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A31613 Pharonnida a heroick poem / by William Chamberlayne ... Chamberlayne, William, 1619-1689. 1659 (1659) Wing C1866; ESTC R12053 201,811 478

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with fear Passions disparity In such extreams as Natures Laws require 'Twixt Earths cold Center and th' aires circling fire Dwelt in their troubl'd breasts his wild eyes stood Like Comets when attracting storms of blood Shook with portentuous sadnesse whilst hers sate Like the dull earth when trembling at the Fate Of those ensuing ills heavy and fixt Within their Orbs. Passions thus strangely mixt No various Feaver ere created in The phrenzi'd Brain when sleeps sweet calm had bin From her soft Throne depos'd this Lightning past Thunder succeeds as burning Mountains cast Out horrid noise after their flame and smoak So having paus'd his dreadful Voyce thus broke The dismal silence Thou prodigious Whore The curse of my Nativity that more Afflicts me then eternal wrath can do Spirits condemnd some Fiends instruct me to Heighten revenge to thy desert but so I should do more then Mortals may and throw Thy spotted Soul to flames yet I will give Its passe-port hence for think not to out-live This hour this fatal hour ordaind to see More then an Age before of Tragedy She that fell from a Firmament of pride To Fortunes lowest Region and there di'd A sad example to ensuing times That Honours Altitude supports not Crimes When in their stretcht Extentions reaching to Justice which can through reverst Opticks view Giants though Pigmy sins do oft appear Like the dim Moon more great because more neer Sins that till fear their guilt did aggravate Wore Vertues Frontispiece since now too late To hope for life in their own monstrous form Encounter Reasons Guards till the big storm Of various p●ssions all were settled in Dregs of despair when ●earing tears should winne The victory of anger Ammurat drawes His Simme●er which had in blood writ Lawes For conquerd Provinces and with a swift And cruel rage ere penitence could lift Her burthen'd soul in a repentant thought Tow'rds heaven sheathes the cold steel in her soft And snowy breast with a loud g●oan she falls Upon the blou●y floore half breathlesse calls For his untimely pity but perce●ving The fleeting spirits with her bloud were leaving Her heart unguarded she imployes that breath Which yet remain'd not to bewayle her death But beg his life that caus'd it on her knees S●rugling to rise but now calm'd Ammurat frees Her from d●sturbing death in 's last great work And thus declares some vertue in a Turk I have brave Christian by perusing thee In this great act of honour learnt to be Too late thy slow-pac'd follower this ●ing with that Gives him his Signet shall when question'd at The Castle guards thy safety be and now I see her bloods low water doth allow Me only time to lanch my souls black Bark Into deaths rubick Sea for to the dark And silent Region though we here were by Passion divorc'd Fortune shall not deny Our souls to sail together From thy eyes Remove deaths load and see what sacrifice My Love is offering with that word a stroak Pierces his breast whose speedy pains invoak Deaths Opiates to appease them be sinks down By 's dying Wife who ere the cold floud drown Life in the deluge of her wounds once more Betrayes her eyes to 'th light and though they bore The weight of death upon their Leads did keep Them so long open till the icie sleep Began to seize on him and then she cries Oh see just heaven see see my Ammurat dies To wander with me in the unknown shade Of Immortality but I have made The wounds that murther'd both his hand that gave Mine did but gently let me bloud to save An everlasting Feaver Pardon me My dear my dying Lord Eternity Shall see my soul washt white in tears but Oh I now feel times dear want they will not nowe Fast as my stream of bloud Christian farewell When ere thou do'st our tragick story tell Do not extenuate my crimes but let Them in their own black characte●s be set Near Ammurats bright vertues that read by Th' unpractic'd Lover which posterity Whilst wanton windes play with our dust shall raise On beauties throne the good may justice prayse By his example and the bad by mine From Vice●s Throne be scar'd to Vertues Shrine And here the speed deaths messengers did make To hurry forth their souls did faintly shake Her words into imperfect accents this She cries is our last enterview a kisse Then joyns their bloudlesse Lips Each close the eyes O' th other whilst the parting spirit flies Mounted on both their breaths the latest gasp They ere must draw Whilst with stiffe arms they clasp Each others neck Argalia through a cloud Of liquid sorrow did behold the proud Triumphs of death in their untimely fate He sees great Ammurat for a Robe of State Groveling in blood the fair Ihonusa lie Purpl'd in death like pollisht Ivory Dipt in Vermillion the bright Chrystals that Her Soul in conquering flames lookt thorough at Both quencht and coold in death but time did lend His tears scarce passage till a drop could end Its Journey o're his Checks before a Page Whose cruelty had far out-grown his Age Enters in hast and with an anger that Though indiscreet at wrongs seemd kindl'd at In wounds did on the Bassas body vent A spleen that deaths discharge could not content This seen Argalia to whom all must be Offence that injures fair humanity Stops the vain Torrent and a neerer way To just revenge directs the angry Boy Who by unfolded truth now lets him know His Rage to that uncivil height did grow Not from a childish spleen but wrongs that he A Christian sufferd in Captivity Assur'd by this confession that he might Be useful more then in a secret flight Argalia bids him in his Bassas Name A Mandate write for some of worthiest Fame ' Mongst all the Christian Citizens and those To send the Guard for ere the Morning rose On the black ruines of the Night this done Before that time the Victory had won Of opportunity their Warders slain Each Christian Captive from his rusty Chain His bold band frees and by their happy aide The Gates being first secur'd with ease dismayd The drousie Garrison from whom they found But weak resistance some soft fleep had bound To Beds of ease intemperate Riot kept Others more vainly waking here one slept Between a Mistresse Armes and there another Stole to a private Cattamit did smoother Delight in whispers in which loose Garb found Ere time rowls up what slow neglect unwound Even in securities soft Lap surpriz'd They met grim death in Pleasures ●hape disguiz'd All now being slain but feeble Eunuchs and Poor trembling Maids the new but valiant Band Of late freed Captives Crown the Wals from whence They saw the Soldiers wicked dilligence In finding those which the false Mandate had Design'd for Ruine general as sad The Cities sorrows were a desolate And silent horror unregarded sate i th' empty streets which action had not fil'd Yet with employment but when day did
the Court might be More glorious made by such Attendants to Incite in them a strong desire to view Those royall Pastimes thus relates that story Whose fatall truth transfer'd the Morea's glory So often thither 'T was my honourd friends My fate ' mongst some that yet his Court attends Then to be neer my Prince when what now draws Him to these parts did prove at once the cause Of joy and grief Not far from hence remov'd The Vale of Ceres lies where his belov'd Pharonnida remains a Lady that Nature ordaind for man to wonder at She not being more the comfort of his age Then glory of her Sex but I engage My self to a more large discovery which Thus take in brief When Youth did first enrich Beauty with manly strength his happy Bed Was with her royall Mother blest who fed A flame of Vertue in her Soul that lent Light to a Beauty which being excellent In its own Sphear by that reflection shon So heavenly bright Perfections height of noon Dwelt only there Some years had circled in Times revolutions since they first had been Acquainted with those private pleasures that Attend a Nuptiall Bed ere she did at Lucina's Temple offer whose bar'd Gate Once open flow both their good Angels sate In councell for her safety hopes of a Boy To be Morea's Heir fill high with joy The ravisht Parents Subjects did no less In the loud voice of Triumph theirs express But when the active pleasures of their love Which fill'd her Womb had taught the Babe to move Within the mory Mount preceding pains Tell the fair Queen that the dissolving Chains Nature incos'd it in were grown so weak That the imprison'd Infant soon would break Those slender Cuards the gravest Ladies were Call'd to assist her whose industrious care Lend Nature all the helps of Art but in Despair of safety send their Prayers to win Relief from Heaven which swift Assistance lent T' unload the Burthen but those Cordials sent By Harbengers with whom the fair Queen fled To deck the silent dwellings of the dead And lodge in Sheets of Lead o're which were cast A Coverlet of the Springs Infants past From life like her even whilst Earths teeming Womb Promist the World and not a silent Tomb That beauteous Issue But those Nimphs which spun Her thread of life the slender twine begun Too fine to last long undenied by The pondrous burthen of Mortality Beneath whose waight she sinking now to death Th' unhappy Babe was by the Mothers breath No sooner welcom'd into life before She bids farewell of Power to do no more But whilst her Spirits with each word expires Thus to her Lord express her last desires Receive this Infant from thy dying Queen Name her Pharonnida at which word between His trembling Armes she sunk and had even then Breath'd forth her Soul if not recall'd agen By their loud Mournings from the Icy sleep Which like a chilling Frost did softly creep Through the cold Channels of her blood to bar The springs of life in which defensive War The hasty Summons sent by death alow Her giddy Eyes whose heavy leads did bow Toward everlasting slumber no more light Then what affords a dim Imperfect sight Such as the troubl'd Opticks being by Dying Convulsions wrested could let fly Thorough their sullied Chrystals to behold Her wofull Lord whilst she did thus unfold Her dying thoughts O hear O hear quoth she I do By all our mutuall Vows conjure thee to Let this sweet Babe all thou hast left of me Within thy Thoughts preserve my Memorie And since poor Infant she must lose her Mother To beg an entrance here oh let no other Have more Command o're her then what may bear An equall poise with thy paternall Care This this is all that I shall leave behind An earnest of our loves here thou mayst find Perhaps my Image to behold whilst I Resolving into dust imbrac'd do lye By crawling Worms Followers that Nature gave To attend Mortality whilst the tainted Grave Is ripening us for Judgment O my Lord Death were the smile of Fate would it afford Me time to see this Infants growth but oh I feel Lifes Cordage crackt and hence must go From time and flesh like a lost Feather fall From th' Wings of Vanity forsaking all The various business of the World to see What wondrous Change dwels in Eternitie This sayd she faintly bids farewell then darts An eager look on all but ere she parts Even whilst the breath with which in thin Aire slips Departing Spirits on her then cold Lips In clammy Dews did hang she of them takes Her last farewell whilst her pure Soul forsakes Its brittle Cab'net and those Orbs of light That swam in death sunk in eternall Night Thus di'd the Queen Pharonnida thus lost Ere knew her Mother when her Birth had cost A price so great that brought her Infancy In debt to Grief untill maturity Ripen'd her Age to pay it after long And vehement lamentation such whose strong Assaults had almost shook his Soul into A flight from th' Earth her Father doth renew His long lost Mirth at the delight he took In his Souls Darling whose each cheerfull look Crimson'd those Sables which even whilst he wore A flood of Woes his head had silver'd o're Had not this Comfort stopt them which beguiles Sorrow of some few hours those pretty smiles ●●at drest her fair Cheeks like a gentle Thief ●●ealing his heart through all the Guards of Grief 〈◊〉 But when that time 's expunging hand had more Defac'd those sable Characters he wore 〈◊〉 Sorrows Livery o're his Soul and she ●●aving out-grown her tender Infancy ●●id now her Thoughts compos'd of heavenly Seed 〈◊〉 guide her life no other Guardian need 〈◊〉 native Vertue for her calm retreat When burthend Corinth was with throngs repleat 〈◊〉 chose this seat whose venerable shade Waving what blind Antiquity had made ●or sacred held is not so sleighted bu● Custome ancient as our Law hath shut ●ence as the hatefull marks of servitude ●ll that unbounded power did e're obtrude ●n suffering Subjects which this happy place ●its so serene a blessing to embrace ●s is this Lady whose illustrious Court Though now augmented by the full resort Of her great Fathers Train doth still appear This happy Kingdomes brightest Hemisphear A hundred noble Youths in Sparta bred Of Valour high as ere for Beauty bled ●ll loyall Lovers and that Love confin'd Within the Court are for her Guard assign'd ●ut what if oft in such an Orb of all That 's great or good may low as Censure fall ●he Court hath questioned is the cause that mov'd The Prince to give a Party so belov'd ●nto his hands that leads them being one Whose Birth excepted that being neer a Throne Those Vertues wants on whose Foundation wise Considerate Princes let their Favours rise Like the abortive Births of Vapors by Their Male Progenitors inforc'd to fly Above the Earth their proper Sphear
loud Alarums in The Castle Court and City rag'd all were Huddl'd into confusion some prepare To fly what others with an Ignorance As great though bolder to oppose advance Here had our Heaven-protected Lovers lost What such large summs of prayers and tears had cost Had not the torrent of the peoples throng When rushing towards the Castle by a strong Voyce danger been diverted to prevent A hungry flame which in the Cyprians Tent Began had spread its aire-dilated wings Over the City whose feard danger brings On them a worse distemperature then all Their last Nights Surfets whilst proud Turrets fall In their own Ashes the discordant Bells Ordaind to call for aide but ring their Knels That in a drunken fury half awake First their warm Beds and then their Lives forsake For to destruction here big pride had sweld Had not Nights errors been by day expeld With swift Cals frighted but more terrifi'd At their sad Cause Fear being his doubtful Guide The stout Epicote to Cleanders Court Repairs and there amongst a thick resort Of Subjects finds the Prince distracted by Those Epidemick Clamours that did fly From every part o th' City to appease Whose fury whilst he goes the sharp disease In flames feeds on her ruin'd beauty and Mounts on insulting wings which to withstand Th' amaz'd Inhabitants did stop its flight With the whole weight of Rivers till that light Which an Usurper on the sooty Throne Of darknesse sate vanisht or only shone From their dim Torches Rayes the Prince thus stayd In 's hasty Journey till the flames allayd Lent safety to the City by it gave The royal Fugitives the time to save Themselves by flight from those ensuing ills Whose clamorous Scouts rude sounds the stird aire fills Descended to the Gardens Postern Gate A place where silence yet unruffl'd sate A Night obscure and an unhaunted way Conspiring their Pursuers to betray To dark mistakes with silent Joy which had All Fears pale symptomes in Loves purple clad Close as that bold Attempter whose brave theft Was sacred fire the walks behind them left Argalia hasts unto the Castle Moat With his rich prize there a neglected Boat Half hid amongst the Willow Beds finds ou● In which Pharonnida that nought could doubt Whilst her successful Lover steerd past o're To meet the safety of a larger Shore The end of the third Book PHARONNIDA The Fourth Book CANTO I. The Argument I. Whilst noise and tumult fills the Court the sad Orlinda to lament alone retir'd Finds the brave Captain in deaths symptoms clad Whose perfect health her friendly care acquir'd II. The Scouts with an unwelcom emptiness Of news return'd the Princess secret flight Yet well succeeds but now in sad distress Find a black morning to that dismal night VVHen Fear like an unskilful Pilot in A storm distracted long in vain had been Plac'd at the helm of Action whilst those rude Waves rais'd by greater winds the Multitude Swell'd with uncertain councels all met in A thick and dangerous confluence those within The Castle by a hotter passion to A high wrought fury startled did undo Those links of councel which the other broke With corrosives of fear by the rude stroke Of heedless Anger whose uncivil strife Had rob●d Revenge of justice and each life That here was in deaths inundation spilt Shed but to aggrevate a private guilt Had not the Prince whose angers flame they fear'd More then grim death t' appease the storm appear'd Beat from the out-works of their hopes all in A busie tumult are imploy'd within The Princess lodgings but there only find Their knowledge by her secret flight strook blind Stumbl'd on errors No characters but what The wasteful hand of death had scatter'd at The Guard informs them and even those seem left The weak opposers of successful theft Dropt as their Foes victorious fate slue by To shew his fortune and their loyalty Leaving which late warm tenements of breath Without once throwing up that bed of death Their grave-cloaths ore them every active friend Hasts toward her search whilst suffering females spend The hours grown slow since burden'd by their fears In prayrs whose doubts they numbred by their tears But amongst all of those that sacrific'd Tears to her loss sorrow had most disguis'd Lovely Orlinda the fair sister to The vext Messenian who with Love that grew From equal attributes of Honor in The parallels of Beauty plac'd had been In this restraint of liberty so long Her pleas'd Companion that her grief too strong For comfort grown to mourn her absence she Forsaking all her friends societie Whilst seeking of some shady grove is brought To one whose vail black as her darkest thought Appear'd so much a stranger to the light That solitude did thither soon invite The pensive Lady who whilst entring by A deep groans sound diverted turns her eye Toward one who near the utmost ebb of life Disguis'd in 's blood was with the latest strife Of death contending at the dreadful view Of which sad object she retreating to Some of her maids who fearing to intrude Whilst she appear'd intending solitude A distance kept made hold by number now Return to see if life did yet allow A room for help or if his soul were fled To let their care intomb the helpless dead Arriv'd so near that through the rubrick vail Of 's blood they saw how life did yet prevail O'er deaths convulsions they behold one lie Whose wound 's an object for their charity Soon drew them nearer in such trembling haste As if they fear'd those lavish springs would waste Lifes stock too fast where come with linen soft And white as were those hands that thither brought That blessing having gently wip'd away His blood his face discover'd did betray Him to their knowledge for the Ciprian Prince All soon conclude him whose desert e'er since That Court she knew had to Orlinda prov'd A dear delight yet she ne'er knew she lov'd Till her soft pitty and his sad distress Conspiring to betray that bashfulness Whose blushes scorch'd that tender plant did now Even in their fortunes roughest storm allow It leave to grow safe since yet passing by No other name but noble charity By all the nimblest stratagems which Art E'er learnt from nature striving to impart The best of mortal blessings health unto Her Royal patient prais'd Orlinda grew So high in his deserv'd esteem that though Posterity doth to his friendship ow For their most perfect copy knowing she Too much ador'd Pharonnida to be Her base betrayer when his healths advance Gave way for language every circumstance Declares which was in that so fatal night The sad preludiums to her secret flight By which when she whose love though full of fire Yet lay rak'd up in a remote desire Unstirr'd by hope with joy had learn'd that he More then what friendship parroniz'd was free From all affection to the Princess in Her eyes which until then had clouded bin Love with as
have Lain till corruption sought it self a grave Had not an early Forrester so near The place approach'd that maugre all that fear Alleag'd to stop a full discovery he Beheld so much as taught him how to free His friends from further fruitless searches in Discovering what beneath their fears had bin In sorrow such as left no power to vent Its symptoms but a deep astonishment Th' amaz'd Messenians whom a sad belief Depriv'd of hope did entertain their grief Whose swift infection to communicate Their murther'd Prince as if pale death kept state Clad in the crimson robes of blood is to The City brought where whilst the publick view In busie murmurs spread her sable wings Pale terror to the Court griefs center brings The dreadful truth which some officious Lord Whom favor did the priviledge afford Of easie entrance through the guards of fear In haste conveys t' assault the Princes ear With such a silence as did seem to shew Unwelcom news is in its entrance slow Enter'd the room he 's with soft pace unto The bed approach'd whose curtains when withdrew Discover'd horror in the dismal dress Of death appears freed from the slow distress Of Age that coward tyrant which ne'r shews His strength till man wants vigor to oppose Through deaths dark gates fled to the gloomy shade Whose fear or hope not knowledge doth invade Our fancies yet he mans material part There only sees which form whose heavenly art Tunes motion into 'th faculties of life Had now forsook the elemental strife Which had so long at concord aim'd was now Silenc'd in death on his majestick brow No awefull frown did sit the bloods retreat From life and action left his cheeks the seat Of deaths cold guest which summon'd by his fate There in a pale and ghastly horror sate Whilst the astonish'd Courtier did behold This with such trembling as when graves unfold Their Doom-dayes curtains sinfull bodies shall Rise from their urns eternally to fall His stay caus'd from restrictive fear had drew In more Spectators to whose wandring view This ghastly object when oppos'd had strook So swift a tertor that their fears forsook The safe retreats of Reason seeing life Had now concluded all the busie strife Of natures conflicts by delivering those Time-shaken Forts unto more powerfull foes Outcries in vain attempts for pitty to Scale heaven whose ear when from their prayers withdrew The Court now of her royal head bereft In a still calm of hopeless sorrow left Infectious grief disdaining now to be Confin'd within the brief Stenographie Of first Discoverers spreads it self among The City herd whose rude unsteddy throng Rais'd grief which in the mourning Court did dwell In such a silence as an Anch'rites Cell Ne'r knew a heavier solitude into Exalted outcries whose loud call had drew From their neglected arts so many that What first was choler now being kindl'd at Their rage like humors grown adust had bin The open breach to let rebellion in Had not the wiser Nobles which did know That vulgar passions will to tumult grow When back'd with power by a new modell'd form Of counsel soon allay'd this rising storm Their tears those fruitless sacrifices to Unactive grief wip'd off whilst they did view The States distemp'red body to supply The wants of that departed Majesty Which when their Prince from Lifes horizon fell Fled from their view before report should tell This fatal story to the Princess they A Councel call by whose advice she may Whilst floating in this Sea of sorrow be Sav'd from those unseen rocks where treacherie Rebellions subtile Engineer might sit To wrack the weakness of a female wit Which though in her such that it might have bin The whole worlds Pilate could since clouded in Such a tempestuous Sea of passions see No Star that might her safe director be A Messenger whose sad observant wit By age allay'd seem'd a conveyer fit For such important business with the news Hasts towards the Princess whom whilst fear persues On wings of pity being arriv'd within The Palace he as that alone had bin The onely feat where rigid sorrow took Her fixt abode beholds each servants look Obscur'd with grief through whos dark-shades whilst he Searches the cause the strange variety Explains it self as families that have Led their protecting Ruler to the grave whose loss they in a heedless sorrow mourn So long till care doth to distraction turn Her servants sate each wildly looking on The other till even sense it self was gone In mourning wonder whose wilde flight to stay Its cause they to the pitying Lord display In such a tone as whilst it did detect The Princess absence shew'd their own neglect When this he'ad heard with such a sympathie Of sorrow as erected grief to be The mourning Monarch of his thoughts to those Return'd that sent him he that transcript shews Of this obscure original the flight O' th' absent Princess whilst the veil of night Obscur'd her passage tells but question'd how With whom or whether knowledge did allow No satisfaction all inquiry gain'd From her amaz'd attendants but explain'd Their grief whose troubled rivolet flow'd in To that vast Ocean where before they 'd bin By sorrow shipwrack'd in the general flood Mixt wants a language to be understood In a peculiar character and so Conjoyn'd makes up one universal wo. Onely as if love knew alone the art That taught his followers how to mourn apart Sad sweet Orlinda whose calm innocence Had fostred passion at her healths expence Whilst wet with grief's oreflowing springs she to Her brothers ghost did pay soft natures due In sorrow of such sad complection that Others might lose their own to wonder at Yet when as in the margint plac'd she hears Amindor lost with new supplies of tears Grief sallying forth as if to be betray'd Love now did fear he draws the bashfull Maid From those that did the mourning consort keep Where she unseen for loves decease doth weep Frail womans faith and mans neglect doth blame And softly then sighs out Amindors name Her lost Amindor whose suppos'd disdain Destroy'd those spirits grief could ne'r have slain And now before that powers decay ingage To many hands in a vindictive rage The wise supporters of the State to stay Increasing factions which can ne'r obey Lest fear commands unto Almanzor send A mandate which injoyns him to attend Their Councels in this interregnum till Their joynt consent had found out one to fill The empty throne which summons prompted by A care which they interpret loyalty Though truely call'd ambition he obey'd With such a speed as Love would fly to aid A ravish'd Lady having to impede His march no more then what his care could lead Even with a singes speed yet that a strength Enough to make his will confine the length Of their desires who soon in Council sit But to bewail th' abortion of their wit The frighted City having entred in A mourning march as if his thoughts had
and in appearance shews A guilt which all but pitty overgrows The vext Epirots who for comfort saw Revenge appearing in the form of Law Retir'd to feed their spleen with hope until Th' extent of Justice should their vengeance fill When now by accusations that denide Access to pity for a Paracide The Princess question'd whose too-weak defence Being but the unseen guards of innocence Submits to censure yet to shew that all Those scatter'd pearls which from her eyes did fall Dropt not t' attempt their charity but shew That no injurious storm could overslow Her world of Reason which exalted stood Above the surface of the spacious stood Her tears for grief not guilt being shed whilst in The robes of magnaminity not sin Grown impudent her brave resolv'd soul sate Unshaken in this Hyrocane of sate To meet her calm which like religion drest Doth all become but female vertues best The rough Amindor whose discolour'd face Anger did more then native beauty grace Since justly rais'd disdaining thus to be By a Plebian base captivity Forc'd to submit his innocence unto Their doubtfull test had from his anger drew A ruine swifter then their hate intends Had not his rage whilst it toward danger bends Been taught by her example to exclude Vain passions with a Princely fortitude Whose usefull aid like those good works which we For comforts call in deaths necessity Brought all their better Angels to defend Them from those terrors which did death attend In busie whispers which discover'd by Their doubtfull looks the thoughts variety Long in sad silence sate the Court until Those noiseless streams of fancy which did fill Each several brest united by consent Want onely now a tongue so impudent As durst condemn their Soveraign which being in Theumantius found a Lord whose youth had been By favor nurs'd till power 's wild beast grown rude Repays his Fost'rer with ingratitude This bold bad man Loves most unhappy choice From flatteries Treble now exalts his voice Without the mean of an excuse into The Laws loud Base and what those fear'd to doe That had been favour'd less that black dec●ee Pronounc'd which discords all the harmonie Of subject fear and soveraign love by what Succeeding ages justly trembl'd at Whilst innocent but have of late been grown So bad to shew such monsters of their own This sentence past which knew no more allay Of mercy then what lets their judgments stay From following life to deaths obscure retreat Till twenty nights had made their days compleat The Court breaks up yet ere from publick v●ew To close restraint the Royal captives drew Grant them this favor from their rigid laws That if there durst to vindicate their cause In that contracted span of time appear Any whose forward valor durst indear The peoples love and prayers so much to be Their Champion that his victory should free Them from that dooms strict rigor to oppose Which brave Attempter they Almanzor chose Since high command that honor did afford To him alone to weild the answering sword Now near departing whilst the Cyprian in A brave disdain which for submissive sin Looks on an answer as his haste would show An anger that did scorn to stoop so low To strike with threats stands silent whilst that she Whose temper heaven had made too calm to be By rage transported with a soul unmov'd By stormy passions thus their sin reprov'd Should I my Lords here with a female haste Discharge my passions 't were perhaps to waste My prayers or threats whilst one you would not fear Nor th' other pity But when heaven shall clear This curtain'd truth wrapt in whose cloudy night Unjustly you from my unquestion'd right By birth obedience into faction stray Then though too late untimely sorrow may Strive by repentance to expunge these stains Cast on your honor These exhausted vains Fixt eyes pale cheeks deaths dismal trophies in This royal face I now could not have seen With a less sorrow then had serv'd to call Me to attend him had not the rude fall Of your unjustice like those dangerous cures Perform'd by tutning into Calentures Dull Lethargies upon my heart laid hold In such a flame of passion as the cold Approach of death wants power to quench until You add that crime to this preceding ill Yet though no fear can prompt my scorn to crave A subjects mercy for my self to save This Noble Stranger whose just acts being crost By misconstruction have their titles lost I shall become your suppliant lest there be A sin contracted by his serving me And onely in such noble wayes as might Unveil themselves to th' suns Meridian light Sure he unjustly suffers which may cause You want more swords to vindicate your Laws Then his you late elected to make good Your votes ere scarce cleans'd of that loyal blood He in rebellion shed but I am now Too near my fatal period to allow Disturbing passion any place within My peacefull soul what ere his crimes have been In publick war or private treason may Kinde Heaven when with th' injustice of this day Those shall be strictly question'd to prevent Their doom conceal them in the large extent Of mercies wings which there may prove so kinde To you though here I can no justice finde This spoken in a garb that did detect A sorrow which was ripened to neglect She silent stands whilst through the thick resort Of throng'd Spectators toward the rising Court Orlinda comes with such a haste as shew'd That service she by Love's allegiance ow'd Love which had sorrows sable wings out-fled To mourn the living not lament the dead Come where her fears now near lost object she Within the shadow of the Grave might see By sentence shut neglecting death that lay In ambush there her reason to betray To hate when by the false informing Law Her Friend she as her brother's murtherer saw In actions such as Scythian Tyrants feel Some softness from she that ne'r us'd to kneel Too ought but heaven a lowly suppliant falls Before the Court from whose stern brests she calls So much of sorrow as perhaps had strook Them all with horror if a sudden look Obliquely on her murther'd brother cast Had not ere Love assaulted with her last And powerfull'st pray'rs whilst hot with action in A cool retreat of spirits silenc'd bin She fainting faln as an addition to Their former grief is from the throng withdrew Into the free untainted air where by Assisting Friends which gently did apply Their needfull aid heat which was then grown slack In Natures work antipathy calls back To beauties frontiers where like bashfull light It in a blush meets the Spectators sight But such a one as ere full blown is by Her Friends disasters forc'd again to fly Beneath those clouds of grief whose swelling pride Spread by report did now not onely hide The Court or City but to bear a part Of that sad load summons each Subjects heart Whilst now the Prisoners ere
if drawn to light Dayes beauties to the palace of the night Toward which the prisoners yet detain'd within The City in this dreadfull pomp begin Their mournful march led by that doleful call By which loud war proclaims a funeral Those that had been the common guards unto The murther'd Princes to the peoples view Are first presented on an ebon spear Each bore a scuchion where there did appear The arms which once adorn'd those Princes shields Sadly display'd within their sable fields Next these some troops whose prosperous valor in Their Courts had steps unto preferment bin Come slowly on but slowlier follow'd are By elder Captains such whom busie war Whose victories had their youth in honor di'd As useless-now for Council laid aside I' th' rear of these the Officers of State Grave as they 'd been of Council unto Fate I' th' purple robes of royal Mourners clad With heavy pace conducted in a sad And dismal object two black Chariots drawn Like hideous night when it assaults the dawn In dreadfull shadows where to fright the day With sadder objects on black herses lay Th' Effigies of the murther'd Princes in Whose form those spots of treason that had bin Fates Agents to unravel Natures law In bloody marks the mourning people saw At which sad fight from silent sorrow they Advanc'd had let external grief betray Their love and loss if not diverted by Succeeding objects which assault the eye With what though living yet more terror bred Then what they found for the lamented dead In such a garb as sorrow strives to hide The hot efluviums of a sullen pride Almanzor next with slow portentous pace Follows the herses his discover'd face So subtilly di'd in sorrow as it had Strove to out-mourn the sable arms which clad His falser breast whose studi'd treason knew No such disguise as first to meet the view O' th' censuring people in a dress that shews Him by their States maturer Council chose ' Gainst who'ere durst maintain the pris'ners cause By 's valor for to vindicate their laws But now to lose these rivolets of tears In the vast Ocean of their grief appears Their last and most lamented object in The royal Captives whose sad fate had bin Not so disguis'd in attributes of guilt But that the love their former vertue built In every breast broke through their fear to show How much their duty did to sorrow ow. In that black train they had beheld before Though full of sadness wearied life past ore The stage of nature is their darkest text To comment on which since good men perplext With life's cares are finds less regre● then now To living sufferers justly they allow Friends though less near since death is but that rest They vainly seek that are in life distrest Being pitied more then those whose worst of Fate We have beheld destruction terminate That nought might in this scene of sorrow be Wanting to perfect griefs solemnitie The Kingdoms Marshal who supported in His hand a sword which glitring through a thin Wreath'd Cipers through the sad Spectators eye Strook such a terror as if shadow'd by Death's sooty vail conducting after goes Th' undaunted Cyprian with a look that showes A soul whose valor was of power to light Such high resolves as by their splendor might Make death look lovely on his upper hand Her sexes glory she whose vertues scann'd Her actions by heavens strictest rules the swee● Pharonnida unmov'd prepares to meet The ministers of death her train being by Florenza who must in that Tragedy Act her last part sustain'd The garment which The beauteous Princess did that day inrich Was black but cut on white ore which the fair Neglected treasure of her flowing hair Hung loosely down upon her head she wore A wreath of Lillies almost shadow'd ore With purple Hyacinths on which the stains Of murther yet in bloody marks remains Over all this a melancholy cloud Of thick curl'd Cipers from the head did shroud Her to the feet through which those spots of white Appear'd like stars those comforts of the night When stole through scattred clouds in her right hand She held a watch whose next stage should have spand The minutes of her life her left did hold A branch of mirtle which as grown too old To live began to wither for defence O' th' falling leaves as death and innocence Had both conspir'd to save 't the bow was round In mistick wreaths of black and silver wound Near to the royal Prisoners many Peers Of either Kingdom men of th' gravest years And loyal'st hearts did with a dolefull pace Bring up the rear each melancholy place Through which they past being with those pensive flowers That wait on funerals strew'd The lofty towers Of checquer'd marble had their stately brows In sables bound their pinacles with boughs Of dismal Yew adorn'd as if their knell Should next be rung a solemn passing bell In every Church was toull'd whose dolefull sound Mixt with the drum trumpets dead march dround The peoples cries whose grief can ne'r be shown In 'ts native dress till loud and clamorous grown In this black pomp the mourning train had left The sable City which being now bereft Of all her sad and solemn guests did bear The emblem of an empty sepulchre So full of silence all her throng being gone With heavy pace to be attendants on Those funeral rights which ere perform'd must have More vertue for attendants to the grave Then ere they could again expect to see Whose hopes of life lay in minoritie Come to the desert vale which yet had kept A solitary loveliness that slept There in untroubl'd rest a levell'd green Chose for the Lists which nature lodg'd between Two barren hills upon whose bare front grew Though thinly scatter'd here a balefull Yew And there a dismal Cypress plac'd as they Had onely chose that station to display The peoples passions who with eyes fixt in Full orbs of tears ere this had sorrowing seen The pitied prisoners to those Scaffolds brought Where those lamented lives whose treason sought To ruine must be sacrific'd to please Ambitious man not angry heaven appease This curles their bloods which soon inflam'd had grown Had not the varied scene of sorrow shown The murther'd Princes who product as they Had been reserv'd as opiats to allay Their angers flame are both expos'd unto The satisfaction of the publick view Mounted on herses which on either side O' th' Temple gate with deaths most dismal pride On ebon pillars stood as rais'd to show What justce did to their destruction ow. Plac'd near to these their sorrows sad Records Almanzors tent to shew that it affords For red revenge a close reception stood Like a black rock from whence in clouds of blood The sanguine streamers through the thickned sky Did waving with unconstant motion fly In view of which though at the other end If any durst appear that could defend Their cause whom heaven alone knew innocent There to
Not long in those remoter drops before Sweld to a Deluge the swift Torrent bore The bays of Reason down and in one flood Drownd all their hopes when purpl'd in his blood Yet pale with death untimely Death she saw Her hopeful Son grief violates the Law Of slower Nature and his Mothers tears In death congeals to Marble her swoln fears Grown for her Sex a burthen far too great Had only left death for her dark retreat Although from griefs so violent effects Reason conjoynd with manly strength protects His wretched Father at that stroke his Limbs S●ack their unweildy Nerves faint sorrow dims His Eyes more then his Age his hands bereft His hoary head of all that time had left Unpluckt before nor had th' expecting Grave Gap'd longer for him if they then had gave His passion freedome his own guilty hand Had broke the Glass and shook that little Sand That yet remaind into thin Aire that so Unclog'd with earth his tortur'd Ghost might go Beyond that O●b of Attomes that attend Mortality and at that Iournies end Meet theirs soon as swift Destiny inrouls Those new● come Guests within the sphear of Souls By these sad symptomes of infectious grief Those best of friends that came for the relief Of sorrows Captives being by that surprizd They hop'd to conquer sadly sympathizd With him in wo till th' epedemick Ill Stifling each Voice drest sorrow in a still And dismal silence in which sad aspect None needing Robes or Cypress to detect A Funeral March each dolefully attends To deaths dark Mansion their lamented friends Where having now the earthy Curtain drawn O're their cold Bed till Doomsdaies fatal dawn Rally their dust they leave them and retire To sorrow which can ne're hope to expire In just revenge since kept by fear in aw● Where power offends the poor scarce hope for Law By sad example to confirm this truth From innocent and early hopes of youth Led tow'rd destruction let 's return to see That noble stranger whose captivity Like an unlucky Accident depends On this sad subject By the angry friends Of those accus'd which in that fatal strife To death resign'd the Charter of their life He 's brought unto the Princes Pallace where That age whose Customes knew not how to bear Such Sails as these have fil'd with pride was plac'd The seat of Justice whose stern Sword defac'd Not pleasures smoothest Front since now t was by Her fair hand guided whose commanding eye If armd with Anger seemd more dreadful then The harshest Law ere made by wrathful men Here strictly guarded til th' important Crime Which urg'd her to anticipate the time By Custome known had cal'd her forth to that Unwilling Office stil unstartled at The frowns of danger did Argalia lie An injur'd Captive til commanded by The stern Reformers of offended Law He hasts to th' Bar where come though death nere saw A Brow more calm or Breast more confident To meet his Darts yet since the innocent Are staind with guilt when in contempt of Fate They silent fal he means to meet their hate With all that each Beholder could expect From dying Valor when 't had to protect An envied stranger left no more defence But what their hate obscures his Innocence The clamorous friends of Aphron backt by those Which knew his death the only mean to close Almanzors bleeding honour to the fair And pitiful Pharonnida repair With cries of Vengeanc● whose unwelcom● sound She by her Fathers strickt command was bound To hear since that those rivolets of Law Which from the Sea of regal power did draw Their several streams all flowd to her and in That chrystal Fountain pure as they had bin From Heaven dispens'd ere just Astrea fled The Earth remaind yet such aversion bred In her soft soul that to these Causes where The Law sought blood slowly as those that bear The weight of Guilt she came whose dark Text she Stil Comments on with noble Charitie High mounted on an Ebbon Throne in which Th' imbellisht Silver shewd so sadly rich As if its varied form strove to delight Those solemn souls which Deaths pale fear did fright In Tyrian Purple clad the Princess sate Between two sterner Ministers of Fa●e Impartial Judges whose distinguisht tasks Their varied habits to the view unmasks One in whose looks as pity strove to draw Compassion in the Table●s of the Law Some softness dwelt in a magestick Vest Of state-like red was cloathd the other drest In dismall black whose terrible Aspect Declard his Office serv'd but to detect Her slow consent if when the first forsook The Cause the Law so far as death did look Silence proclaimd a harsh Command cals forth Th' undaunted Prisoner whose excelling wroth In this low ebb of Fortune did appear Such as we fancy Vertues that come near The excellence of Angels fear had not Rifl'd one drop of blood nor rage begot More colour in his Cheeks his soul in state Thron'd in the Medium constant Vertue sate Not sleighting with the impious Atheists that Loud storm of danger but safe anchord at Religious hope being firmly confident Heaven would relieve whom Earth knew innocent All thus prepard he hears his wrongfull Charge Envie disguizing injur'd Truth at large Before the people in such Language read As checkt their hopes in whom his worth had bred Some seeds of pity and to those whose hate Pursu'd him to this Precipice of Fate Dead Aphrons friends such an advantage gave That Providence appeard too weak to save One so assaulted yet though now deprest Even in opinion which oft proves the best Support to those whose publick Vertues we Adore before their private guilt we see His noble Soul stil wings it self above Passions dark Fogs and like that prosperous Dove The Worlds first Pilot for discovery sent When all the floods that bound the Firmament Ore-whelmd the Earth Conscience calm joys t' encrease Returns fraight with the Olive Branch of Peace Thus fortifi'd from all that tyrant fear E'reawed the Guilty with he doth appear The Courts just wonder in the brave defence Of what though power armd with the strong pretence Of right opposd so prevalent had been T' have cleard him if when neer triumphing in Victorious truth to cloud that glorious Sun Some faithless Swains by large Rewards being won To spot their souls had not corrupted by His Foes been brought falsly to justifie Their Accusations which beheld by him Whose knowledge now did hopes clear Opticks dim He ceas'd to plead justly despairing then That Innocence ' mongst Mortals rested when Banisht her owne Abode so thinks it vain To let truths naked Armes strive to maintain The Field ' gainst his more powerful Foes not all His Vertues now protect him he must fall A guiltless Sacrifice to expiate No other Crime but their invenomd hate An ominous silence such as oft precedes The fatal sentence whilst th' Accuser reades His Charge possest the pitying Court in which Pre●aging Calm Pharonnida
whom the burthen of a State depends When to the Court just wonder thus far he With such unshaken confidence as we Pray on th' expanded wings of Faith displayed His Souls integrity the Royal Maid Whom a repented destiny had made His pitying Judge endeavouring to evade That dooms harsh rigour grants him a reprieve Till thrice the Sun returning to relieve Nights drooping Sentinels had circl'd in So many days in which short time to win The fair advantage of discovering truth Old Aminander active as fresh Youth In all Attempts of Charity to know From what black Spring those troubled streams did flow Hasts toward Andremons whi'st Pharonnida Active as he toward all whence she might draw A consequence of hope layes speedy hold On this design Commission'd to unfold Their Masters Love toward her there long had been Embassadours from the Epicote in Her Fathers Court whose Message though it might Wear Loves pure Robes yet in her Reasons light Seems so much staind with pollicy that all Those blessings which the wise foresaw to fall As Influence from that Conjunction she Opposes as her stars malignity Proud of this new Command with such a hast As those that fear more slow delays may wast Their pretious time th' Ambassadours attain The Princess Court where come though hope in vain Only expect a speedy Audience they That frustrated are soon taught to betray More powerful passions the first glance o th' eye They on the Prisoners cast kind sympathy Proclaim'd Love gave no leave for time to rust Their Memories both the old Lords durst trust Eyes dim'd with tears whilst their embraces give A sad assurance there did only live Their last and best of Comforts which beheld By those from whom kind pity had expeld All thoughts of the vindictive Law they strive By all the power of Rhetorick to drive Those sad storms over which good Office done They each inform the Prince which was the Son Of Nature which Adoption withall tel how By their perswasions mov'd they did allow Them time to travel which Disasters had So long protracted for some years with sad And doubtfull hopes they had in vain expected Their wisht return but that their stars directed Their course so ill as now near home to be Ore-taken with so sad a destiny Since such a sorrow could be cur'd by none They sadly crave the time to mourn alone The end of the third Canto PHARONNIDA The first Book CANTO THE FOURTH The ARGUMENT VII At length the Vail from the deluded Law with active Care by Aminander took The startl'd Court in their own error saw How lovely truth did in Argalia look VIII The story of our Youth discover'd he His Merits yet in higher pitch to raise Morea's Prince doth from a danger free Which unto death his noblest Lords betray THat last sad Night the rigid Law did give The late repriev'd Argalia leave to live Was now wrapt in her own obscurity ●toln from the Stage of Time when light got free From his Nocturnall Prison summons all Almanzors Friends to see the long'd for fall o th' envied stranger whose last hour was now So neer arriv'd faint hope could not allow So much of comfort to his powerfulst friend As told her fears she longer might suspend His fatall doom Mournful Attendants on That serene Sufferer all his friends are gon Unto the sable Scaffold that 's ordain'd By the decree of Justice to be stain'd With guiltless blood all sunk in grief but she Whom by inevitable destiny Doom'd him to death most deep Dul sorrow raigns In her triumphant sad and alone remains She in a Room whose Windows prospect led Her Eye to th' Scaffold whither from the Bed Where sorrow first had cast her she did oft Repair to see him but her passions soft Temper soon melting into Tears denies Her Soul a passage through o're-flowing Eyes Often she would in vain expostulate With those two subtile Sophisters that Sate Cloath'd in the Robes of Fancy but they still O●e-threw her weaker Arguments and fill Her Breast with Love and Wonder passion gave Such fierce Assaults no Virgin Vow could save Her Hearts surrender she must love and loose In one sad hour thus grief doth oft infuse Those bitter 〈◊〉 where hidden poyson dwell In the smooth pleasures of swee● Oximel Argalias friends that did this minute use As if the last of mortal enterviews Had now reverst their eyes expecting nought But that stroaks fall whole fa●all speed had brought Him to eternal rest when by a loud And busie tumult as if death grown proud Expected triumphs to divert their sight They from the Scaffolds lofty station might Within the reach of an exalted Voice Behold a Troop who as the Leaders choice Confin'd to st●aight necessity had there Inrold all Commers if of strength to bear Offensive A●mes did first appear to be Some tumult drest in the variety Of suddain rage for here come headlong in A heard of Clowns armd as they then had been From labour cal'd near them wel orderd ri●e As greatness strove no longer to divide Societies s●me Youths brave as they had Been in the spoils of conquerd Nations clad This sudden Object first obstructing all Their Courts proceedings prompts their doubts to call Their absent Prince who being too wise for fears Uncertain fixions with such speed appears As checks the tumult when to tel them who Had from their homes the frighted people drew i th' Van of a wel-orderd Troop rides forth Lov'd Aminander whose unquestiond worth That strong Attractive of the peoples love Exspung'd suspition whilst his Troops did move With a commanded slowness to inform Th' expecting Prince from whence this suddain storm Contracted Clouds he to his view presents Andremons Friends whose looks the sad contents Of sorrow with a silent Oratory Begs pity whilst he thus relates their story That we great Prince we whom a loyal fear To strict obedience prompts dare thus appear Before your sacred Person were a sin Mercy would blush to own had we not been Forc'd to offensive Armes by such a Cause As tore the Scepter regulated Laws Forth of your royal hand to vindicate This suffering stranger whom a subtle hate Not solemn Law pursu'd I here have brought Such Witnesses as have their knowledge bought At the expence of all their joy whom I Found so confin'd as if their misery Were in their houses sepulcherd a sad And general sorrow in one Dress had clad So many that their only sight did prove Lost Vertue caus'd such universal love To free this noble Youth whose Valour lent A late protection to this Innocent But injur'd Maid they unconstraind had here Implor'd your Aide had not too just a fear Caus'd from some Troops raisd by a wrong'd pretence Of your Commands checkt their intelligence With such illegal violence that I Had shar'd their sufferings if not rescu'd by These following Friends whose rude Conjunction shews It was no studied plot did first compose So loose a body but
as death turnd on the Beast and threw His happy Javelin whose wel guided aime Although success it knew not how to claime From strength yet is so much assisted by Fortune that what before had scornd to dy By all our power when contending in Nice Art the honour of that day to win To him alone fals by that feeble stroke From all his speed which seen he to provoke His hastier death seconds those wounds which in Their safety are by those with terrour seen That had escapt the danger and even by Us that pursu'd with such amaze that I Who had before observ'd those Rays of worth Obscur'd in clouds here let my love break forth In useful Action such as from that low Condition brought him where I might bestow On him what Art requir'd to perfect that R●re piece of Nature which we wonderd at From those whom I ' mongst others thought to be Such whose Affection the proximity Of Nature claimd with a regret that shewd Their poverty unwillingly bestowd So lov'd a Jewel had procur'd the Youth His Foster Father loath to wave a truth That in the progress of his Fate might be Of high account discovers unto me The worlds mistake concerning him and thus Relate his story He was brought to us Quoth the good man some ten years since by two VVho could men be discoverd to the view Of knowledge by their Habits seemd but such As Fortunes narrow hand had gave not much More then Necessi●y requires to be Injoyd of every man whom Life makes free Of Natures City though their bounty shewed To our him judgments that they only owed Mischance for those course Habits which disguiz'd What once the World at higher rates had priz'd i th' worst extream of time about the birth o th' fluggish Morning when the crusted earth Was tinsel'd o're with Frost and each Sprig clad With Winters Wool I whom cross Fortune had Destin'd to early Labours being abroad Met two benighted men far from the Road Wandring alone no skilful Guide their way Directing in that Infancy of day But the faint beams of glimmering Candles that Shon from our lovely Cottage-Windows at Which Marks they steerd their Course one of them bore This Boy an Infant then which knew no more Then Natures untrod pathes These having spi'd Me through the Mornings Mists glad of a Guide Though to a place whose superficial view Lent smal hopes of relief went with me to Mine own poor home where with such course cheap Fare As must content us that but eat to bear The burthens of a Life refresht they take A short repose then being to forsake Their new-found Hoast desire with us to leave The Child til time should some few daies bereave Of the Habiliments of Light We stood Not long to parl but willing to do good To strangers so distrest were never by Our poverty once tempted to deny My wife being then a Nurse upon her takes The pretty Charge and with our own Son makes Him Fellow-commoner at the ful Brest And Partner of the Cradles quiet rest Now to depart one that did seem to have The nearst relation to the Infant gave Him first this Jewel at which word they shewed One which upon Argalia was bestowed By those that left him then that we might be Not straightned by our former poverty Leave us some Gold by which we since have bin Enabl'd to maintain him though not in That Equipage which we presume unto His birth although to us unknown is due This done with Eyes that lost their light in Tears They take their leaves since when those daies to years Are grown in which we did again expect They should return but whether be neglect Or else impossibility detain T●em from his sight our care hath sought in vain Having thus plainly heard as much as Fate Had yet of him discoverd I that late Desir'd him for his own now for the sake Of 's Friends what ere they were resolv'd to take Him from that barren rudeness and transplant So choice a Slip where he might know no want Of Education with some labour I Having obtaind him til virility Rendred him fit for nobler Action stayed Him alwaies with me when my Love obayed His Reason and then in the quest of what Confin'd Domesticks do but stumble at Exotick knowledge with this noble Youth To whom his Love grew linckt like spotless truth To perfect Vertue sent him to pursue His wisht design from whence this interview First took its fatal Rise and here the Lord That a more ful discov'ry might afford Them yet more wonder shews the Jewel to Sparta's pleas'd Prince at whoe 's most serious view The skilfulst Lapidaries judging it Both for its worth and beauty only fit To sparkle in the glorious Cabinet Of some great Queen such value on it set That all conclude the honour on'● must be Some falling Star i th' Night of Royaltie From Honours sphear the Glories of a Crown To vaunt the center of our Fears dropt down And now the Court whose brightest splendor in These fatal Changes long eclips'd had been Resumes its luster wich to elevate With all the pleasures of a prosperous state For that contracted span of time design'd For th' Princes stay Fancies are wrackt to find New forms of Mirth such whose Invention might Inform the Ear whilst they the Eye delight All which whilst to the less concernd they lent A flux of joy yet lost their first intent To please the Princess who from mirth did move Excentrical since first iufl●m'd with Love Which did soon from Fancies Embrion grow A large limbd Tyrant when prepard to go She sees Argalia who engag'd t' attend Th' Embassadors here soon had put an end To what even from those unto Love unkind Must now force tears ere it a period find That time expir'd ordaind to terminate Her Fathers stay and so that splendid state That yet adornd the Princess Court to shew How much he did for 's Frontiers safety ow Unto those moving Cittadels a Fleet His Mandates cals each Squadron for to meet Within Lepanto in whose harborous Lay Those Ships that were ordaind for a Convay To the Calabrians Messengers who now With all that Love or Honour could allow To noble strangers being attended by The brightest Glorys of two Courts draw nigh A royal Fleet whose glittering streamers lent Dul Waves the beauties of a Firmament Amongst which numbers one too stately far For rough Encounters of defacing War VVhose gilded Masts their crimson Sails had spread In silken Flakes advanc'd her stately head High as where Clouds condense where a Light stands Took for a Comet by far distant Lands For Cabbins where th' imprisond Passenger VVants Aire to breath she 's stor'd with Rooms that were So fair without and yet so large within A Persian Sophy might have reveld in Their spatious bulks To this Molarchus he VVhom greatness joynd to known Ability Had made Sicillia's Admiral invights The Royal Train where with what ere
Argalia though it could not be Yet counted more then what his Merits might Claim as Desert but this smal beam of light Through the Prospective of suspition to Envies malignant Eye conveyd to do An Act informs the curst Amphibia that Makes Love lament for what she triumph'd at Since Vertue Heavens unspotted Character On the belov'd Argalia did transfer Merits of too sublime a height to be Shadowed with vice from that Flowers fragrancie She sucks her Venome and from what had built His Glory now intends to raise his Guilt For ●hough the Prince no Engines need to move His Passions Frame but just Desert his Love Her close endeavours are to heighten 't by Praises that make Affection jealousie Whose Venome having once possest his Soul It swiftly doth like fatal Charmes controul Reasons fair Dictates and although no fear From such wel-order'd Actions could appear To strengthen it Argalia's Merits caus'd Some sad and sullen doubts such as when pauf'd Awhile upon resolve their Cure must be Their Cause remov'd though in that Action he From his Breasts royal Mansion doth exclude The noblest Vertue generous Gratitude My worthless Fortune with will but prepare Our future happiness the time we spare From feeding on Ambrosia will encrease Our wealthy store when the white Wings of peace Shall bear us back with Victory there may Through the dark Chaeos of my Fate display Some beam of Honour though compar'd with thine That Element of living flames it shine Dim as the pale-fac'd Moon when she lets fall Through a dark Grove her beams thy Vertues shall Give an Alarum to my sluggish Soul When ere it drops thy Memory controul The weakness of my Passions When we strive i th' heat of glorious Battel I 'le revive My drooping Spirits with that harmony Thy Name includes thy Name whose memory Dear as those Re●icks a protecting Saint Sends humble Vot'ries mentions will acquaint My thoughts with all that 's good then calm again This Conflict of thy fears I shall remain Safe in the Hail of Death if guarded by Thy pious Prayers Fates Messengers that fly On wings invisible will lose the way Aim'd at my breast if thou vouchsafe to pray To Heaven for my protection But if we Nere meet again yet oh yet let me be Sometimes with pity thought on at which word His ore-charg'd Eyes no longer could afford A Room to entertain their Tears both wept As if they strove to quench that fire which kept Light in the Lamps of Life whose Fortunes are i th' House of Death whilst Mars the regal Star Some time in silent sorrow spent at length The fair Pharonnida recovers strength Though Sighs each Accent interrupted to Return this Answer Wilt oh wilt thou do Our infant Love such injury to leave It ere full grown When shall my Soul receive A comfortable smile to cherish it When thou art gone they 'r but dull Joyes that sit Enthron'd in fruitless wishes yet I could Part with a less expence of sorrow would Our rigid Fortune only be content With absence but a greater punishment Conspires against us danger must attend Each step thou treadst from hence and shall I spend Those hours in mirth each of whose minutes lay Wait for thy life when Fame proclaims the day Wherein your Battels joyn how will my fear With doubtful Pulses beat until I hear Whom Victory adorns Or shall I rest Here without trembling when lodg'd in thy breast My heart 's expos'd to every danger that Assails thy Valour and is wounded at Each stroke that lites on thee which absent I Prompted by fear to Myriads multiply But these are Fancies Wildfi●es we in vain Do spend unheard Orizons and complain To unrelenting Rocks this Night peect Scrol This Bill of our Divorcement doth inrole Our Names in sable Characters nought will Expunge till death obliterate our Ill. Oh do not dear Commandress of my Heart Argalia answers let our moist eyes part In such a Cloud as will for ever hide Hopes brightest Beams those Deities that guide The secret motions of our Fate will be More merciful then to twist Destiny In such black Threads should Death unravel all The feeble Cordage of our Lives we shall Spight of that Prince of Terrours in the high And glorious Palace of Eternity Being met again renew that Love which we On Earth were forc'd before Maturity Had ripen'd it to Leaves i th' numerous throng Of long departed Souls that stray among The Mirtles in Elizium I will find Thy Virgin Ghost and whilst the Rout inclin'd To sensual pleasures here refining are In purging Flames laugh at each envious Star Whose Aspects if ill cited at our Brith With poysonous Influence blasts the Joyes of Earth Oh wast not cries the Princess dear time in These shadows of Conceit the Hours begin To be ' mongst those inserted that have try'd The Actions of the World which must divide Us from our Joy the Sea through which we sail Works high with woe nor can our prayers prevail To calm its angry Brow the glorious Fraight Of my unwelcome Honours hangs a Waight Too ponderous on me for to steer the way Thy humbler Fortunes do else ere I 'de stay To mourn without thee I would rob my Eyes Of peaceful slumbers and in course disguise Whilst Love my Sex's weakness did controul Command my Body to attend my Soul My Soul my dear which hovering neer thee not Midnight alarums that appear begot By truth should startle 'twixt the clamorous Camp Lightned with Cannons and the peaceful Lamps That undisturb'd here wasts its Oile I know No difference but what doth from Passion flow Whose close Assaults do more afflict us far Then all the loud impetuous storms of War We must we must replies Argalia stand This Thunder bolt unmov'd since his Command Whose Will confirms our Law happy had we Great Princess been if in that low degree From whence my Infancy was rais'd I yet Had liv'd a toiling Rural then when fit For Himens pleasures uncontrol'd I 'de took Some homely Village Girl whose Friends could look After no Joynture for to equallize Her Portion but my love no jealous Eyes Had waited on our Meetings we had made All our Addresses free the friendly shade Cast from a spreading Oak as soon as she Had milkt her Cows had prov'd our Canopy Where our unpollisht Courtship had a Love As chast concluded as from th' amorous Dove Pearcht neer us we had learnt it when arriv'd Unto Loves Zenith we had undepriv'd By disagreeing Parents soon been led To Church by th' sprucest Swains our Marriage-bed Though poor and thin would have been neatly drest By rural Paranymphs clad in the best Wool their own Flocks afforded in a low And humble Shed on which we did bestow Nought but our labour to erect we might Have spent our lustie youth with more delight Then glorious Courts are guilty of And when Age had decayd our strength grown up to men Beheld our large course issue Our dayes ended
Unto the Church been solemnly attended By those of our own Ra●k and buried been Neer to the Font that we were Christned in Whilst I in russet Weeds of poverty Had spun these course Threds shining Majesty Would have exhausted all her stock to Frame A match for thy Desert some Prince whose Name The neighbouring Regions trembl'd at from whom The generous Issue of thy fruitful Womb Might have deriv'd a stock of Fame to build A future Greatness on such as should yeild Subject● of wonder to the World About To interrupt him ere he had drawn out This sad Theam she began to speak but by Nig●ts swift approach was hinder'd now drew nigh The time of his departure whilst he bleeds At thought o th' first a second S●mmons speec●s His preparations to the City where That big bulkt body unto which his care M●st add a Soul was now drawn up and stayd Only to have his wisht Commands obeyd His powerful Passion Loves strict Rules respecting More then bright Honours Dictates yet neglecting All summons stayed him till he 'd sacrific'd His Vows to her whose every smile he priz'd Above those trivial Glories Ere from hence He dares depart each with a new expence Of Tears payes interest to exacting Fate For every Minute she had lent of late Unto poor Love whose stock since not his own Although no Spend-thrift is a Bankrupt grown Look how a bright and glorious Morning which The youthful Brow of April doth enrich Smiles till the rude Winds blow the troubl'd Clouds Into her Eyes then in a black Vail shrouds Her self and weeps for sorrow so wept both Our royal Lovers each would and yet was loath To bid farwel till stubborn time inforc'd Them to that Task first his warm Lips divorc'd From the soft balmy touch of hers next parts Their hands those frequent witnesses o th' heart 's Indissoluble Contracts last and worst Their eyes their weeping eyes oh Fate accurst That layes so hard a task upon my Pen To write the parting of poor Lovers when They had even lost their light in tears were in That shade that dismal shade forc'd to begin The progress of their sorrow he is gone Sweet sad Phoronnida left left alone To entertain grief in soft sighs whilst he ' Mongst noise and tumult oft finds time to be Alone with sorrow though encompast by A numerous Army whose brave Souls ●weld high With hopes of Honour least Fames Trump want breath Hast to supply't by Victory or death But ere calmd thoughts to prosecute our story Salute thy Ears with the deserved Glory Our marshal Lovers purchast here I must Let my Pen rest awhile and see the rust Scour'd from my own Sword for a fatal day Draws on those gloomy hours whose short steps may In Britains blushing Chronicle write more Of sanguine Guilt then a whole Age before To tell our too neglected Troops that we In a just Cause are slow we ready see Our rallied Foes nor wil't our sloathful Crime Expunge to say Guilt wakend them betime From every Quarter the affrighted Scout Brings swift Alarums in hovering about The clouded tops of the adjacent Hils Like ominous Vapours lye their Troops noise fils Our yet unrallied Army and we now Grown legible in the contracted Brow Discern whose heart looks pale with fear If in This rising storm of blood which doth begin To drop already I 'me not washt into The Grave my next safe Quarter shall renew Acquaintance with Pharonnida till then I leave the Muses to converse with men The end of the second Book PHARONNIDA The third Book A Tragi-comicall POEM CANTO THE FIRST The ARGUMENT I. Beneath the powerfull Tyranny of Love Whilst the fair Princess weeps out every Star In Pleasures Sphear those dark Clouds to remov● All royall Pass-times in it practic'd are II. Amongst whose Tryumphs that her Train might lend Her their Attendants in the shades of Grief Passion brings some so neer a fatall end That timely pity scarce affords relief SOme Months now spent since in the clouded Court Of sad Pharonnida each Princely sport Was with Argalia's absence maskt within Sables of Discontent Robes that had been Of late her chiefest Dress no cheerful smile Ere cleerd her brow those walks which were ere while The Schools where they disputed Love were now Only made use of when her grief sought how To hide its treacherous tear the unfil'd Bed o th' Widow whose conjugal joy is fled i th' hot and vigorous youth of Fancy to Eternal absence sooner may renew Though she for tears repeated praises seeks The blooming spring of Beauty on her Cheeks When bright plum'd Day on the expanded wings Of Aire approaches Lights fair Herald brings No overtures of peace to her each prayer In pious zeal she makes a pale despair In their Celestial Journey clogs but long Her feeble Sex could not endure these strong Assaults of Passion ere the red and white Vanquisht from Beauties Throne had took their flight And nought but melancholy palness lest T' attend the light of her dim eyes bereft Of all their brightness pining Agues in The earthquake of each Joynt leaving within The Veins more blood then dwelt in hers which bea● The hearts slow motions with a hectick heat Long Passions Tyrant reigns not ere this change Of Mirth and Beauty letting sorrow range Beyond the circle of Discretion in Her Father that suspition which had been Kindl'd before renewing he removes His Court to hers but the kind visit proves A Paroxisme unto that strong Disease Which combates in her blood no mirth could please Her troubl'd Soul since bar'd society With all its better Angels gone to be Attendant on Argalia she beholds Those studied pleasures which the Prince unfolds His love and greatness in with no delight More smooth then that a sullen Anchorite Which a harsh vow hath there enforc'd to dwell Sees the cold wants of his unhaunted Cell Amongst these sports whose time betraying view Ravisht each pleas'd Spectator the fair Clew Contracts some sable knots of which my Pen Is only one bound to unravel when War had unclasp'd that dreadful Book of hers Where honour'd Names in sanguine Characters Brave valour had transcrib'd fair vertue fixt Euriolus in Honours Orb and mixt Him with the Courts bright Stars but he who had Whilst unregarded poverty had clad His vertues in obscurity learnt how To sail in Fortunes boisterous storms is now By her false smiles be-calm'd and sunk before Desert bound thither toucht Loves treacherous shore i th' playful freedome of their youth when she Was only a fair Shepherdess and he An humble Swain he truly did adore The fair Florenza but aspir'd no more Since Poverty clog'd Loves ambitious wing Then by his private Muse alone to sing Her praise with such a flame of wit that they Which have compar'd say envied Lau●a may Look pa●e with spleen to hear those Li●es exprest Though in her great Platonicks Raptures drest But now his Worth by Vertue rais'd did
that Mazara's love-sick Soul was offering at Florenza's Shrine and by that willing stay Might be inforc'd some Minutes to delay The time in which his readier Opposite Expected him she being resolv'd to write Affection in her blood with Loves wild hast Makes toward the Lists there finds his Armour plac'd Within the dark shade of an ancient Wood In whose black breast that place of horrour stood Where they appoint to meet like those of Fate Obscure and dark by Beasts and Birds that hate The Light alone frequented but love had Dis-plum'd fears Haggars being resolv'd she clad Beauties fair Pearl where smooth delights did dwell i th' rough-cast Mould of that Ciclopian shell But that no Armes nor bounding Steeds affright Where Loves fair hand hath Valours pasport wright Here we should pause and pity her that now Fancy beholds whilst she is learning how To manage stubborn steel within her sleek And pollisht hand through devious pathes to seek For doubtful dangers such whose horrid shape On mans best judgment might commit a Rape Her swift Conductor Love ere this had brought Her to the place where Passion had not sought Long for the Object of her hate ere she Her valiant Brother that was come to be His Fames Protector sees but so disguiz'd In 's Armes that both with envy unadviz'd By knowledge an unthought of guilt prepare In blood to meet their foaming Horses were Now freed from the commanding Rain and in Their full Carier but Love in vain to win The Field from Valour strives her eager hast But argues such an envy as did wast It self in weak Attempts which to the length Of power extended fals beneath the strength Of her Victorious Foe whose Fortune had In Robes of Joy what he must weep for clad Conquer'd Carina now dismounted lay Struggling for life whose Fortress to betray Toward Natures Tyrant Death her blood transports False Spirits through their purple Salliports Her Brother with an Anger that was grown Into disdain his Fury should be shewn On such resistless Subjects ere he knows How much of grief his Soul to sorrow owes For this unhappy Act froms finisht course Was now returning not by strength to force The harsh Commands of Tyrant Victors but By calm advice a bloodless end to put To that ill-manag'd Quarrel but before He there arrives to make his sorrows more When truth unvails their dark design a Knight With hast as speedy as the secret flight O● wrath when wing'd from angry Heaven he saw Bolted into the Lists who soon did draw Too neer in sober Language to dispute Their fatal Quarrel both with Rage grown mute Disdaining conference found no place for words Amidst the mortal Language of their Swords Which the first shock past o're and Lances broke In hast took place and at each furious stroke Unbay'd the Fountains of their blood to stain With purple guilt the Flower-enamel'd Plain Whilst each did thus with silent Rage imploy An Art directed Fury to destroy The others strength the bordering shadows weep In trickling Dews and with sad murmures keep Time with the hollow and ill boding Note Sent from a fatal Ravens stretcht-out Throat Which from an old Oaks witherd top did sing A baleful Dirg but these sad Omens bring No terror to their busie thoughts which were Too much imployd in Action to take care For any danger more remote then what With the next stroke might fall perceiving that Their Horses faint they both dismount and do On equal terms the Fight on foot renew Till a Cessation from the want of breath Not Valour was en●orc'd the Vail which death Contracted from those steams his wreaking blood Breathd forth its Spirits in already stood Over Mazara's Eyes which clouded se●s Not that approach of Night his trembling Knees S●agger beneath their fainting Load which in To th' Grave had dropt had not their fury bin When its last heat was with Lifes flame neer spent From further Rage restraind by accident Some of the lost Carina's frighted Friends Fearing those Ills which desperate Love attends Spending that Morning in the fruitless Quest Of her had been and now their hopes distrest With vain inquiries to communicate Their Grief returning were which secret Fate To interpose through dark Meanders brought Neglect to find what care in vain had sought Whilst yet no more then brave humanity Prompts them to part a Quarrel that might be Defil'd with blood which if not shead in Wars With Murther stains what it doth guild with Scars They toward them hast even in that critical And dangerous Minute when Mazara's fall With Vict'ries Laurels to adorn his Crest His valiant Friend had rob'd of future rest Had not this blest relief of Innocence The one from death the other from expence Of tears restraind before Revenge had found So much of Guilt as might his Conscience wound His high wrought Rage stopt by too many hands To vent its heat Euriolus now stands Shook with the Feaver of his anger till Those Friends which saw Mazara grown so ill With wounds to gasp for breath by giving way For aire they to the Victors view betray His best of Friends at which afflicting sight Cursing the cause of that unhappy fight His Sword as guilty thrown aside he hasts To his Relief in which kind act none wasts Their friendly help Life as but stoln from pain Behind the Vail of death appears again On Natures Frontiers whose returning flame Though scarce of strength to warm lookt red with shame When he so many wel-known Friends beheld Sad Witnesses how much his passion sweld Above the Banks where Reason should have stayd When to that meeting it his Friend betrayd Their Vails of steel remov'd each now beholds What shame and wonder in firm Contracts folds Amaz'd stands brave Euriolus to see None but his Friend his honourd Friend should be The Parent of that Quarel shame confounds Mazara more and from internal wounds Though like the red Seas Springs his other bled Perhaps less danger but more torment bred Both now by his unforc'd confession knew Whose equal'd honourd Beauty 't was that drew Them to this fatal Combate whose event Him neer the Grave on Loves vain Errant sent Friendship renewd in strickt Embraces they Are now arriv'd where weak Carina lay So faint with Loves Phlebotomy that she Maskt in forgetful slumbers could not see Approaching shame which when discoverd sticks Lifes fair Carnations on her death-like Cheeks Hasting to see what over-forward Rage That unknown strangers weakness did engage In that unhappy Quarrel they beheld At the first glance an Object that expeld Into the shades of Sorrows Wilderness All temperate thoughts his Sisters sad distress Wrought by his Arme whose strength betrayd her neer The Grave did to Euriolus appear Dreadful as if some treacherous friend had shown Those flames in which his scor●cht Companions grone Nor did Mazara though but prompted by Pity that tender Child of sympathy With less relenting sorrow live to see Loves bloody
gild The Ebbony of Night to hear the rude Murmure that did from the mixt multitude Open'd together with their Doors assures Argalia that their ●ear which yet secures That bandfull of insulting Tyrants might With anger being charg'd home be put to flight With a reserve of hope whilst every breast Was sweld with stiffl'd Spirits whilst opprest With silent grief helplesse Spectators they Saw those they once for Vertue did obey Their reverend Sena●ors whose silver'd heads Age now made fit for ease forc'd from their Beds By feaverish powers rude fits whose hear not all The Jewleps of their Tears though some drops fall From Beauties lovely blossoms cools their R●ge Neglected Youth slights like unreverent Age. But when the conquering Captives by the brave Argalia rescued from the Castle gave Bright Vict'ries Signal when they saw each Lance The bleeding head of a grim Turk advance Anger like unobstructed Love breaks forth In flaming hast yet here the Want of worth And Valour ' mongst the City heard had drove Them all to deaths dark Fields if whilst they strove With that stout band of Iannizaries they Had not been by Argalia taught the way To Victory who in a sally meets Retreating fear when crecping from the streets To th' vain protection of their doors and now His conquering Sword having taught all to bow Beneath its burnisht splendor since the high Applause o th' loudest acclamations fly Beneath his worth a general Vote elects Him for their Prince but his brave Soul affects Not so sublime a burthen knowing they Bred under a Democrisie obey Contracted power but harshly he returns All to their Senate who of late like Urns Nought but the uselesse Ashes did contain Of their own Laws which were by Conquest sl●in But his refusal where acc●ptance not Envy could say Ambition had begot But new Plants Vertue who from thence did take The deeper Root and ' mongst the throng did make That choice so Epedemical that he For Valour feard lov'd for Humility The peoples prayer those humble shrubs that ow For safety to pow●'s Cedars joyn to grow ●hadowd beneath his Merit and create Him Prince o th' Senate who their doubtful state Requiring strong Ailies A Fleet prepard To seek those Princes who their danger shard Which ready with a prosperous Gale of wind He though imployd by Honour sails to find Out Loves rich Indiaes and with 's white winged Fleet Hastens Palermos neerest Port to meet CANTO THE FIFTH The ARGUMENT With prosperous Sails mov'd from Sardinia's Shore Argalia safe doth now from danger set The Cyprian Prince who though so large in score With noble friendship soon repays the Debt In Sparta's Court they 'r now arriv'd where he That Life he sav'd venters to serve him in An Act so great it sets the Princess free Who for his sake had long a Prisoner bin WHilst with bent Oars Argalia's Squadrons move Like the light wings of Times Physitian Love Who steerd his course and now had safely drawn Him through th' Ionian Waves when by the dawn Of a still Morning whose pale sickly light Yet bounded in the Ebbony of Night Shewd like a dull Quicksilver foil spread o're The Worlds great Glasse whose even Surface bore Within their view two Galleons whom they saw Like timerous Hares base Hunters give no Law Chac'd by a nimble numerous flee● Drawn near Christians the chac'd the Chacers Turks appear Which like a shole of smaller Fishes made So bold by number that they durst invade The big bulkt Whale on every side assails The slow-pac'd fleet who since not strength prevayls Against such ods their fiery spirits spent In thunder which had from their broad sides sent The last great groan for powers decease and they Not their Foes terror but good fortune lay Whilest crampt in this convulsion of their fear Which honour gilding made despair appear The childe of fortitude they all prepare Brave●y to die Argalia's squadrons bare Up with the winde and ere the Turks proud Fleet Deceiv'd by their own Crescents fear to meet A danger like a Hirrocane falls in Destruction which was suffer'd whilest unseen So wealthy Merchants whose returning cost A storm on the pacifick Sea hath lost Fall from the arms of hope Sudden and swift As inundations whose impetuous drift Swallows a sleeping City up had they Lost the firm hold of Victory and lay Sad Captives in their own lost Ship for flight Saves few where all in hopes of conquest fight Fair Vict'ry made more bright by accident Even when despair hopes wasted stock had spent Those that were rescu'd from their soft prayers raise To pay heavens tribute in their louder prayse Which oft neglected debt discharg'd they gave Allay'd with thanks to him whose band did save A miracle in their delivery all D●sev'd applause that can when mounted fall i th' Circle of Humanity to kisse Those hands wich pluckt him from the black Abbysse Of Death their brave Commander goes where he Discoverd by Majestick curtesie Such real forms of worth that he was grown Rich in esteem before more fully known But long Truth stands not vail'd in a disguize Of Ignorance ere they are taught to prize His Friendship at a higher rate by seeing Their active Valour had been blest in freeing The Cyprian Prince for such he was and then Bound for Morea this made publick when Acquaintance had taught Love more boldnesse he All that discretion would permit to be Lodg'd in the Closet of a friendly Breast Tels to Argalia who though in his best Of hopes a Rival knowing him was in Love too secure to harbour envious sin Their prosperous Fleet ere times short steps had trod In hours a full dayes Journey safely rod At Anchor in Ghirenza's Bay from whence When known their Cannons in a loud expence Proclaim their welcome the Acquaintance that The Cyprians Father ere his youth stayd at Its Summer Solstice with Cleander had Revives i th' Suns embraces which the glad Citie in th' triumphs ecchoes ere 't was known That his Resolves were such as Love was grown The wishes of the peoples throng who thought That that unpollisht Prince Zoranza brought Unequal strength of Merit ere to win The Fort Pharonnida lodg'd Vertue in When first they enterd the admiring Court Fame wise mens care but the Fools busie sport Making the Ear the Eyes wise Harbinger By Learning first their Vertues did coafer More honour on their persons they beheld i th' Cyprian Prince heroick worth yet sweld With no ambitious tumour calm and free As who●esome aire when its Ubiquity Breaths healthful blasts where his smooth thoughts to all Most sweetly affable but few could call His Love familiar his Youth had not Yet learnt rough War although from Precept got Its useful Rudiments and by Valour shews Future Command may pay what Action ows To speculation by the Grave sad man Whose counsel could Conspiracies unspan When ready to give fire he is beheld As one whose Vertues far his years exceld And
death arrest Him for his murtherer by which change opprest More then before with fear he who now thought On nought but death to a tribunal brought Ere ask'd confesses that foul crime for which He this just doom receives since to inrich What had before wealths surfeit took this sin Was chiefly acted his estate faln in To th' hands of justice by the judge should be From hence dispos'd of then from death to free His life already forfeited except Murther'd Ismander whom he thought had slept In 's winding sheet his hopeless Advocate Should there appear in which unhappy state The wretch now ready to depart beholds This glorious change Ismander first unfolds Himself and her who bound by natures laws Implores his pardon ere they plead his cause Which done the Judge that his lost wealth might be No cause of grief unmasking lets him see Euriolus by whom from th' worst of sin To liberal vertue he 'd deluded bin The End of the Third Canto PHARONNIDA The Fourth Book CANTO IV. The Argument I. Whilest we a while the pensive Lady ●eave Here a close Mourner for her rigid fate Let 's from the dark records of time receive The manner how Argalia wav'd the hate II. Of his malignant stars which when they seem To threaten most through that dark cloud did lead Him to a knowledge of such dear esteem He his high birth did there distinctly read FReed from the noise o' th' busie world within A deep dark vale whose silent shade had bin Religions vail when blasted by the beams Of Persecution far from the extreams Of solitude or sweary labor were Some few blest men whose choice made Heaven their care Sequestred from the throngs of men to finde Those better joyes calms of a peacefull minde Yet though on this pacifick sea their main Design was Heaven that voyage did not restrain Knowledge of humane arts which as they past They safely view'd though there no anchor cast Their better temper'd judgments counting that But hoodwink'd zeal which blindly catches at The great Creators sacred will without Knowing those works that will was spent about Which being the climax to true judgement we Behold stoop'd down to visibilitie In lowliest creatures natures stock being nought But God in 's image to our senses brought In the fair evening of that fatal day By whose meridian light Love did betray Ingag'd Argalia near to death was one Of these heav'ns happy Pensioners alone Walking amongst the gloomy Groves to view What soveraign vertues there in secret grew Confin'd to humble plants whose signatures Whilst by observing he his art secures From vain experiments Argalia's Page Crossing a neighboring path did disingage His serious eye from natures busie task To see the wandring Boy who was to ask The way for more his youths unprompted fear Expects not there to the blest man drawn near But when with such a weeping innocence As Saints confess those sins which the expence Of tears exacted he had sadly told What harsh fate in restrictive wounds laid hold Of 's worthy Master pity prompted by Religious love helps the poor Boy to dry His tears with hopes of comfort whilst he goes To see what sad Catastrophe did close Those bloody scenes which the unequal fight Foretold before fear prompted him to flight No● far they 'd past ere they the place had found Where groveling in a stream of blood the ground His purple-bed the wearied Prince they see Strugling with death from whose dark monarchie Pale troops assail his cheeks whilst his dim eies Like a spent lamp which ere its weak flame dies In giddy blazes glares as if his soul Were at those casements flying out did roll Swifter then thought their bloodshot orbs his hands Did with deaths agues tremble cold dew stands Upon his clammy lips the springs of blood Having breath'd forth the spirits clotted stood On that majestick brow whose dreadful frown Had to deaths scepter laid its terror down The holy man upon the brink o' th' grave Finding such forms of worth attempts to save His life from dropping in by all his best Reserves of art selecting from the rest Of his choise store an herb whose soveraign power No flux of blood though falling in a shower Of death could force which gently bruis'd and to His wound apply'd taught nature to renew Her late neglected functions and through short Recruits of breath made able to support His blood-enfeebled body till they reach The Monastry where nobler art did teach Their simple medicines to submit to those Which skill from their mixt vertues did compose Life which the unexpected gift of fate Rather then art appear'd in this debate Of death prevailing in short time had gain'd So much of strength that weakness now remain'd The only slothful R●mora that in His bed detain'd him where being often seen By those whom art alike had qualifi'd For his relief as one of them appli'd His morning-medicines to a spacious wound Fixt on his breast he that rare jewel found Which in his undiscerning infancie There hung by 's father fortune had kept free From all her various accidents to shew How much his birth did to her favor owe. Shook with such silent joy as he had been In calm devotion by an Angel seen The good old man his wonder rarifi'd Into amazement stands he had descri'd What if no force had robb'd him of it since 'T was first bestow'd none but his true born Prince Could wear since art wise Natures fruitful ape Ne'r but in that had birth which bore that shape Assur'd by which with unstirr'd confidence He asks Argalia where he knew from whence When nature first did so much wealth impart To earth that jewel took those forms of art But being answer'd that his infancie When first it was conferr'd on him might be Th' excuse of 's ignorance that voice alone Confirms his aged friend who having known As much of fortune as in fates dark shade His understanding legible had made From weak Argalia to require him leads Knowledge where he his lifes first copy reads Drest in this language 'T was unhappy Prince For such this story must salute you since Told to confirm 't a truth my destinie When youth and strength rendred me fit to be My dearest Countries servant plac'd within Mantinea's glorious Court where having been Made capable by sacred Orders I Attain'd the height of Priestly dignity Being unto him whose awful power did sway That crown in dear esteem but Honors day Which gilded then the Courtly sphere sunk down I lost my Mitre in the fall o' th' Crown Sad is the doleful tale yet since that in Its progress you may find where did begin Your lifes first stage thus take it When the Court Stifl'd with throngs of men whose thick resort Plenty and peace call'd thither being grown Sickly with ease view'd as a thing unknown Dangers stern brow which even in smiling fates Proves a Quotidian unto wiser States Whilst pride grew big and envy bigger
their whispering Oaks unclad The Prince his mercy willing to prevent Approaching danger by a Herald sent To Zarrob●in commands him to lay down His arms and as he owed unto his Crown A Subjects due allegiance to appear Before a moneth was added to that year Within his Court which now since action gave Life to that body whose firm strength did save His life by treason levell'd at was in His moving Camp But this too weak to win The doubtful Rebel since his lawful right Swords must dispute the Prince prepares to fight Proud Zarrobrin who had by late success Taught Siracuse how to avoid distress By seeking peace like a black storm that flies On Southern winds which in a tumult rise From neighboring seas was on his march But come Sonear the Prince that now he had by some Of 's spreading Scouts made full discovery where His Army lay whose scarce discovered Rear Such distance from their well-arm'd Van appear'd That such whose judgments were with numbers feard Making no further inquisition fled By swift report their pale disease to spread Disturbing clouds which rather seem'd to rise From guilt then fear spread darkness ore the eyes O' th' Rebels who although by custom made To death familiar wish their killing trade In peace concluded and with murmures nigh Grown to the boldness of a mutinie Question their own frail judgments which so oft Had life expos'd to dangers that had brought No more reward then what preserv'd them still The slaves unto a proud Commanders will To stop this swift infection which begun In lowly huts to lofty tents had run Slie Zarobrin who to preserve th' esteem Of honor lest lib'rality might seem The child of fear with secret speed prevents What he appears to slight their discontents As if attending though attended by Their young Mock-Prince whose landskip royaltie Shew'd only fair when view'd at distance he Passing with slow observant pace to see Each squadrons order he confirms their love With donatives such as were far above Their hopes if Victors then to shew that in That pride of bounty h 'had not strove to win Assistance by unworthy bribes he leads Them far from danger since his judgment reads In long experience that authentick story Whose lines hath taught the nearest way to glory That soft delays like treacherous streams which by Submitting lets the rash intruder try Their dangerous depth to an unwilling stay His fierce persuers would ere long betray Whose force since of th' untutor'd multitude By want made desperate and by custom rude Would soon waste their unweildy strength whilst they Whom discipline had taught how to obey By pay made nimble and by order sure Would wars delays with easier wants endure This sound advice meeting with sad success From the persuing Army whose distress From tedious marches being too clamorous grown For 's friends estates to quiet soon was shewn In actions such which though necessitie Inforc'd on vertue made their presence be To th' inconsiderate vulgar whose loose glance For vertue take vice gloss'd with circumstance Such an oppression that comparing those Which fled with mildness they behold as foes Only their ruder followers whom they curse Not that their cause but company was worse When thus their wan●s had brought disorder in And that neglect whose looser garb had bin At first so shie that what was hardly known From business then was now to custom grown This large limb'd body since united by No cement but the love to loyalty Loses those baser parts such as to please Unworthy ends turn'd duty to disease Retaining onely those whose valor sought No more reward then what with blood they bought But here to shew that slumbring justice may Opprest with power faint in the busie day Of doubtfull battel when their valor had So many souls from robes of fresh unclad Of his brave friends that the forsaken Prince Whose sad success taught knowledge to convince The Arguments of hope unguarded left Unto persuing foes was soon bereft Of all that in this cloud of fortune might By opposition or unworthy flight But promise fafety and when death denide Him her last dark retreat to raise the pride Of an insulting foe is forc'd to see The scorn of greatness in captivity Yet with more terror to limb sorrow in His mighty soul such friends as had not bin By death discharg'd in fatal battel now Suffer'd so much as made even fear alow Her palest sons to seek in future wars Brave victory got by ages honor scars Or braver death that antidote of shame Whose stage none pass upon the rode of Fame Those that far'd best being murther'd others sent With life to more afflicting banishment When thus by him whose sacred order made The truth authentick from his fortunes shade Argalia was redeem'd the Prelate to Confirm his story from his bosom drew The jewel which having by wayes unknown To him that wore it open'd there was shewn By wit contracted into art as rare As his that durst make silver sphears compare With heavens light motion an Effigies which His royal Sire whilst beauty did enrich His youth appear'd in such epitomy As spacious fields are represented by Rare opticks on opposing walls where sight Is conzen'd with imperfect forms of light When with such joy as Scythians that grow proud Of day behold light gild an eastern cloud Argalia long had view'd that picture in Whose face he saw forms that said his had been Drawn by that pattern with such thanks as best The silent eloquence of looks exprest The night grown ancient ere their stories end With solemn joy leaves his informing friend The End of the Fourth Book PHARONNIDA The Fift Book CANTO I. The Argument I. Tier'd with afflictions in a safe retreat From th' active world Pharonnida is now Making a sacred monastry her seat Where near approaching the confirming vow II. A rude assault makes her a Prisoner to Almanzors power to expiate whose sin The subtil Traytor swiftly leads her to The Court where she had long a stranger bin HEre harsh imployments the unsavory weeds Of barren wants had over-run the seeds Of fancy with domestick cares and in Those winter storms shipwrack'd what ere had bin My youths imperfect off-spring had not I For love of this neglected poverty That meager fiend whose rustic tallons stick Contempt on all that are inforc'd to seek Like me a poor subsistance ' mongst the low Shrubs of imployment whilst blest wits that grow Good fortunes favorits like proud Ceders stand Scorning the stroke of every feeble hand Whose vain attempts though they should martyr sense Would be repulst with big-bulk'd confidence Yet blush not gentle Muse thou oft hast had Followers by fortunes hand as meanly clad And such as when time had worn envy forth Succeeding ages honor'd for their worth Then though not by these rare examples fier'd To vain presumption with a soul untir'd As his whose fancies short Ephemeraes know No life but what doth from his liquor
not At the first view ere merit had begot A calm remission of rebellious sin Affront an anger which had justice bin In his confusion his arms he now behind As that which might too soon have call'd to mind His former crimes he leaves and for them took To gain the aspect of a pitying look A Hermites homely weed his willing train By that fair gloss their liberties to gain Rode arm'd but so what for offence they bore Was in submission to lay down before The throne of injur'd power to cure whose fear Their armed heads on halter'd necks appear Near to the rear of these the Princess in A mourning Litter close as she had bin In a night-march unto her tomb is through The Cities wandring tumults led unto The royal palace at whose gates all stay Save bold Almanzor whom the Guards obey For his appearing sanctity so much That he unquestion'd enters and thought such As his grave habit promis'd soon obtain'd The Princes sight where with a gesture fain'd To all the shapes of true devotion he By a successfull fiction comes to be Esteem'd the true converter of those wilde Bandits which being by their own crimes exil'd In spight of law had liv'd to punish those Which did the rules of punishment compose These being pardon'd as he 'd took from thence Encouragement veil'd under the pretence Of a religious pity he begins In language whose emolient smoothness wins An easie conquest on belief to frame A sad Petition which although in name It had disguis'd Pharonnida did finde So much of pity as the Prince inclin'd To lend his aid for the relief of her Whose vertue found so fair a character In his description it might make unblest That power which left so much of worth distrest Though too much tir'd with private cares to shew In publick throngs how much his love did owe To suffering vertue yet since told that she Was too much mask'd in clouds of grief to be The object of the censuring Court he to The Litter goes whose sable veil withdrew With wonder that did scarce belief admit Shadow'd in grief he sees his daughter sit His long lost daughter whom unsought to be Thus strangely found to such an extasie Of joy exalts him that his spirits by Those swift pulsations had been all let fly With thanks towards heav'n had not the royal Maid With showers of penitential tears allaid Those hotter passions and revok'd him to Support her griefs whose burthen had out-grew The powers of life but that there did appear Kinde natures love to cure weak natures fear In this encounter of their passions both With sorrow silent stood words being loath T' intrude upon their busie thoughts till they In moist compassion melted had away His angers fever and her frozen ●ears In Natures balm soft loves extracted tears Like a sad Patient whose forgotten strength Decay'd by cronick ills hath made the length Of life his burthen when near death meets there Unhop'd for health so from continual care The souls slow hectick elevated by This cordial joy the slothfull Lethargy Of age or sorrow findes an easier cure Then the unsafe extream a Calenture Nor are these comforts long constrain'd to rest Within the confines of his own swell'd brest Ere it s dismantl'd rayes did in a flight Swift as the motions of unbodied light Disperse its Epidemick vertues through The joyfull Court which now arriv'd unto Its former splendor heavens expected praise Doth on the wings of candid mercy raise Which spreading in a joyful Jubile To all offenders tells Almanzor he Might safely now unmask which done ere yet Discover'd at the well-pleas'd Princess feet Humbl'd with guilt he kneels who at the sight As much amaz'd as so sublime a flight Of joy admitted stands attentive to What did in these submissive words ensue Behold great Sir for now I dare be seen An object for your mercy that had been Too dreadful for discovery had not this Preceding joy told me no Crime could miss The rode of mercy though like mine a sin The suffering Nation is invellop'd in Sunk in the ocean of my guilt I h'd gone A desperate Rebel waited on by none But Outlaws to a grave obscure had not Relenting heaven thus taught me how to blot Out some of sins black characters ere I Beheld the beams of injur'd Majestie This in his passions relaxation spoke Perswades the Princes justice to revoke Its former rigor By the helpful hand Of mercy rais'd Almanzor soon did stand Not only pardon'd but secur'd by all His former honors from a future fall Making that fortune which did now appear Their pities object through the glass of fear With envy look'd on but in vain he stood Confirm'd in Loves Meridian altitude The length of life from Honors western shade Except in new Rebellion retrograde Which plotting leave him till the winding clew Of fancy shall conduct your knowledge to Those uncouth vaults and mounting the next story See Vertue climbing to the throne of glory The End of the First Canto PHARONNIDA The Fifth Book CANTO II. The Argument I. Leaving Pharonnida to entertain The varieus passions of her Father we Must now return to see Argalia gain That power by which he sets his Father free II. From the command of haughty Rebels who By justice sent to a deserved death Argalia takes the Crown his merits due And the old Prince in peace resigns his breath REturn'd to see what all the dark records Of the old Spartan History affords i th' progress of Argalia's fate I found The chain'd Historian here so strictly bound To follow truth although at dangers cost No silent night nor s●●cky battail lost The doubtfull rode which often did appear Through floods of faction fill'd with storms of fear Obscure and dark to the belief of that Less guilty age though then to tremble at Romes bold ambition and those prodigies Of earth their Tyrants to inform their eies Left mourning monuments of ill but none Like what they now attempt a sin unknown To old Aspirers which should have been sent Some Ages forward for a president To these with whom compar'd their crimes had bin Though past to act but weak essayes of sin With such a speed as the supplies of air Fearing a vacuum hasten to repair The ruptures of the earth at our last view We left reviv'd Argalia posting to Aetolia's distant confines where arriv'd He found their Army whose atempts had thriv'd Since he Epirus had forsook so far Advanc'd that now the varied scene of war Transferr'd to faithless Ardena was there Fixt in a siege whose slow approaches were The doubts of both the city pines for fear Remote supplies might fail which drawn so near The circling Army knows that either they Must flie from conquest near obtain'd or stay To meet a danger which by judgement scan'd Their strength appears unable to withstand Whilst thus their pensive leaders busied are In cross dilemma's as by publick war He meant to meet revenge
bin A stranger to the sad events of this So dismal night he by relation is Inform'd of each particular which he Seeming to hear in griefs extremity From silent sorrow which appear'd to wait On still attention his prepar'd deceit Disguis'd in rage appears a rage which in Its active flight to finde what hearts had bin Defil'd with thoughts of such foul crimes did seem So full of zeal its actions did redeem The lost report of loyalty in those His former crimes made his most constant foes By guarded gates and watchfull parties that Surround the walls till th' people frighted at Their fury shrink from publick throngs they now Assur'd of safety whilst enquiring how Hell hatch'd these monsters whose original Whilst searching they by the consent of all His best Physitians whose experienc'd skill From outward signs knew what internal ill Death struck the Prince inform'd the cause could be From nought but such a subtil enemy As poyson which when every accident They had examin'd all conclude was sent Mixt with that cordial whose conceal'd receit Unknown to art their envy term'd the bait To tempt the easie Princes faith into That net which death allur'd by treason drew With power from this imbrac'd suspition sprung Almanzor who not envies spotted tongue Durst call prophane though rudely forcing those Weak gates which need no greater strength t' oppose Unclean intruders then the reverence they Inforc'd by zeal did with Religion pay Unto that places sanctity which he Contemning ere the wrong'd societie Expecting such injurious visits in Rude fury entring those whose power had bin Imploy'd by noble pity to attend The suffring Princess in such haste did send Them to her close and dark abodes that now Their doubts confirm'st they 're only studying how To shun that danger which informing fear Falsly perswades towards them alone drew near Which dark suspition ere unclouded by Seising on him whose innocence durst fly To no retreat the Royal fugitives Back to the vault where first they enter'd drives Now at the great'st antipathie to Day The silent earth opprest with Midnight lay Vested in clouds black as they had been sent To be the whole worlds mourning monument When through the Caves damp womb conducted by A doubtful light that scarce inform'd the eye To find out those unhaunted paths they in A faint assurance with soft pace begin To sally forth where unsuspected they Are seis'd by guards that in close ambush lay Which ere amazement could give action leave To seek for safety did their hopes deceive By close restraint aw'd by whose power they 're to Almanzor brought who from that object drew Such joy as fills usurpers when they see Wrong'd Princes strugling with captivitie From hence in such disdainful silence led As taught their fear from just suspition bred To tremble at some unknown ill about That sober time when Lights small lamps go out At the approach of Days bright glories brought Back to the Court they there not long had sought Their sorrows sad original before A Court conven'd of such whose power had bore Whilst Gods own choice a Monastry had lent Their dictates law the weight of government They hither call'd by summons that did sound Like bold rebellion in sad omen found More then they fear'd A mourning train of Lords Plac'd round a black tribunal that affords To the spectators penetrated eye A dismal horror cloath'd in majestie Like hierogliphicks pointing to that fate Which must ensue all yet in silence sate A dreadful silence such as unto weak Beholders seem'd to threaten when they speak Death and destruction dictates when they saw Their Princess enter'd as if rigid Law To loyal duty let the scepter fall In an obedient reverence rais'd they all Lowly salute her but that complement To bribe their pity fear in vain had spent When all resuming now their seats command The Royal captives whose just cause did stand On no defence but unknown truth to be Summon'd to th' bar where that they first might see What rigor on the royal blood was shewn From no unjust conspiracie had grown A sable curtain from their herses drawn Betrays her eyes then in the sickly dawn Of grief grown dim unto that horrid place Where they met death drawn in her fathers face By whom now turn'd into well-model'd clay Fitted for 's tomb the slain Epirot lay At this as if some over-venturous look For temperate rays destructive fire had took In at her souls receiving portals all Lifes functions ceas'd sorrow at once le ts fall The burthen of so many griefs which in A death-like slumber had forgotten bin Till humane thoughts obliterated by The wish● conversions of eternity Opprest no more had not in●urious haste Before this conflict could those spirits waste Which had to shun passions external strife Fled to the primum mobile of life Recall'd with them her sorrows to attend Their nimblest motions which too fast did spend Her strength to suffer weakness to obay The Courts intentions of a longer stay From ruffl'd passions which her soul opprest By the soft hand of recollecting rest Strok'd to a calm which setl'd reason in Her troubled throne by those that first had bin Her guards the Princess that fair pattern whence Men drew the height of humane excellence Is now return'd to let her proud foes see That the bright rays of magnanimitie Though envy like th' ungrateful moon do strive To hide that sun except what 's relative Ne'r knows eclipse the darkness taking birth From what 's below whilst that remov'd from earth Her clear unclouded conscience ever stays Amongst bright vertues universal rays The mourning Court those ministers of fate In expectation of their prisoners sate They now appear in those disguises which They first were took being habits though not rich Enough to gild their rare perfections yet Such as did seem by sorrow made to fit Their present sufferings both the men cloth'd in Monastick robes black as their threds had bin Spun from Peruvian wooll the women clad Like mournful Votaries shew'd so sweetly sad As if their vertues which injurious fate Did yet conceal striving t' anticipate The flights of time had to th' external sence Shew'd these as emblems of their innocence But love nor pity though they both did here Within their Judges sternest looks appeare Durst plead for favor their indictments read So guilty sound that those whose hearts even bled Disdain'd their eyes should weep since justice did In such foul crimes mercy as sin forbid Yet more to clear what circumstance had made Level with reason from th' approaching shade Of death redeem'd that Lord whose wounds had bin But slumbers to recover safety in When the Messenian murdred was did now Declare as far as reason could allow The eyes to judge those habits which they then Did wear the same which cloath'd the murth'rers when His Prince was slain which open proof appears So full of guilt it stops her friends kinde fears Ere rais'd to hope
hours of the succeeding night to find How in that factious troubl'd sea inclin'd The City stood whose shallow sons dare vent By nothing but their tongues that discontent Their hands might cure were not those useful parts Restrain'd from action by unmanly hearts Which being at once with grief and fear opprest Durst do no more but pity the distrest Which gentle passion since so general lends Some light of hope to her enquiring friends To usher in that dismal day whose light Design'd to lead into eternal night As much of beauty as did ere give place To death the morning shews her gloomy face Wrapt up in clouds whose heavy vapors had Hung heaven in black when to perform the sad And serious office of ●onfessors to Those royal sufferers whom harsh fates persue To deaths dark confines through their guard of foes Argalia and his grave assistant goes Where he whose love to neither did surmount His zeal to take the Cyprians last account Himself addrest whilst his kind passions lead Argalia from Pharonnida to read Her lifes last story made authentick by The near approach of her eternity Enter'd the room which to his startl'd ●ight Appear'd like sorrow sepulcher'd in night So dismal sad so silent that the cold Retreat of death the grave did ne'r unfold A heavier object by a sickly light Which was even then to th' artificial night That fill'd the room resigning'ts reign he saw Griefs fairest draught divine Pharonnida Amidst her tears faln like a full-blown flower Whose polisht leaves oreburthen'd with a shower Drops from their beauties in the pride of day ' To deck the earth so sadly pining lay The pensive Princess whom an extasie O● passion led to practise how to die In such abstracted contemplations that Angels forsook their thrones to wonder at Wet with those tears in whose Elixar she Was bathing of the Lilies nurserie Her bloodless cheeks her trembling hand sustan'd A book which what heavens mercy hath ordain'd For a support to humane frailty in Storms of affliction lay which as she 'd bin Now so well in repentant lectures read That faith was on the wings of knowledge fled To meditation her unactive grief Lets softly fall whilst Time wise natures thief That all might look like sorrows swarthy night Is stealing forth of the neglected Light Whose sullen flame as it would sympathize With those quencht beams that once adorn'd her eys After a feeble blaze that spoke its strife But vain in silence weeps away its life Come to behold this beauteous monument Of mourning passion his great spirits spent On love and wonder the astonish'd Prince Here silent stands valor could not convince His wild amazement To behold her lie By rigid laws restrain'd from libertie To whom his soul was captive troubles all His reasons guards But when how she must fall From beauteous youth and vertuous life to be One of the graves obscure societie Must fall no Martyr whose lamented death Grows pities object but depart with breath ' Mongst ignominious clouds of guilt that must Stick an eternal odium on her dust That thought transports him from his temper to Passions in which he had forgot to do His Priestly office and in rage as high As ever yet inflam'd humanitie Sent him to actions whose attempt had bin The rode his valor must have perish'd in Had not her sorrows agony forsook The Princess by whose first unsteady look He being as far as his disguise gave leave Discover'd is invited to receive Those last confessions in whose freedom she Seeks by absolving comforts how to free Her soul of all which a religious fear Like spots on her white conscience made appear Having from her unburthen'd soul learnt how To ease his own the Priestly Prince had now As far as bold humanitie durst dive Into remission heavens prerogative Pronounc'd that pardon for whose seal there stood The sin-polluted worlds redeeming blood By which blest voice rais'd from what did appear Like sorrow till her faith had banish'd fear The Princess in such gentle calms of joy As souls that wear their bodies but to cloy Celestial ●lights can feel to entertain Her fatal doom with a resolv'd disdain Of death prepares whilst he whom heaven to her Had made their mercies happy Messenger Forsaking her repairs to him that had With the same hand the Cyprians thoughts unclad By whom inform'd how that in their defence His sword protected nought but innocence Arm'd with those blessings which so just a cause Proclaim'd his due he secretly withdraws To change those emblems of Religious peace Monastick robes for such as might increase Their joy and wonder whose contracted fear Despair'd to see a Combatant appear Although they knew his sword defended then The best of causes ' gainst the worst of men Whilst he prepares with near as much of speed As incorporeal substances that need But will for motion to defend her in Th' assaults of death that hour which long had bin The dreadfull expectation of those friends That pitied her arriv'd in sorrow ends Fears cold disease those Ministers of fate The props to all that 's illegitimate The Army to suppress the weak essayes Of love or pity guarded had the wayes By which illegal power conducted her From that dark room griefs curtain'd Theater To be beheld upon the publick stage The glory yet the scandal of the age Which two extreams met on the scaffold in A Princess suffering and a peoples sin Which now join'd to the dreadful pomp that cals His Subjects to attend the funerals Of her lov'd father whose lifes vertues won Tears for his death thus solemnly begun Remov'd no further from the City then An hours short walk though undertaken when Sol rag'd in Cancer might with ease convay Scorcht travellers a dismal temple lay In a dark vally where more antient times Had perpetrated those religious crimes Of humane offerings to those Idols that Their hands made for their hearts to tremble at Yet this since now made venerable by Those reverend reliques of antiquity The Spartan Princes monuments by those Of later times though alter'd faith is chose For their retreat when lifes extinguisht glory Sought rest beneath a silent dormitory Nor stood this fabrick all alone long since A Palace by some melancholy Prince Which hated light or lov'd the darkness built To please his humor or conceal his guilt So near it stood to distant eyes which sent Thither their beams it seem'd one monument Whose sable roof ' mongst Cypress shadows fills The deep dark basis of those barren hills With such a mournfull Majesty as strook A terror into each beholders look Awfull as if some Diety had made That gloomy vale to be the sacred shade Where he chose in enigma's to relate The dark decrees of mans uncertain fate Betwixt this temple and the City stood In squadrons thick as shews an ancient wood To distant sight the Army plac'd to be In this sad march their guilts securitie Whose glittering swords shon as