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A20673 The practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Written by a religious man of the congregation of St. Elias the prophet, and the order of our Blessed Lady of mount Carmell, restored by the Blessed mother Teresa. The second part. Containing directions how to end all controuersies, and take away all discontentments, and euils, and attaine vnto true ioy of minde, and content of heart, and all good; Practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Part 2 Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 7072.6; ESTC S106011 123,081 516

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Epicurisme vnder the pretext of Religion they seeme to their followers neither to deceiue nor bee deceiued in their opinions or practise of Happines but by this craft preserue their credits and liue without suspition of wretchednes and yet take to themselues libertie to doe what their Flesh or concupicences doe desire without respect either to God or man more then the warinesse not to incurre the forfeitures and pennalties of Penall Lawes Insomuch as that they haue put Conscience which in Catholicke times men vsed to carry in their hearts and soules into their neighbours eyes that if he see them not doing amisse to accuse them to a Iudge bring them within the compasse of some penall Lawe all is well Cal lib. 3 inst ca. 14. Melāct in locis anni 1521. tit de peccato and their followers Cicero de leg In the sight of God their best and worst workes are of their owne nature as they say all equally mortall sinnes And he who feareth nothing but a Iudge and a witnes as Cicero a Heathen man well obserued What will not he doe in the darke And this policy these Libertines haue borrowed from Epicurus a heathen Philosopher who hartily louing carnall libertie and sensuall life not to be of all men contemned and accounted as a beast would not in plaine tearms defend publickely That man had no other happines then sensuall life but coloured his Lasciniousnesse vnder pretext of Religion and taught for truths That the Soule of man was mortall and that after death there was no reward for good deedes and so by denying of merite for good workes and punishment condigne to wicked deedes with the Lutherans and Caluenistes English Creed Art 11. of this age he founded his Sect Happines and Religion vpon the groundes of Faith onely without merite for good workes or exercises of vertue and by this craft did what his concupiscences desired and yet preserued his credit of being a Philosopher and found many followers in all ages Insomuch as St. Augustine before his Conuersion to our Catholicke Church if he could haue beleeued the Epicurian Articles had made himselfe of the Sect of the Epicures as hee saith in these wordes Nothing did call me from the deepe gulfe of carnall August lib. Conf. 8. cap. 16 pleasures but the feare of death and the Iudgement of God to come which notwithstanding the diuers opinions I held neuer departed from my brest And I did dispute with my friends Alipius and Nebridius of the ends of good and euill and Epicurus had caried away the prize in my minde had I not beleeued that after death there did remaine a life of the Soule and places proportionable to our merits which Epicurus would not beleeue So S. Augustine And from this Epicurian Doctrine of Protestants and libertie of their Gospell proceedeth their aboundant fruites and workes of the Flesh which are so copious that as their owne Authors doe testifie In Flaunders Richard Iefferie in his Serm. printed 1605. page 31. was neuer more drunkennesse In Italie more wantonnesse c. In Iurie more hypocrisie In Turkie more impietie In Tartarie more iniquitie then is practised generally in England The people of Stubbes in his Epistle dedicatory before his Booke of good Workes England saith another of their Authors are in most places dissolute proude enuious malitious disdainfull couetous ambitious carelesse of good workes So these two English Protestant Authors yet the one affirmeth * Iefferie that hee spoke what he had plainely seene in the course of some trauels and the * Stubbes other what hee had found in trauelling the whole Realme round about And according to the testimonies of these two is the Lamentation of the Puritans in their milde defence alleaged in Mr. Powels Booke of thinges indifferent saying What eye so blinde that it doth not gushe out with teares to behold the misery of our supposed glorious Church I meane the great ignorance the Superficiall worship of God the fearefull blasphemies and swearings in houses and streets c. The dishonour of Superiours the pride cruelty fornications adulteries drunkennes couetousnes vsuries and other like abominations c. O beholde and pitty the wofull and lamentable estate of our Church in these thinges And with this agreeth the testimonie of their Apostle Luther saying The world by this Doctrine In Postil super Euang Domini Aduentus of Protestants is dayly made worse Againe in the same Postile In so bright a light of the Gospell of Protestants men are more couetous more craftie more vniust more cruell more froward and to conclude they are much woorse then they were before in the Papacie Againe Before time when we were seduced by the Pope euery man did willingly follow good works and now no man saith or knoweth any thing but how to get all to himselfe by exactions pillage theft lying vsurie c. Againe It is saith hee a wonderfull thing and full of In Serm. coni Ger. Fer. 5. scandall that from the time in which the pure Doctrine of the Gospell was first called to light the world should dayly growe worse Of this Henry the eight after hee was a Protestant lamented saying I am sory that the Readers of the worde of GOD follow it in Fox Act. 1 pag. 1124 dooing so faintly and coldly For of this I am sure that Charitie was neuer so faint amongst you and vertuous and Godly liuing was neuer lesse vsed nor God himselfe amongst Christians was neuer lesse reuerenced honored and serued And with this testimonie of K. Henry the 8. agreeth the testimony of Fox saying Fox considerat 4. To rip vp all our deformities in particular I meane not heere neither need I the same being so euident to all mens eyes that who cannot see our excessiue outrage in pompeous Aoparell our carnall desires and vnchaste demeanors without feare of God our carelesse securitie without Conscience as though there were no Iudgement to come our studdy vpon this world as if there were no other Heauen And the same also affirmeth Caluin saying In cap 11 Dan. 5. 34 Ampugst the small number of those who haue withdrawen themselues from the Idolatry of the Papists the greater part is full of treachery and craft they counterfeit indeed great zeale but if thou looke into them thou shalt finde them full of deceit Againe There is scarsely to bee found the In com 2 Pet. 1. 2. tenth Protestant who hath for any other end giuen his name to the Gospell of Protestants then that hee might with greater libertie flowe in all Laciuiousnes Whereupon Andreas Musculus another In libro de nouissimo die Protestant saith If we would confesse the truth then are wee compelled to witnes this of vs Gospellers that there are not to bee found in the whole world men more giuen to whooring vsurie cousening and deceite then we Againe the thing it selfe doth speake and truth doth compell vs to confesse although
Ease Content and Rest and wilt not bee offended for that I plainely defend the honour of my God I proceed CHAP. IX That hope in God is also necessary to the Content and Happinesse of Man but not only Hope without other vertues And how acts of Hope made by Catholikes include Sacraments and other Vertues and not exclude them THat it is impossible to be saued or finde Content without hope in God is manifest by reason First for that no man laboureth for that which he no waies hopeth to obtaine nor yet is carefull to keepe that which he esteemeth impossible to inioy Againe vpon want of hope ariseth despaire and pusillanimitie of mind both which being passions of sadnesse and discontent depriue vs of the Ioy and Content we seeke after Secondly it is manifest by the Scriptures which in plain tearms affirme That by Hope we Rom 8. 39. Rom. 15. 4. are saued Againe What things soeuer haue beene written to our learning they haue beene written that by the patience and consolatiof the Scriptures wee may haue Hope So Saint Paul saith The Rom. 15. 13. God of Hope replenish you with all Ioy and Peace in beleeuing that you may abound in Hope In the Psalmes it is said They that Ps 124. hope in thee shall not be confounded Againe They that trust in Ps 33. 9. our Lord as Mount Sion he shall not be moued for euer Againe Blessed is that man that hopeth in Ps 36. 4. God Againe He will take them Ps 144. away from Sinners and saue them because they haue hoped in him Whereby is manifest that without the vertue of Hope no man can be happy or saued But as wee said before of onely Faith that Faith without other vertues is dead to Grace in this life and Glorie in the other and serueth such as haue it for nothing but for the increase of eternall torments so also it is manifest that onely Hope without other vertues is a vaine and dead Hope without any true Content in this life or in all eternitie as is manifest first by reason Because Hope endeth with Death so if the Content and Happinesse of Man should consist in onely Hope there should be no Content in the other life Secondly we see some few excepted who fall into vtter despaire that all men of all Sects and sorts and how wicked soeuer hope for Happinesse and Content So if Hope without the assistance of other vertues were sufficient to Happinesse men might be happie and wretched both together which is contrarie to experience Thirdly to hope for Happinesse is not to be happie since none hopeth for that he hath but enioyeth Whereby is manifest that onely Hope is not sufficient to be happie Againe the Scriptures say Not euerie one that saith Lord Mat. 7. 21. Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heauen Againe Many shall say to me in that Day Mat. 7. 22. Lord Lord haue not wee prophecied in thy Name and in thy Name cast out Deuils and in thy Name wrought many Miracles And then I will confesse vnto them that I neuer knew you depart from me you that worke iniquitie And our Sauiour compareth those who hope to be saued and are negligent in gaining other vertues and vsing the meanes he hath ordained for the saluation of mankind vnto foolish Virgins who inuited to a Mariage neglected to prepare themselues for the Mariage vntil it was too late and so were shut out with this answer Amen I say to you I know you not Mat. 25. 12. Whereby is manifest that the Promises are not made to a dead Hope which is void of other vertues but to such a Hope as is conioint to all other vertues and is void of all iniquitie Heere thou mayest obserue deere Reader the error of many Protestants who being driuen from the impious Doctrine of Iustification by Faith only fall vpon Iustification by Hope onely without Faith Charitie Sacraments or other vertues and not knowing nor regarding what Faith they ought to professe nor what Commandements they haue broken presume to be saued by a vaine Hope in the Passion of our Lord and so perish in their presumption thinking that to say onely I hope to be saued by the Passion of our Lord Iesus Christ without Faith Charitie Sacraments c. is sufficient to remit their sinnes and saue their soules how euill and wicked soeuer they haue liued and so die Heretikes and Infidels of no Faith nor Religion for all their hope When Catholikes say they hope to be saued by the merits of the Passion of our Lord and Sauiour they doe not exclude the Sacraments Faith and other vertues but suppose them and include them all other meanes whatsoeuer God Almightie hath giuen or left vs for our Saluation yea the whole merit or benefit of his Passion and things gained for vs as Faith Hope Charitie Sacraments assistance of the holie Ghost c. And the sense of the words are I hope to be saued by no other meanes then those which thou hast gained for me by thy Passion And so likewise in all other acts of vertues or Sacraments Catholikes doe include the whole merit of the Passion of our Sauiour as whether they make acts of Contrition as Lord bee mercifull to mee a poore sinner or of Loue as I desire to loue thee deare Lord with all my heart or of Hope as I hope by the helpe of the Sacraments to be saued they doe not exclude any other vertue or meanes but in all and euery one of these Actes doe include all the meanes and benefits of our Lords whole Passion offering vp these Actes and whatsoeuer Christian worke they doe to God the Father in vnion with the Passion of our Lord vpon the Crosse for the remission of their sinnes and vse these Acts Sacraments and good Deedes done in Grace as a meanes which God Almighty hath ordained they should vse for the receiuing of the merit and benefit of the Sacrifice of the Passion of our Lord. For though our Lord died fo all the World yet none receiue the benefit of his Passion but those who diligently and carefully vse the meanes he hath ordained should be vsed for the receiuing of the benefit thereof which are Faith Sacramēts good Deeds and acts of vertue by these as by instruments receiuing the merit and benefit of our Lords Passion his graces and fauours purchased for vs. So Saint Paul exhorting vs saith Our desire is that euery one of Heb. 6. 11. you shew forth the same carefulnesse to the accomplishing of hope vnto the end that you may become not slouthfull but imitaters of them which by faith and patience shall inherite the Promise The slouthfull seruant receiued of our Lord a Talent Mat. 25. 15. yet because he did not encrease it he was cast into vtter Mat. 25. 30. darkenesse where there shall
to eate of the tree Apoc. 7. ●7 of life which is in the Paradise of my God And the Lamb shall conduct them to the liuing Fountaines of Waters Tenthly their Touch and whole Bodie shal be delighted with delitious Rayment And I saw saith S. Iohn a Apoc 7. 9. great multitude which no man could number in the sight of the Lamb clothed in white Apoc. 19. 7. Robes for the mariage of the Lamb is come his wife hath prepared her selfe And it was giuen to her that she clothe her selfe with silke glittering and White for the Silke are the Iustifications of the Saints Those who lose their liues for the loue of God and innocencie of his Law and othes made to the Prophets shall be crowned with Crownes of glory according to the Scriptures saying Be Apoc. 2. faithfull vntill Death and I will giue thee the Crowne of Life and also they shall for euer beare Palmes of victorie and triumph ouer their Persecutors in their hands as S. Iohn witnesseth saying I saw a great multitude which no man could number standing Apoc. 7. 9. before the Throne and in the sight of the Lamb clothed in white robes Palmes in their hands c. These are they which come out of great tribulation and haue washed their robes and made them white in the bloud of the Lambe And Virgins who die in Charitie shall sing a Song which none else in Heauen shall sing but they and also they shall accompany our Sauiour wheresoeuer he shall goe according to the words of S. Iohn saying I heard a voice from Apoc. 1● Heauen and the voice which I heard was as of Harpers harping on their Harpes and they sung as it were a new Song before the Seate of God c. and none could sing the Song but those These are they which were not defiled with Women for they are Virgins These follow the Lambe wheresoeuer he shall goe Eleuenthly the Phantasies of the Charitable shall be delighted with beautifull formes of glorious Bodies according to the words of Saint Paul Now I know 1. Cor. ●3 12. in part but then I shall know as also I am knowne Twelfthly their Memorie shall be pleased with a forgetfulnesse of all Disgustes and Discontents whatsoeuer and with an easie Remembrance of all thinges which belong vnto their Happinesse which shall be easie for that in Heauen there shall be no more Was or Shall be or this Past or To come to be troubled with searching for them in the Memorie but Present for euer and altogether an Eternall Felicitie and Life Mat. 25. euerlasting which is as Boetius sayth a perfit possession Boet. li. 5. Pro. 6. altogether of an endlesse Life The Thirteenth Their Vnderstandings shall be delighted with Diuine Wisedome Vnderstanding Counsell Knowledge c. according to the words of Saint Peter saying If you 1. Pet. 4. be reuiled in the Name of Christ you shall be blessed because the Spirit which is his shall rest vpon you which is as the Prophet Isay sayth the Spirit of Isa 11. Wisdome and Vnderstanding the Spirit of Counsell and Strength the Spirit of Knowledge and Pietie and the Spirit of the Filiall feare of our Lord. The Foureteenth their Wills shall be delighted and fully satisfied and content with the enioying hauing and possessing of God Almightie who is all the good they can desire and shall be as S. Paul saith all in all the 1. Cor. 15. 25. Saints The Fifteenth their Minds and whole Man shall be fully and compleately made happy by the seeing of God Almightie whom they haue and possesse according to the words of our Sauiour saying Blessed are the cleane Mat. 5. in heart for they shall see God August epist 111. 1●2 not as they did in this life vnder that likenesse which his will had chosen and not his nature formed But they shall see him saith S. Iohn as he is in his Diuine Nature Essence and Glory as further witnesseth S. Paul saying We see now by a glasse 1. Cor. 23. 1● in a darke sort but then face to face This seeing of God whom they possesse all in all is as Saint Augustine saith their chiefest good for though Aug. li. trinit ca. 13. many things do concurre together to the making of vs Happy and Content Yet this seeing of God Face to Face and as he is in his glorie is the Fountaine of all good and the accomplishment and perfection of full Happinesse which our Sauiour signifieth saying This is Life euerlasting that Ioh. 17. 3. they know thee the onely true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ And the reason is for that God Almightie is onely He which is as he said I am which Exod. ● 14. am and all other thinges being by participation from his Goodnesse depending vpon his Will As it is written For thy Will they Apoc. 4. 11. were and haue beene created All other Pleasures and Contentments which are not God are farre more excellent in God himselfe then they are in themselues or in their owne natures So that take whatsoeuer true Pleasure which in this Life thou art capable to receiue either in Body or Soule and when by happie Vision thou commest to enioy God as I desire thou shouldest thou shalt enioy that same in another degree much more perfitly according to the words of the Prophet saying I shall be filled Lord Ps 16. 15. when thy glory shall appeare And hereupon it commeth to passe that the seeing and enioying of God by blessed vision as he is in himselfe is Happinesse it selfe for that whatsoeuer may truely delight either Body or Soule is there in him found altogether alwaies most perfitly euen in such sort as that it is not possible for thee to imagine wish or desire any Ioy Content or Happinesse whatsoeuer but the same is found in God in his full perfection Whereupon our Sauiour saith If you keepe my Ioh 15. 10. precepts you shall abide in my loue as I also haue kept my Fathers precepts and do abide in his loue These things I haue spoken to you that my ioy may be in you and your ioy may be filled Againe He Ioh 14. 12. that hath my Commandements and keepeth them he it is that loueth me and he that loueth me shall be beloued of my Father and I will loue him and will manifest my selfe to him that is he will bestow vpon him all Goods Contentments and Happinesse that can be imagined or desired according to the words of God to Moses saying I will shew thee all good Exod. 3● ●● and shewed vnto him Himselfe The Sixteenth they shall be confirmed in this perfect Happie estate that they cannot but loue it and possesse it for euer so our Sauiour calleth it euerlasting life Mat. 25 46. and S. Peter calleth i● an eternall Kingdome where ● Pet. ● ●● there are no Temporal Ioyes or Contentments which are no sooner had then passed But an Eternall Ease Rest Repose and Happinesse and all goods and pleasures alwayes and for euermore remayning without End Which I heartily wish vnto thee deare Reader and so conclude this our Second Part of Ease and Rest with the words of Moyses the Prophet and faithfull Seruant of our Lords humbly beseeching thee to consider That I haue Deut. 30. set before thee Life and Good and contrariwise Death and Euill That thou mayest loue our Lord thy God and walke in his Wayes and keepe his Commaundements and thou mayest liue in the Happinesse of Grace in this Life and Glorie in the other But if thy heart be auerted and thou wilt not heare and deceiued with Error thou adore strange Gods in Spirit and serue them eyther by puplike or priuate breaking of the Commandements of the true and lining God I fore-tell thee this day that thou shalt perish and the Wretchednesse and Miseries spoken of in the foureteenth Chapter of this Booke shall fall vpon thee And I call for witnesse Heauen and Earth that I haue proposed to thee Life and Death Blessing and Cursing choose therefore Life that thou mayest liue and mayest loue our Lord thy God and obey his voice and cleaue to him for he is thy life and the length of thy daies To whom be all honour and glory now and for euermore Amen FINIS IESVS MARIA IOSEPH Errata Page 1. line 18. for this manner ●ead his manner p. 7. l. 1. seeke wherein ● seeke out wherein p. 7. l. 16. as that they ● as they p. 32. l. 21. sinne and malice r. sinne of malice 49 in Chap. 6. the Faith of God planted r. the Faith planted 67. 19 aboue all the r. aboue ●he 77. 22. there hath beene r. there ●ere 78 8. hath so r. haue so 106. 16. Faith the Faith of r. Faith and the Charitie of 109. 14. foun r. founded 112. 16. necessitie be r. necessitie m●st be 123. 4. that r. true 139. 16. in thee r. ●n this 153. in the margent Mal. 3. 7. 203. 15. 8. Iohn r. S. Paul 205. 6. serue ●heir God r. serue God 205. 17. in praise ● in his praise 208. 2. he doth not r. he doth 244. 13. may be r. must be 245. 8. I answere r. I inferre 291. 21. thy low r. thy two l. 22. low Faunes r. two Faunes 333. 16. Mines r. Ruines 369. in the Margent Exo. 33. 397. 14. wast r. vast 417. 1. saith r. say 4●9 2. liberalitie ● liberally
Francis Yet in one generation both the names of these potent Kings vvere extinguished from the face of the Earth according to this Prophecie so faithfull is God Almightie in fulfilling of his Word So supposing thou beleeuest that God Almightie cannot lye not be forsworne and that thou as a creature of his wilt glorifie him and maintaine both in words and deedes the fulfilling of his Oath and Promises that hee may blesse and glorifie thee I set downe these Acts of Faith following thereby to end and determinate all matters of Controuersies or Differences in Faith or Beleefe that hereafter thou mayest remaine alwayes firme stable and vnmoueable in the Faith Eph. 2. 20. built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the highest corner Stone in whom all Building framed together groweth into an holy Temple in our Lord Which is that I wish vnto thee and desire thee to pardon me if I speake for thy content boldly Acts of Faith GOd forbid deare Lord that I should euer think that thou hast broken the Oath and Testament which thou hast spoken to Abraham Isaack and Iacob thy Seruants saying By my Gen. 22. selfe haue I sworne I will multiply thee and I will multiply thy Seed as the Starres of Heauen and as the Sand that is vpon the Sea shoare Thy Seede shall possesse the Gates of his Enemies and in thy Seede shall be blessed all the Nations of the Earth Thy Seed shall be as the dust of Gen. 28. the Earth that shal be dilated to the East and to the West and to the North and to the South and in thee and thy Seed shal be blessed all the Tribes of the Earth I detest O Heauenly Father as Suggestions of the Deuill all opinions whatsoeuer which are contrarie to the vnitie of the Faith dilated ouer the World O God of Heauen I beleeue most firmely that the Christians dilated ouer the World professing one Faith are the Seed of Abraham the Gen. 22. Children of thy Kingdome the Wheat that thou didst sowe the Mat. 1● Sheepe that thou doest feed and Ioh. 10. the Blessed which at the last day Mat. 25. shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Deare Lord I beleeue most firmely that if we be Christs Gal. 3. 29. then we be the Seed of Abraham and must professe the faith dilated ouer the World O Lord of Infinite Maiestie I humbly beseech thee for thy tender Mercies that I may be one of the great Multitude Apo. 7. 9. which no man could number of all Nations and Tribes and People and Tongues which are to be signed with thy Marke and to be conducted by thee to the Liuing Fountaines Apo. 7. 17. of Waters I detest Eternall God more then Death or Hell to hold or maintaine any opinion which the Catholike Church the Seed of Abraham dilated ouer the World doth not approue Deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ I vndoubtedly beleeue that thou art the Sonne of the liuing God to whom this Promise is made I will giue thee the Gentiles for Ps 28. thy Inheritance and for thy Possession the ends of the Earth I beleeue deare Lord all the Articles of the Catholike Faith and for the truth of any one of them by the assistance of thy grace am readie to die not one death but if it were possible as many deaths as all the Martyrs haue suffered from the beginning of the World vntill this day O Lord of infinite Maiestie while I liue I will faithfully beleeue and heartily confesse with thy seruants S. Ambrose and S. Augustine That the holy Church doth Hym. SS Amb. et Aug. confesse thee throughout the World I beleeue most firmely O liuing God that thou art the God of Abraham Isaack and Iacob keeping thy Couenant with them for thousand of Generations and maintaining thy Promise of multiplying their Seed as the Starres of Heauen and possessing the Gates of their Enemies vntill the end of the World Graunt deare Lord that I may rather die a thousand deaths then not confesse with thy Seruant S. Athanasius from my heart in a Catholike sense That whosoeuer will be saued it is needfull before all things that hee hold the Catholike Faith the which vnlesse each one shall keepe whole and inuiolate he shall without doubt eternally perish Man may lye and mine owne iudgement may be deceiued but I beleeue firmely that God Almightie cannot be forsworne deceiue or be deceiued in his Oath I beleeue most firmely deare Lord that the Christians professing one Faith multiplied as the sand that is by the Gen. 28. Sea-shore and dilated to the West and to the East to the North and to the South are the Seed of Abraham thy seruant the children Ps 104. of Iacob thy elect and there is no saluation in any other Act. 4. I doe most firmely hold and doe no waies doubt but that not only Aug. li. de side ad Petrum all Pagans but also all Iewes Heretikes and Schismatikes who doe die out of the Catholike Church are to goe into euerlasting fire which was prepared for the Deuil and his Angels Beare witnesse O ye Heauens and be testimonies all ye that dwell vpon the Earth that I vndoubtedly and most firmely beleeue that God Almighty hath and doth visibly multiply the Christians professing in vnitie the Faith planted by our Sauiour as the starres of Heauen and as the sand that is by the Sea-shoare according as he spoke Luc. 1. 55. to our Fathers to Abraham and his Seed for euer Let mee neuer liue deare Lord to beleeue or thinke that thou hast broken thy Oath and Promises to the Patriarkes and Prophets and canst lye and be forsworne in permitting the Catholike Church to erre or vanish away frō the face of the Earth Deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ by the assistance of thy grace though as great torments as the sensible paines of the torments of Hell should fall vpon me for it yet will I confesse that thou art the true Messias and came to fulfill the Oath and Promises which God made to Abraham the Patriarks Prophets and not to breake them These Acts grounded vpon the Oath and Promises of God you are to make often and with simplicity and sincerity of heart and they will so direct you to know and finde out truth that your owne conscience will not permit you euer to be an Heretike Iew Infidell or Protestant of any Sect or sort whatsoeuer And by these Acts without disputing of Controuersies thou puttest an end to all Controuersies and Disputes in matters of Faith and Religion beleeuing them thou art as sure that thou beleeuest aright as that it is certaine that God Almightie cannot be forsworn or that our Sauiour was the Messias promised to the Patriarkes Prophets and excludest all Errors Heresies and Temptations of the Deuil in matters of Faith and infallibly setlest thy vnderstanding in
which according to God is created in Iustice and holinesse of the Truth Whereupon Saint Iohn Baptist speaking of the way or meanes how to attaine vnto Content and Happinesse sayth Who hath shewed Mat. 3. 7. you to flye from the wrath to come yeeld therefore fruit worthie of Penance Which is as if he should haue said If any one hath shewed you the way to Content and Happinesse and not by contrition and detestation of sinne the fruites of Penance hee hath deceiued you So our Lord and Sauiour in his first Sermon according to Saint Matthew taught Penance as the first meanes to Happinesse the Text saying that Mat. 4. 17. Iesus began to preach and to say Doe Penance for the Kingdome of God is at hand Heere thou mayest see how many men which are of short Capacities and weake and shallow Wits and Vnderstandings are deceiued in framing to themselues a conceit that to doe Penance is to be tormented deiected and oppressed in minde when it is nothing lesse but the greatest ease remedie and rest to a deiected and oppressed minde that can be had or found and the way and meanes to all true Content and Happinesse If thou wilt beleeue the Scriptures and Experience Contrition or sorrow for sinne doth much differ from the sorrow or lamenting of worldly men when out of selfe-loue they lament the losse of their worldly Commodities or Pleasures The fruites of this Sorrow are Sadnesse Oppression of Minde and Discontent as being inordinate and not ordained by God to be vsed as a meanes of finding Happinesse vvhereas Penance Contrition and Sorrow for Sinnes beeing meanes ordained by God to Content and Happinesse the more thou vsest them the more rest and content of heart thou shalt finde because God Almightie doth reuiue the Isa 57. 15. heart of the Contrite by the assisting of the holy Ghost Gal 5. whose fruits are Charitie Ioy of heart and Peace of minde of which wee are to speake more in his place A second meanes of attayning vnto the loue of God is often to Communicate according to the words of our Lord saying He that eateth Ioh. 6. my Flesh and drinketh my Bloud abideth in me and I in him which is the Charitie wee seeke for A third meanes is Meditation seriously to consider all the benefits thou hast receiued from his diuine Maiestie as Creation Redemption Conseruation and whatsoeuer graces thou hast or expectest and likewise to meditate often vpon his diuine Attributes as his infinite Goodnesse Beautie Maiestie and Power c. for the onely meanes to loue any thing that is very good faire pleasing and beautifull is but to looke seriously vpon it and consider it well and the loue or liking of it presently is begotten in thy heart And it being excellently good the more thou thinkest or meditatest vpon it the more the loue of it increaseth in thee So if thou wilt loue much GOD Almightie doe not omit thy Meditations A fourth meanes is alwaies to keepe the Presence of God that hauing alwayes before thine eyes an infinite Good from whom all things else borrow whatsoeuer good they haue thou canst not but little esteeme of all other goods in comparison of it and loue it with thy whole heart and all things else as they may conduct thee vnto it of which Presence wee are to speake in our third Booke A fifth meanes is to make many Acts of the loue of God As in Arts and Sciences thy continuall practise increaseth thy knowledge and skill so the making of many Acts of the loue of God increaseth in thee the loue of God And to that end heere I set downe these Acts following Acts of Charitie or Loue towards God AS the chased Hart thirsteth after the Fountaine of Water so I desire that my heart should perpetually thirst after thee deare Lord. O Lord of infinite beautie that my heart were so wounded with thy loue that out of feruour of spirit I might in silent speech perpetually breath forth When shall I come and appeare before thy face O most amiable Sonne of the liuing God take now possession of this my heart which was created for to loue thee and pierce it with a thousand wounds of pure loue that I may for euer sweetly languish after thy eternall beautie How beloued are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my soule coueteth and fainteth after the Courts of my God Decre Iesu to thee I consecrate my heart O deere King of all beautie and glory I will no other inheritance but thee O Life of my life and more beautifull then all beauties created put together inflame me with a most desired burning after thy eternall beautie O Lord of infinite mercy how great are the multitude of thy mercies that thou commandest mee to loue thee and if I doe not thou art angrie and threatenest eternall miseries when in louing thee consisteth all my ioyes and good O who will giue to me my Lord that I may die for thee that by my corporall death my soule may be ingulfed in thee her rest and chast bed-Chamber of all diuine delights Too late haue I loued thee Beautie so ancient and so new too late haue I loued thee but pardon my negligence past deere Lord and graunt that this my beginning may last and increase for euer Thou deere Lord was within mee and I was without my selfe and amongst these faire things which thou hast created I sought thee and fowly erred faire they were because thou createdst them but to me foule for that I loued them and loued them not in thee O how I lament deere Lord that my poore soule hath beene so deceiued with sensuall loue and worldly vanitie now conuert mee so wholly vnto thee deere Lord that nothing created may please me but the only louing of thy diuine Maiestie Thou art all faire my Loue thou art all faire and there is not a spot or staine in thee O my infinite Good I resigne to thee all that thy liberalitie hath bestowed vpon me that thereby I may please thee and offer without ceasing in the Altar of my heart my selfe in Sacrifice If I forget to loue thee my Lord let all my pleasures be turned into sorrowes and let my right hand be forgetfull of her actions if I doe not offer vnto thee vpon the Altar of my heart a Sacrifice of perpetuall Loue Morning Mid-day and Euening CHAP. XII That true Content and Happinesse cannot be without Charitie or loue towards our neighbours and keeping of the Commandements of God SO great is the Obligation and bond of Societie interposed betweene all things created that the good of one in some sort dependeth vpon the loue and societie with the other The Angels in Heauen reioice one at anothers good and Happinesse and receiue increase of Content by the increase of Glory bestowed vpon any one The Heauens send downe showers and dew to water and make pleasant the Earth and the Earth shooteth vp all her fruits
and you that haue no siluer make hast buy and eate come buy without siluer or without any exchange wine and milke why bestow you siluer not for bread Boetius li. 2. Pro. 4. and your labour and not for satietie O mortall men why seeke you for your happinesse abroad which is placed within your selues Hearing heare you me Isa 55. and eate that which is good and your soules shall bee delighted with fatnesse with content vpon Earth and happinesse for all eternitie in Heauen Blessed is the man whose will Ps 1. is in the Law of our Lord and in his Law shall meditate day and night all things whatsoeuer he shall doe shall prosper To them that loue God all Rom. 8. 28. things cooperate vnto good to such as according to purpose are called to bee Saints Loue thou God Almightie with thy whole heart and thy Neighbour for Gods sake as thy selfe and all things will be pleasing all things delightfull all things profitable all things that to thee which thou wouldest desire or wish in Charitie or the loue of God and our Neighbour is satisfied and filled all our affections Charitie Col. 3. 14. is the bond of perfection which comprehendeth in it all other vertues Charitie 1. Cor. 13. 4. is patient is benigne Charitie enuieth not dealeth not peruersly is not puffed vp is not ambitious seeketh not her owne is not prouoked to anger thinketh no euill reioiceth not vpon iniquitie but reioiceth with the truth suffereth all things beleeueth all things Charitie 1. Tim. 4. 8. neuer falleth away is profitable to all things hauing promise of the life that now is and of that to come Whereupon Saint Augustine saith The Apostle Paul Tract 8. in Ioan. initio when against the workes of the flesh hee would commend the fruits of the spirit put Charitie as head saying the fruits of the spirit is Charitie and then putteth the rest in order as rising from this head and bound to it which are Ioy Peace Longanimitie Benignitie Goodnesse Faith Mildnesse Continence Chastitie Which the Saint shewing to be true by experience addeth For who doth well reioice but he who loueth some good wherein he may reioice who hath any true friendship or peace with any but with him whom he sincerely loueth who deth long perseuere in doing good workes vnlesse he be hot in louing who is benigne but he that loueth those whom hee may helpe who is good vnlesse hee bee made by louing who is faithfull to saluation but by that faith which worketh by loue who is courageously meeke but whom loue doth moderate who doth abstaine from that which may make him filthie but hee that loueth something by which hee may be honested Worthily therefore doth our good Master so often commend Loue as though it were onely to be commended without the which other goods can nothing profite vs and which cannot bee had without other goods wherewith a man is to bee made good so Saint Augustine And according to these words of Saint Augustine are the words of Saint Paul saying Circumcision is nothing and Prepuce is nothing 1. Cor. 7. 19. but the obseruation of the Commaundements of God Againe In Christ Iesu neither Gal. 5. 5. Circumcision auaileth ought nor Prepuce but Faith that worketh by Charitie Againe Thes 3. 12. Our Lord multiplie you and make your Charitie abound one towards another and towards all men as we also in you to confirme your hearts without blame in holinesse before God and our Father in the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ with all his Saints Who when hee shall come to Iudgement if wee will beleeue himselfe shall condemne to euerlasting paines all those who wanted Charitie towards their Neighbours and haue broken this Precept Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe Iewes Gentiles and Heretikes who doe not beleeue the Oathes of God and the Faith planted by our Lord are alreadie Ioh. 3. 18. iudged because they doe not beleeue in the Name of the onely Sonne of God And shall arise onely to receiue their finall doome and damnation with such Catholikes as had Faith but wanted Charitie To feede Mat. 25. the hungrie giue drinke to the thirstie harbour the stranger couer the naked visit the sicke c. These for all their faith if we will beleeue the Iudge himselfe shall goe into punishment euerlasting which was prepared for the Diuell and his Angels But the Iust such as feede the hungry giue drinke to the thirstie c. shall goe into life euerlasting according to the Prophecies Our Lord Ps 144. keepeth all that loue him and he will destroy all sinners Whereupon S. Paul sayth That the 1. Tim. 1. 5. end of the Precept is Charitie from a pure Heart and a good Conscience and a Faith not fained From a pure Heart according to the words of our Lord Happie are the cleane of Mat. 5. 8. heart for they shall see God and a good Conscience according to the words of S. Peter With modestie and feare 1. Pet. 3. 15. hauing a good Conscience that in that which they speake euill of you they may be confounded which calumniate your good conuersation in Christ A Faith not fained not such a Faith as Protestants haue who faine that they are assured to be saued without keeping the Commaundements of God when neither the Apostles nor Prophets make any mention of any such thing but a Faith founded vpon the Doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the Ephe. 2. 20. highest corner Stone A Faith which doth establish the Law Rom. 3. 31. a Faith conioyned to a good Conscience according to the words of S. Paul Hauing Faith 1. Tim. 1. 19. and a good Conscience which certaine repelling haue made shipwracke about the Faith Saint Augustine speaking of this definition of Charitie sayth Charitie is our fruit Tract 8. in Ioan. which the Apostle defineth of a pure Heart and a good Conscience and a Faith not fained by this we loue one another by this wee loue God neyther should wee loue one another with true loue but by louing God For euery one doth loue his Neighbour as himselfe if hee loue God for if hee doe not loue God hee doth not loue himselfe Since all Content and Happinesse consisteth in louing of God and all other things for God hee depriueth himselfe of all true good and content who doth not loue God with all his heart as in another place the said Saint further confesseth saying Let vs heare De mo●ib Ecc. Catho O Christ what end or rest of goods thou prescribest vnto vs that is without all controuersie the end or rest to which thou commandest vs to encline vnto with all loue Thou sayest thou shalt loue the Lord thy God from thy whole Mat. 22. 37. heart and with thy whole soule and with thy whole mind Thither we are altogether to tend to