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A16523 The doctrine of the sabbath plainely layde forth, and soundly proued by testimonies both of holy scripture, and also of olde and new ecclesiasticall writers. Declaring first from what things God would haue vs straightly to rest vpon the Lords day, and then by what meanes we ought publikely and priuatly to sanctifie the same: together with the sundry abuses of our time in both these kindes, and how they ought to bee reformed. Diuided into two bookes, by Nicolas Bownde, Doctor of Diuinitie. Bownd, Nicholas, d. 1613. 1595 (1595) STC 3436; ESTC S113231 229,943 300

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that superstition of the Iewes which that graue father singularly wel deseruing of al the Church of God Beza in Cantic Solō Homil. 30. Master Beza speaketh of When it is counted such a great sinne to open a shop windowe Non item si lusum si potatum si scortatum fuerit But not so great if a man vpon this day giue himselfe to gaming to swilling and to playing the harlot Yea as another learned diuine sayth Gualt in Act. 13. Homil. 88. Hodie eò res deuenit In our time things are so come to passe that amongst Christians they may be accounted very good men who breake the Sabbath by their handie labor when they most doe prophane it with horrible wickednes neither at any time doe they more offend in pride and disdaine in drunkennes ryot lust then vpon that day which should be wholly consecrated vnto God and to the meditation of his workes and of our eternall rest And seeing these thinges are done openly and commonly sayth hee doe we yet maruaile what is the cause of the calamities of our time And Master Bucer complaineth yet a great deale more Bucer in Psal 92. I am nihil ferè scelerum est Now there is almost no wickednes which is not especially committed vpon the Lords holy day there is op●●●●ying drinking filthy dauncing harlotting fighting and quarrelling and I would to God greater things then these were not committed I will not say as he sayth Et nusquam ferè licentiùs quam in ipsis principum Episcoporum aulis For I hope better things of them and such as accompanie saluation but in too many places of towne and countrie So that I may say of them as father Chrysostome doth Chrysost de Lazar. conci● pri Thou hast receiued the Sabbath day of God to clense thy soule from sinne and thou vpon that day dost most of all ●ommit sinne Whereupon it comes to passe that all the weeke following they are so much the more wicked b● how much that which was appointed for their good they haue turned into sin vnto themselues so that as the Gospell which in it selfe is the sauour of life vnto li●e by mens abuse is turned into the sauour of death a●d the bread of the Lords table which is the food of life is turned into poyson when men doe not rightly therein discerne of the Lords body and so by eating it and dri●king the Lords cuppe 1. Cor. 11.29 they procure his iudgement against ●hemselues so this day of the Lords resurrection which is therefore the day of life vnto vs is by their wickednes ●ade vnto them the day of euerlasting death Euen as Master Caluin sayth Caluin vpon Deut. 5. ser 34. When the Sunday is spent not onely in games and pastimes full of vanitie but in things which are altogether contrary vnto God that men thinke they haue n●t celebrated the Sunday except GOD therein be by many and sundrie waies offended when men I say vnhallow in such sort this holy day which God hath instituted to leade vs vnto himselfe is it any maruaile if wee become brutish and beastlie in our doings all the rest of the weeke But to reserue all such prophane beasts vnto the iudgement of God whose holy daye of rest as they doe despise so vnlesse they repent and amend GOD hath sworne long agoe Heb. 3.18 that they shall neuer enter into his heauēly rest There are others of whom in the same place he speaketh Caluin ibid. Who glut themselues by ryotting and are shut vp in their houses because they dare not shew a manifest contempt of their duetie in the open streetes so that the Sunday is to them a retreat to withdraw themselues from the congregation of God whereby one may see what affection they haue to all Christianitie and the seruice of God when by this which was giuen vs for an aide and helpe to drawe neerer vnto God they take occasion to withdraw themselues the further from him For as he sayth a little before if we imploy the Sunday to make good cheere to sport our selues to goe to games and pastimes shall God in this bee honoured Is not this a mockery Is not this an vnhallowing of his name But let vs that be Christians be of another minde and let vs as Saint Augustine sayth shewe our selues Christians by keeping holy the Lords day August ad Casul ●pist 86. vnto whom so manie as feare God let me say as they did at the Councell of Paris Concil Paris lib. 3. cap. 5. Salubriter admonemus We do admonish all the faithfull for the saluation good of their soules that they would giue due honour and reuerence vnto the Lords day because the dishonour of it is both contrarie vnto Christian religion and doth without all doubt bring destruction to the soules of all that continue it And there is great reason of it For seeing that daye is appointed for all the partes of Gods worship Bulling in Ier. c●ncio 65. He that despiseth the Sabbath makes no great account of the true religion as master Bullinger very wisely noteth and therefore the Sabbath is many times put for the practise of all religion and the Prophets when they complaine of the decay of all religion say that the Sabbaths are polluted as hee also obserueth in the same place according to which rule if wee will iudge of the religiō of men we shall find that amongst a great many it is very little or none at all because they haue not that due care of the Sabbath that they should And thus saith Master Caluin Caluin vpon Deut. 5. ser 34. that the Prophet Ieremie in many places rebuking the Iewes for breaking of the Sabbath speakes vnto them as if they had in generall broken the whole law and not without cause for he which setteth at naught the Sabbath daye hath cast vnder foote all Gods seruice as much as is in him and if the Sabbath daye be not obserued all the rest shall be worth nothing Now besides seeing the end of all is that the fruit of Gods worship might appeare in our godly conuersation to the glorie of his name and our eternall saluation euen as it was ordayned of God at the first to keepe Adam in his integritie if we by the grace of God escape all these horrible prophanations of this daye and haue attained vnto some tolerable care of keeping holy the day then let vs see what we are bettered thereby and what is the fruite of our profession thereon For then may wee haue comfort that we vse it aright when there proceeds that good of it thereby for which God ordained it and which wee see it bringeth forth in many others And therefore I may say with Master Bucer Bucer in Mat. 12.11 if we do truely and religiously serue God vpon the Lords day aboue all others Declarent hoc mores Let our manners shewe it let the holinesse
himselfe 2. Cor. 9.6 and so hee that soweth plentifully shall reape plentifully Besides all this then are we made partakers of the sacraments wherin the Lord offereth his sonne Iesus Christ crucified vnto vs with all the merits of his death by whō we are made heyres of the whole world and there hee giueth vs libertie to aske of him whatsoeuer wee want and hath promised to giue it vs 1. Ioh. 5.14 when we pray in the name of his sonne according to his will Seeing then we haue so many things in possession and so many more in hope right which as it is alwaies so by faith so we see it most cleerely when by thus many meanes it is testified vnto vs therefore as they that doe come from a rich spoyle doe send gifts to their friends in token of ioy and plenty as Dauid in the spoyle of the Amalekites 1. Sam. 30.26 so the Lorde would haue vs to witnesse vnto the others the ioye that wee haue in his fauour the riches of our inheritance which we possesse already by faith and hope in the end to come vnto as by many other meanes so especially by our liberality to others for his sake whom he to that ende offereth vnto vs as it is sayd Iohn 12.8 The poore yee shall haue alwaies with you Thus after the returne out of captiuitie when Ezra the Priest did vpon the first day of the moneth which was a Sabbath reade and expound the lawe of GOD to the whole congregation of the Iewes for the knowledge of which he exhorted them to bee thankfull among other things he willeth them to haue a care of the poore So eate of the fat Nehem. 8.10 and drinke the sweete and send part vnto them for whom none is prepared for this day is holy vnto our lord Iustine Martyr speaking of the order of Christians vpon the Lords day in his time among other things sayth Conferuntur eleemosynae Iustin Martyr Apolog. 2. Almes is giuen according to the discretion of euery man for the reliefe of the poore the fatherlesse the sicke and those that are banished but herein they obserued this order as it is sayd there that it being giuen vnto the custodie of one it was afterwards distributed according to discretion Bucer in Mat. 12.11 And Bucer amongst other dueties to bee performed vpon this day sayth wee ought Conferre in pauperes to prouide for the poore And indeede if men will not be liberall then when they haue so many meanes to drawe them vnto it what hope can we haue that they will bee so at other times when they shall haue none of them Therefore men may say what they will that they doe thus and thus bestow at home but who will beleeue them when they doe finde them so straight handed then when the Lorde doth offer so much vnto them that they might bee more able cheerefully to shew mercy vnto others Therefore though I cannot like of the disordered gathering for the poore that is in many places where in the time of diuine seruice you shall see men go vp and down asking receiuing changing and bestowing of money wherein many times you shall haue them so disagree that they are louder then the minister and the rest stand looking and listning vnto them leauing the worship of God as though it did not concerne them and thus all is confused So yet I am persuaded that this is tire fittest time to make this prouision and I presume that it is not the meaning of our godly wise rulers in the Church and common wealth who are abused herein that any such thing should bee done but that the gathering being made at some other time of the day they might haue it in readines before hand to bestowe at the end of seruice vpon the needie according to their discretion or generally to take some good order that God might bee best serued our brethren relieued and no man iustly offended But wee may say of this thing as the Papists doe of the priuate Masse which they cannot defend that the iniquitie of the people brought it in For when men thorowen couetousnes would not followe the rule of the Apostle 1. Cor. 16.2 to put some thing apart for the poore as they should finde God had blessed them and so bring that with them and haue it in a readines being perswaded that it is a dutie 2. Cor. 9 7. which God requireth of them and so doe it cheerefully as vnto him who hath promised to reward it but it being left to their discretion they haue shifted it off as they might and whē diuine seruice was ended and now nothing more was to bee done in the Church but that they would not carrie it then the collectors for the poore were compelled to take them there in the middest of Gods seruice when for very shame by starting they could not refuse But from the beginning it was not so and seeing God is not the author of confusion 1. Cor. 14.33 40 all things in the Church must be done honestly and in good order And these are the common and publike dueties which are to be performed in the assemblies of the people and which cannot be done but where there is a visible church established How wee ought priuatly to spend the rest of the day when the publike assemblies are dissolued which hath her ordinarie meetings which where it is yet they continue not together the whole day neither can nor indeede is it required of them and yet the whole day must bee hallowed as we haue seene in part and it shall more fully appeare vnto vs here after For God sanctified from the beginning the seuenth day Concil Turon cap. 40. not a parcell of it onely and in the Councel of Turon it was decreed that they should rest from all worke and be occupied in praysing Gods name vsque ad vesperam even vnto the euening Concil Paris cap. 1. And in the Councel of Paris they say Let your eyes and hands be lifted vp vnto God toto illo die August de tēp serm 251. all that day For as S. Augustine very well sayth Wee must not thinke that a little peece of that day is sufficient for Gods seruice and all the rest we may bestow at our pleasures For as we haue seene before therefore are they called the Lords Sabbaths and in the new Testament the Lords dayes because they are wholie to be imployed in his seruice And therefore Master Caluin very excellently sayth Caluin vpon Deut. 5. ser 34. Let vs knowe that the Sunday is not ordained for vs onely to come to the sermon but to the end wee might imploy the rest of the time to laude and praise God For as one as one very learnedly obserueth It is not simply sayd Muscul praecept 4. Remember the Sabbath but the Sabbath day and not the things of the day but the day it selfe And
Gods workes will teach vs to profit by al things and in all estates Therefore if men will needes ouerlooke their grounds vpon the Lords daye as sometimes they must and bee dealing with their cattell talking about them let their cogitation and speeches tend to this ende and then in so dooing they may sanctifie a part of the daye otherwise they shall be as merely worldly vpon that daye as in any other of the sixe And in deed if we would thus bend our mindes and pray to God for his spirite and vse to doe it we should neuer want matter of profit to our selues and others in what estate and condition soeuer wee were about whatsoeuer wee had to deale either in the day or in the night at home or abroade alone by our selues or with others for thus in a meane estate of life whereas the wicked doe complaine and are not satisfied but enuie them that are aboue thē we might behold the goodnes of God towards vs prouiding so wel for vs according to the desire of the wise man Prou. 30.8 Giue me not pouertie or riches feed me with foode conuenient for mee 9. Least I bee full and denye thee and say who is the Lord Or least I bee poore and steale and take the name of my God in vaine If wee bee vnder the crosse either pouertie sicknes or any other distresse whereas the men of this world doe repine and grudge let vs vnderstand the wise dealing of our father towards vs Who by this meanes Rom. 8.29.17 maketh vs like vnto the image of his sonne that wee suffering with him might also be glorified with him If the Lord hath blessed vs with the aboundance of all things though the greater sort be puffed vp thereby and by abusing of them doe forget God let vs thereby bee humbled and vsing them well not haue our mindes set too much vpon them and know whiles we are here in the body we are absent from the Lorde and that this is but an earthly tabernacle which must be destroyed looking for an house not made with hands eternall in the heauens If then there bee so many good things here below what is the happines prepared aboue If so great contentation vpon earth what is the fulnes of ioye in heauen And not onely thus but whither soeuer we doe turne our eyes we shal haue matter not onelie to keepe vs from idlenes but to prouoke vs to all profitablenes For when the sunne ariseth how might it tell vs of the comforte of the sunne of righteousnes arising in our hearts How might the spring of the yeare put vs in minde of our regeneration and new birth What would the darkenes of the night teach vs but the horror and feare of ignorance where there is not Gods worde Would not our meate leade vs to the spirituall foode of our soules And our apparell to the righteousnes of Christ Iesus that being clothed therewith wee might bee comely before God and men and not ashamed And to be short if we were not beastes and no men might not our sleepe forewarne vs of death our bedde of the graue our rising againe in the morning of the day of our resurrection Thus al the creatures should lift vs vp to the creator and thus to be occupyed about them are the very works of the Sabbath indeede Thus if we did see or heare any of the iudgements of God vpon our selues or others wee should thinke and speake of them with humilitie and feare of any of his benefites with great ioy and comfort whereas now men for the most part doe neither the one nor the other And though I know very wel that the proper place to speak of these things is in the third cōmandement where the Lord willeth vs in al our thoughtes wordes deeds to seeke and set forth his glorie and therefore so alwaies to deale with his creatures that his most glorious name might appeare thereby For he is the creator of all things and this is his name yet to doe them vpon the Sabbath is the very worke of that day in which we should vse all the meanes that might make the publike ministery most profitable vnto vs and either drawe vs nearer vnto God or make vs more fitte to doe dueties to our brethren Therefore let vs set our hand to this trueth confessing that it is our bounden dutie to serue God in this right vse of his creatures and workes let vs be sorrowfull that wee haue ouerslipped this duetie so carelesly heretofore and let vs bee assured that it hath bereaued vs of much godlines that otherwise might haue been in vs and made vs so much the lesse profitable vnto others and therefore in the feare of God and in the care of our own Saluation let vs purpose performe this duetie most carefully hereafter that the blessing of God might be more vpon vs and we haue the testimonie of a good conscience of Gods creatures witnessing for vs and not against vs. And let vs be so much the more carefull of it in good earnest But all sortes doe greatlie fayle in it by how much we knowe too well that the common practise of most men is so farre from it In so much that euen they of the vniuersitie that make it their profession to search out the nature of Gods workes and to see furthest into them and therefore must needs haue many and deepe meditations besides often and long disputations about them doe not so much as propounde this vnto themselues and therefore no maruell if they neuer attaine vnto it namelie to beholde in them the inuisible things of God Gods wonderfull work in them thereby either to be confirmed in any part of his word or stirred vp to any duetie vnto God or men but they haue in stead of these many both vaine and too curious and also false and vntrue discourses about these with themselues and others euen vpon the Sabbath And I am sure that in the countrey men are not free from this sinne for it falleth out in them euen of the better sorte either of ignorance or negligence that when they haue sanctified the Sabbath in some other part of Gods worship this hath not been so much as once thought of Nay euen then when they endeuoured themselues to meditate conferre about Gods worde which is the chiefe they haue not done the like about his workes and so haue lost some further commoditie of the worde that they might haue reaped when thus they might haue been taught as it were by a double schoolemaster especially when the Lord punisheth vs for neglecting some parte of his seruice and we doe not vse al the meanes that God hath appoynted to serue his prouidence by Therefore let vs remember among all other things that wee haue heard of before to make this one parte of our priuat seruice of God vpon his holy day and so I shal grow to an end For as it