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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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For deciding or defining wherof weigh thes three conclusions 1. That a Beleever being in present state and use of holy means tending to salvation and out of tentation in the peace of a good Conscience through Faith in Christ may by the testimony of the Holy Ghost hav a comfortable assurance of Salvation which begets trusty fervent lov and thankfulnes to God specialy when he is neer the end of his race or point of death So S. Paul by inspiration saith I am now ready to be offred up I hav sought a good 2 Tim 4. 6 7 8. fight finished my cours and kept the Faith Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of righteousnes This place Lutherans press against Papists who wil hav al by doubting and none certain of his present condition no not at best But he that hath right knowledg of God tru Faith stedfast Hope lifely Lov and awful Filial fear with an holy trade of Life he may rejoyce in God with comfortable confidenre and affiance of perseverance to the end 2. That for time to com specialy when we hav probably a long race to run and divers dangers of wild wonton Youth to pass we cannot hav infallible certitud of future or final persevering but must confide in Gods Grace 1 Cor. 10. 13. and Goodnes that he wil assist if we apply al our indevors to De Civ c. 11. 12 continu in it Hereof S. Austin speaks We cal them blessed whom we see liv wel with hope of future immortality and without such crimes as make shipwrack of Conscience who though they may rely on the reward of Pe severance yet are not sure of persevering For who knows certainly he shal continu in doing righteousnes to the end except he be assured by som revelation from him who is not pleased in his just secret judgment to inform al touching this point though he deceivs none S. Ambros thus David saith not I offer the sacrifice De bono mo●● c. 3. of Prais but wil offer shewing or signifying that to be a perfect sacrifice when every one freed from the fetters of this Body shal stand before the Lord and offer himself a Sacrifice For before death can be no perfect Prais nor can any be truly extold in this life when his latter times are so incertain S. Bernard Serm. 1 in Se● tuag also Who can say I am one of the Elect predestinat to Life or in the number of Sons sith we hav yet no certainty but we may be comforted with hopeful affiance and not tormented with despair or doubting for som signs or marks are given that such may be sure they are Elect which hav them for this caus 't is necessary to be stil in awful fear and humbled under Gods hand sith we know in part what we are at present but not what we shal be which is impossible to know therfore Let him that stands take heed lest he fal for presumption is so perilous as desperation 3. That certitud of salvation cannot be infallible in this life as S. Austin attests What De Cor. Gr. 13. Beleever so long as he livs in this fleshly Tabernacle can presum to be predestinat 't is needful to be conceled in this life wher puffing up is to be shunned sith so great an Apostle was buffeted by Satan lest he should be puf'd up Many such things are spoken for the usefulnes of this secret lest any shal presume for even he that runs wel may fear sith 't is hid whither he shal go Much more he vents to the same effect For Gods Promises in Christ are certain but made with conditions so that we may miss of the end if we fail in the means to fulfil our Covenants sith no Man shal be crowned til he fight it out and the battel ended triumph not before the victory Gods Decrees are known soly to himself but secret to us who must rely on the Promisses by performing the Covenants If we may be fully assured of tru Faith that it cannot fail but we shal infallibly persever to the end through al frailties and tentations then Gods Counsil is not secret to som nor his Decree unknown which is high presumption to arrogat or affirm sith we must stil work it out with fear and trembling This is a Cavaliers Creed or confidence in the point of final perseverance and salvations infallible certainty who holds the middle betwixt two extrems of despair and presumption but had rather be a meek humble Publican then a proud presuming Pharisee Lord be merciful to me a sinner and grant me Grace to continu in thy fear til the end 17. The last Judgment is the execution of al Divine Decrees 17 Last Judgment concerning Men For Predestination of the ends is a foreknowledg and approbation of the last Judgment to Life or Death which execution shews the Decree as a building being erected and finished declares the Architects plot or devise for this Judgment exhibits the consecution of thos ends So if we grant as we must that God proponed an end viz. the glory of his Mercy or Bounty in giving som life eternal and glory of his Power and Justice in inflicting eternal death on others he hath attained his end in the last Judgment So if we admit Note as we must that God prescribed means for Men to aspire or attain to eternal life or for lack therof to incur everlasting death thos ends are executed also in the same Judgment Rom. 6. 23 Howbeit if we grant as we doo that Life is given both as a 2 Tim. 4. 8. Rom 9 21. 22. Bounteous Gift and reward of Righteousnes as also that eternal Death is imposed both as the wages or punishment of sin and a demonstration of Gods soveraign dominion yet with Justice and Equity No ordinary understanding can conceiv how a Decree of thes things could be made from eternity without Prescience si●h Life is a reward and Death a punishment which no Justice can prepare without foreknowledg of good or evil deserved This is cald simple or natural Intelligence as Life is a Gift of Gods free goodnes and Death a Declaration of his dominion being both an attainment of his own glory Hence 't is cleer that Prescience which is Gods first highest simple Understanding is to be put in the definition of Predestination which too many separat or dis-join Let Prosper decide this point If we consider al Men together Ep●g● 28. wherof som may be saved in Mercy others damned in Truth al the Lords wais are distingu●shed by the end but if we look only on the Saints thes wais are not discerned for Truth is not distinguished from Mercy nor contrarily sith the Saints beatitud is both from reward of Grace and retribution of Justice So he makes eternal Death a retribution of Justice which cannot eternaly be decreed without Prescience of sin which Calvinists ground on Gods pure pleasure as Lord over his
15 16. cried to the Lycaonians we Preach that ye should turn from thes vanities to the living God who in times past suffred al Nations to walk in their own wais but now the time of his Judgment is com The Instruments used to denounce Gods judgments were holy Bishops and Confessors who first opposed Martyrs Reliques as appeers in the story of Vigilantius and others but A. C 720. afterward more conspicuously in the Greec Church against Image-worship which many zelous Emperors Leo Isauricus Constantinus Iconomachus Leo Armenius Michael Balbus Theophilus stisly opposed yet in fine it prevailed by the power and policy of the two horned Beast and fals Prophet For tho som condemned Images yet many favored invocation of Saints under which notion Iconolatry crept up closly which Constantin with divers orthodox Fathers impeached of error For the nominal honor of Saint given to Apostles Martyrs and Confessors was never denied til in this last ignorant age by giddy Sectists as a Christian compellation but only the real invocation and intercession which drew on superstitious adoration of their Images yet to decry the name of Saints to such is no less erroneous though not so enormous The cry of this flying Angel sounded in the West so wel as East for the Synod of Francfort under Charlemaign of almost three hundred A. C. 790. Bishops condemned Image-worship and the secund Nicen Council which established it So the Synod of Paris summoned A. 825. by his Son King Lewis declared it to be impious and rejected that Nicen cru as superstitious Now listen to the secund Angels proclamation Ther folowed another Angel crying Babylon is falen is falen Vers 8. that great City becaus she made al Nations drink the Wine of the wrath of hir fornication He declares the foundation of Babylons ruin to be laid wherin he imitats Isaiah touching Isai 21 9. Babylon in the same words is falen is falen when the Medes and Persians were about to destroy hir The Ministers of this cry against mystical Babylon were the Waldenses and Albigenses who by word deed and death declared Rome to be Apocalyptic Babylon for hir Spiritual whordom of Idolatry wherwith she intoxicated al Nations Thes Champions began hir downfal for multituds of Men in al hir Provinces gradualy started or revolted By poisoned Wine is meant the amorous phil●ry or sorcery of hir spiritual fornication but the Wine of hir wrath alluds to mortiferous potions usualy given to Malefactors specialy among the Grecians in antient times The third Angel folowed saying aloud if any worship the V. 9. 10. 11. Beast and his Image and receiv his mark in forehead or hand he shal drink the Wine of Gods wrath mingled with the Cup of his indignation and shal be tormented with fire and brimstone in presence of the holy Angels and the Lamb and the smoak of their torment ascends up for ever and ever They hav no rest day or night which worship the Beast and his Image and receiv the mark of his name This Angel proceding farther then the two former forewarns the Beasts folowers how dreadful dangers hang over their heads unles they speedily shun his society The chief Minister of this cry was Luther with his Sectators Successors who began that great glorious Reformation when whol Stats Kingdoms and Provinces not single Men as before cast off the Beasts yoke with al his abominations Here is threatned a terrible punishment look to it Romish Catholics if they persist in their old drunkennes they shal drink the Wine of Gods wrath mix'd with bitternes Myrrhe Aloes Gal Frankincens or Wormwood such as the Jews gav them that were put to death and offred to our Saviour Here the first Angel admonished them to worship God aright the next menaceth ruin to Babylon and this denounceth judgment to al his Folowers Here is the Saints patience Here are they that keep Gods Vers 12. Commandments and Faith of Jesus This cry is the Touchstone to try the Saints patience in so long expecting the Beasts punishment not being dejected or discontented at his prosperity nor deterred with his tyranny in obedience to Gods Commands and Faith of Jesus by abondoning the Beasts communion and renouncing his Image mark or cognisance I heard a voice from Heaven saying Write blessed are the Vers 13. dead which dy in the Lord henceforth saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works folow them This declaration most Men refer to the preceding words as a comfort henceforth to the Saints in the Lord but they rather tend to the subsequent matters as a warning of the Judgment and Resurrection to com under the seventh trumpet As if he said Now is the time wherin thos that dy in the Lord shal rise to a blessed life eternal This interpretation seems best for three reasons First becaus the day of death is never caled a reward but Judgment and Resurrection is Secundly becaus a Voice from Heaven imports som notable matter insuing nor is any command given to write sav only at beginning Thirdly becaus R. v. 11. 11. 18 it agrees with the seventh trumpet wherin the caus of thos that dy in Christ shal be judged and God shal reward his Servants which fear his name as here 't is said Blessed are the dead from this time that they may rest from their Labors and their works or a blessed reward folow them Both expositions intend specialy such as dy for the Lord viz. Martyrs who giv their life 's for Christ rather then other Saints or Confessors which dy in the Lord and put faith in him for so the context evidently evinceth or argueth by the Saints patience in suffering persecution even to death I looked and lo a whit Cloud and on it one sat like the Son of Vers 14 15. 16 Man haveng on his head a golden Crown and in his hand a sharp sickle and another Angel cam out of the Temple crying aloud to him that sa● on the Cloud thrust in thy sickle and reap for time is com and Harvest is ripe and he thrust in his sickle and the Earth was reaped By Harvest three things are meant viz. Cutting of Corn gathering it in and threshing it out Hence a duple Parabol of contrary sens is used in Scripture one of killing or destroying by cutting down and threshing as Jeremy saith Babylon is a threshing floor 't is time to thresh hir Jer. 51. 33. yet a litle while and Havest time shal com So Isaiah speaks of Israels overthrow by Tiglatpeleser It shal be as when the Harvest Isai 17. 5. man reaps the ears of Corn with his arms Another of saving or restoring by gathering in used in the new Testament as Christ saith The Harvest is great but the Laborers or Gatherers such as shal be saved are few Now which of the two is here presented rests to be sifted or scanned by order of things doon The treading of
others by Grace if then he requires since Mans fal faith repentance obedience and perseverance to work out our salvation by his Grace certes he givs ability to beleev repent obey and persever by cooperating with it but doth not cross-bar it by any contrary decree which were meer mockery far from Mercy for if one ly on the ground bound hand foot 't is mockery to bid him rise or run away but mercy to loose or let him go The Case is quadratly semblable and aptly applicable Our good God is no mocker but al Mercy nor respecter of persons but receivs al that cal on him 12. God delights not in the death of a sinner but would hav al to be saved he hath spoken it who wil not beleev him so wel as beleev in him But if he hath absolutly and peremptorily decreed from which is no appeal nor repeal that Man shal sin and consequently dy he delights in his death and wil hav but a few saved Hath he made him according to his own Image purposly to make him the wrechedest of al Creatures Surely his Wil and Decree is to reward every Man according to his works Thes twelv stones thus laid like Josuas twelv stones paralel to Jos 4. 20. Israels twelv Tribes set up in Gilgal for a memorial of Jordans retroversion for a fair foundation the fabric wil be the better finished but becaus Mr. Plaifer wel versed in this point hath handled it at large in his App●li● Evangelium the chief contents shal be sincerly abstracted or abbreviated and applied to common capacities sans ambiguity He reckons fiv dissident Opinions touching the order of 1 Opinon Predestination 1. Calvin Beza Piscator Whitaker Perkins c. hold that God eternaly Decreed to creat a set number of Men wherof he elected som to everlasting life and reprobated the rest to eternal death of his free wil pleasure only to shew his Grace Goodnes or Mercy on the one and his Justice Power or Dominion on the other To which end he Decreed sin should enter on al that he might justly punish most part for sin and to send his Son for redemption of the Elect in Mercy by free Grace This peremptory position is generaly condemned by Papists Refutation Lutherans Arminians and divers Reformed Divines as perilous and erroneus becaus it makes God the prime Author of sin rejecting Men before they were evil by an antecedent absolut Decree without respect to Adams future fal but elects som before they are considered as sinners sans respect to the ones faith or the others failing as if prescience had no place in Praedestination 2. The Synod of Dort Peter Moulin and many English 2 Opin Theologists defend That God eternaly decreed to make Man holy and good giving him perfect Free-wil but foreseing he would by Satans tentation fal into sin if he hindred it not decreed to permit it and out of this lost lapsed lump chos a certain number to salvation suffering the rest to perish in sin whom he passeth by of free pleasure but punisheth for just demerits Yet decreed to send his Son to redeem or sav the elect and his Spirit to cal or sanctify them that they may be glorified The first sort are stiled Supralapsarians having no respect to Adams fal decreed to send his Son so they grant prescience in order to preced Decree This opinion freeth Gods justice on Infants dying unbaptised which the first doth not who hav no other desert of death but original sin This Tenet is scarce veritable or warrantable which Refut to defend divine justice supposeth mankind corrupted before any Decree of election passed which seems needless becaus ther be good and bad Angels without any corruption or fal and Christ was not in the lapsed lump yet as man elected to life It also supposeth Original sin to be caus of Reprobation which is remitted to many Reprobats condemned for actual sins as Doctor Whitaker avers it likewise teacheth that Christ is sent to sav the elect only as dying for them alone who are to be caled by the Word and Spirit but Reprobats being outwardly caled who are barred from obeying are more deeply condemned for refusing it yet hav no power to embrace it which is harsh doctrin 3. Doctor Overald a late learned Bisshop coined a new 3 Opin Tenet That God decreed to creat man good but foreseeing his fal appointed his Son to dy for al and to cal men by his Word offering Salvation to al with common suffi●ient Grace to work Faith by the ordinary means if they be not wanting to themselves but knowing our infirmity that none would beleev by the common Grace decreed to ad a more special effectual to whom he pleased being chosen according to his purpos wherby they shal not only be able but actualy and necessarily beleev being drawn by the Father irresistibly This is plausible but scars solid for that common Grace Refut which savs none is not Gospel Grace offered to al nor deservs that name nor indeed is any such sith it never produced the effect Nor can a special superabundant Grace be it sith 't is rejected by none to whom 't is offered but tru Gospel Grace is received by som and refused or resisted by others Thes three Opinions infer a kind of despair into mens minds becaus none shal be saved by that special Grace given to a few according to Gods secret purpos which whether he intends to giv or not the general promises cannot assure to any Soul 4. The Lutherans with som Papists maintain that God decreed 4 Opin to make Man a free Creature but permit him to stand or fal and to send his Son upon foresight of his fal for redemption of al by a general conditionat Decree of Faith Repentance Perseverance with a special absolut of electing such as he knew would beleev and persever under the means but to pass by and damn the rest whom he foresaw incredulous and impenitent making Prescience or Prevision the occasion on which his Decrees proced This is faulty in som points 1. Becaus ther is no such general Refut conditionat Predestination 2. Becaus the special Decree of Election makes Men chus God first rather then God them which is preposterous 3. Becaus the Decree of Justification and Condemnation is confounded with election and Reprobation which S. Paul distinguisheth 4. Becaus it allows no more Rom. 8 19. Grace given to the Elect then Reprobats nor greater caus of gratitud Yet this opinion rightly extends the objects of Prescience not only to Adams fal but to Christ Incarnat and beleeved on in the World to the last end of al that shal persever in Faith or unbeleef This sutes with Scripture which builds Predestination on Foreknowledg simply and properly taken at large promising salvation to al beleevers which shal persever to the end Thes four opinions ech of which hath som peeces of truth giv great light to this
deep dark mystery for the first 1 Pet. 1. 1 2 holds forth Gods power or dominion The next his Mercy and Justice The third his Truth and special Grace The last his Wisdom and Prescience Yet al with S. Paul acknowledg his Judgments inscrutable and waies past finding out the depth Rom. 11. 32. wherof none can fathom 5. Arminius startle not he is no Bugbear but a lat learned 5 Opin Protestant Professor at Leyden after Junius taught That God by his infinit intellect knew al things as possible to be if he would giv them being and among al conceived this visible World with al Mankinds race from first to last every one in order government and event yet only as possible if he pleased That som things might be necessary som voluntary som Causes som Effects som as ends som as means som his own acts som of free Creatures som good som evil som as rewards som as punishments That he knew how to order and vary al or any part or person so as other effects or ends might be produced then thes now extant if he otherwise willed But deemed it good for manifestation of his Power Wisdom Justice Mercy to put this Worlds frame and order of Mankind then only as possible in execution or being That he foreknew if he should doo it som particular persons would by this order of means be brought to eternal life and others by neglect or disorder go to perdition through their own fault if Justice be doon upon them That foreknowing al he determined of his absolut Wil and Pleasure to say F●at and execut al which he intended in du time and in so doing predestinated som to life som to death eternaly In reference wherto S. Luke stileth the Elect such as are ordained to eternal life and S. Jude cals Reprobats Acts 13. 48. thos that were of old ordained to condemnation Under Jude vers 4. this order is comprised the Creation of Man righteous permission of his fal correction of his fault means of redemption by Christ caling and converting of a sinner his Faith Repentance Perseverance Blessings Chastisments Trials and what els is found in order of any Mans salvation or aversions and aberrations from that order wherby Men com to perdition Hence Predestination is defined to be a Preparation of Gods Definition benefits wherby al are delivered which are freed Or as Fulgentius fuller the preparation of Gods Works which in his eternal Providence he foreknew he would doo either mercifully or justly Here two things are to be observed in the Decree of Predestination 1. An act of Gods understanding in respect of things not in being caled Prescience which in order of Nature preceds al Decrees as prespecified 2. An act of his Wil which is proper to Predestination for God works according to the Council of his Wil as S. Paul speaks Thes two acts Eph. 1. 11. 1 Pet. 1. 1 2. Rom. 8. 28. being coeternal hav priority of order only not of time and Prescience put as the first link by S. Peter and Paul This Tenet of simple Prescience previous to Predestination advanceth al Gods Attributs more then the four former 1. His Wisdom and Knowledg in foreseing not only his own Works but thos of free Creatures and al circumstances of each how to govern them for his glory in permission of sin and obedience or resistance of Grace that he may judg the World righteously 2. His power in creating and governing al things bringing light out of darknes life out of death happines out of misery 3. His goodnes in making al good and overcoming evil with good 4. His universal Grace and Mercy in preparing a wa● of Redemption for al Men who were becom slavs to sin and Satan and ordaining means to apply or accomodat the same 5. His truth in extending his promises to al that shal keep the Covenants or Conditions for he is truth who speaks no other then as he ordains nor intends otherwise then as he speaks 6. His Justice in punishing al that use not the rectitud of their Nature or benefit of Redemption offred 7. His special Grace or singular lov in confirming them as he did the good Angels whom he foresaw would use his Grace if it were given in embracing the means which should bring them to Glory shewing less Grace to thos whom he foresaw would fail by their own incredulity ingratitud or obstinacy whom he could hav cured by bettering his benefits but decreed to make Vessels of wrath by their own deserts 8. His dominion and soveraign Lordship in that being suprem Ruler he orders al after his free pleasure chusing or refusing whom he wil becaus they wilfully forsake him as Irenaeus saith the Father excels in Wisdom becaus he savs whom he ought and judges such as are worthy of judgment to be counted cruelty considering his foregoing preventing goodnes 9. It excluds Stoical Fate which the three first Opinions making Mans salvation or damnation necessary by an antecedent absolut Decree cannot possibly decline wheras this by placing it in order after Prescience makes both infallible to his knowledg which as simple science is no caus but free and contingent to Man who must work out his salvation by coworking with divine Grace or incur damnation by refusing his Mercy extended to al. 10. It makes Gods Election absolut immutable and irrevocable wherby he chuseth Man and not contrarily but the fourth opinion is liable to thes imputations 11. It diverts despair on the one side which too many fal into supposing themselfs decreed to damnation and prevents presumption on the other which som confiding too far on infallable certitud of salvation and final perseverance hav becom their own Butchers to accelerat their glory as may be shewed by sundry instances in both kinds 12. It ministers much matter of comfort to the Godly which walk in the wais leading to life confirming their saving Faith in Christ and lov toward God Lastly It magnifies the deepnes of Gods Judgments and inscrutablenes of his Counsils for who can conject why he loved Jacob and hated Esau or decreed to elect Peter and reject Judas or savs one and suffers another to perish who could dispose them to contrary ends al which proceds from his Prescience sith none is rejected but upon prevision of refusing life offered and ther is sufficient Grace in the means of conversion to Remedy the weaknes or perversnes of depraved Nature Nor is any decreed to salvation but upon foreseen readines to accept life offered and Gods general promises hav conditions which Men by his Grace must observ on their part if they wil partak the benefit For God decreeing to make Man a free Creature in al his Corollary actions and foreseing his fal wherby he forfeted that liberty of Wil for himself and Posterity in al spiritual supernatural Graces permitted Men to use or abuse it in al other matters of this life Natural Moral Civil
sin to one and punish him for it with eternal death or to ordain Men to perdition simply without looking at sin but they say he may doo the one without wrong to Justice Ergo the other So saith Doctor Twiss If God may decree Men to Hel for Adams sin derived to them by his sole constitution he may so justly doo it without any such ordination Indeed 't is al one to decree a Mans misery as to involv him in a sin which shal make him miserable but neither is just nor agreeable to the Judg of the World Is it justice to require Faith in Christ of thos to whom he hath by flat decree denied it Yet so they fain God to doo For Zanchy saith Every Man sans exception even Reprobats is bound to beleev that he is chosen in Christ to salvation or els he sins grievously as Christ saith The Spirit shal convince the World of sin becaus they beleeved not in me This they generaly hold yet absolut Reprobats John 16 9 cannot justly be bound to beleev becaus barred by divine Decree and hav no power to doo it shal any be tied to impossibilities If al be immutable more Medorum their endevor is vain and al preaching vain For 't is not Gods serious Wil they shal beleev whom he doth not furnish with necessary power but rather the contrary that they shal not beleev The Devils hav no part in Christ or the new Covenant and therfore not bound to beleev in the one nor punishable for transgressing the other no more can God justly require Faith of Reprobats or destroy them for not beleeving if they hav no more part in Christ or the Covenant then Devils which wil make the doctrin that Christ died for al Men a flat●ly What can be more injust then to punish Men for omitting to doo which his own Decree makes impossible for them to perform Som answer that Gods Decree is just tho it seem hard to 1 Defens Mans erring understanding This is fals and the contradictory tru that nothing is truly Answer just which human understanding purged from prejudication hath in al places and persons judged unjust becaus God by Natures light and general notions of good and evil of just and unjust imprinted in Mens hearts sufficient ability to judg in such cases If a Man bids his Son or Servant to eat and punish him for not eating yet resolvs he shal hav no meat may we not say he is unjust both in the precept and punishment Semblably 't is in God sith Virtues in Men are but the Image of his perfections being in substance the same tho infinitly differing in degrees God cals Men to be judges of his wais and Ezek. 18. 25. works judg ye hous of Israel are not my wais equal and yours unequal The high mysteries of Christs Incarnation birth by a Virgin resurrection of the Body and such like which are proper objects of Faith God never offers to Mens trial but rather derides those which presume to judg them by Reason becaus they be supernatural and Man no competent judg by natural understanding but he makes him judg in the equity of his Decrees and Wais who is able to discern what is just in divine acts Others say the Scriptures define thes Decrees to be 2 Defens Gods Wil which is the rule of righteousnes Ergo they must needs be just This Rule is much abused by the Patrons of absolut Reprobation Answer for Gods Wil is no rule of justice to himself as if things were just becaus he wils or works them but his justice is rather a rule of his Wil and Works who decrees and executs becaus they agree to that justice which dwels in the divine Nature So S. Jerom saith God commands nothing sav what is honest but doth not make things honest which are abominable implying that he doth not wil a thing and so make it good but willeth it becaus 't is antecedently good So Zanchy makes Gods justice antecedent to his wil and therfore the rule of it rather then regulated by it nor can God wil ought which is not just in it self So Gods Wil is no rule of justice to himself but to us who must square al our thoughts words and works by it as suprem rule of them Nor are thes absolut decrees of salvation and damnation any parts of his reveled Wil in Scripture which to assert is to beg the question This is al their ground to gain credit as al sects use to doo but a fals foundation unles they may sens it as they list For absolut Reprobation repugns right reason and begets absurdities which no Truths doth sith sundry truths are reveled in holy Writ abov reason but none contrary to it Faith and Reason Scripture and Nature are Gods excellent gifts which never diametraly differ tho ther is a disproportion betwen them if then absolut Reprobation be unjust it cannot be justified by Scripture Therfore to say Gods Wil is the rule of Justice and this a part of his reveled Wil both which propositions are untru is but a sly evasion and colorable collusion They say farther That God is not bound to restore Men power 3. Defens to beleev having lost it by their own fault as a Master is not tied to renew his Servants stock having misimploied it 'T is tru God is bound to none being a most free dispenser Answer of his own favors wher what and to whom he wil sith none is afore hand with him Who hath given to him first and it shal not be recompenced again Yet is he conditionaly bound both by decreing being liable to his own Ordinance or els should be mutable by promising which is a kind of debt ●ith 't is just to perform and by giving Men a Law to keep which without supernatural Grace they cannot When God commanded his Creatures to increas and multiply he gav them a generativ faculty when Christ bad the lame Man rise and walk he added ability to his lims so when the suprem Law-giver imposeth a Law he givs the people power to keep it els he becoms a hard Master as the evil Servant stiled his reaping wher he sowed not being the tru proper caus of transgressing it When God gav Adam a spiritual Law to obey he conferred such strength answerable to doo it as S. Austin saith he had a power or possibility not to fal tho not such as he could not fal To apply al If God entred into a new Covenant with Men which he needed not and required obedience of al promising eternal life to thos that observ it and everlasting death to such as disobey then no doubt he is bound to restore ability of beleeving unto al nor can justly punish the disobedient without it no more then a Magistrat having put out an Offenders eys can require him to read and put him to death for not reading so 't is injustice in God to punish such for not beleeving
himself to the Gentils Rom. 1. 20. by the Creatures that they might be without excuse So Simon saith of Christ that he is appointed for the faling and Luke 2. 〈◊〉 rising again of many in Isarel S. Paul saith I preach Christ 1 Cor. 1. 23. 2 Cor. 2. 16. to the Jews a stumbling block Again To them that perish we are the savour of death to death Thes places in general point out the end which is oft effected by them not what is primarily or principaly intended in them sith they may occasionaly produce such effects in som Men by their voluntary rebellion contrary to the Doners intention Phisitions minister medicins for the Patients good which somtime by misguidance turn to his hurt so Gods blessings intended for Mens eternal welfare tend to their perdition by il imploying them So the event doth not vary the intent sith no sinful event is properly under Gods decree but under his prescience or permission at most Now by this Tenet of absolut Reprobation al gifts both of Nature and Grace hav another end for either God intends them not to such tho they enjoy them being mix'd with the elect to whom only they are directed or if he doth 't is only to puff them up abov the common rank of Men to make their L. 3. Inst c 24. §. 13. ruin greater So saith Calvin God sends his Word to Reprobats that they may be made more deaf sets up a light to make them blinder and affords a remedy that they may not be healed Beza saith Let it not seem absurd that God offers Grace to som Reprobats not to this end that they should be saved but that they may be less excusable and more punishable Maccovius saith God knocks at Reprobats hearts who neither can nor wil open not that he may enter but partly to upbraid their impotence and partly to increas their damnation nor can any other conclusion rise or result from this doctrin for how can God intend the gifts of Grace for their salvation whom he hath irrevocably decreed to damnation Hence it infers that God meerly deludes miserable Men whom he cals to salvation in his Sons name by preaching the Word yet intends their perdition and that Ministers are fals Witnesses who preach salvation to many conditionaly whos damnation is decreed absolutly If a state closly contriv that no Dutch shal be Denisens yet publicly proclaim to giv them high privileges on condition to becom free doo they not conterfet or cosen the poor people to make them su or seek in vain Semblably may not Reprobats rightly plead Lord wilt thou punish us for not beleeving in thy Son being caled by preaching to beleev when thou hast decreed to leav us in Adams sin without al power to beleev How canst thou justly charge us with sin or increas our torment for not beleeving in him whom thou resolved st from eternity we should never beleev in Certes that Ministry givs Men a fair excuse which is given only to leav them without excuse as the Patrons of absolut Decree proclaim For the Sacraments signify nothing seal up nothing and confer nothing to such as are not saved but are meer blanks or empty Ordinances yet not by their fault but by Gods irresistible Wil nor are al other gifts tho never so glorious of any avail to promot their salvation in Gods absolut intention nor given out of lov but meer hatred that they may use them il and prepare to themselfs a greater damnation For he that receivs most of him shal most be required so they be but as snares to intrap Mens Souls like baits on barbed hooks to beguil Fishes sith they are lifted up therby that with the load of their goodly indowments they may sink the deeper into Hel. So they hav no caus to lov the Doner but hate him rather sith such favors are like a griping Usurers bounty or Jaels courtesy to Sisera 4. 'T is prejudicial to Piety and Promoter of prophanes 4 Reason cutting off the very sinews of Religion for it takes away al hope to attain happines by godlines and fear to sustain any hurt by wickednes sith al is ordered by absolut Decree Hope is the sole spur to stir Men on to virtu and fear the chief bar to withdraw them from vice For our Saviour in hope of Heb. 12 2. Mat. 10 32. the joy set before him endured al shame of the Cross who by it hardned his Disciples to suffer for his sake By this the godly in al ages hav bin excited to wel dooing See Acts 24 15. Phil. 3. 26 Colos 1 9 Titus 2. 12 13. Heb. 11. per totum Al noble Heroic acts hav sprung from the hope of eternal glory He that eareth and thresheth must doo it in hope saith S. Paul 1. Cor. 9. 10. For hope saith Aquinas conduceth to action as appeers in Souldiers Mariners and al Professions The hope of Heaven then is chief incentiv to piety and fear of Hel a main bar to impiety yea fear promots a good action accidentaly becaus Men fearing the evil of mischief or misery annexed to the evil of sin think they are never safe til they attain a contrary state by doing wel Now by an absolut Decree Hope and Fear are bereaved for hope is properly versed about some good to be attained by industry not which must be of necessity and the object of fear is an evil that may be avoided but by this Decree Heaven and Hel are no possible objects but necessary for the elect shal infallibly enjoy the one and Reprobats impossibly escape the other sith Men hav no power to alter their eternal state being prefined by eternal Decree Al Gods decrees are immutable irreversible and irresistible so that al Mens indevors are in vain to alter or avoid them See Isai 46. 11. Ps 115. 3. Rom. 9. 19. 'T is absolutly decreed the Devils shal be damned so it were folly in them by praier or tears to alter it Mans Soul is simply decreed to be immortal and 't is vain for any to attemp the abolition 'T is ordained that The Sun shal rule the day and Moon the night what power then can divert their cours so if no power be left in Man to attain eternal life or avoid death but he must needs take what is destined or designed he strivs in vain either way For if the Decree be absolut the Minister preacheth and People hear in vain Not one Soul can be saved by either of their means which is decreed to Hel nor one damned designed to Heaven 'T is frivolous and fruitless folly to be studious or sollicitous in what cannot be altered amended or avoided as Christ said to his Disciples why take ye thought about such Luk. 12. 25 26. things 'T is a misery to toil about impossibles as Sisyphus is said to rol up a stone to the top of an high hil in Hel which instantly fals down again If this
prophaned or mispent in riotous revellings by wicked persons specialy sith 't is founded in honor Th●s three are 〈◊〉 of our Saviour and commemoration of his chief mercy 4. Whether an express warrant of Christs precept or his 4 〈◊〉 Apostles practise be necessarily required to ratify every Religious Rite of the Church Or whether late Reformists walk by that Rule of Scriptural authority in sanctifying arbitrary dai● of Thanksgiving and Hamiliation with many mo Ordinances Customs and Ceremonies which they use 5. What warrant is ther to annul the seventh day Sabbath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or surrogat the Lords day in stead sav only that the Apostles somtimes meet on the first day to break Bread Yet the observation of this is no abolition of that specialy sith they stil frequented the Jews Synagogs on thos dais to convert them Or what for the Name sav that St. John saith He was in the Spirit at Patmos on the Lords day Yet is ther no irrefragable evidence that it was the first day O● what for Pedo B●p●s● exc●pt that the Apostles Baptised whol Families in which most probably not infallibly were som Infants The bare letter reacheth not so far to assert a precise precept or precedent for either but we rely on the Churches testimony tradition interpretation and authority for al three with many mo Why not then in this point of holy Fests instituted and i●tended soly to our Saviours honor and service wherin is no danger but much devotion and sanctity 6. Whether Quis requisivit who required it be rightly 6 Q●●●e applied to such cases specialy the three precited Or whether it may not be better retorted who requires thes irregular Fests and Fasts appointed by particular Churches or privat Congregations upon arbitrary wil-worship or ordinary occasions Hav not Church Governors so much power or authority as modern Innovators Consider that thos great Clercs had far cleerer judgments to discern truth then silly shalow Sciolists and know that in al matters or mysteries of Religion 't is safer to offend by way of piety humility and devotion then in proud self-lov contempt or despication To take a sober reckoning on the other side what warrant hav Ministers to examin Communicants before the Lords Supper and repel whom they l●st Christ at first institution whos patern they pretend to folow in al particles did not examin his Disciples nor bid them so to doo but admitted Judas to partake it at his own Luk. 22. 21. peril knowing him to be a Traitor and Reprobat St. Paul 1 Cor. 11. 28. exhorts every Man to examin himself and so eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup but neither he nor any of the rest practised examination of others so ther is no precept practise or precedent for this modern innovation Yes say they St. Peter bids al be ready alwaies to render a reason of the hope in 1 Pet. 3. 15 16. them with meeknes and fear Tru but speak sincerely is this given as a rule for Pastors to examin Communicants or rather for Al Christians to satisfy Infidels or others Read the next words having a good Conscience that wheras they speak evil of you as of il doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Here is no cloke or color for examining Communicants therfore beware how ye wrest or wiredraw Scripture to serv turns Hos scrupulos solvas eris mihi magnus Apollo Cleer thes points and to me Great Phoebus thou shelt be This brief Essay or Epigram being a Theological Theory Corollary is purposly premised as a Prodrom or Patern of 670. such som larger som lesser to be published by Gods grace in two Folio Tomes so soon as they can be transcribed and impressed wherof the Enchiridion now com forth jointly with this work is as it were the Table or Catalog containing the Arguments of them al. Thus writers toil and travel in vain to pleas or profit variously disposed Readers led wholy by Opinion Affection or Prejudication most of which wil rather retribut sharp scofs and scurrilous censures then deserved thanks or commendations but 't is best Buoy-like to bear up amidst al boisterous billows of spite and scandal maugre Mens malice and al envious or venemous toungs To shut up al with two homespun verses His Epigramatibus facies non omnibus una Nec diversa subit quales soluere Gemelli Thes Essais hav not al one face to see Nor much unlike as Twins are wont to be Sitne superstitio Natalis Festa sacrare Christi inter varios lis odiosa fuit Ther 's hateful strife ' mongst som whether to keep holy Christs Birth-day Fest be superstitious folly Scaurus ait renuit Varus utri credere vultis Tam facile est lites conciliare graves Scaurus saith Varus gainsaith which wil ye Beleev So easy 't is great brawls t' agree In dextram potius pietate offendere praestat Quam laeva opprobriis spernere Festa sacra 'T is better right hand-wise by zele t' offend Then Holy dais left-like with scorn vilipend Discite quod verum est moniti nec temnite Christum Sed colite aeterno Festa dicata Deo Learn truth that 's taught and doo not Christ defy But Fests ordained t' eternal God apply Though my silly reason and shallow resolution specialy in Vale●●ct●●● Dotage be no way regardable or reliable on in the learned Common wealth yet to satisfy som special Friends who earnestly entreat it I will openly unmasque or declare my judgment in six controversal points but very briefly and bluntly 1. Touching Mans Souls production I hold Traduction against the universal Tenet of Infused by Creating and Created in Infusing 2. For Predestination to eternal Life or Death I beleev it to be with reference to Gods prescience of pure simple Intelligence not of his free Pleasure to shew his Power by any absolut irresistiv Decree 3. Concerning Church Government I defend Episcopacy for the best form of Ecclesiastic Polity as instituted by our Saviour analogicaly and by his Apostles actualy or apertly but continued in al Churches ever since til Mr. Calvin changed it in case of necessity 4. About Christs Millenar reign on Earth immedialy before in or at the last day of judgment and general Resurrection of al human flesh and for his eternal personal reign on a new Earth resigning his kingdom of Glory to his Father my Opinion amidst such a copious cru of learned Clercs who debate it diversly both wais must needs be amphibolous or ambiguous like a giddy Ostrich which having laid hir first eg at rovers on the sands regards not wher she lais the rest nor on what heap she sits abrood but doo rather declare then incline to the former and profes my self advers to the later Me trahit in dubios aliorum assertio sensus An reget in Mundo hoc Christus an Arce Poli Others opinions make me doubtful whether Christ shal
holy Land but Jerusalem the City of general worship more holy the Temple holier and Sanctum Sanctorum holiest of al places A Sacrament is a separation of som visible thing from common use consecrated to Gods service for a sign of our admission Sacrament into his Kingdom or a commemoration of the same Circumcision was the sign of admission in the old Testament Baptism in the new but the commemoration in the one was eating the Pascal Lamb once annaly to mind them of the night when they were delivered from Egypts temporal bondage and celebrating the Lords Supper in the other wherby we are remembred of our deliverance from sin and Satan by our Saviours crucifixon The Sacraments of admission Circumcision and Baptism are used but once to every one becaus we are admitted no oftner but thos of commemoration Passover and the Lords Supper often reiterated becaus we must be often minded of our deliverance and allegiance Ther be other Consecrations which in ample acception may be stiled Sacraments as the word implies a sacred institution for Religious uses as Ordination Matrimony and many mo but as it imports an Oath Promiss or Covenant of Allegiance to God thos precited are soly so named A Common-wealth cannot possibly consist wher any sav the Soveraign hath power to giv greater rewards then life or inflict Chap 38. grievouser punishments then death but sith eternal life excels temporal and endless torments exced death of nature 't is worthy to be wel weighed of al that wil obey Authority to avoid the calamities of confusion and civil war what is meant in Scripture by eternal life and endless torment as also for what offenses and against whom committed Men are to be eternaly tortured and for what actions to enjoy everlasting life Adam had enjoied it in the terren Eden Paradise for ever had he not broken Gods commandment to eat the forbidden fruit who had the Tree of Life allowed to eat but so soon Eternal Life Gen. 3. 22. as he tasted the one God thrust him out of the Garden lest he should take of the other and liv for ever So if he had not sinned he should liv on Earth perpetualy but mortality seized on him and al his posterity for this first sin Sith then he forfeted eternal life by sin he who is to cancel that forfeture must recover it by righteousnes which Christ Jesus did by satisfying for the sins of al that beleev in him and so recovered life eternal lost by Adam to al beleevers So saith St. 1 Cor. 15. 21 22. Paul sith by Man cam death by Man cam also the Resurrection of the dead for as in Adam al dy so in Christ shal al be made alife Touching the place wher Men shal enjoy eternal life the precited Texts seem to set it on Earth for if al forfeted it in earthly Paradise by Adam they shal enjoy it on Earth by Christ els the comparison were not consonant nor complet So saith David God commanded the blessing on Zion Ps 133 3. even life for evermore So St. John to him that overcometh Rev. 2. 7. I wil giv to eat of the Tree of Life in the midst of Gods Paradise Rev. 21. 2. 10. This was the Tree of eternal life on earth Again I saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God as a Bride adorned for his Husband As if he should say new Jerusalem Gods Paradise or rather the Church Christs Spous shal descend from Neaven at Christs next coming to Gods people and Acts 3. 11. not they ascend to it So the two Angels in whit clothing said to the Apostles looking at Christ ascending This Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven shal so com as you see him go up into Heaven As if they had said Glossa corrumpit textum he shal com down to govern them under his Father eternaly on Earth he coms to Judg not to Rule and not take them into Heaven This conforms to the restauration of Gods Kingdom began under Moses which was the Israelits Politic Mat. 12 30. government on Earth Christ saith In the Resurrection Men neither marry nor giv in mariage but are as the Angels in Heaven This describes eternal life like that which Adam lost at point of mariage For sith Adam and Eve if they had not sinned had lived on Earth eternaly yet could not continualy propogat Progenies becaus if immortals should immortaly procreat as Men doo now the Earth in short space could not afford Foot-room to stand on much less food to sustain them How then can a new created Earth except extended to Quae●e i●finit immensity contain al Mankind which are unimaginable multituds born and to be born since the Creation Thes with sundry such quirks surpass the reach of reason to resolv The comparison betwen life eternal lost by Adam and recuperated by Christs victory over death holds thus that as he lost it by sin yet lived long after so a faithful Beleever recovers it by Christ though he dy 〈◊〉 natural death for a long time even til the general Resurrection for as death is counted from Adams condemnation not execution so is life reckoned from the absolution not from the Resurrection of thos elected in Christ Jesus Such are his specious speculalations favouring of singularity That Men after the Resurrection shal liv eternaly in Heaven Ascention into Heaven caled by St. Paul the third Heaven is not evident in Scripture by the Kingdom of Heaven is meant Gods Kingdom who dwels in Heaven which was Israels People whom he ruled by Judges Prophets and high Priests as Lieftenents til they rebelled and required a mortal King like other Nations So when our Saviour by his Ministers shal perswade the Jews to return and accomplish the fulnes of Gentils ther shal be a new Kingdom of Heaven becaus God whos Throne is Heaven shal be King yet it folows not that Man shal ascend to his seat of happines or higher then his Footstool No Man John 3. 13. hath ascended into Heaven but he that cam down from it even the Son of Man that cam down from Heaven Wher note that thos are St. Johns words not Christs as al the rest were who was not then in Heaven So David saith Thou wilt not leav Ps 16. 10. my Soul in Hel nor suffer thy Holy one to see corruption which St. Peter provs to be spoken of Christs Resurrection not of Acts 2 31 34. himself becaus David is not ascended into Heaven If any answer 't is tru they shal not ascend in bodies til the Resurrection but their Souls enter Heaven so soon as they dy As Christ confirms Who provs the Resurrection by Moses words Luk 20. 37 38. at the bush when he cals the Lord the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who is a God of the living not of the dead This cannot be construed of the Souls immortality sith Christ ther
treats only of the Bodies resurrection or immortality of Men who shal liv again He means thos Patriarchs were immortal becaus God in meer grace confers eternal life on the faithful who tho dead liv stil to God being writ in the Book of life with thos that are absolved of their sins to reviv at resurrection but not by any property consequent to Mans essence or Soul For to make it a living entity independent after separation on the Body and in it self immortal or that any Man is immortal except Enoch or Elias hath no cleer warrant Job 14. 10 12. in the word Job complains of Mans mortality by nature Man dies and wasts away yea givs up the Ghost and wher is he Down he lieth and riseth not til the Heavens be no more Which 2 Pet 3 7. 13. St. Peter shews shal be at the universal Resurrection when the Heavens and Earth shal be dissolved by fire but new expected according to promiss wherin dwels righteousnes So wher Job saith Man riseth not til the Heavens be no more 't is as if he said immortal life for Life and Soul in Scripture sens is the same begins not in Man til the Resurrection or day of Judgment and the caus of it is Gods promiss as St. Peter tels not Mans specifical Nature or Essence Now sith Gods Kingdom is a civil Common-wealth wher he-self is Soveraign by virtu first of the old and now since of the new Covenant it evidently appeers that when Christ shal com again in Majesty and Glory to reign existently and eternaly his Kingdom shal be on Earth as God was in Israel So Gods Enimies and their torments after Judgment shal be on Earth for the place wher al remain til the Resurrection is usualy stiled in Scripture under ground in Latin Infernus or Inferi Greecly Hades wher Men cannot see or dy implying the Grav so wel as any other deep place but the damneds place after Resurrection is not designed in al holy writ by any note of situation but only by their company wher such wicked Men were whom God in miraculous maner had cut off Touching Hel 't is no real place in any part of the created Hel what World but a Metaphorical word signified by wicked Men ther being 1. 'T is caled Infernus Tartarus or bottomless Pit from Corah Dathan and Abiram swalowed alife into the Earth 2. 'T is said to be under water becaus the Giants mighty Men in Noahs dais caled Greecly Heroes were drowned in the Deluge 3. Becaus Sodom and Gomorrha consumed by Fire and Brimstone becam a bituminous Lake 't is caled a Lake burning with fire and brimstone which is the secund death So Hel fire is expressed by Sodoms fire indefinitly Rev 21. 8. taken for destruction as 't is said Death and Hel were Rev. 20. 14. cast into the Lake of fire or destroied for after the last day Men shal dy no more nor go into Hades 4. 'T is termed from Egypts triduan deep darknes utter or extern darknes viz. without the habitation of Gods elect which is ful of Light 5. Neer Jerusalem is the Vally of Hinnon in part wherof caled Tophet the Jews most Idolatrously sacrificed their Children to Moloch wher they cast out their Carrion and to clens the Air made continual fires whence Hel is caled Gehenna or Vally of Hinnon and from thos incessant Fires cam the name or notion of everlasting unquenchable Fire Now none is so sensless to expound any of thes literaly as if the damned after rising from death shal be for ever under Earth or Water both which are but one Globe like a Pins point compared to the Heavens in a bottomless Pit or that they shal be eternaly punishd in Gehenna the Vally of Hinnon or shal liv in utter darknes not one to see another or be scorched for ever with Fire and Brimstone Ergo the meaning is Metaphorical and must be disquired by the nature of the Torments and Tormenters The Tormenters are termed Satan or Enimy Diabolus or Tormenters Accuser and Abaddon or Destroier which significant titles set not forth any individual Persons like proper Names but only an office or faculty and are very Appellativs which should not be left untranslated as they are becaus therby they seem to be proper names of Demons and Men sooner seduced to beleev the Doctrin of Devils then Pagan Religion contrary to Christs So becaus the Enimy in Gods Kingdom of the Jews is meant by Enimy Accuser and Destroier if Gods Kingdom after the Resurrection shal be on Earth the Enimy and his Kingdom must be ther also as it was when the Israelits deposed God and chose Saul sith Gods Kingdom was in Palestin and the Nations round about Enimies whence it appeers that Satan signifies any Enimy of the Church Metaphoricaly it may but is not Satan properly or literaly Quaere Rev. 12. 〈◊〉 a foul Fiend Enimy to Mankind as the great red Dragon that old Serpent was who deceived Eve and since the whol World Are al the Dialogs between betwen God and Satan about Job conterfet Chimaeras When the seventy rejoiced that the 〈◊〉 10. 17. 18 20. Devils were subject to them Christ said I saw Satan as lightning fal from Heaven but rejoyce not that the Spirits are Mat 12. 24. 〈◊〉 Cor. 5. 5. subject to you Here Christ cals Devils Spirits and names Satan as one yea Beelzebub is named Prince of Devils Excommunication 1 Tim. 1. 20. is caled a delivery to Satan is this meant only a Jailor or temporal Enimy Hel torments are somtime caled weeping and gnashing Torments of teeth somtime the worm of Conscience of time fire wher Dan. 12. 2. the worm dieth not which is never quenched but by Daniel shame and contempt Al which Metaphoricaly denote great grief or discontent of Mind from sight of others felicity which they lost by their own disobedience and incredulity but becaus others felicity is known only by comparing it with their own misery it results that they shal suffer such bodily pains and calamities as Men that liv under cruel Governors having God the King of Saints their eternal Enimy Yea beside al torments of Body and Mind they shal likwise endure a secund Death For tho the general Resurrection be evident yet it 1 Cor. 15. 42 no eternal life promised to Reprobats St. Paul to the question with what Bodies Men shal rise saith 'T is sown in corruption and raised in incorruption sown in dishonor raised in glory sown in weaknes raised in power but Glory and Power cannot comply to wicked Mens Bodies nor the name of secund Death apply to such as can never dy but once Howbeit tho a calamitous everlasting Life may Metophoricaly be termed eternal Death yet can it in no property of speech be stiled a secund Death Everlasting fire prepared for the Damned is an estate wherin Secund Death none can liv after the Resurrection
without torture of Body and Mind in which sens it shal endure for ever unquenchable and the torments endlesss Yet it folows not that he so cast in shal so endure or resist it as to be eternaly burnt and tortured but never dy or be destroied Yea tho many places prov everlasting fire and torments into which Men may be cast successivly one after another for ever yet none assert that any individual Person shal perennaly abide or endure therin but he shal hav an everlasting secund Death For when Death and the Grav Hel hav delivered up the Rev. 20. 13 14. dead in them and every Man judged according to his works Death and Hel shal be cast into the Lake of Fire this is the secund Death Hence 't is cleer that every Reprobat condemned at general Judgment must suffer a secund Death after which he shal dy no more But what is meant by Mind so oft iterated if not Mans Quaere Soul The jois of eternal Life are comprised in Scripture under Eternal Life the name of Salvation or being saved which signifies to be secured either respectivly against special evils or absolutly from al as want sicknes death Now becaus Man was made immortal or immarcescible and fel from it by sin it results that to be saved from sin is to be freed from al evil and afflictions acquired by the same Ergo Remission of sin and Salvation from death and misery is al one As when Christ Mat. 9. 2 5. cured a Paralytic Man saying Friend be of good cheer or comfort thy sins be forgiven the Scribes said within themselfs he blasphems but he asked whether 't is easier to say thy sins be forgiven or arise and walk Yet he used that form of speech to shew he had power to remit sins which implies that 't is al one to the saving of the sick to say thy sins are forgiven or rise and walk For sith death and misery are punishments of sin the discharge of it relea●eth the other two being absolut Salvation such as the elect shal enjoy after the Judgment day by Christ Jesus favor who for that caus is caled our Saviour Touching particular Salvations from enimies or miseries 't is needless to treat but becaus the general Salvation must be in the Kingdom of Heaven ther is great debate or difficulty about the place Becaus Kingdom is an Estate ordained by Men for security Kingdom of Heaven against enimies and want it seems this Salvation which sets forth our Kings glorious reign by conquest not a safety by escape shal be on Earth For wher we expect Salvation we must look for Triumph Victory and Battle in order which cannot be supposed in Heaven and wher els we must serch the Scriptures Isaiah largely describes it To be at Jerusalem Isai 33. 20. c. a quiet habitation a Tabernacle not to be taken down The Saviour is Our Lord Judg Lawgiver King The condition of the saved is The People that dwel therin shal be forgiven their iniquities By this 't is cleer that it shal be in Jerusalem wher God shal reign at Christs next coming and fil up the Salvation of Gentils which shal be received into his Kingdom for ever Isai 66 20 21. Isaiah more expresly declares it That the Gentils who had any Jews in bondage shal bring them from al Nations on Horses Charets and Litters to Jerusalem the place of Gods John 4. 22. worship As our Saviour told the Woman of Samaria that Salvation is of the Jews or begins at them As if he should say ye worship God but know not by whom he wil sav you we know it shal be by one of Juda and not a Samaritan This Rom. 1. 16 17. St. Paul explains The G●sp●l is Gods power of Salvation to every one that beleeveth to the Jew first and also to the Greec Joel 2. 30 32. So Joel describing the Judgment day saith God wil shew wonders in Heaven and Earth Blood Fire and Pillars of smoke wherto he ads In Mount Zion and Jerusalem shal be Salvation Obad. v. 17. c. So saith Obadiah On Mount Zion shal be deliverance and holines Jacobs hous shal possess their possessions which he particularly points out by The Mount of Esau Land of Philistins fields of Ephraim Samaria Gilead and Cities of the South concluding thus The Kingdom shal be the Lords On the other side no plain pregnant place provs the Saints Ascention into Heaven sav that 't is caled the Kingdom of Heaven which was becaus he governed the Israelits by commands sent to Moses from and after sent his Son as he wil again thence or els that his Throne is Heaven and Earth his Footstool but that his Subjects or Servants shal sit so high as his Throne or abov his Footstool sutes not with the glorious Majesty of so great a King Al thes Kickshews of arguing from similituds which he Answer derides in others are soon satisfied that his subjects shal not sit on his suprem Throne as Coequals or Coordinats but only dwel as Princes Servants doo in their Palaces in his holy John 14. 2. Hous of Heaven This saith Christ hath many mansions being infinity it self wheras not a tithing pa●● of Mankind can possibly find place to stand on a new Earth or finit world Three Worlds are specified in Scripture 1. The old before Noahs flood wherof St. Peter speaks 2. The present of 2 Pet. 2. 5. which Christ saith My Kingdom is not of this World 3. That to com of it St. Peter saith We according to his promiss look for new Heavens and Earth which is that World wherin Christ coming in the Clouds with great glory shal send his Angels to gather the Elect from the four Winds or utmost parts of the Earth to reign over them under his Father everlastingly Thus he But wher is the World to com taken for a Real material Quaere World as the other two be 'T is not Cosmos or Mundus venturus but Seculum vita vel Aevum futurum the Time Life or Age to com Nor is ther any warrant in al Gods word for thos last words that Christ shal reign over the Saints ●iz on Earth under his Father everlastingly but that they shal reign with him 1000. yeers as Chiliasts contest Touching Understanding he saith 't is only imagination Understanding raised in Man or any Animal that can imagin by words or signs which is common to Man and Beasts As a Dog by use understands his Masters cal or check with sundry strange tricks by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calture so doo divers other kinds yea som 〈◊〉 to speak but understanding peculiar to Man is not only to know one anothers wil but his thoughts or conceptions by the consequents of things Names into affirmations ●e●ations and other forms of speech of which he wil treat elswher For Witchcraft he holds it to be no real power yet are
but the chief charms are reserved for the Children to be Baptised as appeers in their Ceremonies The like are used in Mariage Visitation of the Sick extrem Unction consecrations of Churches and Church-yards to expel Phantasms Faieries and imaginary Spirits al which belong to the Kingdom of Darknes being effects of our natural ignorance Another error is from misinterpreting the words eternal Life everlasting Death and secund Death of which three in order Adam had an estate to liv for ever not by nature in himself Eternal Life or any part of his but by eating the Tree of Life which he had leav to doo so long as he obeied God but was thrust out of Paradise so soon as he sinned lest he should feed theron and liv for ever Now Christs death is a discharge of sin and restitution of Life eternal to al the faithful who beleev in him and to them only Yet the general doctrin of Divines is that every Man hath eternal life by nature of his immortal Soul so that the flaming Sword at entrance of Paradise may hinder him from tasting the Tree of Life but not from immortality which God bereaved Nor shal he need Christs sacrifice for recovery of the same sith not only the faithful or righteous but the wicked and Heathen shal enjoy eternal Life without Death much less a secund everlasting death To salv or shadow this they say by secund everlasting Death is meant a secund everlasting Life but Torments which is a figure never used sav in this very case Is not secund Death an eternal being both of Body and Quaere Soul in Hel-fire under Satan This tenet of the Souls immortality is founded on som obscure places of the new Testament which yet in a different sens of his own mint are cleer enough and unnecessary to Christian Faith For suppose when a Man dies nothing remains but his Carcas cannot God who made clay a living Creature by his word rais it again by another word Yes but not to the same life which vanished to nothing wheras the Soul being immortal persists identical Soul in Scripture stil signifies either Life or a Living Creature and Body jointly with Soul a Body alife As God saith Let the Waters produce Reptile animae viventis the creeping thing with a living Soul we translat that hath life Again God created Whales omnem animam viventem in English every living Creature but of Man God made him of dust and breathed in his face the spiracle or breath of life factus est Homo in animam viventem and Gen. 8. 21. Man was made a living Creature So God said when Noah cam out of the Arc I wil no more smite omnem animam viventem Deut 12. 23. every living Creature Eat not the Blood for 't is the Soul or Life But if Soul signified a substance immortal existing after separation from the Body it may be said of any other Animal so wel as Man Is it said of any other that God having made the Body of Quaere Earth breathed into his face spiraculum Vitae the Spirit of Life Which al interpreters expound of creating and infusing the Soul together He goes on the Souls or Lifes of the Faithful which being accidents that annihilated when the Bodies died must be new made are by Gods special Grace not of their own Nature to remain in their raised Bodies for ever after Judgment Wher 't is said in the new Testament that any shal be cast Body and Soul as if they were distinct Quaere parts into Hel-fire it imports Body and Life how can Life be cast being a bare accident That they shal be cast alife into Rev. 19 v. 20. Gehenna So 't is said The Beast and fals Prophet were both cast alife into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone This dark doctrin of the Souls subsistence after separation opens a sluce to let in the superstitious superstructures of Purgatory and Indulgences Ghosts or Goblins and Exorcisms invocating of Saints yea Heaven and Hel too with som others For Men before Christs coming being taught from the Greecs Demonology that Mens Souls were distinct substances which after separation must subsist somwher by their own Nature the Doctors of the Church long doubted wher they resided til the general Resurrection supposing they lay under the Altars but finding that Martyrs Souls of them slain for Gods word if they hav Souls why not others Quae c. Lay under the Altar the Church of Rome for their profit Rev. 6 9. erected Purgatory Surely they doo al for profit to maintain their pomp pride power and prodigality Beza to prov Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection Mat. 16. 28. and continues stil urgeth his words Verily I say to you som of them which stand here shal not tast of death til they hav seen Mat. 16. 28. Marc 9. 1. Luk. 9. 37. Gods Kingdom com with power Ergo either Gods Kingdom cam shortly after and is now in this World or els som then standing by Christ are yet alife Sol. This is a darke difficil place which provs nothing necessarily but if Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection why doo we stil pray thy Kingdom com Therfore 't is not meant therof Yea after his Resurrection the Apostles asked Wilt thou now restore the Kingdom of Israel He answered 'T is not for you to know the time or season which the Father hath put in his own power but ye shal receiv power by the holy Ghosts coming on you and shal be my Witnesses in Jerusalem in al Judea and utmost part of the Earth So he told them his Kingdom was not com nor shal they foreknow when 't is to com Christ said to Peter of John If I wil that he tarry Jo●n ●1 v. 22. til I com what is that to thee Which bred a beleef that he should not dy yet the truth of it was neither confirmed nor confuted by thos words but left as a dark saying and so must this Howbeit sith Christs transfiguration is the next Act handled by al three Evangelists haply he cals that Gods Kingdom which som ther should see being a representation or vision of his glory and Majesty as he shal com in his Kingdom which cannot be proved to begin til the day of Judgment Wher is it proved that any terren Kingdom shal commence Quae●e then Then shal the Faithful rise with glorious spiritual Bodies inlifened and becom Christs Subjects in his Kingdom wher they shal not eat drink marry as they did in their natural Bodies but liv happily in their individual Persons for ever The elect then alife shal be suddenly changed and their Bodies made spiritualy immortal but Reprobats shal rise to receiv punishment yet not eternaly in their individual Persons nor can any place prov it As after the Resurrection the Elect shal be restored to Adams estate before he fel so Reprobats shal be in the
same condition that Adam and his Posterity were since his fal sav that God graciously promised a Redeemer to such as should repent and beleev but not to thos that dy in their sins impenitent as Reprobats doo so they may liv as they did before with gross corruptible Bodies as al Men now hav and haply beget Children continualy which no 1 Cor. 15. Scripture gainsais St. Paul treats only of the Resurrection Luk. 20 34. c. to life eternal not a word of that to pnuishment nor Christ who saith the Children of this World which liv in the estate Adam left them shal marry and generat successivly by an immortality of Kind not of Persons who are not worthy to be counted among thos that shal rise and obtain the World to com that is life to com not a terren World which alone are Heirs of eternal life equal to Angels and Children of God So a secund eternal death remains to Reprobats when after the Resurrection shal com a time of torment or punishment which by succession of sinners shal last so long as the kind of Man by propagation shal endure that is eternaly but not so every single Person nor shal the Tormenters be F●ends or evil Angels Touching the Souls natural immortality that 't is a spiritual substance subsisting by it self after separation he answers som objections Ob. Salomon saith Dust shal return to Dust as it was and Eccles 12. 7. the Spirit to God that gav it Ergo God created the Soul distinct Spirit Sol. He shews how Mans Body made of dust must return to dust but God only knows what becoms of his Spirit Chap. 3. 20. Breath or Life He hath a sentence of semblable sens Al Man and Beast go to one place al are of dust and turn to dust Who knows except the Omniscient that Mans Spirit goes Ibid. v. 19. upward and a Beasts downward Sith 't is said That which befals the Sons of Men betides Beasts as one dies so doth the other yea they hav al one breath before spirit so that a Man hath no preeminence abov a Beast for al is vanity He praiseth Ch●p 4 2 3. the dead beyond the living and ads Better is he which hath not yet bin nor seen the evil work doon under the Sun then both the dead and living which cannot hold current if Mans Soul be immortal that no Soul were better then it only for a little oppression in this life Lastly he saith The living know they shal dy but the Dead know nothing naturaly before the Body shal rise nor hav any more a reward for their memory is forgot Al which places prostern the Souls immortality and by Spirit is meant Breath or Life as often foresaid Ob. Christ saith Abraham Isaac and Jacob are living Ergo their Souls separat subsist stil for their bodies lay buried many ages before Sol. This purports Gods promiss and certitud of their Resurrection not any actual life as God said to Adam on the day he should eat the forbidden fruit he shal certainly dy so from that day he was a dead Man by Sentence but not by actual execution til 930. yeers after Ob. The wicked shal rise to Judgment and go into everlasting fire torment or punishment wher the worm of Conscience never dieth which is caled a secund everlasting Death and general everlasting Life in torments far wors then Death as appeers in the new Testament Ergo c. Sol. Al this is tru yet it no wher appeers that the Damned shal liv in torments everlastingly for God the Father of Mercies and fountain of Goodnes who doth al what he wil and holds al Mens hearts at his disposing working them to wil and doo without whos free gift no Man hath any inclination to good or repentance of evil wil not punish Mens transgressions committed by inevitable ignorance natural frailty or wilful obstinacy sans end of time or with extremity of torture more then Men can conceiv or imagin Then he proceds to answer Bellarmins places or proofs in both Testaments touching Purgatory which he that lists may read p. 346. c. The next Caus of spiritual Darknes is heathen Demonology 2 Caus or doctrin of Devils as St. Paul cals it which their Poets as principal Priests diffused divulged or dissipated over the World witnes Hesiods goodly Genealogy of Gods For they caled al Spirits good and bad Demons but the Jews gav the name Demon only to evil Spirits stiling the good which Prophets or others inspired had the Spirit of God So they caled Lunatics Maniacs Lycanthrops Epileptics Hysterics or the like direct Demoniacs possest with evil Spirits They said unclean Persons had an unclean spirit dumb Men a dumb Devil aspersing John Baptist and our Saviour himself to hav Devils but Devils specified in Scripture are meer Diseases If any ask why Christ did not cross comptrole or teach Quest the contrary but confirms it by bidding D●vils go out of Men which is improper to speak unto any Diseas that cannot hear He answers that Christs command to any Diseas is no more Answ improper then to rebuke the Fever Wind or Sea which obeied him yet can hear no more then the rest Nor are such speeches improper becaus they import or impart the power of Gods word to command such contumacious Diseases under the appellation of Devils as they were then generaly deemed to depart out of M●ns Bodies So Devils Spectres or evil Spirits which they dreamed of are meer Phantasms or Inhabitants of their own Brains nor are any Ghosts of the Dead or ever were extant in the Air Heaven Hel or any real place as som surmise Al this must be taken upon his bare Phythagorean Ipse dixit Was that legion of Devils who besought Christ to enter 〈◊〉 into the Gergesens Swine and caried a whol Herd headlong into Sea only a Diseas Can Metaphors discurs or doo such mischeef When Christ cast out a dumb Spirit the traducing Pharisees denied not the dispossessing or matter of fact but said he did it by Beelzebub Prince of Devils can Christians then deny it Christ saith St. Matthew was led by or of the Spirit into Ma● 4. 1. Ma●● 1. 12. Luk 4. 1. the Wildernes which Spirti drov him into the Desart saith St. Marc but Luke that he being ful of the holy Ghost which descended on him as a Dov newly before at Baptism was led of the Spirit into the Wildernes al which imply the holy Ghost nor can this be a possession of one substance by another sith Christ and the holy Ghost are one self same substance 'T is said after the Devil took him up into the holy City and set him on a Pinnacle but anon after caried him on a very high Mountain to shew him al the Worlds Kingdoms but certes the Devil did not transport him by force nor is any Mountain so high to shew him one Hemisphere of the World The meaning then must be
before he decreed to creat or permit him to fal or to send his Son for a ransom if he should fal upon which he contrived the whol work of Mans Redemption This pure prescience being previous to Predestination in order of Nature according to our weak apprehension yet al coeternal to God did not look to the mass of Mankind as to be created incorrupt nor as lapsed in Adam Nor to Christ beleeved or not beleeved on but beyond al to the first middle and final estate of ech particular person and universal of al Men. 2. Of Vision which is of things to be doon in time with al acts and events therof which depend on his free Wil and Pleasure Aquinas speaks of both God knows al things which neither are were or ever shal be by his simple understanding but the rest that hav bin are or shal be after what sort soever by the science of Vision This distinction Zanchy Junius and other learned Reformists approv to be authentic in the very terms 4. Gods power or Omnipotence who can doo what he wil which agrees to his Nature is duple 1. Absolut wherby he can do al that he wil and more then he wils 2. Actual by which he doth what ever he wil and hinders what he wil not hav doon in Heaven and Earth with al things therin whos Majesty ruleth and reigneth over al Creatures visible or invisible nor could ever any resist his power or defeat his providence 5. Gods Wil which comprehends his Lov Mercy Goodnes Truth Justice Wrath Patience Holines c. first willeth himself as chief Soveraign good and in himself al other good things freely which are out of himself Hereby he decrees for Decree is no Attribut but an Act of his Wil joined with power and prescience what of thos infinit things presented by his understanding shal com into being For Knowledg is his Counsilor but Wil King and both himself who works al according Eph. 1. 11. to the Counsil of his Wil as S. Paul saith By it he orders al things causing or allowing what shal be in what maner Rom. 9. 18 19. and to what end Hence S. Paul ascribes al to it as suprem universal caus into which al inferior are resolved as the prime spring This is absolut and independent for til God passed his Decrees al things were known but as possible if he would giv being or not Ther be other distinctions of divine Wil according to several objects as that of Sign and good pleasure used in Schools but to giv God a duple different Wil in himself secret and reveled as if he willed openly in his word to sav al yet decrees to reprobat most part in his hidden Counsils is most abhorrent For he is a God of Truth no Lier Dissembler or Mocker using simplicity and sincerity in al his sayings which are yea and Amen Nor wil he make general promises in his Gospel to al Beleevers yet bar them by a clos clandestine decree of his secret Wil that they shal not beleev but it hath divers objects or one placed in divers times as 't is his reveled Wil ther shal be a day of Judgment yet he concels the time So the Gospel of Salvation was his secret Counsil before the World began but since opened to the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles c. which can no more be caled his hidden Wil. Indeed 't is said Secret things belong to God but the reveled to us Deut. 29. 29. and our Children which provs a diversity of objects but no duplicity of Wils warning us only to attend what is reveled in his Word as his general promises prescribed and not pry into his privy purposes to inquire who are elect or who reprobats lest like Thales in gazing at the Stars we fal into the Pit for this is a perilous precipice of carnal presumption 6. The Gospel is a manifestation of Mans Redemption by Jesus Christ which God first reveled in Paradise that the Womans seed shal break the Serpents head Next to Abram at Haran that in his seed al families and Nations shal be blessed Then to Moses in Egypt and the Wildernes when God instituted the Passover and several Sacrifices as Types or Figures of the holy Lamb slain before the World for the Worlds sins Afterward to the Prophets And lastly to the Evangelists who wrot our Saviours whol life death after his Incarnation or appeerance in the flesh which is the mystery of our Redemption 7. Gospel Grace is Gods free Mercy offered to al lapsed Mankind whoever wil beleev in his Son repent their sins and persever to the end shal be saved Which promiss must be preached and published to al sorts sans respect of Persons as he is no respecter nor delights in the death of a sinner For Man hath som liberty of Free-wil stil left if revived or quickned by Grace to obey or resist receiv or reject the motions of Gods Spirit 8. Gods Decree is duple 1. Primary Proceeding from his Omnipotence wherby he eternaly willed to creat the World in du time and to giv Man made after his Image absolut Free-wil Decretum 1 Absolutum 2 Condition●tum without restraint any way 2. Secundary Depending on his Omniscience wherby foreseing Adams fal as he did the evil Angels Rebellion he in meer Mercy ordained a remedy to send his only begotten Son to be a Sacrifice for al but with condition of beleef in him and tru repentance for sin both which are equaly eternal flowing from the Fountain of the Deity who willeth what he wil and doth what he willeth Hence proceds Predestination which is his secundary conditionat Decree depending on Prescience wherby he freely elects som to lif being al liable to death in Adam and rejects or passes by the rest to perish in their disobedience 9. Sin is of two sorts 1. Original so caled by S. Austin contracted from our first Parents 2. Actual committed by al particular persons The remedy of one is Baptism into Christs faith either by personal confession as in those of tipe age or by their Sureties sponsion as in Infants The other is cured or clensed by repentance through the merits of Christs death whos blood by tru faith in him purgeth from al sin 10. God eternaly Decreed to creat al things in time indued with several Natures and to make Man a free Intelligent Creature like Angels who gav one only prohibitiv precept upon pain of death which foreseing in his pure prescience he would violat or prevaricat both to his own and Posterities perdition if justice be executed as it must necessarily be by a just God He by his knowledg of Vision decreed secundarily in meer Mercy to send his Son to salv al that shal believ in him and use such means of faith repentance and obedience as are prescribed in the Gospel 11. God commands no more of Man then he givs power or ability to perform as Adam had by Nature and al
not most part lying in laps predecreed to Reprobation Som slily expound the word World for a World of Elect or Beleevers only which is no wher so taken but either for al Men or al living in som certain place or at som certain time sans distinction of good or bad Or if it be any wher restrained 't is applied to wicked Men wedded to this World Yet if it be somwher limited to the Elect 't is not so here for then the words would bear a sensless sens God so loved the Elect that whoever beleevs in his Son should not perish which imports two sorts of Elect som that beleev and shal be saved others which beleev not and shal perish but Beleevers and Uunbeleevers saved and damned includ al Mankind which S. John cals elswher the whol World as an exposition of the former S. Paul 1 John 2. 2. 1 Tim. 2. ● saith God wil hav al Men to be saved and com to the knowledg of the truth Ergo his wil is that al shal hav the means of knowledg and be saved but none shut up under unbeleef Som by Al understand al sorts of Men but not al particulars in ech sort which is a silly shift Indeed 't is somtimes so taken but not here as the context shews for in the first vers a duty is injoined to make praiers and supplications for al Men and then a motiv annexed God wil hav al to be saved The duty extends to every particular we must in charity pray for al even Tyrans Persecutors prophane Persons Ergo the motiv intends al individuals or els reacheth not home to inforce the duty Others answer That God intends al to be saved by his reveled Wil but millions damned by his secret O beware of ascribing two several Wils to God who is no dissembler sith one must needs be good the other bad For if his Word be his reveled Wil and repugnant to his secret Mind or meaning it must be untru or simulatory and consequently a ly S. Peter saith The 2 Pet. 3. 9. Lord would hav none perish but al com to repentance Som fully it That he means only the Elect or Beleevers but the context flatly contradicts it For the next preceding words speak of patience or long-sufferance toward Men which must be Reprobats rather who dy in their sins as the same Apostle tels That Christ in spirit preached to the spirits which in Noahs dais 1 Pet 3. 19 20 were disobediens and now in prison or Hel for it Yea Reprobats are the most proper objects of his patience as S. Paul saith He useth much patience and long-suffering to them that Rom. 2 4. go on in sin that he might lead them to repentance Again he suffers Rom 9 22. with long patience Vessels of wrath prepared not decreed to destruction See Isai 5. 2. Isai 65. 2. So S. Peters words intend Reprobats so wel as others or rather them then others that God wil hav none to perish by his power or pleasure except by their own fault or folly This is confirmed by som conditional passages If thou seek him he wil be found but if then forsake him he wil cast thee off So God said to Cain If thou do● wel shalt thou not be accepted but if thou doo il sin lies at dore S. Paul saith The just shal liv by faith but if any draw back Heb● 1● 38. my soul shal 〈◊〉 no pleasure in him By which conditions 't is clear that God forsakes no Man simply considered in the fal til he first forsakes him The result is That he rejects none by previous Decree sav such as he foresaw would cast him off by continuance in sin and contempt of Grace For Gods acts in time are regulated by his Decrees before time as 't is said He works al according to Eph. ● ●● the Counsil of his Wil. For ther is an exact conformity betwen the Rule and thing squared by it therfore whatever God doth in the World he purposed before the World and by actual casting Men off when they grow rebellious or impenitent we may be sure he decreed to doo it for foreseen rebellion and impenitence Som obscure Texts may seem to favour the Opinion of free pleasure as Men mis-interpret them which by presupposing prevision are rightly reconciled But S. Austins rule is we must not contradict plain places becaus we cannot comprehend obscure And Tertullian teacheth that a few places are to be understood after the current sens of most part and not contrary to it as in this case for the most part it seems to be 2. It crosseth som chief Attributs of God Mercy Justice 2 Reason Truth Holines which are his perfections wherby he exerciseth his acts among Men conform to them For they are the same in God with thos virtues in Men but infinitly differing in degree sith what is just tru holy or merciful in Men is superlativly so in God Els cannot Man be properly made after his Image nor renewed in Regeneration after the same or made Col. 3. 10. partaker of divine Nature but 't is commanded Be ye perfect Mat. 5. 48. as your havenly Father is perfect and holy as I am holy Nor is soveraign power or dominion an Attribut moraly good in it self sith it may be shewed in cruel unjust acts so wel as contrary But our good God is Justice in the Abstract and wil not exercise it tyrannously contrary to his other Attributs 1. Now absolut Reprobation repugns his Holines making him the chief caus of sin in most Men sith he brings them into a state of sin which they cannot decline For al are guilty of Adams transgression and Natures corruption yet not by natural generation so much as by divine Ordination as Calvin ● 3. Inst ● 23. ● 7● faith Al Men are held under guilt of eternal death in the person of one Man which cannot be ascribed to any natural caus but must com from Gods wonderful Counsil who would hav it so Doctor Twiss saith the same The guilt of Original sin is derived only by imputation the stain only by propagation and both meerly by Gods free constitution So saith S. Bernard Adams sin is anothers becaus we knew not Serm. 1 Dom. ● past 8. Epi●● of it yet ours too becaus by Gods just though secret Judgment reputed ours This agrees with reason for if we incur guilt of the first sin and Natures corruption only as being in Adams loins when he sinned then are we guilty of al his other sins being virtualy or potentialy in his loins after the fal so wel as before But Scripture intitles only the first sin which entred the World and invaded al Mankind Yea Children should be guilty of al their Progenitors specialy the next Parents sins as being in their loins when they sinned more immediatly then in Adams yet Children partake not their Parents guilt nor punishments unles they hate
God like them and imitat their Exod. 20 5. sins God swears that the Proverb The Fathers hav eaten Ezek 18 2 c. sour Grapes and Childrens teeth are set on edg shal be used no more the Soul that sins shal dy But if a Man be just and doo right he shal surely liv The Son shal not bear his Fathers iniquity nor Father his Sons but the Soul only that Sins shal dy Wretched would be our case on whom the ends of al the World are com if children should be guilty of al their Progenitors sins or liable to their plagues and punishments who can bear it Yet 't is asserted that God decrees to leav Reprobats in this impotent irrecoverable condition affording no ability to rise from sin by Grace which Decree he executs in time of his Free-wil and Pleasure leaving them under a necessity of sinning by the act of absolut Reprobation both Negativ which is a flat denial of Grace and Positiv which is a preordination of them to endless torments Som grant common Graces to Reprobats but not sufficient to sav them So saith Lubbert God reveles not the way of salvation to Reprobats nor givs Faith and Regeneration but leavs them in sin and perdition Nor doth afford them any sufficient means of salvation with an intention of saving them Thes two Positions that God necessitats Reprobats to sin and leavs them in the snds make him chief Author of al their sins for a Caus of the Caus is Caus of the thing produced Causa Cau●● ●●● Causa Causati whether Negativ or Positiv acts Ergo if God be chief Caus of their impenitence by want or withdrawing supernatural Grace he is tru caus of their sin according to the saying He that forbids or hinders not what is in his power bids and furthers it as they say God doth effectually wil it 'T is a poor pretext that God by withdrawing his Grace is only accidental not a direct proper caus of their sins For an accidental is when the effect is beside the Agents intention or expectation as if one in digging his ground finds gold But when an effect is expected intended or contrived the caus cannot be caled accidental as a Pilot witholding his care or skil from a Ship when he knows it wil perish by such neglect is caus of casting it away So if God detains Grace necessary not as ignorant what wil insu but precisely determins Reprobats ruin by their impenitence he becoms a tru direct caus of their sins which no wiles of wit sav among their partial poor blind Disciples can possibly decline 2. It opposeth Gods Mercy which is his Nature in the Abstract See Exod. 34 6. Mat. 7. 11. Mat. 23. 37. 2 Cor. 1. 3. Eph. 2. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 2. 1 John 4. 16. But such matchless Mercy cannot stand with a peremptory Decree of absolut Reprobation which if God doth of free pleasure he is rather a Father of Cruelties then Mercies and a Destroier then Saviour What Parent wil destin their Children to eternal death and torments for one only offens and that not committed by them but by others and imputed to them Is Gods Mercy abundant if limited to a few Elect scarsone of a hundred shal be inevitably saved Ponder thes points duly 1. That Adams sin is personaly none sav his but a sin of Nature not committed or consented to by any of his posterity which is derived by traduction but made the sin of Nature by Gods arbitrary imputation not ordinary generation 2. That God as 't is generaly beleeved pardoned Adam who freely committed it Can it then stand with his Mercy to punish others for the same sin not perpetrated by them 3. That his only Son was sent into the John 1. 29 World and suffred death for the sins of the World which might suffice to satisfy his wronged Justice for al Mankind and open a way of salvation to every Man without respect of persons But to damn a world of Reprobats by free Decree only to shew his dominion no way savours of Mercy for he is far crueler to them then any Creature els or to the very Devils who are damned for their own personal pride and rebellion but Reprobats by an absolut Decree for anothers crime The one know their doom and expect it but the other are deluded with hope and made beleev the matter is in their own hand so that if they perish 't is not for want of Mercy in God but o● wil in themselfs Yet by their doctrin al depends on the peremptory punctilio of Gods arbitrary absolut Decree So Devils are in better case becaus they are not injoined to beleev in Christ nor to repent fast and pray as Reprobats are Nor punished the more for not beleeving as Men are In al which regards their condition is far more ruful then cursed Fiends who are made the tormentors over them Concerning other Creatures the very basest hav a being though despicable which is better then no being Yet who would not wish if he might chuse to be resolved into nothing then in such doleful direful condition yea that they had been Toads or Serpents then Men Or what Parents wil procreat if they be perswaded they shal beget Children Fire-brands for Hel and Slavs to Satan yet not for their faults nor hav they power to help it Let Prosper shape the period He which saith God wil not hav al to be saved but a few predestinat persons only he speaks harshly of Gods high inscrutable Grace Som say Gods Mercy by this absolut Decree is sufficiently shewed to the Elect and Justice to Reprobats but the one is clothed with partial respect of persons and the other clouded with extrem rigour or severity as shal appeer 3. It is incompatible with divine Justice See Ps 145. 17. Prov. 16. 11. Isai 5. 3. Ezek. 18. 25. but the absolut decre● of Reprobation cannot consist with it sith it makes God punish the righteous with rebellious and innocent Men with bad Angels For Antelapsarians say expresly That God decreed Mans Fal or Fate considered without sin and therfore innocent Postlapsarians vouch the same by consequent That he lais a necessity on every Man to be born under original sin decreeing to Reprobat most part for that sin so they make God to doo 〈◊〉 3 Inst c. 23. § 7. 23. by two acts which their brethren impute to one Calvin contests That God may with equal Justice decree Men to damnation the first way so wel as the last for al are made guilty of Adams sin by Gods Decree only why then not he by the same Thes kind Patrons of divine Justice wil seem to stumble at a straw and leap over a block why els wil they not grant that of one Man which they doo of al hence we may see what to judg of this opinion That God cannot justly ordain Men to destruction sans consideration of sin for which is greater to impute another
of Holies once a year the Priests never the high Priest might mourn for none but Priests might for Father Mother Brother Son Daughter and next of Kin the high Priest had his Sagan or Substitut the Priests none Thes were the forms of Church government under the Law wherto that of the Gospel was in part conformed Christ had sole Evangelical Ministry being our Apostle Prophet Evangelist Bishop Pastor Doctor Mat. 10 1. c. Deacon in himself but chos twelv Apostles Assistant parallel to the twelv Patriarchs and twelv Princes of the Tribes sending them to preach heal and cast out Devils to whom when the harvest grew great he added seventy inferior Disciples Luk. 10. 1. c. like the seventy Fathers of Families and seventy Elders of the People whom he sent by couples into Cities wher he meant to com giving them power to preach the Gospel heal the sick tread on Serpents ●o Scorpions and subdu Enimies Thes two orders S. Paul cals Apostles and Prophets placing Prophets E●hes 3. 〈◊〉 after Apostles as inferiors for from the seventy Matthias was chosen Apostle and Presbyters or Elders succeded the seventy but Bishops or Prelats the twelv as al Apostolic Antients agree This was the first model of Church regiment under Christ the chief Shepherd who before his Ascention made the twelv general Shepherds to supply his stead by a triple charge to Peter Thes had equal eminent authority or jurisdiction John 21. 1● 16. 17. jointly and severaly to lay on hands at Ordination and confirmation to command contermand censure bind or loos which before their deaths som of them devolved on Bishops as their indubitat successors At first the whol weight of Church affairs lay soly on them but upon the Greecs complaint how their Widows were neglected they ordeined by imposition of hands which severs Men to sacred functions A●● 〈◊〉 1 2 〈◊〉 seven Deacons to distribut offerings and serv Tables Afterward upon the Disciples dispersion at Stephans death arose Evangelists whos duty was to preach but no distinct order Then that the Church so planted might perpetualy be watered they ordeined Priests or Presbyters like the seventy Disciples for constant attendance in al places Lastly to contin● the Government which rested in themselfs they appointed Overseers Greecly Episcopi by S. John Angels vulgarly Bishops to supply their steads after them to whom the chief charge to command correct ordein oversee was committed or conferred specially for suppressing of Schisms which spread in the Churches of Rome Corinth Galatia Philippi Colossi Thessalonica and Indea For S. Paul first constituted Titus Bishop of Cret and Timothy of Ephesus with their territories whos patern S. John and other Apostles folowed If then this office was necessary in thos times being the best remedy to repel Schisms as S. Cyprian and Jerom testify how much more in after ages when Sects so swarm and Ambition Avarice Pride Philancy Envy Emulation Discord and Division multiply dayly this power then was not personal in the Apostles alone not temporal to end or expire with them nor common to inferior Disciples but perpetual to abide til our Saviours secund coming and confined to Bishops for redress of al exorbitant enormities specialy Schisms and Heresies What single Presbyters did ever exercise any act of jurisdiction in al the Scripture or prime Churches In a family are divers officers but one Oeconomus or chief Steward In a Ship many Mariners but one Master in a Camp sundry Captaines but one General so in a Church of large extent several Ministers but one Bishop hee is to take charge of al Churches as Titus did of al Cret a goodly I le to see Presbyters doo their duties to correct what is faulty to confirm what is orderly and reform abuses He is chief in ordeining Presbyters as S. Paul had company at Timothy's ordination yet he sole ordeiner which none can deny as Christ shal be sole Judg at last day yet The twelv Apostles sit 〈◊〉 19 28. on twelv Thrones to judg the twelv Tribes of Israel 'T is a Luk. 22 30. silly Sophisters squib to say Bishops are caled Elders and contrarily Ergo both are one Order or Office Indeed such names at first were promiscuous but functions stil distinct as every greater contains a lesser So Apostles were stiled Presbyters or Elders Deacons or Ministers Doctors or Teachers Prophets and Evangelists Yea that title was inlarged to Barnabas Paul Andronicus Epaphroditus Titus Timothy so Presbyters are clyped Prophets and Prelats yet Chrysostom saith can be but one Bishop in a City Semblably Bishops are stiled Apostles Elders and Deacons while ter ms or titles were common but never in after ages as Theodore● Jerom Oecomenius and the Fathers aver Distingue tempora concordabunt res nor doth community of name argu identity of nature or office Thus episcopat is of divine right if not primary or immediat from Christ as in ordaining the twelv to includ their Successors yet secundary or mediat from the inspired Apostles who substituted Bishops to succed For as our Saviour in som sort instituted his own day to be sanctified weekly in stead of the Creatific Sabbath by actual rising from death which his Apostles celebrated by their practis of meeting to break bread every first day So he may be said to ordein Prelats and Presbyters who are of equal right Analogicaly by chusing twelv Apostles and seventy Disciples whos rooms thos two orders supplied yet the Lords day is not so subject to mutation by Man sith it hath a moral right by the equity not Letter of the fourth Commandment which Men and Angels cannot alter But the other two orders may if the end for which they were instituted be changed els not Al which premisses wil plainer appeer by particulars drawn from primitiv fountains which flow from the Rock of Faith and shal not be falsified in the least point The Apostles sent to Teach and Baptise al Nations had the whol world in common for their general Dioces but som attended special Churches as Rulers or Overseers and in fine set Bishops of 1 〈◊〉 ruling Elders or Bishops in their Chairs or Charges For James the Just caled the Lords Brother becaus born of Mary Cleopas the blessed Virgins sister resided and presided at Jerusalem as his proper Sea partly of his own authority and partly by the Apostles appointment as appeers by Pauls coming thither Acts 21. 〈◊〉 to consult with him and his Presbytery For at the Proto-Council Peter as prime Apostle was Prolocutor but James Act● 15 19 ●0 as President gav diffinitiv sentence to which al submited or subscribed After 30 yeers residence he was cast from a Pinacle and his brains pierced with a Fullers burling Iron whos Brother Simeon succeded by the Apostles assignment They also planted Churches elswher as Paul and Barnabas ordeined Elders Acts ●4 〈◊〉 in every Church but no Bishops are mentioned becaus yet they
habitation viz. the Christian World wher she keeps hir faith and chastity undefiled when the Beast polluted al with adulteries and slaughters The name Lamb is left out in most English Bibles and his Fathers only inserted but the best Translators hav both and the matter requires to read it so For the allusion to mark Servants and Souldiers belongs to the Lambs folowers that they should bear his name so wel as his Fathers in their foreheads at Baptism being signed with the Cross At which time they giv faith personaly or by Sureties to renounce Satan and al his works and worship which in Apocalyptic phrase is to abandon the Dragon and his power with al his Angels or Devils In this Sacrament we solenly profes faith to the Lamb and his Father for 't is the Lords Seal as the Antients cal it Origen saith let us bear the immortal laver in our forheads which when the Devils shal see they tremble St. Austin terms it the Roial mark of our Redeemer which Seal is defaced or obliterated by Idolatrous superstition as Tertullian Isodor and many mo teach or testify The Persons Rev. 7. 4. sealed both before and here are the same but the reason for the end of sealing different for ther the matter of protection is treated here of fealty yet 't is needless to seek another Seal beside Baptism which performs both becaus with it God ads his Grace wherby he owns them as his and takes them into tuition the one is handled in the other Vision of the sealed the other in this Hence Clemens Alex. cals Baptism a perfect safeguard and Nazianzen a seal S. Basil saith unles the Angel take notice of thy mark how shal he fight or defend thee from the Enemy hereby saith Nicetas we are kept safe from Satans snares Thus Baptism is the seal and sign of the Cross the mark of the Lamb as al agree I heard a voice from Heaven as many Waters a great Thunder V. 2. 3. and the voice was as of Harpers playing with their Harps They sung as it were a new Song before the Throne and four Beasts and Elders and none could learn it but the one hundred forty four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth The voice as of many Waters and Thunder signifies a great multitud Rev. 19 6. such as was the Levits singing with musical Instruments for 't is after caled the voice of a great multitud as of many waters and mighty thunderings Daniel describing the Son of Dan. 10. 6. God saith the voice of his Words was like a multitud which St. John cals many waters The Singers were Celical Angels glorifying the Father and the Lamb as they did before when he unsealed the Prophecies The Song is stiled new in both places being different from that sung before Christ was sent and for the new benefit of his coming granted to no foregoing ages but only to the last times the form wherof is expressed Rev. 5. 13. before viz. to him that sits on the Throne and to the Lamb be blessing honor glory and power for ever Amen Which agrees with the Evangelical Hymn after Christ appeered in the flesh wher to him that sits on the Throne and the Lamb jointly redemption power riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessing are devoutly ascribed None could learn that song so long as the Beast bore sway in Christendom sav such as be of the one hundred forty four thousand who only sans spot of Idolatry glorify the Father on Earth as Angels doo in Heaven as Christ teacheth us to pray Thes are not defiled with Women but Virgins they folow the V. 4. Lamb wherever he goeth thes are bought from among Men being first fruits of God and the Lamb. Women here meant in a Prophetic phrase are Christian Cities addicted to Idols whos Queen is great Babylon Mother of Harlots with whom Kings and Nations commit fornication but the Lambs company convers not with such being Virgins free from Idolatrous Incest or pollution Thes folow the Lamb or faithfully cleav fast and never forsake him in what City or Country he shal set up his Standard thither they folow Thes are bought out of the prophane multitud to be a peculiar People like first fruits which imply al things exempt from il uses to God and the Lamb. In their mouth was found no guile for they were without fault V. 5. No ly was found in them but al Christian Idolaters are Liers who say they worship God the creator but giv it to Creatures as St. Paul saith They turned the truth of God into a ly worshiping Rom. 1. 25. the Creature as the Creator Hence Amos cals Idols lies but thes tru worshipers were faultless and no ly found in their Amos 2. 4. mouths I saw another Angel sly in midst of Heaven having the everlasting V. 6. Gospel to preach unto the Inhabiters on Earth and to every Nation Kinred Toung and People After a description of the Company folows the history of things doon by them and their leader the Lamb against the common Enemy which is duple 1. Of Admonition to the Beasts folowers presented by three Angels 2. Of Revenge by a Parabol of Harvest and Vintage The Monitor Angel is caled another in respect of thos foregoing musical Angels wherof this Prcacher was none Wher note that in such Visions the Angels represent them Note whom they govern but this lofty Flier seems to be more eminent then any Rulers of Men being emploied to declare his Gospel caled everlasting not so much in respect of time to com as that past viz what was promised touching the Womans seed to break the Serpents head at beginning of the World as St. Paul saith that which God promised before or Titus 1. 2. when the World began is eternal life He said with a loud voice fear God and giv him glory for V. 7. the hour of his judgment is com worship him that made Heaven Earth Sea and Fountains of Waters This Angel knowing Gods Kingdom to be at hand when Judgment must be executed on Idols and Idolaters the Devils being cast down and despoiled of the Roman Throne exhorts al Nations Kinreds and People to becom Christians to worship God only as he is declared in the Gospel and beware of Idols Surely Iconolatry is analogical Idolatry tho not identical with Heathen Fear God and giv him glory for the hour of his Judgment is com viz. wherin Christ by his Cross hath spoiled Powers and Principalities declaring by his Apostles and Evangelists to the Nations which through so many ages he suffred to walk in their own wais that they should turn from Idols or at his coming suffer eternal death Why then doo Christians who profes faith in this Judg return as it were by a back dore to adore Idols or Devils under new names having no Textual warrant of precept or precedent so to doo St. Paul Acts 14. 〈◊〉
comfort specialy the two Witnesses History ch 11. and description of the seven Phials ch 16. which two being of neerest concernment shal be most accuratly agitated For the first explicats the entrance of the third Prophetic part from the litle Book comprising al three Periods as an abridgment of the whol Revelation It consists of two Parts 1. What is reveled to John by word of mouth how things shal obvene as in the first Period at erecting the Church in the secund under the Antichristian Vicar by two Synchronisms of the Gentils calcitrating the holy City forty two months and the Witnesses mourning one thousand two hundred sixty dais 2. What is realy represented to him by a sudden change in Vision at beginning of the third Period Thes are the terms of our undertaken task In the first Period under the Dragons reign the Son of God Exposition causeth his Temple or Church to be built the place of Sacrifices be measured and charily protects his Servants in thes A reed like a rod was given me and the Angel said arise Rev 11. v. 〈◊〉 measure Gods Temple and Altar and them that worship therin Sith then the building and gathering Christs Church is commended by measuring the Jews Temple the form therof must be considered to attain the tru meaning of the Text. It stood 2 Chr 3. 1 3 4. 〈◊〉 King 6. 16. on Mount Moriah the length sixty Cubits bredth twenty height one hundred twenty It was divided into two parts 1. The lower westly twenty Cubits long and twenty broad cald Sanctum Sanctorum Holy of Holiest into which the high Priest alone entred only once a yeer 2. The forepart eastly fourty Cubits long and twenty broad stiled Sanctum the Holy Place wherto only Priests entred termed here Gods Temple Before it were two Courts 1. The inner cald the Priests wher the Altar for burnt Offerings stood twenty Cubits square and ten high which is here cald Thysiasterium 2. The outer or great Court compassed with a whit Marble wal in circuit four furlongs or half a mile which none but purified Israelits might enter excluding al unclean Jews and Gentils About this Herod walled in a large place for the unclean together ●zek 40. Z●ch 2. 1. 〈◊〉 with Heathens By this Temple the Angel represents the Churches condition for by measuring is meant building and propagating by the Altar the tru Professors persecution to be slaughtered as sacrificed Sheep but measured or bounds set beyond which Tyrans cannot go til vengence overtake them By thos that worship therin Kings and Priests are meant who are a Royal Priesthood in the inner Court Next folows the Churches State in the secund station of V. 2. Popery from A. 395. til A. 1655. into Synchronisms 1. Of the Gentils treading the holy City under foot fourty two months wherby Gods extern worship is implied consisting in Ceremonies which he rejects Here we must refl●ct●on the Heathen Nations invasion for from Constantins conversion til Theodosius died the Church triumphed over the Gentils and demolished the Dragons Idolatrous Temples but immediatly the Barbarians broke in wherby the holy City was trod on Antichrist had occasion to shew himself For in stead of Idols Saturn Jupiter Mars Saints Images were gradualy introduced 2. Of the two Witnesses prophecy in Sack-cloth one thousand two hundred sixty dais by whom is meant faithful Teachers and Rulers of the Church which number of two is smal yet sufficient to testify truth Deut. 17. 6 10 15 Mat. 18 16. John 8. 17. The Angels Words to my two Witnesses imply that he Vers 3. 4 5. 6. is the Son of God They were clad in sack-cloth but the Whore in Purple and Scarlet deckd with Gold Pearl and pretious Stones Thes were two Oliv Trees and two Candlesticks Z●●ha 4 14. as Zerobabel and Jesua are described If any Man wil hurt them fire proceds from their mouth to devour their Enimies who must thus be killed as at Elias request fire from Heaven 2. King 1 10. 12. consumed two of Ahaziahs Captains with their fifty Men ech Thes have prower to shut Heaven that it rain not during their Prophecy as Elias also had and power to turn Waters into Blood and to smite the Earth with al plagues as Moses and Aaron had wherby God declares what Mercies he shewed his Servants of old which he wil extend to Beleevers in the new Testament and wil giv them faithful Teachers like Jesua and Zerobabel to inlighten them as Candlesticks with pure Doctrin and assist them as Oliv-trees with powerful consolation beside zelous Eliahs and Elisha's who shal oppose the Whore Jezabel Baals Priests and other persecutors but at last a Moses and Aaron to bring them out of al affliction When they hav finished their testimony the Beast which ascends Vers 7. Rev 17. 8. 11. from the bottomless Pit viz. which rose from the Sea with ten horns wherof the Angel saith the Beast which thou sawest was and is not and shal ascend from the bottomless Pit shal make War against them overcom and kil them This Beast that was and is not but is the eighth and one of the seven is the Heathen Empire wher the Dragon reigned or was openly worshiped but is not being no more adored in public yet ascends again out of the Pit by the ten honrd Beasts means or kingdoms erected in the Empire when a new holier form of Idolatry is established and the Dragon with the Beast disguisedly afresh worshiped This is the eighth Head but one of the seven for the Rider the Woman-whore in the divided Empire governs the civil State so the ten hornd Beast or seventh Head and Ecclesiastic Popish Regiment make one as it were the eighth but becaus the Woman sits as one Rider therfore the two last forms Ecclesiastic and Politic are reckoned or reputed one as the Angel saith the eighth is of the seven Hence 't is cleer the Beast rising out of the Pit is the spiritual Papal Government using the Temporal Sword of terren Princes which Woman-Beast shal kil the Witnesses or depriv them of Ecclesiastic preferments and Politic emploiments cald a civil death by persecuting Evangelical Professors which is his own case at the Popes instigation Their dead Bodies shal●ly in the Streets of the great City spiritualy Vers 8. caled Sodom and Egypt wher our Lord was crucified The City is Rome the place of persecution as the Angel saith Rev. 17. v. 18 the Woman is that great City which reigns over the Kings of the Earth caled Babylon by which name Viega Bellarmin and other Jesuits own Rome but by the City and Streets the whol Popish Empire is designed as 't is elswher compared to a ten hornd Beast and to a Sea with Rivers and Fountains Rome-City and Papacy is spiritualy or mysticaly stiled Sodom by reason of their Paederestia or unnatural sin not only committed but commended in a privileged pamphlet penned and published
1 31. Resurrection when al power in Heaven and Earth was given him being set abov al Principalities yet the full accomplishment is not til last day when Death Hel and Satan shal be made his footstool Al this cannot be verified of the interstitial Millenium for yer that inchoats many things must terminat which cannot be subjected nor his chief Enimies subdued sith Death shal stil hav dominion Satan only bound in the bottomless pit not cast into the burning lake and Hel not utterly trod under foot Ob. Jeremy saith They shal say no more the Arc of the Lords Jer. 3. 16 17. Covenant nor shal it com to mind or memory then they shal cal Jerusalem the Lords Throne and al Nations shal gather to it nor shal they walk after their hearts imaginations Ergo al past things shal be forgot and Israel return to Jerusalem which shal be a Throne of Glory and al Nations joyn to them al which can be fulfilled at no time sav in thos thousand yeers Sol. The old things to be forgot are lawish Ceremonies not Gospel Ordinances the Arc and Temple were by Christs first coming removed the walking of Juda and Israel together with the Nations conjoyned imports the caling of Jews and Gentiles to the tru Church Heavenly Jerusalem For so saith Isaiah It shal com to pass in the last dais that the Lords Isai 2. 2 3. hous shal be established in the Mountain top and al Nations shal flow to it for out of Sion shal go a Law and the Lords word from Jerusalem The last dais were the Apostles times who from Sion and Jerusalem blew the Gospel Trumpet to al people as Jeremy speaks I wil giv you Pastors according to my Jer. 3 15. heart Christ and his Apostles which shal feed you with knowledg and understanding The walking after Gods heart implies no freedom from sin but a state of grace wherin God givs new hearts and writes his Law therin their main ground that Jerusalem new built shal be a Throne of Glory being before Jer. 〈 ◊〉 〈◊〉 but his footstool is a groundless crotchet for Sion Jerusalem and the Arc are caled in the old Testament not only Gods footstool but his Throne and in the new Testament not only his Throne but footstool Thus like other Sects they sens the Scripture literaly or tropicaly as they list Ob. Daniel saith In the dais of thes Kings God shal set up a 〈◊〉 2. 44. kingdom never to be d●stroyed but shal stand for ever Ergo Christ shal hav an everlasting kingdom and Jerusalem enjoy endless joy on Earth Sol. What a pretious inference is this so Preachers quote Texts and people turn their Bibles but may go beyond Seas to seek their glosses Daniels everlasting kingdom is meerly spiritual and celical as the Angel said to Mary The Lord shal Luk 1. 32 33. giv him his Father Davids Throne and he shal reign over Jacob for ever This kingdom for the matter is everlasting being the Glory which the Saints shal enjoy for ever with Christ in Heaven but for the maner of administration he shal resign it to the Father when the work of Redemption is perfected but no Millenar Earthly kingdom as they dream Ob. Saint John saith He was clothed with a vesture dipt i● Rev. 19. 13 14 15. blood Ergo Christ shal slay his Enimies and embru his vestments in blood that none shal be left to trouble the Church during that Millenar reign Sol. So they say but the next words speak contrary for his Armies in Heaven not on Earth folowed on whit Horses clothed in fine whit linnen not bloody yea his war-weapon is a sharp sword out of his mouth not in his hand who shal rule the Nations with a rod of Iron and tread the winepress of Gods wrath In a word thes bloody battles are not ascribed to Christ literaly as appears by a parallel place Who is this that coms from Isai 63. 1. c. Edom with died garments from Bozra meaning Christ by reason of the slain Edomits when in property of speech he had no body or bloody raiment being seven hundred yeers before his byrth Ob. 'T is said the City had no need of Sun or Moon and the Rev 21. 23. 24. Kings of the Earth bring their glory to it Ergo Jerusalem ther meant shal shine in great temporal glory and terren Princes be subdued to it at Christs coming to reign a thousand yeers Sol. Indeed Heavenly Jerusalem is ther meant and al such places or passages are Allegorical to shew the Churches condition on Earth and Saints state in Heaven which is elswher expressed by Metaphors of gold pretious Stones Fountains Fruits c. but to interpret them literaly of any City on Earth is like the Athenien Dotard who deemed every ship that cam into the Harbour to be his own Ob. Zechary saith hee that is feeble among them at that day Zech. 12. 8 9. shal be as David and Davids hous as God I will seek to destroy al Nations that shal com against Jerusalem Ergo the Saints who are to reign with Christ shal excel in glory and he wil destroy al Jerusalems Enimies Sol. Excellent inferences Ergo Potlid The Prophet plainly speaks of gifts poured on al Saints of the new Testament by the spirit of supplication which makes the least of them like David yea greater then John Baptist as Christ declares but Mat. 11. v. 11. what is this to earthly Jerusalem or Chiliasts Mathematical Kingdom Surely ther is no soundnes in it nor semblance for it in al Gods book Other places are heaped up which like Bay leafs cast into fire make much crackling in Pulpits and Pamphlets but if al the former be shadows the rest wil vanish into vapor Ob. The word Day in Prophetic phrase or Hebrew Idiom signifies som space of time not simply twelv or twenty four hours as the day of tentation in the Wildernes is fourty yeers long the Day of Babylonish captivity seventy Giv us this Day our daily Bread purports our term of life and 't is somtimes used for Eternity this day sh●lt thou be with me in Paradise Ergo the Day of Judgment is to be taken in the same sens Sol. The antecedent is granted and consequent shal not be denied for none can tel how long that Judgment shal last specialy sith time shal be no more as the Angel swore Yet Mr. Mede makes it a continued act with the reign of just one thousand yeers For as Rabbi Elias confines the Worlds continuance to 6000. yeers so he puts the Millenium of Messiahs glorious reign to be a periodical consummation of al things when shal be a Sabbath of Eternal rest Why then doo common Chiliasts assign one thousand to that reign either before at or after the Judgment day Let them render a reason of the one and the other wil soon be resolved why Day implies a larger space more or
I prefer venerable Antiquity ratified by our Church to phantastic fanatic novities of modern devisers in al Adiaphorals Let thos that lov Monarchy Prelacy Liturgy Burial Sermons Mariage by Ministers and harmless holy dais hold their Opinions stil but such as wil hav none shal hav none with my good wil so every one may ride his own Hobby-Hors If Adders wil not be charmed nor Panthers tamed let them remain wild or wilful stil One punctilio rests whe●in I would gladly be right understood that I somwher blazen the personal virtues of som Soveraign Princes and brand others Vices as Henry 6. and Richard 3. which al Histories doo for Mens instruction but never handle their Regal perfections or imperfections For 't is oft seen as in thos two with many mo that a good Man is an il Magistrat and contrarily which writers may display for the general good but I hav more moral maners and Serpentin sublety then to meddle with State-matters that are too high for me If they shal depress or discard Ministry Tiths Glebes Patronages Universities Hospitals Corporations Common Law Chancery or what els as is doon to Monarchy Prelacy Cathedral Churches Liturgy holy Fests Civil Law high Commission Court Service at Burials Ministerial Nuptials I shal sit silent in a corner to condole such reverend ruins but wil never put Pen to Paper against the Authors Actors or Abettors having no authority so to doo only I vent my Opinion in point of retiocination not resolution touching the lawfulnes or usefulnes of them as others doo theirs sans scandal or offens to any unles gauld Jades wil winch This is the common Character or cogniscance of a so caled cursed Cavalier which I cannot but own or acknowledg how odious so ever Couste qui couste non est mortale quod opto Let cost what cost it may No mortal thing I weigh Howbeit I claim the privilege of Conscience promised and proclamed to al except Popery and Prelacy which concern me not For what crime caus or color of hate can be alleged against such simplicians as never acted on any side nor were ever questioned for Delinquents as I was not yet twise imprisoned both by Sea and Land sav that they dissent in Judgment or Opinion So doo al Sects Septs and F●ctions one from another yea among themselfs in ech which is no Moral vice nor civil fault Quot homines tot sententiae so many fancies as faces The Catholic Moderator checks al contenders about points of Religion and givs good Counsil in a few Rythms to this effect Why for Opinions inter-kil we thus Who 's truth not force but reason must discus Reason whos chief force in Opinion lies Reason whos fals gloss oft deceivs the Wise God doth in lov peace concord unity dwel Hate envy malice confines are to Hel. Now to return from this Apologetic digression thos ten foregoing cavils are their best Basiliscs of Battery which are cast or couched into Enthymems for easier capacity and both Propositions in ech fals or fucatious but the astructiv Arguments folow built on surer foundations 1. The universal Church in al ages both institued thes Fests 1 Argument in Oecumenic Councils by precept and injoined them to be observed by al Christians in practise who annaly celebrated Christs Birth day and others for his sake which is so good or better warrant then any particular Churches or Congregations can pretend to erect Fests or Fasts yet thos very lawful and laudable 2. The Lutherans celebrat Christmas with som other Festivals 2 Arg. stil and sundry Calvinists wish it had bin never decried or disused among som of theirs 3. Our Church since the first plantation of Christianity 3 Arg. hath constantly celebrated them with al Religious Rites of divine Service Sermons and Sacraments specialy Christmas day 4. Divers Divines who in youth decried them most fiercely 4 Arg. hav of late waxing wiser defended and solemnized them to their great glory which palinodial reca●tation both in Exp●rt● 〈◊〉 Pulpits and practise like St. Austins Retractation is a stronger proof on their behalf then the best Bulrushes prealledged against them 'T is tru that the hearts inward holines in thanksgiving for this chief work of our Redemption is a most acceptable sacrifice to God yet may not extern worship in Congregations and other lawful exultations be rejected or vilipended 5. The disusing or despising them is a ready step in the 5 Arg. vulgar to Atheism or Irreligion when no solen Service or Sermons are used 6. Their nauseous contempt or explosion is an act of affected 6 Arg. Apostasy from the Catholic Church and of Schism or separation from our Reformed Mother which al obedient Sons should detest or decline for Aerius first branded set Fests and levelled Prelats with Presbyters for which pride with other heresies he was justly condemned and cast out of the Church 7. The Church of Smyrna soon after the Apostles dais 7 Arg. celebrated Polycarpus Martyry praying that God would permit them to consecrat the Birth-day so they cal it of his blessed death with joy and gratulation at their holy conventions to bestow that lov on Martyrs which is du for Christs sake whos disciples and imitators they were This pointly provs the antiquity of set Fests dedicated to Apostles and Martyrs which exemple the Smyrniens folowed Yea Christians from the Gospels very dawn met at Martyrs Monuments to serv God yer Churches were erected and from such Assemblies Churches had their origin 8. The end or necessity of Christs Nativity is triple 8 Arg. 1. That Gods promises and his Prophets predictions might be fulfilled 2. That God by it might manifest his lov to Mankind 3. That al lying under the Law might be redeemed els eternal death had passed on al Men sith al sinned Hence we are bound to render sincere thanks for thes inestimable benefits by a triple outward expression of gratulation 1. In Psalms Hymns and spiritual Songs 2. In providing plentiful fare for our family inviting needy Neghbors to our Tables and large liberal alms at our Dores 3. In harmless mirth music and sports of recreation for Gods glory every Man more or less according to his ability and quality but not in prophane pleasures riots surfets excess drunkennes chambering or wantonnes as too many heretofore hav doon 9. If we may every 5. of Nov. as the Jews did in the Fests 9 Arg. of Purim declare our joy for a temporal deliverance of the State much more may we with praiers and praises record Gods special spiritual mercy in Christs Birth being a great joy to al People Al Fests lat celebrated in our Church are consecr●t to Christs honor or for his sake as shal appeer by exact enumeration of ech in order of the several Moneths 1. the Circumcision Jan. 1. 6. when he fulfilled the Lawish Covenant in his flesh 2. Epiphany or Apparition either in memory of the Star which led the wisemen
to the house wher he was as is commonly conceived one ful yeer after his birth or from the holy Ghosts appeering in shape of a Dov at his Baptism thirty yeers after whence the Churches in Egypt celebrated both birth and Baptism on one self day or rather from both for thos Magi cam along journy from Persia or Arabia which they could not finish in the first twelv dais and immediatly after their departure Joseph warned from God by an Angel in a dream fled with Mat. 2. 13 14. his wife and the Babe into Egypt but at hir Purification forty dais after his birth they were al three at Jerusalem and went Luk. 2 22. back to Bethleem wher the Magi found them in a privat hous for the Shepherds not they found him at an Inn in a Manger Luk. 2 7. 12. wrapped in swadling clothes so they returned not to their City Nazaret as most men from Saint Luks ambiguous words Luk 2. 39. mistake til their coming from Egypt as the current conte●ure Mat. 2 2. 9. of Scripture makes it cleer The Star indeed appeered to the M●gi twelv dais after his birth in their own Country but they took their journy almost a yeer after when it reappeered to their ineffable joy and led them to the hous no In having bin before at Jerusalem to enquir wher the King of the Jews was born Yea H●rod being deluded by their not returning slu Mat. 2. 16. al males born in Bethleem and coasts therof from two yeers old and under according to the time he had learned of the wisemen which evidently implies that Christ was abov a yeer old at the Epiphany of the Star and immediatly carried into Egypt Now his Baptism is referred to that same day J●● 6. which Alias Syriacus an Arabic M. S. and others cal the benediction of waters hence our Church appointed the first Lesson of that day Isaei 40. touching John Baptists mission and the secund Mat. 3. which ●nds with Christs Baptism but the Gospel is Mat. 2. about the Stars appeering which appertly argues that t is cald Epiphany from both Som cal Christmas day Epiphany becaus he appeered then to the world but Circumcision and Purification may so wel hav that name becaus at the first he appeered in the Synagog at the last in the Temple which is Feb. 2● 24. not so proper plausible or persuasible 3. The Virgins Purification when he was publicly presented in the Temple and proclamed by Simeon and Anna to be the Messiah 4. Matthias who after Christs Ascention was chosen Apostle by Lot March 25. in Judas room 5. The blessed Virgins Annunciation when the Angel Gabriel declared his Conception or Incarnation by the holy Ghost which together with hir perpetual virginity is ratified by a remarkable Story if tru which may be doubted The Rabies kept a Register book in the Temples Archivs of A rare story al their Priests elections with their Parents names and Deathdais so when Jesus began to preach at Jerusalem one of them died in whos place they had none fit to surrogat but hearing wel of him sent for his mother hir husband being then dead and asked who was his Father she said I am stil a very Virgin but in Youth as I was devout at Prayer an Angel told me I should conceiv a Son by the holy Ghost and he to be caled Jesus whom at the set time of women I brought forth without throwes of travel or torments which som women yet alife then present whom she named can testify The Rabies wondring at it who bore him no malice then til the fame of his divine miracles excits their teen accited the said women who attested the same wherupon they chose him and inscribed thes words on their Registry In the place of such a Priest we hav by joint consent of the whol Society elected one Jesm Son of the living God by the Virgin Mary This book since the Temples destruction by Titus is said to ly hid in Tyris som say Tiberias but the Tradition is current among the chief Jews as a late London convert relats in Print howbeit the truth may be suspect becaus no parcel or particle appeers in the Gospel that he was of their company but ever an Enimy yea al Jews blasphemously brand hir for a whore and him for a Bastard utterly denying any such Tradition which wil make most against them 6. Marc an Evangelist who penned his life April 25. acts miracles death and resurrection 7. Philip and James the lesser caled the Lords brother both being his Apostles and May 1. June 24. ●9 Martyrs 8. John Baptists birth day who was his Messenger or forerunner to prepare the way before him he preached and baptised being caled by Isaiah the Voice of one crying in the Isai 40. 3. Wilderness 9. Peter and Paul both chief Apostles and Martyrs at Rome in one day the first crucified with his head downward the last beheaded but whether in one yeer of Nero writers vary 10. James the greater Brother to John sons of Zebedee July 2● an Apostle and Martyr slain with the sword by Herod the king miscaled Agrippa major not the Tetrarch who slu John Baptist 11. Bartholomew who was his Apostle and Martyr 12. Aug. 24. Sep. 21. 29. Matthew who being a Jew born and Publican or Tole Customer by profession becam an Apostle and Evangelist 13. Michael an Archangel who figured Christ and fought for his Oct. 18. 28. Church against the red Dragon or Devil and his Angels 14. Luke a Phisition of Antioch one of his Evangelists and Penner of the Apostles Acts. 15. Simon Zelotes and Jude the Lords Brother or Cosen German whos Mothers were Sisters being both his Apostles 16. Al Saints which is a day Nov. 1. 30. dedicated to his Apostles Martyrs and holy Confessors in general even al. 17. Andrew Brother to Peter who was his Dec 21. 2● 26. 27. 28. Apostle and Martyr 18. Thomas Didymus who was also his Apostle and Martyr 19. His Nativity which too many through peevish ignorance make a stumbling block and laughing stock being self-proud supercilious and super-singular but shew themselfs most ridiculous to play on such poor Oaten Pipes of thred bare Arguments which make Mens ears glow to hear their harsh gaglings They stile the celebration of it superstition Heresy Heathenism terms without truth and a malitious Minister in London publicly preached that any A 164● Fest consecrat to Christs honor name or memory is no better then that which the Israelits made to the molten Calf so like a Calf spake the Man ther be so good Records that Christ was born Dec. the twenty fifth as that William the Conqueror was Crowned King of England on that very day Yea Magistrats had so good power to injoin Fests heretofore as any Modernists hav for theirs or to suppress the old 20 Stephan one of the seven Proto-Deacons and prime
Martyr actualy and arbitrarily who gladly gav his life to preach or publish him for the tru promised Messiah 21. John his best beloved Apostle Evangelist Analogical Martyr who suffred cruel torments and was exiled being ready to lay down his life 22. Innocents of Bethleem Juda who in deed not desire were slain by Herod the great in Christs stead tho not for his sake Thes are al the fixd Fests but his Resurrection is sanctified weekly in lieu of the seventh day Sabbath and yeerly too at Easter his Ascention 40. dais after Which are al except the holy Ghosts decent at Pentecost and Trinity seven dais after consecrat to the three Persons in Deity The last with som Appendices are Movables and three of them Easter Pentecost or Whitsunday Trinity celebrat on the Lords day Al the rest which relish of superstition invention and exaltation of the Cross the blessed Virgins pretended sinless Conception and supposed Assumption al Souls in Purgatory beside Tho. Becket a Pseudo Martyr and many mo of like bran we utterly reject renounce or repudiat What harm then in al this sith it tends soly to sanctity Yes say Malignants becaus Papists ordained prescribed and pro phaned them Indeed they abused not appointed them being instituted before by the primitiv Church as is plentifully proved but such as they superstitiously superadded are abrogated and abandoned Yet what if Papist ordeined al shal we receiv or retain none If they go on their heels shal we walk on our heads If they profes one God in three Persons shal we beleev three Gods in one Person Let pious institutions be embraced but al impious abuses or Ordinances exiled and extermined In sum I prescribe no Fests to be sanctified nor find fault Sum●ary with their suppression but only assert the lawful Religious use of them freely agnizing that the state or such as sit at stern hav lawful human power to annul or abrogat them and to restore or reestablish them with other Adiaphoral Ordinaces except Articles of Faith wherin we must obey God and not Man so far am I from taxing or traducing our Superiors actions that I doo and wil obey them in al indifferent things either Religious or Civil which doo not trench on a good conscience Yet if they wil be pleased to redintegrat the public Liturgy and principal Festivals which stand ratified by several Acts of Parlement unrepealed they shal make glad millions of good hearts in this Common-wealth which greatly griev at this interruption rather then abolition or suppression of them On whos behalfs sith 't is no Mony-matter nor can any way prejudice the State this poor Distich may humbly be presented Gratum Opus Angligenis si restituatur ut olim Publica forma Precum Festaque sacra foret If Common-Praier Book could as of old be had And sacred Fests English hearts would be glad Let incomparable Bishop Andrews words concerning the In a Sermon on John 8. 50. chief Soveraign Queen of Festivals close up the Catastrophe Ther is no day so properly Christs as that of his Birth which by comparing it with others wil appeer For the Passion day is not so truly or peculiarly his becaus two Theefs suffred with him at the same time place and maner nor Resurrection day sith many mo rose then too and went into the holy City appeering unto many nor Ascention day for that Enoch and Elias ascended bodily long before him much less the Circumcision day which was common to al the Jews Male-Children but the Birth day of a pure Virgin by power of the holy Ghost is soly his without Felow none ever so born none born such God and Man in one Person Therfore as no Fest els 't is attended as Christ he-self was with an Apostolic retinu of twelv Holy days Thus this sweet singer of England or golden mouthd Chrysostom descants The final result rests on two questions 1. Positiv whether Up●●or it be lawful for Gods Church and al obedient Members to set apart or sanctify one day of 365. in a yeer for the memory of our Saviours manifestation in the flesh as the Jews did the Altars dedication and our State the deliverance of that Devilish Powder-plot which no sober Christian can deny 2. Comparativ whether it be superstition thankfully to celebrat one day annaly with public worship in remembrance of Mans redemption or rather wilfully to scorn slander prophane and contemn it If thes two be laid in the scales of unbiassed impartial judgment the pious veneration wil far preponderat the impious irrision in al good Mens eys Shal we set apart or sanctify divers dais of Thanksgiving and Humiliation for Temporal benefits of Victories or other occasions and cannot be content to afford to allow one for the greatest Spiritual blessing of our eternal Redemption from the power of sin and slavery of Satan began by his blessed birth and finishd by his bitter death and burial with other consequent glorious works of Exaltation viz. his Resurrection Ascention and continual intercession at his Fathers right hand in Heaven God shield us from such guilt wherto thes two Heroics may be aptly applied Absit tale nefas pudet haec opprob●●a nobis Aut dici potuisse aut non potuisse refelli Far be such crime 't is shame should be imputed Thes scandals to us or could not be refuted For sh●me then let Pulpits ring no more of such rediculous reasons prealleged not worth a Fig which if a young Sophister should urge in Schools he were worthy to be hissed out as being unwo●thy to be answered Dr. Hammond a deep Divine from whos learned lucubrations I hav pickd som precited materials as he and al writers borow from others in his Resolution to certain modern Quaeres wherof this concerning Christmas and other Fests is the last answers sixten addle interrogatories of his Antagonist in this point which he that lists may peruse but to requite his pains proposeth three pithy Quaeres at end of that Treatise wherto three mo shal be superadded 1. Whether the Church Catholic or any particular specialy 〈◊〉 n●●rest the Apostles age hath sufficient power to make one or mo dai● sacr●d and let apart f●om servil works to Gods service in memory of som eminent mercy conferred on his People to be yeerly celebrated with tru piety which shal bind al dutiful Children to obey and observ them 2. Whether the annal Fest of Christs Birth being both lawful 2 Q●aere and laudable in the right religious use weeding out al abuses ordained by the Catholic Church may justly be abolished or abandoned by any Church or State much less privat Persons without regard to the universal sith it hath so long continued sans comptrole or contradiction by any 3. Whether it be a good ground in Conscience or Common 3 Q●●● e. reason to cancel or cashire so pious a constitution under a fucatious color of causless superstition becaus som pedissequent dais hav bin rudely
fit matter wil serv as sundry Plants propagat sans Seed and som Animals of putrefaction 28. Summarily the Souls vegetant in Plants and sentient Summary in Animals whether general wherby they becom Plants and Animals or special specifical which distinguish them into Kinds are only the nobler Temperament of more activ qualities in a subtler matter whether propagated of Seed or other wais ingendered but no substances This needs no other proofs then thos already alleged to refute the Substantiality of Forms but why Man 's Soul should be a substance rather then Beasts many of which are so intelligible and docible as most of simple People witnes the dancing Hors cald Asinago no satisfactory reason can be rendred in nature sav only som dark places of Scripture The result of al is that no substance ever dies or perishes for matter is invariable and al Forms of Inanimats together with the Vegetant and Sentient Souls meer mortal accidents or temperaments only Mans Soul is a substance or Spirit infused or inspired at first by God which is immortal and livs of it self for ever Thes are his Principles of new Philosophy touching the origin of Forms and Souls which let every one relish as his palat affects Now to answer Objections Ob. If the Soul be only a Temperament every natural Body that hath a tempered Crasis shal be Animat but 't is not so Ergo a Soul is no Temperament Sol. This Argument consists of meer affirmativs in the secund Figure and therfore is a filthy Paralogism but every Temperament of Inanimats is not fit for a Soul Ob. A Temperament is changed according to age place and diet but a Soul is not so changed Ergo 'tis no Temperament Sol. Forms are changed or varied gradualy as foreshewed but in the argument is a duple error 1. That it doth not distinguish betwen a total essential and partil gradual change of Temperament for in the total is not only a mutation but corruption of the Soul and makes nothing to purpose in the partil is a change more or less which doth not vary or alter the kind as a tender young Plant being removed from its natural Soil to a Forren grows better or wors without changing the kind yet the unity of Form remains with an alteration in the degrees of perfection 2. That a transition from other Animals to Man is improper for if his Bodily temper change yet the Soul being a distinct substance varies not but in al els Soul and Temperament are one Ob. If the Soul be a Temperament ther be in Animats so many Souls as Tempers one of the rind and wood in Trees another of Flesh and bones in Animals but in every Animat is one only Soul Ergo 'tis no Temperaments Sol. The Peripatetics place two Souls at least in every Animat and three in Animals but divers forms in Inanimats essentialy distinct so according to them 't is no absurdity to grant plurality of Souls yet is ther no plurality of substances but diversity of Temperament Ob. If the Soul be but a Temperament of humors and spirits it could not bridle the Bodies passions or perturbations but it doth and is not led by them Ergo c. Sol. This is tru in Mans Soul which somtimes bridles or moderats passions and somtimes yeelds to them but in no other Animats whos Soul not only folows but is Temperament it self Ob. That can be no Accident or Temperament from which the noblest faculties and functions of imagining remembring and perceiving or judgin ●ensitiv objects proced but Beasts Souls hav such operations remblable to Mans Ergo they are not Accidents Sol. Al such operations are meerly Organical in a material subject and depend on it the Organ is a pure cleer activ Animal spirit sited in the Brain as the seat of Sensation which Spirit is not only the Organ but first Principle therof For in al Animal Spirits two things are found viz. matter and mixture of lifely qualities matter is the first Subject and Organ of Sens qualities the first caus or origin and in both commixd consist al the faculties of apprehension imagination and memory which Brutes hav Thes Spirits are the sole Instruments of al Sensation but no substance useth or ruleth them being the first caus of Sens That which they cal Soul must be either material or immaterial if material 't is either purer then the Spirits which cannot be sith they are purest or viler and impurer but 't is absurd to grant that to the baser which is denied to the best if immaterial let them answer al arguments alleged against Forms Ob. 'T is abov or beyond the power of purest matter indued or invested with most exquisit qualities to judg remember desire shun c. but Brutes Souls doo al this Ergo c. Sol. 'T is not nor is it more strange that such effects should proced from the Temperament of Brutes Brains then doo other admirable properties as in the Magnet and many mo simples from Inanimats Temperament which is weaker then Animals Thes are magnalia Dei Gods wonderful works which Men must admire not inquire Lastly he treats of Mans Souls origin which was first in intention Upshot and sole scope of this Subject or Speculation touching whos essence that 't is a rational immortal substance or spirit none but Atheists or Sadduces wil doubt but of the origin is much dispute Som deem they were al created eternaly and reserved in blessed Seats or Stars til they be incorporated into Bodies Som that they be created by Angels Som that they be generated by the Soul of the World and made of Celical Substance Som that they consist of Elements Som that they are framed of Gods own substance Som that they be produced by the Heavens as an extern Efficient Som that they propagat successivly one from another Som that they are continualy created and infused in the Body by God like Adams first Soul which is the common Tenet Thes two last Opinions rejecting al the rest as futilous and frivilous he debats more freely and fully which he that lists may contemplat but being before abundantly agitated in the first Thesis shal be suppressed or superseded Touching the Vegetativ and Sensitiv Souls 't is probable they Censure are a meer Temperament of qualities or life it self nor doth Scripture them to be substances but they vanish or perish with the Bodies like forms of Inanimats and new ingendred or educed from the power of matter by the efficient Caus For God made al Creatures in their kinds intire Bodies at once both Plants and Animals but Created Man in his own Image th● Body first of Dust or Earth from the previous preexistent Chaos like other Creatures into which he breathed the Spiracle or Spirit of Life even a Rational Soul being far more divine and immortal then the rest as al Orthodox writers agree Hence 't is said Man becam a living Soul meaning that his Soul should liv for ever as he had doon in Body too had he not eaten the forbidden fruit contrary to Gods command upon pain of temporal and eternal death yet afterward in mercy he ordained a remedy that the Womans Seed even Christ our blessed Saviour should bruis the Serpents head by dying for the sins of al such as shal penitently beleev in him Peroratio ad Theologos A Conclusion to Divines Haec quicunque legent Medici Theoremata sacra Censuras rigidas parcite ferre precor Who shal a Phisitions sacred Theses read I pray spare to giv Censures ful of dread Nunc opus exigitur Laus Patri debita summo Christo incarnato Spirituique sacro The work 's now doon to God the Father du prais To Christ incarnat and th' holy Ghost alwais ALLEUIA
Creatures without respect to foreknowledg But for Election to Life being his free Gift they more confidently ascribe to his mee● Wil without Prescience which they hav more color for if the Saints glory were only a Gift of Grace and not also a retribution of Justice But God makes it a retribution of Justice upon foresight of their laboring to attain the end and a gift of free Grace too knowing what wil bring them to happines if he grant them thos benefits wherby he shal also attain his end even the glory of his free Lov in giving eternal life to whom he wil which is the tru harmony This Judgment being ex praeteritis Predestination must be ex praevisis for the judg ordained by God is the Lord John 5. 22. Jesus that al may honor the Son as they doo the Father John 3. 19. becaus as the Father created so the Son redeemed Mankind even the universality The grand crime for which the World shal be judged is that Men loved darknes more then light and John 12. 48. Christs Word shal judg him at last day whoever rejected or contemned Marc. 16. 16. Christ Since the Gospel is preached the rule of judging is He that beleeveth and is baptised shal be saved he that 2 Thes 1. 7 8. beleeveth not damned Which S. Paul more fully explicats When the Lord Jesus shal be reveled from Heaven to recompence 2 Cor. 5. 10. thos that hav suffred for his truth and in flaming fire take vengeance on them that know not God nor obey his Gospel The severity of this Judgment to render vengeance the specification Rom. 2. 16. of persons we must al appear before his seat the assignation of causes to be judged the very secrets of Mens hearts with the maner of judgment when such as hav sinned without the Law shal perish without the L●w having a Law written in their hearts but thos that hav sinned in the Law shal be judged by the Law semblably such as hav not obeied the Gospel shal be judged by it Al this argues that original sin which is one just caus of death shal be alleged against al who hav no other caus of condemnation but this as Infants which dy having not this sin purged by the Laver of Regeneration either in act or vow of the Church but to lay it unto them that liv to ripe yeers of knowing God obeying the Gospel or haply had forgivnes of sins sealed by Baptism this seemd strange to Doctor Whitaker that any shal be Reprobated for sin remitted so 't is strange that any should be condemned for such sins as he was not Reprobated for sith the sentence of Reprobation is the hardest and heaviest that can be which draws with it the sentence of Condemnation Surely such sins as the wicked shal be judged of at last are the same they were Reprobated for at first being Jude v. 4. eternaly foreseen specialy their final impenitence and inobedience els what needs this exact differencing of Causes or how are the guilty more burdned to hear their several crimes if al be rejected in the common Case of Mankind lapsed and unable to rise having no Saviour to dy for them nor Spirit to cal them nor help to heal them but are excluded or debarred by Gods absolut irrespectiv Decree God wil overcom in Judgment yet not by pleading his Soveraign power or Prerogativ and silencing Men with his dominion els was Abram too bold to expostulat Shal not the Worlds Judg doo right but by Justice and Equity rewarding every one according to his works els he would not put himself on trial Judg I pray between me my Vineyard what more could I doo then I hav doon God wil Isai 5. 3. convince the ungodly putting them to silence and shame by their own stubborn ingratitud against his abundant Goodnes Patience and long suffering not by his own plenipotence or Prerogativ Sadolet to an Objection We being born of corrupt original are by Nature made to perdition that thos whom God passeth by and caleth not might hav no just caus of complaint answers thus I conceiv that Christ Jesus sitting in Judgment for his Father on them whom he hath con●emned wil not so pass or pronunce Sentence sith ye proceded from Adams corrupt loins and contracted your Parents guilt doo I condemn you to endless torments but wil say Go ye cursed into everlasting fire for ye saw me hungry and fed me not c. which are not the common sins of al Mankind but particular faults of ech several person which shal be alledged and wherby they shal be judged lest in that sharp torture and grief they presume to ask Mercy of God who denied it to their poor Brethren begging it Mr. Plaifer handles al thes deep points at large wel worth a serious survey which are here succinctly summed up and conduce much to the main subject If any mislike his Tenets as many of different Judgments wil let them seek satisfaction of him who can best resolv al scruples But if I hav misprised any material circumstances through insciousnes not wilfulnes let me bear the blame who undertake to be his faithful eccho Now for fuller application and farther addition take what folows in a more confused maner To found Predestination on Prescience of simple Intelligence best consorts with al conditions consequents and circumstances therof wherby al divine Attributs are best accorded and advanced the sole scruple rests which Opinion best agrees with the Holy Ghosts tru meaning For al Sects arrogat to sens the Scriptures best if they may be Judges or Interpreters to preach the Gospel purest if faith be given to their bare words and to administer the Sacraments sincerest if their new cuts daily varied may pass for current coin as three main marks of their Church caled the little Flock when al others censure or condemn them for fals Teachers as every one doth ech other and al tort or distort Gods Word to serv turns Howbeit for trial of truth the chief Texts shal be brought to test or touchstone for Prescience these places are pregnant S. James saith Known unto Acts 15. 18. God are al his works from everlasting S. Peter To the Elect 1 Pet 1. 2. Rom. 8. 29 30. according to the foreknowledg of God the Father S. Paul Whom he foreknew he pred●stinated whom he predestinated he caled whom he caled he justified whom he justified he glorified Again Blessed be God who hath blessed us in al heavenly things Eph. 1. 3 4. through Christ as he hath chosen us in him before the Worlds foundation Ergo we are eternally Elect by Faith in Christ foreseen which preceds Predestination To conceiv rightly the maner and order of this high mystery according to Gods Mind reveled in his Word we must consider somthing of his Nature who predestinats and therin revere his infinit ●intellect just Wil matchless Mercy and soveraign Dominion with