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A68859 Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men, set forth in maner of shorte sermons to bee made to the people, / by the reuerend father in God. Thomas byshop of Lincolne. Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij. Watson, Thomas, 1513-1584. 1558 (1558) STC 25112.5; ESTC S100033 209,288 398

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synne and haue receyued the whyte lyuerye of innocencye and the badge of Christ by the impression of the holy crosse in diuers partes of theyr bodyes and so are knowen throughout the holle worlde to be the soldiours of Christ theyr Lord and Capitayne The second thing that a worldly prince doth in his warre is to prouyde that euery souldiour be able to fyght and haue harnes and weapons mete for his body both to beare of the assaultes of his enemies and also to inuade thē as cause shall requyre Euen so Christe oure heauenlye Prince hath ordeyned the sacrament of Confirmation to make vs strong able to fyght wyth our ghostly enemyes and hath armed vs wyth a seuen fold harnes that is to say with the seuē giftes of the holy gost whereby we be sufficiently preserued defended and encouraged our selues and also able to helpe and comfort oure fellow soldiours which by chaunce shall come into any distresse or daunger of theyr enemies The thyrd thing y t a worldly prince doth in his war is to forese prouide that his hole army be wel victualled furnished with plēty of holsom meate and drinke lest for hunger their strength decay and they in processe famish and die Euen so Christ our spirituall capitaine hath prouided victual for vs his soldiours both good plenty of it not meate that will perish and be cōsumed with once eating but meate that will remayne and nourishe to euerlasting lyfe that is to saye his owne natural fleshe and bloud which he geueth to his soldiours in a Sacrament vnder the formes of corporal breade and wyne condescendinge therin to our infirmitie and by that spiritual and most holsome and precious foode he repayreth all our decayes in grace and spirituall strength he openeth our eyes to see the traynes of oure enemies he swageth the rage of our inward enemie the fleshe preserueth our bodies and soules from famine and eternall death The fourth thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is to ordeyne ouer his holle army one chiefe lieuetenaunt if he be absent hym selfe from the fielde and vnder him officers and captaines some of moo some of fewer such men as be experte in warre who can instruct the rest in all feates of warre howe to fight and ouercome theyr enemies can set the holle armye in good araye and also can by the lawe martiall correct and punish all traytours and offendours Euen so Christ our Lord and king after he hath hymselfe ouercommed all his enemies in hys owne person and is nowe triumphinge with God the father in heauen and yet hathe his Churche in battayle and conflicte wyth theyr enemies in earth being absent by his visible presence and inuisibly and spiritually present amōg vs hath ordeined the Sacrament of Order and by that Sacrament hath elected and chosen out certein expert and connyng men to whom by imposition of handes of Priesthoode he hath geuen authorite and commaundement to instruct his soldiours in all feates of spirituall warre agaynst the deuil and to admit other into the roumes of them that dye or depart and to comfort and encourage them that be in conflict and by vnitie of fayth charitie and obedience to cause the holle army to keepe good araye and to punishe by excommunication suche as by apostasie heresye or scisme breake the peace and good order and by the discipline of this warre of the church to correct all other offenders and to receyue them agayne that will amende And of these men there be certeine degrees and orders one chefe Lieuetenaunt of the holle army which was S. Peter and now is his lawfull successour in the chayre of Christ gouerning the holle army of Christes Church here in earth and vnder hym there be in euery Prouince one Archebishoppe and in euery Citye one Bishoppe and in euerye Parishe one Priest or Curate to feede order encourage and to gouerne the holle army and euery soldiour of Christes church in euery place The fift thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is when his armye is assembled wel armed well victualled and well ordred and ruled by good captaines then to merche forward to ioyne in battail with his enemies in which conflicte if anye of hys soldiours chaunce to be hurt and wounded then to cause a Surgean to searche his woundes and to lay playsters and medicines vnto them that he beyng made hole myght enter into his place agayne and fyght a freshe agaynst hys enenemyes Euen so doth our Sauiour Christ wyth vs when al we be assembled into one Churche and spirituall armye by Baptisme and bee well harnessed wyth Gods graces and the giftes of the holy Ghost by Confirmation and be well vyctualled wyth the precious foodes of his owne bodye and blood in the Sacrament of the Aultare and be set in good araye and well instructed and encouraged by the rulers and ministers of his churche hauyng authoritie so to doo by the sacrament of Ordre then we be ledde by Gods spirite into the wyldernes of some good purpose or woorke there to be tempted and assaulted of the deuill For they that haue the spirit of God be not idle but occupied in some good worke which the deuill withstandeth and fighteth againste as muche as he is able to do In whiche conflicte yf anye of vs be ouercommed with euill which can not be except we wyll be ouercommed and voluntarylye suffer the deuyll to preuayle againste vs for no man synneth actually againste hys wyll yet our mercyfull Lorde wyll not see vs vtterlye troden vnder foote and slayne but if we loue to be healed and be sorye for oure voluntarye hurte and wounde he hathe prepared a present medycine and playster for vs whiche the spirituall Surgean when he hath searched the wounde by our owne confession layeth and byndeth to our sore by the Sacrament of Penaunce and so restoringe vs to our perfit health maketh vs able to enter the feelde agayne and to fighte a freshe againste our enemies The sixt thing that a worldly Prince doth in his warre is when any of his soldiours waxeth aged feble and cā fight no more then specially to cōfort him to set a watch that his enemies steale not priuely vpon him kil him when he is not able to defend him selfe And if the same soldiour hath lightly offended in any small matter and hath not at all times bene so vigilant as the lawes of warre required yet than gentlye to forgeue him and to shewe hym that honour at his death that he shalbe of al the army accompted to haue bene a faythfull soldyoure and to haue dyed in his princes fauour Euen so Christ our Lord doth wyth vs his souldiours when any of vs waxeth aged or feable by sicknes and is in daunger of bodelye death whiche deathe is the escapinge of al daungers the ende of all labours the entry to the possession of eternall enheritaunce in heauen
death of a man is in the soule the occasion wherof commeth by the corrupt affection of the flesh so this spirituall medicine of Christes body and bloud in the sacrament worketh his effectes not onely in the soule of man but also in the body of man by healynge it by defendinge sanctifyinge strengthning and reducing it to immortalitye Fyrst seyng that we mortall and synful men be fleshe and bloude we can not be reformed in the corrupt and weake nature of our bodies and soules nor come agayne to the lykenes and symilitude of God in puritie and life except a conuenient playster be layde to our olde disease and in the healing of our desperate infirmitie one cōtrarye be remoued by an other like thinges be applyed and made agree vnto lyke as Christes lyuelye and sanctified bodye to our mortall and synnefull fleshe which thing is done in the receiuing of this most blessed Sacrament where the vertue of so great and holsome a medicine doth perse al partes both of body and soule and doth renew and make holl whatsoeuer sycknesse the corruption of old noughty liuing had before caused and engendred in the fleshe or in the spirite For the body of Christ our lord receiued into vs by the misticall benediction which is the sacrament and remayning in vs driueth awaye not onely death but also al sickenes and the poyson that was brought in by original sinne and it pacifieth and kepeth vnder the raging law of oure members it strengthneth deuotion it quencheth the froward and synful affections of the minde and those smal sinnes we be in it regardeth not but healeth the sycke restoreth the brused and from falling it lifteth vs vp In baptisme we were washed from all synne and the writing of our damnation was cancelled and grace was geuen vnto vs that the con●cupiscence and carnall desyre of our flesh shoulde not hurt vs if we abstein from consenting to it and so the corrupte and putrified matter of oure old sore was remoued and taken away But who is able to ouercome the violent motions of hys flesh and to quench the heat and itch of suche a sore ● surely no man of his own strength but we maye be bold for grace helpeth vs wherewyth we be indued by receiuing Christes blessed body and bloud in thys sacrament which hath in vs two effectes the one to take away our smal sins that we fele them not the other to take away or refraine our consent from great and mortal sins that we doo them not So that if any of you all do fele and perceiue in himselfe not so great motions or so violent prouocations to anger to enuye to lecherie or to other vyces or not so often times as he did before let him geue most humble and hye thanks to the body and blood of our lord for the vertue of the sacrament doth worke in him and he maye be glad that the rotten sore and old disease of his sensuall concupiscence is better amended and well nygh brought to helth and that the commotion and rebellion of his sodayne passions and carnall affections be so wel ceased and pacifyed Furthermore besyde the healing of our sinful flesh it sanctifieth and strengthneth it in vertue and godly liuing for like as material bread doth comfort and make strong a mans body euen so the bread of life that came from heauen which is Christes body one person with the godhed doth lykewyse make strong our bodyes in grace and more then that it sanctifieth both body soule And like as wyne maketh glad a mans hart euen so the bloode of Christ dothe fulfill a mans hart wyth spirituall gladnes and beside that is made a great stay and a sure defēce for it which to a godly man is as it were a shield against his enemy and therefore in all daungerous and perillous times in remēbraunce of Christes passion by which al grace and strength was purchased for vs we receyue Christes body and bloode for the defence preseruation of our bodies and soules wherby the power of the deuil is resisted his fiery dartes of tentations be driuen away So the churche of Christe vseth to doo with her faythfull soldiours in all persecutions eyther of furious tirantes or deceitful heretikes for whē it prouoketh and exhorteth thē to fight agaynst their enemies it doth not leaue them naked and vnarmed but doth harnes and defend thē wyth the protection of Christes body and blood For seing this sacramēt is ordeined for this purpose to be a defence to the receyuers therefore it armeth al them with the harnes and shield of our Lordes meate whō it would haue to be safe frō the hurt of theyr enemies For after a man hath receyued woorthely the heauenlye meate of our Lordes body and blood the deuil forsaketh him and flyeth away swifter then the wynde dare not approch nere When the angel that destroied the first begotten in Egipt saw the dore postes sprinkled with the blood of the paschal Lambe he passed by and durst not enter in to kyll How much more wil the wicked angel the deuil runne away when he shal see not the blood of the figuratiue lambe sprinkled vpon the postes but the body and bloud of the true lambe of God in the mouth of a Christen mā If the angel gaue place to the shadow or fygure howe muche more wyl the enemye be afrayde when he seeth the truth When he shall see the house of the soule occupied with the brightnes of Christes heauenly presēce and al entraunce for his temptatiōs shut away Thus are we made stronge agaynst our enemies by the vertue of this heauēly foode wherby also our bodies being purified and refreshed be set at liberty and doth freely folow the soule and the motions of our spirite beyng deliuered from the heauye burden and weakenes whyche our carnall natiuitie dyd cause and finally they be made no more corruptible hauing thys heauenly meate for theyr hope and pledge of theyr resurrection to life euerlasting whereby they be preserued and prepared to the atteynyng of the same life For how can our flesh come to corruption and peryshe for euermore and not receyue eternall lyfe which is fed with the body blood of our Lord as our sauiour himselfe taught vs saying He that eateth my fleshe and drynketh my blood hath life euerlasting and I shall rayse him vp at the last day that is to say my bodye whyche is eaten being the body of life shall rayse vp hys body to eternall life in the last day For the very cause of our life is that we haue Christe by hys flesh remayning and abidyng in our fleshe And it wer not possible for this corruptible nature of our flesh being subiect to corruption and death to be brought to incorruption and immortalitie in the kingdome of heauen except an immortall nature such as is the body of Christ beyng God and eternall life it selfe
were ioyned to it after the waye of meate by participation whereof it myght be delyuered from the possession of death and corruption and be indued with the property of Christes body which is eternall lyfe For as Christ reduceth our soules to life eternal by geuing to them his holy spirit in the sacrament of Baptisme euen so he reduceth our bodyes to life eternall by geuing to thē his lyuing and immortall body to eate in the sacrament of the Aultar And this is the ordinary way of gods working in vs althoughe he be not alwayes bounden to his Sacramentes but that he saueth men some times of his absolute power before Baptisme and rayseth some to lyfe eternall wythout thys sacrament such as for lack of age can not proue them selues or departe in the faythe of Christe without contempt or refusall of the sayd sacrament when by some vyolence or other impediment they were letted to receyue it in dede These be good people some of the effectes which Christ woorketh by thys Sacrament in mans body which in very deede be merueilous but aboue all other thys is the greatest that he maketh vs all that worthelye receyue him to be one body with him indued with his holy spirite whereby the perfit influence of his grace beynge our heade is deriued and deduced vnto vs that be members of his body fleshe of his fleshe and bones of his bones For as s. Paul saith we that be many are made one bread one body because all we do receyue and eate of one breade whych is the naturall body of Christ the breade of lyfe that came from heauen whiche he promysed to geue to vs al as he gaue it to death for vs all In nature we be all diuers persons and haue sondry and diuers substances but because we be all fed with one singulare substance of Christes flesh which can not be diuided into partes and also are sealed with one holy spirit that likewise can not be diuided therefore these singular thinges vndiuisiblye receiued into oure bodyes and soules drawe vs to theyr vnitie and make al vs one body misticall with Christ. Which vnitie is to be called true and natural vnitie and not onely in wyll and affection by faythe and charitye where accordyng to Christes prayer immediately after hys last supper he is in the father by the nature of his diuinitie and we in hym by his corporall natiuitie and he in vs by the Sacrament of his fleshe and blood and so by Christ is made a perfite vnitie Like as when two waxes be melted at the fyre one holle thing is made of them both euen so by the communion and receyuing of Christes bodye and bloode into ours he is in vs and we in him and so by receyuynge the vertue of this heauenlye meate we are incorporate into hys fleshe that for our saluation was made our fleshe Therefore good people consyderyng these gloryous and wonderfull graces and effectes whych by thys holy sacrament he worketh both in our soules and bodies let vs not defraud our selues of them neither by to long absteyning frō it nor yet by the vnworthye receyuing of it but as his exceedyng loue towardes vs moued him to geue it to vs so let it and the benefites we receyue by it increase oure loue towardes him and as he that geueth hys lyfe for vs and his fleshe to vs wyll denye vs nothyng that maye doo vs good so let vs serue hym wyth harte and wyll and omyt nothyng that may please hym so shall we finally inioye the speciall fruite of thys most blessed Sacrament in the kyngdome of God whych is incorruption and immortality of body and soule by hys grace and free gyfte to whom wyth the father and the holye ghost be al honour glory and prayse for euermore Amen ¶ An exhortation for the worthy receyuing of the holye Sacrament Serm. x. BEyng sufficiently and most manifestlye taught good people by the mouth of our Sauiour Christ that in this most holye sacrament he geueth vnto vs his bodye and his bloode that was slayne and shed vpon the crosse for the life of the world Let vs faythfully beleue God by his woord and not repugne against him although it seme not so to our senses and our carnall thoughtes for his misteries exceede our reason wherein we ought to consider not what oure eyes sheweth vs but what hys worde teacheth vs. For our eyes may easely deceyue vs but hys word can not deceyue vs who in sensible thinges geueth vs heauenlye and intelligible thynges whyche our senses canne not iudge and discerne but geueth place to our faith directed by Gods woorde to the knowledgynge of this infallible truth Therefore it is now oure partes to prepare and make cleane our bodyes and soules from al fylth of the flesh or spirite that we may receyue thys heauenlye meate woorthely considerynge the manyfolde graces that come by it and the eternal dampnation that hangeth ouer theyr heades that vnwoorthelye presume to receyue it Remember howe euerye man is displeased and angry with the traytour Iudas and them that crucifyed our Sauiour Christe and so beware that you be not likewyse giltye of the bodye and bloud of Christe They most cruellye shedde his bloude but he that vnworthelye receyueth hym with a foule and synfull conscience spitefullye treadeth his precious blood vnder his feete No fylth or myre is so vnworthy his pure and heauenly bodye as is the bodye or soule of man defyled with mortall synne And as the thyng we come vnto is most honorable so the woorthy receyuing of it is moste profitable But if a man come vnto it with a gilty and noughty consciēce it encreaseth his faulte and dampnation for he that eateth and drinketh the body and bloude of our Lord vnworthely eateth drinketh iudgement and dampnation to himselfe For as they that do defile the kings purple robe are worthy to be punished as wel as they that cut or rent it euen so it is no maruel if they that receiue Christes bodye with an vncleane conscience do suffer the same punishment that they doo whyche dyd nayle him to the crosse Se how terrible a payne S. Paul threatneth to the vnworthy receyuer saying A man that transgresseth the law of Moyses being conuict by two or thre witnesses suffreth death how much more and greater punishment deserueth he to suffer that treadeth vnder foote Gods sonne with no reuerence regardeth the blood of his testament by whiche he was sanctified but taketh it as comon meate doth iniurie to the spirit of grace and in that he betraieth and deliuereth Christ as Iudas did not now to the synful Iewes but to his own synfull members wherwith he presumeth to dishonour so inestimable a sacrament S. Peter and Iudas at one table in one supper did both eate of one consecrate breade whych was Christes bodye but Peter
lyfe perfection and saluation And after the same sorte the holye angels of God in the time of this oure sacrifice do assist the Priest and stand about the hoste thynking than the meetest tyme to shewe their charitie towards vs and therfore holding forth the body of Christ pray for mankynde as saying thus Lord we pray for thē whom thou hast so loued that for theyr saluation thou haste suffred death and spent thy lyfe vpon the crosse we make supplication for them for whom thou hast shed this thy bloode we praye for them for whom thou hast offred this same thy very body O Lord what earnest desyre shoulde we haue to be present and to associate our selues in the oblation of thys our Sacrifice whyche we knowe Christe him selfe alwayes to doo and also hys holy Angels and Archangels and is so acceptable a thing to God the father for all our synnes and ignoraunces ▪ For in that houre when Christes death is renewed in misterye and hys moste fearefull and acceptable Sacrifice is represented to the syght of God than sitteth the king vpon hys mercye seat inclined to geue and forgeue what so euer is demaunded and asked of him in humble maner In the presence of this body and bloode of our Sauioure Christe the teares of a meeke and humble man neuer begge pardon in vayne nor the Sacrifice of a contrite harte is neuer put backe but hathe his lawfull petition graunted and geuen By resorting to thys Sacrifice of the Masse we euidentlye declare and protest before GOD and the holle worlde that we put oure singular and onely trust of grace and saluation in Christ oure Lorde for the merytes of his deathe and passion and not for the woorthynes of any good woorke that we haue done or can doo And that wee make hys passion oure onelye refuge For when wysedome fayleth whyche onelye commeth by the doctrine of Christe when ryghtewysnesse lacketh whyche onelye is gotten by the mercy of Christ whē vertue ceaseth which onely is receyued of him that is the Lord of all vertue than for supplieng of these our lackes needes our refuge is to Christes passion than we rūne as the prophet saith to the cup of our sauiour a call vpon the name of our lorde that is to say we take his passion offer to God the father in misterie the woorke of our redemption that by this memorie commemoration of it it woulde please hys mercifull goodnesse to innouate hys grace in vs and to replenish vs with the fruyt of his sonnes passion and death For that commemoration of which our Lord said do this in remēbraunce of me is thonelye commemoration that maketh God mercifull vnto vs. We are become debters to almighty god two waies for our manifold sinnes iniquities done against him and for his manifold benefites graces giuen vnto vs. As for the debtes of our sinnes manye paye verye euill that driue of their penaunce to theyr last age many pay nothing at al that die with out penaunce and charitie and they that labour to pay all they can all theyr life can neuer fullye pay theyr holle debte no scant one farding of a thousand pound What remedye then haue we but to rūn to the riche man our neighbour that hath inough to pay for vs all I meane Christe our Lord that hath payed his hart blood for no debte of his own but for our debte ther whiles we celebrate the memorie of his passion we acknowledge and confesse our sinnes whyche be without numbre and graunt that we be not able fully to satisfie for the lest of them and therfore beseche our mercifull father to accept in ful payment and satisfaction of our debtes his passion which after this sort as he hath ordeyned to be done in the sacrifice of the Masse wee renewe and represent before him and where oure sinful life hath altogether displeased him we offer vnto him his welbeloued sonne Iesus in sacrifice with whom wee are sure he is well pleased most humbly making supplication to accept him for vs in whom onely we put all our trust accompting him all our rightwisnes and the author of our saluation ▪ And as for his manyfolde benefites and giftes of nature of grace and of fortune what haue we to render to God againe Synners that haue taken their soule in vayne and geue bothe their soules and bodies to serue the world and the flesh and abuse the goodes of the worlde as stickes and matter to kyndle the fyre of their vayne and carnall lustes they bee most vnthankful and deserue most punishment But other men that consider all they haue to be Gods giftes and geuen to them not to do theyr willes withall but to geue an accompt again of the wel vsing of them and therfore bestow their externall goodes in the workes of mercy and pitie and bryng their bodyes in bondage to their spirit and their soules to be ruled by the spirite of God and so dedicate thē selues holy to Gods seruice These men be good and make of theyr goodes their wylles theyr bodyes and soules swete sacrifices of praise and thankes geuing to almighty God but yet al these sacrifices in comparison of the greate heape of benefites whyche God hath geuen doth geue and shall geue vnto vs be but as it were one droppe to the hole sea a litle warte to a great mountaine and because they be vnperfite and in manye thinges spotted with synne and vncleane therefore they be not worthy to be represēted before God as thankes seing all we haue done is but our dutie skarse that For which cause we resorte to the bodye of Christe whom God hath geuen to vs and him as being ours we offer to God againe and so in him we supplye that we lacke in our selues For it is he that by his propiciatorie sacrifice which we celebrate in the holye Masse doth reconcile vs to God and with the plenty of his gfites maketh vs thankes geuers and in all thinges taketh vpon him our person and supplieth that we ought to do and by the very nature of his sacrifice which is his body styrreth vs to continuall geuing of thankes so that our Sacrifice beyng Christes bodye as it is the greatest gyfte that God gaue man So it is a woorthy and a reall geuing of thankes for all his other gyftes And therfore it is also called Sacrificium Eucharisticū ▪ a sacrifice of thankes geuing not onelye for that we by it geue thankes to God in woordes and prayers but also for that it is it selfe a sacrifice of thankes for oure redemption for the hope of our health and saluation And wher as sacrifice is the greatest and chiefest kynde of adoration that can be perteyning to Godlye honour called Latria therfore we do make sacrifice to no creature neyther to Saynt nor Angell but onelye to the holye Trinitie whyche is the onelye and true God and
receiued by it life Iudas death to Peter it was an increase of goodnes to Iudas it was a testimonye of hys noughtynesse Peter beyng good and clene toke it for his saluation Iudas beyng a traytour and vncleane tooke it to hys dampnation The thyng that was geuen was not euil but a good thing was noughtely receiued of an euil man to his dampnation For after the receipt of our Lordes body the deuil entered into Iudas not that the deuil did despise or contemne our Lordes body but the impudent wyckednes of Iudas made entrye for the deuil to dwel there wherby we be taught that the deuil lyeth in wayte and preuayleth ouer theym that vse these secret misteries with a corrupt mynde So that Iudas as soone as he with his trayterous mynde touched the heauenly foode and the sanctified bread entred into hys cursed mouthe hys myscheuous mynde not able to beare the strength of so great a Sacrament was blowen forth like chaffe out of a barne and so headlings hee ranne to hys treason and money and so to desperation and hangynge Marke the greate mercye of oure Sauioure Christe and the madnesse of Iudas for Iudas bargained for thyrty pence to sell his mayster and Christ did minister to hym the same bloode whych he solde to thintent he shoulde haue had remission of synnes if he woulde haue forsaken his wickednes O cruell hart of thys traytour wyth what eyes could he looke vpon hym whom he had in hys mouthe to eate beyng bothe at once to Christ a murderer and a gest sellyng his maister for a litle money and loosyng God and hym selfe for euermore Euen so at this day there be in the church of God good men as Saynte Peter was and noughtye men as Iudas was The good receyue the blessed Sacrament to theyr saluation the euyll men beyng lyke dogges and swine to theyr dampnation They be dogges that vnreuerentlye come vnto it and therefore they departe in Gods hye dyspleasure For they that lyue after the fleshe and be fettered in the cheynes of synne and vyce they receyue with Iudas the traytour poyson and runne to the halter of spiritual hanging in hel beyng condemned both for theyr other manyfolde synnes and also for the contempt of Christes most precious bodye whyche in verye deede they receyue but in substaunce onelye and not in any profitable or holsome effect Osa the priest in the old testament put to his hand to the Arke of God to stay it when it was like to fall of the cart and God being displeased for his rash ēterprise did smite him by by with sodayn death Where we may euidently se vnderstand how much he offēdeth that rashly with a gilty cōscience cōmeth to the body of our Lord when the deuout priest was punished by death that wyth lesse reuerence then he ought to haue done did touch the Arke which was but the fygure of our Lordes body In the olde lawe it is said that if a man do eate of the sanctified meat of the sacrifice by ignoraunce his synne and iniquitie shalbe imputed vnto him for which cause S. Paul doth warne vs to come vnto this most holy sacrifice of the new testament wyth muche caution and warenes least we take it to our dānation For if ignoraunce in the old law be condemned how muche is a giltye conscience in the gospel condempned Looke howe much Christe himself passeth and excelleth the materiall temple of God whyche Salomon buylded euen so much more greuous and terrible is it to receiue Christes body in deadly synne thē to eate rashly of the sacrifices of the old lawe Therefore let no false and couetous man as Iudas let no mā that vseth simonie or vsury as Symō Magus let no mā bearing a malitious hart to his neighbour as king Herode come to this boord of our sauiour Christ this sacrifice is spirituall meate For lyke as common meate when it fyndeth a mannes stomake full of euyll humours it doth hym no good but great hurt euen so thys heauenly and spirituall meate if it fynde a mannes hart full of iniquitie it maketh him worsse not for any faulte of the meate but by the faulte of the receyuer If he be woorthy punishment that kysseth the kynges hande wyth a foule mouthe what paine is he worthy that kisseth the mouth of the kynge of heauen with a stynkynge soule And leste men shoulde thinke that these were but vayne threatninges of Saynt Paule and other holye men and that God woulde not enter in to iudgement with theim that so villanouslye and contemptuouslye abuse Chrystes bodye Sainte Paule dothe further shewe as it were an image of Gods iudgement to come agaynste suche vnworthy receyuers declaringe how that for that same heynous fault many nowe in thys worlde are punished with sicknesse with infirmytyes with mischaunces wyth great aduersitye and also with sodaine death of the body to thyntent that the multitude should be affrayd and learne by the example of a few knowyng that god wyll not leaue the contempt of his body vnpunished and although manye escape free here yet they may be sure to be more extremely handled there bothe for abusynge Chrystes bodye and also for contempninge the example of other And these plagues of sicknesse and deathe chaunce to many because they wyll not iudge them selues nor wyll not vnderstande what it is to communycate wyth the Churche and to come to so hye and so heauenlye Sacramentes and so they suffer that whyche men that bee in a feuer bee wonte to suffer when they kyll them selues by presu●●●g to eate of holle mens meate And also these plagues chaunce because they wyll not iudge Christes body that is to saye they wyll not discerne and consider the greatnes and maiestye of this present misterye but negligentlye and contemptuously take Christes body as other common meate For if they did cōsider and esteme of what excellency maiesty he were that is presēt there before them and geuen them to eate they should nede no other perswasion to make cleane their hartes and to receiue him with his most honoure and reuerence but he alone woulde cause them to take hede and to purge them selues For they would consyder that they receyue and taste vpon his body and bloud that sitteth in heauen that is honoured of Aungels that is of infynite power that made both heauen and earthe that redemed gouerneth the holle worlde that shall iudge both quicke and deade And on the othersyde they woulde consider that if God dyd geue vnto vs the heauen the sea the earth and al the riches and treasures that bee in these and yf he did send vnto vs his patriarches his prophetes his Aungels he should neither geue nor sende to vs anye thinge equall wyth thys whiche is the head of all goodnesse who spared not his onelye begotten sonne to saue vs that were hys fugytiue slaues And
our sinnes that the bytternesse of our penaunce mighte wype awaye the fylthye humour of our corrupt life from our soules The Iewes did eate their lambe standinge hauinge their stafes in their handes and in greate haste ready to flye out of Egipte euen so oughte we to stande in true faythe and good lyfe not to syt or lye in corrupt doctryne or lyuing but to haue the staffe of true hope of eternall ioyes to come in our handes to stay vs in the daūgerous iourney of this worlde that wee neyther faynte for werines nor giue ouer for cowardnes to our gostly enemies knowing that theyr iorney was but from Egipt to Iewry and our iorney is frō the earth to heauen the strong and holsome vittale of whiche iorney is this heauenlye foode of Christes body and bloode And as they were in readynes to departe out of Egipt by and by after the eating of the lambe so ought we cōmyng to this blessed sacrament to haue our liues so vp righte and pure from all synne as thoughe we shoulde euen then depart out of this transitorye worlde For looke in what state of clene lyfe aman wold auenture his soule when he dyeth let him with all diligence prouide and procure that his soule be in the same state when he commeth to communicate By this comparison ye may learne good people howe to proue iudge your selues and so to come worthely to this heauenly foode The next thing is to lerne how to iudge and discerne the body of our Lord whē we come vnto it that is to say we may not vndiscretlye negligentlye take it but we oughte to discerne Christes body from other common meates and considering the great dignitie and worthynesse of it we ought to geue honour and reuerēce due to so great a thing as is the flesh and bloode of Christ God and man not the fleshe of man one lye for than it could not geue life but the proper fleshe of Gods sonne vnited to his person in diuinitie and is therfore able to geue lyfe eternall to our mortal bodies For which cause we ought with feare reuerence and a deuoute mynde to come vnto it which beyng the same in substaūce that suffered is also the best wytnesse of Christes paynful passion Wherefore when thou doest go vp to the Aultare to bee fedde wyth thys spirituall and heauenlye meate beholde wyth fayth the most holy body and bloude of thy God honour it maruel at it touch it with thy minde take it with the hand of thy hart and speciallye drynke of it wyth the draughte of the inwarde man No man eateth worthely this flesh but he that first honoureth it with godly honour in the holye Sacrament considering that it is greate synne not to honour it seinge it is the bodye of him that made thee and wyth it redemed thee and shall by it rayse thee oute of dust and ashes for the which thou hopest to receiue heauen and the ioyes that bee therein and to bee associate to his holy angels But wher as in this sacrament there be two thynges conteyned the outwarde fourme of breade which is sene with the eyes of the bodye and the bodye and bloude of Christe whiche is seene onelye with the eyes of the soule which is fayth Therefore let euery man or woman when he seeth this sacrament in the Priestes handes direct the eye of his faythe and hys intent to honour onely that substaūce of Christ God and man whiche he seeth not with hys bodelye eyes but beleueth it moste certeinlye to be there present and let him not fyxe hys thoughte vpon the visible whitenes or roundnesse of the bread which be sensible creatures reserued ther for the vse of this mistery and may in no wise be adowred and worshipped with godlye honour but let him intend to honour the body and blood of Christ and yet not those as onely creatures but as they be vnited to the Godhead and made one person in diuinitie for onelye God is to bee honoured with godlye honoure whiche we doo when we honour Christe God and man present in the blessed Sacrament This honour specially consisteth in oure true and lyuely fayth which we haue of Christe there present which honour we declare outwardly by kneling and other reuerent behauour of our bodies protesting thereby what is our faythe and iudgement concernynge the substaunce of thys most blessed Sacrament and so we truly iudge and discerne our Lordes bodye And for further honour to be geuen vnto it when so euer we receiue it we take it fastinge before all other meates except extreme sicknes or the instant danger of death doo require otherwyse to take it when and as we maye For euer synce the Apostles time it pleased the holy gost that for the honour of so great a Sacrament the body of our Lorde shoulde first enter into the mouthe of a Christen man before all other externall meates For thys maner and custome is obserued vniuersallye througheout the holle worde And for that cause it is decreed by the vniuersall Churche of Christ that this moste honourable Sacrament shoulde bee reserued for the necessitie of theym that be sicke or absent least where as it can not bee duelye consecrate at all tymes and places of a priest not fasting the sicke folkes should die wythoute thys heauenly foode whyche is theyr strengthe and the staye of theyr passage to the next worlde Furthermore at the tyme of the receyuing of this Sacrament we ought to haue our myndes occupyed in remembryng the passion of Christe For by this sacrifice which Christ geueth to vs we know assuredly that he boughte vs wyth no worldly treasure of golde and syluer but wyth this same his moste precious bodye and bloude and by it we are prouoked to remēber alwayes his most hye benefite and therewithall continuallye to render moste humble thankes to him in deuout affection and obedient seruice according to hys good wyll and pleasure Thus receyuing the bodye and bloode of oure Lorde we oughte thankfullye to remember and confesse that oure sauiour Christ hath geuē his body to death and shed his bloude for vs knowyng that we ought agayne rather to suffer our bodyes to be slayne and our bloud to be shed for hym and in defence of hys truthe and edifyeng of his people if the case so required than to forsake or denie him or the truth of his gospell reueled by the holy ghost to the catholike churche By this good people ye knowe how to iudge and discerne the bodye of our Lord and how to behaue your selues when ye come to receyue it Now likewyse know what is your dutye to do after ye haue receiued it Ye ought to keepe and preserue your selues clene from synne rather after than before lest you commit anye thyng that might displease the presence of his maiesty whō ye haue receiued and therby be an occasiō of his
to receyue him as ●he Centurio said that he was not woorthye that Christ shoulde enter into his house yet at lest resort to this Sacrifice and with fayth and deuotion receyue Christ spiritually and geuyng thankes for all hys gyftes commit your selues hollye to the custodye and tuition of almyghtye god who is alwaies ready to shew vs mercy for Christes sake to whō with the father and the holye ghost be all honour prayse and glory worlde wythout end Amen ⸫ ¶ Of the necessitie and commoditie of Penaunce in general Serm. xiiii OUr Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe whyche came into thys worlde too call and saue synners dealynge patientlye with them not wyllyng anye man to peryshe but all men to bee conuerted and turned too hym by Penaunce after that Iohn Baptiste whom God sent before his face to prepare hys way by preaching of Penaunce was apprehended and cast into prison than I say our Sauioure Christe began to preache the gospell of hys grace and glorye after thys forme sayinge Do penaunce for the kyngdome of heauen draweth nere teaching vs bothe by hys woorde and deede and lyke as Iohn Baptiste goeth before whose ministery was to preach Penaunce and Iesus commeth after by whose death we haue redemption and remission of synne euen so in the harte of euerye synner the effecte of Iohns preachynge whyche is true and vnfayned Penaunce must go before that theffect of Christes passion which is grace mercie and remission of synnes maye come after And as this doctrine of penaunce was first of all other taught by our Sauiour hymselfe and by Iohn hys moste holye Prophet as a thynge most necessarye for the instruction and saluation of all men euen so hys holye Apostles in the beginning of theyr preachynge obserued the same matter and forme of doctrine as Sainte Peter in his first Sermon made at Hierusalem in the day of Pentecost when he had opened the worke of the holye Ghoste in the gifte of tounges and thereby tooke occasion to sette foorthe the mysterye of Iesus Christe at the last ende his doctrine to the people whyche were smitten wyth compunction of hart by his woordes was thys Doo penaunce and be euerye one of you baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of your sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holye Ghoste And in hys next Sermon wrytten in the thyrde chapter of the Actes hee taughte the same doctrine in these woordes Doo you therefore penaunce and bee conuerted that your sinnes maye bee taken awaye Saynte Paule also calleth the doctrine of Penaunce the foundation of all other doctrines in the harte of a godlye man out of whych doo spryng suche other vertues as brynge a man to the perfection of a Christen lyfe Lykewyse Saynt Iohn Euangelist began wyth the same doctrine of Penaunce writynge in hys Reuelation to the seuen Churches that were in Asia sayinge thus to the church of Ephesus in the person of Christ Remember from whence thou haste fallen and doo pena●nce and do the first woorkes or els I shal c●me to thee soone and shall remoue thy candlesticke from his place excepte thou doo penaunce And thys doctrine also dydde all the other Apostles fyrst and principallye set foorth to all them that receyued the fayth of Christe as most necessary for theyr saluation beyng taught and commaunded so to do by our Sauiour Christe hym selfe when before hys Ascencion hee opened to them theyr wyttes and vnderstandinges to vnderstande the Scriptures saying to them that it was so written that Christe so shoulde suffer and ryse from deathe the thyrde daye and that penaunce shoulde bee preached in hys name and remission of synne throughout al people beginning at Hierusalem For which cause and consideration I as a minister of our sauiour Christ to whom he hath committed the woord and ministerie of reconciliation vsynge as it were hys embassage to exhort you to be reconciled to him intendynge to teache you at thys tyme what thynges to doo for the sauynge of your soules and the atteynynge of euerlastynge lyfe haue thought it most expedient for satisfyeng of my dutie in folowynge the example and commaundement of our mayster Christ and his Apostles and for your erudition to be taught the streight pathe and hye beaten waye for our Christen religion to speake of penaunce and fyrste to declare the necessitie and commoditie of the same and than in order the partes of it and how to do it in suche maner as it maye be acceptable to almightye God and a meane to atteyne hys mercye and remission of synne Fyrst of al consider you good people that penaunce is a gift of God as the scripture saythe God hath geuen and graunted penaunce to the Gentiles for lyfe and saluation And it is God that standeth at the doore of our hart and knocketh by whose inspiration wee haue the begynnyng of our conuersion wythoute whom we be not able and sufficient of oure selues as of oure selues to thinke any good thought Thys gyfte of penaunce is a perfite and merueylous greate gift beyng as Saynte Chrisostome saythe the mother of mercy wherby as the wisemā sayth God dothe dyssimule the synnes of men for penaunce that is to saye God of hys mere mercye and fatherly affection doth beare with the syns of men and differreth to auenge and punysh thē iustly according to theyr desertes patiently looking for their conuersion and penaunce by meanes wherof he might remit theyr offences delyuer them from manye daungers geue vnto thē plenty of grace and conduct them to the fruitiō of his glory For if God should by and by punish al off●dours neither Zacheus should haue had space to haue done penaunce nor yet s. Mathew nor many other beyng taken awaye to eternall deathe before the tyme of theyr penaunce But our most mecke father calling euerys one to penaunce dothe abyde and tarye for vs which pacience who so euer abuseth and contemneth by remayning still in his former synnes according to the hardnesse and obstinacie of his own hart dothe store vp to himselfe Gods indignation in the daye of Gods anger and iuste iudgement when he shall render to euerye one according to his woorkes And as he saith himselfe except in very deede we do penaunce we shall all peryshe and bee condempned whereby we vnderstande howe profitable and necessarye a medicine penaunce is without the whiche sinnes be not remitted to them that haue the vse of theyr vnderstanding and reason The Serpent in Paradise moued Eue to sinne penaunce loosed her again and from thence came good and euyll to manne Our father Adam was expulsed oute of Paradise for synne and we and all other that be hys children be called thyther agayne by penaunce For penaunce openeth that sinne hath shut and the mercyfull goodnes of God doth call vs thyther agayne from whence his anger hathe cast vs out What a great power
of the bodye can not sustayne bothe But when bothe are made incorruptible then maye the payne rage at wyll and fynde no ende Let vs not thinke that the extremytye of oure torment shall make an ende of our sorowe but as we sayed oure sinnes shall kindle oure payne and incorruption of bodye and soule shall without end continue the same And if it were so that equall time and all one space were appointed for the pleasure here and for the payne there shoulde there be any man so folishe and so madde that woulde chose for one daye of pleasure to suffer one daye of payne when as the sorowe of one houre and euery torment of the bodye is wonte to make vs forgette all tyme paste in pleasure before But now where as it is possible in a shorte time yf we conuert to God to escape all these tormentes of paines and to atteyne eternall ioye why doe wee lynger why do we tarye and do not vse the largenesse and free gyfte of GOD The vnspeakeable and infinite goodnesse of God hathe alreadye prouided not to extend the tyme of our laboures and conflictes nor to make it longe or eternall but shorte and as I might say a moment of an houre This is euen the life present yf it be compared to the lyfe eternall The goodnesse of God hath therefore prouided that in thys lytle shorte lyfe shoulde be oure conflictes and labours and in that whyche is eternall shoulde be the crowne and rewarde of oure merytes that oure labours shoulde soone be ended and the rewarde of oure merites should endure for euer But this like as it reioyseth them that through paciēce of labour receiue the crowne So it tormenteth and afflicteth them in tyme to come that see them selues for a short time of pleasure to haue lost eternall glorye and to haue gotten perpetuall miserye And lest we come into this vexation of mynde lette vs nowe awake whyle we haue tyme. Loo nowe is the time acceptable nowe is the daye of repentaunce But if we neglect oure lyfe there remaineth for vs not onelye those euils whyche we shall suffer in hell but an euill more greuous then all that To be excluded from all goodnes and to be depriued of suche ioyes as be ordeyned for sayntes doth engender such a griefe suche a sorowe that if no other did otherwyse vexe vs that alone might suffyce The lacke of the glorye whiche we had in our power to enioy passeth all the tormentes that be in hell For when the holle vniuersall worlde shall come to iudgemente to be iudged of that iudge that nedeth no witnes that seketh no proues that admytteth no oratours but all these set aparte he himselfe discouereth and sheweth abrode both dedes wordes and thoughtes and euery thing as it were painted in certeine tables he layeth open before the eyes of them that did them of them that stand by How shall not euery creature then shake and stand in great feare And if then the floud of fyre did not ouerflow the worlde nor the terrible angels assist God and if there were no face horrible sight of tormentes but onely this that yf men were called forth before the kinge and some should be accompted worthye prayse and honor and other wyth shame rebuke and confusyon abiected out of syght If men should onely suffer thys kinde of punishment would not it in a maner excede all the paynes of hell that other men receyuing rewardes of the king they had deserued shameful repulse with confusion how great 〈◊〉 this is although my wordes can not fully teache it nowe yet when it shall come to experyence of the matter in dede then we shal plainelye know it because we shall painfully fele it Adde also to all these the sorowes of the tormentes not onely the confusion and shamefull reproche but also put before thine eyes the way that men be drawen to the fyre and paynes thinke vppon the cruell and horrible ministers of the paynes that throw downe headlinge synners into all kindes of tormētes and that the same time that other which lyued well are borne vp by the most clere and pleasaunt aungelles before the hyghe seat of the eternal king and are rewarded with crownes of glory and immortall reward It is no maruaile if the infidels and they that beleue not the generall iudgement and the resurrection to come care not how they liue and haue no cōpunctyon of harte nor remorse of their synnes but for vs that see thinges to come surer then thinges presente to lyue so wretchedlye and to take no remēbraunce of the iudgement to come but to fall into vtter contempt of it it is extreme maddenesse and one of the greatest sinnes of all when we that beleue frame our lyues lyke vnto them that beleue not To fall into sinne is a point of mannes infyrmitie but to remayne in synne styll is a poynte of the deuilles obstinacye Thus let vs put before our eyes the last daye and make haste to amende our lyues tyll we haue tyme. For he that hath promysed pardone vnto vs whensoeuer we conuerte dothe not promise vnto vs longe lyfe and to lyue whyle to morowe Watche therefore sayeth our sauiour Christe because ye knowe not the daye nor the houre Euer ought we to be afrayde of the laste daye which we can not foresee We ought than to seke our Lorde GOD whyles he maye be founde and not to lye sleping in sinne as the fyue foolyshe virgins did tyll the spouse come and the doore be shutte For than shall the doore be shutte to them that to late and vnfrutefully shall lament whiche now standeth open to all that truely and betymes wil be penitent There shalbe repentaunce than but not fruitfull For than shall he fynde no pardon that now wilfully looseth the time of pardon Yf we than praye wyth the foolyshe virgins Lorde lorde open the doore to vs wee shall heare hym saye againe I knowe you not For there is no man can obteyne that he asketh whyche here woulde not fulfyll that GOD commaunded He that wyll be oute of all dout and auoyde the daunger of eternall deathe lette hym dooe true penaunce whyles he is in healthe and hathe space and occasion of GOD offered to doe it and than maye he be sure because he hathe done penaunce in that tyme when he myghte haue synned more But yf he wyll than take repentaunce when he can synne no more than synne dothe forsake hym and he not it and than it is no maruayle thoughe GOD contemne him in hys deathe that euer before contemned GOD in his lyfe It is easye for a sinner at the begynninge to aryse but if he delaye his conuersyon the longer he remayneth in synne the harder it wyll be for hym to aryse The longer the deuyll hathe possessed a man wyth the more difficultie will he let hym go Dauid smote Goliath in the forehead and so killed him wherby we be
that geue and render good for euyll and be alwayes ready to profyte suche as hurte them The fyrste kynde of menne keepe peace the seconde maynteyne peace and the thyrde make peace and wynne the soules of other and therefore are compted happy and worthy to be called the chyldren of God that do the worke of Gods sonne that after they be recōciled them selues labour with all their power to reconcyle other to their heauenly father Many kyndes of almes there be and workes of mercy both corporall also spiritual But amōg thē al there is neuer one greater than freely euen frō the hart to remit that an other mā hath offended against vs. It is nothynge in a maner to loue hym that loueth vs and doth vs no harme for Infideles and all other men of nature wyll so dooe but to loue our enemies and to will to do good to thē that wyshe and do euyll to vs as muche as they can is the greatest perfection of a christen man And although the number of men for the moste part doth not come to that degree of perfection to loue and do good to their enemies whereunto euery Christen man ought with prayer and diligence to laboure and wrestle with hymselfe to come yet he can not be a good man that will not freely and hartely forgeue his enemy that ceaseth to be his enemy and is sory for that he hath done and humbly asketh hym forgeuenes For his synnes be holden styll and not remytted of God that will not forgeue his penitent neyghbour that he hath done against hym Therfore seyng in many thinges we offend al and the Angels of God be not yet commed that shall take away al offences out of the worlde it is not possible for peace to be kept euerywher in this world and God to bee pleased except hee that in anye thing doeth offend his neyghbour lay away his pride and submit himselfe and he that is offended laye awaye his obstinacie and be content to bee intreated for by these twoo meanes Gods peace shalbe kept without the whiche gods mercye can not be gotten and our offringes can not be accepted But hauing and vsing them rightwisnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost shall remayne with vs and the kyngdome of God shall be within vs and we daylye in grace and feare shall woorke our owne saluation through Christ our Lorde to whom with the father and the holy ghost be all glory for euermore Amen ⸫ ¶ Of Satisfaction Serm. xxiii HAuynge declared vnto you heretofore good people the first two partes of penaunce whiche be Contrition Cōfession Nowe order requyreth that I shoulde declare at this tyme the thyrd part whiche is Satisfaction And firste of all it is to be knowen that when a Christen man or woman hath by consent of mynde or by worde or deede done any thyng that is deadly sinne thā hath he set him selfe in the state of dampnation is boūden to suffer euerlasting payne in hell because the rewarde or hyer of synne is eternall deathe vnder whiche payne God in the beginnyng and alwayes dydde forbidde sinne Likewise when a synner chaungeth his mynde forsakynge hys synne and taketh true repentaunce for the same and commeth to confession to a Priest if he may confesse and haue a Priest after that sorte and intent as is declared before than almighty God doth mercyfully forgeue him al the paines punishment that he had deserued and shoulde haue had in hell for his offences and setteth the synner agayne in the state of saluation And this doth almyghtye God euermore after the penitentes confession ordinarylye although he take not so muche and so great repentaunce for hys synne as he had pleasure in it nor althoughe he be not so long sory as he lay continued in sinne before For God hath not cōmaunded that synners shall take as muche repentaunce and be as longe sorye for their synnes as they tooke pleasure and continued in theyr synne For if he had done so ▪ the penitent synner could not haue been sure that he had had mercy and forgiuenes after his confession but shoulde rather haue been alwaies in doubt and feare of forgeuenes because he coulde not alwayes certaynly knowe that he had taken so muche and so long repentaunce as he had pleasure and taryed in his synne whiche feare and doubte of forgeuenes no synner commyng vnfeynedly to this sacrament maye haue at any tyme but when so euer a synner dooeth forsake his synnes and taketh repentaunce for it be it litle or muche and so cōmeth to confessiō than he knoweth is in suretie that he hath forgeuenes and is set againe in the state of saluation And although it be true that any quantitie of Contrition is sufficient to haue forgeuenesse of the paynes of hell due for synne yet the more he taketh the better he doeth And this forgeuenes of synne and eternall payne due for synne commeth by the vertue of Christes passion who hath made satisfaction vpon the crosse and redemed vs by his death from all iniquitie and is the sacrifice propiciatorye for the synnes of the holle worlde and hathe borne our synnes in his body vpon the tree by whose woundes we are made safe Therefore this is to bee surelye beleued that onely our Sauiour Christe by his painfull passion vpon the crosse is that satisfaction whiche deserueth remission of our sinnes and the abolyshyng of eternal death and dampnation whiche remission and deliuery no man is able to deserue by any thyng that he can do but onely the goodnes and humanitie of GOD our Sauioure in Christ not by the workes of rightwisnes which we haue done but by his own mercy hath wroughte brought to passe God of his greate mercie to all true penitentes forgeueth synne and yet of his iustice and truthe he leaueth not the sinnes of them whom he forgeueth vnpunished But all synnes of all men and women he punisheth either eternally in hell or temporally for a tyme that as in forgeuing appeareth his mercie so in correcting or auenging myght appeare his iustice For whiche cause consyderynge that God by the merites of Christe forgeueth to all that be truelye penitent and confessed all their synnes and also the paynes of hell due for the same and yet leaueth no synne vnpunyshed although it be remitted we may thereby certeinly know that euery synner although he hath receiued absolution and remission eyther hath suffered or remayneth yet styll bounden to suffer certein temporall payne accordynge to the nature and quantitie of his former faulte for that hee presumed to doe against Gods lawe and brake his promyse and professiō in baptisme And this temporall payne is oure debte whyche we are bounden to paye to God For as we are debters to almyghtie God for his manifolde benefytes bestowed vpon vs and so are bounden alwayes to thanke him to honoure hym and to offer to him the sacrifice of
prayse so are we debters to hym also for oure manifolde sinnes done against him and so are wee bounden to satisfye the iustice of God by suffering paine for the same both whiche debtes when we could not and were not able to paye our selues Christ our Lorde being the mediatoure betwene God and man by hys paynful death hath paied it for vs and hath cācelled the obligation of our debt and fully satisfied God for the synne of the worlde and hathe taken away eternal death due for the same and so hath made vs nowe able by him and in hym both to offer that sacrifice of prayse which for al his benefites we were bounden to make and also to satisfie the iustice of God for that tēporall payne whiche remayneth for vs to suffer after that the giltines of oure synnes and the paynes of hell be remitted through the satisfactiō made vpon the crosse the benefite whereof is applyed to vs by true faythe contrition not that we be able of our selues by oure woorkes or suffering to make woorthye satisfaction for the same as Christ hath done but that we are made able by Christ and in hym to dooe or suffer that wherewith God is contented and satisfied and accepteth as a satisfaction By this ye shall vnderstande good people that the satisfaction of penaunce which I haue to declare vnto you at this tyme is punyshement or affliction which a synner taketh vpon him to suffer by the assignement of his ghostlye father after the remission of his synnes to the intent he might thereby cut away the cause and sequele of his sinnes whiche remayne and also eyther clerely redeme or at lest mitigate the tēporall paynes due for the same synnes by doing of suche penall woorkes as bee contrarye to the synnes committed This doctrine of Satisfaction standeth vpō these two groundes First that when the sinne is remitted and the sinner receyued into grace and fauour with GOD againe yet oftentymes there remayneth temporall payne to be suffered for the same sinne eyther in this worlde or in the nexte And secondlye that this temporall payne may be mitigated or redemed and taken awaye by penitential satisfaction the worthy fruites of penaunce To this doctrine beareth wytnesse the trade and processe of the holle Scriptures When the people of Israell in the wyldernesse grudged against Moyses and Aaron and wold haue gone backe into Egipt againe and so prouoked God to vengeaunce Moyses prayed for the people very feruently at whose prayer God did forgeue the people their sinne yet not with standing that forgeuenes he said that he would punishe thē after this sort that neuer one of thē that came out of Egipt had not obeyed him in the wildernes should see or enter into the lande which he promised thē Wherby we learne that after the synne remitted many times there remaineth a punishmēt temporall to be suffred for the same Also king Dauid when he had taken contrition and confessed the sinne that he didde with Barsabee and for the kyllynge of her husband Urias the Prophete Nathan shewed him that God had forgeuen him his synne and that he should not dye and be dampned for it but yet he shoulde haue great and longe temporall punishment for those offences and so he had bothe in the death of his children and also in the persecution of his sonne Absalon in diuers other thinges which the Prophete tolde him And yet when the Prophet had said that his yong sonne begotten by Barsabee should dye trustyng that his humble penaunce should chaunge Gods sentence in punishinge of him by the deathe of his sonne he fell to fasting weeping praying watching and lying vpon the grounde by the space of seuen dayes and although he dydde not than obtayne the release of that punishement whiche was appointed by Goddes immutable decree yet in an other lyke offence he obteyned the mitigation of his temporall payne For when Dauid for the synne of nombryng the people had taken contrition and humbled himselfe before God confessinge his faulte the Prophete by the message of God for punyshmēt of his synne after remission gaue hym choyce whether he would haue seuen yeares hunger or three monethes warre without victory or three daies pestilēce and when he did chose pestilence whiche might as soone fall vpon him the offendour as vpon the people he did so punyshe and afflicte him selfe that God in respecte of his penaūce was satisfied and content with the plage of one day and did remit the rest Euen so Dauid in his psalmes speaking of Moyses and Aaron sayeth that God dyd heare them and was mercyfull vnto them and yet punyshed and reuenged all their inuentions and synne And the Apostle Saynte Paule teacheth vs that for the synne of abusinge the blessed body and bloud of our Lord in the sacrament of the Aultare many were punished with weakenes sicknes and corporall death and telleth vs also there the remedie howe to auoyde these paynes which is if we would iudge condempne and punishe our selues wee shoulde escape the punyshement of God for when we be iudged and punyshed of God we be but corrected whose chastisement is rather to be called an admonition than a condemnation rather a fatherly medicine than a finall punishment and destruction And therefore euery synner ought to exercise more seueritie against him selfe that iudging himselfe he be not iudged of God the contemning whereof is a meane to bee eternally condempned with the wicked worlde It suffiseth not for a man to chaunge his maners to the better to beginne a new life forsake the olde except also he make satisfaction to God for those sinnes he hath done by the sorowe of Penaunce by the mournynge and Sacrifice of an humble and contrite harte and by almes Wherby appeareth that the penaunce of a christen man sinning deadly after baptisme conteyneth satisfaction by fastinge almes prayer and other godly exercises of spiritual life not for the eternal paine of hel which with the synne is remitted in the vsing of the sacrament of penaūce or els if the sacrament can not be had in the desire of ful purpose to vse it when it may be had but for temporal payne which as the scriptures teache is not holly alwayes remitted to theim that take the grace of God in vayne True contrition and sorowe for synne taken for the loue of God whom he hath offended causeth a synner likewise to take this satisfaction punishmēt vpon him assigned by the minister of God by the vertue of the keyes committed to the Churche or sometymes voluntarelye taken vpon hym of his owne good wyll as Sainte Paule saith to the Corinthians that the sorowe which is taken for Gods sake worketh stedfast penaūce for saluation on the other side the sorow of the world worketh death For euen thys sorow which you haue takē for Gods sake saith Saint Paule to the Corinthians how muche
abstinence and shutteth his mercye and compassion from his neighboure that needeth is not hearde of GOD. But these three ioyned in a faythfull man together be of greate vertue and reache to heauen and there do turne away the face of God from his synnes and doo purchase gods grace for such thinges as he hath neede of as Toby saith praier with fasting and almes is good and better then to store vp treasures of gold in his cofers A man may also make satisfaction for his sinnes with repentaunce and sorowe for his synne so that God will forgeue hym all the temporall paine whiche he deserued to haue had as God forgaue Saynte Peter the sayde payne for hys great repentaunce and bitter weeping and likewyse Marye Magdalene whose great sorowe is expressed in the Gospell And because the minister of God knoweth not howe muche repentaunce and contrition the synner hath taken nor how much he ought to take for due satisfaction therfore his office is to enioyne the penitent certeine workes of penaūce for to make satisfactiō and such as the party may easely and shortly do for auoyding of grudge if it were to harde and also for auoyding of forgetfulnesse if it were to long and then to counsell and exhort the penitēt to do more penaunce and good dedes of his own good wil in further satisfaction for his sinnes al ready done and for stopping of the entrye of the deuils suggestions to sinne to come and for exercising of him selfe in vertuous occupations cōtrary to his sinnes before Wherefore good people I beseche you to care and prouide for your soules which Christe hathe preferred before hys own bloode in that he hath geuen the one to redeeme the other feare to fall into the handes of God contemne not his iudgemētes the certein knowledge of the paines due for our sins is onely reserued to God to our Lord Iesus Christ to whō the father hath geuen al iudgement wherof we may not be curious in serching but diligēt in auoyding by the worthy fruites of penaunce which be acceptable to god for two causes both for that they be good workes of theyr owne nature commended cōmaunded of god also for that they be inioyned vs to do by the authoritye of the keyes of the kingdome of heauen geuen to the church and are better accepted of god for our obedience to him and his holy Churche Let not the streytnes of penaunce feare vs nor the conscience of our synnes kepe vs backe for in many good men where synne hath most aboūded ther hath grace more abounded The suffringes and paines of this time be not equall to that faulte which is remitted to that paine which we haue deserued nor yet to that glory which is reserued for vs. As nothing is vnpossible to them that beleue so nothing is hard or painfull to them that loue where deuotion driueth them to begin and grace helpeth them to make an ende both in doing the fruites of penaunce for their sinnes past and also in doynge the fruites of vertue for encrease of rightwisenes present till God deliuer vs from all paynes and daungers of synne and geue vnto vs the kingdome which he hath prepared for vs from the beginning of the worlde through Christe our Lord to whom with the father the holy gost be all honour and glory Amen ¶ How a man should after penaunce auoy de synne and lyue well Serm. xxiiii IT is better good people to auoide sinne thē to amend sinne as it is more holsome and pleasaunt for a man with good dyet to preserue his health then after sickenes wyth daunger and griefe to recouer his helth And it is a great dele worse to fal downe again after he be fullye recouered then it was to fall first in the beginning For which cause after a man be restored again to the health of his soule by the medicine of penaunce he oughte to be a great deale more carefull and vigilant lest he fall againe to his old sicknes and by that meanes come the soner in daunger of eternall death and he ought euermore to remember the lessō of our Sauiour Christ which he gaue to the man sicke of the palsey whom he made holle which is this beholde thou art made holle go thy waies and now sinne no more least some worse thing chaunce to thee To this end how a man should auoid sinne and liue wel the most part of al the scripture is written and the most part of al sermōs be made and of no matter maye be more saide but I intende God willing at this time onely to note vnto you three or foure general pointes which if a man do remember and obserue he shall the better and with more ease auoyde sinne and keepe himselfe in grace and good lyfe First I would he shoulde do as a man doth that hath bene sicke of a great surfet and in peryll of death who when he is restored to his health again he wil diligently take heede and refuse those meates that brought him into his sicknes be forbidden him to eate vpon by hys Phisician and he wyll remember to feede vpon suche meates onelye as the Phisician prescribeth him and wil preserue his health euen so euery man and woman must doo and kepe lyke order and dyet after theyr confession for to kepe theyr soules styll in health they must remember that Christ our Phisician hath made them holle by the soueraign medicine of penaunce and hath forbidden theym all maner of sinne whereupon they surfeted and therefore they must vtterlye refuse and forsake and in no wyse eate of that euill meate by willynge and consentinge to anye synne agayne Nowe for the better auoydyng of this a man must doo thre thinges first consyder the noughtines of sinne and then when any cōmeth to his minde vncalled for let him put it away by and by and thirdly he must kepe his fiue senses well and flye from the companye of euyll person● and occasions of synne First let him consider that sinne is so vile of it selfe that euery man dothe hate and abhorre the name of it for a man loueth not nor woulde not be called proude malicious couetous a theefe a lecher ▪ or sclaunderer and suche like And than if men did consider the very deedes of synnes they shouled see that they were muche woorse more shameful more against reason and so mē should hate the dedes of sinnes more then they do their names For this is the nature of sinne before it be done it hath some pleasure but after the dede the pleasure ceaseth and heauynesse commeth in his place and for the tyme of the doyng of sinne it maketh him no man but a beast wherby he loseth his honestye hys good name his riches his beautie his health his strength hys wytte hys reason and is made a foole a madde man an instrument of the deuyll and a very deuyll for the tyme hys soule