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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19367 A supplication exhibited to the most mightie Prince Philip king of Spain &c. VVherin is contained the summe of our Christian religion, for theprofession whereof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders, &c. doe suffer persecution, vvyth the meanes to acquiet and appease the troubles in those partes. There is annexed An epistle written to the ministers of Antwerpe, which are called of the confession of Auspurge, concerning the Supper of our sauiour Iesus Christ. VVritten in French and Latine, by Anthonie Corronus of Siuill, professor of Diuinitie. Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591.; Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591. Epistle or godlie admonition, to the pastoures of the Flemish Church in Antwerp. aut 1577 (1577) STC 5791; ESTC S116690 149,833 422

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in their dominions of auntiēt right that your maiestie might with indifferencye determine all these controuersies bring home again peace and trāquilitie vnto your countreis reléeue and succour poore men that are moste cruelly persecuted racked spoiled wounded and condemned to the stake breake the furye and outragious tiranny of these Termagants whiche vnder the colour and pretence of Christian religion doe persecute those that accompte nothyng so deare or precious vnto them as Christian religion Otherwise vnlesse youre Maiestie prouide some presente remedye for these calamities what other issue can youre Maiesty looke for of these things but that in stéede of moste faithfull subiectes to obey you and such as wil be prest and readie to spende both life and goods in yours Maiesties quarrell you shall in the ende be no kyng of men but onely of corses some hanging on the gibbet or gallowes some murthered in corners some burned vnto ashes For this one thing haue the inquisitours and their complices béene deuising and practising continually and no doubt of it will as they haue begun long since bring to passe that these spoils of mens goods wherby youre Maiestie and youre Kingdome shoulde haue reaped greate commoditie shall be transported into forraine Countries to the greate decay of you and your realme of Spaine And what doeth youre Maiestye thinke to bée the destruction of your people the decaye of your realme the empairing of youre Maiestye and dammage to youre moste royall person if thys bée not the verye confusion of all they that preferred the Monarchie that is to saye that kynde of gouernement and that state wherein one ruleth were moued so to do by the similitude likenesse of mās body For the king or chiefe ruler in a common wealth maye aptely bée resembled to the heade in the naturall body the Subiectes likewise to the inferiour members And this similitude besides the resemblaunce of preeminence and of subiection doeth sufficiently declare vnto vs howe greate concorde and what affection ought to bée betwixt the rulers the subiects how vnresonable a thing is it thē how vnsemely that the King shoulde wyth hys owne handes delyuer hys owne sworde into the handes of a madde man wyth the whiche he may cutte in sunder the members of the Princes owne bodye mangle them disseuer them one peece from an other and yet hée as one without sense beholde it with his eies and permit it who woulde not iustly meruaile at so greate follie and madnesse or can youre Maiestye be ignorant hereof that you are the person that playeth the same part in committing to the inquisitors your aucthoritie and power as it were a naked sword into their handes wherewith they maye cutte and hewe in péeces your Subiectes the very members of that bodye wherof youre Maiestie is the heade to the greate decaye of your people and weakening of your estate For example wherof it may please your maiestie to consider the kingdoms nexte aboute whose power and strength being by these means empaired and decayed both by lande and sea haue fallen into moste miserable calamities and haue bene constrained to praye aide of their enimies to succoure them in their extremities I omitte here to declare howe farre this disagréeth from the good and iuste kinde of gouernment described by the wise and beste learned in those affaires for subiectes to bée not onely not defended preserued and vnder the protection of their soueraignes nor aduaunced by them but spoiled oppressed and most cruelly put to death and murthered Aristotle in the bookes which he wrote of the state of common weales recordeth not without great detestation of so horrible a facte that certaine Barbarians in time paste vsed this maner that whosoeuer entred into any place of regiment before all things shoulde take a solemne othe that he shoulde do nor saye nothing in fauour and behalfe of the people nor séeke to kéepe concorde and loue among the people as though loue and felowship would rather cause breach of lawes than hatred and enmitie What would Aristotle saye then if hée were alyue among vs againe Is it not like hée would saye that the Princes of Christendome are of the same minde affection and purpose and that they had determined conspired and vowed the same with a solemne othe that the people shoulde haue none more deadly foe and enimy vnto them than the prince and ruler by whose sufferance commandement or negligence or dissembling or authoritie euery good man shuld either be hanged or banished or imprisoned causelese without desert or crime eyther of fellonie or murder or adultery or anye suche like offences but onely bicause hée is contented wyth hazarde of life and goodes rather to obey the commandement of God than in leauing them to folowe the vaine fantasies and deuises of mans braine and the doctrine of false hipocrites the whiche thing shoulde bée more manifeste than the lighte of the ●aye euen to Princes themselues if before they were haled so violentlye to most horrible execution they myght be herein the defence of their cause and innocency Béesydes what pleasure can a prince take which feareth not to incurre the hatred of hys Subiectes and whose conscience pricketh hym that hys people loue or regarde hym not as theyr father or Captayne but hate him as their ennimye how can it bée that that woman shoulde beare anye good affection towardes hym whose tyranny hath bene the cause that theyr béeloued husbandes haue béene haled out of theyr armes and putte to moste cruell deathe howe can children honor hym that haue séene their parēts most cruelly persecuted and slaine before their faces al by his vnmercifulnesse Will not all the whole people bée loath to put their life and goods in ieopardye for him who hath wronged and iniuried thē most spitefully The consideration whereof if it be but of small force to moue your Maiestie thoughe they be very weightie and worthy the marking of all sortes of people yet let the name of Christian religion of Christian beliefe yea the name of Christ moue you wherwith we flatter and please our selues and vaunt our selues aboue other This barbarous tyranny leaue it to infidells the very name of Christe shoulde be of force sufficient to moue your Maiestie beléeuing in Christe and therof bearing the name of a Christian to haue an earneste zeale and ardent affection to embrace mercie charitie and méekenesse of heart● What was meant by the ceremonie of the olde lawe when it was commaunded that Princes ere they tooke vppon them the gouernement of the state should be annoynted wyth oile anye other thing but in following the qualitie of the oile they shal deserue the good will of the people by lenitie mildenesse and gentlenesse and consider that the vertue of the oile is to supple the olde sores not to make any gréene woundes And doubtlesse Christiā Princes oughte to be so muche the more of gentlenesse mildenesse and cherefulnesse bycause they haue in chardge the
you suche councell as is muche against● the weale of youre Countrey and most derogatorye to youre honour and princely Maiestie séeking onely to enriche an● aduaunce themselues by your incommodities and to sette other men togither b● the eares that they maye in the mean● while fall a rifling and scambling and obtaine a greate praye And why can we not learne to beware by other mens examples hathe not experience proued i● true euen in our nexte neighbours adioyning that wheras some proude and ambitious counsellers that soughte thei● owne priuate lucre vnder pretence of religion did moste cruellye entreate man● good and godly persons they themselue● haue séene that the mo they persecute● and putte to deathe the mo did arise an● spring vp againe daily as it were of th● ashes of the other For it is moste true that was sometime saide of a wise and godly person that the bloude of the martyres is the séede of the Gospell Wher● Stephen was stoned to death the blind● Pharisies thought that the Church was ●tterlye destroyed notwithstanding it came otherwise to passe that it encreased wonderfully thereby as testifyeth saint Luke in his booke that hée wrote of the ●ctes of the Apostles Wherevppon that perverse and wicked councell beganne to ●e condemned as a thing that had done muche harme and no good at all not onlye to the Churche but to the common weale And therefore after that Princes had graunted libertie to euery one fréely to say their opinion of religion and that was determined and resolued vpon that was moste consonant vnto the worde of God peace was foorthwyth restored again and had continued if it had not turned all thinges topsie turuie agayne by vnruly Popes But forasmuche as I knowe myne owne weakenesse and my poore estate I can hardely hope that my aduice can haue anye credite with your Maiestie howbeit I moste humbly beséeche you to vouchesafe in this one pointe to followe the example of them that be sicke and diseased who perceiuing by proofe that the prescr●ptions of the experte Physitions doet● them no good will sometyme vse the aduice also of the empirikes as they cal● them and those that be merely Practic●oners bycause it happeneth sometym● that chaunce is better than cunning an● that these shal doe more good by theyr experience than the other by methode an● booke learning As did lykewise Pharao i● my opinion who when he could not lern● the interpretation of his dreame at th● handes of his witches soothsayers wa● not ashamed to aske counsell of poore Ioseph that was in prison and bandes b● whose diuine wisedome and foretellyng he prouided for the dearth that was t● come in Egypt Wherfore consideryng my poore estate being brought almost to penurie in these moste miserable dayes and that I am not greately fauourous with your highenesse I doubte not but those that be of your maiesties counsell will deride my trauaile bestowed herein disdain therat that I shuld be so bold as to presume to perswade your maiestie to things cleane contrary to the aduise is giuē you by them but time I trust shal declare which of the two is the better counsell For whereto goe they aboute to perswade you forsoothe that youre Maiestie would establish a law wherby your subiects of the low countries whō they falsly charge with the crime of heresie shoulde be most cruelly entreated put to death but I to the contrarye rather and that you should rather giue eare vnto Christ who willeth you and all men to vse mercie gentlenesse compassion euen towardes those that shal erre out of the waye Besids your maiesty ought to consider that this crowne scepter is not giuen you to the intent you shold kill destroy your subiects but to defend preserue thē so that both pure religion ciuile gouernement may be maintained amōg your subiects neither is there any thing that I more earnestly desire pray for than that your Maiestie according to your honorable inclinatiō to gentlenesse mercy engrafted in you by nature and the duty of a christiā magistrate shuld be a mean to pacifie al these ciuile warres and cruel persecutiōs in youre lowe countries till you might in your owne person make final ende of all controuersies and determine all matters of religion by some lawfull parliament of youre Princes and estates By whiche pacification as it were by a kind of truce there shal not only nothing happen derogatory to youre highnesse but al they that dissent from vs and from oure holsome aduise and councell shall easilye see and perceiue that they will not onely vndoe the common wealth but also cary many soules with them into vtter destruction and then shall the sequele of the matter plainly declare whiche of vs hath giuen youre Maiestye more honeste and profitable aduice Albeit wée oughte to praye vnto God moste hartilye that hée suffer not their moste pestilent and pernicious councell to take that effecte that they meane and séeke for But to draw towardes an end moste excellent Prince I beséeche youre Maiestie for oure Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christes sake the redemer of mankinde that you woulde in so weightie a cause as this call vppon God for the aide and assistance of his holy spirite who I trust will not faile you if you committe your selfe wholy vnto him in all your dooings and enterprises and do not followe the rude multitude nor the importunate exclamatiōs of these doctors be they neuer so many in number that can cry nothing but crucifige crucifige war warre fire fire euen as it is reported of Achab who rather folowing the iudgemēt of .400 prophets than the will of God rashely and vnaduisedly entring into battell perished in the fielde Wheras if hée had rather leaned vnto the councel of poore Micheas albeit in the eies of the world simple and abiecte it had bene far better with him For God oftentimes reueleth his secrets and hidden misteries to base and obscure persons and hideth them from the wise and noble in this worlde neither oughte we to iudge of councell by the wisedome or multitude or nobilitie of men but by the onely feare of God who communicateth his secrete misteries to them that feare and reuerence him that saying of an olde writer is very true that those whiche will well guide gouerne the commō wealth must not so much haue regard to the multitude of voices as to examine and try them by the waighte truth whether they leane therto or be grounded of couetousnesse hatred and ambition And vndoubtedly if there be anye nation country vnder your maiesties dominions that deserueth to haue your fauour clemencie extended towardes it it is this youre maiesties country of Flaunders whyche hath brought vp the most famous noble Emperor your maiesties father nourished your maiestie almost frō your tender infancie and borne so faithful allegeaunce towardes you that she may worthily think hirselfe to be preferred
of the same otherwise to what vse w● serue vs our subtill interpretations an● particular declarations which we brin● forth In the ende the worlde is not s● blynd but they can and will vnderstan● and finde that we are rather ledde by 〈◊〉 spirite of stomacke than of the true zeal● of Gods glory in the end euery one wil● sée that those preachers searche no othe● thing than to maintaine themselues i● the friendship of the worlde But nowe to returne to the confirmation of the interpretation that wé● haue giuen to this place of the holy supper let vs consider that if in all thing● that Christ our Lorde hath propounde● to manifest the necessitie that we hau● to be in him be in vs we should searc● a presence corporall and fleshly it shoul● be as who say neuer to come to ende 〈◊〉 for in the olde Testament Christe hat● bin propoūded to vs in diuers creatures as a lambe Manna Water Stone Table meate bread feasts other things as may be séene by such as reade the holye Scripture He himselfe in his preachings doth cal him a way a doore bread of children a vyne with other like thinges Now if in place where Christ said I am the doore who entreth not by mée shal not be saued he had said this I am he shewing with his finger a doore shall we say for al that the Christ hath transformed or transubstantiate himself into the matter of a doore if our redemer in place where he saide I am the vine you are the brāches had said this am I shewing the vine and that are you handling the branches could we say for all that that Iesus Christ would cōmunicate his substance into a grape that the Apostles should be transnatured into braunches sure who were of such opiniō discouered sufficiently his ignorance infirmitie Notwithstanding you others my brethren make your principal piller vppon such maner of speakings and all to make the poore ignorant people beléeue that Christe hath made promise to giue himselfe with the bread bicause that hauing taken bread and breaking it he said this is my body which wordes simplye vnderstanded are as much as to say my body which is broken offered deliuered and sacrificed for you is bread or like to this breade which you breake eate and digest for the nouriture of your body In like sort I being the heuenly bread shal be broken for you to the ende you maye haue spirituall and eternall life therefore doe and celebrate this that is to say this breaking and receyte of bread in remembrance of me To make conclusion of this matter I vnderstande that our redéemer Iesus is the fruite of lyfe who hauing put himself on the trée of the Crosse hath defaced the sinne and transgression which the fruite of the trée forbidden brought to vs And euen as Adam hauing eaten of suche a fruite did make himself enimie of God in contrarie manner when we participate with Iesus Christ crucified we are receiued into the good fauour and loue of oure heauenlye Father and that by the onely bountie merite and intercession of the self hée who on the trée of the crosse did constitute himselfe the fruite of lyfe for vs being assured that the participation of that precious Fruite is not done either by water wyne breade or any other creature whatsoeuer but by the vnspeakeable worke and operation of the holye spirite who hauing called the chosen and predestinate of God dothe teach them their sinnes and abhominable transgressions by meane of the presentation of the holy Lawe he sheweth vnto them their damnation and sentence of eternall death the whiche they féele so in their heartes that by experience they may well assure themselues that the ire and wrathe of God hath bene so manifested to them that they haue swallowed pangs of death and haue séene before their eyes the throte of hel confound and deuour them there they finde the fruite of the trée of knowledge of good and euil they sorowe and wéepe with a penaunce most bitter the miserable bankets or repastes whiche they haue taken of such a meate and fruite not only in the person of their father Adam but also with their proper mouth After that by such meanes the holye spirit hath abased the arogancie of man his pryde and presumption and shewed him by experience the definitiue sentēce arest irreuocable of the eternal against sinners he beginneth to comfort giue him good hope shewing him as a far off the Trée of life and the viuifying fruite hanging vpon it the which by little and little degrée and degrée fayth and fayth and vertue and vertue makes him eate swallow and digest the heauenly breade Iesus Christ yea with such experience féeling that no meat in the world of how great nouriture soeuer it be is so sēsible in the bodye as the fruite of life Iesus Christ is in the soules of the faythfull with such manifestation by good workes outwardly that others may sée knowe with what meate they be fed For when wée eate of euerye other meate the bodie of him that eateth proueth only the presence of the meate But in suche as eate Christ the true fruite of the trée of life is discerned such an example in their persons such ioy and paciēce in afflictions such care to mortify the old Adam such a renunciation of the things of the world with affection to the life eternal that their neighbours and frends accompanying them maye sée that they eate other meate than the deuourers of ceremonies doe When they haue truely essentiallye and really participated of the bodye and bloude of Christ by fayth as is sayde of Iesus Christ all entier true God and true man they assure themselues of such a coniunction with him that they haue no néede to go to searche him eyther in the armorie of Priestes or betwene the hands of mē to receiue him eyther with the breade or with the water as being fully assured that Iesus Christ dwelleth in them and that they be fleshe of his flesh and bones of his bones And yet for all this they forbeare not to approche the holy table of the Lorde to celebrate the holye supper with their brethren and children of the same heauenly father Neyther go they thither to receyue Christe of newe in breade or in wyne neither his fauour or merite but their firste cause of going thither is to certifie to all the Church that they are of the number of those that receyue Iesus Christ for their onely redéemer and sauiour for their eternall sacrificator their Captaine their King Lord Soueraigne Prophet and Doctor to teach them in all truth Secondly they take the holye supper as a gage and assurance of the good will of the heauenly father towards them the same being so constant and firme that it will neuer chaunge For euen as GOD hath promised by othe that the sacrificator shall be eternall