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A16347 Incipit Speculum vite Cristi; Meditationes vitae Christi. English. Love, Nicholas, fl. 1410.; Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274, attributed name. 1494 (1494) STC 3261; ESTC S111579 210,740 291

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the sonne And his clothes were also whyte as the snowe And there wyth therap pereden Moyses Hely spekynge wyth hym of his passion that he sholde suffre in Jherusalem In the whiche blysfull syghte y● discyples were rauysshed specially peter feryetyng al erthly thynge desired for to haue dwelled stylle there in that blysfull place and sayd Lorde it is gode that we abyde and dwelle he● And therfore yf thou wolt make we here iii. tabernacles one to the One to moyses one to hely but he wyste not what he sayd neyther in that he wolde haue dwelled wyth Jhūs in blysse before that he suffred wyth him the passyon of deth as he had tolde hem before that he sholde do nor in that he wold haue seuered hem iii. that were all one as in ghostly felynge the lawe the prophetes Jhūs And therfore to conferme hym that is to saye Peter his felawes in true byleue of Jhūs that he was goddys sone and that they sholde here folowe hym in all thynge Therwyth a bryghte clowde ouershadowed hem ▪ out of the clowde came a voys fro the fader of heuen sayeng This is my byloued sone in whom me liketh well and therfore here ye hym that is to saye in all that he techyth For he is very sothfastnes wythout lesynge therwyth folow hym in that he shewith For he is the right waye wythout erryng whom ye haue herde in the lawe that is vnderstonde in moyses and in the prophetes that is vnderstonde hely And then̄e whā the dyscyples had herde this heuenly voyce before sayd of the fader they fellen downe on the erthe on her faces wyth grete drede for the Infirmyte of man myghte not bere that hye voys aboue kynde And thenne our lorde Jhūs benygly lyft hem vp and badde hem not drede And therwyth they lyftynge vp her eyen and lokynge abowte hem sawe noo more but alle oonly Jhesus And as they wenten downe the hylle he badde hem telle noo man that they had seen tyll the sone of a man were rysen fro deth to lyfe This is y● processe of y● gospel in the whiche who so hath grace of ghostly vnderstonding swetnes may se many notabilytees to lowing dispisyng of mā hymself and to feruent deuocōn loue of god And specyally he y● hath felynge aboue kynde is yeuen specyall grace maye taast haue moche ghostly comforte that he graunt vs parte Jhūs cryste AMEN ¶ Of the seke man heled at water in Jherusalem called probatica piscina Caplm xxxi THere was in the cyte of Jhrlm in manere of a pounde a standynge water closed abowte wyth v. doores In the whiche water the shepe weren wasshen that weren offred in to sacrefyce In the whiche water also after thopinyon of so notabil primum me clerkes laye the tree of the holy crosse where it befelle as by way of myracle that ones in the yere that water was gretly styred and moeued of the angell of god And then̄e what syke man myght fyrste entre in to the water he was helyd of his Infirmyte wherfore many seke men dwelleden contynuelly by that water abydynge the moeuynge therof by the aungell ▪ Amonge the whiche there was one lienge in his bed on the palleseye xxviii yeres y● whiche man our lorde Jhūs helyd on the sabott daye and badde hym bere awaye his bedde and goo as the processe of the gospel telleth more plenayrly In y● whiche processe we maye note iii. thynges to our edifyca●y on Firste that our lorde Jhūs asked the seke man whether he wolde be made hole we maye vnderstonde that our lorde god woll not yeue vs grace ghostly hele but we woll and desyre it ▪ wherfore the synfull men that desyren not and wollē not assente to goddis wyll of her ghostlyhede sauacōn ben dampnable wythout excusacōn For as saynt Augustyn sayth He that made the wythout the woll not Justifye the without y● The Scdm seconde notabilyte is that it behoueth vs to be waare besy after we ben delyuerd clensed of syn̄e that we falle not wylfully agayne therto leest that our vnkyndnes in the partye worthily be p●nysshed more harde of our lorde wherfore he sayd to that seke man that he helyd Goo wyll thou synne noo more leest wors wyll falle to the For ofte tymes it falleth that for ghostly Infyrmyte that is to saye synne comyth bodily Infyrmyte And soo thrugh delyueryng assoylyng of syn̄e oft tymes the body is helyd of bodily siknes The thirde Terciū ▪ N b●̄ thynge notabile is that wycked men gladly supposen vertuous dede of other men in to the wors party and soo they lesen her mede comynly as good men on that other syde supposen all thinge in to the better parte in encreace of her mede Thus the Jewes full of enuye whan they sawe y● seke man hole myraculously of our lorde Jhū and berynge away his bedde on the sabott daye at his biddynge they askeden hym who bad hym bere his bedde but they askeden not who made him hole And soo they token that parte that hem thought reprouable ▪ But they lefte that parte that was cōmendable And thus comynly they dyde in all the myracles of our lorde Jhū In the same maner worldly men flesshly torne in to the wors part that good men ghostly tornen in to the beste party For they that ben in charyte dreden god liuynge rightwysly aretten al thynge for the beste to goddis worship whether it be prosperyte or aduersyte knowyng that al thyng is done right wysly by goddis wyll or his suffraūce And soo in all thinge spirytuell men wym̄en geten her mede ye soo ferforthe that bernard can v. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of her owne syn̄es other men̄es and of the deuilles werkes they profyten and wyn̄en ghostly as saynt bernarde sheweth in dyuerse places who soo had this grace perfytly to suppose and arette all thynge that befelle in to the better parte he sholde mowe suffre trybulacōns temptacōns wythout grete dysease And by longe exercyse come to soo grete reste of soule that full seldome or neuer sholde he be dystourbled wyth ony thynge But it sholde be verifyed in him that the wise man sayth What soo euer be falle to the ryghtwysman ▪ it shall not make hym sory In Capitulo de chananea xxx Ferthermore in the forsayd processe in specyall mynde of the angell we shal vnderstonde that goddes angels ben as mynystres and meanes bytwene god and deuoute soules as saynt Bernarde sayth wherfore we owen to worshyppe hem and thanke hem And for as moche as they ben contynuelly presente wyth vs. we shal eschewe to thynke or speke or doo that myghte offende hem For they ben our kepers ordened of god and besy aboute vs coueytynge alwaye our ghostly profyte Of this mater spekith saynt bernard suꝑ p̄o● Qui habitat ser̄ ri ibi angelis suis mandauit de
peple and specyally in thise thre dayes That is to saye fyrst on the sonday at it was now last treated and after on the monday seweng the tewisdaye togyder In the whiche dayes he cam̄erly vpon the morowe in to the temple and there contynued in prechyng techynge to the peple and disputynge wyth the scribes pharysees And ansuerynge to her disceyuable questions and many subtill temptynges and soo he was occupied fro the morowe vnto the euentyde whan he went wyth his discyples to his rest at his homly hostrye wyth lazar his systers in Bethanye as it is sayd before But for asmoche as it were longe processe to trete in specyall of all tho maters that tyme bytwene our lorde Jhūs the Jewes and lettynge fro the purpoos that we bē now in of the passyon Therfore passinge ouer all the parables ensamples by the whiche our lorde reprehēded the Jewes and other processe of that tyme in spe syall we maye in generall consyder note on that one syde how the prynces the pharisees seenge the fauour of the people to Jhū And therfore dredynge to perfourme her malyce agaynste hym openly casten sothly and fully to take hym in worde eyther ayenst her lawe ▪ or elles ayenst the trybute payed to the emperour of rome wherby they mighten accuse him as worthy the dethe But our lorde to whom all the preuyte of mannes herte is open knowyng the subtylte the malyce of hem ansuerde wysely to all her questyons and soo couertly in trou the sette his wordes that they were sufficyētly answerde and yet they myghten not haue her entent in ony part But at the laste they were so confoūded that they durst nomore aske oni questyon of hym And thenne after our lorde Jhūs sharply reprehended the pride the ypocrysy the couetyse other wyckyd condycōns of hem and specyally of the scrybes pharisees sa yenge to hem in thise wordes woo to you scrybes pharisees that louen worldly worshippes in many maners and soo fourth of other vyces Neuertheles he badde therwyth the peple that they sholde kepe fulfyll all her techynges but that they sholde not folowe her werkes euyll liuyng At last rehersynge the vnkyndnesse of the Jewes ayēst god in generall by name of the cyte of Jhrlm for asmoche as he was soo ofte besi to gader hem togider as a hen̄e dooth her chikens in to y● way of her sauacōn and they wolde not And therfor̄ tellyng hem before her destruccōn folowynge temporell euerlastynge he lefte hem wythdrue hym out of the tēple and wyth his dys ciples and other many of the Jewes that byleued on him he went in to y● moūt of olyuete where he taught hē more ouer by ensāples how they shold dispose hem make hem redy in to her last ende And fynally tolde hē of the daye of dome in y● whiche good men y● sholde befoūden on the right half of god sholde haue euerlastynge lyfe and wycked men on the lyft hōde euerlastyng sorow endles deth Thꝰ made our lord Jhūs an ende of this open prechyng to the Jewes on the tewisday towarde euen and after in preuyte sayd to his disciples wete ye well that after thise two dayes pasch shall be made ▪ mannes sone shal be bitrayed for to be crucifyed A sorouful worde this was to all his true discyples but the fals traytour Judas full gladde therof And thynkynge anone by Instygacōn of sathanas that was entred in to his herte how he myghte by occasion of his dethe fulfyll his fals couetise And herupō he slepte not but anone on the morowe y● was the wenesday whan the prynces of prestes wyth the aldermen scrybes weren tradicio d●● fe●a qua●ta gadred in cayphas hous the bisshop toke counseyle how thei myghte by sleyghte take Jhūs and slee hym But not in the feest daye for drede of the peple Judas aspyenge and knowinge this coūseyle went to hem and profered to take hym to hem at her wyll soo that they wolde mede hym and doo hym why and they gladde of his profer graūted ordeined to pare hym thyrty grete pens of the whiche euery peny was worth ten comyn pens As now oure grote is worthe foure comyn pens And soo falshede and couetyse malyce and trechery were accorded in to the deth of Innocentes And then̄e had that fals traytour his couetous desyre of the pryce of that forsayd oynement that be grutched for as loste that is to say thre hūdred pens And fro the tyme he sought oportunyte how he miyght bytraye Jhū wythout the presence of the peple And for quare ie iunatur feria iiii this bitrayeng of our lord vpō the wenesday is that day resonably ordeyned moost of penaūce doynge abstynence in the weke after friday This was the processe of that cursed parte Judas the Jewes on that wenesdaye but on that other parte what dide Jhūs his blessid cōpany that day we finde not wryten expresse in the gospel For soth it is that he went not in to Jhrlm ne apered openly to the Jewes that daye what trowe we then̄e that he dyde al that day Me thinke it resonably to be trowed that he was ▪ then̄e for the moost part occupied in prayer for the performynge of redempcōn of mankynde that he came fore and not on̄ly for his frēdes that trowed in him loued hym but also for his cruel enmyes fulfillyng the pefeccōn of charytee that he had taughte before to his discyples in prayer for her enmyes hem that shal pursewe hem and ther wyth knowynge seenge in spiryte the forsayd malyce of In das the traytour the iewes in that day vtterly cast ayēst him and in to his deth And soo skylfully men may suppose that in that prayer to the fader specially he sayd the psalme Deus laudem that dauyd sayd in prophecye of hym of Judas and her other enmyes longe tyme before But then̄e moost properly it was sayd of hymself not desiryng by the wordes of that psalme vengaūce of his enmyes as it semyth after the sentēce of the letter but cōformyng his wyll rightwisly to the wyll of of the fader and prophecyeng the rightwis punysshynge vengaūce deseruynge of hem that soo malicyously conspired agaynst hym And after obstynatly contynued in her synne And for asmoche as that was the last day that he though to dwelle in that maner of bodily conuersacōn with that good byloued meyne lazar his systers he occupied him that day the more specyally wyth hem in ghostly comforte of hem by his edifycature holy wordes as he was wonte alwaye to do but now at more leyser to strēgthe hem and conforte hem ayenst the grete sorow that was to come after by cause of his passion And soueraynly as we maye trowe in homly comynyng wyth his blessed moder to her specyall comfort and also wyth mawdleyne specyally that euer was thyrsty to drynke
deth and yet wyth the fader he hath or N ▪ ꝓfū dissiam obedien ciam dened to take that dethe for man And so he prayeth the fader yet he is not herde after his wyll that is to saye after one maner wyll that was in hym For there was in him thre manere of wyll that is to saye Fyrste the wylle of the flesshe the sensualyte and that grutched and dradde and wold not gladly N ▪ triplicē volūtē in xp̄o snffre dethe Also the wyll of reason and that was obeysaunt assentyng as the prophete ysaye sayth of hym He was offred vpon the crosse to the fader for so was his wyll And the thyrde was y● will of the godhede the whiche yaaf the sentence of his passion and badde in all manere to be done wherefore Oblatꝰ ē qa ip̄e voluit in asmoche as he was very man he dradde as man after the fyrste wyll and was thenne in grete anguysshe And therfore Inwardly haue compassion of him in asmoche as thou mayst wyth alle thy herte For loo the fader woll vtterly that he be slayne and dede and not wythstōdynge that Proprio ●ilio suo nōpeꝑc●t he is his owne dere loued sone yet he spared hym not bnt reuyth hym to the dethe for vs all And oure lorde Ihūs takith mekely that obedyere fulfylleth after in dede as the processe ●● of his passyon wytnessith fully In the thyrde poynte beholde N ▪ indici bi●ē ca●● tatē pris filu the vnspekable charyte of the fader the sone shewed to vs y● owyth worthily to be had in Inwarde compassyon and hye wonder worshyp For on̄ly for our sauacōn this harde deth is beden of the fader and taken of the sone Beholde now how N. dn̄i Jh●● o●● nem he prayeth longe tyme knelynge vpon the groūde he spekyth to the fader and sayth in thise maner wordes My dere fader almyghty and full of pyte mercy I beseche the that thou here 〈…〉 m●●m my prayer and dispyse not my bede ▪ beholde me and here me For I am made sory in myn exercyse of vertue shewynge to myn enmyes pacyence and charyte and they not amēded and soo my spiryte is in anguyssh wythin me and my hert greuously distourbled wherfore bow thine ere to me take hede to the voys of my bede It lyked the fader to sende me in to y● worlde for to make a seth for the wronge that was done of man to you and anone at your wyll byddyng I was redy and sayd ●oo I goo and soo thy soothfastnesse thy hele I haue declared 〈…〉 tu●●●●lu t●re tuū dui shewed And I euer poore in dyuerse traueylles fro my youth dooynge thy wyll and all that thou haste beden me Am now redy to fulfylle vtterlly those thynges that yet ben to be done and full ended Thou seest fader the malyce y● min enmyes haue conspyred agaynst me ▪ and how I haue euer done those thynges that ben pleysaūt to the and done good be nefyces to hem that haten me and they agaynwarde haue rewarded me euyll for good and hate for my loue And so they Trāsfer calicē istū a me haue corrupte my discyple and made hym her lede● to destroye me and hauen solde me and set my pryce in xxx pens Good fader I besethe the that thou doo awaye fro me this cuppe of sorowe and bytter passion that is ordeyned to me to drynke And elles be thy wyll fulfylled But my dere fader ryse vp in to my helpe haste the to socour me at my nede For be it soo fader that thei know me not thi sothfastnes sone neuertheles sythen I haue ladde amonge hem a ryghtwys Innocent lyf And also done to hem many good dedes they sholde not be so Recorda re quamstete rim ī cōspectutu cruell malicyous ayenst me Haue in mynde good fader hou I haue stonden in thy syght for to speke euer the good of hem But loo now they yelden euyll for good and haue ordeyned the vylest deth for me wherfore thou lorde that seest al thyng ryse in to my helpe and leue me not For grete trybulacōn is o now nighe and there is none that wyll may helpe but thou Qm̄ tribulacio ꝓxīa est alone And after this prayer our lorde Ihūs tornynge agayne to his discyples woke hem and comforted hem yet to praye efte the seconde time and the thirde tyme torned agayn to his prayer in dyners places a lytyll fro other as in the space of a stones caste lyghtly wythout grete strengthe and cotynued the forsayd prayer to the fader addynge to and sayeng Fader rightwis yf it soo be that thou hast ordeyned and wilt in al maner that I suffre the deth vpon the crosse thy will be fulfilled But I recōmende to the fader my swete moder and my discyples the whiche I haue kepte in to this tyme. all the whyle I haue ben dwellynge wyth hem And wyth this prayer that precyous and holyest bloode of his blessed body brekyng oute in manere of swete dropped downe to the erthe habundantly N in that grete agonye harde batayle Soothly here is grete matere of sorowe compassion that oughte to styre the hardest herte that is in this worlde to haue Inwarde compassyon of that grete souerayn anguyssh that our lorde Ihūs suffred in that tyme. and for our sake For by the godhede he sawe the hardest and souerayne paynes that were to come in his body And therfore after the manhede his tender body for fere anguyssh brake out vyolētly on blode Take hede also here that is specyally to be noted agaynst oure Inpacyence How oure lorde Jhesus prayeth thre tymes or he hath ansuere fro the fader ▪ N. cōtra ●paci●ci am nost ●am But thenne at the thyrde tyme whan our lorde Ihus was in soo grete anguyssh of spiryte as it is sayd Loo the prynce of good angels Mychael stondynge by hym comforted hym and sayd Heyle my lorde Jhesu your deuoute prayer and your blody swete I haue offred and shewed it to the fader in lyghte of all the blessed courte And we all fallynge downe be●●● hym hauen besoughte hym to putt away ●ro you this bitter N. cōfo● tac●em a●●●● drynke of your passyon But the fader ansuerde sayd My dere loued sone knoweth well that the redempcyon o● mankynde the whiche we desiren so of our hygh charite maye not be fulfylled and done soo conuenyently resonably wythout shedynge of his blode wherfore yf he woll the hele or soules it behouyth him to deye for hem And therfor̄ my lorde what deme ye now in this mater Our lorde Jhesus ansuerde thene to the angell I woll in all manere the hele the sauacyon o● soules And therfore I chese rather to suffre the dethe where thrugh the
to a blisful paradise thrugh his presence and al that blessid fely ship wyth myrth Joye that maye not be spoken or thought honoured worshipped and thanked soueraynly her lode ▪ that soo gracyously delyuerde hem fro that thraldome of the fende and restored hem to that blysse that they had forfeyted worthily by synne And soo in ympnes and Joyeful songes of the prophecye fulfylled Fyrste adam his progenye and after noe abraham moyses dauyd wyth all other holy faders and prophetes louinge and thankyng our lorde Jhesu contynued there wyth hym And his blessed angels in to the tyme that it lyked him to take vem thens wyth vnspekable Joye myrth and sette hem in paradise terrestre where that Enoch Hely liuynge in bodies abyden the tyme of antcryst the whiche also weren soueraynly cōforted of his glorioꝰ presence wyth that blessed cōpany And whan it drowe towarde daye vpon the sondaye that was the thirde daye fro his passion our lorde Jesus spake to hem all and sayd in thise maner wordes Now it is tyme that I reyse my body fro dethe to life And I therfore now shall goo take my body agayne And therwyth they all fallynge doune and worshippyng hym sayden Gooth oure lorde kynge of blysse soone after it be your wyll comyth agayn For we desyren soueraynly to see your moost gloryoꝰ body to oure souerayne comforte Comynge then̄e our lorde Jhūs in soule wyth a worshypful multytude of angels to the graue where his blessed body laye on the sondaye full erly byfore the full spryngynge of the daye and takynge agayn that body moost holy rose vp thorugh his owne vertue myghte and went out of that graue closid as he went first out of his m●●s wombe clene virgyn in his natiuyte wythout sorow or wem̄e of syn̄e And then̄e aboute the same tyme that is to saye erly on morough mary mawdleyn mary of James of salome takynge her leue fyrste at our lady token the waye to warde the graue wyth precyous onements duellynge styll att home our lady and makynge her prayers in this maner Allmyghty god fader moost mercyfull and moost piteous as ye well knowe my dere sone is dede beryed For sothly he was nay●led to the crosse and hanged bitwyx ii theues And after he was dede I helped to berie hym wyth myne owne hondes whom I conceyued wythout corrupcyon And bare hym wy thoute traueylle and sorowe And he was alle my good alle my desyre and all the lyfe and comforte of my soule But at laste he passed awaye fro me all to beten all to wounded al to rente And all his enmyes rysen ayenst hym and scorned hym and dampned hym And his owne d●ycyples forsoken hym and flewe fro hym And I his sorou●●ll moder myght not helpe hym And as ye knowen well fader of pyte and of mercy that haue all power myghte ye wolde not then̄e delyuer hym fro the harde deth But now ye maye restore hym to me agayn to lyfe and that I beseche your hyghe mageste Lorde where is he now why taryeth he soo longe fro me Good fader sende him I praye you to me For my soule may not be in rest in to the tyme that I see hym ▪ O my swete sone what doost thou now And why abydest thou soo longe or thou ●●me to me Sothly thou saydest that thou sholdest agayne vp ryse the thirde daye And is not this the thirde daye my dere sone Aryse vp now all my Joye and comforte me wyth th●●e agayn comynge whom thou soo dyscomfortest thrugh t●●n awaye passynge And with that she soo prayenge and swete teeres shedynge Loo sodenly our lorde Jhūs came apered to her and in all the whitest clothes with a gladde louely ●here gretynge her on syde half in thise wordes ▪ Salue s●tā parens that is to saye ▪ Heyle holy moder And anone she torned her ● 〈…〉 sayd Arte thou Jhūs my blessed sone And therwyth she knelyng downe honoured hym And also he agaynwarde knel●●ge sayd My dere moder I am he I am vprysen and ●o I am wyth y● And after both rysyng vp kysseden louely other and she wyth vnspekable Joye clippynge hym sadly rested a● vpon him and he gladly bare her vp susteyned her After both sittyng togyder our lady besily and curyously behelde hym ●●semblaunce and in hondes fete and al the body whether be had the sygnes of the woūdes before ▪ Askynge hym whether all the paynes and sorowe weren awaye ▪ And he ansuerde sayd ye soothly worshypfull moder all sorowe is aware fro me And dethe sorowe and alle paynes anguysshes I haue ouercome soo that I shall neuer hens forwarde fele ought of hē And then̄e she sayd Blessed be the holy fader that hath y● agayne yeuen to me and his holy name be exalted loued and magnyfied euer wythout ende And soo they bothe louely likyngly talkynge togider maden a grete Joyefull feest and oure lorde Jhūs tolde her the worthy thynges that he dyde in tho iii. dayes after his passion And hou be delyuerde his chosē peple fro helle the deuell Loo this is a souerayne paske this is the Joyefull daye that dauyd spekyth of specyally sayenge ●ec est dies quam fecit dn̄s exultemus igitur et letemur in ea AMEN ¶ How that Mawdlayne and other maryes camen to the graue Caplm li. AS I sayd before Mary Mawdleyne and her two felowes token her waye towarde the graue of oure lorde Jhesu wyth precioꝰ oynements And whā they came wythout the ya te of the cyte they token in to her mynde the paynes the tormētes of her dere mayster And therfo● in al places where ony thynge was notably done agaynst hym or by hym they somwhat stoden and abydynge knelynge doune kissynge the erthe sighyng wepyng and in thise maner wordes sayeng to other lo here we mett hym wyth y● grete heuy crosse on his backe whā his moder swouned and half dede And after her he torned to the wym̄en of Jhrlm y● maden sorowe for hym And ferdermore here for werynesse ouer myghte he layed downe the crosse And here it was that the wicked tormentours violently and cruelly putten him fourth and constrayneden him to goo faster And here at the laste they spoylleden hym of his clothes and maden hym all naked and soo cruelly nayleden hym vpon the crosse And then̄ wyth grete sorowe and shedynge of teres fallynge doune vpon her faces they worshippeden inwardly and kisseden deuoutly the crosse of oure lorde that was then̄e spreyned wyth his precyous rede blode And ferdermore they rysynge vp and goinge Tettus towarde the graue sayden to other who shall ouertorne to vs that grete stone fro the dore of the sepulcre And therwith they nyghinge therto and Inwardly beholdynge seen the stone ouertorned And an angell syttyng therupon and sayenge to hem Dredeth not ye sechyth Jhesu And soo forth as the
deuocyon fellen doune prostrate to fore the Trone N. ● of Almyghty god kynge of heuen and Gabriel to whome as Seynte Bernard saith was made speciall reuelacion of Crystes Incarnacōn in her owne name sayd in thys maner 〈…〉 ¶ Almyghty lord hit lyked to youre hyghe mageste of your endles goodnes to make of nouȝt that noble and resonable creature man for oure comforte and oure goodnes that of hym shold be made the restoryng of oure fals companye Lucifer hys felawes that felle doune fro vs by Apostasye soo that he sholde dwelle here in thys blessyd place wyth vs louynge and worshyppyng yow wythouten ende But loo go od lord now all thei perysshen and none is saued And in so many thousand yere passed we sene none of hem all here Oure enemyes hauen the vyctorye of hem oure partye is not restored but the pryson of helle contynuelly fylled wher to lord be they borne to grete meschyef For though it be doune after your ryȝtwysnes Neuertheles lord it is now tyme of mercy haue in mynde that ye made hem after youre owne lykenes And though her fornfaders folyly wrechydly breken youre maūdement Neuertheles youre mercy is aboue al thynge wherfore all their eyen ben set vpon as the seruaūtes on the lordes handes tyll ye haue mercy helpe hem wyth a spedeful heleful remedy Seqiut de cōtencōe īter mīam veritatem ¶ HEre wyth beganne a maner of altercacion and disputacion bytuene the foure kynges deughters that is to saye Marcy and sothfastnes pees and ryght wysnesse Of the whiche foure mercy and pees accordyng to the Aungels prayer for sayde were fauourable to mannes restorynge But that other two systers soth Be 〈…〉 in s●r ▪ de An 〈…〉 fastnes and right wysnes ageyne sayden ¶ As saynte Bernarde by deuout me ditacion maketh herof a processe faire longe but for to take therof shortly as to our purpos at this tyme sōwhat in other maner in other wordes we may ymagyne thynke thꝰ Fyrst mercy pees knelyng to fore her fader kyng of heuen by y● ꝓphetes wordes Dauid said thus Lord shalt thou cast a Nunquid in ●●●●num p●●●ci●● de u● way fro the mā withoutē ende ▪ or hast thou foryetē to do mercy And this oft they reherceden than said our lord lete clepe forth your other two systers the whyche ye sene redy ayenste you lete vs see also what they wol saye here to they were Miser●●●● 〈…〉 cor●●● 〈…〉 s●● o●● M 〈…〉 n● 〈…〉 cleped comen al to gyder mercy began said in this wyse My fader of mercy it was youre wyl euer withouten ende a mōge your other douȝters my systers to yeue me that prerogatyue aboue al other werkes that only I shold specially regne here wyth you in heuen but also that the erthe shold be replenyshed wyth me to soo moche vertu that who so wold truly besely aske my helpe in ony meschyef or nede he shold wythout fayl finde your socour helpe thoruȝ the meditacōn of me But now lo my dere fader that worthi partie of erthe your noble creature man in hys grete wretchydnesse myschyef so longe tyme lyggyng cryeth cōtinuelly asketh after my helpe now time is comen in the whyche but yf ye helpe hym saue hym I lese my name Here ayenst that other sister ●eri●●● P 〈…〉 i 〈◊〉 b●r●o● tuoru 〈…〉 ●e 〈…〉 sothfastnes sayd ye knowe wel my fader sothfast god that I am begynnyng of your wordes after ye made man in so grete worthynes that ye wedded me to him in that cōdycyon that what tyme he breke your heste he al that come of hym shold lese her blessyd lyf be dāpned done to deth wherfore he forsoke me betoke hym to your enmy myn the fader of lesyng witnes my syster riȝtwysnes I perysshe lese my name but he haue deth that he hath deseruyd thā spake riȝtwys Jus●i●i● Jus●i●i● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 ●e ●●t●● nes Ryȝtwis lord thou hast made me gouernour of thi dome lastyng wythoute ende my sister trouth techer of thy lawe al thouȝ it so be that our sister mercy be styred of pyte a good zele for mannes sauacyon neuertheles in that she wolde saue hym that hath so gretely forfetyd ageinst yow vs also Ca. i. withouten dewe satisfaccion she wolde destroye vs both hir susteren that is to say trouthe ryghtwysnes fordo our name Pa● Here with y● fourth syster came forth that is to saye pees ●irite sovirly blamyng hir susters for her contrarious wordes her stryt said to hem thus knowe ye not wel sisters that In pace ●actu●●s●●ocu●●●●● our fader hath ordeyned made his place only there as I am I may not abyde ne dwelle there as is stryf dissēcion and that is not semely but fully ageynst kynde to be amōges vertues wherfor but ye cease of stryf be acorded I must forsake yow my fader also lo here is agrete cōtrauersy bytwene the se four douȝters of our lorde so grete reasons that it was not sene how that in mannes sauacion mercy sothfastnes ▪ pees ryȝtwysnes myght fully be kepte accorded than bad Pater ōn●●udicuim de di●●i●i● the fader of heuen that for as moche as he had cōmytted ye uen all his dome to his dere sone souerayne wysedome kyng euerlastyng with him in one godhede y● these four douȝters shold go to hym he to termyne this question yeue a dome ther on And than the kynge souerayne wysedome wrote y● sēte●●e the dome in thys maner toke it to hys chaūceler Reson to rede it in his name sayenge in these wordes This doughter sothfastnes saith that she peryssheth leseth hyr name but man haue the deth that he hath deserued with hyr acordeth hir lister riȝtwysnes on y● other syde mercy sayth that she perissheth leseth hir name but man haue mercy be saued with hir accordeth her fourth sister pees wherfor to accorde all these to gyder for a fynal dome in this mater lete be made a good deth of man so y● one be founden wyd●uten Judicium ●egis synne y● may wyl innocētly for charyte suffre deth for mā than haue they all y● they asken For than may not dethe lenger holde hym that is without syn̄e or trespas And so he shal perse hym makynge in hym a hole a wey thorugh the whyche man may passe and be saued ¶ In this sentence and dome all the Courte of heuen wondrynge and commēding the souerayne wysdom assented wel here to but ferthermore askeden amonge them self where that one myght be foūden that shold fulfille and doo this dede of charyte And than mercy toke with her reson and sought among all y● ordres of augels in heuene to see whether ony of hem
thyrty yere And Cryste hym self xxxiii or lytyl more And soo at this ageyne comynge of Jhesu that was thenne seuen yere olde Johan was fyue yere olde and as he was after amonge other chosē Apostles and discyples specyally beloued of oure lorde Jhesus soo it is lykely that in this tyme of theyr chyldhode he was more chere than other and as moost specyall pleyser to Jhesu Fro thys tyme in to the tyme of xii yere of Jhesus age the gospel maketh noo mynde of the chylde Jhesu Netheles it is wryten and said that there is yet in that place a welle wherof the chylde Jhesꝰ fette ofte sythes water to his moder For that meke lord refused not to doo suche lowe seruyces to his moder and also she had none other seruaunt All her lyuynge was in mekenesse and in pouerte to our ensample to folowe hym Amen ¶ How the chylde Jhesus was lefte allone in Jheru salem Capitulum xii WHan the chylde Jhesꝰ was twelue yere olde and his dere moder with Joseph wente in to Jherusalem for the feste daye that laste eyght dayes after the byddynge and the custome of the lawe he wēte also with them in that tendyr age traueylyng al that longe waye bifore seid to honoure worshyp his fader of heuen in his reste dayes as reson wold For there is souerayne loue bytwene the rader the sone Netheles there was more inward sorow of herte cōpassion to the sone of y● vnworshyppyng of his fader that he sawe in doynge of many maner synnes then̄e was onyioye without forth in y● pompe solēpnyte of that feste but so stode he with his parētes in the tyme of that feste kepynge the lawe as mekely as another of the poore peple tyll what tyme y● fest dayes were fulfylled ended the●●e after that his parētes were gone homeward he dwellyd styll there in Jerusalem hem vnwytyng Now take we here gode entente as we were presente in all that is here spoken of for this is a ful deuoute mater a prouffitable to vs as it is said before The cyte of nazareth where our lady dwellid was fro Jherusalē y● space of ●x myle xiiii or there aboute so b●felle that his moder our lady Joseph token dyuerse wayes homeward what tyme they comen togyder at euen where they hadden sette to be herberowed our lady seenge Joseph wythout the chylde that she supposed had gone with hym asked of hym where was the chylde he said that he wist neuer for he wender as he said that she had lad him with hir therwith she brest on wepyng with grete sorowe said Alas where is my dere childe for now I see that I haue not wel kepte hym anone she began to goo aboute in the euentyde as she myȝt honestely fro hous to hous askynge Sawe ye ouȝt of my sone Sawe ye ouȝt of my sone vnnethes myȝt she fele hir self for sorowe care of hir sone And the sely olde man Joseph folowed hir algate wepyng what tyme they hadden longe souȝten foūden hym not what rest hope we they hadden in that nyȝt namely the moder that loued hym moost tendirly Sothly no wonder though they hadden no cōforte al thouȝ her frendes cōforted hem as they myȝten For it was not a lytyll losse to lese Jhesu wherfore here we maye haue resonably grete compassion of the grete anguysshe that our ladyes soule is now in for hir sone She was neuer in so grete sorowe fro the tyme that she was borne also here may we lerne what tyme tribulacōns anguisshe fallē to vs not to be heuy or mykel distourbled therby sithen god spared not his owne moder as in thys party For he sustreth generally tribulacions to falle to them that ben his chosē and so they ben token of his loue and to vs it is expediente to haue hem for many skylles Then̄e our lady sory as it is said for she myght not fynde hir sone that nyght closed hir in her chābre and toke hir to prayer as to the best remedy in that caas sayeng in this maner Almyghty fader of heuen full of mercy O●●●io ●●i● and of pyte hit lyked yow and was youre wylle to yeue me your dere sone but loo now fader I haue lost hym and wote not where he is but thou that knowest all thynge telle me shewe me where my swete sone is yeue hym to me agayn Good fader take hede and beholde the sorowe of my herte not my grete necligence For I knowleche wel that I haue offendyd in this caas Neuertheles for it is falle me to be Ignoraūte ye for your grete goodnes yeue hym to me ageyn for I may not lyue withoute hym And thou my swete sone Ihu where arte thou now or how is it with the and where arte thou now herberowed Lord whether thou be goon vp in to heuen ageyne to thy fader For I wote wel that thou arte very god goddes sone But why then̄e woldest thou not telle me before Also I wote wel that thou arte veray man of me borne And here before I kepte the. bare the in to Egypte fro the malyce of Herode that sought the to slee But now whether ony wycked man hath aspyed the. the fader of heuen Almyghty he kepe the. and shylde the fro alle perylle malyce Dere sone telle me where thou arte that I may come to the or els thou come to me foryeue me this neclygence at thys tyme and I behete that it shal neuer efte befalle me for how this is befalle I wote neuer but thou knowest that arte my hope my lyf and al my good withoute the I maye not lyue In this maner and by suche wordes as we maye deuoutely suppose all that nyghte the moder cared and prayed for hyr dere sone After vpon the morowe erly Mary Joseph soughten hym by dyuerse other wayes that ●a●den to Jherusalem ferthermore soughten hym besely amonge her frendes kynnesmē but they myȝte not here of hym wherfore his moder was so sory that she myȝte in no maner be comforted But the thirde daye after whan they comen in to Jherusalem and soughten hym at the Temple there they foūde hym sittynge amonge the doctoures of lawe heryng hem entēty●ly askynge hem questions wysely And anone as oure lady had the syȝt of hym she was as gladde as she had be torned tro deth to lyf and therewith knelynge downe thanked god inwardly with wepinge Joye And also soone as the chylde Jhesus sawe his moder he wente to hyr And she with vnspekable Joye clypped hym in her armes and kyssynge hym ofte sythes and holdynge hym in her barme rested a whyle with hym for tendernes tyll she had take spyryte and thenne she spake to hym sayd Dere sone what hast thou done to vs in this maner For lo thy fader I with grete sorowe haue soughte the
acounte For fythen in sothenesse all we done but as vnworthy sernauntes what tyme that we done the good that we owē to doo as god hym self witnessyth till the tyme that we come to this degre of abieccōn and parfyte repreef of our self we ben not sette sadly in trouth but rather in vanyte as the Apostle openly sheweth in these wordes who so holdeth hym self in his owne reputacion as ought worthy Qaise 〈◊〉 is●m●● all quid esse sythen in sothenesse he is as nought he begyleth deceyueth hym self And so as we saide before oure lord Jhesus lyued in this maner made hym self abiecte and as vnworthy to the world not for his owne nede but for to teche vs y● true way of perfeccōn wherfor yf we lerne it not we may not be ercused For it is an abhomynable thynce to see hym that is but a worme and wormes mete to come for to hye hym self by presumpcion and lyfte vp hym self as oughte whan that the hye lord of mageste so meked hym self by abieccion and lowed him self as nought and that dyde he nought by feyuyng but as he was sothely meke and mylde in herte Lo also with oute symulacion he lowed hym self in al maner of makenes and abieccion in the syght of other fulfyllyng firste in dede y● he taughte after by wordewhā he badde his disciples tolerne of hym for to be meke mylde in herte And in soo mykel he 〈…〉 mi 〈◊〉 sum lowed hym and auaūtised hym self that also after he began to preche to speke soo hye thynges of the godhede as the gospel telleth and to wyrche myracles and wonders yet the Jewes setten nought by hym but despysed and scorned hym sayeng what is he thys is not he the wryghtes sone of Joseph And also in the deuyls name he casteth oute deuils and many suche other despytes he suffred paciently and mekely making so there thorugh a swerde of mekenesse therwyth to slee the proude aduersary the deuylle of helle and yf we will see how myghtely he gyrde hym self with this swerde of mekenes after the byddyng of the ꝓphete lete vs take good hede to al his dedes and we shall see in them algate shewed grete mekenes as we maye see yf we haue in mynde in alle the processe that is said yet hyder to And also herafter shall be shewed more more in to his harde deth And moreouer after his resurreccōn and at his vpstyenge to heuen and yet here to more ouer atte last daye of dome whan he shall sytte in his mageste kynge domes man of all the world yet shall he shewe his souerayn mekenes to his creatures his brethern by these wordes ¶ As longe as ye dyden almesdedes to these my loued bretheren ye dydeu it to me And why hope we that he shewed so mykel loued pryncipally thys vertue of mekenes Sothly for he knewe wel that as the begyn̄ynge of al syn̄e is pryde soo the fundament of all good of sauacion is mekenes wythoute the whiche fūdament the byldynge of all other vertues is in vayne And therfore yf we trust of maydenhede of pouerte or of ony other vertue or dede withoute mekenes we ben deceyued And for as mykel as he taught shewed vs in what maner this vertue of mekenes shal be geten that is to saye by de spysynge and abieccōn of a man hym self in his owne syght and also in other men̄es syghte and by contynuel doynge of lowe abiecte dedes Therfore vs behoueth to loue and vse these meanes yf we wille perfytely come to that hye vertue as saint Bernard saith in dyuerse places God yeue vs grace Bernard in epistol●●d canoni cu● regula rem to gete it parfytely as it is said For sothely I that wryte this knowleche me ful ferre there fro And thus mykel at this tyme suffyseth spoken of thys souerayne vertue But now to goo ageyn to our pryncypal mater of the myrroure of the blessyd lyf of our lord Jhu beholde we there the maner of lyuynge Nota modū viuēdi dn̄i nostri Jhesu cū parentibus of that blessid cōpany in pouerte symplenes togyder and how that olde man Joseph wroughte as he myȝt in his crafte of carpentry oure lady also with the dystaf and nedel and ther with makyng her mete and other offyce doynge that lōgeth to houshold as we may thinke in dyuerse maners And how oure lorde Jhs mekely halpe hem bothe at her nede and also in leyeng of the borde makyng the beddes suche other besynes gladly and lowely mynystrynge and soo fulfyllynge in dede that he saith of him self in the gospel that man̄es sone came not to be serued but to serue Also we maye thynke how they thre eten togyder euery daye at one lytyl borde not precious delicate metes but symple sobre as was oonly nedeful to sustenaūce of the kynde And after mete how they speken to gyder And also parauēture other while in her mete not vayne wordes or dissolute but wordes of deuocōn and ful of wysdome and of the holy ghoost And soo as they we●en fedde in body they werē mykel better fedde in soule And then̄e after suche maner recreacion in comyn they wenten to prayer by theym self in theyr closettes For as we maye ymagyne they had noo grete hous but a lytyl in the whyche they had thre seuerynges as hit were thre smal chābres there specially to pra Nota 〈…〉 ye to slepe And so maye we thynke how our lord Jhs criste euery nyght after prayer gooth to his bedde lowely mekely shewynge in that all other nedes to mankynde that he was very man hydynge his godhede fro the fende O lord Jhesu wel mayste thou be cleped hydde god that woldest in all thys longe tyme thus trauaylle and putte to penaūce that moost Innocēt body for oure sake whan the trauaylle of one nyght had suffysed to redempcion of all the world But thy grete loue of man made the to doo grete dedes of penaūce for hym And so thou that art kynge of kynges almyghty god wyth oute ende that helpest all men in theyr ▪ nede and yeuest thy go odes to all other plentyuously as euery condycōn and state as Nota 〈◊〉 ●r● ca●na l●● ●ū dal●● keth ye chose reserued to youre owne persone soo grete pouerte abieccōn penaūce in wakyng in slepyng absteynynge etynge and all youre other dedes doynge and in that so longe tyme for oure loue Lord god where ben they now that louen soo mykel the lust the lykynge the ease of the flesshe that se then soo besely precious curious and dyuerse ornamentes vanytees of the worlde Sothely we that louen and desyren suche thynges we lerne not that in the scole of this mayster For he taughte vs bothe by worde and by dede mekenesse pouerte and penaunce ▪ and chastysynge of the body And sythen we ben not wyser than he yf we wylle not
to saye clennesse of herte princypally helpeth besy and deuoute prayer of the whiche we shall speke after But for as mykel as prayer with glotenye or with the lust the lykynge of the body ydelnes is lytyll worthe Therfore hit behoueth that there be therwith fastyng bodyly penaūce y● with discrecion For bodily penaūce without discrecōn letteth al gode werkes Also for the kepynge fulfyllynge of all tho thre for sayd thynges helpeth moche the fourth that solytary beynge For with moche noise troublynge praier will not well deuoutly be said he that seeth hereth many thynges shal ful hard escape vnclennesse of hert offence of cōscience for ofte sythes deth entreth by our wyndowes in to the soule wherfo● thou that wilt be knytte ghostly to our lord ▪ Jhesu criste coueytest in clennesse of herte to see god by ensample of hym goo in to a solytary place in as moche as thou mayst sauynge thyne astate flee the cōpany of flesshely mē Seche not by curiosite newe knowleche frēshippes Fylle not thyn eyen thyn ere 's with vayn fantasyes For it was not withoute cause that holy faders here before soughten desertes other solitary places fer fro the comyn cōuersacion of men And also it was not for nouȝt that they taughten boden hem that dwelleden in religious cōuersacōn that they shold be blynde ▪ dee● dombe that may lette distourble rest of soule flee as venemous to the soule This solitary beyng this fleyng as Bernard 〈…〉 say 〈…〉 ▪ sayth is more vertuously in soule than in body that is to say that a man in his entencion in deuocion in spiryte be departed fro the world men ioyned so in spyryte to god ▪ that is a spyryte asketh not solytary beynge of body in maner tyme as specially in tyme of special prayer also in other tyme of hem that owen by way of her degree by solytary as recluse some relygious therfore saith the same saint that thou that art amonge many bodyly men thou maist be solytary alone ghostly yf thou will not loue not these worldly thynges that the comynalte loueth also yf thou despyse forsake tho thynge that comynly al men desyrē taken Also yf thou flee stryues debates yf thou fele not with sorewe thyn owne harmes haue not in mynde wronges done to the for to be auengyd And els though thou be allone solytary in body thou arte not allone in soule truly ¶ And generally in what manere companye of men that thou arte cōuersaūt beware specially of thoo thynges yf thou wilte be truly solytary in spirite that is that thou be not a curious and a besy sercher of other menes conuersacyon ▪ or els a presumtuouse and temerary demer of other men This is saynte Bernardes sentence of solytary beynge by the whiche we may vnderstāde that bodyly solicitude suttyseth not with oute ghostly But for to haue the ghostly the bodily helpeth ful moche puttynge away occasion without forth that myȝt drawe the ioule within forth fro the onynge and ▪ knyttynge to hir spouse Jhesu Crist wherfore that we maye so be knytte to hym by grace be we aboute with all our wille myght to tolowe hym that is to saye in true solitary beynge as it is layde and in deuoute prayer in fastyng discrete bodily penaūce doyng And ferthermore that his cōuersacōn in deserte was Nota ●●ne amonge bestes we haue ensample to lyue symply and bere vs lowely in what congregacion we ben And there with to bere paciently and suffre also hem that semen to vs as vure sonable bestiall in maneres in lyuynge And thus hauyng in mynde the maner of lyuynge of our lord Jhu Crist in deserte so in penaūce tho xl dayes euery crysten soule ought to visite hym other oftymes by deuoute cōpassion and specially in that tyme begyn̄yng at the Epiphanye when he was baptised in to xl dayes after in the whiche he fasted lyued there as it is sayd But now ferthermere as to his tēptacion whan tho xl dayes of his fastynge were cōplete oure lord Jhs hongred And De ●ep●●ci one d●i prima temptacō de gul● anone that fals temptour the fende that besy was a boute to knowe whether he wer̄ goddes sone came to hym began to tempte hym of glotonye and sayd yf thou be goddes sone saye that these stones be made tornyd in to loues But he myghte not with his trechery deceyue hym ▪ that was maister of trouthe For he answerd hym soo wysely that neyther he was ouercome by the temptacion of glotenye yet the aduersary myghte not knowe that he desyred For neyther he denyed ne affermed that he ▪ was goddes sone but cōcluded hym by an Auctoryte of holy wrytte And soo haue we here ensāpie of our lord Jhesu to withstonde the vyce of glotenye For there must we begynne yf we wylle ouercome other vyces De 〈…〉 as the enemy comynly begyn̄eth therwyth to assaylle hem that taken hem to ghostly lyuynge wherfore as it semeth he that is ouercomen with that vyce of gloteny that while he is feble vnmyghty to withstonde and ouercome other vyces ▪ as doctoures sayen in this place of the gospel ▪ that but glotony be fyrste refrayned man trauaileth in vayne agenst other vyces Afterward the deuylle took hym vp bare hym in to Jherusalem that was fro that place aboute eyghte myle ▪ as men sayen there he sette hym vpon a pynacle of the Temple where he tempted hym of vayne Joye coueitynge to knowe as he dyde before whether he were goddes sone But here was he also ouercome by auctoryte of holy writte so that he loste fully his purpoos ▪ in that he hurte hym not as man by pryde and hym self was neuer the vyser of hys godhede And here haue we ensample of pacience cōsiderynge the grete benygnyte and pacience of oure lorde Jhesu That suffred hym self to be handeled and borne of that cruel beest that hated hym and all that he loued And after that tyme as saynt Bernard sayth the enemy seyng that he shewed noo thynge of the godhede And supposynge therby that he was not god 〈…〉 tempted hym after as man at thys thyrdde tyme whenne he tooke hym efte bare hym ageyne in to a ful hye hille besyde the forsayd hylle of Quarētana as the space of two myle and there he tempted hym of auaryce And therwith of ydola trye But therfore was he there openly repreued fully ouer come and vaynquysshed ouercome as dyuerse doctoures tellen that expownē more plainly these temptacions and thys Nota de 〈…〉 Gospel And therfore we passe ouer the shortlyer here as we doo in other exposicions standynge pryncipally in meditacions as it was said at the begynnynge of thys book ▪ If we take here good hede how oure lorde was handled
effectuelly of ony other prayer the Pater noster yf it be sayd truly wyth deuocion and specially by that peticion askinge Fiat volūtas tua sicut in celo et in terra that is to saye Oure ●ader in heuen thy wylle be doone in al thing as in heuen so in erthe And so yf it be best to vs for to be kepte fro fyer or water or sodeyne deth or ony other bodily perylle wyth oute doubte our fader of heuen god wylle yeue it vs after the forsayd peticion with rightwys linyng els not saye we neuer so many priuate prayers For as we rede al daye of diuer se martirs saintes that som̄e were brente somme drowned and in other diuerse maners putte to shamful dethe as to the worlde and that was best to hem encreace of her Joye and blisse of heuen wherfor it had ben a grete open foly to hem as we may well were to haue prayed for to be kept fro suche bodily harmes or perils as ayenst sodeyne deth it is spedeful to many men for to haue suche dethe shamful to mannes syghte As saynt Gregory telleth by Ensample of the prophete Abdo that was woryed of the lyon that god purged of tyme here ryghtwys men by suche shamful dethe For as holy writ Jus●ꝰ simo● te ●occupatꝰ fu●●it in refrige●●●●●it te wytnesseth sothely the ryghtwysman yf he be ouercome by ony maner of bodely dethe his soule shal be saued and be sette in reste euerlastynge Neuertheles we prayen ofte that lawfully to be kepte fro sodayne dethe but that is vnderston de that we be not combred wyth dedely synne therinne to deye withoute repentaūce of herte shryfte of mouthe and therto as I hope is moost beste effectuel prayer the pater noster specyally in the two laste petycyons and askinges therof by the whyche we prayen almighty god fader of heuen that he suf freth vs to falle to be combred with temptacyon of dedely Et n●no● i ducas in●●p ta●●on● syn̄e but that he kepe vs and delyuere vs fro all wyckednesse And though it so be that the matere of this worthy prayer be so plentiuous also the thesyre of the wryther herof were to speke more there of Neuertheles for it is writen in so many other places as I hope suffysaūtly and also for the grete processe that foloweth after we leue this matere at thys tyme al the fructuous sermons that our lord Jhūs made to his discyples in that hyll before goynge downe with him by deuoute contemplacion and beholdinge how that after that noble lesson taught in the hyll as it was skylful for the hyghe per feccion therof our lord Jhūs cam downe with that meke t●lke of his disciples spekyng also homely with hem by the waye they as the chykens of the hen̄e folowen him with mikel ghostly lykynge coueytynge eche before other to be ne●● hym and here is vertuous swete wordes ¶ And after he was come downe mykel peple cam ageinst him bringinge diuerse se ke folke many as the gospel telleth by processe the whiche al he ful of mercy heled made hole bothe in body in soule ¶ And thus shotly we passen here ouer mykel processe of tye gospel many chapiters of the forsayd boke of bo●a●●u●●t for the litil edificacion of hem as it semeth nedful to simple soules to y● whiche this boke is specially writen in englisshe as it hath ofte be sayd here before And so leuyng this processe in many places we shall only telle the notabylytees therupon shortely to edyficacion Amē ¶ Of the seruaūt of Cēturio the sone of the litil kynge heled of our lord Calpin ●●● IN this Gospel in that our lord ihesus mekely vnpra●ed wente bodely to hele the seke seruaūt and wold not go to the kinges sone praied our pride is reproued in that we ●ō cō●●● suphiā mū●● no●um in the contrary maner ben redy leue to goo to Ryche men and myghty that we maye beworldly worshipped by and to please them and do the seruyce that we may for worldly me de but we ben loth to go to poure men and simple or to helpe hem in her nede for ghostly mede leest it were ageynste our worshyp as saynt Gregory noteth in thys place ¶ Of the paletike mā leide done in his bedde by the hous heling heled of our lord Jhū Captm xx IN this gospel Nōde i●i●mi ta●ibꝰ corpo ralibꝰ spū alibꝰ we haue ensample doctryne that ofte sythes bodely sykenes cometh of ghostely sikenes that is sin̄e and that the helinge of ghostly sekenes is ofte cause of bodyly hele In that our lord first foriaf to y● paletike his sin̄es after heled him of the bodily palesye ¶ Also here we may see the grete vertu of true bilyue in y● y● the feith the biliue of one man helped saueth another as the feyth of the berers of this paletike man saued hym also in the next chapytre before the feithe of Centurio De ●●ute fidei gate he le to his seruaūte And also here after the feithe of the woman Chananee saued her douȝter And so it falleth now al daye that children baptysed after dede before the yeres of discression ben saued in the feith of their godfaders thorugh the meryte of crist this is openly ageinste somme heretikes that helden the contrary opinion ¶ How that Martha was heled of hyr sykensse by touchynge of the hemme of our lord clothinge Captm xxi The gospel nameth not the woman that was heled by the Finibria vestimē●a bin touching of the hemme of Jhūs clothinge But saint Ambrose and other doctours sayen that she was Martha the syster of mary Maudeleyne by the hemme of Jhesus clothynge as sainte Bernerd saith may be vnderstonde euery meke seruaūt of god the whyche in ony vertuous dede that he doth oweth to knowe truly herte and openly knowleche by mouthe that only god is principall doer therof and noughté he as the clothe heled not but our lord Jhūs that wered that cloth ¶ Of the Conuersyon of Mary Maudeleyne Captm xxii OVre curteis lord Jhesus was prayed of Symon the leprose on a daye to ete with him and therto he graūted gladly came to mete as he was wonte to do oftsythes both of hys owene curtosie also for the loue the zele that he had Nō de cu●● al●tate● dom 〈◊〉 I●●●● to the sauacyon of man̄es sowles for y● wyche he was made man for so etyng wyth hem benygnly comining wyth hem he drowe hem to the loue of hym Also for as mykel as he made hym self so pertitely poure that he toke none pocession of worldly godes for hym self as for hys therfore thruȝ that loue of pouerte he that was the mirrour of mekenes what time that he was prayed or beden to mete toke it for the tyme the place mekely
men is token of hele folowyng But Jhūs meaned of his deth ▪ And soo here we maye see the grete homelynes of our lorde wyth his discyples that as in maner of bourdyng spake wyth hē here ▪ But after declaring to hem openly that he spake fyrst mystly ▪ sayd Lazar is dede and I am gladde for you that therby your bileue maye be encreced strengthed knowyng that I was not the● in tyme of his dethe and soo the rather byleuynge that I am goddis sone Ferdermore leuynge many wordes of the gospell and takyng that semyth most notable to our edyficacōn aft whā our lorde Jhūs wyth his disciples torned agayn toward Bethanye and the two systers hadden worde of his comyng Martha an one wente agaynst him but mary satte styll at home tyll after she was called forth by the biddynge of Jhūs An soo it semyth by thise wordes specyally after y● letter tellynge how thyse ii systers martha maria dyuersly hadden hē as anenst Jhū That John theuangelist meaned ghostly here as he dooth in other places the dyuers condicōns that longen to hem that ben in thise ii astates that is to saye of actyf lyf contēplatyf lyf For it is no doubte but that mary loued Jhesus as moche as her sister martha or more And was as gladde of his comynge And as sory was for her broders dethe and as feruently desired his lyfe why then̄e went she not anone wyth her syster oute agaynst Ihū but in fygure for ensāple that they that ben in the state of contēplatyf lyfe shal not take vpon hem bodily exercyse of the dedes of mercy as for to goo oute to vysyte the seke or hem that ben in pryson Or to tede the hūgry or clothe the naked and soo forth of other Or els for to preche or teche or to mynister sacramentes of holy Nota chirche but it so be y● they ben called out therto bi the biddyng the auctoryte of holy chirche in Ihūs name ghostly as mary was bodily sittynge mary at home as it is sayd martha goyng out what tyme she mette with Ihū she felle down at his fete sayd Lorde yf thou haddest ben here my brother had not be dede Neuertheles now I wote well that what soo euer thou askest of god god wolle it yeue the She durste not saye vtterly that she desyred Inwardly sayeng as thus Now reyse my broder fro dethe to lyfe for she wist not whether it were expedient that her broder sholde be reysed or whether it were Ihesus wyll And therfor̄ she set her wordes discretly in this manere of meanyng Lorde I wote well thou mayst reyse hym therfore yf thou wylt it shall be done but whether thou wylt or not I cōmytte it to thy dome not to my presūpcōn Then̄e said Ihs to her that her broder sholde ryse fro deth to life so in general wordes that it might be taken in two maners for to proue her bileue of the fynall resurreccōn not specifyeng whether he wolde reyse hym at the tyme or none And therfore martha takyng that part y● she was syker of after the byleue sayd that she wyste well that he shold ryse in generall resurreccōn at laste daye of dome And ferdermore at askynge of our lorde whether she bileued that he sayd of himself that he was resurreccōn lyf and of euerlastyng lyf of all hē that byleueden sothfastly in hym she answerde fynally thus I byleue that thou art criste goddis sone y● art come in to this world for man̄es sauacōn And then̄e at byddynge of Ihūs she wente home ▪ and called mary her suster in scilence that is to saye in soft spekyng sayeng to her Our maister is comen and calleth the to hun and anone ●he rose vp and went to him Loo how expresly here also is tokened ghostly what longeth to the contemplatyf lyfe that is to saye fyrste in reste pees scylence softe speche And not low de cryenge or grete noys as the worlde vseth And ferdermore what tyme that our lorde Ihū calleth hym out by obedyence to cure and to gouernayle of other as in the offyce of prelacy that then̄e by ensample of mary anone he ryse by applyenge of his wyll to goddis wyll loue he neuer soo moche reste o● haue he neuer somoche in swete contemplacōn That is vnderstonde ▪ what tyme he is called soo vtterly that yf he wythstōde it he sholde syn̄e dedely by Inobedyence Ferdermore we may see by the processe of the gospel the specyall loue homlynes that our lorde Ihūs had soueraynly to mary in that he abode stylle there as martha mette fyrste wyth hym and wolde not doo as to the reysynge of lazar vnto the tyme that mary was comen And then̄e whan she was comen fallen downe atte Ihūs fete wyth sore wepynge teeres had sayd as she dide before that yf he had be there her broder had not be dede Our lorde Ihūs seenge her wepyng y● he loued soo specyally and also the Jewes wepyng the there were comen at that tyme to cōforte mary he wept also And that for iii. causes First for y● loue y● he had to mary specyally to her syster and to lazar Also to N●b● shewe the greuousyte of syn̄e in custome And of the ghostly dethe there thrugh ▪ that is tokened in lazar foure dayes dede beried And the thirde for the mysbileue of hem that there were the whiche byleued that he myght haue kept hym fro deth but not that he myghte then̄e reyse hym to lyfe agayne Who soo woll then̄e Inwardly take hede beholde how our lorde Ihūs wepith the sisters wepē the Jewes wepē ye as ●e Lacrime ason tellyth the discyples wepē skylfully he maye be stired to compassion wepynge at leest Inwardly in herte namly for synne in custome that is so harde to ouercome and to ryse out of as our lorde Ihūs shewed in ghostly vnderstondynge by the grete diffyculte that he made as in wepyng in maner of trowbling hymself And y● two tymes wroth grutching in spiryte before that he reysed lazar by whom is vnderstōde syn̄e in custome as it is oft sayd yeuynge ensāple as saynt austyn sayth Aug. that thou that arte ouerlayd wyth the heuy stone of dedely syn̄e be wroth grutche in spiryte and trouble thyself in this maner deminge thyself gilty And thynke how ofte thou hast sinned worthy euerlasting dethe and god of his endles mercy hathe spared the suffred the How ofte thou haste herde the gospell forbedynge syn̄e thou hast taken noo rewarde but art contynuelly cōtrary fals to thy fyrst baptysme And then̄e so thynkynge wyth cōpun●cōn for thy syn̄e ▪ as in maner askyng in thy hert what shall I doo whyder shall I goo In what maner shall I escape this grete syn̄e dredfull peryll of euerlastyng dethe whan thou sayst thus in thin herte then̄e cryst
crosse but boūden his bondes behynde hym as a theif to that place of his Jewesse y● mount of caluarye Now yf thou take good hede to all that hath be done to our lorde Jhū all that he suffred at matyn tyme pryme tyerce in to this tyme. shall it not be seen to the as matere of grete cōpassion of his grete passion sorowe sothly I B trowe yes and namly yf thou wolt now make in thy mynde a recapitulacōn reherce in generall that he hath suffred and y● hath be done to him in to this tyme For what is it to thynke N that our lorde Jhūs very god blessed aboue all thynges fro y● hour that he was taken in the nyghte in to this tyme of hys crucyfienge was in cōtynuel batayle in grete reproues despytes sorowes Illusions tormentes for there was yeuē him N. hic valde bene ꝓcessū hora mat●●●na no rest but euer traueylle in paynes sorowes And yf thou wolte knowe in what cōflyct batayle he was beholde see fyrst one dispytously layth hōde on hym takyth him A nother is redy harde byndeth hym A nother cryenge puttyth on hym blaspheme Another spytteth in hys face Another sothely asketh of hym many questyons in deceyte for to accuse hym Another is besy to brynge fals witnesse agaynst hym another draweth him forth before the iustice another styfly accuseth him another hydeth his eyen another buffeteth hym Another Hora prima despoyleth him another byndeth him hard to y● pyler another wyth sharpe scourges beteth him another vnbyndeth hym casteth on hym y● olde silken mantell Another setteth a croune of sharp̄ thornes on his hede another putteth in his hond are de another taketh it wodely fro hym smyteth his sore hede ful of thornes another kneleth before him●so forth now one now another diuerse many with all her witte myȝte be syen hem to tormente hym to y● worst maner they leden hym as a theef now to the byshop Anne now to cayphas now to pylate now to herode now hederward now thederward now in now out O my lord god what is al this Loo thyn keth not the here a full hard continuell bytter trauayle yet abyde a lytyll whyle thou shalt see harder they standen styfly agaynst hym allone the prynces the pharysees the scrybes with thousandes of the people cryeng all with one voys that he be crucifyed and at last the iustice Pylate yeueth the dome that he be crucyfied anone that heuy crosse was layd on his sholders that were all to rente broken with woundes of hys scourgyng Now ferthermore beholde thy lord so goyng forthe wyth his crosse on his back how then̄e oute of the cyte at all yates rennen bothe cyteyzens straungers of al degrees not oonly gentyles but also the foulest rybaudes wyndryn kers not for to haue compassion of him but to wōder vpon him scorne him there is none that wyl knowe him by pyte uous affeccion but rather with the fylth other vnclennesse al they despisen reprouen him And so as the prophete sayth he is now as in a parabole in all her mouthes And soo they that seten in the yates as iuges speken agaynst hym tho y● dronken the wyne in her lust maden her songe of hym Thꝰ was he drawen hasted by grete vyolence wythout reste tyll he cam̄ to that foule stynkyng place of caluarye where was sette the ende the reste of this harde batayle that we speke of But what maner reste is that wherof we now shall treate Sothly that harde tree deth sharper than y● batayle Lo what reste certaynly the bedde of soro we Thus mayst thou see in generall contemplacōn how harde a batayle thy lord hath suffred in to the sexte houre wherof now we shall treate of folowynge the processe of his blessed pass you ¶ Of the crucifyenge of our lorde Jhhesu at the sexte houre Caplm xliu NOw ferdermore mayste thou see whan our lorde Jhesus was come to that stynkynge hylle of caluarie how wyckedly tho cursed werke mē began to werche on alle sydes that cruell werke ▪ Take hede now dylygently wyth all thy herte all tho thynges that ben now to come And make y● there presēt in thy myude Beholdinge all that shall be done agaynst thy lord Jhū and that ben spoken or done of him And soo with the Juner eye of thi soule beholde some sittynge and fytchynge the Crosse faste in to the erthe Some makynge redy the nayles ● the hamers to dryue hem wyth Other makynge redy and settynge vp ladders and or deynynge other Instrumentes that hem thought nedfull and other faste about to spoyle hym drawe of his clothes And soo is he now the thyrde tyme spoyled and stondeth naked in syghte of all that peple And soo ben now the thyrde tyme re nued the brysours of the woūdes in his scorgrnge by the cleuynge of his clothes to his flesshe Now also fyrst his moder seeth how he is taken and ordeyned to the deth wherfore she sorouful out of mesure and hauyng shame to see hym so stōdynge all naked For they left him not somoche as his pryue clothes she went in haste to her dere sone clypped hym gyr de hym aboute the lendes wyth the kircheif of her hede O lorde in what sorowe is her soule now ▪ whan she seeth suche despites done to her sone sothly I trowe that she myght not speke one worde to him for sorowe But she might doo nomor̄ to hym nor helpe hym for yf she myght wythout doubte she wold then̄e was her sone anone taken out of her handes in a wood maner ladde to the fote of the crosse Now take hede dilygently to the maner of crucifyeng there ben set vp ii ladders one behinde another before at the last terme of the crosse the whiche ii wicked minysters gone vp wyth nayles hamers Also another short ladder is sette before the crosse y● la steth vp to the place where his fete sholde bē nayled Now take good hede to al that folowyth Our lorde then̄e was cōpel led beden for to goo vpō that ladder to the crosse and he me kely dooth all that they beden him And whan he came to the ouerest ende of that short ladder he torned his backe to y● crosse stretched out on brode the ii kinges armes his fairest hādes yaaf to hem that crucifyed hym And thenne lyftynge vp his eyen to heuen sayd to the fader in thise maner wordes Lo Nota verba filii ad prēm here I am my dere fader as thou woldest that I sholde loowe myself vnto the crosse for the sauacōn of mākynde and that is pleysynge acceptable to me and for hem I offre myselfe the whiche thou woldest sholde be my bretherne wherfore also thou fader take gladly this sacrifyce for hem of me