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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44073 A scripture-catechisme towards the confutation of sundry errours, some of them of the present times / by Thomas Hodges. Hodges, Thomas, d. 1688. 1658 (1658) Wing H2322; ESTC R24150 115,858 351

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is the Church of the living God the Pillar and ground of the truth Joh. 8.13 If ye continue in my word then are ye my Disciples indeed Joh. 10.27 My sheep heare my voice Q. Doe the Papists abstaining from flesh 40 dayes every Lent fast as Christ for 40 dayes in the wildernesse or did our Saviour fast from all manner of food during that time A. Mat. 4.2 And when he had fasted 40 dayes and 40 nights he was afterward an hungred Q Did our Saviour and his disciples keep any set weeks of fast yeerly or any set dayes of fasting weekly in remembrance of this all the while Christ was with them A. No. Mar. 2.18 Why doe the Disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast but thy Disciples fast not Q. Is it lawfull for Christians to fast upon extraordinary occasions A. Mar. 2.20 But the dayes will come when the Bridegroome shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those dayes 1 Corinth 7.5 that ye may give your selves to fasting and prayer c. Q. Is every Christian a vessell fit for his Masters use as to this duty of fasting are ordinary servants fit for extraordinary service A. Mar. 2.22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles else the new wine doth burst the bottles and the wine is spilled and the bottles will be marred But new wine must be put into new bottles Q. Is fish holier than flesh because these perished not by water when the old world was drowned A. Exod. 7.20 21. And he lift up the rod and smote the waters that were in the river in the sight of Pharaoh and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood And the fish that was in the river dyed and the river stunck and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river Q. Were fish or the beasts and fowles preserved in a more wonderfull manner in Noah's Arke at the floud A. Gen. 8.17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee of of all flesh both of fowle and of cattell and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth that they may breed abundantly Q. Were there any kinds of fish reckoned uncleane according to the Law A. Yes Lev. 11.10 And all that have not finnes nor scales in the Seas and in the rivers of all that move in the waters and of any living thing which is in the waters they shall be an abomination unto you Q. Is it a duty then in imitation of Christ's 40 dayes fast to abstaine from flesh 40 dayes in a yeere A. No. Mat. 15.9 But in vaine they doe worship me teaching for Doctrines the commandements of men Q. Is it a Doctrine of Apostates to command to abstaine from some sort of meats A. Yes 1 Tim. 4.1 3. Now the spirit speaketh expressely that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith forbidding to marry and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth Q. Doe the Saints departed know our wants should we pray to them or to God for supply A. Is 63.16 Doubtlesse thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledge us not thou O Lord art our Father our Redeemer Job 14.20 21. Thou changest his countenance and sendest him away his Sonnes come to honour and he knoweth it not and they are brought low but he perceiveth it not of them Q. Ought we to pray for the dead since we must not pray to them A. 2 Sam. 12.22 23. And he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live But now he is dead wherefore should I fast Can I bring him back againe I shall goe to him but he shall not returne to me Q. Are all damned who dye without Baptisme A. No. Luk. 23.42 43. And he said unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome And Jesus said unto him Verily I say unto thee To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Q. May Women without scruple or feare administer the Sacrament of Baptisme A. 1 Tim. 2.12 But I suffer not a woman to teach but to be in silence compared with Math. 28.19 Goe ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Q. Will full Assurance of life cause Christians to neglect the use of all good means A. Act. 23.11 16 17. Be of good cheer Paul for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem so must thou beare witnesse also at Rome And when Paul's Sisters Son heard of their laying in wait he went and entred into the Castle and told Paul Then Paul called one of the Centurions unto him and said Bring this young man unto the chiefe Captaine for he hath a certaine thing to tell him Act. 27.24 31. Feare not Paul thou must be brought before Caesar and loe God hath given thee all them that saile with thee Paul said to the Centurion and to the Souldiers except these abide in the ship ye cannot be saved Q. Were any of the Apostles married especially was the Apostle Simon Peter ever married A. Yes 1 Cor. 9.5 Have we not power to lead about a Sister a Wife as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Cephas Mar. 1.30 But Simon 's Wives mother lay sick of a fever Q. Did our Saviour Christ command that the Apostles should forsake their VVives and that other Ministers their successours should not marry A. No. 1 Cor. 9.5 Have we not power to lead about a Sister a Wife as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord Cephas 1 Tim. 3.2 4. A Bishop then must be blamelesse the husband of one wife one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity Heb. 13.4 Marriage is honourable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge Q. Is it necessary that those who live a long time in their sins repent late and doe not suffer much in this world should suffer in purgatory after death to expiate their sinnes A. Lu. 23.43 And Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Q. Is Heaven cal'd Paradise A. Yes 2 Cor. 12.2 3 4. I knew a man in Christ such a one caught up to the third Heaven and I knew such a man how that he was caught up into Paradise c. Q. Can any mere man by his own good workes merit heaven or eternall life A. Lu. 17.10 So likewise ye when ye shall have done all these things that are commanded you say we are unprofitable Servants Rom. 6. ult For the wages of Sinne is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
a common stocks must not Mine and Thine cease in the Church and Common-wealth A. Act. 5.4 Whiles it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power 1 Cor. 16.1 2. Now concerning the collection for the Saints upon the first day of the weeek let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him Q. May a godly man he that is an heir of heaven purchase land upon earth A. Gen. 23.20 And the field and the cave that is therein were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a burying place by the sons of Heth. Q. May a Christian buy or sell with or for money A. James 4.13 15. Goe to now ye that say To day or to morrow we will goe into such a city and continue there a yeer and buy and sell and get gain For that ye ought to say If the Lord will we shall live and doe this or that Luk. 22.36 John 4.8 compared with John 13.29 Q. May we say Sr or L d to any man and especially to a Minister A. Gen. 23.14 15. And Ephron answered Abraham saying unto him my Ld hearkē unto me Joh. 20.15 She supposing him to be the gardiner sayth unto him Sir if thou have born him hence tell me c. Act. 27 10. Sirs I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt c. Q. May Saints give the title of Sirs to Idolaters A. Act. 14.15 Sirs why doe ye these things we also are men of like passions with you and preach unto you that ye should turne from these vanities unto the living God c. Q. May we say Honourable or write Most excellent to any A. 1 Sam. 9.6 And he said unto him Behold now there is in this city a man of God and he is an honourable man all that he sayth cometh surely to passe Act. 1.3 It seemed good to me also c. to write unto thee in order most excellent Theophilus Q. May a Minister or private Christian say or write to any man your servant in the Lord A. 2 Cor. 4.5 For we preach not our selves but Christ Jesus the Lord and our selves your servants for Jesus sake Q. May we say good morrow good even or I wish you good speed A. Ruth 2.4 And behold Boaz came from Bethlehem and said unto the Reapers the Lord be with you and they answered him the Lord blesse thee Psal 129.8 Neither doe they which goe by say The blessing of the Lord be upon you we blesse you in the name of the Lord. 2 Joh. 10 11. If there come any unto you bring not this Doctrin receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evill deeds Q. May we crave a blessing or as we call it give thanks for our meat and drink A. 1 Tim. 4.4 5. For every creature of God is Good nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer Joh. 6.11 And Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed to the Disciples c. Q. May a Christian bear the office of a civill Magistrate A. Ro. 13.1 2 3 4. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God The powers that be are ordained of God whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation For Rulers are not a terrour to good works but to the evill c. For he is the minister of God to thee for good c. Q. May Christians lawfully live under any King but Christ A. Rom. 13.5 6 7. Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience sake for for this cause pay you tribute also for they are God's ministers c. Render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custome to whom custome fear to whom feare honour to whom honour 1 Pet. 2.13 14. Submit your selves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the King as supreame or unto Governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill doers and for the praise of them that doe well Q. Is it lawfull to pay tribute custom A. Rom. 13.7 Render therefore to all their dues Tribute to whom tribute is due Custome to whom custome Q. Is it lawfull to salute honour and bow down before men A. Gen. 23.12 And Abraham bowed down himselfe before the people of the land Mat. 5.47 And if ye salute your brethren only what doe you more than others doe not even the Publicans so c. 10.12 And when you come into an house salute it 1 Sam. 10.4 And they will salute thee and give thee c. Q. What say you to 2 King 4.29 salute him not And Luk. 10.4 salute no man by the way A. When the Prophet Elisha's servant Gehazi was sent upon life and death as we say it was no time then to stay or hinder his businesse in giving or taking courtesyes our Lord would not have his disciples distracted or hindered in their worke with civilities and besides the lesse they courted the world with comity and as we say complementing the more was God's power seen in making way yet for their entertainment and yet civility was not altogether forbidden them vers 5. Into whatsoever house ye enter first say peace be to this house Q. May we write books inscribing the name of any particular person especially in the beginning A. Luk. 1.3 It seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write unto thee in order most Excellent Theophilus Q. Are some persons honourable and more honourable than others A. Luk. 14.8 When thou art bidden of any Man to a wedding sit not down in the highest room lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him Q. May we call those Noble or most Noble of whose Religion or godlinesse we have small evidence A. Act. 26.25 I am not mad most Noble Festus Q. May Women be stiled Honourable A. Act. 17.12 Therefore many of them believed also of honourable Women which were Greeks and of men not a few Q. May a Christian be a servant to any man seeing he is the Lord's servant yea the Lord's free-man A. 1 Cor. 7.21 Art thou called being a Servant care not for it but if thou mayest be made free use it rather 1 Tim. 6.1 2. Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own Masters worthy of all honour And they that have believing Masters let them not despise them because they are brethren c. Obj. 1 Cor. 7.23 Ye are bought with a price be not ye the servants of men A. Christians should not when they are free chuse to serve Idolatrous Masters lest that should prove a snare