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A60557 The true light discovered to all who desire to walk in the day in several little treatises / written by that faithful member of the true church of Christ Jesus (deceased) Stephen Smith. Smith, Stephen, 1623-1678. 1679 (1679) Wing S4211; ESTC R27491 132,412 385

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as they did are in the same state of Hypocrisie and under the same sentence of dreadful wo and misery Therefore I beseech you to consider what state or condition you are in and don 't go about to exalt your selves in wisdom above what is written but take notice what Christ said Luke 17. For behold the Kingdom of God is within you These are plain and true words a wiser then he that spoke them never was nor ever shall be Indeed it 's very great presumption for any to exalt a wisdom above his and to set at naught his blessed counsel in so great and weighty a concern And for further proof of the necessity of bowing to that of God in you observe also further what Christ said But whosoever drinketh of the water I shall give him Joh. 4.14 shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life See how plain and evident are the Testimonies in Scripture unto that which is pure and holy of God within It must needs also be as plain and evident that those who do oppose the way to the knowledge thereof are real opposers of that love and mercy of God testified unto by the moving of Gods holy spirit as recorded in the Scriptures Indeed that is a very sad state and miserable will be the end of 〈◊〉 who live and dye in it Therefore be admonished to take heed to the Light of Christ within thee ●●●ch is a blessed leader proved 〈…〉 thousand● who are living 〈…〉 of it s blessed leading them that are led ●nd guided by it out of that which would harm them an● a blessed Commander he is who gives power to them that receive him t●●k up his Commandments the which are no way grievous and in the doing thereof there is great peace as said David Psal 119.165 Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them The Law is pure holy and good and to be taken heed unto in the heart J●r 31.33 Come come to the pure principle of God within or else you can never know the Truth and its freedom not the will of God signified through the Truth under what denomination soever the end and tondency of Gods love thereby being that all should come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved to which end none can come but as they take heed to the blessed motions of Gods holy Spirit in them Cease therefore your vain labour and hard travail under that slavish servitude where the prince of the power of the Air ruleth them who doth despite unto the Spirit of Truth and he blinds and darkens the minds of people so that unto them he makes darkness seem as light and light seem as darkness and so he instructs his Vassells and Slaves to call light darkness Isa 5.20 and darkness light evil he calls good and good evil and thus in and through his dark works he brings people and keeps them under wo and misery Oh that people would fear the Lord and depart from evil and wait upon the Lord in the leadings and guidings of his good Spirit in them the which will draw them unto the knowledge of Christ in them the hope of Glory even unto Christ the way truth and life the same yesterday to day and for ever the resurrection and the life the first born of every creature who said Search or ye search the Scriptures for in them ye think to have eternal life John 5. and they are they that testifie of me And ye will not come to me that ye might have life of me It is very plain and evident by what hath been said and may be said That except people come unto Christ the power and wisdom of God to all that believe they cannot see life but the wrath of God abide on them and being dead in trespasses and sins under condemnation and the wages of sin which is death In this state what ever high talk and profession may be made from what may be read in the Scriptures of Truth of the Heavenly gift which is Life Eternal this will but add to their condemnation who do put Christ at a distance far from them and will not receive him in his spiritual appearance but do despite to his Spirit of Grace in quenching and grieving the motions thereof Such prophane unprofitable talkers are real opposers of the Spirits Testimony the which testifies of Christ Vnto whom all must come that do receive Eternal Life even unto his quickning Spirit the Lord from Heaven And wait to feel his power to raise out of the ways of death and destruction and to translate them by the blessed work of regeneration and conversion into the way of life and peace This is the work of the Spirit and not of the Letter For the Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life Mind It is not the Letter and Testimony of the Law written which effects this blessed work in giving life ●●●ut that holy and blessed Spirit of ●●●e in Christ Jesus which sets free from sin and death The which Law of the Spirit is testified of and born witness unto by the Letter and Testimony of the Law and Prophets and the Apostles and Disciples of Christ Jesus Therefore I do in the moving of the Spirit of Truth according to my measure therein exhort and perswade all to take heed unto the manifestation of Gods holy Spirit in them for the opening the eye of your understanding in those weighty co●●●●ns of everlasting life as testified of through the Scriptures of Truth And that the Scriptures may Be set in their right places and the honour which is due unto the Lord of Heav●n 〈◊〉 earth may be given unto him who hath powerover all flesh and gives Eternal Life to all that are freely given up to him and with whom he is well pleased and doth accept As it is written My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me John 10.27 28. and I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand Oh be admonished to leave o●● giving private Interpretations of the Prophesies the Seriptures and bow to the universal love and mercy of God in the moving of his Spirit of Truto that thereby you may be led and guided into all Truth And for your sakes who desire that Truth and Righteousness may 〈◊〉 place in the Earth again for your clearer Information take notice it is written He that committeth sin is of the Devil for the Devil sinneth from the beginning Joh. 3.8 for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil Now observe what a sad condition they are in who through unbelief and hard heartedness in resisting the spiritual appearance of the quickening Spirit the Lord from Heaven in which works of darkness do draw such
in and through his holy Spirit of Truth are righteous holy perfect in every degree and measure and remains firm in goodness and unchangeable there being no spot nor blemish in them the which praises them for ever out of which none shall ever find acceptance of him Mutter peep whine and scold as long as you will your works of darkness must down which have corrupted the Nations which is cause of the great Judgments past in this Nation and the greater yet to come For the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God is gone out against wicked workers and works and thus saith the Lord No Peace to the wicked their prayers are abomination in my sight So whatsoever your professions and coverings therein be of your talkings and imaginations concerning the gift of God which is Life Eternal you being really out of it in your own imaginary parts and gifts in comprehending the works done without you and so not sensible of any real perfect pure work of God's holy Spirit in you the which is the cause you are so dark and wickedly blinded to plead for sin the which is accompanied with the wages of death the cause of death being sin the which remaining the effects cannot cease even death and corruption from that venomous sting over all flesh that is corrupted with it So for shame leave your false Accusations against an innocent people called by the Name of Quakers for testifying of the works of God's holy Spirit the which are perfect in every degree and therefore there is not the least sin nor evil in them So all you who say You are not without sin in your best duties I say they are all works of your own which blind and hide God's works from you And as you may read of the works of God's Spirit in Mordicai how they could not bow to the Pride and Arrogance of Haman and also the works of God's Spirit in Daniel how they could not bow to them that would have restrained and limited them and also the works of Gods Spirit in Shadrach Meshech and Abednego how they could not bow to the Golden Image set up by Nebuchadnezar though Laws under Penalties of Death in a Cruel manner was before them and also the works of God's holy Spirit in the Primitive Christians through the strength of which they under-went hard and grievous things under the spirit of Antichrist which got up in a form of good words in the pleasures and vanities of the works of the fleshly wisdom the which have been kept up by the same wisdom by the Arm of flesh under which the Innocent people who are true witnesses of the works of God's Spirit have suffered very deeply in this Age the which cannot be hid though the cause for which they have thus suffered is so far hid that it cannot be believed though they have been wonderfully declared of But it is Mordecai Daniel Shadrach Mesh●ch and Abednego's God which we who are in scorn called Quakers do worship in and by the effects and blessed Operation of his own blessed Spirit wherein stands our confidence and not in Flesh and our Faith Belief and Hope is in him that he will turn the Hearts of our enemies unto us though many will perish in their gain-saying So over all the works and powers of darkness in our Faith and Belief that the holy righteous works of God's blessed Spirit shall be exalted and the God of Truth in and through his blessed works in preparing and fitting the hearts of people the knowledge of him shall increase till it spread over all And for this purpose hath God raised many contrary to the wisdom of the World in whom he hath made known his Righteous Works who have unity and fellowship therein who are true labourers therein purely out of love to God and his blessed works in good-will and true-love to all men that all may taste of the goodness of God the experience of which will bring mankind to be of one mind and heart and therein to agree to praise and magnifie God who shows man his Thoughts to whom belongs honour and glory for ever And now all you Leaders of the People in all forms and fashions who are denying the works of the Divine Power of God in its blessed operation and powerful workings in setting free them who are heavy laden and weary through the enemies works of sin and iniquity the which you say cannot be overcome therefore you are denyers of the sufficiency of God's works and his kingdom wherein dwells righteousness peace and joy in and through effectual workings of God's holy Spirit the which though you say in words Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done c. But being sayers and not doers you are so darkened that with all your own wills and mights you are strengthening the old Kingdom of transgression where sin and iniquity aboundeth the Devil's works Was it not by reason of transgression that the first Law the first Covenant was added which was written in Tables of Stone And was not this in force till the Seed of Life and Power the coming of the Messiah to finish Transgression and to put an end to Sin and so bring in everlasting Righteousness God's Kingdom Now all you blind Leaders of the blind is not here God's second Covenant writ in the heart into which all must come that come unto God where his Light is to shine who is the True Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World And if this righteous Law be taken heed unto will it not judge Lust when it rises in the heart And will it not judge Anger when it rises in the heart And will it not judge every desire of breaking Promise when it arises in the heart And will it not judge every hasty and froward Action and Lightness when they appear in the heart And is not all that proceeds from this righteous Law and Covenant of God in the heart Pure Truth Yea and Nay And what is more then plain Truth Yea and Nay is it not judged by this pure Law in the heart And are not all fotbidden to Swear by this one Law-giver who is able to Save or to Destroy And must not his righteous Law and Decree take place though many Laws through darkness and Ignorance may be made against it And must not all that come to Sion the City of the Living God be redeemed through these righteous judgments And all that will not come under this righteous Law and Government where Mercy and Peace kisses and Truth and Righteousness is set over all is it not just that they be left to Judgment without Mercy So is not Destruction from Self-willing and running of people out of the counsel and knowledge of the will and mind of the living God And is not the Salvation of every Soul in and through the righteous Decrees and just and holy Laws of God which is Light in every Conscience And must not all come to Salvation
the chief Corner-Stone So here was the Primitive Christians Foundation from whence proceeded and proceeds Heavenly blessed and gracious words from the true sense and feeling of the operation and powerful works of God's holy and blessed Spirit And from this holy uncorruptible pure Foundation and way of God were all true Ministers and Teachers of others raised from the blessed operation of the Spirit of Truth in themselves whereby they had and have the Will and Mind of God unto People though not all in the same measure or degree But every one being faithful to his own measure of knowledge is therein a Minister of the universal love of God in his Eternal Spirit unto the World So here lyes the difference between true Teaching and Teachers and false The true Teaching being the anointing of God's holy Spirit and Power wherewith mankind being anointed and taught of God and according to God's blessed will therein in a cross to his own Carnal Will and Affections speaking forth and delivering the Truth unto people as it is in Jesus Lord of all in whom the Peace is and from whom Peace is proclaimed under those Conditions and Qualifications as it pleases him to make and tender who is Lord of all The false Teaching is that Spirit of Iniquity the old Deceiver of the World the Serpent that worked and wrought under a Mystery subjecting mankind unto his will under a vain hope through which he beguiled him at first drawing out a Compliance of his Will unto his delusions and so to transgress the blessed commands of his Maker through which yielding of mankind unto the Serpent's Counsel they became Transgressors of God's holy Law and Covenant and for that cause was drove from God's Presence and then Fear entered and Trouble and Sorrow entered by man's yielding to the Traytor by which means he partook of the Nature of his Cursed works and being thus drove out of the Garden of Eden the Lord placed a Flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the way of the Tree of Life And now the same Mystery of wickedness by which mankind was drawn into Transgression the same spiritual wickedness got in a high place above the pure Seed of God in man there keeps mankind in bondage to his will under many fair and specious hopes That though sin and transgression the cause of death be not finished in them yet deliverance shall be had by the manifestation and works of the Seed without them So here mankind being Imbondaged by these corruptible works under the dark power of the enemy from whence arises all corruptible ways man being gone from the uprightness in which he was created goes now abroad hunting about in his Inventions and Conceivings being led about by this Thievish Spirit which first drew his mind from the will of God and so in this is climing up and down every way but the right door and so being in this Earthly wisdom from below by Arts and Trades set a teaching of their Imaginations and Conceivings concerning the holy works without and so here lay down Foundations under Confessions and Professions of good works and gracious words without and thereby keep the Serpent's works of transgression and sin alive within and here the false Teachers under several covers of Confessions and Professions in the spirit of Antichrist set up And so here being tossed up and down in floods of Inventions from thence their shameful works are cast up in the old World of transgression and sin where these false Teachers are so rivited the works of the Enemy being become so natural unto them by reason of the continuance of time in transgression and sin that thereby they are now become impudent and bold even to dare to plead for the Serpent's works sin for term of life taking it for delusion and high presumption for any to speak to the contrary And so here false Teachers being raised from the works of the enemy moving in the Earthly wisdom for Earthly things being propt and bolstered up through vain glory praise of men and weighty Pounds many Nobles and special Marks with abundance of Crowns and frequent appearances of Angels in and by which they are so oyled that their Tongues run at their own Wills and Lusts by fair Speeches of other mens Lines and Works with which ignoront simple people being taken have so fed and oyled the Wheels of these Trades-men the which hath set them up so strong that they make all the defence they can to strengthen themselves and their Clients in the old World of sin and Iniquity And so these false Teachers having put darkness for light and light for darkness what strong Pillars and props they are grown under the Devil's Kingdom and power of darkness under several heads more that might be mentioned being derived from one beastly power from whence is risen several Heads and so branched out in several Horns the which are pushing every way against the Horn of God's Anointing the power and strength of the effectual and blessed Teachings of his holy and blessed Spirit the door and way by which all must enter that come to be truly satisfied with God's righteousness Christ the same Seed promised in the beginning to bruise the Serpent's Head the effectual works and power of which according to God's good pleasure was and is manifest in the World So to the praise and honour of God's holy works many can say Peace from him that is and was and is to come Jesus Lord of all who delivers his people from their sins the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World through which powerful and blessed works of mercy and Peace is extended to all mankind without respect of persons upon Earth So blessed are they that fear God and are found out of their own willings and running in their perverse and crooked nature in a true submission and obedience to the righteous works of God's righteous holy Spirit the true Christian Spirit that Christianity may flourish again and that Heathenism and Paganism under that name Christian may be subdued and vanish away and Jesus Lord of all exalted in the hearts and minds of people over all his enemies Then shall the Nations flourish and yield Fruit in Season to the praise and honour of God forever ANd now all you Merchants of Babylon Howl and Cry Alas alas What! all these precious Trades whereby we have gotten so much Gain must they all down Where be all our Mountains and Rocks that have been so long a making up by all our Fellow-Tradesmen by Arts and Inventions in Professions and Confessions of good works and words without through Ages and Generations past Will none of these Mountains and Rocks cover and hide us from the great wrath of the Lamb What must we now bow to his righteous works who takes away the sins of the World or else will ye grant us no Peace Alas alas what clothing in Scarlet and and Purple and Fine Linnen of Egypt
with precious Stones will these no longer hide our sins and iniquities Must all our works herein wherein we thought to have established our own righteousness must they now all be put off as dung and dross Alas alas though we have lived so far from the knowledge of the operation and works of God's Spirit as utterly to deny its Revelations now adayes and so have been dark and void of the knowledge of God's righteous chastisments and rebukes therein yet we have presumed that by custom of Confessions and Professions of God's good works done in and through holy men without us would have given us a right to his holiness thou the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh the pride of life and friendship of the World had never been wholly subdued in us but in such a part as might be consistent with our gain and profit in the World But alas alas our coverings be too narrow they will no longer hide us God's righteous works are abroad in the Earth who is inspiring his people with true Light of understanding and Mordicai sits in the Gate and will not bow to wickedness Haman Alas alas we have twined and twisted about through many Crafts and Inventions some of our best Arts-men having called the Light a Devil some others a Natural Light and others a Bewildering Light and likewise many false Accusations have we raised with Evil Reports Scornings and Reproachings of the people called Quakers for Confessing to the Works of the Light of God's holy Spirit yet all our shifts do not at all help us but those works prosper and they are generally a faithful people to their Testimony Alas alas who would have thought our Mother would have been such a Harlot What delicate Inchantments and Sorceries hath she used and trained us up in that we have been thus deceived and thereby have been Instruments of deceiving the whole Nations Alas alas we can fly into no Corner nor Hole but we are found out and pursued Alas alas can't all the Wisdom of the World and Arts therein help to hide our sins and Iniquities from the Light of the Lamb Is every Creature so manifest in his sight that made all things good in the beginning And is he now at work again And must all yield to his works or be accounted his enemies and be cast out of his presence who is Lord of all whose is the Earth and fulness thereof Alas alas words of repentance of sin will not serve now there must be a true repentance and forsaking sin and evil or else we perish forever Even so must it be done to you workers of iniquity who have been and are as props and pillars strengthening the Old World of Transgression in sin and iniquity the Devil's works and therein withstood the sufficiency of God's love manifested to the World in his Son to destroy the Devil's works which works of Transgression the old subtile Serpent the deceiver of the Nations in and through his Instrument is striving and labouring to maintain under several and very large and specious pretences of crying out Lord Lord But come workers of iniquity these good words will not give you admittance into the Kingdom of God it s not they that say Lord Lord shall enter therein but they that do the Will of God And was not his Will manifested to the World in his Son that they that believed and followed him in doing his Father's Will might not perish but have everlasting Life And do not many of you confess to this in words who say in your Prayers That we may follow the example of Christ's Humiliation and Patience that we may attain to his Resurrection c. What brave words have you workers of iniquity got in your Old Bottle that can hold none of the New Wine And so in your corrupt wills what will the using good words do you good but thereby add to your Condemnation who by good words and corrupt and bad actions are withstanding and have withstood the good will pleasure and love of God in his Son to the World So your works of Darkness and falshood are clearly manifested and you can't hide them from the Light But the Light of the effectual and powers works of God's holy Spirit wherein his Will is manifest is rising more and more to a more perfect day of his will being done upon Earth to the praise and honour of his blessed and holy Name whose works are Pure Holy Just and Perfect in every degree thereof and tend to the true Reformation Peace Prosperity and Establishment of all mankind in God's love and mercy therein forever So worshipped be God that made Heaven and Earth and the Fountains of Waters and all things therein who fills the hearts of the upright with joy and gladness through the shinings forth of the light of his Countenance who sits upon his Throne and saith Behold I make all things New Amen ANd now unto such who are in doubt Whether God's holy Spirit doth so effectually work now adayes as in the Primitive times Unto you I say what flesh could ever have indured such grievous and continued Punishments in Tryals of divers sorts by Imprisonments and Banishments and Hangings and Killings as in New-England and Imprisonments to Death and spoiling of Goods in Old-England and Cruel Mockings and Scoffings and bloodshed by unmerciful men Indeed some in a voluntary humility have somewhat appeared in Sufferings but being in their own willings and runnings and works therein how have they been overcome their strength being an Arm of Flesh as well as others and so fleshly works have been overcome by fleshly works But it is not so with them who are in scorn and derision called Quakers because they have bowed to God's way the which is quite different to man's wayes was that name given but in God's way hath his Arm been revealed and its strength made manifest in our weakness So that to the praise of him that lives forever the operation of his blessed Spirit is felt as in the primitive dayes and the glory and comfort of it hath ministred strength and refreshment in the time of tryals though this way of proceeding hath been hid from the vulterous evil Eye So to the praise and glory of God is Confession made through the operation of his holy Spirit through which thousands have been preserved and kept from bowing to the seed of Cain Haman and the Beast which hath made the World as a Wilderness where wild Fruits and wild Actions spring So we can truly say to the praise of God let not the wise men in the wisdom of this World glory in their wisdom nor the strong men in their strength nor the mighty men in their might but let all wait in that pure measure of the Light of God's Spirit in their Consciences that by it they may draw near unto God that they know his blessed works of mercy and love and judgment in the Earth wherein that true glory and
Spirit which is the one true Baptism through and by him who is to increase in all his Blessed Office as Priest to Minister according to the necessities of all that come unto him as proper to open the Mysteries that are hid from the Wise and Prudent a Bishop to oversee what is lacking in the Church a Shepherd to lead his Flock in an out and to Feed them in Green Pastures of Life and Peace a Physitian to heal the Wounded a Prince to give forth his Righteous Laws and Decrees in his Church where his Righteous Holy Laws are written in the Heart is to be read and spread before all that all who are met in his holy Name may partake of his Divine Nature and so become Heirs of his everlasting Kingdom which never shall have end So Blessed are they who believe in God and do not make haste but wait patiently for the fulfilling of his promise that you may be delivered and kept from Worshipping the Inventions of men So in good will to all who have a desire to Truth is this given forth by Stephen Smith The 27th day of the 8th Month 1673. An Answer to a Paper called The Gospels Glory A Paper Intituled The Gospels Glory or the Covenant of Grace and Grace of the Covenant Vnfolded And for the better understanding of them who Impartially desire to know the Truth as it is in Jesus is this brief Answer given The Blessed Gospel of Christ glad Tydings of Christ The Power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth Rom. 1.16 17. therein is the righteousness of God revealed from Faith to Faith This was preached unto Abraham which was hundreds of years before Moses and therefore so long before his Writings And the same blessed Gospel they which are of the same faith with blessed Abraham Gal. 2.8 are blessed with him in the knowledge of this is invisibly to be felt and seen to expel the Clouds of darkness and error and to rent the vail thereof and to break down the Partition wall which is made up through sin and iniquity and thus to finish sin and put an end to transgression and to bring in everlasting righteousness and herein is the righteousness of the law fulfilled in them that believe through the Gospel of Christ he being the end of the law for righteousness to them that believe And in this invisible glorious work in opening the understandings of them that believe is the glory of the Gospel manifestly shewed 2 Cor. 4.3 4. But if our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of the World hath blinded the minds of them which believe not least the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them so unbelief is the cause why people have not the knowledge of the Gospel which the Apostle was not ashamed of it being the power of God unto salvation the power of a Saviour the wisdom of a Saviour Christ Jesus the Heavenly man In his blessed spiritual appearance for the refreshing of every truly hungering and thirsting soul after his righteousness Paul to the Galatians saith the Gospel which was preached of me is not after man Gal. 1.11 12. for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so that the blessed Gospel is an inward glorious work wrought by the Spirit and power of Christ Jesus the foundation of all the Prophets and Apostles on which the true believers were and are built to the praise and honour of God for ever And whereas he saith the grace of the Covenant unfolded therein he shows what birth he is of which might fitter be imployed in its Poetry in making of Balads then to be found so presumptuous in affirming the grace of the Covenant unfolded in that dark imaginary stuff in that Paper The grace of God being an invisible appearance of Gods holy Spirit unto all mankind which is testified to Paul and Titus For the grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all men Teaching us c. So here was and is the universal love of God to all mankind not willing that any should perish but that all might know the Truth and be saved So in that the grace of God appears unto all the renders of his love is therein shewed to all without respect of persons That in every Nation they that fear God and work righteousness through the blessed operation of the grace of his holy Spirit such are accepted of him So than they are in the way of a blessing who believe in God and wait in a full assurance And trust in him for the knowledge of the infallible teachings of grace whereby way is ministred unto a growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus And thus far the Apostle did unfold the love of God from what he had handled felt seen of the mercies and riches of Gods great love to all mankind therein being a true witness of the love of God through the grace of his holy Spirit by and in which the good of all was and is sought but indeed there be but few that doth regard it though his hand of love be stretcht out all the day long There be so many false Teachers who by good Words and fair Speeches deceives poor simple ignorant people through their great flourishing words about the grace of God out of the sensible feeling of its blessed vertue and power in its infallible Teachings and thereby bringing Salvation And though this love of God hath appeared to all all have not the knowledge thereof as they had and have who are true believers in God As said the Apostle to Titus Teaching us so true believers Baptized by one blessed Spirit into one body and therein being received into Gods holy Covenant of grace cannot but cry out Oh the vertue of Christ Jesus by whom comes grace and truth which is of a healing nature glad tydings indeed unto wounded Souls and none can be further truly sensible of the unfolding of this love of God to the refreshing and comforting of their immortal Souls but by the feeling of its vertue and power to quicken revive and raise up out of sin and iniquity the cause of death And in his Poetry he saith Gods works preach not redemption from Hell the name of Christ there is not legible Ans And in and by all Gods powerful and glorious works both within man and without is the blessed and powerful name of Christ to be read and understood So its Gods works alone that preach redemption from the power of Hell and death 2 Cor. 5.19 and therein is Christs holy name legible But as it is written that which is born of flesh is flesh and so a heap of fleshly works are in that Paper to the shame of the Author in giving them that Title c. And as that which