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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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so to brynge me to the Father for it is he which with the father by Christe ī Christ worketh quickeneth al thyngꝭ ¶ I beleue that in al the world be it neuer so greate there is but one comē Christē churche which is none other thing but the cōgregatiō cōmunyō of holy men that is of rightuous faythfull men on the earth that this churche by this holy spirit is gadered and maynteyneth thorough whome also it is gouerned encreased dayly by the sacramentes and worde of god ¶ I beleue that noman can euer be saued which is not founde agreable and consentynge with this cōgregation in one faith in one worde in one sorte of sacramentes hope charyte And that none of the Iewes or Gentilꝭ can be saued with this church except they reconcyle them selfe vnto it come in fauour with it conformyng them selues in all pointes therunto ¶ I beleue that in this cōmunyon or christente all the prayers and goode workes of this congregation do necessaryly helpe me weigh on my syde and conforte me in all tymes of lyfe and deathe ¶ I beleue that in this congregation and comen welth and in none other place is forgyuenes of synnes And that without this all great good workes how many soeuer there be of them do nothyng profet to forgyuenes of synne And contrarywyse in this cōgregation the multitude greatnes and often cōmytting of synnes do no thynge hurte nether let the forgyuenes of synne But that this forgyuenes doeth cotynue whersoeuer and how longe this excellent churche doth endure To whome also Christ gyueth his keys sayth Mat. 18. What so euer ye lose vpon Erth it shal be losed in Heuē Lykewyse Math. 16. he sayth to Peter alone In the name stede of this only church what so euer thou lose vpon Earth it shall be losed in heuen ¶ I beleue that there shall be a rysynge of them that are deade in the whiche rysyng the holy ghost shal sturre vp al flesshe that is all men concernyng the body and flesshe good and euyll so that the veray flesshe whiche was deade buried and consumed or by other wayes destroyed shall returne and lyue agayne ¶ I beleue that after this resurr●ction I my selfe and all true Christen people shall haue euerlastynge lyfe of god the Father in the kyngdome of his welbeloue sonne not for by nor through the workꝭ of ryghtwisnes that we haue downe for all passions and martyrdomes that maye be suffred in this world are not countreuaylable to the glorye to come whiche shall be shewed in vs but by the grace and mercy of God by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu that is to saye by his precyous death and most paynfull passyon for truly the guerdon reward stipend of synne wherwith we all are manyfolde wayes poluted by spotted and defyled is death yea that euerlasting but by the grace of god it is that we repentynge of our synnes and belyuyn●e stedfastly ●is promes●es shall haue euerlastynge lyfe in Iesu Christe our lorde ¶ Amen that signifieth that in good ernest wi●hout doubt al these thynges be true The prayer of the lorde called the pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Gyue vs this dat our dayly breade And forgyue vs our trespasses euen as we forgyue theym whiche trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs from euyll So be it A goodly interpretation or declaration of the pater noster OUr Father whiche arte in heuens looke mercyfullye vpon vs thy wretched children heare in earth gyue vs thy grace that bothe thy holy name among vs and al●o thrughout the hole worlde maye be sanctyfyed and praysed thrughe the true pure preachynge of the worde of god and also that synnefull maner of lyuynge and all wicked and erroneouse doctrynes may cease for by these thynges thy name is dishonoured and blasphemed Cause that thy kyngedō may come and be encreased that all synners and all those whiche beynge blynded thorugh ygnoraunce leue in the kyngedom of satan may come to the knowledge of fayth in Iesu Christe that by suche meane thy churche may increas and waxe more and more full of people Cause also that the holy ghoste do confyrme and establesshe vs that we may obay thy wyll and plesure and sustayne beare the crosse as wel in lyfe as in death as wel in prosperyte as in aduersite that we may mortyfy our owne wyll and offer it to god as a sacrifice Geue to vs our dayly brede Take from vs couetuosnes rare for the belye that we may loke for all good thynges from the that we may receyue them of the. Forgyue vs our trespaces as we do forgyue them that trespasse agaynste vs that our herte may be quiete and carelesse and our cōscience not fered with the syght of our synnes Lede vs not in to temptation But helpe vs by thy spirite in mortyfienge and subduynge or ramynge of our flesshe that we may learne to despyse the worlde with al the desyres studies and exercyses belongynge vnto it and that we may vanqueshe and ouercome the crafty gyles of sathan Fynally delyuer vs o almyghty father from all euyll aswell temporall or transytory as euerlastynge as well of body as of soule who so euer coueteth desyrith these thynges vnfaynedly and hertely let them say Amen ¶ And let thē beleue without ony doubte that god hath graunted al these thynges and that theyr prayer is harde all redy accordynge to the promysse of Christe when he sayde what so euer thyngꝭ ye aske and desyre by prayer beleue that ye do receyue it and ye shall haue it ¶ The prayer of the lorde called the Pater noster where in are conteyned .vij. peticions ¶ The preface and introduction to aske these .vij. peticions is conteyned in these wordes Our father whiche arte in heuen ¶ The vnderstondyng of the wordes ALmyghty God syth thou of thyne infinite beneuolence and mercy hast not only admitted vs but also taught yea and cōmaūded by thy only and dere sonne Iesu Christ that we trustynge in his merytes and protection he beynge our in●ercessor shulde beleue that thou were a louynge father vnto vs. And that we shulde also call the father though worthely and by greate ryght thou myghtyste haue ben an angry and greuous iudge agaynste vs synners whiche so ofte and abhomynable haue done agaynste thy godly and moste holy wyll and haue gyuen the occasyon of displeasure agaynst vs. Gyue vs we beseche the by the same beneuolence mercy that we may haue in our hertes sure trust without feare of thy fatherly loue And make vs fele this acceptable smell swetnes whiche the moste sure chyldly truste doth get vnto vs that we may with glade mynde call the father knowlege the loue the and crye on the
in al ieopardyes Kepe vs we humbly besech the that we may contynue thy louyng chyldren and not deserue to haue the moste mekest Father our terryble iudge nor suffre vs not to be thyn enemyes whiche ought to be thy chyldren and heyres Thou wylt also not only symply be called a father but that we with a comen voice shulde call the our Father And so with a special prayer of vnyte pray for euery man wherfore gyue vnto vs an agreynge brotherly loue so that we may perceiue euery one of vs that we are truly brothers susters and may pray to the as to our comen mercyfull father euery one for other euen as kynde chyldren entreate theyr father one for another Graunt ●hat none of vs seke that whiche is his owne or els forget other in thy lyght but that auoidynge all hate enuye and discention as it becometh the true chyldrē of god we may loue togyther with due fauour so that we may saye with a faythful herte not my father but our father Sythe truely thou art no bodely nor earthely father whome we may se in earth but art in Heuen our spirituall father whiche dyeth not neyther art changeable or incōstant or such which art not able to helpe thy selfe as is ī an erthely bodely father wherby it is euydent vn●o vs howe moche thou art a better father which teachest this temporal fatherhodes contrey frendes rychesse flesshe and blode to be despysed for the. Graunte vs to dere father that we maye be thy heuenly chyldren Teache vs to regarde none other thynge then our soule helth and the euerlastynge herytage so tha● this temporall contrey and worldly herytage whiche entangleth and combreth vs labourynge to make vs erthely and lyke vnto it selfe deceyue vs not so that we maye saye truely and with a faythfull herte O our heuenly Father gyue vs thy grace that we may be thy heuenly chyldren ¶ The fyrste peticion Thy name be halowed ¶ O god almyghty our most dere heuenly father thy godly name euen nowe in this tyme in this vale of misery alas for shame so many waies is dishonoured miserab●y blasphemed applied to many thyngꝭ wherin stondeth not thy honour and glorye ye and many abuse it to theyr greate confusyon whiche thynge is so comen and often vsed that this fylthy lyfe may well be called a sclaūder dishonestynge of thy moste gloryous name Therefore endue vs with thy godly grace that we may auoyde suche thyngꝭ as are agaynst the honour prayse of thy moste holy name Make thou all wytchecraftes and false charmes s●ortly to decay Cause all cōiurynges by the whiche Sathan or other creatures are enchaūted to ceasse by thy blessed name Make that all false fayth by that whiche either we mystruste the or put more confydence in other then is nedefull maye quyckly be destroyed Made that all heresyes and false doctryne which pretende a colour of thy name may sodeynly vanyshe awey Make that al hyprocrysy or faynynge of truthe ryghtuousnes or holynes deceyue no man Make that noman swere by thy name lye or deceyue Kepe vs from all false hope whiche vnder colour of thy blessed name o●fereth i● s●l●e vnto vs. Kepe vs from spirituall pryde from the vayne honour of worldly gory name Graunte vs that in al parelles and hur●e we may cal vpō this thy holy name Graunt that in the straytnesse o● cōscience and ieopardy of death we neuer forget thy blessed name Graunte that in our goode wordes and workes we may only prayse and magnyfy the so that we nether seke nor calenge to our selfe any name or honor but to the only whose alone are all thynges Kepe vs from the most dānable synne of vnkyndnes Graunt that by our lyfe goode workes all other may be moued to good and that they honour and praise not vs but thy name Graūte that by our euyl workes and synnes noman may take occasion to sclaunder thy name or dymynyshe thy prayse kepe vs that we desire nothyng eyther transitorye or euerlastynge whiche shulde not retorne to the honour prayse of thy name And yf we aske any such here thou not our folyshenes Make that our lyfe be suche that we may truly be founde thy chyldren so that this thy name father be not called in vayne or falsely in vs. ¶ To this parte of prayer spiritually appertayne all psalmes prayers with whiche we prayse worshype synge gyue thankes to god fynall all the prayse of god ¶ The secounde petition Let thy kyngdome come ¶ This wretched lyfe is the kyngdome of all synnes and myschief whose lorde is the wycked spirite chief author and grounde of all malice and synne but thy kyngdome is the kyngdome of all grace and vertue whose Lorde is thy beste beloued Sonne Iesus Christe the hed and beginnynge of all grace vertue wherfore helpe vs most dyre Father and take vs agayn● in to thy fauour Gyue vs before all thynges true constaunt fayth in Christe hope without feare in thy mercy agaynste al infirmities of our weake conscyence and pure loue towardes the and all men Kepe vs from in fidelyte desperacyon and malyce whiche at the last myght be the cause of our destruction Make vs to auoide the foule desyre of lechery Gyue vs loue to virginyte and to all clennesse Delyuer vs from dyssentions batelles dyscorde and stryfe Make the vertues of thy kyngdome to come reygne within vs. Gyue vs peace concorde and tranquilyte so that wrathe or ony other bytternes haue not his kyngedome in vs but rather through thy grace the symple swetnes brotherly behaueour all kynde of frendshyp good maner gentylnes and kyndnes Graunte vs that the inordynate anguyshe and heuynes of mynde haue no place in vs. But make that reioysyng and plesure in thy grace and mercy rule haue dominion And to be shorte that all synne may be alyenate from vs and that we replenished with thy grace vertue and good workes may be made thy kyngdome that all our herte mynde and wyttes with all our strenght inward outwarde may suffre them selfe to be ruled by the to serue the thy cōmaundementes thy wyl not them selfe or the flesshe the worlde or the deuyll Make that this thy kyngdome ones in vs begone may be encreased go forward dayly and growe Leaste the subtyle malyce or slewth that we haue to goodnes oppresse vs leste we loke backe againe and fal in to ●ynne Geue vs a stable purpose strenght not only to begynne this good lyfe but rather to procede ●oldly in it and ●o per●o●me it as 〈◊〉 say●e Lyghten myn lyes le●●te I slepe or be wery in the good lyfe ones begone and so myn enemy ●o bryng me agayne in to his power Graunt that we may so contynue And that thy kyngdom which shall come may fynyshe performe this kyngdome which ●s begonne by the. Delyuer vs from this perilous and synful lyfe whan it shall please the. Make vs desyre the other lyfe to come and to despyse this presēt life Gyue vs grace not to feare death but rather to desyre it Put from vs the loue and desyre or this lyfe that
neyther yet in my selfe not in my power lernynge scyence ryches wysdome or what thynge soeuer it be that I haue or possesse I put no confydence in any creature whether it be in Heuen or in Erthe But I put my sure trust in only in one God whiche can not be seen with mans iye whiche can not be comprehended with mans wytte whiche made Heuen and Erthe and alone ruleth all creatures To hym hooly I submytte any selfe nothyng fearyng nor regardyng the malyce of the deuyll and his felowes for my god is aboue thē all Neyter wolde I put the lesse confidence in god thoughe all men dyd forsake me and persecute me Neyther wyll I truste hym the lesse because I am wretched and poore because I am rude and vnlearned because I am despysed and lack possessyons Nother yet the lesse because I am a synner for this my fayth doth farre passe all thynges as it is necessary and oughte to do what so euer eyther be or be not bothe synnes and vertues and to be shorte al thynges So that she doth puerely and hooly fyxe her self in god only as the fyrste cōmaundement teacheth and compelleth me Neyther I desyre any signe to tempte hym I trust faythfully vnto hym although he differre and tary at his pleasure I wyll not set or prescrybe to hym any ende any tyme measure or reason but I cōmytte all to his wyll with a pure fayth and a stable for he is almyghty what can I lacke that he can not gyue and do vnto me For he is the maker of Heuē Erthe lord of al thyngꝭ what thynge can hyndre me or hurt me Howe may it be that al thingꝭ shal not turne to myn vse proffet when he to whome all these thyngꝭ are subyect and obedient fauoreth me and loueth me Nowe syth he is god he knoweth wherunto he hathe ordeyned me and how euery thynge shal be best for me and that whiche he knoweth he may do and seyng he is my father it is sure that he wyll see the best for me and that for the fatherly loue that he hath vnto me When I doubte not hereof and haue such trust in hym then no doubte I am his seruaūt his Sonne and his heyre for euer And euen as I beleue so shall it be vnto me ¶ The secounde parte of the belefe And in Iesu Chryste his only sonne our lorde which was cōceyued by the holy ghost Borne of Mary the virgyne suffred vndre Pontius Pilatus crucified deed buried descēded to hel the thyrde day rose agayne from death Ascended to heuen syttyth on the ryght hāde of god the father almyghty from thense he shall come to iudge quycke and deade ¶ That is I do not only beleue that Iesu Christe is the true only sonne of god by euerlastinge and godly nature and beynge from the begynnyng euer begoten but also that all thyngꝭ are subdued vndre hym and that he is my lorde and the lorde of al creatures made ruler of them beyng man whiche he hym selfe with the father in his diuinyte dyd make ¶ I beleue that nomā may beleue in god the father or may come vnto the father neyther by science and learnynge neyther by workes neyther by theyr owne reason and wytte or by what thyng so euer may be named in Heuen or Erth. But by this and in this Iesu Christe his only sonne that is to say by the fayth in the name and power of Iesu Christ. I beleue vnfaynedly and surely that he was conceyued for my profet by the holy ghoste without all mans carnall worke without a bodely father or mannes sede and that to puryfy and make spiritual my fynful flesshly vnclene and damnable conceptyon and all theyrs that beleue in hym moued to this mercy of his owne and fre wyll the wyll of the almyghty father ¶ I beleue that he was begotten of the virgyne Mary without the losse of her pure and incorrupte virginite so that accordynge to the prouidence of the mercyfull father he sholde blysse and clense the synnes and damnable byrth of all that beleue in hym that after it myght do no hurte ¶ I beleue that he suffred passion death for my synnes and all theyrs that beleue in hym and that he therby blyssed all passyons crosses deathes so that after they might not hurte but be both holsome and merytoryous ¶ I beleue that he was dede and buryed to mortyfy and bury my synne all synnes of them that beleue Fynally that all bodely death by his death was destroyed so that it is no power to hurte but is rather made holsome and profytable ¶ I beleue that he went downe to hell to subdue and make captyue to me and to al that beleue the deuyll with al his impery subtilete and malyce to delyuer me from hell wherunto I was condemned in my fyrste father Adam takynge awey all his power that he myght not hurte me But sholde rather as by occasion be proffytable vnto me ¶ I beleue that in the thyrde day he rose agayne from deth to brynge me all that beleue into a newe lyfe that by this dede he raysed me with hym in grace and spirit not to synne after but that I endowed with all kyndes of grace and vertue myght serue hym so fulfylle his cōmaundementes ¶ I beleue that he ascended into Heuen that he hath receyued of the Father rule and honour aboue al Aungellꝭ creatures And that he now sytteth on the ryght hād of the Father that is that he is kynge and lorde ouer all the goodes of his Father in Heuen Hel and Earth wherfore he may helpe me and them that beleue in all maner of aduersytes agaynst all our aduersaryes and enemyes ¶ I beleue that from thense he shall returne the laste day to iudge quycke whome he then shal fynde alyue and deade which before were buryed And that he shall cause al men aungelles good euyl to come before the seate of his iudgement whome they shall se bodely to delyuer me and all faythfull from bodely death from all euyll and synnes And to punyshe with eternall iudgement his enemyes and aduersaryes so that we shall be delyuered frō theyr power for euer ¶ The .iij. parte of the belefe I beleue in the holy ghoste the holy christen churche the communyon of sayntes the forgyuenesse of synne the rysynge of flesshe and euerlastynge lyfe Amen ¶ That is to say I do not only beleue that the holy ghost is very god with the father and the sonne But also that noman can come to the father by Christe by his lyfe passion death what so euer was spoken of Christ or opteyne any of these thynges without the worke of this spirite with the whiche spirite I desyre the father and the sonne to touche me all faythful to sturre me vp to call to drawe and by Christ in Christe to quycken me to make me holy spirituall
so thy kyngdome maye fully be perfect in vs. Of this petycyon are all psalmes verses and prayers in the whiche grace and vertue is desyred of god ¶ The thyrde petition Thy wyll be fulfylled in Earthe as it is in Heuen ¶ If our wyll be compared with thyne it can neuer be good but is euer euil Thy wyll is euer best specyally and moch to be loued desyred wherfore haue compassiō vpon vs most dere father suffre nothing to be as our noughty wylles wolde haue it Gyue vs and teache vs true stable patience when our wyll is let and broke Graūte vs that when any man speaketh holdeth his peace doth or leueth vndone any thyng contrary to our wyll that therfore we be not wrothe or angry neyther curse compleyn crye or murmur neither iudge nor condēpne ye that we defende not our selfe Graunte that we may mekely gyue place to our aduersaryes and them which let our wyll and so to dysanull our wyll that we maye prayse saye well and do to them as to those whiche do performe thy godly and best wyll agaynst ours Endow vs with thy grace that we may gladly suffre all dyseases pouerty dipysynges persecutions crosse and aduersites knowlegyng that it is thy wyll to crucifye our wyll Gyue vs grace that we maye suffre iniurye and that gladlye Kepe vs from auengement Make vs that we acquit not euyl for euil neyther to auoyde vyolence by vyolence But rather that we delyte in thy wyll which bryngeth vs all these thyges prayse the and gyue the thankes Make vs that we impute it not to the deuyll or euyll men when any aduersyte chaunseth but that we atribute al vnto thy godly wyl which ordeyneth all such thynges that our wyll may be let and that blessednes may encrease in thy kyngdome Gyue vs grace that we maye be glad and merye to dye and that for thy wyl we may take our death gladly so that by feare or infyrmite we be not made dysobedyent vnto the. Make that all our membres eyes tongue herte hādes fete be not suffred to folow their desires neyther that we be at any tyme subdued vnder theym but that we euen as taken and emprysoned may be brokē in thy will and pleasure Kepe vs from all euyll myscheuous obstynate harde styffe vngentyl and resystyng wyll Gyue due obedyence perfecte and free mynde in all spyryatuall thynges worldly euerlastyng and transytory Kepe vs from the most horyble synne of grudgyng sclaunder accursyng and folyshe iudgement that we condempne no man or turne any thynge to rebuke Put from vs that abhomynable euyll moste greuous stroke of suche tongues teache vs that yf we se or heare of other any thynge worthy of rebuke and whiche displeaseth vs that we holde our peace hyde it complaynyg to the onely puttyng and comittyng it vnto thy wyll so that with all our mynde we forgyue theym that offende vs for whome also we be sory Teache vs to vnderstonde that no man maye hurte vs excepte he do hym selfe moche more hurt● in thy syght so that we may be moued with mercy towardꝭ hym rather then we shold be prouoked to wrathe rather wepyng for his blyndnes then to thynke of aduengement Gyue vs grace that we reioyce not in theyr troubles which haue resysted our wyll or hurte vs or in what pouertye so euer theyr lyfe dyspleaseth vs also that we be not sory when they prospere haue welfare Of this petytion are all psalmes verses prayers teachyng vs to praye for our enemyes and agaynst our synnes ¶ The fourthe peticion Gyue vs this day our dayly breade ¶ The breade is our lorde Iesus Chryste which noryssheth and conforteth the soule Therfore O heuenly father gyue vs this grace that the lyfe of Chryst wordꝭ workes passions may be preached knowen accepted and alowed bothe of vs and of all the worlde Gyue vs grace that we may haue his wordes workes and all his lyfe for an effectual example and spectacle of al vertues Gyue vs grace that in our passyons and aduersy●yes we may confort our selfe by his passyon and crosse Gyue vs grace that we maye with a stable faythe ouercome our deathe by his deathe and folowe without feare this noble capeteyn into another lyfe Gyue this grace that all they that preache may profytably godly preache thy worde and Iesu Christ thrugh all the worlde that all whiche haue herd thy worde preached may learne Christe so may be puryfied and go forth in a better lyfe Graunte this also mercyfull Father that all straunge doctrines in the whiche Christ is not lerned may be thruste out of thy churche haue mercy on all bysshoppes prestes and on all rulers gouerners and generally vpon all officers hyghe and low that they may be lyghtened with thy grace to teache and rule well bothe in worde and also example of lyfe Kepe all that are weake in the fayth Least they be offended by the euyll example of heddes and rulers Kepe vs from heresyes and doctrines of diuysyon that we maye be agreynge in one mynde sythe we vse our dayly breade that is one dayly doctryne and worde of Christe Teache vs by thy grace to thynke haue in mynde truly as we ought to do the passiō of Christ to ioyne it happely with our lyfe so that we may come vnto atteyne some thyng though it be but the shadow of it Fynally gyue vs our dayly breade that Christe in vs and we in Christe may dwell perpetually and may worthely beare this nam●●●the of Christ we ar called Christ Of this petition are all kende of prayers psalmes with the which we praye for our officers against false teachers for the Iewes for heretykes and all other that ar out of the ryght wey And also with the whiche we pray for them that lacke conforte ¶ The fyfte peticion Forgyue vs oure trespasses euen as we forgyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. ¶ This prayer hath a certeyn condytion signe annexed with him which is that first we forgyue our trespasses This don then we may praye that god forgyue vs our trespasses before also in the thyrde petitiō we prayed that the wyll of god myght be fulfylled whiche wylleth that we suffre all thynges pacyently not acquiting euyll for euyl neyther sekynge auengement but that we do good for euyll by thexample of our Father in Heuen whiche maketh his sonne shyne vpon good euyll and sendeth his rayne vpon kynde and vnkynde ¶ This is now our prayer O Father conforte our conscyence both now and in the day of death whiche cōscyence now is abasshed seyng his synne and iniquite then also shal be abasshed remembryng thyn hard and strayte iudgement Gyue thy peace into our hertes that we
ye shall knowe that I honor the father by whose name ye adiure me and that I so feare ye not but I dare tell you the trouth I answere and knowledge vnto you that thou Bisshop haste hit the nayle on the heade sayde that that true is but yet now for all this shall ye neuer the more beleue it but ye shal se me whome ye despise as but one of the sonnes of Adam and so entēde ye to put me to dethe sittyng on the right hand of god that is to saye equall with hym in power to cōmaunde to gouerne all men ye shall se me at laste cōmynge agayne in the cloudes from aboue iudge bothe mē lyuyng and them that ar now deade this glorye shal I receyue of my father in short space sone after ye haue put me to deathe from this day shal ye not se me other wyse then syttynge on the ryghte hande of god tryumphyng in a gloriouse estate power almyghty ouer all men whiche thynge I haue tolde you before this Then concluded they all Ergo arte thou euen the sonne of god Iesus onswered ye saye so and so I am ¶ Then began the Bisshope to rage and to rende his clothes sayenge lo he hathe spoken blasphemye wherfore then neade ye any farther wytnes lo your selues haue herde nowe a greuous blasphemye what thynke ye They all answered sayeng he is gylty death Mathew Marke Luke These thynges were done in the councell whiche all the chyefe of the prestes thelders and scribes helde erlye in the mornynge to condemne Christe to deth and of this they armed theyr selues and toke courage to accuse hym before the chyefe gouernor and iudge called Pilate Mathew Marke Besydes this seynge that it perteyneth to thystory to se what ende Iudas made that betrayer I shall here put to his departynge when Iudas se his mayster was lykly to be condemned to deathe then beganne he to repente hym then heuenes touched his herte and constrayned hym to beare agayn to the prestes thelders these thyrty peases of syluer for the which he solde hym sayenge I haue synned in betraynge this innocent bloude whiche answered hym sayeng what is that to vs care thou therfore for we care not so lyght regarded they that they had bought that innocent bloude delyuerd hym to death Suche is the Pope holynes and fayned ryghtwysnes or hipocrites And Iudas threw downe the mony and went his way and hunge hym self with an halter and he brast in the myddes and al his bowelles fell out whiche thyng was sprede ouer all Ierusalem Then toke the chyefe prestes that mony sayenge it is not lawfull to put this mony in to our offryng boxe for bloude was bought soulde therwith Here was a meruelous religion they shamed not ne feared to shede thynnocent bloude but the price therof durste they not myngle with theyr other monye that was offred to them thus do hipocrites strayne oute a gnatte swalowe ouer a camell wherfore these vntowarde and ouertwhart religious men caste theyr frowarde heades to gyder and bought a felde of a Potter with the mony to burye in straūgers and for this cause the felde was called ī theyr mother tongue Cakaldema whiche is to saye the blody felde then was fulfylled the prophesy of zacharie whiche prophecyed that this man shuld gyue thyrcyepence the wiche mony shulde be the pryce of a man bought and soolde amonge them boughte of one of the Israelytes whiche was had in reputacyon they shulde gyue this mony for the Potters felde as the lorde had ordeyned it A meruelous thynge that Christe wolde be solde of so deare beloued a disciple also it was not without a great mystery that for the same price and for the same mony Christe was solde this felde was bought to burye in the straungers or wayfaryng men For the very true rest and tranquillyte of our consciences is boughte and procured as thorough Christes deathe whiche are here straungers goynge to the very heuenly citye of Ierusalem that is to saye to a perpetuall peace and reaste wherfore it was well worthy that this texte of the prophete be name shulde be here remēbred nowe let vs prosecute thystory of the passion ¶ In this syxte parte are conteyned what were done in the fyrste inquisition before Pilate and afterwarde so before Herode AFter this whan the iewes thought them selfe well and sufficiciently instructe to accuse Christe The multitude rose vp from the councell presented hym vnto Pilate Luke For they wolde not entre in to theyr towne house or iudgement hall leste they shulde haue polluted theyr selues for this holy hipocrites false phariseis shulde celebrate and keape holy their passe ouer daye on the morowe here may ye se how scrupulouse was theyr vngodly holynes wherfore Pilate wente forthe vnto them askynge theym wherfore they accused this man and they answered yf he were not a malefactor we had not in any wyse delyuerd hym vnto that with the whiche answere so proudlye spoken Pilate was somwhat offended and bad them procede with hym as they had begonne to iudge hym after theyr owne lawes and they denyed that it was lawfull for them to slaye any man And thus was it ordeined of god that Christe shulde be crucified of the Gentilles as he ofte tymes before tolde it vnto his disciples Iohan. Then beganne they to accuse Christe agayne that he had made sedicions among the people thorugh his doctrine whiche they were aboute to make appere dampnable sediciouse saieng that he forbodde tribute to be gyuen to Themperour and at last they sayde that Christe made hym selfe a kynge by which sayengꝭ they trusted to condempne him of treason Luke wherfore Pilate the iudge asked hym now standynge before hym whether he were the kynge of Iewes for this mater he thought perteyned vnto his charge which was then there deputed to gouerne vnder Themperour But as touchyng his doctrine as a thynge nothyng derogating Themperours power he toke no greate heade therof neyther was he muche inquisitiue Mathew Marke Luke Then Iesus asked hym howe come it in to your mynde to demaunde of me this question come it of your selfe or haue ye herde it of ony other man for Christe wolde be sene as he was in verye deade so farre and so pure from al affection or desyre of ony erthly kyngedome that no man shulde it suspect in hym wherupon euen Pilate his selfe as shewynge hym to haue not suspected any suche thynge in hym sayde as for me I am a Romane nothynge learned in your lawes prophe●ꝭ I know not how and in what maner your Kynge Mes●ias sholde come and as for me I cannot p●rceyue any token of a kynges estate in the thyne owne nacyon and the bisshoppes delyuerd the vnto me and they are the men that accuse the of this thynge what haste thou done Then aunswered Iesus my kyngdome is not of this worlde or elles I myghte haue my seruantes to defende me and thus
that is to saye vpon this greate Saboth daye came the ouermost of the prestes with the pharisayes togyder and went to Pilate remēbringe that Christe whom they nowe called a false deceyuer sayde that he shulde ryse agayne the thyrde day wherupō they desyred that he wolde cōmaunde the sepulcre to be kepte vntyll the thyrde daye leste his disciples shulde pauenture come stele hym awaye so bare the people in hande that he was rysen from deathe and then sholde they be in worse case then euer they were before to whom Pilate graūted the custodye and that they sholde keape the sepulcre as wel as they coulde which then sealed the stone and besette armed men aboute it to kepe hym Adoramus te c. ¶ The verse we worshipe the o Christe and we honour the. Thanswer For by thy holy Crosse thou haste redemed the worlde Oremus Domine Iesu Christ. c. O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of the lyuynge god put thy passion crosse and thy death betwene the iudgment and our soules now in the hour of our dethe and graunte vs whiles we lyue mercy and grace to theym that departe forgyuenes rest vnto thy holy churche gyue peace and concorde and to vs that are synners lyfe and glory euerlastynge whiche lyuest and reignest with the father and with the holy goste euer Amen Gloriosa passio c. ¶ The gloriose passion of our lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuenes bryng vs to the ioyes of paradise Amen GOd setteth forth his incōparable loue that he beareth vnto vs for seyng the whiles we were yet synners Christe dyed for vs muche more then now seynge that we are iustified in his bloude shall we be preserued from dampnation through hym to the Romans the fyfthe A fruetfull remembraunce A deuoute frutfull godly remembraunce of the passion of oure sauyour Iesu Christe THere are certeyne whiche when they excercyse theym selues in the medita●ion or remembraūce of the pas●yō which Chryste suffer●d for mankynde do nothyng els bu● were wod and furious agaynst the blinde iewes and Iudas theyr gyde through whome he was betrayed as an innocent lambe in to theyr bloudy cruell handes euen as it is the comen maner of thē whiche are wonte to lamēte and bewayle the 〈◊〉 o●●heyr frendes to accuse crye out on those persones which do the deade but they nothyng consider them which are the chyefe causes of his bitter death and pas●ion So that in rely this may better be called a remebraunce of the Iewes wickednes then of Chr●stꝭ passion ¶ There are other that haue gathered to gether diuerse cōmodityes whiche springe through the dilygent beholdynge of this passion wherof is the sayenge of Albert in euery mans mouth that it is better to remēbre the passion of Christe oure in once lyfe all though it be but slenderly then to ta●●e euery daye a hole yere to gyder or ●o reade ouer the hole Psalter of Dauid how be it all theyr polytike meanes studiouse imaginacyons they coude neuer a●tayne the very vse and profyte of the passion of Christe Neyther sought they ony thynge therin but theyr owne priuate welth ●or some caryed a●oute them images paynted papers carued tables cro●es and such other tryfles yea and some felle to suche madde ignoraunce that they thought them selues through suche beggery to be sate from ryre water and all other perilous ieoperdyes As though the crosse of Christ shu●de delyuer them from such outwarde tro●les and not rather the contrary ¶ These do pituously sorowe morne for Christe and complayne that he was innocent and gyltles put to death euen lyke as the women of H●●rusalem whom Christe hym selfe dyd reprehende aduert●●ynge thē that they shulde lamen●e them selfes and theyr owne childrē Neyther is it ●ny meruell for the preachers them selues ar sycke of the same disease which for the most parte when they entreate this mater ●epe 〈◊〉 of the fruteful and holesom storye in to these theyr comen places howe Iesus toke his leaue of his disciples ī Betania And with what dolorous syghes his mother Marie pityed hym suche other thyngꝭ on these they bable at lengthe and discant theyr plesures rather to the weryenge then edefyenge of the audience vnto this sorte maye we also adnumbre them whiche haue defined and enstructe other what exellent commodityes are in the masse in so moch that the rude ignoraunt people perswaded them selues that it was sufficient yf they hadde herde a masse and that they sholde h●ue good luke what so euer myschefe they wēt a boute And there are some whiche runne so farre hedlyng that they affirme stoutely that the masse whiche they call a sacrifice is accepte of god for the worke it selfe and not for his sake that doeth the masse They consider not that god loketh fyrste on the person that worketh and then after on the worke as thou haste a goodlye ensample Gen. iiij of Abell and Cain They consider not that an euyll tre can not brynge forthe good frute Mathew .xij. And that on a bromble men can gether no figges Math. vij They consider not that the masse was institute of Christe to make vs more holye through the deuoute remembraunce of his passion with a pure fayth and not for ony other worthynesse that it hathe in it sylfe How be it though we sholde graūte them that the masse in it selfe were as good and holye as theyr couetousnes and belyes haue fayned it yet truely can it nothyng profyte vs excepte we vse it for the same purpose that Christe dyd institute it for what dothe it profite vs that meate and drynke are good holesom yf we abuse them corruptynge our nature yea or what doth it auayle vs that god is god that is to saye almyghty most mercyful good rightewise and alone sufficient yf we abuse his goodnes and beleue not in hym It is therfore to be feared lest yf thou be ignoraūt in the true vse of the masse that the mo thou hearest the more thou offendest god abusynge his institution and ordinaunce ¶ But these are the very right beholders of Christꝭ passion whiche cōsyder marke in his passion theyr owne synnes and enormityes which were the cause and grounde of his passion and death for they ar feared and theyr conscyences tremble as sone as they remembre the passion whiche feare tremble ryseth of this that they maye se in the passion the vehemēt wrath rightuous punishment of god the father agaynst synners whiche wolde not for all the abundaunt fauoure that he had vnto his sonne 〈◊〉 ma●efactoures to go fre and vnpunished but that he muste redeme them with his owne death which thyng Esaias .iiij. do●h al●o confirme sayeng in the person of god the father for the synnes of my people haue I wounded hym what then shall be come of vs syth his moste deare and onlye sonne is so cruelly entreated It muste nedes be a meruelous
earth I wyl drawe al vnto my selfe verefie thy wordꝭ draw me after the let vs rūne to gether in the swetenesse of thyne oyntmentes Besydes that thou saydeste Math. xi Come vnto me all ye the laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you Loo I come vnto the laden with synnes laboryng day and nyght in the sorow of myne harte refresh and ease me lorde that thou mayste be iustefied and proued true in thy wordes and mayste ouercome when thou art iudged for there are manye that saye he shall haue no socoure of his god God hath forsaken hym Ouercome lorde these parsones when thou arte thus iudged of them forsake me not at any tyme. Gyue me thy mercye and holesome socoure and then are they vaynqueshed ¶ They saye that thou wylt haue no mercye on me that thou wylte cast me clene out of thy fauoure no more receyue me thus art thou iudged of men and thus do men speake of the and these are theyr determynacyons but thou whiche arte meke merciful haue mercy on me and ouercome theyr iudgemētes shewe thy mercy on me and let thy godlye pytye be praysed in me Make me a vessell of thy mercye that thou mayste be iustefied in thy wordes haue the vyctorye when men do iudge the for men do iudge the to be firce and inflexible Ouercome theyr iudgemēt with mekenes beneuolence so y● men may lerne to haue compassion on synners and that malefatours may be enflamed vnto repentaunce seynge in me thy pytye and mercye Lo I was fasshoned ī wyckednes my mother cōceyued me poluted with synne ¶ Beholde not lorde the greuousnes of my synnes cōsidre not the multitude but loke mercifully on me whiche am thy creature Remēbre y● I am dust that al fleshe is as wytherd hay for lo I am fasshoned in wickednes in sinne hath my mother cōceiued me My naturall mother I say hath conceiued me of cōcupiscēce in hir am I polluted with originall synne What is originall synne but the lacke of originall iustice of the ryght pure innocēcy which mā had at his creacyon therfore a man cōceiued barne in suche synne is hole croked out of frame The fleshe coueteth against the spirit Reason is slender the wyl is weake man is fraile like vanitie his sences deceiue him his ymagynacyon fayleth hym his ignoraunce leadeth him out of the ryght way he hath infinite īpedimentꝭ which plucke hym frome goodnes and dryue hym in to euyll Therfore oryginall synne is the rote of all synnes the nurse of all wickednesse for all be it that in euery man of theyr owne nature it is but one synne yet in power it is all synnes Thou seiste therfore Lorde what I am and of whence I am for in origynall synne which conteyneth al synnes and iniquites in it am I fasshoned and in it hath my mother cōceaued me syth then I am hole in synnes and enuyroned with snares on euery side howe shall I escape for what I wolde that do I not but the euyll that I wolde not that do I. For I finde a nother lawe in my membres rebellynge agaynste the lawe of my mynde and subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne and deth Therfore the more frayle and entangled thy godly beneuolēce seeth me so much the more let it lyft vp and confort me who wolde not pytye one that is syke who wolde not haue compassion on hym that is dyseased Come come swete Samaritane take vp the wounded and halfe deade cure my woundes poure in wyne and oyle set me vpon thy beest bringe me into the hos●ry cōmytte me vnto the hoste take out two pence saye vnto hym what so euer thou spendest aboue this when I come agayne I wyll recōpence ye. Lo thou hast loued truth the vnknowne secrete ●gyngꝭ of thy wysdome haste thou vttered vnto me ¶ Come most swete Samaritane for beholde thou haste loued truthe the truthe I saye of thy promyses whiche thou hast made vnto mankynde theym haste thou truly loued for thou haste made and kepte them so that thy loue is nothynge els but euen to do good for in thy selfe thou art inuariable immutable thou vsest not now to loue anon not to loue as mē do neyther doth thy loue so come go But thou art suche a louer as dothe neuer chaunge for thy loue is very god Thy loue therfore wherwith thou louest a creature is to do it good and whom thou most louest to them art thou moste beneficyall Therfore what meaneth that thou louest truthe but that of thy gracious mercy thou makest vs promyses and fulfyllest them for thy truthes sake Thou dydest promyse vnto Abraham a sonne when he was aged thou fulfilledst thy promyse in olde and bareyn Sara because thou louedst truth Thou promisedst vnto the chyldren of Israell a lande that flowed with milke and honye and at the last didest geue it thē for thy truthes sake ¶ Thou madest a promyse to Dauid sayenge I shall set vp thy seate regall one of the frute of thy bodye and it came euen ●o passe because thou woldest be founde true There are other innumerable promyses in which thou hast euer bene faithful because thou louedst truthe Thou haste promysed to synners which wyll come vnto the forgyuenesse and fauour and thou hast neuer defrauded man for thou hast loued truthe That vnthryftye Sonne Luce. xv that toke his iourney in to a farre countre and wasted all his goodes with royatous lyuynge when he came to hym selfe he retourned vnto the sayenge father I haue synned agaynst heuen and before the now am I not worthye to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes When he was yet a greate waye of thou sawest hym and haddest cōpassion on him and rannest vnto hym fallynge vpon his necke and kyssynge hym thou broughtest forth the best garment and puttest a rynge on his finger and showes on his fete thou kylledst that fatted calfe and madest all the house mery saieng let vs eate and be mery for this my sonne was deade and is alyue agayne he was lost and is now founde ¶ Why didest thou al this lorde god surelye because thou louedst truth Loue therfore o father of mercies this truthe in me which returne vnto the frō a far cūtre runne towardꝭ me geue me a kys of thi mouth geue me those chefe garmētꝭ draw me ī to thy house kyll y● fatted calfe that all which truste in the maye reioyce in me and lette vs eate together in spyrytuall feastes Oh lorde wylte thou exclude me alone wylte thou not kepe this truth vnto me yf thou shuldest loke narowly on our wickednesse o lorde Lorde who myght abyde the But lorde thou wylte not be soo strayte vnto vs for thou louest truth ye and that with a feruent and incomprehensyble loue ¶ Whiche is the truth that thou so louest is it not thy sonne that sayde Iohan. xiiij I
am the waye truth and lyfe he is the very truthe of whom all truthe is named in heuen and in earthe this is it that thou haste loued and in it only haste thou delyted for thou dydeste fynde it pure and with out spotte and woldeste that it shulde dye for synners Kepe therfore Oh god this truthe beholde I am a greate synner in whome thou mayste kepe it to whome thou mayst forgeue many synnes whome thou mayste purifye in the bloude of thy Chryste and whome thou mayste redeme through his passion why Oh Lorde hast thou geuē me this knowlege of thi sonne and this fayth of hym Because I sholde se my redempcyon and not to attayne it that I myght by that meanes be the more vexed with sorowe God forbyd But rather that I maye perceyue the remission of my synnes purchased by Christes bloude and so by his grace maye obteyne it Purge me therfore redeme me oh lorde for thou hast vttered vnto me the vnknowne and secret poyntes of thy wysdome that this knowlege maye helpe me and brynge me vnto health for truely the Phylosophers neuer knewe these thyngꝭ they were vnknowne vnto them yea and vtterly hyd frō them And no man knewe these thynges excepte a fewe whom thou louedste entyrelye before thy sonnes incarnacyon ¶ The moste curious serchers of the worlde I meane the wyse men of this worlde lifted vp theyr eyes aboue heuen yet coulde not fynde this thy wysdom for thou haste hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudente and haste opened them vnto babes that is to hūble fysshers and thy holy propehtes which also haue vttered them vnto vs. And so hast thou vttered the vnknowne and secrete thynges of thy wysdom and of thy scryptures vnto me why do I knowe them in vayne I knowe theym surelye in vayne if they profyt me not vnto my helth and saluacion For the philosophers when they knewe god by his meruelous creatures they gloryfied hym not as god neyther were thankefull but vexed full of vanities in theyr imaginacyons and theyr folysshe hertes were blynded When they counted them selues wyse they became foles Wylt thou suffer me lorde to be of theyr numbre God forbyd For thou arte euen mercye it selfe which doth neuer vtterly forsake any man Fauoure therfore lorde fauour and spare thy seruaunt and cōmaunde hym to be of the numbre of thy babes that the vnknowne secretes of thy wysdom whiche thou haste opened to hym maye leade hym vnto the fountayne of wysdome whiche is an hye that thou mayste be praysed in the worke of thy mercye whiche thou doste exercyse towardes thy seruante Lorde whiche neuer forsakest them that truste in the. Sprynkle me Lorde with ysope and so shall I be clene thou shalt washe me and then shall I be whytter then snowe ¶ Because lorde that thou haste loued the truthe and haste opened vnto me the vnknowne secretes of thy wisdom I am wel counforted and I trust that thou wylt not cast me out of thy fauoure but thou wylte sprynkle me with ysope and soo shall I be clensed Ysope is a lowe herbe it is hote and of a good sauour whiche sygnyfyeth nothynge els but thy onely sone our lord Iesu chryst which humbled hym self vnto deth euen vnto the deth of the crosse Which with the hete of his feruent charyte loued vs and washed vs from our synnes in his bloude Which with the redolent sauoure of his beneuolence and ryghtuousnes replenyshed the hole worlde Therfore with this ysope shalte thou spryncle me when thou poureste vpon me the vertue of his bloude when Chryste thrughe fayth shall dwell in me when thrughe loue I am ioyned with hym when I shall countrefayte his humylyte and passyon then shall I be clensed frome all myne vnclennes Then shalte thou washe me with myne owne teares which flowe out of the loue of christ then shall I syghe vntyll I be werye I shall water my bed euery nyght with my teares so that it shall swymme in them then shalte thou wasshe me and I shall be whytter then snowe Snowe is whyte and colde but lorde yf thou spryncle me with ysope I shall be more whyter then snowe for I shall be thrughly endued with thy splendent light whiche passeth all bodelye wytnesse And when I am enflamed with that lyght I shall forsake all my carnall cōcupiscences colde vnto worldly thigꝭ ēflamed vnto heuēly Unto my hearynge shalte thou geue ioye and gladnes my brosed bones shall be refreshed ¶ Then lorde shall I pray vnto the erly that is in the begynnyge of thy lyght shalt thou heare my voyce and I shal heare what the lorde god shall speake in me for he shall speake peace for his people and shall geue me peace Lorde thou shalte geue me peace for I haue trusted in the vnto my hearyng shalt thou geue ioy and glagdnesse when I shall heare that confortable wordes that marie herde And what herde marie I speake of that marye which sate at the fete of Iesus mat xxvj what herde she Thy fayth hath saued the go thy wayes in peace Let me also heare that the thefe herde this daye shalte thou be with me in paradyse then shall I haue ioye for the remyssyon of my synnes and gladnesse for thy bounteous and lyberall promyses shall I not reioyce and be glad when thou shalt gyue me two folde for all my synnes then shall I begynne to taste how swete the lorde is then shall I lerne to be cōuersant in heuenly thīgꝭ and shall saye with the prophete how great and copious is that swetenesse lorde which thou haste layde vppe for theym that feare the. Then shall I reioyse and be glad and my brosed bones shall be refresshed What are the bones whiche sustayne the flesshe but the powers of oure soule and reason that bere vp the fraylte of oure flesshe that he runne not hedlonge in to all vyces that a man fall not hole in to vanite and so consume awaye These bones I saye are sore brosed for the reason is very weake and the wyll is prone ready to all myschyef for euen nowe the fleshe obeyeth not reason but reason muste obaye the flesshe so that I can not resist vyce for my bones at brosed And why are they brosed for they haue forsaken the the fountaine of liuyng water and haue dygged for them selues cesterns full of chynnes whiche can holde no waters for they are not filled with thy grace withoute whiche no man can lyue well for without the we can do nothyng They trusted in theyr owne power which is no power and therfore decayed they in theyr owne folysshnesses Therfore let thy power come oh lorde and then shal these brosed bones be refresshed let thy grace come that faith which worketh through loue Let thy powers and giftes assist me and then my brosed bones shall be refreshed for my reason shall be mercy my memorye glad and my wyll full of ioye And thus shall they all
shal cast out all drousye sluggyshnes and false confydence and be hooly enflamed and made perfayte with the burnynge fyer of goddes loue Then shall the bysshoppes and preachers put calues vpō thyn altare for after they ar cōsummate in al kynde of vertue replenysshed with the holye spiryte they shal not feare to geue theyr lyues for theyr sheepe What is thyne altare swete Iesu but thy crosse where vpon thou wast offered What signifyeth a wanton calfe but our bodye Therfore then shall they put calues on thyne altare when they shal offer their owne bodies vnto the crosse that is vnto all afflyctions and euen vnto the verye deathe for thy names sake ¶ Then shall the churche floryshe and dilate her coostes then shall thy prayse be noysed from the laste ende of the worlde then shal ioye and gladnes fulfyll the hole worlde Then shall thy sayntes reioyce in glorye and shal make myrth in theyr mancyons waytynge for vs in the londe of the lyuynge Accomplyshe in me euen nowe Lorde that then whiche I so ofte name that thou mayste haue compassion on me accordīg to thy great mercy y● thou mayst receyue me for a sacryfice of ryghtwysnes for a holy oblacyon for a brente sacryfyce of good lyuynge and for a calfe to be offered on thyne altare or crosse by the which I maye passe from this vale of miserye vnto that ioye whiche thou hast prepared for them that loue the. Amen ¶ To fyll vp the lefe we haue touched certeyne places whiche we thought most necessary to edefye the congregaciō of Christ. ¶ Of faythe FIrst dere bretherne ye ought to geue dylygent hede that you maye purelye vnderstonde what faythe is and what frutes procede out of her And to conclude the summe in fewe wordes fayth is a sure perswasyon and full knowlege that god for his truthe and ryghtwysnes sake wyll fulfyll suche promyses as he hathe made vnto vs of his mercye and fauoure which sure perswasion must be geuen from god 1. Corin. xij For it can neither be goten by mannes power nether yet retayned therfore with feare and tremblynge performe that helthe whiche is begonne in you for it is god that worketh in you both the wil and also the dede euen at his owne pleasure And se that with all mekenes ye submyt your selues vnto the vocacion of god not seking the lyberty of the fleshe nether yet despysyng good workes for faith doth mortefye the fleshe and her workes the spirite of god whiche resteth in a faythfull man helpeth our ins●irmitie and fyghteth without intermission agaynste synne the deuyll and the worlde ¶ The power of faythe The power of fayth is to iustefye vs that is to dispoyle vs frome all our vices and laye them on Christꝭ backe whiche hathe pacefyed the fathers wrathe towardes vs and to endue vs with an others ryhtwysnes that is Christꝭ so that I and all my synnes are Christes Christ with all his vertues are myne for he was borne for vs and geuen vnto vs. Esaye ix Roma viii To obteyne this ryghtwisnes god the father requireth nothing of vs but that we beleue in hym and make hym no lyar He that beleueth that god of his mercye hath made vs these promises that for his truthes sake he wil fulfyl them he setteth to his seale that god is true But he that beleueth not or doubteth of this as much as in him is he maketh him a liar .i. Iohn̄ v. for why sholdest thou doubte in hym excepte thou thoughtest that he were a lyar wold not kepe his ꝓmesse which he made Now yf thou counte God whiche is the verye truthe to be a lyar arte thou not worthye a thousande dampnacyones ¶ The worke of faythe FAyth worketh by charite for when my ragyng conscience which fealeth her syn̄e is pacefied set at one with God thrughe fayth then remembrynge the feruent loue of god towardes me I can not but loue my neyghboure agayne for there is no man that hertelye loueth the father and can hate the sone and althoughe the sonne be naught and unthriftye yet for his fathers sake he wyll helpe to better hym and euen lament and be sorye for y● sonnes wyckednesse Lykewyse yf we hertely loue god for his infinyte benefytes done vnto vs then can we not hate that creature which he hath made after his own lykenes whō god the father loueth so tenderly y● he gaue his owne sonne vnto the death to redeme him yea whom he hath adopted thrugh Christe to be his sonne and heyre Nowe all be it we se no kyndenes in this man for whiche we sholde loue hym yet hath god shewed vs kyndnes ynough for the which we ought to loue hym socoure hym at al tymes Let vs therfore loue hym for y● loue that god his creatoure hathe shewed vs beare his infyrmitye yf he faule let vs lyft hym vp agayne and endue hym with our wysdome all our workes euen as Christ hath done with vs and this is an euydent token that thou louest god when thou louest thy brother .i. Iohn .iiij. and seakest al meanes to helpe hym these are the good workes that folow fayth and are euydent tokens that thy faythe is ryght and pure Thus seest thou how good workes flowe out of faythe through charite charite or loue is the fulfilling of the hole lawe Ro. xiij ¶ Good workes AMonge good workes the chyef art to be obedyente in all thynges vnto kynges prynces Iudges and suche other offycers as farre as they cōmaunde ciuyle thynges that is ●o say such thynges as are indyfferente and not contrarye vnto the cōmaundemētes of god for then must we rather obaye God then men actes in the fyrst chapitre although we shold lese both our substaūce and lyfe therto To honour rulers To promote peace To praye for all comynaltyes And to applye al our studyes to profyte them ¶ The nexte are to be obedyent vnto father mother To prouyde for our householde both nouryshyng our famylye with bodelye sustenaunce and also to enstructe them with the worde of god and so to be theyr gouernour carnall and spirituall ¶ Then muste we loke howe we oughte to behaue ourselues towardes our neyghboures knowlegynge that al the gyftꝭ which are geuen vs of god are not geuen vs for our owne selfe but for the edefyenge o● the cōgregacyō .j. Corynth xij yf we bestow them not on that maner we shall surelye geue a rekenyng for them before the lorde Emonge these ought we to haue respecte vnto the preachers and mynesters of the worde that they maye be had in honoure and well prouyded for And aboue all thinges good bretherne addresse your selues unto that necessary worke prayer Remembre to praye for all estates for that is a worke that Chryst his apostles full dylygently exhorted all men vnto promysynge them that they sholde obtayne theyr petycyons Iohn̄ xvj also .j. Iohn̄ iij. yf they be accordynge to the wyll of god and for his glorye .j. Iohn̄ v. ¶ Here endeth the exposition vpon the lj Psalme called Miserere mei deus Imprented at Londō in Flete strete by Iohn̄ Byddell dwellynge next to Flete brydge at the sygne of our lady of pytye for Wyllyam Marshall Cum priuilegio Regali