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A69969 Eikōn basilikē The porvtraictvre of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings. Together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediately before his death. Also His Majesties reasons, against the pretended jurisdiction of the high court of justice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday January 22, 1648. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. Reliqiæ sacræ Carolinæ.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.; Dugard, William, 1602-1662. aut 1649 (1649) Wing E311; ESTC R39418 116,576 254

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Subject Nor do I wish other than the safe bringing of the ship to shore when they have cast me over-board though it be very strange that Marriners can find no other means to appease the storme themselves have raised but by drowning their Pilot. I thank God my Enemies cruelty cannot prevent my preparation whose malice in this I shall defeat that they shall not have the satisfaction to have destroyed my Soule with my Body of whose salvation while some of them have themselves seemed and taught others to despaire they have only discover'd this that they do not much desire it VVhose uncharitable and cruell Restraints denying me even the assistance of any of my Chaplains hath rather enlarged than any way obstructed my accesse to the Throne of Heaven Where thou dwellest O King of Kings who fillest Heaven and Earth who art the fountain of eternall life in whom is no shadow of death Thou O God art both the iust Afflicter of Death upon ns and the mercifull Saviour of us in it and from it Yea it is better for us to be dead to our selves and live in thee than by living in our selves to be deprived of thee O make the many bitter agravations of my death as a Man and a King the opportunities and advantages of thy speciall graces and comforts in my Soule as a Christian If thou Lord wilt be with me I shall neither fear nor feel any evill though I walk through the valey of the shadow of death To contend with death is the work of a weak and mortall man to overcome it is the grace of thee alone who art the Almighty and immortal God O My Saviour who knowest what it is to dye with Me as a Man make Me to know what it is to pass through death to life with thee My God Though I dye yet I know that thou my Redeemer livest for ever though thou slayest Me yet thou hast incouraged me to trust in thee for eternal life O withdraw not thy favour from me which is better than life O be not farre from me for I know not how neer a violent and cruel death is to Me. As thy Omniscience O God discovers so thy Omnipotence can defeat the designes of those who have or shall conspire my destruction O shew me thy goodnesse of thy will through the wickednesse of theirs Thou givest me leave as a man to pray that this cup may passe from me but thou hast taught Me as a Christian by the example of Christ to adde not my will but thine be done Yea Lord let our wills be one by wholy resolving mine into thine let not the desire of life in me be so great as that of doing or suffering thy will in either life or death As I believe thou hast forgiven all the errors of my life so I hope thou wilt save me from the terrours of my death Make me content to leave the worlds nothing that I may come really to enioy all in thee who hast made Christ unto me in life gaine and in death advantage Though my destroyers forget their duty to thee and me yet do not thou O Lord forget to be mercifull to them For what profit is there in my bloud or in their gaining my Kingdoms if they lose their own Souls Such as have not only resisted my iust Power but wholy usurped and turned it against my selfe though they may deserve yet let them not receive to themselvs damnation Thou madest thy Son a Saviou to many that Crucified Him while at once he suffered violently by them and yet willingly for them O let the voice of his hloud be heard for My murtherers louder than the cry of mine against them Prepare them for thy mercy by due convictions of their sinne and let them not at once deceive and damme their owne Soules by fallacio●s pretentions of Iustice in destroying me while the conscience of their uniust usurpation of power against me chiefly tempts them to use all extremities against me O Lord thou knowest I have found their mercies to me as very false so very cruell who pretending to preserve me have meditated nothing but my ruine O deal not with them as bloud-thirsty and deceitfull men but overcome their cruelty with thy compassion and my charity And when thou makest inquisition for My bloud O sprinkle their polluted yet penitent Souls with the bloud of thy Sonne that thy destroying Angell may passe over them Though they think my Kingdoms on earth too little to entertaine at once both them and me yet let the capacious Kingdome of thy infinite mercy at last receive both me and my enemies When being reconciled to thee in the bloud of the same Redeemer we shall live farre above these ambitious desires which beget such mortall enmities When their hands shall be heaviest and cruellest upon me O let me fall into the arms of thy tender and eternall mercies That what is cut off of my life in this miserable moment may be repaiedin thy ever blessed eternity Lord let thy Servant depart in peace for my eyes have seen thy salvation Vota dabunt quae bella negârunt FINIS
his owne glory I am sure the event or successe can never state the Justice of any Cause nor the peace of mens conscinces nor the eternall fate of their soules Those with Me had I thinke clearly and undoubtedly for their Justification the Word of God and the Lawes of the Land together with their own Oaths all requiring obedience to My just commands but to none other under Heaven without Me or against Me in the point of raising Armes Those on the other side are forced to flie to the shifts of some pretended Fears and wild fundamentals of State as they call them which actually overthrow the present fabrick both of Church and State being such imaginary Reasons for self-defence as are most impertinent for those men to alledge who being My Subjects were manifestly the first assaulters of Me and the Lawes first by unsuppressed Tumults after by listed forces The same allegations they use wil fit any Faction that hath but power and confidence enough to second with the sword all their demands against the present Lawes Governour which can never be such as some side or other will not find fault with so as to urge what they call a Reformation of them to a Rebellion against them some parasitick Preachers have dared to call those martyrs who dyed fighting against Me the Laws their Oaths and the Religion Established But sober christians know That glorious Title can with Truth be applyed only to those who sincerely preferred Gods Truth and their duty in all these particulars before their lives and all that was dear to them in this world who having no advantagious designs by any Innovation were religiously sensible of those ties to God the church my self wch lay their Souls both for obedience just assistance God could and I doubt not but he did through his mercy crown many of them with eternall life whose lives were lost in so just a Cause The destruction of their bodies being sanctified as a means to save their soules Their wounds and temporall ruine serving as a gracious opportunity for their eternall health and happinesse while the evident approach of death did through Gods grace effectually dispose their hearts to such Humility Faith and Repentance which together with the Rectitude of their present engagement would fully prepare them for a better life then that which their enemies brutish and disloyall fiercenesse could deprive them of or without Repentance hope to enjoy They have often indeed had the better against My side in the field but never I belive at the Barre of Gods Tribunall or their owne Consciences where they are more afraid to encounter those many pregnant Reasons both from Law Allegiance and all true Christian grounds which conflict with and accuse them in the● owne thoughts then they oft were in a desperate bravery to fight against those Forces which sometimes God gave Me. Whose condition conquered and dying ● make no question but is infinitely more to be chosen by a sober man that duely values 〈◊〉 duty his soule and eternity beyond the enjoyments of this present life then the most triumphant glory wherein their and Mine Enemies supervive who can hardly avoid to be daily tormented by that horrid guilt wherwith their suspicious or now convicted Consciences doe pursue them especially since they and all the world have seen how false un-intended those pretensions were which they first set forth as the only plausibl though not justifiable grounds of raising a War and continuing it thus long against Me and the Laws established in whose ●afety and preservation all honest men think the welfare of their Countrey doth consist For and with all which it is far more honourable and comfortable to suffer then to prosper in their ruine and subversion I have often prayed that all on My side might joyn true piety with the sense of their Loyalty and be as faithfull to God and their owne soules as they were to Me. That the defects of the one might not blast the endeavours of the other Yet I cannot thinke that any shews or truth of piety on the other side were sufficient to dispence with or expiate the defects of their Duty and Loyalty to Me which have so pregnant convictions on mens consciences that even profaner men are moved by the sence of them to venture their lives for me I never had any victory which was without My sorrow because it was on mine owne Subjects who like Absolom died many of them in their sin And yet I never suffered any defeate which made Me despair of Gods mercy and defence I never desired such Victoryes as might serve to conquer but only restore the Laws and Libertyes of My People which I saw were extreamly oppressed together with my Rights by those men who were impatient of any just restraint When Providence gave me or denyed Me Victory My desire was neither to boast of My power nor to charge God foolishly who I beleved at ●ast would make all things to work together for my good I wished no greater advantages by the Warr then to bring My Enemies to moderation and my Freinds to peace I was afraid of the temptation of an absolute conquest and never prayed more for victory over others than over my self When the first was denyed the second was granted me which God saw best for Me. The different events were but the methods of divine justice by contrary winds to winnow us That by punishing ou● sinnes he might purge them from us by deferring peace he might prepare us more to prise and better to use so great a blessing My often Messages for Peace shewed that I delighted not in Warre as my former Concessi●ns sufficiently testified how willingly I would have prevented it and My total unpreparedness for it how little I intended it The conscience of my Innocency forbade Me to feare a Warre but the love of my Kingdomes commanded me if possible to avoid it I am guilty in this Warre of nothing but this That I gave such advantages to some men by confirming their power which they knew not to use with that modesty and gratitude which became their Loyalty and my confidence Had I y●ilded lesse I had been opposed lesse had I denied more I had been more obeyed 'T is now too late to review the occasions of the Warre I wish only a happy conclusion of so unhappy beginnings The unevitable fate of our sinnes was no doubt such as would no longer suffer the divine justice to be quiet we having conquered his patience are condemned by mutuall conquerings to destroy one another for the most prosperous successes on either side impaire the welfare of the whole Those Victories are still miserable that leave our sinnes un-subdued flushing our pride and animating to continue injuries Peace it fel● is not desirable till repentance have prepared us for it When we fight more against our selves and lesse against God we shall cease fighting against one another I pray God these may
that God knows I had not so much as any hopes of an army in My thoughts Had the Tumults been Honourably and effectually repressed by exemplary Iustice and the liberty of the Houses so vindicated that all Members of either house might with Honour and Freedome becoming such a Senate have come and discharged their Consciences I had obtained all that I designed by My withdrawing and had much more willingly and speedily returned then I retired this being my necessity driving the other my choise desiring But some men knew I was like to bring the same judgement and constancy which I carry with me which would never fit their designes and so while they invited me to come and greivously complain'd of my absence yet they could not but be pleased with it especially when they had found out that plasible and popular pretext of raising an Army to fetch in Delinquents when all that while they never punished the greatest and most intolerable Delinquency of the Tumults and their Exciters which drave my selfe and so many of both Houses from their places by most barbarous indignities which yet in all reason and Honour they were as loath to have deserted as those others were willing they should that so they might have occasion to persecute them with the Injuries of an Army for not suffering more tamely the Injuries of the Tumults That this is the true state and first drift and designe in raising an Army against Me is by the sequell so evident that all other pretences vanish For when they declared by Propositions or Treaties what they would have to appease them there was nothing of consequence offered to Me or demanded of Me as any originall difference in any point of Law or order of Justice But among other lesser Innovations this chiefly was urged The Abolition of Episcopall and the Establishment of Presbyterian Government All other things at any time propounded were either impertinent as to any ground of a War or easily granted by Me and only to make up a number or else they were meerly consequentiall and accessary after the Warre was by them unjustly began I cannot hinder other mens thoughts whom the noise and shew of piety and heat for Reformation and Religion might easily so fill with prejudice that all equality and clearnesse of judgement might be obstructed But this was and is as to my best observation the true state of affaires betweene us when they first raised an Army with this designe either to stop My mouth or to force My consent and in this truth as to My conscience who was God knowes as far from meditating a VVar as I was in the eye of the world from having any preparation for one I find that comfort that in the midst of all the unfortunate successes of this VVar on My side I do not think My Innocencie any whit prejudiced or darkned Nor am I without that integrity and Peace before God as with humble confidence to addresse My Prayer to Him For Thou O Lord seest clearly through all the cloudings of humane affaires Thou Judgest without preiudice Thy Omniscience eternally guids thy unerrable Iudgement O my God the proud are risen against me and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soule and have not set Thee before their eyes Consider my Enemies O Lord for they are many they hate me with deadly hatred without a cause For Thou knowest I had no passion designe or preparation to embroyle My Kingdoms in a Civill War whereto I had least temptation as knowing I must adventure more then any and could gaine least of any by it Thou O Lord art my witnesse how oft I have deplored and studied to divert the necessity thereof wherein I cannot well be thought so prodigally thirsty of my Subiects blood as to venture my own life which I have bin oft compelled to do● in this unhappy Warre and which were better spent to save then to destroy my People O Lord I need much of thy grace with patience to bear the many afflictions thou hast suffered some men to bring upon me but much more to bear the uniust reproaches of those who not content that I suffer most by warre will needs perswade the world that I have raised first or given just cause to raise it The confidence of some mens false tougues is such that they would make me almost suspect my own Innocency yea I could be content at least by my silence to take upon me so great a guilt before men If by that I might allay the malice of my Enemies redeeme My People from this miserable Warre since thou O Lord knowest my Innocency in this thing Thou wilt find out bloudy deceitfull men many of whom have not lived out half their dayes in which they promised themselvs the enioyment of the fruits of their violent and wicked Councells Save O Lord thy servant as hitherto thou hast and in thy due time scatter the people that delight in War Arise O Lord lift up thy selfe because of the rage of mine Enemyes which encreaseth more and more Behold them that have conceived mischief travelled with iniquity and brought forth falshood Thou knowest the chief designe of this Warre is either to destroy my Person or force My Iudgement and to make Me renege my Conscience and thy Truth I am driven to crosse Davids choice and desire rather to fall into the hands of men by denying them though their mercy be cruell then into thy hands by sinning against My Conscience and in that against thee who art a consuming fire Better they destroy Me then thou shouldest damne Me. Be thou ever the defence of My soule who wilt save the upright in heart If nothing but My bloud will satisfie My Enemies or quench the flames of My Kingdomes or thy temporall Iustice I am content if it be thy will that it be shed by Mine owne Subiects hands But O let the bloud of Me though their King yet a sinner be dashed with the bloud of My Innocent and peace-making Redeemer for in that thy Iustice will find not only a temporary expiation but an eternall plenary satisfaction both for my sins and the sins of my People whom I beseech thee still owne for thine and when thy wrath is appeased by my Death O Remember thy great mercies toward them and forgive them O my Father for they know not what they doe 10 Vpon their seizing the Kings Magazines Forts Navy and Militia HOw untruly I am Charged with the first raising of an ARMY and beginning this Civill Warre the eyes that only pitty me and the Loyall hearts that durst only pray for me at first might witnesse which yet appeare not so many on my side as there were men in Arms listed against me my unpreparednesse for a War ma● well dis-hearten those that would help me while it argues truly my unwillingnesse to fight yet it testifies for Me that I am set on the defensive part having so little hopes or
I can both forgive them pray for them that God would not impute My bloud to them further then to convince them what need they have of Christs bloud to wash their soules from the guilt of shedding Mine At present the will of My Enemies seems to be their only rule their power the measure and their successe the Exactor of what they please to call Justice while they flatter themselves with the fancy of their owne safety by my danger and the security of their lives and designes by My Death forgetting that as the greatest temptations to sinne are wrapped up in seeming prosperities so the severest vengeance of God are then most accomplished when men are suffered to compleat their wicked purposes I blesse God I pray not so much that this bitter cup of a violent death may passe from Me as that of his warth may passe from all those whose hands by deserting Me are sprinkled or by acting and consenting to My death are embrued with My bloud The will of God hath confined and concluded Mine I shall have the pleasure of dying without any pleasure of desired vengeance This I think becomes a Christian toward his Enemies and a King toward his subjects They cannot deprive Me of more than I am content to lose when God sees fit by their hands to take it from me whose mercy I believe will more then infinitely recompence what ever by mans injustice he is pleased to deprive me of The glory attending my death will farre surpasse all I could enjoy or conceive in life I shall not want the heavy and envyed Crownes of this world when my God hath mercifully Crowned and Consummated his graces with Glory and exchanged the shadows of my earthly Kingdomes among men for the substance of that Heavenly Kingdom with himselfe For the censures of the world I know the sharpe and necessary tyranny of my Destroyers will sufficiently confute the calumnies of tyranny against me I am perswaded I am happy in the judicious love of the ablest and best of my Subjects who doe not onely pity and pray for me but would be content even to dye with me or for me These know how to excuse my failings as a man and yet to retaine and pay their duty to me as their King there being no religious necessity binding any Subjects by pretending to punish infinitely to exceede the faults and errours of their Princes especially there where more then sufficient satisfaction hath been made to the publike the enjoyment of which private ambitions have hitherto frustrated Others I beleive of softer tempers and lesse advantaged by my ruine doe already feel sharp convictions and some remorse in their consciences where they cannot but see the proportions of their evill dealings against me in the measure of Gods retaliations upon them who cannot hope long to enjoy their owne thumbs and toes having under pretence of paring others nails bin so cruell as to cut off their chiefest strength The punishment of the more insolent and obstinat may be like that of Korah and his complices at once mutining against both Prince and Priest in such a method of divine justice as is not ordinary the earth of the lowest and meanest people opening upon them and swallowing them up in a just disdain of their ill-gotten and worse-used Authority upon whose support and strength they cheifly depended for their building and establishing their designes against me the Church and State My chiefest comfort in death consists in My peace which I trust is made with God before whose exact tribunall I shal not fear to appear as to the Cause so long disputed by the sword between me and my causlesse Enemies where I doubt not but his righteous judgment wll con●ute their fallacy who from worldly successe ●rather like Sophisters than sound Christians ●raw those popular conclusions for Gods ap●robation of their actions whose wise provi●ence we know oft permits many events which ●s revealed word the only clear safe and fixed rule of good actions good consciences in no sort approves I am confident the Justice of My Cause and clearnesse of my conscience before God and toward my people wil carry me as much above them in Gods decision as their successes have lifted them above me in the vulgar opinion who consider not that many times those undertakings of men are lifted up to heaven in the prosperity and applause of the world whose rise is from Hell as to the injuriousnesse and oppression of the designe The prosperous winds which oft fill the sayles of Pyrates doth not justifie their piracy and rapine I look upon it with infinite more content and quiet of Soule to have been worsted in my enforced contestation for and Vindication of the Laws of the Land the freedome and honour of Parliaments the rights of My Crown the just liberty of My Subjects and the true Christian Religion in its Doctrine Government and due encouragements then if I had with the greatest advantages of successe overborn them all as some men have now evidently done whatever designes they at first pretended The prayers and patience of my Freinds and loving Subjects will contribute much to the sweetning of this bitter cup which I doubt not but I shall more cheerefuly take and drink as from Gods hand if it must be so than they can give it me whose hands are unjustly and barbarously lifted up against me And as to the last event I may seeme to owe more to my Enemies than my Freinds while those will put a period to the finnes and sorrows attending this miserable life wherewith these desire I might still contend I shall be more then Conquerour through Christ enabling me for whome I have hitherto suffered as he is the Authour of Truth Order and Peace for all which I have beene forced to contend against Errour Faction and confusion If I must suffer a violent death with my Saviour it is but mortality crowned with martyrdome where the debt of death which I owe for sinne to nature shall be raised as a gift of faith and patience offered to God Which I humbly beseech him mercifully to accept and although Death be the wages of my owne sinne as from God and the effect of other sinnes as men both against God and me yet as I hope my owne sinnes are so remitted that they shall be no ingredients to imbitter the cup of my death so I desire God to pardon their sinnes who are most guilty of my destruction The Trophees of my charity will be more glorious and durable over them than their ill-managed victories over me Though their sin be prosperous yet they had need to be penitent that they may be pardoned Both which I pray God they may obtaine that my temporall Death unjustly inflicted by them may not be revenged by Gods just inflicting eternall death upon them for I look upon the temporall destruction of the greatest King as far lesse deprecable than the eternall damnation of the meanest