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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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capitu 17.19 Couetous persons are worshippers of ydols ca. 17 Comfort the feble mynded ca. 15 Cōpany not with fornicatours ca. 17 Continue in prayer cap. 26 Couet spirituall giftes cap. 42 Cretaines are liars cap 14 The creatures of god are good ca. 25 Crucifye the fleshe with the apetites thereof capitu 16 A crowne of righteousnes capi 3● Cut away occasions capi 68 D. Death is to me a●auntage ca. 6.33 Death worketh in vs and life in you capitu 10 Death entered by synne ca. 30 Deathe hathe no more power ouer Christ capit 62 Death is the last that shal be destroied ca. 65. Defraud not thy brother in barganninnge ca. 11 Despysers of Moses lawe were put to death ca. 8 Despise not the chasteninge ca. 10 Despise the superioures commaundementes and despise God ca. 14 Deacons and what manner of men they shoulde be capi 56 Departe from iniquitye ca. 13 Deny God and he shal deny the. ca. 11 the Dedes of the fleshe ca. 17. the Dedes of the law iustify no man capitu 50. Diuersyties of bodies ca. 65 Do all youre busines in loue ca. 7.36 Do nothinge groudgingly or of nece●●itye ca. 11 Do all thinges honestly ca. 12 Do nothinge parcially ca. 14 Doe all thinges to the prayse of god capitu 29. Doo all thinges in the name of the Lorde Iesu ca. eo Do good to all men ca. 32 Do all thinges without murmuring capitu 36 Do all thinges vnto edifyinge ca. 42 Doers not hearers of the lawe be iusti●●ed ca. 45 Domes daye shall not come vntyll Antichriste be come capi 63. Domes daye shall come lyke a thee●e capi eodem Denye all vngodlynes capit 32 Deuour not one an other ca. 10 Drawe all one waye ca. 21 E. Ea●e not with couetus men ca. 35 Enoche was translated cap. ● y ● Earth that bringeth forth thornes must be burnie cap. 11 Esau solde his byrthrighte for one breakefast capi 16 ●ternall lyfe is the grace and gift of god ca. 23 Esteme not thy selfe more then it be●ommeth the ca. 9.48 Esteeme other better then thy selfe ●apitu 9. Euerye manne shall beare his owne ●urthen capit 1● Euery man shall geue accomptes of ●im selfe cap. 22 Euery mā hath not knowledge ca 34 Euery man shall receaue his reward ●ccordinge to his labour cap. 45 Euyll wordes corrupt good maners ●●pitu 28 Experience bringeth hope ca● 10 Exhort one an other dayly ca. 12 Examyn thy selfe and so eate of that ●reade ca. 57 F. Fayeth is the waye vnto grace ca. 4 Fayth and belefe of the hear●e iusti●yeth capi eod Fayth cometh by hearing ca 4.39 Fayeth by loue is m●gh●ye in opera●ion cap. 4 Fayth is the gifte of god ca. eod Faith commeth not of workes ca. 4 Fayth is asure confidence of thinges which are hoped for ca. 5 the Faithfull are blessed with faythfull Abraham ca. 4 Fashion not youre selues like vnto the worlde ca. 29. Fathers moue not youre children to wrath cap. 60 Fathers ra●e not your childrē ca. 60 Fathers must laye vp for their chyldren ca. eodem the Faule of the Iewes is vnto the gentiles saluation ca. 40 the Fashion of this worlde goeth awaye capitu 36 Fede thine enemy ca. 15 False Apostles the ministers of Sa●han ca. 25 Feare to faule in to the hands of god capitu 8 Filthy communication ca. 20 Fighte the good fight of faith ca. 32 Fire shal trye e●ery mās work ca● 45 the Flesh lus●eth contrary to the spirit ca. 16.25 Fleshe and bloudde shall not inherit ●he kingdome of God cap. 23 Flee frō worshipping of ydols ca. 34 Fleshly men can no● please god ca. 17 Folow that which is good ca. 10 Folow the truthe in loue ca. 23 Forget not to do good capitu 15 Folow y e thou ma●st cōprehend ca. 23 Fornicatours do synne against their ●wne bodyes ca. 17 Folish questions do gēder stryfe ca. 21 ●he Frutes of the spirite ca. 23 Fulfyl not the lustes of y e flesh ca. 16 G. Geue roume vnto wrath ca. 9 Geue to euery man his duty ca. 11 Geue your members seruauntes vnrighteousenes ca. 17 Geue no occasion of euill ca. 20 Geue no place vnto the deuil ca. 25.35 Geue no hede to fables ca. 28 Geue your selues vnto God ca. 36 Geue with singlenes cap. 41 Gentiles offer to deuils ca. 34 〈◊〉 Gifts of the spirit ca. 41 Giftes of the spirite are diuers ca. 41 ●od cannot lye ca. 1 God promised eternall life before the worlde began cap. 〈◊〉 God from the beginninge hath chosē vs to saluation cap. 2 God hath called vs vnto hope ca. 3 God brought our Lorde Iesus from death cap. 3.4 God is riche vnto all that call vpon hym capi 4 God iustifieth the heathen throughe fayth cap. eod God can not denye him selfe ca. ●o God rewardeth them y ● seke him ca. 5 God raiseth y ● dead to life again ca. 6 God is able to subdue all thinges to him selfe ca. eo God is the sauioure of all that beleue capitu eodem God loueth a chearefull geuer ca. 11 God geueth power to edifye and not to destroye ca. ●od God compasseth the wise in theyr folyshenes ca. 13 God quickeneth all thinge ca. 14● God forgettethe not the woorke that cometh of loue capitu 1● God wyll iudge adulterers ca. 17 God geueth the encrease ca. ●● God is causer of peace ca. e● God shall rewarde euery man occordinge to his dedes ca. 22 God loketh on no mans person ca. eo God shal suffer no mā to be tempted aboue his str●ngth ca. 25.45 God hath deliuered vs frome the power of darkenes cap. 32 God sware by him selfe ca. eo God is not ashamed to be calde oure god ca. 33 God hath prepared a citi for vs ca. eo God g●ueth vp synners to their hartes lustes ca. 35 God tryeth the harie cap. 39 God wyl make a short word in earth capitu 40 God hath wrapped al nations in vnbelefe ca● eo God woorkethe all thinges that are wroughte in all creatures ca. 14 God is not causer of strife ca. 42 God in his churche hathe ordayned diuers rulers ca. 41.43 God hath anoynted vs and sealed vs capitu 42 God is rych in mercy ca. 43 God loued vs when we were dead in synne ca. eod God raised Christ frō death ca. 43.63 God called vs not accordinge to oure deedes but accordinge too his grace capi 43 God hathe chosen the foolyshe of the worlde to confounde the wise ca. 44 God is faithfull ca. eo God ordayned vs too walke in good workes ca. eod God worketh both the deede and the wyll ca. eo God is not parciall ca. 45 God loketh on no mannes personne capit 45.60 God of his righteousenes recompenseth tribulation to those that trouble vs c●pi● 45 God hath made Christ a seate of mercye cap. 46 God onely doth iustifye man ca. 50 God calleth those thinges that be not as though they were ca. eod God is a spirit ca. 73 God is able to do exceadinglye
loue toward an other Therfore we are bounde to geue thankes alwaye to God for you brethren beloued of the Lorde● For because that God hath from the beginninge chosen you too saluation thorowe sanctifyinge of the sprite and thorowe beleuynge the truth where vnto he called you by our gospell to obtayne the glory that cometh of our Lorde Iesu Christ. ¶ Of Pauls orations and praiers for his discyples Capitu. 3. GOd is my witnes whō I serue wyth my spirite in the gospell of hys sonne that wythoute ceasinge I make mention of you alwayes in my prayers beseching that at one tyme or other a prosperous iourney by the wyll of God myght fortune me to come vnto you For I longe to see you that I myghte bestowe among● you some spirytuall gy●te to strength you wyth all that is that I mighte haue consolation together wyth you throughe the cōmon fayeth whiche bothe ye and I haue to haue some frute amonge you as I haue amonge other of the gentyles I desyre before God that ye d●o none euyll not that we should seme commendable but that ye shoulde do that whiche is honeste and let vs be counted as lewde personnes We wyshe also that ye were perfecte The grace of oure Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the felowshippe of the holye ghost be with you all Amen The God of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the father of glorye myghte geue vntoo you the spirite of wysedome and open to you the knowledge of hym selfe and lyghten the eyes of youre mindes that ye might knowe what that hope is wher vnto he hathe called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is vpon the saintes and what is the ex●●adinge greatenes of his power to vs warde which beleue according to the workinge of that his mightye power whiche he wrought in Christ when he raysed him from the dead For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche is father ouer all that is caled father in heauen and in earthe that he woulde graunte you acordinge to the riches of his glorye that ye maye be strengthened wyth mighte by hys spiryte in the inner manne that Christe maye dwell in youre heartes by fayeth that ye beinge rooted and grounded in loue mighte be able to comprehende with all sayntes what is that bredth and length depth● and heyth and too knowe what is the loue of Christe whiche loue passeth knowledge that ye might be fulfylled with all maner of fulnes of God In all my prayers for you I praye wyth gladnesse because of the feloweshyppe whyche ye haue in the Gospell frome the fyrste daye vntoo nowe And thys I praye that your loue maye encrease more and more in knoweledge and in all fealynge that ye mighte accepte thynges most excellente that ye mighte be pure and suche as shoulde hurte no mans conscience vntyll the daye of Christ fylled wyth the frutes of righteousenesse whiche frutes come by Iesus Christe vnto the glorye and laude of God Therefore we haue not ceassed prayinge for you and desiringe that ye might be fulfylled wyth the knowledge of hys wyll in all wysedome spiritual vnderstandynge that ye myghte walke worthye of the Lorde in all good workes and increasinge in the knowledge of God strengthed wyth all myghte wyth ioyfulnesse geuinge thankes vntoo God the father My God fulfyl al your desyres tho●rowe hys gloryous ryches in I●su Christ. And the peace of God which passeth al vnders●andinge kepe your hartes and myndes in Christe Iesu. God hym selfe oure father and oure Lorde Iesus Christe guyde our iorney vnto you and the Lorde increase you and make you flowe ouer in loue one towarde an other and towarde all menne euen as we doe towarde you to make your heartes stable and vnblam●able in holines before God oure father at the comminge of oure Lorde Iesus Christe wyth all his sayntes The verye God of peace sanctifye you thorow oute that youre whole sprit soule and body be fautelesse vnto the comminge of our Lorde Iesus Christ. We praye alwayes for you that oure God make you worthye of the callynge and fulfyll the delectation of goodnesse and the worke of faith wyth power that the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe maye be gloryfyed in you and ye in him thorowe the grace of oure God and of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. Our Lorde Iesu Christe him selfe and God our father which hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastinge consolation and good hope thorow grace comfor●e youre heartes and stablishe you in all doctrine and good doynge And gyde your hearts to the loue of God and pacience of Christ. The Lorde geue mercye vntoo the house of Onesiphoros for he ofte refre●hed me and was not ashamed of my chayne but when he was come to Rome he soughte me oute verye diligentelye and founde me And in how many thinges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well The Lorde graunt him that he maye fynde mercye wyth the Lorde at that daye The God of peace y ● brought again from death our Lord Iesus the great shepeherde of the shepe through the bloud of the euerlastinge Testament make you perfecte in all good workes to do his wyll workinge in you that whyche is plesaunte in hys syghte throughe Iesus Christe too whome be prayse for euer whyle the worlde endureth Amen ¶ Of fayethe Capitu. 4. I Am not a shamed of the Gospell of Christe because it is the power of God to al that beleue namelye to the I●we and also too the gentyle For by it the ryghteousenesse whyche commethe of God is opened from fayeth to fay●h As it is written The iuste shall lyue by fayeth As Abraham beleued God and it was coumpted ●nto hym for righteousenesse whyche Abraham contrarye to hope beleued in hope that he shoulde be the father of manye nations accordinge to that Whiche was spoken vnto him So shall thy ●eede be as the starres in heauen and the sande of the sea And he fainted not in the fayeth nor yet consydered hys owne bodye whyche was nowe deadde euen when he was almooste an hundred yeare olde neyther yet that Sara was past chyldeberynge He stack●red not at th● promesse of God thorowe vnbeliefe but was made stronge in the fayeth and gaue honoure to God full certifyed that what he hadde promysed he was able too make good And therefore was it reckened to him for righteousnesse It is not written for him onelye that it was reckened to him for righteousenesse but also for vs to whome it shall be coumpted for righteousn●sse so we beleue on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from death We therefore beynge iustified by fayth are at peace with God thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ by whom● we haue a waye in thorowe fayeth vnto the grace of God wherein we stande What shall we saye then we say that the gentiles which
one mediator betw●ne God and mā which is the man Christ Iesu which gaue him self a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his time wher vnto I am or●ayn●d a preacher and an Apostle I tell the truth in Christ and lye not beinge the teacher of the gentyles in faith and veritye ¶ Of diuers misteries of Christ that is of his incarnation na●●ui●y humility pouerty● passion resurrection apparition ascention and glorification And also of the effectes of his salu●iferous passion Capitu. 47. BUt hym that was made lesse then the Aungels we see that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory● and honoure for the sufferinge of death that he by the grace of God shoulde taste o● deathe for all men For it became him for whome are all thinges after that he hadde broughte manye sonnes vnto glory that he should make the Lord of their saluation perfecte thorowe o●fering For he that sanctif●eth and thei whiche sanctified are al of one For whiche causes sake he is not a shamed to call them brethren sayinge I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the myds of the congregation wil I praise the. And againe I wyll put my truste in him And againe behold hear am I and the children whiche god hath geuen me For as much then as the children were partakers of fleshe and bloude he also him selfe likewise toke part with them For to put doun thorow death him that had Lordeship ouer death that is to say the deuil and that he mighte deliuer them which thorowe feare of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage For he in no place ●aketh on hym the Aungels but the ●eede of Abraham taketh he on him Wherefore in all thinges it became him to be made lyke vntoo his breethren that he mighte be mercyfull and a faithfull hye prieste in thinges concerninge God for to pourge the peoples sinnes But Christe beinge an hye prieste of good thinges too come came by a greater a more perfecte tabernacle not made with hands y ● is to say not of this maner building nether by the bloud of gotes and calues but by his owne bloudde he entred in ones for all in to the holye place and founde etternall redēption For if the bloud of oxen and of goetes and the ashes of an heyfer when it was sprincled purified the vncleane as touchynge the purifying● of the flesh how much more shall the bloude of Christ whithorowe the eternall spirite offered him self without spot to god pourge your consciences from deade workes for to serue the lyuing God And for this cause is he the mediator of the new T●stamente that thorow death whiche chaunced for the redemption of those transgr●ssour●s that were in the firste Testamente they whiche were called might receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce For whersoeuer is a Testamēt ther must be also the death o● him that maketh y e Testament for the testamēt taketh auctoritye when men are deade For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is alyue For which cause also neither that firste Testamente was ordayned withoute bloude For when all the commaundements wer redde of Moses to all the people he toke the bloud of calues and of gotes with water and purple wull and ysope and sprinckeled both the boke and al the people sayinge this is the bloud of the Testament whyche God hathe appoynte● vnto you Moreouer he sprinckled the tabernacle with bloude also and all the ministringe ●essels And also almost all thinges are by the lawe pourged with bloud ●nd withoute sheddinge of bloude is no remission It is then neede that the similitudes of heauenlye thinges be purifyed with suche thinges but the he●u●nly thing●s them selues are pury●ied with be●ter sacri●yces then are those For Ch●iste is not entred in to the holye places that are made with handes whiche are but simi●●●udes of true thinges but is ent●red in to verye heauen fo● too appeare now● in the sighte of God for vs not to offer him ●el●e often as the ●ygh prie●● entreth in to the ●olye place eu●rye year with ●traunge bloud fo● then mu●te bee haue o●ten suffered sence the world● began But nowe in the ende of the worlde hath ●e appeared once to put ly●ne to ●lighte by the offeringe v● of him selfe And as it is appoin●ed vnto men that the● shall once dye and then commeth the iudgemente euen so Christe was ones offered to take away the sinnes of manye and vnto them that looke for him shall ●e appear again withoute synne vnto saluation There is then no dampnation too them which are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the ●leshe For God ●●nte his sonne in the simylitude of syn●ull fle●he and by synne dampned synne in the ●●●he c. I deliu●red vnto you t●at which I reaceaued howe that Christe dyed for our sinnes agree●ge to the scriptures And that he was ●uri●d and that he rose agayne the thyr●●ay accordinge too the ●criptures and that he was seene of Cephas then of the twelue After that he was s●ene of more then fyue hundred bre●thren at once of whiche manye remayne vnto this daye and manye are fallen a sle●pe After tha● he appeared too Iames then to all the Apostels And laste of all he was seene of me as of one that was borne out of due ●yme There●ore remember that ●esus Christe beinge of the seede of Da●id rose agayne frome deathe accordinge to my gospell wherein I suff●r trouble as an euyl doar but the wo●d of God is not bounde But when the ●●me was f●ll come God sent his son borne of a woman and made bond vn●o the law that to redeme thē which were vnder y e law that we thorowe election mighte receaue the in●erytaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes Ye know the liberality of our Lord Iesus Christ which though he were rich yet for your sakes became poore that ye thorow his pouer●ye might be made riche Whether the f●re runner is for vs entred in I mean Iesus that is made an hye priest for euer after the order of Melchisede●h That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also d●s●ended first in too the lowest par●●es of the earthe He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vppe euen aboue all heauens to fulfyll all things The whiche beinge in the shape of God thoughte it no robberye to be equall wyth God Neuerthelesse he made him selfe of no reputation and toke on him the shape of a seruaunt and became like vnto men and was founde in his apparell as a man He humbled him selfe and became obedient vnto the deathe euen the death of the crosse Wherfore God hath ●xalted him and geuen him a name aboue all names that in the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee ●owe both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that all tonges shoulde confesse that Iesus