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A06445 A paradise of prayers containing the purity of deuotion and meditation / gathered out of all the spirituall exercises of Levves of Granado ; and Englished for the benefit of the Christian reader. Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625. 1614 (1614) STC 16916.7; ESTC S2798 125,023 356

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teaching but from thee I expect that thou shouldest open vnto mee the treasures of thy wisedome Be assistant bee assistant therefore O thou brightnesse of diuine Maiestie O beauty of thy Fathers glory O giuer of rewards be assistant I beseech thee vnto me and from the height of thy throne powre the sparkling light of thy grace into the heart of thy seruant that being solely taught inwardly by thee I may vnderstand not that which the prudence of the flesh perswadeth but that which thy celestiall wisedome doth allow that I may vnderstand also with sobrietie and not whilst I perswade others to goodnesse make my selfe arrogant and euill but that I may first of all conuert to mine owne profit whatsoeuer is giuen mee by thee then from mee let it redound to my neighbour that by the benefite of this imperfect science I may at last come to the contemplation of the most perfect wisedome which thou thy selfe art Who liuest and reignest GOD world without end Amen When the clocke striketh BLessed bee the houre in which my Lord Iesus Christ was borne died for vs O Lord haue me in remembrance at the houre of my death A praier before repast IT is y● admirable mystery of thy work O thou Maker and ruler of the world that thou sustainest by these meates the liues of men and of beasts Truly that power is neither in the bread nor meate but it is in thy will and word by which all things liue and haue their beeing And how great is that likewise that euery yeare thou so prouidest whereby so many sorts of liuing creatures are sufficiently satisfied Which thy holy Prophet testified in the publishing of thy praises That all things looke vp vnto thee that thou mightest giue thē meat in due season Thou openest thy hand fillest with thy blessing euery liuing creature These are the wonderfull workes of thy omnipotencie wee beseech thee thou Prince magnificent father that as thou ministrest life vnto our bodies by meates and by thy word so also it might please thee to quicken our soules with grace by the same word Grant that thy helpe may be present with vs lest wee wickedly abuse those things which thou hast created for our good vses let vs not loue thee because thou giuest those things but let vs loue those things because they come from thee for a time are necessary vnto vs returning vnto thee Let vs conuerse soberly purely moderately holily amongst thy gifts which thou giuest vs lest wre conuert those things which thou giuest vs as a medicine of our life to the venome and death of our soules But rather duely and thankefully receiuing them they may become holsome both to our soules and bodies that we may be worthy that thou like a good Father shouldest deseruedly nourish vs like thy deare children with holsome nourishment till we obtaine to that perfection of thy Son Iesus Christ in which this mortall shall out on immortality neither any more want nouriture beeing made one with thy selfe who art blessed for euer and euer Amen A praier after meate VVE feele a double eating O boūtiful liberal Father in our members by this the naturall heate daily consumeth somewhat of the substāce of our bodies by that not the natural but the noxious concupiscence consumeth somewhat of that iustice which by thy larges is infused into our soules If thou repairest not and daily strengthenest not our body with corporall meats it dieth and that naturall life which is in it is extinguished except thou daily nourish our soule by thy grace it is first weakned and at length dieth not a temporall but an eternall death For as we consist of two-fold substance so haue wee neede of a double aliment We pray thee therfore O Lord God to giue our bodies our daily bread wee beseech thee also impart to our soules thy continuall grace by the one the bodie is strengthened by the other the soule is inriched by this wee liue by that we liue happily Now hast thou nourished O most gracious father the corporall life of thy children with corporall meates we pray thee that with the same beneficence thou wilt now also nourish in vs the spirituall life with the crummes of thy mercy falling from thy table that by thy grace thou maiest driue away the death of our soules Truly we are much indebted vnto thee for this present life and because thou prolongest the same by thy bounty wee giue yeeld thee most humble thankes but this now is the way to that eternall life which wee beseech thee by the death of thine only begotten Sonne to bestow vpon vs by thy bounty and immortall blessednesse Here but for a temporall life wee giue thee thanks but temporarie such as we may there for eternall graces shall we giue thee eternall thanksgiuing For there shall we truly be satisfied when thy glory shall appeare which thou shalt giue vs through Iesus Christ thy Sonne who with thee and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth world without end Amen A praier to almightie God about Sunne setting O Lord the way of the iust shineth like a cleere light and increaseth euen vnto the perfect day of eternity but the wicked knewe not neither vnderstood they walk in darknes they shall descend from the interior darknes of the mind to the exterior darkenesse of hell O therefore most miserable are they foure-times more miserable are they to whom that thy sunne doth set that sun I say that to thy saints neuer setteth but is alwaies meridian cleere shining A grieuous night also in the noonestead attendeth their minds who depart from thee They expect the light and beholde darkenesse the light and they walke in darknes they feele like the blinde for the wall grope as it were without eies they stumble at noone day as it were in the darke and in obscuritie like the dead but they that are conuersant with thee the day is neuer darkenesse vnto them but shineth clearely Heere the etheriall Sun keepeth his course ariseth setteth draweth neare vs and departeth from vs But thou O Lord if we truely loue thee hast no changes thou risest alwaies and settest neuer thou commest to vs and remainest with vs to the worlds end O thou that risest from the highest lighten mee that fit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death O light of the Father O eternall Sonne illumine my inward darknesse lest after this life I be drawne to the exteriour O mercifull and sweete Iesu remaine with mee because it wareth darke and the day is already at an end for as long as wee enioy thy presence wee abide in light and clearenes but if thou shalt depart from vs what thing can bee pleasant nay what not heauy and dolesome vnto vs When wee haue thee present wee are fedde by thy sweetnesse we enioy thy familiaritie we rest in thine armes wee are delighted by thy inward conference
adoptedst mee for thy sonne The grace which in baptisme I receiued of thee I cursedly neglected I rent my first robe and like the prodigall sonne spent all my substance Thy holy temple which thou sanctifiedst in me for thy le●…e I haue prophaned raising in the same an idoll of my disordinate pleasures defiling it with diuers sinnes The tune was once o Lord my Sauiour wherein I was so blinde and liued so loosely as if I had no law or as though I beleeued there were no God I was vnmindfull of death neither remembred I y● latter iudgment or the life to come The Lawes according to whose prescript I did liue were mine appetites I followed mine owne inuentions and walked according to mine owne waies So diuers yeares of my life were ouerpast wherin I liued in so palpable darkenes tha●… in like sort as that of Egypt I might haue felt it with my handes O eternall light how ouerlate did I know thee how slackely did I open mine eies to behold thine ancient beauty All this time thou obseruedst me sustainedst me expectedst mee not permittting timelesse death to apprehend mee O altitude of thy iudgements O greatnesse of thy ●…ercies How many men in the ●…eane space in the midde race of their sinnes are there swallowed by sodaine death who now are miserably tormented in hel I who was one of them protected by thy mercy am reserued euen vntill this houre Ah what had become of me if at that time thou hadst summoned me likewise before thy iudgement seat What account could I haue made in so miserable an estate O my mercy my redemption I giue thee no lesse thanks for this bounty than if thou hadst acquited me being condemned amongst those damned and deliuered mee from perpetuall torments Blessed bee thy patience by the benefite whereof I liue and blessed be thy mercy which so long time defended and kept me Neither didst thou onely keepe me whē I sinne●… against thee but very often times thou didst also visite me as my friend calledst me vnto thee by thy sweete and secret inspirations obiecting to mee the greatnes of my sins the shortnes of this life the eternity of y● other the seuerity of thy iustice and ●…he bounty of thy mercy In the midst of mine iniquitie afterwards thy presence appeared vnto mee so effectually that perseuering in my delights seeking after y● Leeks ●…urneps and Garlike of Egypt thou extortedst plentifull teares from mee I did sinne and thou didst recall me from finne I did flie from thee as though it had bene a slight matter to lose thee and thou didst seeke me as though it were much for thy profit to finde me out So many yeares did wee liue wrastling resisting thou in doing good I in doing euill and contemning thy goodnesse With these voices didst thou call mee with these cords didst thou drawe mee At length when it pleased thee to single me out and to call me by thy grace thou sentest a great cry into the eares of my soule wherwith as it were the roaring of a Lion thou didst awake mee from sleepe and thou calledst me from death vnto life This is the voice which Dauid thy friend so highly commendeth in vertue and power breaking the Cedars cutting the flames of fire and shaking moouing the desart of Cades For no lesse is thy power than thy mercie which thou art wont to vse in this worke for it is great mercie to remit sins mighty power to make finners iust O how many and how great are the benefits which together with this one are powred into vs here is giuen pardon of sinnes grace is giuen charity is giuen with those other vertues which attend her finally the gifts graces of the holy Spirit are giuen Heereby the sinner is reconciled vnto thee of an enemy made a friend and of the slaue of the diuell thy Sonne and the heire of thy kingdome Heere the Prodigall Sonne is entertained into his Fathers house the first Robe Ring and Shooes ornaments of a Sonne are restored vnto him And although I cannot be assured O Lord whether I be worthy of hate or loue yet hope I y● same and confidently euery way trust in thy bounty my conscience likewise beareth mee witnesse that I am partaker of the grace of iustification for which I acknowledge my selfe deepely indebted Blessed bee thou therefore O bountifull Lord the giuer of all goodnes yea of thy selfe for that I liuing most lasciuiously thou gauest mee thy holy Spirit for my nurse tutor master gouernour comforter and all my good hee is to mee the pattent of adoption the pledge of matrimonie the assurance of euerlasting life Blessed bee the day in which such a guest entered my soule and blessed bee the houre in which the gates of my wal were opened to receiue him That day was holy vnto mee in that day I came out of Egypt that day was my birth day in which I was regenerated into the Son of God This my Easter day in which I rose againe from death to life in which I receiued the holy Ghost Let Iob curse the day of his natiuitie I will blesse this this is the day in which the Angels reioyced at the conuersion of a sinner in which the woman reioyced that found her groat in which the shepheard assembled his neighbours with ioy for the lost sheepe which he found in which the diuels doe houle for their lost prey This is that day in which thou my Father doest acknowledge mee thy sonne and thy Sonne termeth mee his brother and thy holy Spirit hath consecrated mee for his Temple and the Quire of Angels haue saluted me for their companion and fellow Citizen If on this day the Angels reioyced and sung vnto thee O Lord how can my lips bee shut how may my tongue be silent how can my mouth choose but bee ●…lled with thy praises whatsoeuer the Psalmi●… or Prophets sung of the comming of my Redeemer all y● will I sing vnto thee O Lord. It was a great benefite of thine O Lord that thou diddest create me for thereby thou didst produce me from not being to a being but much more is it that thou iustifiedst me for in this thou tookst frō me the being of sinne and bringest me to the being of grace in that am I made the son of man in this am I adopted the son of God It is a great benefite which I expect of glory but no lesse in this kinde is that of iustificatiō For it is no lesse to make a iust man of a sinner than of a iust man a blessed man since there is a greater distance betwixt sin grace than betweene grace and glory Great also yea very great is the benefite of redemption but what had redemption profited if vocation and iustification had not followed I acknowledge therefore O Lord that the benefite of iustification is the keie and ground of all the other without which
destres and that for this cause thy creatures are obedient vnto thee Bee than mindfull in this thy wrath of thy great mercy and fauourably take away this contagious sickenesse which by thy wrath is powred vpon vs. For the pestilent aire shall enforce no euill if we oppose our selues against all kinds of iniquity yet all things proceede from thee O most mercifull Father both for that in body wee are secured from this plague and for that in soule wee are protected from the venome of sinne and reward thereof For although other men detained with the loue of this lif●… runne here and there seeking hel●… in these perils yet from no m●… either more rightly or more secu●…ly is their helpe to bee intreat●… than from thee onely whose po●…●…t no man may fly who receiuest vs into thy fauour for that thou despisest no man that hopeth in thy goodnesse To thee therefore doe we cry O Lord heare our prayers and supplications that thou maist deliuer vs from this pestilent and deadly plague Command thine Angell that striketh vs to shut his sword in his sheath lest he pursue vs till we be vtterly extinguished extend not thine ire against vs spare our soules preserue vs from the plague R●…rne returne O Lord and haue mercy on thy seruants take from vs this indisposition of the aire and vnholsomnes of the place lest the infected aire powre that poyson wherewith it is infected vpon vs to our confusiō O Lord let thy hand I pray thee be turned that all the earth may know that thou art the Lord our GOD and that thy Name is called vpon amongst vs. Amen In the time of famine and scarsity of victuals MOst iust Lord God that according to the merits of thy people both bestowest and withdrawest thy blessings looke vpon our pouerty who acknowledge this present scarsitie of victuals famine as a rod in thy hand wherby thou chastisest and punishest y● manifold abuses of thy blessings misimployed by vs in riot and often drunkennes and other destres of the flesh and dissipations of thy gifts which thou hast giuen vs not to that intent that being fa●…ed filled we should kicke against thee but rather wee might serue thee thankfully in way of acknowledgment Why complaine wee not of the prophanation of thy name by oathes and horrible imprecations and of the violating of thy holy daies and seruice But what other thing shall wee most wretched sinners iustly puni shed by thee for our iniquities do but falling downe prostrate in the presence of thy Maiestie accuse our selues and deplore our offenses and implore thy grace and mercy that thou wilt vouchasafe to looke downe from Heauen to the end that by thy blessing our land may yeeld vs increase and by that meanes releeued and satisfied with necessary food we may praise thee for the blessings wee haue receiued professe our selues more and more bound to do thee seruice Amen Against the tempests and thunder of the aire KIng of eternal glory omnipotent God that giuest food vnto all creatures and couerest the heauen with clouds and preparest raine for the earth that transferrest the Southerne winde from y● heauen and bringest in the Affricke by thy vertue that waterest the mountaines from the higher places thereof who satiatest the earth with the fruite of thy works that hast commanded thine Angel that he should not hurt neither the land nor the Sea nor trees spare those that feare thee and bee mercifull to their prayers For wee most humbly beseech thee O Lord that y● incursion of stormes may depart far from vs and the calamity of tempests the tempest of haile the blasting of lightning and that all the assaults of the enemie may bee tempered Let the harmefull thunders the noisome raines the raging wmdes be calmed grant also that the right hand of thy vertue may ouer-way the spirits of storme and airie tempests O Lord thou that thunderest from heauen and giuest thy voice that sendest forth thine arrowes multipliest thy lightnings turne away we pray thee this cruel tempest from vs let it not bring vs to confusion Restraine the thunder and thine arrowes lest they hurt vs. keepe vs and our houses lest we perish through that fury of storme and the force of lightning Protect our habitations lest by fire sent downe from heauen they burne 〈◊〉 consumed Most mercifull Lord raine not I beseech thee thy haile vpon the 〈◊〉 of the earth neither strike the ●…ell or fruite of our pastors ●…rch not vp the herbs trees of 〈◊〉 Countrey kill not our corne ●…ther expose our cattell to the ●…le whereby they may bee destroied but in thy mercy conteine thy wrath that we that are iuftly punished for our offences by the ●…ntion of thy mercy may finde grace and indulgence of our sins Amen A prayer for the Master of a Houshold VVHereas O Father thou commandest euery one of vs to haue care of our neighbors to further their affaires and fortunes to withstand all their incommodities I very well vnderstand what ●…u meanest namely that it be●…th a Master in his houshold ●…e no lesse care towards his seruants than himselfe and than teachest the seruants likewise to obey their masters I acknowledge my duty but in ruling those whom thou hast committed to my charge my wife children seruants handmaids and other domesticall seruants I neither finde facult●… nor iudgement in my selfe I flie therefore vnto thee t●… chiefest Father of the familie 〈◊〉 thee I say who art the ruler both 〈◊〉 heauen and earth I most hu●… submit my selfe beseeching thy 〈◊〉 uor Grant O Father gouer●… that I may keepe continue th●… my seruants which thou hast committed to my charge in thy fea●… discipline and that I may de●… and further both those things that belong to the profit of their bodies soules and such as concerne their honour and profite And grant that they likewise on the other side 〈◊〉 performe their duties with f●… and obedience not seruing according to the outward eie but de●…ning them louingly and freely discharging their duties in ●…tie of heart as if before GOD and not men whereby at lenght we may al finde the reward in hea●… Amen The prayer of a Sonne OMnipotent and eternal God to whom euery obedience of the child towards his parents is ●…ll pleasing and all rebellion is loathsome who in thy law com●…dest vs to honor our parents ●…ding this thy commandemēt 〈◊〉 a double wal namely with re●…d and punishment whilst thou promisest to the humble and obedient child eternall life and to the vntoward and rebellious thou denouncest death and malediction Neither is this thy precept vpon me neither farre estranged from me that I might say who in effect may fulfill the same but it is neere me or rather in me whereas the very law of nature ingrauen in my foule inciteth and inuiteth me vnto the same I beseech thee therfore O most bountifull Father
A PARADISE of prayers CONTAINING the purity of deuotion and meditation Gathered out of all the spirituall exercises of LEVVES of Granado AND Englished for the benefit of the Christian Reader Ascendat oratio descendat gratia LONDON Printed by R. Field for Mathew Law and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard neere vnto S. Austines gate 1614. At our vprising GOd the Father that saidst in the beginning Let light be made it was made lighten my eies that I sleepe not in death lest at any time mine enemie say vnto me I haue preuailed against him God the sonne light of light the great truest light from whence this light both of sunne and day ariseth thou light shining in darkenesse and illuminating euery one that commeth into this worlde driue from me all darknes of ignorance and giue me vnderstanding that in thee and by thee I may know the Father to know whom is to liue and to serue whom is to reigne God the holy Ghost thou fire both illuminating and warming kindle in me thy light that I may know the deceitful delights of this world and the true ioyes of heauen Enlighten my minde that I may see how great a good our enemy soliciteth vs to change for a light shadow Grant that I may onely see those things that are thine and be blinde to the rest infuse also into my minde the gift of thy charity that forsaking those transitorie things I may with a feruent zeale and continuel desire endeuour to attaine those things which are eternall Holy Trinity one God defend me this day from all the assaults of the diuell keepe me this day from all sin and defend me this day from sudden and vnexpected death Be thou vnto me solace in tribulatiō assistance in temptation and in death a pleasant refuge Thou hest raised my body O Lord which was drowned in sleep I beseech thee that thou wilt deliuer my soule likewise from the sleep of sins the darknes of this world and that which thou hast recalled from sleepe vnto waking may it please thee after death to restore to the same life for sleepe is to thee as death to vs. To thee be praise cleernes wildome thanksgiuing honor vertue fortitude for euer and-euer Amen When we rise RIse O my soule that sleepest arise from death Christ shal shine vnto thee Arise O thou daughter of Sion O my soule redeemed by Christs blood shake off the dust of sinnes set in thee the peace of Christ purchased for thee by his merits Christ thou mercifull aduocate of mankind as thou releeuest this greeuous burthen of my body by thy benefit so lift vp our minds to the knowledge loue of thy Maiesty and grant that the body may be a companion Minister of pietie to the soule in this life to the end that in the life to come it may be partaker of that eternal blessednes where thou liuest reignest with God the Father and the holy Ghost world without end Amen A thankesgiuing for our preseruation the night past together with a prayer wherin we beseech almighty God to take the like care of vs this day OMnipotent eternall Lord the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ I praise thee I blesse thee and with my whole heart giue thee thanks that according to thy vnmeasurable goodnes thou hast by thy fatherly prouidence preserued me this night that it hath pleased thee to be present with me so that the diuell durst not drawe neere to assaile me that thou hast protected me from all euill both of soule and body that thou hast defended me being drowned in profound sleepe by the assistance of thy holy Angels as it were with an impregnable wall against the deceits and snares of the old aduersary who neuer letteth slip any opportunity to hurt vs Finally for that thou hast sweetly raised me from sleepe the true image of death lest I should bee choaked in the darknesse of my sins to the end I might haue space and time yet at the length to recollect and earnestly repent my selfe Now likewise O father of mercy and God of all consolation I beseech thee and from the bottome of my heart intreat thee that this day thou wilt take me also into thy fatherly protection and behold me with thy mercifull eies direct me in the way of thy commaundments and giue me those gifts of thy holy spirit by whose means I may begin continue and end this day likewise to the praise and glory of thy holy name to the profit of my neighbors and the saluation of my soule endeuouring my selfe euery where and in all things without neglect of my duty to discharge euery way that vocation to which I am called Keep me O Lord from all sin restraine my flesh and blood prone to all iniquitie and friend and minister to that old Adam coole by the dewe of thy spirit the heate of concupiscence that reigneth in my members lest this day at any time I fall into any sinne and prouoke thy wrath and indignation against me Grant O mercifull father and vouch safe O deere Lord that I may lead the remnant of my life in thy feare and loue Direct this day my heart and my body my senses speeches and my actions in thy law in the workes of thy commaundements Turne my hart from all transitory things and conuert it to eternal that forsaking the riches and delights of this world I may alwaies thirst after thy kingdome Curb and restraine the power of the diuell our old and sworne enemie that although hee rangeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may deuoure he may not yet hurt or any wayes hinder mee But because my merits are none at al for which I deserue to be heard behold I bring with me thy onely begotten Son who is the propitiation for my sins behold him O mercifull father and for the iustice sake of thy Son forgiue the sins of thy seruant grant mee that by thy mercy which is not my due in iustice who liuest reignest God for euer and euer Amen Morning exercises 1. The commemoration of benefits receiued O God my God early doe I wake vnto thee ●…aith y● thy holie Prophet And a little after he addeth so I was mindfull of thee on my bed early in the morning will I think on thee because thou wert mine helper And I my Lord God with that holy king desire to watch Let this be the beginning of my occupations let the day beginne with this thought of mine For heereunto the duties driue me whereby I am bound vnto thee this is the end of my creation for I was therefore made to the end I should praise thee glorifie magnifie and sanctifie thy name For thou art the beginning and the end of all things I say the beginning without beginning and the end without end For euen as no man might euer create any thing without
body also O most sweete Iesus contaminate with many crime●… this night and al other times suc●… rest that I may neuer depart from thee who art eternal tranquillitie neither at any time forsake the●… or through the dulnesse and sluggishnesse of my slothfull flesh be●… forgetfull of thee and thereby be●… thrust into the perpetuall agitat●… on and damnation of incessa●… trouble For which cause O eternal an most mercifull Lord I comment my spirit into thy hands for tho●… our most mercifull Sauiour ha●… redeemed vs on the wood of th●… crosse suffer not my spirit O Lord to sleepe in sinne and saint therein lest I bee buried in eternall death ●…ut watch ouer mee and intend ●…y safety O most faithfull shepheard suffer mee not being desti●…ute of thy helpe to be swallowed 〈◊〉 the gulfe of my sinnes Protect me vnder the shadow of ●…hy wings and suffer me not to be ●…ntangled with extraordinary and ●…nnecessary sleepe but raise mee ●…n due time that wakened in that sort I may cheerefully endeuour my selfe to sing thy praises and intend thy seruice that I may thinke of thee and being raised by ●…hy power I may performe the ●…orks of iustice and seeke thy hea●…enly kingdome with my whole ●…eart that at length by thee with ●…hee in thee I may obtaine eter●…all light and celestial rest Amen Another praier before sleepe GRant vnto mee O my God the watching I may vigilantlie ●…and in thy presence as often as 〈◊〉 shall fortune me to sleepe let my sleepe bee without sinne and if in my waking I should commit any misdeed grant me O Lord pardō for thy mercy sake and if sinne in my sleepe let thy clemency pardon mee and by the memory of thy martyrdome giue mee a quiet time of sleepe and deliuer mee from euill dreames and filthy imaginations and for the whole night bouchsafe me a sleepe full of tranquillitie lest wickednesse haue the power ouer mee and euill cogitations ful of peruersnesse seduce mee Giue me thine Angel of light that may keepe all the members of my body and deliuer mee from cursed concupiscence by that liuing body that was cru●…ified for mee Let me lay me downe to rest and sleepe in peace and let thy blood bee the keeper of mee and my soule which is thine image Giue libertie to thy handiworke and let thy right hand defend the bodie which thou hast fashioned with thine owne hands and enuiron mee with the wall of thy mercies as it were an acceptable fortresse and bulwarke that when the body shall rest and sleepe it may bee defended by thy vertue and let my sleepe bee as a sweete sinelling incense before thy maiesty neither let the enemy approch my bed for thy mercie sake I will heare and execute thy will O my God who lodest the night with the tranquillitie of the iustice of our redeemer Iesus Christ. For thou art the true light and thy glorie dwelleth in the light and the children of light adore thee dwelling in the light Iesus the Word of the Father vnto life haue mertie on mee for thy mercie sake to whom with the Father that sent thee and the holy Ghost bee all praise for euer Amen Iaculatorie prayers to bee had alwaies in memorie When any sudden feare assaileth thee BE vnto mee O Lord a tower of strength against the face of mine enemy If the corrupt flesh prouoke thee PIerce my flesh with thy feare for I haue trembled at thy iudgments If an ill suspicion ouertake thee CReate in mee O Lord a new heart and giue me a new spirit If vndecent sadnesse ouer-hale thee GIue me the ioy of thy saluation and confirme mee with a principall spirit If vaine glory seduce thee NOt vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but to thy ●…ame giue the glorie If desperation molest thee GOd is my hope frō my youth from the wombe of my mother thou art my protector If thou be afflicted in minde HElpe me and I shall be safe I will meditate alwaies vpon thy iustifications If sloth assaile thee EXcite thy power O Lord and come conūrme mee in thy words lest I faile in the way If labour tire thee BEhold my humility and my labour forgiue mee all my sins If wrath disturbe thee GIue mee patience O Lord peace to thy seruant lest I lose the crowne of my soule in heauen For thou hast said In your patience you shall possesse your soules If desire of honour and promotion tempt thee INcline my hart O Lord to thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnesse turne away mine eies lest I see vanitie and quicken mee in thy way If gluttony sollicite thee THe kingdome of heauen is not meate drinke but peace and ioy in the holy Ghost It is the Spirit that quickneth the fiesh profiteth nothing Is euill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thee VVHose tinage and superscription is this And hearing that it is Ce●…ars that is the diuel of this world say let thy money bee with thee to thy perdition now the doore is shutte and our Lord careth his passe-ouer here I haue no leasure to open vnto thee If any blessing of God happen to thee VVHat shal I yeeld vnto our Lord for all the benefits he hath bestowed vpon mee How much ●…west thou m●… soule And tur●…g to the angels lay Come and heare and I wil show you all y●…e that ●…are God what hee hath 〈◊〉 to my soule And turning thine eies vnto God himselfe it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shalt thou say O Lord thy mercy is great toward me I●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 persecution IUdge them O Lord that hurt mee ouerthrow them that fight against mee Take the sword and shield and arise to do me helpe When thou seest thou art 〈◊〉 by God VVHerefore O Lord art 〈◊〉 departed farre from mee Doest thou turne thine eies aside in opportunities in tribulation Stay with vs O Lord for it waxeth night Against detractors SAue mee O God for the righteous faile and truth faileth amongst the children of men Let the Lord confound all deceitfuil lips and the tongue that speaketh great things For our enemies O Lord lay not this sin to their charge because they know not what thy do When we address●… our selues to studie BLessed art thou O Lord teach me to doe thy will open mine eies that I may consider the wonderfull works of thy Law A man may sometimes lift vp his heart by affection of repentance in these words TUrne thy face from my sinnes O Lord and blot out all my offences Create in mee O Lord a new heart Sometimes with an affection of gratitude BLesse the Lord O my soule and forget not his benefits Sometime with an affection of loue I Will loue thee O Lord my strength God is my foundation my refuge and my deliuerer God is my helper and I will hope in him Euen as the Hart desireth the
place in all places without diuision In magnitude thou art infinite in vertue omnipotent in goodnesse chiefe in wisedome inestimable in counsels terrible in iudgements iust in thoughts secret in words true in works holy in mercy copious towards sinners patient toward penitents compassionate But what in especiall should I speake of thy wisedome but that which earst the Prophet aid O Lord thou knowest my thoughts afar off thou hast searcht my commings in and goings out and all my waies hast thou foreknowne because there is no speech in my tongue which thou knowest not Behold O Lord thou knowest al things both the first and the last Thou hast made mee and laid the hand vpon me Such knowledge is too wonderfull excellent for me I cānot attaine vnto it Whither shall I goe from thy spirit or whither shal I fly frō thy presence if I climbe vp to heauen thou a●… there if I goe downe to hell thou art there also if I take the wings of the morning and remaine in the vtmost parts of the sea euen there also shall thy hand leade mee and thy right hand shall hold me If I say the darkenes shall couer me then shall thy right hand bee turned to day yea the darkenes is no darknesse with thee but the night is as cleare as day the darkenesse and light to thee are both alike For his eies saith another are vpon the waies of men hee considereth all their steps there is no darknes nor shadow of death to hide them that work iniquity But what shal I say of the greatnes of thy power I wil say that in times past which the Prophet said saying For God is my king of old the helpe that is done vpon earth hee doth it himselfe Thou diddest deuide the sea through thy power thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters Thou smotest the heads of the dragons and gauest them for meate to thy people in the wildernesse thou broughtest out fountaines and waters out of the hard rockes thou driedst vp many waters The day is thine the night is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sun thou hast set all the borders of the earth thou hast made sommer and winter And in another place the same Prophet saith O Lord God of hoasts who is like vnto thee thy truth most mighty Lord is on euery side Thou rulest the raging of the sea thou stillest the waues therof when they arise thou hast subdued Egypt destroied it thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad with thy mighty arme The heauens are thine and the earth is thine thou hast laid the foundation of the round world and all that therein is Thou hast made the North the South ●…abor and Herm●… shall reioyce in thy name Thou hast a mighty arme strong is thy hand high is thy right hand Blessed Iob knew this thy power when he said With him is counsel strength wisedome vnderstanding Behold if he breake downe a thing who can set it vp again If he shut a thing who will open it Behold if he withhold the waters they ●…ry vp if he let them goe they destroy the earth with him is strength wisedome both the deceiuer and ●…ee that is deceiued are his hee carrieth away the wise men as it were a spoile and maketh that Iudges fooles hee looseth the rule of Kings guirdeth their loines with a band he leadeth away the great men into captiuity and turneth the mightie vpside downe he stoppeth the mouth of them that speake truth and disappointeth the aged of their vnderstanding hec poureth contempt vpon Princes and maketh the strength of the mightie weake Looke what lieth hid in darkenesse hee declareth it openly and the verie shadow of death bringeth he to light he increaseth the people and destroieth them he maketh them to multiply and diminisheth them These o Lord are testimonies of thy mightines but what shal I say of the riches of thy glory and the veine of thy felicitie If thou hast sinned saith the scripture what hast thou done against him if thy offences be many what hast thou done vnto him if thou bee righteous what giuest thou him or what wil he receiue at thy hands Thy wickednesse may hurt a man as thou art and thy righteousnes may profit the sonne of man But thou O Lord art such and so blessed as thou needest not another mans goods I confesse thee to be such a one for such a one I praise thee and glorifie thy most holy name Infuse thy light into my heart giue me words in my mouth that my heart may alwaies think of thy mightines and let thy praise be in my mouth for euer But for that thy laud is not seemely in y● mouth of a sinner I therefore require all the Angels of heauen and all the creatures of the world that they together with me may praise thee and may supply my defect inuiting them thereunto with that glorious song which the three children sung in the midst of the fierie furnace in Babylon saying Blessed bee the Lord God of our fathers bee hee praised magnified for euer And blessed be the name of his glorie holy and laudable and magnified for euer and euer Blessed art thou in the throne of thy maiestie to bee praised and magnified for euer Blessed art thou that beholdest the depths and sittest vpon the Cherubins to be praised and magnified for euer Blessed art thou in the firmament of heauen and praised and glorified world without end Amen The third prayer to the holy Trinitie GOD holy of holiest God omnipotent God eternall God that art strong God of spirits and all flesh at whose presence heauen and earth trembleth at whose beck the heauens and elements obey trinitie in vnitie and vnitie in trinitie Father Son holy Ghost thou being of my being life that quickenest me light that illuminatest me science that instructeth me yet aboue all essence light life and science all creatures adore and celebrate thee and I incited by the dutie I owe thee this day do bow the knees of my heart before the footstoole of thy Maiestie I giue thee thanks that thou not onely didst frame me when I was nothing but also didst fashion mee according to thine owne forme that is gauest mee a perfect shape that where I deserued no fauour thou hadst compassion on mee for that thou hast sanctified mee with the sacraments of y● Church that from my child-hood hitherto thou hast brought me vp in al goodnes But O thou maker of heauen of earth whereas I am not able to serue thee to any vse for whose cause didst thou so much bountie vpon me how commeth it to passe that thou louest mee so much for what haue I giuen thee to induce thee to recompence me yea where was I before I was made that I might shew thee a former curtesie Truly by thy benefit in times past I was made dignified with
the rest do not onely not profite but giue vs matter of greater damnation But O Lord what did I vnto thee that thou shouldst giue mee those things what obedience shewd I to thee that thou shouldst giue me this blessing what foundest thou in me worthy of so great honour reward nothing in mee was free frō sin I knew thee not I loued thee not I serued thee not neither had thee in remembrance I became the bottomlesse pit of darknes and iniquity I cannot choose O Lord but tremble with horror as oftē as I think hereon neither finde I any other cause of this benefite but thy bounty How many were my companions of the same age nature and impietie of whom I was the most reprobate yet tookest thou me vnto thee and forsookest them we were detained in the same Egyptian captiuitie thou admittedst mee to thy royall Table but condemnedst them cast out their flesh to bee deuoured by the creatures of hell Whilst I remember these things O Lord my spirit is no more in me and I know not how to praise thee or what thanksgiuing to offer vnto thee for so incomparable a benefite All the time of my life I will say O Lord what sawest thou in me O Lord what sawest thou in mee Lord what sawest thou in mee more than in the rest whom thou hast forsaken Why didst thou so call mee so deliuer mee so looke vpon me so succour me if so bee thou hast succoured me leauing the rest in sinne who were lesse euil than I I know not what to say I know not what to do I know not what to yeeld vnto thee O Lord for all the benefits thou hast bestowed on mee I will with the Prophet praise my Lord at all times his praise shall be alway in my mouth I will say with the same Prophet Thou hast brokē my bonds O Lord I wil sacrifice to thee the sacrifice of praise cal vpon the name of the Lord. To the Lambe that sitteth on the throne be blessing and honor and glory and power for euer euer Amen A thanksgiuing for the benefite of our spirituall conuersation in the life of grace I Adore thee I praise thee I glorifie thee I giue thee thanks most mercifull Father and eternal God with my whole heart for all thy benefits but in especiall for that thou hast called mee whom being beforetimes wounded thou hast ●…thout any my precedent merits ●…ured and being an enemie vnto thee reconciled redeemed from captiuity and called from death to life and of thy fatherly goodnesse hast hitherto conserued me in this state and as yet doest conserue me by thy grace Thou art he onely O Lord that created me made mee of nought and thou onely art he that conseruest that which thou hast created thou bountifully dost protect that essence of nature which thou gauest me lest it should perish Thou onely hast regenerated mee by thy Spirit in the life of grace By thee are we priuiledged from our sins by thee are wee conserued lest wee should fall againe into sinne If at any time I haue risen thou gauest me thy hand if I now stand thou sustainest me lest I fall As many good purposes as I haue conceiued as many godly inspiratiōs as I haue felt all are by thy benefite As oftē as I haue ouercome mine enemy as oftē as I haue refrained my euill inclinations and peruerse appetites it was thy benefite For if no man can say Lord Iesu but in the holy Spirit nor doe any good deede without thee euen as the branch can yeeld no fruite being deuided from the vine sure it is that if any fruite grow from this cluster it is by the benefite of that vine to which it cleaueth If at any time I haue fasted it came from thee if I haue endured aduersity patiently thou didst assist me if at any time I haue denied mine owne will it was thy working If euer hitherto I haue shed the teares of contrition if my prayers haue preuailed with thee I confesse O Lord that I did it by thy helpe I confesse that thou hast wrought all good workes in me for all theese doe I giue thee thanks I referre al these benefits with thanksgiuing to him from whom they proceeded that hereafter they may flow more plentifullie I acknowledge my selfe to bee indebted for so many benefits as I haue done duties to thee O Lord in this life if I haue done any at all What shall I say of the occasions and opportunities offered by thee vnto me of good life How many preachers hast thou sent to teach me how many counsellers to instruct me how many good friends how many godly companions how many good examples how many deuout bookes hast thou lent mee by whose helps I am incited to goodnesse and pricked forward to vprightnes of life Great are these thy benefits but greater doth he owe thee who hath profited without these blessed is hee whom thou hast taught O Lord and instructed in thy law for so much more hath hee profited by how much thou art a better Doctor and wiser Master then others But who can recount the perils and dangers from whence thou hast deliuered mee O bountifull shepheard of mens soules or the sinnes whereinto I had fallen wtout thine assistance There is no sin so great that was euer attempted by man which another man cannot fall into if the Creator bee wanting by whom he is made For whi●…h cause vpon good occasion I will call all mens sinnes my benefits for into al them might I haue beene plunged except thine infinite mercie had preserued mee Is many occasions of sinne therefore as might haue inforced mee to fall for they could inforce Dauid so many had I fallē into except thou O Lord hadst taken them away because thou knewest my infirmities All men acknowledge not these thy benefits but I through the grace doe both acknowledge embrace them How often O louing Father hast thou vsed this mercy towards mee How often hast thou bound the enemies hands lest he should tempt me or if he should haue tempted me that yet hee might not ouercome mee how often hast thou inchanted that old Serpent that although I walked amongst Uipers Bas●…lisques yet could they not hurt me How often hast thou trauelled with mee through water fire lest I should bee burned in the flame or drowned in the water How often in the midst of the seruants of this world hast thou tempered the flame of this Babylonicall furnace with the dew of the holy Spirit and so cooled it that it might not consume me How often might I iustly say with the Prophet I was thrust fore at y● I might fal But y● Lord was my helpe If at any time I haue stood I stood by thee if I haue fallen I haue fallen by my selfe thy hand hath staied me vp lest I shold be bruised Yea I had alwaies lien in y● dirt
except thou hadst raised me In the multitude of my sorrowes therefore which I had in my heart thy comforts haue refreshed my soule and raised it How often O Lord haue my sins deserued thy wrath How often mightst thou haue taken thy hand away and that iustly from mee as thou hast withdrawne it from others lesse vngratefull yet wert y● mercifull vnto mee and didst not punish me according to my iniquities I was proud swolne with vaine glory I attributed that glorie which was due vnto thee to my selfe and therefore I am worthy to bee an outcast from thy mercie I was ingrateful I did not acknow ledge thy benefits I attributed that to nature which was due to the author of nature neither did I yeeld the thanks which belonged vnto thee I was negligent slothfull in those things which appertaine to my saluation and therefore I deserued that my talēt should long since haue bene taken from me I was rash in louing perils and therefore worthy to fall into them I am worthy I say O Lord y● for these and many such like I should alreadie bee forsaken and ●…ast off by thee that the crime of the last sinne might be the punishment of the first But thy patience was so great that thou wink●…dst at the wickednesse of my dissolute life shuttedst thine eies against my infirmities Hitherto hast thou forborne mee with so much mercie neither wouldest thou suffer that thy succour should at any time leaue me I pray thee O Lord perfect that which thou hast begun vouchs●… not onely to keepe in mee but also to in●…ease thy benefits which thou thy selfe hast daigned to impart to mee Continue O Lord to keepe me innocent in this spirituall life and forsake me not as hitherto thou hast not forsaken mee I conuert the dolors of my conscience O Lord wherewith I should be vexed if thou hadst forsaken mee into ioy and now with glad minde and reioycing spirit in way of thanksgiuing and praise I sing saying with thy friend Returne my soule into thy rest for our Lord hath done good vnto thee For he hath deliuered my soule frō death mine eies from teares and my feet from falling For all these thy benefits we yeeld thee thanks Lord God omnipotent who art and hast bene and who shalt be for thy works are great and wonderfull and thy waies are iust and true Lord and King for euer Amen To how many temptations our life is exposed and how much neede wee haue of Gods helpe LOrd let mee know mine end and the number of my daies that I may bee certified how long I haue to liue Are not my daies few it irketh my soule of my life For what is this life where continuall tribulations are conuersant where all things are full of snares and enemies Scarcely doth one temptation passe away but another succeedeth and the first conflict as yet vndetermined others more greeuous and vnexpected doe follow Helpe mee therefore O Lord my God for mine enemies haue inuironed my soule on this ●…e my body on that side the diuell heere the world vrgeth and all of these enforce and search after my soule I cannot flie from the body nor driue it from mee I must needes beare it about with me for that it is tied vnto me I must not kil it I am compeld to sustaine it when I ●…atten the same I nourish mine owne enemy against my selfe The world begirteth and bes●…egeth mee euery way by the fiue windows or senses of my body my sight my hearing my taste my smelling and my touching woundeth mee with his arrowes and death entreth by my windows into my soule I cannot see the diuell and therefore haue lesse meanes to beware of him Hee hath bent his bow and hath to that end prepared his shafts that he may wound mee sodainely he hath said he would hide his snares saying Who shall see them which way soeuer I see thē there is no security the flesh suggesteth me with delight the world presenteth sweete the diuell gall the flesh talketh vnto me of sleepe of drinke of meat and such like appurtenances of the same the world bewitcheth mee with ambitious pleasing of time with boasting with arrogancy and pride but to wrath malice bitternes of minde the diuell prouoketh me Behold Infidels Atheists are with me O Lo●… I dwell with Scorpions woe is me because my life is prolonged I haue dwelt with the inhabitants of ●…edar my soule hath too long remained on the earth in this so dangerous assault I finde nothing in me wherunto I may haue recourse for my heart is vaine fugitiue and vnstable more moueable than motiō it is distracted diuers waies and trauerseth innumerable things with incertaintie and whilst it wandreth through diuers things it findeth no rest For euen as a Mil turneth swiftly and refuseth nothing but grindeth whatsoeuer is put vpon it and if nothing be put thereon it consumeth it selfe so is my heart alwaies in motion and neuer resteth Bitter thoughts trouble vncleane defile vaine disquiet trouble the same whilst my heart crieth not for future ioy nor seeketh thy helpe it is estranged from the loue of God and drowned in ●…rthly affections And when it falleth from those and is insnared in these vanity seduceth it curios●…tie confoundeth it des●…re allureth it pleasure intangleth it lust de●…leth it enuie tortureth it ire disturbeth it sadnesse tormenteth it So by miserable chances it is drowned in all vices sometimes an abiect matter falleth out to be the cause of a greeuous temptation Wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death In all these am I ouerthrowne O Lord vnlesse thou helpe me Haue mercy therefore haue mercy vpon me O Lord and deliuer me from the dirt that I sticke not therein lest euery way I remaine discomfortlesse Deliuer me from ●…ine enemies O God and from them that hate mee defend mee against all those that rise vp against me But thou O Lord deliuer me from the snare of the Hunter and from the bitter tongue that wee may confesse vnto thee saying Blessed be God who gaue vs not in prey to their teeth My soule is escaped like a Sparrow from the ●…et of the fowler the net is broken and we are escaped Against whatsoeuer temptation THou seest O bountifull Father the great danger wherwith I am entangled thou seest the snares which mine enemies haue laid for me and the violence that they v●… against mee that they may raui●… me o Father from the number of thy children and deliuer mee thy poore sheepe as a prey to the fierce teeth of Wolues I therfore humbly beseech thee for thy fatherlie goodnesse sake to helpe mee and strengthen me and that they may haue no other vse of these their subtilties but to strengthen my loue towards thee and make their subtilties cursed counsels more manifest Truely my infirmities might