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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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soeuer either in heauen or in earth And this verse conteyneth one cause amongest manye why men shoulde prayse GOD vz. for his gracious and large gouernement Verse 20. Prayse the Lorde yée his Angels Angels are sayde to bée Gods not onelye because hée created them but also because hee vseth them at his pleasure in the execution of his will that excell in strength vz. all other creatures vnderstanding also by strengthe whatsoeuer is excellent in them so haue you the woorde vsed before Psalme 102.23 that doe his commaundemente i. the thinges hée commaundeth you in obeying the voyce of his woorde q.d. you are so readye in obeying that so soone as the Lorde speaketh you are readye to doe it Verse 21. Prayse the Lorde all yée his hostes some referre this woorde generallye to all his creatures because the Lorde hath them at commaundement as a Captayne hath his armed men and Souldiers to vse them as pleaseth him some onelye to Angels but I allowe rather the former reason by that which is written Genesis 2.1 Yée his Seruauntes that doe his pleasure i. what pleaseth him before hee called his creatures hostes for the multitude of them Nowe hée calleth them Seruaunts because hée hath them at commaundemente Verse 22. Prayse the Lorde vz. for his vnspeakeable goodnesse all yée his woorkes i. all his creatures of what order or condition so euer yée bée in all places of his dominion i. euerye where because hee ruleth euerye where and doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him bothe in heauen and in earth my soule prayse thou the Lorde hee shutteth vppe the Psalme with the same sentence hee beganne it and therefore Sée verse 1. of this Psalme And this is verye ryfe to begynne and ende a Psalme with one and the selfesame sentence Sée Psalme 106. verse 1. and last also Psalme 147. verse 1. and last Psalme 148. and Psalme 150. verse 1. and last Verse 1. Teacheth vs first to inforce our selues Do. to the praysing and thanking of God for his graces Secondlye that our thankesgiuing shoulde be vnfeignedly as procéeding in déede from the inwarde man Verse 2. Teacheth also two thinges the first is that wée shoulde striue in an earnest and déepe meditation to remember so nigh as wee can all the benefits and blessings of almightie GOD Secondly that they rightly thought vppon are strong arguments to prouoke thankfulnes from vs. Ver. 3.4 He teacheth vs for what causes and graces wée shoulde bee thankefull vz. both for spirituall and bodily blessings they teach also that all the graces which wee haue wee receiue onely from the Lorde but yet let vs somewhat more particularly consider them Verse 3. Teacheth vs that God alone forgiueth sinnes secondly that hee doeth it of his owne mercy onely which ouerthroweth mans merites thirdly that in the abundaunce of his goodnesse hée fréely pardoneth al of them originall actual c. by which wée sée that Papistes are deceiued who suppose originall sinne only to bée taken away by Christ and as for actuall sinnes committed after baptisme men must satisfie for them Lastly it teacheth that euen the infirmities and weakenesse of our flesh can not bee cured no though wée vse all meanes vnlesse the Lorde put his handes to that great woorke Verse 4. Teacheth first that the issues of life and death are in Gods owne hande Secondly that if a man escape daunger or distresse it is by the Lorde onely and not by his owne strength or any thing in him Thirdly that the Lorde is not skant or pinching in his goodnesse but plentifullye powreth it foorth vppon those that are his Verse 5. Teacheth vs that those which feare the Lorde can want nothing that good is Secondly that hee graciously bringeth his children to a good olde age and maketh them to passe through the miseries thereof with as great ioye as in the dayes of their youth Verse 6. Teacheth that howsoeuer men deale vniustlye yet the Lorde will deale vprightly which is a great comfort vnto his children Verse 7. Teacheth that it is a singular grace of GOD to haue his woorde and that declared also vnto men by faithfull ministers Verse 8. Teacheth vs to set against our owne wretchednesse and miserye the abundaunt riches of Gods eternall mercye Verse 9. Teacheth vs that this is no small comfort that Gods anger indureth not long towards his children Sée Psalme 30.5 Verse 10. Teacheth vs that howesoeuer our sinnes deserue eternall death yet GOD doeth but beate vs in this lyfe to the ende wee might bee saued in the life to come Verse 11. Teacheth vs that Gods mercye is infinyte and incomprehensible Verse 12. Teacheth vs that sinne and iniquitie shall neuer bee layde to the charge of Gods elect Verse 13. Setteth out the exceeding loue of GOD towardes his sonnes and seruauntes Verse 14. Teacheth that euen our owne miserable state and condition doeth moue the Lorde in mercy to deale with vs. Verse 15.16 Vnder the similitude of the grasse flowre wind c. doe set foorth not onely the shortnes but also the miseries and troubles of mans life in this life Verse 17. Teacheth that though man bée subiect to chaunge yet God is alwayes like vnto himselfe and that there is no ende or measure of his goodnesse towardes them that feare him Ver. 18. Teacheth vs that there must bee ioyned with the knowledge of Gods woorde practise and obedience also that man must diligently meditate in the lawe of the Lorde and his commaundementes to the ende they may perfourme the thinges prescribed in the same Verse 19. Setteth out the largenesse of Gods kingdome which is comfortable to the godly because thereby wée sée that deuils and wicked men can not doe what they list Verse 20. In the Angels examples wee learne willing obedience to the voyce and worde of the Lorde Verse 21.22 Teach vs that if all Gods creatures should praise the Lorde much more man that excellent creature not onely because that for his sake all thinges were created but also because hée hath receiued infinite numbers of benefites aboue the rest Ver. 22. And these woordes in all places of his dominion teach Gods children neuer to be ashamed in any place to set foorth the prayses of their louing GOD and in that hee doeth ende the Psalme with the same sentence that hee did beginne it hee doeth not onely shewe howe excellent a thing the Sacrifice of thankesgiuing is but also howe dull men are thereto and that maketh him in this Psalme to double and treble that sentence that so hee might the better stirre them vp to the perfourmaunce of that great duety Psalme 104 THe Psalme of it selfe comprehendeth diuers and sundry matters and therefore can not easily and fitly be diuided Di. Notwithstanding it principally propoundeth these partes as I thinke In the first the Prophet prouoketh himselfe and others to praise God for his power from ver 1. to the end of the 10. In the seconde hee painteth out the singular prouidence of God towardes his
forefathers and me He putteth time for the things done in the time he meaneth that by former examples trials he strengthened himself in the faith against the bitter assaults which he suffred I meditate vz. carefully and continually in all thy workes i. in all that thou hast wrought yea I meditate i. I doe diligentlye and déepely think vpon in the works of thine hands i. in those excellent workes which by thy power and prouidence thou hast performed Verse 6. I stretch forth mine hands vnto thée i. I doe earnestlye and hartilye pray vnto thée he putteth the signe for the thing signified as Psalme 141 2. to declare that we must euen as it were lift vp our selues vnto God my soule i. I my selfe but chéefely my inward man desireth after thée i. longeth sore after thée sée Psalme 42 1 2 also Psalme 84 2 as the thirstye lande vz. doth desire water rayne or dew He vnderstandeth by thirstie lande the earth which is dried and chopped for lack of water gaping gréedily as it were to receaue the moysture or raine that shal fal from heauen sée also Psal 63.1 Ver. 7. Heare me i. graunt the requests which I make vnto thée speedily O Lorde i. quickly and in good time not that he prescribeth god a season but expresseth rather his great misery q.d. vnlesse thou quickly helpe it is like in mās iudgment that I shal be destroyed for my spirit fayleth i. I faint euen in the inward man and this is a reason of his prayer taken from his own person the misery that he was in hide not thy face from me i. shew not thy selfe angry against me as men many times do who wil not vouchsafe to looke vpon thē with whom they are displeased else vz. if thou hide thy face I shal be like vnto thē that go down into the pit i. there wil be no difference betwéene me those that are dead Ver. 8. Let me heare thy louing kindnesse i. make me to know féele and perceiue thy mercy in the morning i. in good time and spéedily for in thée is my trust i. I depend and hang only vpon thée and shew me the way that I should walke in i. direct not only the order and conuersation of my life but euen my very steppes also from daunger for I lift vp my soule vnto thée i. I do both trust in thée cal vpon thée from the hart Ver. 9. Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies i. from the power and rage of them who séeke nothing else but to destroy me for I hid me with thée i. I did hang vpon thy prouidēce and protection only sée Psal 31.5.6 Ver 10. Teach me to doe thy will i. to do the thing which thou willest commaundest in thy word for thou arte my God i. thou art he alone whom I wil serue worship let thy good spirit i. thy blessed and holy spirit which is called good because it is Gods effectuall instrumente to lead vs into all goodnesse leade me vz. which am so often and continuallye straying and wandering from good thinges vnto the land of righteousnesse i. guide me not only in this life to righteousnesse of life but to that same eternall life wherein righteousnesse shall dwell for euer sée 2. Peter 3.13 Ver. 11. Quicken me O Lord i. cause me to passe safe and sound thorow this danger wherein I séeme to be as it were in death for thy names sake i. that I others may praise thy name as Psal 142.7 and for thy righteousnesse i. for thy righteous and faythful accomplishment of thy promises bring my soule i. me and my life out of trouble i. out of this trouble wherein it presently is and vnder which it wil quaile if thou assist me not Ver. 12. And for thy mercy sake vz. toward me thy seruaunt slay mine enemies i. destroy them by what meanes or wayes soeuer thou shalt think good and destroy vz. in thy iustice and iudgements against the wicked al them vz. of what state or condition soeuer they be whether it be Saul as the chéefest or his complices that oppresse my soule i. me and would faine take away my life from me for I am thy seruaunt i. I am such a one as whom thou in mercy hast vouchsaued worthy of this honour to commit some part of thy seruice into his hands sée 1. Timoth. 1.12 13. so that he boasteth not here of his merits but magnifieth the grace of God from whom this goodnesse came Ver. 1 teacheth vs Do. first in our distresses to run vnto God by earnest and harty prayers secondly to ground our prayers vpon the righteousnesse truth and faythfulnes of our God Ver. 2 teacheth vs two things first to pray the Lord to remoue al things that might hinder the course of his mercy toward vs secondly it is a strong place to ouerthrow al imagination of mans righteousnes Ver. 3 teacheth vs that God suffereth and appointeth the wicked many times to preuaile very far against the godly Ver. 4 is a notable place to proue that euen gods children in their troubles haue their affections against that blockish dotage of the sto●ks Ver. 5 teacheth vs that the consideratiō of Gods goodnesse in former times should minister no smal comfort vnto vs in the time of our present heauines Ver. 6 teacheth vs to hunger and thirst after the Lord and to bee earnest with him in our supplications vnto his maiesty Ver. 7 teacheth vs that the more our miseries grow increase vpon vs the more earnest and often we should be with the Lord our God in prayer Ver. 8 teacheth vs that there is nothing more comfortable then plentifully and in good time to féele Gods mercy Ver. 9 teacheth vs in all distresses to commend our selues to Gods power and prouidēce as to a most sure rock and tower of defence Ver. 10 is a notable place againste fréewill because we are blind til God teach vs and we can do nothing without the assistance of his holy spirit Ver. 11 teacheth vs that vnlesse God set vs frée from trouble we can neuer be deliuered Ver. 12 teacheth vs that we may safelye praye agaynste the malicious and obstinate enemies of Gods Churche and people Psalme 144 Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts In the first he prayseth God for his goodnesse and confesseth his own vnworthines and this is comprehended in the 4 first verses In the seconde he prayeth to GOD for the ouerthrowe of his enemies whose corruption he toucheth and for his owne deliueraunce and this reacheth from the fifte verse to the ende of the eleuenth In the thirde he sheweth what fruite shall redound thereby both to GOD and his people vz. he shall be praysed and they shall bée comforted from verse 12 to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title A Psalme of Dauid vz. which he made after his comming to the kingdome when he had obtayned diuers victories and yet notwithstanding his enemies were very
maner of delights pleasures excessiuely for otherwise to make much of our selues is not only not condemned but allowed that thereby wee may bee the better inabled to serue God and to profit our brethrē ver 19. Amend thus though he may come to the age of his fathers i. though he should liue neuer so long yea euen as long as the oldest fathers were wont to doe yet they shall not inioy light for euer i. yet their life must haue an ende in this life and they shall not inioy the light of eternall life The Geneua translation also may haue a good sense thus hee shall not enter into the generation of his fathers i. hee shall die as his fathers haue doone before him for that is the way of all flesh notwithstanding his great pampering of himselfe and they he sodainly chaungeth the number from the singular to the plurall meaning that though they be neuer so many or neuer so wealthy yet they shal not escape death nor inioy life for euer i. a long season vpon the earth Verse 20. Amend thus A man that is in honour and vnderstandeth not is like to beasts that perish i. one yea euery one that God highly aduaunceth and yet vnderstandeth not vz. how to vse the good things he hath or that they all come from God alone is like to brute beasts i. voide of true féeling light and iudgement and in respecte of Gods matters may be sayde to be as voyde of goodnes as bruite beasts are of reason and vnderstanding Verse 1. Gods worde must be diligently hearkened vnto also it is generall Do. appertayning to all people Verse 2. Yea to all sortes of people Verse 3. Wée shoulde learne alwayes to speake the wordes of edification Verse 4. They that wil teach others to hearken diligently must be examples themselues of the same thinges also they must vse all lawfull meanes to make the doctrine acceptable and gracious to the hearers Verse 5. Assured fayth surmounteth all difficulties whatsoeuer Verse 6. There is a double iniquitie in the vngodly riche the one is they make their goods their God and so commit idolatrie the other they wax proude thorow the abundaunce of their riches and so sundrye times oppresse their bretheren Ver. 7. Setteth out the insufficiency of riches and that and verse 8. teach that all mony which hath bin giuen for Masses Diriges Trentals c. hath bene cast away séeing Christ is the onely Redéemer Ver. 9. Mony can not preuent or put away death neither can wit wisedome or policy Verse 11. sheweth how vayne and deceitfull mens mindes and cogitations are and howe that all the meanes that they can deuise for the continuaunce of their name shall come to nought Ver. 12. Nothing that man hath is certayne Verse 13. There is no wickednesse so playne and manifest but some eyther for pleasure or profite will delight in it and approue it Verse 14. Nothing can deliuer from the power of death Verse 15. The faithfull hanging assuredly vpon God shall escape eternall iudgement Verse 16. Other mens prosperity or our owne aduersity should not dismay vs. Verse 17. We brought nothing into this world neyther shall we carry any thing out 1. Timoth. 6.7 Ver. 18. Epicures alwayes pamper their bellies besides the riche are neuer without their flatterers Verse 19. Death is the end of all flesh Verse 20. The more that a man hath of worldly blessings and the lesse he hath of spiritual and heauenly vnderstanding the greater is his blockishnesse and misery Psalme 50. THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts Di. In the first is contained an excellent description of the Maiestie power greatnesse and glory of almighty God from verse 1. to the end of the 6. In the second the Prophet taking vpon him the person of God sheweth that no outward meanes no though he himselfe prescribed them can be acceptable before God but that it is a spirituall seruice that pleaseth him from verse 7. to the end of the 15. In the third he reproueth the wicked and vngodly shewing what fruites true worshippers should yield from ver 16. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title a Psalme of Asaph I take it to be called Asaphs Psalme not because he was the Author of it but because it was committed to him and his to bee the singers thereof sée 2. Chron. 25.2 Verse 1. The God of Gods i. hee that is God to all the Rulers in the worlde who are called Gods and to all the counterfeit idols of the Gentiles who are also so named 1. Corinth 8.5 euen the Lord he sheweth more playnly whome hee meaneth hath spoken vz. by his seruauntes as Moses and the rest touching his true worship and seruice and called vz. to himselfe and his seruice the earth i. the people and inhabitants of the earth this was verifyed in the Gentils by the workes of creation as Romanes 1. and in the Iewes by the Creatures and by the worde also from the rysing vp of the Sunne vnto the going downe thereof i. all the Worlde ouer and thorow out the same sée Malach. 1.11 Verse 2. Out of Syon sée Psalme 48.2 whiche is the perfection of beautye i. whiche is the most beautifull and fayre place that canne be and seemeth to be so glorious that nothing can bee added thereto hath GOD shyned i. made manifest himselfe by his workes and by his worde in the exercises of his religion Verse 3. Our GOD These bee the words of the faithfull people assuring themselues of gracious deliueraunce from the crueltye of the wicked by the mighty power of that God whome they feare shall come i. certainlye and assuredlye shall come though hee séeme for a while to deferre put off his cōming shal not kéepe silence as he hath séemed to do heretofore eyther in not hearing the praiers of his people or in not punishing the wicked and vngodly sée verse 21 of this Psalme A fyre shal deuoure before him he compareth Gods iudgements agaynst the wicked to a consuming fyre which shall so eate them vp that nothing shall remayne and a mightye tempest this is another similitude to expresse Gods power iudgmēts by against the vngodly round about him these wordes are added to take awaye hope of escape from the wicked for if iudgement should be but before him they would thinke to créepe behinde him but the Prophet sheweth that whether they bée before him or behinde him all is one for consumed they shall bee if not with the fyre yet with the tempest or whirlewind before which they shoulde bée but as chaffe Psalme 1.4 Such yea a more large description of Gods wrath agaynst his enemies is before Psalme 18.7.8 c. Ver. 4. The Heauen aboue Heauen is here put for heauen and all the heauenly powers which the Lorde will call forth not only as witnesses agaynst the vngodlye but as aydes and helpes also for the defence of his and the earth i. not onely the
vz. from thine enemies not that they did willingly giue them but that the Lord would haue them whether they would yea or no and they are called gifts not because they gaue them but that the Lorde taking them as spoyles from the enemies gaue them to his people which hee meaneth by these termes following for men i. that thine owne people might inioy and haue the same yea euen the rebellious hast thou lead q.d. Thou hast inforced them to yéeld themselues as tributaries and that not onely those that willingly yéelded but also those that coulde not otherwise bee brought downe but by force that the Lorde God might dwell there i. amongst his people in the sanctuary and by dwelling he meaneth both the manifestation of his power and presence for their good also his continual aboade amonst them as ver 16. of this Psalme S. Paul Ephes 4. ascribeth all this to Christ who is God manifested in the flesh i. meaning that our Sauiour was taken vp into heauen when hee had subdued and ouercome the world the flesh sinne death and the deuill sée Coloss 2.12.13 c. Ver. 19. Euen the God of our saluation i. that worketh gracious deliuerances for vs as sundry times before which ladeth vs dayly i. which filleth vs continually the metaphor expresseth the abundance of Gods benefites with benefites i. with graces and blessings new and old q.d. he neuer ceaseth to doe vs good so that we haue more benefits then we are able to beare as it were Ver. 20. Euen the God that saueth vs i. that worketh wonderful deliueraunces for vs the issues of death i. both meanes and waies to escape death if we referre it to his children and many wayes also to destroy the wicked if we referre it to them as wee may without any iniury to the text referre it to both Ver. 21. Surely i. without all doubt God will wounde vz. vnto death the heade of his enemies hée maketh mention of the head because it is the principall part of the body as wherein life is and from which it is deriued to the other members of the body so that it is as much as if he had sayde that the Lorde woulde take away their life and the heary pate hee meaneth by this the stoute enemies of God because they that woulde bee fearefull to others did foster their heare q.d. their stoute countinance and courage shall nothing preuaile them against God that walketh in his sinnes i. continueth in the same without repentance Ver. 22. The Lord hath sayd therefore it shal be performed I will bring my people vz. safe and sound againe from Bashan i. from dangerous places and distresses such as they were in before that Og king of Bashan was ouerthrowne sée Numb 21.33 and Deutron 3.1.2 c. I wil bring them againe from the depths of the Sea i. from wonderfull perils wherewith they should haue beene as it were ouerwhelmed altogether is q.d. I will worke as excellent a work for this people as I did for those whom I deliuered from the hāds of Og king of Bashan and as I did for them that passed through the red Sea as on drie land as Exod. 14.16 Ver. 23. That thy foote vz. O Israel or my people may bee dipped in blood vz. of the enemies slaine and the tongue of thy dogges in the blood of the enemies by these woordes hée noteth what a great slaughter there shalbée of the enemies of GOD in so much that not onely the faithfull shal haue their féete died in their blood but their very dogs shoulde haue their tongues made red and coloured with the very licking therof euen in it this repetition noteth also the certainetie of the great slaughter Ver. 24. They i. thine enemies to their great discouragement and ouerthrowe and thine owne people to their wonderful comfort thy goings vz. before thy people and thy guiding of them in the day of warre guiding them as a captaine and getting the victory for them and when hee sayth that they had séene all this hée meaneth that they had had the certaine triall and experience thereof which art in the sanctuary i. which giuest manifest signes and tokens of thy power and presēce of thy people there Ver. 25. The singers went before i. euery one in their order did publikely prayse God and pray vnto him sée Exod. 15.1.2 c. Numb 21.17.1 for the maides and women praysing God after the victory sée ver 11. of this Psalme Ver. 26. Prayse yee God in the assemblies i. openly yee that are of the fountaine of Israel i. that come from Iaakob as from a fountaine meaning thereby al the Israelites for he would haue none excepted as it may appeare by the next verse Verse 27. There i. in the publike assemblies to prayse God was little Beniamin i. those of the tribe of Beniamin which is called litle either because it was one of the least in number or else because they came of Iaakob his yongest sonne with their ruler i. with some principall man who was captaine and gouernour of that tribe and the Princes of Iudah i. the noble and great personages of the tribe of Iudah with their assembly i. with the people gathered vnto thē and in such sort must the wordes in this verse following bee expounded Ver. 28. Thy God hath appointed thy strength hee speaketh to the people q.d. the God which thou seruest hath beautified thée with strength because hee hath so appointed or commaunded the same to resist thine enemies shewing that the power of this people was from God and not of it selfe stablish i. strengthen and continue for euer that which thou hast wrought in vs hereby he vnderstandeth the graces and blessings of God both bestowed vpon them their forefathers praying the continuance of his graces Ver. 29. Out of thy temple i. out of the place where the Arke was as 1. Samuel 1.9 from whence it pleased the Lord many times to set foorth the power and maiesty hee had in him for the defence of his Church vppon Ierusalem by Ierusalem hee meaneth the Church of God as Psalm 51.18 And kinges shall bring presents vnto thee i. as some expound it shall yéeld themselues tributaries as it were subiects others to whom I incline giue this sense the Prophet speaketh of himself of his successours meaning that they would with most thankful mindes acknowledge him to be their God speaking in the third person of them altogether and vnderstanding by bringing presents which was a signe of thankfulnes the thing it self Ver. 30. Destroy the company of the speare men i. ouerthrowe both the multitude and the force of common souldiers vnderstanding by spearemen al others that vsed any weapon against them whatsoeuer vnder one sort comprehending all and multitude of the mighty bulles i. the great cōpany of their captaines and men of might who for their greatnes cruelty he compareth to mighty bulles sée Psalm 22.12 with the calues of the people i.
ruine i. let euen those things that they supposed were wealth and defence vnto them be their destruction and ouerthrowe Dauid wisheth not this but in respect that they were enemies to God and hys Church knowing also by the spirite of Prophecy that the Lord had giuen them ouer as also S. Paule himselfe alleageth this place Rom. 11.9 Ver. 23. Let their eyes be blinded that they sée not and make their loynes alwayes to tremble by eyes and loynes principall partes of a man wee maye vnderstande the whole man or else thus that the Prophet desireth the blinding of them in their sight and the weakening of them in their loynes that so they might not be able to hurt him or else by wishing their eyes to be blinded he meaneth the depriuing of them of all reason and vnderstanding so that they may remaine without iudgement as a blind man doth without light and by making their loines alway to tremble he vnderstandeth the astonishing and weakening of their power and force because that in the loines and raines mans strength doth principallye consist Verse 24. Poure out vz. in great measure and abundaunce take them or else take hold of them and that in such sort that they may not escape hee desireth the Lord to punish them most sharply euen as angry folkes are wont to punish those that are vnder their handes and that they might be destroyde in the Lords wrath Ver. 25. Let their habitation i. not only the place where they dwel but euen their very offices and functions sée Acts 1.20 be void vz. by thy iust taking of thē away from amongst mē and let none vz. of their séed posterity dwell in their tents vz. that they haue dwelt in he meaneth that he would haue them die without heire or issue Ver. 26. Whom thou hast smitten i. chastised and that with a fatherly correction whom thou hast wounded vz. with sorrow by al this he meaneth that the wicked layd gréeuous affliction punishments vpon those whom god in fatherly loue had chastised to humble them to bring thē to amendmēt Ver. 27. lay iniquitie i. punishment for iniquity whiche is called iniquity not that it is so but because the wicked so estéeme vpon their iniquity q.d. plague thē punish thē thorowly for their sinne and let thē not come into thy righteousnes i. let them neuer performe such holinesse of life as thou allowest or else let thē not be reckned amongst suche righteous persons as thou acceptest putting righteousnes for righteous men this latter séemeth to be the beter sence by reason of that which followeth Ver. 28. Let thē be put i. vtterly blotted out of the booke of life by this he vnderstandeth the eternall counsell of God by which he ordeineth predestinateth his owne to saluation according to his good pleasure he meaneth not that euer they were writtē there for good but because they were hipocrites and so séemed to be elected he prayeth the Lord to make it knowne vnto all that they are not of the number of his elect neither written in their Catalogue and all this he speaketh according to man as though God kept a booke of names sée Exod. 32.32 Phil. 4.3 neither let them be written with the righteous i. let them not be accounted numbred or estéemed as they or with them Ver. 29. When I am poore i. contemned and despised of men as commonly poore people are and in heauinesse vz. by reason of mine oppressions on euerye side shall exalte mée vz. into a high and sure place where I shall be frée from the force and rage of myne enemies Verse 30. I will prayse vz. when I shall bee deliuered the name of GOD i. his mighte maiestie power goodnesse c. as Psalm 20.1 with a song vz. apte méete and made for that purpose and magnifye him i. extoll and set him forth with thanksgiuing vz. for his louing kindnes and mercy toward me Ver. 31. This vz. prayse and thanks giuing for his benefits shall please the Lorde i. bee acceptable in his sighte better then a yong Bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes i. which is apt and méete for his age to be offered in sacrifice meaning thereby also any other beast whatsoeuer which the Lord had commanded to be offered Verse 32. The humble i. the good godly people that are afflicted in the world shall sée this vz. Iudgement of God vpon the wicked and mercy to his own children and they that seeke God i. those that professe his religion cal vpon his name as verse 6. of this Psalme shal be glad vz. for the execution and performaunce of that iudgment and mercy and your hart shall liue he sodaynly chaungeth the person directing his spéech to the afflicted ones q.d. you that for the greatnesse of my calamitie and your owne misery séemed as it were to be wounded at the hearte shall haue such great ioye that you shall séeme as it were to be restored from death to life Verse 33. For the Lord heareth the poore i. graunteth them that are afflicted their petitions and requests and despiseth not i. doth not onely not neglect but very greatly regardeth and highly estéemeth his prisoners i. those that suffer imprisonment or any manner of calamitie for the mayntainaunce of his truth and cause Verse 34. Let heauen and earth praise him vz. after their maner and kinde and in such sort as he inableth them the seas al that moueth in them he exhorteth the creatures to praise the Lord but al that is done to prouoke man to the same for the wonderfull goodnesse of God towards his people Verse 35. For God will saue i. not only deliuer from dangers but bring to eternall rest Sion i. his Church as Psalm 51.18 and build the Cities of Iudah vz. which were decayed and throwne down by the force of the aduersaries he meaneth by these spéeches that God will haue a care ouer his whole Church and the particular congregations thereof that men maye dwell there i. in the Church and haue it in possession vz. from the stirres and troubles of the vngodly Ver. 36. The séede also of his seruauntes i. the godlye and their posterity who are Gods seruaunts shall inherite it i. the Churche and the graces that God shall bestow vpon the same meaning that they shall be made partakers of all good things and they that loue his name i. feare his maiestie and serue him according to his will reuealed in his word shall dwell therein i. in the Church and congregation of God Do. Verse 1. Teacheth vs in time of great gréefe to flée to God for succour Ver. 2. sheweth that the more troubles we indure the more néede haue wee to drawe nigh to God by prayer Verse 3. Teacheth vs though we haue prayed long yet neuer to leaue off til God graunt our requests Verse 4. Setteth out the multitude power and oppression of the vngodly not as to dismay vs but to teach vs to denie
by beautie he meaneth the wonderful louing kindnesse and fauour of God which while it pleaseth God to shewe to his he doth after a sort adorne them with great glory and comfort which when also he withdraweth they séeme to bee in greate reproche and dishonour This then is as muche q.d. Shew vs thy fauour that not only we our selues maye thereby be comforted in our selues but also that thereby wee maye haue the great credite glory and estimation whiche wee were wont to haue with other people direct i. order guide and prosper the worke of our handes i. whatsoeuer wée shall take in hande vppon vs i. amongst vs in vs and to vs q.d. giue a good successe and blessed issue to al our enterprises he meaneth that nothing we take in hand can come to good ende except that GOD guide vs by his holy spirite euen directe the worke of our handes hee repeateth the same request agayne not onely to set forth his owne earnestnesse in prayer but also to declare howe necessarye and néedefull the thing it selfe is for whiche hée prayeth Verse 1. teacheth that it is no small comfort of conscience Do. if wee haue once felte God gracious and fauourable vnto vs. Verse 2. teacheth that the true tast and féeling of Gods eternall election is an excellent proppe for men to staye themselues on in all assaults Verse 3 teacheth that the issues both of life and death are in Gods owne power Verse 4 teacheth that the longest dayes and yeares of mans life in respect of God who is all eternity are nothing In the 5 and 6 verses by two similitudes vz. of floods and flowers he noteth the shortnesse and vanity of the life of all men of what state or condition soeuer they be Ver. 7 teacheth that the apprehension and féeling of Gods wrath worketh gréeuous effects in the mindes and bodies of those that be indéed touched therwith Ver. 8 that the matter of all Gods wrath agaynst vs is within our selues vz. both our open and secret transgressions against God and man Ver. 9 teacheth that mans life is nothing how long soeuer it be amongst men when the wrath and iudgement of God is vpon it Ver. 10 teacheth that al the dayes of the strongest mans life is nothing else but sorrow and vexation of spirite Ver. 11. teacheth how hard a thing it is and how few there are that doe rightlye and reuerently thinke of Gods fearefull wrath Verse 12 teacheth vs to pray to God to giue vs grace to thinke vpon the shortnesse of our liues and to remember the last ende a matter which we very easilye and much forget Verse 13 teacheth that nothing is so comfortable to Gods seruaunts as his fauour and loue and as when in the same they féele him reconciled vnto them Verse 14.15 teacheth vs that if we respecte our wretchednesse miserye and affliction we haue great néede to pray for the abundaunce and riches of Gods mercy to be shewed vpon vs and when we haue felt it to shew our selues vnfeignedly thankefull to him for the same Verse 16 teacheth in our prayers alwayes to respecte Gods glorye and the saluation of his people Verse 17. teacheth that nothing that wée doe can come to a good ende vnlesse the Lorde doth beginne continue and finish the same Psalme 91. Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts In the firste he declareth in what safety they are that in stedfast trust do wholy submit themselues vnto the Lord and hang vppon him from verse 1. to the end of the 13. In the second he bringeth in god speaking as a sufficient witnesse to confirme and performe the truth of all that he had sayde from verse 14. to the ende of the Psalme Se. This Psalme hath no title The Iewish expositors iudge that Moses penned it but that is not much materiall this is to be marked whosoeuer he was that writ it did shewe himselfe to haue a very singular féeling of Gods power and prouidence Verse 1. Who so i. Whosoeuer hée bée of what state and condition hée bée that dwelleth i. hath his moste vsuall abode in the secrete of the most high i. vnder the prouidence and protection of the most high GOD shall abide q.d. Suche a one néede not doubte but that hée shall alwayes continue in the shadowe of the almightie i. vnder the pleasaunte and assured defence of GOD. The Prophet sheweth what care the Lorde hath ouer his faythfull people into whatsoeuer daungers they fall and therefore exhorteth them to continue sure and stedfast to him because they that bee in his kéeping shall not be in daunger of blowes but shal dwel in a sure quiet and pleasaunt place which I suppose he meaneth by secret and shadowe Verse 2. I vz. being thus assured of his fatherlye protection will saye vz. at all times in what case or distresse souer I bee vnto the Lord vz. vppon whome I doe thus depende by fayth O myne hope i. thou whome alone I hope and trust in and my Fortresse sée Psalme 18.2 hée vz. alone and none other but hee is my GOD i. my defender and safe kéeper in him will I trust vz. all the dayes of my lyfe euen for euer and euer Immanuel readeth these two verses otherwise and maketh an other sence which indéede I better allow of thus Verse 1. To him vz. whosoeuer he bée that dwelleth i. that hangeth continually by a stedfast fayth in the secrete of the most high i. vppon the prouidence of the Lorde whether it appeare towards him or no and vnto him that lodgeth all nighte vnder the shadowe of the almighty By dwelling and lodging and all the rest of the words the Prophet meaneth nothing else but this he that daye and nighte by a liuelye fayth stayeth himselfe vppon GOD and his prouidence neyther careth much for anye worldlye casualtie as men terme it shall in déede be safe for that muste we vnderstande euen as Chickens are vnder the Hennes winges Let then the first verse go thus To him that dwelleth in the secrete of the most high and vnto him that lodgeth all night vnder the shadow of the almightie Ver. 2. Do I say vz. in mine own experience example in the Lord is my hope q.d. and by my example I woulde haue him to hope in him likewise and my fortresse i. the place of my sure defence agaynste all mine aduersaries hee is my GOD in whome I truste i. I trust vnto him and to no other but him who both canne and will defende mee Verse 3. Surelye q.d. without all doubte if so bee it thou vnfeynedlye trust in him For the man of GOD in this verse applyeth his owne example to the faythfull hée vz. whiche hath all will and power in himselfe and neuer deceaueth anye will deliuer thée i. eyther kéepe thée altogether from it or else if thou fall into it sette thée frée from the snare i. from destruction priuilye and closelye prepared for thée as snares are to catche
which darkenesse and night all the beastes of the forrest i. a great number of rauening and deuouring beastes whiche in the daye tyme durste not for feare of man shew their heads amongst these hee reckoneth vp the Lyon in the nexte verse créepe forth vz. out of their holes and dennes where they had lurked all the day long Verse 21. The Lions i. euen the yong lustie and strong Lyons roare vz. in that darkenesse and nighte after their praye i. after a praye that they woulde gladlye gette and obtayne to satisfye their hunger withall and séeke their meate at GOD the Prophet meaneth not that they staye themselues vppon the care which GOD hath ouer them for that they cannot doe but hée sheweth that GOD doth myraculouslye giue meate to the Lyons and other deuouring beasts yea although they liue by spoyle and rauening whiche serueth wonderfullye to sette foorth God his power and prouidence whiche is the special marke that the Prophet aymeth at in this Psalme Verse 22. When the Sunne ryseth the Prophet sheweth that GOD so distributeth the tyme that the daye belongeth vnto man and the nighte to rauenous beastes whose cruelty is in parte also restrayned by the lighte of the Sunne or day so that they are thereby as it were constrayned to kéepe themselues in their dennes to the ende that man may more safelye goe aboute his businesse they retyre i. those rauenous Beastes of the Forrestes and couche in their Dennes i. lye still and quietlye there without annoying or hurting man any waye Verse 23. Then i. at the Sunne rysing and when the wilde beastes are in their Caues and holes goeth man foorth i. mankinde or the people whiche inhabite the earth to his worke and to his labour i. to the affayres and businesses whiche thou haste appointed him to doe whiche is called his because hée is Gods Instrumente in the performaunce thereof vntill the euening whiche tyme thou of thy goodnesse O Lorde haste ordayned for his rest Verse 24. O Lorde the Prophet in this sentence vseth both an exclamation and a wondering after that hee had as before spoken of the merueylous vses of GOD his gouernmente howe manifolde i. not onely dyuers in respecte of kynde but innumerable in respect of multitude are thy workes i. the thinges that thou haste created and made in wisedome i. in suche greate and excellent wisedome haste thou made them all vz. generally and particularlye as none is able to controll eyther the whole or any parte thereof The Prophet meaneth that Gods workemanshippe is so exquisite that there is no confusion eyther in the whole or in parte some expounde it thus In wisedome hast thou made them all i. by wisedome meaning his eternall Sonne as Prouerbes 8 verse 22 c. vnto the ende of the Chapter but notwithstanding I lyke the former sence better the earth i. the whole worlde and the people that dwell therein is full of thy riches i. is plentifullye replenished with varyetie of thy greatnesse whiche are greate testimonyes of thy grace Verse 25. So is the Sea q.d. as the earth is filled with thy riches so is the Sea lykewise from the testimonyes of Gods grace and goodnesse vpon the Lande he commeth to the Sea which hée setteth out as it were a new glasse wherein men may behold Gods power and wisedome greate and wyde hée attributeth two Titles to the Sea the one noting the force thereof the other the largenesse both yet tending to manyfest Gods power which had replenished so huge a place with such wonderfull store and varietye of creatures for therein i. in the Sea are thinges vz. whiche thou haste created créeping vz. according to the order whiche thou haste sette meaning by this terme swimming and liuing in the Waters innumerable hée sheweth that the creatures of GOD in the Sea can not bée numbred muche lesse can those in Heauen and these in earth and altogether both small Beasts and great q.d. There is not onely innumerable store but varietye of kindes also all which setteth forth still Gods mightye power Verse 26. There i. in that Sea goe the Shippes i. they sayle to and fro a Metaphor taken from liuing Creatures and applyed to insensible thinges yea that Leuiathan q.d. Euen that same greate monstrous Fishe is in the Sea also sée Iob. 40. verse 20. to the end of the Chapter and Iob 41. throughout whome thou hast made to play therein i. to swimme vp and downe at his pleasure q.d. This onely Sea beast doth sufficyently sette out vnto vs the fearefull power of GOD whose styrring though it trouble the seas yet is it nothing but sporte in respecte of GOD. Verse 27. All these vz. thy creatures whether they bée in the ayre or in the earth or in the Sea wayte vppon thée vz. not only to haue foode and sustenaunce as followeth but to bée disposed of euen as shall please thée without whome they canne doe nothing that thou vz. thorowe thy prouidence and appoyntment mayest giue them vz. of thy gracious goodnesse and mercy foode vz to eate vppon and lay by in due season i. in that time wherein thou thy selfe haste appoynted with thy selfe to bestowe it vppon them Verse 28. Thou giuest it vz. graciously and plentifullye vnto them vz. when they are in néede and wante and they gather it vz. to their comforte and sustentation thou openest thine hande hée séemeth here to resemble GOD to a good Father or Mayster of a householde who many tymes with holdeth from his children and Seruauntes to the ende that they might learne to sette a better price vpon them which when he séemeth then inclined vnto then hée bestoweth these thinges vppon them and they are filled with good thinges vz. from thée by opening of the hande hée meaneth Gods greate liberalitye and by filling with good thinges hée vnderstandeth the effecte of that grace Verse 29. But if thou hyde thy face i. if thou shewe not thy selfe fauourable and mercyfull vnto them but leaue them Hée sheweth that euen GOD his verye countenaunce giueth euen béeing and moouing and lyfe vnto all thinges they are troubled vz. beyonde all measure so that they euen seeme to bee withoute all lyfe or béeing If thou take awaye their breath i. that kinde of lyfe whiche thou hast giuen them sée Genesis 1 verse 24. they die and returne to their dust vz. out of which they were taken and not that it is their owne Verse 30. Againe if thou vz. O Lorde the Prophetes minde is to shew that the death and life of all creatures is in the Lords power only send forth thy spirit i. thy quickening and liuely power some referre it to the holy Ghost I suppose both sences may very well stand prouided also that wée fall not into the error of some who supposed that the spirit did essentially dwell in men and other creatures they are created i. not only restored into their former state by thy fauourable countenaunce after they haue bene troubled by
ouerthrowe me vers 10. Lette them fall from their councels i. lette them dislike that which they had counselled and purposed before cast them out vz. eyther from thy selfe or from the inheritance of thy children vers 11. Couer thou them i. defend them and keepe them safe from the face of their enemies that loue thy name i. that feare thy maiestie and vnfeignedly professe thy religion vers 12. Blesse put for doing al maner of good to one righteous see Psalme 1.5.6 put for such as striue to righteousnes and are so accounted though not so in deed of themselues but by means of another vz. Iesus Christ Ver. 1. Do. Teacheth that Gods children many times vse words in their praiers many times not So did Moses and Anna the mother of Samuel vers 2. Gods children should striue to earnestnes in prayer should pray vnto none but to him alone vers 3. Teacheth that we should breake our sleeps in the morning to the end we might pray to the Lord. vers 4. Teacheth that seeing God cannot away with wickednes his children should abhor it likewise the same doth vers 5. In vers 6. are comprehended iudgements against the vngodly namely against lyers cruel persons and deceitful men vers 7. Teacheth that we may not appeare before God in the trust of our own merits but of his mercies onely also that with reuerence we should repayre to the places of Gods seruice and reuerently also there behaue our selues vers 8. Teacheth that vnlesse God guide vs we shal go out of the way also that we should pray for an holy life and that to this ende that the mouthes of the enemies may be stopped from euill speach vers 9. Is a liuely description of the vngodlies qualities as that they are inconstant that they imagine mischiefe that they are giuen to crueltie to flatterie vers 10. We learn that it is lawfull to pray against the enemies of the Church as that their counsels deuises may be scattered c. verse 11. We learne that the faithfull may reioyce at the ouerthrow of Gods enemies verse 12. We learn in what assurednes they are whome the Lord defendeth Psalme 6. 1 THis Psalme consisteth of three principall partes Di. In the first is comprehended the Prophets praiers with reasons that hee alledgeth to induce the Lorde to take pitie vpon him frō vers 1. to the end of the 4. In the second he setteth out the greatnes of his griefe shewing that if God should take him away by death he should lacke occasion to praise him among men as he was wont to doe from vers 5. to the end of the 7. In the third he doth not onely sharpely rebuke his enemies but also foretelleth their destruction frō vers 8 to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath a title as sundry others haue Se. but it is the same with the 4. and therefore looke backe to that sauing that he addeth here vpon the eight tune which was a tune well knowne among the Iewes and was sung with a very cleare and high voyce see 1. Chron. 15.21 vers 1. Anger and wrath attributed to God not that they bee in him but that it so seemeth to men when hee correcteth them and this vers is shortly vttered something seeming as it were to want which is an ordinarie matter to those that are diseased Adde therfore this neither chastise me in thy wrath vz. least I should be consumed and brought to nothing Sée Iere. 10.24 ver 2. I am weake vz. with my sicknes q.d. I am wonderfully weakned through my sicknes but restore me my former forces my bones are vexed i. full of griefe and ache by the abating of my flesh through sicknes and by continuall lying vers 3. Wilt thou delay vz. to send helpe and reliefe vers 4. returne q.d. as it seemed to me thou hast departed away from mee but nowe returne at the length deliuer my soule vz. from present death as may appeare in the next vers following vsing also the word soule which is a part of man for the whole vers 5. in death i. among dead bodies there is no remembrance of thee because the body hath nothing without the soule in the graue who shall praise thee i. what dead bodie put into the graue shall praise thee q.d. none shall or can Verse 6. I faint rather then I fainted because al the rest is read in the present tense meaning by fainting not onely a long vse of his mourning but a wearisomnes yea a consuming and wearing away with the vse thereof I cause my bed euery night to swimme and water my couch vpon which I lie in the day time for ease refreshing for that difference I make betweene bed and couch with my teares these exceeding speaches doe nothing else but note the greatnes of Dauids mourning and the bitternes and sharpnes of his disease vers 7. mine eie is dimmed i. the clearnes and good sight it had is taken from it partly through continual mourning and partly through despite or freting and wrath rather which he caried towardes his enemies that reioyced at his sicknes and sank in or after some waxed olde I take it to be but a repetition of that which went before vers 8. Depart from me c. q.d. You may now go your way for that which you looked for vz. my death you shal not haue at this present for the Lord hath hearde the voyce of my weeping i. Graciously granted me that which with teares I asked of him vers 9. Wil receiue my prayer The Prophet assureth himselfe euen for the time to come as well as for the time past or present vers 10. Is here red as a prophecie or fortelling of the ruine of his enemies others read it as a wish and a praier against his enemies thus let al mine enemies c. There is no hardnes in it in respect of the sense they shal be turned backe as those that haue suffered a repulse Do. not able to looke their foes in their face Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to run vnto the Lord by praier to preuent his iudgements ver 2. Teacheth vs to do that but yet always hauing recourse to his mercy onely it teacheth such that the more we are afflicted the more need wee haue to come to God specially if we be touched in soule or conscience as verse 3. vers 8.9 expresseth Gods readines in yeelding to the supplications of his seruants vers 10. conteineth iudgements against the wicked and vngodly Psalme 7. THis Psalme consisteth principally of three partes Di. In the first part he praieth for deliuerance from his enemies setting out his innocencie and vpright dealing towards them from vers 1. to the end of the 5. In the second he praieth against his enemies declaring what good shall come to his children by the ouerthrow of the wicked From vers 6. vnto the ende of the 10. In the 3. hee pronounceth Gods iudgements against the vngodly which
part of the law put for the whole it may also be called iudgments because that thereby hée sheweth what he iudgeth méete to be done are truth and therefore can not be accused of subtilty or falshood and it is more forcible in that hee sayth they are truth then if hee should say they are true because that speach noteth that nothing besides or without them is truth but méere lying ver 20. Sheweth the preciousnes of the lawe If we would desire store or profit we must preferre it before the finest golde that hath beene oftenest tried if present vse and pleasure before hony the hony combe ver 11. made circumspect vz. in his walking being taught what to do and what to flée from and here Dauid speaketh of himselfe in the third person yet so that it doth apperteine to all Gods children There is great reward vz. through Gods mercy for so doth the word rewarde import and not of our merit as the papists imagine ver 12. Who can vnderstand his faults i. knowe them as it were particularly either for the multitude of thē or because ignorantly we cōmit many things which we take to be no sinnes secret faults i. sinnes not only hidden from other men but from my selfe by reason of my ignorance and yet al knowne to thée ver 14. Wordes of my mouth i. the words I shal vtter with my mouth meditatiō of mine heart i. the things I shal meditate in my hart he wisheth that his thoughts words might be such as might be regarded before God and answerable to his profession and he speaketh nothing of déeds and works because this necessarily followeth that when the meditations thoughts of the heart together with the words be good then déeds also wil be good redéemer vz. through Christ none other speaking here not only of deliuerāce frō dangers but from sin that which sinne bringeth with it also vz. eternal death and destruction Do. Out of the sixe first verses we may learne to behold knowe the maiestie power goodnes of God in his creatures secondly that as they in their kind expresse preach these excellent things so yea much more should men that God hath created after so feareful wonderful a sort that not euery man in himself but also to be gods instrument to worke the same in others Out of the We learne generally by the excellent cōmendation of gods law reuerently to estéeme it vnfeignedly imbrace it out of ver 7. Where it is called perfect wee haue an answere to the papists that accuse it of some want by bringing in vpon it their vnwritten verities and traditions and in these words conuerting the soule that ordinarily it is possible that any should repent and haue fayth without the hearing of gods word as Rom. 40.17 and in these words is sure there is a doctrine of comfort to the faithful because gods wil neuer faile them of terror to the wicked because gods iudgmēts shal assuredly ouertake them and in these words giueth wisedome vnto the simple we haue not only a notable effect of the law set forth but an argumēt to conuince the papists in this that they accuse the word of darknes as though none could profit by it but the learned sort ver 8. True ioy is to be fet from gods word as also true light of knowledge vnderstanding ver 9. Noteth the propertie of gods word the exact perfection that is in the whole in euery part therof ver 10. Teacheth in what great estimation we ought to haue the word and with what a holy hunger and thirst we should desire the worde ver 11. Teacheth two things first that wee can neuer bee truely wise but by learning gods word secondly that for our better incouragement to the doing thereof the Lord setteth great rewards before vs and indéed graciously in good time giueth vs the same ver 12. Teacheth that our sinnes are innumerable secondly that we must pray pardon of them generally particularly of these which we haue committed either of ignorance or of knowledge and yet remember them not ver 13. Teacheth vs to pray against the power and rule of sinne in vs. ver 14. That we should haue care and conscience ouer our wordes and thoughts that they might be approued before God Psalme 20. THis Psalme hath specially 2. partes In the first Di. there is a prayer for the king for whose welfare the people promise ioyfulnes and thankfulnes from ver 1. to the end of the fifth In the second they do assure themselues of Gods fauour and of their enemies ouerthrow and protesting for themselues that God shal be their aide and praying again for their king from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psas 4. ver 1. heare thée i. Se. the praier that thou makest granting thy requests of Iaakob may be here taken either for the person of the Patriarth who worshipped god with great religion which God also was present with him in al his afflictions or else it may be put for the whole people of Israel who came of Iaakob both the wayes are vsuall in the old new testament ver 2. Frō the sanctuary i. from a place in the arke so called in which God gaue visible tokens of his fauor defence out of Sion this was the place wherin the arke which was a visible token of gods aide defence was receiued he putteth the place the arke therin contained for the assured fauor aid of God Some vnderstand by sanctuary heauen by Sion the visible place of god in his church what soeuer it is the prophet meaneth nothing but aide assistance to be giuen from god ver 3. Let him remēber or as Immanuel readeth let him smel meaning by that metaphor a gracious acceptation of his sacrifices as Gene. 8.21 vz. With fauor graciously accepting al thine offrings he meaneth by offrings the exercises of religion ioyned with them as confession of sins praier c. and turne vz. by fire as it were sent frō heauen Thy burnt offrings into ashes declaring therby that he alloweth thy seruices as he did to Aaron Leuit. 9.24 to Eliah 1. king 18.38 Ver. 4. According to thy hart i. as thy hart wisheth desireth all thy purpose i. whatsoeuer thou purposest he meaneth describeth here a king that asketh nothing but by the direction of gods spirit what God himself hath prescribed ver 5. Immanuel readeth this verse as it were a continuance of the peoples praier this is a reason to moue god graciously to yéeld to their praiers In thy saluatiō i. in that thou sauest deliuerest from dangers vz. our king so haue we had saluation sundry times vsed before And set vp the banner like vnto those that triumph after a victory is gotten hee putteth the signe of ioy for ioyfulnes it selfe in the name this word is taken here as ver 1.
crafty crueltie of the wicked which may teach the godly two things specially first in all holy wisedome to labour the preuenting of these mischiefes that are meant against them secondly to striue to liue a holy and an vpright life because the eies of the wicked are continually vpon them Ver. 7. Sheweth vs howe the wicked flatter themselues in their sinne Ver. 8. Expresseth the great care that God hath ouer his children and how dearely he accompteth euery thing that is done to them or commeth from them Ver. 9. Setteth out the force and effect of feruent prayer Ver. 10.11 Are the same with ver 4. of this Psalme Ver. 12. Teacheth vs in care and conscience to performe the holy promises we haue made vnto God specially those that concerne praise and thanksgiuing Ver. 13. Teacheth two things first that it is God alone that vpholdeth his children and deliuereth them from all dangers and distresses secondly that he doeth this to this end that by holy life and godly conuersation we should glorifie him before men Psalme 57 Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first the Prophet calleth vppon the Lord assuring himselfe that God will graciously heare his prayers and deliuer him from ver 1. to the end of the third In the second hee declareth the dangerous and pitifull estate wherein he was and the craft and cruelty of his enemies praying deliuerance therfrom from ver 4. to the end of the 6. In the third part he sheweth his readines and inforceth himselfe to yéeld thankes to the Lord for his mercy goodnes towards him from ver 7. to the end of the Psalme The title to him that excelleth sée Psal 4. Destroy not In these words is declared the summe of those petitions which are conteined in Psalmes that haue such titles as this is as Psal 58. also Psal 59. It should appeare that Dauid was in some wonderfull feare of death and destruction and therfore praieth the Lord not to destroy him i. not onely not to suffer the wicked to destroy him but also because he alone had al power in his hands not to lay hands vpon him himself A Psal of Dauid on Michtam sée Psal 56 in the title whē he fled from Saul the history hereof is put down at large 1. Sam. 22.1 1. Sam. c. In the caue or rather into the caue He meaneth either Adullam or else an other caue in En-gedi for which sée the places before noted so that in this title wee may sée the occasion of the writing and making of this Psalme vz. Dauids great daunger and affliction Ver. 1. Haue mercy vppon mee O God haue mercy vpon mee this is a most vehement request which also may appeare by the doubling of the words by the which also he sheweth that he was in very great danger for my soule trusteth in thée this word soule importeth that he trusted in God with all his heart which is the part that God especially regardeth and in the shadowe of thy winges i. thy sauegarde prouidence and protection it is a metaphor borrowed from chickens who lye close vnder the hennes wings till the kyte be passed ouer sée Psal 17.8 Wil I trust vz. because I haue heretofore found it good the Prophet meaneth that he had trusted did and would continually trust in Gods almighty protection onely till these afflictions ouerpasse It appeareth that Dauid had more troubles then one yea that hee had as it were flouds of them which maketh him here to resēble his afflictions to a storme or tēpest not meaning by the word til that when the tempest was appeased hee woulde then cease to trust in God but that hee would both then and for euer hang vppon him so haue you the word till vsed Psal 110. ver 1. Ver. 2. I will call i. I will pray vnto the most high God the Prophet addeth this to strengthen his fayth because he whom he would inuocate had all power in his hand and hée strengtheneth himselfe also by that which followeth vz. that god doth faithfully performe his promises made him for God neuer vseth to leaue a worke vnperfite that hee hath begunne but alwaies continueth his benefits and goodnes towards those that are his Ver. 3. Hee will sende from heauen vz. either one or many Angels rather thē I shoulde want helpe and succour and saue mée i. deliuer mee from the reproofe hee meaneth by this worde all that either closely or openly coulde be done or sayd against him of him i. not onely of Saul though he be the chiefe but of those that take part with him against mee that woulde swallow mee sée Psalm 56.1 God will sende his mercy and his trueth this may serue to expound by the way of addition these wordes hee wil send from heauen in the beginning of this verse or else wee may expound them thus hee wil sende vz. vnto mee making mee féele by experience that which I haue had heretofore but in perswasion his mercy and his trueth by mercy hee meaneth the manifestation of his goodwill and grace towardes him and by trueth hee meaneth the faithfulnes and true performance that God obserueth in keeping his promises Verse 4. My soule i. my whole life and body is amonge Lions i. greedy and cruell persons sée Psalm 35.17 Hée meaneth his enemies whome hee resembleth to Lions because they were full of rage and cruelty meaning also by this manner of speach and those that followe in this verse that hee was in wonderfull daunger I lye among the children of men i. such as haue nothing more then that corruption which they haue brought from their fathers which is nothing else but al maner of naughtines and cruelty that are set on fire vz. against mee and that through the malice and mischiefe of their owne heartes without any cause on my part giuen whose téeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword by téeth and tongue which are the instruments wherby men speake he vnderstandeth the false and hateful accusations that Sauls flatterers made against him and in that he resembleth them to speares arrowes and swordes hee meaneth that they were sharpe kéene and persing euen to the wounding of him sée Psal 120.4 also Psalm 55.21 also Psal 59.7 Ver. 5. Exalt thy selfe O God aboue the heauen hee prouoketh the Lorde as it were by prayer to declare his power q.d. shewe thy might and power which is farre aboue the heauens here vppon the earth in ouerthrowing and confounding mine enemies and let thy glory bee vz. made manifest and appeare vpon all the earth i. all the earth ouer to the ende that thy glory may bee extolled and magnified amongst men which can hardly be if I be oppressed for that should be with the dishonour of thy name Ver. 6. They vz. the wicked and vngodly my deadly enemies haue layd a net for my steppes i. haue either narowly watched me in my conuersation as before Psal 56.6 or else
because hee depriued them of his testimonies of his presence and grace meaning that the Lorde as a signe of his wrath refused to let his Arke bee any longer in Shilo in which arke the Lorde did as it were dwell but gaue it into the hands of the Philistines as appeareth 1. Samuel 4. euen the tabernacle where hee dwelt among men hee doeth in these woordes make plaine the former part of this verse for God in his tabernacle séemed to haue as it were his residence and aboad vppon earth Ver. 61. And deliuered vz. willingly freely because it was prophecied of those that were his people in name his power i. his Arke 1. Chronic. 16.11 which is called his power not because his power was inclosed in it but because it was a testimonie vnto the children of Israel of that his power and might which hee had many times manifested for their defence against their enemies and because he was wont out of the same to declare his power and strength into captiuity vz. amongst the Philistines as appeareth 1. Sam. 4.11 and his beauty this is an other title attributed to the Arke signifieth as much as glory because that when the arke was present God manifested his beauty or glory which otherwise was and is inuisible and neuer could be seene and therefore GOD gaue them the arke that in it as in a glasse they might beholde his maiesty Ver. 62. And he gaue vp his people to the sworde vz. of their enemies meaning that the Lorde for their sinnes deliuered them to the slaughter and was angry with his inheritance vz. for their sinnes and transgressions sake and hee calleth the people the Lordes inheritaunce but because it pleased him to vouchsafe to chuse them to that honour and not otherwise Ver. 63. The fire vz. of Gods wrath and not that the Lord vsed fire to destroy them but rather warrelike force which destroyeth and licketh vp al thinges euen as fire doeth the things that are before it deuoured their chosē men i. quickly did consume and eate vp the sodainenes also of it is noted in the worde fire and by chosen men he vnderstandeth the strongest mightiest and as it were the flowre of the people Sée 1. Sam. 4.10 and their maides were not praysed vz. by mariage songs which the Grecians called Epithalamia and were sung by the tēder and deare friends of the bridegrome and bride and this was not onely in vse among the Gentiles but also amongst the Iewes Gods people as may appeare Psal 45. throughout Ierem. 7.34 Ierem. 16.9 Ierem. 25.10 So that by not being praised hee meaneth they were not maried but by death through Gods iust iudgement were taken away before they coulde come to that honour Ver. 64. Their Priestes i. Hophni and Phinehas 1. Samu. 4.11 fel by the sword i. were killed by the battaile by the weapons of their enemies and their widowes i. both the Priests and the peoples wiues lamented not i. did not mourne for the misery that was fallen vpon them and this was not because they were either hard hearted or might not mourne but because by death they were taken away from perfourming of that duety as amongst the rest appeareth in Phinehas his wife 1. Sam. 4.19.20 c Ver. 65. But the Lorde q.d. from al this misery that they were in and notwithstanding all the iniquities they had committed against him awaked vz. at the length as one out of sléep q.d. though he séemed for a season to haue no care of his people as men that are in sléepe care for nothing yet at length hee rose vp and reuenged his and their aduersaries and as a strong man that after his wine i. after his strong drinke that hath made him somewhat sléepie crieth out vz. for his armour weapons meaning by crying out an earnest preparing of himselfe against his enemies these similitudes doe nothing derogate from the glory of God but are vsed to wake the dulnes and heauines of the people And though this text and sense be good yet I rather allowe Immanuels both text and sense here he readeth it thus Afterwards i. after al these miseries laid vppon his people by the Philistines God awaked i. tooke vppon him to set vpon his peoples aduersaries this is spoken of God according to mans capacitie who i. which almightie God was thought vz. both by the Philistines yea and his owne people to bée as one that sléepeth i. idle and negligent doing nothing against the one nor any thing for the other no more then a sléeping man doeth which also may appeare by their scoffing at God 1. Samuel 4.7.8 or as a mighty man singing through wine i. as one that were carelesse and made no account but of mirth thus the idolaters attribute fond thinges to God and so commit blasphemie against God Ver. 66. And smote his enemies i. the Philistines who are called his enemies because they were enemies to his people in the hinder parts these words haue a double sense first this God caused the Philistines to turne their backes vpon their enemies and so by flying to bee wounded and slaine secondly this that the Lorde strooke the Philistines with Emerods which was a very sore punishment and turned them to great griefe this latter I allowe of by reason of that which is written 1. Sam. 5. ver 6.9.12 And put them to a perpetuall shame i. cast vpon the Philistines a shame that shuld sticke by them for euer if they could sée it which was the casting downe of their idole Dagon and breaking him in pieces 1. Sam. 5.4 Ver. 67. Yet he refused the tabernacle of Ioseph q.d. as God plagued his enemies so hée spared not altogether his owne people but refused to let the Arke which was a testimonie of his presence remaine in the tabernacle of Ioseph i. in the place that it was in in the tribe of Ephraim who was the sonne of Ioseph for as it appeareth 1. Samuel 4. the Arke was in Shilo which was a part of the lande giuen to Ephraim and his tribe who came of Ioseph but God refused that place and remoued the Arke to an other as appeareth in the next ver and that is vsuall in the Scriptures to put the father from whome the tribe came for the tribe it selfe and chose not the tribe of Ephraim this doth more plainly and particularly declare that which went before and is as it were an exposition therof Ver. 68. But chose the tribe of Iudah i. chose a place for the Arke to rest in in the tribe of Iudah and mount Sion i. euen the mount Sion which hée loued i. which hee caried a speciall fauour vnto not that God is tyed more to one place then to an other but to shewe that it lieth in him to appoynt where and what hee will and then no body is to reason against it Verse 69. And hee built his sanctuary i. the place of his dwelling and abiding as an high pallace i. easily to
to him Ver. 7. teacheth that no mans honor or office can preuent or put away death Verse 8 instructeth vs in the middest of all confusions disorders amongst men earnestly to pray to the Lord for the redresse of them for he alone is he that can and will in good time reforme the same Psalme 83. IT appeareth that this Psalme was made in some time that the enemies of the Churche conspired the ouerthrow of it Di. I suppose that a man may well referre it to the dayes of Hezekiah wherein Saneherib came vp agaynst Ierusalem and vttered outragious blasphemies against God and his people sée 2. Kings 18. and 19. chapiters The Psalm as I take it may be deuided into two parts In the first the faythfull pray to God for ayd and succour shewing the causes that lead them so to doe from verse 1 to the end of the eyght In the second part they pray earnestly for the ouerthrow of their enemies that so they might be brought downe in their pride and confesse God to be their only God from verse 9 to the ende of the Psalme Sée the Title of this Psalme expounded in the title of Psalme 48. Verse 1. Kéepe not thou silence O God vz. at our prayers Se. and considering the rage of thine and our enemies q.d. Make no longer shew as though thou caredst not for vs but by graunting our petitions and punishing our enemies shewe thy selfe to haue care ouer vs be not still they repeat the same matter in other words to note the earnestnesse of their prayers and cease not vz. to helpe vs in our distresses Verse 2. For loe thine enemies i. they that in vs professing thy truth set themselues agaynst thée make a tumult vz. not onely in gathering great multitudes together but also in lowde and loftie speeches as verse 4. of this Psalme making a great noyse they that hate thee i. they that testifie their hatred against thy maiestie by pursuing and persecuting vs haue lifted vp the head vz. against thy maiestie vs thy poore seruaunts and by lifting vp the head hee meaneth that they had not onely set all feare aside but that with bold and proude mindes they prepared themselues staying vppon their owne strength to accomplish their mischiefs agaynst God and his people Ver. 3. They haue taken craftie counsel i. they haue both diuised with themselues and consulted with others agaynst thy people vz. how they mighte hurte and destroy them and haue consulted vz. with themselues and others agaynst thy secret ones i. thy faythfull people and he calleth them Gods secret ones not only because they were Gods chéefe treasure Exodus 19.5 whiche hee woulde kéepe closely for himselfe but because he would and did vnder the shadowe of his wings as it were kéepe them safe and sound from all iniurie and oppression Psalme 17.8 Psalme 27.5 Verse 4. They haue sayde i. the enemies amongst themselues as it were to exhort and incourage one another haue vttered these spéeches Come and let vs cut them from being a Nation i. let vs vtterly destroy them that they may no more remaine a people vppon the earth and that word them is spoken contemptuouslye of the Iewes or Israelites as though they would not vouchsafe to name the persons they were so base and for the expounding of this spéech from being a Nation sée Esai 7 verse 8. where he vttereth a prophecy against the tenne tribes and let the name of Israel be no more in remembraunce i. let this people so vtterly perrish that neither person name or remembrance therof may be thought vpon By Israell he meaneth that part of the Israelites which remained vnder the gouernment of the kingdome of Iudah to whome hee giueth this name because they came of Iaakob or Israel as well as the others Verse 5. For they haue consulted i. they haue not onely taken counsell how to performe euil things but haue conspired and consented to the same together in hart i. not only closely secretly as before ver 3. but also couragiously boldly as it were and they séeme to bée al of one mind as it were to our destruction haue made a league vz. amōgst themselues and that by solemne oth and ceremonie as it were that they might be the more straightly bound to worke their mischiefe against thée he sayth agaynst God because that the quarrell which the enemies had agaynst this people was for religions cause which was the very cause of God himself Ver. 6 The Tabernacles of Edom that is the Edomites or Arabians whose manner was to dwell in Tents or Tabernacles or else hee meaneth their souldiers abiding in Tentes or Pauilions after the manner of warre this people came of Esau Genesis 36.9 and the Ismaelites adde and of the Ismaelites meaning that their troupes Tabernacles or Tents came who caried also a hatefull mind towards Gods people and it shoulde séeme that these came of Ismaell the sonne of Agar by Abraham sée Genesis 25.12 Moab i. the Moabites putting the name of the Father for all the people that came of him he was the eldest Sonne of Lot borne by incest sée Genesis 19.37 and the Agarims I woulde rather reade it Hagarims with an H or aspiration fyrste it shoulde be read as appeareth by the Hebrew Texte the Prophet mynding to note them that came of Hagar the mother of Ismaell of this people sée 1. Chronic. 5. verse 19.20 Verse 7. Geball from whome this people should come the scripture so farre as I remember sheweth not some suppose he meaneth the Gibbians who were borderers vpon Sidon of whiche sée 1. Kinges 5.18 and Ammon this was the other sonne of Lot conceaued and borne in Incest of whiche sée Genesis 19.38 putting in all these the name of the fyrste Father of them for all the people thee came of them and Amelech these came of Eliphaz Esaus sonne as appeareth Gene. 36.12 the Philistines these came of Ham the Sonne of Noah as appeareth Genesis 10.14 with the inhabitants of Tyrus this is the name of a Citie situate vpon the Sea as appeareth Isaiah 23. thorowout Verse 8. Ashur i. the people of Assyria who came also of Ham Noahs Sonne as it shoulde séeme Genesis 10.11 is ioyned with them vz. in this conspiracie and mischiefe that they minde to doe for in these verses hee doeth nothing but note out the multitudes of the enemies which Gods Churche hath they haue bin an arme i. they haue ministred courage ayde and strength by the league that they haue made to the children of Lot i. to the Moabites and Ammonites that came of Lot of whome before Verse 9. Doe thou to them as to the Midianites i. destroy them vtterly and ouerthrow them for all their force and multitude this story is written Iudges 7. Chapter as to Sisera i. confound and ouerthrow them Sée Iudges 4. Chapter and as to Iabin who was the King of Canaan and Sisera was his chéefe Captayne in whose discomfiture and
his sight neither wil the God of Iaakob regard it q.d. hee will make no great account of our transgressions so the wicked are caryed away into sinne perswading themselues either that God maketh no account of it or if hée doe they are able to stoppe his eyes vppe and to shut his mouth Verse 8. Vnderstand vz. howe farre yee goe astray and deceiue your selues q.d. nowe at the length bee of a better mynde yee vnwise i. yee wicked and vngodly men as Psal 92.6 among the people hee meaneth by this speach not onely that they committed sinne in the sight of the people but were as a man woulde saye the ringleaders of the rest and yée fooles i. O yée wicked people as generally you shall haue that worde so vsed throughout the Prouerbes when will yee bée wise i. when will yée returne and bée of a better mynde for that is true wisedome in déede Ver. 9. Hée that planted the eare vz. in the heade and that place of the head meaning thereby the creating and making of it shall hee not heare q.d. it can not bée but hée must needes heare or hee that formed the eye i. hée that not onely gaue shape but substaunce also and being vnto it shall hée not sée q.d. it can not bée auoyded but hée must needes sée and therefore that is a vayne perswasion which you haue to thinke that hee doeth not beholde and marke your wordes and déedes and this is a reason taken from the very order of nature q.d. if GOD giue men power to heare and sée can any thing then be hidden from him as you suppose no in déed Sée such a like argument vsed Exodus 4.11 Verse 10. Or hée that chastiseth vz. with his punishmēts and iudgments the nations i. whole peoples countries yea and the whole world as in the general flood shall hée not correct vz. you that with the same or like punishments q.d. you may assure your selues that hée will come vppon you in seuere iustice and iudgement And this is an argument taken from the more to the lesse q.d. if GOD chastise and correct all people without partialty or respect of persons will he leaue some fewe men vnpunished no in deed he that teacheth man i. all mankynde and euery man that hath any thing knowledge i. any knowledge or vnderstanding that hée hath shall not hée knowe vz. the sinnes and iniquyties which you commit against him either openlye or secretlye q.d. assure your selues hée knoweth them all Verse 11. The Lorde q.d. whatsoeuer you imagine yet this is certaine that hée knoweth i. heareth seeth correcteth yea and pronounceth iudgement of the thoughtes of man i. not only the thinges that man thinketh but also the wordes hee speaketh and the workes hee doeth putting thought which is the beginning of euery thing for the pursuite and perfourmaunce of the thinges themselues that they are vanitye i. that they are vayne and shall come to no ende as by the iudgement which hée will execute vppon them shall appeare Verse 12. Blessed is the man i. certainely hee is in good case howsoeuer the world déeme of him And marke how after hee had reproued the wicked hee commeth to comfort the good whome thou chastisest vz. for a small while and that either by the ministery of wicked and vngodly men as verse 5. and 6. of this Psal or else by thine owne hande and crosses of tryall and teachest him vz. to walke in thy law i. according to the rules prescribed in the same Verse 13. That thou mayest giue him rest vz. after some short and small affliction as Psalme 30.5 vnderstanding by rest deliueraunce from all daungers and distresses and peace after the same deliueraunce from the dayes of euill i. from the tyme wherein hée was exercised with affliction and aduersitie while the pit is digged for the wicked i. not onely while the vngodly is afflicted as though he ment that the good being deliuered the vngodly shoulde bée punished in this life but also death and destruction from the Lorde is prepared for them and commeth vppon them Sée 2. Thessalonians 1. ver 5.6.7 Vnderstanding by pit death and destruction and by digging the preparing and performing thereof Ver. 14. Surely the Lorde will not faile his people i. deceiue or disappoint them in any thing neither will hee forsake his inheritaunce vz. vtterly or for euer hee here laboureth to staye the faythfull vppon the assured loue and trueth of the Lorde Verse 15. for iudgement i. Gods iudgements which in this worlde is rather executed vppon the good then vppon the badde shall returne to iustice i. shalbée brought to full and assured iustice euerye man hauing yéelded to him his right vz. affliction to them that afflict and to the afflicted Gods kingdome for which they suffer Sée 2. Thessalonians 16.7.8 not as though Gods iudgements executed in this life were vniust for hee is iust in all his workes and holy in all his wayes but because wee haue in this life but the beginning of them and in the great daye the full measure of iustice shalbée made manifest and all the vpright in heart i. all that are soundly and sincerely without hypocrisie giuen to godlinesse shall followe after it vz. chearefully meaning by the worde following not onely the approuing of it but also a holy desire to sée and imbrace the same Verse 16. Who will rise vppe with mee i. for mee against the wicked hee meaneth that none woulde defende him and his cause against the wicked or who will take my part against the workers of iniquity q.d. none saue God only by this the Prophet sheweth in his owne example that vnlesse GOD had holpen him hée had béene vtterly cast away so much was hee despised of all and so little coulde or woulde any mans helpe preuaile Verse 17. If the Lorde had not holpen mee vz. in the tyme of my distresse and feare by the woorde holpen hee meaneth plentifull helpe and deliueraunce my soule had almost dwelt in silence i. I shoulde haue béene dead and buryed hée putteth the worde soule for life as sundry tymes before and dwelling in silence for lying in the graue which is called the place of silence not onely because the deade haue no féeling force speaking c but also because they haue no power as then to prayse GOD. Sée Psalme 6.5 also Psalme 115.17 and by the worde almost hee meaneth not that hee shoulde haue escaped death but that hee shoulde shortly haue dyed Verse 18. When I sayde vz. either in wordes or thought in my heart that which followeth my foote slydeth i. I am come nowe into some one daunger or other and I seeme thereby to bee cast awaye and euen at deathes dore as it were If any man list to to take it of small daungers because slyding or slipping of the foote is no great matter I will not gainesay it thy mercye O Lorde stayed mee vz. from falling either into daunger or perill of destruction or into
of the Lorde i. shal tremble at his great power and maiesty though not with the reuerent and right feare thereof which his owne children only haue and al the kings of the earth q.d. this feare shal not onely sease the heartes of their common people but euen of their greatest and mightiest princes thy glory i. they shal feare thy maiesty glory which doest such great and glorious thinges for thy people Verse 16. When the Lorde hee noteth the time of the trembling of the kings and people shall builde vp Sion i. his Church vz. decayed and cast downe hee vseth this worde Sion generally for the place of Gods seruice because that sometime the arke of couenant was placed there and shal appeare in his glory i. shall shewe himselfe glorious and triumphant which shall no doubt be comfortable to his children and feareful to his enemies Ver. 17. And shal turne vz. his gracious and louing countenance meaning by this speach yéelding or graunting vnto the prayer i. to the harty supplications and requests of the desolate i. of thē that are forsaken of all whom though they stand in néede of euery mans helpe yet no man helpeth The worde properly signifieth a kinde of shrubble which groweth in vntilled places as a brier or such like by which he noteth also the people that were in the captiuity of Babylon as in a deserte and wilde place and not despise their prayer vz. which they make vnto him in their affliction hee speaketh one thing twise as it were of which sundry times before and not as though god did euer despise the supplications of his poore seruants Ver. 18. This vz. gracious hearing of his poore seruants prayers and deliuery of them out of captiuity shal be written vz. as an excellent thing and worthy of continual remembrance for the generation to come vz. that they therby may be instructed both of the power of God and his faithfulnes and trueth in performing his promises and the people vz. of Israel and Iudah which shalbée created i. which shal returne out of the captiuity of Babylon which hée compareth to be a second birth or creation as it were because they séemed therin to bée as dead Sée Ezech 37. from ver 1. to the ende of the 14. of which also for the greatnes of it it is sundry times sayd in the Prophets It shalbée no more sayd the Lord liueth that brought the people out of Egypt but that brought the people from the lande of the North shall prayse the Lorde vz. for his great goodnes and mercy towardes them Ver. 19. For hée hath looked downe vz. vppon the great outrage of his enemies and the wonderfull affliction of his people from the height of his sanctuary i. euen from the very heauens as hée séemeth to expound it euen in this verse out of the heauē which is the throne of his maiesty did the Lorde behold the earth i. not onely the earth it self but specially and chiefly men inhabiting the earth and amongest the rest his owne people as may appeare in the verses following Verse 20. That hee might heare vz. and so take pity of the mourning i. the sighings gronings and lamentable cryes of the prisoner i. of the prisoners one number put for an other meaning those that were bound and helde as captiues in Babilon and deliuer vz. out of daunger distresse and all manner of feare the children of death i. them that were at deaths doore or appointed to death as it were Sée Psal 79.11 Ver. 21. That they vz. so deliuered noting also the end why god giueth deliueraunce vnto his seruants may declare i. set out and publish and that both by word and déede the name of the Lord i. his power maiesty goodnes c. as Psal 21.1 in Sion i. in his Church and his prayse i. the prayse which is due vnto him for the same not that any is able to prayse him sufficiently for his power and goodnes in Ierusalem i. in the Church as before Sion and Ierusalem being the principall places of his worshippe put for his whole Church and the publike assemblies and congregations thereof sée Psal 2.6 Ver. 22. When the people vz. which are nowe in captiuity and dispersed abroad shal be gathered together vz. to serue the Lorde in these places and after that sort which he himselfe hath prescribed and the kingdomes vz. of the earth meaning hereby the calling of other people besides the Iewes to serue the Lord vz. according to the prescript rule of his word The Prophet noteth two thinges specially in this verse the one is the returning of the people out of Babylon the other is the calling of the Gentiles to the religion and seruice of God Ver. 23. He i. the Lorde abated vz. by outwarde and inward afflictions my strength i. whatsoeuer séemed excellent in mee putting one excellent thing for many in the way vz. wherein I walked meaning the daies and course of his life as may appeare by that which followeth in this verse and shortened vz. in mine owne iudgment and as I supposed for otherwise in respect of God our dayes are certainely numbred my dayes i. the dayes of my life Ver. 24. And I sayd vz. in that great affliction and griefe O my God take mee not away vz. out of this life q.d. let mee not vanishe awaye but shewe mée thy fauour in continuing my life in the middest of my dayes i. before I come to the full ende of my race and all this and that in the former verse the Prophet speaketh not onely in his owne person but in the name of the rest of the faithful thy yéeres indure from generation to generation i. thou continuest and abidest for euer and art alwayes one make mee therefore q.d. like vnto thy selfe Verse 25. Thou vz. O GOD hast afore tyme vz. in the beginning layde the foundation of the earth i. created and mainteined the earth and all thinges therein hee sheweth Gods eternitie because hee was before all thinges created and was the maker of all thinges whatsoeuer and the heauens vz. and all thinges therein conteined are the worke of thine handes i. thou hast made them handes attributed to GOD for our vnderstanding sake Verse 26. They vz. the heauen the earth and all thinges therein shall perish vz. not in respect of their substance but in respect of their qualities sée Isaiah 65.17 Isaiah 66.22 Reuelat. 21.1 2. Peter 3.12.13 and this perishing hée calleth afterwardes in this verse a chaunging but thou shalt indure vz. frée from any alteration or chaunge as Iames 1.17 and that for euer and euer hée here commendeth Gods eternity by comparison euen they all q.d. not one of them accepted shall waxe olde as doeth a garment i. shall through continuaunce of tyme decay as doeth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them this is a metaphor taken from men who changing their garmentes from worse to better of which chaunge of the creatures the Apostle
withholding thy goodnesse from them as verse 29 of this Psalme but also by propagation of séede and ofspring they are as it were anew thorow the strength of thy commaundement and blessing Gen. 1. in sundry places created and thou renuest the face of the earth i. though thou séeme to man by reason of the death which falleth vpon creatures to be a wonderful decay of earthly creatures yet by raising vp the like in their roomes vpon the vpper part of the earth thou giuest as it were a new face and countenaunce agayne vnto the same Verse 31. Glory be to the Lord for euer after the particular description of Gods power and prouidence in his creatures he bursteth forth to Gods prayse for the same and wisheth as it were that both he and all men would yéeld continuall thankes and prayse vnto him therefore let the Lord reioyce i. take singular delight and pleasure in his workes i. in the workes and creatures whiche hée hath made The Prophet addeth vnto his former praysing of God for his power and goodnesse a praier to the Lord for the continuance of the same towards his creatures I know others expound it otherwise but me thinketh this is a simple sence Verse 32. He vz. God looketh vz. with his angry countenāce as it were on the earth i. on the world it selfe and all things therein contayned and it trembleth vz. for feare and reuerence of his maiestie hee toucheth the mountaynes and they smoke q.d. the Lorde néedeth not to doe much to testifie his wrath for euen the very Mountaynes by touching them shall burne and consume All this is nothing else but a consideration of the greate power and Maiestie of God of which sée more Psalme 18 7 8 9. c. Verse 33. I will sing vnto the Lord i. I will prayse him pray vnto him and serue him for hée putteth one part of Gods seruice for the whole q.d. Euen the greatnesse of his power and maiestie shall be one meane to draw me on to the seruice and obedience of him and that not for a small time onely but all my life long I will prayse my God while I liue this is the same with that which went before the doubling of it noteth the resolute purpose whiche the Prophet had to performe this his vow Verse 34. Let my wordes be acceptable vnto him hee promised before prayse and thanksgiuing and now he desireth that that seruice maye be pleasaunt in his sight I vnderstand by wordes not only the words of his prayers though them chéefely indéede but all his other spéeches whatsoeuer sée Psalme 19 14. I will reioyce in the Lorde q.d. I will remooue all my thoughts from the pleasures and profits of this life to the ende I may staye my selfe vpon a spirituall ioy and contentment in God only Verse 35. Lette the sinners i. the notorious wicked men sée Psalme 1. ver 1.5 be consumed vz. vtterly lest they should infect others stay from the the godly abundance of graces blessings out of the earth vz. wherein they dwell and thus he prayeth agaynst the vngodly whom the Lord had sealed vp agaynst the day of his wrath and the wicked vz. men of the worlde meaning by wicked men them that foster and foode themselues in wickednesse till there bee no more vz. of them left vpon the earth he desireth an vtter taking awaye of the vngodlye both of their persons and memories O my soule prayse thou the Lorde sée verse 1. of this Psalme where you haue the same wordes In these wordes hée prouoketh himselfe to prayse the Lorde as in these wordes following prayse yée the Lorde he prouoketh the rest of the godlye and faythfull to doe the like And thus muche for the sence of this Psalme the doctrines follow in order Verse 1 teacheth vs to stir vp our selues to the prayses of God De. it teacheth vs also that Gods power and glorye doth after a sort craue the same at our handes Verse 2 sheweth that euen in Gods creatures we haue euident glasses wherein to beholde his Maiesty power c. the selfe same thing doth ver 3 and and many other verses in this Psalme teach Verse 3 teacheth that God by his power ruleth the waters the cloudes the windes c. the same doctrine doeth verse 4 deliuer Verse 5 teacheth that whatsoeuer firmity the earth hath it hath it from the Lord and not of it self Verse 6 7 teach that neither the waters nor any other creature can go further then the Lord appoynteth them and that his onely word without any déede as it were is sufficient to staye the rage of them all Verse 8 and 9. teach the selfe same doctrine sée Prouerbes 8.29 Verse 10.11 teach that all blessings whatsoeuer yea and the abundaunce of them come from the Lorde only Verse 12 teacheth that God hath made his creatures not only profitable for man but one of them ioyfull and delightful to another Verse 13 teacheth that God can by moysture as a meane make barren places plentifull also that there is no place of the world wherein there is not to be séene abundaunce of his blessinges though in some places more then in other some as must be confessed Verse 14 teacheth what care God hath ouer his creatures in giuing them all thinges necessarye for the mayntainaunce of life Verse 15 setteth out Gods large liberalitie who giueth vs all thinges of pleasure as well as of profite contrary to the assertion of Anabaptistes who would haue vs vse nothing for necessitie only Verse 16 teacheth that which god doth farre excelleth all done by arte or witte of man Verse 17 18. shewe that God hath made all creatures one of them to be delightfull and profitable to an other sée before verse 12. Verse 19 doth not onely expresse Gods power and prouidence in the Sunne and Moone but their obedience also to that course sette them which shoulde teache vs to walke with care and conscience before him Verse set forth Gods great care for man and beast who hath distributed to eyther of them times for their labour and times for their rest whiche also teacheth vs to beware that we turne not the day into night nor the nighte into daye withoute some verye speciall and vrgent occasion Verse 24 teacheth vs that the variety and plentye of GOD his creatures shoulde not onlye draw vs into a maruayling at them and their Creator but also into a praysing of him for the same Verse 25 teacheth vs that euen the Sea as well as the Lande doth lyuely expresse the greatnesse of GOD his power and goodnesse The same in particularitye doth verse 26. whiche verse 25 did generallye Verse 27 doth not onely set out the largenesse of Gods prouidence which stretcheth it selfe to all creatures but also it teacheth vs with patience to attende for euerye thing necessarye from the Lordes hande in due season Verse 28 teacheth that Gods frée and only liberalitye is the very
godly magistrates and ministers which the Lord giueth vs. Ver. 17.18 Teach vs that God doth fearefully punish rebels and contentious persons of what state or calling soeuer they be Ver. 19.20 See out the dotage and blockishnes of idolaters who suppose the Godhead can be fashioned or resembled by any outward thing Ver. 21.22 Teacheth that the forgetfulnes of God his benefites and workes is the high way to all manner of sinne and iniquitie Ver. 23. Teacheth two things first that our sinnes do pul destruction from the Lord vppon vs Secondly how forcible the prayers of Gods children are both for themselues and others Ver. 24. Teacheth that contempt of Gods graces offred and giuen and distrust in the trueth of his promises are two horrible grieuous iniquities Ver. 25. Setteth out what great sinnes murmuring and rebellion against the Lorde are Ver. 26.27 Declare that neither these nor any other sinnes shall escape vnpunished in the parties that do them whether they be fathers or sonnes Ver. 28. Sheweth mans readines and earnest affection to commit idolatry Ver. 29. Sheweth that mans inuentions specially in the worship and seruice of God prouoke Gods angers and bring a plague vppon them Ver. 30. Teacheth vs in the example of Phinehas to lothe and abhorre sinne Ver. 31. Teacheth vs that God graciously accepteth the déedes words of his seruants though many wayes fraught with great defectes Ver. 32. Teacheth vs how peruerse and frowarde mans nature is though the Lorde deale neuer so plentifully and mercifully with him it teacheth also that God spareth no man for his person sake in that hée punished Moses Ver. 33. Teacheth thrée things first that other mens peruersnes shoulde not make vs sinne against God secondly though it doe yet wee shall not escape vnpunished thirdly that rash and vnaduised speaches are sinne against the Lord. Ver. 34. Teacheth vs to strike and not to spare where the Lord will haue vs to destroy for then we must not be lead by our owne fonde affections Verse 35. Teacheth vs that ill company is a shrewde meane to peruerte men from goodnes Ver. 36. Teacheth vs that to serue any besides the Lorde is the next way to come to destruction both in this life and in the life to come Ver. 37. Setteth out the rage of idolaters who spare nothing no not the dearest thinges they haue Verse 38. Teacheth vs that the shedding of innocent blood slayeth the whole lande and that therefore murther shoulde not onely not bée pardoned but sharpely punished Verse 39. Teacheth vs that there is nothing that hurteth man more then in ouerwening of his owne deuises Verse 40. Teacheth vs that our sinnes turne Gods loue and fauour into hatred and displeasure Ver. 41.42 Teach vs that sinne doeth drawe euen all temporall punishmentes vppon vs as forraine gouernement oppression captiuity c. Verse 43. Teacheth vs that God doeth not once onely but sundry times deliuer his people Secondlye that many the more graces they haue from God the more they are puffed vp in their owne deuises Thirdly that sinne against God is not onely a cause to humble vs but doeth in déede humble vs though perhaps wicked men will not sée it or féele it Verse 44. Teacheth vs first that GOD hath a tender eye ouer the afflicted ones Secondly that hée neuer forsaketh them if they call earnestly vppon him Verse 45. Teacheth vs that Gods frée couenaunt and eternall mercy without any thing of ours at all are sufficient inough to mooue him to take pity vppon vs in our afflictions Ver. 46. Teacheth that GOD onely hath the touching of mens heartes to bowe them hither or thither according to his good pleasure Verse 47. Teacheth vs to pray for other and euen Gods dispersed members as for our selues also that our owne ease and prosperity or preferment shoulde not so farre preuayle with vs as to make vs to forget them Verse 48. Teacheth all men continually to prayse the Lorde and to prouoke others thereto what in them lyeth Psalme 107 I Woulde diuide this Psalme into two partes Di In the first the Prophet exhorteth the faythfull to prayse the Lord for his mercy goodnes prouidence and power towardes them from verse 1. to the ende of the 10. In the seconde hée prouoketh them to praise the Lorde for his general power prouidence and goodnes towards others from ver 21. to the end of the Psalme Se. This Psalme hath no title or inscription at all Ver. 1. Is the same both in worde and sense that verse 1. of this Psalme 106. is and therfore sée that Ver. 2. Let them which haue béene redéemed of the Lord vz. out of bondage captiuity and dispersion q.d. let them that haue receiued this benefite at the Lords handes to bée set at liberty when they were in bondage prayse him shew vz. openly and to others howe vz. graciously and mightily hée vz. alone and none but hée hath deliuered them i. fréed them being sore oppressed through the cruelty and tyrannie of them that held them vnder from the hand i. from the power and might of the oppressor i. of them that oppressed them hée putteth in this place the singular for the plurall Verse 3. And gathered them vz. againe and together and that by his mighty power out of the landes vz. rounde about them into which they were dispersed for their transgressions sake from the East and from the West from the North and from the South i. from all quarters whereunto they were dispersed that word that we turne South signifieth also Sea and so shall you finde it translated in sundry textes but the meaning is because the red Sea lay southwarde from the land of promise Verse 4. When they wandered vz. a long tyme vp and downe in the desert and wildernesse out of the way hée meaneth out of the right way which did leade them whither they woulde haue come for GOD for their disobedience made them to wander fourty yéeres in the wildernes that so they might die and not come into the lande of Canaan and found no Citie vz. all that while of their wandering to dwell in i. to stay and refresh them selues in Verse 5. Both hungry and thirsty hée meaneth that whylest they were in the wildernesse they suffered many times great want of bread and drinke yea so much that their soule faynted in them i. their life was ready to decay and there séemed to bée but little difference betwéene death and them Verse 6. Then they vz. being in this great distresse and affliction cryed vnto the Lord in their trouble i. prayed earnestly vnto him and hée deliuered them i. set them frée from their distresse i. from the distresse that they were in Verse 7. And ledde them foorth vz. of the wildernesse and that safe and sounde by the right way vz. into the promised lande that they might goe vz. through his good direction to a Citie of habitation i. not onely to a citie inhabited but to a Citie whose
inhabitauntes being cast out of it they themselues might possesse enioy and dwell in the Prophet meaneth not that they that were dead coulde amongest men prayse the Lorde for these thinges but in as much as the benefite thereof did reach vnto their posterity hée exhorteth their séede being aliue to acknowledge Gods mercyes in that behalfe and to prayse him for the same Verse 8. Let them i. their posterity after them therefore i. for the benefites and blessinges before rehearsed confesse i. prayse and magnifie God before the Lorde i. in his presence and from a good heart whether it bee secretly in their owne selues or openly before the Arke according to the custome of those dayes his louing kindnes vz. fréely and plentifully bestowed vppon them and his wonderfull workes i. the wonderfull workes that hee hath done for his people before the sonnes of men i. openly in mens sight and to them and their posterity Ver. 9. For hee satisfied vz. with abundaunce of all good thinges the thirsty soule i. him that stoode in néede of any good thing putting the word soule a principall part of man for the whole person and filled the hungry soule i. the hungry man with goodnesse i. with abundance of good thinges Ver. 10. They that dwell in darkenesse i. such as were kept prisoners in darke places and in the shadowe of death i. in great extremitie of death and daunger Sée Psalme 23.4 Isaiah 9.1.2 being bounde in misery and yron i. being kept in miserable and harde bondage hée beginneth here to recite how many sortes of people afflicted with diuers afflictions haue alwayes founde the Lorde mercifull and fauourable specially when they came vnto him Verse 11. Because they rebelled vz. both in thought woorde and deede agaynst the woordes of the Lorde vz. manifested and put downe in his Lawe and despised i. regarded not and set nought by the counsell of the most high i. the purpose ready inclination and power that the Lorde had to doe them good if they had yéelded obedience vnto him hée sheweth in this verse the cause of mens correction that hee might thereby deliuer Gods iustice from mens slaunders and reprehension And withall he teacheth that the onely rule of good life is to followe Gods commandement Verse 12. When hee i. God humbled vz. though not rightly and truely not that God was not able to doe it but because hée woulde not vouchsafe them that grace by humbling hée meaneth casting downe Sée 2. Kings 21.29 their heart with heauinesse i. hée made them heauy sorrowfull and sadde there they fell downe vz. before their enemies and there was no helper i. there was none that woulde helpe them This is the Prophetes meaning when they were wounded with a worldly sorrowe in their heartes and by meanes thereof their courages and stomackes were decayed then they laye as an open pray to their aduersaries and none pitied their cases or were able to helpe them Verse 13. Then vz. when they were thus destituted of mans ayde they cryed vnto the Lorde i. they called earnestly vppon him this and all that followeth in the verse is the same both in woordes and sense with verse 6. of this Psalme Verse 14. Hee i. GOD brought them vz. by his almightie power out of darkenesse and out of the shaddowe of death i. out of affliction oppression anguish c. Sée before verse 10. of this Psalme And brake their bandes i. the bandes wherewith they were bounde whether they were the bandes of affliction captiuity c. a sunder i. in pieces and so set them at libertie For the better vnderstanding of this speach Sée Sampsons story Iudges 15.13.14 also Iudges 16.11.12 Verse 15. Is the same both in woordes and sense with verse 8. before going Ver. 16. For hée vz. the Lorde hath broken vz. by his almightie power the gates of brasse and brast the barres of yron a sunder vz. for his peoples sake vnderstanding by brasen gates and barres of yron either most straite bandes and prisons Sée Acts 12.10 or else the bandes of cruell and perpetuall bondage In which respect also Egipt is called in the Scripture a house of bondage Verse 17. Fooles i. wicked and vngodly men as may appeare throughout all the booke of the Prouerbes and Psalm 53.1 by reason of their transgression vz. committed against GOD and because of their iniquities vz. against men are afflicted vz. by the Lord and that with sundry sortes of his iudgements And hée calleth them fooles because they haue no feare of God before them which is the beginning of wisedome Prouerbs 1.7 So that wée may perceiue that he meaneth not that wicked men who are here called fooles fall through ignoraunce or error onely but that their affections being blinded doe take away from them all right iudgement Ver. 18. Their soule abhorreth all meate i. they themselues putting one part of man for an other and not as though the soule were fed with bodyly foode hée meaneth that they are withoute all appetite and lothe euen the verye sighte of meate a punishment wherewithall GOD many times plagueth the gluttonous persons and they are brought to deathes dore i. they are euen ready to dye hée speaketh in this place of vncurable diseases and of which seldome fewe or none at all escape for deathes doore Sée Psalm 9.13 where he speaketh of the gates of death Verse 19. Is the same with verse 6.13 of this Psalme both in wordes and meaning and there is no difference sauing that the former speake it in the tyme past and this in the tyme present Verse 20. Hée sendeth his woorde i. hée commaundeth or speaketh but the word onely Matth. 8.8 and healeth them vz. of all their infirmities and diseases and deliuereth them vz. through his great goodnesse and almightie power from their graues i. from present death and the graue made ready as it were for them by their sicknesses and maladyes Verse 21. Is the same with verse 8. and 15. of this Psalme Verse 22. And let them offer vz. vnto GOD for these his graces the sacrifices of prayse i. not only of praysing but also of thankesgiuing Sée Hebrewes 13.15 and declare his woorkes vz. which hée hath graciously done for them with reioycing vz. both to himwarde and chearefully and gladly in respect of themselues for God requireth chearefulnes in our actions Verse 23. They that doe come into the Sea by shippes i. the mariners for I take it to be a special periphrasis of them and occupy vz. into diuers quarters and countreyes by the great waters vz. of the Sea This I doe especially referre to marchauntes q.d. whether they bée mariners or marchauntes trading by Sea or the armes thereof and that woorde of going downe into the Sea woulde bée marked because the waters séeme to bée belowe the earth Verse 24. They sée vz. sensibly and playnely and that with bodyly eyes if they haue any grace to beholde it the woorkes of the Lorde i. the great workes that
euer since the beginning hath preserued and increased the same the heauen and the earth vz. and al thinges therein conteined q.d. you may assure your selues of a most plentiful blessing séeing that he who blesseth you is the author preseruer gouernor of heauen al things therin of the earth al things therin which also he hath giuen to vs as verse following Ver. 16. The heauens euen the heauens i. the most high heauens are the Lords i. apperteine and belong vnto him as the special place of his delight and dwelling and yet we must not so vnderstand it as God were tyed to any one certaine place for his maiestie filleth the heauens and the earth but he hath giuen vz. of his large liberality and goodnes the earth vz. wherein men dwel to the sonnes of men i. to men and their séede after them that they should inhabite and vse it so that in this life they might by the thinges thereof bee prouoked to serue God and stirred vp thereby to the hope and fruition of eternal felicity Verse 17. The dead prayse not the Lord the Prophet meaneth that if God preserued not his Church the whole order and course of the worlde shoulde bee turned vpside downe for to what end should the creation of the worlde serue if there were not a people to call vpon God whereupon he gathereth that there shal always be some which shal praise the Lorde euen vntil the end of the world and so with al there is set out the end wherefore men are placed in the world vz. to prayse serue God q.d. that we dye not must be attributed to gods glory therfore euen our life also must be occupied about his praise sée Psal 6.5 whether they that go downe into the place of silence i. neither do they praise him that are brought to their graues and layed in them sée for this speach Psal 94.17 sée also Isaiah 38.18 The Prophet vttereth vnder diuers words one the selfesame thing Ver. 18. But we vz. which shal liue and be deliuered from our distresses wil prayse the Lord vz. for the benefites that we haue receiued from him from hencefoorth and for euer i. continually and alwaies prayse ye the Lord sée Psal 104. and Psal 105. in the very end Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs when we do in prayer appeare before the Lord to craue any thing at his handes vnfeignedly to cast from our selues all trust and confidence in our selues to flie to gods soueraine goodnes and trueth only Ver. 2. Teacheth vs that gods glory is after a sort hazarded amongst the enemies of God and his people when his own people are discomfited or disgraced Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that the more the enemies do blaspheme God the more we should be throughly perswaded of his power because that their dealing doeth prouoke him to execute a more swift and hard iudgment vpon them Ver. doth liuely paint out the vanity of idoles themselues and of al such as either make or worship them Ver. 9. Teacheth the godly howsoeuer other men run a whoring after idols to cleaue only to the Lord. Ver. 10. Teacheth the ministers preachers of Gods word to make themselues examples vnto other of stedfast confidence in God Ver. 11. Teacheth vs that with the seruice of god there must be ioyned faith in God and his word or else it is nothing Ver. 12. Teacheth vs that God neuer forgetteth his children and merciful couenant made with them also that the godly shal haue from the Lord both assurednes and plentifulnes of blessings Ver. 13. Teacheth vs that God respecteth no mans person but in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnes is accepted before him Ver. 14. Sheweth that Gods grace and loue reacheth euen to the godly and their posterity after them Ver. 15. Teacheth vs that those whom the Lord pursueth with his fauor shal not nor can not want any thing that is good Ver. 16. Setteth out the large liberality and fatherly care of God towardes men also it teacheth vs that séeing he hath giuen vs the things of this life we shold vse them wel and so as they may further vs to the hope of a better life Ver. 17. Teacheth vs that when God giueth vs life in this world he doth thereby as it were prouoke vs to set forth his glory and praise Ver. 18. Teacheth vs thrée things first that we should praise the Lorde for his mercies for euen to the ende haue we our life giuen and his blessings are bestowed vppon vs secondly that this our thanksgiuing should be continual and thirdly that we should prouoke and stirre vp other men to do the like Psalme 116. THis Psalme as I take it may bée diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet setteth out on the one side his loue fayth towards the Lord and on the other side Gods mercy and goodnes towards him from ver 1. to the end of the 11. In the second part hee promiseth humble and hearty thankesgiuing vnto the Lorde for that continuall heape of benefites which hee had receiued from his mercifull handes from verse 12. to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title as many other Psalmes both before it Se. and after it haue not sée Psal c. Ver. 1. I loue vz. with all my heart and vnfeignedly the Lord vz. only and alone and none either with him or besides him and vnder the word of loue the Prophet sheweth that there was nothing without god that either could like him or please him because hee hath heard i. because he hath yéelded vnto and granted my voyce vz. sent forth vnto him and my prayers vz. which I made vnto him vnder these words voice and prayers the Prophet meaneth such prayers as he powred forth vnto the Lord not only with his heart but also with his mouth and words Ver. 2. For he hath inclined his eare vz. as one that were ready for to heare mee this is spoken of God according to mans capacity vnto mée vz. being in distresse and when I prayed vnto him as followeth when I did call vppon him vz. for helpe and ayde by earnest and hearty prayers in my dayes i. in the tyme of my affliction as may appeare by the next verse following sée Psal 137.7 also Lament 1.21 and by the woorde dayes hée noteth that hee had continuaunce and length of trouble Ver. 3. When the snares of death compassed mee vz. on euery side and rounde about so that there was almost no hope of escaping no more then of a bird or wild beast taken in a snare or grin by this manner of speach hée meaneth that euen then when hee was ready to dye the Lord in mercy looked vppon him Sée 2. Sam. 22.5.6 also Psalm 18.4.5 and the griefes of the graue i. great and extreme griefes which brought me almost to the graue made me as it were ready to bee put into it caught
for some deliuerances he addeth the cup of saluation that is deliuerances how Dauid performed this sée 1. Chro. c. and will call vpon the name of the Lord i. pray vnto him also q.d. I wil not only thank him for his benefites but pray vnto him for the increase and continuance thereof Ver. 14. I will pay vz. with a frée and willing heart my vowes i. the thinges that I haue vowed or the sacrifices of thanksgiuing which I promised vnto him if he deliuered me out of distresse for amongst other that vsed to make vowes they did it that were in extreme danger distresse q.d. I wil not only by wordes confesse my self to be safe from danger so witnes the thankfulnes of my mind but I wil declare it also by offring the sacrifices which I vowed to the Lorde at what time Saul did pursue me very hardly The ende of vowes was to seale in the hearts of Gods children a hope to obtaine that which they did aske and moreouer to prouoke and bind them to thanksgiuing and this liberty to vow is permitted vnto Gods children to comfort them in their infirmities and not otherwise and that word pay noteth that it is due debt and that it can not be omitted without sinne if the thing vowed be lawful euen now q.d. I will not deferre it in the presence of all his people i. in the temple or place of publike exercise whether al Gods people resorted or else before all the Israelits whom he gathered together to Ierusalem to bring the arke of the Lorde thither Sée 1. Chro. 15.3 Ver. 15. Precious i. deare and of great account and regard in the sight of the Lord i. before him and his iudgement is the death of his saints i. death or mischief imagined or performed towards those whom he alloweth of q.d. God by my example hath declared how deare vnto him is the life of faithfull men séeing that hee hath so often preserued me assaulted so many wayes and with so great force or thus God doeth grieuously take good mens deathes and therefore they shall not escape vnpunished that kill them And marke this that for his comfort he setteth this against the malice of his enemies that God doth not at al aduenture deliuer his vp to death but maketh great account of them for the word saints sée Psalm 30.4 Ver. 16. Beholde Lord q.d. most true is it Lorde that thou wilt not haue the godly slayne for thou hast preserued me thy poore seruant for I am thy seruant vz. and thou hast shewed mée this grace and fauour I am thy seruaunt hee repeateth the same againe as a matter of no small comfort vnto himselfe neither must wee so vnderstand him as though hée grounded the causes of his deliuerance vpon his seruices perfourmed to God but vppon Gods frée election q.d. from my mothtrs wombe yea before I was borne this honour and goodnes was prepared for mee and the sonne of thy handmayde i. of a woman who did purely worship thée and this he speaketh because that children by reason of their first education imitated the disposition and manners of their mothers for which cause also it should séeme that the names of the kings mothers are so commonly expressed in the bookes of kings sée for this phrase Psal 86.16 thou vz. alone hast broken vz. in pieces or a sunder by thy almighty power my bands i. either the bands that I was bound in or else the bandes that were prepared to bind me in by this maner of spéech he meaneth that god had deliuered him from the danger wherin he was or else he had kept him that he came not into the troubles that his enemies had prepared for him Ver. 17. I will offer vnto thee a sacrifice of praise vz. for thy mercy goodnes shewed vnto mee he meaneth that he wil acknowledge confesse gods goodnes praise him for the same for here he protesteth again as he had done before ver 13.14 that hee would giue God thanks which is a signe that he was not vnthankful and I will cal vppon the name of the Lord marke the sodaine change of the person from the seconde to the third he meaneth by this speach that he wil neuer cease to worship God to praise God sée before ver 13. of this Psal Ver. 18. I wil pay c. This is the same with ver 14. before going both in words meaning therfore we shall not néed to stand vpon it Ver. 19. In the courtes of the Lordes house i. in the place of publik resort and assembly whether the people came together to serue God meaning no doubt the Church euen in the middest of thée O Ierusalem i. openly in that most famous City in which was at that time the only place appointed for gods sacrifices and seruice because there was but one only altar and that was placed there from which also it was not lawful for any man to withdraw himselfe Ver. 1. Teacheth vs vnfeignedly to loue the Lord Do. also that he is nigh to the supplication praiers of the faithful Ver. 2. 3. Teach vs that the time of affliction is an acceptable time to pray to God in that affliction it selfe addeth also an edge vnto our praiers Ver. 3. Doth further teach into what great anguish distresse the children of god are many times brought Ver. 4. teacheth vs earnestnes continuance in praier vnto almighty God Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that the consideration and féeling of Gods mercy is ought to be a notable spurre vnto prayer Ver. 6. Teacheth vs that Gods mercy towards other men our selues also should assure vs that our prayers shal be heard and we deliuered Verse 7. Teacheth vs to comfort our selues what wee may in our distresse and heauinesse also that God himselfe is the onely proppe and stay of those that are his Ver. 8. teacheth that god doth graciously preserue those that depend vpon him how great or how many soeuer their troubles bee Ver. 9. Teacheth that those which are vnder the sauegarde prouidence and protection of almightie God shal neuer miscary Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that faith in God and his promises maketh vs bold in prayer to him and ouercommeth all assaults of Satans malice our owne corruption Ver. 11. Teacheth into what extremities gods children oftentimes fal specially whē they do not presently see the accomplishmēt of Gods promises Ver. 12. Teacheth vs that Gods benefites are so many and excellent that wee are not able to comprehende much lesse to answere the least part of them Ver. 13. Teacheth that vnfeigned and humble thankesgiuing is the most acceptable sacrifice to almighty God Ver. 14. Teacheth vs that when we haue vowed any thing which is lawfull and holy wee ought to performe it but what serueth this for vowes of monkery single life c. Ver. 15. Teacheth vs that god careth for that very tenderly those that are his which is a
sée that fall vpon them that I haue long desired and wished vz. destruction and confusion Immanuel readeth it thus therefore doe I despise mine enemyes q.d. I make no more account of them and their forces then of thinges whiche I contemne so safe sound and vnfearefull am I being vnder Gods defence Verse 8. It is better vz. by infinite degrées and marke that the worde better is not spoken here as though confidence in men were good for to trust in men is to rob god of his glory to trust vz. stedfastly in the Lord vz. only then to haue confidence i. any maner of trust or cōfidēce at al in man vz. of what calling soeuer he be or how many in number soeuer they are Ver. 9. is the same almost with ver 8 therfore looke vpon that again in Princes this is a certaine kind of amplification q.d. We must not put our trust neither in men of low estate nor in mighty men those that séeme to haue all the power and authority in the world for they that wil cleaue to them shall be deceaued also because they be but men Ver. 10. All nations vz. whiche lie round about me my kingdom as the Philistines Moabits c. haue cōpassed me vz. and my people that round about sometimes by fraude sometimes by force and somtimes by one mean somtimes by another but in the name of the Lord i. thorow the goodnesse power strength of God shal I destroy thē vz. al with al their imaginations deuises In this verse and some other following the Prophet rehearseth the great daunger hée was in hee setteth out also the power cruelty multitude of his enemies and al to this end that hée might the more manifest the grace power of God in his deliueraunce which could not be performed by mans ayd but after a certayn meruailous diuine sort Ver. 11. They i. the nations round about me being my deadly enemies haue cōpassed me sée before ver 10 yea they haue cōpassed me i. they haue oftentimes enuironed me also very hardly and straitly beset me so that there was no likelyhood of escaping for so much I suppose the doubling of the phrase importeth al that followeth in this ver is the same in words sence with ver 10 Ver. 12. They i. mine enemies came about me vz. on euery side like bées i. not only in great multitudes as though there had bene many hiues of bées together but also with great fiercenesse euē as though they would haue ouer-run me sée Deut. 1.44 for this phrase True it is that these little creatures haue no great power yet they are wonderfully fierce and angry specially if they be prouoked and make men somewhat afrayd if they set vpon them at the sodaine or vnawares but they i. mine enemies were quenched vz. thorow the strength and power which the Lord gaue me He meaneth by this spéeche that they were euen as it were vtterly and sodainly confounded as fyre that hath abundaunce of water cast vpon it as a fyre of thornes whiche though it make much noyse at the beginning by reason of the crackling thereof as our experience teacheth vs and yéeldeth a greater flame then greater woode doth yet notwithstanding it quicklye vanisheth awaye q.d. for all the vngodlye mens bragges they shall sodainlye perish and come to nothing sée for this spéeche Ecclesiasticus 7 8. the rest that followeth is expounded before in the other verses Ver. 13 Thou vz. O mine enemie some refer it to Saule as though Dauid spake it particularly of him I rather thinke that vnder one who was as it were the chéefest he meaneth all or manye hast thrust sore at mée vz. with al thy power force and deuises whatsoeuer The Prophet meaneth by this that hée had left no way vnassa●ed to hurt him that I might fal vz. either by death or into some dangerous state from the high cōditiō wherin I now am but the Lord vz. alone hath helpen me vz. thorow his mighty power meaning that the Lord had deliuered him frō the dangers distresses that were deuised against him Ver. 14 The Lord vz. alone is my strength i. is the strength that I haue to withstande or to ouercome al mine enemies my song i. the only matter mean of my ioy q.d. I haue nothing else in my selfe to reioyce in but onely in the Lorde who doth thus and thus for me for he hath bin my deliueraunce vz. oute of all my feares and daungers q.d. he alone hath deliuered me Ver. 15. The voyce of ioy and deliuerance i. ioyful voices and soundes for deliuerance vz. bestowed vpon me shal be vz. continually in the tabernacles of the righteous i. in the dwelling places houses of good men q.d. the righteous shall sing praises to god for the great deliuerances wch he hath wrought for them me saying vz. amongst themselues yet so that other may heare it the right hand of the Lord i. his great glory power and might hath done valiauntly vz. againste his enemies and for the defence of his own children he meaneth that they shoulde confesse that God had nobly displayed his power Ver. 16. The right hand of the Lord i. his great power might is exalted vz. aboue euery thing that setteth it selfe against it how high or great soeuer it be the rest of this verse is expounded before Verse 17. I shall not die vz. yet as mine aduersaries supposed and wished and as my weake state did make shew of but liue vz. vppon the earth amongest men suche doubling of spéeches haue bin touched before sundry times such a one there is also Psal 110.4 and declare vz. amongest men and vnto the people which shal come hereafter the workes of the Lorde the great and excéeding workes that he doth specially for his seruauntes and childrē Ver. 18. The Lord vz. by the hand and rod of his and mine enemies hath chastened me sore i. sharply q.d. It was Gods purpose to correct me by the meanes of mine enemies but the wicked went about thereby to destroy me but this God would not suffer sée Isaiah 10.6 7. also Zacha. 1 15. but he hath not deliuered me to death vz. which mine enemies purposed and practised against me q.d. thorow his goodnesse I haue escaped that daunger Ver. 19. Open ye vz. ye Priests and Leuites that haue the watch garding and kéeping of the Lords house sée Psalme 134.1 vnto me vz. vpon whome God hath bestowed such graces and mercies the gates of righteousnesse i. the dores of the Tabernacle or Gods house which is called righteousnesse either because none ought to enter therein but wise and good people or else because that in that place there was only reade and expounded the law of God whiche is the only true rule of all righteousnesse And by this maner of spéech hee testifyeth his ardent zeale when he desireth that the dores of the Tabernacle may be set
felt is the speciall matter of comfort to al his children Ver. 77. Teacheth vs that wee can not liue no not in this life much lesse in the life to come without Gods great mercy Ver. 78. Teacheth vs that wee may pray against the wicked also what the nature of the wirked is vz. to vse force and flattery against Gods Saintes to worke them hurt if they can thereby lastly that serious meditation in Gods lawe is a singular comfort agaynst the assaultes of our enemies Ver. 79. Teacheth vs to pray for them that bee shrunke away euen as for our selues also that there is no right worshippe of God without the knowledge of his woorde Ver. 80. Teacheth vs to pray earnestly against the sinne of hypocrisie and dissimulation Caph. Di. THe Prophet in this eleuenth part maketh hearty prayer to the Lorde for helpe and deliuery first because of the miserable estate wherein hee himselfe was in respect of his owne person verse Secondly in respecte of the great outrage and cruelty of his enemies verse Se. Verse 81. My soule faynteth i. my life is euen as it were consumed for thy saluation i. with looking for helpe and deliueraunce from thée yet q.d. notwithstanding all this great distresse wherein I am I doe wayte vz. in hope and patience for thy worde i. for the accomplishment of those thinges which thou in thy worde hast promised q.d. I haue in great patience waited for deliuerance from thée and wil waite for it still for by fainting hee vnderstandeth a certaine patience whose force though it séeme to be vtterly lost yet doeth it not altogether forsake them in whome it is who séeme notwithstanding to bee dead but putteth into their heartes secret gronings yea such as men cannot well expresse Ver. 82. Mine eies i. the power strength and sight of mine eies faile i. decayeth and waxeth dimme for otherwise hée had his eyes still for thy promise i. with looking for the accomplishment of thy promise so long thou séemest to mée to deferre and put it off saying i. in so much that I burst foorth into this speach and saide when wilt thou comfort mee vz. distressed and afflicted on euery side such a sore conflict and battaile had Dauid within himselfe Verse 83. For I am like a bottle vz. made of beastes skinnes in the smoke i. hanged vp in the smoke hee meaneth that through griefe and misery hée was wrinkled withered dryed away and consumed as it were yet do I not forget thy statutes q.d. my miseries driue me not into a forgetfulnes of thée and thy word but make mee more to remember thée it Verse 84. Howe many are the dayes vz. of affliction and trouble of thy seruaunt i. which thy seruaunt shall indure Sée Psalme 116.2 in the Prophetes also we shal read this phrase the dayes of Egipt the dayes of Babilon c. when wilt thou execute iudgement i. when wilt thou punish on them that persecute me vz. without a cause Verse 85. The proude Sée before ver 51.69.78 haue digged pits for me i. haue secretly and by ambushes as it were sought my death and destruction Sée Psalm 7.15 which vz. craftie and subtil kinde of dealing is not after thy lawe i. consenteth not with the trueth of thy woorde but directly fighteth against it and this hee addeth to moue the Lorde the rather to execute iustice Immanuel referreth it to the persons thus The proude who conforme not themselues to thy lawe i. will not bee ruled after thy woorde nor order their life according to it haue digged pittes for mee but me thinketh the other sence is as playne Verse 86. All thy commaundements i. they all generally and euery one of them particularly are true i. most true yea trueth it selfe and in all trueth and vprightnesse enioyned men to obserue them they i. the proude and wicked men persecute mée falsely i. not only without a cause on my part but lyingly and slanderously in respect of themselues helpe mée vz. thus distressed and deliuer mee from these bloody and cruell men Verse 87. They had almost consumed me vz. through their wicked deuises and cruell practises vppon the earth i. liuing here vppon the earth with them Immanuel readeth it better thus cast downe vppon the earth i. being very much humbled and afflicted q.d. my miserie coulde not moue them to pity mee but the more weake I was the more cruell they were against mée but vz. for all that I forsooke not thy statutes i. I ceased not to beléeue thy woorde and to walke in obedience of it Verse 88. Quicken mee i. recreate and refresh mée ouer all my troubles and as it were call mée backe from death to life according to thy louing kindenes vz. which thou wast wont to shewe to thy seruaunts and hast heretofore declared vnto mee so shall I kéepe vz. diligently and carefully the testimonie of thy mouth i. thy woorde and lawe which is thus named to set out the authoritie that it hath in it selfe and shoulde haue amongest men Sée ver 13. of this Psalme Ver. 81. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer the faith hope Do. and patience of Gods children bee for a time darkened yet is is neuer vtterly quenched or put out Ver. 82. Teacheth vs that God many times bringeth his children to a lowe ebbe and doth for a long while withholde his aide yet doeth he not altogether for euer forsake them it sheweth also what great conflicts the godly haue in their troubles Ver. 83. Teacheth vs that no misery shoulde make vs to forget Gods word nay rather the more our miseries are the more should we meditate therin because in it only is sound comfort to be found Ver. 84. Teacheth vs that euen Gods children do many times desire to know those things which the Lord hath not particularly reuealed vnto them in his word Ver. 85. Teachech vs that the wicked are both cruel and crafty Ver. 86. Teacheth vs that the more egerly men molest vs the more earnestly we should call vpon God for his helpe Ver. 87. Teacheth vs two things first that the vngodly are without bowels of pity and compassion secondly that we should be so rooted in the loue and knowledge of God and his trueth as nothing shoulde pull vs away therefrom Ver. 88. Teacheth vs that wee can performe nothing obediently to God till it please him to giue vs the grace and strength Lamed Di. IN this part the Prophet maketh plaine proofe of the certainety continuance and truth of Gods word first by the very works of creation ver 89.90.91 secondly by his owne particular experience and practise ver 92.93.94 and so on to the end of this part Se. Ver 89. O Lorde thy woorde indureth for euer in heauen q.d. euen the very heauens can be witnesse of the continuance and constancie of thy worde séeing that they in the strength of thy word continue and abide much more shall thy word it selfe indure Some expound it thus the Prophet affirmeth
woorde more then the ancient vz. in whom wisedome vnderstanding should specially abound partly for their experience and partly for their yeres because I kept i. labored and endeuoured to kéepe with a single and sincere heart thy precepts i. thy commandements word where the Prophet saith in al these thrée verses first that he was more wise then his enemies because that with al their subtilty craft they profited nothing in diuising his destruction and that he was better learned then euen the wise and ancient he declareth that whosoeuer he bee which shall haue brought his vnderstanding in subiection to gods word he shal find wisdom inough not only to kéepe him from the snares of his enemies but also to make him excéede his teachers in iudgment Ver. 101. I haue refrained vz. through the strength that thou hast giuen me and being instructed by thy law my féet vz. from going or walking in corruption féet also may be here vsed for affections as Ecel 4.17 from euery euil way i. not only from all corrupt courses and orders of life but also from euery prouocation which might draw me on thereto that I might kéep thy word q.d. al this I did to this end that I might testifie my obedience to thy law therfore I did take diligent héede to my selfe that I did not walk in the way of sin Ver. 102. I haue not declined vz. either to the right hand or to the left from thy iudgements i. from thy law and word which he calleth iudgments because that according therto the Lord wil iudg the world for thou diddest teach me vz. to walke in the obedience thereof q.d. If thou haddest not helde me in obedience thereof I had gone astray and he meaneth no doubt by teaching a speciall kind of teaching as when God draweth his electe vnto himselfe inwardly by his spirit Verse 103. How swéete q.d. I am not able to expresse the swéetenesse of them are thy promises vz. which thou hast made vnto thy seruaunts The word which he vseth here comprehendeth the whole doctrine of Gods word the principall part whereof is the frée couenaunte and promise of saluation and that maketh our translator to turne it promise vnto my mouth i. vnto the mouth of my hart and soule for otherwise the spirituall promises yéeld but little swéetenesse vnto the bodily mouth yea more then hony to my mouth q.d. They are more swéete and pleasaunt vnto my minde then hony is to my mouth He meaneth that with his mouth he neuer tasted anye meat how good or pleasaunt soeuer it were as he felt Gods word and specially the grace of adoption swéete and comfortable to his soule Vers 104. By thy preceptes i. by thy word I haue gotten vnderstanding vz. in great measure and abundance as before verse 93. therefore I hate vz. from the bottom of my hart al the wayes of falshood i. all false deceaueable and wicked wayes whatsoeuer Verse 97 teacheth vs two things Do. first that we ought to haue a harty affection towards Gods word secondly that we should meditate in it continually or else we can neuer profite in it Verse 98 teacheth vs that in all our affaires wée should presently conferre with Gods word Verse 98 99 100 teach vs that Gods word is only our wisedome also that knowledge of it maketh vs to excell not only our enemies but all men whatsoeuer Verse 101 teacheth vs in care and conscience to striue to abstayne not only from grosse euils but from all manner of euil whatsoeuer Verse 102 teacheth vs that if God be our guide and schoolemaister we can not go astraye and that therefore we should suffer oure selues to be lead by him Verse 103 teacheth vs that only Gods word and specially his promises are comfortable and delightfull to the consciences of his Ver. 104 teacheth vs that if we be once truly enlightened with Gods word it wil make vs loth all sinne and corruption both in our selues and others Nun. THe Prophet in this xiiii part of the Psalme Di. first commendeth the worde for the light and comfort that it yéeldeth to those that are afflicted Ver. 105.111 Secondly he declareth what a great care and loue he had to kéepe Gods Lawe Verse 106 109 110 112. Thyrdly he prayeth to the Lord not only to comfort him by his word but also to accept the thinges which shall come from him verse 107 108. Verse 105. Se. Thy word vz. O Lord is a Lanthorn i. is in stéede of a Lanthorne vnto my féete i. vnto my wayes or vnto mine affections as verse 101. and a light i. standeth in stéed of a light vnto my path i. vnto my behauioure and conuersation where in I walke as in a path He meaneth that Gods lawe did lead him out and teache him what he should doe Vnder which similitude also he teacheth vs that without the light and guidance of Gods worde the world can not go else where but in darkenesse and terrible downfalles Verse 106. I haue sworne i. I haue bound my selfe vnto God and the obedience of him by an oth and will performe it vz. thorow his strength and assistaunce who at this time hath giuen me a stedfast purpose and will hereafter adde a power that I will kéepe vz. according to the measure of grace receaued from God and as mans frailty will suffer me for he bound not himselfe to kéepe the law wholy and in euery point because that is impossible to vs thy righteous iudgements i. the rules and precepts of thy worde which containe nothing else but righteousnesse and well doing Ver. 107. I am very sore afflicted vz. in the outward man by enemies troubling me and infirmities weakning me and in the inwarde man with continuall anguish of hart and dayly assaultes O Lord quicken me i. deliuer me from death and daunger whereto I am very nigh according to thy word i. according to thy promise in thy worde sée it so vsed in this Psalme sundry times and namely verse 25 81. Verse 108. O Lord I beséech thée vz. vnfaignedly and from the bottome of my hart accept vz. in good part or of thy good pleasure only fauour and allowe the trée offerings of my mouth i. my prayers and thanks giuings which I fréely and willingly offer vnto thée they are called in other places of the scripture the calues of our lippes Hosea 14 2. and in an other place the fruit of our lippes Heb. 13.15 and teach me vz. not only to know but also to perfourme thy iudgments i. thy word and the rules thereof as sundry times before in this Psalm Ver. 109. My soule i. my life for otherwise the soule cannot bee touched and it is put for life because that whatsoeuer life this life hath it hath it from the soule is continually in my hand i. is in most present daunger of death and destruction sée 1. Samuel 28.21 also Iob. 13.14 he vseth this phrase or manner of spéech because that those things