn in affinity with the people of these abominations The remembrance of former mercies made Hezekiah after his recovery from a dangerous sickness to walk softly and circumspectly all his years in the bitterness of his soul Isai 38.15 And our blessed Lord holdeth forth this consideration to the man that was healed of a longsome disease Joh. 5.14 Behold thou art made whole sin no more c. 6. Fear of thine own weakness and fears from the many temptations and snares in this present evil world is a special mean to make thee walk circumspectly fear to slip and fall maketh men walk circumspectly in slippery places Rom. 11.20 Be not high-minded but fear therefore walk circumspectly and humbly with thy God in the remembrance of his former mercies in the remembrance of thy former sins in the conscience and sense of thy present weakness and in the fear of many and manifold temptations in this evil world as a man walketh circumspectly looking well to every step in the midst of snares 7. As ye would walk circumspectly be not rash to venture upon temptations Cyprian saith truly Nemo periculo proximus est diu tutus no man near to the temptation and danger is long safe his advice is good that men would be circumspect like mariners at Sea who in time of a calm do not cast anchor beside a rock because they know not how soon a storm may arise and dash the Vessel against the rock so a Christian would be circumspect though his affections be quiet and still for the present time yet if he venture upon the place of temptations and snares he cannot tell how soon the wind of temptation may arise and bring the shipwrack of peace and a good conscience 8. As ye would walk circumspectly at all times and in all places remember often the necessity of our compearance after death before the tribunal of Jesus Christ this consideration made Paul circumspect both in his personal and ministerial conversation 2 Cor. 5.9 10. Wherefore we labour
man can work therefore before that night surprize you delay not to enter unto the work of sanctification which is begun salvation and work it out in fear and trembling that at death ye may rejoyce and say with Paul 2 Tim. 4.7 8. I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness c. Let them with old Simeon frequent the temple and make conscience of the holy ordinances both publick and privat in them waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ who will come to old expectants as he did to old Simeon and will put himself into the armes of their faith that they may say at death Mine eyes have seen thy salvation now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace The reason brought by the Apostle to press the whole complex duty is walking circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time is set down in these words because the dayes are evil no day or time is intrinsecally evil but good being created of God together with the creatures as the measure of the endurance of things created by God which were all good in the beginning but as man by the abuse of his own free-will made himself evil Eccles 7.29 So he himself maketh his time and dayes evil which are the measure of his evil actions The holy Scripture speaks of good dayes and happy times such as was the day of the birth of our blessed Lord Luk. 2.10 11. such as is the time of the preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles 2 Cor. 6.2 such as will be to the godly the day of our Lords second coming which is called the day of refreshment of restoring all things Act. 3.19.21 and the day of full redemption Eph. 4.30 The Scripture speaketh also of evil dayes wherein sin and iniquity doth abound such were the dayes wherein Noah and Lot lived such were the dayes wherein Isaiah lived when he complains of the decay of truth of common honesty and of the abounding of violence Is 59.15 Yea truth faileth and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey Such were the times wherein Jeremiah lived who complained heavily of them Jer. 9.2 O that I had in the wilderness a lodging-place of way-faring men that I might leave my people and go from them for they be all adulterers an assembly of treacherous men full of falshood and dissimulation c. Such were the times whereof Peter foretold 2 Pet. 3. There shall come in the last dayes scoffers walking after their own lusts Men blasphemous and profane mocking at the promises of God and at the saith of the godly for trusting to these promises Evil dayes also are the dayes of sad and grievous calamities Gen. 47.9 Jacob said unto Pharaoh few and evil have the dayes of the years of my life been Such were the dayes of Jerusalem in their first destruction by the Babylonians and in their second destruction by the Romans In such evil dayes we should walk circumspectly for the Apostle urgeth this duty from this reason because the dayes are evil Consider 1. God observeth the godly in their walking at such a time especially wherein sin and iniquity doth abound he observed the uprightness of Noah in the midst of a crooked generation and the righteousness of Lot whose soul was vexed with the unclean conversation of that evil time he observed these few in the Church of Sardis who had not defiled their garments with the pollutions of that evil time wherein they lived Rev. 3.4 2 Evil dayes are critick dayes wherein we may discern and judge of the good or bad dispositions of men living in such times evil times are searching and trying times of the saith of the godly notwithstanding the prosperity of the wicked thus the Prophets saith was tryed Ps 73.28 But it is good for me to draw near to God Such times are trying times of the patience of the godly Heb. 10.36 Ye have need of patience that after ye have done the will of God ye might receive the promise In such evil times the stedfastness of the godly is tryed when many that were fair professors in a time of prosperity do make defection from the way of truth and righteousness as Joh. 6.68 when many that were sometimes disciples by profession went back and walked no more with Christ then the stedfastness of Peter and of such as were disciples indeed was tryed and manifested Peter said to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life 3. Evil times wherein sin and iniquity abounds are perilous times 2 Tim. 3.1 This know also that in the last dayes perilous times shall come They are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 times full of difficulty for the godly to preserve themselves from the contagion or from the violence of such times if they will not run to the same excess of riot with the wicked Preservatives against evil times are 1. Sound information from the Word of God that by the light thereof we may discover and shun the wayes of an evil time Ps 17.4 Concerning the works of men by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer Ps 119.104 By thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way 2. Give not consent to the beginnings of any evil course Prov. 1.10 My son if sinners entice thee consent thou not Because consent at first may justly provoke God in his justice to leave thee to thy own counsel and then thou mayest prove an active promoter and violent driver on of the course of iniquity Paul at first gave consent to the stoning of Stephen and afterward made cruel havock of the Christian Church The course of iniquity is called a backsliding Hos 4.16 Israel slideth back as a back-sliding hiefer And if once thou begin to slide thou cannot tell how far thine own corruption and the evil counsel and example of wicked men may carry thee as it did sometimes the people of Jerusalem Jer. 8.5 Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual back-sliding they hold fast deceit they refuse to return At first men are deceived by their own hearts and thereafter to excuse and strengthen themselves in their own sinful wayes they deceive and corrupt others by evil counsel and example for no man at first comes to the hight of iniquity according to the saying nemo repente fit pessimus but they grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived 2 Tim. 3.13 3. In a time wherein piety and righteousness is mocked by profane and licentious men speaking all manner of evil against the godly and upright who will not run with them to the same excesse of riot 1 Pet. 4.4 labour thou the more to preserve thy self from pusilanimity and base fear of their revilings against any complying with their sinful wayes Ps 119.51 The proud have had me greatly in derision yet have I not declined from
gave suck although in old age they will not serve for that use yet they do still serve for the ornament and integrity of the body Herefrom is matter of great comfort to the godly who suffer hard things in the body here be of good courage ye are not to dwell for ever in that silly frail house at the term of removal by death ye know of a durable house now it is mouldering down daily like an house of clay after a great shower but in heaven ye will have a mansion and fixed station in your fathers house Joh. 14.2 Although possibly there be sensible weakness or visible deformity now in thy body yet be thou patient in the hope thy body will be raised in strength and beauty as the body of Lazarus without any sores It is true after the Resurrection of our blessed Lord the print of the nails remained in his hands and feet as also the hole of the wound in his side but that was for a short time out of his merciful condescension to cure Thomas his doubting as also his eating Joh. 21. was not to satisfie necessity for then his body was glorious and immortal but it was to feed and confirm their faith of the Resurrection of his body 3. Though now thou be weary in the body after much labour so was our blessed Lord in this like unto us as in all things except sin Joh. 4.6 But be of good comfort thou who exercisest thy self in well-doing shalt rise in the body as one refreshed in the morning after a sound and quiet sleep then shalt thou be like unto Angels in doing the will of thy Lord with all chearfulness without all possibility of weariness 4. Now in the body thou art sometimes troubled about a livelyhood and things necessar but after the Resurrection thou shalt be satisfied to the full both in soul and body with the fruition of our all-sufficient and unchangable God even with that hid Manna of the sweet full and unspeakable variety of delight both in the sense of the love of God toward thee and in the sense of thy love reflected on God Rev. 2.17 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna 5. Now thou art molested and fashed with the stirrings of inordinat concupiscence dwelling in the body as Sarah was grieved with Hagar dwelling in the same house with her but it is thy comfort after the Resurrection of the body as there will be perfect calmness in the affections without the least unruly motion so in all the members of the glorified body there will be perfect quietness as when the sea is calm there is no agitation in the Ship 6. Though now at the dissolution of the body and at the departure of its noble guest the immortal soul there may be and oft-times is much pain and agony like unto the grief Jacob had at parting with his dear Benjamin yet rejoyce thou in the hope of that joyful meeting again of thy soul and body as the joy was great when Jacob and Joseph met again together the glorified soul will bring glad tydings from heaven to the body like the faithful spyes Num. 14. for the encouragement of the body to go along with it to the third heaven this joy will be increased at their meeting with Christ accompanyed with millions of Angels and it will be perpetuated with him in the paradise of God for we shall be ever with the Lord 1 Thes 4..71 Conclus 4. The assured knowledge believers have of that happy estate of soul and body in Heaven stirreth up in them an earnest desire after the fruition of it for it is said vers 1. We know c. and vers 2. In this we groan earnestly c. for the knowledge and perswasion of the truth of the good set before us doth stir up the heart to desire quickens us to diligence in using all lawful means for attaining the good desired and encourageth us against difficulties in the way The pleasantness and fertility of the land of Canaan seen and known to the faithful spyes Numb 14. stirred up in them an earnest desire of possessing the promised land it quickened them to diligence in the way and gave them courage against the sons of Anak who were to oppose them in their way to it Numb 14.9 The Apostle Paul knowing it was best to be with Christ did desire to be dissolved Phil. 1.23 This desire made him diligent and faithful in all the parts both of his Christian and Apostolick Calling it made him also couragious and resolute against all difficulties and discouragements Acts 21.13 2 Cor. 4.16 18. 1 Tim. 6.12 But gross ignorants who know or believe nothing concerning the compleat happiness of soul and body in Heaven have no true or well-grounded desire to remove out of the body and wicked obstinat sinners though they have some literal knowledge of it yet they have not that lively hope which purifieth the heart and therefore at death they are driven out of the body sore against their will as a Malefactor condemned is forced from his house to the prison Job 18.18 He shall be driven from light into darkness and chased out of the world As in his lifetime the wicked man rushed into sin like an horse into the battel without all fear of God so he shall be driven as a beast into that dark and bottomless prison he shall be chased and pursued with the fears and terrours of an evil conscience Psal 140.11 Evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him Object But sometimes even the godly are unwilling to die as was Hezekiah Isai 38.10 and David Ps 39.13 What is the cause of this unwillingness in them who walked uprightly before the Lord Ans The causes are 1. An immoderat love sometimes in the godly toward some of their nearest and dearest relations it maketh them to linger in their desires and resolutions to die as Lot did linger in his departing out of Sodom Gen. 19.16 his great affection to his sons-in-law made him ling●r longer than he should but when death takes the godly by the heart as the Angel did Lot by the hand then they are willing to submit to the will of God and they say as our blessed Lord did at his death Father into thy hands I recommend my spirit 2. Their desire to do good in their station in the world is a cause of their unwillingness to remove for a time from that station and this I think made David and Hezekiah somewhat unwilling out of their great respect to the people of God over whom they were set this made Paul to hover and to be in a strait whether to depart or abide in the flesh even his great desire to benefit the Church of Christ by preaching the Gospel Phil. 1.23 These are truly pious desires and commendable purposes yet when the children of God perceive it is Gods peremptory will to remove them by death they commend their spirits to
that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad Not as fools The Apostle speaketh more particularly of our Christian walk and that negatively that we walk not as fools 1. Not as the atheistical and profane fool who walketh without any serious thoughts of God in his heart Ps 14 1. The fool hath said in his heart there is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doth good Ezek. 8.12 They say the Lord seeth us not Psal 94 8 9. Vnderstand ye brutish among the people and ye fools when will ye be wise He that planted the ear c. Therefore be not profane and godless fools but fear God and depart from evil Prov. 3.7 2. Be not vain and arrogant fools walking in the imaginations of your own evil hearts Prov. 12.15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes 3. Walk not in the way of the licentious fool a●ter the lusts of uncleanness or drunkenness Prov. 7.7 The young man that followed the strange woman is said to be simple and void of understanding he is a mad fool running in the way of riot and uncleanness to his own destruction Walk not in the way of drunkenness and excess for the Scripture saith that drunkards are benummed and besotted fools Hos 4.11 Whoredome and wine take away the heart 4. Walk not in the way of worldly-minded and covetous men who set up their rest upon the things of this world and make no conscience of their purchase for the Scripture calleth such men fools Jer. 17.11 As the partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he that getteth riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his dayes and at his end shall be a fool Luk. 12.20 But God said unto him Thou fool c. 5. Walk not in the way of strise and contention for such men are in the Scripture-phrase fools Prov. 20.3 Every fool will be medling Prov. 26.17 He that passeth by and medleth with strife belonging not to him is like one that taketh a dog by the ears he doth at first rashly engage himself into the quarrel and is afraid how he shall come off fairly without prejudice to his credit or estate 6. Walk not in the way of malice for the Scripture calleth malicious and wrathful men fools Eccles 7.9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry for anger resteth in the bosome of fools 7. Walk not wilfully and obstinatly in any evil custom or way for such men the Scripture calleth fools who will not be reclaimed by the rods of God upon their backs Prov. 27.22 Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a morter among wheat with a pestel yet will not his foolishness depart from him Jer. 5.3 4. But they have refused to receive correction they have made their faces harder than a rock they have refused to return therefore I said surely these are poor they are foolish 8. Walk not in the way of malicious dissimulation though such dissemblers may be esteemed witts and active men in this present world yet in Gods account they are fools Prov. 10.18 He that hideth hatred with lying lips and he that uttereth slander is a fool 9. Walk not in the way of slothful men who delay from time to time to go about the great business and work of their own salvation such persons in holy Scripture are compared to the foolish Virgins Mat. 25. 10. Walk not in the way of bare formality resting upon the performance of some outward duties only because such men are compared to the foolish builder who built upon the sand such fools are these who rest on the hearing of the Word but prepare not themselves to do it Mat. 7.26 11. Walk not here and there departing from a known and received truth in the matter of Religion for such wavering and unconstant men are called fools Gal. 3.1 O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you But as wise The Apostle 1 Cor. 3.18 speaketh of a twofold wisdom an heavenly wisdom when a man preferreth his duty to God unto all things worldly such was the wisdom of Paul Act. 20.23 24. The Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city saying that bonds and afflictions abide me but none of these things move me neither count I my life dear unto my self so that I might finish my course with joy and the Ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testifie the Gospel of the grace of God This wisdom is thought foolishness to the worldly man whose mind and heart is fixed on things earthly And there is a worldly wisdom when men in their practice and endeavours do prefer the good things of this life unto the best things of the life to come as Demas did this wisdom is foolishness in Gods account for what avails it a man to gain all the world and lose his own soul This Christian Heavenly wisdom standeth 1. In mens proposing to themselves a good and happy end of their actions when they propone to themselves as the great and supreme end of all their actions the glory of God of whom through whom and for whom are all things 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eat or drink do all to the glory of God when in the next place they propose to themselves that subordinat end to wit the salvation of their own souls Phil. 3.14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and when they propose to themselves the good of others by following their own example in well-doing Mat. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven 2. True Christian-wisdom stands in a serious deliberation and search out of Gods Word what are the fitest means for attaining these ends as by well-doing and suffering for well-doing to glorifie God 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified When we search and consider from the Word of God that true repentance lively faith and sincere obedience are the means whereby we attain salvation Acts 3.19 Acts 16.31 Rom. 2.6 7. 3. It stands in a careful and timous applying of the means necessary for these great ends So if ye be truly wise Christians ye will be diligent and active in using the means whereby God may be glorified and your souls saved Jam. 3.13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge amongst you let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of
wisdom for God will have men to repent and turn that they may live in his sight Ezek. 33.11 As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live Ye must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for there is no salvation in any other neither is there any other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Act. 4.12 And ye must walk in obedience to his will because he became the Author of eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 4. True Christian wisdom standeth in foreseeing impediments stumbling-blocks and snares in the way wherein ●e are to walk toward eternal life Prov. 22.3 A prudent man foreseeth evil 5. As the truly wise Christian foreseeth the danger so he wisely preveeneth or removeth every impediment out of the way that would hinder him to walk or run his race with patience 1 Cor. 9.27 But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when I have preached to others I my self should be a cast-away Heb. 12.1 Let us lay aside every weight c. 6. The wise Christian walketh according to right reason in his worldly desires and not according to passion and sensual appetite which would be at the outmost point of his carnal desires for passions not guided and moderated by prudence and right reason do run into extremity of sinning as is spoken of Israel Jer. 3.5 Behold thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest In so doing men become foolish to the destruction of their own souls like the Nightingale delighting so much sometimes in her own singing that she bursts 7. The truly wise Christian walketh wisely towards them that are without the Church and adversaries to the sacred truth Col. 4.5 Walk wisely toward them that are without 1 Cor. 10.32 Giving none offence neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God because in so doing thou hinders so far as lyeth in thee the great end to wit Gods glory in their conversion to the faith and truth professed by thy self to this end the Apostle giveth sound advice to all who live in an outward civil society with others of a different perswasion in the matter of Religion 1 Tim. 6.1 Let as many servants as are under the yoke to wit of unbelieving masters count their own masters worthy of all honour that the Name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed 1 Pet. 3.1 2. Likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chast conversation coupled with fear Worldly and contentious wisdom is directly opposite to true Christian wisdom as is evident from Jam. 3.15 This wisdom that hath with it bitter envying and strife descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual and devilish It is called earthly from the object of it because it is imployed chiefly about things earthly of such wisdom speaketh Jer. 4.22 They are wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge wise to oppress others as Pharaoh Exod. 1.10 Let us deal wisely c. wise by wicked counsels to destroy the innocent such was the wisdom of Achithophel in his counsel against David It is a sensual wisdom to fulfill their own sinful lusts in taking the opportunities to do evil as the young man taking the opportunity of the twilight to go about the work of darkness and uncleanness Job 24.15 and the vile adulteresse taking the opportunity of her husbands absence for her shameful and sensual ends Pro. 7.19 It is the earthly wisdom of a covetous man by his speeches to deceive and defraud the simple Pro. 20.14 It is nought it is nought saith the buyer c. It is called a devilish wisdom from the Author of it the subtile old serpent and it is rather craftiness and subtile deceit than true wisdom The true signs and vive characters of the true Christian wisdom are 1. These given by the Apostle Jam. 3.17 It is pure without mixture of deceit peaceable without envy and malice gentle without desire of revenge full of mercy and charity without grudging to give unto them that are in distress and full of good fruits to wit of piety sobriety and righteousness 2. Where true heavenly wisdom is there will be teachableness and willingness to hear a word of reproof when we do amiss Pro. 1.5 A wise man will hear c. Pro. 9.8 Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee David loved Nathan and Gud the faithful Prophets who reproved him in the Name of the Lord. 3. A truly wise Christian will endeavour by his good example instruction and admonition to win others to God Prov 11.30 He that winneth souls is wise as a wise and faithful servant by his good example of diligence maketh other servants diligent and faithful in his Masters service 4. True Christian wisdom hath honest and harmless simplicity joyned with it Mat. 10 16. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves 5. The truly wise Christian like the wise Merchant preferreth Christ to all things and like the wise builder Mat. 7.24 he builds his comfort and confidence on Jesus Christ the rock of his salvation as Paul did Rom. 8.33 34 35. Gal. 6.14 God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ 6. The truly wise Christian is an heavenly-minded man having his affections set upon things above Prov. 15.24 The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath The means and helps for attaining this heavenly wisdom are 1. Thou must be humble and denyed to thine own wisdom 1 Cor. 3.18 Let him become a fool that he may be wise Thou must captivat all thy thoughts and imaginations to the wisdom and will of God revealed in the holy Word 2 Cor. 10.4 5. 2. To this end thou must be well acquainted with the holy Scripture which only is able to make thee wise unto salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 3. Thou wouldst carefully observe the experiences thou has had of Gods mercies in time by-past this will make thee wise and resolute in times of new difficulties to depend on God and his help Ps 71.17 18. O God thou hast taught me from my youth c. Now also when I am old and gray-headed O God forsake me not for experience is the school-master of fools to make them wise thou wilt also observe the Lords chastisements upon thy self in the former time of thy deboarding and thou wilt be more wise in time coming Ps 119.71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy Statutes Thou wilt observe the uncertainty and vicissitude of all things worldly and there-from learn to be humble and wise not trusting or insolently glorying in things uncertain