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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33498 The books and divers epistles of the faithful servant of the Lord Josiah Coale collected and published, as it was desired by him the day of his departure out of this life. Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Collection of the several books of Josiah Coale.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Whore unvailed.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Vindication of the light within.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723.; Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1671 (1671) Wing C4751_PARTIAL; Wing C4760A_PARTIAL_CANCELLED; ESTC R23397 193,793 414

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Performances without the Inward Leadings of the Spirit of the Lord and in this Antichristian-spirit by which they have been exercised in the aforesaid Idolatrous Abominations they have been Killing Destroying and Devouring one another about those things which are their own Inventions set up in their own Wills which they would have all to conform to and have long imposed it one upon another by Penal Laws and thereby have enforced many who fear'd Man more then God to conform contrary to what they were perswaded in their own Consciences to worship the Image set up by them yet a Remnant there was alwayes whom God preserved and rais'd up by his Power to stand faithful Witnesses against their Idolatrous Worships and Traditions whose Blood this Antichristian-spirit in the Beast and false Prophet that carries the Whore hath always drunk and many Faithful Martyrs of Jesus in times past have seal'd their Testimony against this false Church of Apostate Christians in which this Antichristian spirit rules even with their very Lives though they did not see nor understand the things that are now seen and understood by many yet blessed be the Lord they were by his Power and Spirit so furnished and sustained and so filled with Love to God and his Cause and with Zeal against the false Church and her Antichristian Impositions and Idolatries that they loved not their Lives unto death but laid down their Lives with Chearfulness as a Testimony against them and so through Faith have obtained a Good Report amongst us who are now following the Lamb in the same Foot-steps of the Flock And so my Beloved Friends Seeing that now in fulness of time God hath rais'd us up by his Power according to his Purpose and Determination and Fore-knowledge to be faithful Witnesses for his Name and Truth and to the Power of his Appearance in our Hearts and to bear Testimony against the aforesaid Superstitions and and Idolatrous Impositions which are practis'd at this day amongst them that know not the only true and living God nor Jesus Christ whom he hath sent a Light into the World I say my Friends These things are sufficient to engage our Hearts unto the Lord follow him unto the end through all Trials and Exercises of what nature or kind soever that for the future may come upon us for our Testimonies sake For my Friends We know right well that God hath not been wanting unto us in any Tryal or State whatsoever if we have not been wanting in or Obedience unto him but hath been alwayes present with us and hath oft caus'd his Love to abound unto us and in us being shed abroad in our hearts by his good Spirit so that for joy of Heart we could even sing Praises to the Name of the Lord in the midst of our Sufferings and Afflictions so that we have no Cause to be discourag'd at the Sufferings which attend us nor at the Threats and Frowns of Wicked Men who hate and persecute us without a just Cause but we have rather great Cause of encouragement to persevere and go on bearing forth our Testimony for the Lord through all Sufferings if it be Death it self knowing the Reward thereof to be so exceeding great and having this Confidence in our selves That none of these things shall be able to move us nor to seperate us from the Love of God which we have in Christ Jesus Nay but rather shall confirm us for as the Apostle said It is an evident Token to us of Salvation but to our Adversaries of Perdition and that of God And so my Beloved Friends You who are already Exil'd and sent into forreign Parts of the World for your Testimony 's sake I doubt not but you experimentally know in an especial manner the Largeness of the Extent of God's Love unto his People in a Suffering Condition you having been in measure exercis'd therein beyond many others though I doubt not but have the Testimony of God's Holy Spirit that many are as freely given up in the same Faith for the same Testimony to partake with you outwardly of the same Sufferings as they do inwardly sympathize with you therein if the Lord see it meet for the Honour of his Name so to suffer them to be exercised Yet nevertheless All who have been and are faithful to God in their Places have and do enjoy so much of the Peace and Presence of God as is fully satisfactory unto them so that in the Unity of the Spirit of Life which from God we have receiv'd and by which we are seperated from the World and its Wayes and Works of Darkness and by which we are rais'd up to be faithful and true Witnesses for God and against the Traditions of men by which they have made void God's Commandments I say in this Spirit we do sympathize and partake with you both in Suffering and in Rejoycing and have a real Sence upon our hearts and spirits of your Estate and we are not unmindful of you but do heartily pray That Grace Health Mercy and Peace together with all Spiritual Blessings in Christ our Lord may be continually multiplied and encreased amongst you that the Aboundings thereof you may know unto your great Consolation that so being thereby watered and refreshed you may grow in the Grace of God and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus and may feel his Life to encrease in you and so to strengthen you that you thereby may be able to teach others also and to instruct them in the Way of Life and Salvation that so your Sufferings and Exilement may make for the Furtherance of the Gospel of God and for the spreading of his Blessed Glorious Truth through the Nations and for the gathering into it them who are yet afar off from God and Strangers unto him that so the Witness of God in all Consciences being answer'd by you both in Life Conversation and Doctrine you may be a good savour unto God both in them that believe and also in them that perish that the Justification of Life in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ you may all feel and witness and that will be your alone Satisfaction in all Conditions and therein my Love doth dearly salute you all And in this my Dear Friends pray one for another and walk together in Love and be of one Mind and Practice in all things that appertain to the Worship of God and to your Testimony for Him and against the World and its Wayes and Worships and live in Peace one with another and build up one another in your most precious Faith and watch over one another in the Spirit of Love and Meekness and let there be no Straightness nor Strangeness one towards another but be Open-hearted and Tender one to another And if any thing appear amongst any of you which tends to the Hurt of any Particular or to the Truth in general in the Spirit of Meekness let it be spoken to them and in the same Spirit let
Showers of his Love to descend amongst you and refresh and consolate you therewith that you may walk chearfully in his Presence and not with Bowed-down Souls but that every one may possess his Soul in Peace Amen And my Friends Although some things contain'd in this Epistle may seem strange unto many of you yet those whom they concern will not be ignorant of the ground of my thus writing and for their sakes I have written with Boldness and Plainness And so the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirits Amen From the Common Goal in Kendal in Westmoreland this 29th of the 7th Moneth 1665. I am your dear Brother a Sufferer for the Testimony of the blessed unchangeable Truth and hate the Garment spotted with the flesh Josiah Coale An EPISTLE TO THE Flock of God WHO Are called to bear Testimony for the Name of the Lord at this Day through Sufferings Sent unto them for the building up of the Weak of the Flock in their Most Precious FAITH and for the strengthening of them in their Persecuted and Suffering Estate In which also for their Encouragement the Purpose of God in their present Sufferings is declared My Beloved Dear Friends WHOM the Lord God Almighty hath visited with his Everlasting Loving-kindness and unto whom he hath caused the Everlasting Day to dawn and the Son of Righteousness to arise and whom he hath called out of the World and separated from its Wayes Worships and Traditions and from the Defilements and Abominations thereof that you might be a peculiar People unto himself zealous of Good-works that he might make known unto you that Mystery of his Kingdom which hath been hid from Ages and Generations past that so you might stand faithful and true Witnesses for his Name and Truth and appear on his behalf in the Demonstration of his own Life and Spirit and that you might bear a faithful Testimony for that Blessed Everlasting and Unchangeable Truth which he hath manifested in your Inward Parts not only in Doctrine Life and Conversation but also by suffering for its sake whatsoever the Enemies thereof shall be permitted to inflict upon you that thereby you may be approv'd not only in the sight of God but also of all good Men. I say unto you my beloved Friends Prize your honourable and holy Calling wherewith the Lord Almighty hath called you and therein walk with God and think it not hard nor strange that he suffereth you so long to be try'd and exercised in Sufferings as you have been hitherto and are at this day for your Testimony sake but look over it all and lift up your heads above all for the Lord hath assuredly an End in it for his own Glory and for the Exaltation and Spreading abroad that Blessed Truth which we possess and live in and which we suffer for and also for the gathering into it many who are yet far off from him and Strangers unto him so that whatsoever come whether Bonds or Exilement or what Exercises soever we meet withal in this we may be satisfied That it shall make for the Furtherance of the Gospel of Christ and for good unto all who continue their Obedience in him unto the End and abide faithful unto Death Wherefore my dear Friends If the Lord see it meet further to permit the Enemy to sift and winnow us and that we must be further tryed nay if he should so order it that we must be a suffering People all our dayes yet let none be weary or faint in your minds For In the Lord JEHOVAH who is certainly with us there is Everlasting strength and he fainteth not neither is weary but he giveth power to the Faint and to him that hath no might he encreaseth strength And so let your Trust be in him and let that godly Resolution be put on by every one of you that was in Job who when God suffer'd Satan to smite and afflict him said Though thou kill me yet will I trust in thee And indeed it 's far better to suffer Persecution with the People of God for good Conscience towards him then to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness out of which God hath call'd and redeem'd us And my Friends Consider Whither can any go or whether can any flee to escape Persecutions Certainly I know no place neither do I believe there is any professing Christianity except it be in the Tents of Wickedness For he that will live Godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persecution And if any to escape Persecutions and Sufferings should return to the Tents of Wickedness again out of which by the Power and Arm of God they are brought and should disert their Testimony which God hath committed to them to bear for his Name it would happen unto them as the Apostle said according to the old Proverb The Dog is turned to his Vomit and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire And the Hand of the Lord would find such out and the Terrors of the Almighty would certainly seize upon them and surprize them which would be manifold more grievous to be borne then all the Sufferings that man can possibly inflict upon them For it s a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God for out of his Hands no man can deliver but out of the hands of Blood-thirsty and Wicked Men God can and certainly in his own time will deliver all who trust in him Wherefore my dear Friends Put on Boldness and Courage in the Name of the Lord and stand valiant Witnesses for his Truth through all Sufferings which is the thing he hath call'd you unto that so you may answer the End for which he hath visited you and made known himself unto you For consider Was it in Loving-kindness and Compassion unto you that the Lord visited you and made choice of you to be Witnesses for him that his Name might be Glorified by you Or else Was it because he had such need of you that he could not Glorifie his Name without you Surely all who are of an understanding Heart will confess and acknowledge that it was only in Love and Mercy unto you that he thus made choice of you to suffer for his Name and to Glorifie himself thereby because he can work for the Glory of his own Name as he sees meet without you or any of you and can Magnifie his Power in the Destruction or Desolation of a Nation or People as in time past he hath done and is doing at this day though he takes no Delight therein and therefore he hath no need of you for that End but you have need of him So that its only in Love and Compassion towards you that he hath thus visited you and also that you might have strong Consolation in your Obedience unto him through all Sufferings which he hath called you unto And therefore my Beloved Friends Gird up the Loins of your minds and keep close to and stedfast with the
of darkness by which all who are guided by it comes to receive power over sin which made a separation between God and you And this is he which the Holy Prophets of God prophesied of in the dayes of old who is given a Light to lighten the Gentiles and for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth And whom Moses said the People should hear and said that he that would not hear this Prophet which the Lord should raise up to wit Christ Jesus the Light of the World Even he should be Cut off from amongst the People and therefore every one you being enlightened with a measure of the Light which comes from this Prophet Christ Jesus by whom the World was made and whom the people is to hearken to it is a thing of concerment to you all to wait to hear his voice who calls your minds out of the vanities of the World and the love thereof that you may hear live and no longer to spend your labour for that which doth not satisfie the soul But to hearken diligently to the Voice of God who is Light that you may come to eat of that which is good and let your Souls delight in fatness and so every out who prizeth the Everlasting Peace and welfare of your Souls beyond the pleasures and delights of the World Return unto him who calls in your minds out of the visible and perishing things of this World and the love thereof and wait to know the Sword of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Prince of Peace to Cut down the Transgressor in every particular of you and to know the Righteous Law of God revealed in you to take hold on the unrighteous Nature which hath led you into Rebellion against God and against his pure witness in you which hath long called for purity and for a holy Life and a godly Conversation that so into purity and holiness you might all come without which none can see the Lord And so they who comes to the Light of Christ in them such comes to that which is pure and holy with which they may come to see God And Friends This is the Word of the Lord God to you all and his Everlasting Counsel to you all who have desires in Truth and Righteousness to walk in the way of Life that you hearken diligently to the Voice of God the Light in every one of your Consciences and to it be obedient at all times in whatsoever it makes manifest to be the mind and Will of God the Father that so his will may be done by you in Earth as it is in Heaven and that your sins and iniquities may be blotted out by him for his own Names sake Who is now arisen for his Glories sake which hath been long trampled upon and for his Seeds sake which hath long cry'd unto him from under the burden of oppression which hath ruled above the pure in every one of you And the Cries and Groanings of the Oppressed hath entered into the Ears of the Lord God of Rest and he is arisen and is zealous for his Glory And in the valley of Judgment will he plead with Egypts King and with all the Host of the Egyptians and by his out-stretched Arm will he bring deliverance unto his own Elect Seed and the Host of the Egyptians will he destroy in the Red-Sea of his Wrath and then shall the Seed rejoyce over its Oppressors And so Friends as you hearken to and obey the Voice of the Lord the Angel of his presence you will see leading you in the way in which he will have you to walk and beware of him and obey his voice for he will not at all pardon your transgressions any more Exod. 23.20 21. But will give a just reward to every one according to their deeds whether they be good or whether they be evil And so that you may come and receive the reward of Everlasting Life which is enjoyed in my Fathers Kingdom Every one be good and faithful Servants and improve your Talents which is committed to you that so when the Lord shall come you may be found doing his will and not your own So shall an enterance be Administred unto you into the Kingdom which is without end where you may feed on the Heavenly Manna and drink of the water of Life out of the Wells of Salvation even abundantly and be filled and your Souls satisfied therewith And so Friends and people arise and come out of Death you that have desires after the way of Life and Salvation Which is now Preached freely and be all obedient to the measure of the Grace of God which bringeth Salvation which hath appeared unto you and believe in the Light which you are enlightned withal for saith Christ I am the Light of the World he that believeth in me shall not abide in darkness but shall have the Light of Life and this is the sure word of Prophesie unto which you do well if you take heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawn and the Day-star arise in your hearts which Star being followed will lead unto the knowledge of the Saviour as it did the wise men who found him lying in a manger for there was no room for him in the Inn because it was full of other guests him that reads let him understand and so when you have found him according to the Angels Inteligence though it be but in a low place in you yet wait to know him to grow in stature and you in him to increase in Wisdom and in Favour with God for truly People no Union nor Fellowship with God can be known by you until you come to be Obedient to the Son of God and to hear him in whom the Father is well pleased and in whom alone we are accepted of God and by whom we have free access to his Throne of Grace where he sits at the Right hand of the Majesty on High Judging and Condemning all who walk contrary to his Light and that disobey the Gospel which is now Preached and justifieth and giveth life unto all that obey and follow him and stand in his Counsel which is the desire of my Soul that you all may do who have desires in the least measure after this Life of Holiness And for your sakes have I written these Lines according as the Lord gave it me by his Spirit Who am a true lover of all your Souls and a Labourer and Traveller for the Seeds sake which is Scattered throughout the Earth That those who are wandering upon the Barron Mountains and in desolate places may be gathered into the Everlasting Rest and Fold of Jesus Christ with me to lie down in peace and safety where none can make us afraid Josiah Coale A SALUTATION TO THE Suffering-Seed OF GOD Wherein the Things are Declared and Signified before-hand that must shortly come to pass DEarly beloved Friends Brethern and Sisters Babes Lambs and Children who
and fore-warned thy Rulers also oft-times of the evil to come and that they should set free the Oppressed and break the heavy Yoak of Persecution from off the Necks of God's People that with freedom and cheerfulness they might serve him but they have not hearkned thereunto nor regarded at all therefore is thy Plagues come and thy Judgment have not lingered as is seen at this day But well much of this kind have ofttimes been presented to thy view and consideration so that I could even almost despair of hopes that thou wilt hear or lend an Ear unto what I say at this time because I experimentally know that thou art a Rebellious Nation against the Lord yet my Bowels so yearns towards those of thine Inhabitants who have not quite sinn'd out their Day that I cannot but strive with them a little in representing these things to their consideration that such who have any tenderness left in them may Repent with speed and turn to the Lord with all their hearts not feignedly but in sincerity that so they may find a hiding place in him from the Wrath to come and that they may understand the Cause wherefore the Lords Hand is stretched out against thee in Judgment Oh Nation surely all who are prudent in spirit cannot but confess and acknowledge that these things before mentioned is the very cause of the present Visitation that is upon thee and also of the future Judgments which are threatned for these are but the beginning of thy sorrows which it to come upon thee because thou Repented not of thy Evil Deeds Well But some it may be will say what and where hath been the cause that all these Abominations hath thus abounded and been continued in thee seeing thou hast had such a large Profession of a reformed Christian Religion to whom I say Search and examine whether or no the main ground and cause is not found in thy Teachers and Leaders for have they not caused thee to Err and have they not strengthned the hand of the worker of Iniquity so that none can turn from the Evil of his Way by promising of him life and may not I say of thy Teachers Oh England as the Prophet of the Lord said of the false Prophets in his day viz. from the Prophets of Israel is Prophaneness gone forth into all the Earth for hath not they Leaders been evil examples unto thee of prophaneness of drunkenness and whoredoms many of them and universally of covetousness which is Idolatry for most or all must needs see that their hearts are gone after covetous practises and by their Lyes against the people of God and by their lightness they have caused the People to err from the right way and have led them into rebellion against the Light of the Son of God wherewith they are enlightned which would have led them out of the dark pathes of ignorance and works of Iniquity under pretence that it was a dangerous principle to be adhered unto and that it was not sufficient to lead out of sin nor to save from sin when indeed there is none other name given under Heaven whereby Men can be saved from sin but the name of Jesus who preached himself the Light of the World and who lighteth every Man that cometh into the World and whose free grace that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men so that all who turn from this Grace of God which teacheth us to live soberly and righteously and godly in this present evil World such turn from the right way and all who rebell against this Light wherewith they are enlightned they know not the way thereof as Job said and so they are strangers to the good and right way which is Christ who lighteth every Man that cometh into the World and is not this Light or Spirit of Grace in the inward parts the very thing that thy Leaders hath long perswaded thee against that thou shouldest not encline or adhere thereunto under pretence as aforesaid and so are like unto them whom Christ said did shut the Kingdom of Heaven against Men who would neither enter in themselves and them that would enter they hindered and although they have in pretence made large Prayers against sin and iniquity and seemed to preach against it likewise yet they have indeed told thee thou couldst not be washed or freed from sin while here on Earth and so have denyed the very work of the Ministry which was for the perfecting of the Saints for the Apostle laboured that he might present every Man perfect in Christ and have they not hereby strengthened the hands of the Workers of iniquity even by begetting a belief in them that they cannot turn from the evil of their wayes so as to be set free from their evil deeds and yet they promise them life hereafter but be not deceived with good words and fair speeches for God will not be mocked with an out-side profession for if you live after the flesh you shall dye for the wages of sin is death but the Gift of the Spirit of God is eternal Life through Christ our Lord unto all them that receive and obey it Again have not thy Leaders been the great Stirrers up of thy Rulers to persecute the harmless People of the Lord whom he hath raised up by his power to trust in his Name and to bear witness for him and to testifie against thy abominations have they not moved thy Rulers and Majestrates to make Laws and to put them in execution as aforesaid against us Consider this Oh Nation what a blood-thirsty Generation of covetous Hirelings thou hast nourished within thy bowels may I not say of them as Hosea said of the Priests in his dayes viz. As Troopes of Robers wait for a Man so the Company of Priests murder in the way by consent for have they not been even unanimous in this work of Persecution how many have they murdered in the way of Cain which they are in by consent in casting of them into Prisons for their filthy lukers sake and how have they provoked and stirred up thy Rulers and people to the same work and even made them their vassals to fulfill their envious wills So that all these things being considered with many more which might be mentioned have we not just cause to attribute the main ground of thy continuing in these so gross abominations unto these covetous Hirelings and filthy Dreamers that defile the flesh I confess I cannot but believe that there are multitudes of thousands within thy Borders Oh England that see their folly and madness and their unstableness and how they toss up and down and are driven about with every tempest that ariseth even as Clouds without rain as their Predecessors were whom the Apostle spoke of and saw come in his day who went in Cain's way of Persecution and Murder and were wandring Stars for whom was reserved the blackness of Darkness for ever For have not the unstabillity of these
Purity and Self-denial through the Sanctifying operation of the same I had intimacy with him above many but so mixt was his kindness with seriousness and his familiarity with a stay'd and examplary Behaviour as he was ever an honour to the Truth and therein a confirmer of his holy Testimony and weaker Brethren He was an incessant Labourer in the Gospel and Few more spent in its Service his Soul seem'd wholly bent to the Renowning of it and its Enemies he ever accounted his His Declaration was to the Ungodly World like an Ax an Hammer or a Sword sharp and piercing being mostly attended with an eminent appearance of the dreadful Power of the Lord to the cutting down of many a tall Cedar and to the making of many lofty Oaks to bow but to the Faithful and diligent who mind the things of Christ more then their own O the soft and pleasant Streams of Life Immortal that have run through him to the refreshing of those the Lord's Heritage yea 't was his life and joy to be speaking the Word of the Lord and not his own And many thousands doubtless rest behind who are living Testimonies to the Power Vertue and Efficacy of his Ministry but above all terrible was he to the Sowers of Strife secret Back-biters and such as rend the holy Body and separate from the Life Love and Fellowship of the Blessed Truth Who in their own selfish spirit set themselves over the holy Brethren by feignedness and deceitful appearances to the betraying of the Simple-hearted and ketching the Innocent in their Snares Yet was he ready to reach out an helping Hand to save the upright Hearted whose desires were to the Lord and the Fellowship of the Faithful He was Hardy Valiant and fixt not of those that shun the Cross or sell their Birth-right for a Mess of Pottage He baulkt no Danger for the sake of his blessed Testimony but ever met in the Lord's Armour by which he has many times overcome in England Holland Barbadoes Virginia New-England Mary-Land c. where through many difficulties he boldly preached the everlasting Gospel Christ in him the Hope of Glory He was a good Example as well for his Liberality as Faithfulness for as I am a Witness that the prosperity of God's Truth and dear Friends was above all things most in his Eye so was he alwayes cautious of making the Gospel chargeable to any but having some Estate of his own he freely imploy'd it in the Lord's Service counting nothing too dear for the Name and Service of the Lord. And thus having laboured his natural strength away in this heavenly Warfare for the promotion of the glorious Truth of the Lord and the advancment of its Interest and Dominion in the World for about twelve Years together he did with perfect understanding and in an extraordinary enjoyment of the Lord's Life Majesty and Presence to the refreshment of the Beholders on the 15th of the 11th Moneth 1668. he chearfully laid down his Mortal Body it being in the five and thirtieth Year of his Age that he might be perfectly cloathed on with Blessed Immortallity which is the Wages of the Work and the Eternal Recompence of his Temporal Tribulations And now is he truely ascended above and beyond every Trouble and Temptation where all Tears are wip'd away from his Eyes and upon Mount Zion does he stand amongst the rest of our holy Brethren and those Martyrs who kept the Testimony of Jesus in their day singing the Song of the Lamb for evermore Therefore shall his Memorial remain as a sweet Oyntment with the Righteous and time shall never blot him out of their remembrance for amongst the Worthies shall he be reckoned in the Generations to come because he loved not his Life unto Death but chos'd to pass through the many Tribulations which have given him an enterance into the Everlasting Rest where his spirit lives and remains with God for ever My Soul is often heavy and bowed down in the sence of the loss of these Valiants at this time of the day but herein am I satisfied that our God that raised them will fill up their places and daily bring forth by his Eternal Arm many noble Champions for his Glory who shall sound forth his Wonders to the Ends of the Earth and stand as Saviours upon Mount Zion to the Nations And therefore woes to the dark hellish sin-pleasing persecuting Priests Professors and Prophane of the whole Earth for the Lord God Omnipotent is taking to himself his great Power and he will Reign whose Kingdom stands in Righteousness and is an Everlasting Kingdom and of whose Government and Dominion there shall be no end W. Penn. AN EPISTLE TO THE READER As Concerning Josiah Coale HE did labour much in the Power of the Lord and did stand in the Power of the Lord against the spirit of the World and against all the Opposers of the Truth to his dying day yea within one Hour and a half of his death see his Testimony against the dark blasphemous spirit of Muggleton in the latter end of this Book and besides the several Opposers of the Truth of the several Sects in New-England Barbadoes Virginia Mary-Land and other Islands and the several Cruel and Inhumane Sufferings and Imprisonments by the chief Priests Professors and Rulers which would be to large to mention and would make a great Volumn that he suffered amongst them And also his sore Travels among the Heathen in America concerning the Truth and preaching the Gospel and when the cruel murdering Priests and Professors of New-England which Murdered and Martyr'd and Spoyled so many of the Goods of our Friends and burned some of them with their hot Irons and cut off the Ears of some of our Friends for the Truth and Gospel's sake These New-England persecuting Professors said to some that they did persecute Why did not our Friends come thorow the Heathen by Land from Virginia to New-England thorow the Wilderness on foot for they looked for Miracles but Josiah Coale and another was that very Time passing thorow the Heathen and the Wilderness from Virginia to New-England and the persecuting Professors of New-England then did not think that they were so near them that did pass thorow the Woods and Wildernesses which immediately came among them having passed thorow the Woods and wilde Wildernesses and thorow the danger of the Men-Eaters and wilde Beasts and venomous Creatures but when they came through much Hunger and Cold and Weariness through the Bogs and Waters into New-England they found worss entertainment among the New-England persecuting Priests and Professers then they had found among the wilde and venomous Beasts and Men-eaters yea they were worss to them and others of the Disciples of Christ as I said then the Heathen and Men-eaters who had passed thorow much danger of their lives and oft times were fain to cut down Chest-Nut-Trees for the Nuts for Food when they were hungry And nevertheless when these came immediatly
was puting himself upon nevertheless the King would not hearken unto Micaiah but commanded that he should be put in Prison and fed with the Bread of affliction and with the Water of affliction c. and hearkned unto the lying spirit that was in the mouthes of his many Prophets who prophesied smooth things unto him and by them this lying spirit prevailed and caused him to fall before the Host of the King of Assyria Well I say I could heartily wish that it may not be so with thy Rulers and Magistrates Oh Nation as it was with Ahab and that they have not so far provoked the Lord by Persecuting and sheding the Blood of the Innocent as to cause him to seal his Decree against them or any of them as he did against Ahab and I could wish that it might not prove so which I have cause to believe it will that he hath given permission to the lying spirit to go in the mouthes of thy Priests and Prophets to perswade thy Rulers to go on in this Antichristian Work of Persecuting the Innocent and harmless People of the Lord thereby to fill up the measure of their Fathers Iniquities that so he may be avenged on them But Oh that thy Rulers had hearkned unto the Counsel of those whom God sent unto them who came not for filthy Lucre nor with flattering Speeches but in the Name of the Lord declaring his Counsel in plainness and faithfulness for thy good but Alas instead of hearing their Counsel they have done unto them as Ahab did unto Micaiah even put them in Prison and fed them with the Bread and Water of affliction and thereby they have provoked the Lord of Hosts So that without all controversie as I said before if thy Rulers persist and go on following the Counsel of those false Prophets into whose mouthes the lying spirit is entred to perswade them that the way to remove or stop the present Visitation of Gods Judgments which is Revealed in the midst of thee is to be severe in Persecuting and Banishing his despised and harmless People out of thy Borders I say if their counsel be hearkned unto and obeyed therein that lying spirit will certainly thereby prevail and will cause them to fall and none shall help them and they shall be broken with a perpetual breath and none shall bind them up Wherefore hearken unto this ye Heads and Rulers of the Nation of England the Land of my Nativity be not Proud nor stout hearted against the Lord but fear and dread the Almighty God of Heaven and Earth for he hath certainly a Controversie with you and he will not at all regard the lofty looks nor your proud Carriage for he will be reverenced wherefore humble your selves in Dust and Ashes in his presence you who have not quite sinn'd out your Day and put on Sack-cloth before him if so be there may be hope lest he break you in pieces as a Potters Vessel of Clay and there be none to save you And thus Oh England I have briefly and faithfully declared unto thee thy state and condition according as God shewed it unto me and the cause of thy present Calamities and of the future Judgments that threatens themselves and also the way in which they may in a great measure be prevented and the hot displeasure and indignation of the Lord be appeased in which thy Rulers may likewise see the state and danger they are in But yet I know many will not hear nor regard at all untill their desolation come upon 〈◊〉 yet nevertheless I shall be clear in that I have discharged my Conscience unto them from time to time according as God required me 〈…〉 if they perish in their gain sayings and 〈◊〉 neckedness their blood will be upon themselves and upon them who caused them to err Postscript WHen the good will and loving kindness of God who wills not the death nor destruction of any hath been largely manifested unto a rebellious and stiff-necked Generation of people in striving with them by his good Spirit and when he hath oft reach'd unto them with the visitation of his Love and called unto them by the mouthes of his Servants Prophets and Messengers to repent and turn every one from his evil way that they might be healed and find mercy with the Lord and yet they will have no regard thereunto but refuse to be reformed and continue still in their rebellion against the Light of his good Spirit in their hearts and despise hate persecute and despitefully use the Servants and Messengers of God whom in tender mercy love and good will he sent unto them I say after the long suffering and loving kindness of God hath been so largely and on this wise manifested unto a rebellious and stiff-necked people who so evilly requite his love to them is it not then justice in the Lord to cease striving with them and to give them up to hardness of heart and to seal his Decree against them in his wisdom to find out a way that their eyes may be closed and their hearts hardned least they should see and understand and be converted and healed that so it may come upon them according to that Prophetical saying of Solomon viz. He that oft-times is reproved and stiffneth his neck shall suddenly be cut off and that without remedy Wherefore now consider Oh Nation of England is not this the very state of many of thy Inhabitants at this day hath not the love and good will of God been largely manifested to them in that he hath long strove with them by his good Spirit in their hearts and hath not his immortal Word of Life been plentifully declared amongst them even to the uttermost of thy borders every way hath it not been line upon line and precept upon precept unto them even by the mouthes of his faithful Servants and Prophets whose cry in thy Streets hath oft and long been Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes why will die c And did they not declare that Gods dreadful Judgments were nigh to be revealed upon them that would not repent and turn from the Abominations against which they testified But alas few at all had regard thereunto but many lookt upon it as an idle Tale or as a whimsical Imagination and refused to hear and fear even as Jerusalem did in the day when Christ would have gathered her and therefore now in the Justice of God is his Decree gone forth and sealed against many of them as it was against Jerusalem and his righteous Judgments which was threatned and prophesied of by his Servants and Hand-maids is begun to be revealed amongst them and in the midst thereof he hath in his wisdom found out a way to blind their Eyes and to stop their Ears and to harden their Hearts least they should see and hear and understand and be converted and healed for as Job said He taketh away the perfect and the wicked and because it is so