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A28525 Forty questions of the soul concerning its original, essence, substance, nature or quality and property, what it is from eternity to eternity : framed by a lover of the great mysteries, Doctor Balthasar Walter, and answered in the year 1620 / by Jacob Behme, called Teutonicus Philosophus ; Englished by John Sparrow ...; Viertzig Fragen von der Seele. English Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.; Sparrow, John, 1615-1665? 1665 (1665) Wing B3407; ESTC R14533 160,272 442

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maketh astringent austere or harsh from the attracting in the Will and the attracting is stinging and the suffering is bitter which the Will willeth not and thereupon in it self goeth forth from the sting and maketh a Principle of its own in which the Majesty appeareth 82. Thus existeth in the bitter suffering the great Anguish whereas yet nothing is there that suffereth but it is in it self thus and it is its own Life and if this were not the Glance of the Majesty would not be neither the one is the cause of the other for in the Darkness is the flash of Lightning and in the Liberty the Light with the Majesty 83. And this now is the parting that the Liberty is a still nothing which Liberty receiveth the Light and maketh the Darkness Material whereas yet there is no substance of palpability but dark spirit and power a filling of the Liberty in it self understand in the Desiring not without for without is the Liberty 84. Therefore is God the most secret and also the most revealed and that is Mysterium magnum the great Mystery Thus the Abysse is also secret and yet revealed as the Darkness is before our eyes but the source or pain is unsearchable or unperceptible till the will diveth thereinto then it becometh felt and found when the will loseth the Light and herein lyeth the ground of right beleeving or true Faith Let this be told you ye Teachers in Babel 85. Since then there is an Abysse which is called the Ground in respect of the comprehension of the Darkness where the source or pain is as a cause of the Life within for the fierce wrathfull slash of Lightening is the awakening of the Life whereas there is nothing there but in it self therefore it is also a Desiring and the Desiring is a Seeking and yet can find nothing but a Looking-glass and a similitude of the dark fierce wrathful source or pain wherein nothing is 86. For it is a figure of the earnest severe fierce wrathful flash of Lightning and of the sharp and strong Might which is God's according to which he calleth himself a Consuming Fire and an Angry Zealous or Jealous God 87. This Looking-glass is also without Ground without Beginning and End and yet hath an Eternal Beginning and End and is the Eternal Only Cause that the Abysse is Blew Dusky and Fiery It is the Cause of the Stars and Elements for the Firmament is the other or second Looking-glass generated out of this 88. Since then there is in all things a Threefold Source one whereof is the others Looking-glass Generating and Cause nor thing excepted All standeth according to the Substance or Working of the Number Three 89. Now seeing there is a Looking-glass in the Abysse wherein the source or quality beholdeth it self therefore that also is a figure and image of the source or quality which standeth before the source or quality and acteth or generateth nothing but is a Virgin of the source quality or pain wherein the fierce Wrath of the flash of Lightning discovers it self in infinity without Number and continually openeth its wonders therein with the bitter spirit of the stirring Essences which in the flash of Lightening hath its Life so that it goeth swifter than a Thought 90. Though indeed the THOUGHTS of the Creatures stand and move herein and the Spirits of all living Creatures are with their Root standing herein every Life according to its Principle 91. And in this Spirit of the fire-flash standeth the Great Omnipotent Life for it is consuming as the flash of Lightning consumeth the Darkness and that Fire all things and yet continueth a Life in it self but it is an Hunger and Thirst and must have Substantiality else it continueth a Dark Hunger-fire a will of devouring and having Nothing a will to rage prick and find nothing but it self out of which cause the Substantiality viz. the Water as also Sulphur is generated and generateth it self from Eternity to Eternity 92. Here seek the first Root of the Soul viz. in the Fire-Life and the second in the Light-Life in the Majesty and then you will find God's Image and similitude and the greatest Mystery of the Deity lying therein 93. Since then there is such an Eye of the fierce Wrath wherein the earnest severe stern fire-life originateth yet is not at all sundred from the Fire-Life it is One and the same Life and hath Two Principles for it burneth in a twofold source or quality one within another and is One Spirit in Two distinctions with two Wills the one dwelling in the Fire the other in the Light 94. And know for certain assuredly that the Dark Fire-Life is the the Abysse of Hell for it is the stern severe Anger of God 95. And seek it not so as Babel the great City of Confusion upon earth hath sought which yet we blame for nothing else but her negligence and inconsiderateness seeking self-honour and power and so hath captivated her self in the fierce wrathful Anger of God which hath had her a long time under its Wonders and drawn many souls into its source or quality Consider well of it 96. In the Third Part of our Writings it is largely described for that is somewhat easier to reach than this but this is the deepest Ground of Eternity as much as a Spirit can be capable of for more it CANNOT bear yet it may be expressed much more at large but not more deeply for it is comprized in the Abysse in both Principles as indeed a Soul originateth in the Abysse in both Principles and in the spiritual Will in the Eternity 97. And therefore if it be not circumspect the Devil may easily ride upon its Chariot viz. upon its Will but if it be circumspect and casteth it self into the Will of the Majesty of God then the holy Spirit of God rideth upon its will and it is his Chariot 98. Herein you may clearly discern Heaven and Hell Angels and Devils Evil and Good Life and Death if you but search after it as we shall further mention to you The Sixth Form of Fire 99. Thus then seeing Two Principles stand in One Substance as none with reason can speak against it for every Life standeth in Poyson and Light every one in its own Principle according as it hath the Source or Fountain Quality so hath it also its Light Thus it may be discerned concerning the Sustenance of the Life what that is which sustains or preserves the Life that it starve or famish not and what driveth forth its Source or fountain Quality that it may subsist Eternally 100. Now this also is in Two distinctions for the Light-Life hath its source or fountain quality and driving forth and the Fire-Life also its source or fountain quality and driving forth each in it self but the Fire-Life is a Cause of the Light-Life and the Light-Life is a Lord of the Fire-Life and herein lyeth the Mysterium magnum the
56. 228. But Man was out of the Mystery created an Image and Similitude of or according to God to or for God's Wonder Therefore at the right Number 54. standeth Wonder For he was a Wonder of all things or Substances a Lord of All things or Substances taken out of all things or Substances and was in the Inward Image an Angel As next Wonder in the Liberty standeth Angel Numb 55. For his Spirit dwelleth in the Liberty of God viz. in the Majesty as beyond the word Angel Number 56. Spirit standeth Which all signifieth the right or true Man viz. the First before the Fall and the second in Christ into which he must enter again or is rent or separated from God Four Elements Numb 57. 229. Under Mystery Number 55. standeth Four Elements they begin at the left on the outward Circle and go to the right through the Cross through two Circles signifying the outward World which originateth as an Out-birth out of the inward Substance on the outward Circle and bringeth its Wonders into the Mystery first into the second Principle into the first two Circles for they shall not go with their Substance into the Liberty through the Third Circle at the Right but pass in the Principle into the Mystery and in the Principle be tryed or purged in the Fire For there is the Limit of Separation The Souls Joy in Ternario Sancto Number 58. 230. Above on the second Circle at the Right Number 45. standeth Son the same is the Judge and Separator and beneath on the same Circle Number 58. standeth Souls Joy in Ternario Sancto in the Holy Ternary signifying that the Soul shall have joy in its works which it hath wrought in the Four Elements to the Praise and Glory of God which it hath introduced into the Angelical World into the Mystery For the Four Elements stand with their Root in the Great Mystery 231. And were the Earth not come into such a perished Condition and that the Devils Poyson and kindling or inflamation had not been done it were still one and the same Substance with or in the other Three Elements as indeed it is now in the Heavenly Substance Spiritual Bodies Habitation Num. 59. 232. This Bit hath Adam swallowed down into himself and thereby Lost his Angels Form For the Four Elements should stand hidden in him and he should live only in the One Element in Gods Power and Vertue and know or experiment nothing of the Evil As at the Right in the Liberty Number 59. standeth the Spiritual Mans Habitation there should the Images Body dwell viz. the Souls Body but that became hindred from it it must now under the Earth and become included or shut up in the Earthliness Earth Number 60. 233. Under the Four Elements standeth Earth Number 60. signifying that the Earth is wholly fallen back to the Inner World For the word toucheth neither the Left nor the Right Circle it is as a Death but the Cross goeth through it signifying its Restauration or bringing again to what it was that the Humane Earth is new-Born or Regenerated on the Cross and that the Heavenly and Divine Substance shall be severed from the Dark worlds Substance through the Fire of God where then shall be new Earth in a Heavenly Source or Fountain Quality Form Essence and Property and that which is hidden in the Earth in the Heavenly Part shall sprout or spring again Further is to be Considered that the Earth standeth thus upon or in the Abysse for it reacheth no Principle therefore it must pass away or vanish Earthly Man Numb 61. 234. Underneath standeth Number 61. Earthly Man where the Cross goeth through the midst of the Word which signifieth the fallen Earthly Man who is fallen under and into the Earth that is he is fallen home or back to the Earth and the Cross parteth or separateth the words Earthly and Man for Man shall again become separated from the Earth and enter into his Eternal Part either into the Light or Dark world Wonder Number 62. 235. Under the Cross Line standeth Number 62. Wonder signifying that the evil Wonder also the Evil part of the Earth shall in the Judgement of God when God will make separation fall home or back to the Abysse of Darkness and that shall be to All Devils and Evil Men their Earth on which they shall dwell one among another for the Abysse standeth under it below at Number 1. Babel Number 63. 236. Near Wonder standeth Babel Number 63. signifying how Babel is only a Wonder of the Abysse and worketh only Wonders in the Abysse Own Reason in Babel Numb 64. 237. Further above under the Circle at the Right after Earthly Man Number 64. standeth Own or self Reason in Babel which goeth round about the outside of the Circle of the Second Principle and goeth in own self Authority under the Divine World backward and supposeth She is in God and serveth or worshippeth him but is without God in self She or it Teacheth and doth only its own Things or Matters for it self for its own Ends it Ruleth the outward world in own self Reason without Gods Spirit and Will only according to its own Will Therefore it goeth about the Light world dissembling in Hypocrisie and giveth God good Words and continueth only without God upon or in the Abysse and thereinto also it falleth back and entereth Wonder of the Great Folly Num. 65. 238. Under Own Reason Number 65. standeth Wonder of the Great Folly signifying Babel who hath found all Art Suttelty and Cunning Politick Devices and Lost it self It seeketh Gold and loseth God it taketh Earth for Gold Death for Life and that is the Greatest Folly that is found in the Substance of All Substances as is sufficiently mentioned in other Places The Conclusion 239. Thus we see when we are at home not in this World but in the two inward Worlds in which soever we labour here into that we enter when we die we must Lose the outward we must only be new-born or Regenerated on the Crosse 240. Babel hath turned it self wholly away from the Crosse which signifieth the Proud own self Reason-Wise Subtle Men who rule and order themselves in or according to the Wit or Ingenuity of Folly 241. The Earthly Man on the Crosse Number 61. signifieth the simple heap or company which yet hang to the Crosse of Christ and become at length new-born or regenerated through the Crosse 242. But Reason hath even rent and torn it self off from the Cross in its own self Pleasure and Voluptuousnesse in its own Pomp Might or Power and Laws and that is a Wonder of Folly which even the Devils do scorn and deride 243. This the Reader should further consider of for there lyeth much under it it hath the understanding of all the Three Worlds See thy self therein it is a right true Looking-Glass for the Number Three is a Cross and hath Two
have fought a good fight here for here it is a very short Time 25. We stand here in the field or soyl and grow let every one have a care what fruit he beareth at the End of Harvest every ones work will be put into its own Barn 26. It is better to labour a little while in irksomness and Toyl and expect the great reward wages and refreshment then to be here a little while a King and afterwards to be a Wolf a Lyon a Dog a Cat a Toad a Serpent and Worm in Figure 27. O Child of Man consider it be warned for we speak pretious things out of a Wonderful Eye you will suddenly know it by Experience there is yet but a little Time For the Beginning hath clearly found the End and this is a little Rose out of the Beginning pray become seeing put away Covetousness from your Eyes else you will wail and lament and none will have pitty on you for that which any one soweth that he will also reap and then what will Pomp and Honour avail you when it falleth away from you 28. Ye are here very Potent and afterwards very Impotent ye are Gods and yet your selves run to the Devil take pitty of your Life and of your fair Heavenly Image 29. You are God's Children be not the Devils let not the Hypocrites with praise and flattery keep you back they do it for their Belly and Honour sake for Moneys sake they are the Ministers or Servants of the Great Babel 30. Search thy self ask thy Conscience whether it be in God it will complain against thee and say drive the flatterer and hypocrite away from thee and seek the clear Countenance of God see not by a Looking-Glass 31. God is for you he is IN you worship him come with the lost or prodigal Son to him else none can take the Turba from you when you give him good words you must only through Death go into the other world whereinto your hypocrisie and flattery cannot enter else there is no forgiveness of sins and if you give all to the Hypocrites or Flatterers yet you are at one time as well as the other captivated in the Turba 32. It is not so as if one stood by and did take away the Turba from you if you give him good words No No it is Magical you must be born again as Christ saith else you cannot attain God do what you will all Hypocrisie or flattery is deceit 33. If you would serve God then you must do it in the New Man the Earthly Adam can do him no service which is acceptable to him Sing Ring Call Crie Pray and what he will and whatsoever he doth it is but fighting before a Looking-Glass the Will must be in it the Heart must give it self into it else it is a Conjecture and a fable or fiction of Antichrist which filleth the whole world 34. The WILL is Greater and Mightier then much Crying it can destroy the Turba and enter into the Image it hath might or power to be God's Child it can cast away Mountains and raise the Dead if it be born or Generated in God and that The Holy Spirit give it leave 35. For it must converse in Obedience and great humility and Only cast its will into God's Will that God in it may be the Will and Deed that is the way to Blessednesse and Happinesse and to the Kingdom of Heaven and no other let the Pope or Doctors Preach what they will to the contrary all is lying and an Hypocritical flattering fighting before a Looking-Glass The Eighteenth Question How the Soul departs from the Body in the Death of a Man 1. HEre we will invite the World for a Guest especially Babel the Whore to try whether a Child can be made out of her for Death is a Terrible Guest he throweth the Proud Rider with the Horse to the Ground 2. My beloved Friend that is a very sharp question and needeth the Eyes of all the Three Principles which can see very well they must not die in Death if they will enter in and see this it must be Poyson to Death and a Pestilence to Hell it must take Death Captive if it will see else it gets no understanding unless it self come into Death then it will well feel what Death is it will well tast what that is when one Principle breaketh viz. one Life 3. You have perceived above that all Substances or Things are Magical one being the Looking-Glass of the other where in one Looking-Glass the desire of the first Looking-Glass becometh opened and cometh into Substance and then as in all substances or things the Turba is which breaketh or destroys all to the first substance and that is alone and hath no breaker or destroyer 4. For there is nothing more it cannot be broken or destroyed it standeth in it self and out of it self and goeth whither it will and then it is every where in no place for it is in the Abysse where there is no place of Rest it must only rest in it self 5. They seeing all Substances or Things are come or proceeded out of One therefore is the Beginning also in the Last Substance or Thing for the Last is again turned back into the first and seeketh the first and findeth it in it self and when it findeth the first it letteth all the other go and dwelleth in the Limit and there it can be without source quality or pain 6. For there is nothing that can give it source quality or pain it is it self the thing of the first Substance and though it be another thing yet it is but its Twig or Branch and hath its will and none other for there is nothing that can give it another will 7. We give you to understand concerning dying thus the beginning seeketh the Limit and when it findeth that it casteth the seeking away that is the Earthly Life that will be cast away it must break or destroy it self 8. For the Beginning viz. the Soul continueth in the Limit and lets the Body depart and there is no complaint about it also the Soul desireth it no more it must go into the Limit viz. into the Wonders of that which hath been done or wrought 9. The Souls Spirit hath no woe done to it when the Body departeth but woe is done to the Fire-Life for the Matter of the Fire which hath generated the Fire that breaketh away but only in the Substance 10. The Figure remaineth standing in the Will for the Will cannot break and the Soul must continue in the Will and taketh the Figure for Matter and burneth in the Will for the first Glance of the Fire goeth not away but its Matter of the Earthly Life viz. the Phur will be broken away from it 11. Thus the Fire becometh impotent and passeth into the Darkness unless it be so that the Spirit have Heavenly Substantiality viz. God's Body then the Fire viz. the right or
filling for it hath nothing whereby it can defend it self but the Desiring 40. And here originateth the Eternal Enmity and opposite Will The Will willeth not to be dark and yet its desiring maketh it dark it endureth the stirring readily for it is its manifestation or revelation but the in drawing and darkning it doth not love though indeed the Will becometh not drawen nor darkned but the Desiring in the Will impregnateth it self 41. But now being the Desiring sticketh in the darkness therefore there is a great Anguish for it becometh stirred and drawn and also darkned and vexeth it self in it self and desireth the Liberty and draweth so eagerly after the Liberty and willeth to draw it self into the Liberty and yet maketh it self onely the more eager rough and hard and is like a horrible sharpness which is consuming viz. of the Darkness 42. For it graspeth the Liberty into it self but is so sharp that it appeareth in the Liberty as a flash of lightning which consumeth the darkness together with the eagerness Therefore saith God I am a consuming Fire 43. Here understand how all Matter standeth in the right Fires Might and how the Floar shall once be purged for that is the original of the Fire which hath ALL Might and Power for it consumeth whatsoever the desire hath made be it Stone or Earth for it is the sharpness of the Eternal Liberty and giveth or affordeth Centrum Naturae the Center of Nature 44. But that you may search yet deeper know that the Fire in it self originally standeth in Three Forms viz. First In the Desiring And then secondly in the Matter of that which is attracted viz. in the Darkness in which is Substantiality from the attracting And Thirdly In the Anguish-source or Pain The Fourth Form 45. And the Fourth Form maketh it self viz. the Flash of Lightning for the Liberty causeth that and that is the kindler of the Anguish-source for the Desiring in the Darkness willeth only to have the Liberty and the Liberty being a light without shining is therefore like a very deep Blew Colour mixed with Green so that it cannot be discerned plainly what colour it is of for all Colours are in it and the Desiring in it self in its eager anguish and sharpness breaketh the colours and maketh in it self the terrible consuming Flash of Lightning and changeth it according to the Anguish so that it becometh Red. 46. Yet the Liberty in the Desiring suffereth not it self to be bound or held but altereth it self from the Red flash of Lightening in the Light into a glance of the Majesty and that is in the Liberty an exulting great Joy 47. For in the Light the Eye becometh manifested or revealed as also the Substantiality in the Will where then it becometh apprehended what Light or Darkness is And thus the Eternity becometh apprehended And thus originateth God's Holiness into wonders continually evermore and from Eternity and hath neither limit nor beginning for it is an Eternal Beginning comprised and framed into Nothing but into the Wonders which are its own substance wherein there is neither limit nor number 48. And thus in the still Eternity is nothing apprehended but the glance of the Majesty and the Spirit which is generated in the Will and is the Government in the Majesty 49. Beloved Sir and Friend understand the sence aright we mean not that the Birth or Geniture taketh hold of the Liberty externally without it self but in it self in the Center it taketh hold of it self in it self and maketh Majesty in it self and yet there is no barring in but is as when out of Death or Nothing a life cometh to be that thus dwelleth only in it self and that is called a Principle and that wherein it dwelleth is called Nature and hath Seven Spirits or Forms as is to be seen in our Second and Third Book 50. Yet the Principle hath but one Spirit which is the life of the Principle and hath also but one Will which is the filling of the Eternity with the glance of the Majesty 51. For the Principle is the power or vertue generated out of the will of the Eternity and the entrance or eternal beginning of the Power is the Powers Life and Spirit which bringeth the Essences of the Genetrix and openeth the Original of the Majesty 52. And the whole Eye which hath thus comprised or framed it self into a Looking-Glass in the A and O is ALL it is the Eternity and bringeth forth in it self in the Eye the Majesty which is the heart and power or vertue of the Eye and also bringeth forth the Spirit which in the heart goeth forth out of the Power out of the fiery-light-flaming Essences 53. Thus you understand the holy Number Three in one Substance that the Father is the Eternity without ground where is NOTHING and yet there is ALL and in the Eye of his glance or lustre he seeth himself that he is All and in the Power of the Majesty he feeleth himself and tasteth himself and smelleth himself that he is GUT GOOD that is that he is GOTT GOD although the T viz. Weightiness originateth in the Center 54. And in the Spirit is the stirring in the Power and the Multiplicity without ground and number wherein an eternal unsearchable Multiplicity doth exist and all in the Power 55. For that which hath no ground hath no number and is no closing up or comprehension or shutting in and that which is within it self is not apprehensible out of it self but as to the Spirit it is feeling indeed Thus the Inward driveth forth out of it self and manifesteth or revealeth it self in Figures else God would NOT be known or apprehended 56. Thus God is together ONE Spirit and standeth from Eternity in THREE Beginnings and Ends and only in himself There is no place found for Him and he hath also nothing in himself that is like unto Him also there is Nothing that can seek or manifest any thing more than HIS Spirit which alwayes it self from Eternity in Eternity manifests it Self 57. He is an Eternal Seeker and Finder as viz. of himself in great Wonders and what he findeth he findeth in the great Power he is the opening of the Power nothing is like unto Him and nothing findeth him but what inclineth or giveth it self up in him that goeth into him that which denyeth it self that it is then is God's Spirit therein ALL for it is A will in the eternal NOTHING and yet is in ALL as God's Spirit it self is 58. And this My beloved Sir is the Highest Mystery and therefore if you will find this seek it not in me but in your self but not in your Reason that must be as dead and your desirous will in GOD and so it is the will and deed in you and so the Spirit of God bringeth your will into it self and so you may well see what GOD is and what Spirits
Mystery which with the Magia viz. with the Desire introduceth it self into the fierce Wrath where then the strong loud-sounding life and strength is understood in the entrance of Nature in the first Three Forms viz. the astringent bitter and anguish as the word Wrath standeth in the space under the Line Number 18. signifying that the fierce Wrath doth not touch the Angle or Point of the Number Three but is generated or born in the Desire Craft Numb 19. 187. Under the word Omnipotence Number 19. standeth Craft signifying the Essence out of the Looking-Glass of the Mystery which Craft or Suttlety in the second Principle is changed into a right or rectified understanding and here in the Magick Fire it is only Craft or cunning Suttlety for it is accute or pointed and sharp and a cause of the Understanding Devil Numb 20. 188. Over against it standeth Devil Number 20. in the space of the Dark World signifying the evilness malignity or malice of the Devil in that he is gone away from the Angle or Point of the Number Three and hath set or put his will into the fierce Wrath Craft or Suttlety in willing therewith to rule or lord it over God's Meekness and himself to use the strength and might or potency of the Fire and of the Fierce-wrath Devils Art Numb 21 22. 189. Under the word Craft standeth Devils Art Number 21 22. Devils standeth without the Circle of Nature and Art standeth within the Circle of Nature signifying that the Devil was created as well out of the Mystery of the Father upon the Line or Stroak of the Cross in the Eternal Nature as the other Angels But he hath framed or created to himself his Art Number 22. in the magick seeking of Nature in the Center of the dark World whereas yet he should have gotten framed or created it in God's Heart and Power or Vertue and that is his Cause of his Fall and of his Envy or Hatred and Malice Will Numb 23. 190. Above the Line Number 23. standeth Will signifying that the Devil hath hath swung himself aloft above the Divine Line upon or in which he was created as a proud or haughty stately Spirit that would himself have been Lord and have governed in own Self Art and Wit Darkness Numb 24. 191. As now at present the pride or state and haughtiness and cunning suttle Policy and Prudence of Men doth which swingeth it self also thus from the Line of God up into own self wherein it cannot reach or attain the Divine Power or Vertue and Light within but falleth in it self into the Dark anguishing Magick Fire as above the word Will is marked Number 24. First into Darkness for Reason loseth the Divine Understanding and Desire wherein it can take hold of and receive God's Substance and so impregnate it self with Power and Vertue out of or from God Fire Numb 25. 192. And then the Magick Fire of Covetousness kindleth it self in that it willeth to have much and yet hath not enough as here Number 25. Anguish Numb 26. 193. And when it hath filled it self with Covetousness then beginneth the Magick Fire in the Anguish Number 26. to burn For that which is brought in by the Covetousness and laden the fire with is the Magick Fires wood or fewel wherein it burneth and there is Death generated or born which must separate what the Covetousness hath laid in Death Numb 27. 194. And here is also the heavy Fall of Adam who imagined as the Devil did and desired the multiplicity of this world for his own he would be wise or suttle and prudent and get much Wit or crafty Ingenuity and also the earthly hellish source or fountain quality in the wit Had he remained upon the Stroak or Arm in God's Line then he had not become earthly for his will-spirit had dwelt in God and had introduced Divine food into the Body but now he standeth in the Anguish Number 26 and must again go through the Principle into Death Number 27 where his Body must in the Mystery be consumed 195. And if he hath not in this time converted his will into the Cross of Christ as in this Figure is to be seen then is he in the Mystery reserved to the Judgement of God and there he shall be tryed in the Fire whether his will-spirit hath Divine Power and Vertue in it or not or whether he can subsist in the Fire And there the proud stately or haughty earthly works will be burned away from him and the soul will remain in the dark Magick Will-Fire for it self is also a Magick Fire when the Divine Light-Fire is not in it and so now one Magick Fire layeth hold of another out of which there is no remedy to help Will Numb 28. Light Numb 29. Spirit Numb 30. Man Numb 31. 196. But that Soul which hath in this time converted again and hath with its will given up it self into the Death of Christ on the Line of the Cross Number 27. that soul is sunk down from its proud or haughty evil works and is as to them will-less or free from willing and is entered into the Death of Christ and sprouteth forth with the Will-spirit Number 28. through the second Principle in the Divine Power and Vertue out of the Death of Christ where then the Will-Spirit viz. the Image attaineth again the Divine Light Number 29. and the Image standeth Number 30. again in the Divine Man Number 31. Image Numb 32. God Numb 33. 197. For when the Will Spirit entereth into Death upon the Cross then it draweth again Divine Substantiality viz. Christ's Flesh to it self and bringeth the same with it self into the Light into the Light world there the Divine Life sprouteth again into the holy Body and the Image standeth free again As here Number 32. is to be seen and dwelleth in God Number 33. and eateth of God's Word or Substance for the Image is here without or beyond Nature in the Liberty but the Humanity is within Nature as is described 198. But as to those Souls which stick in their proud or stately and haughty covetous Works in the Anguish Number 26. they stick indeed in the Magick Anguish-Fire and their works are wood or fuel to or for the Fire 199. But if the Will-spirit do yet turn in it self a little into the Death of Christ and yet also is fast bound to the fierce Wrath that soul hangeth as by a thred to the Death of Christ The Ninth Number Numb 34. 200. This Soul may well thus burn a while till the Will-Spirit can enter into the Death of Christ till its sydereal wood or fuel be burned up when the earthly body dyeth then must the Image bathe which the present too wise and subtle world contemneth but in Death doth find it by woful experience There must this little sparkle which hangeth only by a thred wind it self into the Death
triurnphs upon the Cross but she entereth not in into the Center She wil NOT go through Death into Life 260. She saith She liveth but hath ar injurious unrighteous life yet that is her right or proper life if she would live in it alone to her self but she oppresseth borneth compelleth the Children that are born or regenerated on the Cross and treadeth them under foot 261. Therefore hath the Crossbent and drawn its Bow and will shoot away Babel from the Cross signifieth the Spirit of Wonders in the Magia The Seventh Form of Fire 262. One Magia goeth alwayes out of the other and is the others Looking-Glass and Eye where the Wonders are apprehended or known and propagated for in the Abysse is NOTHING and in the Magia is ALL Every Looking-Glass is a Center and yet of its own for the first pleasure or longing seeking and desiring generateth that it is the model of the first 263. For when I search for the Beginning of Substance then I find the Eye which is God that is a desirous Will of Eternity which entereth in into it self and seeketh the Abysse in it self 264. It is in nothing but it is the Abysses Looking-Glass and seeketh it self and findeth it self and that which is found seeketh again a model that it may seek find and see it self therein 265. And that goeth on to the Number Ten and then the last findeth the first again in it self and thus the Last is a model or looking-glass of the First and the First of the Last and is as an Eternal Band and standeth or consisteth in the Will in the desiring seeking and finding and in this Substance is the Mysterium Magnum or great Mystery contained or included 266. But now will the Middle in the Desiring have a satiating or fulfilling wherein it may rest else all would stand or be in an Anxious Source or Torment and the Desiring draweth the Middle out of all Forms wherewith it filleth or satiateth its hunger wherewith or whereby in it self it standeth in Perfection in Joy and so out of the Anguish a Love cometh to be a satiating fulfilling or easing of the Source or fountain Quality of Pain and the middle is Sulphur with that the Spirit refresheth it self in the Will For Sulphur hath two Forms in it self viz. Power or Vertue and Light 267. And that is together the Substance generated out of All Forms it is Matter Substantiality Corporeity God's Body Christ's Flesh the Heavenly and is the total or universal fulfilling or satiating of the Spirit in the O it is the Rest and Manifestation or Revelation of the Deity and standeth in the Virgin of Wisdom 268. The Cross is its limit and is the Substantiality which goeth with the sinking into Death as above mentioned where the fierce Wrath remaineth in Death and it is still quiet as a Death or a Nothing and the Life sprouteth out of it into another Principle 269. It is not the Principle only the Principle becometh generated in it in it are all Looking-Glasses of the Magia manifested or revealed moreover the Wonders of the Genetrix It containeth the Mysterium Magnum the Great Mystery and out of it the Spirit openeth the Wonders of Eternity the Spirit giveth it the Essences for that is its food for its hunger 270. It is a substance of wonders without number and end and is also of no Beginning for the Spirit in the Desiring beginneth it from Eternity and continueth in Eternity it is a Body of the Number Three which is called God and a Body of Angels so that the Spirit standeth or is in an Image else it would NOT be apprehended or known 271. Thus it knoweth it self in the Image it self and seeketh the best Magia and what it seeketh that it findeth and eateth it and therewith or thereby giveth to the Body of God its will so that there is an unity in the holy Principle 272. For in the Will of the corporeal Spirit rise up the Wonders those the Spirit of Eternity viz. the holy Spirit receiveth or apprehendeth and so there is a ringing and song out of the eternal Wonders for the corporeal Spirits will is therein 273. And in these seven Forms the Joy of the Deity becometh multiplied and perfect for it is a fulfilling of the eternal Desiring and is the Eternal Food 274. But seeing all things or every Substance originateth from the Fire we will clearly set before you the Mysterum Magnum the Great Mystery and plainly shew you Paradise if any will be blind to him it is told and discovered let him go away with Babel 275. Ye know that in Fire 🜂 and Water 🜄 all Life standeth or consisteth and the Substantiality is its Body and the Body is or existeth out of the Power or Vertue of the Spirit for it is the Spirits Food and the Spirit is again the Bodies Food and the highest greatest Nutriment is in it self for the outward would not hold or retain it if the right or true Life were not in it self 276. Therefore now the Fire is the first cause of the Life and the Light thereof is the second cause and the Spirit the third cause and yet is but one substance or thing which closeth it self into a Body and manifesteth and so with seeking findeth 277. And every Substance is or consisteth in two Substances viz. in an outward and inward the one seeketh and findeth the other the outward is Nature the inward is Spirit above Nature and yet there is no schism or rending asunder but only in that which is included in a time therein the time severeth the limit so that the End findeth the Beginning 278. Thus ye see also how out of the Light the right or true Substantiality exists for it is a fulfilling or satiating of the Will The Water existeth out of the Meekness of the fight for the desiring layeth hold of the Meekness and retaineth it for it is a good relish thus is the Meekness Substantial and a Substance of the Fire a fulfilling of the desirous fierce Wrath an allaying of the fierce Wrath and a corporeity of the Time for when the Body falleth away then is its Spirit in the Beginning in that which hath given it forth in that looking-glass it is 279. So then seeing the Source or fountain Quality is twofold therefore is the Water also twofold viz. an outward and an inward the one belongeth to the Spirit the other to the outward Life the outward is accompted a Death the inward is its Life the outward standeth between the fierce Wrath and Paradise in the in-sunk down Death and the inward is the Paradise it self for the Spirit sprouteth therein out of the Eternity 280. And you may see that this is true thus Consider Winter and Summer also Cold and Heat and you will soon perceive it if you be born or generated internally and not externally only but with the first Magick Will or Desire to find God for
Fire-Spirit which also goeth forward after the Wonders in the Will of the seeking of the Essences as of the Stars and therefore it maketh a whirling about and cometh from many places as from above from beneath from this side and that side and often as a Wheel all according as the Fire-seeking with the Essences of the Stars become kindled 120. And this is together as a wheel of the Mind and hath its own Will-Spirit and an Own Self-Life and an own Will and therefore it is a Principle and standeth so long till the End-findeth the Beginning then the Beginning taketh the End into it self and maketh the Middle and whatsoever was done therein manifest or revealed as you should and will well consider of this unless you be foolish Virgins 121. Also this Dominion standeth no longer then it is in the Number of the Creation for every Day of the Creation is a Circle of a Revolution in the Eye and hath its Number whereof Ten is the Cross X the highest Number and Man hath the Number Ten 10 times Ten viz. A hundred 100. and in the Crown of Paradise the number Thousand 1000. and in the eternal Substantiality in the Divine Center of the Majesty it hath No Number O. 122. Now see aright with good clear eyes God created in six Dayes this World with all Substances or Things and it was finished in the middle of the Sixth Day past Noon towards Evening then began the Rest on the Sixth Day and the Sabbath was the Seventh Day Thus the Eternal Rest found the Beginning of the Creation on the Sixth Day after Noon that was the End there came the Beginning and End together into one and it was manifested what God had made in the Dayes 123. Now since Man hath destroyed the Angelical Body through his Imagination and hath introduced it into a corruptible Number viz. into the Outward Principle therefore he is also therein for he hath lost the Paradisical Number and is set in the hundreth 100 Number where indeed also in the Outward Life his Leader or Conducter is given to him that is he hath given himself to himself therefore his Number of finishing in the Circle of the outward Principle is clearly apprehensible to us 124. If we fundamentally know the Hour of the Sixth Day in which the Creation was finished we would set you down the Year and Day understand of the last Day for it stayeth not one Minute over it hath its Limit which standeth hidden in the Inward Circle 125. Therefore know assuredly that the time is near for in the sixth Day afternoon began the Rest of the Eternal Day and therefore hath God instituted the Sabbath of the Seventh Day for a Rest and continual perpetual Remembrance 126. And as on the Sixth Day towards Evening began the Rest and the entrance of the Revelation of the Works of the Creation where the End hath received the Beginning in again and so the Six Dayes in the Circle have stood as a Wonder So know this that ye were created in Paradise but are gone out of it and entered into the Spirit of the fierce wrathfull Death which hath now wrought its Wonders in you above the half sixt thousand year above 5500 years 127. And now the End hath found the Beginning again and ye shall see also feel and find what the Paradise hath been viz. all those that become generated or born in God 128. For the Paradise is become generated or born again thus spoken after the manner of Reason and not in God but ye cannot escape mortality also the fierce wrath in the Flesh but in the Mind and in the Soul the Paradise standeth now more and more manifested or revealed to the Children of God and they have the right taste of the Power 129. And no Craft or Subtilty nor Might and Power can keep it back no Subtilty can take it away or quench it nor no Devil destroy it for the End hath found the Beginning there is no preventing of it the Might or Power and Falshood breaketh and there is moreover a waiting for the Bridegroom for the Children of God shall become found in Paradise when the Turba in the fierce wrath shall be swallowed up We speak what we dearly and pretiously apprehend and assuredly know in the Wonders 130. Thus as above-mentioned understand us aright there is generated out of the fierce wrath of the Anger out of the Eternal Center out of which this World is become generated and created as a seeking of the Eternal in the Spirit of this World in this Principle wherein we now live and there will continually be generated Falshood Covetousness Craft or cunning Subtilty Deceit Enmity in the will Lying Murder High-mindedness desire of Honour own Self-might and power Art Wit the VVisdom of this World proceeding from Reason for all is out of this Root and standeth in Gods Anger-Wonders And how sine soever Reason and own Self-wit is yet it is in the Anger of God and springeth out of the Abysse 131. Here behold thy self thou fair World it is no conjecture as thou holdst it to be it is apprehended in Ternario sancto in the holy Ternary or Number Three And they that cannot reach this Gole or Limit are captivated of Antichrist and belong at last to this Lake out of which they are grown there is no time more of lingring both Doors or Gates stand open the Turba will swallow up with it self whatsoever is grown up in it 132. Thus now observe us further concerning the Eternal Fire and take a similitude from all fire in this world for what is in the Eternity a Spirit that is in this world a Substance Thus ye see that Fire in it self is an anguishing fierce wrathful climing up bitter substance and source or fountain-quality and yet ye see in the Fires own Form nothing else but the flash of the shining the source or fountain quality of heat ye see not you must only feel that 133. Now ye see also that the burning Fire sendeth a Smoke up from it and in the Smoke is a Water whence Soot cometh to be which cleaves to the wall especially if the fire be closed in that it is not free then is the Soot manifest as in a Furnace this is Soot and Water mixed one in another by which understand the Material Earth out of the Eternal Fire which Lucifer kindled where then in the fierce wrath Time began and the Creation proceeded as in the Third Part is mentioned 134. Now understand the Great Mystery Mysterium Magnum further ye see that every fire giveth light and then ye see that Air goeth forth out of the Fire-source or Quality and ye understand very well that if the fire had not Air again it would smother or go out as all fires smother if they have not Air and yet they also generate Air the Air is the Fires life which originateth out of the anxious bitter stirring Source or
Trinity Pure Element Number 34. 215. The word Pure Element on the Crosse's upper Line Number 43. signifieth the inward world out of which this outward with the Four Elements is become generated forth and standeth in the Inward Root in the Substance thereof Holy Spirit Num. 44. Son Num. 45. 216. Moreover it is to be observed exactly how the Words stand begin and end for they begin on the outward Circle at the Left where above Number 5. the Holy Spirits Character or Letter V. standeth and beneath Number 8. Substance and goeth through the two Circles at the Right even into the second Space which signifieth the Pure Divine Elements Original its indwelling and Substance whence it Originateth viz. from the Spirit of the Eternal Mystery in the Divine Substantiality viz. in the Substance of the Great Mystery and yet is only manifest or revealed in the second Principle viz. in the Substance of the Son and Holy Spirit as above one the Circle at the Right is to be seen Number 44. and 45. Father Numb 46. Holy Spirit of Divine Wisdom and Understanding Numb 47. 217. The Pure Element is the working in the right true Heaven and shutteth it self in and out with or by the Cross it is the springing or flowing moving in the Fire and Light-Heaven from or by with the Divine Substantiality understand Substance and not the Spirit of God is a life for it reacheth not into the Substance of the Father Number 46. where beneath on the Circle standeth Divine Wit or Understanding for the Element giveth or affordeth not divine Wit but the Holy Spirit Number 47. giveth Divine apprehension knowledge or skill and wit or understanding 218. The Element is a Substance in respect of the Deity as the Life in the flesh is understood to be in respect of the Soul For the Tincture is higher and giveth the ENS of the Spirit wherein the Light-Fire is understood Humanity Flesh Numb 48. 219. Under the word Pure Element standeth at Number 27. on the stroak of the upper Line of the Cross Death and the word beginneth laying hold on the left Circle and goeth through the Cross through the first right Circle There observe both the outward Circles at the left and at the right above and beneath and then thou wilt soon find what the right or authority of Death is and how it is the dying source or fountain quality in the Magick Fire and holdeth the Substantiality captive in itself as at the left beneath at Number 8. at the right beneath at Number 4. 8. is to be seen and then above on the same Circle at Number 44. and at the left above at Number 5. there a man seeth how the spiritual Life goeth and sprouteth forth through the Death and possesseth the highest Circle For all whatsoever willeth to reach or attain the Divine Life must go through the Dying Magick Fire and stand or subsist therein as the Heart on the Cross must and doth stand or subsist in the Fire of God 220. Further it is to be known that we in Adam have turned our selves away from the Cross and are with the Desire of Lust or Pleasure gone with our will above the Cross at Number 23. into an Own self Rule or Government and now Death hath captivated us in it self therefore we must now sink down out of Death on the Cross at the Line of Christ again into the Heart and become new born or regenerate in the Heart else Death holds us captive in it self For now Death standeth on the Cross-Line but at the Judgement it shall be given to the Dark World For our Will must now enter through Death on the Cross into Rest but the outward Cross shall be taken away and then Death is a spectacle or scorn and derision 221. Thirdly it signifieth that the Life of God in Christ bare * Death as a shew or spectacle of Triumph on the Cross when Death became broken on the Cross in the dying of Christ where the Life sprouted through Death and the Heart gave up or yeelded it self into the middle viz. into the Center as victorious Lord or Conquerour of Death Paradise Numb 49. 222. Under the Heart at Number 49. standeth Paradise the Word beginneth at the left on the outward Circle where above at Number 5. is marked the Spirit of the Great Mystery of the Profundity or unsearchableness of Eternity viz. V. and it goeth through the Cross at the right through all the Three Circles even into the Liberty this signifieth the constitution or existence of Paradise it originateth in the Mystery of the Eternity and prouteth through the outward and also hrough the Light World hidden in the outward World and manifested or revealed in the second Principle in the Light World as therefore the World penetrateth through all the Three Circles shewing the humane Bodies original Divine Substantiality Numb 50. 223. For in or at this place out of this substance Adams Body understand the outward Body was created according to the Third Principle and the inward Body understand the Images Body out of the Divine Substantiality as at the right near Paradise is marked with Number 50. Christ Flesh Numb 51 52. 224. That very Divine Substance understand Substance not Spirit is included in the Wisdom of God and therein is the heavenly Tincture For God's Word that became Man brought this Substance into Mary into her in Death inclosed Substantiality viz. into the Images Body and thereby God and Man became One Person 225. For this Flesh is Christs Flesh according to the Heavenly part therefore beyond Substantiality standeth Christ's Flesh Number 51 52. Christ bare such Flesh in the Inward Man as Adam had before his Eve was when he stood in the Divine Image in Purity Therefore can no Man go into Paradise unless he attain that Flesh again that Adam had before the Fall and Christ attained in the becoming Man or Incarnation Therefore must we all become born out of the Heart upon the Cross and put on Christ Mystery Numb 53. 226. Under Paradise Number 53. standeth Mysterium Mystery and the word beginneth at the left in the second Circle where above on the same Circle Number 4. the Character or Letter O standeth and beneath Principle and Fire Number 7. and goeth to the right through the Cross through the first Circle at the right This signifieth rightly and exactly Mans Creation according to the Body 227. For the Body is a Mystery taken out of the inward and outward World from above and from beneath understand out of the Earths Matrix This is the Earths Matrix out of this Mystery was it created and a Man seeth how it was created out of the inward and outward Substance viz. out of the dark and light World and is mixt with evil viz. with fierce-wrath and also with Good Wonder Numb 54. Angel Numb 55. Spirit Numb
Spirit of this World 19. By which then the Image in the Spirit becometh attered all according to what is contained in the Will which the Soul hath framed or contrived or brought forth out of the Center also out of the Fierce Wrath into the Light viz. according to the Imagination 20. And we give you to understand that the Spirit can alter it self in this Time of the Body which is done without its knowledge or apprehension through the Imagination viz. through the seeking Lust or Longing Pleasure and Delight where the desiring figureth such a Form in the Souls Will as the lust or longing Pleasure is to Evil or Good 21. And we say that the pure Soul is not corporeal but there groweth a Body in the Tincture either heavenly or hellish and yet it is no palpable body according to the outward but a Power-Body God's Body Christ's Heavenly Body heavenly Flesh which Christ giveth us to eat in his Testament 22. It is a Body which the Turba cannot touch or apprehend it is immortal unfadable comprised in Nothing but only in the noble or pretious Tincture which is without substance and this body is to the outward Flesh incomprehensible 23. But the Outward Spirit if the Soul do not hinder it but letteth it in bringeth its Imagination thereinto and covereth vaileth or obscureth it so that another strange Image cometh to be in the Spirit in the Tincture according to the contents or condition of the longing Pleasure or lust viz. a Covetous of a Wolf an Envious of a Dog a Proud of a Horse Peacok or other Beast or living Creature also of Toads Adders Vipers Serpents other Worms or creeping things which Image God's Spirit so long as it standeth or continueth so doth not receive or accept 24. And therefore Christ saith You must be born anew of Water and the Spirit if you would see the Kingdom of God and therefore God became Man and brought the divine Image again into the Souls Tincture being it was perished in Adam so that now we must be born anew in Christ if we will see God 25. And this is done through the Imagination or Faith or Believing for believing is eating of God's Body and every Body groweth by eating 26. And the New-Birth is not in such a Manner as Babel teacheth her Matters are only a Looking-Glass of the right and true way into God which Looking-Glass must be broken For Moses his cover or vail is done away we should see further with clear Paradisical Eyes understand thus much ye Children of God The Eighth Question In what Manner the Soul cometh into Man or into the Body 1. THis Question I understand of the Souls Propagation For how it came into Adam Moses telleth you and it is mentioned above but because you ask concerning its Propagation how it cometh into a Child in the Mothers Womb we must put on another Habit or Garment 2. In our Third Part it is written very exactly and at large with many Circumstances concerning its Propagation how Adam was created in an Image He was Man and Woman before his Eve he had the fires and waters Tincture that is Soul and Spirit and should have generated his like an Image of himself out of himself through his Imagination and own Love and this he could have done without disrupture 3. For as it is above mentioned that the Soul hath such might or ability to change the Body into another Form so it hath also had ability to generate a Branch out of it self according to its Property if Adam had stood out the tryal or Proba 4. But being he imagined after or desired the Omnipotence and let the Spirit of this World into the Soul into the Tincture and the Serpent and gazed on the Earthly Fruit longing to eat of Evil and Good then also his Tincture conceived such an Image viz. a Monster which was half earthly thereinto also instantly the Turba insinuated it self and sought the Limit 5. Thus the noble or pretious Image was found in the Earthly where then Fragility Corruption and Death Began and Adam could not then generate for his Omnipotency was lost 6. And would indeed for ever have been lost if the Heart of God had not suddenly with the Word of Promise turned in it self into Adams Soul which so preserved it that so Adams Image must break and the Soul with the heavenly Body sink down through Death into the New-Life where its Spirit became renewed again 7. Thus Adam fell into inability into sleep and the other or second Creation began for God took the Waters Tincture as in a Twig or Branch out of Adams Soul and a Rib out of Adam and the Half Cross in Adam and framed a Woman out of it 8. As ye know that the Woman hath the one half Cross in her Head and the Man the other for in the Head in the Brain dwelleth the Souls Spirit out of which God hath taken a Branch viz. a Child out of Adams Souls Spirit and given it to the Woman that she should not generate or bring forth Devils 9. And the Man hath the Fires Tincture viz. the right true Original of the Life 10. And therefore hath the Woman gotten the Matrix viz. Venus's Tincture and the Man the Fires-Tincture understand the Woman hath the Lights-Tincture which can awaken no Life the Life standeth in the Fires-Tincture 11. But now being it could not be otherwise they must propagate in a Beastial Manner in Two Seeds the Man soweth Soul and the Woman Spirit and is being it is sown in an Earthly Soyl or Field conceived or hatched after the kind and man-of all Beasts 12. And yet nevertheless all the Three Principles are in the Seed but the Inward is not knowable or apprehensible to the Outward for in the Seed there is no living Soul but when the Two Tinctures come together then it is wholly in Substance for the Soul is in the Seed Essential and in the Conception or Hatching it becometh Substantial 13. For so soon as the Fire is struck up by Vulcan then is the Soul in the Substance wholly perfect and presently the Spirit goeth out of the Soul in the Tincture forth and draweth the outward Dominion viz. the Stars with or by the Air. 14. And thus is an Eternal Child and and hath also the frail or corruptible Spirit with the Turba hanging to it which Adam through his Imagination took in 15. And there the Turba instantly seeth the Limit in the Spirit of this World and will enter into the limit then is the Body old enough as soon as the Soul hath its Life to dye also many a Soul perisheth in the Essence while it is a Seed in the Sulphur 16. But you are to observe this that the Man hath the Fires Tincture and the Woman the Lights Tincture in the Water viz. Venus's Tincture as is to be understood by both their vehement Imagination one towards another for
Constellation the Elements and if it be not a mymmick Ape suffereth it self to be captivated then it is powerful enough over the outward and the outward must suffer it self to be subdued if the Soul sinketh it self down into God and cometh upon the Chariot of the Bride again into the outward that it hath the holy Spirit for an assistant 7. Then no hinderance from the Devil availeth any thing it destroyeth his nest and driveth him out he must stand in scorn and derision 8. And this is our Instruction and Answer to this Question that it is not so to be understood that when a mans Head is cut off and the Blood runneth out and the outward Life breaketh that it hitteth and killeth the Soul 9. No it loseth indeed one Principle but not the Substance of that Principle that followeth after the Soul in the Tincture in the Spirit as a Shadow for the outward Substance reacheth not the inward in the Soul but only through the Imagination 10. Else there is nothing in this World that can touch or kill the Soul no Fire nor Sword but only the Imagination that is its Poyson for it is Originally proceeded out of the Imagination and continueth Eternally THEREIN The Twelft Question How the Souls enlightening is 1. VVE are to consider that if the Sun were taken away out of this World then all things would be in Darkness and then outward Reason might say we are in Dark Death and in the fierce wrathfulness of the Cold and it were so indeed 2. Now behold O beloved Mind consider when thy Body perisheth then thy Spirit also loseth the Sun and then how thou wilt be in the Light and by what means thou wilt see I offer to you in simplicity for your mind to consider of 3. A thing that is in the Eternal Liberty if it continually entereth into the Eternal Liberty hath no Darkness for it dwelleth in nothing which affordeth that it is free as the Eye of God which seeth into it self by or through the Substance 4. When it imagineth in or according to the Lust Pleasure or longing after any thing then the Will goeth into that thing which the desirous Pleasure or longing it self maketh that very thing receiveth or taketh in the will into it self and overshadoweth it so that it dwelleth in the Darkness and can have no Light unless it go out again into the Liberty 5. Thus we give you earnestly to understand that in all our matters and doings we have no Light if we enter with the will into that which is done or acted if we set our Heart and Will upon the Work of our Hands viz. upon Covetousness Then we are in our Souls totally blind and have no Light in us but only the outward Light of the Sun which giveth light to the outward Body if that breaketh or perisheth then is the Soul captivated with that thing 6. Understand here The Souls Spirit and Will for the stock or stem of the Soul is a dark valley it hath no Light and if perhaps it lift up kindle it self yet it is but a fierce wrathful Fire-Flash and is like the Devil and cannot attain the Divine Light in it self 7. The Cause is it hath introduced Abomination into its Will and Spirit which darkneth the Spirit and holdeth it captive with the Turba for God's Light goeth not back again but forward into the Eternity 8. And therefore is God's Eye twofold or in two parts and standeth back to back as is shewed above in the Figure One part goeth forward into the still Eternity into the Eternal Nothing viz. into the Liberty 9. The other goeth back again into the Desiring and maketh darkness in the Desiring and therein the Center of Nature and driveth on to the great Anguish and Sharpness 10. Where then the Will sinketh down again out of the Anguish through the Darkness into the still or quiet Liberty and so bringeth along with it out of the Anguish the fierce wrath of the Mobility and the earnest severe Sharpness 11. In which Sharpness the Liberty when the will bringeth the sharpness thereinto becometh a high Triumphant majestick Light which is called God's Light which giveth light Eternally and can be barred in by nothing for it giveth Light in the Eternal Liberty and desireth nothing more 12. And now if thou earthly Man shouldst think that God would receive thy Spirit into his majestick Light whilst thou introducest Abominations viz. Covetousness which hath pride and state which is the Fire-Life of Covetousness into thy will then thou wouldst thereby darken God's Majesty and thy will and spirit would stick still only in thy Covetousness and would burn with the fire-source or quality of the Soul in the glance of a looking-glass viz. in pride or state and couldst not reach or attain God's Majesty 13. And if thou didst sit in the Cross of the holy Number Three and wert surrounded with all the holy Angels yet thou didst but sit in the darkness and thy spirit would give Light only into the Looking-Glass of that substance or thing which thou thy self hast introduced into the Spirit 14. Therefore now if the Soul with its Spirit in its Image will behold God and see into God's Majesty and Eternal Light then must it in this world go two wayes and then it will retain the Eternal Body viz. God's Image as also the outward Life together with the Earthly Body and will introduce the Wonders for which God hath created it in the outward life which it shall awaken in the outward life even ALL of them into the inward life and eternally rejoyce it self therein and have them as a Looking-Glass and the right and true way is as followeth The highly pretions Gate of the Morning Redness or Aurora 15. Behold thou beloved Soul if thou wilt have God's Light and see with God's Eye and wilt also have the Light of this world and nourish thy Body and seek the Wonders of God then do it as God himself doth it 16. Thou hast in thy Soul Two Eyes which are set back to back one of another one seeth into the Eternity and the other back into Nature and goeth alwayes on forth and seeketh in the Desiring and maketh one looking-glass after another let it be so it should be so God would have it so 17. But the other Eye turn not that back into the seeking but with the right Eye alwayes draw the left backwards to thee and let the Eye together with the will of the wonders not go from thee from the Eye which is in-turned into the Liberty draw it s opened made or acted wonders to thee 18. Let that very Eye seek food for the earthly Life but let it not go into the food viz. into covetousness but draw it hard and close to the seeing Eye and let it not go 19. But let the hands work and make or procure food and let the Eye draw the Wonders to it
lye shut up in both sexes in the Man and in the Wife then clearly the Turba stirreth it self in that the Essence of the Seeds drive up to a false or wicked Imagination to a false or wicked desire 2. And though indeed the Spirit doth subdue the Body yet it imagineth and that the Turba causeth in the Seeds and no Man can well deny but that to many that very Imagination it self is offensive and they wish it banished from them where there is a right sincere Spirit therefore ye are to apprehend that the Souls Spirit sticketh in a miserable Pinch and cannot be freed or loosed till the Turba taketh the Body 3. There is no full union or agreement between the outward and the new-born or regenerate Man the outward would continually devour the Regenerate for they stand in one another but yet each hath its own Principle so that the outward cannot over-power the inward if the Spirit do but continue in strife 4. And they can thus well cleave one to another for they all three stand or serve to God's Wonders if they stand in their right and due order or subordination each standing or continuing in its own Principle 5. For the Soul hath the Fire-Dominion and is the cause of the life of all three Principles and the Spirit hath the Lights Dominion in which the noble or pretious Image standeth together with God's Love and the outward Spirit hath the earthly Lifes dominion which should seek and open the Wonders and the inward Spirit should give it wisdom wit understanding to do it and the Soul should manifest or reveal to it the Abyss viz. the great Secresy 6. The Soul is the Jewel and the Souls Spirit is the inventor or finder of the Jewel the earthly Spirit is the seeker and the earthly Body is the Mystery wherein lyeth the Arcanum of the great hidden Secresy for the Deity hath manifested or revealed it self with or by the Earthliness as in a comprehensible Substance therefore now THREE Seekers belong to the Soul 7. And you should not look upon it so as if we undervalued the outward Life for it is the most profitable for us of all as to the great Wonders of God there is nothing more profitable to the whole Man then that he stand still in his Threefold Dominion and not go back with the outward into the inward but go with the inward into the outward 8. For the outward is a Beast and belongeth not to the inward but its Wonders which are generated forth out of the inward and have opened or discovered themselves in a comprehensible Substance they belong with their Figures not with their Substance to the inward those should the inward Spirit receive and take in viz. God's Deeds of Wonder for they will in Eternity be its JOY 9. But we say that the Soul can very well be retained or held in the New Man if its Tincture Spirit do but hinder the seeking and Imagination and though the outward Spirit be Beastial yet the inward understanding Spirit can hold the outward and subdue it for that is its Lord but he that letteth the Beastial Spirit be Lord he is a Beast and hath also a Beastial Image in the inward Figure in the Tincture 10. And he that letteth the Fire-Spirit viz. the Turba be Lord he is a substantial Devil in the inward Image and then it is necessary for the outward Spirit to pour water into the Fire that it may hold the stern Spirit captive whereas whiles it will not be God's Image it is a Beast according to the Inward Image 11. And when we consider our selves in or as to the union the outward Spirit is very profitable to us for many a soul would perish when the Beast-spirit acteth which yet holdeth the Fire captive and setteth the earthly beastial Labour and Joy before the Fire-Spirit wherein it can delight it self till it can through the Wonders somewhat discover its noble or pretious Image in the Imagination again so that it seeketh it self again 12. You my beloved Children who are generated in God to you it is said that it is not done without cause that God hath breathed the outward Spirit into Adam viz. the outward Life into his Nostrils 13. It was dangerous for this Image God knew how it went with Lucifer and what the great eternal Magia can do Adam also might have become a Devil but the outward Looking-Glass hindered that for where water is it quencheth the Fire 14. And many a Soul in its malice and wickedness would in a little while become a Devil if the outward Life did not hinder it so that the Soul cannot quite and totally kindle and enflame it self 15. How evil wicked and venomous is many a one that he would murther and commit abominable evil and wickedness but that his Fire hath Water else it would be done and committed as is to be seen in the Gall which is a fire poyson or venome but is mixed with water so that the pomp and fury of the Fire is allayed 16. Thus it is also with the inward Substance the Spirit of this World hath insinuated it self in the Abyss into the Soul and hath in its Source or Quality mortal Water wherewith it often moisteneth the Soul when it would spit fire 17. Also the outward Spirit could not without the Fire have a Life and though it hath Fire in all Creatures yet the Fire is onely the fierce Wrath of the inward Fire 18. The Inward Fire consumeth Earth and Stone also Body and Blood as also the Noble and precious Image if it becometh kindled or inflamed in the Will and there the Water is a Medicine for it which layeth the pomp or fury of going forth aloft over the Meekness of God as Lucifer did The Seventeenth Question Whence and wherefore there is Contrariety of the Flesh and the Spirit 1. YOu know beloved Brother very well that Fire and Water is at Enmity for the Fire is Life and the Water is its Death which you see very well when Water is poured into the Fire then is the source or quality of the Fire out and the Fire is in Death 2. But in Man it is not so totally in Death in respect of the Light which continually causeth the Fire yet there is an Enmity as between God and Hell there is Enmity and yet Hell or Anger-Fire is Gods 3. And God's Majesty would not be if his Anger were not which sharpneth the Divine obscure hiddenness of the Eternity by the fierce wrath of Nature so that it becometh turned into Fire out of which the high Light in the free Liberty becometh generated which in the meek source or quality maketh Majesty 4. And yet the Fire is the only Cause that in the Light in the Meekness there is a Springing for the Light existeth from the Glance of the Fire and hath in it the source or quality of the Fire 5. But as afore-mentioned the Will sinketh in the
with strangers for in Heaven we are all Brethren they have no greater care about their Children and Parents then about others unless they work and Act in God and then indeed their service of God is much more full of Joy to them but they enter not into their Turba 43. For after the Last Judgement Day the honest Parents will know Nothing of their Children that are in Hell And so it is sufficiently apprehensible to us that they now take no care about their wicked Matters or Doings The Seven and Twentieth Question Whether the Souls in Death know or understand this or that Business and Art in which they were skilled when they were in the Body 1. THis is as in the following Question all their Substance or Matters and Doings appear to them in their Will or Mind in a Magical kind or manner they see it but the Figure or Frame of them will first be given to them in the Day of the Restoration that they may be able to look upon them aright for they must first be tryed by the Fire and that which is false or wicked must remain with its Turba in the Fire according to the purport of the Word of Christ 2. But if the Question be concerning Arts whether they know them surely they know all Arts though never so Deeply founded but they dare not awaken or stir them up that they should appear in their Spirit for Arts are Generated in the Center of Nature out of the Essences wherein the Wonders stand which they have sought in this World so much as hath been opened to them in the Mystery 3. A Soul without Gods Body goeth not into the Mystery for Art it standeth still and quiet in its Rest it feareth the Turba it giveth Glory to God 4. But the highly Enlightned Souls which carry Heavenly Substantiality in their Spirit they have the skill and knowledge of Heavenly Matters and of all whatsoever lyeth in the Mystery especially those which have been conversant in the Mystery here the other do not use to search into the Mystery 5. For every one continueth in his own Calling and Employment which he hath here loved and delighted in though indeed there be no such working or Labour there yet they have Joy in it for in Heaven there is a simple humble Childrens Life 6. Why should Men there enquire after Arts and Sciences The whole Mystery standeth Open God filleth all in all there are meer Wonders they live all in Wonders and are all the Art of God they have all great skill and knowledge but in a Paradisical simple Childrens Life The Eight and Twentieth Question Whether they have any more skill or knowledge of Divine Angelical and Earthly things and also of Devilish and can have more certain Experience and Knowledge of them then they had in the Body 1. Concerning Divine and Angelical Skill and Knowledge they have certainly much more for they are in the Principle of God and the Son seeth very well what the Father doth in his House so also the Soul seeth what is in Heaven 2. Their skill and knowledge is very various for the highest skill and knowledge is apprehended in the Majesty and there must most Souls wait till the Last Judgement Day when they shall get their New Bodies 3. But the highly Enlightned How Souls that are in God's Body and Power they have surpassing overflowing skill and knowledge of God and of the Angels for they are in the Wonders of God till their own Wonders shall be presented also to them 4. The Souls without a Body are in Heaven in God as it were Magically they awaken or stir up no Wonders but are under Gods Altar and wait for the Wonders at the day of Appearing 5. They take no care about Devilish things for that belongeth to the Angels to strive with the Devil and defend Men No Soul Imagineth into Hell it is Enmity to them The Nine and Twentieth Question What the Souls Rest awakening and Clarification are 1. THis is also clearly enough Explained its Rest is without Substance in the stilness where they are in God's Hand and no source or pain toucheth them they have no feeling of any pain but it is as one that lyeth in a sweet sleep and resteth quietly 2. Their Clarification during this time is when they think and consider of the Joy to Come then the Spirit entereth into the Majesty of God whence they have Joy and Clarity or Glory and so during all the time they trim their Lamps that they may be ready in their New Body to be received by their Bridegroom 3. There is a very sweet Paradisical Joy in them but Paradise is not stirring in them with full perfection for that belongeth to the New Body out of the Earth The First Body which God Created which Christ hath redeemed by his Death that will bring the Wonders and enter again into Paradise and be surrounded or Cloathed with God's Majesty and then is the Tabernacle of God with Men. The Thirtieth Question What the difference of the Livings and Deads Resurrection of the Flesh and of the Soul is 1. COncerning this saith Christ there shall be great difference wherefore we remit you to the Scripture for it shall all be according to the Scripture 2. But seeing this is unsearchable and unapprehensible to Mans Reason therefore I know not how to answer you more then the Scripture saith but seeing you long and desire to know these things therefore you are also in your seeking the finding and I am only the Instrument 3. And though it be given and opened to me yet it is not from my own understanding and knowledge but the knowledge standeth in the Spirit of Christ according to which this Hand calleth it self Two-fold and saith WE for it speaketh from Two Persons and two Persons say not I but We and speak of Two as a Lord that speaketh of his Person and of his Dominion 4. And so Gods Children and Servants should not say the knowledge is Mine the understanding is Mine but give the Honour and Glory to God and in their opening or manifesting the Wonders of God should speak of two viz. of the Giver and of the Receiver 5. Neither should any understand our Writing so as if the hand did boast or Glory of it self according to the Authority and worthiness of Man though indeed in Christ we are worthy but according to the Outward Man we would have no boasting or praise and honour for the Praise is Gods 6. VVe are Children of the Father and should do that which he would have us do and not hide or bury in the Earth the Talent which he hath given us for the Father will require it of Us with Increase and if nothing be increased with it then he taketh it again from him to whom he had given it and giveth it to him that hath gained much which would be a Miserable taking away from me to
Noah what should a scorner do with the Mystery he seeketh only for plenty to Eat and to Drink and looketh how he may satisfie his Pomp wherewith he might Ride on in Babel 42. Thus my Beloved Friend we have given you a short hint of the Enochian Life also what his Office and Condition is as also of Moses and Elias you should further consider of them as a discerning Man for we dare not speak otherwise of it also our Understanding and Will is turned into such a way of Speech and in this place at this time I am not allowed to write more fundamentally with a simple understanding 43. If God permit and that it be given to Us to write somewhat upon the first and also the second Book of Moses more may be opened for the Names that are set down of the Fathers before the Deluge or Flood belong all to the Mystery and there are Great Wonders therein when it will be Day then you shall by them apprehend the whole Course of the World The Six and Thirtieth Question What the Soul of the Messiah or Christ is 1. THis we have explained in our Third Book concerning the Three-fold Life of Man yet seeing every one that readeth this hath not that at hand also because of the Question more must be answered therefore it also shall be set down for you ask in the following Question concerning Christ's Spirit which was obedient and which Christ Commended to his Father 2. Here shall be given to the Old sick Adam a Good reviving Cordial a Medicine for Death that he may be awakened for his Mother will bear or bring forth a young Son who shall live in her Bosom and shall rejoyce at it 3. And now if we will consider of Christ's Soul we must our selves seek it and find it for Christ's Soul is a Hamane Soul conceived in Mary in the twofold Virgin 4. Though we acknowledge the outward Mortal Life in Mary for no Pure Virgin for that which is Mortal hath the Anger and the Turba which breaketh or corrupteth all purity so that no pure Virgin is born of Eve but all are her Daughters 5. And Eve her self was but half a Virgin for Adam was the other half according to the Two Tinctures wherein man appeared in a total entire Virgin and pure Love and God through him as the Original through the Creature which he made out of himself 6. And thus also in one whole or entire person there is a pure Love and Chastity for it seeketh no other Mixture it is it self the Mixture of both the Tinctures viz. of the Souls Tincture and of the Spirits Tincture and therein is power and ability that it can generate a Spirit out of the Fires Tincture which is called Soul and Spirit 7. Which Adam squandred away when he let the Earthly Life captivate him and therefore he must be broken and a Woman be made out of him which must set her Love Delight Longing and Imagination into Adams Tincture if she would be impregnate with a Soul 8. And None can say that Eve before the Touching of Adam was a pure Chast Virgin for as soon as Adam awaked out of sleep he saw her standing by him and imagined suddenly after or into her and took her to him and said This is Flesh of my Flesh and Bone of my Bone she shall be called a she-Man or Woman because she is taken out of Man 9. And she Eve also suddenly Imagined into Adam and one kindled the other in the seeking 10. And where is now the pure Chastity and Modesty It is not Beastial is not the outward Image become a Beast As is sufficiently to be seen in the Will and Substance or Doings that Man doth as a Beast and more foolishly for he hath Reason and rideth on in Reason so senslesly 11. But that it might be remedied and the Image come into One again therefore is the Word which spake the Soul forth out of God's Mouth and by the Holy Spirit breathed it into the Image become Man and is entred into the Earthly Image viz. into the Turba of Destruction 12. And you know very well that the Word hath the Water of the Eternal Life and the Fire of the Deity and out of the Fire the Tincture of the Deity and in the Tincture the Spirit of God which goeth forth out of God's Mouth and in the going forth is the Glance of the Majesty in the working of the Spirit Manifested 13. That very word is in the Virgin of the Wisdom of God and surrounded with the Eternal Wonders and that now out of the Great Love and Humility towards our Image which was destroyed to us in Adam is entered into us again and is in Mary understand in the Earthly Mary but with the Blessing become Man or Incarnate 14. The Blessing is this that to the Soul of Mary the Heavenly Virgin the Wisdom of God was put on which Adam had lost and therefore the Angel called her the Blessed a-among Women 15. No Woman from Adam to this Day had the Heavenly Virgin put on to her but only this Mary and therefore with the Blessing she became Chast and full of Modesty for the Spirit goeth not into the Earthly it Mixeth it self not with the Looking-Glass for that cannot be that the Looking-Glass should be as the Life it self 16. Thus understand us dearly according to its precious Depth Mans Soul is out of God and out of the Eternal but Mans Body is a Looking-Glass of the Eternal Thus hath God put on to the Virgin Mary God's Virgin but in the Souls Principle not in the Earthly Flesh as if she were Deified no she must die as all mankind doth 17. And in that very Virgin hath Gods Word out of God the Fathers Heart assumed the Seed of the Woman viz. the Souls Seed and the first Images Seed which now stood so long time in the Mystery broken 18. And now God's Life came thereinto made again a whole or Entire Image for the Water of the Eternal Life out of God's Heart mixed it self with the Souls Spirit 's Water for the Spirit existeth out of the Water and the Soul is Fire 19. Thus the Word took hold of the Souls Tincture and the Holy Spirit of the Spirits Tincture viz. of the Waters Tincture and out of Both became one Soul and yet the Creature remained distinct from God's Spirit but God's Spirit dwelleth therein and so out of God's Water and Tincture and out of the Seed of Mary out of her Tincture and Water in the high Blessing came one Flesh and Blood so that a Heavenly Man Equally at once in the Earthly became Man or was Incarnate 20. So that a Man might say this is the Womans Son viz. Maries right true bodily natural Sonne with Soul and Body with Flesh and Blood and all whatsoever a Man hath and also God's true Sonne which was generated out of God's Eternal Substance from