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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10233 Two very lerned sermons of M. Beza, togither with a short sum of the sacrament of the Lordes Supper: Wherevnto is added a treatise of the substance of the Lords Supper, wherin is breflie and soundlie discussed the p[r]incipall points in controuersie, concerning that question. By T.W. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. Treatise of the Lords Supper. aut 1588 (1588) STC 2051; ESTC S109031 114,878 260

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admonished to refer all that they doo to the glory of their head and capteine Christ and to the mutuall comfort and sustentation one of another Out of all that hitherto hath beene spoken or said I would pray the godlie and well affected reader diligently to obserue and note these three things following 1 First that though it be most true that euen by the ministerie of the Gospell preached we haue Christ with all his benefits offered vnto vs and doo by faith wrought in our harts by the ministerie of the same word and working of his spirit take hold of him all his graces of which also S. Paule speaketh to the Galachians saieng Galath 3.1 that Christ was described in their sight and crucified amongst them that yet all this notwithstanding we haue him more plainelie and plentifullie set foorth vnto vs in the vse of the supper whilest that we by faith feeding on him that is the bread of life which came downe from heauen Iohn 6.51 are by that meanes become bone of his bones Ephes 5.30 and flesh of his flesh and after a sort made one with him Iohn 17.21.22 euen as the father and he are one which I speake not to the debasing of the word as though the sacraments were more woorthie and excellent or to the diuiding of Christ for as in respect of his substance he is but one both in the word and the sacraments but as in respect of vs and for our weakenesse sake we hauing more of our sences satisfied in and by the vse of the elements of the Lords supper as for example our sight our tast our feeling yea and our hearing also whilest that in the deliuerie and partaking thereof Christes death is preached vnto vs than we haue in the word which is directed onelie to the eare or hearing 2 Secondlie that this holie sacrament dooth not onelie direct our faith to the death and passion of our sauiour Christ which was performed for vs and all the faithfull manie hundered yeeres agone as the one Hebr. 9.28 Hebr. 10.14 and the onelie sacrifice for sinne neuer to be reiterated because that thereby he being the onelie high priest and eternall sacrificer hath consecrated for euer all them that are sanctified but also yea cheeflie and especiallie to the gracious frutes and effectes that wee receiue thereby as the forgiuenesse of sinnes our reconciliation to GOD the death of iniquitie in vs the assured pledge of eternall life and such like all which are liuelie set foorth and preached vnto vs in the same to the ende that wee maye by faith in a strong persuasion of Gods goodnesse towards vs in Christ be made partakers thereof For otherwise if we had but Christes death onelie and nothing else it would be little auailable to vs for what would it haue profited vs that he had died if by his death he had not brought life and immortality to light 2. Tim. 1.10 but for asmuch as his death and the effects and frutes following the same and flowing from it can not be sundered we therefore stedfastlie beleeue that the faithfull are neuer partakers of the one alone but that also they are partakers of the other likewise 3 Thirdlie that wee must certeinelie know and stedfastlie beleeue that though this holie sacrament doo speciallie and cheeflie direct vs to Christ his death merits obedience and the frutes thereof yet notwithstanding also it doth sensiblie and plainelie instruct vs in the speciall duties of that sound and sincere loue which in Christ and for Christ we as the members of that bodie whereof he is the only head Ephes 1.22 5.23 ought vnfeinedlie to carrie and accomplish one of vs towardes another not onelie as profitable and necessarie for the parties to whome such dueties are performed whilest in the daies of their distresse we releeue them by our wealth or comfort and councell them by our wit which are things that God hath giuen vs euen to the same end but comfortable also to our selues whilest by that as by a bage or cognizance we are knowne both to others and our selues to be Christes disciples in deed Iohn 13.35 and haue sealed vp in our hearts the free pardon and full forgiuenes of all our sinnes Luke 7.47 Iohn 3.14 and an assured pledge also that we are translated out of darknesse into light without the which all we haue in this life and therefore the sacraments also could tend but to our greater condemnation In the third place for the cleering of this controuersie or question of the Lords supper we must haue a watchfull eie to Satans subtleties who painfully laboureth in this point as in all other pointes of Christian religion also by extremities to drawe vs into all corruption Nowe the extremities that in time heeretofore haue burst foorth and are yet euen to this day in manie places stoutlie and stiflie mainteined are especiallie three 1 The first is that of the sacramentaries who hold and defend that Christ in his supper hath left vs nothing saue the bare and naked signes of his death and passion But the trueth is that we are so farre off from allowing this conceit and opinion whatsoeuer our aduersaries babble and prate to the contrarie that wee feare not openlie and in the sunne light to affirme that besides the signes themselues yea and euen togither with the signes wee and all true christians haue the thinges themselues signified not onelie truelie and effectuallie exhibited vnto vs but giuen vs also and bestowed vpon vs because it is most certeine that our Sauiour Christ Iohn 14.6 who is the trueth it selfe and cannot lie dooth in deede and assuredlie accomplish vnto vs all the promises which hee made vs and meant to seale vnto vs by the vse of the signes in the sacrament that so we might become partakers euen of his verie substance and grow vp also with him into one life and being And though this cannot be comprehended by the eie of mans reason and vnderstanding no more than manie other things in our christian religion yet we cannot choose but know and confesse that this is sensiblie set foorth vnto vs in the vse and participation of the supper by seuerall meanes and instruments some of them being outward as the elements in the sacrament and some inward as the spirituall grace represented thereby for we are not angels but men Eccle. 12.7 consisting as the scripture teacheth vs of bodie and soule and therefore the Lord by the vse of his word and sacraments hath prouided for both parts as the word for our eares Rom. 10.17 and our eares for hearing of the same that so faith might be wrought in our hearts and the elements in the sacrament for our tast sight feeling c and yet our soules to be nourished and fed not with anie or all of these outward things for how cā outward corruptible things nourish inward immortall substances but onelie with
eternall arise to such a huge number in the seueral sorts and great varietie of them that are not able to thinke of them or anie one of them according to their woorthinesse muche lesse to account or number them and thirdlie to consider our selues receiuing them to whome the Lorde freelie and of his owne goodnesse giueth these great mercies not onelie when wee had not deserued the least of them but euen then when euery one of vs had deserued eternall death and condemnation to be poured foorth vpon vs and ours 3 And lastlie in care and conscience of a most holie and christian conuersation that seeing wee are in the holie Supper made partakers by faith of Christs death and resurrection and that wee fullie perswade our selues by the truth of the word Roman 4.25 that he did not onlie die for our sinnes and rise for our righteousnesse but also performed that excellent and great worke to teach vs Roman 6.1 Coloss 3.1 by his death to die to vngodlinesse and by his resurrection to rise vp to that holinesse that may bee acceptable before God profitable to our brethren and comfortable to our selues wee hauing by that meanes and to that end our spiritual life and being from him that therefore we should liue soberlie righteouslie Titus 2.12 and godlie in this present euill world and that in the sound affections of our harts before God and in words and deeds before men that when it shall please him to finish the daies of our wearisome pilgrimage we stedfastlie looking for that blessed hope and full-fruition of eternall life may be glorified with him in eternall blessednes which thing the Lord grant vs euen for his crucified Christes sake to whom with the Father and the Holie ghost three persons and one eternall God be giuen all honor praise power glorie both of vs and of all people euen now and at all times for euer and euer So be it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 TO THE READER AT the motion and request of sundrie my deere friends in the Lord I haue thought good to put downe these two praiers following not thereby minding either to tie anie person to the vse of these onelie for they may according to their seuerall necessities conceiue some other of their owne or practise some better forme alredie set foorth by men of greater gifts or feeling nor yet so to busie their minds and to occupie their heads as that they should be imploied in these when the publike praiers and exercises of the church performed by the ministers are in hand for be it farre from vs when the minister Gods mouth speaketh from the Lord to vs or when he as our mouth speaketh to the Lord for vs to haue either our hearts or our mouthes occupied about any other thing than the reuerend hearing and consenting vnto of such things as hee vttereth But that aiding the infirmitie of our brethren such as haue not the gift to conceiue praier and shall thinke this fit for themselues might haue a forme to exercise themselues in both before they repaire to the publike exercises of the church and also after the celebration and partaking of these reuerend mysteries shall be finished A PRAIER TO BE SAID BEFORE a man repaire to the partaking of the Lords supper O Eternall God and most mercifull father I thy poore and vnwoorthie seruant doo humblie beseech thee in Iesus Christ thy deere sons name and for his sake gratiouslie through his death and obedience to pardon and forgiue me all my sinnes whatsoeuer which at anie time by thought word or deed I haue through negligence ignorance or knowledge committed against thy diuine maiestie or anie other And because both by reason of the curssed corruption of mine owne nature and the infinit multitude of my sinnes also I am slow dull of heart to beleeue seale vp in my soule I pray thee O Lord this great benefit of the free pardon full forgiuenesse of all my sinnes by the assured testimonie of thy blessed spirit bearing record vnto my spirit that I am thy childe and by vnfeined parddoning and forgiuing of others which anie maner of way haue offended against me Yea make the death and resurrection of thy sonne so powerfull effectuall in me that I may not onelie feele and finde in the same the forgiuenesse of all my sinnes both generall and particular and the hope of eternall saluation but also that I may be instructed thereby all the daies of my life more and more to die vnto sin and dailie more more to liue vnto righteousnes of life and holie conuersation And forasmuch as through thy goodnesse I haue purposed this day to communicat in the vse of thy blessed word and sacraments I beseech thee good father to pearse mine eares to prepare my heart yea and so to direct all the parts and powers of my body and soule that I may not onelie reuerentlie and profitablie hearken to thy voice speaking vnto me out of thy word laboring all the daies of my life to conforme my selfe to the knowledge faith and obedience of the same but also that I may assuredlie be made partaker of the frutes and effects of the death and passion of thy deere sonne which it pleaseth thee in that holie sacrament to offer vnto me To this end and purpose I beseech thee to grant that I be not carried away in the contemplation and consideration of the earthly and corruptible things obiected therein to my sences but that my faith may be set vp raised to the spirituall beholding assured feeling and full fruition of these graces which it pleaseth thee by the same to offer vnto me Giue me grace good Lord to bring with me a stedfast faith in the truth of thy promises that by it as by an eie I may looke vpon and by the same as by a hand I may apprehend Iesus Christ thy sonne sitting at thy right hand to be my onelie and continuall iustifier sanctifier and redeemer Grant me grace also to bring with me as an earnest hatred of all my former euils whatsoeuer so a sincere loue of all righteousnesse and well dooing that I by the power of thy spirit crucifieng the old man with the lusts and concupiscences therof speciallie such as beare the greatest sway in me may be strengthened in the new man dailie to thinke speake and doo those things which may be acceptable and well pleasing in thy godlie presence And I beseech thee further to giue me grace to bring with me sound sincere loue towards all men yea euen towards mine enimies that I may not onelie forget and forgiue all the iniuries wrongs that they haue deuised said or doone against me but also pray earnestlie vnto thy maiestie for them and purchase and procure
wee yet still dayly seeke and the more in number or strength that the obiectes of our faith so muche the more meete is that that meane measure of faith that wee haue beeing stirred vppe in vs it shoulde become so muche the more effectuall and powerfull For else what doo these men gather which wee may not euen from the very first institution and celebration of the Lords supper as safly collect against the repetition or often administration of the same A reason of the assertion For certainely if we conclude that the Lords supper is therfore superfluous because we receiue nothing therein but that which wee receiued before in the worde and baptisme then this also will followe therevppon that it is altogether vnprofitable to repaire the second or third time to the Lords supper seeing that hee that commeth thither the seconde or sundry times receiueth nothing more than that very selfe-same thing which before hee had laide holde of and receiued than when he came first thereto The second obiection with the answere therto But they say there is giuen to all that come thither not bread alone but that bread which is the sacrament otherwise Christs words shold be frustrate saying This is my bodie I grant all this and yet I deny the consequēce Both things that is the signe and the thing signified As man standeth of two parts so accordingly two things are offered in the supper is giuen or offered to all therefore all receiue both This hangeth not together for two things are offered one to the body the other to the minde the one is to bee taken holde of by the meane of the body either to life or to death the other is to bee apprehended by faith and yet but to life onelie Is it any maruell then that two thinges beeing to bee receiued by seuerall instrumentes and meanes though perhappes they bee both offered in one action as they saye the one of them should be receiued by euery one that bringeth the common instrument of the body and the other apprehended but of them alone that bring wyth them that same spirituall and onelie fit instrument to apprehend Christ by No verilye And yet heere againe I pray you marke howe great the strength of trueth is Those that contend so stiffely and that also wythout any profit to the church about vnwoorthie communicants for to what ende shoulde wee trauaile so muche about them A distinction voide of reason and religion Doo notwithstanding distinguish betweene such vnworthie persons as liue not christianlie enough or otherwise are not sufficiently prepared for receiuing of the supper yet so as they feare not to affirme that euen they also eate Christes fleshe though it be to their destruction vnlesse they repent and such as are altogether the wicked and vnbeleeuers who receiue nothing but the bare signes But if that same reall Consubstantiation which they fantasie bee true then this will ensue therevpon that not onelie all reasonable creatures without exception receuing the signs but the very beasts let there bee reuerence in hearing this that I nowe say A warie but yet withall a most necessarie caution and let not any manne take it as though I spake blasphemously eating that bread and drinking that wine shall haue receiued also the flesh and the bloud of Christ An obiection answered But they except further against this truth that the vnworthy are saide to be guiltie of the Lordes body and bloud Wee graunt that too Is it because they did vnwoorthily receiue the body and bloud 1. Corinth 11.27 No in deede But because they did eate vnwoorthily of that bread and drincke vnwoorthilye of that cuppe 1. Cor. 11.28 29. or because they discerned not the Lordes body for that same vnwoorthie vsing and receiuing of the holy signes or pledges redoundeth vnto the contempt of the thing signified and offered A fit similitude euen as he may iustly be accounted guiltie of some crime yea of treason if you will against the Emperoures Maiestie that in contempt or reprochfullye dooth violate the Emperours picture or image Wee see then that the wicked are become guiltye of the body and bloud of Christe not that they haue receiued them vnlesse a man will take the body for the signe of the bodye which is oftentimes vsed in the antient Fathers but because they haue thorowe their vnbeleefe reiected or refused them For Christ him selfe can neuer be sundered from that his quickening power Christ and his graces are neuer sundered wherefore looke of whom soeuer hee is receiued nowe indeede hee is receiued onely of the beleeuers they must of necessitye bee deliuered from eternall death Iohn 5.24 as he himself plainelie beareth witnesse Nowe whereas these men except against this trueth An obiection shortlie answered that christ is deliuered to some for iudgement and that thorowe the very fault of the hearers We grant that also but yet so in respect as Christ is thorowe their vnbeleefe refused and cast from them and not receiued of them by faith Lastly whereas these men suppose The last obiection with the answere therto that Christ him selfe can not bee truely partaken vnlesse hee be indeede apprehended both by the handes and mouth also The last obiection with the aunsweare thereto and that therefore we holde a communicating not of Christ himselfe but of his efficacie and power let vs a little consider this falshoode and weigh this slaunder First therefore we must knowe that when we remoue a bodily eating that so wee may establishe a spirituall and mysticall eating that both these must bee vnderstoode not of the thing it selfe which is communicated or partaken but of the maner of communicating or partaking For neither did Christ himselfe say Luke 22.19 This is the merite or benefite of my death but this is that my body which is giuen for you neyther doo wee suppose that Christ himselfe can be lesse vnskilfully separated from his efficacie A similitude when the question is of Spirituall nourishement than if a manne woulde denie that we had neede to eate bread it selfe and drincke wine it selfe that so afterwardes wee might drawe or fetch bodily nourishment from the same But wee saye and affirme that this manner of communicating or partaking is not bodilie neither yet that it can be perfourmed by bodilie instruments or meanes but altogether spirituall and mysticall as which is performed by faith alone which faith imbraceth that matter Faith alone imbraceth the words and sacraments all the graces offered vs therein that is offered vnto vs in the word and sacraments But if they will denie that this can be performed because of such a great distance of places let them then cease at the last to accuse vs of vngodlinesse as though we would either denie Gods almightie power or giue sentence touching this mysterie by the rules of worldlie philosophie And yet we will not denie but that