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A03284 The confession of faith contending how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, thereto led by faith: with the declaratio[n] of the article of iustification at length. ... Compiled by M. Henry Balnaues of Halhill, & one of the Lords of session, and Counsell of Scotland, being as prisoner within the old pallaice of Roane: in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. Direct to his faithfull brethren, being in like trouble or more ... Balnaves, Henry, Sir, d. 1579.; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1584 (1584) STC 1340; ESTC S100771 112,936 310

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nor quietnes in their conscience with God because they reiect the mercy grace and peace of god the which ar the substāce of the estate of a christiā wherein the iust liueth by faith ar so necessary that they should euer be blowen in at the eares of the faithful by the ministers of the word Therefore where euer the Apost S. P. writed or preached howbeit there was no question of the law nor workes thereof hee neuer pretermitted in the beginning of his Ep. as the other Apost in like maner vsed to certifie the Christian congregation of the substance of this article saluting thē with grace and peace which is asmuch to say as the mercy of god by the which ye are made iust and accepted as righteous in the fauour of god the Father through faith in Iesus Christ our only Lord and Sauiour Rest quietnesse in your cōscience I desire to be with you and remaine with you continually that thereby ye may worke the fruites of faith by charitie or loue in righteousnes to the glorie of god and profite of your neighbour through Iesus Christ by whome we haue this mercy and grace and entres to the father and the same grace the which grace is giuē to vs by god in Iesus Christ that no fleshe should reioyce in his sight who hath giuen him selfe for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs out of this presēt wicked worlde according to the will of god the father according to the riches of his mercy the which hee hath aboundantly shed forth vpon vs by whose mercy we are made safe He hath called vs by his holy vocation not according to oure workes but according to his purpose and mercy the which hee hath giuen to vs by Iesus Christ. And S. Peter saith blessed bee god the father of our lord Iesus christ who according to his great mercy hath begotten vs of newe into a liuely hope by the rysing of our Lorde Iesus Christ from the death Therefore if wee bee borne and gotten of new by mercy It is not of workes nor of our deseruinges but freely giuen vs by the grace and mercy of God through faith in Iesu Christ. Nor we haue no righteousnesse of the law nor workes as is before clearely proued by the scriptures at length And the same S. P. testifieth in his owne body to bee true who wrought many excellét works of the law Neuertheles he reputeth all but filthines that he may winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his owne iustice or righteousnes which is of the law but that iustice which is of the faith of Iesu christ And seing the holy Ap. the chosen vessell of god might not obteine righteousnes in the law nor works but in the mercy of God through faith in the pretious bloud of Iesu Christ Alace what blindnes is in vs wicked and miserable sinners which will euer glory cry good works which we neuer do and will haue them mixt with this article of iustificatiō In so much that Christ after our iudgement is not sufficient to saue vs and make vs iust howbeit it be the cause wherfore he was made man for vs only Therefore let vs cōclude with the Ap. and the holy scripturs that by faith only in christ we ar made iust without the law workes thereof And after mā be made iust by faith and possesseth Christ in his hart knowing perfitely him to be his iustice and his life thē shall he not be idle but euē as the good tree shal bring forth good fruite because a man truely beleeuing hath the holy spirite and where he is hee suffereth not man to bee idle but doth moue and prouoke him to all godly exercises of good workes as the loue of god patience in troubles and afflictions calling vpō the name of god thankesgiuing to the forthshowing of charity and loue vnto all This is the order of a Christians life and the substance of good workes as hereafter followeth and as we haue also touched some thing in the beginning concerning the trouble and patience thereof THE XXII CHAP. 1 What workes should Christians doe 2 The life of man is a perpetuall battell 3 What is the law of the members and what the law of the spirite 4 What sacrifice we should offer to god what is required that our sacrifice be acceptable 5 Who followeth Christ who goeth before him who is equall with him BEcause good workes are the fruites of faith and necessarie must follow the same and proceede of the iustified man as the good fruits of the good tree without the whiche no Christian man may gette witnessing of his faith Therefore after the forthsetting of the article of iustification should euer mention be made of good workes and all faithfull taught to doe the same The which methode S. P. vseth in all his ep but specially in the Epist. to the Romans and Galath For being iustified by faith we are at peace with God by our Lord Iesus Christ. But then hastely riseth the battel and strife with the world and persecution because all which wil liue godly in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution Then shalt thou begin to reioyce of thy trouble knowing surely that thou art the sonne of God because he chasteneth all sonnes whom he loueth This affliction whether it be in spirit or body bringeth pacience to thee which is the proufe of thy faith Then conceaue thou hope whose office is to confort thee that thou bee not ouercomme in thy affliction so then faith and hope being ioyned together the loue fauour and grace of god are by his holy spirite shed abroade in our hartes by the which we as valiant knightes passe to a new battell against the deuill the world and the fleshe of whome wee obteine victorie by faith and suffer not sinne to rule ouer vs. This methode to good workes teacheth the Apost Rom. the .5 and 6. Chapter exhorting vs that as wee of before gaue oure members to bee weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto sinne to the death that now wee being iustified by faith giue to god our members weapons and armour of righteousnesse vnto life For the rewarde of sinne is death but the grace of god is eternall life by our lord Iesu christ Then let vs surely beleeue hee who hath begunne the good worke in vs which is god shall performe the same to the daye of our Lord Iesus Christ. And so to begin good works is not to suffer sinne to rule in this mortall body that we obeye not the lustes concupiscence of the same The whole life of man is but a battell vpon the earth And who soeuer will pas fordward in the seruice of god hee must prepare him for tentation and trouble This battell S. P. had and as a knight of great experience taught vs the same how he fand a law in his mēbers repungning
excluded by the law of faith For in our iustification wee onely receaue as did our Father Abraham whose sonnes wee are by faith which was reakoned iust before he wrought any good works The veritie of the scripture proueth that the heritage commeth not by the lawe for by the law Ismaell and Esau the eldest sonnes should haue succeeded to the heritage and not Isaac Iacob which were yonger And so by the promis commeth the heritage and not by the lawe For the law euer accuseth craueth more of vs thē we ar able to pay And therfore damnation abydeth vs without we apprehēd Iesus Christ which payeth for vs that which the lawe requireth For hee alone taketh away the sinnes of the world Hee called all to him self and sendeth none to the law to seek iustificatiō And therfore who seeketh any parte thereof by their workes spoile Christ of his office The sommary of the 19. Chap. AS the good tree beareth good fruites so the iust man worketh good workes but neither maketh the fruite the tree good nor yet the workes the man iust for as the tree is before the fruite so the mā is iust before the worke be good We should worke good workes becaus wee being sometime the sonnes of gods wrath and subiects to sathan are bought by the blood of Iesus Christ to serue in his kingdome in the which ruled faith hope and charitie euer working righteousnes vnto life By the cōtrarie in the kingdome of the deuill rule incredulitie dispaire and enuy euer working vnrighteousnes And so we owe obedience to him whose seruants we ar There be diuers princes realmes subiects and rewardes no man can serue both nor of both the rewardes no man shall be participant but who serueth sinne receaueth eternall death for his reward and who serueth righteousnes receaueth life euerlasting by Iesus Christ. The sommarie of the 20. Chap. WOrkes are commended in the scripture not that they iustifie before God but that they are the fruites of a iustified man wrought to testifie his true faith Which onely iustifieth without workes either preceeding or following the same And that proueth Paull saying without faith it is impossible to please god And also all which is not of faith is sin whereof it is plaine that sophistes alledging that workes preceeding faith deserue the grace of god De Congruo say asmuch as sin deserueth the grace of god for all workes preceeding faith is sinne And that workes following faith iustifieth not testifieth the same Ap. saying not of the works of righteousnes which we haue wrought shall we be safe but acording to his mercy god hath made vs safe And so neither works preceeding nor following faith iustifie The sommary of the 21 chap. THE wicked by works of their own intention would be a part of their owne saluation because thay seek their own glorie as did the Scribs and Pharisies and not the glory of God But seing the works commanded by god done without faith to deserue remission of sinnes are abomination before god as testifieth Esay what shalbe of the vaine workes of man set vp without the commād of god by which hypocrites would be made iust And if we should confesse as commandeth Iesus Christ when we haue done all yet wee are but vnprofitable seruauntes where is the merite of the workes of supererogation which hypocrites would sell to others And if Paull which had right excellent works esteemed them al to be but filthinesse that he might winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his owne iustice which is of the lawe but the iustice which is of the faith of Iesus Christ If Paull I say sought no iustice in his own works how shal we whose workes are on no maner equall to the workes of Paull be iustified thereby And therefore with the scripturs and Apostles we cōclude that by faith onely in Christ we ar made iust without all law or workes And after man be made iust by faith and possesseth Iesus Christ in his hart then can he not bee idle For with true faith is also giuen the holie spirite which suffereth not man to bee idle but moueth him to al godly exercise of good workes The sommarie of the 22. Chap. AFter the article of iustification christians should bee instructed to doe good works not these which are inuēted by mā but which are cōmanded by god amōgst which the principall is to reioyce in tribulation giuing thankes to god in all things with sure hope and patience abyding his deliuerance knowing that the life of man is a perpetuall battell vpō earth The law of the mēbers euer rebelling against the law of the mind The law of the members wee call the tyrannie of the deuill euer drawing vs to the lustes of the flesh not onely in externall works but also in the inwarde affections of the minde as to doubt of the goodnesse and mercy of god to be sloughtful and not to loue and feare him with our whole hart The law of the minde or of the spirite is the motion of the holie ghost stirring vs vp to all iustice and righteousnes which we know to bee good and yet finde no power in our selfe to performe the same And this battell is most vehement in the most holy as witnesseth Paull And therefore to kill this outwarde man which is our wit reason and will we should offer our bodies vnto god in a quicke liuely and holy sacrifice but before this sacrifice bee pleasant to god must the minde which is the Fountaine of all good workes bee renewed with the spirite of god and made cleane which is when we cast from vs our wisedome righteousnes holynes and redemptiō and receaue the same from Iesus Christ. Some there is which put their whole trust in their own works thinking thereby to obteine the eternall glorie And these men go before Christ and are called Antichristes Others there is which thinke faith not sufficient but will haue their workes ioyned to helpe Christ and these goe astray from him For none of these two kindnes suffereth Iesus Christ death but for them onely which follow him laying all their sinnes vpon his backe The Sommarie of the 23. Chap. THe foolish reason of man perswadeth vs to leaue the workes commanded by god And to set vp workes of our own inuention thinking God to bee pleased therewith becaus they are done of good zeale and intention The scriptures of God showeth all the thoughtes and cogitations of man to be euill at all time And if so bee what is our good intentiō But whether the intent of man bee good or not the fruites proceeding therefrom shall testifie For as sometime in Israell abounded all Idolatrie they hauing gods according to the multitude of their Cieties So nowe amongst them which are called Christians are set vp carued Images defended adorned and worshipped contrarie the expresse commandement of God The blessed sacrament of Christs body and bloud abused and prophaned before them And all this
rewarde is not impute according to grace or mercy but according to debt But to him which worketh not that is confideth not in his own merites but beleeueth in him which iustifieth the wicked his faith is compted to him for righteousnesse according to the purpose of the mercy of God And that without workes For the probation and sure vnderstanding of this assertion yee shall reade the whole 4. Chap. Rom. the 15. of Gene. the 2.3 and 4. Galath and 2. to the Ephe. which wordes shalbe showen in this subsequent Chapter THE XVIII CHAP. 1 The cause wherefore God loueth vs. 2 Whereby commeth the heritage 3 The constance of Abraham in faith and his obedience 4 Iesus Christ payeth for vs that which the law requireth 5 Who spoileth Christ of his office BY grace yee are made safe by faith and not of your selues It is the gift of God not of workes that no man reioyse we are his handywork created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes the which god hath prepared that we should walke in them Verily these wordes are worthy to be written in letters of golde and euer imprented in the hart of man because they cōteine the whole somme of the Euāgell of Christ. And also exclude all the vaine sophisticall argumentes made contrarie this article of iustification because in this Epistle there is no question of the law as in the Epist to the Rom. and Galath But it is written to the gentiles being confirmed in the faith And also perseuering thereunto whome the Apostle certifieth of their iustificatiō in the first thre Chap. And then setteth forth to the end of the Epist. the workes of righteousnes in the which true Christians should liue according to their vocation vpon the which wordes I will make some short declaration according to the scriptures By grace ye are made safe That is by the grace mercy of God and aboundant loue he hath to mankinde because hee hath made vs hee would not wee should perishe For hee loueth his owne worke Hee saith I will not the death of a Sinner but that hee conuert and liue hee made vs that hee should loue vs for no mā hateth or inuyeth his own worke This grace we get by faith in Iesus christ the which is not our worke but the gift of God For wee are not of our selues able or sufficient as of our selues to thinke a good thought but all our abilitie is of god as the Apostle saith the seconde Epistle to the Corinth the thirde Chapter and Galath the third Chapter if the heritage bee of the lawe then it is not of the promisse but by the promisse god gaue it to Abraham Ismaell and Esaw which were the eldest Sonnes who succeeded not to the heritage but Isaac and Iacob whiche were heires of the promisse succeeded Wee are not made safe through workes that none should glorie because god will not haue vs reioysing in our selues in any parte of his giftes as the Apostle saith What hast thou that thou hast not receaued And if thou hast receaued it why reioysest thou more then thou haddest not receaued it Ye see works excluded forth of this Article that man hath no matter to glorie but to referre all the glorie vnto god as is before rehearsed And that man hath nothing to glorie into but in the crosse of Iesu Christ by whome wee should crucifie the worlde to vs. That is wee should esteeme all that is in the worlde wicked as the Apostle sayth to the Galathians the sixt Chapter Yee shall not meruell that our saluatioun is ascribed and attribute to the mercy of God through faith excluding all workes because the reasoun is here showen by the Apostle in these wordes For we are the handyworke of God created in Iesus Christ vnto good workes That is forsomuch as we liue haue life and vnderstanding and beleeue it is of God and not of our selues because hee is our maker Creator why should the earthen or clay pot extoll the self against the potter of whom it hath all which it hath or the branche against the tree of which it hath all the substāce to bring forth the fruite as Christ giueth the parable in the Euangell of Saint Iohn the 15. chapter the which yee shall reade that yee may vnderstande the wordes of Christ and similitude in the whiche the Father is declared to bee the Husbandman or the Labourer and Christ the wine tree vs christians to be the branches or the Bearers for the branche hath two offices the one is if it remaine with the tree fresh and greene it bringeth forth good fruite of the substance of the tree and not of thee self The other is if it wither bring forth no fruite it must be cut of brint Therfore if thou wilbe a christian and remaine in Christ by faith euer ioyned to him thou shalt bring forth good fruite of his substance and not of thyne of the which the glory perteineth to him and not to thee And if thou will be the withered branche that is wicked bring furth no fruite thou art prepared for the fire there to serue with the Deuill and his Angels And this is sure if thou wilt either glorie in thy works or yet that thou art thy own Sauiour or any part thereof as concerning this article of iustification But to remaine in Christ by faith and suffer him to worke in thee which thou doest whē thou workest the workes commanded in the Scriptures of God and attributs them to Christ to be his workes working in thee Then shall he make thy imperfection perfite that nether the deuil nor the law dare accuse them because they are the workes of Christ and for his sake receaued of the father by faith So their is heir no thing to the to glory of but to say with the Ap. He that wil glorie let him glorie in the lord c. This glory of works is excluded by the law of faith of the which law the Apost maketh mention saying The law of the spirite of life in Christ Iesu hath delyuered me frō the law of sinne death That is the mercy of god the gift of the holy spirit remission of sinnes euerlasting life purchased to vs through faith in Christ by the which we liue in ryghteousnes free frō sinne death so it is caled the law of faith which excludeth all glory of works because we receaue and giue no thing but glory and honour vnto god which is the sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing In this we should liue in righteousnes worke the workes of god not become thrall again to sin death frō the which we ar freed freely without our merits or deseruings through faith in the bloud of Christ our Sauiour and aduocate Therefore let vs cōclud with the Apost establish for an infallible cōclusion mā to be made iust by faith without
and iustice as we may clearly perceaue in our first parent For after he had transgressed the law and commandemēt of god he fled from him whom god followed moued of loue toward his handie work and called him again in the which he did shew his goodnes and whē he accused Adam of his sin he was not penitēt nor trusted not in the mercy of god or asked forgeuenesse But excused hys transgressiō and fault Neuerthelesse god of his infinite mercy made the promes of saluatiō or euer he would prononce the sentence contrarie the man or woman saying to the serpēt I shall put enymity betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and the womans seede The seed of the womā shal tread downe thy head and thou shal sting the same on the heele Adam was cōforted with these words and through faith in thys promis was of wicked made iust that is receaued again in fauour and through faith in the bloud of Christ to be shed was accepped as iust And thereafter god manifested his Ire and wrath contrarie sinne which of his righteous iudgemēt he can not suffer vnpunished and pronūced the sentēce first against the woman and then against the man and eiected them forth of paradise cloathing them with skinne coates saying behold Adam is made as it were one of vs knowing good and euil that is asmuch to say O miserable mā now thou mayest perceaue thy state and the fruites thou hast gotten for the transgression of my cōmandemēt what is thy knowledge that thou hast learned nothing but to fly from thy Maker to passe frō life to death from great pleasure to all miserie And so Adam is spoyled of all the noble gifts he was indued with in his creation as here after time place at more length shalbe showen read with order the 3. Chapter of Genes and thou shalt vnderstand this matter clearly Nowe yee may see what was our first parents part in the obteining of this promisse of God Very lie no more then he had of his creatiō but rather lesse for beyng but dust and clay hee made no euill cause but being made man he disobeyed his Maker trangressed his law vsurping glorie to hym selfe and knowledge which became him not to seeke For the which he deserued nothing but eternall dampnation Abraham in his fathers house an Idolater as he was and the rest of his house made no good cause to god nor merite to obteyne the promisse that he should bee the father of all faithfull but only beleeued in the promis of god as hereafter shalbe discussed but euen as thei were accepted as iust through faith without all their merites or deseruinges so shall wee bee which are the Sonnes of Abraham and heires of the promisse No other way shold we seeke but the order taught vs in the scriptures of God that is if wee wilbe sure of our saluation and haue passage to the father passe vnto Christ who sayeth I am the waye the trueth and the life no man commeth to the father but by me If yee had knowledge of me ye should also haue knowledge of the Father Therefore if we will walke right in the way go with christ and walk in him if wee will not bee deceaued passe vnto him for he is the veritie who cā nether deceaue nor be deceaued if we wil not die the eternal death he is the life These gifts may we haue of no other but of him by him only through faith in the mercy of God by the operation of the holie spirit THE V. CHAP. 1 The consolation of Adam expelled from Paradise 2 The consolation of Adam whiche hee tooke of his two sons turned in dolor 3 What Adam did when hee receaued Seth for Abell whome Cain slew 4 The confort of Adam in all afflictions and example left to vs therinto GReat was the trouble and afflictiō both of body and spirite which was in Adam standing trimbling before god whome hee had so highlye offended perceauing him self deceaued of the false promis made by the Serpent which was that he shuld not die how beit hee eat of the aple but should bee like vnto God knowe good and euill being therefore eiected forth of that pleasant gardin of all delite and pleasure in to the miserable earth to eat his bred with the sweat of his face Trust well he was sore penitēt now would haue suffered great torment vpon his body to haue satisfied for his offences but that could not be nor might not stand with the iustice of god What was his confort then nothing but this promisse which he apprehended by faith and beleeued him to be in the fauour of god for that promiseth seedes sake This conforted his spirite or els of despair he had perished in this sorrow trouble for he found no remeady in himself For his bodily cōsolatiō god sent him twoo sonnes by naturall propagation to his owne Image and similitude This was no litle consolation and confort to Adam but this bodilie confort turned shortly into great displeasure when the one Brother slewe the other of malice by the which Adam was destitute of all succession Thus dolorously lead he his life a long time desiring euer at God succession in place of Abell Of whome god had pitie and compassion and sende him a Sonne named Seth of whome descended the promissed seed that god might be found true in his sayings for rather would he haue raysed Abel frō death to life then his promis shuld not haue bene fulfilled By this was the dolor and trouble of Adam conuerted into ioy and gladnes For the which hee gaue thankes and praise vnto God saying god hath sēt me another seed for Abell whom Cain hath slain here he saith not that he hath gottē a sonne in place of Abell Howbeit by naturall generation he begat him Eue bare him of her bosom but saith god hath sent me another seede for Abell ascriuing the same to the gift of god and not to the work of man This is a notable exāple to al the faithful to receaue all thinges forth of the handes of God giuing him euer thankes therfore as the holy Fathers did not contemning the work nor helpe of man whome God maketh the instrument to do that thing which is his godly will to performe Let vs herefor take example of our forefather that like as he was subiect to trobles and afflictions all the daies of his life in this miserable world Euin so are we let vs take therefore all thing in patience thinking vs to haue deserued the same iustly how iust that euer we be or appeer to the world trust well there is nor was neuer mā which descended of Adam by naturall propagation iuster nor he was after his fall for there is no mention in the scripture of any offense done by Adā cōtrarie the lawe of his god after his expulsion forth of paradise And as for
whome god gaue consolation saying there is in thy bosom conceaued two sundry nations two people shalbe deuided of thy belly That is thou knowes not which of them is the seede of the promesse the yongest haue I chosen to whome the eldest shall serue This is conforme to the sayinges of S. Paule Rom. the 9. Chap. But trust well she vnderstoode spiritually by faith that Iacob was the promised seede when shee procured and laboured so diligently that he should get the blessing of his father defrauded the eldest Esaw This was not knowē to Isaac for he wold not only that Esawe should succeede to the heritage but to haue gottē the blessing also which Iacob obtained by perswasion of his mother Neuerthelesse Esaw remained with the heritage in his fathers house and ceased not still to pursue Iacob who at last was compelled to fly for feare of his life And so euer the seede of the serpent pursues the chosing conforme to this beginning Let Abell dye and Cain liue But finally the seede of Iacob succeeded to the land of promission And inioyed the heritage Howbeit they were long troubled and afflicted in Egipt THE X. CHAP. 1 The wrong opinion of the Iewes of the promised seede 2 Wherin the vngodly place iustification 3 Sathan moues his members against the true professours of faith 4 Ieremie the Prophet of God resisted the whole Ecclesiasticall power of the Iewes 5 The head of the serpent troden downe by the death of Iesus Christ. 6 The article of iustification preached after the death of Christ. YE shall vnderstande that the Iewes had a fleshly opiniō of this promised seede for they vnderstood that the Messias which was promised to them should rule temporaly as Dauid did and establish his realme in great quietnes rest withal pleasure voluptuousnes as yee may vnderstand by the desire of the mother of the Sons of Zebedee Her Sons being with Christ and his Apostles were of the same opinion as testified the aunsweare of Christ saying to them yee knowe not what ye aske But the spirituall knowledge which the Fathers had was farre different therefrom Who vnderstoode in the spirit that the realme of Christ was spirituall and not temporall to the which they were led by faith By this yee shall vnderstande not only that the fleshely iudgement is deceaued in knowledge of this seede but also of the persecution of Sathan Euer perswading the wicked and vngodly which are his seede to persecute the womans seede of the promisse That is the chosen who according to the promisse of God obtaine victorie by faith in the bloud of Christ. For Sathan intending to destroye this article of iustification may not suffer the preaching thereof that is That by grace through faith and not of our owne rightuousnesse and workes We ar made safe please God are receaued into fauour with him and accepted as righteous and iust not of our merites or deseruinges but through the merits of Christ Iesu our Sauiour By the cōtrary the wicked trusts in their owne strength and merites And will haue their good works inuented by them selfe without the commandement of god a part of their saluation And who will not authorise the same they persecute of deadly hatred and must needes dye as Abell did So let Abell dye and Cain liue that is our law sayeth the vngodly In the Church of the Iewes our saide aduersarie ceased not to impung this article and perswade the wicked to persecute the godly and kill the prophets for preaching the same for defence of the which Ieremie the Prophet resisted the hole Ecclesiastical power authoritie of the Church of the Iewes that is the multitude of the wicked being a few number of the chosen that assisted to him as yee may reade Ieremie the 26 Chap. Not the les afterward hee was stoned to death for the same cause which is the reward of mā that is which mā giueth for the true preaching of this article So let Abell dye and Cain liue Finally the persecution of sathan our aduersary perswaded the death of christ his Apostles and martyres and their true successours all for this article But euer Christ got victorie and triumphed by his word only In so much as he got victorie of the deuill hell and death of the lawe sinne the world and the fleshe through his death and resurrection So by faith in his bloud al the Prophets Apostles martyres confessors with their bloud haue watered the Church and haue left a sure testimonie to vs for confirmation of this article that in the bloud of christ and not in their owne bloud workes or deedes they are made safe and haue gotten the realme of heauen conquest and purchased to them by Christ and not by them selfes nor their merites The which confession is the cause that the godly ar euer persecuted by the wicked So let Abell dye and Cain liue that is our lawe THE XI CHAP. 1 How sathan hath deceaued the worlde after Christ and wherewith he hath cled him 2 An euident argument showing them which this daye are called bishoppes to be the church malignant 3 An exhortation to them which enter in the church by the Popes authoritie aend of his power to make bishops 4 Wherein the wicked Iewes gloried and wherein the Pope his kingdome NOw our aduersary perceauing by the death of Christ that the promise made in Paradise was fulfilled and his head troaden down that is his power strēgth by the sheding of the bloud of Christ this article of iustificatiō laid so abroad the church of christ is so strongly edged with the same that all his imaginatiōs with the which he deceaued mankind had no place to peruert the perfite faith Then inuented he a new maner of habite which hee founde in the same church amongst the slouthfull ministers whome by processe of time seeing them idle not occupied in the reading teaching and preaching of the scriptures hee prouoked to inuent workes of their own conceite And also to abuse the holy sacramentes and good workes of God with vaine superstitions the which they call good workes And by this meanes he hath so drawen them from faith that they knowe not what the same is nor what Christ is but as it were a Theefe hanged vpon a gallous or gibbit innocētly or like another maner of prophane history of Hector or of the great Alexander And therefore hath prouoked them to pursue this Article more cruelly then euer it was pursued from the beginning of the worde Them selfes by worde confessinge the same with their mouth reading singing and of their maner dayly teaching and preaching the same And yet neuerthelesse dayly burning killing banishing the true faithful preachers of the said article confessours therof And so euer shall Abell dye and Cain liue that is our lawe say they Our said aduersarie that he should not be perceaued hath transformed him selfe in to an Angell of light
the disciples the which neither wee nor our Fathers might beare but by the mercy of Iesus Christ we beleeue to be made safe as they were And S. August in the 157. Epist. saith Therefore if the fathers being vnable to beare the yoke of the old lawe beleeued them to be made safe by the mercy of our lord Iesu Christ It is manifest that the same mercy or grace made the old fathers to liue iust by faith Now ye may see clearely that the old fathers were all made safe through the mercy of God without all the deedes of the law Then how will you make your selfe safe with workes which neuer did so good workes as the fathers So there can bee no better conclusion to exclude your workes in the article of iustificatiō then S. P. maketh saying that a man is made iust by faith without the deedes of the law Therefore faith onely iustifieth before god Ye shall vnderstand that it is all one thing to say faith onely iustifieth And to saye faith without workes iustifieth As by example if one saye the goodman is in the house alone or he is in the house without anybody with him This is all one maner of speaking The scripture saith mā is made iust by faith without the workes of the law Therefore we may well say that faith onely iustifieth For confirmation hereof yee shall reade the 2. Chapter to the Hebre. before rehearsed in the which yee shall finde the histories briefly repeated by the Apost testifiing the fathers to bee made safe by faith referring nothing to workes except onely that the workes beare a outwarde testimonie of the faith Abell by faith or in faith offered to god a more acceptable sacrifice then Cain did by the which hee obteined witnesse that hee was iust god bearing witnesse of the offerings and by the same hitherto speaketh being dead God looketh first to the hart of man before hee looke to his workes as testifieth the voyce of God saying I iudge not after the sight of man For hee seeth the thing whiche appeareth outwardly But I beholde the hart That is the man is first made iust by faith And accepted in the fauour of God as Abell was And then his workes are acceptable and please God because they are wrought in faith That it is the mind of the Apost S. P. to exclude all workes either going before or following faith to bee of the substance of the Article of iustification proued clearely the arguments and matters of his Epist. Specially to the Rom. Galath Hebre. In the which he laboureth so diligently that all the Sophistes and workers that are Iustifiers of themselfes may not get a corner to hyde them into from his conclusions without they deny Christ and his office At the least in effect as they doo after their maner But the wisedome of god and his holy spirite deceaueth them for when they wrest and throwe the scriptures to their minde in one place they are compelled in another place of the same Scripture to confesse them selfes Lyers In the Epistle to the Rom. from the beginning to the 12. chap. and in the Epistle to the Galath to the 5. Chap. with all laboure and diligence he setteth forth the iustice of god to bee through faith in Iesu Christ without all workes of the lawe And when he hath established the same Article of iustification Then setteth he forth the workes of righteousnes in the which a christian mā shal liue becaus the iust shal liue in faith This order ye may see in the saide Epistles and in the Epist. to the Hebre. hee declareth the office of Christ his priesthood and sacrifice and giueth faith her place the 11. Chap. All his laboure was to exclude the mixtion which now these fained workers would haue ioyned in with faith and the benefite of Christ which is no other thing but the worke of the deuil our aduersary to make the death of christ in vaine as the Apost sayth Therefore if iustice be of the law or by the law christs death is in vaine But thinke not that I intende through these assertions to exclude good works No god forbid for good workes are the gift of god and his good creatures And ought and should be done of a christian as shalbe showen hereafter at length in their place But in this article of iustification yee must either exclude all workes or els exclude Christ from you and make your selfes iust the which is impossible to do because we are wicked and can do no good at all which can be of value before God or pacifie his wrath except Christ first make our peace For that is his office for the which he came in the world and suffered death So if yee will not exclude Christ exclude your workes For in this case there is no concurrence more then there is betweene darknes light For what participation hath righteousnesse with iniquitie or what fellowship hath light with darknesse The definition of this Iustice is made plaine by S. P. Ro. the 3. Chap. which I exhort you to reade consider worde by worde conceaue and prent them well in your harts then shall ye be able to contend and fight valiātly against sathā and his sophistes of whom yee shall haue victorie by faith which is our victorie that ouercōmeth the world The iustice of god is by the faith of Iesu Christ In all and vpon all which beleeue in him there is no distinctiō or exception All haue sinned and haue need or are destitute of the glorie of god But they are made iust by his mercy freely without the workes by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu whome god hath proponed or layd before a sacrifice or satisfactiō by faith in his bloud to the forthshowing of his iustice for remissiō of the sinnes by past the which god hath suffered to the forthshowing of his righteousnes at this time that hee may be iust and iustifie him which is of the faith of Iesu Christ. Where thē is thy glorie or vanting it is excluded by what law of works No but by the law of faith Therfore we beleeue surely a man to be made iust by faith without the deedes of the law Now I pray you tell me what plainer words may be spokē or termes inuēted to exclude all our works merites or power to be participant with god in this article of iustification They are as plaine and cleare as the sonne in midday Neuerthelesse because the wordes are so pretious and necessarie aboue all things to be imprented and continually keeped in the hart of man I will make some declaration of euery part and particle of this definition And proue by authoritie of scripture this iustice of god by the which a man is made iust to be without all works or power of mā only by faith in the mercy of god Of this Iustice Dau. speaketh saying lead me in thy iustice O lord because
the paine which the curse of the lawe inioyned to vs by sinne in whome wee haue redemption by his bloude remission of our sinnes according to the riches of his mercy and grace What wordes may bee more plaine to proue this iustice onely by faith in Christ excluding our merites Yee haue the same assertion in the Epistle to Titus the second Chapter Galath the fourth and Apocalypsis the fifth chapter Where it is written Thou art worthie O Lord to take the booke and open the seales of it for thou art slaine hast redeemed vs to god in thy bloud hee saith not in our workes but in thy bloud Here ye may see and consider our sinnes were no light thinges Cōsidering there was no other thing whiche might pacifie the wrath of the Father but the bloud and death of his onely begotten sonne Christ Iesu to bee made man for that cause And now for vaine inuented Imaginations of ignorant Sophistes which will not onely be their owne redemers but also redeme others this pretious bloud is repute in vaine or a light thing It followeth whome God hath layde before a sacrifice or satisfaction through faith in his bloud to the forthshowing of his iustice for remission of the sinnes by-past the which god hath suffered or in the suffering of god to the forthshowing of his Iustice at this time that he may be iust and iustifie him which is of the faith of Iesu Christ. Here the apostle aboundeth in wordes to exclude all sophistrie and vaine conceate of workes which mē intende and would intende to make satisfaction for sinne For hee setteth forth Christ here the full sacrifice and satisfaction for sinne And therefore he called him the mediatour of the new testament by intercession of his death And also Christ offered a sacrifice for sinnes and for euer sitteth at the right hand of God beholding till his enemies bee made his foote stoole And S. Iohn saith if any shall sinne we haue an aduocate before the father Iesus Christ who is iust and he is satisfaction for our sinns not only for ours but for the whole worlds that through faith in his bloude For there is nothing may bring vs thereto but faith only And no satisfactiō may be but Christes death who hath ones dyed therefore and shall not dye againe death shall haue no more dominion of him In the which hee hath declared him iust in fulfilling the promis made of him in the lawe and prophetes That is that he was to make vs iust which could not make our selues iust And where hee saith for remission of sinnes bypast the which God hath suffered c. Vnderstand not that of the sinns bypast before the cōming of Christ onely but also of all sinnes committed to the worldes end For these words are spoken foorth of the mouth of god with whome all things is present as yee may consider by the wordes of Christ speaking to the Iewes on this maner Before Abrahā was I am Howbeit Abrahā was dead a thousand yeares before his incarnation So to the penitent all sinnes are bypast Therefore the remission of sinnes by past in Christes bloude indured to the end of the worlde This is necessary to know for two causes principally The one is for confounding of the heresie of the Nouatiās which peruert the sayings of the Apost wherevpon they would inferre that man once beeing iustified and thereafter falling in sinne may haue no place of repentance whiche were the peruerting of all the scriptures of God and his promisse in the bloud of Christ who is the lambe of god that taketh away the sinnes of the world And our aduocate sacrifice and satisfaction Howbeit the Apost speaketh plainly that it is impossible to be renewed to repentance through renewing of baptisme for that were to crucifie christ againe not in his fleshe but in thy fleshe which would be new baptised The other cause is to exclude their opinion which think that Christ satisfied but for originall sinne onely that baptisme giueth or hath purchaste grace to man after the baptisme that he may satisfie for his owne sinnes by recompensation as god were a marchant to chop change with man That if Christ was the first marchant they shalbe the next And this is as great a heresie as the other by the which they would make the death of Christ but a vaine trifle and chaunge faith into workes of mans making The which is the work of the deuill that euer intended to impung this Article of iustification by the mixtion of workes This opinion S.I. confoundeth in his 1. Epistle the first and 2. chap. where he declareth first if a man say he hath no sinne hee deceaueth himselfe And then if man sinne as doubtlesse all men dooth he sayth wee haue an Aduocate Christ Iesu who is iust and is a satisfaction for our sinnes Moreouer all men howe iust that euer they bee neede dayly to praye forgiue vs our debts as we do our debtours the which prayer were not necessarie nor Christ had neuer taught the same If we might haue satisfied for our owne sinnes at any time So Christ is euer our satisfaction and we dayly sinners Therefore we ought euer to pray forgiue vs our debts as we forgiue our debtours It followeth in the definition where is thy glorie by what lawe is it excluded of works No but by the law of faith and concludeth man to be made iust by faith without the deeds of the law ye shall vnderstand that glorie in this place is taken for the sure trust and beleefe which men putte in their owne workes and merites the which the apost wil haue cleanly excluded forth of this article giuē wholy to christ who deserueth the same becaus he is obteiner thereof to vs through faith in his bloud The which faith wil haue no thinge participant with it in this case more then the sight of the eye will haue or suffer the finger in it to help the sight No it can not suffer a mote but euer waters being hurt till the mote be taken foorth Euen so faith foorthshoweth all thing to the glorie of God and merites of Christ without all workes or merites of man If Abraham had beene made iust of works thē had he wherein to reioyse but not before god And also hee had not obteined that name to be called the father of the faithfull but the father of workers Therfore the scripture saith Abra. beleeued god and it was reakoned to him for righteousnesse In the which scriptures yee shall not onely finde this iustice whiche is of value before god attribute and giuen whole to faith in the mercy of God but also the workes expresly excluded For either wee must be made iust by faith only or by workes only because they may not bee mixt without Christes death be in vain for to him that worketh saith Paule The
thankefull vnto god whome we knowe to be fauorable gentle kinde and mercyfull to the godly and to the wicked wrathfull and angrie This is the solutiō to the argumēt made in the beginning which proueth wherefore should we doo good if we be free from the law and freely iustified by the mercy of God through faith without our deseruinges Therefore choose you now if ye wilbe seruants to sinne or seruantes to righteousnesse Subiectes of the kingdome of Christ or of the kingdome of the deuill for wee are made free and iust by grace through faith that we shuld liue in righteousnes to Christ who hath dyed for all that they which liue liue not now to thē selues but to him which hath suffered death for them and hath risen againe from the same Keeping this order yee shall neuer cease to doo good works as occasion requireth THE XX. CHAP. 1 An answere to all scriptures which our aduersaries alledge for them against the iustification of faith 2 Wherfore works are commended in scriptures 3 An argument prouing that no workes iustifie NOw because there is some Scripturs which our aduersaries wold cause to bee seene either contrarie to the scriptures before rehearsed for probation of this article of iustification or els with them they would mixt this article so that faith not only iustifieth without works Therefore I will rehears some of the most principal of them And cause you vnderstand by the same scriptures they are neither contrarie to his article nor yet haue any entresse with faith in the making of a wicked man iust but followe faith as the due fruites thereof In the which the Christian man should liue as said is before In the Epistle of S. Iames the second Chap. It is said Bretheren what profite is it if a man say hee hath faith but hath no works may his faith saue him And again ye see saith hee that a man is iustified of workes and not of faith only Here the aduersaries of faith make a a great feast but they vnderstande this saying of the holy Apostle as they doo the other scriptures euer working with the Deuill to make the holy spirite contrarie to himselfe which is impossible But will yee vnderstand take heede and read the text ye shal see clearely that the Apostle speaketh of the historicall or idle faith that is dead without workes to the confusion of the wicked christians which haue no faith but in the mouth and not of the faith which maketh a man iust before God and obteineth remission of sinnes By the same examples and wordes that he rehearseth for he saith the deuill troweth beleeueth and dreadeth but the deuill can neuer beleeue that christ hath redeamed him and purchaste to him the mercy of god remissiō of sinnes and eternall life whiche is the faith to whome S. Paul ascriueth iustification only And also he reproued the euill Christian which sayeth hee hath faith and neglecteth the deedes of charitie in cloathing of the naked and feeding of the hungrie whiche deedes are the fruits of faith of the which S. P. speaketh Therefore there is no contrarietie in the Scriptures before rehearsed but concurrence And also the offering of Isaac as mention is made before was done aboue thirtie yeares after the iustification of Abraham to the forthshowing of his obediēce as the text proueth Gene. the 15. Chap. 22. Chap. In the which offring the scripture was fulfilled as saith S. Iames Abraham beleeued God and it was compted to him for righteousnes Here ye may see clearely S. Iames speaketh nothing of the iustification before god but of the iustificatiō before thy neighbour becaus of the examples authorities of the scriptures alledged by him which ar of works done in faith by the faithful long after their iustification For faith onely iustifieth before God as S. P. saieth without works And workes iustifie before man outwardly and declare a man iust before his neighbour in exercising the deedes of charitie which are approued before God and acceptable to him in them whiche are reconciliate by faith in the mercy of God and beareth witnesse that a man is iust Therefore yee who would alledge this authoritie of S. Iames to impung the articlcle of iustification which we confesse vnderstand not the Scripturs nor haue no foundatiō for you but ignorance babling of words They alledge an other text the 10. of the Actes of Cornelius whose prayers almes deedes past vp in the sight memory of god By the which words they would inferre his works made him iust or at the least prouoked God to call him to the faith which is all one thing For if we by our deedes may prouoke god to loue vs or to haue mercy vpon vs through our merits by the same reason we may make our selues iust And so we need no other sauiour but let Christs death be in vaine But my welbeloued bretheren yee shall vnderstād that God first loued vs prouoked vs to loue him wee being sinners vnworthie of loue yea enemies also as the Scriptures of god teach you Io. 1. ep and 4. Chapter and in his euangell the 3. Chap. and Rom. the 5. Chap. And therefore god first preueened vs with loue all goodnes and we not him And so shal ye vnderstād this text following of Corn. The text saith there was a man named Cornelius a captaine c. a deuout man one that feared god withall his houshold which gaue great almes to the people prayed god continually c. To whome the angell sent from god said thy almes and prayers are past vp in the sight of God c. Here yee see this mā was faithfull and iust by the first two proprieties by the which hee is commended which can not stand without faith That is deuout and fearing god Deuout is to say a true worshipper of god No mā truely cā worship God or please him but in faith becaus it is impossible to please god with out faith Cornelius worshipped God truelie and so pleased him therefore he was faithfull he feared and dread god by loue for that is the feare whereof the text speaketh Therefore Cornelius was faithfull because that loue can not be without faith The works which Cornelius wroght wer the fruites of faith and pleased god because god approued the same which hee had neuer allowed except they had bene done in faith For all which is not of faith is sinne Therefore yee must confesse that Cornelius was faithfull and iust before god or els ye must deny the scriptures which good forbid And then will yee say to what effect was Peter sent for to instruct him in the faith and teach him what he should doo if he was faithfull what faith was it he had To that I shall answer Cornelius had the same faith that Adam Noe and the fathers had for he beleeued the promised seede which was Christ knew not that he was come
whē we cast frō vs all our wisedome righteousnesse holines and redemption and receaue them frō Christ who is made to vs by god our wisdome iustice holynesse and redemption And confesse vs to haue nothing of our selues but euill and all our goodnes to be from god as S. Iames saith in his Ep. the 1. Ch. This our crosse is no other thing but the troubles and afflictions both spirituall corporall that we haue in this presēt life the which are the probatiōs exercises of our faith whereby the same is tryed searched by our heauenly father to our weale And testifie vs to be the sonnes of god and not bastardes And therefore we should gladly accept the same with thankes giuing from the bottome of our hart thinking them to come to vs for the best and that we are the beloued of god So accepting them And then in the greatest troubles and afflictions raise vp our hartes with faith hope beleeuing surely our good god to be so faithfull and true that he wil not suffer vs to be ouercome or confoūded tēpted aboue that we be able but will euen giue the issue with the tentatiō that we may bee able to beare it because our weak and fragill nature is knowē to him He will haue cōpassion vpō vs for Christs sake by whome wee are reconciliate to his fauour So let vs not go astray but follow Christs footesteppes That is to suffer all thinges patiently and thinke that we haue deserued more for our sinnes Also remembring that Christ our sauiour hath suffered ten thousand times more for vs. On this maner we followe Christs footsteppes who hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the crosse that being dead frō sinne we shuld liue in righteousnes My harts ye which are aduersaries to the article of iustificatiō learn to read the scripturs with effect to the perfite vnderstanding thereof and thē ye shal obteine knowledge to begin to do good workes in faith pleasant and acceptable to god Since we haue made mention of three kinde of personnes that is of them which goe before Christ of them which goe astray from Christ and of them which follow Christs footesteppes It is necessarie to let them bee knowen by them selues that the true and faithfull may be knowē by their deedes They which confide in their owne workes merites and deseruings thinking therethrough to obteine the kingdome of heauen and satisfie for their owne sinnes Not onely for them selues but also of the superaboundāce of their merits for others of the which they make marchādise These are they which goe before Christ and are called Antichristes or contrarie to Christ because they vsurpe his office and wilbe Iustifiers of them selues and others They which thinke faith not sufficient to iustifie without workes but will haue their own good deedes ioyned to helpe Christ in their iustification These are they which go astray frō Christ wilbe equall with him in their owne iustification for none of these hath Christ suffered death Therefore hee shall abstract frō these two kindes his wisedome righteousnes holines and redemption and shall suffer them to contend with the law in the latter iudgement whose workes being accused and the puritie and cleanes required according to the perfection of the lawe all their noble workes and deedes of good zeale and intention shalbee found abomination in the sight of God how excellent or shining that euer they be before men to whome it shalbe said Passe your waye from mee ye workers of iniquitie Lucifer was throwen downe out of the heauen because hee would haue made him equall with god Adam forth of paradise becaus he pretēded to know more then was giuen him in commandemēt to know c. The Pharisie of whom Christ maketh mention pretended no other thinge but a great rewarde for his good workes The same thing pretende all they which impūg this article of iustificatiō for will ye compare their sayings and doinges it is the same selfe thing but of another arrayemēt Neuertheles they are as like as a egge is like another And so they are not of Christes little flocke which hee hath chosen and follow him The thrid kind of personnes are they which putte all their trust hope and confidence in Christe take his crosse vpon their backes and dayly followe Christ in his footsteppes neither declining to the right hande nor to the left that is grounded in faith euer working by charitie absteining frō euill and doing good works in the which they put no confidence but thinke when they haue done all whiche is commanded them to doo neuertheles they think them selues but vnprofitable seruants they lay their sinns vpō Christes backe and follow him by faith ascribing all their wisedome iustice holynesse and redemption to Christ and nothing to them selues nor their merites because they are sinners and through the dregges of sinne left in them of the old corrupted man their workes are not perfite according to the perfection which the law requireth Therefore they may not stande in iudgement with them of their owne power and strēgth but beleeue the same workes through faith in Christ to bee accepted as obedience to the lawe and through Christs merites made perfite These are they to whome it shalbee saide Come vnto mee yee blessed of my Father and possesse the Kingdome of Heauen prepared vnto you from the beginning of the Worlde Against the whiche the Lawe hath no place to accuse nor condemne their workes of any imperfection because they are Christs workes made by him perfite through faith in his bloud THE XXIII CHAP. 1 What the reason of man perswadeth to be done in the matter of religion 2 Argumentes against good zeale and good intention 3 The papisticall church this day is worse thē the externall church of the Iewes in the dayes of the Prophets Christ. 4 What fruite bringeth the good zeale of man THe blinde reason witte and vnderstanding of man which is but the desires and appetites of the fleshly man is the cause why wee misknowe the good and perfite order to doe good workes taught vs in the scriptures neglecting the worde of god following our own will which teacheth vs good zeale and good intention This our reason affirmeth good and thinketh that God shall approue the same according to our desire whiche is but flesh I meane of the whole man and all that is in him But the spirit and word of god teacheth vs to walke in the spirite not to performe the desires and lustes of the fleshe For the flesh euer contendeth against the spirite and the spirite against the flesh Therefore we are commanded to fight valiantly against the desires of the fleshe and to absteine from the lustes and appetites thereof and to followe the will of God which is to walke in the spirite and clothe vs with Christe Iesus This order the Apostle teacheth Galath
1. Ep. the 5. Chap. exhorteth you to feed the flocke of Christ cōmitted to your charge Euen as Christ said to him thrise feede my sheep So sayeth he to you feede the flocke cōmitted to you euery one within his boundes according to your vocation This foode is the word of god and wo be to you which doe not the same because it is your vocation For the Apost saith Wo be to me if I preach not the Euangel c. for the neglecting of this good work vndone yee shalbe accused before god but not for the neglecting of the other vaine superstitious workes inuented by man but rather yee wilbe accused for the doing of them And it wilbe said vnto you Wherefore haue yee left the command of god vndone for your statuts and traditions Yee should teache euerie estate of man how they should behaue them in their conuersation The poore to the rich the riche to the poore the seruaunt to the maister and the maister to his seruaund And giue your selues forth for an example in deed to be followed as yee are teached by the Apost and play not the tyrant or the lord vpon the inferiour ministers and estates of the Church But from the bottome of your harte bee as it were a forme or rule to the flocke as S. Pet. teached you in the first Epistle the 5. Chap. Labour continually in your vocation as the good knights of Christ being ready if neede require to suffer death for the flocke resisting the vnfaithfull and eshewing prophane and worldly triffles as yee are taught by the Apost If ye will attend vpon these workes which are good taught and commanded you to doe as the fruits of faith ye should finde your selues so wel occupyed in the scripture that there shalbe no place found to your vaine superstitions aboue written which are not commanded by God nor his word For in the vsing of them ye do that which is not commanded you and leaue that vndone which is cōmaunded For this cause god suffereth you to be contemned and cast off because ye haue left him he hath left you and will punish you after the same maner as ye haue sinned For the cōtempt of god neglecting of his worde Hely the chiefe Priest was deposed and all his posteritie of the priesthood His sonnes killed in battell the arke of god put in the handes of his ennemies And the people also heauely tormented as testifieth the historie The holy King Dauid for the slaughter of Vrias and adultery of Bath-sheba the sonne of his owne body defiled his daughter The one sonne slew the other and also defiled his wiues and concubins in publike presence of the people and vsurped the crowne of his realme as yee may read the second booke of the kings the 13.15.16 and 18. Chapter This example of Dauid perteineth aswell to you as to princes and to all estates of the world that they may learne not to sinne And if they fall in sinne that they dispaire not but turne to repentance and come vnto god whose will is that all bee safe and come to the knowledge of the veritie THE XXVII CHAP. 1 The office of the fathers to the sonnes Housholders to their families and of Husbandes to their wifes 2 What kinde of men were chosen to bee bishops in the primatiue Church IF thou bee an housholder rule and guide thy familie and houshold bring vp thy childern in all godlynesse and honestie exercising thy selfe in thy occupation faithfully and truely without deceate or fraude to thy neighbour either in word or deede loue thy wife euen as Christ hath loued the Church For thou art debt bounde to loue thy wife euen as thy owne body There is no man which hated or detested his own body but nourisheth feedeth the same as Christ the Church for we are members of his body of his flesh and his bones for that cause man shall leaue father and mother and cleaue vnto his wife they shalbe two in one flesh And in like maner thou womā be subiect to thy husband as if it were to the lord for the man is thy head euen as Christ is the head of the congregation And as the church is subiect to christ euē so be thou subiect to thy husband in all lawfull things This is your vocatiō in the which ye should walke according to the commandement giuen to you by the Ap. Ephes. the 5. Chap. and Colos. the third In these wordes Let euery man loue his wife as himself And let the woman feare and dread the husband this is the commandement of god If ye mē and women wold take care vpon your vocation how honourable the estate of the same is and what yee ought euery one vnto another there were none of you who would commit adulterie or defile your owne bodies nor defraude one another of their duety and right For thou man hast not power of thy owne body but the woman Nor thou woman hast not power of thy owne bodie but the mā Therefore there is neither of you that should giue your bodies to other mē or womē nor abstract one from another that mutuall loue which yee are commāded to haue together This doing ye exercise the good work of god Be not outrageous nor thraward vpon the woman but teach her with meekenes and sweetnesse forbearing her somewhat as the weakest vessell And thou woman pretend no dominion vpon thy Husbande but obey him as thy lord taking example of the obedience of that noble woman Sarai If ye wold keep this order and rule in your own vocation there would be no strife betwixt you but all godlines and loue No mā would cōtemne or disdaine his wife nor no woman her husband but euery one loue other as their own body take care one for another in all things Thou mā should dayly hourely exercise the according to thy vocatiō And labour diligently for sustentation of thy wife children familie That thou mayst minister vnto them their necessaries for if a man take no thought of his owne and specially of his houshold and familie hee hath denyed the faith and is worse thē an infidele Suffer not thy children nor seruants to be idle but se euer that they bee occupied in some good vertueous occupatiō For that is the right way to keep them from vice and sinne because idlenes is the beginning of all euill Teach thē the law of god vse all things with discretion and prouoke not your childrē to anger but bring them vp in good teaching discipline and correction in the erudition of the Lorde Giue vnto your seruants that thing which is iust and right What yee promisse paye them knowing well that ye haue a Lord in heauen And thou womā exercise thee in nourishing and vp bringing of thy children in ruling all thinges within thy house as thou hast cōmandement of thy husband take
Workes iustifie before men onely Heb. 11. Cornelius had faith and thereby wroght good workes Heb. 11. What faith Cornelius had wherefor was Peter sent vnto him Esa. 65. Math. vlt. Mar. 16. Luc. 24. Sophistes would make the holy spirit speaking in S.P. contrarie to him selfe Psal. 49. Note The nature of loue * Why Charitie is called the chiefest Collos. 3. Io. 15. Math. 19. Luc. 18. * The wordes of Christ vttered the hipocrisie of the young man How the wicked doo read the scripturs Rom. 14. Marke diligently Tit. 3 The workes of Iustice is excluded in the cause of iustification The wicked aduance thē of works which they neuer doe Rom. 10. ●ue 16. Esa. 55 56 57. 58. Zach. 1. God neuer was nor wilbe pleased with works of mans inuention Workes which of them self are good done without faith are abomination before god Math. 7. Note well Luc. 17. Esay 48. * Hypocrites are neuer at rest in their conscience A repetition of the article of iustification and substance thereof The salutation of the Apost Rom. 1. Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 1. Galath 1. Ephe. 1. 2. 2. Timoth. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Philip. 3. * Paule wrought many excellent good workes but reputeth them nothing The entresse to good workes The method of S.P. in wreting Ro. 5. 2. Tim 3. Prou. 3. Heb. 12. Apo. 3. Rom. 5. 1. Io. 5. The reward of sinne is death Ro. 6. Philip. 1. The beninning of good workes Iob. 7. Whosoeuer serueth the lord must prepare him self for trouble Rom. 7. * The repungning of the flesh Ro. 8. Rom. ● Rom. 12. Colloss 3. Io. 6. The will of God Ro. 6. To bee crucified with Christ. The sacrifice pleasant to God Psal. 50. Psal. 4. The old man Collos. 3. * That is loue and extoll his magnificence in all kinde of godlie life Ephe. 4. Esa. 1 Mat. 16 Marc. 8. Luc. 14. 1. Pet. 2. Who followeth Christ. 1. Cor. 1. The cros of the faithfull Heb 1. ● Rom. 8. Psal. 30. 70. God will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that we may susteine 1. Cor. 10. Esay 53. 1. Pet. 2. * Who goeth before Christ. * Who goeth astray frō Christ. Luc. 16. Math. 7. The punishment of pride Luc. ●8 To follow Christ. Math. 27. All men depēding vpon his own reason is deceaued The cōfutation of good zeale good intētion Gen. 6. Gen. 8. Psal. 43. Deutr. 12. Ier. 11. * The cōmandement of god contrarie our good zeale Psal. 115. Esa. 55. Mich. 6. All which man shold doe is conteined in the scriptures Psal. 93. Who doth workes not commāded by God in his scriptures incurris his malediction Ier. 15. ●9 4. Reg. 21 2. Cro. 33. The fruits of good zeale Ier. 2. The wordes of Ieremie ar true this day 〈◊〉 ●2 11. Exod. 20. Leuit. 26. Deu. 5. Psal. 80.96 113. * Strange worshipping of God is not conteined in the scriptures Good workes Esa. 58. Ier. 7. 26 Ezech. 18. Psal 33. 1. Pet. 3. Tac. 1. Io. 1. Luc. 3. The vocation and office of men of warre Io. 6. Faith is the worke of God Io. 6. There is no perfection but in Christ. 1. Cor. 3. * Christ is the head and foundation of our felicitie vpon whom we should build good workes Coloss. 3. Math. 11 * Wherefore Christs yoke is easie and his burdē light Of generall and speciall vocations Immediate vocation Mediate vocation Vocation generall * Charitie is the bād of peace 1. Cor. 12. Ephe. 4. 5. * Why the faithfull are called one body 1. Cor 3 Ephe. 2. Act. 9.14 20. Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 12. Math. 38. Mar. 16. Iob. 33. Act. 10. Ia. 2. Gal 2. Galath 3 1. Pet. ●● Al faithful are kinges and priests Note well Ephe. 5. * Euery member should serue in his owne vocation Rom. 12. Ro. 13. * Loue is euer debt Men shuld seeke no knowledge but it which is profitable The diuision of the estaits of men The office of kinges and magistrates The king should loue his subiects Pro. 1. Psal. 110. * No man may know god but by his word The king should haue knowledge of gods law Deu. 17. Iosu. 1. Psal. 1. 3. Reg. 3. Iaco. 1. Psal. 19. Sap. 1. 1. Pet. 5. Luc. 1. The king should set forth the true and destroy the false religion of god in his kingdome Deut. 17. Psal. 2. Deut. 4. * To seeke wisedome other wayes but in gods scripturs is foolishnes 1. Cor. 1. Zach. 7. 7. Esay 1. Psal. 81. Exod. 28. Leuit. 19. Deut. 16. Exod. 18. Io. 10. * Iudges should be honoured because they are participant in power with god Deut. 1 Psal. 11. Esay 40. 1. Pet. 1. Iac. 1. Whereof shall iudges be accused whereof not * A iudge of corrupted life cā neuer minister iustice equallie * Subiects follow the vices of their superiour magistrates * God cōmonly punished the wicked by them which are more wicked Ier. 7. Marke diligently 1. Reg. 15 1. Reg. 15. 2. Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 2. 1. Tim 6. The bloud of the flocke perished for fault of spiritual food shalbe required at the bishope Ezech. 3. The cōplaint of Chrisostom * Without a bishope preache truelie he can do no good worke before god * The legacie Paull vnto bishops That is sorrow eterne dānation abideth you 1. Cor. 3. 1. Timoth 6 Tit. 2. 2. Timoth. 2 Malach. 2. Sap. 11. 1. Reg. 2 3. Reg. 2. 1. Reg. 2. * The punishment of Dauid perteineth to bishops aswell as to princes Ephe. 5 Collos. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Cor. 7. Coloss. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Tim. 1. Tim. 5. Psal. 77. Deut. 6. Coloss. 3.4 Ephe. 6. * Right Prayer * The vnfaithles worke no good workes Ro. 14. * The life of the fathers should be cleane because it is a mirrour to the sonnes 1. Tim. 3. Marke diligently Deut. 8. Math. 4. The faithfull lamēt the faults of others
thereby the strentgh of the flesh somewhat is dantoned and ceaseth to rebell against the spirite And beginneth to seeke god who is a peculiar Father to the faithfull deliuering them from all tribulations Not for their worthynesse but for his own mercie Worldly tribulations are the signe and token of gods loue albeit the wicked and vnfaithfull iudge otherwise which in tyme of tribulation runne from God seeking help at man which is but vaine whereof they being frustrate and deceaued fall in desperation The sommary of the fourth Chapter THe faithfull thanke god in tribulation and albeit our wicked nature teacheth vs to flye from God as did our first parent Adam after his transgression Yet faith in Iesus Christ leadeth vs to the throne of our Fathers grace where we finde goodnes mercy iustice giuen to vs freely by Iesus Christ as they were giuen to Adam Who albeit fled from god yet he moued of loue toward his own handywork followed him and albeit Adam at the voice of god repented not but obstinately excused his sinne yet god made to him the promisse of saluation before hee pronounced his wrath cōtrary sinne which of his righteous iudgement hee must punish And so Adam wrought nothing which might moue god to make this promisse more then hee wrought that of dust and clay hee should be made a liuing Creature to the Image and similitude of god And to Abraham being an Idolater was made the promisse hee should be the father of many nations which hee merite not to whiche promisse Abraham giuing credite was reakoned iust by the which it is plaine that the mercy of god and not our workes is the cause that hee calleth vs by his worde whereto wee giuing credite are reakoned iust all our deseruinges or merites being excluded The Sommarie of the 5. Chapter ADam expelled forth of paradise had no consolation except in the blessed seede promissed By whom hee beleeued him to stande in gods fauour for all bodily consolation which hee had of his two Sonnes was turned in dolour when Cain killed Abell In the which dolour Adam many yeares remained will God hauing compassion vpō him gaue him another sonne named Seth of whome descended the blessed seede For this sonne Adam gaue thankes vnto god taking all afflictions in patience knowing him worthie of greater punishmēt by whose example we should patiently with thankesgiuing vnto god suffer all tribulatiō For none descending of Adā by naturall propagatiō are iuster then hee was after his fall which all his life suffered trouble hauing no confort but that he should ouercome all worldly calamitie yea and also the slightes of Sathan which had deceaued him by the blessed seede promissed And this same should be our confort in all tribulations The sommarie of the 6. Chap. BY bodily afflictions our faith is tryed as gold by the fire They are also a communion with the passions of Iesus Christ. And therefore in them haue we matter and cause to reioyce considering we suffer without cause committed contrarie man Notwithstāding the wicked persecute the faithfull in all ages as if they had beene mischieuous or euill doers as may be seene in the persecution of the prophets Apost of Iesus Christ him self The cause hereof is the neglecting of gods word and taking from faith her due office whereof riseth all dishouring of god for none may or can honour god except the iustified man And albeit in diuerse men there be diuerse opinions of iustification yet they alone in whome the holy spirit worketh true faith which neuer wanteth good workes are iust before god The substance of iustification is to cleaue fast vnto god by Iesus christ and not by our selfe nor yet by our workes And this Article of iustification should be holden in recent memorie because without the knowledge thereof no workes are pleasant before God The sommarie of the seuinth Chap. AS by perswasion of Sathan Adam and Eue seeking wisedome contrarie Gods commandemēt were deceaued and fell in extreame miserie So they seeking iustification otherwise then teach the Scriptures remaine vnder the wrath of god for faith alone reconciliateth man to god which the Lawe whose office is onely to vtter sinne and trouble the conscience as it did to Adam after his transgression may not doe Therefore who list to resist Sathan let him cleaue to faith for it is the onely shield which his dartes may not pearse The sommary of the eight chapter CAin a wicked hipocrit killed his brother Abell For no other cause but that his brothers sacrifice pleased god because it was offered into faith And the posteritie of Cain pursued perpetually them which depēded vpon the blessed seede while god was compelled to drown the whole world 8. persons being reserued amongst whom yet was keept the seed of Sathan in the third sonne of Noe Cham. From the dayes of Noe to Abraham this article of iustification altogether was obscured Idolatry spredding ouer all The cause thereof was they followed the external works of the holy fathers in sacrifice but had no respect to faith without the which all sacrifices ar Idolatrie The sommarie of the ninth Chapter GOd of his mercy prouiding that his Church should not perish altogether renewed to Abraham the promisse of the blessed seede made to Adam whereto Abraham giuing credit is without his workes reakoned iust But shortly after begā sathā newly to pursue the iust by his mēbers stirring vp Ismaell against Isaac Esau against Iacob but the iust at the end shall preuaile as hath done Iesus Christ whose brethrē we ar by reason he is very man of the seed of Adam And also because in him wee are adopted and made the sonnes of god The fleshly mā is euer deceaued iudging the wicked to bee the chosen as Abraham beleeued Ismaell And Isaac beleeued Esau to haue beene their heires But faith iudged righteously which caused Rebecca to labour with diligence that Iacob the youngest sonne should be blessed by his father The sommary of the 10. Chap. THe Iewes hauing a carnall opiniō of the seede promissed that their Messias should rule temporally as did Dauid refused Iesus Christ appearing simple poore But the cause which moued Sathā to stirre vp his members against Christ was that hee plainly taught that by faith without all workes man is reakoned iust For the wicked thinking to make their foolishe workes a part of their iustificatiō may neuer suffer them to bee damned And the true Preacher can neuer but exclude them from the iustification of man as did the prophetes Iesus Christ him selfe and his Apostles for which they suffered death leauing to vs a sure testimonie for confirmation of this article which after Christs death was plainly preached The sommarie of the 11. Chapter SAthan perceauing his crafts wherewith hee deceaued mankinde discouered and his head troden downe by the death of Christ cled him in a new arrayement And finding them whiche should haue truely preached idle perswaded man to inuent new
works by the which they should seeke iustificatiō neglecting true faith Whiche pestilent workes so hath abolished the effect of perfite faith that they which are called bishops vnderstand nothing thereof but pursue all them which truely preache or defende the same by the which they showe them selues the Church malignant For the chosen neuer pursue but euer is pursued The sommarie of the twelfth Chapter IVstice in generall is an outward obedience or honestie which a man may performe of his owne power And is deuided in the iustice of man that is which cōmeth of the law which mā maketh And in the iustice of the law of god The iustice of man is deuided in politick and Ceremoniall Politicke iustice is an obedience which the inferiour estate giueth to their superiour which should be keept because it is the command of God that princes be obeyed Ceremoniall iustice is the obseruing of statutes and traditions commanded by the Bishope of Rome counsels or Shoolemaisters which ar to be keept so that they repung not to the law of god nor yet that by thē men seeke remission of sinns The iustice of the Law of God is to fulfill the same as it requireth that is to loue feare serue and honour god with all thy harte and strenght thereof Which because no creature in earth doeth there is no man iustified by the workes of the Law for in all man Iesus Christ excepted is found sinne as proue the examples of Abraham Moyses Noe and vthers most holie fathers in whom all sinne was found For by the transgression of Adam all his posteritie became rebels to the Lawe And are compelled to pray with Dauid Enter not in iudgement with thy seruaunt O Lord for in thy sight no liuing creature shalbe found iust The sommary of the xiij chap. SEing thē our forefathers were not iust by the law nor workes thereof of necessitie must we seeke the iustice of another that is of Iesus Christ which the law may not accuse In whom if we beleeue we ar receaued in the fauour of god accepted as iust without our merits or deseruinges But here obiecte the wicked as their vse is when any thing transcendeth their capacitie in vnderstanding these questiones First wherefore gaue God the Law if man may not fulfill the same Secōdly wherefore shuld we work good works seing by them we are not made iust thirdly whereby were the fathers made iust The sommary of the 14. Chap. FOr vnderstanding of the first question man should learne to know god as hee is declared in the Scripture That is to know him creator and maker of all which also made all his creatures in their first creation good and perfite who not onely gaue a law to man but also to the rest of his creatures as to beasts Sunne Moone sea and elements That thereby he might be glorified knowē Lord. And so to man hee gaue a Lawe to the effect he should know his maker and obey him Which Law when Adam transgressed he lost his perfection and righteousnesse And so the cause why mā may not fulfil the law is that the law remaineth in the owne perfection in the which it was first created by god but mā by his disobedience and foolishnesse fell from his perfectiō And therefore should he accuse him selfe and not god that he may not fulfill the law which is perfite The sommary of the 15. Chap. IN Adam after his transgression remained a litle of that knowledge and power with the which he was indewed by god from him it descēded in his posteritie whereby man may worke the outward workes of the Lawe But the whole obedience thereto giueth no mā For these wordes proue all man Iesus Christ excepted to be sinners by the law Of the deedes of the law shall no fleshe be iustified before god Which wordes Sophistes would abolish saying Paull speaketh of the Ceremoniall law and not of the morall or law of nature but the plaine wordes of Paull proue them to be lyers He sayeth The law speaketh to all which are vnder the Law And all men is vnder the law morall And therefore Paull speaketh of the lawe morall which condemneth al man Iesus Christ excepted The sommarie of the 16 Chap. THe iustice which is acceptable before god hath diuerse names first it is called the iustice of god becaus it proceedeth onely of the mercy of god secōdly it is called the iustice of faith because faith is the instrumēt whereby we apprehēd the mercy of god And last it is called iustice becaus by faith in christ it is giuē vs freely without our deseruings but euē as the dry earth receaueth the raine but all deseruinges of the self So receaue we the iustice which is of value before god without all our workes but yet we must suffer god to worke in vs. And this iustice is plainly reuealed in the euāgel frō faith to faith That is wee should continue in this faith all our life For the iust liue by faith euer trusting to obteine that which is promissed whiche is eternall life promissed to vs by Iesus Christ. The sommarie of the 17. Chap. THe faith of the fathers before Christs comming in the flesh and ours in the new testament was and is one thing For they beleeued them to stande in the fauour of god by reason of that promissed seede which was to come whome wee beleeue is come already and hath fulfilled all which was spoken of him in the law and prophets By this faith were the fathers made safe without all their works as testifieth Peter And where our aduersaries aske them what auailed workes We answere that works are an outward testimony to faith by which only man is first made iust therafter his works pleas God because the persone is acceptable And so no godly man forbiddeth good workes but of necessitie must they bee excluded from the iustification of man For Paull saith if iustice bee of the lawe Christs death is in vaine For albeit iustice sometime be ascribeth to man that is not because it proceedeth of man but because it is giuen to man freely by god like as our faith is called the faith of Iesus Christ because by him we are repute iust for he is made to vs from god wisedome iustice holynes and redemption And so all the scripture testifieth vs to bee made iust freely by the mercy of God that all glory may be giuē to him And therefore who maked workes a part of their owne iustification spoile god of his glorie The sommarie of the 18. Chap. GOD loueth vs because wee are his own handywork created vnto good works in christ Iesus In whom we remaine as branches in the wine roote bringing forth good fruites not of our owne strenght but of the power of the spirite of Iesus christ remaining in vs by true faith which works the law may not cōdemne becaus they are the works of Iesus christ and not ours And so the glorie of works is