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A06405 A manuall of devout meditations and exercises instructing how to pray mentally. Drawn for the most part, out of the spirituall exercises of S. Ignatius. Devided into three bookes. Written in Spanish by the R.F. Thomas de Villa Castin of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by H.M. of the same Society. Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556.; Villacastin, Thomas de, 1570-1649.; More, Henry, 1586-1661. 1624 (1624) STC 16878; ESTC S103982 182,763 570

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so but maketh choice of that which is most to the purpose for the curing of his infirmity So we see that blind man in the Ghospell to haue done who went to our Sauiour crying and beseeching him to haue mercy on him whome when our Lord asked what he would haue him to do vnto him he forhwith represented vnto him his greatest necessity and that wherin he receaued most affliction which was the want of sight and of this therfore he craueth remedy So that we see he did not demannd any other●thing whereof he had also need for he did not say Lord Bestow a garment on me for I am poore giue me necessaries to maintaine me for I am in need these thinges he did nor beg but all the rest omitted he imploreth remedy for his greatest necessity After this manner we see the holy Prophet Dauid to haue done for he directed his Prayers to obtaine that which he desired and had most ●eed off and so he sayth in one of his ●psalmes One thing I haue asked of our Lord this will I seeke for and procure vntill I obtaine it Euen so we ought to doe in our Praiers to Almighty God insisting perseuering therin vntill we obtaine And hauing once preuayled against that vice pas●ion or bad inclinatiō which did most ●fflict and molest vs then are we to ●all in hand with another thus in ●ime we shall subdue and cut off the ●eads of them all with the sharpe ●iercing sword of Prayer But heere it seemeth vnto me ●hat some will doubt and say How is ●t possible for me to apply this point of Prayer mistery which I medi●ate and wherin the charity of Christ ●nd his loue towardes me doth most ●ppeare and wherein his greatnesse ●nd goodnesse is most apparent to ●he necessity I haue of humility pati●nce purity and other vertues And how when thinking on the glorious misteries of Christ can I haue sorrow for my sinnes and in his dolorous and painefull passage ioy and spirituall contentment Wherto I answer two thinges the first that it cannot be denied but that some Mysteries are more to the purpose then others to gather the fruit of some vertues more then they be for others Let vs put an example In the birth of the child Iesus who doubteth but that the humility pouerty which Christ there did practise and experience in his owne persō do shine most bright and are most eminent in that mistery In the crowning with thornes the contempt of worldly honour In the whipping at the piller the mortification of the flesh and in the mystery of the Crosse the humility patience and obedience which Christ exercised suffering himselfe to be nayled thereunto The second thing is and that of much importance to be knowne that vpon whatsoeuer point or mystery we meditate we may apply it to ●he vertues we haue most need of 〈◊〉 most for our purpose for that the ●onsideration of euery one of them is 〈◊〉 certaine diuine Manna which tast●th to euery one according to his de●ire If we will that it tast of humility ●hen of humility the consideration of ●innes of hell of death will sauour ●nd tast If of patience and the loue ●f God hereof the Passion and Re●ection of Christ will tast being euery where full of motiues for the one 〈◊〉 incitements to the other If of po●●erty and mortification of the flesh ●nd so of all the rest the most holy ●fe of our Lord Iesus will affoard vs ●atter for our spirituall gust in ech ●ne abundantly But let vs see the ●ractise of this declaring it by some ●ew examples Put the case we meditate vpon ●ome part of the Passion and Paines ●f our Sauiour would draw ther●ut desire and affection of ioy and ●pirituall gladnes Consider to this ●nd and reflect vpon the exceeding ●reat glory and praise which through ●●ese paines and ignominies did arise vnto God both in heauen and earth and the infinite good of grace and glory which by meanes of the sufferings and labours of Christ were purchased for mankind and heerat we may reioice therein fulfilling the counsayle of the Apostle Reioice in our Lord alwaies If we meditate vpon the glorious Resurrection of Christ our Lord and desire to haue sorrovv for our sinnes Consider that this our Lord doth therefore rise againe to bestow on vs the life of grace deliuering vs from the death of sinne and by the beauty of the glorious life which he promiseth in this spirituall Resurrection we may gather the lothsomnesse and deformity of the death of sinne from which by his death he deliuered vs. And thus we may mooue our selues to abhor and detest a thing so vgly as sinne is and to loue and imbrace the beauty seemlinesse of grace If meditating on the Ascension of our Sau●our we desire to reape the fruit of patience let vs see how well 〈◊〉 eternall Father rewarded his most 〈◊〉 Sonne for the paynes he suffered 〈◊〉 his loue that we may like wise ●●ue patience in ours Finally if thinking vpon the ●●ost holy lyfe of Christ we would be ●●ued to the contempt of the world ●hold the little reckoning he made the honours and vaine estimation ●●●erof that the glory which ought be esteemed is the Eternall which ●●●rist our Lord hath and doth com●unicate vnto his But now all this supposed ●●ich hath bin said that which here●●maketh most for our purpose is 〈◊〉 light and direction of the holy ●●ost who in what mystery soeuer 〈◊〉 shall meditate will best suggest 〈◊〉 graunt vnto vs the feeling of the ●●rtue we most pretend and which it ●●houeth vs most to seeke for and 〈◊〉 obtaine at his holy hands THE XIIII ADVERTISMENT Of Iaculatory Prayers to be made 〈◊〉 in and out of Meditation IT is a very good remedy to exe●●cise and stir vp the soule that pray●eth as well in time of distractio●● and dri●esse in meditation as to co●serue deuotion in the rest of th● day to walke alwaies as in the presence of Almighty God and no less● for such as haue not health to pray 〈◊〉 medi●ate to vse some short paye●● or iaculatory aspiratiōs which are 〈◊〉 if one should cast a dart or shoot 〈◊〉 arrow of seruent affection vnto he●●uen crauing of Almighty God 〈◊〉 few words his diuine loue his gra●● or some vertue whereof he standet● most in need as it were represe●ting and laying before his maiesty his owne weaknesse asking humbl● remedy therof or victory ouer som●● vice from which he most desireth 〈◊〉 be freed The practise of these sho●● prayers is as solloweth ● my God that I could alwayes ●e thee ● that I could perfectly obey thee ● that I could alvvaies serue thee ● that I neuer had offended thee ●●at I could see my self free from 〈◊〉 or that imperfection ● that I could obtaine this or that ●●●ellent vertue Giue me o Lord purity of soule ●●●nility of hart pouerty of spirit Pardon my sinnes
sinnes and abhominations shall find himselfe polluted and defiled must know that the only meanes to wash and cleanse himselfe from the same heere in this life is duely to consider them and with abundance of teares to be sory for them togeather with the remēbrāce of the good he hath lost which is God himselfe and the present euill ●hich he suffereth Also the consi●●ration of Death Iudgement and ●ell for these and such like conside●●tions are included in this first pas●●ge or Purgatiue Way which ap●●rtaine to beginners in which so ●uch time is to be spēt by euery one 〈◊〉 particuler as shall seeme necessary 〈◊〉 him to walke this way with ●●rity fruit seing that some haue ●ore sinnes and a more soft and ●●der hart and conscience then o●●ers Wherefore I remit the yong ●●ginner to the end he go not astray ●his prudent and discreet spirituall ●●her to direct guide and instruct 〈◊〉 in euery thing according as the ●urse of his life hath beene more or 〈◊〉 disordered For it were no discre●●●n to detaine one in the exercise of 〈◊〉 Purgatiue Way longer time thē●●necessary which of it owne na●●●e doth cause in the soule seruile ●●re that hindereth the perfection Charity and vnto which Charity 〈◊〉 ought to endeauour to attaine in 〈◊〉 course of a spirituall life because as S. Iohn sayth perfect charity expelleth feare Wherefore it seemeth conuenient and reasonable that hauing spent in these laudable and holy exercises sifteene or twenty dayes we proceed to the Illuminatiue and Vnitiue wayes out of which likewise motions of Sorrow Feare and Humility may be gathered as out of the Purgatiue For certaine it is that one wil be grieued more that he hath offended Christ our Lord considering his excellent vertues of Humility Patience Charity and the like then if he should consider his own● sinnes Death Iudgment and Hell And albeit these consideration● be more proper to those who desir● of new to conuert themselues to Almighty God or be but beginners i● vertue yet reason it is that the iu●● also to purify themselues the 〈◊〉 from the sinnes present withall to make surer the pardon of those whic● be past do now then as for exāpl● once euery yeare refresh and rene● the memory of these Meditations following the counsaile which Ec●●●siasticus doth giue vs saying Be 〈◊〉 hindred to pray alwaies and are not to be iustified euen vnto ●ath And our Sauiour saith He ●●at is iust let him be iustified yet 〈◊〉 let the holy be sanctified yet in●●easing daily in purity of conscience 〈◊〉 in sanctity of life The Meditations following of ●●e Purgatiue Way will giue a good ●●ginning to this enterprise in which 〈◊〉 haue thought good and expedient 〈◊〉 follow the counsaile opinion of Gregory and other Saints who 〈◊〉 that the firme and true founda●●●n of a spirituall building is the ●●owledge of our selues and they ●oue it very well for if one doe not ●●st practise himselfe in the conside●●tion and knowledge of his owne ●●●isery and weakenesse he shall re●aine ignorant and blind and not ●ow how to aske in Prayer that ●hich is conuenient for him Wher●●●re I will beginne the Meditations 〈◊〉 this first Booke with this conside●●●ion which shal be the fundamen●●ll stone of all this spirituall building wheron the rest must stand The points and considerations whereof haue gathered out of diuers placese 〈◊〉 the holy Scripture and Saints an● for such they are to be estemeed an● practised And because we all aspi●● vnto vertue and holines of life it 〈◊〉 expedient that we also imitate an● follow thē this way which they ha●● shewed vs. THE I. MEDITATION Of the Knowledge of our selues THE Preparatory Prayer pr●supposed whereof we treat●● in the eleuenth Aduertisment two thinges are to be done in eu●● Meditation contained in this Man●● all to wit First the Composition place Secondly the Petition whi●● must be alwaies conformable to 〈◊〉 matter of the Meditation as in 〈◊〉 and the rest of this first Booke is said Composition of the place THE Composition of the place h● shal be to behold consider 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 eyes of the soule that the whole ●●mpasse of the earth in comparison 〈◊〉 the heauens the gratnes therof as it were a point or graine of sand ●hich being so what shalt thou then 〈◊〉 before thy God Creatour of the 〈◊〉 heauen and earth in whose pre●●●ce thou art lesse then nothing The Petition THE Petitiō shal be to aske of our Lord God that he communiate vnto thee his diuine light there●● to know thy owne basenes mi●●y knowing it to humble thy ●●●fe in humility to serue adore 〈◊〉 as thy Lord and God this done ●●●gin thy Meditation as followeth THE 1. POINT TO consider the matter whereof 〈◊〉 thy body was composed made 〈◊〉 thou shalt find that it was not fra●●ed either of the heauens or of cri●●all neither of the supreme element 〈◊〉 fire nor of water nor of other ●eare bright and transparent matter ●ut of the most vile and base element 〈◊〉 all which is the earth and hence ●●th thy body his origen and beginning which God himselfe remembred our first Father Adam of whe● laying this consideration before hi● eyes he said vnto him Dust tho● art and into dust thou shalt return● Consider thou as much and tho● shalt receiue sight and knowledge 〈◊〉 thy selfe as he that was blind fro● his natiuity receaued sight whome Christ our Lord cured both corpoally and spiritually laying vpon hi● eyes the clay of earth wherof he wa● first framed made Ponder that it is the will of Almighty God that man be alwaie● very carefull diligent in knowin● and vnderstanding his owne basene● and misery and that he haue continually the eyes of his soule fixed vpon the earth wherof he was framed to the end he alwaies keep himself● in humility and subiection knowin● that he deserueth not to be esteemed and honoured but rather to be tro●den vnder foot and trampled vpon as is the earth this being the only r●●● medy and meane to obtaine the ve●tue of Humility Hence shalt thou gather two ●hinges First Confusion and shame ●eeing how contrary thou hast done ●eereto hauing euer desired and ta●en pleasure nor in submitting and ●umbling but in extolling and boa●ing of thy selfe as if thou wert ●●mthing remembring those words ●f the Apostle If any man esteeme ●imselfe to be something whereas he 〈◊〉 nothing he seduceth himselfe Se●ondly A firme purpose continually 〈◊〉 exercise thy selfe in the base esteem ●●d acknowledgment of thy selfe as ●id S. Augustine and Saint Francis ●●c of whome the first was wont to ●y vnto God Lord Let me know ●●y selfe and know thee The se●ond Lord Who art thou who ●m I THE 2. POINT O cōsider what thy body is whilst 〈◊〉 it liueth and thou shalt find that 〈◊〉 is a sacke of earth a cōtinuall flow●●g water of all filth and stench and ●●at there is not
this holy exercise of preparing th● selfe for death it being a bridle fo● many euills and a spurre to all kin● of vertue THE 3. POINT TO consider that it is a law appointed by Almighty God as Sai●● Paul doth testify to all men once 〈◊〉 dye not twice or oftener Wherupon ensueth that the hurt and domage of an euill death is irremediable for all eternity as likewise the profit of a good death is euerlasting Ponder that if it be but only once that thou art to dye and theron dependeth thy eternall saluation or damnation how liuest thou then so carelesly not exercising thy selfe during life in such manner that thou mayst dye a happy death Gather hence a great desire to mortify thy selfe in whatsoeuer thou disordinatly louest be they thy Parents Brethren Friends Honours riches or pleasures seeing thou art to leaue and depart from all at thy death And to the end thou mayst feele it the lesse procure often to dye in thy life tyme mortifying thy senses and shutting vp thy eyes least they may see that which is not lawfull to be desired for thy saluation refrayning thy tongue least it speake things hurtfull to thy Neighbour c. for so dying and mortifying thy selfe in thy life time thou shalt find Almighty God fauourable vnto thee at the houre of thy death THE 4. POINT TO consider how perplexed and troubled thou vvilt be in that traunce and agony of death vvhen thou shall see a holy candle lighted a● thy beds side and thy winding shee● spread vpon thy bed and the standers by calling vpon thee to prepa●● thy selfe for death and to commend thy selfe with thy hart if thou cans● not with thy mouth vnto the mercy of Almighty God Ponder the terrour anguish and perplexit● of mind thou art to feele in that passage not so much for that thou art to leaue the beloued company and society of thy body other things which thou didst willingly enioy as for to see and vnderstand that the dreadfull houre of account and finall sentence doth approach the which shal be according to thy works either of eternall saluation or damnation to enioy for euer God Almighty or to burne for all eternit● in ●ell fire Gather hence a great feare and ●errour calling to mind the insuppor●able paines and trauailes that thy ●ody and soule are to endure in the ●oure of death and withall a liuely ●esire neuer more to forget the same ●hylest thou liuest Reprehend and ●ondem●e thy carelessenes demaund ●ften times of thy selfe How if I ●eane to dye well do I not liue well for it is a Law common and ordina●y that he that liueth well dyeth ●ell he that liueth ill dyeth also 〈◊〉 Craue of thy Blessed Sauiour ●●at by his most holy death he will ●ouchsafe to giue thee also a good ●appy passage ●HE IIII. MEDITATION Of the particuler Iudgement THE Preparatory Prayer as before The composition of place shal be to imagine Christ our ●uiour as the soueraigne Iudge sea●d one a Throne of Maiesty ready to ●dge thy soule which is accompa●ed with thy good and bad deede● and that on either side of thee stand thy good and bad Angell expecting whose prey thou shalt be The Petition shal be to beseec● our Lord God that he will vouch●as● to shew thee his goodnes cleme●cy vsing toward thee not Iustice b●● Merc● seeing he is as S. Paul ●ai●● the Father of Mercies THE 1. POINT TO consider the time and place● wherein the particuler Iudgmen● of euery one is to be to wit the ver● instant of death at the point whe● the soule shall leaue the body de●● poiled of all the good it had and 〈◊〉 that very time moment the who●● iudgement shal be concluded the se●● tence giuen and executed Ponder how much it beho●●eth thee to haue alwaies before 〈◊〉 eyes this houre and moment 〈◊〉 which● is to be a beginning of thy 〈◊〉 ternall good or euill For in eue●● moment of these thou maist merit●● deme●i● either life or death which to endure for euer The place of 〈◊〉 iudgement shal be wheresoeuer de●● ●hall first arrest thee on the land or ●n the sea in thy chamber or in the ●treet in thy bed or on the way for ●s this soueraigne Iudge hath power ●nd iurisdiction in euery place so in ●ll places he hath this Tribunall and ●●aketh his iudgement that in euery ●lace thou mayest feare because thou ●nowest not whether that shal be the ●lace of th● Iudgement Out of which ●ou art to draw a great feare of of●nding God in any place where he ●ay iudge thee THE 2. POINT TO consider the most rigorous examen whereunto the Iudge shall ●ll thee seeing it to be vniuersall ●f all thinges whatsoeuer charging ●●ee withall thy sinnes of deedes ●ords and thoughts euen of those ●hich thou hast idly done or spoken ●●ough thou shouldst haue quite for●●tten them this accusation shall 〈◊〉 so cleare euident as no manner 〈◊〉 doubt may be made thereof See●●g therfore thy selfe cōpassed about ●ith so many anguishes and straits ●hat canst thou doe but say with the Prophet The panges of death hau● enuironed me and the sorrowes o● hel haue compassed me round abou● Ponder the affliction paine ● sorrow wherein thy poore soule sha●● find it selfc at so strait and rigoro●● an examination in which it is to gi●● an account of vvhatsoeuer it h●●● fraudulenty taken euen of a pin 〈◊〉 ●agge of a point There thou shalt●● asked account of thy life thy good● and family of the inspirations 〈◊〉 God and aboue all of the most pr●●cious bloud of Christ and vse of th● holy Sacraments Gather hence a great des●●● from this day forward to exami●● thy conscience with the greatest 〈◊〉 uerity thou canst chastising thy se●●● rigorously for the faultes thou ●h● find though the● seeme but little● sith he that is afterwards to exami●● and iudge thee is God who ●ee● more then thou art able to see B●● seech him that he will not enter in●● iudgement with thee because no● liuing as his holy Prophet testify 〈◊〉 ●halbe iustifyed in his sight THE 3. POINT ●O consider how sad and sorow●full thy soule will be at the de●●ting from thy body into which ●●d hath infused it wherwith it 〈◊〉 liued in so strait a band of loue 〈◊〉 amity for it shall be scarce out ●●he body when as troupes of di●●ls will straight encounter it 〈◊〉 it forth with to appeare in iud●●nt before the tribunall seate o●●●d Ponder the terrours and feares ●●ich then will be set it on euery side ●●w then it shall feele true sorrovv 〈◊〉 paynes which in comparison of ●●●se it hath sustained in this life ●●ough otherwise great shall seeme 〈◊〉 were painted What griefe shall ●aue when it shall perceiue that ●●●re is no●more appealing from the ●●all sentence which the supreme ●ge shall pronounce How will it ●●e to know whether it be in God●●●our or no For of the
he had negotiated and broght to passe by his death said vnto them Peace be with you Ponder how great a friend Christ our Lord is of peace sith the first word he vttered by the ministery of his Angells when he came into the world was giuing peace to men And being in the world he sayd to his Apostles My peace I giue vnto you And being to depart out of th● vvorld My peace I leaue to vou● purchased by my death and Passion Whence it followeth by good con●sequence that our Lord recommended vnto vs in life death nothing so much as peace and because sinn● had beene cause of so great emnit● betweene God and man Christ ou● Lord vouchfased thereby to reconcile and set vs at peace with his Eternall Father to receaue the blowes o● his rigorous iustice vpon that sacre● humanity rent and torne in a tho●sand places and setting himselfe 〈◊〉 the middest to say Peace be vvi● you Hence thou ma●st gather two thinges the first how often thou being at emnity with God he hath in●●ted thee to peace thou hast not ●dmitted it n●uer ceasing to warre ●gainst him with thy sinnes The se●ond how little peace thou hast kept with thy neighbour falling out with ●im for matters of small importance ●nd trifles Beseech this Lord who is God of peace to come into thy soule ● graunt thee that which the world ●annot giue establishing peace be●vvene thy soule and thy spirit be●eene thy powers and senses be●eene his Eternall Father thy bre●ren THE 4. POINT To consider how Christ our Lord entring the disciples were tro●●ed and affrighted imagining that ●ey saw a spirit and our Lord sayd them Why are you troubled and ●gitations arise into you harts See 〈◊〉 handes and feet that it is I ●dle and see for a spirit hath not 〈◊〉 and bones as you see me to 〈◊〉 Ponder the sweetnes of his voice which was sufficient to appease them rid them of all feare to mak● them to know him as who shoul● say My deerest disciples I am th● same I was wont to be in my nature in person in quality I am you Sauiour your Master your brother your God feare not the fury of th● Iewes nor the indignation of th● Gentills nor the cruelty of Kings Princes who haue risen against me nor those who oppose thēselues an● persecute you for I being in your c●●●pany you are secure in safeguard Gather hence security conf●●dence for thy soule timerous fea● full through the manifold sinnes th● hast committed saying to her O m● soule feare not for although thy 〈◊〉 be many this Lord promiseth sureth thee of the pardon of them This Lambe is he that taketh avv● the sinnes of the world and he 〈◊〉 will take away thine if he be protectour of thy life of who shouldst thou be afrayd ●HE VII MEDITATION ●f Christ his apparition to the Apostles Saint Thomas being present TH● 1. POINT TO consider how our Lord the disciples being gathered togeather entred and sayd to his ●isciple who had not belieued the Mi●●●ery of his Resurrection Put in thy ●nger hither see my handes being hither thy hand put it into ●y side be not incredulous but ●ithfull Ponder the infinite charity o●●od in being solicitous for the vvell●re of his sheep for hauing expected 〈◊〉 dayes to see if Thomas vvould call himselfe and acknowledge the ●rdnes of his ●art he would not ●ferre the remedy any longer but me in p●rson to cure this his 〈◊〉 and lost sheep and taking him by ●hand desired to put place him his hart G●ther hence hovv great the mercy of God is graunting thee 〈◊〉 infallible promise and assurance 〈◊〉 he will not conceale himselfe fro● thee if thou seeke him yea albeit th● hast been as incredulous as S. Th●● mas confessing him for thy 〈◊〉 thy God as he did he will grau●● thee that which he afforded him th●● is his body not only to touch hi● but also to receaue and enioy him thy brest THE 2. POINT TO consider how that our Lor● who permitted not himselfe to 〈◊〉 touched by Mary Magdalen loui●●● him so deerly and seeking him earnestly taketh Thomas as we 〈◊〉 being incredulous by the cold 〈◊〉 fro●en hand maketh it warme 〈◊〉 cherisheth it and putteth it into bosome heaping vpon him so ma●● benefits Ponder how that whatsoe●●● S. Thomas desired and asked 〈◊〉 Lord graunted him as if by his li●uing some profit were to ensu●●● Christ whome loue made to 〈◊〉 for gaynes as his owne yea 〈◊〉 procure them euen with his losse Gather hence an exceeding de●●re to beare with the defects of thy brother not to be slacke nor wea●yed with seeking his redresse but euen leauing thy owne right to goe vnto him if he will not come to thee ●nd with breach of thine owne will ●o cōdescend vnto his perfectly imi●ating Iesus Christ our Lord who al●eyt he was triumphant and glorious ●et did he not omit to come and doe ●aint Thomas so great and speciall ●auours and priuiledges And as he ●id with him so doth he also dayly ●ith thee when thou commest to re●eaue him corporally and spiritually ●arne to be gratefull and seruiceable ●erfore THE 3. POINT TO cōsider S. Thomas his worthy 〈◊〉 confession for as soone as he tou●●ed as piously vve may belieue ●e precious wounds of his Sauiour had his eyes enlightned with that ●●uine Sunne he became so illumi●●●ed with the rayes beames of his ●●uine light and splendour that he confessed plainly clearly the articl● of his resurrection which he had no● belieued before Ponder the loue which Chris●● our Lord hath to sinners and whic● himselfe shevved to haue to this hi● incredulous and sinnefull Apostle●● s●th the sinne of his small sayth wa● not inough to make him leaue to b●●stow such fauours and benefits vpo● him as being imp●ssible gloriou● to vouchsafe him his diuine hands 〈◊〉 feet bowells and hart to touch an● handle Ponder secondly how the Ap●●stle seeing himselfe so honoured an● fauoured of our Lord brake out i● to these tender and deuo●t vvord saying My Lord and my God 〈◊〉 with good reason he called him hi● and not our Lord because he lou● him so tenderly that for his good loue ●e appeared to all the Apostle● and forgetting as it were all the 〈◊〉 vpon him alone bestovved the 〈◊〉 and benefit to inflame him in his ●●uine loue From hence thou mayst 〈◊〉 desires to confesse with S. Thomas that Iesus is thy Lord and thy God for his loue is so exceeding great that ●he is ready to do for thee alone that which he did for Saint Thomas sith that as well for thee as for him he deliuered himselfe vp to death to purchase for thee eternall life THE 4. POINT TO consider the worder which our Lord said to his Disciples Becaus●●hou hast seene me Thomas thou ha●● belieued Blessed are they that haue not seene haue
hath beene so bold as to offend the infinite Maiesty of thy Creatour before whome the most highest Saints doe tremble and thou shalt find that it is thy presumption and pride and want of Humility which maketh thee to stumble fal not permitting thee to vndersta●d that to sinne is worse then not to be at all and that it had been better not to haue beene borne then to haue sinned as our Sauiour said speaking of Iudas For it is certain● that there is no place so base contēptible in the sight of God among either things created or not created as is man who is in mortall sinne Gather hence a great desire 〈◊〉 be despised and contemned of men for that with thy sinnes thou hast dishonoured and contemned Almighty God and doe sharp pennance fo● them therby to incline thy Sauiour to pardon thee beseeching him th●● seeing he hath not beene wearyed in suffering for thee he will vouchsafe to pardon thee restoring thee again● to gis grace and friendship THE 3. POINT TO consider how much the Sonne of Almighty God doth abhor●e and detest sinne for that louing and esteeming so much his life as it w●● reason that so iust and holy a life a● his should be loued and esteemed did choose neuertheles to loose and spend it to destroy this bloudy and cruell best Sinne feeling more ou● faults then his owne paines Ponder that if sinne cost Almighty God so much in that for to destroy the same he imbraced the Crosse offering on it his most precious bloud and life in satisfaction of ●●nne how art thou so blind and foo●●sh that thou wilt needes loue and ●steeme a thing so abhominable vn●o God How art thou so besotted ●s to choose death it selfe How so ●old and foole-hardy as to ad●enture the committing of a mortall ●●nne it hauing cost God himselfe so ●igh a price And if this be true as 〈◊〉 is is it not a madnes incredible to ●elieue with fayth what thou belie●est and to liue in manner as thou ●uest That is to say to belieue that ●nne is so bad and detestable and euertheles to commit the same so ●●peratly to belieue that God is so ●od and notwithstanding to offēd ●●m Hence thou shalt gather a great ●islike and detestation of sinne see●●g that for the curing thereof hum●●eanes did not suffice but diuine a●ne And know that he who com●itteth it as much as lyeth in him ●s S. Paul saith doth crucify againe ●●e Sonne of God THE 4. POINT TO cōsider the innumerable soules 〈◊〉 that be now burning in hell for one only sinne which they commi●ted Where ponder first how all those damned so●les vvere men a● thou art and many of them Christians and were perhaps sometimes highly in the fauour of Almighty God but by little little they gre● carelesse and came to fall into tha● miserable estate by the iust iudgments of God death ouertooke th●● therein and so were they most iustly condemned for all eternity Secondly vvith hovv much more reason thou deseruest to be i● Hell as those soules are for hauin● offended God in that very kind o● sinne not once but many times how iust reason there was that death should haue caugh● thee in commi●ting the first sinne and that God should haue giuen the● no time o● repentance Hence thou shalt gather desir●● and affections of loue and gratitud● towardes Almighty God for the f●uours and benefits done vnto thee in deliuering thee from the dang●● before thou didest fall into it Al●● feruent desires of doing satisfaction for thy offences in this life lame●ting and bewayling them THE III. MEDITATION Of Death THe Preparatory Prayer as before The Composition of place shall be to imagine the King of heauen seated on his Royall throne dispatching thence his Iudges Sergeants Apparitors and other his Officers to depriue of their liues all those that are to dye Suppose that the last day of thy life is now come and that this is the last houre therof and that thou preparest thy selfe for the finall account The Petition shal be to beseech our Lo●d to open the eyes of thy soule giuing thee grace To li●e so now as thou wouldst then wi●h thou hadst liued so composing and ordering now thy disordered life that thou mayst dye a happy death THE 1. POINT TO consider how doubtfull and vncertaine this day and houre of thy death is so that thou neyther knowest when nor in what manne● it will attach thee For that ordinarily when a man is most carelesse and thinketh least thereof it then commeth the diuine prouidence so o●dayning to oblige thee to be alwayes watchfull expecting this day and fearing this houre For as there is nothing more vncertaine then tha● houre so thou must belieue that nothing is more certaine then that after health followeth sicknesse af●er life ensueth death Ponder how this Verity is most sure and vndoubted yet tho● liuest neuertheles with so great carelesnes and negligence not preparing for death which daily doth threa●en thee And mooue heere in thy self● a great desire to liue well to day as one that is to dye to morrow for the day wiil ●ome and that very quickly wherein thou shalt line to ●ee the morning but not the euening● or the euening but not the morning and order thy life from this day forward in manner as thou wouldest wish to haue liued at the houre of thy death And if thou wouldest not that death should seize vpon thee in the state in which now thou stādest procure forth with to come out of it for it is not good to liue in that state wherein thou wouldst not dye THE 2. POINT TO consider of what importance it is as the holy Ghost saith to haue alwayes in mind the presence of Death thereby not to sinne for euer For thou wert very vnwise if in a businesse of so great consequence ●nd importance as is alwayes to walke prepared and armed wit● his ●oly and wholsom remembrāce ●hou wouldst so much forget thy sel●●s to deferre it to the very point and ●nstant of thy death not knowing how or in what manner thou a●t to dye whether sodainly or by some ●tone throwne at rando● or by a tile of a house falling downe vpon thee by sword fire or water for doutles thou art not certaine whether 〈◊〉 sodaine and violent death will befall thee as it hath befallen many others● Ponder that euery sinner whosoeuer doth deserue to be chastised with this sodaine death and to perish and dye therein as very many haue done Seeing therfore thou a●● so great a sinner how doest thou no● tremble to be but one houre in mo●tall sinne Why art thou not carefull hovv death may find thee well or ill prepared That is in mortall sinne or in the grace fauour of Almighty God Hence raise in thy selfe an earnest desire with a firme purpose and resolution to do so and not to be s● carelesse as hitherto thou hast bee● in
the more holy receaued greater plenty of grace And so the most B. Virgin as fullest of grace vertue receaued more abundance therof then all the rest togeather Gather hence a great desire to dispose and prepare thy selfe to receaue this diuin spirit with the grea●●st feruour thou canst because he communicateth himselfe more abundantly to him that is best prepared to make thy selfe such the principall vertue which thou must procure to haue is Humility which conserueth the rest as the Prophet Isay sayth Vpon vvhome reposeth my spirit sayth our Lord but vpon him that is humble and meeke Be thou then such a● one that with like dispos●tion thou mayst receaue and preserue in thy soule this diuine spirit who resisteth the pro●d and to the humble giueth his grace THE XI MEDITATION Of the death of the most Blessed Virgin our Lady THE 1. POINT TO consider hovv the B. Virgin our Lady being now in years God hauing determined her some tyme in this life which some belieue vvere fifteen others more probably say that she liued twenty three yeares after the death of Christ and that she departed this life to heauen the 7● yeare of her age Almighty God hauing preserued her heere al this tyme to giue light to the vvorld for the comfort and benefit of the whole Church also that she might see the faith and name of her Blessed Sonne diuulged and spred ouer all parts of the world she had novv most earnest and inflamed desires to go to heauen vvhere she vvas to find out Lord Iesus Christ her Sonne victorious and triumphant whome she instantly besought to take her out o● this exile banishment tempestuous sea conduct her to that secure port of happines where for euer she might enioy his glorio●s sight conpany Ponder how this most Blessed Sonne approuing the pious desires of his deerest Mother and acknowledging the aspirations of her hart to be greater then those of Dauid where he sayd Euen as the Hart desireth after the fountaines of waters so doth my soule desire after thee o God he sent vnto her an Angell which many ho●ly Fathers imagine was the Angell S. Gabriel who came with a palme in his hand in token of the victory that this triumphant Lady had gotten of sinne of the Diuell of death it selfe And the B. Virgin receaued him with great comfort ioy of spirit confi●ering what she so much desired was ●ow to effected Gather hence enkindled desires to see and enioy God that when thy dayes shall end and death arriue ●hou mayst receaue it with gust and ●oy hoping by meanes thereof to participate in heauen of the svveet presence and company of Christ our Lord and of his most Blessed Mother THE 2. POINT TO consider hovv the Sonne of God determining to fulfill the desires of his most B. Mother the Apostles being deuided ouer the vvhole world preaching the victories of their Lord were miraculously assembled in the house of the B. Virgin who reioyci●g much at their comming disclosed vnto them the newes of her death vvith a cheerfull graue coūtenance declaring vnto them her desire to depart this life to go to heauen which Almighty God had gra●nted vnto her Ponder the feeling teares and tendernes of hart wherewith this dole●uli relation afflicted them all seeing their Mother ready to depart thi● life and that diuine Sunne illuminating the Chruch to withdraw it self● go downe Ponder s●condly how the Ble●●sed Virgin without any infirmity o● payne at all but of meere loue and desire to see and enioy her Sonne in heauen betooke her selfe to her poore bed beholding them all vvith a countenance rather diuine then humane willed them to come neere gaue them her blessing saying God be with you my deerly beloued children lament not because I leaue you but reioyce because I goe to my best beloued Sonne Gather hence an exceeding desire to approach in spirit neere vnto this B. Lady ioyning thy selfe to his good company beseech her to giue thee her holy blessing also that ●herwith thou mayst increase goe ●orward in grace loue of her God thy Lord. THE 3. POINT TO consider how Christ our Lord this happy houre being at hand 〈◊〉 downe from heauen accompa●●ed with innumerable Angells by ●●eir sight and presence to reioyce his ●ost B. Mother to conduct her i● heauen Ponder first the gracious and sweet vvordes vvhich the Sonne of God vsed vnto his sacred Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary vvhich might be the same that the holy Ghost speaketh to his Espouse in the Canticles 〈◊〉 Arise make hast my loue my doue my beautifull and come for winte● is now past the raine is gone and departed The flowers haue appered i● our Land Come from libanus m● Espouse come from Libanus com● thou shalt de crowned vvith th● crowne of Iustice which thou hast s● well deserued Ponder secondly what ho● great the iubilies and comforts vve●● that did trauerse the hart of this 〈◊〉 Lady what thanks she gaue her So● and her God for such benefits b● stowed vpon her and for vouch s●●fing to cloth himselfe with her fle●● and bloud in her virginall womb● and calling to mind the manner of 〈◊〉 death on the Crosse would say O 〈◊〉 Father as thou art God and my 〈◊〉 as man into thy hands o Lord I co● mend my spirit And vvith th● words she yielded her spirit to hi● whome she had inuested within her selfe From hence thou shalt gather ●ffections to prayse God our Lord in whose sight the death of this Lady was precious giuing her so copious and large a recompence for her labours Trust in like sort to receaue reward for that thou hast endured for his seruice glory that so thy death may be precious in his sight as is that of his Saints THE 4. POINT TO consider how the holy Apostles and disciples of our Lord vvhen they beheld that body without life of which our life had taken flesh they ●ll prostrated themselues vpon the ground kissing it with great tender●es deuotion affection then lay●ng it forth with vpon a Beere they ●ooke it on their shoulders and car●yed it through the Citty of Hierusa●em singing Hymnes and deuout ●rayers till they arriued at the sepul●her where it was to be placed Ponder how their griefe at such ●me as the holy body vvas put into the Monument was renewed that they deuoutly kissed and with great reuerence adored it againe againe not being able to withdraw their eies from thence vvhere they had their harts Hence stir vp in thy selfe a tender feeling sorrow for the absence of this B. Lady an earnest desire spiritually with thy best endeauour to accompany her holy body conforging thy selfe with the quiers of Angels the disciples to sing with them her prayses beseeching her to obtain● thee such a death as thou mayst in● her company enioy for euer the presence glory of her
made before the holy Kings tooke their iourney homward they receiued answere in fleep that they should not returne to Herod nor the same way they came Ponder that after thou hast once found God and dedicated thy selfe to his seruice thou oughtest not to do as thou wert wont to doe before nor walke in those rough and crooked pathes which before thou d●dest tread but must change thy course imbracing humility and detesting pride casting away anger and reioy●ing in patience c. Gather also hence how necessary it is for thee to withdravv thy selfe from all vice and sinne vvhich lead thee headlong into hell and to follovv and imbrace all manner of vertue which will bring thee to heauen as the holy Kings did For so doing Almighty God who is the true light and way which leadeth to life will illuminate and guide thee as he did illuminate guide these his seruants and fill thee with the like gifts of his grace with which he did replenish them if thou dispose prepare thy selfe to receiue it as they did THE XII MEDITATION Of the presentatiō of the Child IESVS And of the Purification of our Blessed Lady THE 1. POINT TO consider how the most B. Virgin though after the birth of her dearest Son she remayned more pure and immaculate then the starrs of heauen did not withstanding subiect her selfe to the Law of the Purification not being oblige● thereunto yea though in some sor● 〈◊〉 vvere preiudiciall to her honour Wherefore as if she had beene li●● to other women vncleane commi●g out of the stall of Bethleem where she was deliuered in company of her Spouse 〈◊〉 ●arryed her only begotten Sonne to the Temple of Ieru●alem there to present him to the Eternall Father and to offer sacrifice for him Ponder how different this entrance and obligation is which the Sonne of God this day maketh in the b●ginning of his life from that which he made in the end of the same for no● he enters into Ierusalem borne in the armes of the most Blessed Virgin but afterwardes he shall enter a foot carr●ng the Crosse vpō his sholders whereon he i● to be crucified To day he entreth to be offered in the armes of Holy Simeon then to be offered in the a●mes of the Crosse. To day he shal be offered and redeemed with fiue ●icl●s a cert●in● co●ne of that time then as Rede●mer ●ill 〈…〉 for the lou● of men to be whipped crowned with ●hrones na●led an● cru●if●ed vpon the Crosse to a most painefull 〈◊〉 death Ga●●er hence great and earnest desires to off●r thy selfe togea●●er 〈…〉 thy Lord vnto the Eterna●l Fathers alwaies to execute his most holy will and to carry thy Crosse and the aduersities which befal thee after his most Holy Sonne seeing that he and his Blessed Mother being most innocent and most pure submitted themselues to the law of sinners as if they had beene themselues also sinners with such and so heroicall acts of humility And be ashamed seeing thy selfe so foule and so abominable a sinner as thou art to be so proud and haughty desiring to be reputed regarded of all as pure holy and iust THE 2. POINT TO consider the spirit deuotion wher with the Blessed Virgin per●ormed this obligation or offering ●or all manking to the Eternall Father And in imi●ation of her offer ●hou also vnto our Lord the sacrifice ●f his Sonne in remission of thy sin● ●or it is better and more grate●ull ●n his sight then were all the sacrifices ●xhibited in old time by the Patri●rches Prophets And if Almigh●● God had respect to Abell and to his gifts how much more will he respect the Blessed Virgin and that B. Lambe her Sonne which this day she offered vnto him Ponder the little spirit and de●otion wher with thou makest thine offerings in Masse and Commu●ion not offering to the heauenly Father his Eternall Sonne with such deuotion and thankesgiuing 〈◊〉 it behooueth thee to do in regard that he h●th giuen thee him for thy Redeemer and Mayster yea which is more to be admired hath deliuered him into the hands of death it selfe for thee for thy sinnes Stir vp in thy selfe affections of deuotion with a great desire of a●ēdement of thy life beseeching ou● Lord to accept this thy offering Fo● though on the one side in regard o● thy selfe who doest make this offer thou maist iustly feare to be reiecte● as thou deseruest yet because he dot● also make offer of himselfe for thee trust and haue great confidence th●● thou shalt be admitted and haue th● 〈◊〉 forgiue● thee THE 3. POINT TO consider that although at the same tyme at which the Blessed Virgin our Lady entred into the Temple with her most Holy Sonne in her armes there were many more of all sorts and conditions Priests learned men noble and of the vulgar sort yet to Simeon and Anna the Prophetesse only God imparted his heauenly light to know the Sauiour of the world in reward of their good life and holy desires Ponder first with what feruour and alacrity that Holy old man Simeon came with stretched out armes to receiue his Sauiour and sayd as we may piously belieue vnto the B. V●rgin Giue me O Virgin your only Sonne for he is my God and Lord he i● the desired of all Nations who is to pay for my trespasses and sinnes who must open me the gates of heauen and who must saue me Ponder secondly when this holy old man sayd these or the like words what ●loods of tears trickled downe his venerable cheeks What thanks and praises did he yield vnto him who had reserued him for so great a fauour How tenderly did he imbrace the infant in his armes saying with the Espouse in the Canticles I haue found him whome my soul● loueth I hold him neither will I let him goe Gather hence the like longing dsires to receiue thy God and to place him within thy very bowells to put him with the Holy Espouse as a seale vpon thy hart for so doing thou mayst iustly hope that becaus● he is faithfull in his promises though he stay a while he will come as last comfort thee as he comforted Saint Simeon in reward of the feruour and deuotion wherwith he serued him in his holy Temple THE 4. POINT TO consider that this Holy old man Simeon receiuing the child in his armes made oblation of him to the Eternall Father for that he had a very great desire to see Christ our Lord in mor●all flesh and Almighty God had made him promise thereof And not only this his desire of seeing him ●as fullfilled but also it was g●aunted him to tak him in his armes to kisse and imbrace him and to vnderstand by reuelation of the Holy Ghost that within that little body was included all the grea●nes Maiesty immensity of Almighty God himselfe Ponder that God Almighty is not wanting in performing his promise but rather doth performe more then
he promiseth wheras the world the flesh and Diuell contrary wise doe promise that whic● they cannot giue vs they promis● that which is good but performe that which is euill they promise pleasurs and contentments and giue disgust● and sorrowes finally in lien of lif● they bring eternall death Gather hence an ●●flamed desire with this Holy old man S. Sim●● to haue in thy armes this most sweet babe the heyre King of the world the only begotten Sonne of God the eternall weale and saluation of m●●kind the summe of all happinesse the Author of thy euerlasting blisse seeke craue and sigh after this for if it be granted thee this alone will aboundantly supply all other wants and fulfill thy desires THE XIIII MEDITATION Of the flying into Egipt THE 1. POINT TO consider how King Herod hauing vnderstood by the Sages of the birth of Christ our Sauiour King Lord of the whole ●orld fearing least he would take from him the Kingdome which he had vsurped determined to seek him out and to make him away though he knew by the Holy Scriptures that he was to be at least a great Prophet sent by God for the saluation of the world Ponder how soone our Sauiour Christ beginneth to be persecuted for he was scarcely borne when presently Herod sought his life the Eternall Father so ordaining that his most Holy Sonne and his Blessed Mother should from their infancy walke the way of persecution and affliction which ought to be a great comfort vnto thee if peraduenture thou see thy selfe persecuted in regard of thy vertue remembring that which our Sauiour Christ said to his Disciples The seruant is not greater then his Maister if they haue persecuted me you also will they persecute For they hate not those who are of their owne crew and faction but those who are contrary vnto thē and resist them Heere out of compassion lament and be sorry that there should be found any so wicked and vngracious as to seeke Iesus Christ with intention to kill him whereas he commeth to giue life vnto the dead and an eternall Kingdome of heauen for a temporall Take heed lest thou do not the same which that wicked King did through thy sins for they doe seeke to persecute and kill him THE 2. POINT TO Consider how Saint Ioseph being a sleep an Angell appeared vnto him and sayd Arise and take the child and his Mother and fly into Aegypt Ponder the punctuall obedience of this Holy man in putting in execution the diuine will for being a sleep and reposing at which time trauaile is most yrkesome vnto vs he forth with arose and obeyed in that which he was commanded not being scandalized nor troubled with such a nou●lty and sodaine flight To ●ea●h thee that in the middest of thy case and prosperity thou art to be prepared for afflictions at al times to leaue thy bed and rest whensoe●er Almighty God shall command thee esteeming it a thing of highest price to know and fulfill the diuine wil whether it be manifest vnto thee by reuelation of God or his Angells or by ordination of men For albeit the first be more glorious yet in the second is exercised more humility Conceiue a great desire to obay Almighty God as Saint Ioseph did because heerin consisteth true iustice and sanctity that thou do not reply not contradict the Commandement of God in any thing but speedily fullfill the diuine will reioycing ●o subiect thy iudgement not only vnto God but also vnto men for the loue of God THE 3. POINT TO Consider the small security wherewith Iesus Christ our Sauiour liueth amongst those of his own Countrey For comming to remaine with them they receiued him not wherefore it was necessary an Angell should aduise Saint Ioseph to tak the child and his Mother and to fly into Aegypt amongst a strange and barbarous Nation Ponder how Christ our Lord being to fly into the desert he might haue gone to the Contrey of ●●e three Sages where he should haue beene knowne r●sp●cted and serued be would not doe so but went into Aegypt amongst his enemies strangers where he had n●●●her house nor barbour nor any maintenance at all that by wanting all commodities he might haue occasion of more to suffer Gather hence how pleasing it is ●o God that his elect especially such as be Religious persons remaine where his will is they should and not where they guided by their owne fansy desire to dwell because the true security of the soule doth not consist or proceed from the place but from the assistance and protection of Almighty God Consider also that the Angell said vnto Saint Ioseph Be there t● wit in Aegipt vntill I shall tell thee that is that he should remaine in Aegipt vntill he should heare further from him giuing therb● to vnderstand that in matter of affl●ctions and desolations and also in whatsoeuer offices and imployments he imposeth vpon thee thou oughtest not to assigne nor seeke to known the ●ime how long they are to continue but must leaue this care vnto Al●ighty God be it little or much who knoweth much better what is befitting vs then we our selues THE 4. POINT TO consider how the most Blessed Virgin as soone as she vnderstood by Saint Ioseph the diuine wil being most humble and obedient sheforth with obeyed and fearing to fall into the hands of Herod and so endanger that precious Iewell which was all her riches not standing vpon labours of paines nor vpon the incommodities of the way she presently arose and with all speed tooke the Bl●ssed babe in her armes fled not regarding that she leaueth her countrey parents and friends her house and whatsoeuer she had there so that she might keep and assure that which of her was for more esteemed then all the rest Ponder how the most Blessed Virgin and Saint Ioseph trauailed all alone that wearisome way vnprouided of all commodities in great pouerty vpon some little beast or asse carrying a few cloaths of the B. child and some tooles of S. Ioseph the rest he carryed on his backe Also what extr●me cold the B. Virgin endured being tender of a delicate complexion it being then the depth of winter Behold the foule wayes dur●y passages which they met withall and finally how after long trauaile and paines taken they came into Aegypt betooke themselues to some poore cottage vnknowne neglected of the world but very much cō●orted for that the Blessed Infant had escaped the hands of his enemies Gather hence a great loue to pouerty to be contemned forgotten of the world seeing in this world thou art as a way-faring man desire to ioyne thy selfe with this holy company in their iourney and see if thou canst serue them in any thing Peraduenture the B. Vi●gin will giue thee her Sonne sometimes to carry in thy armes O happy art thou if it be graunted vnto thee THE XV. MEDITATION Of t●e murder of the
To whome we may ima●ine that our Lord would ans●ere Blessed art thou Simeon Bariona be●cause flesh and bloud h●th not reuealed it to thee but my Father which is in heauen S. Iohn like wise would enkindle in himselfe affections of loue seeing his ●oueraigne Maister not only to vnite himselfe so vnto him as to permit him to leane on his breast bu● also to do him so great a fauour 〈◊〉 to enter into his soule body for mor● perfect coniunction Learne when thou commest t● receane our Lord to bring with the● these vertues to wit fayth purity and loue as these holy Apostles did that thou mayst reap such profit ● they did follow our Lord as they did follow him ● It is to be noted that in the en● of the ●●ird booke a 〈◊〉 meditation are added for prepatation before 〈◊〉 thankes-giuing after we haue r●cea●ued this most ● Sacrameat vvher● he that is 〈◊〉 to know how 〈◊〉 prepare himselfe and to giue 〈◊〉 thanks after vnto our Lord for 〈◊〉 benefit receaued may find them THE XXXIII MEDITATION Of our Blessed Sauiours prayer in the Garden and agony there THE 2. POINT TO consider the great desire that Christ had to suffer for our sake and because the tyme seemed ●ong till he should be deliuered into ●he tormet̄ors hands that they might ●ee that he did nor shrinke nor yet ●●y supper being ended he went into ●he garden to pray that being a place well knowne to the traytor Iudas to ●hew that of his own free will he offer●ed hims●lfe to prison to death it ●elfe Ponder how our Lord for no ●anner of afflictions or perils would ●●aue his good and laudable exercise of praye● and meditation for sup●er being ended he betooke 〈◊〉 ●orth with to a solitary place to pray ●efore he was to enter vpon his pas●ion Be confounded because through thy tepidity and negligence for euery light occasion thou leauest thy prayer and forgettest thy laudable customs whereas thou shouldst do quite contrary because in time of greater perills afflictions and temptations we ought to haue more particuler recourse vnto Almighty God prayer being the only meanes to strengthe● our selues in them THE 2. POINT TO consider how our Redeemer being come to the garden wen● aside from his disciples and began 〈◊〉 wax sorrow full to be sad Ponder what is that which ma●keth our Lord to grieue to be sad and afflicted he 〈◊〉 the ioy of An●gells whom when they behold they are exceedingly reioyced thou shal find that the cause of this affl●ctio● was the feare of the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 the death which he 〈◊〉 to ●o stayn●● the remembranc● and liuely app●● hension of the sinnes of all men pre●sent pasts and future the multitud● and grieuousnes of them both wa●s the cause of this his trouble grief● ● also the vnspekable domage which 〈◊〉 sinne commeth to men in that 〈◊〉 it they deserue to be condemned 〈◊〉 the euerlasting torments of hell ●●at of all this arose his so incre●●ble ●●rrow Gather hense affections of gri●fe ●●d sorrovv for the torments death ●●hich is euen novv to come vpō thv ●ord for th●u hast beene the cause ●his pavnes and affl●ctions Endea●our from this day forvvard to ab●orre and detest and fly from sinne ●●h thou seest in what case thy Lord 〈◊〉 to deliuer thee from it and from ●●e eternall damnation which for thy 〈◊〉 thou d●seruest THE 3. POINT TO consider the 〈◊〉 of our Sa●uiou● in his prayer many ●●mes crauing of his Eternall Father 〈◊〉 the selfe same thing to wit ●●at the bitter chalice of his pa●●ion ●ight passe Ponder the deuotion ●wrod●●eling the teares and sorrovv of thy ●ord how solitary destitute com●rtles he is in this his so great affliction his disciples were aloofe of fast a sleep his Eternall Father gaue him no answere neither graunted him his petition his most holy Mother was also absent his enemies now ready to come vpon him notwithstanding all these afflictions discōforts he remained constant and perseuered in his prayer Gather hence the great esteeme shou oughtst to haue of prayer seing Christ teacheth thee that the only remedy of thy afflictions and sorrows it not talke or conuerse with men but to treat with God continue in prayer confiding that though in the beginning he de●y that which thou askest yet at last he will graunt it if it be a thing conuenient for thee THE 4. POINT TO consider how the Son of God seeing his Eternall Father gaue him no answere the first nor second tyme had recourse vnto him the third tyme and repeating the same prayer with great loue and confidence said Father if thou wilt transfer this Chalice from me But yet not my will but thine be done Ponder that the cause why the Eter●all Father did def●r so long to make answere vnto the prayer of his most holy Sonne vvas to let thee know the great necessity thou and all haue of the passion and death of our Sauiour Learne not to complaine not to be weary when thou pray●st if God do not heare thee for certainely he heareth thee But if vnto Christ our Lord who deserued to be heard at the first opening of his mouth an●swere was not made till he had prayed the third time what vvonder is it if thy petitions be deferred who in regard of thy sinnes deseruest not to be heard at all Ponder secondly how Christ many times will not comfort nor remedy thy necessity in prayer that thou mayst perceiue and know the need thou hast to haue recourse vnto him with pati●nce and perseuerance THE XXXIV MEDITATION Of the apparition of the Angell and the sweating of bloud THE 1. POINT TO consider how the Eternall Father seeing his most Blessed Sonne in so great affliction and anguish of mind and that according to the inferiour part he feared to suffer and dye he sent him an Angell from heauen to comfort and strengthen him and to propose vnto him the glory of God which thence wold arise the benefit which would follow to all mankind by meanes of his passion and that for humiliation and ignominy of the Cross● his Name should be exalted and adored of all creatures Ponder how the Lord of Angells as if he had forgotten his owne soue●aigne Maiesty vouchsafe● to receaue comfort by one of his creatures and being the Fortitude of the Father and he vvho vvith power might gouerneth and su●taineth the world receaueth comfort and reliefe from an Angell hauing made himself by reason of humane nature which he assumpted inferiour to the Angells Gather hence that the office of the Angells is to assist vs in our prayers to comfort and animate vs and to present our prayers in the sight of God which if they be performed as they ought they haue their eff●●t for God doth either deliuer vs out of tribulation or giueth vs force to endure it with patience and ioy Tr●st in God that thou shalt reap
piety that thou mayst be assured of the Kingdome of heauen for there is no greater wisedome then to reioyce in contempt for the loue of God nor greater folly then to seeke to be honoured without him THE 4. POINT TO consider hovv that amongst so many garments which our Lord changed that night of his Passion his Eternall Father neuer permitted his enemies to inuest him with a blacke one it being the vse and custome among the Iewes that he who went to the tribunal to be arraygned should be clad in blacke which was a signe of a condemned person but would that it should be white in token of ●nnocency or ruddy in token of ●oue Ponder how that garment which was giuen vnto Christ our Lord in ●erision was a figure of the witnesse ●nd purity of his most blessed soule ●nd of the innocency of his life as his enemies themselues were faine to confesse saying I haue foūd no cause in this man of those thinges wherein you accuse him Gather hence desires that our Lord wold inuest adorne thy soule with the white garment of innocency thy body with his reproaches that in all thou mayst imitate him and so thou shalt become more white purer then snow THE XLIII MEDITATION How Barabbas was compared and preferred before Christ THE 1. POINT TO consider that Pilate defirous to deliuer Christ from death and being to release some one condemned person in honour of the Pasch sayd vnto the Iewes Whom will you that I release Barabbas 〈◊〉 Iesus that is called Christ for Barabbas being so seditious wicked a fellow he made no doubt but th●● rather then he should goe vnpunished they would release our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Ponder the vvonderfull humiliation of Christ our Lord who being so great so wise so holy and so great a benefactour of all is novv ballanced and compared with Barabbas an infamous companion a theef a murderer a seditious publik malefactour Gather hence desires not to disdayne grudge or repine when an inferiour and worse then thy selfe is preferred before thee and more honoured and respected if account be made of him and not of thee if another be imployed in offices and busines of thee no mention be made nor thou regarded seeing thy Lord thy God endured all this much more THE 2. POINT TO consider how the vngratefull people and those blind passionate Scribes Pharisies out of malice brake into open iniustice how in their sight Barabbas his life notwithstanding all his murders robberies abhominations weighed more was thought more profitable then the innocency of Christ our Redeemer for all his vertues and miracles Wherefore they besought the iudge to release the man-killer and wicked villaine to murder crucify the author of life Ponder how mutable men are easy to be deceaued for they who a few dayes before vvith common consent festiuall acclamations called Christ their King now with a different note tumultuous clamour say Make Iesus away and release vs Barabbas Gather hence confusion for thy pride endeauour from this day forward to humble aud submit thy selfe seeing that our Lord is held for lesse then the lewdest fellow in the world And heere thou mayst see litterally fullfilled that which our Lord sayd by his Prophet I am a vvorme and no man ● reproach of men and outcast of the people And for such he is novv reputed of those vvho ought to honour respect him aboue all men Angells THE 3. POINT TO consider that the more the President Pilate desired to deliuer Christ our Lord the more the Iewes were earnest to haue Barabbas released Ponder how often the like iudgement strife and controuersy passeth betweene thy flesh thy spirit the one making choice of Christ and the other of ●arabbas the one of God the other of a creature the one seeketh after the vayne perishing glory of men the other seeketh the glory of God which is perpetuall euerlasting Finally the one enquireth after corruptible transitory thinges the other after things permanēt which endure for euer Whence thou mayst gather great sorrow for hauing left Christ thy only and chiefest good for so vile and contemptible a thing as Barrabbas I meane for hauing so often c●osen regarded more a creature ● little sensible delight and vayne honour then Christ Iesus our Lord In whome be all the goods treasures of the wisdome and infinite knovvledge of God hidden Be confounded in consideration of this thou miserable wreth as thou art THE 4. POINT TO consider how Pila●e did testify vnto the people the innocency of Christ saying I find no cause in him why he should deserue death but the outragious people raising their voices cryed aloud saying Crucify him crucify him Ponder hovv much those redoubled often repeated clamours grieued our Lord seeing that they did not only seeke his death but that he should dye so cruell a death as the death of the Crosse. Gather hence sorrow for that thy sinnes haue put our Lord to so great straites for they alone vvere those that importuned and cryed out that he should be crucified Wherefore it behooueth thee to abhorre them detest so cruell and bloudy beasts which with so great cruelty murdered our Sauiour THE XLIIII MEDITATION Of the stripes which our Lord receaued at the pillar THE 1. POINT TO consider how the Present Pilate seeing that his former proiect and deuise did not succeed and that all the people began to be in an vproare he tooke another meanes and counsell to appease the fury of those cruell enemies vvhich was to giue sentence against the Lord of Angells that he should be whipped Ponder how vniust cruell reproachfull this sentence was which the President gaue agaynst our Lord notwithstanding he knew very well and was sure of his innocency But our Lord Iesus lifting his eyes to his Eternall Father sayd these wordes of the prophet I am ready O my Lord for scourges desirous to pay the thinges that I tooke not And without appellation or making any other meanes to quit himselfe he accepted that bloudy sentence offering most willingly his sacred body to be scourged in satisfaction of our sinnes Gather hence desires not to complaine vvhen by thy Superiours equalls or inferiours thou shalt be reprehended and chastized although thou be without fault seeing God most free from all fault is not only reprehended but also cruelly whipped and handled like a theefe vvith so horrible a punishment and yet not complayning but as if he vvere ●umbe not once opening his mouth THE 2. POINT TO consider how the sentence of his whipping being pronounced those cruell Butchers layd hand on the Lord of heauen the creatour of the world glory of Angells ●ed him into the court to the place of punishment where with barbarous inhumanity and fury they stripped him naked couered him vvith stripes from top to toe as if he had beene
Lambe they add yet another iniury for bowing their knes before him in mockery scorne they sayd vnto him Hayle King of the Iewes and presently they stroke his diuine face with a reed deriding making faces at him Ponder i● how different a manner the celestiall spirits adore thi● great King and Lord from that men ador● him on earth The Ang●ll● 〈◊〉 him as God and King of all thinges men adore him as a fals● God and counterfaite King they cal● him holy holy● and men wicked sinner possessed with a Diuell Gather hence desires thro●ghly to feele and lament thy sinne● and that which thy Lord and God suff●●eth and as his louing child and true friend prostrating thy selfe on the ground adore him as thy King and Lord after another manner thē these ●do and say from the bottome of thy ●art Hayle king of heauen earth King of Angells and men saue me O Lord and admit me into thy heauen●y Kingdome when I shal depart this ●●iserable life ●HE XLVI MEDITATION ●f the words ECCE HOMO THE 1. POINT TO consider hovv these cruell souldiers led thy Sauiour in this so lamentable a plight vnto the President Pilate who wondering to see him so ill handled carryed him vp to an eminent place whence he might be seene of all to the end that moued with compassion they might cease to seeke his death Ponder first how much our Lord was ashamed at his appearing in so reproachfull an habit with the crowne of thornes vpon his head 〈◊〉 ●eed in his hand a rope about hi● necke his body all bruized rent wea● ried exhaust with so many stripes all goare bloud through the multy●ude of those blowes and with th● drops of bloud which trickled dow● his venerable face those lights o● heauen vvere eclipsed almost blinded Ponder secondly the differenc● betwene the figure wherein our S●uiour appeareth now and that whi●● he shewed in the glory of the mou● Thabor that which was so glorio●● and pleasant he discouered only 〈◊〉 three of his dis●iples this so paine●● and ignominious he sheweth to 〈◊〉 the people of Hierusalem that i● mountaine all alone and retyred this in the middest of a great populous Citty Be confounded at thy pride seeing thy Lord so much humbled and despised for thy sake and thou endeauourest not to be so handled of men but rather with all honour and esteeme desirest that they should know the good which is in thee that they may prayse thee THE 2. POINT TO consider hovv Pilate shevving Christ our Lord in presence of all the people sayd aloud Behould the Man Ponder these words in the sense and meaning with which Pilate did pronounce them and thou shalt find that moued with pitty to behold so wofull a spectacle he desired to de●i●uer Christ our Lord and therefore the savd Ecce Homo Behold this man and you shall perceaue him to be so punished that he hardly retav●eth the shape of man being so di●●igured misused wherfore in regard ●hat he his a man as you are and no b●ast haue compassion on him But they vvould not affoard him a good looke nor haue any pitty on him Hence thou mayst gather de●●rs that God would graunt thee eye● of compassion and a hart of flesh that beholding him thou mayst be ●oued to compassion seeing he suffered so much for thy sake and giu● thee grace to loue thē that hate thee seing that in thi● kind our sou●raign● Lord God and man h●th giuen the● 〈◊〉 rare an example THE 3. POINT TO consider vpon the sayd words of Ecc● Homo how much it behoou●th thee to stir vp thy selfe and to behold with the eyes of liuely ●●yth this our Lord say vnto thy ●oule Ecc● Homo behold ● my soul● this man for albeit he is so wounded with stripes so defiled with spittle s● bruized with buffets crowned wit● thornes hath a reed insteed of a sc●p●ter in his hand i● clad with an ig●nominious garment yet he is mor● then a man he is also God Ponder the great desire whic● the Eternall Father hath that thou wouldst behold this soueraigne Lord God and man with meeke compassionate eyes and make benefit of thy tyme he allotteth thee to do it and not mispend so great a lewell nor omit to reap profit by beholding this man for if thou marke it well thou shal● find that this is the man which that sicke man that lay at th● Pond stood in need of and requi●●● his help that he might rise goe in●● the pond and be cured of his dis●a●●● infi●mities This is the man wh● is the head o●●ngell● men and i● so much disgraced to honour them so defiled to beautify them condemned to death to ex●mpt men from a greater death and to saue them finally he is the man who is mad● th● outcast of men to make thē the children of God Gather from hence ho● abominable a thing sin is in the sight 〈◊〉 God seeing it brought his only So● to such a passe and in what case thy sinnes may haue left thy soule whe● the sinnes of others ha●●●rought s● stra●g an effect in the fountayne of all beauty it selfe what confusion shame will a sinner susta●ne for his owne seeing the Sonne of God hath sustayned so much for the sinnes of other men THE 4. POINT TO consider the hatred and rancour of those cruell enemies against Christ our Lord seeing that so lamentable and pittifull a spectacle was not able to mollify their harts but rather raysing their voyces they began to cry aloud Away away with him out of our sight as who wo●●d say seeing thou hast made so good a beginning commanding him to be whipped make an end of that which thou hast begun and crucify him Ponder that although such so woful a spectacle could not ass●age pacify those raging minds yet was it doubtles of force to appease the wrath of the Eternall Father who had beene moued to iust indignation fo● beholding his most Blessed Sonne so ill handled for to obey him and for our loue he graciously pardoned all those sinners who with sorrow for their sins with deuotion and confidence beholding this figure of their Sauiour shold represent it vnto him saying Ecce homo Tho● seest O Lord the man which thou hast giuen vs the worke of thy right hand th●e man that is so humble so obedient so meeke so louing From hence thou mayst gather harty sorrow cōpassion to see him so much abhorred by his own people who deserued to be loued most of all Endeauour from this day forward ●o be so much the more seruent in the seruice of this Lord by how much his enemies did the deeper abhorre him so doing he will giue thee grace with pure and cleare eyes to behold imitate him THE XLVII MEDITATION How our Blessed Sauiour carryed his Crosse. THE 1. POINT To consider how the President seated in his tribunall seat
〈◊〉 thy selfe poorely apparelled and to want necessi●ies seeing so rare an example as Christ our Lord hath giuen thee of s●fferances nakedn●sse pouerty in all his life and specially in his death for his nakednes must be thy garment his dishonour thy liuery his pouer●y thy riches his con●usion thy glory and his death thy life of grace glory THE 2. POINT TO consider how Christ our Lord being now naked the souldiers ●aying the Crosse on the ground they commanded him to lye downe vpon it on his backe that he might be nayled to it so he did Ponder first the most excellent obedience of thy Sauiour which shined most in hearing and obaying in whatsoeuer hard difficult matters those cruell tormentors proposed vnto him giuing thee an example to subiect thy selfe to euery humane creature for his loue where there is no sinne Ponder secondly ●ow our Sauiour lying vpon that bed of the Crosse which thy sinnes had prepared for him lifted vp his eyes to heauen and rendred thankes to his Eternall Father for hauing brought him to that point wherein he beheld himselfe so poore so dishonoured and misused for his loue Gather hence wh●n thou shal● see thy selfe in ad●ersity and distres●e to be resigned to the diuine vvill in th● giuing Almighty God due thanks for them for once giuing thanks to God in aduersity is more worth and of m●re merit then many tymes i● prosperity THE 3. POINT To consider how Christ our Lord was mayled on the Crosse the ●x●essiue paines which he felt when those rough and boisterous nail● e●tred breaking the veynes piercing 〈◊〉 sinewes and renting th● most tender parts of the most delicat● body of all bodyes enduring with great patience and loue to see himselfe so loaden with pain●● ful of v●●peakable sorrowes Ponder how our Lord permitted the nayles to pierce his sac●ed hands and diuine feet to shew the● that he should haue thee alwayes imprinted in his hands feet so great was the loue and holy zeale whic●●e had of the saluation of soules and of thine in particuler Gather hence de●ires of thy he owne saluation and of thy neighbours setting light by whatso●uer difficultyes paynes and trauells which to deliuer them out of si●ne may befall thee that by this meanes as a souldier of this spirituall warfare thou mayst imitate in some ●ort thy Captaine Iesus who vvith so great loue gaue his life for them hanging on the Crosse. THE 4. POINT TO consider that after Christ our Lord was nayled to the Crosse his enemies lifted it vp on high with that true lambe of God vpon it who taketh away the sinnes of the world letting it fall downe voilently into the pit which they had made for the purpose Ponder the paine confusion and shame vvhich Christ our Lord had when he savv himselfe on high naked in the middest of an open field full of innumerable people and as another Noe exposed shamefu● to the sight of all without any thing to couer his nakednes withall no● hauing any to affoard him any thing but many who were ready to take from him all that might be giuen him Gather hence a great shame confusion at the small griefe sense feeling thou hast of the paynes of our Lord not shedding so much as on● teare of compassion wheras he powreth out all his bloud And seeing the insensible creatures which want both reason and feeling made so wonderfull demonstration of sorrow at the death of this our Lord that they were ●orne and rent in pieces for euery griefe it is good reason that thou who art his creature and the cause ●hy he endured that which he did shouldst acknowledge be thanke●ull for it and haue a speciall and in●ard feeling thereof seeing he suffe●ed it in benefit of thee THE XLIX MEDITATION Of the seauen wordes which our Lord spake hanging on the Crosse. THE I. WORD TO consider the great charity of our Lord which wa● such that before he vvould comfort his Mother before he vvould prouid● for his friends before he would cōmend his spirit to his Father he promideth his enemies of remedy Wherfore the first word he spake on th● Crosse was to excuse his en●mi●● who crucified blasphemed murdered him Ponder how Christ Iesus our Lord being full of grie●ous d●lors paines in euery part of his body no● finding any place of rest in that har● bed of the Crosse euen then did lif● vp his diuine eyes to heauen shed●ding teares of most tender loue an● compassion opening his diui● mouth not to commaund that fir●● should c●me from heauen as Eli●● prayed but to beseech his Eternall Father to pardon those which were there and the sinne they committed in crucifying him Gather hence how exactly our Lord God fulfilleth the precept he bath giuen thee To loue thyne enemyes to pray for them that persecure thee that by this example thou mayst learne and know to doe the like THE 2. WORD TO consider how that the second Word which thy Redeemer spake from the chayre of the Crosse was to pardon the Theefe graunt him heauen Because he confessed his fault and declared the innocency of Christ our Lord and freely and plainely ●alling him King craued fauour a● his hands saying Lord remember ●e when thou shalt come into thy Kingdome And so our Lord Iesus ●id honouring this th●e●e before his ●ternall Father a● he con●essed him ●efor● men ●nduing him with so exceeding great graces priuiledes that being the last 〈◊〉 made him of all mortall men the first who departing this life should presently re●eaue the reward of glory Ponder that if God rewarded him with so great liberality who did only follovv him not fully three houres hovv will he reward those who shall serue and follow him vvith perfection all the houres dayes of their life And if our Lord shewed himselfe so gratefull to this sinner who had iniuried him innumerable tymes for one only time that he confessed and honoured him what manner of gratitude will he shew to him who shall spend his vvhole life in seruing and honouring him Gather hence desires to serue him alwayes that securely vvit● confidence thou mayst haue acc●ss● vnto him and aske him th●● vvhich this good theese did aske him saying Remember me o Lord that is remember not my sinnes nor the robberies which I haue done but that am a frayle man and infirme that am thy creature made to thy imag● likenesse wherefore I bese●h the to remember me THE ● WORD TO consider that the third word which Christ our Lord spake frō the Altar of the Crosse was to recommend his B. Mother to Saint Iohn S. Iohn vnto his Mother And from that houre the disciple tooke her to his owne and loued her with speciall loue Ponder the exceeding great griefe vvith vvhich this vvord of recommandation pierced the hart of the Blessed Virgin for she throughly weighed the inequality of the change which
disgraces had been such and so grea●●his honour also exal●ation should begin euen from the Crosse many of his enemies euen then confessing him to haue been the Sonne of God And therefore he ordayned that Io●●ph should ioyne with Nicodemus ●nd that both togeather shoud stoutly without respect or seare of the lewes vndertake that enterprize Gather hence desires that God would vouchsafe to touch thy hart ●ith the vertue and force of his di●●ine inspiration that making no ac●●ount of humane feare nor of the say●●ngs of men thou mayst with great ●●rtitude and zeale set vpon whatso●●uer shal be for the seruice honour 〈◊〉 glory of his diuine Maiesty as these ●aints did THE 2. POINT TO consider that these holy men hauing first obtayned leaue of the ●resident Pilate to bury the body of ●●eir Maister came to the place where ●ur Lord Iesus remayned hanging ●n the Crosse and hauing comforted ●e afflicted and sorrowfull Mother ●nd craued her licence t● mount ●●to the Crosse she willingly 〈◊〉 them Ponder first hovv they kneeled dovvne vpon their knees an● with exceeding great de●otion mad● their payers to Christ crucifyed saying O good Lord thou didst per●it that those sacrilegious hands vvhich haue intreated thee in thi● manner and put thee vpon the crosse should hale and pull thee so irreue●renly gra●nt that the hands of thes● thy deuout seruants may with re●erence touch thy sacred body tak● 〈◊〉 dovvne from the Crosse. Whe●● they had sayd these or the like word● with many teares rearing the ladder● they mounted vp with great silenc● to the Crosse and tooke downe th● holy body placed it in the arme● of his most Blessed Mother who t● receaue it to wash it with her tear●●●te her selfe downe hauing euer be●fore stood constant at this rufull an●●orrowfull tragedy Ponder secondly the ang●is● and grie●e of mind that the Blesse● Virgin felt wh●n she beheld and im●braced that sacred body of her Sonne ●nd our Lord so mangled how she held him fast in her armes and layd her face betweene the thornes of his ●acred head and ioyned her face to the face of her Beloued Sonne O ●ovv vvould this soueraigne Lady ●hen rem●ber how far different kisses imbracings were these from those ●hich she had giuen him in his nati●●ity childhood and what diffe●●ence there was between these dayes ●nd those vvhich she had spent vvith ●im in Bethleem and in Hierusa●em ●ow cleare was that night of his na●●●ty and how darke and obscure 〈◊〉 this day of his passion How rich 〈◊〉 she in the stable and how poore 〈◊〉 the Crosse And if when she lost 〈◊〉 whiles he was yet aliue she was 〈◊〉 much grieued and a●●licted for his ●●sence how great vvas her sorrow ●ere seeing him dead in her armes 〈◊〉 in so vvocfull a shap● vvithout 〈◊〉 it was a sword of so exc●ssiue 〈◊〉 vnto her that it pri●rced he● 〈◊〉 soule and hart Gath●r hen●e desires that our Bl●ssed Lady vvould vouchsafe to giue thee licence to adore him in spi●rit to kisse and haue in thy arme● her most holy Sonne as she held him in hers obtayne for thee some in●vvard griefe and feling of the Passion death of her God thy Lord to the end that thou mayst be par a● ker of his trauells seeing thou hope ● hoaue part of his ioyes and Resu● rection THE 3. POINT TO cōsider how that after the mo● Blessed Virgin had held the dea● body of her Blessed Sonne for some time in her lap Ioseph and Nicode●mus fearing least she should dy● with griefe besought her with all hu●mility and respect she would moderate her sorrow giue them leau to bury him she yielded to their r● quest forthvvith those holy me annoynted him with Mirrhe an● wrapt him in a cleane syndon c● 〈◊〉 his face with a napkin Ponder the loue which Chr● our Lord had to poue●ty for 〈◊〉 would not that the Myrrhe wher●● with they annointed him the napkin and sheet in which they foulded him should be his owne but anothers his sepulcher borrowed as i● were lent him of almes Hence thou mayst gather to loue pouerty which this our Lord loued so much exercising thy selfe in this vertue in life death as he did because if thou renounce not all that thou possessest in imitation of him thou canst not be his disciple THE 4. POINT TO consider how the body of our Lord being annointed bound in a white syndon they found means to carry him bury him in a new monument which was in a new garden hard by the place where he was ●rucifyed there they layd the holy ●ody of our Sauiour And when the ● Virgin saw that there she was to ●aue him whom her soule loued so much the treasure of her hart then ●er griefe began a fresh she fell to ●ment her solitude Ponder hovv he vvho is the plendour brightnes of the Father the glory of Angells the saluation life of men refuseith not to be straitned and prest togeather as it were enclosed euery day in the loathsome stincking sepulcher of our brests couering his sac●ed body vvith the white vayle of the accidents or forme of bread Gather from hence desires to be●seech this Lord that seeing he vouch safeth to straiten as it were himselfe and to enclose himselfe so often in thy sepulcher to the end thou mayst re●eaue eate him being as thou ar● a silly vile worme he would als● renew thee with vertues that so thy sepulcher may become remayn● cleane pure as if no dead thing ha● 〈◊〉 some in it THE THIRD BOOKE OF MEDITATIONS Appertayning to the Vnitiue Way What is the Vnitiue Way THE end of the Vniti●● Way is to vnite and ioyne our soule vvith God by perfect vnion sloue being glad vvhen we con●●der his innumerable and infinite ●ches and perfections reioy●ng at 〈◊〉 infinite glory povver and wis●me desiring that he be ●●●wne of all the world and that his holy and diuine will be done and performed in all creatures For this is the way by which those who arriue to the perfect state of vertue do walke exercising themselues in the contemplation of the impassible and glorious life of Christ our Lord. THE 1. MEDITATION How our Lord descended into Limbo of his glorious Resurrection THE 1. POINT TO consider how our Lord Iesu● Christ hauing finished the con●bate of his Passion to accomplish fully the businesse of our saluation as soone as he had giuen vp h●● sacred Ghost leauing his body dea● on the Crosse in soule he descende● to the lowest parts of the earth int● Limbus to deliuer the soules of tho● holy Fathers that were there and 〈◊〉 carry them with him to heauen Ponder how our Lord thou●● he were so mighty and powerfu●● that he could vvith one only word haue deliuered out of Limbo those holy soules without descending thither personally as he did vvith Lazarus when he called
him out of his sepulcher he would not withstanding descend thither to discouer by this heroicall act of humility the lo●e he bare vnto them From hence thou mayst gather to performe by thy selfe the busines which God commandeth vnto thee of helping of soules how meane soeuer they seeme humbling thy selfe as Christ our Lord humbled himselfe on earth that thou mayst be exalted in heauen THE 2. POINT TO consider the great ioy which the soule of Christ our Lord had ●eeing it selfe to vanquish death to ●riumph ouer hell to glorify such multitude of soules as were there in Limbo How well would he then ●hinke the labours of the Crosse imployed seeing the fruit which that sa●ed tree began now to yield Ponder the wonderfull ioy and exultation which those holy Fathers receaued who for so many thousand of yeares with such patience considence and expectation had looked for that happy houre of their ransome and liberty when they saw that Blessed soule of Christ their Redeemer triumphant in those bottomles pits and obscure d●ngeons of hell destroying with his diuine vertue povver the gates of brasse and iro● barres of that dungeon and turning that obscure and monefull place into a ioyfull and pleasant Paradise Gather hence a firme considence in God when thou shalt find thy selfe assaulted with sundry sorrowes and afflictions be not wearied afflicting thy selfe for continu● ance of them seeing there is no tim● that commeth not at last nor any euill that hath not an end as the im● prisonement of those Saints had 〈◊〉 happy end THE 3. POINT TO consider how that most Bles●● soule of thy Sauiour accomp●●yed with that resplendent brigh● shining army of holy Fathers came with them to the sepulcher where his body lay disioynted disfigured wrapt vp in a winding sheet Ponder that the first thing which our Lord did was to dis●ouer vnto them the lamētable shape of his sacred body that they might vnderstand how deere their ransome had ●ost him and when they beheld that holy body all blacke and blew out of ioynt and so bruized mangled 〈◊〉 euery side they yielded agayne ●●to the deliuerer infinite thanks for ●uing redeemed them with so great ●●bours paines Ponder secondly how that as ●one as that Blessed soule entred a●ine into that body which was more ●●●figured then any body euer was transformed it into a far more ex●●llēt shape then it had on the mount ●abor made it a thousand times ●●re beautifull resplendent then 〈◊〉 Sunne And with a ioyfull coun●●●●nce he arose out of the sepulcher mortall and glorious without re●●uing the stone from the place which was layd vpon the sepulcher as he issued out of the sacred bowell of the mo●● Blessed Virgin vvithou● domage of her integrity and purity Out of all this thou mayst ga● ther affections of thankesgiuing 〈◊〉 laud prayse to the Eternall Father for that he hath conuerted the sorro● of his most Blessed Sonne into so v● speakable ioy so incomparab●● beauty communicating vnto his b● dy the prerogatiues of immortalit● glory THE 4. POINT TO consider that Christ our Lor● when he was risen againe did n●● forth with mount vp to heauē whic● is the seat due to glorified bodyes but remayned in the vvorld for t●● space of forty dayes to comfort an● animate his disciples informing the of many things concerning the Kin● dome of God that being eye witn● ses of his Resurrection they mig● preach it more considently to 〈◊〉 world it may piously be thou●● that at that tyme all the quiers of Angels came downe to gratulate his victory to celebrate the feast of ●is glorious triumph for if they destended to celebrate his Natiuity whē he came to liue heere a mortal passibe life with great reason may we thinke they came at his Resnrrection when he began to liue an immortall glorious life Ponder how the heauenly spirits with Angelicall harmony renewed ●hat canticle of the Natiuity Glory in ●he highest to God in earth peace 〈◊〉 men of good will with great ●son seeing that by meanes of this ●uce of enemies we were made fri●ds of s●ues of sin the diuell we ●●re made children heyres of hie ●bry Gather hence desire● to reioyce to ●ay with the holy Prothet This the day which our Lord hath made vs reioyce be glad therein Deing that all may doe the like a●● him for that he hath gotten so ●rious a triumph victory ouer his enemies THE II. MEDITATION Of our Sauiours apparition vnto h●● most Blessed Mother THE ● POINT To consider that the first visit apparition which Christ Iesu● our Lord made is thought t● haue been to the most Blessed Virg● his Mother to cleare that Heau● darkened and ouercast with sorrow and to dry the ●louds of teares fro● those virginall eyes which had we● so much aboue al others had 〈◊〉 th● sorrovves and afflictions of 〈◊〉 Passion of his absence Ponder how the Blessed V●●gin being in her retirement not sleep but in prayer expected 〈◊〉 new light with liuely sayth and sured hope of the Resurrection of ● Sonne medi●ating those wordes the Royall Prophet Arise my glo● arise my psalter and harp and reio● with thy musicke those that are 〈◊〉 and lament thy absence And if vid contemplating his God and Lord so far off had such a thirst longing desire to be partaker of his Resurrection how great desires had the most Blessed Virgin louing him and desiring him much more then Dauid being so neere to the tyme and euery ●oment expecting to see and inioy ●gayne her beloued Sonne now glo●ious in his Resurrection Gather hence like affections ●esires And beseech this our Lord that he will vouchsafe to rise in thy ●ule to visit and comfort it as he ●d his most holy Mother that thou ●●yst deserue to see and enioy him ● his glory at the generall Resurre●ion THE 2. POINT TO consider hovv the Blessed Virgin our Lady being in this con●mplation and these Ionging desires ● most holy Sonne entred in and ●unifested himselfe vnto her with all ● glory and brightnes which his sa●ed body had strēgthening her cor●iall sight to be able to behold him 〈◊〉 enioy him Ponder how great the ioy of th● Blessed Virgin was when she saw th● body of her most sweet Sonne no● now hanging amiddst theeues bu● enuironed with Angells and Saint not recōmending her from the cross● to the beloued disciple but himself giuing her a louing kisse of peace not dissigured as he was at his death but resplendent beautifull O ho● fully content and satisfied did she re● mayne vvith this comfortable sigh● how sweetly dyd they imbrace on another what tēder speach in wa●● feelings would there passe betwee● those two blessed harts From hence thou mayst gath●● desires to giue thanks vnto this Lor● who is so certaine a friend so read to comfort those who suffer for h● loue
and humbled wherefore replenished vvith excessiue ioy and comfor they vvould say to ech other Ascend o Lord ascend not to mount Caluary to be crucifyed betweene two theeues on a tree but vnto the holy hill of Sion i● the heauenly Hierusalem to be glorified betweene two diuine persons by the quyers of Angells and blessed soules that inuisibly accōpany thee Ascend O Lord ascend to this soue●aigne Court not to suffer and dye ●ut to triumph ouer death it selfe sinne c. From hence thou mayst gather how well afflictions endured for the loue of God are imployed seeing he can and will reward and recompence them so largely magnifying and exalting aboue all creatures him vvho humbled himselfe and suffered more then all Beseech him that sith he saith by Saint Iohn If I be exalted from the earth I will draw all things to my selfe it may be fulfilled in thee that thy mind and affection being separated from earthly vanities thou maist ascend with him his holy company to heauen THE 3. POINT TO consider how the holy Apostl● after they had lost the sight o● their God and Lord they vven● backe to Hierusalem with great ioy because the same loue that caused them so much to lament their losse enforced them on the other side to reioyce at his glorious triumph entrance into that celestiall countrey where he should be receaued of thos● courtiers of heauen with singuler io● exultation triumph some singing others playing on their admirable melodious instruments Ponder how different this Thursday in mount Oliuet was from that Friday in mount Caluary there solitary heere so well attended there nayled on a Crosse heere exalted aboue the clouds there cucified betweene two theeues heere enuironed with quiers of Angels there blasphemed and scorned heere honoured renowned finally there suffeing dying heere reioyeing tryumphing Gather hence great comfort to see this so wonderfull a mutation change and reioyce in this day of Christs Ascension into heauen to be thy aduocate feare his Comming to be thy Iudge THE 4. POINT TO consider the ioy of Christ our Lord in this triumph of whome it is sayd God is ascended in iubilation seeing the happy end of his trauels Ponder how much the Eternall Father exalted him aboue all vvho humbled himselfe more then all giuing him for the throne of the Crosse a throne of Maiesty for the crowne of thornes a crowne of glory for the company of theeues companies of Angells for the ignominies and blasphemies of men honours and prayses of celestiall spirits And because he descended first into the inferiour parts of the earth he made him ascend aboue all the heauens In conclusion that nature vvherto it vvas sayd Dust thou art into dust thou shalt returne now is raised from the dust of the earth aboue all the heauens Gather hence how requisite it is to humble thy selfe for Christ so to be exal●ed vvith Christ because if thou wilt not be like vnto him in debafing and humbling thy selfe in vaine hopest thou to follovv him in ascending raigning ¶ After the Meditation of the Ascension of Christ our Lord to heauen it vvere much to the purpose to set downe the meditatiō of his glory but in regard vve haue treated therof in the first Booke togeather vvith the last things of man we remit him who desireth to read medicate thereon to that place THE X. MEDITATION Of the comming of the Holy Ghost THE ● POINT TO consider how after our S●uiour was ascended into heauen his disciples retyred themselues into an vpper chamber in Hierusalem where they all perseuered in continuall prayer expecting the Holy Ghost Ponder that the strongest and most effectuall meanes that may be to procure the comming of the Holy Ghost into thy soule is a continuall inflamed and feruent perseuerance in ●rayer for otherwise if when others pray thou sleepest if when others a●●end and are carefull of their saluati●n and spirituall profit thou remay●● carelesse negligent of thy owne if when others haue their minds and conuersation vvith God thou hast thyne with men although thou be in company of the good and holy in one house and residence in one same Religion this diuine spirit vvill not come vpon thee Gather hence desires to per●euere in prayer and to be frequent therin that this diuine fire of the holy Ghost may come also vpon thee as it came vpon the Apostles who with so many sighes longing desires expected its comming THE 2. POINT TO consider how there came sodēly a wind that filled the whole house vvhere the Apostles vvere in prayer Ponder first how this vvind and coole ayre of heauen did no● leaue any chamber roome closet o● corner of that house which it did no● penetrate to signif● that this quiknin● spirit is offered giuen to all me● generally in whatsoeuer part or co●●ner of the world they are Ponder secondly that when th● Holy Ghost entreth into a soule it filleth all her faculties by his power vvith verities and celestiall v●rtues not leauing any part voyd or vnfurnished From hence thou shalt gather that if thou desire this soueraigne spirit should replenish the house of thy soule vvith his diuine graces and gifts thou must not wander out of it distracting busiyng thy thoghts about creatures but remayne setled and quietly reposed therein imploying her in good desires thoughts works for doing so this diuine spirit vvill fill thee vvith his aboundan● loue grace THE 2. POINT TO consider how the Holy Ghost descēded in forme of fiery tōgues vpon all the Apostles and disciples that were retyred in that house verifying that vvhich Christ our Lord sayd vnto them I came to cast fire on earth and what will I but that it be kindled and inflame the harts of men Ponder that the cause why this Lord commeth in forme of 〈◊〉 vvas that the Apostles might be like vnto burning torches which should set on fire the vvhole vvorld that they might illuminate inflame the harts of men with this fire of diuine 〈◊〉 making them of wolues to become sheep of crowes doues of lions lambes of brutish people and infernall monsters spirituall Angella Gather hence great desires that this fire would vouchsafe vnto thee one sparke of his ●eat that thy lips being purified as were those of the Prophet thou mayst hence forward neither speake nor discourse of vain● base thinges of the world but o● God and his prayses endeauouring with thy speuches and con●ersation to inflame thy selfe and those vvith whome thou conuersest with the fire of thy diuine loue THE 4. POINT TO consider that albeit the disciple● which were in that chamber wer● more then an hundred and all of 〈◊〉 different merits yet that pure spiri● replenished all with his diuine gifts ●nd graces imparted himselfe entierly to euery one Ponder that although all were full of the Holy Ghost yet some re●●aued greater grace benefit then others that is