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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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reputation yea albeit hee hath already hurt and betrayed vs. We ought to learne with Christ our head to doe good not onely to our brethren and friends but also to our aduersaries enemies euill willers and such as loue vs not euen vnto them should wee shewe friendship seruing them being gentle milde and louing vnto them We must pray vnto the Lorde that he wil graunt vs grace to fulfill and do that we heare and read of him Furthermore considering that we daily perceiue in our selues spottes and blemishes of sinne so that our feet that is to say our affections desires while wee walke in the myerie waie are still continually defiled and stayned we ought therefore incessantly to watch and to call vnto God that he with the water of his grace will vouchsafe to make cleane our feete and wash away the mire of earthie and carnall spottes that wee in the purenesse of faith may abide in Christ our head and he in vs. Of the Sermon that Christ made vnto his Disciples after the Supper THen saide Iesus vnto his Disciples This night shall you all bee offended because of me For it is written I shall smite the shepheard and the sheepe of the flock shal be scattered But when I am risen againe I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered and said vnto him And though they all bee offended because of thee yet will not I be so Then said Iesus to him Verely I say vnto thee that this night before the cocke crowe twise thou shalt denie me three times Vpon this spake Peter further Though I should die with thee yet will I not denie thee and so said all the Disciples likewise But Iesus said I speake not of you all I know whom I haue chosen He that eateth bread with me shall lift vp his heele against me This I tell you afore hand ere it come to passe that when it is done ye may beleeue that I am he Verely verelie I say vnto you he that receiueth him whom I send receiueth me who so receiueth me receiueth him that sent me When Iesus had spoken this he was troubled in spirit protested and saide Verely verely I say vnto you one of you shall betray me yea euen he that eateth with me The Disciples looked one vppon another and doubting of whome hee spake they were very sorie and dismaied and began to say one after another Lord is it I Then said Iesus One of the twelue euen he that dippeth his hand with me in the platter he shall betray mee The sonne of man goeth as it is written of him but woe vnto him by whom the sonne of man is betraied Better it were for him that he neuer had been borne Then said Iudas that betraied him Lord is it I Then spake Iesus Thou hast said One whom Iesus loued among the Disciples lay vpon Iesus lappe To him beckened Peter and said Who is he that he speaketh of Now when he leaned on Iesus brest he sayde vnto him Lord who is it Iesus aunswered He it is vnto whom I shall reach the soppe And when hee had dipped in the bread he gaue it vnto Iudas Simon Iscarioth and after the soppe entred the deuill into him And Iesus said vnto him That thou doest doo it quickly None of those that sate at the table perceiued why he spake this Some thought seeing Iudas had the purse that Iesus had commaunded him to buy some thing necessarie at the feast or to giue some thing vnto the poore Now when hee had taken it hee went out immediately and it was night Now when hee was gone foorth Iesus saide Now is the sonne of man glorified and God is glorified in him If God be glorified by him then shall God glorifie him in himselfe and shall straight way glorifie him Little children I am yet a small time with you Ye shall seeke me and as I said vnto the Iewes whither I go ye cannot come And now I say vnto you A new commaundement I giue you to loue one another as I haue loued you that yee euen so loue one another Herein shall all men know and perceiue that yee are my Disciples if ye haue loue among your selues Then saide Simon Peter Lord whither goest thou Iesus aunswered him and said Whither I go thou canst not followe mee now but thou shalt followe me hereafter Then said Peter vnto him Why may not I now follow thee I will ieopard my life for thee Iesus aunswered Wilt thou ieopard thy life for mee Verelie verelie I say vnto thee Afore the cock crow thou shalt deny mee thrise Doctrine and fruite GOod vertuous children should harken most diligently vnto the wordes of their father and fasten them in their hartes but specially those wordes which hee speaketh and committeth vnto them now when hee mindeth by death to departe from them and to take his leaue of them For the same wordes beeing the last pierce verie deepe into the heart and are neuer forgotten Seeing then that we are Gods children and Christ heere nameth vs so to be with his Disciples wee ought verie diligently to ponder and consider all his words and doctrine but specially such as hee vttered vnto them when hee now would goe to his passion For there shal we find an ardent earnest and feruent doctrine full of most excellent godlie and inestimable loue proponed and thrust into their heartes with wordes sweeter than honie In this Oration bringeth hee foorth specially that same which most of all concerneth his Disciples First the eternal wisedome declareth that hee is ignorant of nothing that vnto him there is nothing hid Hee knoweth what shall happen vnto them through weakenesse of the flesh and feare of men albeit our feeblenes and imbecillitie doth alwaies breake foorth presume and brag more than wee euer are able to performe as wee haue example in Peter Such headie rashnesse the Lorde rebuketh admonishing vs of our owne weakenesse and fall Moreouer wee ought to consider in Christ our head and fore-runner how earnestly and louingly he mentioneth and warneth the traytour setting his great offence before his eyes and alwaies touching him to remoue him from his wicked purpose Yet maketh hee mention of him and of the vice in such sort that hee neuer desireth his hurt but onely his conuersion and amendment His desire is that hee were reformed not that hee should be bewrayed or that any harme should happen vnto him by him or others Such lenitie and gentlenes ought wee also to shewe and declare vnto our enemies and those that hurt vs if it only concerne vs we should not be desirous of vengeaunce And though wee all ought sore to mourne in the Church that is to saye in the Christian congregation if there be transgressors and naughty people applying our diligence the best we can that such bee not therein yet whereas their vices be secret and as yet not opened we ought in loue and patience to beare and
life for his sheepe Such perrill doth Christ promise vnto Peter namely that hee must die and with what death Afore-time when hee was young he sought that which pertained to the flesh he might not away with the crosse but nowe after the receiuing of the holy ghost he is stout and dieth for Christs sake and for his sheepe Beholde such an end had Peter that of loue he dieth for him with whome to die he rashlie promised afore But necessarie it was that Christ should first die for Peters health and that Peter afterward should suffer death for his names sake The presumption and headines of man would haue set the cart before the horse but the euerlasting truth hath appointed this order Peter thought he would haue ieoperded his life for Christ haue redeemed the redeemer but Christ came to giue his life for his sheepe of whom Peter was one Now after that Christ died for those that bee his there is strength giuen in the hearts of such shepheards and sheepe as be faithful to suffer death for Christs sake Death is not now so to be feared of vs that we wold therefore goe backe from the truth for by death do not wee lose life yea Christ hath made death to bee the way vnto life And by his Resurrection he hath set forth vnto vs an example of another life which is immortall Peter was first afraide and feared death and would haue dissuaded Christ that he should not die but now that the precious treasure of Christes bloud is shed hee followeth his redeemer yea euen vnto the death of the crosse goeth hee after him therefore is hee nowe no more a satan but a Peter But from whence commeth such strength into a feeble man Euen from God who dwelleth in the hearts of the faithfull for else is the nature and flesh of man impotent and weake beeing afraid of death which feare naturall heate being abated is the greater in them that are olde And though we all wish to to be with Christ and be desirous of eternall life yet would we faine haue it without any griefe of death if it might be Thus came the conflict of death euen vpon Christ whereby hee declared himselfe verie man but the wil of God had the mastry aboue mans in the wrastling Peter also went not with his wil to death but with his will he both suffered it and ouercame it Christ likewise to comfort vs was heauie who neuertheles came vpon earth that he wold die neither was it necessitie that moued him to die but his owne good will and loue for hee had power to giue his soule and take it agayne Now though the feare of death be great in nature yet is it ouercome through the strength and greatnesse of the loue which wee beare vnto him who is our life euen Iesus Christ And albeit he was the life it selfe yet pleased it him to suffer death for vs. Seeing then that hee alone dyed for vs wee ought not to be ashamed neither should it grieue vs to die also for him specially considering that the publishing of so excellent grace is committed vnto vs. When the shepheard dyeth for the sheepe it is no great matter if the sheepe die for the shepheards sake Forasmuch now as the faithfull shepheard with his loue directeth and encourageth many of the sheepe to die for his names sake how much more meete is it that the shepheards bee the first which ieoparde theyr liues striuing for the truth and euen vnto bloud to resiste sinne when Christ hath put them in trust to feed his sheepe This is now the occasion why our Sauiour Christ telleth Peter of his death afore hande and strengtheneth and incourageth him therevnto for though the will bee constaunt in the saints yet is the flesh feeble and weake No man dieth without paine and griefe which thing is appointed vnto vs by the wisedome of God to the intent no man should kill himselfe For seeing the deuill doth now and then perswade som to murther themselues how should it go if the soule were not so loth to depart frō the body With these words therefore thought nor Christ to make Peter afraid or to discourage him but to furnish him and make him ripe For Peter had a good desire to suffer somewhat for Christs sake neuerthelesse beeing yet young hee could not follow but when he was olde he followed him therefore will Christ perfourme his desire As if Christ would say Peter thou hast hitheto bin weake fearful but I wil strengthen thee so that hence forth thou shalt deny mee no more but manfully die for mee Thou hast bene tender in that thou wast afraid at one womans voyce but now shalt thou stretch forth thy hand to the crosse to be bound For by the stretching out of the handes hee vnderstandeth and signifieth with what death hee should die namely vpon the crosse Which death afore time was most shamefull but after that Christ was hanged vpon the crosse it is now an honorable and glorious death with the which the faithfull doe glorifie God and therefore saith the Euangelist that the Lord would thereby signifie with what death Peter should glorifie God For in Gods quarrell and for Christs sake to die is the highest honour whereof no man ought to be ashamed This ought all soule shepheards to ponder and consider that they faithfully and constantly following Christ the Lord go not from that they haue taken in hand but proceed and bring their course to an honourable ende keeping fidelitie and trust with their Lord and being fully appointed in themselues to die for the sheepe of Christ Therfore should they consider afore hand what things they must suffer for the truth least they destroy that which they haue of long time builded and taught O gracious father strengthen thou vs in thy worke and in thy truth that in the thing which thou hast begun in vs we may steadfastly continue to the end Expell out of vs the feare of death stablish vs thorow thy holy spirite that wee manfully may despise ieoperd this life for the life eternall Grant O God to the shepheards of thy sheepe a feruent loue to the truth and thy glory strengthen them with thy spirit that they valiantly standing by the flocke may euen with their death confirme thy people in the truth PEter turned about and saw the disciple whom Iesus loued following which also leaned on his breast at Supper said Lord who is he that betraieth thee when Peter therefore saw him he said to Iesus Lord what shal he heere doe Iesus saith vnto him If I will haue him to tarrie till I come what is that to thee Follow thou me Then went this saying abroade among the brethren that that Disciple should not die Yet Iesus said not to him he shall not die but if I wil that he tarry til I come what is that to thee the same disciple is he which
to thinke that thou knowest God the highest goodnes of all if thou hadst not him by whom thou art deliuered from sin and eternall plague Whereas GOD the originall of all goodnesse is knowne and our minde through Christ his Sonne assured of his grace namely that hee is fauourable vnto vs and that hee therefore hath seperated vs out of the world to the intent that by his spirit he might make vs like vnto his sonne righteous and blessed there doth there spring in our hartes a comfortable trust vnto God a loue such ioy as nothing in this world may be compared vnto There also doth arise in vs a diligence to keepe his commandements godly and innocently to liue Thus commeth our health originally out of the grace mercie of our heauenly Father who afore the worlde was created did chuse vs in Christ Iesu his Sonne vnto eternall life and in the booke of life wrote vp our names After the same did the Father graunt vnto vs the Sonne gaue him power ouer all men Nowe that wee are giuen vnto Christ hee openeth vnto vs the name of his Father through the outward worde and through his spirite in the heart When wee beleeue in him which to do cōmeth also of him then increaseth the knowledge of God in vs. Out of that knowledge groweth an assured confidence in God the highest good Of this assured trust commeth loue towards him And when God graunteth vs all this he saueth vs and giueth vs eternall life This is an high worthines and honour of Christ in that the father giueth him all things into his hand that he may giue euerlasting life vnto faithful beleeuers No man can haue life but throgh Christ Who so beleeueth not in Christ remaineth in death and the wrath of God-abideth vppon him But then giueth hee vs eternall life when we receiue his worde and knowe that he came out from God and that the father sent him the Sauiour of the world And when wee thus are become faithfull beleeuers then keepe we his commaundementes for faith studieth and is diligent to please God This honour and dignitie of Christ his power and kingdome are first opened vnto the world after his death and crosse in the resurrection and ascension Of the which honour and glorie wee also in due time shall after our measure bee partakers if we suffer with him For the high Priest who hath prayed for vs is heard of the Father and glorified with eternall honor and glorie Wherefore we may not doubt in the remnant that he praieth for still on our behalfe hee shal be and is for his worthines sake heard and hath his request Of this wee will consider more I Pray for them and pray not for the worlde but for them whome thou hast giuen me for they are thine and al mine are thine and thine are mine I am glorified in them And nowe am I no more in the world but they are in the world and I come to the holy father keep them in thy name whome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as we are When I was with thē in the world I kept them in thy name Those that thou gauest mee haue I kept and none of them is lost but the lost childe that the Scripture might be fulfilled Now come I to thee and these wordes speake I in the world that they might haue my ioy full in them I haue giuen them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world euen as I am not of the worlde I desire not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou keepe them from euill They are not of the world as I am not of the world Sanctifie them with thy truth thy saying is truth As thou sentest mee into the world so haue I sent them into the worlde and for their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the truth I pray not for them alone but for those also which shall beleeue on mee through their preaching that they all may bee one as thou Father art in me and I in thee and that they may bee also one in vs that the worlde may beleeue that thou hast sent me And the glorie that thou gauest mee haue I giuen them that they may be one as we are one I in them thou in me that they may bee made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as thou hast loued me Doctrine and fruite THIS praier of our high Priest and mediatour Christ Iesus is feruent earnest full of the fire of godly loue ful of great secrets and spirituall instructions Herein may we learne to know what hie honor dignitie and power Christ by his obedience and patience hath obtained with his father wherein consisteth our peace ioy welfare What care and loue Christ beareth towardes those that are his and how he committeth them vnto his father First hee praieth for his Disciples whome hee did choose to publish his truth afterward praieth he for all such as should come to the faith by their preaching vntil the worldes end And for asmuch as the Disciples had a great waightie matter in hand full of danger and aduersitie for they must needs procure to themselues great hatred of the world hee first praieth for them that the Father will strengthen comfort and preserue them thorow his power defend them from all euill In this are we taught diligently chiefly and specially to pray for those vnto whome is committed the preaching of the Gospell for a chargeable and great worke carry they vppon their shoulders by meanes whereof among all others they haue speciall neede of the grace helpe assistance of God But our prayer ought we to frame as Christ hath framed his First we must in our praier to God make speciall mention of his owne grace and mercie whereby hee chusing them to such an office hath giuen them vnto Christ his sonne Forasmuch then as they are the Ministers of him and of his Sonne and seeing the Sonne is so deare worthie beloued vnto the Father our prayer must bee that hee for his Sonnes sake will defende and preserue them as in him and by him they are worthie Secondly considering that for his sake and his word which they declare they are persecuted of the worlde it is requisite that God preserue them in his owne worke For great need haue they of his fatherly protection while they yet liue in the weake feeble flesh and are mortall men Thirdly their office serueth to many mens health and welfare their office is necessary and profitable to the whole world which walketh in blindnesse and darknes for they are the light of the world that thorough doctrine and liuing must shine to manie mens life which without the assistance and helpe of God cannot come passe Thus ought wee to praye for
said hee bowed his head and gaue vp the ghost Doctrine and fruit THE life of all liuing dieth after the fleshe thorow the painefull torment of death doth Iesus depart But by his death hee openeth vnto vs the way of life and taketh from vs euarlasting death This is a precious dear and victorious death which hath slaine our death and conquered vs life againe Let this death euermore continue in our hearts and let our death bee considered in the consideration of his death This shall bring vs comfortable trust and hope when our death striueth in vs so that we shall neither be afraid nor despaire if wee steadfastly beleeue that Christ died for vs and that hee through his death hath opened vnto vs euerlasting life Let vs with deuout heartes consider the death of him that hath redeemed vs and restored vs againe The gracious innocent Lorde Iesus dieth miserable and naked so poore so destitute as no man els And yet vnto God is none so deare although of men hee he most vilely intreated This is euen the reward of the worlde to despise the children of God and to recompence euil for good If the like happen vnto vs we must not thinke it straunge for the seruant is not aboue the Lord. The Lorde hangeth on the crosse hard pearced not onely with nailes but also with ardent loue towards vs sore beaten and hurt in euerie place without succour without helpe without comfort euen as a dead man who is forgotten and out of minde Ponder well O thou good seruant of Christ who and how great hee is that crying with a loud voyce giueth vp the ghost Verilie euen the sonne of GOD as Centurio likewise dooth testifie O deare brethren let vs consider how great our sinnes are for the which the innocent sonne of God dieth Iustly ought all the world to be dead vnto vs in Christ and wee vnto the world And what is our life but a blessed death Hee that learneth not to die in his life is afraide when the houre of death commeth Euery day goe wee one daies iourney vnto death therefore ought wee so to watch so to speake and so to worke as if we would die euen now out of hand Before death wee must learne to die least hee sodainlie take holde vppon vs and make vs afraide Death vnto those that faithfully beleeue is through the death of Christ become the gate to life for their comfort and strong hope is in the woordes of Iesus when he saith he that beleeueth on me though hee were dead yet shall hee liue Item who so heareth my word and beleeueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life In this promise ought we to liue and die casting away all impediments and such thinges as hinder vs from his loue beeing with heart and minde seperated from the world and vndefiled from the filthines thereof Out of the passion of Christ we must picke out vnto our selues comfortable helpe and medicine so that obediently in al patience we offer vp our selues vnto our heauenly father committing our soules into his handes In life and in death let the death of Christ be our comfort and let vs set it against al fearfull temptations and between the wrath of God and our sinnes O Lord Iesu Christ who in the feeble nature of man hast suffred death for vs vnworthie sinners graunt vs grace feruently in our hearts to beare the pain and loue of thy most bitter death and through the subduing and ouer-comming of al vice and wickednesse to vse and exercise our selues daily in following thy footsteppes and dying with thee And when the end of our life draweth nie that wee then may depart in thy mercie and grace and receiue the ioy of paradise Assist thou vs when we die and defend vs from the olde enemie whom thou through thy death hast ouer-come O Father wee commit our spirite into thy hand thou hast redeemed vs O God of truth Let these be our last wordes when we depart hence Amen AND behold the vaile of the temple rent into two peeces from aboue till beneath and there was an earthquake the stones claue asunder the graues opened they that had slept rose vp and went out of the graues and came after his resurrection into the holie Cittie and appeared vnto manie The captaine and they that were with him which kept Iesus when they saw the earthquake and that he gaue vp the ghost with such a crie and other thinges that there happened they were afraid verie sore and saide Verely this was Gods Sonne Centurio likewise praised God said Verely this was a righteous man And all the people that were there and saw it smote vppon their brestes and returned Doctrine and fruite THe Iewes alway required tokens of Christ and of such there hapned manie nowe in the death of the Lord for the very earth quaketh at their wickednes and blaspheming of God the hard stony rockes with their cracking and cleauing asunder expresse a lamentation on their makers behalfe the vaile in the temple renteth for a declaration that the olde couered thinges in the olde Testament are laid away and the hidde significations of Christ expressed and opened for he is the holy true oblation that taketh away the sinnes of the world he is the vndefiled lambe of God hee is the true high Priest that entreth within the vaile into the sanctuary for the way of holy thinges is opened through his bloud hee is the high Priest that once entred in and with one onely sacrifice doth perfectly cleanse and sanctifie The graues opened for an euidence of his resurrection Centurio knowledgeth that which the harde harted Iewes would not confesse O good faithfull beleeuers let vs not bee harder than the stones let our hearts rent asunder in repentance and sorrow for our sinnes that we may enioye the fruite of the Lords death ANd a farre of stood all his acquaintance among whom were many women that came vp from Galilee followed him and ministred vnto him among whome was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames the lesse and Ioses the mother of Zebedes children with manie other that were come to Hierusalem The Iewes then because it was the Sabaoth euen that the bodies shoulde not remaine on the crosse vppon the Sabaoth day for that was the great Saboth day besought Pilate that their legges might be broken and that they might be taken downe Then came the souldiors and brake the legges of the first and of the other which was crucified with him But when they came to Iesus and saw that he was dead alreadie they brake not his legges but one of the souldiours with a speare thrust him into the side and forthwith came there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that hee saith true that yee also might beleeue These thinges were done that the Scripture might b●e fulfilled Yee shall not breake
similitude of his death we shall assuredly also be partakers of his resurrection knowing this that our olde man is crucified with him that the bodie of sin might be emptied and that we should serue sinne no more for he that is dead is made righteous from sin if we now be dead with Christ we beleeue that wee shall also liue with him Looke vpon the whole sixte Chapter to the Romanes We must die from the world and from our owne flesh that the world may be crucified and dead vnto vs as we vnto the world The olde Adam who in vs did liue and rule must bee subdued and mortified that Christ onely may liue and raigne in vs. We must burie our bodies with mirrhe and Aloes that is with lamentation and sorow for our sinnes with weeping with fasting and with abstinence which workes of repentance are bitter vnto the bodie But lyke as those bitter things Aloes and mirrhe doe keepe the bodie from corruption so the crosse and aduersitie sent of God and borne for his sake preserueth our flesh from sinne If we thus die with Christ from the world bee buried in his death we shall rise againe to a new life here and in the world to come so as for death we need not be afraid of it For the sepulchre is new and lieth in the garden which noteth vnto vs the return to the pleasant garden of paradise which is opened vs through the death of Christ for hee as a guide is entered in before vs Iohn 14. Heb. 9.10 that we also after a new sort might escape from death and rise againe to a new life For in the death of Christ is death killed ouercome and wholy nenued and as much as altered into a sleepe For we liue vnto God and our bodyes as the Scripture testifieth shall also liue againe And this is the cause that the Scripture affirmeth those which are dead in Christ to be asleep Esay 26. 1. Thess 4. Afore time had death mightily and openly raigned euen ouer those also that had not sinned like vnto Adam yet had they put on Adams image were therefore subdued vnto the curse but when the second Adam namely Christ appeared purchased lyfe agayne for mankind through the death of his flesh destroying the dominion of death and rising from death againe Then was death renued changed and became like vnto a sleepe for it destroyeth vs not for euer but is a gate and enterance into a better and eternall life therfore haue we a much more perfect hope of the resurrection in Christ than they of olde which therefore buried the bodies so costly and honorably because they hoped in the resurrection to come As for vs wee must bestowe such cost vpon Christ in his members clothing feeding the poore and being ready also to loose all things for his sake Graunt vnto vs O God that as concerning the world and the olde life wee may die with thy sonne our head and be truly buried in his death that with him and in him we may rise againe to a new life that we weak and feeble may with Ioseph and Nichodemu● grow in vertue and stedfastnes daily laying somwhat to the heape of godly exercises being euer still renued in the spirit that we in our hearts laying vp Christ who dyed for our sakes may so in thankfull remembrance burie him to the intent that our soule bodie may still remaine pure and vnspotted vntill the comming of our Lord Amen MArie Magdalene and Mary Ioses sitting ouer against the sepulchre beheld where Iesus was laide For certaine women there were which comming with him from Galilee and following him beheld the sepulchre and how his bodie was laide Those returned back and prepared sweet odors but vpon the saboth they rested because of the commandement The next daie after the daie of preparation the high Priests and Pharesies came vnto Pilate and said Sir we remember that this deceuer said while he was yet aliue that after three daies hee should rise againe Cause therefore the graue to be kept vntill the third daie least his disciples happily come and steale him awaie and saie vnto the people that he is risen from the dead and so shall the last error bee worse than the first Pilate said vnto them Yee haue watchmen go and keepe it as ye know They went and kept prouided the sepulchre with watchmen and sealed the stone Doctrine and fruite HEre we learne to haue an earnest diligent and feruent loue vnto Christ hearing with what zeale and feruentnes that deuout women 〈◊〉 vnto him and serue him in life and death Him whome they loued in life will they not forsake in death but cheerefully with constant mindes they ieopard their lyfe and goods What auaileth vs then that we cannot shew friendship loue and seruice vnto Christ as well as these women Seeing we haue not Christ alwayes bodily with vs who nowe beeing in his kingdome needeth no corporall ministration seruice we ought to bestow the same vppon his poore ones whom we haue alwaies with vs. Heerein ought wee to spare neither goods nor money to serue please Christ who vnto death did ieopard and giue his body and lyfe for vs. But like as in the women there was a deuout gesture good mind toward Christ so in the Iewish priests and pharesies there was found a great malice and hatred against Christ They were not satisfied in persecuting him while he was aliue but vndertooke also to hinder his resurrection Yet God by his wisdome vseth their wickednesse to the glorie of Christ that euen the enemies themselues albeit against their wil must beare record of his buriall and resurrection in that they keepe the graue with watch men and seale the stone The truth is immortall the more it is opprest the more it breaketh forth Therfore ought we to beware that wee neuer goe about to hinder the truth for if we should so doo we should both labor in vaine procure vnto our selues euerlasting hurt THE RESVRRECTION OF IESVS CHRIST out of the holie Euangelists AND when the Sabbaoth was now past euen the Sabaoth day at euen Marie Magdalene Marie Iames and Salome bought sweete spices that they might come and annoint Iesus The euening when the sabaoth is ended and the first day dawneth after the Sabaoth namely the first day of the weeke while it was yet darke and the Sun brake forth and began to arise the women came to the Sepulchre to see it But there happened first a great earthquake for the Angell of the Lord came downe from heauen and went and rolled backe the stone from the mouth of the sepulchre and sate vpon it His countenance was like the lightening and his raiment white as snow And for feare of him the keepers were astonied and became as dead men And behold some of them that had watched the sepulchre came into the Citie and told the high Priests all
thinke well if it were so concluded in the councell of God then are not we guiltie of his death hee aunswereth vnto the same sayth Vnrighteous men broght him therto it is ye your selues that slew him crucified him As if he would say yea euen so behoued it to be that the righteousnes of God for the sinne of mankinde might be satisfied Christ must needs die to recompence and wash away with his bloud the sinne of all the world And yet yee Iewes which haue betrayed Christ and brought him to the crosse are not vniustly accused yee cannot through the fore ordinance of God discharge your selues that ye be without sin seeing ye haue slaine the sauiour of the worlde hee being guiltles By this now we learne that when we do wrong and euill wee may not excuse our selues with the free ordinaunce of God for it is not God but the deuill and our owne wickednes that prouoketh vs to sinne And heere we see that when the grace of GOD through the Gospell is offered vnto the worlde the sinne and vice also wherein the worlde is intangled must be spoken of and touched for no man can bee iustified and come to the helth of his soule through Christ which doth not first know confesse his sin wickednes How can he be made whole that will will not know his owne disease and sicknes Therefore doth Peter sette before their eyes their great sin which they had committed against the innocent sonne of God saying The innocent and righteous whom God had giuen vnto you haue ye slaine and crucified which is a great wickednes sinne Now go to on your behalfe it was euill done and greuously offended but on his behalfe it was so ordayned before Therefore at his death which in the sight of the world was so shamefull and vile yee ought not to bee offended that yee therefore would holde the lesse of him or not receiue and know him for a sauiour For if you looke vpon his former conuersation the same was innocent pure and holie therefore cannot yee doubt but hee was sent of God Besides this ye haue perceyued and seene God to be euerie where in his workes for the tokens and wonders which hee shewed and declared amongst you giue euident knowledge that God was in him wroght in him presently for no man had beene able to doe the tokens that he did vnlesse God had beene with him Which tokens also were spoken of before by the Prophets concerning Christ and by those tokens must ye know and confesse that he is euen the true Messias of whom the Prophets spake Wherefore considering that by his former doctrine godly power ye knowe that hee is the true Messias yee ought not to bee offended that hee as an euill dooer was crucified vpon the crosse for it was the speciall determination of God that Messias should be crucified according to the foresayings of the Prophets Consider yee also that the Prophets likewise spake of his resurrection from death by the which ye may well perceiue that he is the true Messias Thus earnest is Peter beating into them the resurrection from the dead and that out of the Scripture For Christs resurrection from death is a strong argument to proue his godhead as it is taught Rom. 1. Iohn 20. Yea he died saith Peter for our sinnes but nowe he is aliue and risen againe from death death hath no more power ouer him for he liueth for euer and his kingdome is euerlasting Yea vnpossible it was that the sonne of God should corrupt in the earth sepulchre namely he that is the firstling risen from the dead and that from his owne godly power Seeing that these wordes of Peter concerning the resurrection and life of Christ were little credited among the Iewes he alleadgeth the 15. psalm of Dauid who amongst them was in great reputation But now might the Iewes say or thinke Dauid speaketh these words of himselfe and not of Christ that weapon therefore dooth Peter take from them and proueth that the same words may in no wise be referred vnto Dauid but that Dauid as a Prophet hauing knowledge of things to come spake them of Christ in whom they be now fulfilled and thus hee saith YEe men and brethren let me freely speake vnto you of the Patriarch Dauid for he is both dead and buried and his sepulchre remaineth with vs vntill this day Therefore seeing he was a Prophet and knew that God had sworne vnto him with an oath that Christ as concerning the flesh should come of the fruites of his loynes and shoulde sitte on his seate he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule should not bee left in hell neyther his flesh should see corruption This Iesus hath God raised vp whereof we all are witnesses Doctrine and fruit THe Prophet Dauid speaketh of one whose flesh should not corrupt now could not hee haue spoken this of himselfe for his flesh corrupted in the sepulchre which wee yet haue and his bones lie yet in the sepulchre by the which it may well bee perceiued that Dauid as a Prophet knowing of things to come spake of another which should bee borne out of his owne loynes and seede whom God with a solemne oath had promised to sitte vpon his seate and raigne after him not onely for a season but also that his gouernance kingdome and dominion should be perpetuall and endure for euer And this king is Christ the true Messias who as concerning the flesh was borne of the seede of Dauid and is his sonne If this sonne now of Dauid had after death remained still in death and not risen from death againe how could hee then raigne for euer It is euident therefore that Dauid out of the holy Ghost who had opened this vnto him prophecied it of the resurrection of Christ his sonne the eternall king For though hee as a verie man died indeede vppon the crosse and was then buried yet his soule or life remained not in death neither did his body resolue into corruption as other mens but on the third day he rose again from death to life This must we needs testifie for after his resurrection he appear dost vnto vs. We saw him we heard him we handled him we did eate and drinke with him Heere wee learne that the Saintes in the old Testament vnderstood knew by faith the resurrection and eternal kingdom of Christ seeing they prophecied of it so euidently Here is also proued that Christ died in very deed yet abode not still in death forasmuch as hee ouercame it Also that the power and vertue of his holie passion and death came not onely to the liuing vpon earth but vnto all those that died before him according as Saint Peter in his Epistle and the Article of our beleefe He descended into hel declareth Wherof in the Catechisme vpon the Creed there is made mention sufficient SIthens now that he by the
Fruitfull Lessons VPON THE PASSION BVRIALL RESVRRECTION Ascension and of the sending of the holy Ghost GATHERED OVT OF THE FOVRE Euangelists with a plaine exposition of the same BY MILES COVERDALL IOHN 14.6 I am the waie the truth and the life no man commeth vnto 〈…〉 but by me LONDON Printe● b● Thomas 〈◊〉 ●593 The Author to the Reader SInce our humane imperfections are such as one sinne driueth out another and the frailtie of our natures is so great as hauing touched the brim of the Ocean thereof we neuer cease till we are ouerwhelmed drowned in the bottome of the same since of our selues wee are but graftes of a corruptious tree children of eternall darknesse infidels who bowe the knee to Baal hauing vncircumcised hearts and lying lippes whose mindes are fixed on the world and fastned on Mammon I thought good Christian Reader considering the self loue in vs which haue conuerted the Angels into deuilles which as Augustine witnesseth hath builded the verie Babylon of contempt of God to leuell out a waie for all men to tread a glasse for all men to see an Adamant wherewith all soules may be drawen to the beholding of their vices the loathing of the same and finally the amendement and hartie conuersion for their misdeeds And for that it most euidently appeareth that the iustest man falleth oftentimes a daie and they that discerne errors in themselues and seeing then that they are in the next step to amendement it behoueth vs to consider the weaknesse which is in vs how farre we are fallen and d●o fall from the protection of the iust so that in the end we may in the spring of repentance wash away originall and successive sinnes which haue defiled our soules and cleaning to the 〈◊〉 corner stone wheron our saith should be builded withstand the peri● of perdition which our ghostly enemie hath raised against vs. And ●●r that truth is neuer knowen but by his contrarie and our nakednesse is not disclosed vnlesse our eies be opened let vs examine our selues and we shall find that these are inseparable errours in vs from which the iustest are not exempted namely blindnes and corruptnes of iudgement 〈◊〉 spirit mistrust in GOD to be slacke and wearie in Gods seruice defaming of Gods truth not to haue God before the eies surmising vanitie 〈◊〉 heart curiositie and nicenesse grudging in our heartes against the enemie bitternesse desire of vengeance a mans good intent greedines to be seen and praised vainglorie ambition proper election maintaining of our owne and dis●lainfull false vnfaithfull wicked are and 〈…〉 points and feats wherwith the 〈…〉 the good men that keepe themselues from 〈…〉 These and other innumerable vices shall euery 〈…〉 good so euer he be find in himselfe if he search 〈…〉 vprightly and throughly to the bottome 〈◊〉 then that we finde our selues so vicious altogether 〈◊〉 poisoned and wounded vnto death we ought daie and night without ceasing to complaine and lament before God to watch and pray vnto God for remission of our sins yet should we not despaire of life The true Phisition of our soules came downe from heauen through his passion hath he made vs a plaister for our wounds onely let vs vse it and lay it to the sore The faithfull Samaritane poureth oile and wine into our wounds taketh vs vp to cure and to heale vs onely let vs follow him fashion our selues after his image He is the brasen serpent without sinne whome with the eyes of faith we must behold hanging and lift vp vpon the crosse for vs hee taking our sinnes vppon himselfe giueth vs his owne innocencie If the burthen of sinne now oppresseth and grieueth vs we ought to runne vnto him he shall ease vs giue vs rest for his bloud washeth awaie our sinnes him hath the father giuen vnto vs to be our righteousnesse and redemption Besides this great treasure that God hath giuen vs in Christ he is set foorth vnto vs especially in his passion for a patterne or example whereby we may learne to die from sin and finde a preseruatiue against vices to come For selfeloue and high esteeming of a mans owne selfe is the wel-spring of all vice Consider that Christ was not proude himselfe of his owne highnesse but tooke vpon him the shape of a seruant come to serue vs humbled him most lowly loued not himselfe sought not his owne desired not his honor but the honor of his father all despite and reproch fell vpon him If we ponder this by saith all greedy loue of our selues shall fall away The obedience of Iesu in true beleefe considered expelleth and healeth our disobedience and the idolairie of our owne carnall heart With his obedience couereth he the disobedience of all men so farre as we abide in the obedience of faith that Christ be dearer vnto vs than the whole world for the which cause we freely giue ouer our selues into his obedience suffering all things for his sake Pride and vaine-glorie is healed through Christs humilitie and contempt which he suffered for vs manifolde Learne of me saith he for I am meeke and lowly of heart Why are wee so greadie of temporal things when Christ the Lord of heauen and earth became for vs so poore hanging bare and naked vppon the crosse The chast pure life of Iesus Christ expelleth in vs all vncleannesse of the flesh Also his martirdome anguish and trouble which in his flesh hee suffered for vs quencheth the lust and concupiscence of the flesh O how euill doth it become a beleeuer to be irefull and greedie of vengeance when his fore-runner beeing in most humilitie like vnto a sheepe praied for his enemies Enuie and hatred is highly expelled if we consider the excellent deepe loue of Iesu towards vs. Gluttonie and excesse of life shall fall awaie from vs if we well remember that Christ for vs dranke vineger mixt with gall As it is here shewed in certaine points euen so against all vices and blemishes of the soule there may remedie be● sound in the passion of Christ if it bee rightly vsed in the contemplation of faith The old Adam ought we to lay aside to mortifie the members vppon earth and to put on Christ the Lord as the new wedding garment In the crosse ought to be our exercise our ioy comfort and life Herevnto also helpeth vs our heauenly father who vnto vs his children whom he most entirely loueth suffreth manifold passions afflictions troubles and anguishes sicknesse pouertie and persecution to come to keepe vs vppon the crosse least we as negligent people gape for temporall earthie things And if we will needs follow our owne lusts he hedgeth our waie with thornes nourturing and humbling vs through trouble that we being tried and purified as the gold in the fire may crie and call vnto him and that we may giue our earthly things seeing we finde no quietnesse in them He bringeth vs into the land of promise howbeit through the
flieth from it The peace of Christ reioyceth in the middest of aduersitie and ouercommeth the crosse For faithful beleeuers looke vnto Christ who went before them vnto the father and after his passion and death tooke possession of so high honor and glorie and hath carryed theyr nature vp so high vnto the right hande of the father where hee now ruleth as a mightie king of heauen and earth Oh how great comfort how sure a hope giueth it vnto vs when wee see our owne nature our owne flesh and bones incorporated vnto Christ the onely begotten sonne and eternall word of God in so high honor and glorie how can it be otherwise but wee must needes hope that our weake flesh also shall be taken vp Looke what is past in the head the same shall assuredly be fulfilled in the members for without the members cannot the head be Which thing considered and through true beleefe printed in the heart maketh a man patient and cheerefull in all aduersity giueth peace and ioy in all trouble Let the Prince of this world through his ministers and members stirre vp all vexation against vs yet hath he no vauntage of vs if wee bee in Christ Easily might he finde somewhat in our selues but in Christ nothing such innocencie dooth Christ make vs partakers of Tempt vs he may and thrust at vs but to ouercome vs hee is not able so farre as we abide in Christ In vs is death a punishment of sinne in Christ it is obedience and loue For seeing the father loueth the sonne and of verie loue gaue him vnto death for vs the son would of loue obey the father and as hee also loued vs so would he willingly and obediently suffer death for vs that all the worlde might see his obedience and that wee might learne of him to obey our heauenly Father euen vnto the death and faithfully folow his precept and that likewise whereas it toucheth his glorie we should be afraide neither of aduersitie nor death considering howe obediently hee dyed for our sakes I Am a true Vine and my Father is an husband-man Euerie braunch that bringeth not fruite in mee hee taketh awaie and euerie braunch that beareth fruite hee purgeth that it may bring foorth more fruit Now are yee cleare through the wordes which I haue spoken vnto you Abide in mee and I in you As the branch cannot beare 〈…〉 of it selfe except it abide in the vine no more can yee except 〈◊〉 abide in mee I am the vine yee are the braunches He that abideth in mee and I in him the same bringeth foorth 〈◊〉 fruite for without mee can yee doo nothing If a man bide not in mee he is cast forth as a branch and withered and men gather them and east them into the fire and they burne If yee abide in mee and my words also in you aske what yee will and it shall bee done vnto you Herein is my Father glorified that ye beare much fruit and become my disciples Doctrine and fruite VNder this fayre similitude doeth Christ teach his Church that without him wee can do nothing but in him all things Now forasmuch as hee through his grace hath incorporated vs vnto himselfe wee ought with great diligence to apply our selues that we may abide in him and beare fruit For as long as wee are in him wee liue that is we receiue liuely vertue and sappe of him namely his spirite For who so cleaueth vnto the Lorde and is incorporated vnto him through faith the same is become one spirit with him the first Epistle to the Corinthians and the sixt Chapter For heereby knowe wee that wee are in him and hee in vs in that hee hath giuen vs of his spirit the first of Iohn and fourth Chapter For why the vineyard the branches are of one nature and kinde Thus the onely begotten sonne of GOD tooke our nature vppon him is become man and giueth vs of his spirite and maketh vs to be of a godly mind and spiritual nature Out of the same pith and sap doe all manner of godly vertues and good workes breake forth Gal. 5. Psal 85. For through his grace are we his operation and worke in Christ Iesu created vnto good workes wherein we are bound to walke And seeing we haue receiued Iesus Christ of God the father we ought to walke in him that in him we may be well rooted and stand fast But heereby knowe we that we are in him if we walke as he hath walked For who so saith that he abideth in him then euen as hee walked so must wee doe 1. Iohn 2. But if we woulde saie that wee were in him and had fellowshippe with him and yet would walke in darknesse seeing hee is the light wherein is found no darknesse at all then were wee lyars and went not about with the truth But if wee walke in light as he is light we children of light then haue we fellowship and companie with him the bloud of Christ purgeth vs from all sinne 1. Iohn 1. In Christ Iesu may no man be idle and without fruit 2. Thes 3. who so now is vnthankful to the grace of God doth not practise himselfe in good works to Gods glorie the same is cut off and as an vnfruitfull drie branch throwen into the fire burnt Faith grafteth vs into Christ Loue declareth that wee are planted in it knitteth the members with the head Where the spirite of Christ followeth from the head into the members from the stock into the branches there are fruites of the spirite for by the fruit is the tree knowen Christ through his worde and spirit hath pacified vs that is he hath called and separated vs from the world and from the filthines of the flesh vnto good workes And into his owne seruice and schoole of godly nurtor hath hee admitted vs and written vp our names He hath begonne to purge and clense vs from carnall lustes and from all vncleannes of the world accepting vs into the number of those that dye from the world and that now from hence forth will liue vnto him and bring forth fruite But that is not enough we must also obediently waite vpon the grace that hee hath placed vs in applying our diligence watching and praying that from so high a vocation from so excellent grace and honour wee fall not away againe 1. Cor. 10. It is not enough to haue begonne there must be a stedfast continuance Hee that forsaketh the head againe hath neither spirit nor vertue for without him wee are able to doe nothing Therefore through faith and loue ought wee to abide in him hauing respect vnto him in all thinges so shall wee bring forth much fruite vnto him Then abyde wee in him when wee doe that hee commaundeth vs and loue that which hee promiseth vs. Howbeit these fruites that wee bring forth are not ours but the fathers to him
ought wee to bring them foorth vnto his honour must they extend Matth. 5.28 For when Gods light doth appeare and shine in our conuersation many folkes thereby are drawn vnto God The father of heauen is honoured his name is hallowed and then are we his disciples For wee haue learned of him howe Christ was obedient vnto the father and sought his glorie in all things so do we likewise Heereunto ought all our praiers to extend that we may bring and winne much vnto Christ Therein is the father praised whē we bring vnto him much fruit but that might wee not if God had giuen vs his sonne that wee might bee his branches and hee our vine Where faith is there is the holy Ghost which teacheth to wishe and praie for that onely which may serue to Gods honour and that is the cause why he that prayeth obtayneth all his desire for GOD may not giue ouer his glorie Who so vndertaketh to further that him doeth hee assist and helpe AS the Father hath loued mee so haue I loued you Continue ye in my loue If ye keep my commandements ye shall abide in my loue as I haue kept my fathers commaundementes and abide in his loue These things haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full This is my commandement that yee loue together as I haue loued you Greater loue than this hath no man that a man bestowe his life for his friendes Yee are my friendes if yee doo whatsoeuer I commaund you Henceforth call I you not seruauntes for the seruant knoweth not what his Lord doth But you haue I called friends for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I opened vnto you Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you and ordained you that ye goe and bring forth fruit and that your fruit remain that whatsoeuer ye ask of the father in my name he may giue it you This command I you that ye loue together one another Doctrine and fruit OH how excellent great consolation is this to vs all which beleeue in Iesus Christ and are vndoubtedly assured in ourselues that Christ loueth vs as his owne children and disciples howsoeuer the world iudge vs to be forsaken of him If this loue came right into our heart oh how earnest and feruent should we be to loue him agayne to further his honour to keepe his commaundementes and in charitable loue to serue our neighbors Then should all good workes and keeping of Gods commaundements flowe out of faith namely when we beleeue that God is fauourable and louing vnto vs yea that he is our father and our sonne Iesus Christ our king head and brother This faith worketh through loue for wee coulde not loue God if hee had not loued vs first His grace loue and mercie preuenteth vs. Therefore doth Christ euer still set forth his loue before vs as a light torch to kindle vs in loue towardes him and our neighbours If wee beleeue this grace committing vs cheerfully vnto his loue which he hath declared cōtinually doth practise towards vs if we still abide therein then shall this faith vpon the loue of God worke great things in vs and by vs and shall moue vs with good will gladly and cheerefullie to obserue his commaundements And if wee keepe his commaundements euerie man shall haue an assured token that wee bee and continue in the loue of God that is that we keepe our selues vnto his loue Seeing then that hee loueth vs exceeding much and we finding the same in our hearts through faith doe comfort our selues thereupon there must needs followe loue to our neighbours ioye peace softnesse of minde gentlenes patience c. Gal. 5. Now that Christ doth not slenderly but most notably loue his Disciple and all in them hee proueth it himselfe diuerse waies First in that hee giueth his life for vs and dyeth for vs vpon the Crosse for greater loue hath no man than to dye for his friend Thus Christ with his death and blood sealeth his loue towards vs. Secondly in that hee counteth and esteemeth vs not as seruants but as deare friendes bretheren and heires with him And the same declareth hee in this that all things which hee hath heard of his father and suckt out of that fatherly heart he openeth them vnto vs and writeth the same through his holy spirit in our hearts All his secret his godly will he giueth vs to vnderstād For we which be in Christ do know through an vndoubted faith feele it also in our hearts that God is our father through Christ that in him he hath admitted chosen vs that he is reconciled with vs through the bloud of his deare Sonne that he loueth preserueth and defendeth vs. Therefore doe wee also paciently and chearefully beare all aduersitie in this time for his sake considering wee knowe that so is the good pleasure of our dearest Father Thirdly Christ declareth his excellent loue towards vs in that he did chuse vs afore the world was created loued vs when we were yet his enemies calling vs by his worde and appointing vs to bring forth fruit vnto him Fourthly in that we obtaine at the fathers hand all that we pray and desire in the name of Iesu Are not these sure tokens of an exceeding loue of God towards vs After that we once haue perceiued such loue ô that we alwayes remained therein Which commeth to passe when wee applie ourselues vnto his commaundements and when wee in obedience and patience are content to bee at his will as hee for our sake was obedient vnto his Father euen vntill the death of the crosse Now that wee might knowe what his commandements be he concludeth them in a short summe and saith Loue yee one another together as I haue loued you As if he would say seeing I haue declared my loue so worthily so notably and with so great faithfulnesse towardes you that I haue nor refused to die for you therefore is it my will and so is it reason also that yee likewise shewe such loue one towards another for I haue giuen you example afore that ye should do as I haue done and follow my foot-steppes This shall not onely bee very seemely vnto you but much profite also and greate honour shall it bring you For like as my Father as yee shall shortlie see shall after my passion bring mee vnto glorie so shall hee also doe vnto you so farre as yee endure stedfast in aduersitie and continue in loue one towards another Like as I with great trauaile and labour haue shewed you the way and will of GOD my Father and therefore goe nowe vnto death to make you liuing so ought yee also to bee minded one towardes another Looke that yee serue one another in loue lead all men vnto God and the grace of God which he giueth vnto
men cried Away with him crucifie him crucifie him O the wonderfull great lenitie of our Lord Iesus Christ They reuile and misintreat him to the vttermost he praieth for them that they beeing conuerted from their wickednes may acknowledge him the very true son of God to haue appeared in the flesh Here is fulfilled that Esay said hee hath borne the sinnes of many and made intercession for the transgressours that they should not perish Who now being in sinne wil despaire in the mercie of God when the great offenders that crucified and slewe the giuer of all remission found so great grace and goodnes A stedfast hope therefore ought we to conceiue and to bee sure of howe great soeuer our sinne be The hope of life standeth yet open the bowels of mercie are yet readie prepared Onely vnto him let vs resort full gratiously will hee receiue vs so far as wee giue ouer our selues vnto him Heere likewise by the example of our fore-goer wee must learne to forgiue our neighbour to pray also for our enemies and for those that do vs harme If we gladly forgiue that little God will forgiue vs the great If we so do we finde grace and are the children of the heauenly Father As for the recompencing of all despite taking of vengeance wee must commit and refer that vnto our Father who iudgeth righteously O Iesu thou heauenly schoolmaster teach vs this and graunt vs grace to doe it Giue vs also an assured hope of thy mercie and grace that wee fall into no despaire through the multitude of our sinnes but with faithfull minds to consider that for to heale sin thou camest into this world hast shed thy bloud O graunt vnto vs free refuge and sure defence vnder the shadowe of thy winges and vnder the inuincible token of thy holie crosse Receiue vs poore sinners which vtterly trust not in anie good deede or merit of our owne but onely in thy mercie Amen Verie spitefull extremitie is shewed vnto our Sauiour in that he must beholde and see how the vile vnthriftes part his clothes amongst them By this is there set forth vnto vs a doctrine how wee ought to behaue our selues if our temporall goodes bee withdrawne and taken from vs. Wee must bee readier to suffer temporal harme than to bee reuenged or with vnquiet suite at the law to require our owne He that created the whole worlde hath not a corner where to rest his head Hee that beautifieth and decketh all things hangeth bare and naked himselfe Whereby we must learne to be pacient if that which is ours be taken from vs wee must learne to bee content with few thinges and to take in good part things of small reputation and not to grudge but with quiet minds to be thankfull vnto God O Lord grant vnto vs that we appeare not naked and bare before thee cloth vs with the wedding garment of faith and loue and when wee suffer wrong giue vs grace to followe thine example in patience that no sorrowe nor heauinesse for losse of temporall goods lead vs away from thee Amen THey that passed by reuiled and blasphemed him wagging their heades and saieng ha thou that breakest downe the temple and settest it vp againe in three dayes helpe now thy selfe if thou be the Sonne of God come downe from the crosse The high Priestes also mocked him together with the Scribes and Elders and saide amongst themselues He helped others can hee not helpe himselfe If he be Christ the chosen of God the king of Israell lette him come downe now from the crosse we will beleeue him He setteth his hope and trust in God let him deliuer him if hee will haue him for hee hath said I am the Sonne of GOD. The murtherers also that were crucified with him cast the same in his teeth and reuiled him The people stoode there and wayted and the chiefe of them mocked him and saide Hath hee helped others and cannot helpe himselfe and is Christ the chosen of GOD. The souldiers also mocked him came and proffered him vineger and said If thou be king of the Iewes helpe thy selfe One of the murtherers that hanged by him reuiled him also and said If thou bee Christ helpe thy selfe and vs. But the other rebuked him and said Fearest thou not God seeing thou art in the same damnation As for vs we are iustly punished for we receiue according to our deeds but this man hath done nothing amisse And he said vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome And Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee this day shalt thou be with me in paradise Doctrine and fruite IEsus for our sake tooke vpon himselfe the most extreme shame rebuke derision to deliuer vs from eternall villainy and that wee should learne gladly to suffer reproch and shame and to despise the vain-glorie of this world He is mocked contemned of high and lowe of spirituall temporall and of euerie man For they being ful of gal bitternes and poison poure it out with their false tongues and outwarde gestures casting out wicked slaundrous wordes and sharpening their venemous tongs against the innocent sauiour They rather shuld haue bewailed their owne great sinnes but there is no compassion nor mercie in them their harts are stopt Sathan hath the leading of them Yet cannot their malice ouercome good Iesus Through their wickednesse and despite cannot his patience bee vanquished No opprobrious or vile word might cause him to omit the worke of our redemption but hee continueth in loue and performeth it with an honorable ende Euen as hee teacheth vs to endure vnto the end so doth he practise it himselfe and declareth it vnto vs in deede and example We therfore that wil be followers of Iesu Christ shuld set before vs this excellent example of our forgoer and learne to contemne the world and stoutlie to abide in our holie vocation and purpose It is the worke of Christ that we haue in hand and before vs we haue an high perfect example giuer of whom we ought to learne euen Christ Iesus who for our sakes was obedient to the Father vntill the death of the crosse Wherefore seeing we are become children of God throgh grace we must be obedient to our heauenly father looking to his good pleasure bidding the world farewell despising the mocks and scorns therof looking vp euer diligently vnto the crucified Lorde Iesus who waiteth for vs with outstretched armes calleth vs louingly vnto him and for a shorte trauaile promiseth vs eternall rewarde and saith If thou suffer with mee thou shalt raigne with mee If thou dye with mee thou shalt also be crowned with mee O Lord Iesu Christ our fore-goer and protector graunt vs grace stedfastly to continue in our holie vocation and to abide in thy seruice that through no tediousnes or slouth we shrinke or cease from the feruentnes of good workes and holie exercises that we being alway readie
furnished with watching and praier may stedfastly stand and with a constant mind despise all bodily prouocations shewing patience in aduersitie not fearing the slaunders and despitefull swordes of the people neyther desiring the prayse and honour of this worlde that in the onely eternal wealth wee may sette all our trust and neuer to goe backe from the crosse for wealth nor woe but that vnder the same banner through true patience meeknesse and obedience wee may finish our life with a blessed ende Amen In the offendor that receiued of Christ the promis of grace there is set before vs a comfortable example of the mercie and loue of God for hee that afore had beene a murtherer and now was become a penitent and repentaunt person assoone as he acknowledged the trespasse and was vnfainedly sorrie for his offences committed confessing Christ the fountaine of life there was promised vnto him forgiuenesse of his sinnes and entrance into ioy Wherby wee see that no true penitent commeth too late and that no conuersion is vnfruitfull if it bee doone vnfainedly from out of the heart Here should we learne to goe into our selues to acknowledge and confesse our sinnes to complaine vnto GOD with lamentation and to desire grace at his hande affirming also that wee are well worthie of all rebuke and shame all punishment payne and aduersitie Neuerthelesse in the consideration of Gods eternal mercie wee ought not to despayre but to turne vs vnto the Bishop and chiefe shepheard of our soules and to saye Lorde remember vs in thy kingdome where thou sittest at the right hande of GOD thy Father so shall wee vndoubtedly heare this chearefull voice To day shalt thou bee with mee in paradise This word of consolation this gratious promise shall strengthen comfort our troubled hart in the carefull terrible houre so that we shal be able quietly to die forasmuch as Iesus so friendly speaketh to vs and receiueth vs so graciously Great and vnsearchable is the mercie of God that pardoneth so great a sinner and offendour and doth not cast him off neither will hee reiect our feruent praier which we in true confidence make vnto him Hee desireth not the death of a sinner but willeth that hee conuert and liue So loued hee the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue euerlasting life neither came hee to call the righteous but sinners O Iesu bee mindfull of thy promisse thinke vpon vs thy seruantes and when wee shall depart hence speake vnto our soule these louing wordes To day shalt thou bee with mee in ioy O Lord Iesu Christ remember vs thy seruauntes that trust in thee when our tongue cannot speake when the sight of our eies fayleth and when our eares are stopped Suffer not the olde Serpent and wicked enemie the Deuill to finde anie thing in vs though hee subtilly tempt vs and craftily lay wayte for vs. In thee shall we ouercome him for in thee is our strength thou takest al our sinnes vppon thy selfe so that hee shall finde nothing in vs but must departe from vs with shame Lette them bee turned backe and soone confounded but lette our soule alway reioyce in thee and bee ioyfull of thy saluation which thou through thy death hast purchased for vs. IT was neare hande about the sixt houre And beside the crosse of Iesus stoode Marie his mother and his mothers sister Marie the wife of Cleophas and Marie Magdalene Now when Iesus sawe his mother and the disciple standing whom he loued he said vnto his mother Woman behold thy sonne Afterward said hee to the disciple Behold thy mother And from that houre foorth the disciple tooke her for his owne Doctrine and fruite IN the passion of Christ as is mentioned afore it ought to be considered that he was most extremely reuyled and suffered most great paine for our sakes This now appertaineth to the increasing of his paine that hee seeth his mother in all aduersitie who might not helpe him neyther hee her Nowe doth the sworde that Simeon spake of pierce thorow her heart But Iesus seeing her in sorrowe and heauinesse declareth his carefull loue vppon the honour and worthinesse of his dearely beloued mother and giueth her a tutour such an one as will looke vnto her On both the parties maye wee perceyue great loue which wee ought to learne of the Lord and to exercise towardes those that bee committed vnto vs. Neither is it written of the Euangelist for naught that shee stoode for thereby we see that though Marie was in verie greate heauinesse and sorrowe yet behaueth shee not he●selfe vnseemelie nor vndiscreetly as carnall men doe in aduersitie manie times Shee standeth demurely and soberly beeing fortified through the strength of the spirite that stayeth her Whereby wee may learne when our deare friendes die not to bee sorie for them beyond measure and discretion But chiefly we learne when aduersitie commeth one to haue respect to another to care for our owne faithfully to cōmit them vnto others that one may brotherly and truly looke to another but specially we ought to be carefull for those which are deare vnto God FRom the sixt houre there was darkenesse vppon all the earth till about the ninth houre and the Sunne was darkened About the ninth houre Iesus cryed with a lowd voyce Ely Ely lama sabacthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Some standing there when they heard it said He calleth to Helias Immediately one of them ranne and tooke a spunge and filled it with vineger and put it vppon a reede and gaue him to drinke Other said lette vs see whether Helias will come and deliuer him Doctrine and fruite IN all aduersitie and despight is all bodily and temporall comfort withdrawne from Christ that euen when hee without all consolation dooth suffer most greuous extremitie wee might perceiue his loue The Lord of all creatures that lacketh nothing commeth into so great affliction and necessitie for our sake that hee complaineth himselfe to bee forsaken of him who worketh all things in him This is the voyce of the passible mortall flesh which for vs poore sinners crieth vpon the crosse His patience is our comfort his complaint is our helpe his sicknesse is our health his paine is our satisfaction The Phisitian came from heauen that hee thorow great compassion might giue ouer him selfe into exceeding many torments and rebukes Therfore with the sick he is sicke with those that suffer hee suffereth with the sorrowfull he is sorie with them that suffer violence hee complaineth for his feeble and weake members he praieth And the voyce of the flesh and of naturall sence is neither rebellious nor desperate The fleshe feeleth great paine vndeserued the innocent holy body suffereth sore punishment the Godhead neuerthelesse vseth the highest silence And as for the diuine presence the sensible paine is not minished by it But a merueilous steadfastnes
of patience is heere declared to performe the redemption of mankinde This paine and smart is so great that euen the Elements which haue no sence declare tokens of their compassion The Sunne lost his shine and hid his cheerefull light from the wicked rabble hauing as it were a displeasure for the death of their maker Seeing now that the sun mourneth and the earth quaketh much more ought we reasonable men to haue compassion and to consider the death of our maker Behold O faithfull seruant of God how thy foregoer in all his punishment and sorrowfull trouble indureth stil mild and patient and that there is heard no bitternes out of his mouth His praier and complaint sendeth hee vppe vnto his heauenlie Father neither nameth hee any other saue onely God To him alone hee complaineth and openeth his desolation Euen so ought wee to doe when aduersitie reproch or any such thing assaulteth vs wee must not vndiscreetly sorrow or be angrie but runne straight way vnto the Crosse and at the Crosse tarrie and abide a little while with the Lorde If thou be forsaken complaine of thy trouble vnto GOD the Father Consider that Iesus also for thy sake was left in great trouble and anguishe Learne thou likewise to bee soft minded and patient without murmuring or cursing Keepe thee to the onelie comfort of God giue ouer all the ioy of this world so shalt thou not bee forsaken of him All earthlie thinges set apart turne thou thy minde vppe into the Countrey of Heauen Take GOD for thy Father Iesus for thy brother Thou art of a noble high kindred namelie a childe of the euer liuing God O mercifull father wee crie vnto thee in all trouble and call vppon thee through the crucified Iesus Suffer vs not to sincke in great afflictions giue vs not ouer vnto our owne strength but the more the enemie presseth vppon vs the more bee thou our assistance For in all anguishe and trouble thou art the right helper and most faithfull friend If temptation then come vppon vs by thy fatherly will graunt vs grace O Lord patientlie to beare it and to lay the burthen vpon thy mercie that in all trouble we being els destitute of all consolatiō may put our whole trust onely in thee Amen AFter this Iesus knowing that all thinges were nowe perfourmed that the scripture might be fulfilled hee saith I thirst So there stood a vessell by full of vineger Therfore they filled a spunge with vinegar and wound it about with Isope and put to his mouth Assoone as Iesus then receiued of the Vinegar hee answered and saide It is finished Doctrine and fruite ADam satisfied his lust in the forbidden Apple which noisome lust was ocasion of our death But Iesus for the reformation of this concupiscence suffreth also vpon his tongue to restore vs againe from the fall and to conquere vs in this life His bitter drinke is vnto vs a blessed medicine Such great vnthankefulnesse of the Iewes was prophecied by King Dauid in the Psalmes To him that fedde them in the wildernesse with bread from heauen and gaue them water to drinke out of the hard stonie Rocke Euen vnto him for a recompence they giue Vineger and Gall. O the sower and vnnaturall fruite that the LORDE receiueth of his owne Vineyard which he had planted and garnished so faire To vs heere is prepared a soueraigne medicine against glotonie and all voluptuousnes of the flesh thorow the loue whereof God is forgotten and forsaken Now when Christ who is the fulfiller of the law and all the Prophets had whollie and fully perfourmed the will of his heauenlie father hee saith for a conclusion and ende of his life it is finished as hee would say Now is finished all that the old law hath written and spoken of me all that the old Testament figured with oblations and sacrifices with glory and beautie in the Gods seruice Now are truly fulfilled the holy prophesies of the Prophetes and the long wished desires of the holye olde Fathers Nowe is wrought and perfourmed all that belonged concerned the redemption of mankinde It is all as it was promised of God concluded with an honourable blessed end And looke what is behinde shall vndoubtedly be fulfilled in due time I haue accomplished the commandement of my Father who sent me into this world the worke that hee gaue mee to do haue I finished What could I do more for thee O my people that I haue not done Vppon the sixt daye hee finished the worke of the creation of the world And nowe vppon the sixt day and age of the world hee perfourmeth the blessed worke of mans redemption Vppon the sixt day hee created man and made him of the mould of the earth Vpon the sixt day hee restored him againe and deliuered him with his holy bloud Thus all things are finished the great worke of his mercie and most excellent loue is accomplished the way vnto heauen is opened and the deuils power is broken In such hope ought wee valiauntlie to trauaile at this time in this vnconstant world and not to let fall the worke of God that is begun but by his assistance to bring it vnto a blessed ende and stoutly to endure therein It is well-nie come to the point that all shal bee finished the euening and ende of our life commeth on apace wherein we may say with glad harts as Christ our foregoer did It is all finished Wherefore deare brethren let vs euer most diligently and earnestly walke in the way of the truth and of commendable vertues begun exercising our selues in righteousnes We must not think otherwise but to haue battaile against vice against the flesh the world and Satan Daily goe we on a pace towardes death in hope to attain eternal life O that we might say with Paule I haue fought a good fight I haue fulfilled my course I haue kept the faith We must suffer and haue trauaile yet a litle season the time of our deliuerance will shortly be heere O Lord Iesu direct thou all our works according to thy good pleasure illuminate purifie our minds and thoughts Teach vs how wee euer to the praise and honour of thy holy name may meekly beginne diligently doo and blessedly end all our workes and enterprises O giue vs grace faithfully to labour in the Vineyard of the Lord that the heat and trauaile driue vs not back that we faint not that in the schole of heauenly exercise wee may steadfastly indure till wee giue vp the ghost and that through thy mercie after many commendable battails and long striuing wee may say in the last houre of our life It is all finished Vouchsafe thou to bee the finall occasion of our whole life and of all our woorkings so shall it followe that thou wilt bee also our eternall reward ioy and saluation Amen ANd Iesus criyng with a loud voyce said Father into thy hands I commit my spirite And when hee had thus
of Iesu Christ thy sonne and our life in his resurrection that wee with him in him may truly rise againe hereto a godly righteous and sober life and in the world to come to the blessed life euerlasting Amen AND the women went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre for they trembled and were amazed Neither said they any thing to anie man for they were affraid Mary Magdalen ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other Disciple who Iesus loued and said vnto them They haue taken the Lord away out of the Sepulchre we wote not where they haue laid him Then went Peter foorth and the other Disciple and came to the Sepulchre They both ranne together and the other Disciple out-ranne Peter and came sooner to the sepulchre And hee stouped downe and saw the linnen cloathes lying yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter following him and went into the Sepulchre and saw the linnen clothes lying and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen cloths but 〈◊〉 togeather in a place by it selfe Ther went in 〈…〉 Disciple which came first to the Sepulchre 〈…〉 and beleeued For as yet they knewe not the 〈…〉 hee should rise againe from death And the 〈◊〉 Disciples went away againe vnto their owne home But Marie stood without at the Sepulchre weeping And as shee wept shee bowed herselfe into the Sepulchre and saw two Aungels in white sitting the one at the head the other at the feete where they had laide the bodie of Iesus And they said vnto her Woman why weepest thou She said vnto them For they haue taken away my Lorde and I wote not where they haue laid him When shee had thus said she turned her selfe backe and saw Iesus standing and knew not that it was Iesus Then said Iesus vnto her Woman why weepest thou Whom seekest thou She supposing that he had beene a gardener saide vnto him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will fetch him Iesus said vnto her Marie She turned her selfe and said vnto him Raboni which is to say Maister Then said Iesus vnto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father But go to my brethren and say vnto them I ascend vp vnto my father and your father vnto my God your God Marie Magdalene came tolde the disciples which had been with the Lord now were weeping and mourning that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken such things vnto her But though they heard that he was aliue that Mary had seen him yet they beleeued not Doctrine and fruite THE Euangelists do most diligently set forth to vs the resurrectiō of Christ as a thing necessary profitable and ioyfull vnto all faithfull beleeuers For in the resurrection we see how Christ 〈◊〉 and what hope we haue in him But this resurrection do the Euangelists teach according as mans 〈◊〉 ●standing may comprehend it For if Christ had sodainly at once opened himselfe to his Disciples so that other exhortations warninges were not gone before then should they haue taken it but for a plain fantasie and vision as they did when the Lorde appeared vnto them vppon the water Therefore the Euangelistes describe the matter verie distinctly and sundrie wayes so that no man can bee able to suspect anie deceyte First how the women and men came to the sepulchre looked and went in and how they viewed euerie thing throughly not once but oft and manie times the clothes wherein the Lorde was wrapped the heade kerchiefe euerie thing folden together in his seuerall place and how they saw and perceyued that the bodie was not there that the Sepulchre was open the stone rolled away and how the Aungels and heauenly spirits testified that hee was risen agayne Yet for all this they are weak and beleeue it not stedfastly but bee as yet in a doubt Thus GOD permitteth them to wauer and to bee feeble of beleefe and doth not throughly perswade them forthwith and that altogether for our sakes Hee might well sodainely haue certified and assured Thomas and them at the first but thus is it better both for them and vs. For the more a sicke man feeleth his owne disease and woundes the more acceptable is the medicine vnto him The weaker that our beleefe is the more cause haue wee to call vpon God for the increase of faith the more weaknesse we find in our selues the farther are we in debt and the more bound to praise God When hee maketh vs strong and seeing it is his onely strength that staieth vs we ought the lesse to reioyce in our owne Christ in his life time had oft tolde them afore of his resurrection but their mind was so dul that they vnderstood it not neither perceiued they that great mysterie The resurrection of the bodies they could not comprehend but alway vnderstood it otherwise There was much written thereof and that with euident woordes in the Scripture as in the sixteenth Psalme and in the figure of Ionas and yet could not they vnderstand it Which thing neuertheles to beleeue Christ had giuen them occasion sundrie wais As in that hee raised vp Lazarus other which were dead and made them aliue againe In all his preaching and doctrine he declared that this was vnto him in no wise vnpossible by reason of the diuine power working in him For all this the disciples are yet so weake that they vnderstand it not all Therfore doth the godly wisedome lead them still by little and little to make them stronger declaring vnto them certaine assured euidences as that the bodie was not in the sepulchre but that the clothes lay there wrapt together for these were vndoubted tokens that he was risen vp againe For if any man had taken him out of the sepulchre as Magdalen thoght he could not haue had so much time and leisure as to loose vp the bands and to vndoo the clothes from the bodie but had taken and carried awaie the clothes and bodie together For the clothes dyd cleaue hard fast to the bodie partly by reason of the 〈◊〉 and partly through the Aloes and Myrrhe than the bodie was dressed withall But for all this they are weake still and in doubt vntill such time as the Lord himselfe doth strengthen them Therefore euen Marie also as feruent as shee is iudgeth not the bodie to be risen againe but to bee stollen and priuily carryed awaie thus God openeth himselfe vnto whom and when hee will for though wee see sometimes many great and wonderfull workes though wee reade and heare much of the Scriptures yet remaineth our hart still ignorant neither doth the doctrine take effect till Christ open it and till he himselfe be schoole-master within Who so would rather haue another and higher sense or exposition than this it may bee vnderstood that Christ appeareth vnto those which mourne and weepe and
treasure had Tabitha laid vp in store for when she died it was not stones and stockes that commended her benefits but the bodies of the widows they lamented her death and declared how mercifull she had beene Christ openeth and sheweth himselfe vnto those that earnestly seeke him and those hee suffereth to touch him to the intent that forasmuch as they must declare his resurrection to the Apostles their weake faith must be strengthned to know and to be assured that hee was verily risen againe For not onely the Angell but Christ also himselfe commandeth them so to do He comforteth them and taketh from them the fearfulnes and sorrowe Thus wee ought not to doubt he shall in all aduersitie and trouble meete vs he shall chearfully appeare vnto vs and with his ioyfull presence and resurrection shall hee comfort and preserue vs. But we lacke an earnest and strong faith our harts are slow and cold Diligent we be in seeking of temporall things but godly things wee either despise or neglect Loue hath no rest she ceaseth not to runne and seeke till she finde him whome shee loueth and when she findeth him she holdeth him fast that shee loose him not againe glad is she also to make others pertakers of the treasure that she hath found O God kindle our colde heartes with the fire of faith and loue that we may earnestly seeke thee and that when we haue found thee we may feruently receiue and keepe thee and with a right spirit worship thee Expell all hardnes and vngentlenes out of our hearts make vs louing and mercifull vnto the poore ones Take from vs the terrour of all vndoubtfulnes vnbeleefe and feare of the world and comfort vs in all aduersitie Graunt vs the faith of thy resurrection that we despising all transitory things may set all our comfort and hope in the blessed resurrection to come Amen Heere also we learne how exceeding weake and ignorant our flesh is to receiue and beleeue the truth 〈◊〉 it of God giue not light and strength For a● 〈…〉 of the Apostles were illuminated and 〈…〉 the holy ghost they esteemed the truth 〈…〉 Resurrection opened vnto them by the women to be a foolish and fained thing Neuerthelesse Christ forsaketh not those whom hee hath once imbraced but still openeth himselfe vnto them more and more to expell out of them all dubitation vnbeleefe ANd behold two of them went that same day to a town called Emaus which was from Hierusalem about a threescore furlongs they talked together of all these things that had happened And it chaunced that while they communed together and reasoned Iesus himself drew neare and went with them but their eies were holden that they should not know him And he saide vnto them What manner of communications are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke and are sad And the one of them whose name was Cleophas answered and said vnto him Art thou onely a straunger in Hierusalem hast not knowne the things which haue chanced there in these dais He said vnto them What things And they said vnto him Of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet mightie in deed and word before God all the people how the high Priests our rulers deliuered him to be condemned vnto death haue crucified him But we trusted that it had been he which shuld haue redeemed Israel And as touching all these thinges to day is euen the third day that they were done Yea and certain women also of our companie made vs astonied which came earlie to the sepulchrt and found not his bodie and came saying that they had seen a vision of Angels 〈…〉 that he was aliue And certaine of them that 〈…〉 went to the sepulchre and found it euen so as the 〈…〉 said but him they saw not Doctrine and fruite THE longer the more is set foorth vnto vs the vnoutspeakable loue and trustie faithfulnes of Iesus Christ our lord who forsaketh not those that anie thing loue to talke of him For look whom he admitteth into his schoole those hee teacheth still continually how weake soeuer they bee vntill hee bring them to perfect vnderstanding and expell all doubtfulnes out of their hearts Forasmuch now as these his Disciples speake of him in the way hee getteth him to them albeit hee holdeth their eyes that they knowe him not that by the meanes thereof they themselues with their own words might knowledge confesse their doubtfull wauering weaknes of faith that they might open their disease vnto him hee to giue a conuenient medicine for theyr vnbeleefe that through the long delay frendly talk and opening of the scripture their harts and desires might more and more bee kindled and sette on fire that their doubtfulnes might bee taken away and theyr weake fayth strengthened For though they helde Iesus for a great and principall Prophet and and for an innocent good man yet speake they vncertainely of the matter and their heart wauereth yet were not they assured that hee had ouercome death and by his owne death purchased life for all the world that hee was risen againe into an immor● 〈…〉 made vs vndoubtedly partakers of the 〈…〉 and ioyfull resurrection and eternall life in himselfe Now for as much as they gladly talke and willingly holde of him how feebly and vnperfectly soeuer it bee yet the gratious and louing Lorde approcheth neare vnto them and instructeth them It shall neuer bee vnfruitfull it shall neuer passe without profite but assuredly doo good where Christ is gladlie and with a good heart spoken of Where two or three bee assembled in his name there is hee in the middest among them and infourmeth them That he doth to the Disciples in the way by mouth the same declareth hee alway vnto vs inwardly by his spirite in our harts and outwardly with the scripture and word and with the teachings of good godly men He that well and faithfully vseth the little talent shall not be denied a greater if he earnestly desire it Wheresoeuer he is earnestly feruently thought vpon and talked of there is he present instructeth and teacheth the ignorant For he is not ashamed to resort vnto those that lacke knowledge and be in errour and to talke with them This lowlie and gentle condition ought wee to learne of our head that we shame not to repayre vnto such as are not yet right instructed that wee may infourme them and commune with them We should despise no man that with a single hart seeketh God though as yet wee perceiue much wauering and weake faith in him For if the eternall 〈…〉 was not ashamed to humble himselfe and 〈◊〉 the ignoraunt much more ought wee to doo●●ing we are neither sufficiently instructed in the scripture nor yet diligent and carefull to doe that which we know THen said Iesus vnto them O ye fooles and slow of hart to beleeue all that the Prophets haue spoken Ought not Christ to haue suffred
bodie of Christ which was hanged vpon the crosse for our sinnes was of the Father raysed againe vnto life For if wee beleeue in our heart and confesse with our mouth that God hath raysed him vp from the dead we shal be saued Yea beleeue we must that Christ according to his wordes afore hath through his godly power erected vp againe from death the temple of his bodie Therefore thorow the doubting of Thomas wee learne the mysterie of the resurrection of our own bodies For Christ hath sufficiently proued and Thomas hath confessed that the bodie of Christ which was hanged vpon the crosse is verely risen againe from death Wherin our faith is confirmed to beleeue that our bodies also shall truely and liuely rise againe to eternall life When Thomas is with the other disciples Christ sheweth himselfe vnto him For they that in the vnitie of faith and of vndiuided loue doe not associate and accompanie themselues with other faithfull beleeuers in the Church shall not be partakers of heauenly ioyes Truth it is that to beleeue with the hart iustifieth but the confession that is made with the mouth belongeth vnto health serueth vnto loue and vnitie of the Church and congregation of God without the which there can bee no hope of health He that saith he beleeueth and doth not ioyne himselfe vnto other Christians his faith is vaine and of none effect And therefore did Christ for his church institute the sacraments that is to say exterior signes of his grace that his people might be associate together in the vnitie of faith The Church of God is it that preserueth vs poore ones as did the Arke of Noe afore time in the floud and bringeth vs thorough this raging sea vnto the hauen of eternall saluation Not that the grace and health is therefore to bee ascribed to the elements and outwarde thinges but that it may appeare how effectuous fayth is and what it woorketh through charitable loue in the Church Christ maketh mention of the wordes which Thomas had spoken afore to the Disciples in his absence Namely Except I see in his handes the print c. Therefore sayth Christ Thomas bring thy finger hither and see c. Whereby it is euidently prooued that Christ is God and euen so doth Thomas vnderstand and confesse The woundes are shewed of Christ specially to this intent that his passion might be printed and sealed in mens mindes For a verie deepe and high mysterie is it that Christes side is opened out of the which floweth bloud and water whereby the spirituall and faithfull beleeuing mindes may well perceiue Christes good louing will towardes mankind Now when we looke vpon his handes touching his side inwardly with our desire of inward fayth and considering why and with what loue Christ suffered for vs it shall be no hard thing vnto vs to beleeue his resurrection If Christ were deade but euen as an other pure man or Prophet we could haue no hope of the resurrection Who so beleeueth it commeth soone to this knowledge that immortall life is giuen vnto vs. Now where there is hope of an immortall life there is the Lorde serued with great diligence For if God hath not spared his sonne but giuen him for vs all what good thing then may wee not looke for at his hand If wee bee onely true beleeuers with Thomas then shall God faithfully performe that hee hath promised vs. Christ desireth no more of vs weake feeble ones than that we be not faithlesse but stedfast beleeuers Thomas is immediately obedient vnto the voice of Christ and becommeth foorth with a newe man The Pharisies could by no doctrine by no myracles bee brought to giue credence vnto Christ and to beleeue in him although they sawe Lazarus raysed againe from death malice and hatred did so hinder them But Thomas acknowledgeth him freely to be his Lord and God He seeth and handleth man he confesseth God whom he saw not Hee acknowledged that he whom he saw was his God Lord. Through the same faith was his vnbeleefe and sinne forgiuen him O mercifull God graunt vs loue that we seek not our owne commoditie nor honour but the profit of our neighbours and thy glorie in all thinges Expell out of vs all disdaine greedines vngentlenes headines and flattering of our selues Preserue vs from discord diuision binde vs together in vniforme loue that wee may bee one bodie and of one minde Stablish also our faith that our minds may alwayes bee comforted in the resurrection of thy sonne and immortall life purchased by him Amen ANd many other signes trulie did Iesus in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this booke These are written that ye might beleeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God that ye so beleeuing might haue life through his name Doctrine and fruite LIke as Christ while hee yet liued did miracles before his death to declare his godly power euen so after his rising again from death he worketh manie tokens in the presence of his Disciples to proue his resurrection in the flesh Some of the same are described of the Euangelists not of anie curiositie or for vaine glorie but to confirme our sayth therewith To write all Iohn thought it not needful for who could haue written all Or who could haue fastened and borne them all in minde Who so will not beleeue these few that are written shall neuer beleeue a greater multitude A faithfull beleeuer is well satisfied with these For these that be written of him are therefore written that wee should beleeue that Iesus is Christ the Sonne of GOD and that we through his fayth might haue eternall life Seeing then that all thinges which are written doo extende and serue to this ende that wee might beleeue in him and bee saued by him what lacke wee then Or what can we desire more So that hereby we learne with great diligence to reade to consider and to applie into our owne lyfe whatsoeuer the Euangelistes haue written of Christ as they haue written nothing but that which is altogether excellent deare holie and godlie and such thinges as doe liuely describe sette foorth and print Christ vnto vs that our fayth hope loue patience meeknesse and all good thinges might growe with blessed fruite that wee in our life might become thankfull for such an excellent grace and in no wise to contemne or despise it A scornefull thing is it and the euidence of a greate vnbeleefe whereas some thinke by these wordes to prooue that for as much as all thinges are not written in the booke it is lawfull for certayne men to adde the rest and to deuise and ordayne what they will For in these thinges that are written doth Iohn comprehend the whole sum of fayth which consisteth in this that Iesus is the son of the liuing God who for our saluation came downe from heauen died rose againe purchased for vs eternal life Iesus the son of
testifieth of these things wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true There are also many other things that Iesus did which if they should bee waitten euerie one I suppose the world could not contain the bookes that should be written Doctrine and fruite THE former wordes which Christ spake vnto Peter Follow me were spoken vnto him in this meaning that he should followe the foot-steps and passion of Christ namely with worde and deed to goe the waie that Christ had gone But in asmuch as Peter is a figure of the Church Christ spake those wordes not onely vnto him but vnto all faithful beleeuers For the Church of Christ while shee dwelleth heere temporally in many troubles and afflictions she foloweth Christ her spouse and head who also deliuereth her from all aduersitie Shee loueth Christ and in the behalfe of his truth she striueth vntill the death for seeing Christ dyed for all it is meet that they which are his doo follow his foot-steppes To followe Christ is nothing else than stoutly to suffer and ouercome despite and pouertie in this world for his sake And God truly euen in his wrath which wee with our sinnes deserue cannot forget his mercie Ouer and besides the manifolde comfort and helpe which he otherwise declareth vnto vs he hath giuen vs his own sonne to be our mediator by whom if we put our trust in him we should be saued deliuered from eternall death that we liuing from hence forth still in faith hope and charitable loue as pilgrimes in this world and beeing in all troubles aduersities preserued by the corporall and spirituall comfort of God might walke innocently before his sight in him who is become our way vnto God It is no vile thing to suffer to be put to death for Christ and his truths sake yea a man cannot die a more honorable death than when for the truth innocently he suffereth with a good conscience and with an vpright minde No man in deede ought to put himselfe in daunger arrogantly wilfully or for vaine-glorie Wheras Peter asketh a question concerning the disciple whom the Lord loued what he should doo it is a nicenesse and vnprofitable curiositie that serueth nothing to edification and therefore it pleaseth not the Lord. Whatsoeuer edifieth not that ought not we to desire of Christ Let euery man looke to himselfe waiting vpon his owne businesse and office and not to be curious in another mans matter whatsoeuer is not committed vnto his charge and belongeth not vnto him let him not meddle withal Peter loued Christ so did he them also therefore asked he what should become of him and whether he should remayne styll ot die for hee was verie loth and vnwilling to departe from him And so he passed more vpon Iohn than vppon the precept and commission of Iesus Christ Such curious backe looking doth the Lord rebuke Wee many and sundrie times doo regarde and esteeme more the thing that wee loue than that which God commaundeth and biddeth vs. But such loue is verie hurtfull and especially in those that should be soul shepherds Christs wil is that they haue respect to his worke and commandement and with a feruent loue to perfourme the same not medling with other busines not needfull To enquire curiously of other mens matters bringeth not alway profit but much rather vnquietnes Therefore Christ remoouing Peter from such curious questions draweth his mind vnto a better thing namely to follow him As for that which he desireth to know Christ telleth him that it is no point of his charge as if Christ would say what hast thou to doo with other folkes busines Thou hast heard what I haue commanded thee look that thou faithfully do the same What inquirest thou after other mens matters Thus looking diligently and faithfully to our own charge and expelling the affection of the flesh wee should neither desire curiously to aske any thing beyond the will of God neither to looke vpon any other men but vprightly to follow the Lord. Here also we learne that in the commission and final departure of the faithfull there be manifold differēces Some rest in the Lord blessedly without any speciall heauy affliction but some it pleaseth God to bring through sore trauaile and exceeding trouble laying the greater burthen vpon him according as it was tolde Peter afore hand that he should be crucified but not Iohn They now that are admitted to feede Christ his sheepe prepare themselues and bee alwaies readie without any curiosity to follow the will of God Whereas Iohn in the conclusion of his booke refuteth the erroneous opinion of some it is an euidence of his meeknesse and sinceritie It was not so spoken of the Lorde saith hee that the same Disciple should not die whereby Iohn confessed that he himselfe also was mortall His writing wil he haue credited for he hath written nothing saue onely the truth wherof he may well testifie that which he hath seene Yet saith he hath not written all but only that whereby we may obtaine eternall life as wee haue heard sufficiently afore THE eleuen Disciples went away into Galilee into a mountaine whereas Iesus had appointed them And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted And Iesus saide These are the wordes which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you that all must needs be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalmes Then opened hee their wittes that they might vnderstand the Scriptures and saide vnto them Thus is it written and thus it behooued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from death the third day and that repentance and remission of sinne should be preached in his name among all nations and must begin at Hierusalem And ye are witnesses of these thinges And behold I will send the promise of my Father vppon you But tarrie ye in the Cittie of Hierusalem till ye be endewed with power from on high Doctrine and fruite THE Lorde minding to make his Disciples assured of his Resurrection instructeth them first well in his passion which hee declareth out of the Scripture and printeth it in their hearts He teacheth them that it was necessarie that Christ should suffer and die yea euen thus to die namely vppon a crosse vpon a tree On the tree was the transgression committed vpon the tree behooued it the restitution to bee made vpon the tree was death fetched vpon the tree was life giuen vpon the tree must satisfaction bee made for the lustes of the flesh which on the tree were first conceiued And would God that we rightly knew the passion and crosse of our Lorde Iesu Christ then shoulde the glorie of the resurrection be well knowne and loued of vs. O Iesu graunt vs grace right to consider what wherefore and with what loue and feruentnes thou hast suffered for vs then shall our heart feele profitably enioy the sweete fruite of thy
sawe that theyr Schoolemaister was taken away from them into heauen they perceiued and considered the thing that they knewe not before although Christ had told it them Iohn 6. Namely that by the Ascension they should receyue vnderstanding Therefore they worshipped Iesus Christ and according vnto his commaundement they returned to Hierusalem where they kepte themselues vntill the time that the spirite came neyther were they idle but continued in the holie fellowshippe and godlie exercises with praier and deuotion preparing and making themselues readie vnto the comming of the spirite By occasion heereof all nicenesse curiositie and contentious questions all pride vaine-glorie and fonde affections and desires sette aparte wee ought with vpright mindes and with the eyes of faith to be alway taken vp into heauen and there to haue our dwelling where Christ our head sitteth at the right hand of God king and Lord of all thinges our faithfull aduocate and mediatour Then shall true godlynesse increase then shall vertue blessedlie grow and bring forth fruit in vs if wee with steadfast faith doe consider that our Lord Iesus Christ dyed for our sakes rose againe from death and is exalted at the right hand of God raigning mightily aboue all things in heauen and finishing our saluation if wee in spirite and in the truth worship and honour him as the eternal God confessing with a true faith that all power is giuen vnto him of God the father that he careth for vs and that for our healths sake hee ruleth and shall raigne vntill all things be brought vnder his feet In the meane time he dayly in his church purifieth al his members by his spirit cleansing them still more and more from all their sinnes And when hee shall haue rooted out all sinne in his elect ouercomming death the last enemie so that God shall be all in all then shall Christ also giue vp his kingdome vnto God the father namely the mediation for our sinnes the purging of the same defence against the deuill and deliueraunce from death For then shall there be no more sinne in the elect so that he shal not need to be mediator for them to purge from sinne to defend against the deuil or to deliuer from death Oh mercifull father graunt vs perfectly to know thy blessed and glorious kingdome of Christ thy sonne drawe vp our hearts in such sort that we with all obedience maye yeelde our selues into this kingdome seeing and regarding onely those thinges that are aboue and wholy applying our selues vnto this ende that the same heauenly kingdome may be farre spread abroad and knowne vnto all men To the intent that as for all worldly things wherin many foolish people set all their saluation but in vaine men may vtterly refuse them and hartily with bodie and soule and with their whole life may giue ouer themselues perfectly vnto the onely Lord Iesus Christ the true God For thy good pleasure it was O God that in him all perfectnes should dwell and that by him al things towards thee should be reconciled and pacified through his bloud whether they be in heauen or in earth Graunt vs O God vnitie and brotherly loue in thy holie Church kindle our harts to feruent and deuout prayer make vs diligently to watch circumspectly to waite for the comming of thy beloued sonne that we neither be drunken in excesse and bodilie lust nor intangled with the snares of this world but that we hauing alwayes the eyes of our heart open and praying with vpright mindes may chearefully meet our redeemer ioy with him for euer To him be eternall praise and honor Amen THE SENDING OF THE HOLY GHOST WHen the fiftie daies were come to an end they were all with one accord together in one place and sodainely there came a sound from heauen as it had beene the comming of a mightie winde and it filled all the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouen tongs like as they had bin of fire and it sate vpon each one of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and beganne to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirit gaue them vtterance Doctrine and fruite HEere the Euanglist Luke describeth how that after Christ entered into his glorie the Gospell euen the heauenly doctrine and grace was opened vnto the world downe from heauen by a glorious and great miracle For though the lawe which is the will of God and also the Gospell that is his grace hath from the beginning beene alwayes in the worlde namelie in the heartes of Gods elect children yet was each one of them at seuerall times gloriously vttered vnto the worlde by manifest and apparant myracle And like as the holie Ghost was in the heartes of the faythfull beleeuers for after the Resurrection hee gaue the spirite vnto the Disciples euen so heere hee giueth them the spirite with an open myracle and with a more perfect woorking and power For the spirite which Christ gaue them after his Resurrection when he breathed vpon them was euen this day with more perfection that is to say his operation and strength declared it selfe more euidently and more perfectly and shewed his presence by the visible miracle Thus is it heere described how the promise of Christ and of the Prophets made as concerning the holie Ghost were fulfilled and how the same holie Ghost who is the teacher of the trueth the earnest pennie of saluation the wedding ring of grace and ioye of the minde was giuen Nowe when it is saide that the holie Ghost is giuen vnto men the same may bee vnderstood of the giftes and operations of the holie Ghost for though GOD may bee comprehended of mans minde yet can he not bee included or shut therein Neuerthelesse his giftes according to his will and pleasure are poured and measured into our heartes vnto euerie one so much as maye ferue● 〈…〉 ●fite Who so is desirous to knowe 〈…〉 Ghost is promised vnto faithfull bele● 〈…〉 reade Ezech. 36.39 Ioel. 2. Math. 3. Now 〈…〉 God the Father hath promised by his Mini● 〈…〉 same also doth Christ his sonne promise where● wee may see that the sonne hath like power with the father and that there is but one onely spirite of them both as wee may reade Luk. 12. Iohn But before wee come to the sending of the spirite wee will first substantially and well peruse the storie and looke what maye bee gathered thereof For heere is nothing written or sette downe in vaine The Euangelist doth heere make mention of the fift day vpon the which this great wonder was don In the which there lyeth hidde a notable mysterie The Iewes from the day that they offered the Easter Lambe told fiftie dayes and vpon the fiftith day was the feast of weekes In the which feast they kept holyday offering vnto GOD a willing sacrifice of the first fruites when they cutte them downe Wee beginne to number from the resurrection of Christ
gifts which the God of mercie had promised before and now performed them But this satisfaction concerning drunkennes and this instruction of the ignorant is made with all meeknes and yet with sinceritie and stedfastnes not lordly or braggingly although he was highly endewed with the holy Ghost Thus we that be Ministers of Christ and teachers of his congregations ought not by reason of our office or high giftes to take too much vppon vs that with bragging or arrogancie wee would outface the weake but worthily and valiantly with sinceritie truth of the scripture to instruct such as be ignorant and out of the way Our mouth is an instrument of the holy Ghost and of the truth not of any lightnes bragging or presumption This word prophecie is taken not onely to tell shew before of godly and high thinges but also to harken vnto the same and to perceiue them this maketh for the vnderstanding of this place For the holy Ghost declareth by Ioel and promiseth also as he dooth by Ieremie that the knowledge of GOD should bee common in all the world and that from the least vnto the most euerie one should be instructed in Gods knowledge through the guiding of the spirit which knowledge before time was common onely to the Iewes and Scribes but by Christ is such abundant and plentifull knowledge of God powred out in all the world through his holy spirit who worketh in the Church vntill the ende not onely in Scribes from whome such high mysteries of Gods wisedome are oftentimes hidde but vnto simple vnlearned fishers and to others that in the sight of the world are not esteemed Yea richly powreth he out of his holie spirite vppon all flesh vnto euerie one his measure as it best pleaseth him no man excludeth hee from his grace his knowledge suffereth he to flow ouer all the earth as a water floud vnto all those that are his seruantes and hand maides This is the deare and excellent treasure which in stead of it that was giuen before by the incarnation of Christ is now offered that the knowledge of God which by the holy Ghost is the preaching of the Gospell is come forth into all the world whereas before it was manifest only amongst the Iewes For after the death of the Lorde finished vpon the crosse was the Gospell published in all the world by the which preaching the children of God dispersed abroad are gathered together The holie Ghost also who was before in the godly did by his giftes and operations worke much more mightily strongly after the death and ascension of Christ than before by the which holy Ghost the captiuitie of of the law and ceremonies is taken away heauenly freedome giuen to the children of God For as much as to know Christ his kingdome it minis●●eth true godlines and eternall life Peter in his oration trauelleth especially to this end that the Iewes being there present which helde Christ for a wicked doer and put him to death might know him to be the true sauiour of the world and to be risen againe from death and therefore hee alleadgeth the prophecies which in Christ were fulfilled As if I would say Behold Ioel tolde before of the time that these your children should prophecie now ye see it performed in them whereby ye may well perceiue that the kingdome of Messias which is a spirituall thing is now begun already In the which kingdom must bee not onely Iewes which haue the outward temple ceremonies but all as call vpon the name of the Lord wheresoeuer they be in the world Vnto the Iew was promised a sauiour neuertheles such one as shuld not onely saue them but also the whole world and whose kingdome should be euerlasting that hee also should deliuer and bring them yea all mankind from the captiuitie of the prince of this world Of these things there were amongst the Iewish people many signes and figures whereby in bodily and corporall thinges God did partly set foorth these thinges spirituall which they also which are spirituall and elect amongst the people of the Iewes vnderstood right well though darkely in that they with the eyes of inward fayth had a further respect than to gaze onely vppon the outwarde corporall things Thus God the holie Ghost by visible thinges lead and taught them euen as a yong scholler is first taught by letters and syllables vnder the schoolmaister vntill the time that the glorious kingdom came that in Christ the true Messias all things were reformed and became spirituall Thus had the Iewes the corporall kingdome of Dauid and of other kinges and thus for their sinnes they were brought vnto Babylon into captiuity By the which captiuitie was figured the greeuous bondage and thraldome of mankind vnder the violent power of the deuill But when they were in captiuitie at Babylon God comforting them by his Prophets promised to bring them thence and to restore them to their owne land in the which deliuerance was figured the redemption of the world by Christ This custome had all the Prophets that when they told the people before hand and promised of Gods behalf deliuerance out of the captiuity before they came into it they alwaies made mention also of the punishment of the sinnes that should go before Prosperitie shall come said they but first there must bee an horrible plague for sinne the iustice of God must first be satisfied Thus doth Ioel heere also in whom partly we learne that God will not suffer our sinnes to passe without punishment as wee see also in the greeuous captiuity of all mankinde that God will haue the sinne so worthily satisfied that euen his only begotten sonne by whom no sinne was committed must therefore die and by his innocent death 〈…〉 sinnes If God now spared not his onely 〈…〉 how may we then think that he will 〈…〉 sinfull life to passe without punish●●●● 〈…〉 we paciently and with good will beare the 〈◊〉 ●●nishment of our sins sent vnto vs of God and conuerting from our sinnes doe turne vs to the gratious father that beateth vs God vndoubtedly shall send vs grace prosperitie and welfare and help vs out of all miserie Once we must eyther liue a godly and innocent life and throghly amend our selues or els sinne must bee punished and euery vncleane thing must in the fire punishment of Gods wrath be consumed Againe though we were vertuous godly yet is God of this nature that he maketh his chosen to bee like fashioned vnto the image of his sonne and by much aduersitie and trouble hee leadeth them vnto ioy Euen as it behooued Christ to suffer so to enter into his glory The punishment of sinne is harde and the iudgement of the Lorde as often as he commeth to recompence sinne is sharp which the Prophet partly by bodily thinges dooth describe as other Prophets do also The sunne shall be turned into bloud c and
euen so is it in the opinion of those that must beare the iudgement of God For as much now as the Apostle Peter according as the matter required did necessarily alledge testimony out of the Prophet concerning the holy Ghost who is giuen to the good children of God he thought also to specifie that which was written in the Prophet as touching the punishment of the wicked that despise the grace of God giuing a warning thereby vnto the Iewes to cease from theyr vnbeleefe and shamefull life declaring vnto them that if they proceed foorth in wickednes it should happen vnto them as it did before vnto theyr forefathers vnto whome Ioel opened the punishment of God Whereby wee must learne paciently to beare it and to take it in good part when our sinnes are rebuked our vices spoken against and we told that the punishment is at hande For this custome had the Apostles in their preaching and declaring of the Gospell that they not onely made mention of the grace of God offered vnto the world by Christ but therwithall likewise they threatned sore punishment to those that eyther despised such excellent grace or hauing knowledge of the truth did cleaue vnto vice which thing in the worde of Peter is yet more euident The Gospell also preacheth amendment of lyfe and not remission of sinnes onely through the bloud of Christ But nowe at this present time there bee many dainty Christians as certaine Princes and Senates in the countreys and citties whose opinion is that the grace of the Gospell is to bee preached yea and they permit Christ and his grace gently worthily to be spoken of but if the false Gods seruice as the honoring of Images and all that is crept in and erected vp in the Papistry agaynst Gods word be reprooued or if the preacher speake agaynst theyr tyranny vniust actes theyr malitious violence and wilfulnes whereby they oppresse poore widowes and fatherlesse children dooing right vnto no man or if the preacher touch them on the gald backs for their excessiue pompe and pride for their rioting whoredome adulterie gluttony drunkennes fighting and extortion if such vices I say wherein they still lead their liues be touched to the quicke then is all fauor gone then burne these preachers say they drowne them they be seditious fellowes they will set vs together by the eares and bring the common people in our necks But such men should consider that vnto this office of the preacher it belongeth to crye against vice least he bee called of God a blind watchman a dumbe dogge and least all the soules which perish through his silence be required at his handes their wilfulnes pride and vaine lyfe they should forsake and reforme themselues and so needed not the preacher to crye out agaynst them Now considering that the Prophets vsed as I said before to make mention of the kingdome of Iesu Christ and of the calling of the heathen to the grace and knowledge of God especially in their orations when they speak of captiuity and deliuerance from the same Ioel in his prophecie doth also keepe that order For seeing that the Iewes were euer still continually as stifnecked rebellious and vnbeleeuing people vnthankful to the grace of God the holy Ghost foresawe theyr reiection declaring it by the Prophets and that another people namely the heathen should bee receyued in their stead For in as much as they despised the grace of God which first was offered vnto them it was meet that the kingdome of God should bee taken from them and giuen to another nation Seeing they thought scorne to come to the marriage to the royall feast whereunto they were bidden it behooued others to be called vnto the same Therfore is Peter earnest vpon this sentence Whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued As if he would say O ye Iewes bragge not of circumcision of Abraham of the temple or of other ceremonies thinke not that ye onely are the people of God the time is now come that God wil bestow his grace vpon those whom ye esteeme to bee vncleane God is no accepter of persons but among all people who so calleth vpon him shall be saued Of this sentence dooth Peter now take occasion more manifestly to speak of the kingdom of Christ for much more pithily and with more euidence doth the Apostles describe the kingdome of Christ than do the Prophets Who so calleth vppon Gods name must knowe God Now can no man knowe God but by Christ Therefore in this little worde to call vpon the name of the Lorde is comprehended the whole summe of the Christian faith Like as oftentimes in the Prophets bee these to sweare by God is contained his whole religion But forasmuch as the Iewes knew not Christ by whome commeth the true knowledge of God therfore beginneth Peter and declareth with strong argumentes how the name of God is to be called vpon namely through true faith in Christ who is the true Messias the annointed king and sonne of God which was promised in the Prophets This doth Peter prooue by the ground of the resurrection of Christ from death by his ascension into heauen and by that he now sitteth at the right hand of God Lord king of al things First let vs heare the text YEe men of Israel heare these words Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with miracles wonders and signes which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selues knowe him haue yee taken by the hands of vnrighteous persons after hee was deliuered by the determinate councell and foreknowledge of God haue crucified and slaine him whom God hath raysed vp loosed the sorrowes of death because it was vnpossible that he should be holden of it For Dauid speaketh of him aforehand I sawe God alwayes before mee for hee is on my right hand that I should not be mooued Therefore did my heart reioice and my toong was glad moreouer also my flesh shal re●t in hope because thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holie one to see corruption Thou hast shewed me the waies of life thou shalt make mee full of ioy with thy countenance Doctrine and fruite TO the intent now that no man should bee offended at the death and crosse of Christ Peter sheweth first that in the councel of God it was concluded foreseene and determined that the son of God the true Messias should and must die and how that the same sacrifice was ordained from the beginning of the world to bee slaine and offered vp vpon the crosse for our sins And that no man should make any stoppe by reason of his death Peter therefore declareth that he was no misse-doer which had deserued his death by any transgression but that hee was sent vnto vs by GOD the father to dye for vs whereby we might perceiue the loue of our Father in heauen And if they now would