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A54528 Heresiography, or, A discription of the hereticks and sectaries of these latter times by E. Pagitt. Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647. 1645 (1645) Wing P175; ESTC R2783 113,990 184

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teach that in this life there is no fruit no sence no certainty of immutable election unto glory but upon condition contingent and mutable for besides that it is absurd to make an uncertaine certainty These things contrary to the experience of the godly who with the Apostle triumph upon the sence of their election and extoll this benefit of God who rejoyce with the Disciples according to the admonition of Christ Luke 10. 20. That their nam●● are written in heaven And lastly who oppose the sense of their election against the fiery darts of divillish temptations demanding Rom. 8. 33. Why shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect 8. They teach that God out of his meere just will hath not decreed to leave any man in the fall of Adam and common state of sin and damnation or to passe over any in the communication of grac● necessary to faith and conversion for that stands firme Rom. 9. 18. He hath compassion upon whom he will and whom he will he hardn●th And that Mat. 13. 11. To you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heaven but to them it is not given In like manner Mat. 11. 25 26. I glorifie thee Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding men and hast revealed them unto Babes even so O Father because thy good pleasure was such 9. They teach that the cause why God sends the Gospell rather to this nation than to another is not the meere and onely good pleasure of God but because this nation is better and more worthy of it then that to which he hath not communicated the Gospell ●or Moses gain-sayes this speaking thus unto the people Israel Deut. 10. 14 15. Behold heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord thy Gods and the earth with all that therein is Notwithstanding the Lord set his delight in thy Fathers to love them and did chuse their seed after them even you above all people as appeareth this day And Christ Mat. 11. 21● W●e be to thee Corazin woe be to thee Bethsaida for if the great works which had been done in you had been done 〈◊〉 Ti●●s and Sydon they had repented long agoe in sacke 〈◊〉 and ashes 2. Their Errors concerning Christs death and the redemption of men by it 1. THey teach that God the Father ordained his Son unto the death of the Crosse without any certaine and determinate counsell of saving any particular man expressely so that its necessary profit and dignity might have remained whole sound and perfect in every respect compleat and entire in the impetration of Christs death although they obtained redemption had never actually been applyed to any particular person for that assertion is reproachfull to the wisdome of God the Father and the me●●t of Jesus Christ and contrary to the Scripture where our Saviour Christ saith Ioh. 10. 15. I lay down my life for my sheep verse 27. And I know them The prophet speaketh thus of our Saviour Isa. 53. 10. When he shal make his sons a sacrifice for sin he shal see his seed and prolong his dayes and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hands Lastly it overthroweth any Article of our faith wherein we doe believe that there is a Church 2. They reach that this was not the will of God that hee might establish a new Covenant of Grace by his bloud but that he might onely procure unto his Father the bare right of making againe with men any Covenant whatsoever whether of grace or of works for this thwarteth the Scripture which teacheth that Christ is made the surety mediator of a better that is a new Covenant Heb. 7. 22. and Heb. 9. 17. The Testament is confirmed when men are dead 3. They teach that Christ by his satisfaction did not certainly merit for any mans salvation it selfe and faith by which this satisfaction of Christ may be effectually applyed unto salvation bu● onely that he purchased his Fathers power or resolution to enter into a new match with man-kinde and to prescribe them what new Covenant soever he pleased The performance of which condition should depend upon mans free-will and that therefore it might fall ●ut that either no man or every man might fulfill them for these esteem too 〈◊〉 basely of Christ● death in no wise acknowledging the chiefest 〈…〉 excellent fruit and benefit procured thereby and will call up 〈…〉 Pelagian herisie from hell 4. They teach that the new Covenant of grace with God the Father by the mediation of Christs death made with men doth not consist herein viz. That we are justified before God and saved by faith insomuch as it apprehendeth the merit of Christ but herein viz. That God the exaction of perfect legal obedience being abrogated reputes faith it selfe and the imperfect obedience of faith for the perfect obedience of the Law graciously thinks it worthy of the reward of eternall life Th●● concludeth the Scripture Rom. 5. 24 25. All are justified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through saith in his bloud And with wicked Socinus they bring in 〈◊〉 and strange justification of man before God 〈…〉 consent of the whole Church 5. They teach that all men are received into the sta●e of reconciliation and grace of the Covenant so that no 〈◊〉 shal be condemned for Originall sin nor in respect of it be 〈◊〉 unto death or damnation but are all acquitted and f●e●d from the guilt of that sin This opinion is contrary to the Scripture which affi●es that by nature we are the Children of wrath This the Arminiams learnt from the Anabaptists 6. They imply the distinction of impetration and application to the end that they may infuse this opinion unto unsk●●full and unwary wits namely that God as much as concerne● 〈◊〉 would conferre upon all men eq●●lly those benefits which are promised by Christs death And whereas some rather then ●thers are made partakers of forgivenesse of sins 〈◊〉 life etern●ll● and this diversity depends upon their owne free-will applying it selfe unto grace indifferently offered but not upon the ●●●gular gift of mercy effectually working in them 〈◊〉 then others that they may apply this grace unto thems●lves 〈◊〉 they while they bear the world in hand that they pr●pound this destruction with a sound meaning they goe about to make the people drink of the poysonous cup of Pelagianisme 7. They teach that Christ neither could nor ought to dye neither did dye for those whom God dearely loved and chose unto eternall life seeing such stood in no need of Christs death In this they contradict the Apostle who saith Gal. 2. 20. Christ loved me and gave himselfe for me In like manner Rom. 8. 33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Christs chosen It is God that justifieth who shall condemne it is Christ which it dead to wit for them And our Saviour averring Iohn 10. 15. I lay down my life for
Ionah 2. 4. Ionah was as one cast out of Gods presence and 2 Chron. 15. 2. If you forsake him he will forsake you And in a word it imp●rts as if God neither loved righteousnesse nor hated wickednesse contrary to Psal 45. 6 7. and 〈◊〉 take no delight in the obedience of his people contrary to Psal. 147. 11. The Lord delighteth in those that feare him c As concerning the last clause he that hath elected me must save me It is true the foundation of Gods election remaineth sure yet it is as true that whom he chuseth he purpos●th to bring to sal●at●on through sanctification of the Spirit 2 Thes. 1. 13. 4. If Christ will let me sinne let him look to it upon his honour be it Answ. This retorts the Lords words upon himselfe Pro 4. 22. 24. Keep thine heart c. Ponder thy paths c. and therefore no lesse blasphemous and is contrary to the professed practice of David Psalme 18. 23. I was upright before him and kept my selfe from min● iniquity The la●ter clause puts the cause of Gods dishonour upon hims●l●e no lesse blasphe●ous then the former and contrary to Rom. 2. 23. where the dishonouring of God is laid upon themselves 5. Here is a great stir about graces looking to hearts but give me Christ I seek not for graces but for Christ I seeke not for promises but for Christ I seek not for sanctification but for Christ tell not me of mediation duties but tel me of Christ. Answ. 1. This speech seemeth to make a flat opposition between Christ and his graces contrary to that in Ioh. 1. 16. Of his fulnesse we all received and grace for grace and between Christ and his promises contrary to Gal● 3. 13 14. Christ was made ● curse that we might receive the promise of the Spirit Luke 1. 70. with 74. And betwix Christ and all holy 〈◊〉 contrary to Tit. 2. 14. and therfore hold f●rth expressions not agreeing to wholsome Doctrine 6. A living faith that hath living fruits may grow from the living Law Answ. This whole speech is utterly 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 of words required 2 Tim. 1. 13 Hold fast the forme of 〈◊〉 words 1. That a Hypocrite may have a living La● is contrary to Iames 2. ●7 where the Hypocrites faith is called a dead faith 2. That a Hypocrite may bring forth living fruit is contrary to that Heb. 9. 14. 3. That all this grow●s from a living Law contrary to a Cor. 3. 6. where the Law is called a killing Letter And to Gal. 3. 21. If there had been a Law which could have given life c. 7. I may know I am Christs not because I doe crucifie the lusts of the flesh but because I doe not crucifie them but believe in Christ that crucifieth my lusts for me Answ. 1. The phrase is contrary to the Scripture language Gal. 5. 24. They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts 2. 〈…〉 the flesh for these three things may seem to be expres●●● in it 1. If Scripture make not opposite but subordinate Rom. 8. 13. 〈◊〉 th●ough the Spirit crucifie the flesh 2. That if I doe 〈◊〉 crucifie my lusts th●n there is an open free way of looking to C●rist contrary to the Scripture Mat. 5. 8. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shal see G●d both in boldnesse of faith here fruition hereafter 2 Tim. 2. 19 Let every one that names the Lord Iesus depart from iniquity 3. That believing in Christ may ease me from endeavouring to ciucifie my lusts in my owne person which is so grosse that it needs no more confutation then to name it 4. The safe sense that may be possibly intended in such a speech is this If I crucifie the flesh in my own strength it is no safe evidence of my being in Christ but if renouncing my self I crucifie the fl●sh in the strength of Christ applying his death by faith it is a safe evidence of my being in Christ but this sense conveighed in these words is to conveigh wholsome Doctrine 〈◊〉 an ●●●olsome some Channel a darkning and losing the truth in an 〈◊〉 expression 8. Peter more le●ned to a Covenant of works then Paul Pauls doctrine was more for free-grace then Perers Answ. To oppose these persons and the doctrine of these two Apostles of Christ who were guided by one and the same spirit in preaching and penning thereof 2 Pet 1. 21. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Tim. 3. 16 All Scripturs is given by inspiration of God in such a point as the Covenant of works and grace is little lesse then blasphemy 9. If Christ be my sanctification what need I look to any thing in my selfe to condence my justification Answ. This position is therefore unfound because it holds forth Christ to be my sanct●fication so as that I need not looke to any inh erent holinesse in my selfe whereas Christ is there●●re said to be our sanctification bècause he works sanctifica●●●● 〈◊〉 us and we dayly ought to grow up in him by receiving new supply and encrease of grace from his fulnesse according to 2 Pet. 3. 18. Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ. ● These with many other had so infected the Church that if God had not wrought wonderfully for his truth they had overwhelmed us that would or nec●●sent into bloudy and ●uell martyrdome as their owne Sermons did 〈◊〉 them up and their threats gave us occasion to feare But God in this did not sit still as asleep saith my Author while these Ta●es choakt the Wheat though he suffered the enemy to sow them but he manifested his dislike in notorious judgements upon the prime fomenters of them As first Mistris Hutchinson the Generalissimo 〈◊〉 high Priestesse of the new religion was delivered at one 〈◊〉 of 30. monstrous Births or thereabouts much about the n●mber of her monstrous opinions some were bigger some lesse none of them having humane shape but shap't like her opinions Mistris Dier another of the same crew was delivered of a large woman-child which was stil-born it had no head but a face upon the breast and the eares which were like an Apes stood in the shoulders the eyes and mouth stood farre out the nose was looking upwards the breast and back full of sharpe p●i●●les the navell belly and privy parts were where the back hips should be and the back parts were on that side that the face was the armes and legges thighes and hands were as other children but in stead of toe● it had upon each foot three clawes with Talons like a young Fowle upon the back above the belly it had two great holes like mouthes and in each of them stuck a piece of flesh It had no fore-head but in the place thereof above the eyes foure horns whereof two were above an inch long hard and sharp the other two
my sheep And Iohn 15. 12. This is my Commandement that yee love one another as I have loved you greater love then this no man hath that a man lay down his life for his friends Thirdly Fourthly Their Errors concerning mans corruption and conversion unto God 1. THey teach that it cannot be well objected that Originall sin of it selfe is sufficient ●or the con●en●ning of a●l mankinde or for the deserving of any temporall and eternall punishment In this they goe against the Apostle who saith Rom. 5. By one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned and vea● 16. The judgement was by one to condemnation Rom. 6. 23. The ●ages of sin is death 2. They teach that spirituall gifts or good qualities or vertues such as our goodnesse holinesses or righteousnesse could not bee s●a●ed in the will of man in his first 〈◊〉 and therefore in his fall the will could not bee bereft of them This is contrary to the Image of God laid downe by the Apostle Eph. 4. 24. Where hee describeth it by righteousnesse and holinesse which doubtlesse are placed in the will 3. They teach that in spiritual death n● spirituall gifts were separated from the will of man to 〈…〉 will it selfe 〈…〉 corrupted b●t onely encombred by 〈◊〉 darknesse of the understanding and unrulin● sse of the affections which impe●iments being removed the will may be put into her owne inbred faculty of freedome that is of her selfe will or ●ill chuse or refuse any kind of good set before her Verily this is a new feigned and erroneous piece of doctrine bent on purpose for the enhansing of the forces of free-wil contrary to that of the P●ophet Jer. 17. 5. The heart is deceitfull above all things and desperately wicked And that of the Apostle Eph. 23. Among whom namely the children of disobedience All we had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the wills of the flesh and of the minde 4. They teach that an unregenerate man is not properly nor totally dead in sins nor destitute of all strength tending to spirituall good but that he is able to hunger and thirst after righteousnes or everlasting life and to offer the Sacrifice of an humble and contrite heart even such as is acceptable to God These assertions march against the direct testimonies of Scriptures Eph. 2. 1. 5. Yee were dead in trespasses and sinnes Gen. 6. 7. 8. 21. Every imagination of the thoughts of mans heart is onely evill continually Moreover the hungring and th●rsting for deliverance out of misery and for life eternall as also offering to God the sacrifice of a broken heart is proper to the Regenerate and such as are called blessed Psalme 519. Matth. 5. 6. 5. They teach that a corrupt and naturall man can so rightly use common grace by which they mean the light of nature or those gifts which are left him after the fall that by the good use thereof he may obtaine to a greater namely Evangelicall or saving grace and by degrees at length salvation it selfe And that God for his part sheweth himselfe ready in this manner to reveale Christ to all men seeing he doth sufficiently and efficaciously afford to every man necessary meanes for the making Christ known and for faith and repentance This is 〈◊〉 to be false as by the experiance of all ages in the world so also by Scriptures Psal. 147. 19 20. He sheweth his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgements unto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgements they have not knowne them Acts 14. 16. God in times past suffered all Nations to walke in their owne wayes Acts 16. 6 7. Paul and his company were forbidden to preach the Word in Asia and after they were come to Mysia they offered to goe into Byth●●i● but the spinit suffered them not 6. They teach that in true conversion of a man there cannot be in●used by God any new qualities habits or gifts into his will and so by faith by which we are first converted and from which we are stiled faithfull is not any gift or quality infused by God but onely an act of man that this faith cannot be called a gift otherwise then in regard of the power or meanes given us of attaining it These strange positions are contrary to holy Scriptures which testifie unto us that God doth infuse or shed downe into our hearts new qualities of faith obedience and some of his love towards us Ier. 31. 33. I pu● my Law into their inner parts and write it in their hearts Isa. 44. 3. I will poure water upon him that is thirsty and flouds upon the dry grounds I will poure my spireit upon thy seed Rom. 5. 5. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is given unto us They contradict also the continuall practice of the Church which useth to pray after the manner prescribed by the Prophet Convert me O Lord and I shall be converted Jer 31. 18. 7. They teach that the grace wherewith we are converted unto God is nothing else but a gentle inducement or as others explain it that the most noble kinde of working a mans conversion and most ●utable to our nature is performed by swaso●y motives or advice and that no cause can be alledged ●hy even such morall grace alone should not of naturall men make spirituall Nay moreover that God doth not produce the consent of our will otherwise then by way of morall counselling and that the efficacy of Gods working wherein he exceedeth the working of the devill cons●steth in this that the divell promiseth temporary things but Gods things eternall This is downe-right Pelagianisme and warreth against the whole course of Scriptures which besides this swasory course of moving acknowledgeth in the conversion of man another manner of working of Gods spirit and that more divine and of farre greater efficacy Ezek. 36. 26. I will give you a new heart and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of yur flesh and will give you an heart of flesh 8. That God in regenerating a man doth not imply that omnipotent strength whereby he may powerfully and infallibly bow and bend his will unto faith and conversion but that all the gracious operations which God useth for our conversion being accomplished neverthelesse man may withstand God and his holy Spirit intending that mans conversion yea and oftentimes doth make actuall resistance so it lyeth in mans power to be or not to be regenarate This amounteth to no lesse then the denying of all efficacy to Gods grace in our conversion and to the subjecting of the worke of Almighty God unto the will of man which is flat contrary to the Doctrine of the Apostles
to death these wicked ungodly creatures despise both the Law and the Gospell and in the presence of a cloud of witnesses Yea as I am credibly informed in publike Congregations they vent these their damnable opinions Almighty God deliver our poore Church from them Of the Seekers or Expecters MAny have wrangled so long about the Church that at last they have quite lost it and go under the name of Expecters and Seekers doe deny that there is any true Church or any true Minister or any Ordinances some of them affirme the Church to be in the wildernesse and they are seeking for it there others say that it is in the smoke of the Temple that they are groping for it there where I leave them praying to God to open their eyes and give them repentance that they may consider from whence they are fallen and returne againe to the bosome of that Church from which they have to the great dishonour of God and the scondalizing of the Gospell made so fearfull a defection Divorsers THese I terme Divorsers that would be quit of their wives for slight occasions and to maintaine this opinion one hath publ●shed a Tractate of divorce in which the bonds of marriage are let loose to inordinate lust putting away wives for many other causes besides that which our Saviour onely approveth namely in case of adulterie who groundeth his Error upon the words of God Gen. 2. 18. I will make him a helpe meet for him And therefore if she be not an helper nor meet for him he may put her away saith this Author Which opinion is flat contrary to the words of our Saviour Matth. 5. 31. It hath been said also whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a testimoniall of Divorsement But I say to you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication causeth her to cowmit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that is divorsed committeth adulterie Againe he confirmeth the same Matth 19. 9. I say therefore unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for whoredome and marry another committeth adulterie and whosoever doth marrie her that is divorced committeth adultery Vid. Mar. 10. 11. Luk. 16. 18. 1 Cor. 7. 11. Of the Papists A Question may be asked why I ranke the Papists among the late Hereticks To which I answer that there is a great difference between the ancient Papists and the moderne since their Trent Conventicle and therefore I rank them with the former Sectaries their doctrines being many of them new In describing of then Errors I purpose to shew their differences from the Protestants which are set down at large in Master Perkins Reformed Catholike 1. Concerning Free-will the dissent is in the cause of the freedome of mans will in spirituall things and especially in the first conversion of a sinner The Papists say that mans will worketh with Gods grace in the first Conversion of a sinner by it selfe we say that mans will worketh with Gods grace in the first Conversion yet not of it selfe but by grace 1 Cor. 2. 14. 2. Concerning Originall sinne the difference between them and us standeth not in the abolishment of it but in the manner and measure of the abolishment of it They affirme Originall sinne to be so farre taken away after Baptisme that it ceaseth to be sinne properly and is nothing else but a defect and want making the heart ready to conceive sinne we teach although it be taken away in the Regenerace in sundry respect yet it doth remaine in them not as a want or defect but as sin and that properly as St. Paul affirmeth Rom. 7. 17. 3. Of the certainty of salvation we hold that a man may bee certaine of his salvation in this life They also hold the same The difference is they hold the certainty to be by hope and we by faith Iohn 1. 12. The fourth poynt is of the justification of a sinner 1. Concerning the matter of our justification They grant that i● justification sin is pardoned by the merits of Christ and that none can be j●stified without remission of sin 2. That the righteousnesse whereby man is justified commeth from Christ and from him alone 3. The most learned of them say that the merit of Christs death is imputed to every sinner that doth beleeve for his satisfaction before God We say that the satisfaction made by Christs death and obedience is imputed to us and becommeth our righteousnes They say it is our satisfaction and not our righteousnesse The second difference is about the manner of our justification we both agree that a sinner is justified by Faith The difference is the Papists understand a generall faith whereby a man beleeveth the Articles of Religion to be true Wee hold the faith which justifieth to be a particuler faith wherby we apply to our selves the promises of righteousnes life everlasting by Christ. 2. The Papists say that a man is justified by faith yet not by faith alone but also by other vertues as hope love c. 3. They say that we are justified by works as causes we say we are justified by works as by signes and fruits of our justification before God Fiftly touching merit we agree that merits are so far necessary that no man can be saved without them 2. That Christ is the root and fountaine of all merit The Papists place merits within a man making two sorts of them viz. The merits of persons which is to bee found in Infants dying after Baptisme and the merit of works which they teach to be meritorious two wayes First by Covenant because God hath made a promise to reward them Secondly because Christ hath meritted that our works should merit we renounce all merit and rest onely upon the merits of Christ. The sixth poynt of Satisfaction 1. We hold a civill satisfaction a recompence for injuries 2. We hold also a Canonical whereby having given offence to the Church or any part thereof a man doth make an open testimony of repentance 3. We hold that Christ hath made satisfaction for our sins and the punishment of them both eternall and temporall They hold that Christ by his death hath made satisfaction for all the sinnes of men and for the eternall punishment of them all yet so as they themselves must satisfie for the temporall punishment of them either on earth or in Purgatory which we deny The seventh poynt of Traditions The Papists teach that besides the written word there bee certaine unwritten Traditions which must be believed as profitable and necessary to salvation We hold the Scriptures to be most perfect containing in them all things necessary to salvation The eighth part concerning Vowes We say lawfull Vowes may be props and stays of Gods worship but not the worship it selfe They hold Vowes of things not commanded to be part of the worship of God as Continency Poverty Regular