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A06108 The theatre of Gods iudgements: or, a collection of histories out of sacred, ecclesiasticall, and prophane authours concerning the admirable iudgements of God vpon the transgressours of his commandements. Translated out of French and augmented by more than three hundred examples, by Th. Beard.; Histoires memorables des grans et merveilleux jugemens et punitions de Dieu. English Chassanion, Jean de, 1531-1598.; Beard, Thomas, d. 1632. 1597 (1597) STC 1659; ESTC S101119 344,939 488

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scotfree but came alwaies to some miserable end or other for some of them were destroied by the inhabitants others slewe one another with their owne hands prouoked by insatiable auarice some haue beene drowned in the sea and others starued in the desart in fine few escaped vnpunished Bombadilla one of the gouernours of Hispagnola after hee had swaied there awhile and enriched himselfe by the sweate and charge of the inhabitants was called home againe into Spaine whitherward according to the commaundement receiued as hee embarked himselfe shipping with him so much treasure as in value amoūted to more than an hundred and fifty thousand ducats beside many peeces and graines of gold which he carried to the Spanish queene for a present whereof one weighed three thousand duckats there arose such a horrible and outragious tempest in the broad sea and beat so violently against his ships that foure and twentie vessels were shiuered in peeces and drowned at that blow there perished Bombadilla himselfe with most of his captaines and more than fiue hundred Spaniards that thought to returne full rich into the countrey and became with all their treasures a prey vnto the fishes In the yeere of our Lord 1541 the eight day of September ●he same author there chanced in the city Suatimala which lyeth in the way from Nicaragna Westward a strange and admirable iudgement After the death of Auarado who subdued this prouince and founded the city and was but a little before slaine in fight it rained so strangely and vehemently all this whole day and night that of a sudden so huge a deluge and flood of waters ouerflowed the earth streaming from the bottome of the mountaines into the lower grounds with such violence that stones of incredible bignes were carried with it which tumbling strongly downwards bruised and burst in pieces whatsoeuer was in their way In the meane while there was heard in the aire fearefull cries and voices and a blacke cow was seene running vp downe in the midst of the water that did much hurt The first house that was ouerthrowen by this tempest was dead Auarados wherein his widow a very proud woman that held the gouernment of the whole prouince in her hand and had before despited God for her husbands death was slaine with all her houshold and in a moment the city was either drowned or subuerted there perished in this tempest of men and women six score persons but they that at the beginning of the flood fled saued their liues The morrow after the waters were surceased one might see the poore Spaniards lie along the fields some maimed in their bodies other with broken arms or legges or otherwise miserably wounded And thus did God reuenge he monstrous Spanish cruelties exercised vpō those poore people whome in stead of enticing by faire and gentle means to the knowledge of the true God his sonne Christ they terrified by extraordinary tyranny for such is the Spanish nature making them thinke that Christians were the cruellest and most wicked men of the earth CHAP. XVIII Of Adulterers IT followeth by the order of our subiect now to touch the transgressions of the third commandement of the second Table which is Thou shalt not commit Adulterie In which words as also in many other texts of Scripture Adultery is forbidden grieuous threatnings denounced against all those that defiling their bodies with filthy and vnpure actions estrange themselues from God and conioyne themselues to whores and ribauds This sin did the Israelites commit with the women of Midian by means whereof they were to follow strange gods to fall into Gods heauy displeasure who by a cruell plague destroied 24 thousand of them for the same sinne And forasmuch as the Madianites through the wicked and pernicious counsell of Balaam did lay this snare for them were so villanous and shamelesse as to prostitute and be bauds vnto their owne wiues therefore they were by the expresse commandement of God discomfited their kings false prophets with all their men women except onely their vnpolluted virgins that had known no man slaine and all their cities dwellings burned and consumed to ashes As euery one ought to haue regard and care to their honesty so maids especially whose whole credit and reputation hangeth thereupon for they that make no account thereof but suffer themselues to be polluted with any filthinesse draw vpon them not onely most vile infamy but also many great miseries as is prooued by the daughter of Hippomenes prince of Athens who being a whore her father shut vp in a stable with a wild horse giuing him no prouender nor other meat to eate that the horse naturally furious enough but more enraged by famine might teare her in pieces and with her carcasse refresh his hunger as he did Pontius Aufidian vnderstanding that his daughter had bene betraied sold into a leachers hands by a slaue of his that was her schoolmaster put them both to death In like maner serued Pub. Attilius Falisque his daughter that fell into the same infamie Viues reporteth that in our fathers daies Lud. Viues two brothers of Arragon perceiuing their sister whom they euer esteemed for honest to be with child hiding their displeasure vntill her deliuery was past came in suddenly and stabbed her into the belly with their daggers till they killed her in the presence of a sage matron that was witnes to their deed The same authour saith That when he was a young man there were three in the same country that conspired the death of a companion of theirs that went about to commit this villany as they conspired so they perfourmed it strangling him to death with a napkin as hee was going to his filthines As for adulterers examples are infinite both of their wicked liues and miserable ends In which number many of them may be scored that making profession of a single life and vndertaking the vow of chastity shew themselues notwithstanding monstrous knaues ribauds as many of the Popes themselues haue done Petr. praemonst As we read of Iohn the eleuenth bastard sonne to Lando his predecessour who by meanes of his adulteries with Theodora then gouernesse of Rome came by degrees to the Papacie so he passed the blessed time of his holy popeship with this vertuous dame to whom he serued in stead of a common horse to sati●fie her insatiable disordinate lust but the good holy father was at last taken and cast in prison and there smothered to death with a pillow Benedict the eleuenth dining on a time with an Abboresse his familiar ●al was poisoned with certaine figges that he eate Clement the fift was reported to be a common baud a protector of whores he went apart into Auignion there staied of purpose to do nothing but whore hunt hee died in great torment of the bloody flux plurisie and griefe of the stomack CHAP. XIX Of Rapes NOw if adulterie which with liking
who vpō condition of hir yeelding to his lust and payment of 200 duccats promised safe deliuerance for him the poor woman seeing that nothing could redeeme her husbands life but losse shipwrack of her owne honesty told her husband who willed her to yeeld to the captains desire not to pretermit so good an occasion wherfore she consented but after the pleasure past the traiterous and wicked captaine put her husband to death notwithstanding which iniury when she complained to Gonzaga duke of Ferrara hee caused the captaine first to restore backe her 200 dukats with an addition of 700 crowns secondly to marry her to his wife and lastly when hee hoped to enioy her body to be hanged for his trecherie O noble Iustice and comparable to the worthiest deeds of antiquitie and deseruing to be held in perpetuall remembrance As these before mentioned excelled in punishing this sin so this fellow following excelled in committing it and in being punished for it Theat histor his name is Nouellus Cararius Lord of Pauie a man of note and credite in the world for his greatnesse but of infamy and discredit for his wickednesse This man after many cruell murders and bloodie practises which he exercised in euery place where he came fell at last into this notorious and abhominable crime for lying at Vincentia hee fell in loue with a young maid of excellent beautie but more ●ent honestie an honest citizens daughter whome hee ●anded her Parents to send vnto him that hee might haue his pleasure of her but when they regarding their credit and shee her chastitie more then the Tyrants command refused to come he tooke her violently out of their house and constrained her body to his lust and after to ad crueltie to villanie chopt her into small peeces and sent them to her Parents in a basket for a present wherewith her poore father astonished caried it to the Senate who sent it to Venice desiring them to consider the fact and to reuenge the cruelty The Venetians vndertaking their defence made war vpon the Tyrant and besieging him in his own city took him at last prisoner and hanged him with his two sons Francis and William Diocles sonne of Pisistratus Tyrant of Athens for rauishing a maid Lanquet was slain by her brother whose death when Hippias his brother vndertooke to reuenge and caused the maidens brother to be racked that he might discouer the other conspirators he named al the tyrants friends which by commandement being put to death the Tyrant asked whither there were any more none but only thy selfe quoth hee whome I would wish next to be hanged wherby it was perceiued how abundantly he had reuenged his sisters chastitie by whose notable stomacke all the Athenians being put in remembrance of their libertie expelled their tyrant Hippias out of their city Mundus a young Gentleman of Rome Lanquet chron rauished the chast Matron Paulina in this fashion when he perceiued her resolution not to yeeld vnto his lust hee persuaded the priests of Isis to say that they were warned by an Oracle how that Anubius the god of Aegypt desired the company of the said Paulina to whome the chast Matrone gaue light credence both because she thought the Priests would not lie and also because it was accounted a great renowne to haue to do with a god and thus by this meanes was Paulina abused by Mundus in the temple of Isis vnder the name of Anubius which thing being after disclosed by Mundus himself was thus iustly reuenged the Priests were put to death the temple beaten downe to the ground the image of Isis throwne into Tiber and the young men banished In the yeare of our Lord 955 Edwine succeeding his vncle Eldred was king of England Lanquet This man was so impudent that in the very day of his Coronation hee soddainely withdrew himselfe from his lords and in sight of certaine persons rauished his owne kinswoman the wife of a Nobleman of his realme and afterward slew her husband that he might haue vnlawfull vse of her beautie for which act he became so odious to his subiects and nobles that they iointly rose against him and depriued him of his crowne when hee had raigned foure yeares CHAP. XX. Other examples of Gods Iudgements vpon Adulterers AMongst all other things this is especially to bee noted how God for a greater punishment of the disordinate lust of men stroke them with a new yet filthy and stinking kind of disease called the French pocks though indeed the Spaniards were the first that were infected therewith by the heat which they caught among the women of the new found lands Paulus Iouius Ben. b. sowed the seeds thereof first in Spaine and from thence sprinkled Italy therewith where the Frenchmen caught it when Charles the eight their king went against Naples Guicciardine frō whence the contagion spread it selfe throughout diuers places of Europe Barbary was so ouergrowen with it that in all their cities the tenth part escaped not vntouched nay almost not a family but was infected From thence it ranne to Aegypt Siria and to the great Cair and it may nerehand truly be said that there was not a corner of the habitable world where this not only new and strange for it was neuer heard of in ancient ages but terrible and hideous scourge of Gods wrath stretched not it selfe They that were spotted with it and had it rooted in their bodies led a languishing life full of aches and torments and carried in their visages filthy markes of vncleane behauiour as vlcers boiles and such like that greatly disfigured them And herein we see the words of S. Paul verified 1. Cor. 6.18 That an Adulterer sinneth against his owne body Now for so much as the world is so brutishly carried into this sinne as to none more the Lord therefore hath declared his anger against it in diuers sorts so that diuers times hee hath punished it in the very act or not long after by a strange death Sabell Of which Alcibiades one of the great captaines of Athens may stand for an example who being polluted with many great and odious vices and much giuen to his pleasures and subiect to all vncleannesse ended his life in the middest thereof for as he was in companie of a Phrigian strumpet hauing flowne thither to the king of Persia for shelter was notwithstanding set vpon by certaine guards which the king induced by his enemies sent to slay him but they though in number many through the cōceiued opinion of his notable valor durst not apprehend him at hand but set fire to the house standing thēselues in arms round about it to receiue him if need were Hee seeing the fire leaped through the midst of it and so long defended himselfe amongst them all till strength failed in himselfe and blowes encreasing vpon him constrained him to giue vp his life amongst them Plinie telleth of Cornelius Gallus and Q.
persuaded king Charles the eight of Fraunce to vndertake war against Naples and after hee had brought him to it presently he forsooke him and entred a new league with the Venetians Venetian histor lib. 6. and the other princes of Italy to driue him home again This was he saith Cardinall Bembus that set benefices and promotions to sale that hee which would giue most might haue most and that poysoned Iohn Michell the Cardinall of Venice at Rome for his gold and treasure which hee abounded with whose insatiable couetousnesse prouoked him to the committall of all mischiefe to the end he might maintaine the forces of his son who went about to bring the whole lands and dominions of all Italy into his possession in adulteries hee was most filthy and abhominable in tyrany most cruell and in Magicke most cunning and therefore most execrable supping one night with Cardinall Adrian his very familiar friend in his gardē hauing foreappointed his destruction that night by poyson through the negligence and ouersight of his butler to whom hee had giuen the exploit in charge that was deceiued by mistaking the bottles hee dranke himselfe the medicine which he had prepared for his good friend the Cardinall and so hee died saith Bembus not without an euident marke of Gods heauy wrath in that he which had slaine so many Princes and rich men to enioy their treasures and went now about to murder his host which entertained him with friendship and good cheare into his house was caught in the same snare which he had laid and destroied by the same meanes himselfe which he had destinated for another being thus dead the whole city of Rome saith Guicciardine ran out with greedines ioy to behold his carcasse not being able to satisfie their eies with beholding the dead serpent whose venime of ambition trecherie cruelty adultry auarice had impoisoned the whole world Some say that as he purposed to poyson certaine Cardinals he poysoned his owne father that being in their company chanced to get a share of his dregs and that hee was so abhominable to abuse his owne sister Lucrece in the way of filthines When Gemen the brother of Baiazet the Emperor of the Turkes came and surrendred himselfe into his hands was admitted into his protection he being hired with two hundred duccats by Baiazet gaue poyson to his new client euen to him to whom hee had before sworne and vowed his friendship besides that he might mainteine his tyranny hee demanded and obtained aid of the Turke against the king of France which was a most vnchristian and antichristian part he caused the tongue two hands of Antony Manciuellus a very learned wise man to be cut off for an excellent oration which he made in reproofe of his wicked demeanours and dishonest life It is written moreouer by some that hee was so affectionated to the seruice of his good Lord and master the deuil that he neuer attempted any thing without his counsel and aduise who also presented himself vnto him at his death in the habite of a post according to the agreement which was betwixt them and although this wretched Antichrist straue against him for life saying that his terme was not yet finished yet he was enforced to diflodge and depart into his proper place where with horrible cries and hideous fearefull grones he died Thus we see how miserable such wretched and infamous miscreants and such pernicious cruell Tyrants haue ended their wicked liues their force power being execrable and odious In his book of the clemencie of a prince and therfore as saith Seneca not able to continue any long time for that gouernment cannot bee firme and stable where there is no shame nor feare to doe euill nor where equity iustice saith and piety with other vertues are contemned and troden vnder foot for when cruelty once beginnerh to predominate it is so vnsatiable that it neuer ceaseth but groweth euery day from worse to worse by striuing to maintaine and defend old faults by new vntill the fear and terror of the poore afflicted and oppressed people with a continuall source and enterchange of euils which surcharge them conuerteth it selfe from forced patience to willing fury breaketh forth to doe vengeance vpon the tyrants heads with all violence whence ariseth that saying of the Satyricall Poet to the same sence Where he saith Ad generum cereris sine cede sanguine pauci Descendunt reges sicca morte tyranni Few tyrants die the death that nature sends But most are brought by slaughter to their ends CHAP. XLIIII Of calumniation and false witnesse bearing WEe haue seene heretofore what punishments the Lord hath laid vpon those that either vex their neighbours in their persons as in the breakers of the fift sixt and seuenth commandements or dammage thē in their goods as in the eight now let vs looke vnto those that seeke to spoile them of their good names and rob them of their credite by slanderous reproches and false and forged calumniations and by that means goe against the ninth commandement which sayth Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour in which words is condemned generally all slanders all false reports all defamations and all euill speech els whatsoeuer wherby the good name and credit of a man is blemished stained or impouerished and this sin is not onely inhibited by the diuine law of the almighty but also by the lawes of nature and nations for there is no country and people so barbarous with whom these pernicious kind of creatures are not held in detestation of tame beasts sayth Diogenes a flatterer is worst and of wild beasts a backbiter or a slaunderer and not without great reason for as there is no disease so daungerous as that which is secret so there is no enemy so pernicious as hee which vnder the colour of friendship biteth and slandereth vs behind our backes but let vs see what iudgements the Lord hath shown vpon them to the end the odiousnesse of this vice may more clearely appeare And first to begin with Doeg the Edomir 1. Sam. 22.9 who falsly accused Achimelech the high priest vnto Saul for giuing succor vnto Dauid in his necessity flight for though he told nothing but that which was true yet of that truth some he maliciously peruerted some he kept back falshood cōsisteth not only in plain lying but also in concealing or misusing the truth for Achimelech indeed asked counsell of the Lord for Dauid ministred vnto him the shew bread the sword of Goliah but not with any intent of malice against king Saul for he supposed and Dauid also made him beleeue that he went about the kings businesse that he was in great fauor with the king which last clause the wicked accuser left out by that means not only prouoked the wrath of Saul against the high priest but also when al other refused became
was far greater and more outragious then was Salomons yet his true repentance found the grace to be raised vp from that wofull downfall for God hath mercie on whome hee will haue mercie Rom. 9.15 Rom. 11.33 and compassion on whome he will haue compassion O the profound riches of the wisdome and knowledge of God! How vnspeakeable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out 2. Chron. 33. Amon the wicked sonne of this repentant father committed also the like offence in seruing strange gods but recanted not by like repentance Idolatry Lib. 1. cap. 26 and therefore God gaue his owne seruants both will to conspire and power to execute his destruction after he had swaied the kingdome but two yeeres CHAP. XX. Of the third and worst sort of Apostataes BY how much the more God hath in these latter daies poured forth more plentifully his graces vpon the sonnes of men by the manifestations of his sonne Christ Iesus in the flesh and sent forth a more cleare light by the preaching of his Gospell into the world then was before times by so much the more culpable before God and guilty of eternall damnation are they who being once enlightned and made partakers of those excellent graces come afterwards either to despise or make light account of them or go about to suppresse the truth and quench the spirit which instructed them therein This is the sinne against the Holy Ghost which is mentioned in the sixt and tenth chapter to the Hebrews and in the 12 of Luke and in another place it is called a sinne vnto death because it is impardonable by reason that no excuse of ignorance can be pleaded nor any plaister of true repentance applied vnto it The Apostataes of the old Testament vnder the law were not guilty of this sin for although there were many that willingly and maliciously reuolted and set themselues against the Prophets of God making warre as it were with the holy ghost yet seeing they had no such cleare testimonies of Christ Iesus declaratiō of Gods spirit as we haue their sin can not be properly said directly to be against the H. ghost so neuer to be remitted according to the description of this sin in those passages of Scripture which were before recited as it may manifestly appeare by the former example of king Manasses The Apostle himselfe likewise doth auerre the truth hereof when he saith If wee sinne w●llingly after that wee haue receiued the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes Heb. 10.26 27 28 29. but a fearefull looking for of iudgement and violent fire which shall deuoure the aduersaries If any man despised Moses law he died without mercie vnder two or three witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be worthy which treadeth vnder foot the son of God and counteth the blood of the Testament as a prophane thing whereby hee was sanctified and doth despight the spirit of grace Here we may see that this sinne is proper to those only that liued vnder the Gospell and haue tasted of the comfort and knowledge of Christ Iudas Iscariot that wicked accursed varlet committed the deed and feeles the scourge of this great sinne for he being a disciple nay an Apostle of Christ Iesus mooued with couetousnes after he had deuised and concluded of the manner and complot of his treason with the enemies sold his Lord and master the Sauiour of the world for thirty peeces of siluer and betraied him into the hands of theeues and murderers who sought nothing but his destruction After this vile traitour had perfourmed this execrable purpose by reason whereof hee is called the sonne of perdition hee could find no rest nor repose in his guilty conscience but was horribly troubled and tormented with remorse of his wickednesse iudging himselfe worthy of a thousand deaths for betraying that innocent and guiltlesse blood If he looked vp hee saw the vengeance of God ready to fall vpon him and ensnare him if hee looked downe hee saw nothing but hell gaping to swallow him vp the light of this world was odious to him and his owne life displeased him so that being plunged into the bottomles pit of despaire he at last strangled himselfe Matth. 27. Acts. 1. and burst in twaine in the midst and all his bowels gushed out Suid. There is a notable example of Lucian who hauing professed Christianity for a season vnder the Emperour Traian fell away afterwards and became so profane and impious as to make a mocke at religion and diuinity whereupon his sirname was called Atheist This wretch as hee barked out like a foule mouthed dog bitter taunts against the religion of Christ seeking to rent and abolish it so he was himselfe in Gods vengeance torne in pieces and deuoured of dogs Porphyrie also a whelpe of the same litter after hee had receiued the knowledge of the truth for despite and anger that he was reprooued of his faults by the Christians set himselfe against them and published bookes full of horrible blasphemies to discredit and ouerthtow the Christian faith But when he perceiued how fully and sufficiently hee was confuted and that he was reputed an accursed and confounded wretch for his labour in terrible despaire and anguish of soule he died Iulian the Emperour sirnamed the Apostate cast himselfe headlong into the same gulfe for hauing beene brought vp and instructed from his childhood in the Christian faith and afterward a while a profest reader thereof to others in the Church assoone as he had obtained the Empire malitiously reuolted from his profession and resisted with all his power Socrat. Theod. Sozom. the saith and Church of Christ endeauouring by all meanes possible either by force to ruinate and destroy it or by fine sleights and subtilties to vndermine it And because his purpose was to doe what hurt he could to Christians therefore he studied by all he could to please content and vphold the contrary party I meane the Painyms hee caused their temples first to be opened which Constantine his predecessour had shut vp hee tooke from the Christian Churches their ministers those priuiledges liberties and commodities which the said Constantine had bestowed vpon them and not content with this hee confiscated the Church reuenewes Atheisme Lib. 1. cap. 25. and imposed great taxes and tributes vpon all that professed the name of Christians and forbad them to haue any schooles of learning for their children And yet more to vexe and grieue them he translated many ordes of the Church discipline and pollicie into Paganisme After he had thus by all meanes striuen to beate downe the scepter of Christs kingdome it turned quite contrary to his expectation for in stead thereof the scepter of his owne kingdome was broken and brought to nought at that time when making warre vpon the Persians he was wounded with an arrow which pierced his armour and diued so deepe into his side
halfe dead and with in short space died altogether without any appearance of repentance Among many other iudges which shewed themselues hot and rigorous in persecuting and proceeding against the faithfull prisoners of Valence in Daulphin and other Romanes at that season when two ministers of the same citie suffered martyrdome one Lanbespin a Counsellor and Ponsenas the Kings attourney at the parlement of Grenoble both two hauing beene professors in times past were not the backwardest in that action but God made them both strange examples of his wrath for Lanbespin falling in loue with a young maid was so extreamely passionate therein that hee forewent his owne estate and all bounds of ciuill honestie to follow her vp and downe whether soeuer shee went and seeing his loue and labour despised and set at naught hee so pined away with verie thought that making no reckoning of himselfe such a multitude of lice so fed vpon him took so good liking of their pasture that by no meanes he could be clensed of them for they increased issued out of euery part of his body in such number as maggots are wont to engender in a dead rotten carrion At length a litle before his death seeing his owne miserie and feeling Gods heauie vengeance vpon him he began to despaire of all mercie to the end to abridge his miserable daies hee resolued to hunger starue himself to death which purpose the lice furthered for they stack so thick in his throat as if they would haue choked him euery momēt neither could he suffer any sustenance to passe downe by reason of them They that were eie witnesses of this pittifull spectacle were wonderously mooued with compassion and constrained him to eat whether hee would or not And that they might make him take cullisses and other stewed broathes because hee refused and stroue against them they bound his armes and put gagges into his mouth to keepe it open whilest others poured in the food And in this wise being gagged he died like a mad beast with aboundance of lice that went downe his throat in so much that the very Papists themselues stucke not to say Persecution lib. 1. cap. 15. That as hee caused the ministers of Valence to haue gagges thrust into their mouthes and so put to death so likewise hee himselfe died with a gag in his mouth As touching Pons●nas commonly called Bourrell a very butcher indeed of poore Christians after hee had sold his owne patrimonie and his wiues and friends also to the end to buy out his office had spent that which remained in house keeping hoping in short space to rake vp twise as much as he had scattered fell suddainly into a strange and vnknown disease and shortly grew in despaire of Gods succour and fauor towards him by a strong remembrance of those of Valence and the other Romanes which hee had put to death which would neuer depart out of his mind but still presented themselues before him Persecution Lib. 1. cap. 15. so that as one bestraught of reason sense he denied his maker and called vpon his destroier the Deuill with most horrible and bitter cursings which when his clarke perceiued he laid out before him the mercies of God out of all places of the scripture to comfort and restore his decaied sence But in stead of returning to God by repentance and praier hee continued obstinate and answered his clarke whose name was Steuen in this wife Steuen Steuen thou art blacke So I am and it please you quoth hee but I am neither Turke nor Moore nor Bohemian but a Gascoigne of red haire No no answered he not so but thou art blacke but it is with sinne That is true quoth hee but I hope in the bountifull mercie of God that for the loue of Christ who died for mee my blacke sinnes shall not bee imputed to me There he redoubling his choler cried mainely after his clarke calling him Lutheran Huguenot villaine At which noise his friends without rushed in to know what the matter was but hee commanded that Steuen his clarke should presently haue a paire of bolts clapt on his heeles and to bee burned for an Heretike In briefe his choler and rage boiled so furiously in him that in short space hee died a fearfull death with horrible houling outcries his creditors scarce gaue them respite to draw his carcase out of his bed before they seased vpon all his goods not leauing his poore wife and children so much as a bed of straw to lie in so grieuous was the curse of God vpon his house Another great Prince hauing in former time vsed his authoritie and power to the aduancing of Gods kingdome afterwards being seduced by the allurements of the world renounced God and took part with the enemies of his church to make warre against it in which warre hee was wounded to death and is one notable example of Gods iust vengeance to all that shall in like manner fall away CHAP. XXI Of Heretikes AS it is a matter necessarily appertaining to the first commandemēt that the puritie and sinceritie of the doctrine of Gods word be maintained by the rule whereof hee would haue vs both know him and vnderstand the holy mysteries which are reuealed to vs therein so also by the contrarie whatsoeuer tendeth to the corrupting or falsifieng of the same word rising from foolish and strange opinions of humane reason the same transgresseth the limits of this commandement of which sort is Heresie an euill of it owne nature verie pernicious and contagious and no lesse to bee feared and shunned then the heate of persecution and by meanes whereof the whole nation of Christendome hath beene heretofore tossed with many troubles and the church of God greeuously vexed But as truth got euer the vpper hand and preuailed against falshood so the brochers and vpholders of falshood came euer to the worse and were confounded as well by the strength of truth as by the speciall iudgements of God sent downe vpon the most part of them Acts. 5.36.39 Euseb eccle hist lib 2. cap. 10. Ioseph antiq lib. 18. cap. 1. lib. 20 cap. 2. Theudas and Iudas Galilaeus were two that seduced the Iewes before Christ for the first of them said hee was a Prophet sent from God and that hee could deuide the waters of Iordan by his word as Ioshua the seruant of the Lord did The other promised to deliuer them from the seruitude and the yoke of the Romanes And both of them by that means drew much people after them so prone is the cōmon multitude to follow nouelties and to beleeue euery new fangle that is but yesterday set on broch But they came both to a deserued destruction for Fatus the gouernour of Iury ouertooke Theudas sending his trunck to the graue carried his head as a monument to Ierusalem As for Iudas hee perished also al his followers were dispersed manifesting their ends that their works were
put to death in diuers places as well for their monstrous damnable heresies as for many mischiefes and outrages which they committed By all which things God doth exhibite and set before our eies how deare precious in his sight the purenesse of his holy word the vnion of his Church is and how carefull zealous euery one of vs ought to be in maintaining and vpholding the same when as he reuengeth himselfe so sharply vpon all those that go about to peruert and corrupt the sincerity therof or which be breeders of new sects and diuisions among his people Olympus by office bishop of Carthage but by profession a fauourer and maintainer of the Arrian heresie being vpon a time in a bath washing himselfe Paul Diac. in Anastas hist Sabel lib. 5. c. 4. Blasphemie Lib. 1. cap. 31. Atheisme Lib. 1. cap. 25. hee vttered with an impious mouth blasphemous words against the holy Trinitie but a threefold thunderbolt came from aboue and stroke him dead in the same place teaching him by his paine and all other by experience what it is to blaspheme the Lord of heauen or with polluted lippes to mention his sacred maiestie this happened in the yeere of our Lord God 510. Cyrill hath recorded vnto vs of his owne knowledge a more wonderfull and admirable wonder of God vpon an heretique then all the rest and such an one indeed as the like I dare say was neuer heard of the history is this After the decease of S. Ierome there stood vp one Sabinianus a peruerse and blasphemous fellow that denied the distinctions of persons in the Trinitie and affirmed the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost to be but one indistinct person and to giue credit to his heresie he wrote a booke of such blasphemies tending to the confirmation of the same and fathered it vpon S. Ierome as being the authour of it But Siluanus the bishop of Nazaren mightily withstood and reproued him for deprauing so worthy a man now dead and offering his life for the truth made this bargaine with Sabinianus that if S. Ierome the next day did not by some miracle testifie the falsnesse of his cause hee would offer his throat to the hangman and abide death but if he did that then he should die This was agreed vpon by each party and the day following both of them accompanied with great expectation of the people resorted into the Temple of Ierusalem to decide the controuersie Now the day was past and no miracle appeared so that Siluanus was commaunded to yeeld his necke to that punishment which himselfe was authour of which as hee most willingly and confidently did behold an Image like to Saint Ierome in shew appeared and slaied the hangmans hand which was now ready to strike and vanishing forthwith another miracle succeeded Sabinianus head fell from his shoulders no man striking at it and his carkasse remained vpon the ground dead and senselesse Whereat the people amazed praising God claue vnto Siluanus and abiured Sabinianus heresie Wherein wee may obserue the wonderfull wisdome of God both in punishing his enemies and trying his children whether they will stand to his truth or no and learne therby neither rashly to measure and limit the purposes of God nor yet timerously to despaire of helpe in a good cause though we see no meanes nor likelihood thereof Grimeald king of Lumbardie was infected with the Arrian heresie for which cause the Lord punished him with vntimely death for hauing beene let blood the eleuenth day after as he stroue to draw a bow hee opened the vaine a new and so bled to death Cabades Casp hed lib. 3. cap. 10. 15. king of Persia when hee saw his sonne Phorsuasa addicted to the Maniches he assembled as many as he could of that sect into one place and there setting his souldiers on them slew them till there was not one left Photinus a Gallograecian for renuing the heresie of Hebion Platina sub Siricio 7. and affirming Christ to be but an excellent man borne naturally by Mary after the manner of other men excelling in iustice and morall vertues was by the Emperour Valentinianus iustly banished The Emperour Iustinian Niceph. l●b 27. cap. 31. fauouring the heresie of the Apthardocites when as he gaue out one edict whereby Anastasius the bishop and all other that maintained the truth should be banished Zen. com 3. suddenly he was stroken with an inward and inuisible plague which tooke away his life and forestalled his wicked cruell determination from comming to the desired effect In all which examples we may see how God doth not only punish heretikes themselues but also their fauourers and supporters yea the very places cities wherin they liued broched their blasphemies Paul Dia● lib. 5. as by the destructiō of Antioch is seene which being a very sink of heretiks was partly cōsumed with fire from heauen aboue in the seuenth yeere of Iustinus the Emperour and partly ouerthrowen with earthquakes below wherein Euphrasius the bishop and many other were destroied Moreouer besides those there were vnder Pope Innocent the third certaine heretiques celled Albigonses or Albiani which being possessed with the same spirit of fury that the Maniches were affirmed that there were two Gods one good and another euill they denied the resurrection despised the sacraments and said that the soules of men after their separation passed either into hogs oxen serpents or men according to their merits Contempt of the word Lib. 1. cap. 34. they would not spare to pollute the temples appointed for the seruice of God with their excrements and other filthy actions and to defile the holy bibles with vrine in despite and contumely This heresie like an euill weed so grew and increased that the braunches therof spred ouer almost all Europe a thousand cities were polluted therewith so that it was high time to cut it short by violence the sword as it was for they were oppressed with so huge a slaughter that an hundred thousand of them were slaine partly by warre partly by fire at one time Gregory of Tours hath recorded the life and death of an hereticall monke of Bordeaux that by the helpe of Magicke wrought miracles and tooke vpon him the name and title of Christ saying hee could cure diseases and restore those that were past helpe by phisicke vnto their healths he went attired with garments made of goar 's haire and an hood professing an austerity of life abroad whereas he plaied the glutton at home but at length his cousenage was discouered he was banished the citie as a man vnfit for ciuill societie In the yeere of our Lord God 1204 in the Empire of Otto the fourth there was one Almaricus also that denied the presence of Christ in the sacrament Atheisme Lib. 1. cap. 25. and said that God spake as well in profane Ouid as holy Augustine he scoffed at the doctrine of the resurrection and esteemed
Philosopher by profession Aelianus de var. hist lib. 4. boasted impudently amongst his schollers of his prosperity learning and wisdome saying that although hee offered no sacrifices vnto the gods yet hee lead a more quiet and prosperous life then those that were addicted to religion and therefore hee passed not for any such vanitie But ere long his impietie was iustly reuenged for the Lord strooke him with such a strange disease that out of his bodie issued such a slimie and filthie sweat and engendered such a number of lice and wormes that his bowels being consumed by them hee died most miserably Theat historicum At Hamburge not long since there liued an impious wretch that despised the preaching of the Gospell and the ministers thereof accounting it as a vaine thing not worthie the beleeuing of any man neither did he thus himselfe only but also seduced many others bringing them to all Atheisme and vngodlinesse Wherfore the Lord iustly recompenced him for his impiety for he that before had no sence nor feeling of God in his conscience being touched with the finger of the almightie grew to the contrary euen to too much feeling and knowledge of God that hee fell into extreame despaire affirming now his sins to be past forgiuenes because he had withdrawne others from the truth aswell as himselfe whereas before he thought himselfe guiltie of no sinne and that God was so iust that he would not forgiue him wheras before he thought there was no God so mighty is the operation of the Lord when he pleaseth to touch the conscience of man finally continuing in this desperate case hee threw himselfe from the roofe of a house into a well and not finding water enough to drowne him hee thrust his head into the bottome thereof till hee had made an end of his life Theat historicum In the yeare of our Lord 1502 there liued one Hermannus Biswick a grand Atheist and a notable instrument of Sathan who affirmed that the world neuer had beginning as foolish Moses dreamed and that there was neither Angels nor deuils nor hell nor future life but that the soules of men perished with their bodies besides that Christ Iesus was nothing els but a seducer of the people and that the faith of Christians and whatsoeuer else is contained in holy writs was meere vanity These articles full of impietie and blasphemie hee constantly auouched to the death And for the same cause was togither with his bookes burnt in Holland A certaine rich man at Holberstadium abounding with all manner of earthly commodities Theatr. histor gaue himselfe so much to his pleasure that he became besotted therewith in such sort that hee made no reckening of religion nor any good thing but dared to say that if he might lead such a life continually vpon earth hee would not enuie heauen nor desire any exchange Notwithstanding ere long contrary to his expectation the Lord cut him off by death and so his desired pleasure came to an end But after his death there appeared such diabolicall apparitions in his house that no man daring to inhabit in it became desolate for euery day there appeared the image of this Epicure sitting at a boord with a number of his guests drinking carousing and making good cheare and his table furnished with delicates and attended on by many that ministred necessaries vnto them beside with minstrels trumpetters and such like In summe whatsoeuer he delighted in his life time was there to be seene euery day the Lord permitting Satan to bleare mens eies with such strange shewes to the end that others might be terrified from such epicurisme and impietie Not inferiour to any of the former in Atheisme impiety and equall to all in maner of punishment was one of our own nation of fresh and late memory called Marlin Marlow by profession a scholler brought vp from his youth in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge but by practise a play-maker and a Poet of scurrilitie who by giuing too large a swinge to his owne wit and suffering his lust to haue the full raines fell not without iust desert to that outrage and extremitie that hee denied God and his sonne Christ and not only in word blasphemed the trinitie but also as it is credibly reported wrote bookes against it affirming our Sauiour to be but a deceiuer and Moses to be but a coniurer and seducer of the people and the holy Bible to be but vaine and idle stories and all religion but a deuice of pollicie But see what a hooke the Lord put in the nosthrils of this barking dogge It so fell out that in London streets as he purposed to stab one whome hee ought a grudge vnto with his dagger the other party perceiuing so auoided the stroke that withall catching hold of his wrest he stabbed his owne dagger into his owne head in such sort that notwithstanding all the meanes of surgerie that could be wrought hee shortly after died thereof The manner of his death being so terrible for hee euen cursed and blasphemed to his last gaspe and togither with his breath an oth flew out of his mouth that it was not only a manifest signe of Gods iudgement but also an horrible and fearefull terrour to all that beheld him But herein did the iustice of God most notably appeare in that hee compelled his owne hand which had written those blasphemies to be the instrument to punish him and that in his braine which had deuised the same I would to God and I pray it from my heart that all Atheists in this realme and in all the world beside would by the remembrance and consideration of this example either forsake their horrible impietie or that they might in like manner come to destruction and so that abominable sinne which so flourisheth amongst men of greatest name might either be quite extinquished and tooted out or at least smothered and kept vnder that it durst not shew it head any more in the worlds eye CHAP. XXVI Touching the transgressours of the second commandement by Idolatrie WEe haue hitherto seene how and in what sort they that either by malice or impiety or Apostasie or heresie or otherwise haue transgressed the first commandement haue beene punished Let vs now consider the iudgements that haue befallen Idolatours the breakers of the second commaundement But before wee proceed wee must know that as it is required of vs by the first commaundement to hold God for our true and onely God to repose all our whole trust and confidence in him and call vpon him serue and worship him alone so in the second the contrary to this is forbidden which is to doe any manner of seruice honour and reuerence by deuotion to Idols forasmuch as he is a spirit that is to say Iohn 4. of a spirituall nature and essence which is infinite and incomprehensible so loueth he a spirituall worship and seruice which is answerable to his nature and not by
to the enemies Albertus Duke of Franconia hauing slaine Conrade the Earle of Lotharingia brother to Lewes the fourth then Emperour Melant. Chron. lib. 4. and finding the Emperours wrath incensed against him for the same betooke himselfe to a strong castle at Bamberg from whence the Emperour neither by force nor pollicie could remooue him for seuen yeres space vntill Atto the bishop of Mentz by treachery deliuered him into his hands This Atto vnder shew of friendship repaired to the castle and gaue his faith vnto the Earle that if hee would come downe to parly with the Emperour hee should safely returne into his hold the Earle mistrusting no fraud went out of the castle gates with the bishop towards the Emperor but Atto as it were suddenly remembring himselfe when indeed it was his deuised plot desireth to returne backe and dine ere he went because it was somewhat late so they doe dine and returne Now the Earle was no sooner come to the Emperour but hee caused him to bee presently put to death notwithstanding hee vrged the bishops promise and oath for his returne for it was answered that his oath was quit by returning backe to dine as he had promised And thus the Earle was wickedly betraied though iustly punished As for Atto the subtill traitor indeed he possessed himselfe by this means of the Earles lands but withall the iustice of God seazed vpon him for within a while after hee was stroken with a thunderbolt and as some say carried into mount Aetna with this noise Sic peccata lues atque ruendo rues Campofulgos lib. 7. cap. 3. Cleomene● king of Lacedemonia making warre vpon the Argiues surprised them by this subtilty he tooke truce with them for seuen daies and the third night whilst they lay secure and vnwary in their truce hee oppressed them with a great slaughter saying to excuse his treachery though no excuse could cleare him from the shame thereof that the truce which hee made was for seuen daies only without any mention of nights howbeit for all this it prospered not so well with him as hee wished for the Argiue women their husbands slaine tooke armes like Amazones Tolesilla beeing their captainesse and compassing the citie wals repelled Cleomenes halfe amazed with the strangenesse of the fight after which he was banished into Aegypt and there miserably and desperately slew himselfe The Pope of Rome with all his heard of bishops opposed himselfe against the Emperour Henry the fourth Chron. Carionis for he banished bim by excommunication from the society of the Catholike Church discharged his subiects from the oth of fealtie and sent a crowne of gold to Rodulph king of Sueuia to canonize him Emperour the crowne had this inscription Petra dedit Petro Petrus diadema Rodulpho that is The rocke gaue vnto Peter and Peter gaue vnto Rodulph the crowne notwithstanding Rodulph remembring his oth to the Emperour how vile a part it was to betray him whome he had sworne to obey and defend at first refused the Popes offer howbeit by the persuasion of the bishops sophistry he was induced to vndertake the name and title of Cesar and to oppugne the Emperour Henry by armes euen by foure vniust battels in the last of which Rodulph being ouercome lost his right hand and was sore wounded otherwise wherfore being ready to die when one brought vnto him his hand that was cut off in the battell he in detestation of the popes villany burst forh into these termes many bishops standing by Behold here the hand wherewith I swore fealty to the Emperour this will be an argument of my breach of faith before God and of your traiterous impulsion thereunto And thus hee deceased iustly punished euen by his owne confession for his periurie Howbeit for all this manifest example the pope and bishops continued to persecute the poore Emperour yea and to stirre vp his owne sonnes Conrade and Henry to fight against him so hardened are their hearts against all iudgements Narcissus bishop of Ierusalem Euseb lib. 6. c. 8 a man famous for his vertues sharpe in reprooving and correcting vice was accused by three wicked wretches of vnchastity and that falsly and malitiously for to prooue their accusation true they bound it with othes and curses on this wise the first said If I lie I pray God I may perish by fire the second If I speake ought but truth I pray God I may be consumed by some filthy and cruell disease Calumniatiō Lib. 2. cap. 44. the third If I accuse him falsly I pray God I may be depriued of my sight and become blind Thus although the honesty and chastitie of Narcissus was so well knowen to all the faithful that they beleeued none of their othes yet the good bishop partly mooued with griefe of this false accusation and partly with desire of quietnesse from worldly affaires forsooke his bishopricke and liued in a desert for many yeeres But his forsworne accusers by their death witnessed his innocencie which by their words they impugned for the first his house being set on fire extraordinarily perished in the flame with all his family and progenie The second languished away with an irkesome disease that bespread his body all ouer The third seeing the wofull ends of his companions confessed all their villany and lamenting his case and crime persisted so long weeping till both his eyes were put out Thus God in his iust iudgement sent vpon ech of them their wishes and thereby cleared his seruant from shame and opprobry Chron. Ernosti Brotanss Burghard Archbishop of Magdeburg though in regard of his place and profession he ought to haue giuen good example of honestie in himselfe and punish periury in others yet hee thrise broke his promise and oth with his owne citizens the Senate and people of Magdeburg for first hee besieged them with a power of men though they redeemed their liberty with a summe of money he swearing not to besiege them any more yet without respect of truth and credit hee returned a fresh to besiege but his perfidie was soone tamed for they tooke him prisoner at that assault howbeit he so asswaged their angry minds with his humble and lowly intreaties counterfait othes neuer to trouble them any more but to cōtinue their steadfast friend that they not only freed him from imprisonment but restored him to all his dignities with solemnity neuerthelesse the traiterous Archbishop returning to his old vomit got dispensation for his oth frō pope Iohn the 23 and began a fresh to vexe molest and murder them whome he had sworne to maintaine but it was the will of God that he should be once againe caught and being inclosed in prison whilst his friends sought meanes to redeeme him the Iailour beat him to death with a dore bar or as some say with an iron rod taken out of a window and so at last though long his periury found it desert The small successe that
betwixt whome was great strife for the soueraigne dominion but to rid himselfe of all his trouble at once hee slew his brother Manlius by treason and after continued his raigne in tyranny and all vnlawfull lusts the space of twentie yeares but although vengeance all this while wincked yet it slept not for at the end of this space as hee was hunting hee was deuoured of wild beasts In the yeare of our Lord God 745 one Sigebert was authorised king of the Saxons in Brittaine a cruell and tyrannous Prince towards his subiects and one that chaunged the ancient lawes and customes of his realme after his owne pleasure and because a certaine Nobleman somewhat sharpely aduertised him of his euill conditions he malitiously caused him to bee put to death but see how the Lord reuenged this murder hee caused his Nobles to depriue him of his kingly authority and at last as a desolate and forlorne person wandering alone in a wood to bee slaine of a swine-heard whose maister hee being king had wrongfully put to death In the yeare of our Lord 678 Childerich king of Fraunce caused a Nobleman of his Realme called Bolyde to bee bound to a stake and there beaten to death without the pretence of any iust crime or accusation against him for which cruelty his Lords and commons being grieuously offended conspired togither and slew him with his wife as they were in hunting In the raigne of Edward the second and Edward the third Sir Roger Mortimer committed many villanous outrages in sheading much humane blood but hee was also iustlie recompenced in the end first he murdered king Edward the second lying in Barkley castell to the end hee might as it was supposed enioy Isabell his wife with whome hee had very suspitious familiarity Secondly hee caused Edward the third to conclude a dishonourable peace with the Scots by restoring to them all their ancient writings charters and patents whereby the kings of Scotland had bound themselues to be feudaries to the kings of England Thirdly he accused Edmund Earle of Kent vncle to king Edward of treason and caused him vniustly to be put to death And lastly he conspired against the king to worke his destruction for which and diuerse other things that were laid to his charge he was worthely and iustly beheaded In the raigne of Henry the sixt Humfry the good duke of Gloucester faithfull protector of the king by the meanes of certaine malicious persons and especially the Marques of Suffolke as it was suspected was arrested cast into hold strangled to death in the Abbey of Bury for which cause the Marques was not only banished the land for the space of fiue yeares but also banished out of his life for euer for as he sailed towards France he was met withall by a ship of warre and there presently beheaded and the dead corps cast vp at Douer that England wherein hee had committed the crime might be a witnesse of his punishment As the murder of a gentleman in Kent called maister Arden of Feuersham was most execrable so the wonderfull discouerie thereof was exceeding rare this Arden being somewhat aged had to wife a young woman no lesse faire then dishonest who being in loue with one Mosby more then her husband did not onely abuse his bed but also conspired his death with this her companion for togither they hired a notorious ruffian one Blacke Will to strangle him to death with a towell as hee was playing a game at tables which though secretly done yet by her own guiltie conscience and some tokens of blood which appeared in the house was soon discouered and confessed Wherfore she her selfe was burnt at Canterbury Michael maister Ardens man was hanged in chaines at Feuersham Mosby and his sister were hanged in Smithfield Greene another partner in this bloody action was hanged in chaines in the high way against Feuersham And Blacke Will the ruffian after his first escape was apprehended and burnt on a scaffold at Flushing in Zealand And thus all the murderers had their deserued dewes in this life and what they endured in the life to come except they obtaine mercy by true repentance it is easie to iudge CHAP. XI Of Paricides or parent murderers IF all effusion of humane blood bee both horrible to behold and repugnant to nature then is the murdering of parents especially detestable when a man is so possessed with the deuill or transported with a hellish fury that he lifteth vp his hand against his owne naturall father or mother to put thē to death this is so monstrous and inormious an impiety that the greatest Barbarians euer haue had it in detestation wherefore it is also expressely commanded in the law of God that vvhosoeuer smiteth his father or mother in what sort soeuer though not to death Exod. 21. yet he shall die the death If the disobedience vnreuerence and contempt of children towards their parents are by the iust iudgement of God most rigorously punished as hath ben declared before in the first commandement of the second table how much more then when violence is offered aboue all when murder is cōmitted Diodor. Sic. Thus the Aegyptians punished this sin they put the cōmittants vpon a stack of thorns and burnt thē aliue hauing beaten their bodies before hand with sharp reeds made of purpose Solon being demanded why hee appointed no punishment in his lawes for Parricides answered that there was no necessity thinking that the wide world could not affoord so wicked a wretch It is said that Romulus for the same cause ordained no punishment in his Common-wealth for that crime but called euery murderer a Parricide the one being in his opinion a thing execrable and the other impossible And in truth there was not for 600 years space according to Plutarchs report found in Rome any one that had cōmitted this execrable fact The first Parricide that Rome saw was Lucius Ostius after the first Punick war although other writers affirme that M. Malliolus was the first and Lucius the second howsoeuer it was they both vnderwent the punishment of the law Pompeia which enacted that such offendors should be thrust into a sack of lether an ape a cock a viper a dog put in to accōpany them then to be thrown into the water to the end that these beasts being enraged animated one against another might wreke their teene vpon them so depriue thē of life after a strange fashion being debarred of the vse of aire water earth as vnworthy to participate the very elements with their deaths much lesse with their liues which kind of punishmēt was after practised and confirmed by the constitution of Constantine the great And albeit the regard of the punishmēt seemed terrible the offence it self much more monstrous yet since that time there haue ben many so peruerse exceedingly wicked as to throw themselues headlong into that desperat gulfe As Cleodorick son of Sigebert king of
Heraclius hauing raigned Emperour but one yeere was poisoned by his stepmother Martina Zonoras tom 3. to the end to install her owne sonne Heraclon in the crowne but for this cruell part becomming odious to the Senat they so much hated to haue her or her sonne raigne ouer them that in stead thereof they cut off her tongue and his nose and so banished them the city Fausta the wife of Constantine the Great fell in loue with Constantine her sonne in law begotten vpon a concubine Zonoras 3. Annal. Sex Aur. whom when she could not persuade vnto her lust shee accused vnto the Emperour as a sollicitour of her chastitie for which cause hee was condemned to die but after the truth was knowen Constantinus put her into a hote bath and suffered her not to come forth vntill the heat had choaked her reuenging vpon her head his sonnes death and her owne vnchastitie CHAP. XII Of Subiect Murderers SEing then they that take away their neighbours liues doe not escape vnpunished as by the former examples it appeareth it must needs folow that if they to whom the sword of iustice is committed by God to represse wrongs and chastise vices doe giue ouer themselues to cruelties and to kill and slay those whome they ought in duty to protect and defend must receiue a greater measure of punishment according to the measure and quality of their offence Such an one was Saul the first king of Israel who albeit he ought to haue bene sufficiently instructed out of the law of God in his duty in this behalfe yet was hee so cruell and bloody minded as contrary to all iustice to put to death Abimelech the high priest with fourescore and fiue other priests of the family of his father 1. Sam. 22. onely for receiuing Dauid into his house small or rather no offence And yet not satisfied herewith h● vomited out his rage also against the whol city of the priests and put to the mercilesse sword both man woman and child without sparing any Hee slew many of the Gibeonites who though they were reliques of the Amorites that first inhabited that lād yet because they were receiued into league of amity by a solemne oth and permitted of long continuance to dwell amongst them should not haue bene awarded as enemies nor handled after so cruell a fashion Thus therefore he tyranizing and playing the butcher amongst his own subiects for which cause his house was called the house of slaughter practising many other foul enormities he was at the last ouercome of the Philistims sore wounded which when he saw fearing to fall aliue into his enemies hands and not finding any of his owne men that would lay their hands vpon him desperately slew himselfe The same day three of his sonnes and they that followed him of his owne houshold were all slaine The Philistims the next day finding his dead body despoiled among the carcasses beheaded it and caried the head in triumph to the temple of their god and hung vp the trunke in disgrace in one of their cities to be seene lookt vpon and pointed at And yet for all this was not the fire of Gods wrath quenched for in king Dauids time there arose a famine that lasted three yeeres the cause whereof was declared by God to be the murder which Saul committed vpon the Gibeonites 2. Sam. 21. wherefore Dauid deliuered Sauls seuen sonnes into the Gibeonites hands that were left who put them to the most shamefull death that is euen to hanging Amongst all the sinnes of king Achab and Iezabel which were many and great 1. King 21. the murder of Naboth standeth in the forefront for though hee had committed no such crime as might any way deserue death yet by the subtill and wicked deuise of Iezabel foolish and credulous consent of Achab and false accusation of the two suborned witnesses he was cruelly stoned to death but his innocent blood was punished first in Achab who not long after the warre which hee made with the king of Siria receiued so deadly a wound that hee died thereof the dogges licking vp his blood in the same place where Naboths blood was licked 2. King 9. according to the foretelling of Elias the Prophet And secondly of Iezabel whome her owne seruants at the commandement of Iehu whome God had made executour of his wrath threw headlong out of an high window vnto the ground so that the walls were died with her blood and the horses trampled her vnder their feet and dogs deuoured her flesh till of all her dainty body there remained nothing sauing only her scull feet and palme of her hands Ioram sonne of Iehosaphat king of Iudah being after his fathers death possessed of the crowne and scepter of Iudah 2. Chron. 21. by and by exalted himselfe in tyranny and put to death sixe of his owne brethren all younger than himselfe with many princes of the realme for which cause God stirred vp the Edomites to rebell the Philistims and Arabians to make war against him who forraged his countrey sacked and spoiled his cities and tooke prisoners his wiues and children the yongest only excepted who afterwards also was murdered when he had raigned king but a small space And lastly as in doing to death his owne brethren hee committed crueltie against his owne bowels so the Lord stroke him with such an incurable disease in his bowels and so perpetuall for it continued two yeeres that his very entrails issued out with torment and so died in horrible misery Albeit that in the former booke we haue already touched the pride and arrogancie of king Alexander the Great yet wee can not pretermit to speake of him in this place his example seruing so fit for the present subiect for although as touching the rest of his life hee was verie well gouerned in his priuat actions as a monarch of his reputation might be yet in his declining age I meane not in yeeres but to deathward he grew exceeding cruell not only towards strangers as the Cosseis whome he destroied to the sucking babe but also to his houshold and familiar friends Insomuch that being become odious to most fewest loued hi● and diuers wrought all meanes possible to make him away but one especially whose sonne in law and other neare friends he had put to death neuer ceased vntill he both ministred a deadly draught vnto himselfe Iustine whereby he depriued him of his wicked life and a fatall stroke to his wiues and children after his death to the accomplishment of his full reuenge Phalaris the tyrant of Agrigentum made himselfe famous to posterity by no other meanes Oros then horrible cruelties exercised vpon his owne subiects inuenting euery day new kinds of tortures to scourge and afflict the poore soules withall In his dominion there was one Perillus an artificer of his craft one expert in his occupation who to flatter and curry fauour with him deuised a new torment
with his sonne but also quite extinguished the Gothicke kingdome in Spaine in this warre and vpon this occasion seuen hundred thousand men perished as hystories record and so a kingdome came to ruine by the peruerse lust of one lecher Anno 714. At the sacking and destruction of Thebes by king Alexander a Thracian captaine which was in the Macedonian army tooke a noble Matron prisoner called Tymoclea whome when by no persuasion of promises he could entise to his lust he constrained by force to yeeld vnto it Plut. in vita Alexand. Sabel lib. 5. c. 6. but this noble minded woman inuented a most witty subtile shift both to rid her selfe out of his hands and to reuenge his iniurie she told him that she knew where a rich treasure lay hid in a deepe pit whether when with greedinesse of the gold he hastened standing vpon the brinke pried and peared into the bottome of it she thrust him with both her hands into the hole and tumbled stones after him that he might neuer find meanes to come forth for which fact she was brought before Alexander to haue iustice who demanding her what she was she answered that Theagenes who led the Thebane army against the Macedonians was her brother Alexander perceiuing the maruellous constancie of the woman and knowing the cause of her accusation to bee vniust manumitted and set her free with her whole family When Cn. Manlius hauing conquered the Gallo-Grecians pitched his army against the Tectosages people of Narbonia towards the Piren mountains amongst other prisoners a very fair womā wife to Orgiagous Regulus was in the custodie of a Centurion that was both lustfull and couetous Liuiu● lib. 38. This lecher tempted her first with faire persuasions and seeing her vnwilling compelled her with violence to yeeld her body as a slaue to fortune so to infamy and dishonor after which act somewhat to mitigate the wrong he gaue her promise of release and freedome vpon condition of a certaine summe of money and to that purpose sent her seruant that was captiue with her to her friends to puruey the same which hee bringing the Centurion alone with the wronged lady met him at a place appointed and whilest hee weighed the money by her counsaile was murdered of her seruants so she escaping caried to her husband both his money and threw at his feet the villaines head that had spoiled her of her chastitie Andreas king of Hungary hauing vndertaken the voiage into Siria for the recouety of the holy land together with many other kings and Princes committed the charge of his kingdome and family to one Bannebanius Chronica Hungariae a wise and faithfull man who discharged his office as faithfully as hee tooke it willingly vpon him now the Queene had a brother called Gertrude that came to visite and comfort his sister in her husbands absence and by that meanes soiourned with her a long time euen so long till hee fell deadly in loue with Bannebanus lady a faire vertuous woman one that was thought worthie to keepe company with the Queene continually to whome when hee had vnfolded his suit and receiued such stedfast repulse that hee was without all hope of obtaining his desire he began to droupe and pine vntill the Queene his sister perceiuing his disease found this peruerse remedie for the cure thereof shee would often giue him oportunitie of discourse by withdrawing her selfe from them being alone and many times leaue them in secret and dangerous places of purpose that he might haue his will of her but she would neuer consent vnto his lust and therefore at last when hee saw no remedie hee constrained her by force and made her subiect to his will against her will which vile disgracefull indignitie when shee had suffered shee returned home sad and melancholy and when her husband would haue embraced her she fled from him asking him if he would embrace a whore and related vnto him her whole abuse desiring him either to rid her from shame by death or to reuenge her wrong make knowne vnto the world the iniury done vnto her There needed no more spurs to pricke him forward for reuenge he posteth to the court and vpbraiding the Queene with her vngratefull and abhominable trecherie runneth her through with his sword and taking her heart in his hand proclaimeth openly that it was not a deed of inconsideration but of iudgement in recompence of the losse of his wiues chastitie foorthwith hee flieth towards the King his Lord that now was at Constantinople and declaring to him his fact and shewing to him his sword besmeared with his wiues blood submitteth himselfe to his sentence either of death in rigour or pardon in compassion but the good King enquiring the truth of the cause though greeued with the death of his wife yet acquite him of the crime and held him in as much honour and esteeme as euer hee did condemning also his wife as worthy of that which shee had endured for her vnwomanlike and traiterous part A notable example of iustice in him and of punishment in her that forgetting the law of womanhood and modestie made her selfe a baud vnto her brothers lust whose memory as it shall be odious and execrable so his iustice deserueth to be engrauen in marble with caracters of gold Equall to this king in punishing a Rape was Otho the first Albert. Krant lib. 3. for as he passed through Italy with an armie a certaine woman cast her selfe downe at his feet for iustice against a villaine that had spoiled her of her chastitie who deferring the execution of the law till his returne because his hast was great the woman asked who should then put him in mind thereof hee answered This church which thou seest shall be a witnesse betwixt mee and thee that I will then reuenge thy wrong Now when hee had made an end of his warfare in his returne as hee beheld the church hee called to mind the woman and caused her to be fetcht who falling down before him desired now pardon for him whom before she had accused seeing he had now taken her to wife redeemed his iniury with sufficient satisfaction Not so I sweare quoth Otho your compacting shall not infringe or collude the sacred ● but hee shall die for his former fault and so he caused hi● be put to death A notable example for them that after they haue committed filthinesse with a maid thinke it no sin but competent amends if they take her in marriage whom they abused before in fornication Nothing inferiour to these in punishing this sin was Gonzaga duke of Ferrara as by this historie following may appear in the yeare 1547 a citizen of Comun Theat histor was cast into prison vpon an accusation of murder whome to deliuer frō the iudgement of death his wife wrought all means possible therefore comming to the captaine that held him prisoner she sued to him for her husbands life
pertaineth to manie yea to the vvhole bodie of the people And admit that this reason vvas effectual yet the glose vpon the place saith very notably That the princes pleasure may be held for a law so far forth as that which pleaseth him be iust and honest giuing vs to know thus much therby that euerie vvill and pleasure of a Prince may not indifferentlie be allowed for a law if it be in an vniust and dishonest action contrarie to the rule of good maners Moreouer it appeareth by the customes of many ancient people and realmes that Princes had neuer this license giuen them to doe vvhat they listed for let them be neuer so mightie yea as mighty as Darius vnder vvhose raign the Persian monarchie was abolished yet he must bee content according to the law of the Medes and Persians not to bee able to infringe that law vvhich vvas by the aduise of his Peeres and priuie counsell enacted and by his owne consent and authoritie established no though for Daniels deliuerance sake vvhom he loued Dan. 6.8 he greatly desired and tooke paines either to disannull or at least to giue a fauourable interpretation of it Such in old time was the custome of the Kings of Aegypt not to follow their owne affections in any actions they vvent about Diod. lib. 2. cap. 2. but to be directed by the aduise of their laws for they had not so much authoritie as to iudge betwixt man and man or to leuie subsidies and such like by their owne powers neither to punish any man through choler or any ouerweening conceit but were alwaies tied to obserue iustice and equitie in all causes neither did it grieue them so to doe being persuaded that whilest they obeied their lawes nothing could better betide them but good Thucyd. lib 1. The Lacedemonian Kings were in such bondage to the lawes of their countrie that the Ephori which were set vp to none other end but to be a bridle to hold them backe from doing vvhat they listed had absolure authority to correct them vvhen they had committed any fault which subiection nothing displeased king Theopompus as it is apparent by the answere he made his wife that reproued him once in anger saying by his cowardlinesse he would leaue a lesse kingdome to his children then he had receiued of his ancestors nay saith he a greater for so much as more durable and parmanent Plutarch praising the vprightnesse of King Alcamenes who for feare to breake the law refused diuerse presents that were sent him bursteth into this speech O heart worthie of a King that hath preferred the authoritie of the law before his owne profite Where are those fellowes now that crie Kings pleasures ought to be obserued for lawes and that a Prince may make a law but is not subiect to it himselfe and this is that which Plutarch saith as concerning that matter who liued vnder Traian the Emperour Cornelius Tacitus discouering the beginning and originall of the Romane ciuill law Lib. 3. Annal. saith that Seruius the third King of Rome after Romulus and Numa was the only man that most established those lawes wherevnto kings themselues ought to yeeld and be obedient And admit that the Emperors swaied with great power and authoritie almost all the world yet for all their fiercenesse and haughtinesse of mind Pliny durst tell Traian verie roundlie In Paneger that an Emperour ought to vse to carrie himselfe with such good gouernment in his Empire as if he were sure to giue vp an account of all his actions thou must not saith he desire more libertie to follow thine owne lust then any one of vs doe a Prince is not set ouer the law but the law placed in authority aboue the Prince this was the admonition of that Heathen man Likewise Antonius and Seuerus two mighty Emperours although by reason of an opinion of their owne greatnesse and haultinesse wherwith they flattered themselues bragged that they were not subiect to anie law yet they added this clause withall That notwithstanding they would liue according to the direction of the law Lib. 4. tit 17. This saith Theodosius and Valentinian two no lesse mighty Emperours is a voice becomming the roial Maiestie and greatnesse of a king To confesse himselfe to liue vnder a law and in truth it is a thing of greater importance then the imperiall dignity it selfe Lib. 1 ●od to put soueraignty vnder the authority of law Amongst many other good lessons and exhortations which Lewis that good King gaue vnto his son on his death bed Nicol. Gil vol. 1. Chronicl franc this was one worthy the remembring how he commanded him to loue and feare God with all his strength and to take heed of doing any thing that should be contrarie to his law whatsoeuer should befall him and to prouide that the good lawes and statutes of his kingdome might bee obserued and the priuiledges of his subiects maintained to forbid iudges to fauour him more then others when any cause of his owne came in triall Thereby giuing vs thus much to vnderstand that euery good King ought to submit himselfe in obedience vnder the hand of God and vnder the rule of iustice and equitie Wherefore there is neither king nor Keisar that can or ought to exempt himselfe from the obseruance of sacred and vpright lawes which if they resist or disanull doubtlesse they are culpable of a most hainous crime and especially of rebellion against the king of kings CHAP. VII Of the punishment that seased vpon Pharoa king of Aegypt for resisting God and transgressing the sixt commandement of the law WE haue sufficiently declared in the premisses that the mightiest potentates of this world are bound to range themselues vnder the obedience of Gods law it remaineth now that wee produce examples of those punishments that haue fallen vpon the heads of the transgressors of the same according to the manner of their transgression of what sort soeuer which that wee may the better describe it behoueth vs to follow the order of the Commandements as the examples we bring may be fitly referred to any of them And first we are to vnderstand that when God said Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me he condemneth vnder these words the vanitie of men that haue forged to themselues a multitude of gods he forbiddeth all false religiō declareth that he wold be acknowledged to be the sole true God that we shold serue worship loue fear obey him in and aboue al things And whoseuer it bee that doth otherwise either by hindering his worship or afflicting those that worship him the same man prouoketh his heauie wrath to be throwne vpon him to his vtter ruine and destruction This is the indignation that lighted vpon Pharoa king of Aegypt as we read in the booke of God Exod. 3. who being one of the most puissant Kings of the earth in his age God chose him for an
the dung of oxen serued some for meate others fedde vpon the leather of old shooes and buckles and diuers women were driuen to the extremitie to boile and eate their owne children Many thinking to saue their liues by flying to the enemy were taken and slit in pieces in hope to find gold and siluer in their guts in one night two thousand were thus piteously dealt withall and at last the whole city was by force taken and the holy Temple consumed by fire And this in generall was the miserable issue of that lamentable warre during which fourescore and seuenteene thousand Iewes were taken prisoners and eleuen hundred thousand slaine for within the city were inclosed from the beginning to the ending all those that were assembled togither from all quarters of the earth to keepe the Passeouer as their custome was As touching the prisoners some were carried to Rome in triumph others were here and there massacred at their conquerours wils somes lot it was to be torne in peeces and deuoured of wild beasts others were constrained to march in troopes against their fellows and kill one another as if they had beene enemies All which euils came vpon them for the despite and fury which they vsed towards the Sonne of God and our Sauiour and that was the cause why he foreseeing this desolation wept ouer Ierusalem and said That it should be besieged on euery side and rased to the ground and that not one stone should be left vpon another because it knew not the time of her visitation Likewise said he to the women that bewailed him as he was led to the crosse That they should not weepe for him but for themselues and their children because of the daies of sorrow which were to come wherein the barren and those that had no children the dugs that neuer suckled should be counted happy So horrible and pitifull was the destruction of this people that God would not suffer any of his owne children to be wrapped in their miseries nor to perish with this peruerse and vnbeleeuing nation for as Eusebius reporteth they were a little before the arriuall of these mischiefes aduertised from heauen by the especiall prouidence of God to forsake the city and retire into some farre countrey where none of these euils might come neere them This example belongeth also to the contempt of the word Lib. 1. cap. 34. The relikes of this wretched people that remained after this mighty tempest of Gods wrath were dispersed and scattered throughout all nations vnder heauen being subiect to them with whome they soiourned without king prince Iudge or magistrate to lead and guide them or to redresse their wrongs but were altogither at the discretion and commandement of the lords of those countries wherein they made their abode so that their condition and kind of life is at this day so vile and contemptible as experience sheweth that no nation in the world is halfe so miserable which is a manifest badge of Gods vengeance yet abiding vpon them And yet for all this these dispersed reliques ceased not to vomit out the fome of their malice against Christ it being so deepe rooted an euill and so inueterate that time nor reason could reuoke them from it And no maruell seeing that God vseth to punish the greatest sinnes with other sinnes as with the greatest punishment so they hauing shut their eies to the light when it shined among them are now giuen ouer to a reprobate and hardened sense otherwise it were not possible they should remaine so obstinate And albeit God be thanked wee haue many conuerts of them yet I dare say for the most part they remaine in malitious blindnes barking against despiting both our sauiour himselfe all that professe his name although their punishments haue bin still according to their deserts as by these examples following shall appeare The Iewes of Inmester a towne lying betwixt Calchis Antioch being vpon a time celebrating their accustomed plaies and feasts in the midst of their iollity as their vse is they contumeliously reuiled not onely Christians but euen Christ himselfe for they got a Christian child and hung him vpon a crosse and after many mocks taunts making themselues merry at him they whipt him to death What greater villany could there be then this or wherein could these deuils incarnate shew forth their malice more apparantly then thus not content once to haue crucified Christ the Sauiour of the world but by imitation to performe it againe and as it were to make known that if it were vndone they would do it So also handled they a boy called Simeon of two yeeres and an halfe old in the yeere of our Lord 1476 Iob Fincel lib. 3 another in Fretulium fiue yeres after that But aboue all they massacred a poore carpenters son in Hungary in hatred of Christ whom they falsly supposed to be a carpenters son for they cut in two all his veines suckt out his blood with quils And being apprehended and tortured they confessed that they had done the like at Thirna 4 yeeres before that they could not be without Christian blood for therwithall they anointed their priests But at all these times they suffered iust punishmēt for being still taken they were either hanged burned murdred or put to some other cruell death at the discretion of the magistrates Moreouer they would at diuers times buy the holy host of some popish priest and thrust it through with their kniues and vse it most despitefully this did one Eleazarus in the yere of our Lord 1492 the 22 of October but was burnt for his labour And eight and thirty at another time for the same villany by the Marquesse Ioachinus for the caitiues would suffer themselues to bee baptized for none other end but more securely to exercise their villanies Casp Hedius lib. 3. cap. 6. Another Iewe is recorded in the yeere of our Lord 147 to haue stollen the picture of Christ out of a Church and to haue thrust it through many times with his sword whereout when blood miraculously issued he amazed would haue burned it but being taken in the manner the Christians stoned him to death The truth of which story though I will not stand to auow yet I doubt not but it might be true considering that either the deuill might by his cunning so foster and confirme their superstition or rather that seeing Christ is the subiect of their religion as well as of ours though after a corrupt and sacrilegious forme and that the Iewe did not so much aime at their religion as at Christ the subiect of it the Lord might shew a miracle not to establish their errour but to confound the Iewes impiety especially in those young yeeres of the Church But that their impiety may be yet more discouered I will here set downe the confession of one of their owne nation a Iewe of Ratisbone conuerted to the faith one very skilfull in the
his faith and recoiled from Christ Iesus Christ Iesus would recoile from him and giue him ouer to death by depriuing him of his grace and spoiling him of the power of his quickning and sauing spirit These are the fearefull examples of Gods Iudgements which Saint Ciprian reporteth to haue light vpon Backsliders in his time adding moreouer that besides these many vvere possessed with Deuils robbed of their wits and enraged vvith furie and madnesse and all for this offence of Apostasie Amongst all the examples of our age of Gods seuere iustice vpon Apostataes the examples of Francis Spiera an Italian Lawier a man of credite and authoritie in his countrey is most pitifull and lamentable who hauing embraced the true religion vvith maruellous zeale and made open profession of the same Sleidan lib. 21.1 feared not freely to declare his opinion of euery point of doctrine that came in question and grew in knowledge euery day more and more But it was not long ere hee was complained off to the Popes Embassadour which when hee vnderstood and saw the danger wherein hee was like to fall After hee had long debated and disputed the matter in his owne conscience the counsaile of the flesh and wordlie wisedome preuailing hee resolued at last to goe to the Embassadour to the intent to appease his wrath and doe whatsouer hee should command Thus comming to Venice and ouerruled with immoderate feare he confessed that hee had done amisse and craued pardon for the same promising euer after to bee an obedient subiect to the Popes lawes and that which is more when it was enioined him that at his returne home hee should in his owne countrie openly recant his former profession hee refused not but performed his recantation in due sort But it chaunced very soone after that this miserable man fell sicke of bodie and soule and began to despaire of Gods mercie towardes him His Phisitian perceiuing his disposition iudged that the cause of his bodies disease was a vehement conceit and thought of mind and therefore gaue aduise to minister counsaile to his troubled mind verie carefully that the cause beeing taken away the effect also might surcease To this end many learned men frequented him euery day recalling into his mind and laying open before him manie expresse places of Scripture touching the greatnesse of Gods mercie which thinges hee auouched to bee true but said that those promises pertained not to him because hee had renounced Christ Iesus and forsworne the knowne truth and that for this cause nothing was prepared for him but hell fire which alreadie in soule hee saw and felt I would said hee willingly if it were possible loue God but it is altogether impossible I onely feare him without loue These and such speeches vsed he with a stedfast countenance neither did his tongue at any time run at randome nor his answers sauour of indiscretion or want of memorie but aduisedly warned all that stood by to take heed by his example how to listen too much to worldly wisdome especially then when they should bee called before men to professe the religion of Christ And lying in this extremity he refused all manner of sustenance rebuking and being angrie with his sonnes that opened his mouth to make him swallow some food to sustain him saying Since hee had forsaken his Lord and maister all his creatures ought to forsake him I am afeard of euery thing there is not a creature that hath not conspired to worke my destruction let me die let mee die that I may goe and feele that vnquenchahle fire which already consumeth mee and which I can by no means escape And thus he died indeed pined to death in despaire and horrible torment of conscience Centur. 3 cap. 12 Nichomachus a man that stoutly professed Christ Iesus in prosperity being brought to his triall at Troas and put into torments he denied him and being deliuered by that means consented to offer sacrifice vnto idols But assone as hee had finished his sacrifice he was hoisted vp by the spirit of darknesse whose darling now he was dashed against the earth so that his teeth biting his prophane tongue wherewith hee had denied his sauour in two he died incontinently Tamerus a professour of the true religion vvas seduced by his brother to cleaue vnto Poperie Theatrum historicum and to forsake his first loue but for his defection from the truth the Lord gaue him vp into a reprobat sence so that falling into despaire he hong himselfe Richard Denton a blacksmith dwelling at Wels in Cambridgeshire hauing beene a professor of the Gospell before time when William Wolsey Martyr whome the said Denton had first conuerted vnto the truth sent him certaine money out of prison at Ely with this commendations That he maruelled hee tarried so long behind him seeing he was the first that deliuered him the booke of scripture into his hand Acts monuments pag 1717. and told him that it was the truth his answere was this I confesse it is true but alasse I cannot burne But hee that could not burne in the cause of Christ was afterward burned against his will for in the yeare 1564 his house was set on fire and whilest hee went in to saue his goods hee lost his life There was also one Burton Bailife of Crowland in Lincolnshire who pretending an earnest friendship to the gospel in king Edwards time after the kings death began lustily to set vp the Popish masse againe and would haue beaten the poore Curate if hee had not setled himselfe thereto but see how the Lords iudgement ouertooke him as he came riding from Fennebancke one day a crow flying ouer his head let fall her excrements vpon his face so that it ran from the top of his nose downe to his beard Acts monuments pag. 2101 the poisoned sent and sauour whereof so annoied his stomacke that he neuer ceased vomiting vntill he came home and after falling deadly sicke would neuer receiue any meat but vomited stil and complained of that stincke cursing the crow that had poisoned him to be short within few daies he died desperately without any token of repentance of his former life Hither may wee ad the examples of one Hendrie Smith a Lawier of the middle temple Acts monuments and Arnoldus Bomelius a student of Louaine both which hauing professed the truth a while and after being seduced by euill companie the one of Gilford the other of Maister Tileman Smith afterward hanged himselfe in his chamber in the temple in the year of our Lord 1569. Bomelius murdered himselfe with his owne dagger And thus these two Apostataes felt the heauy scourge of Gods wrath for reuolting from the truth which they once professed CHAP. XVIII Of those which haue willingly fallen away THese kind of Apostataes which wee are now to speake of are such as without any outward compulsion threats or likelihood of daunger forsake freely Gods true Religion and
for them to be true subiects to the king who for their bellies sake had rebelled against the commandements of God The king seeing their request reasonable and their reasons which they alleadged likely not onely commended them but gaue them full authoritie to destroy all those that could be found in any place of his dominion without any further inquirie of the cause or intelligence of the kings authority insomuch that they put to death all those that they knew to haue defiled themselues by filthie Idols doing them before all the shame they could deuise so that at that time there were dispatched aboue three hundred persons which when they had accomplished they reioiced greatly CHAP. XIX Of the third and worst sort of Apostataes those that through Malice forsake the truth IF so bee that they of whom we haue spoken in the two former chapters are in their reuoltings inexcusable as indeed they are thē much more worthy condemnation are they who not only in a villanous contempt cast away the grace of Gods spirit and his holy worship but also of a purposed malice set themselues against the same yea and endeuour with all their power vtterly to race and root it out and in stead thereof to plant the lies errors and illusions of Sathan by all meanes possible Against this kind of monsters sentence is pronounced in the thirteenth of Deutronomie to wit That iustice should be executed vpon thē with al extremity and no mercie and compassion showne vnto him be he Prophet or what else that goeth about to seduce others from the seruice of the almighty 2. King 11. to follow false gods This is the pitfall wherein Ieroboam the first king of Israell slipped by the peruersenesse of his owne conscience who as he had by his rebellion against Rehoboam and the house of Dauid vpreared a new kingdome so by rebellion against God and his house in hope by that meanes to retaine his vsurped state and people in subiection vpreared also a new religion for distrusting the promises of God which were made him by the Prophet Ahias as touching the realme of Israell which hee was alreadie in possession of and despising the good counsaile of God in respect of his owne inuentions hee was so besotted and bleared with them that iust after the patterne of his Idolatrous forefathers who by their Aegyptian trickes had prouoked the wrath of God against thēselues he set vp golden calues and caused the people to worship them keeping them so from going to Ierusalem to worship God nor yet content with this he also erected high places to set his idols in hauing restrained the Priests and Leuits frō the exercise of their charge he ordained a new order of priests to sacrifice minister vnto his gods proclaimed a newer feast thē that that was in Iuda euē the seuenth day of the 8 month wherin he not only exiled the pure and sincere seruice of God but also peruerted turned vpside down the Ecclesiasticall discipline pollicie of Gods church which by the law had ben instituted And that which is yet more 1. King 13. as hee was offering incense on the altar at Bethell when the Prophet cried out against the altar and exclaimed against that filthie idolatrie by denouncing the vengeance of God against it and the maintainers therof Contempt of Gods word Lib. 1. cap. 34. he was so desperate and sencelesse as to offer violence to him and to command that he should be attached but the power of Gods displeasure was vpon him by and by for that hand which hee had stretched out against the Prophet dried vp so that hee could not draw it back again at the very instant for a more manifest declaratiō of the wrath of God the altar rent in peeces the ashes that were within were dispersed abroad And although at the praier of that holy man his dried hand was restored to his former strength and soundnesse yet returned not he from his vniust and disloiall dealing but obstinately continued therein till his dying day Wherefore also the fierce wrath of God hunted and pursued him continually for first of all he was robbed of his sonne Abia dying through sicknesse 1. King 14. then hee was set vpon by Abia king of Iuda with an armie of foure hundred thousand men of warre 2. Chron. 13. and though his power was double in strength number arising to eight hundred thousand persōs yet was he his vast at my quite discōfited for he lost at that field fiue hundred thousād of his men beside certain cities which were yeelded to Abia in the pursute of his victorie his courage was so abated and empouerished euer after this that hee could neuer recouer strength to resist the king of Iuda any more And so God reuenged at once the Apostasie both of the king and people of Israell and last of all so strooke him after that he died Ioram king of Iuda although his father Iosaphat had instructed him from his childhood with holy and wholesome precepts 2 Chron. 21. and set before his face the example of his owne zeale in purging the church of God from all idolatrie and superstition and maintaining the true and pure seruice of God yet did hee so foulie run astray from his fathers steps that allying himselfe by the marriage of Athalia to the house of Achab hee became not onely himselfe like to the kings of Israell in their filthie Idolatrie but also drew his people after him causing the inhabitants of Ierusalem and men of Iuda to runne a whoring after his strange gods for which cause Elias the Prophet most sharpely reprooued him by letters the contents whereof in summe was this that because hee rebelled against the Lord God of his fathers therfore the people that were in his subiection should rebell against him Presently the Arabians and Philistims rose vp against him wasted his countrie robbed him of his treasures tooke away his wiues and put all his children to the sword except little Ochozias his yoongest sonne that was preserued And after all these miseries the Lord smote him with so outragious and vncurable a disease in his bowels that after two yeares torment hee died thereof his guts being fallen out of his belly with anguish Ioas also king of the same countrie was one to whome God had beene manie waies beneficiall from his infancie 2. Chron. 22. for hee was euen then miraculously preserued from the bloody hand of Athalia and after brought vp in the house of God vnder the tuition of that good Preist Iehoiada yet he was no sooner lifted vp into his roiall dignitie but by and by hee and his people started aside to the worship of stocks and stones at that time when hee had taken vpon him the repaire of the house of God But all this came to passe after the decease of that good priest his tutour whose good deeds towards him in sauing his life and
giuing him the crowne he most vnthankfully recompenced by putting to death his sonne Zacharias 2. Chron. 24. whome he caused for reproouing and threatning his idolatry in a publicke assembly incited thereto by the spirit of God to be stoned to death in the porch of the Temple But seeing he did so rebelliously set himselfe against the holy spirit as if he would haue quite oppressed and extinguished the power thereof by the death of this holy Prophet by whome it spake God hissed for an armie of Syrians that gaue him battell and conquered his souldiers who in outward shew seemed much to strong for them His princes also that had seduced him were destroied himselfe vexed with grieuous diseases till at length his owne seruants conspired against him for the death of Zacharia and slue him on his bed yea and his memory was so odious that they could not afford him a burying place among the sepulchres of their kings Amazias the sonne of this wicked father 2. Chro 25. caried himselfe also at the first vprightly towards God in his seruice but it lasted not long for a while after he was corrupted and turned aside from that good way which he had begun to tread after the by paths of his father Ioas for after he had conquered the Idumeans and slaine twenty thousand men of war and spoiled diuers of their cities in stead of rendring due thankes to God who without the aid of the Israelites had giuen him that victory he set vp the gods of the Edomites which he had robbed them of to be his gods and worshipped and burned incense to them so void of sense and reason was he And being rebuked by the Prophet of his aduerse dealing hee was so farre from humbling and repenting himselfe thereof that quite contrary he proudly withstood and reiected the Prophets threatnings menacing him with death if he ceased not Thus by this meanes hauing aggrauated his sinne and growing more and more obstinate God made him an instrument to hasten his owne destruction for being proud and puffed vp with the ouerthrow which he gaue the Edomites hee defied the king of Israel and prouoked him to battell also but full euill to his ease for he lost the day and was carried prisoner to Ierusalem where before his face for more reproch foure hundred cubits of the wall was broken downe the temple and pallace ransackt of his treasures his children caried for host●ges to Samaria And not long after treason was deuised against him in Ierusalem so that he fled to Lachish and being pursued thither also was there taken and put to death 2. Chron. 28. Likewise king Ahaz for making molten images for Baalim and walking in the idolatrous waies of the kings of Israel and burning his sonnes with fire after the abominations of the heathen in the valley of Ben-Hinnon was forsaken of the Lord and deliuered into the hands of the king of Syria who caried him prisoner to Damascus and not only so but was also subdued by Pekah king of Israel in that great battell wherein his owne sonne with fourescore thousand men at armes were slaine yea and two hundred thousand of all sorts men women and children taken prisoners for all these chastisements did hee not once reforme his life but rather grew worse and worse To make vp the number of his sinnes he would needs sacrifice to the gods of Damascus also thinking to find succour at their hands so that hee vtterly defaced the true seruice of God at Ierusalem broke in pieces the holy vessels lockt vp the temple dores and placed in their stead his abominable idols for the people to worship and erected altars in euery corner of the city to doe sacrifice on But as hee rebelled on euery side against his God so God raised vp enemies on euery side to disturbe him The Edomites and Philistims assaulted him on one side beate his people tooke and ransackt his cities on the other side the Assyrians whome he had hired with a great summe for his helpe turned to his vndoing and vtter ouerthrow and confusion What shall wee thinke of Manasses who reedified the high places and altars which the zeale of Ezechias his father had defaced and throwen downe 2. Chron 33. and adored and worshipped the plannets of heauen the Sunne the Moone and the Starres profaned the porch of Gods Temple with altars dedicated to strange gods committing thereon all the abominations of the Gentiles Idolatrie Lib. 1. cap. 26. yea and caused his sonnes to passe thorough the valley of Benhinnon and was an obseruer of times and seasons and gaue himselfe ouer to witchcraft charming and sorceries and vsed the helpe of familiar spirits and soothsayers and that which is more placed a carued Image in the house of God flat against the second commaundement of the law So that hee did not onely go astray and erre himselfe in giuing ouer his mind to most wicked and damnable heresies but also seduced the people by his pernitious example and authoritie to doe the like mischiefe And that which is yet more and worst of all hee made no account nor reckening of the admonitions of the Prophets but the rather and the more hardened his heart to runne out into all manner of crueltie and wickednesse that his sinnes might haue their full measure For the very stones of the streetes of Ierusalem were stained from one corner to another with the guiltlesse and innocent blood of those that either for disswading him from or not yeeldihg vnto his abominable and detestable Idolatry were cruelly murdered amongst the number of which slaine innocents many suppose that the Prophet Esaias although hee was of the blood royall was with a straunge manner of torment put to death 2. King 12. Wherefore the flame of Gods ire was kindled against him and his people so that they stirred vp the Assyrians against them whose power and force they being not able to resist were subdued and the king himselfe taken and put in fetters and bound in chaines caried captiue to Babylon but being there in tribulation he humbled his soule and praied vnto the Lord his God who for all his wicked cruell and abominable Apostasie was intreated of him and receiued him to mercy yea and brought him againe to Ierusalem into his vnhoped for kingdom Then was hee no more vnthankefull to the Lord for his wonderfull deliuerance but being touched with true repentance for his former life abolished the strange gods broke downe their altars and restored againe the true religion of God and gaue straight commandement to his people to do the like Wherein it was the pleasure of the Highest to leaue a notable memorial vnto all posterity of his great and infinite mercy towards poore and miserable sinners to the end that no man be his sinnes neuer so heinous should at any time despaire for where sinne aboundeth Rom. 5. there grace aboundeth much more Admit that this reuolt of Manasses
earnestly to desire to know the day wherein hee should die which also his schoolemaster the deuill reuealed vnto him but vnder such doubtfull tearmes that he dreamed in his foolish conceit of immortalitie and that he should neuer die It chanced on a time as he was singing masse at Rome in a Temple called Ierusalem which was the place assigned for him to die in and not Ierusalem in Palaestina as he made himselfe falsly beleeue he heard a great noise of deuils that came to fetch him away A note worthy the noting note that this was done in masse while whereat hee being terrified and tormented and seeing himselfe not able any waies to escape he desired his people to rend his body in pieces after his death and lay it vpon a charriot and let horses draw it whether they would which was accordingly perfourmed for as soone as hee was dead the pieces of his carkasse were carried out of the Church of Laterane by the wicked spirit who as he ruled him in life so he was the chiefe in his death and funerals By like means came Benedict the ninth to the Popedome for he was a detestable magitian Benno Balleus and in the ten yeres wherin he was Pope hauing committed infinite villanies and mischiefes was at last by his familiar friend the deuill strangled to death in a forrest whither he went to apply himselfe the more quieter to his coniurings Gregorio the sixt scholler to Siluester as great a coniurer ●s his master wrought much mischiefe in his time Bal. but was at last banished Rome and ended his life in misety in Germany Iohn the two and twentieth being of no better disposition then these we haue spoken of but following iudiciall astrologie fed himselfe with a vaine hope of long life whereof hee vanted himselfe among his familiars one day aboue the rest at Viterbum in a chamber which hee had lately builded saying that hee should liue a great while hee was assured of it presently the flore brake suddenly in pieces and hee was found seuen daies after crushed to pieces vnder the ruines thereof All this notwithhanding yet other Pope eased not to suffer themselues to be infected with this execrable poison as Hildebrand who was called Gregorie the seuenth and Alexander the sixt of which kind we shall see a whole legend in the next booke and 43 chapter do but marke these holy fathers how abominable they were to be in such sort giuen ouer to Satan Cornelius Agrippa a great student in this cursed Art and a man famous both by his owne workes and others report for his Necromancie Iouius in elogij● vtrorum illustrium went alwaies accompanied with an euill spirit in the similitude of a blacke dog but when his time of death drew neare and he was vrged to repentance he tooke off the enchaunted collar from the dogs necke and sent him away with these tearmes Get thee hence thou cursed beast which hast vtterly destroied mee neither was the dog euer after seene some say hee leapt into Araris and neuer came out againe Agrippa himselfe died at Lions in a base and beggerly Inne Zoreastres king of Bactria is notified to haue beene the inuentor of Astrologie and Magicke Theat hist but the deuill whose ministerie he vsed when he was too importunate with him burned him to death Charles the seuenth of Fraunce put Egidius de Raxa marshiall of his kingdome Fulgos lib. 9. cap. 1. to a cruell and filthie death because hee practised this arte and in the same had murdered an hundred and twenty teeming women and young infants he caused him to be hanged vpon a f●●ke by a hote fire and rosted to death Bladud the sonne of Lud king of Britaine now called England in the yeere of the world 3100 hee that builded the citie Bath as our late histories witnesse and also made therin the hote bathes addicted himselfe so much to the deuilish arte of Necromancie that he wrought wonders thereby in so much that hee made himselfe wings and attempted to flie like Dedalus but the deuill as euer like a false knaue forsooke him in his iourney so that he fell downe and brake his necke In the yeere of our Lord 1578 one S●mon Penbrooke dwelling in S. Georges parish in London being a figure setter and vehemently suspected to be a coniurer by the commaundement of the iudge appeared in the parish Church of S. Sauiour at a court holden there where whilst hee was busie in entertaining a proctour and leaned his head vpon a pew a good space the proctour began to lift vp his head to see what hee ailed and found him departing out of this life and straight waies hee fell downe rattling in the throat without speaking any one word this straunge iudgement happened before many witnesses who searching him found about him fiue deuilish bookes of coniuration and most abominable practises with a picture in tinne of a man hauing three dice in his hand with this writing Chance dice fortunately and much other trash so that euery one confessed it to be a iust iudgement against sorcerie and a great example to cause others to feare the iustice of God Now let euery one learne by these examples to feare God and to stand firme stedfast to his holy word without turning from it on any side so shall he be safe from such like miserable ends as these wicked varlets come vnto CHAP. XXXIIII Of those that through pride and vainglory stroue to vsurpe the honour due vnto God A Forgetfull and vnthankfull mind for the benefits which God bestoweth vpon vs is a braunch of the breach of this first commaundement as well as those which went before and this is when we ascribe not vnto God the glory of his benefits to giue him thanks for them but through a foolish pride extoll our selues higher then we ought presuming aboue measure and reason in our owne power desire to place our selues in a higher degree then is meet With this fond and foolish affection I know not how our first fathers were tickled and tainted from the beginning to thinke to empaire the glory of God Gen. 3. and they also were puffed vp with the blast of ambition that I know not with what fond foolish rash and proud conceit went about after the flood to build a city and tower of exceeding height by that meanes to win fame and reputation amongst men Gen. 11. In stead whereof they ought rather to haue praised God by remembring his gratious goodnesse in their miraculous deliuerance in their fathers persons from that generall deluge and shipwracke of the world but forasmuch as with a proud and high stomacke they lifted vp themselues against God to whome onely all glory appertaineth therefore God also set himselfe against them and against their ouer bold practises interrupting all their determined presumptuous purposes by such a confusion and alteration of tongues which he sent amongst them that one could not
images or pictures and such other outward and corruptible meanes which hee hath in no wise commanded wherefore Isaiah the Prophet reproouing the folly and vanity of idolatours saith Chap. 40.18 To whome will you liken God or what similitude will you set vp vnto him Therefore if it be not Gods will that vnder pretence and colour of his owne name any image or picture should be adored being a thing not only inconuenient but also absurd and vnseemely much lesse can he abide to haue them worshipped vnder the name and title of any creature whatsoeuer And for this cause gaue he the second commandement Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image c. which prohibition the Israelielits brake in the desert when they set vp a golden calfe bowed themselues before it after the maner of the Painyms giuing it the honour which was only due to God whereby they incurred the indignation of Almightie God Exod. 32. who is strong and iealous of suffering any such slander to be done vnto his name wherefore hee caused three thousand of them to be stroken wounded to death by the hand of the Leuits at the commaundement of Moses to make his anger against idolatrie more manifest by causing them to be executioners of his reuenge who were ordained for the ministery of his Church and the seruice of the altar and tabernacle Howbeit for all this the same people not long after fell backe into the same sinne and bowed themselues before strange gods through the allurements of the daughters of Moab ioyned themselues to Belphegor Num. 25. for which cause the Lord being incensed stroke them with so grieuous a plague that there died of them in one day about twenty and foure thousand persons And albeit that after all this being brought by him into the land of promise hee had forbidden and threatned them for cleauing to the idols of the nations whose land they possessed yet were they so prone to idolatry that notwithstanding all this they fell to serue Baal and Astaroth wherefore the fire of Gods wrath was enflamed against them and hee gaue them ouer to be a spoile and prey vnto their enemies on euery side so that for many yeeres sometimes the Moabites oppressed them otherwhiles the Madianites and euer after the death of any of their Iudges and rulers which God raised vp for their deliuerance some grieuous punishment befell them for then being without law or gouernment euery man did that which seemed good in his owne eies and so turned aside from the right way Now albeit these examples may seeme to haue some affinity with Apostasie yet because the ignorance and rudeness● of the people was rather the cause of their falling away from God then any wilfull affection that raigned in them therefore wee place them in this rancke as well as they that haue beene alwaies brought vp and nuzled in Idolatrie 2. Chron. 22. One of this crew was Ochosias king of Iuda sonne of Ioram who hauing before him an euill president of his wicked father and a worse instruction and bringing vp of his mother Athaliah who togither with the house of Achab pricked him forward to euill ioyned himselfe to them and to their idols and for that cause was wrapped in the same punishment destruction with Ioram the king of Israel whome Iehu slew togither with the princes of Iuda and many of his neere kinsmen And to be short Idolatry hath bene the decay and ruine of the kingdome of Iuda as at all other times so especially vnder Ioachas sonne of Iosias 2. King 23. that raigned not aboue three moneths in Ierusalem before hee was taken and led captiue into Aegypt by the king thereof and there died from which time the whole land became tributary to the king of Aegypt And not long after it was vtterly destroied by the forces of Nabuchadnezzar king of Babel that came against Ierusalem and tooke it and caried king Ioa●him with his mother his princes his seruants and the treasures of the temple and his owne house into Babylon And finally 2. King 24.25 tooke Zedechias that fled away and before his eies caused his sonnes to be slaine which assoone as he had beheld commaunded him also to be pulled out and so binding him in chaines of iron carried him prisoner to Babylon putting all the princes of Iuda to the sword consuming with fire the temple with the kings pallace and all the goodly buildings of Ierusalem And thus the whole kingdome though by an especiall prerogatiue consecrated and ordained of God himselfe ceased to be a kingdome and came to such an end that it was neuer reestablished by God but begun and confirmed by the filthy idolatry of Ieroboams calues Vide lib. 1. c. 19. which as his successours maintained and fauoured more or lesse so were they exposed to more or lesse plagues and incumbrances Nadab Ieroboams sonne being nuzled and nurtured vp in Idoll worship after the example of his father 1 King 15.27 receiued a condigne punishment for his iniquitie for Baasa the sonne of Ahijah put both him and all the offspring of Ieroboam● house to the sword and raigned in his stead who also being no whit better then those whome he had slaine was punished in the person of Ela his sonne whome Zambri one of his seruants slew And this againe vsurping the crowne enioyed it but seuen daies at the end whereof seeing himselfe in daunger in the citie Tirza taken by Amri whome the people had chosen for their king went into the pallace of the kings house and burned himselfe As for Achab hee multiplied idolatry in Israel and committed more wickednesse then all his predecessours wherefore the wrath of God was stretched out against hi● and his for hee himselfe was wounded to death in battaile by the Sitians his sonne Ioram slaine by Iehu and threescore and ten of his children put to death in Samaria by their gouernours and chiefe of the city sending their heads in baskets to Iehu Aboue all a most notable and manifest example of Gods iudgement was seene in the death of Iezabel his wife that had beene his spurre and prouoker to all mischiefe when by her Eunuches and most trustie seruants at the commandement of Iehu shee was thrown downe out of a window and trampled vnder the horse seer and last of all deuoured of dogges Moreouer the greatest number of the kings of Israel that succeeded him were murdered one after another so that the kingdome fell to such a low decline that it became first tributary to the king of Assyria and afterward inuaded and subuerted by him and the inhabitants transported into his land whence they neuer returned but remained scattered here and there like vagabonds and all for their abominable idolatrie which ought to be a lesson to all people princes and kings that seeing God spared not these two realmes of Iuda and Israel but destroied and rooted them out from the earth
the Emperor Sigismond had in all his affaires after the violation of his faith giuen to Iohn Hus Theatr. histor and Ierome of Prage at the councill of Constance whome though with direct protestations and othes he promised safe conduct returne yet he adiudged to be burned doth testifie the odiousnesse of his sinne in the sight of God But aboue all this one example is most worthy the marking of a fellow that hearing periurie condemned in a pulpit by a learned preacher and how it neuer escaped vnpunished said in a brauery I haue oft forsworne my selfe and yet my right hand is not a whit shorter then my left which words hee had scarse vttered when such an inflammation arose in that hand that he was constrained to go to the surgeon and cut it off least it should infect his whole body and so his right hand became shorter then his left in recompence of his periury which hee lightly esteemed of In the yeere of our Lord 1055 Goodwine Earle of Kent sitting at the table with king Edward of England Stow Chron. it happened that one of the cupbearers stumbled and yet fell not whereat Goodwine laughing said That if one brother had not holpen another meaning his legges all the wine had beene spilt with which words the king calling to mind his brothers death which was slaine by Goodwine answered So should my brother Alphred haue holpen me had not Goodwine beene then Goodwine fearing the kings new kindled displeasure excused himselfe with many words at last eating a morsell of bread wished it might choke him if he were not guiltlesse of Alphreds blood but he swore falsly as the iudgement of God declared for he was forthwith choaked in the presence of the king ere hee remooued one foote from that place though there be some say he recouered life againe Stow Chron Long time after this in the reigne of Queene Elizabeth there was in the city of London one Anne Aueri●● widdow who forswore her selfe for a little mony that she should haue paid for six pound of tow at a shop in Woodstreet for which cause being suddenly surprized with the iustice of God shee fell downe speechlesse forthwith and cast vp at her mouth in great aboundance with horrible stinke that matter which by natures course should haue bene voided downwards and so died to the terrour of all periured and forsworne wretches There are in Histories many more examples to be found of this hurtfull and pernicious sinne exercised by one nation towards another and one man towards another in most profane and villanous sort neither shaming to be accounted forsworne nor consequently fearing to displease God and his maiestie But forasmuch as when we come to speake of murderers in the next booke we shall haue occasion to speake of them more or of such like I will referre the handling thereof vnto that place only this let euery man learne by that which hath bene spoken to be sound and fraudlesse and to keepe his faith and promise towards all men if for no other cause yet for feare of God who leaueth not this sinne vnpunished nor holdeth them guiltlesse that thus take his name in vaine CHAP. XXXI Of Blasphemers AS touching Blasphemie it is a most grieuous and enormous sinne and contrary to this third commandement when a man is so wretched and miserable as to pronounce presumptuous speeches against God whereby his name is slandered and euill spoken of which sinne can not choose but be sharpely and seuerely punished for if so be that God holdeth not him guiltlesse that doth but take his name in vaine must hee not needs abhorre him that blasphemeth his name See how meritoriously that wicked and peruerse wretch that blasphemed and murdered as it were the name of God among the people of Israel in the desert was punished hee was taken Leuit. 24. put in prison and condemned and speedily stoned to death by the whole multitude and vpon that occasion as euil manners begat euermore good lawes the Lord instituted a perpetual law and decree that euery one that should blaspheme and curse God of what estate or degree soeuer should be stoned to death in token of detestation which sentence if it might now a daies stand in force there would not raigne so many miserable blasphemers deniers of God as the world is now filled and infected with It was also ordained by a new law of Iustinian Cod. lib. 3. tit 43. that blasphemies should be seuerely punished by the Iudges magistrates of commonweales but such is the corruption and misery of this age that those men that ought to correct others for such speeches are oftentimes worst themselues there are that thinke that they can not be sufficiently feared and awed of men except by horrible bannings swearings they despite maugre God nay it is further come to that passe that in some places to sweare and ban be the marks ensignes of a Catholike they are best welcome that can blaspheme most How much then is that good king S. Lewes of France to be commended Nichol. Gil. vol. 1. Of French Chronicles who especially discharged all his subiects from swearing blaspheming within his realme insomuch that when he heating a a Lord of Ienville noble man blaspheme God most cruelly he caused him to be laid hold on his lips to be slit with an hor iron saying he must be content to endure that punishment seeing he purposed to banish othes out of his kingdome Now we call blasphemie according to the scripture phrase euery word that derogateth either from the bountie mercy iustice eternity soueraigne power of God of this sort was that blasphemous speech of one of king Iorams princes who at the time of the great famine in Samaria when it was besieged by the Sirians hearing Elizaeus the Prophet say that the next morow there should be plenty of victuals and good cheape reiected this promise of God made by his Prophet 2. King 7. saying that it was impossible as if God were either a lyar or not able to performe what he would for this cause this vnbeleeuing blasphemer receiued the same day a deserued punishment for his blasphemie for hee was troden to death in the gate of the citie vnder the feet of the multitude that went out into the Sirians camp forsaken and left desolate by them through a feare which the Lord sent among them 2. King 19. Sennacherib king of Assyria after he had obtained many victories subdued much people vnder him also laid siege to Ierusalem became so proud arrogant as by his seruants mouthes to reuile and blaspheme the liuing God speaking no otherwise of him then of some strange idoll and one that had no power to helpe and deliuer those that trusted in him for which blasphemies he soone after felt a iust vengeāce of God vpon himselfe his people for although in mans eies he seemed
where Gods word is generally despised not regarded nor profited by there some notable destruction approcheth Philip Melanc in collectaneis Manlij In a certain place there was acted a tragedie of the death and passion of Christ in shew but indeed of themselues for hee that plaied Christs part hanging vpon the crosse was wounded to death by him that should haue thrust his sword into a bladder full of blood tied to his side who with his fall slew another that plaied one of the womens part that lamented vnder the crosse his brother that was first slaine seeing this slew the murderer and was himselfe by order of iustice hanged therfore so that this tragedie was concluded with four true not counterfeit deaths and that by the diuine prouidence of God who can endure nothing lesse then such prophane and ridiculous handling of so serious and heauenly matters In the Vniuersitie of Oxford the historie of Christ was also plaied and cruelly punished that not many years since for he that bore the person of Christ the Lord stroke him with such a giddinesse of spirit braine that he became mad forthwith crying when he was in his best humour that God had laid this iudgement vpon him for playing Christ Three other actors in the same play were hanged for robbing as by credible report is affirmed Most lamentable was the iudgement of God vpon one Iohn Apowel somtimes a seruingman for mocking iesting at the word of God this Iohn Apowell hearing one William Malden reading certaine English praiers mocked him after euery word with cōtrary gauds flouting termes insomuch that at last he was terribly afraid so that his hair stood vpright on his head and the next day was found besides his wits crying night and day without ceasing The deuill the deuill Acts and monuments pag. 2103. O the deuill of hell now the deuill of hell there he goeth for it seemed to him as the other read Lord haue mercie vpon vs at the end of the praier that the deuill appeared vnto him and by the permission of God depriued him of his vnderstanding this is a terrible example for all those that bee mockers at the word of God to warne them if they do not repent least the vengeance of God fall vpon them in like manner Thus wee see how seuerely the Lord punisheth all despisers and prophaners of his holy things and thereby ought to learne to carrie a most dutifull regard and reuerence to them as also to note them for none of Gods flocke whosoeuer they be that deride or contemne any part of religion or the ministers of the same CHAP. XXXV Of those that prophane the Sabboth day IN the fourth last commandement of the first table it is said Remember to keep holy the sabboth day by which words it is ordained and enioined vs to seperate one day of seuen from al bodily and seruile labor not to idlenes loosenes but to the worship of God which is spirituall and wholesome Which holy ordināce whē one of the childrē of Israel in contempt broke as they were in the wildernesse Numb 15. by gathering stickes vpon the sabboth he was brought before Moses Aaron the whole congregation by them put in prison vntill such time as they knew the Lords determination concerning him knowing well that he was guiltie of a most grieuous crime And at length by the Lords owne sentence to his seruant Moses condemned to be stoned to death without the host as was speedily executed wherin the Lord made known vnto them both how vnpleasant odious the prophanation of his Sabboth was in his sight and how seriously and carefully euery one ought to obserue and keepe the same Now albeit that this strict obseruation of the sabboth was partly ceremoniall vnder the law and that in Christ Iesus wee haue an accomplishment as of all other so also of this ceremonie hee being the true sabboth and assured repose of our soules yet seeing wee still stand in need of some time for the instruction and exercise of our faith it is necessarie that we should haue at least one day in a weeke to occupie our selues in and about those holy and godly exercises which are required at our hands and what day fitter for that purpose then sunday Which was also ordained in the Apostles time for the same end and called by them Des dominicus that is The day of our Lord Because vpon that day he rose from the dead to wit the morrow after the Iewes sabboth being the first day of the weeke to which sabboth it by cōmon consent of the church succeeded to the end that a difference might be put betwixt Christians Iews Therfore it ought now religiously to be obserued as it is also commanded in the ciuil law with expresse prohibition not to abuse this day of holy rest in vnholy sports pastimes Cod. lib. 3. tit 12. leg 10. of euill example Neuerthelesse in steed hereof we see the euill emploiance abuse and disorder of it for the most part for beside the false worship and plentifull superstitions which raigne in so many places all manner of disorder and dissolutenesse is in request beareth sway in these daies this is the day for tipling houses and tauernes to be fullest fraught with ruffians and ribalds and for villanous and dishonest speech with lecherous and baudie songes to be most rise this is the day when gourmandise and drunkennesse shew themselues most frollick othes blasphemies flie thickest and fastest this is the day when dicing dancing whoring and such noisome and dishonest demeanours muster their bands and keep ranke togither from whence fome out enuies hatreds displeasures quarrels debates bloodsheddings and murders as daily experience testifieth All which things are euident signes of Gods heauy displeasure vpon the people where these abuses are permitted and no difference made of that day wherin God would be serued but is cōtrarily most dishonored by the ouerflow of wciked examples And that it is a thing odious and condemned of God these examples following will declare Gregory Turonensis reporteth that a husbandman who vpon the Lords day went to plow his field as he cleansed his plowshare with an iron the iron stucke so fast into his hand that for two yeeres hee could not be deliuered from it but carried it about continually to his exceeding great paine and shame Discipulus de tempore ser 117. Another profane fellow without any regard of God or his seruice made no conscience to conuey his corne out of the field on the Lords day in sermon time but hee was well rewarded for his godlesse couetousnesse for the same corne which with so much care he gathered togither was consumed with fire from heauen with the barne and all the graine that was in it A certaine noble man vsed euery Lords day to go a hunting in the sermon while Theatr. hist which impietie the Lord punished
in the person of his youngest sonne Chaanan and made a seruant to the seruants of his brethren Num 33. Deut. 7. which curse was fulfilled in his posterity the Canaanites who beeing forsaken of God were rooted vp and spued out of their land because of their sinnes and abominations Marueilous strange was the malice of Absolom to rebell so furiously against his father Dauid as to wage warre against him 2. Sam. 15. which hee did with all his strongest endeauours without sparing any thing that might further his proceedings insomuch that he grew to that outrage and madnesse through the wicked and pernicious counsell of Achitophel that hee shamed not villanously to commit incest with his fathers concubines 2. Sam. 16. and pollute his bed euen before the eies of the multitude by which meanes being become altogither odious and abominable 2. Sam. 18. he shortly after lost the battell wherein though himselfe receiued no hurt nor wound yet was hee not therefore quit but being pursued by Gods iust iudgement fell vnwittingly into the snare which he had deserued for as hee rode along the forrest to saue himselfe from his fathers armie his mule carrying him vnder a thicke oake left him hanging by the haire vpon a bow betwixt heauen and earth vntill being found by Ioab hee was wounded to death with many blowes Whereby euery man may plainly see that God wanteth no meanes to punish sinners when it pleaseth him but maketh the dumbe and senslesse creatures instruments of his vengeance for hee that had escaped the brunt and daunger of the battell and yet not hauing therefore escaped the hand of God was by a bruit beast brought vnder a senslesse tree which God had appointed to catch hold of him as an executioner of his iust iudgement which if wee consider is as straunge and wonderfull an accident as may possible happen and yet such an one as God himselfe prouided to punish this wicked proud and rebellious wretch withall for seeing his outrage and villany was so great as to rebell against his father and so good and kind a father towards him as hee was it was most iust that hee should endure so vile a punishment Beside herein God would doubtlesse lay open to the eies of all the world a fearefull spectacle of his iudgements against wicked and disobedient children thereby to terrifie the most impudent and malicious wtetches that liue from this horrible sinne And for the same cause it was his pleasure that that wicked and false Achitophel should fall into extreame ignominy and confusion for forsaking Dauid and setting forward with counsell and presence young Absolom against his father for which cause with despaire he hung himselfe Now by this example it is easie to perceiue how vnpleasant this sinne is in Gods sight and how much he would haue euery man to hate and detest it seeing that nature her selfe teacheth and instructeth vs so farre as to yeeld duty and obedience vnto those that begat nourished and brought vs vp Notwithstanding all this yet is the world full of ill aduised and ill nourtured youth that are little lesse disobedient vnto their parents then Absolom was as Adramalech and Sarasar that slew their father Sennacherib as he was worshipping in the temple of Nisroth his god but whereas they looked for the soueraignty they lost the benefite of subiection and were banished into Armenia their brother Esarhaddon reigning in their stead Gregory of Tours maketh mention of one Crannius the sonne of Clotarius king of France Greg. of Tours 4. booke who hauing conspired treacherously and raised warre against his father togither with the Earle of Britaine his supporter were both vanquished and put to flight but the Earle was slaine in the pursute the Prince himselfe also thinking to escape by sea where lay prouided certaine shippes ready to receiue him was in the midde way ouertaken togither with his wife and children whome hee purposed to make partakers of his fortune and were all togither by the expresse commaundement of his father shut vp in a little house and there burned togither In this wise did Clotarius reuenge the treacherie and rebellion of his sonne after a more seuere cruell and fierce manner then king Dauid did who would haue saued his sonne Absoloms life notwithstanstanding all his wickednes malicious and furious rebellion but this man contrariwise being bereft of all fatherly affection would vse no compassion towards his sonne but commanded so cruell an execution to be perfourmed not only vpon him but vpon his daughter in law also and their children perchance altogither innocent and guiltlesse of that crime A very rare and strange example seeing it is cōmonly seene that grandfathers vse more to cherish and cocker their childrens children than their own Therfore we must thinke that it was the prouidence of God to leaue behind a notable example of his most iust and righteous seueritie against disobedient and rebellious children to the end to amaze and scare all others from enterprising the like Philip Comineus in the reign of Lewis the twelfth chap. 63. Philip Comineus hath recorded the treacherous tragedy of a most wicked and cruel sunne called Adolphus for the world waxeth euery day worse then other that came in an euening suddenly to take his father the Duke of Gilderland prisoner euen as he was going to bed and would not giue him so much liberty as to pull on his hose for he was bare legged but carried him away in all hast making him march on foot without breeches fiue long Almaine miles in a most cold weather and then clapt him vp in the bottome of a deepe tower where there was no light saue by a little window and there kept him close prisoner sixe moneths togither After which cruell fact he himselfe was taken prisoner in like manner and carried bound to Namur where hee lay a long time vntill the Gaunts repriued him forth and led him with them against Tournay where he was slaine in the while of his imprisonment his father yeelding vnto nature disinherited him of all his goods for his vile ingratitude and vnnatural cruelty and left the succession of his dukedome to the Duke of Burgundy In the yeere of our Lord 1461 in a village called Iuchi neere to Cambray Enguerr de Monstr vol. 2. there dwelt a certaine man or rather a beast that in a great rage threw his owne mother out of his dores thrise in one day and the thitd time told her in furie that hee had rather see his house on fire and burnt to coales then that she should abide there but one day longer It happened that the very same day according to his cursed speech his house was indeed fired but how or whence no man could iudge and the fire was so fierce that it consumed to ashes not onely that house but also twelue other houses adioining which was an euident figure of Gods iust iudgement in punishing so vile and vnnaturall a
of meat Fides fit apud Authorem snakes and of sauce serpents to the great terror of his conscience but that which is more one of the serpents leaped in his face and catching hold by his lip hung there till his dying day so that hee could neuer feed himselfe but hee must feed the serpent withall And this badge carried he about as a cognisance of an vnkind and vngratefull sonne Moreouer this is another iudgement of God that cōmonly as children deale with their parents so doe their children deale with them this in the law of proportion is most iust in the order of punishing most vsuall for the proofe wherof as experience daily teacheth so one example or two I wil subioine Theat histor It is reported how a certaine vnkind peruerse son beat his aged father vpon a time and drew him by the haire of his head to the threshold who when he was old was likewise beaten of his sonne and drawne also by the haire of the head not to the threshold but out of dores into the durt and how he should say he was rightly serued if he had left him at the threshold as he left his father and not dragged him into the streets which he did not to his thus did his owne mouth beare record of his impietie his own conscience condemn him before God and men Guiliel Lugdi Another old man being persuaded by his sonne that had married a young wife with faire and sugred promises of kindnesses and contentments to surrender his goods and lands vnto him yeelded to his request and found for a space all thinges to his desire Discipulus de temp but when his often coughing annoied his young and daintie wife hee first remooued his lodging from a faire high chamber to a base vnder roome and after shewed him many other vnkind and vnchildish parts and lastly when the old man asked for clothes hee bought foure elnes of clothes two whereof he bestowed vpon him and reserued the other two for himselfe Now his yoong sonne marking this niggardise of his father towards his grandfather hid the two elles of cloth and being asked why hee hid them whether by ingeniousnesse of wit or instinct of God he answered to the end to reserue them for his father against hee was old to be a couering for him Which answere touched his father so neere that euer after hee shewed himselfe more louing and obsequious to his father then hee did before Two great faults but soone and happily amended Would it might bee an example to all children if not to mitigate yet at least to learne them to feare how to deale roughly and crookedly with their parents seeing that God punisheth sinne with sinne and sinners in their owne kind and measureth the same measure to euerie man which they haue measured vnto others George Lanter de disciplina liberorum The like wee read of another that prouided a trough for his old decrepite vnmannerly father to eate his meat in who being demanded of his sonne also to what vse that trough should serue answered for his grandfather What quoth the child and must wee haue the like for you when you are old Which words so abashed him that hee threw it away forthwith At Millan there was an obstinate and vngodly sonne that whē he was admonished by his mother of some fault which hee had committed made a wrie mouth Theat histor and pointed his fingers at her in scorne and derision Whereat his mother b●ing angrie Mandat 3. Cursing lib. 1. cap. 33. wished that he might make such a mouth vpon the gallows Neither was it a vaine wish for within few daies he was taken with a theft and condemned by law to be hanged and being vpon the ladder was perceiued to wryth his mouth in griefe after the same fashion which hee had done before to his mother in derision Henry the second of that name king of England sonne of Geffrey Plantagenet and Maud the Empresse Stow. chron after hee had raigned twentie yeares was content to admit his yoong sonne Henrie married to Margaret the French kings daughter into participation of his crowne but he like an vnnaturall sonne to requite his fathers loue sought to dispossesse him of the whole for by inciting the King of Fraunce and certaine other Nobles hee tooke armes and raised deadly warre against his owne naturall father betwixt whome diuerse strong battailes being foughten as well in England by the Deputies and friends of both parties as also in Normandie Poytou Guyan and Brittaine the victorie alwaies enclined to the father so that the rebellious sonne with his allies were constrained to bend to his fathers will and to desire peace which hee gently granted and forgaue his offence Howbeit the Lord for his disobedience did not so lightly pardon him but because his hasty mind could not tarrie for the crowne till his fathers death therefore the Lord cut him short of it altogether causing him to die sixe yeares before his father being yet but yoong and like to liue long Languet chron Lothair King of Soyssons in Fraunce committed the rule of the Prouince of Guyan to his eldest sonne Cramiris who when contrary to the mind of his father he oppressed the people with exactions and was reclaimed home hee like an vngratious and impious sonne fled to his vncle Childebert prouoked him to war vpon his owne father wherein he himselfe was by the iust vengeance of God taken burned with wife and children to death Leuit. 20. Furthermore it is not doubtles but to a very good end enacted in the law of God that he which curseth his father or mother shold dy the death that rebellious childrē such as be incorrigable should at the instance and pursute of their owne parents by order of law be stoned to death As children by all these examples ought not onely to learne to feare to displease and reuile their parents but also to fear and reuerence them least that by disobedience they kindle the fire of Gods wrath against thē so likewise on the other side parents are here aduertised to haue great care in bringing vp and instructing their children in the fear of God and obedience to his will least for want of instruction and correction on their part they themselues incurre a punishment of their carelesse negligence in the person of their children And this is prooued by experience of the men of Bethel 2. King 2. of whose children two and fortie were torne in peeces by beares for that they had beene so euill taught as to mocke the holy Prophet Elizeus in calling him bald pate 1. Sam. 2.4 Heli likewise the high Priest was culpable of this fault for hauing two wicked and peruerse sonnes whome no feare of God could restraine being discontent with that honourable portion of the sacrifices allotted them by God like famished and insatiable wretches fell to share
seruants and besieged in the citie Abell his head was cut off by the citizens and throwen ouer the wall as a iust reward for his rebellious act But let vs passe ouer these sacred histories come to prophane yet probable and more neare examples When Camillus besieged the Phalischi Liu. lib. 5. a people in Hitruria neare to mount Floscon a schoolmaster of the citie who had the rule ouer the chiefe mens sonnes both touching instruction and gouernance led them out of the city gates one day in shew to walke but indeed to betray them into Camillus hands which vnfaithfull dealing Camillus did not only mislike but detest refuse thinking it an vnhonest part by such sinister meanes to bring euen his enemies in subiection And therefore reprouing the trustlesse schoolmaster binding his hands behind his backe he gaue euery one of his schollers a rod with commandement to whip him backe vnto their parents whom he had pretended so to deceiue A most noble act in Camillus would we could find the like amongst Christians a most deserued punishment of the schoolemaster would no traitor might be serued better Neither might that worthy Roman repent his deed for the Phalischi in admiration and loue of this notable iustice freely yeelded themselues and their citie to him which otherwise in long time and without great effusion of blood he could not haue atchieued Did Tarpeia the daughter of Sp. Tarpeius speed any better when shee betraied the tower whereof her father was the ouerseer to Tatius king of the Sabines Liu. lib. 1. who at that season besieged Rome vpon condition of a summe of gold or as other writers say of all that the souldiers wore on theit left hands No verily for the Sabines assoone as they had attained their purpose ouerwhelmed her with their left hand gifts to wit their shields and not their rings and bracelets which shee hoped to the end to leaue an example to the posterity how no promise nor oth ought to be of force to traitours to keepe them from punishment Neither did those noble young men of Rome Tit. Liu. amongst whome were the consull Brutus sonnes come to any better issue when they conspired to receiue king Tarquinius into the city by night who by the vertue and valour of their father was worthily expulsed for their secret and wicked counsell being bewraied to the Consuls Iunius and Pub. Valerius by Vindicio a bondslaue they were apprehended hauing letters about them written to Tarquinius to the same effect and being condemned were first shamefully scourged with roddes and after executed to death Thucyd. lib. 1. Pausanius king of Sparta hauing conspited with the Persians against his owne countrey and as it were offered violence to his owne bowels fled into the sanctuarie of Pallas for reliefe Aelian lib. 9. when hee saw the Ephori to go about to call him in question for his treason Now whereas it was religion to take him from thence by violence they agreed to shut him vp there continually and so to pine him to death Which when his mother vnderstood shee was the first person that brought a stone to stoppe vp the dores to hinder him from getting forth and therein shewed a notable example of godly cruelty to her child and cruell pietie to her countrey approouing that saying of Aristippus who beeing demaunded why hee neglected his sonne being borne of his body answered Doe wee not cast from vs lice and flegme which are also bredde of our bodies insinuating that they which haue nothing to commend them to their parents but generation are not to be esteemed as children much lesse they that degenerate When Brennus captaine of the Gaules brother to Belinus and sonne to Molnutius king of Britaine besieged Ephesus a deuilish woman enticed with the iewels which Brennus wore about him betraied the citie into his hands But Brennus detesting this abominable couetousnesse when hee entred the city so loaded her with gold that he couered and oppressed her therewith In like manner Heradamon deliuered vp to the Emperor Aurelian his owne natiue citie Tiana in hope to saue his owne life by betraying his countrey But it fell out quite contrary to his expectation for though Caesar had sworne not to leaue a dogge aliue within the wals because they shut their gates against him and also his souldiers were instant and vrgent vpon his promise Eras in Apoph lib. 6. yet he spared the city and destroied the traitour and quit himselfe of his promise by hanging vp euery dogge in the citie contrary to his owne intent and his armies expectation yet agreeable to his words most correspondent to equitie and true fortitude In the yeere of our Lord 1270 the bishop of Colonea practising to spoile the citie of her priuiledges and reduce it vnder his owne iurisdiction Hermanus Grinu consull and chiefe magistrate withstood his power and authoritie with all his force so that hee could not bring his purpose about Wherefore two Canons belonging to the Bishop sought to vndermine this their enemy by pollicie and to take him out of the way for which end they inuited him in very kind manner to dinner but when he was come they brought him into a yong lyons denne which they kept in honour of the bishop and vnawares shut the dores vpon him bidding him shift for himselfe thinking that it was impossible for him to scape out aliue But the Consull perceiuing in what great danger hee was wrapped his cloake about his left arme and thrusting it into the mouth of the hungry lyon killed him with his right hand and so by the wonderfull prouidence of God escaped without hurt But the two traiterous Canons he caught right soone and hung them at their cathedrall Church gate to their owne confusion and terror of all traitors It was a noble saying and worthy the marking of Augustus Caesar to Rhaemitalches king of Thracia who hauing forsaken Anthony to take part with Augustus boasted very insolently of his deserts towards him then Caesar dissembling his folly dranke to another king and said I loue treason but I can not commend nor trust a traitour The same also in effect Philip of Macedony and Iulius Caesar were wont to say That they loued a traitour at the first but when he had finished his treason they hated him more then any other signifying that traitours deserued no retribution of thankes seeing their office was accepted for a time yet they themselues could neuer be counted lesse than naughty and disloiall persons for no honest man euer betraied his countrey or his friend and what greater punishment can there be than this But for manifest proofe hereof let this one example serue in stead of many namely of Theodoricke king of Francia and Irminfride king of Thuringia Albert. Crantz who being profest foes and hauing fought many cruell battailes at length the latter was conquered of the former by the luckie assistance of the Saxons This Irminfride
fared till king Charles the sixt sent an army of men to his succour Cap. 125 126. for he was his subiect by whose support he ouercame those rebels in a battaile foughten at Rose Be● to the number of forty thousand the body of their chieftaine Philip Arteuill slaine in the throng hee caused to bee hanged on a tree Nic. Gil. vol. 2. And this was the end of that cruell Tragedy the countrie being brought againe into the obedience of their old Lord. A while before this Froiss vol. r. cap. 182. whilest king Iohn was held prisoner in England there arose a great cōmotion of the cōmon people in France against the nobilitie and gentilitie of the realme that oppressed them this tumult began but with an hundred men that were gathered togither in the countrey of Beauvoisin but that small handfull grewe right quickly to an armefull euen to nine thousand that ranged and robbed throughout al Brie along by the riuer Marne to Laonoise and all about Soissons armed with great bats shod with iron an headlesse crue without gouernour fully purposing to bring to ruine the whole nobility In this disorder they wrought much mischief broke vp many houses and castles murdered many Lords so that diuerse Ladies and knights as the Dutchesses of Normandy Orleance were faine to flee for safegard to Meaux whither when these rebels would needes pursue them they were there ouerthrowen killed and hanged by troupes In the yere of our Lord 1525 Sleid. lib. 4. there were certaine husbandmen of Souabey that began to stand in resistance against the Earle of Lupsfen by reason of certaine burdens which they complained themselues to be ouerlaid with by them their neighbors seeing this enterprised the like against their lords And so vpon this small beginning by a certaine contagion there grew vp a most dangerous and fearfull commotion that spread it selfe almost ouer all Almaine the sedition thus increasing in all quarters and the swaines being now full fortie thousand strong making their owne liberty and the Gospels a cloake to couer their treason and rebellion and a pretence of their vndertaking armes to the wonderfull griefe of all that feared God did not only fight with the Romane Catholikes but with all other without respect as well in Souabe as in Franconia they destroied the greater part of the nobility sacked and burnt many castles and fortresses to the number of two hundred and put to death the Earle of Helfestin making him passe through their pikes But at length their strength was broken they discomfited and torne in pieces with a most horrible massacre of more than eighteene thousand of them During this sedition there were slaine on each side fifty thousand men The captaine of the Souabian swaines called Geismer hauing betaken himselfe to flight got ouer the mountaines to Padua where by treason hee was made away In the yeere of our Lord 1517 in the Marquesdome of the Vandales the like insurrection and rebellion was of the comminaltie especially the baser sort against the nobilitie spirituall and temporall by whom they were oppressed with intollerable exactions their army was numbred to stand of ninety thousand men all clownes and husbandmen that conspired togither to redresse and refourme their owne grieuances without any respect of ciuill magistrate or feare of Almightie God This rascality of swaines raged and tyranized euery where burning and beating downe the castles and houses of noble men and making their ruines euen with the ground Nay they handled the noble men themselues as many as they could attaine vnto not contumeliously only but rigorously and cruelly for they tormented them to death and carried their heads vpon speares in token of victory Thus they swaied a while vncontrolled for the Emperour Maximilian winked at their riots as beeing acquainted with what iniuries they had bene ouercharged but when he perceiued that the rude multitude did not limit their fury within reason but let it runne too lauish to the damnifying as well the innocent as the guilty hee made out a certaine small troupe of mercenary souldiers togither with a band of horsemen to suppresse them who comming to a city were presently so inuironed with such a multitude of these swaines that like locusts ouerspread the earth that they thought it impossible to escape with their liues wherefore feare and extremitie made thē to rush out to battel with thē But see how the Lord prospereth a good cause for all their weake number in comparison of their enemies yet such a feare possessed their enemies hearts that they fled like troupes of sheepe and were slaine liee dogs before them insomuch that they that escaped the sword were either hanged by flockes on trees or rosted on spits by fires or otherwise tormented to death And this end befell that wicked rebellious rout which wrought such mischiefe in that countrey with their monstrous villanies that the traces and steppes thereof remaine at this day to be seene In the yeere of our Lord 1381 Stow Chron. Richard the second being king the commons of England and especially of Kent and Essex by meanes of a taxe that was set vpon them suddenly rebelled and assembled togither on Blackheath to the number of 60000 or more which rebellious rout had none but base and ignoble fellowes for their captaines as Wat Tilour Iacke Straw Tom Miller but yet they caused much trouble and disquietnesse in the realme and chiefly about the citie of London where they committed much villanie in destroying many goodly places as the Sauoy and others and being in Smithfield vsed themselues very proudly and vnreuerently towards the king but by the manhood and wisdome of William Walworth Maior of London who arrested their chiefe captaine in the midst of them that rude company was discomfited and the ringleaders of them worthily punished In like manner in the raigne of Henry the seuenth Stow Chron. a great commotiō was stirred vp in England by the commons of the North by reason of a certaine taxe which was leuied of the tenth penny of all mens lands good within the land in the which the Earle of Northumberland was slaine But their rash attempt was soone broken and Chamberlaine their captaine with diuers others hanged at Yorke for the same Howbeit their example scared not the Cornish men frō rebelling vpon the like occasion of a taxe vnder the conduct of the lord Audley vntill by wofull experience they felt the same scourge for the king met them vpon blacke heath and discomfiting their troupes tooke their captains and ringleaders and put them to most worthy and sharpe death Thus we may see the vnhappie issue of all such seditious reuoltings and thereby gather how vnpleasant they are in the sight of God Let all people therefore learne by these experiences to submit themselues in the feare of God to the higher powers whether they be lords kings princes or any other that are set ouer them CHAP. VI. Of Murderers AS
by the Romans after he had made war vpon them six yeares At his returne to Epire he reentred by violence Macedonia tooke many places ouercame the army of king Antigonus that resisted him and had all the whole Realme rendered into his hand Being intreated by Cleominus to make warre vpon Sparta to the end to reinstall him in his kingdome which hee was depriued of forthwith he mustered his forces besieged the city and spoiled and wasted all the whole country Afterwards there being a sedition raised in the city Argos betweene two of the chiefest citizens one of the which sent vnto him for aid hee what issue soeuer was like to ensue whether victorie or vanquishment could not abide in peace from disquieting others and himselfe but must needes goe to take part in that sedition but to his cost euen to his destruction For first in his way hee found an euill-fauoured welcome by an Ambush placed of purpose to interrupt his iourney amongst whom he lost his sonne which mishap nothing dismaied him nor abated any whit of his purpose or courage from pursuing this iourney to Argos though the citizens themselues intreated him to retire and though he had no businesse there saue only to looke ouer the towne being arriued by night finding a gate left open for him to enter by by the means of him that had sent for him to his aid hee put his souldiors in and possessed himselfe of the towne incontinently But the city being aided by Antigonus and the king of Sparta charged and pressed him so sore that he sought meanes to retire out of the same but could not At which time being about ro strike a yoong man of the citie that had done him some hurt his mother being aloft vpon the roofe of an house perceiuing his intent threw downe a tile with both her handes vpon his head and hat him such a knocke vpon the necke through default of his armour that it so brused his ioints that hee fell into a suddaine sound lost his sight his raines falling out of his hand he himselfe tumbling frō his saddle vpō the ground which whē some of the souldiors perceiued they drew him out of the gate there to make an end of the tragedy cut off his head The cruelty of the Ephori was maruellous strange when being vnwilling once to heare the equality of lands and possessions to be named Plutarch which Agis their king for the good of the Common-wealth according to the ancient custome and ordinance of Licurgus sought to restore they rose vp against him cast him in prison and there without any processe or form of law strāgled him to death with his mother grandfather But it cost them very deare for Cleomenes who was ioint king with Agis albeit he had consented to the weauing of that web himselfe to the end hee might raigne alone yet ceased hee not to prosecute reuenge vpon them which hee did not only by his daily vsual practises openly but also priuily for taking them once at auantage being at supper all togither he caused his men to kill thē sodainly as they sat And thus was the good king Agis reuenged But this last murderer which was soullied and polluted with so much blood he went not long vnpunished for his misdeeds for soone after Antigonus king of Macedonia gaue him a great ouerthrow in a battaile wherein hee lost Sparta his chiefe citie and fled into Aegypt for succour where after small abode vpon an accusation laid against him he was cast into prison and though he scaped out with his company by cunning craft yet as he walked vp down Alexandria in armour in hope that through his seditious practises the citizens would take his part helpe to restore him to his liberty when he perceiued it was nothing so but that euery man forsooke him that there was no hope left of recouerie he commanded his men to kill one another as they did In which desperate furie and rage he himselfe was slaine and his body being found was commanded by king Ptolomy to be hanged on a gibbet and his mother wiues and children that came with him into Aegypt to bee put to death And this was the tragicall end of Cleomenes king of Sparta Alexander the tyrant of Pheres neuer ceased to marke spie out al occasions of war against the people of Thessaly Plutarch to the end to bring thē generally in subiectiō vnder his dominiō he was a most bloody cruel minded mā hauing neither regard of reason or iustice in any action In his cruelty he buried some aliue others he clothed in beares bores skins then set dogs at their tailes to rent thē in peeces others he vsed in way of pastime to strike through with darts and arrows And one day as the inhabitāts of a certain city were assembled togither in counsel he caused his guard to inclose thē vp sodainly to kil them all euen to the very infants He slew also his owne vncle and crowned the speare wherewith he did that deed with garlands of flowers and sacrificed vnto him being dead as to a god Now albeit this cruell Tygre was guarded continually with troopes of souldiors that kept night day watch about his body wheresoeuer hee lay and with a most ougly terrible dog vnacquainted with any sauing himselfe his wife and one seruant that gaue him his meat tied to his chāber dore yet could he not escape the euill chance which by his wiues meanes fell vpon him for shee taking away the staires of his chamber let in three of her owne brethren prouided to murder him as they did for finding him asleep one took him fast by the heeles the other by the haire wringing his head behind him and the third thrust him through with his sword shee all this while giuing them light to dispatch their businesse The citizens of Pheres when they had drawn his carcasse about their streets trampled vpon it their bellies full threw it to the dogs to bee deuoured so odious was his very remembrance among them Iugurth son to Manastabal brother to Micipsa Salust king of Numidia by birth a bastard for he was born of a cōcubine yet by nature disposition so valiant full of courage that he was not only beloued of al men but also dearly esteemed of by Micipsa that he adopted him ioint heir with his sons Adhorbal Hiempsal to his crowne kindly admonishing him in way of intreaty to continue the vnion of loue concord without breach betweene them which he promised to performe But Micipsa was no sooner deceased but he by by not content with a portion of the kingdome ambitiously sought for the whole For which cause he found means first to dispatch Hiempsall out of his way by the hands of his guard who in his lodging by night cut his throat and then by battaile hauing vanquished Adherbal his other brother
obtained the sole regiment without controlment Besides hee corrupted so by bribes the Senators of Rome that had soueraigne authority in and ouer his kingdome that in stead of punishment which his murder cried for he was by the decree of the Senat allotted to the one halfe of the kingdome Wherevpon being growne yet more presumptuous hee made excursions and riots vpon Adherbals territories and did him thereby much iniurie and from thence falling to open war put him to flight and pursued him to a citie where hee besieged him so long till hee was constrained to yeeld himselfe And then hauing gotten him within his power put him to the cruellest death he could deuise which villanous deed gaue iust cause to the Romanes of that warre which they vndertooke against him wherein he was discomfited and seeing himselfe vtterly lost fled to his sonne in law Bochus king of Mauritania to seeke supply of succour who receiuing him into safegard prooued a false guard vnto him and deliuered him into the hands of his enemies and so was he carried in triumph to Rome by Marius fast bound being come to Rome cast into perpetual prison where first his gowne was torne off his back by violence next a ring of gold pluckt off his eare lap and all and lastly himselfe starke naked throwne into a deep ditch where combating with famine six daies the seuenth miserably ended his wretched life according to the merits of his misdeeds Orosius saith he was strangled in prison Oros Sabel Treason lib. 2. cap. 3. Methridates king of Parthia put to death the king of Cappadocia to get his kingdome and after vnder pretence of parlying with one of his sons slew him also for which cause the Romanes tooke vp the quarrell and made warre vpon him by means whereof much losse and inconuenience grew vnto him as well by sea as by land After his first ouerthrow where one of his sisters was taken prisoner and when he saw himselfe in so desperate a case that no hope of helpe was left he slew two other of his sisters with two of his wiues hauing before this war giuen his fourth sister who also was his wife a dram of poison to make vp the tragedie Afterward beeing vanquished in the night by Pompey the Romane and put to flight with onely three of his company as hee went about to gather a new supply of forces behold tidings was brought him of the reuolt of many of his Prouinces and countries and of the deliuering vp of the rest of his daughters into Pompeis hand and of the treason of his yoong sonne Pharnax the gallantest of his sonnes and whome hee purposed to make his successour who had ioined himselfe to his enemie which troubled and astonished him more then all the rest so that his courage being quite dashed and all hope of bettering his estate extinguished his other two daughters he poysoned with his owne handes and sought to practise the same experiment vpon himselfe but that his body was too strong for the poison and killed the operation thereof by strength of nature but that which poyson could not effect his owne sword performed Though Pompey the great was neuer any of the most notorious offenders in Rome Pl●tarch yet did this staine of cruelty ambition and desire of rule cleaue vnto him for first he ioining himselfe to Silla dealt most cruelly vnnaturally with Carbo whom after familiar conference in shew of friendship hee caused sodainly to be slaine without shew of mercie And with Quintius Valerius a wise and well lettered man with whome walking but two or three turnes hee committed to a cruel and vnexpected slaughter He executed seuere punishment vpon the enemies of Silla sepecially those that were most of note and reputation and vnmercifully put Brutus to death that had rendered himselfe vnto his mercie It was he that deuised that new combate of prisoners and wild beasts to make the people sport withall a most inhumane and bloodie pastime to see humane and manly bodies torne and dismembred by brute and sencelesse creatures which if we will beleeue Plutarch was the only cause of his destruction Now after so many braue gallant victories so many magnificent triumphs as the taking of king Hiarbas the ouerthrow of Domitius the conquest of Africa the pacifying of Spaine and the ouerwelding of the commotions that were therein the clearing of the sea coasts from Pyrates the victory ouer Methridates the subduing of the Arabians the reducing of Siria into a prouince the cōquest of Iudea Pontus Armenia Cappadocia Paphlagonia I say after all these worthy deeds of armes and mighty victories he was shamefully ouercome by Iulius Caesar in that ciuil war wherin it was generally thought that hee had vndertaken the better cause in maintaining the authority of the Senat defēding the liberty of the people as he pretended to do being thus put to flight making towards Aegypt in hope the king for that before time hee had ben his tutor would protect furnish him that he might recouer himselfe again he found himself fo far deceiued of his expectation that in stead thereof the kings people cut him short of his purpose of his head both at once sending it for a token to Caesar to gratifie him withall Neuerthelesse for all this his murderers betraiers as the yong king all others that were causers of his death were iustly punished for their cruelty by the hands of him whom they thought to gratifie for as Cleopatra the kings sister threw her selfe downe at Caesars feet to intreat her portion of the kingdome and he being willing also to shew her that fauor was by that meanes gotten into the kings pallace forthwith the murderers of Pompey beset the pallace went about to bring him into the same snare that they had caught Pompey in But Caesar after that he had sustained their greatest brunt frustrated their purposes recouered his forces into his hands assailed them with such valor prowesse on al sides that in short space he ouercame this wicked traiterous nation Amongst the slain the dead body of this young and euill aduised king was found ouerborn with durt Flor. lib. 4. Theodotus the kings schoolemaster by whose instigation and aduise both Pompey was slaine and this war vndertaken being escaped fled towards Asia for his safety found euen there sufficient instruments both to abridge his iourney shortē his life As for the rest of that murdering felowship they ended their liues some here some there in that merciles element the sea and by that boisterous element the wind which though senslesse yet could not suffer them to escape vnpunished Although that Iulius Caesar concerning whom more occasion of speech will be giuen in the 39 chapter did tyranously vsurpe the key of the Romane common-wealth Plutarch intruded himselfe into the Empire against the lawes customs and authority of the people and Senat yet was it accounted a
most traiterous and cruell part to massacre kill him in the Senat as he sate in his seat misdoubting no mishap as the sequele of their seuerall ends which were actors in this tragedy did declare Treason lib. 2. cap 3 4. Plutarch for the vengeance of God was so manifestly displaied vpon them that not one of the conspirators escaped but was pursued by sea and land so eagerly till there was not one left of that wicked cr●e whome reuenge had not ouertaken Cassius being discomfited in the battell of Philippos supposing that Brutus had beene also in the same case vsed the same sword against himselfe a marueilous thing wherwith before he had smitten Caesar Brutus also a few daies after Eutrop. when a fearfull vision had appeared twice vnto him by night vnderstanding therby that his time of life was but short though he had the better of his enemies the day before yet threw himselfe desperately into the greatest danger of the battel for his speedier dispatch but hee was reserued to a more shamefull end for seeing his men slaine before him he retired hastily apart from view of men setting his sword to his breast threw himselfe vpon it piercing him through the body and so ended his life And thus was Caesars death reuenged by Octauius and Anthony who remained conquerours after all that bloodie crew was brought to naught betwixt whome also ere long burst out a most cruell deuision which grew vnto a furious and cruell battaile by sea wherein Anthony was ouercome and sent flying into Aegypt and there taught his owne hands to be his murderers And such was the end of his life who had beene an actor in that pernicious office of the Triumuirship and a causer of the deaths of many men And for asmuch as Cleopatra was the first motiue and setter on of Anthony to this warre it was good reason that shee should partake some of that punishment which they both deserued as she did for being surprised by her enemies to the intent she might not be carried in triumph to Rome she caused an aspe to bite her to death Marke here the pitifull Tragedies that following one another in the necke were so linckt together that drawing and holding ech other they drew with them a world of miseries to a most woful end a most transparent and cleare glasse wherein the visages of Gods heauy iudgements vpon all murderers are apparently deciphered CHAP. VIII Other examples like vnto the former AFter that the Empire of Rome declining after the death of Theodosius was almost at the last cast ready to yeeld vp the ghost Procopius and that Theodorick king of the Gothes had vsurped the dominion of Italy vnder the Emperour Zeno he put to death two great personages Senators chiefe citizens of Rome to wit Simmachus and Boetius onely for secret surmise which he had without probabilty that they two should weaue some slie web for his destruction After which cruell deed as he was one day at supper a fishes head of great bignesse being serued into the table purposing to bee verie merry sodainly the vengeance of God assailed amazed oppressed pursued him so freshly that without intermission or breathing it sent his body a sencelesse trunk into the graue in a most strange maruelous maner for he was conceited as himselfe reported that the fishes head was the head of Simmachus whom hee had but lately slaine which grinned vpon him seemed to face him with an ouerthwart threatning angrie eie wherewith hee was so scarred that forthwith hee rose from the table and was possessed with such an exceeding trembling icie chilnesse that ran through all his ioints that he was constrained to take his chamber go to bed where soone after with griefe fretting displeasure he died He committed also another most cruell and traiterous part vpon Odoacer whom inuiting to a banquet he deceitfully welcommed with a messe of swords in stead of other victuals to kill him withall that hee might sway the Empire alone both of the Gothes and Romans without check It was not without cause that Attila was called the scourge of God Iornand Greg. de Tours for with an army of 500 thousand mē he wasted and spoiled al fields cities villages that he passed by putting al to fire and sword without shewing mercie to any on this manner hee went spoiling through France and there at one time gaue battaile to the vnited forces of the Romans Vice-Gothes Frenchmen Sarmatians Burgundians Saxons and Almaignes after that he entred Italy tooke by way of force Aquilea sacked and destroied Millan with many other cities and in a word spoiled all the countrie in fine being returned beyond Almaigne hauing married a wife of excellent beautie though he was well wiued before hee died on his marriage night sodainly in his bed for hauing well caroused the day before hee fell into so dead asleepe that lying vpon his backe without respect the blood which was often wont to issue at his nosethrils finding those cōduites stopped by his vpright lying descended into his throat stopped his wind And so that bloody tyrant that had shed the blood of so many people was himselfe by the effusion of his owne blood murdered and stifled to death Ithilbald king of Gothia at the instigation of his wife put to death very vnaduisedly one of the chiefe peeres of his realm after which murder as he sat banquetting one day with his princes enuironed with his guard other attendants hauing his hand in the dish and the meat betweene his fingers one sodainly reached him such a blow with a sword that it cut off his head so that it almost tumbled vpon the table to the great astonishment of all that were present Greg. of Tours lib. 3. histor Sigismund king of Burgundy suffered himselfe to bee caried away with such an extreame passion of choler prouoked by a false and malicious accusation of his second wife that hee caused one of his sonnes which hee had by his former wife to bee strangled in his bed because hee was induced to thinke that hee went about to make himselfe king which deed being blowne abroad Clodomire sonne to Clodo●ee and Clotild king of Fraunce and cousin German to Sigismund Refer this properly to lib. 2. cap. 11. came with an armie for to reuenge this cruell and vnnaturall part his mother setting forward and inciting him thereunto in regard of the iniurie which Sigismunds father had done to her father and mother one of whome hee slew and drowned the other As they were readie to ioine battaile Sigismunds souldiours forsooke him so that hee was taken and presently put to death and his sonnes which hee had by his second wife were taken also and carried captiue to Orleance there drowned in a well Thus was the execrable murder of Sigismund his wife punished in their owne children As for Cleodomire though hee went conquerour from this
battaile yet was hee encountred with another desastrous misfortune for as hee marched forward with his forces to fight with Sigismunds brother he was by him ouercome and slain and for a further disgrace his dismembred head fastened on the top of a pike carried about to the enterview of all men Hee left behind him three yoong sonnes whom his owne brethren and their vncles Clotaire and Childebert notwithstanding their yong tender yeares tooke from their grandmother Clotildes custodie that brought them vp as if they would enstall them into some part of their fathers kingdome but most wickedly and cruelly to the end to possesse their goods lands signiories bereft them al of their liues saue one that saued himselfe in a monestarie In this strange monstrous act Clotaire shewed himselfe more then barbarous when hee would not take pitty vpon the youngest of the two being but seuen yeare old who hearing his brother of the age of tenne yeares crying pittifully at his slaughter threw himselfe at his vncle Childeberts feet with teares desiring him to saue his life wherewith Childebert being greatly affected entreated his brother with weeping eies to haue pitty vpon him and spare the life of this poore infant but al his warnings and entreaties could not hinder the sauadge beast from performing this cruell murder vpon this poor child as he had done vpon the other The Emperour Phocas attained by this bloody means the emperiall dignity Nicephor lib. 18. cap. 58. euen by the slaughter of his Lord maister Mauricius whom as he fled in disguised attire for feare of a treason pretended against him hee being beforetime the leiutenant general of his army pursued so maliciously hotely that he ouertook him in his flight for his further griefe first put all his childrē seuerally to death before his face that euery one of thē might be a seuerall death vpon him before he died and then slew him also This murderer was hee that first exalted to so high a point the popish horn whē at the request of Boniface he ordained that the bishop of Rome shold haue preheminence authority oueral other bishops which he did to the end that the stain blame of his most execrable murder might be either quite blotted out or at least wincked at Vnder his regencie the forces of the Empire grew wonderously into decay France Spaine Almaigne and Lumbardy reuolted from the Empire and at last himselfe being pursued by his sonne in law Priscus with the Senators vvas taken and hauing his handes and feet cut off was togither with the whole race of his ofspring put to a most cruel death because of his cruell and tyrannous life Among all the strange examples of Gods iudgements that euer were declared in this world that one that befell a king of Poleland called Popiell for his murders is for the strangenesse thereof most worthy to bee had in memory hee raigned in the year of our Lord 1346 this man among other of his particular kinds of cursings and swearing whereof he was no niggard vsed ordinarily this oth If it bee not true would rats might deuour me Munst Cosmog Mandat 3. Cursing lib. 1. cap. 32. prophecying thereby his owne destruction for hee was deuoured euen by the same means which hee so often wished for as the sequele of his historie will declare The father of this Popiell feeling himselfe neare death resigned the gouernment of his kingdome to two of his brethren men exceedingly reuerenced of all men for the valor and vertue which appeared in them He being deceased and Popiell being growne vp to ripe and lawfull yeares when hee saw himselfe in full libertie without all bridle of gouernment to doe what he listed he began to giue the full swindge to his lawlesse and vnruly desires in such sort that within few daies he became so shamelesse that there was no kind of vice which appeared not in his behauior euen to the working of the death of his owne vncles for all their faithfull dealing towards him which hee by poyson brought to passe Which being done he caused himself forthwith to be crowned with garlands of flowers and to bee perfumed with pretious ointments and to the end the better to solemnize his entrie to the crowne commanded a sumptuous and pompous banket to be prepared wherevnto all the princes and lords of his kingdome were inuited Now as they were about to giue the onset vpon the delicate cheare behold an army of rats sallying out of the dead and putrified bodies of his vncles set vpon him his wife and children amid their dainties to gnaw them with their sharp teeth insomuch that his guard with all their weapons strength were not able to chase them away but being weary with resisting their daily mightie assaults gaue ouer the battaile wherfore counsell was giuen to make great coale fires round about them that the rats by that meanes might bee kept off not knowing that no pollicy or power of man was able to withstand the vnchangeable decree of God for for all their huge forces they ceased not to run through the midst of them and to assault with their teeth this cruell murderer Then they gaue him counsaile to put himselfe his wife children into a boat and thrust it into the middest of a lake thinking that by reason of the waters the rats would not approch vnto thē But alasse in vain for they swum through the waters amaine gnawing the boat made such chinckes into the sides thereof that the water began to run in which being perceiued of the boatmen amazed them sore and made them make post hast vnto the shore where he was no sooner arriued but a fresh muster of rats vniting their forces with the former encountred him so sore that they did him more scath then all the rest Wherevpon all his guard and others that were there present for his defence perceiuing it to be a iudgement of Gods vengeance vpon him abandoned and forsooke him at once who seeing himselfe destitute of succour and forsaken on all sides flew into a high tower in Chousuitze whether also they pursued him and climing euen vp to the highest roome where he was first eat vp his wife and children shee being guilty of his vncles death and lastly gnew and deuoured him to the very bones After the same sort was an Archbishop of Mentz called Hatto Munsteer Cosmographie punished in the year 940 vnder the raigne of the Emperour Otho the great for the extreame cruelty which he vsed towards certaine poore beggers whom in time of famine he assembled together into a great barne not to releeue their wants as he might ought but to rid their liues as he ought not but did for hee set on fire the barne wherein they were and consumed them all aliue comparing them to rats mise that deuoured good corne but serued to no other good vse Mandat 8. Auarice and vnmercifulnesse But God
that had regard and respect vnto those poor wretches took their cause into his hand to quit this prowd prelate with iust reuenge for his outrage committed against thē sending towards him an army of rats mise to lay siege against him with the engines of their teeth on all sides which when this cursed wretch perceiued he remoued into a tower that standeth in the midst of Rhine not far from Bing whether he presumed this host of rats could not pursue him but he was deceiued for they swum ouer Rhine thick threefold got into his tower with such strange fury that in very short space they had consumed him to nothing In memorial wherof this tower was euer after called the tower of rats And this was the tragedy of that bloody archbutcher that compared poor Christian soules to brutish base creatures and therfore became himselfe a prey vnto them as Popiel king of Poleland did before him In whose strange exāples the beams of Gods iustice shine forth after an extraordinary wonderfull maner to the terror feare of all men when by the means of small creatures he made roome for his vengeāce to make entrance vpon these execrable creature murderers notwithstanding al mans deuises impediments of nature for the natiue operation of the elements was restrained frō hindering the passage of them armed inspired with an inuincible supernatural courage to feare neither fire water nor weapon till they had finished his command that sent them And thus in old time did frogs flies grashoppers and lice make warre with Pharoa at the command of him that hath all the world at his beck After this Archbishop in the same ranke of murderers we find registred many Popes of all whome the notorious and markable are these two Innocent the fourth and Boniface the eight who deserued rather to be called Nocents Malefaces than Innocents Boniface for their wicked peruerse liues for as touching the first of them from the time that hee was first installed in the Papacy he alwaies bent his horns against the Emperor Fredericke fought with him with an army not of men but of excommunications cursings as their manner is seeing that all his thundering buls and canons could not preuaile so far as hee desired hee presently sought to bring to passe that by treason which by force he could not for hee so enchanted certain of his houshold seruants with foule bribes and faire words Hieron Marius that when by reason of his short draught the poison which he ministred could not hurt him hee got thē to strangle him to death Moreouer he was chiefe sower of that war betwixt Henry Lantgraue of Thuring whom he created king of the Romans Conrade Fredericks son wherein hee reaped a crop of discomfitures ouerthrows after which he was found slain in his bed his body being full of black marks as if he had ben beaten to death with cudgels Concerning Boniface Baleus after he had by subtle crafty means made his predecessor dismisse himselfe of his Papacy and enthronized himselfe therein hee put him to death in prison and afterward made war vpon the Gibilines and committed much crueltie wherefore also he died mad as we heard before But touching the murderers of Popes and their punishments for the same wee shall see more in the 43 chapter following whether the examples of them are referred that exceeding in all kind of wickednesse cannot bee rightly placed in the treatise of any particular commandement CHAP. XIX Other memorable examples of the same subiect IF wee descend from antiquities to histories of later fresher memory we shall find many things worthy report and credit as that which happened in the year 1405 betwixt two gentlemen of Henault Eguerron de monstr vol. 1. the one of which accused the other for killing a near kinsman of his which the other vtterly and stedfastly denied wheron duke William county of Henault offered thē the cōbat in the city of Quesney to decide the cōtrouersie by when as by law it could not be ended wherevnto they being come hauing broken their speares in two incountred valiantly with their swords at length hee that was charged with indeed guilty of the murder was ouercome of the other and made to confesse with his mouth in opē audience the truth of the fact Wherefore the County adiudged him in the same place to bee beheaded which was speedily executed and the conqueror honourably conducted to his lodging Now albeit this maner of deciding controuersies be not approued of God yet we must not thinke it happened at aladuentures but rather that the issue therof came of the Lord of hosts that by this means gaue place to the execution of his most high soueraign iustice by manifesting the murderer bringing him to that punishmēt which he deserued Eguerron de monstr vol. 1. About this very time there was a most cruel outragious riot practised performed vpō Lewis duke of Orleance brother to Charles the sixt by the complot deuise of Iohn duke of Burgundy who as he was naturally haughty ambitious went about to vsurpe the gouernmēt of the realm of France for that the king by reason of weaknesse of his braine was not able to manage the affairs therof so that great trouble vnciuil wars were growne vp by that occasion in euery corner of the realme As therfore he affected and gaped after the rule so he thought no means dishonest to attain vnto it and therfore his first enterprise was to take out of the way the kings brother who stood betwixt him and home Hauing therfore prouided fit champions for his purpose hee found oportunity one night to cause him to come out of his lodging late by counterfait tokens from the king as if hee had sent for him about some matters of importance and being in the way to S. Pauls hostle where the kings lodging was in Paris the poore prince suspecting nothing was sodainly set vpō with eighteen roisters at once with such fury violence that in very short space they left him dead vpō the pauement by the gate Barbet his braines lying scattered about the street After this detestable and odious act committed and detected the cruell Burgundian was so farre from shaming that he vaunted and boasted at it as if he had atchieued the most valorous and honourable exploit in the world so farre did his impudencie outstretch the bond of reason Neuerthelesse to cast some counterfait colour vpon this rough practise he vsed the conscience and fidelitie of three famous diuines of Paris who openly in publicke assemblies approoued of this murder saying That he had greatly offended if hee had left it vndone About this deuise hee emploied especially M. Iohn Petit a Sorbonist doctor whose rashnes and brasen-facednes was so great as in the counsell house of the king stoutly to auerre that that which was done in the death of
the duke of Orleance was a vertuous and commendable action and the authour of it to be void of fault and therefore ought to be void of punishment The preface which this braue oratour vsed was That he was bounden in duty to the duke of Burgundy in regard of a goodly pension which he had receiued at his hands and for that cause he had prepared his poore tongue in token of gratitude to defend his cause Hee might better haue said thus That seeing his tongue was poore and miserable and he himselfe a senslesse creature therfore he ought not to allow or defend so obstinately such a detestable and traiterous murder committed vpon a Duke of Orleance and the same the kings brother in such vile sort and that if hee should do otherwise he should approoue of that which God and man apparantly condemned yea the very Turkes and greatest Painyms vnder heauen that he should iustify the wicked condemne the innocent which is an abomination before God should put darknes in stead of light and call that which is euill good for which the Prophet Esai in his 1 chapter denounceth the iudgemēts of God against false prophets should follow the steps of Balaam which let out his tongue to hire for the wages of iniquity but none of these supposes came once into his mind But to returne to our history The duke of Burgundy hauing the tongues of these braue doctors at his commaundement and the Parisians who bore themselues partially in this quarrel generally fauourers of his side came to Paris in armes to iustifie himselfe as he pretended and stroke such a dreadfull awe of himselfe into all mens minds that notwithstanding all the earnest pursuit of the Duchesse the widow of Orleance for iustice he escaped vnpunished vntill God by other meanes tooke vengeance vpon him which happened after a while after that those his complices of Paris being become lords and rulers of the city had committed many horrible and cruell murders as of the Constable and Chancellour two head officers of the realme whose bodies fast bound togither they drew naked through the streets from place to place in most despitefull maner for the Daulphin escaping their hands by night and safeguarded in his castle after that hee heard of the seasure of the citie found meanes to assemble certaine forces and marched to Montereaufautyon with twenty thousand men of purpose to be reuenged on the Duke for all his braue riotous demeanors hither vnder colour of parling deuising new means to pacifie these old ciuill troubles he enticed the duke being come at his very first arrtuall as he was bowing his knee in reuerence to him he caused him to be slaine And on this manner was the duke of Orleance death quitted the euill and cruelty shewed towards him returned vpon the murderers owne necke for as hee slew him treacherously cowardly so was hee also treacherously and cowardly slaine and iustly requited with the same measure that he before had measured to another Treason lib. 2. cap. 3. notwithstanding herein the Daulphin was not free from a grieuous crime of disloialtie truth breach in working his death without shame of either faith-breach or periury and that in his owne presence whom he had so often with protestation of assurance and safety requested to come vnto him Neither did hee escape vnpunished for it for after his fathers decease hee was in danger of loosing the crowne and all for this cause For Philip duke of Burgundy taking his fathers reuēge into his hands by his cunning deuises wrought meanes to displace him from the succession of the kingdome by according a marriage betwixt the king of England and his sister to whome he in fauour agreed to giue his kingdome in reuersion after his owne decease Now assoone as the king of England was seased vpon the gouernment of Fraunce the Daulphin was presently summoned to the marble table to giue answer for the death of the old duke whither when he made none appearance they presently banished him the realme and pronounced him to be vnworthy to be succeeder to the noble crowne which truly was a very grieuous chastisement and such an one as brought with it a heape of many mischiefes and discomfitures which happened in the warre betwixt England and him for the recouery of his kingdome Peter sonne to Alphonsus king of Castill Froiss lib. r. hist was a most bloodie and cruell tyrant for first hee put to death his owne wife the daughter of Peter duke of Burbone and sister to the Queene of France Next he slue the mother of his bastard brother Henry togither with many Lords and Barons of the realme for which he was hated not only of all his subiects but also of his neighbour and adioyning cuntries which hatred mooued the aforesaid Henry to aspire vnto the crowne which what with the Popes aduouch who legitimated him and the helpe of certaine French forces and the support of the nobility of Castill he soone atchieued Peter thus abandoned put his safest-guard in his heeles and fled to Bordeaux towards the Prince of Wales of whome he receiued such good entertainment that with his aid he soone reentred his lost dominions and by maine battell chased his bastard brother out of the confines thereof But being reinstalled whilst his cruelties ceased not to multiply on euery side behold Henry with a new supply out of France began to assaile him afresh and put him once againe to his shifts but all that hee could doe could not shift him out of Henries hands who pursued him so hotly that with his owne hands he soone rid him out of all troubles and afterwards peaceably enioyed the kingdome of Castill CHAP. X. Of diuers other murderers and their seuerall punishments MAximinus from a shepheard in Thracia grew to be an Emperor in Rome by these degrees his exceeding strength and swiftnes in running commended him so to Seuerus then Emperour that he made him of his guard from that hee arose to be a Tribune and at last to be an Emperour which place he was no sooner in possession of but immoderate crueltie all this while buried began to shew it selfe for he made hauocke of all the nobilitie and put to death those that hee suspected to be acquainted with his estate insomuch as some called him Cyclops some Busiris others Anteus for his cruelty Wherfore the Senat of Rome seeing his indignity proclaimed him an enemy to their commonwealth and made it lawfull for any man to procure his death which being knowen his souldiers lying at the siege of Aquileia mooued with hatred entred his tent at noone day and slew him and his sonne togither Iustinian the younger no lesse hatefull to his subiects for his cruelty than Maximinus was deposed from the Empire by conspiracie and hauing his nosthrils slit exiled to Chersona Leontius succeeding in his place Howbeit ere long hee recouered his crowne and scepter and returned to
Constantinople exercising more cruelty at his returne then euer hee had done before him for he not only put to death Leontius and Tiberius but also all that any way fauoured their parts It is said of him that he neuer ●●●w his mangled nose but he caused one of them to be executed to death At last he was slaine by Philippicus to verifie the word of the Lord That he which striketh with the sword shall perish with the sword Albonius king of Lumbardy drinking vpon a time to his wife Rosimund in a cup made of her fathers skull whome he in battaile had slaine so displeased her therewith that shee attributing more to naturall affection then vnity of marriage decreed with her selfe to hazard life and kingdome to be reuenged vpon this grieuous iniury wherefore shee thus practised A knight called Hemichild was enamoured with one of her maids him she brought into a secret darke place by pollicie in shew to enioy his loue but indeed to be at her commaund for shee supplied his loues place and then discouering her selfe put it to his choise either to kill her husband or to be accused by her of this villany Hemichild chose the former and in deed murdered his lord in his bed and after the deed done fled with her to Rauenna But marke how the Lord requited this murder euen most strangely for they both which had beene linkt togither in the fact were linkt togither also in the punishment and as they had beene ioynt instruments of anothers destruction so he made them mutuall instruments of their owne for Rosimund thinking to poison him too made him drinke halfe her medicine but he feeling the poison in his veines staied in the midway and made her sup vp the other halfe for her part so they died both togither The Electors of the Empire disagreeing in suffrages Munst cos●n Philip. Melan. lib. 5. Adolphus duke of Nassauia Albertus duke of Austria tooke vpon them the regiment and managing of the state whereupon grewe grieuous warres in all Germany and dissention betweene the two statemen so that Adolphus was slaine by the duke of Austria in battaile by the city of Spire whose death was thus notably reuenged All that tooke part against him or that were accessary to the murder perished most strangely Albert Earle of Hagerloch was slaine Otto of Ochsensteme hanged the bishop of Mentz died suddenly of an apoplexie in his sellar the bishop of Stratsbrough was butchered by a butcher the Earle of Leimingen died of a phrensie the duke of Austria himselfe was slaine by his nephew Iohn from whome he had taken the gouernment of Sueuia because of his vnthriftinesse generally they all came to destruction so grieuous is the crie of innocent blood against those that are guiltie thereof After the death of Woldimirus king of Rhythenia his son Berisus succeeded in the kingdome Treason lib. 2. cap. 3. who though hee was a vertuous and religious prince yet could not his vertue or religion priuiledge him from the malice of his brother Suadopolcus who gaping and itching for the crowne slue his brother this good prince as he was sleeping in his chamber togither with his Esquire that attended vpon him Chron. Pol. lib. 2. cap. 10. and not content herewith but adding murder to murder he assaulted another of his brethren by the same impiety and brought him to the same end Whereupon the last brother Ior●slaus to be reuenged on this villany set vpon him with an army of men and killing his complices droue him to flie to Crachus king of Polonia for succour who furnishing him with a new army sent him backe against his brother in which battell his successe being equall to his former he lost his men and himselfe escaping the sword died in his flight to Polonia and was buried in a base and ignoble sepulchre fit enough for so base ignoble a wretch And that we may see how hatefull and vngodly a thing it is to be either a protectour or a sauer of any murderer marke the iudgement of God that fell vpon this king of Polonia though not in his owne person yet in his posterity Treason lib. 2. cap. 3. for he being dead his eldest sonne and heire Crachus was murdered by his younger brother Lechus as they were hunting so disguised and torne that euery man imputed his death not to Lechus whose eies dropt crocadiles teares but to some sauadge and cruell beast Howbeit ere long his treachery being discouered and disseised of his kingdome hee died with extreame griefe and horrour of conscience And thus wee see that Crachus his kingdome came to desolation for maintaining a murderer Iohn the high priest of Ierusalem sonne and successour to Iudas had a brother tearmed Iesus to whome Bagoses the lieuetenant of Antaxerxes army promised the priesthood Ioseph an●iq Iudaic. l. r 1. c 7 meaning in deed to depose Iohn and install him in his roome vpon which occasion this Iesus growing insolent spared not to reuile his brother that in the temple with immodest opprobrious speeches so that his anger being prouoked Profanatiō of holy things lib. 1. cap. 34. hee slue him in his rage a most impious part for the high priest to pollute the holy temple with blood that of his owne brother and so impious that the Lord in iustice could not choose but punish the whole natiō for it most seuerely For this cause Bagoses imposed a tribute vpon them euen a most grieuous tribute that for euery lambe they offered vpon the altar they should pay fifty groats to the king of Persia besides the prophanation of their temple with the vncircumcised Persians who entred into it at their pleasures and so polluted the sanctuary and holy things of God this punishment continued vpon them seuen yeeres and all for this one murder Gerhardus Earle of Holsatia after he had conquered the Danes in many and sundry battailes Treason lib. 2. cap. 3. was traiterously slaine in the city Kanderhusen by one Nicolaus Iacobus a rich Baron so that whome the open enemie feared in the field him the priuie subtill foe murdered in his chamber But the traitour and murderer albeit he fled to the castle Schaldenburg and got a band of soldiers to defend himselfe yet he was surprised by the Earls sonnes who tormenting him as became a traitor to be tormented at last rent his body into foure quarters and so his murder and treason was condignly punished Aboue all the execution of Gods vengeance is most notably manifested in the punishment and detection of one Parthenius an homicide treasurer to Theodobert king of France Greg. of Tours lib. 3. cap. 36. who hauing traiterously slaine an especiall friend of his called Ausanius with his wife Papianilla when no man suspected or accused him thereof hee detected and accused himselfe after this strange manner As hee slept in his bed suddenly hee roared out most pitifully crying for helpe or else hee perished
Austria Greg. of Tours lib 2. who being tickled with an vnsatiable lust of raigne through the deceiuable persuasions of Cleodouius king of Fraunce slew his father Sigebert as he lay asleepe in his tent in a forrest at noone time of the day who being weary with walking laid himselfe downe there to take his rest but for all that the wicked wretch was so farre from attaining his purpose that it fell out cleane contrarie to his expectation for after his fathers death as hee was vewing his treasures and ransacking his coffers one of Cleodouius factors stroke him sodainly and murdered him so Cleodouius seased both vpon the crowne and treasures After the death of Hircanus Ioseph antiq Aristobulus succeeded in the gouernmēt of Iudea which whilest he stroue to reduce into a kingdome to weare a crown contrary to the custome of his predecessors his mother other brethren contending with him about the same he cast in prison and took Antigonus his next brother to be his associate but ere long a good gratefull son he famished her to death with hunger that had fed him to life with her teates euen his naturall mother And after persuaded with false accusations caused his late best beloued Antigonus to be slain by an ambush that lay by Stratos tower because in the time of his sicknesse hee entered the temple with pompe but the Lord called for quittance for the two bloosheads immediatly after the execution of them for his brothers blood was scarse washed of the ground ere in the extremity of his sicknesse he was carried into the same place there vomiting vp bloud at his mouth nosthrils to be mingled with his brothers he fell down starke dead not without horrible tokens of trembling and despaire Nero that vnnaturall Tyrant surpassed all that liued Corn. Tacit. lib. 14. as in all other vices so in this for hee attempted thrise by poyson to make away his mother Agrippina and when that could not preuaile by reason of her vsuall Antidots and preseruatiues hee assaied diuerse other meanes as first a deuise whereby shee should bee crushed to death as she slept Sueton. cap. 33. a loosened beame that should fall vpon her and secondly by shipwracke both which when shee escaped the one by discouery and the other by swimming hee sent Anicetus the Centurion to slaughter hir with the sword who with his companions breaking vp the gate of the city where shee lay rushed into her chamber and there murdered her It is written of her that when shee saw there was no remedy but death shee presented her belly vnto the murderer and desired him to kill her in that part which had most deserued it by bringing into the world so vile a monster and of himt hat he came to veiw the dead carcasse of his mother and handled the members thereof commending this and discommending that as his fancy led him in the mean time being thirstie to call for drinke so far was hee from all humanitie and touch of nature but he that spared not to embrew his handes in her blood that bred him was constrained ere long to offer violence vnto his own life which was most dear vnto him Munst Cosmog lib. 3. Henry the son of Nicolotus duke of Herulia had two wicked cruell and vnkind sons by the yonger of whom with the consent of the elder he was traiterously murdered because he had married a third wise for which cause Nicolotus their cousin Germane pursued them both with a iust reuenge for he depriued them of their kingdome and droue them into exile where they soone after perished Phil. Melanct. chron lib. 5. Munst Cosmog lib. 4. Selimus the tenth Emperour of the Turks was so vnnaturall a child that he feared not to dispossesse his father Baiaset of the crowne by treason and next to bereaue him of his life by poyson And not fatisfied therewith euen to murder his two brethren and to destroy the whole stocke of his own bloud But when hee had raigned eight yeares vengeance found him out and being at his backe so corrupted and putrified his reines that the contagion spread it selfe ouer all his bodie so that hee died a beast-like and irkesome death and that in the same place where hee had before oppressed his father Baiaset with an army to wit at Chiurle a citty of Thracia in the yeare of our Lord 1520 the month of September Casp Hedian lib. 6. cap. 29. Charles the younger by surname called Crassus sonne to Lodouick the third was possessed and tormented with a Deuill in the presence of his father and the peeres of the realme which hee openly confessed to haue iustly happened vnto him because hee had pretended in his mind to haue conspired his fathers death and deposition what then are they to expect that doe not pretend but performe this monstrous enterprise A certaine degenerate and cruel sonne longing and gaping after the inheritance of his father which nothing but his life kept him from wrought this meanes to accomplish his desire he accused his father of a most filthy and vnnameable crime euen of committing filthinesse with a cow knowing that if he were conuicted thereof Theat hist the law would cut off his life and herein he wrought a double villany in going about not onely to take away his life which by the law of nature he ought to haue preserued but also his good name without respecting that the staine of a father redoundeth to his posteritie Mandat 8. Calumniatiō lib. 2. cap. and that children commonly doe not only inherit the possessions but also imitate the conditions of their parents but all these supposes laid aside togither with all feare of God he indicted him before the magistrate of incest that vpon his owne knowledge insomuch that they brought the poore innocent man to the racke to the end to make him confesse the crime which albeit amidst his tortures he did assoone as he was out he denied againe howbeit his extorted confession stood for euidence and he was condemned to be burned with fire as was speedily executed and constantly endured by him exclaiming still vpon the false accusation of his sonne and his owne vnspotted innocencie as by the issue that followed most clearely appeared for his sonne not long after fell into a reprobate mind and hanged himselfe and the iudge that condemned him with the witnesses that bare record of his forced confession within one moneth died all after a most wretched and miserable sort And thus it pleased God both to reuenge his death and also to quit his reputation and innocency from ignominy and discredit in this world Manfred prince of Tarentum Phil Melanct. Chron. lib. 4. No better fruit to be expected of an● bastard im● bastard sonne to Fredericke the second smothered his father to death with a pillow because as some say he would not bestow the kingdom of Naples vpon him not content
same cup which his predecessors did he was taken in his own snare for Darius vnderstanding his pretence made him drinke vp his owne poyson which he prouided for him and thus murder was reuenged with murder and poyson with poyson Exod. 22.24 according to the decree of the almighty who sayth Eie for eie tooth for tooth c. In the yeare of the world 3659 Morindus a most cruell and bloodie minded Prince raigned here in England who for his cruelties sake came to an vnhappie and bloodie end Stow. for out of the Irish seas came foorth a monster which destroied much people whereof he hearing would of his valiant courage needs fight with it and was deuoured of it so that it may truly here bee said that one monster deuoured another There was as Elianus Elianus reporteth a cruell and pernicious Tyrant who to the end to preuent all practises of conspiracie and treason as Tyrants are euer naturally and vpo● desert timorous that might bee deuised against him enacted this law among his subiects that no man should conferre with another either priuately or publickely vpon paine of death and so indeed hee abrogated all ciuill societie for speech as it was the beginning and birth of fellowship so it is the very ioint and glew therof but what cared he for society that respected nothing but his owne safety hee was so far from regarding the common good that when his subiects not daring to speake signified their minds by signes hee prohibited that also and that which is yet more when not daring to speake nor yet make signes they fell to weeping lamenting their misery he came with a band of men euen to restrain their teares too but the multitudes rage being iustly incensed they gaue him such a desperate welcome that neither he nor his fellowes returned one of them aliue And thus his abhominable cruelty came to an end together with his life and that by those meanes which is to be obserued by which hee thought to preserue and maintaine them both Childericus who in the yeare 697 succeeded in the kingdome of Fraunce Theodoricke that for his negligence and sluggish gouernment was deposed and made of a king a Frier exercised barbarous and inhumane cruelty vpon his subiects Michael Rit l b. 1. de regibus Franc. Lib. 2. cap. 46. For hee spared neither noble nor ignoble but mixtly sent them to their graues without respect of cause or iustice One of the noble sort hee caused to bee fastened to a stake and beaten with clubs not to death but to chastisement which monstrous cruelty so incensed the peoples mind against him that there wanted no handes to take part with this clubbeaten man against the tyrant his enemie Wherfore they laid wait for him as hee came one day from hunting and murdered him togither with his wife great with child no man either willing or daring to defend him Tymocrates the king or rather tyrant of the Cyrenians wil giue place to none in this commendation of cruelty for hee ●fflicted his subiects with many and monstrous calamities ●nsomuch that hee spared not the priests of his gods which commonly were in reuerent regard among the Heathen as the bloody death of Menalippus Apolloes Priest did witnesse whome to the end to marry his faire and beautiful wife Aretaphila hee cruelly put to death howbeit it prospered not with him as he desired for the good woman not contented with this sacrilegious contract sought rather meanes to reuenge her first husbands death than to please this new lechers humour Wherefore she assaied by poyson to effect hir wish and when that preuailed not she gaue a young daughter shee had to Leander the tyrants brother to wife who loued her exceedingly but with this condition that hee should by some practise or other worke the death and destruction of his brother Which indeed hee performed for hee so bribed one of the groomes of the tyrants chamber that by his helpe he soone rid wicked Tymocrates out of the way by a speedy deserued death But to abridge these long discourses let vs looke into all times and ages and to the hystories of all countries and nations and we shall find that tyrants haue euer co●● to one destruction or other Diomedes the Thracian king fed his horses with mans flesh as with prouender Plut. in Dion but was made at last prouender for his owne horses himselfe by Hercules Calippus the Athenian that slew Dian his familiar friend and deposed Dionisius the Tyrant and committed many other murders among the people was first banished Rheginum and then liuing in extreame necessity Philip. Melanct. lib. 3. Valemar slaine by Leptines and Polyserchon Clephes the second king of the Lumbardies for his sauadge cruelty towards his subiects was slaughtered by one of his friends Damasippus that massacred so many citizens of Rome was cut off by Silla Ecelinus that plaied the tyrant at Taurisium gelding boies deflouring maides maiming Matrones of their dugs cutting children out of their mothers bellies and killing 1200 Patauians at once that were his friendes Sabel lib. 8. c. 3. was cut short in a battaile In a word if wee read and consult hystories of all countries and times wee shall find seldome or neuer any notorious Tyrant and oppressor of his subiects that came to any good end but euer some notable iudgement or other fell vpon them CHAP. XXIII Of those that are both cruell and disloiall NOw if it bee a thing so vnworthy and euill beseeming a Prince as nothing more to bee stained with the note of cruelty how much more dishonourall is it when with crueltie disloialtie and falshood is coupled and when hee is not ashamed not onely to play the Tyrant but also the traitor dissembler and Hypocrite to the end hee may more freely poure out the fome of his rage against those that put confidence in him This is one of the foulest and vilest blots that can bee wherewith the honour and reputation of a man is not onely stained but blasted and blotted out not euer to bee recouered for what persuasion can one haue of such Or who is so fond as to put affiance in them 2. Sam. 18. This was one of the notorious vices of king Saul when maligning the prosperity of Dauid hee cunningly promoted him to bee generall of his army and married him to one of his daughters to this end that by exposing him to the hazards and perrils of warre hee might bring him to speedy destruction seeking besides other vnlawfull meanes to put him to death by but what was the end of this vniust murderer wee haue declared in the former chapter But aboue all that by Treason and deceit made way vnto their cruelty Herodian the Emperour Antonius surnamed Caracalla was the chiefe who to reuenge himselfe more at full vpon the Citizens of Alexandria in Aegypt faigne as if hee would come see their city built by Alexander and receiue an
as the earth was corrupted and polluted with abundance of sinne so God sent abundance of water to purge and clense away the filthinesse thereof as at the latter day hee will send fire to purifie and refine heauen and earth from their dregs and restore them to their first and purest estate And thus God reuenged the extortion and crueltie of that age But yet for all this those sinnes were not then so defaced and rooted vp but that they be burnished againe and grown in time to as big a Bulke for euen at this day the greatest part of the world is giuen to practise fraud and deceit and by vnlawfull meanes to encroch vpon others goods which subtleties though they desire neuer so to disguise and cloke yet will they euer bee condemned reputed kinds of theft before God now as some are of greater power and authority than others in the world so answerable to their selues is the qualitie of their sinnes and by consequence the punishment the greater of power the greater theeues and the greater iudgement for if a poor man through pouerty and necessity cutteth a purse of stealeth any other trifle be culpable how much more culpable shall he that is rich bee that vsurpeth the goods of his neighbor Draco the lawgiuer of Athens appointed death to be the punishment of theft Solon mitigated that rigor and punished it with double restitution The Locrians put out his eies that had stolen ought from his neighbour The Hetrurians stoned them to death The Scythians abhorred thē more than all creatures because they had a communitie of all things except their cups The Vacceians vsed such seuerity towards this kind of men that if one had taken but a handfull of corne he was sure to die for it Marcus Fabius being Censor condemned his own son Bute● to death being apprehended for theft Tiberius the Emperor punished a souldior after the same manner for stealing a Peacock in sum there was no Cōmonwealth wherin this sin was not highly detested sharply punished except the Lacedemonian where it was permitted and tollerated for their exercise of warlike discipline It was a rash and seuere Theat histor yet as it proued a iust ded of Tamburlaine that mightie tyrant and conqueror of Asia when a poore woman complained to him of one of his souldiors that had taken from her a little milke and a peece of cheese without paiment he caused the souldiors belly to be ripped to see whither shee had falsly accused him or no and finding the milke in his stomacke adiudged him worthy of that punishment for stealing from so poore a woman When Theophilus raigned Emperour in the East there was a certaine souldiour possessed of a very gallant and braue horse which his captaine by all meanes possible sought to get from him Zonar Annal. 3. but he would not in any case part with him wherefore hee put him forth of pay and tooke his horse from him by force and sent him for a present to the Emperour Theophilus now it chanced that this poore souldiour was slaine in the battaile for want of his horse and his wife and children left destitute of succour insomuch that through necessity shee was constrained to flie to Constantionple and to complaine to the Emperour of the iniury done vnto her husband with this resolution entring the citie she met the Emperour riding vpon her husbands horse and catching the horse bridle chalenged him not onely for stealing the horse but also being the cause of her husbands death The Emperour wondering at the womans boldnesse examined her more narrowly and found out the whole practise of that wicked captaine whom he banished presently his Empire and bestowed his possession in recompence vpon the distressed widdow Ibicus the Poet being set vpon by theeues when hee saw that they would not only spoile him of his money but of his life also he cried for help and reuenge to the cranes that flew ouer his head a while after as these murdering theeues sat togither in the market place the same cranes appearing vnto them in the aire they whispered one another in the eare and said yonder flie Ibicus reuengers which though secretly spoken yet was ouerheard so that they being examined and found guiltie were put to death for their paines The like story Martin Luther Luther reporteth touching a trauailer only differing in this that as cranes detected the former so crows laid open the latter Albert. Krantz lib. 10. cap. 7. In the yeare 1384 when as al Saxony was so infested with theeues that no man could trauaile safely in the countrie the Princes calling a councill set downe this order That not only the theeues themselues should be seuerely punished but all that did protect or harbor any of them which decree whē as Theodorick countie of Weringrode impugned the body of the councill sent for him and adiudged him to a most cruell and shamefull death Cranth lib. 10. cap. 30. In the year 1410 Henry duke of Luneburge a most iust seuere prince went about to purge his country from all thefts robberies insomuch as the least offence cōmitted in that kind he suffered not to goe vnpunished now it happened as the Duke went towards Luneburge hee sent before him one of his chiefest officers to prouide necessaries against his comming who riding ●●thout a cloake the weather being cold entreated a ploughman to lend him his cloke till his returne which whē the clown refused to do he took it without leaue but it cost him his life for it for the ploughman awaited the dukes comming and directed his complaint vnto him on this maner What auaileth it O noble prince to seek to suppresse the outrage of theeues spoilers when as the chiefest officers dare commit such things vncontrolled as the lieutenant of Tzela hath but now taken frō memy cloke the duke hearing this complaint considering the cause dissembled his councill till his returne backe from Luneburge vnto the same place where calling for his leiutenant and rating him for his iniury he commanded him to be hanged vpon a tree a wonderfull seueritie in iustice and worthy to be commended for what hope is it to root out small and pettie theeues if we suffer grand theeues to goe vncorrected There is another kind of theft practised of them that be in authority who vnder the title of confiscation assume vnto themselues stollen goods and so much the readilier by how much the value of the things amounteth to more worth an action altogither vniust and contrary to both diuine and humane law which ordaine to restore vnto euery man his own truly he that in steed of restitution with holdeth the good of his neighbour in this manner differeth no more from a theefe than that the one stealeth boldly without feare the other timorously and with great danger and what greater corruption of Iustice can there be then this For who would follow the law vpon a theefe when
it is grounded vpon reason and equitie we find no permission giuen to kings to vse the goods of other men at their pleasures for that was far from equity neither was there any such liberty bestowed vpon them by those that first in the beginning exalted them to that degree of dignity but rather as diuers worthy authors auouch their owne vertues vnd good behauiour which woon them credit amongst the better sort installed them first vnto that honor Cic. lib. 3. de legibus Aug. de ciuitat Dei lib. 4. c. 6. And truely there is nothing more rightfull and iust in mans societie than that euery one should possesse and enioy that which is his owne in peace and quietnesse without disturbance or violence in which respect also rules of iustice are established called lawes which no good kings will euer seeke to stand against They are indeed lords of the earth as some say and truly but so that their lordships stretch no further than right and passe not the rule of equity and notwithstanding the proprietie of goods and possession remaineth vntouched Lib. 7. c. ● 5. de benefictis To kings saith Seneca pertaineth the soueraignty ouer all things but to priuat men the proprietie Tiberius Caesar being sollicited by the gouernours of the prouinces to lay heauier tributes and leuy larger subsidies from his people made though a Painym this notable answer That a good shepheard ought to sheare his sheepe not to flea them Saint Lewes that good king amongst all his otherwise and vertuous exhortations which he gaue vnto his sonne before his death this was none of the least nor last Nic. Gil. That he should neuer craue any taxe or subsidie of his subiects but vpon vrgent necessitie and very iust cause and that if he did otherwise hee should not be reputed for a king but for a tyrant CHAP. XXXVII Of those that haue vsed too much crueltie towards their subiects in Taxes and Exactions IT is cleare then by these foresaid assumptions that a king may not impose vpon his subiects vnmeasurable taxes and subsidies least hee make himselfe guiltie of extortion the roote and fountaine many times of many great mischiefes and inconueniences and in very deed from whence oftener changes seditions and ruines of common-wealths haue proceeded than from any other cause beside What happened to Roboam king of Israel for shewing himselfe too rigorous on this behalfe to his subiects but the defection of the greater part of his kingdome from him for being come to the crowne after the death of his father Salomon when the people came and made a supplication to him to be eased from his fathers burdens hee despising the counsell of his sage and ancient counsellours 1. King 12. and following the giddy aduise of his young companions gaue them a most sharpe and soure reply saying That if his father had laid a heauie yoke vpon them hee would encrease it and if hee had chastised them with rods he would correct them with scourges which when they of Israel heard they reuolted from him all saue the two tribes of Iuda and Beniamin and stoned to death his collectours and chose them another king to rule ouer them thus Roboam was depriued of ten parts of his kingdome thorough his own vnaduised tyranny and fled all amazed vnto Ierusalem where he liued all his daies without recouery of the same Achaeus king of Lydia was hanged vp against a hill and his head throwne into a riuer running by because of the great subsidies which he exacted of his people Plutarch apo●h Reg. Dionysius the first of that name a notorious and renowmed tyrant not only in regard of his exceeding cruelty but also of his vniust rackings and exactions was so violent in that practise of doing wrong that albeit he well knew the griefes and vexations of the people that ceased not to complaine and lament their case continually yet hee diminished not their burdens but multiplied them more and more and suckt and gnew out all that euer hee could vntill hee left them naked empty and dispoiled to conclude this grand theefe that durst not trust his wife nor owne daughters Frog lib. 21. after he had bene discomfited by the Carthaginians was slaine by his seruants Of the Romane Emperours that most vexed the comminalty with tributes and taxes these three were chiefe Caligula Nero and Caracalla of whome this latter did most pill and pull the people and would often say Dion Xiph. That the gold siluer of the kingdome pertained in right to none but him being reprooued of his mother at a time for his immoderate excessiue expences saying That there was almost not so much more treasure left as he had alreadie spent hee made her this answer That shee should take no care for that for as long as his hand was able to wield his sword which hee held naked before her hee would not want money This is the sword which many now adaies after the example of Caracalla haue taken vp to cut out by force and violence a way to their owne wils and to cut the throat of equitie iustice and to compell the poore people to forgoe their goods and surrender them into their hands Now how odious and hatefull these three were made vnto the people by their owne wicked demeanours their miserable ends do sufficiently testifie which we haue already before mentioned and meane afterward more at large to speake of The Emperour Constance sonne to Constantine whose father was Heraclius cōming at a time out of Greece to Rome Fulgos lib. 9. cap. 4. abode there but fiue daies but in that short space committed so much outrage in ransacking the temples and other publike places and carrying away so many rich ornaments and pictures whereof those places then abounded that in mans remembrance noforraine barbarous enemy hauing taken the city by force of warre euer went away with the like spoile besides hee did so oppresse the allies and tributaries of the Empire and chiefly the Siciliens with taxes and imposts that many of them were constrained to sell their children for money to satisfie his extortion and by this meanes he scraped togither an infinit masse of rapins and euill gotten goods but enioyed the sweet of them not very long for very soone after hee was murdered by his owne men of warre in his returne out of Sicilie and all that spoile which he had vniustly surprised was suddenly taken and transported into Africa by the Saracens that then inhabited the city Panorme Lewis the eleuenth king of France after hee had ouercharged his subiects with too grieuous burdens of paiments and taxes fell into such a timerous conceit feare of death as neuer any man did the like hee attempted all meanes of auoiding or delaying the same as first during his sicknesse he gaue his phisition monethly ten thousand crownes by that meanes to creepe into his fauour wherein hee beeing in all other
contenteth at the first but it infecteth all his possessions sucketh out the marrow of them ere it be long Seing thē it is so abhominable both by the law of God and nature let vs shun it as a toad and flie from it as a cockatrice but when these persuasions will not serue let them turne their eies to these examples following wherin they shal see the manifest indignations of God vpon it In the Bishopricke of Coline a notable famous Vsurer lying vpon his death bed readie to die mooued vp and downe his chops and his lips as if hee had beene eating something in his mouth D s●ipul de tempor● and being demaunded what hee ear hee answered his money and that the Deuill thrust it into his mouth perforce so that hee could neither will nor choose but deuour it in which miserable temptation he died without any shew of repentance The same Author telleth of another Vsurer that a little before his death called for his bags of gold and siluer and offered them al to his soule vpon condition it would not forsake him but if hee would haue giuen all the world it could not ransome him from death wherefore when hee saw there was no remedie but hee must needes die hee commended his soule to the deuill to bee carried into euerlasting torments which wordes when hee had vttered hee gaue vp the ghost Another Vsurer being ready to die made this his last Will and testament My soule quoth he I bequeath to the Deuill who is owner of it my wife likewise to the Deuill who induced mee to this vngodly trade of life Iohannes Auglus and my Deacon to the Deuill for soothing me vp and not reprouing me for my faults and in this desperate persuasion he died incontinently Vsurie consisteth not onely in lending and borrowing but in buying and selling also and all vniust and craftie bargaining yea and it is a kind of Vsurie to detaine through too much couetousnesse those cōmodities from the people which concerne the publicke good and to hoord them vp for their priuate gaine till some scarsitie or want arise and this also hath euermore ben most sharply punished as by these examples may appeare About the yeare 1543 at what time a great famine and dearth of bread afflicted the world there was in Saxony a countrie peasant that hauing carried his corne to the market and sold it cheaper than hee looked for as hee returned homewards hee fell into most heauie dumpes and dolours of mind with greife that the price of graine was abated and when his seruants sang merrily for ioy of that blessed cheapenesse hee rebuked them most sharpely and cruelly yea and was so much the more tormented and troubled in mind by how much the more he saw any poore soule thankfull vnto God for it but marke how God gaue him ouer to a Reprobate and desperate sence Whilest his seruants rode before hee hung himselfe at the cart taile being past recouery of life ere any man looked backe or perceiued him A notable example for our English cormorants who ioine barne to barne and heap to heap and will not sell nor giue a handfull of their superfluitie to the poore when it beareth a low price but preserue it til scarsity and want come and then they sell it at their owne rate let them feare by this least the Lord deale so or worse with them Another couetous wretch when hee could not sell his corne so deare as hee desired said the mise should eat it rather then he would lessen one iot of the price thereof which words were no sooner spoken but vengeance tooke them for all the mise in the countrie flocked to his barnes and fields so that they left him neither standing nor lying corne but deuoured all this story was written to Martin Luther Luther vpon occasion whereof hee inueighing mightilie against this cruell vsurie of husbandmen told of three misers that in one yeare hung themselues because graine bore a lower price than they looked for adding moreouer that all such cruell and muddie extortioners deserued no better a doome for their vnmercifull oppression D. Pomeranus Another rich farmer whose barnes were full of graine and his stackes vntouched was so couetous withall that in hope of some dearth and dearenesse of corne hee would not deminish one heape but hoorded vp daily more and more and wished for a scarsitie vpon the earth to the end hee might enrich his coffers by other mens necessities this cruell churle reioiced so much in his abundance that euery day hee would goe into his barnes and feed his eies with his superfluity now it fell out as the Lord would that hauing supped drunke very largely vpon a night as hee went according to his custome to view his riches with a candle in his hand behold the wine or rather the iustice of God ouercame his senses so that hee fell downe sodainely into the mow and by his fall set on fire the corne being drie and easie to be incensed in such sort that in a moment all that which he had scraped togither and preserued so charily and delighted in so vnreasonably was consumed and brought to ashes and scarce hee himselfe escaped with his life Another in Mifina in the yeare 1559 hauing great store of corne hoorded vp refused to succour the necessitie of his poore and halfe famished neighbours Iob. Flucel li. 2. for which cause the Lord punished him with a strange and vnusuall iudgement for the corne which hee so much cherished assumed life and became feathered soules flying out of his barns in such abundance that the world was astonished thereat and his barnes left emptie of all prouision in most woonderfull and miraculous maner No lesse strange was that which happened in a Towne of Fraunce called Stenchansen to the gouernour of the Towne The same author who being requested by one of his poore subiects to sell him some corne for his money when there was none to be gotten els where answered hee could spare none by reason hee had scarce enough for his owne hogs which hoggish disposition the Lord requited in it owne kind for his wise at the next litter brought forth seuen pigs at one birth to increase the number of his hogs that as he had preferred filthy ougly creatures before his poore brethren in whome the image of God in some sort shined forth so hee might haue of his owne getting more of that kind to make much of since he loued thē so well Equall to all the former both in cruelty touching the person and miracle touching the iudgement The same was that which is reported by the same author to haue happened to a rich couetous woman in Marchia who in an extreame dearth of vittailes denied not onely to relieue a poore man whose children were ready to starue with famine but also to sell him but one bushel of corne when ●e wanted but a penny of hir price
heauen with all his strength behold the dagger vanished away and fiue drops of blood distilled vpon the table before them and without all delay the deuill came in place and carried away that blasphemous wretch with such force and noise that the whole citie was amazed and astonished thereat the other two halfe beside themselues with feare stroue to wipe away the drops of blood out of the table but the more they wiped it the more clearely it appeared the rumour of this accident flew into the city and caused the people to flocke thicke and threefold vnto the place where they found the other two gamsters washing the boord whome by the decree of the Senat they bound with chaines and carried towards the prison but as they passed with them through a gate of the citie one of them was stroken suddenly dead in the midst of them with such a number of lice and wormes creeping out of him that it was both wonderfull and lothsome to behold the third they themselues without any further inquisition or triall to auert the indignation which seemed to hang ouer their heads put incontinently to death the table they tooke and preserued it for a monument to witnes vnto posterity both how an accursed a pastime dicing is and also what great inconueniences and mischiefes grow thereby But that wee may see yet more the vanity mischieuous working of this sport I will report one story more out of the same author though not equall to the former in strangenesse and height of sinne yet as tragicall and no lesse pitifull Iob. ●incel lib. 2. In the yeere 1550 their liued in Alsatia one Adā Steckman one that got his liuing by trimming pruning dressing vines this man hauing receiued his wages fell to dice lost all that he had gotten insomuch that he had not wherwith to norish his family so that he fell into such a griefe of mind withall into such paines of the head that hee grew almost desperate withall one day his wife beeing busie abroad left the care of her children vnto him but he tooke such great care of them that he cut all their throats euen three of them whereof one lay in the cradle and lastly would haue hanged himselfe had not his wife come in in the meane while who beholding this pitifull tragedy gaue a great outcry and fell downe dead whereupon the neighbours running in were eie witnesses of this wofull spectacle as for him by law hee was iudged to a most seuere and cruell punishment and all these pitiful euents arose from that cursed root of dice-play Wee ought therefore to learne by all these things that haue bene already spoken to abstaine not only from this cursed pastime but also from extortion robberies deceit guile and other such naughty practises that tend to the hurt and detriment of one another and in place thereof to procure the good and welfare of each one in all kindnes and equitie following the Apostles counsel where he saith Let them that stole steale no more Ephes 4.28 but rather trauaile by labouring with his hands in that which is good that hee may haue wherewith to succour the necessitie of others for it is not enough not to do euill to our neighbour but we are tied to doe him good or at least to endeauour to doe it CHAP. XLII Of such as haue bene notorious in all kind of sinne WEe haue seene by these foreplaced examples These exāples of this chapter may be referred to all the commaundements for the most part how heauy the iudgements of God haue beene vpon those that through the vntamednesse of their owne lusts and affections would not submit themselues vnder the holy and mighty will of God but haue countremanded his commandements and withstood his precepts some after one sort and some after another now because there haue beene some so wicked and wretched that being wholly corrupted and depraued they haue ouerflowed with all maner of sinne and iniquitie and as it were maugred God with the multitude and hainousnesse of their offences wee must therefore spend some time also in setting forth their liues and ends as of the most vile and monstrous kind of people that euer were In this ranke wee may place the ancient inhabitants of the land of Canaan an irreligious people void of all feare and dread of God and consequently giuen ouer to all abominable wickednesse as to couiurings witchcrafts and vnnameable adulteries for which causes the Lord abhorring and hating them did also bring them to a most strange destruction for first and formost Iericho the frontier citie of their country being assaulted by the Israelites for bindering their progresse into the countrey were all discomfited not so much by Iosuah his sword as by the huge stones which dropped from heauen vpon their heads and least the night ouerraking them should breake off the small and full destruction of this cursed people the day was miraculously prolonged the sunne made to rest himselfe in the midst of heauen the space of a whole day so these fiue kings hiding themselues in a caue were brought but their necks made a footstoole to the captains of Israel were hanged on fiue trees Semiramis queene of Assyria was a woman of an ambitious spirit Sabell who through her thirst of raigning counterfaited her sexe and attired her selfe like a man to get more authority and reuerence to her selfe shee was the destruction of many thousand people by the vniust warre which the stirred vp besides that shee was a notorious strumpet and withall a murderer of those that satisfied her lust for still as they came from her bed some lay priuily in watch to kill them least they should bewray her villany yea and it is reported that shee was so vile and past shame that shee sollicited her owne soone to commit incest with her who in detestation of her filthinesse raised a power against her and conquering her in one great battaile caused her to be put to death The tyrant Periander vsurped the gouernment ouer Corinth Sabell after he had slaine the principall of the city hee put to death his owne wife to the end to content and please his concubine nay and was so execrable as to lie with his owne mother he banished his naturall sonne and caused many children of his subiects to be gelded finally fearing some miserable and monstrous end and want of sepulchre in conscience of his misdeeds hee gaue in charge to two strong and hardie souldiers that they should guard a certaine appointed place and not faile to kill the first that came in their way and to bury his body being slaine now the first that met them was himselfe who offered himselfe vnto them without speaking any word and was soone dispatched and buried according to his commaundement but these two were encountred with foure other whome hee also had appointed to doe the same to them which they had done to him
betoke him to flight and hid himselfe in an outway amongst thornes and bushes which with great paine hauing past through being weary of his life he threw himselfe downe into a pit foure foot deep and when he could get none of his men to lay their hands vpon him he desperately and miserably slew himselfe Vitellius for the murders and other outragious misdeedes which he committed Sueton. was taken in his shirt drawn through the streetes with a halter about his necke and his handes bound behind him and the point of a dagger vnder his chin the people casting durt and dung vpon him in detestation and calling him make-bate and seditious villaine with other opprobrious reproches and at last being massacred with many blowes was drawne with a hooke into Tiber like a carrion Domitian was a cruell enemy of the Christians Sueton. hee reiected his owne wife to take a new and being couertly reprooued by Heluidius for the same in a play of the diuorce of Paris and Enon which he presented vnto him he put him to death for his labor many worthie Senators and chiefe men and such as had borne the office of the Consull without iust cause giuen of reprehension were murdered by him he spared not his owne bloud and neerest allies no nor his own brother Titus but what with poyson and sword destroied them all to confusion But in the end when hee saw that the world hated him for his outragious cruelties he consulted with the Astrologians and coniurers what death did wait for him one of the which amongst the rest told him that he should be slaine and that very shortly wherewithall being sore troubled hee first caused him that had prognosticated this euill vnto him to be slaine then hee compassed himselfe with a strong guard and to the end to see them that should come neare he made his gallerie wals where hee walked of such a kind of glistering and shining stone that he might see in them all about him both behind and before when the day and houre which was forecalculated for his death was come one of the conspiratours came in with his left arme in a scarfe as if hee had beene sore hurt feigning that he would bewray the whole treason which he so much feared and being entred his chamber presented him with a long discourse in writing touching the matter and manner of the conspiracie and when in reading the same hee saw him most astonished then he tooke occasion to strike him suddenly into the belly with his dagger his owne seruants making vp the murder when they saw him go about to resist and thus by all his wisdome and prouidence he could not rid himselfe from being surprised nor hinder the execution of Gods iust fore-appointed iudgement And these were the ends of those wicked Emperours who in regard of their vile liues were rather monsters then men and not only they whome we haue named but many moe also as Antonius Caracalla Heliogabalus and other like may be worthily placed in this ranke Tigellinus one of the captaines of Neros guard a chiefe procurer and setter forward of his tyrannie was the cause of the death of many great personages in Rome and being enriched by their spoile and other such like robberies after the death of Nero whome in his extremity he forsooke plunged himselfe and wallowed in all manner of licencious and disordinate delights now though he was worthy of a thousand deaths for his cruelties towards many good citizens yet by the meanes of one Iunius the Emperour Galba his chiefe minion whose fauour he had by great summes of mony bought and obtained for he gaue vnto his daughter at one time fiue and twenty thousand crownes and to himselfe at another a carknet worth fifteene thousand crownes for a present hee was spared and kept in safetie but as soone as Otho was installed in the Empire his downfall and destruction began presently to follow for Otho to the end to gratifie the Romans sent to apprehend him who was then in his houses of pleasure in the field banketting and sporting with his harlots and vsing all manner of riot albeit by reason of a deadly disease which was vpon him he was euen at deaths dore When he saw himselfe thus taken and that no meanes of escape was left no not by the vessels which he had prepared at the sea shore for purpose if need were to conueigh him away that hee which had commission to take him would giue him no aduantage of escaping though he offered him great rewards for the same he entreated only leisure to shaue his beard before he went which being granted he tooke a rasour and in stead of shauing cut his owne throat CHAP. XLIII More Examples of the same argument HIeronymus a true tyrant of Cicile Tit. Livius inured and fashioned to all pride and of most corrupt and rotten manners began right after the death of his father Hiero that left him a peaceable and quiet kingdom to shew foorth his arrogancie for hee quickely made himselfe fearefull to his subiects both by his stately and proud manner of speech as also by the hardnes of accesse vnto him togither with a kind of disdainfull contempt of all men but most of all did the inward pride of his heart appeare when he had gotten a guard about his body for then hee ceased not to bait bite and deuoure and to exercise all kind of cruelty against euery man and all kind of riot and excesse of filthinesse against himselfe so that hee became so odious and contemptible to his subiects that they conspired against him to depriue him both of his life and kingdome which conspiracie though it came to light yet for all that wanted not his due effect for after hee had through listening to false reports put to death vniustly his truest and dearest friends and those that would indeed haue helped him in his necessitie both with good aduise other succour he was surprised as he walked in a narrow and straight way and there cruelly murdered Now there was one Andronodorus his brother in law that aspiring to the crowne had corrupted his manners and thrust him forward to all these misdemeanours to the end by those practises he might make him odious to his people that by that meanes he might obtaine his owne purpose as indeed he did for after his death hee seazed vpon the scepter though with no long enioyance for through the troubles and commotions which were raised in the countrey by his meanes both hee his wife and whole race togither with the whole progenie of Hieronymus whether innocent or guiltie were all vtterly rooted out and defaced Andronicus was one of the most wickedst men that liued on the earth in his time for hee excelled in all kind of euill in ambition boldnesse in doing mischiefe cruelty whoredom adultery and incest also to make vp the whole number besides he was so treacherous and disloiall that he traiterously
mightily the hand of God was stretched foorth to the reuenge of those wicked deedes and villanies which were committed by the Spaniards in those quarters Peter Loys bastard son to Pope Paule the third Sleidan lib. 19. Bal. was one that practised many horrible villanies robberies murders adulteries incest and Sodomitries thinking that because his father was Pope therefore no wickednesse was vnlawfull for him to commit He was by the report of all men one of the most notorious vildest and filthiest villaines that euer the world saw he forced the Bishop of Faence to his vnnaturall lust so that the poore Bishop with meere anger and griefe that hee should be so abused died immediately being made Duke of Plaisence and Parme hee exercised most cruell tyrany towards many of his subiects insomuch that diuerse gentlemen that could not brooke nor endure his iniuries conceiued an inward hate against him and conspired his death and for to put in practise the same they hired certaine ruffians and roisters to watch the oportunitie of slaying him yea and they themselues oftentimes went apart with these roisters keeping themselues vpon their guards as if some priuate and particular quarrels had beene in hand one day as the Duke went in his horselitter out of his castell with a great retinue to see certaine fortifications which he had prepared being aduertised by his father the Pope by the helpe of Magicke which he practised to looke diligently to himselfe the tenth day of September in which notwithstanding he was slaine for as he returned into his castell the conspirators to the number of sixe and thirtie marched before him as it were to do him honor but indeed to doe him villany for assoone as he was entred the castell they drew vp the drawbridge for feare of his retinue that were without and comming to him with their naked swords cast in his teeth his tyrannie and so slew him in his litter togither with a Priest the maister of his horse and fiue Almaignes that were of his guard his dead body they hung by a chaine ouer the wals and shaking it to and fro to the view of the people threw it downe headlong at last into the ditch where the multitude to shew their hates wounded it with daggers and trampled it vnder their feet and so whome they durst not touch in his life him being dead they thus abused and this befell vpon the tenth day of September in the yeere of our Lord 1547. Some of the Bishops of Rome for their rare and notable vertues and the glory of their braue deeds may be honoured with this dignity to be placed in this worthy ranke for their good conditions and behauiours were such that no tyrant butcher theefe robber ruffian nor any other euer excelled them in crueltie robbery adulterie and such like wickednesse or deserued more the credit and reputation of his place than they And hereof we haue a manifest example in Iohn the thirteenth who pulling out the eies of some of his Cardinals cutting out the tongues of others hewing off the hands noses and priuy members of others shewed himselfe a patterne of such crueltie as the world neuer saw the like Hee was accused before the Emperour Otho in a synode first of incest with two of his owne sisters secondly for calling the deuill to helpe him at dice thirdly for promoting young infants to bishoprickes bribed thereto by the gift of certaine peeces of gold fourthly for rauishing maides and wiues and lying with his fathers concubine yea and lastly for lying with his owne mother and many other such monstrous villanies for which cause hee was deposed from the papacie though reinstalled againe by the sute and cunning practise of his whores by whome as hee recouered his triple crowne so he lost shortly after his vicious life by the meanes of a married whore that betraied him Benno Bal. Pope Hildebrand sirnamed Gregory the seuenth was adorned with all these good qualities namely to be bloody minded a poisoner a murderer a coniurer also a consulter with spirits and in a word nothing but a lumpe and masse of wickednesse hee was the stirrer vp of many battels against the Emperor Henry the fourth and a prouoker of his own son to depose and poyson his father as hee did but this wicked I would say holy Pope was at last banished his Cathedrall citie to Salernum where he ended his daies in miserie Pope Clement the sixt of name contrary to his nature for his inclemencie crueltie pride towards the Emperor Lewis of Bauarie was intollerable he procured many horrible wars against the Empire and caused the destruction of twenty thousand Frenchmen by the king of England yea and poysoned the good Emperour also so well he wished to him Howbeit ere long himselfe was stifled to death and that sodainly not by any practise of man as it was thought but by the speciall hand of God in recompence of all his notable acts Iohn the foure and twentith was deposed by the councell of Constance for these crimes following heresie Simonie Benno Bal. manslaughter poysonings cousenings adultry Sodomitry and was cast into prison where remaining three years he falsly made shew of amendment of his wicked life therefore was graced with a Cardinals hat but it was not that which he expected for which cause with despight griefe he died It would bee too long to run ouer the discourse of euery particular Pope of like conditions and therefore wee will contēt our selues in briefe with the legend of Pope Alexander the sixt reported by two authors of credite and renowne vnsuspected to wit Guicciardine a Florentine gentlemā Guicciardine lib. 2. Bembus Bembus a Venetian cardinall this man saith Guicciardine attained to the Papacy not by worthinesse of vertues but by heauinesse of bribes and multitude of faire promises made to the cardinals for his election promising large recompence to them that stood on his side whereupon many that knew his course of life were filled with astonishment amongst whome was the king of Naples who hearing of this election cōplained to his queene with tears that there was such a pope created that wold be a plague to Italy al Christēdome beside the great vices which swaied in him of which the same author speaking maketh this catalogue and pettigree in his own language which followeth Gui●●tardine lib. 2. Costum d it il oscensimi non sincerita non verita non fede non religione auaritia insatiabile ambitione immoderata crudelta pinque barbara eo ardentissima cupidita di escaltare in qualunque modo i figli voli i quali erano molti that is to say He was endued with most filthie conditions and that neither sincerity truth faith nor religion was in him but in steed of them couetousnesse vnquenchable ambition vnmeasurable more then barbarous crueltie and a burning desire of promoting his owne children for he had many by what meanes soeuer He
woman to the Emperour Adrian is very worthy to be remembred Fulgos lib. 6. cap. 2. who appealing and complaining to the Emperour of some wrong when hee answered that he was not at leisure then to heare her sute shee told him boldly and plainly That then he ought not to be at leisure to be her Emperour which speech went so neare the quicke vnto him that euer after he shewed more facilitie and courtesie towards all men that had any thing to do with him The kings of Fraunce vsed also this custome of hearing and deciding their subiects matters as wee read of Charlemaigne the king and Emperour who commanded that he should be made acquainted with all matters of importance and their issues throughout his realme King Lewes the first treading the steps of his father Charlemaigne accustomed himselfe three daies in a weeke to heare publikely in his pallace the complaints and grieuances of his people and to right their wrongs and iniuries King Lewes sirnamed the Holy Aimo a little before his death gaue in charge to his sonne that should succeed him in the crowne amongst other this precept To be carefull to beare a stroke in seeing the distribution of iustice and that it should not be peruerted not depraued CHAP. XLVI Of such princes as haue made no reckening of punishing vice nor regarded the estate of their people IT cannot choose but be a great confusion in a common-wealth when iustice sleepeth and when the shamelesse boldnesse of euill doers is not curbed in with any bridle but runneth it owne swinge and therefore a Consull of Rome could say That it was an euill thing to haue a prince vnder whome license and libertie is giuen to euery man to doe what him listeth for so much then as this euill proceedeth from the carelesnes and slothfulnesse of those that hold the sterne of gouernment in their hands it can not be but some euill must needs fall vpon them for the same The truth of this may appeare in the person of Philip of Macedonie whome Demosthenes the oratour noteth for a treacherous and false dealing prince after that he had subdued almost all Greece not so much by open warre as by subtilty craft and surprise and that being in the top of his glory hee celebrated at one time the marriage of his sonne Alexander whome hee had lately made king of Epire and of one of his daughters with great pompe and magnificense as hee was marching with all his traine betwixt the two bridegroomes his owne sonne his sonne in law to see the sports and pastimes which were prepared for the solemnitie of the marriage behold suddenly a young Macedonian gentleman called Pausanias ran at him and slew him in the midst of the prease for not regarding to doe him iustice when hee complained of an iniury done vnto him by one of the peeres of his realme Plutarch Tatius the fellow king of Rome with Romulus for not doing iustice in punishing certaine of his friends and kinsfolkes that had robbed and murdered certaine Embassadors which came to Rome and for making their impunitie an example for other malefactours by deferring and protracting and disappointing their punishment was so watcht by the kindred of the slaine that they slew him euen as he was sacrificing to his gods because they could not obtaine iustice at his hands What happened to the Romanes for refusing to deliuer an Embassadour Tit. Liuius Plutarch who contrary to the law of nations comming vnto them plaid the part of an enemie to his own country euen well nigh the totall ouerthrow of them and their citie for hauing by this meanes brought vpon themselues the calamitie of warre they were at the first discomfited by the Gaules who pursuing their victory entred Rome and slew al that came in their way whether men or women infants or aged persons and after many daies spent in the pillage spoiling of the houses at last set fire on all and vtterly destroied the whole city Childericke king of France Paul Aemil. is notified for an extreame dullard and blockhead and such a one as had no care or regard vnto his realme but that liued idly and slothfully without intermedling with the affaires of the common wealth for he laid all the charge and burden of them vpon Pepin his lieutenant generall therefore was by him iustly deposed from his roiall dignity mewed vp in a cloister of religion to become a monke because he was vnfit for any good purpose albeit that this sudden change mutation was very strange yet there ensued no trouble nor commotion in the realme thereupon so odious was hee become to the whole land for his drowsie and idle disposition Paul Aemil. For the same cause did the princes Electours depose Venceslaus the Emperour from the Empire and established another in his roome King Richard of England amongst other foule faults which he was guilty of incurred greatest blame for this because he suffered many theeues and robbers to roue vp and down the land vnpunished for which cause the citizens of London cōmenced a high sute against him cōpelled him hauing raigned 22 yeres to lay aside the crown resigne it to another in the presence of all the states died prisoner in the Tower Moreouer this is no small defect of iustice when men of authority do not only pardon capitall and detestable crimes but also grace and fauour the doers of them and this neither ought nor can be done by a soueraigne prince without ouerpassing the bounds of his limited power which can in no wise dispence with the law of God Exod. 21. whereunto euen kings themselues are subiect for as touching the willing and considerate murderer D●ut 19. Thou shalt plucke him from my altar saith the Lord that hee may die thy eye shall not spare him to the end it may goe well with thee which was put in practise in the death of Ioab 1 King 2. who was slaine in the Tabernacle of God holding his hands vpon the hornes of the Altar for hee is no lesse abominable before God that iustifieth the wicked Prou 17. than hee that condemneth the iust and hereupon that holy king S. Lewes when hee had granted pardon to a malefactour Nich. Gilles reuoked it againe after better consideration of the matter saying That hee would giue no pardon except the case deserued pardon by the law for it was a worke of charitie and pittie to punish an offender and not to punish crimes was as much as to commit them In the yeere of our Lord 978 Egebrede the sonne of Edgare end Alphred king of England was a man of goodly outward shape and visage but wholly giuen to idlenesse and abhorring all princely exercises besides he was a louer of riot drunkennesse and vsed extreame cruelty towards his subiects hauing his eares open to all vniust complaints in feats of armes of all men most ignorant so
strange thing to consider how that prowd citie hath lifted vp her head aboue all others and vsurped a tyranny ouer nations and which Lactantius Hierom Rome he meaneth and Augustine three learned fathers entituled Babylon how I say she hath been humbled for all her pride and empouerished for all her riches and made a prey vnto many nations It was sacked ransacked twice by the Visigothes takē once by the Herulians surprised by the Ostrogothes destroied and rooted vp by the Vandales annoied by the Lumbards pilled and spoiled by the Grecians and whipped and chastised by many others and now like Sodome and Gomorra it is to expect no more punishment but the last blow of the most mightiest his indignation to throw it headlong into euerlasting and horrible desolation CHAP. XLIX Of such punishments which are common to all men in regard of their iniquities THese and such like effects of Gods wrath ought to admonish instruct euery man to look vnto himselfe for doing euill and to abhorre and detest sin since it bringeth forth such soure and bitter fruits for albeit the waies of the wicked seeme in their owne eies faire and good Prou. 22. yet it is certaine that they are full of snares thorns to intrap and pricke them to the quicke for after that being fed with the licourous deceitfull sweetnesse of their owne lusts they haue sported themselues their fils in their pleasures wicked affections then insteed of delights and pastimes they shall find nothing but punishment sadnesse their laughter ioy pompe magnificence and glory shall bee turned into torments dolors weepings opprobries ignominies confusion and misery euerlasting for if God spared not great cities Empiers monarchies and kings in their obstinate misdeeds shall we thinke hee will spare little cities hamlets and villages men of base estate when by their sins they prouoke him to anger No it cannot be for God is alwaies of one the same nature alwaies like vnto himselfe A God executing iustice and iudgement vpon the earth Ierem. 9. Psal 5. A God that loueth not iniquitie with whom the wicked cannot dwell nor the fooles stand before his presence It is hee that hateth the workers of vnrighteousnesse and that destroieth the liers abhorreth all deceitfull disloiall periurous murdering persons as with him there is no acception of persons so none of what estate or condition soeuer be they rich or poor noble or ignoble gentle or carterlike can exempt themselues from his wrath and indignation when it is kindled but a little Rom. 2.9 if they delight and continue in their sinnes for as S. Paul saith Tribulation anguish is vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill Now according to the variety and diuersity of mens offences the Lord in his most iust and admirable iudgement vseth diuersity of punishments sometimes correcting them one by one in particular other whiles altogither in a heape sometimes by stormes and tempests both by sea and land other times by lightning haile and deluge of waters often by ouerflowing and breaking out of riuers and of the sea also and not seldome by remedilesse and sudden fires heauen earth and all the elements beeing armed with an inuincible force to take vengeance vpon such as are traitors and rebels against God sundry times he scourgeth the world as it well deserueth with his vsuall and accustomed plagues namely of warre and famine and pestilence which are euident signes of his anger according to the threats denounced in the law touching the same and therefore if at any time he defer the punishment of the wicked it is for no other end but to expect the fulnesse of their sinne and to make them more inexcusable when contrary to his bountifulnesse and long suffering which inuiteth and calleth them to repentance they harden themselues and grow more obstinate in their vices and rebellion drawing vpon their heads the whole heape of wrath the more grieuously to assaile them And thus the vengeance of God marcheth but a soft pace as saith Valerius Maximus to the end to double and aggrauate the punishment for the slacknesse thereof CHAP. L. That the greatest punishments are reserued and laid vp for the wicked in the world to come NOtwithstanding all which hath bene spoken and howsoeuer sinners are punished in this life yet is certaine that the greatest and terriblest punishments are kept in store for them in another world and albeit that during this transitory pilgrimage they seeme to themselues often times to liue at their ease and enioy their pleasures and pastimes to their hearts contentment yet doubtlesse it is so that they are indeed in a continuall prison and in a dungeon of darkenesse bound and chained with fetters of their owne sinne and very often turmoiled and butchered with their owne guiltie conscience ouercharged with the multitude of offences fore-feeling the approch of hell and in this case many languish away with care feare and terror being toiled and tired with vncessant and vnsupporrable disquietnesse and tossed and distracted with despaire vntill by death they be brought vnto their last irreuocable punishment which punishment is not to endure for a time and then to end but is eternall and euerlastingly inherent both in body and soule I say in the bodie after the resurrection of the dead and in soule after the departure out of this life till all eternity for it is iust and equall that they which haue offended and dishonored God in their bodies in this life should be punished also in their bodies in the world to come with endles torments of which torments when mention is made in the holy scripture they are for our weake capacity sake called gehenna or a place of torment vtter darkenesse and hell fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth c againe eternall fire a poole and pit of fire and brimstone which is prepared for the deuill and his darlings and how miserable their estate is that fall therein our Sauiour Christ giueth vs to know in the person of the rich glutton Luk. 16. who hauing bathed himselfe in the pleasures and delights of this world without once regarding or pittying the poore was after death cast into the torments of hell there burneth in quenchlesse flames without any ceasing or allaying of his griefes therefore whatsoeuer punishments the wicked suffer before they die they are not quitted by them from this other but must descend into the appointed place to receiue the surplus of their paiments which is due vnto them for what were it for a notorious and cruell tyrant that had committed many foule and wicked deeds or had most villanously murdered many good men to haue no other punishment but to be slaine and to endure in the houre of death some extraordinarie paine could such a punishment ballance with his so many and great offences whereas therefore many such wretches suffer punishment in this world wee must thinke
God which they daily see with their eies and feele in themselues doe neuerthelesse striue to quench his light of nature which enlightneth and persuadeth them and all Nations of this There is a God by whom we liue moue and haue our being Acts. 17.28 who although in his essence is inuisible yet maketh he himselfe knowne and as it were seene by his workes and creatures and mighty gouernmēt of the world that he that would seeke after him may as one might say handle and feele him Therefore they that would persuade themselues that this glorious heauen massy earth wanted a guider and a gouernour haue their vnderstanding blinded from sight of things manifest their hearts peruerted from all shew of reason for is there any substance of this world that hath no cause of his subsisting Is there a day without a sonne Are there fruits and no trees Plants and no seeds Can it raine without a cloud Bee a tempest without wind Can a ship saile without a Pilote Or a house be built without a carpenter or builder If then euery part of this world hath his particular cause of being and dependance is it likely that the whole is without cause to bee to it a furnishing and gouernement Say you hogges and dogges doe you not beleeue that which you see or if your eies bee bored out that you cannot see must you thinke there is no sonne nor light because your eies are in darknesse and blindnes Can you behold all the secrets of nature Is there nothing but a voice a singing of birds or an harmonious consort of musicall instruments in the world And yet who perceiueth these small things Can you behold the wind Can you see the sweet smell of fragrant flowers along the fields Can you see the secrets of your owne bodies your entrals your heart and your brain And yet you cease not to beleeue that there are such things except you be heartlesse brainelesse indeed Why then doe you measure God by your own fight do not beleeue there is a God because he is inuisible since that hee manifesteth himselfe more apparently both to vnderstanding sence then either voice smell or wind doe not your owne othes blasphemies and horrible cursings bear witnesse against you when you sweare by despight and maugre him whom you deny to be doth not euery thunderclap constraine you to tremble at the blast of his voice if any calamity approch neere vnto or light vpon you or if death bee threatened or set before your eies doe you not then feele in spight of all your reason that the seuere iudgement of God doth waken vp your dull sleepy conscience to come to his triall There was neuer yet any nation or people so harbarous which by the persuasion and instinct of nature hath not alwaies beleeued a certain diety and to thinke otherwise is not only a detestable thing but also most absurd so cōtrary to humane reason that the very Paynims haue very little tollerated such horrible blasphemie The Athenians are witnesses hereof Cic. of the nature of gods Lib. 1. who banished Protagoras their city and countrie because in the beginning of one of his books he called in questiō the diety caused his bookes to be burned openly Neither shewed they any lesse seueritie towards Diagoras surnamed the Atheist Diodor. 13. when being as some say iniuriously and falsly accused of this crime and for feare of punishment fled away they proclaimed that whosoeuer did kill him should haue a talent of siluer in recompence which in value is as much as six hundred crownes after the rate of 35 shillings French to the crowne How much more then is the state of Christendome at this day to bee lamented which wee see in many places infected with such a contagious pestilence that diuers men inuenomed with this deadly poyson are so mischieuous and wretched as to make roome for Atheisme by forbidding and hindering by all means possible the course of the gospel wherein they make knowne what they are and what zeale they bear to the religion seruice of God with what affection they are led towards the good safety of the Commonwealth and what hereafter is to be hoped of them for where there is no knowledge nor fear of God there also is no bridle nor bond to restraine and hold men backe from doing euill wherevpon they grow to that passe to be most insolent and prophane This is the diuinity and goodly instructiō that commeth beyond the mountaines from that scientificall Vniuersitie and Colledge of the right reuerend maisters and from the excellent holinesse of some of their Popes whose manner of life is so dissolute lasciuious dishonest and Sardanapal like Vide lib. 1. cap. 20. Lucian Porphory Iulian. c Bale that thereby their Atheisme is euidently and notoriously knowne and talked of by euery one Hereof Pope Leo the tenth a Florentine by birth may serue for an example who as he was a very effeminate person giuen to all manner of delights and pleasure hauing no other care but of himselfe and his owne filthie carcasses ease so had hee no more tast at all nor feeling of God and his holy word then a dog hee made the promises and threats contained in holy scripture and all else that we beleeue matter to laugh at and things friuolous and of no waight mocking at the simplicitie the faith and beleefe of Christians for one day when Cardinall Bembus who also shewed himselfe to bee none of the best Christians in the world by his Venetian hystorie where as oft as hee speaketh of God hee vseth the plurall number after the manner of Heathen writers alleadged a place out of the Gospell his damnable impudēcie was so great as to replie That this fable of Christ had brought to him and such as hee no little profite Oh stincking and cursed throat to belch out such monstrous blasphemie doe not these speeches bewray a villanous and abhominable Atheist if euer any were Is not this to declare himselfe openlie to bee Antichrist For hee is Antichrist which denieth Iesus to bee Christ and which denieth the Father and the Sonne 1. Iohn 2.22 according as Saint Iohn sayth Albeit in the meane while this cursed caitife that had as much religion as a dog made shew to bee the protector and defendor of the Catholicke faith making warre with all his power against Christ Iesus in the person of his seruant Luther Now after hee had by his pardons and indulgences drawne out a world of money and heaped vp great treasures by the maintenance of courtizans and Whores and had enriched his bastards one day being at meat hee receiued newes of the ouerthrow of the French in Lumbardie whereat hee reioiced out of measure and for that good tidings doubled his good cheare sodainely hee was constrained to turne his coppie from ioy into sadnesse from pleasure into griefe and gnashing of teeth by a most
bitter and vnlooked for death which depriued him at once of all his pleasures to make him drinke the cup of Gods fierce wrath and to throw him down headlong into euerlasting paines and torments which were prouided for him Pope Leo saith S. Martin of Belay in his second book of memorable things hearing of the great losse which the French men sustained at Millan tooke so great ioy thereat that a catar and an ague insuing killed him within three daies after a happie man indeed to die with ioy Pope Iulius the third was one of the same stampe Bale Veag nothing inferiour to the former in all manner of dissolute and infamous liuing and vile and cursed talke making knowne by his impietie that hee had none other God but his belly Vide lib. 1. cap. 21. Heresie and that hee was none of Christs fold but one of Epicures crew hee was such a glutton and so passionate in his lusts and so prophane a despiser of God and his word that once at supper being enraged blaspheming because they had not serued in a cold pecock which he commanded to bee kept whole at dinner though there were other hote on the table a Cardinal that was present desired him not to be so moued for so small a trifle What quoth he if it pleased God to bee so angry for eating of an apple as to thrust Adam and Eue out of Paradise should not I which am his vicar be angrie for a pecocke which is far more worth then any apple See how this wicked wretch prophaned the holy scripture and like an Epicure and Atheist mocked God but hee died of the gout after he had ben long plagued with it together with other diseases leauing none other good name behind him saue the report of a most wicked and abominable man Philip Strozze whom Paulus Iouius reporteth to haue ben commonly bruted to be an Atheist Tom. 2. lib. 36. was an exile of Florence and afterwards prisoner there in the time of Cosimus Medius the Prince of that Commonwealth against whom this Philip had enterprised to make warre and being in prison hee killed himselfe with a sword of a Spaniard his keeper which by ouersight hee had left behind setting the point against his throat falling down vpon it so may all Atheists perish and come to naught Francis Rabelais hauing suckt vp also this poison vsed like a prophane villaine to make all religion a matter to laugh and mocke at but God depriued him of his sences that as hee had led a brutish life so he might die a brutish death for he died mocking all those that talked of God or made any mention of mercy in his eares How miserable was the end of Periers the author of that detestable booke intituled Symbalum mundi wherin he openly mocked at God and his religion euen hee fell finally into despaire and notwithstanding all that guarded him killed himselfe Iodelle also a Frenel tragicall Poet being an Epicure and an Atheist made a very tragicall and most pittifull end for he died in great miserie and distresse euen pined to death after he had rioted out al his substance and consumed his patrimonie Lignereles the courtier to make himselfe seeme a man of seruice made open profession of Atheisme but his end and destruction came from thence whence hee looked for credit and aduancement To bring the matter to an end I will here set downe a notable and strange thing that chanced in the reigne of Lewis the ninth as Enguerran de Monstrelet in his second volume of Hystories recordeth it vpon the fifteenth day of Iune in the yeare of our Lord God 1464 there happened a strange thing in the pallace at Paris so it was that there was a matter in law to bee tried betwixt the Bishop of Angiers and a rich Cittizen whome the Bishop charged to haue spoken before manie witnesses that hee beleeued not that there was eithere God or Deuill Heauen or hell Now whilest the Bishops Lawier laid to his charge these things the place began to tremble verie much wherein they were and a stone fell downe from the roofe amongst them all without hurting any yet euery man was sore afraid and departed out of the house vntill the morrow when the matter was begun againe to bee pleaded which was no sooner in hand but the chamber begun afresh to shake and one of the summers came forth of his mortise hole falling downwards two foot and there staied so that all that were within the hall looking to haue beene slaine outright ran out so violently that some left behind them their caps others their hoodes others their slippers summarily glad was hee that could get out first neither durst they plead any more causes in that place vntill it was mended Thus much reporteth Enguerran without mention of any decision of that matter now for as much as nothing happeneth by chance it is most likely that God by that accident would giue vs to vnderstand both how monstrous and detestable all such speeches are as also how men ought to feare abhorre them seeing that the dumbe senslesse creatures wood beames planckes and stones and the earth at selfe by nature stedfast and fixed are so farre from enduring them that they are moued withall There was a certaine blasphemous wretch that on a time being with his companions in a common Inne carousing and making merrie Discipulus de tempore Sermon 132. asked them if they thought a man was possessed with a soule or no wherevnto when some replied that the soules of men were immortall and that some of them after release from the body liued in heauen others in hell for so the writings of the Prophets and Apostles instructed them hee answered and swore that hee thought it nothing so but rather that there was no soule in man to suruiue the bodie but that Heauen and hell were meere fables and inuentions of Priests to get gaine by and for himselfe hee was ready to sell his soule to any that would buy it then one of his companions tooke vp a cup of wine and said sell mee thy soule for this cup of wine which hee receiuing bad him take his soule and dranke vp the wine Now Sathan himselfe was there in a mans shape as commonly hee is neuer farre from such meetings and bought it againe of the other at the same price and by and by bad him giue him his soule the whole companie affirming it was meet hee should haue it since hee had bought it not perceiuing the Deuill but presentlie hee laying hold on this soule seller carried him into the aire before them all toward his owne habitation to the great astonishment and amazement of the beholders and from that day to this hee was neuer heard of but tried to his paine that men had soules and that hell was no fable according to his godlesse and profane opinion Pherecides by birth a Syrian a tragicall Poet and a
and hardening himselfe in his sinne that contrariwise he cast downe and humbled himselfe and craued pardon and forgiuenesse at the hand of God with all his heart and true repentance not like to such as grow obstinate in their sinnes and wickednesse and make themselues beleeue all things are lawfull for them although they be neuer so vile and dishonest This therefore that wee haue spoken concerning Dauid is not to place him among the number of leud and wicked liuers but to shew by his chastisements beeing a man after Gods owne heart how odious and displeasant this sinne of Adultery is to the Lord and what punishment all others are to expect that wallow therein since hee spared not him whome he so much loued and fauoured CHAP. XXVI Other examples like vnto the former THe history of the rauishment of Helene registred by so many worthy and excellent authours and the great euils that pursued the same Herodot lib. 2. is not to be counted altogither an idle fable Thucyd. or an inuention of pleasure seeing that it is sure that vpon that occasion great and huge warre arose betweene the Greeians and the Troianes during the which the whole countrey was hauocked many cities and townes destroied much blood shed and thousands of men discomfited amongst whome the rauisher and adulterer himselfe to wit Paris the chiefe moouer of all those miserable tragedies escaped not the edge of the sword no nor that famous citie Troy which entertained and maintained the adulterers within her wals went vnpunished but at last was taken and destroied by fire and sword In which sacking old and gray headed king Priam with all the remnant of his halfe slaine sonnes were togither murdered his wife and daughters were taken prisoners and exposed to the mercy of their enemies his whole kingdome was entirely spoiled and his house quite defaced and well nigh all the Troiane nobilitie extinguished and as touching the whore Helene her selfe whose disloialtie gaue consent to the wicked enterprise of forsaking her husbands house and following a stranger shee was not exempt from punishment for as some writers affirme shee was slaine at the sacke but according to others Anton. Vols vpon Ouids epist of Hermione to Orestes she was at that time spared and entertained againe by Menelaus her husband but after his death shee was banished in her old age and constrained for her last refuge beeing both destitute of reliefe and succour and forsaken of kinsfolkes and friends to flie to Rhodes where at length contrary to her hope shee was put to a shamefull death euen hanging on a tree which shee long time before deserued Tit. Liu. The iniury and dishonour done to Lucrece the wife of Collatinus by Sextus Tarquinius sonne to Superbus the last king of Rome Rape l. 2. c. 19. was cause of much trouble and disquietnesse in the city and elsewhere for first shee not able to endure the great iniury and indignity which was done vnto her pushed forward with anger and despite slue her selfe in the presence of her husband and kinsfolke notwithstanding all their desires and willingnesse to cleare her from all blame with whose death the Romans were so stirred prouoked against Sextus the sonne and Tarquinius the father that they rebelled forthwith and when hee should enter the city shut the gates against him neither would receiue or acknowledge him euer after for their king Whereupon ensued warre abroad and alteration of the state at home for after that time Rome endured no more king to beare rule ouer them but in their roome created two Consuls to be their gouernours which kind of gouernment continued to Iulius Caesars time Thus was Tarquinius the father shamefully deposed from his crowne for the adultery or rather rape of his sonne and Tarquinius the sonne slaine by the Sabians for the robberies and murders which by his fathers aduise he committed amongst them and hee himselfe not long after in the warre which by the Tuscane succours hee renued against Rome to recouer his lost estate Plutarch in the life publick was discomfited with them and slaine in the midst of the rout In the Emperour Valentinianus time the first of that name many women of great account and parentage were for committing adulterie put to death as testifieth Ammianus Marcellinus When Europe after the horrible wasting and great ruines which it suffered by the furious inuasion of Attilia Lib. 28. began to take a litle breath and find some ease behold a new trouble more hurtfull and pernicious than the former came vpon it by meanes of the filthy leachery and lust of the Emperour Valentinianus the third of that name who by reason of his euill bringing vp Procop. and gouernment vnder his mother Placidia being too much subiect to his owne voluptuousnesse and tied to his owne desires dishonoured the wife of Petronius Maximus a Senatour of Rome by forcing her to his pleasure an act indeed that cost him his life and many more beside and that drew after it the finall destruction of the Romane Empire and the horrible besacking and desolation of the city of Rome For the Emperour being thus taken and set on fire with the loue of this woman through the excellent beauty wherewith shee was endued endeauoured first to entice her to his lust by faire allurements and seeing that the bulwarke of her vertuous chastity would not by this meanes be shaken but that all his pursuit was still in vaine hee tried a new course and attempted to get her by deceit and pollicy which to bring about one day setting himselfe to play with her husband Maximus he woon of him his ring which he no sooner had but secretly he sent it to his wife in her husbands name with this commaundement That by that token shee should come presently to the court to do her duty to the Empresse Eudoxia shee seeing her husbands ring doubted nothing but came forthwith as shee was commanded where whilst she was entertained by certaine suborned women whome the Emperour had set on he himselfe commeth in place and discloseth vnto her his whole loue which he said he could no longer represse but must needs satisfie if not by faire meanes at least by force and compulsion and so he constrained her to his lust Her husband aduertised hereof Rape l. 2. c. 19. intended to reuenge this iniury vpon the Emperor with his owne hand but seeing he could not execute his purpose whilst Actius the captain generall of Valentinianus army liued a man greatly reuerenced and feared for his mighty and famous exploits atchieued in the warres against the Burgundians Gothes and Attila he found meanes by suggesting a false accusation of treason against him which made him to be hated and suspected of the Emperour to worke his death After that Actius was thus traiterously and vnworthily slaine the griefe of infinite numbers of people for him in regard of his great vertues and good seruice which he had
done to the commonwealth gaue Maximus fit occasion to practise the Emperours destruction and that by this means He set on two of Actius most faithfull followers partly by laying before them the vnworthy death of their master and partly by presents and rewards to kill the Emperour which they perfourmed as he was sitting on his seat of iudgement in the sight of the whole multitude amongst whome there was not one found that would oppose himselfe to Maximus in his defence saue one of his Eunuchs who stepping betwixt to saue his life lost his owne and the amazement of the whole city with this sudden accident was so great that Maximus hauing reuenged himselfe thus vpon the Emperor without much a doe not only seased vpon the Empire but also vpon the Empresse Eudoxia and that against her will to be his wife for his owne died but a little before Now the Empresse not able to endure so vile an indignity being aboue measure passionate with griefe and desire of reuenge conspired his destruction on this manner She sent secretly into Africa to sollicite and request most instantly Gensericus king of the Vandals by praiers mingled with presents to come to deliuer her and the citie of Rome from the cruell tyranny of Maximus and to reuenge the thrise vniust murder of her husband Valentinian adding moreouer that he was bound to doe no lesse in consideration of the league of friendship which by oth was confirmed betwixt them Gensericus well pleased with these newes laid hold vpon the offred occasion which long time he had more wished than hoped for forthwith being alreadie tickled with hope of a great and inestimable booty rigged his ships and made ready his army by sea launching foorth with three hundred thousand men Vandales and Moores and with this huge fleet made straight for Rome Maximus meane while mistrusting no such matter especially from those parts was sore affrighted at the sodaine brute of their comming not yet vnderstanding the full effect of the matter perceiuing the whole city to bee in dismay and that not onely the common people but also the nobilitie had for feare forsaken their houses and fled to the mountains or forrests for safety hee I say destitute of succour tooke himselfe also his heeles as his surest refuge but all could not serue to rid him from the iust vengeance of God prepared for him Mandat 6. lib. 2. cap. 8. for the murders which he had ben cause of For certaine Senators of Rome his priuate secret foes finding him alone in the way of his flight and remembring their old quarrels fell vpon him sodainly felled him downe with stones and after mangled him in peeces and threw his body into Tiber. Three daies after arriued Gensericus with all his forces and entring Rome found it naked of all defence and left to his owne will and discretion where albeit he professed himselfe to be a Christian yet hee shewed more pride and cruelty and lesse pity than either Attila or Allaricus two Heathen kings For hauing giuen his souldiors the pillage of the city they not only spoiled all priuate houses but also the Temples and monasteries in most cruell and riotous manner All the best beautifullest things of the city they tooke away and carried a huge multitude of people prisoners to Affrica amongst the which was Eudoxia the Empresse with her two daughters Eudocia and Placidia who was the cause of al this calamity but her trechery saued not her selfe nor them from thraldome Treason lib. 2. cap 3. And thus was Rome sacked and destroied more than euer it was before insomuch that the Roman Empire could neuer after recouer it selfe but decaied euery day and grew worse and worse These were the calamities which the adultery of Valentinian brought vpon himselfe and many others to his owne destruction and the vtter ruine of the whole Empire Paulus Aemil. Nichol. Gil. Childericke king of France son to Merouee for laying siege to the chastitie of many great ladies of his realme the Princes and Barons conspired against him and droue him to flie for his life Paulus Aemil. Eleonor the wife to king Lewis of France hee that first cut through the sea furrowes towards Ierusalem against the Turks Sarasens would needs couragiously follow her husband in that long and dangerous voiage but how Marry whilst he trauailed night day in perrill of his life she lay at Antioch bathing her selfe in all delights that more licentiously than the reputation or duty of a maried womā required wherefore being had in suspition euill reported of for her lewd behauiour it was thought meet that she should bee diuorced from the king vnder pretence of consanguinitie to the end she should not altogether be defamed Fulgo lib. 6. c r. The faire daughter of Philip the fair king of France escaped not at so good a rate for the king as soone as he smelt out the haunt of their vnchastity caused them to bee apprehended and imprisoned presently howbeit one of them namely the Countesse of Poyters her innocency being knowne was set at liberty and the other two to wit the Queene of Nauar and the wife of Iohn de la March being found guilty by proofe were adiudged to perpetuall imprisonment And the Adulterers two brethren of the countrie of Aniou with whom these ladies had often lien were first cruelly slain and after hanged Froysard vol. 1. cap. 22. Charles son of the foresaid Philip the faire had to wife the daughter of the Earle of Artois that also offended in the like case and in recompence receiued this dishonor and ignominy to be diuorced and put in prison and to see him married to another before her face Froysard vol. 3. cap. 45. In the raigne of Charles the sixt there befell a notable memorable accident which was this One Iaques le Grys of the country of Alanson being enamoured with a lady no lesse faire than honourable the wife of the Lord of Carouge came vpon a day when hee knew her husband to bee from home to her house faining as if hee had some secret message to vnfold vnto her on her husbands behalfe for their familiarity was so great entred with her all alone into a most secret chamber Rape lib. 2. cap. 19. where assoone as he had gotten her hee locked the dore and throwing himselfe vpon her forced her vnto his lust and afterward saued himselfe by speedy flight Her husband at his returne vnderstanding the iniury and wrong which was done him by this vile miscreant sought first to reuenge himselfe by iustice and therefore put his cause to bee heard by the Parliament of Paris where being debated it could not well bee decided because hee wanted witnesses to conuince the crime except his own wiues words which could not bee accepted so that the court to the end that there might some end be made of their quarrell ordained a combate betwixt