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A70386 A relation of the beginnings and proceedings of the rebellion in the county of Cavan within the province of Ulster in Ireland, from the 23. of October, 1641. untill the 15. of June, 1642. Whereof hitherto nothing hath been reported. Whereunto is added, the acts, and twenty nine conclusions of that great and generall congregation of archbishops, bishops, and others, all of the Romish clergy in Ireland, met in the city of Kilkenny in that kingdom, on the 10 11 and 13 of May, 1642. Concerning the present state of the warre in Ireland; and for the ordering of matters appertaining to the same, both there, and by negotiation with forraign princes. Written, set forth, and presented to the most honourable the Houses of Parliament, by Henry Iones, D.D. There is also added a letter written from Dublin, August 4. 1642. containing some late and very remarkable passages in Ireland. Jones, Henry, 1605-1682.; Culme, Hugh, 1599 or 1600-1644. aut 1642 (1642) Wing J942B; ESTC R200914 331,124 447

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or the God of Moses They said the miracles that thou hast seen have they not touched thee He that created us doth things which are not in thy power to performe thy power extendeth only in this world we believe in God our Lord who will pardon our sinnes thou art the cause that hee abhorreth us with our magick hee is more powerfull then thou and eternall Hell is prepared for Infidels they shall finde repose neither in their life nor death and the righteous that shall do good works shall eternally enjoy the pleasures of the gardens of Eden wherein slow many delicious rivers such is the reward of them that are purged from their sins We said unto Moses go out by night with my people and make them a drie path through the Sea fear not that thine enemies may overtake thee neither be afraid of being drowned Paraoh shall follow them with his troops I will overwhelm in the sea and will mislead him with his people he shall not follow the right way O children of Israel we delivered you from your enemies and conducted you towards the mountains of Sinai we caused Manna and Quailes to descend upon you and said eat ye of the good things that we have given you and be not ungratefull otherwise my wrath shall fall upon you he upon whom mine indignation shall fall shall be thrown headlong into the fire of hell I will be mercifull to such as shall convert do good works and follow the right way O Moses who pressed thee to absent thy self from thy people He answered behold he that followeth my steps I am come up to receive thy Commandements We after thy departure estranged thy people from thee and Samery seduced them from the right way he returned upon his steps to his people in great displeasure and said O ye people did not God promise to you all manner of content he protracted the effect of his promises because of your sins will you that his wrath fall upon you wherefore have ye transgressed what ye promised to me They said we have not transgressed our promises of our own accord we took the most weighty ornaments of the people and cast them into the fire Samery himself did cast them in he made the body of a bellowing Calfe and said with his followers behold there your God the God of Moses whom he hath forgotten Saw they not that this Calf spake not to them and that it had not power to do good or evill Aaron had said unto them before the comming of Moses O ye people you have been seduced by this Calfe the mercifull is your God and your Lord follow and obey me They said shall we abide here untill Moses returne Moses at his return said unto Aaron what hindred thee to follow me when thou sawest them to turne aside from the Law of God wherefore hast thou disobeyed me O son of my mother said Aaron drag me not by the beard and haire I feared to displease thee if I forsook the children of Israel and disobey thy Commandements Moses said unto Samery what was thy design he answered I saw what this people seeth not I took an handfull of the earth of the footsteps of the Messenger of God and made the Figure of a Calfe the fairest that I could Moses said unto him goe get thee from among us thou shalt fly the presence of men all the dayes of thy life thou shalt say unto them come not nigh me touch me not the time of thy punishment is appointed thou shalt not escape it behold thy false god behold the Calfe which thou hast adored I will cause it to burne and will cast the ashes thereof into the sea your God is one God and there is none other God but the God that knoweth all things Thus doe I relate to thee things past we have sent thee the Alcoran such as shall abjure it shall beare their burthen at the day of Judgement and be eternally tormented I will one day require an account of their burden and will assemble them with all their subtilities when the Trumpet shall sound they shall demand of each other how long they have continued in the world they shall say that they have remained there but ten dayes and ten nights I know all that they will say the most prudent among them shall say that they have been but one day They shall enquire of thee concerning the Mountains Say unto them God shall teare them up and levell them with the Earth thou shalt see them levelled and beaten downe then shall men without retardment follow him that shall summon them to universall Judgement they shall humble themselves before God thou shalt that day heare low and humble voyces that day shall prayers be ineffectuall except of them that shall be pleasing to God whom he will permit to speak He knoweth whatsoever men doe in this world and what must befall them in the other and they know it not they shall humble themselves and hang down the head before the living and eternall Lord all Infidels shall be damned and the righteous of True-believers that have done good works shall not feare injustice We have sent the Alcoran in the Arabique tongue it teacheth men our Commandements peradventure they will feare impiety it teacheth them what they ought to know Exalt the glory of God King of the world he is truth it selfe presse not thy selfe to read the Alcoran untill thou hast well understood it Say Lord encrease my knowledge We heretofore prohibited Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit he was unmindfull of our Commandement I found in him no perseverance Remember thou that we commanded the Angels to humble themselves before him they humbled themselves except the Devill who refused to doe it Remember that we said Adam the Devill is thine enemy and the enemy of thy wife he will endeavour to make you miserable to cause you both to goe out of Paradise where thou sufferest neither hunger nor thirst nor cold nor heat The Devill tempted them and said oh Adam I will conduct thee to the tree of eternity a treasure that shall never perish they did both eat of the fruit of that tree then knew they their filthinesse and took the leaves of trees to cover their nakednesse Adam disobeyed his Lord and became miserable neverthelesse he heard and pardoned him and shewed him the right way he said discend from Paradise ye enemies of each other I will hereafter send you a guide he that shall follow him shall not erre and shall be blessed He that shall goe astray and will not believe in me shall be miserable in the world and blind at the day of Judgement that day shall he say Lord wherefore hast thou made me blind I had good sight when I was in the world I did this day forget thee as thou didst forget my Commandements thus doe I intreat Infidels The torments of the other world are more grievous then those of the Earth and of longer
belyed on● part and slew another The unbeleevers said our heart i● hardned It is God that hath cursed them by reason o● their impiety and few of them will beleeve the Commandements of his divine Majesty When God hath sent them any Book confirming the Scriptures which they before approved viz. the Old Testament and the Gospell they demanded succours when they meet with the wicked and being succoured they either understood it not or would not receive it The curse of God is upon Infidels especially upon them that have sold their souls and through envie disobeyed his Commandements He bestoweth his grace on whom he pleaseth they are returned in the displeasure of his Divine Majesty who hath prepared for them grievous torments because of the enormity of their crimes When it was said to them Believe in the Commandements of God See Kitab el tenoir they said Doe we not believe in what hath beene commanded us Neverthelesse they have no faith in the truth which God hath sent confirming the Prophecies and the precepts that they before approved Say unto them had you heretofore slain the Prophets if you had believed in his Law Moses certainly had caused you to see Miracles but ye adored the Calf after his departure wherfore you were greatly too blame We received your promise to observe the Commandements of the Law and raised a * The Turks believe that God raised a Mountain over the Israelites to overshadow them Mountain over you Understand with affection what we teach you and hearken what is commanded you they answered we have heard and disobeyed and inclined their heart to the adoration of the Calf because of their impietie Say to them doth your faith command you to doe it if you believe in God and life eternal T●●nk upon death if you be righteous They regard not their past errors but God knoweth the unjust Thou shalt find them with diligence and desire to live a long time The wicked hope to live a thousand years but they shal be exempt from the punishment to live long God beholdeth all their actions Say to them who is an enemy to Gabr●●● He by the permission of God hath inspired into * Maho met thee the Alcoran that confirmeth the ancient Scriptures and guideth the good in the way of their Salvation and declareth to them the joyes of Paradise He that is an enemy to God the Angels his Prophet to Gabriel and Michael shal be rigorously chastised God is an enemy to Infidels We have sent thee precepts cleare and intelligible none will abjure them but the wicked Some of them have acted against their own promises the greatest part is incredulous many of them that have knowledge in the written law have forsaken it even when God sent them any Prophet to confirm the Scriptures that they had before received and approved They cast the book of God behind their backs as if they knew it not and adhered to what the Devils taught in the raign of Solomon yet Solomon sinned not but the Devils only that instructed the people in Magick and what was taught by the two Angels Arot and Marot Magicians Arot and Marot in Babylon Before they taught the people they said We are not sedition ne●ther be you impious The people learnd of them what concerneth the separation of the man the woman what breedeth hatred betwixt them They did not harm to any by their Magick but through the permission of go● the people learned of them what might hurt and not to be profitable to them they instructed in Magick them that sold their part in Paradise at the losse 〈◊〉 their souls although they knew their error that they ha● before beleeved in God and feared his divine Majesty Repentance inspired by God is exceeding profitable they understood to know it O you that feare God say not honour us say regard us and hearken to what is commanded you To Infidels are prepared dolorous torments the Jews and Christians desired not that God should sen● you good but God very liberall gratifieth with his mercy whom he pleaseth he will not alter his Commandements neither forget them he will moreover teach other● more profitable or of the like nature know you not tha● God is omnipotent understand you not that to God appertains the Kingdom of heaven and of earth who excep● God will be your protector Will you question your Prophet as Moses was heretofore questioned He that shal● change faith into impiety The Jews and Christians who have the written Law shall forsake the good way Many that have knowledge in the Scripture endeavoured t● mislead you through impiety and envy notwithstanding they are not ignorant of the Truth forgive them and beware of them untill God hath otherwise disposed he i● Omnipotent See Gelaldin Make your prayers at the time appointed and pay your Tithes you shal find before God the good that you do for your souls he beholdeth all your actions They have said that none but the Jews and Christians shall enter into Paradise it is their fals invention say unto them if you be good men bring your Reasons on the contrary he that resigneth himself to God and is a just man shall be recompensed by his divine Majesty there needeth not be any fear for him he shal not be tormented in the fire of hel The Jews say the Christians are void of reason and the Christians affirm the Jews to be without reason neverthelesse they study the Scripture so speak the ignorant God will determine their difference at the day of the Resurrection Who is more unjust then he that hindred that God be remembred in Temples and that studieth nought but their destruction such men cannot enter therein but with fear and terrour they shall have on earth shame upon the ●orehead and in the other world shall suffer exceeding ●reat torments The East and West are Gods whither so●ver men turn themselves the face of God doth there meet ●●em his Divinity extendeth through the whole earth They said beleeve you that God hath a Son Praised be God on the contrary whatever is either in earth or hea●en appertaineth to his Divine Majesty and all things o●ey him he hath created heaven and earth and when he ●illeth any thing he saith Be thou and it is The unbe●eevers sa●d if God speak not to us or if thou performest ●o miracls we wil not beleeve thee their predecessors have ●aid as much and their words have been like unto their ●earts we have caused miracles to appear to the righteous ●nd have sent thee to preach and instruct the people in●uire not why those that shal descend into hell wil not be●ieve thee the Jews and Christians will not be satisfied of ●hee until thou follow their opinion say unto them there is ●o better guide in the world then God take heed lest thou ●ollow their appetites after that thou hast comprehended ●he knowledge which we inspired into thee
works the life of the world is like to the rain which we cause to descend from Heaven it causeth with mixture all sorts of herbage to spring forth for the nourishment of men and beasts When the Earth is adorned with flowers and enriched with its fruits the Inhabitants oftentimes believe they have the power to cause their production then send we our chastisements day and night upon the Earth and render it as mown and as if the day before it had brought no fruit Thus do I discover mysteries to such as have knowledge to comprehend them They beg their salvation of God he saveth and putteth in the way of salvation whom it pleaseth him He shall not cover the visage of them that have done good works they shall appear without shame and dwell in Paradise where they shall remain eternally and such as shall have done evill shall be punished after their demerits they shall be covered with shame and none shall be able to protect them they shall be as if a great part of the obscurity of the night had covered their countenance they shall be condemned to the fire of hell where they shall dwell eternally Think on the day wherein we will assemble all the world and will say to the Infidels hell shall be your habitation where be the Idols you adored we have separated you from each other Their Idols shall say to them you have not worshipped us God is witness was there any thing between us and you that rendred us ignorant of your adorations That day shall every one see what he hath done and know that God is Truth it self their Idols shall be separated farre from them and they shall understand their blasphemies Say unto them who enricheth you with the wealth of heaven and earth Who causeth life to come out of death and death out of life Who disposeth all things in the world They shall answer it is God Say unto them why have you not therefore his fear before your eyes God is indeed your Lord what is there after the Truth but falshood How will you depart from his Law his Word shal be accomplished against Infidels Say unto them Have your Idols the power to cause men to die and to rise again how shall they be able to blaspheme after these reasons Say unto them Are your Idols able to conduct you into the right way God guideth the people into the way of Salvation who ought rather to be followed he that guideth the people into the right way or he that misleadeth them What reason have ye to follow the evill way The greatest part of them follow but their own opinion but their opinion is not conformable to the Truth God knoweth all their actions there is no falshood in the Alcoran it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures and perspicuously explaineth them there is no doubt but it proceedeth from the Lord of the Universe They say Mahomet hath invented this Book say unto them come and bring any thing that resembleth it in Doctrine and Eloquence and call the Idols which ye adore we shall see if you are sincere on the contrary they have blasphemed and have talked of what they understood not when they heard the exposition of the Alcoran Thus did their Predecessours but consider what is the end of the unjust There be among them who will believe in this Book and others that will not believe Thy Lord knoweth them that defile the earth if they slander thee say unto them I will answer with my actions and yee shall answer with yours yee are innocent of what I act and I am innocent of what yee doe There be persons among them that have inclination to heare thee but art thou able to cause the deafe to heare Should they not be deafe they would learn nothing Others there be who look towards thee but art thou able to guide the blind should they see clearly they would not follow the right way God doth no injustice to men they doe injury to themselves through the enormity of their offences I will cause them to rise again at the day of Judgement as if they had remained but one houre of a day in the grave they shall know each other and the w●cked who have not believed in the Resurrection shall be damned I will shew thee many of them whom I will chastise I will cause thee to die before they be chastised and they all shall appear before me to be judged God is witness of their actions he shall punish them according to their demerits every Nation of the world hath had a Prophet sent from God who hath judged with reason and without injustice the differences that were among them touching Religion They have said at what time shall the wrath of God appear Say unto them I of my selfe can neither procure good nor evill if God doth not permit it every one hath his destiny when the time of their destiny arriveth they can neither retard or advance it one hour Have ye considered the punishment which God heretofore sent by day and by night against the wicked When ye felt it ye believed it and fell into it headlong It shall be said to the wicked at the day of Judgement tast eternall torments shall you not be punished according to your demerits They will ask of thee if the pains denounced against the wicked and if the Resurrection be matters of truth Say unto them yes my Lord is most exact in his words and all the treasures of the world shall not be able to redeem one soul. They shal repent of their sins when they shall feel the punishment of their offences but shal be condemned without injustice whatsoever is in heaven and in earth appertaineth to God he is exact in his promise yet the greatest part of the world do not know him He it is who causeth to die and giveth life and shall assemble men at the day of Judgement O people God hath sent you instructions and remedies for your infirmities he hath sent a guide to conduct true-believers into the way of his mercy it shall be to them of more advantage then the treasures that they accumulate Have ye considered the good things which he hath created for you Ye have appointed one part to be eaten and have prohibited to eate of another Hath God permitted you to blaspheme against him The opinion of such as blaspheme against God shall be but misery at the day of Judgement God is full of goodnesse for the people but most of them are ingratefull In whatsoever place thou art whether thou teach what is contained in the Alcoran or whether thou labour I am alwayes present nothing is concealed from thy Lord of whatsoever is in heaven and earth be it great or litle all is written in the intelligible Booke that explaineth all things There needeth no feare for such as recommend themselves to God they shall be exempt from the pains of hell The true-believers who have his feare
and know it not When they met with such as believe in God they said we believe as you do And when they returned towards the devils their companions they said We believe as you and mock at those men Certainly God mocketh them and continueth them in their Errors to their confusion They that have purchased Error for the right way have gained nothing in their commerce and are not well directed they are like to such as kindled fire and when it hath enlightened what is about them God hath deprived them of light and left them in darkness deaf dumb blind and they shall never be converted or as a cloud of Heaven full of darkness thunder and lightning they stopt their ears with their fingers by reason of the noise and for fear of death but God seeth the unbelievers he caused lightning to approach that ravished from them their sight they have followed what appeared to them and are detained in darkness But if God had pleased he had deprived them both of hearing and sight for he is omnipotent O People worship your Lord who created you and all that were before you it may be That you will fear him that hath extended the Earth that raised the Heaven and caused Rain to descend that caused the production of Fruits to enrich you Say not that God hath a companion equal to him because you know the conttary If you doubt that I have sent my servant come and bring some Chapters like to the Alcoran and call to witness the Idols that you adore if you are good men if you have not done it or cannot perform it Fear the fire of Hell prepared for Infid●ls and Idolaters and declare to true believers who do good works That they shall enjoy the immense pleasures of Paradise wherein flow many Rivers they shall there finde all sorts of faire and savory Fruits which God hath prepared for them they shall consider if they be like to such as they had before in the world They shall there have wives fair and delicate and shal dwel in eternall felicity God is not ashamed to compare a little * The Puny is a stinking worm frequently growing in Beds in hot Countries Puny to an extream Greatness Now so it is that true believers know that it proceedeth from their Lord. The wicked demand what God doth mean by that comparison He by this means mis-leadeth and directeth many men but mis-leadeth none but the disobedient Such as pervert his Testament and his Promises such as retrench his Commandements and defile the Earth are damned Why will you be impious seeing that God hath given you life after death He will cause you to dye he will raise you again and you shall all return before him to be judged He it is that created whatever is upon Earth and ascended to Heaven hath ordained seven Heavens knowing all things Remember to instruct men See Kitab el tenoir that thy Lord said to his Angels I would create a Vicar upon Earth and when they answered Wilt thou there place him that shall defile it and shed blood while we exalt thy Glory and sanctifie thee I know said he what you know not He taught Ad●● the names of all things who discovered them to the Angels to whom God said Declare to me the names of all things that I have created if you know them they replyed Praise is due to thy Divine Majesty we know nothing but what thou hast taught us thou alone art knowing and wise He said to Adam Declare to them the names of all things that I have created After he had taught them God said Did I not tell you that I knew what is not neither in Earth nor Heaven and that I understand whatever you make manifest and whatever you keep most secret Remember thou that we said to the Angels Humble your selves before Adam they all humbled themselves except the Devil He was already proud and in the number of the wicked We said unto Adam Dwell thou and thy wife in Paradise and eat there what thou likest but approach not that Tree lest thou be in the number of the unjust The Devil made them to sin and depart from the Grace in which they were then we said to them Descend you enemies one to another you shall have a dwelling upon Earth and goods wherewith to live for a time Adam begged pardon for his fault of his Lord he pardoned him because he is gracious and mercifull and said Descend and go all of you out of Paradise there shall hereafter come to you a guide from me Such as shall follow him shall be delivered from fear and affl●ction at the day of Judgement such as shall be impious and conceal my Commandements The Alcoran in the old and new Testament shall burn eternally in the fire of Hell O children of Is●a●l remember the Grace I have done you I will satisfie my Promises perform yours fear me and believe in what I have sent from Heaven confirming what was before taught you be not the first impious and forsake not my Law at any rate fear me and cover not the Truth with a lye neither willingly conceal it Make your prayers at the time appointed pay Tithes and worship your Lord with them that adore him Will you command people that have no care of their souls to do good Will you meditate upon Scripture without observing it Entreat for succor with patience and with prayers they abound not but in them th●t are obedient that believe they shall one day behold their Lord and shall return before him to be judged O children of ●sra●l call to mind my favours I have preferred you to all the world fear the day wherein one Soul shall not be chastised for another when prayer shall not be heard neither ransom succors nor prot●ct●on to be found for the wicked Remember that we delivered you from the hands of Phar●oh who affl●cted you through the violence of torments who murthered your children abused your wives and that your Lord encreased your miseries because of the enormity of your crimes Remember that we divided the Seas to save you and that we drowned Pharaohs men in your view neverthelesse you worshipped the Calf when we detained Moses with us forty nights in which you were extreamly too blame after this we pardoned you it may be that you will give me thanks We gave unto Moses the Book that distinguisheth good from evill perhaps you will be converted Remember that Moses said to his people Gelaldin saith the innocent slay the wicked You were too blame for having adored the Calf repent and be converted to your Creator Slay one another that wil be a thing acceptable to God he will pardon your crime he is gracious and mercifull You said O Moses we will not believe thee for that we see not God then you were smitten with thunder We have pardoned you See Gelaldin you saw your misery with your own eyes
must feare God and courteously entertaine them Those that unjustly devoure their substance swallow fire into their bowels and shall burne in a great fire God recommendeth to you your children the son shall have as much as two daughters if there be more then two daughters they shall have two thirds of the succession of the dead if there be but one See Bedaci she shall have the moity and her kindred a sixth part of what shall be left by the dead if there be no children and the kindred be heires the mother of the dead shall have a third if there be brethren the mother shall have a sixth after satisfaction of the legacies contained in the Testament and of debts You understand not to whom it is most requisite to doe good to your children or to your father and mother give them their portion ordained of God The moity of what their wives shall leave belongeth to you if they have no children if they have you shall have the fourth part of what they shall leave after payment of the legacies and debts they shall have the fourth of your succession if you have no children if you have they shall have the eighth portion If a man of woman be the heires of each other and have neither father nor mother nor children and have a brother or sister each of them shall have a sixth part of the succession if they be more they shall share the third after payment of legacies and debts without fraud following what God hath ordained he knoweth all your actions and is prudent in what he ordaineth it is so ordained by his divine Maiesty He that shall obey him and his Prophet shall enter into Paradise where many rivers flow and shall dwell in eternall felicity he that shall disobey God and his Prophet shall be cast head-long nto the fire of hell where he shall suffer ignominious torments If your wives commit adultery take four witnesses of their fault that be of your Religion if they bear witness keep them prisoners in your houses untill death or untill God shall otherwise ordaine punish whoremongers concubines and adulterers if they repent of their fault doe them no harme God is gracious and mercifull to them that repent Conversion dependeth on God he is mercifull to them that commit sin ignorantly and speedily repent he is Omniscient and most wise Pa●don is not for them that doe wickedly to the very houre of their death we have prepared great torments for them that shall die impious O ye that believe in God! it is not lawfull for you to inherit what is your wives by force take not violently away what you have given them unlesse they be surprized in manifest adultery see them with civility if you have an avertion from them it may chance that you hate a thing wherein God hath placed much good but if you desire to repudiate your wives to take others and that you have given them any thing take not any thing that appertaineth to them Wil you take their wealth with a lie and a manifest sin How shall you take it since you have approached each other and that you have promised to use them civilly Marry not the wives of your fathers what is past was incest abomination and a wicked way Your Mothers are forbidden you your Daughters Sisters Aunts Neices your Nurses and your foster-sisters the mothers of your wives the daughters that your wives have had by other husbands of whom you shall have a particular care The daughters of women that you shall have knowne are also forbidden you if you have not knowne them it will be no sin the wives of your sons are likewise prohibited and two sisters for what is past God is gracious and mercifull Married wives are likewise forbidden you except the women slaves that you shall have acquired God hath so commanded you except what is above forbidden it is lawfull for you to marry at your pleasure If you desire women for money and neither commit concubinage nor adultery give them their salary for which you shall agree so you shall not offend God he is omniscient and most wise He that shall not be able to espouse women of free-condition shall marry such women or maids that are slaves as shall please him God knoweth the faith of the one and other Marry your wives with the permission of their parents and give them their dowry with honesty If women of free-condition that have committed neither concubinage nor adultery secretly nor publikely flie into second nuptials and come to commit adultery they shall be doubly punished more then the daughters of Love See Gelaldin The marriage of slaves is for them that fear whordom If you abstain from marrying them you shall not do amiss God is gracious and mercifull he is willing to teach you his Law and direct you in the way of them that preceded you he is gracious and mercifull to his people Such as follow the appetite of the wicked decline extreamly from the Truth God willeth that his Law be Light unto you for that man was created weak O you that believe in God devour not your substance among you with ufury but if you traffique be peaceable in your affairs slay not one another God is mercifull to them that obey him He that disobeyeth through malice and iniustice shall burn in the fire of Hell it is an easie thing to God to punish them If you depart from mortal sins I will cover your faults and cause you to enter into Paradise covet not through envie what God hath given to your neighbor men and women shall have the wealth they have gained beg Grace of God he knoweth all things Give to your associates what appertaineth to them We have ordained a portion prefixt to the one and the other in the succession of your Father Mother and Kindred God seeth all The men shall have authority over the women they shall have them in their keeping they shall have in their power the wealth that God shall give them and shall have care of what shall be convenient to be expended for them Discreet and obedient wives observe in the absence of their husbands the Commandements of God make remonstrances to them that shall be disobedient and remove them from your Bed chastise them If they obey you seek not occasion to abuse them uniustly God is most high and most mighty If you fear there may happen some difference between a man and his wife send to them some of their Kindred to put an end to their quarrel and reconcile them God wil give his peace to them he is omniscient Worship God and say not that he hath a companion equall to him do good to your Father and Mother your Kindred Orphans the Poor your Neighbors Pilgrims your Friends and your Slaves God loveth not the proud We have prepared rigorous torments for them that are avaricious that recommend avarice to the people that conceal the Graces that
in the Book of Light He it is that causeth you to die in the night and knoweth the good and evill that you have committed by day he shall cause you to rise againe at the day nominated you all shall appeare before him he shall give you knowledge of your sins and shall chastise you after your demerits he is alwayes victorious and omnipotent He shall send to observe your actions and when you shall arrive at the hour of death he shall dispatch his messengers who shall not faile to execute his commands the people shall repaire to him as to their Lord he is extreamly exact to keep account Say unto them he shall deliver you from the darknesse of the sea and of the earth when you shall in secret or publikely invoke him if he deliver me I will returne him thanks for his grace Say unto them God can deliver you from darkenesse and all other afflictions yet say you he hath a companion associate with him Say unto them we can send punishments from above and from below he is able to disunite and cause you to tast a thousand miseries which you shall bring upon each other Consider how I shew them the effects of my Omnipotency they will peradventure comprehend my sayings Those of thy Nations have rejected them notwithstanding they are most true say unto them I am not your Tutor every thing hath its time you shall hereafter understand the truth Depart from them that speake of our Law with contempt untill he speak otherwise the devill would induce thee to forget my Commandements and cause thee to sit down with the unjust the true believers shall not regard their discourse neither cease to ●dmonish them peradventure they will be converted Depart thou from such as sport and mock at their Religion the wealth of this world rendreth them haughty declare they shall be severely punished none is able to protect or hear them but God no ransome is able to deliver them they shall find the good and ●vill that they have committed shall drink a liquor extreamly cold and endure grievous torments because of their impiety say unto them shall we worship instead of God what can neither benefit nor hurt us Shall we return on our steps to our sins having been guided by his divine Majesty like unto him whom the devill hath seduced He left him dismaid and astonished in the midst of his voyage having forsaken his companions that shewed him the right way God guideth men to the way of Salvation I will wholly resigne my self to the pleasure of his divine Majesty Make your prayers at the time appointed and pay tithes you all shall appear before God at the day of Judgement to give account of your actions He it is that created heaven and earth Remember thou the day wherein he said Be thou and every thing was he shall reign and at that day command an Angell to sound the Trumpet to call to universall Judgement the living and the dead He knoweth the future present and past is most ●ise and nothing is hidden from him Remember thou that Abraham said to his father * The Arabian● say Az●r 〈◊〉 Abrahams ●urna ●e and ●hat his fath●r was called Terec Azer Azer wherefore doe you worship Idols instead of God I perceive your family to be in manifest error God shewed to Abraham the Kingdome of heaven and of earth and he was in the number of the blessed Abraham seeing by night a most cleare Star asked in himselfe if it were his God no replyed he to himself my God doth not rise and set seeing the Moone to arise he demanded if that were his God no said he to himself certainly God will not guide me to be of them that are erronious when he beheld the Sun rising he likewise asked if that were his God and when he saw it set he said to his people I am innocent of the sin which you commit in adoring many gods I wholly commend my self to his Will who created heaven and earth and professe his Unity His people would dispute against him he said to them will you dispute against me concerning the Unity of God who hath instructed me in the right way I feare not your Idols my God doth what pleaseth him and knoweth all things will you not consider it How shall I feare your Idols since you are not afraid to affirme that God hath companions equall to him which you have no reason to adore If you understand the truth who is more true you or I Such as believe in God and shall not cover the truth with a lie shall be delivered from the torments of hell and conducted into the way of salvation We instructed Abraham with reasons to dispute against his people I give knowledge to whom I see go●d and exalt whom I please Thy Lord O Abraham seeth and knoweth all things we gave to Abraham Isaac and J●c●b his sons we before instructed Noah and his lineage in the right way we taught it David Salomon Job Joseph Moses Aaron Zachary St. John Jesus the Sonne of Ma●y Eliah Ismael Joshua Jonas and Lot we gratified them above the residue of the world we elected their Fathers Brothers and Progenie and guided them in the right way Thus God guideth whom he seeth good Men before adored Idols and believed there were many gods neverthelesse he blotted out their past errors when they were converted If they slander them that have knowledge of the Scriptures and of Prophesies will give power over their persons to men that shall mislead them with the Infidels Those whom God guideth believe in the Unity of his divine Majesty Say unto them I require no reward for having preached to you the Alcoran he teacheth to all the world the Commandements of God The Jewes have not honoured him as was their duty they understood not his graces when they said he hath instructed the people in nothing that is profitable Say unto them who gave the Tables unto Moses who instructed him in the Scripture which they have written in Vellam to guide and illuminate the people They have published what pleaseth them and have concealed much they shall learn in the Alcoran what they know not and what their fathers understood not Say to them God after that left them obstinate and amazed in their errors We have sent from heaven that Book full of blessedness it confirmeth the Scriptures that were sent before it to the end thou maist instruct the people of Mecca them that inhabit about that City and the rest of the world Such as shall believe in the day of Judgement believe in what is written in this Book and shall pray to God to deliver them from the torments of hell Who is more unjust then he that blasphemeth against God that saith God hath inspired into him what he uttereth notwithstanding he hath received no inspiration from his Divine Majestie Who more unjust then he that saith he will cause to discend from heaven
departeth from his Commandements Such men shall be rigorously chastised in the fire of Hell Will they expect that the Angels came to visit them That God should punish and declare to them his miracles Will they look for the day of Judgement wherein repentance and conversion shall be unprofitable Such as believe in one part of the Law and reject the other have no foundation in their belief God shall make them to know their errors and shall punish them after the enormity of their crimes He that shall do a good work shall have a reward tenfold Whosoever acteth any wickedness shall be punished in like manner neither shall he receive injustice Say unto them God hath gvided me in the way of his Law such as professe the Law of Abraham profess the unity of God Abraham was not in the number of unbelievers my prayers my vows my life my death shall be consecrated to God he hath no companion I wholly commend my selfe to his divine pleasure Say unto them Do I desire to worship other God then the Lord of the Universe The good that a man doth is for himselfe and the evill that he committeth is against him you all shall one day appear in the presence of God he shal resolve your disputes He it is that prolongeth your posterity and exalteth some above others to prove you your Lord is exact to chactise the wicked and gracious and mercifull to the righteous CHAP. VII The Chapter of Prisons containing an hundred and six Verses written at Mecca Reader Mahomet entituled this Chapter the Chapter of Aaraf which is a place between Paradise and Hell where men suffer no punishment See Mokari Bedaoi and Kitab el tenoir IN the name of God gracious and mercifull I am God the most wise the most true This Book was sent to thee to preach to the True-beleevers doubt not the Contents of it Say unto them Believe in what was sent to you from your Lord and worship none other God but him few there be among you that consider it How many Cities have we destroyed How often have we inflicted our punishment on their Inhabitants by day and by night when they reposed Neverthelesse they said nothing but that they were greatly afflicted We will examine the people to whom we have sent our Prophets and require account of what they have learned and of what they have done We will examine our Prophets and demand an account of such as have followed and obeyed them I will cause them to remember what they have done worthy of reward We forsook not our Prophets when they preached to them the Truth their actions shall be weighed in the ballance of equity the ballance of the blessed shall be ponderous with good works and they whose ballance shall be light of good works shall be damned for having contemned our Commandements We gave you your habitation on the Earth and there bestowed on you what was necessary for your nourishment but few of you are gratefull to me We created and formed you and commanded the Angels to worship Adam which they performed except the devill to whom we said what hindred thee to worship Adam when we comanded thee He answered I am better then he thou hast created me of fire and hast created man of the mire of the earth then said we to him depart out of Paradise it is not the habitation of the proud thou shalt be in the number of them that shall be laden with ignominy the Devill answered Let me alone untill the day of the Resurrection of the dead wherefore hast thou tempted me I will seduce men from the right way I will hinder them on the right hand and on the left and on all sides to believe in thy Law and the greatest part of them shall be ungratefull we said to him be gone out of Paradise thou shalt be abhorred of all the world and deprived of my mercy I will fill hell with such as shall follow thee O Adam dwell with thy wife in Paradise and there eat of whatsoever shall please thee but approach not that Tree lest thou with thy wife be in the number of the unjust The devill tempted them and dispoyled their bodies of their vestments of grace he said to them God hath forbidden you to eat of the fruit of that Tree that you may not be Angels or eternall he swore that he spake the truth and filled them with ignominy because of their pride They knew their nakednesse having eaten of that fruit and to cover themselves took leaves of Paradise their Lord called them and said Did I not forbid you to approach that Tree I told both of you that the devill was your open enemy they said Lord we have offended thee and injured our souls if thou dost not compassionate us we shall be in the number of the damned he said Depart out of Paradise ye enemies of each other you shall inhabit the earth untill the time appointed you shall there live and die and go from the earth to the day of Judgement O ye children of Adam we bestowed on you vestment of graces signes of our Omnipotency peradventure you wil bear it in minde O ye children of Adam beware lest the devill seduce you as he did your Father and Mother when he caused their departure out of Paradise he dispoyled them of their garments and made them know their deformity he shall appear to you with such as follow them and you shall see him when you least think thereon he protecteth the Infidels when they commit any fault they say we follow the Law of our Fathers God hath so commanded us Say unto them Doth God command you to offend him Will you speak of God what you know not he hath appointed you to doe Justice to worship him and embrace his Law Many shall rise again as you have seen them some shall be in the right way others shall be damned because they have obeyed the devill and believed they were in the right way O children of Adam cloath your selves decently when you shall repaire to the Temples eat and drink what pleaseth you be not prodigall God abhorreth them that spend their wealth unprofitably Say unto them who made the prohibition of decent cloathing when men go to the Temple to worship God Who hath forbidden to eat of the goods that God hath given you This is lawfull for true believers God shall so expound his Commandements at the day of Judgement Say unto them God hath forbidden you whoredome private and publike disobedience injustice desire to adore any other god but him and to speake of his divine Majesty what you know not every one hath his predestination and none can advance or retard it O ye children of Adam did not the Prophets teach you my Commandements Such as shall fear me and do good works shall be delivered from affliction ●t the day of Judgement and they that disobey my Commandements that arise against the Faith shall dwell
feared he might cause his father to sin and seduce him into his error and infidelity the Lord through his goodness would have him to be destroyed to deliver his father from his malice The wall appertaineth to two infant Orphans of this City there is under it a treasure that belongeth to them their father was a righteous man God through his goodness willeth that the treasure be preserved for them untill they attain to years of discretion he likewise willed me to do what I have done behold the exposition of what thou wert impatient to learn If any one enquire of thee concerning Alexander the great relate to them his History we gave him on earth what he desired he went as far as the West where he found a fountain guarded by a man who said to him O Alexander chastise men through the murther of their persons bondage and ransome he answered I will put to death unbelievers in this world and the Lord shall punish them in hell and the righteous shall enjoy the glory of Paradise I will tell the wicked that God hath given us what we have desired After this he continued his way untill he came to a place where the Sun riseth he found that it riseth in a countrey where they have nothing to shelter them from its heat the thing is so we taught Alexander how to shelter himself he followed his way untill he arrived between two mountains inhabited of a Nation that spake a Language which he could hardly understand they said to him O Alexander Jagog and Magog defile the earth canst thou put between them and us an obstacle to hinder that they may not come to us God said Alexander hath not given me means to do it but assist me with your power I will put between them and you a strong separation give me iron that can cut stones that I may build betwixt the two mountains and that I may fortifie the way that devideth them blow when the iron striketh the stones to ●indle fire and poure on m●lten brass to joyn the stones and iron together if they come they cannot pierce through the mountains neither find a way to come to you this is a favour which God conferreth on you his promises are infallible when the hour arriveth he is true in what hee promiseth we will permit them to mixe each with other we will assemble all of them when the Trumpet shall sound then will we open Hell to the wicked and to such as would neither see nor hear the Alcoran Do they imagine them that worship me to be their gods we have prepared hell to punish them Say unto them shall I relate unto thee what shall befall the damned their works shall be unprofitable in this world although they think to do well good works are unprofitable to them that contemn the Commandements of their Lord and believe not in the Resurrection they shall not want ballance at the day of Judgement hell shall be their habitation because they deride our Commandements and our Apostles and Prophets The righteous shall enjoy eternally the delight of Paradise without discontinuation If the sea were inke to write the wondrous works of my Lord it will sooner have an end then his miracles Say unto the Infidels I am a man like you God hath taught me that there is but one God he that believeth in the Resurrection studieth to do good works worship but one God who is without a companion CHAP. XIX The Chapter of Mary containing fourscore and eighteen Verses written at Mecca IN the Name of God gracious and merciful God is the rewarder conductor of the righteous liberall wise true Zachery the servant of thy Lord remembred his grace when he in secret prayed to his Lord and said Lord my bones are become feeble and mine head is white with old age Lord I was never rejected in my prayers hear my petition give me a son to succeed me that may be mine heir heir of the lineage of Jacob and be pleasing to thee O Zachary I declare unto thee that thou shalt have a son named John no man hath yet been called by that name he said Lord how shall I have a son my wife is barren and I am too old It was answered him the thing shall be as I have said unto thee it is easie to thy Lord who created thee he said Lord give me some signe of the conception of my wife he said to him thou shalt not speak for three nights Then went he out of his Oratory and made signes to the people to make their prayers evening and morning Oh John See Kitab el tenoir learn the Scripture with affection We from his infancie gave him knowledge clemency charity piety affection towards his father and mother and not violence and disobedience We blessed the day of his nativity the day that he shall dye and the day that he shall rise again Remember thou what is written of Mary she retired towards the East into a place farre remote from her kindred and took a vaile to cover her we sent her our Spirit in forme of a man she was afraid and said God will preserve me from thee if thou have his fear before thine eyes hee said oh Mary I am the Messenger of God thy Lord who shall give thee a Sonne active and prudent She answered how shall I have a sonne without the touch of man I desire not to be unchaste he said The thing shall be as I have told thee it is facile to thy Lord thy sonne shall be a token of the omnipotency of God and of his speciall grace towards such as shall believe in his divine Majesty She became with child and retired some time into a place remote from people where she sustained the colours of Child-birth at the foot of a Date-tree and said why am I not dead wherefore am I not in the number of persons forgotten The Angell said to her afflict not thy selfe God hath placed a brook under thee shake the foot of this Palme and the Dates shall fall gather them up eat and drink and wash thine eyes say unto them that thou shalt meet that thou fastest and hast made a vow not to speak to any one untill thy fast be accomplished Her parents met her while she bare her Infant and said unto her oh Mary behold a strange thing oh sister of A●ron thy father did not command thee to doe evill neither was thy mother unchaste She made signes to her infant to answer them they said how shall the infant in the Cradle speak Then her infant spake and said I am the servant of God hee hath taught me the Scripture hath made me a Prophet blessed me in all places and commanded me to pray unto him hoe hath recommended to me purity through the whole course of my life and to honour my father and mother hee hath not made me either violent or malicious praysed shall be the day of my birth the day
they have don them that God is sufficiently powerfull to protect them When they were driven from their houses without reason they said God is our Lord Had not God stirred up the people against each other the Covents of the Religious the Churches of the Christians the Synagogues of the Jews and the Temples of the Believers had been ruined through the multitude of the wicked See Gelaldin and their malice The name of God is exalted in the Temples of believers and therein is his Law defended and protected God is most strong he hath all power over his people Those whom God hath established on Earth with victory over their enemies make their prayers in the maner ordained pay Tythes and enjoyn to do what is honest and civill forbid to do what is prohibited of God who knoweth the end of all things If the Infid●ls traduce thee their predecessors traduced Noah A●d Chiab Abraham and Lot they also slandred Mos●s God for a time deferred their punishment but in the end most severely chastised them How many Cities have we destroyed because of their impiety We have overthrown and made them desart through the death of their Inhabitants Shall those of Mecca walk for ever upon Earth with an hard heart without reflecting upon what hath heretofore befalne the Infidels Their eyes are not blinde but their hearts are blinde and hardned They will require thee to cause the wicked to be speedily chastised God will not go against what he hath promised One day before thy Lord is as a thousand yeers before men How often hath the punishments of impi●us Cities been deferred that in the end were destr●yed The whole world shall one day be assembled before me to be recompenced after their merits Say unto them O people I preach unto you publikely the torments of Hell such as shall believe and do good works they shal receive pardon of their sins a precious treasure they that shall endevor to make voyd the faith shal be damned We sent our Prophet to read only our Commandments to the People the unbeleivers read many things that are not in the Alcoran but God hath made vain what the Devil had there inserted and confirmed the precepts of his Law What the Devill there inserted serveth for sedition to them that are weak in their faith have an heart the Infidels are in an exceeding great error are far from the Truth Such as have the knowledg of Scripture know that the Alcoran is truth it self which proceedeth from thy Lord They beleive in it and humble their heart in reading it God guideth into the right way such as beleive in the truth The Infidels shall be in doubt untill they be surprized of the day of Judgement That day shall they be rigorously chastised that day shall God command and judg the good and the bad the righteous that shall have beleived and done good works shall enter into delicious Gardens and the Infidells that shall have disobeyed his Commandments shall suffer exceeding great torments See Gelaldin They that departed from Mecca and went to Medina to abandon the society of unbeleivers and were slain or died of sicknesse shall be rewarded of his divine Majesty God is the greatest benefactor in the world he shal give them to enter where they shall desire he is omniscient most merciful The believers that shall take revenge of the injury that the unbeleivers have done them shall be protected of God He is gracious and merciful towards his people he maketh day to enter into night night into day he heareth the Prayers of True beleivers and seeth whatsoever they do and will protect them because he is truth it selfe Idols are but vanity God is most high omnipotent Dost thou not consider that God sendeth the rain from Heaven and that the earth becommeth green He is benign to his people knoweth all things whatsoever is in Heaven Earth is his he hath no need of his people and ought to be exalted Seest thou not that God hath subjected to you all the beasts that are upon the Earth Seest thou not that the ship runneth upon the SEA through his command to transport you and your substance Seest thou not that he hindreth heaven to fal upon the earth certainly he is benign and merciful He it is that hath given you life and death he shal make you to dy and shall raise you againe neverthelesse man is ingrateful for his favors We have given a Law to all the Nations of the World to guide them into the right way if they observe it they will not dispute against thee Invoke thy Lord thou art in the right way if they dispute against thee Say unto them God knoweth all your actions he shal judg your differences at the day of judgment knewest thou not that God knoweth whatsoever is in heaven or in earth All is written this is most easie to his divine Maj. Idolaters adore without reason Idols that understand not whether they be gods or no that shall be without protection at the day of Judgment when they preach to men my commandements they know by their countenance those that are impious and ingratefull for my graces they would with wrath fall upon them that instruct them Say unto them I declare unto you things more greivous God hath prepared the fire of hell to chastise Infidels O people A parable is related to you hear it All the Idolls that ye adore cannot create a flye when they shall be assembled to do it if the flies corrupt any thing that is offered to them they have not the power to drive them away because of their impotency and the weaknesse of them that adore them They praise not God in that manner as is just and reasonable he is most strong most powerfull he hath chosen messengers to bear and and execute his Commandements among Angels and men he heareth whatsoever they say beholdeth whatsoever they do he knoweth whatsoever they have don and all things obey him O ye that believe honor and worship your Lord and do good perhaps ye shall be blessed Fight for the establishment of his Law with affection he hath chosen you to follow it he hath not given you a Law heavy and troublesom It is the Law of Abraham your father he hath stiled you the Resigned to God before the coming of the Alch●ran The Prophet shall testifie against you at the day of judgment and ye shal testifie against the people that the Prophet hath preached to them the right way persevere in your prayers pay tithes trust in God he is your Lord your Prophet and your protector CHAP. XXIII The Chapter of True Believers containing an hundred and eighteen verses written at Mecca I the Name of God gracious and merifull Certainly the True beleivers shall be blessed that make their prayers with humility they abstain from reviling they pay tithes they commit not whoredom they touch not other women
sufficeth thee that God guideth and protecteth thee The Infidels have dema●ded it the Alcoran was sent all at once I have so done to confirme the truth in thy heart I have sent it piece by piece they shall not shew thee any thing like unto it I have instructed thee in the truth clear and intelligible the incredulous shall be confined in the fire of Hell and be most miserable Certainly We gave to Moses the book of the Law we sent with him hi● brother Aaron to assist him and said unto them Goe bo●h of you p●each unto Infidells we will destroy them unless they be converted When the people of Noah despised our Commandment we drowned them and made them sure for example to posterity and prepared great torments for the impious Remember Aad T●mod and those that dwelt nigh unto the well a long time af●er them we spake to them in parables and destroyed them Oh ye wicked consider the misery of t●e City upon which fell that mischievous rain that destroyed them because the Inhabitants believed not in the Resurrection When the Infidels saw thee appear they d●●ided thee and said This Prophet would seduce us and make us to abandon our God We had patience and deferred our punishment they shall know at the day of Judgement them that have bin seduced Hast thou considered the action of him that spake of his God after his fantasie Wert thou his Tutor to hinder him to speak Dost thou believe that the greatest part of the wicked heare and understand what thou speakest to them They are like beasts and worse Seest thou how thy Lord sheddeth the Rose were it his will it should be permanent the Sun hath caused it to melt and attracteth it gently to himself He it is that created the night for repose and the day for labour He it is that sendeth the winds by his special grace he maketh rain to descend from Heaven to refresh the Earth to give it life to water the beasts and for the contentment of men we have divided it among them that they may be mindful of our grace nevertheless the greatest part of them are ungratefull Had we so pleased we had sent to every City a Preacher to preach unto the Inhabitants the torments of hell obey not Infidels preach to them frequently what is written in the Alcoran It is God that hath sweetned the water of Euphrates that joyned the two Seas that made them fa●t and put between them a separation to hinder them to mix He created man and woman of a little water to increase multiply together thy Lord can do whatsoever him pleaseth yet do the Infidels adore what can neither hen● fit nor hurt them and assist the Devil their master to tempt the world We sent thee only to pr●ach the torments of hel to proclaime the joyes of Paradise Say unto them I require not of you a reward for my preaching he that shall be acceptable to God will follow the way of his Law Praise and exalt thy Lord trust in him he knoweth all the sins of men he created the heavens and the earth in six days and sitteth on his Throne learn this of him that knoweth it When it w●s s●id to the Infidels worship the merciful God they s●id what merciful shal we worshipp what ye appoint us and they added to their impiety Blessed be he that created the signs of heaven that created the Sun and the Moon ful of brightnesse light and hath made the days to succeed each other to returne him thanks for his graces The servants of the mercifull that walk with humility that salute the ignorant when they speak to them Such as pray to worship God day and night such as say Lord deliver us from the torment of hell those that fear God that are not prodigall nor covetous that folow the middle way betwixt prodigality and avarice those that worship one God that kill no man but with reason and following the Commandments of God and that are not luxurious shall injoy eternally the grace of God such as do the contrary shal be chastised their punishment shall be augmented at the day of Iudgment and they shall be damned for ever except him that shal be converted and shall have don good works God shal give him pardon of his sins he is gratious and mercifull They who do good works and repent who make no false O●th who are humble and are not wilfully deaf dumbe when they heare the Alcoran read and say Lord give us and our posterity children that may be the light of our eyes and be obedient to thee work in us a fear to disobey thy Commandements such persons shall enjoy eternally the delights of Paradise for reward of their perseverance they shal there find salutations and benedictions with immense graces Say unto the wicked God will not enlighten you neither hearken to your prayers because yee have traduced his Prophet the time of the punishment of your c●imes shall suddenly arrive CHAP. XXVI The Chapter of Poets containing an hundred and twenty seven Verses written at Mecca IN the Name of God gracious and mercifull God is most pure he understandeth all things he is most wise These signs are the signs of the book that distinguisheth truth from falshood wilt thou destroy thy self because men are impious If I will I can cause my judgments to discend upon them that shall humble them they dispise my Commandments they scoffe but shall be rigorusly punished see they not how many fruits we have made to spring out of the earth It is a token of our omnipotencie nevertheless the greatest part of them believe not that thy Lord is the omnipotent the merciful Instruct them how thy Lord said unto Moses thou shalt be my Messenger to the Infidels and the people of Pharoah that they may have my fear before their eyes Moses slew an Egyptian Moses said Lord I fear they may traduce me and that my tongue cannot be loosed send with me my brother Aa●on they know the fault I have committed and will put me to death The Lord said to him they shall not put thee to death go both whither I command you I wil be with you will hear what they say say to Pharoah that ye are the M●ssengers of the Lord of the world and let him dismiss with you the children of Israel Pharaoh said unto Moses have I not seen thee within this house a little childe Didst thou not dwell with us many years Didst thou not kill a man thou art impious Moses said I did what I did I was in the number of the seduced I fled when I feared you since that time God hath given me knowledg and placed me in the number of his Prophets and Apostles he hath sent me his grace to set before thee the evill that thou dost commit in causing thy selfe to be adored of the children of Israel Pharoah said unto him who is that God of the
had before prohibited Moses to suck the milk of any other nurse then that of his mother his sister said to Pharoahs servant wil ye that I provide you a nurse and people that shall carefully nourish him We caused him to be restored to his mother to nurse him she ceased from her sadness when she knew and saw that God was sincere in what he had promised but the greatest part of the people know it not When Moses was aged about thirty three years we gave him knowledge and wisdom thus do I reward the righteous Moses entring one day into the City met two men that fought the one was of the Children of Israel and the other was an Egyptian and of his enemies whom he assaulted and slew after this he said the Devil tempted me he is the open enemy of men Lord I have offended thee pardon me he pardoned him he is gracious and mercifull Lord since thou hast bin so gracious to me I will never give aid or succour to Infidels He continued in the City with fear and kept himself upon his guard on the mor●ow he again met him whom the day before he had defended who sought likewise ●ith another Egyptian required his assistance Moses said unto him thou art seditious he replyed oh Moses wilt thou slay me as thou didst slay him yesterday Wilt thou be a murtherer of all men or a just man Not long after a man came in hast to him from the utmost part of the City who said unto him oh Moses the Officers of Pharoah have conspired against thee they desire to put thee to death save thy self and follow my councell He departed from the City with fear keeping himself upon his guard beseeching his Lord to deliver him from the hands of Infidels he went towards M●adian and said Lord suffer me not to folow an evil way he met a great number of persons that made their flocks to drink he with them found 2 maids that could not water their Cattel he said unto them what do ye two here VVe have not strength to draw water to give our beasts to drink we tarry for the Shepheard our father is too old to draw it He drew water out of the well to water their Cattell and withdrew to a shade because of the heat of the Sunne saying Lord I am deprived of all the graces which heretofore then didst confer on me I ●m now poor and nec●ss●●●us One of those maidens came to seek him bashfully said unto him my father calleth thee to recompence thee for the pains thou hast taken in watering our catle when he was in the old mans presence he related what had befaln him The old man said fear nothing I wil deliver thee from the hands of the wicked one of his daughters said to her sister give to this man to eat reward his pains he assisted us with affection their father said unto him I wil marry thee to one of my two daughters on condition that thou wilt have a care of my flocks the space of eight years ten years if it please thee said Moses I will not forsake thee thou shalt find me an honest man I wil serve thee the two terms either 8. or 10. yeares as shall seem good to thee God is witnesse of what I say After the term expired Moses forsook the house of his father in law withdrawing with his wife he beheld affar off a great fire on the side of the mountain and said to his Wife tarry here I see the fire of the omnipotent I will speedily return I will bring you a spark peradventure you shall be warmed when he drew near to this fire they cryed unto him from the right side of the valley from an eminent place and from a bush O Moses I am God Lord of the Universe cast thy staffe on the ground when he beheld his staffe to move as it had bin alive he fled for fear and returned no more O Moses draw near and fear not thou art in a place of safety put t●ine hand into thy pocket it shall come out white shining without harm draw back thine arm into thy sleeve it shall return to its former condition thy staffe and thine hand shall be two signs of my Omnipotency to Pharoah and his Ministers who disobey my Commandments Moses said Lord I have s●ain an Egyptian I am afraid they will take away my life command Aaron who is eloquent to go with me to aid me to confirm what I shal say I f●ar they wil traduce me I wil give thee thy Brother for thy assistant I wil give to you both strength to defend your selvs from their malice go do what is commanded you ye shall be victorious and all those that shal follow you when Moses came to Pharoah he made him to see my miracles preached my Commandments to his Ministers they said this is bu● magick and witchcraft we have not heard these things to have bin spoken to our predecessors Moses said the Lord knoweth him that teacheth the right way and him that ought to have part in Paradise Infidels shall be most miserable Pharoah said to his Ministers do ye know any other God but me O Haman let me offer sacrifices and build a Temple shal I deceive myself with the God of Moses I believe him to be in the number of lyars He b●came proud on earth with his Ministers they b●lieved that they should never be assembled before me to be judged we surprized him with his people and caused him to perish in the Sea consider what is the end of unbelievers we abandoned them and they are in the number of the condemned to the fire of hell They shall finde none to protect them ●t the day of Judgment we cursed them on earth and at the day of the Resurrection they shall be abominable to all the world We taught Moses our Commandments after the destruct●on of many Infidels before his coming We gave him the Book to be a light to the people to conduct them into the right way and acquire our grace peradventure they will remember Thou wert not with Moses when we spake to him we created another age after him thou didst not at that time dwell with the Inhabitants of Madian neither didst thou ●each them our Commandments it is we that have instructed thee in the History of past ages thou wert not on the mountain when when spake to Moses we sent thee through our special grace to preach to men the torments of Hell they have not yet had a preacher like unto thee perhaps they will consider it when they felt any punishment for their sins they said Lord hadst thou sēt us an Apostl to instruct us we should have obeyed thy commandments have believed in thy Law when on our part they were instructed in the truth they said doth Mahome● work miracles like Moses do they not traduce what Moses did when they say that Moses
created for men all that is in heaven and earth and conferreth on them his graces in generall and particular There be ignorant persons that dispute of the Diety without reason when it is said unto them do what God hath appointed they answer we will do what we saw don by our fathers They consider not that the devill calleth them their fathers to the pains of Hel he that obeyeth God doth good works fastneth him to the strongest knot will have a care of him at the hour of his end The impiety of the wicked ought not to afflict thee they shal be one day assembled in our presence to be chastised I will shew them all that they have don I know what is in the hearts of men I will prolong a while their punishment upon earth and precipitate them in the other world into the fire of hell Hast thou not damanded of them who created heaven and earth they said it is God say unto them therefore 〈…〉 be God nevertheless the greatest part of them are ignorant Whatsoever is in heaven Earth is Gods he hath no want of the world praise is due unto him in all that he doth if all the Trees of the world were Pens and the Sea Ink they could not comprehend the effect of his Omnipotency he is Omnipotent and knoweth all things He created and shall make you to rise again with one word he understandeth and seeth all things Consider they not that God causeth the night to enter into the day and the day into the night that he created the Sun and the Moon that move in the heaven until the day appointed he knoweth whatsoever ye do because he is truly God they that invoke other then him invoke things vain and unprofitable God alone is most high and most mighty Seest thou not how the ship runneth upon the water for a token of his Omnipotency to such as acknowledg his graces When the Wars arose against the Infidels many called upon God with resolution to follow his Law when he saved them on the Land some persevered to do well and others returned to their impiety none but deceivers and ingratfull persons despise his Commandments O people fear God and the day when the father shall not be able to succour his child neither the child serve his father Gods promises are infallible be not proud of your riches neither that God tolerateth and suffereth you he knoweth the time when ye shall be chastised the hour that the rain shall fall upon the earth he knoweth what is in the wombs of women whether it be male or female none but God knoweth what thou wilt ●o to morrow none but he knoweth the place where thou shalt die he knoweth all he knoweth all CHAP. XXXII The Chapter of Worship containing an hundred and thirty Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull I am the most wise God D●ubtless this book was sent by the lord of the Vniverse will the wicked say that thou hast invented it On the contrary it is the truth it self which proceedeth from thy Lord to preach to them that heretofore had none to instruct them peradventure they will follow the right way God created heaven and earth and all that is between them in six dayes and sitteth on his Throne who shall protect you who shall hear your prayers but he will you never consider it He disposeth all things in heaven and earth all men shall one day be assembled before him to be judged a thousand years are but one day before his divine Majesty he knoweth what is past present and future he is omnipotent merciful he hath created every thing for his people he formed man of the dirt and dust of the earth he inspired the soul into his body he giveth you hearing sight sense but few men return him thanks for his graces they say what shall we die and return to be a new people Certainly they beleive not in the Resurrection Say unto them the Angel of death shall cause you to dye and ye shall return before God to be judged Thou shalt then see how the Infidel will hang downe the head before their Lord and say Lord we now see the certainty of the Resurrection we this day know the truth of thy words permit us to reurn into the world we will be righteous we now understand what is profitable necessary for us we could have given a guide to every person my word is most true I will fill hell with the wicked Paradise with the righteous thus shal men be rewarded chastised according to their works Tast o ye wicked the pains that ye have deserved in refusing to beleive in this day w ch ye have found we leave you in the miseries du to your incredulity tast the eternall torments that ye have merited through your impiety Such as believe in the mysteries of my Law are humble they worship me alone praise me when they here mention of me they are not proud rebell not against my Commandments they arise from their bed to make their prayers with fear and hope and imploy in pious works some part of the wealth that we have given them No man hath either seen or knoweth what God reserveth to recompence the righteous for their perseverance The believers and unbelievers shall not be alike entreated the believers that have don good works shall enjoy Paradise as the reward of their labours and the unbelievers shall be precipita●ed into the fire of hell the more they shall labour to get out the further shall they enter into it it shall be said to them tast the pains of eternall flames which ye would not believe I will make the wicked to tast of the torments of the world and the pains of hell if they be not converted Who is more unjust then he that knoweth the Commandments of his Lord and disobeyeth them we will be avenged on his impiety we gave a most true Book to Moses to instruct the children of Israel we put into the right way those among them that persevered in their faith and obeyed our Commandments Thy Lord shall judge the difficulties of the Infidels at the day of Judgment see they not how much people we destroyed in times past that reposed confidence in their houses It is a token of our Omnipotency will they never understand it See they not how I thrust forth water in desert and barren lands that I cause herbs to spring forth for the nourishment of men beasts will they never consider it They demand when will the day of Judgement come Say unto them that da● shall not bring contentment to Infidels and they shall be without protection Depart thou far from them perseveere and attend they wait an occasion to mischief thee but thou shalt see them chastised CHAP. XXXIII The Chapter of Bands and Troups of Souldiers containing fourscore and seven Verses written at Medina IN the name of
the end too late acknowledg their errors CHAP. XLIIII The Chapter of Smoke cnotaining fifty nine Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull God is prudent and wise I swear by the book that distinguish the good from evil that we sent it the night of blessing to teach the people the torments of hel this book explaineth our commandments al that we heretofore comanded the Prophets this is a speciall grace of thy Lord he heareth knoweth all things he is Lord of Heaven and Earth a●● of all that is between them beleive in his omnipotency There is no God but he he giveth life and death to whom he listeth he is your Lord the Lord of your fathers and predecessors the wicked deride this discourse but the day of judgment attends them that day the heaven shal resemble smoak that shall cover the world that day shall the people say behold here grievous torments Lord deliver us from this misery we will believe in thy Law Their conversion shall be in vain because when the Prophet preched to them they scorned his words and said that he was a foolish teacher and when they were comforted on earth they returned to their impiety Remember thou the day when they were vanquished and taken by force and that we were revenged on their impiety We heretofore tryed the people of Pharoah my beloved Prophet preached to them my Commandments and said Come follow me oh ye servants of God! I am a faithful Messenger of his divine Maj. resist not his Law I wil teach you his Comandments he shal defend me from your malice he shal preserve me from being stoned but if ye will not believe me depart far from me He prayed to his Lord when he knew that that people were unbelieving impious God said unto him goe by night out of the City with my servants if the men of Pharoah pursue thee enter into the sea through a path large and spacious thine enemyes that shall follow thee shal be drownd How many gardens fountains places of pleasure wherin they took delight did they forsake They fel into the power of another with al their treasures and none lamented them either in Heaven or earth they expected not that punishment We delivered the Children of Israel from Pharoahs tyranny he was powerfull and a great sinner We elected them through our certain knowledg among all the world and tryed them through our Miracles and Commandments The wicked say we shall dye and not rise again If the Resurrection be true cause our fathers to revive to evidence the ●ruth of thy words Are they more powerful then their predecessors whom we destroyed because of their impiety We have not created in vain the Heaven and the Earth and whatsoever is between them we created them for certain signes of our Vnity the greatest part of the world understand it not the day of Iudgment is th● time appointed for their punishment that day none shall be able to save his neighbour or parent or freind nor shall any be saved but those to whom God shall give his mercy he is omnipotent and mercifull The fruit of the Tree of Hel called Zacon shall serve for food to the wicked it shal boil in their bellyes like pitch or water They shall cry take the wicked drag them into the fire of Hell pour upon their heads all manner of torments It shall bee said unto them tast the pains of Hell ye believed your selves to be the Omnipotent precious on Earth behold the punishment of which ye doubted The righteous shall be in delicious places in Gardens adorned with Fountains they shall be clothed with purple they s●all behold each other face to face we wil assemble them with women pure clean who shall have most beautifull eyes that shall have fruits savory and delicious of all seasons they shal never dye and shall be delivered from the torments of Hell through the special grace of thy Lord behold supreme felicity Certainly we have sent the Alcoran in thy tongue peradventure the Arabians will learn it they covet thy ruine but persevere thou and expect the time of the punishment of their crimes CHAP. XLV The Chapter of Genuflexion or Knee-bowing containing fifty nine Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful God is most prudent and wise This Book is sent by the Omnipotent and wise The Heavens and the Earth are most certain signes of his Vnity to such as believe in his Law your Creation and the Creation of all Creatures are marks of his greatnesse to them that have his fear before their Eyes the difference of the night and the day the rain that he sendeth from Heaven to cause fruits to spring out of the Earth and to revive it after its death and the diversity of wind● are signes of his Omnipotency to them that have knowledg to comprehend it I relate to thee the wonders of God with truth in what will Infidels believe if they believe not in the word of his divine Majesty Misery is upon them that hear the Commandments of God and become proud as if they had not heard them Preach unto such men that they shall suffer ●he rigors of infinite pains They deride the Faith when they are spoken to Certainly they be punished in the fire of Hell their riches shall not be able to save them neither the Idols which they adore they shall be eternally damned This Book guideth men into the way of salvation they that shall not believe in the Law of God shall feel the effects of his fury He created the Seas that bear the Ships for the advantage of your commerce peradventure ye will acknowledg this grace He hath created for you all that is in Heaven and on Earth it is a sign of his goodness to such as consider it Speak unto them that believe in the Law of Salvation that they pardon those that have not the fear of God before their Eyes God shall chastise them after their demirits Whosoever shall do good shall finde good and ye shall be assembled before his divine Majesty to be judged Certaiuly we instructed the children Israel in the Scripture and our Commandments we taught them knowledg and gave them the grace of Prophesie we enriched them with all sorts of riches preferred them to al the world We taught them our Law none disputed against our Commandmenes but such as had knowledg that through the envy thar arose among them but thy Lord shall judg their differences at the day of Iudgment We have sent thee our Law observe it and follow not the appetites of the ignorant they shall not be able to deliver thee from eternall pains The Infidels obey each other and the true-belivers obey God This book is the light of the world it guideth into the way of Salvation and the mercy of God them that believe in his divine Majesty Do the wicked imagine they shall
this present ye shall this day be punished in this fire because of your prid● crimes Remember thou the brother of Aad who preached the torments of HELL in the Valley of HECAF his words was heard in his time and are come to pop●sterity viz. worship ●ut one God alone i● you do otherwise I apprehend for you the day of Judgment they answered him art thou come to hinder us to adore our gods let us ●ee the torments that thou preachest to us if thou art true he laid God knoweth in what time he will chastise you I preach to you what hath been appo●nted me to preach but I see that ye are obstinate When they beheld a black c●oud appear which approached the place of their habitation they said behold a cloud that shall give us rain on the contrary it is the punis●ment that ye have demaned it is full of an in p●●●ous wind that shall destroy you though the Commandment of God in the Morning their houses were found empty of inhabitants Thus God chastiseth the wicked ye dwell in the places which they inhabited they had hearts eyes and cares but their hearts eyes ears were to them unpre●ntab●e the evill which they despised befell them when they neglected to observe the commandments of God We have destroyed whatsoever is round about Mecca and have made the effects of our omnipotency to appear paradventure the inhabitants thereof will be converted The Idols that they worshiped and those to whom they sacrificed did not save them on the contrary they forsook them because of their blasphemies-Remember thou that we sent to thee devils that desired to hear a Lecture of the Alcoran when they heard thee they said Hark he begins and when thou madest an end they returned with exceeding great fear and said to their companions we have heard a Lecture of a Booke sent from heaven after the book of Moses it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures teacheth the truth and guideth the people into the way of salvation O people hear him that calleth you to the Law of God and to the observance of his Commandments believe him God shall pardon your sins and deliver you from the pains of hell such as shall not hearken to him shall not escape the punishment of their crimes and shall be deprived of protection at the day of Judgment such men are seduced from the way of salvation Consid●r they not that God who created heaven and earth did not labour in creating them that he is able to give life and death and is omniponent Be thou mindfull of the day that the Infidels shall desire to get out of the fire of hell it shall be said unto them are not the pains that were preached to you true they shall say yes Lord it shall be said to them taste then the torments which ye have merited through your impiety Persevere thou as the Prophets thy pedecessors persevered Be not impatient till thou see the punishment of Infidels they shall see it when they shall rise againe and shall believe that they have been but an hour in their sepulchres This is that which God hath commanded to preach he shall destroy those only that disobey his Commandments CHAP. XLVII The Chapter of the Combat containing fourscore and eight Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious merciful Good works are vain unprofitable to the wicked and to them that hinder their neighbour to follow the Law of God he pardoneth their sins who beleive in what Mahomet hath preached it is the very truth that proceedeth from his divine Majesty but the Infidels have followed vanity and the believers have embraced the truth sent from their Lord Thus God speaketh to the people in parables When ye shall meet the Infidels in time of warre cut their necks pursue them untill ye take them prisoners then bind them after this ye shal either give them liberty or put them to ransom untill their party shall lay down arms If God pleased he could give you victory without fighting but his will is to prove you he guideth into Paradise them that are slain for the defence of his Law and giveth them his grace Oh ye that believe in God! If ye protect the Law of God God will protect you he wil confirm your steps and destroy the Infidels because they have contemned his commandments and their good works shall be to them unprofitable consider they not what hath been the end of the impious that were before them and that God hath destroyed them Hee shall destroy them in like manner because he protecteth the Believers and Infidels are deprived of his protection he maketh the righteous to enter into Paradise into gardens wh●reof flow many rivers The punishment of the wicked is sometimes deferred in this world they live like beasts but the fire of Hell is prepared for their punishment How many cities Mecca stronger more opulent then that which they caused thee to abandon have we destroyed They found no prot●ction Are such as embrace the Law of God like to them that follow their own appetites God hath promise● Paradise to them that have his fear before their eyes there be in Paradise rivers of water that receiveth no alteration there be rivers of milk that never corrupteth rivers of wine savory and delicioius to the taste rivers of honey pure and clean fruits of all sorts and the grace of God for them that shall obey his Commandments the wicked shal remain eternally in the fire of Hell where they shall drink a boyling liquor that shall burn their entrails There be persons among the Infidels that hear what thou dost preach when they are gone from thee their Doctors demand of them what thou hast said concerning the day of Iudgment God hath hardned the hearts of such men and they shall never follow but their own passions God encreaseth the graces of them that obey his Commandments and fortifyeth them in their perseverance Shall the Infidells tarry untill the day of Iudgement surprizeth them The signes of that day hath already appeared that day shall repentance be in vain There is no God but God implore from him pardon of thy sin and for these men and Women that believe in his Law he knoweth what they doe day and night If the Chapter of the place where Justice is rendred had not been sent had not made mention of Combats thou hadst not seen them that doubt of the Law look upon thee with eyes troubled because of their fears of dying Teach them obedience and speak to them with civility Had they believed and obeyed when they were appointed to fight they had performed a good work Have ye disobeyed Have ye abandoned the Law of God to defile the earth and to deprive your s●lves of his mercy God rendreth them whom he curseth who comprehend not the truth of the Alcoran deaf and blind Have they a firm heart Such as have returned to their impiery after
posterity to do the like Certainly they are in a great error Separate thy self far from their company and be not troubled at what they say preach the Alcoran it is profitable to the righteous I did not create the devils and men but to worship me Say unto them I require nothing of unbelievers for instructing them I require not that they nourish me God enricheth whom he pleaseth he is omnipotent the wicked shall be chastised as heretofore have been their predecessors in their malice their time shal come and misery shall befal them at the day of judgment CHAP. LII The Chapter of the Mountain containing thirty nine Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful I swear by the Mountain upon which God spake to Moses by what is contained in the book written in parchment by the first Temple of Mecca by the arches of the heavens and by the sea full of water that God is one sole God and the punishment promised to unbelievers is infallible they shall not be able to escape it in the day when the heaven shal tremble and the mountains shall w●●●●●at day shall be unhappy 〈…〉 ●●ated in the fire 〈…〉 that ye 〈…〉 pa●● 〈…〉 our 〈…〉 ●ore 〈…〉 ●od 〈…〉 ●e 〈…〉 ●d 〈…〉 ●d 〈…〉 works they shall repose upon beds well ordered we will marry them to wives that shall have fair eyes they shall be attended of their family and be largly rewarded for their good works every good action shall be to them a dégree of happiness We will give them such fruits and Vines as they shall desire they shall present to each other the cup to drink they shall not speak an evill word and shall not si● they shall have pages about them for their service beautifull as pollished pearls they shall discourse among them concerning what they did before on Earth and say We were in the world we and our families with a great apprehension of the pains of hell but God hath gratified us he hath delivered us from eternall flames They shall say moreover we worshipped in the world but one God most just and most mercifull Remember thou to preach the Alcoran thou art not ingratefull for the grace of God thou art not possessed of the Devill will they say that thou art a Poet a Rimer that nothing must be expected from thee but fables of past Ages Say unto them ye expect the time of my destruction but I with you expect the time of your ruine Do their superiors command them to speak in this manner Will they be obstinate in their errors Will they say that Mahomet hath invented the Alcoran Certainly they are incredulous let them bring any discourse like to this book in Doctrine and Eloquence if what they affirm be true Were they created of any thing have they created any thing have they created themselves have they created the Heavens and the Earth Certainly they are incredulous Have they in their power the treasures of thy Lord are they Gyants Have they a ladder that may raise them to hear what is spoken in Heaven Let them produce some reason of their opinion Believe ye that God hath daughters and that ye have sonnes Will ye require of him a Salary for obeying his Law Is he your debtor The wicked are lyars do they know what shall be do they weite it Desire they to conspire against thee The wicked often conspire against the righteous that worship but one God Praised be God he hath no companion If the Infidels should see a piece of the Heaven to fall they would say it is a cloud driven by the winds leave them in their obstinacy untill they come to the day of their death that day shall their conspiracy be vain and they deprived of protection They likewise shall be punished before their death but the greatest part know it not Have pacience and expect the Judgment of God thou shalt soon see it I will protect thee and thou shalt not want help Praise thy Lord exalt his glory when thou shalt rise praise him in the night and before the Stars disappear CHAP. LIII The Chapter of the Starre containing sixty Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful I swear by the Star that disappeareth that your friend Mahomet ●rreth not he speaketh nothing of his own he speaketh but what hath been inspired into him by the omnipotent and most bountifull God The Angell approached him in the highest place of heaven within the length of two bowes somewhat nearer The Turks believe that there is an Apple tree at the right side of throne of God and that none can ascend higher then its branches no not the angels God hath inspired into him what he hath inspired into his servant who altered nothing of what hath been inspired into him He hath spoken what he hath seen and in what form the Angel was Dispute not against him concerning what he saw he another time saw the Angel in Heaven near to the Tree that is at the right side of Gods throne and although that tree was covered with that which covered him his fight was not dazled and he is not in error Certainly he hath seen the great wonders of his Lord Have ye considered Alat Az and Menat those three Idols Will ye s●●are that God hath daughters and that ye have Sonnes ye will make a false Oath and shall be in a manifest error Those Idols have nothing but the names which your Fathers and you have given them See Gelaldin God hath not commanded you to worship them ye follow only your passions remote from the truth God teacheth you the way of Salvation by the mouth of his Prophet doth man obtain from Idols what he required of them God is God in the beginning and the end How many Angels be there in Heaven whose prayers are unprofitable if God doth not accept them They that believe not in the day of Judgment say that Angels are maidens they understand not what they say they speak through opinion and that opinion is not conformed to truth Depart thou farre from them that reject our Law and desire only the goods of the Earth and are ignorant of all other things Thy Lord knoweth them that go a stray from the right way and such as follow the path of Salvation all that is in the Heavens and Earth is Gods he shall chastise the wicked See Gelaldin and reward the just He pardoneth their veniall sinnes who flie sinnes mortall he is exceeding merciful He knoweth that he hath created you of Earth Great and small sins and that he formed you in your mothers womb Extol not your selves he knoweth such as have his fear before their eyes Hast thou seen him that abandoned the faith a little wealth was given him and nothing more doth he know what must befall him hath he knowledg of what is to come will he not learn what is written in the books
that died heretofore in their impiety CHAP. LXI The Chapter of Array containing fourteen Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull Praise God all that is in heaven and earth he is omnipotent and wise O ye that believe say not that ye doe that which ye doe not God abhorreth them that say they doe what they doe not and loveth them that fight in rank and file for his Law like to a strong wall Remember thou that Moses said to his people ye shall doe me no harme ye shall know in the end that I am the Messenger of God but God seduced them from the right way when they departed from obedience to his Commandements he guideth not the wicked Remember thou that Jesus the son of Mary said to the children of Israel I am the Messenger of God he hath sent me to confirm the old Testament and to declare to you that there shall come a Prophet after me whose name shall be Mahomet When he came with miracles reasons most intelligible and arguments infallible they said that he was a Magician who is more impious then he that blasphemeth against God The Infidels would extinguish with their mouth the light of faith but God shall make it manifest against their will he hath sent his Prophet to guide the people into the way of salvation to teach them the truth of his Law and make it more evident then all other Laws of the world against the will of Infidels O ye that believe Will ye that I teach you one thing that shall deliver you from the pains of hell Believe in God and in his Prophet imploy your wealth and persons in fighting for his Law ye shall do exceeding well if ye have knowledge to understand it God shall pardon your offences he shall cause you to en●er into gardens wherein flow many rivers he shall cause you to goe into the beautifull Palaces of Eden where is supreme felicity he shall confer upon you yet another grace which ye desire viz victory over your enemies O ye that believe maintain the Law of God Jesus the Son of Mary said to his Apostles who will maintain the Law of God with me he shall be supported and protected of God The Apostles answered we will maintain it One part of the Children of Israel believed in Jesus and another rejected his Law we gave succor to them that believed against their enemies and they were victorious CHAP. LXII The Chapter of the Assembly containing eleven Verses written at Medina IN the name of God gracious and mercifull Praise God all that is in heaven and earth praise the King holy majestique and omnipotent who hath sent his Prophet an Arabian by Nation to preach his Commandements to the Arabians to purifie them to teach them the Scriptures and mysteries of faith they were before seduced from the right way They that shall come after them shall not see a Prophet equall to him this is a speciall grace of God the omnipotent and wise he conferreth it on whom he listeth and his graces are immense They that preach the old Testament and performe not what it enjoyneth are like to an Asse charged with books Such are they that disobey the Commandements of God he guideth not the impious Oh ye Jews believe not your selves to be the beloved of God expect death ye shall understand your error they believe not that they shall be chastised for their sins but God beholdeth all the unjust Say unto them ye shall find one day the death that ye flie ye be sent back before God who knoweth what is present past and to come he shall set before you all that ye have done to be judged Oh ye that believe when yee are called to the assembly of Friday to make your prayers pray and quit your trade this shall be a good act it ye understand it when you shal have finished your prayers separate your selves goe whither you please and b●g of God his grace call frequently to mind his divine Majesty and ye shall be happy When the Infidels saw any thing of profit or any divertisement they forsook thee and went out from the Sermon Say unto them how great riches and delights are there with God he is the Rich of the rich CHAP. LXIII The Chapter of the wicked containing twelve Verses written at Medina IN the name of God gracious and mercifull When the wicked shall come to visit thee they will say that they are witnesses that thou art a Prophet sent from God He well knoweth that thou art his Prophet he seeth that they dissemble and fell their faith to enjoy wealth in the world wherein they commit evill they say with the mouth we believe in the Law of God and are impious in their fouls impiety is imprinted in their hearts and they will not learne the mysteries of faith The beauty of their bodies shall not displease thee when thou shalt see them they erect themselves when they speak and resemble a piece of wood set up against a wall they feare all rumors that flie abroad and are your enemies Beware of them doubtlesse God will destroy them how can they blaspheme against his Law When it was said to them Come to the Prophet he shall beg pardon of God for your sins they shook the head and withdrew with pride misery is upon them whether thou implore pardon for them or dost not implore it God will not pardon them he abhorreth the wicked They say doe no good to them that follow that Prophet of God untill they abandon him the treasures of heaven and earth are Gods but they comprehend it not They say if we returne to the City of Medina we will drive thence shame and infamie and will there establish greatnesse and honour on the contrary greatnesse power and victory proceed from God his Prophet and them that believe in his Law but Infidels understand it not Oh ye that believe in God! your riches and your children ought not to seduce you from his service such as shall forsake it shall be in the number of the damned give alms of the wealth that he hath given you before the houre of your death arrive Then shall the wicked say Lord if thou hadst not so soon caused me to die I had embraced thy Law God retardeth not the day of any one when the hour is come he knoweth all that ye do CHAP. LXIV The Chapter of Deceipt containing eighteen Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull Praise God whatsoever is in heaven and earth he is King of all things praise is due to him he is omnipotent He it is that hath created you Some observe his Commandements and others are unbelievers he beholdeth all your actions He created the heavens and the earth he formed you and ye shall be one day assembled before him to be judged he knoweth all that is in heaven and earth he understandeth your secrets and what ye publish