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A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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the smaller thynges of the lawe but that they obseruynge them dyd omytte the greater thynges of the lawe sayenge Wo be vnto you Pharyses and Scrybes ye ypocrytes whych tyth mynte anyse and commyne and leaue the wayghter matters of the lawe behynde namely iudgemente mercye and faythe these ought to haue ben done and not to leaue the other behynde leaue not then the commaundementes of God But let them for as much as they are the wayghter dedes be fyrste obserued done the other also as it is before sayd not to be omytted as Paule counceleth Let euery soule submytte hymselfe to the auctorite of the hyer powers for ther is no power but of god the powers that be are ordeyned of God so that who so euer resysteth the powers resysteth the ordynaūce of god they that resyst shall receaue to thēselues dāpnaciō Warne thē that they submytte thēselues vnto prynces and to the hyer auctoryte to obey the offycers and to be ready to all good workes Be yet aduertysed gentle reader that thou putte no trust in those workes no nor yet in the externe workes of Goddes commaundementes to be iustifyed by them only but rather because that they come of fayth are they accepted for of only workes is no mā iustifyed also Dauid sayeth Enter not into iudgemēt with thy seruaunt for in thy syght shall no mā lyuyng be iustifyed By the dedes of the law no flesh maye be iustifyed in his syght The kyndnes loue of God our saueour to māwarde hath appeared not of the dedes of ryghteousnes which we wrought but of his mercy he saued vs. c. When ye haue done all these thinges whieh are commaunded you saye we are vnprophetable seruauntes we haue done which was our deuty to do These places with many other that myght be here inferred which now to auoyd prolixite are omytted do manifestly wytnes that by workes is no man saued yet be not discoraged nother saye with thy selfe what shal I do good workes seyng I shal not be saued by them then they wyll do no good Many thynges moueth a true christian to worke fyrst his fayth for as the tre can not brynge forth fruyt yf he hath lyfe in hym so can not the faythfull but bryng forth good workes yf he haue a perfect fayth in him wherfore yf that thou worke not be assured that thou lackest faythe a perfecte fayth seaseth not from workes A Christian also shulde worke to geue ensample as in the fyfte of Mathewe Christ sayeth Let your lyght so shyne before men that they maye se your good workes gloryfy your father which is in heauen se that ye haue honest conuersacion among the gentels that they whiche backbyte you as euyll doers mayese your good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitacion Itt moueth also a christian to worke that bytwyxt god and vs is a couenaunt made that he shall reward not for the dignite or worthines of the worke but for his couenauntes sake for the worthynes of the worke doth not receyue such a reward when the rewarde is an hundreth folde better then the worke in this conuenaunt of Christ as whosoeuer forsaketh houses or brethren or systers other father or mother or wyfe or chyldren or lande for my names sake ▪ the same shal recyue an hundreth folde and shalt inheryte euerlastyng lyfe Many are the conuenauntes made betwyxt god and vs and when Christ sayd happy are the mercyful for they shall obtayne mercye Blessed are the poore in spirite for theyrs is the kyngdome of heauen c. Yf ye shall forgeue other men theyr trespasses your heuenly father shal also forgeue you Yf thou wylt entre into lyfe kepe the commaundementes by these conuenauntes thou mayst perceyue Christian reader that vnto worke is a rewarde promysed by conuenaunt Wherfore yf thou delyte to worke for a reward be of good there and cease not to worke thou shalt haue a rewarde not for thy merites desertes or worthynes of thy worke as is before sayde but for thy conuenauntes sake But the chefe motyue to good workes is or shal be the very pure loue of God for vpon loue doth Christ founde the obseruacion of his commaundementes as it may be gathered by his sayenge yf ye loue me kepe my commaundementes So then the obseruaciō of goddes cōmaundementes is the effecte of the loue of god as in the same chapter it is expressed of Christ sayeng He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them the same is he that loueth me So that a true christian ought to do good workes not for the loue of eternal lyfe nother for the feare of eternal death which ensueth the transgression of goddes cōmaundementes but for the very loue of God which fayth hath wrought in him By this it may be perceyued that although by fayth onely not by workes mā is iustifyed in the syght of god yet good workes are not thought to be despysed and that man shuld not worke as som falsly hath imputed to preachers but rather that all good workes shal be besely exercysed to the glory of god The thyrde sort of workes are of the tradicion of man whiche are not in the scrypture of God nor yet consonaunt to the scripture of god but playnly repugnaunt as pardons pylgrymages kissing of ymages offryng of candels knelyng and crouchyng to stockes and stones and suche other whiche ought not to be receyued nor obserued for it is rather to be obeyed to god thē vnto mā Actes v. the aucthours of such tradicions as Christ sayeth doth worshyp hym in vayne teachyng doctrynes which are nothynge but mennes preceptes Mat. xv Of these preceptes and mennes lawes seke the .xxviii. and .xxix. chapter of Esay in the whiche ye shall perceyue these pleasures of God for them ¶ The offyce of al estates BE wyse nowe therfore O ye kynges Be warned ye that are Iudges of the earth Psalmus iiii Serue the lord wyth feare reioyse before hym with reuerēce Heare therfore O ye kynges and vnderstande Sapien. vi O learne ye that be Iudges of the endes of the earth geue eare ye that rule the multitudes and delyte in much people for the power is giuē you of the Lorde and the strength from the highest whiche shall trye your workes and search out your ymaginacions Sapi. vi Vnto you therfore O ye kynges do I speake that ye maye learne wysdō not go amysse for they that kepe righteousnes shal be ryghteously iudged and they that are lerned in ryghteous thynges shal fynd to make aunswere wherfore set your lustes vpon my wordes loue them so shall ye come by nourture ¶ To the leage people of al estates vnto theyr prynce LEt euery soule submyt himselfe to the aucthorite of the hyer powers for there is no power but of God The powers that be are ordeyned of God so that whosoeuer resisteth the powers resisteth the ordinaunces of God Roma xiii And they that resyst shal receyue to themselues
thou refreshest me thou shalt stretche forth thyne hande vpon the furyoufnesse of myne ennemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shall make good for me yee thy mercy O Lorde endureth for euer despyse not then the worke of thyne owne handes Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be ¶ The antheme ¶ Haue mercy on me Lord and heare my prayer ¶ The Chapter THe benignite and humanite of God oure sauyour hath appeared not for the dedes of ryghteousnesse which we wrought but after hys great mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and renuynge of the holy goost which he shed on vs abundauntly thorowe Iesus Christ our sauyour ¶ Thankes be to God ¶ The hymne O Lorde of the worlde the sauyour Which hast thys daye saued vs In thys nyght be our protector And in all tymes be gracious Mercyfully helpe vs nowe And spare vs to the prayenge Our synnes awaye also do thou And our darknesse thou lyghten Thou of our sense the renuer Wyth harty desyre we do praye That wyth chast mynde and pure From our beddes ryse we maye O vyrgyn Mary moost gracyous O mother of Christ incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he in the houre of death be fauourable Glory be to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chast was bore Glory be to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The versycle ¶ Kepe vs Lorde as the apple of the eye ¶ The answere ¶ Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges defende vs. ¶ The songe of Simeon Nunc dimittis seruum tuum domine LOrde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace accordyng to thy promysse Lorde my eyes haue sene thy sauynge helthe Whych thou hast prepared before the face of all people Lyght to be shewed vnto the Gentyles and to the glory of thy people of Israell Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme O Lorde saue vs wakynge and kepe vs slepynge that with Christ we maye wake and quietly to rest in peace ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And gyue hearynge to my clamoure ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of the aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of thy sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into oure hartes that we trustynge in hym through hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glory of the last resurrection By thesame our Lorde Iesus Christ which lyueth reygneth one God with the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it A memory of the passion of Christ THe hope of our lyfe euer to endure Of Iesu the noble and blessed body At cōplyne tyme was brought to sepultur Spyced and adorned fragant and swetely Of scripture complete was then the mystery Therfore Iesu graunt me thy woundes tender And thy death busely styll to remember ¶ The summe of the whole or fynall prayer O blessed Christ these houres canonicall To the I offer with meke deuocion For as thou hast suffred those paynes all In thy greuous agony by lyke season So by the remembraunce of thy passion Make me accordynge to thy busynes Partener of thy crowne and glory endles ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyppe the Christe wyth prayse and benediction ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the worlde from all afflitiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ in whose power al thynges are put and there is none that cā resyst thy wyll which dydest vouchsafe to be borne to dye and to ryse by the mysterye of thy moost holy body and by thy fyue woundes and by the effusion of thy moost precyous bloude haue mercy on vs euen as thou knoweste to be necessary for oure soules and bodyes delyuer vs from the temptaciō of the deuell and from all thynges with the which thou knowest vs to be troubled with and kepe vs and strength vs in thy seruyce vnto the ende and geue vs true amendemement and space of true penaunce and of our synnes also graunte vs remission and make vs brethren and systerne frendes and enemyes to loue together and wyth all thy sayntes in thy kyngdome wythoute ende to haue ioye Whyche lyuest and reygnest God wyth God the father and the holye gooste worlde withoute ende So be it Let vs prayse the Lorde And geue hym thankes wyth one accorde The gloryous passyon of our Lorde Iesu Christe delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynes and brynge vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady The rodde of Iesse hath floryshed Replenyshed with the holy goost Which vpwarde to go vs hath monyshed In passynge the hylles to Zacharies coast ¶ The versycle Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere That we maye obteyne Christes promission ¶ The prayer WE beseche the Lorde Iesu Christ that the most holy vyrgyn Mary thy mother may praye for vs vnto thy holy mercy nowe in the houre of deathe whose soule in the houre of thy blessed passion the swearde of sorow perced tho rowe which yet in thy glorious resurrection excedynge gladnesse made ioyfull whyche lyuest and raygnest for euer ¶ The dolorous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdome So be it O mercyfull father haue pytie therfore On vs poore wretches myserable and thrall Seynge thy sonne that vyne cluster pressed sore And from the pestylens of death eternall Kepe vs by voydynge the fende infernall And ioyne vs wyth them whych rewarded be With eternall lyfe seynge the deytie ¶ The versycle ¶ We do praye the do praye the father of Christe moost mercyfull ¶ The answere ¶ That thou intende and defende vs from death that is moost sorowfull ¶ The prayer GRaunt vs we besech the father almyghty thy grace that we whych of the incarnacion natiuity passion glorious resurrecciō and meruelous ascencion of the sonne of the commynge also of the holy gooste wyth reuerence do make a remembraunce by the grace of the same holy goost we maye ryse from the death of the soule wyth the lyfe an eternall lyfe by Iesus Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ A prayer of Christ oure sauyoure HAyle heauenly kynge father of mercye oure lyfe our swetnes our hope all hayle vnto the do we crye which are the banyshed chyldrē of Eua vnto the do we sygh wepynge and waylyng in the vale of lamentaciō come of therfore our aduocate cast vpon vs those mercyfull ioyes of thyn and after this our banyshment shewe vnto vs the glorious lyght in thy heuenly kyngdome o mercy full o holy o swete sauyoure ¶ The prayer ALmyghty eternall God whych by the operaciō of the holy goost dyddest wonderfully prepare the body and
soule of the gloryous vyrgyn and mother Mary to th ende it shuld be a mete habitacion for thy only begotten sonne graunt that we maye be saued from all instante euylles and eternall death throughe the inestimable merites of hym in the remembraunce of whose death we take ioye and comforte By the same Christ our Lorde So be it TO the holy and indiuisible trinite to the humanite of Iesu Christ crucifyed glory infinitly be geuē of euery creature world wythout ende So be it Blessed be the swete name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of the glorious vyrgyn Mary for euermore And the soules of all true beleuers beynge departed through the mercy of God maye reste in peace So be it Praysynge be to God peace vnto the lyuyng and rest vnto the dead So be it ¶ Here after followeth a deuoute prayer vnto Iesus our sauioure O Bontefull Aesu O swete Iesu O Iesu the sonne of the pure virgyn Mary full of mercy and truth O swete Iesu after thy greate mercy haue pitie vpō me O benygne Iesu I praye the by the same precious bloude whych for vs myserable synners thou wast cōtent to shedde in the alter of the crosse that thou vousafe clene to auoyde all my wyckednesse and not to despyse me humbly thys requyrynge and vpon thy mooste holy name Iesus callynge Thys name Iesus is the name of helth What is Iesus but a sauyoure O good Iesus that hast me created and wyth thy precyous bloude redemed suffre me not to be dampned whō of nought thou hast made O good Iesu Christ let not my wyckednesse destroye me that thy almyghty goodnesse made and formed O good Iesu reknowlege that is thyne in me wype clene away that aleneth me frō the. O good Iesu whā tyme of mercy is haue mercy vpon me and destroye me not in tyme of thy terryble iudgemente O good Iesu though I wretched synner for my moost greuous offences haue by thy very iustice deserued eternall payne Yet I appell from thy very ryghteousnesse and stedfastly trust in thy inefiable mercy So that thou as mylde father and mercyfull Lorde wylte take pitye vpon me O good Iesu what profyte is in my bloude syth that I muste dyscende into eternal corruption Certaynly they that be dead shall not magnifye the nor lykewyse all they that go to hell O mooste mercyfull Iesu haue mercy vpon me O moost swete Iesu deliuer me O moost meke Iesu be vnto me synner fauourable O Iesu admytte me a wretched synner in to the nombre of thē that shal be saued O Iesu the helth of them that beleue in the haue mercye vpon me O Iesu the swete forgyuenes of all my synnes O Iesu the sonne of the pure vyrgyne Mary endue me wyth thy grace wysedome charite chastitie humilite yee and in all my aduersyties stedfast paciēs so that I may perfectly loue the and in the to reioyce and haue my only delyte in the worlde with out ende So be it ¶ The antheme O Glorious kynge whych amongest thy sayntes arte laudable and neuerthelesse ineffable thou art in vs Lorde thy holy name hath ben called vppon by vs therfore do not forsake vs Lorde God and in the daye of iudgement vousafe to bestowe vs amonge thy sayntes and electe o blessed kynge ¶ A prayer vnto Christ O Maker of heauen and erth kyng of kynges and Lorde of Lordes whiche of nothynge dyddest make me to thy ymage and lykenes and dyddest redeme me wyth thyne owne bloude whome I a synner am not worthy to name nether to call vpō humbly I desyre the and mekely praye the that gently thou beholde me thy wycked seruaunt and haue mercy on me whych haddest mercy on the woman of Canane and Mary Magdalene whych dyddest forgeue the publicane and the these that hanged on the crosse vnto the I cōfesse oh moost holy father my synnes whyche yf I wolde I can not hyd fro the. Haue mercye on me Christ for I wretch haue sore offēded the in pryde in couetous in glotony in lechery in vayn glory in hatred in enuy in adultery in thefte in lyenge in bacbytynge in sportynge in dyssolute and wanton laughynge in ydle wordes in hearynge in tastynge in touchynge in thynkynge in speakynge in workynge and in alwayes in whiche I afrayle mā and moost wretched synner myght synne my faulte my mooste greuous defaulte Therfore I moost hūbly pray besech thy gentelnes whych for my helth descended frō heauē which dyd holde vp Dauid he shuld not fal into synne Haue mercy on vs oh Christ which dyddeste forgeue Peter that dyd forsake ye. Thou art my creatoure my helper my maker my redemer my gouernour my father my lorde my god my king thou art my hope my trust my gouernyng my helpe my cōforte my strength my defence my redempcion my lyfe my helth my resurrection thou art my stedfastnes my refuge or so coure my lyght my desyre and my helpe I mooste humbly and hertly desyre and praye the helpe me defende me and make me stronge and comforte me make me stedfaste make me mery geue me lyghte and vysite me reuiue me agayne whyche am dead for I am thy makynge and thy worke Oh Lorde dispice me not I am thy seruaunt thy bonde man although euyll althoughe vnworthy and a synner But what soeuer I am whether I be good or bad I am euer thyn therfore to whome shal I flye excepte I flye vnto the If thou caste me of who shal or wyll receaue me yf thou dyspise and turne thy face from me who shall loke vpon me and recognise and knowlege me although vn worthy commynge to the for although I be vile and vnclene thou canst make me clene yf I be sick thou canst heale me Yf I be dead and buried thou canste reuyue me for thy mercy is much more thē my iniquyte thou canst forgiue me more than I can offende Therfore oh Lorde do not consyder nor haue respecte to the nombre of my synnes but accordynge to the greatnesse of thy mercy forgeue me and haue mercy on me moost wretched synner Saye vnto my soule I am thy helth which saydest I wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he lyue and be conuerted Turne me oh Lorde to the and be not angry with me I praye the mooste meke father and for thy great mercy I moost hūbly besech the that thou brynge me to the blysse that neuer shall cease So be it ¶ The .xv. prayers called the xv Ooes ¶ The .xv. prayers followynge called commonly the .xv. Ooes are for forth in diuers laten prymers wyth goodly prynted prefaces promisynge to the sayers therof many thynges doth folyshe and false as the delyueraunce of xv soules out of purgatory with other lyke vanities yet are the prayers selfe right good vertuous yf they be sayde without any such supersticious trust or blynde confidence And for as much as these prayers are a goodly and godly meditacion of Christes passiō