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A03464 The Christian exercise of fasting, priuate and publike plainly set forth by testimonies of holy Scriptures, and also of old and late writers: wherein is shewed how religious families priuatly, and the congregations publikely, haue humbled themselues before almightie God, making vse of iudgements past, auoyding euils present, and preuenting future calamities, &c. Together with sundrie abuses of fasting in three generations of hypocrites: the first in the dayes of the prophets: the second in the dayes of Christ: the third in the dayes of Antichrist. Hereunto also are added some meditations on the 1. and 2. chapters of Iob, to comfort and instruct all such as be afflicted with any crosse, either inwardly in minde, or outwardly in bodie. By H. Holland, minister and preacher of Gods word. Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603. 1596 (1596) STC 13586; ESTC S104147 181,008 249

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consult and to proceede with successe but in the ende they are the very instruments of their owne bane and destruction Examples How earnest was that hypocrite Achitophel in that hot and dangerous conspiracie of Absalom against Dauid but when he saw what issue all would come to he went and hanged himselfe How desperate was Iudas against his good master God decreed it and gaue him leaue to effect his desire but his desperate rage turned to his owne bane and perdition for being not able to beare the torments and fierie flashings of his conscience he went anon after and hanged himselfe Contrarily we see the Lord otherwhiles to deferre and to deny the requests of his Saints and faithfull people first 1. Sam. 15.10.11 2. Sam. 12. 2. Cor. 12.17 1. Ioh. 5.14 either because they know not what they aske Matth. 20.22 2. or els because they aske agaynst Gods decree as Samuel praying for Saul and Dauid for his child 3. or because they know not what is best for them as to Paule he sayth My grace is sufficient for thee This is the assurance we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. 2. We haue before noted how fearefully the wicked are plagued by Sathan when he is let loose against them Farre greater are Achabs plagues being farsed with errors in soule then Iobs plagues being filled with boyles in his bodie The Lord lets Sathan proceede so farre as pleaseth him as here we see in both He cannot hurt the hogges of the Gaderits without his commission much lesse the bodies and soules of men Math. 8.31.32 * And here howsoeuer the Lord is good and gracious to his holy seruant to preserue his soule from Sathans snares and his life from death yet we know that Sathan preuailes otherwhiles in both euen against Gods elect Reue. 2.10 Luke 13.11.12 Palsy Math. 9.2.3 For the bodies of the Saints we know also that he hath murdered many of them both by means of his wicked instruments in all the murders which haue been in the world And also immediatly by himselfe poysoning their bodies with the pestilence and other incurable diseases whereby hee hath destroyed many as here he would haue done Iob but that God restrained him Now then wee see here how Iob findes great fauour at Gods hand in his crosse for the Lord keepes his soule and heart from errors and his life from death Let vs learne it here againe that Sathan cannot hurt vs without a commission if this bee true let vs neuer seeke for help against him but by pleasing the same Lord which gaue him commission It is madnes to seeke helpe of witches the diuels speciall instruments when hee is let loose against vs to adore him as a God Let vs onely intreate by prayer and fasting the same great Lord which hath sent him against vs. Vers 7. Sathan departed from the presence of the Lord Bischin and smote Iob with a scorching inflammation * Or vehemēt from the sole of his foote to the crowne of his head This verse sheweth the execution of the second commission against Iob where consider 1. The qualitie of this plague a pestilentiall carbuncle most venemous and full of inflammation 2. The quantitie of it how great from the sole of his foote to the crowne of his head So Sathan departed from the presence of the Lord as before vers 13. chap. 1. and smote Iob with a hot boyle a vehement or scorching inflammation Shachan inde Shechin vleus ex caliditate Such a venemous inflammation wee reade of Exod. 9.10 to bee vpon man and beast in Egypt A scab breaking into blisters throughout the land of Egypt Leshin The hebrue word signifieth such a boyle as is full of a hot and venemous inflammation The Sorcerers in Egypt were plagued with the like Exod. 9.11 and could not stand before Pharaoh for this sore it is a very terrible euill Deut. 28.60 From the sole of his foote to the crowne of his head Sathan makes his commission stretch as farre as euer it will goe He spares no part that hee might make him a monster among men a man on whom most men might iudge that God did powre foorth all signes of wrath that could be shewed in this life 1. We learne here how artificiall our arch-enemie is to poyson our bodies with incurable diseases when hee is sent of God against vs. For inward causes the wicked spirits being more skilfull then any expert Phisition in the temperature and distemperature of our bodies They can soone poyson vs he that could fill Iudas heart and Ananias soule with infidelitie may soone breathe poyson into our bodies In the vse of all medicines trust not to phisicke nor Phisitions but seeke the Lord first by prayer Iam. 5.14 and a blessing by him vpon all good meanes appoynted Remember King Asa 2. Chro. 16.12 and auoyde his sinne and followe the good practise of Hezekiah in sicknesse 2. King 20.2 He turned his face to the wall and prayed 2. Againe we see how the Lord dealeth with his seruants as parents doe with their children when they bee young they beare but little when they bee olde and of some strength they will lay greater burdens vpon them Iob is a tried man and therfore is exercised with the greater crosse Iob is an exercised champion therfore now he beares the more Ioh. 21.18 1. Cor. 10.13 And of Peter Christ sayth When thou wast young thou girdest thy selfe and walkest whither thou wouldest but when thou shalt be olde thou shalt stretch foorth thine hands and another shall guide thee and leade thee whither thou wouldest not Thus he spake signifying by what death he should glorifie God 1. Iob is now cast downe from his high state of glorie If he had bene but a poore man or a Lazarus before exercised thus his greefe had beene the lesse Iob hath no brething time vnder the crosse we haue often great ●est betwene one euill and another No fauoure in the former commission no fauoure in this but all the extremity that may be wherein he was as King among the people he is now more like a rotten carrian than a liuing man his best friendes could not endure his presence Betweene this deadly crosse and the former Iob had no long respite We haue oftentimes giuen vs some breathing betweene one crosse and another to asswage the griefe we haue endured but here Iob hath no moment of rest Wherefore if God giue vs to escape well one euill let vs learne to dispose our selues to the suffering of more crosses which shall bee greater then the first So in time we shall be better able to followe our master Christ in all the conflicts of this life 3. Lastly note the quantitie and qualitie of this euill For qualitie it was Bischin ronge the worst carbuncle botch or boyle that the diuell could inuent For quantitie he spared him not from one
9. ver 2. when they had fasted they that were of the seede of Israel were separated from their strange wiues and children The princes and rulers were chiefe in this trespas and yet for all their high and loftie lookes they stoope here Ezra 9.2 The like inquirie we finde Iosh 7 in Achans storie and must yeeld vnto the censures and punishments inflicted vpon them And this is taught vs also in the storie of Naboth for a generall fast being proclaymed vnder colour of holines and pietie that cursed Iezabel couered all her bloodie practises Naboth was then falsely accused vniustly condemned and cruelly stonied to death for blaspheming God and the King The reason of this diligent care for generall and speciall sinnes raigning among Gods people see Iosh 22. the whole chapter Againe the people of God vnder Nehemias in that great fast the chiefe of them of all their families did binde themselues by an oath and by a curse Nehe. that both they and their families should keepe and obey the holy couenant of the Lorde Lastly because of the present necessitie and wants of Gods ministers they bound themselues by statutes * 1. Chro. 26.27.28 2. Chro. 31.3.4 as in Dauid and Hezechias time to giue and contribute an annual pension for the ministerie and seruice of the Lorde Gods Leuits ministers must be encouraged by all good meanes in the worke and seruice of the Lord. And thus farre wee haue shewed in a generall manner how the olde Churche and people of God in former ages were exercised when they assembled themselues for any speciall cause or causes in a publike fast Verse 18. Then the Lord will bee iealous ouer his land and spare his people The last branch of the second parte concerning the happie end of a general fast THis is the last braunch of the second part of this text wherein the Prophet sheweth what a happie end their fast should haue If they truely humble themselues as is before prescribed the Prophet assureth them that the Lord was neuer so ready to raine his plagues and iudgements as he will bee to power downe his blessings and mercies vpon them For he will be iealous ouer his land and spare his people Exod. The Lordes iealousie is often mentioned in the olde Testament Deut. 5.9 Nahum 1.2 Zach. 8 2. What Iealosie is by this worde is not meant an ill humor of suspicion but an ardent and feruent affection and loue toward his Church It is a metaphor and a speech borrowed from the true loue of the husband towards the wife which is such as there is no affection on earth among men comparable vnto it The last of the Canticl verse 6. This loue of man and wife is compared to death for strength it will ouercome all difficulties and lettes to doe good vnto the wife yea death it selfe and iealousie is said to be as hard or cruell as the graue it will deuoure and destroye all enemies and can bee no more intreated then the graue or death it selfe The same is said of this affection in the husband for the offence or iniurie done to his wife in defiling his bed Salomon telleth vs he can neuer be appeased Iealousie is the rage of a man Pro. 6 34. therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance This iealousie the Scripture ascribeth vnto God not that any such affections or passions bee in him but that it might expresse the greatnes of his loue towards vs Ephe. 5. which is such and so great that looke what is done to his Church whereof hee accounteth as of his beloued spouse he euer deemeth and taketh as done to himselfe This he testifieth by his Prophet Hee that toucheth you Zach. 2.8 toucheth the apple of mine eye If any man aske a reason of this the Lordes iealousie surely there is no cause of it in any one of the creatures nor in any thing which hath being without himselfe His owne goodnes is the cause of all his loue iealousie and mercie towards his Church for he found it blacke spotted and a polluted masse of sin but hee hath made it by the blood of his sonne Comely as the fruites of Kedar and bewtifull as the curtaines of Salomon Cant. 1. ver ● The Lorde is euer iealous ouer his people first during their obedience to preserue them Zachary 2.8 saith the Psalmist * This ielousie hath deuoured in all ages of the world as with a strange fire the enemies of his church Touch not my people and doe my Prophets no harme and to consume their enemies Zach. 8.2 I was ielous for Zion in a great wrath 2. But when they backslide and transgresse his lawes his ielousie burnes like fire against them Exod. 20.5 he sayth he is a ielous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation c. And yet when this heate of ielousie flameth as it were in him he is ful of heauines and griefe This sayth the Prophet He punisheth not his people willingly but as a tender father he striketh with the hand but not with the heart he repenteth him of all the euill hee brings vpon his people full of bowels of mercie and compassion as is before shewed vers 13. Ob. But this fire of Gods ielousie in elder times burnt vp alwaies the refuse and baggage people idolaters Obiection Wherefore the Lord doth not so strike the grosse sinners of our times as in former ages adulterers Numb 25. blasphemers murmurers Numb 11.1 Psal 78.20.21 with famine warres and pestilence how is it that this holy fire among vs in these dayes deuoures such a number of sweete young plants and good trees bearing fruite most fauourie and comely branches in the garden and vineyard of the Lord and yet stand still those wicked plants and dead rotten and most vnsauorie stocks which the Lords hād hath neuer planted I meane in a word wherefore are the righteous afflicted and taken away and this fire of the Lord neuer toucheth so many monstrous blasphemers wicked Atheists prophane beasts adulterers theeues drunkards oppressors vsurers c Ans First I answer with Iob chap. 24. 1. that the times appoynted for all iudgements are hid by the almightie he knowes best when and how to strike and the wisest man cannot render a reason of his wayes Secondly I answer 1. Remember Lots wife Luke 17.32 we are not vnder the Gospel to look for the like temporall and particular iudgements as vnder the Law 2. If they heare not Moses and the prophets neither will they be perswaded c. Titus 2.10.11 1. Cor. 11.32 Heb. 2.3 now more fearfull is the state and condition of all such proude sinners because greater grace is offered vnto all men by the bright shining light and glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Therefore sayth the Apostle How shall we escape if we neglect so great saluation 3. Lastly
vpon the East side of Iurie betweene Babylon and Arabia Iere. 50.10 and 51.4 3. Here againe as in the former verse we may see how bloudthirstie Sathan is and all his speciall instruments Great theeues and robbers in whom Sathan ruleth and rageth they haue no mercie There are some sort of base and poore theeues in the world which saith Salomon men despise not because they steale for hunger and to preserue life A number of these poore wretches dye with vs Theeues and robbers sathās instruments but the great master theeues Sathans speciall instruments which robbe and spoyle and sport themselues in euill and shed bloud full often most desperatly they will euer finde some fauour and meanes to escape racke and gibbet or some one cloake or other to couer all their bloudie practises Vers 18.19 And while he was yet speaking The 4. message of Iobs calamitie and 4. racke which Sathan prepared for him came another and sayd thy sonnes and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brothers house And behold there came a great winde from beyond the wildernes and smote the foure corners of the house which fell vpon the children and they are dead and J onely am escaped alone to tell thee THe 18. verse as before vers 13. They banketted euery one his day vers 4. Now the day came by course to be the eldest sonnes day which peraduenture had more substance and wealth and therefore better prouided for such a feast then all the rest could be Synecdoche Drinking wine That is banketting together a part of their banket for the whole Wine was not then their ordinary drinke no more then with vs but in feasting and meeting of friends they drink wine for their comfort c. There came a great wind The diuel stirred vp a strange tempest of winde against Iob. Wicked spirits are marueilous cunning to winde themselues into all natural causes The wicked spirits are very artificiall in all regions and partes of the aire to stir vp meteors and such like imperfect bodies and to effect many things by them as the Lord shal command or permit them They work in the fierie region and can stirre vp Comets and blasing starres there they work in the watrie region and can stirre vp lightnings thunder there and in the lowest region and can gather together the moyst vapors and hot exhalations and so temper them that they may cause great windes and tempests as the Lord shall permit them Senec. natur 7. lib. 5. cap. 1. Ventus esse fluens aer in vnam partem c. Like as the sea flowes by some secret instinct of nature so the ayre is purged by windes breeding of hot exhalations and colde vapours in some one parte whence they are driuen also into that parte of the ayre which is emptiest of all such matter From beyond the wildernesse That is this winde had a fit place whence it might rush violently vpon Iobs house as in a champion and open countrie And smote the foure corners of the house This is a strange winde that can strike foure corners of a house for no ordinary windes can hurt It is a strange wynde that can strike 4. corners of a house at one time but that side of the house which hath an aspect vnto those poynts and parts of the world where the winde is bred and whence it bloweth If from the South the South part of the house is most battered if from the North the North part of the house is most indangered c. But this was such a tempest as ouerturned the whole frame of the house in one instant Which fell vpon the children That is all thy sonnes and daughters banketting in the same house are dead with the fall of that house vpon them This plague came more neere Iobs heart and was more grieuous then all the rest What circumstances shew the greatnes of Iobs last calamitie Sathan meanes now to dispatch him and vtterly to confound him Circumstances which shew the grieuousnes and greatnes of this calamitie are these First the good father here hath no losse as before of beasts and mercenaries onely but now all his most deere and sweete children are swept away from him as it were with one beesome of destruction in one moment of time Could Dauid so weepe for a cursed Absalom 2. Sam. 18.53 how much more Iob for his religious and godly children Could Iacob so heauily mourne for one good Ioseph and shall not Iob haue farre greater cause of lamentation for ten and for all 2. This mischiefe was sudden and was strange and they were in their mirth and thought little of sorrow much lesse of any death at that time This no doubt greatly grieued his heart that they were so straungely in their mirth time destroyed for this made the wicked speake freely against him and his children 3. This euent could no way be seene to fall out for any defect want or weakenes in the house Iob was well assured and therefore hee seeth herein a speciall hande of GOD set against him 4. Lastly the number must grieue him all his children all his good and faithfull seruants foure only excepted Here may some questions be demanded 1. Q. It may bee here demaunded first 1. Quest whether Sathan did not proceed beyond his commission before mentioned in murdering so many men and so many children A. Children and seruants are a part of the father and masters possession and substance and so haue been both by Gods law and mans law for many ages Exod. 21.7 The Iewes might sell their children but not to bee perpetuall slaues or bondmen as the Pagans see Lèuit 25.39.40 Deut. 15.12 2. Q. This may also seeme hard and straunge 2. Quest that the Lord to try one man would so permit Sathan to trample vnder feete and to destroy as brute beasts the liues of so many men A. 1. Wee may neuer prescribe vnto the Lord or circumscribe him 2. God is not moued hereunto but of his owne free-will and free motion vox dei sit pro ratione voluntas and his will is the rule of all iustice other whiles secret euer good and iust 3. Of his owne free-will he doth the greater Ergo 1. Pet. 3.17 Psal 44. ver vlt. much more the lesse of election and reprobation the only will of God is the chiefe cause And here the Apostle stops all mouthes of men with this sentence Rom. 9.15.20 O man who art thou that pleadest against God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus 3. Ques 3. Q. It may also bee here demaunded whether these men thus destroyed by Sathan were saued yea or no A. The rule of charitie must cause vs to bee well perswaded of this point because of their education vnder the gouernment of so religious and so faithfull a seruaunt vnto God And in the great deluge not euery
and signes of this exercise as may appeare if you confer these scriptures Esay 2. Sam. 12.19 1. Sam. 4.12 Ier. with these places Daniel Ionas 3.6.7 2. Sam. 12.16 Hester 4.3 Iosh 7.6.7 1. Motiue and occasion of fasting sorrowing for the dead The first most auncient president for instruction and imitation in this exercise of priuat fasting shall be Iaacob of him it is said that when hee sorrowed for Ioseph Gen. 37.34 Hee rent his clothes and put on sackcloth about his loynes and sorrowed for his sonne a long season Where we see olde Iaacob gaue himselfe to fasting weeping and mourning for young Ioseph and would not bee comforted and this did he not so much to vexe himselfe in impatiencie as to stir vp himselfe to prayers for himselfe the rest of his children family gaue himself more seriously to holy meditations concerning death the resurrectiō the last iudgement But least any here doubt of this custome of fasting whē they sorrowed for the dead because here is no mention of it in expresse words looke vpon the practise of the ages following we shal see this was vsed when they lamēted for the dead as for Sauls death the inhabitants of Iabesh Gilead mourned and fasted 7. dayes 1. Samuel 31.13 The like doth Dauid for Abner after his death 2. Samu. 3.35 And againe Dauid and his men for Saul and Ionathan and for the Lordes people Then Dauid tooke holde on his clothes and rent them and likewise all the men that were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted vntill euen for Saul and for Ionathan his sonne and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel because they were slayne with the sworde 2. Sam. 1.14.12 Shall olde Iaacob so fast and mourne for young Ioseph the Gileadites for Saul the tyrant and Dauid for proud Abner And shall not we also humble our selues in fasting and prayer for the losse of Gods Church in the death of religious and wise gouernours of noble Ionathans reuerend Samuels c. 1. Sam. 25.1 That the Lord may graunt a good supplie This last December haue dyed within 14. dayes three most worthie men the first for magistracie the second for the ministrie the third for the warres and defence of the lād which haue done great seruice in their time the good E. of H. Mr. W. Wh. Sr. R. W. Aretius loc com 129. and for many thousands of the Lords people which haue perished at home by famine and pestilence and in the warres by the sword of the enemie in all reformed Churches round about vs Many most worthie men are fallen a sleepe and taken from vs and few haue lamented and sorrowed in the hearts So that the Prophets complaint is true The righteous perish and no man considereth it in his heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man vnderstandeth that the righteous is taken away from the euill to come Esa 57.1 This fasting is turned in these dayes into a feasting vpon what occasion or colour of reason I know not I finde that the heathen had their conciones funebres funerall declamatiōs to praise their dead and epulum publicum their common banquet when the funerall was ended Thus was their mourning sodainely changed into mirth that all sorrowes for the dead and remembrance of death a meditation most needefull might the sooner be forgotten this abuse we finde also in Christs time Thus the fathers gaue themselues to fasting prayer and meditations concerning death and Gods iudgement c. when they sorrowed for the dead But we neuer yet reade that they prayed for soules departed The same reasons occasiōs which moued the religious fathers to a priuat and publike fasting may must moue us But they fasted when they sorrowed for their dead Therefore so may and must we doe in like manner Secondly I finde that in the conuersion of sinners The second cause of priuat fasting to humble our selues for the increase of repentance c. Exam. Con. Tri. par 4. and when the faithfull would humble themselues for the renuing of their repentance they exercised themselues in priuate fasting for it is true that Chemnitius saith Fasting is not only testimonium poenitentiae a testification of our repentance it is also irritamentū ad poenitentiā a meanes to stirre vs vp vnto repentance The ceremonies of dust and ashes are past Christ biddeth vs annoynt and wash ourselues but fasting is not yet abrogated in our humiliation Rending of the clothes that is past but rending of the heart that continues still For the first then note the words of Christ Matth. 11.21 Woe be to thee Chorazin woe bee to thee Bethsaida for if the great workes which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sydon they had repented long agone in sackcloth and ashes For poore sinners in their first conuersion vnto God are often so astonished and cast downe that little ioye haue they to taste any foode and it shall be good for them not to doe it as constrained but the more to humble themselues and the more penitently and effectually to pray and to cry for grace Of Paul it is sayd in his first conuersion that hee was so cast downe that being at Damascus three dayes without sight all that time he neither did eate nor drinke Act. 9.9 Fast therefore and weepe all ye sinners for the great contempt of Gods couenant Honor ieiunij c This is the commendatiō of fasting saith Chry. not abstinence from meates but to auoyde sinne for the prophaning of his name and Sabboths c. Rend your hearts for except you repentye cannot be saued Luk. 13.3.5 In elder ages sayth Iustin Apolog. 2. Docentur ante omnia Sinners are first taught in prayer and fasting to crye for the pardon of their sinnes and we pray with them Secondly the faithfull renuing more seriously their repentance for generall or speciall sinnes they humbled themselues alwaies in priuate fasting as appeares by many examples one for all shall bee Iob whose words are these chap. 42. after humble acknowledgement of his sinnes I haue heard of thee by the hearing of the eare Remember the first rule but now mine eye seeth thee Vers 5. He sayth Therfore I abhorre my selfe and repent in dust and ashes In his confession he sayth vers 3. I haue spoken that J vnderstood not which I knew not As if he sayd I acknowledge my frensie and madnes chap. 3. in cursing the day of my birth but such were my torments I spake vnaduisedly with my lippes I haue spoken I wot not well what and because they haue accused me vniustly of hypocrisie I haue too much iustified mine owne selfe and therefore I abhorre my selfe Chap. 3. I detest as all my sinnes in generall so the speciall sinnes I haue committed vnder this crosse Iob. 13.15 and I doe humbly repent in fasting weeping mourning trusting that
their faith confirmed and that so they might bee mutually comforted one by another This meeting was not in common Tauernes or Innes or Alehouses or in other places of resort with the prophane Edomites the people of the land but in their owne houses For albeit as yet they were young and as it seemes vnmarried yet had their father prouided them houses and such necessaries as did belong to their families as carefull was Iacob in this respect Gen. 30.30 as his words to Laban can testifie But now when shall I trauell for mine owne house also hee that prouideth not for his familie is worse then an Infidell and wee may procure things honest before hand the care which is forbidden is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a distracting and vexing care Matth. 7. These seuen sonnes did thus feast together 7. daies not 7. daies continuing or if they feasted a whole weeke certaine it is not euery weeke or euery month for we must not imagine that they gaue any such president of a luxurious life vnto others but certain times whē they thought best or had most cause of meeting for it is sayd that euery one kept his daye The modestie of the Virgines of elder ages no more but one day Lastly the sisters they came also to the same banquet from their fathers house as it is like they were virgines yet but withall modestie and shamefastnes they came being sent for and being called not before for so it became well their virginitie to bee sober modest and very watchfull ouer their waies Wherefore he mentioneth in the beginning of this booke the banketting of Iobes childrē 1. The holy spirite here speakes of this feasting and banquetting for these speciall causes First that wee might see the religious loue of Iobs children and by what meanes they desired to comfort and edifie one another Secondly that wee might also see and consider the religious care of Iob for them expressed in the verse following Thirdly that wee might obserue where and when Sathan murdered them it was in their feasting time that hee might turne Iobs great mirth by a sodaine desolation and destruction into the greater sorow If his sonnes had died in their beds by some continuing sicknes where he might haue seene some testimonie of their faith it would not haue so moued him sodaine deaths the best doe feare and the foolish think it a great argumēt of Gods great wrath as we may see both in this booke and Luk. Lastly this banquetting is here touched that wee might note what men Sathan so murdered not Epicures * Sathan knew the wicked would soone take occasion to exclayme against righteous Iobs children nor hypocrites extortioners c. as Iobs friends thought but godly and religious persons 2. Note here the religious loue and happie consents of these good children mutually comforting one another No doubt they were no small ioy and comfort vnto their father Adam had but two sons the one murdered the other Noah had three sonnes one mocked his owne father and was accursed Abraham had two sonnes the one scorned and persecuted the other Isaac had two sonnes the one hated and desired to murder the other Iacob had twelue sonnes ten would haue murdered Ioseph and dispitefully sold him into a strange countrey Dauids children murdered one another and hee had great griefe and sorrowe by them all the elder despise the younger the younger enuie the elder If such holy men had such wicked children what maruell is it that our prophane parents breed and bring vp such a wicked generation 3. Feasting and banquetting is lawful vnto Gods people if that they keepe the rules appointed and follow the godly practise here set before vs by the holy spirit Abraham feasted at the weaning of Isaac Gen. 21.8 Isaac feasted Abimelech Gen. 26.30 Ioseph his brethren Gen. 43.31 Dauid Abner and his friends 2. Sam. 3.20 Salomon his seruants 1. King 5.15 Matthew feasted Christ and his Apostles Matthew 9. So did Simon the Pharisee Luk. 7. with others many Luk. 14. Vers 5. And when the daies of their banquetting were gone about Iob sent and sanctified them and hee rose vp earlie in the morning and offered burnt offeringes according to the number of them al for Iob sayd it may be that my sonnes haue sinned and * Heb. blessed Or thought euill or spoken euill blasphemed GOD in their hearts THis verse giueth vs to see some part of the practise of Iobs life in the wise and godly gouernment of his familie thereby to teach vs that his life well agreed with his faith and profession and iustly deserued the former commendation vers 1. This verse laieth before our eyes the religious care of Iob for the gouernment of his children where these pointes are to be cōsidered 1. When Iob sacrificed for his children When the daies of banquetting were gone about earlie in the morning 2. How his children were prepared for the sacrifice hee gaue charge they should prepare and sanctifie themselues 3. What sacrifice he offered Burnt offrings according to the number of them all 4. What reason moued him so to sacrifice he feared lest they had sinned in their feasting 5. How often did Iob so all those times in the yere when they banquetted And when the daies of their banquetting were gone about Vaikadshem Exod. 19.13.14 supra pag. that is when the 7. daies of their feasting was past for the 7. brethren did feast euery one his day vers 3. therfore here wee must vnderstand 7. daies whether 7. daies continued or some intermission between the feast of each brother it is vncertaine Iob sent and sanctified them that is he sent a messenger vnto them to charge them to sanctifie to wash and purifie them selues and so to prepare themselues by prayer c. against their day of meeting to sacrifice The word here vsed signifieth to prepare as Numb 11.18 but I vnderstand it here as it is vsed Exod. 19.10.14 vers where wee see their sanctification and preparation to heare the Lord speake contained their purification and their abstinence from the mariage bed as the Apostle also doth exhort in the like occasion 1. Cor. And no doubt with all these outward things they were to pray instantly Eccles 4.17 that they might be fit to appeare in Gods presence for his most holy worship and seruice And hee rose vp earlie in the morning The morning is a pretious time for all actions The morning a precious time for al good actions and specially for Gods worship and seruice and so commended by Gods spirite vnto vs Psalm 5 3.55 17.59 16.90 14. Iob was very carefull concerning his children he would let passe no time when their feast was ended but very earlie he sought the Lord that God might be pacified if that by any meanes in thought word or deed they had offended him in that dangerous and loose time of feasting And hee offered burnt offrings according to