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A27219 Exercitations concerning the pure, and true, and the impure, and false religion. By Charles de Beauvais rector of the parish of Witheham, in the county of Sussex Beauvais, Charles de. 1665 (1665) Wing B1640B; ESTC R218158 122,145 318

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reason is given by Aquinas 2. part q. 97. Art 3. Because the Law of God proceedeth from the will of God and therefore may not be altered by Custome proceeding from the will of Man 7. In that regard very well doth S. Cyprian write lib. 2. Epist 3. ad Caecilium If only Christ is to be heard we ought not to regard what any before us hath thought fit to be done but what Christ who is before all hath first done For we must not follow the Custome of Man but the truth of God And in another place Custome without truth is nothing but Antiquity of Error Idem ad Pomp. cont Epist. Steph. Papae God alone is the Law-giver of his Church Nothing must be ordained concerning the Things which belong to Religion without the Word of God 1. THe Reason of that is because God alone is the Law-giver of his Church And the onely Author of the Doctrine Concerning Faith or Belief And Religious Worship That God is the onely Authour of the Doctrine concerning Faith or Belief we prove it by the following Arguments 1. THe 1. is taken from the Nature of Faith For all the Doctrines of Faith in regard of the matter which is to be believed must have a certain infallible and undoubted Truth Now it is the property of God alone to be infallibly true of his own nature Let God be true but every man a lyar saith S. Paul Rom. 3.4 And therefore God alone is the Author of the Doctrine of Faith 2. The 2. Argument is taken from the Quality of the Articles of Faith For the proper documents and Doctrines of Faith do exceed the capacity and apprehension of the Creature And therefore they could not be revealed but onely by the Creator Such is the Doctrine of the Trinity of the Persons in the unity of an Essence Such is the Doctrine of the Eternal Birth of the Son of God Such that of the Procession of the Holy Ghost And such that of the hypostaticall union of the two Natures of Christ Divine and Humane And such are all other Articles concerning Faith properly and strictly taken which in that they are above the naturall knowledge of the Creature cannot be known by us but by the supernaturall Revelation of the Creator Of all them this of Christ may be said Flesh and Bloud hath not revealed these things unto mankind but God the Father which is in Heaven Matth. 16.17 3. The 3. Argument is taken from the reward of Faith and the punishment propounded to unbelief and infidelity Which doe manifestly argue that it belongeth to God alone to frame and prescribe to Men Articles and dogmes concerning beliefe and Faith For the reward propounded to Faith is Eternall Life Iohn 3.36 And that is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 6.23 And the punishment denounced against infidelity is Eternall Death Which punishment God alone is able to inflict Christ teacheth it Matt. 10.28 in these words Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul But rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell He teacheth it also John 3.36 when he sayes that he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him 2. That God is the onely Author of the Doctrine concerning Religious Worship We prove it by the following Arguments 1. THe 1. Argument is taken from the Relation which is between God And the Church God alone in the Spiritual Government of the Soul is Soveraign Monarch Is the Housholder Is the Husband In regard of his Church This Church in regard of her Relation to God Is Called The City of God The House of Cod The Spouse of God Now who should be so Impudent As to prescribe Laws to a Foreign City Concerning her Duties to her King Or to Another Mans Family Or to Another Mans Wife Concerning the Manner Of Obeying And Rendring Service To her Master Or to her Husband 2. The 2. Argument is taken From the Reward And Punishment Annexed to the Works of Divine Worship For the Works of Divine Worship Piously observed have from the Munificence of God a Promise of Eternal Reward But being Neglected or Contemned a Commination of Eternal Death From whence it may be Gathered That God Alone who is the Lord of Life and Death Hath the Power To Ordain such Works And to Injoin Them By the Empire of a Law-giver 3. The 3. Argument is drawn from the Prohibition of God For God himself by an Expresse Law hath attributed to Himself Alone The Authority to Ordain his Service Deut. 12.32 What thing soever I command you observe to do it Thou shalt not adde thereto nor diminish from it From whence also is that of our Saviour Matth. 15.9 But in vain they do worship me Teaching for Doctrines the Commandements of men 4. The 4. Argument is Because the Works of Worship depend from the Will of God who is to be Worshipped Therefore God is not Worshipped at all by those Works By which he did not declare whether he would be Worshipped or Not. But in This None can know the Will of God unlesse he doth reveal it and Injoines it For who hath known the Mind of the Lord Or who hath been his Counsellour That is Confirmed by This That all whosoever did think to Worship God with their own Invented Works Did provoke him to Anger rather than honour him Nay they are found To have worshipped the Devil Or the Idols of their own heart rather than God They went a whoring with their own Inventions Therefore was the wrath of God kindled against his People Psal 106.39 40. §. The onely Ground and Rule of Faith And Divine Worship Is the Holy Scripture 1. NO Mortal Creature can Teach Religion 2. Nor Carnal Man can attain true knowledge unlesse God Instructs Him And his Spirit lead Him to the Truth 3. The Phrophets Agree to the Truth of this Doctrine Esa 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony 4. So doth Christ Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal Life and they are they which testifie of me 5. And so do the Apostles calling the Scriptures a Rule As S. Paul doth Gal. 6.16 And as many as walk according to this Rule And Philip. 3.16 Let us walk by the same Rule 6. And so do the Ancient Fathers and Doctors Sequi Divinas Literas De fide ad Reginas c. To follow this Rule saith Cyrill is the Path unto Heaven And to be led by this Canon is the way to Salvation And S. Irene Non per alios Dispositionene Salutis cognovimus By the Scriptures we Learn to be saved §. Also The Holy Scripture ought to be among us the Supream Interpreter of Scriptures And the Judge of Controversies 1. FOr Confirmation of That this Language of the Reformed is to be noted and observed How better say They would it stand with
That they were grounded upon the Word of God because there is no passage which formally saith That the Son is consubstantial to the Father and that it is not a Created God 2. The Nestoreans also could say That they were grounded upon the Word of God because there is no formal place which saies That in Jesus Christ there are not two Persons 3. So much could say the Eutichians For there are no places which formally saies That the two Natures of Christ be not confused and that the Human Nature hath not swallowed up by the Divine Nature 4. Likewise the Jews who reject Jesus Christ with a prodigious obstinacie could say That they were grounded upon the Word of God because that in Moses and in all the Prophets there is not any place which saith formally That Jesus the Son of Mary born in Bethlehem under the Empire of Caesar Augustus is the Messias 5. In a word the Religion of the Mahometans could be said to be grounded upon the Word of God For there is no Text in the Bible which saith that Mahomet is a false Prophet and that his Religion is impious and abominable and that the Paradise which God promiseth to his children is not a carnal Paradise § The necessarie consequences that are drawn out of the Scriptures are as valuable to prove the falshood of a Belief as the formal Texts are as also to prove the Truth of a Belief ANd so whensoever we are to confirm the Truth and to confute Errors and Untruths it is lawful to make use of two kind of Arguments drawn out of the Canonical Books of Scripture Namely 〈◊〉 of those who expressely and as in as many words are drawn out of the Holy Scriptures Secondly of those which are drawn out of them by good and lawfull Consequence 1. Certainly those that would reject Consequences drawn out of the Reason of Holy Scriptures should condemn Jesus Christ who made use of Consequences to prove the Resurrection against the Sadducees For after he had produced the place of Moses Exod. 3.6 where God calleth himself the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. He inferres by a good Consequence for proofe of the Resurrection God is not the God of the Dead but of the Living 2. Truely whosoever is against the drawing out of any Consequence doth abolish all the common sense and all use of Reason which consists onely in that 3. We acknowledge That Faith proceeds another way then Humane Sciences do for Faith drawes all her Proofs from the Divine Authority but as the most famous School-men do observe the Sacred Divinity is Argumentative that is to say That it doth not abolish but on the contrary makes more Noble the use of Argumentation and Discourse We allow besides That the Rules of Logick are not Articles of Faith But notwithstanding we say that they are Tools and Instruments to handle all knowledge with order and certainty And Consequently the Theological Matters Fraud This is a Fraud of some Jesuites that in Disputations concerning Religion they will ever Question and never Answer 1. FOr it belongs to him that Affirmeth a Thing to prove it otherwise one might Affirm all things impudently 2. According to this Rule It belongeth then unto those who maintain That every day Christ is to be offered in a Propitiatory Sacrifice who maintain The Prayers unto the Dead to Justifie their Belief by the Word of God And to make us see That it hath been written and set down in clear and formal words or that it is drawn from it by a Necessary Consequence This is another of the Frauds of the Church of Rome 1. That the taking away of the Cup from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper 2. Forbidding Marriage to Priests 3. And Divine Service being in an unknown Tongue to the People are onely grounded upon worldly Interest 1. This is true in Regard of the taking away the Cup from the Communion COncerning the taking away the Cup from the Sacrament This is the language of the Doctors of the Church of Rome That if it were possible to grant to the people the use of the Cup without doing any wrong to the Faith it should be a thing of small importance but that could not be because by the grant of the said use of the Cup a gate should be opened to require that all the Ordinances which are of positive right should be broken And yet say they They are they by which alone the Prerogative given by Christ to the Curch of Rome is conserved 2. This is true in regard of the Prohibition of Marriage to Clergie Men. FOr say the said Doctors from the Marriage of Clergie men if it were granted it should happen that they having a Family Wives and Children should no more depend from the Pope but from their natural Prince and their affections towards their issue would make them agree to all things wrongful unto the Church that they should indeavour to render Livings Hereditarie And in a short time the Holy Seat should be Restraned in the onely City of Rome That before the Coeliba or Single Life had been decreed The Roman See drew no thing at all from other Towns and Countries but by it was become Master of such a great number of Benefits Of whom by the Marriage of Clergie men it should be deprived in a short time 3. This is true in regard of Divine Service in a Tongue unknown to the people FOr say the said Doctors from the use of the vulgar Tongue in the Celebration of Divine Service it should follow that every one should esteem themselves Divines That the Prelates Authoritie should be vilified and that Heresie should creep in All. Of a most considerable Contradiction of the Principal Doctors of the Church of Rome in regard of their Doctrine That the Kingdom of Heaven And Eternal Life is due as a Debt to our good works 1. VVE Reformed do Teach That he that sinneth hath deserved death worthily in respect of the sin committed which is a Transgression of Gods will and Commandement And for which without Remission there is no hope to Escape eternal Condemnation 2. But can he that worketh well for one or two or for more good Works claim unto himself as a due Debt the Kingdome of Heaven for the same 3. The Reformed Doctors do deny it for many strong Reasons 4. The Popish Doctors in the Schooles and in handling Controversies of Religion that are between the Reformed and the Church of Rome do openly affirm it maintaining that the Kingdome of Heaven and Eternal Life is due as a due Debt to our good works 5. 1. But howsoever it is now for a Fashion with great Countenance and vehement Disputation avouched by some Doctors of the Roman Church that we merit Heaven by our good works 2. Yet we are perswaded that no Adversary of Conscience can otherwise think or dare in peril of Death otherwise say but that he hath deserved for
for it is thereby to poison People and to put them in the way which leadeth unto Death 3. Of this Seduction is spoken 2 Thess 9 10. in these words Even him namely the wicked mentioned before whose coming is after the working of Satan with all Power and Signes and lying Wonders and with all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish because they received not the love of the Truth that they might be saved Of the same also is spoken Apoc. 13.12 where it is said of the Second Beast That he causeth the Earth and Them which dwell therein to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed And a little after namely vers 14. That this Second Beast deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those Miracles which he had Power to do in the sight of the Beast And that he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his Name And Chap. 13.7 8. It is said That it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them And power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations And all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world And Chapt. 17.2 It is said That with the great Whore the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication and the Inhabiters of the Earth have been made drunk with the Wine of her Fornication 4. All That hath been seen before the last Reformation of the Church 2. NOw as Satan to the end he may tempt the better doth often transform himself in an Angel of Light So Antichrist and his Followers to seduce better the world and to spread with greater fruit and successe the venome of his False Doctrine in corrupting that of Christ and of his Apostles hath made use of four Means the fittest for the fulfilling of his designe 1. The first of these Means consisteth in Mysteries and Secrets 2. The second of these Means consisteth in Frauds and Impostures 3. The third of these Means consisteth in Signes and Miracles 4. And the Fourth of these Signs consisteth in Persecution and Crueltie 1. I have said That the First of the Means used by the Popes and the Church of Rome to seduce People consisteth in Mysteries and Secrets 1. FOr Poperie having not found convenient openly to propound her false Doctrines hath cloathed them with Mysteries that so they may be more easily received In this regard it is said of the great Whore Apoc. 17.5 That upon her forehead was a Name written Mysterie Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth 2. Let the Rationals be read and the book of Ceremonies of the Church of Rome and no piece or part of the Divine Service thereof shall be found which containeth not some Mysteries even to the Priests Garments and to the Lamps alwaies burning 3. The Doctrine of an Oecumenical and Universal Bishop and Head was softly introduced under this Mysterie That thereby the Unitie of the Church was represented 4. Marriage hath been prohibited to the Roman Clergie permitting unto them under this colour to keep Concubines And under this Mystery That Virginity is far more excellent then Marriage 5. The Life and the Monastical Vowes have been introduced under this Mystery That the Contemplative Life is by much to be preferred to the Active And that thereby Grace and Glory are merited And moreover that thereby more is done then God commandeth in his Law 6. The use of Holy Scripture in an unknown Tongue hath been introduced under this Mystery To avoid and hinder the contempt of Her Mysteries And to entertain an Union in all the Churches 7. How many Mysteries are found out in the Masse to the end that it may be received 2. I have said That the Second of the Means used by the Popes and the Church of Rome to seduce People consisteth in Impostures 1. IN that they are like to False Coyners and to Jugglers Like again to the Serpent who by Imposture and Fraud did deceive our Mother Eve and by the same Means did indeavour to seduce Jesus Christ our Saviour but was not able to do it 2. Which Impostures and Frauds have been shewed and continue to be shewed by the Popes and by the Roman Clergie in divers manners 3. We will produce in particular those divers Manners after we have set down the other Means used by the Popes and the Church of Rome to seduce People 2. I have said That the Third of the Means used by the Popes and the Church of Rome to seduce People consisteth in Signs and Miracles 1. OF them doth Christ our Saviour speak Matth. 24.24 in these words For there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very Elect. Of them also doth S. Paul speak 2 Thess 2.9 in these words Even him namely Antichrist whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders Of them likewise doth S. John speak Apoc. 13.14 in these words And them that dwell on the earth meaning Antichrist by the means of those Miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast 2. The Popes which are that Antichrist boasting of this Gift of Miracles hath noised more of them then any other Religion Either the True Or the False Religion More then Simon the Magician did More then Mahomet hath done More then Moses and the other Prophets have done Nay more then Christ hath done and his Apostles although they have made of them in great Number 3. Is it not the most ordinarie Subject of the Legends of the Saints by which in time past the Preachers of the Church of Rome did so beat the ears of their Auditors It is true That since the Reformation of the Christians those Legends are not so much esteemed but still Citations are made out of them although not so commonly 4. But these Miracles boasted by those of the Church of Rome were not true but lying Miracles And that in regard of all manners and kinds of Causer 1. False in regard of the efficient Cause Because they were wrought by Satan who is the father of Lyes 2. False in regard of the final Cause Because they were done to introduce a false Doctrine and full of Lyes 3. False in regard of the Material Cause Because most of them are but Illusions and Impostures Not true Resurrections of some Dead as they are pretended to be Neither also curing of some Diseases 4. False in regard of the Formal Cause For if some of these Miracles are true in respect of the Matter they shall
his sinnes punishment and death everlasting and cannot avoid the same if God will render to his works the reward that of due belongeth unto them 3. And therefore casting away all trust in his works will ask pardon and mercy not claim any debt or due reward of the Lord. 4. So though in their life time many of such Doctors be obstinately bent and have in their mouth nothing so much as good works Merits Reward Due Debt Recompence for their well doing Yet the time drawing neer when they must hold up their Hands at the Bar of the Lords Judgment Seat and there must make answer for themselves and their works must be tried by the Law of God They give over their former confidence They have no joy in themselves yea they distrust their own works They tremble and quake inwardly They are in fearful heavinesse and perplexity of mind They know not whither to turn themselves 5. And if God give such grace unto them that they see and forsake their Error of deserving Heaven then they confesse they are sinners and therefore guilty of Death 6. And then learn that Lesson in their end which afore in their life time they would not understand The Burden of Ceremonies which are now laid upon the Members of the Roman Church Is an Intolerable Burden 1. 1. SOme of the Fathers after the 300 years that they might more easily draw the Gentiles to Christianism did Tolerate and Admit with an alteration of the end and manner some Ceremonies of the Gentiles in Chiristian Religion 2. Wherein no doubt their intention was godly to wit 1. To use their Christian libertie in matters Adiaphorous and not Morallie evil according to the Apostles rule Tit. 1. v. 15. Vnto the pure all things are pure Rom. 14. v. 14. There is nothing unclean of it self but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean to him it is so 2. And to amove a present offence and occasion which hindred Gentiles from receiving the Christian faith to wit the difference of outward Ceremonies and Customes 2. But in succeeding Ages when the Gentiles were converted and when the Church needed not further to accommodate it self to the weakness of the Heathen And that things at first admitted by way of toleration should rather have now been removed and worn out Superstitious persons contrary to this make daily addition and increase borrowing more and more from the superstition of Jews and of Gentiles until at length they overwhelmed Christianity with an intolerable burthen of ceremonies 3. 1. Making the easie yoak of Christs Gospel heavier then the state of Jews and of Gentiles 2. And by this means they obscured Gods truth and only made people ceremonious whereas they should have been made pious Of the false Worship of the Church of Rome 1. IN the Church of Rome there is a Religious worship and the devotion of many members of the same doth eat up their time and their estates too 2. But the Divine worship of the Church of Rome is not a true but a false worship 3. For the Papists devotion is not emploied and exercised in the true worship of God according to his word but according to mans will and invention 4. That is to say in praying to Saints In worshipping Images In suffrages for the dead In seeing Masses And adoring the Hoste And telling out a set number of Pater Nosters and of Ave Maries upon hallowed Beads In making superstitious Vows And going to Pilgrimage And abstaining from certain Meats And wearing Hair-cloth And whipping themselves And creeping on all four to a Crucifix and the like 5. Of all which we demand as God doth of the Jews by the Prophet Esay chap. 1. v. 12. Who required these things The Church of Rome is guilty of abominable Idolatry And in what it doth consist 1. VVHatsoever Church attributeth Divine honour to a creature is guilty of abominable Idolatry But the Church of Rome attributeth Divine honour to divers creatures as appeareth in the instances following 1. Do they not devote themselves dedicate Temples consecrate Altars appoint Offices make daily Prayers vow Pilgrimages and present Offerings to the blessed Virgin and do all such outward Acts us properly appertain to Latria Is not this to equalize her with her Son The same is also true in regard of the other Saints 2. Do they not make an Idol of the Cross of Christ when they profess that they worship it Cultu Latriae Gretser the Jesuit in his Book of the Cross saith we affirm according to the more common and received opinion in the Schools That the Cross of Christ is to be worshipped with Latry that is Divine worship 3. Do they not make an Idol of the Sacramental bread or the Host as they call it to which they pray and confess before which they fall down when it is carried in solemn Procession on Corpus Christi day 4. Lastly do they not make Idols of their Images and of the Relicks of Saints before which they burn Incense and bow down when they pray directing their prayers towards them and fastening their eyes on them 2. This Conclusion then justly and Rightly follows That the Church of Rome is guilty of Abominable Idolatry The Church of Rome is guilty of Idolatry IN six things the Church of Rome doth commit Idolatry 1. In worshipping the Host which the Priest holds and calling God that which is not God 2. In attributing to Saints the honour which belongeth onely to God 1. Praying to them 2. Calling them Mediators 3. Asking salvation of God by their merits 4. Believing that they know the hearts and thoughts of men 3. Particularly in calling the Virgin Mary Inventrix of Grace The Queen of Heaven The Lady of the World For Kingdome and Empire over all creatures belongeth onely to God 4. In the adoration and worship of Images 5. In the adoration of the Cross 6. In the adoration and worship of Bones of Rags and other relicks of the dead 1. The Papists do commit many things which the Heathen Idolaters did do and so are like unto them in those regards 2. In particular they put the Saints in the place of the Gods and Goddesses of the Pagans THough we forbear to fasten the name of Heathenish Idolaters upon Papists yet surely they do the same things as they did 1. The Heathen carried their Gods of Gold and Silver upon their shoulders Baruch 6.4 So do the Papists bear out their images and relicks inclosed in chasses of gold and silver in their solemn Processions on high dayes 2. The Heathen decked their images as if they were men and women with apparel and who knoweth not that Papists put costly apparel on their images Almost every Saint among them hath his Holy-day and his Working-day suit 3. The Heathen lighted Candles before their images though the image seeth not one of them And do not the Papists set Tapers before theirs 4. The faces of the Heathen Idols were blacked with smoak