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A69234 Lectures vpon the foure first chapters of the prophecie of Hosea Wherein the text is exponded and cleered, and such profitable instructions obserued, and applied, as naturally arise out of this holie Scripture, and are fit for these times. By Iohn Dovvname Bacheler in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. Downame, John, d. 1652. 1608 (1608) STC 7145; ESTC S110223 535,213 680

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and therefore seeing the commandement of God made that action lawfull which otherwise would haue been theft in the people of Israel therefore the like commandement might make this mariage of the Prophet lawfull which in it selfe was vnhonest and vnlawfull To which I answere that there is great dissimilitude in these two examples for first God the soueraigne Lord and chiefe owner of heauen and earth and all that in them is in his own right and by his sole authority might take that which was his owne frō one and giue it to another Secondly this action was lawfull by the law of nature and nations that those who had long serued them as bondmen should haue some reward for their labours which because they tyrannically withheld the Lord like a Soueraigne monarch and iust iudge righted the cause of the oppressed and appointed vnto them this wages for their tedious seruitude And therefore there being no such equitie in this vnhonest mariage and seeing the Lord neuer by his sole authoritie commandeth things vnlawfull and dishonest this example maketh nothing for their purpose Againe they obiect that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his owne sonne which action in Abraham should haue been vnnaturall and wicked I answere that this commandement in Gods purpose was a commandement of triall onely which he meant not should be put in execution Yea but though Abraham had slaine his sonne his action had been iust and lawfull I answere that this also is most true for seeing God who is absolute Lord of all creatures and chiefe iudge of heauen and earth hath vnlimited power of life and death and seeing the party was to be slame howsoeuer he was innocent towards his father yet had deserued not onely temporarie but also eternall death in respect of his sinnes against God Abraham being commanded by God to be his minister of iustice in executing deserued punishment vpon his sonne was to set aside fatherly affection and to yeeld obedience to Gods seruice but yet iust commandement Neuerthelesse because the outward administration of this act would haue seemed vnnaturall and against the law of nature and nations the Lord onely inioyned it by way of triall and neuer purposed that it should be put in execution although being the father of spirits it was easie for him to haue raised him againe from death to life And therefore this semblable commandement of a seeming vnlawfull thing affordeth no colour to proue that this dishonest marriage should bee actually inioyned and performed Secondly we may not giue such an exposition of one of Gods Commandements which contradicteth and crosseth an other but that one of such holy and high a calling as this Prophet should linke himselfe in marriage with an infamous and common harlot contradicteth and crosseth other commandements and therefore we are not thus to expound it The proposition needes no proofe the assumption is manifest by these reasons In that it was vnlawfull for the high Priest to take to wife a diuorced woman a woman polluted or an harlot nay he might not so much as marry a widowe Leuit. 21. 14. In that the Lord giueth speciall charge concerning Leuit. 21. 14. 1. Tim. 3. 11. Tit. 1. 6. the choyce of his Ministers that their wiues be honest sober and faithfull 1. Tim. 3. 11. and that they haue faithfull children not riotous or disobedient And therefore it is not likely that the Lord who hath had such speciall care of their marriages would inioyne his Prophet to take vnto him an harlot and her adulterous broode and so make his house which should be vndefiled a stewes or filthy brothell Thirdly by such a marriage God should haue made his Prophet contemptible and his ministery and that true religion which he professed should by this meanes haue beene despised and exposed to the slanderous reproach of vnbeleeuers who are apt to take all occasions whereby they may disgrace Gods Ministers and their ministery Fourthly whereas the Lord calleth not onely his wife a woman of fornications but his children also children of fornications hereby it is manifest that this was not actually done but in vision and parable for if we say that they were her children before marriage the text is plaine against it which affirmeth that she conceiued after marriage and bare these children vnto him if wee say that the Prophet had them by her in lawfull marriage how then could they bee truely called children of fornication though before marriage she had plaied the harlot Fiftly there was no necessitie why this should be actually done seeing if it onely appeared to the Prophet in vision and were deliuered to the people by way of parable it were sufficient to conuince them of their sinne which was the maine end the Lord aimed at Sixtly it should not haue been so fit for Gods purpose that this should be actually done seeing he could not marry her and haue by her three children one after an other in lesse time then almost three yeares whereas the Lord sendeth his Prophet to the end that hee should presently conuince the people of their sinnes and reclaime them from their corruptions which were so great that they needed present cure Lastly in the third chapter the Lord commandeth the Prophet to loue and take vnto him an adulterous harlot but this the Lord would not haue actually done for the Lord is a holy and pure Spirit who hateth and abhorreth adulterie and all vncleannesse but onely in type would haue the adulteries of the Israelites which they committed with their false gods discouered from which the great loue which he their Lord and husband had from time to time shewed vnto them could not restraine them And therefore seeing that is typically to be vnderstood why not this also But it is obiected that in the text this is plainely set down as an history of things actually done I answere that this Obiection 1 Answer is vsuall with the Prophets to the end that they may after a more significant and emphaticall manner expresse their mindes and leaue a more deepe impression in the mindes of their hearers to propound types and parables as histories of things done for the distinguishing whereof and the true expounding of such places we are to obserue this rule that where the litteral sense implieth any impossibility or grosse absurditie or any thing contrarie to the analogie of faith or some other plaine place of Scripture there wee are to expound it as a type or parable but in this place if wee take the litterall sense it implieth a grosse absurditie and contradicteth other places of Scripture as I haue shewed and therefore it is to be vnderstood typically and as a parable Neither are we to vnderstand this place so only but many other the like which seeme as plaine histories of things done as this here So Esay is said to haue walked naked and barefoote 3. yeeres Esa 20. 2. 3. So Ezechiel is commanded Esa 20. 2. 3. Ezech 3. 1. 2.
we may obserue that the more heauy the iudgement is which is denounced the longer the Lord deferreth The greater the iudgement is the more loath the Lord is to inflict it to inflict it as though he were loth to vse extremities if mans wickednes did not deserue it and his iustice require it seeing lighter punishments will not preuaile When Iizreel was borne Lo-ruchamah was soone after conceiued but she conceiueth not Lo-amni whereby the vtter reiection of the people was signified before Lo-ruchamah was weaned all which time the Lord gaue them to make vse of his former iudgements and expected their amendment with admirable patience that he might not vtterly reiect them Wherein the Lord behaueth himselfe like vnto a good and tender-hearted Surgeon who leaueth no good meanes vnassayed before hee will cut off the member which is ill affected c. Thirdly we may note that before the Lord doth vtterly God taketh away his liuerie before he turne men out of his seruice reiect them from being his people he first weaneth them from the milke of his word and foode of his Sacraments debarring them of all their publike assemblies the meanes of his worship and seruice and taking from them all their priuiledges and prerogatiues which they inioyed whilest they were his people Like vnto Noble men who vpon the ill behauiour of their seruants first pull off their liuery before they turne them out of seruice not onely because they are vnworthy of any such credit or protection as it might cause vnto them but also because they should not by abusing themselues in such habits dishonour their Lords who haue reiected them Fourthly we may here obserue the greatnesse of this punishment That it is a fearefull punishment to be reiected from being Gods people which may be considered in the inestimable benefits whereof they were hereby depriued and in the intolerable euils and miseries into which they were plunged whilest Iehouah was their Lord and King they were vnder his protection and so secured from the danger of all enemies they were prouided for by his al-sufficient prouidence and therefore sure to want nothing indued with many noble titles prerogatiues and priuiledges as being his seruants children heires yea his spouse partakers of many vnualuable benefites temporall and spirituall his word Sacraments and such like and after a short time of their seruice here on earth they were assured to receiue for wages an immortall Crowne of glorie and eternall felicitie and happinesse in his Kingdome But as soone as they are cast out of his Kingdome and reiected from being his people they were stripped of those benefits exposed to the danger of their enemies sinne Satan and the world who speedily assault and easily ouercome all those who are out of Gods protection and so taking them captiue inthrall them in a miserable seruitude the wages whereof for the time present is misery horrour of conscience and desperation and in the life to come eternall death Rom. 6. 23. As therefore we iudge their case most wretched Rom. 6. 23. who hauing been the subiects and seruants of some gratious Prince vnder whom they haue inioyed all the benefits of a peaceable and well gouerned kingdome are for their crimes and misdemeanors banished into a Country in it selfe vncomfortable and amongst the middest of cruell enemies so and much more miserable is the state of those who are banished out of the kingdome of grace where is all good and felicitie and liue in the kingdome of Satan where is nothing but all woe and misery And this is that punishment which here is threatned Now let vs further consider vpon whom it is inflicted euen Gods former mercies priuiledge not a rebellious people from future iudgements vpon the people of Israel the chosen people of God vnto whom in former times he had bestowed innumerable benefits Whereby it appeareth that though a people haue in former times been partakers of neuer so great priuiledges and neuer so much inriched with Gods benefits though God haue made his outward couenant with them of his grace and the continuance of his fauour yet if they breake their couenant which interchangeably they haue made with God denying vnto him their obedience and liuing in all sin and wickednesse all this wil not priuiledge them from Gods fearefull punishments no not from finall reiection and destruction And therefore let vs not thinke it enough that God hath outwardly made his couenant with vs vnlesse it be also written in our hearts and we perform at least in our holy indeuour that part thereof which concerneth our selues for vnlesse we liue like his people and seruants he wil not acknowledge vs for such but will cast vs off as he did the Israelites Now the sinnes for which especially the Israelites were Idolatrie and impenitencie the cause of the peoples reiection reiected were first their grosse idolatrie whereby they had forsaken God and betaken themselues to the seruice of idols and secondly their obstinacie and impenitencie in their course of rebellion from which they would not be reclaimed neither by Gods bountifull benefits nor by his seuere threatnings nor yet by his chastisements and more grieuous punishments which first like a tender father and after like a iust Iudge he inflicted on them but rather grew worse and worse and more and more intolerable in their wickednesse For this is the last course and meanes which the Lord vseth for the conuersion of a sinner which when it will not preuaile he giueth them ouer as being past all help seeing they are past all grace If the skilfull surgeon find that healing salues are not fit to heale a deep festered wound he vseth drawing corrasiues and the lancher but if he seeth the part diseased notwithstanding all good and fit meanes vsed to be past cure he will no longer lose his labour and cost but cutteth it off The gratious Iudge when he hath for the offenders first fault giuen him some fatherly admonition or threatned some seuere punishment if he offend again he punisheth him with a whip or with a burning iron but if all these chastisements and punishments will not reclaime him he condemneth him to exile or death as being past hope of amendment And so the Lord when he seeth that neither the healing plaister of his gracious promises nor the sharpe corrasiue of his threatnings and punishments will cure a people of the deepe festered sores of sinne when hee seeth that neither admonition nor gentle chastisement nor seuerer punishment will restraine the sinner from outragious wickednesse then doth he cut and cast them off as men of a desperate estate and past all cure And this was the estate of the Israelites in this place and of the Iewes of whom the Lord complaineth Esa 1. 5. and of Pharaoh Saul Esa 1. 5. and many others The vse which we are to make hereof is that wee doe not neglect Gods mercifull visitations and fatherly corrections
they liue in their sinnes without any hope to attaine vnto saluation or to escape destruction Those that want the meanes cannot be excused if they do not labour after them seeing Christ hath taught vs that this one thing is most necessary Iohn 6. 27. and more to be desired then our bodily food in the obtaining whereof whosoeuer imploy themselues they are preferred before such as giue worldly entertainement to Christ himselfe as appeareth Luk. 10. 39 40. 41. 42. That Luk. 10. 39. 40 it is of greater value then all worldly wealth and therefore if we want it we are rather to sell all wee haue to purchase this precious pearle then to bee without it Whereas these Mat. 13. 45. men esteeme this vnvaluable jewell of all other things least necessary and will not part with the least worldly benefit for the obtaining of it But much more doe those offend and accordingly shall more fearefully be punished who hauing the meanes of knowledge the preaching of the Gospell doe neglect and contemne it who walke in the darke wayes of ignorance because they wilfully shut their eyes when the brightlight of the Gospell shineth vnto them and continue destitute of knowledge because they stop their eares not vouchsafing to heare instruction and yet in the meane time these men haue a strong conceipt that they shall attaine vnto saluation as though the way to heauen were so direct and straight that they could easily finde it though they goe blinde-fold and not so much as desire a guide quite contrary to the whole course of Scripture wherein the Lord hath taught vs that his will is that those who shall be saued shall also come to the knowledge of his truth 1 Tim. 2. 4. 1 Tim. 2. 4. That it is the onely meanes to attaine vnto life eternall to know God and his sonne Iesus Christ Iohn 17. 3. That those Ioh. 17. 5. whose feete are to trauaile in the way of peace must first bee illightened with the knowledge of Saluation Luke 1. 77. 78. Luk. 1. 77. 78. 79. And contrariwise that they who sit in darknesse they also sit in the shadow of death as it is in the same place that they are strangers from the life of God Eph. 4. 18. That the Lord Eph. 4. 18. will render vengeance to those that doe not know him 2 Thes 2 Thes 1. 8. 1. 8. And that they shall be destroyed as it is in this place The second vse concerneth the ministers seruing for an The Ministers must teach the people effectuall argument to perswade them that they performe their duety in teaching and instructing the people least wanting instruction they also want knowledge and so be made subject to vtter destruction Whereby it will come to passe that those Ministers who through their negligence are the causes hereof shall being guilty of their sinnes be also destroyed with them Now if the waight of a mans owne sin be an intollerable burthen what vvill become of those who shall beare the waight not onely of their owne sinne but also of their vvhole congregation vnto vvhich through their idlenesse or insufficiency they haue beene accessarie Thirdly it serueth for the reproofe of the Papists vvho The papists labour to keepe the people in blindnesse by all meanes possible labour to keepe the people in blindnesse and ignorance by taking away from them the light of Gods vvord both read and preached that so keeping them blind-fold they may abuse them at pleasure and like carrion Crowes hauing picked out their eyes may make a pray of them But let all know that vvhat faire shewes soeuer they make and how curiously soeuer they paint ouer this rotten post with the colours of their deuotion whereby they vnderprop the ruinous building of their high raised Hirarchie yet in very truth by depriuing the people of knowledge they depriue them also of saluation and make them subject to vtter destruction and so consequently they make themselues guilty both of their sinne and ruine of both which they haue beene the principall causes The third thing to be obserued is that as the want of knowledge is a sin in all men so especially in the Minister That ignorāce is a grieuous sinne in the Ministers whether we vnderstand it of that sufficiencie of knowledge which he ought to haue in himselfe whereby he is inabled to teach the people or the fruitfull vse of this knowledge for the instruction of the people for of him is required not onely the facultie but also the function not onely that hee hath knowledge in the braine but also in his lips not onely that he hath light in himselfe but also that he giueth light to others not onely that he know the way to Gods kingdome but also that he informe those committed to his charge in this way Here therefore is first condemned the ignorance and insufficiencie of the Minister whereby hee is vtterly disabled for the performing of his dutie in teaching the people the which is a haynous sin in Gods sight as may appeare by these reasons first in that they thrust themselues into this great worke of the Ministery being altogether vnfurnished of those gifts which should fit them for this function for aboue all other things it is required in a Minister that he be fit to teach 1. Tim. 3. 2. and Tim. 2. 2 but these cannot teach others being themselues ignorant 1. Tim. 3. 2. 2. Tim. 2. 2. Mat. 5. 14. Gods true ministers are the Light of the world Math. 5. 14. appointed by God to illuminate those who sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death Luk. 1. 77. 78. but these men wanting the light of knowledge in themselues cannot giue Luk. 1. 77. 78 light vnto others and so they sit both together in the shadow of death if then they who should be the light are darknesse how great is that darknes Mat. 6. 23. The minister in the Church is as the eye in the body and the knowledge Mat. 6. 23. of the Minister as the sight in the eye such Ministers then as want knowlege they are starke blinde as the Lord himselfe plainely concludeth Esay 56. 10. Their watchmen are blinde Esay 56. 10. they haue no knowledge and consequently when these are in stead of guides then the blinde doe lead the blinde and so they fall both into the pit as our Sauiour speaketh Mat. 15. 14. Mat. 15. 14. The Ministers are the mouth of God vnto the people and the mouth of the people vnto God but these men are dumbe and cannot speake they are the messengers of the Lord of hoasts Mal. 2. 7. Hag. 1. 13. by whose ambassage there is peace concluded and reconciliation made betweene God Mal. 2. 7. Hag. 1. 13. and man 2 Cor. 5. 18. 20. but these men are altogether vnfit for these offices seeing they cannot doe their message 2 Cor. 5. 18. 20 nor deliuer their ambassage
comming out of the Egyptian seruitude which is fitly compared to the birth and infancie of the Church as before I haue shewed in vers 3. and therefore the words following are added exegetic●s by way of exposition plainly expressing what is meant by the time of her childhood namely the day when she ascended out of the land of Egypt The meaning therfore of these words is this that as the people of Israel after their deliuerance out of the Egyptian bondage and after that they enioyed Gods manifold blessings in the valley of Achor did reioyce before the Lord and expressed their ioy by singing his praises so the true Israel of God in the time of the Gospell after they are deliuered out of the spirituall bondage of sin and Satan and are made partakers of all Gods manifold blessings both spirituall and temporall being filled not onely with ioy but also with thankfulnes hauing nothing else to returne to the Lord for all his benefits they burst foorth into praises and thanksgiuings The time or place when the Church shall performe this dutie is expressed in this word there whereby is signified that they shall thus reioyce and praise God in the valley of Achor whilest they were in the vineyards which God had giuen them Where hee alludeth to the custome of grape-gathers in ancient time who whilest they gathered their grapes and trode in the Wine-presse sang praises vnto God vnto which custome the Prophet alludeth Esa 16. 10. wherby Esa 16. 10. is signified that great should be the Churches alacritie in praising God so as she should not defer this dutie or slothfully goe about it but euen in the fruition of Gods benefits she shall be so filled with ioy and comfort that not being able to containe her selfe she shall presently burst foorth into his praises and that not after a vulgar manner as those who haue receiued ordinarie benefits but like vnto those who are raised from death to life from sorrow and miserie to all ioy and happinesse And so much for the meaning of the words The doctrines The Do ∣ ctrines hence to be obserued are these First here wee learne that after the Lord hath allured vs and spoken vnto our hearts by We must labour after true conuersion if we would enioy Gods benefits his word and Spirit that is after that he hath conuerted and brought vs to repentance and giuen vnto vs inward comfort peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost then doth hee giue vnto vs further assurance of his loue and our reconciliation by multiplying vpon vs not only corporall but also spirituall benefits Whence we learne first that if wee desire to be made partakers of Gods temporall benefits we doe aboue all things labour after true conuersion and to feele the kingdome of Iesus Christ erected in our hearts and the inward ioy and comfort of Gods Spirit and then will the Lord also giue vs vineyards and the valley of Achor that is abundance of his benefits not only sufficient for our necessarie sustenance but also for our honest delight according to that Matth. 6. 33. Matth. 6. 33. Yea but the faithfull sometimes want these things I answer if the Lord withdraw temporall benefits in stead of them he bestoweth more excellent gifts euen his spirituall graces faith hope patience c. as appeareth in the example of Iob. And though they haue no superfluitie yet they haue sufficiencie which they enioy with great comfort and contentation for either the Lord fitteth their state to their mindes or their mindes to their state as appeareth in the example of the people of God fed daily with Manna and water springing out of the rocke of Elias fed with Rauens of the poore widow sustained by her cruise of oyle and handfull of meale Yea and how little soeuer the faithfull haue yet are they better prouided for then the wicked in the middest of all their abundance for this may faile bee spent or taken away but Gods prouidence will neuer faile in prouiding for his neither will the fountaine of his bountie bee euer drie although it doe not at all times flow alike plentifully and with a full streame Psal 37. 16. 17. Psal 37. 16. 17 Our graces no cause of our conuersiō Againe whereas vnder these vineyards and valley of Achor are promised not only corporall benefits but also spiritual graces hence we learne that we are first allured and conuerted before these gifts of Gods Spirit are bestowed vpon vs and therefore our inward graces and vertues are no causes mouing the Lord to conuert and call vs but effects of our vocation neither doth the Lord allure and call vs because we are furnished with these graces but he therefore furnisheth vs with them because he hath called vs Rom. 8. 30. Rom 8. 30. And lastly from hence we learne not to expect full assurance of Gods loue and our reconciliation all at once but Full assurance of Gods loue not to be expected all at once by one degree after another for first God allureth vs and then speaketh comfortably vnto vs by his word and Spirit assuring vs that wee are his children the which assurance is more and more confirmed when he giueth vnto vs the portion of his children his spirituall graces and temporall benefits Secondly we may here obserue that howsoeuer the Lord God mingleth benefits with crosses giueth vnto the faithfull plentie of vineyards the valley of Achor that is innumerable benefits both spirituall and temporall yet not without the mixture of many crosses and calamities For as long as wee are in this life our prosperitie is mingled with affliction our ioy with sorrow and so long as we are but in the borders of our heauenly Canaan this valley of pleasure shall be vnto vs also Achor that is the valley of trouble partly in regard of our treacherous flesh which being allured with vnlawfull pleasures and profits doth moue vs to offend God whereby we are hindred in our iourney towards our heauenly countrie and wanting the feeling of our assurance of attaining to our eternall rest wee are turmoyled with feare and doubting and afflicted with much sorrow and heauinesse of spirit and partly in respect of those cruell assaults which the cursed Cananites the world and the diuell make against vs wherewith we are sometimes foiled and alwaies troubled But yet wee are not hereby to be discouraged for the Lord will giue a good issue to all our trials and in the end will grant vnto vs a glorious victorie ouer all our enemies and changing this valley of trouble into a valley of triumph will so bring vs into full possession of our heauenly Canaan where wee shall obtaine comfort without mixture of affliction ioy without sorrow and eternall rest from the assaults of all our enemies When as then wee are in any affliction let vs remember that though the Lord for a time seeme to frowne vpon vs yet in the end
thankfulnesse of the faithfull Yea in truth so much our ioy and thankfulnesse should exceed theirs as the greatnes of the benefit of our spirituall deliuerance out of the miserable captiuitie of sin and Satan exceedeth the deliuerance of the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt We must then reioyce and be as thankfull as those ought to bee who haue passed from death to life from the greatest miserie to the highest happines and are exalted from being the firebrands of hell to be the sonnes of God and heires of heauen ANd so much cōcerning the second benefit In the third place the Lord promiseth that he will giue grace to his Church and people that they shall embrace his pure worship and seruice and abolish all idolatrie and superstition in these words Vers 16. And at that day saith the Lord you Vers 16. 17. shall call me Ishi and shall call me no more Baali Vers 17. For I will take away the names of Baali out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembred by their names In which words the Lord The exposition promiseth two things first that hee will restore his sincere worship secondly that he will roote out all idolatrie The former in these words And at that day saith the Lord shall you call me Ishi Where is set downe first the time when the Church should performe this dutie and secondly the dutie it selfe The time in these words And at that day that is when the Lord hath effectually called her spoken comfortablie vnto her and multiplied his benefits vpon her then should she in loue and thankfulnes shew her selfe zealous in offering vnto God his pure worship and in abolishing all reliques of idolatrie The dutie which the Lord promiseth she shall performe is that she shall call him Ishi that is my husband where the Lord alludeth to the couenant which is made betweene him and his Church wherein the Lord promiseth that she shall be his spouse and she promiseth that she will acknowledge the Lord alone to be her husband and performe all duties of a wife vnto him As though he should say Howsoeuer in former times thou hast run after thy louers yet when I haue called and conuerted thee thou shalt remember the couenant of mariage betweene vs made and so forsaking thy idols thou shalt acknowledge and professe that I alone am thy husband Now whereas he saith that she shall call him Ishi we are first hereby to vnderstand that the Church mindfull of her couenant shall embrace him as her only husband not verbally alone or with an idle shew but in deed and truth behauing her selfe towards him as it becommeth the Lords spouse that is first in generall she shall worship and serue him purely and sincerely according to his will more specially that she shall obserue coniugall fidelitie loue him aboue all depend vpon him alone with a true affiance for all blessings and call vpon his name the which dutie is implied in the text for it is not said she shall call me husband but Ishi O my husband namely inuocating his name by prayer Secondly he sheweth here that the Church shall not only internally worship the Lord as her only husband in Spirit and truth but also that she shall outwardly make profession hereof which is implied in that he saith shee shall call him husband and not onely acknowledge him so to bee in her heart and mind And this is the first dutie which the Lord promiseth that the Church shall performe The other is that as she should be carefull to aduance his pure worship so she should shew the like zeale in abolishing all reliques of idolatrie signified in these words And thou shalt call me no more Baali or O my Baal that is As I would not haue thee to ioine idols with me in my worship so I would not haue thee to worship and call vpon me in an idol or after an idolatrous maner but in spirit and truth purely sincerely Where the Lord sheweth first that the Church shall not only worship him but also that she should worship him alone and renounce all her idols and false gods Secondly that she shall not worship him after an idolatrous manner in images and idols as it was the manner of the Israelites who worshipped God in the idoll Baal as appeareth in this place but shall come vnto him immediatly and not by a substitute or inferiour patron and call vpon him who is a Spirit spiritually and not in an image But the image of Baal being abolished why would not the Lord be called vpon by the name of Baal seeing it signifieth a god lord or patron and sometime also a husband as well as Ish I answere the Lord would be called Ish rather then Baal first because Baal being a name of empire and dominion brought with it some seruile feare the other name Ish signifying properly a husband offereth nothing to our consideration but loue fidelitie grace and protection and therefore the Lord refuseth the former name in the time of the Gospell as being too austere sauouring only of authoritie and Lordship and will be called by the amiable name of Ish or husband to shew that he hath renewed his couenant is reconciled to his Church and is now become most louing and gratious vnto her The second cause which I take to be the more principall is that he might hereby shew his detestation of idolatrie in that hee would not endure to bee called by the name of an idoll though otherwise good in it owne signification And this his detestation he further sheweth when as he saith that they should bee so farre from worshipping idols or him in them that they should not so much as name them Vers 17. For I will take away the names of Baali out of her mouth c. Vers 17. Where is set downe who it is that thus purgeth the Church from all the relikes of idolatrie namely the Lord himselfe I will take away Secondly the manner or degree how it must be purged to wit from all the relikes of idolatrie and superstition so that it shall not be lawfull for the people of God so much as to name an idoll vnlesse it bee as they name the diuell with hatred and detestation The like places vnto this we haue Exod. 23. 13. Ye shall make no mention of the name of Exod. 23. 13. Deut. 12. 2. 3. other gods neither shall it be heard out of thy mouth Deut. 12. 3. Ye shall vtterly destroy all the places wherein the nations which ye shall possesse serued their gods vpon the high mountaines c. 3. Ye shall hew downe the grauen images of their gods and abolish their names out of that place An example whereof wee haue in Dauid Psal 16. 4. 5. Their offerings of blood will I not offer nor make mention of their names with my lips Psal 16. 4. 5. Thirdly hee expresseth the end why hee would not haue them so much
vnto which wee are preferred so behaue our selues as beseemeth our high place and calling A Prince will not seruilely drudge for day wages nor sell his honor for a small trifle nor set his minde vpon base obiects no more should we who by vertue of this royall mariage are called to higher honour then the whole world affoordeth spend our sweate and labour to obtaine vncertaine richer and filthie pleasures wee should not dimme our glorie and impeach our honour by behauing our selues like the slaues of sinne and Satan nor affect with the highest pitch of our desires worldly toyes and base trifles seeing things of farre greater excellencie are reserued for vs. Lastly as hereby wee may be put in minde of our honour We must performe coniugall duties vnto Christ and dignitie so also of our dutie namely that being married vnto Christ wee labour to performe vnto him all duties required of a good wife seeing he is wanting in nothing which belongeth vnto a most gratious and kinde husband that is let vs loue him aboue all the world and shew our loue by our readinesse to lay downe our liues for his sake who is our louing husband seeing he hath laid down his for vs euen whilest wee were his enemies Let vs yeeld vnto him voluntarie and absolute obedience and submit our selues to bee ruled and guided by his word and Spirit Let vs keepe our coniugall fidelitie reseruing our selues pure and vndefiled as from all other sinnes so especially from idolatrie and superstition Let vs who haue communion both in Christ and all his benefits not grudge to giue our selues and the best things we haue vnto him for the aduancement of his glorie and the furthering of his worship and seruice especially let vs giue vnto him our hearts which he so much desireth Let vs reuerence him as our heauenly husband fearing his displeasure as the greatest euill and mourning for no losse so much as for the losse of his fauour Let vs rest wholly relie on his prouidence for the supplie of all our wants and for protection from all dangers In a word let vs labour to performe all duties which belong to such a husband and to deck our selues with all graces which may make vs appeare amiable in his sight and so wee shall confirme our selues in this assurance that we are espoused vnto Christ and shal be made partakers not only of himselfe but also of all his benefits And these are the doctrines which are to be obserued out Nothing can frustrate the couenant betweene God and vs. of the contract it selfe Now follow those which arise out of the adiuncts and properties of this mariage and first out of the perpetuitie thereof Where first wee may obserue to our singular comfort that it is impossible for any thing whatsoeuer to breake off the couenant betweene God and vs or to make a separation after hee hath once contracted vs to himselfe in this holy mariage nor all our spirituall enemies Satan the world the flesh nor all the power of hell ioyned together no nor yet our owne sinnes past present or to come for the Lord hath here promised that he will espouse vs vnto himselfe for euer Who therefore would not labour with his whole endeuour to attaine vnto this most honourable estate accompanied with such inestimable benefits seeing they are infinitely more excellent in their owne nature then all the glorie and riches of the world and besides they are eternall and neuer to be taken from vs. He that is in honour to day may be in disgrace to morrow he that is now rich may within a while be brought to extreame pouertie but who so is aduanced to this spirituall honour of being espoused vnto God shall neuer be depriued of it neither in this life nor in the life to come Secondly seeing the vnion betweene Christ and vs is perpetuall seeing the bonds of this vnion is the Spirit of God and a true and liuely faith hence we learne that Gods Spirit and this faith after we are married vnto Christ shall neuer be taken from vs for then the mariage bonds being broken the mariage also should bee dissolued which is contrarie to the promise of God in this place And these are the things to be obserued out of the perpetuitie Whosoeuer are married vnto Christ are made righteous of this mariage Out of the properties and conditions thereof we may further note these instructions First whereas the Lord promiseth that hee will espouse the Church in righteousnes hence we learne that whosoeuer are maried vnto Christ they are also made righteous that is they are not only clothed with the wedding garment of Christs righteousnesse imputed vnto them by which they are iustified in Gods sight but also are made righteous by the sanctification of his Spirit dwelling in them the which their righteousnes consisteth in the integritie and vprightnes of their hearts and in their earnest and sincere desire and endeauour to performe obedience vnto Gods Commandements the which their obedience is in this life mingled with manifold infirmities and imperfections but shal become perfect in the life to come Secondly we learne that though this righteousnesse bee Our righteousnesse constant and perpetuall weake and imperfect yet shall it be perpetuall euen as our mariage with Christ is perpetuall and eternall And therefore although wee must worke out our saluation with feare and trembling and labour earnestly to haue this our righteousnes more and more strengthned and increased yet when we feele our slow progresse in the pathes of righteousnes and finde it mingled with our great corruptions and imperfections like a few graines of corne in a heape of chaffe let vs not be vtterly discouraged as fearing lest this little sparke of righteousnes will be altogether quenched with the floud of our corruptions seeing the Lord hath promised that as this his couenant of mariage with vs shall bee perpetuall so also that it shall for euer continue in righteousnes c. Thirdly whereas the Lord promiseth that he will marrie Our righteousnesse is not the cause of our vnion with Christ his Church in righteousnes not by chusing her being righteous but by making her righteous being chosen hence we learne that our owne righteousnes is not the cause of this holy and happie vnion but that this vnion is the cause of our righteousnes for after we are vnited vnto Christ by the Spirit of God then this Spirit dwelling in vs doth applie vnto vs the vertue of Christs death which purgeth vs from not only the guilt and punishment of sin but also from the corruption power and dominion thereof and the vertue of his resurrection whereby wee also are raised from the death of sinne to holines and newnes of life And this notablie appeareth Ezech. 16. 8. 9. 10. 11. c. Ezech. 16. 8. 9. Secondly whereas the Lord saith that he will marrie his Church in iudgement hence we learne that whosoeuer
princes of Iudah are as they that remoue the Land-mark Ioh. 1. 14. And we saw the glory thereof as the glory of the onely begotten sonne Where he aggrauateth their sinne shewing that they were not onely impatient of reproofe but which was more they contended with their teachers and rebuked those by whom they were rebuked So that they were not onely impatient to heare any reprehension but also were growne so insolent and impudent in their sinnes that they durst defend them against their reprouers and were ready to challenge them that they more offended in censuring their faults then themselues in committing them And this is signified by this phrase of rebuking the priest where by Priest we are to vnderstand all whosoeuer haue a lawful calling from god to deliuer his word whether Priest Prophet or other Ministers but he maketh mention of the Priest because ordinarily to him was committed the office of teaching exhorting and comforting Gods people as also of rebuking accusing and condemning the obstinate and rebellious Now this did exceedingly aggrauate their sins in that they durst thus insolently presumptuously oppose themselues against Gods Priests returning reproofe for reproofe and inverting and peruerting Gods owne order and ordinance who appointed the Priests in the Ministerie of the Word to rebuke their sins and that freely without checke and controulement for their just reprehensions The which insolencie and presumption was to be punished by the law of God euen with death it selfe as appeareth Deut. 17. 11. 12. And Deut. 17. 11. 12. Num 1● this the Lord himselfe inflicted vpon Corah his associates Numb 16. The reason is because this contempt is not offered onely against the Minister but against God himselfe and his ordinance as our Sauiour hath taught vs. Mat. 10. 14. Mat. 10. 14. 15. Luke 10. 16. 15. Luke 10. 16. Examples of this sin we haue not onely in this place but also in many others where the people haue not only contended with their teachers but euen persecuted them for their reprehensions So Iere. 18. 18. Come let vs imagine some deuise Ier. 18. 18. against Ieremie c. Let vs smite him with the tongue and let vs not giue heede to any of his words Amos. 7. 10. Amos. 7. 10. 11 12. 13. 11. 12. 13. And this is the meaning of the words The doctrines The doctrines which arise out of them are these first we may obserue that That it is a signe of Gods wrath when he stoppeth the mouthes of his Ministers it is a signe of Gods heauy displeasure and approaching vengeance and that his purpose is to giue ouer such vnto a reprobate sense to runne on in their sinnes without hope of amendment to eternall perdition when as hee stoppeth the mouthes of his faithfull seruants and will not suffer them to reproue and reprehend them for their sinnes so here when he was determined to punish the Israelites with Captiuitie he restraineth his Prophets from rebuking and reprehending them though they abounded in all sinne And Ezech. Ezech. 3. 26. 3. 26. because the people were desperately giuen ouer to worke wickednesse hee stoppeth the Prophets mouth and forbiddeth him to rebuke them When the Scribes and Pharisies shewed their malicious spite against Christ and his truth our Sauiour would not instruct them but in Parables and restraineth his Disciples from reprouing them for their malicious forwardnesse Mat. 15. 14. Let them alone they Mat. 15. 14. be the blinde leaders of the blinde c. The reason hereof is first because hee would not haue his seruants loose their labour in admonishing and reprouing those who are so resolute in their wickednesse that there is no hope of amendement And secondly because he is purposed to let them perish in their sinnes and therefore restraineth them of the meanes whereby they might escape his judgements or else so giueth them ouer to the hardnesse of their hearts that they doe not profit by them as we may see in the example of Pharaoh and Elies sonnes 1 Sam. 2. 25. And Amaziah 1 Sam. 2. 25. 2 Chron. 25. 16. 2 Chro. 25. 16. The vse hereof serueth first to perswade all that are themselues Christian rebukes necessary religious that they be ready to reproue and admonish all their brethren of their sinnes if they see any hope of reformation for hereby they shall performe a worke most charitable in stopping them in their course of sinne whereby they incurre Gods wrath and runne headlong to their owne perdition and this duetie is injoyned Leu. 19. 17. Leu. 19. 17. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart but thou shalt plainely rebuke him and not suffer him to sinne Iam. 5. 19. 20. Iam. 5. 19. 20. Which who so performes shall be blessed Pro. 14. 25. Vnto Pro. 24. 25. him that rebuketh the sinner shall bee pleasure and vpon them shall come the blessing of goodnesse Secondly it teacheth all with patience to heare the word We must patiently heare the word of reprehension of admonion and reprehension when they offend and not onely patiently but also thankfully seeing it is a meanes to restraine from vs Gods wrath heauie judgements It is a potion which howsoeuer it is bitter yet it helpeth to purge away the grose humours of sinne and preserueth from eternall death It is a corrasiue indeed but yet profitable because it draweth out the core of our corruptions It may bee displeasant at first when we are awaked out of the sweet sleep of carnall securitie but wee shall haue little cause to be offended with him that hath rouzed vs vp seeing this sleepe endeth in death Thirdly it sheweth the extreame folly of those who rage The folly of such who rage against those who reproue them against Gods Ministers when they reproue and reprehend them for their sinnes thinking themselues neuer worse then when they are vnder the censure of the word and neuer better at ease then when they may sleepe securely in their sins without reproofe Such are sicke of the spirituall Lethargie they delight in this easie sleepe that bringeth death and cannot indure to be rouzed vp though it be the onely meanes to preserue life and recouer health And howsoeuer they seem so wise in their owne conceits that they need no admonition yet let them know that wisedome it selfe calleth them fooles Pro. 12. 1. Though they hould their owne course to be best Pro. 12 1. yet they are wanderers out of the way of life Prou. 10. 17. Pro. 10. 17. Though they thinke them selues secure and safe yet they are branded to destruction Pro. 29. 1. As appeareth in Pro. 29. 1. the example of Hophni and Phinehas 1 Sam. 2. 25. Who 1. Sam. 2. 25. are said not to haue harkened to their fathers admonition because God would slay them The second thing to bee obserued is that it is a matter of That it is extreamly
mercy we injoy in that we are the Church of God and haue his word and Sacraments amongst vs. For if we securely rest in these titles and priuiledges and thinke it sufficient that we haue the kingdome of God amongst vs but bring forth no fruits of it nor liue like his subjects but the vassals of Sathan this kingdome shall likewise be taken from vs and giuen to a nation which will bring forth the fruits thereof If we continue in our sinnes loose our first loue and will not repent and amend our Candlestick shall be remoued if wee remaine stubbornely rebellious and will not endure admonition and rebuke the Lord will destroy our mother as here he threatneth the Israelites and make vs like the Churches of the Iewes and Asia Secondly it serueth for the confutation of the Papists The Church of Rome no true Church of God who invest their mother the Church of Rome in the royall ornaments of her ancesters grace her with their titles and priuiledges and aduance her aboue others in the glorious chaire of antiquitie But seeing she hath fallen from her first loue and repenteth not seeing she hath voluntarily excluded her selfe out of Christs kingdome and will not indure to be gouerned by the scepter of his word but hath seruilely submitted her selfe to Antichrist and is content to take his marke and beare his yoke seeing she hath banished out of her Gods pure worship the ministerie of his word and hath wholy corrupted and depraued his Sacraments and now worshippeth Idols Saints Angels their breadden God of the Aulter and if they worship the true God at all yet not according to his word but after their owne wils in humaine inuentions and traditions and seeing they are so desperately resolued to continue in these their sinnes that they will here of no admonition but rebuke their reprouers yea persecute vnto the death all that labour to reclaime them it is hereby manifest that long agoe they are ceased to be the spouse of Christ and are now become an infamous harlot euen the whoore of Babilon they are no more the Church of God but the Sinagogue of Sathan and slaues of Antichrist For if the Church of Israell who had Gods law couenant promises and all royall prerogatiues ceased to bee the Church when as they did wholy degenerate and abandoned Gods pure worship and if those famous Churches mentioned in the new testament planted by the Apostles themselues making the like apostacy were subiect to the same punishment then what can priuiledge the apostate Church of Rome which is wholy degenerate from her ancestours both in puritie of doctrine and holynesse of manners and conuersation from the like fearefull judgement seeing she hath matched them yea and exceeded them all in desperate and audatious wickednesse ANd so much concerning the second bill of inditement and the sentence thereto annexed Now followeth the third bill and sentence which from the 6. verse to the 11. verse are intermixed one with the other wherein hee inditeth accuseth and condemneth the whole body of the Church and common wealth both priests and people and this he doth first joyntly and after more particularly he setteth downe both the sinnes and punishments of the Priests and people But I will speake of them as they lie in order Verse 6. My people are destroyed for want of knowledge Verse 6 Because thou hast refused knowledge I will also refuse thee that thou shalt bee no Priest to mee and seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God I will also forget thy children In which Exposition words he doth more particularly exaggerate that sinne of omission whereof he accuseth them verse 1. namely that there was no knowledge of God in the land by shewing that not onely the people but also the priests who should instruct them were vtterly destitute of this knowledge and withall specifieth Gods reall controuersie and particular punishments which he was purposed to inflict vpon them In handling whereof we will first consider of their sinne and then of their punishment Their sinne and punishment are joyntly expressed in these words My people are destroyed for want of knowledge Their sinne was want of knowledge or ignorance of God and his true Religion the which sinne did lye heauie both vpon the Priests and people vpon the Priests not onely in that they were culpable of the same ignorance of which he speaketh afterwards but also as they were causes of the peoples ignorance and consequently accessary to their destruction For whereas they were bound by Gods law and ordinance to instruct the people in the knowlegde of God and his true religion for which they had great honour and large maintenance allowed them they seazing vpon the reward and wages vtterly neglected the duty either through their owne ignorance because they could not or through their idlenesse or maliciousnesse whereby they would not informe them in the knowledge of Gods truth but suffered them to run headlong to their destruction So likewise this sinne of Ignorance did lye heauy vpon the people for howsoeuer the Priests vtterly neglected their duety in teaching and instructing them yet the people were not hereby excused First because they willingly suffered themselues to bee hud-winckt by their Priests and were contented to be nuzled in ignorance by these blinde guides chusing rather to goe on securely in their sinnes without admonition or reproofe then to be troubled by any meanes in their euil courses Secondly because though the Priests neglected their duetie yet they had Gods Prophets sent vnto them to informe them in the knowledge of gods truth whom they despised and refused to heare as hath beene shewed Thirdly in that they had the word and Law of God written deliuered vnto them out of which through painfull reading and meditation they might haue attained vnto some knowledge So that their case was vnlike the case of the Gentiles who had onely the light of nature and so remained in ignorance because they wanted the meanes of sauing knowledge whereas they had the law and oracles of God committed vnto them the which were faithfully expounded vnto them by Gods Prophets but they neglected the reading of the Law and contemned the admonitions and instructions of the Prophets and so were ignorant because they would be ignorant and loued the darknesse of errour better then the light of Gods truth And this is Emphatically implyed whereas the Lord doth say not the people but my people that is this my people with whom I haue made my Couenant and vnto whom I haue giuen my Law and sent my Prophets to instruct them in my truth euen they are destroyed for want of knowledge The punishment inflicted both vpon Priests and people is destruction whereby we are to vnderstand not onely that temporarie destruction of their body state and country by their enimies but also their spirituall and euerlasting destruction both of body and soule for as it is eternall life to Iohn 17. 3. know God his sonne and true Religion so it bringeth eternall death to
bee no remedie as it is said Chro. 36. 14. 2. Chro. 36. 14 The vse hereof serueth first to confute the practise of the Brownists who leaue and forsake the Church of Christ for some small spots and little wrinkles their Ministers refusing to preach and the people to heare in our congregations But herein they nothing resemble the Lord whose children they would seeme to be who when the Church of Israel had made a feareful apostasie from Gods true religion and was wholly defiled with superstition idolatrie and all wickednesse and obstinately continued in these sinnes notwithstanding the manifold and continuall meanes which the Lord vsed to call them to repentance yet still hee sendeth his Prophets vnto them to teach admonish and reproue them that they might be brought to amendment and when as they desperately perseuered in sinne and were now past all hope of recouerie he causeth his Prophet to admonish the Iewes to auoid their sinnes and punishments when as their state also was exceedingly corrupted Secondly it serueth for our comfort and incouragement The Lord hath mercy in store for those who forsake their euill waies if that now at the length we will forsake our euill waies and take hold of the meanes of our conuersion whilest God offereth them vnto vs. For howsoeuer wee are sunke deepe in our rebellion and haue many waies prouoked Gods wrath continuing in our sinnes notwithstanding the Lord hath afforded vs such plentifull meanes to bring vs to amendment yet if now wee will begin a new course and consecrate our selues to the seruice of God there is assured hope of pardon For yet the Lord waiteth that hee may haue mercie vpon vs Esa 30. 68. yet he patiently granteth vnto vs the meanes of our conuersion and wee may assure our selues that if hee be so gratious when as wee obstinately perseuere in sinne hee will be much more mercifull if we turne vnto him by true repentance But on the other side if wee contemne so great a mercie of God we shall haue a more fearefull iudgement laid vpon vs for laesa patientia furor the greater Gods patience is which wee despise the more furious reuenge hee will take on vs in the day of his visitation Rom. 2. 4. 5. The second thing to be obserued is that Gods Ministers Rom. 2. 4. 5. ought not to surcease their paines in their Ministerie though The Ministers must not surcease their paines in the Ministerie they plainly discerne that the estate of the people committed to their charge is altogether desperate and past hope of recouerie For though there were no apparance of hope at home yet he is painfully to persist in the worke of the Ministerie that hee may conuert those who are abroad and want the preaching of the word that so hee may helpe to gather those into the Church which are elected and increase the number of the faithfull as much as in him lieth So when the Israelites to whom our Prophet was sent were past cure he laboureth to conuert the Iewes vnto God And so when the Iewes desperately refused the meanes of their conuersion and saluation the Apostles ceased not their labours but turned to the Gentiles and by their painfull preaching endeuoured to conuert them vnto the faith For howsoeuer our hearers profit not there is a necessitie that lieth vpon vs and a fearefull woe denounced against vs if we preach not the Gospell 1. Cor. 9. 16. Whatsoeuer bee the successe of our labours wee 1. Cor. 9. 16. are charged as wee will answere it before God and before the Lord Iesus Christ which shall iudge the quicke and the dead at his appearing that we preach the word and be instant in season and out of season and that wee improue rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine 2. Tim. 4. 1. 2. Whether the people 2. Tim. 4. 1. 2. will heare vs or no we must tell them of their sinnes and giue them warning of Gods approching iudgements and then though they die in their sinnes yet wee haue discharged our dutie and shall saue our owne soules Ezech. 33. 7. 8. 9. Ezech. 33 7 8 9. Those reprooued who surcease their paines in the Ministerie The vse hereof serueth to reprooue those who surcease their paines in the worke of the Ministerie because they cannot see the fruite of their labours but contrariwise finde that the more diligently they preach vnto their people the more obstinately they contemne the meanes of their saluation lothe the food of their soules and persist in their impenitencie For the neglect of other mens duties must not be an argument to make vs neglect ours but rather should make vs more earnest in the worke of the Ministerie Neither doe we know whom nor when the Lord will call the Spirit bloweth where it listeth and when it listeth and the Lord who hath the hearts of all in his hand can make those who were lions Esa 11. and beares and wolues yesterday to become this day gentle as lambes innocent as doues and of mockers of his word he can make zealous conuerts of persecuting Saul a preaching Act. 2. 13. 37. Act. 9. Paul Besides though they had certaine assurance that they should neuer conuert a soule of those people which are committed to them nor build vp any one in the faith of Christ yet are they not discharged of their worke nor hereby haue receiued a priuiledge of idlenesse seeing when these who haue often heard them doe obstinately stop their eares there are perhaps others who would willingly haue the benefit of their Ministerie And though there were not yet must we preach the word euen when wee are assured that it is the sauour of death vnto death because the Lord who hath set vs on worke and will surely pay vs our wages is as well glorified by executing iustice against obstinate sinners as by shewing mercie to those who are by his word moued to repentance and amendment of life The third thing to be obserued is that as al men had need The danger of euill neighbourhood to be admonished of their waies in the ministerie of the word so especially those which liue neere vnto wicked and vngodly neighbours who by their manifold inducements allurements and euill examples are alwaies readie to seduce them out of the way of righteousnesse into the way of sinne For this was the case of the people of the Iewes in this place who being themselues corrupted had the wicked Israelites for their neighbours who by all meanes were ready to draw them more and more from God into the bywaies of sin and wickednesse and therefore the Lord thought it good and necessarie to stop them in these euill courses not only by the admonitions of their owne Prophets who were purposely sent vnto them but also causeth our Prophet who was sent to the Israelites to admonish them to beware of being corrupted by their euill example So when the
we are defiled and deformed with the foule and filthy spots of our transgressions we should be as carefull to applie vnto vs the precious blood of Christ by a liuely faith that thereby being cleansed and purged we may be restored to our former beautie and perfection Fourthly we may here obserue that when a people professing Those who will not serue God shall be made slaues to their enemies religion doe cast off the yoke of Gods gouernment and in the pride and stubbornesse of their hearts contemne all meanes of their conuersion then the iudgements of God lie waiting at the dore and are readie to enter vpon them and because they will not submit themselues to be ruled by the scepter of Gods kingdome he will thrust them from vnder his protection cause them to be led into captiuitie and suffer their enemies to tyrrannize insult ouer them So in this place because the Israelites were become like vnrulie Heifers and would not beare the yoke of Gods gouernement he threatneth that they should become the captiues and slaues of their enemies and vnder their tyrannical thraldome indure manifold miseries and calamities Many examples might be brought to cleare this point In the time of the Iudges when the people rebelled against the Lord contemned his word and denied him their seruice and allegeance hee gaue them ouer into the hands of their enemies as the Canaanites Midianites Philistines and diuers others When the Iewes would not serue the Lord their soueraigne King hee made them serue tyrannicall Lords in a strange countrie both before and since the comming of Christ When Manasses and Zedechias would not regard the word of the Lord but persecuted his Prophets and made warre as it were against Heauen the Lord pulled downe their pride and broke their stubborne and rebellious hearts with the manifold calamities of a miserable captiuitie And this is that which the Lord threatneth against the rebellious potentates of the earth who in furious rage combined themselues against the kingdome of Iesus Christ namely that he would vexe them in his sore displeasure and because they would not be ruled by the scepter of his word he would crash them with his scepter of yron and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell Psalm 2. 2. 5. 9. So our Psal 2. 2. 5. 9. Sauiour Christ hath taught vs that those his enemies who had shaken off the yoke of his gouernement and would not let him raigne ouer them should be haled into his presence and slaine before his face Luk. 19. 27. Luk. 19. 27. And surely this is iust with God that those who deny vnto him their obedience and allegeance which is the Lords lawfull right both in respect of their creation continuall preseruation and of those manifold benefits which they haue receiued vnder his gouernement should be vsed as rebellious traitors and feele the extreamest rigour of his righteous lawes that those who will not bee ruled by the scepter of his word should be cut off with the sword of iustice and that they who will not serue their gracious Lord who richly rewardeth their imperfect seruice with the vnderserued wages of both temporall benefits in this life and eternall glorie in the life to come should in their bodies be yeelded vp to the tyrannicall gouernement of their insolent enemies who will reward their seruice with iniuries indignities and manifold calamities and both in bodie and soule become the vassals and slaues of sinne Satan the world and their owne vnrulie lusts whose wages is eternall death after a wretched and miserable life The vse hereof is that we labour to conforme our selues in holy obedience vnto the will of our heauenly King and submit our selues to be ruled by the scepter of his word and then he will keepe vs vnder his protection defend vs from the malice and furie of all our enemies and greatly inrich vs with his blessings and benefits Whereas on the other side if we deny vnto him our allegeance he will take no further charge of vs but will lay vs open to the common spoyle if we be proude he will finde meanes to humble vs if stubborne and vnrulie he will take a speedie course to tame and rule vs and if like vntamed heifers we shake off the yoke of his gouernement which is light and easie hee can hamper vs well enough by laying vpon our neckes the yron yoke of our tyrannical enemies which will gall vs not onely to the quicke but euen to the heart Lastly wee may here obserue how wretched and miserable The miserable estate of those who are thrust from vnder Gods protection their estate is who for their rebellious stubburnnesse are thrust from vnder Gods gouernement and protection For they shall be as a lambe in a large place that is as the poore lambe is in a most desperate condition which wandreth alone in some vast wildernesse without any sheepheard to tend defend him or damme to feed him in danger either of pining or of deuouring so alike wretched is their estate who for their stubburnnesse and vnrulinesse are thrust out of Christs sheepfold from vnder his gouernement and protection For whereas whilest they were at his guiding hee led them into his greene pastures feeding them with his sweete milke and pleasant grasse of his word and Sacraments now they are depriued of this food of their soules so spiritually pined and starued whereas he fenced them in and kept them from wandring with the strong hedges of his benefits and gentle chastisements now the fence being taken away they stray abroad and wander vp and downe in the desert of this world both pinched with want of all spirituall foode and exposed to all maner of desperate danger whereas whilest they were vnder his direction they were vnder his protection also who by his prouidence and power defended them from worldly wolues and beares and from that ramping and roaring Lion fierce red Dragon Satan who daily assailed and earnestly laboured to deuoure them now being disarmed of his assistance they lie open to the common spoile being altogether vnable either to slie away or make resistance And this was the state of the first rebellious sheepe our great grandfather Adam when as by his Gen. 3. 7. sinne he had made himselfe naked this was the case of the Lords flocke the people of Israel when as they also had Exod. 32. 25. made themselues naked by their idolatry whilest they were in the wildernesse and into this condition they often brought themselues in the time of the Iudges For howsoeuer whilest they serued the Lord they had prosperitie peace plentie of all things and were so hedged in on all sides that all their enemies could not hurt them yet when as they made a desection from vnder his gouernment and for their grieuous sinnes were disarmed of his protection how speedily did their enemies inuade them how sharply did they assault them and how easily did
19. and Esa 36. and 37. And secondly when as being led captiue into Babylon he moued Cyrus and Darius to haue compassion on them and to returne them againe into their owne Country And this is that which is meant by these benefits promised Doctrines Now the things which hence are to be obserued are All Gods benefits included vnder his mercy these First that he includeth all his benefits promised vnder the name of his mercy to note vnto vs that they doe not come vnto any by merit and desert but of free grace and Gods vndeserued goodnes for mercy doth not presuppose merit but rather misery both in regard of sinne and the punishment due vnto it And further to assure vs that if we haue Gods mercy and be in his fauour we shall neede no benefit either for our maintenance or else our defence and preseruation whereas on the otherside without this mercy we can haue no assurance of either Secondly we may obserue that he knitteth these two together Mercy the cause of saluation mercy and saluation and setteth mercy in the first place because it is the cause of saluation and the fountaine from which this streame of our deliuerance floweth Whence we learne that when the Lord saueth and deliuereth vs out of the hands of our enemies we doe not ascribe our deliuerance to our goodnesse workes or worthinesse but to Gods free mercy and vndeserued grace The third thing to be considered is the meanes whereby Exposition the Lord would saue them which are described first affirmatiuely by the Lord their God and after negatiuely where the false and insufficient meanes are remoued And will not saue them by bow c. Concerning the first by the Lord their God we are to vnderstand the true Messias Iesus Christ the eternall Iehoua Gen. 19. 24. with his Father and holy Spirit who onely saueth and deliuereth his Church out of the hands of their enemies and procureth for them eternall saluation and happinesse first as the meritorious cause for his sake and merits we haue saluation and all other benefits deriued vnto vs from God the Father who if he should behold vs out of his Sonne in our sinnes and corruptions would in stead of benefits heape vpon vs plagues and punishments and in stead of saluation would plunge vs into euerlasting death and destruction And secondly as the efficient cause of our saluation for the Father saueth vs but by his Son who is his strong power whereby he not onely created vs but also hath redeemed and saued vs. Moreouer he saith that he would saue them by the Lord their God rather then that he would saue them by himselfe to the end that he might hereby signifie not onely that the house of Iuda did make choyce of him the true God whom they worshipped and serued but also that he was not the God of the Israelites seeing they had forsaken him and betaken themselues to the worship of idols But here it may be demanded how this can be true that he was not the God of the Israelites but of the Iewes onely seeing he professeth himselfe to be the God of all the seed of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and also seeing the Israelites at this time professed that they serued him in their idols I answere that God accounteth himselfe to be no God vnto them who had refused him and that they had in truth refused him whatsoeuer shew and profession they made to the contrary when as they did not worship him after the prescript forme of his word but in hypocrisie and in idols not in his temple vnto which place hee had limited and restrained his publike worshippe but in groues and high places And this was the true meanes whereby he would saue them In the next place hee expresseth and remooueth the false and insufficient meanes of their saluation And will not saue them by bow nor by sword nor by battell by horses nor by horsemen As though hee should say Although they bee so weake poore and impotent as that they may appeare vnto themselues and others to lie open for a pray to their enemies yet this shall bee no meanes to hinder their saluation and deliuerance seeing my purpose is not to saue them by any power riches or meanes of their owne but by mine owne might which without all humane helpe is in it selfe omnipotent and omnisufficient Whereas then he saith that hee will not saue them by bow nor by sword c. his meaning is that hee would not saue them by their owne power and strength or by any humane and worldly meanes but that their deliuerāce should whollie come from and by himselfe the which accordingly was effected first in the reigne of Ezekias when as being inuaded with the mightie host of Senacharib hee caused his Angell to slay 185000. of their enemies and so without their owne bow sword or battell deliuered them And after that they were led captiue into Babylon he gaue thē grace in the eies of Cyrus and Darius and when otherwise they were altogether vnable by force to relieue themselues he caused their enemies in pitie and compassion to free them out of captiuitie and to restore them againe into their owne countrie Now the reason why the Lord excludeth all their owne strength and meanes was first to beate downe the pride and insolencie of the Israelites who thought it impossible that the house of Iuda in regard of their weakenesse pouertie and small number should bee deliuered out of their hands especially hauing combined themselues with the Syrians to worke their ouerthrow and secondly to strengthen the Iewes in the assurance of their deliuerance notwithstanding they saw no possible meanes in regard of humane power which was exceeding needfull considering that through our naturally corruptions we are readie to doubt of our deliuerance when as we are abandoned of outward helpes And this is the meaning of these words The doctrines which The doctrines from hence arise are these First wee may obserue that the 1. That we haue all benefits from God in and for Iesus Christ saluation of Gods Church and elect children and all other benefits which they receiue either spiritual or temporal is in and for Iesus Christ alone and not from their owne meanes nor for their own merits And this appeareth in this place where the Lord promiseth to saue the Iewes out of the hands of the enemies but not by their own means but in the Lord their God the promised Messiah And as this is true concerning our temporall deliuerances so especially concerning our eternall saluation for there is not saluation in any other c. Act. 4. 12. And he is able perfectly to saue all those who Acts 4. 12. Heb. 7. 25. come vnto God by him Heb. 7. 25. The vse hereof is that wee doe not with the Papists looke for saluation elsewhere not in our owne merits nor in the merits and intercession of Saints nor ascribe the
of Gods couenant but were as yet in about the sheepfold as appeareth Luk. 1. 68. 7. 16. and then the Israelites who by a certaine kind of right in regard of Gods promises made to their forefathers were to be gathered together and added to the Church and lastly the Gentiles who by occasion of their calling were together called with them as appeareth Rom. 1. 16. The time when they should be gathered was not present but to come and this is signified by the future tense here vsed that is not in the time of the Law but of the Gospell when the true Messias should be exhibited The person by whom this vnion should be made was not themselues who rather were ready more and more to wander and go astray but Iesus Christ their great and onely true shepheard and therefore he saith not that they should assemble themselues but that they should be gathered together namely by another that is Christ so Esai 11. 12. Hee shall set vp a signe to the Nations and assemble the dispersed Esay 11. 12. Israel and gather the dispersed Iuda from the foure corners of the world Iohn 10. 16. Other sheepe I haue also which Ioh. 10. 16. 11. 52. Eph. 2. 14. are not of this fold them also must I bring c. Iohn 11. 52. Eph. 2. 14. The meritorious cause of this vnion is the death and merits of Christ whereby both Iewes and Gentiles were reconciled vnto God and made his Church and family For he therefore died that by his death he might gather together in one the children of God which were scattered Iohn 11. 52. Iohn 11. 52. And Christ saith that if he were lift vp from the earth that is crucified he would draw all men vnto him so Eph. 2. 13. Eph. 2. 13. The meanes are either externall or internall Externall the preaching of the Gospell whereby we are called to the knowledge of Christ and the mystery of our redemption wrought by him Eph. 4. 11 12. He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets c. for the gathering together of Eph. 4. 11 12. the Saints Internall on Christs part is his holy Spirit on our part a true and liuely faith whereby we all are vnited vnto Christ our head and one with another as fellow members of the same body The manner of this collection is either spirituall or corporall and locall the spirituall vnion or gathering together is the communion of all the Saints when as they are vnited and knit together in one mysticall body in one spirit in one hope one Lord one faith one baptisme one God and Father as the Apostle speaketh Eph. 4. 4 5 6. And this vnion and collection Eph. 4. 4 5 6. is not hindered by distance of place seeing the spirit of God which is the bond of this vnion filleth all places and vniteth the faithfull of all countries and nations into one body whereof Christ is the head And this collection is here principally vnderstood The other is corporall and locall when as the Saints of God vnited in that spirituall vnion are also gathered together in the same place country and congregation the which of all the faithfull is exceedingly to be desired for the mutuall comfort and edification one of another which commeth vnto all them who being vnited by the same spirit and faith are also knit together in the same company and fellowshippe The Do ∣ ctrines And this is the meaning of these words The doctrines which arise from them are these First whereas the promises That we ought not to maligne the people of the Iewes of God concerning the gathering together of his Church are made both to the Iewes Israelites and Gentiles and vnto the Iewes in the first place Hence we learne to lay aside that antient enmity which is in worldly men towards that Nation and to loue those which are conuerted to the faith as brethren and likewise to pray for those which are not yet called that they may be added to the Church The malice of men towards this nation hath bin such that it is growne into a prouerbiall speech to hate one as they hate a Iew the which howsoeuer it is a iust iudgement of God vpon the Iewes for their obstinacy in their infidelity and vnthankfulnesse yet it is a sinne in them seeing this people haue in diuers respects deserued well at our hands in that they were for a long time together faithfull treasurers of Gods diuine oracles the Law and Prophets in that they were our mother Church vnto which wee were added from whom we haue receiued our light and knowledge and in that by their fall saluation is come vnto vs Gentiles Rom. 11. 11. And therefore Rom. 11. 11. let vs not boast our selues against the naturall branches who were branches of the wild Oliue tree For if God spared not them let vs take heede lest he also spare not vs Rom. 11. 21. Yea but will some say they crucified the Lord of life Rom. 11. 21. and therefore deserue to be hated of all I answer that we are rather to turne the edge of this hatred against our owne sinnes which were the principall cause of Christs death whereof they were but instruments and as it were our executioners Besides God in his exceeding mercy and goodnesse hath turned this their cruell fact to our exceeding good euen to the redemption and saluation of our bodies and soules and therefore if this were a sufficient cause to appease Iosephs anger towards his brethren because God turned their malice to all their good euen the aduancement of Ioseph Gen. 50. 20. and presetuation of their whole family then surely the like reason should pacifie our wrath towards our elder brethren the Iewes seeing God hath in his infinite goodnesse made their hatred and rage a meanes of our redemption and eternall saluation by Christs death and bloodshed Secondly we here obserue who is the chiefe and principall Christ principally gathereth vs into the Church cause of our gathering together into the Church namely our Sauiour Christ for we were like wandring sheep gone astray in the wildernesse of the world continually vnder the power and at the command of the spirituall wolfe Satan who at pleasure might pray vpon vs notwithstanding any resistance we were able to make out of which dangers we could by no meanes quit our selues seeing the eyes of our mindes were so blinded with ignorance that we could not finde the way to our sheepfold the Church of God where onely is safety and security nay rather we were ready more and more to wander and lose our selues in the Labyrinth of our owne errors and though we had got some smal glimpse of the right way yet we were so intangled in the brires of our sinnes and corruptions that we could not haue trauailed in it And in this fearefull condition we remained till Christ our good shepheard came to seeke vs and
obtained mercie The which is the voyce and glad tidings of the Gospell containing effectuall motiues to moue all to ascend into the kingdome of Christ if they be not already ascended or more and more to ascend if they be already gone vp For the first those that are the people and subiects of God are not to dwell in the land of darkenesse vnder the gouernment of sinne Satan and the world but to ascend into the kingdome of their owne King but we are now become the people and subiects of God for though in former times our sinnes moued the Lord to reiect vs from being his people and to exile vs out of his kingdome suffering vs to be dispersed as captiues in the land of darkenesse and in the bondage of Satan yet now Christ our head hath satisfied Gods iustice for our sinnes appeased his wrath reconciled vs vnto him so that now againe he is content to admit vs for his people and subiects and therefore let vs no longer abide in the land of darkenesse and in the captiuity of Satan from which Christ hath freed vs but being deliuered and admitted Gods subiects and people let vs now adioyne our selues vnto his kingdome and obediently submit our selues to his gouernment So those that haue already begun to ascend may be hereby moued more and more to goe forward in this course and that both in respect of their faith and in respect of their affections for if they be admitted the people of God and haue obtained his mercy why should the huge waight of their sinnes weigh them downe and keepe them from ascending in the assurance of faith seeing God is gratious vnto his owne people and inheritance and in his mercy hath done away all their sinnes and therefore seeing they haue obtained Gods infinite mercy they haue a sufficient medicine for their greatest misery If they be the people of God who haue obtained mercy then may they bee moued hereby to ascend in their affiance trusting in the prouidence of their al-sufficient and most bountifull King and not suffer their mindes to be tied vnto earthly meanes and secundary causes presuming in their abundance and despairing in their want If they bee Gods people then may they ascend in hope that they shall being his subiects be admitted into his kingdome both of grace and glory and be made partakers of the riches and royall benefits of them both and not suffer transitory trifles to be the end and top of their hopes seeing they are aduanced to higher dignities Then also are they to ascend in their feare for if they be the people and subiects of God then are they to feare the anger and displeasure of their Soueraigne as the greatest euill and in regard hereof to be much more carefull and fearefull lest they offend him then any mortall man And so likewise in their loue for if they be Gods people who haue obtained mercy and assurance of Gods kingdome then what sottish folly were it to place their loue vpon the vanities of the world which are of no value nor continuance and not rather on God heauen and heauenly ioyes which are most excellent and permanent And this is the meaning of these wordes The doctrines which from hence arise are diuers First here we learne that The Do ∣ ctrines when we haue assurance of those maine benefits our effectuall That wee ought to reioyce in the fruition of Gods benefits calling and vnion with Christ our redemption iustification sanctification and eternall saluation more to reioyce in them then if we were made owners of the whole world neither must we smother this ioy in our selues but with mutuall congratulations communicate it with our brethren For this is a consequent duty and effect of the former benefits receiued as appeareth in this place as also Rom. 5. 1 2 3. To which Rom. 5. 1 2 3. duty we shall easily be moued if we often call to minde our passed misery and present happinesse For if beggers when they attaine to great riches bondmen when they are redeemed out of miserable seruitude and euery one who escapeth out of desperate deadly dangers are euen so rauished with such tickling ioy that their hearts like too strait and weake vessels would breake to containe it vnlesse they did vnburthen them by cōmunicating them vnto others then if we consider our former beggerlinesse and basenesse and our present honours and preserments our cruell and miserable seruitude vnder sinne and Satan in time past and our glorious and happy liberty vnto which wee haue now attained the great and mortall dangers of plagues and grieuous punishments the anger of God the curse of the law and eternall death and condemnation all which we haue fully escaped being not onely deliuered from the euill which we feared but possessed in the certainty of assurance of such happinesse that we could not hope for nor so much as conceiue and wish for how can our hearts containe such rauishing ioyes how can our tongues be silent and not vnburthen our mindes by congratulating them with those who are made partakers of the like happinesse And if thus wee not onely ioy in our selues but all reioyce with others then shall wee hereby be stirred vp to praise the Lord who is the chiefe and onely cause of all our ioy and happinesse and by this holy exercise of our thankfulnesse wee shall more and more confirme our assurance of the former benefits for these are mutuall causes one of an other Whereas contrariwise our not praising God argueth our little ioy and our small ioy our little assurance and base esteeme which we make of this vnspeakeable happinesse Secondly as we are to congratulate this our ioy with those That wee ought to perswade others to communicate with vs in our ioy who are partakers of it so are we by our perswasions and exhortations to moue others who haue not yet tasted of it that they labour to attaine vnto it for this the law of charity requireth at our hands our loue towards God which we manifest when as we labour for the aduancement of his glory in the inlarging of his kingdome and our loue towards our neighbour which is principally shewed in seeking their conuersion and eternall happinesse With which charity whosoeuer is indued he cannot chuse but performe this duty for as the Sunne cannot keepe vnto it selfe his light but communicateth it to the good and comfort of other creatures and as the wood which is kindled and inflamed doth also kindle other wood which ioyneth vnto it so they who are illuminated with the light of knowledge cannot keepe it from shining vnto others and those who are inflamed with the zeale of Gods glory and loue of their brethren cannot chuse but labour to make those who are about them like vnto them and partakers of those benefites which they inioy Examples hereof wee haue Iohn 1. 41. 45. and chap. 4. 28 29. Thirdly we are to obserue to whom this
duty doth appertaine namely to all those who are made members of the That all the faithfull must labor to gaine others to the Church church whether they be publike or priuate persons for there is none which are in respect of their meannesse of gifts exempted seeing there is not any who hath receiued such a small talent but that if he will profitably imploy it he may thereby gaine some glory to his Lord and maister and in some respect or other bring some benefit to his brethren either by instruction consolation exhortatiō or holy example of life But howsoeuer this duty belongeth to all yet especially to Gods Ministers who are appointed of God both to be the spirituall fathers by whom men are begotten vnto God and conuerted to the faith and also to be the nurses who by the milke of the word are to nourish and bring vp in their spirituall growth those who are regenerate and added to the Church And therefore they are with all care and diligence to preach the word in season and out of season instructing the ignorant exhorting those that are backward perswading the obstinate confirming the weake and comforting and incouraging those which are ready to faint and by all meanes labouring that those who are not conuerted may be gained vnto Christ and likewise that those who are already added to the Church may bee more and more strengthened and confirmed in their spirituall vnion with Christ and communion with the Saints Fourthly we are to obserue to whom this duty is to be performed namely to our brothers and sisters that is those who are already and those that may be hereafter our brethren and sisters and in y● we do not know who these are because Gods That we must labour to informe all in Gods trueth secret counsaile decree of election is known only to himselfe therfore we are to exhort instruct and perswade all to become members of the Church so far as in regard of our state and calling we possiblie can for the Spirit bloweth where it listeth and can easilie cause Lions Tigers and Cockatrices to become the sheepe of Christ hee can make idolatrous Abraham the fether of the faithfull bloodie and barbarous Manasses an humble conuert a persecuting Saul a preaching Paul and a leaud cheefe a holy confessor and therfore say not in thy heart I will spare my labour because this or that man is too wicked too worldlie too couetous too proud to make a Christian seeing the Lord is able of stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham to humble the most proud and obstinate and to sanctifie the most prophane neither is hee onely able to doe it but also often doth it to shew the infinite riches of his wisedome power mercie and goodnesse and that our saluation is not for our owne works or worthinesse but of his owne free grace and vndeserued loue that so he may be all in all and haue the whole glorie of his owne worke Fiftly we are to obserue the maine arguments which the The arguments which we must vse for the conuersion of others faithfull are to vse that they may perswade others to ascend with them out of the land of darkenesse into the kingdome and Church of Christ namely because they were the people of God and therefore they are to ascend into the kingdome of their Lord and redeemer And lest their sinnes and Gods iustice and wrath should discourage them it is further said that they haue obtained mercie and remission of their sinnes and are now reconciled vnto God in Christ Whence we learne what is the strongest inducement and most forcible argument to mooue any to leaue the kingdome of darkenesse and to adioyne themselues vnto the Church of God namely when they heare and hearing beleeue that they who were aliants and strangers are now in Christ become Gods subiects and seruants that they whom the law for their grieuous sinnes excluded from all mercie and made obnoxious to Gods wrath are now in Christ made partakers of Gods mercie whereby they haue the remission of their sinnes and are so reconciled to their Lord and Soueraigne So long as a malefactor who hath deserued death knoweth that his Prince is iustly displeased with him and intendeth to prosecute the law against him hee fleeth his kingdome and liueth in voluntarie exile but if hee heare that the princes sonne fauoureth him and hath obtained his fathers pardon and reconciled him vnto him this is a strong motiue to perswade him to leaue the strange countrie where he liueth and to returne againe into the kingdome of his Soueraigne So we who are grieuous malefactours which by transgressing Gods law haue made our selues subiect to to his wrath and obnoxious to the punishment of the law eternall death whilest wee remaine in this case flee from Gods presence and as much as in vs lieth though it neuer lieth in vs we banish our selues out of his kingdome and iurisdiction but when we heare that Christ his dearely beloued sonne hath obtained our pardon and reconciled vs to his father then and not before we approach his presence and adioyne our selues to his kingdome It is then the preaching of the Gospell which gathereth vs into Christs kingdome For it is Gods strong power vnto saluation to al that beleeue whereby he perswadeth vs to come out of Satans kingdome and to adioyne our selues vnto his Church And therefore those who seeke the conuersion of others they must not onely denounce legall threatnings against sinne for this will make men rather flee from God then come vnto him but hauing by the law brought them to a sight of their miserie in regard of the curse thereof the anger of God death and condemnation which they haue deserued then they are to preach the glad tidings of the Gospell whereby they may be assured of the remission of their sins and reconciliation with God and so be mooued to come vnto Christ and to adioyne themselues to his Church Examples hereof we haue Act. 2. 38. 39. 2. Cor. 5. 18. 19. 20. Act. 2. 38. 2. Cor. 5. 18. Gal. 3 26. That we must continuallie labour to conuert others to the faith Gal. 3. 26. 27. 28. Now we are further to obserue that we are not to deliuer this glad tidings of the Gospell for the conuersion of those who are not yet called once or twice or diuers times but continually till they be conuerted we must teach them perswade and exhort them to ascend out of the land of darkenesse into the kingdome of Christ for hee doth not define and determine a certaine number but indefinitely and absolutely commandeth vs that we should speake vnto them For God calleth not all at the same houre but some at one time and some at another neither doth he make the word effectuall for the conuersion of all sinners at the first hearing but in some he lets it often outwardly sound in their eares before by the inward working of
them pliable to holy obedience that forsaking their false gods and idolatrous worship they may worship the only Iehouah in spirit and truth Where still hee continueth the allegorie of mariage as though hee would say Her louers that is her idols haue inticed her with many baits to commit spirituall whoredome with them but they shall no longer seduce and abuse her for I her louing husband offering vnto her innumerable benefits and eternall happinesse will allure and perswade her to forsake her louers and to returne vnto me And whereas hee saith that hee will bring her into the wildernesse the meaning is that they shall not passe presently out of their miserable seruitude of sinne and Satan into the heauenly Canaan but shal for a time make their abode in the wildernes of this world where they shall be tried with many calamities and afflictions wherewith being throughly humbled they shall enter into their heauenly countrie according to that Act. 14. 22. Wee must Act. 14. 22. thorow many afflictions enter into the kingdome of God Others translate these words thus I will allure her after I haue led her into the wildernesse as though the time were herein implied when the Lord would perswade and conuert his people namely after he had first brought them into the wildernesse of affliction and thereby throughly humbled them But howsoeuer this exposition may be thought not repugnant to any thing in the text yet I rather embrace the other as being more plaine and simple without the changing of any word from his owne signification and also because it more fitly answereth to the deliuerance of the people of Israel vnto which it is manifest he here alludeth and lastly because it well agreeth with the like place Ezech. 20. 34. 35. 37. where the same allusion is vsed Ezeth 20. 34. 35. And this is the first benefit The second is expressed in these words and I will speake friendly or comfortably vnto her The originall hath it thus and I will speake vnto her heart by which is signified that he would speak vnto her such pleasant and acceptable words as should replenish her hart with true ioy and comfort though they were in the middest of the wildernesse of affliction And thus this phrase is vsed Esa 40. Esa 40. 1. 2. Gen. 34. 3. Iud. 19. 3. Ruth 2. 13. Ioh. 11. 19. 1. Thess 2. 11. 1. 2. Gen. 34. 3. Iud. 19. 3. Ruth 2. 13. And so in the new Testament whereas it is in the Greeke they comforted any the Syriacke hath it they spoke with their hearts So Ioh. 11. 19. 1. Thess 2. 11. The meaning therefore is that as when hee had brought his people into the wildernesse he spake vnto them deliuering his law vnto which were annexed manifold promises of his great benefits by which the people for the present were somewhat comforted in the middest of the afflictions which they suffered in the wildernesse so hee would in the time of the Gospell after hee had deliuered his people out of the thraldome of sin and Satan speake comfortably vnto them whilest they were vexed and molested with manifold afflictions in the wildernesse of the world that so being filled with consolation they might patiently and cheerefully through the middest of these miseries march towards their heauenly countrie Now this speech of comfort of which he here speaketh is nothing else but the glad tidings of the Gospell wherein we are assured of our deliuerance out of our spirituall thraldome vnto sinne and Satan of the free pardon and remission of all our sinnes of our peace and reconciliation with God and of euerlasting happinesse which Christ by his death and merits hath purchased for vs. The which speech of the Gospell is much more effectuall for our comfort and consolation then the speech of the Law For then the Lord spake to the eare but now hee speaketh to the heart that comfort was but for the present because being grounded vpon the condition of their obedience to the law that prouing impossible their comfort was changed into horror and despaire but this is eternall hauing his foundation not in our owne workes and worthinesse but vpon the free mercie of God and merits of Christ apprehended by a liuely faith And lastly because the Gospell offereth vnto vs farre greater benefits then we are promised in the Law and therfore filleth our hearts with greater comfort And of this consolation the Apostle speaketh 2. Cor. 1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 6. Act. 9. 31. 2. Cor. 1. 3. 4. 5. and 7. 6. Act. 9. 31. Luke 2. 25. Of which our Sauiour Christ is the principall cause and therfore he is called the consolation of Israel Luk. 2. 25. And so much for the meaning of the words The doctrines The Do ∣ ctrines which from hence arise are these First we may obserue that howsoeuer the Lord being prouoked to iust displeasure by The Lord doth not retaine his anger for euer the sinnes of the people doth not onely threaten his iudgements but also inflicteth deserued punishments yet he doth not retaine his anger for euer nor yet delighteth in the afflictions of his Church but hauing with his fatherly chastisements humbled them and brough them vnto vnfained repentance hee turneth his frownes into smiles his threatnings into promises his iudgements into mercie and withdrawing their afflictions and punishments hee multiplieth vpon them his gratious benefits For hee is slow to anger but abundant in goodnesse and truth Exod. 34. 6. 7. He will not alwaies Exod. 34. 6. 7. Psal 103. 8. 9. chide neither keepeth he his anger for euer Psal 103. 8. 9. And though he afflict vs yet he dealeth not with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs according to our iniquities as it is verse 10. neither retaineth he his anger for euer because mercie pleaseth him as it is Mic. 7. 18. An example wherof we haue in this Micha 7. 18. place where after his sharpe threatnings he adioyneth gratious promises likewise in the Israelites in the time of the Iudges in the Iewes lead captiue into Babylon and afterwards restored but there needs but few examples to confirme that of which we our selues haue so manifold experience c. Secondly out of the connexion of this with the former The mercie of God infinitely exceedeth the mercie of mā verse wee may obserue how infinitly the mercie of God exceedeth the mercie of man for whereas man being offended maketh this conclusion because hee hath iniured me therefore I will reuenge my selfe vpon him the Lord contrariwise in this place concludeth that because the people had grieuously prouoked his anger by their obstinacie in their idolatrie and forgetfulnesse of him therefore hee would allure them to repentance by his benefits and speake comfortably vnto them as though he should say Though they be so peeuishly obstinate that they care not wilfully and desperately to go on in their sins to their vtter destructiō yet I wil not set my
morral dutie of fearing God as our English translation seemeth to import but that they should fearefully hasten vnto the Lord and his goodnesse that is being affrighted with the sight and sence of their sinnes the curse of the law the anger of God death and damnation due vnto them they shall with all possible speede flye vnto the Lord to his goodnes and by a liuely faith lay hold vpon gods mercie offred vnto them in Christ and rest vvholy therevpon for their saluation So that this seemeth to be a Metaphor taken from Birds which being sodainely feared doe fearefully flye vnto their retiring places of greatest safety And thus this word is taken Chap. 11. 11. Hosea 11. 11. They shall feare as a sparrow out of Aegipt that is being affrighted they shall flye with great hast And in this sence the Latine vvord trepidare is vsed as Liuij annalium 23. Moxque in sua quisque ministeria discursu trepidat ad prima signa Virgil Aeneid 9. Ne trepidate meas Teucri defendere naues id est ne festinate Neuè armate manus c. And the rather doe I thus expound the vvords first because it is an vnproper manner of speach to expresse the morrall dutie of fearing God by this phrase of fearing vnto God Secondly vve are not said to feare Gods goodnesse but rather his justice and judgements True it is that God is feared for his goodnesse according to that Psal 130. 4. Psal 130. 4. namely as a gracious father whom for his goodnesse towards vs we are loath to displease but his goodnesse it selfe is not fearefull or terrible but sweet and comfortable Thirdly because the vvord is so taken in other places The meaning therefore of these vvords is briefely thus much that the people of Israell being terrified and affrighted with the sight and sense of their sinnes and the punishments due vnto them should flye speedily vnto the Lord as being their protector sure defence comforting themselues in the assured hope of his grace and goodnesse vvhereby they should bee assured that their sinnes shall bee forgiuen them and they freed from them both in respect of their guilt and punishment And these are the effects of their conuersion The time is expressed in these words in the latter or last dayes that is after that Iesus Christ the true Messias is exhibited in the flesh which vsually in the Scriptures is called the last dayes Deut. 4. 30. Esa 2. 2. Micha 4. 1. Heb. 1. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 20. 1 Iohn 2. 28. The which time is specified First to shew their obstinacy in their sinnes and corruptions seeing these tough humours could no otherwise be purged away but by the long working potions of tedious and bitter afflictions Secondly that they might prepare themselues patiently to beare these miseries thus tediously continued when as they were forwarned of them for praemonitus praemunitus Thirdly that they might hereby bee refreshed with some comfort when as they were assured that howsoeuer their troubles were tedious yet at length they should haue a happie end seeing they should bring them vnto God by true repentance and a liuely faith And this is the meaning of the words the instructions God sanctifieth the afflictions of his Elect for their conuersion which from hence arise are many first wee here obserue how the Lord sanctifieth the afflictions of the Elect for their conuersion and true repentance for after that the people are grieuously afflicted at the length they are humbled in the sight of their sinnes and turne vnto the Lord. The like examples wee haue in Dauid the Israelites in the Iudges time Manasses the prodigall Sonne and many others and this is that which the Prophet speaketh Esay 26. 16. O Lord Esay 26. 16. in trouble they haue visited thee they haue poured forth a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them So that affliction humbleth them whom prosperitie puffeth vp with Pride it softneth those whom prosperitie hardened it conuerteth into the wayes of righteousnesse those whom prosperitie made to wander into the by-pathes of sinne But yet they worke not these good effects in all but onely in those vnto whose vse they are sanctified by Gods spirit as we may see in example of Pharaoh Saul Ieroboam c. who the more they were hammered and beaten vpon with afflictions the more hard and obdurate they waxed The vse hereof serueth to comfort all the faithfull in their greatest troubles and miseries seeing they may bee assured that the Lord vvill sanctifie their afflictions for their humiliation conuersion saluation For wel may we be contented to be beaten that wee may bee betred to bee put into the furnace of affliction that being purged from the drosse of our corruptions wee may like pure gold be treasured vp in the treasury of eternall happinesse to be pruned that wee may become more fruitfull to be hammered that our hard hearts may be made contrite and not onely with patience but also with joy and loue may we kisse that rod which maketh vs to run vnto God for mercy and forgiuenesse But forasmuch as the tree of affliction bringeth forth no such fruits vnlesse it be vvatered vvith the sweet dew of gods spirit therefore let vs also make this vse hereof that when we are afflicted we earnestly pray vnto God that hee will sanctifie our miseries to our vse and benefit and out of this poyson gather for our good this sweet hony of humiliation and obedience that is that our pouerty may turne to our spirituall inriching with the gifts of his spirit that our trouble may tend to eternall rest our shame to glory our sence of paine to the encrease of our sence of sinne and that our light and momentanie afflictions may cause vnto vs a superexcellent 2 Cor. 4. 17. and eternall waight of glory Secondly we learne that the Elect in their afflictions go directly vnto the Lord by his Sonne Iesus Christ that they may be reconciled vnto him and be receiued into grace and not vnto Saints and Angels as it is the custome of the Papists who when they are in any daunger or trouble make their prayers and vowes vnto the Virgin Mary Peter and other Saints Thirdly wheras he saith that they shall seeke Iehouah and Christ is true God coequall with his father Dauid their king that is Iesus Christ here we obserue that the same diuine worship is ascribed vnto Christ which also is attributed vnto God and consequently he is not meere man but God coequall with his father for vnto God alone belongeth diuine worship and this Christ chalengeth to himselfe Iohn 5. 22. 23. Where he sheweth that the father hath Iohn 5. 22. 23. committed all Iudgement vnto the Sonne that all men might honour the Sonne as they honour the Father Christ true man Secondly we hence gather that he is not God alone but man also for as this diuine vvorship yeelded vnto him prooueth him to be
3. 17. blessing made it fruitfull but mans sinne made it barren and in stead of Corne Wine and Oyle caused it to bring forth Thornes and Thistles if it bee not as it were watred with mans sweate Verse 18. 19. It brought a generall Deluge Verse 18. 19. wherein not onely man but all the Creatures perished It turned Sodome and Gomorrah which was like the garden of Eden into a salt Marsh and desolate wildernes It brought all those plagues of Aegipt not onely vpon man but vpon the beasts likewise In a word it is the cause of all the miseries which all the Creatures suffer vnder which they grone and trauaile in paine together with vs as the Apostle speaketh Rom. 8. 22. Rom. 8. 22. from which with feruent desire they waite to be deliuered when man is freed from his sinne as appeareth Verse 19. 20. 21. Ver. 19. 20. 21 Neyther is this vnjust with God that the creatures should be punished for the sinne of man seeing as man was not made for himselfe but for God so they were not made for themselues but for the vse of man and therefore as they were to joy in his rejoycing so to beare their part of griefe in his mourning and miserie like the seruants of Noble men who are quelled in their Lords ruines and though they are not guilty of their treasons committed against their soueraigne prince yet they are ouerthrowne in their estates pertakers in their punishments The vse of this doctrine is first to admonish vs that when wee see the miseries of any of the poore Creatures as the barrennesse of the earth the toyle sicknesse and manifold infirmities of the beasts c. we be thereby put in remembrance of our sinnes and be moued to bewayle them as being the cause not onely of our owne but also of all the creatures miserie Secondly it serueth to reproue those who abuse the poore creatures with tyrannical crueltie and are so far from pitying them in those miseries which our sinnes haue inflicted vpon them that they make seauen-fould greater the heauy burthen of their euils through their barbarous vsage of them like hard-harted and mercilesse Lords who seeing their seruant adjudged to death for their treasons in stead of pitying his punishment play themselues the executioner in causing him to dye by exquisite torments c. The last thing to bee obserued is that when the Lord exerciseth his judgements vpon the creatures when the That wee are not lightly to passe ouer gods judgements inflicted vpon the creatures Earth is smitten with barrennesse spoyled of her fruits and stripped of her goodly ornaments when the waters aboue eyther drop not at all or in such abundance that in stead of watring her they drowne and ouer flow her and when the beasts and cattle perish eyther by murraigne or famishment wee are not lightly to passe these things ouer but to esteeme them as signes of Gods displeasure conceiued for our sinnes and as so many summons whereby the Lord warneth vs to seeke reconciliation by true repentance lest we be ouertaken by his more fearefull judgements Leuit. 26. 14. 15. c. Leu. 26. 14. 15 Deut. 28. 15. 16. Deut. 28. 15. 16. c. The vse hereof serueth for the reproofe of those who are nothing affected with gods judgements vpon the creatures no further then themselues haue a sensible feeling of their euills so that if in the time of dearth and famine they feele no want they are neuer thereby put in minde eyther of Gods anger or of their owne sinnes nor touched with those miseries vnder which the brute creatures mourne nor with any compassion or fellow-feeling of their neighbours wants ANd so much concerning the first bill of Inditement whereby the Israelits are arraigned and conuicted the second is contayned Verse 4. And the sentence of condemnation Verse 4 is affixed Verse 5. The Inditement it selfe is comprised in these words Yet let none rebuke nor reproue another for thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest In which words The expositiō he aggrauateth their former sinnes by shewing that such was their desperate resolution of continuing in them that they would heare of no admonition or if they were admonished would vnjustly rebuke those of whom they were justly rebuked The sinne whereof they are accused is their impatiencie of rebuke for howsoeuer they abounded in all manner of sin yet they could not indure that eyther Gods Prophets or other his faithfull seruants should admonish or reprooue them for their wickednesse And this was a manifest signe that they were desperately resolued to continue in their sins and were now past all hope of recouerie in this sicknesse of their soules seeing they would not heare the Phisition nor regard his counsaile nor follow his directions nor vse any meanes for their recouery but cast the potions against the walls and pull of the plaisters applied for their curing and throw them in the Physitions face The like example wee haue Esay 30. 9. 10. 11. Where the Prophet complaineth that the Israelits were a rebellious people lying children who Esay 30. 9. 10. 11. would not heare the word of the Lord which say vnto the seers see not and to the Prophets prophecie not vnto vs right things but speake flattering things vnto vs Prophecie errours c. So Amos. 2. 12. 7. 12. Mich. 2. 6. Ier. 44. 15. 16. Amos. 2. 12. 7. 12. 13. 14 Mich. 2. 6. Ier. 44. 15. 16. Yea but it is not said here that the people forbid the Prophet to admonish and rebuke them but the Lord himselfe I answere the Lord in his word is so farre from forbidding these duties of admonition and reprehension that hee necessarily requires them vnlesse it be when as the sinner is so desperately resolued to continue in his wickednesse that he hateth admonition and is ready to reuenge it as though it were an injurie vpon him who doth admonish him Of such the Lord speaketh Ezech. 3. 26. I will make thy tongue Ezech. 3. 26. cleaue to the roofe of thy mouth that thou shalt be dumbe and shalt not be to them as a man that rebuketh for they are a rebellious house And our Sauiour Christ Mat. 7. 6. Giue ye not Mat. 7. 6. that which is holie to dogs c. And such were this people of whom the Lord saith Yet let none rebuke nor reprooue another As though hee should haue said although their sinnes are so many and haynous that they deserue continuall reproofe and reprehension yet let no man rebuke them seeing it is to no purpose they being so desperately giuen ouer to all wickednesse that they are become altogether impatient of any reproofe And this is plainely expressed in the words following For thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest that is they are such as indeed doe rebuke the Priest for so this word As is sometimes taken absolutely Hos 5. 10. The
reasoneth 2 Cor. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. Cor. 3. 6 7. The vse of this doctrine respecteth both Ministers and people the Ministers first for instruction that seeing the Lord hath aduanced them to such Honour and Dignitie they walke worthy this high calling thinking no paines too much which they shall take for the aduancement of Gods glory who hath so exceedingly honoured them Secondly for their consolation encouragement against all Consolation for Gods Ministers against contempt the miserie pouertie reproch contempt which they suffer in this life For though outwardly they are poore and destitute of all worldly pompe yet they are like the Kings daughter all glorious within though they are despised of men yet they are highly esteemed before God though the world esteemeth them as the very ofscouring of all things yet the Lord hath chosen them to be his chiefe Officers his Ambassadours his Stewards his Keepers of the inestimable Treasure of his Word and of his great seales the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper The vse which concerneth the people is that they honour The people ought to reuerence Gods Ministers them whom God thus honoureth and that they behaue themselues towards their Ministers as it becommeth the rest of the familie to behaue themselues towards the steward or Treasurer the people towards the Ambassadour yea the children towards their fathers For looke what honor is done vnto them as being Gods Ambassadours that the Lord accounterh as done vnto himselfe whose person they sustain looke what disgrace and reproach is offred against them as being his Ministers the Lord esteemeth it as offred against himselfe and therefore will neuer let it goe vnpunished eyther in this life or in the life to come for if Dauid could not endure those insolent abuses which were by Hanun offered 2. Sam. 10. against his Ambassadours whom in loue and kindnesse he sent vnto him but reuenged them with the death and destruction of a great part of the people of Ammon how much lesse can the Lord endure that reproach injuries outrages should be offred against his Ambassadors and not reuenge these indignities which are not so much offred against men as in them against himselfe Fearefull examples hereof wee haue in the Scriptures as in the conspiracy of Corah and his associates whom the earth swallowed quick Numb 16. In Numb 6. 16. Ieroboam whose hand was withered vp for the contempt and violence which he offred against the Lords Prophet 1 Kin. 1. King 13. 13. In the two Captaines their fifties who were destroyed with fire from heauen because they came not to the Lords Prophet with that submissiue reuerence which beseemed them 2 King 1. 9. 10. 11. 12. In the fiftie two children 2. King 1. 9. 10 who were destroyed by Bears for scoffing at Elisha 2 Kin. 2 2. King 2. And the in people of Israell who because they mocked the messengers of God and despised their wordes and misvsed the Prophets therefore they were subjected to Gods heauie 2. Chro. 36. 16. 17. wrath and in the end vtterly destroyed 2 Chro. 36. 16. 17. The second thing to be obserued is the gorse ingratitude Our vngratefull abuse of Gods benefits of our corrupt natures whereby it commeth to passe that the more God multiplyeth his mercies the more ready we are to rebell against him and to prouoke his wrath by our sinnes for whereas Gods manifould benefits multiplyed vpon vs should make vs to humble our selues before him in that he hath made vs so deepely indebted to his infinite goodnesse we contrariwise abusing them make them serue as so many steps whereby we may ascend into the seate of pride whereas they should serue as so many common places to put vs in minde of Gods gracious goodnes towards vs we abusing them are made hereby more forgetfull of God as though now being throughly furnisht vve had no further neede of his helpe vvhereas they should serue as so many motiues to stirre vs vp to holy obedience that thereby vvee may glorifie God the author of all our good vve hereby grow more vndutifull like cockred children towards their Parents or pampred horses towards their maisters and are more ready to fall into the sinnes of pride voluptuousnesse loue of the world profanenesse and vtter neglect of religion and all religious dueties whereas the abundance of Gods blessings vvhich vve injoy should make vs to pittie and take compassion on those who want them they abused through our corruption doe make vs to disdaine contemne them furious and cruell in reuenge and insolent in offring wrongs and injuries And hence it is that the Lord doth so carefully vvarne the Israelites that when they did injoy all the blessings of Canaan they should not forget and rebell against him Deut. 6. 10. 11. 12. Into vvhich sinne they shamefully Deut. 6. 10. 11. Psal 62. 10. 1. Tim. 6. 17. fell notwithstanding they were thus admonished So Psal 62. 10. 1 Tim. 6. 17. Examples of this vngratefull abuse of Gods blessing we haue in Saul Ieroboam Naball Nebuchadnezzar Hos 10. 1. and 13. 6. the people of Israell but neuer vvas age more fruitfull of these examples neuer land more plentifull in these vngratefull presidents then this of ours wherein the more the blessings of God abound the more pride forgetfulnesse of God contempt of Religion and the vtter neglect of all holy duties abound likewise so that hard it is to finde a man bettered by Gods benefits or more zealous of Gods glory the more blessings they receiue from him but contrariwise the more they abound in honors riches peace health and all kind of prosperity the more they shew their profanenes irreligion worldlines and vtter neglect of all holy duties The vse of this doctrine is first that seeing through our corruption we are so apt to abuse Gods blessings we be made hereby more watchfull ouer our owne hearts when wee are in prosperitie that we be not ouertaken with this vnthankfulnesse and that wee bee no more earnest in begging these temporary benefits then in praying also for an holy vse of them that they may serue as helps and furtherances vnto vs in all holy and Christian dueties for if the more we abound in them the more we abound in sinne against God then doe they cease to bee blessings and benefits and become snares to intangle vs and thornes to choak in vs all vertue and godlinesse Secondly that we arme our selues with patience when as wee are not so much increased in these temporall benefits seeing the Lord herein respecteth the good of his children and with-holdeth worldly blessings from them because hee knoweth they would abuse them vnto sinne Thirdly that we be not vexed out of measure with impatiencie when as those of whom we haue best deserued doe shew themselues vngratefull to vs considering that wee continually shew our selues much more vnthankfull against God vnto whom we are
of the same Saint negiected and disregarded Secondly their excuse is vaine seeing this is that Idolatry which is so much condemned in the Scriptures for the Israelites when they worshipped Images did professe that they did not worship the Idols of wood and stone but God in them so when they made a golden Calfe in the wildernesse they had therein a respect to God who brought them out of the land of Aegypt and professed that in it they worshipped the true Iehouah as appeareth Exod. 32. 4. 5. So Exod. 32. 4. Micah his mother saith that shee had dedicated the siluer vnto the Lord to make a grauen and moulten Image Iud. 17. 3. Iudg. 17. 3. So Ieroboam hauing made the golden Calues saith behold O Israell thy Gods which brought thee out of the land of Aegipt 1 King 12. 28. that is the Image and similitude which representeth 1 King 12. 28. the true God neither would any haue beene so sottish as to beleeue that the Calues which themselues had lately made had freed their fore-fathers out of their captiuitie And as we haue heard the people worshipped not the Image of Baal but God in the Image and therefore the Lord saith they should no more call him Baali Chap. 2. ver Hos 2. 16. 16. Yea euen the heathens themselues thus excused their Idolatrie as Austine witnesseth Non ego illum lapidem colo In Psal 96. adoro quem video sed seruio ei quem non video Quis est ille Numen quoddam invisibile quod praesidet illi simulachro that is I doe not serue and worship that stone which I see but I serue him whom I doe not see And who is hee a certaine invisible and Diuine power which hath the charge of that Image The vse of this Doctrine is first that we laude and magnifie We must laud Gods name for freeing vs from popish idolatry the name of our gracious God who hath freed vs from this more then Aegyptian darknesse of Idolatry and superstition and hath placed vs in his Goshen and true Church where by the cleare shining light of his Gospell he hath dispelled these foggy mists of sottish ignorance and hath plainly discouered euen to the eyes of little children those doltish follies with which the wisest of their fore-fathers were blinded and misllead Secondly it serueth to admonish vs that we doe not with the vnthankfull Israelits desire to returne againe into this We must not desire to return into this Romish seruitude Egyptian seruitude because we would injoy those pompous pleasures which the aduocates of Rome doe offer vnto vs but that we rather make choise of the afflicted way of gods truth which wil in the end bring vs to the heauenly Canaan And to this purpose we must auoide not onely the grosest kindes of Idolatrie and superstition but also all the pettite sorts therof yea we must carefully flye the meanes of idolatrie as will-worship society with Idolaters especially in that neere bond of mariage ignorance of Gods true religion whereby wee make our selues like blind men which may easilie be led any way and as it were an easie pray to be deuoured of those locusts the Priests and Iesuits which are come out of the bottomelesse pit Lastly we are hereby admonished to imbrace and loue We must loue Gods truth if we would not be seduced with Papists delusions the truth which the Lord by the Ministers of his word hath in such plentifull manner and measure deliuered vnto vs least for the contempt of his Gospell he giue vs ouer to strong delusions and to beleeue lyes which seduction is a certaine forerunner of eternall condemnation as the Apostle sheweth 2 Thes 2. 11. 12. And whilest we make profession of the 2. Thes 2. 11. 12. Gospell let vs labour to bring foorth the fruits thereof in holinesse and righteousnesse least the Lord doe cause his kingdome to be taken from vs bestow it vpon some other nations who will be more fruitfull for what should they doe Mat. 21. 43. with the light who wilfully shut their eyes against it and to what purpose should they injoy the Gospell of righteousnesse who in their liues bring forth nothing but the fruits of iniquitie The third thing to be obserued is that the Lord condemneth That it is an haynous sinne to vse diuination it as an haynous sinne to consult with idols and to vse diuination for direction in time of daunger or for knowledge of future things which are contingent And this may further appeare both by Gods earnest prohibitions of the vse of these vnlawfull arts and by the punishments threatned and inflicted vpon the offenders The Lord hath straightly forbidden them Deut. 18. 10. 11. Let none be found amongst you Deut. 18. 10. 11. that maketh his sonne or daughter to go through the fire or that vseth Witchcraft or a regarder of times or a marker of the flying of Foules or a Sorcerer or a Charmer or that counsaileth with spirits or a Southsayer or that asketh counsaile of the dead for all that doe such things are an abhomination vnto the Lord c. The punishment denounced is death Exodus 22. 18. Exod. 22. 18. Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to liue So Leu. 20. 27. If a man Leu. 20. 27. or woman haue a spirit of Diuination in them they shall dye the death c. The which punishment was accordingly inflicted by Saul 1 Sam. 28. 3. 9. And by Iosias 2 King 23 24. The 1 Sam. 28. 3. 9. 2 King 23. 24 execution of which punishments the Lord taketh vpon himselfe if the Magistrates neglect it as it is Mich. 5. 12. I will Mich. 5. 12. cut off thine Inchanters out of thy Land Besides which temporall death the Lord denounceth death eternall consisting both in the separation from the joyes of heauen as appeareth Apoc. 22. 15. and also in the torments of hell fire as Apoc. 22. 15. and 21. 8. it is Chap. 21. 8. The like may be said of them who consult with diuiners That it is a great sinne to consult with Witches Leu. 19. 31. and aske counsaile of them for as they joyne together in their horrible sinne so they shall not be disioyned in their punishments Their sin is forbidden as haynous Leu. 19. 13. Ye shall not regard them that work with spirits neyther Southsayers yee shall not seeke to them to be defiled with them I am the Lord your God Their punishment denounced by God is death and seperation from the Church of God as appeareth Leu. 20. 6. The which punishment was inflicted vpon Leu. 20. 6. Saul for consulting with the witch of Endor 1 Chr. 10. 13. 1 Chro. 10. 13 And vpon Ahaziah for asking counsaile of Baal-zebub the God of Ekron 2 King 1. 3. 4 2 King 1. 3. 4. The vse hereof serueth to reproue many amongst vs who when either themselues or their friends
a side out of the way of righteousnesse the Lord is readie to whip him into it againe by the scourge of afflictions and that not for want but in the abundance of his loue because hee should haue no incouragement to goe on in sinne which would bring him to destruction And this Dauid himselfe well knew and therefore saith that before hee was afflicted hee went astray but being afflicted hee kept Gods word Psal 119. 67. And therefore hee saith that it was good for him that hee had beene afflicted seeing hereby hee had Psal 119. 67. and 94. 12. learned Gods statutes verse 71. And Psalme 94. 12. Hee pronounceth them blessed whom God doth chastise and teach in his Law So the Lord telleth Dauid that if his sonne Salomon sinned hee would chasten him with the rod of men but his mercy should not depart from him 2 Sam. 7. 14. giuing vs to vnderstand that hee will not let his children escape 2. Sam. 7. 14. in their sinnes without correction and yet neuerthelesse remaineth mercifull vnto them Finally howsoeuer the gentiles were suffered to goe on in their idolatrie and to flowrish in their sinnes yet as soone as his owne people Israell did leaue his pure worship and follow Idols hee did seuerely punish them as appeareth Exod. 32. and in the History of the Iudges and Kings Exod. 32. Lastly this appeareth by cleare euidence of reason for The former doctrine prooued by reasons as impunitie is a manifest signe that God giueth men ouer to goe on in their sinnes to their destruction because he denyeth them the meanes whereby they might come to the sight of their sinne and vnto true sorrow for it so it is a good signe that God loueth vs as his Children when hee vseth vs like his Children that is correcteth vs for our faults and affordeth vnto vs the meanes whereby wee may bee reclaymed Wee are so blinded with carnall securitie and selfe loue that wee cannot see our transgressions and iniquities and afflictions are that sharpe but yet soueraigne water which helpeth to the recouery of our sight when as therefore the Lord denyeth to afflict vs liuing in sinne what doth he else but leaueth vs to our own naturall blindnesse to goe on in our sins till we fall into the pit of destruction They are those precious salues which serue to draw out the core of our corruptions and those wholesome though vnpleasant potions whereby wee are purged from our sinnes when as therefore the Lord afflicteth vs hee intendeth to cure and purge vs but when he with-holdeth these meanes his purpose is to let vs fester and rot in our sin and to let vs abound in these grose humours which will bring the sicknesse and death of the soule vnto vs they are those purging fires which purifie vs from the drosse of our corruptions and therefore when the Lord casteth vs into them his purpose is to make vs pure gold fit for his treasurie of eternall happinesse but when he letteth vs alone in the drosse of our sinnes his meaning is to let vs rust and canker and to cast vs away as refuse siluer The vse hereof serueth to confute the vaine bragges of The Papists confuted who glory in the outward pomp of their church the Papists who boast of the glory pompe riches and the flourishing estate of their Church vsing it as an argument of Gods loue towards them and of the truenesse of their Church and Religion that they are blessed with great prosperitie and on the other side objecting the crosse and manifold persecutions which the professours of the Gospell are subject vnto as a reproach to their Religion But seeing so many sinnes are not onely committed but also tollerated yea defended and countenanced in that Church their immunitie from afflictions and punishments can bee no signe of Gods Loue but rather that in his heauie displeasure hee hath giuen them ouer as a desperate cure and because by no meanes they vvill bee reclaymed from their Superstitions Idolatryes Adulteries and other enormious crimes that therefore they are giuen vp to a reprobate sense and to their owne filthy lusts that so committing sinne with greedinesse they may treasure vp against themselues wrath against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God And the like vse also may secure Worldlings make of this Doctrine who blesse themselues in their sinnes because they are not crossed in their euill courses seeing nothing ought to bee a greater terrour vnto them then this that the Lord leaueth them to themselues and with-holdeth from them this wholesome meanes of their amendement Lastly it serueth for the comfort of Gods Children when as they are sharply afflicted for their sinnes seeing this is no signe of Gods hatred and of their rejection but rather of his Loue and Fatherly care ouer them which causeth him to lay vpon them these chastisements that hereby they may bee reclaymed from their sinnes and not suffered to runne on in their euill courses to their destruction The second doctrine which wee here learne is that if If we dishonor God he will dishonour vs. wee doe neglect our dutie to GOD hee will make those who owe vs dutie to neglect this dutie when we most expect it and if wee dishonour him by our sinnes hee will cause vs to bee dishonoured and disgraced not onely by our enimies and strangers but also by our nearest and most familiar friends So because the people of Israell who professed themselues the spouse and children of God did by forsaking the Lord their husband and father and adhae●ing vnto Idols grieuously dishonour his holy name the Lord layeth vpon them a proportionable punishment that their wiues and daughters should neglect to them all loue conjugall duties and filiall obedience whereby they should not onely inwardly bee vexed and grieued in their minds but also outwardly in their names be exposed to infamie and reproach The like example wee haue else where in the booke of God when Noah neglected the duty of temperance and sobriety towards God his wicked sonne C ham neglected the dutie of reuerence towards him When Elie was so indulgent towards his sonnes that hee would rather displease God by suffering them to dishonour his name then hee would displease his sonnes by giuing them due correction whereby they might haue beene reclaymed from their sinnes they neglected all dutie to their father contemned his holy admonitions and so brought shame and reproach vpon the whole familie For the Lord caused in one day not onely the glory to depart from Israell when the Arke was taken which chiefly redounded to the dishonour of Elie who then was the Iudge of Israell but also tooke away his sonnes which were to be the glory of his house and togeather with them the office of the Priesthood and so made him inglorious both in the Common-wealth Church and in his owne priuate familie The like may be sayd of Dauid who
bee reclaymed So when the people of Iuda grieuously sinned the Lord hauing compassion on his people sendeth his Prophets to call them to repentance But when as they mocked the Messengers of God and dispised his words and mis-vsed his Prophets then there being no remedy the wrath of the Lord was kindled against his people and hee deliuered them into Captiuitie and made their Land desolate as appeareth 2 Chron. 36. 15. 16. 17. And in the time of our Sauiour 2 Chro. 36. 15. 16. Christ when as they stopped their eares against his gracious call and would not vnderstand the great woorke of Redemption wrought by him which was so euidently declared both by his Word and workes hee pronounceth against them the fearefull sentence of desolation and destruction Luk. 13. 34. 35. Luk. 13. 34. 35 The reason hereof is because the Lord the most wise Physition of our soules will not loose his labour by ministring his Physicke to such Patients whose diseases are desperate and therefore when they wilfully refuse to bee cured rend in peeces his prescripts pull off his plaisters and reject those wholesome Potions which hee ministreth to purge them from their corruptions and to restore them to their spirituall health he giueth them ouer to themselues to dye and perish in the sicknesse of their soules Secondly as the Lord hateth all other sinne so his soule abhorreth the contempt of his Word which hee hath appointed to bee the meanes of the conversion and saluation of all sinners And therefore if his sword of the spirit will not make a separation betweene vs and our sinnes hee will make it a sword of vengeance and destruction to cut vs off in his fierce wrath For it is neuer drawne out but it accomplisheth eyther the work of his mercy or of his iudgement So the Lord saith Esay 45. 23. I haue sworne by my Esay 45. 23. and 55. 11. selfe the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse it shall not returne c. And 55. 11. So shall my word bee that goeth out of my mouth it shall not returne vnto me voyd but it shall accomplish that which I will and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it So the Apostle saith that Gods word is the sauour of life to them that are saued and the sauour of death to those that perish 2 Cor. 2. 15. 26. 2. Cor. 2. 15. 16. The vse hereof serueth to teach vs that with all carefull diligence wee make profitable vse of the meanes which the Lord hath giuen vs both for the inlightening of our vnderstandings and the reforming of our liues For if hauing the word of God purely and sincerely preached wee continue in wilfull ignorance and will not vnderstand if being allured by God mercies and inforced by his judgements wherwith diuersly at diuers times hee hath exercised vs wee notwithstanding continue in our impenitency and securitie what remayneth but that the Lord should giue vs ouer as a desperate cure and suffer vs to runne on in the course of sinne vntill at length wee fall into the pit of destruction in this life and into the bottomlesse gulfe of condemnation in the life to come AND thus much concerning the former part of this The second part of the Chapter Chapter in which I haue shewed are contayned diuers bils of Inditements against the rebellious and apostate Church of Israell now because they were desperately suncke in their wickednesse and past all hope of recouerie In the second part of the Chapter hee laboureth to perswade with the house of Iuda that they should not joyne with them in their sinnes nor be seduced by their euill example to make the like Apostasie least accompanying them in their defection and rebellion they were also made pertakers of their punishments And this is the Prophets maine drift and scope in the second part of this Chapter The parts thereof are two The first is an admonition to the house of Iuda to auoide the sinnes of the Israelits The second contayneth certaine reasons to enforce it taken both from the haynousnesse of their sinnes and the greatnesse of their punishments The admonition is expressed verse 15. Though thou Israell play Verse 15 the harlot yet let not Iudah sinne Come not yee into Gilgall neyther goe yee vp to Beth-auen nor sweare The Lord liueth In which admonition he doth first ingenerall disswade them The expositiō from imitating the Israelites in their sinne and especially from their Idolatrie and Apostasie and then hee dehorteth them from certaine speciall meanes whereby they might easily be brought to communicate with them in their impietie namely joyning with them in irreligious societie and intermingling Gods pure worship with their superstition and Idolatrie The generall disswasion is contayned in these words Though thou Israell play the harlot yet let not Iuda sinne as if hee had said although thou Israell being wholy possessed with a spirit of fornication art so desperately addicted to idolatrie and spirituall whoredome that there is no hope remayning that euer thou wilt be reclaymed yet let not the Lord be as it were robbed of both his sonnes in the same day O let not Iuda who is not as yet come to that desperate degree of sin be seduced by your bad neighbour-hood and euill example and deriue the same guilt of iniquitie vpon himselfe for so the word Assam vsually signifieth such a fault or guilt as is deriued from one to another the one being the motiue and impulsiue cause of the other sinne The ground of this disswasion was the dangerous estate of the people of Iuda first in regard of their neere neighbour-hoode with these idolatrous Israelites who were ready to seduce them both by their example and allurements the which is implyed in the first words Though thou Israell c. As though he should haue said seeing thou Israel which art so neere a neighbour and kinsman to Iuda art so defiled with idolatrie that there is great daunger least thou should poyson them with thy contagion yet let Iuda carefully take heede to auoide thy leprous infection Secondly this amplyfieth their daunger that they were already tainted with their superstition and idolatrie which through their naturall corruption and proanes vnto this sin was apt to spread further and further and therefore like a good Phisition he laboureth to cure their ague in the first fits and to stay them from falling any deeper into this sicknesse of sinne And to this purpose hee admonisheth them that they should not imitate the Israelites in their Idolatrie but purge away their dreggs of superstition wherewith they were alreadie corrupted and restore Gods pure worship in his Temple amongst them by the office and Ministerie of his true Priests and Leuites Now howsoeuer this admonition did principally concerne the people of Iuda yet the Prophet doth here publish it to the Israelites speaking of Iuda in the third person as being absent And this hee doth
wicked and discountenancing of the iust for the cleering or acquitting of the faultie and for the condemning of the innocent And this is the meaning of the words The doctrines which wee learne out of them are these first that drunkennesse The do ∣ ctrines is an odious and loathsome vice which strinketh in the That drunkennesse is an odious sinne nostrels of God and men It is abominable to God as in many other respects so especially because the drunkard maketh his bellie his god vnfitteth himselfe for all duties of Gods worship and seruice and most grosly and vngratefully abuseth his good creatures to the furthering of him in wickednesse as I haue elsewhere more largely prooued So likewise it is loathsomely stinking before men for not only do they offend mens eyes in beholding their filthie cariage and behauiour and their eares by their foolish railing or ribald speeches but also their smell for their noisome sluttishnes euen infecteth the aire and their very breath is a strong argument to make this sin odious so that though there were no impietie in it yet wee were to abhorre it because it is so loathsome The vse hereof is the same which the holy Ghost maketh in this place namely that it serue for a strong disswasion to restraine vs from such companie as are addicted to this sinne of drunkennesse for not only are they to be auoided as wicked 1. Cor. 5. 11. men both in regard of this sinne it selfe and all other abominable wickednesse which is the vsuall fruite thereof lest accompanying them we be allured to ioyne with them in their sinne but wee are to auoid these liuing carrions because they infect the aire with their breath and annoy their companie with their loathsome slutrishnes The second thing which wee here learne is that wee are We must carefully auoid the companie of adulterers with like care to auoid the companie of such as are addicted to the sinne of whoredome though wee had no other reason to restraine vs. For this the Lord himselfe vseth as an effectuall reason in this place to disswade the men of Iuda from accompanying the Israelites because they continued in the sinne of whoredome wherewith they were likely to taint and infect those who entertained neere familiaritie with them The force of which reason will more cleerely appeare if we consider not onely that the euill example of vncleane persons both by their ribald words and vnchast behauiour is apt to corrupt and that in regard of our pronenesse and naturall inclination to this vice wee are as apt to be corrupted but also that adulterers haue many wiles to beguile vs many baites to allure vs and impudent foreheads in venturing to giue the assault to our chastitie as appeareth in the example of Iosephs Mistresse who hauing gotten the aduantage of his companie solicites him to this sinne in a plaine and shamelesse manner in Lots daughters who came to that height of impudencie that they shamed not to intice their owne father in the people of Israel inueigled with the Numb 25. 1. alluring charmes of the cursed nations in Ammon defiling his owne sister and in the shamelesse harlot described in the 2. Sam. 13. Prouerbs who hauing inticed a yong man to come into her companie vsed such an art of lust to abuse him and so many bewitching inticements to allure him that at last hee yeelds vnto her and followes her as an oxe to the slaughter and as a foole to the stockes as it is Prou. 7. 10. 11. 13. 21. 22. Prou. 7. 10. 11. The vse hereof is that if wee desire to preserue our chastitie we auoid the companie of adulterers and vncleane persons seeing in it self it is sufficient to corrupt vs and to make vs copartners with them in this sinne For as there needeth no bellowes to blow the fire when it toucheth gunpowder because the one is no more fit to fire then the other to be inflamed so there needeth no other helpe to inflame the heart with lust then the touch and familiar acquaintance of vnchast persons because as they are fit with the fire of their lust to inflame vs so wee carrie in our selues such combustible matter as is no lesse readie to take the fire to be inflamed Thirdly we here learne that it is one of the highest degrees That it is an high degree of wickednes to be in loue with sinne of sinne when as we doe not only fall into wickednesse but also grow into loue and liking with it for this is the sinne of the Princes of Israel in this place who did not only bribe but also tooke delight in bribing and not only said but loued to say Bring yee Which as it argued that they had brasen faces so also that their hearts were rotten and wholly corrupted with sinne So long as the sicknesse is seated in the outward parts only there is great hope of recouerie because whilest the heart is whole and sound it ministreth and conueigheth life spirits and strength to the exteriour members whereby they are inabled to incounter the disease and in the end to expell it and get victorie but if it haue once seazed vpon the heart and taken thorough possession of it there is no hope of any recouerie so whilest our spirituall diseases of sinne enter no further then the imaginations thoughts words or outward actions our hearts continuing sound in their integritie vprightnes there is assured hope that they ministring continually spirituall life and strength to all the rest of the regenerate parts they will in time expell the corrupt humours of sinne and obtaine a full conquest ouer these spirituall diseases but if sinne haue taken possession of the heart so that hauing committed it we like and loue and highly value it in our affections then remaineth no hope of recouering spirituall health or of escaping death and vtter destruction vnlesse the Lord cure vs by miracle and taking away the corrupted heart out of our bodies doe giue vnto vs new hearts which are sound and vpright It is the top of our perfection and the farthest progresse which we can make in Christianitie when we cleaue vnto the Lord with all our hearts louing him intirely and our neighbour for his sake and when being inflamed with the fire of this holy loue we labour to performe all good duties vnto them both and take our chiefe delight in this performance and so contrariwise it is one of the deepest degrees of sin when we set our hearts vpon it and loue it as our dearest darling and not only willingly transgresse Gods commandements but also delight in our transgression The first is an euident signe of the childe of God though hee haue neuer so many infirmities and imperfections the latter an apparent token of the childe of the diuell though hee be graced with neuer so good a nature neuer so many counterfeit morall vertues neuer so glorious a shew of honestie and ciuilitie It is
them to see their sinnes or bring them to repentance Where hee taketh away an objection vvhich might bee made by the hipocrites namely that it would not stand with the justice of God to deale so seuerely vvith the people for they had a good meaning in all their deuotions and if they fayled in the manner of vvorshipping God it was through ignorance and therefore to bee excused To which objection the Prophet seemeth to answere that they were ignorant indeede and by reason hereof they fell into all manner of sinne but their ignorance did not excuse their faults neyther was it selfe to bee excused seeing they contemned the meanes of knowledge and remayned ignorant because they would be ignorant and affected the darknesse of superstition more then the light of Gods truth The punishment denounced is that they shall fall that is because they are indocible and will not by any meanes bee informed in the right course therefore the Lord will giue them ouer to their owne blindnesse of minde that so they may goe on in their superstition and Idolatryes and remaine perplexed in their reprobate errours vntill at length they stumble and fall into the pit of vtter ruine and destruction And this is the meaning of the words The Doctrines The doctrines which arise out of them are these First we here learne that it is a fearefull judgement of God vpon eyther a Common wealth or familie when as hee suffereth sinne and wickednesse It is a fearefull judgement when God doth not restraine vs from sinne by his chastisements to abound and doth not restraine men by his punishments nor reclaime them by his corrections And contrariwise that it is a signe of Gods loue and fatherly care ouer those whom hee doth chastise with manifold afflictions for their sinnes that so hee may reclaime them from their euill wayes whereas if they should flourish in their wickednesse it would be a notable meanes to hearten them in their sinne and to make them securely to goe forward in their euill courses without euer calling themselues to a reckoning And this may appeare both by testimonies of Scripture by Examples and by Reason For the first the Apostle Paul sayeth that the Lord doth suffer with long patience Rom. 9. 22. the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction to shew his wrath and to make his power knowne that is hee suffereth them to goe on in their sinnes without punishment that when they abuse his patience and long suffering as incouragements in their wickednesse hee may haue just occasion to manifest his power and wrath in taking due vengeance on them So when the Israelites did goe on in their sinnes and would neyther bee reformed by his mercyes nor his judgements hee threatneth that hee will correct them no more Esay 1. 5. Wherevpon it would follow Esay 1. 5. that being left vnto themselues they would desperately and securely liue in sinne for when as God doth not visite men for their sinnes they goe forward in them as though they should neuer bee called to a reckoning as it appeareth Ecclesiast 8. 11. Because sentence against an euill worke is Eccles 8. 11. not executed speedely therefore the heart of the Children of men is fully set in them to doe euill So the Lord rendreth this reason why the people did not reuerence nor feare him nor remember him nor his word Esay 57. 11. Is it not saith Esay 57 11. hee because I hold my peace and that of long time therefore thou fearest not me But on the other side it is a notable signe of Gods mercy It is an notable signe of mercy when God correcteth vs for sinne and loue when as hee crosseth vs in our wicked courses and will not suffer vs to prosper in our sinnes that being by these afflictions discouraged in our euill wayes wee may returne backe and preuent his heauy judgements by true repentance To this purpose the Apostle sayth that when wee are iudged wee are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world 1 Corinth 11. 32. And 1. Cor. 11. 32. therefore hee maketh it a signe of Gods loue and an argument of our adoption when as wee are chastened of the Apoc. 3. 21. Heb. 12. 6. 10. 11. Lord. Hebrew 12. 6. Whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth and scourgeth euery sonne whom hee receiueth And on the other side concludeth that those who liue in sinne and are not chastised they are bastards and no sonnes For as impunitie causeth these to goe on in wickednesse to their destruction so affliction howsoeuer for the present it is not ioyous but grieuous yet it is profitable because it helpeth to mortifie our sinnes and bringeth forth the quiet fruit of righteousnesse vnto them which are thereby exercised as it is Hebrewes 12. verse 10. 11. This also appeareth by examples When the Sodomites The former doctrine confirmed by examples liued in their sinnes hee suffered them still to injoy their pleasures and abundance and neuer reclaymed them from their wickednesse by his chastisements but suffered them to continue in their sinnes till the cry of them ascended into heauen and called for that last and fearefull vengeance whereby they were vtterly destroyed So hee suffered the Cananites to possesse that pleasant land which flowed with Milke and Honie in great peace and securitie till the measure of their sinnes being full hee powred out vpon them the full Viols of his Wrath. So Diues liued in all pompous pleasures till Death brought him into hell torments And thus Iob doth at large describe the great prosperitie of the wicked euen to the time of their funerals Iob. 21. 7. to the 13. And Dauid often obserueth Iob. 21. 7. 8. how exceedingly the wicked flowrished in their wickednesse euen to their vtter destruction Psal 37. 35 and Psal 37. 35. 73. 3. 4. 5. 12. 73. 3. 4. 5. 12. c. But the case of Gods Children and Seruaunts is farre otherwise for vvhen they sinne the Lord doth chastise them for their amendment and will not suffer them to goe on in their sinnes to their destruction Wee read but of one sinne which Noah committed that is to say his sinne of drunkennesse and yet the Lord punished it by exposing him to the derision of his owne wicked sonne so wee read but of three crimes which holy Dauid fell into though hee were a King exposed to manifould tentations his adulterie murther and pride in numbring the people and yet the Lord suffered none of the three to goe vncorrected for hee punished his adulterie committed in secret with anothers mans wife by letting his sonne defile his concubines in the sight of all the people his murthering of his seruant with the death of his child and by not suffring the sword to depart from his house his numbring of the people by an exceeding plague and pestilence so that if Dauid a man according to Gods owne hart doe but step