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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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thee and I will send my wrath vpon thee vpon thee I say O Englande and punish thee according to thy wayes and rewarde thee after all thyne abhominations Thou hast kindled the fire of Gods wrath and hast stirred vp the coales For thou waste once lightned and hadst tasted of the heauenly gifte and wast become partaker of the holy ghost haddest tasted of the good word of God Yea it is yet in thy mouth sayth the Prophet Alas O Englād thou knewest thy Lorde and maisters wil but diddest nothing thereafter Thou must therefore sayeth hee suffer many stripes and many sharpe strokes and walke on in the glittering and hot flame of thine owne fire and in the coles that thou hast kindled This commeth to thee from my hande saith the Lorde namely That thou shalt sleepe in sorrowe yea euen so thou shalt The plain truth telleth the tale the immutable iustice of the euerliuing God and the ordinarie course of his plagues from the beginning confirmeth the same The ioy of our heart sayeth Ieremie is gone oure glory is fallē away our mery singing is turned into mourning the garland of our head is fallen Alas and weale away that euer we sinned so sore Wo worth all abhominations and wickednesse wo woorth cloked hypocrisie woe worth our carnall liberty wo worth our most cursed idolatrie For because of these things sayth the Lorde ye shall perish with sword hunger and pestilence Wherfore let all the wicked enemies of Christe and all the vnbeleuers look to be tormented and vexed with al hellish furies and cleane wythout hope at Gods accompting day which know not God in Christ to be their very righteousnesse their life their onely saluation alone sauiour nor beleeue not in him They must sayth S. Iohn needes abide and pearish wyth their sinnes in death and in eternall damnation But we be the children of Saintes as the elder Toby did aunswer and looke for an other life which God shall geue to all them which chaunge not theyr faith nor shrinke not from him Reioyce therefore ye Christian afflicted brethren for they can not take our soules and bodies out of the handes of the almighty which be kept as in the bosome of our most swete and louing father and if we abide fast in Christ and turn not away like weathercocks surely we shall liue for euer Christ affirmeth the same saying My sheepe heare my voyce I knowe them they hearken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlasting life for they shall not be lost nor no manne shall plucke them oute of my handes no nor yet this flattering world with all his vaine pleasures nor any tyranne with his great threates stout bragges can once mooue them oute of the way of eternall life What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasant and effectuous then thys God is on our side fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth and is afflicted wyth vs. As the world can doe nothing against his might neyther in taking away or diminishing of his glory nor putting him from his celestiall throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of hys children without his good will For we are members of his body oute of hys fleshe and of hys bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therefore with an earnest faith set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospell let vs not be sundred from the same by any temptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of God to be inuinsible inuiolable immutable Promising and geuing vs his faithfull souldiours life eternal It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his onely benefite of his only mere mercy vnto him only must we render thāks Let not therefore the vaine fantasies and dreames of men the foolish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue and separate vs from our hope of the crowne of righteousnes that is layd vp in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and merry last day I meane to the faithfull when Christ by his couenaunt shall graunt and geue vnto them that ouercome and keepe hys woordes to the ende that they may ascend and sitte in seate with him as he hath ascended sitteth on throne with hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shall then be with Christ glorified now in the butchers hands as shepe apoynted to die then sitting at Gods table with Christ in his kingdom as Gods honorable and deare children where we shall haue for earthly pouertie heauenly riches for hūger and thirst saturitie of the pleasant presence of the glory of God for sorrowes troubles and colde yrons celestiall ioyes and the company of aungels and for a bodely death life eternal Oh happy soules Oh precious death and euer more blessed right dear in the eyes of God to you the spring of the Lord shal euer be florishing Then as sayth Esay the redeemed shal returne and come againe into Sion praising the Lorde and eternall mercies shal be ouer their heads they shall obtaine mirth and solace sorrowe and woe shal be vtterly vanquished yea I am he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlasting consolation To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be glory and praise for euer Amen Robert Samuel An other letter wrytten to the Christian congregation by Robert Samuel wherein he declareth the confession of his faith The beliefe of the hert iustifieth and the knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of mē be not afraid of their blasphemies and reuilings for wormes and mothes shal eat them vp like cloth and woolle but my righteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing health from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my selfe these pearillous times pearishing daies and the vnconstante and miserable state of man the decay of our faith the sinister reporte and false sclaunder of Gods most holy word these vrgent causes in conscience do constraine me to confesse and acknowledge my faith and meaning in Christes holy Religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying be readye alwayes to geue an aunswere to euerye man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with meekenes and feare hauing a good conscience that when they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falsly accused your good conuersation in Christ. As touching my doctrine for that little talent that God hath geuen mee God I take to recorde mine owne conscience and mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willingly taughte any other thinge then I receiued of the holye Patriarckes Prophetes Christe and hys Apostles For it were not onely sinne but also the verye parte of a cursed miscreant to
denye to be lye or betraye the innocencye of that heauenlye doctrine or to bee ashamed to confesse and stande to the defence of the same seeing that Christe planted it with hys moste precious bloude and all good menne haue more esteemed the true and infallible woorde of GOD then all thys transitorye worlde or their owne mortall liues And I beleeue this doctrine of the Patriarkes Prophetes Christe and his Apostles to be sufficient and absolutely perfecte to instructe and teache mee and all the holy Church of our dueties towardes God the Magistrates and our neighbours Firste and principallye I do assuredly beleeue wythout any doubting that there is one Deitie or Diuine essence and infinite substaunce which is both called and is in dede God euerlasting vnbodilye vnpartible vnmeasurable in power wisedome and goodnesse the maker and preseruer of all thinges as well visible as inuisible and yet there be three distincte persones all of one Godheade or Diuine beynge and all of one power coequall consubstantiall coeternell the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghoste I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. As touching God the Father of heauen I beleeue as muche as holye Scripture teacheth mee to beleeue The Father is the firste persone in Trinitie first cause of our saluation which hathe blessed vs with all maner of blessinges in heauenly thinges by Christe whych hathe chosen vs before the foundations of the worlde were layde that wee shoulde be holye and wythout blame before hym who hath predestinate vs and ordained vs to bee his childrenne of adoption thorough Christe Iesu. In hym as it is sayde we liue wee mooue and haue oure being he nourisheth feedeth and geueth meate to euery creature And in Iesus Christe his onely sonne our Lorde I beleue that the woorde that is the Sonne of God the seconde person in Trinitie did take mannes nature in the wombe of the blessed Virgine Marie So that there be in hym two natures a Diuine nature and an humaine nature in the vnitie of parson inseparable conioyned and knitte in one Christe truely God and truely man the expresse and perfecte Image of the inuisible God wherin the will of God the Father shineth apparantly and wherein man as it were in a glasse may beholde what he ought to doe that he maye please God the Father Borne of the Virgine Marie truelye sufferinge his Passion crucified deade and buryed to the entent to bring vs againe into fauoure wyth God the Father almightie and to be a sacrifice hoste and oblation not onely for originall sinne but also for all actuall sinnes of the whole generation of mankinde For all the woorkes merites deseruings doinges and obedience of man towards God althoughe they be done by the spirite of God in the grace of God yet being thus done be of no validitie worthine nor merite before God except God for his mercy and grace accoumpte them woorthye for the woorthinesse and merytes of Christ Iesus The same Christ went downe to the helles and truely rose againe the thirde day and ascended into the heauēs that he might there stil raigne and haue dominion ouer all creatures and from thence shall come c. I beleue in the holy Ghost coequall with God the Father and the Sonne and proceeding from them bothe by whose vertue strength and operation the true Catholicke Church which is the Communion and societie of Saintes is guided in all truthe veritie kept frō al errors fals doctrine the deuill all power of sinne Which Church is sanctified and halowed with the precious bloude and spirite of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hathe also her signe and mark that she heareth and foloweth the voice of her only and true pastour Christ and no strangers This church also is the house of God the congregation of the liuing God the piller of truth the liuely body of Christe a Church both in name and in deede I beleue the remission of sinnes by the only meanes and merites of Christes death passion who made vnto vs of God that onely sacrifice and oblation offered once for all and for euer for all them that be sanctified I beleue the resurrection of the body whereby in the last day al men shal rise again from death the soules ioyned againe to the bodies the good to euerlasting life the wicked to euerlasting pain and punishmēt And nothing may more certainly stablish confirme our faith that we shall rise againe immortal both in body soule thē the resurrection of Christ our Sauiour and first fruites of the deade Nowe that Christe our head is risen we beynge hys body and members must follow our head Death hell and sinne cannot sunder nor plucke vs from him For as the Sonne can not be deuided nor sundred from the Father nor the holy Ghost frō them bothe no more maye wee beinge the faithfull members of Christ be separated from Christ. And for a confirmation of our resurrection Christ would be seene after his resurrection in hys most glorious body his woundes being handled and felte speaking and teaching eating and drinking c. Wee looke sayeth S. Paul for Iesus Christ our Sauiour which shall trāsfigure our vile bodies conform them to his glorious body by the same power and vertue wherwith he is able to subdue all things euen like as the graine of wheate sowen in the grounde is first putrified and brought as into a thing of noughte yet after that it springeth vp freshly with a more goodly colour forme and beautie then it had before The body is sowne in corruption and riseth in incorruption it is sowen in dishonour and riseth in honour Thus I verely know and assuredly beleue the resurrection of oure bodies and to haue life eternall by Christ and for Christes sake Verely verely I say vnto you sayth Christ he that heareth my woorde and beleeueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into damnation but is escaped frō death to life It is Christe that died once for oure sinnes and is risen againe neuer more to die it is he that swallowed vp death hath cast it vnder his feete for euer What now can death do vnto vs Verelye nothing els but for a little time separate oure precious soules from oure wretched bodies that diuine substaunce from a masse of sinne that eternall life from a body of death and so send our soules oute of this miserable wretched and sorrowfull lyfe combred with all calamities vnto that moste blessed felicitie and ioyes eternall As concerning the holy and reuerende Sacraments of Christes Churche which be in number two the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord I beleeue them to be as S. Paul calleth them confirmations or seales of Gods promises whiche haue added to them a promise of grace and therfore they are called visible signes of inuisible grace The Sacrament of
our eternal comfort dissolue the same and seperate vs asunder againe for a time Wherfore I thought it good yea and my boūden duety by this simple letter to prouoke styrre admonish you to behaue your selfe in all your doinges sayinges and thoughtes most thankfully vnto our good God for the same And therefore my deare wife as you haue hartily reioyced in the Lord and oftentimes geuen God thanks for his goodnes in bringing vs together in his holy ordinaūce euē so now I desire you when this time of our seperation shal come to reioyce with me in the Lord and to geue him most harty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endles commodity separated vs againe for a little time hath mercifully taken me vnto himselfe forth of this miserable world into his celestiall kingdom beleuing and hoping also assuredly that God of hys goodnesse for his sonne Christes sake will shortlye bring you and your deare children thither to me that we maye moste ioyfully together sing prayses vnto his glorious name for euer And yet once agayne I desire you for the loue of God and as euer you loued me to reioyce with me and to geue God continuall thankes for doing his most mercifull wil vpon me I heare say that you do oftentimes vse to repeate this godly saying The Lordes wil be fulfilled Doubtlesse it reioyceth my poore hart to heare that report of you for the lordes sake vse that godly praier continually and teach your children and family to say the same day and night and not onely say it with your toungs but also with your hart and mind and ioyfully to submit your will to Gods will in very deed knowing beleuing assuredly that nothing shall come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be hys almightie and fatherly good wil and pleasure and for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be moste true and certayne Christ testifyeth in his holy gospell saying Are not two litle Sparowes sold for a farthing and yet not one of them shall perish without the wil of your heauenly father And he concludeth saying Feare not yee therefore for yee are better then many sparowes As though he shoulde haue sayd If God haue such a respecte and care for a poore sparowe which is not worth one farthing that it shall not be taken in the lime twig net or pitfall vntill it be his good will pleasure you may be wel assured that not one of you whō he so dearly loueth that he hath geuē his only deare sonne for you shall perishe or depart forth of this miserable life without his almighty good will and pleasure Therefore deare wife put your truste and confidence wholly onely in him and euer pray that his will be fulfilled and not yours except it be agreeing to his will the which I pray GOD it may euer be Amen And as for worldly thinges take you no care but be you well assured the Lorde your deare God and father will not see you nor yours lacke if you continue in his loue and childely feare and keepe a cleare conscience from all kinde of Idolatry superstition and wickednes as my trust is that you wyll doe although it be with the losse and daunger of this temporall life And good Margaret feare not them that canne but kill the body and yet can they not do that vntill God geue them lea●e but feare to displease him that can kyll both body and soule and cast them into hell fire Let not the remembraunce of your children keep you from God The Lord himselfe will be a father and a mother better then euer you or I could haue bene vnto them He himselfe wil do all thinges necessary for them yea as much as rock the Cradle if need be He hath geuen his holy Angels charge ouer them therefore committ them vnto him But if you may liue with a cleare conscience for elles I woulde not haue you to liue and see the bringing vp of your children your selfe looke that you nurture them in the feare of God and keepe them farre from Idolatry superstition and all other kinde of wickednesse and for Gods sake helpe them to some learning if it be possible that they may increase in vertue and godly knowledge which shal be a better dowry to marry them withall then any worldlye substaunce and when they be come to age prouide them such husbandes as feare God and loue his holy worde I charge you take heede that you match them with no Papistes and if you liue and marry agayne your selfe whiche thing I woulde wishe you to doe if neede require or els not good wife take heede how you bestowe your selfe that you and my poore children be not compelled to wickednesse But if you shall be able well to liue Gods true widow I would counsell you so to liue still for the more quietnesse of your selfe and your poore children Take heede Margaret and play the wise womans part You haue warning by other if you will take an example And thus I commit you and my sweet children vnto Gods most merciful defence The blessing of God be with you and God sēd vs a mery meeting together in heauen Farewel in Christ farewell mine owne deare hartes all Pray pray * To my good Brother Mayster Iohn Bradford THe peace of God in Iesus Christ the eternall comforte of his sweete spirite which hath surely sealed you vnto eternal saluation be with you and strengthen you in your ioyfull iourney towardes the celestiall Hierusalem my deare frend and most faythfull brother Maister Bradford to the setting forth of Gods glory and to your eternall ioy in Christ Amen Euer since that good M. Philpot shewed me your last letter my deare hart in the Lord I haue cōtinued in great heauines and perplexity not for any hurt or discommodity that I can perceiue comming towardes you vnto whō doubtlesse death is made life and great felicity but for the great losse that Gods Churche here in Englande shall sustaine by the taking away of so godly worthy and necessary an instrument as the Lorde hath made you to be Oh that my life and a thousand such wretched liues mo might go for yours Oh why doth God suffer me and such other Caterpillers to liue that can doe nothing but consume the almes of the church and take away you so worthy a workman laborer in the Lordes vineyard But wo be to our sinnes great vnthankfulnes whiche is the greatest cause of the taking away of such worthy instrumētes of God as shoulde set forth his glory instruct his people If we had bene thākfull vnto God for the good ministers of his word we had not bene so soone depriued both of it and them The Lord forgeue our great ingratitude sinnes and geue vs true repentaunce and fayth hold his hand of mercy ouer vs for his deare sonne Christes sake Take
of thy brothers bloud * To All whiche loue God vnfaynedly and entend to lead a godly life according to his Gospell and to perseuer in his trueth vnto the ende grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen BE not afrayd most dearely beloued in our Sauior Iesus Christ at these most perillous dayes wherein by the sufferaunce of God the Prince of darkenes is broken lose and rageth in hys members agaynst the electe of God wyth all crueltie to set vp agayne the kingdome of Antichrist agaynst whome see that ye be strong in fayth to resist his most deuilishe doctrine with the pure Gospell of God armyng your selues with pacience to abide what soeuer shal be layd to your charge for the truthes sake knowyng that thereunto ye be called not onely to beleeue in hym but also to suffer for hym Oh howe happy are ye that in the sight of God are counted worthy to suffer for the testimony of Christ Quiet therefore your selues Oh my louing brethren and reioyce in hym for whome ye suffer for vnto you do remain the vnspeakable ioyes which neither the eye hath seene nor the eare hath heard neither the hart of man is able to comprehende in anye wyse Be not afrayd of the bodily death for youre names are written in the booke of lyfe And the Prophetes doth recorde that in the sight of the Lorde precious is the death of hys Saynctes Watch therefore and praye that yee be not preuented in the daye of temptation Now commeth the day of your tryall wherein the waters rage and the stormy windes blowe Now shall it appeare whether ye haue builded vppon the fleeing sande or vppon the vnmoueable rocke Christe whiche is the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes whereon euery house that is builded groweth into an holy temple of the Lord by the mighty workyng of the holy Ghost Now approcheth the daye of your batttayle wherein it is required that ye shewe your selues the valiaunte souldiours of Iesus Christ wyth the armour of God that yee may be able to stand fast agaynst all the craftye assaultes of the Deuill Christ is your Captayne and yee be his souldiours whose cognisaunce is the Crosse to the whiche hee wyllingly humbled hymselfe euen vnto the death and therby spoyled hys enemies and now triumpheth hee ouer them in the glorye of hys father makyng intercession for them that here doe remayne to suffer the afflictions that are to be fulfilled in his misticall bodye It behoueth therefore euery one that will be counted his scholler to take vp his owne crosse and follow hym as ye haue hym for ensample and I assure you that hee being on your side nothing shal be able to preuayle agaynst you And that he will be with you euen to the worldes ende yee haue hys promise in the 28. of Mathew He will goe foorth wyth hys host as a conquerour to make a conquest He is the man that sitteth on the white horse crowned with immortalitie and yee brethren are his fellowship whereof he is the head He hath your hart in hys hand as a bow bent after hys godly will he shall dyrect the same accordyng to the riches of hys glory into all spirituall and heauenly cogitations He is faythfull and will not suffer you to be further assaulted then he will geue you strength to ouercome and in the most daunger he will make a waye that ye may be able to beare it Shrynke not therefore deare heartes when ye shal be called to aunswere for the hope that is in you for we haue the comforter euen the spirite of trueth whiche was sent from the heauens to teache vs. He shall speake in vs hee shall strengthen vs what is he then that shal be able to confound vs Naye what Tiranne is he that now boasteth hymselfe of hys strength to doe mischiefe whome the Lord shall not with the same spirite by the mouth of his seruauntes strike downe to hell fire Yea sodaynly will the Lord bryng downe the glory of the proud Philistians by the handes of hys seruaunt Dauid Theyr strength is in speare shield but our helpe is in the name of the Lord which made both heauen and earth He is our buckler and our wall a strong Tower of defence He is our God and we are his people Hee shall bryng the counsels of the vngodly to nought He shall take them in theyr owne nette He shall destroy them in theyr own inuentions The right hand of the Lorde shall worke this wonder His power is knowne among the children of men Theyr fathers haue felt it and are confounded In lyke maner shall they knowe that there is no counsell agaynst the Lorde when their secrets are opened to the whole worlde and are found to be agaynst the lyuing God Worke they neuer so craftily builde they neuer so strongly yet downe shall theyr rabble fall and the builders them selues shall then be scattered vpon the face of the earth as accursed of God The iust shall see this and be glad prayse the name of the Lord that so meruellously hath delte with hys seruauntes as to bryng theyr enemies vnder theyr feet Thē shall the fearfull seed of Cayne trēble and quake Thē shall the mockyng Ismaelites be cast out of the doore Then shall the proud Nembroth see hys labour lost Then shal the beast of Babilon be troden vnder foot Then shall the scribes and Pharisees for madnes fret and rage Then sha theyr paynted wisedome be knowne for extreme folly Then shall bloudy Dragon be voyd of hys pray Then shall the whore of Babilon receaue double vengeaunce Then shall they scratch theyr crownes for the fall of their Maistres harlot whom they now serue for filthy lucre whē no man will buy their wares any more Then shall the Popishe Priesthoode crye weale away with care euen when the Lord shall helpe his seruauntes which day is not farre of the daye wherein the kingdome of Antichrist shall haue an ende and neuer aryse anye more In the meane tyme abide in certayne and sure hope cleauing vnto the promises of God whiche in theyr owne tyme shal be fulfilled Acquite youre selues lyke men agaynst the enemies of GOD in all humblenes of minde strong in spirite to acknowledge one God one holy Sauioure Iesus Christ one onely euerlastyng and sufficient sacrifice for the remission of sinnes euen the precious bodye of the Lorde Iesus once offered for all and for euer Whiche now sitteth on the right hand of God and from thence shall hee come to iudge both the quicke and the dead at the last day vntil that tyme occupyeth that blessed body none other place to dwell in to be kepte in to be closed in but onelye in the heauens euen in the glorious maiestye of God personally abidyng there in the fleshe not commyng downe from thence till the last houre
the persecutor of him knowne to be a member of Antichrist Besides this their extreme cruelty shall be a meane the sooner to prouoke God to take pittie vpon his seruauntes and to destroy them that so tyrannously entteate his people as we may learne by the historyes as well in the bondage of Israell vnder Pharao in Egypt as also in the miserable captiuitie of Iuda in Babilon Where as when the people of God were in most extreeme thraldome thē did the Lord stretch forth his mighty power to deliuer his seruauntes Though God for a tyme suffer them to be exalted in theyr owne pryde yet shal they not scape his vengeaunce They are hys roddes and when hee hath worne them to the stumpes then will he cast them into the fire this shal be theyr final reward Our duetye is in the meane while paciently to abide the wil of God which worketh al thinges for the best Thus dealeth he with vs partly for our tryall and partly also for our sinnes which we most greeuously haue committed to the great slaunder of hys gospell whereby the name of God was euil spoken of among hys enemies for the whiche he now punisheth vs with his fatherly corrections in this worlde that wee shoulde not be dampned with the world By thys meanes seeketh hee his sheep that were lost to bring thē home to the fold agayn By this w●y seeketh he to reform vs that we may be lyke vnto him after the image of his son Iesus christ in al holines righteousnes before him Finally this way vseth his godly wisedome to make vs therby to know him our selues in him that afore time had in a manner forgotten him praysed be hys name therefore And as for these Balaamites whiche nowe do molest vs commit them to the handes of GOD geue him the vengeaunce and hee will reward them Fall ye to prayer and let these belly GODS prate For he is in heauen and sleepeth not that keepeth Israell He is in heauen that made the seas calme and when the Disciples were afrayd Let vs nowe faythfully call vppon him and hee wyll heare vs. Let vs cry vnto the Lorde for he is gracious and mercifull When we are in trouble he is with vs he will deliuer vs and he will glorifie vs. If we come vnto him we shall find him turned vnto vs. If we repent vs of our wickednes done agaynst hym thē shall he take away the plague that he hath deuised agaynst vs. Let vs therefore earnestly repent and bring forth the worthy fruites of repentaunce Let vs study to be hys then shall we not neede to feare what these hipocrites do agaynst vs whiche wyth theyr pretensed holines deceiue the harts of the simple and abuse the authoritie of God in his Princes causing them by theyr procurement to testify their ambicious prelacye and to erect vpp theyr Idoll agayne with the Romish Masse God in whose hands are the hartes of kinges open the hart of the Queenes highnesse to espy them out what they be and so to wede thē out that they no longer be suffered to trouble the congregation of God and to poyson the realme with Pope holy doctrine God almightye for hys sonne Iesus Christes sake deliuer the Queenes highnes and this her church realme frō these proud prelates which are as profitable in the Churche of Christ as a polecatte in the middest of a Warran of connies To conclude my brethren I commit you to God and to the power of his worde whiche is able to establishe you in all truth His spirite be with you and worke alway that ye may be mindfull of your dueties towards hym whose ye are both body and soule Whome see that ye loue serue dread and obey aboue al worldly powers and for nothing vnder the heauēs defile your consciēce before God Dissemble not with his word God will not be mocked nay they that dissemble with hym deceiue themselues Such shal the Lord deny cast out at the last day such I say as beare two faces in one hoode such as play on both hands suche as deny the knowne trueth such as obstinately rebell against him All such with their partakers shall the Lord destroy God defend you from all such and make you perfite vnto the end Your sorrowe shall be turned into ioy ¶ An other letter sent to hys wife THe God and father eternal which brought again from death our Lord Iesus christ keep thee deare wife now and euer amen and al thy parentes and friendes I praise God for his mercy I am in the same state that ye lefte me in rather better then woorse looking dayly for the liuing God before whome I hunger full sore to appeare and receaue the glory of whiche I trust thou art willing to be a partaker I geue God most harty thankes therefore desiring thee of all loues to stand in that faith which thou hast receiued and let no man take away the seed that almighty God hath sowne in thee but lay hands of euerlasting lyfe which shall euer abide when both the earth and all earthly frends shall perish desiring them also to receaue thankfully our trouble whiche is momentane and light and as S. Paule sayth not worthy of the thinges whiche shall be shewed on vs that we patiētly carying our crosse may attayne to the place where our sauiour Christ is gone before to the which I beseeche God of his mercye bryng vs speedely I haue bene much troubled about your deliuerance fearing muche the perswasions of worldlinges and haue founde a friend whiche will I trust finde a meane for you if you bee not alreadye prouyded desirynge you in anye case to abide suche order as those my friendes shall appoint in God And beare well in mind the wordes which I spake at our departing that as god hath found vs and also elected vs worthy to suffer with hym We may endeuour our selues to follow vprightly in thys our vocation desiring you to present my hartye commendations to all our friendes and in especiall to youre Parentes keeping your matter close in any wise Geue most harty thankes to my frend whiche onely for oure cause is come to Windsor Continue in prayer Do well Be faultles in all thinges Beware abhominations Keepe you cleane from sinne Praye for me as I doe for you I haue sent you a peece of golde for a token and moste entierlye desire you to send me word if ye lacke any thing The lord Iesu preserue you and yours Amen From Newgate the 15. of Aprill By your husband here and in heauen Robert Smith This foresayde Robert Smith the valiaunt and constant martyr of christ thus replenished as ye haue heard with the fortitude of Gods spirite was condemned at Lōdon by Boner there Bishop the xii day of Iulye and suffered at Uxbridge the 8. day of August who as he had bene a comfortable instrument of God before to
their sophistical Sophismes and fallacies you knowe that false thinges may haue more apparence of truth then thinges that be most true therefore Paule geueth vs a watchē worde Let no man deceiue you with likelines of speache Neither is it requisite that with the contentious ye shulde follow strife of wordes which tend to no edification but to the subuersion of the hearers and the vayne braggyng and ostentation of the aduersaries Feare of deathe doth most perswade a great number Be well ware of that argument for that perswaded Shaxton as manye menne thought after that he had once made a good profession openly before the iudgement seate The flesh is weake but the willingnes of the spirite shal refresh the weakenesse of the fleshe The number of the cryars vnder the aultar must needs be fulfilled if we be segregated thereunto happy be wee That is the greatest promotion that God geueth in thys world to be such Phillippians to whome it is geuen not only to beleue but also to suffer c. But who is able to do these thinges Surely all our habilitie all our sufficiencye is of God He requireth and promiseth Let vs declare our obedience to his wil when it shal be requisite in the ryme of trouble yea in the middest of the fire When that number is fulfilled which I weene shal be shortly then haue at the papists when they shal say peace al things are safe when Christ shal come to keep his great Parliament to the redresse of al things that be amisse But he shal not come as the papistes fayne him to hide himself and to play bo piepe as it were vnder a peece of bread but he shal come gloriously to the terrour and feare of all Papistes but to the great consolation and comfort of all that wil here suffer for him Comfort your selues one an other with these wordes Lo syr here I haue blotted youre paper vaynely and played the foole egregiously but so I thought better thē not to doe your request at this time Pardon me and praye for me pray for me I say pray for me I saye For I am some time so feareful that I would creep vnto a mouse hoale some time God doth visite me agayne with his comforte So he commeth and goeth to teache me to feel to know mine infirmitie to thintent to geue thankes to him that is worthy least I shuld rob hym of hys duety as many do almost al the world Fare you well What credence is to be geuē to papists it may appeare by their racking writhing wrinching and mōstrously iniuryng of Gods holy scripture as appeareth in the popes law But I dwell here now in a schole of obliuiousnesse Fare you well once agayne and be you steadfast and vnmoueable in the Lord. Paule loued Timothy meruelous well notwithstanding he sayth vnto him Be thou partetaker of the afflictions of the Gospell and agayne Harden thy selfe to suffer afflictions Bee faythfull vnto the death and I wyll geue thee a Crowne of life sayth the Lorde * Here followeth the letters of the reuerend Byshop and Martyr Nicholas Ridley * A letter sent from Bishop Ridley and his prison fellowes vnto M. Bradford and his prison fellowes in the Kynges Benche in Southwarke an 1554. WEll beloued in Christ our sauiour we all with one hart wish to you with all those that loue God in deede and truth grace and health and especially to oure dearely beloued companions which are in Christes cause and the cause both of theyr brethren and of theyr own saluation to put their neck willingly vnder the yoke of Christes crosse How ioyfull it was to vs to heare the reporte of Doctour Taylour and of hys godly confession c. I ensure you it is hard for me to expresse Blessed be God whiche was and is the geuer of that and of all godly strength and stomacke in the tyme of aduersitie As for the rumours that haue or doe goe abroad eyther of our relenting or massing we trust that they whiche knowe God and their duety towardes theyr brethren in Christ will not be too light of credence For it is not the slaunderers euill tongue but a mans euil deede that can with God defile a man and therefore with Gods grace ye shall neuer haue other cause to do otherwise then ye say ye do that is not to doubt but that we wi●l by Gods grace continue c. Like rumour as yee haue heard of our comming to London hath bene here spread of the comming of certayne learned men prisoners hither from London but as yet wee knowe no certaintie whether of these rumours is or shal be more true Know you that wee haue you in our dayly remembraunce and wishe you and al the rest of our foresayd companions well in Christ. It shuld do vs much comfort if we might haue knowledge of the state of the rest of oure most dearely beloued which in this troublesome tyme do stand in Christes cause and in the defence of the truth thereof Somewhat we haue heard of mayster Hoopers matter but of the rest neuer a deale We long to heare of father Crome Doctor Sandys M. Saunders Ueron Beacon Rogers c. wee are in good health thankes be to God and yet the maner of our entreating doth chaunge as sowre ale doth in summer It is reported to vs of our keepers that the Uniuersitie beareth vs heauily A cole chaunced to fall in the night out of the chimney and burnt a hole in the floore and no more harme was done the Balyffes seruauntes sittyng by the fire An other night there chaunced as mayster Bailiffes told vs a dronken fellow to multiply wordes and for the same he was set in Bocardo Upon these things as is reported there is risen a rumour in the towne and country about that we should haue broken the prison with such violence as if mayster Bayliffes had not playde the prettye men we should haue made a scape We had out of our pryson a wall that we might haue walked vpon and our seruauntes had libertie to goe abroad in the towne or fieldes but now both they and we are restrayned of both My Lord of Worcester passed by through Oxford but he did not visite vs. The same day beganne our restraynt to be more and the booke of the Communion was taken from vs by the Bayliffes at the Maiors commaundement as the Bayliffes did report to vs. No man is licensed to come vnto vs afore they might that woulde see vs vppon the wall but that is so grudged at and so euill reported that we are now restrayned c. Sir blessed be god with all our euill reportes grudges and restrayntes we are merry in God and all our cure and care is and shall be by Gods grace to please and serue him of whom we look and hope after this temporal and momentany miseries to haue eternall ioye and perpetuall felicitie with Abraham
wil of God be don We are not so good as Iohn the Baptist which was beheaded in prison Darknes cannot abide the light Therefore their doings must declare what they are We are as shepe appoynted for a sacrifice to the Lord. We must not feare the fire for our Lord is a cōsuming fire which will put out the fiercenes of raging torments from vs. Be not afraid of them that can kil the body but feare him that can cast both body and soul into hel fire God forbid that we should reioyce otherwise then in the crosse of Christ pray that he would make vs worthy to suffer for his sake God wil haue our faith tried knowen and therefore let vs willingly humble our selues vnder the mighty hād of God that he may gloriously lifte vs vp in his good time There is none perfectly faithfull in deede till he can say with S. Paule I am perswaded that neither death neither life neyther aungels neither princes or powers neither things present neither things to come neither highnes neither lownes neither any other creature is able to separate me from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. This faith God plant both in you and me vnmooueably In this faith we haue to reioyce and in none other All the tribulations of the worlde are not worthy of the eternall weighte of glory which is prepared for them that here do with pacience abide the crosse Wherefore let vs be stronge with the strengthe in him that is able to make vs strong lament the weakenes I might say the infidelitie of our faint gospellers Christ whome we woulde pretend to haue put vpon vs is the strēgth of God and how then may they be weake where Christe is We haue more to be glad touching our selues of this time then we haue had of any time before in the which we haue so ready a way to goe vnto God and so good occasion to shew our duety in glorifying his holy name For if we be imprisonned in this cause we are blessed If we loose all that we haue we are blessed a 100. fold If we die we are blessed eternally so that in suffering of persecutions all is full of blessings Be blessed therefore O elect Lady of God with the blessed of God and flee as you do the concupiscence of the worlde Embrace that which is perfect and ioyfully looke for the comming and crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ. c. Thus desiring God to preserue you to his true peace to geue you victorie of that temptation which now is come to try our faith Christe be with you and blesse you both in body and soule and my praier shal folow you wheresoeuer you goe as I desire that you may be with me The last weeke I sent your beneficence to Oxforde I coulde not before haue a conuenient messenger As soone as I haue worde you shall be satisfied of your request Loue me as you doe and the God of loue be with you The 20. day of August By yours with all his power in the Lord Iohn Philpot. An other Letter full of spiritual consolation to the sayd Ladie THe mercye of God the father the consolation of the holy ghost thorow Iesus Christ be with you strengthē you my deare mother and sister in the Lord in these daungerous dayes to the crowne of eternall glorye whiche is nowe offered to all faithfull souldiours in the Gospell Amen As your good Ladiship doeth desire to heare from me so am I desirous to wryte as your gentlenesse and daily goodnes binedeth me But Sathan of late hath letted me who enuying al good exercises which I haue had and receiued by mine easie imprisonment in times past hath brought me out of the kings Bench into the bishop of Londons Colehouse a darke and a vgly prison as any is about London but my darke body of sinne hathe well deserued the same and the Lord now hath brought me into outward darkenes that I might the more be lightened by him as he is moste present with his children in the middest of darkenesse where I can not be suffred to haue any candle light neither inke nor paper but by stealth Wherefore I can not wryte to you as I would neither as my duety is As Christ my maister was sent frō Annas to Caiphas so am I sent from Winchester Dioces to London I trust to make a speedye ende of my course God geue mee grace and patience to be a faithfull follower of my master I haue beene already this seuennight in his Colehouse and haue of late bene foure times called to mine answere but hitherto not called to iudgement which I do daily looke for but I feare they wil prolong me and trie me by straight imprisonmēt a whyle in the which Gods will be done Pray deare Lady that my faith faint not which I praise God is presently more liuely wyth mee then it hathe beene in tymes past I taste and feele the faithfulnesse of God in his promise who hathe promised to be wyth hys in their trouble and to delyuer them I thanke the Lorde I am not alone but haue sixe other faithfull companions who in our darknesse doe chearfully sing Hymnes and praises vnto God for his great goodnesse Wee are so ioyful that I wish you part of my ioy For you that are so carefull of my bodely reliefe howe can I but wish you spirituall consolation and that aboundantly Let not deare heart my straite imprisonment any thing molest you for it hath added and daily doth vnto my ioy but rather be glad and thankfull vnto GOD with me that it hath pleased him to make me most wretched sinner woorthy to suffer any thing for his sake Hitherto we haue not resisted vnto bloud God make vs neuer to count our bloud more precious in our eyes then his truth Ah my deare sister I thanke you againe for your last letter you sent me it is a singular comfort vnto me as oft as I reade the same I haue it in my bosome and wil carie the same euen to the stake with me in witnesse that Christ hath so constant and faithfull a Ladie in Englande God succoure and keepe that spirite in you for it is the verye spirite of adoption of the childe of God Suche chearefull and holy spirites vnder the crosse bee acceptable sacrifices in the sight of God for Christ came to cast fire into the earth and looketh that it shoulde be kindled Be you feruent in spirite in our Christes cause as you haue begonne for that is the principall spirite wherewithall Dauid desired to be confirmed O howe I doe reioyce your Ladiship to goe arme in arme with me vnto Christe or rather before me I can not but ioye of suche a worshipfull fellowe Me thinketh I see you to mourne and desire to be loosed out of the earthly and fraile habitacle of this body O how amiable and pleasant is it
in Christ may pray that he fall not but endure to the ende and that those that fall through fearefull infirmity might speedely repent and rise agayne with Peter and also that the weake ones mighte bewayle theyr weakenes and crye with Dauid haue mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heale me for all my bones are vexed Of this opening of the heart by persecution spake holy Simion to Mary Christes mother when he sayde the Sworde that is the Crosse of persecution shall pearse thy Soule that the thoughtes of many hartes may be opened For like as a king that should go to battell is cōpelled to looke in his cofers what treasure he hath and also what number and puisaunce of menne and weapons hee hath so that if he himselfe be vnready and vnarmed to bicker with hys enemye he surceaseth and taketh truice for a time euen so wee by persecutions haue our heartes opened that wee maye looke therein to see what fayth in Christ we haue and what strength to withstand the enemies and to beare the Crosse that if we be riche in these treasures we might reioyce and valiauntly go to Battell or if we want these thinges with all speede to call and crye vppon him which geueth all good giftes to those that aske them Item the crosse trieth the good people from the bad the faythfull from the worldlinges and hipocrites and also cleanseth and scoureth the faythfull hartes from all corruption and filthinesse both of the flesh and the spirit And euen as yron except it be often scoured will soone waxe rusty so except our sinnefull hartes and flesh be often scoured with the whetstone of the Crosse they will soone corrupt ouergrowe with the ruste of all filthinesse and sinne And therefore it is meete and good for vs as the wise man sayeth that as gold siluer are tryed in the fire so should the hartes of acceptable men be tried in the fornace of aduersity Abide the triall deare frendes that yee may obteyne the Crowne of life Fighte manfully in this the Lordes cause that ye may obteyne a glorious victorye here and receiue a greate rewarde in heauen hereafter As yee are called Christians and woulde be angry to be called Iewes or Turkes so declare your Christianity by folowing the steps of Christ whose name ye beare suffer with hym and for his Gospelles sake rather then to denye him or to defile your fayth and conscience with false worshipping of Romish religion Take vp your Crosse my deare hartes now when it is offered you and go vp with Christ to Ierusalem amōgest the Bishoppes Priestes and Rulers if God call you thereto and they will anone sende you to Caluery from whence dying in the cause of the Gospell wherein our good Preachers and Brethren haue geuen theyr liues your soules I warrant you through Christ Iesu shall ascend to God that gaue them and the body shall come after at the last day and so shal ye dwell with the Lord for euer in vnspeakeable ioy and blisse O blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake as Christes people in this Iewish Englande nowe doth for theyrs is the kingdome of heauen O my beloued set your mindes on this kingdome where Christ our head and king is considering that as the brute beast tooketh downewardes with the face towardes the earth so man is made contrariwise with his face looking vpward towardes the heauens because his conuersation should be in heauen and heauenlye thinges and not vpon the earth and earthly thinges and S. Paule sayth set your mindes on thinges whiche are aboue where Christ is And agayne he sayth our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for our Sauiour who will chaunge our vile bodyes and make them like to his glorious body Oh the glorious estate that we be called vnto The Lord preserue vs harmeles to his eternal kingdome through Christ Iesus our Lord. Amen The second thing that I note in the foresayde wordes of Peter is that he calleth persecution no straunge thinge And trueth it is for which of the Prophetes were not persecuted with Christ and his Apostles and some of them in the end cruelly killed for the truthes sake Cain killed Abell Isaac was persecuted of Ismaell Iacob was hated of Esau Ioseph was prisoned and set in the Stockes the Prophet Esay was cut in two with a Saw Ieremy was stoned Micheas was buffeted and fed with bread and water Helias was sore persecuted Eleazar and the woman with her 7. sonnes were cruelly killed What Christ and the Apostles suffered it is well knowne So that by many tribulations as Paul sayth we must enter into the kingdome of Heauen All the holy Prophetes Christ and hys Apostles suffered such afflictions not for euill doing but for preaching Gods word for rebuking the world of sinne and for theyr fayth in Iesus Christ. This is the ordinance of GOD my Frendes this is the high way to heauen by corporall death to eternall life as Christ sayth he that heareth my woordes and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath eternall life and shall not come into iudgement but is escaped from death to life Let vs neuer feare death which is killed by Christ but beleue in him and liue for euer as Paule sayth There is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the Spirit And agayne Paule sayth Death where is thy styng Hell where is thy victory Thankes be to God which hath geuen vs victory through Iesu Christe Besides this ye haue seene and dayly doe see the bloud of your good Preachers and Brethren which hath bene shed in the Gospelles cause in this sinnefull Sodome this bloudy Ierusalem this vnhappy City of London Lette not theyr bloud be forgotten nor the bloud of your good Bishop Ridley who like a Shepheard to your comforte exāple hath geuen his life for his sheepe good S. Paule sath remember them that haue spoken to you the word of God and looke vpon the end of theyr conuersation and folow theyr fayth The Deuill euer stirreth vp false teachers as he hath done now ouer all Englande as Peter Paule and Iude prophesied it should be to poyson and kill our soules with the false doctrine And where he fayleth of his purpose that way then mooueth he his members to persecute the seely carcases of the Saynctes because they will not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuing Christ and confesse a dead breadye Christ and honour the same as Christ God and man contrary to Gods commaūdement This is the working of Sathan who knowing hys owne iust damnation woulde all mankinde to be partakers wyth him of the same such a mortall hatred beareth he agaynst GOD and his people And therefore when this wicked Tempter coulde not kill Christe with subtle tentation to fall downe and worship him then
he styrred vp his seruauntes the Bishops and Pharises to kill his body wherby notwithstanding the Deuill loste his title and interest whiche hee had to mans soule and man by his precious passion and death was raunsomed from the Deuil death and Hell to immortality life euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in killing of Christ he lost all and so shall he doe in vs if wee abide constaunt● and strong in the fayth of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe vnto the ende God graunte it for his mercyes sake in Christ. Blessed are all they that put theyr trust in him Amen Wherefore my hartely beloued brethren and sisters be of good comfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is stronger then he that is in the world Therfore draw ye neare to God and he will drawe neare to you Resist the Deuill and he will as Iames sayth flee frō you Beware of the leuen of the Phariseis Touch not pitch least ye be defiled therewith Eate no Swines flesh for it is agaynst the law I meane defile not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with this false and wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitche and Swines fleshe Beware of the beastes marke least ye drinke of the cup of Gods wrath If God haue geuen you knowledge faith dissemble not therewith Denye not the knowne veritye before men least Christ deny you before his Father Come away from Babilon as Iohn biddeth you and touche no vncleane thinge but separate your selues from the company of the vngodly as Paule commaundeth you Whatsoeuer ye haue done amisse heretofore now repent amend for with the Lorde there is mercy and plenteous redemption The thirde thing and note which I gather out of the forsayd wordes of Peter is this that he sayth Reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christes Passion Our sufferinges my welbeloued are Christes sufferinges and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he reckoneth it to be done to himselfe as he sayd to Paule Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Therefore we ought to reioyce in our sufferinges as Paule writeth whiche we suffer with Christ and one with another as Peter sayeth and so to fulfill that whiche is behinde of the Passions of Christ in our flesh whiche Christ hath by his Passion fully redeemed and saued vs in his owne person how be it hys electe must suffer with hym and for him vnto the worldes ende that he may be glorified in them and they thereby corrected and cleansed from sinne in this worlde and bee made more meete Temples for the holy Ghoste and also obteyne a greate rewarde in heauen for theyr suffering for righteousnesse sake according to his promise And therfore I saye my Brethren reioyce in the Lorde alwayes and agayne I say reioyce Let vs reioyce in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified to vs and we to it And why shoulde wee so greatly reioyce in the Crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because sayth Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery and glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his wordes aboue written Wherein is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this worlde but at his comming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayne and then shal they that haue sowne in teares reape in ioy as Christ sayth Blessed are they that weepe here for they shall laughe Blessed are ye when men hate you and thrust you out of theyr companye raylinge on you and abhorring your name as an euill thing for the sonne of mans sake reioyce ye in that day and be gladde for your reward is greate in Heauen Wherefore my dearely beloued through the hope of this heauenly ioy and rewarde which he that can not lye hath promised whiche ioye is so greate that no eare hath heard no eye hath sene nor the hart can thinke where we shall dwell for euer in the heauenly City the celestiall Ierusalem in the presence of God the Father Iesus Christ our Mediatour as Paul sayth and in the company of innumerable Angels and with the spirites and soules of all faythfull and iust men reioyce and be glad and seing ye be called to so great glory see that ye make your election and vocation sure by good workes and specially by sufferinge aduersitye for the Gospelles sake for it is geuen vs of GOD sayth Paule not onely to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer and praye for me that I may ende my course with ioy Haue Brotherly loue amongest your selues whiche is a token that ye be Christes Disciples Edify and comfort one an other in the word of the Lord and the God of peace and loue be with you alwayes Amen For your liberality and kindnesse shewed vppon the Prisoners and afflicted people of GOD in thys time of persecution the Lorde wyll reward you when he commeth to reward euery man according to theyr deedes and will not leaue a cuppe of colde water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you riche in all grace that ye alwayes hauyng sufficient maye be riche vnto all manner of good woorkes The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of GOD and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother now in bondes for the Gospell Thomas Whittell * To my louing and faythfull brother Iohn Careles Prisoner in the kinges bench THe same fayth for the which Abraham was accounted iust Mary blessed whereby also all iust men liue the Lord GOD our louing father encrease and stablish in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and sweet Sauior Iesus Christ. Amen I can not worthely and sufficiently prayse GOD my hartely beloued brother for the consolation and ioy that I receiued by reason of your louing letters repenting me much that I being so long so neare you did not enterprise to styrre vppe familiarity and communication betweene vs by writing to mutuall consolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherein to reioyce where all thinges are transitory and vayne yea manne himselfe respecting this life but as Dauid sayeth the Saynctes that dwell vpon the earth and such as excell in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowshippe loue and ioye of faythfull men and children of God being as wee nowe be in double bondage the body within clay walles and the soule within these frail earthly bodies be so greate and comfortable how vnspeakeable will these ioyes be when we shall be deliuered from all corruption into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God Where we shal be present together continuallye in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his deare sonne
wise to be conuersant and keepe company wyth hys congregation there and to holde his peace and say nothing what soeuer he thinke so that he be not a diligent souldiour and a good labourer on Christes side to further his kingdome by that subtile meanes flattering him that hee shall bothe saue his life also his goods and liue in quiet But if we looke well on Christes holy will and Testament we shal perceiue that he came not to make any suche peace vppon earth nor yet that he gaue any such peace to his Disciples I leaue peace wyth you sayeth he my peace I geue you not as the world geueth it geue I vnto you Let not your hart be troubled nor fearefull These thinges haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye should haue peace In the worlde yee shall haue affliction but be of good cheare I haue ouercome the world The seruaunt is not greater then his Lord and maister If they haue persecuted me they shall also persecute you If any man come to me and hateth not his owne father and mother wife children sisters yea and moreouer his owne life it is not possible for him to be my disciple Blessed be yee that nowe weepe for ye shall laughe and woe be vnto you that nowe laugh for ye shal mourne weepe He that wil finde his life shall loose it Therfore the God of that true peace and comfort preserue and keepe vs that we neuer obey such a false flattering which at length will pay vs home once for all bringing for temporal● peace and quietnesse euerlasting trouble vexation and disquietnesse for these vaine and transitory goodes extreme losse and vtter damage of the eternal treasure and inheritance for this mortall life depriuation of the most ioyfull life immortall finally the entrance into endlesse death most miserable vnmeasurable pain and torment both of body and soule Now conferring these 2. scholemasters together lette vs consider the thing wel and determine with our selues whych way we oughte to take not to take the common broade way which seemeth heere moste pleasant and that the most parte of people take Surely I iudge it to be better to goe to Schoole wyth our maister Christe and to be vnder his Ferula and rodde although it seeme sharpe and grieuous for a time that at the lengthe we may be inheritors wyth him of euerlasting ioy rather then to keepe cōpany wyth the deuils schollers the adulterous generation in his schoole that is all ful of pleasure for a while and at the ende to be paide with the wages of continuall burning in the moste horrible lake whiche burneth euermore with fire and brimstone without any end What shal then these vaine goodes and temporall pleasures auaile Who shall then helpe when we crie incessantly woe woe alasse and weale away for vnmeasurable paine griefe and sorrowe O let vs therefore take heede betime and rather be content to take paynes in this worlde for a time that wee maye please God Our Sauiour Christe the true teacher sayeth Euery braunche that bringeth not foorth fruite in mee my Father will take away It is also not wrytten in vaine The children of the vngodly are abhominable children and so are they that kepe company wyth the vngodly What doeth he els I pray you that resorteth to the ministration and seruice that is moste repugnant and contrary to Christes holy Testament there keeping still silence and nothing reproouing the same but in the face of the world by hys very deede it selfe declareth hymselfe to be of a false fearefull dissembling fained and vnfaithfull heart and to haue layde awaye from hym the armour of light discouraging as muche as lieth in hym all the residue of Christes hoste and geuing a manifest offence to the weake and also confirming encouraging and reioysing the hearts of the aduersaries in all theyr euil doing By which example he doeth shewe him selfe neyther to loue God whome he seeth to be dishonoured and blasphemed of an Antichristian minister nor yet his neighbour before whome he should rebuke the euill as it is expresly commaunded in Gods holy lawe where it is sayd Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour that thou be ar not sinne for hys sake Wherefore let such a one neuer fantasie to deceiue him selfe that his name is registred in the booke of life to haue the stipend of Christes souldiour except he do the duety and performe the parte of a faithfull and ryghte true souldioure as other haue done before For such fearfulnesse commeth not from God as testifieth S. Paule saying God hath not geuen vs the spirit of feare but of power and loue Be not ashamed sayth he to testifie our Lorde but suffer aduersitye also with the Gospell through the power of God which saued vs and calling vs with an holy calling To be now fearful when most nede is that we should be of strong hearts is vtterly the reiecting of the feare of God and plaine vnfaithfulnesse and disobedience to the expresse commandement of our sauior Christ which sayth in his holy gospel Feare not them that kill the body c. For what faithfulnesse doe we expresse towards hym when he sayeth thus to vs and yet we declare in our doynges the very contrarye being euer fearefull euen as the vnbeleeuing Israelites whiche vnfaithfully feared Gods ennemies the heathen Cananites where as he had oftentimes geuen them commaundement by hys true Prophet Moses to do the contrary For the which cause all the whole number of that secte were destroyed in processe of time in the wildernesse and enioyed not the pleasant land of promise Which was a bodily figure shewed before and now agreeing to the promise of the heauenly inheritāce which shal be geuen to none other but onely to al such as with loue vnfained be wholy bent wythout any fear of man to fulfil Gods holy will and pleasure But all they that pertain to the liuely faith to the winning of the soule wil faithfully sticke to the commandement trusting moste firmly and faithfully that he that gaue the same wil also geue strēgth plentifully to performe it euen in the weakest vesselles of all euen as we haue heard and seene by many and diuers examples he onely be praised therefore S. Peter sayeth Feare not though they seeme terrible vnto you neither be troubled but sanctifie the Lorde God in your hearts Onely sayeth S. Paule let your conuersation be as it becommeth the gospell of Christe Continue in one spirit and in one soule labouring as we doe to maintaine the faith of the gospell in nothing fearing your aduersaries which is to them a token of damnation and to you of saluation and that of God for vnto you it is geuen that not onely yee shoulde beleeue in Christe but also suffer for his sake Wherefore let vs be ryght well assured that we shall yeelde a moste straite reckening and accompte if we transgresse
Idole at the commandement of sir Iohn Tirrell knight of Gippyng hall in Suffolke and certaine other Iustices there who sent both hym and them to Eay dungeon in Suffolke till at length they were all three together broght before Dunnyng then Chauncellor of Norwich and M. Myngs the Register sittyng at the Towne of Beckles to be examined And there the sayd Chancellour perswading what he could to turne them from the truth could by no meanes preuaile of his purpose Whereby mynding in the ende to geue sentence on them he burst out in teares intreatyng them to remember themselues and to turne agayne to the holy mother church for that they were deceiued and out of the truth and that they should not wilfully cast away thēselues with such like wordes Now as he was thus labouryng them and semed very loth to read the sentence for they were the first that he condemned in that dioces the Register there sittyng by beyng weary belike of tarying or els perceiuyng the constant Martyrs to be at a point called vpon the Chauncellour in hast to ridde them out of the way and to make an ende At which wordes the Chauncellour read the condemnation ouer them with teares and deliuered them to the secular power ¶ Their Articles THe Articles obiected to these and commonly to all other condemned in that Diocesse by Doctor Hopton Bishop of Norwich and by Dunnyng his Chauncellor were these 1. First was articulate agaynst them that they beleeued not the Pope of Rome to bee supreme head immediately vnder Christ in earth of the vniuersall Catholike Church 2. Item that they beleeued not holy bread and holy water ashes palmes and all other lyke ceremonies vsed in the Churche to be good and laudable for stirring vp the people to deuotion 3. Item that they beleeued not after the wordes of consecration spoken by the Priest the very naturall body of Christ and no other substance of bread and wine to be in the sacrament of the Altar 4. Item that they beleeued it to be Idolatry to worship Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar 5. Item that they tooke bread and wine in remembrance of Christes Passion 6. Item that they would not follow the Crosse in procession nor be confessed to a Priest 7. Item that they affirmed no mortall man to haue in himselfe free will to do good or euill For this doctrine and articles aboue prefixed these three as is aforesayd were condemned by Doctor Dunning committed to the secular power Syr Iohn Sylliard being the same tyme hyghe Sheriffe of Northfolke and Suffolke And the next day following vpon the same they were all burnt together in the sayd towne of Beckles Whereupon it is to be thought that the writte De comburendo was not yet come downe nor could not be the Lord Chaunlour Bish. Heath being the same time at London Which if it be true then it is playne that both they went beyond their Commission that were the executioners also the Clergy which were the instigatours thereof cannot make good that they now pretend saying that they did nothing but by a lawe But this let the Lord finde out when he seeth his tyme. In the meane tyme while these good men were at the stake had prayed they sayd there beliefe and when they came to the reciting of the Catholicke Church Syr Iohn Silliard spake to them That is well sayd Syrs quoth he I am glad to heare you say you do beleeue the Catholicke Church That is the best word I heard of you yet To which his sayinges Edmund Pole aunswered that though they beleeue the Catholicke Churche yet doe they not beleeue in their Popish Church which is no part of Christes Catholicke Churche and therefore no part of their beliefe When they rose from prayer they all went ioyfully to the stake and being bounde thereto and the fire burning about them they praysed God in such an audible voyce that it was wonderfull to all those which stoode by and heard them Then one Robert Bacon dwelling in the sayd Beckles a very enemye to Gods truth and a persecutour of his people being there present within hearing thereof willed the tormentours to throw on fagots to stoppe the knaues breathes as he termed them so hotte was his burning charitye But these good men not regarding there malice confessed the truth and yelded their liues to the death for the testimony of the same very gloriously ioyfully The which their constancye in the lyke cause the Lord graunt we may imitate and follow vnto the ende Whether it be death or lyfe to glorifye the name of Christ Amen And forasmuch as we haue here entred into the persecution of Northfolke and Suffolke it commeth therefore to minde by occasion hereof brieflye to touche by the way some part for the whole matter cannot bee so exprest as it was done touching the troubles of the towns of Winson and Mendlesam in Suffolke raysed and stirred by the sayd Syr Iohn Tyrrell other Iustices there of the lyke affinitye The summe and effecte of which briefly is thus signifyed to me by writing * The persecution in the Townes of Winson and Mendlesam in Suffolke BY the procurement of Syr Iohn Tyrrell Knight and other of his Colleagues there were persecuted out of the Towne of Winson in Suffolke these persons hereafter following Anno. 1556. Maistresse Alice Twaites Gentlewoman of the age of three score yeres and more and two of her seruaunts Humfrey Smith and his wyfe William Katchpoole and his wyfe Iohn Maulyng and his wyfe Nicholas Burlingham and his wyfe And one Rought and his wyfe Such as were persecuted and driuen out of the towne of Mendlesam in the Countie of Suffolke Symon Harlstone and Katherine his wife with his fiue children William Whitting and Katherin his wife Thomas Dobson and his wife Thomas Hubbard and his wife Iohn Doncon and his wife his maide William Doncon Thomas Woodward the elder One Konnoldes wife A poore widow One mother Semons maide Besides those that were constrained to do against their conscience by the helpe of the parishe Priest whose name was sir Iohn Brodish ¶ These be the chiefest causes why those aboue named were persecuted FIrst they did hold and beleeue the holy word of God to be the sufficient doctrine vnto their saluation Secondly they denied the Popes vsurped authoritie and did hold all that church of Antichrist to be Christs aduersaries And further refused the abused sacraments defied the masse and all popish seruice and ceremonies saying they robbed God of his honour Christ of his death and glory and would not come at the Church without it were to the defacyng of that they did there Thirdly they did hold that the ministers of the church by Gods word might lawfully marry Fourthly they helde the Queene to be as chiefe head and wicked rulers to bee a great plague sent of God for sinne c. Fiftly
Church and to your owne euerlasting comfort in him So be it Ah my deare hartes and most faithful brethren and sisters in the Lord what high laudes and prayse yea what humble continuall thankes am I bound to geue to God our father for you on your most happy behalfe who so mightely hath magnified him selfe in you thus farre forth in geuing you his holy mighty spirit to the constant confessing of Christes veritie euen to the cruel condēnation I doubt not but he will do the same to the death Oh happye and blessed are you that euer you were borne that the Lord will vouch you worthy of this great dignitie to dye for his sake Doubtles it is the greatest honour that God can geue you in this lyfe Yea if they be so blessed of God that dye in the Lord as the holy ghost saith they be how much more blessed and happy then are you that die not only in the Lord but also for the Lord. Oh that it were the good wyll of God that the good houre were now come that I might goe with you Ah that my sinnes made me not vnworthy of such an excellent dignitie Be thankfull deare harts be thankfull reioyce in the Lord for mighty is his mercy towardes you and great is your reward in heauen the which you like faithful persōs haue plucked to you with a godly violēce of an inuincible faith Oh worthy warriours of the most high captaine Oh cōstant confessors of the euerlasting veritie how glorious a crown of victory shal you shortly receiue which is prepared for all such as do continue to the ende Oh you sweete saintes of the Lorde how precious shal your death be in his sight Oh how deare are your soules to your redeemer in whose hand they shall most ioyfully rest and the paynes of death shall neuer touch you Oh how blessed shall you be when Christ shall appeare at the which time you shall receaue your bodyes againe full of immortalitie Oh howe ioyfull shall you be when Christ according to his promise shall knowledge you before his father and his holy aungels as you haue most constantly confessed him to be your Lord and onely sauiour before men Oh blessed Greene thou meek and louing lamb of the Lord how happy art thou to be appoynted to dye for hys sake A full daintie dish art thou for the Lords own tooth Fresh and Greene shalt thou be in the house of the Lord thy fruites shal neuer wither nor decay Although thou go here forth sowing thy good fruites with teares the time shal come that thou shalt reape with ioy and gladnes the fruites of euerlasting life and that without ceasing Be mery therfore and feare not for it is thy fathers will to geue thee a kingdome wherunto he hath chosen thee before the foundations of the world were layd Oh happy Minister thou mā of God how glad maiest thou be of Gods most gracious fauour which hath preuented thee in the day of thy tryall Oh happy Peter whose part thou hast wel playd therfore thy reward and portion shall be like vnto his Now hast thou good experience of mans infirmitie but much more proofe and tast yea sense feeling of Gods aboundant bottomles mercy Although Satan desired to sift thee yet Christe thy good Captayne prayed that thy fayth should not fayle Gods strengthe is made perfect by thy weakenes his grace is sufficient for thee his deare childe Thine example did so incourage and strength thy poore brethren that God is euery waye glorified by thee and shortly will he glorifie thee with himself with that glory whiche he hath prepared for thee his electe deareling before the world was made Therfore reioyce be glad for thou hast good occasion in finding such fauour in his sight This is most true Oh my other brethren whom I do not know neyther haue I heard muche of you happy are you that euer you were borne and blessed be our God which hath geuen you such victory ouer the bloudy beast shortly shall you be clothed in large white garmentes and fyne raynes of righteousnes and so shall you follow the Lambe on mount Syon with new songes of mirth and melodye for your deliuerie forth of Satans power tiranny God for euermore bee blessed for you and strengthen you to the end as I doubt not but he will for hee neuer fayled them that put their trust in him O my deare and faithfull sister Ioane Warner what shall I say to thee Thy triall hath bene great thy victory in Christ hath bene notable Thou hast ouercome many a sharpe shower and storme Shortly shalt thou ariue at the hauen of quiet rest and receiue a reward due to a constant martyr Thou shalt go home to thy heauenly father and possesse for euer the inheritance which Christ hath purchased for thee where thy earthly parentes be still looking for thee which haue triumphed ouer Antichrist most victoriously Oh blessed parentes of happy Children which haue shewed such an example as the like hath bene seldome seen I salute thee deare sister of like constant mind whose constant example is worthy of continual memory Praysed be god for you mine own sweet sisters which hath made you to play such wise virgins parts He hath plentifully poured the oyle of his spirite into the lampes of your faythe so that the light thereof shall neuer be extinct You shal enter with your bridegrome into euerlasting ioy wherunto you were chosen in him from the beginning Oh my deare brethren and sisters you blessed saynts of the Lord how much how deeply am I bounde to prayse God for you both day night Pray pray for me my deare hartes for the render mercy of God that I may bee made worthy to folow your trace Oh that I had runne the race of my life as farre as you haue done yours and were as nigh my iorneys end as you be vnto yours But alas I lie like the lame man at the pooles side by Salomons porch euery man goeth into the place of health before me But God will appoynt me one one daye to put me in I truste my Lord of Londōs Colehouse is emptie al his officers idle Therefore they must shortly fetch more sheepe to the shambles for he is the common slaughter slaue of all England But happy are you that are passed through the pikes deliuered out of his hands and from al the angels of the darknes of this world which long tempted you in the wildernes of the same but now shall the angels of God come and minister vnto you for they are your seruantes to hold you vp in your handes that you shal not hurt your foot no nor one heare of your head shall pearish They shal cary you vp to heauen in a fiery chariot thoughe you leaue your Mantell behinde you for a time till God restore the
poore blinde womans life and deathe in suche sorte as is aboue prefixed hath bene confessed to be very true by diuers persons of worthy credite and yet liuing and also hath bene specially perused and examined by W. Baynbridge tofore mentioned Bayliffe then of Darbye who aswell of his own knowledge as by speciall enquiry and conference by him made with diuers others hath certified vs the same to be vndoubted besides the Testimoniall of Iohn Cadman Curate of the sayd towne and of other also vppon whose honesty well knowne and theyr report herein nothing differing from such as were best acquaynted with that matter I haue bene here the more bold to commit this story to posteritie for all good men to consider and to iudge vpon * Edwarde Sharpe ABout the beginning of the next month folowing whiche was September a certayn godly aged deuout zelous person of the Lords glory borne in Wiltshyre named Edward Sharpe of the age of lx yeares or thereabout was condemned at Bristow to the like Martyrdom where he constantly manfully persisting in the iust quarrel of Christes Gospell for misliking and renouncing the ordinaunces of the Romishe Churche was tryed as pure gold and made a liuely sacrifice in the fire in whose death as in the death of all hys other saynts the Lord be glorified and thanked for his great grace of constancy to whom be praise for euer Amen ¶ Foure suffered at Mayfield NExte after the Martyrdome of Edward Sharpe aboue sayd followed iiii which suffered at Mayfield in Sussex the xxiiii day of September anno 1556. Of whose names ii we finde recorded and the other two we yet know not and therefore according to our register here vnder they be specified as we find them Iohn Hart. Thomas Rauensdale A Shomaker And a Coriar Which sayd .4 being at the place where they shoulde suffer after they hadde made theyr prayer and were at the stake ready to abide the force of the fire they constantlye ioyfully yelded their liues for the testimony of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ vnto whome be prayse for euer and euer Amen The day after the Martyrdome of these foresayde at Mayfield which was the 24. of September an 1556. was a young man which by science was a Carpenter whose name we haue not put to death for the like testimonye of Iesus Christe at Bristowe where he yelding himselfe to the tormentes of the fire gaue vp his life into the handes of the Lord with such ioyfull constancye and triumphe as all the Church of Christe haue iust cause to prayse God for him The martyrdome of Iohn Horne and a woman NOw not long after the death of the sayde young man at Bristow in the same moneth were two mo godly Martyrs cōsumed by fire at Wotton Underhedge in Glocestershyre whose names are aboue specified which dyed very gloriously in a constaunt fayth to the terrour of the wicked and comforte of the Godly So graciously did the Lord worke in them that death vnto them was life and life with a blotted conscience was death ¶ A pitifull storye concerning the vnmercifull handling of W. Dangerfield and Ioane hys wife beyng in childbed taken out of her house wyth her sucking infant of 14. daies old layd in the common Iayle amongest theeues and murderers WHen I had written and finished the story of the Garnsey women with the young infant there with them burned and also had passed the burning of the poore blind woman Ioane Wast at Darby I well hoped I shoulde haue found no moe such stories of vnmerciful cruelty shewed vppon seely women with theyr children and young infantes but now cōming to the persecution of Glocester shyre about the partes of Bristow I finde an other story of such vnmercifulnes shewed agaynst a woman in child-bed as farre from all charitie and humanitie as hath ben anye other storye yet hetherto rehearsed as by the sequele hereof may appeare In the Parish of Wotton Underhedge not farre from Bristow was dwelling one W. Dangerfield a right honest and godly poore man who by Ioane Dangerfield his wife had ix Children and she nowe lying in childbed of the tenth Thys William after he had bene abroad from his house a certayne space for feare of persecution hearing that his wife was brought to bed repayred home to visite her as naturall duety required and to see his children she being now deliuered foure dayes before The returne of this man was not so soone known to some of his vnkinde vncharitable neighbours but they incensed with the spirite of Papistrye eftsoones beset the house about and there tooke the sayd W. Dangerfield caryed him to prison and so at length hee was brought to the Bishop being then Doctor Brookes in whose cruell handling he remayned a certayne space so longe till hys legges almost were freated off with yrons After the apprehension of the Husband the wife likewise was taken with her younge borne childe being but 14. dayes olde as is sayde out of her childbed and caryed into the common Iayle and there placed amongst theues and murderers where both shee and her poore innocent found so small charitie amongest the catholicke men that she neuer could come to any fire but was driuen to warm the clothes that she should put about the childe in her bosome In the meane season while they lay thus inclosed in seuerall prisons the husband and the wife the Bishop beginneth to practise not with the woman first as the serpent did with Eue but with the man craftily deceiuing his simplicitie with fayre glosing wordes falsely perswading him that his wife had recanted and asking him wherfore he should more stande in his owne conceate then shee being as well learned as he and so subtilly drew out a form of recantation wherewith hee deceiued the simple soule Whereunto after that he had once graunted that hee would consent although hee had not yet recanted they suffered hym to to go to his wife where shee laye in the common Iayle Then they with melting hartes opening their minds one to an other when he saw hys wife not released perceauing that he had not done well he declared vnto her the whole matter how falsely he was circumuented by the subtile flatteringes of the Byshop bearyng him in hand that certaynly she had recanted and thus deceiuing me sayde he brought this vnto me and so plucked out of hys bosome the copy of the recantation whereunto he had granted his promise At the sight whereof the wife hearyng what her husband had done her hart claue a sunder saying Alacke thus long haue we continued one and hath Satan so preuayled to cause you to breake your first vow made to Christ in Baptisme And so departed the saide W. and Ioane his wife with what heartes the Lorde knoweth Then began hee not a little to bewayle his promyse made to the Bishop and to make hys prayer to almighty God
do vs. But this I dare be bold in God to speake which by his spirit I am moued to say that God will shorten your hand of cruelty that for a time you shal not molest his church And this shal you in short time well perceiue my deare brethrē to be most true For after this day in this place shall there not be anye by hym put to the triall of fire and fagot And after this daye there was neuer none that suffered in Smithfielde for the testimonie of the gospell God be thanked After these woordes spoken saith Boner Roger thou art I perceiue as madde in these thy heresies as euer was Ioan Butcher In anger and fume thou woldest become a railing Prophet Thoughe thou and all the sorte of you would see me hanged yet I shall liue to burne yea I wil burne all the sort of you that come in my handes that wil not worship the blessed sacrament of the altare for all thy pratling and so he went his way Then Roger Holland began to exhort his frendes to repentance and to thinke wel of them that suffered for the testimonie of the Gospel and with that the B. came back charging the keeper that no man shoulde speake to them without his licence and if they did they should be cōmitted to prison In the meane season H. Pond and Roger spake stil vnto the people exhorting them to stande in the truthe adding moreouer that God woulde shorten those cruel and euil daies for his elect sake The day they suffred a proclamation was made that none should be so bold to speake or talke any word vnto them or receiue any thing of them or to touche them vpō payne of imprisonment without either bale or mainprise wyth diuers other cruell threatninge woordes contained in the same Proclamation Notwithstanding the people cryed out desiring God to strengthen them and they likewyse still praied for the people and the restoring of his woorde At length Roger embracing the stake and the reedes said these woordes Lord I most humbly thanke thy Maiestie that thou hast called mee from the state of death vnto the lighte of thy heauenlye worde and nowe vnto the fellowship of thy Sainctes that I may sing and say Holy holy holy Lord God of hoastes And Lord into thy handes I commit my spirite Lord blesse these thy people and saue them from Idolatrie and so ended his life looking vp into heauen praying and praising God with the rest of his fellowe Sainctes For whose ioyfull constancie the Lord be praised The Martyrdome of vj. which suffered at Brainforde for the true testimonie of Iesus Christ. NOt long after the death of the fore named vij godlye Martyrs that suffered in Smithfielde were vj. other faithfull witnesses of the Lordes true Testament Martyred at Braynforde vij miles from London the xiiij day of Iuly 1558. which sayd sixe were of that companie that were apprehended in a close harde by Islington as is aboue specified and sent to prisone Whose names and articles proponed to them with their answers vnto the same hereafter followeth Robert Milles. Stephen Corton Robert Dynes Stephen Wight Iohn Slade William Pikes or Pikers a Tanner These vj. forenamed Martyrs gentle Reader hadde their articles ministred to them by Thomas Darbishire Boners Chancellor at sundrye times as Robert Mules the 20. day of Iune Stephen Wight the 21. day of the said moneth Ste. Cotton and Iohn Slade the 22. day Robert Dines and William Pikes the 23. day At which said times though they were seuerally examined yet had they all one maner of articles ministred to them yea th● selfe same Articles that were ministred to Iohn Holiday Hēry Pond and their companie aforesayd Which sayde articles I leaue the reader to looke for in page 1967. and think it not necessarye anye more to rehearse them but onely to proceede with their aunsweres to the same which briefly and in summe hereafter followeth The answeres of the forenamed persons to the Articles aforesayd 1 TO the first Article they all graunted the same and added thereto for going to Church that Robert Milles and Stephen Wight came not there for 3. quarters of a yere before and Iohn Slade William Pikes not since the Queenes raigne Stephen Cotten not for a twelue moneth before and Rob. Dynes not for two yeares before The and 6 Articles they all answeared in effecte as the forenamed Iohn Holiday Henry Ponde and their companye did pag. 1931 sauing they added that as their rites customes ceremonies are against the worde of God so will they obserue and keepe no parte of the same Stephen Wight added further that he receiued not their Sacrament of the aultar for two yeres before nor Iohn Slade and William Pikes since Queene Maries raigne nor Stephen Cotton for a twelue moneth before nor Robert Dines for three yeres before To the 7. article they all graunted the same in euerye parte like vnto the aforenamed Henry Pond and his companye page 1931 sauing Rob. Dines added that it was no part of his beliefe To the 8. Article they all graunted the same in euery part as the forenamed William Holliday and his companye page 193● but Robert Milles added therto that he wil not come to church nor allowe their religion so long as the crosse is crepte too and worshipped and Images are in the Church Iohn Slade affirmed in effecte as Robert Milles did adding further that there be not 7. Sacraments but 2. Sacraments which is Baptisme the Supper of the Lord. Stephen Cotton woulde no further allowe the Popish religion then it agreeth with Gods woorde and Robert Dines affirmed in effect the like to Stephen Cotton also To the 9. and 10 articles Robert Milles Iohn Slade Steuen Cotton answered that they do not allow the popish seruice then set foorth because it is against the truthe and in a straunge language which the common people vnderstand● not Robert Dines and William Pikes will neither allow nor disallowe the Latine seruice because they vnderstād it not And Steuen Wight would make no directe aunswer to the articles at all and to the 11.12.13 and 14. articles we finde no answeres recorded of the said Steuen Wight but of the rest of his fellowe prisoners wee finde answers to those articles which hereafter followe To the 11. article Robert Milles Iohn Slade and Steuen Cotton answered that concernīg the bookes faith and religion specified in this article they doe allowe them so farre foorth as they agree with Gods word c. Robert Dines would make no answer thereto because he thoughte himselfe vnmeete to iudge thereof and William Pikes doeth not remember that hee hathe misliked the seruice and the faith and religion set foorth in king Edward the sixt his time To the 12. they graunt that if they might receiue the sacrament as they did in king Edward the sixt daies they would with all their heart so doe To
most miserably died Who commonly when he woulde affirme any thing were it true or false vsed to say If it be not true I pray God I rotte ere I die Witnesse the Printer heereof with diuers other With these I mighte inferre the sodeine death of Iustice Lelond persecutor of Ieffray Hurst mentioned before pag. 2076. Also the death of Robert Baulding stricken with Lightning at the taking of William Seamen whereuppon hee pined away and died the storie of the which W. Seaman see pag. 2035. Likewise the wretched end of Beard the promoter Moreouer the consuming away of Rob. Blomfielde persecutor of William Browne specified pag. 2065. Further to returne a little backewarde to king Henries time here might be induced also the example of Ihon Rockewoode who in his horrible ende cried all to late with the same woordes which he had vsed before in persecuting Gods poore people of Calice pag. 1055. Also the iudgement of God vpon Lady Honor a persecutor and of George Bradway a false accuser both bereft of theyr wittes page 1227. And what a notable spectacle of Gods reuengyng iudgement haue wee to consider in Syr Rafe Ellerker who as hee was desirous to see the heart taken out of Adam Damlyp whom they most wrongfully put to death so shortly after the sayd Syr Rafe Ellerker being slaine of the Frenchmen they all too mangling him after they had cutte off hys priuie members woulde not so leaue hym before they myght see hys heart cutte oute of hys bodye pag. 1229. Doctor Foxlorde Chauncellor to bishop Stokesley a cruell persecutor died sodeinly read pag. 1055. Pauier or Pauie Towne Clearke of London and a bitter enemie to the Gospell hanged him selfe pag. 1055. Steuen Gardiner hearing of the pitiful end of Iudge Hales after he had drowned himself taking occasiō thereby called the following and professiō of the Gospel a doctrine of desperation But as Iudge Hales neuer fell into that inconuenience before hee had consented to Papistrye so who so well considereth the ende of Doctour Pendleton which at hys death ful sore repented that euer he had yeelded to the doctrine of the Papists as he did and likewise the miserable ende of the moste parte of the Papistes besides and especially of Steuen Gardiner him selfe who after so longe professinge the doctrine of Papistrie when there came a Bishop to him in his deathbed and put him in remembraunce of Peter denying his Maister he aunswearing againe sayd that he had denied with Peter but neuer repented with Peter and so both stinckingly vnrepentantly died will say as Steuen Gardiner also hym selfe gaue an euident exāple of the same to all men to vnderstand that Poperie rather is a doctrine of desperation procuring the vengeaunce of almighty God to them that wilfully do cleaue vnto it Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Syr Thomas More in Kyng Henryes time after they hadde brought Iohn Frith Baifield and Baynham and diuers other to theyr death what great reward wanne they therby with almighty God Did not the sworde of Gods vengeaunce light vpon their owne neckes shortly after and they them selues made a publicke spectable at the tower hil of bloudy deathe which before had no compassion of the liues of others Thus ye see the saying of the Lord to be true Hee that smiteth with the sword shall pearish with the sword So was Heliodorus in the old time of the Iewes plagued by Gods hand in the Temple of Hierusalem So did Antiochus Herode Iulian Ualerianus the Emperour Decius Maxentius with infinite others after they had exercised theyr crueltye vppon Gods people feele the like striking hand of God them selues also in reuenging the bloud of his seruaunts And thus much concerning those persecutors as well of the Clergy sort as of the laity which were stricken and died before the death of Quene Mary With whom also is to be numbered in the same race of persecuting Byshops which died before Quene Mary these bishops folowing Bishops Coates Bishop of Westchester Parfew Bishop of Harford Glinne Bishop of Bangor Brookes Bishop of Glocester King Bishop of Tame Peto Elect of Salisburie Day Bishop of Chichester Holyman Bishop of Bristow Now after the Queene immediately followed or rather waighted vpon her the death of cardinal Poole who the next day departed Of what disease although it be vncertaine to many yet to some it is suspected that hee tooke some Italian Physicke which did him no good Then folowed in order Bishops Iohn Christopherson B. of Chichester Hopton B. of Norwich Morgan B. of S. Dauids Iohn White B. of Winchester Rafe Baine B. of Lichfield and Couentrie Owen Oglethorpe B. of Carlile Cuthert Tonstall B. of Durham Thomas Rainolds elect of Herford after hys depriuation died in prison Besides these Bishops aboue named first died at the same time D. Weston Deane of Westminster afterwarde Deane of Windsore chiefe disputer against Cranmer Ridley and Latimer M. Slerhurst maister of Trinitie colledge in Oxforde who died in the Tower Seth Holland deane of Worcester and Warden of Alsoule Colledge in Oxforde William Copinger Monke of Westminster who bare the great Seale before Steuen Gardener after the death of the sayde Gardener made him selfe Monke in the house of Westminster and shortly after so fell madde and died in the Tower Doctor Steward Deane of Winchester ¶ To beholde the woorking of Gods iudgements it is wonderous In the first yeare of Quene Marie when the Clergy was assembled in the Conuocation house and also afterwarde when the Disputation was in Oxford against Doctor Cranmer Ridley and Latimer he that had seene then Doctor Weston the Prolocutoure in his ruffe howe highly he tooke vpon him in the Schooles and how stoutly he stoode in the Popes quarell against simple and naked truth full litle would haue thought and lesse did he thinke him self I dare say that his glory and lofty lookes shoulde haue bene brought downe so soone especiallye by them of hys owne Religion whose part he so doughtely defended But such is the rewarde and ende commonly of them who presumptuouslye oppose them selues to striue against the Lord as by the example of this Doctorly prolocutor right wel may appeare For not long after the disputation aboue mentioned against Bishop Cranmer and hys fellowes God so wrought against the sayd Doctour Weston that hee fell in great displeasure wyth Cardinall Poole and other Bishops because hee was vnwilling to geue vp his Deanery and house of Westminster vnto the Monkes and religious men whom in deede he fauoured not although in other things he maintained the Churche of Rome Who notwithstanding at last through importunate sute gaue vp Westminster was deane of Windsore Where not long after he was apprehended in adulterie and for the same was by the Cardinall put from all hys spirituall liuings Wherefore he appealed to Rome and purposed to haue fledde out of the Realme but was taken by the way and committed
Smith Ye falsify the worde and racke it to serue your purpose For the wine was not onely the shewing of his passion but the bread also for our Sauiour sayth So oft as ye do this do it in remembraunce of me And S. Paule sayth So oft as ye eate of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the Lordes death till he come And here is as much reuerence geuen to the one as to the other Wherefore yf the bread be his body the cuppe must be his bloud and as wel ye make his body in the cup as his bloud in the bread Then vp rose my Lorde and went to the table where my Lorde Maior desired me to saue my soule To whome I answeared I hope it was saued thorow Christ Iesus desiring him to haue pity on his owne soule and remember whose sword he caryed At which I was caryed into the Garden and there abode vntill the rest of my frendes were examined and so were we sent away with many foule farewelles to Newgate agayne my Lord Bishop geuing the keeper a charge to lay me in limb● ¶ An other examination of Robert Smith before the sayd Bishop VPon Saterday at eight of the clocke I was brought to his chamber agayne and there by him examined as foloweth Boner Thou Robert Smith c. sayst that there is no catholicke Church here on earth Smith Ye haue heard me both speake the contrary and ye haue written it as a witnes of the same Boner Yea but I must aske thee this question how sayest thou Smith Must ye of necessity beginne with a lye it maketh manifest that ye determine to end with the same But there shall no Lyers enter into the kingdome of God Neuerthelesse if ye will be aunsweared aske mine articles that were written yesterday and they shall tel you that I haue confessed a Church of God as well in earth as in heauen and yet all one Church one mans members euen Christ Iesus Boner Well what sayest thou to auriculer confession is it not necessary to be vsed in Christes Church and wilt not thou be shriuen of the priest Smith It is not needefull to be vsed in Christes Church as I aunswered yesterday But if it be needefull for your Churche it is to picke mens purses And such pickepurse matters is all the whole rabble of your ceremonies for all is but mony matters that ye maynteyne Boner Why how art thou able to proue that confession is a pickepurse matter Art thou not ashamed so to say Smith I speake by experience For I haue both hearde and seene the fruites of the same For firste it hath bene we see a bewrayer of kinges secretes and the secretes of other mens consciences Who being deliuered and glad to be discharged of theyr sinnes haue geuen to Priests great summes of mony to absolue them sing Masses for theyr soules health And for ensample I beganne to bring in a pageant that by report was played at saynt Thomas of Acres and where I was sometime a childe waiting on a Gentleman of Northfolke which being bounde in conscience through the perswasion of the Priest gaue away a great summe of his goodes and forgaue vnto M. Gressam a great summe of money and to an other as much The priest had for his part a summe and the house had an annuitie to keepe him the which thing when his brother heard he came down to London after declaration made to the Counsayle how by the subtilty of the Priest he had robbed his wyfe children recouered a great part agayne to the value of two or three hundred poundes of Maister Gressam and his other frende but what he gaue to the house could not be recouered This tale began I to tell But when my Lord saw it sauored not to his purpose he began to reuile me sayde By the Masse if the Queenes maiesty were of his mynde I should not come to talke before any man but should be put into a sacke ●ogge tyed vnto the same so should be throwen into the water Smith To which I answered againe saying I know you speake by practise as much as by speculation for both you your predecessors haue sought all meanes possible to kyll Christ secretely record of M. Hunne whom your predecessor caused to be thrust in at the nose with hot burning needles and then to be hanged sayde the same Hunne to haue hanged himselfe and also a good brother of yours a Byshop of your professiō hauing in his prison an innocēt mā whom because he saw he was not able by the scriptures to ouercome he made him priuily to be snarled his flesh to be torne and plucked awaye with a payre of pinsers and bringing him before the people sayd the Rattes had eaten him Thus according to your othe is all your dealing and hath bene and as you taking vpon you the office doe not without othes open your mouth no more do you without murder maynteyne your traditions Boner Ah ye are a generation of lyers there is not one true word that commeth out of your mouthes Smith Yes my Lorde I haue sayde that Iesus Christ is dead for my sinnes and risen for my iustification and thys is no lye Boner Then made he his man to put in my tale of the gentleman of Northfolke and would haue had me recite it agayne which when I would not doe he made his man to put in suche summes as he imagined At the ende of thys commeth in M. Mordant knight and sate downe to heare my examination Then sayd my Lord. Howe sayest thou Smith to the seuen sacramentes Beleeuest thou not that they be Gods order that is to say the sacrament of c. Smith I beleue that in Gods Church are but two Sacramentes that is to say the sacrament of regeneration the sacrament of the Lordes supper and as for the Sacrament of the aultar and all your sacraments they may wel serue your church but Gods church hath nothing to do with them neither haue I any thing to do to aunswere them nor you to examine me of them Boner Why is Gods order chaūged in baptisme In what poynt do we dissent from the word of God Smith First in halowing your water in coniuring of the same in baptising children with annoynting and spitting in their mouthes mingled with salt and with many other lend ceremonies of which not one poynt is able to be proued in Gods order Boner By the masse this is the vnshamefast heretique that euer I heard speake Smith Well sworne my Lord ye keepe a good watch Boner Well M. Controller ye catche me at my wordes but I will watch thee as well I warrant thee Mordant By my troth my Lord quoth M. Mordant I neuer heard the like in all my life But I pray you my lord marke well his aunswere for Baptisme He dissalloweth therin holy
all this audience yea the Heathen speake shame of your fact For a City saith our sauiour that is builded on a hill can not be hid if they therefore haue the truth let it come to light For al that wel do come to the light and they that do euill hate the light Then my Lorde Maior hanginge downe his head sayd nothing but the Byshop tolde me I shoulde preache at a Stake and so the Shiriffe cryed with the Byshop away with me Thus came I in before thē foure times desiring Iustice but could haue none and at length my frendes requiring with one voyce the same coulde not haue it we had sentence and then ●eing caried out were brought in agayne and had it euery man seuerally geuen But before the Bishop gaue me sentence he told me in derision of my Brother Takerfielde a tale betweene a Gentleman and his Cooke To whiche I aunsweared My Lorde yee fill the peoples eares with fantasies and foolish tales and make a laughing matter at bloud but if ye were a true byshop ye should leaue these railing sentences and speak the wordes of God Boner Well I haue offred to that noughty felow mayster Speaker your companion the Cooke that my Chancellor should here instruct him but he hath here with great disda●ne forsaken it How sayest thou wilt thou haue him instruct thee and lead thee in the right way Smith My Lorde if your Chauncellour shall doe me any good and take any paynes as ye say let him take mine articles in his handes that ye haue obiected agaynst me and either proue one of them heresy or any thing that you doe to be good and if he be able so to doe I stand here wyth all my hart to heare him if not I haue no neede I prayse God of his sermon for I come to answere for my life and not heare a sermon Then beganne the sentence In Dei nomine To whiche I answered that he beganne in a wrong name requiring of him where hee learned in Scriptures to geue sentence of death agaynste any man for his conscience sake To the which he made no aunsweare but went forwarde to the end and immediately cryed Away with me Then I turned me to the Maior and sayde Is it not enough for you my Lord Maior and ye that are the shiriffes that ye haue left the strayt way of the Lord but that ye must condemne Christ causeles Boner Well Mayster Controller nowe ye can not say but I haue offered you fayre to haue instruction And now I pray thee call me bloudy Bishop and say I seeke thy bloud Smith Wel my Lord although neither I nor any of this congregation do report the truth of your fact yet shal these stones cry it out rather then it shall be hidden Boner Away with him away with him Woodrofe Away with him take him away Smith Well good frendes yee haue seene and hearde the great wrong that we haue receiued this day ye are al recordes that we haue desired the probation of our cause by Gods booke and it hath not bene graunted but we are cōdemned and our cause not heard Neuerthelesse my Lord Maior for as much as here ye haue exercised Gods sword causelesse and will not heare the righte of the poore I committe my cause to almighty God that shall iudge all men according vnto right before whō we shall both stand without authority and there will I stand in the right and haue true iudgement to your great confusion except ye repent which the Lord graūt you to do if it be his will And then was I with the rest of my brethren caryed awaye to Newgate Thus gentle Reader as neare as I can I haue set out the truth of my examination and the verity of mine vniust condemnation for the truth requiring god that it may not be layd to the charge of thee O England requiring your harty prayers vnto God for his grace spirit of boldnes with hope euen shortlye to set to my seale at Uxbridge the 8. of August by Gods grace pray that it may be to his honor my saluation and your consolation I pray you Da gloriam Deo Robert Smith Thus hast thou good Reader not onely to note but also to folow in this man a singular example of Christian fortitude which so man●ully and val●auntly did stande in the defence of his maysters cause And as thou seest hym here boldly stand in examination before the Bishoppe and Doctours so was he no lesse comfortable also in the pryson among his felowes Whiche also is to be obserued no lesse in his other prison felowes who being there together cast in an outward house within Newgate had godly cōference with themselues with dayly praying and publick reading whiche they to theyr greate comforte vsed in that house together amongst whom this foresayd Smith was a chiefe doer Whose industry was alwayes solicitous not onely for them of his owne company but also his diligēce was carefull for other prisoners whom he ceased not to dehort and diswade from theyr olde accustomed iniquity and many he conuerted vnto his Religion Diuers letters he wrote there in the prison to sūdry his frendes partly in metre partly in prose And first in metre as followeth ❧ A Picture describing the maner and place of them which were in bondes for the testimony of the truth conferring together among themselues ¶ O ye that loue the Lord see that ye hate the thing that is euill THe God that geueth life and light And leadeth into rest That breaketh bondes and bringeth out The poore that are opprest And keepeth mercy for the meeke His treasure and his store Increase the life in perfect loue Both now and euermore That as thou hast begun to ground In fayth and feruent loue Thou mayest be made a mighty mount That neuer may remoue That thine ensample may be shewed Among all thine encrease That they may liue and learne the like And passe theyr time in peace Thy salutations that were sent I hartely retayne And send thee seuenty times as much To thee and thine agayne And for because I know the gole That thou doest most desire I send thee here a paper full Is fined in the fire In hope thou wilt accept it well Although it be but small Because I haue none other good To make amendes with all For all thy free and frendly factes Which thy good will hath wrought I send the surely for a shift The thing that cost me nought Absteyne from all vngodlines In dread direct your dayes Possesse not sinne in any wise Beware of wicked wayes Hold fast your fayth vnfaynedly Build as ye haue begon And arme your selfe in perfect fayth To do as ye haue done Least that the wicked make a mocke That ye haue take in hand In leauing of the perfect rocke To build vpon the sand Beware these filthy Pharisies Their building is in bloud Eate not with
them in any wise Their leauen is not good Their salte is all vnsauery And vnder good ententes They mayntayne all their knauery And murder Innocentes They seeke to sit in Christes seate And put him out of place And make all meanes that may be made His doynges to deface They keepe him downe with bils bat● That made the blinde to see They make a God for myce and Rattes And say the same is he They shew like sheepe sweate like Wolues Their baytes be all for bloud They kill and slay the simple soules And rob them of ther good The darke illusions of the deuill Haue dimned so their eyes That they cannot abide the truth To sturre in any wise And if ye keepe the perfect path As I haue hope you doe Ye shall be sure to haue suche shame As they may put you to For all that leade a godly life Shall surely suffer losse And eke the world will seeke theyr shame And make them kisse the crosse Ye shal be killed sayth Christ Your sorrowes shall not cease And yet in your afflictions I am your perfect peace For in the worlde ye shall haue woe Because ye are vnknowne And for because ye hate the world The world will loue his owne Be feruent therefore to the death Agaynst all their decrees And God shall surely fight for thee Agaynst thine enemies Commit your cause vnto the Lord Reuenge not any euill And thou shalt see the wicked want When thou shalt haue thy will For all afflictions that may fall That they can say or doe They are not sure of the wealth We shall attayne vnto For I haue seene the sinners spread Theyr braunches like a bay And yet ere one could turne his head Were withered cleane away Beware that mony make ye not In riches to aryse Agaynst the goodnes of the Lord Among the worldly wise For many mischiefes it hath made That may not be exprest And many euils it hath begonne Which may not be redrest For money maketh many one In riches to rebell And he that maketh gold a God He hath a soule to sell. It maketh Kinges to kill and slay And wast their wittes in warre In leauing of the Wolfe at home To hunt the Foxe a farre And where they should see iustice done And set their realme in rest By mony they be made a meane To see the poore opprest It maketh Lordes obey the lawes That they doe ill and nought It maketh Bishops suck the bloud That God hath dearely bought And where they shuld be faythfull friends And father to the flocke By money they do turne about Euen like a weather Cock The Prieste doth make a mony meane To haue agayne his whoores To put away his wedded wife And children out of doores It holdeth backe the husbandman Which may not be forborne And will not suffer him to sow And cast abroad his corne In like case it doth let agayne When that the seede they sowe It choketh vp the corne agayne So that it cannot growe The husband he would haue a wife With nobles new and olde The wife would haue the husband hangd That she might haue his gold It maketh murthers many a one And beareth much with bloud The childe would see the parentes slayne To sease vppon their good And though it be a blessed thing Created in the kinde It is a necessary euill Annexed to the mind For who so playeth with the pitch His fingers are defiled And he that maketh gold a God Shall surely be beguiled Be frendly to the fatherles And all that are opprest Assist them alwayes out of hand And see them set at rest In all your doinges and your deedes Let mercy still remayne For with the measure that ye meate Shall ye be mette agayne Be alwayes lowly in your life Let loue enioy her owne The highest trees are seldome sure And soonest ouerthrowne The Lyons lacke and suffer sore In hunger and in thurst And they that doe oppresse the poore Continue still accurst The Bee is but a little beast In body or in sight And yet she bryngeth more encrease Then other Crow or Kyte Therefore beware in any wise Keepe well your watche alway Be sure of oyle within your lampe Let not your light decay For death despiseth them that lacke And hateth them that haue And treadeth downe the riche and poore Together in the graue Exhort your Children to be chast Rebuke them for their ill And let them not at any wise Be wedded to theyr will Laugh not with them but keep them low Shew them no mery cheare Least thou doe weepe with them also But bryng them vp in feare And let your light and liuing shyne That ye be not suspect To haue the same within your selfe For which they are correct Be meeke and modest in a meane Let all your deedes be done That they which are without the law May see how right ye runne Keepe well the member in your mouth Your tongue see that ye tame For out of little sparkes of fire Proceedeth out a flame And as the poyson doth expresse The natures of the Tode Euen so the tongue doth manifest The hartes that feareth God For therewith blesse we God aboue And therewith curse we men And therby murders doe aryse Through women now and then And seeing God hath geuen a tongue And put it vnder power The surest way is for to set A hatch before the doore For God hath set you in a seate Of double low degree Fyrst vnto God and then to man A subiect for to be I write not that I see in you These thinges to be suspect But onely set before your face How sinne should be correct For flesh and bloud I know ye are As other women be And if ye dwell in flesh and bloud There is infirmitie Receaue a warning willingly That to thy teeth is tolde Accompt the gift of greater price Then if he gaue thee gold A wiseman sayth Salomon A warning will embrace A foole will sooner as sayth he Be smitten on the face And as your members must be dead From all thinges that are vayne Euen so by Baptisme ye are borne To liue with Christ agayne Thus fare well free and faythfull frend The Lorde that is aboue Encrease in thee ● perfect fayth And leade thee in his loue And as I pray with perfite loue And poure out bitter teares For you and all that are at large Abroad among the bryers Euen so I pray thee to preferre My person and my bondes Vnto the euerlasting God That hath me in his handes That I may passe out of this ponde Wherein I am opprest Inclosed in a clod of clay That here can haue no rest That as he hath begon in me His mercies many one I may attayne to ouertake My brethren that be gone That when the death shall do his worst Where he shall point a place I may be able like a man To looke him in the face For though he catch away my cloke
Baptisme is a marke of Christes Church a seale and confirmation of our acception into the grace fauour of God for Christes sake For his innocencie his righteousnesse his holinesse his iustice is ours geuen vs of God and our sinnes and vnrighteousnesse by his obedience and abasing of him selfe to the death of the crosse are his whereof Baptisme is the signe seale and confirmation Baptisme is also a signe of repentaunce to testifie that we be borne to the waues of pearils and chaunges of life to the intent that we should die continually as lōg as we liue from sinne and rise againe like new men vnto righteousnesse Rom. 6. The other Sacrament which is the supper and holy Maundie of our Sauiour Christ whereby the church of Christ is knowen I beleeue to be a remembraunce of Christes death and passion a seale and confirmation of his moste precious bodye geuen vnto death euen to the vile death of the crosse wherewith wee are redeemed and deliuered from sinne death hell and damnation It is a visible woorde because it worketh the same thing in the eyes which the worde worketh in the eares For like as the worde is a meane to the eares whereby the holy Ghost mooueth the heart to beleue Romanes 10. so this sacrament is a meane to the eyes whereby the holy Ghost moueth the hart to beleue it preacheth peace betweene God and man it exhorteth to mutuall loue and all godly life and teacheth to contemne the world for the life to come when as Christ shall appeare which now is in heauen and no where els as concerning his humane body Yet do I beleeue assuredly that his very body is present in his moste holy Supper at the contemplation of oure spirituall eyes and so verely eaten with the mouth of our faith For as soone as I heare these most comfortable and heauenly woordes spoken and pronoūced by the mouth of the Minister This is my body which is geuen for you when I heare I say this heauenly harmonie of Gods vnfallible promises and truthe I looke not vppon neyther doe I beholde breade and wine for I take and beleue the wordes simply and plainly euen as Christe spake them For hearing these wordes my senses be rapt and vtterly excluded for faith wholely taketh place and not flesh nor the carnall imaginations of our grosse fleshly and vnreuerent eating after the maner of our bodily foode whiche profiteth nothinge at all as Christe witnesseth Iohn 6 but with a sorrowfull and wounded conscience an hungry and thirsty soule a pure and faithfull mind do fully embrace beholde and feede and looke vppon that most glorious body of Christ in heauen at the right hande of God the father very God and very man which was crucified and slaine and his bloud shed for our sinnes there nowe making intercession offering and geuing his holy body for me for my body for my raunsome for my full price and satisfaction who is my Christ and all that euer hee hath and by this spirituall and faithfull eating of this liuelye and heauenlye breade I feele the moste sweete s●ppe and taste of the fruites benefites and vnspeakeable ioyes of Christes deathe and passion fullye disgested into the bowelles of my soule For my minde is quieted from all worldly aduersities tormoylinges and trouble my conscience is pacified from sinne deathe hell and damnation my soule is full and hathe euen enough and will no more for all things are but losse vile dounge and drosse vayne vanitie for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesu my Lord and Sauiour Thus nowe is Christes flesh my very meate in deede and hys bloud my very drinke in deede I am become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones Nowe I liue yet not I but Christe liueth in me yea I dwell in him and he in mee for thorough faithe in Christe and for Christes sake we are one that is of one consente minde and fellowshippe with the Father the Sonne and the hol Ghost Iohn 17. Thus am I assured and fullye perswaded and on this rocke haue I builded by Gods grace my dwelling and resting place for body and soule life and death And thus I commit my cause vnto Christe the righteous and iust iudge who will an other day iudge these debates and controuersies whome I humbly beseeche to cast his tender and mercifull eyes vppon the afflicted and ruinous Churches and shortly to reduce them into a godly and perpetuall concorde Amen Thus do I beleeue and this is my faith and my vnderstanding in Christ my Sauiour and his true and holy religion And thys whosoeuer is ashamed to doe among this adulterous and sinnefull generation of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy Angels Robert Samuel William Allen Martyr NExt after the suffering of Robert Samuel aboute the beginning of September was burned William Allen in Walsingam labouring man seruaunte sometime to Iohn Houghton of Somerton He being broughte before the Bishop and asked the cause why he was imprisoned aunsweared that he was put in prison because he woulde not followe the Crosse saying that he woulde neuer go on Procession Then being willed by the Bishoppe to returne againe to the Catholicke Churche he aunsweared that he would turne to the Catholicke Churche but not to the Romishe Church and said that if he saw the King and Quene and all other folowe the crosse or kneele downe to the crosse he would not For the which sentence of condemnation was geuē against him the 12. of August and he burned at Walsingham about the beginning of September who declared suche constancie at hys Martyrdome and hadde suche credite wyth the Iustices by reason of hys vprighte and well tried conuersation among them that he was suffered to goe vntied to hys suffering there being fastened with a chaine stoode quietly without shrinking vntill he dyed The Martyrdome of Roger Coo of Melforde in Suffolke Shereman first examined before the Byshop of Norwich and by him condemned Anno 1555. August 12. ROger Coo broughte before the Bishop first was asked why he was imprisoned Coo· At the Iustices commaundement Bishop There was some cause why Coo. Heere is my accuser let hym declare And his accuser sayde that hee woulde not receyue the Sacrament Bish. Then the Bishop sayde that he thought he had transgressed a lawe Coo. But Coo answered that there was no law to transgresse Bish. The Bishop then asked what he sayd to the law that then was Coo. He answered how he had bene in prison a long time and knew it not No sayd his accuser nor wilt not My Lord aske him when he receiued the Sacrament Coo. When Coo heard him say so he sayde I pray you my Lord let him sit downe and examine me him selfe Bish. But the Bishoppe woulde not heare that but sayde Coo why will ye not receiue
worde because I am not woorthy to professe it What bring I to passe in so doyng but adde sinne to sinne What is greater sinne then to deny the truth of Christes Gospell as Christ himself beareth witnesse Hee that is ashamed of me or of my wordes of hym I will be also ashamed before my father and all his aungels I might also by like reason forbeare to do any of gods cōmandements When I am prouoked to pray the enemy may say vnto me I am not worthy to pray therfore I shall not pray so in lyke maner of all the commandements I shall not forbeare swearing stealing murthering because I am not worthy to do any commaundement of God These be the delusions of the Deuill and Sathans suggestions which must be ouercome by continuance of prayer and with the word of God applied accordyng to the measure of euery mans gift agaynst all assaults of the Deuill At the bishops first comming to Lichfield after myne imprisonment I was called into a by chamber next to my prison to my Lord. Before whom when I came and saw none but his officers chaplains seruants except it were an old priest I was partly amazed and lifted vp my heart to God for his mercifull helpe and assistance My Lord asked me how I liked my imprisonment I gaue hym no aunswer touchyng that question He proceded to perswade me to be a member of hys Church which had continued so many yeares As for our church as hee called it it was not knowen he sayd but lately in kyng Edwards tyme. I professe my selfe to be a member of that church said I that is builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophets Iesus Christ beyng the head corner stone and so alledged the place of S. Paule to the Ephes. And this Church hath bene from the beginnyng said I though it beare no glorious shew before the world beyng euer for the most part vnder the Crosse and affliction contemned despised and persecuted My Lord on the other side contended that they were the Church Glouer So cryed all the Clergy agaynst the Prophets of Ierusalem saying Templum Domini templum Domini The Church the Church c. Bish. And always when I was about to speake any thing my Lord cried hold thy peace I commaund thee by the vertue of obedience to hold thy peace callyng me a proud arrogant heretike Glouer I willed my Lord to burthen me with some specialties then to conuince me with some Scriptures and good learnyng Then my L. began to mooue certaine questions I refused to aunswer him in corners requiryng that I myght make my answer openly He sayd I should aunswer hym there I stood with hym vpon that poynt vntill he said I should to prison agayne and there haue neither meate nor drinke till I had answered hym Then I lifted vp my hart to God that I might stand and agree with the doctrine of his most holy word Bish. The first question was this how many sacraments Christ instituted to be vsed in the church Glo. The Sacrament of Baptisme sayd I and the Sacrament that he instituted at his last Supper Bish. No more sayd he Glo. To all those that declare a true and vnfayned repentaunce a sure hope trust and confidence in the death of Christ to such ministers I grant that they haue authoritie to pronounce by the power of Gods word the remission of sinnes Here interruptyng me he would needes beare me in hand that I called this a sacrament I would not greatly contend with hym in that poynt because that matter was of no great waight or importāce although he in so doing did me wrong for I called it not a Sacrament Hee asked me further whether I allowed theyr confession I sayd no. Bish. Then he would know my mynd what I thought of the presence of Christes body in the Sacrament Glouer I aunswered that their Masse was neither sacrifice nor Sacrament because sayd I you haue takē away the true institution which when you restore agayne I will tell you my iudgement concernyng Christes body in the Sacrament And thus much did this worthy Martyr of God leaue behynd hym by his owne hand in writyng concerning the maner of hys vsing and entreatyng in pryson and also of hys conflictes had with the Bishop and hys Chauncellor Moe examinations he had no doubt with the Byshop in the publike Consistory when he was brought forth to be condemned which also he would haue left vnto vs if either length of lyfe or laysure of tyme or haste of execution had permitted hym to finish that he intended but by reason of the writ of his burnyng beyng come down from London lacke of tyme neither did serue hym so to do neither yet could I get the Records of hys last examinations wheresoeuer they are become Onely this which I could learne by relation of one Austen Bernher a Minister and a familiar friend of hys concernyng the goyng to his death I can report that the sayd blessed seruant of the Lord M. Rob. Glouer after he was condemned by the Bishop and was now at a poynt to be deliuered out of this world it so happened that two or three dayes before his hart beyng lumpish and desolate of all spirituall consolation felt in hymselfe no aptnes nor willingnes but rather a heauines and dulnesse of spirite full of much discomfort to beare that bitter crosse of Martyrdome ready now to be layd vpon hym Wherupon he fearing in himself lest the Lord had vtterly withdrawne his woonted fauor from him made hys mone to this Austen his frend aboue remembred signifieng vnto hym how earnestly he had prayed day and night vnto the Lord and yet could receiue no motion nor sense of any comfort from hym Unto whom the sayd Austen answering agayne willed and desired him paciently to waite the Lords pleasure and how so euer his present feling was yet seing his cause was iust and true he exhorted hym constantly to sticke to the same to play the man nothyng misdoubting but the Lord in his good time would visit him and satisfie his desire with plenty of consolation whereof he sayd he was right certayne and sure therfore desired hym when so euer any such feeling of Gods heauenly mercies should begin to touch his hart that then he would shew some signification thereof wherby he might witnesse with hym the same and so departed from hym The next day when the tyme came of his martyrdome as hee was goyng to the place and was now come to the sight of the stake although all the night before praying for strength and courage he could feele none sodainly he was so mightily replenished with Gods holy comfort and heauenly ioyes that he cryed out clapping his hands to Austen saying in these words Austen he is come he is come c. that with such ioy and alacritie as one seeming rather to be risen from some deadly
daunger to libertie of life then as one passing out of the world by any paines of death Such was the change of the meruailous workyng of the Lordes hand vpon that good man ¶ Cornelius Bongey felow Martyr with Mayster Robert Glouer IN the same fire with him was burned also Cornelius Bongey a Capper of Couentrey and condemned by the sayd Radulph Byshoppe of Couentry and Liechfield As concerning the Articles which were to him obiected the effect therof was this Firste it was articulate agaynste him that these three yeres last in the City of Couentry and Liechfield other places about he did hold mainteyne argue and teach that the Prieste hath no power here to absolue any sinner from his sinnes Secondly that by Baptisme sinnes be not washed away because he sayd that the washing of the flesh purgeth the flesh outwardly and not the soule Thirdly that there be in the Church onely two sacramentes that is Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Fourthly that in the sacrament of theyr popish aulter was not the reall body bloud of Christ but the substance of bread wine there remayning stil because S. Paul calleth it bread and wine c. Fiftly that he within the compasse of the sayd yeares time did hold maintayne and defend that the Pope is not the head of the visible church here in earth c. Sixtly that he was of the dioces and iurisdiction of the Bishop of Couentry and Liechfield c. Seuēthly that the premises are true manifest and notorious and that vpō the same there hath bene is a publick voice and fame as well in the places aboue rehearsed as in other quarters also about c. ¶ His aunsweres Unto the which articles he aunswering agayne to the first he graunted and to euery part therof meaning after the Popish maner of absolution The second he graunted first after reuoked the same To the thyrd also he graunted adding withall that in scripture there be no more conteined To the fourth touching the sacrament he graunted to euery part therof To the fift concerning the Pope likewise Also to the sixt he graūted and likewise to the seuenth Upon these articles and his answeres to the same the sayd Radulph the Bishop read the sentence and so cōmitted him also after the condemnation of Mayster Roberte Glouer to the seculer power Thus this foresayd Cornelius falsely condēned by the Bishop before mentioned suffered at the same stake wyth the Christian Martyr Mayster Robert Glouer at Couentry about the xx day of September ¶ The burning of Mayster Robert Glouer and Cornelius Bongey at Couentry ¶ Here foloweth the story of Iohn Glouer and William Glouer how they were excommunicate and cast out after theyr death and buried in the fieldes NOwe that wee haue discoursed the storye of Mayster Robert Glouer something also woulde bee touched of his other two brethrē Iohn and William Glouer Who albeit they were not called to finishe theyr course by lyke kinde of Martyrdome in the fire as the other did yet because for theyr constaunt profession of Gods Gospell vnto the latter ende they were exempted after theyr death cast out of the same Church as the other was I thought them not vnworthy therefore in the story to be ioyned together which in one cause and the same profession were not sūdered one from the other And first concerning Mayster Iohn Glouer the eldest brother what inward stormes and agonies he susteined by the ghostly enemy partly ye heard before described nowe what his bodily enemies wrought against him remaineth to be declared Whose rage and malice although god so restrained that they coulde litle preuayle agaynst him so long as his life endured yet after his decease hauing power vpon him what they did ye shall now vnderstand After the Martyrdome of mayster Robert Glouer although Iohn Glouer seing his brother to be apprehended for him had small ioy of his life for the great sorow of his hart wherewith he was sore oppressed and would gladly haue put himselfe in his Brothers stead if frendes had not otherwise perswaded with him shewing that in so doyng he might intangle himselfe but should doe his brother no good He thus in great care and vexation endured yet notwithstanding rubbing out as well as he could til at lēgth about the latter end of queene Mary there was a new search made for the sayd Iohn Glouer Whereupon the Sheriffes with theyr vnder Officers and seruauntes being sent to seek him came into his house where he and his wife were It chaūced as he was in his chamber by himselfe the Officers brusting into the house and searching other roomes came to the Chamber doore where this Iohn Glouer was Who being within and holding the latch softly with his hand perceiued and heard the Officers buskeling about the doore amongest whome one of the sayd officers hauing the string in his hand was ready to draw and plucke at the same In the meane time an other comming by whose voice he heard and knew bad them come away saying they had bene there before Whereupon they departing thence wēt to search other corners of the house where they found Agnes Glouer his wife who being had to Liechfilde there examined before the bishop at length after much ado was constrayned to geue place to their tyranny Ioh Glouer in the meane time partly for care of his wife partly through cold taken in the woodes where he did lye tooke an Agew whereupon not long after he left this life which the cruell Papistes so long had sought for Thus by the mighty protectiō of the almighty Lord how Iohn Glouer was deliuered and defended frō the handes of the persecuting enemies during all the time of hys life ye haue hearde Nowe what befell after his death both to him to William his brother it is not vnworthy to be remēbred Who after that he was dead buried in the churchyard without Priest or Clerke D. Dracot then Chauncellour sixe weekes after sent for the parson of the Towne demaunded howe it chaunced that hee was there buryed The parson aunswered that he was then sicke and knewe not of it Then the Chauncellour commaunded the parson to go home and to cause the body of the said Iohn Glouer to be taken vp to be cast ouer the wall into the hie way The Parson agayne answered that he had bene 6. weekes in the earth so smelled that none was able to abide the sauor of him Well quoth D. Dracot then take this byll and pronounce him in the pulpit a damned soule and a twelue moneth after take vp his bones for then the fleshe will be consumed and cast thē ouer the wall that cartes and horses may tread vpon them and then will I come hallow againe that place in the churchyard where he was buried Recorded by the Parson of the towne who tolde the same to Hugh Burrowes dwelling at
sayd theyr brother Bishop Ridley but also carrishly without all order of law or honesty by extort power wrasted from them all the liuinges they had And yet being not therewith satisfied he sought all the meanes he could to worke the death of the foresayd Ship-side saying that he would make twelue godfathers to goe vpō him which had bene brought to passe in deed at what tyme he was prisoner at Oxford had not God otherwyse wrought his deliuerance by meanes of D. Heath Byshop then of Worcester Teste Georg. Shipsido Wherby all good indifferent Readers notoriously haue to vnderstand what great diuersity was in the disposition of these two natures Wherof as the one excelled in mercy and pity so the other agayne as muche or more excelled in churlish ingratitude and despitefull disdayne But of this matter enough Now concerning Gods vocation how Doctor Ridly was first called to the sauouring and fauouring of Christe and his Gospell partlye by his disputation before other his Treatises it may appeare that the first occasion of hys conuersion was by reading of Bertrams book of the Sacrament whom also the conferēce with Bishop Cranmer and with Peter Martyr did not a litle confirme in that behalfe Who now by the grace of GOD being throughly won and brought to the true way as he was before blind and zelous in his old ignoraunce so was he as constant faythfull in the right knowledge whiche the Lorde had opened vnto him as well appeared by his preachings and doynges duringe all the time of Kyng Edwarde and so long dyd muche good while authoritye of externe power might defend and hold vp the peace of the church and proceedinges of the Gospell But after that it pleased so the heauēly will of our Lord our God to bereue vs of the stay and to call from vs Kyng Edward that precious Prince as the whole state of the Churche of Englande was leafte desolate and open to the enemies hande so this Byshop Ridley after the comming in of Queene Mary eftsoone and with the first was layd handes vpō and committed to prison as before hath sufficiently bene expressed first in the Tower then after translated from thence with the Archebishop of Canterbury and mayster Latimer to Oxforde was with them inclosed in the common Gayle and prison of Bocardo while at lēgth being disseuered from them he was committed to custody in the house of one Irish wher he remayned till the last day of his death and martyrdome which was from the yeare of our Lord. 1554. till the yeare 1555. and 16. day of October Furthermore as touching his disputations cōflicts had at Oxford and also of his determination had at Cambridge also his trauels in perswading and instructing the Lady Mary before she was Queene his reasons conference likewise had in the tower at the Lieutenants boord enough hath bene sayd already Besides this other conferences hee had in prison both with D. Cranmer and M. Latimer as here foloweth to be read * A conference had betwixt Mayster Ridley and Mayster Latimer in prison vpon the obiection of Antonian meaning by that name some popish persecutour as Winchester alluding thereby to the story of Victor lib. 3. de persecut Aphri IN writing agayne yee haue done me an vnspeakeable pleasure and I pray that the Lord may requite it you in that day For I haue receiued great comfort at your wordes but yet I am not so filled withall but that I thyrste much more nowe then before to drinke more of that cuppe of yours wherein ye mingle vnto me profitable wyth pleasaunt I pray you good father let me haue one draught more to comfort my stomacke For surely except the Lord assist me with his gracious ayde in the time of his seruice I know I shall play but the part of a white liuered knight But truely my trust is in him that in mine infirmitye hee should try himselfe strong and that he can make the Coward in his cause to fight like a man Syr now I looke dayly when Diotrephes wyth hys warriours shall assault me wherefore I pray you good father for that you are an olde Souldiour and an experte warriour and God knoweth I am but a young Souldiour and as yet of small experience in these fittes helpe me I pray you to buckle my harnesse And now I would haue you to thinke that these dartes are cast at my head of some one of Diotrephes or Antonius souldiers The obiection of the Antonian All men maruell greatlye why you after the libertye which you haue graunted vnto you more then the rest do not go to masse which is a thing as you know now much estemed of all men yea of the Queene herselfe The aunswere Because no man that layeth hande on the plough and looketh backe is fitte for the kingdome of God and also for the selfe same cause why Saynt Paule woulde not suffer Titus to be circumcised which is that the truth of the gospell might remayne with vs vncorrupt Gala. the second and agayne If I builde agayne the thinges which I destroyed I make my selfe a trespasser This is also another cause least I should seeme by outwarde facte to allowe the thing which I am perswaded is contrary to sounde doctrine and so should be a stumbling stocke vnto the weake But woe be vnto him by whom offence commeth it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the middest of the sea Except the Lord helpe me ye say Truth it is For with out me sayth he ye can do nothing much lesse suffer death of our aduersaryes through the bloudy lawe now prepared agaynst vs. But it foloweth if ye abide in me and my woorde abide in you aske what yee will and it shall bee done for you What canne be more comfortable Syr you make aunswere your selfe so well that I cannot beter it Syr I beginne now to smell what you meane by trauelling thus with me you vse me as Bilney dyd once when he conuerted me pretēding as though he would be taught of me he sought wayes and meanes to teach me and so do you I thanke you therefore most hartely For in deed you minister armour vnto me whereas I was vnarmed before and vnprouided sauing that I geue my selfe to prayer for my refuge What is it then that offendeth you so greatlye in the Masse that ye will not vouchsafe once eyther to heare it or see it And from whence commeth this new religion vp on you haue not you vsed in times past to say masse your selfe I confesse vnto you my fault and ignorance but know you that for these matters I haue done penaunce long agoe both at Paules crosse and also openly in the Pulpit at Cambridge and I truste God hath forgeuen mee thys mine offence for I didde it vpon ignoraunce But if ye be desirous to knowe and will vouchsafe to heare what thinges
doe offende me in the Masse I will rehearse vnto you those thinges whiche be moste cleare and seeme to repugne most manifestly agaynst Gods worde And they be these The straunge tongue the want of the shewynge of the Lordes death The breaking of the Lordes commaundement of hauing a communion the sacrament is not cōmunicated to all vnder both kindes according to the word of the Lord. The signe is seruilely worshipped for the thing signified Christes Passion is iniuried for asmuch as this Masse sacrifice is affirmed to remayne for the purging of sinnes to be shorte the manifolde superstitions and triflyng fondnesse whiche are in the Masse and aboute the same Better a few thinges well pondered then to trouble the memory with to much you shall preuayle more with praying thē with studying though mixture be best For so one shall alleuiate the tediousnes of the other I entend not to contend much with them in wordes after a reasonable account of my fayth geuen for it shall be but in vayne They will say as theyr fathers sayd when they haue no more to say We haue a law and by our law he ought to dye Be ye steadfast and vnmoueable sayeth Saynt Paule and agayne persistito stand fast And how oft is this repeated if ye abide if ye abide c. But we shall be called obstinate sturdy ignorant heady and what not So that a man hath need of much pacience hauing to do with such men But you knowe howe greate a crime it is to separate your selfe from the communion or felowship of the Churche and to make a schisme or diuision you haue bene reported to haue hated the secte of the Anabaptistes and alwayes to haue impugned the same Moreouer this was the pernitious errour of Nouatus and of the Heretickes called Cathari that they woulde not communicate wyth the Church I know that the vnity of the Church is to be reteyned by all meanes the same to be necessary to saluation But I doe not take the Masse as it is at this day for the communion of the Churche but a Popishe deuise whereby both the commaundement and institution of our Sauiour Christ for the ofte frequenting of the remembraunce of his death is eluded the people of God are miserablye deluded The sect of the Anabaptistes and the heresy of the Nouatians ought of right to be condemned for as muche as without any iust or necessary cause they wickedly separated themselues from the communion of the congregation for they did not alleadge that the Sacramentes were vnduely ministred but ●urning away theyr eyes from thēselues wherewith according to Saynt Paules rule they ought to examine themselues and ca●ing theyr eyes euer vpon others either Ministers or Communicantes with them they alwayes reprooued something for the whiche they absteined from the Communion as from an vnholy thing I remember that Caluin beginneth to confute the Interim after this sort with this saying of Hilary The name of peace is beautifull and the opinion of vnitye is fayre but who doubteth that to be the true and onely peace of the Church which is Christes I would you had that litle booke there should you see how much is to be geuen to vnity Saynt Paule when he requireth vnitye he ioyneth straight with al secundum Iesum Christum according to Iesus Christ no further Diotrephes nowe of late did euer harpe vpon vnity vnity Yea Syr quoth I but in verity not in popery Better is a diuersity then an vnitye in Popery I had nothing agayne but scornefull giers with commaundement to the Tower But admitte there be in the Masse that peraduenture might be amended or at least made better yea seing you will haue it so admit there be a fault if you do not consent therto Why do you trouble your selfe in vayne do not you know both by Cyprian and Augustine that communiō of sacramentes doth not defile a man but consent of deedes If it were any one trifling ceremony or if it were some one thing of it selfe indifferent although I woulde wishe nothing should be done in the Churche which doth not edify the same yet for the continuance of the common quietnesse I coulde be content to beare it But forasmuche as thinges done in the masse tend openly to the ouerthrow of Christes institution I iudge that by no meanes either in word or deed I ought to consent vnto it As for that which is obiected out of the Fathers I acknowledge it to be wel spoken if it be well vnderstanded But it is meant of them which suppose they are defiled if any secret vice be either in the ministers or in them that communicate with them is not ment of them which doe abhorre superstition and wicked traditions of men and will not suffer the same to be thrust vpon themselues or vpon the Church in stead of Gods word and the truth of the Gospell The very marowe bones of the masse are all together detestable and therefore by no meanes to be borne withal so that of necessity the mending of it is to abolish it for euer For if you take away oblation and oration which doe hang vpon consecration and transubstantiation the moste papistes of them all will not set a button by the masse as a thing which they esteme not but for the gayne that foloweth thereon For if the English communion whiche o● late was vsed were as gaynefull to them as the Masse hath bene heretofore they would striue no more for theyr masse from thence groweth the griefe Consider into what daūgers you cast your selfe if you forsake the chuch you cannot but forsake it if you refuse to go to masse For the Masse is the Sacrament of vnity without the Arke there is no saluation The church is the Arke and Peters ship Ye know this saying wel enough He shall not haue God to be his Father which acknowledgeth not the church to be his mother Moreouer without the church sayth S. Augustine be the life neuer so wel spent it shall not inherit the kingdome of heauen The holy Catholicke or vniuersall church which is the communion of saintes the house of God the City of God the spouse of Christ the body of Christ the piller and stay of the trueth this Churche I beleeue accordinge to the Creede This Church I doe reuerence and honour in the Lord. But the rule of this Church is the word of God according to which rule we goe forwarde vnto life And as many as walk according to this rule I say with S. Paul peace be vpon them and vpon Israell which perteyneth vnto God The guid of this church is the holy ghost The markes whereby this church is knowne vnto me in this dar●ke worlde and in the middest of this crooked and froward generatiō are these The sincere preaching of Gods holy worde the due administration of the Sacramentes charitye and faythfull
God But that can no where be shewed And as for the Church I am not angry with it and I neuer refused to goe to it and to praye with the people to heare the word of God and to do all other things what soeuer may agree with the word of God S. Augustine speaking of the ceremonies of the Iewes I suppose in the Epistle ad Ianuarium although hee graunt they greeuously oppressed that people both for the number and bondage of the same yet he calleth them burdēs of the law which were deliuered vnto thē in the word of God not presumptions of men which notwithstanding if they were not contrary to gods word might alter a sorte be borne withall But now seeing they are contrarye to those thinges whiche are in the word of God written whether they ought to be borne of any Christian or no let hym iudge whiche is spirituall which feareth God more thē man and loueth euerlastinge life more then this short and transitory lyfe To that whiche was sayd that my fact lacketh example of the godly fathers that haue gone before the contrary is most euident in the historye of Toby Of whome it is sayd that when all other went to the golden calues whiche Hieroboam the king of Israel had made he himselfe alone fled al their companions and gotte hym to Ierusalem vnto the temple of the Lorde and there worshipped the Lorde God of Israel Did not the man of God threatē greeuous plages both vnto the Priestes of Bethell and to the aulter which Hieroboam had there made after his own fantasie Which plagues king Iosias the true Minister of God did execute at the time appoynted And where doe wee reade that the Prophetes or the Apostles did agree with the people in their Idolatry whē as the people went a whoring with their hill aulters for what cause I praye you did the Prophetes rebuke the people so muche as for theyr false worshipping of God after theyr owne mindes and not after Gods word For what was so much as that was Wherfore the false prophetes ceased not to maligne the true prophetes of God therefore they bet them they banished thē c. How els I pray you can you vnderstand that Sainct Paule alledgeth when he sayth What concord hath christ with Beliall Either what part hath the beleuer with the Infidel or how agreeth the temple of God with images For ye are the temple of the liuing God as God himselfe hath sayde I will dwell among them and will be theyr God and they shal be my people Wherfore come out from among them and seperate your selues from them saythe the Lorde and touch none vncleane thinge so will I receaue you and wil be a father vnto you and ye shal be my sonnes and daughters sayth the Lord almighty Iudith that holy woman would not suffer herselfe to be defiled with the meates of the wicked All the Sayntes of God which truely feared God when they haue bene prouoked to do any which they knewe to be contrarye to Gods lawes haue chosen to dye rather then to forsake the lawes of their God Wherefore the Machabees put themselues in daunger of death for the defense of the lawe yea and at length died manfully in the defense of the same If we do prayse sayth S. Augustine the Machabees and that with great admiration because they did stoutly stand euen vnto death for the lawes of theyr countrey howe muche more ought wee to suffer all thinges for our Baptisme for the sacramēt of the body and bloud of Christ. c. But the supper of the Lord such a one I meane as Christ commaundeth vs to celebrate the Masse vtterly abolysheth and corrupteth most shamefully Who am I that I shuld adde any thing to this which you haue so well spoken Nay I rather thanke you that you haue vouchsafed to minister so plentifull armour to me being otherwise altogether vnarmed sauing that hee cannot be left destitute of helpe whiche rightly trusteth in the helpe of God I onely learne to dye in reading of the new testament and am euer nowe and then praying vnto my God that hee will bee an helper vnto me in tyme of neede Seeing you are so obstinately set agaynst the Masse that you affirme because it is done in a tongue not vnderstanded of the people and for other causes I cannot tell what therefore it is not the true sacrament ordayned of Christ I beginne to suspecte you that you thinke not catholickely of Baptisme also Is our Baptisme whiche we do vse in a tongue vnknowne to the people the true baptisme of Christ or no If it be then doth not the straunge tongue hurt the Masse If it be not the baptisme of Christ tell me howe were you baptised Or whether will yee as the Anabaptistes do that al which were baptised in latin should be baptised agayne in the English tongue Although I would wish baptisme to be geuen in the vulgar tongue for the peoples sake which are present that they may the better vnderstand their owne profession and also be more able to teache theyr children the same yet notwithstanding there is not like necessity of the vulgar tongue in baptisme and in the Lordes supper Baptisme is geuē to children who by reason of their age are not able to vnderstand what is spoken vnto them what tongue soeuer it be The Lordes supper is and ought to be geuen to thē that are waxen Moreouer in baptisme which is accustomed to be geuen to children in the latine tongue all the substanciall poyntes as a man would say whiche Chryst commaunded to be done are obserued And therefore I iudge that baptisme to be a perfect and true baptisme and that it is not onely not neeedefull but also not lawfull for anye man so christened to be Christened agayne But yet notwithstanding they ought to be taught the Catechisme of the christian fayth when they shall come to yeares of discretion Which Cathechisme whosoeuer despiseth or wyll not desirously embrace and willingly learne in my iudgement he playeth not the parte of a christian man But in the popish mass● are wanting certayne substancialles that is to say things commaunded by the worde of God to be obserued in ministration of the Lordes supper of that which there is sufficient declaration made before Where you say I would wish surely I would wishe that you had spoken more vehemently and to haue sayd it is of necessitie that all thinges in the congregation should be done in the vulgar tongue for the edifying and comfort of them that are present notwithstanding that the childe it selfe is sufficiently baptised in the latin tongue For asmuche as I perceaue you are so stiffely I wyll not say obstinately bente and so wedded to your opinion that no gentle exhortations no holesome counsailes no other kinde of meanes can call you home to a better mynde there remayneth that
heart as I graunt I haue fealt sometimes before O good brother blessed be God in thee and blessed be the time that euer I knewe thee Farewell farewell Your brother in Christ Nicholas Ridley Brother farewell To the brethren remaining in captiuitie of the flesh and dispearsed abroad in sundry prisones but knit together in vnity of spirit and holy Religion in the bowels of the Lorde Iesu. GRace peace mercye be multiplied among you What worthy thankes can we render vnto the Lorde for you my brethren namely for the great cōsolation which through you we haue receiued in the Lorde who notwithstanding the rage of Sathan that goeth about by all maner of subtill meanes to beguile the worlde and also bu●l● laboreth to restore and set vp his kingdome againe that of late began to decay and fall to ruine ye remaine yet stil 〈◊〉 as men surely grounded vpon a strong rocke And nowe albeit that sathan by his souldiors and wicked ministers daily as we heare draweth numbers vnto hym so that it is sayd of him that he plucketh euen the very starres out of heauen whiles hee driueth into some men th● feare of death and losse of all their goods and sheweth and offereth to other some the pleasaunt baites of the worlde namelye richesse wealth and all kinde of delightes and pleasures faire houses great reuenues ●at benefices and what not and all to the intent they should fall downe worship not the Lorde but the Dragon the olde Serpent whych is the deuil that great beast and his image and should be in●iced to commit fornication with the strompet of Babilon together wyth the kings of the earth wyth the lesser beast and with the false Prophetes and so to reioyce and be pleasant wyth her and to be drunken wyth the wine of her fornication yet blessed be God the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe which hath geuen vnto you a manly courage and hath so strengthened you in the inwarde man by the power of his spirite that you can contemne as well all the terrours as also the vaine flatteringe allurementes of the worlde esteeming them as vanities mere trifles things of nought Who hath also wroughte planted and surely stablished in your hearts so stedfast a fayth and loue of the Lorde Iesus Christe ioyned with such constancie that by no engines of Antichriste be they neuer so terrible or plausible yee will suffer any other Iesus or any other Christ to be forced vpon you besides him whom the Prophet● haue spoken of before the Apostles haue preached the holy Martyrs of God haue cōfessed and testified with the effusion of their bloud In thys Faith stand ye fast my brethren and suffer not your selues to be brought vnder the yoke of bondage and superstition any more For ye know brethren howe that our sauiour warned his beforehand that such shoulde come as would poynt vnto the world an other Christ and woulde set him out wyth so many fals myracles and with such deceiueable and subtill practises that euen the very electe if it were possible should be therby deceiued such strong delusion to come did our Sauiour geue warning of before But continue ye faithful and constant and be of good comfort remember that our graund captaine hath ouercome the world for he that is in vs is stronger then he that is in the world and the Lorde promiseth vnto vs that for the elects sake the daies of wickednes shall be shortned In the meane season abide ye endure with patience as ye haue begun endure I say and reserue your selues vnto better times as one of the heathen Poetes said cease not to shew yourselues valiant Soldiours of the Lorde and helpe to maintaine the trauelling faith of the Gospell Yee haue neede of patience that after ye haue done the wil of God ye may receiue the promises For yet a very litle while and he that shall come will come and wil not tarie and the iust shall liue by faith but if anye withdrawe him selfe my soule shall haue no pleasure in him sayth the Lorde But we are not they which doe withdrawe oure selues vnto damnation but beleeue vnto the saluation of the soule Let vs not suffer these woordes of Christ to fall out of our hearts by any manner of terrours or threatnings of the worlde Feare not them which kil the body the rest ye know For I wryte not vnto you as to menne which are ignoraunt of the truth but which know the truthe and to this ende onely that we agreeing together in one faith may take comfort one of an other and be the more confirmed and strengthened thereby We neuer had a better or more iust cause either to contemne our life or shed our bloud we can not take in hande the defence of a more certaine cleare and manifest truthe For it is not any ceremonie for the which we contend but it toucheth the very substance of our whole Religion yea euen Christ him selfe Shall we either can we receiue and acknowledge any other Christe in steade of hym who is alone the euerlasting sonne of the euerlasting Father and is the brightnesse of the glory and liuely image of the substaunce of the Father in whome onely dwelleth corporally the fulnesse of the Godhead who is the onely waye the truth and the life Let such wickednesse my brethren lette such horrible wickednesse be farre from vs. For althoughe there be that are called Gods whether in heauen either in earth as there be many Gods and many Lordes yet vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whome are al things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whome are all things and wee by him but euery man hath not knowledge This is life eternal sayth S. Iohn that they know thee to be the onely true God and whome thou haste sent Iesus Christ. If any therfore would force vpon vs any other GOD besides him whom Paule and the Apostles haue taughte let vs not heare him but let vs flee frō him and hold him accursed Brethren ye are not ignorant of the deepe and profoūd subtleties of Satan for he will not cease to raunge about you seking by all meanes possible whom he may deuour but play ye the men and be of good comfort in the Lorde And albeit your enemies and the aduersaries of the truth armed with all worldly force and power that may be doe set vppon you yet be not ye faynt harted nor shrinke not therfore but trust vnto your Captayne Christ trust vnto the spirit of truth trust to the truth of your cause which as it may by the malice of satan be darckened so can it neuer be cleane put out For we haue high prayse be geuen to God therfore most playnely euidently and clearely on our side all the Prophets all the Apostles and vndoubtedly all the auncient Ecclesiastical writers which haue writtan vntill
which also wyll not further the glory of GOD. And now because I perceiue you haue an entire zeale and desire of my deliueraunce out of this captiuitie and worldly myserie if I shoulde not beare you a good hart in God againe me thinke I were to blame Sir howe nigh the day of my dissolution and departure out of this worlde is at hand I can not tell the Lordes wyll be fulfilled how sone soeuer it shall come I knowe the Lordes wordes must be verified on me that I shall appeare before the incorrupt Iudge and be countable to him of all my former lyfe And although the hope of his mercies is my shootanker of eternall saluation yet am I perswaded that who soeuer wittingly neglecteth regardeth not to cleare his conscience he can not haue peace with God nor a liuely fayth in his mercy Conscience therefore moueth me considering you were one of my familie and one of my houshold of whom then I thinke I had a speciall cure and of all them which were within my house which in deede ought to haue bene an example of godlynes to all the rest of my cure not only of good life but also in promotyng of Gods worde to the vttermost of their power but alas now when the tryall doth seperate the chaffe from the corne how small a deale it is God knoweth which the wind doth not blow away this conscience I say doth moue me to feare lest the lightnesse of my familie shall be layde to my charge for lacke of more earnest and diligent instruction which should haue ben done But blessed be God which hath geuen me grace to see this my default and to lament it from the bottome of my hart before my departyng hence This conscience dooth mooue me also now to require both you and my friende Doctor Haruy to remember your promises made to me in tymes past of the pure settyng foorth and preachyng of Gods worde and his truth These promises although you shall not neede to feare to be charged with them of me hereafter before the worlde yet looke for none other I exhort you as my friendes but to be charged with them at Gods hand This conscience and the loue that I beare vnto you byddeth me now say vnto you both in Gods name feare GOD and loue not the world for GOD is able to caste both body and soule into hell fyre When his wrath shall sodaynely be kindled blessed are all they that put their trust in hym And the saying of sainct Iohn is true All that is in the world as the lust of the fleshe the lust of the eyes and the pride of lyfe is not of the father but of the worlde and the worlde passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the wyll of God abydeth for euer If this gyfte of grace whiche vndoubtedly is necessarily required vnto eternall saluation were truely and vnfainedly graffed and firmely stablished in mens hartes they would not be so light so sodenly to shrinke from the maintenance and confession of the truth as is now alas seene so manifestly of so many in these dayes But here peraduenture you woulde knowe of me what is the truth Syr Gods woorde is the truth as sainct Iohn sayth and that euen the same that was heretofore For albeit man doth vary and change as the Moone yet Gods worde is stable abydeth one for euermore and of Christ it is truely sayd Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer When I was in office all that were esteemed learned in Gods word agreed this to be a truth in Gods word written that the common prayer of the Churche should be had in the common tongue You know I haue conferred with many and I ensure you I neuer founde man so farre as I do remember neither old nor new gospeller nor papist of what iudgement soeuer he was in this thing to be of a contrary opinion If then it were a truth of Gods word thinke you that the alteration of the world can make it an vntruth If it can not why then do so many men shrynke from the confession maintenance of this truth receyued once of vs all For what is it I pray you els to confesse or deny Christe in this worlde but to mainteyne the truth taught in Gods word or for any worldly respect to shrink from the same This one thing haue I brought for an ensample other thinges be in like case which now particulerly I neede not to rehearse For he that wil forsake wittingly either for feare or gayne of the world any one open truth of Gods word if he be constrained he wyl assuredly forsake God and al his truth rather then he wyl endaunger hym selfe to loose or to leaue that he loueth better in deede then he doth God and the truth of his word I like very well your plaine speaking wherein you say I must eyther agree or dye and I thinke that you meane of the bodyly death which is common both to good and bad Sir I knowe I must dye whether I agree or no. But what folly were it then to make such an agreement by the which I could neuer escape this death which is so common to all and also incurre the gylt of death and eternall damnation Lord graunt that I may vtterly abhorre and detest this damnable agreement so long as I lyue And because I dare say you wrote of friendshyp vnto me this short earnest aduertisement and I thynke veryly wishing me to lyue and not to dye therefore bearyng you in my hart no lesse loue in GOD then you doe me in the worlde I say vnto you in the worde of the Lord and that I say to you I say to all my friendes and louers in God that if you do not confesse maintayne to your power knowledge that which is grounded vpon Gods worde but will eyther for feare or gayne of the worlde shrinke and play the Apostata in deede you shall dye the death you know what I meane And I beseeche you all my true frendes louers in God remember what I say for this may be the last time peraduenture that euer I shall write vnto you From Bocardo in Oxford the .viij. day of Aprill 1555. M. Grindal now Archbishop of Canterbury being in the tyme of exile in the citie of Frankford wrote to D. Ridley thē prisoner a certaine Epistle wherin first he lamenteth his captiuitie exhorting him withall to be constant Secondly he certifieth him of the state of the English exiles being dispersed in Germany and of the singuler prouidence of God in stirring vp the fauour of the Magistrates and rulers there towardes them Thirdly he writeth to know his minde and will concerning the printing of his booke agaynst Transubstantiation and of certayne other treatises and his disputations Wherunto Bishop Ridley answereth agayne in order as foloweth ¶ The aunsweare of
geuen him by the scorneful Papistes was cast agayne into the Tower where he being assisted with the heauenly grace of Christ susteined most pacient imprisonment a long time notwithstanding the cruel and vnmercifull handlinge of the Lordlye Papistes whyche thought then theyr kingdome would neuer fall yet he shewed hymselfe not onely pacient but also chearefull in and aboue all that which they could or woulde worke agaynst him yea such a valiaunt spirit the Lord gaue him that he was able not onely to despise the terriblenesse of prisons tormentes but also to deride and laugh to scorne the doinges of his enemies As it is not vnknowne to the eares of many what he aunswered to the Lieuetenaunt beynge then in the Tower For when the Lieutenauntes man vpon a time came to him the aged Father kept without fire in the frosty winter and well●ye starued for colde merely bad the man tell his Mayster that if he did not looke the better to him perchaunce he would deceiue him The Lieutenaunt hearing this he thought hymselfe of these wordes and fearing least that in deede he thought to make some escape beganne to looke more straightly to his Prisoner and so comming to him beginneth to charge him with his wordes reciting the same vnto him whiche his man had told him before how that if he were not better looked vnto perchaunce he would deceiue them c. Yea Mayster Lieutenaunt so I sayd quoth he for you looke I thinke that I shoulde burne but except you let me haue some fire I am like to deceiue your expectation for I am like here to starue for cold Many such like answeres and reasons mery but sauery comming not from a vayne minde but from a constant and quiet reasō proceded from that man declaring a firme and stable hart litle passing for all this great blustering of theyr terrible threates but rather deriding the same Thus Mayster Latimer passing a long time in the tower with as much pacience as a manne in his case coulde do from thence was transported to Oxforde with Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Caunterbury and Mayster Ridley Byshop of London there to dispute vpon Articles sent downe from Gardiner Bishop at Winchester as is before touched the maner and order of whiche disputations betwene them and the Uniuersitye Doctours is also before sufficiently expressed Where also is declared how and by whome the sayd Latimer with his otherfelow Prisoners were condemned after the disputations and so committed agayne to the Prison and there they con●umed from the Moneth of Aprill aboue mentioned to this present Moneth of October where they were most godly occupied either with brotherly conference or with feruent prayer or with fruitfull writing Albeit M. Latimer by reasō of the feblenes of his age wrote least of them all in this latter time of his imprisonment yet in prayer he was feruently occupyed wherin oftentimes so long he continued kneeling that hee was not able to rise without helpe and amongst other things these were three principall matters he prayed for First that as God had appoynted him to be a preacher of his worde so also he woulde geue him grace to stand to his doctrine vntill his death that he might geue his harte bloud for the same Secōdly that God of his mercy would restore his gospell to Englande once agayne and these wordes once agayne once agayne he did so inculcate beat into the eares of the Lord God as though he had sene God before hym and spoken to him face to face The third matter was to pray for the preseruation of the Queenes Maiesty that now is whome in his prayer he was wont accustomably to name and euen with teares desired God to make her a comfort to his comfortles realme of England These were the matters he prayed for so earnestlye Neither were these thinges of him desired in vayne as the good successe thereof after following did declare for the Lord most graciously did graunt all those his requestes First concerning his constancy euen in the most extremity the Lord graciously assisted him For when he stoode at the stake without Bocardo gate at Oxford and the tormentors about to sette the fire to him and to the learned and Godly Byshop Mayster Ridley he lifted vp his eyes towardes heauen with an amiable and comfortable countenaunce saying these wordes Fidelis est Deus qui non sinit nos tentari supra id quod possumus God is faythfull whiche doth not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength and so afterwarde by and by shedde his bloude in the cause of Christ the whiche bloud ranne of his hart in suche aboundaunce that all those that were present being godly dyd maruell to see the most part of the bloud in his body to bee gathered to hys hart and with such violence to gush out his body being opened by the force of the fire by the whiche thing God most graciously graunted his request whiche was that he might shed his hart bloud in the defence of the Gospell How mercifully the Lord heard his second request in restoring his Gospell once agayne into this Realme these present dayes can beare record And what then shall England say now for her defence whiche being so mercifullye visited and refreshed with the word of God so slenderlye and vnthankfully considereth either her own misery past or the great benefite of God nowe present The Lorde be mercifull vnto vs. Amen Agayne concerning his third request it seemeth likewise most effectuously graūted to the great praise of God the furtherance of his Gospell and to the vnspeakable cōfort of this Realme For whether at the request of his praiyr or of other Gods holy Sayntes or whether God was moued with the cry of his whole Church the truth is that when all was deplorate and in a desperate case and so desperate that the enemies mightily florished and triumphed Gods word was banished Spanierdes receiued no place left for Christes seruauntes to couer theyr heades sodenly the Lord called to remembraunce his mercye and forgetting our former iniquity made an end of al these miseries and wroughte a maruellous chaunge of thinges at the chaunge whereof the said Queene Elizabeth was appointed and annoynted for whome this graye headed father so earnestly prayd in his imprisonment through whose true naturall and imperiall Crowne the brightnesse of Gods word was set vp agayne to confound the darcke and false visoured kingdome of Antichrist the true temple of Christ reedified the Captiuitye of sorowfull Christians released which so long was wished for in the prayers of so manye good men specially of this faythfull and true seruaunt of the Lord M. Latimer The same God which at the requestes of his holy and faythfull Sayntes hath poured vpon vs such benefites of his mercy peace and tranquility assiste our most vertuous and Christian Princesse and her Subiectes that wee may euery one in his state
comely a person to them that were there present as one should lightly see and where as in his clothes he appeared a withered and crooked silke olde man he now stood bolt vpright as comely a father as one might lightly behold Then M. Ridley standyng as yet in hys trusse sayde to his brother it were best for me to goe in my trusse still No quoth hys brother it will put you to more payne and the trusse will do a poore man good Whereunto Maister Ridley sayd be it in the name of God and so vnlaced hymselfe Then beyng in his shirt he stoode vpon the foresayd stone and held vp hys handes and sayd Oh heauenly Father I geue vnto thee most harty thankes for that thou hast called me to bee a professour of thee euen vnto death I beseech thee Lord GOD take mercy vpon this Realme of England and deliuer the same from all her enemies Then the Smith tooke a chaine of iron and brought the same about both D. Ridleis and M. Latimers middles and as he was knockyng in a staple D. Ridley took the chayne in his hand and shaked the same for it did gird in his belly and lookyng aside to the Smith sayd good felow knocke it in hard for the flesh will haue hys course Then his brother did bring hym gunpouder in a bag and would haue tied the same about hys necke M. Ridley asked what it was His brother said gunpouder Then sayd he I take it to be sent of God therefore I will receyue it as sent of hym And haue you any sayd he for my brother meanyng M. Latymer Yea sir that I haue quoth hys brother Then geue it vnto hym sayd he betyme least ye come to late So hys brother went and caried of the same gunpouder vnto M. Latymer In the meane tyme D. Ridley spake vnto my L. Williams and sayd My L. I must be a suter vnto your lordship in the behalfe of diuers poore men and especially in the cause of my poore Sister I haue made a supplication to the Queenes Maiestie in their behalfes I beseech your Lordship for Christes sake to bee a meane to her grace for them My brother here hath the Supplication and wyll resort to your lordship to certifie you hereof There is nothing in all the world that troubleth my conscience I praise God this onely excepted Whiles I was in the Sea of London diuers poore men tooke Leases of me and agreed with me for the same Now I heare say the B. that nowe occupieth the same roume wil not allow my graunts vnto them made but contrary vnto all law and conscience hath taken from them their liuynges and will not suffer them to enioy the same I beseech you my Lord be a mean for them you shall doe a good deed and God wil reward you Then brought they a fagot kindled with fire and layd the same downe at D. Ridleys feete To whome Maister Latymer spake in this maner Be of good comfort maister Ridley and play the man wee shall this day light such a candle by Gods grace in England as I trust shall neuer be put out And so the fire beyng geuen vnto them when D. Ridley saw the fire flamyng vp toward hym he cryed wyth a wonderfull lowd voyce In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum Domine recipe spiritum meum and after repeated this latter part often in English Lord Lord receyue my spirit M. Latymer crying as vehemently on the other side Oh Father of Heauen receyue my soule who receyued the flame as it were embrasing of it After as he had stroked hys face with hys hands as it were bathed them a little in the fire he soone died as it appered with very litle payne or none And thus much concerning the end of this old and blessed seruaunt of God M. Latymer for whose laborious trauails fruitfull lyfe constāt death the whole Realme hath cause to geue great thankes to almighty God But M. Ridley by reason of the euill makyng of the fire vnto hym because the wooden fagots were laid about the gosse and ouer high built the fire burned first beneath beyng kept downe by the woode Which when he felt hee desired them for Christs sake to let the fire come vnto him Which when hys brother in law heard but not well vnderstood entendyng to ridde hym out of his payne for the which cause he gaue attendance as one in such sorow not well aduised what he did heaped fagots vpon hym so that he cleane couered hym which made the fire more vehement beneath that it burned cleane all hys neather parts before it once touched the vpper and that made him leape vp and downe vnder the fagots and often desire them to let the fire come vnto him saying I cannot burne Which in deed appeared well for after hys legs were consumed by reason of his struglyng through the payne whereof he had no release but only his contentation in God he shewed that side toward vs clean shirt and all vntouched with flame Yet in all this torment he forgate not to call vnto God still hauyng in his mouth Lord haue mercy vppon me intermedling this cry let the fire come vnto me I can not burne In which paynes he laboured till one of the standers by with his bill pulled of the fagots aboue and where he saw the fire flame vp hee wrested himselfe vnto that side And when the flame touched the gunpouder hee was seene stirre no more but burned on the other side fallyng downe at M. Latymers feete Which some said hapned by reason that the chaine loosed other sayd that he fell ouer the chaine by reason of the poise of his body and the weakenes of the neather limmes Some say that before he was like to fall from the stake he desired them to holde him to it with their billes Howsoeuer it was surely it moued hundredes to teares in beholding the horrible sight For I thinke there was none that had not cleane exiled all humanitie and mercy which would not haue lamented to behold the fury of the fire so to rage vpon their bodies Signes there were of sorrowe on euery side Some tooke it greuously to see their deaths whose lyues they held full deare Some pitied their persons that thought theyr soules had no neede thereof His brother mooued many men seyng his miserable case seeyng I say hym compelled to such infelicitie that he thought then to doe hym best seruice when he hastened hys ende Some cryed out of the lucke to see his endeuor who most dearely loued hym and sought his release turne to hys greater vexation and encrease of payne But who so considered their preferments in tyme past the places of honor that they sometyme occupied in this common wealth the fauour they were in with their princes and the opinion of learnyng they had could not chuse but sorow with teares to see so great
haue robbed and spoyled all this heauenly treasure away I may well complayne on these thyngs and cry out vpon them with the Prophet saying Deus venerunt gentes in haereditatem tuam c. Psal. 72. O Lord God the Gentiles Heathen nations are come into thy heritage They haue defiled thy holy Temple and made Ierusalem an heape of stones that is They haue broken beaten down to the ground thy holy Citie This Heathenish generatiō these thieues of Samaria these Sabei and Chaldei these robbers haue rushed out of their dennes and haue robbed the Church of England of all the foresayd holy treasure of God they haue caried it away and ouerthrown it and in stead of Gods holy worde the true and right administration of Christes holy Sacramentes as of Baptisme and others they mixte theyr ministerie with mens foolish fantasies and many wicked and vngodly traditions withall In stead of the Lordes holy Table they geue the people with much solemne disguising a thyng which they cal their Masse but in deed and in truth it is a very masking and mockerie of the true Supper of the Lord or rather I may call it a crafty iuglyng whereby these false theeues iuglers haue bewitched the myndes of the simple people that they haue broght them from the true worship of god vnto pernicious idolatry and make them to beleeue that to be Christ our Lord and Sauiour which in deed is neither God nor man nor hath any lyfe in it selfe but in substance is the creature of bread and wyne and in vse of the Lordes Table is the Sacrament of Christes bodye and bloud and for this holy vse for the whiche the Lord hath ordained them in hys table to represent vnto vs his blessed body torne vpon the crosse for vs and his bloude there shed it pleased him to call them his body bloud whiche vnderstanding Christ declareth to be his true meanyng when he sayth Do this in the remembraunce of me And agayne Saint Paule likewyse doth set out the same more plainly speaking of the same Sacrament after the words of the consecration saieng As often as ye shall eat of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall set forth he meaneth with the same the Lordes death vntill his commyng agayne And here agayne these thieues haue robbed also the people of the Lordes cup contrary to the plaine words of Christ written in his Gospell Nowe for the common publike prayers whiche were in the vulgare tongue these theeues haue brought in agayne a strange tongue whereof the people vnderstande not one worde Wherein what doe they els but robbe the people of their Diuine seruice wherein they ought to pray together with the minister and to pray in a strange tong what is it but as Saint Paule calleth it barbarousnesse childishnes vnprofitable folly yea and plaine madnesse For the godly Articles of vnitie in religion for the wholesome Homelies what doe these Thieues place in the stead of them but the Popes Lawes and Decrees lying Legends fayned fables and miracles to delude and abuse the simplicitie of the rude people Thus this robbery and theft is not onely committed nay sacriledge and wicked spoyle of heauenly thyngs but also in the stead of the same is brought in and placed the abhominable desolation of the tyrant Antiochus of proud Senacherib of the shamelesse faced kyng and of the Babilonicall beast Unto this robbery this theft and sacrilege for that I cannot cōsent nor God willyng neuer shall so long as the breath is in my body because it is blasphemy agaynst God hygh treason vnto Christ our heauenly kyng Lord Maister our onely Sauiour and redeemer it is playne contrary to Gods word and to Christes Gospell it is the subuersion of all true godlinesse and agaynst the euerlastyng saluation of myne owne soule and of all my brethren and sisters whom Christ my Sauiour hath so dearely bought wyth no lesse price then with the effusion and shedyng foorth of hys most precious bloud Therfore all ye my true louers in God my kinsfolke and countreymen for this cause I say knowe ye that I am put to death which by Gods grace I shall willingly take with hearty thankes to God therefore in certayne hope without any doubtyng to receyue at Gods hande agayne of his free mercy and grace euerlastyng lyfe Although the cause of the true man slayne of the thiefe helpyng hys neighbour to recouer hys goods agayne and the cause wherfore I am to be put to death in a generality is both one as I sayd before yet know ye that there is no small difference These thieues agaynst whom I do stand are much worse then the robbers and thieues of the borders The goodes which they steale are much more precious and their kynds of fight are far diuers These thieues are worse I say for they are more cruell more wycked more false more deceitfull and crafty for those wyll but kill the body but these will not sticke to kill both body and soule Those for the generall theft and robbery be called are in deed theeues and robbers but these for their spirituall kynd of robbery are called Sacrilegi as ye would say Church robbers They are more wicked for those goe about to spoyle men of worldly thynges worldly riches gold and siluer worldly substance these go about in the wayes of the deuill their ghostly father to steale from the vniuersall Church and perticularly from euery man all heauenly treasure true faith true charity hope of saluation in the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ yea to spoil vs of our sauior Iesus Christ of his gospel of his heauēly spirit of the heauenly heritage of the kingdom of heauē so derely purchased vnto vs with the death of our maister and Sauiour Christ. These be the goodes and godly substance whereupon the christian before God must liue and without the which he cannot lyue These goods I saye these theeues these Church robbers go about to spoile vs of The which goods as to the man of God they excell and farre passe all worldly treasure so to withstand euen vnto the death such theeues as go about to spoyle both vs the whole Church of such goods is most high and honourable seruice done vnto God These church robbers be also much more false crafty and deceitfull then the theeues vpon the borders for these haue not the craft so to commend their theft that they dare auouch it and therefore as acknowledging themselues to be euill they steale commonly vpon the nyght they dare not appeare at iudgements and Sessions where Iustice is executed and when they are taken and brought thether they neuer hang any man but they bee oft tymes hanged for theyr faults But these Church robbers can so cloke colour their spiritual robbery that they can make the people to beleeue falshood to be truth and truth falshood good
dissolution of my Body and soule should be expired and therefore know ye that I had before mine eies onely the feare of God and christian charity toward you which moued me to write for of you hereafter I looke not in this worlde either for pleasure or displeasure If my talke shall doe you neuer so much pleasure or profit you cānot promote me nor if I displease you ye cannot hurte me or harme me for I shall be out of your reach Now therfore if you feare God can be content to heare the talke of him that seeketh nothing at your hands but to serue God and to do you good harken what I say I say vnto you as S. Paule sayth to the Galathians I wonder my Lordes what hath bewitched you that yee so sodenly are fallen from Christ vnto Antichrist from Christes Gospell vnto mans traditions from the Lorde that bought you vnto the bishop now of Rome I warne you of your perill be not deceiued except you wil be foūd willingly cōsēters vnto your own death For if ye think thus We are lay men this is a matter of religion we folowe as we are taught and led if our teachers and gouernors teach vs lead vs amisse the fault is in thē they shall beare the blame My Lordes this is true I graunt you that both the false teacher and the corrupt gouernour shall be punished for the death of theyr Subiecte whom they haue falsely taught and corruptly ledde yea and his bloud shall be required at theyr handes but yet neuerthelesse shall that Subiecte dye the deathe hymselfe also that is he shall also be damned for his owne sinne for if the blinde leade the blinde Christ sayth not the leader onely but he sayth both shall fall into the Ditch Shall the Sinagogue and the Senate of the Iewes trowe ye which forsooke Christ and consēted to his death therfore be excused because Annas and Cayphas with the Scribes and Pharesies and theyr Cleargy did teache them amisse yea and also Pilate theyr Gouernour and the Emperours Lieuetenaunt by his tyranny did without cause put him to death Forsooth no my Lordes no. For notwithstanding that corrupt doctrine or Pilates washing of his handes neither of both shall excuse either that Sinagogue and Seigniory or Pilate but at the Lordes hand for the effusion of that innocent bloud on the latter day all shall drinke of the deadly whippe Ye are wittye and vnderstande what I meane therfore I will passe ouer this and return to tell you how ye are fallen from Christ to his aduersarye the Bishop of Rome And least my Lords ye may peraduenture think thus barely to call the Bishop of Rome Christes aduersary or to speake it in playne termes to call him Antichrist that it is done in mine anguish and that I doe but rage and as a desperate man doe not care what I say or vpon whō I doe rayle therefore that your Lordshippes may perceiue my minde and thereby vnderstand that I speake the wordes of the trueth and sobriety as Saynt Paule sayde vnto Festus bee it knowne vnto your Lordshippes all that as concerning the Bishoppe of Rome I neither hate the person nor the place For I ensure your Lordshippes the liuing Lorde beareth me witnesse before whome I speake I do thinke many a good holye man many Martyrs and Sayntes of God haue sitte and taughte in that place Christes Gospell truely which therefore iustly may be called Apostolici that is true Disciples of the Apostles and also that Church and Congregation of Christians to be a right Apostolicke churche yea and that certayne hundreth yeares after the same was firste erected and builded vppon Christ by the true Apostolicall doctrine taught by the monthes of the Apostles themselues If ye will know how long that was and how many hundreth yeares to be curious in poynting the precise number of the yeares I will not be too bolde but thus I say so long and so manye hundreth yeares as that Sea did truely teache and preach that Gospell that Religion exercised that power and ordered euery thing by those Lawes and rules whiche that Sea receiued of the Apostles and as Tertullian saith the Apostles of Christ and Christ of God so long I say that Sea might wel haue bene called Peter and Paules chaire and Sea or rather Christes chaire the bishop thereof Apostolicus or true disciple and Successor of the apostles a Minister of Christ. But since the time that that Sea hath degenerated frō the trade of trueth and true Religion the which it receiued of the Apostles at the beginning and hath preached an other Gospell hath set vppe an other Religion hath exercised an other power and hath taken vpon it to order and rule the Church of Christ by other straunge Lawes Canons and Rulers then euer it receiued of the Apostles or the Apostles of Christ whiche thinges it doth at this daye and hath continued so doing alas alas of too too long a time since the time I say that the state and condition of that Sea hath thus bene chaunged in truth it ought of dutye and of righte to haue the names chaunged both of the Sea and of the sitter therein For vnderstand my Lords it was neither for the priuiledge of the place or person thereof that that Sea and Byshop thereof were called Apostolicke but for the true trade of Christs religion which was taught and mainteined in that Sea at the first and of those godly men And therfore as truely and iustlye as that Sea then for that true trade of religion and consanguinity of doctrine with the Religion and doctrine of Christes Apostles was called Apostolicke so as truely and as iustly for the contrariety of religion and diuersity of doctryne from Christ and his Apostles that Sea and the Bishoppe thereof at this day both ought to be called and are in deed Antichristian The Sea is the seate of Sathan and the Bishop of the same that mainteineth the abhominations therof is Antichrist himselfe in deede And for the same causes this Sea at this day is the same whiche S. Iohn calleth in his reuelation Babilon or the Whore of Babilon and spirituall Sodoma and Egyptus the Mother of Fornication and of the abhominations vpon the earth And with this Whore doth spiritually medle and lieth with her and committeth most stincking and abhominable adultery before God all those kinges and Princes yea and all nations of the earth which doe consent to her abhominations and vse or practise the same that is of the innumerable multitude of them to rehearse some for example sake her dispensations her pardons and pilgrimages her inuocation of Saynts her worshipping of Images her false counterfayt religion in her Monkery and Fryerage and her traditions whereby Gods lawes are defiled as her Massing and false Ministring of Gods word and the Sacramentes of Christ clean cōtrary to Christes word
not sayth S. Peter as though it were any straunge matter that ye are tryed by the fire he meaneth of tribulation which thing sayth he is done to proue you nay rather in that ye are partners of Christes afflictions reioyce that in his glorious reuelation ye may reioyce with mery hartes If ye suffer rebukes in Christes name happy are ye for the glory and spirit of God resteth vpon you Of them God is reuiled and dishonored but of you he is glorified Let no manne be ashamed of that he suffereth as a Christian and in Christes cause for nowe is the time that iudgement and correction must beginne at the house of GOD and if it begin first at vs what shall be the end of those thinke ye which beleue not the Gospell And if the righteous shall bee hardlye saued the wicked and the sinner where shall he appeare Wherefore they which are afflicted according to the wil of God let thē lay downe and commit theyr soules to him by well doing as to a trustye and faythfull maker This as I sayde maye not seeme straunge to vs for we know that al the whole fraternity of Christes Congregation in this worlde is serued with the like and by the same is made perfect For the seruent loue that the Apostles had vnto their maister Christ and for the great commodities and increase of all godlines which they felt by theyr fayth to insue of afflictions in Christes cause thirdly for the heapes of heauenly ioyes which the same doe get vnto the godly which shall endure in heauen for euermore for these causes I saye the Apostles of their afflictions did ioy and reioyced in that they were had and accounted worthy to suffer contumelies rebukes for Christes name And Paul as he gloried in the grace fauor of God whervnto he was brought stoode in by fayth so he reioyced in hys afflictions the heauenlye and spirituall profites which he numbred to rise vpon them yea he was so farre in loue wyth that that the carnall man lothed so much that is with Christes crosse that he iudged himselfe to know nothing els but christ crucified he will glory he sayth in nothing els but in Christes crosse yea and he blesseth all those as the onely true Israelites elect people of God with peace and mercy whiche walketh after that rule and after none other O Lord what a wonderfull spirit was that that made Paule in setting forth of himselfe agaynst the vanity of Satans Pseudopostles and in his clayme there that he in Christes cause did excell and passe them all what wonderfull spirite was that I saye that made him to reckon vppe all his troubles his laboures hys beatinges his whippinges and scourginges his shippewrackes his daungers and perilles by water and by land his famine hunger nakednesse and colde with many moe and the dayly care of all the congregations of Christ among whom euery mans payne did pearce his heart and euery mannes griese was grieuous vnto him O Lord is this Paules primacye whereof hee thought so much good that he did excell other Is not this Paules sayinge vnto Timothy his owne scholer and doth it not perteyn to who so euer will be Christes true souldiours beare thou sayth he affliction like a good souldiour of Iesu Christ This is true if we dye with him he meaneth Christ we shall liue with him if we suffer with him we shall raigne with him if we deny him he shall denye vs if we be faythlesse he remayneth faythfull he cannot denye himselfe This Paule would haue knowne to euery bodye for there is none other way to heauen but Christ and his way all that will liue godly in Christ shall sayth S. Paule suffer persecution By this way went to heauen the Patriarches the Prophets Christ our Mayster his Apostles his Martyrs and all the godly since the beginning And as it hath bene of olde that hee which was borne after the flesh persecuted him which was born after the spirite for so it was in Isaacks time so sayde S. Paule it was in his time also And whether it be so or no now let the spirituall man the selfe same man I meane that is indued with the spirit of almighty God let him be iudge Of the crosse of the Patriarches as ye may read in theyr storyes if ye reade the booke of Genesis ye shall perceiue Of other S. Paule in few wordes comprehendeth much matter speaking in a generality of the wonderfull afflictions death and tormentes which the men of GOD in Gods cause and for the truth sake willingly and gladly did suffer After much particuler rehearsall of many he sayeth other were racked and despised and would not be deliuered that they might obteyne a better resurrection Other agayne were tried wyth mockinges and scourginges and moreouer with bondes imprisonment they were stoned beweene asunder tempted fell were slayne vpon the edge of the sword some wandred to fro in sheepes pilches in goates pilches forsaken oppressed afflicted such godly men as the world was vnworthy of wandring in wildernesse in mountaynes in caues and in dennes and all these were commended for theyr fayth And yet they abide for vs the seruauntes of God and for those theyr brethren which are to bee slayne as they were for the word of Gods sake that none be shut out but that we may all go together to meete our Mayster Christ in the ayre at his comming and so to be in blisse with him in body and soule for euermore Therefore seing we haue so muche occasion to suffer and to take afflictions for Christes names sake paciently so many commodities thereby so waighty causes so many good examples so great necessitye so pure promises of eternall life and heauenlye ioyes of him that cānot lye Let vs throw away whatsoeuer might let vs all burden of sinne and all kinde of carnality and paciently and constantly let vs runne for the best game in this race that is set before vs euer hauing our eyes vpon Iesus Christ the ringleader Capitayne and Perfiter of our fayth which for the ioye that was set before him endured the crosse not passing vpon the ignominy and shame thereof and is set now at the right hande of the throne of GOD. Consider this that he suffered such strife of sinners agaynst himselfe that yee shoulde not geue ouer nor faynt in your mindes As yet brethren we haue not withstand vnto death fighting agaynst sinne Let vs neuer forget deare Brethren for Christes sake that Fatherly exhortation of the wise that speaketh vnto vs as vnto his children the Godlye wysedome of God saying thus My sonne despise not the correction of the Lord nor fall not from him when thou art rebuked of hym for whom the Lord loueth him doth he correct and scourgeth euery childe whom he receiueth What childe is he whom the father doth not chasten If ye
bee free from chastisement whereof all are partakers then are ye bastardes and no children Seing then when as we haue had carnall parents which chastened vs we reuerenced them shall not we much more be subiect vnto our spirituall father that we might liue And they for a litle time taughte vs after theyr owne mind but this father teacheth vs to our commodity to geue vnto vs his holinesse Al chastisment for the present tyme appeareth not pleasaunt but paynefull but afterward it rendereth the fruite of righteousnesse on them which are exercised in it Wherefore let vs bee of good cheere good Brethren and let vs plucke vppe our feeble members that were fallen or beganne to faynt hart handes knees and all the rest and let vs walke vpright and straight that no limping no● 〈…〉 bring vs out of the way Let vs looke not vpon the thinges that be present but with the eyes of our fayth let vs stedfastly behold the thinges that be euerlasting in heauen and so choose rather in respecte of that whiche is to come with the chosen members of Christ to beare Christes Crosse then for this short life time to inioy all the riches honours and pleasures of the broade worlde Why should we Christians feare death Can death depriue vs of Christ which is all our cō●ort our ioy and our life Nay forsooth But contrary death shall deliuer vs from this mortall body whiche lodeth and beareth downe the spirite that it cannot so well perceiue heauenly thinges in the which so long as we dwell wee are absent from God Wherefore vnderstanding our state in that we be Christians that if our mortall body which is our earthly house were destroied we haue a building a house not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen c. therefore wee are of good cheere and know that when we are in the body we are absent from GOD for we walke by fayth and not by cleare fight Neuerthelesse we are bolde and had rather be absent from the bodye and present with GOD. Wherefore we striue whether we be present at home or absent abroad that we may alwayes please him And who that hath true fayth in our Sauior Christ whereby he knoweth somewhat truely what Christ our Sauiour is that he is the eternall sonne of God life light the wisedome of the father all goodnesse all righteousnesse and whatsoeuer is good that heart canne desire yea infinite plentye of all these aboue that that mans hart canne either conceiue or thinke for in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godheade corporally and also that he is geuen vs of the Father and made of GOD to be our wisedome our righteousnesse our hol●nesse and our redemption who I say is he that beleueth this in deede that woulde not gladly bee with his mayster christ Paul for this knowledge coueted to haue bene loosed from the body and to haue beene with Christ for that he counted it muche better for himselfe and had rather to be loosed then to liue Therefore these wordes of Christe to the thiefe on the Crosse that asked of him mercy were full of comfort and solace This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise To dye in the defence of Christes Gospell it is our bounden duety to Christ and also to our neighbour To Christ for he dyed for vs and rose agayne that he might be Lord ouer all And seing he dyed for vs we also sayth S. Iohn shoulde ieopard yea geue our life for our Brethren And this kinde of geuing and loosing is getting and winning in deede for hee that geueth or looseth his life thus getteth winneth it for euermore Blessed are they therefore that die in the Lord and if they dye in the Lordes cause they are most happy of all Let vs not then feare death which can do vs no harme otherwise then for a momēt to make the flesh to smart but that our fayth whiche is surely fastened and fixed vnto the worde of GOD telleth vs that we shall be anon after death in peace in the handes of GOD in ioye in solace and that from death we shall go straight vnto life For Saynt Iohn sayeth he that liueth and beleeueth in me shall neuer dye And in an other place he shall depart from death vnto life And therefore this death of the Christian is not to be called death but rather a gate or entraunce into euerlasting life Therefore Paule calleth it but a dissolution and resolution and both Peter and Paul a putting of this Tabernacle or dwelling house Meaning thereby the mortall body as wherein the soule or spirite doth dwell here in this worlde for a small time Yea this death may be called to the Christian an end of all miseries For so long as we liue here we must passe through many tribulations before we canne enter into the kingdome of heauen And nowe after that death hath shot his bolt all the christian mans enemies haue done what they canne after that they haue no more to doe What coulde hurte or harme poore Lazarus that lay at the rich mannes Gate His former penury and pouerty his misery beggery and horrible sores and sickenesse For so soone as death had stricken him with his dart so soone came the aungels and caryed him straight vp into Abrahams bosome What lost he by death who from misery and payne is set by the ministery of Aungels in a place both of ioy and solace Farewell deare brethren farewell and let vs comforte our hartes in all troubles and in death with the worde of God for heauen and earth shall perish but the word of the Lord endureth for euer Farewell Christes dearely beloued spouse here wandering in this world as in a straunge land farre from thine owne coūtry cōpassed about on euery hand with deadly enemies which cease not to assault thee euer seeking thy destruction Farewell farewell O ye the whole and vniuersall congregation of the chosen of God here liuing vpon earth the true churche militant of Christ the true misticall body of Christ the very house holde and family of God and the sacred temple of the holy ghost Farewell Farewell O thou litle flocke of the highe heauenlye pastour Christ for to thee it hath pleased the heauenlye father to geue an euerlasting and eternall kingdome Farewell Farewell thou spirituall house of God thou holy and royall priesthood thou chosē generatiō thou holy nation thou wonne spouse Farewell Farewell N. R. ¶ An other treatise of B. Ridley wherein is conteyned first a lamentation for the chaunge of Religion in England then a comparison betwene the doctrine of the Gospell and the Romish religion with wholesome instructions in the end to all christians how to behaue themselues in time of tryall ALas what misery is thy church brought vnto O lord at this day Where of late the worde of the Lord was truely preached was read and heard in euery towne in euery Church
in euery village yea and almost in euery honest mans house alas now it is exiled and banished out of the whole realme Of late who was not taken for a louer of Gods word for a reader for a ready hearer for a learner of the same And now alas who dare beare any open countenaunce toward it but such as are content in Christes cause and for his wordes sake to stand to the daunger and losse of all that they haue Of late there was to be found of euery age of euery degree and kinde of people that gaue theyr diligēce to learne as they could out of Gods word the articles of the christian fayth the commaundementes of God and the Lordes prayer The babes and young children were taughte these thinges of theyr parentes of theyr maisters weekly of theyr Curates in euery church the aged folke whiche had bene brought vp in blindnes and in ignoraunce of those things which euery christian is boūd to know whē otherwise they could not yet they learned the same by oftē hearing theyr children and seruantes repeating the same but now alas and alas agayne the false Prophets of Antichrist which are past all shame do openly preach in pulpittes vnto the people of God that the Catechisme is to be counted heresy wherby theyr olde blindnes is brought home agayn for the aged are afraid of the higher powers and the youth is abashed and ashamed euen of that which they haue learned though it be Gods woord and dare no more meddle Of late in euery congregation throughout all Englād was made prayer and petition vnto God to be deliuered from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome and all his detestable enormities from al false doctrine and heresy now alas Sathan hath perswaded England by his falshoode craft to reuoke her olde godly prayer to recant the same prouoke the fearefull wrath and indignation of God vpon her owne pate Of late by strayt lawes and ordinances with the consent of the nobles and commonalty and full agreement counsel of the prelates and clergy was banished hence the beast of Babilon with lawes I say and with othes all meanes that then could be deuised for so godly a purpose but now alas all these lawes are troden vnder foote the Nobles the Commonalty the Prelates and Cleargy are quite chaūged and all those othes though they were made in iudgement iustice truth and the matter neuer so good doth no more hold then a bond of Rushes or of a Barley straw nor publicke periurye no more feareth them then a shadow vpon the wall Of late it was agreed in Englande of all handes according to Paules doctrine and Christes commaūdemēt as Paule sayth playnly that nothing ought to be done in the Church in the publicke congregation but in that toūg which the Congregation could vnderstand that all might be edefied thereby whether it were Common Prayer Administration of the Sacramentes or any other thing belonging to publicke Ministerye of Gods holy and wholesome word but alas all is turned vpside downe Paules doctrine is put apart Christs commaundement is not regarded For nothing is heard commonly in the Church but in a straunge tongue that the people doth nothing vnderstand Of late al men and women were taught after Christes doctrine to pray in that toūg which they could vnderstād that they might pray with hart that whiche they shoulde speake with theyr toung now alas the vnlearned people is brought in that blindnes again to think that they pray when they speak with theyr toung they can not tell what nor wherof theyr hart is nothing mindefull at all for that it can vnderstand neuer a whit therof Of late the Lordes Supper was duely ministred and taught to be made common to all that were true Christians with thankesgeuing and setting foorth of the Lordes death passion vntill his returning agayne to iudge both quicke and dead but now alas the Lordes table is quite ouerthrowne and that whiche ought to be common to all godly is made priuate to a fewe vngodlye without any kind of thankesgeuing or any setting foorth of the Lordes death at all that the people is able to vnderstand Of late all that were endued with the light and grace of vnderstanding of Gods holy misteries did blesse God which had brought them out of that horrible blindnes and ignorance wherby in times past being seduced by sathans subtleties they beleued that the Sacrament was not the Sacrament but the thing it self wherof it is a Sacramēt that the creature was the Creator and that the thing whiche hath neither life nor sense alas suche was the horryble blindenesse was the Lord himselfe which made the eye to see and hath geuen all senses and vnderstandinge vnto man but now alas Englande is returned agayne lyke a Dogge to her owne vomitte and spuing and is in worsse case thē euer she was For it had bene better neuer to haue knowne the trueth then to forsake the truth once receiued and knowne and now not onely that light is turned into darcknesse and Gods grace is receiued in vayne but also lawes of death are made by high Courte of Parliament maysterfully to mainteine by sword fire and al kind of violence that haynous Idolatry wherein that adoration is geuen vnto the liuelesse and dumbe creature which is only due vnto the euerliuing God yea they say they can and do make of bread both manne and GOD by theyr transubstantiation O wicked mention and Sathans owne broode Of late was the Lordes cuppe at his Table distributed according to his owne cōmaundement by his expresse wordes in his Gospell as well to the Laity as to the clergy which order Christes Churche obserued so many hundreth yeares after as all the auncient Ecclesiasticall writers doe testify without contradiction of any one of them that can be shewed vnto this day but now alas not only the Lords commaundement is broken his cup is denied to his seruauntes to whom he commaunded it shoulde be distributed but also with the same is set vp a new blasphemous kinde of sacrifice to satisfye and paye the price of sinnes both of the dead and of the quicke to the great intollerable contumely of Christ our sauior his death passion which was and is the one only sufficient and euerlasting auayleable sacrifice satisfactorye for all the Electes of God from Adam the first to the last that shall be borne in the end of the world Of late the commaundement of God Thou shalte not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor any similitude or likenes of any thing in heauen aboue or in earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth thou shalte not bowe downe to them nor worship them This commaundement of God I say was grauen almost euery where in Churches was learned of euery body both young olde whereupon Images that prouoked the simple and ignorant people vnto Idolatrie as
but yet at last perceauing that asmel sir Henry as also the other gentlemen did beholde him somewhat fixedly he brake of his talke Wherewith sir H. Knyuet making as though he had noted nothing did louingly dismisse him praying him that when he had receiued the B. letters he would also repaire to him for a packet to an Englyshe Gentleman of his acquaintaunce at Myllan which he promised to do and so departed againe When sir Henry had thus made sufficiēt tryall of this matter he forthwith wrote his letters vnto the K. Maiestie signifiyng vnto him the whole at large as he had learned In the meane while Ludouicke the next morning repaired vnto the B. of Winchesters lodging to demaunde an answere of those letters the Legate had sent vnto hym but how he vsed him selfe or whether he vttered the talke he had with sir H. Knyuet and with Wolfe whom he supposed at the first to be the B. man it is not certainely knowen But the B. perceiuing that by mistaking one for an other and in supposing Wolfe to be the B. seruaunt Ludouicke had vttered all his message from the Legate vnto Wolfe and that thereby his practises would come to light in great hasty rage caused Ludouicke to be stayed in his owne house while in the meane time him self went to Grauuela one of themperors counsell so practised with him that Ludouick was secretly committed vnto prison in the custody of one of themperours Marshals so as he could be no more talked withall all the tyme of their aboad there And then sending in great hast to sir H. Knyuet to come and speake with him which he did he fell into very hot speach with him saying that he had poyson in his dysh and that a knaue was suborned to be his distructiō with many such like words Sir Henry told him again how he vnderstode it and prayed him that Ludouicke might be brought face to face to be examined in both their presentes Which the B. would in no case agree vnto affirming that he had so declared the case to Grauuela being indifferent as he thought to them both that he woulde not meddell with Ludouicke nor speake with him but that themperours counsell should examyne hym try what he was for hym To whom sir H. Knyuet againe very earnestly obiected that he maruayled that the B. in matter touching the K. Maiestie their Maister would vse the ayde or means of Grauuela a forraine Princes minister to make him priuie of their question But stay do what he would he would neuer come to the speach of Ludouicke any more euer after Whereupon there rose great and long controuersies betweene them both wryting letters vnto the K. about that matter vntill at last the K. Maiestie perceiuing his affayres otherwaies to slacke therby wrote vnto them both that they should lay all those things vnder foote and ioyne together in his seruice as before which they did accordingly But how soeuer this matter was afterwardes salued here with the K. Maiestie as eyther by the death of sir H. Knyuet which I thinke was not very long after or by other friendes the B. had here at home I know not yet Wolfe who within two monethes after died of a long cough of the Longues vpon his death bed did agayne affyrme the premisses to be most true and therefore in the presence of sir H. Knyuet diuerse other of his seruaūts he protested that he had not inuented sought or procured this at Ludouickes handes for any malice or displeasure borne to the B. but only for discharge of his fayth duetie vnto the K. Maiesty desiring that the same his protestation might be inserted in the end of his last will and testament which was then presently done thereunto set his hand Now whether this was the matter that the K. moued so often M. Secretary Paget being after L. Keeper to keepe safe as sore matter agaynst the B. I know not but yet it appears by some depositions of the Nobilitie and others in the processe agaynst hym had in K. Edwardes dayes that the K. Maiestie Henry .8 had this matter euer in his mynd for in euery generall pardon that he graunted by Parliament after this practise he did styll except all treasons committed beyond the seas meaning thereby as it was supposed that the B. should not take any benefite by any general pardon if at any time his Maiestie would call him to accompt and therfore all thinges wel wayed he had smal cause to vaunt of his great fauour he had of K. Henry his M. How beit it seemeth he was brought into this fooles paradize by the L. Paget who as he himsel●e reporteth in his depositions in his messages from the K. to the sayd B. deluded hym telling him muche otherwyse then the K. had spoken counsaling alwayes the K. hard speches agaynst him which thing puffed vp this vaine-glorious Thraso not a litle All whiche premises appeare more at large by the depositions of the Nobles others examined in the long processe against him in K. Edwardes raigne as appeares in our first edition of actes and monumentes from the .804 Page vnto the ende of that processe in that booke at large mentioned But whatsoeuer he was seeing he is nowe gone I referre him to his Iudge to whom he shall stand or fall As concerning his death and maner thereof I woulde they which were present thereat would testifie to vs what they saw This we haue all to thinke that his heath happened so opportunely that England hath a mighty cause to geue thankes to the Lord therfore not so much for the great hurt he had done in times past in peruerting his Princes in bringing in the vi Articles in murderyng Gods saintes in defacing Christes sincere Religion c. as also especially for that he had thought to haue brought to passe in murdring also our noble Queene that now is For what soeuer daunger it was of death that she was in it did no doubt proceede frō that bloudy bishop who was the cause therof And if it be certain which we haue heard that her highnes being in the Tower a writte came downe from certaine of the Counsell for her execution it is out of controuersie that wily Winchester was the onely Dedalus framer of that ingine Who no doubt in that one day had brought this whole Realme into wofull ruine had not the Lordes moste gratious counsell through M. Bridges then the Lieuetenaunt comming in hast to the Queene certified her of the matter and preuented Architophels bloudy deuises For the which thankes be to the same our Lord and sauiour in the congregacion of al English churches Amen Of thinges vncertaine I must speake vncertainely for lacke of fuller information or els peraduenture they be in the Realme that can say more then here I haue expressed For as Boner Story Thornton Harpsfielde Dunning with other were occupied in puttyng the poore braunches of
was brought before the Bish. of Douer and Nich. Harpesfield or some other deputed in their roume long before the other two videlicet the xvj day of September and there had propounded vnto hym such ordinarie Articles as it seemeth as was commonly ministred by Boner to those of hys iurisdiction beyng willed for that present to depart and to deliberate with hymselfe vpon the matter agaynst the next tyme of his appearance he made aunswer that hee would no otherwyse say by Gods grace then hee had already sayde which was this As touchyng the Sacrament of Christes bodye I do beleeue quoth he to be left vnto hys Churche wyth thankes geuyng in commemoration of hys death passion vntill his commyng agayne So that it is left in remembraunce of hys body and not by the wordes of consecration to be made his body really substantially and the same body that was borne of the virgin Mary I vtterly do deny that After this besides sundry other tymes the third day of October the sayd Ioh. Web Gregory Roper George Parke were brought all three together before the sayd Iudge who there and then agreeyng and stedfastly allowyng the former aunswere made before by Maister Webbe were by the bloudy Prelates adiudged heretikes and therefore about the ende of the same month of October or els as I otherwyse finde in the latter ende of Nouember they together were taken and brought out of prison to the place of Martyrdom Who by the way goyng toward the stake sayd certaine Psalmes mournefully Roper was a yonger man of a fresh colour courage complexion the other two were somewhat more elderly all goyng in white linnen with their gownes vpon Roper at his commyng to the stake puttyng of hys gowne fet a great leape So soone as the flame was about hym the sayd Roper put out both hys armes from hys bodye lyke a Rood and so stood stedfast continuyng in that maner not pluckyng his armes in tyll the fire had consumed them and burnt them of And thus these foresayde Martyrs of Christ beeyng brought as I sayde to the stake and there compassed about with a chayne were burnt and consumed all thre together in one fire at Canterbury abidyng most patiently their torments and countyng themselues happy blessed of the lord that they were made worthy to suffer for Christes Gospels sake * William Wiseman THe 13. of Decemb. in the Lollards Tower died William Wiseman a Clothworker of London where hee ❧ The order and maner of burying in the Fields such as dyed in prison and namely of William Wiseman was in prison and bands for the Gospel worde of God How and whereupon he deceased it is not fully certaine Some thought that either through famine or ill handling of some murtheryng papists he was made away By reason whereof the Crouner named Iohn Gibbes Gentleman with an enquest of twelue men were fayne to sit vpō hym who although to the outward apperance were sayd to finde nothyng in hym els but onely Gods visitation yet what other priuy causes there might be of hys death the Lord knoweth I haue not to say After the sayd William was departed as is sayde in the Tower the holy Catholike church men cast hym out into the fieldes commanded that no man should bury him according as theyr deuout maner is to do with all such as dye in lyke sort whō they account as prophane and worthy of no buriall but to be cast to dogs and birdes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Poet sayeth And yet all this their mercilesse commaundement not withstandyng some good Tobies there were which buried hym in the euenyng as commonly they did all the rest throwen out in lyke sort whom they were woont priuily by night to couer and many tymes the Archers in the fields standyng by and singing together Psalmes at their buriall ¶ Iames Gore IN the same month about the 7. day of Decemb. deceased also Iames Gore in the prison at Colchester layed there in bands for the right and truth of Gods word ❧ The processe and historie of M. Iohn Philpot examined condemned and Martyred for the maintenance and defence of the Gospels cause against the Antichristian Sea of Rome NExt foloweth the constant Martyrdome of M. Iohn Philpot of whome partly ye heard before in the beginning of Queene Maries time in prosecutyng the disputation of the Conuocation house He was of a worshipfull house a knights sonne borne in Hamshire brought vp in the new Colledge in Oxford where he studied the Ciuill lawe the space of 6. or 7. yeares besides the study of other liberall artes especially of the tongs wherein very forwardly he profited namely in the knowledge of the Hebrue tong c. In wit●he was pregnāt and happy of a singuler courage in spirit feruent in religion zelous and also well practised and exercised in the same which is no small matter in a true deuine of nature and condition plaine and apert far from all flatterie farther from all hypocrisie and deceitfull dissimulation What his learnyng was hys owne examinations penned of hys owne hand can declare From Oxford desirous to see other countries as occasion serued thereunto he went ouer into Italy and places thereabouts where he commyng vpon a tyme from Uenice to Padua was in daunger through a certayne Franciscan Frier accompanying hym in hys iourney who cōmyng to Padua sought to accuse hym of heresie At length returnyng to England hys countrey agayne as the tyme ministred more boldnes to hym in the dayes of King Edward he had diuers conflictes with Gardiner the bishop in the Citye of Winchester as appeareth by dyuers of Winchesters letters and hys examinations Wherof read before After that hauyng an aduauson by the sayd B. he was made there Archdeacon of Winchester vnder D. Pomet who then succeeded Gardiner in that Bishoprike Thus duryng the tyme of K. Edward he continued to no small profite of those parties thereabout When that blessed king was taken away Mary hys sister came in place whose study was wholy bent to alter the state of religion in the wofull realme of England first she caused a Conuocation of the Prelates learned men to be congregate to the accomplishment of her desire In the which Conuocation M. Philpot beyng present accordyng to hys roume and degree with a few other susteined the cause of the Gospel manfully agaynst the aduersary part as is aboue recited for the which cause not withstandyng the liberty of the house promied before hee was called to accompt before B. Gardiner the Chauncellour then beyng hys Ordinary by whome he was first examined although that examination came not yet to our handes From thence agayne he was remooued to Boner and other Commissioners with whom he had dyuers sundry conflictes as in hys examination here followyng may appeare ¶ The first examination of M. Iohn Philpot before the Queenes
declared my iudgemēt vnto you in this because I cānot speake hereof without the daunger of my life Rich. There is none of vs here that seeketh thy life or meane to take any aduauntage of that thou shalt speake Phil. Although I mistrust not your honorable Lordships y● be here of the tēporalty yet here is one that sitteth against me pointing to my Lord of London that wil lay it to my charge euen to the death Notwithstanding seeing youre honours do require me to declare my minde of the presēce of Christ in the sacrament that ye may perceaue that I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christe neither doe mayntayne any opinion without probable and sufficient authoritie of the Scripture I will shewe franckly my minde without all colour what soeuer shall ensu● vnto me therfore so that my Lord of London wil not let me to vtter my minde Rich. My Lord permit him to say what he can seeyng hee is willing to shew his mind London I am content my Lordes let him say what he can I will heare him Phil. That which I doe entend to speake vnto you right honourable Lordes I do protest here first before God his Angels that I speake it not of vaynglory neyther of singularitie neither of wilfull stubburnes but truely vpon a good conscience grounded on Gods worde against the which I dare not do for feare of damnation which wil follow that which is done contrary to knowledge Neyther do I disagree to the proceedinges of this realme in the religion for that I loue not the Queene whom I loue from the bottome of my hart but because I ought to loue fear God in his word more then man in his lawes thoughe I stand as I seeme to do in this consideration and for none other as God I call to witnes There be two thinges principally by the which the clergy at this day doth deceiue the whole realm that is the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ and the name of the Catholicke church y● which both they do vsurpe hauing in deed none of them both And as touching theyr Sacrament which they terme of the aulter I say now as I sayd in the Conuocation house that it is not the Sacramente of Christ neither in the same is there any maner of Chrystes presence Wherfore they deceiue the Queenes maiesty and you of the nobilitie of thys realme in making you to beleue that to be a sacrament which is none and cause you to commit manifest Idolatry in worshipping that for God whiche is no God And in testimony of this to be true besides manifest proofe which I am able to make to the Queenes maiesty and to all you of her nobility I will yeld my lyfe The which to do if it were not vpon a sure groūd it were to my vtter damnation And where they take on them the name of the Catholicke church wherby they blinde many folkes eyes they are nothing so calling you from the true religion whiche was reuealed taught in K. Edwardes time vnto vaine superstition And this I will say for the tryall hereof that if they can proue themselues to be the catholicke church as they shal neuer be able to do I wil neuer be agaynst their doynges but reuoke all that I haue sayd And I shall desire you my Lordes to be a meane for me to the Queenes maiestie that I may be brought to the iust triall hereof Yea I will not refuse to stand agaynst ten of the best of them in this realme And if they be able to proue otherwise then I haue sayd either by writing or by reasoning with good lawfull authoritie I will here promise to recant whatsoeuer I haue sayd to consent to them in all poyntes And in the declaratiō of these things more at large which now I write in summe the Bishop of London eftsones would haue interrupted me but the Lords procured me libertie to make out my tale to the great griefe of my Lord bishop of London as it appeared by his dumpes he was in Londō It hath bene told me before that you loue to make a long tale Rich. Al heretickes do boast of the spirite of God and euery one would haue a church by himselfe as Ioan of Kent and the Anabaptistes I had my selfe Ioan of Kent a seuen night in my house after the writ was out for her to be burnt where my Lorde of Canterb. and Bishop Ridley resorted almost dayly vnto her but she was so high in the spirite that they could do nothing with her for all theyr learning But she went wilfully vnto the fire was burnt and so do you now Phil. As for Ioan of Kent shee was a vayne woman I knew her well an heretick indeed well worthye to bee burnt because she stoode agaynst one of the manifest artycles of our faith contrary to the scriptures and such vayne spirites be soone known from the true spirite of God hys church for that the same abideth wtin the limites of GODS word and will not go out of the same neither stubburnely mayntaine any thing cōtrary to the word as I haue gods word throughly on my side to shew for that I stand in London I pray you how will you ioyne me these ij scriptures together Pater maior me est pater ego vnum sumuꝰ I must enterprete the same because my Lordes here vnderstand not the Latin that is to saye The Father is greater then I and I and the father are one But I cry you mercye my Lordes I haue mispoken in saying you vnderstande no Latine for the most part of you vnderstand Latin as well as I. But I spake in consideration of my Lord Shādoys and M. Bridges his brother whom I take to be no great Latin men Now shew your cunning and ioine these two scriptures by the word if you can Phil. Yes that I can right well For we must vnderstande that in Christ there be two natures the diuinitie and Humanitie in respect of his humanitie it is spoken of christ The Father is greater then I. But in respect of hys Deitie he sayd agayne The Father and I be one London But what scripture haue you Phil. Yes I haue sufficient scripture for the proofe of that I haue sayd For the first it is written of Christ in the Psalmes Diminuisti eum paulominus ab Angelis Thou hast made him a little lesser then Aungels It is the xv Psalme beginning Coeli enarrant And there I misreckoned wherwithall my Lord tooke me London It is in Domine Dominus noster Yee may see my Lords how wel this man is vsed to say his Mattins Phil. Though I say not Mattins in suche order as youre Lordship meaneth yet I remember of olde that Domine Dominus noster and Coeli enarrant bee not farre asunder and albeit I misnamed the Psalme it is no preiudice to the truth of that I haue
it hath bene frō the beginning from time to tyme as it appereth by stories as Christes true religion is now to be found here in Englād although hypocrisie hath by violence the vpper hād And in the Apocalyps you may see it was prophesied that the true Church should be driuen into corners and into wildernes and suffer great persecution Morgan A are you seene in the Apocalyps there are many strange thyngs Phil. If I tel you the truth which you are not able to refel beleeue it dally not out so earnest matters Me thinke you are liker a scoffer in a play then a reasonable doctor to instruct a man you are bare arsed dance naked in a net and yet you see not your owne nakednes Morgan What I pray you be not so quicke with me Let vs talke a little more coldly together Philpot. I will talke with you as mildely as you can desire if you wil speake learnedly and charitably But if you go about with taunts to delude truth I will not hyde it from you Morgan Why will you not submit your iudgement to the learned men of this Realme Phil. Because I see they can bring no good ground whereupon I may with a good conscience settle my fayth more surely then on that which I am now grounded vppon by Gods manifest word Morgan No do that is maruell that so many learned men should be deceyued Phil. It is no maruell by S. Paule for he sayeth That not many wyse neither many learned after the world bee called to the knowledge of the Gospell Morgan Haue you then alone the spirite of God and not we Phil. I say not that I alone haue the spirite of God but as many as abide in the true faith of Christ haue the spirit of God as well as I. Morgan Howe knowe you that you haue the Spirite of God Phil. By the fayth of Christ which is in me Morgan A by faith do you so I ween it be the spirit of the buttry which your fellowes haue had that haue ben burned before you who were dronk the night before they wēt to their death and I weene went dronken vnto it Phil. It appeareth by your communication that you are better acquainted with the spirit of the Buttry then with the spirit of God Wherefore I must now tell thee thou painted wall hypocrite in the name of the liuing Lord whose truth I haue told thee that God shal raine fire and brimstone vpon such scorners of his worde and blasphemers of his people as thou art Morgan What you rage now Phil. Thy foolish blasphemies hath compelled the spirit of God which is in me to speake that which I haue said vnto thee thou enemy of all righteousnes Morgan Why do you iudge me so Phil. By thine owne wicked words I iudge of thee thou blynd and blasphemous Doctour for as it is written By thy words thou shalt be iustified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned I haue spoken on Gods behalfe now haue I done with thee Morgan Why then I tel thee Philpot that thou art an heretike and shalt be burnt for thine heresy and afterwards go to hell fire Phil. I tel thee thou hypocrite that I passe not this for thy fire and fagots neither I thanke God my Lord stande in feare of the same my faith in Christ shall ouercome thē But the hel fire which thou threatnest me is thy portion and is prepared for thee vnlesse thou spedily repent and for such hypocrites as thou art Morgan What thou speakest vpon wyne thou hast tipled well to day by likelihood Phil. So said the cursed generation of the Apostles beyng replenished with the holy Ghost speaking the wōdrous works of God they said they were dronk when they had nothing els to say as thou doest now Morgan Why I am able to answer thee ywis I trow Phil. So it seemeth with blasphemies and lyes Morgan Nay euen with learnyng say what thou canst Phil. That appeared well at my disputation in the Conuocation house where thou tookest vpon thee to aunswer those few arguments I was permitted to make and yet wast not able to aunswere one but in thyne aunsweres did fumble and stammer that the whole house was ashamed of thee and the finall conclusion of all thine answers was that thou couldst answer me if I were in the scholes at Oxford Morgan What did I so thou beliest me Phil. I do not belye thee the booke of the report of the disputation beareth record therto and al that were present then can tell if they list thou saydst so And I tell thee playne thou art not able to answer that spirit of truth which speaketh in me for the defence of Christes true Religion I am able by the might therof to driue thee roūd about this gallery before me and if it would please the queenes maiesty and her Councell to heare thee and me I woulde make thee for shame shrinke behinde the doore Morgan Yea would you so Phil. Thou hast the spirite of Illusion and Sophistrye which is not able to counteruaile the spirit of truth Thou art but an Asse in the true vnderstanding of thinges pertayning vnto God I cal thee Asse not in respect of malice but in that thou kickest agaynst the trueth and art voyde of all godly vnderstāding not able to answere to that thou braggest in Morgan Why haue I not answered thee in all things thou hast sayd vnto me I take them to record Phil. Aske of my felow whether I be a theefe Cosins Harke he maketh vs all theeues Phil. You know that phrase of the Prouerbe that like will holde with like And I am sure you will not iudge with me against him speake I neuer so true and in this sense I speake it The strongest answere that he hath made against me is that you will burne me Morgan Why we doe not burne you it is the Temporall men that burne you and not we Phil. Thus you woulde as Pilate dyd washe your handes of all your wicked doinges But I pray you Inuocate seculare brachium call vpon the secular power to be executioners of your vnrighteous iudgementes And haue you not a title in your law De haereticis comburendis for to burne heretickes Harps I haue hearde you both a good while reason together and I neuer hearde so stout an hereticke as you are M. Philpot. Cosins Neither I in all my life Phil. You are not able to proue me an heretick by one iote of Gods word Harps You haue the Spirite of arrogancy I will reason with you no more And so he was departing and M. Cosins also And with that the bishop and Christoforsō came in agayne and sayd Boner Mayster Doctour howe doeth this man and you agree Morgan My Lord I doe aske him where his church was fifty yeares agoe Boner Are you not halfe agreed as one man sayd once to tway parties of whō the one was
constant martyr Who the xviii day of December in the middest of the fiery flames yelded his soule into the handes of the almighty God and full like a lambe gaue vp his breath his body being consumed into ashes Thus hast thou gentle reader the lyfe and doyngs of this learned and worthy souldiour of the Lord Iohn Philpot with all his examinations that came to our handes first penned and written with his owne hand beyng meruaylously reserued from the sight and hands of hys enemies who by all maner meanes sought not onely to stop hym from al writing but also to spoyle and depriue him of that which he had written For the which cause he was manye tymes stripped and searched in the prison of his keeper but yet so happily these his writinges were conueyed and hid in places about him or els hys keepers eies so blinded that notwithstanding all this malicious purpose of the Bishops they are yet remayning and come to light A prayer to be sayd at the stake of all them that God shall account worthy to suffer for his sake MErcifull God and father to whome oure sauiour Christ approched in his feare and neede by reason of death found comfort Gracious God and most bounteous Christe on whome Stephen called in his extreeme neede and receiued strength Most benigne holy spirite whiche in the middest of all Crosses and death diddest comfort the Apostle S. Paule with more consolations in Christ then he felt sorowes and terrors haue mercy ❧ The martirdome of maister Iohn Philpot Archdeacon with the manner of his kneeling and praying at the stake vpon me miserable vile and wretched sinner which now drawe neare the gates of death deserued both in soule and body eternally by reason of manifold horrible olde and new transgressions which to thyne eyes O Lorde are open and knowne Oh be mercifull vnto me for the bitter death and bloudshedding of thine owne onely sonne Iesus Christ. And though thy iustice do require in respecte of my sinnes that nowe thou shouldest not heare me measuring me with the same measure I haue measured thy Maiesty contemning thy dayly calles yet let thy mercy whiche is aboue all thy works and wherewith the earth is filled let thy mercy I say preuaile towardes me through and for the mediation of Christ our sauiour And for whose sake in that it hathe pleased thee to bring me forth now as one of his witnesses and a record bearer of thy veritye and trueth taught by him to geue my life therefore to which dignitie I do acknowledge dear God that ther was neuer any so vnworthy and so vnmeet no not the theef that hāged with him on the Crosse I most hūbly therfore pray thee that thou wouldest accordingly ayde helpe assiste me with thy strength and heauenly grace that with Christe thy sonne I may finde comfort with Stephen I may see thy presence and gracious power with Paule and all others whiche for thy names sake haue suffered affliction and death I may finde so present with me thy gracious consolations that I may by my deathe glorifie thy holy name propagate and ratifie thy veritie comfort the hartes of the heauy confirme thy Church in thy veritie conuert some that are to be conuerted and so depart foorth of thys miserable world where I do nothing but daily heape sinne vpon sinne and so enter into the fruition of thy blessed mercy wherof now geue and encrease in me a liuely truste sense and feelinge wherethrough the terrours of death the tormentes of fire the panges of sinne the dartes of Sathan and the dolours of hel may neuer depresse me but may be driuen away thorough the working of that most gracious spirite which now plenteously endue me withall that through the same spirite I may offer as I nowe desire to do in Christ by him my selfe wholy soule and body to be a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable in thy sight Deare Father whose I am and alwayes haue bene euen from my mothers wombe yea euen before the world was made to whome I commend my selfe soule and body family and frendes countrey and all the whole Churche yea euen my very enemies accordynge to thy good pleasure beseeching thee intirely to geue once more to this Realme of England the blessing of thy word agayn with godly peace to the teaching setting forth of the same Oh dear father now geue me grace to come vnto thee Purge and so purifie me by this fire in Christes death and Passion through thy spirite that I may be a burnt offering of sweete smell in thy sight which liuest and raignest with the sonne and the holy God nowe and euermore world without end Amen ¶ Letters of Mayster Philpot. ¶ A letter which he sent to the christian congregation exhorting them to refrayne from the Idolatrous seruice of the papists and to serue God after his word IT is a lamentable thing to behold at this present in England the faithles departing both of men women frō the true knowledge vse of Christes sincere religion which so plētifully they haue bene taught do know their own consciences bearing witnes to the veritie thereof If that earth be cursed of God which eftsoones receiuing moisture pleasant dewes from heauen doth not bring forth fruite accordingly how much more greuous iudgemēt shal such persons receiue which hauing receiued from the father of heauē the perfect knowledge of his word by the ministery therof do not shew forth Gods worship after the same If the Lord wil require in the day of iudgemēt a godly vsury of all maner of talentes which he sendeth vnto men women how muche more wil he require the same of his pure religion reuealed vnto vs which is of al other talents the chiefest most pertayning to our exercise in this life if we hide the same in a napkin and set it not forth to the vsurye of Gods glory and edifying of his church by true confessiō God hath kindled the bright light of his Gospel which in times past was suppressed hid vnder the vile ashes of mās traditiōs and hath caused the brightnes therof to shine in our harts to the end that the same might shine before men to the honor of his name It is not onely geuen vs to beleue but also to confesse declare what we beleue in our outwarde couersation For as S. Paule writeth to the Romaynes The beliefe of the hart iustifieth and toe acknowledge wyth the mouth maketh a man safe It is al one before God not to beleue at al not to shew forth the liuely works of our belief For Christe sayth Either make the tree good and his fruites good or ells make the tree euill and the fruites euill because a good tree bringeth forth good fruites So that the person which knoweth his maysters will and doth it not shal be beaten with many stripes And not all they
be Pray I beseech you that I may be stil careles in my careful estate as you haue cause to be carelesse in your easier condition Be thākful and put away all care and then I shall be ioyfull in my straite present care Commend me to all our brethren and desire them to praye for me that I may ouercome my tēptations for the deuil rageth against me I am putte in the stockes in a place alone because I would not answer to such articles as they would charge me wtall in a corner at the bishops appoyntment and because I did not come to Masse when the bish sent for me I will sic all the dayes of my life in the stockes by Gods grace rather then I wil consent to the wicked generation Praise God be ioyfull that it hath pleased him to make vs worthy to suffer somwhat for his names sake The deuil must rage for 10. daies Commend me to maister F. and thanke him for his lawe bookes but lawe neither equitie wil take any place among these bloud thirsty I would for your sake their vniust dealing were noted vnto the parlament house if it might auaile God shortē these euil daies I haue answered the bish meetely plaine already and I said to him if he wil cal me in open iudgement I wil answer him as plainly as he will require otherwise I haue refused because I feare they will condemne me in hugger mugger The peace of God be with you my dear brother I canne wryte no more for lacke of light and that I haue wrytten I can not reade my selfe and God knoweth it is wrytten farre vneasily I pray God you may picke out some vnderstanding of my minde towards you Wrytten in a Colehouse of darkenesse oute of a paire of paynefull stockes by thine owne in Christ. Iohn Philpot. An other letter of M. Philpot to certaine godlye women forsaking their owne countrey for the Gospell full of frutefull precepts and lessons for all good women THe spirite of truthe reuealed vnto you my dearely beloued by the Gospell of oure Sauiour Iesus Christe be continually abiding with you and augmented into a perfect building of you into the liuely temple of God through the mighty operation of hys power Amen I reade in the Euangelistes of certaine Godly women that ministred vnto Christ folowing him in the daies of his Passion and neuer forsoke him but being dead in his graue brought oyl to annoynt him vntill that he had shewed himselfe vnto them after his resurrection and bidden them shewe vnto his Disciples which at his Passion were dispearsed and tell them that he was ri●en and that they shoulde see him in Galile To whome I may iustly compare you my louinge Sisters in Christe who of late haue seene him suffer in his mēbers and haue ministred to theyr necessity annoynting them with the comfortable oyle of your charitable assistance euen to the death and now since yee haue seene Christ to liue in the ashes of them whome the tyrans haue 〈◊〉 he willeth you to go away vpon iust occasion offred you and to declare to our dispearsed brethren and sisters that he is 〈◊〉 and liueth in his electe members in Englande and by death doth ouercome infidelitye and that they shall see him in Galile which is by forsaking this world and by a faithful desire to passe out of this world by those waies which he with his holy Martyrs hath gone on before God therfore entire sisters directe your way as he did Abraham Tobias vnto a strange land God geue you health both of body and soule that ye may go from vertue to vertue and grow from strength to strength vntil yee may see face to face the God of Syon in his holy hil with the innumerable companye of hys blessed Martyrs and Saintes Let there be continuall ascensions vnto heauen in your hearts Let there be no decrease of any vertue which is already planted in you Be as the light of the iuste such as Salomon saith increaseth to the perfect day of the Lord. Let the strength of God be commended in your weake vessels as it is Be examples of faith and sobrietie to al that ye shal come in company with all Let your godly conuersation speake where your toung may not in the congregation Be swift to heare and slow to speake after the counsell of S. Iames. Be not curious about other mens doings but be occupied in praier and cōtinual meditation with reuerent talking of the word of God wythout contention amongst the Saintes Lette your faith shine in a straunge countrey as it hath done in youre owne that your father which is in heauen may be glorified by you to the ende This farewel I send you not as a thing nedefull which know already what your duety is be desirous to performe the same but as one that would haue you vnderstand that he is mindeful of your godly conuersation wherof he hath had good experiēce and therfore wryteth this to be as a perpetual memorial betwixt you and him vntil our meeting together before God where we shall ioy that we haue here louingly put one an other in memory of our duetie to performe it Farewell againe mine owne bowels in Christ and take me with you where soeuer you goe and leaue your selues wyth me that in spirite we may be present one with an other Commende me to the whole congregation of Christe willing them not to leaue their countrey without witnesse of the Gospell after that we al be slaine which already be stalled vp and appoynted to the slaughter and in the meane season to praye earnestly for our cōstancie that Christ may be glorified in vs and in them bothe by life and death Farewel in the Lord. Yours for euer Iohn Philpot. An exhortation to his owne sister constantly to sticke to the truth which she had frutefully professed GOd the eternall Father who hath iustified you by the bloud of his sonne Iesus Christ and called you to hallow his name through a good conuersation and profession of life he sanctifie you with daily encrease of vertue faith by his holy spirit that you may appeare a vessell of sanctification in the middest of this wicked peruerse generation to the laud and praise of the Gospel Amen I haue occasion mine owne deare sister to praise God in you for 2. causes the one that to your habilitie you are ready to shew your self a naturall louing sister to me your poore afflicted brother as by your gētle tokens you haue eftsoones testified being absent as also presently visiting me which wel declareth that you be a very naturall sister in dede and to be praised in this behalfe But in the other that you be also a sister to me in faith after Christes Gospell I am occasioned to thanke God so muche the more howe much the one excelleth the other and the spiritual consanguinitie is more perdurable then that which is of flesh bloud
lawes which doe threaten a greate ruine vnto Englande O that the Lorde woulde tourne his iust iudgements vppon the authours of the truce breaking betweene God and vs that they myghte be broughte lowe as Nabuchodonosor was that his people might be deliuered and his glorye exalted God graunte that that good lucke which you hope shortly to come vppon the house of God be a true prophecie and not a well wishing onely Ah Lorde take away thy heauie hande from vs and stretch it out vpon thine ennemies these hypocrites as thou hast begon that they may be confounded O let not the weake pearish for want of knowledge through our sinnes Although thou kill vs yet will we put our trust in thee Thus deare heart you teache me to pray with you in wryting God heare our praiers and geue vs the spirite of effectuall prayer to poure out our harts cōtinually together before God that we may find mercy both for our selues and for our afflicted brethren and sistern I can not but praise God in you for that pitifull heart that taketh other folkes calamities to heart as your owne Blessed be they that mourne for suche shall be comforted God wipe away all teares from your pitifull eies and sorrow frō your merciful heart that you may as doutles you shal do shortly reioyce with his elects for euer You haue so armed me to the Lordes battell both inwardly and outwardly that except I be a very coward I can not faint but ouercome by death You haue appointed me to so good and gracious a General of the field to so victorious a Captaine and to so fauorable a Marshall that if I should not goe on lustely there were no spectacle of heauenlye manhode in me I wil present your coate armour before my Captaine and in the same I trust by him to ouercome The Scarffe I desire as an outward signe to shew our enemies who see not our glorious ende neither what God worketh inwardly in vs thorough the blindnesse of their hearts that they persecute Christes crosse in vs whereby he hath sealed vp the truthe of his Gospell by his death vnto vs that we by our death if neede be myghte confirme the same and neuer be ashamed whatsoeuer torment we doe suffer for his names sake and our weake brethren seeing the same mighte be more encouraged to take vp Christes crosse and to followe him God geue vs grace to doe all thinges to his glory Amen c. The world wondreth how we can be mery in such extreeme misery but our God is omnipotent which tourneth misery into felicity Beleue me deare sister there is no such ioy in the worlde as the people of Christ haue vnder the crosse I speake by experience therfore beleue me and feare nothing that the world can do vnto you For when they imprison our bodies they sette our soules at liberty with God When they cast vs downe they lift vs vp yea when they kill vs then doe they bring vs to euerlasting life And what greater glorye can there be then to be at conformitie with Christ which afflictions do worke in vs. God open our eies to see more and more the glorye of God in the crosse of Iesus Christe and make vs woorthy partakers of the same Let vs reioyce in nothing with S. Paul but in the crosse of Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified vnto vs and wo to the worlde The crosse of Christ be our standard to fight vnder for euer Whiles I am thus talking with you of our common cōsolation I forget howe I trouble you with my rude and vnordinate tediousnesse but you must impute it to loue which can not quickely departe from them whome hee loueth but desireth to poure himselfe into their bosomes Therefore though your flesh woulde be offended as it might iustly be at such rudenesse yet your spirit will say nay which taketh all thing in good part that commeth of loue And now I am departing yet will I take my leaue ere I goe and woulde faine speake somewhat that might declare my sincere loue to you for euer farewell O elect vessell of the Lorde to the comfort of hys afflicted flocke farewell on earth whome in heauen I am sure I shall not forget Farewell vnder the crosse most ioyfully and vntil we meete alwaies remember what Christe sayeth Be of good cheare for I haue ouercome the world c. God poure his spirit abundantly vpon you mine owne deare bowels in Christ vntil you may come to see the God of all Gods with his electes in the euerlasting Syon I send to you the kisse of peace with the which I do most entirely take my leaue of you at this present It is necessary we depart hence or els we could not be glorified Your heart is heauy because I say I must depart from you It is the calling of the mercifull father wherewithal you are contēt and so am I. Be of good comfort holde out your buckler of faith for by the strength therof we shal shortly mete in eternal glory to the which Christ bring both vs Amen Amen The 10. of December 1555. Death why should I feare thee since thou canst not hurt me But rid me from miserie vnto eternall glorie Dead to the world and liuing to Christ your owne brother sealed vp in the veritie of the Gospel for euer Iohn Philpot. An other letter of M. Philpot wrytten to the same Lady being a great supporter of hym I Can not but most hartily geue God thāks for these hys gifts in you whose brightnes many beholding that are weake are muche encouraged to seeke God likewise to cleaue to him hauing the ensample of so faithful and constant a gentlewoman before their eyes If the Queene of the South shall rise with the men of Christes generation and condemne them for that she came from the end of the world to heare the wisedome of Salomon then shal your sincere and godly conuersation thus shining in this dangerous time of the trial of christes people being a womā of a right worshipfull estate and wealthy condition condemne in the latter day a great many of these faint harted gospellers which so soone be gone backe and turned from the truth at the voyce of a handmaiden seeing that neyther the feare of imprisonment neither the possessions of the world wherwtal you are sufficiently indued aboue a great many can separate you from the loue of the truthe which God hath reueled vnto you Wherby it appeareth that the seede of Gods word which was sown in you fel not neitheir in the high way neither amōg the thorns neither vpō the stones but vpon a good ground which is blessed of god and bringeth forth fruit with great affliction an 100. fold to the glory of God and the encrease of his church c. In consideration wherof S. Iames biddeth vs highly to reioyce when soeuer we fall into many temptations knowing that it is but the
triall of our faith that we might bring foorth that excellēt vertue pacience by the which we are made like to our redeemer Christ with whome we heere being like in suffering assuredly shall heereafter be pertakers of his eternall glory Therefore s. Paul saith God forbid that I should glory in any thing but in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ. I that am vnder the crosse with you thankes be geuen to God therefore haue felt in the same more true ioye and consolation then euer I did by any benefite that God hath geuen mee in my life before For the more the world doth hate vs the nigher God is vnto vs and there is no perfect ioy but in God Wherefore Christ sayd In me you shall haue ioy but in the worlde affliction Blessed be God which sendeth vs this affliction that we mighte perfectly ioy in hym For this cause in the ripest time of iniquitie and in the moste feruent season of persecution of the true church which Christ in the 21. of Luke prophesied to come he willeth vs to be of good chere and to lift vp our heads for our redemption is at hand O that the Lorde would come and deliuer vs from this worlde which is a vale of miserie vnto his owne kingdome where floweth perpetuall ioy and consolation And verily that is the true and onely ioy which is conceiued not of the creature but of the Creator the which when we doe possesse no body canne take it away from vs. To the which ioy all other ioyes being compared are but mournings all delights sorrow al sweetenes sower all beauty filth and finally al other things that be counted pleasant are tediousnes Your owne selfe is better witnes of thys then I aske your selfe with whom you are best acquainted Doeth not the holy Ghost speake the same in your heart Haue you not perswaded your selfe this to be true before I wrote thereof For howe should you being a woman and a yong Gentlewoman beautifull and at your owne liberty haue ouercome this your fraile kinde and age and despised your excellent beautie and estate vnlesse all those things which be subiect to the senses had bene counted of you vile l●tle to be estemed in cōparison of those things which inwardly do comfort you to ouercome the flesh the world and the deuil c. God encrease your ioy in all spirituall things and establish your hope to the day of eternal rest You haue forsaken darkenes and are entred into light God graunt the same may shine stil in you vntil the perfect day come of the Lord in the which is all our consolation Here we must be darkened that there we may appeare as brighte as the sunne in the face of the whole world of all them that now condemne vs for our wel doing whose iudges then we shall be to their horrible griefe though nowe wrongfully they iudge vs. Pray hartily that often that God once again for his Christes sake woulde be mercifull to his afflicted church in England Faithfull prayer is the onely remedy that we haue against the fierie dartes of the Deuil that be kindled against vs. By prayer the Amalechites shall be ouercome and the roarings of the Lion which seeketh still to deuoure vs shal be stopped put to silence The Lorde stoppe Leuiathans mouth that he swalow not vp Gods seely people according to his expectation Praise the Lord for the faithfull testimonie and sacrifice which 2. of our brethren of late haue through fire rendred to the truth of the gospell which nowe triumpheth by the death of godly Martyrs The Lorde is at hande therefore watche and pray The last of May. 1555. Captiue in the kings Bench. Yours with heart in Christ Iohn Philpot. An other letter of maister Philpot to the godly Ladie Vane GOd the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ encrease in your godly heart the faith of the gospell which is your eternall inheritance the holy ghost comfort your spirite with all spirituall consolation to the day of the Lord. Amen I can not but praise God moste highly earnestly my deare faithful lady for the great vnfained loue whych you beare vnto me in Christ declared oftentimes as wel now as of late by manifest and liberal tokens Blessed be God that hath made you so worthy a mēber in his kingdome For it can not be but such shal reape with abūdance in time of reward that here do sowe so plenteously in well doing Albeit I am moste vnwoorthy to receiue any suche benefit at your hands as in respect of a piller of Christes church which am scarse a shadow thereof But the zeale of Christes church in you wisheth me to be such a one as the time doth require God fulfill your desire of me that I may be foūd constant no wandring starre I am not worthy of the name of a prophet or of a minister of Gods woorde for that I haue being letted by the iniquitie of time little or nothing labored therein I am a friend of our common spouse Iesus and do reioyce of the veritie of his woorde for the which praised be hys name hee hath counted mee worthy to suffer and in deede who that geueth a draughte of water in the name of a disciple as Christ hath promised shall not lose his reward Therefore that your gentlenes doth in the name of him which I am not the Lorde recompence vnto you in all hys blessings which he is accustomed to powre on them which loue his flocke vnfainedly Good Lady you haue to ioy that the kingdome of God is thus continually before your eies and that you are not ashamed of the bands of Christ which you with his people in part do suffer They may be assured of the glory euerlasting which heere are not ashamed to take vp the crosse of Christ to folowe him Heere we must weepe and lament whiles the worlde laugheth triumpheth ouer vs but our teares shall shortly be turned into vnspeakeable ioy and we shall eternallye be merrye together when the world shall lament their infidelitie without ende c. I woulde I were able to doe any thing that myght shewe condigne thāks for that sincere loue you beare vnto me in Christ. You adiure me as it were by your gentle letters to be bolde on you in all my needes I thanke God whych ceaseth not to prouide for his I lacke nothing at this present but only hability to thank your faithful hart for your goodnesse towards me I loue you and not yours as it is meete christians to loue one an other in God your faith which I beholde in you is more woorth vnto me then al your possessiōs And I thinke I shal not neede long to be chargeable vnto you for that this weeke I looke for commissioners to sit on me my fellow prisoners in prison least the spirit of our breath might blowe further abroade The
you are almost glutted with suppyng so much bloud and therefore you wyll let some of the leanest dye in prysonne which wyll then bee meate good enough for your barkyng beagles Harpsfield and hys fellowes but yet my Lord it were a great deale more for your Lordshippes honour if your chaplaines myght haue the meat roasted in Smithfield at the fire of the stake yea and when it is somethyng fat and fayre likyng for now they haue nothyng but skin and bones and if the dogges come hastily to it they maye chance shortly to be choked and then your huntyng wyll be hindered greatly if it be not altogether marred I heare say my Lord that some of the butcherly curres came of late to my house to seeke their pray that they go round about the citie as Dauid sayeth grinnyng and grudgyng that they haue not meat enough therefore belyke they haue kylled my poore brethren and sistern that haue lyen so long vpon the butcherly stall and eaten them vp for I heare say their friends could not be suffred to see them this three dayes more therefore I perceyue now that if I had come againe accordyng to my promise that your Lordship lyke a rauenyng Wolf or els some of your helhounds would quickly haue weried me but I see wel my appoynted time is not yet come therefore I wyll yet lyue and thanke him for my deliueraunce with continuall songs of laude and prayse Thus haue I ben bold to trouble your lordship with telling you the truth and the very cause that I came not vnto you again accordyng to my vnpurposed promise I trust your Lordship wil take this in good part and accept it as a lawfull excuse not doubtyng but your Lordship would haue done the lyke if you had bene in my case Now as concernyng the second part that caused me to write vnto your Lordship which is to answer vnto your subtile or rather cruell demaund of my iudgement of the death of that blessed Martyr of Christ Iesus good maister Iohn Philpot I will not aunswer your Lordship simply and plainly what perill so euer shall come thereof Truly my Lord I do not onely thinke but I am also most certayne and sure that he as a very man of God dyed a true Martyr and constant confesser of hys deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whō he did most faithfully commit his sweete soule who will surely kepe the same with hym in ioy and felicitie for euermore Also my Lord I do verily beleeue and know that your Lordship hath committed an horrible and most cruell murder in the vniustly condemnyng and killyng of hym and that you shall make as heauy an account for hys bloud which shortly shall be required at your handes as euer your great graundfather cruell Caine did or shall do for his innocent brother Abell Moreouer because I am crediblye informed that your Lordship doth beleeue and haue in secrete sayd that there is no hell I certifie you that your Lordship did neuer any thyng in all your lyfe that so much did redounde to your Lordships dishonor and perpetual shame and infamy as your killyng the body of this blessed Prophet doth especially seeyng that he was none of your Dioces nor had not offended any of your Lordships diuelish and cruel lawes Uerily I heare almost euery body say in all places where I come that your Lordship is made the common slaughter slaue to all your fellows bitesheep Bishops I would say yea the very papists themselues beginne now to abhorre your bloudthirstines and speake shame of your tiranny Lyke tiranny beleeue me my Lord euery chylde that can any whit speake can call you by your name say bloudy Boner is bishop of London and euery man hath it as perfect vppon hys fingers endes as his Pater noster how many you for your part haue burned with fire and famished in prison they say the whole summe surmounteth to forty personnes within this three quarters of this yeare Therefore my Lord though your Lordship beleeueth that there is neither heauen nor hell nor God nor deuill yet if your Lordship loue your own honesty which was lost long agone you were best to surcese frō this cruel burnyng of true christian men and also from murderyng of some in prison for that in deed offendeth mens myndes most yea euen your olde friendes the rankest papists that be For say they Felix the Heathen ruler did not forbidde Paules friends to visite hym in prison and to bring hym necessary reliefe and therfore it is a very great shame and sinne to see a Bishop that beareth the name of a christian to be more cruell vpon his poore brethren then an Heathen Turke or Infidell This is mens saying in euery place not onely of this Realme but also of the most part of the world the common talke they haue of your Lordship therfore I thought to be so bold with your Lordship as to tell you of it thogh perchance you wil geue me but small thanks for my labor Well as for that I put it to your Lordships choise for I haue as much alredy as I looke for Finally my L. I will geue you to vnderstande that the death of this constant Martyr and valiaunt souldiour of Iesus Christ hath geuen a greater shake towards the ouerthrowyng of your papisticall kyngdome then you shall euer be able to recouer agayne this 7. yeres do the best ye can and set as many crafty dawbers to patch it vp with vntempered clay as you wyll yea though pratyng Pendleton that wycked Apostata apply all hys wily wits to helpe them Uerilye my Lord by all mens reports his blessed lyfe could neuer ha●e done the lyke sorrow to Satans Synagoge whereof some say your Lordship is a mightye member as hys happy death hath done You haue broken a pot in deede but the precious worde conteined therein is so notably therewithall shed abroad that the sweete sauour thereof hath woonderfully well refreshed all the true household or congregation of Christ that they cannot abyde any more the stinkyng sauour of your filthy ware that came from the dunghill of Rome though your Lordships Iudasses do set them a sayle euery where to fill your bagges I put your Lordship out of doubt that if you do breake mo such pots you will marre your owne market altogether for I promise you most men beginne to mislike your diuelish doyngs and wonderfully to lothe your popishe pedlary wares Thus haue I accordyng to your Lordships commandements shewed you simply what I thinke of that good mans death whose bloud cryeth for vengeaunce agaynst your Lordships butcherly bloudy proceedings in the eares of the Lord of hostes who will shortly reuenge the same vpon your pilled pate and vpon the rest of all your pollshorne brethren the very marked cattell of the great Antichrist of Rome The measure of your iniquitie is filled vp to the brimme therefore will God shortly poure in double vnto your deserued
sub hoc pane corpus domini accipimus Zwinglius controlling hym sayd sub signo panis corpus domini accipimus and the other controlled him in like case Greene. Then M. Greene proued theyr opinions of the sacrament to be one in effect being rightly weighed and though theyr words dyd not sound al one yet they meant one thing and theyr opinions were all one as he proued by diuers other examples Feck Then Fecknam desired hym that he woulde not so wilfully caste himselfe away but to be rather conformable to reason and that my Lord Byshoppe there present would be good vnto hym and would graunt him respite if hee woulde demaund it for a fortnight or three weeks and that hee shoulde choose anye learned man whome he would and shoulde goe with hym home to his house and that hee whome he would choose woulde willingly take the paynes to reade and conferre the Doctoures wyth him and open the Doctours myndes meaninges vnto hym Boner Then Boner sayd that hee was proud and an obstinate boy and therfore hee bad Fecknam to holde hys peace and to call him no more M. Greene for sayd hee you ought not to call an hereticke maister Pendle After this Doctor Pendleton alledged to hym this text out of the xxii of Luke Ex hoc non manducabo illud donec impleatur in regno Dei Here sayd he you muste confesse your opinion to be false ells you must saye that Christ was a lyer for Christ sayde I will eate no more of this while it bee fulfilled in my fathers kingdome If Christ did eate no more the bread whē he spake these wordes then must you say that he was a lyer for hee dyd eate bread after with hys Disciples before he ascended But if you say he dyd eate hys body then and after but breade it will not agree with the Scriptures nor with go●d reason Greene. Then Greene aunswered and sayd that thys was spoken by anticipation as one of theyr owne Byshops which is now dead did say Pendle Then Doctour Pendleton sayd that that was no sufficient discharge nor no sufficient aunswere for him in this case for sayd he it is well knowne that that bishop was of a contrary opinion to you and that he dyed a good christian man Greene. To whiche wordes Greene sayd I do not cal hym to witnesse in this case as though he were a sufficient man to proue my saying to bee true in this matter but I doe alledge hym agaynst you as Paule did the scripture whiche he found grauen in the aultar of the Atheniens agaynst themselues ignoto Deo These with many other wordes were betweene them which I doe ouerpasse because it were to longe to stande vpon recitall of euery thing Last of all the Byshop asked him if he would recant He sayd nay he would not But my Lord sayd he in old tyme there were no men put to death for theyr conscience vntill such time as Byshoppes found the meanes to make it death to beleue contrarye to them but excommunication my Lorde was the greatest penaltie which men hadde for theyr conscience yea in so muche that S. Augustine wrote and commaunded that no man should be put to death for his opinion Boner Then Boner sayd that when saincte Augustine sawe what inconueniences followed of that commaundement he wrote agayne to the Temporall rulers commaundyng them to punishe their bodyes also Greene. But sayde Greene hee bad not put them to death Boner He bad punish them quoth Boner Greene. Yea sayd Greene but not put them to death Bo. That they should be punished quoth Boner again This talke ended he asked Greene if he woulde recant and returne to theyr Romishe mother Whiche when hee denyed the Bishoppe pronounced the sentence difinitiue agaynst hym and so committed him to the Sheriffes of London who caused him to be carried to Newgate And as he was goyng thether ther met with him two gentlemen being both his speciall frendes minding belike to comfort this theyr persecuted brother but at theyr meeting theyr louing and friendly hartes not able anye longer to hide themselues were manifested by the aboundaunce of theyr pittifull teares To whom when Greene sawe them he sayd in these or like wordes Ah my friends is this your comfort you are come to geue me in this my occasion of heauinesse Must I who needed to haue comfort ministred to me become now a comforter of you And thus declaring his moste quiet and peaceable minde and conscience he chearefully spake to them and others vntil he came to the prison doore into the which he ioyfully entred and there remayned alwayes either in praier whervnto he much gaue himselfe or els in some other godlye meditations and exercises vnto the xxviii day of Ianuary when hee with hys other aboue mentioned brethren went most chearefully vnto the place of their tormentes often repeating as well by the waye as also at the stake these Latine verses following Christe Deus sine te spes est mihi nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In English thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none The truth I loue and falsehoode hate by thee my guyde alone During the tyme of hys imprisonment in Newgate diuers of hys frendes had accesse vnto him to whome he gaue sundry godly exhortations wherewith they were not only well contented but for better remēbrance aswel of the same his instructions as also of hys own good and godly person they desired him to write somewhat in their bookes which request he willingly graunted as in maner here ensueth These verses were written in a booke of mayster Hussey of the Temple Behold thy selfe by me such one was I as thou And thou in tyme shalt be euen dust as I am now Bartlet Greene. ¶ These verses were also written in a booke of mayster William Fleetwood of the same house My resting roode is founde vayne hope hap a dew Loue whome you list with chāge death shall me rid frō you Bartlet Greene. Amonges others diuers and singular good vertues of this good manne especially in him was to bee noted such a modest nature so humbly thinking of himselfe as in few men is to be found euer de●ecting hymselfe vnder that was in him and euer seeming to be lesse then he was so that nothing lesse hee coulde abide then to heare of hys prayse or commendation as well declareth not onely his letter written to M. Philpot wherin he doth earnestly expostulate with hym for slaundring hym with prayse of his witte and learning and other manifold vertues of great excellency but also by his owne speache and aunsweres in his examination wherein he casteth from hym all knowledge of learning and cunning when notwithstanding he had more in hym then to anye mennes eyes dyd appeare So great and admirable was this gift of modesty grafted in the nature of
not cease with continuall prayer to labour for you desiryng almighty GOD to encrease that which he hath long sith begonne in you of sober lyfe and earnest zeale towardes his Religion In fayth as sayth Sainct Paule she that is a true widowe and frendlesse putteth her trust in GOD continuyng day and night in Supplication and prayer but she that liueth in pleasure is dead euen yet aliue And verely a true widowe is she that hath maryed Christ forsakyng the vanities of the worlde and luste of the fleshe For as the maryed woman careth howe to loue please and serue her husband so ought the widowe to geue all her hart and soule thoughtes and wordes studies and labours faythfully to loue GOD vertuously to bryng vp her children and houshold and diligently to prouide for the poore and oppressed Therefore Sainct Paule first instructeth a widow how to behaue her selfe that is Not to liue in pleasure then to watche vnto prayer as the onely meanes to obtayne all our desires stedfastly laying vppe all our trust in GOD as Dauid right well sayeth First eschew euill then doe good Of Anna the prayse was written that shee neuer went out of the Temple but serued GOD with fastyng and prayer night and day so well had she espoused Christ. Iudith ware a smocke of heare continuyng in fastyng and had good report of all men The next care that belongeth to a widowe is that she bryng vppe her children and houshold godly in the nourture and information of the Lorde Whereof Saincte Paule sayeth If any haue Children or Nephewes lette them learne firste to rule their owne house Godly and to recompence their elders The incontinencie and coueteousnesse of Phinees and Ophny not corrected by Ely their Father prouoked GODS vengeaunce vppon him and all his kynred The ouer tender loue of Absolon expelled Dauid from his kyngdome The vnrebuked sinnes of Ammon encouraged Absolon to flea his brother most manifest examples agaynste the parentes for the offences of their Children Contrarywise how greatly might Hannah reioyce ouer Samuell her Sonne whome she had brought vppe in the house of the Lorde What thankes might Tobias wife giue for her Sonne Toby How happy was Salomō to be taught by the prophet Nathan But aboue all widowes thrise blessed was the happy mother of the vij Sonnes that so had instructed them by the feare of GOD that by no tormentes they would shrincke from the loue of his truth Of the last parte Saincte Paule sheweth that a widowe shoulde bee chosen If shee haue nourished her Children if shee haue been liberall to straungers if shee haue washed the Sainctes feete and if shee haue ministred to them in aduersitie Herein it is euident howe earnestly Saincte Paule would haue widowes bent towardes the poore for that as though they onely had been therefore meete hee appointed onely widowes to minister to the Sainctes and to gather for the poore Whiche vse also continued almost throughout the primitiue Churche that widowes had the charge and gatheryng for the poore men and straungers Of your neighboures I neede not to put you in remembraunce seeynge you dayly feede them with good Hospitalitie by whiche meanes also many foreners are of you relieued but of the poore Almes houses and miserable prisoners here in London many lacking their libertie wythout cause some vnder the colour of Religion some onely kept for fees and some on priuate mennes displeasure Alas that Christe so hungereth and no man will feede hym is so sore opprest with thyrst and no man will geue him to drinke destitute of all lodgyng and not relieued naked and not cloathed sicke and not visited imprisoned and not seene In tyme past menne could bestowe large summes of money on copes vestimentes and ornamentes of the Churche Why rather follow we not S. Ambroses example whiche solde the same to the reliefe of the poore or Chrysostomes commaundement which willeth first to decke and garnish the liuing temple of God But alas suche is the wickednesse of these our last dayes that nothing moueth vs neyther the pure doctrine the godlines of life nor good examples of the auncient Fathers If in any thing they erred if they haue written anye thynge that serueth for sectes and dissension that will their charitable children embrace publishe and mayntayne with sworde Fagot and fire But all in vayne they stryue agaynst the streame For though in despite of the truth by force of the oers of crafty perswasion they maye bringe themselues into the hauen of hell yet can they not make all menne bebeleue that the bankes moue whilest the shippe sayleth nor euer shall be able to turne the directe course of the streame of Gods truth Our Lord Iesus Christ strengthen you in al pure doctrine and vpright liuing and geue you grace vertuously to bring vp your children and family and carefully to prouide for the poore and oppressed Amen At Newgate the 20. of Ianuary Ann. 1556. Your assured Bartlet Greene. An other certayne writing of M. Bartlet Greene. BEtter is the day of death sayth Salomon then the daye of birth Man that is borne of woman liueth but a shorte tyme and is replenished with many miseries but happye are the dead that dye in the Lord. Man of woman is borne in trauell to liue in misery manne thorough Christe dothe dye in ioye and lyue in felicitie He is borne to dye and dyeth to liue Straight as he cōmeth into the world with cryes he vttereth his miserable estate straight as he departeth with songes hee prayseth God for euer Scarse yet in his cradle 3. deadly enemies assault him after death no aduersary may annoy him Whilest hee is here he displeaseth God when he is dead he fulfilleth his will In this lyfe here he dyeth through sinne in the life to come he liueth in righteousnesse Through many tribulations in earth he is still purged with ioye vnspeakeable in heauen is he made pure for euer Here he dyeth euery houre there hee liueth continuallye Here is sinne there is righteousnes Here is tyme there is eternitie Here is hatred there is loue Here is payne there is pleasure Here is miserye there is felicity Here is corruption there is immortalitie Here we see vanitie there shall we behold the maiestie of god with triumphant and vnspeakeable ioy in glory euerlasting Seeke therefore the thinges that are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God the father vnto whom with the sonne and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end Amen Yours in Christ Bartlet Grene. Diuers other letters and matters there were beside which this seruaunt of God did write as namely certayn notes extractes in Latine out of the Doct. other authours for his memory wherby is declared how studious he was in the searching and knowledge of the law of God although his profession was the temporall lawe Where I would 〈◊〉 God
likewise after diuers examinations vppon the articles aforesayde in the Consistory attempted the lyke maner of perswasions with hym as he did to the other to recant and returne To whome in fewe wordes the sayde Went aunswered agayne he woulde not but that by the leaue of God he would stand firme and constant in that he had sayd And when the Bishop yet notwithstanding did still vrge and call vpon him with words and fayre gloses to geue ouer himselfe to theyr opinion he could haue no other answer of hym but this No I say as I haue sayd c. Whereuupon being condemned by the Bishops sentence he was committed vnto the Sheriffes whom that shameles shaueling at y● time abused for hys seruile Butchers and so brought to hys martyrdome which he with no lesse constancie suffered to the ende with the rest of that blessed societie of Martyrs aboue named 6. Isabell Foster Martyr WIth these fiue persons aboue recited and condemned were also two women in the foresayd company condemned the same tyme and likewise burned for the same cause the one a wife called Isabell Foster the other a mayde named Ioane Warne or otherwise Lashford This foresayd Isabell was borne in Grafestocke in the Dioces of Carlill and afterward maried to one Iohn Foster Cutler of the Parish of S. Brides in Fleetstreete beyng of the age of Lv. yeares She likewise for not commyng vnto the Churche beyng sent vnto Boner and so imprisoned was sundry tymes examined by the sayd Byshop but neuer ouercome nor remoued from the constant confession of Christes Gospell At length commyng vnto her finall examination before the Byshop in the Consistory the xv day of the sayd moneth of Ianuary she was moued agayne whether she would yet goe from her former aunsweres Whereunto she gaue a resolute aunswere in few wordes I will not sayth she goe from them by Gods grace and thereunto did adhere neither beyng cast downe by the manacyng threates of the Byshop nor yet yeldyng thorough his alluryng enticementes promising both lyfe and libertie if she would associate her selfe in the vnitie of the Catholicke Churche Whereunto she sayd agayne in this wise that she trusted she was neuer out of the Catholicke Church c. and so persisting in the same continued constaunt till the sentence diffinitiue was pronounced and thē she was committed by commaundemēt of the Byshop to the secular power and so brought a fewe dayes after to the stake the 27. day of the foresayd moneth where she like a faythfull witnesse of the Lordes truth with the other fiue aforesayd ended her troubles here to finde a better rest in the kyngdome of Christ our Sauiour 7. Ioane Lashford alias Ioane Warne Martyr IN a certaine place of these Actes and Monumentes heretofore mētion was made of one Elizabeth Warne pag. 1608. col 2. who with her husband Iohn Warne as is aforesayd in the begynnyng of Queene Maries Reigne was apprehended in Bowe Churchyard for beyng there at a Cōmunion and both suffered for the same first the man in the moneth of May then the wife in Iuly after and now the daughter in the moneth of Ianuary followed her parents in the same martyrdome Furthermore in the same place and page mention was made also of D. Storie who there we sayde was somewhat neare vnto the sayd parties eyther in kindred or alliance albeit as I vnderstande since of some there was no kindred betweene them but only that she was his seruant Yet notwythstanding the said D. Storie as it is aboue specified before he was Commissioner made intercession for the parties to D. Martine then Commissioner but afterwarde being placed in Commission hymselfe so farre forgat him sel●e and hys olde seruaunt that hee became no small procurer of theyr deathes I will not heere expostulate wyth the hard heart of that man nor with hys incōstancie Who ●et notwythstanding after he had brought them to death was rested him selfe for lx pounde charged wyth dette in theyr behalfe which if it be true it may thereby appeare that he was in some peece of kindred ioyned or allied vnto them But leauing that persone vnto the good pleasure of the Lord let vs returne vnto that we haue in hand Thys Ioane Lashforde borne in the parishe of little Hallowes in Thames streete was the daughter of one Robert Lashford Cutler and of the foresayde Elizabeth who afterward was married to Iohn Warne vpholster who as is sayde was persecuted for the Gospell of God to the burning fire and after him his wife and after her thys Ioane Lashford theyr daughter Who about the age of xx yeares ministring to her father and mother in prisone suspected and knowen to bee of the same doctrine and religion was sent vp to Boner bishop of London by D. Storie as is aboue in her answeres to the articles declared and so committed to the Counter in the Poultrie where shee remained the space of 5. wekes and frō thence had to Newgate where shee continued the space of certaine moneths After that remaining prisonner in the custodie of the sayd Boner her confession was being examined that the whole xij moneth before and more she came vnto no popish masse seruice in the church neither would doe eyther to receiue the Sacrament of the aultare or to be confessed because her conscience would not suffer her so to doe confessing and protesting that in the sacrament of the aultar there is not the reall presence of Christes body and bloud nor that auricular cōfession or absolution after the popish sort was necessary nor the Masse to be good or according vnto the scripture but sayd that both the sayd sacrament confession absolution and the Masse with all other theyr superfluous sacramēts ceremonies and diuine seruice as then vsed in thys Realme of Englande were moste vile and contrary to Christes woordes and institution so that neyther they were at the beginning nor shal be at the latter ende Thys godly damosell feeble and tender of age yet strong by grace in this her Confession and faith stoode so firme that neyther the flattering promises nor the violent threates of the Byshops could ●ourne her but being mooued and exhorted by the Byshoppe to retourne to the catholicke vnitie of the church sayth boldly to him againe If yee wil leaue off your abhomination so I wil returne and otherwyse I will not Whereupon the Bishop yet againe promised her pardon of all her errours as he called them if shee would be conformed To thys shee answeared againe saying vnto the Bishop Doe as it pleaseth you and I pray God that you may doe that whych may please God And thus shee constantly perseueryng in the Lordes holy truthe was by the sentence definitiue cōdemned and committed vnto the Sheriffes by whom the foresayd 27. day of Ianuarie shee with the rest being brought vnto the stake there washed her clothes in the bloud of the lambe
the Catholicke Churche that the Pope is head of There is an other Church But as touching that I aunswere you are sure of that as the Donatistes were for they sayd that they hadde the true Church and that the name of the true Christians remayned onely in Aphricke where onely theyr sedicious sect was preached and as you thinke so thought Nouatus that all they that did acknowledge theyr supreame head at the Sea of Rome were out of the Church of Christ. But here saynt Cyprian defending Cornelius agaynst Nouatus Libro secundo Epistola Sexta sayth on this wise Ecclesia vna est quae cum sit vna intus foris esse non potest So that if Nouatus were in the true Churche then was not Cornelius who in deede by lawefull succession succeeded Pope Fabian Here S. Cyprian entendeth by the whole processe to proue and concludeth thereupon that the true Churche was onely Rome Gather you then what will folow of your fall But you will say peraduenture that ye fell not by heresy and so sayde the Arrians alledging for themselues that they had scripture and going about to perswade their schisme by Scripture for in deed they had more places by two forty which by theyr torture semed to depend vpon Scripture thē the Catholickes had So did the Martians prouoke theyr heresy to Scripture But those are no Scriptures for they are not truely alledged nor truely interpreted but vntruely wrested and wronge according to theyr owne fantasies And therefore were they all iustly condemned for theyr wrong taking of the Scriptures and the Churche replieth agaynst them saying Qui estis vos quando quid agitis in meo non Mei The Churche sayeth what make you here in my heritage From whence came you The Scripture is my inheritage I am right heire therof I holde it by true succession of the Apostles for as the Apostles required mee to holde so do I holde it The Apostles haue receiued me and put me in my right and haue reiected you as bastardes hauing no title thereunto Also ye will denie that you haue fallen by Apostasie by breaking your vow so Vigilantius sayd in so much that he would admitte none to his ministerye but those that had theyr wiues bagged with children What now Shall we say that Vigilantius did not fall therefore Did not Donatus and Nouatus fall because they sayed so and brought Scripture for theyt defence Then let vs beleeue as we list pretending well and say so nay there is no manne so blinde that will saye so For excepte the Church which condemneth them for theyr saye so doe approue vs for to doe so then will shee condemne you also So that your denyall will not stande And therefore I tell you remember from whence you haue fallen and howe low ye shall fall if you holde on as you doe beginne But I trust you will not continue but to reuoke your selfe in time and the remedy foloweth· Age poenitentiam prima opera fac for by such meanes as ye haue fallen ye must rise agayne First your hart hath fallen then your tongue and your penne and besides your owne damage hath caused many more to fall Therfore first your hart must turne and then shall the tongue and the penne be quickely turned Sin minus veniam tibi cito mouebo Candelabrum tuum de loco suo I neede not to teache you a methode to turne you knowe the ready way your selfe But I would God I coulde but exhorte you to the right and trueth then the way should soone be found out For if ye remember howe many he haue brought by abhominable heresy into the way of perdition I doubt not but very cōscience would moue you as muche for them as for your selfe to come againe And so would you spare neither tongue nor penne if hart were once reformed for as touching that poynt the holye Ghost toucheth theyr hartes very neare by the mouth of his holy Prophet Ezechiel when he requireth the bloud of his flocke at the Priestes handes for lacke of good and wholesome foode how much more should this touch your guilty hart hauing ouermuch diligence to teach them the waye of perdition and feeding them with baggage and corrupt foode whiche is heresye Qui conuertere fecerit peccatorem ab errore vitae suae saluam faciet animam suam a morte operiet multitudinem peccatorum suorum He that shall conuert a sinner from hys wicked life shall saue his soule from death and shall couer the multitude of sinnes So that if it be true that hee who conuerteth a Synner saueth a soule then the contrarye must needes be true that he that peruerteth a soule and teacheth him the way of perdition must needes be damned Origenes super Paulū ad Romanos The damnation of those that preacheth heresy doth encrease to the day of iudgement The more that perishe by hereticall doctrine the more grieuous shall theyr torment bee that minister suche doctrine Berengarius who seemed to feare that daunger prouided for it in his life time but not without a troubled and disquiet conscience He did not onely repent but recant and not so much for himselfe as for them whome he had with most pestilent heresyes infected For as he lay in his death bedde vpon Epiphany daye he demaunded of them that were present is this quoth he the day of Epiphany appearing of the Lord They aunswered him yea Thē quoth he this day shall the Lord appeare to me either to my comfort eyther to my discomfort This remorse argueth that he feared the daunger of them whom he had taught and ledde out of the faith of Christ. Origenes vpon him sayth in this wise Although hys owne bloud was not vpon his head for that he did repent and was sory for his former errors yet being conuerted he feared the bloud of them whom hee had infected and who receiued hys doctrine Let this moue you euen at the last poynt In so much as your case is not vnlike to Beringarius let your repentaunce bee like also And what shoulde staye you tell me from this godlye returne feare that ye haue gone so farre ye may not returne nay then I may saye as Dauid sayde Illic trepidauerunt vbi non erat timor Ye feare where you haue no cause to feare For if ye repent and be hartely sory for your former heresy and apostacy ye neede not to feare For as God of his part is mercifull gracious to the repentaunt sinner so is the Kyng so is the Queene mercifull which ye may well perceiue by your owne case since ye might haue suffered a great whiles agoe for treason committed agaynst her highnesse but that ye haue bene spared reserued vpon hope of amendement which she conceiued very good of you but now as it seemeth is but a very desperate hope And what do you thereby Secundum duritiem
purpose the rest they committed to all aduenture as became men of that religion to doe The Queene hauing nowe gotten a time to reuenge her old grieef receiued his recantation very gladly but of her purpose to put him to death she would nothing relēt Now was Crāmers cause in a miserable taking who neither inwardly had any quietnes in his owne cōscience nor yet outwardly any helpe in his aduersaries Besides this on the one side was praise on the other side scorne on both sides daunger so that neither he could die honestly nor yet vnhonestly liue And where as hee sought profite hee fell into double disprofite that neyther with good men he could auoid secrete shame nor yet with euill men the note of dissimulation In the meane time while these things were a doyng as I said in the prison among the doctours the Queene taking secrete Counsel howe to dispatch Cranmer out of the way who as yet knew nothing of her secrete hate and looked for nothing lesse then death apoynted D. Cole and secretely gaue him in commandement that against the 21. of March he should prepare a funerall sermon for Cranmers burning so instructing him orderly and diligently of her wil pleasure in that behalfe sendeth him away Soone after the Lord Williams of Tame the Lorde Shandoys syr Thom. Bridges and syr Iohn Browne were sent for with other woorshipfull men and Iustices commanded in the Queenes name to be at Oxford at the same day wyth their seruauntes and retinue least Cranmers death should raise there any tumult Cole the Doctor hauing this lesson geuen hym before and charged by her commandement returned to Oxford ready to play hys part who as the day of execution drewe neare euen the day before came into the prison to Cranmer to try whether he abode in the catholicke faith wherin before he had left him To whom when Cranmer had aunsweared that by Gods grace he would daily be more confirmed in the catholicke faith Cole departing for the tyme the next day following repaired to the Archb. agayne geuing no signification as yet of hys death that was prepared And therefore in the morning which was the 21. day of Marche appoynted for Cranmers execution the sayde Cole comming to hym asked if he hadde any money To whome when he answeared that he had none he deliuered hym 15. crownes to geue the poore to whome hee woulde and so exhorting him so muche as hee coulde to constancie in Faith departed thence aboute hys businesse as to hys Sermon appertained By this partly and other like Argumentes the Archbishop began more and more to surmise what they went about Then because the day was not farre past and the Lordes and Knightes that were looked for were not yet come there came to him the Spanish frier witnes of hys recantation bringing a paper with articles which Cranmer shoulde openly professe in hys recantation before the people earnestly desiring him that hee woulde wryte the sayd instrument with the articles with his owne hande and signe it with his name which when he had done the said frier desired that he would wryte an other copy thereof which should remaine with him and that he did also But yet the Archbishop being not ignoraunt whereunto theyr secreat deuises tended and thinking that the time was at hande in which he could no longer dissemble the profession of his faith with Christes people he put secretely in hys bosome his Prayer with his exhortation wrytten in an other paper which he minded to recite to the people before he should make the last profession of hys faith fearing least if they had heard the confession of his faith first they woulde not afterward haue suffered hym to exhort the people Soone after about 9. of the clocke the Lord Williams Syr Thomas Bridges syr Iohn Browne and the other Iustices wyth certaine other noble men that were sent of the Queenes counsell came to Oxford with a great traine of wayting men Also of the other multitude on euerye side as is wōt in such a matter was made a great concourse and greater expectation For first of all they that were of the Popes side were in great hope that day to heare somthing of Cranmer that should stablish the vanitye of their opinion the other parte which were endued with a better minde coulde not yet doubte that he which by continuall studie and labour for so many yeres had set foorth the doctrine of the gospel either would or could nowe in the last Acte of hys life forsake his part Briefly as euery mannes wil enclined eyther to this part or to that so accordyng to the diuersitie of their desires euery mā wished and hoped for And yet because in an vncertaine thing the certaintye could be knowen of none what would be the end al theyr mindes were hanging betwene hope and doubt So that the greater the expectation was in so doubtfull a matter the more was the multitude that were gathered thether to heare and beholde In this so great frequence and expectation Cranmer at length commeth from the prison Bocardo vnto s. Maries churche because it was a foule and a rainy daye the chiefe church in the vniuersity in this order The Mayor went before next him the Aldermen in their place and degree after them was Cranmer brought betwene two friers which mumbling to and froe certaine Psalmes in the streetes aunsweared one an other vntill they came to the Church doore and there they began the songe of Simeon Nunc Dimittis and entering into the Churche the Psalme saying Friers brought hym to his standing and there left him There was a stage set vp ouer against the pulpit of a meane height from the ground where Cranmer hadde hys standing wayting vntill Cole made him ready to his Sermone The lamentable case and sight of that man gaue a sorrowfull spectacle to al Christian eyes that beheld him He that late was Archbishop Metropolitane and Primate of England and the Kings priuy Councellor being now in a bare and ragged gowne and ill fauouredly cloathed wyth an olde square cappe exposed to the contempt of all men did admonish men not onely of his owne calamitie but also of theyr state and fortune For who woulde not pitie hys case and bewaile his fortune might not feare his owne chaunce to see such a Prelate so graue a Councellour and of so long continued honoure after so manye dignities in hys olde yeares to be depriued of his estate adiudged to die and in so painefull a death to end his life and now presently from such fresh ornaments to discende to such vile and ragged apparell In this habite when hee had stoode a good space vpon the stage tourning to a piller neare adioyning thereunto he lifted vppe hys handes to heauen prayed vnto God once or twise till at the length D. Cole comming into the pulpit and beginning his sermon entred first into mention of Tobias and Zacharie
present doe testifie that they neuer sawe in any chylde more teares then brast oute from hym at that time all the Sermone while but specially when he recited hys Prayer before the people It is marueilous what commiseration and pitye mooued all mennes hearts that behelde so heauie a countenaunce and suche aboundance of teares in an olde man of so reuerende dignitie Cole after he had ended his Sermon called backe the people that were ready to departe to prayers Brethren sayde he least any man should doubt of thys mans earnest conuersion and repentaunce you shall heare hym speake before you and therefore I pray you master Cranmer that you will now perfourme that you promised not long agoe namely that you woulde openly expresse the true and vndoubted profession of your faith that you may take away all suspition from men and that all men may vnderstand that you are a Catholicke in deede I wil doe it sayde the Archbyshop and wyth a good will who by and by rising vppe and putting of hys cappe beganne to speake thus vnto the people I desire you well beloued brethren in the Lorde that you will praye to God for mee to forgeeue me my sinnes whyche aboue all menne both in noumber and greatnesse I haue committed But among all the rest there is one offence which of all at thys time doth vexe and trouble me wherof in processe of my talk you shall heare more in hys proper place and then putting hys hande into hys bosome hee drewe foorth his Prayer which hee recited to the people in thys sense The Prayer of Doctour Cranmer Archbyshop GOod Christen people my dearly beloued brethren and sisters in Christ I beseech you most hartely to pray for me to almighty God that he wil forgeue me al my sinnes and offences which be many without number and great aboue measure But yet one thing grieueth my conscience more then all the rest whereof God willing I entende to speake more heereafter But howe great and howe many soeuer my sinnes be I beseeche you to pray God of hys mercy to pardon and forgeue them all And heere kneling downe he sayd O Father of heauen O sonne of God redeemer of the worlde O holy Ghoste three persones and one God haue mercye vppon me moste wretched caitife and miserable sinner I haue offended both againste heauen and earth more then my tounge can expresse Whether then may I goe or whether should I flie To heauen I may be ashamed to lifte vp mine eyes and in earth I finde no place of refuge or succour To thee therefore O Lorde doe I runne to thee doe I humble my selfe saying O Lorde my God my sinnes be great but yet haue mercye vppon me for thy great mercy The great mysterie that God became man was not wrought for little or fewe offences Thou diddest not geue thy sonne O heauenly father vnto death for smal sinnes onely but for all the greatest sinnes of the world so that the sinner returne to thee with his whole heart as I do here at this present Wherefore haue mercye on mee O God whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercy haue mercy vpon me O Lord for thy great mercy I craue nothing for mine owne merites but for thy names sake that it maye be hallowed thereby and for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake And nowe therefore Our father of heauen halowed be thy name c. And then he rising sayde Euery man good people desireth at that time of their death to geue some good exhortation that other maye remember the same before theyr death be the better thereby so I beseche God graunt me grace that I may speake some thyng at thys my departing whereby God may be glorified and you edified First it is an heauy case to see that so many folke be so much doted vpon the loue of this false world and so carefull for it that of the loue of God or the world to come they seeme to care very little or nothing Therefore this shal be my first exhortation that you sette not your mindes ouer much vpon thys glosing world but vpon God and vpon the world to come and to learne to know what this lesson meaneth whych s. Iohn teacheth that the loue of this world is hatred against God The seconde exhortation is that next vnder God you obey your King and Queene willingly and gladly without murmuring or grudging not for feare of them onely but much more for the feare of God knowing that they be Gods ministers appoynted by God to rule and gouerne you and therefore who soeuer resisteth them resisteth the ordinance of God The third exhortatiō is that you loue altogether lyke brethren and sisters For alasse pitie it is to see what contention and hatred one Christen man beareth to an other not taking cache other as brother and sister but rather as strangers and mortall ennemies But I pray you learne and beare well away this one lesson to doe good vnto all men asmuch as in you lieth and to hurt no man no more then you would hurt your owne naturall louing brother or sister For thys you maye be sure off that who soeuer hateth any person and goeth about maliciously to hinder or hurte hym surely and wythout all doubte God is not wyth that man although he thinke himself neuer so much in Gods fauour The fourth exhortation shall be to them that haue great substance riches of this world that they will well consider and weigh three sayinges of the Scripture One is of our Sauiour Christ him selfe who sayeth It is harde for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen A sore saying and yet spoken of hym that knoweth the truth The second is of S. Iohn whose saying is thys Hee that hath the substaunce of this worlde and seeth hys brother in necessitie and shutteth vp his mercy from him howe can he saye that hee loueth God The third is of S Iames who speaketh to the couetous riche man after thys maner Weepe you and howle for the miserie that shall come vpon you your riches do rotte your clothes be mothe eaten your golde and siluer doeth canker and rust and their rust shall beare witnesse against you and consume you like fire you gather a hoarde or treasure of Gods indignation against the last day Let them that be riche ponder well these three sentences for if they had occasion to shew their charitie they haue it now at this present the poore people being so many and victuals so deare And now for as much as I am come to the last end of my life whereupon hangeth al my life past and all my life to come either to liue with my maister Christe for euer in ioy or els to be in paine for euer with wicked Deuilles in hell I see before mine eyes presently either heauen ready to receiue me or els hell ready to swallow me vppe I shall
therefore declare vnto you my very faith how I beleeue wythout any colour or dissimulation for nowe is no time to dissemble whatsoeuer I haue sayd or wrytten in time past First I beleeue in God the Father almightye maker of heauen and earth c. And I beleue euery Article of the Catholicke faith euery woord and sentence taught by our Sauiour Iesus Christ his Apostles and Prophets in the newe and olde Testament And nowe I come to the great thinge that so muche troubleth my conscience more then any thing that euer I did or sayd in my whole life and that is the setting abroad of a wryting contrary to the truth which now here I renounce and refuse as things wrytten with my hand contrary to the truth which I thought in my heart and written for feare of death and to saue my life if it might be and that is all suche billes and papers which I haue wrytten or signed with my hand since my degradation wherein I haue wrytten many thinges vntrue And for asmuche as my hand offended wryting cōtrary to my heart my hand shall first be punished therfore for may I come to the fire it shal be first burned And as for the Pope I refuse hym as Christes ennemie and Antichrist with all his false doctrine And as for the sacrament I beleeue as I haue taught in my booke against the Bishop of Winchester the whych my booke teacheth so true a doctrine of the sacrament that it shall stand at the last day before the iudgement of God where the Papisticall doctrine contrary thereto shal be ashamed to shewe her face Here the standers by were all astonied maruailed were amased did looke one vpon an other whose expectation he had so notably deceiued Some began to admonish hym of hys recantation and to accuse him of falshoode Briefly it was a world to see the doctours beguiled of so great an hope I thinke there was neuer crueltie more notably or better in time deluded deceiued For it is not to be doubted but they looked for a glorious victorie and a perpetuall triumph by this mans retractation Who assoone as they heard these things began to lette downe their eares to rage frette and fume and so much the more because they coulde not reuenge their griefe for they coulde nowe no longer threaten or hurt him For the most miserable manne in the world can die but once and where as of necessity he must needes die that day though the papists had bene neuer so well pleased now being neuer so much offended with him yet coulde hee not be twise killed of them And so when they coulde doe nothing els vnto him yet least they shoulde say nothinge they ceassed not to obiect vnto him his falshoode and dissimulation Unto which accusation he answered Ah my maisters quoth he do not you take it so Alwayes since I liued hitherto I haue bene a hater of falshood and a louer of simplicitie and neuer before this time haue I dissembled and in saying this al the teares that remained in his body appeared in hys eyes And when he began to speake more of the sacrament and of the papacie some of them beganne to cry out yalpe and baule and specially Cole cried out vppon him stop the heretickes month and take him away And then Cranmer beinge pulled downe from the stage was ledde to the fire accompanied wyth those Friers vexing troubling and threatning him most cruelly What madnesse saye they hath brought thee againe into this error by which thou wilt draw innumerable soules with thee into hel To whom he answeared nothyng but directed all his talke to the people sauing that to one troubling hym in the way hee spake and exhorted him to gette hym home to hys studie and applye hys booke diligently saying if he did diligently cal vpon God by reading more he should get knowledge ❧ The description of Doctour Cranmer howe he was plucked downe from the stage by Friers and Papists for the true Confession of hys Faith ❧ The burnyng of the Archbishop of Caunterbury Doctor Thomas Cranmer in the Towneditch at Oxforde with his hand first thrust into the fire wherewith he subscribed before Then the Spanish Friers Iohn Richard of whom mention was made before began to exhort him and playe their partes with him a freshe but with vayne and lost labour Cranmer with stedfast purpose abidyng in the profession of his doctrine gaue his hand to certaine old men and other that stood by biddyng them farewell And when he had thought to haue done so likewyse to Ely the sayd Ely drewe backe his hande and refused saying it was not lawfull to salute heretickes and specially such a one as falsly returned vnto the opinions that he had forsworne And if he had knowen before that hee would haue done so he would neuer haue vsed his company so familiarly and chid those sergeants and Citizens whiche had not refused to geue hym their hands This Ely was a priest lately made and student in Diuinitie beyng thē one of the fellowes of Brasennose Then was an iron chaine tied about Cranmer whom when they perceyued to be more stedfast then that he could be mooued from hys sentence they commaunded the fire to be set vnto hym And when the woode was kindled and the fire began to burne neere hym stretching out his arme he put hys right hand into the flame which he held so stedfast immoueable sauing that once with the same hand he wiped his face that all men might see hys hande burned before his body was touched His body did so abide the burning of the flame with such constancy and stedfastnes that standyng alwayes in one place without moouyng of his body he seemed to mooue no more then the stake to which hee was bound his eyes were lifted vp into heauen and oftentymes he repeated hys vnworthy right hand so long as his voyce would suffer hym and vsing oftē the words of Steuen Lord Iesus receiue my spirite in the greatnesse of the flame he gaue vp the Ghost This fortitude of mynd which perchaunce is rare and not found among the Spaniards when Frier Ioh. saw thinkyng it came not of fortitude but of desperation although such maner of examples which are of the like constancy haue bene common here in England ranne to the L. Williams of Tame crying that the Archb. was vexed in mind and died in great desperation But he which was not ignorant of the Archbishoppes constancy beyng vnknowen to the Spaniards smiled only and as it were by silence rebuked the Friers folly And this was the ende of this learned Archb. whom least by euill subscribyng he should haue perished by well recantyng God preserued and least he should haue lyued longer with shame and reproofe it pleased God rather to take him away to the glory of his name and profit of his Church So good was the Lord both to hys
Church in fortifieng the same wyth the testimony and bloud of such a Martyr and so good also to the man with this crosse of tribulation to purge his offences in this world not onely of his recantation but also of his standyng agaynst Iohn Lambert and M. Allen or if there were any other with whose burnyng and bloude hys hands had bene before any thyng polluted But especially he had to reioyce that dying in such a cause he was to be numbred amongst Christes Martyrs muche more worthy the name of S. Thomas of Caunterbury then he whom the Pope falsly before did Canonise And thus haue you the full story concernyng the lyfe and death of this reuerend Archbish. and Martyr of God Thomas Cranmer and also of diuers other the learned sort of Christs Martyrs burned in Queene Maries time of whom this Archb. was the last beyng burnt about the very middle tyme of the raign of that Queene and almost the very middle man of all the Martyrs which were burned in all her raigne besides Now after the lyfe and story of this foresayde Archbishop discoursed let vs adioyne withall his letters beginning first with his famous letter to Quene Mary which he wrote vnto her incontinent after he was cited vp to Rome by bishop Brookes and his fellowes the tenour whereof here followeth ❧ Letters of Doctor Tho. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury ¶ The Archbishop of Canterburies letter to the Queenes highnesse IT may please your Maiestie to pardone my presumption that I dare be so bold to write to your highnes But very necessitie constraineth me that your Maiestie may know my mynde rather by myne owne writyng then by other mens reports So it is that vppon Wednesday beyng the 12. day of this moneth I was cited to appeare at Rome the 80. day after there to make answer to such matters as should be obiected agaynst me vpon the behalfe of the K. your most excellēt maiestie which matters the thursday following were obiected against me by D. Martin and D. Story your Maiesties Proctors before the B. of Glocester sitting in iudgement by commissiō from Rome But alas it cannot but grieue the heart of a naturall subiect to be accused of the King and Queene of his owne realm and specially before an outward Iudge or by authoritie commyng from any person out of this realme where the king and Queene as they were subiects within their own Realme shall complaine and require Iustice at a straungers hands agaynst their owne subiectes beyng alreadye condemned to death by their owne lawes As though the king and Queene could not do or haue iustice within their owne Realmes agaynst their own subiects but they must seeke it at a strangers hands in a straunge land the lyke whereof I thinke was neuer seene I would haue wished to haue had some meaner aduersaries and I thinke that death shal not grieue me much more then to haue my most dread and most gracious soueraigne Lord and Lady to whome vnder God I do owe all obedience to bee myne accusers in iudgement within their owne Realme before any stranger and outward power But forasmuch as in the tyme of the prince of most famous memory kyng Henry the 8. your graces father I was sworne neuer to consent that the B. of Rome should haue or exercise any authoritie or iurisdiction in this realme of England therfore least I should allow hys authoritie contrary to myne othe I refused to make answer to the B. of Glocester sittyng here in iudgement by the Popes authoritie least I should run into periurie An other cause why I refused the Popes authoritie is this that his authoritie as he claimeth it repugneth to the crowne imperiall of this Realme and to the lawes of the same which euery true subiect is bound to defend First so that the Pope sayeth that all manner of power as well temporall as spirituall is geuen first to hym of God and that the temporall power hee geueth vnto Emperors and kyngs to vse it vnder hym but so as it be alwayes at hys commandement and becke But contrary to this claime the Imperiall crowne and iurisdiction temporal of this Realme is taken immediately from God to be vsed vnder hym onely and is subiect vnto none but to God alone Moreouer to the Imperiall lawes customes of this realme the kyng in his Coronation all Iustices when they receiue their offices be sworne all the whole realm is bound to defend and maintayne But contrary hereunto the Pope by his authoritie maketh voyde commandeth to blot out of our bookes all lawes and customes beyng repugnant to his lawes and declareth accursed al rulers and gouernours all the makers writers executors of such lawes or customes as it appeareth by many of the Popes lawes whereof one or two I shall reherse In the decrees Distinct. 10. is written thus Constitutiones contra Canones decreta praesulum Romanorū vel bonos mores nullius sunt momenti That is The constitutiōs or statutes enacted agaynst the Canons and decrees of the Bishops of Rome or their good customes are of none effect Also Extra de sententia excommunicationis nouerit Excommunicamus omnes haereticos vtriusque sexus quocunque nomine censeantur fautores receptores defensores eorum nec nō qui de caetero seruari fecerint statuta edita consuetudines contra Ecclesiae libertatem nisi ea de capitularibus suis intra duos menses post huiusmodi publicationem sententiae fecerint amoue●i Item excommunicamus statutarios scriptores statutorum ipsorum nec non potestates consules rectores consiliarios locorum vbi de caetero huiusmodi statuta consuetudines editae fuerint vel seruatae nec non illos qui secundum ea praesumpserint iudicare vel in publicam formam scribere iudicata That is to say We excommunicate all heretikes of both sexes what name so euer they be called by and theyr fautors and receptors and defenders and also them that shall hereafter cause to be obserued the statutes customs made agaynst the libertie of the Church except they cause the same to be put out of their recordes and chapters with in two moneths after the publication hereof Also we excommunicate the statute makers and writers of those statutes and all the potestates consuls gouernours counsellors of places where such statutes and customes shall be made or kept and also those that shall presume to geue iudgement accordyng to them or shall notifie in publike forme the matters so iudged Now by these lawes if the Bish. of Romes authoritie which he claymeth by God be lawfull all your Graces lawes and customes of your Realme being contrary to the Popes lawes be naught and as well your Maiestie as your Iudges Iustices and all other executors of the same stand accursed amongest heretikes which God forbid And yet this curse can neuer be auoyded if the
while her husbande was in prison Where the keepers wife named Agnes Penycote had secretlye heated a key fire hoate and laid it in grasse on the backeside So speaking to Alice Coberley to set her the key in all haste the said Alice went with speed to bring the key and so taking vp the key in hast did pitiously burne her hand Wherupon she crying out at the sodein burning of her hand Ah thou drabbe quoth the other thou that canst not abide the burning of the key howe wi●e thou be able to burne the whole body and so she afterward reuoked But to returne agayne to the story of Coberley who being somewhat learned and being at the stake was somewhat long a burning as the wynde stoode After his bodye was skorched with the fire and hys leafte Arme drawne and taken from hym by the violence of the fyre the fleshe beinge burnt to the whyte boare at length he stouped ouer the cheyne and wyth the ryghte hande being somewhat starckned knocked vpon his brest softly the bloud and matter issuing out of his mouth Afterward when all they thought he had bene deade sodenly he rose right vp with his body agayne And thus muche concerning these three Salisbury Martyrs ¶ A discourse of the death and Martyrdome of sixe other Martyrs suffering at London whose names here folow ABout the xxiij day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1556. were burned in Smithfielde at one fire these sixe constaunt Martyrs of Christ suffering for the profession of the Gospell viz. Robert Drakes Minister William Tyms Curate Richard Spurge Shereman Thomas Spurge Fuller Iohn Cauell Weauer George Ambrose Fuller They were al of Essex and so of the dioces of London and were sent vp some by the Lord Rich and some by others at sūdry times vnto Stephen Gardiner B. of Winchester then Lord Chauncellor of England about the 22. day of March an 1555. Who vpon small examination sent them some vnto the kinges Benche and others vnto the Marshalsea where they remained almost all the whole yere vntill the death of the sayd Bishop of Winchester and had during that time nothing said vnto them Wherupon after that Doctor Heath Archbishop of Yorke was chosē to the office of Lord Chauncellorshippe foure of these persecuted brethren being now wery of this theyr long imprisonmēt made theyr supplication vnto the said D. Heath requiring his fauour and ayd for their deliueraunce the copy whereof ensueth * To the right reuerend father Tho. Archb. of Yorke Lord Chauncellour of England MAy it please your honorable good Lordship for the loue of God to tender the humble sute of your lordships poore Orators whose names are subscribed which haue lien in great misery in the Marshalsea by the space of x. monethes and more at the commaundement of the late Lord Chauncellour to their vtter vndoing with theyr wiues children In consideration wher of your Lordships sayd Oratours do most humbly pray and beseeche your good Lordship to suffer them to be brought before your honour and there if any man of good conscience can lay any thing vnto our charge we trust either to declare our innocency agaynst theyr accusations or if otherwise theyr accusations can be proued true and we faulty we are ready God helping vs with our condigne punishments to satisfy the law according to your wise Iudgement as we hope ful of fatherly mercy towardes vs and all men according to your Godly office in the which we pray for your Godly successe to the good pleasure of GOD. Amen This Supplication was sent as is sayd and subscribed with the names of these 4. vnder folowing Richard Spurge Thomas Spurge George Ambrose Iohn Cauell * Richard Spurge VPon the receipt and sight hereof it was not long after but Syr Richard Read Knight then one of the Officers of the Court of the Chauncery 16. day of Ianuary was sent vnto the Marshalsea to examine the sayd foure prisoners therefore beginning first with Richard Spurge vpon certaine demaundes receiued his answeres therunto the effect whereof was that he with others were complayned vpon by the Parson of Bocking vnto the Lorde Rich for that they came not vnto theyr Parish Church of Bocking where they inhabited and therupon was by the sayd Lord Rich sent vnto the late Lord Chauncellour about the xxij day of March last past videl an 1555. And farther he sayd that he came not to the Church sithens the first alteration of the English seruice into Latin Christmasse day then a tweluemoneth only except that because he misliked both the same and the Masse also as not consonant and agreing with Gods holy word Moreouer he required that he might not be any more examined vpō the matter vnles it pleased the Lord Chaūcellour that then was to know his fayth therein which to him he would willingly vtter * Thomas Spurge THomas Spurge being then next examined made the same aunswere in effect that the other had done confessing that he absented himselfe from the church because the word of God was not there truely taught nor the Sacramentes of Christ duely ministred in such sort as was prescribed by the same word And being farther examined of his beliefe concerning the sacrament of the aultar he said that if any could accuse him thereof he would then make aunswere as God had geuen him knowledge therein ¶ George Ambrose THe like answere made George Ambrose adding moreouer that after he had read the late Byshop of Winchesters booke intituled De vera obedientia with Boners preface thereunto annexed inueying both against the authority of the Bishop of Rome he did much lesse set by theyr doinges then before ¶ Iohn Cauell IOhn Cauell agreyng in other matters with them aunswered that the cause why hee did forbeare the comming to the Churche was that the Parson there had preached two contrary doctrines For firste in a Sermon that hee made at the Queenes first entrye to the crowne he did exhort the people to beleue the Gospell for it was the truth and if they did not beleue it they shoulde be damned But in a second Sermon he preached that the Testament was false in forty places which contrariety in him was a cause amongest other of his absenting from the Church ¶ Robert Drakes ABout the fourth day of Marche next after Robert Drakes also was examined who was Parsō of Thūdersley in Essex and had there remayned the space of three yeares He was first made Deacon by Doctour Taylour of Hadley at the commaundement of Doctour Cranmer late Archbyshop of Caūterbury And within one yeare after which was the thyrd of the reigne of kyng Edward he was by the sayd Archbyshop and Doctour Ridley Bishop of London admitted Minister of Gods holy word Sacramentes not after the order then in force but after such order as was after established was presented vnto the sayd benefice of Thundersley by the Lord Rich at the
which conteineth worthy matter agaynst the Romish authority Unto the which booke you made a Preface inueying largely agaynst the Bishop of Rome reprouing hys tyranny and falshood calling his power false and pretēced The booke is extant and you cannot deny it Then was the Bishoppe somewhat abashed and looking vpō such as were presēt spake very gētly saying Lo here is a goodly matter in deed My Lord of Winchester being a great learned man did write a booke agaynst the supremacy of the Popes holynes and I also did write a preface before the same booke tending to the same effect And thus did we because of the perilous world that then was For then was it made treason by the Lawes of this realme to mainteine the Popes authority and great daunger it was to be suspected a fauourer of the See of Rome and therefore feare compelled vs to beare with the time for otherwise there had bene no way but one You know when any vttered his conscience in mainteining the Popes authority he suffered death for it And then turning his tale vnto Tyms he sayd But since that time euen sithence the cōming in of the queenes maiesty when we might be bold to speake our conscience we haue acknowledged our faults and my Lord of Winchester himselfe shamed not to recant the same at Paules Crosse. And also thou thy selfe seest that I stande not in it but willingly haue submitted my selfe Do thou also as we haue done My Lord quoth Tyms that which you haue written agaynst the supremacy of the pope may be wel approued by the scriptures But that which you now do is against the word of God as I can well proue Then an other I suppose it was Doctor Cooke sayd Tyms I pray thee let me talke with thee a little for I thinke we two are learned alike Thou speakest much of the scripture and yet vnderstandest it not I will tell thee to whom thou mayest be compared Thou art like to one which intending to goe on hunting riseth vp earely in the morning taketh his houndes and forth he goeth vp to the hils and downe into the vallyes he passeth ouer the fieldes ouer hedge and ditch he searcheth the woods and thickets thus laboureth he all the whole day without finding any game At night home he cōmeth weery of his trauell not hauing caught any thing at all and thus fareth it by thee Thou labourest in reading of the Scriptures thou takest the letter but the meaning thou knowest not and thus thy reading is as vnprofitable vnto thee as hūting was vnto the man I spake of euen now Syr quoth Tyms you haue not well applyed your similitude for I prayse God I haue not read the scriptures vnprofitably but God I thanke hym hath reuealed vnto me so much as I doubt not is sufficient for my saluation Then said the Bishop You brag much of knowledge yet you know nothing you speake much of scripture you know not what scripture is I pray thee tel me How knowest thou that thing to be the worde of God whiche thou callest Scripture To this aunswered Rob. Drakes that he did know it to be the word of God for that it doth shew vnto thē theyr saluation in Christ and doth reuoke call backe all mē frō wicked life vnto a pure and vndefiled conuersation The bishop replied that the heathē writers haue taught precepts of good liuing as wel as the scripture yet theyr writings are not estemed to be Gods word To this answered Tyms saying the olde Testament beareth witnes of those things which are writtē in the new for quoth he there is nothing taught in the new Testament but it was foreshewed in the law and Prophets I will denye all quoth the Bishop I wyll denye all what sayest thou then Then Robert Drakes alledged a sentence in Latin out of the Prophet Esay in the 59. chap. of his prophecy Spiritus meus qui est in te c My spirit whiche is in thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede from hence forth euen for euer meaning therby to proue that he which had the spirit of God could thereby discerne and iudge truely which was Gods word but before he could explicate his minde he was interrupted by the bishop who spake vnto Doctor Pendleton saying Mayster Doctor I pray you say somewhat vnto these folkes that may do them some good Then D. Pendleton as hee leaned nere vnto the Bishop couered his face with both his handes to the end he might the more quietly deuise what to say but other talke was presently ministred so that for that time he sayd nothing And thus much William Alesbury witnesse hereof being present thereat so farre as he heard hath faythfully recorded and reported What more was spokē and there said for they made not yet an end a good while after because he departed then out of the house he doth not know nor dyd not heare Then the bishop after this and such like communicatiō thus passed betwene them proceding at length in forme of law caused both his articles and aunsweres to the same there and then to be openly read the summe of which hys confession recorded and left by his owne hand writing tēded to this effect as foloweth * The Articles for the which William Tyms of Hockley in Essex was condemned in the Consistory in Paules the xxviij day of March with his aunsweres and confession vpon the same FFrst I did truely confesse and beleeue that I was baptised in the true Catholicke Church of Christ for when I was baptised there was the Element and the word of God according to Christes institution And my Godfathers and Godmother did promise for me and that I shoulde forsake the Deuill and all his workes and that I shoulde keepe Gods commaundements and beleue al the articles of the Christian fayth the which I doe beleue at this day and with Gods help I trust to do while I liue for it was not the wickednes of the Minister that made the Sacrament of none effect c. Item I confessed two Sacramentes and but two in Christes true Churche that is the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ and that Christ is present with his sacraments as it pleaseth him Item I confessed that Christe hath a visible Churche wherin the word of God is truely preached and the sacramentes truely ministred Item I confessed the See of Rome to be as the late bishop of Winchester hath written in his bookes De vera obediencia to the which I sayde vnto the Bishop of London that he had made a godly Preface also Iohn Bale hath plainly declared in his book called the Image of both churches euen so much as I beleue therof Item
and forgiuen your sinnes nowe cleaue vnto him and be at defiance with his enemyes the Papistes as they doe beare witnesse with their Father the Deuill by goinge to the Church and shedding of the innocent bloud of all those that will not goe with them euen so do you beare witnes with Christ by not comming there for all those that do go thither shal be partakers of their brethrens bloud that is shed for the testimonye of Christ except they repent amend which grace that they may so doe I beseech the eternall God for his Christes sake if it be his good will to geue them in his good tyme. And the same good God that hath bene so mercifull vnto you to call you to repentance him I beseech to keepe you in his feare loue that you may haue alwayes affiance in him and euermore seeke his honour glory to your euerlasting comfort in Christ Amen Thus fare you well from the kinges bench this 28. of August By me William Tyms ¶ An other letter of W. Tyms to certayne godly women of his parish folowers of the Gospell GRace mercy and peace from GOD the Father through our Lord Iesus Christ be with you both now and euermore Amen Deare sisters I haue me most hartely commended vnto you thanking you for the great kindnes shewed vnto me in this tyme of my imprisonment and not onely vnto me but also vnto my poore wife and children and also for the great kindnesse that you shew vnto all the liuing saints that be dispersed abroad and are fayne to hide their heades for feare of this cruell persecution Deare sisters when I do remember your constancy in christ I call to remembraunce the constancy of diuers godly women as Susanna Iudith Hester and the good wife of Nabal that thorow her godly conditions saued both her husbandes life and all her housholde when Dauid had thoughte to haue slayne him for his churlish aunswere that he sent him Also I do remember Rahab that lodged the Lordes Spyes howe God preserued her and her whole housholde for her faythfulnesse that she bare to Gods people So I doe beleue that when the Lord shall send his Aungell to destroy these Idolatrous Egyptians here in England and shall finde the bloud of the Lambe sprinkled on the dore postes of your harts he wil go by not hurt you but spare your whole housholdes for your sakes Also I do remember Mary Magdalen how faythfull she was for she was the first that preached the resurrection of Christ. Remember the blessed Martir Anne Askew in our time folow her example of constancy And for the loue of God take heede that in no case you doe consent to Idolatrye but stande fast to the Lorde as the good woman did that had her seuen sonnes put to death before her face and she alwayes comforting them yea and last of all suffered death her selfe for the testimony of her God which is the liuing God Thus I beseech God to send you grace and strength to stand fast to the Lorde as shee did and then you shall be sure of the same kingdome that she is sure of to the which kingdome I pray God bring both you and me Amen By me William Tyms prisoner in the Kinges Bench. ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms to his frend in Hockley THe grace of God the Father through the merites of his deare sonne Iesus our Lord and onely Sauiour with the continuall ayde of his holy and mighty spirit to the performance of his wil to our euerlasting comfort be with you my deare brethren both now and euermore Amen My dearely beloued I beseeche God to rewarde the greate goodnesse that you haue shewed vnto me seuen folde into your bosomes and as you haue alwayes had a moste godly loue vnto his word euen so I beseech him to geue you grace to loue your owne soule and then I trust that you will flee from al those thinges that shoulde displease our good and mercifull God and hate and abhorre all the companye of those that woulde haue you to worship God any otherwise then is conteined in his holy worde And beware of those maysters of Idolatrye that is these papisticall Priestes My deare brethren for the tender mercy of God remember well what I haue sayd vnto you and also written the which I am now ready to seale with my bloud I prayse God that euer I liue to see the daye and blessed bee my good and mercifull God that euer he gaue me a body to glorify his name And deare hartes I do now write vnto you for none other cause but to put you in remembraunce that I haue not forgotten you to the end that I woulde not haue you forgette me but to remember well what I haue simply by worde of mouth and writing taught you The which although it were moste simplye done yet truely as your owne conscience beareth me record and therefore in any case take good heed that you do not that thing which your own conscience doth condemne Therefore come out of Sodome and goe to heauen ward with the seruauntes and martyrs of God least you be pertakers of the vengeance of God that is comming vpō this wicked natiō from the which the Lord our God defend you and send vs a ioyfull meeting in the kingdome of heauen vnto the which God bring you all Amen Thus now I take my leaue of you for euer in this world except I be burned amongst you whiche thing is vncertayne vnto me as yet By me your poorest and most vnworthy brother in Christ W. Tyms in Newgate the 12. day of April condemned to dye for Christes verity ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms geuing thankes to his parishioners for theyr charity shewed to his wife being brought to bed of a childe in his captiuity THe euerlasting peace of our deare Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christ with the sweete comfort of his holy mighty spirite to the encrease of your fayth to the perfourmance of his will and to your eternall cōfort in the euerlasting kingdome of heauen be with you my deare brethren and sisterne both now and euer Amen My most deare brethren sisterne in our Lord and sauior Iesus Christ I haue me most hartely cōmended vnto you with harty thankes for all the great liberality that you haue shewed vnto me specially now in this time of my necessity whē that God hath sēt my poore wife a childe in my captiuity which is no litle care to me so to prouide that I might keepe both the child my wife from the Antichristian church the which thing I thanke my good god through his most gracious prouidence I haue yet done though it be as you know great charge not to me but to the congregation of God it greueth me that I haue bene so chargeable to thē as I haue bene specially you my deare brethrē I being so vnworthy a
that he may exalt you when the time is come Cast all youre care on him for he careth for you Be sober and watche for your aduersarye the Deuil like a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whō hee may deuour whom resist steadfast in fayth remembring that ye do but fulfill the same afflictions that are appoynted to youre brethren that are in the worlde The God of all grace that called you vnto his eternall glory by Christe Iesus shall his owne selfe after you haue suffered a little affliction make you perfect shall settle strengthen and stablish you To him be glory and dominiō for euer and while the world endureth Amen Greete one an other with an holy kisse of loue Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus I pray you all say Amen These be in the same prison where I am the Bishop of S. Dauids Doctor Taylor of Hadley maister Philpot and my singular good father M. Bradford with fiue other of Sussex lay men I desire some good brother to write this newe for I wrote it as I do many times with feare For if the kepers had found me they would haue taken it from me my pen and inke also Good brethren I am kept alone and yet I thank God he comforteth me past all the comfort of anye man for I thanke him I was neuer meryer in Christ. By me William Tyms prisoner in the Kinges Benche About this time or somewhat before came down certayne Commissioners assigned by the Queene and Counsayle to Northfolke and Suffolke as to other countryes els besides to enquire of matters of Religion vnto the which Commissioners there was a Supplicatiō then exhibited by some good and well disposed men as by the same may appeare dwelling about those parties Which Supplication as I thought it not vnworthy to bee read bearing the date of thys presēt yeare to be printed so I thought it was not to be omittted nor vnworthy here to bee placed in consideration of the fruite which thereof might ensue to the reader ¶ A certayne godly Supplication exhibited by certayne inhabitauntes of the Country of Northfolke to the Commissioners comming downe to Northfolke and Suffolke fruitfull to be read and marked of all men IN most hūble and lowly wise we beseeche your honors right honorable Commissioners to tender and pitty the humble sute of vs poore men and true faythfull and obedient subiectes who as we haue euer heretofore so intend we with Gods grace to continue in Christian obedience vnto the end and according to the word of God with all reuerend feare of God to do our boundē duety to all those superiour powers whom God hath appoynted ouer vs doing as S. Paule sayth Let euery soule be subiect to the superiour powers For there is no power but of God but those powers that are are ordayned of God Wherefore whosoeuer resisteth the powers the same resisteth God they that resist get themselues iudgement These lessons right honorable Cōmissioners we haue learned of the holy word of God in our mother tongue First that the authoritie of a king Queene Lord and other theyr officers vnder them is no tyrannicall vsurpation but a iust holy lawfull and necessary estate for man to be gouerned by and that the same is of God the fountayne and authour of righteousnes Secondly that to obey the same in all thinges not against God is to obey God and to resist them as to resist God Therefore as to obey God in his Ministers Magistrates bringeth life so to resist God in them bryngeth punishment and death The same lesson haue we learned of S. Peter saying Be ye subiect to all humayne ordinaunces for the Lordes sake whether it be to the king as to the moste highest or to the Lieutenaunts sent from him to the punishment of euill doers but to the prayse of suche as do well For so is the will of GOD that with well doyng ye should stop the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men as free and not as hauing the lybertie to be a cloke to malice but as the seruauntes of God Wherfore considering with our selues both that the Magistrates power is of God and that for the Lordes sake wee be bound to Christian obedience vnto them hauing now presently a commaundement as though it were from the Queenes maiestie with all humble obedience due to the regall power and authoritie ordayned of God which we acknowledge to stād whole perfectly in her grace and with due reuerence vnto you her graces commissioners we humbly beseeche you with pacience and pittye to receaue this our answere vnto this cōmandement guen vnto vs. First right honourable Commissioners we haue considered our selues to be not onely English men but also Christians and therefore bound by the holy vow made to God in our Baptisme to preferre Gods honoure in all thinges and that all obedience not onely of vs mortall men but euen of the very Aungels and heauenly spirites is due vnto Gods word in so much that no obediēce can be true and perfect either before God or man that wholy and fully agreeth not with Gods word Then haue we weighed the commandemēt concerning the restitution of the late abolished latine seruice geuē vnto vs to discent and disagree frō gods word to cōmand manifest impietie and the ouerthrowe of godlines true religion to import a subuersion of the regall power of this our natiue country realme of Englande wyth the bringing in of the Romish Bishops supremacie with all errours superstitions and idolatry wasting of our goods bodyes destroying of our soules bringing with it nothing but the seuere wrath of God which we already feele feare least the same shall be more fiercely kindled vppon vs. Wherfore we humbly protest that wee cannot be perswaded that the same wicked commaundement shoulde come from the Queenes maiestie but rather from some other abusing the Queenes goodnes and fauour and studying to worke some feate against the Queene her crown the Realme to please with it the Romane Bishoppe at whose handes the same thinketh hereafter to be aduaunced As the Agagite Aman wrought maliciously agaynst the noble king Assuerus and as the Princes of Babell wrought agaynst the good king Darius so thinke we the queenes most gentle hart to be abused of some who seking thēselues their own vayn glory procure such cōmandements as are against the glory of God For we cannot haue so euill an opinion in her maiestie that she should subuert the most godly holy religiō so accordingly to gods worde set forth by the most noble vertuous and innocent king a very saynct of God our late moste deare king Edw. her graces brother except she were wonderfully abused who as hating reformation will rather the destruction of al others then acknowledge theyr errors to be accordynge to gods word reformed For truly the religiō lately set forth by K. Edw. is
English seruice so causing vs to sinne against our redemption For such as willingly and wittingly agaynst their consciences shall so do as it is to be feared many one doth they are in a miserable state vntill the mercy of God turn them which if he do not we certainly beleeue that they shall eternally be damned and as in this world they deny Christes holy word and Communion before men so shal christ deny them before his heauenly father and his Aungelles And where as it is verye earnestly required that we should go in Procession as they call it at whiche time the Priest say in Latine such thinges as we are ignoraunt of the same edifieth nothing at all vnto godlinesse And wee haue learned that to follow Christes Crosse is an other matter namely to take vp our Crosse and to follow chryst in pacient suffering for his loue tribulations sicknes pouertie prison or anye other aduersitie whensoeuer Gods holy wil pleasure is to lay the same vppon vs. The tryumphant Passion and death of Christ wherby in his own person he conquered death sinne hell and damnatiō hath most liuely bene preached vnto vs and the glory of Chrystes crosse declared by our Preachers whereby wee haue learned the causes and effectes of the same more liuely in one Sermon then in all the Processions that euer wee went in or euer shall go in When wee worshipped the diuine Trinitie kneelyng and in the Letanie inuocating the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost asking mercye for our sinnes and desiring such petitions as the neede of oure frayle estate and thys mortall life requireth we were edified both to know vnto whom all Christian praiers should be directed and also to know that of Gods hand we receaue all thinges as well to the saluation of our soules as to the reliefe of our mortall necessities And we humbly beseech the Queenes maiestie that the same most holye prayers may bee continued amongest vs that our Ministers praying in oure mother tongue and wee vnderstanding their prayers and petitions may aunswere Amen vnto them At euening seruice we vnderstoode our Ministers prayers we wer taught admonished by the scriptures then read whiche in the latine Euensong is all gone At the ministration of holy baptisme we learned what league and couenau●t God had made with vs and what vowes and promises we vpon our part had made namely to beleue in him to forsake Satan and his workes to walke in the way of Gods holy word commandemētes The Christian Catechisme continually taught called to remembraunce the same wheras before no man knew any thing at all And many good men of lx yeares that hadde bene godfathers to xxx children knew no more of the godfathers office but to wash their handes ere they departed the Church or els to fast fiue Fridayes bread and water O mercifull God haue pittie vpon vs. Shall we be altogether cast from thy presence We may well lament our miserable estate to receaue such a commaundement to reiect and cast out of our Churches all these most godly praiers instructions admonitions and doctrines thus to be compelled to deny God and Christ our Sauiour hys holy word al his doctrine of our saluation the candle to our feete and the light to our steppes the bread comming downe from heauen that geueth life whiche who so drinketh it shall be in him a well spring streaming vnto eternall life wherby we haue learned all righteousnes al true Religion al true obedience towardes our gouernours al charitie one towardes an other all good workes that god would vs to walk in what punishment abideth the wicked and what heauenly rewarde God will geue to those that reuerently walke in his wayes and commaundementes Wherefore right honourable Commissioners wee can not without impietie refuse and caste from vs the holye word of God which we haue receaued or condemne anye thing set forth by our most godly late king Edward hys vertuous proceedinges so agreable to Gods worde And our most humble suite is that the cōmaundement may be reuoked so that we be not constrayned thereunto For we protest before God we thinke if the holy word of God had not taken some roote amongest vs we could not in tyme past haue done that poore duety of ours which wee did in assisting the Queene our most deare soueraigne agaynst her Graces mortall foe that then fought her destruction It was our bounden duetie and wee thanke God for the knowledge of his worde and grace that we then did some part of our bounden seruice And we meekely pray and beseeche the Queenes Maiestie for the deare passion of Iesus Christ that the same word be not takē away out of her Churches nor from vs her louyng faythfull and true subiectes lest if the like necessitie should hereafter chaunce which God for his mercies sake forbid and euer saue and defēd her grace and vs all the want of knowledge of due remembraūce of Gods word may be occasion of great ruine to an infinite number of her graces true subiectes And truely we iudge this to be one subtile part of the deuil enemy to all godly peace and quietnesse that by takyng Gods word from among vs and plantyng ignoraunce he may make a way to all mischief and wickednes by banishyng the holy Gospell of peace he may bring vpon vs the heauy wrath of God with all maner of plagues as death straunge sicknes pestilence morren most terrible vprores commotions seditions These thyngs did the Lord threaten vnto the Iewes for refusing his word saying Goe and thou shalt say vnto this people Ye shall heare in deede but ye shall not vnderstand ye shall playnly see and not perceiue Harden the hart of this people stop their eares and shut their eyes that they see not with their eyes heare not with their eares and vnderstand not with their hartes and conuert and be healed And I said how lōg Lord And he aunswered Vntill the Cities be destroyed vtterly wasted without habiters and the houses without men till the lād also be desolate lye vnbuilded And the Prophet Micheas considering the contempt of Gods word amōg the Israelites threatned them thus When the day that thy preachers warned thee of commeth thou shalt be wasted away And let no man beleue his frend or put confidence in his brother Keepe the doore of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome for the sonne shall put his father to dishonour and the daughter shal rise agaynst her mother the daughter in law agaynst the mother in the law and a mans foes shal be euē they of his owne houshold The same plague threatned Christ vnto the Iewes for refusing his peace profered them in the Gospel and he wept on the Citie Ierusalem which murdered the Prophetes and stoned such as were sent vnto her The same plagues we are afrayd will also fall vpon vs. For whereas
to dispatche his handes of them but could not so dispatch his conscience before the iudgement of God from the guiltinesse of innocent bloud The pore men being now in the temporal officers hāds might not there be suffered long to remain therefore the 15. day of May very early in the morning they were caried from Newgate in a cart to Stratford the Bow most quietly in the fire praising God yelded vp their soules into hys handes throughe a liuely Faith in Iesus Christe whom vnto the ende they did most constantly confesse At their death Hugh Lauerock after he was chained casting away his crooche and cōforting Iohn Apprice his fellow Martyr sayd vnto him be of good comfort my brother for my Lorde of London is our good Phisition Hee will heale vs both shortly thee of thy blindenesse and me of my lamenesse And so paciently these two good Saints of God together suffered The Martyrdome of a blinde man and a lame man at Stratford the Bowe Three women the same time burned in Smithfielde Katherine Hut Elizabeth Thackuell and Ioane Homes THe nexte day after the Martyrdome of thys lame and blinde mā aboue specified in the sayd moneth of May were brought to the fire 3. women wyth whom also was adioyned an other who being in the same constancy wyth them was likewise partaker of the sayde condemnation The names of these were Katherine Hut of Bocking Widowe Ioane Hornes of Billerica Maide Elizabeth Thackuel of great Bursted Maide Margaret Ellys of Billerica Maide How these with diuers other mo were persecuted and sent vp especially by Syr Iohn Mordant and Edmunde Tyrrell Esquier Iustices of Peace this their Letter following will declare A Letter sent vnto Boner Bishop of London from Sir Iohn Mordant Knight and Edmund Tyrrell Esquire Iustices of peace for the Countie of Essex OVr humble commendations to your Lordshippe these shall be to aduertise you that we haue sent vnto your good Lordship Ioane Potter the wife of Hughe Potter Iames Harrys seruaunt of William Harrys of Bromhill Margaret Ellys for that they be not conformable to the orders of the Churche nor to the reall presence of Christes body and bloude in the Sacrament of the aultare to vse your Lordships pleasure with them as you thinke good not doubting with the punishmēt of these and the other before sent to your Lordship but that the parishe of great Burstede and Billerica shall bee broughte to good conformitye Thus committing your good Lordship to the tuition of almightie God wee take our leaue From great Burstede this present second day of March 1556. Your Lordships to command Iohn Mordant Edmund Tyrrel After the receit of these Letters Bishoppe Boner entring to examination of these 4. women aboue named laid and obiected the lyke Articles to them as after his vsuall forme he vsed to minister and are before expressed Whereunto the sayd women likewise agreeing in the same vnitie of spirite and doctrine accorded in theyr aunsweares much agreeing vnto the other before them As first to the Article in the firste place obiected they consented and graunted beleeuing the sayde Article to be true in euery part thereof 2. To the second partly they answeared they could not tel what a Sacrament is Elizabeth Thackuell and Katherin Hut adding moreouer that matrimonie Baptisme and the Lords supper were Sacraments ordained in the churche but whether the other specified in thys article be sacraments as they heard them called ordained by God or not they could not tell Margaret Ellys being examined seuerally as the other were vpō the same how many sacraments there were answeared as a yong mayde vnskilled in her simple ignoraunce that shee coulde not tell Howbeit she had heard she sayd that there was one Sacrament but what it was she could not tell c. 3 To the thirde likewyse they graunted that they were baptised by their godfathers and godmothers which godfathers and godmothers sayde Margaret Ellys did not then know so much as shee now doth knowe Katherine Hut adding wythall and saying that shee was baptised but what her godfather godmothers did then promise for her in her name shee could not tell c. 4 To the fourth article Margaret Ellys and Elizabeth Thackuel did graunt therunto Katherin Hut said moreouer that shee beinge of the age of 14. yeares was of the faith wherein shee was Christened and yet neuerthelesse the said faith in that age shee sayde was but a deade faith because shee did not then vnderstand what she did beleue Ioane Hornes added that shee being 11. yeares of age began to learne the faith set foorth in K. Edwards dayes in the which faith and religion she sayd she hath hetherto yet doth so wil hereafter continue God so assisting her 5 To the fift article they answeared and confessed according al in this effect that as touching the Masse they knew no goodnesse in it and as touching the Sacramente of the altar they beleeued that Christes natural body is in heauen and not in the sacrament of the altar And as concernyng the sea of Rome they acknowledged no such supremacy in that sea neither haue they any thing to do therewith 6 In aunswearing the sixt article they did all generally refu●e to be reconciled or vnited to the church of Rome or anye other Churche contrary to that wherein they nowe stoode and did professe 7 To the seuenth article they aunsweared lik●wyse that they had so done sayde in all things as is in thys article contained Katherine Hutte adding moreouer the reason why for that sayd she neither the seruice in Latin Masse Mattens and Euensong nor the Sacraments were vsed and ministred according to gods word And furthermore that the Masse is an idoll neither is the true body bloud of Christ in the Sacramente of the aultare as they make men beleeue 8 Their aunswere to the eight Article declared that they were all and euery one sent vppe to Boner by syr Iohn Mordant knight and iustice of peace in Essex the Lord of his mercy send vs better Iustices I beseeche him for that they coulde not affirme the presence of Christes bodye and bloude to be truely and really in the Sacramente and for that they came not to theyr popish parish Church 9 To the ninth article they aunswered and confessed the premisses thereof to be true and denied not the same saue that Katherin Hut sayd that she was of Bocking in Essex of the peculiare iurisdiction of Canterbury and not of the diocesse and iurisdiction of London After these their answeres receiued they were produced againe about the 13. of Aprill to further examination and so at length to their finall iudgement where Katherin Hut widowe standing before the bishop boldly constantly stoode to that which she hadde sayde before neither yeelding to his faire promises nor ouerthrowne with his terrour Who being required of the Sacrament to say her minde and to
reuoke her selfe vnto the fellowshyp of the Catholicke faith openly protested saying I deny it to be God because it is a dumme God and made wyth mans handes Wherein the good and faithfull Martyr of Christe firmely persisting so receiued her sentence being condemned of Boner to the fire which shee wyth great constancie sustained by the grace and strength of the Lorde and dyd abide for the cause and loue of Christ. Ioane Hornes maid producted likewise to her iudgement and condemnation wyth like firmnesse and Christian fortitude declared her selfe a true Martyr and folower of Christes Testament geuing no place to the aduersary but being charged that she did not beleeue the Sacrament of Christes body and bloude to be Christe himselfe of the which Sacrament contrary to the nature of a Sacrament the aduersaries are woont to make an idoll seruice to this shee protesting openly her minde sayde as followeth If you can make your God to shed bloud or to shew any cōdition of a true liuely body then will I beleeue you but it is but bread as touching the substaunce therof meaning the matter whereof the Sacrament cōsisteth and that you call heresie I trust to serue my Lord God in c. And as concerning the Romish sea she said my Lord speaking to Boner I forsake all his abhominatiōs and from them good lord deliuer vs. From this her stable and constant assertion when the Bishop was too weake to remooue her and too ignorant to conuince her he knockt her downe wyth the butcherly axe of hys sentence And so the holy Uirgine and Martyr committed to the shambles of the secular sword was offered vp with her other felowes a burnt sacrifice to the Lord In odorem bonae fragrantiae in the sauour of a sweete and pleasant smell As touching Margaret Ellis shee likewise perseuering in her foresayde confession and resisting the false Catholicke errours and heresies of the Papistes was by the sayd Boner adiudged and condemned but before the time of her burning came preuented by death in Newgate prison departed and slept in the Lord. No lesse strength in the grace of the Lorde appeared in the other maide Elizabeth Thackuell whose hearte and minde the Lorde had so confirmed in hys truth so armed with patience that as her aduersaries could by no sufficient knowledge of Scripture conuicte her affirmation so by no forceable attempts they could remooue her confession Whereuppon shee standing to the death being in lyke sorte condemned by the sayd vnbyshoplyke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 gaue her life willingly and mildely for the confirmation sealing vp of the sincere truth of Gods woord The Martyrdome of three women Thomas Drowry a blinde boy and Thomas Croker Bricklayer Martyrs YEe heard a litle before of two men the one blinde the other lame which suffered about the 15. of Maye And heere is not to be forgotten an other as Godly a couple whiche suffered the like passion and Martyrdome for the same cause of Religion at Glocester of the which two the one was the blind boy named Tho. Drowrie mentioned before in the hystorie of B. Hooper whom the sayd vertuous Byshop confirmed then in the Lorde and in the doctrine of hys woorde With him also was burned an other in the same place and at the same fire in Glocester about the fifth of Maye whose name was Thomas Croker Bricklayer Concerning the which blinde boy howe long he was in prison and in what yere he suffered I am not certaine Of this credible intelligence I haue receiued by the testimonie of the Register then of Glocester named Ihon Tailer aliàs Barker that the sayde blinde boy at his last examination and finall condemnation was brought by the Officers vnder whose custodie he had remained before doctour Williams then Chauncellour of Glocester sittinge Iudicially wyth the sayd Register in the consistorie neare vnto the Southe doore in the neather ende of the Churche of Glocester Where the sayde Chauncellour then ministred vnto the sayde Boye such vsuall articles as they are accustomed in such cases and are sondry times mentioned in thys booke Amongest which he chiefly vrged the article of Transubstantiation saying in effect as followeth Chauncellor Doest thou not beleue that after the words of consecration spoken by the Priest there remayneth the very reall body of Christ in the Sacrament of the altare Tho. To whome the blinde Boy answeared No that I doe not Chauncel Then thou art an hereticke and shalt be burned But who hath taught thee thys heresie Thom. You M. Chancellor Chancel Where I pray thee Thom. Euen in yonder place Poynting with his hande and tourning towardes the Pulpet standinge vppon the North side of the Church Chancel When did I teache thee so Tho. When you preached there namyng the day a Sermon to all men as well as to me vppon the Sacrament You sayd the Sacrament was to bee receiued spiritually by fayth and not carnally and really as the papistes haue heretofore taught Chanc. Then do as I haue done and thou shalt lyue as I do and escape burnyng Tho. Though you can so easily dispense with your self and mocke with God the world and your conscience yet I will not so do Chanc. Then God haue mercy vpon thee for I will read the condemnatory sentence against thee Tho. Gods will be fulfilled The Register beyng herewith somwhat mooued stood vp and said to the Chancellor Register Fie for shame man will you read the sentence against hym and condemne your selfe away away substitute some other to geue sentence and iudgement Chanc. No Register I will obey the lawe and geue sentence my selfe accordyng to myne office And so he red the sentence condemnatory agaynst the boy with an vnhappy tongue and a more vnhappy conscience deliuering him ouer vnto the secular power Who the said v. day of May brought the said blinde boy to the place of execution at Glocester together with one Thomas Croker a Bricklayer condemned also for the like testimony of the truth Where both together in one fire most constantly and ioyfully yelded their soules into the hands of the Lord Iesus Ex testimo Io. Lond. ¶ Persecution in Suffolke Three burnt at Beckles May. 21. AFter the death of these aboue rehersed were three men burnt at Beckles in Suffolke in one fire about the 21. day of May anno 1556. Whose names are here vnder specified Thomas Spicer of Winston Labourer Iohn Deny and Edmund Poole This Thomas Spicer was a single man of the age of 19. yeres and by vocation a Labourer dwellyng in Winston in the County of Suffolke there taken in his maisters house in Sommer about or anone after the rising of the Sunne beyng in his bed by Iames Ling and Iohn Keretch of the same towne and Wil. Dauies of Debnam in the sayd Countie The occasion of his taking was for that he would not go to their popish church to heare Masse and receiue their
came to the ship to see hym many of them Some gaue hym a petycoate and some a shyrt some hosen and some money alwayes noting how he cast away his money and kept his booke And many of the women wept when they heard and sawe hym And Maister Gouernour of the English nation there had hym before hym and talked with hym of all the matter and pitieng hys case commaunded the Officer of the English house to goe with hym to the free oste houses amongst the English merchaunts and I with them and at three houses there was giuen him vj. pound x. shillyngs And so from thence hee went with me to Roane where the people also came to hym to see hym meruailing at the great workes of God And thus much concerning this poore man with hys new Testament preserued in the sea which testament the Popes clergy condemneth on the land ye haue heard as I receiued by the relation of the partie aboue named who was the doer thereof and yet alyue dwellyng in Lee well knowen to all merchants of London In which story this by the way vnderstand good Reader which rightly may be supposed that if this poore man thus found preserued in the sea with a new Testament in his bosome had had in stead of that a pixe with a consecrated hoste about hym no doubt it had bene rong ere this tyme all christendom ouer for a miracle so far as the Pope hath any land But to let the Pope with his false miracles go let vs returne againe to our matter begun adioine another history of much lyke condition testified likewise by the information of the sayd Tho. Morse aboue mētioned to the intent to make known the worthy acts of the almighty that he may be magnified in all hys wonderous works The story is thus declared which happened an 1565. about Michaelmas ¶ Another like story of Gods prouidence vpon three men deliuered vpon the Sea THere was a ship saith the sayd Tho. Morse whereof I had a part goyng toward the Bay for salt with two ships of Bricklesey which were altogether goyng for salt as before is sayd At what tyme they were within x. myle of the North Foreland otherwyse called Tennet the wynd did come so contrary to our ship that they were forced to go cleane out of the way and the other two shippes kept their course still vntill our ship was almost out of sight of them And then they sawe a thing driuyng vpon the sea hoysed out their boat and went vnto it and it was three men sittyng vpon a piece of their ship which had sitten so two dayes and two nights There had bene in their shippe eight men more which were drowned beyng all Frenchmen dwelling in a place in France called Olloronne They had bene at Danswike and lost their ship about Orford Nas as might be learned by their words They were men that feared God the one of them was owner of the ship Their exercise while they wer in our ship was that after the comming in they gaue thankes for their deliueraunce both mornyng and euenyng they exercised praier and also before after meat and when they came into Fraunce our ships went to the same place where these men dwelled and one of them dyd sell vnto our men their ships lading of salt and did vse thē very curteously and friendly and not at that tyme onely but alwayes whensoeuer that ship commeth thether as she hath bene there twise since he alwayes doth for them so that they can lacke nothyng I should haue noted that after our ship had taken vp those iij. men out of the Sea they had the wynd fayre presently and came and ouertooke the other two ships agayne and so they proceeded in their voiage together ¶ For the more credite of this story aboue recited to satisfie eyther the doubtfull or to preuent the quareller I haue not only alledged the name of the partie which was the doer thereof but also expressed the matter in his owne wordes as I of him receiued it the partie reporter hymself beyng yet alyue dwellyng at Lee a man so wel known amongst the Merchants of London that who so heareth the name of Thomas Morse will neuer doubt thereof And agayne the matter it selfe beyng so notoriously knowen to Merchaunts as well here as at Andwerpe that though hys name were not expressed the story can lacke no witnesses ¶ The death of William Slech in the Kinges Bench. THe last day of the sayd moneth of May in the yeare aforesayde Wil. Slech beyng in prison for the sayd doctrine of the Lordes Gospel and the confession of his truth died in the kyngs Bench and was buried on the backside of the sayd prison for that the Romish catholike spiritualtie thought hym not worthy to come within their Pope-holy churchyards neither in any other christian burial as they call it ¶ The story of foure men condemned at Lewys the 6. day of Iune IN Iune next followyng about the sixt day of the same moneth 4. Martyrs suffered together at Lewys whose names were these Thomas Harland of Woodmancote Carpenter Iohn Oswald of Woodmancote Husbandman Thomas Auington of Ardingly Turner Thomas Read To Thomas Harland I finde in the bishop of Londons registers to be obiected for not comming to church Whereunto he answered that after the Masse was restored he neuer had will to heare the same because sayd he it was in Latine whiche hee dyd not vnderstande and therefore as good quoth hee neuer a whit as neuer the better Ioh. Oswalde denyed to aunswere any thyng vntill hys accusers should bee brought face to face before hym and neuerthelesse sayd that fire and Fagottes coulde not make hym afraid but as the good Preachers which were in Kyng Edwardes tyme haue suffered and gone before so was he ready to suffer and come after and woulde bee glad thereof These foure after long imprisonment in the Kynges Bench were burned together at Lewys in Sussex in one fire the day of the moneth aforesayd ¶ The Martyrdome of Thomas Whood and Thomas Milles. IN the same towne of Lewys and in the same moneth likewyse were burned Thomas Whoode Minister and Thomas Milles about the xx day of the same moneth for resisting the erroneous and hereticall doctrine of the pretensed catholike church of Rome ¶ Two dead in the Kyngs Bench. IN the which moneth likewyse William Adherall Minister imprisoned in the Kyngs Bench there dyed the xxiiij day of the same moneth was buried on the backside Also Iohn Clement Wheelewright who dying in the sayd pryson in lyke sort vpon the dunghill was buried in the backeside two dayes after videlicet the xxv day of Iune ¶ A Merchauntes seruaunt burnt at Leycester THe next day followyng of the sayd month of Iune we read of a certaine yong man a merchants seruant who for the lyke godlynes suffred cruell persecution of the Papists and
same agayne in a more ample and glorious sort Thus in hast as it doth appeare I am constrayned to make an end committing you all to Gods most mercifull defence who euer haue you in his blessed keping desiring you all to remember me in your godly and faythfull prayers as I will not forget you in mine by Gods grace The blessing of God be with you all my deare brethrē and sisters All our brethren and fellowe prisoners here haue them most hartily commended vnto you and pray for you without ceasing God sende vs a merry meeting in hys kingdome Amen By your brother and vnfayned louer Iohn Careles prisoner abiding his moste mercifull will and pleasure Pray pray pray ¶ To my deare and faythfull brother William Tymmes prisoner in Newgate THe euerlasting peace of God in Iesus Christ with the continuall ioy comfort strength of his sweete spirite be multiplied and dayly more and more encreased in your good hart my most faithfull and deare brother Tymmes to the full quieting of your conscience and beating backe of all the fiery dartes of the wicked that you may shortlye receaue the glorious crowne of victorye and in the same triumph ouer all your enemies for euermore Amen I cannot expresse the exceeding great ioy and consolation of my poore hart considering the marueilous works of God most graciously wrought vppon you not onely in prouing you and trying your fayth by his great and huge crosses both inwardly and outwardlye but also in geuing you so great consolation constancie in the middes of the same Faithfull is God true of his promises who hathe sayd That he wil neuer suffer his chosen children to be tempted aboue theyr strength but in the middes of their temptation will make an outscape for them by such meanes as maye make to his glory their euerlasting consolation My deare heart great cause haue you to be of good cōfort for I see in you as liuely a token of Gods euerlasting loue and fauoure in Iesus Christ as euer I perceiued in any man In respect wherof I do euen with my hart loue honor reuerence you beseeching God for his glorious names sake in the bowels bloud of our Lord onely sauiour Iesus Christ to finish his good worke in you as I doubt not but he wil do according to his infallible promises yea I am well assured therof for asmuch as you haue so effectually receiued his holy spirit into your hart as a pledge and sure seale of your eternall redemption a testimony of your adoption in Christ Iesu. For which cause Satan so sore enuieth you that he hath nowe bent all his fierce Ordinaunce againste you thinking thereby vtterly to destroy the inuincible fort of you fayth founded moste firmely vpon the vnmoueable rocke Christ against the whiche the deuill sinne nor yet hell gates shall neuer preuaile Selah Therefore mine own bowels in the Lorde be not discōforted for this your conflict which doubtlesse shal greatly encrease your crowne of glory triumphe and victorye but take a good hart vnto you and buckle boldly with Sathan both in himselfe and his subtle members It is the very Diuine ordinaunce of God that all his regenerate children shall be tempted proued and tryed as we see by the example of our sauiour Christe who as soone as hee was baptised was strayt wayes led of the holy Ghost into the wildernes there to bee tempted of the Deuill But there got he such a glorious victory of Satan that hee coulde neuer since finally preuaile against any of his poore members but in euery assault that hee maketh either inwardly or outwardly he getteth a foyle and taketh shame so that nowe hee rageth with all the spite possible speciallye because hee knoweth his time is but short S. Iames testifieth that he is but a very coward that will soone flee if he be faithfully resisted And as for his tempting tooles the Lord hathe made them manifest vnto vs so that he cannot deceiue vs though he assault vs for as S. Paule sayth His very thoughtes are not vnknowne to vs as it doth in you largelye appeare praysed be the Lordes name therfore You see deare brother that now to molest you suche as you are that be euen passing from this vale of misery he hath but two wayes or two peeces of Ordinaunce to shoote at you with the which he cannot hurt you because you haue two Bulwarkes to defend you The first of these terrible Gunnes that Satan hath shot at you is the very same that he continually shooteth at me that is to say fear and infidelity for the vglesomnes of death and horrour of my sinnes whiche be so many greeuous and great But this pellet is easily put away with the surer shield of faith in the most precious death and bloudshedding of our dear Lord and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ whome the father hath geuen vnto vs wholy to be ours for euermore and with him hath geuen vs all things as Paule saith so that though we be neuer so great sinners yet Christ is made vnto vs holines righteousnes and iustificatiō He hath clothed vs with all his merites mercies and most sweete sufferinges hath taken vnto him all our miserie wretchednes sinne and infirmitie So that if any should nowe be condemned for the same it must needes be Iesus Christ whiche hath taken them vpon him But in deede hee hath made satisfactiō for them to the vttermost iote so that for his sake they shall neuer be imputed to vs if they were a thousād times so many moe as they be This doe you moste effectuously feele and know deare brother a great deale better then I can tell you blessed be God therfore And now Satan seeing that he cannot preuayle wyth his boysterous battery agaynst this Bulwarke of faythe which doth so quench all his fiery dartes that they can doe you no harme but rather do you good seruice to caste you downe vnder the mighty hand of God that hee may take you vpp by his onely grace and power and so you maye render him all the glory by Iesus Christ whiche thinge the enimie cannot abide in no wise therefore hee shooteth of his other Peece most pestilent to prouoke you to put some part of your trust and confidence in your selfe and in your own holines and righteousnes that you might that way ●ob God of his glory Christe of his honour and dignitie of his death But blessed be the Lorde God you haue also a full strong Bulwarke to beat backe this pestiferous peller also euen the pure law of God whiche prooueth the best of vs all damnable sinners in the sight of God if he would enter into iudgement with vs according to the seueritie of the same and that euen our best works are polluted and defiled in such sort as the prophet describeth thē With which maner of speaking our free wil Phariseis
sake we suffer whose cause we defend and what glorious reward we shall haue at the day of our victory then doubtles the consolation of these things will make sweete all our suffringes soone swallowe vp all the sorrowes that we are sow●ed in for Gods sake I coulde recite diuers textes of the Scriptures to confirme this pointe But I neede not for I am well assured that you do knowe them most perfectly alreadye The Lorde geue you strength and assist you with his holy spirite that you may continually walke in all pointes according to your godly knowledge And then shall you not doe as the moste parte of our Gospellers doe nowe adaies the more is the pitie There are a greate manye in Englande that doe perfectlye knowe that the Idolatrous Masse is abhominable Deuelishe and detestable in the sight of God And yet alasse they be not afrayde to pollute and defile theyr bodyes whych oughte to be the temples of the holy Ghoste with being present at it so sinning against God and theyr owne conscience But dere sister K. do you flie from it both in body soule as you would flie from the very Deuill himselfe Drinke not of the whore of Babylons cuppe by no meanes for it will infecte the body and poyson the soule Be not partakers of her sinnes sayth the Aungell least you be partakers of the plagues that shortly shall be powred vppon her O what an aray is this that so many that know Gods truth wil nowe tourne againe and defile them selues in the filthy puddle of antichristes stinking religion They goe about to saue theyr liues wyth their dowble dissimulation but doubtlesse they shall loose euerlastinge life by it if they doe not repent in time and tourne vnto the Lorde But deare sister my trust is that you doe vtterly abhorre the comming to anye such thyng I hope that you wil not by any meanes turne backe into Egypt nowe but that you will boldly venter throughe the wildernesse of trouble and persecution that you may come into the lande that floweth with all kinde of heauenly pleasures and ioyfull delectations and possesse the same for euer Lette vs consider howe that euery one of vs doeth owe vnto God a death by nature and howe soone the Lord wil require it of vs we knowe not O howe happye are we then if God of hys goodnesse appoynt vs to pay natures dette wyth sufferyng for hys trueth and Gospels sake and so making vs his faithfull witnesses wyth the Prophetes Apostles Martyrs and Confessours yea wyth his dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christe to whome he doeth heere begin to fashion vs lyke in suffering that we myght be like hym also in glory Thus my dearely beloued sister I haue ben bold to trouble you a little with my rude simple letter being made in hast as it doth appeare Yet I desire you to take it in good woorthe as a token of my poore zeale vnto you and to accept my good will And if it please God to spa●e me life and libertye I trust heereafter to wryte vnto you more largely Fare yee well deare sister E.K. the Lorde blesse you and all yours and powre vpon you the heauenly dewe of his grace The Lorde endue you wyth plentifull knowledge of hys verity and fill you with hys holy and mighty spirite that you may continuallye reioyce in the comfortes of the same nowe and euer Amen Pray pray pray with stedfast faith Your daily Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lord. ¶ In the letters of William Tymmes ye heard before page 1897. much mention made of Agnes Glascock Thys Agnes Glascocke through infirmity and her husbandes perswasion was allured to goe to Masse For whyche cause shee falling in great sorrow and repentance was raised vppe againe by the comfortable Letters of William Tymmes and Iohn Careles as before you maye reade and after that was constante in the syncere profession of the verity and in danger for the same of persecution vnto whome Iohn Careles wryteth therefore thys letter as followeth A letter of Careles to Agnes Glascocke THe euerlasting peace of God in Iesus Christ the continuall aide strengthe and comfortes of his moste pure holye and mighty spirite be with you my deare faithfull sister Glascock to the good performance of that good woorke which God hath so graciously begun in you to his glory the commoditye of hys poore affl●cted Churche and to your owne eternall comfort in hym Amen In our Lorde I haue my most humble and hearty commendations vnto you my deare sister most faithfull mother Glascocke with all remembrance of you in my daily prayers geuing God most hearty laude praise and thankes for you and on your behalfe in that he of his great mercye hath hetherto so mightely strengthened you constantly to cleaue vnto youre Captayne Christ notwithstanding the great assaultes and manifold temptations that you haue had to the contrary Doubtles deare heart it can not be expressed what ioy and comfort it is vnto my very soule to see howe mightely the Lorde hathe magnified hym selfe in you and other his deare electe darlings whome hee will shortly glorify with himselfe as he hath done other of his sweete Sainctes that are gone before you Reioyce therefore be glad for verilye you haue good cause if you diligentlye consider the great dignitie that God hath called you vnto euen now in your olde age to be one of his woorthy witnesses vnto the worlde and I thinke you shall wyth mee and other youre brethren in bonds seale the Lords verity with the testimony of your bloud Surely sweete sister this is the greatest promotion that God cā bring you or any other vnto in this life and an honour that the highest aungel in heauen is not permitted to haue Therefore happye are you Oh faithfull daughter of Abraham that the Lorde will nowe preferre you before many other yea or any other of your age that I doe know in Englande Oh faithfull and vertuous matrone which wilt not be moued from the sure rocke Christe vppon whome you haue so firmely built your house that neither stormes nor tempestes neither yet bell gates or any other temptations shall euer be able once to preuaile against it Full wel doeth it appeare by your constant continuance that you haue played the parte of a wise builder in counting the cost afore hand belonging to the finishing of your tower And I doubt not but through Gods gift you haue sufficient to the performaunce thereof that the hypocrites of theyr parte shall haue no iuste cause to triumphe againste you or to mocke you saying loe thys woman beganne to builde but is not able to make an ende Therefore goe on boldlye and feare not for God is faithfull as S. Paule sayeth which will not suffer you to be tempted aboue your strength but eyther will hee geue you grace and strength to stande vnto the death whych is the gate and entraunce into
your fall shall tourne to hys glorye and youre profite For if you hadde not by this prooued the experience of your owne strength or rather your owne weakenes you would haue stande too muche in your owne conceite or perchaunce haue glorified in your selfe and haue despised and condempned other weake personnes that haue committed the like offence Therfore now you may see what the best of vs all can do if God leaue vs to our selues Which thing ought to moue you to be diligent to call earnestly vpon God for his grace and the strength of his holy spirite without the which we are not able to stande one houre to be most thankefull for the same when you haue it and then to be more circumspecte in time to come Therefore deare sister seeing that you haue done otherwise then the word of God and your owne cōscience would allow yet deare hart do you not thinke that God therfore wil cast you cleane away but know that he hath mercy enough in store for al them that truely repent and beleeue in him although the sinnes of them were as many in number as the sandes in the sea and as great as the sinnes of the whole worlde It is a greater sinne to mistrust the mercye and promises of God then to commit the greatest offence in the world Therefore good sister beware in any wise that you doe not once mistrust the promises of Gods mercy towardes you but knowe for a very surety that all youre sinnes be vtterlye forgeuen you for Christes sake be they neuer so many so grieuous or so great But now deare heart take heede and beware that you doe not cloake that sinne and increase the same daily in communicating with the wicked in their Idolatrie and deuelish doinges at their denne of theeues Do not I say deare sister come at any of their Antichristian seruice least by little and little you vtterly lose a good conscience and at length esteeme it for none offence as alas a great nomber doth at this day to the great pearill of theyr soules The Lorde be merciful vnto them and geue them grace to repent in time and tourne to the Lorde and then they shal be sure to finde mercy at the Lordes hand as doubtles you haue done praised be his name therefore Ah my deare sister you may nowe see the wordes of Christe verified vppon your selfe that a mans greatest foes shall be they of his owne household for your husband hath gotten you to do that which all the tyrants in the world could neuer haue made you to doe Doubtlesse he may be sory for it God geue him grace to repent or els without doubt it will be laid to his charge one day when he would not by his will heare it for all the goods in the worlde Well I thinke my brother Tymmes will wryte him a letter shortly that shall touche his conscience if hee haue anye conscience at all But now againe to you dere sister The thing that is done can not be vndone and you are not the first that hath offended neither are you so good and so holy as hath at a time slipt forth of the way Therfore I would not haue you to be so much discomforted as I heare saye you be as thoughe God were not able to forgeue you your offence as he was to forgeue his deare Saints that offended him in times past or as though God were not as mercifull nowe as euer he was Where as in very deede There is with the Lord as the Prophet sayth mercy and plentiful redēption and his mercy farre surmounteth all his workes and he neuer faileth any that put their whole trust and confidence in him howe great an offender or howe wicked a trespasser so euer he bee No he maketh their falles and backeslidings manye times to tourne to their profite and commoditie and to the settynge foorth of his glorye As doubtlesse deare sister yours shall doe if you put your whole faith hope and trust only in his infinite and eternall sweete mercies Oh what a suttel crafty lying serpent is that Sathan our old enemie that when he seeth that he can not make vs to continue in our wickednes to do him seruice would then bring vs into a doubting and mistrusting of the mercye of God whyche is the greatest offence that can be yea infidelitye is the roote and originall of all other sinnes Therefore my sweete sister geue no place to that cruell aduersary of mankinde who hath bene a lier and a murtherer from the beginning but stedfastlye beleeue the Lord who hath sent you word by me his most vnworthy seruāt that all your sinnes be pardoned forgeuen and cleane released for Iesus Christes sake our only Lorde and Sauiour To whome with the father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory praise thankes power rule and dominion for euer for euer Amen Farewell my deare sister and be of good cheare Beleeue in the Lorde and you shall liue for euer The Lord increase your faith Amen Amen Your poore brother and daily faithfull Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lord. Pray for me An other letter of Iohn Careles to A.B. a faithfull Minister of the Lorde containing certaine frutefull precepts of Matrimonie I Beseech the same euerlasting Lord my deare and faithful brother that blessed yong Tobias with his wife Sara brought them together in due time with reuerence and feare preserue and blesse you both and your seede after you that they may encrease the number of the faithful by thousandes and thousandes And as the Lord of his great mercy and fatherly prouidēce hath bene alwaies carefull for you and nowe hath for your comforte accomplished his good worke in coupling you with a faithfull mate so see that you be thankefull for his prouidence towardes you that it may euery way in you be an encrease of loue godlinesse yea of Christian ioye and gladnesse in these sorrowfull dayes but yet so that you mourne with the true mourners of Syon and be sorie yet in measure for the hurt of the same Pray also in faith for her prosperity that the Lord may builde vp the walles of Hierusalem againe Oh that the Lord would turne Syons captiuity as the riuer into the South Then shoulde our hearts be made glad and oure mouthes filled with laughter Then woulde the heathen hypocrites say the Lord hath done much for them Oh the Lord hath done great things for vs already wherof let vs heartely reioyce and praise his name therefore For though we nowe sowe wyth teares yet shall wee be sure to reape with gladnesse and as wee now goe foorth weeping bearing foorth good seede so shall we come againe with ioy and bring our sheaues full of corne Yea the death of the Martyrs which is most precious in hys sighte shal be the life of the Gospell spite of the Papists hearts Pray for me deare heart that I may
benefites not only for your election creation redemption and preseruation but also for his other temporal gifts wherwith he hathe indued you amongst the which the chiefe and moste excellent is as testifieth the holy Ghost your good godlye and faithfull louynge husbande For as the wise man sayeth Goods and possessions may come to a man by the death of his frendes but a good wife is the gift of God which the Lord will geue for a good portion to suche as feare him And the like is of a good husband as the Lord hathe nowe geuen you praised be his name therfore He hath not geuen you an ignorant froward churlish brawling wastfull rioting dronken husband wherwith he hath plagued many other as he myght also haue done you but he hath geuen you a moste godlye learned gentle louing quiet patient thri●tye diligent sober husband by whom he wil nourish cherish kepe and defend you instructe and teach you yea care and prouide for you and your childrē the which he wil also by him geue you such things as be necessary for you He hath not dealt so with euery body and yet he hath done this and much more for you my deare sister wil therto increase ioy and loue betwene you For as he delighteth in the loue godly agreement of man and wife together so is it he only that maketh them and all the whole houshold to be of one mind Vnto the which his gracious work he requireth your diligence and will vse you as his instrument and meane the more effectuously to accomplish the same And therefore I nowe require you to obserue this my simple counsel the which I haue here wrytten as a testimonial of my good will towardes you because I thinke in this life I shall neuer more see you Nowe as I haue shewed you how you shoulde be thankefull vnto God for his good giftes so I exhort you and as much as in me lieth charge you to be euermore thankfull vnto your deare louing husband who hath geuen him selfe vnto you whych is a more precious iewel in the Church of God then perchance you are yet aware of Thincke your selfe vnwoorthy to be matched with suche an instrument of God and also reuerence euermore the gifts of God in him and seeke with true obedience and loue to serue him in recompence of his true painful hart towards you Be lothe in any wise to offend him yea rather be carefull diligent to please him that his soule maye blesse you If at anye time you shall chaunce to anger him or to doe or speake anye thing that shall grieue him see that you neuer rest vntill you haue pacified him and made him merry againe If at any time he shall chance to blame you without a cause or for that you can not doe therewith whiche thyng happeneth sometimes of the best men liuing see that you beare it paciently and geue hym no vncomely or vnkinde woorde for it but euer more looke vppon him wyth a louing and chearefull countenaunce and rather take the fault vppon you then seeme to be displeased Be alwaies mery and chereful in his company but not with too muche lightnesse Beware in any wise of swelling powting or lowring for that is a token of a cruel and vnlouing heart except it be in respect of sinne or in the time of sickenesse Be not sorowful for any aduersity that God sendeth but beware that nothing be spilte or goe to waste through your negligence In any wise see that you be quicke and cleanly about his meat and drinke and prepare him the same according to his diet in due season Goe cleanely and wel fauouredly in your apparel but beware of pride in any wise Finally in woord and deede shewe your selfe wise humble merry and louing towardes him and also towardes suche as he doeth loue and then shall you leade a blessed life I could speake of many things the whiche I haue learned and prooued true by experience but I knowe that you will doe in all thyngs muche better then I can teache you because you haue that annoynting that teacheth you all thyngs who hath also geuen you an heart to obey and serue hym Yet I trust you will not be offended for this whych I haue wrytten but rather accept my good will towardes you whom I loue in the Lord as well as I do my daughter Iudith Thus as mine owne soule I commende you bothe to God desiring him to blesse you with all maner of spirituall blessings in heauenly thinges and also wyth the dewe of heauen and fatnesse of the earth that in all thynges you maye be made ryche in Iesus Christe our Lorde and onely Sauiour The Lorde increase and blesse the fruite of your bodyes that your children maye stande rounde about your table thicke fresh and lustie lyke the Oliue braunches God geue you both a long life that you maye see and blesse your childrens children vnto the third and fourth generation and teach them the true feare and loue of God and that faith for the which they shal be accepted in his sight God lette you see the prosperitie of Syon for whose lying in the dust let your hearts mourne The Lorde make perfecte your loue together in hym and alwaies encrease the same and bryng you bothe in peace to your graues at a good age And nowe I bid you bothe moste heartely farewell and I thinke I shall now take my leaue of you for euer in this life I beseeche you both to aide me with your continuall prayers as I wil not forgette you in mine that I may haue a ioyfull victorie through Iesus Christ To whose most mercifull defence I doe moste heartely for euer commende you to be kepte vnblameable vntill hys comming The which I beseeche him to hasten for his mercies sake Your owne vnfainedly Iohn Careles prisonner of the Lord. Heere endeth the Letters of Iohn Careles The hystorie and Martyrdome of a learned and vertuous yonge man called Iulins Palmer sometime fellow of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford with two other Martyrs to wit I. Gwin and Thomas Askine burned together in Newberie at a place there called the Sande pittes THe same moneth of Iuly in which Careles as before is declared was released out of prison by death in short time after about the 16. day of the sayd moneth of Iuly suffered these 3. godly and constante Martyrs aboue mentioned at Newbery in which number was Iulins Palmer sometime student and fellowe of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford and afterwardes Schoolemaister in the towne of Reading Concerning whose storie and Martyrdome here foloweth although not so much as he deserueth to be sayde yet so much as sufficiently may set foorth the great woorking of God in this yong man Iulins Palmer AS all Gods woorkes are wonderous in calling of all sorts of men to confirme hys truth and to beare witnesse vnto his assured and infallible woord which the aduersaries
were burned he speaketh neuer a worde of theyr condemners and true murderers in deede Thirdly for so much as M. Harding is here in hande with infantacide and with casting away young childrens liues I woulde wishe that as he hath sisted the doynges of this woman to the vttermost who was rather murdered then a murderer so hee would with an indifferent eye looke on the other side a little vppon them of hys owne Clergy and see what he could finde there amongest those wilfull contemners of immaculate mariage Not that I do accuse any of incontinencie whose liues I knowe not but there is one aboue that well knoweth and seeth all thinges be they neuer so secret to man and most certainly will pay home at length wyth fire and brimstone when hee seeth his time I say no more and not so much as I might following herein the Paynters whiche when their colours will not serue to expresse a thing that they meane they shadow it with a veile But howsoeuer the matter goeth with them whether they may or may not be suspected touchyng thys crime aforesayd of infantacide most sure and manifest it is that they are more then worthely to be accused of homicide in murdering the children and seruauntes of God bothe men and women wines and maydes old young blinde and ●ame madde and vnmadde discreete and simple innocentes learned with the vnlearned and that of all degrees from the high Archbishop to the Clark and Sexten of the church and that most wrongfully and wilfully with such effusion of innocent Christian bloud as cryeth vp dayly to God for vengeance And therefore M.H. in my minde shoulde doe well to spare a little time from these his inuectiues wherewith he appeacheth the poore protestantes of murder whom they haue murdered themselues and exercise his penne wyth some more fruitfull matter to exhort these spirituall Fathers first to cease from murdering of their owne children to spare the bloud of innocentes not to persecute Christ so cruelly in his members as they do and furthermore to exhort in like maner these Agamistes and wilful reiecters of matrimony to take themselues to lawfull wiues and not to resist Gods holy ordinaunce nor encounter his institution with an other contrary institution of theyr own deuising lest perhappes they preuented by fragilitie may fall into daunger of suche inconueniences aboue touched which if they be not in thē I shall be glad but if they be it is neyther theyr rayling agaynst the poore protestantes nor yet theyr secret auricular confession that shall couer theyr iniquities from the face of the Lord when hee shall come to reueale abscondita tenebrarum iudicare saeculum per ignem And thus for lacke of further lays●re I end with M. H. hauing no more at this time to ●ay vnto him but wish him to feare God to embrace his truth to remember himselfe and to surcease from this vncharitable rayling and brawling especially agaynst the dead whiche cannot aunswer him or if he will needes cōtinue still to be suche a vehement accuser of other yet that hee will remember what belongeth to the part of a right accuser First that his accusation be true secondly that no blinde affection of partialiti● be mixt withall thirdly whosoeuer taketh vppon them to carpe and appeache the crimes of other oughte themselues to be sincere and vpright and to see what may be written in their owne foreheades Whoredome and murder be greeuous offences and worthy to bee accused But to accuse of murder the parties that were murdered and to leaue the other persons vntouched whiche were the true murderers it is the part of an accuser which deserueth himself to be accused of partialitie As verily I thinke by this woman that if she hadde bene a Catholicke Papiste and a deuout follower of their Church as she was a Protestant she had neyther bene condemned thē aliue of them nor now accused being dead of M. H. But God forgeue him and make him a good man if it be his will Three Martyrs burned at Greenstead in Sussex NEre about the same time that these three womē with the infant were burned at Garnesey suffered other three likewise at Grenestead in Sussex two men and one woman the names of whome were Thomas Dungate Iohn Foreman and mother Tree who for righteousnes sake gaue themselues to death and tormentes of the fire patiently abiding what the furious rage of man could say or worke agaynst them at the sayde Towne of Grenested ending theyr lines the xviij of the said month of Iuly and in the yeare aforesaide ¶ The burning and Martyrdome of Thomas More in the Towne of Leicester Iune xxvi the yeare .1556 AS the bloudy rage of this persecution spared neyther manne woman nor childe wife nor mayde lame blynde nor creple and so through all men and women as there was no difference either of age or sexe considered so neyther was there any condition or qualitie respected of anye person but whosoeuer he were that helde not as they did on the pope and sacrament of the Aultar were he learned or vnlearned wise or simple innocent all went to the fire As may appeare by this simple poore creature innocent soule named Thomas More retayning as a seruaunt to a Mans house in the towne of Leicester about the age of 24. and after in manner of an housbandman for speakyng certayne wordes that his Maker was in heauen not in the Pixe was thereupon apprehended in the countrey being with his frendes Who comming before his Ordinary first was asked whether he did not beleue his Maker there to be poynting to the high Aultar Whiche he denyed Then asked the Bishop how then sayd hee doest thou beleue The young man aunswered agayn as his Creede did teache him To whom the bishop sayde and what is yonder that thou seest aboue the aultar He aunswering sayd forsooth I cannot tell what you would haue me to see I see there fine clothes with golden tassels and other gay ge●e hanging about the pixe What is within I cannot see Why Doest thou not beleue sayth the bishoppe Christ to be there fleshe bloud and bone No that I doe not sayd he Whereupon the Ordinary making short with him red the sentence and so condemned the true and faythfull seruaunt of Christ to death in sainct Margaretes Churche in Leicester who was burnt and suffered a ioyfull glorious Martirdome for the testimony of righteousnesse in the same Towne of Leicester the yeare of our Lord aboue mentioned .1556 about the 26. of Iune To this Thomas Moore we haue also annexed the aunsweres and examination of one Iohn Iackson before Doctour Cooke one of the Commissioners for that it belongeth much vnto the same time ¶ The examination of Iohn Iackson had before Doctor Cooke the 11. day of March An. 1556. FIrst when I came before him he railed on me and called me hereticke I aunswered and sayde
desiring him that he might not liue so long as to cal euill good and good euill or light darkenes or darkenes light and so departed he home toward hys house where by the way homeward as it is affirmed he took his death and shortly after departed according to his prayer after he had endured in prison xii weekes After this Ioane his wife continued still in prison with her tender infant till at last she was brought before that Bishop to be examined Whereunto what her aunswers were it is not certainely knowne Howbeit most like it is what soeuer they were they pleased not the Bishoppe as appeared by his ire increased agaynst the poore woman her long continuance in the prison together with her tender babe which also remayned with her in the Iayle partaker of her Martyrdome so long as her milke would serue to geue it sucke till at length the childe being starued for colde and famine was sent away when it was past al remedie and so shortly after dyed And not long after the mother also followed besides the olde woman whiche was mother of the husband of the age of 80. yeares and vpwarde Who being left in the house after their apprehēsion for lacke of comfort there perished also And thus haue ye in one story the deathe of foure together first of the old woman then of the husband after that of the innocent childe and lastly of the mother What became of the other nine children I am not perfectly sure but that I partly vnderstand that they were all vndone by the same This story is reported and testified as well by other as namely by Mistres Bridges dwelling in the same town and partaker then of the like afflictions and hardly escaped with her life A Shomaker suffering in Northamton IN the moneth of October folowing was burned at the towne of Northampton a Shomaker a true witnesse and disciple of the Lorde who accordinge to the grace of God geuen vnto him cleauing fast to the sounde doctrin and preaching of Gods woord renounced the vntrue and false coloured religion of the Romish sea wherein manye a good man hath bene drowned After whom not long after in the same month of October died also in the Castle of Chichester thre godly confessors being there in bonds for the like cause of Christes Gospel who also should haue suffred the like Martyrdom had not theyr naturall deathe or rather as it is to be suspected the cruel handling of the papists made them away before and afterward buried them in the fielde I reade moreouer that in this present yeare to witte An. 1556. was burnt one called Hooke a true witnes of the Lordes truthe at Chester ¶ Fiue famished in Caunterbury Castell by the vnmercifull tyrannie of the Papistes about the beginning of Nouember AS among all the Bishops Boner bishop of London principally excelled in persecuting the poore members and Saintes of Christe so of all Archdeacons Nicholas Harpesfield Archdeacon of Cāterburie as may by mans sight appeare was the forest and of least compassion only Dunning of Norwich excepted by whose vnmercifull nature and agrest disposition verye many were putte to death in that dioces of Canterbury not onely in the bloudy time of that Queene but some also in the blessed beginning of this our moste renowmed Queene that nowe is as by the grace of Christ heereafter shall appeare Of those that suffered in Queene Maries time within the foresayd diocesse of Canterburie some be recited already with the order and fourme set downe of suche Articles as then were most commōly ministred to the examinates by Thorneton Suffragane of Douer and the sayde Nicholas Harpsefielde and other as before in the volume of this hystorie may appeare pag. 1683. Now to proceede in the order and course of time where we left next followeth the moneth of Nouember In the beginning whereof were together in the Castell of Caunterburie 15. godly and innocent Martyrs of which number not one escaped with theyr life but either were burned or els were famished in prisone Of that which two sortes which is the easier death God knoweth it is hard to iudge Notwithstāding the truth is that of these 15.10 were burned and suffered in the fire of whom in the next booke more shall follow hereafter the Lord willing The other 5. were pined and famished most vnmercifully in the straite prisone of whome we haue heere presently to entreate Whose names were these Whiche two were yet vncondemned 1. Iohn Clearke 2. Dunston Chittenden These were condemned to bee burnt 3. W. Foster of Stone 4. Alice Potkins wife of Stapleherst 5. Iohn Archer of Cranbroke weauer Of these 5. prisonners the firste two were vncondemned the other thre last were condemned and should haue bene burned but suffered no lesse tormentes then if they had abidde the fire being macerate and pined to death by famine What theyr articles and answers were it needeth not heere to recite seeing all they in that time of Queene Mary commonly suffered for one maner sort of cause that is for holding against the 7. Sacraments against the realtie of Christes being in his supper for speaking against the churche of Rome and determinations of the same against Images set vp and woorshipped in the churche for not comming to the church and such other like c. First William Foster answearing to these and like articles sayde that he beleeued well in all the Articles of the Creede but to beleeue to be m0e Sacraments then two and to pray to Saintes either to profite vs or to praye for soules in purgatorie to profit them that faith and works doe iustifie or to alow the popish ceremonies in the church that he denied Moreouer hee sayde to carie Candels vpon Candelmasse daye were as good for him as to carye a dungforke and that it is as necessary to cary the galowes about if his father were hanged as the crosse To come to the church he cannot sayd he with a safe conscience Concerning fish daies and flesh daies hee graunted it good to put difference therein except where necessity required the contrary This William Foster was a labouring man of the age of xl yeares He was apprehended and imprisoned by Sir Thomas Moyle Knight Alice Potkins for the like confession was condemned to be burned for that she was not neyther would be confessed to the Priest for that shee receiued not the sacrament of the aultare because shee would not pray to saincts nor creepe to the Crosse. c. Being demaunded of her age she sayde that shee was xlix yeares olde according to her olde age according to her yong age since she learned Christ shee was of one yeares age and was committed by maister Roberts to prisone The answer and confession of Iohn Archer of Crambroke was muche in like sorte And although certayne of these vpon ignorant simplicitie swarued a litle in the
of diuine seruice 13 Item if there be any that doe practise or exercise any artes of Magike or Necromancy or do vse or practise any Incantations Sorceries or witchcraft or be vehemently suspected therof 14 Item whether any be maried in the degrees of affinity or consanguinitye prohibited by the Lawes of holye church or that do mary the banes not asked or do make any priuy contractes 15 Item whether in the time of Easter last any were not confessed or did not receiue the blessed sacrament of the aultar or did reuerētly behaue themselues in the receiuing thereof 16 Item whether any do keepe any secret conuenticles preachinges lectures or readinges in matters of religion contrary to the lawes 17 Item whether any do now not duly keep the fasting and embring dayes 18 Item whether the aultars in the Churches be consecrated or no. 19 Item whether the Sacrament be caryed deuoutly to them that fall sicke with light and with a little Sacring Bell. 20 Item whether the common scholes be well kept and that the scholemaisters be diligent in teathing and be also Catholicke and men of good and vpright iudgemēt that they be examined and approued by the Ordinary 21 Item whether any do take vpon them to minister the goodes of those that be dead without authority from the Ordinary 22 Itē whether the poore people in euery parish be charitably prouided for 23 Item whether there do burne a Lampe or a Candle before the sacramēt And if ther do not that then it be prouided for with expedition 24 Item whether infantes children be brought to be confirmed in conuenient time 25 Item whether any do keepe or haue in theyr custody any erroneous or vnlawfull bookes 26 Item whether any do withhold any mony or goodes bequeathed to the amending of the high wayes or any other charitable deede 27 Item whether any haue put away theyr wyues or any wiues do withdraw thēselues from theyr husbandes being not lawfully diuorced 28 Item whether any do violate or breake the sondaies and holy dayes doing theyr daily labors exercises vpon the same 29 Item whether the Tauernes or Alehouses vpon the sondayes and holy dayes in the time of Masse matins and Euensong do keepe open theyr doores and do receiue people into theyr houses to drink and eat and therby neglect theyr dueties in comming to the church 30 Item whether any haue or do depraue or contemne the authority or Iurisdiction of the Popes holynes or the See of Rome 31 Item whether any Minstrels or any other persons do vse to sing any songes against the holy sacramēts or any other the rites and ceremonies of the church 32 Itē whether there be any hospitals within your parishes whether the foundations of them be duely truly obserued and kept And whether the charitable contributions of the same be done accordingly 33 Item whether any goodes plate iewels or possessions be taken away or withholden from the sayd Hospitals and by whom ¶ A History of tenne Martyrs condemned and burned within the Dioces of Caunterbury for the testimony of Iesus Christ and trueth of his Gospell MEntion was made a little before of the persecution in Kent pag. 1860. Where we declared that fiftene were in the Castle of Canterbury imprisoned and cōdemned for Gods word Of the which fiftene moreouer we shewed declared fiue to be famished vnto death within the said castle and buryed by the high waye about the beginning of Nouember The other tenne in the first month of the next yeare folowing which was the yeare of our Lord. 1557. were committed vnto the fire and there cōsumed to ashes by Thornton called Bishop or Suffragane of Douer otherwise called Dicke of Douer and by Nicholas Harpsfield the Archdeacon of the sayd Prouince The names of these tenne godly and Christian Martyrs be these Iohn Philpot of Tēterden W. Waterer of Bedingden Stephen Kempe of Norgate W. Haye Hythe Thomas Hudsonne of Salenge Mat. Bradbridge of Tenterden Thomas Stephens of Bedingden Nich. Finall of Tenterden W. Lowicke of Crābroke W. Prowting of Thornhā What the ordinarye articles were commonly obiected to them of Canterbury Dioces is before rehearsed Pag. 1672. saue onely that to some of these as to them that folowed after as the time of theyr persecution did growe so theyr articles withall did encrease to the number of two twenty conteining such like matter as serued to the mainteinaunce of the Romish See To these articles what theyr answeres were likewise needed here no great rehearsall seeing they all agreed together though not in the same fourme of woordes yet in much like effecte of purposes first graunting the Churche of Christ and denying the Church of Rome denying the seuen Sacramentes refusing the Masse and the hearing of Latine Seruice praying to Saynctes iustification of works c And though they did not al answere vniformely in some smaller thinges as theyr learning serued them yet in the most principall and chiefest matters they did not greatly discord c. ¶ The burning of sixe Martyrs at Caunterbury Of these tenne Godly Martyrs of Christe sixe were burned at Canterbury about the fiftene of Ianuary that is Kempe Waterer Prowting Lowike Hudson and Haye Other two that is Stephēs and Philpot at Wye about the same moneth Other two which were Finall Bradbrige were burned both together at Ashford the xvj of the same The next moneth folowing whiche was Februarye came out an other bloudy Commission from the king and Queene to kindle vp the fire of persecution as though it were not hoate enough already the contentes of whiche Commission I thought here not to pretermit not for lack of matter whereof I haue too much but that the Reader may vnderstand how kinges princes of this world like as in the first persecutions of the primitiue Church vnder Ualerianus Decius Maximian Dioclesian Licinius c. so now also in these latter perillous dayes haue set out all theyr maine force and power with lawes policy authorit to the vttermost they coulde deuise agaynst Christe and his blessed gospel And yet notwithstāding al these lawes constitutions Iniunctions and terrible proclamations prouided agaynst Christ and his Gospell Christ yet styll continueth his gospel florisheth truth preuaileth kings and Emperors in their owne purposes ouerthrown their deuises dissolued theyr counselles confounded as exāples both of this of all times ages do make manifest But now let vs heare the intent of this Commission in tenor as foloweth ¶ A bloudy Commission geuen forth by King Philip and Queene Mary to persecute the poore members of Christ. PHilip and Mary by the grace of God king Queene of England c. To the right reuerend Father in God our right trusty welbeloued Counsellour Thomas B. Elye and to our right trusty welbeloued Williā Windsore knight L. Winsore Edw. North knight L. North and to our trusty welbeloued Counsellours Io.
that day or the daye following I should haue sent thence 22. heretickes indited before the Commissioners in dede so I had compelled to beare theyr charges as I did of the other which both stoode me aboue 20. nobles a summe of money that I thought full euill bestowed And these heretickes notwithstanding they had honest Catholicke keepers to conduct and bring them vp to me and in all the way frō Colchester to Stradford of the Bow did goe quietly and obediently yet comming to Stratford they began to take hart of grace and to doe as pleased themselues for there they beganne to haue theyr garde which generally increased till they came to Algat● where they were lodged Friday night And albeit I tooke order that the sayde heretickes shoulde be with me very early on saterday mornyng to the intent they mighte quietlye come and bee examined by me yet it was ¶ The Picture of xxij godly and faythfull Christians apprehended about Colchester prisoned together in one band and so with three leaders at the most brought vp to London betweene x. and a xi of the clocke before they would come and no waye woulde they take but through Cheapside so that they were brought to my house with about a thousande Persons Which thing I tooke very strange and spake to sir Iohn Gressam then being with me to tell the Mayor and the Sheriffes that thys thing was not well suffered in the City These naughty hereticks all the way they came through Cheapside both exhorted the people to their part and had much comfort à promiscua plebe and being entred into my house and talked withall they shewed thēselues desperate and very obstinate yet I vsed al the honest meanes I could both by my self and other to haue wonne them causing diuers learned men to talke with them and finding nothing in them but pride and wilfulnes I thought to haue had them all hether to Fulham and here to geue sentence agaynst them Neuerthelesse perceiuing by my last doing that your grace was offended I thought it my duetie before I any thing further proceded herein to aduertise first your grace hereof and knowe your good pleasure whiche I beseeche your grace I may doe by thys trusty bearer And thus most humblye I take my leaue of youre good grace beseeching almighty God alwayes to preserue the same At Fulllam postridie Natiu .1556 Your graces most bounden Bedesman and seruaunt Edmond Boner By this letter of Bishop Boner to the Cardinall is to be vnderstand what good will was in this Bish. to haue the bloud of these men and to haue past with sentence of condemnation agaynst them had not the Cardinal somwhat as it seemed haue stayed his feruent headines Concerning the which Cardinal although it cannot be denyed by his Actes and writings but that he was a professed enemy and no otherwise to be reputed but for a papist yet agayne it is to be supposed that he was none of the bloudy cruell sort of papistes as may appeare not only by staying the rage of this Byshop but also by his solicitous writing and long letters written to Cranmer also by the complaintes of certayne papistes accusing him to the Pope to bee a bearer with the heretickes by the popes letters sent to him vpon the same calling him vp to Rome setting Fryer Peto in his place had not Q. Mary by special entreaty haue kept him out of the popes danger All whiche letters I haue if neede be to shewe besides also that it is thought of him that toward his latter end a little before his comming from Rome to England he begā somwhat to sauour the doctrine of Luther and was no lesse suspected at Rome Yea furthermore did there at Rome conuert a certayne learned Spanyarde from papisme to Luthers side notwithstanding the pompe and glory of the world afterward caryed him away to play the papist thus as he did But of this Cardinall enough To returne now to this godly company agayne first how they were brought vp in bandes to London ye haue heard Also how Boner was about to haue red the Sentence of death vpon them how he was stayed by the Cardinall ye vnderstand As touching their confession which they articled vp in writing it were to tedious to recite the whole at length Briefly touching the article of the Lords Supper for the whiche they were chieflye troubled thus they wrote as here followeth The supper of the Lord. WHeras Christ at his last supper took bread whē he had geuē thanks he brake it gaue it to hys disciples and sayd take eate this is my body likewise tooke the cup and thanked c. We do vnderstand it to be a figuratiue speache as the most maner of his language was in parrables darke sentences that they which are carnally minded should see with their eyes and not perceiue and heare with their eares not vnderstand signifying this that as he did breake the breade among them being but one loafe they al were partakers thereof so we through his body in that it was broken and offered vpon the crosse for vs are all partakers thereof and his bloud clenseth vs from our sinnes hath pacified Gods wrath towards vs and made the attonement betwene God vs if we walke henceforth in the light euen as he is the true light And in that he sayd further do this in the remembrance of me it is a memoriall and token of the suffering death of Iesu Christ and he commaunded it for this cause that the congregatiō of Christ should come together to shew his death and to thanke and laud him for all his benefites magnifye his holy name so to breake the bread drinke the wine in remembrance that Christ had geuen his body and shed his bloud for vs. Thus you may well perceiue though Christe called the bread his body the wine his bloud yet it followeth not that the substaunce of his body shoulde be in the bread and wine as diuers places in Scripture are spoken by Christ and the Apostles in lyke phrase of speach as in Iohn 15. I am the true vine also in Iohn the .10 I am the doore and as it is written in the 9. to the Hebrues and in Exodus 24. how Moyses tooke the bloud of the Calues and sprinckled both the booke and all the people saying This is the bloud of the couenant or Testament And also in the 5. chapter of Ezechiell how the Lord said vnto him concerning the third parte of his heare saying This is Hierusalem c. Thus we see the Scriptures how they are spoken in figures and ought to be spiritually examined and not as they would haue vs to say that the bodily presēce of christ is in the bread which is a blasphemous vnderstanding of the godly word and is contrary to all holy scriptures Also we do see
the first second thyrd fourth fift ninth tenthe twelfth they generally graunted vnto sauing that they denyed the soules of the departed to sleepe til the day of iudgement as is mentioned in the ix article And as concerning the sixt obiection they thought thē selues bound to beleue the true Catholicke Church so far foorth as the same doth instructe them according to Gods holy word but not to follow the determinations of the erroneous and Babilonicall Church of Rome As for the seuenth eight and thirtenth they vtterly denyed that euer they were of any such absurde opinions as are contayned therein but they graunted that man of him selfe without the helpe and assistance of Gods spirite hath no power to do any good thing acceptable in Gods sight To the eleuenth they sayd that true fasting and prayer vsed according to Gods word are allowable and auaylable in his sight and that by the same word euery faythfull man may eate all meates at all times with thankesgeuing to God for the same After this the first day of Aprill were they agayne conuented before the Bishop in his palace at London where little appeareth to be done excepte it were to know whether they would stand to their aunsweres whether they would recant or no. But when they refused to recant and deny the receiued and infallible truthe the Byshop caused them to be brought into the open Consistory the third day of the same moneth of Aprill in the forenone where firste vnderstanding by them their immutable constauncye and stedfastnes he demaunded particularly of euery one what they had to say why he should not pronounce the Sentence of condemnation To whom Tho. Loseby firste aunswered God geue me grace and strength to stand agaynst you your Sentence also agaynst your law which is a deuouring law for it deuoureth the flocke of Christe And I perceiue there is no way with me but death except I would consent to your deuouring law and beleeue in that Idoll the Masse Next vnto him answered Thomas Thirtell saying my Lorde I say thus if you make me an hereticke then you make Christ and all the 12. Apostles heretickes for I am in the true fayth and right beliefe I will stand in it for I know full well I shall haue eternall lyfe therefore The Byshoppe then asked the lyke question of Henry Ramsey Who sayd agayne my Lord will you haue me to go from the truth that I am in I say vnto you that my opinions be the very truth which I will stand vnto and not go from them I say vnto you farther that there are two Churches vpon the earth and we meaning himselfe other true Martyrs and professours of Christ be of the true Church and ye be not Unto this question next aunswered Margaret Hide saying my Lord you haue no cause to giue Sentence agaynst me for I am in the true fayth and opinion will neuer forsake it I do wishe that I were more stronger in it then I am Last of all aunswered Agnes Stanley sayd I had rather euery heare of my head were burned if it were neuer so much worth then that I will forsake my fayth and opinion which is the true fayth The tyme being now spent they were commaunded to appeare agayne at afternoone in the same place which commaundement being obeyed the Bishop firste called for Loseby after his accustomed maner willed his Articles answeres to be read in reading thereof when mention was made of the Sacrament of the Aultar the Bishoppe with his Colleagues put of their cappes Whereat Loseby sayd my Lord seing you put of your cappe I will put on my cappe there withall did put on his cappe And after the Bishop continuing in his accustomable perswasions Loseby agayn sayd vnto him my Lorde I trust I haue the spirite of truth which you detest and abhorre for the wisdome of God is foolishnes vnto you Wherupon the Byshop pronounced the sentence of condemnation agaynst him And deliuering him vnto the Sheriffe called for Margaret Hide with whō he vsed the like order of exhortatōs To whom notwithstanding she sayd I will not depart from my sayinges till I bee burned and my Lorde quoth she I would see you instruct me with some parte of Gods word not to geue me instructiōs of holybread and holy water for it is no part of the scripture But he being neither himselfe nor any of his able rightly to accomplish her request to make short worke vsed his final reason of conuincement which was of the sentence of condēnation And therfore leauing her off called for an other videl Agnes Stanley who vpon the Bishoppes like perswasions made this aunswere My Lord wher you say I am an heretick I am none neither yet will I beleue you nor any man that is wyse will beleue as you do And as for these that ye say bee burnt for heresie I beleue are true martyrs before God therefore I will not go from my opinion and fayth as long as I liue Her talk thus ended she receaued the like reward that the other had And the bishop then turning his tale maner of inticement vnto Thomas Thyrtel receiued of him likewise this finall aunswere My Lord I will not holde with youre Idolatrous wayes as you do for I saye the Masse is Idolatry and will sticke to my fayth and beliefe so long as the breath is in my body Upon which wordes he was also condemned as an hereticke Last of all was Henry Rāsey demanded if he would as the rest stand vnto his aunsweres or els recanting the same come home agayn and be a member of their church Whereunto he aunswered I will not go from my religiō and belief as long as I liue and my Lord quoth he your doctrine is naught for it is not agreable to Gods worde * The cruell burning of 5. Martyrs in Smithfield Three burned in Sainct Georges field in Southwarke AFter these moreouer in the month of May followed 3. other that suffered in S. Georges field in Southwark William Morant Stephen Gratwicke with one king Among other histories after the persecuted and condemned saintes of God I find the condemnation of none more straunge nor vnlawfull thē of this Stephen Gratwicke Who first was condemned by the byshopp of Wynchester and the byshop of Rochester which where not hys Ordinaryes Secondly when he did appeale from those imcompetēt Iudges to hys right Ordinary his appeale coulde not be admitted Thirdly when they had no other shifte to colour theyr inordinate proceedings with all they suborned one of the priestes to come in for a counterfayt and a false Ordinary and sit vpon him Fourthly being openly conuinced and ouerturned in his own argumentes yet the sayd Byshop of Winchester D. White neyther would yeald to the force of trueth nor suffer any of the audience assistant once to say God strengthen him Fiftly as
triall of the text Winch. And then when the bish of Winchester sawe that I cared not whether of the Translations I had he stoode vp thinking to beguile some simple man that had a booke there bad him that had an English Testament to bring it in that he might get some hold at him that should bring a testament but God disappointed him therof so he flue away from his matter and began to raile vpon me said my subtill Arguments shuld not serue for if I would not answer directly I should neuerthelesse be excommunicated for sayd he I see a madde ●oy in thine head thou gloriest muche in thy talke and thinkest nowe the people are come about thee that thou shalt encourage them with thy constant heretical opinion For the last day when thou wast before me vpon Sonday in s. Mary Oueries church thou there reprouedst my sermon haddest a thousand by thee at the lest to bid God strengthen thee but now let me see him here that dare open his mouth to bid God strēgthen thee he shall die the death that thou shalt die Grat. To that I answered my Lord I know your crueltie doth extend more largelier then your pity Good experience so I haue to say for you kepe men in prison ● yeare or two taking their bookes from them permitting thē not so muche as a Testament to looke vppon for theyr soules comfort the which all men oughte to haue and so you entreat them more like brute beastes then Christen men Winch. No syr we will vse you as we will vse the childe for if the childe will hurte himselfe with the knife we will kepe the knife from him So because you wil damne your soule with the woord therefore you shall not haue it Grat. My lord a simple argument you bring for to maintaine and couer your fault Are you not ashamed to make the woord the cause of our damnation I neuer knew any man but only you that did not affirm our sinnes to be the cause of our damnation and not the word as you say and therfore if your Argument be good then this is good also Because that some men do abuse drinke therefore the benefite of drinke should be taken from al men or any other such like good gift Winch. My lordes here we lose much time for this felow is peruerse speaking nothing but sophistrie and peruerse questions so that we can get no aduantage vpon him Then spake my Counterfait Ordinarie as one halfe a sleepe al this while yet somwhat with hast when he was awaked he began to tell his tale and sayde Counterf Read these articles against him once more and if he wil not answer them take him vpon his first words That which I said that I haue said Winch. Then the Bishop of Winchester began to reade them againe Grat. But I sayd vnto him I would not aunswere them because they were none of mine examinations but obiections of their owne making because they would haue my bloud But yet I said if they would set the lawe a part I would talke my conscience freely to them Counterf Then my counterfet Ordinarie began to speake againe charging mee with the saying of S. Peter that I should render account of such hope as was in me Grat. So can I do and yet shal I not please you for here I now render my hope as S. Peter willeth me I beleue only in Iesus Christ to haue my saluatiō in him by him and through him but I perceiue you would haue me rēder my faith in such sorte as you may haue my bloud and therfore you bring good Scriptures and euil apply them Win. Why this felow is peruerted we shal get no more at his hands then we haue already therfore lette vs pronounce sentence against him for we do but lose our time Grat. Nay good my lordes seeing you wil nedes haue my bloud let me say a little more for my selfe Upon sonday last whē I was before you you preached this which was a truth agreeable to the doctrine of the apostle s. Iames and said If any mā thinke himself a religious man in the meane time seduce his toung or hys heart the same mans religion is a vain religion and so my lord you stāding there in the pulpit in the mean time seduced your tōg to slander vs pore prisoners being there present in yron bondes burdening vs with the sect of Arrians and with the sect of Herodiās and with the sect of Anabaptists and with the sect of sacramentaries with the secte of Pelagiās And when we stoode vp to purge our selues therof you saide you would cut out our tonges cause vs to be pulled out of the church by violēce But there you gaue your selfe a shrewde blow for your toungue in the meane time slandered your neighbor For I my Lord wil geue my life against all these heresies the which you ther burdened vs withall euen as I will geue my life against that wherein I now stand before you And with that he was raging angry and caught my condemnation and said Win. Thou wilt graunt here no more but this word that I haue said I haue said and here I gather mater enough to condemne thee for this is a confirmation of all that thou hast heretofore said Grat. Then I answered If you can proue that euer any of mine examinatiōs were written it were inough but you haue nothīg agaīst me but obiectiōs of your own makīg Win. Haue at thee now If thou wil not yelde I wil pronounce sentence against thee and so he proceded forth onward apace curssing and banning in Latin so that I told him If the people might heare it in English they would thinke you an vncharitable bishop Grat. And then I said stay my Lorde and note what you doe for you haue neither temporall law nor spiritual here against me in any cause Then stepped foorth a gentleman said vnto my Lord take hede what you do for he doth hear say that you haue no title nor cause why you should condemne him Then the bish looked about him againe and asked me if I would recant I asked him whereof I should recant Then saide the bish are you there nay then I knowe what I haue to do and so he proceded forth in reading my condemnation And there was an other gentlemā which began to snap and snatch at me and then said I I would God I had knowen this or euer I had come from home I would surely haue put on breeche and not had my skin thus torne And all this while the Bishop red foorth still At last his chaplains cried stop stop my Lord for now he will recant and then the bishop asked me againe And I answered sayd my lord my faith is grounded more stedfastly then to change in a momēt it is no proces of time can alter me vnles my faith
were as the waues of the sea and so the B. made an end deliuered me into the hands of the sheriff to be caried prisoner to the Marshalsey againe And when I was condemned I desired God with a loud voice that he would not lay my bloud to their charges if it were his good will so then they refused my praier and sent me away Then I beganne to talke as I went and they cried cut out his toung or stop his mouth and so I was broughte to the Malshalsey and lapped in yron bandes Therefore I pray vnto God that they vnto whom this present wryting shal come may take example by my death and souldiour fare So be it By me Steuen Gratwicke condemned for Gods euerlasting truth HEere for want of time I haue left out many matters because the Lord hath hastened the time so that I haue wrytten but the briefnes of the matter in probation of faith and the reward of faith the which the bish of Roch. I debated vpon the whych matter I wold haue ben very glad to haue set down in wryting Also much more talke there was that the B. of Winch. and I had concerning my worldly frendes personable estate for he plaied sathan with me hee caried me vp to the mountaines and there told me my learning was good and my eloquēce and also my knowledge saue that I did abuse it saide he and then he fell to praising of my person that it was comely worthy to serue a Prince Thus Sathan flattered with me to make me aunsweare vnto such obiections as he woulde lay against me that I mighte fall into his Diocesse Thus Steuen Gratwicke this Christian Martyr being wrongfully condemned by the bish of Winchester as ye haue heard was burned with William Moraunt and one King in s. Georges field about the latter end of May. Seuen godlye Martyrs v. women and ij men burned at Maidstone for the word of truth and professing of sincere religion of Christ. I Shewed a litle before how after the vnmerciful proclamation was sent set forth by the K. and Quene in the month of Febr. last the storme of persecution began in all places to rise whereof some part also is declared before but yet in no place more thē in the country dioces of Cāt. by reason of certaine the aforesaid inquisitors being now armed with authority but especially by reasō of Ric. Thornton Suffragan of Douer and the Archd. of Cant. who of their owne nature were so furious and fierye against the harmles flocke of Christ that there was no nede of any proclamation to stir vp the coles of their burning crueltie by reason wherof many a godly Saint lieth slaine vnder the altare as in diuers places of this booke wel may appeare And now to returne to the said dioces of Cant. againe in the next moneth following being the month of Iune the 18. day of the same were 7. Christian true faithfull martirs of christ burned at Maidst whose names here folow Ioane Bradbridge of Stapleherst Walter Appelbie of Maidstone Petronil his wife Edmund Alen of Fritenden Katherine his wife Ioane Mannings wyfe of Maidstone Elizabeth a blinde Maiden As concerning the generall Articles commonly obiected to them in the publicke Consistory the order of theyr cōdemnation it differeth not much from the vsuall maner expressed before pag. 1585. neither did their aunsweares in effect much differre from the other that suffered vnder the same Ordinarie in the foresaid dioces of Canterburie Now as touching their accusers and maner of apprehension and their priuate cōflicts with the aduersaries I finde no great matter comming to my hands saue only of Edmund Alen some intimation is geuē men how his trobles came what was his cause and aunsweres before the Iustices as here consequently ye shall vnderstand The examination of Edmund Alen. THis Allen was a milner of the parish of Frytenden in Kent and in a deare yere when as many poore people were like to starue he fed them and solde his corne better cheape by halfe then others did and did not that only but also fedde them with the foode of life reading to them the scriptures and interpreting them This being known to the popish priests there abou ts dwelling by the procurement of them namely of Iohn Tailor parson of Fritenden and Thomas Henden parson of Stapleherst he was eftsones cōplained off to the Iustices and brought before syr Iohn Baker Knight who first sending for them committed both him and his wife to Ward but not long after they were let out I know not how so went ouer vnto Calice Whereafter that he had continued a certaine space he began to be troubled in conscience there meeting with one Iohn Web of the same parish of Fritēden who was likewise fled from the tirāny of sir Iohn Baker and parson Tailor said vnto him that he could not be in quiet there what soeuer the cause was for God saide he hadde some thing to do for him in Englād thus shortly he returned home again to the parish of Fritenden Where was a cruel Priest there Parson called Iohn Tailor This parson Tailor being infourmed by his brother Sertan that Edmund Allen the Miluer his wife were returned and were not at masse time in the churche as he was the same time in the midst of his masse vpon a Sonday a little before the eleuation as they terme it euen almost at the lifting vp of his Romish God he turned him to the people in a great rage and commanded them with all spede to go vnto their house and apprehend them and he wold come to them with as much hast as might be possible Which promise he well performed For he had not so soone made an end of Ite missa est and the vestments of his back but by and by he was at the house and there laying hande of the said Alen caused him againe to be brought to sir Ih. Baker with a greuous complaint of his exhorting reading the scriptures to the people and so was he his wife sent to Maidstone prison Witnessed by Richard Fletcher Uicare of Crambroke and Iohn Webbe of Fritenden They were not so soone in prisone but maister Baker immediately sent vnto their house certaine of his mē Ih. Doue Thomas Best Thomas Linley Perciuall Barbel with the foresaide Iohn Tailor parson of Fritenden and Thomas Henden Parson of Stapleherst to take an inuentorie of all the goodes that were in the house Where they found in the bedstraw a casket locked with a padlocke so cutting the wist therof opened it and founde therein a sackecloth bagge of money containing the summe of 13. or 14. pound partly in gold partly in siluer Which money after they had told and putte in the bagge againe like good caruers for themselues they caried away with them Besides also they found
them for troubling the countrey any more And so I was brought to the Marshalsea where I now am mery God be praised therfore loking for iudgement of my flesh for they intende to dispatch me shortly if God will geue them leaue but God hath theyr hearts in his hāds and they can do nothing to me but as God wil geue them leaue Wherefore I commit my cause to God onely and I am sure there shall not one haire of my head pearish without my heauenly fathers wil althogh I bide neuer so much trouble Iob pearished not for all his trouble although God gaue the deuil leaue to trouble and try him diuers many waies as God hath suffered his members to trouble and trie mee diuers and many waies I praise God They shall as little preuaile against my faith I haue no mistrust as the deuil preuailed not against Iob whatsoeuer they doe with my goodes life or body For he that kept Iob in al his trouble neither slombreth nor slepeth but keepeth me all his electe that whether we liue or die it shall be to the praise and glory of God For if we liue we liue at the Lordes wil and if we die we die to the Lordes will so whether we liue or die we are the Lordes blessed be his name therefore Wherfore dere brethren and sisters to whom this my wryting shall come be of good cheare and feare not what man can do vnto you For they can but kill the body but feare him that hath power to kill both body and soul. And yet once againe I bid you be of good cheare For the Sheriffe with diuers other Gentlemen and Priests whilest I was at the Sheriffes house said to me that all the heretikes in the coūtrey hong on me as the people did in times past vpon S. Augustine or S. Ambrose or such like Wherfore said they looke well on it you haue a great thing to aunswer for To the which I answered I pray God lay nothing more to my charge then he will doe for heresie as I am sure he will not For he hath set my sinnes as far from me as it is from the East to the West So that I am sure they shall neuer come neare to mee anye more Yea that they call heresie wee serue God withall And I am sure there is no man nor woman that hangeth on me but on God But yet that is their imaginations and thoughtes that if they might winne me to them they should winne a great many likewise and thinking to kill mee if they can not win me as I trust in God and am sure they shall neuer by Gods grace if it were possible to kill me x. times for I am so linked to Christ in a chaine by Faith that it is vnpossible for men to loose vs a sunder neither for life nor death I praise my Lord God therfore And no dout their full intent and purpose is to kill me thinking thereby to make other afraide Which death of my body were best of al for me if God were so pleased But if I may liue for the comfort of other his name be praised therefore I knowe what he can doe but what he will do I know not But if death be offred me so that I can not refuse it without displeasing of God I trust in God I shal not offēd my brethren in receiuing of death but shall be rather an occasion of the strengthening of their faith by chusing receiuing of it and that with ioy For as Christ hath geuen hys life for vs so ought we to geue our liues for the defence of the gospel and comfort of our brethren And whereas the byshop sayeth he will prooue vij sacraments be you oute of doubt he shal neuer be able to doe it no more then he hath prooued other arguments with me already Thus fare ye well frō the Marshalsey where I now am as a sheepe appoynted to be slaine God be praised therefore The second examination of Richard Woodman before the bishop of Chichester two of his Chapleines and D. Story at the last came to vs the xxvij day of Aprill FIrst I was sent for to the Marshalsey by Doctor Storie and was caried to his house besides S. Nicholas Shambles and when I had spoken to him he sent me to the bishop of Chichester and sayde he would come to him his selfe straight way and when we were in the Bishops Hall we had not taried long but the Bishop sent for me and when I came before him I did my duetie to him as much as I could Chich. Then said the Bishop You be welcome howe doe you nowe Wood. Well I praise God thanking your Lordship for the gentle talke that you hadde with me at my last departing from you Chich. Well goodman Woodman I haue sent for you of loue good wil that I bare to you to talke with you and I would haue you to tel me your minde in few woordes For in dede the last time that I talked with you our talke was so long that I fell into a great drieth thereby haue bene the worse in my body euer since Wherefore I praye you shew me your minde briefly in those particular matters that I shall demaunde of you according to your promise that you made when you were with me the last time How say you will you Wood. Yea forsooth I wil answere to any thing that you shall demaund of me by Gods helpe as wel as I can Chich. Howe say you by the vij Sacramentes for there we leaft off and there we will begin againe You sayde then there were but two How say you now to it wil you denie all sauing two Wood. I say now as I sayd then You sayd there be vij sacraments and I said I knew but two but if you could approue seuen by Gods word when I came before you again I must needes graunt thē And you said if you could not proue them by Gods word I should not beleue thē now I am come to see how well you can proue thē Here-wit● he was moued and all his Chapleines Chich. By GOD and my troth I weene he thinketh I can not proue them How say you to the sacrament of Matrimony Wood. Why my Lorde Saynt Paule sayeth to Timothy A bishop should be faultles and you vse much swearing which is a greate fault in a Byshop of all other that should be an example to the flocke Then he and his Prelates were in a great rage with me because I reproued hym for his swearing Chich. What I perceiue this man is worse then he was the last day what he taketh vpō him to teach me to speak as though I could not tell what I had to do Priest So me thinketh my Lorde he is a stout fellowe in deed as we haue seene Wood. Yea I am stout because I do that I am commaūded I
himselfe about towards the East and exhorted the people there likewise Now it chaunced on a bancke to stande three Archpapistes George Boyes Henry Barley Gray all three of Trinity Colledge This Boyes was one of the Proctors of the Uniuersity that yeare To whome Mayster Graye spake saying heare ye not maister Proctor what blasphemy this felow vttereth surely it is euil done to suffer him At whose words this Boyes spake with a loud voice M. Maior what meane ye if ye suffer him thus to talke at liberty I tell ye the Counsell shall heare of it and we take you not to be the Queenes frend He is a pernitious person and may do more harme then ye wote of Wherat simple Hullier as meeke as a Lambe taking the matter very patiently made no answere but made him ready vttering his prayer Which done he went meekely himselfe to the stake and with chaines being bound was beset with reed wood stāding in a pitchbarrell the fire being set to not marking the winde it blew the flame to his backe Thē he feeling it began earnestly to call vpon God Neuertheles his frendes perceiuing the fire to be ill kindled caused the Sergeantes to turne it and fire it in that place where the winde might blow it to his face That done there was a cōpany of bookes which were cast into the fire and by chaunce a Communion booke fell betwene his handes who receyuing it ioyfully opened it read so long as the force of the flame smoke caused him that he could see no more and then he fell agayne to prayer holding his handes vp to heauen the booke betwixte his armes next his hart thanking God for sending him it and at that time the day being a very fayre day a whote yet the winde was somewhat vp and it caused the fier to be the fiercer and when al the people thought he bad bene dead he sodenly vttered these wordes Lord Iesu receaue my spirit dying very meekely The place where he was burned is called Iesus grene not farre from Iesus Colledge Seager gaue him certeine gunpouder but little to the purpose for he was dead before it took fire All the people praied for him and many a teare was shed for him Which the Papistes seing cried he was not to be prayed for being but a dāned man it could profit him nothing neuertheles they cōtinued praying Wherat the Papistes fell in such a rage that they manaced them with terrible threatninges to ward His flesh beyng cōsumed his bones stood vpright euē as if they had bene aliue Of the people some took as they could get of him as pieces of bones One had his hart● the which was distributed so farre as it would go one took the scalpe and looked for the toung but it was consumed except the very roote One roūded him in the eare and desired him to be constaunt to the end at which he spake nothing but shewed a ioyful countenaunce and so continued both constaunt and ioyfull to the end A Note of Thomas Rede THo Rede who was burned at Lewes as it appeareth aboue pag. 1807. before he was in prison determined with himselfe to go to church The night following he sawe in a vision a company of talle young men in white very pleasant to behold to whō he would haue ioyned himself but it would not be Then he looked on himselfe and he was full of spottes therewith waked tooke hold and stood to the truth god be thanked therefore and so constantly was burned wyth his felowes as is aboue specified pag. 2095. ¶ Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper burnt at Norwich IN the Moneth of Iulye nexte ensued the Martyrdome of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper This Simon dwelling then in the Towne of Linne a Godly and zealous man in the knowledge of the Lord and of his trueth detesting and abhorring the contrary enforced Religiō thē set forth came from Linne to Norwich where he standing in the prease and hearing of the people comming out the same time from their popish seruice ended in the Churche began to aske them comming out of the Church where he might go to haue the communiō At which wordes diuers much maruelling to heare see his boldnes one that was an euill disposed Papist hearing the same said that if he would needs go to a communion he would go bring him thither where he should be sped of his purpose Wherupō shortly after hee was brought to the Chauncellour of Norwiche whose name was Dunning who after a few wordes small talk passed with this examinate committed him to Warde In the meane while as he was in examination he had in his shoo his confession written in a certein paper wherof a peece appearing aboue his shoo was spyed and taken out The Chauncellour asking if he would stand to the cōfession of the same fayth therin conteined he constantly affirmed the same Wherupō as is sayd he was committed Thus the sayd Simon being in the Bishops house vnder custody of the keper there called M. Felow how it happened it is not certayne whether by gentlenesse of the keper who was somewhat gentle that wayes or by leaue geuē of the Bishop or els whether he had cōdescended of a purpose to theyr articles he was dismissed and went home to his house at Linne Where hee continued a certayne space while he had disposed and set there all things in order That done he returned againe to the bishops house to his prison and keeper till the time at length he cōstantly abiding in his professed purpose defence of Gods trueth was by the sayd byshop and his Chauncellour cōdemned and committed to the fire about the xiij day of Iuly ¶ Elizabeth Cooper Martyr WIth this Simon Miller also was burnt one Elizabeth Cooper as is aforesayde a Pewterers Wife dwelling in Saynt Andrewes parish in Norwich where she had before recanted and beyng vnquyet for the same and greatlye troubled inwardlye at the last came into the sayd Saynt Andrewes Church the people beyng at theyr popish seruice and there standing in the same sayde she reuoked her recantation before made in that place and was hartely sorye that euer she did it willing the people not to bee deceiued neither to take her doynges before for an example c. These or suche like woordes shee spake in the Church Then cryed one Bacon of the sayd Parish laying hys armes abroade saying Mayster Shiriffe will you suffer this and repeating the same vrged hym to goe from the church to her house at whose knocking she came downe was taken and sent to prison This Shiriffe named M. Thomas Sutterton she had bene seruauntes together before in one house for the frendship he bare vnto her the more for the gospels sake he was very loth to do it but that he was inforced by those other persons before
sithens the 10. day of Ianuarie last or to vse receiue or alow any ceremonies sacramēts or other rites then vsed in the church To all these Articles he answeared affirmatiuely denieng precisely none of them sauing to this clause contained in the 12. article that a man is not bounde to fast and pray but at his owne will pleasure he sayde that he had affirmed no such thing but he confessed that he had not fasted nor prayed so oft as he was bounde to doe And vnto this answer he also subscribed in this sorte Except it be prooued otherwise by the holy Scripture I doe affirme these articles to be true By me Rafe Allerton The next examination was the fourth daye of Iulie The actes whereof because they do appeare more amply in hys other examination had the 10. daye of September I doe heere omit geuing you farther to vnderstande that vppon the seuenth daye of the same moneth of Iulie hee was brought before Doctor Darbishiere in the Byshops Palace who examined him againe vppon the former Articles and after perswaded him to recant threatning hym that otherwise he should be burned To whome he boldly answeared I woulde I mighte be condemned euen to morrowe for I perceiue my Lord meaning Boner doth nothing but seeke mennes bloud Uppon whiche sayinge Darbishire committed him againe to prisone and the 10. day of September the Bishop caused him with the other thre aboue named to be brought vnto Fulham and there in his priuate Chappell wythin his house hee iudiciallye propounded vnto him certaine other newe Articles of the whyche the tenours of the first fifte sixte and seuenth are already mentioned in the seconde thirde and fourthe former obiections as for the rest the contentes thereof here followeth Thou Rafe Allerton canst not denie but that the Information geuen against thee and remaining now in the Actes of this court of thine Ordinarie Edmunde Bishop of London was and is a true information This information was geuen by Tho. Tie Curate of Bentley of whome yee haue already heard and certaine other of the same parishe and affinitie as namelye Iohn Painter William Harris Iohn Barker Iohn Carter Thomas Candeler Ieffrey Bestwoode Iohn Richarde Richard Meere The effect whereof was that one Laurence Edwards of Bentley aforesayde had a child that was vnchristened and being demaunded by the sayde Tye whye hys childe was not Baptised he made aunsweare it should be when he coulde finde one of his religion meaning a true professour of Christes gospell Whereat the Curate sayd Ah ye haue hadde some instructer that hathe schooled yo● of late Yea quoth the sayd Edwardes that I haue and if youre doctrine be better then his then I will beleeue you and therewithall fondly offered to fetch him Wherupon the Cōstable going with him they brought before the said curate the said Rafe Allerton of whome in this information they make this reporte that he was a seditious person who sithens his comming down from the bish had set vpon the Constables doore certaine seditious Letters moouing and perswading thereby the people to folow his malicious disobedience and that these his perswasions had taken effecte in manye And farther that the saide Rafe Allerton the Curate asking him whether he had instructed thys Laurence Edwardes that it was agaynst Gods commandement to enter into the church casting abroad his hands should say Oh good people now is fulfilled the saying of the godly Priest and Prophet Esdras who sayeth The fire of a multitude is kindled against a fewe they haue taken away their houses spoiled their goods c. Which of you all haue not seen this day who is he here amongest you that seeth not all these things done vpon vs this day The church which they call vs vnto is the church of Antichrist a persecuting church and the church malignant With these and many mo words said they most maliciously and falsly alledged out of the Scriptures he thus perswaded a great multitude there present as muche as in him lay vnto disobedience For the which cause the constables did then apprehend him 3. Item thou Rafe Allerton canst not denie but that the letter sent vnto me by my Lorde Darcie beginning wyth these woordes pleaseth it your Lordship c. was thine owne letter and was subscribed by thine owne hand The contents of the letter mentioned in this Article and wrytten by Allerton vnto the Lorde Darcie was a confession of his demeanor before his first apprehension the effect and purport whereof because it appeareth in the beginning of this his Historie I doe heere omit 4. Item thou Rafe Allerton canst not deny but that the other letter sent also to me from my said Lord Darcy beginning thus pleaseth it youre Lordship c. and ending with these woordes whensoeuer it be is thine owne very letter and subscribed with thine owne hand This was also an other letter wrytten by hym vnto the Lorde Darcie the contents whereof were that where the said Lorde had commaunded him to declare where he had bene euer sithens Whitsontide last before hys first apprehension this was to certifie his Lordship that he was not able so to do otherwise then as he had already shewed him by his former letters And moreouer where as hee charged him to haue read vnto the people abroade in the woodes he certified him that he did neuer read any thyng abroad sauing once whē he was in the cōpany of George Eagles and others Richarde Roth tooke a wryting out of his bosome and desired the saide Rafe to read it which request heethen accomplished and demaunding of hym whose doing the same was the said Roth told that it was maister Cranmers late Archbishop of Canterburie and farther he could not shew him Neuertheles he was ready and willing to suffer such punishment as his lordship should thinke meete desiring yet that the same myghte be with fauour and mercye although hee feared neither punishment nor death praying the Lord that it might be in his feare when soeuer it should be 8. Item thou Rafe Allerton canst not denie but that the letters wrytten with bloud beginning with these words Grace mercy and peace c. and ending thus Farewell in God remaining nowe Registred in the Actes of thys Court were wrytten voluntarily with thine owne hand He wrote this letter in the prison with bloud for lacke of other inke and did meane to send the same vnto Agnes Smith alias Siluerside at that time imprisoned and afterwardes burned at Colchester for the testimonie of the Gospell of Christe as before is mencioned The Copie of which letter heere ensueth A letter wrytten by Rafe Allerton vnto Agnes Smith Widowe GRace mercy and peace from God the father and from our Lord Iesus Christ with the assistance of Gods holy spirite and the aboundant health both of soule and body I wish vnto you as to mine owne soule as GOD knoweth who is the searcher of all secretes Forasmuch as it hath pleased
vnto death Feare it not saith Christ for I haue ouercome death saith he Oh deare hearts seeing that Iesus Christ will be our helpe oh tary you the Lordes laisure Be strong let your hearts be of good comfort wait you stil for the Lord. He is at hand Yea the angel of the lord pitcheth his tent rounde about them that feare him and deliuereth them which way he seeth best For our liues are in the lords hands and they can doe nothing vnto vs before God suffer thē Therefore geue all thankes to God Oh deare hearts you shall be clothed with long white garments vpon the mount Sion with the multitude of Saintes and with Iesus Christ our Sauiour which will neuer forsake vs. Oh blessed virgins ye haue plaied the wise virgines part in that you haue taken oyle in your lamps that ye may go in with the bride grom when he commeth into the euerlasting ioy wyth hym But as for the folish they shal be shut out because they made not thēselues ready to suffer with Christe neither goe about to take vp his crosse O deare hearts howe precious shall your death be in the sight of the Lord for deare is the death of his saintes O fare you well and pray The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be wyth you all Amen Amen Pray pray pray By me Rich. Roth wrytten with mine bloud This letter he confessed in dede vpon the sayd examination to haue wrytten with his bloude that he meant to haue sent the same vnto suche as were condempned at Colchester for the gospel of Iesus Christ and were afterwardes burned there as ye haue already heard The bish then farther asked him what he thought hys prison fellow Rafe Allerton to be He aunsweared that he thought hym to be one of the elect children of God and that if at any time heereafter he happened to be put to death for his faith and religion hee thought he shoulde die a true Martyr And moreouer finding him selfe agreued with the Bishoppes priuie and secrete condēning of Gods people he said vnto him in this sort My Lord because the people should not see behold your doings ye cause me and others to be brought to our examinatiōs by night being afraid belike to do it by day Foure Marty●s burned at Islington The Bishop not greatly caring for this talke proceeded to examine hym of other matters amongest whiche this high and waighty thyng was one videlicet how he did lyke the order and rites of the Churche then vsed here in England To whome he said that hee euer had and yet then did abhorre the same with all his heart Then diuers of the Bishops complices entreated and perswaded him to recant and aske mercy of the bishop No quoth Roth I will not aske mercy of hym that cannot geue it Wherupon he was as the rest before mētioned condemned and deliuered vnto the Shiriffe and the xvij day of September they all most ioyfully ended their lyues in one fire at Islington for the testimonie of Christ as before is declared ¶ Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston two godly Christian women burnt at Colchester for the sincere professing of Christes Gospell A Little before gentle Reader was mention made often that suffred Martyrdome at Colchester pag. 2007. at wh●ch tyme there were two other women also one called Margaret Thurston and the other Agnes Bongeor that should haue suffered with them and were likewyse condemned at the same tyme and place that the other aboue named ten were for the like cause and aunswered also in their examinations the like in effect as the other did But the one namely Margaret Thurston that 〈◊〉 she should suffer with those that went from the Castle was for that tyme deferred What the cause was the testimonie of Io●e Cooke shal declare vnto vs. Which Io●e Cooke the wife now of Iohn Sparke beyng then in the castle of Colchester for religion did demaund of this widow Thurston whose husband died in the prison being imprisoned for religion wherefore the sayd Margaret beyng a condemned woman should be reserued when the other suffred in the Castle Baily She aunswered that it was not for any feare of death but beyng prepared as the rest were that suffered the same day she felte in her selfe a great shiuering and trembling of the flesh Whereuppon forsaking the company she went aside to pray And whilest she was a praying she thought that she was lifted vp with a mighty wynd that came round about her Euen at that instant came in the Gaoler and company with hym whilest she turned her selfe to fetch her Psalter they tooke the other prisoners and left her alone Shortly after shee was remooued out of the Castle and put into the Towne prison where she continued vntill Friday seuennight after her company were burnt That day not two howers before her death she was brought to the Castell agayne where shee declared thus much to the aforesayde Ioane Cooke The other named Agnes Bongeor who should haue suffred in like maner with the 6. that went out of Motchal was also kept backe at that tyme but not in lyke sort because her name was wrong written within the writte as in the Bailiffes letters of Colchester sent to Boner about the same more plainely doth appeare in the booke of our first edition pag. 1632. The same morning the 2. of August that the sayd sixe in Motehall were called out to goe to their Martyrdome was Agnes Bongeor also called with them by the name of Agnes Bowyer Wherefore the Bailiffes vnderstāding her as I sayd to be wrong named within the writ commanded the sayd Agnes Bongeor to prison agayne as ye haue heard in the letter before named and so from Motehall that day sent her to the Castle where shee remayned vntill her death But when she saw her selfe so separated from her sayd prison fellowes in that sort Oh good Lord what piteous mone that good woman made how bitterly shee wepte what strange thoughts came into her mynde how naked and desolate she esteemed her selfe and into what plunge of dispayre and care her poore soule was brought it was piteous and wonderful to see which all came because she went not with them to geue her lyfe in the defence of her Christ for of all thyngs in the world lyfe was least looked for at her hands For that morning in which she was kept backe from burnyng had she put on a smocke that she had prepared onely for that purpose And also hauyng a child a little yong Infant suckyng on her whom she kept with her tenderly all the tyme she was in prison agaynst the day likewyse did she send it away to another Nurse and prepared her selfe presently to geue her selfe for the testimonie of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ. So little did shee looke for lyfe and so greatly did Gods gifts worke in her aboue nature that death seemed a
the Guildhall in Norwich where shee remayned vntill her death This Cicelie Ormes was a very simple woman but yet zelous in the Lordes cause beyng borne in East Deram and was there the daughter of one Thomas Haund Tailor She was taken the v. day of Iuly and dyd for a twelue month before she was taken recant but neuer after was she quiet in conscience vntill she was vtterly driuen from all their Poperie Betweene the tyme she recanted and that she was taken she had gotten a letter made to geue to the Chancellor to let hym know that she repēted her recantation from the bottome of her hart would neuer do the like again while she liued But before she exhibited her bil she was taken sent to prison as is before sayd She was burnt the 23. day of September betweene 7. and 8. of the clocke in the morning the sayd two shirifes being there and of people to the number of 200. When she came to the stake she kneeled downe and made her prayers to God That beyng done she rose vp and sayde good people I beleeue in God the father God the sonne and God the holy ghost three persons and one God ¶ The burnyng of Cicelie Ormes at Norwich ¶ The trouble and disturbance among good men and women at Lichfield AFter the death and Martyrdome of maistresse Ioyce Lewys a little aboue specified diuers good men and women in the same towne of Lichfield were vexed and in trouble before the Bishop and his Chauncellor for kissing the sayd Ioyce Lewys and drinking with her about the tyme of her death the names of which persones were these Ioane Loue Elizabeth Smith Margaret Biddell Helene Bouring Margaret Cootesfote Nich. Bird Ioh. Hurlstone and his wyfe Agnes Glyn Agnes Glouer Agnes Penyfather c. These with other were produced to their examination before the Bishop his Chācellor for the cause aboue named and therefore adiudged for heretikes for that they did pray and drinke with the sayd maistresse Lewys but especially Agnes Penyfather sustained the most trouble for that she accompanied the sayde Ioyce Lewys goyng to her death Whiche Agnes beyng examined further of the sayd Bishop what words she had spoken to two priestes of the church of Lichfield called Iohn Adye and Iames Foxe concernyng the sayd Ioyce Lewys after her burnyng sayd as followeth that she beyng asked by the said two priests beyng at her fathers house in the Citie of Lichfield at such tyme as she came frō the burning of the sayd Ioyce Lewys wherefore shee the sayd Agnes did weep for such an heretike meanyng Ioice Lewys whose soule sayd they was in hell the sayd Agnes Penyfather to the demaund made this aunswer that she thought the sayde blessed Martyr to bee in better case then the sayde two Priestes were With the which wordes she beyng charged and willed to submit her selfe as the other had done aboue rehersed to such penaunce as they should inioyne vnto her refused so to do and therfore was commaunded to close prison the shiriffes beyng charged with her vnder payne of one hundred poundes that none should haue any accesse vnto her At length at the perswasion of her friendes shee was compelled to doe as the other had done before And thus much concernyng thyngs done at Lichfield ¶ The Persecution and crueltie exercised by the Papistes in the Diocesse of Chichester ANd now from Lichfield to come to Chichester although we haue but little to report thereof for lacke of certaine relation and recordes of that countrey yet it seemeth no little trouble and persecution there also to haue raged as in other countreys For what place was there almost in all the Realme where the Popes ministers did not besturre them murtheryng some or other as in the Acts of this ecclesiastical history may sufficiently appeare Wherfore as this plague of the popes tiranny was generall to all other people and countries of England so likewyse in the Diocesse of Chichester diuers and many there were condemned and martyred for the true testimony of righteousnesse within the compasse of Queene Maries raigne In the number of whom were these Martyrs Iohn Foreman of Estgrimsted Iohn Warner of Berne Christian Grouer of the Archdeaconry of Lewys Thomas Athoth Priest Thomas Auyngton of Erdinglie Dennis Burgis of Buxsted Thomas Rauensdale of Rie Iohn Milles of Hellinglegh Nich Holden of Withiam Iohn Hart of Withiam Margery Morice of Hethfield Anne Trie of Estgrenested Iohn Oseward of Woodmancote Thomas Harland of Woodmancote Iames Morice of Hethfield Tho. Dougate of Estgrenested Iohn Ashedon of Ketherfield The greatest doers against these godly and true faithfull Martyrs and sitters vpon their condemnation were these Christopherson the Bishop after Day Rich. Brisley Doctour of Lawe and Chauncellour of Chichester Rob. Taylor Bacheler of Lawe his Deputy Tho. Paccard Ciuilian Anth. Clarke Albane Langdale Bach. of Diuinitie c. ¶ The examination of Thomas Spurdance one of Queene Maries seruaunts before the Chauncellour of Norwich THe Bishops Chauncellour did aske me if I had bene with the priest and confessed my sinnes vnto him And I sayd no I had confessed my sinnes to God and God sayeth In what hower so euer a sinner doth repent and be sory for his sinnes and aske hym forgeuenes willyng no more so to doe he will no more recken his sinne vnto him and that is sufficient for me Then sayd the Chancellor Thou deniest the Sacrament of penance I said I deny not penance but I deny that I shoulde shew my sinnes vnto the priest Then sayd the Chancellor that is a deniyng of the sacrament of penance Write this Article Haue you receiued the blessed sacrament of the aulter sayd he at this tyme of Easter And I sayd no. And why haue ye not sayth he I said I dare not meddle with you in it as you vse it Why do not we vse it truly sayd he I sayde no for the holy supper of the Lord serueth for the Christen congregation and you are none of Christes members therfore I dare not meddle with you least I be like vnto you Why are wee none of Christes members sayde the Chancellor I sayd because you teache lawes contrary to Gods lawe What lawes are those sayd he I sayd these 3. articles that you sweare the people vnto here be false and vntrue and you do euill to sweare the people vnto them Then sayd hee Good people take no heede vnto hys words for he is an heretike teacheth you disobedience and so he would no more speake of that matter Then said he how beleuest thou in the blessed Sacrament of the aultar doest thou not beleeue that after it is consecrated it is the very same body that was borne of the virgin Mary I sayd no not the same body in substance for the same body hath a substance in flesh bloud and bones and was a bloudy sacrifice and this is a dry sacrifice And I sayd
is the Masse a sacrifice Unto which a D. answered that sate by him it is a sacrifice both for the quicke and the dead Then sayd I no it is no sacrifice for s. Paul saith that Christ made one sacrifice once for all and I doe beleeue in none other sacrifice but only in that one sacrifice that our Lord Iesus Christ made once for all Then sayd the D. that sacrifice that Christ made was a wet sacrifice and the Masse is a dry sacrifice Then sayde I that same drye sacrifice is a sacrifice of your own making it is your sacrifice it is none of mine Then sayd the Chancellor he is an heretike he denieth the sacrament of the aulter Then sayd I will ye know how I beleeue in the holy supper of our Lord And he sayd yea Then sayd I I beleue that if I come rightly worthily as God hath commaunded me to the holy supper of the Lorde I receiue him by fayth by beleeuyng in hym But the bread beyng receiued is not God nor the bread that is yonder in the pixe is not God God dwelleth not in tēples made with hands neither will be worshipped wyth the works of mens hands And therfore you do very euill to cause the people to kneele down and worship the bread for God did neuer bid you hold it vp aboue your heades neither had the Apostles such vse Then sayd the Chauncellour he denyeth the presence in the sacrament Write this Article also He is a very heretike Then sayd I the seruant is not greater then his maister For your predecessors killed my maister Christ the Prophets and Apostles and holy vertuous men nowe you also kil the seruants of Christ so that al the righteous bloud that hat hath bene shed euen from righteous Abell vntill this day shall be required at your hands Well said the Chancellor haue him away Another examination of Spurdance before the Bishop in his house THe B. sayd sirrha doest thou not beleue in the catholike fayth of holy Church And I sayd I beleue Christes catholike church Yea sayd he in Christes church of the which the Pope is the head Doest thou not beleeue that the Pope is supreme hed of the catholike church And I sayd no. I beleue not that he should bee aboue the Apostles if hee take them to be his predecessors For when there came a thought among the Apostles who shuld be the greatest when their maister was gone Christ aunswered them vnto their thoughtes The Kinges of the earth beare domination aboue other but ye shall not so doe for hee that will be greatest among you shall become seruaunte vnto you all How is it then sayde I that hee will climbe so high aboue his fellowes And also wee were sworne by my Maister King Henries tyme that wee should to the vttermost of our power neuer consent to hym again And therefore as he hath nothyng to doe here in Englande so neyther in his owne countrey more then a Bishop hath in his Dioces Yea sayd the B. what of that We were then in error sinne now we are in the right way agayne and therefore thou must come home again with vs and knowledge thy fault and become a christian man and be sworne vnto the Pope as our supreme head Wilt thou be sworne vnto the Pope How sayst thou Then I sayd no I warrant you by the grace of God not as long as I liue For you cannot prooue by the scripture that the Pope is head of the church and may do therin what him list No sayde he yes I trowe For as the Belweather whiche weareth the Bell is head of the flocke of sheepe euen so is the Pope the head of the Church of Christ. And as the Bees in the hiue haue a maister Bee when they are gone out to bring them home againe to the hiue euen so the Pope when we be gone astray and wandered from the fold from the hiue c. then is ordeined our head by succession of Peter to bring vs home againe to the true church as thou now my good fellow hast wandred long out of the way like a scattered sheepe c. Heare therefore that Belwether the maister bell c. come home with vs to thy mother the true church againe Unto whom I aunswered My Lord all this is but naturall reason no scripture but since ye cannot prooue the Pope to be authorised by scripture ye aunswer not me as I thought ye would Ha sayd he I see well ye be stout and will not be answered therfore ye shall be compelled by law whether ye will or no. My Lord sayd I so did your forefathers intreat Christ and his Apostles They had a law and by their lawe they put hym to death and so likewyse you haue a law which is tyrannie by that would ye inforce me to beleue as you doe But the Lord I trust will assist me agaynst all your beggerly ceremonies and make your foolishnesse knowen to all the world one day Then sayd he when were ye at church went in procession and did the ceremonies of the church And I sayd neuer since I was borne No sayd he How old are you And I sayd I thinke about xl Why said he how did you vse your selfe at Church xx yeres ago I sayd as you do now And euen now said he you sayd you did not the Ceremonies since you were borne No more I did sayd I since I was borne a newe as Christ sayd vnto Nicodemus except ye be borne a newe ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heauen Then sayd a D. that sate by he is a very Anabaptist for that is their opinion playne No sir you say falsely sayd I for I am no Anabaptist for they denye Children to bee Baptised and so doe not I. Well sayd the B. why doest thou not go to the church and do the ceremonies And I sayd because they be contrary to Gods worde and lawes as you your selfe haue taught but nowe you say it is good agayne and I thinke if there were a returne to morrow you would say that is false again which you hold now Therfore I may well say there is no truth in you Then sayd the B. thou art a stubborne fellow and an heretike and a Traitor No sayde I I am no Traitour for I haue done I thinke better seruice to the crowne imperiall of England then you If you had done so good seruice said he you would be obedient to the lawes of the Realme So I am sayd I. There is no man alyue I thanke God to accuse me iustly that euer I was disobedient to any ciuill lawes But you must consider my Lord that I haue a soule and a body my soule is none of the Queenes but my body and my goods are the Queenes And I must geue God my soule and all that belongeth vnto it that is I must do the law and commandements
taught What can I do more Consider with your selues that I haue done it for the confirmation of Gods trueth Pray that I may continue vnto the end The greatest part of the assault is paste I prayse my God I haue in all my assaultes felt the present ayde of my God I geue him most harty thankes therefore Looke not backe nor be ye ashamed of Christes Gospell nor of the bonds I haue suffered for the same thereby ye may be assured it is the true word of God The holy ones haue bene sealed with the same marke It is no time for the losse of one man in the battell for the campe to turne backe Vp with mennes hartes blowe downe the dawbed walles of heresies Let one take the Banner and the other the Trumpette I meane not to make corporall resistaunce but pray and ye shall haue Elias defence and Elizeus company to fight for you The cause is the Lordes Nowe my brethren I can write no more time will not suffer and my harte with panges of death is assaulted but I am at home with my God yet aliue Pray for me salute one another with the holy kisse The peace of god rest with you all Amen From Newgate prison in haste the day of my condemnation Iohn Rough. An other letter of Iohn Rough written vnto the Congregation two dayes before he suffered THe spirite of all consolation be with you ayde you and make you strong to runne to the fight that is layde before you wherewithall God in all ages hath tryed hys elect and hath found them worthy of himselfe by copling to theyr head Iesus Christ in whome who so desireth to liue Godly the same must needes suffer persecution For it is geuen vnto them not onely to beleeue but also to suffer And the Seruaunt or Scholer can not be greater then his Lord or Mayster but by the same way the head is entered the members must folow no life is in the members which are cutte from the body likewise we haue no life but in Christ for by him we liue moue and haue our being My deare sonne now departing this life to my great aduauntage I make chaūge of mortality with immortality of corruption to put on incorruption to make my body like to the corne cast into the ground which except it die first it can bring forth no good fruite Wherefore death is to my great vauntage for therby the body ceaseth from sinne and after turneth into the first originall but after shall be chaunged and made brighter then the Sonne or Moone What shall I write of this corporall death seeing it is decreed of God that all men shall once die happy are they that die in the Lord which is to dye in the fayth of Christ professing and confessing the same before many witnesses I prayse my God I haue passed the same iourney by manye temptations the deuill is very busye to perswade the world to entise with promises and fayre wordes which I omitte to write least some might thinke I did hunt after vayne glorye whiche is farthest from my hart Lastly the daunger of some false brethren who before the Byshop of London purposed to confesse an vntrueth to my face yet the God that ruled Balaam moued theyr hartes where they thought to speake to my accusation hee made them speake to my purgation What a iourney by Gods power I haue made these eight dayes before this date it is aboue flesh and bloud to beare but as Paule sayth I may do all thinges in hym which worketh in me Iesus Christ. My course brethrē haue I run I haue fought a good fight the crowne of righteousnes is layd vp for me my daye to receiue it is not long too Praye Brethren for the enemye doth yet assaulte Stande constaunt vnto the ende then shall you possesse your Soules Walke worthely in that vocation wherein you are called Comfort the Bretheren Salute one another in my name Be not ashamed of the Gospell of the Crosse by me preached nor yet of my suffering for with my bloud I affirme the same I go before I suffer first the bayting of the Butchers Dogges yet I haue not done what I should haue done but my weaknes I doubt not is supplied in the strēgth of Iesus christ and your wisedomes learning will accept that small talent which I haue distributed vnto you as I trust as a faythfull stewarde and if what was vndone impute that to my frayltye and ignoraunce and with your loue couer that which is and was naked in me God knoweth ye all are tender vnto me my hart bursteth for the loue of you Ye are not without your great pastor of your soule who so loueth you that if men were not to bee sought out as God be praysed there is no want of men he would cause stones to minister vnto you Cast your care on that Rock the wind of temptation shall not preuayle fast and praye for the dayes are euill Looke vp with your eyes of hope for the redemption is not farre off but my wickednesse hath deserued that I shall not see it And also that which is behind of the bloud of our brethren which shall also be layd vnder the aulter shall crye for your reliefe Time wil not now suffer me to write longer Letters The spirite of God guid you in and out rising sitting couer you with the shadow of his winges defend you agaynst the tyrannye of the wicked and bring you happely vnto the Porte of eternall felicitye where all teares shall be wyped from your eyes and you shall alwayes abyde wyth the Lambe Iohn Rough. ¶ Margaret Mearing Martyr IT is declared that in the companye of Iohn Roughe was burned one Margaret Mearyng who as the Register maketh mention was at one time and day brought wyth the sayde Rough foorth to examination where the Byshop hauynge no priuate matters to charge her withall did the eightenth daye of December obiecte agaynste her those common and accustomable Articles mentioned before pag 1585. To which she aunswered as followeth FIrst that there is here in earth a catholicke Churche and that there is the true fayth of Christ obserued and kept in the same Church 2 Item that there were onely two sacramentes in the Church namely the sacrament of the bodye and bloud of Christ and the sacrament of Baptisme 3 Item that she was baptised in the fayth beliefe of the sayd Church renouncing there by her Godfathers and Godmothers the Deuill and all his workes c. 4 Item that when she came to the age of fouretene yeares shee did not knowe what her true beliefe was because shee was not then of discretion to vnderstande the same neyther yet was taught it 5 Item that she had not gone from the catholicke fayth at any time but she sayde that the Masse was abhominable before the sight of God and before the sight of all true Christian people and that it is the
one time wyth the rest examined and brought before the sayde Byshop who aunswered no lesse in his Maysters cause then the other and therfore had the like rewarde that the other had which was the Byshops bloudy blessing of condemnation and deliuered also to the Seculare power who kept him with the other vntill the day of slaughter which hasted on and was not long after Thomas Hudson was of Ailesham in Norfolke by his occupation a Glouer a very honest poore manne hauing a wife and three children and laboured alwayes truly and dilligently in hys vocation being of thirtye yeares of age and bearing so good a will to the Gospell that he in the dayes of king Edward the 6. two yeares before Q. Maryes raygne learned to read Englishe of Anthony Thomas Norgate of the same Towne wherin he greatly profited about the tyme of alteration of Religion For when Queene Mary came to raygne and had chaunged the seruice in the Churche putting in for wheate draffe and darnill and for good preaching blasphemous crying out agaynst truthe and godlinesse he then auoyding all theyr ceremonies of superstition absented hymselfe from hys house and went into Suffolkl a longe tyme and there remayned trauelling from one place to an other as occasion was offered At the last hee returned backe agayne to Northfolke to his house at A●lesham to comfort his wyfe and children being heauy and troubled with hys absence Nowe when he came home and perceiued hys contynuance there would be daungerous he and hys wife deuised to make hym a place among hys fagottes to hide him selfe in where he remayned all the day in steede of hys chamber reading and praying continually for the space of halfe a yeare and his wife lyke an honest woman being carefull for hym vsed her selfe faythfullye and dillygently towards him In the meane time came the Uicare of the Town named Berry who was one of the Byshoppes Commissaries a very euill manne and inquired of this sayd Thomas Hudsons wife for her husband Unto whom he answered as not knowing where hee was Then the sayde Berry rated her and threatned to burne her for that shee would not bewraye her husbande where hee was After that when Hudson vnderstoode it hee waxed euerye day more zelous then other and continually read sange Psalmes to the wonder of many the people openlye resorting to him to heare hys exhortations and vehement prayers At the last he walked abroad for certayne dayes openly in the Towne crying out continually agaynst the Masse and all theyr trumpery and in the ende commyng home in hys house he sate him downe vpon hys knees hauyng his book by hym reading and singing Psalmes continually without ceassing for three dayes and three nightes together refusing meate and other talke to the great wonder of many Then one Iohn Crouch his next neighbour went to the Constables Robert Marsham and Robert Lawes in the night to certifie them thereof for Berry commanded openly to watche for hym and the Constables vnderstanding the same went cruelly to catche hym in the breake of the day the xxii of the moneth of Aprill Anno 1558. Now when Hudson saw them come in he sayd Now myne houre is come Welcome frendes welcome You bee they that shall leade me to lyfe in Christ I thanke GOD therefore and the Lorde enhable me thereto for hys mercyes sake For his desire was and euer he prayed if it wer the Lordes will that hee might suffer for the Gospell of Christ. Then they tooke him and lead him to Berry the Commissarye whiche was Uicar of the towne and the sayde Berrye asked him first where hee kepte hys Church for foure yeares before To the whiche the sayde Hudson answered thus where so euer he was there was the church Doest thou not beleue sayth Berry in the sacramente of the aultar What is it Hudson It is wormes meate my beliefe saythe hee is in Christ crucified Berry Doest thou not beleeue the Masse to putte awaye sinnes Hudson No God forbidde it is a patched monstre and a disguised Puppet more longer a peecing then euer was Salomons Temple At whiche wordes Berry stamped fumed and shewed himself as a mad man and sayd well thou villayn thou I wil write to the B. my good Lord and trust vnto it thou shalt be handled according to thy desertes Oh sir sayde Hudson there is no Lorde but God though there be many Lordes and many Gods With that Berry thrust hym backe with hys hand And one Richard Cliffar standing by sayde I pray you sir bee good to the poore man At which wordes Berry was more mad then before and woulde haue had Cliffer bound in a recognysaunce of 40. poundes for hys good abearyng bothe in worde and deede whiche his desire tooke no effecte Then he asked the sayd Hudson whether he would recant or no. Unto whiche wordes Hudson sayde the Lorde forbid I had rather dye many deathes then to do so Then after long talke the sayde Berry seeing it booted not to perswade with him tooke hys penne and inke and wrote letters to the Bishop thereof and sent this Hudson to Norwiche bound like a theefe to him whiche was 8. miles from thence who with ioy and singing chere wēt thether as mery as euer he were at anye tyme before In prison he was a month where hee dyd continually read inuocate the name of God These three Christians and constaunt Martyrs William Seaman Thomas Carman and Thomas Hudson after they were as ye haue heard condemned the xix day of May. 1558. were caryed out of prison to the place where they should suffer whyche was without Byshoppes gate at Norwich called Lollards Pit And being al there they made their humble prayers vnto the Lorde That beyng done they rose and went to the stake and standing al ther with their chaynes about them immediately this sayde Thomas Hudson commeth foorth from them vnder the Chayne to the great wonder of many whereby diuers feared and greatly doubted of hym For some thought hee would haue recanted other iudged rather that he went to aske a further day and to desire conference and some thought he came forth to aske some of hys parentes blessing So some thought one thinge and some an other but hys two companions at the stake cryed out to him to comforte him what they coulde exhorting him in the bowelles of Christ to be of good cheare c. But this sweete Hudson felt more in hys heart and conscience then they could conceaue in him For alas good soule hee was compassed God knoweth with great dolour and griefe of minde not for hys death but for lacke of feeling of his Christ and therefore beyng verye carefull he humbly fell downe vppon his knees and prayed vehemently and earnestly vnto the Lord who at the last according to hys olde mercies sent him comfort and thē rose he with great ioy as
a man new chaunged euen from death to life and sayd Now I thanke God I am strong and passe not what man can do vnto me So going to the stake to his fellowes agayne in the end they all suffered most ioyfully constātly and manfully the deathe together and were consumed in fire to the terror of the wicked the comforte of Gods Children and the magnifiyng of the Lordes name who be praysed therfore for euer Amen Three godly Martyrs burned at Norwich After this the forenamed Commissarye Berry made great stirre about other which were suspected within the sayd towne of Aylsham and caused two hundred to creep to the crosse at Penticost besides other punishmentes which they sustayned On a tyme this Berry gaue a poore man of his parish of Marsham a blowe with the swingell of a flayle for a worde speaking that presently thereon he dyed and the sayd Berry as is sayd held vpp his hande at the Barre therefore Then after that in his parishe of Aylesham also ann 1557. there was one Alice Oxes came to his house and going into the Hall hee meeting her being before moued smote her with his fist whereby shee was fayne to be caryed home and the next day was founde dead in her chamber To write how many concubines and whores he had none would beleue it but such as knew him in the countrey he dwelt in He was riche and of great authoritie a great s●earer altogether geuen to women and persecuting the Gospell and compelling men to idolatry One Iohn Norgate a man learned godly and zelous who would not goe to their trashe but rather dye being sore hunted by the sayd Berry prayed hartely to God and the Lorde shortly after in a consumption deliuered hym Notwithstanding the rage of this wicked manne waxed more fiercer and fiercer Hee troubled sundry men burnt all good bookes that he could get and diuorsed many men and women for religion When he heard say that Queene Mary was dead and the glory of theyr triumph quayled the sonday alter being the xix of Nouember an 1558. he made a great feast had one of hys concubines there with whome he was in his chamber after dinner vntill Euensong Then went he to Church where hee had ministred Baptisme and in going from Church homeward after euensong betwene the churchyard and his house being but a little space as it were a churchyarde bredth asunder he fell downe sodainly to the ground with a heauy grone and neuer stirred after neyther shewed any one token of repentaunce Thys hapned his neighbors being by to the example of al other The Lord graunt we may obserue his iudgementes And those that had his great riches since his death haue so consumed with them that they be poorer now then they were before they had his goodes such iudgement hath the Lord executed to the eyes of all men At that tyme one Dunning Chauncellor of Lincolne which in some part of Queene Maryes dayes was Chācellor of Norwiche and a very mercilesse tyrant as liued died in Lincolnshyre of as sodayne a warning as the sayd Berry dyed Thus haue I shewed thee good reader the constancie boldnes and glorious victory of these happy Martyrs as also the tyrannicall cruelty of that vnfortunate Commissary and his terrible end The Lorde graunt wee may all effectually honour the iudgementes of God and feare to displease his holy Maiesty Amen The persecution of mother Seman ABout this tyme or somewhat before was one Ioane Seman mother to the foresayd William Seman being of the age of 66. yeares persecuted of the sayde Syr Iohn Tyrrell also out of the towne of Mendlesham aforesayd because she would not goe to masse and receyue agaynst her conscience Which good old woman being frō her house was glad sometime to lye in bushes groues fieldes and sometyme in her neighhors house when shee could And her husband beyng at home about the age of 80. yeares fell sicke and she hearing thereof with speede returned home to her house agayn not regarding her life but considering her duetie and shewed her dilligence to her husband most faythfully vntill God tooke him awaye by death Then by Gods prouidence she fell sicke also and departed this lyfe within her owne house shortly after And when one M. Simondes the Commissarye heard of it dwelling thereby in a towne called Thorndon he commaunded straitely that she shuld be buryed in no Christian buriall as they call it where through her frendes wer compelled to lay her in a pit vnder a motes side Her husband and she kept a good house and had a good report amongest theyr neighbours willing alwayes to receiue straungers and to comfort the poore and sicke and lyued together in the holy estate of Matrimony very honestly aboue forty yeares and shee departed thys life willingly ioyfully with a steadfast fayth and a good remembraunce of Gods promise in Christ Iesus The persecution of mother Benet IN the sayde time of Queene Mary there dwelte in the towne of Wetherset by Mendlesham aforesayde a very honest woman called mother Bennet a widowe whiche was persecuted out of the same towne because she woulde not goe to masse and other theyr beggarly ceremonyes but at rhe last shee returned home agayne secretly to her house and there departed this lyfe ioyfully But Syr I. Tyrrell M. Simondes the Commissary would not let her be buryed in the Churchyarde So was she layde in a graue by the high way side The same good old woman mother Benet in the tyme of persecution met one of the sayd mother Semans neighbours and asked her how the sayd mother Seman did she aunswered that she did very wel God be thanked Oh sayd she mother Seman hath slept a great sleepe before me for she was neuer couetous that I could perceiue Her husband in his mirth would say vnto her O woman if thou were sparing thou mightest haue saued me an C. markes more then thou hast To the whiche shee woulde aunswere agayne gently and saye O man be content and let vs be thankefull for God hath geuen vs enough if we can see it Alas good husband would shee saye I tell you truth I cannot ●irken vp my butter and keep my cheese in the chamber and wayte a great price and let the poore want and so displease God But Husband let vs be riche in good workes so shal we please the Lord haue al good thinges geuen vs. c. This good w●man of that vice of couetousnesse of all that knew her was iudged least to be spotted of any infirmitie she had The Lord roote it out of the hartes of them that be infected therwith Amen ¶ The Martyrdome of three constant and godly persons burnt at Colchester for the defence and testimony of Christes Gospell THou hast heard good Reader of the forenamed three that were burnt at Norwich whose bloud quenched
not the persecuting thurst of the Papistes For immedyately after euen the same month vpon the xxvi day was seene the like murther also at Colchester in Essex of two men and a woman lying there in prison appoynted ready to the slaughter who were brought forth the sayde daye vnto a place prepared for them to suffer and accordinglye gaue theyr liues for the testimonye of the trueth whose names likewise hereafter followeth William Harryes Richard Day Christian George These three good soules were brought vnto the stake and there ioyfully and feruently had made theyr prayers vnto the Lord. At the last being setled in theyr places and chayned vnto theyr postes with the fire flaming fiercely round about them they like constaunt Christians triumphātly praysed God within the same and offered vp their bodyes a liuely sacrifice vnto his holy Maiestie in whose habitation they haue now theyr euerlasting tabernacles his name therfore be praysed for euermore Amen The sayd Christian Georges Husbande had an other wife burnt before this Christian whose name was Agnes George which suffered as you haue heard with the thirteene at Stratford the Bow And after the death of the sayde Christian hee maryed an honest Godly woman agayne and so they both I meane the sayd Richard George and his last wife in the end were taken also and layde in prison where they remayned til the death of Queene Mary and at the last were deliuered by our most gracious soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth whom the Lorde graunt long to raygne among vs for hys mercies sake Amen In the month of Iune came out a certayne proclamation short but sharpe from the king and the Queene agaynst wholesome and godly bookes which vnder the false title of heresie and sedition here in the sayd Proclamation were wrongfully condemned By the king and Queene WHereas diuers bookes filled both with heresie sedition and treason haue of late and be dayly brought into thys Realme out of forreine countryes and places beyonde the seas and some also couertly printed within this Realme and cast abroad in sundry partes thereof whereby not onely God is dishonored but also an encouragemēt geuen to disobey lawfull princes and gouernours The king and Queenes maiesties for redres hereof doth by this theyr present Proclamation declare publish to all theyr subiectes that whosoeuer shall after the proclayming hereof be found to haue any of the sayde wicked and seditious bookes or finding them do not forthwith burne the same without shewing or reading the same to any other person shall in that case be reputed and taken for a rebell and shall wythout delay bee executed for that offence according to the order of Martiall law Geuen at our Manor of S. Iameses the sixt daye of Iune Iohn Cawood Printer The order and occasion of taking certayn godly men and women praying together in the fieldes about Islington of whom 13. were condemned by Boner after suffered in the fire for the truthes sake as in the story here following may appeare SEcretly in a backe close in the fielde by the Towne of Islington were collected and assembled together a certayne companye of Godly and innocent persons to the number of fourty men and women Who there sitting together at prayer and vertuously occupied in the meditation of Gods holy worde first commeth a certayne man to them vnknowne who looking ouer vnto them so stayed saluted them saying that they looked like men that meant no hurt Then one of the sayd company asked the man if he could tel whose close that was and whether they might be so bold there to sit Yes sayd he for that yee seeme vnto me such persons as entende no harme and so departed Within a quarter of an houre after commeth the constable of Islington named king warded with sixe or seuē other accompanying him in the same busines one wyth a bow an other with a Bill and other with theyr weapons likewise The which sixe or seuen persons the sayde Constable left a little behinde hym in a close place there to bee ready if need should be while he with one with him shuld go and view them before Who so doyng came throughe them looking and viewing what they were doyng and what bookes they had and so going a little forward and returning backe agayne bad them deliuer theyr bookes They vnderstanding that he was Constable refused not so to do With that cōmeth forth the residue of his fellowes aboue touched who bad them stande and not to departe They aunswered agayne they would be obedient ready to go whether so euer they would haue them so were they first caryed to a bruehouse but a little way of whyle y● some of the sayd souldiers ran to the Iustice next at hand But the Iustice was not at home Whereupon they were had to sir Roger Cholmley In the meane tyme some of the women being of the same number of the foresayde xl persons escaped away from thē some in y● close some before they came to the bruehouse For so they were caryed .x. with one man 8. with an other and with some moe with some lesse in such sorte that it was not hard for thē to escape that would In fine they that were caryed to Sir Roger Cholmley were 27. which Sir Roger Cholmley the Recorder taking their names in a Bill calling them one by one so many as answered to theyr names they sēt to Newgate In the whiche number of them that answered and that were sent to Newgate were 22. These 22. were in the sayde prison of Newgate seuen weekes before they were examined to whome word was sent by Alexander the keeper that if they woulde heare a Masse they should all be deliuered Of these foresayd xxii were burned 13. In Smithfield 7. at Braynford 6. IN prison 2. dyed in Whitson weeke the names of whō were Mathew Wythers T. Taylar Seuen of them which remayned escaped with theyr liues hardly although not without much trouble yet as GOD woulde without burning Whose names were these Iohn Milles. Thomas Hinshaw R. Baily wolpacker Robert Willeys Hudleys T. Coast haberdash Roger Sandey The first seuen were brought forth to examination before Boner and so hauing their condēnation were burnt as is sayd in Smithfield The other 6. followed not long after and suffered at Brayneford whereof specially here followeth now in order of story to be seene The examination and condemnation of seuen godly and faythfull Martyrs of Christe burnt in Smithfield COncerning the examination and condemnation of these abouesayd whiche were apprehended and taken at Is●ington 7. first were produced before Boner the 14. of Iune to make aunswere to suche articles and interrogatoryes as by the sayd Byshop should be ministred vnto them The names of these seuen were Henry Ponde Raynold Eastland Robert Southam Mathew Richarby Iohn Floyd Iohn Holydaye Roger Holland To these 7. constant and godly Martyrs produced before
the 13. and 14. articles they confesse and graunt the contents of them to be true in euery part When at the daies before specified these good men were produced before Boners Chancellour Thomas Darbishire and had the foresaide articles ministred vnto them and they as ye haue heard had made aunswere vnto the same in the ende the Chauncellor commaunded them to appeare before them againe the 11. day of Iuly after in the sayde place at Paules Where when they came he required of them whether they woulde tourne from their opinions to the mother holy church and if not that then whether there were anye cause to the contrarye but that they might procede with the sentence of condemnation Wherunto they all answeared that they would not go from the truthe nor relent from any part of the same while they li●●ed Then he charged them to appeare before him againe the next daye in the afternoone betweene one and two of the clocke to heare the definitiue sentence redde agaynste them according to the Ecclesiasticall lawes then in force At which time he sitting in iudgemēt talking with these godly and vertuous men at the last came into the sayde place syr Edwarde Hastings sir Thomas Cornewales knights two of Quene Maries officers of her house and being there they sate them down ouer against the Chancellor in whose presence the sayde Chancellor condemned those good poore Lambes and deliuered them ouer to the secular power who receiued and caried them to prisonne immediately and there kept them in safetie till the daye of their deathe In the meane time this naughty Chancellor slept not I warrant you but that day in which they were condemned he made certificate into the Lorde Chancellors office from whence the next daye after was sent a writ to burne them at Brainforde aforesaid which accordingly was accomplished in the same place the said 14. daye of Iulye Whereunto they being brought made theyr humble praiers vnto the Lorde Iesus vndressed themselues wente ioyfully to the stake whereto they were bounde and the fire flaming about them they yelded their soules bodies and liues into the handes of the omnipotent Lorde for whose cause they didde suffer and to whose protection I commend thee gentle Reader Amen The burning of sixe Martyrs at Brainforde Among these 6. was due William Pikes as yee haue heard who sometime dwelt in Ipswiche in Suffolke by his occupation a Tanner a very honest godly man of a vertuous disposition a good keper of hospitalitie and bene●icial to the persecuted in Queene Maries daies Thys saide William Pikes in the 3. yeare of Queene Maries raigne a little after Midsomer being then at libertie wēt into his Garden and tooke wyth him a Bible of Rogers translation where hee sitting wyth his face towardes the South reading on the said Bible sodenly fell downe vpon his booke betwene a 11. and 12. a clocke of the day foure drops of fresh bloud he knew not from whence it came Then he seeing the same was sore astonished coulde by no meanes learne as I sayd from whence it should fall and wiping out one of the droppes with his finger called his wife and said In the vertue of God wife what meaneth this Wil the Lord haue 4. sacrifices I see wel enough the Lorde will haue bloude his wil be done and geue me grace to abide the triall Wife let vs pray sayde hee for I feare the day draweth nigh Afterwarde he daily looked to be apprehended of the papistes and it came to passe accordingly as yee haue heard Thus much thought I good to wryte heereof to stirre vp our dull senses in considering the Lordes woorkes and reuerently to honour the same His name therefore be praised for euermore Amen Moreouer concerning the sayd William Pikes as he was in Newgate sore sicke and at the poynte of deathe so that no man looked he should liue 6. houres there declared to them that stoode by that he had bene twise in persecution before and that now he desired the Lord if it were his will that he might glorifie his name at the stake and so as he prayed it came to passe at Brainford Ye hard before of those 22. taken at Islington 13. were burned and 6. escaped albeit very hardly some of them not without scourging by the hands of the bishop In the which number was Thomas Hinshaw Ihon Milles according to the expresse Picture here after purported Ex epigrammate Ennij apud Ciceronem allusio Si fas caedendo coelestia scandere cuiquam est Bonnero coeli maxima porta patet In effigiem Boneri carmen QVae noua forma viri quid virga quid ora quid aluus Pondera quid ventris crassitiesue velit Corpus amaxaeum disten to abdomine pigrum Rides anne stupes lector amice magis Vasta quid ista velint si nescis pondera dicam Nam nihil hic mirum venter obesus habet Carnibus humanis sanguine vescitur atro Ducentos annis hauserat ille tribus Ergo quid hoc monstri est recto vis nomine dicam Nomen nec patris nec gerit ille matris Qui patre Sauago natus falso que Bonerus Dicitur hunc melius dixeris Orbilium The same in English MUse not so much that natures woorke is thus deformed now With belly blowen and head so swolne for I shall tell you how This Canniball in three yeares space three hundreth Martyrs slew They were his foode he loued so bloud he spared none he knew It should appeare that bloud feedes fat if men lie well and soft For Boners bellie waxt with bloud though he semde to fast oft O bloudy beast bewaile the death of those that thou hast slaine In time repent since thou canst not their liues restore againe G. G. In Bonerum CArnificis nomen debetur iure Bonero Qui sine Christicolas crimine mactat oues Certe carnificis immitis nomine gaudet Siue isto peius nomine nomen amat Carnificem vocitas ridet crudelia facta Narris● rem gratam non facis ipse magis Det Deus vt sapias meliora Bonere vel istis Te feriant meritis munera digna precor The scourging of Thomas Hinshaw ❧ The right Picture and true Counterfet of Boner and his crueltie in scourging of Gods Sainctes in his Orchard a Fulham The next mornyng the Bish. came and examined hym himselfe and perceiuyng no yelding to his mynde he sent M. Harpsfield to talke with him who after long talke in the end fell to raging words callyng the sayd Thomas Hinshaw p●euish boy and asked him whether he thought he went about to damne his soule or no c. Unto whiche the sayd Tho. answered that he was perswaded that they laboured to maintaine their darke and diuelish kingdom and not for any loue to truth Then Harpsfield beyng in a mighty rage told the B. thereof Whereat the B. fumed fretted that scant for anger beyng able
to speake he sayd Doest thou answer my Archdeacon so thou naughty boy I shall handle thee well enough be assured so he sent for a couple of rods and caused him to kneele agaynst a long bench in an arbor in his garden where the sayd Thomas without any enforcement of his part offered hymselfe to the beatyng did abide the fury of the sayd Boner so long as the fat panched B. could endure with breath and til for werines he was fayne to cease geue place to his shamefull act He had two willow rods but he wasted but one and so left of Now after this scourgyng the sayd Thom. Hinshaw notwithstandyng did sustaine diuers conflictes and examinations sundry tymes At last beyng brought before the sayd Bishop in his chappell at Fulham there hee had procured witnesses and gathered Articles agaynst hym which the yong man denied and woulde not affirme or consent to any interrogatory there and then ministred do what they could ¶ The Articles were these COncernyng Palmes Ashes Holy bread Holy water Auriculer confession receiuyng the Sacrament at Easter hearyng deuine seruice then set forth c. Whether he had receiued all these or whether he would receiue them or no. Item what he thought of the seruice set forth in K. Edwards tyme in his latter dayes and in especiall what he thought of the veritie of Christes body in the sacrament In which all his answers the sayd Tho. Hinshaw kept an vpright conscience and entangled himselfe with none of their ceremonies so mercifull was the Lord vnto hym Not long after this his examination about a fortnight or such a thyng the foresayd Examinate fell sicke of a burnyng ag●● wherby he was deliuered vpon entreatie vnto his maister Martin Pugson in Paules Churchyard aforesayd for the bishop thought verily he was more like to dye then to lyue The whiche hys sickenesse endured a twelue month or more so that in the meane tyme Queene Mary dyed Then he shortly after recouered health and escaped death beyng at the writyng of this yet alyue both witnesse and reporter of the same the Lord therefore bee praysed Amen The scourging of Iohn Milles by B. Boner BEsides the aboue named was scourged also by the hāds of the sayd B. one Iohn Milles a Capper a right faith full and true honest man in all his dealyngs and conditions Who was brother to the foresayd R. Milles burned before at Brainford as is aboue signified pag. 1967. Who also was apprehended in the same number with them at Islington as is mentioned also before pag. 1969. and beyng brought before Boner and there examined was commaunded to the Colehouse with the foresayde Tho. Hinshaw where they remained one night in the stocks From thence he was sent to Fulham where hee with the sayde Hinshaw remayned 8. or 10. dayes in the stockes during which tyme hee susteined diuers conflictes with the sayde Boner who had hym oft tymes in Examination vrgyng hym and with a sticke which he had in his hand oft times rappyng him on the head and flirting him vnder the chin on the eares saying he looked downe like a thiefe Moreouer after he had assaied all maner of wayes to cause him to recant and could not at length hauyng him to his Orchard there within a little arbor with his owne handes beat hym first with a willowe rod and that beyng worne well nigh to the stumps he called for a birchin rod which a lad brought out of his chamber The cause why hee so beat him was this Boner asked hym when he had crept to the crosse He answered not since he came to the yeares of discretion neither would to be torne with wyld horses Then Boner bade him make a crosse in his forehed which he refused to do Whereupon he had him incontinently to his Orchard and there callyng for rods sheweth his crueltie vpon hym as he did vppon Tho. Hinshaw as is aboue declared This done he had hym immediately to the Parishe Church of Fulham with the sayd Tho. Hinshaw wyth Rob. Willis to whom there beyng seuerally called before hym he ministred certaine Articles asking if they would subscribe to the same To the which the sayd Iohn Milles made his answer according to his conscience denying thē all except one article which was cōcernyng K. Edwards seruice in English Shortly after this beating Boner sent to him in prison a certain old priest lately come frō Rome to coniure out the euill spirite from hym who laying hys hand vpon his hed began with certaine words pronounced ouer hym to coniure as hee had bene woont before to do Milles meruailing what the Priest was about to doe sayd he trusted no euill spirit to be within hym laughed hym to scorne c. As this Iohn Milles was diuers tymes and oft called before Boner so much communication and talke passed betwene them which to recite all it were too long And yet it were not vnpleasaunt for the Reader that lusteth to laugh to see the blynd and vnsauorie reasones of that B. which he vsed to perswade the ignorant withall As in the processe of his other talke with this Milles Boner going about to perswade hym not to meddle with matters of the scripture but rather to beleeue other mens teachyng which had more skill in the same first asked if he dyd beleue the scripture Yea sayd he that I do Then the Bish. Why quoth he S. Paul saith if the man sleepe the woman is at libertye to goe to another man If thou were a sleepe hauing a wyfe wouldst thou be content thy wyfe to take another man And yet this is the scripture Item if thou wilt beleue Luther Zuinglius and such then thou canst not go right But if thou wilt beleue me c thou canst not erre And if thou shouldst erre yet thou art in no peril thy bloud should be required at our hands As if thou shouldst go to a far country meete with a fatherly man as I am for these were his termes and aske the way to the head citie and he should say go this way and thou wilt not beleeue hym but follow Luther and other heretikes of late dayes and go a contrary way how wi●te thou come to the place thou askest for so if thou wilt not beleeue mee but followe the leadyng of other heretickes so shalt thou bee brought to destruction and burne both body and soule As truly as thou seest the bodies of them in Smithfield burnt so truly their soules doe burne in hell because they erre from the church Oft tymes speaking to the sayde Iohn Milles hee would say they call me bloudy Boner A vengeaunce on you all I would faine ●e rid of you but you haue a de●ire in burnyng But if I might haue my will I would sowe your mouthes and put you in sacks and drowne you Now somewhat to say concerning the deliueraunce of the said Iohn
owne voluntary will amongest whō was one Daniell a great doer and preacher sometimes of the Gospell in the dayes of king Edward in those parties of Cornewall and Deuonshyre whom after that she perceiued by his owne confession to haue reuolted from that whiche he preached before through the grieuous imprisonmentes as he sayd and feare of persecution whiche he had partly susteined by the cruell Iustices in those parties earnestly she exhorted him to repent with Peter and to be more constant in his profession Moreouer there resorted to her a certeine worthy gentlewoman the wife of one Walter Rauley a womā of noble wit and of a good godly opinion came to the prisō talked with her she sayd her creede to the gentlewoman when she came to the Article· He ascended there she stayed and bade the Gentlewoman to seeke his blessed bodye in heauen not in earth told her playnly that God dwelleth not in temples made with handes that sacrament to be nothing els but a remembrance of his blessed passion yet sayd she as they now vse it it is but an Idoll far wide from any remembrance of Christes body which sayd she will not long continue so take it good maistres So that as soone as she came home to her husband she declared to him that in her life she neuer heard a woman of such simplicity to see to talk so godly so perfectly so sincerely so earnestly in so muche that if God were not with her shee could not speak such things to the which I am not able to answere her sayd she who can read and she can not Also there came to her one William Kede and Iohn his brother not onely brethren in the flesh but also in the truth and men in that Country of great credite whose father Robert Kede all his life suffered nothing but trouble for the Gospell These two good and faythfull brethrē were present with her both in the hall and also at the prison as they reported they neuer heard the like woman of so godly talke so faythfull or so constant as godly exhortations she gaue them Thus this good matrone the very seruant and handmayd of Christ was by many wayes tried both by harde prisonment threatninges tauntes and scornes called an Anabaptist a madde woman a drunkard a whoore a runnagate She was prooued by liberty to goe whither she would she was tryed by flattery with many fayre promises she was tryed with her husband her goodes and childred but nothing could preuayle her hart was fixed shee had cast her anker vtterly contēning this wicked world A rare ensample of constancy to all professors of Christes holy Gospell In the bill of my Information it is so reported to me that albeit shee was of suche simplicity and without learning yet you could declare no place of Scripture but she would tell you the Chapter yea she woulde recite to you the names of all the bookes of the Bible For whiche cause one Gregory Basset a rancke Papist sayd she was out of her wit and talked of the Scripture as a dogge rangeth farre of from his mayster whē he walketh in the fieldes or as a stolen sheepe out of his maisters handes she wist not wherat as all heretickes do with many other such taūtes which she vtterly defyed Whereby as almightye God is highly to be praysed working so mightely in such a weake vessell so men of stronger and stouter nature haue also to take example how to stand in like case whē as we see this poore woman how manfully she went through with such constancy and pacience At the last when they perceiued her to be past remedy and had consumed all theyr threatninges that by neyther prisonmēt nor liberty by manaces nor flattery they could bring her to sing any other song nor win her to their vanities and superstitious doinges then they cryed out An Anabaptist an Anabaptist Then at a daye they brought her from the Bishops prison to the Guildhall after that deliuered her to the tēporall power according to their custome where shee was by the Gentlemen of the countrey exhorted yet to call for grace to leaue her fond opinions And go home to thy husband sayd they thou art an vnlearned woman thou art not able to answere to such high matters I am not sayd she yet with my death I am content to be a witnes of Christs death and I pray you make no lōger delay with me my hart is fixed I will neuer otherwise say nor turne to theyr superstitious doinges Then the bishop sayd the deuill did lead her No my Lord sayd she it is the spirite of God whiche leadeth me and which called me in my bed at midnight opened his truth to me Thā was there a great shout and laughing among the priestes and other During the time that this good poore woman was thus vnder these priestes handes amongest many other baytinges and sore conflictes whiche she susteyned by thē here is moreouer not to be forgotten howe that Mayster Blaxton aforesayd being treasurer of the Church had a concubine which sundry times resorted to him with other of his gossips so that alwayes when they came this sayde good woman was called forth to his house there to make his miniō with the rest of the company some myrth he examining her with suche mocking gyruing deriding the truth that it would haue vexed any christian hart to haue seene it Then when he had long vsed his foolishnes in this sort had sported himselfe enough in deriding this christian martyr in the end he sent her to prison agayne and there kept her very miserablye sauing that sometimes he would send for her when his foresayd guest came to him to vse with her his accustomed folly aforesaid But in sine these vile wretches after many combates and scoffing perswasions whē they had played the part of the cat with the mouse at length condemned her and deliuered her ouer to the secular power Then the Indictment beyng geuen and read whiche was that she should go to the place whence she came and from thence to be led to the place of execution then there to bee burned with flames till shee shoulde bee consumed shee lifted vppe her voyce and thanked GOD saying I thanke thee my Lord my God this daye haue I founde that which I haue long sought But such outcries as ther were agayne and such mockings were neuer seene vpō a poore seely woman Al which she most paciently took And yet this fauour they pretended after her iudgement that her life should be spared if she would turne recant Nay that will I not sayd she God forbyd that I shoulde loose the life eternall for this carnall and shorte life I wyll neuer turne from my heauenly husband to my earthly husband from the feloshippe of aungels to mortall children And if my husband and children be faythfull then am I
execution done vpō the same which for that he had not done the matter he sayd was great and therfore wylled him to look well vnto it how he would aunswere the matter And thus began he fiercely to lay to his charge Wherin note gentle Reader by the way the close and couert hypocrisy of the Papistes in theyr dealinges Who in the forme and stile of their owne sentence cōdemnatory pretend a petition vnto the seculer power In visceribus Iesu Christi vt iuris rigor mitigetur atque vt parcatur vitae That is That the rigour of the law may be mitigated and that their life may be spared And how standeth this now with their owne doinges and dealinges when this Chauncellour as ye see is not onely contented to geue Sentence agaynst them but also hunteth here after the Officer not suffering him to spare them although he would What dissimulation is this of men goyng and doyng contrarye to their owne wordes and profession But let vs returne to our matt●● agayne The Sheriffe hearing the Chaūcellours wordes and seeing him so vrging vpon him tolde him agayne that he was no babe which nowe was to be taught of hym If he had any writ to warrant and discharge him in burning those men then he knew what he had to do Why saith the Chauncellour did not I geue you a writ with my hande and 8. moe of the Close set vnto the same Well quoth the Sheriffe that is no sufficient discharge to me and therfore as I told you if ye haue a sufficient writ and warrant frō the superiour powers I know then what I haue to do in my office otherwise if you haue no other writ but that I tell you I wil neither burne them for you nor none of you all c. Where note agayne good Reader how by this it may be thought and supposed that the other poore Saintes and Martyrs of God such as had bene burned at Salisburye before were burned belike without any authorised or sufficient writ from the superiours but onely vpon the information of the Chauncellour and of the Close through the vncircumspect negligence of the Sheriffes which shoulde haue looked more substantially vpon the matter But this I leaue and referre vnto the Magistrates Let vs returne to the story agayne Doct. Geffrey the Chauncellour thus sent away from the Sheriffe went home and there fel sicke vpon the same for anger belike as they signified vnto me whiche were the partyes themselues both godly and graue persons who were then condemned the one of them which is Richarde White being yet aliue The vnder Sheriffe to this Syr Anthony Hūgerford aboue named was one M. Michell likewise a right and a perfect godly man So that not long after this came down the writ to burne the aboue named Rich. White Iohn Hunt but the vnder Sheriffe receiuing the said writ sayd I will not be guilty quoth he of these mens bloud immediately burnt the writing and departed his way With in 4. dayes after the Chauncellour dyed Concerning whose death this cōmeth by the way to be noted that the●e 2. foresaid Iohn Hunt and Richard White being the same time in a lowe and darcke Dungeon being Saterday toward euening according to theyr accustomed maner fell to euening prayer Who kneeling there together as they should begin theyr prayer sodēly fel both to such a straūge weeping tendernes of hart but how they could not tell that they could not pray one word but so cōtinued a great space brusting out in teares After that night was past and the morning come the first word they heard was that the Chauncellour theyr great enemy was dead The tyme of whose death they found to be the same houre whē as they fell in such a sodeyne weeping The Lord in all his holy workes be praysed Amen Thus muche concerning the death of that wicked Chauncellour This Richard White and the sayd Iohn Hunt after the death of the Chauncellour the Byshop also being dead a litle before continued still in prison til the happy cōming in of Queene Elizabeth and so were set at liberty * The Martyrdome of a young lad of eight yeares olde scourged to death in Bishop Boners house in London IF bloudy torm●ntes and cruell death of a poore innocent suffering for no cause of his owne but in the trueth of Christ and his Religion do make a Martyr no lesse deserueth the child of one Iohn Fetty to be reputed in the Catalogue of holy Martirs who in the house of Bishop Boner vnmercifuly was scourged to death as by the sequele of this story here folowing may appeare Amongest those that were persecuted miserably imprisoned for the profession of Christes Gospell ye● mercifully deliuered by the prouidence of God there was one Iohn Fetty a simple and godly poore man dwelling in the parish of Clerkenwell was by vocation a Taylor of the age of 42. yeres or therabout who was accused and complained of vnto one Brokenbury a priest a parson of the same parish by his own wife for that he would not come vnto the church be partaker of theyr Idolatry superstition therfore through the sayd priestes procurement he was apprehēded by Rich. Tanner his felow constables there and one Martin the Hedborough Howbeit immediatly vpō his apprehēsion his wife by the iust iudgemēt of God was stricken mad and distract of her wits which declared a maruelous exāple of the iustice of God agaynst such vnfaythfull and most vnnaturall treachery And although this example perhaps for lack of knowledge instruction in such cases little moued the consciences of those simple poore mē to surcease their persecutiō yet natural pity towards that vngratefull woman wrought so in theyr harts that for the preseruation sustentatiō of her her 2. children like otherwise to perishe they for that present let her husband alone and would not cary him to prison but yet suffered him to remayne quietly in his own house During whiche time he as it were forgetting the wicked and vnkinde fact of his wife did yet so cherish and prouide for her that within the space of three weekes through Gods mercifull prouidence she was well amēded and had recouered agayne some stay of her wits and senses But suche was the power of Sathan in the malicious hart of that wicked woman that notwithstanding his gētle dealing with her yet she so soone as she had recouered some health did agayne accuse her husband whereupon he was the second time apprehended and caryed vnto Syr Iohn Mordaunt Knight one of the Queenes Commissioners and he vppon examination sent him by Cluny the Bishops Sumner vnto the Lollardes Tower where he was euen at the first put into the paynefull stockes and ha● a dish of water set by him with a stone put into it To what purpose God knoweth except it were to shew that he shuld look for
possible to the Churche there to furnishe Procession By reason whereof Dabney which newly came to the house was there left alone while euery man els was busied in preparing and settyng themselues forwarde accordyng as the case required To bee short as the tyme called on Boner with hys houshold maketh hast so fast as they can out of the dores to the procession Dabney beyng left alone commeth downe to the outward Court next the gate there walkyng with hymselfe all heauy lookyng for nothing lesse then to escape that daunger The Porter who was onely left at home seeyng the man to walke alone supposing hee had bene some Citizen there left behynde and waityng for openyng of the Gate went and opened the wicket askyng if hee would goe out Yea sayd he with a good wyll if ye wyll l●t me out With all my hart quoth the porter and I pray you so do And thus the sayd Dabney taking the occasion offered of god being let out by the porter escaped out of the wolues mouth The procession beyng done when the B. returned home Dabney was gone and could not be found Wherevpon much search was made but especially Ioh. Auales sayd much priuy waite for hym who after long searching when he could not get hym at length he receyued fifteene crownes of his wyfe to let hym alone when he should see him and so that good man escaped ¶ Alexander Wimshurst ALike example of God almighties goodnes toward his afflicted seruaunts in that daungerous tyme of persecution may also appeare euidently in one Alexāder Wimshurst a Priest sometyme of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford and then the Popes owne Knight but since an earnest enemy to Antichrist and a man better instructed in the true feare of God It happened that one had promooted hym to Boner for religion vppon what occasion I do not vnderstand Accordyng to the olde maner in such cases prouided he sent foorth Robin Caly otherwyse called Robin Papist one of his Whelpes to bring in the game and to cause this silly poore man to appere before him Litle Robin lyke a proper man bestirreth hym in hys busines and smelleth hym out and when he had gotten hym bringeth hym along by Chepeside not sufferyng hym to talke with any of his acquaintaunce by the way though there were of his olde friendes of Oxford that offered to speake vnto hym When they came into Paules it happened this Alexander to espy D. Chadsey there walkyng vp and downe To whom because he was able in such a case to doe pleasure and for that he had bene of his olde acquaintaunce in Oxforde he was very desirous to speake to hym ere hee went through Chadsey perceiuyng that Robin Caly dyd attend vpon hym sayd that he durst not meddle in the matter Yes sayth little Robin you may talke with hym if it please you M. Doctor To bee short Alexander openeth his case and in the ende desireth for old acquaintance sake that he would finde meanes he myght be rather broughte before Doctor Martine to bee examined then any other Nay sayth he alledgyng the wordes of Christ vnto Peter in the last chapter of Saint Ioh. You remember brother what is written in the Gospell When thou wast yong thou diddest girde thy selfe and wentest whether thou wouldest but beyng aged other men shall girde thee and leade thee whether thou wouldest not Thus abusing the Scripture to hys priuate meanyng whereas notwithstandyng hee might easily haue accomplished so small a request if it had liked hym Thence was he caried to Story and Cooke Commissioners there to learne what should become of hym Before them he did vse hymselfe boldly stoutly as they on the other side did vrge him with captious questions very cruelly When they had baited the poore man their fill they asked hym where his whore was She is not my whore sayd he but my lawful wife She is thy whore said they She is not my whore said he againe but my wife I tell you So whē they perceiued that he would not geue place vnto them nor attribute to them so much as they looked for at his hand accordyng to the ordinary maner they cōmaunded him to prison And nowe marke well the prouidence of God in his preser●●tion He was brought into Clunies house at Pater noster row thence to be caried to Lollards tower out of hande but that Cluny as it happened his wyfe and his mayde were so earnestly occupied about present busines that as then they had not laisure to locke vp their prisoner In the hall where Alexander sate was a strange woman whose husband was then presently in trouble for religiō which perceiued by some one occasion or other that this mā was brought in for the lyke cause Alacke good man sayth she if you will you may escape the cruel hands of your enemies forasmuch as they be all away that should looke vnto you God hath opened the way vnto you of deliueraunce and therefore loose not the oportunitie thereof if you bee wise With those and such lyke wordes beyng then perswaded he gate out of the dores and went away without any hast making at all so that if any had followed he might haue bene easily recouered againe But vndoubtedly it was Gods will that he should so escape the furie of his aduersaries and be preserued from all daungers of death imprisonment ¶ Bosomes wyfe AS the workes of the Lord are not to bee kept secrete whatsoeuer the persones be in whom it pleaseth hym to worke ●o commeth to remembraunce the story of ore Bosoms wyfe not vnworthy to be considered This good woman beyng at Richmond with her mother was greatly called vpō and vrged to come to church At length thorough importunate crying and calling vpon she granted vnto them and came Beyng in the church sittyng with her mother in the pue contrary in al things to the doings of the Papistes shee behaued her selfe to wit when they kneeled she stood when they turned forward shee turned backward c. This being notorious in the church at length the Constable and Churchwarden named Sanders attached her in the Queenes name charging her with her Mother the next day to appeare at Kingston Who at their commaundement so did The next day according as they were assigned they came to Kingston to appeare before the foresayd officers who at the same tyme as it chanced were going ouer the Fery meeting them by the way saluted them by their names but at that tyme had no further power to speake vnto them Afterward as they were in the boat goyng ouer they knockt their hands stampt and stared same ●yng that they had let them so passe their hands This the Feryman declared vnto them and what they sayd in the boat Whereupon the good woman taking her iourney to London escaped their cruelty through the secret working no doubt of the Lord who in all his workes and
Mayster Berty writing his letters to the Lantgraue and to the Erle of Erbagh the next day early in the mornyng the Erle of Erbagh dwellyng within 8. miles came to the towne whether the Duchesse was broughte with her wagon M. Bertie also beyng in the same towne vnder custody The Earle who had some intelligence of the Duches before after hee was come and had shewed suche curtesie as hee thought to her estate was seemely the Townesmen perceyuyng the Earle to behaue hymselfe so humbly vnto her beganne to consider more of the matter and further vnderstandyng the Capitayne to bee alyue both they and especially the authors of the sturre shrunke away and made all the friendes they could to maister Bertie and his wife not to report their doyngs after the worst sorte And thus Mayster Bertie and his wife escaping that daunger proceeded in their iourney toward Polelande where in conclusion they were quietly entertayned of the king and placed honourably in the Earldome of the sayd king of Poles in Sanogelia called Crozā wher M. Berty with the Duchesse hauing the kings absolute power of gouernement ouer the saide Earldome continued both in great quietnesse and honoure till the deathe of Queene Mary ¶ Thomas Horton Minister AS yee haue heard of the daungerous troubles of the Duchesse of Suffolke in time of her exile for religion sake whom notwithstanding the Lordes present protection still deliuered in all distresses as well from her enemies in England as in Dutchland frō the Launceknightes there so haue we no lesse to behold and magnifie the lords mercifull goodnes in preseruing of Thomas Horton frō the like perilles of the same Countrey Whiche Thomas Horton what a profitable instrument hee was to the Church of Christ in Queene Maries time all our Englishmen almost beyond the seas then did both know and feele This good Thomas Horton as he vsed oftentymes to trauayle betweene Germany and England for the behoofe and sustenaunce of the poore English exiles there so he iournying vpon a time betweene Mastricke and Collē chaunced to bee taken there by certayne Rouers and so being led by them away was in no little daunger and yet this daunger of his was not so great but the present helpe of the Lord was greater to ayd and deliuer him out of the same ¶ Thomas Sprat of Kent Tanner VNto these afore rehearsed examples of Gods blessed prouidence towardes his seruauntes may also be added the happy deliueraunce of Thomas Sprat and William Porrege his companion now Minister Whose story briefly to course ouer is this This Thomas Sprat had bene seruaunt sometimes to one M. Brent a Iustice and a heauy persecutour and therefore forsaking his Mayster for religious sake he wēt to Calice from whence he vsed often with the sayd William Porrege for theyr necessary affayres to haue a recourse into England It so happened about the fourthe yeare of Queene Maryes raygne that they landing vppon a tyme of Douer and taking theyr iourny together toward Sandwich sodenly vppon the way within three myles of Douer met with the foresayd M. Brent the two Blachendens and other Gentlemen moe with theyr seruaunts to the number of x. or xii horses Of the which two Blachendens being both haters and enemies of Gods worde and people the one had perfect knowledge of William Porrege the other had not seene him but onely hadde heard of his name before Thus they being in the way where this Iustice wyth his mates shuld meete them directly in the face Thomas Sprat first espying M. Brent was sore dismayde saying to hys companion yonder is M. Brent William Porrege God haue haue mercy vpon vs. Well quoth the other seing now there is no remedy let vs go in our waye And so thinking to passe by them they kept themselues aloufe as it were a score off from them Thomas Sprat also shadowing his face with his cloke Notwithstanding one of M. Brentes seruauntes aduising him better then his mayster did yonder sayd he to his Mayster is Thomas Sprat At whiche wordes they all rayned theyr horses and called for Thomas Sprat to come to them They cal you sayd William Porrege Now here is no remedy but we are takē and so perswaded him to go to them being called for that there was no escaping from so many horsemen in those playnes and downes where was no wood neare them by a myle nor hedge neyther but onely one which was a byrdbolt shot off All this notwithstanding Sprat stayed and woulde not go Then they called agayne sitting still on horseback Ah sirra quoth the Iustice why come ye not hether And still his companion moued him to go seyng there was no other shift to flee away Nay sayd Sprat I will not goe to them and therwithall tooke hys legges running to the hedge that was next him They seeyng that sette spurres to their horse thinking by and by to haue hym and that it was vnpossible for him to escape their hands as it was in deede they beyng on horse backe and he on foote had not the Lorde myraculously deliuered his seely seruant frō the gaping mouth of the Lyon ready to deuour him For as God would so it fell out that hee had got ouer the hedge skrawling through the bushes when as they were euen at his heeles striking at him with theyr swords out of the Blachendens crying cruelly cut off one of hys legges Thus Sprat had scarsely recouered the hedge from hys enemies when one of M. Brentes seruaunts which had bene fellow sometymes in house with him followed him in hys bootes and certayne rode vp at one side of the hedge and certayne at the other to meete him at the vpper end Now while they were following the chase after Thomas Sprat onely one remayned with William Porrege who was one of the Blachendens not he whiche knewe him but the other who began to question with hym not asking what was hys name as God would for then hee had bene knowne and taken but from whence hee came and how he came into Sprats company and whether he went Unto whome he aunswered and sayd from Calyce and that Sprat came ouer with him in the passage boate and they two were goyng to Sandwich and so wythout any more questions he let him depart Anone as he kept along the hedge one of the horsemen which rode after Sprat returning backe and meeting with the sayd W. Porrege demaunded the very same questions as the other had done to whome he made also the like answere as afore and so departed taking an other contrary way from the meeting of the other horsman And thus W. Porrege escaped Now concerning Thomas Sprat he being pursued on the one side by horsemen on the other side by his own fellow who followed after hym in his bootes crying you were as good to tarry for we will haue you we will haue you yet notwithstanding he still kept on
were stricken from the shoulders Whereunto the Spanyards answeared saying God forbid that their king and master should haue that minde to consent to such a mischiefe This was the curteous aunswer of the Spanyardes to the Englishmen speaking after that sorte against theyr owne country From that day the Spaniardes neuer left of their good perswasions to the king that the like honour he shoulde neuer obtaine as he shoulde in deliueryng the Lady Elizabeths grace out of prison wherby at lēgth she was happely released from the same Here is a plaine and euident example of the good clemencie and nature of the King and his Counsellers towards her grace praised be God therefore who mooued their heartes therein Then heereuppon shee was sente for shortlye after to come to Hampton Court But before her remoouing away from Woodstocke we will a litle stay to declare in what dangers her life was in during this time shee there remained first thorough fire which began to kindle betweene the boardes and seeling vnder the chamber where shee lay whether by a sparke of fire gotten into a cranye or whether of purpose by some that meant her no good the Lord doth knowe Neuerthelesse a woorshipfull Knight of Oxfordshire whyche was there ioyned the same time with Syr Henry Benifield in keeping that Ladye who then tooke vp the boardes and quēched the fire verely supposed it to be done of purpose Furthermore it is thought and also affirmed if it be true of one Paule Peny a Keeper of Woodstocke a notorious ruffin and a butcherly wretch that he was appoynted to kill the sayd Lady Elizabeth who both sawe the man being often in her sight and also knewe thereof An other time one of the priuie chamber a great man about the Queene and chiefe darling of Steuen Gardider named master Iames Basset came to Blandenbridge a mile from Woodstocke with 20. or 30. priuie coates and sent for Syr Henrye Benifielde to come and speake with him But as God would which disposed all things after the purpose of his owne will so it happened that a lyttle before the sayd Syr Henry Benifield was sent for by post to the Counsell leauing straight woord behinde him with his brother that no man what so euer hee were thoughe comming with a Bill of the Queenes hand or any other warrant should haue accesse to her before his retourne againe By reason wherof it so fell out that M. Benifields brother comming to him at the Bridge would suffer hym in no case to approche in who otherwise as is supposed was appoynted violently to murther the innocent Lady In the life of Steuen Gardiner wee declared before page 1787. howe that the Ladie Elizabeth beynge in the Tower a Wrytte came downe subscribed wyth certaine handes of the Counsell for her execution Which if it were certaine as it is reported Winchester no doubt was deuiser of that mischieuous drift and doubtlesse the same Achitophel had brought hys impious purpose that daye to passe had not the fatherly prouidence of almightye God who is alwayes stronger then the deuill stirred vp M. Bridges Lieutenaunte the same time of the Tower to come in hast to the Queene to geue certificate therof and to knowe further her consent touching her sisters deathe Whereuppon it followed that all that deuise was disappoynted and Winchesters deuelish plat forme which hee sayd he had cast through the Lordes great goodnesse came to no effecte Where moreouer is to be noted that during the prysonment of this Ladye and Princesse one M. Edmunde Tremaine was on the Racke and maister Smithwike diuers other in the Tower were examined and diuers offers made to them to accuse the giltlesse Ladie being in her captiuitie Howbeit al that notwithstanding no matter could be prooued by all examinations as shee the same time lying at Woodstocke had certaine intelligence by the meanes of one Iohn Ga●er who vnder a colourable pretence of a letter to mistres Cleue from her father was let in and so gaue them secretely to vnderstande of all thys matter Whereupon the Lady Elizabeth at her departing out from Woodstocke wrote these Uerses with her Diamond in a glasse windowe Much suspected by me Nothing prooued can be Quoth Elizabeth prisoner And thus much touching the troubles of Lady Elizabeth at Woodstocke Whereunto this is more to be added that during the same time the Lorde of Tame had laboured to the Queene and became surety for her to haue her from Woodstocke to his house and had obtained graunte thereof Whereupon preparation was made accordingly and all things ready in expectation of her comming But through the procurement either of M. Benifield or by the doing of Winchester her mortall enemie letters came ouer night to the contrary wherby her iourney was stopped Thus this woorthy Ladie oppressed wyth continuall sorrowe coulde not be permitted to haue recourse to any frendes she had but still in the hands of her enemies was left desolate and vtterly destitute of all that might refresh a doulefull heart fraughte full of terrour and thraldome Whereupon no maruell if she hearing vpon a time out of her garden at Woodstocke a certaine milkemaide singing pleasantly wished her selfe to be a milkemaid as she was saying that her case was better and life more merier then was hers in that state as shee was Now after these things thus declared to procede further there where we left before Syr Henry Benifield and hys souldiours wyth the Lorde of Tame and Syr Rafe Chamberlaine garding and waiting vpon her the firste night from Woodstock she came to Ricot In which iourney such a mighty wind did blow that her seruants were same to holde downe her cloathes about her In so much that her hoode was twise or thrise blowen from her head Whereupon shee desirous to retourne to a certaine Gentlemans house there neare coulde not be suffered by Syr Henry Benifield so to doe but was constrained vnder an hedge to trimme her head aswell as she could After thys the next nighte they iourneyed to M. Dormers and so to Colbroke where shee lay all that nyghte at the George and by the way cōming to Colbroke certaine of her graces Gentlemen and Yeomen mette her to the noumber of three score muche to all theyr comfortes which had not seene her grace of long season before notwythstandinge they were commaunded in the Queenes name immediately to depart the towne to both their and her graces no little heauinesse who coulde not be suffered once to speake with them So that night al her men were taken from her sauing her Gentleman vsher three Gentlewomen two Gromes and one of her Wardrope the souldiours watching and warding aboute the house and shee close shut vp within her prison The nexte day following her grace entred Hampton-court on the backeside into the princes lodging the doores being shut to her and she garded with souldiours as before say there a fortnight at the
God vpon the persecutours of his people and enemyes to his word with such also as haue bene blasphemers contemners and mockers of his Religion LEauing now Queene Mary being dead and gone I come to them whiche vnder her were the chiefe Ministers and doers in this persecution the Byshops I meane and Priestes of the Clergy to whō Queene Mary gaue all the execution of her power as did Queene Alexandra to the Phariseis after the tyme of the Machabees Of whom Iosephus thus writeth Ipsa solum nomen regium ferebat caeterum omnem regni potestatem Pharisaei possidebant That is She onely reteyned to her selfe the name and title of the kingdome but all her power she gaue to the phariseis to possesse c. Touching which Prelates and Priestes here is to be noted in lyke sorte the wonderfull and miraculous prouidence of almighty GOD which as he abridged the reigne of theyr Queene so he suffered them not to escape vnuisited first beginning with Stephen Gardiner the Archpersecutour of Christes Church whom he tooke away about the middest of the Queenes reigne Of whose poysoned lyfe and stincking end forsomuche as sufficient hath bene touched before pag. 1786. I shall not need here to make any newe rehearsall therof After him dropped other awaye also some before the death of Queene Mary and some after as Morgan Byshop of S. Dauids who sitting vppon the condemnation of the blessed Martyr bysh Farrar and vniustly vsurping his rowm not long after was stricken by Gods haue after such a strange sort that his meate would not go down but rise pycke vp agayne somtyme at his mouth sometyme blowne out of his nose most horrible to beholde so he continued till his death Where note moreouer that when Mayster Leyson being then Sheriffe at Byshop Farrars burning had fet away the cattell of the sayde Byshoppe from his seruauntes house called Matthewe Harbottell into his owne custody the cattell comming into the Sheriffes ground diuers of them would neuer eate meate but lay bellowing and roaring and so dyed This foresayd Byshoppe Morgan aboue mentioned bringeth me also in remembraunce of Iustice Morgan who sate vpon the death of the Lady Iane not long after the same fell mad and was bereft of his wittes so died hauing euer in his mouth Lady Iane Lady Iane. c. Before the death of Queene Mary dyed Doct. Dunning the bloudy and wretched Chauncellour of Norwich who after he had most rigorously condēned and murthered so many simple and faythfull Sayntes of the Lord cōtinued not longe himselfe but in the middest of his rage in Queene Maryes dayes dyed in Lincolnshyre being sodaynly taken as some say sitting in his chayre The like sodayne death fel also vpon Berry Commissary in Northfolke who as is before shewed in the story of Thomas Hudson foure dayes after Queene Maryes death when he had made a great feast and had one of hys concubines there comming home from the Church after Euensong where he hadde ministred Baptisme the same tyme betweene the Churchyard and his house sodeinly fell downe to the ground with a heauy grone and neuer styrred after neither shewed any one token of repentance What a stroke of Gods hand was brought vppon the cruell persecutour of the holy and harmeles sayntes of the Lord Byshop Thornton Suffragan of Douer who after he had exercised hys cruell tyranny vpon so many Godly men at Canterbury at length comming vppon a Saterday from the Chapter house at Caunterbury to Borne there vpon sonday following looking vpon his mē praying at the bowles ●ell sodēly in a Palsey and so had to bed was willed to remember God Yea so I doe sayd he and my Lord Cardinall to c. After hym succeeded an othher Byshop or Suffragan ordayned by the foresayd Cardinall It is reported that he had bene Suffragan before to Boner who not 〈◊〉 after was made Bysh. or Suffragan of Douer brake his necke fallyng downe a payre of stayres in the Cardinals chāber at Grenewich as he had receiued the Cardinals blessing Among other plentifull and sondrye examples of the Lordes iudgement and seueritie practised vpon the cruell persecutors of hys people that is not the least that followeth concerning the story of one William Fenning the effect and circumstance of which matter is this Iohn Cooper of the age of 44. yeares dwelling at Watsam in the County of Suffolke beyng by science a Carpenter a man of a very honest report a good house-keeper a harbourer of straungers that trauayled for conscience and one that fauoured Religion and those that were religious he was of honest conuersation and good lyfe hating all popish and papisticall trash This man being at home in his house there came vnto hym one William Fenning a seruing man dwellyng in the sayd Town of Watsam and vnderstanding that the sayd Cooper had a couple of fayre Bullockes did desire to buy them of hym whiche Cooper told hym that hee was loth to sell them for that hee had brought them vp for hys owne vse and if he shoulde sell them he then must be compelled to buy other and that he would not do When Fenning saw he could not get them for he had often assayed the matter he sayd he woulde sit as much in his light and so departed and wēt and accused him of high treason The words he was charged with wer these how he should pray that if God would not take away Queene Mary that then he should wishe the Deuill to take her away Of these wordes did this Fenning charge him before sir Henry Do●ell knight vnto whome he was caryed by M. Timperley of Hinchlesā in Suffolke one Grimwood of Lowshaw Cōstable which words Cooper sta●ly denyed sayd he neuer spake them but that coulde not helpe Notwithstanding he was arrayned therfore at Berry before sir Clement Higham at a Lent assise and there this Fenning brought two noughty menne that witnessed the speaking of the foresayd wordes whose names were Richard White of Watsam and Grimwood of Higham in the sayd Countie of Suffolke Whose testimonies were receiued as truth although this good man Iohn Cooper had said what he could to declare himselfe innocent therein but to no purpose God knoweth For his life was determined as in the ende appeared by sir Clement Hyghams woordes who said he should not escape for an example to all heretickes as in deede hee throughly performed For immediatly he was iudged to be hanged drawn and quartered which was executed vpon him shortly after to the great griefe of manye a good heart Heere good Cooper is bereft of his life and leaues behinde him aliue his wife and 9. children with goodes and cattell to the value of 3. hundred markes the which substance was al taken away by the sayd sir Henry Doyel Sheriffe but his wife pore children left to the wide world in their cloathes and suffered not to enioy one pennie of that
to the Tower of London and there remained vntill Queene Elizabeth was proclaimed Queene at whych time he being deliuered fell sicke and dyed The common talke was that if he had not so sodēly ended his life hee woulde haue opened and reuealed the purpose of the chiefe of the Cleargy meaning the Cardinall whyche was to haue taken vp K. Henries body at Windsore and to haue burned it And thus much of doctor Weston The residue that remained of the persecuting Clergy and escaped the stroke of deathe were depriued and committed to prisones the Catalogue of whose names heere followeth In the Tower Nicholas Death Archbishop of Yorke and Lord Chauncellour Thomas Thurlby B. of Ely Thomas Watson B. of Lincolne Gilbert Burne B. of Bath and Welles Richard Pates B. of Worcester Troublefield B. of Exetor Iohn Fecknam Abbot of Westminster Iohn Boxal Deane of Windsore and Peterborough Of Dauid Poole B. of Peterborough I doubte whether he was in the Tower or in some other prisone Ran away Goldwell B. of S. Asse Maurice Elect of Bangor Edmunde Boner B. of London in the Marshalsea Thomas Wood B. Elect in the Marshalsea Cutbert Scothish of Chester was in the Fleete from whence he escaped to Louane and there died In the Fleet. Henry Cole Deane of Paules Iohn Harpesfield Archdeacon of London and Deane of Norwich Nicholas Harpesfield Archd. of Cant. Anthony Draycot Archdeacon of Hūtington W. Chadsey Archdeacon of Midlesex ¶ Concerning which Doctour Chadsey here is to be noted that in the beginning of king Edwards raigne he recanted and subscribed to 34. Articles wherein hee then fully consented and agreed with his owne hand wryting to the whole forme of doctrine approoued allowed then in the church as well concerning iustification by faith only as also the doctrine of the two sacramentes then receaued denying as well the Popes supremacie transubstantiation Purgatory Inuocation of Saints eleuation and adoration of the Sacrament the sacrifice veneration of the Masse as also all other like excrements of Popish superstition according to the kings booke then set foorth Wherefore the more maruel it is that he being counted such a famous and learned Clearke would shew himselfe so fickle and vnstable in hys assertions so double in hys doinges to alter hys Religion according to time and to maintein for truth not what he thought best but what he myght most safely defend So long as the state of the lord Protectour and of hys brother stoode vprighte what was then the conformitie of this D. Chadsey hys owne Articles in Latine wrytten and subscribed wyth hys owne hand doe declare which I haue to shewe if he will denye them But after the decay of the kings vncles the fortune of them turned not so fast but his Religion turned withall and eftsoones he tooke vppon hym to dispute agaynste Peter Martyr in vpholding Transubstantiation at Oxforde which a little before with his owne hād wryting he had ouerthrowen After this ensued the time of Queene Mary wherein doctor Chadsey to shew hys double diligence was so eger in his commission to sit in iudgement to bring poore mē to their death that in the last yeare of Quene Mary when the Lord Chauncellor Syr Thomas Cornwalles Lorde Clinton diuers other of the Counsell had sent for hym by a special letter to repaire vnto London out of Essex he wryting againe to the bishop of London sought meanes not to come at the Counsels bidding but to continue still in his persecuting progresse The Copie of whose letter I haue also in my handes if neede were to bring foorth Mention was made not long before of one William Mauldon who in king Henries time suffered stripes and scourgings for confessing the veritie of Gods true religion It happened in the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth that the sayd W. Mauldon was bound seruaunt with one named Maister Hugh Aparry then a wheat taker for the Quene dwelling at Grenewich Who being newly come vnto him and hauing neuer a booke there to looke vpon being desirous to occupie himself vertuously loked about the house and founde a Primer in English whereon hee read in a winters euening Whiles he was reading there sat one Iohn Apowel that had ben a Seruing man about 30. yeres of age borne toward Wales whom the said M. Hugh gaue meat and drink vnto til such time as he could get a seruice And as the foresayd William Mauldon read on the Booke the sayde Iohn Apowell mocked hym after euery worde with contrary gaudes and flouting wordes vnreuerently in so muche that he coulde no longer abide him for grief of hart but turned vnto him and sayd Iohn take heede what thou doest Thou doest not mocke mee but thou mockest God For in mocking of his word thou mockest hym and thys is the word of God though I be simple that read it and therfore beware what thou doest Then Mauldon fell to reading agayne and still hee proceeded on in hys mocking and when Mauldon had redde certayne Englyshe Prayers in the ende he redde Lorde haue mercye vppon vs Christe haue mercye vpon vs. c. And as Mauldon was reciting these wordes the other with a start sodenly sayd Lord haue mercy vpon me With that Mauldon tourned and sayde what ailest thou Iohn He sayee I was afraide Whereon wast thou afraide said Mauldon Nothing now sayd the other and so he would not tel hym After thys when Mauldon and he went to bedde Mauldon asked him whereof he was afraide He sayde when you red Lord haue mercye vppon vs Christ haue mercy vppon vs me thought the haire of my head stoode vpright with a great feare which came vpon me Then sayd Mauldon Iohn thou mayest see the euill spirite could not abide that Christ should haue mercy vppon vs. Wel Iohn said Mauldon repent and amend thy life for God will not be mocked If we mocke and iest at his woord he will punish vs. Also you vse rebauldry woordes and swearing verye much therfore for Gods sake Iohn amend thy life So I will sayd he by the grace of God I pray God I may Amen said the other with other words and so went to bed On the next day about 8. of the clocke in the morning the foresaid Iohn came running downe out of his chamber in his shirt into the Hall and wrasteled with hys mistresse as he would haue throwen her downe Wherat she shriked out and her seruauntes holpe her and tooke hym by strength and caried him vp vnto his bed bound him downe to his bed for they perceiued plainely that he was out of his right minde After that as he lay almoste day and night his toung neuer ceased but he cried out of the deuill of hell and hys woordes were euer stil O the deuill of hell now the deuill of hell I would see the deuill of hell thou shalt see the deuil of hel there he was there he goeth with other words but
824. Dauid Beaton Archbishop of s. Andrewes in Scotland shortly after the beginning of M. George Wisard how hee by the iust stroke of God was slaine and wretchedly ended his lyfe within his owne Castle in the discourse of his story is euident to see who so listeth further to read of that matter pag. 1272. Ioannes Sleidanus in his 23. booke maketh relati●● of Cardinall Crescentius the chiefe President and moderator of the Councell of Trident ann 1552. The story of whom is certain the thing that hapned to him was strāge and notable the exāple of him may be profitable to others such as haue grace to be warned by other mēs euils The narration is this The 25. day of March in the yere aforesaid Crescentius the Popes Legate and Uicegerent in the Councell of Trident was sitting all the day long vntill darke night in writing letters to th● Pope After his labour when night was come thinking to refresh himselfe he began to rise and at his rising beholde there appeared to hym a mighty blacke dogge of a huge bignes his eyes flamyng with fire and his eares hanging low downe welneere to the ground to enter in and straite to come toward hym so to couch vnder the boord The Cardinall not a little amased at the sight thereof somewhat recouering himselfe ralled to his seruauntes which were in the outward chāber next by to bring in a candle and to seeke for the dog But when the dog could not be found neither there nor in no other chamber about the Cardinall thereupon striken with a sodaine conceit of mynd immediately fell into such a sicknes wherof his Phisitions which he had about hym with all their industry and cunnyng coulde not cure hym And so in the towne of Uerona died this popish cardinall the Popes holy Legate and President of this coūcel wherein his purpose was as Sleidane saith to recouer and heale againe the whole authoritie and doctrine of the Romish see and to set it vp for euer There were in this Councell beside the Popes Legates and Cardinall of Trident lxij Bishops Doctours of Diuinitie xlij And thus was the ende of that Popishe Councell by the prouident hand of the almighty dispatched and brought to naught Ex Sleidano Li. 23. This Councell of Trident being then dissolued by the death of this Cardinal was afterward notwithstanding recollected againe about the yeare of our lord 1562. against the erroneous proceedings of which Councel other writers there be that say enough So much as pertaineth only to story I thought hereunto to adde concernyng two filthy adulterous bishops to the sayd Councel belonging of whome the one haunting to an honest mans wife was slaine by the iust stroke of God with a Borespeare The other Bishop whose haunte was to creepe through a window in the same window was subtilly taken and hanged in a grinne layed for hym of purpose and so conueied that in the mornyng hee was seene openly in the streete hangyng out of the windowe to the wonderment of all that passed by Ex protestatione Concionatorum Germa aduersus conuentum Trident. c. Amongst all the religious order of Papists who was a stouter defender of the Popes side or a more vehement impugner of Martin Luther then Iohn Eckius who if his cause wherein he so trauailed had bene godly had deserued no doubt great fauour and condigne retribution at the hands of the Lord. Now for so much as we cannot better iudge of him then by his ende let vs consider the maner of his departing hence and compare the same with the end of M. Luther In the which M. Luther beyng such an aduersarye as he was to the Pope and hauyng no lesse then al the world vpon him at once first this is to bee noted that after all these trauailes the Lord gaue him to depart both in great age and in his owne natiue countrey where he was born Secondly he blessed him with such a quiet death without any violent hande of any aduersary that it was counted rather a sleepe then a death Thirdly as the death of hys body was myld so his spirit mynde continued no lesse godly vnto the end continually inuocating and calling vpon the name of the Lord and so commending his spirite to hym with feruent prayer he made a blessed and an heauenly ending Fourthly ouer and besides these blessings almighty God did also adde vnto him such an honourable buriall as to many great Princes vnneth happeneth the like And this briefly concernyng the ende of M. Luther as ye may read before more at large pag. 863. Now let vs consider and conferre with this the death of Iohn Eckius and the maner thereof which we find in the English translation of the history of Iohn Carion fol. 250. in these words expressed This yere saith he died at Ingold state Doctor Eckius a faithful seruant and champion of the Pope and a defender of the abhominable Papacie But as his lyfe was full of all vngodlines vncleannes and blasphemy so was his end miserable hard and pitifull in so much that his last wordes as it is noted of many credible personnes were these In case the foure thousand guildens were ready the matter were dispatched c. Dreamyng belike of some Cardinalship that he should haue bought Some say that the Pope had granted him a certaine Deanry which he should haue redeemed from the Courte of Rome with the foresayd summe Now what a heauenly ende this was of M. Eckius I leaue it to the Readers iudgement In the Citie of Andwerpe was as they terme hym there a Shoulted that is to say the next Officer to the Markgraue one named Iohn Uander Warfe a Bastard sonne of a stocke or kinred called Warfe of good estimation amongest the chiefest in Antwarpe Who as he was of nature cruell so was he of iudgement peruerse and corrupt and a sore persecutor of Christes flocke with greedines seekyng and sheddyng innocent bloud and had drouned diuers good men and women in the water for the which he was much commended of the bloudy generation Of some he was called a bloudhound or bloudy dog Of other he was called Shildpad that is to say Sheltode for that hee beyng a short grundy and of little stature did ride commonly with a great broad hat as a churl of the countrey This man after he was weary of his office wherein he had continued aboue xx yeres he gaue it ouer and because he was now growen rich and welthy he entended to passe the residue of his lyfe in pleasure and quietnes During which tyme about the second yeare after hee had left his office he came to Antwarpe to the feast called our Ladies Oumegang to make mery which feast is vsually kept on the Sonday followyng the assumption of our Lady The same day in the after noone about foure of the clock he being wel loden with wine rode homewards
in his wagon with his wife and a gentlewoman waiting on her and his foole As soone as the Wagon was come without the gate of the citie called Croneborgh gate vpon the wooden bridge beyng at that tyme made for a shifte with railes or barres on both sides for more safetie of the passengers halfe a mans heighth more the horses stood still and would by no meanes go forward whatsoeuer the guider of the wagon could do Then he in a drunken rage cried out to him that guided the wagō saying Ride on in a thousand deuils name ride on Wherat the poore man answered that he could not make the horses to goe forward By and by whyle they were yet thus talking sodenly rose as it were a mighty hurlewynd with a terrible noyse the wether beyng very faire no wynd stirring before tost the wagon ouer the barre into the towne ditch the ropes whereat the horses had bene tied beyng broken a sunder in such sort as if they had bene cut with a sharp knife the wagon also being cast vpsidedowne with the fore end thereof turned toward the towne agayne and he drowned in the mire and when he was taken vp it was found that his necke also was broken His wife was taken vp aliue but died also within three dayes after But the Gentlewoman and the foole by Gods mighty prouidence were preserued had no harm The foole hearing the people say that his Maister was dead sayd was not I dead was not I dead too This was done an 1553. Witnesse hereof not onely the Printer of the same story in Dutch dwelling then in Andwerpe whose name was Fraunces Fraet a good man and afterward for hatred put to death of Papistes but also diuers Dutchmen here now in England and a great number of English merchants which then were at Antwerpe are yet alyue Of the sodaine death of Bartholomeus Chassaneus or Cassanus persecutor read before pag. 943. Of Minerius the bloudy persecutor or rather tormētor of Christes saints how he dyed with bleeding in hys lower partes ye heard before pag. 953. And what should I speake of the iudge which accompanied the sayd Minerius in his persecution who a little after as he returned homeward was drowned and three mo of the same company killed one another vpon a strife that fell amongst them pag. 953. Ioannes de Roma cruell Monke whom rather wee may call a hell hound then persecutor what hellishe tormentes hee hadde deuised for the poore Christians of Angrongne the cōtents of the story before doth expresse pag. 216. Agayne with what like torments afterward that doublefold the Lord payd him home agayne who in hys rottyng and stinking death neither could find any enemy to kill hym nor any friend to bury him who neither could abide his owne stinking carion nor any man els to come neare hym Hereof read also in the same page and plate aboue specified Such a like persecutor also the same tyme was the lord of Reuest who likewise escaped not the reuenging hand of Gods iustice being striken after his furious persecution with a like horrible sicknes and such a furie and madnesse that none durst come neare him and so most wretchedly died Whereof read before pag. 943. Touching the like grieuous punishment of God vpō one Iohn Martin a persecutor read pag. 955. Erasmus in an Epistle or Apologie written in defence of his Colloquies inferreth mention of a certayne noble person of great riches and possessions who hauyng wyfe and children with a great familie at home to whom by S. Pauls rule he was bound in conscience principally aboue all other worldly thyngs to attend had purposed before his death to go see Ierusalem And thus all thyngs beyng set in order this Noble man about to set foreward on his iourny committed the care of his wife whom he left great with childe and of his Lordshippes and Castles to an Archbishop as to a most sure and trusty father To make short it happened in the iourney this Noble man to dye Whereof so soone as the Archbishop had intelligence in stead of a father he became a thiefe and robber seising into his owne handes all his Lordshippes and possessions And moreouer not yet contented with all this he layed siege agaynst a strong fort of his vnto the which his wife for safegard of her selfe did flee where in conclusion shee with the child that she went withall pitifully was slaine and so miserably perished Which story was done as testifieth Erasmus not so long before his tyme but that there remayned the nephews of the said Noble man then aliue to whom the same inheritance should haue fallen but they could not obtaine it What commeth of blynd superstition when a mā not conteining himselfe within the compasse of Gods worde wandereth in other bywayes of his owne and not contented with the religion set vp of the Lord wyll binde his conscience to other ordinaunces prescriptions and religious deuised by men leauyng Gods commaundements vndone for the constitutions and preceptes of men what ende and reward I say commeth thereof at length by this one example beside infinite other of the like sort men may learne by experience and therefore they that yet will defend Idolatrous pilgrimage and rash vowes let them well consider hereof It is rightly sayd of saint Hierome to haue bene at Hierusalem is no great matter but to lyue a godly and vertuous lyfe that is a great matter in very deede In the yeare of our Lord 1565. there was in the town of Gaunt in Flanders one William de Weuer accused imprisoned by the Prouost of S. Peters in Gaunt who had in his Cloister a prison and a place of execution and the day when the sayd William was called to the place of iudgement the Prouost sent for M. Gyles Brackleman principall aduocate of the Counsaile of Flaunders Borough maister and Iudge of S. Peters in Gaunt wyth other of the rulers of the towne of Gaunt to sit in iudgement vpon hym and as they sate in iudgement the Borough maister named M. Gyles Brackleman reasoned with the sayd William de Weuer vpon diuers articles of his fayth The one whereof was why the sayd William de Weuer denied that it was not lawfull to pray to Saintes and he aunswered as the report goeth for three causes The one was that they were but creatures and not the creator The second was that if he should call vpon them the Lord did both see it and heare it therefore he durst geue the glory to none other but to God The third and chiefest cause was that the creator had commaunded in his holy word to call vpon him in troubles vnto which commaundement he durst neither adde nor take from it The Borough maister M. Gyles Brackelman also demaunded whethere he did not beleeue that there was a Purgatory which he should go into after
this lyfe where euery one should be purified and cleansed He aunswered that he had red ouer the whole Bible and could finde no such place but that the death of Christ was his Purgatory with many other questions proceedyng after their order vntill hee came to pronounce hys condemnation But or euer the sayd condemnation was red foorth the iudgement of God was laid vpon the sayd Borough maister who sodainly at that present instaunt was striken with a Palsey that his mouth was drawen vp almost to his eare and so hee fell downe the rest of the Lordes by and by standing vp and shadowyng him that the people coulde not well see hym and also the people were willed to depart who beyng still called vpon to depart aunswered the place was so small to go out that they could goe no faster Then the Borough maister beyng taken vp was caried to his house and it is not yet vnderstood nor commonly knowen that euer he spake word after he was first striken but was openly knowen to bee dead the next day followyng And yet notwithstandyng that this was done about tenne of the clocke they burned the sayd William de Weuer within three houres after on the same day The 4. day of March 1566. the lyke example of the Lordes terrible iudgement was shewed vpon sir Garret Triest knight who had long before promised to the Regent to bring downe the preachyng For the which act as the report goeth the Regent agayne promised to make hym a Graue which is an Erle Of the which sir Garret it is also said that he commyng from Bruxels towardes Gaunt brought with him the death of the Preachers and beyng come to Gaunt the sayde sir Garret with other of the Lordes hauyng receiued from the Regent a Commission to sweare the Lordes and Commons vnto the Romish Religion the sayd sir Garret the 4. day of March aboue noted at night beyng at supper willed the Lady his wyfe to call hym in the mornyng one houre sooner then he was accustomed to ryse for that hee should the nexte day haue much businesse to doe in the towne house to sweare the Lordes and people to the Romish Religion But see what happened The sayd sir Garret goyng to bedde in good health as it seemed when the Lady his wife called him in the mornyng accordyng to his appoyntment was found dead in her bedde by her and so vnable to prosecute his wicked purpose The fift day of March 1566. which was the day that Sir Garret Triest appoynted to be there and the Lords of Gaunt were come into the Towne house as they had afore appoynted to proceed and to geue the othe accordyng as they had their Commission and Maister Martin de Pester the Secretary beyng appoynted and about to geue the othe as the first man should haue sworne the sayd Martine de Pester was striken of God with present death likewyse and fell downe and was caried away in a chaire or settell and neuer spake after Witnes hereunto Peter de Bellemaker Abraham Rossart Maerke de Mill. Lieuen Hendrickx Ian Coucke Roger Vanhulle Ioys Neuehans Lyauin Neuehans Wil. vanden Boegarde Ioys de Pitte About the borders of Sueuia in Germany not farre from the Citie of Uberlyng there was a certayne Monastery of Cistercian Monkes called Salmesnisie founded in the dayes of Pope Innocent 2. by a noble Baron named Guntherame about the yeare of our Lord 1130. This Celle thus beyng erected in processe of tyme was enlarged with more ample possessions findyng manye and great benefactoures and endowers liberally contributyng vnto the same as Emperours Dukes and rich Barons Amongest whome most especiall were the Earles of Montforte who had bestowed vpon that monastery many new liberties and great priuiledges vpon this condition that they shoulde receiue with free hospitalitie any stranger both horseman or footeman for one nightes lodging who so euer came But this hospitalitie did not long so continue through a subtile and diuelish deuise of one of the Monkes who tooke vpon hym to counterfeite to play the part of the Deuill ratling and raging in his chaynes where the straungers should lie after a terrible maner in the night tyme to fray away the gestes by reason wherof no stranger nor traueller durst there abide and so continued this a long space At length as God would it so happened that one of the Earles of the sayde house of Mountforte benefactours to that Abbey commyng to the Monastery was there lodged whether of set purpose or by chance it is not knowen When the night came and the Earle was at hys rest the Monke after his woonted maner beginneth his pageant to play the tame yea rather the wylde Deuill There was stampyng rappyng spittyng of fire roring thunderyng bounsing of boordes and ratling of chaines enough to make some man starke mad The Erle hearing the sodaine noyse and beyng somewhat peraduenture afraid at the first although he had not then the feate of coniuring yet taking a good hart vnto him running to his sword he layd about him well fauoredly and followyng still the noyse of the deuill so coniured him at last that the monke which counterfeited the deuill in iest was slayne in hys owne likenes in earnest Ex Gaspare Bruschio in Chronologia Monasteriorum Germaniae ❧ After the imprisonment of the congregation which were taken hearyng Gods word in S. Iames streete in Paris an 1558. as is aboue storied was a letter written to the king which was diuulgate abroad proouing declaring by diuers histories what afflictions and calamities from tyme to tyme by Gods righteous iudgement haue fallen vppon such as haue bene enemies to his people and haue resisted the free passage of his holy word In which letter forsomuch as beside the sayd examples much other good fruitfull matter is conteined worthy of all mē to be read and especially of Princes to bee considered I thought here good to copy out the whole as the Frenche booke doth geue it The translation of the which letter into English is after this tenor as followeth ¶ A Letter translated out of French into English written to K. Henry the 2. French kyng COnsider I pray you sir and you shall finde that all your afflictions haue come vpon you since you haue set your selfe agaynst those which are called Lutherans When you made the Edict of Chasteaubriant God sent you warres but when ye ceased the execution of your sayde Edict and as long as ye were enemye vnto the Pope and goyng into Almanie for the defence of the libertie of the Germaines afflicted for Religion your affaires prospered as ye would wishe or desire On the contrary what hath become vpō you since you were ioyned with the Pope agayne hauing receiued a sword from him for his own safegard And who was it that caused you to breake the truce God hath turned in a moment your prosperities into such afflictions that they touch not onely
leaue it to the reporte of them which in this matter know more then I here will vtter But notwithstanding al these cracks and threatnings of the king to see what the Lord can doe in making hygh kinges to stoupe euen the same day when the king was in his most rage agaynst these good men almightye God taking the cause in hand to fight for his Church so turned the matter that he made the great enemy of hys both with his mouth and with his hand to worke his own destruction with his mouth in commaunding with his han● in geuing him the Lance into hys hand which the same day gaue him his deathes wound as by the sequele hereof in reading ye may vnderstand ¶ The stroke of Gods hand vpon Henry .2 French king KIng Henry being in the Parliamēt house which was kept at the Fryer Augustines at Paris because the Pallace was in preparing agaynst the mariage of hys daughter and his sister and hauing heard the opinion in religiō of Anne du Bourg Counsaylour in the lawe a man eloquent and learned he caused the sayd Anne du Bourg and Loys du Faur Counsaylours to be taken prisoners by the Constable of Fraunce who apprehended them and delyuered them into the handes of the Countye of Mongommery the which caryed them to prison Agaynst whom the king being wrathfull and angry among other talke sayd to the sayd Anne du Bourg These eyes of mine shall see thee burnt And so on the 19. of Iune Commission was geuen to the Iudges to make his Proces During this meane while great feastes and banquets were preparing in the Courte for ioy and gladnes of the mariage that should be of the kinges daughter and sister agaynst the last day of Iune saue one So when the day tyme aboue prefixed was come the king employed all the morning in examining as wel the Presidentes as Counsaylours of the sayde Parliament agaynst these prisoners and other theyr companions that were charged with the same doctrine which being done they went to dinner The king after he had dyned for that he was one of the defendauntes at the Tourney which was solemnly made in S. Anthonies Streate neare to the prison where the foresayde Prisoners were committed hee entred into the Lystes and there in iusting as the manner is had broken many Staues right valiauntly as could be runnyng as well agaynste the Countye of Montgommery as other moe Whereupon he was highly commended of the lookers on And because he had done so valiauntly and was thought nowe to haue done enough hee was desired to cease with praise But he being the more inflamed with hearing of hys prayse woulde needes runne an other course wyth Montgommery who then refusing to runne agaynst the king and kneling vpon his knees for pardon not to run the king being egerly set commanded him vpon his allegeance to runne and as some affirme did also him selfe put the staffe in his hand vnto whose handes he had committed the foresayd prisoners a little before Montgommery thus being enforced whether he would or no to run agaynst the king addressed hymselfe after the best wyse to obey the kinges commaundement Whereupon he and the king met together so stoutly that in breaking theyr Speares the king was striken with the counter blowe so right in one of hys eyes by reasonne that the visour of his Helmet so sodenly fell downe at the same instaunt that the shiuers entred into hys head so that the braynes was peryshed thereupon so festred that no remedy could bee founde although Phisitions and Surgeons were sent for from all places in the Realme as also frō Brabant by king Philip but nothing auayled so that the xj day after that is the x. of Iuly 1559. he ended his life in great dolour hauing raigned xij yeares three monethes and ten dayes Some report that among other wordes he said that he feared he was strickē for casting the poore christians wrongfully in prisō but the Cardinal of Loraine standing by as he was alwayes at hād sayd vnto him that it was the enemy that tempted him that he should be stedfast in the fayth By this meanes the Hall which was prepared for a place of ioy and gladnes did now serue for a Chappel to keep the corps being dressed with blacke mourning cloth night and day t●ere was nothing heard but mournyng and lamenting for the space of xl dayes About two yeares after this which was the yeare of our Lord .1561 there were certayne Gentlemen put to death at Amboise for taking armes agaynst the house of Guise Touching which Gentlemen this is to be noted that as one of thē should be brought to the place of executiō where the other lay dead before him he thrust his handes into the bloud of two of his companions which were there beheaded and then lifting them vp to heauen cryed with a loud voyce Lord behold the bloud of thy childrē thou wilt in time and place reuenge it Not long after the same the Chancellor Oliuier who was condemner of thē at the instigatiō and pursuit of the Cardinall of Loraine through great remorse of cōscience fell sicke and in a frensy casting out sighes vncessauntly afflicting himselfe after a fearefull and straūge fashion for his vnrighteous sentence and more then barbarous cruelty shriked vpon a sodeyne with an horrible cry sayd O Cardinall thou wilt make vs all to be damned And within a very few dayes after he dyed Fraunces the second of that name king of Fraunce at the perswasion of the Cardinall of Loraine of certeyne others caused an assēbly of the Estates of the realm in the towne of Orleans among other things to mainteine the Papall See to the ouerthrow of those which would lyue after the sincerity of the gospel but being fallen sick shortly after in the foresayd place of a feuer through an Impostume in his left eare he dyed the fourth of Decemb. 1561. hauing raigned but one yeare and about fiue monethes It was sayd of this king Fraunces as the authour aboue mentioned reporteth that when he was drawyng toward his end the Cardinal of Loraine made him to say and pronounce these words which folow Lord forgeue me my trespasses and impute not vnto me the faultes which my ministers haue done vnder my name and authority Neither is it vnworthy of obseruation that after the father happened in much like sort by gods mighty iudgement vpon Carol. 9. his second sonne brother to Frances aboue mentioned in these our latter dayes who after the horrible and bloudy murder of the Admyrall other true professors of Christes Gospell both men womē and children to the nūber of many thousandes of diuers Cityes in so much that the prisōs streetes are said to be coloured with bloud smoking after such a cruell sort as in our time or country the like hath not hitherto bene sene by the terrible
suppressed yet the examples of them may suffice to admonishe all men that bee wise and which will auoyde the wrath of Gods terrible vengeance to beware of Popery And thus hauing hitherto recited so manye shamefull lyues and desperate endes of so many popish Persecutours stricken by Gods hand nowe let vs consider agayne on the contrarye syde the blessed endes geuen of almighty God vnto them which haue stoode so manfully in the defence of Christes Gospel and the reformation of his religion and let the Papists themselues here be iudges First what a peaceable and heauenly ende made the worthy seruaunt and singular Organe of God M. Luther To speake likewise of the famous Iohn Duke of Saxonie and prince Elector of the good Palsgraue of Phillip Melancthon of Pomeranus Vrbanus Rhegius Berengarius of Vlricus Zuinglius Oecolampadius Pellicanus Capito Munsterius Ioannes Caluinus Petrus Martyr Martin Bucer Paulus Phagius Ioan. Musculus Bibliander Gesnerus Hofman Augustinus Marloratus Lewes of Bourbon Prince of Condy and his godly wife before him with many mo which were knowne to be learned mē and chiefe standerds of the Gospel side against the Pope and yet no man able to bring forth any one example eyther of these or of any other true Gospeller that eyther killed himselfe or shewed forth any signification or appearaunce of despayre but full of hope and constant in faythe and replenished with the fruite of righteousnesse in Christ Iesu so yealded they theyr lyues in quiet peace vnto the Lord. From these Forrayners let vs come now to the Martyrs of England and marke likewise the ende both of them and semblably of all other of the same profession And first to beginne with the blessed and heauenly departure of King Edward the vi that first put downe the Masse in England and also of the lyke godly end of his good Vncle the Duke of Sommerset which dyed before him with an infinite number of other priuate persons besides of the like religion in whose finall departing no suche blemishe is to bee noted like to the desperate examples of them aboue recited Let vs now enter the consideration of the blessed Martyrs who although they suffered in their bodyes yet reioyced they in theyr spirites and albeit they were persecuted of men yet were they comforted of the Lorde wyth suche inwarde ioy and peace of conscience that some writing to theyr friendes professed they were neuer so merrye before in all theyr lyues some leapt for ioye some for tryumphe woulde put on theyr Scarfes some theyr wedding garment goyng to the fire other kissed the stake some embraced the Fagottes some clapte theyr handes some song Psalmes vniuersally they all forgaue and prayed for ther enemies no murmuring no repining was euer heard amongest them so that moste truely might bee verified in them whiche their persecuters were wonte to sing in they re Hymnes Caeduntur gladijs more bidentium Non murmur resonat nec querimonia Sed corde tacito mens bene conscia Conseruat pacientiam c. Briefly so great was theyr patience or rather so great was Gods spirite in them that some of them in the flaming fire moued no more then the Stake whereunto they were tyed In fine in them most aptly agreed the speciall tokens whiche most certaynly follow the true children of God that is outward persecution and inward comfort in the holy Ghost In the world sayth Christ our Sauiour ye shall haue affliction but in me yee shall haue peace c. And likewise the wordes of S. Paule be playne Whosoeuer sayth he studyeth to liue godly in Christe shall suffer persecution c. But then what followeth with this persecution the sayde Apostle agayne thus declareth saying As the passions of Christ abound in vs so aboundeth also our consolation by Christe c. According as by the examples of these godly martyrs right perfectly we may perceaue For as theyr bodyes outwardly lacked no persecutions by the handes of the wicked so amongest so many hundreds of them that stood and dyed in this religion what one man can be brought forth which eyther hath bene founde to haue killed himselfe or to haue dyed otherwise then the true seruaunt of GOD in quiet peace and much comforte of conscience Whiche being so what greater proofe can we haue to iustifie theyr cause and doctrine agaynst the persecuting Churche of Rome then to behold the endes of them both First of the Protestantes how quietly they tooke theyr deathe and chearefully rested in the Lord and contrariwise to marke these persecuters what a wrerched end commonly they doe all come vnto Experience whereof we haue sufficient in the examples a-aboue declared and also of late in Boner who albeit he dyed in his bed vnrepentaunt yet was it so prouided by God that as he had bene a persecuter of the light and a childe of darkenes so his carkase was tumbled into the earthe in obscure darcknes at midnight contrary to the order of all other Christians and as he had bene a murderer so was hee layd amongest theeues murtherers a place by Gods iudgement rightly appoynted for him And albeit some peraduenture that haue bene notable persecutors in tyme past doe yet remayne aliue who being in the same cause as the other were haue not yet felte the weyght of Gods mighty hand yet let not them thinke that because the iudgement of God hath lighted sooner vpon other therefore it will neuer light vpon them or because God of his mercy hath graunted them space to repent let not them therefore of Gods lenitye build to themselues an opinion of indemnity The bloud of Abel cryed long yet it wrought at length The soules of the Saynctes slayne vnder the aultar were not reuenged at the first Apoc. 6. but read forth the chapter see what folowed in the end Bloud especially of Christes seruauntes is a perillous matter and cryeth sore in the eares of God and will not be stilled with the lawes of men Wherfore let such bloud guilty homicides beware if not by my coūsell at lest by the examples of theyr felowes And though Princes and Magistrates vnder whose permission they are suffered do spare theyr liues let them not thinke therefore as some of them shame not to say that man hath no power to hurt them and so thinke to escape vnpunished because they be not punished by man but rather let them feare so much the more For oftentimes suche as haue bene persecutours and tormentours to Gods children God thinketh them not worthy to suffer by mā but either reserueth them to his owne iudgement or els maketh them to be theyr owne persecutors and theyr owne hands most commonly hangmen to theyr owne bodyes So Saul after he had persecuted Dauid it was vnneedfull for Dauid to pursue him agayne for he was reuenged of him more then he desired It was needlesse to cause Achitophell to be hanged for hee himselfe was the stifeler or
and burning them hee denyed not but that he was once at the burning of an herewygge fo● so he termed it at Uxbridge where he tost a faggot at his face as hee was singing Psalmes and set a wynbushe of thornes vnder his feete a little to pricke him wyth many other words of like effect In the whiche words he named moreouer syr Phillip Hobby an other knight of Kent with such other of the richer and higher degree whom his Counsell was to plucke at to bring them vnder coram wherein sayd he if they had followed my aduise then had they done well and wisely This or much like was the effect of the shameles and tyrannicall excuse of hym selfe more meete to speake with the voyce of a beast then of a man Although in this Parliament some diuersitie there was of iudgement opinion betweene parties yet notwithstanding through the mercifull goodnes of the Lord the true cause of the Gospell had the vpper hand the Papistes hope was frustrate and theyr rage abated the order and proceedinges of king Edwardes time concerning religion was reuiued agayne the supremacie of the Pope abolished the articles and bloudy statutes of Queene Mary repealed briefly the furious firebrandes of cruell persecution which had consumed so many poore mens bodyes were now extinct and quenched Finally the olde Byshops deposed for that they refused the othe in renouncing the pope and not subscribing to the Queenes iust and lawfull title In whose rowmes and places first for Cardinall Poole succeeded D. Mathew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury In the place of Heth succeeded D. Young In steede of Boner Edmund Grindall was Bishop of London For Hopton Thurlby Tonstall Pates Christoferson Peto Coates Morgan Feasy White Oglethorpe c. were placed Doctor Iohn Parkust in Norwich D. Coxe in Ely Iuell in Salisbury Pilkenton in Duresme Doctor Sandes in Worcester Mayster Downam in Westchester Bentam in Couentry and Lichfield Dauid in S. Dauies Ally in Exceter Horn in Winchester Scory in Hereford Best in Carlile Bullingham in Lincoln Scamler in Peterbury Bart let in Bath Gest in Rochester Barlo in Chi. c. ¶ And here to make an end of this Story Now it remayneth to proceed further to the Appendix in supplying such thinges as haue either bene omitted or newly inserted as foloweth ❧ The Appendix of such Notes and Matters as either haue bene in this History omitted or newly inserted IN this Story of Sir Roger Acton aboue mentioned pag. 587. I finde that with him were taken many other persōs that all the prisons in about London were replenished with people The chiefe of thē which were 29. were condemned of heresy atteynted of high treason as mouers of war agaynst theyr king by the temporall law in the Guild hall the 12. day of December and adiudged to be drawne and hanged for treasō and for heresy to be consumed with fire Gallowes and all which iudgement was executed in Ianuary following on the sayde Syr Roger Acton and 28. other Some say that the occasion of theyr death was the cōueyance of the Lord Cobham out of Prison Other write that it was both for treason as the aduersaries termed it and heresy Certayne affirme that it was for feyned causes surmised by the spiritualty more of displeasure thē truth as seemeth more neare to the truth * Concerning Iohn Frith of his life and story this foloweth more to be added and to be referred to the page 103● FIrst this Iohn Frith was borne in the Towne of Westrame in Kent who after by diligent especialles was takē in Essex flying beyond the seas brought before the Counsaile Syr Thomas More thē being Chauncellor and so from them committed vnto the Tower where he remayned prisoner the space of a quarter of a yeare or there about It chaunced that Doctour Curreyne ordinary Chapleyne vnto King Henry the eighte preached a Sermō in Lent before his Maiesty And there verye sore enueying agaynste the Sacramentaryes as they thē termed and named which fauored not the grosse opinion that Christes body was carnally reall in the Sacrament he so farre discoursed in that matter that at the length he brake out thus far and sayd It is no maruayle though this abhominable heresye doe muche preuayle among vs for there is one nowe in the Tower of London so bolde as to write in the defence of that heresye and yet no man goeth about his reformation meaning Iohn Fryth who then had aunsweared Syr Thomas More in writing agaynste a confutation of that erroneous opinion which of late before the sayd Maister More had writen agaynst Iohn Frythes assertion in that behalfe This Sermon of purpose was deuised and appoynted by the Byshop of Winchester and other to seeke the destruction of Fryth by putting the king in remembraunce that the sayd Fryth was in the Tower there stayd rather for hys sauegarde then for his punishment by suche as fauoured hym as the Lorde Cromwell who being Uicegerent in causes Ecclesiasticall came then into suspition therefore For in suche sorte was the matter handeled before the Kyng that all men mighte well vnderstande what they meant The Kynge then being in no poynte resolued of the true and sincere vnderstanding of the doctrine of that Article but rather a peruerse stout Aduersary to the contrary called to hym my Lorde of Caunterburye and my Lord Cromwell and willed them forthwith to call Fryth vnto examination so that he might eyther be compelled to recant or elles by the Lawe to suffer condigne punishment Frythes long protract in the Tower withouten examination was so heynously taken of the King that nowe my Lorde of Caunterburye with other Byshoppes as Stokesly thē bishop of London other learned mē were vndelayedly appoynted to examine Fryth And for that there shuld be no concourse of Citizens at the sayd examination my L. of Canterbury remoued to Croydon vnto whome resorted the rest of the Commissioners Nowe before the day of execution appointed my Lord of Cant. sent one of his gentlemen and one of his porters whose name was Perlebene a Welchman borne to fetche Iohn Frith from the Tower vnto Croydon This gentleman hadde both my Lords letters and the kings ring vnto my Lord Fitzwilliams Constable of the Tower then lying in Canon row at Westminster in extreme anguish and payne of the strangulion for the deliuery of the prisoner Mayster Fytzwilliams more passionate then patient vnderstanding for what purpose my Lordes gentleman was come banned and cursed Frith and all other heretickes saying take this my King vnto the Lieuetenaunt of the Tower and receiue your man your hereticke with you and I am glad that I am ridde of him When Frith was deliuered vnto my Lord of Canterburyes Gentleman they twaine with Parlebeane sitting in a Wherry and rowing towardes Lambeth The sayd Gentleman much lamenting in his mind the infelicitie of the sayd Frith began in this wise to exhort him to consider in what estate
greene The loue of God within her hart Shall beutifie her grace The feare of God on the other part Shall stablish her in place This Loue and Feare her colours are Whereby if she be known She may compare both nie and farre Unable to be ouerthrown The loue of God it will her cause Unfained if it bee To haue respect vnto his lawes And hate idolatrie If that she haue the feare of God And be thereto right bent She will do that he her bode And not her owne intent O noble Queene take heed take heed Beware of your owne intent Looke or you leape then shall you speed Haste maketh many shent Remember Saule that noble king What shame did him befall Because that vnto the Lords ●idding He had no lust at all The Lord hath bid you shall loue him And other Gods defye Alas take heéde do not beginne To place Idolatry What greater disobedience Agaynst God may be wrought Then this to moue mens conscience To worship thinges of nought What greater folly can you inuent Then such men to obey How can you serue your owne intent Not foreseing your owne decay And where as first ye should mainteine Your Realme in perfect vnity To rent the peoples hartes in twayne Thorow false Idolatry Is this the way to get you fame Is this to get you loue Is this to purchase you a name To fight with God aboue Is this your care to set vp Masse Your Subiectes soules to stroy Is this your study no more to passe Gods people to anoy Is this to reigne to serue your will Good men in bondes to keépe And to exalt such as be euill And for your grace vnmeét Such as made that fond diuorce Your mother to deface Are nighest you in power and force And most bounden vnto your Grace Well yet take heéd of had I wist Let Gods word beare the bell If you will reigne learne to know Christ As Dauid doth you tell What great presumption doth appeare Thus in a weéke or twayne To worke more shame then in vij yeare Can be redrest agayne All is done without a law For will doth worke in place And this all men may seé and know The weakenes of your case That miserable masking Masse Which all good men doth hate Is now by you brought vp agayne The roote of all debate Your Ministers that loue Gods worde They feéle this bitter rodde Who are robbed from house and goodes As though there were no God And yet you would seeme mercifull In the midds of Tyranny And holy whereas you mayntayne Most vile Idolatry For feare that you should heare the truthe True preachers may not speake But on good Prophetes you make ruthe And vnkindely them intreate Him haue you made Lord Chauncellor Who did your bloud most stayne That he may sucke the righteous bloud As he was wont agayne Those whome our late king did loue You doe them most disdayne These thinges doth manifestly proue Your colours to be but vayne Gods word you cannot abide But as your Prophetes tell In this you may be well compared To wicked Iesabell Who had 400. Prophettes false And fiftie on a rought Through whose false preaching Poore Ely was chased in and out Gods Prophetes you do euill entreate Balles Priestes defend your grace Thus did the Iewes put Christ to death And let go Barrabas Hath God thus high exalted you And set you on a trone That you should prison and deface His flocke that maketh mone The Lord which doth his flock defend As the Aple of an eye Of this full quickly will make an end And banish crueltie Therfore my Counsell I you take And thinke thereof no scorne You shall finde it the best counsell Ye had since you were borne Put away blinde affection Let Gods word be vnpere To try out true religion From this euill fauoured geere Finis ꝙ W.M. as it is supposed * The instruction of king Edward the sixt geuen to Sir Anthony Seyntleger Knight of his priuie chamber being of a corrupt iudgement of the Eucharist Vpon this saying of an ancient D. of the Catholicke Church Dicimus Eucharistiam Panem vocari in scripturis Panis in quo gratiae actae sunt c. IN Euchariste then there is bread Wherto I do consent Then with bread is our bodyes fed But farther what is ment I say that Christ in flesh and bloud Is there continually Unto our soule a speciall food Taking it spiritually And this transubstantiation I Beleue as I haue read That Christ sacramentally Is there in forme of bread S. Austen sayth the word doth come Unto the element And there is made he sayth in somme A perfect sacrament The Element then doth remayne Or els must needes ensue S. Austens wordes be nothing playne Nor cannot be found t●ue For if the words as he doth say Come to the element Then is not the element away But bides there verament Yet who so eateth that liuely foode And hath a perfect fayth Receiueth Christes flesh and bloud For Christ himselfe so sayth Not with our teeth hys flesh to teare Nor take bloud for our drinke To great an absurditie it were So grossely for to thinke For we must eate hym spiritually If we be spirituall And who so eates hym carnally Thereby shall haue a fall For he is now a spirituall meate And spiritually we must That spirituall meate spiritually eate And leaue our carnall lust Thus by the spirite I spiritually Beleeue say what men list None other Transubstantiation I Beleeue of the Eucharist But that there is both bread and wyne Which we see with our eye Yet Christ is there by power diuine To those that spiritually Do eate that bread and drinke that cup Esteemyng it but lyght As Iudas did which eate that soppe Not iudgyng it aryght For I was taught not long agone I should leane to the sprite And let the carnall flesh alone For dyd it not profite God saue hym that teachyng me taught For I thereby did winne To put me from that carnall thought That I before was in For I beleeue Christ corporally In heauen doth keepe his place And yet Christ sacramentally Is here with vs by grace So that in this high mysterie We must eate spirituall meate To keepe hys death in memory Least we should it forget This do I say this haue I sayd This saying say wyll I This saying though I once denaid I will no more to dye FINIS ¶ This yong Prince became a perfect schoolemaister vnto old erroneous men so as no Diuine could amende hym and therfore this piece is worthy of perpetuall memory to his immortall fame and glory ¶ When Queene Mary came to her raigne a friend of maister Sentlegers charged him with this his Pamphlet Well ꝙ he content your selfe I perceiue that a man may haue too much of Gods blessing And euen here Peter began to deny Christ such is mens frailtie ¶ A note of a Letter of one Iohn Meluyn Prisoner in Newgate * Christi
church of Christ. 1811.1812 Bishops of the popes making displaced 2102. Bishops of Rome a great many Martyrs 95. Bishops and priests of England against Images 131. Bilney Martyr his excellent story 998. articles obiected against him 1001. his notable dialogue .1002 his recantation .1003 he burneth his hand and fingers in a candle .1012 his constant and glorious martyrdome 1013. Bill set vpon the townehouse doore at Ipswich 1232. Bindyng and loosing what it is and how it is done by the ministers 1106 Bindyng and loosing of Satan examined 398. Bibliothecarie of the Popes suspected and why 4. Bibles printed at Paris .1191 staid by English bishops ibid. Bibliades Martyr 47. B O. Body of Christ is locall and but in one place at once 1128. Bodies of christians not permitted to be buried 37. Body of Christ cannot be the Sacrament of his body 1137. Body must ioyne with the spirite mynd in the seruing of god 1908 Bohemians their tragicall story trouble and persecution for the truth 588. Bohemians wholy against the pope and his doynges .589 writte in the behalfe of Iohn Hus .602 their godly exhortation to kinges and princes .653 sent for to the Councell of Basill their safe cōduct for their comming thether and the maner of their receiuyng there .657.675 wherein they disented from the church of Rome .657 their goyng vp to the councell .691 their articles debated of .692 they are permitted to haue Communion vnder both kynds .694 their petitions to the councell 693.696 Bookes of holy scripture which be autentique 61. Bookes of scripture burned consumed 77. Bookes of scripture burned by K. Henry the 8. 1246. Bookes forbid by K. Henry the 8. to be printed 1134. Bookes translated by Alfrede 144 Bookes against transubstantiation burned by the papists 1141. Bookes of Latine seruice suppressed and abolished 1330 Bookes of Luther burned in chepeside 1207 Bookes of conclusion for reformation exhibited to the parliament 507. Bookeseller with Bibles about his necke burned 947. Booke of Cranmer loste in the Thames found and deliuered to a popish priest 1185 Booke called opus tripartitum 200. Bookes of common prayer by kyng Edward .6 1303 Bookes restrained by Queen Mary 1598 Bookes hard to be got for Friers 411. Bookes in English forbidde by the bishops 1017.1018 Booke whether lawfull to sweare by it or not 529. Bones of P. Martirs wife in Oxford taken vp buried in a dung hil by the papists reduced againe interred in a decent tombe 1968 Bones of Wickliff burned after his death 463. Boniface the 7. drawn through the streetes in Rome 159. Boniface Archb. of Magunce hys popish acts 129. Boniface his abhominable lyfe hee had rather be a dog then a Frēchmā .344 accused of infinit crimes 345. Boniface 8. besieged taken prisoner his infinite treasure .348 his death 349 Boniface 8. author of the decretals 342 Boniface 8.2 his pride and shamefull death 159.342 Boniface 1. falsifieth the councel of Nice 4. Boniface an Englishman Archbishop of Mentz in Germany 128 Boniface 3.1.2 first bringers in of the Popes vsurped supremacie 120. Boners visitation with his ridiculous behauiour at certain places .1474 his Mandate to abolish scriptures and writings vppon churchwals .1475 hys preface to Winchesters booke De vera obedientia 1060 Boners whole history with his actes and doyngs .1292.1296 sent as Embassadour into Fraunce hys letters to the L. Cromwel .1088 1089. his comming vp by the gospell .1092 his letter to Clunny for the abolishing of images .1293 committed to the Marshalsee .1296 his continuāce there .2125 pro. esse against hym .1309 hys recantation .1310 he is enioyned to preach at Paules crosse ibid. leaueth out the article of the kings authoritie .1311 conuented before the commissioners with hys behauiour there .1312 his protestation .1313 his answers to the articles obiected agaynste hym .1319 his interrogatories .1320 hee refuseth Secretary Smith .1324 his appeale .1325 depriued 1329. his letters and supplications 1330 Boners death and filthy end 2114 Boniface 3. Bishop of Rome obtained of Phocas to be called vniuersall Bishop 782. Bonauenture author of our Ladies Psalter .1598 compiler of the rosarie of our Lady no lesse blasphemous than the other 1601. Bongey Martyr his story martyrdome 1714. Bongeor martyr burned at Colchester his story 2007.2008 Borthwicke Knight his story .1259 Articles against him with his answeres to the same .1260 his great commendation withall his condemnation for the truth 1265. Breaking of the hoste 1404. Brewster Martyr 818. Browne Martyr 805.1292.1293 Bowyer Martyr his story martyrdome 1914. Bosomes wife her trouble and deliuery 2072. Bosworth field 722. Bostone pardons .1178 theyr excessiue price ibid. Boston burned 339. Bourne his Sermon at Paules Crosse where hee had a dagger throwne at him 1409.1407 Bourne deliuered from the rage of the people at Paules Crosse thorow the meanes of Maister Bradford preacher and martyr 1604. Boulstring of falshood and iniquitie 1755. Bowchurch rose in London ouerthrowne with 600. houses with a tempest 184. Boyes 300. placed in benefices in England by the Pope 287. Boyes beaten by Boner in goyng to Fulham 2062. B. L. Blacke friers there originall 259. Blacke heath field 800. Blage Knight his great trouble and persecution 1245. Bland preacher and martyr hys story .1665 apprehended .1666 his confutation of the popishe transubstantiation .1671.1672 hys martyrdome 1673.1676 Blaudina her cruell handling by the Ethnikes her paciēce constancie and martyrdome 46.37 Blasphemy punished 2103. Blasphemy of the Popes religion 726. Blacke Crosse of Scotland 375. Black friers by Ludgate built 339. Bloud and strangled why forbid in the primitiue Church 56. Bloud rayned in Yorke 132 Bloud of hayles .1110 proued to be the bloud of a ducke 1742. Bloud of Christians spilt to cease the sweating sickenes 885. Blondus taken with a lye in writing in the Popes behalfe 303.304 Blomfield persecutor his death 2101. B. R. Bradford Saunders and others theyr declaration out of prison concerning the disputation 1470. Bradford martyr his excellent story .1603 cast into prison .1604 his examinations and answeres .1606.1608.1609 his talk with certayn Bish. 1615.1616 wyth friers 1617. his condemnation .1623 his constant death martyrdome .1624 his letters 1625 1628.1630 Bradway persecutor bereft of hys wittes 2101 Brasen Nose Colledge in Oxford built 820. Bradbridge Martyr her story 1979. Bradbrige Martyr his story 1970 Brodbrige Martyr 1708. Bread and wine why geuen in the sacrament of the Lordes supper 1973. ought not a● any hād to be worshipped 1974. Bread representeth the bodye of Christ. 1128. Bradbriges widow and Martyr her story and martyrdome 1980 1981. Britayne inuaded by the Saxons and deuided into 7. kingdomes how wekened and destroyed of the Saxons 108.109 Britayne kinges who they were 108. Britaynes and Scotte● vsed not the rites of Rome 119. Britaynes neuer persecuted before Dioclesian 108. Britaynes destroyed and the causes why 114. Britaynes persecuted by the heathen Saxons 113. Britaynes called to the fayth by the speciall election of God 480.
subdued to the Turke 744. Citizens of Basill their woorthye commendations 682. Citizens of Londō toll free through all England 272 Cistercian or white monkes order 185. Ciuile dissention betweene Kyng Henry the 3. and his nobles 330 Cyrillus Martyr 76 C L. Clarke Martyr 878 Clarke with his fellowes famished in Cant. for the Gospell 1954 Clarke a papist enemy to the Gospell hangeth himselfe 2101 Clarke a great learned man died in the cardinals pryson at Oxford 997 Clarkes subiect to the lawe temporall 223 Claimundus President of Corpus Christi colledge 1209 Claydon Currier his story .639 his condemnation martyrdom 640 Claudius punished by God 74 Claudius a quiet Emperour 75 Claudius Nero Emperour a tyrant 31 Claude de Asses persecutour hys death 2109 Clarke Martyr his story and martyrdome 1231.1232 Clergy of England deny contribution to the Pope 288 Clergy of England deny tribute to the kyng 349. Clergy of England deny to contribute to the Pope 266.267.370 Clergy ought not to sit of lyfe and death by the scriptures 562. Clergy subiect to the ciuile law and may be punished by the same 459. Clergy of England set free fro all ciuile impositions tributes taxes or els whatsoeuer by the Pope 849 Clergy geueth 18840. poundes to be relesed of the premunire 1052 Clergy of Fraunce their obiections in denying the Popes exactions 270. Clergy of Fraunce their letter to the Pope agaynst the Pope him selfe 347 Clement 5. his coronation with the great slaughter of noble men at the same 351. Clement the 7. his sentence definitiue agaynst the diuorce of king Henry 8. 1279.1280 Clement Byshop of Rome Martyr 38. Clemens Alexandrinus 53. Clement the 2. Pope 168. Clementines 351. Clony the Byshoppe of Londons Somner 1293. and keeper of the Colehouse ibid. Clodoueus first christened king of France 7 C O. Cobbe Martyr his story and martyrdome 1708 Cobham Lord his lamentable history his persecution and trouble 557.558.559 his examination answers .560.561.562 his condemnation .564 his beliefe 566 Coberley her trouble for the Gospell 694 Coberley Martyr his story 1894. Cobham her defence against Alanus Copus 702. Cockram men dislike their Rode and goe about to haue a new one made 1474. Coker Martyr his story and martyrdome 1688. Codrinus king of Denmarke 340. Collet Deane of Paules hys notable story 838.839 Cole of Magdalene college in Oxford 1194.1203 Collier Wright and 4. other Martyrs at Cant. 1688. Collins with his dog burned 1131 Colledge of Eaton and Kinges colledge in Cambridge built 712 Colchester persecuted prisoners 22. apprehended there and caried vp to London 1971.1972.1973 1974 Collectors for the Popes money 287. Cole his sermon at Bishop Cranmers death in Oxford 1885.1886 Communion to be ministred in both kyndes 1300 Communion celebrate wyth the Lordes prayer onely by S. Peter 52 Communion with the vse therof in the primitiue church 16 Communion in one kynde defended by the Papists 1760 Communion of the church wherein it consisteth 1617 Commotion against king Henry 3. and the causes therof 329 Communion table why rather to be after the forme of a boord or vsuall table then of an altar with reasons and arguments vpō the same 1331. Commission bloudy of king Philip and Queene Mary agaynst the professors of the gospel of Christ. 1970.1971 Commission sent from the Pope with sentence diffinitiue against Tho. Cranmer Archb. of Canterbury 2132.2133 Commission to burne true Preachers 1483. Comparison betwene the Syrians and the Turkes 763. Comparison betweene the kyngdom of this world and the kyngdom of the Pope 19. Comparison betweene the Pope a bird fethered with straunge fethers 408. Complaint of the nobles of England of the oppressions of Rome 265 Complaintes of the abuses of the clergy in the parliament of Frāce 354.355 Complaint of the Ploughman 398 399. Computation of yeares 115. Complaint of such as fauoured the Gospell in Ipswich in Queene Maries dayes 2089.2090 Commendator of S. Anthony plagued 2106. Commaundementes of the Pope more regarded then Christes cōmandements be 500 Commotion betweene the Towne and Abbey of Bury 374 Common women in the Councell of Constance 596. Cōmodus the Emperor hys pride his skil in throwing a dart 52. Communion in both kindes denied by the councell of Constance 596 Constantine a spectacle to all princes to follow 103. Constantinus and Licinius theyr constitutions imperiall for the establishing of christiā religion 86 Constantinus pope a lay man deposed his eyes put out 130. Constancie of Martyrs at theyr death 80. Constancie of Christians in the truth 42. Constance murthered by the procurement of vortiger 108. Constantinople won by the Turks made theyr imperiall seate 708. Countryes wonne by the Turkes from the Christians 760.761 Conrade archbishop cleareth Iohn Hus. 598. Constable of Fraunce hys cruell vow disapoynted 2109. Confession of Patricke Patchingam sent out of Newgate to certayne of hys friendes 2141.2142 Countrey man put to death for the Gospell 882.883 Conclusions exhibited to the parliament in London for reformation 507. Coniurers and sorcerers warned and admonished 167. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolke with the description discourse therof 2073.2074.2075 Congregation in London 2074. Conscience must not be dissembled in matters of religion 1782. Conception of our Lady brought into the Churche 696. Conception of Mary in great contention amongest the Friers 800.801.802 Conclaue wherein the Popes be chosen 595. Confession what it is and to whom it ought to be made 1269. Confession of three kindes 1171. Confession auriculare with the abuses therein committed 1172. Confession of a childe agaynst Idolatry with his cruell death and martyrdome for the same 90. Confessiō auricular detestable 16●● why instituted why not lawful ibid. Confessor to our Lady who was after the Papistes 48. Conference betweene M. Latimer and M. Ridley in prison 1718.1720.1722.1723.1724 Confessours 3. dyed in Chichester Prison 1954 Confession of Iohn Warnes belief 1580.1581 Confiteor in the Masse abhominable 1587 Confiteor brought in by pope Damasus 1401 Confirmation of childrē instituted 58 Concordus Martyr spitteth in the Idols face 45 Cornet his trouble and deliuery by Gods prouidence 2081 Conduit in fleete streete built 712. Conduit in Cheepe 339 Coniectures prouing the Lady Eleanor and Roger Onley not to be guilty of treason 703 Consecration what it meaneth 1363 Contention betwene Courtney bishop of London the Lord Marshal and the Duke of Lancaster 247 Courte remoued from London to Yorke 513 Contention about the diuorcing of Priestes wiues 192 Contention betwene Pope Gregory the 9. and the Citizens of Rome 281 Contention betwene Cyprian and Stephanus bishop of Rome 71 Contention betwene the Archbyshop of Yorke and the Deane 235.236 Contention betwene the Archbyshop of Canterbury the Prior of the same 227 Contention amongest friers about the conception of Mary the mother of Christ. 242.251 Contention betwene the 2. Archbyshops of Canterbury and Yorke for the supremacy 172.173 Contention betweene the Archbyshops of Caunterbury Yorke about bearing of the Crosse. 227 Contention betwene the
for her godly zeale to the truth detestatiō of papistry 2145.2146 Crosse in this life a token of Gods election .1652 oughte paciently to be borne of euery true Christian man .1835 what fruit it bringeth ibid. Crosbowmaker his story 1229. Creed not made al by the Apostles 684.685 Crosmans wife her trouble deliuery 2073 Cromwell his notable Story his rare commendation .1177 hys voyage to Rome with his actes there .1178 receiued into the Cardinalles seruice complayned of to the king made knight M. of the Roles and Earle of Essex .1179 he was a great suppressor of Abbeyes 1181. his Oration to the Byshoppes .1182 his curtesy to his olde frendes .1186 apprehēded and crimes laid agaynst him 1187. his death 1190 Cromwell the onely preferrer of Boner 1088 C V. Cup debarred in the administratiō of the Lordes supper 1778 Custome for woll raysed 388 Custome letteth Edwine to bee Christened 121 Custome and Ueritye a Dialogue betwene them 1388 Custome without truth agaynst truth what 121 Custome of sinne a perilous and daungerous matter 1932 Cuspinianus girdeth the pope 304 Cutbert Symson his story .2031 his fingers grated thorow wyth an arrow racked .2032 his visiō 2033. articles ministred agaynst him .2033 his martirdome 2034 Cutbert Archbishop of Caunterbury his synodall decrees 128 Cuthlake a Popish Saint .125 his lying miracles ibid. Cursse of the pope hurteth not but rather profiteth the godly 545.546 Cursing with booke bell and candle 202.1038 Curssinges of Papistes taken for great blessinges 1038 Curde Martyr burned at Northhampton 202● C Y. Cyprian his Apollogy for the christians 68 Cyprian banished for the Gospell and writeth to the chris●ia●s out of exile exhorting them to constancy in the trueth .66 his countrey and education he was elect Byshop of Carthage his modestye patience visions and moste constaunt Martyrdome for the truth of Christes Gospell .69 his Sentences 70 Cyprians diuers of that name 71 D. A. DAbney his trouble happy deliuerance 2071. Dale a popishe promoter eaten wyth lice 2101. Dale troubled for the gospels truth and dyed in prison 2045.2046 Dalaber his story 1195.1196.1197.1198 Dami●ta taken of the Christians 273.268 Damasus the 2. Pope 168. Damasus subdued of the Sarazens 737. Damlip persecuted in Calice .1223 his martyrdome 1229. Danes and their story 135. they inuade England ibid. Danes driuen frō Norfolke Chester and diuers other places .142 at the last expelled England 163. Danes by conspiracy slayne thorough out all England 161. Danes field at Merton 141. Dane gilt released 199. Dane gilt 160. Dante 's an Italian writer against the Pope 390. Dandalus submitteth himselfe for his crueltie 368. Daruell Gatheren a filthy idoll in Wales 1100. Daughter compelled to set fire to her father 774. Dangerfield and his wife theyr tragicall history 1953. Dauies a childe vnder 12. yeares of age condemned for the sixe articles and preserued 2073. Dauid of Wales 119. Dauid king of Scottes inuadeth England and is taken prisoner 386. Dauid beaten a persecutor his fearfull d●ath 1272. Dauids stocke feared of the Empyre of Rome .40.48 is sought for and murthered ibid. Day martyr his story 2037 D. E. Dead men excommunicate by the Pope 393. Death of Martyrs the life of the Gospell 1932. Death of Charles 9. frenche kyng with the Cardinall of Lorayne 2154. Death of Hus and Hierome of Prage reuenged 656. Death of king Lucius 107. Debnam hanged for taking downe Douer Court Roode 1031. Decius Emperoure a persecutor 59.60 Decius a tyraunt a cruell persecutor of poore Christians his death 66. Declaration of the preachers in prison 1469. Decretall Epistles confuted 58. Decree that no secular man should geue any spiritual liuing 169. Decree beginning ego Ludouicus proued false 5. Decrees of the councell of Basill godly 696. Decrees of Fabianus forged 60 Decrees of Anselme 194. Decrees of Laterane councell in Rome 230. Decree of Spyres resisted by the Protestantes 872. Decrees of Pope Urbanus 185. Dedication of Churches 53. Dedication of Churches 1404. Degradation of an archbishop wi●h the order and ridiculous manner thereof 2133.2134.2135 Degradation frō the order of deaconship subdeaconship Benet and Colet exorcising readership dorekeeper or sextonship 2134.2135 Degradation of Thom. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury 2133.2134.1883 Degradation ridiculous of the popes best maner 517. Degradation of M. Hooper 1768. Degradation popishe the manner thereof 879. Deicham why so called 115. Degrees in the Church distincted 21. Degrees of Mariage forbid by the Pope 859. Degrees prohibited by the lawes of God to mary in 1053 Defence of Richard Hunne against Syr Thomas More and Alanus Copus 811. Defence of the Lord Cobham agaynst Ala. Copus 568. Defence of M. Bilney agaynst sir Thomas More 1008.1009 Deposition concerning the murthering of Richard Hunne 810. Defence of Wickliffe by Ioh. Hus in Prage 451.452 Defence of the Garnesey story agaynst M. Harding 1946.1947 1948. Defender of the fayth no meete title for any man 1754. Defection of the Romish Church from the old fayth and church of Rome 23.29 Demaundes for the Papistes to aunswere vnto 17. Denyers returne agayne to theyr former profession 37. Denie Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1912. Denis Burgis Martyr his story 1983.1994 Denley martyr his story and martyrdome 1683.1684.1686.1688 Denton burned in his owne house 2103. Deposition agaynst M. Bilney 1000. Derifall his story and martyrdom 1914.1915.1916 Description of Lollardes Tower with the sondry kindes of tormentes therein 1703. Descension of Christ into hell 873 Deuotion without knowledge is hurtfull 1114. Deuill and the pope alike 1890. Deuenish martyr 2033.2034 Deuill tame his story 2108. D. I. Diadumenus Emperour 57. Dialogue betweene Tho. Bilney and frier Brusiard 1002. Dialogue betweene custome and truth 1388. Dicke Adams his confession of the truth at the gallows dehortation from papistry 2145 Didacy a crafty Fryer temptyng Iohn Hus. 600. Didimus a good christian souldier martyr preseruer of Theodora her chastitie 63. Diet of Norenberge 854. Difference betweene Byshoppes and Priestes how it is come 1066. Difference betweene the Churche of Rome that nowe is and the Churche of Rome that was Difference betweene Priests and Monkes 150.1181 Difference betweene the Greeke Churche the Romayn church 286.287.186 Difference about the celebration of Easter 44.45.54 Difference betweene the law and the Gospell 26. Difference betweene Peter and the Pope 1120. Difference betweene Christes naturall body and the sacrament thereof 1145. Difference betweene the Papistes and the Protestantes in the reall presence of the Lordes supper 1761 Dignities ecclesiasticall in the hāds of strangers valued 429 Dighton murtherer of his Prince 728 Dionisius Corinthius an ecclesiasticall writer 53 Dionisius willed by God to flie persecution 62 Dionisius Areopagita hys booke de Hierarchia suspected 53 Dionisius bishop of Alexandria with others banished his story .72 his death 73 Dionisius bishop of Alexādria writeth to Fabius 61 Dionisius Alexandrinus his Epistle to Germanus 62. Dines Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Dioclesian Emperor a tyrant raiser
of the x. persecution 77 Dioclesian Maximiliā tired with persecuting of Christians gaue vp their kingdoms 81 Dioclesian his death 86 Dirige for the dead 137 Dirike Caruer Martyr hys apprehension examination and condemnatiō .1680 his martirdome 1682 Dissention amongst the Monks of Canterbury for the electiō of the Archb. 258. Discord what hurt it worketh in the church and common wealth 330. Discorde alwayes in the Popes church 241 Dissention betweene the Archb. of Canterb. and the church of Lincolne 327 Dissention betweene Kyng Henry 3. and his nobles 330. Dissention betweene the Couent Prior of Durham and the king 272 Dissention amonijst Friers about the conception of Mary 800 Discord betweene the L. Protector the Admirall and the Earle of Warwike 1367 Discent of the B. of Rome 1758 Dispensations what mischiefs they do and what euils spring thereout 285 Dissolution of Abbeys by the lorde Cromwell 1179.1180 Dissolution of Abbeis and religious houses in England 1101.1102 Dissention between the Friers and the students of Paris 328 Dissention betweene Pope Eugenius and the councell of Basill 668 Disputation betweene the Papistes and Protestantes in the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne at Westminster 2119.2120.2121.2122 Disputation of religion in Paules in London in the Conuocation house aboute the reall presence .1410 dissolued by Queene Mary 1417 Disputation in the Uniuersitie of Prage 456.457 Disputation at Cambridge aboute transubstantiation and the reall presence 1376.1377.1378 Disputation in Oxford by Peter Martyr and others against trāsubstantiation 1373. Disputation in the councell of Basill 678.679 Disputation betweene Austen and the Waldenses 231 Disputation betweene the Romish bishops and the Scottish bish about Easter day 123 Disputation at Lypsia 847 Disputation at Baden in Heluetia .869 at Berne ibid. Disputation by M. Latimer Crāmer and Ridley at Oxford 1428 1429 Disputation betweene D. Barnes and Stephen Gardiner 1198 Dispensations for mony 285 Diuorce of K. Henry the 8. decided by D. Cranmer 1860 1861 1862 D O. Dobbe persecuted for the Gospell dyeth in prison 1297 Doctrine of the apostle S. Paule in a summe 20 Doctrine erroneous of the Church of Rome concernyng sinne 26 Doctrine of the Pope of Christ compared 485 Doctrine of the Pope what it is .2 more gaineful then holy scripture ibid. Doctrine of the Popes church corrupt examined 19 Doctrine of the Pope the summe finall scope 20 Doctrine of S. Paule reduced to v. points 16 Doctrine of the law and of the Gospell 976 Doctrine of the Pope what good stuffe it containeth 1772 Doctrine of Rome concerning faith and iustification erroneous 26. Doctrine erroneous of the papistes concernyng penance 26 Doctrine erroneous of the papistes in the sacraments 28 Doctrine of the papists corrupt cōcernyng ciuile maiestrates 29 Doctors read with indifferēt iudgement make more against the papists then with them 1854 Doctor Weston Prolocutor in the disputation in London 1410 Doctor Redman his confession at his death 1360 Doctor London a bloudy persecuter 1213 Doctor Coxe schoolemaister to K. Edward the 6. 1295 Doctor Sandes his trouble for the Gospell and happy deliueraunce by the singuler prouidence of god 2086.2087.2088.2089 Doctor Whittington Chauncellor a cruel persecuter slayne of a bul 775.776 Doct. Collet Deane of Paules his story 838 Doctor Story his impudent words in the parliamēt house .2125 his bloudy cruelty to Christes Martyrs by his owne confession ibidem Doctor Story a cruell and bloudie persecutor his bloudy ende and death at Tyborne 2152 Dog clothed in a Rochet vnder the name of B. Gardiner 2078 Dog of the English Embassadors bite the Pope by the great toe 1861. Doly her trouble and persecutiō for the Gospell 984 Dolphin with the French discomfited at Cassels 387 Domicianus Cesar his extreme tiranny 35.36 Domicianus maketh inquirie for Dauids stocke and murthereth them 48 Dominion of the Turkes parted into foure families 737. Dominion temporall and spirituall of Rome 499. Domicius Nero a tyrant his cruell end and ouerthrow 31 Dominion of the Turke large and ample 760.761.762.764.766.768 Donation of Constantine to the Romish papall sea prooued to be falsifyed by many inuincible reasons and argumentes 105 Donations of Carolus magnus Otho to Rome 159 Donation of Pipinus falsely taken for the donation of Constantine 130 Donation of Constantine forged 105.390 Donations geuen to religious men by king Ethelbald 133 Donation of king Athelwolfus to the Clergy 136 Dorobernia and Caunterbury taken for one 174 Doues their nature 1297 Douer court Martyrs theyr story trouble and Martyrdome for pulling downe of Idols 1031 1032 Douer head City of Kent 172 D R. Draycot Chauncellour of Liechfield a bloudy Persecutour of the poore Sayntes of God 1954 Draycots Sermon against Ioane Wast a blinde woman and martyr 1952 Drakes martyr his story .1895 his examination and death 1896 1897.1898 Dreames of Dustone 157 Dreames not to be regarded 152 Dronkennesse well auoyded by the pollicy of king Edgar 155 Drowry Martyr 1911.1912 Drayner called Iustice nine holes a bloudy and cruell persecutour his story 2112 D V. Dunning Chauncellour his sodeine and fearefull death 2099 Duchesse of Suffolke her tragicall and lamentable story .2078 her trouble extremity for the Gospell 2079.2080 Duke of Clarence drowned in a Butte of Malmessie 717 Duke of Northumberland committed to the Tower and condemned to dye .1407 beheaded 1423 Duke of Buckingham speaketh for the Protector in the Guilde hall 728 Duke Ethelwold slayne 141 Duke of Suffolke beheaded 1467.706 Duke Elfread his punishment for periury 148 Duke Edrike a bloudy persecutor a cruell murtherer and put himselfe to death 162 Duke Robert prisoner 191 Duke of Glocester made Protector .727 accuseth his Mother his bloudy tyranny 727.728 Duke of Northumberlād Duke of Herford both banished 514 Duke of Glocester beheaded by K. Richard 2. 513 Duke of Lancaster and Lord Hēry Persie great frends to Wickliefe 425 Duke Alpherus restorer of Priestes and their Wiues 158 Duke of Austrige punished of god 248 Duke Albert his bloudy slaughter in Boheme 656 Duke of Northfolke slayne 729 Duke of Mantua denieth the pope his City for his counsell 1133 Duke of Guise slayne before Orleance 2112 Duke of Guise his bloudy purpose disapoynted 2109 Duke of Northumberlande sente forth agaynst Queene Marye committed to the Tower 1465 Duke of Sommerset his History .1367 committed to the Tower with articles layd agaynst hym .1370 his death and rare commendation 1371.1372 Dunstanes roodes miracle 158 Dunstane Chittendene with the rest of his fellowes famished for the gospell in the Castle of Canterbury 1954.1955 Dunstane Abbot of Glastenbury his false and lying myracles 150 made Bishop of Worcester .152 seduceth king Edgar 156. hys his dreames 157 Dunstane a post setter a sorcerer .156 his death 160 Durandus 950 Dunkirke where writinges were set vppe agaynst King Henry .8 1055 Duty of husbandes and wiues one towardes an other 1933 Dutch Martyrs 928 Dungate martyr his story martyrdome 1949.1950 Dunninges the bloudye Chauncellour his
2005. Elizabeth called S. Elizabeth her lyfe and story 268.273 Elizabeth Q. of England her happy byrth 1054. Elizabeth nowe Q. of Englande committed to the tower by Q. Mary her great trouble .1425 committed to sir Iohn Williams Sir Henry Benefilde 1471. Ely Bishoppricke planted 198. Ely persecutor 1211. Elizabeth Lawson her trouble deliueraunce 2070.2072 Elizabeth Pepper martyr her story and glorious Martyrdome 1914.1915 Elizabeth Folkes martyr her story and martyrdome 2007.2008 Elizabeth Stamford 814. Ellis martyr her story 1910.1911 Elizabeth Thackuell Martyr her story and death 1910.1911 Elizabeth Young 2065. her troubles and deliuerance 2065.2066.2067.2068.2068.2070 Elizabeth Lady nowe Queene of England her miraculous preseruation and great trouble in Queene Maryes dayes .2091.2092.2094.2095.2096.2098 sent for being sicke to London .2091 charged with Wiats conconspiracie cleareth her innocencie thereof is committed to the tower .2092 restrayned of her owne seruauntes .2093 in great feare and doubt of life .2904 cōmitted to the custody of sir Henry Benefield and sent prisoner to Woodstocke ibid. is sore sicke and writeth to the Queene her sister .2095 wisheth her selfe a milke mayd .2096 brought into Queene Maryes bedchamber .2096 set at libertie .2097 proclaymed Queene of Englande 2097.2098 Ellerker a bloudy peresecutor hys bloudy end 2101. Elphegus archbishop of Caunterbury stoned to death 161. Elutherius wyth hys mother Anthia Martyrs 41. Elutherius the Pope called Lucius king of Englande Chrystes vicare 107. Elutherius Bishop of Rome 107. Elsinus archbishop of Canterbury hys death 151. E M. Emperours plagued for refusing persecuting of Christ. 31 Emilianus slew Gallus and Uolusianus Emperours 67 Emperours of Rome but kings of the Romaynes till they be confirmed by the Pope 351.710 Emperour Sigismund who burned Iohn Hus fayne to entreat for peace 656 Emperour the French King and King of Scottes sette agaynst Henry 8. K. of England 1087 Emperour 5. yeares without buriall 197 Empyre of Germany decayed and the causes thereof 374 Emperors kissing the Popes feet 783 Emperour excommunicate 197 Empyre translated from Greece to Fraunce from Fraunce to the Almaynes 131 E N. Englande whether it receiued the Gospell from Rome or not 106 1061 England noted of cruelty 701 English men martyred in Spayne for the Gospell 2058 Englande plagued by the Popes Legates 199 England conuerted to the fayth of Christ. 53 Englande deuided by a wall from Scotland 57 England had 7. kinges in the Saxons time 109 England 5. tymes conquered 136.171 England whether it receyued the Gospell before K. Lucius dayes or not 53. England why plagued of the Danes 139 England described 109 England interdicted by the Pope 251.242 Englishmen scourged for their vniust oppressing of the Britaines 171 Englishmen saued at the takyng of Calice 2075 Englishmē winne the city of Messana .243 and set vp the armes of England ibid. Englishmen good asses 423 Engist his voyage into England his death 113 E P. Epistle of Constantine to hys subiects inhabiting the East 102 Epistle of Elutherius Bishop of Rome to king Lucius 107. Epistles of Becket to Pope Alexander 214.115.116 Epistle of Iohn Hus of his goyng vp to the councell of Constance 597 Epistle of Elfricus agaynst transubstantiation 1140.1141 Epistle of Uolusianus concernyng priests mariage 1154 Epistle of Phillip Melancthon agaynst the 6. articles 1172 Epistle and gospell in the Masse 1402 Epistles decretall confuted 96 Epistle of Sergius the Pope to haue Bede sent to Rome 127 Epistle of Dionisius B. of Alexandria to Fabius 61 Epistle of B. Hooper in Latin sent to the conuocation house concernyng matters of religion 2135 2136 Epistle of Marcellinus 96 Epistles decretall of Marcellus 96. Epistle of Gregory B. of Rome to them that came to preach in England 115 Epistle of Gregory to Austen in England 116 Epistle of the Archbish. of Canterbury to the B. of London conteinyng the effect of the history of the L. Cobham 565 Epistle of Marcellus to Maxentius blanched 96 Epistle of Constantine to Sapores in fauour of the christians 99 Epistles of Benno cōcernyng pope Hildebrand 176.177.178 Epistle of Waltramus to Ludouicus 190. Epistles of Alcocke 2146.2147 2148 Epistles decretall of the bishops of Rome examined 96.97 Epistle of Antoninus Pius Emperour to the commons of Asia 41. Epistle to the Hebrews 35 Epistles of S. Paule to the seuen churches 35 Epistle of Plinie to Traiane 39 Epistle of Traiane to Plinie 40 Epimachus with many other martyrs 62 Epitaphe of M. Iohn Bradford preacher and Martyr his death 1624 Epitaph vpon the death of Doctor Cranmer Archb. of Canterb. 1893 Epitaph or funerall verse of doctor Redman vpon the death of M. Bucer 1968 Epitaph of the Lady Iane. 1423 Epitaph of Carolus the 9. French king .2112 Henry 2. Fraunces his sonne ibid. E R. Errors of the Papists in the Sacrament of the Lordes supper 1891 Errors noted in the Doctors 70 Errors in Baptisme 28 Errors of the Papists in teachyng Freewill 28 Errors in the Popes church concernyng matrimony 28 Errours in all writers except the scriptures 477 Eremites order when they first began 204 Erpwaldus king of the Estangles conuerted to Christ. 121 E. S. Esche Martyr his story and martyrdome 874. E T. Ethelbert builder of Paules 114 Ethelbald his donation to religious men 133 Ethelbert first christened Kyng of Kent .114 murthered by Offa .129 withholden from Austens doctrine vpon old custome 116 Ethelbert and Sigebert builders of Paules 120. Ethelbald king 140 Ethelwoldus bishop of Winchester and setter vp of Monkery 152 Ethelwold his excellent profounde learnyng 147 Ethelburge Queene made Nunne of Barkyng 127 Ethelstone of Britaine hys story 147. Eaton colledge founded by Kyng Henry .6 262.712 Ethelbright 140 E V. Eucharist in time of necessity committed to a boy 64 Eud● Duke of Burgundy against the Popes decrees 200. yeares since 390 Euangelium eternum of the Fryers abhominable and detestable 322 Eusebius Deacon of Alexandria martired for the truth of the gospell .52 his worthy commendation 72 Euaristus Bishop of Rome and Martyr .38 his ordinances 39 Eustachius with his wife children martyred for Christ. 40 Euphrosina martyr 4 Eugenia Martyr her excellent hystory 73 Eugenius 4. Pope celebrate firste the counsell of Basill 668 Eunuche a Courtier whose name was Azades Martyred for the Gospell 98 Euring Martyr her story 2007 Eulalia a godly virgine her notable story her wisedome constancy martyrdome 93.94 Euill men eate not spiritually nor corporally the body and bloud of Christ for then they could not be condemned 1996.1997 Euidences declaring the antiquity of Priestes mariage 1167.1168 1169 Euidences proouing ecclesiasticall persons to haue bene subiecte to the temporall power euer since the beginning 6 Eusham field 334 Eusham Abbey founded burnte 1180 E X. Exaction and extortion of the pope in Englande described in a table 284.285 Exactions of the pope intollerable denyed of the clergy of England and Fraunce 266.267.268 Examples of the rare chastitye of Christians 63 Examples notable of Christian corage in confessing of
suche like needles in a common welth and to be banished forth 1110. Gonnes when first inuented 708. Gouche martyr hys story Martyrdome 2048. Gospell brought into Boheme by meanes of Wickliffes bookes 464. Gospellers their godly endes 2114 Gospell of S. Iohn translated into english by Bede 127.1115 Gospell ought to bee in Englishe tongue 1000. Gospell the doctrine thereof 976. Gospell wherein it consisteth 539. Gospell and the lawe whereto they appertayne 1655. Gospell of Mathewe in Hebrewe 53. Gossips inhibited by the Popes lawes to mary 29. Gossopry no cause to dissolue matrimony 545. Goose Martyr 717. G L. Glasse windowes who first inuented and brought in 122.127 Glasing when it first began 122 Gloria in excelsis ordeyned by the Pope to be song in the blasphemous Masse 130.141 Gloria Patri appoynted 1404 Glouers theyr story trouble and persecution 1709.1710.1711.1712.1713 G R. Grantham Churche burned wyth lightning 269 Gracianus 201 Gray Friers first in Englande began 199 Gracianus Compiler of the popes decrees reproued 299 Gratian his blinde distinction disproued 71 Graduall with Alleluia in the masse 1402 Gratwicke Martyr his examination and aunsweres .1977.1978 his martyrdome ibid. Granter his story and recantation 642 Gray a Smith accused of heresy 1185 Gregorius 1. Bishop of Rome refused the name of vniuersall Byshop .12.13 his Epistle to Austen in England 115. he writeth to Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria about the supremacy .13 his letter to king Ethelbert 118. Gregory 9. brought horrible impiety into Christes Churche .300 his death 311 Gregory 9. at variaunce with the Romaynes .281 his treasons against Fredericke the Emperor 302.303 Gregory 12. periured 553 Gregory calleth the Emperor hys Lord. 118 Gregory Parke Martyr 1794 Gregory caried through Rome vppon a Camell with hys face towards the Camels tayle 197 Gregory a place of his agaynst the supremacy examined 13 Gregory .9 first restrained lay men from readyng and instructing others in scriptures 1979 Gregorius Ariminensis 390 Gregory Basset his persecution 1039 Gregory Crowe meruailously preserued vppon the seas with hys new testament 1913 Greeke Church and Latin wherein they differ 186 Greeke church denieth subiectiō to the church of Rome 282.351 Grecians excused in departyng frō the church of Rome 282.292 Grecia all gone from the Church of Rome 282 Gre●ill martyr her lyfe and story 1277 Greuāces of the Germains against the court of Rome 859.733 Greuances agaynst the Clergy of England 995 Greene scourged 2060.2061.2062 Greene hys trouble and deliuery 2065 Grimwood witnesse agaynst Iohn Cooper hys terrible death 2100 Grineus hys storye deliuered by gods prouidence 2077.2078 Groues wyfe Martyr her story 1983.1984 G V. Guin Askin and Palmer their story and constant martyrdome for the truth 1939.1940 Guelphes and Gibellines are factions in Rome 2.342 Guilermus Ockā writeth against the Pope 389 Gunilda Empresse saued frō death by a dwarfe 163 Guarlacus Reader in the Uniuersitie of Louaine hys death 2106 Gualterus the Popes Legate cōmeth into England 185 Gulielmus de sancto amore writeth agaynst the Pope and is cōdemned for an heretike of the Pope 317.318 Guillemine Gilbert her trouble and persecutiō .1943.1944 her martyrdome for the gospell 1944. Guido and Sybilla their notable history 234 Guines taken 387 Gunterus Emperour poysoned 374 Gunners of the Turkes Christians 748 Gutrum prince of the Danes christened 142 Gurmundus 115 H A. HAdrian Emperor 40. writeth to the proconsull of Asia in fauour of the Christians 41. his death ibid. Hadrian his proud letter to the byshops of Germany 203 Hadrian an english man Pope .202 his letter to Fridericke with answere to the same 203 Hadley the firste that receiued the Gospell in England 1518 Hallowing of Churches abused by the Papistes 860 Hallowing of Aultars 1404 Hallowing of flowers and braunches 1405 Hartes hall in Oxford built 372 Hall noted of vntruth 578 Haull Martyr his story and martyrdome 1678.1679 Halingdale Martyr 2025.2026.2027 Hampton court geuen to the king 987 Hamelton his story burned in scotland his articles condemnation martirdome 972.973 974 Hamond Martyr his story martyrdome 1909 Hayle Martyr his story and martyrdome 1689.1701 Haliwell Martyr his story Martyrdome 1914.1915 Hatte of Cardinall Woolsey wyth the royalty thereof 989 Harpoole Martyr his story 1906 Harding his Story and Martyrdome 983 Harold last king of the Saxons 166 Harland Martyr his story 1914 Harpsfield his Disputation to bee made Doctor 1459 Harris scourged 2062 Harold Harefoot king of England 162 Harlots rule all at Rome 146 Harold takē of the Normans 1065 Haruy persecutor his terrible end 2103 Hart Martyr his story 1953 Hay Martyr his story and Martyrdome 1970 Harrison Martyr 1277 Hare his trouble and persecution in Calice 1224 Harwood Martyr his story and martyrdome 1689.1702 Hardeknoute the laste Kyng of the Danes that ruled in Englande 163 Haukes Martyr his excellent story .1585 his examination .1586 1588. his wonderfull constant Martyrdome 1591.1592 Harries Martyr his story 2037 Hayles Iustice his trouble persecution .1410 committed to the Tower .1467 his tragicall story .1532 would haue killed himselfe at last drowned himselfe in a Riuer 1533 Hale Martyr his story 2052 Hayward Martyr 1708 Hauington of new colledge in Oxford Papist drowned himselfe 2104 Hastlen Gunner of Bulloyne hys trouble for the Gospell and deliueraunce by the prouidence of God 2137.2138 H E. Head supreame of the Uniuersall church Christ Iesus onely not the Pope and euery kyng in his prouince 1894 Heades of children 6000. found in the Popes motes thorough the restraint of Priests lawfull mariage 139.1155 Head of the church kyng of England prooued by records 340 Heluetians their history 865 Heliogabalus his monstrous lyfe 57. slayne by hys souldiours ibid. Helene Euryng Martyr her story and martyrdome 2007.2008 Helena maried to Constantius 77 Henry the 2. French kyng a bloudy persecuter of Gods people slayne in Iustyng by Montgomery 2110 Henry Benifield a cruell keeper of the good Lady Elizabeth in Q. Maries dayes 2094.2095.2096.2097.2098 Henry Smith Lawyer his terrible end 2105 Henry 3. his warres with hys nobles .279 sore wounded summoned a Parliament is restored to his dignity 334 Henry .4 crowned .514 his bloudy murthers his statute ex officio first that euer tormented christians with fire of English kyngs .518 articles agaynst hym hee prooued periured .519 hys death 557 Henricus de Hassia agaynste the Pope 420 Henry Cesar condemned of treason 304 Henry duke entreth into England .201.202 peace concluded betweene hym and king Stephen ibid. Henry the 4. Emperour excommunicate by 4 Popes 119. Henry Forest martyr 982 Henry Crompe 443. Henricus 6. Emperour poysoned in the hoste 351. Henry Dauy Martyr 2049. Henry Earle of Richmond obtayneth the crowne and raygneth by the name of Henry the seuenth 729. hys death 776.777 Henricus 4. wayteth 3. days 3. nightes at the popes gates barefoote and barelegged for absolution .792.785 surrendereth hys crowne to the Pope 786. Henry the fift called Princeps Sacerdotum .585 crowned 558. hys death 657.
1742. fell out of the pulpit and brake his legge 1743 Hudson Martyr his story and persecution 1970. Hudson Martyr his story 2035. Hugh Foxe Martyr his story and martyrdome 2033.2034 Hugo Bishop of Lincol●e redeemeth hys Byshoppricke for a 1000. markes 258. Hugo de sancto victore 201. Hugh Lauerocke martyr 1910 Hugh Pye Priest 660. Hugh Spencer hys sonne there exceeding and far surmounting pride .371 executed as they well deserued 373. Hugh Latimer martyr his actes doinges 1730. first a Papist conuerted by M. Bilney ibid. his exellente sermon in Cambridge of the Cardes .1731.1732.1734 his story in sauing a poore woman .1735 his reply to a certayne barking frier in Cambridge .1734 1735. cited 1736. his letter to the archbishop of Canterbury 1736.1737 Articles deuised by the bishop for him to subscribe vnto 1737. made Bishop of Worcester 1738. preacheth before K. Edw. 6. 1739. cast into the Tower .1740 his letter to M. Morice .1741 writ agaynst by Sherwoode .1743 hys aunswere .1744 his other godly letters to sondry persons .1746.1748.1750 1752.1755 his appearaunce before the Commissioners .1762 hys examination and answeres .1763.1766 hys martyrdome death in Oxford 1769.1770 Huggard meeter to eate a puddyng rather then to dispute of Scripture 1591. Hulderiche byshop of Ashborough his exile in defence of Priestes mariage 137. Hull seruaunt to Doctor Taylour 1520. Hullier his story and martyrdome .1907.1908.1909 a note of hym further 2004. Hullier martyr hys story 1906.1907 Humfrey Duke Lord protectour agaynst the Cardinall of Winchester 703. hys articles exhibited agaynst the sayde Cardinall 704. his story and death 704.705.706 Humfrey Middleton Martyr hys story and persecution .1673 hys martyrdome 1676 Humfrey Mummouth hys story 997. Humanitie of Christe cannot be in many places at once 1687.1951 Humilitie the por●er of Chrystes schoole 1788. Hunne martyr hys story 805. articles obiected agaynst him with hys aunsweres .806 murthered in prison .806.807 burned after hys death .808 hys defence agaynst Syr Thomas More and Ala. Copus 811. Hunter hys letter to hys mother 2150. Huniades gouernour of Hungary 720. Huniades hys victoryes agaynst the Turkes 740. Hunt confessor his story 2054. Hunter martyr hys excellent story 1536.1577 Hurst deliuered by Gods prouidence 2075.2076.2077 Hurst Martyr 1914.1915 Hurly burly betweene Popes 200 Hus his publique defence of Wickliffe 451.452.453 Hus hys excellent story cited by the pope and excommunicate .588 banished Prage .590 hys obiections agaynst the Doctours degrees .599.590 his safe conduct with hys letters certificatory of hys goyng vpp to the Councell .596 hys personall appearaunce before the Pope and Cardinals 599. falleth sicke in prison hathe articles obiected agaynst hym with his aunsweres 600. hys books writtē in prison .601 his protestation .604 hys false accusations .606 hys appeale from the Councell .611 his degradation .623 hys sentence definitiue of condemnation .622.624 hys deathe and martyrdome for the gospell of Iesus Christ .624 his letters 626.627.628 Hutt martyr her story and martyrdome 1910.1911 I A. IAcobus Latomus enemy to the gospel brought to madnes and desperation 2106 Iacobus Misnensis an olde auncient writer agaynst the Pope 420 Iacobus priest Martyr 98 Iackson his story 1950.1949 Iackson Martyr his story martyrdome 1914.1915 Iacke Cade 711 Iacke Straw his rebellion in england 434 Iacke Upland 261.264 Iames Abbes Martyr hys story 1683 Iames Ashley Martyr hys storye and martyrdome 2047 Iames Austoo Martyr his story and martyrdome 2013.2014.2016.2017.2018.2019 Iames Bainham Martyr .1027 articles ministred agaynst hym he submitteth hymselfe .1028 his abiuration and penance .1030 he returneth to the truth again and is condemned .1029 hys godly death and martyrdome 1030 Iames Brewster Martyr 818. Iames George his death in prison and buried in the fields 1482 Iames Gore his trouble for the gospell died in prison 1795 Iames Harris scourged 2062 Iames Morden martyr his story and martyrdome 774 Iames Morton martyr 1207 Iames Morris Martyr his story and martyrdome 1983.1984 Iames the apostle elected bishop of Ierusalem .32.33 cast downe from the pynacle of the Church and Martyred for the trueth of Iesus Christ. ibid. his accuser conuerted martyred with him ibid. Iames the apostle how it chanceth that he is thought of some to bee the setter vp of the masse 1401 Iames Pilkington his sermon at the restoring of Mar. Bucer Paulus Phagius again 1966.1967 Iames Tuttie Martyr 1708 Iames Tyrrell a bloudy murtherer 728 Iames Treuisam buried in the fieldes and summoned after hys death 1665 Iane daughter to Henrye Lorde Gray Duke of Suffolk proclaimed Queene .1406 beheaded immediatly after .1422 her Epitaph 1423. her godly letters 1420 Iane Lady her lamentable storye trouble and death 1419.1420.1422 Iane Lady wife to the Lord Gilford brought into displeasure with the Lady Mary for her Godlye zeale by Lady Anne Wharton 2128 Iane Queene maried to K. Henry the 8. 1083. her death in child-bed 1087 Ianizarie amongest the Turkes what they be 741.730 I D. Idle and vayne swearing pestiferous 538 Idolatry offensiue to Infidels 1001 Idoll and Image their difference 1588 I E. Iewes destroyed .235 one baptised and after reuolted agayne ibid. they slayne theyr houses burnt in London ibid. they crucifye a childe at Lincolne .327 at Norwich another 201 banished out of England and Fraunce 327 Iew through his owne superstitiō drowned in a Priuy 327 Theyr fayth 22 Iewes burnt at Northhampton 327 Iew martyred in Turky kept still his colour sauor lying 3. dayes in the streetes 972 Iewes destroyed by Titus Uaspasion .31 their second destruction .41 euer enemies to Christians 43 Ieffrey Hurst deliuered by Gods prouidence 2075.2076.2077 I G. Ignatius his martyrdome deuoured with wilde beastes His godly life and Christian zeale 40.41 Ignoraunce of the trueth will not excuse any man 1775 I L. I le of Wight last conuerted to the fayth of Christ. 124 Ile of Ely assaulted by Prince Edward 335 I M. Imber fast first ordeyned by whō and where 58.197 Images in England abolished 1095.1096 Image of the Trinity an abhominable thing 508.534 Images with theyr false lying miracles reproued 534. Images not to be worshipped 470 563.564.1110 Images subuerted by Emperours and maynteined by the Pope 129 Images of God what be 1111 Images suppressed by kinge Edward the 6. 1300 Image maker burned in Spayne for the trueth of Christes Gosspell 930 Images are not to be worshipped adored ne to be placed in Churches or oratories 2128.2129.2130.2131.2132 Images good to roste a shoulder of mutton by but good for nothing els 2144 Images destroyed at Zuricke 869 Images of the Gentiles and of the Christians 868 Image of the Crucifix at Constātinople 742 Image worship who first decreed 130 Images in England abolished 1095.1096 Image of the Trinity an abhominable thing 508.534 Images defended to be laye mens bookes by Pope Adrian 130 Imprisonment perteyneth not to the Clergy 354 Images reproued by Thorpe 534 Image of Antichrist exalting himselfe aboue all that is called God 784 Immunity of the Clergy 860 Images
Cranmer archbishop of Cant. 1889.1890.1891.1892 Letter of Carolus Magnus to Offa for intreaty of peace 131. Letter of Fredericke the Emperor to all the world agaynst the Pope 306.307 Letters of Germanus Patriarche of Constantinople to the Pope and Cardinals 282.283 Letter of Hadrian to Minutius Fundanus for the staying of persecution 41. Letter of Hildebrand Pope against Priestes mariage 175. Letters of M. Hooper full of godly comfort and consolation 1482. Letters moe of M. Hooper Martyr 1512.1514.1515.1516 Letter of Hulderike to Pope Nicholas in defence of Priests mariage 137.138 Letters of Iohn Hus. 626.627.628.629.630 Letters of king Richard 2. agaynst Walter Brute 504. Letter vnder the kinges authoritie to represse the Romayne benefices in England 275. Letters of the king of Denmarke in the behalfe of M. Couerdale with Queene Maryes aunsweres 1529.1530 Letter of king Henry 3. hys Confessor declaring his acts and exploytes in Fraunce 385. Letter of the Pope for an Italian boy to be Prebende or Chanon with aunswere thereto by Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne 323.324 Letter of the Prisoners of Caunterbury throwne out of Prison declaring how the Papistes had and entended to famishe them to death 1954 Letter of the Lord Protector aunswering to Winchester 1344 1345 Letters of M. Saunders martyr 1500.1501.1052 Letter of the suffraganes of Caūterbury to Becket with his answere to the same 218.219 Letter of Tonstall and Stokesley to Cardinall Poole 1065 Letter of the Ladye Uane to M. Philpot. 1828 Letters agaynst Wickliffe 435 Letter of Winchester in defence of Images with aunswere thereto 1340.1341 Letters of Winchester to the Lord Protector 1342.1343 Letter of Wolsy to Gardiner lieger at Rome to be made pope 990 Leuiticall Priestes deuided frō the people and wherein 496 Lewlinus king of Wales warreth agaynst the king of England 328 Lewes the french king warreth in Englande and is expelled out of the same .257 dieth at the siege of Auinion 271 Lewes the french king his feruent sickenesse .292 his vow to visite the holy lande his preparation to the voyage ibid. Le●●r of Abingdon a Blasphemer of Gods Martyrs punished 2103 Lewes the french king refuseth to warre in England .289.389 his vnfortunate voyage to the holye Land .292 ouerthrowne by the Turkes and Saracens .276.296 295 taken prisoner and roūsommed ibid. Leison Doctor his dyrefull end 2136 L I. Liberality of Constātine in geuing to Churches 104 Liberty of the Citizens of London in going to warre 372 Lib●rty christiā in outward vsages 56 Licinius Emperour a tyrant an enemy to all learning an Apostata his horrible vices .87 his death 88 Licenses to preach 532 Lie substantiall and reall 2007 Liyng miracles reproued 156.125 Lies innumerable in the Popes Church 584 Life of the Monkes and religious men abhominable 1180 Life to come the blessed state therof 681 Life of Tho. Becket Archbishop of Caunterbury and Traytour 205.206 Limits of England how farre they extend 166 Lincolne persecuted 982.983.984 Lincolne Minster bu●●te 184 Lincolne Dioces persecuted described in a Table 821.822 Lineall discent of the B. of Rome 1758 Lion Cawche Martyr his story constaunt Martyrdome for the truth of Gods word 1914.1915 List●r his story and martyrdome 1909 Lithall his story and deliueraun●● 2064. Liuingus priest a maryed manne 1176. L O. Lollards as the papists call the true professors of the worde of God burned in the cheek for theyr cōstancie in the truth 774. Lollardes Tower described 1703. Lollardes as the papistes called thē or rather good Christians burned and hanged 587. Lollardes what they are and from whence deriued 465. London consumed with fire .160 besieged by the Danes ibid. London bridge built with stone 233. Londoners defend theyr bishop and fall into a great fury 427. London persecuted 802.799 Lowicke martyr his godly story and martyrdome 1970. London persecuted for the 6. articles 1202. London and Westminster at varyaunce about game 279. Londoners theyr assaulte agaynst the Duke of Lancaster and the Lord Percie 427. Londoners take part with Wickliffe and are great fauoures of hys doctrine .513 complayned of to the king by the Bishoppes ibid. Longland hys sermon on good friday before the king at Greenewiche .1097 hys filthy falshood and dissimulation ibid. Lomas Martyr hys story 1859. Lord Admirall beheaded on the tower hill 1367 Lord of Alenc a good man 944 Lordes of Bohemia writ in defēce of Iohn Hus .602 his apprehēsion and cruell martyrdome 643 Lord of Reuest plagued 2108 Lord Cobham his lamentable story and persecution .557 cited .558 excommunicate ibid. his christian beliefe .559 his 1· and 2. examinations His godly answeres 560.561.562 his condemnation .564 his counterfeit abiuration by the Papistes .565 his beliefe and cōfession of his fayth .566 his defence agaynste Alanus Copus .568 proued no Traytour but a Godly Martyr .568.569 his slaunders .572 his inditement with notes vpon the same 575. Lord Courtney made earle of Deuonshyre 1417 Lord Dane or Lordane 161 Lord Peter his Oration agaynst the pope in the parliament in france 353.354 Lord Gilford Dudley maryed to the vertuous Lady Iane. 1406 Lord Gray beheaded 1469 Lord Hastings beheaded 727 Lord Lifley Deputy of Calice cōmitted to the Tower 1227 Lord Powes betrayer of the good L. Cobham 643 Lordes prayer in English forbidde by the Papistes 973 Lord Shandois his report agaynst the good Lady Elizabeth 1425 Lord Stanley wounded 727. Lord Shefield slayne at Norwich 1308. Lord keeper hys Oration 2150.2151 Lord of Trinitie a wicked persecucutor 962. Loosing of Sathan examined 397. Loseby martyr his story and persecution .1974 hys martyrdome 1975.1976 Lothbroke father to Inguar and Hubba hys story 140. Loue commaunded in the Gospell 483. Loue of God goeth not by our deseruings but by fayth in Iesus Christ. 1927. L V. Lucius king hys death 107. Lucius Bishop of Rome banished hys Epistles decretall 67. Lurdayne 161 Lucius a worthy martyr 45. Lucius first christened king of Enland 107. Lucius sonne of Coilus king of Britayne bringeth the christian fayth into England 107.108 Lucius king hys death 118. Lucius 1. king of Britayne christined 172. Lucifers Epistle to the Popes Clergy 502. Ludouicus king of Hungary and Boheme 723. Ludouicus Emperour crowned agaynst the good will of the Pope and therefore deposed by Benedicte the 12. and afterwarde by him poisoned 373. Ludouicus Pius and hys sonne Lotharius Emperors their godly sanctions and lawes .8 deposed and poisoned by Pope Boniface .12 373 Ludouike the yong French kyng his story 255 Ludouicus Pius Emperour and kyng of Fraunce 136 Ludouicus Pius his decre against the profession of monkery 7. Luther his story and actes .841.843 why he wrote agaynst pardons .844 his appearance before the Cardinall Caie●anus .845.849 hys aunswers to the Cardinall .846 hys appeale and disputation with Eckius .847 his bookes burned .848.849 he burneth the Popes buls decrees ibid. hys actes before the Emperor at Wormes .849 hee is outlawed .853 why he permitted Images to stand and wherein he dissented
Pope for his riches will pleade sighte and curse 404 Popes caried on mens shoulders the maner how 790 Pope setteth the ●ast west churches together by the eares 282 Pope may bee deposed and howe 675. ought to be punished for euil doing ought not to call generall councels alone by hys owne authoritie 676.1084 Pope how he first rose vpp and by what meanes 780.781.182 Popes .9 in ix yeares at Rome 145 Pope setteth the sonne agaynst the father 303. Pope a murtherer and authour of rebellion 252. Pope sixtus hys abhomination death .726 hys Epitaphes 727. Popes curse compared to Domicianus thunder 169. Pope no successour of Peter proued by an argument 17. Pope commaundeth the Aungels 374. Pope may ere 676.675 Popes Bull to Oxford 431.422 Pope compared to Balaam 343. Pope put from hys reseruing of benefices in Eng. 418. Pope a lay man deposed and hys eyes put out 130. Pope exalted aboue kinges princes 782. Popes deposed by Princes 512. Pope claymeth both swordes 342. Popes Gospell 322 Popes .2 together at once 159. Pope a troubler of all the worlde 1084. how he succeedeth Peter 1120. Pope traytour to themperour 180 Pope none to be chosen but by the confirmation of the Emperour 168. Pope hys regalitie to hys tytles 9. Popes two warre together for S. Peters chayre 169. Pope a name common to learned men in times past it is a Cyrian worde and signifieth Pater a father 12. Popes chosen in conclaues how 595. Pope condemneth the Councell of Constantinople for condemning of Images 130. Popes more then Princes 174. Pope is Antichrist 322. Pogiebracius Gouernour of Bohemia 720 Policarpus his notable history he flyeth persecution prayeth for the Church hath a vision of his burning .42 was scholer to S. Iohn the Euangelist .44 his constaunt death .43 his epistle to the Philippians .44 he was had in greate authority in the Churches of Asia 44 Pollydore Uirgill burned all other bookes for impayring of his credite 1141 Pollidorus Virgillius an Italian writer of our english Storyes 371 Pollydore noted of vntruthe touching the Lord Cobham 578 Polycrates Bishoppe of Ephesus 56 Pomponius Algerius an Italian Martyr .939 his notable godly and comfortable letter ibidem Poncianus Bishoppe of Rome 59 Ports in England layde to stoppe the Popes Letters 228 Poore found at Rome vpon church goodes 67 Potten Martyr her story and martyrdome 1893 Possessions of the Church 546 Possessions and Riches of the pope 793. Potencianus Martyr 52 Potkins famyshed in pryson for the Gospell 1954 Pouerty of Christ expressed 1752 Powder sent to Mayster Philpot to make incke of 1819 Power lying of the Pope 10 Powers two of the keies and of the sword 1759 Poyntz troubled for M. Tyndall 1078 Pond Martyr his story .2038 hys martyrdome 2039 Poole Cardinal his comming into England .1475 his absolution geuen to England 1476.1477 Polley Martyr 1679 Iohn Porter Martyr 1206 Poole Martyr his story and martyrdome 1912 Potto persecuter his end 2103 Ponchet Archbishop of Towers a bloudy Persecutour plagued of God 2109 P R. Prayer for money reprooued 498 Prayer of a vicious priest little auaileth 498 Prayer appointed by Constantine to his souldiors 104 Prayer to saints and for the dead not permitted by the worde of God 1587 Prayer agaynst the Turks 773 Prayers for Queene Maries child that it might be a male child 1480.1481 Prayers in the mother tongue 1094.2095 Prayer to bee sayd at the tyme of martyrdome 1830.1831 Pragmatica sanctio Sancti Ludouici 8 Practises of the Pope and papists to get mony by 3.4 Pragmatica sāctio enacted in Frāce in the dayes of Charles the 7. against the Pope 724 Praxedis with her sister Potentiana christian virgins 45 Preaching and prayers makyng in corners a common thing in tyme of persecution 569 Preachyng without licence in the olde testament allowable before God and man 1979 Preachyng without licence of him that is called 655 Preaching without licence 1111 Preach in tyme of necessitie may any lay man or woman 1112 1113.1114 Preaching not to bee left of for any persecution 999 Preacher ought not to desist from preachyng Gods worde for any inhibition 1111.1112 Preachers in prison their godly declaration concernyng their disputation 1469 Preachers of K. Edwards inhibited to preach 1409.1407 Preface of the canon of the masse 1402 Prebendship of Paules geuen both of the Pope and of the kyng at one tyme to two seuerall persons 327. the Popes gift donation preuailed the kings fa●led ibid. Predestination and election with notes vpon the same 1657.1658 Preheminence of the Church estemed after a double consideration 8.9 Prelates in the councell of Constance 596 Prelates of England charged to finde horse and harnesse for the Popes warres 289 Prelates of Fraunce their answer to the Lord Peter in the parliament of Fraunce 354 Prelates of Fraunce agaynst the Friers 392 Prelates ought to discharge their cures in their owne persons and not by mercenaries 1116 Premuni●e facias endeuoured of the papists to be dissolued 702 Prestes wife burnt at Exceter for the Gospell .2049.2050.2051 her martyrdome ●022 Presentation within 4. monthes 421. Prescription of time 1805. Premonstratensis monkes 197. Premunire with the penaltie therof 419. Princes two slayne Edwarde and Richard 728. Prince Edward borne 376. Priest godly hanged 880. Priestes first restrained from their wiues in England 1152.1149 Priestes mariage lawfull by Gods word 1522. Priest for casting the Popes Bull before his feete burned 391. Priest of the North railing against Bishop Cranmer 1863. Priest burnt in king Henry .7 hys dayes 731. Priestes of Fraunce and Germamany stout agaynst the Popes proceeding for the restraynt of Priestes mariage 175.176 Priestes displaced and Monkes put in theyr rowmes by Oswald 153. Priestes of 3. sortes 496. Priestes had theyr wiues till Anselmes time 408. Priestes and Monkes why shauē on the crownes .126 Priestes crownes ibid. Priestes that preache not are slayers of the people .533 they can not absolutely forgeue sinne of themselues .540 forbid to haue wiues 192. Priestes restrayned theyr wiues 67. Priestes hadde wiues in king Edgars time 154. Priest a romaine chanon of Pauls robbed of souldiers 275. Priestes are seruauntes to the cōgregation not Maisters ouer it 1007 Priestes office after the Popes order 497 Priestes children made legittimate 1176 Priestes and Monkes theyr mutuall contention 158 Priestes of Bohem described 591 Priestes payde for theyr wiues to the Pope 199 Priesthood the order thereof 545 Priesthood of Christ differeth from all other Priesthoodes 496 Pride of Priestes 403 Primatus or primacy what it signifieth 1059 Primacy of Canterbury remoued to Liechfield 129 Primer allowed in Queene Maryes time full of horrible blasphemies and impieties 1598 Princeps Sacerdotum intituled to K. Henry .5 585 Princes as they geue the Pope primacy so they may take it agayne in case it be abused 1085 Prin●es loose no honor by the Gospell 2110 Printing and preaching inhibited by Q. Mary 1408 Printing inuēted by whom where and when 707
and martyrdome 667.668 Reall presence with the absurdities and inconueniences therof 1443 Reasons why matters of controsy are not to be caried out of the Countries where they fel to the Pope to be decided 10 Reasons prouing that no Christian may resort to the popish masse Mattens and Euensong with a good conscience 1647 Reasons proouing the Religion in Q. Maryes tune to be nought 1727 Rebellion in Cornewall and Deuonshyre with theyr Articles .1303 discomfited 1304·1305 1307 Rebellion in Northfolke Yorkeshyre and diuers other places in the realme agaynst K. Edward 6 1308 Rebellion in Lincolneshyre repressed .1086 in Yorkeshyre .1087 in Deuonshire and Cornwall 1305 Recantation of Cranmer with his repentaunce for the same 1884 Redman Doctor his iudgement in cases of Religion 1360 Reseruation of the Church how it began and when 840 Reseruation of the Sacrament by whom introduced 1404 Regiment of the Popes Churche how far it differeth from the regiment of the primitiue church 19 Register booke in euery Parish 1096 Reimundus the good king of Tholouse disinherited by the Pope .269 excommunicate 271 Religion of the Protestantes elder then the Religion of the sedicious Papistes by 1000. yeares 1821 Religion reformed at Zuricke .867 at Berne Constance Geneua Strausburgh 870 Religion set forth in the daies of K. Edwarde the sixte commended 1902 Religion Christian when it began .50 esteemed by Auncestors and Graundfathers by time place 1993 Religion of the Papistes more hurt full to the state of the Churche then the doctrine of the Lutherans 2110 Religion reformed in king Edward 6. his dayes 1298.1299 Religion going backeward in England and the causes why .1134 hindered by discord 1373 Religion of Christ and of the pope 2. cleane contrary thinges 29 Reliques adored 28 Reliques offering and Sacrifice brought into the masse by whom 129 Remission of sinnes foure thinges therein to be considered necessarily concurring 27 Remission of sinnes sold for mony 860 Remedies agaynst the temptations of the Deuill and the worlde 1830. Replye of the Prelates of Fraunce agaynst the Lord Peter 354 Renold Pecocke his story 709 Remerius Inquisitour agaynst the Waldenses 236 Repington Canon of Leicester after Bishop of Lincolne a cruell persecutour 442 Repington of a zelous Professour become a most cruel and a bloudy persecutor of Christes poore mēbers 437.444.530.539 Reuet his fearefull and straunge death 1917.1918 Reuenewes goynge yearlye oute of Englande to the Pope muche more then the Crowne it selfe 326 Reynold Eastland Martir his story and Martirdome 2037.2038 2039. Resistance agaynste the Pope no new thing 317 Restitution of Abbey landes by Q. Mary 1559.1560 R I. Richard 1. crowned king of England 235 Richard king of England Phillippe King of Fraunce theyr cōclusion to go to the holy land 235 Richarde Kyng of Englande hys voyage to the holy land .241.251 his Actes and Exploytes by the way and there achieued .243.244 chargeth the french kyng with falshood 244. taken prisoner ●ould to the Emperour and is raunsomed 248. Richard the 2. hys commission and letters against the Gospellers 505. his letter to the Pope 506. Rich .2 his letters to Pope Boniface 9.509 his vertues and vices deposed with articles against him .513 hee beheaded his vncle innocently .513 is committed to the Tower and dyed in prison 514. Richard 3. vsurper crowned kyng of England .728 hys death 729. Richard king of Almayne hys death 339. Richard Archbishop of Caunterbury stayed frō goyng to Rome by the king 233. Richard Atkins Martyr his cruell death and Martyrdome at Rome for the Gospell and the constaunt profession thereof 2151. Richard Belward hys trouble and persecution 660. Richard Belward hys testimony for the Lord Cobham 577. Richard Bayfield Marty his story .1021 articles obiected against him ibid. hys aunsweres to the same .1022 hys condemnation and degradatian .1023 his constant martyrdome for the trueth of Christes Gospell 1024. Richard Dobbes Alderman of London and knight his commēdations 1774. Richard Earle Marshall hys admonition to the king .278 hys death 280. Richard Chauncellour of Lincoln made archbishop of Caunterbury complayneth of his king of Hubert Earle of Kent and others to the Pope and dyeth in comming from Rome 274 Richard Day martyr hys story 2037. Richard Feurus Martyr 914 Richard Grafton printer of the great Bibles 1191. Richard Houeden Martyr 665.666 Richard Lush Martyr hys story and condemnation and martyrdome 2004. Richard Denton burnt in hys own house who before woulde not burne in the Lordes cause 1717 Richarby Martyr his story 2037.2038.2039 Richard Spencer Martyr his story 1202. Richard Spurge his story 1895. Richard Sharpe Martyr his story and martyrdome 2052. Richard Turner a faithfull preacher of Christes veritie in Kent hys trouble for the same 1868.1869 Richard Turming his story and martyrdome 639.640 Richard Monke recanted 642. Richard Gibson Martyr his story and Martyrdome .2025.2026.2027 his Articles propounded to Boner to be aunswered vnto 2034. Richard Nichols Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1909. Richard Lee notary 477. Richard Webbe his trouble for the Gospell 1601 Richard Wich Priest and Martyr taken for a Sainct 701. Richard Wilmot scourged for the Gospell 2058. Richard Wright Richard Colliare and 4. others martyrs at Canterbury 1688. Richard White confessor hys story ●054 Richard Woodman Martyr hys tragicall story .1983.1984 hys apprehension 1985. his first examination .1986 his second examination and aunsweres .1989.1990 his 3. examination .1992 his fourth examination .1997.1998 his fift examination .1999.2000 his last examination and aunsweres .2001.2002 his condemnation martyrdome 2003. Ridleyes talke with Bourne 1426. Richard Rothe Martyr his story and Martyrdome 2013.2014.2015.2016.2017 Richard Yeoman Martyr burned at Norwiche for the Gospell and the true profession thereof 2045. Richard Hook Martyred at Chichester for the trueth of the Gospell 1688 Richard Hunne his story .805 articles obiected agaynst him wyth his aunsweres .806 murthered in Prison .806.807 his Corpes burned after his death sentence definitiue agaynste him beinge deade .808 his Defence agaynste Syr Thomas More and Alanus Copus 811 Richard Mekins his story martyrdome 1202 Richarde Pott● Persecutour hys death 2103 Richard Pacie his story 989 Ringing of Curphew by Thomas Arundell 554 Ringing in the Archbishoppe at S. Albons 555 Rigges Uicechaūcellor of Oxford 502 Rictionarus a cruell Helhounde to the poore Christians he made riuers of theyr bloud 79 Ridley his treatise against the worshipping of Images and setting of them vp in churches and temples 2128.2129.2130.2131 Ridley refused of Queene Mary to preach before her .1396 sent to Oxford to dispute 1428 Ridley his excellent story .1717 his conference with Mayster Latimer in prison .1718.1719 articles ministred agaynst him .1760 hys Examinations and Aunsweres .1761 his supplication to Quene Mary .1768 his death and constant martyrdome for Gods truth 1769.1770 his letters and farewelles to England 1770.1774.1777.1779.1784.1786 Riches and pride of the Cleargy the fountayne of mischiefe 210● Riches of the Popes Clergy how they ought to be employed 2109 Riding of the Pope the
and the law there end peruerted by the Papistes 25.26.27 Woorkes of manne vnperfecte .23 in what respect called good 26. Workes wich good in the Popes Churche 25. Word of God hath his authoritie of God not of the Churche 1824. is the foundation and pillar of the Churche and not the Churche of the word 1824.1825 Worlde committed as well to the rest of the Apostles as to Peter 15. Worshipping of sainctes and how 1108. Worshipping of Images disproued by Ridley 2128.2129.2130.2131 Worcester burnt 197.198 Wolsey Cardinall of Rome and Archbishop of Yorke his history .986 hys pryde and ambition 989.987· a great rayser of warres .987 conueyeth twelue score thousand poundes out of England .988 his ambicious letter to Gardiner to bee made Pope .990 his fall with the causes thereof .994 depriued of hys chancellership cast into a premunire and hys goodes confiscate .994 arested poisoned himselfe 996 Woman burned at Shipping Sad bery 775. Wolfangus Schuche his story and martyrdome 883. Wolferus first christened king of Mercia 122. Wolues first destroyed and driuen out of England 155.74 X I. XIstus 2. Bishoppe of Rome and Martyr with his sixe Deacons 71. Xistus Byshoppe of Rome .52 hys trifling ordinances ibid. Y E. YEoman martyr hys story persecution apprehension condemnation martyrdome 2045.2046 Yeare in olde time counted from Michaelmas to Michaelmas 368. Yeare of Iubiley reduced to the 50. yeare 374. Y O. Yong her troubles examination and deliueraunce 2065.2066.2067.2068.2069.2070 Yorke burned by the Danes .140 burned agayne with the minster also .171 Minster thereof built 172. Yorkeshyre men rebell .1308 suppressed and some executed 1309. Z E. ZEale without knowledge what it breedeth 1114 Zelinus 11. Emperour of the Turks made Emperoure without hys fathers will .745 and poysoneth hys father .746 his tyrannous raygne ibid. Zepherinus Byshoppe of Rome his ordinaunces suspected to bee falsified 56. Zenon martyr 62. Zenon a noble man of Rome with 10000. moe put to death for the truth 40. Zenokius Martyr 78. Z I. Zisca hys story .645 hee was a xi times victor in the field .648 his ski●ne made in a drumme .648 hys pollicies in warres .646.647 hys Oration to his souldiers .647 hys death and epitaph 648. Z V. Zuricke and Barne forsake theyr league with Fraunce 870. Zuinglius his lyfe and story .866 hys consent and difference with Luther in doctrine and opinions .848.863 hys comming to Tigury .848 slayne in Battayle 872. afterward burned 873. Zurickes law against filthy Adultery .869 reformeth Religion 867. FINIS ❧ The end of the Table ❧ Imprinted at London by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martins ❧ Cum Gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis An. Dom. 1583. ¶ The Description of Windsore Castle ❧ The condemning of Anthony Person Marbecke Testwood and Filmer with the burning of the sayd Person Testwood and Filmer vnder the Castle of Windsore here liuely described Read pag. 1219. Marbecke saued by the Kynges Pardon Robert Smith of London Martyr Robert Smith actiue in the art of paynting The first examination of Rob. Smith before B. Boner Confession not neede fall Reiectio criminis ingeniosa diuina The Sacrament of the Altar Boners argumēt to proue the Sacrament Steuen Harwod examined before the Bishop Robert Smith examined by the Bishop Where was the visible Church amongest the Protestants Where was the visible Church amongest the Apostles Here he would not aunswere me to the Church of Iury but flyeth to the 5. of Corinth How Boner layeth snares to catch the innocent The church of Christ is not vniuersally in one particular place Talke betweene Robert Smith and the Bishops Chapleyne Absurditye graunted by the Catholickes that the body of Christ goeth into the belly and ●o so into the draughte Comparisō betweene the Iewes that spit in Christs face and Papists which let fall him into the draught Note this Catholicke doctrine which re●●●bleth the body of Christ to the incomprehensible 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 The questiō 〈…〉 what Christ is 〈◊〉 to doe 〈◊〉 the Sacramēt but what ●e 〈…〉 Rob. Smith brought agayne before the Bishop and the Lord Mayor B. Boner excuseth himselfe of blouddines B. Boner p●●ued to be cruell bloudy By this question it may appeare whether the B. sought bloud or no. The Papists dea● God hauing body without bloud Euen as the bread is the body so is the cup the bloud Rob. Smith commaunded of Boner into Limbo An other examination of R. Smith Boner beginneth with an vntruth The Church Auricular confession is but a pickepurse matter The inconueniences of auricular confession A false practise of a Priest vnder confession Example of terrible cruelty shewed vpon a poore innocent Anno 1555. August Syr Iohn Mordant Knight 2. Sacramentes Baptisme in what poyntes it is abused by the Catholickes This was spokē more to confound the opinion of water then to let children to haue water The water of Baptisme a preacher and not a Sauiour The element of water in Baptisme bringeth not the holy Ghost The holy Ghost receaued of some before Baptisme The Sacrament of orders Boner shaueth himselfe in anger of Robert Smyth Holy bread Holy water A●nnoynting Talke betwene Rob. Smyth and the Doctors Against auricular confession Conf●ssing vnto ●ohn in the wilderne●● was not to him but before him ●o God Anno 1555. Iuly The maruerlous boldenes of Robert Smith geuē him of God agaynst Christes enemyes The last examination of Robert Smith before B. Boner with his condēnat●on in the Consistory Syr Iohn Mordant came in after this story was tolde The word● of Robert Smith to the Lord Mayor Here my brother Tankerfield recited the story of my Lord Byshops Cooke Boner no Saint This Maior was Syn●oh Lion Here my brother Tankerfield pulled out of his bosome a testament requiring iudgement by the same but it would not be heard This Sheriffe was M. Woodrofe Iustice required in the Bishops Consistory but could not be had A lawfull request not heard The Bishops sentence beginneth with a wrong name Where finde the Catholickes in the scripture to put any to death for their conscience sake Robert Smith wrongfully condemned by the Byshop The wordes of Robert Smith agayne to the Lord Mayor The godly behauiour of Robert Smith and his fellowe in pryson Prob 5. Esay 1. Sapien. 2. Genes 3. ● Peter 3. Sapien. 13. Iohn 7. 1. Corin. 2. 1. Tobi. 11. Iohn 9. Apoc. 14. Exodu● 22 Math. 15. Math. 25. 2 Cor 9. Luke 12. Iohn 1. 2. Cor. 6. Math. 7. Heb. 13. 〈◊〉 13. Math. 6. Math. 6. Prou. 4. Si●●● 30. Tobi. 3. 2. Pet. 3. This letter is thought of some to be M. Hoopers partly for that in one copy amongest diuers it is entitled vnto him and also by the phrase and maner of writing it may be well coniectured so to be Apo. 17. Psal● 115. Math. 7. Ephe. 2. 2. Tim. 2. Ephe. 6. Phil. 2. Heb. 12. Col. 1. Pet. 5. Apoc. 6. 1. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 10 1. Pet 3. Luke
13. Act. 2. Psalme 51. 1. Reg 17. Psal. 6. 2. Cor. 6. Heb 8. Psalm 32. Psalm 117. Psalm 52. Psalm 65. Gene. 12. Psalm 33. Gene. 4. Gene. 21. Gene. 11. Phil. 3. Psalm ● 1. Corin. 3. Psalm 74. Iob. 5. Apoc. 12. Apo. 8. Psal. 145. 1. Corin. 6. 1. Cor. 8. Heb. 9. Actes 3. Heb. 1. 1. Pet. 3. Ephes. 1. Ephes. 2. Rom. 8. Ephes 2. 1. Iohn 2. Col. 1. 1 Cor. 2. Ephe. 2. 〈◊〉 2. Gala. 3. Act. 10. Luke 9. Iohn 14. Psal. 15. Ephe 4. Col. 5. Math. 10. Marke 8. Phil. 3. Luke 8.14 Romans 7. Ephe. 1. Gala. 4. Phi. 3. Heb. 6. 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 11. Phi. 3. Math. 3. Iohn 8. Psalm 34. Heb. 4. Iude. 1. Psalm 76. Math. 20. Luke 21. Math. 10. 1. Pet 2. Math. 10. Sapi. 3. Psalm 7. Exod. 13. Esd. 3 13. 2. Mach. 7. Iacob 4. 1. Peter 5. Apo. 9. Heb. 12. Iacob 2. 2. Cor. 12. Esdras 36. Romans 2. 1. Cor. 1. Luke 15. Ephes. 4. Os● 13. Rom. 12. Phil. 2. Luke 8. Marke 4. Psalme 8. Psalm 4. Ieremy 12. Ieremy 18. Math. 12. Iob. 12. Pro. 15.21 Psal. 24.30.78 Marke 6. Math. 10. Apo. 5. Iohn 16. The Martyrdome and comfortable death of Rob. Smith of Vxbridge An. 1555. August 8. A token of comfort and resurrection geuen by R. Smith at his Martirdome A letter of Robert Smith to his wyfe full of ghostly instruction Be good to thine enemy A double hedge to the tongue Cast out the mo●e in thine owne eye first Coue● not to be rich Blessed be the mercifull An other letter of R. Smith to his wyfe Commendation of Peter the keeper An other letter of R. Smith to his wyfe Beholde here the Cōmunion of Saintes Anno 1555. August An other letter of Robert Smith to a 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Steuen Harwood Thomas Fust Martyrs The auns●ere of Thomas Fust to Byshop Boner The condēnation and Martyrdome of Steuen Harwood and Tho. Fust. Anno. 1555. August William Haile Martyr Th● Martyrdome of Williā Haile at Barnet about the ende of August Anno. 1555. Hailes wordes to the people Ex Regist. 3. Martyrs sickened in prison buryed in the fieldes George King Thomas Leyes Iohn Wade Martyrs The story of Ioane Layshford hereafter followeth among the Martyrs of the next yeare William Andrew buryed in the fieldes The L. Rich the first sender vp of W. Andrew A letter of Syr Richard Southwell to Bishop Boner W. Andrew twise before B. Boner W. Andrew through strayte handling dyed in Newgate W. Andrew buryed in the fieldes Mayster Foster Iustice persecutor of Christes people Robert Samuell in K. Edwardes dayes a godly Preacher Robert Samuell remoued from the ministery Robert Samuell woulde not consent to the wicked decree of Q. Mary to put away his wyfe Robert Samuell apprehended in his house by night Robert Samuell put in Ipswich Gayle Robert Samuell remoued to Norwich The cruelty of Dunninges the bloudy Chauncellour An other memorable 〈◊〉 of Samuell in prison Two godly 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Brue●● wyfe the other a 〈◊〉 w●fe apprehended Eccle. 9. Eccle. 4. Esay 4. Complaynt agaynst England and that not vndeserued Math. 8. English people rightly resembled to the Gergesites Marke 5. Rom. 10. Aboundance of goodes is a thing perilous Gene. 19. Anno 1555. September Math. 19. Iob. 3. Esay 10 God hath alwayes a remnant whom he pullysheth with hard aduersaryes 1. Cor. 4. Two men in one God abhorreth Apoc. ●● 1. Pet. 1. No true quietnes in Sathans seruice The miserable madnes of worldly men lamented 2 C●r 4. Iohn 1● Transitory pleasures of this lyfe not to be passed vpon Psalm 58. Luke 16. Colos. 3. Heb. 13. Iohn 7. Ephes. 5. 1. Pet 4. Luke 14 2. Para 3. 2. Cor. 5. Ioyes layd vp in Christ to mans sense inestimable Samuell prophesieth of the destruction of the persecut●rs 1. Rev. 25. The bloud of Gods Martyrs preacheth with more fruite then did their mouthes Luke 1. God long looketh for repentance and we waxe worse and worse Esay 3. Wickednes of England declared Esay 3. England worthely rebuked Ieremy 5. He bewayleth the state of England Iohn ● 〈◊〉 to the a●flicted 〈◊〉 Math. 10. 〈◊〉 10. Christ himselfe suffereth in his members 〈◊〉 Esay 5. Ephe. 5. Gods prom●se is immutable O mery last day ● Tim. 2. Christes Saintes be here in Butchers hands Psal. 16. Precious is the death of Go●s Saintes 2. Tim. ● An other letter of 〈…〉 3. Marke 8. One God Three persons Ephes. 1. Actes 17. Psalm 176. The 2. Article Heb. 1. No merites of saluation but onely in Christ. Esay 48.43 Gene. 1.22 Esay 53. Actes 10. Math. 8. The Catholick Church is the communion of Saintes Iohn 10.8 Galath 1. 1. Tim. 3. Remission of sinnes onely by the merites of Christ apprehended by fayth Confirmation of our resurrection Iohn 10. Iohn 1· Phil. 3. Iohn 12. 1. Cor. 15. Iohn 5. Rom 10. 〈◊〉 13. The ●●ing of death pluckt out Hi● confession touching the Sa●ramentes Sacramentes are confirmations of Go●s grace and acceptation ●he Sacrament o● Baptisme The Sacrament of the Lordes Supper Gods word to 〈◊〉 Gods word to the eye Actes 1.3 Christes body present in the Sacrament to our spirituall eyes How the body of Christ is spiritually to be 〈◊〉 Rom. 8. Heb. 9. Rom 5. Phil. 3. Iohn 6. Ephe. 5. Gala. 2 Marke ● W. Allen Martyr The Martyrdome of W. Allen at Walsinghā Anno. 1555. September Roger Coo Martyr Talke betwene Roger Coo Hopton B. of Norwich Roger Coo to his accuser The Bishop of Rome The Sacrament of the Lordes Supper Daniell 9. * Well spo●en and lyke the Popes clarke The Martyrd●me of Roger Coo at Yexford Anno. 1555. September Tho. Cobbe of Hauerhill in Northfolke Martyr Examinati●●● of Tho. Cobbe The reall presence of Christ only in heauen The Martyrdome of Thomas Cobbe at Thetford Anno. 1555. Septemb. Examination● of these fiue Martyrs Examination aunsweres of Catmer Examination aunsweres of Streater Burward examined Brodbridge examined Thomas Tuttie examined with his aunswere to the same Thomas Hayward Iohn Goreway Martyrs The Martyrdōe of Thomas Hayward and Iohn G●r●way at Li●hfiel● Anno. 1555. September The story of M. Robert Glouer Martyr and of M. Iohn Glouer his brother Iohn Glouer Robert Glouer William Glouer 2. godly brethren and zealous professors of the Gospell Touching further mention of 〈◊〉 Iohn Glo●●● 〈◊〉 in the first edition The inward conflictes and exercises of M. Iohn Glouer Iohn Glouer a double Martyr A heauy Crosse of inward tormentes layd vpō Iohn Glouer The first occasiō of Iohn Glouers inward afflictiō Heb. 7. No griefe lyke to the griefe of conscience Heb. 7. Christ a mercifull helper in temptation and hard distresses Iohn Glouer by the grace of Christ re●stored agayne to perfect tranquilitye The Mayor of Couentry sendeth a priuy watchword to Iohn Glouer M. Robert Glouer apprehended lying sicke in his chamber A letter of M. Robert Glouer to h●s wyfe certif●ing h●s troubles 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 apprehen●ion The worldly wanton●●●
and thing sig●●●fied Both the sig●● and the thing signified in 〈◊〉 respectes 〈◊〉 the Sacrament Ye say ye seek● not his lyfe and yet ye 〈◊〉 to aunswere 〈◊〉 that ye aske 〈◊〉 be his death The protestatiō of Iohn Philpot before the Lordes Two thinge wherein the Clergy dece●ueth the whole realme The Papistes haue neyther● the Sacrament of the Lordes body nor the true Church Papistes vnto 〈◊〉 vsurpe the name of the Church M. Philpot offereth himselfe to stand against 10. of the best learned in the realme in proofe of his cause The Popes Catholickes when they haue no iust reason wherewith to perswade they fall to rating to charge men with stubbernes Psalme 8. Scriptures alledged How the letter killeth and whom 2. Cor 3. Iohn 6. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Cor. 2. M. Philpots request to the Lordes Iohn Philpot wil not be iudged by his aduersaryes but by the hearers so far as they shall iudge by Gods worde The true order of iudgement vsed in the primatiue Church B. Boner bewrayeth his owne ignoraunce B. Boner dare not fetch out his booke ● Boner ●●●●pheth 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Iudge 〈…〉 law 〈…〉 the ●earing of 〈◊〉 o●●●●wise 〈◊〉 ●gree●●●● to the word●s so 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 no power to ●dge the ●●aning of Gods word ●●●trary to ● 〈◊〉 ●●●ection of the Lord 〈◊〉 why the wordes 〈◊〉 the scrip●●● a●e not 〈◊〉 be taken ●his is my body Aunswere to B. Boners ●●i●ction The place 〈…〉 ●he bread 〈◊〉 I will true is my 〈◊〉 c A●nswere 〈◊〉 the Lord ●iches ob●●ction Papistes ●ater cosins ●● the Capemai●es 〈◊〉 hath neyther 〈…〉 150. B. Boner● vn●euerent and blasphemous speaking of God The omnipot●●cye pretended in vayne Christ in the Sacrament really present to the receauer What he calleth really B. Boner to weake for Iohn Philpot. The Lordes fall to drinking Lord Rich biddeth M. Philpot drinke Chadsey beginneth to dispute with M. Philpot. * 1. Vntruth * 2. Vntrth. 4. Vntruthes of Chadsey at on● clappe * 3. Vntruth * 4. Vntruth M. Philpot answereth D. Chadsey Iohn Philpot interrupted in his aunswere Prayse be to the Lord for so he hath Chadsey proueth the Sacrament by the 6. of Iohn * So is there twise Ego too and yet but one naturall body Iohn Philpot aunswereth with protestation A question of Iohn Philpot. Blasphemy to say that these wordes onely this is my body make a reall presence Cypri lib. ● Epistol 3. These wordes blesse take and eate be as substanciall pointes of the Sacrament as this is my body Hereof reade more in the examinations of M. Bradford M. Doctor taken with the maner The w●rds of Chr●●● this is 〈◊〉 body ●●●cept a 〈◊〉 speake 〈…〉 body Sacraments without their vse be no Sacramentes The Sacrament of the Lords body without receauing is no Sacrament As Baptisme ●● no baptisme but to the child 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 and not 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 by so 〈◊〉 Sacrament of the body is no Sacrament but to them that worthely receaue My Lor● 〈◊〉 better 〈…〉 Capon 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 Sacra●●●● M. Philpot standeth vpon his conscience the feare of God B. Boner proceedeth Ex officio with Maister Philpot. 2. Vntruthes in the Bishops articles Iohn Philpot chalengeth the priuiledge of his ordinary ryght Spiritual things are not subiect to temporall powers and therefore the temporall commissioners had no power to remoue him into an other mans dioces A man is not baptised into his godfathers fayth nor his godmothers fayth but into the fayth of Christes church Iohn Philpot proueth his church to be from Christ. No rule better then Antiquity Vniuersalitie Vnitie to proue the true fayth Church of the Protestantes Because you dare not S. Cyprian meaneth euery church to haue his owne gouernour not all churches to be vnder one Cypri lib. 1. Epist. 3. The place of S. Ciprian explaned The Bishop of Rome no more head of the Church then the B. of Londō Peter had no more authoritye ouer the church then euery one of the Apostles Peter beareth but a figure of the Church B. Boners diuinity lieth much in the ciuill lawe Cyprian The place of Cyprian expounded B. Boner goeth to the Parlament M. D. 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Peter 〈◊〉 my 〈◊〉 In Nice counsell 〈◊〉 B. o● 〈◊〉 was no 〈…〉 The scholer of Oxford shrinketh away The 〈◊〉 side notable to proue the Church to be the holy catholick church 3. Blind coniect●●● out of 〈◊〉 epistle of Austen to 〈◊〉 prouing the Sea of Rome to be suprea●e head The 〈…〉 Bishop from 〈…〉 tyme. The 〈…〉 may be cal The ●cope of S. Augustines argument is 〈…〉 the Church of Rome therfore 〈…〉 in the doctrine because it hath 〈…〉 Bishops from the Apostles but 〈…〉 Donatistes to be schismatickes 〈…〉 Churche of Rome continuing 〈…〉 the doctrine of the Apostles 〈◊〉 still succession of 〈◊〉 the Apostles tyme yet they 〈…〉 the vnitye of that Churche 〈…〉 other Churche of their owne The Argument is this 〈…〉 from that Churche which 〈◊〉 succession of Bishops 〈…〉 Apostles and keepeth the 〈◊〉 still in fayth and doctrine is 〈◊〉 the vnitye of the Churche and to 〈…〉 The Donatistes doe so from the Church 〈◊〉 hauing no iust cause of doctrine 〈◊〉 to doe 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 〈…〉 to their dinner afterward as they haue as i● they had eaten neuer a bit of meate before Iohn Philpot refu●eth to aunswer● but in open iudgement Iohn Philpot commaun●ed to be set in the stockes in the Colehou●e An other dayes talke of the Bishop with Iohn Philpot and other prisoners Iohn Philpot denyeth to come before the Bishop for feare of some priuy practise Iohn Philpot brought to the Bishop by violence Note here the iust dealinges of these Bishops This Bishop of Lincolne was D. White Iohn Philpot being Archdeacon excommunicated B. White for preaching fal●ed doctrine Matter made of a knife sent to Iohn Philpot in a Pigs belly Articles agayne put to Iohn Philpot. B. Boner of mere power and authoritye pronounceth himselfe to be Philpots Ordinary False articles fayned a●aynst Iohn Philpot. B. Boner taken with an vntruth Other prisoners called in to beare witnes agaynst Iohn Philpot. The prisoners refuse to be sworne agaynst M. Philpot. B Boner agayne doth agaynst the lawe Note how the Bishops make Anabaptistes B. 〈◊〉 seeketh 〈◊〉 An other priuate talke or cōference betweene him and the Bishop B. Boner vewing his Colehouse He meaneth Steuē Gardiner Bishop of Winchester Good coūsell geuen to B. Boner Iohn 〈…〉 a clo●e tower ioyning to Paules Church The 8. 〈◊〉 of ● Philpot. Articles 〈◊〉 Philpot 〈…〉 M. Philpot. B. Boner doth without order o● lawe The 9. examination of Iohn Philpot before the Bishop and his Chapleyns Iohn Philpot still standeth to his former plea to aunswere before his owne Ordinary Iohn Philpot will not heare his articles read Talke of the Sacrament This argument in the 2 figure concluding aff●●matiuely doth not holde by Logyke The Bishop being brought to a narrow straite
iudgement of God vpon a burning persecutour Gods fearefull hand vpon Castellanus persecutour Legate Du Prat the first beginner of persecution agaynst the faythfull horribly plagued Iohn Ruse comming from accusing the faythfull was terribly stricken with Gods hand The wicked end of Claude de Asses a wicked persecutour Peter Lyset author of the burning chamber plagued The mighty hand of God vpon Iohn Morin a greeuous persecutor Iohn Andrew Booke bynder plagued The terrible vengeance of God vpō Iohn de Roma a terrible persecutor Iohn Minerius a cruell persecutour plagued of God The French king by sundry sortes of troubles warned of God Riches and Pride of the Clergy the fountayne of all euills The purenes of the primatiue church how long it continued and whereby The false Donation of Constantine Exhortation to the king to seise vpon the temporalitye● of the Clergye The ryches of the Popes Clergye how they ought to b● employed The malicious and lying slaunders of the Papists to bring the true Gospellers in hatred with Princes Constantine confirmed in his kingdome the more by receauing the Gospel Examples of England and Germany how Princes lose no honour by the gospell The Popes religion more noysome to the state of Princes then the doctrine of the Lutherans Wholesome remedy shewed agaynst the Popes pryde A blynde shift of the Papistes to stop Princes from calling generall Councels The contrarietyes in the Popes Councells enough for their disproofe Prophesie agaynst the French king The story and end of Henry 2. the French king that would not be warned What commeth to kinges that refu●e good counsell Henry ● French king wholy set to persecute the Church o● Christ. Gods mighty power agaynst his enemyes Henry 2. the French king for● set agaynst the poore Protestantes Henry 2. the French king in his triumph iusteth agaynst Montgommery Montgommery agaynst his will commaunded to iuste agaynst the king Henry 2. the French king stricken and killed in his owne iusting The deuelishe perswasion of the Cardinall of Loraine at the death of the French king Certayne gentlemen executed at Amboyse for standing against the house of Guyse The Lordes punishment vpon the Chauncellour Oliuier for his sentence geuen agaynst certayne gentlemen Protestantes The death of Fraunces 2. french king after he began to withstande the course of the Gospell How the Lord worketh for his Gospell The wordes of king Fraunces at his death The terrible stroke of Gods reuenge vpon Carol. 9. the French king The death of Charles the Emperour An Epitaphe vpon Charles Emperour Henry .2 French king and Fraunces his sonne The sodaine death of President Minard The punishment of God vpon the king of Nauarre after he had reuolted from the Gospell to Popery The Duke of Guyse sl●ine before Orleance The Constable before Paris The Marshall of S. Andrew before Dreux The story of one Drayner otherwise called Iustice nine holes A malitious practise to intrappe a good man Drayner conuict of falsehood A lamentable history of Iohn Whiteman snowmaker Iohn Whitman coulde not suffer the abhominable Idolatry of the Papists Iohn Whitman apprehended Iohn Whitmā brought ●efore the ●udges Sentence geuen agaynst Iohn Whitman The Martyrdome and death of Iohn Whitman Iohn 16. 3. Argumentes agaynst the Papistes Gods worde Bloud of Martyrs Gods punishment The plagues of God set against pretensed antiquitye Henry .2 the French king and king Fraūces his sonne stricken the one in the eyes the other with an impostume in the eare Stephen Gardiner Queene Mary Constable of Fraunce King of Nauar. Henry Smith D. Shaxton The end of Gardiner Iohn de Roma Twyford Bayliffe of Crowland Suffragan of Douer D. Dunning D. Geffray Berrye Poacher Archbishop Crescentius Cardinall Rockwood Latomus Guarlacus Eckius Thornton Pattyer Longe Bomelius all professours of Popery Esay 50. Page 199. A secrete note of Papiste● which haue beene great cryers out of Priestes maryage and themselues after taken in open adultery Comparison betweene the ende of Popishe persecutours the Gospellers The godly ende of the Gospellers to be noted The blessed end of King Edward .6 The patient end of the Duke of Somerset the kings vncle The quiet and ioyfull end of the Martyrs Two speciall notes of the ●iue Church of Christ. Outward affliction peace of conscience 2. Tim. 3. 1. Cor. 1. The wretched end of Papistes geue testimony agaynst their owne doctrine Admonition to persecutours which yet remayne aliue The end and death of Edmund Boner God maketh the persecutors of his people commonly to be their owne persecutours Saul murderer of himselfe Achitophel murderer of himselfe Iudas murderer of himselfe Senacherib murdered of his owne sonnes Herode and Antiochus murdered by lyce Pilate murderer of himselfe Nero murderer of himselfe Dioclesianus and Maximinianus Emperours deposed them selues Maximinus eaten vp with lyce Maxentius and king Pharao both drowned in their owne harnesse Achaz Achab. Iesabell Manasses Ioachim Sedechias punished of God for the●r persecutions The murdering mother church with her bloudy children admonished Esay 1. Esay 1. What the lawes of this Realme could say agaynst the persecutours in Queene Ma●les tyme. The nature of the Church is not to persecute with bloud In that the persecutours of the Church be suffered of the Church to liue it is to their confusion Syr Henry Bonifield forgiuen Nouember 18. Doctor Weston Great benefites and treasures do nothing profit where the vse of them cannot be inioyed Felicitye not in hauing but in vsing Wicked practises of most cruell Tyrantes Cruelty of late dayes farre exceeding al crueltyes committed by the auncyent and famous tyrauntes in tyme past Tyrantes euill gouernours be the plague of God God worketh all thinges to his owne glory Affliction tryeth men whether they be good or euill God plenteously poureth his benefites vpon vs not for our sakes but of his infinite mercy and for his gloryes sake Wonderfull is the mercy of God in deliuering this Realme from the tyranny of the Papistes The Papistes buildings stand so long onely as they be propt vp with rope sword fagot Burgesses vnlawfully disorderly and violently thrust out of the Parliament house in Queene Maryes dayes The third Parliament in Quueene Maryes dayes not orderly and formally called and therefore of none effecte A ioyfull day God preserueth the innocent maketh frustrate the malicious purposes of the wicked An apt similitude Three thinges which preserue the good estate of a Realme or c●mmon wealth Charges not to be weyed where Gods glory is to be furthered The 1. proposition Two partes of the proposition The first part of the proposition The Argument or probation The Maior proued An other argument o● probation An other argument The fourth argument or probation Ambros. Per hos enim impletur confirmatio precis qui respondent Amen The fyfte argument The sixte argument Obiection dissolued The 7. reason The 8. reason The 9. reason The 10. reason The 11. reason or probation The 12. reas●n or probation The second part of the
book abroad of the report of the disputation to the contrary in the which there is neuer a true worde And where as you require to be satisfied of the sacrament I will shew you the trueth therof both by the scriptures and by the Doctors Philpot. It is a shrewed lykelihoode that you will conclude with any truth since you haue begonne with so many vntruthes as to say that I was aunswered whiles I had any thyng to say and that I wept for lacke of matter to say and that the booke of the reporte of the disputation is nothing true God be praysed there were a good many of Noble men Gentlemen and worshipfull men that heard and saw the doings therof which can testifie that you here haue made an vniust report before these honorable Lords And that I wept was not for lacke of matter as you slaūder me for I thank God I haue more matter thē the best of you all shall euer be able to answere as litle learning as I haue but my weeping was as Christes was vpon Hierusalem seeing the destruction that should fall vppon her and I foreseeing then the destruction whiche you thorough violence and vnrighteousnesse which you there declared would worke agaynst the true Churche of Christ and his faythfull members as this daye beareth witnesse was compelled to weepe in remembraunce of that whiche I with infinite more haue felt and shall feele Al these words I did then speake out being interrupted by my Lord Rich saying that I shoulde suffer hym to proceede out in his matter and afterwardes I shuld haue leysure to aunswere him in euery Article But he promysed more then he could performe as the end did wel declare for he had not the consent of the spiritualtie to his promise which now rule the rost God shorten their cruell dayes for his electes sake And therfore I adde this which I had purposed to haue spoken if then I might haue bene suffered least any that perfectly know not the thinges done in the Conuocation house and now layd to my charge if they shoulde not be aunswered by me might recken Doctour Chadseys sayinges to bee true And as concerning the booke of the report of the disputations I wrote the same it is true in euery argument as M. Deane of Roochester and M. Cheyney Archdeacon of Herford yet being aliue and within the realme can testifie Chadsey You haue of scriptures the foure Euangelistes for the probation of Christes reall presence to be in the sacrament after the wordes of consecration with S. Paule to the Corinthians whiche all saye Hoc est corpus meum This is my body They say not as you woulde haue me to beleue this is not the bodye But specially the 6. of Iohn prooueth the same most manifestly where Christ promised to geue his body which hee performed in his last supper as it appeareth by these wordes Panis quem ego dabo caro mea est quam ego dabo pro mūdi vita The bread whiche I wyll geue is my flesh which I wil geue for the life of the world Phil. My Lord Rich with your leaue I must needes interrupt him a litle because he speaketh open blasphemy against the death of Christ for if that promise brought in by s. Iohn was performed by Christ in his last supper thē needed he not to haue dyed after he had geuen the sacrament Rich. Let maister Doctour make an end of his argumēts and afterward obiect to him what you can Chadsey You must note that there is twise Dabo in thys saying of S. Iohn the first is referred to the sacrament of the au●tar the second to the sacrifice vpon the crosse and besides these manifest scriptures there bee many auncient Doctors proouing the same as Ignatius Irenaeus S. Cyprian whose authoritie he recited at large which I do omitte because I was not permitted to answere the same Rich. Now aunswere and obiect to him what you can you shal be heard Phil. My Lord the chiefest ground where he with the rest of his side do ground thēselues agaynst vs be these words This is my body with a false pretence of the omnipotency of God And before I will come to the particular aunsweres of all that he hath alledged for that your Lordships may the better vnderstand me what I meane and whereuppon I stand I will require mayster Doctor to aunswere me one question But first of all I do protest to your honours that I thinke as reuerently of the sacrament as a christian mā ought to do and that I acknowledge the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe ministred after Christes Institution to bee one of the greatest treasures and comfortes that he left vs on the earth and contrariwise it is most discomfort and abhominable not being ministred as it ought to be as it is vsed now a dayes And now to my question which is this whether these wordes onely Hoc est corpus meum This is my body spoken by a priest ouer the bread and wine may make the body and bloud of Christ as you suppose or no Chedsey Staggering what he might say at last hee sayd that these wordes alone pronounced by the Priest be sufficient to make the bread and the wyne the very bodye and bloud of Christ really Philpot. That is blasphemy to say and agaynst al the scriptures and Doctours who affirme that the forme and substance in consideration must be obserued whiche Christ vsed and did institute as S. Cyprian sayth In sacrificio quod Christus est non nisi Christus sequendus In the sacrifice whiche is Christ onely is Christ to be followed And by the lawe it is forbidden to adde or take away from Gods word And S. Peter sayth If anye man speake let him speake as the worde of God Wherfore whosoeuer sayth that these wordes onely This is my body do make a presence of christ without blesse take and eate which be three as substanciall poyntes of the Sacramente as Thys is my bodye is he is highly deceiued Therfore S. Austen sayth Accedat verbum ad elementum fit sacramentum Let the word be ioyned to the element and it be commeth a sacrament So that if the entier worde of Christes Institution be not obserued in the ministration of a Sacrament it is no sacrament as the sacrifices which the ten tribes did offer at Bethell to God were not acceptable because they were not in all poyntes done according to Gods word Wherfore except blessing be made after the word whiche is a due thankesgeuing for our redemption in Christ and also a shewing forth of the Lordes death in such wise as the congregation may be edified and moreouer a taking and eating after Christes commaundement except I say these three partes be first performed which is not done in the Masse these wordes This is my bodye which are last placed in the Institution of
the Lords supper can not be verified For Christe commaunded aswell Take ye eate ye as This is my body Chadsey Christ sayd Take eate this is my body and not take ye eate ye Phil. No did Mayster Doctour Be not these the wordes of Christ Accipite manducate and do not these wordes in the plurall number signifie Take ye eate ye and not take thou eate thou as you would suppose Chadsey I graunt it as you say Phil. Likewise of consequencie you Mayster Doctour must needes deny which you haue sayd that these words This is my body being onely spoken be sufficient to make the body and bloud of Christe in the sacrament as you haue vntruely sayd London Then came in the bishop agayne and sayd what is it that you would haue mayster Doctor deny Phil. My Lord M. Doctor hath affirmed that these words This is my body spoken by the prieste onely doe make the sacrament London In deede if mayster Briges shoulde speake these wordes ouer the bread and wine they woulde be of none effect but if a priest speake them after a due maner they are effectuall and make a reall body Phil. Mayster Doctor hath sayd otherwise London I thinke you mistake him for hee meaneth of the wordes duely pronounced Philpot. Let hym reuoke that he hath graunted and then will I begin agayne with that whiche before was sayde that This is my bodye hath no place except blesse take and eate duely go before And therfore because the same words do not go before This is my body but preposterously follow in your sacrament of the Masse it is not the sacrament of Christ neither hath Christ in it present Chadsey If This is my body onely do not make the Sacrament no more do blesse take and eate Philpot. I graunt that the one without the other cannot make the sacrament And it can be no sacrament vnlesse that whole action of Christ doth concurre together accordynge to the first Institution Chadsey Why then you will not haue it to be the bodye of Christ vnlesse it be receaued Phil. No verely it is not the very body of Christ to none other but to such as condignely receaue the same after hys Institution London Is not a loafe a loafe being set on the table though no body eate therof Phil. It is not like my Lord. For a loafe is a loafe before it ●e set on the Table but so is not the Sacrament a perfecte Sacrament before it be duely ministred at the table of the Lord. London I pray you what is it in the meane while before it is receaued Phil. It is my Lord the signe begon of a holy thing yes no perfect sacrament vntill it be receaued For in the sacrament there be two thinges to be considered the signe and the thing it selfe which is Christ and hys whole Passion it is that to none but to such as worthily receaue the holy signes of bread wine according to Christes institutiō Winsor There were neuer none that denyed the words of Christ as you do Did he not say This is my body Philpot. My Lord I pray you be not deceaued We do not deny the wordes of Christ but we say these wordes bee of none effect being spoken otherwise then Christe did institute them in hys last supper For an example Chryst biddeth the churche to baptise in the name of the father the sonne and the holy Ghost if a Priest say those wordes ouer the water and there bee no childe to be Baptised those wordes onely pronounced doe not make Baptisme And agayne Baptisme is not onely Baptisme to suche as bee baptised and to none other standing by L. Chamb. I pray you my Lord let me aske him one question What kinde of presence in the sacrament duely minystred according to Christes ordinaunce do you allow Philpot. If any come worthely to receaue then do I confesse the presence of Christ wholy to bee with all the fruites of his Passion vnto the sayd worthy receauer by the spyrite of God and that Christ is therby ioyned to hym and he to Christ. L. Chamb. I am aunswered London My Lordes take no heede of him for hee goeth about to deceaue you His similitude that he bryngeth in of Baptisme is nothing like to the sacrament of the aultar For if I should say to sir Iohn Briges beyng with me at supper hauing a fat Capō take eate this is a fat Capon although he eate not thereof is it not a Capon still And likewise of a peece of Beefe or of a cup of wyne if I saye drinke this is a good cup of wyne is it not so because hee drinketh not therof Phil. My lord your similitudes be to grosse for so high misteryes as wee haue in hande as if I were your equall I could more playnly declare and there is much more dissimilitude betweene common meates and drinkes then there is betweene baptisme and the sacramente of the body and bloud of Christ. Like must be compared to lyke spir●tuall things with spirituall and not spirituall things with corporall things And meates and drinkes be of theyr owne natures good or euill and your woordēs commending or discommēding do but declare what they are But the sacraments be to be considered according to the worde which Christ spake of them of the which Take ye eate ye besome of the chiefe concurrent to the making o● the same without the which there can be no sacraments and therfore in Greeke the Sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 .i. Communion and likewyse in the Gospell Christe commaunded saying Diuidite inter vos i. Diuide it among you Chadsey S. Paule calleth it a Communication Phil. That doeth more expresly shew that there must be a participation of the Sacrament together Lon. My Lords I am sory I haue troubled you so long with this obstinate man with whom we can do no good I wil trouble you no longer now and with that the Lordes rose vp none of them saying any euil worde vnto me half amazed in my iudgement God worke it to good Thus endeth the sixt part of this Tragedie The seuenth looke for with ioy The vij examination of Iohn Philpot had the xix of Nouember before the Bishops of London and Rochester the Chauncellour of Lichfield and Doctour Chadsey LOndon Syrha come hither How chance you come no sooner It is wel done of you to make master Chauncellor and me to tary for you this houre by the faith of my body halfe an houre before masse and halfe an houre euen at masse looking for your comming Phil. My Lorde it is not vnknowen to you that I am a prisoner and that the doores be shut vpon me I can not come when I list but as soone as the dores of my prison were open I came immediately London We sen● for thee to the intent thou shouldest haue come to Masse Howe
be counted worthy to so we some seede amongest the sweete Saintes of the Lorde that I may reape the same againe without ceasing at the haruest It is nowe sowing time of the yeare men saye in the countrey and I thinke that I shall make an ende of sowing before all Marche be past for I heare say that I shall prooue how my plough will enter into the stonie ground of the hard hearted Papists within these 4 daies I hope to holde fast and not to looke backe neyther for feare nor flattery vntil I haue made an ende of sowing and then will I set me downe and rest me and aske them all no leaue and looke for the liuely fruite and encrease thereof with ioye and gladnesse My deare brother the time approcheth neare I praise God therefore that I must put off this sinnefull tabernacle and goe home to my heauenly father where diuers of my deare brethren are all ready looking and wishing for me I beseeche you therefore that you will helpe me forewarde with your faithfull prayers as I know you doe for I doe feele the comfort and commoditye thereof That you haue obserued my simple counsel I am right glad and I trust in the Lord God you shall finde comfort in the same And that you may so doe in deede I haue bene so bold to wryte these few woordes vnto you because I shall see you no more in this corruptible life therefore marke them well First and aboue all things you must be very circumspecte to keepe the bande of loue and beware that there neuer spring vp the roote of bitternesse betweene you If at any time there happē to rise any cause of vnkindnesse betweene you as it is vnpossible alwayes to be free from it see that you weede vppe the same with all lenitie gentlenesse and patience and neuer suffer your selfe nor youre wife to sleepe in displeasure If you haue cause to speake sharpelye and sometimes to reprooue beware that you do not the same in the presence of other but kepe your woordes vntil a conuenient time whych is the poynt of a wise man saith Salomon and then vtter them in the spirite of meekenesse and the groning spirit of perfect loue which you must also let sometimes to couer faultes and wincke at them if they be not intollerable What so euer losse and mischance shal happen vnto you take it paciently and beare it merely· and though the same shuld come partly through your wiues negligence yet let it rather be a louing warninge to take heede in time to come then a cause of sorow for that which is past cannot be holpen I knowe by mine owne experience that we are in this life subiecte to many inconueniences and that of nature we are prone to displeasure and ready to thinke vnkindnes for euery little trifle and specially with oure best friendes yea soonest with our louing wiues whiche bee moste lothest to displease vs. But let vs beware of this cankered corruption and consider that we ought most of all in loue to beare with them according to Christes example towardes his congregation for whome he gaue him self to clense it c. I had thought to haue treated thys matter at large but euen nowe I am interrupted and otherwyse letted I doubt not but you know your duetie therein a greate deale better then I can declare it vnto you and as you knowe it so will doe it but I loue to be bolde with you I entend to write also to your wife very shortly and so take my last farewel of you for euer in this worlde And thus in greate haste I am nowe constraind to make an end The blessing of god be alwais with you Your owne for euer Iohn Careles Pray pray pray with faith An other letter of Iohn Careles to Elizabeth wife of the sayde A.B. containing likewise certaine Godly preceptes of Matrimonie pertaining to her duetie THe euerlasting peace of God in Iesus Christe the continuall aide strength and comfort of his moste holye and mightye spirite with increase of knowledge faith and perfecte feeling of Gods eternall mercy be with you my deare and faithfull louing sister E.B. and with your godly louing husbande my deare and faithfull brother to the full performaunce of that good whiche he hath so graciously begon in you that in all things you maye be made riche and blessed in him and your seede after you now and euer Amen As I haue bene long desirous to wryte vnto you my deare heart in the Lord not onely being thereto bound of duetie but also often prouoked of him to whome I owe my self and al that I am able to doe I meane euen that blessed of the Lordes owne mouthe whome God hathe ioyned with you in that holye and Christian state of Matrimonie euen so at the last I haue obtained time and occasion in some part to performe that whyche I haue long purposed And for as much as the Lorde of hys greate mercye and fatherlye care and prouidence ouer you hys deare childe hath nowe graciously accomplished that good worke amongs manye others which I as a frende of the bridegrome haue full heartely wished and often prayed for I thinke it good yea and my bounden duety to treate of such things as maye be profitable to preserue mutuall loue and faithful amity betwene you which I knowe Sathan wil chiefly labour to diminish if he can not altogether destroy the same lest by many ioyfull occasions you should be prouoked continually to praise God for his good gift which that enemye hath by all meanes sought to hinder from you As for al other things I know you are sufficiently instructed also haue a most learned cōpanion who is wel able further to teach you if nede do require But in this thing I know my experience is more then his Therfore my good sister first and before all things see that you do diligētly consider that as euery good and perfecte gift pertaining to soule and body is geuen from aboue and cōmeth from the father of light euen so to whome ●o euer the Lord dealeth any of his benefits of them he doth chiefly require alwaies a thankfull heart for the same For els he will either take away his good gifts again or turne the same to their greate discommoditie and in the ende to the encrease of theyr damnation So detestable in his sighte is the sinne of ingratitude But to such as be thankfull for his benefites he doeth not only to the olde euer adde newe but also maketh the commoditie of his former giftes euer more and more to encrease vntill by them they are fullye perswaded and throughlye certified of hys euerlasting loue in Christ Iesu which is eternal life it selfe So much doth he of his great mercy delite in a thankfull heart Therefore I doe yet once againe earnestly require you that aboue all things you be thankefull to God for his