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A64243 The true light shining in darkness and dispelling the mists of errour arising from the darkness of man's heart, &c. promoted by the prince of darkness against the truth of God; in the matter of our justification: shewing, that by the deeds of the law, or mans own righteousness, no flesh can or shall be justified in the sight of God. The first part. By Tho. Taylor, the meanest and unworthiest of the servants and ministers of Jesus Christ; and now pastor to a small congregational church in Cambridge. Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. 1693 (1693) Wing T559; ESTC R219692 113,014 241

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that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as in my presence only but much more in my absence work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling And verily he shall appear to be something at the great day when he shall come to judge the World and before him shall be gathered all Nations as Matth. 25.31 32 33 34. When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the Holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the Throne of his glory And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the Goats And he shall set the Sheep on his right hand but the Goats on his left Then shall the King say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the World And thou thy self also must appear before his judgment seat 2 Cor. 5.10 11. For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whither it be good or bad Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest unto God and I trust also are made manifest in your Consciences And Rev. 6.15 16 17. And the Kings of the Earth and the Great men and the Rich men and the Chief Captains and the Mighty men and every Bond-man and every Free-man hid themselves in the Dens and in the Rocks of the Mountains And said to the Mountains and Rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand And Rev. 20.12 13 14 15. And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened And another book was opened which is the book of Life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works And the Sea gave up the dead which were in it and Death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them And they were judged every man according to their works And Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire This is the second Death And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire And this day will come as a Thief in the night 2 Pet. 3.10 But the day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also with the works that are therein shall be burnt up And Rev. 22.11 12. He that is unjust let him be unjust still And he which is filthy let him be filthy still And he that is righteous let him be righteous still And he that is holy let him be be holy still And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be Well then Reader whoever thou art know that the word Kingdom is good Seed and the Sower is the Son of man Matth. 13.37 He answered and said unto them He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man We are but his under Servants to minister from him this good seed and our great Lord is able to bless the seed sown though we be nothing as 1 Cor. 3.5 6 7 8. Who then is Paul and who is Apollos but Ministers by whom ye believed even as the Lord gave to every man I have planted Apollos watered but God gave the increase So then neither is he that planteth any thing neither he that watereth But God that giveth the increase Now he that planteth and he that watereth are on● And every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour With 2 Cor. 9.10 Now he that ministreth seed to the sower doth minister bread for your food and multiply the seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness And the ground into which we must sow this seed is the heart tho' thro' the ear Matth. 13.9 Who hath ears to hear let him hear The good ground is the good and honest Heart The Lord make thine such and then there will be good fruit brought forth with patience and to perfections though in different measures and degrees as Matth. 13.23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the Word and understandeth it which also beareth fruit and bringeth forth some an hundred-fold some fifty some thirty Luke 8.15 But that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart having heard the word keep it and bring forth fruit with patience To thy salvation and God's glory which the Lord grant unto thee And pray for us his poor Ministers and Servants and particularly for the meanest and most unworthy of them all thy Servant for Christs sake in the Work of the Gospel Tho. Taylor To my many Worthy and Beloved Friends of divers Congregations in and about the City of London the Town of Hackney and other Towns within and without the Lines of Communication where I have occasionally Preached this Gospel Grace and Peace MOST Dear and Pretious Friends Pretious I say for the late Pretious Faith obtained by you with us 2 Pet. 1.1 Simon Peter a Servant and an Apostle of Jesus Christ to them that have obtained like pretious Faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ By which Faith the very Faith of Gods Elect Christ is pretious indeed to you 1 Pet 2.7 Unto you therefore which believe he is pretious But unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner when to others a stumbling stone even to them that stumble at the word being disobedient Your Names are too many to be prefixed to this short Epistle and besides in the matter of truth I like not to go to the Poll as if truth needed a Muster-roll of names to carry the voice against such as are the opposers of it It is enough that Christ hath a few names in Sardis who have not defiled their Garments and which shall walk with him in white for they are worthy It matters not how many the names of others in Sardis were Rev. 3.4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis that have not defiled their Garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy It is enough that wisdom is justified of her Children When true Wisdom neither in John Baptist the forerunner who was greater than all the Prophets nor in Christ the Head and Lord of them all could have a testimony from an evil and adulterous Generation Or if they had
Psam 130.3 And therefore it is added in his sight to shew that whatsoever Man may be in his own sight or in the sight of other Men like himself yet in Gods sight no flesh shall or can be justified by the works of the law And as in Condemnation there are two things First a fixing of the Guilt and therefore we say when a person is found guilty he is condemned so Rom. 3.19 That every mouth may be stopped and all the world become guilty before God 2ly A binding or Obligation unto the punishment which is Death and therefore we say of a Criminal when he is brought in guilty that he is a dead Man because the obligation unto punishment is now fixed upon him and he must inevitably suffer death which is the punishment due to his offence So on the other hand there are two things implyed in Justification first a just discharge and acquitment from the guilt of Sin he that is justified is not guilty in Gods sight his Sin is not imputed to him and Ps. 32 1 2. where David describeth the blessedness of a justified person saying Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven whose Sin is covered unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity 3ly There is also a dissolving and making void and null the Obligation unto punishment so that a justified person is no more in danger of that death which is the wages of Sin nor of the curse of the law and the infinite and eternal wrath of God which is the punishment due to Sin to every Sin the least Sin as well as the greatest therefore as Condemnation is called Death because of the Obligation unto punishment so justification is called Life because of the dissolving and making void that Obligation So John 5.24 where the believer is said to be passed from death to life i. e. from a state of Condemnation which is Death to a state of Justification which is Life and Rom. 5.18 It is called justification of Life And upon that account 't is Written the just shall live by Faith i. e. be justified by Faith for justification is his life 3ly But there is yet somewhat more implyed in this word Justified and that is a positive righteousness answering to the perfection of the holy law of God in the utmost extent and demand of it for though non imputation and pardon of Sin makes a Man no more a Sinner nor guilty before God yet to make him a righteous person in Gods sight there must of necessity be a positive righteousness for as it cannot consist with the perfect justice of God to justifie a Man without righteousness so it cannot consist with his veracity and justice to justifie any Man without a perfect righteousness such as is commensurate and adequate to the perfection of his law for otherwise the law should be made void even by faith itself contrary to Rom. 3.31 And to speak with holy reverence as it is impossible for God to lie so it is as impossible for him to be unjust which he should be should he justifie any Man by an imperfect righteousness it is therefore a foolish vain and wicked imagination in any person to think or affirm that a Man may be justified in Gods sight without a perfect righteousness and this I may be bold to say from the clear light of Gods holy word that he which hath not a better righteousness than his own neither is nor ever shall be justified in the sight of God and whoever he be who affims the contrary let him answer it for sure I am the judgment of God is according to truth as it i● written Rom. 2.2 and again Rom. 3.4 Let God be true and every Man a liar tha● thou mightest be justified in thy sayings an● mightest overcome when thou art judged 3. What is here meant and what are we to understand by the deeds or works of the law Ans. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 By the needs of the law of or by or upon the account of the deed of the law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 works operations or deed● do imply all sorts of works deeds or operati●ons Internal and External 1 There are internal deeds and operati●ons deeds of the mind and of the spirit with●in works of the inward Man wherein th● inward faculties of the Soul the Mind th● Conscience the Understanding the will and affections are operative and working in th● sight of God before whom our spirits ar● naked and bare Heb. 4.13 And there ar● internal vertues and habits and these are op●●rative within and the holy law of God is Spi●ritual and reacheth the inward Man yea th● very thoughts and imaginations of the Hear● and than inward disposition enclination and habits Rom. 7.7 I had not known lust if the law had not said thou shalt not covet 2. There are external deeds the outward actions and deeds and operations of the light and Conversation which should all be regulated and are judged by the law which is the rule of righteousness to the inward and to the outward Man to the inward frame of Heart with all the Imaginations Thoughts Principles Habits Affections Intentions and Designs thereof and to the outward Man in all a Mans external Actions words and deeds together with the nature and tendency of them whether they be good or evil true or false sincere or feigned so Acts 5.3 4 9. and Acts 8.20 21. 2 Chron. 25.2 Ezek. 33.31 32. So that by the deeds of the law we are to understand all the inward qualifications and inherent virtues and goodness of a Mans Heart together with all the external actions of his life done in the utmost conformity and Obedience to the law that Man can reach unto by these deeds of the law whether internal or external there shall no flesh be justified in his sight Quest. But the greater question is what law is here meant whether the Ceremonial law only or the Moral law also Those that are unsound in the Doctrin of Justification do contend that by the law here is only meant the Ceremonial law And that the Apostle Paul here and in other places contending with the Jews in this point of Justification speaketh only of the Ceremonial law and so far they yield that by the works of the Ceremonial law indeed no flesh shall be justified but the works of the Moral law are not here excluded from the matter of Mans justification insinuating thereby that a Man may be justified in Gods sight by good works done in confirmity and obedience to the Moral law Ans. In answer whereunto we do affirm and shall plainly prove that not the Ceremo●nial law only but the Moral law also ye● mainly and principally is meant by the Apostle And that law unto the works or deed whereof justification in the sight of God i● denied to every Man is the Moral law and not the Ceremonial law only though it i● true also of the Ceremonial law And this w● prove by two Argumenrs
5.17 18. Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and as old things are passed away and all things are become new so particularly the old Covenant and old Righteousness by the Deeds and Works of the Law is passed away and a new Covenant and a new Righteousness brought in not of Works but of Grace not by the Deeds of the Law but by Faith in Jesus Christ and all things are of God as verse 18. i. e. all things of this new Creation and so this Righteousness which is by Faith of Jesus Christ is of God in a new and more peculiar and glorious way under a new head i. e. not Adam but Jesus Christ and by a new Covenant not of Works but of Grace and by a new Birth not after the Flesh but after the Spirit not of the Will of Man but of God Job 1.13 Jam. 1.18 Gal. 4.28 31. And so this Righteousness is called by a new Name The Righteousness of God as God is the Author of it and hath created it and brought it forth after a more peculiar manner and this will appear more plainly in the consideration of these three particulars namely 1 Particular First In that God of his infinitely free and soveraign Grace hath in and through his Son Jesus Christ designed and conferred this Righteousness upon us by Faith in his Son I say God of his free Grace hath conferred this Righteousness by Faith upon the Heirs of Salvation and that from all eternity the purpose and counsel of his Grace designed and conferred this Righteousness by his Son before the World was 2 Tim. 1.9 10. But according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ before the World began But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought immortality and life to light through the Gospel What is that which is made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ but this Righteousness of God as in the Text But now the Righteousness of God is manifested Now by this Righteousness of God is death abolished and immortality and life brought to light through the Gospel Now whence is this Righteousness of God and so immortality and life brought to light was it from or according to Works no but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ before the World began so that it was not our Works but God's free purpose and grace which designed and conferred this Righteousness and if you will know when this purpose and grace or this purpose of grace in God moved him hereunto it was from all eternity before the World began and this Righteousness of God is not a Righteousness of Work or by Works but a Righteousness of Grace given us in Christ not as a reward of Works and of Debt but as a gift of free and soveraign Grace and so it is called Rom. 5. v. 17. Much more they which receive abundance of Grace and of the Gift of Righteousness and all that are justified by this Righteousness which is by Faith in Christ are said to be justified freely Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ And it is very much to be considered that Mans Works are always excluded and the Grace of God and the Gift of Righteousness magnified and mentioned in the business of Justification Titus 3.5 6 7. And for as much as this purpose and grace or this gracious purpose of Righteousness by Faith was given us in Christ before the World began it is manifest that Man not having then a Being or having done good or evil not Mans Works or Worthiness but Gods own free Grace and Goodness moved him to confer and bestow this gift of Righteousness as the Apostle argueth concerning Esau and Jacob Rom. 9. v. 11. For the Children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of Works but of him that calleth So that this Righteousness which is by Faith of Jesus Christ is the Righteousness of God as his Grace his free and soveraign Grace in Christ hath created designed from all eternity and freely conferred the same on all them that believe And thus no other Righteousness but this of Christs only is or can be called the Righteousness of God because whatever other use there may be of other Righteousnessess either Original Legal or Moral amongst men in this World yet certain it is that this Righteousness only was designed and conferred as the Gift of God's free Grace in Christ as that wherein only Man can be be justified in his sight 2 Particular This is the Righteousness of God as his Infinite Wisdom alone hath contrived and found it out For considering the case of Man now faln under sin by the transgression of the first Covenant and the first Adam and every individual person of Mankind comprehended in him were now become sinners and had lost all hope and possibility of Righteousness by the Law it was above the reach and understanding of all created Wisdom and would have put to a non-plus all the Wisdom of Men and Angels to have found out a way how Man that had lost his own Righteousness and all hope of it by the Law could ever become righteous again and be justified in the sight of God and that God might be just in justifying Man that 〈◊〉 once a sinner and transgressor of his 〈◊〉 Law And had God put the question Adam who had as much natural Und●●●standing and Wisdom as any Man ever ha● I say had God put the question to him 〈◊〉 me Adam now that sin and death have 〈◊〉 the dominion over thee and all thy Poster●●● by thy transgressing of my Law how sin 〈◊〉 death may be destroyed and Righteousn●●● and Life brought in my Law be fulfille● my Justice satisfied and Glory preserv●● and thou saved his mouth had been stoppe● and his tongue silent without any answer could not have entred into the heart of Ma● to conceive such a Mystery of Grace as th●● is And as there was none amongst Men 〈◊〉 none amongst the Angels in Heaven tha● could have been his Counsellor in this matte● or have first given unto him as Rom. 11 34 35. Who hath been his Counsellor and wh●● hath first given unto him No no God hath been his own Counsellor in this matter his own Wisdom hath contrived this way of Righteousness by Faith in his Son Jesus Christ as Rom. 11.33 Oh the depth of the riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out For I had not ●he Wisdom as well as the Grace of God ●revented Man with the revelation and ma●ifestation of this Righteousness it had ne●er entred into the understanding of Men or
because reconciliation supposeth a breach first made by sin now the breach made betwixt God and Man by sin was not from Eternity but in time and therefore reconciliation could not be from Eternity and without reconciliation by shedding of blood there is no remission as Heb. 9.22 i. e. No Justification to the Church of Gods Elect for Remission of sins is their Justification Part. 3. This Doctrine of Justification from Eternity destroyeth and overthroweth the true Doctrine of Justification it self also which is another fundamental point of the Christian Faith and therefore this Doctrine of Justification from Eternity cannot be true Now the true Doctrine of Justification is that Act of Gods Grace passed or put forth upon the person Elect whereby of a guilty ungodly and unrighteous person before he is really made and doth become a righteous person in Gods sight through Faith in his Son Jesus Christ given unto him I say he is made and doth become a righteous person in Gods sight and that really and not by opinion only as some would imagine and here are two things to be cleared as namely 1. That every man in this World is really made and doth become a guil●y and condemned person in Gods sight by the first sin of Adam justly imputed to him by the Law so Rom. 3.9 10 and again ver 19 20. which the Apostle plainly affirmeth by a comparison of the two Adam's Rom. 5.19 For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners c. ver 18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came or it came upon all men to condemnation in Gods sight So that 't is plain the many ver 19. is all men ver 18. even the Elect of God as well as others 2. That as in the first Adam all men did become and were really made sinners in Gods sight by the just imputation of Adam's sin to them by the Law even so in Christ many as v. 19. or all men as ver 18. i. e. all that believe are justified i. e. are made and do become righteous in Gods sight through Faith in Christ by the righteousness of one or by the obedience of one justly imputed to them by the Law of Faith and Grace So that as before Justification every man was really a guilty and unrighteous person in Gods sight So now that Faith in Christ is come every man that believeth is justified and doth become and is made a righteous person in Gods sight So that Justification maketh a real change of State from a state of sin and unrighteousness and death to a state of Grace Righteousness and Life Now therefore he that is Justified from Eternity was from Eternity in a state of Grace Righteousness and Life and never was in a state of Sin Unrighteousness and Death he never was a Sinner Ungodly and condemned in Gods sight and Sin had never raigned in him unto Death in whom Grace had raigned unto Life through Righteousness from all Eternity but the contrary is true in all them whom God Justifieth as Rom. 4.5 Now to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his Faith is counted for Righteousness and Rom. 5.6 For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the Ungodly and v. 21. That as sin hath reigned unto death even so might Grace reign through Righteousness unto Eternal Life by Jesus Christ our Lord So that we who are now Justified by Faith in Christ were without strength were ungodly were under the reign of Sin unto Death but he that was Justified from Eternity was never any of these and therefore no man was or could be Justified from Eternity there is a contradiction in the things themselves and therefore this Doctrine is inconsistent with the truth for Sin did not reign unto death in any from Eternity but in Time therefore Grace could not reign through Righteousness unto Life in any from Eternity but in time Part. 4. This Doctrine of Justification from Eternity destroyeth also the Doctrine of Adoption which inseparably followeth Justification and is another inseparable point of the Christian Faith I say Adoption followeth and is an inseparable companion of Justification by Faith in Christ he that is Justified by Faith in Christ is also adopted and taken into the number of Gods Sons or Children by the same Faith as Gal That we might be justified by Faith v 24. But after that Faith is come v. 25. Ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus by the same faith by which any man is Justified by the same Faith also he is Adopted and made a Son or Child of God and so again Gal. 4 4 5 7. Now no man was Adopted from Eternity and therefore no man was Justified from Eternity And he that was Adopted from Eternity was never a Servant but a Son was never a Child of Disobedience a Child of Wrath as Ephes. 2.2 3. but a Child of God from eternity and then there never could be any Predestination to the Adoption of Children as Ephes. 1.5 that the Adoption of Children had been from eternity Part. 5. This Doctrine of Justification from Eternity denieth destroyeth and overthroweth by consequence the truth and doctrine of discrimination or making a difference betwixt the state of Nature and the state of Grace which the holy Scriptures do every where establish The state of Nature according the Scriptures is a state of Sin and so of Death and Condemnation as hath been already shewed But the state of Grace is a state of Righteousness and so of Life and Justification as hath also been declared through Faith in the Son of God Rom. 9.30 and Rom. 10.4 John 5.24 and 1 John 4.14 Now he that saith he was Justified from Eternity saith that he was in a state of Life from Eternity and by consequence never was in a state of Sin and Death for Justification is Life as Condemnation is Death Rom. 5.18 but most certain it is that all were dead and in a state of sin and condemnation before they believed on Christ even the Elect of God as well as others as 2 Cor. 5.14 And the death of Christ for all the Elect doth prove that they were all dead and in a state of Death Jews and Gentiles for else Christ needed not to have died for them and the love of Christ doth constrain all them to acknowledge that they were dead and therefore are debtors to Christ for their Life and Justification through Faith in him and so no more to live to themselves but to him that died for them and rose again The words are most plain and the sense most genuine For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again Therefore seeing they were once dead
among your selves This is the order and Government which Christ hath set in his Church upon which their peace doth depend And where thi● Government of Christ is not submitted unto and kept but is rejected and broken there is an end of Peace there followeth nothing but confusion and every evil work as James 3.16 To prevent which Christ hath set Order and Government in the Church yea in all the Churches of Christ as 1 Cor. 14.33 As it is in a Mans Heart if the Government of Christ be not there if Christ ruleth not there by his Word and Spirit there is no Peace to that Man There is no Peace saith my God to the wicked Even so it is in a Church if Christs Goverment be not there there is no Peace but strife and bitter envying confusion and every evil work And I will therefore Rejoyce and do Rejoyce in this concerning you all beholding and seeing your order and the stedfastness of your Faith in Christ as Col. 2.5 6. For though I be absent in the flesh yet am I with you in spirit joying and beholding your order and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. For this order floweth from the stedfastness of your Faith in Christ as the breach of it in others doth emerge from the unstedfastness of their Faith As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him v. 7. Rooted and built up in him and stablished in the faith as ye have been taught abounding therein with thanksgiving Beware lest any man spoil you Keep therefore and hold fast this Faith and order and this will be your wisdom and understanding in the sight of all Men as Deut. 4.5 Ephes. 5.17 18 19 20. And this is the salt or true wisdom commended to us by Christ himself which will preserve you in purity and peace and keep you from Corrupting as Mark 9.50 Salt is good but if the salt have lost his saltness wherewith will you season it Have salt in your selves and have peace one with another And this as it is and will be your glory so it will be our rejoycing in the Day of Christ Heb. 13.17 And 1 John 2.28 That we i. e. we your Elders and Ministers may rejoyce in the Day of Christ. As ye have therefore obeyed and in a great Conflict and Tryal of your Faith and Patience have testified yout obedience to the Truth through the Spirit So I beseech you work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure And be in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but unto you of salvation and that of God For to you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but als● to suffer for his sake Having the sam● conflict which ye saw to be in me Phil 1.28 29. Now whether I live or die whether I be present in the body and so absent from the Lord or whether I be absent from the body that I may be present with the Lord st●and fast in one Spirit with one mind striving together for the Faith of the Gospel and so fulfil ye my joy that ye be like minded having the same love of one accord and of one mind And the God of peace shall be with you and shall bruise Satan under your Feet shortly and shall make those that say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan to come and worship before you feet and to know that he hath loved you as Rev. 3.8 9. Amen THE True Light In the matter of our Justification before GOD. Rom. 3.20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledg of sin THIS Text is an Epiphonema or closing speech wherein the holy Apostle Paul gives us the just and right conclusion or result of the whole matter with respect to Mans justification before God and doth Peremptorily determine in the negative that by the deeds or works of the Law no flesh can or shall be justified in his sight and brings it in with the illative note therefore as the undeniable consequence and true result of his whole Argument in the two foregoing Chapters wherein he hath fully proved as he saith v. 9. of this chap. that Jews and Gentiles are all under Sin 1. The Gentiles he clearly proves in the first Chapter to be under Sin in that when they knew God or might have known him by the light of Nature in his works of Creation and Providence as Rom. 1.19 20 they did not glorifie him as God but contrary to the light of nature debased and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the Image of corruptible Man v. 23 24 25. Had they but used their poor dim light of nature aright to have paid some suitable Veneration to the glory of the Godhead in worshiping of him they might have escaped many vile affections and actions amongst themselves For which they could not so much as pretend light or nature and of the wickedness or danger whereof they could not so much as pretend ignorance but as a punishment of their impiety towards God God gave them up to vile affections and unseemly actions amongst themselves as v. 26 27 28 29 30 31 And these Sins they not only committed against the light of nature but delighted in though convicted in their own Conscience that the issue thereof could be no less than eternal Death and Damnation as v. 32. Who knowing the judgment of God c. So severely but justly doth God punish wilful Idolatry and false worship a Sin against the first Table by giving such a person or People up to all manner of Sins and most horrible lusts and abominable practices even against Human Nature to their own Destruction Nothing being more righteous and just than that they who will not give unto God the glory of his own worship should be given up of God to work their own Damnation and Destruction see 2 Thes. 2.10 11 12. 2. The Jews he as clearly proves to be under Sin in the second Chapter For whereas they rested in the law and made their boast of God as Rom. 2. v. 17 18 19 20. yet they transgressed that law which they so much boasted of and through transgressing thereof dishonoured God and caused his name to be blasphemed amongst the Gentiles as v. 21 22 23. And therefore the Jews as well as the Gentiles are left without excuse and the mouth of them both equally stopped being become guilty before God The Gentiles by Sinning without law yet against the light and law of Nature as Rom. 1.20.32 c. The Jews by Sinning under the law and whilst they judged the poor Gentiles became more obnoxious and inexcusable themselves in that they did the same or worse things as Rom. 2. v. 11 12. And
were blnded 2ly That so he might make way for the coming of his Son Jesus Christ into the World for his coming forth into and in the Human Nature and being made and manifested in Flesh both to Angels and Men This Mystery of Godliness as the Apostle hath it 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifested in the Flesh had never been exhibited in the sight of Angels and Men had not the transgression of the law and the utter inability in the law to give Man life and righteousness in Gods sight first prepared and opened a way for it had there been no Sin there had needed no Sacrifice no need of God manifested in Flesh could righteousness have been by the works of the law there had been no need of a Christ to take away Sin to make an end of Sins and to bring in everlasting righteousness as Dan. 9 24. Rom. 8.3 And as the Apostle hath it Gala. 2 21. If righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain Christ coming in the Flesh his being made of a Woman made under the law his being made a curse for us yea all that he did suffered for us in his life death yea his resurrection from the dead his Ascension into Heaven and his intercession for us there hath been altogether in vain if Sin could be expiated and righteousness obtained by the deeds or works of the law But Christ is not dead in vain his coming into the World is not in vain Now consider what a glorious work the work of redemption is above all the works of Gods Creation and above all the other works of his mighty wise and holy providence and be filled with admiration and wonder at the infinite wisdom power and Grace of God in Christ who hath thus over-ruled so great an evil as Sin is and the frustration of the hope of righteousness by the law for the manifestation of the riches of his glory and Grace in his Son Christ Jesus and the greater advancement and good of his own Elect who are no losers by their disappointment and loss of the hope of righteousness by the deeds of the law having now obtained a better hope of a better and greater righteousness by Faith in Christ than could have been obtained by the law if they had never Sinned and if they had fulfilled the righteousness of the law in themselves Glory be to the triumphant Grace of God in Christ. 3. That so also just occasion might be offered for the promulgation and making known amongst Men the everlasting Covenant of Grace Now consider what a great blessing the Covenant of Grace is above the Law and Covenant of works which the Apostle saith Had no glory in comparison of the new Covenant of Grace which so far excelled 2 Cor. 3.7 8 9 10 11. verses And consider how the manifestation and revelation of this better Covenant hath filled Heaven and Earth with a greater light and manifestation of the Divine glory than any the World knew before or could ever have known without it and you will fall Down and worship before the throne of God and of the Lamb saying Blessing Glory and Praise be unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath thus blessed us with the blessings of such a Covenant all Spiritual blessings all Heavenly blessings all Spiritual blessinngs in heavenly places in Christ Ephes. 1.3 This Covenant of Grace is called the New Covenant but only with respect to the promulgation of it forasmuch as it was not promulgated till after the fall of Man and the frustration and making void the law or old Covenant as a Covenant of works and utter incapacity of that Covenant to give Man righteousness and life by the deeds or works of it as the Apostle argueth Heb. 8. v. 7 8 11 13. But the Covenant of Grace is also called the everlasting Covenant with respect to the institution and establishment of it betwixt the Father and the Son not only because it is to everlasting and endureth for ever but also because it is from everlasting and before all time and is therefore said to be given us in Christ before the World was Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began that this is the Covenant of Grace is plain because it is that upon which the hope of eternal life is builded and it is called the promise as it is often called in Scripture as Gala. 4.28 Now we Brethren as Isaac was are the children of the promise i. e. of the new Covenant for this is the new Covenant which is compared to that Jerusalem which is above and is the Mother of all the children of God as Gala. 4.22 23 24 25 26. Upon this account they are called heirs of the promise i. e. of the new Covenant or Covenant of Grace and not of the old Covenat or Covenant of Works as Gala. 4.31 So then brethren we are not children of the Bond-woman but of the Free i. e. not of the old Covenant but of the new Now of this promise viz. this promise of God that cannot lie it is said to have been before the world began i. e. given us in Christ the Mediator of this Covenant and unto whom this promise was given for us before all time before the World began i. e. from Eternity And if any shall enquire why then was the law or Covenant of works at all added and promulgated The Answer is ready as the Apostle Gala. 3.19 It was added because of transgression i. e. that by the occasion of Sin and transgression of that Covenant Men might be prepared to entertain and embrace the Promise and Covenant of Grace and so look unto the free Promise and Covenant of Grace in Christ for Life and Salvation and so Rom. 5.20 21. The law entred that sin might abound c. Now as it was for the further manifestion of Gods greater glory and for Mans greater good that this new Covenant or Covenant of Grace should be declared so it was necessary that Sin should first enter in the transgression and frustration of the law as a Covenant of works that a fit occasion and season might be offered for the declaring and making known this blessed Covenant this new and everlasting Covenant of Grace And thus by the disannulling and making void the old or first Covenant as a Covenant of works which could not have bin without the entrance of Sin is way made for bringing in the Covenant of Grace 4ly That God might cut off all occasion of boasting from Man and that no flesh might glory in his sight had Man been justified by the works of the law and his own righteousness he should have had whereof to boast as the Apostle Rom. 4.2 For if Abraham were justified by works he hath whereof to Glory but not before God Now therefore God in his infinite wisdom hath ordered and over-ruled things unto this issue that by the work●
the first born amongst the many Brethren both Angels and Men being the head of the Election Yet as hath been said it doth not appear that they have any other or greater Righteousness than their own And as they are by nature greater and more excellent than we so their obedience may excel the obedience of man if he had also obeyed and fulfilled the Law of his Creator as they did Yet still the obedience of Angels and the righteousness wherein they are justified and stand before God is but the obedience and righteousness of Creatures though it be never so excellent though it be Angelical yet it is and can be but Creature righteousness And this righteousness which we have by Faith in Christ is God's Righteousness and therefore as God is more excellent than his Creatures so his Righteousness is greater and more excellent than theirs can possibly be And here see and behold again the triumph of Grace over sin and death that fallen man is raised again and advanced in Christ to a greater better and more excellent and glorious hope of righteousness by Faith in Christ not only than Man had in innocency or could have had by the works of the Law but also than Angels in Heaven have So that as they were preferred before us and set above us by nature we that believe are preferred before them by Grace for Christ took not Angelical but the humane nature into union with the Godhead in his own glorious person and is sat down in that nature at the right hand of the Majesty on high and we are said also to be sat down together with or in him in the heavenly places Ephes. 2.6 Whereas the Angels are not said to be sat down but to stand before the Throne and in the presence of God as Ministers and Servants Luk. 1.19 Rev. 5.11 Heb. 1.13 14. And the humiliation of Christ who was made a little lower than the Angels in our Nature hath exalted us with or in Christ above the Angels and we have a better righteousness than they Inf. 4. Again fourthly hence we infer how much it is the duty and interest of every man under these Heavens to whom the word of Salvation comes to believe in Jesus Christ and submit themselves to this righteousness of God The very name it carries the righte●●sness of God is enough to bow every 〈…〉 to stoop to the authority of it and submit himsel● unto it For it is the righteousness of God as he is the Author of it his Free grace hath conferred his Wisdom hath contrived found out and appointed and his Power hath wrought out this Righteousness for us in his Son Christ and he is only and infinitely well pleased with it and we are under the highest obligation to submit to it For 1. He hath commanded us so to do 1 John 3.23 And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ. And when the Jews put the question to Christ John 6.28 What shall we do that we might work the works of God The answer is vers 29. This is the work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent And when the voice came from the most excellent glory and testifyed from the Father out of Heaven concerning Christ This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased The same voice also addeth the command and saith Hear him Mat. 17.5 So that the command of God declared makes it every Mans Duty to submit to this Righteousness of God by believing in his Son Jesus Christ. 2. It is a greater and more excellent Righteousness than that which is 〈◊〉 be supposed to be a mans own Righteousness for it is the Righteousness of God And what comparison is there betwixt the one and the other What is man That is a Worm compared with God whose name is I Am What is man Of the Earth Earthy compared with the Lord from Heaven 1 Cor. 15.47 And what then is the Righteousness of man or thine own Righteousness poor Worm compared with this Righteousness of God Surely thy own Righteousness is but filthy rags and thou thy self but an unclean thing Isa. 64.6 And why shouldest thou not be willing to part with thy rags thy filthy rags that thou mayest put on the Royal Robes of Christs Righteousness Should not a poor filthy beggar be willing to put off and throw away his rags that he may be washed and cleansed and put on the Royal Apparel which the King of his Grace hath provided for him and commanded him to put on that he may stand before him with acceptation Had Mordecai refused to have put off his mournful and dirty weeds of Sack-Cloth and Ashes the emblems of his shame and sorrow for the destruction designed by Haman and confirmed by the Kings Seal for this Mordecai and all the Jews and now ready for Execution Had I say Mordecai refused what a contempt would it have been of the Royal favour and Rebellon against the Royal command of so great a King How justly then might the King upon such a contempt of Mercy and Grace and his Royal Authority and Command withal have abandoned Mordecai and left him and all his People to the destruction afore-mentioned Oh man this is thy case and thou art the man here concerned Hath God of his Grace and Favour in his Son Christ conferred and provided such Royal Robes of Righteousness for thee and commanded them to be brought unto thee and commanded thee to put off thy rags of Self or thy own Righteousness And wil● thou dare to reject this Royal Grace and Favour and rebel against this Royal command of the great God How justly mayest thou for this contempt be abandoned of God for ever and left to perish in thy sins and the rags of thine own Righteousness And how canst thou think to stand before God in these rags Before him whose name is holy And who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity With whom evil shall not dwell and in whose presence no unclean thing shall enter Canst thou dwell with everlasting burning O● canst thou cloathed with Hay and Stable stand before consuming Fire Heb. 12. ult When Joshuah the High Priest stood before the Angel cloathed in filthy garments Satan stood at his Right hand to resist him Zech. 3.1 2 3. And he could not st●nd with acceptation till they took away his filthy garments and cloathed him with change of raiment vers 4 5. And then The Angel of the Lord protested unto him as verse 6. Saying thus saith the Lord the Lord of Hosts if thou wilt walk in my ways and if thou wilt keep my charge Then thou shalt also judge my house and shalt also keep my Courts and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by Man know thou canst not stand nor walk before God the holy God with acceptation till thy filthy garments and filthy rags be taken away from thee and
therein for the propitiation of their Sins as Rom. 3.25 whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood to declare his Righteousness for the Remission of Sins and v. 26. to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which be●elieveth ●n Jesus Neg. But as concerning the Doctrine of Justification from the time of Christs Death and Resurrection more or rather than any other time or that the Church of Gods Elect are justified from the time of Christs Death or Resurrection we do utterly deny and reject and say the justification of his Body the Church doth no more commence from or depend upon the time of his Death and Resurrection than upon any other time before or after for 1 st If the justification of Gods Elect did commence from and depend upon the time of Christs Death and Resurrection so that they were not nor could be justified before that time then all those that were fallen asleep in Christ before the time of Christs Death and Resurrection are perished as 1 Cor 15.18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished The Consequence is plain and invincible for if they were not justified their Sins were imputed and not forgiven and if so then they died in their Sins and so are perished as John 8.12 If ye believe not that I am he ye shall die in your sins and this is eternal perdition or to perish for ever if they were not justified they were not righteous righteousness was not imputed to them and so they neither did not could inherit the Kingdom of God as 1 Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that the Unrighteous or Unjustified shall not inherit the Kingdom of God And so Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses and Samuel and all the Prophets until John are perished and excluded out of the Kingdom of God yea John Baptist ●lso is perished and good old Simeon that took the Babe in his arms and blessed him and said Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace according so thy word for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation Luke 2.29 30 and Anna the Prophetess also v. 36. are perished For all these died before the time of Christs Death and Resurrection as is most plain and manifest But now these are not perished but were justified by Faith in their Life time and blessed in their death and live now unto God eternally in the Mansions of Heavenly Glory and for all this we have a sure word of Prophecy Abraham lived 430 years before the Law of Moses and above 2000 years before Christ came in the flesh and 30 years more before Christs Death and Resurrection and yet was as much justified by Faith in Christ as any man ever since or that will be to the end of the World and so were all the rest aforementioned and therefore justification is not reckoned from the time of Christs Death and Resurrection seeing all these were justified so long before that time 2. Then Christ himself is found a false Witness who came from the bosom of the Father and could declare and did declare the truth as John 1.18 I say then Christ himself is found a false Witness who testified of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets to be in the Kingdom of God Luke 13.28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God and you your selves thrust o●● Now who are these ye and your selves these are many such as lived in and after the time of Christs Death and Resurrection and great Professors too as appeareth v. 26. When they shall say we have eat and drank in thy presence and thou hast taught in our Streets and also in that parallel place Mat. 7.22 Have we not Prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out Devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works all which must be after the time of Christs Death and Resurrection for the Spirit was not given for these extraordinary works and miracles till Christ was glorified and yet saith Christ ye shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God and ye your selves thrust out so that those that lived before the time of my Death and Resurrection as Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets ye shall see them hereafter when that day shall come which revealeth all things ye shall see them in the Kingdom of God and ye your selves who lived professed my name Prophesied and did miracles in my name after the time of my Death and Resurrection ye shall see your selves thrust out and though you cast out Devils in my name yet ye did not cast him out nor was he cast out of your own hearts But Christs Witness is most true and will be found so at the great day therefore let men take heed how they make him a Liar who is Truth it self for certainly Christ did not bear false witness when he testified to the Sick of the Palsie Mark 2.5 Son thy Sins be forgiven thee and when he testified in the House of Simon concerning the Woman that was and had been a great Sinner when she washed Christs feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head and brake so costly a Box of Ointment and poured it upon his head that all the room was filled with the odour thereof I say when he testified to Simon and all that were in the house concerning her Luc. 7.47 Wherefore I say unto thee her Sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much and when he testified to her v. 48. And he said unto her thy Sins are forgiven Forgiveness of Sins is justification and they had Faith in Christ wrought in them for Mark 2.5 when Jesus saw their Faith and Luke 7.50 And he said to the Woman thy Faith hath saved thee and yet the time of Christs Death and Resurrection was not yet come so that justification and Salvation through Faith in Christ was as sure and certain and as full and compleat to them that believed before the time of Christs Death and Resurrection as ever it was to any since or shall be to the end of the World therefore the justification of Gods Elect is no more dated or doth commence from the time of Christs death than from any time before or after 3. If the justification of Gods Elect should commence and bear date from the time of Christs Death and Resurrection then thousands of Gods Elect that were Born were Converted and called and have believed on Christ since the time of Christs Death and Resurrection in Ages and Generations until now were justified before they were Converted and Called before they receiv'd the Spirit by the hearing of Faith before they believed God or his word before they had any Faith wrought in them for they were