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A20202 The plaine mans path-way to heauen Wherein euery man may cleerely see, whether he shall be saued or damned. Set forth dialogue-wise, for the better vnderstanding of the simple: By Arthur Dent, preacher of the vvord of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Corrected and amended: vvith a table of all the principall matters; and three prayers necessarie to be vsed in priuate families thereunto added.; Plaine mans path-way to heaven Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. 1607 (1607) STC 6629; ESTC S113573 201,787 436

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fire vpon Gods Altar were consumed with fire He that blasphemed and transgressed the third commandement was stoned to death He that brake the fourth commandement in gathering sticks vpon the Sabbath was likewise stoned Absolon transgressing the fift Commandement was hanged in his owne haire Cain transgressing the sixt in flaying his brother Abel was branded with the marke of Gods wrath Sichem the sonne of Hamor transgressing the seuenth in defiling Dina the daughter of Iacob was slaine by Simeon and Leui the sons of Iacob Achan sinning against the eight Commandement in stealing the wedge of Gold and the Babylonish garment was stoned to death Ananias Sapphira sinning against the ninth commandement in liing and dissembling were suddenly smitten with death Ahab transgressing the tenth commandement in ceueting and discententment was deuoured of dogges Or if you will haue originall sinne therein onely forbidden then infants are therefore punished with death Thus we sée there is no dallying with God but if we sin we are as sure to beierkt for it as the coat is on our backe Therfore let vs not deceiue our selues nor make light of sin For sin is no scar-bugge and we shall one day finde it so And howsoeuer we make light of some sins yet in very déed all sinne is odious in the sight of God yea all sin is hainous and capital in this respect that it is against a person of infinite being it is against God himselfe it is against the highest Maiesty For the greatnesse of the person offended doth enhaunce and increase the greatnesse of the sinne As for example If a man raile at a Justice of peace hée shall be stocked if hée raile being the sonnes of idlenesse will step short in the end of that they looked for For the spirit saith The sluggard lusteth but his soule hath nought We must therefore leaue bare words and come to déeds For our Lord Iesus saith Not euery one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Where wée sée Christ in plaine tearmes doth exclude out of his kingdome all those whose Religion consisteth onely in good words and smooth spéeches but make no conscience to practise the Commandements of God Dauid hauing made some good preparation for the building of the Temple and perceiuing his sonne Salomon to haue stuffe and prouision enough to perfectt and finish it doth most wisely incourage him to the worke in these words Vp and be doing and the Lord shall be with thee Oh that men would follow this counsell of Dauid That they would vp and bée dooing And not sit still and doe nothing that they would leaue words and countenances and set vpon the practise of Gods Law and study with all care and conscience to bée obedient to his will Then assuredly God would be with them and blesse them and much good would come of it For the Scripture saith In all labour there is profit or increase but the talke of the lips onely bringeth want Phila. Most mens minds are so wholly drowned in the loue of this world that they haue no heart to obey God nor any delight in his commandements Theo. The greatest part of men are like vnto the Gadarens which estéemed their Swine more then Christ As wée sée in these our daies how many make more account of their kine and shéepe then of the most glorious Gospell of Christ They highly estéeme dung and contemne Pearle They are carefull for trifles and regard not the things of greatest moment And therefore may very fitly be compared to a man who hauing his wife and children very sicke doth vtterly neglect them and is altogether carefull for the curing of his hogs eares Phila. We are somewhat digressed from the matter we had in hand I pray you therefore if you haue any more matter of good counsell to giue vnto Asunetus that you would presently deliuer it Theol. I haue little more to say saue onely I would aduise him often to remember and much to muse of these nine things The euill he hath committed The good he hath omitted The time he hath mispent The shortnesse of this life The vanity of this world The excellency of the world to come Death then the which nothing is more terrible The day of iudgement then the which nothing is more fearefull Hell fire then the which nothing is more intolerable Phila. This is short and sweet indeed You haue touched some of these points before in this our conference But I am very desirous to heare somewhat more of the two last which yet haue not beene touched Theol. Sith you are desirous I will briefely deliuer vnto you that which I haue receiued from the Lord. First concerning the day of iudgement I find in the volume of Gods booke that it shal be very terrible and dreadfull For The sonne of man shall come in the clouds of heauen with power and great glory S. Peter saith The day of the Lord shal come as a thiefe in the night In the which the heauens shall passe away with a noise the elements shall melt with heat the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt vp The Apostle telleth vs that at the comming of Christ all the whole world shall bée of a light fire and that all castels towers goodly buildings gold siluer veluets silkes and all the glittering hue glory and beauty of this world shall be consumed to powder and ashes For he saith plainly The heauens and the earth which are now are reserued vnto fire against the day of iudgemēt and of the destruction of vngodly men Moreouer he doth strongly prooue that as the world was once destroied by water so the second time in the end thereof it shall be destroied by fire The Apostle Paul doth witnesse the same thing For he saith Christ shal come from heauen with all his mighty Angels in flaming fire And in another place he noteth the terrour of his comming to iudgement saying He shall come with a shout with the voice of the Archangel the trumpet of God We sée by experience that the comming of mortall Princes to any place is with great pompe glory They haue great traines and troupes behind them and before them They are accompanied with many Nobles goodly Lords and gallant Ladies doe attend vpon them The Sword-bearer Trumpetters and harbengers go before many flaunting and stately personages follow after Now then if the comming of mortall Princes be so pompous and glorious how much more glorious shall the comming of the sonne of man be in whose sight all mortal princes are but dust The Scriptures doe affirme that his second comming vnto iudgement shall be with such resplendent and vnspeakeable glory that euen the most excellent creatures shall blush at it For the Sunne shall be darkened the Moone shall not giue her light
of the Gospel amongst vs for the death of thy sonne al that happinesse which we haue thereby also because thou hast chosen vs to life before we were and that of thy meere goodnes vndeserued fauor towards vs hast called vs in thine appointed time iustified vs by thy grace sanctified vs by thy spirit adopted vs to be thine own childrē heirs apparant to the great crown O Lord open our eies euery day more more to see and consider of thy great marueilous loue to vs in all these things that by the due consideration therof our harts may be drawne yet neerer vnto thee euen more to loue thee feare thee obey thee that as thou art enlarged towards vs in mercy so we may be enlarged towards thee in thanksgiuing as thou doest abound towards vs in goodnes so we may aboūd towards thee in obedience loue And sith deere father thou art neuer weary of doing vs good notwithstanding all our vnworthines naughtines therefore let the consideration of thy great mercy fatherly kindnesse towards vs euen as it were force our hearts and compell vs to come into thy most glorious presence with new songs of thankesgiuing in our mouths We pray thee O most mercifull God to forgiue vs all our vnthankfulnes vnkindnes prophannes great abusing of all thy mercies specially our abuse contempt of thy Gospel together with al other the sins of our life which we confesse are innumerable mo then can be reckoned vp both in omission of good things commission of euill We most humbly intreat thee to set thē all ouer to the reckning which thy son Christ hath made vp for them vpō his crosse neuer to lay any of them to our charge but freely forget all forgiue all Naile downe all our sins iniquities to the Crosse of Christ bury them in his death bathe them in his blood hide them in his wounds let them neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs. Set vs free of the miseries that are vpō vs for sin keep back the iudgements to come both of soule body goods and good name Be reconciled vnto vs in thy deere son concerning all matters past not once remembring or repeating vnto vs our old abhominable iniquities but accept vs as righteous in him imputing his righteosnes to vs our sins to him Let his righteousnes satisfie thy iustice for all our vnrighteousnes his obedience for our disobedience his perfection for our imperfection Moreouer we humbly beseech thy good maiesty to giue vs the true sight feling of our manifold sins that we may not be blinded in them through delight or hardned in them through custom as the reprobates are but that we may be euen weary of them much grieued for them labouring and striuing by al possible means to get out of them Good Father touch our harts with true repentance for all sin Let vs not take any delight or pleasure in any sin but howsoeuer we fal throgh frailty as we fall often yet let vs neuer fall finally let vs neuer lie downe in sin nor continue in sin but let vs get vpon our feete againe turne to thee with all our hearts seeke thee whilest thou maiest be found whilest thou doest offer grace and mercy vnto vs. O Lord encrease in vs that true and liuely faith whereby we may lay sure hold on thy sonne Christ rest vpon his merits altogether Giue vs faith assuredly to belieue all the great and precious promises made in the Gospell and strengthen vs from aboue to walke and abound in all the true sound fruits of faith Let vs walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Let vs feele the power of thy sons death killing sinne in our mortall bodies and the power of his resurrection raising vs vp to newnesse of life Let vs grow daily in the sanctification of the spirit and the mortification of the flesh Let vs liue holily iustly and soberly in this present euill world shewing foorth the vertues of thee in all our particular actions that we may adorne our most holy profession and shine as lights in the middest of a crooked and froward generation amongst whom we liue being gaineful to all by our liues conuersations offensiue to none To this end we pray thee fill vs with thy spirit and all spirituall graces as loue wisedome patience contentment meekenesse humility temperancy chastity kindnesse and affability and stirre vs vp to vse praier and watchfulnesse reading meditation in thy law and all other good meanes whereby wee may grow and abound in all heauenly vertues Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes from day to day make vs such as thou wouldest haue vs to be and such as we desire to be working in vs both will and deede purpose and power For thou O Lord art all in all thou wilt haue mercy vpon whom thou wilt haue mercy and whom thou wilt thou hardenest Haue mercy vpon vs therefore deere Father and neuer leaue vs to our selues nor to our owne wils lusts and desires but assist vs with thy good spirit that we may continue to the end in a righteous course that so at length we may be receiued into glorie and be partakers of that immortall crowne which thou hast laid vp for all that loue thee and truely call vpon thee Further we entreat thee O heauenly father to giue vs all things necessary for this life as foode raiment health peace liberty and such freedome from those manifold miseries which we lie open vnto euery day as thou seest meete Blesse vnto vs all the meanes which thou hast put into our hands for the sustenance of this fraile life Blesse our stocke and store corne and cattell trades occupations and all the works of our hands for thy blessing only maketh rich and it bringeth no sorrows with it Giue vs therfore such a competency and sufficiency of these outward blessings as thou in thy heauenly wisdome seest most needfull for vs. Moreouer we humbly beseech thee most louing Father in great mercy to looke downe from heauen vpon thy whole Church and euery member of it Be fauourable vnto Sion and build vp the wals of Ierusalem Behold with the eye of pity the great ruines and desolations of thy Church Heale vp the wounds make vp the breaches thereof in all Nations Regard it as thine owne flocke tender it as thine owne family dresse it as thine owne vineyard loue it as thine owne spouse Think thoughts of peace to it alwaies look vpon it in deepe compassion Blesse it with thy grace guide it with thy spirit defend it alwaies with thy mighty power scatter the deuises confound the counsels ouerthrow the forces of all that fight against it Specially we intreate thee deare Father to set thy self against that antichrist of Rome that man of perdition which setteth himselfe against thee and against all thy
THE PLAINE MANS Path-way to Heauen Wherein euery man may cleerely see whether he shall be saued or damned Set forth Dialogue-wise for the better vnderstanding of the simple By ARTHVR DENT Preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex The ninth Impression Corrected and amended with a Table of all the principall matters and three Prayers necessarie to be vsed in priuate families hereunto added ZEPH. 3. 5. Euery morning the Lord bringeth his iudgement to light he faileth not but the wicked will not learne to be ashamed LONDON Printed for EDVV. BISHOP and are to be solde in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Brasen Serpent 1607. THE CONTENTS of this Dialogue FIrst it sheweth mans misery in nature with the meanes of recouery Secondly it sharply inueigheth against the iniquity of the time and common corruption of the world Thirdly it sheweth the markes of the children of God and of the Reprobates with the apparant signes of saluation and damnation Fourthly it declareth how hard a thing it is to enter into life and how few shall enter Fiftly it laieth open the ignorance of the world with the obiections of the same Last of all it publisheth and proclaimeth the sweet promises of the Gospel with the abundant mercies of God to all that repent beleeue and truly turne vnto him To the right Worshipfull Sir IVLIVS CAESAR Knight one of the Masters of the Requests to the Kings Maiestie Iudge of the high Court of Admiraltie and Master of S. Catherines A. D. wisheth all good things in Christ Iesus HAuing finished Right worshipfull and made ready for the Presse this little Dialogue I bethought me sith the common maner of all that write any bookes in this age is to dedicát the same to one or to other of great place to whom I might dedicate these my poore labours At last I did resolue with my selfe none to be more fit then your worship both in regard of some affinity in the flesh as also because of those manifold good parts wherewith the Almighty hath endued you Hauing therefore none other thing to present your worship withall in token of a thankfull heart for your curtesies shewed towards me behold I doe heere send vnto you this third fruite of my labours now published Most humbly beseeching you to take it in good worth not weighing the value of the thing which is of no value but the simple and good minde and meaning of the giuer This worke doth sharply reproue and euict the world of sinne and therefore is like to find many deadly enemies which with cruell hatred will most eagerly pursue it vnto death Zoilus also and his fellowes I know will bitterly carpe at it Therefore it flieth vnto your Worship for protection and humbly desireth to take Sanctuary vnder your wings Wherefore I humbly intreat you to take vpon you the patronage and defence of it that by your meanes it may be deliuered both from the calumnious obloquies of euill disposed persons and also from the worlds malignity so as it may take no iniury And concerning this little volume the summe of the matter of it you shall finde in the Epistle to the Reader As concerning the manner heere is no great matter in learning wit arte eloquence or ingenious inuention for I haue heerein specially respected the ignorant and vulgar sort whose edification I doe chiefely aime at yet somewhat there is which may concern the learned giue them some contentment Whatsoeuer it be I leaue it with your Worship beseeching you to giue it entertainement And so I doe most humbly take my leaue commending both your selfe your good wife and your whole family to the mercifull protection of the euerliuing God From South-Shoobery in Essex April 10. Anno Dom. 1601. Your Worships to command in the Lord ARTHVR DENT THE EPISTLE TO the Reader GEntle Reader seeing my little Sermon of Repentance some few yeeres since published hath beene so well accepted of I haue for thy further good published this Dialogue being the third fruit of my labour wishing to it the like successe that God thereby may haue the glory and thou who art the Reader comfort I haue in one part of this Dialogue produced some of the ancient writers and some of the wise Heathen also to testifie vpon their oath in their owne language and to beare witnesse of the vglinesse of some vices which we in this age make light of which I wish may not be offensiue to any In other parts of this worke I do in a manner relinquish them But in this case I haue in my weake iudgement thought them to be of some good vse to shew forth thus much that if we doe not in time repent forsake our sinnes seeke after God both the auncient Christian fathers whose eies saw not that we see nor their eares heard that we heare yea the very Heathen also shall rise vp in iudgement against vs. Let none therefore stumble at it But if any doe let them remember I am in a Dialogue not in a Sermon I write to all of all sorts I speake not to some few of one sort But that which is done herein is not much more then that of the Apostle As some of your own Poets haue said Act. 17. which is warrantable One thing deare Christian I pray thee let me beg of thee to wit that thou wouldest not reade two or three leaues of this Booke and so cast it from thee but that thou wouldest reade it throughout euen to the end For I do assure thee if there be any thing in it worth the reading it is bestowed in the latter part thereof and most of all towards the conclusion Be not discouraged therefore at the harshnesse of the beginning but looke for smoother matter in the middest and most smooth in the perclose and wind-vp of all For this Dialogue hath in it not the nature of a Tragedy which is begunne with ioy and ended with sorrow but of a Comedie which is begun with sorrow and ended with ioy This booke medleth not at all with any controuerfies in the Church or any thing in the state Ecclesiasticall but onely entreth into a controuersie with Sathan and sinne It is contriued into six principall heads First it sheweth mans misery in nature with the meanes of recouery Secondly it sharpely inueigheth against the iniquity of the time and common corruptions of the world Thirdly it sheweth the markes of the children of God and of the Reprobates together with the apparant signes of saluation and damnation Fourthly it declareth how hard a thing it is to enter into life and how few shall enter Fiftly it laieth open the ignorance of the world with the obiections of the same Last of all it publisheth and proclaimeth the sweet promises of the Gospell with the abundant mercy of God to all that repent beleeue and truely turne vnto him The Authour of all blessing giue a blessing vnto it The God of peace which brought againe
outragious in these things yet there be some others which are well disposed and will no doubt make some conscience to frame themselues according to the rules of Gods word Theol. Well then for their sakes which are well disposed I will set downe some few directions Saint Paul in 1. Tim. 2. 9. willeth that women should array themselues in comely apparell with shame fastnesse and modesty as tecommeth women that professe the feare of God and not with broydered haire or gold or pearles or costly apparell The Apostle Saint Peter giueth like rules also for he saith speaking of Christian matrones and professors of holy Religion that their apparell must not be outward that is not consist so much in outward brauery as broydered haire gold put about c. as it must be inward that the hid man of the hart may be clothed with a meeke quiet spirit which is a thing before God much set by For after this manner saith he in times past the holy women which trusted in God did attire themselues as Sara Rebecca Rachel and such like ancient and graue matrones Phila. Wherein doth this inward cloathing specially consist Theol. In foure things which are set downe in the forenamed places to wit shamefastnes modesty a quiet spirit and a méeke spirit Phila. These be fine suites of apparell indeed I would all women would put them on and neuer put them off but weare them continually For they are the better for wearing though all other apparell be the worse Theol. If women would decke themselues inwardly with these foresayd vertues they would be vnto them as ornaments of gold and iewels of pearle For the woman that feareth the Lorde shall be praised Phila. But nowe I pray you sir set downe your iudgement for outward attire Theol. This is all that I can say touching that point that it must be as the Apostle saith Comely decent handsome neat and séemely not light nor wanton not lasciuious not immodest not offensiue Phila. But who shall iudge what is comely sober handsome modest c For euery man and woman will say their apparell is but decent and cleanly how gallant braue and flaunting so euer they be Theol. Herein the examples of the most godly wise graue and modest men and women are to be followed for who can better iudge what is comely sober and modest then they Phila. But we see some euen of the better sort in this matter are a little infected run out and goe beyond their bounds Theol. The more is the pity But alas we sée the sway of the time and the rage of the streame is so violent that it carrieth before it whatsoeuer is not setled and very déepe rooted And some godly and wel disposed persons whose hearts are not with these things but with God are notwithstanding perforce earied away with the violence of the wind and tide whose case though it cannot well be defended or excused yet it is much to be pitied and lamented Phil. Haue you any further directions touching this point Theol. There is one thing yet more to be added to wit that attire be according to mens places callings and degrées For that is not séemely for one that is séemely for another that becomes not one mans place that becommeth anothers For that is not méet for poore men which is méet for rich men nor that méet for meane men which is méet for men of note and great place Phila. Then you thinke it lawfull for kings princes and great personages to weare peerle golde siluer veluet c. Theol. Questionlesse it is lawfull for such in sober manner and easure to weare the most costly and precious things which the earth can affoord and that to set out the magnificence pompe and glory of their places And therefore such things are in them most comely and decent Phils But now adaies few will keepe within compasse few will know their places but the most part run beyond their bounds and leape quite out of their sockets Theol. True indéed For now adaies meane gentlewomen yea some gentlewomen of their owne making will ruffle it and braue it out in their attire like Countesses and Ladies of honour Plaine folke also in the Countrey will flaunt it like Courtiers and like good gentlemen and gentlewomen and they sée me to say in their hearts Fie of this plainnesse wée will no more of it wée will not take it as wée haue done So that now the old prouorbe is verified Euery Iacke will be a gentleman and Ione is as good as my Lady For now we cannot by their apparell discerne the maide from the Mistres nor the waiting gentlewoman from her Lady And thus we sée in this matter of apparell how all is out of ioynt Phila. Is there any more to be said in this ease Theol. There is yet another thing to be respected in this matter of attire Phila. What is that Theol. That it be according to mens abilities For it is lamentable to consider how poore men and women poore hyred seruants milke-maides and such like goe quite beyond their abilitie And more lamentable to sée what wretched and ill-fauoured shifts they make to compasse these things so sharpe and so eagerly are they set vpon them Phila. Well Sir now you haue sufficiently rolled the stone and at large satisfied vs touching the matter of pride which is the first signe of condemnation Now proceede to the second which is who redome and vnfold vnto vs out of the Scriptures the dangers thereof Theol. Salomon in his Prouerbs saith That the mouth of a strange woman or an harlot is as a deepe pit he that is a derestation to the Lord shall fall therein Wherein he plainly sheweth that those whom God detesteth and is excéeding angry with are giuen ouer to this vice And in another place he saith An whore is as a deepe dit oh and as a narrow pit Noting thereby that if a man be once fallen in with an harlot he shall as hardly get out againe as a man that is plunged into a very déepe narrow pit where he can scant stir himselfe The same Salomon in the booke of Ecclesiastes yeeldeth vs the reason héerof namely because shée is as nets snares bands wherein if a man be once taken he is fast enough for getting out I finde saith he more bitter than death the woman whose heart is as nets and snares and her hands as bands He that is good before God shall be deliuered from her but the sinner shal be taken by her We do therfore plainly see in what a labyrinth dangerous case they be that are left o● God and giuen ouer to whoredome and harlots And therfore it is said Desire not her beauty in thine heart neither let her eie-lids catch thee For by a whorish woman a man is broght to a morsell of brend and the adulteresse hunteth for life which is precious Againe he saith Albeit the lips of
away himselfe for euer Now the holy Ghost saith the Adulterer doth such an act giueth such a venture and willingly murthereth himselfe Oh therefore woe vnto him that euer he was borne For sure it is that great Crowner of heauen that crownes whom hée will crowne shal one day sit vpon it and giue iudgement Moreouer as the Adulterer sinneth against his soule so also he sinneth against his bodie after a speciall manner as witnesseth the Apostle Also he sinneth against his goods and outward estate as the holy man Iob testifieth saying Adulterie is a fire that deuoureth to destruction and it will roote out all our encrease Furthermore he sinneth against his name For the Adulterer shall finde a wound and dishonour and his reproch shall neuer be put away Item he sinneth against his wife who is his companion and the wife of his couenant And God saith in the same place Let none trespasse against the wife of his youth keepe your selues in your spirit and transgresse not Last of all he sinneth against his children and posteritie as the Lord said to Dauid Because thou hast despised me and done this therefore the sword shall neuer depart from thy house Beholde I will raise vp euill against thee out of thine owne house Now therefore to conclude this point we may sée how many deadly wounds men make in themselues by committing of adultery They wound themselues in their soules They wound themselues in their bodies They wound themselues in their goods They wound themselues in their names They wound themselues in their wiues and in their children What man except he were stark mad would thrust in himselfe in so many places at once The adulterer with his owne sin of adulterie maketh all these deadly wounds in himselfe And it is a hundred to one he will neuer get them cured but will die and bléed to death of them Lo thus you sée the dangerous quality and condition of this sin Shall we now therfore make light of it Shall we say it is but a tricke of youth Shal we smooth ouer the matter with swéet words when the holy Ghost maketh it so hainous and capitall Shal we make nothing of that which draweth downe Gods wrath vpon the soule body goods name wife and children That were an intolerable blindnesse and most extreame hardnesse of heart An ancient writer hath long agoe passed sentence vpon vs who make so light of this sin for saith he Adultery is the very hooke of the diuell whereby he draweth vs to destruction And another godly Father saith that Adulterie is like a furnace whose mouth is gluttonie the flame pride the sparkles filthy words the smoke an euill name the ashes pouertie and the end shame And so wée plainly sée that howsoeuer wée regard not this sinne but flatter our selues in it yet those whose eies the Lord hath opened haue in all ages condemned it as most flagitious and horrible yea the very Heathen will rise vp in iudgment against vs who haue spoken and written many things against this filthy beastly vice Phila. Now indeede you haue sufficiently branded the vice of adulterie and laid out the vglinesse thereof that all men may behold it starke naked and abhorre it If any man notwithstanding all this will venture vpon it hee may be saide to be a most desperate monster For what doth he else but as it were put his finger into the Lions mouth and as it were take the beare by the tooth and they may well know what will follow and what they may looke for Let all men therefore in time take heed to themselues and to their owne soules as they will answer it at their vttermost perill at the dreadfull day of iudgement when the secrets of all hearts shal be disclosed But now one thing resteth to wit that you should shew vs the speciall roots and causes of adulterie Theol. There be fiue speciall causes of it The first is our naturall corruption for the verie spawne and séed of all sinne is in our corrupt nature and this of all other is a most inherent sinne as witnesseth the Apostle Iames saying When lust hath conceiued it bringeth foorth sinne and sinne when it is perfected bringeth forth death The second is gluttonie and fulnesse of Bread for when men haue filled their bellies and crammed their paunches as full of good cheare wine and strong drinke as their skins can hold what are they méet for or what mind they else but adulterie and vncleannesse And therfore well saith one Great nourishment and grosse feed it is the shop of lust The Heathen Poet could skill to say Sine Cicere Baccho friget Venus Without meat and drinke lust waxeth colde And to this effect the wise king saith that their eies shall behold strange women whose hearts are set vpon wine and belly-cheare And therefore he aduiseth all men not to looke vpon the wine when it appeareth red when it sheweth his colour in the cup or stirreth very kindely and that for feare of this after-clap An ancient writer saith to the sam purpose Hee that delicately pampereth his belly and yet would ouercome the spirit of fornication is like him that will quench a flame of fire with Oyle Therefore to close vp this point sure it is though men pray heare and read much and be otherwise well disposed yet except they be absteinous in diet they will be much troubled with lust The third cause of adulterie is Idlenesse For when men are lazie luskish and idle hauing nothing to do they lie wide open to adulterie and lust créepeth into them Some Historiographers write the Crab-fish is very desirous to eat Oysters but because she cannot perforee open them she watcheth her time when they open themselues vnto the sun after the tide and then she putteth in her claw and pulleth out the Oyster Euen so sathan watcheth his opportunity against vs that he may infect and breath into vs all filthy lusts and adulterous desires when wée lie open vnto him by idlenesse Wisely therfore to this point said the Gréeke Poet Much rest nourisheth lust And another Poet saith Quaritur agistus quare sit factus adulter In promtu causa est desidiosus erat Slothfull lazinesse is the cause of Adulterie And therefore another saith Eschew idlenesse and cut the sinewes of lust The fourth cause of adultery is wanton apparell which is a ministrelsie that pipes vp a daunce vnto whoredome But of this enough before The fift and last part of adultery is the hope of impunitie or escaping of punishment For many being blinded and hardened by Sathan thinke they shall neuer be called to an account for it And because they can bleare the eies of men and carry this sin so closely vnder a cloud that it shall neuer come to light they thinke all is safe and that God séeth them not And therefore Iob saith The eie of the adulterer waiteth
For when once we féele the worke of grace within vs that is that we are washed by the new birth and renewed by the holy Ghost finding in our selues an vnfained hatred of sin and loue of righteousnesse then are we sure and out of all doubt that we are predestinated to life And it is euen as much as if God had personally appeared vnto vs and whispered vs in the eare and told vs that our names are taken written in the booke of life For whom he hath predestinate them he hath called and whom he hath called them he hath iustified whom he hath iustified them he hath glorified Now therefore till we féele these marks of election wrought in vs we can be at no certainty in this point neither are we to take any notice of it or meddle in it but we must striue according to that power and faculty we haue to liue honestly and ciuilly waiting when God will haue mercy on vs and giue vs the true touch As for them that are carelesse and dissolute setting all at six and seuen there is smal hope that they are elected or euer shall be called Antil I thinke the preaching and publishing of this doctrine of predestination hath done much hurt and it had beene good it had neuer beene knowen to the people but vtterly concealed For some it driueth to despaire and others it maketh more secure and carelesse Theol. You are in a great errour For this Doctrine is a part of Gods reuealed Truth which hée would haue knowen to his people And in good sooth it is of very great and comfortable vse to the children of God against all the assaults of the Diuell and temptations of desperation whatsoeuer For when a man hath once in truth felt by the effects that God hath chosen him to life then though the Diuell lie sore at him and the conscience of sinne and his own frailties most vehemently assault him yet he knoweth certainely that the eternall purpose and counsell of God is immutable and that because his saluation is not grounded vpon himselfe or his owne strength but vpon the vnchangeable decrée of God which is a foundation vnmoueable and alwaies standing sure and firme therefore doe the diuell and sinne what they can yet he shal be vpheld in righteousnesse truth euen as it were borne vp in the arms of God euen to the end For whom God loueth to the end he loueth them Moreouer when once the Lords people perceiue by their sanctification and new birth both that the Lord hath reiected and reprobated so many thousand thousands and made choise of them to be heirs of his most glorious kingdome being in themselues of the same mould and making that others are and that be hath done all this of his frée grace and vndeserued mercy towards them oh how doth it rauish their hearts with the loue of him Againe how frankely and chearefully doe they serue him How willingly and faithfully doe they obey him Yea how are they wholy rapt and infiamed with the desire of him For it is the perswasion and féeling of Gods loue towards vs that draweth vp our loue to him againe as S. Iohn saith We loue him because he hath loued vs first Moreouer it is saide of Mary Magdalen that shée loued much because much was forgiuen For after she felt her many and great sins fréely pardoned her affections were kindled with the loue and obedience of Christ So likewise the Church in the Canticles after she had béene in the banqueting house of all spirituall grace and felt the banner of Christs loue displaied vpon her forthwith shée was rapt therewith and cried out as it were in a swoune that shée was sicke of loue So againe when Christ put in his hand by the hole of the doore that is touched the very inward parts of her heart by his spirit then her heart yearned and her bowels were affectioned towards him This is it which Saint Paul praieth for vpon his knees that it may be granted to the Ephesians that they may be able to comprehend with all the Saints what is the breadth and length height and depth of Gods loue towards vs and to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge and to be filled with all fulnesse of God Thus then you sée the great and comfortable vse of this doctrine of election both in that it ministreth strength comfort against all temptations as also because it constraineth vs to loue God of very loue to feare him and obey him Phila. Well Sir I thinke now you haue spent time enough in answering the obiections and cauils of Antilegon In all which I doe obserue one thing that there is no end of cauilling and obiecting against the truth and that a man may obiect more in an houre then a learned man can well answer in a day Theol. You say truth And the reason hereof is because men haue sin in them out of measure and the spirit of God but in measure Therefore they can by the one obiect and conceiue more against the truth then by the other they shall be able to answer and say for it Phila. It appeareth indeed that errors be infinite obiections innumerable that there is no end of mens cauilling against Gods sacred truth It is good for vs therefore to bee throughly setled in the truth that wee be not entangled or snarled with any cauils or sophistications whatsoeuer But I doe verily thinke notwithstanding all his obiections and exceptions that he doth in his conscience desire with Balaam to die the death of the righteous and to be as one of them whom he seemeth to despise Theol. I am so perswaded too For this is the triumph that vertue hath ouer vice that where she is most hated there she is often desired and wished for And this is the great punishment that God bringeth vpon the wicked Virtutem vt videant intabescantque relictâ as saith the Poet That they shall see vertue and pine away hauing no power to follow it Phila. But now let vs returne to the point we were in hand with before wee fell into these obiection and cauils which was concerning the small number of them which shall be saued And as you haue shewed vs many reasons thereof so proceed to speake yet more vnto that point Theol. As I haue shewed you of sundry lets both within vs and without vs which doe kéepe vs backe from God and hold vs fast in our sinnes So now vnto all that hath béene said before I will adde nine great hinderances vnto eternall life which may not vnfitly bée tearmed nine barres out of heauen and nine gates into hell Phila. Which be they Theol. They be these Infidelity Presumption of Gods mercy Example of the multitude Long custome of sinne Long escaping of punishment Hope of long life Conceitednesse Ill company Euill example of Ministers Phila. These indeed be strong barres out of
heauen and wide gates into hell I pray you therefore proue them out of the Scriptures and lay them forth somewhat more largely Theol. The first which is Infidelity is proued out of the fourth chapter to the Hebrewes where it is written Vnto vs was the Gospell preached as vnto them but the word which they heard profited them not because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it And againe They could not enter in because of vnbeliefe Héere we sée that vnbeliefe did barre out the old people from entring into the land of promise which was a figure of Gods eternall kingdome And sure it is that the same vnbeliefe doth barre out thousands of vs. For many will beléeue nothing but their owne fansies They will not beléeue the word of God especially when it is contrary to their lustes and likings profits pleasures Though things be manifestly prooued to their faces and both the Chapter and the Uerse shewed them yet will they not beléeue or though they say they beléeue yet will they neuer goe about the practise of any thing but reply against God in all their actions And for the most part when God saith one thing they will say another When God saith yea they will say no and so giue God the lie Some againe will say if all bée true that the Preachers say then God helpe vs. Thus you sée how Infidelity doth barre men out of Heauen and cast them into hell Phila. Let vs heare of the second gate which is Presumption of Gods mercy Theol. This is set downe in the 29. of Deuteronomy where the Lord saith thus When a man heareth the words of this curse and yet flattereth himselfe in his heart saying I shall haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornnesse of mine owne heart thus adding drunkennesse to thirst that is one sinne to another the Lord will not be mercifull vnto him but the wrath of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoake against that man and euery curse that is written in this booke shall light vpon him and the Lord shall put out his name from vnder heauen Héere we sée how the mightie God doth thunder downe vpon such as goe on in their sins presuming of his mercy and saying in their hearts If I may haue but a Lord haue mercy vpon me thrée houres before death I care not But it is iust with God when those thrée hours come to shut them vp in blindnesse and hardnesse of heart as a iust plague for their presumption Therefore the Prophet Dauid seeing the grieuousnesse of this sin praieth to be deliuered from it Keepe me ô Lord saith he from presumptuous sins let them not raigne ouer me Let all men therfore take héed of presumptuous sins For though God be full of mercy yet will he shew no mercy to them that presume of his mercy But they shall once know to their cost that iustice goeth from him as well as mercy Phila. Let vs come to the third gate which is the Example of the multitude Theol. This is prooued in the 23. of Exod. where the Lord saith flatly Thou shalt not follow a multitude to doe euill In another place the Lord saith After the doings of the land of Egypt wherein yee dwelt shall yee not doe and after the manner of the land of Canaan whither I will bring you shall yee not doe neither walke in their ordinances Against this Law did the Children of Israel offend when they said in the stubbornnesse of their heart to the Prophet Ieremy The word that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lord wee will not heare But we will doe whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth and we will doe as we haue done both we and our Fathers our Kings and our Princes in the cities of Iudah and in the streets of Ierusalem Note héere how they doe altogether refuse the word of the Lord and how to follow the example of the multitude Wée sée in these our daies by lamentable experience how thousands are violently carried down this streame and for defence of it some will say Doe as the most men doe and the fewest wil speake of you Which is a very wicked speach For if wée will follow the course of the most we shall haue the reward of the most which is eternall perdition Let vs therefore take héed of bending with the sway For the sway of the world doth waigh downe all things that can bée spoken out of the word of God and openeth a very wide passage into Hell Phila. Proceed to the fourth gate into Hell which is the Long custome of sinne Theol. This is noted by the Prophet Ieremy to be a very dangerous thing For he saith Can the blacke More change his skinne or the Leopard his spots then may yee also doe good which are accustomed to doe euill Noting thereby that it is as hard a matter to leaue an old custome of sinne as to wash a black-more white or to change the spots of a Leopard which because they are naturall are most impossible So when men through custom haue made swearing lying adultery and drunkennesse as it were naturall vnto them oh how hard it is to leaue them For custome maketh another nature and taketh away all sense and féeling of sinne Phila. Let vs heare of the fift gate which is the Long escaping of punishment Theol. This is auouched by the wise man in these words Because sentence against an euill worke is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the children of men are set in them to doe euill Where he sheweth that one cause why men are so hardned in their sinnes is because God winketh at them and letteth them alone not punishing them immediately after they haue sinned For if God should forthwith strike downe one and raine fire and brimstone vpon another and cause the earth to swallow vp the third then men would feare indéed But it hath béene shewed before that God taketh not that course but though he méet with some in this life yet he lets thousands escape and that makes them more bold thinking they shall neuer come to their answer Euen as an olde théefe which hath a long time escaped both prison and gallowes thinkes he shall alwaies so escape and therefore goeth boldly on in his thefts But let men take héed For as the prouerbe saith Though the pitcher goeth long to the well yet at last it commeth broken home So though men escape long yet they shall not escape alwaies For there will come a day of reckoning a day that will pay it home for all Thus you sée how impunity leadeth numbers to destruction That is when men are let alone and neither smitten by the hand of God nor punished by the law of the Magistrate Phila. Let vs come to the sixt gate which is the Hope of long life Theol. This is affirmed by our Lord Iesus concerning that rich worldling who
thereof and also to purchase vnto your selfe the sincere ministery of the Gospell and to make conscience to liue vnder it estéeming your selfe happy if you haue it though you want other things and vnhappie if you haue it not though you haue all other things For it is a péerelesse pearle an incomparable Jewell For the purchasing whereof we are aduised by our Lord Jesus to sel all that we haue rather then to goe without it Againe our Sauiour Christ giueth the same counsell to the Church of Laodicea in these words I counsell thee to buy of me gold tried by the fire that thou maiest be rich and white raiment that thou maist be cloathed and that thy filthy nakednesse do not appeare and annoint thine eies with eie-salue that thou maist see Where you sée the word of God is compared to most pretious gold whereby we are made spiritually rich and to glittering attire wherewith our naked soules are cloathed and to an eye-salue wherewith our spirituall blindnesse is cured We are aduertised also by Jesus Christ whose counsell is euer the best that wée should buy these things whatsoeuer they cost vs. The same counsel also giueth wise Salomon saying Buy the truth but sell it not So then you sée the counsell which héerein I giue you is not mine owne but the counsell of Iesus himselfe and Salomon the wise And who can or who dare except against their counsell Asune Is your meaning that men must of necessitie frequent preaching of the word will not bare reading serue the turne Theol. I tolde you before that reading is good profitable and necessary but yet it is not sufficient We must not content our selues with that onely but wée must goe further and get vnto our selues the sound preaching of the Gospell as the chiefest and most princiyall meanes which God hath ordained and sanctified for the sauing of men As it is plainely set downe 1. Cor. 1. 21. When as the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisedome of God it pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue The meaning of it is that when as men neither by naturall wisedome nor the contemplation of the creatures could sufficiently attaine to the true knowledge of God the Lord according to his heauenly and infinite wisedome thought of an other course which is to saue men by preaching which the world counteth foolishnesse And by the way note that the preaching of the word is not a thing of humane inuention but it is Gods owne deuice and came first out of his braine as the next and néerest way to saue mens soules Wise Salomon also in the Booke of the Prouerbes telleth vs that the preaching of Gods word which hée calleth Uision vsing the word of the Prophets which called their Sermons Uisions is not a thing that may be spared or that wée may be at choise whether we haue it or no but he maketh it to be of absolute necessity vnto eternall life For he saith Where vision faileth the people are left naked So indéede it is in the Originall But the old translation giueth vs the sense thus Where the word of God is not preached there the people perish Then you sée that Salomon striketh it dead in telling vs that all they which are without preaching of the word are in excéeding danger of losing their soules Oh that men could be perswaded of this Saint Paul also saith that faith commeth by hearing the word preached For hée saith How can they heare without a Preacher If faith come by hearing the word preached then I reason thus No preaching no faith no faith no Christ no Christ no eternall life For eternall life is only in him Let vs then put them together thus Take away the word take away faith take away faith take away Christ take away Christ and take away eternall life So then it followeth Take away the word and take away eternall life Or wée may reade them backeward thus If we will haue heauen we must haue Christ If we will haue Christ we must haue faith If we will haue faith we must haue the word preached Then it followeth thus If we will haue heauen we must haue the word preached Then I conclude that preaching generally and for the most part is of absolute necessitie vnto eternall life as meate is of absolute necessity for the preseruation of our bodies as grasse and fodder are of absolute necessity for the vpholding of the life of beasts and water of absolute necessity for the life of fishes Then this being so men are with great care and conscience to heare the Gospell preached to frequent Sermons to resort much to Gods house and habitation where his honour dwelleth with Dauid to say One thing haue I desired of the Lord that I will require euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life to behold the beautie of the Lord and to visit his holy Temple With godly Mary to say One thing is necessary and so choose the better part With the poore Cripple at Bethesda to wait for the moouing of the waters by the Angell that his impotency may be cured I meane that wée should tie our selues to the first moouing of the spirituall waters of life by the Preachers of the Gospell that our spiritual impotency may be holpen and relieued For the ministery of the Gospell is that golden pipe whereby and where-through all the goodnesse of GOD all the swéetenesse of Christ and all heauenly graces whatsoeuer are deriued vnto vs. Which thing was shadowed in the law by the Pomegranates in the skirts of Arons garments and the golden Belles betwéene them round about that is a golden Bell and a Pomegranate a golden Bell and a Pomegranate The golden Belles did signifie the preaching of the Gospel and the Pomegranates the swéet sauour of Christes death Noting thereby that the swéet sauour of Christs death and all the benefits of his passion should be spread abroad by the preaching of the Gospell Thus you sée that if euer men purpose to be saued they must make more account of the preaching of the Gospel then they haue done not thinke as most men do that they may be without it yet doe well enough And some had as léeue be without it as haue it For it doth but disquiet them and trouble their consciences but woe be vnto such Phila. Yet we see where the word is soundly preached there be many bad people and the reasons thereof in mine opinion are two The one that God taketh his holy spirit from many in hearing the word so that their hearing is made vnfruitfull The other that the diuell hath an hundred deuices to hinder the effectuall working of the word so as it shall doe no good at all nor take any effect in multitudes of men But you Master Theologus can better laie open this matter then I. I pray you therefore
speake something of it Theol. The sleights of Sathan in this behalfe are moe and more slie then I or any man else can possibly discouer For who is able to descrie or in sufficient manner to lay open the déepe subtilties and most secret and sinfull suggestions of the Diuell in the hearts of men Hée is so cunning a crafts master this way that none can perfectly trace him His workings in the hearts of men are with such close and hid deceits and most methodicall and craftie conueyances that none can sufficiently finde them out But yet notwithstanding I will béewray so much as I know or can conceiue of his dealings with men that heare the word that he may steale it out of their hearts and make it fruitlesse and vnprofitable First of all hée bestirreth him and laboureth hard to kéepe men fast asléepe in their sinnes that they may haue no care at all of their saluation and therefore disswadeth them from hearing or reading the word at all lest they should bée awaked If this will not preuaile but that they must néeds heare then his craft is to make their hearing vnprofitable by sléepinesse dulnesse by-thoughts conceitednesse and a thousand such like If this will not serue the turne but that the word doth get within them and worke vpon them so as thereby they grow to some knowledge and vnderstanding of the truth then he practiseth another way which is to make them rest themselues vpon their bare knowledge and so become altogether consciencelesse If this will not suffice but that men fall to doing and leaue some sinnes especially the grosse sinnes of the world and doe some good then he perswadeth them to trust to those doings without Christ and to thinke themselues well inough because they doe some good and leaue some euill If this bée not enough but that men attaine vnto the true iustifying faith which apprehendeth Christ and resteth vpen his merits then he deuiseth how to blemish the beauty of their faith and weaken their comfort through many frailties and wants yea grosse downefalles and ranke euils so as they shall bée but spotted and leaprous Christians If this weapon will not worke but that Christians doe ioyne all good vertues with their faith and abundantly shine foorth in all fruits of righteousnesse then he casteth about another way which is to daunt and dampe them with discouragements as pouertie necessity sicknesse reproches contempts persecutions c. If none of all these will doe the déeds but that men constantly beléeue in Christ and patiently and ioyfully endure all afflictions then his last refuge is to blow them vp with gun-powder that is to puffe them vp with a pride of their gifts graces and strength and so to giue them an vtter ouerthrow whilest they doe not walke humbly and giue God the praise of his gifts Thus haue you a little taste of Sathans cunning in making the word vnfruitfull amongst vs. Asune I pray you good sir seeing I am ignorant and vnlearned giue me some particular directions out of the word of Gnd for the good guiding and ordering of my particular actions in such sort as that I may glorifie God in the earth and after this life be glorified of him for euer Theol. It were an infinite thing to enter into all particulars but briefely doe this First séeke God earnestly in his word pray much in all things giue thanks Eschew euil and doe good Feare God and kéepe his Commandements reforme your selfe and your houshold loue vertue and vertuous men kéepe company with the godly and auoid the society of the wicked Liue soberly iustly and holily in the present euil world Speake alwais graciously ● beware of filthy communication Recompense to no man euill for euill but recompense euill with good Be curteous and pitifull towards all men Take héed of swearing cursing and banning Beware of anger wrath and bitternesse Praise your friend openly reprooue him secretly Speake no euill of them that are absent nor of the dead Speake euill of no man speake alwaies the best or at least not the worst Reuerence Gods name and kéepe his Sabbaths Auoid all the signes of condemnation and labour after all the signes of saluation Aboue all things take héed of sin for that is the very cutthroat of the soule and bane of all goodnesse Tremble therefore and sinne not For if you sinne marke what followeth Sixe great dangers in sinne God seeth His Angels beare witnesse The conscience pricketh Death threatneth The Diuell accuseth Hell deuoureth You sée then that sinne is no scarcrow or iesting matter Euery sin that a man commiteth is as a thorne thrust déepe into the soule which will not be got out againe but with many a sigh and many a sorrowfull oh oh Euery sinne is written with a pen of iron and the point of a diamond vpon the conscience and shall in the last day when the bookes shall be opened accuse vs and giue in euidence against vs. If a man commit sinne with pleasure the pleasure passeth away but the conscience and sting of the sinne abideth and tormenteth deadly but if a man doe well though with labour and painfulnesse the paine passeth away yet the conscience of well dooing remaineth with much comfort But the best end of sinne is alwaies repentance if not in this life then with woe and alas when it is too late Therefore take héed in time take héed I say of sinne Six most hurtfull effects of sinne Sinne hardneth the heart Sinne gnaweth the conscience Sinne fighteth against the soule Sinne bringeth foorth death Sinne maketh ashamed Sinne procureth all plagues of bodie and soule Behold therefore the euil effects of sin For this cause Zophar the Naamathite speaketh very wisely to Iob saying When thou shalt lift thy face out of thy sinne thou shalt be strong and shalt not feare thou shalt forget all sorrow thou shalt temember it as the waters that are past Where Zophar plainly sheweth that the auoiding of sinne is our strength and the committing of it our weakening According to that of Salomon The way of the Lord is the strength of the vpright man Therefore walke in the way of God and take héed of the waies of sinne For God punisheth euery sinne his way some one way and some another and no sinne can escape vnpunished For because God is iust therfore he must néeds punish sinne in all men though in diuers manners as the wicked in their owne persons the godly in Christ Beware of it therefore and flatter not your selfe in your sinnes Remember how euery disobedience and euery transgression hath had a iust recompence of reward God hath in all ages matched the causes with the effect that is sinne with the punishment of sinne The Isralites for breaking the first commandement in making other Gods were often smitten by the hand of God Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron for the breach of the second commandement in offering strange
iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him with his stripes we are healed This great Prophet we sée doth plainly affirme that Christ suffered for our sins by his suffering we are saued The Prophet Ieremy testifieth the same thing saying Behold the daies come saith the Lord that I wil raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch a king shall raigne and prosper shall execute iudgment iustice in the earth In his daies Iudah shall be saued Israel shal dwell safely and this is the name wherby they shall call him the Lord our righteousnes This Prophet tumpeth with the other For he saith that Christ is the righteous branch that he is our righteousnes which is al one as if he had said our sins are pardoned only through him through him we are made righteous Moreouer he affirmeth that Iudah Israel that is the Church shall be saued by him The Prophet Zachary that I may speake it with reuerence telleth the same tale word for word Hée auoucheth the same thing with the other two Prophets For he saith In that day a Fountaine shall be opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem for sinne and for vncleannesse The meaning of the prophet is that in the daies of Christs kingdome the fountaine of Gods mercy in Christ should be opened and let out to wash away the sinnes and vncleannesse of the Church So then we sée that these thrée great witnesses doe all agrée in this that through Christ onely wée are washed from our sins and through him onely wée are made righteous Séeing then that eternall life is onely in the sonne therefore he that hath the son hath life Be of good courage therefore O Asunetus for no doubt you haue the son therfore eternal life Feare not your sins for they cannot hurt you For as all the righteousnes of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the most righteous men that euer liued vpon the face of the earth if it were yours could doe you no good without Christ so all the sinnes in the world can do you no hurt being in Christ For there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus Plucke vp a good heart therfore be no more heauy and sadde for if you be found in Christ clothed with his perfect righteousnesse being made yours through faith what can the diuel say to you what can the Law doe They may wel hisse at you but they cannot sting you they may grin at you but they cannot hurt you For who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christ which is dead or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God maketh request for vs. Reioice in the Lord therfore againe I say reioice For greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world our Lord Jesus is stronger then all None can plucke you out of his hands he is a strong Mediator he hath conquered all our spiritual enemies he hath ouer come hell death damnation he hath led captiuitie captiue he hath spoiled principalities powers and hath made an open shew of them triumphed ouer them in his crosse He hath most triumphantly said O death I will be thy death O graue I wil be thy destruction O death where is thy sting O hell where is thy victorie Séeing then you haue such a Mediator and high Priest as hath conquered the hellish armie and subdued all infernall power what néed you to doubt what néed you to feare any more Moreouer you are to vnderstand and to be perswaded that Gods mercy is excéeding great towards penitent sinners all such as mourne for their transgressions according as he saith At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinnes from the bottome of his heart he will put them all out of his remembrance The Prophet Dauid doth most liuely fully describe vnto vs the mercifull nature of God in the 103. Psalme where he saith The Lord is full of compassion and mercy slow to anger of great kindnes he wil not alwaies chide neither keepe his anger for euer he hath not dealt with vs after our sins nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercy towards those that feare him As far as the East is from the West so far hath he remoued our sins from vs. As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust The Historie of the lost sonne doth most notably set foorth the wonderfull mercie of God towards penitent sinners There is shewed how the Lord doth embrace tender make much of such poore sinners as haue broken and contrite hearts for their sinnes for it is saide that when the father saw his repenting sonne a great way off he had compassion on him and ran and fell on his necke and kissed him and cloathed him with the best robe put it on him put a ring on his hand shooes on his féet and caused the fat calfe to be killed for him Euen so the euer lasting father doth reioyce at the conuersion of any of his lost sons Yea there is ioy in the presence of the angels of God for one sinner that conuerteth Moreouer the Lord doth most liuely expresse his merciful nature and disposition in this that he is very loath we should perish willingly cast away our selues Therfore often in the holy scriptures he doth mourne for vs bewaile our wretchednes and taketh vp many pitifull complaints and lamentations for vs saying Oh that my people had hearkned vnto me and Israel had walked in my waies And againe Oh that thou hadst hearkened vnto my commandements then had thy prosperity been as the floud and thy righteousnesse as the waues of the Sea Againe he mourningly complaineth by his Prophet Hosea saying Oh Ephraim what shall I do vnto thee Oh Iudah how shall I entreat thee And in another place What could I doe more vnto my vineyard that I haue not done Mark here how compassionately the Almighty God doth yearn ouer vs and euen as it were blée● vpon our wounds The Apostle also doth note the rich mercy maruellous loue of God to mākind in this that he doth beséech vs pray vs by the ministers of the gospel that we would be reconciled vnto him The words are these Now then are we embassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs sted that you be reconciled vnto God Is it not a strange thing that the omni potent God should fall to intreating of vs poore wretches It is all one as if a King should intreat a begger whom
apparell 49 51 Whooredome and the dangers thereof 54 Excuses of whooredome 56 The fearefull effects of whooredome 60 The punishment of whooredome 56 57 The causes of whooredome 63 Remedies against whooredome 67 Couetousnesse what ibid. Couetousnesse wherein it doth consist 68 Foure notes to discerne the inward couetousnesse of the heart by 69 The euill effects of couetousnesse 71 The vanitie of this world and all worldly things 76 Excuses of couetousnesse 90 Remedies against couetousnesse 97 Gods prouidence for his children in the things of this life 98 For the things of this life Gods blessing is all in all 104 Outward meanes alone do not vphold vs. ibid. 105 Gods children sometimes are brought to great distresse 108 Gods children alwaies sure to be deliuered out of trouble 113 The great priuiledges of Gods children 116 Contempt of the Gospell a grieuous sinne 120 Contempt of the Gospell punished 121 Contempt of the Gospell the sinne of this age 122 Contempt of the Gospell a foresigne of wrath to the Land 130 Swearing and the punishments thereof 138 Excuses for swearing 146 Causes of swearing 149 Remedies against swearing ibid. Lying flattering and dissembling 150 Punishments for lying 158. 159 Excuses of lying 160 Causes of lying 161 Remedies against lying ibid. Drunkennesse and all the euill effects thereof 163 Excuses of drunkennesse 167 Causes of drunkennesse 167 Remedies for drunkennesse 168 Idlenesse and the wofull effects thereof 174 Causes of Idlenesse 179 Remedies against Idlenesse 179 Oppression a most horrible sinne 180 Many woes denounced against oppressours 181 Sundry kinds of Oppression 182. 183 Causes of Oppression 197 Remedies of Oppression 197 Sinne hurteth men in their bodies goods and name ibid. Sinne bringeth great danger to the whole Land 205 Nine predictions of wrath to the Land 210 The praiers and teares of the faithfull keepe backe the wrath of God from the Land 213 Praiers of the elect of great force 214 The wicked fare the better for Gods children 220 The best course to preuent Gods iudgements and to keepe backe his wrath from our Land 224 Tenne speciall things concerning the continuance of our peace 230 Nine signes of a found soule 232 Saint Peters eight markes of saluation ibid. Seuen infallible tokens of saluation 223 Assurance of saluation in this life prooued 352 Obiections against the assurance of saluation answered 237. The ground-worke of our saluation 241 Some doubts may stand with the assurance of faith 242 It is no presumption to bee perswaded of our saluation 244 The wicked cannot be assured of their saluation 245 The security of saluation which the wicked bragge of is vaine 247 Nine things required of all that shall be saued by Christ 250 Many say they hope to be saued by Christ but few can giue a reason why Christ died for them particularly and by name 252 Few shall be saued proued by scriptures reasons and examples 256 But few euen in the visible Church shall be saued 262 Obiections against the small number of the elect answered 263 Obiections of Atheists and vnbeleeuers answered 264 Reading of the Scriptures much commended 272 Deferring of repentance dangerous 277 God no authour of mans condemnation but himselfe 278 Obiections against predestination answered 279. 280 Gods decree no cause of Adams fall 283 The decree of reprobation prooued 284 Prescience in God what 285 The decree of election prooued 286 The first mouiue of election is in God himselfe 287 Fore-seene faith and fore-seene works no motiues of saluation ibid. Faith dependeth vpon election not election vpon faith 288 A reason yeelded why there is no end of cauilling and obiecting against the truth 292 Nine barres out of heauen 293 Nine gates into hell 294 The ignorance of the world 301 The answers of ignorant men to the grounds of religion 319 The meanes to get out of ignorance 322 Ignorance a most dangerous thing 323. 324 The charge of Ministers exceeding waightie and most carefully to be looked vnto 328 What is the best course for Ministers to take to bring the people out of ignorance 331 What is the best course for the people to take that they may be brought out of the bondage of sinne and captiuitie of Satan 333 Preaching a matter of absolute necessitie vnto eternal life 337 Without preaching the people are in great danger of losing their soules 336 Sathans cunning in frustrating the hearing of the Word and making all preaching vtterly vnprofitable 339 The Preachers counsell to the ignorant man 341 Six great dangers in sinne 342 Six most fearefull euents of sinne 343 God in all ages hath seuerely punished the transgressers of his law 344 Euery sinne though neuer so little in our eies is hainous and capitall because it is against a person of infinite maiestie 346 Nine profitable considerations 346 If men would leaue words and fall to doing great good would come of it 348 Nine things much to be thought vpon 350 The description of Christs comming to iudgement 351 The terror the suddennesse the end the maner and the vse of Christs second comming described 352 353 The torments of hell with the extremitie perpetuitie and remedilesnesse thereof described 361 The ignorant man vpon the hearing of the day of iudgment and hell fire laide open is pricked in his conscience bewaileth his former life repenteth earnestly for his sinne and ignorance and desireth spirituall Physicke and comfort of the Preacher 374 The Preacher ministreth vnto him much spiritual comfort and doth in ample manner laie open vnto him all the sweete promises of the Gospell and the infinite mercy of God in Christ to all true penitent and broken hearted sinners 375 The ignorant man being afflicted in his conscience is exceedingly comforted with the hearing of Gods abundant mercy preached vnto him and thereupon doth gather great inward peace conuerteth vnto God with all his heart and doth exceedingly blesse God for the Preachers counsell 391 FINIS A Morning prayer to be vsed in priuate families O Lord our God and heauenlie Father we thy vnwoorthy children doe heere come into thy most holy and heauenly presence to giue thee praise and glory for all thy great mercies and manifold blessings towards vs especially for that thou hast preserued vs this night past from all the dangers and feares thereof hast giuen vs quiet rest to our bodies and brought vs now safely to the beginning of this day dost now afresh renew all thy mercies vpon vs as the Eagle reneweth her bill giuing vs all things abundantly to enioy as foode raiment health peace libertie and freedome from many miseries diseases casualties and calamities which we are subiect vnto in this life euery minute of an houre and not onely so but also for vouchsafeing vnto vs many good things not onely for necessitie but euen for delight also But aboue all deare Father we praise thy name for the blessings of a better life specially for thy most holy word and sacraments and all the good we enioy thereby for the continuance