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A87005 Syons redemption, and original sin vindicated: wherein are these particulars largely handled and discovered. I. That sprinkling of water in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost is not baptism, ... II Infants not the subjects appointed by God to be baptized, ... III That the second death was never threatned to be inflicted upon Adam ... IV A clear and large discourse as touching Gods decree, of election and reprobation. V A large exposition upon the ninth chapter to the Romanes, ... VI A brief disproof of the unlawfulness of the paying or receving of tithes, ... VII The ordination of the national ministery examined and disproved. VIII The answer of objections against the Jews return out of their captivity ... IX A clear discovery of the glorious effects (or that which will be effected) under the sound of the seventh trumpet. X A full discovery of Judah and Israels glory to be enjoyed in their own land, ... Published for the instruction and comfort of all that wait for the appearing of the Lord Jesus and Zions redemption. Being an answer to a book of Mr. Hezekiah Holland, sometimes preacher in Sutton-Valence in Kent. By George Hammon pastor to the Church of Christ, meeting in Biddenden in Kent. Hammon, George. 1658 (1658) Wing H504; Thomason E958_1; ESTC R207642 184,723 213

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not taste of death till they saw Christ come in his Glory But that neither Mark or Matthew will carry it to the Gospel Church read that which goeth before the Text and that which followeth the Text you will finde the Text it self meaneth not the Gospel Church and Ordinances as you say see Mat 16.27 28. compared with chap. 17.1 2 3 4. compared with 1 Pet. 1.16 17 in these words For the Son of man shall come in the Glory of his Father with his Angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works Verily Verily I say unto you there be some standing here that shall not taste of death till they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom And after six dayes Jesus took Peter James and John his brother and bringeth them into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his Rayment was white as the light And behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him then answered Peter and said to Jesus Lord it is good for us to be here c. From whence we may see that it was not meant of a Gospel Church and Ordinauces coming in power and Glory when he speaketh of the Kingdom of God coming in power but the meaning ning of the place is that some of his disciples should see the manner of his coming in the Glory of his Father that you may see also more plainly manifested to be meant as before said of Christs Glory The Kingdom of God coming in power proved not to be the Gospel Church and Ordinances but to shew the manner of Christ coming in glory 〈◊〉 by transfiguration or the manner of Christs glorious coming in his Kingdom read 2 Pet. 1.11 comp with 16 17. verses In the 11 verse the Apostle exhorteth the Church to endeavour so to walk that an entrance might be administred unto them into the Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And that our Saviour hath such a glorious Kingdom as if Peter should say is very certain for as our Lord did say that some of us should not taste of death till We see him coming in his Kingdom he also did take us apart that we might see the glorious manner of his coming and Kingdom and this we are eye-witness for we have not followed cunning divised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eye witnesses of his majesty for he received from God the Father honour and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and this voice we heard when we where with him in the Holy mount From whence we may plainly see if we compare the Scriptures together that Christ coming in glory or the Kingdom of God coming in power was not meant the Gospel Church and Ordinances for that is but in word and form but the transfiguration of Christ and the appearence of his Saints in glory with him is meant the Kingdom of God coming in power or the Son of man coming in his Kingdom thus hath the Scriptures overthrown clearly what you have said as touching the Kingdom of God coming in power and because you have inferred nothing from your Text Mat. 11.12 I shall pass saying nothing to it onely the Text in it self is true although it be not for your purpose but I commend you in that you gave no interpretation because to besure you have not abused it as you did the Text the which you did interpret And again whereas you say That children of beleeving Parents be fit for his Kingdom according to your interpretation viz. the Church To which I answer I have already proved that such are not fit members for a Gospel Church which are not lively stones Children proved not fit members of the Gospel Church although they be the children of the Faithful showing forth the praises of him that hath called them unto that state because there is to be none in Christs vine-yard viz. Church but such as are labourers the which a child of seven or eight dayes old cannot do and therefore not fit to be members of Christs Church But if the Gospel Church did onely look for a fair sh●w in the flash as membership in the Church under the Law then children might either be Circumcised or have their bodies washed according to the carnal washings and so might be clean but membership in a Gospel Church is of another nature that requireth cleanness within the heart to be purified by Faith and the tongue speaking forth Gods praises for as with the heart man beleeveth to righteousness so as to fit them for a Gospel Church so with the tongue confession is made to Salvation Rom. 10. And whereas you repeat again of our barring children of Church priviledges I say as I have already said that it is your selves that barr children from Church priviledges for Baptism is not so properly called a Church priviledge as the Lords Supper the which you barr children from But you may see your self answered more fully as in my former Treatise But by what I have said here I have clearly took off your seeming answer to my Argument whereby it standeth undenyable that as to what you have said And again whereas you ask the question Whether children were vessels of mercy yea or no and you say you are sure that I will answer yes and then first say you they Were lost in Adam and in misery for mer●y presupposeth misery and secondly then they must be fitted for glory therefore not naturally fit To which I answer that I have already shewed how the sons of Adam were lost and how not lost and therefore I shall wave this and come to shew how they are fitted for glory and that is the seed of the woman brake the Serpents head viz. Christ by or thorow the grace of God tasted death for every man and woman not onely to bring them to a Resurrection but he had an Heavenly inheritance to bestow on the sons of Adam which became his by purchess for he bought them when they were lost or sold by their iniquities But you will ask me Object They that are lost and die the second death are such as put away Eternal life and deny the Lord that bought them and will not have the Lord to rule over them but bid him depart and desire not the knowledge of his wayes If Christ died for to buy the whole world how cometh it to pass that the Whole world are not saved Answer There are some that put away Eternal life and tread under foot the blood of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified but I know your old objection The blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified that is wherewith Christ was sanctified say you but if your eyes be in your head and open
the Devil was a lyer from the beginning and this Death say you was the second death and also you confess t●at Adam and all his Lines did not dye the second Death so that if your opinion be true the Devil spake true and not God see your self I tremble to write so of the worthy name of God as your ignorant blasphemous opinion leads me to write in reference to discover your absurdities but you say That although God threatned it yet he did not peremptorily resolve it but sent Christ To which I answer as beforesaid that is but to make the Devils words true for God had said and decreed they should dye but the Devil perswaded them to believe a lye that they should not dye that the Devil might be a true Prophet say you God sent Christ that they might not dye and as to the case of Nineveh and Hezekiah I have already answered And again whereas you would have me say Either Christ brought not justification of life by his obedience or else conclude Adam brought evernal condemnation by disobedience or say there is no sence in the Apostles arguing Rom. 5.18 To which I answer there is good reason in the Apostles reasoning and yet his words imply not that which you would infer from them for I have already proved that the condemnation there mentioned is but to the dust viz. the first death Adams sin caused God to judge and condemn him and his posterity to the dust but in a short word take this as the Apostles reasoning from Rom. 5 18. that as by the offence of the first Adam judged or condemned all to the dust and so brought them all under the power of the Grave to have lain there eternally had not mercy been provided so by the righteousness of the Second Adam the free gift came upon all men to deliver or justifie them from that power of Death viz. the sting thereof so that it might be said in the promise as in the person of Christ O Death I will be thy death and thus the free gift came upon all men to justification of life that as in or by Adam all dyed even so in or by Christ all are made alive viz. raised from the dead it being done in Gods account from the foundation of the world so then the first Adam by his sin made all men liable to the power of the first death so that the sting of death did as we may say attach them but mercy through the Righteousness of Christ stepped in and jus tified man from that attachment and destroyed the power of it and brought life and immortality to light for although God did peremptorily Decree that Adam should go to the dust for that sin Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return yet he did not decree either in his threatning or in his sentence that he should lye there eternally yet the sting of Death viz. the power of the Grave would have seized on or surprized him had not mercy in the Promise justified man from it and thus the free gift came upon all men to justification of life I might say much more to it but I pass to that of Jude where you say They were of old ordained to Condemnation To which I answer and say that it is true that God of old did in his Decree ordain and appoint some to condemnation It is not denied that God did of old ordain ungodly men to condemnation although it be denied that God of old did ordain men to be ungodly that thereby they might come to condemnation namely such as did refuse the grace of Salvation in the tenderness of it and put away eternal life and glory and turn the grace of God into wantonness and such were they that Jude speaks of there are certain men crept in saith he who of old were ordained to this condemnation and then tels us what disposed men they are and that is saith he ungodly men turning the grace of God mark that to wantonness I could shew you what is meant by the word this Condemnation but I pass And whereas you say That Children might be made liable in Adam to eternal Death Answer If you mean eternal Death as before promised that is to lye eternally in the Grave under the sting o● Death as beforesaid then we differ not but if by Eternal Death you mean ●he second Death they could not be liable to that by the sin in Paradice because the punishment of the second Death must pre-suppos a second Life that is a person must be said to be twice alive before he can be said to be twice dead or in danger to be twice dead and therefore the Lord sheweth that as there was a first Death that all m●n must taste of for that sin in Paradice so there is a lake of fire and brimstone the which God calls the second Death and where ever the word second is used it presupposeth a first otherwise there cannot be a second but the Death spoken in Genesis could not be the second unless there had been a Death proposed before it the which was not for by one man sin entred into the world and death mark that by sin so then sin brought death into the world and secondly in Christ is hid our second life the which we loose by loosing of him and Christ and that life in him which is opposed to the second death was never ours before the Fall and I could give many sound Reasons to prove both these but I pass it may be needless because no man upon due consideration can deny it and so pass But before I shall examine or try your lawful Ministry I shall through Gods assistance unfold unto you the mystery contained in the Ninth Chapter to the Romans partly because many poor Souls stand as it were amazed to know what God means in his Word for say they God sometimes saith He would have all men come to Repentance and swears he desires not the death of him that dyes but rather that they would return and live and therefore exhorted men to strive to enter in at the strait gate and to be diligent to make their calling and election sure and to beware lest any fail of the grace of God but so to run that they may obtain and the like and yet saith It is not in him that willeth or runneth but hated Esau before he was born as some say and makes persons vessels of dishonour from a Decree before they were born or had done good or evil in a word elect some and reprobate others before born and yet saith he would not their death but would have them turn and yet appoints them to run on in evill these and many more of this nature do persons conclude is in God and st●●● when they are brought in question as touching this their conceit they fly to the Ninth of the Romans as a refuge the which thorow Gods help I shall shew will
therefore I say that they are the onely wise men that drink not onely near but at the fountain head that is to take the practise of Christ and the Apostles to be their pattern and so I shall pass from this particular with some Arguments to prove that Insants are not the subjects that Christ and his Apostles Baptised or appointed to be Baptised and first to the first That which is practised in lieu of a Gospel Ordinance Arg. 1 which is not appointed by the Father nor the Son nor the Apostles nor hath been practised in the primitive Churches is mans tradition and will worship But Infants Baptism hath not a command from God nor Christ nor the Apostles nor practised in the primitive Churches Therefore mans tradition and will worship If those that are to be Baptised Arg. 2 are first to be taught and made disciples then a child of seven or eight dayes old which is not capable to be taught ought not to be Baptised But those that are to be Baptised are first to be taught and made disciples the which a child of seven or eight dayes old is not capable of Ergo Such are not to be Baptised And that such as are to be Baptised are first to be taught and made disciples you may see from the commission Mat. 28.19 Mark 16 15 16. John 4.1 2 3. If such as are to be Baptised Arg. 3 are to continue in the Apostles Doctrine in breaking of bread and prayers then children that are not capable so to do are not to be Baptised But they that are to be Baptised ought to continue in the Apostles Doctrine and in breaking of bread and prayer Ergo Children that are uncapable so to do are not fit to be Baptised and that such as are Baptised ought to be sted fast as before said I hope no sober man that knoweth the Scripture in the least will deny If those only are accounted fit to be members of a Gospel Arg. 4 Church that are able to show forth the prayses of him that hath called them then Infants of seven or eight dayes old who cannot show forth Gods prayses as aforesaid are not fit to be members of a Gospel Church But they only are fit to be members of a Gospel Church who are able to show forth the prayses of God in an upright conversation Ergo Infants who are not capable so to do are not fit members for a Gospel Church 1 Pet 2. If Faith Repentance Arg. 5 are the work of Gods Spirit manifested upon the Soul be that which onely admitteth the sons daughters of men to Baptism then Infants that have neither Faith nor Repentance nor the work of Gods Spirit manifested upon their Soul may not be Baptised but Faith and Repentance or the work of Gods Spirit is that only which admitteth to Baptism as before said Ergo Children that have not such qualifications as aforesaid may not be admitted to Baptism And that Repentance and Faith and the works of Gods Spirit manifested upon the Soul is that which fitteth and admitteth to Baptism read these Scriptures Act. 2.38 chap. 10 46 47. chap 8. If men and women were the persons onely Arg. 6 whom the Apostles Baptised and we commanded to follow their examples then men and women are the persons also that we ought to Baptise But men and women were the subjects that the Apostles Baptised and we commanded to follow their examples Ergo Men and women also ought to be the subjects that are Baptised by us This cannot be denied for they did Baptise such onely and we ought to follow their examples Acts 8 12. Mat. 3. Act. 19 1 2 3 4. much more might be said but I pass to the next particular the which is that of Original Sin the which you call your task having shewed you that you have neither a ground to use sprinkling in Baptism nor to Baptise children in their non-age the which neither of them is the minde of God revealed in the Holy Scripture but I shall now Examen what you say to Original Sin and thorow the assistance of God shall answer what you affirm and disprove it if it carry not truth with it That Adams sin brought more on him than temporal death say you with sorrow sickness and such like punishments I prove 1. Because Adam forfeited Eternal life which I thus prove what the second Adam restored the first lost But the second Adam restored Eternal life 2 Tim. 1 10. who brought life and immortality to light Answer There is several wayes I might reply to this Argument There was not a state of a second life or immorality in Pnradice and therefore it cannot properly be said to be restored but brought to light that which before was not and first That the Minor never can be proved that is that Christ restored Eternal life the text saith He abolished death and brought life and immortality to light the sum of that is no more but a state of Resurrection made known to the sons of men and in this you fight with your own shadow Again secondly the question that is between you and I is whether Adam lost a Heavenly Paradice and purchased a second death in the lake of fire and brimstone the which I say he did not neither had he an heavenly Paradice before the fall neither could he purchase a second death unless he had sinned against a second life the which he did not And thirdly I do affirm that had not Adam sinned he should not have dyed but lived in that earthly Paradise the which life in a sence had been Eternal if he had not dyed and when he had sinned then had not Christ brought life and immortality to light we had dyed and been like water spilt upon the ground and never come to a Resurrection and so in a sence it had been Eternal death but this is that you should have proved if you had intended to touch me that Adam had a promise of Heaven before his fall and that by his fall he lost it and purchised a second death the which your Argument toucheth not And whereas you tell me the opinion of Mr. Hall and I know not who it is nothing to me what their opinion is it is proof of Scripture for what you affirm that I look for and without it your words or theirs is nothing and further let me tell you that Eternal life and immortality dwelt in the second Adam and not in the first And whereas you say That Adam had an inclusive promise of Eternal life by eating of the free of life Answer That tree God did appoint him to eat of because there was life or preservation of life comprehended in it but was then that tree that which you call Adams Eternal life If so then it will be easily granted that he lost that for a time but that the tree of life was a type of Christ that will be denied because when the substance is come
reward for their sins for shall I not visit for these things saith the Lord and shall not my soul be avenged of such a people so that the great men and richm●n and chief Captains and mighty men shall hide themselves as prisoners in the Rocks and holes of the earth saying to the Rocks fall on us and hide us but yet for all this the Lord will bring them thence and visit them for their sins with the Rod or his wrath I could speak much to it but I studdy brevity and come to shew you that although I say there shall be a Restauration and the Sun shall be seven degrees lighter and the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and yet also say the earth shall be dark or the place of their punishment shall be utter darkness yet there is no contradiction in the words for I say that Christ shall Reign a thousand years before the last and general Resurrection and then shall all things be restored in which time of Christs Reign the Sun and Moon shall be restored into their primitive glory and brightness for all that was for mans use was cursed for mans sake but after this state of Christs Reign then shall the Saints have only the glory of God to be their light and so I pass to examine your examination of my Arguments of Original Sin and so to the first although it be laid down more fully in my Treatise Rev. 20 6 7 8. yet I shall take it for brevity sake as you have laid it down in yours which is That if Adam had decreed against him eternal death Argum. 1 and all in his Lines upon his disobedience and that not inflicted on them then is God changeable But God changeth not Therefore Your Answer is If God 's threatnings work not Repentance it breaks out into punishments God never decreed that Adam and his should eternally perish and yet you say that the death that God said they should dye for that sin committed in Paradice was eternal death now that death that God threatned to bring on Adam if he sinned he did decree to bring it on him and accordingly did being it on him and all his the which death was only the first death as I have already proved and I am very confident that all the opposites in the world can never prove that it was the second death but read my Syons Redemption and see your answer is no whit to the purpose I have also shewed what is meant in the Ephesians and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others and whereas you ask me whether Adams Fall was decreed I Answer God never did decree man should sin God did fore see man would but never did decree he should yet God did decree to send Christ seeing Adams Fall we agree in this that God did never intend or decree Adams eternal ruine but did decree him to the dust for that sin and when he had brought him there his Justice was satisfied and had God been onely Justice and not mercy there he must have hin for ever their Justice to him and their Mercy for him to bring some again from the dead and so saith the Scripture 2 Sam. 14.14 We must needs dye and be like water spilt upon the ground for God hath decreed it yet he hath used a means that his banished shell not be for ever expelled from him and whereas you say all School-men do allow of a concealed will and a revealed will the former is unchangeable not the latter that is his revealed will is changeable First Because God threatned Niniveh Adam and Hezekiah and yet did not punish them so as he threatned And secondly commanded Pharoah to let Israel go and Abraham to sacrifice his Son and her● God changeth his sentence To which I answer and first to the first that is that Gods revealed will is changeable the which if it be true as you say then although he have commanded us to obey the Gospel and in so doing promised salvation yet we know not whether he speak as he means or whether his mind will change yea or nay this and much of this nature I might say which is your opinion of God and how much less than bla sphemy it is I leave the Reader to judge of And Secondly as touching that of Hezekiah that when he told him that he should dye and not live and yet notwithstanding added unto his dayes fifteen years we know that God hath promised to turn away punishment from such as humble themselves before him hence he spared Ahab when he humbled himself and much more will he spare his own people when they humble themselves as Hezekiah did with tears yet Gods will altereth not though he do will to alter the dispensation of Mercy or Justice according to the Cretures obedience or disobedience as already proved Thirdly As touching Niniveh if God had destroyed them in forty dayes according as he said he would God had been changeable in his Decree considering their Repentance Gods will altereth not although he do will to change in dispensation of Mercy or Justice according to the creatures obedience or disobedience and Humiliation for before God sent Jonah to Niniveh to proclaim yet forty dales and Niniveh shall be destroyed he had decreed and declared it that in what instant he spake of a people to destroy thon if that people against whom he pronounced the judgement did repent he also would repent of the evil that he said he would bring upon them and Nineveh did repent of their evill and then if the Lord should not have repented of the evil of punishment that he said he would bring on them then he had been changeable that is he had said one thing and had done another but Gods revealed will changeth not although he do will to change as beforesaid And Fourthly God did bring the full summe of punishment upon Adam that he threatned and more than we find Recorded for all that was threatned was that he should dye or in dying he should dye the which is meant that he should be in a dying condition from the time of his sin till he fell into the dust from whence he was taken and so in the midst of lise to be in death or a dying condition till death never continuing in one stay but the earth being cursed for his sake we do not find there ended yet we see it was in the sentence and also the Womans conception to be in sorrow the which are as Pendicts or appurtenances to death Man is in a dying condition from the Womb till he falls into the dust and hat is meant by the Lords threatning him in dying thou shalt dye Gen. 2. all shewing Gods revealed will altereth not and so I come to the second Head which is Gods commands that is say you God doth command men to do that in his revealed will the which in his
SYONS REDEMPTION AND ORIGINAL SIN VINDICATED Wherein are these particulars largely handled and discovered I. That sprinkling of water in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is not Baptism as by several Arguments together with objections of that nature Answered II Infants not the subjects appointed by God to be baptized as by several arguments disproved and Objections of that nature answered III That the second death was never threatned to to be inflicted upon Adam or his lines for that sin committed in Paradice IV A clear and large discourse as touching Gods Decree of Election and Reprobation V A large Exposition upon the Ninth Chapter to the Romanes with every particular Verse opened in its distinct order as concerning Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau and of Pharaohs heart being hardened and Objections of that nature answered VI A brief disproof of the unlawfulness of the paying or receving of Tythes of a Tenth in Gospel times as Ministers maintenance VII The Ordination of the National Ministery examined and disproved VIII The answer of Objections against the Jews return out of their Captivity and the Reign of Christ upon earth answered and disproved shewing that the Jews shall return and Christ Reign in Jerusalem over the house of David IX A clear discovery of the glorious effects or that which will be effected under the sound of the seventh Trumpet X A full discovery of Judah and Israels glory to be enjoyed in their own Land and of Christs being their KING in the midst of them reigning over them upon the Throne of his father David in Jerusalem witnessed by the mouths of all the holy Prophets Evangelists and Apostles that ever wrote since the world began which are known cited in in this Book whereby any that reads it may easily see the truth of this Assertion Published for the instruction and comfort of all that wait for the appearing of the Lord Jesus and Zions Redemption Being an Answer to a Book of Mr. Hezeklah Holland sometimes Preacher in Sutton-Valence in Kent By George Hammon Pastor to the Church of Christ meeting in Biddenden in Kent LONDON Printed by G. Dawson for the Author 1658. The EPISTLE DEDICATORY To Mr. HEZEKIAH HOLLAND SIR I Having obtained a Book of yours Intituled to me although as I suppose never intended me as by you I thought good to peruse it and also to give an answer to it although I might have better improved time and ink and paper than to have answered such a running kind of discourse the which hath out run both Scripture and sound reason but however truth hath overtaken it and given it its deaths wound and farther this discourse of yours hath engaged me to speak more largely of the Doctrine of Election and Reprobation and to shew how Gods Decree in Election depends upon Christ viz. to chuse none to salvation and glory but such as are of Christs family either actively or passively when I say actively I mean such as are in Christ through faith and when I say passively I mean all Infants that have not forfeited their happiness by personal transgression for the Redemption is a free gift and is as large as the transgression so that as the first Adam lost the lives and blessing of all men so the second Adam the LORD JESUS purchased it again so that none are damned viz. taste the second death but such as deny the Lord that bought them but all men must dye the first death or be changed which is as death for the first Adams transgression and the very same all men are Rom. 5.18 19 by Christ made alive again that is even so many as were made sinners by the first Adam even so many are made righteous by the second Adam and so Gods mercy is over all his works I have also answered all your Arguments and Objections that I found to have but so much as a colour of reason in it I have also shewed that the Jews shall return to their own Land and that Christ shall be their King sitting upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem according to the letter of the Scriptures the truth whereof is witnessed by the mouth of all the holy Prophets and Evangelists and Apostles I have not given any interpretation upon the Prophets Evangelists or Apostles for these two reasons First because no person might have any colour to wave what is written as to that subject seeing it is the pure minde and will of God without the least mixture of mans meaning and interpretation And secondly because my occasion also would not admit of enlarging my self upon it And as touching your Ordination to the Ministery I have examined and shewn that your Presbyter by which you were Ordained was not a lawfull one nor you fitly qualified and also that no man may be appointed a Minister over any flock without the approbation and election of the same people and he receive his Ordination and charge amongst them in their sight which is the ancient practice of Gods people by his command both in the Old and New Testament And as touching your grounds for Infant-Baptism I find also very weak and that the word Baptizo is taken for sprinkling as you say I cannot finde any where but I finde it s taken for washing as in the ninth Chapter to the Hebrews and elsewhere but never find that it will bear such a signification as to sprinkle according to that little knowledge that I have attained thorow mine own industry with Gods blessing in the Greek which is indeed very small but who may despise the day of small things if truth be found therein the which I shall leave to the examination and tryal of such as know it better than my self without over much confidence as to the infalibillity thereof although to my best understanding it is the truth and pertinent to the purpose that I have cited it for and as touching your discourse of me to your bountifull friends cited in * Your discourse is thus read In lipsius si vera dico agnoscite si falsa ignoscite to which you adde this phrase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because I speak against Oxford Cambridge as you say Sir is this the way to convince me that Oxford Cambridge is of God I must see more sollid matter come from thence first I shall omit citing Cyprians words Latine and Greek is little to your honour knowing that evil communication corrupts good manners for he that made me an Asse if I be one is the same that made you a wise man if you be one and also I think that he that is blinde or seeth but little may see you to be imposterous and so Cyprians words fitly applyed to you and whereas you tell them that I much speak against Oxford and Cambridge learning I might say that your eye sight was not very clear or your understanding awake when you read my book for I never spake against it considered as
repent and there is a sort of men that cannot or more properly a time when a sort of men cannot repent First There is a time when all men may repent if they withstand not the work of grace and there is a time when they cannot repent All men may repent if they have not withstood the day of grace because they are given up or shut up to condemnation And first to prove that there is a time wherein all may repent the wch I thus prove If God hath commanded to do no man more than he hath given him ability to do and yet command all men every where to repent upon pain of eternall destruction then God hath given every man ability so as they may repent if they withstand not the time of grace but God hath commanded no man to do more than he hath given him ability to do and yet hath commanded all men every where to repent upon pain of eternall destruct on That God doth command all men to repent is plain from there Scripturs Ezek. 14 6 18 30. Mat. 11.20 Luke 13.3 Act. 1.30 Rom. 2 4. 2 Pet 3.9 Ergo God hath given every man ability to repent this argument is naden●ble because I hope no sober man will dare to say that God commandeth men upon pain of eternal death to do that which he hath not given them ability to do and yet destroyeth them because they do not that which he never meant they should do when he commanded them to do it nor gave them ability Sirs look about you how do you abuse the A●ribu●e of Gods mercy sincerity uprightnesse and faithfulnesse the Lord will meet with you ere long and overth o● you he hath a controvercy to trye with you for laying the main cause of all the murder fornicatron and thest and drookenness upon his neglect in not giving the creature ability to do otherwise We as much ability to stand as Adam had Adam did sin so soon as he was tempted and we sin not before we be tempted thereunto But you will say they lost their ability in Adam Sir I tell you nay for the Scripture saith no such thing and also I pray resolve this question How Adam came to loose his ability that he withstood not the temptation in Paradice or had not God given him ability or did God intend he should eat and so fall when he forewarned him not to eat For I find that Adam had no more power to stand in Paradice than the sons of men have now for Adam did sin so soon as he was tempted thereunto and we sin not before temptation But you will say there is lust or desire in us to do evill It is true when by the temptation of Sathan set before us or suggested in us and so there was a desire in our first Parents to the fruit when it was by temptation represented unto them for as faith the Text it was fair to look on and desirable to make one wise and so forth● So it will appear there was lust or desire in our first Parents to the fruit before they eat it I could thorough the strength of God say more to this and the Argument before mentioned than you will be able to answer before you go to Ireland or after you come there but I spare you and passe to the second thing which is to shew there is a sort of persons that cannot repent or more properly as I have said there is a time when persons cannot repent the which I shall shew and also when the time is or the cause why they cannot repent There is a day of grace exhibited to the sons of men First That there is a time that men are so given up to a reprobate sense hat they cannot repent is clear from Heb. 6.4 5 6 and Rom. 1.24 and 1 Iohn 5.15 16. so that if Daniel Noah and Iob should pray for them they could not have such repentance to do them good but I need not trouble my self to prove this because it is your assertion But I shall shew the time or cause of this their deplorable condition and shall excuse Adam of this evill that is it came not by sin committed in him but by their own personall sins but to the cause and time of this hardnesse of heart and the time is when they have withstood the day of grace and so shall prove some had a day of grace and have out or The Spirit of God hath strived with such as are lost to repent that they might be saved withstood it and that there was a day of grace to the old world see these two places of Scripture Gen. 6 1 2 3 4. and 1 Pet. 3.19 20. Secondly that Israel had a day of grace in which they might have attained everlasting peace see Luk. 19.42 Matth. 23.37 And thirdly that the Spirit of God striveth with such to fasten grace and mercy on them that never do receive it Prov. 1.22 23 24. And fourthly the very cause why there is such a time when men cannot repent is because they do refuse grace and repentance when God offereth it for the Lord did strive by his Spirit to reclaim Israel from their sinnes that he might not cast them away and shut them up in unbelief but they refused to hearken and pulled away their shoulden Zach. 7.8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Iob. 21.12 13. Prov. 1.22 23 24 25 26 27 Esa 66.3 4 5. ch 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. and stopped their ears that they should not hear yea they made their hearts as an adamant stone least they should hear the law and the words which the Lord of Host sent in his Spirit by the former Prophets and said to God depart from us for we desire not the knowledge of thy laws THEREFORE 〈◊〉 a great wrath from the Lord of Host THEREFORE it came to passe as he cryed and they would not hear so they cryed and I would not hear saith the Lord of Host for that they have hated knowledge and did not chuse the fear of the Lord. From whence we may see there are some that although they do reprint and cry to the Lord in their 〈◊〉 it will be to no purpose the Lord will laugh at their calamity and mock when there fear cometh from these and much more that I could instance you may see the cause and time of an hardened heart that is when a soul hath means of grace and maketh not use of it but walketh in his old sinnes and is not reclaimed at last the Lord giveth them up to hardness of heart and clappeth an oath upon their head that they shall never enter into his rest Heb 3.11 now what use may we make of this even to prise opportunity of grace and not to put the evill day far from us and so fould our arms in security untill misery cometh upon us as an armed man for assuredly when
subtilty should have caused all the Workmanship of God the which he was about six dayes to have sunk and have been buried in the Grave of Oblivion Secondly If God who is no respecter of persons should have seen all men fallen alike by one and the same guilt of transgression and have saved some and left others in misery how had his mercy been above all his works it would have been a very great dishonour to almost if not all the Attributes of God to have redeemed but part first it would have argued weakness or di●ability in God in leaving part of the Creation at the will of the Devill or otherwise it would have destroyed the Attribute of his Mercy so that his Mercy had not been over all his Works Thirdly It would have destroyed his unsadomable and universal goodness to the Sons of men and made him a respecter of persons the which he hath declared against for consider if when God saw all men in misery and all created and fashioned alike by him and all fell equal in one and the same guilt of transgression if God should save some out of it and leave others in it when all were made alike and all had sinned alike would not God be a respecter of persons the which the Scripture plainly declareth against Finally it would preach such a Doctrine as this that although God did command the Gospel of Grace to be offered unto all ministerially yet it never was intended to the greatest part of men but to be a Gospel of misery for if it be only preached to leave men without excuse and that to take advantage of the most part of men and to communicate no good at all then the Angels did not preach truth to the Shepheards when they said It was glad tidings of great joy to all men but if your opinion be true the Gospel was so far from being glad tidings of great joy to all men that it was the worst tidings that ever came or was declared to the greatest part of men the truth hereof no rational man can deny for if God never did intend in the tenderness of the Gospel any good to those that reject it only intended it to leave them without excuse then these absurdities must follow First that God did not deal faithfully with the greatest part of men in offering that unto them that he never intended to give but I say God forbid we should be of so base an opinion yea let God be true and every man a lyar and let every Christian man say with Abraham shall the God of the whole earth do unrighteously surely such things cannot be found in him and in saying so of the Lord you make him like to hypocrites and dissemblers the which abomination is ab●orred of the Lord I could speak much to it but I pass to the second which is If God never intended salvation to all men in the derness of the Gospel then it is impossible for men in the slighting of the Gospel to neglect their own Salvation for if God never intended Salvation thorow the Gospel to such as reject it as well as to those that receive it then those that reject it reject nothing for there was nothing intended them in it if your opinion be true and therefore could reject nothing neither could they neglect their own Salvation for if Salvation was not intended in the Gospel to such as sleep away their time in security then they could not neglect it by their security because if they had been never so much industrious yet it had added nothing unto them because Salvation was never intended them and thus you excuse men in their disobedience and resisting the Gospel and neglecting means of Grace and Salvation although in charity I judge you do it ignorantly I could say much more but I am necessitated to hasten and come to the next thing which is about Sodoms fire The which say you it will suffer much upon examination because I say it is not meant that lake of Fire and Brimstone the which is called the Second death but it is called eternal in opposition to such fire as is called temporal or may be so called because as it is kindled by man so it is put out by man the which that fire that destroyed Sodom was of another nature it was not kindled by man neither could it be extinguished by man and yet was no more hell fire than that which fell on the Captains and their Fifties for their sins I could speak much to it but it s not worth my time only this question resolve when you Write again I pray you where you learned such a Doctrine and what Reason you can give to prove it that is that after persons are sent to Hell they must be brought back again to judgement to be judged and tryed whether they deserve it yea or nay Is it legal for the Magistrates of a free Corporation to take a man and hang him and then afterward to set down and determine the case whether he have deserved it yea or nay Is this and such like dealing Gods merhod O ye blind guides did God cast Adam out of Paradice into the curse and afterwards brought him to Judgement to convince him that he deserved it It is not the way of God to cast men into Hell and afterwards ●o bring them to judgement to see whether they deserve it yea or nay or did the Lord first bring him to judgement and afterwards when the sentence was past cast him forth of the Garden but I pass you tell me I almost deny or give the Scripture the lye by saying that the Inhabitants are not now suffering in Hell-fire But before I come further to examine what you say touching Sodoms fire I take leave to inform the curteous Reader the occasion of this Discourse concerning Sodoms fire the which is My former Antagonist Mr. Rutton was pleased to say in a private conference although I made it publick at the last that there was some reprobated before they were born and that for Adams sin instanced in those of Sodom saying that there were many Children in Sodom which cannot be denyed and that they were now in Hell and yet never committed actual sin therefore were damned for Original sin and although my Antagonist hath no more charity of poor innocent Babes as in respect of their eternal Transgression to say they were all damned and are in Hell I did endeavour to prove that Sodoms suffering of eternal fire was not that lake of fire and brimstone which is called the second death and also that none are in that lake untill after Judgement The Devills time of torments are not yet come but are reserved for him till the day of judgement and then shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 20.12 13. that the Devill is not yet in it but faith to Christ why art thou come to torment us
before the time and we never read of any cast into that lake before the judgement day but I pass to the examination of what is said in way of contradiction the which is say you Sodom are new suffering the vengeance of eternal fire from Jude 7. your words are these Iude telleth us say you that Sodom and Gomorrah are suffering the vengeance of eternal fire that is now in misery now the former fire is out which destroyed their bodie Because I have not found you deal fairly with the Scriptures but have wrested them and said that which they say not I shall examine whether Jude 7. say as you say that Sodom and Gomorrah are suffering the vengeance of eternal fire and upon examination I do not find the word ARE in the Verse to that purpose for which ye bring it the Text doth not say they ARE suffering the vengeance of Eternal fire but the Text faith thus Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the Cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to Fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire Now you may see the Text doth not say they ARE suffering of eternal fire but the strength of you reason why they ARE now suffering in Hell is because it faith they ARE 〈◊〉 forth for an example S●V FFERING the vengeance of Eternal fire and because the Text faith S●V FFERING the vengeance that therefore they are now S●V FFERING and in order to a clear answer consider these few things First whether the word S●V FFERING in Scripture may not respect 〈◊〉 the preterperfecttence and not the present 〈◊〉 some place And Secondly whether it was the suffering of the Sodomites in the destroying of their bodies by that fire and brimstone that God rained on them from Heaven be that which is called the example And Thirdly Where you can find any other suffering mentioned that the Sodomites were under save that suffering mentioned in Gen. 19. and Recorded for an example Iude 7. And first to clear this thing see the word SUFFERING in some places of scripture respecteth the Preterfecttence Heb. 2.9 and not the Presenttence James 5.10 for Christs death is said to be a suffering of death a long time after he was dead and alive again and glorified at the right hand of the Father The word suffering sometimes respects not the presenttence but the preterimperfecttence the Prophets are said to be set out for an example of SUFFERING and of p●tience long after their S●V FFERING was over so that the word S●V FFERING is of no strength for you to build your conceit on and the Text in Iude doth not say as you said that they ARE suffering that word you put in to help you but it will not cover you And Secondly that it was the sufferings of the Sodomites bodies by that fire that came down from Heaven is evident because Iude faith that they are set forth for an example now if it be meant of the suffering of the Soulin Hell as you say then I pray what example is it for unusuall judgements are alwayes used for examples but it is no unusuall thing for the souls of ungodly to suffer in Hell now or hereafter according to both our opinions but to see God rain down Fire and Brimstone to destroy a Nation or City that is not usual but a remarkable judgement and therefore set forth for an example and such was that of Sodoms SUFFERING And Thirdly You can never prove any other suffering that was inflicted on Sodom but that on their bodies the which if you can I shall wait on you to see it and so shall pass taking no notice of your Authors supposing that they may possibly be as ignorant as your self And whereas you say in your twentieth page that Jude tells us that they are now suffering I say you do not almost but altogether give the Scripture the lye for the Text doth not say that they ARE now suffering but you say that if the Devills now suffer in hell then it is also plain that Sodom suffereth in hell but you would prove one if you could and include the other that the Devil is not in torments is plain Why art thou come to torment us before the time peradventure you will say that they were not in the depth of torments but you will say they were in some the which I deny that they were in any torments onely cast out of Heaven First The Devil not in Hell viz. the lake which is the second death for then they could nor compass the earth and come before the Lord the which they did because if they had been in hell viz. the lake that they shall in future be put in then they could not have walked to and s●o in the earth nor appeared before God when the Sons of God met together for there is such a gulf that they that are there cannot come before God and when once they come there they shall not have their liberty to walk to and fro but shall be tormented day and night in the lake of Fire and Brimstone and as yet they are called the Prince of the aire and the god of this World but they shall be cast down into the earth and also bound a thousand years and afterwards loosed again before they be cast into that Lake and whereas Peter faith that they were cast down into hell and reserved unto the judgement of the great day I Answer Psal 16.10 Exod. 2.27 and 3.1 Jona 2.2 Isa 5.14 Hell in Scripture is taken several wayes sometimes for the Earth and sometimes for the Sea as Ionah cryed to the Lord out of the belly of Hell the which is meant the sea or the Whale take it which way you please and sometimes it is taken for captivity and whereas you cite the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hell is variously ●aken see Mat. 5.29 and ca. 10.28 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it may be read hill or valley or dale it will not so fully prove the matter as you seem to suppose because if we consider that high place that they did enjoy and the place in which they were cast that is to say without the gate it might fitly be called a deep place or hell and yet not be in that Lake which is the second death no they were reserved in chains to receive their torments at the great day of judgement that is their time as they well know and not before therefore they believe and tremble to consider of their day that is coming and again you conclude that children are guilty of the second death because that Iohn saw small and great stand before God to be judged a very poor reason are all that stand before God to be judged guilty of the second death then all the godly are guilty of the second death for we must all appear before the judgement seat to give an
secret will never intends they should do as first he commanded Pharoah to let Israel go and secondly commanded Abraham to offer up Isaac and did not intend they should do it Answer And to the first that is God did command Pharaoh to let Israel go and yet did not intend he should let them go To which I say God did intend that Pharoah should let them go although God knew that Pharoah at the first would not let them go but Gods fore knowledge that men will do evill is not the cause that they do evil God knew that Cain would stay Abel yet he was not the cause of his so doing But you will say that God hardened Pharoahs heart Answ So he might justly do as I shall shew the cause in the exposition of the Ninth of the Romans if the Lord please but that is not our question but our question is Whether God did intend Pharoah should let Israel go we argue no● the case whether he should have let them go-sooner or later but singly thus whether Pharoah should let Israel go the which I do affi●me that God did intend that Pharaoh should let Israel go and the Lord said that he knew that he would let them go although not at the first as you may see Exod. 3.19 20. and if Pharoah had let them go at the first be had not sinned in so doing yet it pleased God to shew to Moses that he would harden his heart bee use he had hardened himself against him so that Israel must not expect to go presently and yet the Lord sheweth Moses that he would so weary him with his signes that he would make him willing to let Israel go at the last these two things observe First That God intended when he had tryed Pharoah by his signes that he should let Israel go God did not harden Pharoahs heart on purpose to keep Israel from going but because Pharoah had slited the Lord in saying who is the Lord I will not obey his voice and let you go that therefore the Lord did harden Pharoah when first Pharoah had hardened The Scripture saith that Pharoah hardened his heart against the Lord. himself that he might know that the Lord was stronger than he I might spend much time in running thorow the causes of things but of that anon And Secondly take notice this was not Gods secret will namely in appointing Pharoah not to let Israel go when he had commanded him to let them go but it was his revealed will made known to Mosis and Aaron and in the next place I come to examine the matter as touching Gods commanding of Abrahams offering up Isaac and so shall p●ss from this particular to the second Argument I shall be very brief saying that in a sense as beforesaid Abraham did offer up Isaac and also this is not a secret thing because the Scripture saith it was but to try Abraham as I have before proved therefore I pass to the third Argument the second you grant to be true And the third is If Adam in his best condition as he stood in Paradice before the fall were but an earthly Adam In his best estate was but an earthly man man and all his enjoyments earthly then he could loose no more then what he had to loose which was but earthly but Adam in his best condition was and enjoyed but as beforesaid Ergo all that he lost was but earthly enjoyments Your answer seems very weak in my opinion which is say you All sinned in Adam to condemnation or damnation and hence Insants by nature are children of wrath or otherwise say you what is meant by the Hebrew Text in dying thou shalt dye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the which is guilt or cause of punishment or judgment the which may be taken for the first or second death as the Scripture offereth it unto us ndifferently To which I answer and first to the first which is All sinned in Adam say you to condemnation it is very true that for Adams sin all men were condemned for saith God Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return meaning not only Adam but all his Lines and therefore it is appointed once for men to dye for we must needs dye and be like water spilt upon the ground and as I have said the word condemnation will not help you because there is the very same in Luke 23.40 and yet it is only a temporal death and so I am come to the next thing which is That Infants say you are children of wrath by nature If you mean they are children of wrath as in respect to outward punishment we differ not because Gods Justice must be satisfied for God thereupon to inflict it if he sinned but he did sin therefore it must of necessity be punished otherwise Justice not satisfied because there was no Repentance given or required as in reference to that sin but if you suppose that Infants be children of wrath as in respect of punishment to the second Death we much differ and I will give you seven years time to prove it in which time prove it if you can And whereas you ask me what is meant by the Hebrew word in dying thou shalt dye I answer as beforesaid that so soon as Adam had eaten he was in a dying condition and so are all men dying untill they be dead so that in the midst of life we are in death continuing not in one stay and so I come to examime what you say to my fifth Argument which is That opinion which in the extent of it will make the Devil to speak true and God to lye is anabsurd blasphemous opinion but such is the opinion that saith that the Death that God threatned to Adam was the second Death and yet that second Death not inflicted for that sin on Adam and all his Lines so he saith God speaketh falsely and the Devil truth Ergo that opinion an obhor'd blasphemous opinion but the minor is false as you say for say you Although God threatned Adam with eternal death yet he lyed not in inflicting it because his threatens was to dehort Adam from sin not his peremptory resolution but as to Hezekiah and Niniveh To which I answer you have said nothing at all to prove my minor false for as I have said that God did say that if Adam did eat he should dye and that eternally say you but the Devill said that he should not dye viz eternally but Adam did eat now if Adam and his Lines did nor so dye a● God said they should viz eternally as you say then who it was that spake true God or the Devill I leave the Reader to judge God said they should dye but the Devil said they should not surely dye All men did dye the first death or shall be changed which is as death as God did say and so its plain that
account of all that which is done by us whether good or evill for he that hath improved his talent must come and stand before his Lord as well as he that hath not improved it to receive the sentence so that the small standing before God maketh not for you and again you say I deny that there is any yet in glory in the four and thirtieth Page of my Book Answer You do somewhat abuse me and my Book in saying I do deny any yet in glory Some Saints in glory as Enoch Elijah and Christ and possibly Moses and others although David be not yet ascended into Heaven I have not such an expression in the four and thirtieth page as I know of for I am perswaded that Enoch and Elijah and Christ and possibly Moses are at this time in glory although David be not yet ascended into Heaven the summ of what I say in the four and thirtieth page of my Treatise is That although the spirit of man returneth to God that gave it yet without the body is not in capacity or capable of joy this is my judgement or thoughts concerning man before the Resurrection that the Righteous go to sleep in peace and when they awake out of the dust of the Earth All the time of their sleep although they lye many years in the dust it will be but as it were a moment and also the wicked shall lye down in trouble and horror and their troubles will come fresh on them so soon as they awake out of the dust and their time will be also as a moment because there is no remembrance of time or any thing amongst the dead but if any be otherwise minded provided they hold fast the Foundations they may do well for this is nor so material for this we agree in that we shall all arie at the general Resurrection and shall come to judgement and then receive according to what we have done in the body whether it be good or evil and whereas you cite Christs words to the Thief on the Cross which is I say unto thee this day shalt thou be with me in Paradi●e To which I say that all that may be safely gathered from these words is that Christ gave him a promise of Paradice that day not that Christ and the Thief were to be both together in Heaven that same day for Christ d●d not ascend in many dayes after Although Christ said that day to the Thief that he should be with him in Paradice yet it doth not follow that Christ and the Thief were that day to be together in Paradice because he Thief not dead nor Christ ascended that day and it cannot be proved that the Malefactor was dead that day but as to these things I have spoken before both in private conference with you and also I have discovered it in publick and therefore at present shall insist on the next thing only say as to the Saints lying under the Altar Table if you please to resolve this question without doubt What the 〈…〉 is that cryeth for vengeance because the soul is variously taken in Scripture and because Abels blood is said to cry for vengeance and Christ poured out his Soul to death and made his Soul an offering for sin and we know that Christs blood is that which is the offering for sin for without it there were no remission of sins and might also ask you what the Altar Table is and mach more I could say to it but I pass to the next but by the way I cannot but take notice of your merry conceit where you say you could laugh tel me that if Sodom fire wire eternal it must be eternal as God is and then some Creature coeternal with the Creator or to last for ever and then Hell fire and is will becken to each other Although a Fools mouth be full of laughter you have no great cause to laugh at me for saying that the fire that the Sodomiter were destroyed withall was an eternal fire because that Iude faith It was the vengeance of eternal fire that they suffered and also if we consider that God ever was a consuming fire and his breath as a devouring flame and when Tophet is set on fire it shall be by the breath of the Lord. I could say very much as to both these particulars Psal 18.8 Isa 30.27 Dan. 7.10 Heb. 12.29 Psal 97.3 only I leave you to peruse the Scriptures in the margent and so I shall pass to what you say in answer of that of Is 24. of the Kings of the earth being punished on the earth which is say you some were purishedby Assirians and by Babylonians by Persians and Grecians and then hell is past and if this be meant hell how can they be rejected again say you To which I answer and first that this Chapter is a Prophecy of the destruction of the habitations of the earth and of the last Judgement is plain to him that hath his eyes in his head because the Prophet spake of the general Resurrection before he makes an end of his speech and we know order of words proveth nothing in many places and that the Prophet doth carry on his discourse to the state of the general Resurrection see Chapter 25.8 and also Paul speaking of the general Resurrection to the Corinthians Whereas the Prophet spake of punishing of the host of high ones and Kings on the earth and after spea●s of gathering them as prisoners into the pl● is not another thing but the method of the punishment before-mentioned and order of word proves nothing referreth them to this Text saying As it is written Death is swallowed up in victory O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory and whereas you by order of word would prove a visitation after their punishments to be the Gospel in respect of whose glory the Sun and Moon are dim To which I say there is not so much as a colour of truth in it as I conceive and whereas the Text speaketh of gathering them as prisoners into a pit and after many dayes to visit them After he hath spoak of punishing them on the earth therefore you conclude that the visitation is after the punishment To which I answer and say it is no such thing for first he speaks of punishing of them and the place where and then the manner how he will punish them First punish them he will to wit the hoast of high ones that are on high although happily they may think they are too high or out of the wrath of punishment and the Kings of the earth who have lived there in pleasure shall there be punished and as he saith he will punish them and where he will punish them so he sheweth the method of their punishment that is they shall be gathered as prisoners into the pit and then after wards shall be visited that is the Lord will visit them with a due recompence of