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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12644 St Peters complainte Mary Magdal· teares. Wth other workes of the author R:S; Poems. Selected Poems Southwell, Robert, Saint, 1561?-1595.; Barret, William. 1620 (1620) STC 22965; ESTC S117670 143,832 592

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calme minde in more hope then feare she expected her owne passage she commended both her duty and good will to all her friends and cleared her heart from all grudge towards her enemies wishing true happinesse to them both as best became so soft and gentle a mind in which anger neuer stayed but as an vnwelcome stranger She made open profession that she did die true to her religion true to her husband true to God and the world she enioyed her iudgement as long as she breathed her body earnestly offering her last deuotions supplying in thought what faintnesse suffered not her tongue to vtter in the end when her glasse was runne out and death began to challenge his interest some labouring with too late remedies to hinder the deliuery of her sweet soule she desired them eftsoones to let her go to God and her hopes calling her to eternall kingdomes as one rather fallen asleepe then dyieg she most happily tooke her leaue of all mortall miseries Such was the life such was the death of your dearest sister both so full of true comfort that this surely of her vertues may be a sufficient lenitiue to your bitterest griefes For you are not I hope in the number of those that reckon it a part of their paine to heare of their best remedies thinking the rehearsall of your dead friends praises an vpbraiding of their losse but sith the obliuion of her vertuues were iniurious to her let not the mention of her person be offensiue vnto you and be not you grieued with her death with which she is best pleased So blessed a death is rather to be wished of vs then pitied in her whose soule triumpheth with God whose vertue still breatheth in the mouths of infinite praises and liueth in the memories of all to whom either experience made her knowne or fame was not enuious to conceale her deserts She was a iewell that both God and you desired to enioy he to her assured benefit without selfe interest you for allowable respects yet employing her restraint among certaine hazards and most vncertaine hopes Be then vmpire in your owne cause whether your wishes or Gods will importeth more loue the one the adornement of her exile the other her returne into a most blessed countrey And sith it pleased God in this loue to be your riuall let your discretion decide the doubt whom in due should carry the suite the prerogatiue being but a right to the one for nature and grace being the motiues of both your loues she had the best litle in them that was authour of them and she if worthy to be beloued of either as she was of both could not but preferre him to the dearest portion of her deepest affection let him with good leaue gather the grape of his owne vine and plucke the fruite of his owne planting and thinke so curious workes euer safest in the artificers hand who is likeliest to loue them and best able to preserue them She did therefore her duty in dying willingly and if you will do yours you must be willing with her death sith to repine at her liking is discurtesie at Gods an impiety both vnfitting for your approued vertue she being in place where no griefe can annoy her she hath little neede or lesse ioy of your sorrow neither can she allow in her friends that she would loathe in her selfe loue neuer affecting likenesse if she had bene euill she had not deserued our teares being good she cannot desire them nothing being lesse to the likenesse of goodnesse than to see it selfe any cause of vniust disquiet or trouble to the innocent Would Saul haue thought it friendship to haue wept for his fortune in hauing found a kingdome 1. Sam. 17. by seeking of cattell or Dauid account it a curtesie to haue sorrowed at his successe that from following sheepe came to foyle a giant and to receiue in fine a royall crowne for his victorie why then should her lot be lamented whom higher fauour hath raised from the dust to sit with princes of Gods people Psal 112 if security had bene giuen that a longer life should still haue bene guided by vertue and followed with good fortune you might pretend some cause to complaine of her deceasse But if different effects should haue crossed your hopes processe of time being the parent of strange alterations then had death bene friendlier then your selfe and sith it hung in suspence which of the two would haue happened let vs allow God so much discretion as to thinke him the fittest arbitrator in decision of the doubt her foundations of happinesse were in the holy hills Psal 86. and God sawe it fittest for her building to be but low in the vale of teares better it was it should be soone taken downe then by rising too high to haue oppressed her soule with the ruines Thinke it no iniurie that she is now taken from you but a fauour that she was lent you so long and shew no vnwillingnesse to restore God his owne sith hitherto you haue payed no vsurie for it Consider not how much longer you might haue enioyed her but how much sooner you might haue lost her and sith she was held vpon curtesie not by any couenant take our soueraigne right for a sufficient reason of her death our life is but lent a good to make thereof during the loane our best commodity It is due debt to a more certaine owner than our selues and therefore so long as we haue it we receiue a benefite when we are depriued of it we haue no wrong we are tennants at will of this clayie farme not for tearme of yeares when we are warned out we must be ready to remoue hauing no other title but the owners pleasure it is but an Inne not an home we came but to baite not to dwell and the condition of our entrance was in fine to depart If this departure be grieuous it is also common this to day to me to morrow to thee and the case equally afflicting all leaues none any cause to complaine of iniurious vsage Natures debt is sooner exacted of some than of other yet is there no fault in the creditor that exacteth but his owne but in the greedinesse of our eager hopes either repining that their wishes faile or willingly forgetting their mortalitie whom they are vnwilling by experience to see mortall yet the generall tide wafteth all passengers to the same shore some sooner some later but all at the last and we must settle our minds to take our course as it commeth neuer fearing a thing so necessary yet euer expecting a thing so vncertaine It seemeth that God purposely concealed the time of our death leauing vs resolued betweene feare and hope of longer continuance Cut off vnripe cares lest with the notice and pensiuenesse of our diuorce from the world we should lose the comfort of needfull contentments and before our dying day languish away with expectation of death Some
are taken in their first steppe into this life receiuing in one their welcome and farewell as though they had bene borne onely to be buried and to take their pasport in this hourely middle of their course the good to preuent change the bad to shorten their impietie Some liue till they be weary of life to giue proofe of their good hap that had a kindlier passage yet though the date be diuers the debt is all one equally to be answered of all as their time expireth Psal 88. for who is the man shall liue and not see death sith we all dye and like water slide vpon the earth In Paradice we receiued the sentence of Death Gen. 5. and here as prisoners we are kept in ward tarying but our times till the Gaoler call vs to our execution Whom hath any vertue eternized or desert commended to posterity that hath not mourned in life and bene mourned after death no assurance of ioy being sealed without some teares Euen the blessed Virgin the mother of God was thrown downe as deepe in temporall miseries as she was aduanced high in spirituall honours none amongst all mortall creatures finding in life more proofe then she of her mortalitie For hauing the noblest sonne that euer woman was mother of not onely aboue the condition of men but aboue the glorie of Angels being her sonne onely without temporall Father and thereby the loue of both parents doubled in her breast being her onely Sonne without other issue and so her loue of all children finished in him Yea he being God and she the nearest creature to Gods perfections yet no prerogatiue either quitted her from mourning or him from dying and though they surmounted the highest Angels in all other preheminences yet were they equall with the meanest men in the sentence of Death And howbeit the blessed Virgine being the patterne of Christian mourners so tempered her anguish that there was neither any thing vndone that might be exacted of a mother nor any thing done that might be misliked in so perfect a matron yet by this we may ghesse with what curtesies death is likely to friend vs that durst cause so bloudy funerals in so heauenly a stocke not exempting him from the law of dying that was the authour of life and soone after to honour his triumphs with ruines and spoile of death Seeing therefore that Death spareth none let vs spare our teares for better vses being but an idoll sacrifice to this deafe and implacable executioner And for this not long to be continued where they can neuer profit Nature did promise vs a weeping life exacting teares for custome at our first entrance and for suting our whole course in this dolefull beginning Therefore they must be vsed with measure that must be vsed so often and so many causes of weeping lying yet in the debt sith we cannot end our teares let vs at the least reserue them if sorrow cannot be shunned let it be taken in time of neede sith otherwise being both troublesome and fruitlesse it is a double miserie or an open folly We moisten not the ground with precious waters they were stilled to nobler ends either by their fruits to delight our senses or by their operation to preserue our healths Our teares are water of too high a price to be prodigally powred in the dust of any graues If they be teares of loue they perfume our prayers making them odour of sweetnesse fit to be offered on the Altar before the throne of God if teares of contrition they are water of life to the dying and corrupting soules Apoc. 8. they may purchase fauour and repeale the sentence till it be executed 3 King 26. as the example of Ezechias doth testifie but when the punishment is past and the verdict performed in effect their pleading is in vaine 2 Kin 8.11 as Dauid taught vs when his child was dead saying that he was likelier to go to it than it by his weeping to returne to him Learne therefore to giue sorrow no long dominion ouer you Wherfore the wise should rather marke than expect an end Meet it not when it commeth do not inuite it when it is absent when you feele it do not force it sith the bruite creatures which Nature seldome erring in her course guideth in the meane haue but a short though vehement sense of their losses You should bury the sharpnesse of your griefe with the course and rest contented with a kind yet a milde compassion neither lesse than decent for you nor more than agreeable to your nature iudgement Your much heauinesse would renew a multitude of griefes and your eyes would be springs to many streames adding to the memory of the dead a new occasion of plaint by your owne discomfort The motion of your heart measureth the beating of many pulses which in any distemper of your quiet with the like stroke will soone bewray themselues sicke of your disease your fortune though hard yet is it notorious and though moued in mishap and set in an vnworthy lanterne yet your owne light shineth farre and maketh you markeable euery one will bend an attentiue eye vpon you obseruing how you ward this blow of temptation and whether your patience be a shield of proofe or easily entred with these violent strokes It is commonly expected that so high thoughts which haue already climed ouer the hardest dangers should not now stoupe to any vulgar or female complaints Great personages whose estate draweth vpon them many eyes as they cannot but be themselues so may not they vse the libertie of meaner estates the lawes of Nobilitie not allowing them to direct their deeds by their desires but to limit their desires to that which is decent Nobility is an ayme for lower degrees to leuell at markes of higher perfection and like stately windowes in the Northeast roomes of politicke and ciuill buildings to let in such light and lie open to such prospects as may affoord their inferiours both to finde meanes and motions to Heroicall vertues If you should determine to dwell euer in sorrow it were a wrong to your wisedome and countermanded by your qualitie If euer you mind to surceasse it no time fitter than the present sith the same reasons that hereafter might moue you are now as much in force Yeld to Wisedome that which you must yeeld to Time be beholding to your selfe not to Time for the victory make it a voluntary worke of discretion that will otherwise be a necessary worke of delay We thinke it not enough to haue our owne measure brim full with euill vnlesse we make it runne ouer with others miseries taking their misfortunes as our punishments and executing forreine penalties vpon our selues Yea disquiet mindes being euer bellowes to their owne flames mistake oft times others good for ill their follie making it a true scourge to them howsoeuer it seemed t was to others a benefit Iacob out of Iosephs absence sucked such surmises as he
sory wight the obiect of disgrace The Monument of feare the Map of shame The mirror of mishap the staine of place The scorne of time the infamy of fame An excrement of earth to heauen hatefull Iniurious to man to God ingratefull Ambitious heads dreame you of Fortunes pride Fill Volumes with your forged goddesse praise You Fansies drudges plung'd in follies tide Deuote your fabling wits to louers layes Be you O sharpest griefes that euer wrong Text to my thoughts Theame to my playning tong Sad subiect of my sinne hath stoard my minde With euerlasting matter of complaint My threnes an endlesse Alphabet do finde Beyond the pangs which Ieremy doth paint That eyes with errors may iust measure keepe Most teares I wish that haue most cause to weepe All weeping eyes resigne your teares to me A sea will scantly rince my ordur'd soule Huge horrors in high tides must drowned be Of euery teare my crime exacteth tole These staines are deepe few drops take out no such Euen salue with sore and most is not too much I fear'd with life to die by death to liue I left my guide now left and leauing God To breathe in blisse I fear'd my breath to giue I fear'd for heauenly raigne an earthly rod. These feares I fear'd feares feeling no mishaps O fond O faint O false O faulty lapse How can I liue that thus my life deni'd What can I hope that lost my hope in feare What trust to one that truth it selfe defi'd What good in him that did his God forsweare O sinne of sinnes of euils the very worst O matchlesse wretch O caytiffe most accurst Vaine in my vaunts I vowd if friends had fail'd Alone Christs hardest fortunes to abide Giant in talke like dwarfe in triall quaild Excelling none but in vntruth and pride Such distance is betweene high words and deeds In proofe the greatest vanter seldome speeds Ah rashnesse hasty rise to murdering leape Lauish in vowing blind in seeing what Soone sowing shames that long remorse must reape Nursing with teares that ouer-sight begat Scout of repentance harbinger of blame Treason to wisedome mother of ill name The borne-blind begger for receiued sight Fast in his faith and loue to Christ remain'd He stooped to no feare he fear'd no might No change his choice no threats his truth distain'd One wonder wrought him in his duty sure I after thousands did my Lord abiure Could seruile feare of rendring Natures due Which growth in yeares was shortly like to claime So thrall my loue that I should thus eschue A vowed death and misse so faire an ayme Die die disloyall wretch thy life detest For sauing thine thou hast forsworne the best Ah life sweet drop drownd in a sea of sowres A flying good posting to doubtfull end Still losing months and yeares to gaine new howres Faine time to haue and spare yet forc't to spend Thy growth decrease a moment all thou hast That gone ere knowne the rest to come or past Ah life the maze of countlesse straying wayes Open to erring steps and strew'd with baits To winde weake senses into endlesse strayes Aloofe from vertues rough vnbeaten straits A flower a play a blast a shade a dreame A liuing death a neuer turning streame And could I rate so high a life so base Did feare with loue cast so vneuen account That for this goale I should runne Iudas race And Caiphas rage in cruelty surmount Yet they esteemed thirty pence his price I worse then both for nought deny'd him thrice The mother Sea from ouerflowing deepe Sends forth her issue by deuided veines Yet backe her off-spring to their mother creeps To pay their purest streames with added gaines But I that drunke the drops of heauenly flud Bemyr'd the giuer with returning mud Is this the haruest of his sowing toile Did Christ manure thy heart to breed him briers Or doth it neede this vnaccustom'd soyle With hellish dung to fertile heauens desires No no the Marle that periuries doth yeeld May spoile a good not fat a barren field Was this for best deserts the duest meede Are highest worths well wag'd with spitefull hire Are stoutest vowes repeal'd in greatest neede Should frendship at the first affront retire Blush crauen sot lurke in eternall night Crouch in the darkest Caues from loathed light Ah wretch why was I nam'd sonne of a Doue Whose speeches voided spite and breathed gall No kinne I am vnto the bird of loue My stony name much better sutes my fall My othes were stones my cruell tongue the sling My God the marke at which my spite did fling Were all the Iewish tyrannies too few To glut thy hungry lookes with his disgrace That thou more hatefull tyrannies must shew And spot thy poyson in thy Makers face Didst thou to spare his foes put vp thy sword To brandish now thy tongue against thy Lord Ah tongue that didst his praise and God-head sound How wert thou stain'd with such detesting words That euery word was to his heart a wound And launc't him deeper then a thousand swords What rage of man yea what infernall Sprite Could haue disgorg'd more loathsome dregs of spite Why did the yeelding Sea like Marble way Support a wretch more wauering then the waues Whom doubt did plonge why did the waters stay Vnkind in kindnesse murthering while it saues O that this tongue had then beene fishes food And I deuour'd before this cursing mood There surges depths and Seas vnfirme by kinde Rough gusts and distance both from ship and shoare Were titles to excuse my staggering mind Stout feet might falter on that liquid floare But heere no Seas no Blasts no Billowes were A puffe of womans wind bred all my feare O Coward troupes farre better arm'd then harted Whom angrie words whom blowes could not prouoke Whom though I taught how sore my weapon smarted Yet none repaide me with a wounding stroke O no that stroke could but one moity kill I was reseru'd both halfes at once to spill Ah whither was forgotten loue exil'd Where did rhe truth of pledged promise sleepe What in my thoughts begat this vgly child That could through rented soule thus fiercely creepe O Viper feare their death by whom thou liuest All good thy ruines wrecke all euils thou giuest Threats threw me not torments I none assayd My fray with shades conceites did make me yeeld Wounding my thoughts with feares selfely dismayd I neither fought nor lost I gaue the field Infamous foyle a Maidens easie breath Did blow me downe and blast my soule to death Titles I make vntruths am I a rocke That with so soft a gale was ouerthrowne Am I fit Pastor for the faithfull Flocke To guide their soules that murdred thus mine owne A rocke of ruine not a rest to stay A Pastor not to feed but to betray Fidelity was flowne when feare was hatched Incompatible brood in vertues nest Courage can lesse with Cowardise be matched Prowesse nor loue lodg'd in diuided brest O Adams Child cast by a
sees that speech could not amend Yet higher powers must thinke though they repine When Sunne is set the little starres will shine While Pike doth range the silly Tench doth fly And crouch in priuy creekes with smaller fish Yet Pikes are caught when little fish go by These fleete aflote while those do fill the dish There is a time euen for the wormes to creepe And sucke the deaw while all their foes do sleepe The Marline cannot euer soare on high Nor greedy Grey-houn still pursue the chase The tender Larke will finde a time to fly And fearefull Hate to runne a quiet race He that high growth on Cedars did bestow Gaue also lowly Mushrumps leaue to grow In Hamans pompe poore Mardocheus wept Yet God did turne his fate vpon his foe The Lazar pinde while Diues feast was kept Yet he to heauen to hell did Diues go We trample grasse and prize the flowers of May Yet grasse is greene when flowers do fade away The Natiuitie of Christ BEhold the Father is his daughters sonne The bird that built the nest is hatcht therein The old of yeares an howre hath not out-runne Eternall life to liue doth now beginne The Word is du● the mirth of heauen doth weepe Might feeble is and force doth faintly creepe O dying soules behold your liuing spring O dazled eyes behold your Sunne of grace Dull eares attend what word this Word doth bring Vp heauy hearts with ioy your ioy embrace From death from darke from deafnesse from dispaires This life this light this Word this ioy repaires Gift better then himselfe God doth not know Gift better then his God no man can see This gift doth here the giuer giuen bestow Gift to this gift let each receiuer be God is my gift himselfe he freely gaue me Gods gift am I and none but God shall haue me Man altered was by sinne from man to beast Beasts food is hay hay is all mortall flesh Now God is flesh and lyes in Manger prest As hay the brutest sinner to refresh O happy field wherein this fodder grew Whose taste doth vs from beasts to men renew Christs Childhood TIll twelue yeares age how Christ his childhood spent All earthly pens vnworthy were to write Such acts to mortall eyes he did present Whose worth not men but Angels must recite No natures blots no childish faults defilde Where grace was guide and God did play the child In springing locks lay couched hoary wit In semblance yong a graue and ancient port In lowly lookes high maiesty did sit In tender tongue sound sence of sagest sort Nature imparted all that she could teach And God suppli'd where Nature could not reach His mirth of modest meane a mirrour was His sadnesse tempered with a milde aspect His eye to try each action was a glasse Whose lookes did good approue and bad correct His Natures gifts his grace his word and deed Well shewed that all did from a God proceed A Childe my Choice LEt folly praise that fancie loues I praise and loue that child Whose heart no thought whose tongue no word whose hand no deed defil'd I praise him most I loue him best all praise and loue is his While him I loue in him I liue and cannot liue amisse Loues sweetest marke laudes highest Theame mans most desired light To loue him life to leaue him death to liue in him delight He mine by gift I his by debt thus each to other's due First friend he was best friend he is all times will trie him true Though yong yet wise though small yet strong though man yet God he is As wise he knowes as strong he can as God he loues to blisse His knowledge rules his strength defends his loue doth cherish all His birth our ioy his life our light his death our end of thrall Alas he weepes he sighs he pants yet do his Angels sing Out of his teares his sighes and throbs doth bud a ioyfull Spring Almightie Babe whose tender armes can force all foes to fly Correct my faults protect my life direct me when I die Content and rich I Dwell in Graces Court Enrich with Vertues rights Faith guides my wit Loue leades my will Hope all my minde delights In lowly vales I mount To pleasures highest pitch My silly shroud true Honour brings My poore estate is rich My conscience is my Crowne Contented thoughts my rest My heart is happy in it selfe My blisse is in my breast Enough I reckon wealth A meane the surest lot That lyes too high for base contempt Too low for Enuies shot My wishes are but few All easie to fulfill I make the limits of my power The bounds vnto my will I haue no hopes but one Which is of heauenly raigne Effects attaind or not desir'd All lower hopes refrain● I feele no care of coyne Well-doing is my wealth My mind to me an Empire is While grace affoordeth health I clyp high-climing thoughts The wings of swelling pride Their fall is worst that from the height Of greater honour slide Sith sayles of largest size The storme doth soonest teare I beare so low and small a sayle As freeth me from feare I wrastle not with rage While furies flame doth burne It is in vaine to stop the streame Vntill the tide doth turne But when the flame is out And ebbing wrath doth end I turne a late enraged foe Into a quiet friend And taught with often proofe A tempered calme I finde To be most solace to it selfe Best cure for angrie minde Spare dyet is my fare My clothes more fit then fine I know I feede and clothe a foe That pamp'red would repine I enuie not their hap Whom fauour doth aduance I take no pleasure in their paine That haue lesse happie chance To rise by others fall I deeme a losing gaine All states with others ruines built To ruine runne amaine No change of Fortunes calmes Can cast my comforts downe When Fortune smiles I smile to thinke how quickly she will frowne And when in froward moode She proou'd an angrie so Small gaine I found to let her come Lesse losse to let her go Losse in delayes SHun delayes they breed remorse Take thy time while time doth serue thee Creeping Snayles haue weakest force Flie their fault lest thou repent thee Good is best when soonest wrought Lingring labours come to nought Hoyse vp sayle while gale doth last Tide and winde stay no mans pleasure Seeke not time when time is past Sober speed is Wisedomes leisure After-wits are dearely bought Let thy fore-wit guide thy thought Time weares all his locks before Take thou hold vpon his forehead When he flies he turnes no more And behind his scalpe is naked Workes adiourn'd haue many stayes Long demurres breed new delayes Seeke thy salue while sore is greene Festered wounds aske deeper launcing After-cures are seldome seene Often sought scarce euer chancing Time and place giues best aduice Out of season out of price Crush the Serpent in the head Breake ill
made his heart a prey to his agonies whereas that that buried him in his owne melancholies raised Ioseph to his highest happinesse If Mary Magdalen said and supposed she could haue suncke no deeper in griefe than she had already plunged her selfe and yet that which she imagined the vttermost of euils proued in conclusion the very blisse of her wishes the like may be your errour if you cumber your minde with thinking vpon her death which could neuer be discharged from cares till death set his hand to her acquittance nor receiue the charter of an eternall being till her soule were presented at the sealing I loath to rubbe the scarre of a deeper wound for feare of renewing a dead discomfort yet if you will fauour your owne remedies the maisterie ouer that griefe that springs from the roote may learne you to qualifie this that buddeth from the branch Let not her losses moue you that are acquainted with greater of your owne and taught by experience to know how vncertaine then change is for whō vnconstant fortune throweth the dice. If she want the wonted titles her part is now ended and they were due but vpon the stage her losse therein is but a wracke of wounds in which she is but euen with the height of Princes surpassing both her selfe in them and the new honours of heauenly stile If she haue left her children it was her wish they should repay her absence with vsury yet had she sent her first fruits before her as pledges of her owne comming And now may we say that the Sparrow hath found an home and the Turtle doue a neast where she may lay her yonglings enioying some and expecting the rest If she be taken from her friends she is also deliuered from her enemies in hope hereafter to enioy the first out of feare of euer being troubled with the latter If she be cut off in her youth no age is vnripe for a good death and hauing ended her taske though neuer so short yet she hath liued out her full time Old age is venerable not long to be measured by increase of vertues not by number of yeares for grauity cōsisteth in wisedom Sap. 4. and an vnspotted life is the ripenesse of the perfectest age If she were in possibilitie of preferment she could hardly haue mounted higher than from whence she was throwne hauing bene brused with the first she had little will to clime for a second fall We might hitherto truly haue said this is that Naomi Ruth 1. she being to her end enriched with many outward and more inward graces But whether hereafter shee would haue bid vs not to call her Naomi that is faire but Mara that signifieth bitter it is vncertaine sith she might haue fallen into the widdows felicitie that so changed her name to the likenesse of her lot Insomuch that she is freed from more miseries then she suffered losses and more fortunate by not desiring then she would be by enioying fortunes fauour which if it be not counted a follie to loue yet it is a true happinesse not to need we may rather thinke that Death was prouided against her imminent harmes then enuious of any future prosperities the times being great with so many broyles that when they once fall in labour we shall thinke their condition securest whom absence hath exempted both from feeling the bitter throwes and beholding the monstrous issue that they are likely to bring forth The more you tender her the more temperate should be your griefe sith seeing you vpon going she did but step before you into the next world to which she thought you to belong more than to this which hath already giuen you the most vngratefull congee They that are vpon remouing send their furniture before them and you still standing vpon your departure what ornament could you rather wish in your future abode then this that did euer please you God thither sendeth your Adamants whither he would draw your heart and casteth your anchors where your thoughts should lie at roade that seeing your loue taken out of the world and your hopes disanchored from the stormie shoare you might settle your desires where God seemeth to require them If you would haue wished her life for an example to your house assure your selfe she hath left her friends so inherited with her vertues and so perfect patternes of her best part that who knoweth the suruiuours may see the deceassed and shall finde little difference but in the number which before was greater but not better vnlesse it were in one repetition of the same goodnesse wherefore set your selfe at rest in the ordinance of God whose works are perfect and whose wisedome is infinite The termes of our life are like the seasons of the yeare some for sowing some for growing and some for reaping in this onely different that as the heauens keepe their prescribed periods so the succession of times haue their appointed changes But in the seasons of our life which are not the law of necessarie causes some are reaped in the seed some in the blade some in the vnripe eares all in the end this haruest depending vpon the Reapers will Death is too ordinary a thing to seeme any nouelty being a familiar guest in euery house and sith his comming is expected and his errand vnknowne neither his presence should be feared nor his effects lamented What wonder is it to see fuell burned spice-pouned or snow melted And as little feare it is to see those dead that were borne vpon condition once to dye She was such a compound as was once to be resolued vnto her simples which is now performed her soule being giuen to God and her body resorted into her first elements It could not dislike you to see your friend remoued out of a ruinous house the house it self destroyed and pulled down if you knew it were to build it in a statelier forme and to turne the inhabitant with more ioy into a fairer lodging Let then your sisters soule depart without griefe let her body also be altred into dust withdraw your eyes from the ruine of this cottage and cast them vpon the maiestie of the second building which Saint Paul saith shall be incorruptible glorious strange spirituall and immortall Night and sleepe are perpetuall mirrours figuring in their darknesse silence shutting vp of senses the finall end of our mortall bodies and for this some haue entituled sleepe the eldest brother of Death but with no lesse conuenience it might be called one of Deaths tenants neare vnto him in affinity of condition yet farre inferiour in right being but tennant for a time of that Death is the inheritance for by vertue of the conueyance made vnto him in Paradice that dust we were and to dust we must returne he hath hitherto shewed his seigniory ouer all exacting of vs not onely the yearely but hourely reuerence of time which euer by minuts we defray vnto him so that our very life is
are kept by the Law and restrained by terrour thereof from open wickednesse Math. These hate the Law but professe to loue it Psal 78.36 37. These ashamed of their nakednes couer it with fig-leaues or spiders webs of their own externall righteousnesse Isa 59.5.6 These crie but God heareth them not Isa 1.15 These change their words and workes but not themselues Gen. 4.3 28.8.9 Hos 7.16 These are in the house but as seruants not as children Iohn 8.35.36 Galat. 4.22 c. These go with their lampes but without oile they come to the feast but want the wedding garment Mat. 25 3. 22 11.1● These are light before the world but darknesse before God Mat. 6.2 5.16 Isa These though they see and know their sicknesse yet like to King Asa they seeke not the Lord in their disease but to the Physitians or with salues and medicines of their own making thinke to cure themselues 2. Chro. 16 12. Ioh 5.40 Hos 5.13 These do not the euill which they loue but the good which they loue not Nū These expect saluation by themselues and their owne righteousnes Rō 10 3. Ier. 2.35 These vnder Moses conduct perish by Gods hand in the desert and come not into the Land of promise These both shall perish and be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord their portion shall be with the diuels in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death Mat. 25.30.41 24.51 Iob 13.16 2. Thes 1.8.9 Reue. The Hypocrites hope shall perish Iob 8.13 The reioycing of the wicked is short the ioy of Hypocrites is but a moment Iob 20.5 SAINTS that rightly beleeue and obey Gods word with their vtmost power the friends of the Lord. Psal 119.3.5 10.11 c. These are borne anew not of bloud nor of the will of the flesh or of man but of God therefore they sauour the things of God mind heauenly things being children of Wisedome Ioh. 6.13 3.3 Luke 7.35 These are called and chosen of God are both in of the Church and so continue Ephes 1.4 c. Iob 17.9 In these sinne dieth and righteousnesse reuiueth daily both inwardly and outwardly Rom. 6.2 3 4 c. To these the law is not giuen or it lyeth not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on them 1. Tim. 1.9 for they haue the Gospell the Law and Ministerie of the Spirit and Gods word is written in fleshly tables of their hearts within and without by the finger of God and they all behold as in a mirrour the glorie of the Lord with open face and are changed into the same image frō glorie to glorie as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2. Cor 33.18 Eze. 11 19 Heb 8.10 These are the right keepers of the Law in spirit which sometime also were kept of the Law til Faith came Psal 119.33 34. Gal. 3.23 25. These loue the Law and professe their loue Psalme 119.97 Rom. 7.22 These haue their nakednesse couered of Christ and by the garments of his righteousnes Reuel 3.18 and 16.15 These call vpon God and he answereth them Ier. 29.12.13 These change both their actions and themselues or rather are changed of the Lord Rom. 12.2 These are no more strangers but children of Gods familie wherein they abide for euer Gal. 4.28 1. Ioh 3 These go to meete the bridegroom with oyle in their lamps are arrayed with the wedding robe Mat. 25.4 These are light both before God and the world Ephes 5.8 Mat. ● 16 Phil. 2.15 These see their sinnes and feele thēselues wounded by those fierie serpents but lift vp their eyes to the serpent of brasse they seek to Christ onely the Physitian of their soules Nūbers 21.8 9. Ioh. 3.14 15. These loue good and desire to do it yet do the euill which they hate Rom. 7.15 These expect saluation onely by Christs righteousnesse not by themselues Phil. 3.9 Rō 3 24.28 These after Moses death are brought by Iesus into the rest of Canaan the rest that remaineth for the people of God Heb. 4.8.9 These shall enter into the ioy of their Lord shall liue and reigne with him in heauen and with his holy Angels for euermore Amen Mat. The Saints shall be preserued for euer Psal 37.28 And men shall say Verily there is fruite for the righteous doubtlesse there is a God that iudgeth in the earth Psal 58.11 A prayer vnto God the Father THou that rulest in the highest reignest for euer onely canst do all things God the gouernor of heauen and earth at whose becke all creatures tremble and the pillars of heauen shake O heauenly God perfect workman and Potter I wretch made out of clay or rather of filthy mudde with feare and trembling come before the throne of thy maiestie I acknowledge and confesse my wickednesse I know that I am nothing yea that I am meere abomination and horror in thy sight if thy grace and mercie do faile me without thee I thinke no goodnesse without thee I do no good thing without thee I am a contemptible creeping worme I cannot be saued without thine assistance my saluation dependeth on thy hands I giue thee thanks O God and in especiall for this for that thou hast giuen me that knowledge that I may see and know that I am nothing vnable to do any thing without thee Thou art the Potter I the clay such as thou wilt haue me be such canst thou forme and fashion me if thou makest me blessed thou shewest thy mercy and grace if thou castest me into perdition thou shewest thy iustice and executest thy iudgement neither is it my duty to contradict thee why or for what reason thou doest it For thou hast mercy vpon him whō thou louest these things I meditate with my selfe ô Lord and I feare thy iudgements Since therefore all my safetie and saluation dependeth on thee and consisteth in thy hand and power and sith thou hast shewed thy selfe a mercifull and long-suffering God to the whole world and hast testified the same indeed in that thou wouldest thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ the innocent should die for our offences and expiate our sinnes with his bloud on the Crosse Finally since thou hast taught vs in all our perturbations to call vpon thee and aske thy grace and mercy for that thou wilt giue vs all things which we shall aske in the name of thy Sonne I come vnto thee being drosse and a lumpe of day O mercifull and celestiall Potter beseeching thee most humbly that thou wilt vse thy mercie and make of this vnworthy matter a vessell of eternall glorie Vouchsafe also of thy meere grace to fixe my mind on perfect faith assured hope and chaste and holy loue that being iustified by these thy gifts I may become vpright perfect good and holy according to thy good will both in the midst and end of my life as also at the latter day of iudgement O mercifull
Fiends do sell That men to monsters Angels turne to Deuils Wrong of all rights selfe ruine roote of euils A thing most done yet more then God can do Daily new done yet neuer done amisse Friended of all yet vnto all a foe Seeming an heauen yet banishing from blisse Serued with toyle yet paying nought but paine Mans deepest losse though false esteemed gaine Shot without noise wound without present smart First seeming light prouing in fine a lode Entring with ease not easily wonne to part Farre in effects from that the showes abode Endorc't with hope subscribed with dispaire Vgly in death though life did faine it faire O forfeiture of heauen eternall debt A moments ioy ending in endlesse fires Our natures scum the worlds entangling Net Night of our thoughts death of all good desires Worse then all this worse then all tongues can say Which man could owe but onely God defray This fawning Viper dum till he had wounded With many mouthes doth now vpbraid my harmes My sight was veild till I my selfe confounded Then did I see the disinchanted charmes Then could I cut th' Anatomy of sinne And search with Linxes eyes what lay within Bewitching euill that hides death in deceits Still borrowing lying shapes to maske thy face Now know I the deciphring of thy sleights A cunning dearely bought with losse of grace Thy sugred poyson now hath wrought so well That thou hast made me to my selfe an hell My eye reades mournfull lessons to my heart My heart doth to my thought the griefe expound My thought the same doth to my tongue impart My tongue the message in the eares doth sound My eares backe to my heart their sorrowes send Thus circling griefes runne round without an end My guilty eye still seemes to see my sinne All things Characters are to spell my fall What eye doth reade without heart rues within What heart doth rue to pensiue thought is gall Which when the thought would by the tongue digest The eare conueyes it backe into the breast Thus gripes in all my parts do neuer faile Whose onely league is now in bartring paines What I ingrosse they traffique by retaile Making each others miseries their gaines All bound for euer prentices to care Whilst I in shop of shame trade sorrowes ware Pleasd with displeasing lot I seeke no change I wealthiest am when richest in remorse To fetch my ware no Seas nor Lands I range For customers to buy I nothing force My home bred goods at home are bought and sold And still in me my interest I hold My comfort now is comfortlesse to liue In Orphan state deuoted to mishap Rent from the roote that sweetest fruit did giue I scorn'd to graffe in stock of meaner sap No iuyce can ioy me but of Iesses flower Whose heauenly roote hath true reuiuing power At sorrowes doore I knockt they crau'd my name I answered One vnworthy to be knowne What one say they One worthiest of blame But who A wretch not Gods nor yet his owne A man O no a beast much worse What creature A rocke How cald the rocke of scandale Peter From whence From Caiphas house Ah dwell you there Sinnes farme I rented there but now would leaue it What rent My soule What gaine Vnrest and feare Deare purchase Ah too deare will you receiue it What shall we giue Fit teares and times to plaine me Come in say they thus griefes did entertaine me With them I rest true prisoner in their Iayle Chayn'd in the yron linkes of basest thrall Till grace vouchsafing captiue soule to bayle In wonted See degraded loues install Dayes passe in plaints the night without repose I wake to sleepe I sleepe in waking woes Sleepe deaths ally obliuion of teares Silence of passiions balme of angry sore Suspence of loues security of feares Wraths lenitiue hearts ease stormes calmest shore Senses and soules repriuall from all cumbers Benumming sense of ill with quiet slumbers Not such my sleepe but whisperer of dreames Creating strange Chymeras fayning frights Of day discourses giuing fansie theames To make dum shewes with worlds of anticke sights Casting true griefes in fansies forged mold Brokenly telling tales rightly fore-told This sleepe most fitly suiteth sorrowes bed Sorrow the smart of euill Sinnes eldest child Best when vnkind in killing whom it bred A racke for guilty thoughts a bit for wild The scourge that whips the salue that cures offence Sorrow my bed and home while life hath sence Here solitarie Muses nurse my griefes In silent lonenesse burying worldly noise Attentiue to rebukes deafe to reliefes Pensiue to foster cares carelesse of ioyes Ruing lifes losse vnder deaths dreary roofes Solemnizing my funerall behoofes A selfe content the shrowd my soule the corse The Beere an humble hope the herse-clorh feare The mourners thoughts in blacks of deepe remorse The herse grace pitie loue and mercy beare My ●eares my dole the Priest a zealous will Penance the tombe and dolefull sighes the knill Christ health of feuer'd soule heauen of the mind Force of the feeble nurse of infant loues Guide to the wandring foote light to the blind Whom weeping windes repentant sorrow moues Father in care mother in tender heart Reuiue and saue me slaine with sinfull dart If King Manasses sunke in depth of sinne With plaints and teares recouered grace and Crowne A worthlesse worme some mild regard may winne And lowly creepe where flying threw it downe A poore desire I haue to mend my ill I should I would I dare not say I will I dare not say I will but wish I may My pride is checkt high words the speaker spilt My good ô Lord thy gift thy strength my stay Giue what thou bidst and then bid what thou wilt Worke with me what of me thou doest request Then will I dare the most and vow the best Prone looke crost armes bent knee and contrite heart Deepe sighs thicke sobs dew'd eyes and postrate prayers Most humbly beg release of earned smart And sauing shrowd in mercies sweet repaires If iustice should my wrongs with rigor wage Feares would dispaires ruth breed a hopelesse rage Lazar at pitties gate I vlcered lye Crauing the reffuse crums of childrens plate My sores I lay in view to mercies eye My rags beare witnesse of my poore estate The wormes of conscience that within me swarme Proue that my plaints are lesse then is my harme With mildnesse Iesu measure mine offence Let true remorse thy due reuenge abate Let teares appease when trespasse doth incense Let pitty temper thy deserued hate Let grace forgiue let loue forget my fall With feare I craue with hope I humbly call Redeeme my lapse with ransome of thy loue Trauerse th' inditement rigors doome suspend Let frailty fauour sorrowes succour moue Be thou thy selfe though changeling I offend Tender my suite cleanse this defiled denne Cancell my debts sweet Iesu say Amen The end of S. Peters Complaint MARIE MAGdalens blush THe signes of shame that staine my blushing face Rise from
her loue that she would haue thought any quantitie too little except hers had bene added the best in qualitie too meane except hers were with it and no diligence in applying it enough except her seruice were in it Not that she was sharpe in censuring that which others had done but because loue made her so desirous to do all her selfe that though all had bene done that she could deuise and as well as she could wish yet vnlesse she were an actor it would not suffice sith loue is as eager to be vttered in effects as it is zealous in true affection She came therefore now meaning to enbalme his corps as she had before annointed his feet and to preserue the reliques of his body as the onely remnant of all her blisse And as in the spring of her felicitie she had washed his feet with her teares bewayling vnto him the death of her owne soule so now she came in the depth of her miserie to shed them afresh for the death of his body But when she saw the graue open and the bodie taken out the labour of enbalming was preuented but the cause of her weeping increased and he that was wanting to her obsequies was not wanting to her teares and though she found not whom to annoynt yet found she whom to lament And not without cause did Marie complaine finding her first anguish doubled with a second griefe and being surcharged with two most violent sorrowes in one afflicted heart For hauing setled her whole affection vpon Christ and summed all her desires and wishes into the loue of his goodnesse as nothing could equall his worthes so was there not in the whole world either a greater benefit for her to enioy than himselfe or any greater dammage possible than his losse The murdering in his owne death the life of all liues left a generall death in all liuing creatures and his decease not onely disrobed our nature of her most royall ornaments but impouerished the world of all highest perfections What maruell therefore though her vehement loue to so louely a Lord being after the wrecke of his life now also depriued of his dead body feele as bitter pangs for his losse as before it tasted ioyes in his presence and open as large an issue to teares of sorrow as euer heretofore to teares of contentment And though teares were rather oyle than water to her flame apter to nourish than diminish her griefe yet now being plonged in the depth of paine she yeelded her selfe captiue to all discomfort carrying an ouerthrowne mind in a more enfeebled body and still busie in deuising but euer doubtfull in defining what she might best do For what could a silly woman do but weepe that floating in a sea of cares found neither eare to heare her nor tongue to direct her nor hand to helpe her nor heart to pittie her in her desolate case True it is that Peter and Iohn came with her to the Tombe and to make triall of her report were both within it but as they were speedy in comming and diligent in searching so were they as quicke to depart and fearefull of farther seeking And alas what gained she by their comming but two witnesses of her losse two dismayers of her hope and two patternes of a new despaire Loue moued them to come but their loue was soone conquered with such feare that it suffered them not to stay But Mary hoping in despaire and perseuering in hope stood without feare because she now thought nothing left that ought to be feared For she hath lost her maister to whom she was so entirely deuoted that he was the totall of her loues the height of her hopes and the vttermost of her feares and therefore besides him she could neither loue other creature hope for other comfort nor feare other losse The worst she could feare was the death of her body and that shee rather desired than feared sith shee had alreadie lost the life of her soule without which anie other life would be a death and with which any other death would haue bene a delight But now she thought it better to dye than to liue because she might happily dying find whom not dying she looked not to enioy and not enioying she had little will to liue For now she loued nothing in her life but her loue to Christ and if any thing did make her willing to liue it was onely the vnwillingnesse that his Image should dye with her whose likenesse loue had limited in her heart and treasured vp in her sweetest memories And had she not feared to breake the table and to breake open the closet to which she had entrusted this last relique of her lost happinesse the violence of griefe would haue melted her heart into inward bleeding teares and blotted her remembrance with a fatall obliuion And yet neuerthelesse she is now in so imperfect a sort aliue that it is proued true in her that Loue is as strong as death For what could death haue done more in Mary than loue did Her wits were astonied and all her senses so amazed that in the end finding she did not know seeing she could not discerne hearing she perceiued not and more than all this she was not there where she was for she was wholly where her maister was more where she loued than where she liued and lesse in her selfe than in his body which notwithstanding where it was she could not imagine For she sought as yet she found not and therefore stood at the Tombe weeping for it being now altogether giuen to mourning and driuen to misery But ô Mary by whose counsaile vpon what hope or with what heart couldest thou stand alone when the Disciples were departed Thou wert there once before they came thou turnedst againe at their comming and yet thou stayest when they are gone Alas that thy Lord is not in the Tombe thine owne eyes haue often seene the Disciples hands haue felt the empty Syndon doth auouch and cannot all this winne thee to beleeue it No no thou wouldest rather condemne thine owne eyes of errour and both their eyes and hands of deceit yea rather suspect all testimonies for vntrue than not looke whom thou hast lost euen there where by no diligence he could be found When thou thinkest of other places and canst not imagine any so likely as this thou seekest againe in this and though neuer so often sought it must be an haunt for hope For when things dearely affected are lost loues natures is neuer to be weary of searching euen the oftenest searched corners being more willing to thinke that all the senses are mistaken than to yeeld that hope should quaile Yet now sith it is so euident that he is taken away what should moue thee to remaine here where the perill is apparent and no profit likely Can the wit of one and she a woman wholly possessed with passion haue more light to discerne danger than two wits of two men and both
and buried in his Tombe that as our harmes began so they might end and such places and meanes as were the premises to our miserie might be also the conclusions of our misfortune For this did Christ in the Canticles inuite vs to an heauenly banquet after he was come into this Garden and had reaped his myrrhe and his spice to forewarne vs of the ioy that after this haruest should presently ensue namely when hauing sowed in this Garden a body the mortalitie whereof was signified by those spices he now reaped the same neither capable of death nor subiect to corruption For this also was Mary permitted to mistake that we might be informed of the mysterie and see how aptly the course of our redemption did answer the processe of our condemnation But though he be the Gardener that hath planted the tree of grace and restored vs to the vse and eating of the fruites of life Though it be he that soweth his giftes in our soules quickening in vs the seeds of vertue and rooting out of vs the weedes of sinne yet is he neuerthelesse the same Iesus he was and the borrowed presence of a meane laborer neither altereth his person nor diminisheth his right to his diuine titles Why then canst thou not as well see what in truth he is as what in shew he seemeth but because thou seest more than thou diddest beleeue and findest more thrn thy faith serueth thee to seek and for this though thy loue was worthy to see him yet thy faith was vnworthy to know him Thou diddest seeke for him as dead and therefore doest not know him seeing him aliue and because thou beleeuest not of him as he is thou doest onely see him as he seemeth to be I cannot say thou art faultlesse sith thou art so lame in thy beleefe but thy fault deserueth fauour because thy charitie is so great and therefore ô mercifull Iesu giue me leaue to excuse whom thou art minded to forgiue She thought to haue found thee as she left thee and she sought thee as she did last see thee being so ouercome with sorow for thy death that she had neither roome nor respite in her minde for any hope of thy life and being so deepely interred in the griefe of thy buriall that she could not raise her thoughts to any conceit of thy resurrection For in the graue where Ioseph buried thy body Mary together with it entombed her soule and so straightly combined it with thy coarse that she could with more ease sunder her soule from her owne body that liueth by it than from thy dead body with which her loue did burie it for it is more thine and in thee than her owne or in her selfe and therefore in seeking thy body she seeketh her owne soule as with the losse of the one she also lost the other What maruell then though sense faile when the soule is lost sith the lanterne must needes be darke when the light is out Restore vnto her therfore her soule that lieth imprisoned in thy body and she will soone both recouer her sense and discouer her errour For alas it is no errour that proceedeth of any will to erre and it riseth as much of vehemencie or affection as of default in faith Regard not the errour of a woman but the loue of a Disciple which supplyeth in it selfe what in faith it wanteth O Lord saith she If thou hast carried him hence tell me where thou hast laide him and I will take him away O how learned is her ignorance and how skilfull her errour She charged not the Angels with thy remouing nor seemed to mistrust them for carrying thee away as though that her loue had taught her that their helpe was needlesse where the thing remoued was remouer of it selfe She did not request them to enforme her where thou wert layd as if she had reserued that question for thy selfe to answer But now he iudgeth thee so likely to be the authour of her losse that halfe supposing thee guilty she sueth a recouerie and desireth thee to tell her where the body is as almost fully perswaded that thou art as priuie to the place as well acquainted with the action So that if she be not altogether right she is not very much wrong and she erreth with such ayme that she very little misseth the truth Tell her therefore ô Lord what thou hast done with thy selfe sith it is fittest for thy owne speech to vtter that which was onely possible for thy owne power to performe But ô Mary sithens thou art so desirous to know where thy Iesus is why doest thou not name him when thou askest for him Thou saidest to the Angels that they had taken away thy Lord and now the second time thou askest for him Are thy thoughts so visible as at thy onely presence to be seene or so generall that they possesse all when they are once in thee When thou speakest of him what him doest thou meane or how can a stranger vnderstand thee when thou talkest of thy Lord Hath the world no other Lords but thine or is the demanding by no other name but him a sufficient notice for whom thou demandest But such is the nature of thy loue thou iudgest that no other should be entitled a Lord sith the whole world is too little for thy Lords possession and that those few creatures that are cannot chuse but know him sith all the creatures of the world are too few to serue him And as his worthinesse can appay all loues and his onely loue content all hearts so thou deemest him to be so well worthy to be owner of all thoughts that no thought in thy conceit can be well bestowed vpon any other Yet thy speeches seeme more sudden than sound and more peremptory than well pondered Why doest thou say so resolutely without any further circumstance that if this Gardener haue taken him thou wilt take him from him If he had him by right in taking him away thou shouldst do him wrong If thou supposest he wrongfully tooke him thou layest theft to his charge and howsoeuer it be thou either condemnest thy selfe for an vsurper or him for a thiefe And is this an effect of thy zealous loue first to abase him from a God to a Gardener and now to degrade him from a Gardener to a thiefe Thou shouldest also haue considered whether he tooke him vpon loue or malice If it were for loue thou maiest assure thy selfe that he will be as wary to keepe as he was venturous to get him and therefore thy pollicie was weake in saying thou wouldest take him away before thou knewest where he was sith none is so simple to bewray their treasure to a knowne thiefe If he tooke him of malice thy offer to recouer him is an open defiance sith malice is as obstinate in defending as violent in offering wrong and he that would be cruell against thy maisters dead body is likely to be more furious against his liuing
Disciples But thy loue had no leisure to cast so many doubts Thy teares were Interpreters of thy words and thy innocent meaning was written in thy dolefull countenance Thine eyes were rather pleaders for pitty than Heraulds of wrath and thy whole person presented such a patterne of thy extreame anguish that no man from thy presence could take in any other impression And therefore what thy words wanted thy action supplied and what his eare might mistake his eye did vnderstand It might be also that what he wrought in thy heart was concealed from thy sight and haply his voice and demeanour did import such compassion of thy case that he seemed as willing to affoord as thou desirest to haue his helpe And so presuming by his behauiour that thy suite should not suffer repulse the tenour of thy request doth but argue thy hope of a graunt But what is the reason that in all thy speeches which since the misse of thy maister thou hast vttered where they haue put him is alwayes a part So thou saydest to the Apostles the same to the Angels and now thou doest repeate it to this supposed Garderner very sweete must this word be in thy heart that is so often in thy mouth it would neuet be so ready in thy tongue if it were not very fresh in thy memory But what maruaile though it tast so sweete that was first seasoned in thy maisters mouth which as it was the treasury of truth the fountaine of life and the onely quire of the most perfect Harmonie so whatsoeuer it deliuered thine eare deuoured and thy heart locked vp And now that thou wantest himselfe thou hast no other comfort but his words which thou deemest so much the more effectuall to perswade in that they tooke their force from so heauenly a speaker His sweetenesse therefore it is that maketh this word so sweete and for loue of him thou repeatest it so often because he in the like case said of thy brother Where haue you put him O how much doest thou affect his person that findest so sweete a feeling in his phrase How much desirest thou to see his countenance that with so great desire pronouncest his wordes And how willingly wouldest thou licke his sacred feete that so willingly vtterest his shortest speeches But what meanest thou to make so absolute a promise and so boldly to say I will take him away Ioseph was afraid and durst not take downe his body from the Crosse but by night yea and then also not without Pilats warrant but thou neither stayest vntill night nor regardest Pilate but stoutly promisest that thou thy selfe wilt take him away What if he be in the pallace of the high Priest and some such maid as made Saint Peter denie his maister do begin to question with thee wilt thou then stand to these words I will take him away Is thy courage so high aboue kinde thy strength so farre beyond thy sexe thy loue so much without measure that thou neither doest remember that all women are weake not that thy selfe art but a woman Thou exemptest no place thou preferrest no person thou speakest without feare thou promisest without condition thou makest no exception as though nothing were impossible that thy loue suggesteth But as the darknesse could not fright thee from setting forth before day nor the watch feare thee from comming to the Tombe as thou diddest resolue to breake open the seales though with danger of thy life and to remoue the stone from the graues mouth though thy force could not serue thee so what maruaile though thy loue being now more incensed with the fresh wound of thy losse it resolue vpon any though neuer so hard aduentures Loue is not ruled with reason but with loue It neither regardeth what can be nor what shall be done but onely what it selfe desireth to do No difficulty can stay it no impossibility appall it Loue is title iust enough and Armour strong enough for all assaults and it selfe a reward of all labours It asketh no recompence it respecteth no commoditie Loues fruites are loues effects and the gaines the paines It considereth behoofe more than benefit and what in dutie it should not what indeed it can But how can nature be so maistered with affection that thou canst take such delight and carry such loue to a dead coarse The mother how tenderly soeuer she loued her child aliue yet she cannot chuse but loath him dead The most louing Spouse cannot endure the presence of her deceassed husband and whose embracements were delightsome in life are euer most hatefull after death Yea this is the nature of all but principally of women that the very conceit much more the sight of the departed striketh into them so fearefull and vgly impressions and stirreth in them so great horrour that notwithstanding the most vehement loue they thinke long vntill the house is ridde of their very dearest friends when they are once attyred in deaths vnlouely liueries How then canst thou endure to take vp his coarse in thy hands and to carry it thou knowest not thy selfe how farre being especially torne and mangled and consequently the more likely in so long time to be tainted Thy sister was vnwilling that the graue of her owne brother should be opened and yet he was shrowded in sheets embalmed with spices and died an ordinarie death without any wound bruse or other harme that might hasten his corruption But this coarse hath neither shrowd nor spice sith these are to be seene in the tombe and there is not a part in his body but had some helpe to further it to decay and art thou not afraid to see him yea to touch him yea to embrace and carry him naked in thine armes If thou haddest remembred Gods promise that His holy one should not see corruption If thou haddest beleeued that his God-head remaining with his bodie could haue preserued it from perishing thy faith had bene more worthy of praise but thy loue lesse worthy of admiration sith the more corruptible thou diddest conceiue him the more combers thou diddest determine to ouercome and the greater was thy loue in being able to conquer them But thou wouldest haue thought thy oyntments rather harmes than helpes if thou hadst bene setled in that beleefe and for so heauenly a coarse embalmed with God all earthly spices would haue seemed a disgrace If likewise thou haddest firmely trusted vpon his resurrection I should maruaile at thy constant designement sith all hazards in taking him should haue bene with vsurie repaide if lying in thy lappe thou mightest haue seene him reuiued and his disfigured and dead body beautified in thine armes with a diuine maiestie If thou haddest hoped so good fortune to thy waterie eyes that they might haue bene first cleared with the beames of his desired light or that his eyes might haue blessed thee with the first fruites of his glorious lookes If thou haddest imagined any likelihood to haue made happie thy
the first is counted vaine So is' t praise-worthy to conceit the latter The grauest wits that most graue works expect The qualitie not quantitie respect The smallest sparke will cast a burning heate Base cottages may harbour things of worth Then though this volume be nor gay nor great Which vnder your Protection I set forth Do not with coy disdainefull ouersight Deny to reade this well meant orphans mite And since his father in his infancie Prouided patrons to protect his heire But now by Deaths none-sparing crueltie Is turn'd an orphan to the open ayre I his vnworthy foster-sire haue darde To make you Patronizer of this warde You glorying issues of that glorious dame Whose life is made the subiect of deaths will To you succeeding hopes of mothers fame I dedicate this fruite of South wels quill He for your vnkles comfort first it writ I for your consolation priat and send you it Then daine in kindnesse to accept the worke Which be in k●ndnesse writ I send to you The which till now clouded obscure did lurke But now opposed to ech Readers view May yeeld commodious fruite to euerie wight That feeles his conscience prickt by Parcaes spight But if in ought I haue presumptuous bene My pardon-crauing pen implores your fauour If any fault in print be past vnseene To let it passe the Printer is the crauer So shall he thanke you and I by duty bound Pray that in you may all good gifts abound S. W. The Authour to the Reader IF the Athenians erected an altar to an vnknowne god supposing he would be pleased with their deuotion though they were ignorant of his name better may I presume that my labour may be gratefull being deuoted to such men whose names I know and whose fame I haue heard though vnacquainted with their persons I intended this comfort to him whom a lamenting sort hath left most comfortlesse by him to his friends who haue equall portions in this sorrow But I think the Philosophers rule will be heere verified that it shall be last in execution which was first designed and he shall last enioy the effect which was first owner of the cause Thus let Chance be our rule since Choice may not and into which of your hands it shall fortune much honour and happinesse may it carry with it and leaue in their hearts as much ioy as it found sorrow Where I borrow the person of an Historie as well touching the dead as the yet suruiuing I build vpon report of of such Authours whose hoarie heades challenge credit and whose eyes and eares were witnesses of their words To craue pardon for my paine were to slander a friendly office and to wrong their curtesies whom Nobilitie neuer taught to answer affection with anger or to wage dutie with dislike and therefore I humbly present vnto them with as many good wishes as good will can measure from the best meaning mind that hath a willingnesse rather to offoord then to offer due seruice were not the meane as worthlesse as the mind is willing R. S. The Triumphs ouer Death OR A Consolatorie Epistle for troubled minds in the affects of dying friends IF it be a blessing of the vertuous to mourn it is the reward of this to be comforted and he that pronounced the one promised the other I doubt not but that Spirit whose nature is Loue and whose name Comforter as he knowes the cause of our griefe so hath he salued it with supplies of grace powring into your wound no lesse oyle of mercy then wine of iustice yet sith courtesie oweth compassion as a dutie to the afflicted and nature hath ingrafted a desire to finde it I thought good to shew you by proofe that you carry not your cares alone though the loade that lieth on others can little lighten your burthen her deceasse can not but sit nearer your heart whom you had taken so deepe into a most tender affection That which dieth to our loue being alwayes aliue to our sorrow you would haue bene kind to a lesse louing sister yet finding in her so many worths to be loued your loue wrought more earnestly vpon so sweete a subiect which now being taken from you I presume your griefe is no lesse then your loue was the one of these being euer the measure of the other the Scripture moueth vs to bring forth our teares on the dead a thing not offending grace and a right to reason For to be without remorse in the death of friends is neither incident nor conuenient to the nature of man hauing too much affinitie to a sauage temper and ouerthrowing the ground of all piety which is a mutuall sympathie in each of others miseries but as not to feele sorrow in sorrowfull chances is to want sense so not to beare it with moderation is to want vnderstanding the one brutish the other effeminate and he hath cast his account best that hath brought his summe to the meane It is no lesse fault to exceede in sorrow then to passe the limits of competent mirth sith excesse in either is a disorder in passion though that sorrow of curtesie be lesse blamed of men because if it be a fault it is also a punishment at once causing and tasting torments It is no good signe in the sicke to be senslesse in his paines as bad it is to be vnusually sensitiue being both either herbingers or attendants of death Let sadnes sith it is a due to the dead testifie a feeling of pitty not any pang of passion and bewray rather a tender then a deiected minde Mourne as that your friends may finde you a liuing brother all men a discreet mourner making sorrow a signell not a superiour of reason some are so obstinate in their owne will that euen time the naturall remedy of the most violent agonies cannot by any delayes asswage their griefe they entertaine their sorrow with solitary muses and feede their sighes and teares they pine their bodies and draw all pensiue consideration to their minds nursing their heauinesse with a melancholy humour as though they had vowed themselues to sadnesse vnwilling it should end till it had ended them wherein their folly sometimes findeth a ready effect that being true which Salomon obserued Pro 1.25 that as a moath the garment and a worme the wood so doth sadnesse perswade the heart But this impotent softnes fitteth not sober mindes We must not make a liues profession of a seuen nights duety nor vnder colour of kindnesse to other be vnnaturall to our selues if some in their passion ioyned their thoughts into such labyrinths that neither wit knoweth nor will careth how long or how farre they wander in them it discouereth their weakenesse but discerneth our meditation It is for the most the fault not of all but of the silliest women who next to the funerall of their friends deeme it a second widowhood to force their teares and make it their happinesse to seeme most vnhappy as though they
had onely bene left aliue to be a perpetuall map of dead folkes misfortunes but this is to arme an enemie against our selues and to yeeld Reason prisoner to Passion putting the sword in the rebelles hand when we are least able to withstand his treason Sorrow once setled is not lightly remoued easily winning but not so easily surrendring possession and where it is not excluded in time it challengeth a place by prescription The Scripture warneth vs not to giue our hearts to sadnesse yea rather to reiect it as a thing not beneficiall to the dead yea preiudiciall to our selues Eccles 38. Ecclesiasticus alloweth but seuen dayes to mourning iudging moderation in plaint to be a sufficient testimony in good will and a needefull office of wisedome Much sorrow for the dead is either the child of selfe-loue or of rash iudgement If we should shead our teares for others death as a meane to our contentment we shew but our owne wound perfit louers of our selues if we lament their deceasse as their hard destinie we attache them of euill deseruing with too peremtory a censure as though their life had bene an arise and their death a leape into small perdition for otherwise a good departure craueth small condoling being but a harbour from stormes and an entrance vnto felicitie But you know your sister too well to incurre any blame in these respects And experience of her life hath stored your thoughts with notice of so rare vertues as might sooner make her memorie all enforcement to ioy then any inducement to sorrow and moue you to esteeme her last duties rather the triumph of her victory then the farewels of her deceasse She was by birth second to none but vnto the first in the realme yet she measured onely greatnesse by goodnesse making Nobilitie but the mirrour of vertue as able to shew things worthy to be seene as apte to draw many eyes to beholde it she suted her behauiour to her birth and enobled her birth with her piety leauing her house more beholding to her for hauing honored it with the glorie of her vertues then she was to it for the titles of her degree She was high minded in nothing but in aspiring to perfection and in the disdaine of vice in other things couering her greatnesse with humilitie among her inferiors and shewing it with curtesie among her peeres Of the carriage of her selfe and her sober gou●●ment may be a sufficient testimony that enuy her selfe was dumbe in her dispraise finding in her much to re … at but nought to reprooue The clearenesse of her honour I neede not to mention she hauing alwaies armed it with such modestie as taught the most vntemperate tongues to be silent in her presence and answered their eyes with scorne and contempt that did but seeme to make her an ayme to passion yea and in this behalfe as almost in all orhers she hath the most honorable knowen Ladies of the land so common and knowen witnesses that those that least loued her religion were in loue with her demeanour deliuering their opinions in open prayses How mildly she accepted the checke of fortune fallen vpon her without desert experience hath bene a most manifest proofe the temper of her mind being so easie that she found little difficultie in taking downe her thoughts to a meane degree which true honour not pride hath raised to the former height Her faithfulnesse loue where she foūd true friendship is written with teares in many eyes and will be longer registred in gratefull memories of diuers that haue tried her in that kind auowing her for secrecie wisedome and constancie to be a miracle in that sexe yea when she found least kindnesse in others she neuer lost it in her selfe more willingly suffering then offering wrong and often weeping for their mishaps whom though lesse louing her she could not but affect Of the innocencie of her life this generall each one can auerre that as she was gratefull many wayes and memorable for vertues so was she free from all blemish of any vice vsing to her power the best meanes to keepe continually an vndefiled conscience her attire was euer such as might both satisfie a curious eye and yet beare witnesse of a sober minde neither singular nor vaine but such as her peeres of best report vsed her tongue was very little acquainted with oathes vnlesse either duty or distrust did enforce them and surely they were needelesse to those that knew her to whom the truth of her words could not iustly be suspected much lesse was she noted of any vnfitting talke which as it was euer hatefull to her eares so did it neuer defile her breath Of feeding she was very measureable rather too sparing than too liberall a diet so religious for obseruing of fasts that neuer in her sickenesse she could hardly be wonne to breake them and if our soules be possessed in our patience surely her soule was truely her owne whose rocke though often stricken with the rod of aduersity neuer yeelded any more then to giue issue of eye streames and though these through the tendernesse of her nature and aptnesse of her sexe were the customarie tributes that her loue payed more to her friends then her owne misfortunes yet were they not accompanied with distempered words or ill seeming actions reason neuer forgetting decencie though remembring pity Her deuotions she daily obserued offering the daily sacrifice of an innocent heart and stinting her felfe to her times of prayer which she performed with so religious a care as well shewed that she knew how high a Maiestie she serued I neede not write how dutifully she discharged all the behoofes of a most louing wife since that was the commonest theame of her praise yet this may be said without improofe to any that whosoeuer in this behalfe may be counted her equall none can iustly be thought her superiour Where she owed she paied dutie where she found she returned curtesie wheresoeuer she was knowen she deserued amitie desirous of the best yet disdaining none but euill companie she was readier to requite benefits then reuenge wrongs more grieued then angrie with vnkindnesse of friends when either mistaking or misreport occasioned any breaches for if their words carry credite it entred deepest into her thoughts they haue acquitted her from all spice of malice not onely against her friends whose dislikes were but a retire to slip further into friendship but euen her greatest enemies to whom if she had bene a iudge as she was a suppliant I assuredly thinke she would haue redressed but not reuenged her wrongs In summe she was an honour to her predecessors a light to her age and a patterne to her posteritie neither was her conclusion different from her premises or her death from her life she shewed no dismay being warned of her danger carrying in her conscience the safe conduct of innocencie But hauing sent her desires to heauen before with a milde countenance and a most
also in her future meeting being both titles of more certaine delights than her casuall life could euer haue warranted If we will thinke of her de●th let it be as a warning to prouide vs sith that what happeneth to one may happen to another yea none can escape that is common to all It may be that blow that hither was meant to some of vs and this missing was but a proofe to take better aime in the next stroke If we were diligent in thinking of our own we should haue little leisure to bewaile others death When the souldier in skirmish seeth his next fellow slaine he thinketh more time to looke to himselfe then to stand mourning an haplesse mischance knowing the hand which sped so neare a neighbour cannot be farre from his owne head But we in this behalfe are much like the silly birds that seeing one sticke in the lime bush striuing to get away with a kind of natiue pitty are drawen to go to it and to rush themselues into the same misfortune euen so many for their friends deceasse by musing on their lot wittingly surfet of too much sorrow that sometimes they make mourning their last deceasse But slippe not you into this toyle that hath taken none but weake affections hold not your eyes alwayes vpon your hardest happes neither be you still occupied in counting your losses There are fairer parts in your body than scarres better eye-markes in your fortune than a sisters losse You might haply find more comfort left than you would willingly lose but that you haue already resigned the solaces of life and shunned all comforts into the hopes of heauen yet sith there is some difference betweene a purpose and proofe intending and performing a subdued enemy being euer ready to rebell when he findeth mighty helpes to make a party it is good to strengthen reason against the violence of Nature that in this and like cases will renew her assaults It was a forcible remedie that he vsed to withstand the conceit of a most lamentable occurrent who hauing in one ship lost his children and substance and hardly escaped himselfe from drowning went presently into an hospitall of lazars where finding in a little roome many examples of great miseries he made the smart of others sores a lenitiue to his owne wound For besides that as lownesse and pouerty was common to them they had also many combers priuate to themselues some wanting their senses some their wits other their limmes but all their health in which consideration he eased his minde that Fortune had not giuen him the greatest fall If God had put you to Abrahams triall commanding you to sacrifice the hope of your posteritie and to be to your onely sonne an authour of death as you were to him of life If you had bene tied in the straights of Iepthaes bitter deuotions embruing his sword in his owne daughters bloud and ending the triumphs ouer his enemies with the voluntary funerals of his only ofspring yet sith both their liues their labours had bene Gods vndeniable debt your vertues ought to haue obeyed maugre all encounters of carnall affection And how much more in this case should you encline your loue to Gods liking in which he hath receiued a lesse part of his owne and that by the vsuall easiest course of natures lawes Let God strippe you to the skinne yea to the soule so he stay with you himselfe let his reproach be your honour his pouerty your riches and he in lieu of all other friends Thinke him enough for this world that must be all your possession for a whole eternity Let others ease their carefullnesse with borrowed pleasures not bred out of the true roote but begged of externall helpes They shall still carry vnquiet mindes easily altered with euery accident sith they labour not for any change in their inward distempers but by forgetting them for a time by outward pastimes Innocencie is the onely mother of true mirth and a soule that is owner of God will quietly beare with all other wants nothing being able to empouerish it but voluntary losses Beare not therefore with her losses for she is won for euer but with the momentary absence of your most happy sister yea it cannot iustly be called an absence many thoughts being daily in parley with her onely mens eyes and eares vnworthy to enioy so sweete an obiect haue resigned their interest and interested this treasure in their harts being the fittest shrines for so pure a Saint whom as none did know but did loue so none can now remember but with deuotion Men may behold her with shame of their former life seeing one of the weaker sexe honor her weaknesse with such a traine of perfections Ladies may admire her as a glorie to their degree in whom honour was portraied in her full likenesse grace hauing perfected Natures first draught with all the due colours of an absolute vertue All women accept her as a patterne to imitate her gifts and her good parts hauing bene so manifested that euen they that can teach the finest stitches may themselues take new workes out of this Sampler Who then could drinke any sorrow out of so cleare a Fountaine or bewaile the estate of so happy a creature to whom as to be her selfe was her praise so to be as she is was her highest blisse You still floate in a troublesome sea and you find it by experience a sea of dangers how then can it pitty you to see your sister on shoare and so safely landed in so blisfull an harbour Sith your Iudith hath wrought the glorious exploite against her ghostly enemies Iud. 15. for the accomplishing whereof she came into the dangerous campe warfare of this life you may well giue her leaue to looke home to her Bethulia to solemnize her triumph with the spoiles of her victorie Yea you should rather haue wished to haue bene Porter to let her in than mourne to see her safe returned For so apparent hazards she carried an heauenly treasure in an earthly vessell 2. Cor. 4. which was too weake a treasurie for so high riches sinne creeping in at the window of our senses and often picking the locks of the strongest hearts And for this it was layd vp in a surer to the which the heauens are walles and the Angels keepers She was a pure fish but yet swimming in muddy streames it was now time to draw her to shoare and to employ the inwards of her vertues to medicinable vses that layd on the coals of due consideration they may draw from our thoughts the Diuels suggestions and applied to their eyes Tob. 6. which are blinded with the dung of flying vanities the slime of their former vanities may fall off and leaue them able to behold the cleare light The base shell of a mortall body was vnfit for so precious a Margarite Mat. 13. and the Ieweller that came into this world to seeke good pearles and gaue not
this case for that thereby we purchase an inestimable glory for a short passing combat the comfort whereof neither eye hath seene eare hath heard nor any heart conceiued And on the other side by the same we auoide other intollerable and eternall torments of hell the least whereof passeth all those that can be suffered in the world and therefore is our change most happie that by the paine of a short life auoide the misery of an eternall death and deserue the vnspeakeable happinesse of the life euerlasting For this cause saith Saint Iames Thinke you it all ioy my brethren when you shall fall into diuerse temptations knowing that the triall of your faith worketh patience and patience hath a perfect worke that you may be perfect and entire failing in nothing The third Consideration Of the watchfulnesse and attention required in the care of our soule SEeing this waightie affaire of our soules health is hemmed in and beset with so manifest perils and troubles it standeth vs vpon most watchfully to take heede to euery thought word and deed that passeth lest through the number and subtilties of enemies traines we be often entrapped for it is hard to touch pitch and not be defiled to liue in flesh a spirituall life to conuerse in the world without worldly affections Wherefore as a Legate that is to deliuer his embassage before a great presence of Peeres and Nobles hath not onely regard to his matter but also to his words voyee and actions that all be sutable to his message so we hauing to worke this exploit of our soule before God and all the court of heauen and also before the eyes of those that lay waite to take vs in any trippe ought to be very warie euen in our least thoughts and deeds for feare lest we offend the presence of God and giue occasion of triumph and victorie vnto our deadly foes And for this saith the Scripture Keepe thy selfe very watchfully Secondly to attaine this diligent and attentiue care in all our actions let vs consider what men vse to do that carry great treasure by places haunted with theeues how warily they looke to their way how often they turne about them how many times they prepare themselues sometimes to fight and other whiles to runne away Likewise how warily he walketh and how carefull he is neuer to stumble nor fall that carieth in each hand a thinne glasse of precious liquour through stony and rough places and when we haue marked these mens carefulnesse in these inferior matters let vs remember that much more respect is necessarie in vs whose treasure is more precious then any worldly iewels and yet do we carrie it in earthen and fraile vessels in the middest of so many theeues as there are passions and disordered appetites in vs as there are Diuels in waite for vs and as there are stumbling stones and occasions of sinne set round about vs to procure this attention the most effectuall helpes are these First to thinke how carefull we should be to do all things well if this present day were the last that euer we should liue in this world as peraduenture it may be and that at the end thereof we were to be conuented before a most seuere and rigorous Iudge who according to the desert of that dayes actions should passe the sentence of life or death vpon vs. Secondly to remember that God is in his owne substance power and true presence in euery place and seeth both our outward and inward actions more then we our selues and therefore let vs seeke in euery thing so to behaue our selues that we feare not to haue God a witnesse and beholder of all that we do thinke or say and let vs aske him grace to do nothing vnworthie his fight Thirdly we must consider the carelesnesse of our life past remembring how often we haue fought against God with his owne weapons and abused the force that he hath affoorded in euery part of our body and minde and therefore as Saint Paul warneth As we haue exhibited our members to serue vncleannesse and iniquitie so let vs now exhibite our members to serue iustice vnto sanctification Fourthly to procure this attention it is good oftentimes in the day when we ate about our ordinary actions to vse godly prayers and some verses out of the Psalmes with petition vnto God for his grace aide and assistance for such godly exercises are fewell of deuotion causes of attention foode of the soule preparatiues against temptations and assured helpes to attaine any vertues Therefore it is good to vse them in lieu of sightes and in the beginning of euery chiefe action directing therein our intention and action to Gods glory and seruice and our owne foules good health and fafetie The last Consideration Of the necessitie of perseuerance in continuing watchfull ouer our selues FIrst seeing the summe and complement of all vertue consisteth in the continuance and progresse of it perseuerance of all other things is most necessarie in this businesse to the better attaining whereof these considerations may preuaile First to consider by whose instinct and motion I beganne to take speciall care of my soule and I shall finde that being a thing contrary to the inclination of flesh and bloud and aboue the reach of nature to resolue vpon so painefull and warie a course in hope of a reward and ioy that faith doth promise that I say God onely and no other was the Authour and moouer of my heart vnto it and therefore vnlesse I meane directly to resist God and runne a contrary course to that which he prescribeth I must resolue my selfe to perseuer vnto the end in that which I haue happily begun Secondly the end of this enterprise was to serue God to bewaile my former sinnes and to worke by Gods helpe the saluation of mine owne soule and when I resolued vpon these meanes I was free from passion and as well able to chuse things conuenient as I could at any other time and wholly bent to do that thing which was for my greatest good Wherefore seeing I can neuer aime at a better end nor be in better plight to make a sounder choise my surest way is to perseuer still in my resolution to the end neuer altering my designment vnlesse it be to further my course Thirdly I must consider who is that that would make me forsake it for if God moued me vnto it doubtlesse it is the Diuell would moue me from it for God cannot be contrary to himselfe neither vseth he to alter our minds but onely from euill to good or from good to better therefore vnlesse I meane to yeeld willingly to the Diuell and to follow mine enemies counsell to mine owne perdition I must perseuer vnto the end for with what pretext soeuer the Diuell seeketh to couer his motion sure it is that his drift is to draw me from God and goodnesse and to damne my soule for how can he intend any thing for my good
that beareth me such a cankred malice that he careth not to increase his owne paine so that he may worke me any spirituall yea or corporall harme Fourthly I must print that saying of Christ in my minde He that perseuereth vnto the end shall be saued for not he that beginneth nor he that continueth for a moneth or a yeare or a short time but onely he that perseuereth vnto the end of his life shall be saued Wherfore the same cause that moued me to beginne ought also to moue me to continue that the reward and crowne of my good resolution be not cut off by any want of perseuerance Let not the cries of mine enemies moue me let me with Saint Paul say The world is crucified to me and I to the world And with Dauid It is good for me to cleane vnto God Finally let me imitate the ensample of Christ that perseuered on the crosse vnto death for my sake though often called vpon to come downe Fiftly I must consider that in what state so euer of grace or merit of damnation I beginne the next life I must and shall vndoubtedly perseuer in it according to the words of Salomon Wheresoeuer the tree falleth there shall it be whether it be towards South or North that is towards heauen or hell for both the paine of this continueth for euer and the ioy of the other is also euerlasting If therefore I will perseuer in heauen let me perseuer in the way that leadeth vnto it and neuer forsake the painefulnesse of it vnto the iourneyes end The passions of this life are not condigne and comparable to the future glorie and it is extreame follie for auoiding a short and transitorie paine to hazard the losse of euerlasting ioy and put my selfe in perill of perpetuall bondage in sarre more extreame and endlesse torments The sinners perseuer still in wickednesse and seruice of the Diuell The worldlings perseuer in pursuing vanities and following the world yea and that with most seruile toile and base drudgerie and not without many bodily and ghostly harmes how much more ought a true seruant of God perseuer in Gods seruice and not seeme by forsaking him in the way to condemne him for a worse maister then the world or the Diuell whom many thousands serue to the end to their owne damnation Let me remember that the first Angell for want of perseuerance became a diuell Adam for want of the same was thrust out of Paradise and Iudas of an Apostle became a prey of hell Finally there be many thousands in hell fire burning that beganne very good courses and for a time went forward in the same and yet in the end for want of perseuerance were damned for euer What good a soule loseth by mortall sinne THe grace of the holy Ghost The friendship and familiaritie with God All morall vertues infused and gifts of Gods Spirit The inheritance of the kingdome of heauen The portion of Gods children and patronage of his fatherly prouidence which he hath ouer the iust The peace and quietnesse of a good and quiet conscience Many comforts and visitations of the holy Ghost The fruite and merits of Christs death and passion What misery the soule gaineth by mortall sinne COndemnation to eternall paine To be quite cancelled out of the booke of life To become of the child of God the thrall of the diuell To be changed from the temple of the holy Ghost into a denne of theeues a nest of vipers and a sinke of all corruption How a Soule is prepared to iustification by degrees Faith setteth before one eyes God as a iust Iudge Angrie with the bad Mercifull to the repentant Of this faith by the gift of Gods Spirit ariseth a feare by consideration of Gods iustice and Our own● sinnes This feare is comforted by hope grounded in Gods mercie and the Merits of Christ Of this hope ariseth loue and charity to Christ for Louing vs without desert Redeeming vs with so many torments Of this loue followeth sorrow for offending Christ of whom we haue bene so mercifully Created Redeemed Sanctified Called to by Faith Of this sorrow ariseth a full purpose to auoid all sinne which God aboue all things detesteth The diuell aboue all things desireth Aboue all things hurteth the soule A short Meditation of mans miseries VVHat was I O Lord what am I what shall I be I was nothing I am now nothing worth and am in hazard to be worse then nothing I was conceiued in originall sinne I am now full of actuall sinne I may hereafter feele the eternall smart of sinne I was in my mother a lothsome substance I am in the world a sacke of corruption I shall be in my graue a prey of vermine When I was nothing I was without hope to be saued or feare to be damned I am now in a doubtfull hope of the one and in a manifest danger of the other I shall be either happie by the successe of my hope or most miserable by the effect of my danger I was so that I could not then be damned I am so that I can scarce be saued what I haue bene I know to wit a wretched sinner what I am I cannot say being vncertaine of Gods grace what I shall be I am ignorant of being doubtfull of my perseuerance O Lord erect my former weaknesse correct my present sinfulnesse direct my future frailtie from passed euill to present good and from present good to future glorie sweete Iesus A deuout prayer to desire pardon and remission of our sinnes O Most mightie Lord and Creator of all things when I thinke with my selfe how grieuously I haue offended thine infinite Maiestie with my sinnes I wonder at mine owne follie when I consider what a louing and bountifull father I haue forsaken I accurse mine ingratitude when I behold how I am fallen from such a noble libertie into such a miserable bondage I condemne my selfe for an inconstant foole and know not what other thing I may set before mine eyes but onely hell and damnation for so much as thy iustice from which I cannot flie putteth a great tetror into my conscience but contrariwise when I consider thy great mercie which as the Prophet witnesseth exceedeth all thy workes then do I feele forthwith a fresh and pleasant aire of hope to refresh and strengthen againe my weake and sorrowfull soule Wherefore should I then dispaire to obtaine pardon of him who hath so often times in the holy Scriptures inuited sinners to repentance saying I desire not the death of a sinner but that he should liue and be conuerted Moreouer thine onely begotten Sonne our sweete Sauiour Iesus Christ hath reuealed vnto vs by many parables how ready and willing thou art to graunt pardon vnto all such as are penitent for their sinnes This he signifieth vnto vs by the Iewell lost and found againe By the strayed sheepe brought home againe vpon the shepheards shouldiers and much more by the comparison of the prodigall sonne
Father grant me pardon of all my sinnes through the death of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ make me to please thee alone grant me to be thy gratefull sonne heire increase in me that iustice whatsoeuer which is giuen me and granted from heauen that I may continue and end my life in the same increase in me that faith which thou hast giuen me kindle my loue of thee and make it more apparent that by thy helpe and the presence of thy grace and the accomplishment of thy holy wil I may obtaine euerlasting life which thou hast promised vs to the end I may praise thee and giue thee thankes in thy kingdome for euer and euer Amen A Prayer to God the Sonne O Thou maker and redeemer of mankind Iesus Christ who saidest I am the way the truth and the life the way in doctrine precept and examples the truth in promises the life in reward I pray thee by thy vnspeakable charitie wherewith thou daignest to imploy thy selfe wholly for our saluation suffer me neuer to wander from thee who art the way neither euer to distrust in thy promises who art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou doest promise neither to repose or relie on any other thing because thou art eternall life than which there is nothing more to be desired neither in heauen nor in earth By thee haue we learned the true and ready way to eternall saluation lest we should wander any longer in the Labyrinthes of this life Thou didst teach vs exactly how to beleeue what to do what to hope and in whom we ought to rest by thee we haue learned how vnhappie we were borne through our first father Adam by thee we haue learned that there is no hope of saluation except by faith in thee Thou hast taught vs that thou art the onely light that shinest to all men in the desart of this wolrd cōducting them through the night of their minds from the Egyptian darknesse to that blessed Land which thou promisest vnto the meeke and such as follow thy humility For in vs was nothing but vtter darknesse who neither could see our calamity neither know from whence to seeke the remedie of our misery thou daignedst to enter into the world vouchsafedst to take vpon thee our nature that thy doctrine might disperse the cloud of our ignorance that by thy precepts thou mightst direct our feete in the way of peace by the examples of thy life thou didst limit out a path for vs to immortality and beating it with thy steps thou madest it of a tedious and rough an easie and beaten way So becamest thou vnto vs a way that knoweth no errour in which lest we should be wearied thy bounty with great assured promises vouchsafed to assure vs for who could be wearied that thinketh how in following thy footsteps there is an heritage of eternall life prepared for him Therefore whilst we are in this iourney thou wouldest in stead of a staffe be an assured hope vnto vs whereby we might be sustained Neither was thy goodnesse cōtented herewith but acknowledging the frailty of our natures in the meane space with the comfort of the holy Spirit thou repairest our courages to the end that we may more willingly run vnto thee And as thou being made a way vnto vs driuest away all errour so becoming our truth thou takest away al distrust Finally being made life vnto vs thou giuest heate vnto those that are dead in sinne a life through thy holy Spirit which quickeneth all things vntill all mortality laid aside in the resurrection we may alwaies liue with thee and in thee by reason that thou art vnto vs all in all things For it is eternall life to know the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost to be one true God Wherefore I beseech thee O most mercifull Father to increase faith in me who am thy vnworthie seruant lest at any time I wauer in thy celestiall doctrine increase obedience in me lest I swerue from thy precepts increase constancy that walking in thy waies I neither be allured by the inticements of Satan nor deiected by his terrors but that I may perseuere in thee who art rhe true way to my liues end Increase my faith that possessed of thy promises I may neuer waxe slow in the study of godlinesse but forgetting those things I haue left behind me I may alwaies striue and endeuour for more perfection Increase thy grace in me that daily more and more being mortified my selfe I may liue and be incouraged by thy holy Spirit fearing nothing but thee than whom there is nothing more amiable glorying in none but in thee who art the true glorie of all the Saints wishing nothing but thee than whom there is nothing better desiring nothing but thee who art full and perfect felicitie with the Father and the holy Ghost world without end Amen A prayer to God the holy Ghost HOly Spirit our Aduocate who on Whitsunday didst descend vpon thy Apostles filling their bosomes with charitie grace and wisedome I pray thee by that thy vnspeakable mercie and liberalitie that thou wilt vouchsafe to fill the secrets of my soule with thy grace and water my inward heart with the vnspeakable sweetnesse of thy loue Come holy Ghost from heauen send a beame of thy light Come thou Father of the poore come thou giuer of gifts come thou light of hearts come thou gracious comforter thou sweete guest of my soule my pleasant refresher Come thou Physition of those that faint come thou purger of eies come thou strēgth of the fraile come thou remedie of sinnes come thou doctor of the humble come thou destroyer of the proud come thou excellent ornament of all vertues come thou onely saluation of the dying Come my God adorne a bed for thee in which I may worthily entertaine thee with all thy riches and mercies fill me with the gifts of thy wisdome illuminate me with the benefit of vnderstanding gouerne me with the gift of counsell confirme me with the gift of fortitude instruct me with the gift of science wound me with the gift of pietie and pierce my heart with the gift of thy holy feare O sweet louer of cleane hearts burne inflame all my bowels with the sweete fire of thy loue that being inflamed they may be carried rauished into thee who art the center and finall end of all my good ô sweete louer of ●oly soules since thou art not ignorant that I can do nothing of my selfe nor by my selfe stretch out thy fauorable hand ouer me grant that I may forsake my selfe flie vnto thee mortifie extinguish and dissolue in me whatsoeuer is displeasant vnto thee that in all things thou mayest conforme me vnto thy will that my life hereafter may be a perfect sacrifice in thy sight or rather an offering which may wholly be consumed in the fire of thy loue O who shall giue me the grace that I may at least attaine this chiefe good Looke vpon me ô Lord looke vpon me and see here this thy poore creature my soule sighing after thee day and night how she thirsteth after God when shall I come and appeare before the presence of thy grace When shall I enter into that admirable place of thy Tabernacle that I may attaine th● house of my God When wi●● thou fill me with the light of th● countenance When shall I b● satiate with the presence of thy glory When shall I by th●● meanes be deliuered from a●● temptations and when shall ouercome this frailty of my mo●talitie O eternall fountaine o● light bring me backe againe 〈◊〉 the Abysse of eternall goodnesse by whom I am created that ●ere I may know thee euen as I am knowne of thee and may so loue thee as I am loued by thee that I may see and enioy thee in the societie of all the elect euen as thou also hast seene me from euerlasting Amen FINIS