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A72693 The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England.; Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England. 1549 (1549) STC 16270A; ESTC S122894 224,523 337

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to passe that when the people preased vpon hym to heare the woorde of God he stode by the lake of Genazareth and saw two shippes stande by the lakes syde but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing theyr nettes And he entred into one of the shippes which perteined to Simon and prayed him that he woulde thrust out a litle from the land And he sate down taught the people out of the ship When he had left speaking he sayde vnto Simon launche out into the depe let slip your nettes to make a draught And Simon aunswered and sayde vnto him Maister we haue labored al night and haue taken nothyng Neuertheles at thy commaundement I wil looce furth the net And when they had this done they inclosed a great multitude of fishes But theyr nette brake and they beckened to theyr felowes whiche were in the other ship that they shoulde come and helpe them And they came and fylled bothe the shippes that they sonke agayn When Simon Peter sawe this he fell downe at Iesus knees saying Lorde goe from me for I am a sinful man For he was astonied and al that were with him at the draught of fishes which they had taken so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede which were parteners with Simon And Iesus sayde vnto Simon feare not from hencefoorthe thou shalte catche men And they brought the shippes to lande and forsooke all and folowed him ¶ The .vi. Sonday LEt thy louing mercy come also vnto me O lorde euen thy saluacion according vnto thy woorde So shall I make aunswere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy woorde O take not the woord of trueth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgementes So shall I alway kepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer And I will walke at libertie for I seeke thy commaundementes I will speake of thy testimonies also euen before kinges and will not be ashamed And my delight shal be in thy commaundementes which I haue loued My handes also will I lyfte vp vnto thy commaundementes which I haue loued and my study shall bee in thy statutes Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd whiche hast prepared to them that loue thee suche good thinges as passe al mans vnderstanding Powre into our heartes such loue toward thee that we louīg thee in all thinges may obteyne thy promises whiche excede al that we can desyre Through Iesus Christe our Lord. The Epistle KNowe ye not that all wee whiche are baptised in Iesu Christe are baptised to dye with him We are buried then with hym by baptisme for to dye that lykewise as Christe was raysed from deathe by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe For if we bee graft in deathe lyke vnto him euen so shall we bee partakers of the resurreccion Knowyng thys that our olde manne is crucifyed with him also that the body of sinne might vtterly be destroyed that hēcefurth we should not be seruaūtes vnto sinne For he that is dead is iustifyed from sinne Wherfore yf we be dead with Christe we beleue that we shal also liue with him knowing that Christ being raysed from deathe dyeth no more Deathe hathe no more power ouer him For as touching that he died he died concerning sinne once And as touchyng that he lyueth he liueth vnto god Lykewyse consider ye also that ye are dead as touchyng synne but are alyue vnto God through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Gospell IEsus sayd vnto hys disciples excepte your ryghteousnes excede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Phariseis ye cannot entre into the kingdom of heauen Ye haue hearde that it was sayed vnto them of the olde tyme. Thou shalte not kill whosoeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgemente But I saye vnto you that whosoeuer is angrye with his brother vnaduysedlye shall be in daunger o● iudgemente And whosoeuer saye vnto hys brother Racha shall be in daūger of a coūsel But whosoeuer saith thou foole shal be in daūger of hel fier Therfore if thou offerest thy gifte at the altare and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thyne offryng before the alter and goe thy waye firste and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gifte Agree with thyne aduersary quickely whiles thou art in the way with him leste at any tyme the aduersary delyuer thee to the iudge and the iudge delyuer thee to the minister and then thou be cast into prieson Verely I say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence til thou haue payed the vttermost farthing ¶ The .vii. Sonday O Thinke vpō thy seruaunte as concerning thy word wherein thou hast caused me to put my trust The same is my coumfort in my trouble for thy woorde hath quickened me The proude haue had me excedingly in der●ion yet haue I not shrynked from thy lawe For I remembred thine euerlasting iudgementes O lord and receiued coumfort I am horribly afrayde for the vngodly that forsake thy lawe Thy statutes haue bene my songes in the house of my pilgrimage I haue thought vpon thy name O Lorde in the night season and haue kept thy lawe This I hadde because I kepte thy cōmaundementes Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goste As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal bee worlde without ende Amen The Collect. LOrde of al power and might which art the author and geuer of al good thinges graffe in our heartes the loue of thy name increase in vs true religion nouryshe vs with all goodnesse and of thy great mercy kepe vs in the same Through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle I Speake grosly because of the infirmitye of your fleshe As ye haue geuen youre members seruauntes to vnclennesse and to iniquitye from one inquitye to an other euen so nowe geue ouer your membres seruauntes vnto ryghteousenes that ye may be sanctifyed For when ye were the seruauntes of sinne ye were void of righteousnes What fruite had you thē in those thinges wherof ye are now ashamed for the ende of those thynges is death But nowe are ye deliuered from synne and made the seruauntes of God and haue your fruite to be sanctifyed and the ende euerlastyng lyfe For the rewarde of synne is death but eternall lyfe is the gifte of God Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Gospel IN those dayes when there was a very great companye and had nothyng to eate Iesus called hys Disciples vnto hym and sayde vnto them I haue compassion on the people because they haue nowe bene with me three dayes and haue nothyng to eate And if I sende them awaye fastyng to theyr owne howses they shall faynt by the way for diuerse of them came from farre And his disciples aunswered him where shoulde a manne haue bread here in
Lorde so commeth thynges to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde When they come at the graue whyles the Corps is made ready to be layed into the earth the priest shall saye orels the priest and clearkes shall syng MAnne that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte tyme to lyue and is full of misery he cummeth vp and is cut downe lyke a floure he flyeth as it were a shadowe and neuer continueth in one staye ¶ In the myddest of lyfe we be in death of whom may we seke for succour but of thee O Lorde which for our sinnes iustly art moued yet O Lorde God moste holy O Lorde moste mighty O holy and moste mercifull sauiour deliuer vs not into the bytter paynes of eternall death Thou knowest Lorde the secretes of our heartes shutte not vp thy mercyfull iyes to oure prayers But spare vs Lorde moste holy O God moste mighty O holy and mercifull sauiour thou moste worthy iudge eternal suffre vs not at our last houre for any paynes of death to fall from thee Then the priest castyng earth vpon the Corps shall saye I Commende thy soule to God the father almightie and thy body to the grounde earth to earth asshes to asshes dust to dust in sure and certaine hope of resurreccion to eternall lyfe through our Lorde Iesus Christe who shall chaunge oure vile body that it may be lyke to his gloryous body according to the mighty workyng wherby he is hable to subdue al thinges to himselfe Then shal be sayed or song I Heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me Write blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord. Euen so sayeth the spirite that they rest from their labours Let vs pray WE commend into thy hādes of mercy most mercifull father the soule of this our brother departed N. And his body we commit to the earth beseching thine infinite goodnesse to geue vs grace to lyue in thy feare and loue and to dye in thy fauour that when the iudgemente shall come whiche thou haste committed to thy welbeloued sonne both this oure brother and we may be found acceptable in thy sight and receyue that blessing whiche thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come ye blessed children of my father Receyue the kyngdome prepared for you before the beginning of the worlde Graunt this mercifull father for the honour of Iesu Christe our onely sauior mediator and aduocate Amen This prayer shall also be added ALmightye God we geue thee hertie thankes for this thy seruaunt whom thou hast deliuered from the miseries of this wretched worlde from the bodye of death and all temptacion And as we trust haste brought his soule which he committed into thy holy handes into sure consolacion and rest Graunt we beseche thee that at the daye of iudgemente hys soule and all the soules of thy elect departed out of thys lyfe may with vs and we with them fullye receyue thy promisses and bee made perfite altogether thorowe the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde These psalmes with other suffrages folowing are to be sayde in the churche either before or after the buriall of the corps I Am well pleased that the lorde hath hearde the voyce of my prayer That he hath enclined his eare vnto me therfore will I call vpon him as long as I liue The snares of death compased me round about and the paynes of hel gatte hold vpon me I shal finde trouble and heauines and I shall call vpon the name of the Lorde O Lorde I beseche thee deliuer my soule Gracious is the lord and righteous yea our god is mercifull The lorde preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne agayn then vnto thy rest O my soule for the lord hath rewarded thee And why thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares and my feete from falling I will walke before the lorde in the lande of the liuyng I beleued therefore will I speake but I was sore troubled I sayde in my haste all men are lyers What rewarde shall I geue vnto the lorde for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I wil receiue the cup of saluacion and cal vpon the name of the Lorde I wil pay my vowes now in the presence of all his people right dere in the sight of y e lorde is the death of hys saintes Beholde O Lorde how that I am thy seruaunt I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handemayde thou haste broken my bondes in sunder I will offer to thee the sacrifyce of thankes geuyng and will call vpon the name of the Lorde I will pay my vowes vnto the lorde in the syghte of all hys people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the middest of thee O Hierusalem Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. O Lorde thou hast searched me out and knowen me Thou knowest my downsitting and mine vprising thou vnderstandest my thoughtes long before Thou arte about my path and about my bed and spyeste out all my wayes For loe there is not a woorde in my tongue but thou O Lorde knowest it altogether Thou hast fashioned me behynde and before and layed thyne hande vpon me Such knowlage is to woonderfull and excellente for me I cannot attayne vnto it Whither shall I goe then from thy spirite or whither shall I goe then from thy presence If I clime vp into heauen thou art there If I goe down to hell thou art there also If I take the winges of the morning and remaine in the vttermost partes of the sea Euen there also shall thy hande leade me and thy ryght hande shall holde me If I say peraduenture the derkenes shal couer me then shall my night be turned to day Yea the darkenes is no darkenes with thee but the night is all cleare as the day the darkenes and lyght to thee are both a lyke For my reines are thyne thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe I wil geue thankes vnto thee for I am fearfully and wunderously made marueilous are thy woorkes and that my soule knoweth ryghte well My bones are not hyd from thee though I bee made secretly and fashioned beneath in the yearth Thyne eyes did see my substaunce yet beyng vnperfect and in thy booke were all my members written Whiche daye by daye were fashioned when as yet there was none of them How deare are thy counsels vnto me O God O howe great is the summe of them If I tell them they are moe in noumbre then the sande when I wake vp I am present with thee Wilt thou not sley the wicked O God departe from me ye bloud thristie men For they speake vnrighteously against thee and thine enemies take thy name in vaine Do not I hate them O Lorde that hate thee and am not I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst thee Yea I hate
For if the bloud of oxen and of goates and the ashes of a young kowe when it was sprinkled purifyeth the vncleane as touchyng the purifying of the fleshe howe much more shall the bloud of Christ which through the eternall spirite offered hymselfe without spot to god purge your conscience from dead workes for to serue the liuing god And for thys cause is he the mediator of the new testament that through death which chaunsed for the redempcion of those trangressiōs that were vnder the first testament they which are called might receiue the promes of eternall inheritaunce The Gospell WHyche of you can rebuke me of synne If I saye the truethe why do ye not beleue me He that is of God heareth Goddes wordes ye therfore heare them not because ye are not of God Then aunswered the Iewes and sayde vnto him saye wee not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast the deuyll Iesus answered I haue not the deuil but I honoure my father and ye haue dishonored me I seeke not myne owne praise there is one that seeketh and iudgeth Verely verely I saye vnto you if a manne keepe my saying he shall neuer see deathe Then said the Iewes vnto him now knowe we that thou haste the deuill Abraham is dead and the Prophetes and thou sayest If a man kepe my saying he shal neuer taste of death Art thou greater then our father Abraham whiche is dead And the Prophetes are dead whome makest thou thy selfe Iesus aunswered if I honor my selfe myne honor is nothyng It is my father that honoreth me which ye say is your God and yet ye haue not knowen him but I know him And if I say I knowe him not I shal be a lyer like vnto you But I knowe him and kepe his saying Your father Abraham was glad to see my day and he saw it and reioysed Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym Thou art not yet .l. yere olde and haste thou seen Abraham Iesus sayde vnto them Verely verely I saye vnto you ere Abraham was borne I am Then tooke they vp stones to cast at hym but Iesus hid hymselfe and went out of the temple ¶ The Sondaye next before Easter HEare my crying O GOD geue eare vnto my prayer From the endes of the earth will I call vnto thee when my heart is in heauines Oh set me vp vpon the rocke that is hygher then I for thou haste bene my hope and a strong tower for me agaynst the enemie I wil dwell in thy tabernacle for euer and my trust shal be vnder the coueryng of thy wynges For thou O Lorde hast heard my desyres and hast geuen an herytage vnto those that feare thy name Thou shalt graunt the kyng a long lyfe that hys yeares may endure throughout all generacions He shal dwell before God for euer O prepare thy louing mercy and faythfulnes that they maye preserue hym So wyl I alway sing prayse vnto thy name that I maie dayly performe my vowes Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the begynning is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. ALmyghtye and euerlastyng God whiche of thy tendre loue towarde man hast sent our sauiour Iesus Christe to take vpon hym oure fleshe and to suffer death vpon the crosse that all mankynde shoulde folowe the example of his great humilitie mercyfully graunt that we both folowe the example of his pacience and be made partakers of hys resurreccion through the same Iesus Christe oure Lorde The Epistle LEtte the same mynde bee in you that was also in Christe Iesu whyche when he was in the shape of God thought it no robbery to be equal with god neuerthelesse he made himselfe of no reputaciō taking on hym the shape of a seruaunte became lyke vnto men and was founde in his apparell as a man He humbled himselfe and became obediēt vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Wherfore God hath also exalted hym on hygh and geuen hym a name which is aboue all names that in the name of Iesus euery knee shoulde bowe both of thinges in heauen and thynges in yearth and thynges vnder the yearth and that all tonges shoulde confesse that Iesus Christe is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father The Gospell ANd it came to passe when Iesus had fynyshed all these sayinges he said vnto his disciples ye know that after two dayes shall be Easter and the sonne of man shal be deliuered ouer to be crucified Then assembled together the chiefe Priestes the Scrybes and the Elders of the people vnto the palace of the hygh priest which was called Caiphas and held a counsell that they might take Iesus by subteltie kil him But they said not on the holy daye lest there be an vproare among the people When Iesus was in Bethanie in the house of Symon the Leper there came vnto hym a woman hauing an Alabaster boxe of precious ointment and powred it on hys head as he sate at the bourde But when his disciples sawe it they had indignacion saying wherto serueth this waste Thys oyntment myght haue been well solde and geuen to the poore When Iesus vnderstode that he said vnto them why trouble ye the woman for she hath wroughte a good worke vpon me For ye haue the poore alwayes with you but me shall ye not haue alwayes And in that she hath cast thys oyntment on my body she did it to bury me Verely I say vnto you whersoeuer this gospell shal be preached in al the worlde there shall also this that she hath done be tolde for a memorial of her Then one of the .xii. which was called Iudas Iscarioth went vnto the chiefe priestes and said vnto thē what wil ye geue me and I wyl delyuer him vnto you And they appoynted vnto hym .xxx. pieces of syluer And from that tyme furth he sought oportunitie to betray hym The first day of swete bread the disciples came to Iesus saying vnto hym where wylt thou that we prepare for thee to eate the Passeouer And he sayde Goe into the citie to suche a man and saye vnto hym the Maister sayeth my time is at hand I will kepe my Easter by thee with my disciples And the disciples did as Iesus had appointed them and they made ready the Passeouer When the euen was come he sate doune with the .xii. And as they did eate he said Verely I say vnto you that one of you shal betray me And they were exceading sorowful and began euery one of them to say vnto him Lorde is it I He answered and said he that dippeth hys hande with me in the dyshe the same shal betray me The sōne of man truely goeth as it is written of hym but woe vnto that man by whome the sonne of man is betrayed It had bene good for that man yf he had not bene borne Then Iudas whiche betrayed hym aunswered and saide Maister is it I
and compassed me together on euery syde My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye from me and hid myne acquayntaunce out of my syght Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Epistle IT is better if the will of God be so that ye suffre for well doing then for euil doing For asmuche as Christ hath once suffered for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bring vs to God and was kylled as partayning to the flesh but was quickened in the spirite In which spirite he also went and preached to the spirites that were in prison whiche some tyme had beene disobedient when the long suffring of God was once looked for in the dayes of Noe whyle the arke was a preparing wherin a fewe that is to saye eyghte soules were saued by the water lyke as Baptisme also nowe saueth vs not the putting awaye of the fylthe of the fleshe but in that a good conscience confenteth to God by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ which is on the right hande of God and is gone into heauen Angels powers and might subdued vnto hym The Gospell WHen the euē was come there came a riche mā of Aramathia named Ioseph whiche also was Iesus disciple He wente vnto Pilate begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate cōmaūded the body to be deliuered And whē Ioseph had taken the bodye he wrapped it in a cleane linnen clothe layed it in his newe toumbe which he had hewen out euen in the rocke rolled a greate stone to the doore of the Sepulchre departed And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sytting ouer agaynst the Sepulchre The nexte daye that folowed the daye of preparing the high priestes and Phariseis came together vnto Pilate saying Sir we remembre that this deceyuer sayed while he was yet aliue After iii. dayes I will rise againe Commaunde therfore that the Sepulchre bee made sure vntyll the thirde daye leste his disciples come and steale him awaye and say vnto the people he is risen from the dead and the last erroure shall be worse then the firste Pylate sayed vnto them ye haue the watche goe your waye make it as sure as ye can So they wente and made the Sepulchre sure with the watche menne and sealed the stone ¶ Easter daye In the mornyng afore mattyns the people being assembled in the churche these Anthems shal be fyrst solemnely song or sayed CHrist rising agayne from the dead nowe dieth not Death from hence furth hath no power vpon hym For in that he dyed he dyed but once to put awaye sinne but in that he liueth he liueth vnto God And so lykewyse counte youre selues dead vnto synne but lyuyng vnto God in Christe Iesus our Lorde Alleluya Alleluya CHriste is risen agayne the fyrste fruytes of them that slepe for seyng that by man came deathe by man also commeth the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam al men do dye so by Christe all menne shal be restored to lyfe Alleluya The Priest ¶ Shewe forth to all nacions the glory of God The Aunswere ¶ And among all people his wonderful workes Let vs praye O God who for our redēpcion diddest geue thine onely begotten sonne to the death of the crosse by his gloryous resurreccion hast delyuered vs from the power of our enemye Graunte vs so to dye dayly frō sinne that we may euermore liue with him in the ioye of his resurreccion through thesame Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ Proper psalmes and lessons At Mattins Psal ii Psal lvii Psal Cxi The first lesson Exo. xii Vnto the ende The seconde lesson Roma vi Vnto the ende At the firste Communion PReserue me O God for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast saied vnto the Lorde thou art my God my goodes are nothing vnto thee All my delyght is vpon the Sainctes that are in the yearth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after an other God shall haue great trouble Their dryncke offeringes of bloude wyll not I offer neither make mencion of their names within my lyppes The Lord himselfe is the porcion of myne inheritaunce and of my Cuppe thou shalt mayntayne my lotte The lotte is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde yea I haue a goodly heritage I wyll thanke the Lorde for geuing me warning my reynes also chasten me in the night season I haue sette God alwayes before me for he is on my right hand therfore I shall not fall Wherefore my hearte was glad and my glory reioysed my fleshe also shall rest in hope For why thou shalt not leaue my soule in helle neither shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion Thou shalt shewe me the pathe of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God which through thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ hast ouercome death opened vnto vs the gate of euerlastyng life we humbly beseche thee that as by thy speciall grace preuentyng vs thou doest put in our mindes good desires so by thy continuall helpe we may bryng thesame to good effect through Iesus Christ our Lorde who lyueth and reigneth c. The Epistle IF ye be risē againe with Christ seke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hād of God Set your affecciō on heauēly thinges and not on yearthy thinges For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christe in God Whensoeuer Christ whiche is our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glory Mortifie therfore your earthy membres fornicacion vncleanes vnnaturall lust euil concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is wurshyppynge of ydolles for whiche thinges sake the wrathe of God vseth to come on the disobedient children among whom ye walked somtime when ye lyued in them The Gospell THe firste daye of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalene earlye when it was yet darcke vnto the Sepulchre and sawe the stone taken away frō the graue Thē she ranne came to Simon Peter to the other disciple whō Iesus loued saith vnto thē they haue taken away the lorde out of the graue and we cannot tell where they haue laied hym Peter therfore went foorth and that other disciple and came vnto the Sepulchre They ranne both together and the other disciple did out runne Peter and came firste to the Sepulchre And when he had stowped doune he saw the lynnen clothes lying yet wente he not in Then came Simon Peter folowing hym and went into the sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye and the napkin that was aboute his heade not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe
Then wente in also that other disciple whiche came firste to the sepulchre he sawe and beleued For as yet they knewe not the scripture that he shoulde ryse againe from death Then the disciples went awaye agayne vnto their owne home At the seconde Communion LOrde howe are they encreased that trouble me many are they that ryse agaynst me Many one there bee that saye of my soule there is no helpe for him in his God But thou O Lorde art my defender thou art my worshyp and the lifter vp of my head I dyd call vpon the Lorde with my voyce and he hearde me out of his holy hill I layde me downe and slept and rose vp agayne for the Lorde sustayned me I wil not be afrayd for ten thousādes of the people that haue set themselues agaynste me rounde aboute Vp Lorde and helpe me O my God for thou smitest all myne enemies vpon the cheke bone thou haste broken the teeth of the vngodly Saluacion belongeth vnto the lorde and thy blessing is vpon thy people Glory bee to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal bee worlde without ende Amen The Collect. ALmightie father whiche hast geuen thy onely sonne to dye for our sinnes and to rise agayne for oure iustificacion Graunte vs so to putte awaye the leauen of malyce and wickednesse that we maye alwaye serue thee in purenesse of liuing and trueth through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle KNow ye not that a litle leauen sowreth the whole lompe of dowe Pourge therefore the olde leauen that ye maye be newe dowe as ye are swete bread For Christ our passeouer is offered vp for vs. Therfore let vs kepe holye daye not with olde leauen neither with the leauen of maliciousnes and wickednes but with the swete breade of purenes and trueth The Gospell WHen the Sabboth was paste Mary Magdalene and Mary Iacoby and Salome bought swete odoures that they myghte come and anoynt hym And early in the morning the first day of the Sabboth they came vnto the Sepulchre when the sonne was risen And they sayed among themselues who shall rolle vs away the stone frō the dore of the Sepulchre And when they looked they sawe howe that the stone was rolled away for it was a very great one And they wente into the Sepulchre and sawe a younge man sytting on the right syde clothed in a longe white garmente and they were afrayed And he sayed vnto them be not afrayed ye seke Iesus of Nazareth whiche was crucified He is risen he is not here Beholde the place where they had put him But goe your waye and tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galile there shall you see him as he sayed vnto you And they went out quickly and fledde from the Sepulchre for they trembled and were amased neyther sayed they anye thing to anye man for they were afrayde At Euensong ¶ Proper psalmes and lessons Psalm cxiii The .ii. lesson Act. ii Vnto the ende Psalm cxiiii The .ii. lesson Act. ii Vnto the ende Psalm cxviii The .ii. lesson Act. ii Vnto the ende ¶ Monedaye in Easter weke At Mattyns ¶ The seconde lesson Mat. xxviii Vnto the ende At the Communion MY soule truely wayteth styll vpon God for of him commeth my saluacion He verely is my strength and my saluacion he is my defence so that I shall not greatly fal Howe longe wil ye imagine mischefe against euery mā ye shal be slaine al the sort of you yea as a tottering wal shall ye be and lyke a broken hedge Their deuice is onely howe to put him out whom God will exalte their delyte is in lyes they geue good woordes with their mouth but curse with their hearte Neuerthelesse my soule wayte thou still vpon God for my hope is in him He truely is my strength and my saluacion he is my defence so that I shall not fall In God is my health and my glory the rocke of my myght and in God is my trust O put your trust in him alwaye ye people powre oute your heartes before him for God is our hope As for the children of men they are but vayne the children of men are deceiptful vpon the weyghtes they are altogether lyghter then vaynitie it selfe O trust not in wrong and robbery geue not your selues vnto vanitie yf ryches encrease set not your hearte vpon them God spake once and twise I haue also heard the same that power belongeth vnto God And that thou Lorde art mercifull for thou rewardest euery man according to his worke Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe c. The Collect. ALmyghtye God whiche through thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christe haste ouercome deathe and opened vnto vs the gate of euerlasting life we humbly beseche thee that as by thy speciall grace preuentyng vs thou doest putte in oure myndes good desyres so by thy continuall helpe we may bring thesame to good effect through Iesus Christe our Lorde who lyueth and reygneth c. The Epistle PEter opened his mouth and sayd of a trueth I perceyue that there is no respecte of persons with God but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh righteousnes is accepted with hym Ye knowe the preaching that God sente vnto the children of Israell preaching peace by Iesu Christe whiche is Lorde ouer all thinges which preaching was published throughout all Iewry and began in Galilee after the baptisme whiche Iohn preached howe God annoynted Iesus of Nazareth with the holy ghoste and with power Which went about doing good and healynge all that were oppressed of the deuil for god was with him And we are witnesses of all thinges whiche he did in the lande of the Iewes and at Ierusalem whome they slewe and hanged on tree Hym God reised vp the thirde day shewed him openly not to all the people but vnto vs witnesses chosen before of God for thesame intent which did eate and drinke with him after he arose from death And he commaunded vs to preach vnto the people and to testifie that it is he whiche was ordained of God to be the iudge of the quicke and deade To him geue all the prophetes witnes that through his name whosoeuer beleueth in him shall receyue remission of synnes The Gospell BEholde two of the disciples wente that same daye to a towne called Emaus whiche was from Ierusalem about .lx. furlonges and they talked together of all the thinges that had happened And it chaūced that while they cōmoned together reasoned Iesus himselfe drue nere and went with thē But their eyes were holdē that they should not knowe hym And he sayd vnto them what maner of communicacions are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke and are sad And the one of them whose name was Cleophas aunswered and sayd vnto him art thou onely
so late take reste and eate the bread of carefulnes for so he geueth hys beloued slepe Lo children and the fruite of the wombe are an herytage and gifte that commeth of the Lorde Lyke as the arrowes in the hande of the gyaunt euen so are the yong children Happy is the manne that hath his quyuer full of them they shall not be ashamed when they speake with theyr enemies in the gate Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the begynning is nowe c. The Collect. STiere vp we beseche thee O lord the willes of thy faithful people that they plenteously bringing furth the fruit of good workes maye of thee be plenteously rewarded through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle BEholde the tyme cometh sayeth the Lorde that I wil raise vp the righteous braūch of Dauid which kyng shal beare rule and he shal prosper with wisdome and shall set vp equitie and righteousnes agayne in the earth In his tyme shal Iuda be saued and Israel shal dwell without feare And this is the name that they shall call hym euen the Lorde our righteousnesse and therfore beholde the tyme cummeth sayeth the Lorde that it shall no more be sayed the Lorde lyueth which brought the children of Israel out of the lande of Egipt But the Lorde liueth which brought furth and lead the seede of the house of Israel out of the north lande and from al countryes where I had scatered them and they shal dwel in their owne land agayne The Gospell WHen Iesus lift vp his iyes sawe a great company come vnto him he sayeth vnto Philip whence shal we bye bread that these may eate This he sayd to proue him for he himselfe knewe what he woulde doe Philip aunswered hym two hundreth peniworthe of bread are not sufficient for them that euery man may take a litle One of his disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother sayd vnto him There is a lad here whiche hath fyue barley loues and two fyshes but what are they among so many And Iesus sayd make the people sit downe There was muche grasse in the place So the men sate downe in noumber about fiue thousande And Iesus toke the bread and when he had geuen thankes he gaue to the disciples and the disciples to thē that were set downe And likewise of the fishes as much as they would When they had eaten inough he sayeth vnto his disciples Gather vp the broken meate which remayneth that nothing be lost And they gathered it together and filled twelue baskettes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loaues whiche broken meate remayned vnto them that had eaten Then those menne when they had seen the miracle that Iesus dyd sayd this is of a trueth the same Prophete that should come into the worlde ❧ ❧ SAINCT ANdrewes daye At the Communion MAny tymes haue they fought against me from my youth vp may Israel nowe saye Yea many a tyme haue they vexed me from my youth vp but they haue not preuailed against me The plowers plowed vpon my backe and made long forowes But the righteous Lorde hath hewen the snares of the vngodly in pieces Let them be counfounded and turned backward as many as haue euill will at Sion Let them be euen as the grasse growyng vpon the house toppes whiche withereth afore it be pluckt vp Wherof the mower filleth not his hande neyther he that bindeth vp the sheues his bosome So that they whiche goe by saye not so muche as the Lorde prosper you we wishe you good lucke in the name of the Lorde Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. ALmightie God whiche haste geuen suche grace to thy Apostle saincte Andrewe that he counted the sharpe and painful death of the crosse to be an high honour and a great glory Graunt vs to take esteme al troubles and aduersities whiche shall come vnto vs for thy sake as thinges profitable for vs toward the obtayning of euerlasting lyfe through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle YF thou knowledge with thy mouthe that Iesus is the Lorde and beleue in thy heart that God raised hym vp from death thou shalt bee safe For to beleue with the heart iustifieth and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a manne safe For the scripture sayeth whosoeuer beleueth on him shal not be confounded There is no dyfference betwene the Iewe and the Gentile For one is Lord of al which is riche vnto al that cal vpō him For whosoeuer doeth call on the name of the Lorde shall be safe How then shal they cal on him on whom they haue not beleued How shall they beleue on hym of whom they haue not heard How shall they heare without a preacher And how shall they preache excepte they be sent As it is written how beautifull are the feete of them which bryng tidinges of peace and bring tidinges of good thinges But they haue not al obeyed to the gospel for Esay saith Lord who hath beleued our sayinges So thē faith cummeth by hearing and hearing cummeth by the worde of God But I aske haue they not heard no doubte their sounde wente out into all landes and their wordes into the endes of the world But I demaund whether Israel did knowe or not first Moses sayeth I will prouoke you to enuye by them that are no people by a folishe nacion I wyll angre you Esay after that is bolde and sayeth I am found of them that sought me not I am manifest vnto them that asked not after me But against Israel he sayeth all daye long haue I stretched furth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not but speaketh against me The Gospell AS Iesus walked by the sea of Galile he sawe two brethren Simon whiche was called Peter Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fyshers and he sayeth vnto them folowe me and I will make you to become fishers of men And they streight way left their nettes and folowed him And when he was gone furth from thence he sawe other two brethrē Iames the sonne of Zebede and Ihon his brother in the ship with Zebede theyr father mendyng theyr nettes and he called them And they immediately lefte the shippe and theyr father and folowed hym Saincte Thomas the Apostle ¶ At the Communion BLessed are all they that feare the Lorde and walke in his wayes For thou shalt eate the labors of thine handes O well is thee and happy shalt thou be Thy wyfe shall be as the fruitfull vine vpon the walles of thyne house Thy children lyke the Oliue braunches round about thy table Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lorde from out of Sion shall so blesse thee that thou shalt see Ierusalem in prosperitie all thy lyfe long Yea that thou shalt see thy
into the pitte O lette me heare thy louyng kyndnesse betymes in the mornynge for in thee is my trust shewe thou me the waye that I shoulde walke in for I lyft vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me o lorde from myne enemyes for I flye vnto thee to hyde me Teache me to dooe the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my god lette thy louyng spirite leade me foorth vnto the lande of righteousnesse Quicken me o lorde for thy names sake and for thy righteousnesse sake bryng my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnesse slaye my enemies and destroye all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. ¶ With this antheme Remembre not Lorde our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers Spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou haste redemed with thy moste precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father whiche art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen The Minister O Lorde saue thy seruaunt Aunswere Whiche putteth his trust in thee Minister Sende hym helpe from thy holy place Aunswere And euermore mightily defende hym Minister Let the enemy haue none aduauntage of hym Aunswere Nor the wicked approche to hurte hym Minister Bee vnto hym O Lorde a strong tower Aunswere From the face of his enemy Minister Lorde heare my prayer Aunswere And let my crye come vnto thee Minister Let vs praye O Lorde looke downe from heauen beholde visite and releue this thy seruaunte Looke vpon hym with the iyes of thy mercy geue hym coumforte and sure confidence in thee Defende hym from the daunger of the enemy and kepe hym in perpetuall peace and safetie through Jesus Christe our Lorde Amen HEare vs almightie and moste mercifull God and Sauioure Extende thy accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruaunt whiche is greued with sickenesse Visite hym O Lord as thou diddest visite Peters wyfes mother and the Capitaynes seruaunte And as thou preseruedst Thobie and Sara by thy Aungell from daunger So restore vnto this sicke person his former health if it be thy will or els geue hym grace so to take thy correccion that after this painfull lyfe ended he may dwel with thee in lyfe euerlastyng Amen Then shall the minister exhorte the sicke person after this fourme or other lyke DErely beloued knowe this that almightie God is the Lorde ouer lyfe death and ouer all thinges to them perteining as yougth strength helth age weakenesse and sickenesse Wherfore whatsoeuer youre sickenesse is know you certaynly that it is Gods visitacion And for what cause soeuer this sickenesse is sent vnto you whether it bee to trye your pacience for the example of other and that your fayth maye be founde in the daye of the Lord laudable gloryous and honourable to the encrease of glory and endlesse felicitie Orels it be sente vnto you to correcte and amende in you whatsoeuer doeth offende the iyes of our heauenly father knowe you certaynlye that yf you truely repente you of youre synnes and beare youre sicknesse paciently trustyng in Gods mercye for his deare sonne Iesus Christes sake and rendre vnto him humble thankes for his fatherly visitacion submytting your selfe wholy to his will it shall turne to your profite helpe you forward in the right way that leadeth vnto euerlasting lyfe ☞ ¶ Take therfore in good worth the chastement of the Lord For whom the Lord loueth he chastiseth Yea as Saincte Paul sayeth he scourgeth euery sonne whiche he receyueth yf you endure chastisement he offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto his owne children What sonne is he that the father chastiseth not Yf ye be not vnder correccion wherof all the true children are partakers then are ye bastardes and not children Therfore seing that whan our carnall fathers doe correct vs we reuerently obey them shall we not nowe muche rather be obedient to our spirituall father and so lyue And they for a fewe dayes do chastise vs afer their owne pleasure but he doeth chastise vs for our profite to thentente he may make vs partakers of his holines These wordes good brother are Gods wordes and wrytten in holy scripture for our coumfort and instruccion that we should paciently and with thankes geuyng beare oure heauenly fathers correccion whansoeuer by any maner of aduersitie it shall please his gracious goodnes to visite vs. And there should be no greater coumfort to christian persons then to be made lyke vnto Christe by sufferyng paciently aduersities troubles and sickenesses For he himselfe went not vp to ioy but first he suffered payne he entred not into his glory before he was crucified So truely our waye to eternall ioy is to suffre here with Christe and our doore to entre into eternall lyfe is gladly to dye with Christe that we may ryse againe from death and dwell with him in euerlasting lyfe Nowe therfore taking your sickenesse whiche is thus profitable for you paciently I exhorte you in the name of God to remembre the profession which you made vnto God in youre Baptisme And forasmuche as after this lyfe there is accompte to bee geuen vnto the ryghteous iudge of whom all must be iudged without respect of persons I require you to examine your selfe your state both towarde God and manne so that accusyng and condemning your selfe for your owne faultes you may fynde mercy at our heauēly fathers hand for Christes sake and not be accused and condemned in that fearefull iudgemēt Therfore I shall shortly rehearse the articles of our fayth that ye may knowe whether you doe beleue as a christian man should beleue or no. Here the minister shall rehearse the articles of the faythe saying thus Doest thou beleue in God the father almightie And so forth as it is in Baptisme This may be done before the minister begyn his prayers as he shall see cause Then shall the minister examine whether he be in charitie with all the worlde Exhortyng hym to forgeue from the botome of his herte all persons that haue offended hym and if he haue offended other to aske them forgeuenesse and where he hath done iniurie or wrong to any man that he make amendes to his vttermoste power And if he haue not a fore disposed his goodes let him then make his wyll But men must be oft admonished that they sette an ordre for theyr temporall goodes and landes whan they be in helth And also to declare his debtes what he oweth and what is owyng to hym for discharging of his conscience and quietnesse of his executours The minister may not forget nor omitte to moue the sicke person and that most earnestly to lyberalitie toward the poore ¶ Here shall the sicke person make a speciall confession yf he fele his conscience troubled with any weightie matter After
c. As it was in the beginning c. The Communion of the sicke FOrasmuche as all mortall men be subiect to many sodain perilles diseases and syckenesses and euer vncerteyne what tyme they shall departe out of this lyfe Therefore to the intente they may be alwayes in a redynesse to dye whensoeuer it shall please almyghtye God to call them The curates shall diligētly from time to time but specially in the plague time exhorte theyr parishoners to the ofte receiuing in the churche of the holy Communion of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christe whiche if they doe they shall haue no cause in theyr sodayne visitacion to be vnquieted for lacke of the same But if the sycke person be not hable to come to the churche and yet is desyrous to receyue the Communion in his house then he must geue knowlege ouer night or els early in the morning to the curate sygnifying also how many be appoynted to communicate with him And if the same day there be a celebracion of the holy Communion in the churche then shal the priest reserue at the open communion so muche of the sacrament of the body and bloud as shall serue the sicke person and so many as shal Communicate with him if there be any And so soone as he conuenientlye may after the open Communion ended in the churche shall goe and minister the same firste to those that are appoynted to communicate with the sicke if there be any and last of al to the sicke persone himselfe But before the Curate distribute the holy Communion the appoynted generall confessyon must be made in the name of the communicantes the curate adding the absolucion with the comfortable sentences of scripture folowyng in the open Communion and after the communion ended the Collecte Almightie and euerliuyng God we moste hartely thanke thee c. ¶ But if the day be not appoynted for the open communion in the churche then vpon conuenient warning geuen the curate shal come and visite the sicke person afore noone And hauing a conuenient place in the sycke mannes house where he may reuerentely celebrate with all thynges necessary for the same and not being otherwise letted with the publike seruice or any other iust impediment he shall there celebrate the holy communion after suche forme and sorte as herafter is appoynted THE CELEBRAcion of the holy Communion for the sicke O Prayse the Lorde all ye nacions laude hym all ye people for hys mercifull kyndenes is confirmed towarde vs and the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Without any more repeticion The Priest The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite Let vs praye ALmyghtye euerlyuyng God maker of mankynde whiche doeste correct those whome thou doest loue and chastisest euery one whome thou dost receiue we beseche thee to haue mercie vpon thys thy seruaunt visited with thy hand and to graunt that he may take his sickenes paciently and recouer his bodily health if it be thy gracyous will and whansoeuer his soule shall departe from the body it may without spotte be presented vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen The Epistle MY sonne despise not the correccion of the lorde neyther faynt whē thou art rebuked of him for whom the lorde loueth him he correcteth yea and he scourgeth euery sonne whome he receiueth The Gospel Verely verely I saye vnto you he that heareth my woorde and beleueth on him that sente me hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come vnto damnacyon but he passeth from death vnto life The Preface The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite ¶ Lift vp your heartes c. Vnto the ende of the Cannon ¶ At the time of the distribucion of the holy sacrament the priest shal first receiue the Communion hymselfe after minister to them that be appoynted to communicate with the sycke if there be any and then to the sicke person And the sicke person shal alwayes desire some eyther of his owne house or els of hys neighbours to receiue the holy Communion with hym for that shall bee to hym a singuler great coumfort and of theyr parte a great token of charitie ¶ And if there bee moe sycke persons to be visited the same day that the Curate dooeth celebrate in anye sycke mannes house then shall the curate there reserue so much of the sacrament of the body and bloud as shall serue the other sicke persons and suche as be appoynted to communicate with them if there bee anye And shall immediatly cary it and minister it vnto them ¶ But if any man eyther by reason of extremitie of sickenesse or for lacke of warnyng geuen in due tyme to the curate or by any other iuste impediment doe not receiue the sacrament of Christes body bloud then the curate shall instruct him that if he doe truely repent him of his sinnes and stedfastly beleue that Iesus Christ hath suffered death vpon the crosse for hym and shed hys bloud for hys redempcion earnestly remembring the benefites he hath therby and geuing him heartie thankes therfore he doth eate and drynke spiritually the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ profitably to his soules health althoughe he dooe not receyue the sacramente with his mouth ¶ When the sicke persone is visited and receiueth the holy Communion all at one tyme then the priest for more expedicion shall vse this order at the visitacion The Antheme Remember not Lorde c. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father whiche art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But deliuer vs from euil Amen Let vs pray O Lorde looke downe from heauen c. With the first parte of the exhortacion and all other thynges vnto the Psalme In thee O Lorde haue I put my trust c. And if the sicke desyre to be annoyncted then shall the Prieste vse the appoynted prayer without any Psalme ❧ THE ORDRE FOR ❧ the Buriall of the dead The priest metyng the Corps at the Churche stile shall say Or els the priestes and clearkes shall syng and so goe eyther into the Churche or towardes the graue I Am the resurreccion and the lyfe sayth the Lorde he that beleueth in me yea though he were dead yet shall he lyue And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer I Knowe that my redemer lyueth and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the last day and shal be couered again with my skinne and shall see God in my fleshe yea and I my selfe shall beholde hym not with other but with these same iyes WE brought nothyng into this world neyther may we carye any thyng out of this worlde The Lorde geueth and the Lorde taketh away Euen as it pleaseth the
and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all sinne If we say we haue no synne we deceyue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. If we knowledge our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from al vnrighteousnes If we say we haue not sinned we make hym a lyer and his woorde is not in vs. The Gospell IEsus sayed vnto Peter folowe thou me Peter turned about and sawe the disciple whome Iesus loued folowing whiche also leaned on his breaste at Supper and sayed Lorde whiche is he that betrayeth thee when Peter therefore sawe him he sayed to Iesus Lorde what shall he here dooe Iesus sayed vnto hym If I wyll haue hym to tarye tyll I come what is that to thee Folowe thou me Then wente this saying abroade among the brethren that that disciple should not dye Yet Iesus sayed not to him he shal not die but if I wil that he tary til I come what is that to thee The same disciple is he which testifieth of these thinges and wrote these thinges we know that his testimony is true There are also many other thynges whiche Iesus dyd the whiche if they should bee written euery one I suppose the world coulde not cōteine the bookes that should be written ¶ At Euensong ¶ The seconde lesson Apoca. xxii vnto the ende ¶ The Innocentes day ¶ At Mattins ¶ The first lesson Hiere .xxxi. vnto Moreouer I heard Effraym O God the heathen are come into thyne inheritaunce thy holy temple haue they defyled and made Ierusalem an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruauntes haue they geuen to bee meate vnto the fowles of the ayre and the fleshe of thy sainctes vnto the beastes of the lande Theyr bloud haue they shed like water on euery syde of Ierusalem and there was no man to bury them We are become an open shame to oure enemies a very skorne and derision vnto them that are rounde aboute vs. Lorde how long wilt thou be angrie shall thy gelousye burne lyke fyer for euer Powre out thyne indignacion vpon the Heathen that haue not knowen thee and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy name For they haue deuoured Iacob and layed waste his dwellyng place O remember not our olde sinnes but haue mercye vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great misery Helpe vs O GOD of our saluacion for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and bee mercifull vnto our synnes for thy names sake Wherefore dooe the Heathen saye where is nowe theyr God O lette the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloude that is shed be openly shewed vpon the Heathen in our syght O let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee accordyng vnto the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to dye And as for the blasphemye wherwith our neyghbours haue blasphemed thee rewarde thou them O Lord seuen folde into theyr bosome So we that be thy people and shepe of thy pasture shal geue thee thākes for euer and will alway be shewing furth thy prayse from generacion to generacion Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God whose prayse this day the young innocentes thy witnesses hath confessed and shewed foorth not in speakyng but in dying mortifye and kyll all vyces in vs that in our conuersacion our lyfe may expresse thy fayth whiche with our tongues we dooe confesse through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle I Loked and loe a lambe stode on the mount Sion and with him an hundred .xliiij. thousande hauing his name and his fathers name written in theyr foreheades And I heard a voice from heauen as the sounde of many waters and as the voice of a great thundre And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harpes And they sōg as it were a new song before the seate and before the .iiij. beastes and the elders and no man coulde learne the song but the C. xliiij thousand which were redemed from the earth These are they which were not defyled with weomen for they are virgins These folowe the lambe whithersoeuer he goeth These were redemed from men being the fyrste fruites vnto God and to the lambe and in their mouthes was foūd no guile for they are without spot before the throne of God The Gospell THe Angel of the Lorde appeared to Ioseph in a slepe saying aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypt and bee thou there till I bring thee worde For it will come to passe that Herode shall seeke the childe to destroy him So when he awoke he toke the childe and his mother by nyght and departed into Egipt and was there vnto the death of Herode that it myghte bee fulfilled whiche was spoken of the lord by the prophete saying out of Egypt haue I called my sonne Then Herode when he sawe that he was mocked of the wise men he was exceadyng wroth and sent furth men of warre and slewe al the children that were in Bethleem and in all the coastes as many as were .ii. yere olde or vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently knowen out of the wisemen Then was fulfilled that whiche was spoken by the prophete Ieremie where as he sayde in Rama was there a voyce hearde lamentacion wepyng and great mourning Rachel wepyng for her children woulde not be coumforted because they were not ¶ The Sonday after Christmas day I Will lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the hilles from whence cummeth my helpe My helpe cummeth euen from the Lorde whiche hath made heauen and earth He will not suffer thy foote to be moued and he that kepeth thee will not slepe Beholde he that kepeth Israel shal neyther slumber nor slepe The Lorde himselfe is thy keper the lorde is thy defence vpon thy right hande So that the Sunne shall not burne thee by day neyther the Moone by night The lord shall preserue thee from all euill yea it is euen he that shall kepe thy soule The lorde shal preserue thy going out and thy comming in from this time foorth for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God whiche hast geuen vs. c. As vpon Christmas day The Epistle ANd I say that the heire as long as he is a child differeth not from a seruaunt though he be lorde of all but is vnder tutours and gouernours vntill the time that the father hath appointed Euen so wee also when we were children were in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the worlde But when the tyme was full come God sente his sonne made of a woman and made bonde vnto the lawe to redeme them whiche were bonde vnto the lawe that we through eleccion mighte receyue the
the heauens Glory and wurship are before hym power and honour are in his sanctuary Ascribe vnto the Lorde O ye kynreds of the people ascribe vnto the Lorde worship and power Ascribe vnto the Lorde the honour due vnto his name bryng presentes and come into his courtes O woorshyp the Lorde in the beautie of holynes let the whole earth stande in awe of hym Tell it out among the Heathen that the lorde is kyng and that it is he whiche hathe made the rounde worlde so fast that it cannot be moued and howe that he shall iudge the people righteously Let the heauens reioyce and let the yearth be glad let the sea make a noyse and all that therein is Let the fielde bee ioyfull and all that is in it then shall all the trees of the wood reioyce before the Lorde For he cummeth for he cummeth to iudge the yearth and with righteousnes to iudge the worlde and the people with his trueth Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. O God whiche by the leadyng of a starre diddest manyfeste thy onelye begotten sonne to the Gentiles Mercifully graunt that we which know thee now by faythe maye after thys lyfe haue the fruicion of thy glorious Godhead through Christ our Lorde The Epistle FOr thys cause I Paule am a pryesoner of Iesus Christe for you heathen if ye haue hearde of the ministracion of the grace of god which is geuen me to you warde For by reuelacyon shewed he the misterye vnto me as I wrote afore in few wordes wherby whē ye reade ye maye vnderstande my knoweledge in the mysterye of Christe whiche mysterye in tymes passed was not opened vnto the sonnes of menne as it is nowe declared vnto hys holy Apostles and Prophetes by the spirite that the Gentiles should be inheritours also and of the same bodye and partakers of hys promyse in Christe by the meanes of the Gospell whereof I am made a minister accordyng to the gifte of the grace of God which is geuen vnto me after the woorkyng of hys power Vnto me the leaste of all sainctes is thys grace geuen that I shoulde preache amonge the Gentiles the vnsearcheable ryches of Christe and to make all men see what the felowshyppe of the misterie is whiche from the beginning of the worlde hath bene hydde in God whiche made all thinges through Iesus Christe to the entente that nowe vnto the rulers and powers in heauenly thinges might be knowen by the congregacyon the manifolde wisedome of God according to the eternal purpose whiche he wrought in Christ Iesu our lorde by whome we haue boldenes and entraunce with the confidence whiche is by the fayth of him The Gospell WHen Iesus was borne in Bethleē a citie of Iury in the tyme of Herode the kyng Beholde there came wise men from the East to Ierusalē saying where is he that is borne kyng of Iewes For we haue seene hys starre in the East and are come to wurship hym When Herode the kyng had hearde these thynges he was troubled and all the citie of Ierusalem with hym And when he had gathered al the chiefe priestes and scribes of the people together he demaunded of them where Christe shoulde bee borne And they sayd vnto hym at Bethleem in Iurie For thus it is written by the Prophete And thou Bethleem in the land of Iury art not the leaste among the prynces of Iuda for out of thee there shall come vnto me the capitaine that shal gouerne my people Israell Then Herode when he had prieuelye called the wise men he inquired of them diligentlye what tyme the starre appeared and he bad them goe to Bethleem and said goe your way thither and searche dilygentlye for the chylde And when ye haue found him bryng me woorde agayne that I may come and woorship him also whē they had hearde the kyng they departed and loe the starre whiche they sawe in the Easte wente beefore them tyll it came and stoode ouer the place wherein the chylde was When they sawe the starre they were exceading glad and wente into the house and founde the childe with Mary hys mother and fell downe flat and wurshypped hym and opened theyr treasures and offered vnto hym giftes Golde Frankincense and Mirre And after they were warned of God in slepe that they should not goe agayne to Herode they returned into theyr owne countrey another way At Euensong The first lesson Esai xlix vnto the ende The seconde lesson Iohn .ii. After this he went downe to Capernaum vnto the ende The firste Sonday after the Epiphanie HOwe long wilt thou forget me O Lorde for euer howe long wilt thou hyde thy face from me Howe long shall I seke counsell in my soule and be so vexed in my heart howe long shall myne enemye triumphe ouer me Consider and heare me O lorde my God lyghten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Leste myne enemye saye I haue prenayled agaynste him for if I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyce at it But my trust is in thy mercye and my hearte is ioyfull in thy saluacion I wil sing of the lorde because he hath dealt so louyngly with me yea I will prayse the name of the Lorde the moste highest Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. LOrde we beseche thee mercifullye to receyue the praiers of thy people whiche call vpon thee and graunt that they maye both perceyue and knowe what thynges they ought to do and also haue grace and power faithully to fullfyll the same The Epistle I Besech you therefore brethren by the mercifulnes of God that ye make youre bodies a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God whiche is your resonable seruyng of god and fashion not your selfes like vnto this world but be ye chaunged in your shape by the renuing of youre minde that ye maie proue what thing that good and acceptable and perfect will of god is For I saye throughe the grace that vnto me geuen is to euery man amonge you that no man stand hygh in his owne conceite more then it becommeth hym to esteme of hymselfe but so iudge of himselfe that he be gentle and sobre according as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith for as we haue many membres in one body and all membres haue not one office so we being many are one body in Christ and euery man amōg our selues one anothers members The Gospell THe father and mother of Iesus wente to Hierusalem after the custome of the feast day And when they had fulfilled the dayes as they returned home the child Iesus abode stil in Ierusalem and his father and mother knewe not of it but they supposing hym to haue beene in the cumpanye came a dayes iourney and sought hym amōg their kinsfolke and acquaintaunce And when they found hym not they went backe again to Ierusalem
for you This doe ye in the remembraunce of me After thesame maner also he toke the cup when supper was done saying this cup is the newe testament in my bloud This dooe as oft as ye drinke it in remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this bread and drinke this cuppe ye shall shewe the Lordes death tyll he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of this bread or drinke of the cuppe of the Lorde vnworthely shal be giltie of the bodye and bloud of the Lorde But let a man examin himselfe and so let hym eate of the bread and drinke of the cup. For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the Lordes body For this cause many are weake sicke among you and many slepe For if we had iudged our selfes we should not haue been iudged But when we are iudged of the Lorde we are chastened that we should not be damned with the worlde Wherfore my brethren when ye come together to eate tary one for an other If any man hongre let him eate at home that ye come not together vnto condemnacion Other thynges will I set in ordre when I come The Gospell THe whole multitude of them arose and led hym vnto Pylate And they began to accuse hym saying we found this felowe peruertyng the people and forbyddyng to paye tribute to Cesar saying that he is Christ a king And Pilate apposed him saying art thou the king of the Iewes he answered hym sayed thou sayest it Then sayed Pilate to the hye priestes and to the people I fynd no faut in this man And they were the more fierce saying he moueth the people teaching throughout all Iury and began at Galile euen to this place Whē Pilate heard mencion of Galile he asked whether the man were of Galile And assone as he knewe that he belonged vnto Herodes iurisdiccion he sente hym to Herode whiche was also at Ierusalē at that time And when Herode saw Iesus he was excedyng glad for he was desyrous to see him of a long season because he had heard many thynges of him he trusted to haue seen some miracle done by hym Then he questioned with hym many wordes But he answered him nothing The hye priestes and Scribes stode furth accused him straightly And Herode with his men of warre despised him And when he had mocked hym he arayed hym in whyte clothing and sent hym again to Pylate And thesame daye Pylate and Herode were made frendes together For before they were at variaunce And Pylate called together the hye priestes and the rulers and the people and sayd vnto them ye haue brought this man vnto me as one that peruerteth the people and behold I examine hym before you and finde no faute in this man of those thynges wherof ye accuse hym no nor yet Herode For I sent you vnto him and loe nothing worthy of death is done vnto him I will therfore chasten hym and let hym looce For of necessitie he must haue let one looce vnto them at that feast And all the people cryed atonce saying awaye with him and deliuer vs Barrabas whiche for acertayne insurreccion made in the citie and for a murther was cast in prison Pilate spake againe vnto thē willing to let Iesus looce But they cryed saying crucifye hym crucifye him He sayed vnto them the thirde time what euill hat he done I finde no cause of death in hym I wyll therfore chasten him and let hym go And they cryed with loude voyces requiring that he myght be crucified And the voyces of them and of the hye priestes preuayled And Pilate gaue sentence that it should be as they required and he let looce vnto them him that for insurreccion and murther was cast into prison whom they had desired he deliuered to them Iesus to do with hym what they would And as they led hym awaye they caught one Symon of Ciren comming out of the field and on him layde they the crosse that he myght beare it after Iesus And there folowed him a great company of people and of women which bewailed and lamented him But Iesus turned backe vnto them and sayed ye daughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for your selfes and for your children For behold the dayes will come in the whiche they shall saye Happy are the baren the woumbes that neuer bare and the pappes whiche neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begyn to say to the mountaynes fall on vs and to the hylles couer vs. For if they do this in a grene tree what shall be done in the dry And there were two euill doers led with him to be slaine And after that thei were come to the place whiche is called Caluarie there they crucified hym and the euill doers one on the right hand and the other on the left Then sayd Iesus father forgeue them for they wote not what they do And they parted his rayment and cast lottes And the people stoode and behelde And the rulers mocked hym with them saying he saued other men lette hym saue himselfe yf he be very Christe the chosen of God The souldiers also mocked hym and came and offred hym vinegre and sayd if thou be the kyng of the Iewes saue thy selfe And a superscripcion was writtē ouer hym with letters of Greke and Latin and Hebrue This is the king of the Iewes And one of the euil doers whiche were hanged railed on him saying If thou be Christe saue thy selfe and vs. But the other answered and rebuked him saying fearest thou not God seyng thou art in thesame damnacion we are righteously punished for we receyue accordyng to our dedes but this man hath done nothing amisse And he sayde vnto Iesus Lorde remembre me when thou comest into thy kyngdome And Iesus sayd vnto him verely I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise And it was about the .vi. houre and there was darknesse ouer all the earth vntill the .ix. houre and the Sonne was darkened And the vayle of the temple did rente euen through the middes And when Iesus had cryed wyth a loude voyce he sayed Father into thy handes I commend my spirite And when he thus had sayed he gaue vp the goste When the Centurion sawe what had happened he glorified God saying verely this was a righteous man And all the people that came together to that syght and sawe the thinges which had happened smote their brestes and returned And all his acquaintaunce and the women that folowed him from Galile stode a farre of beholdynge these thynges And beholde there was a man named Ioseph a counsailor and he was a good man and a iust thesame had no consented to the counsaile and dede of them whiche was of Aramathia a citie of the Iewes whyche same also waited for the kingdome of God he wente vnto Pylate and begged the body of Iesus and tooke it downe and
wrapped it in a lynnen clothe and layed it in a sepulchre that was hewen in stone wherein neuer man before had been layde And that daye was the preparyng of the Sabboth and the Sabboth drue on The women that folowed after whiche had come with him from Galile behelde the sepulchre and howe his bodye was layde And they returned and prepared swete Odours oyntmentes But rested on the Sabboth daye accordyng to the commaundemente At Euensong The first lesson Lamenta .iii. vnto the ende On good Fryday At Mattyns The first lesson Gen. xxii Vnto the ende The Collect. ALmyghtie God we beseche thee graciously to beholde this thy famely for the whiche oure Lorde Iesus Christe was contented to be betrayed and geuen vp into the handes of wicked men and to suffer death vpon the crosse who liueth and reigneth c. At the Communion MY God my God loke vpon me why hast thou forsakē me and art so farre from my health and from the wordes of my complainte O my God I cry in the day time but thou hearest not and in the night season also I take no rest And thou continuest holy O thou worship of Israel Our father 's hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon thee and were helped they put theyr trust in thee and were not confounded But as for me I am a worme and no manne a verye skorne of men and the out cast of the people All they that see me laugh me to skorne they shote out their lippes and shake the head saying He trusted in God that he woulde deliuer hym let hym deliuer him if he will haue him But thou arte he that tooke me out of my mothers wombe thou waste my hope when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brestes I haue been left vnto thee euer sence I was borne thou art my God euen from my mothers woumbe O goe not from me for trouble is here at hande and there is none to helpe me Many Oxen are come about me fatte Bulles of Basan close me in on euery syde They gape vpon me with their mouthes as it were a rampyng and roaryng Lyon I am powred out like water and all my bones are out of ioynte my hearte also in the middes of my body is euen lyke melting waxe My strength is dried vp like a potsherd and my tongue cleaueth to my gummes and thou shalt bring me into the dust of death For many dogges are come about me and the coūsaile of the wicked lay siege against me Thei pearced my handes and my fete I may tell all my bones they stande staring and loking vpon me They part my garmentes among them and cast lottes vpon my vesture But be not thou farre from me O Lorde thou arte my succour haste thee to helpe me Deliuer my soule from the sworde my derling from the power of the dogge Saue me from the Lyons mouthe thou haste hearde me also from among the hornes of the Vnicornes I wil declare thy name vnto my brethren in the middes of the congregacion wil I prayse thee O praise the Lorde ye that feare him magnifie him all ye of the sede of Iacob and feare ye hym all ye sede of Israel For he hath not despised nor abhorred the lowe estate of the poore he hath not hid his face from him but when he called vnto him he heard him My praise is of thee in the great congregaciō my vowes will I performe in the sight of them that feare him The poore shall eate be satisfied they that seke after the Lorde shall praise hym your hearte shall liue for euer All the endes of the worlde shall remembre themselues and be turned vnto the Lorde and all the kynreds of the nations shall worship before him For the kingdome is the Lordes and he is the gouernour among the people All suche as be fatte vpon earth haue eaten and worshipped All they that go downe into the dust shall kneele before him and no man hath quickened his owne soule My seede shall serue hym they shal be counted vnto the Lorde for a generacion They shall come and the heauens shall declare hys righteousnes vnto a people that shal be borne whome the Lorde hath made Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. ¶ After the .ii. Collectes at the Communion shal be sayed these .ii. Collectes folowyng The Collect. ALmyghty and euerlastynge God by whose spirite the whole body of the Churche is gouerned sanctified receiue our supplicacions and prayers whiche we offre before thee for all estates of men in thy holy congregacion that euery membre of thesame in his vocacion and ministerye may truly and godly serue thee through our Lorde Iesus Christe MErcifull God who haste made al men and hatest nothyng that thou haste made nor wouldest the deathe of a synner but rather that he should be cōuerted and liue haue mercy vpon all Iewes Turkes Infidels and Heretikes and take from thē all ignoraunce hardnes of hearte and contempt of thy word And so fetche them home blessed Lorde to thy flocke that they may be saued among the remnant of the true Israelites and be made one folde vnder one shepehearde Iesus Christ our Lorde who lyuethe and reigneth c. The Epistle THe lawe whiche hath but a shadowe of good thynges to come and not the very fashion of thinges themselues can neuer with those sacrifices whiche they offre yere by yere continually make the commers therunto perfite For would not then those sacrifices haue ceased to haue been offred because that the offerers once purged shoulde haue had nomore conscience of synnes Neuerthelesse in those sacrifices is there mencion made of synnes euerye yeare For the bloud of Oxen and of Goates cannot take awaye sinnes Wherfore whē he commeth into the worlde he sayeth Sacrifice offeryng thou wouldest not haue but a body hast thou ordayned me Burnt offeringes also for sinne haste thou not allowed Then sayd I loe I am here In the beginning of the booke it is written of me that I should do thy will O God Aboue when he sayth Sacrifice and offeryng burnt sacrifices and synne offeringes thou wouldest not haue neither haste thou allowed them whiche yet are offered by the lawe then sayed he loe I am here to do thy will O God he taketh away the first to establishe the later by the whiche will we are made holy euen by the offering of the body of Iesu Christ once for all And euery priest is ready dayly ministring and offerynge often times one maner of Oblacion which can neuer take away synnes But this man after he hath offered one sacrifice for sinnes is set downe for euer on the ryghte hande of God and from henceforth tarieth tyll his foes be made his foote stoole For with one offeryng hath he made perfect for euer them that are sanctified The holy goste hymself also beareth vs record euen when he told
strength He hath made the rounde worlde so sure that it cannot be moued Euer sence the worlde beganne hath thy seate been prepared thou art from euerlasting The fluddes are risen O Lorde the fluddes haue lyfte vp theyr noyse the fluddes lyft vp theyr waues The waues of the sea are mightie and rage horribly but yet the Lorde that dwelleth on hygh is mightier Thy testimonies O Lorde are very sure holynesse becommeth thine house for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. O God the king of glory whiche haste exalted thine only sonne Iesus Christe with great triumphe vnto thy kingdom in heauen we beseche thee leaue vs not comfortles but sende to vs thine holy gost to comforte vs and exalte vs vnto thesame place whither our sauiour Christe is gone before who lyueth and reigneth c. The Epistle THe ende of all thinges is at hande be ye therfore sobre and watche vnto praier But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among your selues for loue shall couer the multitude of synnes Be ye herberous one to another without grudgeing As euery man hath receiued the gift euen so minister thesame one to another as good ministers of the manifold grace of God If any man speake let hym talke as the wordes of God If any manne minister let him do it as of the habilitie whiche God ministreth vnto hym that God in all thinges may be gloryfied through Iesus Christe to whome be prayse and dominion for euer and euer Amen The Gospell WHen the comforter is come whom I will sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth whiche procedeth of the father he shall testifye of me And ye shall beare witnes also because ye haue been with me from the beginning These thinges haue I sayd vnto you because ye should not bee offended They shall excommunicate you yea the time shal come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke that he doeth God seruice And suche thinges will they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father neither yet me But these thinges haue I told you that whan the tyme is come ye maye remembre then that I tolde you These thinges sayde I not vnto you at the beginning because I was present with you ¶ Whitsonday ¶ Proper psalmes and lessons at Mattyns Psalm xlviii The seconde lesson Act. x. Then Peter opened his mouth vnto the ende Psalm lxvii The seconde lesson Act. x. Then Peter opened his mouth vnto the ende Psalm cxlv The seconde lesson Act. x. Then Peter opened his mouth vnto the ende ¶ At the Communion REioyce in the Lorde O ye righteous for it becommeth well the iust to be thankfull Prayse the Lorde with harpe syng psalmes vnto hym with the lute and instrument of tenne stringes Syng vnto the Lorde a newe song sing prayses lustely vnto hym with a good courage For the worde of the Lorde is true and all his workes are faythfull He loueth righteousnes and iudgement the earth is full of the goodnes of the Lorde By the worde of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the hostes of them by the breath of his mouth He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon a heap and layeth vp the depe as it were in a treasure house Let all the earth feare the Lorde stande in awe of hym all ye that dwell in the worlde For he spake and it was done he commaunded and it stoode faste The Lorde bringeth the counsayll of the heathen to nought and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect and casteth out the counsayles of princes The counsaill of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his heart from generacion to generacion Blessed are the people whose God is the Lorde Iehouah and blessed are the folke that haue chosen hym to bee theyr inheritaunce The Lorde loked downe from heauen and beheld all the children of menne from the habitacion of his dwellyng he considereth all them that dwell in the earth He fashioneth all the heartes of them and vnderstandeth all theyr workes There is no king that can be saued by the multitude of an hoste neyther is any myghtie man delyuered by muche strength A horse is counted but a vayne thing to saue a man neither shall he deliuer any man by his great strength Beholde the iye of the Lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put theyr trust in his mercy To deliuer theyr soules from death and to feade them in the tyme of derth Our soule hath paciently taryed for the Lorde for he is our helpe and our shielde For our heart shal reioyce in him because we haue hoped in his holy name Let thy mercifull kyndenes O Lord be vpon vs lyke as we haue put our trust in thee Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. GOd which as vpon this daye haste taught the heartes of thy faithfull people by the sending to them the light of thy holy spirite Graunt vs by thesame spirite to haue a ryght iudgement in all thynges and euermore to reioyce in his holy coumforte through the merites of Christe Iesus our sauiour who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of thesame spirite one God worlde without ende The Epistle WHen the fiftie dayes were come to an ende they were all with one accorde together in one place And sodenly there came a sounde from heauen as it had been the comming of a mighty winde and it filled all the house where they sate And there appered vnto thē clouen tonges lyke as they had been of fyre and it sate vpon eche one of them and they were al filled with the holy gost and began to speake with other tonges euen as thesame spirite gaue them vtteraunce There were dwellyng at Ierusalem Iewes deuoute men out of euery nacion of them that are vnder heauen When this was noised about the multitude came together and were astonied because that euery man heard thē speake with his owne language They wondred all merueiled saying among themselfes beholde are not all these whiche speake of Galile And howe heare we euery man his owne tong wherin we were borne Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia and of Iewry of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipte and of the parties of Libia whiche is besyde Siren and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselites Grekes and Arrabians we haue heard them speake in our owne tongues the great workes of God The Gospell IEsus sayde vnto his disciples If ye loue me kepe my commaundementes and I wil pray the father he shall geue you an other comforter that he maye abyde with you for euer euen the spirite of trueth whome the worlde canne not receyue because the
therfore Iesus sayde vnto them Verely I say vnto you that when the sonne of man shall sit in the seate of his Maiestie ye that haue folowed me in the regeneracion shall syt also vpon twelue seates and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And euery one that forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or children or landes for my names sake shall receiue an hundred folde and shall inherite euerlastyng lyfe But many that are first shal be last and the last shal be first ¶ At Euensong ¶ The seconde lesson Actes .xxvi. vnto the ende ¶ The Purification of S. Mary the virgin BEhold nowe prayse the Lord all ye seruauntes of the Lorde ye that by night stand in the house of the Lorde euen in the courtes of the house of our God Lifte vp youre handes in the Sanctuary and prayse the Lorde The Lord that made heauē and earth geue thee blessing out of Sion Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie and euerlasting God we humbly beseche thy Maiestie that as thy onely begotten sonne was this daye presented in the Temple in the substaunce of our fleshe so graunt that we maye bee presented vnto thee with pure and cleare mindes By Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle The same that is appoynted for the Sonday The Gospell WHen the time of their Purificacion after the law of Moses was come they broughte hym to Ierusalem to presente hym to the Lorde as it is written in the lawe of the Lorde euerye manne childe that firste openeth the matrix shal be called holye to the Lord and to offer as it is sayde in the law of the lord a payre of turtle Dooues or two young Pigions And beholde there was a man in Hierusalem whose name was Simeon And the same man was iust and godly and loked for the consolation of Israel and the holy gost was in him And an aunswere had he receiued of the holy goste that he should not see death except he first saw the Lordes Christ And he came by inspiracion into the temple ¶ Sainct Mathies day DElyuer me O Lorde from the euill manne and preserue me from the wicked manne Which imagine mischiefe in theyr heartes and stirre vp strife all the day long They haue sharpened theyr tongues lyke a Serpente Adders poyson is vnder theyr lippes Kepe me O Lord from the handes of the vngodly preserue me from the wicked men whiche are purposed to ouerthrowe my goinges The proude haue layed a snare for me and spred a net abrode with coardes yea and set trappes in my way I sayd vnto the Lord thou art my God heare the voice of my prayers O Lorde O Lorde God thou strength of my health thou haste couered my head in the day of battayl Let not the vngodly haue his desire O Lord let not his mischieuous imaginacion prosper lest they be to proude Lette the myschiefe of theyr owne lyppes fall vpon the head of them that cumpasse me about Lette hoate burnyng coales fall vpon them let them be caste into the fyer and into the pyt that they neuer ryse vp agayne A manne full of woordes shall not prosper vpon the yearth euill shall hunte the wicked persone to ouerthrowe hym Sure I am that the Lorde will auenge the poore and maynteyne the cause of the helpelesse The righteous also shall geue thankes vnto thy name and the iust shall continue in thy sight Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be world without ende Amen The Collect. ALmightye God whiche in the place of the traytor Iudas didst chose thy faythfull seruaunte Mathie to bee of the noumber of thy twelue Apostles Graunte that thy church being alway preserued from false Apostles may be ordred and guided by faythfull and true pastors Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle IN those dayes Peter stode vp in the middes of the disciples and sayd the number of names that were together were about an .c. and xx Ye men and brethren this scripture must nedes haue beene fulfilled whiche the holye goste through the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas which was guide to them that toke Iesus For he was nūbred with vs and had obteyned felowship in this ministracion And the same hath nowe possessed a plat of grounde with the rewarde of iniquitie and when he was hanged he burst a sunder in the middes and all hys bowels gushed oute And it is knowen vnto all the inhabiters of Hierusalem in so muche that the same fielde is called in theyr mother tongue Acheldama that is to say the bloude field For it is written in the booke of Psalmes hys habitacion be voyde and no man be dwelling therin and hys busshoprike let an other take Wherfore of these men whiche haue companied with vs all the time that the Lorde Iesus had all his conuersacion among vs beginnyng at the baptisme of Iohn vnto that same day that he was takē vp from vs must one be ordeyned to be a witnes with vs of hys resurreccion And they appoynted two Ioseph whiche is called Barsabas whose syrname was Iustus and Mathias And when they prayed they sayde Thou Lorde whiche knowest the heartes of all men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take the roume of this ministraciō and Apostleship from which Iudas by transgression fell that he might goe to his owne place And they gaue furth theyr lottes and the lot fell on Mathias and he was coumpted with the eleuen Apostles The Gospell IN that tyme Iesus aunswered and sayde I thanke thee O father lord of heauē and earth because thou haste hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudente and hast shewed them vnto babes verely father euen so was it thy good pleasure All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father And no man knoweth the sonne but the father neyther knoweth anye manne the father saue the sonne and he to whomesoeuer the sonne will open him Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wil ease you Take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am meke and lowly in heart and ye shall fynde rest vnto your soules for my yoke is easye and my burden is light The Annunciation of the virgin Marie ¶ At the Communion LOrd I am not hye minded I haue no proud lookes I doe not exercise myself in great maters whiche are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule and kepe it low like as a childe that is wayned from his mother yea my soule is euen as a wayned childe O Israell trust in the Lorde from this time furth for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. Amen The Collect. WE beseche thee lord powre
requiryng suche as shal be satisfied with a generall confession not to be offended with them that do vse to their further satisfying the auriculer and secrete confession to the Priest nor those also whiche thinke nedefull or conuenient for the quietnes of their owne consciences particulerly to open theyr sinnes to the Priest to be offended with them that are satisfyed with their humble confession to GOD and the generall confession to the churche But in all thinges to folowe and kepe the rule of charitie and euery man to be satisfyed with his owne conscience not iudging other mennes mindes or consciences where as he hath no warrant of Goddes word to thesame ¶ Then shall folowe for the Offertory one or mo of these Sentences of holy scripture to be song whiles the people dooe offer or els one of theim to bee saied by the minister immediatly afore the offeryng Let your light so shine before mē that they may see your good woorkes and glorify your father which is in heauen Laye not vp for your selues treasure vpon the yearth where the ruste and mothe dothe corrupte and where theues breake through and steale But laie vp for your selfes treasures in heauen where neyther ruste nor mothe dothe corrupt and where theues do not breake through nor steale Whatsoeuer you woulde that menne shoulde doe vnto you euen so do you vnto them for this is the lawe and the Prophetes Not euery one that sayeth vnto me lorde lorde shall entre into the kyngdome of heauen but he that dothe the will of my father whiche is in heauen Zache stode furthe and sayed vnto the Lorde beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and yf I haue doen any wronge to any man I restore foure folde Who goeth a warfare at any tyme at his owne coste who planteth a vineiarde and eateth not of the fruite therof Or who fedethe a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thinges Dooe ye not knowe that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges lyue of the Sacrifice They whiche waite of the alter are partakers with the alter euen so hath the lorde also ordained that they whiche preache the Gospell shoulde liue of the Gospell He whiche soweth litle shall reape litle and he that soweth plēteously shall reape plenteously Let euery manne doe accordynge as he is disposed in his hearte not grudgyngly or of necessitie for God loueth a chereful geuer Let hym that is taughte in the woorde minister vnto hym that teacheth in all good thinges Be not deceyued GOD is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape While we haue tyme let vs doe good vnto all men and specially vnto them whiche are of the housholde of fayth Godlynes is greate riches yf a man be contented with that he hath For we broughte nothyng into the worlde neither maye we cary any thing out Charge them whiche are riche in this worlde that they be ready to geue and glad to distribute laying vp in stoare for themselues a good foundacion against the time to come that they maie attain eternall lyfe GOD is not vnrighteous that he will forgette youre woorkes and labor that procedeth of loue whiche loue ye haue shewed for his names sake whiche haue ministred vnto the sainctes and yet do minister To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche Sacrifices God is pleased Whoso hath this worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in him Geue almose of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from any poore man and then the face of the lord shall not be turned awaye from thee Bee mercifull after thy power if thou haste muche geue plenteously yf thou hast litle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle for so gathereste thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the daie of necessitie He that hath pitie vpon the poore lendeth vnto the Lord loke what he laieth out it shal be paied him again Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and nedy the lorde shall deliuer hym in the tyme of trouble Where there be Clearkes thei shall syng one or many of the sentences aboue written accordyng to the length and shortenesse of the tyme that the people be offeryng In the meane tyme whyles the Clearkes do syng the Offertory so many as are disposed shall offer to the poore mennes boxe euery one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable mynde And at the offeryng daies appoynted euery manne and woman shall paie to the Curate the due and accustomed offerynges Then so many as shal bee partakers of the holy Communion shall tarye still in the quire or in some conueniente place nigh the quire the men on the one side and the women on the other syde All other that mynde not to receiue the said holy Communion shall departe out of the quire except the ministers and Clearkes Than shall the minister take so muche Breade and Wine as shall suffice for the persons appoynted to receiue the holy Communion laiyng the breade vpon the corporas or els in the paten or in some other comely thyng prepared for that purpose And putting y e wine into the Chalice or els in some faire or conueniente cup prepared for that vse if the Chalice wil not serue puttyng therto a litle pure and cleane water And setting both the bread and wyne vpon the Alter Then the Prieste shall saye The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite Priest Lift vp your heartes Aunswere We lift them vp vnto the Lorde Priest Let vs geue thankes to our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to do The Priest IT is very mete righte and our bounden dutie that we shoulde at all tymes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting God ¶ Here shall folowe the propre preface accordyng to the tyme if there bee any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therfore with Aungels c. ❧ PROPRE ❧ Prefaces ¶ Vpon Christmas daye BEcause thou diddeste geue Iesus Christe thyne onely sonne to be borne as this daie for vs who by the operaciō of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Virgin Mary his mother that without spotte of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter daie BVt chiefly are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde for he is the very Pascall Lambe whiche was offered for vs and hath taken awaye the synne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and by his risyng to lyfe againe hath restored to vs euerlastinge lyfe Therefore c. ¶ Vpon the Assencion daye
THrough thy moste dere beloued sonne Iesus Christe our Lord who after his moste glorious resurrecciō manifestly appered to all his disciples and in theyr sighte ascended vp into heauen to prepare a place for vs that where he is thither mighte we also ascende and reigne with him in glory Therefore c. ¶ Vpon Whitsondaye THroughe Iesus Christe our Lorde accordynge to whose moste true promyse the holy Ghoste came doune this daye from heauen with a sodaine great sounde as it had been a mightie wynde in the lykenes of fiery toungues lightynge vpon the Apostles to teache them and to leade them to all truethe geuyng them bothe the gifte of diuerse languages and also boldnes with feruente zeale constantly to preache the Ghospell vnto all nacions whereby we are brought out of darkenes and error into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee and of thy sonne Iesus Christ Therfore c. ¶ Vpon the feast of the Trinitie IT is very meete righte and our bounden duetie that we should at all tymes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde almightie euerlastinge God which arte one God one Lorde not one onely person but three persones in one substaunce For that whiche we beleue of the glory of the father thesame we beleue of the sonne and of the holy ghoste without any difference or inequalitie whom the Angels c. After whiche preface shall folowe immediatly Therfore with Angels and Archangels and with al the holy companie of heauen we lande and magnifye thy glorious name euermore praysyng thee and sayinge ¶ Holy holy holy Lorde God of Hostes heauen and earth are full of thy glory Osanna in the higheste Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde Glory to thee O lorde in the highest This the Clearkes shall also syng ¶ When the Clearkes haue doen syngyng then shall the Priest or Deacon turne hym to the people and saye Let vs praye for the whole state of Christes churche ¶ Then the Priest turning hym to the Altar shall saye or syng plainly and distinctly this prayer folowyng ALmightie and euerlyuyng God whiche by thy holy Apostle haste taught vs to make prayers and supplicacions and to geue thankes for all menne We humbly beseche thee moste mercyfully to receyue these our prayers whiche we offre vnto thy diuine Maiestie besechyng thee to inspire continually the vniuersall churche with the spirite of truethe vnitie and concorde And graunt that all they that doe confesse thy holye name maye agre in the trueth of thy holye worde and liue in vnitie and godly loue Speciallye wee beseche thee to saue and defende thy seruaunte Edwarde our Kynge that vnder him we maye be Godly and quietely gouerned And graunte vnto his whole coūsaile and to all that bée put in authoritie vnder hym that they maye truely and indifferently minister iustice to the punishment of wickednesse and vice to the maintenaunce of Goddes true religion and vertue Geue grace O heauenly father to all Bishoppes Pastors and Curates that they maie bothe by their life and doctrine set furthe thy true liuely worde and rightely and duely administer thy holye Sacramentes And to all thy people geue thy heauenly grace that with meke hearte and due reuerence they maye heare and receiue thy holy worde truely seruynge thee in holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of their lyfe And wee moste humbly beseche thee of thy goodnes O Lorde to coumforte and succoure all thē whych in this transitory lyfe bee in trouble sorowe nede sycknes or any other aduersitie And especially we commend vnto thy mercifull goodnes thys congregacion whyche is here assembled in thy name to celebrate the commemoracion of the moste glorious deathe of thy sonne And here wee doe geue vnto thee moste high praise heartie thankes for the wonderfull grace and vertue declared in all thy sainctes from the begynninge of the worlde And chiefly in the glorious and most blessed virgin Mary mother of thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and God in the holy Patriarches Prophetes Apostles and Martirs whose examples O Lorde and stedfastnes in thy faythe and keping thy holye commaundementes graunte vs to folowe We commende vnto thy mercye O Lord all other thy seruauntes whiche are departed hence from vs with the signe of fayth and nowe do reste in the slepe of peace Graunte vnto them we beseche thee thy mercy and euerlastyng peace and that at the daie of the generall resurreccion we and all they whyche bee of the misticall body of thy sonne maye altogether bee set on his right hand and heare that his most ioyful voice Come vnto me O ye that be blessed of my father and possesse the kingdome whiche is prepared for you from the begynning of the worlde Graunte this O father for Iesus Christes sake our onely mediatour and aduocate O God heauenly father whiche of thy tender mercie diddeste geue thine only sonne Iesu Christ to suffer deathe vpon the crosse for our redempcion who made there by his one oblacion once offered a full perfect and sufficiente sacrifyce oblacion and satisfaccion for the sinnes of the whole worlde and did institute and in his holy Ghospell commaunde vs to celebrate a perpetuall memorye of that his precious deathe vntyll his comming againe Heare vs o mercifull father we beseche thee and with thy holy spirite and worde vouchsafe to bl ✚ esse and sanc ✚ tifie these thy gyftes and creatures of breade and wyne that they maye be vnto vs the bodye and bloud of thy moste derely beloued sonne Iesus Christe Who in the same nyghte that he was betrayed tooke breade and when he had blessed and geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to hys disciples saiynge Take eate this is my bodye whiche is geuen for you do this in remembraunce of me Likewyse after supper he toke the cuppe and whē he had geuen thankes he gaue it to them saiyng drynke ye all of this for this is my bloude of the newe Testament whyche is shed for you and for many for remission of sinnes do this as oft as you shall drinke it in remembraunce of me These wordes before rehersed are to be saied turning still to the Altar without any eleuacion or shewing the Sacrament to the people WHerefore O Lorde and heauenly father accordyng to the Instytucyon of thy derely beloued sonne our sauioure Iesu Christe we thy humble seruauntes doe celebrate and make here before thy diuine Maiestie with these thy holy giftes the memory all whyche thy sonne hath willed vs to make hauing in remembraunce his blessed passion mightie resurreccion and glorious ascencion renderynge vnto thee moste heartye thankes for the innumerable benefytes procured vnto vs by thesame entyerely desyrynge thy fatherly goodnes mercifully to accepte thys our Sacrifice of praise and thankes geuinge moste humblye besechinge thee to graunte that by the merites and deathe of thy sonne Iesus Christ and through faith in his bloud wee and all thy whole church may
therefore let vs serue hym all the dayes of our life in holines and righteousnes accepted before hym Happie are those seruauntes whome the Lorde when he cummeth shall fynde wakyng Be ye readye for the sonne of manne wyll come at an hower when ye thinke not The seruaunte that knoweth hys maisters wyll and hath not prepared hymselfe neyther hath doen accordynge to his will shal be beaten with many stripes The howre cummeth and now it is when true woorshippers shall woorship the father in spirite and truethe Beholde thou art made whole sinne no more leste any wurse thing happen vnto thee If ye shall continue in my worde then are ye my very disciples and ye shall knowe the trueth and the trueth shall make you free While ye haue lighte beleue on the lyght that ye may be the children of light He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them thesame is he that loueth me If any man loue me he will kepe my woorde and my father will loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with him If ye shal byde in me and my woorde shal abyde in you ye shall aske what ye will and it shall bee doen to you Herein is my father glorified that ye beare muche fruite and become my disciples This is my commaundement that you loue together as I haue loued you If God be on our syde who can be against vs whiche did not spare his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Goddes chosen it is GOD that iustifyeth who is he that can condemne The nyghte is passed and the daye is at hande let vs therfore caste away the dedes of darkenes and put on the armour of light Christe Iesus is made of GOD vnto vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctifying and redempcion that accordyng as it is written he whiche reioyceth shoulde reioyce in the Lorde Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of GOD and that the spirite of GOD dwelleth in you yf any manne defile the temple of GOD him shall God destroy Ye are derely bought therfore glorifie God in your bodies and in your spirites for they belong to God Be you folowers of God as deare children and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hymselfe for vs an offeryng and a Sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God Then the Priest shall geue thankes to God in the name of all them that haue communicated turning hym first to the people and saying The Lorde be with you The Aunswere And with thy spirite The Priest Let vs praye ALmightie and euerlyuynge GOD wee moste hartely thāke thee for that thou hast vouch safed to feede vs in these holy Misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precious body bloude of thy sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ and hast assured vs duely receyuing the same of thy fauour and goodnes toward vs and that we be very membres incorporate in thy Mistical bodie which is the blessed companye of all faithfull people and heyres throughe hope of thy euerlastynge kingdome by the merites of the moste precious deathe and passion of thy deare sonne We therefore moste humbly beseche thee O heauenly father so to assiste vs wyth thy grace that we may cōtinue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good woorkes as thou haste prepared for vs to walke in through Iesus Christe our Lord to whom with thee and the holy goste bee all honour and glorye worlde without ende Then the Prieste turning hym to the people shall let them depart with this blessing The peace of GOD which passeth all vnderstandyng kepe your heartes and mindes in the knowledge and loue of GOD and of his sonne Iesus Christ our lord And the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne the holy gost be emonges you and remayne with you alway Then the people shall aunswere Amen Where there are no clearkes there the Priest shall saye all thynges appointed herefor them to syng When the holy Communion is celebrate on the workedaye or in priuate howses Then may be omitted the Gloria in excelsis the Crede the Homely and the exhortacion beginning Dearely beloued c. ¶ Collectes to be sayed after the Offertory when there is no Communion euery suche day one ASsist vs mercifully O Lord in these our supplicaciōs and prayers and dispose the way of thy seruauntes toward the attainement of euerlasting saluacion that emonge all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall life thei may euer be defended by thy moste gracious and readye helpe throughe Christe our Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerlyuyng GOD vouchesafe we beseche thee to direct sanctifye and gouerne bothe our heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the woorkes of thy commaundementes that through thy most mightie proteccion both here and euer we may be preserued in body and soule Through our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche wee haue hearde this daye with our outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardly in our heartes that they may bryng foorth in vs the fruite of good lyuynge to the honoure and prayse of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen PReuente vs O lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracious fauoure and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in al our workes begonne continued and ended in thee we may glorifye thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obteine euerlasting lyfe Through c. ALmightie God the fountayne of all wisdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and our ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassion vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnwoorthines we dare not and for our blyndnes we cannot aske vouchsaue to geue vs for the woorthines of thy sonne Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen ALmightie god whiche haste promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beseche thee mercifully to incline thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe our prayers and supplicacions vnto thee and graunte that those thinges which we haue faithfullye asked accordyng to thy will maye effectually be obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitye and to the settyng foorth of thy glorie Throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde For rayne O God heauenly father whiche by thy sonne Iesu Christ haste promised to all thē that seke thy kingdom the righteousnes therof al thinges necessary to the bodely sustenaunce send vs we beseche thee in thys our necessitie suche moderate rayne and showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the earth to our comforte and to thy honor Through Iesus Christ our Lorde For fayre wether O Lorde God whiche for the sinne of manne didst once drowne all the worlde excepte eight persons and afterwarde of thy great mercie didste promise neuer to destroy it so agayn We humbly beseche
Lorde deliuer vs. From lightning and tempest from plage pestilence and famine from battaile and murther from sodaine death Good Lorde deliuer vs. From all sedicion and priuye conspiracie from the tyrannye of the bishop of Rome and all his detestable enormities from all the false doctrine and heresye from hardnes of heart and contempt of thy worde and commaundemente Good Lorde deliuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and Circumcision by thy Baptisme fastyng and temptacion Good Lorde deliuer vs. By thyne agonye and bloudye sweate by thy crosse and passion by thy precious death and burial by thy glorious resurreccion and ascencion by the cōming of the holy gost Good Lorde deliuer vs. In all tyme of our tribulacion in all tyme of our wealth in the houre of death in the daye of iudgement Good Lorde deliuer vs. We sinners doe beseche thee to heare vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and gouerne thy holy Churche vniuersall in the right waye We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to kepe Edwarde the .vi. thy seruaunt our kyng and gouernour We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to rule his heart in thy faythe feare and loue that he may alwayes haue affiaunce in thee and euer seeke thy honour and glory We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to be his defēdour and keper geuyng him the victory ouer all his enemyes We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to illuminate al Byshoppes pastours and ministers of the Churche with true knowlege and vnderstandyng of thy worde and that both by theyr preaching and liuyng they may sette it forth and shewe it accordingly We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to endue the Lordes of the counsaile and all the nobilitie with grace wisedome and vnderstanding We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to blesse and kepe the magistrates geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntaine trueth We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to blesse and kepe all thy people We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to geue to all nacions vnitie peace and concorde We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to geue vs an heart to loue and dreade thee diligently to liue after thy cōmaundemētes We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to geue all thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy woorde and to receyue it with pure affeccion and to bring forth the fruites of the spirite We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to bryng into the waye of trueth all suche as haue erred and are deceyued We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to strengthen suche as do stande and to comfort and helpe the weake hearted and to rayse vp them that fall and finally to beate downe Sathan vnder our feete We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to succoure helpe and comforte all that be in daunger necessitie and tribulacion We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to preserue all that trauayle by lande or by water all women labouryng of childe al sicke persons and yong chyldren and to shewe thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captyues We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to defende and prouide for the fatherles children and wyddowes and all that be desolate and oppressed We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to haue mercy vpon all menne We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to forgeue our enemyes persecutours and sclaunderers and to turne their heartes We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to geue and preserue to oure vse the kyndly fruites of the earth so as in due tyme we may enioy them We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde That it may please thee to geue vs true repentaunce to forgeue vs all our synnes negligences and ignoraunces and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite to amende our lyues accordyng to thy holy worde We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde Sonne of God we beseche thee to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseche thee to heare vs. O lābe of God that takest awaye the sinnes of the world Graunt vs thy peace O lābe of God that takest awaye the sinnes of the world Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christe heare vs. O Christe heare vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father whiche art in heauen With the residue of the Pater noster And leade vs not into temptacion But deliuer vs from euill The versicle O Lorde deale not with vs after our synnes The aunswere Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father that despisest not the sighyng of a contrite hearte nor the desyre of suche as be sorowful mercifully assyst our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs And graciousely heare vs that those euilles which the craft and subtiltie of the deuill or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they maye bee dispersed that we thy seruauntes beeyng hurte by no persecucions may euermore geue thankes vnto thee in thy holy Churche through Iesu Christe our Lorde O Lorde aryse helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou diddest in theyr dayes and in the olde tyme before them O Lorde aryse helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy honour Glory be to the father the sonne and to the holy gost as it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be worlde without ende Amen From our enemies defende vs O Christe Graciousely looke vpon our affliccions Pytifully beholde the sorowes of our hearte Mercifully forgeue the synnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both nowe and euer vouchesafe to heare vs Christe Graciousely heare vs O Christe Graciousely heare vs O Lorde Christe The versicle O Lorde let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. The aunswere As we do put our trust in thee Let vs pray WE humbly beseche thee O father mercifully to loke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy name sake turne from vs all those euilles that we moste righteously haue deserued and graunt that in al our troubles we may put oure whole trust and confidence in
defence agaynst all temptacions to sinne and the assautes of the worlde and the deuill it is moste mete to be ministred when children come to that age that partly by the frayltie of their owne fleshe partly by the assautes of the worlde and the deuill they begyn to be in daungier to fall into synne ¶ Thirdely for that it is agreable with the vsage of the churche in tymes past wherby it was ordeined that confirmacion shoulde be ministred to them that were of perfecte age that they beynge instructed in Christes religion shoulde openly professe their owne fayth and promyse to be obedyent vnto the wyl of God ¶ And that no manne shall thynke that anye detrymente shall come to children by differryng of theyr confirmacion he shal knowe for trueth that it is certayn by goddes worde that chyldren beeyng Baptysed yf they departe out of thys lyfe in theyr infancye are vndoubtedly saued ❧ A CATHECHISME ❧ that is to say an instruccion to bee learned of euery childe before he be brought to be confirmed of the Bushop Question What is your name Aunswere N. or M. Question Who gaue you this name Aunswere MY Godfathers and Godmothers in my Baptisme wherin I was made a member of Christ the child of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Question What did your Godfathers Godmothers then for you Aunswere They did promise and vowe three thinges in my name First that I shoulde forsake the deuill and all his workes and pompes the vanities of the wicked worlde and all the sinneful lustes of the fleshe Secondly that I should beleue all the articles of the Christian faith And thirdly that I should kepe Gods holy will and commaundementes and walke in the same all the dayes of my life Question Doest thou not thinke that thou art bound to beleue and to doe as they haue promised for thee Aunswere Yes verely And by Gods helpe so I will And I hartilye thanke our heauenly father that he hath called me to this state of saluacion through Iesus Christ our saueour And I pray God to geue me his grace that I may continue in thesame vnto my liues ende Question Rehearse the articles of thy beliefe Aunswere I Beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our lord Whiche was conceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Marie Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified deade and buried he descended into hell The thirde day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father almightie From thence shal he come to iudge the quicke the deade I beleue in the holye goste The holy catholyke churche The communion of sainctes The forgeuenes of synnes The resurreccion of the bodye And the lyfe euerlastinge Amen Question What doest thou chiefely learne in these articles of thy beliefe Aunswere Firste I learne to beleue in God the father who hathe made me and all the worlde Secondly in God the sonne who hathe redemed me and all mankynde Thirdly in God the holy goste who sanctifieth me and all the electe people of God Question You sayde that your Godfathers and Godmothers dyd promyse for you that ye shoulde kepe Goddes commaundementes Tell me howe many there be Aunswere Tenne Question Whiche be they Aunswere THou shalte haue none other Gods but me ii Thou shalte not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the lykenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth thou shalt not bow downe to thē nor wurship them iii. Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy God in vayne iiii Remember that thou kepe holy the Sabboth day v. Honor thy father and thy mother vi Thou shalt doe no murdre vii Thou shalt not commit adultry viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wyse nor his seruaunt nor his mayde nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his Question What dooest thou chiefely learne by these commaundementes Aunswere I learne two thinges My duetie towardes God and my duetie towardes my neighbour Question What is thy duetie towardes God Aunswere My duetye towardes God is to beleue in him To feare him And to loue him with al my heart with al my minde with all my soule and with all my strength To wurship him To geue him thankes To put my whole truste in him To call vpon him To honor his holy name and his worde and to serue him truely all the dayes of my lyfe Question What is thy duetie towardes thy neighboure Aunswere My duetie towardes my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe And to doe to all men as I would they shoulde do to me To loue honour and succour my father and mother To honour and obey the kyng and his ministers To submitte my selfe to all my gouernours teachers spirituall pastours and maisters To ordre my selfe lowly and reuerentlye to all my betters To hurte no bodye by woorde nor dede To bee true and iust in all my dealyng To beare no malyce nor hatred in my heart To kepe my hādes from picking and stealing and my tongue from euill speaking liyng and slaundring To kepe my bodye in temperaunce sobrenes and chastitie Not to couet nor desire other mens goodes But learne and laboure truely to geate my owne liuing and to do my duetie in that state of lyfe vnto which it shall please God to cal me Question My good sonne knowe this that thou art not hable to do these thinges of thy selfe nor to walke in the commaundementes of God and to serue him without his speciall grace whiche thou muste learne at all tymes to call for by diligent praier Let me heare therfore yf thou canst say the Lordes praier Aunswere OVr father whiche art in heauen halowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll bee done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs this daye our daily breade And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptacion but delyuer vs from euil Amen Question What desirest thou of God in this prayer Aunswere I desire my lord God our heauenly father who is the geuer of all goodnesse to sende his grace vnto me to all people that we may wurship him serue him and obey him as we ought to doe And I praye vnto God that he wil sende vs al thinges that be nedeful both for our soules and bodyes And that he wyll be mercifull vnto vs and forgeue vs our sinnes And that it wyll please him to saue and defende vs in al daungers gostly and bodily And that he wil kepe vs from al sinne and wickednes and from our gostly enemye and from euerlasting death And this I trust he wyl do of his mercye and goodnes throughe our lorde Iesu Christe And therfore I
which confession the priest shall absolue hym after this forme and the same forme of absolucion shall be vsed in all pryuate confessions OVre Lorde Iesus Christe who hath lefte power to his Churche to absolue all sinners whiche truely repente and beleue in hym of his great mercye forgeue thee thyne offences and by his autoritie committed to me I absolue thee from all thy sinnes in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen And then the priest shall saye the Collecte folowyng Let vs praye O Moste mercifull God whiche accordyng to the multitude of thy mercies doest so put awaye the sinnes of those which truely repent that thou remēbrest thē nomore open thy iye of mercy vpon this thy seruaunt who moste earnestly desireth pardon and forgeuenesse Renue in him moste louing father whatsoeuer hath been decayed by the fraude and malice of the deuill or by his owne carnal wil and frailnes preserue and continue this sicke membre in the vnitie of thy Churche consider his contricion accept his teares aswage his payne as shal be seen to thee moste expediente for hym And forasmuche as he putteth hys full trust only in thy mercy Impute not vnto hym his former sinnes but take him vnto thy fauour through the merites of thy most derely beloued sōne Iesus Christ Amen Then the minister shall saye this Psalme IN thee O Lorde haue I put my trust lette me neuer be put to confusion but ridde me and deliuer me in thy righteousnes enclyne thyne eare vnto me and saue me Be thou my strong holde wherunto I may alwaye resorte thou haste promysed to helpe me for thou art my house of defence and my castell Deliuer me O my God out of the hande of the vngodly out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruell manne For thou O Lorde God art the thyng that I long for thou art my hope euen from my youth Through thee haue I been holden vp euer since I was borne thou arte he that tooke me out of my mothers wombe my prayse shal be alwaye of thee I am become as it were a monster vnto many but my sure trust is in thee Oh let my mouth be filled with thy prayse that I maye syng of thy glory and honour all the daye long Cast me not awaye in the tyme of age forsake me not when my strength fayleth me For myne enemies speake against me and they that lay waite for my soule take their counsayle together saying God hath forsaken hym persecute hym and take him for there is none to deliuer him Goe not ferre from me O God my God haste thee to helpe me Let them be confounded and perishe that are agaynste my soule let them be couered with shame and dishonoure that seke to doe me euill As for me I wyll paciently abyde alwaye and wyll prayse thee more and more My mouth shall dayly speake of thy righteousnesse and saluacion for I knowe no ende therof I will goe forth in the strength of the Lorde God and will make mencion of thy righteousnesse onely Thou O God haste taught me from my youth vp vntill nowe therfore will I tell of thy wondreous workes Forsake me not O God in myne olde age when I am gray headed vntill I haue shewed thy strength vnto this generacion thy power to all thē that are yet for to come Thy righteousnesse O God is very high and greate thynges are they that thou haste done O God who is lyke vnto thee O what great troubles and aduersities haste thou shewed me and yet diddest thou turne and refreshe me yea and broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayne Thou haste brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde Therfore will I praise thee thy faythfulnes O God playing vpon an instrument of musicke vnto thee wyll I syng vpon the harpe O thou holy one of Israel My lippes will be fayne when I syng vnto thee and so will my soule whom thou haste deliuered My tounge also shall talke of thy ryghteousnesse all the daye long for they are confounded and brought vnto shame that seke to doe me euill Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynnyng c. Addyng this antheme O Saueour of the worlde saue vs whiche by thy crosse and precious bloud haste redemed vs helpe vs we beseche thee O God Then shall the minister saye THe almyghty Lord whiche is a moste strong tower to all thē that put their trust in hym to whom al thinges in heauen in earth and vnder earth doe bowe and obey be nowe euermore thy defence and make thee know and fele that there is no other name vnder heauen geuen to man in whome and through whome thou mayest receyue helth and saluation but onely the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe Amen ¶ If the sicke person desyre to be annoynted then shall the priest annoynte hym vpon the forehead or breast onely makyng the signe of the crosse saying thus AS with this visible oyle thy body outwardelye is annoynted so our heauenly father almightie god graunt of his infinite goodnes that thy soule inwardly may be annointed with the holy gost who is the spirite of al strength comfort reliefe and gladnes And vouchesafe for his great mercy if it be his blessed will to restore vnto thee thy bodely health and strength to serue hym and sende thee release of all thy paynes troubles and diseases both in bodye and mynde And howsoeuer his goodnes by his diuine and vnsearcheable prouidence shal dispose of thee we his vnworthy ministers and seruauntes humbly beseche the eternall maiestie to doe with thee accordyng to the multitude of his innumerable mercies and to pardone thee all thy synnes and offences committed by all thy bodely sences passions and carnall affeccions who also vouchesafe mercifullye to graunt vnto thee gostly strēgth by his holy spirite to withstand ouercome al tēptacions assaultes of thine aduersary that in no wise he preuaile againste thee but that thou maist haue perfect victory triumph against the deuil sine deth through Christ our lord Who by his deth hath ouercomed the prince of death with the father the holy gost euermore liueth reigneth god world without end Amen HOw long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hyde thy face from me How long shal I seke counsel in my soule be so vexed in myne heart how long shal myne enemie tryūphe ouer me Consider and heare me O Lord my God lighten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Lest myne enemy say I haue preuayled agaynste hym for if I be cast down they that trouble me will reioyce at it But my trust is in thy mercy and my hearte is ioyful in thy saluacion I will sing of the lorde because he hath delte so louyngly with me Yea I wil prayse the name of the lord the most higheste Glory be to the father
them right soore euen as though they were myne enemies Trye me O God and seke the grounde of myne heart proue me and examine my thoughtes Looke well if there be any way of wickednes in me and leade me in the waye euerlastyng Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynnyng c. PRayse the Lord O my soule while I lyue will I prayse the Lorde yea as long as I haue any beeing I will sing prayses vnto my God O put not your trust in princes nor in any childe of man for there is no helpe in them For when the breath of man goeth furth he shall turne agayne to his earth and then all his thoughtes perishe Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe and whose hope is in the Lorde his God Whiche made heauen and earth the sea and al that therin is whiche kepeth his promyse for euer Whiche helpeth them to ryght that suffer wrong whiche feedeth the hungry The Lorde looceth men out of prison the Lorde geueth sight to the blynde The Lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen the Lorde careth for the righteous The Lorde careth for the straungers he defendeth the fatherlesse and widdowe as for the waye of the vngodly he turneth it vpsyde downe The Lorde thy God O Sion shal be king for euermore and throughout all generacions Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginnyng c. Then shall folowe this lesson taken out of the .xv. Chapter to the Corinthians the first Epistle CHriste is risen from the dead and become the firste fruites of them that slepte For by a manne came death and by a manne came the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue but euery manne in his owne ordre The firste is Christe then they that are Christes at his commyng Then commeth the ende when he hath delyuered vp the kyngdome to God the father when he hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For he must reygne till he haue putte all his enemyes vnder his feete The laste enemy that shall be destroyed is death For he hath put all thinges vnder his feete But when he sayeth all thinges are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted whiche did put all thinges vnder hym When all thynges are subdued vnto hym then shall the sonne also hymselfe be subiecte vnto hym that put all thynges vnder him that God may be all in all Els what doe they which are baptized ouer the dead if the dead ryse not at all Why are they then baptized ouer them Yea and why stand we alwaye then in ieoperdie By our reioysing which I haue in Christ Iesu our Lord I dye dayly That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what auauntageth it me if the dead ryse not againe Let vs eate and drynke for to morowe we shall dye Be not ye deceyued euill wordes corrupt good maners Awake truely out of slepe and sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to youre shame But some manne will say howe aryse the dead with what body shall they come Thou foole that whiche thou sowest is not quickened excepte it dye And what sowest thou Thou sowest not that body that shal be but bare corne as of weate or of some other but God geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery seede his owne body All fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of fleshe of mē an other maner of fleshe of beastes an other of fishes and an other of birdes There are also celestiall bodyes and there are bodyes terrestriall But the glory of the celestiall is one and the glory of the terrestrial is an other There is one maner glory of the sunne and an other glory of the moone and an other glory of the starres For one starre differeth from an other in glory So is the resurreccion of the deade It is sowen in corrupcion it riseth agayne in incorrupcion It is sowen in dishonoure it ryseth agayne in honoure It is sowen in weakenes it riseth againe in power It is sowen a naturall body it ryseth agayne a spirituall bodie There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body as it is also written the first man Adam was made a lyuing soule and the last Adam was made a quicknyng spirite Howebeit that is not fyrst which is spirituall but that whiche is naturall and then that which is spirituall The first man is of the earth earthy The seconde manne is the Lorde from heauen heauenly As is the earthy suche are they that are earthy And as is the heauenly such are they that are heauenly And as we haue borne the image of the earthy so shal we beare the ymage of the heauenly This saie I brethren that fleshe and bloud can not enherite the kingdome of God Neither doth corrupcion inherite vncorrupcion Beholde I shewe you a mistery We shal not al slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a momente in the twynkelyng of an iye by the laste trumpe For the trumpe shal blowe the dead shal rise incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion this mortal must put on immortalitie When this corruptible hath put on incorrupcion this mortal hath put on immortalitie then shal be brought to passe the saying that is writtē Death is swalowed vp in victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is synne the strēgth of sinne is the law But thākes be vnto God which hath geuen vs victory through our lord Iesus Christ Therfore my deare brethrē be ye steadfast vnmouable alwaies riche in the worke of the lord forasmuch as ye know how that your labour is not in vaine in the lord The lesson ended then shal the priest saye Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Oure father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But delyuer vs from euil Amen Priest Entre not O Lorde into iudgement with thy seruaunt Aunswere For in thy sight no lyuing creature shal be iustifyed Priest From the gates of hell Aunswere Delyuer theyr soules O Lorde Priest I beleue to see the goodnes of the Lorde Aunswere In the lande of the lyuing Priest O Lorde graciously heare my prayer Aunswere And let my crye come vnto thee Let vs praye O Lorde with whome do liue the spirites of them that be dead and in whome the soules of them that be elected after they be delyuered from the burden of the fleshe be in ioy and felicitie Graunte vnto this thy seruaunt that the sinnes which he committed in this world be not imputed vnto him but that he escaping the gates of hell paynes of eternal darckenes may euer dwel in the
child-birth Graunt we beseche thee most mercyfull father that she through thy helpe may both faithfully lyue and walke in her vocacion accordyng to thy will in thys lyfe present and also maye be partaker of euerlastyng glory in the lyfe to come through Iesus Christe oure Lorde Amen The woman that is purifyed must offer her Crisome and other accustomed offeringes And if there be a communion it is conuenient that she receiue the holy communion The first daie of Lente commonly called Ashewednisdaye ¶ After mattens ended the people beyng called together by the rynging of a bel and assembled in the churche Thinglishe letanye shall be sayed after thaccustomed maner whiche ended the prieste shall goe into the pulpitte and saie thus BRethrē in the primatiue churche there was a godlye discipline that at the begynning of lente suche persones as were notorious sinners were put to open penaunce and punished in this worlde that theyr soules myght be saued in the daye of the Lorde And that other admonyshed by theyr example mighte be more afrayed to offende In the steede whereof vntill the sayde disciplyne maye be restored agayne whyche thynge is muche to be wished it is thoughte good that at this tyme in your presence shoulde be read the generall sentences of goddes cursing agaynst impenitent synners gathered out of the xxvii Chapter of Deuteronomie and other places of scripture And that ye should aunswere to euery sentence Amen To the intente that you beyng admonished of the greate indignacion of God agaynste synners maye the rather be called to earneste and true repentaunce and maye walke more warely in these daungerous dayes fleyng frō suche vices for the which ye affirme with your owne mouthes the curse of God to be due ¶ Cursed is the manne that maketh any carued or molten image an abominacion to the Lord the worke of the handes of the craftes manne and putteth it in a secrete place to wurship it And the people shall aunswere and say Amen Minister Cursed is he that curseth hys father and mother Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that remoueth awaie the marke of his neighbours land Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that maketh the blinde to goe oute of his waye Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that letteth in iudgement the right of the straungier of them that be fatherlesse and of widowes Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that smiteth his neighbour secretely Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that lieth with his neighbours wyfe Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that taketh rewarde to slea the soule of innocent bloude Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed is he that putteth his trust in mā taketh manne for his defence and in his hearte goeth from the Lorde Aunswere Amen Minister Cursed are the vnmercifull the fornicatours and aduouterers the couetous persones the wurshyppers of images slaundreers drunkardes and extorcioners Aunswere Amen The minister NOwe seeing that al they bee accursed as the Prophete Dauid beareth witnesse whiche doe erre goe astray from the commaundementes of God let vs remembring the dredeful iudgement hanging ouer our heades and being alwayes at hande returne vnto our lorde God with al contricion and mekenes of heart bewailing and lamenting our synful lyfe knowlagyng and confessing our offences and seekyng to bring furth worthie fruites of penance For euen now is the axe put vnto the roote of the trees so that euery tree whiche bryngeth not furth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fier It is a fearefull thing to fall into the handes of the lyuing God he shall powre downe rayne vpon the synners snares fyer brimstone storme and tempest this shal be theyr porcion to drinke For loe the lorde is cummen out of his place to visite the wickednes of suche as dwell vpon the earth But who may abyde the daye of his cumming who shal bee hable to endure whan he appeareth His fanne is in his hande and he will pourge his floore gather his wheate into the barne but he will burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fier The day of the lorde cummeth as a thiefe vpon the night and when men shal say peace and al thinges are safe then shall sodayne destruccion come vpon them as sorowe cometh vpon a woman trauaillyng with childe and they shall not escape then shall appeare the wrathe of God in the daye of vengeaunce whiche obstinate synners through the stubbernes of their hearte haue heaped vnto themselfe whiche despised the goodnesse pacience and long sufferaunce of god when he called thē continually to repentaunce Then shall they call vpon me sayth the lorde but I will not heare they shal seke me early but they shall not finde me and that because they hated knowlage receiued not the feare of the lord but abhorred my coūsell and despised my correcciō then shal it be too late to knocke when the doore shal be shut too late to cry for mercy when it is the time of iustice O terrible voice of most iust iudgemēt which shal be pronounced vpon them when it shal be sayde vnto them Go ye cursed into the fyer euerlasting whiche is prepared for the deuill and his angels Therfore brethren take we hede by time while the day of saluacion lasteth for the night cometh when none can worke but let vs while we haue the light beleue in the light and walke as the childrē of the lyghte that we bee not caste into the vtter derkenes where is wepyng and gnashing of teeth Let vs not abuse the goodnes of god whiche calleth vs mercifully to amendement and of his endlesse pitie promiseth vs forgeuenes of that whiche is past if with a whole mind and a true heart we returne vnto him for though our sinnes bered as scarlet they shal be as white as snowe and though they be lyke purple yet shall they be as white as woolle Turne you cleane sayeth the lord from all your wickednes and your synne shall not be your destruccion Cast away from you all your vngodlynes that ye haue doen make you new heartes and a newe spirite wherfore wil ye dye O ye house of Israel seing I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the Lord God Turne you then and you shall lyue Although we haue sinned yet haue we an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous he it is that obteyneth grace for our sinnes for he was wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes let vs therfore returne vnto him who is the mercifull receiuer of all true penitent sinners assuryng our selfe that he is ready to receiue vs and most willing to pardon vs if we come to him with faithfull repentaunce yf we wyll submit our selues vnto hym and from henceforth walke in his wayes yf we will take his easy yoke and light burden vpon vs to folow him in lowlynesse pacience and charitie and bee ordred by
obteigne remission of our sinnes and al other benefites of his passion And here wee offre and present vnto thee O Lord oure selfe oure soules and bodies to be a reasonable holy and liuely sacrifice vnto thee humbly besechyng thee that whosoeuer shal bee partakers of thys holy Communion maye worthely receiue the moste precious body and bloude of thy sonne Iesus Christe and bee fulfilled with thy grace and heauenly benediction and made one bodye with thy sonne Iesu Christe that he maye dwell in them and they in hym And although we be vnworthy through our manyfolde synnes to offre vnto thee any Sacrifice Yet we beseche thee to accepte this our bounden duetie and seruice and commaunde these our prayers and supplicacions by the Ministery of thy holy Angels to be brought vp into thy holy Tabernacle before the syght of thy diuine maiestie not waying our merites but pardoning our offences through Christe our Lorde by whom and with whom in the vnitie of the holy Ghost all honour and glory be vnto thee O father almightie world without ende Amen Let vs praye AS our sauiour Christe hath commaunded and taught vs we are bolde to saye Our father whiche art in heauen halowed be thy name Thy Kyngdome come Thy wyll be doen in yearth as it is in heauen Geue vs this daye our dayly breade And forgeue vs our trespaces as wee forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptacion The Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Then shall the priest saye The peace of the Lorde be alwaye with you The Clearkes And with thy spirite The Priest CHrist our Pascal lābe is offred vp for vs once for al when he bare our sinnes on his body vpō the crosse for he is the very lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde wherfore let vs kepe a ioyfull and holy feast with the Lorde Here the prieste shall turne hym towarde those that come to the holy Communion and shall saye YOu that do truely and earnestly repent you of your synnes to almightie God and be in loue and charitie with your neyghbours and entende to leade a newe life folowing the cōmaundementes of God and walkyng from hencefurth in his holy wayes drawe nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte make your humble confession to almightie God and to his holy churche here gathered together in his name mekely knelyng vpon your knees Then shall this generall Confession bee made in the name of all those that are minded to receyue the holy Communion eyther by one of them or els by one of the ministers or by the Prieste hymselfe all kneling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie GOD father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ maker of all thinges iudge of all menne we knowlege and bewayle our manifold sinnes and wyckednes whiche we from tyme to tyme most greuously haue committed by thoughte woorde and dede agaynste thy diuine maiestie prouokyng moost iustely thy wrath and indignacion againste vs we do earnestly repent and be hartely sory for these oure misdoinges the remembraunce of them is greuous vnto vs the burthen of them is intollerable haue mercie vpon vs haue mercie vpon vs moste mercifull father for thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christes sake forgeue vs all that is past and graunt that we may euer hereafter serue and please thee in newnes of life to the honour and glory of thy name Through Iesus Christe our Lorde Then shall the Prieste stande vp and turning hymselfe to the people say thus ALmightie GOD our heauenly father who of his great mercie hath promysed forgeuenesse of synnes to all them whiche with heartye repentaunce and true fayth turne vnto hym haue mercy vpon you pardon and deliuer you from all your sinnes confirme and strengthen you in all goodnes and bring you to euerlasting lyfe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest also saye Heare what coumfortable woordes our sauiour Christe sayeth to all that truely turne to him Come vnto me all that trauel and bee heauy laden and I shal refreshe you So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to the ende that all that beleue in hym shoulde not perishe but haue lyfe euerlastyng Heare also what saynct Paule sayeth This is a true saying and worthie of all men to be receyued that Iesus Christe came into this worlde to saue sinners Heare also what sainct Iohn saieth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the propiciacion for our sinnes Then shall the Prieste turning hym to gods boord knele down and saye in the name of all them that shall receyue the Communion this prayer folowing WE doe not presume to come to this thy table o mercifull lorde trustinge in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifold and great mercies we be not woorthie so muche as to gather vp the cromes vnder thy table but thou art the same lorde whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercie Graunte vs therefore gracious lorde so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christe and to drinke his bloud in these holy Misteries that wee maye continually dwell in hym and he in vs that oure synful bodyes may bee made cleane by his body and our soules washed through his most precious bloud Amen Then shall the Prieste firste receiue the Communion in both kindes himselfe and next deliuer it to other Ministers yf any be there present that they may bee ready to helpe the chiefe Minister and after to the people ¶ And when he deliuereth the Sacrament of the body of Christ he shall saye to euery one these wordes The body of our Lorde Iesus Christ which was geuen for thee preserue thy bodye and soule vnto euerlastyng lyfe And the Minister deliuering the Sacrament of the bloud and geuing euery one to drinke once and no more shall saye The bloud of our Lord Iesus Christe whiche was shed for thee preserue thy bodye and soule vnto euerlastinge lyfe If there be a Deacon or other Priest then shall he folowe with the Chalice and as y e prist ministreth the Sacramēt of the body so shal he for more expedicion minister y e Sacrament of the bloud in fourme before written In the Communion tyme the Clearkes shall syng O lambe of god that takeste awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercie vpon vs. O lambe of god that takeste awaye the synnes of the worlde graunt vs thy peace Beginning so soone as the Priest doeth receiue the holy Communiō and when the Communiō is ended then shal the Clarkes syng the post Communion ¶ Sentēces of holy scripture to be said or song euery daie one after the holy Communion called the post Communion If any man will folowe me let him forsake hymselfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me Whosoeuer shall indure vnto th ende he shal be saued Praysed be the Lorde god of Israell for he hath visyted and redemed his people