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A16884 Englands Parnassus: or the choysest flowers of our moderne poets, with their poeticall comparisons Descriptions of bewties, personages, castles, pallaces, mountaines, groues, seas, springs, riuers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable. Albott, Robert, fl. 1600. 1600 (1600) STC 378; ESTC S100113 209,794 528

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was brought Euen so likewise by death was freedome wrought E. of Surrey Nought is immortall vnderneath the Sun All things are subiect to deaths tyrannie Both clownes kings one selfesame course must run And whatsoeuer liues is sure to die Th. Kyd. Death's alwaies readie and our time is knowne To be at heauens dispose and not our owne Idem The brauest are as blossomes and the longest liuer dies And dead the loueliest creature as the lothsoms carion lies W. Warner Our frailties done are written in the flowers Which flourish now and fade away ere many howres S. Daniell All earthly things be borne To die the death for nought long time may last The sunne his beautie yeelds to winters blast I. H. M. of Magist Is' t not gods deed what euer thing is done In heauen and earth Did not he all create To die againe all ends that was begunne Their times in his eternall bookes of fate Are written sure and haue their certaine date Who then can striue with strong necessitie That holds the world in his still chaunging state Or shun the death ordaind by desteny When houre of death is come let none aske whence or why Ed. Spencer Death amongst all deales equally For hee 's impartiall and with one selfe hand Cuts off both good and bad none can withstand Ch. Middleton Death certaine is to all the prouerbe saith Vncertaine is to all the houre of death S. I. Harr. Transl Pale fearefull death with bloudy dart doth strike The wretched caitiffe and the king alike Vntimely neuer comes the lifes last meere In cradle death may rightly claime his debt Straight after birth is due the fatall beere By deaths permission th' aged linger heere Euen in the swath-bands our commission goeth To loose thy breath that yet but yoongly bleweth I. H. Mir. of M. All musicke sleepes where death doth lead the daunce Ed. Spencer Let nature for perfection mould a paragon each way Yet death at last on finest lumps of liuing flesh wil pray For nature neuer framed it that neuer shall decay VV. VVarner Fatall death the emperor of graues I. Markham Death is the key which vnlockes miserie And lets them out to blessed libertie M. Drayton All is but lost that liuing we bestowed If not well ended at our dying day O man haue mind of that last bitter rage For as the tree doth fall so lies it euer lowe Ed. Spencer No feare of death should force vs to do ill Th. Kyd. When for feare of an ensuing ill We seeke to shorten our appointed race Then t is for feare that we our selues do kill So fond we are to feare the worlds disgrace Idem Happie thrice happie who so lost his breath That life he gaineth by his godly death Vnwise and wretched men to weet what 's good or ill We deeme of death as doome of ill desert But know we fooles what it vs brings vntill Die would we daily once it too expert No danger there the shepheard can a start Faire fields and pleasant fields there beene The fields aye fresh the grasse aye greene Ed. Spencer This same Which we call death the soules release from woe The worke which bring our blisse to happie frame Sildome arrests the bodie but we finde Some notice of it written in our minde I. Markham The worth of all men by their end esteeme And then due praise or due reproach them yeeld S. Spencer Death is an euill doome To good and bad the common Inne of rest But after death the triall is to come When best shall be to them that liued best But both alike when death hath both supprest Religious reuerence doth buriall teene Which who so wants wants so much of his rest For all so great shame after death I weene As selfe to dien bad vnburied bad to beene Ed. Spencer Beasts with carelesse steppes to laethe go Where men whose thoughts and honours clime on hie Liuing with fame must learne with fame to die D. Lodge Death but an acted passion doth appeare Where truth giues courage and the conscience cleare M. Drayton Who dies the vtmost dolour must abide But who that liues is left to waile his losse So life is losse and death felicitie Sad life worse then glad death and greater crosse To see friends graue then dead the graue selfe to engrosse Ed. Spencer In wretches sudden death at once There long-some ill is buried with their bones Th. Hudson Transl Death is to him that wretched life doth lead Both grace and gaine but he in hell doth lie That liues a loathed life and wishing cannot die Ed. Spencer Death is most louely sweet and amiable But captiu'd life for foulenesse admirable I. Marston The toongs of dying men Inforce attention like deep harmony Where words are scarce they are sildom spent in vaine For they breath truth that breath their words in paine He that no more must say is lissened more Then they whom youth ease haue taught to glose More are mens ends markt then their liues before The setting sunne and musick at the close As the last tast of sweet is sweetest tast Writ in remembrance more then things long past W. Shakespeare Delaie On the one side doubt on the other sate Delaie Behind the gate that none her might espie Whose manner was all passengers to staie And entertaine with her occasions slie Through which some lost great hope vnheedilie Which neuer they recouer might againe And others quite excluded forth did lie Long languishing there in vnpittied paine And seeking often entrance afterward in vaine Ed. Spencer Daunger growes by lingring till the last And phisicke hath no helpe when life is past Th. Watson Oft things done perhaps do lesse annoy Then may the doing handeled with delay S. Daniell Delaie in close awaite Caught hold on me and thought my steps to stay Faining stil many a fond excuse to prate And time to steale the treasure of mans day Whose smallest minute lost no riches render may Ed. Spencer Times delay new hope of helpe still breeds Idem Fearfull tormenting Is leaden seruitor to dull delay W. Shakespeare He that will stop the brooke must then begin When sommers heat hath dried vp the spring And when his pittering streames are low and thin For let the winter aid vnto them bring He growes to be of watry flouds the king And though you damme him vp with loftie rankes Yet will he quickly ouerflow his bankes R. Greene. Ill newes deferring is a plague as great as an ill newes Ab. Fraunce Delay in loue breeds doubts but sharpe deniall death· W. Shakespeare Intermission suffers men dispute What dangers are and cast with further care Colde doubt cauells with honour scorneth fame And in the end feare waighes downe faith with shame S. Daniel Where hearts be knit what helpes if not in ioy Delay breeds doubts no cunning to be ioy M. D. Delight In things without vs no Delight is sure· G. Chapman A sweete in shape is but a bad Delight D.
instrument of heauen To call the earth and summon vp our shame By an edict from euerlasting giuen Forbids mortalitie to search the same Where sence is blind and wit of wit bereauen Terror must be our knowledge feare our skill To admire his worke and tremble at his will S. Daniell Howsoeuer things in likely hood discent In birth life death our god is first the middle euent And not what he can do he wil but what he wil he can And that he do or do it not behoues vs not to scan W. Warner God may all that he wills his will is iust God wills all good to them that in him trust Th. Hudson Transl Where the Almighties lightening brand doth light It dimmes the daz'led eies daunts the sences quight Ed. Spencer The Gods are euer iust Our faults excuse their rigour must S. Daniell The Lord law-maker iust and righteous Doth frame his lawes not for himselfe but vs He frees himselfe and flies with his powers wing No where but where his holy will doth bring All that he doth is good because it doth proceed From him that is the roote of good indeed From him that is the spring of righteousnesse From him whose goodnesse nothing can expresse I. Syluester Indeed the euil done Dies not when breath the body first doth leaue But from the gransire to the nephewes sonne And all his seed the curse doth often cleaue Till vengeance vtterly the guilt bereaue So straightly God doth iudge Ed. Spencer There is no strength in armour man or horse Can vaile If Ioue on wronged take remorse For he on whom the deadly dart doth light Can neuer scape by raunsome friend nor flight I. Harr. Mir. of Mag. Eternall prouidence exceeding thought Where none appeares can make her selfe away Ed. Spencer If Gods can their owne excellence excell It 's in pardoning mortalls that rebell M. Drayton God most doth punish whom he most regardeth S. I. Harr. Transl Where Gods do vengeance craue It is not strong deensiue walls that any thing can saue VV. Warner God hath made a salue for euery sore If men would learne the same for to apply S. I. Harr. Transl Man purposeth but all things are disposed By that great God that sits and rules aboue Idem What man is he that boasts of fleshly might And vaine assurance of mortalitie Which all so soone as it doth come to fight Against spirituall foes yeelds by and by Or from the field most cowardly doth flye Ne let the man ascribe it to his skill That though grace hath gained victory If any sleight we haue it is to ill But all the good is Gods both power and eke the will Ed. Spencer God neuer seekes by tryall of temptation To sound mans heart and secret cogitation For well he knowes man and his eye doth see All thoughts of men ere they conceaued bee I. Syluester Transl God Conioynes no lesse our willes then bolds our harts A sure presage that he is on our parts Th. Hudson Tran. Our God is iust whose stroke delaid long Doth light at last with paine more sharpe and strong I. H. M. of Magist The mistie cloudes that fall sometime And ouercast the skies Are like to troubles of our time Which do but dimme our eies But as such deawes are dried vp quite When Phebus showes his face So are sad fancies put to flight When God doth guide by grace G. Gascoigne Gods mercy gently waighes his iustice downe Th. A●helly So blinds the sharpest counsell of the wise This ouershadowing prouidence on hie And dazeleth the clearest sighted eies That they see not how nakedly they lie There where they little thinke the storme doth rise And ouercast their cleare securitie When man hath stopt all waies saue only that That least suspected ruine enters at S. Daniell When Sathan tempts he leades vs vnto hell But God doth guide whereas no death doth dwell When Sathan tempts he seekes our faith to foyle But God doth seale it neuer to recoyle Sathan suggesteth ill good moues to grace The diuel seekes our baptisme to deface But God doth make our burning zeale to shine Amongst the candels of his Church diuine I. Syl. Transl Gods word Which made the world sustaines and guides it still To diuers ends conducts both good and ill He that preferres not God fore all his race Amongst the sonnes of God deserues no place And he that plowes the furrowes of Gods feeld May not turne backe his fainting face nor yeeld Idem God with eternall bread in time of need His loued Iacob fortie yeares did feed And gaue them water from the solid stone Which of it selfe had neuer moysture none Their caps their coats and shoes that they did weare God kept all fresh and new full fortie yeare Th. Hud Tran. The most iust God when once mans sinnes do grow Beyond the bounds of pardon and of grace Because that men his iudgements best may know Like to his loue to rule on earth doth place Monsters most vile to tyrannize vs so With wrong the right with lust lawes to deface For this said cause were Scylla sent and Marius The Nerons both and filthy minded Varius For this Domitian held in Rome the raigne And Antoninus of that name the last And Messinine a base vnworthy swaine To place mankind in princely throne was plaste For this in Thebes did cruell Creon raigne With other tyrants more in ages past For this of late hath Italy bene wonne By men of Lombardie of Goth and Hunne S. Daniell Good deeds Who wold to God but workes no good who seeketh fame by ease Comes short of both no lesse then maps to very lands and seas VV. VVarner Good deeds in case that they be euil placed Ill deeds are reckoned and soone disgraced That is a good deed that preuents a bad G. Chapman Well doing farre exceedeth well to say G. Turberuile Ill deeds may better the bad words be bore Ed. Spencer Let euery one do all the good they can or sildom commeth harme of doing well Though iust reward it wanteth now and than Yet shame and euill death it doth expell But he that mischieueth an other man Seldome doth carry it to heauen or hell Men say it and we see it come to passe Good turnes in dust and bad turnes writ in glasse S. I. Harrington Transl Wretched is he that thinkes by doing ill His euill deeds long to conceale and hide For though the voyce and tongues of men be still By foules and beasts his sinne shall be discride And God oft worketh by his secret will That sinne it selfe the sinner so doth guide That of his owne accord without request He makes his wicked doings manifest Idem Our bodies buried then our deeds ascend Those deeds in life to worth can not be rated In death with life our fame euen then is dated M. Drayton Greatnesse Great things still orewhelme themselues by waight E. Guilpin Greatnesse like to the sunnes reflecting powers The fier bred vapours naturally
all vertue it may seeme vnapt Yet will it shew some sparkes of gentle minde And at the last breake forth in his owne proper kinde Ed. Spencer Gentrie True Gentrie standeth in the trade Of vertuous life not in the fleshly line For bloud is knit but Gentrie is diuine I. H. M. of M. Aboue cognizance or armes or pedigree farre An vnspotted coate is like a blazing starre G. Gascoigne Kind Amalthea was transformd by Ioue Into his sparkling pauement for his loue Though but a goate and giuing him her milke Bazenes is flinty Gentrie soft as silke In heauen she liues and rules a liuing signe In humane bodies yet not so diuine That she can worke her kindnes in our hearts G. Chapman The true Gentilitie by their owne armes Aduance themselues the falls by others harmes Th. Bastard Gluttonie By his side rode loathsome Gluttonie Deformed creature on a filthy swine His belly was vpblowen with luxurie And eke with fatnes swollen were his eine And like a Crane his necke was long and fine With which he swallowed vp excessiue feast For want of which poore people oft did pine And all the way most like a brutish swine He spued vp his gorge that all did him detest Ed. Spencer Fat paunches haue leane pates and daintie bits Make rich the ribs but bankrout quite the wits W. Shakespeare Your appetites O gluttons to content The sacred breast of Thetis blew is rent The aire must be dispeopled for your mawes The Phoenix sole can scarce escape your clawes Th. Hudson Transl Of little nature liues superfluous meate But dulls the spirit and doth the stomacke freate Idem VVho fareth finest doth but feed and ouerfeedeth oft Who sleepeth softest doth but sleep and sometimes ouersoft VV. vvarner Excesse doth worke accesse to sinne Idem O plague O poyson to the warlike state Thou mak'st the noble hearts effeminate While Rome was rul'd by Curioes and Fabrices Who fed on rootes and sought not for delices And when the onely Cressons was the foode Most delicate to Persia then they stoode In happie state renown'd in peace and warre And through rhe world their triumphs spread a farre But when they after in th'Assirian hall Had heard the lessons of Sardanopall And when the other giuen to belly-cheare By Galbaes Neroes Vitels gouern'd were Who gloried more to fill a costly plate Then kill a Pirrhus or a Mithridate Then both of them were seene for to be sacked By nations poore whom they before had wracked Th. Hudson Transl O glutton throates O greedie guts profound The chosen meates which in the world his bound By th' Abderois inuented may not stanch Nor satisfie your foule deuouring panch But must in Moluke seeke the spices fine Canary suger and the Candy wine Idem Fatnesse by nature not immoderate Kils not the wit quels not the mindes estate But fatnes by intemperance increast When liuing man resembseth loathsome beast And belly cheare with greedie gluttonie Is held the fulnesse of felicitie This maketh men addicted to the same Dull in conceit grosse minded worthy blame Of such do Basis Galen Plato write That fattest belly hath the weakest sprite D. Lodge O short ô dangerous madnesse That in thy rage doest trustie Clytus smother By his deare friend Panthea by his mother Phrenzie that makes the vaunter insolent The talkefull blab cruell and violent The fornicator waxe adulterous Th' adulterer to become incestuous With thy plagues leuen swelling all our crimes Blinde shamelesse senslesse quenching oftentimes The soule within it selfe and oft defames The holiest men with execrable flames I. Siluester Like as the must beginning to reboyle Makes his new vessell wood-bands to recoyle Lifts vp his lees and spues with fuming vent From this tubbes ground his scumming excrement So ruinist thou thy hoast and foolishly From his hearts bottome driu'st all secrecy Idem Good name The voyce that goeth of your vnspotted fame Is like a tender flowre that with the blast Of euery little winde doth fade away G. Gascoigne Transl The purest treasure mortall times affoord Is spotlesse reputation that away Men are but guilded trunkes or painted clay W. Shakespeare You cannot be too curious of you name Fond show of ill though still the mind be chaste Decaies the credit oft that Ladies had Sometimes the place presumes a wanton minde Repaire sometimes of some doth hurt their honour Sometimes the light and garish proud attire Perswades a yeelding bent of pleasing youthes G. Gascoigne Goodnesse Euen with Goodnesse men grow discontent Where allare ripe to fall and vertue spent S. Daniell Good things may scarce appeare But passe away with speedie wing M. Roydon Of God I am that one is was and aye shall be Who create all of nought as pleaseth me I can destroy I am the great and iust The faire the good the holy one to trust Whose strong right hand this world hath set in frame I plague my foe and graunt my seruants grace All those that knowledge me and all their race Th. Hudson Transl How soeuer things in likelyhood discent In birth life death our God is first the middle and euent And not what he can do he will but what he will he can And that he do or do it not behoues vs not to scan VV. VVarner God first made Angels bodilesse pure mindes Then other things which mindlesse bodies bee Last he made man the Horizon twixt both kindes In whom we do the worlds abtidgement see I. Dauies How fond is that man in his fantasie Who thinkes that Ioue the maker of vs all The Sunne the Moone the Starres celestiall So that no leafe without his leaue can fall Hath not in him omnipotence also To guide and gouerne all things here below G. Gascoigne Transl Heauen is his seate Th' earth his footestoole and the prison great Of Plutoes raigne where damned soules are shut Is of his anger euermore the but. I. Syluester Transl Full hard it is to read aright The secret meaning of the eternall might That rules mans waies and rules the thoughts of liuing wight Ed. Spencer The man of earth sounds not the seas profound Of Gods deepe iudgements where there is no ground Let soberr●esse be still thy wisedomes end Admiring that thou canst not comprehend I. Syluester Tran. Vnder his feete subiected to his grace Sit nature fortune motion time and place Ed. Fairfax Tran. Is there care in heauen is there loue In the heauenly spirits to these creatures base That may compassion of their euils moue There is els much more wretched were the case Of men then beasts but ô the exceeding grace Of highest God that loues his creature so And all his workes with mercy doth imbrace That blessed Angels he sends too and fro To serue to wicked man to serue his wicked foe Ed. Spencer Our gracious God makes scant waight of displeasure And spreads his mercy without waight or measure I. Syluester The eternall power that guides the earthly frame And serues him with the
their hie protections do containe All mortall Princes and imperiall states And fairer yet whereas the royall seats And heauenly Dominations are set From whom all earthly gouernance is fet Yet farre more faire be those bright Cherubins Which all with golden wings are ouer dight And those eternall burning Seraphins Which from their faces dart out fiery light Yet fairer then they both and much more bright Be th' Angels and Archangels which attend On Gods owne person without rest or end Ed. Spencer The first composing of the number nine Which of all numbers is the most diuine From orders of the Angels doth arise Which be contained in three Hierarchies And each of these three Hierarchies in three The perfect forme of true felicitie And of the Hierarchies I spake of erst The glorious Epiphania is the first In which the hie celestiall orders bin Of Thrones of Cherubs and of Seraphin The second holds the mightie Principates The Ephionia the third Hierarchie With Vertues Angels and Archangels bee And thus by threes we aptly do define And do compose this sacred number nine Yet each of these nine orders grounded be Vpon some one particularitie M. Drayton Out of the Hierarchies of Angels sheene The gentle Gabriell God cald from the rest Twixt God and soules of men that righteous beene Embassador he is for euery blest The iust commands of heauens eternall king Twixt skies and earth he vp and downe doth bring Ed. Fairfax Transl Our walls of flesh that close our soules God knew how weak and gaue A further gard euen euery man an Angell guide to saue And men for vs be angels while they work our souls to saue VV. VVarner If Angels fight Weake men must fall for heauen stil gards the right W. Shakespeare Ambition Ambition is a Vultur vile That feedeth on the heart of pride And finds no rest when all is tride For worlds cannot confine the one Th' other lists and bounds hath none And both subuert the mind the state Procure destruction enuy hate S. Daniell Ambition fie vpon thy painted cheeke Woe worth the beautie sleepes not with the face For thou art hatefull foule vnfaire vnmeete A poyson-painted pleasure mads men chase Thou reasonlesse desire that makes men seeke To kisse the same whilest fire doth thee imbrace Thou onely strong disordered rulest passion Thou marst mens minds and pu●st them out of fashiō I. Markham The golden chaine of Homers hie deuise Ambition is or cursed auarice Which all gods haling being tied to Ioue Him from his setled height could neuer moue Intending this that though that powerfull chaine Of most Herculean vigor to constraine Men from true vertue or their present states Attempt a man that manlesse changes hates And is enobled with a deathlesse loue Of things eternall dignified aboue Nothing shall stirre him from adorning still This shape with vertue and his power with will G. Chapman The greedy thirst of royall crowne That knowes no kindred nor regards no right Stird Porrex vp to pluck his brother downe Who vnto him assembling forraine might Made warre on him and fell himselfe in fight Whose death to auenge his mother mercilesse Most merciles of women Eden hight Her other sonne fast sleeping did oppresse And with most cruell hand him murdred pittilesse Ed. Spencer A diademe once dazeling the eie The day too darke to see affinitie And where the arme is stretcht to reach a crowne Friendship is broke the dearest things thrown downe M. Drayton Realme-rape spareth neither kin nor friend I. Higgins Mir. of Ma. Who fight for crownes set life set all to light Who aime so hie wil die or hit the white Doctor Lodge One riseth by an others fall and some do clime so fast That in the clouds they do forget what climats they haue past W. Warner The Eagle minded minds that nestle in the sun Their lofty heads haue leaden heeles and end where they begun Idem O fatall is the ascent vnto a crowne From whēce men come not down but tumble downe S. Daniell Like as the heauen two Sunnes cannot containe So in the earth two Kings cannot remaine Of equall state so doth Ambition craue One King will not another equall haue Tho. Hudson Transl Whom so the mindes vnquiet state vpheaues Be it for loue or feare when fancie reaues Reason her right by mocking of the wit If once the cause of this affection flit Reason preuailing on the vnbrideled thought Downe falls he who by fancie climbd aloft I. H. M. of Magist Desire of rule within a climbing brest To breake a vowe may beare the buckler best G. Gascoigne In some courts shall you see Ambition Sit peecing Dedalus old waxen wings But being clapt on and they about to flie Euen when their hopes are busied in the cloudes They melt against the sunne of maiestie And downe they tumble to destruction Tho. Dekkar Better sit still men say then rise and fall High state the bed wherein misfortune lies Mars most vnfriendly when most kind he seemes Who climeth hie on earth he hardest lights And lowest falles attends the highest flights Ed. Fairfax Transl As highest hils with tempest be most touched And tops of trees most subiect vnto winde And as great Towers with stone strongly couched Haue many falles when they be vnderminde Euen so by proofe in worldly things we finde That such as climbe the top of hie degree From feare of falling neuer can be free I. H. M. of Magist Ambition with the Eagle loues to build Nor on the mountaine dreads the winter blast But with selfe soothing doth the humour guild With arguments correcting what is past Forecasting kingdomes dangers vnforecast Leauing this poore word of content to such Whose earthly spirits haue not fiery tuch M. Drayton The ambitious once inur'd to raigne Can neuer brooke a priuate state againe S. Daniell Warlike Caesar tempted with the name Of this sweet Island neuer conquered And enuying the Britons blazed fame O hideous hunger of dominion hither came Ed. Spencer Ambition In princely pallace and in stately townes Doth often creep and close within conuaies To leaue behind it damage and decaies By it be loue and amitie destroid It breakes the lawes and common concord beates Kingdomes and realmes it topsie turuy turnes G. Gascoigne Be not ambitiously a king nor grudgingly decline One God did roote out Cis his stock and raise vp Iesses line VV. Warner The aspirer once attain'd vnto the toppe Cuts off those meanes by which himselfe got vp S. Daniel Haughtie Ambition makes a breach in hills Runs drie by sea amongst the raging scills Th. Hud Affection Affection is a coale that must be coolde Else suffered it will set the heart on fire The fire hath bounds but deepe desire hath none VV. Shakespeare Affection by the countenance is descri'de The light of hidden fier it selfe discouers And loue that is conceal'd betraies poore Louers Th. Marlowe Most wretched man That to affections doth the bridle lend In their beginning they are
reputed Too learn'd too graue too fine or too conceited Thomas Stouer Who full of wealth and honours blandishment Among great Lords his yoonger yeares hath spent And quaffing deeply of the Court delights Vsde nought but tilts armours and maskes and sights If in his age his Princes angry doome With deepe disgrace daine him to liue at home In homely cottage where continually The bitter smoake exhales aboundantly From his before vnsorrowe-drained braine The brackish vapours of a siluer raine Where vsher lesse both day and night the North South East and West windes enter and go forth Where round about the lower roofte-broke walles In stead of Arras hang with Spider calles Where all at once he reacheth as he stands With brows the roofe both walls with both his hands He weepes and sighes and shunning comforts aye Wisheth pale death a thousand times a day And yet at length falling to worke is glad To bite a browne crust that the mouse hath had And in a dish in stead of Plate or glasse Sups oaten drinke in stead of Hypocrasse I. Syluister Courtesie Of Court it seemes men Courtesie do call For that it there most vseth to abound And well beseemeth that in Princes hall That vertue should be plentifully found Which of all goodly manners is the ground And roote of ciuill conuersation Ed. Spencer Mongst vertues all growes not a fairer flower Then is the bloome of comely Courtesie Which though it on a lowely stalke do bower Yet brauncheth forth in braue nobilitie And spreads it selfe through all ciuilitie Of which though present age doo plentious seeme Yet being matcht with plaine antiquitie Ye will them all but fained shewes esteeme Which carry colours faire which feeble eies misdeem Idem In the triall of true Courtesie It s now so farre from that which once it was That it indeed is nought but forgerie Fashion'd to please the eyes of them that passe Which see not perfect things but in a glasse Yet is that glasse so gay it cannot blinde The wisest sight to thinke that gold is brasse But vertues seate is deepe within the minde And not in outward shew but inward thoughts defind Idem This noble vertue and diuine Doth chiefly make a man so rare and odde As in that one they most resemble God S. I. Harr. Transl Courteous speech vsage milde and kinde Wipes malice out of euery noble minde S. I. Harrington Courtesie ofttimes in simple bowers Is found as great as in the stately towers Idem T is meete a gentle heart should euer showe By Courtesie the fruites of true gentilitie Which will by practice to an habit growe And make men do the same with great facilitie Likewise the dunghill-blood a man shall know By churlish parts and acts of inciuilitie Whose nature apt to take each lewde infection Custome confirmes and makes ill in perfection Idem Crueltie All lay on hands to punish Crueltie M. Drayton Cruell deeds can neuer scape the scourge Of open shame or else some bloody death Repentance selfe that other sinnes may purge Doth flie from this so sore the soule it sleieth Dispaire dissolues the cruell caitiffes breath For vengeance due doth suddenly alight On cruell deeds the mischiefe to requite I. H. Mir. of M. Custome Round headed Custome th'apoplexie is Of bedrid nature and liues led amis And takes away all feeling of offence G. Chapman Custome abusd brings vertue in disdaine Nature with Custome ioyned neuer failes But by her selfe and her selfe preuailes D. Lodge Whereas to nature forward to retaine Lewde obiects are annext and Customes vaine The wounds grow desperate and death doth ●nd Before good counsell can the fault amend Idem Custome the worlds iudgement doth blind so farre That vertue is oft arraign'd at vices barre I. Syl. Transl Danger Danger cloath'd in ragged weede Made of beares skinne that him more dreadfull made Yet his owne face was dreadfull ne did neede Strange horror to deforme his grisly shade A net in th' one hand and a rustie blade ●n th' other was this mischiefe that mishap With th' one his foes he threatned to inuade ●or whom he could not kill he practis'd to intrap Ed. Spencer Danger hath honour great designes their fame S. Dan. The greatest daungers promise greatest blisse M. Drayton Danger deuiseth shifts wit waits on feare W. Shakespeare Daunger 's the chiefest ioy to happinesse And resolution honours fairest ayme Ch. Marlowe The path is smooth that leadeth vnto Daunger VV. Sh. When as we thinke we most in safetie stand The greatest daunger then is neare at hand M. Drayton The Daunger hid the place vnknowne and wilde Breeds dreadfull doubts oft fire is without smoake And perill without shewe Ed. Spencer Ay-me how many perills do enfolde The righteous man to make him daily fall Were not that heauēly grace did him behold And steadfast truth acquite him out of all Idem A thousand perills lie in close awaite About vs daily to worke our decay That none except a god or god his guide May them auoyd or remedie prouide Idem In perill we do thinke our selues most sure And oft in death some men are most secure No Danger but in hie estate none enuies mean degre● VV. Warner Daungerous things dissembled sildome are Which many eyes attend with busie care M. Drayton The absent danger greater still appeares Lesse feares he who is neare the thing he feares Most strong is he when daungers are at hand That liues prepard ' their furies to withstand Of common sence he is depriued cleane That falles with closed eyes on daunger seene And he that may both paine and hurt eschue Is vaine if he his proper death pursue S. Daniell Dread Next sawe we Dread all trembling how he shooke With foote vncertaine profered here and there Benumbd of speech and with a gastly looke Searcht euery place all pale and dead for feare His cap borne vp with staring of his haire Stoynd and amaz'd at his owne shade for dread And feeling greater daungers then was need M. Sackuill Coward Dread lackes order feare wants art Deafe to attend commaunded or defirde Ed. Fairfax Transl Death A dumbe dead course we ●awe Heauy and cold the shape of death aright That daunts all earthly creatures to his lawes Against whose force in vaine it i● to fight Ne Peeres ne Princes nor no mortall wight No Townes ne Realmes Cities ne strongest Tower But all perforce must yeeld vnto his power His dart anon out of his corpes he tooke And in his hand a needfull fight to see With great tryumph eftsoones the same he shooke That most of all my feares affraied me His body dight with nought but bones perdie The naked shape of man there sawe I plaine All saue the flesh the sinew and the vaine M. Sackuill Death is a port whereby we passe to ioy Life is a lake that drowneth all in paine Death is so neare it ceaseth all annoy Life is so leaud that all it yeelds is vaine And as by life to bondage man
Commonly all that counterfeit In any thing exceed the naturall meane And that for feare of fa●●ing in their feat Idem The louely lookes the sighes that storme so sore The due of deep dissembling doublenesse These may attempt but are of power no more Where beautie leanes to wit and soothfastnesse D. Lodge Who hath to doo With deep dissemblers must dissemble too Ch. Middleton Vid Hypocrisie End The End doth alwaies proue the fact By End we iudge the meaning of the act S. I. H. Transl Begin where lightnesse wil in shame it ends G. Chapman Earth Thus whilest he laid his head vpon her lap She in a fiery mantle doth him wrap And carries him vp from his lumpish mould Into the skies whereas he might behold Th' earth in perfect roundnesse of a ball Exceeding globes most artificiall Which in a fixed point nature disposed And with the sundry elements inclosed Which as the Center permanent doth stay When as the skies in their diurnall sway Strongly maintaine the euerturning course Forced alone by their first mouers source Where he beholds the aiery regions Whereas the clouds and strange impressions Maintaind by coldnesse often do appeare And by the highest region of the aire Vnto the clearest element of fire Which to her siluer footstoole doth appeere M. Drayton The Moone is darkned to all creatures eies Whilest in the shadow of the earth she lies For that the earth of nature cold and drie A very Chaos of obscuritie Whose globe exceeds her compasse by degrees Fixed vpon her superficies When in his shadow she doth hap to fall Doth cause her darknes to be generall Idem Earth Beares all her sonnes and daughters in one wombe She Europes Ameriques Affriques Asians toombe Idem Earth cannot comprehend The secret depths of iudgements all diuine Where is no ground beginning midst nor fine I. Syluester Transl O trustlesse state of earthly things and slipper hope Of mortall men that swinke and worke for nought And shooting wide doth misse the marked scope Now haue I turnd a lesson dearly bought That nis on earth assurance to be sought Ed. Spencer A narrow roome our glory vaine vnties A little circle doth our pride containe Earth like an I le amid the water lies Which sea sometime is cald sometime the maine Yet nought therein resounds a name so great It 's but a lake a pond a marish street Ed. Fairfax Transl Our mother earth nere glories in her frute Till by the sunne clad in her tinsell sute Nor doth she euer stare him in the face Till in her glorious armes she him imbrace Which proues she hath a soule sence and delight Of generation feeling appetite M. Drayton To know our selues to come of humane birth These sad afflictions crosse vs here on earth A taske imposde by heauens eternall lawe To keepe our rude rebellions well in awe M. Drayton Next vnto him malicious Enuie rode Vpon a rauenous Wolfe and still did chawe Betweene his cankred teeth a venomous tode That all the poyson ranne about his iawe But inwardly he chawed his owne mawe At neighbours wealth that made him euer sad For death it was when any good he sawe And wept that cause of weeping none he had But when he heard of harme he waxed wondrous glad Ed. Spencer The other held a snake with venome fraught On which she fed and gnawed hungerly As if that long she had not eaten ought That round about the iawes we might discry The bloody gore and poyson dropping loathsomly Her name was Enuie knowne well thereby Whose nature is to greeue and grudge at all That she sees done praise worthily Whose sight to her is greatest crosse may fall And vexeth so that makes her eate her gall For when she wanteth other thing to eate She feedes on her owne ma● vnnaturall And of her owne foule entrailes make her meate Meate fit for such a monsters monstrous diet Idem I chaunced on a monster of a man With health heart sicke sterued with store of foode With riches poore with beautie pale and wan Wretched with happinesse euil with good One eye did enuie at the th' other eie Because the other enuide more then hee His hands did fight for the first iniurie So Enuie enuide enuide to be And as he went his tender foote was sore And enuide at the foote that went before Th. Bastard This monster honors hurt is like the curre That barkes at strangers comming at the durre But sparing alwaies those are to her knowne To them most gentle to the others throwne This monster al 's is like a rauing cloude Which threatens alwaies kindly Vulcan loude To smore and drowne him with her powring raine Yet force of fire repels his force againe K. of S. Oft malice makes the mind to shed the boyled brine And enuies humor oft vnlades by conduits of the eine T. W. Enuy liues with vs whilst our selues suruiue But when we die it is no more aliue Ch. Fitz Ieffry. The knottie Oake and wainscot old Within doth eate the silly worme Euen so a mind in enuy cold Alwaies within it selfe doth burne Idem Each sence may common subiects comprehend Things excellent the sensitiue confound The eye with light and colours may contend The care endure the note of common sound Both faile when glorious beames and strokes abound So Enuy that at meanest things beares spight Stands mute at view of vnexspected height Th. Storer Enuy harboureth most in feeblest brest S. Phil. Sidney Fell enuies cloud still dimmeth vertues ray Ed. Spencer Foule enuie thou the partiall iudge of right Sonne of deceit borne of that harlot hate Nursed in hell a vile and vgly sprite Feeding on slaunder cherisht with debate Neuer contented with thine owne estate Deeming alike the wicked and the good Whose words be gall whose actions end in blood M. Drayton Enuie doth cease wanting to feede vpon Idem Like as the poyze that would the palme represse Doth cause the bowes spread larger round about So spite and enuie causeth glory sprout And aye the more the top is ouertroad The deeper doth the same roote spread abroad M. of M. Sicilian Tyrants yet did neuer finde Then Enuie greater torment of the minde Idem Our dayes are stampt in Enuies mint And this our age cast in the Iron mold Our hearts are hew'd out of Cancasean flint And two leau'd plates of brasse our brest enfold Hate waxeth yoong the world thus waxing old And best we like them that do vs loue the least And least we loue them whom we should like best Ch. Fitz Geffrey Error His gliste●ing armour made A little glooming light much like a shade By which she saw the vgly monster plaine Halfe like a serpent horribly displaied But th' other halfe did womans shape retaine Most loathsome filthy foule and full of vile disdaine And as she lay vpon the dyrtie ground Her huge long taile her den all ouerspred Yet was in knots and many bouts vpwound Pointed with mortall sting of her there bred
thousand one was found That was not in the gulfe quite lost and dround Yet all about great store of birds there flew As vultures carren crowes and chattering pies And many moe of sundrie kinds and hew Making leaude harmonie with their loude cries These when the carelesse wretch the treasure threw Into the streame did all they could deuise What with their tallents some and some with beake To saue these names but find themselues too weake For euer as they thought themselues to raise To beare away those names of good renowne The waight of them so heauie downeward waies They in the streame were driuen to cast them downe Onely two swans sustain'd so great a paize In spight of him that sought them all to drowne These two did still take vp whose names they list And bare them safe away and neuer mist Sometime all vnder the foule lake they diued And tooke vp some that were with water couered And those that seem'd condemned they repriued And often as about the banke they houered They caught them ere they to the streame arriued Then went they with the names they had recouered Vp to a hill that stood the water nie On which a stately Church was built on hie This place is sacred to immortall fame And euermore a Nimph stands at the gate And tooke the names wherewith the two swans came Whether they early come or whether late Then all about the Church she hang'd the same Before that sacred Image in such rate As they might then well be assur'd for euer Spight of that wretch in safetie to perseuer S. I. Harr. Transl Fame on his right hand in a roabe of gold Whose stately traine Time as her page did beare On which for rich imbroydery was enrold The deeds of all the Worthies euer were So strongly wrought as wrong could not impaire Whose large memorialls she did still reherse In Poets man immortallizing verse Two tablets on her goodly brest she bore The one of Christall the other Ebonie Engrau'd with names of all that liu'd before That the faire booke of heauenly memorie Th' other the base scrowle of Infamie One stuft with Poets Saints and Conquerors Th' other with Atheists Tyrants Vsurers And in her word appeared as a wonder Her daring force and neuer failing might Which softly spake farre off as 't were a thunder And round about the world would take their flight And bring the most obscured things to light That still the farther off the greater still Did euer sound our good or make our ill M. Drayton Her dwelling is betwixt the earth and skies Her Turret vnto heauen her top vpreares The windowes made of Lynceus piercing eies And all the walles be made of daintiest eares Where euery thing that 's done in earth appeares No word is whispered in this vaultie round But in her pallace straitwaies it doth sound The rafters trumpets which do rend the aire Sounding aloud each name that thither comes The chinkes like tongues of all things talking heere And all things past in memorie do beare The doores vnlocke with euery word man saith And opens wide with euery little breath It 's hung about with armes and conquering spoiles The pillers which support the roofe of this Are trophies grauen with Herculean toiles The roofe of garlands crowne and ensignes is In midst of which a Christall Pyramis All ouer caru'd with men of most renowne Whose base is her faire chaire the spire her crowne Idem Fame Refuge of hope the harbinger of truth Hand-mayd of heauen vertues skilfull guide The life of life the ages springing youth Tryumph of ioy eternities faire bride The virgins glory and the martyrs pride The courages immortall raising fire The very height to which great thoughts aspire The staire by which men to the starres do clime The minds first mouer greatnes to expresse Faiths armour and the vanquisher of time A pleasant sweet against deaths bitternesse The hie reward which doth all labours blesse The studie which doth heauenly things impart The ioy amidst the tedious waies of art Learnings greene lawrell Iustice glorious throne The Muses chariot memories true food The Poets life the gods companion The fire-reuiuing Phaenix sun-nurst brood The spirits eternall image honours good The Balsamum which cures the souldiers scarres The world discouering seamens happy starres Idem A loftie subiect of it selfe doth bring Graue words and waightie of it selfe diuine And makes the authors holy honour shine If ye would after ashes liue beware To do like Erostrate who burnt the faire Ephesian Temple or to win a name To make of brasse a cruell calfe vntame K. of S. Incorporeall Fame Whose waight consists in nothing but her name Is swifter then the wind whose tardy plumes Are reeking water and dull earthly fumes Ch. Marlowe Fame whereof the world seemes to make such choyce Is but an Eccho and an idle voyce S. Daniell Vnto this Hydra are we subiect still Who dares to speake not caring good or ill Better it is without renowne to be Then be renownd for vile iniquitie K. of K. Fame the queene of immortalitie Ch. Fitz Ieffrey Death hath no dart to slay deserued Fame Ch. Fitz. This iealous monster hath a thousand eies Her aiery body hath a thousand wings Now on the earth now vp to heauen she flies And here and there with euery wind she flings Nothing so secret but to her appeareth And apt to credit euery thing she heareth Foule babling tell tale secrets soone bewraier The aire bred Eccho the speaker of lies Shrill-sounding trompet truths vnkind betraier False larum-bell awaking dead mens eies Fond pratling parrat telling all thou hearest Oft furthest off when as thou shouldst be nearest M. Drayton The path is set with danger leads to fame When Minos did the Grecians flight denie He made him wings and mounted through the skie Idem Still fame wil grow if once abroad it flie Whether it be a troth or be a lie Idem Fame doth explore what lies most secret hidden Entring the closet of the pallace dweller A broad reuealing what i● forbidden Of truth and falshood both an equall teller T is not a guard can serue for to expell her The sword of iustice cannot cut her wings Nor stoppe her mouth from vttering secret things S. Daniell Celestiall goddesse euer-liuing fame Mineruaes daughter by faire Maias sonne Of all th' inhabitants of heauens faire frame Most highly honored since the world begunne And shall be till the fatall glasse be runne Soules sweet receit the healths restoratiue Hearts cordiall the minds preseruatiue Goddesse of thoughts muse animating appetite Aulter of honour simple of renowne Shrine of deuotion yeelding art her merite Life 's richest treasure vertues gorgious gowne Heauens best abilliment Ariadnes crowne The Cynosura of the purest thought Faire Helice by whom the heart is taught Ch. Fitz Ieffrey Famine A grisly shape of Famine might we see With greedy lookes and gaping mouth that cride And would torment as she should there haue dide Her
thoughts aspiring to eternall fame Ed. Spencer In friendship soueraigne 't is as Mithridate Thy friend to loue as one whom thou maist hate M. of M. Ne certes can that friendship long endure How euer gay and goodly be the style That doth ill cause or euill end endure For vertue is the band which bindeth hearts most sure Ed. Spencer Enmitie that of no ill proceeds But of occasion with the occasion ends And friendship which a faint affection breeds Without regard of good lies like ill grounded seed Ed. Spencer With vertue chuse thy friend with vertue him retaine Let vertue be the ground so shall it not be vaine S. Th. VViat Try frends by touch a feeble frēd may proue thy strōgest foe Great Pompeys head to Caesars hand it was betraied so VV. VVarner In perfect friendship no suspect for two in one are all Communitie or doubling ioy or making griefe more small Idem The truest friendship in miserie is tride For then will none but faithfull friends abide G. Turberuile Right true it is and said full yore agoe Take heed of him that by the backe thee claweth For none is worse then is the friendly foe Though thee seeme good all things y t thee delighteth Yet know it well that in thy bosome creepeth For many a man such fiers oft times hee kindleth That with the blaze his beard himselfe he singeth E. of Surrey None can deeme right who faithfull friends do rest While they beare sway and rule in hie degree For then both fast and fained friends are prest Whose faiths seeme both of one effect to bee But then reuolts the first and fained guest When wealth vnwindes and fortune seemes to flie But he that loues indeed remaineth fast And loues and serues when life and all is past S. I. Harr. Transl Oft times we see in house of meane estate In fortunes bad and chances ouerthwart That men do sooner laie away debate And ioyne in sound accord with hand and hart Then Princes courts where riches genders hate And vile suspect that louing minds doth part Where charitie is cleane consumde and vanished And friendship firme is quite cast out and banished Idem Who so wants friends to backe what he begins In lands farre off gets not although he wins S. Daniell If fortune friendly fawne and lend thee wealthy store Thy frends conioined ioy doth make thy ioy the more If frowardly she frowne and driueth to distresse His aide releeues thy ruth and makes thy solace lesse S. Th. Wiat. They are not alwaies surest friends on whō we most do spend W. VVarner True friends haue feeling of each others wo And when ones hart is sad all theirs is so Ch. Middleion A golden treasure is the ●ried friend But who may gold from counterfeits defend Trust not to soone nor yet to soone mistrust With th' one thy selfe with th' other thy friend thou hurtst Who twines betwixt stears the goldē mean Nor rashly loueth nor mistrusts in vaine Mir. of M. Friends are geason now a daies And growe to fume before they taste the fier Aquersitie bereauing mans auailes They flie like feathers dallying in the winde They rise like bubbles in a stormy raine Swelling in words and flying faith and deeds D. Lodge Faint friends when they fall out most cruel foemen be Ed. Spencer Better a new friend then an old foe is said Idem Frugalitie He that will thriue must thinke no courses vile B. Iohnson No hurt but good who meanes to multiplie Bought wit is deare and drest with sower sauce Repentance comes too late and then say I Who spares the first and keepes the last vnspent Shall find that sparing yeelds a goodly rent G. Gascoigne Let first thine owne hand hold fast all that comes But let the other learne his letting flie Idem Furie Furie furiously mans life assailes With thousand cannons sooner felt then seene Where weakest strongest fraught with deadly teene Blind crooked blisterd melancholy sad Many-nam'd poyson minister of death Which from vs creepes but to vs gallopeth Foule trouble rest phantasticke greedy-gut Bloud sweating hearts-theefe wretched filthy-slut The childe of surfait and aires-temper vicious Perillous knowne but vnknowne most pernicious I. Syluister Furie cruell cursed wight That vnto Knighthood workes much shame and woe And that same hag his aged mother hight Occasion the roote of all wrath and dispight With her who so will raging Furie tame Must first begin and welther amenage First her restraine from her reproachfull blame And euill meanes with which she doth enrage Her franticke sonne and kindles his courage Then when she is withdrawne or strong withstood Is eath his Idle Furie to asswage And calme this tempest of his passion wood The bankes are ouerflowne when so sped is the flood Ed. Spencer Furie was red with rage his eyes did glowe While flakes of fier from forth his mouth did flowe His hands and armes y bath'd in bloud of those Whom fortune sinne or fate made countries foes T. Lodge This fell fury for forerunner sends Manie and phrenzie to subborne her frends Whereof the one drying th' other ouerwarming The feeble brain the edge of iudgement harming Within the soule phantastickly they faine A confus'd hoast of strange Chimeraes vaine I. Syluister Gifts T is wisedome to giue much a Gift preuailes When deepe perswading Oratorie failes Ch. Marlowe A giuing hand though foule shall haue faire praise S. Daniell The greatest Gifts whereof we boast Are those which do attempt and tire vs most T. Lodge Onely wisedome graue and iudgements cleere Gifts giu'n from heauen that are not common heere S. I. H. Transl Goods Gifts are often giuen to men past good G. Chapman Good Gifts abus'd to mans confusion turne Th. Dekkar Testators and Executors so giue and so receaue As doubtful whethers ioy or griefe is more to take or leaue For as do hogs their troghs to hoūds so these giue get place Death not the Dier giues bequests and therfore but graue grace W. Warner To loiter well deserued Gifts is not to giue but sell When to requite ingratitude were to do euill well Idem Gentlenesse The gentle minde by gentle deeds is knowne For a man by nothing is so well bewraide As by his maners in which plaine is showne Of what degree and what race he is growne Ed. Spencer Sweete gentlenesse is Bewties waiting maide Th. VVatson In gentle thoughts Relenting thoughts remorse and pittie rests Ch. Marlowe All like as Phoebus with his chearefull beames Doth freshly force the fragrant flowers to flourish So gentle rulers subiects loue do nourish I. H. Mir. of M. Like as the gentle heart it selfe bewraies In doing gentle deeds with francke delight Euen so the baser minde it selfe displaies In canckered malice and reuenge for spight W. Shakespeare O what an easie thing is' t to discrie The gentle bloud how euer it be wrapt In sad misfortunes foule deformitie And wretched sorrowes which haue often hapt For howsoeuer it may grow mishapt That to
discoursing to and fro Anticipating and comparing things She doth all vniuersall natures know And all effects into their causes bring Our witte is giuen Almightie God to know Our will is giuen to loue him being knowne But God could not bee knowne to vs below But by his works which through the sence are knowne I. Dauis Wit is the mindes cheefe iudge which doth controle Of fancies Court the iudgements false and vaine Will holdes the royall scepter in the soule And on the passions of the heart doth raigne Idem Emulation the proud nurse of witte S. D. Wit and learning are two Angelles wings By which meane men soare vp to mightie things Ch. Middl. Wit is with boldnesse prompt with terror daunted And grace is sooner got of dames then graunted Ed. Spencer Some loose their wit with loue some with ambition Some running to the sea great wealth to get Some following Lords and men of high condition Some in fayre iewelles rich and costly set One hath desire to prooue a rare magician Others with Poetrie their witte forget Another thinkes to bee an Alchimist Till all hee spent and hee his number mist S. I. H. Mans wit is monstrous when the same from vertue doth decline W. Warner Mans witte doth build for time but to deuoure But Vertue 's free from time and fortunes power M. Dr. The wit not hurt because not vsed more Growes dull and farre lesse toward then before Wits ambition longeth to the best For it desires in endlesse blisse to dwell I. Dauis Best loues are lost for wit when men blame fortune G. Chapman Carelesse wit is wanton bewties page D. Lodge The finest wittes are soonest snarde with loue Th. Achellye A setled braine is worth a world of witte Th. Storer Wits want makes men desirous to seeme wise Woe Woe all in blacke within her hands did beare The fatall torches of a funerall Her cheekes were wet dispersed was her hayre Her voyce was shrill yet lothsome therewithal D. Lodge Short time seemes long in sorrowes sharp sustaining Though woe bee heauie yet it seldome sleepes And they that watch see time how slow it creepes W. Shakespeare Fellowship in woe doth woe asswage As palmers that make short their pilgrimage Idem T is double death to drowne in ken of shore He ten times pines that pines behoulding food To see the salue doth make the wound ake more Great griefes greeue most at that would doe it good Deere woes rowle forwarde like a gentle flood Who being stopt the bounden bankes ore flowes Greefe dallied with nor law nor limmit knowes Idem Distresse likes dumps when time is kept with teares Idem For stronger woe we hardly long may wrest The depth of griefe with words is sounded least M. Dra. The Painter VVho thought his colours pale could not declare The speciall woe King Agamemnon bare When sacrificed was his onely rage With bend of blacke he bound the fathers face Th. Hudson Words Words Windie atturnies of our clyent woes Ayery succeeders of intestate ioyes Poore breathing Orators of miseries Let them haue scope though what it doth impart Helpe not at all yet doth it ease the heart VV. Sh. Words are the tennants of an itching toy D. Lodge Allusion of words is no sure ground For one thereon a steddie worke to found One word of woe another after traineth S Ph. Sydney Few words shall fit the trespasse best Where no excuse can giue the fault amending W. Sh. Deepe sounds make better noyse then shallow fords And sorrow ebbes being blown with wind of words W. Sh. Words are but winde why cost they then so much The giltie kicke when they too smartly to●ch Idem Forth irreturnable flies the spoken word Bee it in scoffe in earnest or in bourd VVithout returne and vnreceiu'd it hangs And at the takers mercie or rigor stands Which if hee sowrely wrest with wrathfull cheare The shiuering word turnes to the hearers feare If friendly courtesie doe the word expound To th'speakers comfort quickly it doth redound Idem Smoothe words dissolue hard stones faire words inforce Pittie in flintie hearts Ch. Middl. Through the world if it were sought Faire words enow a man should finde They bee good cheape they cost right nought Their substance is but onely winde But well to say and so to meane That sweete accord is seldome seene S. Th. W. Words well plac't moue things were neuer thought G. Chapman Euen as the vapour which the fire repelles Turnes not to earth but in mid-ayre dwelles Where while it hangs if Boreas frostie flawes With rigor rattle it not to raine it thawes But thunder lightning ratling hayle or snow Sends downe to earth whence first it rose below But if faire Phebus with his countenance sweete Resolue it downe the dew or Manna sleete The Manna dew that in the Esterne lands Excelles the labour of the Bees small hands Else for her Memnon gray Auroraes teares On the earth it stilleth the partner of her feares Or sendeth sweet showres to glad their mother earth Whence first they tooke their first in constant birth To those great greefes ill taken words do grow Of words well taken such delights do flow M. of M. Men do foulest when they finest speake S. Daniell They wash a Moore they striue to drie the seas And plaine proude Atlas that intend to please By filthy woords by rayling and detraction Proper to Momus and his hatefull faction For when they thinke they haue deserued most Alas sayth wisedome all the toyle is lost D. Lodge Few words well coucht doe most content the wise R. Greene. Rash words flow from an vnaduised mind Who once hath past the boundes of honestie In earnest deedes may passe it well in words G. G. Haue care to whom of whom and what to speake though speech be true That misse made Phoebus contrarie his rauēs swan-like hue W. W. If so the crow would feast him without prate More meate hee should receiue lesse brawle and hate A foole hee is that comes to preach and prate When men with swords their right wrong debate Words well disposed Haue secret power t' appease inflamed rage Ed. Sp. Women Women bee Framde with the same parts of the mind as we Nay nature triumpht in their beauties birth And women made the glorie of the earth The life of bewtie in whose supple breasts And in her fairest lodging vertue rests VVhose towring thoughts attended with remorse Do make their fairenesse be of greater force I. Weeuer What art so deepe what science is so hie Vnto the which women haue not attain'd Who list in stories old to looke may trie And find my speech herein nor false nor fain'd And though of late they seeme not to come nie The praise their sex in former times haue gain'd Doubtlesse the fault is either in back-biters Or want of skill or iudgement in their writers Idem Among the many rare and speciall gifts That in the female sexe are found to sitte This one is chiefe that
vs roare Yet are they not dismai'd one whit therefore One with a whistle hang'd about his necke Shewes by the sound which cord must be vndone And straite the ship-boy ready at a becke Vnto the tops with nimble sleight doth runne The other Marriners vpon the decke Or at the steere the comming vvaues doe shunne And then by turnes they pump the water out By paine and care preuenting euery doubt S. I. Harrington The heauens on euery side inclosed be Black stormes and foggs are blowen vp from farre That now the Pilot can no Load-starre see But skies and Seas doe make most dreadfull warre The billowes striuing to the heauens to reach And th' heauens striuing them for to impeach R. Greene. Of the Spring The soote seasons that blood bloome foorth brings With greene hath clad the hill and eke the vale The Nightingale with feathers new she sings The Turtle to her mate hath told her tale Sommer is come for euery spray now springs The Hart hath hung his old head on the pale The Bucke in brake his Winter-coate he flings The Fishes fleete with new-repared scale The Adder all her sloth away she flings The swift Swallow pursueth the flies small The busie Bee her honey now she mings Winter is worne that was the flowers bale E. of Surrey The Winters wrath begins to quell And pleasant Spring appeareth The grasse now gins to be refresht The Swallow peepes out of her nest And cloudy welkin cleareth E. Spenser Flora now calleth for each flower And bid's make ready Maias bower That new is vp rise from bed Idem The earth late choakt with showres Is now arai'd in greene Her bosome springs with flowers The ayre dissolues her teene The vvoods are deckt with leaues And trees are cloathed gay And Flora crown'd with sheaues With oaken boughs doth play The birds vpon the trees Doe sing with pleasant voyces And chaunt in their degrees Their loues and luckie choyces D. Lodge The tenth of March when Aries receau'd Dan-Phoebus rayes into his horned head In flowry season of the yeare And when the firmament was cleare When Tellus her balls painted were With issue of disparent cheere When the Vsher to the morne did rise Sleepe gaue their vituall liberties To Phillis and to Floraes eyes G. Chapman The ayre was calme the day was cleare Loues wanton winds with wooing breathe Gan greete the sweetest of the yeare The flower forgot his Winters death The earth reuiued by the sunne To let in gay attire begunne The leafe allied vnto the tree By helpe of spring in coate of greene Stole forth my wandring eye to see The beauties of the Sommers Queene D. Lodge The Winter with his grisly stormes no longer dare abide The pleasant grasse with lusty greene the earth hath newly died The trees hath leaues the boughs do spred new changed is the yeare The water brooks are clean sunk down the plesant boughs appeare The Spring is come the goodly Nimphs now dance in euery place Thus hath the yeare most pleasantly of lately chang'd her face E. of Surrey Now each creature ioyes the other Passing happy dayes and howers One bird reports vnto an other In the fall of siluer showers vvhilst the earth our common mother Hath her bosome deckt with flowers Whilst the nearest torch of heauen vvith bright rayes warmes Eloraes lap Making nights and dayes both euen Chearing plants with freshnes sap S. Daniell Of VVinter The wrathfull Winter proching on a pace vvith blustring blasts had all ybard the treene And old Saturnus with his frosty face vvith chilling cold had pearst the tender greene The mantles rent wherein inwrapped beene The gladsome Groues that now lay ouer-throwne The Tapers torne and euery tree downe blowne The soyle that erst so seemely was to seeme vvas all dispoiled of her beauties hewe And stole fresh flowers wher-with the somers Queene Had clad the earth now Boreas blast downe blew And small fowles flocking in their songs did rew The vvinters wrath where-with each thing defast In wofull wise bewayl'd the Sommer past Hawthorne had lost his motly liuerie The naked twigs were shiuering all for cold And dropping downe the teares aboundantlie Each thing me thought with weeping eye me told The cruell season bidding me with-hold My selfe within for I was gotten out Into the fields whereas I walkt about M. Sackuille When ye count ye free from feare Comes the breame Winter with chamfered browes Full of wrinkles and frosty furrowes Shooting his grisly dart Which cruddles the blood and pricks the hart Ed. Spenser Ianuarie Now sad Winter welked hath the day And Phoebus weary of his yearely taske Yshackled hath his steeds in lowly lay And taken vp his Inne in fishes haske Idem Autumnus The wearied nights approached on a pace With darksome shades which somwhat breedeth care The sunne hath take more neere the earth his race In Libra then his greatest sway he bare For pardy then the dayes more colder are Then fades the greene fruite liuely hearbs are done And Winter gins to wast that Sommer wone I. H. Mir. of Mag. Sommer Iulie Now the sunne hath reared vp his siluer footed teame Making his wayte betweene the cup and golden Diademe The rampant Lyon hunts he fast with doggs of noysome breath VVhose balefull barking brings in hast pine plague and drery death Edm. Spencer August That time of yeere when the inamoured sunne Clad in the richest roabes of liuing fires Courted the Virgin signe great Natures Nunne ●vhich barraines earth of all that earth desires ●uen in the month that from Augustus wone His sacred name which vnto heauen aspi●es And on the last of his tentrebled dayes W. Shakespeare ●t was the month in which the righteous mayde That for disdaine of sinfull worlds vpbraid ●ed backe to heauen where she was first conceiu'd ●nto her siluer bower the sunne receiu'd And the hote Syrian dog on him awayting After the chafed Lyons cruell bayting ●orrupted had the ayre with noysome breath And powrd on earth plague pestilence dearth Rob. Greene. ●ow was the month that old Sextilis name ●hangd by the Romaine Senates sage degree And glorying so to innouate the same ●o haue himselfe new christned did agree ●oude that Augustus God-father should be 〈◊〉 whilst Ceres clad him in a mantle fayre Of bearded Corne still quauering with the ayre Char. Fitz Ieffrey Iulie VVhat time sleepes Nurse the silent night begun To steale by minutes on the long-liu'd dayes The furious dog-starre chasing of the sunne Whose scorching breath adds flames vnto his raies At whose approch the angry Lyon braies The earth now warm'd in her celestiall fire To coole her heate puts off her rich attire M. Drayton Of Morpheus Morpheus the liuelie sonne of deadly sleepe VVitnes of life to them that liuing die A prophet oft and oft an historie A Poet eke as humors flie or creepe S. Phil. Sid. Hee making speedy way through persed ayre And through the world of waters wide and deepe To Morpheus house doth
tremble when I thinke Her cheekes are like the blushing clowde That beautifies Auroras face Or like the siluer crimson shrowde That Phoebus smiling locks doe grace Her lips are like two budded Roses Whom ranks of Lillies neighbour nie vvhich with bounds she stil incloses Apt to intice a deitie Her necke is like a stately towre vvhere Loue himselfe in pleasure lies To watch for glaunces euery howre From her diuine and sacred eyes Her paps are centers of delight Her paps are rocks of heauenly flame vvhere Nature moulds the dew of light To feede perfection with the same With orient pearle with Rubie red vvith Marble white with azure blew Her body euery way is fed Yet soft in touch and sweet in view Nature herselfe her shape admires The Gods are wounded in her sight And Loue forsakes his heauenly fires And at her eyes his brands doth light D. Lodge She lay and seemd a flood of Diamant Bounded in flesh as stil as Vespers haire When not an Aspen leafe is stird with ayre She lay at length like an immortal soule At endlesse rest in blest Elizium And then did true felicitie inroule So faire a Lady figure of her kingdom Now as she lay attirde in nakednes His eye did carue him on that feast of feasts Sweet fieldes of life which deaths foote dare not presse Flowrd with th'vnbroken waues of my loues breasts See wherewith bent of gold curld into knots In her heads groue the spring-bird Lameat nests Her body doth present those fields of peace vvhere soules are feasted with the soule of ease To proue which Paradice that nurseth these See see the golden riuers that renowne it Rich Gyhon Tigris Phison Euphrates Two from her bright Pelopian shoulders crowne it And two out of her snowy hills doe glide That with a deluge of delight doe drowne it These highest two their precious streames deuide To tenne pure floods that do the body dutie Bounding themselues in length but not in beauty These wind theyr courses through the paynted bowers And raise such sounds in theyr inflection As ceaselesse start from earth fresh sorts of flowers And bound that booke of life with euery section In these the Muses dare not swim for drowning Theyr sweetnes poysons with such sweet infection And leaues the onely lookers on them swouning These formes and colour makes them so to shine That Gods for them would cease to be diuine G. Chapman Her Lilly hand her rosie cheekes lie vnder Coosning the pillow of a lawfull kisse Who therefore angry seemes to part in sunder Swelling on eyther side to want his blisse Betweene whose hills her head entombed is Where like a vertuous monument she lyes To be admirde of lewd vnhallowed eyes VVithout the bed her other fayre hand was On the greene Couerlet whose perfect white Shewd like an Aprill daisie on the grasse vvith pearlie sweat resembling dewe of night Her eyes like Marigolds had sheath'd theyr light And canopied in darknes sweetly lay Till they might open to adorne the day Her haire like golden threds playd with her breath O modest wantons wanton modestie Shewing lifes tryumph in the Map of death And deaths dim lookes in lifes mortalitie Each in her sleepe themselues so beautifie As if betweene them twaine there were no strife But that life liu'd in death and death in life Her breasts like Iuory globes circled with blew A payre of mayden worlds vnconquered Saue of theyr Lord no bearing yoke they knew And him by oath they truly honoured These worlds in Tarquin new ambition bred vvho like a foule vsurper went about From this faire throne to heaue the owner out W. Shakespeare Starres fall to fetch fresh light from her rich eyes Her bright brow driues the sunne to clowdes beneath Her haires reflexe with red strakes paint the skies Sweet morne and euening dew falls from her breath T. Nash Fayrer then Isaacks louer at the vvell Brighter then inside barke of new hewen Cedar Sweeter then flames of fire-perfumed Mirrhe And comlier then the siluer clowdes that daunce On Zephyrus wings before the King of heauen G. Peele Her lookes were like beames of the morning sunne Forth-looking through the windowes of the East When first the fleecie cattell haue begunne Vpon the pearled grasse to make theyr feast Her thoughts are like the fume of Francensence Which from a golden Censor forth did rise And throwing forth sweet odours mounts from thence In rolling globes vp to the vaulted skies There she beholds with hie aspyring thought The cradle of her owne creation Among the seates of Angels heauenly wrought Much like an Angell in all forme and fashion S. Daniell Her locks are pleighted like the fleece of wooll That Iason with his Grecian mates atchiu'd As pure as gold yet not from gold deriu'd As full of sweets as sweet of sweetes is full Her browes are prety tables of conceate Where Loue his records of delight doth quote On them her dallying locks doe daily floate As loue ful oft doth feede vpon the baite Her eyes faire eyes like to the purest lights That animate the sunne or cheere the day In whom the shining sun-beames brightly play vvhilst fancie doth on them deuine delights Her cheekes like ripened Lillies steept in wine Or fayre Pomegranate kirnels washt in milke Or snow-white threds in nets of Crimson silke Or gorgeous clowdes vpon the sunnes decline Her lips like Roses ouer-washt with dew Or like the Purple of Narcissus flowre No frost theyr faire no wind doth wrest theyr powre But by her breath theyr beauties do renew Her christal chin like to the purest mould Enchast with dainties Daisies soft and white Where Fairies faire pauilion once is pight Whereas embrasd his beauties he doth hold Her necke like to an Iuory shining towre Where through with azure vaines sweet Nectar runnes Or like the downe of swanns Or like delight that doth it selfe deuoure Her paps are like fayre apples in the prime As round as orient pearles as soft as downe They neuer vaile theyr faire through winters frowne But from these sweets Loue suckt his sommer time Her bodies beauties best esteemed bowre Delicious comely dainty without staine The thought whereof not toucht hath wrought my paine Whose face so faire all beauties doth distaine Her maiden wombe the dwelling house of pleasure Not like for why no like surpasseth wonder O blest is he may bring such beauties vnder Or search by suite the secrets of that treasure R. Greene. Like to Diana in her sommer weede Girt with a Crimson robe of brightest die goes fayre Samela As fayre Aurora in her morning gray Deckt with the ruddy lustre of her loue is fayre Samela Like louely Thetis on a calmed day When as her brightnes Neptunes fancie moues Shines faire Samela Her tresses gold her eyes like glassie streames Her teeth are pearle the breasts are Iuory of faire Samela Her cheekes like rosie-lillies yeeld forth gleames Her browes bright arches framde of Ebonie thus faire Samela Passeth faire Venus in