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A09316 An excelent comfort to all Christians, against all kinde of calamities no lesse comfortable, then pleasant, pithy, and profitable: Compendiously compiled by Iohn Perez, a faithfull seruant of God, a Spaniard (in Spanish) and now translated into English by Iohn Daniel, of Clements Inne, with diuers addicions by him collected and therevnto annexed.; Epistola para consolar a los fieles de Jesu Christo. English PĂ©rez, Juan, d. 1567.; Daniel, John, of Clements Inne. 1576 (1576) STC 19626; ESTC S111936 128,141 335

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chosen vs in him before the foundacion of the worlde was layde that we should be saincts without blame and irreprehēsible before him through loue and ordeined vs before through Iesus Christ to be heires vnto himselfe according to the pleasure of his good will to prayse the glory of his grace wherwith he hath made vs acceptable in his beloued So by the meanes that god hath elected and chosen vs from the beginninge in Iesus Christ is the foundacion vpon the which is grounded our vocacion by the which we wer called in time to inioy a participacion of that ioy and those good thinges for the which we were elected whereby we may perceiue that how firme soeuer the foundacion of our blessednesse is euen so firme and sure is our vocacion calling so firme true is also the iustice rightuousnesse and holinesse of heauē which by meanes of our calling is cōmunicated vnto vs We could giue nothing to god for our election bicause that he dyd electe vs before our essenciall beinge and when as we were not All the whole cause of our election was onely in Christe Iesu there was nothing in vs wherby we might be called nor yet nothinge whereby we might be iustified Bicause as it is afore sayde we were so fully possessed of the diuell and of sinne that euen of iustice we were allotted to an estate so naked and miserable as might be thought Wherefore of force we must néedes conclude that it is only the grace and good will of God that hath called vs by his Gospell for although we be callid we mai not come to Christe Iesus if that the Father drawe vs not giue vs eares to heare his voyce and a heart to conceiue and vnderstande what is his wyll For that he himselfe sayth none can come to me if my Father draw him not he dooth drawe vs vnto him bicause we should be pardoned by his rightuousnesse that the bond should be broken wherwith we were so surely bounde to euerlasting death For that as the Apostle sayth by the bloud of Christ Iesus we had our redempcion which is remissiō of sinnes according to the riches of his grace which he is moste aboundantly full of He was made to vs by God onely wisedome rightuousnesse sanctificaciō and redemption for that he which neuer dyd sinne was made a sacrifise for our sinnes bicause god would haue vs made rightuous by him so that he is our whole rightuousnesse and ful satisfaction before the diuine iudgement of his Father Bicause sayth Esay the euerlasting God dyd put vpon him all our sinnes which by the potencie power and might of his deathe he dyd destroy and dyd satisfie wholly to the diuine iudgement of God the Father and so obteyne full forgiuenesse and Remission of sinnes for vs. Thus that by him we are made rightuous and beloued of God for that if the diuell were so mightie to put vs in such condempnacion againste the which we had no remedy in our selues much more mightie without comparison is the rightuousnesse of Iesus Christ to giue vs true and perfect libertie and forgiuenesse of all the wickednesse with the which the diuell had fraught and filled vs Bicause as Sainct Paule sayth if for the delight offence and transgression of one deathe dyd rule and reigne by one muche more they which receiue the aboundance of grace the gyft of rightuousnesse shall rule and reigne in lyfe by one only by Iesu christ As by the offēce and transgression of one man condempnacion dyd come vpon all men euen so by the rightuousnesse of one man is come iustificacion of lyfe vnto all men And as the sinne of Adam dyd condempne to eternall deathe all that dyd discende from him euen so the rightuousnesse of Christe is cause by the which are iustified all that beleue in him are made heires with him of his heauenly kingedome Of our iustificacion by the rightuousnesse of god c. The .vi. Chapter GOd dyd not onely call vs giue vs his woorde but also by meane of the operacion and workinge of the holly ghost he did ingendre fayth in our hartes the which is armes and handes vnto vs to imbrace Iesus Christ with all his riches blessings And in this maner we are brought vnto him the which doothe confirme in vs the sayinge of Sainct Paule Christ did redéeme vs from the cursse of the lawe made himselfe a cursse for vs bicause we should receiue by fayth the promise of the holy Ghoste for that we had sinned all and were naked of the glory of God we were graciously iustified by his grace by the redempciō gotten by Christ Iesu the which God dyd purpose for propitiacion by faythe in his bloud to the ende that he would be founde iuste a iustifier of them that haue fayth in him Of grace you haue béen saued by fayth sayth Paule to them of Ephesus and this doothe not come of your selues for it is the gyft of God not by our workes for that we should not boast bicause we are his workes created in Christ Iesus Wherby it doth and may apeare that our iustificacion is a new creacion and a worke onely of god who as at the beginning he dyd create vs by the sounde of his word So nowe by the vertue potency and might of the same he dooth forme and make vs a newe in his sonne He dyd giue them saith S. Iohn power to be made the children of God to as many as doo receiue him by fayth that is to saye to as many as doo beléeue in his name The which are not borne of bloud of the wyll of the fleshe nor of mans will but by the will of god Whereby we sée that to be iuste and rightuous commeth not by nature nor by humaine industrie but by the frée gift of our Lorde God that of his owne proper good will doothe regenerate vs by the woorde of trueth All of vs saith S. Iames be the children of god bicause we haue beléeued in Iesus Christ and for that we doo know that man is not nor cannot be iustified by the woorkes of the lawe but by fayth in Christ Iesus And Sainct Paule sayth we haue also beléeued to be iustified by fayth in him and not by the workes of the lawe for no flesh shal be iustified by the woorkes of the lawe And so the Apostles dooe conclude that the benediction of Iesus Christe which was promised to Abraham and his séede should perteine onely to them which doo receiue him by fayth beléeuing in his diuine promises and doo aply vnto him all that is conteined in them Sainct Paule to the Galathiās sayth again all those that haue faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham bicause all that are of the workes of the lawe are vnder the cursse and malediction thereof So that it remayneth manifest that all those
the we cary the venome of waspes vnder our tongues bicause all the commeth out of the mouth is of such force that it killeth Our mouthes are full of curssing and bitternesse we haue our féete swift to runne to shed bloud our wayes manners of liuing are mortal deadly aswell for that they kill as also for that there is nothing in them but calamities and griefes misaduentures and mischiefes which are plaine testimonies of our perdiciō For in that miserable seruitude of sinn in the which we wer tyed deceiued we did not know the way of peace for that we did know nothing that might please god wherby we might be reduced or brought againe to his fréendship we were destitute of the feare and rightuousnesse of god We dyd runne lyke vnbrydled horses into all kinde of wickednesse if it had not béene for the vaine feare of men we had cōmitted openly and publickly all kinde of vice which was hidden in our hartes A man after that the soule is departed from the flesh ther resteth nothing but to bury the body for that it is wormes meate Euen so we beinge deade in sinne and sinfull delighte and God seperated from our soules there remayneth nothynge but to be buryed in Hell and to be made foode for eternall Deathe which we haue most iustly deserued in suche wise that if god would geue sentence definitiue against vs shut vs from the processe of his goodnesse and mercy we should be constrained by our owne proper consciences to confesse and yelde our selues to be well and rightuously cōdempned Bicause our workes our thoughtes our desires hartes and all that we haue within vs hath condempned vs and forced God vnto it who will not suffer so much vnrightuousenesse nor yet tollerate so great and monstrous slanderours of his truthe and bewty of his worke the which wer not our selues before our fal into that estate so miserable all that was in vs was matter and cause of iust condempnacion and to sturre vp the wrath and iudgemēt of God by the which all shal be destroyed and cōsumed bicause that all was darcknesse malediction sinne and the fruites of sinne deformed and extreme contrary to that which God doth require of vs in such maner that we had not nor cold not doo any thing that was good for that we were euil tréese corrupted rotten which colde not bring forth good fruite by reason whereof we haue bene wholly subiect to all the foresayde paynes and punishments cursse malediction that was due vnto vs there hath rested nothing but to be cut of from all the goodnesse of God and put in the company of the diuel and of his ministers all redy condempned Of our blyndnesse in times past The third Chapter THose workes which we hild for good wherein we busied our selues most earnestly in those tymes passed when as we dyd thinck to doo god good seruice thereby they were of such condicion and qualitie that by them we dyd so offend him that we brought our selues more déepely into the lake of perdicion Then we fasted we vsed disciplines of mens tradicions we caused masses to be sayde often tymes we dyd heare them we erected chappels chāteries we prayed with prime and howers we were full of deuocion for soules in purgatori we did chuse dead saints to be our aduocates to the deitie that we might escape from the wrathe condēpnacion therof by meanes of them We dyd make vnfaithfull promises and vnlawful vowes we tooke Bulles we walked stacions pilgrimages we sought for pope antichrists pardons we were awriculerly cōfessed dyd receue the Sacrament the oftener that we might be accompted the more holy merit saluacion the rather We had them that would lende or sell vs merits or deseruinges bicause that Death should not take vs vnprouided But what had we hereby to present to god for to satisfie him for our sinnes these and other the like thinges we did for to serue him with to obteine grace glory at his hāds But with thē all although they were séene allowed of men yet it dyd not open the kingdome of heauen but rather cause it to be shut vp the gates of hell to be set wide open Bicause that all that is most high sublimate supreme in estimaciō amōgst men is greatest abhominacion before god Who dooth neither allowe nor yet is well pleased with any thinge that he dooth not commaunde Neither dooth any man doo any thinge at all according to his will without his spirite norishment Those things which we doo to serue him cannot please him bicause he hath condēpned them by his worde alredy for sinne For that they procéede of our own opinions and the opinions of our fleshly teachers not of the knowledge and loue of his holy will. For all that commeth not therof is sinne as the holy Apostle dooth testifie The summe of all that the lawe diuine dooth aske and require of vs is to loue God with all our hart and our neighbours as our selues to doo right to loue mercy and to haue faith The works that we doo vnder that tytle name of holinesse are not comprehendid in the lawe they procéede not of rightuousnesse mercy and faith without the which it is impossible to please God and therefore he dooth throw them away as wicked and euill and we our selues for most wicked and euil with them And then if the worcks and sacrifises that he dooth commaūd in his lawe be not done according to his cōmaundement he dooth cast them out for euill and abhominable and sayth that he is angry with them so angry at them that he can suffer them no longer How much the more then may he be angry accompt for euill those worckes which he dooth not cōmaunde but by his word dooth rather expressely forbyd them So that all our fayned holinesse is testimony or witnesse againste vs of our greater blyndnesse and condempnacion and will cause the wrath of God to come the sooner to rest vpon vs. Bicause it was all idolatrie with the which we dyd our deuocion It was not to the true God for that we know him not but to those which were gods of our owne imaginacion fayned according to our own inuencion and false gods yet dyd we beare the marcke of the true God which was his holy Baptisme in signe of fayth and fidelitie not to haue none other gods but one the true liuing god nor to serue him by none other rule thē by that which his word teacheth yet we wer to him traytours rebells vnfaithfull Idolatours alyed and confederate with his enimies and giuen to all vnrightuousnesse and wickednesse So that we might say with the Prophet that if the onely mercy of God wer not we had béene for euer vtterly consumed and perished together Of the loue of God and of our calling and
worthie of the moste spytefull death of the crosse to professe the name of Iesu Christ and to acknowledge and confesse that hée onely is the redéemer heade and quyckner of his church Amongest such audiences and iudgement places of mischieuous mercyful nay rather mercilesse men there doeth aryse spryng procéede and growe nothyng but homicyde and suckyng of bloud from the beginning And therefore there can be nothyng in them but vnrightuousnesse crueltie which shineth in them according to the doctryne which they teach And how much the greater and more their tiranny is braueth against the faithfull their doctrine which is a moste pure truth So much the more pure celestiall diuine comfortable is it to the author therof who is Iesu Christ And therfore my dearely beloued be no more deceyued by reposing any truste or confidence at all in their mercy so mischieuous For whereas they so mercifully nay mercilesly doe suffer you to inioy the liues of your bodies they doe therein dispoile you of the liues of your soules which is the true fayth of the Euangelicall Gospell The maner of parte of the persecution in Spaine vvith a comfort against the lyke c. The xxv Chapter THe signes tokens and fruites that commeth groweth and are shewen of them is verie like vnto the mercie which is in them They giue for a liuery Saint Bennets coate which is in signe of pennance about a yarde and a halfe of yellow cloth with a hole cut in the middest thereof where through the recantantes doe put their heads so that the one halfe thereof is worne before on the brest the other halfe behynde on the shoulders the which hath twoo red crosses called by them S. Bēnets crosses the one before the other behynd this they do appoint to be worne for certaine yeares within a certaine precinct vppon payne of death To signifie that by them and the wearers thereof the fayth of Christ is denyed that they bée wholy guided by the diuilish doctrine of Antichrist and the diuell his fellow to whome they are faythful with a fayth vnfayned most vnfaythfull to God that they haue chaunged the ioyes eternal for vaine ioyes and vanitie it selfe which perisheth and haue according to the prouerbe like a dogge torned againe to theyr vomit or like a sowe well washed torned againe and wallowed in the myre So that this signe or liuery is a perfect shew signe and token of the mischeuous minde that is in them and of theyr mercilesse mercy so vnequall to the true mercy which GOD dooth shew vnto his elected persecuted by them beinge his enimies wherefore we ought not to séeke nor trust to any other for mercie but onely to god nor to change his mercy for any feare flattery or crueltie whatsoeuer of men nor the diuell although they doo thonder it out with theyr dissembled sounde or voice neuer so fiersly Let vs vnderstande that the mercie which god dooth shew vnto his people is very great when that for his name sake our liues are taken from vs by such or those which ought to doe their best to kéepe lyfe in vs we may bée bold to take it to be a substancial and most certayne and sure signe that wée are partakers of and doe perteyne to the kingdome of God when that for his loue or for the confession of his name we be euill entreated and condempned of men and the worlde let vs not feare nor flée away so fast from death that for to liue eight dayes longer in this lyfe we will loose the lyfe euerlasting which is the true life a lyfe perdurable which neuer will haue end What other thing is the lyfe which they graunt vs by their mercy as they say but a cruell continuall death full of sorowes troubles of no cōtinuance to true life but many times taken away dispatched by light occasiōs Wherfore for that for so short a thing a thing of so momētary a béeing we aduenture our humayne liues for eternall blessednes a lyfe that neuer shall haue end our lot or hap is the better more blessed in that we dye with such dishonors thē is the lotte of our persecutors though they lyue with neuer so muche péeuish popishe pompe Our death here is a true testimony of the life which we haue in christ with eternall resurrectiō by him and wher as they cruelly kil craftily cōdempne vs it is an infallible signe testimony most true that they be clean from Christ haue no parte with them Blessed are they saith S. Iohn the dye in the lord And the prophet Dauid saith the death of the Sainctes are precious in the presence and sight of god And therefore our death béeyng a thyng which the Lord doth loue a testimony that we are blessed we ought not to feare it in no maner of wyse béeyng his children but rather to glorifie hym in the same to the imitation of the Apostles Let vs giue attentyue eare to the wordes of our sauiour Christ Iesus directed to them that will folow him He that loueth father or mother more thē me is not worthy of me he that will not take vp his crosse and folow mée is not worthy of me For whosoeuer will saue his lyfe shall loose it but he that wil loose his life for my sake the same shall saue it For what auayleth or profiteth it a man to win the whole world then to loose his owne soule or what may a man giue to redéeme his soule from death And also he that shall be ashamed of mée or of my worde before the men of this adulterous and sinfull generation the sonne of man shall bee also ashamed of hym when hée shall come before mée in hys glorie accompanyed with holy Angelles So that the forme and order of keping sauing our liues according to the doctrine of Iesus christ is to loose them by affliction for hys sake for the profession of his name And thereby it is manifest that we kée●● and saue our liues most sure whē as and at such time as they doe take thē from vs for that by the meanes therof we are put in the hands of god Let vs not be ashamed of Iesus Christ nor of his word although they dishonour vs neuer so muche therefore but let vs rather account theyr most dishonored spite vsed towardes vs for our most triumphant honour and victory yea lette vs accompt euen the verye sweardes axes fleshookes stranggeling stringes paynted myters liueries of mockery faggots fire rackes boiling leade pitche rosen and tarre tortures and all other their instrumentes of torment to be enseignes of honour vnto vs badges of the eternall kingedome to the which we be brought by bearing and sufferinge of them Iesus Christ was the sonne of God and kinge of all creatures such a one as was promised by the Prophets But yet his crucifiers
farre better in the worlde to come both in being and suffering It is not lawfull nor requisite to depryue our selues of our liues nor yet to desire death for any euill that happeneth whatsoeuer for whye it perteyneth onely vnto God to take and giue life accordyng to hys good will and pleasure Hée dyd make vs and can vnmake vs when it pleaseth him hée willeth and desireth nothing but onely that wée be readie and doe gyue our selues wholy to his honour and glorie in suche sorte as he hath prescribed vnto vs by hys worde Whyther it be with losse of life if néede requyre or worldly possessions It maketh no matter bycause that so is executed the offyce indéede of true and perfect disciples What reason haue we thē to feare death for a thing so holy and of such rightuousnesse if it were not for that wée thynke that hée with his vglye and lothsome lookes would haue seignorie ouer vs and take vs into hys rule or Lordship when they so cruelly kill vs If we will giue credit to the word of the Lord we shal clear and plainly sée that then we die not we can not die These same are the words verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my word beléeueth in him the sēt me shal haue life euerlasting and shal not come in cōdempnation But hath alreadie escaped from death to life He saith also I am the resurrection the life he that beleueth in me although hée were dead yet shall he liue And also all that liue beléeue in me shall neuer tast of sée death nor yet dye These are the true wordes of Gods owne mouth by the which we be fully assured that there is no death at all to them that beléeue in Christ Iesus and that in béeing his he hath alreadye dyed for vs and wée shall dye no more For that by him death is alreadie distroyed and hath no more but as it were the name thereof onely to the faithfull S. Iohn in his reuelation calleth death to the faithful a rest from traueils And in deed to die or departe this lyfe is onely to vs a rest most comfortable with God our lord The lyfe which we liue in this world diserneth not the name of life bicause it is so full of perils daungers but by death as our enimyes terme it we are vppon a sodaine taken foorth of them and deliuered from all and so brought into rest and ioye eternally And therfore S. Paul right wel did desire to be desolued or loosed from his bodie and to be with Christ to ioye of that full libertie alreadye spoken of Iesus Christ dyd distroye death and as death had no power ouer hym no more hath he in none of his members He him selfe sayeth by the Prophet Osée death I will be thy death S. Paule writeth that death hath lost the victorie and is swallowed vp therein And death where is thy sting hell where is thy victorie the sting of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the lawe But thankes be to God that hath giuen vs the victory by our Lorde Iesus Christ So that death hath no power nor naught els wherewith to hurte the faithfull for sinne is the weapon wherewith hée woundeth the which is distroyed by Christ so is death ouercome thus the lyfe that is in vs is eternall and we shall neuer dye And that which our aduersaries offer vnto vs is but a representation of death the which alreadie wee haue ouercome by our conseruator and heade Christ Iesus by whom we possesse the victorie Of the cause that Christ did feare death and hovve constant diuers martirs haue bene sithens in their martirdome c. The xxx Chapter THe cause why that our sauiour séemed to fear death was onely to shewe him self in his manhoode and that he had taken vppon him the sinnes of all mankinde bycause he would winne the victorie of all his enimyes so dryue away the doubt that was in the amased myndes of the faythfull And also to shewe that bicause de dyed death was kylled thereby and could haue no more power ouer vs The true credite and beliefe héereof dearely beloued is verie requisite and necessarie for vs. It hath béene séene that many seruants of God animated by beliefe or faith in the truth of the same haue taken their crosses with great courage ioye and contentment of mynde as if they had gone to feastes of greate honour or as if they ledde a tryumphant Bryde by the hande to sette hyr in some beautyfull throne with the Brydegroome That vertuous Virgyne Agatha when shée was caryed to death out of pryson where long shée had bene with no great worldly delyghtes I warrant you for professing the truth in the Gospell which faithfully shée beléeued sayde that euen then shée went to feastes or a feaste of greate ioye Saincte Vincent or that good holye confessor being laide vppon hoat burnyng coales a broyling for the same trueth made a mocke at his masking persecutors and sayde that the like crosse and death to any Christian was great cause of ioye to hym and all his companion members The godly man Ignacius Bishoppe of Antyoche in the persecution that the terrible Tyrant Traiano committed and vsed against the christians beyng by him an Infidell and his fidell confederates condempned to bée throwen vnto wylde beastes to the ende that most terriblie hée should bée torne in péeces by their terrible téethe Hee hearyng the roaryng of the Lyons prepared amongest other their panyons to execute the sentence gyuen so against him said with great ioy I am the wheat of Iesu Christ which shal be ground by the téene sharp téeth of those execrable beastes to bée made pure and cleane vnto the Lorde And by report of an english mā my friend this translator there was in Essex where as he was borne in England diuers faithfull witnesses as Wats Hawkes Pigot Cawson Ardely Sympson with many others there and as well in other countreis with in the sayd Realme did most ioyfully receiue valiently stande to their tryall by the fire and in the myddest thereof with great gladnesse of their forewardnesse in getting the victorie dyd imbrace the golden flames of the same eche of them saying with great courage O Lord receyue my soule and Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redéemed mée O Lord God of truth Moreouer many of them in going therevnto gladly and in a most triumphant maner like men goyng to moste gladsome ioyes would with great and mightie good will bid their friendes farewell and so in token therof and of the sure hope which they had in the méeting of God and his heauenly company as well those gone before as they that were to come after would drinke a cup of burned wine vnto them as wel therfore as also to moist a little their sences whereby they might be the
iustifie sayeth hée doe I also glorifie So that the ende thereof is to be glorified as Iesus Christe was when God the father did put hym in hys kingdome and there made him Lorde ouer all hys enimyes by the afflictions and crosses which hée had suffered passed And as the way which our redéemer Tetragramatō tooke to be glorified by was crosses of persecutiō whereby he passed and tooke possession of his heauenly kingdome In lyke maner by those persecutions whych now we suffer is the most perfect way for vs to bée glorified by also As wée may be well assured by Iesus Christ our head who is alreadie gone before vs by the same way whose footesteps of force we must follow This way is so direct that whosoeuer passeth by it it is not possible so he do it with faith that he should misse but with all perfectnesse enter into his kingdom Bycause as those that passe any other way doe walke till they loose them selues so those that kéepe this way which is the true way cannot but bée glorified in suffering with Christ for that they did perseuer in his truth and true religion till the end And therefore all those which shall suffer dy for so iust a cause let thē reioice be glad assurīg thēselus of their glorification with Christ Iesus for euer For why Gods truth cānot alter nor chaūge nor yet any thing that is ioyned therw t cānot be seperated by mā The holy ghost saith by the apostle S. Paule that all those which God dyd knowe and acknowledge he did predestinate bycause they shoulde be conformable and lyke in shape vnto the image of his sonne And those which were predestinate he did call those which hée called he also iustified those which he iustified he did glorifie So that of necessitie those which he did predestinate he did also glorifie and the way and meanes to come to be glorified is to be called and iustified by passions and crosses to be conforme and lyke vnto his sonne Wherefore those two things be so vnyted and knit togither that the one is comprehended within the other for that in suffering with Christ and to be made lyke vnto him is comprehended the ioyntely beyng glorified with him And therefore all them that suffer afflictions and calamities in this world may assure them selues that in the ende they shall bée glorified in Christ for whome they were afflicted Beloued bretheren we haue béene alreadie called of God by the Gospel And although that before our callyng we were loste yet nowe we are washed sanctified and iustified by the bloud and name of our Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our god This is a plaine testimony that we haue all our secret election from one and that is Christ by whom we doe certifie our selues thereof Also the world by the persecutions and sorowes that we suffer in it and by the hatred that it vseth towardes vs doeth manifestly shew that by the diuyne mercie of God we are called and iustified For why the world can not abyde vs nor none but his owne Whilest we were of the worlde hée made vs many delycate deintie delightes and trimly intreated vs as if we had bene his owne But afterwardes whē God had giuē vs the true light of his Gospell and so seperated vs a sunder that it was euident and apparant vnto all that we were the true members of Christ our head and none of his Then he blustered and blowed against vs he rufled roared brayed and rayled at vs and did so extréemely abhorre vs that he did nor will not rest to vse all kynde of crueltie that he can to cast vs out quyte from hym And so our sauiour Christ doeth confyrme vnto vs by Sainct Iohn saying if the world doe abhorre and hate you then remember howe that fyrst it hated mée If you were of the world the world would loue you as hys owne But bycause you be not of the worlde and that I haue chosen you to my self the world doeth hate and abhorre you Remember the wordes which I haue sayde vnto you the seruaunt is not greater then his Lorde if they haue persecuted mée they will also persecute you Wherby it resteth manifest that those which be persecuted killed and abhorred of the world are alreadie taken called by God from the worlde to him selfe and washed and purified with the bloud of hys sonne Iesus Christ So that we are to acount our selues glorified if we be hated doe suffer in such maner And therefore sith we be so certified and shewed by such signes and tokens so euident that we be elected and chosen eternally in Christ Iesu and that wée be partakers of his rightuousnesse let vs also be assured of it that we shall atteine to the ende of our election in dispite of the world and all the ministers thereof and of all their false and curssed religion When that men without God and hys Christ will and doe burne vs or giue vs any other kynde of death let vs vnderstand that it is the checkmate and ende of all our troubles and calamities and that then is set open vnto vs the gates of the glory of God that we might enter in enioy with him for euer the inestimable ryches of his eternall kingdom When the enimies of God and his Gospell persecuted S. Steuen to the death euen whē he was in the most chiefest checks tauntes troubles amongest them he sawe the glorie of God did sée heauē open Iesus Christ sitting on the right hād of the father ready to receiue him to crown him as his martir faithful witnesse So that in the strongest torments and most cruell deathes heauen is opened vnto vs And therefore we ought not to be abashed to faynte nor to feare at any of their torments but to stand strongly and go forward with a good stomake and courage and neuer to looke behynde vs that wee might ouertake attain to and apprehend or comprehende the resurrection of Christ Iesus accordyng as wée be in him comprehēded Our enimies are vnwilling herewith but god willeth and hath ordeyned that there is nothyng that may or can be any let hinderance or impediment to kéepe backe that hys election and eternall counsell wherein he loued vs should not take effecte accordingly that wée might be made conformeable and like vnto his sonne as well in his death as also that we should be pertakers of his glorious resurrection All the euill that men doe against the faithfull is to none other end but to let and hynder if they could the predetermination of god Thinking to make them beléeue that there is no other way to bring the same to passe or that it passeth by none other meane or rule thē by those which they doe allowe and not by the truth which they cōdempne after their owne fantasies delights No no God nor no pointe of hys gouernement and will
and little the more to increase our tormēts for theyr reuenge onely bycause we confesse the trueth of Christe our maister whome they can not abyde Howe can it be sayth our blynd fleshsences but that suche crueltie must néedes ouercome our patience What other thyng may this bée called but a blasphemie wherewith we denie the myghtie potenciall power of God that which he is to vse to all the trust in him a mean to seperate vs from his crosse to which he dooth call vs so amorously and louingly bicause we might be gloryfied with Christ And therefore let vs not heare nor yet giue credit to any suche leasinges and errours Worldly men doo easily suffer those thinges wherin they féele some grief for their gain By these firy tormēts wherof we haue such horrour there can be no kynde of harme nor griefe that is euill but rather a great and mightie blessednesse much more to our gayne wherefore wée ought not to beleue nor thincke that our pacience which God giueth wil be ouercome thereby From syx trybulacions the Lord will deliuer thée and in the seuēth no maner of euill shall touch thée sayth the holy ghost by iust Iob the seauenth is the very last instant howre or tyme of death So that when it séemeth to sight that al our euills are heaped vppon vs and that our enimies doo vse theyr greatest tiranny and make account to haue gotten the victory and that wée remayne ouercome swallowed vp with all maner of mischief Euen then the same holy Ghost doth assure vs that no maner of euil doth touch vs. What occasiō is ther thē for vs to flie frō that which hurteth nor toucheth vs not or to make accompt that humain persecution will or can ouercome our pacience or th●● our patience is not able to abide 〈◊〉 All things are possible to them that beléeue saith the Lord So that vnto such it is also certainly possible to haue patience to abide the extremitie and furie of the fyre and to suffer the same with great constancie It was patiently passed ouer by the Prophets in the olde time Euen so it is now to them that be holy faithfull and beléeue Bycause that which the Apostle sayth concerning the same must néedes bée true therein God is faithfull sayeth hée and will suffer no man to bée tempted more then he will make him able to beare but rather with our temptatiōs he sendeth good successe bicause we may suffer Wherby it is most manifest plain that christian patience doeth not onely ouercome death executed by extremitie of fyre but also all the moste cruell kynds of deaths and torments that any Triant and all the Tirants in the world can vse deuise Bycause that with all the tyrannie they can execute God will not alter his purpose from accordyng to his worde nor leaue to admynister some one secret vertue or other to them that be his whereby they shall ouercome death tirannie hell sinne the diuill and all other kynde of mischiefes So full of compassion pittie is our high priest Iesus Christ that as hée ouerpassed temptations which happened to him selfe so will he also by hys power and might ayde strengthen all those which are tempted As the Apostle sayth if Iesus Christ in whom wée beléeue and for whom wée suffer doe knowe by experience our griefes and troubles and is not onely moste myghtie louyng and good to vs in our helpe but also doth suffer with vs as the heade with the members shall he be so weak in vs that he can not abyde the fyre or being strong as hée is will not he help vs in the middest therof béeyng principall in persecution and suffering the same with vs. Is it possible that God will forsake and leaue vs or that we should fear or doubt the same when that for professyng of hys name wée are by our enymies throwen into the myddest of the fyre or that wée should thinke God to bée forgetfull of hys louing chyldren and that hée loueth vs in wordes and not in déedes and truth Surely in so dooyng wée should much iniure hym and gyue hym greate cause to bée gréeuouslie offended with vs for it For vs to thynke that hys almightinesse will forsake vs in any necessitye it were an abhomynable actyon of vs if he haue not as in déed hée hath not forsaken but remembred vs in the greatest matters of a suertie hée will not forsake but remēber helpe and deliuer vs in and from such trifles it were abhominable to think the contrarie much more worsser to beleeue it Well my dearely beloued bretheren and sweet fellow members I trust there is none of vs that doeth eyther beléeue or thynke any such thing but rather my hope is that we thinke and surely beléeue to féele his goodnesse according to the saying of the holy Ghost by Esay the Prophet who sayeth the Lorde God thy creator sayeth feare thou not for I haue redéemed thée and called thée by thy name thou arte myne and when thou passest by the water I will bée with thée the ryuers shall not ouerwhelme thée when thou passest by the fyre thou shalt not be burned nor the flames thereof shall not bende them selues against thée for I am the Lord thy holy God of Israell which kéepeth thée God hath alwayes in remembrance the benifite which he vsed in calling and makyng vs partakers of his redemption and in adopting vs hys children neuer to leaue vs. So that when it shall séeme to the iudgement of the world that hée hath left vs that is when he suffereth vs to passe into the middest of the fyre or any other torment euen then is he most nighest vnto vs and so nyghe in déede that he is closely ioyned with vs and temperating the furie of the fyre bicause it should doe vs no harm and for that it might appeare that he is both God and father to all his and will kéepe and defende vs from all euill in all tymes of torment and tribulation If the gates of hell may not preuayle agaynst vs how can the fire which is visible and corporall preuail against vs if eternal and euerlasting death haue no parte in vs how can any thing that is temporal and momētarie harme vs will God deliuer vs from the greatest euilles and suffer vs to perish in the little ones no for a certeintie his euerlasting promise is to the contrarie A meruailous comfort to those that are afflicted eyther by fyre or othervvise The xxxij Chapter THe fyre and all things terestriall are creatures of God and serue for the health and wealth of his chosen and also for the distruction of his enimyes As it is written in the booke of wisdom Bycause the iust should bée sustayned and vpholden the fyre doeth loose his force furie for that it béeing a creature in seruing him that is his creator and maker doeth vse hys furies and inflame hym selfe to