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B10086 The safety of appearing at the day of judgement, in the righteousness of Christ: opened and applied. By Solomon Stoddard ... Stoddard, Solomon, 1643-1729. 1687 (1687) Wing S5709; ESTC W22065 210,940 366

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no influence unto justification 2. To the second part of the Objection that promises of Salvation are made to Obedience I Answer 1. That the promises of eternal life are not made unto obedience as that which does merit eternal life and therefore the best of Gods servants do acknowledg themselves unworthy of any good Gen. 32.10 They shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Luk. 21.36 Watch ye therefore and pray alwayes that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man but the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendred worthy often signifies no more than conveniency and suitableness so Eph. 4.1 walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called but the obedience of the people of God cannot merit eternal life there are two wayes of meriting neither of which can belong to the obedience of the Saints one is when men do merit a reward from absolute justice from the meer dignity of the work in this sence one man can merit from another but no man from God for whatever man does for God is but a due Debt and because no man can do any good but by the grace of God the work it self is the gift of God there is another way of meriting and that is according to the tenour of the Law when man keeps the Law he does deserve a recompence according to the tenor of it thus Jesus Christ has merited life for us Eph. 1.14 he has purchased the heavenly possession so the Angels merited blessedness for themselves but the Obedience of the Saints is not meritorious in this sense because it fails of legal exactness there be many sins mixed with their obedience and their best obedience is very imperfect and polluted and indeed it is upon the account of Christ that the obedience of the Saints is accepted 1 Pet. 2.5 We offer Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ 2. The promises of eternal life are not made to obedience as the proper condition of it because God is absolutely engaged to bestow eternal life upon Believers every Believer has already performed the condition of the Covenant and is under an absolute promise of life John 1 2. This is the promise that he hath promised us even eternal life and obedience is promised to them therefore cannot be properly a condition 3. The promises of eternal life are made unto obedience as the sign of it obedience is an evidence that a man is an heir of eternal life good works do declare that a man is one that shall be saved obedience is an evidence of the love of God it is from love that a man is enabled to live a life of obedience and they are an evidence that a man is a believer where there is obedience there is Faith also men are sanctified by Faith in Christ Acts 26.18 4. The promises of eternal life are made to obedience as wherein God has appointed to lead men to it God has purposed to lead men in a way of holiness unto happiness and wherever he begins to deliver men from sin here to deliver them perfectly hereafter this is the order wherein God has appointed to bestow salvation first to sanctifie and then to glorifie God has appointed to prepare all those for glory here that he does intend to bestow it upon hereafter he prepares them here for that holy place for that holy company for that holy work that is there though they shall be more fully prepared at the time of their dissolution this is the method that God has designed to save men in that they shall have their fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life Rom. 6.27 3. To the third part of the Objection that Glory is called the reward of Obedience I Answer 1. That when Heaven is called a recompence the word is not taken for that which is deserved there is a plain difference in the way wherein God inflicts death and bestows life Rom. 6 23. the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. 2. Heaven is not properly bestowed upon the Saints upon the account of their obedience as the condition of it it is upon the account of the obedidience of Christ as the meritorious cause and upon the account of their Faith as the condition of it their obedience is indeed the way wherein they do receive it and so it is a recompence of it they have heaven in a way of obedience and heaven will make an abundant recompence for all their labour and travail the people of God take pains undergo hardships undergo many temptations and conflicts in a way of obedience but heaven will make amends for all and abundantly recompence all their trouble in the way of serving God at the end of their journey they shall receive heaven and that will make amends for all their trouble 3. Saints when they go to heaven shall receive a recompence on the account of their good works their good works are the condition of an additional glory the essential glory of heaven is given on the account of Christs purchase and that God has promised to bestow in a way of obedience but besides those promises there are others wherein God has engaged further degrees of glory upon condition of obedience there will be a gracious reward by the covenant of grace given to every act of obedience performed by the Saints Mat. 10. ult God will take an account of all the good works of his Saints and recompence every one so that the more any Saint does for God the more glory shall be bestowed upon him Phil. 4.17 and hence it is as one Saint does more for God than another so the glory of one shall exceed the glory of another God will not overlook any thing that is done by his people though the obedience of the Saints be imperfect yet it is capable of being rewarded by the covenant of grace it is not properly the condition of enjoying heaven but it is the condition of enjoying further degrees of glory in heaven CHAP. VIII USE I. Reproof to those that seek salvation by their own righteousness VSE I. THe improvement we shall make of this truth is first to reprove those that are seeking acceptance with God and salvation by their own righteousness that neglecting the righteousness of Christ are seeking the favour of God by their own works this was the very spirit of the Jewish Nation in those declining times wherein Christ Jesus was upon the earth and this is one great part of the apostacy of the Antichristian Church that they teach Justification by works but besides these it is the ordinary practice of such whose consciences are awakened and terrified first to seek their peace and work out their reconciliation by their own righteousness when once the sinner is stung with the guilt of sin and under the awful apprehensions of Gods wrath the first way
why this sort of death should fasten a curse on a person more than any other legal death this Law makes the man that was hanged a ceremonial curse to typifie Christs having the moral curse Again it is clear be cause God punished Christ with death for sin and God does not punish sin but by the Law the death of Christ was on the account of sin Isai 58 6. The Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all 1 Cor. 15.3 Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures Several things are here objected As 1. That Christ did not suffer spiritual death in sin the loss of the image of God which is a part of the penalty of the Law Ans Christ bore the essential parts of the curse not all the accidental there be many circumstantial parts of the curse wherein there may be great variety so one Reprobate does not bear all the pains diseases and afflictions that others do some Reprobates shall not endure bodily death as they which are alive at the coming of Christ so Christ did suffer some sorrows that were peculiar which indeed there was no absolute necessity of from the moral Law as he suffered a legal death from men died as a Malefactor with many aggravating circumstances there was no need that Christ should suffer the same in specie with reprobates it was sufficient that he suffered the same in pondere the death of the Soul in sin flows not from the curse absolutely considered but from the disposition of the patient it is a punishment fit for sinners but not for a Mediator 2. Obj. Christ did not suffer the torments of Hell which are a principal part of the curse Ans He did not suffer in Hell but he suffered the same for substance with them that are there as for the bodily punishments of Christ they were very great but he bare the punishment of Hell in his soul he bore the loss of the comfortable fruition of God Mat. 27 46. and he had the doleful sense of the wrath of God on his heart this is held out Psal 110.7 He shall drink of the brook in the way and as we have peace of conscience through imputed righteousness so he had torment of conscience from imputed sin what was it else that he conflicted with in his agony was it only the fears of temporal death which many Martyrs have born with triumph he grapled with the wrath of God that made him sweat drops of blood 3. Obj. Christ did not suffer eternal death and the eternity of the punishment is the great aggravation Ans T is tr●e he suffered but a few years and the extremity of his punishment was but for a few hours because the infinite dignity of his person made his short sufferings equivalent● to the everlasting punishments of the damned for an infinite person to suffer a temporal punishment is as much as for a finite person to suffer an eternal punishment it may be as severe justice to punish Christ with the like pains for a few hours as to punish a damned man with them for ever a less quantity of Gold equals a greater quantity of silver it seems to be as great a testimony of the holiness of God and a vindication of the honour of his Law to punish his dear Son with a temporal as sinners with eternal punishment The seventh thing to be considered is That Christ performed the righteousness of the Law for us it was performed on our account that we might be justified thereby 1. The active Obedience of Christ was performed upon our account whatever was done that way was done by him as our Mediator and Representative Rom 5.14 by the obedience of one many are made righteous and Christs Righteousness as distinct from his sufferings sis spoken of as a ground of faith 1 John 2.1.2 we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous who also is the propitiation for our sins so in Dan. 9.24 the bringing in of everlasting righteousness is spoken of as a distinct thing from finishing transgression and making an end of sin which are benefits to come by the Messiah neither does it any ways prejudice this truth that Christ owed Obedience unto God as he was man it being essential to man to owe obedience to his creator for Adams Obedience was a natural debt yet if he had obeyed all his posterity would have lived and tho Christ himself were rewarded for his obedience and sufferings as is held forth Phil. 2.7 8 9 10. that hinders not its usefulness for us the primary design of it was to accomplish our salvation which hinders not but that God might give some signal testimony of his acceptance of the love and service of Christ by recompensing him for the same 2. The sufferings of Jesus Christ were also upon our account and indeed there can no other account be given of these sufferings no other reason but this can be assigned of them his sufferings were exceeding great as appears by his being afflicted before hand about it by his heaviness and amazement by his prayer by his sweating drops of blood and no satisfactory reason can be given of these sufferings but only that he bore our curse it was not for any personal sin for he had none Heb 7.26 it was not to prevent any sin God sometimes Brings afflictions on his people to prevent their sinning 2 Cor. 12.7 but there was no danger of Christs sinning his nature was not tainted and the union of the divine nature with the humane was a sufficient security it was not meerly in a way of trial to try the patience and faith of Christ the Scripture gives in no evidence of that neither was it principally to give us an example of patience but he suffered to make an attonement for us and recencile us to God. The Scripture represents the sufferings of Christ under a three sold consideration all serving to clear up this point 1. It is represented as a price of redemption Mat. 20.28 The Son of man came to give his life a ransome for many Rev. 5.9 thou wast slain and hast Redeemed us to God by thy blood A Second consideration is of a sacrifice the sins of the people were typically laid upon the sacrifice and then it was slain so Christ was sacrificed for us Eph. 5 2. Christ hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling savour 1 Cor. 5.7 Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us the fruit of this is Reconciliation A third consideration of them is they are a punishment Jesus Christ took upon the guilt of our sins that is our obligation to punishment the demerit of sin whereby the sinner deserves punishment was not translated to him as the merit of his righteousness is not translated to us but the title to blessedness arising there from so Christ took upon himself our obligation to punishment and accordingly God inflicted the punishment of our
sins upon him Christ was legally guilty of our sin and God punished him 1 Pet 2.24 He bare our sins in his own body upon the tree sai 53.4 Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows Rom 4.25 He was delivered for our offences And here we may take notice of a great difference between the first and second Adam The first Adam brought the guilt of one sin upon us but Jesus Christ takes away the guilt not only of that but of our innumerable personal Transgressions and this the Apostle minds Rom 5.16 And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences to justification the first sin that Man is guilty of layes him open unto death and his after sins do multiply his Obligations unto death but do not expose him unto so many several deaths yet they do expose him unto a sorer and greater degree of eternal death where there are several sins meeting in the same person they are to be punished with an aggravated death one death must be endured equivalent to so many several deaths for every sin must be accounted for in the day of judgment Eccles 12.14 and therefore Christ that he might procure a remission of all our sins bore a punishment proportionable to them all he was punished for them all Isai 53.5 He was wounded for our transgressions what he redeemed us from that he endured himself Gal. 3.13 only it must be remembred that by reason of the dignity of his person that sorrow which he endured was a greater measure of punishment that it would have been in us The Eighth thing to be considered is That the Righteousness of Jesus Christ is sufficient for the Elect of God in all ages he has an everlasting Priesthood and the vertue of his Sacrifice dos cotinue from the beginning to the end of the World therefore he is said to bring in everlasting Righteousnes Dan. 9.24 His Righteousness was efficacious for the ages before his coming though it was not then actually wrought out in former Generations this righteousness was available for justification as a man may be discharged of a Debt because of the Bond of his Surety before the money is paid so Christ was preached as the way of Salvation from the very fall of Adam Gen. 3.15 The seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpents head the way that the Patriaks were justified was by Faith in Christ Rom. 4.3 hence they are said to be saved by Grace Act 15 11 the Covenant which was made with Abraham was made in consideration of the righteousness of Christ Gal 3 17 The covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ Christ was actually slain after the World had stood about four thousand years but he was reckoned as slain from the foundation of the World Rev 13 8 the vertue of his blood reached unto the first ages of the world that is implied Heb. 9.25 26. Nor yet that he should offer himself often as the High Priest entereth every year into the holy place with the blood of others for then must be often have suffered since the foundation of the World but now once in the end of the World hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself Hence there was through him remission of the sins that were past Rom 3 25. he died for the redemption of transgressions that were under the first Testament Heb 9 15 the means of the salvation of the Fathers was accomplished in the dayes of the Gospel they were saved before but the price of this Salvation was payed when Christ died that is intended by that expression Heb. 11 40 God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect His Righteousness is also efficacious for all ages after his coming Christ payed for the salvation of those Generations that were not born then he satisfied for sins that were not then committed for God has appointed the Gospel to be Preached to the end of the World Mat. 28 19 20 yea Christ appointed that his death should be shewed forth in the Lords Supper unto the day of Judgment 1 Cor. 11 26 in the Redemption of Christ God shewed grace to the ages to come Eph 2 7 there will be some saved by Christ in all Ages to the end of the world Eph 3 31 the Saints under Antichrist are said to be redeemed by Christ Revel 14 6. The reason of this everlasting efficacy of Christs Righteousness is from Gods acceptance God might accept it as well before it was wrought out as after and it was as easie for Christ to redeem millions of men as one Christ being a Surety the same righteousness that will serve for one will serve for all as it is with the sin of Adam it is as sufficient to condemn millions as one and if Christ had been to redeem many more he needed not to have done or suffered any thing more what is done by the representative is reckoned to all them whom he represents The last Proposition for the cleaning of the Argument is That Christ has so purchased Salvation that the Elect cannot fail of it and herein lies one great difference between the first Adam and the second though the first Adam made us Heirs of death yet there is a possibility of our escaping destruction but the second Adam has so made us Heirs of life as that it is impossible that we should miss thereof that is intended Rom. 5 17. If by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they that receive abundance of Grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in lise by one Jesus Christ Christs purchase gives us such a title to Salvation as that there can be no failure of it 2 Thes 2.16 God has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through Grace the reason of the difference is because there was an exception in the Law that we must dye except our Surety died for us but the promise of eternal life which Christ has purchased does admit of no exception the promise made unto Christ does admit of no exception Psal 72 17. Men shall be blessed in him according to that promise to Jacob all the Families of the earth should be blessed in his seed and the promise made unto Believers does admit of no exception there are many promises that have a limited interpretation some are indefinite and some are conditional but this promise is absolute and universal Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him might not perish but might have everlasting life Before I leave this Argument it is needful to answer one Objection which is this If Christs Righteousness be that which the Law requires of us then God would deal with those that have an interest in that as he would have done if they had performed
Covenant with Adam Gods covenant with Adam is generally confounded with the covenant of works to the great hindrance of our understanding of Gods dealings with Man-kind Adam indeed was made as well as we under a covenant of works under a covenant of life upon condition of perfect obedience but besides this there was a particular covenant with Adam whereby he was constituted a legal head or representative of his posterity to act in our behalf to stand or fall for us as well as himself this is plainly held forth in that he is said to be the figure of him that is to come that is of Christ Rom. 5.14 he was the figure of Christ inasmuch as he was made a publick person as Christ also was this also is evident because we sinned in him his fall is truly ours Rom. 5.12 which could not have been if we had not been in him as our representative because God had constituted him our head therefore his sin became ours Rom. 5.19 1 Cor. 15.22 There is a great difference between these two covenants there might have been a covenant of works though there never had been any such covenant with Adam constituting him a publick person that was accidental to the covenant of works God made a covenant of works with the Angels but he never appointed them any publick person to act for them but every one stood singly for himself we make a great difference between them in these three particulars 1. The Covenant of Adam proposed a particular way for the accomplishment of the covenant of works the covenant of works states the condition of life but God by ●aking Adam a publick person finds out a way for the fulfilling of this condition God has proposed two wayes for the accomplishing of the covenant of works First By making a covenant with Adam to perform obedience for his posterity this way sailed The Second was By making a covenant of redemption with Jesus Christ wherein Christ undertook to fulfil the covenant of works for us this I call the second way because tho this covenant was made first yet it was revealed last as not to take place until the covenant with Adam was violated 2. The Covenant with Adam has never been fulfilled but the covenant of works has Adam utterly sailed of performing that particular covenant made with him if that covenant had been fulfilled all mankind had been happy whereas they were all exposed to misery by him Rom. 5.12 but the covenant of works has been fulfilled Christ fulfilled it Matth. 3.15 and we in him Rom 8.4 3. By vertue of Adams covenant we are only liable to punishment for that sin which we committed in him for that covenant only laid duty on him as he was to act joyntly for himself and us and that covenant was at an end on his eating the forbidden fruit but by the covenant of works we are liable to punishment for our personal sins that covenant threatens death for any transgression Gal. 3.10 A Third thing to be considered is That the Covenant of Works did admit of a Mediator It will be readily granted that though the evil of sin be incomparably great yet it is not so great but that God may have compassion upon us and find in his heart to provide a Mediator for us his infinite mercy may move him to give us a Redeemer though sin do greatly provoke him The great question is Whether he has not so bound himself by his lavv as to take away all possibility of help by a Mediator Whether the Law will give way to the interposure of a Mediator Whether the Word of God does not bind him to punish the sinner in his own person if so it is a vain thing to expect any help from a Mediator for no violence may be done unto the law and the words of the curse have such a force as if they did devote the sinner unto personal ruine in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye Gen 2 17. but we must distinguish between such threatnings as are legal and such as are personal some threatnings are personal and infallibly to be fulfilled upon these that are threatned though the threatnings of eternal destruction against impenitent sinners must unavoidably take place on them but there are some threatnings which are legal and intend no more but that the Offender must dye legally that is be punished with death either in his own person or the person of his surety thus many humane laws are to be understood thus it is among men in case of debt and there is nothing in the words of the law that does contradict this interpretaiton The words do enforce no more than this the words of the law are not any ways strained by putting this sence upon them neither is there any thing in the case of it self to oppose this interpretation for the fufferings of a furety answer the end of the Law as well as the sufferings of the Offenders Gods name is as much vindicated and there is as full a testimony given to the holiness of God by the sufferings of a surety as if the sinner had suffered in his own person there is no probability that Adam did at first understand this interpretation of the cnrse it was a secret that God kept in his own breast until there was occasion for its publication indeed from the first publishing of the Law God shewed that a publick person might perform the preceptive part of it for others and by failing therein might expose others with himself unto ruine as Adam did Which shews it also to be very fair that a publick person may suffer for us if a publick person may ruine us why may not a publick person recover us but we have no grounds to conclude that Adam knew any thing of the possibility of salvation in case he sinned but God after the Fall revealed it unto him But God has by his practice clearly given us this interpretation of the curse of the Law God himself has provided a Mediator for us and inflicted the punishment of our sins on him which shews it is no ways contradictory to his law so to do such a proceeding is agreeable to the law otherwise Go would never have had an hand in it God has shewed us how the law is to be understood in executing it on Jesus Christ and it is very unreasonable to think that there should be any thing in the law to hinder our salvation by Jesus Christ for this way of salvation has been decreed by God before the world 1 Pet. 1.20 he was foreordained before the foundation of the world and certainly he would never make such a law as should overthrow his decree the law must be so understood as not to cross his everlasting purposes of saving sinners by Christ the Apostle argues that the covenant of grace could not be disanulled by the law of Moses which was given four hundred and thirty years after Gal. 3.17 so I may
that righteousness themselves as he would have done if Adam had kept the covenant of works but he don't do thus the promise in the covenant of works is life which includes all manner of felicity but Believers are far short of felicity they have much sin remaining in them are left to fall into many sins they are liable to very sore and dreadful afflictions and to death the promise of the Law is not fulfilled to them therefore it seems they have not the righteousness of the Law. Ans 1. These sorrows do not come upon the People of God for want of a perfect righteousness or for want of compleat satisfaction and this is an evdence of it because those sorrows do not come in a way of vindictive justice or vengeance though they are for the matter of them the same with the curses of the Law yet not for the manner they do not come to satisfie God for sin those Saints that have the most sin have not always the most sorrow to be left unto sin is not a curse to the people of God Hezekiah was left to sin in mercy 2 Chron 32.31 It was that be might know what is in his heart and so their afflictions Rev. 3.19 Whom I love I rebuke and chasten Jer 24 5 I have sent them into the land of the Chaldeans for their good Sin opens a door to afflictions but God brings them in mercy All the wayes of the Lord are merccy and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies Psal 25.10 2. Though Christ has fulfilled the righteousness of the Law for us yet God is not absolutely bound to reward the righteousness of Christ just in the same manner as he would have done the righteousness of Adam though the righteousness be the same yet there may be circumstantial differences in the reward blessedness is the reward of righteousness but there may be so the circumstantial parts of the reward that may differ as it was with the sufferings of Christ he suffered not in all things the same that the Elect should have done but yet he suffered as much so it is here Christ has purchased perfect blessedness for us yet he has not so purchased it that God is bound to bring us presently and at once into the possession of it Christ has purchased the good of the covenant of works viz. blessedness to be dispensed to us according to the tenor of the covenant of grace viz. to have it begun here and perfected hereafter therefore he is called The Mediator of the new covenant Heb. 12.24 and his seed is called the blood of the everlasting covenant Heb. 13.20 3. There is special reason also why God should not wholly deliver his people from sin and sorrow in this world the special reason why he leaves them to sin is to take occasion thereby for the magnifying of his pardoning grace there are also weighty reasons why he exercises his people here with many sorrows in particular that he may vindicate his own holiness and that he may carry on the work of Sanctification in them in a way suitable unto the nature of Man. CHAP. IV. The second Argument from the Prophecies and T●pes of the Old Testament the third Argument from God's love in giving his Son to dye for us the fourth Argument from the Exaltation of Christ Argument 2. GOd has foretold in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament that Christ should bring us to Salvation by his righteousness therefore it is safe appearing before God therein God has foretold this both in the plain Prophecies that he gave to the ancient Church and in those Types that he gave them wherein this Truth was represented 1. It was foretold in the Prophecies of the Old Testament God by degrees did reveal much of the way of Salvation unto the Church of Israel though it fell abundantly short of those manifestations which he has given in Gospel times yet what was then made known serves as a great confirmation of the truth of the Gospel and I shall not insist on such Prophecies as do only hold forth Salvation by Christ without revealing the particular way of it as where it is said the seed of the woman should bruise the serpents head that in him all the Families of the earth should be blessed that he should be a light to the Gentiles and salvation to the ends of the earth though I might make good the Argument from hence for our condition was such that Christ could not save us without working out righteousness for us but I shall only urge such Prophecies as do hold forth Christs saving of us by his righteousness of which there are these four sorts 1. It was foretold that the Church should have their righteousness from Christ that they should derive their Justification from him Isai 45.24 Surely shabl one say in the Lord Jehovah have I rightousness and strength righteousness is not here taken for holiness or the righteousness of sanctification but the righteousness of justification the Church has its sanctification from Christ by infusion and assistance and their justification from him by the imputation of his righteousness and henco that Name The Lord our Righteousness is given to Christ Jer. 23 6 and the same name is given to the Church Jer. 33.16 both of them in remembrance that the Church does derive her Righteousness from Christ accordingly Christ is said to bring in everlasting Righteousness Dan. 9.24 2. It was foretold that Christ should dye for our sins the death of Christ was not onely foretold but also upon what account it should be 1 Cor. 15.3 Christ dyed for our sins according to the Scriptures this we have at large set down in Isa 53 where we may mind 1. What he suffered namely death besides many other calamities he was brought as a Lamb to the slaughter ver 7 he was cut off out of the land of the living ver 8. God made his soul an offering verse 10. 2. Vpon what account he suffered the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all ver 6. 3. What benefit redounds to us by his sufferings by his knowledge that must not be understood subjectively but objectively by the knowledg of him shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities 3. It was foretold that Christ should effect our salvation by doing that for us that sacrifice and burnt offering could not do Psal 40 6 7 8. sacrifice and offering thou didst not desice but mine ears hast thou opened c. concerning which Scripture you may observe these things 1. That the thing that sacrifices could not effect for us was our reconciliation there was some imagination in men that sacrifices should make their peace but God did not accept them upon that account 2. When he says mine ears hast thou opened he speaks concerning Christ this we have the authority of the Apostle for Heb. 10.5 3. By this phrase is imported the Obedience and
appointed to be a seal to this doctrine of faith in the righteousness of Christ 't is a confirmation of this doctrine and the covenant of God to give salvation through faith in Christ and therefore it was John the Baptists manner before he baptized persons to teach them that they must believe on Christ Acts 19.4 5. and the Apostles and Apostolical men would not baptize any adult persons but such as professed to believe on Christ Acts 8 36 37. and indeed when persons do subject themselves unto this ordinance of baptism they do acknowledge that doctrine of salvation by Christ and therefore in that promise which Christ puts into the mouths of the Apostles when he sends them to preach the Gospel he makes mention of baptism Mark 16.16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Baptism is mentioned as the evidence of Faith. 3. Because Baptism represents and shews forth the washing away the guilt of our sins by the blood of Christ This is held forth in that 1 Pet. 3.21 the like figure whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ For the opening of this plead you may mind 1. That the Ark spoken of ver 20. was a Type of Christ therefore Baptism is said to be a like figure the Ark wherein Noah's Family was preserved in time of the deluge typified our Salvation by the Lord Jesus therefore it is said that Noah by preparing the Ark became Heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith Hebr. 11.7 2. Baptism does save us as it is a shadow of some spiritual thing therefore it is said the like figure even Baptism sav●s us not but that Baptism has some real influence into salvation as indeed all Ordinances have so the Types of old but the salvation he attributes to Baptism is representative 3. The Salvation represented by Baptism is the purging of the Conscience from the guilt of sin called the answer of a good Conscience the washing of the body signifies the washing of the soul 4. The reason why he ascribes the answer of a good Conscience to the resurrection of Christ and not to his death is because though his death purchased it yet his resurrection is the great evidence of the satisfactoriness of his sufferings therefore we are said to be begotten unto a lively hope thereby 1 Pet. 1.3 2. We are taught the efficiency of Christs Righteousness unto salvation by the Ordinance of the Lords Supper the Lords Supper was instituted by Christ immediately before his sufferings wherein Bread and Wine in the celebration of that Ordinance are made the signs of the body and blood of Christ they are not natural signs of any such thing but have that signification put upon them by Christ and God is teaching us in this Ordinance that we have falvation through the sufferings of Christ 1. This appears because here the death of Christ is represented as a violent and penal death here is a representation of Christ crucified here is not meerly the shewing forth of his death but the manner of his death to mind us of it that he died in a way of punishment that he suffered that vengeance that was due unto us for our sins Isai 53.8 for the transgression of my people was he stricken 2. Here the death of Christ is represented as being upon our account 1 Cor. 11.24 this is my body which is broken for you Christs death was the payment of our Debt we were the principal Debtors Christ was the Surety our guilt was transferred unto him he deserved not such sufferings himself but underwent them as a publick person and therefore by his Sufferings we may be justified and saved 3. In this Ordinance the death of Christ is to be shewed forth till he comes 1 Cor. 11.26 which shews that it is satisfactory to the justice of God it had not been worth the while to appoint signs for the remembrance of it to the Worlds end if it had not procured our salvation it had better have been forgotten if it had not procured our redemption 4. The Wine in the Lords Supper is said to be his blood of the New-Testament Mat 26 28 why is it so called but that it purchases the blessings of the New-Testament the Covenant of Grace is confirmed by the blood of Christ on the same account he is called the Mediator of the New-Covenant or Testament Hebrews 12 24. 5. His Blood is here represented as shed for the remission of sins Mat 26 28 that sins might be forgiven and it would never have been thus represented if it had not been effectual for this end his minding us for what purpose it was shed shews that the end is thereby attained 6. In this Ordinance we are invited to put our trust in the death of Christ Mat 26 26 27 take eat this is my body and drink ye all of it when the body feeds upon the Sacramental Bread and Wine the Soul is to do that which answers unto it the Soul is to feed upon Christ crucified which is nothing else but the acting Faith on him Joh. 6 53. Having thus cleared it that in the Sacraments of the New-Testament we are taught the efficacy of Christs Righteousness unto Salvation it remains that we add something to shew the evidence that arises from hence that it is safe appearing in the righteousness of Christ and Gods teaching of us this makes it evident what way soever God teaches it in but there is some peculiar light that does arise from this way of teaching by the Sacraments of the New-Testament that may help more abundantly to satisfie our hearts in this Truth 1. If God teach us this in the Sacraments of the New-Testament this shews that it lies much upon the heart of God to strengthen our Faith in this particular that it is safe appearing before God in Christs Righteousness this shews that God is very careful that we may believe in Christ if we see a man promise another an Estate make an instrument of conveyance sets his hand and adds his Seal to it we conclude that he desires to give him all manner of assurance and would leave no room for doubting so when we see God sending his servants to witness in his Name that there is salvation in Christ that he gives it under his hand has left it upon Record in his Word and adds also sensible signs for the establishment of our Faith we may conclude that God is very careful to leave no room for doubting in this particular his design is to put the thing out of all question and certainly God would never thus busie himself to delude us nor take such care to satisfie us in this particular but that this is the very way of Salvation 2. If this be the thing that God teaches us in the Sacraments of the New-Testament then there are
Christ more worth than all the Gold of Ophir he esteems the blood of Christ of sufficient vertue to purge away every sin and the obedience of Christ sufficient to procure all manner of good for him he sees peace in him and victory in him and life in him as a man prizes bread because that preserves life as a sick man prizes a skilful Physitian as a man prizes his money because that is vertually all things here 't is meat and drink and clothes c. Money answers all things so does the Believer prize Christ he sees all things vertually in him he sees he has perpetual need of him he prizes him as the only way of happiness 5. Being satisfied in Christ the believer sees enough in Christ to answer the needs of his soul there is a fullness in Christ his soul finds rest there he does not see any need of his own righteousness to commend him to Gods acceptance he is satisfied in the Robes of Christs Righteousness he sees there is no need of his to make him beautiful in the eyes of God he is satisfied in this bread of life and he finds no necessity to feed upon husks other men imagine a need of something of their own to ingratiate them with God and to procure their acceptance they dare not trust in Christ alone but are labouring to piece out his righteousness with theirs and when they hear the tenders of grace made through Christ they are not satisfied but are looking out for something else to encourage them they dare not trust in this alone but the believer is satisfied in Christ and he throws away all other confidences both as vain and as needless he finds no want of any other righteousness to justifie him and carry before God he don't regard nor desire any thing of his own to commend him to Gods acceptance he sees there is ground enough of encouragement in Christ Phil. 3.3 we rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh 1 Cor. 2.2 I have determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified 6. Counting this way of salvation a glorious way this way of salvation pleases God 't is a way that he has chosen and this way please the believer he likes it and is taken with it it is a glorious way in his eye he has an high esteem of this way he counts it an excellent and glorious way as it is a way of safety all other ways that men have imagined and devised he despises them as deceitful as meer traps and snares for the souls of men as ineffectual unto the end proposed but his soul does magnifie this way as that which does answer the end and will effect and bring about that salvation that it is proposed in order to he is affected with this way as it is a sure way that will not fail those that trust therein 1 Pet. 2.4 to whom coming as to a living stone he is affected with it that God has laid so strong a foundation of the salvation of his people that they cannot be disappointed of it and he counts it a glorious way as thereby the glory of God is much advanced In this way the glorious mystery of the Trinity is made known in this way the excellent skill and workmanship of the Lord is seen in reparing the ruines of Mankind and raising up of man from the gulf of misery unto the pinnacle of happiness in finding out a way to reconcile his own glory and mans salvation in bestowing blessedness upon man in such a way that free grace shall have all the glory in this way the wonderful love of God does appear in this costly way of salvation upon this account the soul is taken with this way of salvation as a way that will much advance the glory of God we should have been great strangers to God and have seen little of his glory comparatively had it not been for this way of salvation it is pleasant taking notice of the beamings forth of Gods glory in this way Rev. 5.13 blessing and honour and glory and power be to him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever 7. Rejoycing in Christ Jesus the believer finds a great deal of joy in Christ he solaces himself in the thoughts of the righteousness of Christ while others are rejoycing in the sparks that they have kindled he sits under the shadow of Christ with great delight his heart is many times raised with the discoveries of Christ sometimes his soul is filled with joy and peace in believing Rom. 15.13 believing he rejoices with joy unspeakable and sult of glory 1 Pet. 1 8. sometimes he can triumph in Christ over all the enemies of his soul while others are boasting in themselves what duties they have done what frames they have attained what service they have done to the cause of God but the believer is making of his boast of Christ glorying in his righteousness the soul can triumph in that notwithstanding all matter of discouragement Rom. 8.34 who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died 1 Cor. 15.55.6 7. O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law but thanks be to God that giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Question 2. Vnder what considerations are these astings of Faith drawn forth Answer There be many considerations which the hearts of believers do pitch upon which draw forth the exercise of Faith as the considerations that unbelief fixes upon are very many only here mind this that where the Lord makes one encouraging consideration powerful upon the heart it is an in-let to many others And we may reduce them principally to these three Heads 1. The heart fixes sometime on the consideration of Gods mercy saith is drawn forth by the consideration of the merciful nature of God Psal 44.18 When I said my foot slippeth thy mercy O Lord held me up the soul says God is of infinite mercy he can find in his heart to blot out greatest transgressions his mercy is greater than our sinfulness he can overcome all our guilt Mic. 7.18 who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity c. sometimes upon the consideration of the freeness of Gods mercy he has no dependance on our worth he can give life without any thing in us to draw his heart towards us Rom. 5.21 grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life c. sometimes on the merciful purposes of God who has designed to shew mercy upon many of the sinful children of men he has determined to bring many sinners unto the enjoyment of himself 2 Tim. 1.9 sometimes on the exercise of his mercy in sending his Son to dye for sinners Joh. 3.16 somtimes the thoughts pitch on the merciful invitations that the Lord makes to sinners 2 cor 5.20 somtimes on the exercise of his mercy on great
a cloud of Witnesses that have gone before you in other ages and many at this day that betake themselves unto Christ for refuge others that have been trying all conclusions and turning every stone have at last seen a necessity to come unto Christ others have been satisfied with the encouragements that God has given and have taken sanctuary in Christ men of judgment and prudence not subject to be led by fancies and delusions more than other men have let go all carnal confidences and fled to this hope set before them and this they have done nor once or twice in any hurry of temptation but they live in this way I live by faith in the Son of God Gal. 2.20 their coming unto Christ is no rash inconsiderate act but after they have had the consideration of it many years have weighed it and pondred it looked on all sides and considered all that can be said they don't see cause to repent but continue to believe it is no unadvised act they understand what they do 2 Tim. 1.12 and the longer they live the more established in a way of believing Gods dispensations towards them since their coming unto Christ are not such as do discourage them but they are more encouraged still to commit themselves unto Christ why don't you come also unto Christ methinks you should be ashamed to be listning unto carnal reasonings and giving way to the pride of your hearts when others have overcome them methinks it should stir up a spirit of fear to see others getting into the way of salvation and you left behind to be a prey to Devils think what your sins have been what inward workings have been in your bea rt and you must say you have as much need of Christ as other men think what the call of God is how free and full the invitation is and you must say you have as much encouragement to come to Christ as other men and others that love their souls as well as you do yours have ventured them in the hands of Jesus Christ and do you not think that it will be hard to you to see others stand at the right-hand of Christ another day and your selves rejected 2. You must never expect inward peace and quietness unless you come unto Christ you complain now in the bitterness of your souls what a sorrowful life you lead you find little comfort in any thing you are so terrified with a guilty conscience that it eats out the comfort of your life a dreadful sound is in his ears Job 15.21 you are under such apprehensions of the anger of God that you know not how to bear it when you hear or read the threatnings of Judgment you are terrified that that will be your portion when you see instances of judgment you are afraid that God will do so with you leave you to such and such sins bring such and such calamities upon you your heart is meditating terror affrighted with the thoughts of damnation Sermons terrifie you providences terrifie you your heart is always loaded the way to have inward peace and quietness is to come to Jesus Christ Rom. 5.1 being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ but until you come to Christ you must never expect to be better you may have a pleasing dream it may be for a while and your wound may be skinned over but you must not expect to have any true peace so long as you stand at a distance from Christ what peace can men expect while their sins are not pardoned what peace can men enjoy as long as God is angry you must expect no other but to spend your days in vanity and your years in trouble if you give not entertainment unto Christ through fear of death they were all their life-time subject unto bondage Heb. 2.15 the venom of sin will be burning in your bowels until you look unto the brazen serpent and what madness is it for men needlesly to live a tormented life are you not weary of this condition have you a mind to live in sorrow longer don't you care to be delivered from your fears thou wilt never have peace without coming unto Christ you have tried a great while in vain and it will be in vain still but if you will give entertainment unto him his blood will heal the conscience scatter fears and refresh your hearts The sting of death is sin and strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God that giveth victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. 3. If you do no not come to Christ you will lose all the pains that you have taken in religion you had need be careful that you lose not the things that you have wrought the labour that you have taken in religion is all lost with respect unto some expectations of yours therefrom as to the mortifying of sin thereby the getting of the good-will of God the purchasing of pardon c. and if you do come to Christ you must see it to be lost in this respect Phil. 3.7 those things which were gain to me those have I counted loss for Christ but yet in some respect the pains you have taken may be of advantage unto you in as much as you are nearer to salvation than before you began to seek after God you have been travelling in the way towards heaven some men are nearer the Kingdom of God a great deal than others Mark 12.34 Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God you have been taking a great deal of pains have withstood temptations have got much knowledge have broken off your sinful practices come to understand somewhat of the plague of your own hearts you are got over many bars that lay in the way of your salvation you have escaped many rocks upon which some souls have split in pieces are in a fairer way to get to heaven than you were sometime since and it would be sad to perish upon the borders of Cannan after sore travel in the wilderness to sink at the mouth of the harbour after you have rid out many Storms to lose all your care and labour and sorrows after all to go down to hell among those that never took any pains for salvation and this you will certainly do if you do not come to Christ though you are past the streight of reformation yet if you don't enter and go through the gate of humiliation and faith if you do not cast away your carnal confidences you will not enter into life when the Galatians were carried away with opinions of their own righteousness Paul says to them have you suffered so many things in vain if it be yet in vain gal 3.4 all your labour will be in vain and your souls will be lost if you come not to Christ 4. You will exceedingly bewail it hereafter if you do not accept of Christ you will rue it in another world you stand upon frivolous objections neglect to come unto