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A85737 Svveet and soule-perswading inducements leading unto Christ. Deduced, 1. From the consideration of mans misery, emptinesse, basenesse, and dishonour without Christ. 2. From the meditation of the comforts attending the soules receiving of Christ. 3. From the apprehension of the joy and excellency of Christs living in man: the whole singularly sweetning the meditation of Christ to the soule of man. By Alexander Grosse, minister of Christ. Grosse, Alexander, 1596?-1654. 1642 (1642) Wing G2077; Thomason E120_1; ESTC R209830 364,575 490

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endeavours To open the eyes of men and to turne them from darkenesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgivenesse of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith which is in Christ The translation of the soules of men out of their naturall and corrupt estate into Christs Kingdome is the most sweet and blessed fruite of the Gospell To this also the Lord perswadeth by the proposall of many favours and mercies Turne you unto me saith the Lord and I will turn unto you saith the Lord of Hoasts Turne you unto me as Schollars to your teacher to learne my lawes as children to your Father to reverence my name as Subiects to your Soveraigne to obey my Statutes as Servants to your Lord and Master to do my will turne you unto me by repentance sorrowing for your sins by faith beleeving my Promises by love imbracing me and my testimonies and by obedience keeping my Commandements and I will turne unto you as a King of mercies pardoning you as a loving Father receiving you as a kind and gracious Husband imbracing you as a glorious and shining Sun dispelling all the clouds of sorrow from you as a powerfull and mighty Redeemer delivering you from all them that doe conspire against you God doth ever manifest himselfe very good and gracious to them that turne from their impieties To move men to this the Lord likewise useth very sweet and powerfull expostulations Repent and turne your selves saith the Lord God from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruine cast away from you all your transgressions whereby yee have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why will yee die ô house of Israel for I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the Lord God wherfore turne your selves and live The forsaking of sin is the obtaining of life Sin is the cause of mans ruine repentance the way to peace and eternall happinesse though the ability to repent be Gods gift yet it is the duty of every man to repent and the changing of the heart from sin to holinesse is ever attended with sweet and sure mercies All blessings attend them that come from their naturall and corrupt estate to walke with God in newnesse of life and for this saith St. Peter God having raised up his Son sent him to blesse us in turning away every one of us from our iniquities the translation of man from the state of sin into the state of grace is one of the choysest benefits that cometh by Christ and they are the most blessed and happy among all people whom Christ delivers and turnes from the power and service of their corruption therefore as Sampson burst his wit hs and came away from Dalila so let us burst asunder the wit hs and fetters of our sin and come forth of our naturall and corrupt estate Of all estates to live under the power of sin and to continue a stranger to Christ is the most miserable and unhappy estate 1. An estate of Barrennesse the carnall man is a bad tree and can beare no good fruit a loathsome fountaine and can send forth no cleane water Michals wombe was shut up and she had no child till the day of her death the heart of a carnall man is shut up and continuing in that estate hee brings forth no good fruit all the dayes of his life he is saith Jude a tree twice dead and plucked up by the roots voyd of all the fruits of grace 2. His estate is an estate of exilement from God Adam was exiled Paradise for eating the forbidden fruit the carnall man is exiled Gods presence shut out from all communion with God for feeding and feasting his soule upon sin because stolne waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant unto him such men have no gracious relation unto God no claime nor title to the covenant of God no unfained love to God no likenesse with God and therefore God disclaimes all communion with them he will not acknowledge them 3. It is an estate of enmity the carnall mind is enmity against God man opposeth God and God opposeth man corrupt men are haters of God they hate the very being of God and wish there were no God they hate him in his attributes because he is a wife God and beholds all their impieties because he is a holy God and abhorres their ungodlinesse because he is a just God threatning destruction to their wayes because he is a powerfull God able to dash them in peeces as a Potters vessell with a rod of yron they hate him in his Ordinances in his Ministers in his Servants in all that beare his Image of holinesse and true righteousnesse and God hates them in their qualities in their services in their prayers their best Sacrifice is a loathsome carkasse in Gods nostrils a very abomination before the Lord. 4. It is an estate of slavery to Satan to the world to corruption he that is most sinfull is the veryest slave in the world as many lusts so many Lords and Masters yea cruell tyrants over him leading him captive at the will of Satan Peters being fettered in Herods prison Jeremies lying in the Dungeon Israels servitude under Pharaoh and the Aegyptians being led captive by the Assyrians naked and bare-foot to the reproach of Aegypt is but a slender shadow and weake representation of this thraldome 5. It is an estate of curses the whole pot was a pot of death where the evill herbe was all is a pot of death a pot of curses where sin rules very blessings are turned into curses to them that turne not from their impieties the table is a snare and what should have bin mans welfare becomes his ruine all the meanes of grace are perverted all the labours of Gods Ministers frustrated Jonahs being in the ship disabled the Marriners to bring the Ship unto the shore the dominion of sin in the soule disables the Minister to bring it to the haven of peace we row in vaine all our labour is lost if you forsake not your sin we cannot profit you the holding fast of your impieties turnes the ministry of salvation into an increase of condemnation working death instead of life the very best things proving evill to them that continue without change in their corrupt estate therfore as Hannah prayed to bee delivered from her barrennesse as Absolom longed to see an end of his exilement and to behold the Kings face againe as Israel sighed and groaned to bee eased of their bondage as the men of Tyre and Sidon made Blastus the Kings Chamberlaine their friend and desired peace with Herod and as the Prophet powred meale into the pot and there was no harme in the pot but the pot of death was made a pot of wholesome food a meanes to preserve life
him to love and rejoyce in him in their tongues to speake of him and plead for him in their hands to work that which is good and honourable unto God and in all their abilities therewith to honour him prostrating all under the feet of God referring and using all to the glory of God living and dying as the Apostle saith unto the Lord living as Gods servants framing the whole way and order of their life according to Gods prescription referring their whole life to the glory of God and resting in all the labours and troubles of their life upon God with a firme confidence being assured that God takes care for them and dying as Gods peculiar people patiently submitting to the hand of God in the time of their dissolution firmly depending upon God in the houre of their change heartily desiring that God may be glorified by their death and resting fully assured that their temporall death shall be an entrance into eternall life he who thus fully applies himself to God may assure himself of his being in covenant with God 3. By mans participation of the spirituall and heavenly benefits which the covenant comprehendeth as 1. The donation of the Spirit it is the Lords promise to powre out his Spirit upon all flesh to put his Spirit within us and to cause us to walke in his wayes so that he who is within the Covenant of God hath the Spirit of God quickning and enlivening him as the soule doth enliven the body enlightning and teaching him guiding and leading him into the cleare and comfortable knowledge of all truth as the guide leades the Traveller into the knowledge of the way wherein he is to walke regenerating and renewing him sanctifying and cleansing him as the water doth the flesh and the fire the mettall revealing Christ in him and making Christ appeare very glorious and amiable in his apprehension as the most glorious Sun the choysest pearle and most renowned Prince even the fairest of ten thousand making the soule full of longings after him and sick of love towards him uniting and joyning him unto Christ as the branch to the vine as a member to the head to be enlivened by Christ and to participate of all the benefits which flow from Christ ruling and guiding him as a Pilot his Ship framing and working his heart to an universall holy and humble submission to the will of God as the hand of the learner is guided by the teacher to write according to the whole copy set before him To him that is within the Covenant the Spirit of God is a Spirit of life mortifying the old and quickning the new man Water washing refreshing and making his soule spiritually fruitfull Fire purging and consuming his remaining lusts and making his heart to burne with love to God and man oyle of gladnesse filling his soule with spirituall alacrity and cheerfulnesse and a seale and earnest penny assuring him of his future blisse and peace in Heaven and this communication of the Spirit is an undoubted pledge of mans being within the Covenant 2. A second benefit comprised under the Covenant is Communion with the Saints all that are within the Covenant have a mutuall sweet and gracious fellowship with God and among themselves That which we have seen and heard saith S. John declare we unto you that you may have fellowship with us and that our fellowship may be with the Father and his Sonne Jesus Christ He that is within the Covenant hath communion with God the Father by adoption as a childe with the Parent by participation receiving of the Fathers fulnesse and bearing his Image by holy walking having his conversation in Heaven walking with God as Enoch and Noah did by invocation as a Petitioner with the King being a daily earnest suter to the throne of grace by Faith living and walking by faith and not by sight and also by Love God dwelling in love as the Apostle speakes Hee that is within the Covenant hath communion with Christ by participation of Christ and his benefits by dwelling in Christ and Christ in him being joyned with Christ in a spirituall wedlocke Christ assuming him into his grace and making him a member of his body bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh as S. Paul speakes expressing their neare union and sweet communion with Christ who are within the covenant of God He that is within this covenant hath also communion with the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God dwelling in him regenerating and renewing him witnessing his adoption helping his infirmity sealing up the pardon of his sin and restoring him to more spirituall liberty and freedome and hee hath likewise communion with all the Saints and faithfull Servants of the Lord being partakers of one Spirit living members under one Head having the same love being of one mind and of one accord their prayers meeting mutually each for other at one and the same throne of grace all building by one rule all travelling by one light all acting and moving by one Spirit all feeding upon one word all fighting under one Banner all running one race and all serving one Prince of peace they have fervent love one to another singular delight each in other and a very sweet and gracious communion one with another and this holy and joyfull communion with the Saints of God abundantly argues mans being within the Covenant of God 3. A third benefit comprised under the Covenant is Regeneration the sanctifying and restoring our corrupt nature to the image of God a worke of God in all that are within the Covenant a parcell of Gods promise to put his law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts to make a sutablenesse betweene them and his Law to worke such holines in their hearts as should in some good proportion answer that holinesse which the Law prescribeth and this is requisite to mans being within the Covenant because without this he cannot know God he cannot be the friend of God hee cannot please God nor have any communion with God he that is farre from holinesse is farre from interest in Gods Promise The captive woman under the Law had her apparell changed before an Israelitish Souldier could assume her into a covenant of wedlock man under the Gospell must put off the old-man and put on the new ere he can have interest in Gods Covenant the more fully freely and constantly man conformes himselfe to Gods precepts the surer is his evidence of title to Gods promise He whose obedience to the Law of God is voluntary without compulsion cordiall without dissimulation universall without the allowance of any evill humble without all ostentation cheerfull free from all repining sincere without any by or sinister intention and constant without back-sliding may rest assured of being received into Gods Covenant 4. A fourth benefit comprised under the Covenant by which man may discerne his being within the Covenant is
terriblenesse of God without Christ Iesus Christs comming in the Gospell would be unspeakably joyfull 4. Looke upon the frustration of all the Ordinances of God and labours of Gods Ministers by mens not receiving of Christ in the Gospell He that doth not receive and embrace Christ preached in the Gospell annihilates all the labour of Gods messenger had not Rebeckah received Isaac to husband she had frustrated all the labour of Eleazar the servant of Abraham If we receive not Christ to husband we frustrate the labour of the Ministers the Lords servants Should not Abner have brought about Israel unto David he had lost his labour his communication with the Elders of Israel and his speaking in the eares of Benjamin had been in vaine Thus all our preaching all our speaking in the cares of men is in vaine if they be not brought about to Christ if they doe not truly subject themselves to Christ if they receive not Christ as their spirituall King for what is the end of our preaching but to espouse you to Christ to worke you to the receiving and embracing of Christ as the husband of your soules and to present you as a chaste virgin unto Christ besides all your hearing all your attendance upon the word is vaine it is all hypocrisie and vaine ostentation if you receive not Christ Iacobs sonnes had gone to Egypt in vaine if they had returned empty handed and not carried home provision with them You come to the Well in vaine if you drinke not if you carry home no water with you you come to Gods house to Gods treasury to the wels of salvation in vaine if you returne empty hearted if you receive not if you carry not home Christ with you in your hearts all your labour is lost The temporall curse denounced on the people by the Prophet Haggai is in a spirituall sence fulfilled in such Ye have sowne much and bring in little ye eat but ye have not enough ye drinke but ye are not filled with drinke ye cloath you but there is none warme and he that earneth wages earneth to put it in a broken bag with holes Thus in this case much is heard much spirituall seed is sowne but little or no fruit is reaped they eat much they heare much but there is no spirituall filling their worldly thirst is not quenched their soule is not satisfied in Christ there is no warmth no love no zeale for Christ no burning of heart in hearing no fervency in supplication all that the Minister hath provided and dispensed for the soules enrichment it is all put in a broken bag with holes it is all lost it runnes out as fast as it is powred in if we recive not Christ in the Gospell all our hearing is worth nothing 5. Meditate upon the dignity excellency utility and comfort of receiving and embracing Christ in the Gospell 1. Christ received in the Gospell giveth life unto the soule Hee quickned Lazarus by his corporall voice accompanied with the power of his God-head he quickeneth the soule by his Evangelicall voice attended with the lively operation of his Spirit the Gospell is the externall instrument and meanes by which Christ liveth in the soule therefore is the Gospell called the word of life revealing and effecting life in Gods chosen Christ hath in himselfe all life our life is hid in Christ as the life of the branch is hidden in the roote and he that hath the sonne hath life hee that hath the Son in the Gospell as in the seed of his regeneration as in the instrument of his conversion as in the warlike weapon by which are throwne downe all the strong and mighty holds of Satan as in the Scepter by which Christ doth sway within him and bind and bow his heart unto subjection He that hath Christ in his heart by faith and love as a root of life living in him as a fountaine filling him with his fulnesse as a King sitting up his throne within him as a bridegroome betrothing himselfe unto him he hath life but he that hath not the sonne hath not life The evill of neglecting Christ in the Gospell is no lesse then eternall death and destruction 2. Christ received in the Gospell giveth light spirituall heavenly and comfortable light the receiving of the Sunne giveth light to the body the receiving of the Sun of Righteousnesse giveth light to the soule he that doth not embrace Christ in the Gospell hath no light but all darknesse within him 3. Christ received in the Gospell giveth health health of soule Here he commeth with healing in his wings the Angell in Bethesda cured the bodily impotent in the Gospell Christ cureth them that are spiritually diseased here he openeth the eyes of the understandings which are blinded strengthens the hand of faith which is withered rectifies the feet of the affections which are crooked purgeth away the leprosie of the soule which is defiled Christ by the Gospell as by a spirituall Iordan works many blessed cures upon the soules of Gods people 4. Christ received in the Gospell giveth honour He makes them that receive him in the Gospell the sonnes of God by adoption the friends of God by revelation of the will and mind of God unto them heires of God for that incorruptible inheritance whereof he makes them partakers the Lords free-men free from the guilt and punishment of sinne free from the power and dominion of sinne free from the tyranny and captivity of Satan free from the curse and rigour of the Law and free to serve God with an ingenuous and free spirit Kings and Priests to God for their dignity and dominion and for their holy and gracious consecration unto God high and excellent is the honour which Christ communicates to them that truly receive him in the ministery of the Gospell 5. Christ received in the Gospell giveth riches unsearchable riches riches which the wit of man cannot find out incomparable riches to which all the riches of the earth is not to be compared that knowledge faith and love which is farre more excellent then the gold that perisheth The poorest Lazar receiving Christ in the Gospell is endowed with greater riches then the wealthiest Dives in the world not embracing him 6. Christ received in the Gospell giveth prosperity the Arke received into Obed-Edoms house caused all that he had to prosper Crist received into the soule maketh the whole man prosperous he makes him prosper in hearing in prayer in meditation in the use of all Gods Ordinances as the tree prospers that is planted by the waters side he makes him prosper in all his undertakings whatsoever he doth shall prosper all the affaires of soule and body are made successefull and prosperous through the blessed presence of Christ Iesus He makes him prosper in the inward man making him victorious over all his corruptions replenishing him with all heavenly
Stars in the night season communicate the fulnesse of the Sunne to the aire and inhabitants of the earth the Ministers as Starres in the right hand of Christ the Sunne of Righteousnesse communicate to the soules of men the fulnesse of Christ Jesus in the night of this world we are all strangers to Christ Jesus without the Lords Ministers Christ is hidden from that people which enjoy not the ministery of the Gospell Gods Ministers by their labours communicate the knowledge of Christ as the Embassador communicates the knowledge of the King and of his mind God saith the Apostle who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse hath shined into our hearts to give the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus God is knowne in and through Christ as a man is knowne in and by his face We know an earthly Father in the face of his Sonne begotten by him we know God as a father of mercies only and through the face of Christ Jesus we see the face of man in a glasse in the Gospell in the labours of Gods Ministers we behold as in a glasse the face of Christ Jesus Christ is a storehouse in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisedome The Ministers have the ministeriall key of knowledge to open Christ unto the people Christ is a living fountaine a well of salvation a well sealed and shut up in the Scriptures Jacob rowled away the stone from the mouth of the well and gave Labans flocke water to drinke the Minister rowles away the stone removes the obscurity of the Scripture opens and interprets it and makes the people drinke of Christ the true and everliving fountaine the Ministers communicate the faith of Christ as Gods instruments the worke of faith in men the man of God by his prayer restored Jeroboams withered hand the Minister by his preaching and prayer restores the hand of faith in the heart of man formerly withered dryed up and of no use Faith commeth by hearing Who is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye beleeved even as the Lord gave to every man The Ministers communicate the life of Christ to men Christ by his corporall voice called Lazarus out of his grave by his Evangelicall voice by his word in the mouth of his Ministers he cals the soules of men out of the grave of sinne the dead in sinne heare the voice of the Sonne of God in the Gospell and they that heare live The ministery of the Gospell is the instrument of the soules vivification a meanes of Christs living in them that are Gods children the Ministers communicate the love of Christ Christ gives his love to the soule of man in the ministery of his word Isaac gave the pledges of his love to Rebeckah by Eleazar his father Abrahams servant Christ gives the pledges of his love to his Spouse the Church by the Ministers God his fathers servants by them he woeth and espouseth them unto himselfe and in the banquetting house of his ordinances his banner over them is love the Ministers communicate the peace of Christ the Embassador speaks words of peace from the King and communicates the Kings peace unto the people the Minister the Embassador of Christ the Prince of peace preacheth peace by Iesus Christ to the soules of men The Lord hath created ordained and appointed the fruit of his lips to be peace to them that are nigh and to them that are afar off Christ feeding the multitude corporally distributed bread unto them by his Disciples Christ feeding the soules of men spiritually with himselfe the true bread of life come downe from heaven communicates himselfe to men by the labours of his Ministers Abraham by the hands of his servants ministred jewels and bracelets to Rebeckah God by his Ministers communicates many spiritual and heavenly jewels even the whole treasury of Christ Jesus to his faithfull Church and servants whom he joynes in wedlocke with his sonne Manifold sweet and gracious are Gods dispensations of his Sonne by the labours of his Ministers Christ in and by the ministery of the Gospell is made very conspicuous and glorious in the eyes of the people very great is their blessednesse who have Christ communicated to them by the labours of Gods Ministers 2. In regard of the evils from which God delivers man by the labours of his Ministers God delivered the woman of Shunems sonne from bodily death by the ministery of the Prophet the Lord delivers the soule of man from spirituall death from being dead in sinnes by the labour of his Ministers the ministery of the Gospell is the instrumentall cause of the first resurrection the word is termed a word of life declaratively revealing life and operatively as an instrument working life God delivered Paul from his bodily blindnesse by the hands of Ananias he delivers man from spirituall blindnesse by the doctrine of his messengers by their instruction he opens their eyes and turnes them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God The Lord delivered Peter from Herods prison by the ministery of the Angell He delivers man from Satans prison and bondage by the worke of his Ministers by this as by a warlike weapon he casts downe the holds of sinne Satan fals like lightening from heaven and the soules of men partake of spirituall freedome as Goliah fell before David with a stone out of Davids sling so doth Satan before the Minister of the Lord with the word of God out of their mouth God delivered Naaman from his leprosie in Iordan and the impotent from their infirmities in Bethesda The Lord in and by the Gospell sanctifies the soules of his children this washeth away their uncleannesse this heales their infirmities this makes them new creatures Christ by his voice appeased the stormy tempest and gave a calme to his Disciples Christ by his Gospell appeaseth the tempestuous and perplexed consciences of his servants and brings them into a haven of spirituall peace and quietnesse He makes his Ministers as an Angell of God and one of a thousand to the afflicted soule comming like Noahs Dove with an Olive branch quieting him that is tossed upon the deluge of trouble turning his perplexity into peace his feare into confidence and his sorrow into sweet rejoycings God abundantly declares his dispensation of blessings by his Ministers through the removall of evils by their labours The Gospell is the choisest instrument averting evill foule and shamefull perplexing and mortall are the plagues and miseries resting upon them that neither enjoy nor regard the labours of Gods Ministers 3. In regard of the blessed state and condition whereinto God puts man by the labours of his Ministers The estate of man under the Gospell making a true use of the doctrines and instructions of Gods messengers is an estate of blessings The blessing
Shunems sonne that was dead He lay upon the childe and his mouth upon the childes mouth and his eyes upon the childes eyes and his hands upon the childes hands he stretched himselfe upon the childe and the flesh of the childe waxed warme the childe neesed and opened his eyes Christ applyeth himselfe and his benefits to the understandings of men to the soules and consciences of men and their cold hearts are warmed their blind eyes are opened their soules are enlivened and Christ lives within them raising them from the death of sinne and restoring them to the life of God from which they are alienated by sinne therefore Saint John saith He that hath not the Sonne hath not life He that hath not the Son graciously possessing him spiritually quickning him powerfully working upon him and causing a holy change in him he hath not life the life of God that holy and gracious life which God through Christ communicates to the soules of his servants but he that hath the Sonne he that beleeveth in the Sonne is united to the Sonne and hath the Sonne living in him he hath life he is spiritually quickened and enlivened And God saith the Apostle hath given us eternall life and this life is in his Sonne God hath placed this and the fulnesse of all divine and heavenly good things in his Sonne he dispenseth all these by the Sonne that no man may live before him without the Sonne living in him and the Sonne is called Life having in himselfe the fulnesse of all life having the power of life and death being the Authour and the root of life in all them that live the life of grace no man comming to the Father receiving life from the Father finding grace and favour with the Father but in and through the Sonne who is to us the Way the Truth and the Life the way by whom we walk the truth by whom we are guided and the life by whom we are quickned called by Saint Paul our life because we live not the life of grace of our selves but by Christ It is a life which ariseth not from our flesh but is derived to us from Christ Christ liveth in us begetteth preserveth and perfecteth this life in all beleevers and for this end Christ came that all the chosen of God might have life and that they might have it more abundantly Ministring not onely an inchoation but a daily increase of the life of grace untill they come to the life of glory and Christ is termed eternall life having life eternall in himselfe working life eternall and living for ever in us we enjoying the true and eternall God in and through Christ And Christ liveth in all them that are the children of God 1. By way of Originall The life of grace is originally from Christ Christ being not only the Author of this life with the Father and the Holy-Ghost but also the root of this life in us living in us as the root liveth in the branches as the parent liveth in the childe therefore Christ is called the vine and we the branches As the life of the branches is originally in the vine so is our life originally in Christ and as the branches live by the vine living in them so we live by Christ living in us And the Apostle termeth the second Adam which is Christ a quickning spirit For as the life of the body of man is originally from the soule the soule quickning and living in the body so the life of grace is originally from Christ Christ spiritually quickening and living in all beleevers and as the body without the spirit is dead so is man without Christ spiritually dead in sins 2. By way of Coniunction Christ liveth in vs by being united to us and made one with us The stocke liveth in the graft by union with the graft we being taken out of the wilde Olive separated from our naturall and corrupt estate called and gathered home to Christ and grafted in the true Olive we live in him and he lives in us If ye abide in me and I in you ye shall bring forth much fruit saith Christ If ye be united unto me and I united unto you then you shall live and be very fruitfull By being built upon Christ the living stone they become lively stones 3. By way of influence infusion and transmission The heavens by an influence into the earth doe quicken and enliven the earth and make all the seeds and roots hidden in the earth to revive and put themselves forth to sprout and flourish there is an influence going forth from the Sun of righteousnesse into the soules of men reviving and quickning them and making them of dead to become living of barren to become fruitfull To you saith the Lord shall the Sun of Righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings and ye shall goe forth and grow up as the calves of the stall There is an influence goeth forth from the skill seated in the mind and strength seated in the hand of the Artificer which passeth upon the worke whereby he moulds and fashions it and sets a stamp upon it according to his pleasure Thus there is a heavenly influence a holy vertue and power comming from Christ and his Spirit that new moulds and fashions that mightily quickens and enlivens the soule of man by which Christ sets his owne Image upon man and this is called the power of Christs Resurrection That I may know him saith Paul and the power of his Resurrection that I may know Christ and be made partakers of the good things which come by Christ that I may know him as a Prophet instructing me as a Priest sanctifying me as a King reigning spiritually within me and that I may know the power of his Resurrection in the vivification of my soule in the abolition of my sinne in the taking away of the guilt of my transgression in the acquisition of righteousnesse and in the restoring of me to the assured hope of future glory and immortality There is a virtue flowes from the Resurrection of Christs body from the grave to the resurrection of the soules of men from the death of sinne As Christ was raised from the death by the glory of the Father even so should we walke in newnesse of life saith the Apostle and this influence of Christ into the soule of man is called the exceeding greatnesse of his power an exceeding great power for the omnipotency of the Agent for the mightinesse of the Devill sinne death and the world who are overcome by it for the greatnesse of the holy and gracious change wrought thereby in the soules of men changing the whole frame of the hearts of men from death to life from darknesse to light from bondage to liberty from uncleannesse to holinesse from earthlinesse to heavenlinesse and by this powerfull and mighty influence doth Christ live in
twice dead and plucked up by the roots according to Saint Jude Every man is a sinfull dead man that hath not Christ graciously enlivening him and this is a great misery a condition of manifold discomforts an estate of great unhappinesse the dead according to the flesh sees nothing of all that sweet and glorious light which the Sun casteth forth upon him the dead in sinne hath no comfortable apprehension of Christ shining in the Gospell more gloriously then the Sunne Christ in the Gospell is altogether hidden from them that have not Christ living in them The dead saith Salomon know not any thing The dead in sinne know not any thing of the wisedome of Christ guiding them of the death of Christ mortifying their lusts of the resurrection of Christ quickning their soules of the dominion of Christ reigning in their hearts of the holinesse of Christ sanctifying their affections nor of the fulnesse of Christ satisfying their desires Prophane persons are altogether empty of the knowledge of Christ Jesus In death saith the Psalmist there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks Under the death and in the grave of sinne there is no remembrance of Christ he is not in all their thoughts they thinke not upon him as the traveller upon the guide leading them as the rich man upon the treasure enriching them as the Bride upon the Bridegroome marrying them Christ with carnall persons like David among his carnall acquaintance is forgotten as a dead man out of minde and like a broken vessell Can a maid saith the Lord forget her Ornaments or a Bride her attire yet my people have forgotten me dayes without number Christ the ornament and attire of the soule of man is forgotten by carnall people as dead men are unmindfull of their apparell 3. The dead are unsensible of all diseases they have no feeling of any burthens Man alienated from Christ and the life of God is past feeling he feeles not his sinne as a heavy burden oppressing him he feeles not Satan as an enemy buffeting him as a Tyrant molesting and captivating him his conscience as a witnesse accusing and a Judge condemning him it is seared with a hot iron Mans unsensiblenesse of his owne wretchednesse argues his unhappy and great estrangement from Christ Jesus 4. The body separated from the soule is an unprofitable lump a loathsome carkasse the soule separated from Christ is an unfruitfull branch separated from the Vine an unprofitable member rent from the body a loathsome object in Gods sight uncleane corrupt abominable and doing no good as the Psalmist speakes The whole man separate from Christ Jesus is a vessell full of all uncleannesse his best service like the savour of a dead man is unsavoury in Gods nostrils 5. The dead is uncapable of the food set before him his body fals to the ground cleaves unto the earth and resolveth into dust Man that hath not Christ living in him is uncapable of the meanes of grace his soules food he thrives not by the ministery of the word his soule is leane and ill-favoured still like Pharaohs leane Kine after their eating of the fat the Quailes choaked the Israelites they proved not a nourishing but a destroying food unto them The word proves the savour of death unto death to him that is separated from the Lord of Life All that are without Christ are fallen from God unto the world they minde onely earthly things they resolve into the very dust they are buried under the world as a dead man under the earth The World hath the full possession of them the sole Lordship over them nothing but the World suites with them nothing but the earth is savoury to them 6. The body without the soule moves not walks not Man without Christ hath no motion no inclination unto God makes no progresse in the way to life Lazarus moved not walked not untill Christ raised him Man moves not in the way towards God and Heaven untill Christ gives him part in the first Resurrection Man in the state of corruption like Israel in the Prophet is bent unto backesliding Mans continuance in sinne increaseth his estrangement from God The longer man lives in the state of corruption the farther he removes from Heaven the greater is the distance between him and salvation Lastly in a word a dead man is offensive to the house where he is hath no communion with the living hath lost all his dignity and priviledges which he enjoyed in his life time can doe nothing for his owne defence but is exposed to the foot to tread upon him to the fowles of the aire to devoure him Thus the carnall man that is without Christ is an offence to them that live the life of grace hath no spirituall communion with Gods children is estranged from all the Prerogatives and dignities belonging to the living members of Christ unable to doe any thing in defence of himselfe against the adversaries of his soule being exposed and laid open as a very prey to Satan And thus mans Alienation from the life of grace and holinesse shewes his great misery in being estranged from Christ Jesus 2. Man that is without Christ is without Light He that is without the Sunne is in darknesse He that is without the Sun of Righteousnesse is in darknesse and the shadow of death There is no oyle of saving knowledge no Starre of spirituall Light shining in the house and region of his soule Of such our Saviour saith they have not knowne the Father nor me They have not knowne the Father as a spirituall Parent regenerating them as a heavenly King reigning and ruling within them as a gracious dweller possessing furnishing and adorning their soules with his gifts and graces as a dweller possesseth and furnisheth his house They have not known the Father in his Word adoring him according to his prescription in his Sacrament as the Master of a feast in his banqueting house feasting and feeding them in his precepts as a Lord and Master fearing him nor in his promises as a sure and faithfull friend resting and relying upon him Neither have they knowne me they have not knowne me in my natures as God and Man in one Person in my Offices as their Prophet instructing them as their Priest offering my selfe a sacrifice for them as their King bearing spirituall dominion within them as their Mediator bringing them night to God making reconciliation between them and God they have not knowne me in my sufferings being crucified together with me in my exaltations being planted with the likenes of my Resurrection in my communications being filled with my fulnesse solaced with my comforts and revived and cheered up with my blessed presence very miserable is the carnall mans ignorance of God and Christ Jesus Therefore stiled darkenesse not darke but darkenesse it selfe Ye were once darkenesse universally darke wholly darke having
man is destitute both of faith and of a godly life his faith like Jeroboams hand is withered he cannot reach it forth to apprehend Christ and the promise of life in Christ Though carnall man live within the pale of the Church and come to the House and Table of the Lord yet like him in the Parable that came to the wedding feast without a wedding garment he hath not put on Christ Christs righteousnesse doth not cloathe him and therefore is an unwelcome guest the dainties there provided doe neither profit him nor belong unto him his faith is a dead faith it doth not purifie him it makes him not victorious over Satan and the world he continues as a dead man in the house having no claime nor title to the things of the house The foolish Virgins wanting oyle in their lamps were not acknowledged by Christ he did not open to them he gave them no admission Profession without faith and obedience gives no interest in Christ nor finds any acceptance with Christ he that breakes the conditions of the covenant can justly claime nothing by the covenant The covenant from which prophane men are excluded is the Covenant of grace by which God appointeth a heavenly inheritance to his adopted children through the death of his Sonne Jesus Christ interveening The matter of this covenant is the promise of God to become our God in Christ and the promise of man to beleeve in God through Christ and to walke with God in newnesse of life The forme of this covenant consisteth in a mutuall obligation of God to man and of man to God The Object of this covenant is properly the elect effectually called it is offered to all to whom the Gospell is preached the elect alone have the true and comfortable fruition of it The moving cause of this covenant is the meere mercy and free favour of God the impulsive cause hereof is the merit of Christ by whose intercession alone all the elect are reconciled unto God the finall cause is the glory of God and the salvation of his chosen the Adiunct of it is perpetuity an everlasting covenant a covenant of wedlocke which never shall be ended And to this covenant all corrupt and carnall men as long as they continue such are strangers they are strangers to the comfortable and experimentall knowledge of it they doe not know themselves reconciled unto God in Christ Jesus they are strangers to the matter of it they doe not know God to be their God their treasure their crowne and comforter neither doe they know themselves to be Gods peculiar people by a lively faith in God by fervent love towards God by holy and humble walking and gracious communion with God nor by Christian application of themselves with all their might to the service of God and strangers they are to the fruits and effects of the covenant mentioned by the Prophet Ieremy as inscription of the Law in their hearts illumination of their understandings remission of their sinnes holy and constant feare not to offend God stedfast perseverance in the wayes of God and divine dispensation of all things to worke for the best unto them and thus they are very unhappy strangers to the covenants of promise CHAP. XVI Displaying the misery and uncomfortablenesse of Mans estate without the Covenant IN this is very fully opened the misery and uncomfortablenesse of every corrupt and carnall mans estate Mans sole and onely hope and expectation of comfort is from the free and gracious Promise of God in Christ he hath no other staffe to sustaine him no other Star to send forth any glimpse of consolation to him no other well from whence to draw any water of refreshment yet even from this is the carnall man excluded he hath no interest in this covenant and having no interest in this covenant He is 1. A stranger to Christ and to that salvation which cometh by Christ Christ saveth onely such as come within the covenant the Promise of salvation by Christ is to them whom God shall call from death to life from darknesse to light from bondage to liberty and from uncleannesse to holinesse according to that of the Lord by the Prophet to our Saviour I the Lord have called thee to the Office of a Mediatour in righteousnesse my Justice moving me to fulfill my gracious Promise I will hold thine hand I will helpe thee I will minister strength unto thee to fulfill this office I will keepe thee from suffering untill the time appointed and in thy suffering that thou despaire not and give thee for a Covenant a Mediatour of the people and a light a Saviour to the Gentiles to open the blind eyes to enlighten their understandings by the preaching of the Gospell to bring out the prisoners from the prison and them that sit in darknesse from the prison-house to set mine elect free from the power of Satan dominion of sin and feare of Hell Now carnall men who are without the covenant have not Christ a Mediatour reconciling them to God an enlightner of their understandings nor a restorer of their soules to spirituall freedome Christ is not unto them life quickning them a Rocke supporting them Righteousnesse cloathing them a Husband marrying them and a Fountaine filling them but they are without Christ as a House without a Foundation as Members without a Head as Captives wi●hout a Ransomer and as a forsaken woman without a Husband The woman which is not under the covenant of wedlock hath no Husband the soule which is not under the covenant of grace hath no Jesus no Deliverer no Salvation by Christ 2. He remaines empty of all spirituall and heavenly gifts his soule is in empty house wherin dwels no good thing he is a stranger to all Gods gracious and soule-saving communications he that is not in covenant with the King that refuseth the Oath of Allegiance to the King is excluded from communion with the King and from all such Prerogatives and favours as the King grants to them that are in covenant with him such as are not in covenant with God like Absolom in another case cannot see the Kings face the face of God doth not shine but frowne upon them they sit in darkenesse and the shadow of death God doth not reveale himselfe clearely and graciously unto them the great things of his Law are a strange thing unto them they have no discerning of the things of God the Lord sends them away empty from his house and from his Ordinances after their long living within the pale of the Church and long attendance upon the Gospell and often being at the Lords feast of marrow and of fat things they continue like Pharaohs leane kine after their eating the fat as leane as ever blind poore naked miserable and wretched as Christ speaketh Gods graces are dispenced with his Covenant thou shalt breake forth on the right hand and on the
fulnesse communicating to him peace and reconciliation with God and tranquillity of conscience He that receives the Lord Iesus like Joseph hath the Lord with him and is a prosperous man Mans not embracing Christ Iesus exposeth him to all plagues and curses in his soule in his body in all his services all blessing attends the holy and gracious embracement of Christ all curses follow the prophane refusall of Christ 7. Christ received in the Gospell sweetens and sanctifies all afflictions the tree sweetened the waters of Marah Christ takes away the bitternesse of affliction from the soule which beleevingly entertaines him he makes them see light in darknesse he sends them water out of the hard and stony rocke he gives them honey out of the belly of Lyons Meat out of the Eater and sweet out of the sowre he makes them sing in prison he makes them glory in tribulation he turnes the fiery furnace into a Paradise he so takes away the evill of affliction that it doth no more harme them then Nebuchadnezzars fire did the three children his affliction that enjoyes Christ in the Gospell is more pleasant and joyous then the carnall mans peace that shuts his heart against Christ peace without Christ is full of trouble trouble with Christ is full of consolation 8. Christ received in the Gospell giveth comfort holy sweet and sure comfort In the Arke was the pot of Manna in Christ is the treasure of all true comfort Christ in the Gospell makes a feast for his faithfull receivers a feast of fat things of wines on the lees of fat things full of marrow of wines on the lees well refined Of all comforts such have most fulnesse and sweetnesse as are ministred by Christ Jesus all others like Iobs friends prove miserable Comforters if Christ doth not comfort us Christ received in the Gospell comforteth the soules of his servants as a nurse her children feeding them as a Physitian his patients healing them as a mercifull King his delinquent and humbled subjects pardoning them as a teacher his schollers filling them with heavenly wisedome as a Bridegroome his Bride speaking graciously to them making them sensible of his love towards them replenishing them with strong and everlasting consolation his estate is of all mens the most joyfull who hath the most full and sweet enjoyment of Christ in the Gospell Perplexities distractions and convulsions of soule and conscience are infallible attendants of the neglect and refusall of Christ Iesus he that shuts his eyes against the Sun abides in darknesse he that shuts his heart against Christ abides in heavinesse 9. Christ received in the Gospell giveth satisfaction The Sunne satisfieth the eye with light the fountaine satisfieth the thirsty with water the pearle satisfied the Merchant in the parable with treasure Christ in the Gospell satisfieth the soule with wisedome in the understanding with holy and sweet meditations in the mind with the sence of his love in the heart with the treasure of spirituall gifts in the affections with sure and blessed peace in the conscience He that rightly possesseth Christ in the Gospell may say as Iacob did I have enough Christ in the Gospell is a living spring he that drinks of him shall thirst no more He is an al-sufficient portion to them that enjoy him he that seeks contentation with the neglect of Christ in his Gospell seekes for water to quench his thirst in a broken cesterne The soule is restlesse and never truly contented untill Christ is enjoyed the house without the husband seemes an empty place to the wife the world without Christ proves an empty thing to the soule 10. Christ received in the Gospell is an abiding substance to the soule he is an everlasting father he will never forget us he is a husband for ever he will never cease to love us he is a faithfull friend loving at all times his love is a Sunne that knowes no setting his gifts are t without repentance his grace an immortall seed that never dyes a well-spring springing up to life everlasting All that is without Christ is full of vanity and changes only Christ is a possession of everlasting continuance the meditation of all which should sweetly allure and draw us graciously dispose and frame us and mightily perswade and move us to give Christ a joyfull welcom comming to us in his Gospell 6. Fastening our frequent and most serious thoughts upon the brevity and vanity of the life of man Man hath no abiding City here he flourisheth like Ionahs gourd in an evening and is smitten and withered in the morning Death like the waters of the red sea drownes all onely Christ makes a safe passage through death for his Israel for all that receive him the Arke divided Iordan and Israel went dry and safe over to Canaan Christ makes a ready way for all that beleevingly entertaine him through the horrours of death to the heavenly kingdome death like the deluge spares none as Noah therefore betooke himselfe to the Arke and was preserved so let us betake our selves to Christ that we may be preserved from the second death all they who were out of the Arke perished in the waters all they that are out of Christ will perish in the deluge of Gods vengeance the Lord Jesus is the soules onely refuge and deliverance Behold saith the Lord by Moses in another case to morrow about this time I will cause it to raine a very grievous hayle such as hath not been in Egypt from the foundation thereof untill now Send therefore now and gather thy cattell and all that thou hast in the field for upon every man and beast that shall be found in the field and shall not be brought home the hayle shall come downe upon them and they shall dye He that feared the word of the Lord among them made his servants and his cattell flee into the houses and he that regarded not the word of the Lord left his servants and his cattell in the field and they were all smitten and died Thus in this case behold to morrow ere long very shortly the Lord will cause a mighty raine he will raine downe snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest send therefore now and gather your soules your selves your friends husbands wives children servants kindred and neighbours unto Christ get yee interest in Christ hide your selves by faith and love in Christ for upon every soule of man that shall not be found in Christ upon every parent and childe husband and wife master and servant young and old bond and free that shall not be brought home to Christ the haile fire and brimstone of Gods wrath shall come downe upon them and they shall dye both the first and the second death and now I know that he that feares the word of the Lord among you will flee to Christ give all diligence to receive and entertaine Christ to get a sure and
friends and welwishers of Christ much desire and with great earnestnesse endeavour gird thy sword upon thy thigh saith the Psalmist in the person of the faithfull unto Christ O most mighty shew thy selfe in thy word and Gospell like a mighty man of warre fully armed to mortifie the lusts to humble the soules and to bring into subjection all the thoughts of thy servants and doe this in thy glory and in thy maiesty make thy selfe appeare dreadfull and glorious by the powerfull and gracious effects of thy Gospell and in thy majesty ride upon the word of truth the Gospell of salvation prosperously Be thou successefull in the preaching of the Gospell for the speedy and universall manifestation of it to all people for the profligating and putting to flight of all false doctrines and corrupt worship as the Sunne doth dispell the clouds and Aarons rod devoured the Magitians serpents for the reclaiming and gathering home the soules of men as the shepheard gathereth home the sheep by his voice for the healing of the diseased soules of men as Bethesda healed the diseased bodies for the setting up of thy throne in their hearts to raigne and rule within them as a King reigneth in his Throne Christs blessed successe in the ministery of the Gospell is both the wish and prayer joy and labour of all that love him He is a very stranger to Christs kingdome that seekes not Christs exaltation The true members of Christ preferre the welfare of Christs Church kingdome and Gospell above the welfare of their owne estate and person As the arme lifteth up it selfe to receive the blow rather then it shall fall upon the head such as clearly discerne and truly taste Christ in the Gospell are very solicitous to uphold Christs kingdome and propagate his Gospell Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seeke thy good saith David to Jerusalem because the doctrine of salvation is there published the worship of God there erected and God there manifested and made knowne I will seeke thy good I will endeavour thy safety I will doe what in me lies to uphold the doctrine there taught and the worship there established I will seeke the good thereof by prayer and supplication by advice and counsell by communicating whatsoever is behoofull either for the supportation honour or comfort of it A good man will not willingly keep backe any thing which may tend to the advancement of Christ his Gospell and kingdome and thus it ought to be 1. In regard of the Covenant between us and Christ we are baptized into the name of Christ into the faith of Christ to beleeve in him as the authour of our salvation into the religion of Christ to adore and worship him as our spirituall and heavenly Soveraigne into the doctrine of Christ to learne him as the truth is in him to heare him as the great Prophet and Doctor of his Church into the profession of Christ openly declaring our hope and expectation of salvation by Christ our subjection under Christ and our dependance upon Christ into the service of Christ being dedicate and set apart by Baptisme unto Christ as his peculiar people to adore and serve him to honour and exalt him and into the death of Christ receiving Baptisme as a testimony of mortification and as an instrument of the Holy-Ghost for the extinguishing and killing of sinne by the death and for the quickning of our soules by the resurrection of Christ to the end that we who live should live no more unto our selves but unto Christ This is the tenour of the Covenant which the Lord himselfe uttered by the mouth of the Prophet I will be their God I will be their King to command them their counsellor to guide them their shield to defend them their Saviour to minister salvation to them their father to make provision for them to communicate the sence of my love unto them and their portion to satisfie them and they shall be my people the schollers of my schoole to learne my will the subjects of my kingdome to honour and exalt me the servants of my family to obey and serve me and the bride of my delight to love me and to bring forth fruit to me By vertue of the Covenant between us and Christ our names are given unto Christ as souldiers to their Captaine to fight for Christ as subjects to their Soveraigne to exalt and magnifie the name of Christ to labour the welfare and honour of the kingdome of Christ Abner entring into Covenant with David went forth to bring about all Israel unto David to exalt and set up David and to increase the kingdome of David Thus man being entred into Covenant with Christ must bring himselfe and all that is his and all other people so much as in him lies into subjection unto Christ he must to the utmost of his power labour the exaltation of Christ and his kingdome such men are very regardlesse of their holy covenant and sacred promise as labour not the exaltation of Christs kingdome and Gosple 2. In regard of the Relation betwixt us and Christ Christ is the King and we the Subjects Christ is the Lord and we the Servants Christ is the Head and wee the members Christ is the Bridegroome and we the Bride true Subjects endeavour the honour of their King and Kingdome Sauls Subjects would put to death all them who would not have Saul to reigne over them Davids Subjects preferred him above themselvs endeavoured his safety put themselves in hazard to safegard him accounted him worth ten thousand of themselves the members support and beare up the head imploy all their strength in the defence and honour of the head good servants labour their Masters honour and welfare Thy servants said Davids men to him are ready to doe whatsoever my Lord the King shall appoint and the Centurian could say of his servant Doe this and he doth it And the faithfull Spouse brings forth children to her husband she was a fruitefull Vine by the sides of his house and her children like Olive plants round about his Table a great honour a crowne as Salomon saith to her husband thus must we by vertue of that Relation which is betwixt us and Christ as loyall subjects mortifie and put to death whatsoever doth in us oppose Christs honour and dominion exalt Christ and his Gosple above our selves our ease profit or credit expose our selves to all difficulties dangers and inconveniences amongst men for the magnifying of Christs name and the welfare of Christs Gosple as good servants be ready to doe whatsoever Christ shall appoint us for the making of him glorious as true and living members of Christs mysticall body we must put our selves under Christ beare up Christ and make him conspicuous in the eyes of others and like a chaste Spouse bring forth all our fruite unto Christ endeavouring to the utmost of our power the
and sinke of the foulest and basest misery The man in the parable fell among theeves which stripped him of his rayment and wounded him leaving him halfe dead Man is fallen among three great theeves the Devill sinne and the world and these have stripped man of all his spirituall rayment these have taken all grace and holinesse from man which once covered him like a rich and costly garment and they have also wounded and left man halfe dead in his very naturall abilities The fall of man hath totally stript him of all grace and holinesse and also given a mortall wound to his morall and naturall faculties Hee that abides not with God at Jerusalem makes himselfe a prey to sinne the Devill and the world There came a Priest and a Levite passing by and looking upon the man thus stript and wounded but neither of them had compassion upon him neither of them ministred any consolation nor lent an assisting hand unto him Neither the Priest nor the Levite neither the Morall nor Ceremoniall Law can deliver sinfull man from Satans bondage nor heale his wounded conscience neither the works of the one nor the Rites and Ceremonies of the other can restore man to his originall happinesse nor justifie him in Gods presence Mans best abilities and all-humane devises are miserable comforters to sinfull and perplexed soules in their anguish Though the Priest and the Levite had no compassion upon him yet there came a Samaritan which had compassion upon him though the Law shew no pitty nor minister no comfort to wounded soules and afflicted consciences yet the Lord Jesus communicates both great and sweet mercies to broken hearted sinners The Samaritane a man from whom this distressed man could not expect any mercy had compassion upon him and helped him Christ is become the Authour of mans comfort and salvation beyond all humane and Angelical thought conceit or imagination the wisedome worke and love of God in providing a Saviour for distressed sinners was farre above the reach and comprehension of all creatures The Samaritan bound up this poore mans wound and poured in wine and oyle the Lord Jesus binds up the broken-hearted and gives the oyle of joy for mourning to them whose soules are truly humbled the Samaritan set the man upon his owne beast Christ communicates his owne honour to the penitent and broken-hearted sinner sinne is the cause of mans dejection Christ is the Authour of mans exaltation the Samaritan brought this distressed man to an Inne and tooke care for him gave two pence to the Hoast charged him to take care of him and promised payment of whatsoever he should spend more The Lord Jesus brings perplexed soules to God as to their spirituall Hoast and to the ministery of the Gospell as to an Inne full of spirituall provision gives his Ministers the two Testaments the Law and the Gospell out of them to minister to the soules of his people and chargeth them as the ministeriall Hoast of poore and perplexed soules to make all necessary and plentifull provision and in the end by his merits his active and passive obedience his two great pence he dischargeth the debt of all penitent and beleeving sinners The whole of a sinfull and grieved soules happinesse flowes from the Lord Jesus all the supply of mans want and emptinesse is derived from Christs super-abundant fulnesse All the myrrh and odours and instruments of Hesters purification and all her rich and costly apparell were given her out of the Kings house and the royall crowne was put upon her head by the Kings hand All the purity and perfection all the righteousnesse and justification all the dignity and excellency of a holy and gracious soule is drawne from Christ the spirituall and heavenly King All mans holy and heavenly excellencies are borrowed from the Lord Jesus Man is an empty cisterne and hath all his fulnesse from Christ the true and everliving fountaine Christ is the root by whom he is sustained the spring by whom he is filled the Sun by which he is enlightened the garment wherewith he is covered the crowne with which he is honoured the head by which he is guided the eye by which he seeth the hand by which he worketh the foot by which he walketh yea the very soule by which he liveth Whatsoever goodnesse or excellency is in a Christian it is Christs and not his owne his very life is nothing but the living of Christ in him he must say with Paul Neverthelesse I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me The words are a declaration of a Christians life Christ living in beleeving man and man living unto Christ The Apostle setting forth how he was dead to the Law that he might live to God tels us that he was crucified together with Christ Christ being crucified for us and we being by faith ingrafted into him doe dye to sinne and mortifie our earthly members which are upon earth the death of the Lord Jesus is the death of sinne in all beleeving Christians they live no more as formerly they did they have Christ now living in them and communicating himselfe unto them He that hath not experience of Christs living in him in the way and worke of sanctification presumes in vaine of being saved by his death and suffering no man knowes the benefit of Christs death but he that feeles the vertue of Christs life Man hath no further assurance of Christs dying for him then as he feeles Christ living in him He that knowes the power of Christs death in the mortification of his lusts knowes also the vertue of Christs life in the quickning of his soule and can say with Paul now I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me In the words not to trouble you with many particulars we have two generall things proposed 1. Christian abnegation I live yet not I. 2. Holy and gracious vivification but Christ liveth in me In the abnegation we have 1. the Subiect I Paul the Apostle a man chosen and called of God a man filled and furnished with the fulnesse of Christ and in and under him is understood all beleeving Christians Such alone as are truly sanctified and gracious people are the compleat and proper Subiect of that life which is heavenly and spirituall Onely the living body is the seat and subject of the soule and that man alone that is spiritually quickned hath Christ residing and dwelling in him communicating holy and heavenly life to him 2. Here is the Predicate or thing affirmed Life and that is two wayes proposed 1. affirmatively I live 2. Negatively yet not I. First affirmatively I live I lived once under the Law which made me a persecutor of the Church of God convinced me of sinne wrought in me all manner of concupisence and slew me and I then found my selfe to be dead in sinne but now I have embraced Christ and am crucified with him now I am no more the man I was but now
good that riches honours pleasures are much to be desired and that the fulfilling of their owne lusts is very pleasant and therefore they bow downe the shoulders to beare the commands and injunctions of the creature and all the impositions of the flesh and become servants unto tribute To these they pay the tribute of distracting thoughts of tormenting cares of carnall confidence of inordinate love and of hard service and base servitude worshipping and serving as the Apostle saith the creature more then the Creator And for this cause Saint Paul stileth covetous self-seekers Idolaters because their self-seeking doth alienate them from God and drawes that love and confidence joy and delight which they should place in God to the creature and that service which they should imploy for God and that subjection which they should yeeld to God they bestow about and yeeld unto the creature and their owne lusts And as they are Idolaters for their prostration of themselves to the creature and their owne corrupt affections so they are Idols For the exalting of themselues above God minding intending and seeking themselves and not God they adore and serve themselves and not the Lord his s servants yee are saith Saint Paul to whom ye obey Self-seekers obey not God but themselves they conforme not themselves to the rules of Gods word but to the dictates of their owne hearts they propose not the glory of God but their owne ends and therefore they serve and adore themselves and not God Self-seeking excludes the soule of man from all communion with the true God and carries it to the world as to a false God and so proves a double abomination in the sight of God 10. Self-seeking is ever attended with self-loosing He that seekes himself and not Christ loseth both himself and Christ He that seeks himselfe takes a false rule to direct him erreth in his seeking and therefore loseth in stead of finding He builds his worke upon a false foundation and therefore sinks in stead of standing like the house built upon the sand in the Parable He puts himselfe out of Gods service and therefore misseth his great Lord and Masters wages He levels all his arrowes to a false marke and therefore like an Archer that shoots below the marke he shoots in vaine He leaves out God God is not in his thoughts he takes not God with him he takes not Gods counsell to guide him Gods power to assist him Gods blessing to make his undertaking prosperous and successefull and therefore in stead of a blessing the curse attends and waits upon him He intends not God but himselfe and therefore God leaves him to himselfe to prove the Author and workman of his owne ruine Present self-seekers and self-gainers prove in the event the greatest self-losers The last end and issue never answers the expectation of self-seekers their labour like the labour of the Ostritch is in vaine The Ostritch leaveth her egges in the dust the foot crusheth them and the wilde beast breaketh them Self-seekers lay all their labours in the dust all their care desire all their industry and endeavour is about the things which are here below they lay all their egges in the dust and all their labours at last are crusht and brought to naught Rahel had hard labour but the birth of her belly proved the death of her body Self-seekers have hard labour they labour like a woman in travell but their birth proves their death their gaine turnes to their losse their pleasure to their torment their honour to their shame Against such the Lord denounceth woe in stead of joy shame in stead of glory and desolation in stead of exaltation Woe saith the Lord to him that coveteth an evill covetousnesse to his house that he may set his nest on high that he may be delivered from the power of evill Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people and hast sinned against thy soule For the stone shall cry out of the wall and the beame out of the timber shall answer it Woe to him that buildeth a Towne with bloud and stablisheth a City by iniquity Behold is it not of the Lord of Hoasts that the people shall labour in the very fire and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity Very great and shamefull are the losses which wait on self-seekers their riches proves their poverty their refuge becomes their ruine and their exaltation their shamefull downfall Very great is that mans unhappinesse who in the prophane neglect of God and Christ Jesus labours to fill and furnish himselfe with earthly abilities Self-seekers build on false promises and feed themselves with deceitfull expectations The Lord turnes their imaginary calme into a tempestuous storme their devised paradise into a troublesome wildernesse and their intended crowne into reall shame The last event of their undertaking doth ever crosse their first intention that which is unlawfully sought and gotten proveth the instrument of mans great discomfort and trouble He that labours for himselfe and not for God and Christ Jesus is vaine in his labours like him that builds on the sand his house sinketh as fast as he erects it Like him that weaves a piece of cloth in or over the fire the fire burnes it as fast as he weaves it Losse vexation shame and ruine is the recompence and portion of self-seeking The estate of him that hath nothing is farre more pleasant blessed and comfortable then of him that hath a great abundance by self-seeking Of such the Lord saith by the Prophet declaring the vanity perill and perniciousnesse of their labours they have sowne the wind they have laboured in vaine as he that casteth forth an empty hand strives to sow but sowes not and they shall reape the whirlewinde their harvest the fruit of their labours shall be more troublesome then their first undertakings they that will be rich saith the Apostle they whose bent and inclination is to themselves and to the world who chiefly mind themselves and things earthly fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition Most wretched and uncomfortable is the gaine of self-seeking Satan hath great advantage against them they expose themselves to many temptations they lay themselves open to his arrowes to wound them the world like a snare intangles them their lusts grow strong within them and get Lordship over them and they make shipwracke of soule and body splitting the ship of their soules upon the rocke of worldly riches and what they supposed should have been a staffe to sustaine them becomes a burthen oppressing them and what they thought would have been a spring refreshing them becomes a Sea swallowing and utterly consuming them There is no other cause of self-seeking but inbondagement to Satan inthralment to the world servitude to corruption separation from God self-condemnation from mans owne conscience
awakened him out of his spirituall sleep and slumber he made him see himselfe I was alive once saith he without the Law I was once ignorant of the Law I was blind and knew not the meaning of the law I thought my selfe to be a living man in Gods family a shining starre in the firmament of Gods Church and a fruitfull vine in the Lords vineyard but when the commandement came sinne revived and I dyed when Christ awakened me opened my eyes and inabled me to discerne a right of the commandement then I saw I was under the dominion of sinne as a dead man is under the dominion of death wholly possessed by sinne as the dead by death Man hath first the sence of his being dead in sinne before he hath the sence of Christ living in him Christ makes man to know his misery by sinne before he knowes his happinesse by Christ Christ lives not where the soule is not awakened where the eyes of the understanding are not opened therefore awake saith the Apostle thou that sleepest and stand up from the dead and Christ shall give thee light 2. Christ intending to live in man doth humble man and causeth man to dye to sinne Saul first dyed before David reigned in Israel The death of sinne in order of divine operation precedes the life of Christ and his grace in the soule of man first we are buried with Christ and then we are raised with Christ to walke in newnesse of life first we are planted into the likenesse of Christs death and then into the likenesse of his resurrection Christ therefore in the dispensation of spirituall life doth first kill and then make alive first wound and then heale he makes man sensible of his sinne as of a heavy burthen before he doth ease him as of a body of death before he doth raise him as of a mortall disease before he doth cure him he chargeth sinne upon the conscience of man he sets it upon him to pursue and follow him as the avenger of bloud under the Law pursued the malefactor The Lord let loose Pharaoh and the Egyptians upon Israel to impose heavy burthens upon them to deale hardly with them to beat and scourge them to pursue and follow them when he intended to set them free from Egypt Christ lets loose Satan and corruption upon man to tempt and vexe to accuse and torment man when he intends to free man to restore spirituall life and liberty unto man The Israelites were first led into the red Sea and the Egyptians there drowned before Israel triumphed Man is led into a sea of griefe and sorrow for sinne and his sinne there drowned and then he triumpheth in Christ then Christ lives in him and he in Christ When Christ therefore doth humble man as he cast Paul to the earth emptieth man of all thought of his owne worth and makes man abhorre himselfe below the dust causeth man with the Jewes at Peters Sermon to cry out men and brethren what shall we doe to accuse and condemne themselves to loath that sinne as a menstruous clout which was formerly worne by them as a garment of great choise to vomit up that sinne it is Jobs expression as the gall of Aspes which he formerly kept in his mouth and swallowed downe like sweet meat to hate his sinne more then ever he loved it and to thrust it out of the doores of his heart as Amnon hated Thamar more then ever he loved her and thrust her out of his house When Christ doth thus humble man thus set the heart of man against sin and mortifie sinne in man then Christ begins to live in man When a man puls downe a house that is ruinous and unhabitable and begins to lay a new foundation then we know he usually intends to dwell and live there Thus when Christ puls downe the old man a ruinous and unhabitable dwelling unfit to entertaine Christ when Christ puls downe our pride when our old man as S. Paul speaks is crucified with Christ when all high thoughts are cast downe and Christ hath laid another a new foundation of self-denyall and true humility then Christ meanes to dwell there then undoubtedly Christ begins to live there 3. Christ beginning to live in man puts a restlesnesse into the heart of man in his naturall and corrupt estate makes him out of love with himselfe fils him with dislike of his owne wayes and works alienates and takes him off from creature and works him to an earnest longing after Christ as the chased Hart panteth after the water-brookes being chased and frighted with the sence of his sinne and the hideous noise of his guilty accusing and tormenting conscience he begins to thinke of Christ to betake himselfe to Christ for comfort pardon and salvation as the guilty malefactor under the Law being pursued by the avenger of bloud betooke himselfe to the City of Refuge for shelter and defence now his soul● followeth hard after Christ now he prizeth interest in Christ farre above interest in the creature now he would take Christ upon any termes he would gladly leave all for Christ he sees there is no other Physitian can heale him no other surety can make satisfaction for him no other shield and buckler can protect him no other friend can comfort him and therefore he flies to Christ as Joah to the hornes of the Altar he presseth after Christ labours to lay hold on Christ as the diseased woman did whom no Physitian could cure and as there went a vertue out from Christ that healed her bloudy issue when she touched the hemme of Christs garment so there goes a vertue out from Christ healing and enlivening the soule longing after Christ and touching Christ by faith though it may seem to be but weakly and afar off For as when the iron comes neare the loadstone there goes a virtue from the loadstone that moves and drawes the iron to it so when man comes neare Christ in hearing in prayer in humiliation and earnest longing there goes a vertue from Christ which moves enlivens and drawes the soule of man home to Christ and Christ begins to live in man to sustaine and strengthen the soule of man 4. Christ beginning to live in man there is a revelation of Jesus Christ in the soule of man The Sonne of God as S. Paul speaks is revealed in man There goes a light forth from the Sunne in the Firmament which reveales the Sunne to the eye of man and there goes forth a spirituall and heavenly light from the Sunne of Righteousnesse into the soule of man which reveales Christ unto man which the Apostle cals a shining of Christ into our hearts Christ revealing himselfe unto the soule as the only Saviour ministring salvation to the soule as the only Prophet instructing man and filling him with heavenly knowledge as the only Jordan bathing and cleansing the soule from
to them and to the saving fruit and benefit of this Covenant of Grace Salvation and everlasting life all profane men since the comming of Christ remaining without Christ being no living Members of the mysticall body of Christ no loyall Subjects in the common-wealth of Christ To this Covenant I say they continue strangers it doth not appertaine unto them they cannot claime Salvation by it Whence observe That All corrupt and carnall persons are strangers to Gods Covenant of Grace and Salvation in and thorough Christ Jesus Adam feeding upon the Tree of forbidden fruit was excluded from the Tree of life man feeding upon and filling himselfe with the forbidden fruit of sinne is excluded from Christ and all the promises of God in Christ and all benefit comming by Christ Vnto the wicked to the man whose heart is empty of grace void of the true feare of God and farre from the life and power of godlinesse God saith What hast thou to doe to declare my Statutes to talke of my Doctrine or of the rules and wayes of my worship or that thou shouldest take my covenant into thy mouth that thou shouldest vaunt and boast thy selfe to be of the number of that sacred people whom I have adopted to my selfe by peculiar Covenant or that thou shouldest expect Salvation by my free and gracious promise wherein thou hast no interest Such as keepe not Gods precepts presume in vaine of Salvation by Gods promise he that observes not Gods Commandement hath nothing to doe with Gods Covenant Therefore such men though they live within the pale of the Church are termed Rebels rebellious children and a rebellious house a Rebell though he live within the kingdome yet hath nothing to doe with the priviledges of the kingdome these belong to the loyall and obedient Subjects of the Kingdome under the Law a rebellious Sonne though he had a place of abode in his Fathers House yet had he no title to his Fathers goods nor to any immunities belonging to the House but being stubborne and rebellious a glutton or a drunkard one that would not obey his Fathers voyce he was to be stoned to death Profane and carnall men though they live and have their abode within the pale of Christs Church yet rebelling against Christ breaking the bands in sunder and casting away the cords of Gods Law from them being stubborne and rebellious and refusing to obey the voyce of the Lord the Priviledges of Christs Kingdome the Covenant of salvation by Christ appertaines not unto them Sometimes they are termed bastards bastards have a place within the house with sonnes but the inheritance belongs not unto them Ishmael had a place in Abrahams house with Isaac yet being the sonne of a bond-woman the inheritance came not to him but to Isaac thus carnall men not being regenerate and borne of God not being the genuine and true children of God but hypocrites and bond-men to Satan and their owne lusts they are no heyres nor co-heyres with Christ they are strangers to the Covenant of grace Of them therefore the Lord saith that they like men or like Adam have transgressed my Covenant and have made forfeiture of all as Adam did or they have transgressed my Covenant as the covenant of a man regarding their covenant with me no more then a covenant betweene man and man and they have dealt treacherously against me they have sleighted me they have not desired friendship and consortship with me but they have depraved my worship and apostatized from mee and of such the Prophet Jeremy saith They have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord their God as the Harlot in Salomon forsooke the guide of her youth and forgat the Covenant of her God thus these men committing spirituall fornication with the world forsake Christ the guide of their soules and forget the Covenant of their God become altogether unmindfull of that new obedience which they have vowed and promised losing all claime and title unto and outing themselves of all the benefit which the Covenant of God importeth because as the Psalmist saith they keep not the Covenant of God and refuse to walke in his Law and to this Saint Iohn speaks fully If we say that we have fellowship with Christ interest in Christ communion with Christ promise of salvation by Christ and walke in darknesse live sinfully and converse prophanely we lye and doe not the truth we deceive our selves we presume of interest in Christ and claime to Gods promise which belongeth not unto us The prophane mans estrangement from the Covenant of God is manifest 1. In regard of Ignorance which makes them uncapable of entring into Covenant with God All carnall men are ignorant men the naturall man receiveth not the things of God they are foolishnesse unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned He that wants a bodily eye discernes not bodily things he that wants a spirituall eye perceives not spirituall things where there is no sutablenesse between the sence and the thing to be perceived there is no perception according to the Logicians rule quicquid recipitur recipitur ad modum recipientis The naturall man having no spirituall eye no principle of heavenly and sacred light within him he cannot truly and savingly perceive the things of God Of such therefore the Psalmist saith they are all gone aside they are altogether become filthy all the workers of iniquity have no knowledge they know not their sinnes as a sicke man his disease grieving for them complaining of them and desiring ease and freedome from them they know not their nakednesse and emptinesse of all spirituall good desiring to be filled with the good things of God as Hagar knew the emptinesse of her bottle and wept for water they know not their necessity of Christ hungring and thirsting after him as the Elders of Gilead knew their necessity of Ieptha and desired him to be their Captaine and made him head over them they know not God as a Father regenerating them as a Physician healing them as a King of mercies pardoning them they know not Christ as a Prophet instructing them as a Priest sanctifying them as a Prince of peace ruling within them and reconciling God unto them they know not the word of God as a light guiding them as dew softning their hearts as fire purging their soules as food nourishing and strengthening them in all grace and being thus ignorant they are farre from Gods Covenant such blinde men are in covenant with Satan the Prince of darknesse Nahash the Ammonite would not make a covenant with the men of Iabesh Gilead but on this condition that he might thrust out all their right eyes The God of this world the Devill blinds the eyes of the understanding of all that are in covenant with him that the glorious light of the Gospell may not shine into them but such as are in covenant with God are
So let us bee earnest with the Lord to deliver us from this estate of barrennesse and make us fruitfull from this estate of exilement and bring us to the enjoyment of the heavenly Kings face and countenance Let us make Christ our Friend that there may be an end put to the enmity betweene God and us and that we may be set at peace againe with God let us sigh and groane under our sinfull bondage and labour for spirituall freedome Let us labour to have true and saving grace powred into the pot of our soules that all our possessions and undertakings may be sanctified unto us and that the Word which our sinne hath made the savour of death unto death may thorow grace become the savour of life to life to every one of us And to the end we may be translated out of the state of corruption into the state of grace let us 1. Attend upon and hide the word of God in our hearts This is the Word of life by which our soules are quickned this is the Seed of Regeneration by which wee are new born this is the voyce by which wee are called out of the Kingdome of darkenesse into marvellous light this is the warlike weapon by which the holds of sinne are cast downe as the walls of Jericho were cast flat to the ground at the ●ounding of the Trumpets this is the fire by which the drosse of sin is purged out of our souls this is the word of Reconciliation by which wee are set at peace with God On this therfore let us wait this let us treasure up in our souls that therby a gracious change may be wrought in us 2. Let us labour for the sence and feeling of our sinne as of a loathsome disease as of a heavy burthen Complaine of sinne as Sarah did of the daughters of Heth be weary of sinne as a sick man of his disease Cry to the Lord as Paul did O miserable man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death the more sence and feeling wee have of sinne the more assurance of a discharge from sin When Israel sighed and groaned then their deliverance from Pharaohs bondage drew nigh when sin is a trouble and man growes weary of it as of a hard servitude then the houre of the soules spirituall deliverance approacheth therefore to such our Saviour speaketh Come unto me all yee that travell and are heavy laden and yee shall finde ease unto your soules 3. Let us get our hearts filled with godly sorrow for sin turne all your sorrow into sorrow for sinne Mourne for this as for the death of your first-borne Mourne secretly without ostentation mourne unfainedly without dissimulation mourne universally without the reservation of any sin as the deluge overflowed and drowned all the Earth hill and valley so let your sorrow drowne all sinne they that sow in teares shall reape in ioy Godly sorrow is ever attended with the joy of conversion remission and spirituall consolation They that mourne shall be comforted 4. Be very frequent and serious in the view and examination of your naturall and corrupt estate consider the basenesse the loathsomnesse the unprofitablenesse the cursednesse and the perilousnesse thereof men could never quiet themselves in this estate were they not inconsiderate of the evill thereof A Travellor that is out of his way would never goe on therein did hee consider that every step he treades is one step further from his home did carnall man consider that every action of his removes him one step farther from God and Heaven and brings him one step nearer to Satan and damnation hee would never please himselfe in this estate inconsideration makes way to all evill the Lord having mentioned the great impieties of Israel layeth downe this as the ground therof They are a Nation saith the Lord void of counsell neither is there any understanding in them O that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end they doe not consider how they are in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquity in the thraldome of Satan under the wrath of God in the state of damnation subject to a thousand easelesse and endlesse woes and miseries did men consider this they would awake out of their sleepe and stand up from the dead that Christ might give them light They would with David consider their waies and turne unto the testimonies of the Lord. 5. Addresse your selves to Christ by faithfull and fervent Prayer the Gibeonites sent to Joshua and he rescued them from the Amoritish Princes We must send by prayer to Christ to rescue us from the Prince of darkenesse the woman of Shun●m came to the Prophet cast her selfe downe tooke hold of his feet would not let him goe and hee went with her and raised her dead child thus must we come to Christ cast our selves downe humble our selves under the hand of Christ lay hold on Christ and never let him goe that he may raise us from the death of sin to the life of grace CHAP. VII Perswading to thanksgiving for deliverance out of our naturall and corrupt estate LAstly this ministers matter and occasion of great praise and thanksgiving to all them whom Christ hath delivered out of their corrupt and carnall estate and translated into the state of grace and holinesse Of all deliverances deliverance from sinne is the greatest the sweetest the choisest A deliverance of the greatest cost other deliverances are wrought by the power of God this is a deliverance wrought not onely by the power of God but also by the bloud of God by the bloud of Christ who is God and Man in one person Feed saith Saint Paul to the Bishops the Ministers of Ephesus the Church of God which he hath purchased with his owne bloud Give thanks saith the Apostle unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who hath delivered us from the power of darknes and translated us into the Kingdom of his deare Son in whom we have redemption through his bloud the deliverance of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt and the captivity of Babylon the deliverance of Ieremy out of the dung●on of Peter out of Herods prison of Ionah out of the belly of the Whale or the three children out of the fiery furnace or whatsoever deliverance else you can mention cost not God so much as the deliverance of man from sinne for this God gave his owne his onely Sonne This is a deliverance which argues more of Gods love to man then all the deliverances which God hath wrought besides for man Therefore of this the Evangelist saith God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Sonne And Christ saith Saint Paul loved the Church and gave himselfe for it This is a deliverance from greater evils